Employee Self Service

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S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Read Time – 15 minutes

Employee Self Service enablement has proven to be a game-changer in terms of cost-savings on
indirect spends of an organization. Direct Procurement often has multiple levels of scrutiny and
spend data for the same is always more closely monitored in comparison to indirect purchases.

Using the catalog assisted self service requisitioning process channelizes the indirect spend and
adds a cost-effective flavor to it. This document talks about leveraging the material master data
into catalogs and managing its procurement at negotiated prices captured in contracts.

The spend data for an organization should be analyzed for identifying the following:
a) Total spends on Indirect Procurement.
b) Repetitive Purchases (Materials which were purchased the most times).
c) Suppliers associated with these repetitive purchases.
d) Prices at which these repetitive purchases were made from different suppliers
e) Material Groups associated for the repetitive purchase.

After identifying the above parameters, the business approach should be to finalize
Quantity/Value based contracts with the best suppliers for each location/plant at a negotiated
price. These contracts, once created in S/4 GUI, will ensure best prices for the materials linked
to indirect spends.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Sample Business Case

Refer to the following business case where a material is being procured at 3 different plants
from several vendors:

Material Plant Vendor Loaded Price per

7777 GOT Stationers 90
7777 BB Stationers 100
7777 MH Stationers 95
Material Code: 8888 GOT Stationers 94
M100200300 8888 VIK Stationers 88
8888 100 Stationers 96
Logbook – 180 Pages 9999 GOT Stationers 102
MAT GRP – STAT 9999 BB Stationers 101
9999 GG Stationers 108

From the above scenario, it is observed that GOT Stationers are supplying to all 3 plants but at
different loaded rates. It is providing the logbooks at best price in ‘7777’ plant. So, the purchase
dept. can negotiate with GOT stationers to further better the prices and freeze the same in a
contractual agreement, with the assurance to the supplier that all purchases in ‘7777’ plant will
be made with them. This would be a win-win situation for both the supplier and the purchaser.
For the plant ‘8888’, we have VIK Stationers providing the logbooks at best prices. The same
approach can be adopted to create a contractual agreement with them. Alternatively, other
suppliers can also be pulled into negotiations to agree on the best price.
The primary agenda will be to lock the best prices in contracts and replicating the same in the
SAP as Quantity/Value based contracts.

System configuration
A pre-requisite for employee self service is the integration Employee master data with Business
For creating the employee master, precondition is the HR organization structure where
organization unit and positions should be defined for employees.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

1. Creation of Org. Unit

T-code: (PO10)

Select the Infotype – Object and give specific period (Start date and End date)

Click on Create button (F5), next screen would appear

Give Object Abbreviation and Object name

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Click on save button and next screen appear for reporting to which Org. unit. (here we need to
give Root Org. unit)

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

SAVE the screen, it will ask for request give the new request description and save. (Save request
ask for 2 times)

2. Creation of Positions

T-code: (PO13)

Select the Infotype – Object, and give specific period (Start date and End date)

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020
Click on Create button (F5), next screen would appear

Give Object Abbreviation and Object name

Click on save button and next screen appear for relationship

Give A 003 (belongs to) and select object O and ID of the Object

(give specific Org. unit this position belongs to)

Click on save button and next screen appear for relationship

Give A 011 (cost center assignment) and select object K and ID of the Object (CC will be created
by the CO consultant)

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020
(give specific cost center to specific position)

Next, the entries in the table T77S0 should be validated and if necessary, make the changes as
per the below screenshot for Group name ‘HRALX’:

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

These changes are to be carried out in the table T77S0 using SM30 and will captured in a
customizing TR.
HRALX-PSUBG (Business Partner Subgroup (Employees)) should have the entry corresponding
to Employee BP grouping.

Employee Creation
In order to create the employee number, use transaction code PA40 and execute the actions for
Hiring, organization assignment, Personal data & Addresses.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

The most important step after the employee is created is the assignment of user id with
infotype ‘0105’ and subtype ‘0001’, i.e. communication with respect to system username.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

This sets up the first link between employee and system username which should be the same
FIORI access.

Linking the Employee & Business Partner

Once the employee id is created, the program /SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_EMPL_SINGLE should

be executed. This would sync all the employee ids and will assign a business partner to it.
After the program is executed, you may check the log of the execution result in the T-code SLG1
to verify if the it ran successfully. If it did, there would be a few changes to the user id which
can observed by displaying the user id in SU01 and table IEMPLOYEE.
SU01 user id gets converted to “User with Business Partner Assignment (Business Partner:
0000000003)” from User with Classic Address. This confirms the successful creation of BP for

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

SU01 screenshot after execution of the program:

The table IEMPLOYEE will also show all the employees for which BP has been created:

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

This completes the activity of creating BP for employees and as a result, these employees can
create Purchase Requisitions using the FIORI app Create Purchase Requisition under employee
self service.

Catalog Configuration for Material Master

Follow the path: SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Environment Data < Web
Services: ID & Description
Copy an existing catalog ‘MATERIALMASTER’ and create a new one, we may choose to create a
new one as well:

Call structure is not required for internal catalogs using the material master.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Double click on the created catalog to enable cross-catalog search:

Save the entries, this will create a catalog.

Next, Follow the path: SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Purchase
Requisitions < Self-Service Procurement < Define Additional Attributes for Product Catalog

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Next Follow the path, SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Purchase
Requisitions < Self-Service Procurement < Define Settings for Cross Catalog Search

Next Follow the path, SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Purchase
Requisitions < Self-Service Procurement < Define number ranges for Catalog Items

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Next Follow the path, SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Purchase
Requisitions < Self-Service Procurement < Define number range for Search terms

Next Follow the path, SPRO < IMG < Materials Management < Purchasing < Purchase
Requisitions < Self-Service Procurement < Define number range for Attachments

This completes the Catalog configuration and the next step is to add catalog items in the
created catalog.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Activities on FIORI
Logon to FIORI with the user id which has BP assignment and open the application Default
Settings for Users
Enter the user id to get to the below screen:

Assign the Catalog to the user id and save.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Now in order to maintain the materials in the created catalog, open the application Manage
Catalog Items.

Click on the icon to create new catalog items:

Enter the required information i.e.

• Material
• Base UOM
• Item Description
• Material Group
• Catalog
• Item image address
• Search keywords
• Lead Time in Days
• Long text, if applicable
• Supplier
• Valid from
• Valid to

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020
• Order Unit
• Price
• Currency
• Price per unit
• Purchase Contract
• Purchase Contract Item
• Plant/Company code
• Purchase Organization
• Language
Save the entry, this will create a new catalog item.

The last step will be to create the purchase requisition for this catalog item. Open the
application for Create Purchase Requisition- employee self service.

Search for the catalog item which was created using its search keyword.

Add the item to cart & Click on view cart to display the item In cart and to enter any missing
information required to create PR.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Click on cart item to navigate to the following screen:

Note: If the value of default Purchase organization, document type, plant and purchasing group
is assigned to the user id in the Default settings for users, then the same will be auto fetched in
the PR creation screen.
Save and Return to the cart.
Click on Order to place the purchase requisition.

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations
S/4 HANA 1809

Catalog Assisted Self Service Requisitioning

Date: 26.04.2020

Important tables for Catalog:

Table Description
MMPUR_CAT_ITM Main data for catalog items
MMPUR_CAT_PRCONV Price converted to common currency
MMPUR_CAT_ITM_SRH Search terms description

Author: Shashank Pratap

Technical Consultant – S/4 HANA Supply Chain Transformations

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