1.1 Photosynthesis 광합성: - light from sunlight water from soil carbohydrate from air

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Unit 1 Plants

1.1 Photosynthesis 광합성

• the way that plants make food using energy from light.
• co2 + h2o -> c6h12o6 + 6o2
• carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen
• why is photosynthesis important?
① it makes organic molecules (glucose) out of inorganic materials (carbon dioxide) and water.
② It begins all food chains/webs. Thus all life is supported by this process.
③ it makes oxygen gas.
• light from sunlight water from soil carbohydrate from air.

Plant cell Storing starch

• cell is the smallest functional unit.

plants often change some of the

glucose into starch.

animal cell because plant make much more

glucose than they need to use
immediately. they store some of it to
use later. but they do not store it as
glucose. glucose is soluble in water,
which makes it difficult to store inside
a cell.

therefore, plant change glucose into

starch so that it can become insoluble
• function
and hence it cannot escape from cell ,
① nucleus 핵
thus it can also be stored.
- controls all cells activities.
② cell wall 세포벽
- protect the cell.
③ cell membrane 세포막
- controls what enters and leaves the cell.
④ chloroplast 엽록체 • why starch tested for and not
- absorb the sunlight energy for use in photosynthesis. glucose?
contain cholorophyll. because glucose is already
⑤ cytoplasm 세포질 converted to starch in
- where chemical reactions take place.
⑥ vacuole- 액포
- help to maintain water inside the cell.
• what observation will you make if
Testing a leaf for starch the test is positive?
I would see leaves color changed
• steps of testing starch
into blue-black
① boil the leaf in the water
② boil the leaves in 90% ethanol
③ wash it with water • boil with water
④ put iodine solution to break down the cell membrane.
⑤ observe the color to allow enter iodine solution.

• boil with ethanol

to wash out chlorophyll.
to not interrupt color obsevation.
1.2 Mineral salts for plants 미네랄

Fertiilizer 비료
• a nutrient substance that is applied to plants to grow well by increasing the productivity of the land.
• It contain mineral salts.

Types of mineral salts

① nitrates 질산염
- it need to make proteins to make new cells and also needed to make chlorophyll.
② magnesium 마그네슘
- needed to make chlorophyll.
③ potassium 칼슘
- needed for development of flowers and fruits.
④ phosphorus 인
needed for development of flowers and fruits.
• mineral salts and water absorbed by plant by root hair.

1.3 Plants and water 식물과 물

Why water is important

• plant need water for support, cooling, transport and photosynthesis independent variable 독립변수
실험의 메인 요소
Water for support
dependent variable 종속변수
• when a plant cell doesn’t contain enough water, it becomes soft and
floppy. when all the cells in a plant are like this, the plant wilted. 실험의 메인 요소에 의해 바뀌는

Water for transport
controlled variable 통제변수
• water is transported from roots to leaves by xylem.
xylem transport water, nutrients and minerals. 목질부 우리가 조절할 수 있는 것
phloem transports food. 체관부

• mineral salts dissolved in water transported around the plant.

Water for cooling

• when water evaporates, it absorbs heat energy. this cools down the surroundings.
• root hair- xylem- leaves- stomata- air

① osmosis 삼투현상
- moment of the water molecules from high concentration to lower concentration.
② diffuse 확산
- movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
③ turgid cell 팽창세포
- cell that has turgor pressure.
④ flaccid cell 연세포
- cell that lacks turgidity

1.4 Flowers 꽃

• reproductive organs of plants.
Parts of a flower
① female parts (Pistil) 암술
- ovary 씨방= holds ovules (egg).
- style 암술대= holds up stigma.
- stigma 암술머리= catches pollen.
- ovule 밑씨= becomes the seeds when sperm cells fertilize the egg cells.
② male parts (Stamen) 수술
- anther 꽃밥= produce pollen grains.
- filament 수술대= support the anther.
③ non
- petal 꽃잎= often large and colored to attract insects.
- sepal 꽃받침= protect the flower while in bud.
1.5 Pollination 꽃 수분

Pollen grains 꽃가루

• are made in the anther of flowers.
• contain the male gametes.

• the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma.

Types of pollination
① self pollination 자가수분
- transfer of pollen to stigma of the same flower.
- occurs only in bisexual양성화 flowers.
• It does not lead to genetic diversity.
유전적 다양성으로 이어지지 않습니다.
② cross pollination 교차수분
• transfer of pollen to stigma of another flower of same plant or another plant of same kind.
• takes places both in unisexual단성화 and bisexual flowers.
• It lead to generic diversity.

Transferring pollen grains

• what help in transferring?
① Insects
- pollen from the anther rubs off onto the bee.
- pollen sticks to the stigma.
② birds
- carry pollen with it on its feathers when it flies to another flower.
③ wind
- wind blows pollen off the anthers. Just by luck, some of the pollen may land on the stigma of other flowers.

DIfferences between insect and wind pollinated flowers

① Insect ② wind
- brightly colored. - not brightly colored.
- have spiky or sticky pollen. - have smooth pollen.

1.6 Fertilisation 꽃 수정

• In sexual reproduction, the nucleus of a male gamete and the nucleus of female gamete join together. This
is called fertilization.
• when the nuclei of the two gametes have joined together, they form a new celled a zygote.

Fertilisation in a flower
(how male nucleus gets froma stigma to a female gamete)
① a tube grows out of a pollen grain on the stigma.
② the male gamete (nucleus) goes down the tube.
③ the male gamete fuses with the female gamete inside the ovule, producing a zygote.
④ the zygote divides over and over again, and produces an embryo plant.
⑤ the ovule becomes a seed, with the embryo plant inside it.

Seed dispersal 종자산포

1.7 Fruits 과일
• disperse of seed away from the parent plant.
Fruits seed dispersal helps to avoid competition with the
• ovary develop into fruits after fertilisation. parent plant.
• fruits contain seeds. ① wind
• fruits have adaptations to help the seeds - fruit is shaped like a parachute.
inside them disperse to new places. It carries the seed away on the wind.
② animal
- hooks of fruit catch in the fur of animals and
seeds are carried off/ flesh of the apple fruit
attracts birds that
carry the seeds away by accident.
③ water
- water lily and the coconut palm are carried by
Unit 2 Living things in their environment

2.1 Plant adaptations 식물적응

Habitat 서식지
• a place where an organisms lives.

Plant adaptation
• plant adapted to live in their habitats.
• plant adaptations often help them to get light for photosynthesis
• annual plants (한해살이 식물) grow, produce seeds and die in less than one year.

2.2 Animal adaptations 동물적응

• animals may have structure구조 and behaviora행동 adaptations that help them to survive in their habitats.

2.3 Ecology 생태학

• ecologists study organisms in their envirionment.

• ecologists often use sampling techniques. sampling involves finding results for a small, representative part of
the area you are studying.
생태학자들은 종종 표집 기법을 사용. 표집은 연구중인 영역의 작고 큰 부분에 대한 결과를 찾음.

2.4 Food webs and energy flow

Food chain 먹이사슬

• a linear network of links in a food web. producer 생산자
herbivore 초식성
Food web 먹이그물 consumer 소비자
• shows how energy is transferred between organisms. Predator 포식자
• made up of many interconnecting food chains. Prey 먹이
omnivore 잡식성
decomposer 분해자
2.5 Decomposers 분해자
carnivore 육식성
• organisms that get their energy from dead organisms or their waster products,

How decomposer feed?

① thread-like hyphae grow through the bread.
② hyphae produce enzymes that break down the starch in the bread to sugar.
③ sugar diffuses into the hyphae.

Importance of decomposers
• help to recycle substances from dead organisms and waste, so that other living organisms can use them.
죽은 유기체와 폐기물의 물질을 재활용하여 다른 살아있는 유기체가 사용할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

2.6 Populations

• all the organisms of one species living in the same place at the same time.

Factors affecting the size of animal populations

• increase • decrease
① rising birth rate ① falling birth rate
② falling death rate ② rising death rate

Food supply
• these can reduce the size of a population
① increase in predators
② decrease in food supply
③ increase in disease
2.7 Pollution 오염
• adding fertilisers to water can cause algal
• addition of harmful substances to the environment blooms 조류 대증식
• when algae die, bacteria feed on them,
Effects of fertiliser pollution in water 수질 비료오염의 영향
using up the oxygen that was dissolved in
• steps
the water.
① fertiliser added to a lake
② increased growth of water plants and algae • aquatic animals may die, or move away,
③ plants die because they cannot get enough oxygen.
④ increase in decomposers
⑤ death of fish 조류는 풀, 물 식물임

2.8 Habitat destruction 서식지 파괴

• when natural habitat are unable to maintain their species.

• human destroy the habitats of animals and plants.

• each species is adapted to live in a particular habitat. If that is destroyed, the species may become extinct.
• as human population increases, we are destroying more and more habitats.
① mining
② logging
③ agriculture

Coral reefs
• carbon dioxide in the air dissolves into the sea water, which forms a weak acid. this makes it hard for the
coal animal to build their skeletons.

2.9 Protecting the environment

• nations all over the world are acting together to try to reduce the harm we do to the environment.
• the ramsar convention has helped to save to save many wetlands.
• there has been great success in reducing CFC emissions.
• it is proving very difficult to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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