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or - npr ys ers \ (Bisecedena) naracuarics| PDE Sheel-02 Previous Years acoond sion) € ig Single Correct Question (2) The second over partial diferential equation (5) Given 4 points A,B, and 0 {in that order} along € (EE ee 2 legge whose sides have sopes +n C (csiR-NET/RF-sUNE-D6) the (x1) plane and 1 a solution ofthe wave . {@.) Hyperbolic in the second and the fourth equation cl, = 0. suppose € quadrants Lot 2 (0) elim the frst andthe third quadrants wlddesalcde goufBhe 5. Tél u(D) € (e) Hyperbolic in the second and elliptic in the uals fourth quadcant 2. (GSIR-NET/IRF June) 1d) Myperbotc inthe fist and the thin 1 quadiants eat (2) The charactersies of the partial differential @z_ py ation 3622-27592 00, are eq Be SIS eiven by : . (csin-NET/IRF JUNE-07) « ¢ x (6) “he anal ——aifferential: _- equation (oy 2 Rey (oYanreu, +(u,)f =0 is € 7 (CSIR-NET/IRF Deco} (e) 66+ ,¢,60 (2) tinear and of order 4, é ” : (b.) Quasblinear and of order 2 ene “ ) cuatiinear and order 4 ¢ : pee (4) linear and of order 2. ‘ (3) The generat satan of the partial differential _(7)_The seoond order partial differential’ equation equation — (D4 D-2(.D~D)Z=0 where ti 44, #(0088)u,, +21, teu, =0 has p= 4 and D2 2's fa) Exactly one characteristic curve passing m » ° through every point : (€SIR-NET/IRF DEC-07) (b) Bact one characteristics curve passing i (a) fleey)ee"4(2-9) through the point (0, 0) ) eG(e+y)s £09) (c) Two distinct “characteristic curves passing F ; through every point fe) hee hla) * (4) Taree distinct characteristic curves passing (8) fi(x+y)ee"Alz-y) through the point & (4) The variables £ and which reduce the (&) Let u(/) solve the heat equation ara difterentist equation to the canonical form, are (CSIR-NET/IRF JUNE-08) vex neyo? veeney 27-5, (Grownd Floer) Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Wear (.UT., New Delhi-140016,Ph(011)-26537527, Coll: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mail: ino@dipsacademy com, Website nt, #0,00 Then w (CSIR-NET/IRF June-s8) (2) Is unbounded in (0, 7) x(0, =) (61 Tokes both positive and negative valves in (0, =)x(0, ) kc) Is negative in (0, 2) (0, 20) (4) ulsi)se", for all (x,2)€(0. #)x(0, «) ‘nies | Zein scaleng imacans| PDE Sheet-02 (Previous Years Assorted Questions) (©) The paral diferent euion {CSW-NETHee ee 2012) aren ty es, Cina, <0. ® et, Fj nahreneey 0} (c) Hyperboticin {(x, y):39 > 0} fe WYx#y (d.) Parabotic in {(x, »):39°<0} {c) Elipticin the region (10) The number of characteristic curves ofthe PDE fe. yixey tata aa P42) HP 9+ Dy (6) Hyperbolic in theregion ex"(y Du, +3u, +00 foo reyey off passing through the point x= (CstR-veT/sRF June 2011) (alo . (14) The second order PDE (1 pe HPV =O Is (2 (cSIR-NET/IRF June 2012) (4) 3 (2) Elipticfor all eR, yeR “{h:) Parabolic forall xe R, ye R (c) Eliptic for all'xeR, y-<0 (4) Hyperbolic for al xe, y <0 (11). A general solution of the second order equation, lig —Myy =0 is oF the form u(x, 9) = Where f and g are twice, differentiable functions (CSIR-NET/RF June 2011) (25) Thefunction (a) feta) aes (by fre 2y)+ 82-29) . und=t ye? . 0, ts0,xeR fe) fer ay) gle 4y) (a) s(4x+ y)+ 2(4x-y) (12) The complete integral of the PDE isa solution ofthe heat equation in (SiR-NET/sR June 2012) fe) {(ut):xeR, rR} (©) {(x.):xeR, £0} but not in the set ea { =e" invdlving arbitrary (( functions 4, and @, is {(s):xeR, ¢<0} { { {CstR-NET/IRE Dec. 2011) y (6) {():xeR, reR}\((0,0)} (2) A(yta)+d(yraheze (4) {(x1):xeR; re-1} (1 prey b.) & (+a) +29, (yx) CHD, 7 (0) ACrea)eah(yea) 4 (16) The partial differential equation. 2, «7 9 ishyperbolicin (=) (CSIR-NET/IRF Dec. 2012) a a}+x¢, (9-x)+ Door (8) AGoaean na) 4 {a.) The second and fourth quadrants (13) The second order partial differential equation {b.) The fist and second quadrants (9) a eu au {.) The second and third quadrants gare ysin(h+ ya (d)) The first and third quadrants wath a {CSIR-NET/JRF JUNE-2014) cos'(x + Jar toe a7) ee x=x(s),y=y(s),u=u(s),s€R, be esin® (x+y) eu the characteristic curve of the PDE 2 [277 Wied ay is St owe nae oo Tow Don Wove PROT 88 Gen soooteaeae 4 4800161754; Emel: nfo@slosacadamy com Website: 418) as) Ss | Cees cis Ou \{ Ou = || — |-4 =0 Passing through a given 20) (3) aes cuve x=O,y=ru=r,reR “Then the characteristics ae given by (SiR-ner/sRe JUNE-2014) @) x=3r(e'—1),y=(e*+1),u=r'e™ (a) (e-t).y=S{et Hwa re (21) (b) x=2rle 1(2e*-1),u=—(1+e" ( (22-1) (ive) 2r(e—1),y youre The initial value problem & + om x05 x<1¢>0andu(x,0)=2x Yas (CSiR-NET/IRF SUNE-2014) (2) Aunique solution (x4) which masta (0) hore than one solution (c)_ A solution which remains bounded as 130 (2) No solution Lt a, 5, be continuous futons defined on RP Let HH, Hy be nonempty subset of RE such that F UV, Ul, = B® and the PDE aC, yu # B(x Wty tee»), =O 1s elliptic in F, parabotic in V, and hypesboticin ¥,,then ( DEC2023) (2) ¥,,¥, and ¥, are open sets in R? 1 F te (4), and F, are open sets in R? and F, are open setsin RE ¥, nd ¥, are open setsin Rt @2) 3) PDE Sheet-02 (Previous Years Assorted Questions) @) ) fe) a ‘The solution of the Cauchy problem for the first & order poe ay a” a D={(sy, 2)? +9" 40,256, with he iia condition st4y° (csim-ner/sRF tune-2023) au eu a The partat differential equation has (CSIR-NET/!RFSune-2013) {a.) Two families or real characteristics curve for y-<0 (b.)_ No reat characteristics for » > 0 () Vertical lines as a tami for characteristics curve for y=0 (2) Branches of quadratic characteristics for y #0 (Gate 1996) The general solution of 2H 4 2 S=0 is of aay the form ABS w= f (x49) +e(x-0) (b.) w= S(z+y)+2(x-9) 27-4, (Ground Floor) sia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near I_L-T., New Delhi 10016,Ph(011)-26637527, Coll; 9999183434 8 9899161734: E-mail: Website: ay (5) 7) “Ty? (c) u=of (x-iy) (4) u=g(x+9) The differential yu, -(x*=I)u,, =0, is (2. Parabolic in {(x,»):x<0} _AAb) Hyperbolic in {(x, 9):»>0} (c) Elliptic in 9 (4, Parabolic in {(s,):x>0} (GATE1999) equation tet u(zs)be the 4 =u,30<¥<1, 150, u(x,0)= x(1-x), u(30)=0Then Ee solution of, A) 24 (a) = (b) (c) (4) (GATE 2000) ‘i The equation #(y-1)Z, ~2(y* -1)2,+y(9? -1)Z,, +2, =0 is hyperbolic in the entire xy-plane except along * fa.) x-axis (b) y-axis (c) Aline parallel to y-axis (4.) Aline parallel to x-axis, The solution of the Cauchy problem 4, (% yt, (%, (3,0) = 0,u, (540) =x Is u(s,y)= bs) 9) Pi (G0), 1) (a2) PDE Sheet-02 (Previous Vears Assorted Questions) ‘The characteristics curves of the equation Pg — Yt a3 +5 x20, (a.) Rectangular hyperbola (b.) Parabola (c) Circle (4.) Straight tine iy) are BO AGATEROOS The solution of the: initial value problem Satisfying the conditions (s,0)=x, 4 (s0)=0 is Ax 1, =i, 1 0;-20.0 Consider the boundary value problem: uty =0 in O={(x,y);x7 +y" 1 (6) Elipticin the reglon x>0,y>0,3y>1 (c) Parabolic in the region 1<0,y <0,xy>1 (APityperbolic im the x<0,y<0,9>1 * equation region A function v(x), satisfies the wave eu a ofLo)-1 24 1 ewion 24-24 ccrcyeno (ye mG tt is required to solve the Laplace equation ou Ou SHON o00,y>0, the partial Brey" (e-y (@.) Changes type (b, Is elliptic {c.) Is parabolic (4,)s hyperbolic Act u(x,t) be the solution of the initial value problem = u(2,0)=sina; SH (s0)a1. ta (2,12) equals fa) x12 (b) 1/2 (c) -1 (a2 mu ow u(x,¢) be the bounded of 2 let u(x) be the bounded of 2 = with a(20)=£°=4. then iyi) ens (aja (oy 172 (ya (a let u(xy) be a solution of Laplace's equation on x+y? <1.1f ] 27-8: GGeaund Floor dia Sarai, Haus Khas, Wear IT, New Delhi-110016,H(011)-26837527, Cel: 0990183434 & 9899161724: E-mail:; Website: w(eatsine) =f? for (SOSH 0 for 150520 Then (0,0) equals (a) ue {b.) 2% (c) (2) wa (a) 2/2 (42) Let PORS be a rectangle in the first quadrant whose adjacent sides PQ and QR have slopes 1 and -1 respectively. if u(x,¢) is a solution of |= 24 and a a u(P)=1,u(Q)=-1/2,u(R)=1/2, then u(s) equals ay (a)2 (oa (42 ~ (aR {GATE 2007) POE Sheet-02 (Previous Years Assorted Questions} (0) 3f32-(2-20) (2420) ]r0 (©) 3[32-(2-2r7 -@+247 Jot 1 27,4 F (4. 5ft6-(2-20) ]50-ex tee 4] The value of ty(2,2) (@.) equals 15 (b.) equals -16 (c) equals 0 (4. does NOT exist ‘the difusion problem ss SHj(0 0), 4(0,)=0, u(x.1)=0, and u(x,0)=3sindx, the solution elven by (42) Consider the Neumann problem (G.) 30 sind ty tly =0,0-<4,0, with u(0,1)=u(x,)=0, lee, 7 u(x,0)=sinx and Bo at 1=0. Then {eaten ne (2.2) (43) For1 ene . als, weet?) 02 xe ¢ (CSIR-NET/IRF June 2011) : 2 (a) Aunque sokition 24(6,0)=0, 120. (b, A family of straight tines as characteristics a 7 {€) Solution which vanishes at (2, 1) re c (2) latitely many solutions {€SIR-NET/ARF Dee. 2011) he (52) The PDE (a) The value of (2,2) =—1 € ug +, +4u=0, o 0as fy for all x€(0,x) (b) u(x,t) > 1-50 for all xe(0,) oC 27-J, (Ground Foor) Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Neat |T., New Delhi-110018,Ph(011)-26687527, Coll: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mall: jnfo@dinsacademy,com: Website: Rar (e) @u(anis a xe(Q,)1>0 bounded fun (6) u(x,t) > 0351 efor all x € (0,7) POE Sheet-02 (Previous Years Assorted Questiois) (@) w=S7,a,sin(nx-+b,)e™ where 4,16, are arbitrary constants {55.) Let ube of the boundary value problem tb) w= So" a,sin(mx +b, Je" where t= floes os} a for 4b, ar nonzero constants WO) = a,u(l)=b (c)_u=))° a, cos(nx +b, Je" where ap sh dayaal fey and 4, are not allzero and b, = 0 fot n21 gey=s(AF 9%), then v i @ solution of (4) u=Y7,a,c0s(nx-+b, Je" where thepoe "2 > =Rin{lsa)ext es? SH a, #0;4, -Ofor n>1, and b, ~Ofor We y)=0 onf(x.y)ix? +9" =H} nzl (cSIR-NET/IRF June 2012) (55) ~ tet alex ,and.x? + y?—2u =c,, where (a) a>0andb>0 (b) a>0andb=0 (c) a=Oandb~0 2a (4) a<0andb=0 (ue uto 5 i eee eee ~ Tien the solution of the POE with differential equation = 24 6 4 P icq y= Qu=Tisglven ial equation Se = Topo is Paty =0,u= Lis given by Spor 7 (CSIR-NET/IRE June. 2014) (a) w(x1)=-€ : (0) + y+ 2xyu? +2x7u = 0 (b) u(Z0)= @) Pty (x tay)u=0 (6) w(s1)= () Phy +2(xy-1)ut2=0 (6) u(x.) (4) P=? =u(x+ y—2)-2=0 (57) If n(xis)satisty the partial differential : ou Bu Ou : atu «ay (oo) meroeis 24 422% 2 _ gig equation SF. 45% then (x, 1) can be of dxdy © Oy theform —~ (CSIR-NET/IRF June. 2018) nce oo (a) Pirabotc and has characteristics (a) u(x.t)= se) + gle420) E(u y)=x+2y.n(my)=x-2y (bo) a(st)= 70842) gle +40?) (b) Reducibe to the canonical form 2M. (6) u(x) = fOx—a0)+ ge 20) bs (d.) w(x,1)=f0x-D+g2x40 (Where f where €(x,y)=x+2y and g are non-trivial smooth function eu ‘ ne (€) Reducible tthe canonical form 2% =0, a7 (58) Let u(x,1) be the solution of the equation where n(x,y)=x+2y au _au (a) Parabolic and has the general solution BaP ap heh tends to 010 a8 1 ><» A+ )+ (x9) and has the value cos(x) when ¢ = Othen where fi, fare arbitrary functions. (cSiR-NET/sRF tune. 2014) e 27-5, (Ground Floor) Jia Saral, Hauz Khas, Near (1.7, New Delhi-110016,PH(011)-26537527, Cell: 9999163434 & 9899161734: E-mail: info@dipsa Website € 2 & c © a PDE Sheet-02 (Previous Years Assorted Questions) (61) fthe ital value problem for partial differential elr,8} to be boundess and also periodic in @ 24 0; u(x, 0) =sin(xx), has a with period 2m, solution of the form (x,t) = (AsinGxx), then cstn-NETARE June 2083} (CsIR-NET/sRF Dec. 2013) (2). @ cannot be negative G1 9 tsaorys negative (©) @ can be ero, angio. that case the (0) @ isalways positive. mores {eh ¢ isanincreasing function. : Mitton ee (€)@ cam be postive! afd in the case & must (62) Let P(x, ») bea particular integral of the bean teas or te (4) The fundamentai® set of solutions ential cifferential equation 2y-y¥', as cs a yy {i.rsinad,r'eiing}, where nts a Then P23) equate . positive fiteger. mF (CSIR-NETARF Dec. 2013) (65) Consider the first order PDE p4q= pq where fb) & ped ge =F Then whieh of the folowing re (a 2 ay (4) 10 eourect? a (62) tet 222(s, 9) bea solution ot 1 {csin-neT/IRF dune 2023) passing through (0, 0,°0) . Then 2(0,1) is © (a the Charpit's equations for the above PDE (CSIR. NET/IRE Dec. 2013) 7 reduce wo ) 0 - de ded (bo) 1 7 tp -p pea 0 He) 2. (a) 4 (b.) A solution of the harps ecuation is =b, where b is aconstant (64) Consider the Laplace equation in polar form: ‘ ’ du tau 1 Oy (c) The corresponding vatueot p is p= SEL EEN 20, O

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