Bahana Macrosight: Indonesia Neutral

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Econ Weekly

17 December 2020

INDONESIA Bahana Macrosight

Neutral Satria Sambijantoro Raden Rami Ramdana Dwiwulan
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:
Phone: +6221 2505081 ext. 3620 Phone: +6221 2505081 ext. 3623 Phone: +6221 2505081 ext. 3613

Exhibit 1. Economic indicators

Markets moving ahead of Bank Indonesia 2019A 2020E 2021E 2020A
Dec 17
Cur acc (% GDP) -2.7 -1.3 -0.8 +0.4
Fiscal bal (% GDP) -2.2 -5.8 -5.0 -4.7
GDP growth (% y-y) 5.0 -1.5 5.0 -3.5
 BI hold key rates at 3.75% as expected Inflation (% y-y) 2.7 1.4 4.0 1.4
 10-year bond yields dropped to 5.9% despite unchanged BI rate Brent Oil (USD/bbl)* 66.0 35.0 45.0 51.5
IDR/1USD 13,866 14,000 13,500 14,108
Markets think interest rate should – and would – go lower Foreign reserve
129 140 148 135
We think it important to differentiate what Bank Indonesia would do and what (USDbn)
BI 7-D Rev. Repo Rate 5.00 3.50 4.00 3.75
the markets think, or price-in, ahead of the central bank’s important rate US Fed Funds Rate 1.75 0.25 0.25 0.25
decision. Previously, we were among the small minority of economists INDO 10-year bond 7.06 6.30 7.00 5.97
forecasting the key BI rate to be cut 25-bps to 3.5% on Thursday – it was Source: Bloomberg, Bahana forecasts *average price

decided later to keep the BI rate unchanged at 3.75%. But it did not matter. In Exhibit 2. BI rate, deposit facility, lending facility
the end, investors positioning themselves for a rate-cut were handsomely (%) and USDIDR
rewarded, with yields dropping in the fixed-income market and interest-rate
sensitive stocks rallying in the equity market. In fact, the rallies did not falter
after the rate-hold announcement, which means the market was pretty much
believing BI still has ample space to slash rates again in January. Our base case
now is for BI to cut the rate to 3.5% in 1Q21, before embarking on a long pause
as the central bank, facing a jump in money supply and potential uptick in
inflation, mulls an exit strategy to the current easing cycle.

Reaffirming our USD:IDR 13,500 forecast for 2021

We expect the BI rate outlook next year to be tied closely to US interest rates. Source: Bank Indonesia, Bloomberg, Bahana

Therefore, it is encouraging to know the US Federal Reserve, which held their

monetary meeting just hours prior to BI, announced the continuation of its Exhibit 3. Credit and deposit growth y-y (%)
ultra-loose monetary policy, pledging to keep its key rate near-zero for some 14

time. The Fed also pledged to maintain its monthly bond-buying program at 12.14
USD120bn, or still substantially larger than USD40-85bn in the aftermath of the 10

2007 Global Financial Crisis. As IDR assets are particularly sensitive to

movements of US interest rates and the DXY dollar-index, the Fed’s loose 6

monetary policy should translate into a bullish macro-economic backdrop for

Indonesia in 2021. On the external balance front, we expect global economic 2

recovery to continue to support commodity prices, thus bolstering Indonesia’s

exports. This means that Indonesia’s trade surplus can be sustained next year -2

(our forecast: USD8-12bn of annual trade surplus next year, compared to

Aug-18 Dec-18 Apr-19 Aug-19 Dec-19 Apr-20 Aug-20

Credit growth Deposit growth

USD19.7bn in Jan-Nov 2020). We think gains from both commodity and
Source: CEIC, Bahana
manufacturing exports would suffice to offset a potential rebound in capital
goods and raw-material imports next year.
Exhibit 4. Changes in govt. bond ownership (% YTD)

Will there be bond supply concerns in 2021?

We attended the annual financing strategy briefing held by the Finance
Ministry’s Debt Management Office (DJPPR) today. The government announced
that it targeted IDR1,654tn of gross debt financing for 2021 (5.7% of fiscal
deficit), or slightly higher compared to IDR1,635tn this year (6.34% of fiscal
deficit). For next year, the funds would be mostly raised through bonds issuance
(IDR1,535tn), with the composition of regular domestic IDR bond issuance
(IDR1,246tn, 80-85%), overseas FX bond issuance (IDR159.2tn, 12-15%), and
domestic retail bond issuance (IDR76.8tn, 4-6%). We think the big question
mark here is how the government would raise IDR1,535tn from the bond
market next year without support from: 1) BI, which in 2020 contributed Source: Bloomberg, Bahana
IDR397tn of financing through private-placement mechanisms in a one-off
burden-sharing scheme (SKB-2), and 2) commercial banks, which are likely to
disburse more credit and buy less government bonds as the economic recovery
gains traction in 2021. Should the risks associated with bond supply remain
unresolved, Indonesia’s 10-year government bond yields could easily claw back
to 6.5-7.0%, in our view. However, we think the yield climb is more likely to
materialize later than sooner, approximately 4Q21, or only when inflation may
begin to creep up as a result from rapid money supply growth.

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17 December 2020

Exhibit 5. Financing Outlook

2020 2021
in IDRtn Changes
Outlook Forecast
Gross financing needs 1,635.8 1,655.0 19.20
Deficit financing 1,039.2 1,006.4 -32.80
Investment 181.2 171.0 -10.20
Debt repayment 415.4 477.6 62.20
Financing strategy 1,636.0 1,654.9 18.90
Loans 135.3 119.8 -15.50
Bonds 1,500.7 1,535.1 34.40
IDR bonds 1,264.7 1,266.5 1.76
Global bonds 159.2 207.2 48.04
Retail bonds 76.8 76.8 -0.05
Source: Finance Ministry, Bahana

PT. Bahana Sekuritas – Economics & Fixed Income Research 2

17 December 2020

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