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Web Services Assignment (APIs)

Admin Login

 Users can login using email & password.

 Validations
 Email: required, email format and must be active.
 Password: Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and at
least one number and at least one symbol and between 8 to 32 characters.

Admin Forgot Password

 Users can reset their password by email then send email to reset password.
 Make an endpoint to handle the forget password process. 

Admin Profile

 Get an admin profile. 

 Users can update their profile only these fields can update (name, password, email,

Admin Admins CRUD with Filter on Index By (Email, Name)

Admin Customers CRUD with Filter on Index By (Email, Name)

Admin Roles with Permissions CRUD

Customer Login

 Users can login using email & password.

 Validations
 Email: required, email format and must be active.
 Password: Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and at
least one number and at least one symbol and between 8 to 32 characters.
Customer Registration

 New Customers can create new accounts using these fields, (Email, Full Name,
phone, password, password_confirmed.
 Validations
 Email: required, email format and must be unique.
 Full Name: required, string and between 3 to 25
 Password: Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and at
least one number and at least one symbol and between 8 to 32 characters.

Technology needed

 Laravel 8+
 PHP 7.4+

Plus Points

 Use Laravel Passport Package

 Upload project on git

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