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1.1 Background

These days parts of different selling portions are make satisfying big sales through the internet
because of it is one of best platform to providing all rang of goods and internet is the easiest
way for clients. Online business is an easy way to build than real business and
companies/corporations gain more much profit through the internet, there for internet sailing
becomes most popular in the world. According to definition, this project is created for making
online car sales. Clients will be open the Application and choose different types of cars. This
application will be providing new cars and also second hand cars.

The project completion time will be four mounts. This car sale Application is searched and studied to get
idea to design a proper Application for clients. This application is created in Android Studio using Java
programming language. All details of the Application and functions are below.

1.2 Scope of the Project

The project is about online Bargaining system. It is Android base Application to provide a service to the
clients to find and buy a suitable car through the internet. Application is free to use for the customers
and Application can contain all required data about dealer like (dealer name, phone number, car price,
model of the car) etc. Bargaining is one of the popular and big businesses in the world. Through the
internet we can chose most suitable cars because we have multiple car and the every car bellow write
the specifications of car like (compare cars, car model, car price, car color, dealer name, dealer phone
number) etc. Online Bargaining will be saving the both many and time of the buyer and this will provide
new cars and also second hand car. If you have fixed budget then you can chose the right car without
wasting time.

There are lots of applications created for selling cars the most popular application is Autotrader: Great
for a lot of extras.
Autotrader providing better service to the costumers and it is very easy in used because having a simple
design. Autotrader have 100k downloads.


Our main aim is to create a workable and beneficial application about car selling in Pakistan.

Here is information about the Application:

There will be new and second hand cars in the application customers will open the application

When customer opens the main page, he/ she can select any brand of new or second hand cars then
the customer can see more photos about selected car with details and buy one of them if they want.

When you chose any brand of new or second hand car then you can contacts with yours nearest supplier
of the brand. Navigation and Security parts are important issues of the Application but in this application
have no need of security.

When we observe at the most standard Application They all have simple and easy design and clear
navigation. Actually these qualities make them popular.

Existing popular online car sale application studied in the research section of the report and this
research helped to see and understand their design, navigation, security and other else functions taking
place in online car sale application.

1.4 Objectives
Objective part describes that achieved in the project. First objective of the project is
understandings the environment of android base system in literature review section. Our project has
made after deep research and understanding of online Bargaining especially on car sales. After these
research plan to create this application and implementation of the project is started.

The main objective of the project is Easy to used, simple & easy design, clear navigation, free for used
(not paid). These points/facts you can see in the objectives of application with will Codes, manufactured
business functions such as clients records, product records and etc…

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