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Athlete mental health from the Olympics to the MHSAA

VISH GONDESI She won four gold medals
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF at the Rio 2016 Olympics.
She had signature
M i c h i g a n
moves officially named
High School Athletic
after her. She was being
Association’s (MHSAA)
called the GOAT.
Executive Director, Mark
But after her
Uyl, was at a NCAA meeting
mind and body were no
when he heard something
longer in sync, she lost her
that almost made him fall
aunt and struggled with
out of his chair.
depression, Biles decided
“The chief medical
to prioritize her mental
officer [Brian Hainline]
health, even if it meant not
said that the biggest issue
being able to participate
confronting college student
on the highest stage of her
athletes was mental health,”
sport. Biles later rejoined
Uyl said. “This was right
the games and won bronze
in the middle of almost
in balance beam.
every athletic organization
Her decision drew
focusing on concussions,
significant criticism, but
almost 24/7, and what
also significant support --
that did was it illuminated
including fellow notable
that in athletics, we often
Olympians such as
focus on the physical well
Michael Phelps, Allyson
being of kids, but the
Felix and Aly Raisman.
mental well being needs
Uyl says that if a situation
to be an equal partner
like this were to happen Left: Simone Biles competes on the beam during the U.S. Gymnastics Championships at
in that dynamic.”
in high Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas, on June 4, 2021. (Jamie Squire/Getty Images/TNS) Middle: U.S.
T h i s

school, gymnast Simone Biles competes on the beam in the women’s team qualifying at the 2020
t h e Tokyo Olympics on Sunday, July 25, 2021. She withdrew days later, citing her mental health.
was held (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS) Right: U.S. gymnast Simone Biles delivers a gold-medal
nearly performance in the Individual Women’s Floor Exercise final at Rio Olympic Arena in Rio de
of the
five years “I really think that the student Janeiro, Brazil, on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016. (Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
ago. Years
later, in
Simone Biles scenario athlete needs to be in a Simone Biles “I think the expectations formed, consisting of
gives us an opportunity is the situation,” Uyl said. “That’s that Simone had on her medical professionals
the 2020
number got to be an individual, is one reason why she that meet four times a
T o k y o to have that conversation o n e personal decision that just needed to step back year. Additionally the
Simone and say ‘Our teenage priority. athletes are going to have to and take a break.” MHSAA partnered with
“All make on their own.” Once the importance be nice, a division of the
B i l e s athletes need some
of us Pressure in the of mental health was West Michigan Mental
withdrew space, just to be teenage would Olympics is a given. Yet brought to Uyl’s attention Health Foundation.
f r o m
several athletes’” a g r e e with the rise of social media at the NCAA meeting, the “When you’re not an
that if and the natural competition MHSAA started developing expert, you need to go out
events, MARK UYL
a knee in sports, external pressure a plan for mental health in and find a partner that is an
including MHSAA Executive Director injury can take a toll on high school high school sports. expert,” Uyl said. “[Be nice.]
the team
hasn’t athletes as well. “We pulled together really brought a lot of great
f i n a l
healed “I really think that a mental health task force things to the table. If kids
and individual all-around
and a kid can’t play, then the Simone Biles scenario that met three times, and are struggling, then there’s
competition due to mental
there shouldn’t be any gives us an opportunity to we identified some goals for
health reasons.
criticism when that athlete have that conversation and the group,” Uyl said.
has to remain out, the same say ‘Our teenage athletes As a result, the
narrative was gold or bust, THEHURONEMERY.COM
with a concussion recovery, need some space, just to be MHSAA Sports Medical
and with her pedigree, it
and I think that same thing teenage athletes,’” Uyl said. Advisory Committee
was definitely possible.

Fall sports in full effect despite very hot weather conditions


Catch teams in action at 1

V tennis vs Troy
30 Athens @4
JV+V Field
Hockey vs Sa-
3 4
31 JV Tennis vs
Lincoln @4
1. Junior Amer Al-Ebidi juggles the ball at men’s
1 V Golf @6 soccer’s Media Day on Aug. 12. Temperatures have
been reaching above 100 degrees on the turf fields.
V Tennis vs Dex-
2. Cheerleading practices are taking place in the
2 ter @4
JV+V Soccer
evenings at the River Rat Stadium. 3. Junior Kevin
Zhang serves in his doubles practice match. 4. To see
this years cheerleading team in action, head to the
3 Fr Soccer vs Can-
ton @4
varsity football games. 5. Men’s tennis won the first
place trophy at their last quad.

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