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2019 - Part 2 VNU Speaking

What kind of book, Useful Vocabularies

newspaper or magazine do Motivational book: Sách truyền động
you often read? Why? Genre (n) /ˈʒɑːnrə/: Thể loại (sách,
nhạc, phim,...)
Fit in (phr. v.): Hòa nhập
Adversity (n) /ədˈvɜːsəti/: Nghịch cảnh
Nurture soul /ˈnɜːtʃə(r)/: Nuôi dưỡng
tâm hồn
Surrender (v) /səˈrendə(r)/: Đầu hàng
Circumstance (n) /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/:
Hoàn cảnh ngoài tầm kiểm soát
An optimism-oriented person: Người
có khuynh hướng lạc quan
Theoretical knowledge /ˌθɪəˈretɪkl/:
Kiến thức lý thuyết
Alchemist (n) /ˈælkəmɪst/: Nhà giả kim
Flavor of the month = Popular (adj)

Sample Answer
Main answer: I would like to talk about motivational books, the kind of book I
usually read every day. There are some reasons for this choice.
Supporting ideas: Firstly, motivational books really give me much motivation for
life and work. In fact, this genre of book always encourages its readers not to
give up efforts before difficulties. For example, Life without Limits of Nick
Vujicic has really inspired many people to know how to fit in the disability and
overcome adversities in life. Besides, these books help nurture our soul in a
positive way that we don't surrender any circumstance and try to become an
optimism-oriented person. Secondly, motivational books help us gain practical
knowledge and experience of writers. Instead of theoretical knowledge, they
contain much cumulative one from its author's own in a lively, realistic and
persuasive way. Moreover, writers share practical experience which we can apply
into our life or work. For instance, the Alchemist gives us lessons for the
entrepreneurship and passion pursuit. Finally, this kind of books is also flavor
of the month. We can find both books and e-books easily in places such as
bookstores, library or by smartphone, laptops. In addition, they're suitable for
virtually everyone like children, teenagers, students and adults.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I usually read this kind of book.

Anh Ngữ Thiên Ân

Luyện thi IELTS | VNU-EPT | TOEIC 4 Kỹ năng

Bình Thạnh | Thủ Đức | Làng Đại học Đợt Thi 21.09.2019 - Part 2 VNU Writing

Do you prefer to shop Main & Supporting ideas

in a store or online? Shop online:

1. Convenience | time | location:
Any time | day or night --> dress /
shirt / midnight / boutique / close
Any where | home | company -->
Internet connection / not travel
2. Reasonable price:
Compare from different sites |
choose the best --> hardly move
Useful Vocabularies among stores
Promotion | affordable price -->
airline tickets | special price
3. Time saving:
Not travel --> stay at home | order
| home delivery | ship
Suitable | busy people

Useful Grammar & Vocabularies

It is no doubt true that: Không có gì phải Devote to = Expend in/on = Spend on
nghi ngờ Not only ... but also: Không những mà còn
Have preference in ST: Ưu tiên điều gì đó (nhớ đảo ngữ nếu đặt "not only" đầu câu)
Web-based (adj) = Online Aforementioned (adj): Đã được nhắc đến
Pivotal (adj): Chủ chốt Evidence suggests: Bằng chứng cho thấy
Regardless of = Despite = Inspite of Home delivery: Dịch vụ giao hàng tận nhà
In a/an + adj + N: Theo 1 cách gì đó Get | Have ST V3/_ed: Có ST được làm gì đó
By way of illustration, = For example, Be proved to be: Được chứng minh là
Boutique (n): Cửa hàng quần áo Those who = Those people who
A comparison with: So sánh với Engaged on (adj) - busy
Resort to + ST | V_ing (v): Quyết định để làm gì It seems to me that: Dường như đối với tôi
Thereby + V_ing: Vì vậy ... rằng
When it comes to (idiom): Khi nói đến
In terms of (idiom): Về mặt
Economical (adj): Tiết kiệm
Virtually everyone: Hầu hết mọi người
Have taste in ST: Thích điều gì đó

Anh Ngữ Thiên Ân

Luyện thi IELTS | VNU-EPT | TOEIC 4 Kỹ năng

Bình Thạnh | Thủ Đức | Làng Đại học Đợt Thi 21.09.2019 - Part 2 VNU Writing

Do you prefer to shop in a store or online?

Sample Answer
It is no doubt true that the development of Internet makes shopping easier and
easier nowadays. We do not have to go to stores to buy clothes or necessary stuff
like in the past. I have preference in web-based shopping because this trend brings
many benefits for the buyers.
Firstly, convenience of time and location is one of the pivotal reasons why people
choose to buy online instead of at stores. Indeed, online shops always open
regardless of day or night, so we can market any time in a flexible way. By way of
illustration, we can purchase a beautiful dress or a nice shirt at midnight when
most boutiques are closed. Besides, we can buy the things we need at home or at the
company provided that we have Internet connection without spending much time
travelling to sellers in person.
Secondly, we could benefit from reasonably priced purchases when we shop on the
Internet. We can surf hundreds of sites to have a comparison with the price and
choose the best ones for ourselves. Actually, we can hardly move among stores just to
compare the price and resort to it as the only way to choose goods. In addition,
many web-based stores offer discounts regularly to attract more customers. Thereby
benefiting buyers in terms of getting an affordable price. For example, when it comes
to airline tickets, travel agencies only offer special price for clients buying through
their website. As a result, we can easily get the most economical one only if we go
shopping online.
Finally, virtually everyone who has taste in shopping can devote to less time to
possess certain items. In fact, when we buy via the Internet, not only can we
browse sellers' websites at anytime as the aforementioned advantage, we also save
time for travelling. Evidence suggests that we can stay at home to order what we
want and experience the home delivery to get purchases shipped to our houses or
company. This way is proved to be suitable for those who are engaged on their work
and life.
In conclusion, it seems to me that it is more beneficial when we buy online than go
shopping at stores. (364 words)

Anh Ngữ Thiên Ân

Luyện thi IELTS | VNU-EPT | TOEIC 4 Kỹ năng

Bình Thạnh | Thủ Đức | Làng Đại học

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