Statutory Planning

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Table of Contents
Brief outline of the site and planning controls...........................................................................3

Important considerations............................................................................................................6

Strengths and weaknesses..........................................................................................................7

Reference list............................................................................................................................11

Brief outline of the site and planning controls

Site outlining

Site planning must incorporate environmental standards that have been developed under
international and national agreements for ecologically sustainable growth. One of the most
important national agreements is the Intergovernmental Environmental Agreement, which
lays out essential environmental protection principles in Australia. Using biodiversity
information is to identify important biodiversity zones, including essential habitats, and
physically valuable biodiversity areas for threatened or vulnerable species and populations.
Strategic strategy is to conserve and preserve the significant areas of biodiversity in Victoria
(Jingnan et al. 2017). The plan has been sensitively planned and built to preserve and boost
natural properties, valuable views and habitats along rivers and river corridors, and adjacent
to lakes and wetlands.

Figure 1: Elevation of plan

(Source: Provided)

Figure 2: Aerial photograph of area with detailing

(Source: Provided)

Planning control

For the planning of this project the permit is required to ensure compliance with other laws
controlling these field uses through implementing regulations on land usage and projects for
the use of land and energy resources (Williams 2020). In this site the creation of structures, is
to reduce the danger of natural hazards to life, property and natural habitats. And the degree
architecture complies with the goals and specifications of this strategy from design to
installation and service. While the new environmental sustainability requirements
successfully reduce environmental impacts, they operate poorly. In this case, the correct
calculation method must be used. (, 2018).

Important considerations

Zones and overlays

In Brunswick west the simple cap of settlements near Chapel Street in the area, is set for the
preparation of coastal development and the conservation of coastal values. Where there are
no settlement boundaries, the scope of a settlement is specified by the scope of current urban
areas and any lands described in a proposal in the future urban settlement planning
framework (Yip 2017). Retain existing irrigation channels with buffer areas on either side of
the waterway at least 30 meters deep.

In order to determine the 'Sources for Future Damage Sites' criteria, add the incorporated
Design Overlay in Chapel Street Area. Industrial 3 Land Zone Weir Street and Paran Place
Glen Iris are to ensure that current industrial uses are covered and industrial base survival in
the region encouraged.

In clause 52.06, it is applied for a new use; or expansion in the area of the floor or location of
an existing use; or an improvement of the current application by the calculation stated in the
preceding definition. For this Brunswick west this clause is not applicable in that way.

The priorities, criteria and requirements for decisions under clause 55 this is for two or more
residences on a property, accommodation on common lands and residential buildings. This is
not applicable to a five floor or more apartment building, without a cellar.

Request for land use or extension, house or construction the accounted body shall take into
account the Local Planning Agenda and Planning Policy Process in addition to the decision
requirements found in clause 65. The statements of any minister or public property officer
are in charge of property or related land ownership or administration.
Strengths and weaknesses

Key issues

 Maximizing the overlap of the relocation and reducing of non-residential uses

between centers of operation, public transit and similar uses.
 The different criteria and impacts of large, well-established, commercialized uses and
smaller, community-based uses are understood.
 Retain retail inventory in suburban neighborhoods (Lyerly 2019).
 Avoiding landscaping loss in residential areas.

Answer the problem of losing industries (especially small-scale service companies that serve
local needs) that shift and are substituted by higher order applications, particularly in and
around the business centers. Tackling the issue is in some manufacturing areas with limited
connectivity and small sites that reduce their production capabilities. Fix problems in
suburban neighborhoods between industrial and mixed uses. Recover high-tech, networking
and logistics systems that benefit from Brunswick west's site infrastructure and offer jobs and
“services to the local community”. It increases the diversity of residential neighborhoods. The
thickness of the house that results in higher dense residential areas and lower suburban
backland dense differentiates significantly. The population of current residential communities
is enhanced by considering the potential impact on the cultural and cultural identification
program. The various infrastructure needs in emerging and future societies are taken into
consideration. Providing adequate lodging and housing options should be taken into
consideration in the main categories in demand – young adults, smaller families and older
populations – (including facilities available to the elderly or persons with disabilities).


In Brunswick west a system of commercial arterial roads was built concentrated mostly in the
grid on major roads and homes. The Brunswick west demographic mix and its location,
connectivity, retail and entertainment competitive advantages draw a high degree of growth
investment (Newman et al. 2016).

Growth according to the projected demand is granted equal entry, taking use of all accessible
modes of transport and mitigating detrimental impacts on current transport networks and
supporting facilities.

Creation of energy plants at specific sites where current technology is used and where the
market and the environment benefit from it. Attract and attract industries who can profit from
the existing assets of Brunswick west and that can provide work and services to the local

High-tech, networking and logistics systems will exploit Brunswick west's existing strengths
to offer jobs to social resources.

The plot is built so that current solar rooftop systems do not unreasonably lower the
efficiency of houses on adjacent properties in a general residential environment,
neighborhood or community centre. At the time the application is prepared, the current solar
rooftop energy system must be usable. If possible, the north side of the building should
include residential quarters and private open space. Developments should be built to increase
solar access to windows to the north. At least 1 mile from the entrances of the living spaces,
shared access roads or parking areas can also be included for other commercial and industrial
structures. This interruption will be minimized to 1 m if the fencing is 1.5 meters, or if the
window sill is at least 1.4 meters above the access road.


The principal drawback or limitation of this strategy is that the relation between those who
pay and who profit – by field – from open space investment may be small (Serrao-Neumann
et al. 2017). Therefore, even though certain places in a municipality deserve this because of
the heavy growth demand and open space criteria, it could be impossible to explain the 5%
threshold higher than the Subdivision Act by offering a flat rate.

There are many regions with development opportunities and technology enhancement sectors
that also have to be tackled. Every house or job built on a lot that stretches out into an
industrial district, suburban area, neighborhood or neighborhood zone must fulfill the
specifications of different clauses.

In this case the property is in the Special Building Overlay, Property Subject to flood overlay
or is prone to flood, the vertical distance from the required floor level specifying at any
moment, by the appropriate drainage authorities or floodplain management authorities to the
roof or to the parapet shall be a permissible building height specified for the area or plan of
the area. The future impacts on the area, if any, including noise levels, pollution , air
pollution, land and water contamination, oil leaks, fluorescent signage, solar power and

operating hours. In addition to the principles of judgment in clause 65, the competent
authority may consider before deciding on a submission. When the land is in the special
building overlay, subject to flood overlay or is vulnerable to flooding, the allowable building
height defined for an area or design shall be at any time, as the necessary floor level shall be
determined by the appropriate drainage or floodplain control to the roof and/or to the parapet.
If any, potential risks include noise, air emissions, soil and water contamination, oil spills, led
signs, solar power and hours of service. Before deciding on an application, the competent
authority can refer additionally to the principles of judgment in clause 65. The out-
construction (other than a garage or carport) can be built or extensional on a lot given the
average floor area of the out-construction does not exceed 10 sqm and the building height is
maximum 3 meters above ground. Allow design improvements to a home if the size of the
household does not increase or the number of houses is not increased (,

It replaces an existing structure automatically and the design does not reach the building
height. There are current buildings in both the outer floors facing the same lane, and the new
construction in the outer floors does not reach above the building height of the lower levels
(Freilich, and Price, 2017). It is built on an angle lot of existing houses, and the house on the
outbuildings of the lower houses does not surpass the elevation of the current structure. It is
designed on the basis of a legitimate construction permit in place before this requirement was
implemented. Where the area is overlaid by a Special Structure, Land Suspended by Flood
Overlay or is vulnerable to floods the maximum building height defined in the zone or plan is
determined at any stage by the appropriate water drainage authority, or the flood control
authority, by the vertical distance from a certain floor level to the roof or the parapet.
Possibly impact adjacent land including noise levels, traffic, distribution and shipping hours
of products and services, running times and light leaks, sun access and radiation, if
applicable. Any other conditions for applications listed in the zone plan. A proposal for the
development or expansion of a housing or industrial building submitted prior to the consent
date for the reform in the zoning framework that requires this timetable in the planning
scheme shall not be extended under Timetable 2 of Section 32.07 of the suburban growth
zone. The conditions of clause 54, as in effect immediately prior to this authorization date,
shall remain applicable to “clause 54.03-2 or to clause 55”, as in effect. This may not apply in
respect of the application under Section 69 of the Act to grant permission to establish or
expand construction beyond the provisions of Schedule 2 to Clause 32.07 (Taylor and van

Bemmel-Misrachi 2017). In addition to that in Clause 32.07 and elsewhere specified in the
law, and which the competent authority shall determine, if appropriate, if the construction
allows for a satisfactory visual transfer to residential property in the community residential
zone, the following requirements for judgment relate to the request for a license under Clause

Reference list

Freilich, R.H. and Price, Z., 2017. Has California's Tri-Partite Statutory Structure Aimed at
the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming, Linking Air Quality,
Transportation, and Sustainable Land Use Through Regional and Local Planning, Been
Successful?. The Urban Lawyer, 49(3), pp.453-482.

Jingnan, H.U.A.N.G., Ningqian, A.O. and Lin, B.A.I., 2017. International Experience
Referenced Thinking on Standardization of Chinese Non-Statutory Planning. Urban
Development Studies, (2), p.20.

Lyerly, A.D., 2019. Statutory Restrictions on Advance Care Planning and

Pregnancy. Jama, 321(16), pp.1574-1575.

Newman, P., Kosonen, L. and Kenworthy, J., 2016. Theory of urban fabrics: Planning the
walking, transit/public transport and automobile/motor car cities for reduced car
dependency. Town Planning Review, 87(4), pp.429-458.

Serrao-Neumann, S., Renouf, M., Kenway, S.J. and Choy, D.L., 2017. Connecting land-use
and water planning: Prospects for an urban water metabolism approach. Cities, 60, pp.13-27.

Taylor, E.J. and van Bemmel-Misrachi, R., 2017. The elephant in the scheme: Planning for
and around car parking in Melbourne, 1929–2016. Land use policy, 60, pp.287-297.

Williams, D., 2020. The influence of statutory land use planning on water sensitive urban
design practices. Australasian Journal of Water Resources, pp.1-13.

Yip, S.C., 2017. Climate Adaptation and Statutory Urban Rural Planning System for Chinese
Cities: Contents, Techniques, Decision Process. Modern Urban Research, (9), p.3.

Online articles,2018, The Legal and Planning Implication of Built Up Area Encroachment on

Vegetation Resource (Green Areas)-the Case of Calabar and Ikom Statutory Planning,
Available at:
h2k0u7.pdf [Accessed on: 03.09.2020]

11, 2019, Public Engagement in Spatial Planning: Statutory Requirements,
Practices and Challenges, Available at:
02011-8_8 [Accessed on; 03.09.2020]


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