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CO 6 € +) iekietNo: 310514 Paper Code: 06 Complex Analysis $PDE aie PATER) OUIORIELLIITLLLL pater E : Cpe ; ens A. GENERAL: 1. __ This booklet is your Question Paper containing 60 questions. 2, The Test 1D's;prntil on She ilitiiand:top cérner of this booklet This should be entered. on the OMR sheet, = f 3. Blank papers, clipboatils, og tables, slide rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers, and ‘electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed tobe carried inside the examination halt. ¢ 4 the answer sheet, a miele Opel mark recognition stat (OMR see) I provided separately." 5. DONOT TAMPER Wim MOTICAFE THE Oma OR THE BOOKLET. 6. Do not’break the seals'of the question-paper booklet before being instructed to do so by the _xgnyieitators. s i 8. QUESTIN PAPER FORMAT: 7. Thessluestion SopEt consists of TwoPART: PART-8 (Single i 1d PART-< (Multiple ‘ a ot ch {or A () C. MARKING SCHEME: J. 30.” For eachy quenion 17 PARE, You Wwarded 3 "ranks iF you darker the bubble corresponding to the correet answer and: zero mask {€ no bubble is darkened. In gase-of bubbling of incorrect answer; maik willbe awarded. 1. For each question in PART.C, yoi will be awarded 4.75 marks if you darken the bubble(s) corresponding to the correct chica} for the answer, and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. Incase of bubbling of incorrect answer, no negative mark wil be awarded, * pant AS for its s8e4 Ba Oar a Toe AN 150 9004:2008 COMPANY DDUGEY'S INFORMATION POOL & SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD, 273, (Ground Flor) 3ia Sara}, Hawx Khas, Near LIT, New Delhi Phi: E-mail:; Website: 6, (013)-26537527, 26525686; Cell: 9999183434 “& 9B9DGL7SA: | ‘Sepertine Sa npacaiole ‘This section coftains 35 (1-35) Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (¢) and (d,) for its, {Part-3} a (Single Answer Correct) answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. a 0 6) (6) (4): Uncountable solution, Let uea=Hlre v6" cosy) when $y differential infstely then corresponding P.D.E. is ARS (<-ipy avi) (e—% Bu Fa 1-9 solution tne wiv caution S54 = Se in ab infiteSototion ‘The singular soltion of p'x+q?y =2 is ed raves! tb) zox-y" fe) yt =0 (4.)_ Singutarsohaon dees not exist The nature ofthe folowing PDE. is $ 1a) ype (b.) Hyperbolic when «2 y ty elliptic x? 4y Fy —vt), where F By arc abivary and toe diferent functions, is 2 27-1, (Ground Floor) Jia Sars Cell: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mai Wauz Khas, Near 1.£-1., New Delhi-t (0016,Pa0V4)-26537527, 26525686); Website: o Cresco 20082 2 wait Si i (0), Sm const {b) Basins a) 2- Host) © (a) B=3GgnxeD. ; Consider the boundary vale poblem Ian atonal boundary cotion tay Slee let ser") € ny Ete) : (=e) i 2 . ee") = 8 ee i ay Herve ve") 9 ——— oY ots perboc i the seondan the fourth quant, the third quadrants ‘and elliptic in the fourth bg aos) 7 © c J (ay 2=¢(0) +39 (2) Semitinear € GA The fist order partial ditterential equation 2324 +0/(z,) +2, +P p43 = 2's bs & (b) avsitinear A fe). Gear e © {4.)_ Non tinear go 2) The solution of z, +z, =* withthe initial condition 2(2,0)= f(x) is & 110016,Pn(011)-26537527, 26525686;; Website: 3 | 27, (Gromna Floor) dias &. Cell: 9990183438 & 98 a oye __ Sey) Tye) ay 20 02) Tey fey) (3) Thedloioctersteof y'r—vt=0 are soe - ___{@) :Aciclehaving centre not ax origin & hyperbole "Sy Keita av at origi anid rte having ea “(e} circle having centre at origin and hyperbola {8) hyperbola and rectangular hyperbola (a4) ues} ses the wave equation ~ (x0) =0-Ver, then fora giien £550 (ay) there are values ofxatwbich (254) 1 dscontngous (0) ules) ts continuousbut 1, (x0) isnot continues {Ltn (st are canious, but (x) a td 4 @) these oy as) APL _ 0) mins, url, 0) case then UCL AL = tay (16) Consider 7 §-1, tJ defined by (¢ (a) - ris not a,.continuous arc (b) 7 isa smooth curve () 7 isa Jordan curve (4) 7 isa Jordan arc 7) If u(xzy) =x ~397 isharmonic then its conjugate v(x, y) is equal to ed aey-ye - ) ay? -y +e (e} aAy-P +e +f. ref] then LT., New Delbi-110016,Ph(Q11)-26537527, 26525686;; Website: www. dipsacademy-com 4 | 274: [round Floon tia Sarai, Nava Shas, (Celt: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-math ane —wNTg ne eo : @) ay sete wa) tifadsetond @ ed 'st sins{Joun(-2) ne @) 220 Sisolated'singularity (b) _Fisunbounded in a neighbourhood of 0 fe) 220 ispole (4) 2=0 isanessential singularity é [snes eno 7 ay FfG)e} 7 then ee - £ > zs0 =a) FEB continuous af 20 but no diferente (o) 7G) has removable singularity ot 2=0 _ (c), S@) has polé of order = at . (6) $2) entire £0. 0) Theanolytcfiinetion f(2)=u tiv Jorwhich uvixet(Sosy-siny)is — < @) {@=e +e y ) £6) (2) s@=deosyre (4) None ofthese 21) Comection between real anc complex line integrals f f(z)=usiv then | f(z)dz \, th f MM then tay (a) 47000 4 tet s@at4 — San lel =. (2dr = a tas tet sete Sesto Sayrand Cilla wit [y(eken0 then, fa) @=buc=0 : iy arb=0 . «ey 778586 can be anything. - (a) Te ORO4C=0 Seay Let fag be two entire functions such that vzeC Ref(z)$ke, inside = has” (0) n-roots (b) G—-Droots fe) Noroots (4) Only one root (25) tet Ais analytic in the whole line, h(0)=3+-41and (2H 1 (a.) It is nomineat equation wy uf.4)-8 (d.) None of these Let U(x, be the solution of Cauchy problema i, +U, =U and x=¢, y=2% Ustthen (a) UG, 2)=1 (a) HyperSatiin enon 3 46.) Hyperbolic in egiit (2) Elina mpn eo (d.) Elliptic in region ay>1 5 Let U'be.a solution of the feat equation U,-U,, =0 5 O0) then UO.) =UG,=0 ; 20 UG.O)=sinetsin2s | 08x50 (4) UG090a5¢-3@ Vre(,a) (b.) PUG) 9095190 veeQ.A) (c.)_ ¢U(s,7isa bounded function for xe (0,2); ¢>0 (6) 2 UG,9-2025 40 Veet) ‘The Cauchy problem xU,+yU,=0 Ulxy}=x0n x+y? (2) Asolution VseR, yeR thas (b.)_ An unique solution in {(x,y) eR? ; (x,y) #(0,0)} 27-3, (Ground Floor) lia Sari, Hauz Khas, Near LLT., New Dethi-110016,Ph(OL1) 26537527, 26525006; Cenl: 9999183434 & 9399161734: E-mail:; Website: www.cdipsacademy. com @ (c), AbOunded solution in {6539 eR? 5 @.9)# 0,0)} 7 {G.) An orique solution in {(x,y)e R ; (2,9) + (0,0)}; but the solution is unbounded. Let Usy(e.) be the solution of the IVP U,=U, for Oxx0 with ¢ UG0)= ofS =). Us) =0,U,(0,)=0then , (a) 022-4 eG dy . fe) V@2=1 : ry i (45) Choose. the correct statement — fa) f(2)=tan“'(22+-2*) has 3 branch points. é is) s(2)= eis 0 multi-valued function. le) Se)= 2" Isa single vues unetion {di $e) two voluedfanetion = -(46) Choose the coriect statement 2) ity tog does not exis foray z «(-<,0) € Ab). Fey= - iso siigle valued fiction it’s mit exist 2 te) peers ' btm eps ett int where acti ond\=0 re en iG “(6-/@dhosonty ene CY” Singutortés ofthe fncion soda git dl hos : LET Isolated singularity G (b) Essential singularity ot : } Essential singularity at € SA) Pole of order 4 at z= (69) IFC is the cue y=x 32° 44-1, joining the tw6 points (1,}and(2,3). The value of f(t2z* aleMte i Gl -156+38 () 156-38 (e)) 3841561 (8) 381568 {ety <6» Che neni anton ond let g:0-7 © Be define se fe /(for some, Which of the following stotements ore true? (0) C | 24-3, (round Floor) Sia Sarai, Wauz Kaas, Neax LLT., New Delhi110016,Ph(011)-26537527, 26525686; Celt: 9999185454 & 9899561734: E-mail:, Wehaie: www A Oo e.& ‘ aa Mwi-05 (sy (2) oy oa) 68) 6) (a 142) = ofr atpostieintevers then ¢ & a constant fonction, (0) 1 f(n)= oforcl postive integers n; then fis @ constant function a (or ie seen all pasitive integers’ n, then 9 isa constant function. (4) IF 700) = F001) for al positive integers n; the gis a constant function. If f(z)is entire then . (a) s(2)is constant AS PIS also entire let If f(@) is bounded also then f{z}is constant (83-10 nbd atten 7 (ey constant ——->— If f()=tanzz and CstA=n then the inves Se ® (a) 0 to} 2 Ae) dat ¥ : (8) asi oe Ea 1 fe) EE, then (2) simple pote at BH Simole pole ot Let r be the eifele || 3 wis ik 1 of efor i wRne (a) S* ernsforms a straight line of -plane into the unic Under wihat conditions the transformation w= constants of w-plane (a) bela (6. tadl=la (©) lela (4) lalate Let f be a bilinear transformotion:that mops -1 to 1,1 10 @ and ~j to0:Then /() is equal to (a) 2 (e) = (e) i 24-3, (Ground Floor) 10 Call 9599183434 Wauz Khas, Near 1-7, New Delhi-110016,Ph(011)-26557527, 26525086, 734: E-mail:; Website: www ‘ * 05 (a) [eI The bilinear transformation mops {z:lz~11 0} (c) {o:Rew>o} (4) foslo+2l

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