Anthropology Optional Intv Qus

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Questions for Anthropology optional

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Theory Based
1) When did the study of anthropology began?
2) Who is called father of anthropology?
3) Is it a foreign subject?
4) Anthropology is an apology to primitive man. Your opinion.
5) Which part of constitution is connected to anthropology?
6) What is the difference between kinship, tribe, clan and aborigines
7) This subject is a social science or natural science?
8) Why there is a separate branch of linguistic anthropology? What is cultural anthropology?
9) How archology connected to anthropology? Also with Indology?
10) Any other contemporary civilization of Harappa in Maxico?
11) What is the language they used?
12) Do you know Christopher von Haimendorf?
13) What is social Darwinism?
14) Who is the Peking man?
15) Who is Narmada man? What is his significance?
16) Does India had Neanderthals in the past?
17) It is said that our mind is still like hunter gatherers. Is it true?
18) Who are Homo Luzians? What new understanding is built because of their recent find?
19) What is article 371?
20) Have we ended abruptly Holocene period and launched into Anthropocene period?
21) Anthro-pithecus difference in meaning.
22) Chimpanzee vs Gorilla. Which ape is intelligent? Which uses tools?
23) Types of Chimpanzee?
24) Difference between monkey and ape?
25) Why Pakistan is called Anthropological paradise?
26) What is the anthropological importance of tribes in Andaman?
27) Is anthropology all about study of tribes?
28) How to define ethnicity?
29) Which the oldest wild tribe in India and world? (sentinels)
30) Sentinels are in which lithic period? (Neolithic)
31) What are ‘lost tribes’? Does India has lost tribes?
32) How Bhopal is connected to study of Anthropology?
33) What Anthropological changes took place in Meghalayan Age?
34) By which routes human population came from Africa to India?
35) Is democracy natural progression of man or human innovation?

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36) Is cranial cavity connected to IQ?
37) Which man has biggest cranial cavity?
38) What is theory of isolation?
39) What is isolation vs assimilation debate?
40) Do you know about Margaret Meed?
41) How can her theory be used in administration?
42) What is historical particularism?
43) What is neo evolutionism?

Application Based:

1) Difference between anthropology and sociology in India

2) Which of this two is important to solve problems of India?
3) Institution related to anthropology in India? Name of ministry?
4) Why Indian constitution does not mention aborigines?
5) Nomadic communities should be treated as SC or ST or in the separate class?
6) Is there any national commission for nomadic tribes?
7) People always have a natural tendency to have settled life. Why do you think that nomadic tribes
won’t settle?
8) How many tribes in India are declared as primitive tribes?
9) Are tribes genetically pure?
10) How primitive tribes are identified?
11) Why there name is changed to Particularly Venerable Tribal Group (PVTG)?
12) Difference between venerable tribes and normal tribes?
13) Shall we do away with benefits of tribes other then PVTG?
14) I think anthropology has an element of racism as it studies only primitive societies. What do you
15) Has man originated from monkey?
16) Why humans developed more than apes and tigers or lions? Is it mutation?
17) What preceded – bipedalism or cognitive development.
18) Is Vanarsena of Rama is Ramapithicus?
19) Are Ramapithicus connected to Rama?
20) Who is Shivapithicus?
21) Is Shivapithicus same as Ramapithicus?
22) Does India have existence of Neo-thundrels in past?
23) Are states of North-east suffering from racism?

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Call: 9818541424/ 8010078886
24) How many races are there? Which race you belong to?
25) Have you heard about yellow people and their entry into India?
26) ‘Indian problems are social and not racial’ do you agree?
27) Does ‘cultural relativism’ has any relevance today?
28) Do you accept the claim made by Hitler of pure Aryan blood?
29) There is one theory which talks that all the Europeans were earlier neuroid. What is your view?
30) Tell the anthropological difference of the panel members looking at their face and other body
31) In Homo Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari says that plant domesticated humans, not other way round.
Do you agree?
32) What was tribal panchasheel of Nehru? Was it a correct policy?
33) Does Nehru treated tribal’s like ‘anthropological zoo’?
34) Do you think having caste system have impacted the way we see tribals?
35) What is National Park approach of USA in treatment to Red Indians?
36) Adivasi is correct nomenclature or Vanvasi?
37) How the name Gondvana Land came up?
38) Which are the famous anthropological sites in India that are recognised by UNESCO?
39) How much of DNA analysis is true?
40) What is DNA profiling? Why there is controversy regarding DNA profiling bill? How it can
improve our criminal Justice system?
41) It is said that genetics play larger role in human behaviour than culture. What is your view?
42) Why anthropology is not a popular subject in academic world?
43) At what level education should we introduce teaching oneness? Be specific. Primary, Secondary or
Higher education?
44) What is MFP?
45) How will you promote tribal crafts and art?
46) Case Study: You are DM of A&N island and came to know senthelese are dying due to COVID19.
As no one is allowed inside their territory including DM, what will be your course of action? Will you
resign for saving them? What is your priority, law of land or constitutional morality?
47) Case Study: You are officer in forest area, came to know a tribal festival in which they kill many
animals. What will you do? Will you shoot when they have weapon and retaliating?
48) Case Study: You as police officer came to know that forest dweller family in Sunderban has killed
the tiger. Upon reaching there you came to know that the same tiger killed member of their family few
weeks back. What will be your course of action?

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Call: 9818541424/ 8010078886

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