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Articles Prevailing Research Research Gap Methodology

Issue/Innovation/Trends Problem
Article 1 - 20 Learners’ language An innovative It suggests to The terms
YEARS OF ability assessment is an agenda demonstrate language
TECHNOLOGY important part of requires that how testing and
AND language education, many interwoven language
LANGUAGE which has been affected professionals technology assessment are
ASSESSMENT by computer technology. be able to and language used to denote
IN LANGUAGE contribute to assessment the process of
LEARNING & developing are with systematically
TECHNOLOGY innovations. language gathering data
learning. from learners
to make
about their
abilities and
decisions about
their future.

Article 2 - Teachers’ professional As a need to However, To gather

Language development cater the because of contextual data
Assessment teachers’ space on language
Practices and professional constraints, assessment,
Beliefs: development, only the most this current
Implications the institute apparent study provided
for Language where this findings two semi-
Assessment study took emerging structured
Literacy place started from the data interviews and
a process to have been reflective
examine the presented journals to
language which may focus on the
assessment serve as life-worlds of
practices of its baseline data five Colombian
language to further English
teachers. professional language
development teachers and
in language analyzed their
assessment. practices and
beliefs to
elucidate some
shape of
Literacy (LAL)
for these
answers about
LAL show a
complex and
Article 3 - Researching and However, . Studies providing
Trends, Issues, documenting how some tests should go discussion from
and Challenges certain tests work with and criteria beyond the one chapter to
in Assessing young learners is time- for early years another
Young consuming and this is an assessment and focus on chapter in this
Language area where there is a are borrowed how teachers study.
Learners need and a lot of room from other build on what
for further work. traditions: for learners can
Similarly, to the most example, oral do in later
brilliant age appropriate production years and
teaching materials and was assessed what role
tasks, the most valid and along assessment
reliable tests can also be complexity, practices play
misused or abused. accuracy, and in the
fluency. process.
Article 4 - Test, Test, measurement, and However, the However, Thus, this study
Measurement, evaluation are concepts terms are because of employed
and used in education to often misused only focusing document
Evaluation: explain how the progress by the in single analysis and
Understanding of learning and the final educationists context desk survey for
and Use of the learning outcomes of and which is the
Concepts in students are assessed. researchers in Ghana, future comprehensive
Education the field of researchers review of test,
education. . are suggested measurement,
As to develop and evaluation
professional this study in in peer-
educators, large context. reviewed
this is journals,
unacceptable reports, and
to the extent newspapers. A
that our total of 48
ability to articles were
distinguish thoroughly
and assessed,
appropriately reviewed, and
apply these scrutinized to
concepts is an wholly
important comprehend
component. the concepts of
This study the terms.
contends that,
teachers have
of the nature
of the three
will remain a
Article 5 - Uncertainty to what type How well do However, this The 50 cloze
Current Issues of test is needed to use Cloze Test study needs tests were
in Language in language assessment work and further distributed to
Evaluation, why? development intact classes
Assessment by focusing by teachers
and Testing: more such that every
Research and participants student had an
Practice from more equal chance
than two of receiving
nationalities. each of the 50
cloze test
passages. In
Japan, 42-50
each cloze test,
with a mean of
each passage.
In Russia, 90-
122 completed
each cloze test,
with a mean of
103.4. All
examinees in
both countries
completed the
10-item anchor
cloze. Twenty-
five minutes
were allowed
for completing
the tests.
scoring was
used which
means only the
word found in
the original
text was
counted as

Title: Innovations, Trends, and Issues in Language Assessment, Testing and Evaluation
Prepared by: Rezeljean L. Robin
I. Annotation of Articles
Chapelle, C. A., & Voss, E. (2016). 20 Years of Technology and Language Assessment in
Language Learning & Technology. Language Learning & Technology, 20(2), 116–128. Retrieved
This review article provides an analysis of the research from the last two decades on the
theme of technology and second language assessment. Throughout these papers, the terms
language testing and language assessment are used to denote the process of systematically
gathering data from learners to make interpretations about their language abilities and
decisions about their future.
Learners’ language ability assessment is an important part of language education, which
has been affected by computer technology. Because of the significance of language assessment
for language teachers, software developers, applied linguists, and learners, articles in Language
Learning & Technology (LLT) have contributed to chronicling the trend in the developments of
language assessment technologies. An innovative agenda requires that many professionals be
able to contribute to developing innovations. This need, in turn, creates a demand for authoring
software that allows applied linguists, language teachers, materials developers, and language
program administrators to participate without requiring them to become computer
programmers and create a variety of interactive computer-based assessments with embedded
media, automated scoring, feedback, and database archival storage of performance. Based on
the conclusion in this review article, it suggests to demonstrate how interwoven technology
and language assessment are with language learning.

Article 2 - Language Assessment Practices and Beliefs: Implications for Language Assessment
Giraldo, F. (2019). Language Assessment Practices and Beliefs: Implications for Language
Assessment Literacy. HOW, 26(1), 35-61.
As a need to cater the teachers’ professional development, the institute where this
study took place started a process to examine the language assessment practices of its
language teachers. To gather contextual data on language assessment, this current study
provided two semi-structured interviews and reflective journals to focus on the life-worlds of
five Colombian English language teachers and analyzed their practices and beliefs to elucidate
some shape of Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) for these particular teachers. Participants’
answers about LAL show a complex and multi-faceted construct. The findings show that the
teachers used varied traditional and alternative assessment instruments; assessed language
and non-language constructs; used assessment information to improve teaching and learning;
evaluated assessment results; and engaged students in quantitative peer assessment. However,
because of space constraints, only the most apparent findings emerging from the data have
been presented which may serve as baseline data to further professional development in
language assessment.

Article 3 - Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Assessing Young Language Learners

Nikolov, M. (2016). Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Assessing Young Language Learners. In M.
Nikolov (Ed.) Assessing Young Learners of English: Global and Local Perspectives (pp. 1-18). New
York: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22422-0
Researching and documenting how certain tests work with young learners is time-
consuming and this is an area where there is a need and a lot of room for further work.
Similarly, to the most brilliant age appropriate teaching materials and tasks, the most valid and
reliable tests can also be misused or abused. This study will offer insights into some actual tests
and how researchers and teachers applied them by providing discussion from one chapter to
another chapter in this study. One interesting trend needs pointing out: most of the tests
discussed in the early language learning assessment literature. However, some tests and criteria
for assessment are borrowed from other traditions: for example, oral production was assessed
along complexity, accuracy, and fluency (Blasco, 2014 as cited by Nikolov, 2016). Thus, a
detailed and critical analysis should focus on what tests are used in assessment projects
involving young learners. Recently elicited repetition has been also used to assess speaking.
It is also important to note which key areas are not discussed in this book in full detail or
at all, and where more research is needed. A recurring theme in early language teaching
programs concerns transition and continuity. Studies should go beyond the early years and
focus on how teachers build on what learners can do in later years and what role assessment
practices play in the process. In other words, research is necessary into how children are taught
and assessed, and how teachers can apply diagnostic information in their teaching.

Article 4 - Test, Measurement, and Evaluation: Understanding and Use of the Concepts in
Adom, D., Adu-Mensah, J., & Dake, D. A. (2020). Test, Measurement, and Evaluation:
Understanding and Use of the Concepts in Education. International Journal of Evaluation and
Research in Education (IJERE), 9(1), 109.
Test, measurement, and evaluation are concepts used in education to explain how the
progress of learning and the final learning outcomes of students are assessed. However, the
terms are often misused by the educationists and researchers in the field of education. For
them to better apply the terms in educational discourses, in this study, some important
concepts related to educational assessment have been thoroughly discussed in this paper to
provide further understanding, draw the fine distinctions and outline the purposes among
these concepts.
Though several scholars have advanced multiple interpretations, definitions and
clarifications to these important educational concepts, the temptation to misconstrue one
construct for the other have been a regular occurrence for student-teachers, educationists and
even researchers. As professional educators, this is unacceptable to the extent that our ability
to distinguish and appropriately apply these concepts is an important component. This study
contends that, until classroom teachers have an appropriate appreciation of the nature of the
three terms, effective educational assessment will remain a mirage. Thus, this study employed
document analysis and desk survey for the comprehensive review of test, measurement, and
evaluation in peer-reviewed journals, reports, and newspapers. A total of 48 articles were
thoroughly assessed, reviewed, and scrutinized to wholly comprehend the concepts of the
terms. Finally, the study suggests best practices in setting test items in measuring students’
learning outcomes while showing policy directions. However, because of only focusing in single
context which is Ghana, future researchers are suggested to develop this study in large context.

Article 5 – Current Issues in Language Evaluation, Assessment and Testing: Research and
Gitsaki, C., & Coombe, C. A. (2016). Current Issues in Language Evaluation, Assessment and
Testing: Research and Practice. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Language assessment, whether formative or summative, plays an important role in
second language learners’ educational experience and learning outcomes. Whether assessment
is used for student initial screening, placement, or progression in a language course, it always
involves gathering, interpreting and evaluating evidence of learning. The uncertainty to what
type of test should be used in language assessment brought this study to discover how well do
Cloze Test work and why. A Cloze Test is an exam or an exercise in which a portion of the
language with certain items are removed. The test participant is then asked to fill in the missing
portions of the language. This exercise is generally carried out to assist candidates in English
The 50 cloze tests were distributed to intact classes by teachers such that every student
had an equal chance of receiving each of the 50 cloze test passages. In Japan, 42-50 participants
completed each cloze test, with a mean of 46.0 participants completing each passage. In Russia,
90-122 completed each cloze test, with a mean of 103.4. All examinees in both countries
completed the 10-item anchor cloze. Twenty-five minutes were allowed for completing the
tests. Exact-answer scoring was used which means only the word found in the original text was
counted as correct. However, this study needs further development by focusing more
participants from more than two nationalities.

II. Synthesis

III. Reflective Essay

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