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Submitted to Full fill Final Test:

Teaching English As s Foreign Language

Ima Fitria, M.Pd

Create by:

Cici Hanifah (932204519)



A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 3
B. RELATED THEORY ........................................................................................................................... 4
1. The important of theaching vocabulary.................................................................................... 4
2. The Difficulty of Teaching Vocabulary ..................................................................................... 5
C. Coorperative Learning Method ............................................................................................................ 5
D. BOARD RACE GAMES ...................................................................................................................... 6
E. TEACHING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. 6
Pre-teaching ......................................................................................................................................... 6
While teaching ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Post-teaching ....................................................................................................................................... 7
F. REFLECTION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
G. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
H. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 9
I. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Lesson Plan...................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Goal ................................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Objectives........................................................................................................................................ 10
4. Material ........................................................................................................................................... 10
5. Teaching and Learning Procedure .................................................................................................. 10


Vocabulary is one of English components that should be taught by the learners, because it
has main role for all languages. Vocabulary includes collections of words that are known not only
as individual words but also as a group of words that have meaning (Sulastri, 2011). Some
researchers believe that vocabulary is more important than grammar. Furthermore, in order to
understand English words and their meanings, students must understand how the words work
together in a good sentence. It can be concluded that when teaching vocabulary, it is important not
only to teach the meaning of the word but also how the word works in a sentence.

If learners lack vocabulary knowledge, they soon discover that their ability to comprehend
or express themselves clearly is limited (Decarrico, 2001; Nation, 2001). So that, Students must
understand word for word both in meaning and placement of words in a sentence. In order to learn
vocabulary automatically, they must first understand the meaning of the words and be able to use
them in sentences. In relation to that statement, many words have multiple meanings. Problems
with learning and teaching English persist in many universities today, owing to the fact that English
differs significantly from Indonesian in terms of structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary.

Many students, in fact, find it difficult to express their thoughts and opinions because they
are not used to speaking in public, and they are shy, hesitant, and afraid of making a mistake. The
most common cause is a lack of vocabulary. Hatch and Brown (1995:370) said that the specificity
of any individual’s vocabulary knowledge depends on the person and his motivation, desires, and
need for the words. For that reason the biggest source is comes from student itself. Using the
appropriate method, strategy, and game is one of the ways that can drive pupils to learn English.
It was suggested that learners need specific vocabulary strategy teaching in order to increase their
knowledge of vocabulary acquisition strategies that they can utilize in their daily activities. The
board race has become one of the most effective games for increasing kids' drive to acquire
language. This support by Azzahroh (2015) she stated that “a board game is a game that involves
counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules”.
The board race game is one of the many variations of the board game, which can be played on a
board, table, or floor. A fun approach for kids to practice their English while competing is to play
a board race game.


1. The important of theaching vocabulary

With the definition of vocabulary in hand, it is easy to see why vocabulary is useful
and important. Thornburry (2002:14) stated that learning vocabulary is important because it
enriches someone’s knowledge of words. This implies that the learner's success in learning a
language is dependent not only on vocabulary size but also on vocabulary building.
Furthermore, Cameron (2001:72) believes that building a useful vocabulary is central to the
learning of a foreign language at primary level. Building vocabulary entails learning to decode
words as well as understanding their meanings. As a result, students can broaden their
vocabulary mastery by using vocabulary building. Finally, realizing the importance of
vocabulary knowledge, students must pay closer attention to vocabulary instruction. Teachers
can emphasize the importance of vocabulary development early in the school year and continue
to provide students with opportunities to do so throughout the year. If a person can master
vocabulary, he or she will be able to improve fluency, comprehension, achievement, and
thinking and communication.

Word knowledge plays a key role in the development of vocabulary and teaching
vocabulary. If students have enough word knowledge, they can understand the text they are
reading, the words they are listening. It is said by Ashley G., that “for many, lack of vocabulary
knowledge could be a reason that students are not able to access the meaning of a text” (Ashley
G. 2018). Therefore, everyone who is learning a language should increase their word
knowledge at the first place. In other word, I would say thay vocabularry is very important for
students knowledges especially in literacy. Student can understand the material easily with
vocabuallry knowledges and do the assigment easily. Without that, student will hard to
understand the text or material and fail do the assigment.

On the other hand, when students start learning, they do not know which words they
need to learn to communicate, to develop their other skills as well. “The problem is that how
we can determine which words that need to be taught to increase vocabulary knowledge” (G.
Ashley, 2018). Therefore, to increase and improve word knowledge, every teacher utilizes

various strategies and methods. There is the need for increased vocabulary instruction to gain
word knowledge. However, as National Reading .

2. The Difficulty of Teaching Vocabulary

Wallace (2007) explains that when teaching vocabulary, the teacher should determine
the number of vocabulary items to be learned. The learners will get confuse or discouraged if
they get many new words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words, which can easy to
understand by the learners. So that students can understand the meaning of the vocabulary they
just know. When presenting new vocabulary, teachers have a difficult time implementing
teaching techniques or presenting new vocabularies. It happened because the students were not
paying attention to the teacher's explanation, were noisy, and were passive in their vocabulary
learning. It describes how the teachers use different techniques in each meeting to solve
problems and encourage students to be active and interested in the process of learning new
vocabulary. According to Gower (2005:9) that the very least learners need to learn both the
meaning and the form of anew word. Teachers have a difficult time reviewing and evaluating
students' understanding of the words that have been taught because the students still do not
understand the meaning of the vocabulary. During the evaluation process, teachers struggle to
keep students focused and concentrated because most students are still struggling to understand
the meaning of the new words that have been taught.

C. Coorperative Learning Method

The cooperative learning approach has been defined in a variety of ways. According to
Richard (2016), "Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) is part of a broader instructional
approach known as Collaborative Learning (CL), and cooperative learning is a method of
teaching that involves groups of students in the classroom”. According to Johnson et al/ (1991),
coorperative learning is an educational tool in which small groups of students work together
to increase individual, as well as, group member learning. With this method students can
improve their skill of vocabulary, they also can practice their own vocabulary with friends in
the class so that students do not need to shy to practice speaking with groups. In working
cooperatively, students realize they are mutually responsible for each other's learning and have
a stake in each other's success.


According to Hadfield (1990:5) board game and card games are familiar game types,
where both of them demand the players to be first rounding the board. In addition,
Wikipedia also states that board games are also a type of games that includes battle of the
players to reach the winning position. On the other hand, Azzahroh (2015) states that
“a board game is a game that involves couters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked
surface or “board”, according to a set of rules”. Most modern board games are still based on
defeating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position, or point accumulation. When
playing this game, must either throw the winning position or accumulate points. When students
play this game, they roll the dice and move forward based on the outcome of the dice. Games
can be pure strategy, pure chance, or a combination of the two, and they usually have a goal
that a player strives to achieve. A board race game, as defined above, is a fun game in which
two people or two groups or more "race" against each other according to a set of rules.


To start this game, teacher will beginning with greetings then asking about the material
they have known before class. By asking the simple questions then explain the rules of board
race games. Teacher will explain about the topic that will use for the game.
1. Greeteing
2. The teacher give brainstorming likes:
- Teacher : how are you today?
- Students: I’m fine
- Teacher : I hope you always happy and healthy

While teaching
1. The teacher gives appreciation, namely the teacher briefly explain the lesson about
board race games.

2. The teacher reads the material followed by the students. Some of the materials include:

- Holiday
- Colours

3. The teacher creates groups

4. The teacher explains the procedure for games. As follows:
- Each group consists of 2 or 1 people with different topic. The one is about holiday the
the second one is about school
- Each group will write the words depend of each topic and teacher counting until 10
- After the research finished counting to 10. Then, students run to the board and answer
the question they can based on their group lines.
- After answer the question, the student went back to her/his group and gave the marker
to her/his next friend and her/his position now was in the end of the group line. And if
alone, students should to write the answer by itself.
- The researcher counted the right answer for each group

1. Teacher tells the best group as motivation for them
2. Review the material together
3. The teacher give the closing to the students
4. Close the meeting


The cooperative method with board race games can help students understand the
material, get and remember a lot of new vocabulary and can make students more creative.
Board race games can also train students to be more confident in class, and make them
active and contribute to learning English. By asking students to discuss it in groups can
improve students' English skills, they can also be more creative in getting lots of new
vocabulary and remembering it and have responsibility in learning English.


The use of cooperative learning in learning English can help students to be active
and contribute in class. So, it's not only teachers who are active in the classroom. In
addition, the combination of cooperative learning with several methods such as think, pair,
and share, as well as aboard races games can make students more creative in developing
the vocabulary they receive. It will also make it easier for them to remember new
vocabulary. By using board race games, students will not only acquire new vocabulary and
think creatively but can also help develop self-confidence and train them to be responsible
in their respective groups and for themselves. This method can be very helpful for teachers
in the teaching and learning process in English class.


Ashley, Crosman. “An overview of qualitative research methods.” ARM, Vol, 1, 14 Nov, 2018:
Azzahroh, R.A. 2015. The Effectiveness of Using Board Games Towards Students’ Speaking
Skill (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Parung).
Jakarta: Department of English Education Faculty of Tarbiyahand Teachers Training State
Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Decarrico, J. S. (2001). Vocabulary Learning and Teaching. Celce-Murcia, M. (ed.). Teaching
English as a Second or Foreign Language, pp. 285-299. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Gower. (2005). Stage in Teaching Vocabulary. 8080/
xmlui/bitstream/handle/10361/2572/Final.pdf;sequence=1.Accessed on July 17th, 2018
Hatch, E. & Brown, C. 1995.Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Johnson, D.W. (1991). Human relations and your career (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Nation, I. S. P. (2001).Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Nation, I. S. P. (2001).Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Panel (NRP; 2000) suggested that students should learn vocabulary through a variety of methods,
and no single method is optimum.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Kosakata dalam pengajaran bahasa. Cambridge: Pers Universitas Cambridge.
Sulastri, N. (2011). The effectiveness of picture chart media on students’ English vocabulary.
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 1(2), 103-110.
Wallace. (2007). Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education.Cambridge, UK:Cambridge
University Press


1. Lesson Plan

Level : Senior High School

Subject: English

Topic : Board Race games

Skills : Vocabulary

Method: Cooperative Learning

Time : 60 minutes

2. Goal

The students are able to think creativity, get new vocabulary and understand it, and also
will be able to improve their speaking skill with guessing the vocabulary by their teacher.

3. Objectives

1) The students are able to get new vocabulary

2) The students are able to improve their vocabulary and speaking skill with pronouncing
some vocabulary.

3) The students are able to improve their creativity by the vocabulary

4. Material

- whiteboard/paper

- bold marker

5. Teaching and Learning Procedure

1) Pre-teaching (10 minutes)

a. Greeting

b. The teacher gives brainstorming.

2) Main activity (30 minutes)

a. The teacher gives a brief explanation about the material; board race games.

b. The teacher read the material followed by the students.

c. The teacher creates groups to apply the board race games.

d. The teacher explains the procedures of the game.

e. The students start to play the game.

3) Post-teaching (20 minutes)

a. The teacher announces the winner of the game and gives the short explanation
about the topic and give the other example words.

b. Close the meeting.


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