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BSP1703 - Managerial Economics

Semester 1: AY 2021/22

Time Allowed: 90 minutes


1. This assessment contains 50 questions.

2. Please answer [ALL] questions.

3. This is a [NON-SECURE BLOCK INTERNET] assessment.

4. Permitted materials: lecture notes, textbook, assignments, other hard-drive/hard-

copy materials

5. Permitted devices: One device to do the exam on and browse through permitted
materials and a non-programmable calculator

6. You are not permitted to leave the venue in the first hour of the assessment as
well as in the last 15 minutes.

7. Please place your student card or identification document (NRIC, driving license,
etc.) on the top right hand corner of your desk.

8. Please switch off your personal devices with communication features and leave it
on the floor next to your desk at all times.

9. If you wish to communicate with an invigilator, go to the washroom, or leave

before the end of the assessment, please raise your hand to inform the

10. You will be liable for disciplinary action which may result in expulsion from the
University if you are found to have contravened any of the clauses below,
o Violation of the NUS Code of Student Conduct (in particular the part on
Academic, Professional and Personal Integrity), NUS IT Acceptable Use
Policy or NUS Examination rules.
o Possession of unauthorized materials/electronic devices.
o Bringing your mobile phone or any storage/communication device with you
to the washroom.
o Unauthorized communication e.g. with another student.
o Reproduction of any exam materials outside of the exam venue.

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o Photography or videography within the exam venue.
o Plagiarism, giving or receiving unauthorised assistance in academic work,
or other forms of academic dishonesty.

11. Once you have completed the assessment,

o Click on the "Exam Controls" button and choose "Submit Exam".
o Check off “I am ready to exit my exam” and click on "Exit" to upload your
answers to the server.
o You will see a green confirmation window on your screen when the upload
is successful. Please keep this window on your screen.
o If you do not see a green window, please disconnect and reconnect your
WIFI and try again.
o Please be reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have
uploaded your answers to the Software.
o Please remain seated quietly in the meantime.

Total Exam Points: 60.00

Scoring Method: 40 questions worth 1 point, 10 questions worth 2 points
Security Options:

• Non-Secure Block Internet Exam

• Randomize Sequence
• Randomize All Choices
• Backward Navigation Allowed
• Time Limit: 90 minutes
Enabled Options:

• Suspend Exam
• Calculator
• Numbering
• Text Highlighting
• Show 5 Min Alarm

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Latecomer policy: Latecomers will not be compensated for lost time
 must end by the stipulated exam end time, even if not timed out by Examplify
 latecomers who refuse to stop when required to do so will get zero mark for the exam
 latecomers will not be admitted into the exam venue after t+1 hour
 The policy also applies to students who: (1) enter the exam late because of the need to
carry out FET at the last minute; and (2) delay exam file download and subsequently
encounter technical errors when downloading the file in the exam venue.
Early departure policy:
 Students are not allowed to leave during the first hour and last half hour of the exam.
 Students can leave the exam venue only after: (1) the CI has confirmed that his/her
answer has been submitted and received at the Examsoft backend; and (2) Invigilator (IV)
has given permission.
How to seek help in the exam hall (including any technical issues with laptops or
Examplify): raise hand to alert the IV and remain seated
Use of Examplify
 Familiarize with the use of Examplify (refer to CIT’s wiki -
 Download the Examplify exam file by t-12 hours before the exam start time

• The exam file will be released 12 hours before the exam start time
 Use the NUS WIFI at the exam venue (and not personal mobile broadband, for example)
to upload Examplify answers.

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