The Almighty Gods of Yan Kor

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The Almighty Gods of

Yán Kór
and The Lands of the North

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Revision: 5
All material copyright 2004 by M.A.R. Barker

bill hartley (Order #793881)


front layout and design

Victor Raymond

cover illustration
Giovanna Fregni

editorial help
Chris Davis

Krista Donnelly

bill hartley (Order #793881)

The Excellent Names

The Almighty Gods


Yán Kór

The Lands of the North


Ksamandúish the Traveller

hat there is a single Pantheon of thus, might be so if other species had
Gods is proved by the absence of four, six, etc. deities to match their own
other pantheons, groupings, or digits. This is not the case; the Pé Chói,
constellations of Deities from earlier for example, have only two great Gods;
ages. That this Pantheon is that which all the Tinalíya have but one (about whom
creatures, noble and sapient, hold true they care little, it seems). Hence, human
today is proved by the names of these digits do not form the foundation of our
puissant Deities, which span both theology but are only a fortuitous
Empires and Ages. None changes, none is coincidence. Dijjákish is refuted and must
ever lost, no further Deities are added, stand mute while other scholars proceed
nor are any subtracted. The argument of with their debates and discourses. Woe
Dijjákish of Pagús is rejected: he would upon those who see too much in the
claim ten Deities because humans have interlocking structures and orbits of the
ten fingers, and ten Cohorts because natural world!
humans likewise enjoy the use of ten toes!

That this is nonsense is shown by the ea, the Gods exist. Any child can
presence of other races of creatures, prove this by reciting the first
some of whom have four, six, or other verses of the Scrolls of Pavár, and
numbers of digits. Were this "ten-ness" those who doubt are blasted with fire, ice,
to be an innate quality of humankind, winds, and floods by any pious servitor of

bill hartley (Order #793881)

the Gods who confronts them. Thus are Vimúhla. They see only a distorted vision
the heretics refuted and denied passage of the Flame Master, however, due to
to the Paradises of Those they malign! their being farther to the East and
There is no other reply. Deny the Gods South, where the comings and goings of
and perish! Obey the Gods and prosper! the Two Moons are different from those
in our luminous Mu'ugalavyáni skies.

hat of the Gods who dwell in the Seeing Him thus causes the southerners
sealed temples of Livyánu? Are to miss the perfection of His Being, and
they but the sick imaginings of so those benighted peoples name him
degenerate humans? Do they exist on "Hnálla," a soubriquet not sanctioned in
distinct Planes from those inhabited by our own ancient Scriptures.
Pavár's deities? Are they but mysterious

combinations of Pavár's Pantheon, as is t is the wise decision of my own
said to be the case with Salarvyá's Lady philosophical faction that much of this
Shiringgáyi, a blend of Lady Avánthe and is naught but speculation and fiddle-
Lady Dlamélish -- and perhaps their two faddle. Let the Almighty Gods know Their
Cohorts as well? All that be said is that secrets and act as They inevitably will; it
these questions will be answered at the is not for us to question, nor carp, nor
far end of Time itself and not sooner by a delve into Their Beings as a Drí-ant
single breath! excavates a nest! Let us accept Lord
Hrsh as Omnipotent and Omniscient;

more important and crucial whether the Pantheon of Pavár exists,
question, thus, is the position of whether it is part of Him, subordinate to
our own beauteous and ever- Him, the same or different -- such
illuminated Lord Hrsh, the Master of recondite matters are known to the Gods
Time, Space, and Being. What of Him, Themselves alone and are not vouchsafed
then, Who stands outside Pavár's to such as we. My colleagues in our
Pantheon? It is the contention of Fékmish academy, the Flowers of Flame, agree
Dighér that Lord Hrsh occupies a that all of these Deities exist and have
position above and to the Grél (to use Their individualities and potencies. Here
the four-dimensional direction-name given we abandon the matter.
to a direction in Other-Space that

cannot be found on the compasses of till more pitiable is the plight of
limited three-dimensional beings) of those who dwell in the vast
Pavár's Pantheon. Mezgánish Viggásh northern lands named "The Lost
refutes this, claiming that Pavár's deities Provinces" by the latter-day Engsvanyáli.
exist only as poor reflections of Lord Woe to the Yán Koryáni and the wretched
Hrsh' Eternal Splendour: they are but tribesmen of the north, for their cold
Aspects of our divine Master. Other winds drive away clear-sightedness and
scholars hold differing theories: that of even reason itself! They cannot conceive
Ssa'átis being most rational, to the of our fiery, all-consuming Lord Hrsh, and
effect that Lord Hrsh is our name and even their perceptions of the Pantheon of
title for the Deity the Tsolyáni call Lord Pavár are as though dimmed and made

bill hartley (Order #793881)

small by their frigid rime-crested seas. Giugémish, the 21st Aspect of Lord Hrsh,
They claim Engsvanyáli ancestry and and so I obey. I accept whatever
Imperial dignity, yet their language is opprobrium and contumely my readers
garbled, spoiled as though by maggots of may hold for me. Those who would be too
the tongue and brain, and uttered as filled with disgust and horror need not
though through a blanket of hated ice! read on, of course.
The loss of Yán Kór and the North was no

loss, if only the Engsvanyáli had known it; ord Hnálla, called Hnéluish by us
the exploration and settlement of farther Mu'ugalavyáni, is named Ghól or Ghúl
Salarvyá was more urgent and profitable, by the barbarians of Yán Kór. His
had they but seen it -- but this is yet Cohort in our land is Lord Trekhúish, who
another sad Skein from the loom of the is not the weak and helpless hymn-singer,
Weaver! None can say what the result Drá, worshipped by the ridiculous
might have been if the Priestkings had Tsolyáni, but rather a stern Servitor who
eliminated the hairy, greasy Salarvyáni or bears a Rod of Light wherewith to smite
driven them into the farther oceans His Master's foes! Him, the Yán Koryáni
beyond Jœkánta! do not know at all but instead claim that
Lord Ghól is supreme and solitary upon

he Deities of Yán Kór are those of the mysterious and mythological Peak of
Tsolyánu and of our own victorious the Egg of the World, where the Gods
Mu'ugalavyá (under the Ascendancy descend first when visiting our world.
of Lord Hrsh, of course; this can never be Poor Lord Drá! He is forgotten and
forgotten nor gainsaid). The natives of nameless in the wilds of the North!
those lonely coasts and dismal forests

name the Pantheon of Pavár by their own ord Thúmis of Mighty Memory do
savage titles, however, caring naught for they name Dhárm in their glutinous,
scholarly caution, decency, and nobility. guttural tongue! We call Him
One can see some of the resemblances to Tu'úmesh, of course, since our knowledge
our own speech, but it is as though the is greater. He rules knowledge and
Yán Koryáni clenched their teeth to speak science, as all must know. His Cohort,
them, or perhaps stood shivering and whom we name Kténish, is Kútkæn to the
chattering in their furs and leathers, tongue-tied Yán Koryáni. That He is
unable to utter the Gods' sacred names allowed to exist at all is a blessing, for
in their proper fashions. the savages have little knowledge or
interest in His healing arts but make

mean no offence to my readers when I much use of amulets, mumbo-jumbo,
tell the sounds and forms of the shamanistic tricks, and nonsense
Yán Koryáni names of our Gods. That instead.
some may take umbrage at such insulting

language is understood; I can only plead hall I say what the creatures have
for pardon in the name of scholarly done to lovely, delicate Lady
completeness. To serve Knowledge for the Avánthe, whom we name Awédha?
Expansion of the Flame is the mission of Dare I put the garbled sounds upon this

bill hartley (Order #793881)

page? They name her Gaghnát, and her cut by His Sword are famed amongst our
orgies are even more licentious than soldiers. The wild men of Yán Kór title him
those of Lady Dlamélish, to whom they Krékku. His warlike nature is revered and
rightfully pertain. The Lady's lovely, praised in the hovels of the North.
sweetly virginal Cohort, named by us Di'ila, Swords and other weapons are dedicated
is called Dilinála by the sponge-mouthed to Him, and young children are anointed
Tsolyáni, and the dog-eating Yán Koryáni with blood and inducted into the warrior
name her Dlénel. She is there considered societies. The folk of Vánu and Krél hold
to be more of a warrior queen, rather Him in special reverence, and many rites
than a virgin girl of aloof mien and gentle are performed there that are unknown
nature. Dlénel is wild and as barbaric as elsewhere. The Yán Koryáni know of Lord
the Lorún and the Yán Koryáni Karkánish' noble Cohort, Lord Kigársh,
matriarchs who dance naked with swords whom the Tsolyáni call Chegárra; they call
before her bloody altars! What greater him Chkár, but they do not offer Him
perversion can be imagined? One trembles much worship. To them, He is the Lord of
with wrath to think of it! Fortresses, the Defender of Sieges, and
the Ruler of Peaceful Cities. Perhaps He is

reat Lord Belkhánu is termed almost unknown because Yán Kór has had
Bo'olkón in our Scriptures. In so little peace over the centuries.
Yán Kór he is Búlkh, the Carrier

Away of Souls, the Host as the Feast of o speak of the Lords of Change, Lord
Tr_nné, as the aborigines name Teretané. Hrü'ü is given little worship in our
He is the Lord of Funerals and Mourning land. We call Him Hre'ésh, but he is
and the Sounding of Threnodies. His popular only among clans of Tsolyáni
Cohort, Lord Aqónish, whom the Tsolyáni origin, and His temples are found only in
name Qón, is called Ækön by the our larger cities. He is the Supreme
benighted northerners; they see Him as Principle of Change, we agree, but who can
the Guide of the Blessed Dead, the One worship an abstract principle that bears
Who Repels Demons and the Minions of so little relation to human life and human
the Dark. His charge is thus not so needs? If He wishes us to worship Him
different from his rôle in Tsolyánu. We, and make offerings, then He must tell us
however, see Him as the Penetrator more of His nature that we want to hear.
Through the Veils, the Stalker of the The Yán Koryáni seem to feel the same,
Wastes Beyond the Pylons, and the as much as such simple creatures can;
Holder of the Globe of Power. But we know they name Him Grü'óth and claim that He
better, of course. balances Ghól on the Scales of the
Universe. This is practically His only task

e Mu'ugalavyáni hold Lord there. He does have temples, one at Ke'ér,
Karkánish, whom the Tsolyáni another in Rüllá, a largish one in Yán Kór
mispronounce as Karakán, to be City, and a small and secret one
less mighty in war than our Lord Hrsh or somewhere near Lake Parunál. His Cohort,
his Aspect, Lord Vimúhla, but still do His Lord Urúish, whom the Tsolyáni title Wurú,
temples dot our land, and the swathes is called Orwá by the savage inhabitants

bill hartley (Order #793881)

of Yán Kór. He is feared, and statues and everywhere, even amongst folk who do not
amulets of Him are erected in many take Him as their primary God.
households to ward off His unkind

visitations. He is the Master of Demons, ady Dlóma, whom the Tsolyáni call
the Bringer of Calamities, the Waster of Dlamélish, is another Deity sadly
Crops, the One Who Ruins, and the misconstrued by the Yán Koryáni. We
Striker of Anvils (?). He is widely are not as lubricious in our worship of Her
worshipped amongst those who love as the soft and degenerate Tsolyáni, but
Change. In Yán Kór He has a wife, a local the Yán Koryáni are even more crude:
Goddess named Fyórg, who makes women they turn Her into a fecund Goddess who
barren, causes female diseases, and fertilises fish and guides schools of
engenders offspring that are not minnows into the nets of the fisherfolk!
fathered by one's proper husband. Thus, if She is indeed worshipped as a Goddess
a Yán Koryáni woman has a babe who of Pleasure and Sensuous Joy in the
looks suspiciously like an uncle, brother, brothels and secret houses of such
or some fellow in the market, she can places as Yán Kór City, Dháru,
always say, "Fyórg did it!" If she swears Khárcha Sárk, and Ke'ér, but her joys are
to this and immerses her left hand in curtailed and made mundane by the
boiling water to the wrist without crying lumpish Yán Koryáni. They have not
out, then she is absolved. Should she cry enough feelings to enjoy pleasure in any
out, she is found out and slain. case, and are thus limited in the
knowledge of such a Goddess as Tlóm, as

ord Ksárul, as named by the Tsolyáni, they designate her. Some of our folk
we call Ksoruélish. Many of us worship her also under the name of
Mu'ugalavyáni favour Him because it Gariyáldi Ssá; she is said to command all
was He who graciously awarded our Lord forms of sexual pleasures and the secret
Hrsh the Right of the First Blow on delights of wines and liqueurs. She is not
Dórmoron Plain. Thus it is in the Epic of a separate Goddess, however, but a local
Ilelúnish the Bard of Ch'óchi, which the form of Lady Dlóma. The Goddess'
Tsolyáni stupidly assert to be a later, Cohort, the lascivious Hréla, named
false epic! Such blustery lies are hardly Hriháyal by the Tsolyáni, is known as
set to paper! At any rate, the porridge- Rélth in Yán Kór. She is little worshipped,
eating Yán Koryáni name Him Kshór and although her temples are found at
tell the events of Tórvœn Plain in such Yán Kór City, Mákhish, Sné Kokór, and
garbled and primitive fashion that the other sites. She is largely a Goddess of
main points are lost or distorted. He is cruelties and is invoked by executioners,
the Mighty Knower and the Lord of Power prison wardens, and the like. Her
with them, as He is with us. His Cohort, pleasurable, sexual side is thus obscured.
Lord Kru'ugáish, whom the Tsolyáni call Phallic amulets are indeed sold with her
Grugánu, is named Krúgh in Yán Kór. He name imprinted upon them, but her true
is powerful in the making of spells, rôle in the Pantheon is largely forgotten.
enchantments, and demon pacts, and His
talismans and amulets are seen

bill hartley (Order #793881)


he Lord of Flame, mighty Vemélish, Yán Koryáni see Him, but more in the rôle
called Vimúhla by the Tsolyáni, we of a protector of graveyards and charnel-
know as an Aspect or Subordinate of houses, a guardian of corpses and one
Lord Hrsh, although some say He is an who prevents decay. His coming is
alternate name for the Flame Master. announced by the stench of death, and
The Yán Koryáni name Him Vumél and hold his minions are the inhabitants of the
Him to be the cause of fires, deaths by sepulchres. The Yán Koryáni name Him
violence, destruction, earthquakes, Su'úrkh, which in the lands farther east
storms, and rage. He is thus similar to becomes Su'úr or just Súr. His Cohort in
our concept and to that of the Tsolyáni, Tsolyánu is Lord Durritlámish, whom we
but there are subtle differences. He also know as Tórmuish. He is particularly
is the patron of certain Legions (named unpleasant, being devoted to the
Gurék by the natives), particularly of the processes of decay and the changes
Isle of Vrídu: the Fishers of the Flame, wrought by Death. He is the Knower of
generalled admirably by Lady Déq Dimáni. the Underworlds, the master of the
His powers are vast, and His revenge is Servants of the Dark, and the Corpse-
mighty; folk fear to speak of Him when Lord. The Yán Koryáni hardly know of this
they wish something good to happen, and Deity and name Him instead Kéreshm,
the amulet-makers keep busy selling clay which otherwise denotes one of Lord
discs inscribed with His name and titles Gyu'úmish' great demons, called
to ward off catastrophes. Lord Vumél is Kershmú'ish by us and Gereshmá'a by the
one of the most puissant of the Gods. Tsolyáni. This Deity is said to prowl
His Cohort, Lord Kténgish, called Chiténg tombs and graveyards, leading hosts of
by the Tsolyáni and Khtæn by the Undead and monsters from the
Yán Koryáni, is less known. He is invoked unimaginable dark. His purpose in Yán Kór
when one is enraged and wishes to cause seems to be to harass those who violate
agony to one's foes, when an army tombs and rob the bodies of the dead. He
advances into battle, and when one seeks is used to frighten children into
fiery light to illuminate an Underworld, or obedience, and his powers extend to the
burns a city. He it is who blesses lamps governance of morasses, swamps, lonely
and torches, as well as funeral pyres for wastelands, and the ruins of dead cities.
His Master and fire-pits for sacrifice.

here is one more Deity worshipped by

he last of the pantheon of Gods is some Yán Koryáni, and it is
Lord Gyu'úmish (western: anathema to persons of civilised
Gu'umúish), also called Su'urkánish lands. This is the horrendous being named
by our savants. He maintains the Lékkish the One Other by those who know. There
(which the Tsolyáni term the Hlákme, the is no true identification of Its shrines
Ego or Mind) and considers existence since the Engsvanyáli and the early Seal
ever after to be the ultimate goal of Emperors of Tsolyánu did so much to
being. He is the Lord of Tombs, the extirpate all traces of the monster
Master of the Undead, the One of Worms, wherever they were found. The Emperor
and the Returner by Night. So do the Trákonel I, "The Blazing Light,: is famed

bill hartley (Order #793881)

for his zeal in this matter. Thousands of Tsolyáni Empire, where nobility and
followers of the One Other met their propriety are still observed to some
doom, as well as many who were servitors extent; but the Milumanayáni and the
of one who is yet worse: those of the sect Yán Koryáni are so weak and depraved
of She Who Is Not Named -- and the less that the worship of this monstrous being
said here the better! The Yán Koryáni is tolerated. Woe to those who are
were never as determined as their touched by the breath of destruction,
southern neighbours to see that the One and woe to those who allow such evil to
Other is eliminated. Hence, the worship of fester! The Yán Koryáni name this ugly
this creature lived on in several places for deity Nmédz, and they avoid Hlíkku
centuries, and it prospers today in Hlíkku, completely. They cannot enter the walls
the City of the Mad Ones. These since the natives permit no outsiders
benighted persons wear only desert within. The aborigines deal with outsiders
cloaks and carry bone-tipped spears in open-air markets outside the city
according to the tenets of their secret walls. They also provide a legion of mad
god. This would never be tolerated in our fanatics to fight in the army of Yán Kór.
noble land, nor would it even in the

One of the inner symbols of Lord Srükarúmish' sect is depicted below. Some say that this
is the first symbol in the complex hieroglyphic writing of the Worm Lord's sect. Others say
it is but a religious emblem, similar to others used by these persons.

bill hartley (Order #793881)


Appendix: The Deities of the Pecháni: of Decay. His House is in the Tomb.

The Seven Deities of the Rising Peaks are 6. Quóth, the Many-Eyed: He Who Sees
briefly described in Kízhaga Dlittlúmri, the World, Dweller upon the Rising
"The Book of Five Fingers," in Pecháni. Peak, Knower of the Mysteries, King of
the Gods, Though None may Seek
1. Thúmis: Tsómeq. Lord of Writing, Him. His House stands high upon the
Books, and Knowledge. His House is in Peak.
the Valleys.
7. Nyésset, the Hero. Mighty One of
2. Karakán-Vimúhla: Vihár. Lord of Victories, Slayer of the Deadly Ssú,
Swords and War, Lord of Fires and Conqueror of Cities, Companion of
Iron. His House stands in the Stony Viyár, Far-Wanderer. His House is
Heights. within the Forest, wherever He sets
3. Avánthe-Dlamélish: Séhta. Mother of
Children, Scatterer of Seeds, Bringer The Pecháni have legends describing the
of Rain and Harvests. Singer and adventures of the Gods, particularly
Dancer of the Festivals. Her House is Nyésset, who sought the maiden Éris,
in the Hearth. daughter of Séhta by the Stone
Demon, Béhdeq. He found her, but the
4. Ksárul: Kazhérh. Master of Secrets, monster had turned her into a pillar
Lord of Luck, Leader of Journeys, of granite. Nyésset grieved, and his
Commander of the Creatures of the tears melted the rock, revealing her
Night. His House is in the Darkest face and form, but they were not
Forest. sufficient to free her. This rock can
still be seen to this day in the hills
5. Sárku-Belkhánu: Su'úrkha. Lord of north of Ogréjja.
Death and Passing Forth, Guardian
of Tombs and Lost Places, Regulator

bill hartley (Order #793881)

Béhdeq (Demon)........................................................................ 8 Dweller upon the Rising Peak ..................................8
Ch'óchi (City) .............................................................................. 5 He Who Sees the World............................................8
Deity: Mu'ugalavyá King of the Gods .......................................................8
Aqónish ............................................................................... 4 Knower of the Mysteries...........................................8
Holder of the Globe of Power................................. 4 Séhta.....................................................................................8
Penetrator Through the Veils................................... 4 Bringer of Rain & Harvests ......................................8
Stalker of the Wastes Beyond the Pylons ............... 4 Seven Deities of the Rising Peaks ............................8
Awédha................................................................................ 3 Mother of Children ....................................................8
Bo'olkón .............................................................................. 4 Scatterer of Seeds .......................................................8
Di'ila ..................................................................................... 4 Singer & Dancer of the Festivals .............................8
Dlóma .................................................................................. 5 Su'úrkha ...............................................................................8
Gariyáldi Ssá........................................................................ 5 Guardian of Tombs & Lost Places ..........................8
Giugémish ........................................................................... 3 Lord of Death & Passing Fate..................................8
Gu'umúish........................................................................... 6 Regulator of Decay.....................................................8
Gyu'úmish ........................................................................... 6 Tsómeq ................................................................................8
Lord of Tombs........................................................... 6 Lord of Writing, Books & Knowledge....................8
Master of the Undead................................................ 6 Vihár.....................................................................................8
One of Worms ........................................................... 6 Lord of Fires and Iron...............................................8
Returner by Night ...................................................... 6 Lord of Swords & War ..............................................8
Hnéluish .............................................................................. 3 Deity: Salarvyá
Hre'ésh................................................................................. 4 Shiringgáyi ...........................................................................2
Hréla..................................................................................... 5 Deity: Tsolyánu
Hrsh ..................................................................................2-6 Avánthe..........................................................................2,3,8
Flame Master ...........................................................2,6 Belkhánu ...........................................................................4,8
Master of Time, Space and Being ............................ 2 Chegárra...............................................................................4
Karkánish ............................................................................ 4 Chiténg.................................................................................6
Kigársh................................................................................. 4 Dilinála.................................................................................4
Kru'ugáish ........................................................................... 5 Dlamélish................................................................... 2,4,5,8
Ksoruélish ........................................................................... 5 Drá ......................................................................................3
Lord of Power ............................................................ 5 Durritlámish ........................................................................6
Mighty Knower .......................................................... 5 Grugánu...............................................................................5
Kténgish .............................................................................. 6 Hnálla ................................................................................2,3
Kténish ................................................................................ 3 Hriháyal................................................................................5
Su'urkánish .......................................................................... 6 Hrü'ü ....................................................................................4
Tórmuish............................................................................. 6 Supreme Principle of Change ...................................4
Corpse-Lord................................................................ 6 Karakán.............................................................................4,8
Knower of the Underworlds .................................... 6 Ksárul................................................................................5,8
Master of the Servants of the Dark ......................... 6 Qón4
Trekhúish ............................................................................ 3 Sárku..................................................................................6,8
Tu'úmesh............................................................................. 3 Master of the Undead ................................................6
Urúish .................................................................................. 4 Worm Lord .................................................................7
Vemélish.............................................................................. 6 Thúmis ..............................................................................3,8
Deity: Pariah Gods..................................................................6,7 Vimúhla..........................................................................2,6,8
Goddess of the Pale Bone................................................. 7 Wurú.....................................................................................4
The One Other................................................................6,7 Deity: Yán Kór
Deity: Pecháno Ækön....................................................................................4
Kazhérh ............................................................................... 8 Guide of the Blessed Dead .......................................4
Commander of the Creatures of the Night ............ 8 One Who Repels Demons
Leader of Journeys.................................................... 8 & the Minions of the Dark .....................................4
Lord of Luck............................................................... 8 Búlkh ....................................................................................4
Master of Secrets........................................................ 8 Carrier Away of Souls ................................................4
Nyésset the Hero................................................................ 8 Host at the Feast of Trenné......................................4
Companion of Viyár, the Far-Wanderer................. 8 Lord of Funerals & Mourning
Conqueror of Cities ................................................... 8 & the Sounding of Threnodies...............................4
Mighty One of Victories ........................................... 8 Chkár....................................................................................4
Slayer of the Deadly Ssú............................................ 8 Defender of Sieges .....................................................4
Quóth the Many-Eyed....................................................... 8 Lord of Fortresses......................................................4

bill hartley (Order #793881)

Ruler of Peaceful Cities ............................................. 4 Pagús (City)..................................................................................1
Dhárm.................................................................................. 3 Pavár (Person)..........................................................................2,3
Dlénel................................................................................... 4 Pé Chói (Non-human) ...............................................................1
Fyórg.................................................................................... 5 Peak of the Egg of the World.....................................................
Gaghnát ............................................................................... 4 Pecháni (Language) ......................................................................
Ghól ..................................................................................3,4 Pecháno (Nation)........................................................................8
Grü'oth ................................................................................ 4 Planes of the Beyond (Other-Planar).......................................2
Kéreshm .............................................................................. 6 Priestkings....................................................................................3
Khtæn .................................................................................. 6 Pylons (Other-Planar) ................................................................4
Krékku ................................................................................. 4 Rod of Light................................................................................3
Krúgh................................................................................... 5 Rüllá (City)...................................................................................4
Kshór ................................................................................... 5 Salarvyá (Nation) .....................................................................2,3
Kútkaen ............................................................................... 3 Saying
Nmédz ................................................................................. 7 Delve into a [subject] as a drí-ant excavates a nest.
Orwá .................................................................................... 4 (Mu'ugalavyáni).................................................................2
Bringer of Calamities ................................................. 5 Shóshche (City) ...........................................................................5
Master of Demons ..................................................... 5 Sné Kokór (City).........................................................................5
One Who Ruins.......................................................... 5 Srükarúmish (Demon) ...............................................................7
Striker of Anvils ......................................................... 4 Ssa'átis (City) ...............................................................................2
Waster of Crops ......................................................... 5 Ssú (Non-human) .......................................................................8
Rélth..................................................................................... 5 Ssu'útakh (City) ...........................................................................2
Su'úr ..................................................................................... 6 The Book of Five Fingers (Book) ............................................8
Su'úrkh................................................................................. 6 The Excellent Names of the Almighty Gods of Yán Kór
Tlóm..................................................................................... 5 (Book) ..................................................................................1
Goddess of Pleasure & Sensual Joy......................... 5 The Scrolls of Pavár (Book)......................................................1
Vumél................................................................................... 6 Tinalíya (Non-human)................................................................1
Déq Dimáni (Person)................................................................. 6 Tsolyánu (Nation)................................................................... 2-7
Dháru (City) ................................................................................ 5 Underworld (Geographic Feature)...........................................6
Dijjákish of Pagús (Person)....................................................... 1 Vánu (City) ..................................................................................4
Drí-ant (Fauna) ........................................................................... 2 Viyár Far-Wanderer (Person)....................................................8
Egg of the World........................................................................ 3 Vrídu (Nation).............................................................................6
Éngsvan hla Gánga (Nation) ............................................2, 3, 6 Yán Kór (City) .........................................................................4,5
Epic of Ilelúnish the Bard of Ch'óchi (Epic).......................... 5 Yán Kór (Nation) ............................................................. 1,2,4-7
Éris (Person) ............................................................................... 8
Fékmish Dighér (Person) .......................................................... 2
Flowers of Flame (Academy).................................................... 2
Gereshmá'a (Demon)................................................................. 6
Globe of Power .......................................................................... 4
Gurék of the Fishers of the Flame (Yán Kór)........................ 6
Hlákme ...................................................................................... 6
Hlekér (City)............................................................................4, 5
Hlíkku (City)................................................................................ 7
Ilelúnish (Person) ....................................................................... 5
Isles of Teretané (Other-Planar) .............................................. 4
Jœkánta (City) ............................................................................. 3
Káshi (Geographic Feature)...................................................... 2
Ke'ér (City) ..............................................................................4, 5
Khárcha Sárk (City).................................................................... 5
Krél (City).................................................................................... 4
Ksamandúish the Traveller (Person) ....................................... 1
Livyánu (Nation) ........................................................................ 2
Lorún (Nation) ........................................................................... 4
Lost Provinces (Province)......................................................... 2
Mákhis (City)............................................................................... 5
Mezgánish Viggásh (Person)..................................................... 2
Milumanayá (Nation) ................................................................. 7
Mu'ugalavyá (Nation).........................................................2, 3, 5
Ogréjja (City)............................................................................... 8
Other-Space (Other-Planar)...................................................... 2


bill hartley (Order #793881)

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