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Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Traffic flow analysis in Ahmedabad (India)

Tsutomu Tsuboia, Noriaki Yoshikawab
Global Business Development Office, Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd., 29-1 Mentoku Shinoda, Ama-shi, Aichi 490-1294, Japan
Cyber Creative Institute, 2-8-1 Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0031, Japan


In terms of traffic flow analysis, there are many research studies since 1935 when Bruce Douglas Greenshields introduced traffic flow theory with traffic density and
vehicle speed using photographic measurement methods for the first time. There are several theoretical proposals followed by Greenshields, such as Greenberg
(1959), Underwood (1961) etc. In these studies, there are several limitations like, particular expressways, time period to be measured and so on. While Greenshields’
model is not perfect, it is fairly accurate and relative simple. Therefore Greenshields’ model is widely used in the traffic flow analysis. In advanced countries Europe,
United State of America and Japan, there are several variations for their analysis and certain confidence based on Greenshields’ model. However there is quite few
traffic flow analysis in developing countries because of their difficulty for measuring traffic condition and lack of infrastructure system for road operation. The
purpose of this study is the first time to analyze actual traffic flow based on more than one month collecting traffic date in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat state India.
In order to analyze traffic data quantitatively in Ahmedabad city, we are able to collect actual traffic flow data. However the data is spread out widely which is
most unlikely in the advanced countries. After creating traffic flow with measured data such as traffic density (k) to traffic volume (q) and traffic density (k) to speed
(v), there are clear boundary line each traffic characteristic which divides from data existence area and no existence area in every traffic flow characteristics. The Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA) allows to make traffic characteristics of each roads uniquely when the theoretical traffic flow equations fit along with those Envel-
opment lines. Once the traffic flow equation is fixed, we are able to get traffic parameters such as free flow speed (vf), jam traffic density (kj) etc. In order to
understand traffic congestion, we create speed ratio which is average speed (vave) to free speed (vf) which makes generic value for comparing traffic condition among
measured roads.
As the result of DEA, we have the traffic flow equation for each road as the basic traffic flow characteristics and understand inside of those Envelopment line is
traffic congestion. And speed ratio parameter under 0.65 shows congested condition by real traffic condition monitoring. This phenomena reminds some similarity of
the parallel flat plates viscous fluids model characteristics. The flow speed ratio between average flow speed to maximum flow speed becomes two third provides
threshold between turbulent flow and viscous flow. This study is the beginning of developing country with quantitative analysis by DEA and helps the understanding
traffic flow characteristics.

1. Introduction authority and police can send their message through their controllers.
Total system implementation is shown in Fig. 1. There are four
An Indian ITS business has started since October 2014 in VMSs and fourteen CCTVs are located in new town area of the city.
Ahmedabad city of Gujarat state of India. The system consists of four Traffic data from each CCTV is transferred to cloud base control
Various Message Sign (VMS) boards and fourteen traffic count cameras server every minute as probe data. The traffic condition information is
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) along roads. The traffic flow is mon- analyzed by our traffic analysis software with traffic probe data. Then
itoring by the CCTVs and traffic congestions prediction is calculated result of traffic condition information is displayed in each VMS boards
based on this data base. After estimation of traffic condition, traffic for each location. The four VMSs have also CCTV, therefore there are
condition guide information is provided to each VMS through network. fourteen CCTVs as total in this system. The detail camera location name
Then vehicle drivers are able to understand particular traffic condition is summarized in Appendix B.
and make a decision to take another route of road to the destination.
The traffic condition is monitored by three major sources such as 2. Traffic flow theory and measurement data
traffic monitoring camera counting, taxi probe information, and Global
Positioning System (GPS) mobile phones. All data is transferred into In traffic flow analysis theory, there are several famous equations of
traffic control cloud centre, which is not necessary to prepare any traffic density (k) – speed (v) curve characteristics such as Greenshields,
control hardware centre because of cloud system. After calculation Greenburg and Underwood for example. In this paper, the most popular
traffic condition information and congested condition, a current traffic Greenshields equation is used. In Appendix C, there is case study of
is providing to VMS boards. In case of emergency condition, traffic comparison among Greenshields, Greenburg, and Underwood equation

E-mail addresses: (T. Tsuboi), (N. Yoshikawa).
Received 28 June 2018; Accepted 3 June 2019
2213-624X/ © 2019 World Conference on Transport Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Tsutomu Tsuboi and Noriaki Yoshikawa, Case Studies on Transport Policy,
T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

of traffic density.
In this paper, other cases of k–v equations such as Greenwood or
Underwood are left out but Greenshields equation is most fitted to
measurement results based on all other our measurement data. The
following section shows typical analysis result by comparing between
measurement points and theoretical curves.

2.2. Measurement result comparison

In this section, one of example of traffic measurement data is

chosen. The k– v and k– q curves of Camera #1 are shown in Fig. 3. All
measurement data are raw data measured by each traffic monitoring
camera with every minute. Total measurement points in each road are
43,200 per month (=60 min × 24 h × 30 days) and here are ten road
measurement. Therefore total measurement points are more than
400,000 in this study.
According to the measurement data of Camera #1 from Fig. 3, there
are clear boundary of each curve. It is confirmed that all other mea-
surement results are same figure. When we use Section 2.1 equations
for both characteristics curve of Fig. 3, the results is shown in Fig. 4 as
mentioned equation fit is v = (−0.078 k + 58.545).
This traffic density to speed curve shows the boundary line and
Fig. 1. ITS system implemented location in Ahmedabad. there is no measurement data above this line. So it is able to say that
this boundary line is representative of traffic flow characteristics for
each road by Data Envelopment observation Analysis method (DEA).
by using measurement data. Then we have Eq. (5) and traffic parameters vf = 54.545 and
kj = 220.
2.1. Traffic theory vf
v= 0.2749 × k + 54.545 = k + vf
kj (5)
According to traffic theory, Greenshields equation is given by Eq.
(1). When the least squares method is used for k– v characteristics, k–v
approximation equation becomes Eq. (6) as mentioned equation fit is v
k = (-0.0738 k + 38.033).
v = vf 1
kj (1) (6)
v= 0.0738 × k + 38.033

vf: free speed In case of Eq. (6) by least square method, free speed (vf) = 38.033.
kj: jam traffic density This value is too small from free speed definition. Therefore it makes
sense for defining free seed by Eq. (5) with Data Envelopment Analysis
The free speed is defined as theoretical maximum vehicle speed (DEA) method. The next section describes more detail meaning of DEA
when there is no traffic on the road. And traffic density is defined is described in the following Section 2.3. The result of characteristics
number of vehicle per kilometre of the road. analysis of each location in June 2015 is summarised in Table 1. And all
The relationship between traffic volume (q) and traffic density (k) is detail measurement data in Table 1 is shown in Appendix B as a re-
provided by Eq. (2) by traffic flow conservation law.1 ference.

q=k×v (2)
2.3. Traffic characteristics by data envelopment analysis
Therefore Eq. (3) is taken by inserting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1).
The current Indian traffic problem becomes heavy traffic jam and
k more accidents. From Table 1, the average vehicle speed at Camera #2
q = vf 1 k
kj (3) is significant lower than other location for example. Fig. 5 shows hourly
traffic volume transition and speed at Camera #2 in June 2015. The
Then Eq. (4) is taken by transforming Eq. (3).
heavy traffic jam around 8:00 pm, the traffic speed becomes lower than
vf kj 2
vf kj 20 km/h, which means very congested traffic condition.
q= k + In order to normalize comparison each traffic jam condition, the
kj 2 4 (4)
vehicle speed ratio parameter is defined as a congestion parameter,
Based on the result of Eqs. (1) and (4), theoretical k–v curve and k–q which is average speed (vave) to free speed (vf). This speed ratio shows
curve are shown in Fig. 2. The features of k – q curve is quadratic curve how traffic flow is running by comparing its current vehicle speed to
theoretical free speed. The Fig. 6 summarizes vehicle speed ratio of
each location in February and June 2015.
Under the following condition –The space distance (x) between vehicle on
It is clear difference that Camera #2 vehicle speed ratio is lower
road and (n) number vehicle run–, traffic volume (q) in time (T) is given by
than other locations. The detail traffic volume and speed graphs are
q = n/T. When the running time (ti) between (x) space distance, the traffic
density (k) during time (T) is given the following equation. shown in Appendix B. According to traffic flow theory, most of mea-
i = 1 ti surement data of q–k curve is located at shadow area in Fig. 7. The free
traffic flow area is bottom part of q–k curve; jam traffic flow area is top
Therefore q/k is provided the following equation. of q–k curve. But real measurement data of q–k curve in Camera # 2 is
(n / T) x
= n = n
=v located inside q–k curve (refer to Fig. 7). The locations of lower than
i = 1 ti i = 1 ti / n
T 0.65 of vehicle speed ratio parameter are relatively in traffic congested

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

k-v curve k-q curve
qc : critical traffic volume
vf : free speed qc
vf kc : critical traffic density
kj : jam traffic density

kj k
0 kc kj k
Fig. 2. Basic traffic flow characteristics.

K-V curve @Camera#1 (2015.6)




Speed (km/h)





Traffic density (pcu/km)

Fig. 3. Traffic measurement data results of Camera #1.

K-V curve @Camera#1 2015.6) K-Q curve driving lane @Camera#1 (2015.6)
Speed (km/h)

Traffic Volume (pcu/hr)

v = -0.2479k + 54.545
v = -0.0738k + 38.033 1000

Traffic density (pcu/km) Traffic Density (pcu/km)

Fig. 4. Traffic measurement data and Traffic equation comparison of Camera #1.

Table 1
The Result of Traffic parameters of each location.
Location Data analysis Measurement

Vf/kj kc qc vc Formula vf qave (pcu/h) v ave kave (pcu/km)

Cam#1 0.2479 110 3000 27 0.2479(k-110)^2 + 3000 54.545 1134 36 32

Cam#2 0.1556 150 3500 23 0.1556(k-150)^2 + 3500 46.667 736 26 31
Cam#3 0.2153 120 3100 26 0.2153(k-120)^2 + 3100 51.667 683 34 20
Cam#4 0.3200 100 3200 32 0.3200(k-100)^2 + 3200 64.000 887 44 21
Cam#5 0.3704 90 3000 33 −0.3704(k-90)^2 + 3000 66.667 927 46 21
Cam#6 0.2367 130 4000 31 −0.2367(k-130)^2 + 4000 61.538 1185 39 32
Cam#7 0.2361 120 3400 28 0.2361(k-120)^2 + 3400 56.667 921 39 25
Cam#8 0.3200 100 3200 32 −0.3200(k-100)'2 + 3200 64.000 766 47 18
Cam#9 0.4898 70 2400 34 −0.4898(k-70)^2 + 2400 68.571 644 47 14
Cam#10 0.3438 80 2200 28 0.3438(k-80)^2 + 2200 55.000 613 37 17
VMS#3 0.2361 120 3400 28 −0.2361(k-120)^2 + 3400 56.667 1092 41 30

Note: Formula shows traffic volume by Eq. (4).

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Traffic volume and Speed condition at Camera #2.

condition. When 8:00 pm time zone data in June 2015 is mapped with
different colour in q–k curve of Fig. 9. According to Fig. 9, the most of
traffic data is located inside boundary line, which means traffic con-
dition is under congested flow.

2.4. Traffic flow model vs viscous fluids model

It is well-known that the traffic theory generally comes from fluid

mechanism theory. In previous section, the traffic speed ratio is defined
as average speed to free speed and if it is under the critical point 0.65, a
traffic condition seems to be congested. In this section, the comparison
between the traffic flow model and the viscous fluids model with par-
Fig. 6. Traffic vehicle speed ratio.
allel flat plates for considering flow speed calculation just like traffic

Fig. 7. q–k curve at Camera #2 in June 2015.

conditions. flow analysis comes from fluid mechanism theory.

In order to identify location of lower vehicle speed parameter part In terms of viscous fluids model between parallel flat plates, there
and others, each part of data is separated into different colour in Fig. 8. are two types of flow conditions—one is viscous flow and the other is
According to Fig. 8, the area where the vehicle speed ratio is lower than turbulent flow. A critical line between viscous flow and flows turbulent
0.65, is located inside boundary area. This means traffic jam area. In is defined by the ratio of the average flow speed to the maximum flow
another words, the area near boundary line means free flow traffic area. speed between parallel float plates which shows in Fig. 10.
Therefore it is able to get the basic traffic flow parameters by using DEA The viscous flow and the turbulent flow are illustrated in Fig. 11.
method under free traffic flow conditions. This is the first time to de- According to the fluid mechanics, Eq. (7) is known in general
scribe emerging countries traffic analysis and brings basic traffic flow (verification is described in Section 2.5).
parameters by DEA method. The vehicle speed ratio of average speed to
vave 2
the free speed shows its traffic jam condition as reference. The critical = 0.66
value of speed ratio between the free flow and congested flow is 0.65
vf 3 (7)
and this value becomes some meaning which is explained in the next
(Fluids speed ratio) > 0.66: Turbulent flow
In case of traffic congested condition at Camera#2 in Jun 2015, the
(Fluids speed ratio) < 0.66: Viscous flow
congested traffic condition at 8:00 pm time zone is most congested

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

vave Turbulent flow

Viscous flow

Fig. 11. Viscous and turbulent flow between parallel flat plates.

Fig. 8. q–k Measurement data by Vehicle Speed Ratio.

Fig. 12. Example of typical Indian traffic condition.

from comparison of speed ratio. That is to say, the following relation-

ship is executed that a turbulent flow of between parallel flat plates
Fig. 9. q–k data at 8:00 pm in June 2015 at Camera #2. flow model is free traffic flow in emerging country and a viscous flow is
jam traffic flow. More detail analysis study is required in future study
but presumably the traffic condition in India looks wide spread traffic
y condition and small vehicle such as two wheelers and three wheelers
i.e. rickshaw are full filled among four wheelers. This kind of unique
traffic condition brings this kind of similarity between fluid flow theory
and traffic flow analysis. There is a typical Indian daily traffic snap shot
in Fig. 12.
vave vf h
2.5. Verification of Eq. (7)
p+ dp dx
p dx v In Fig. 11, when a small particle consist of length dx, dy and

thickness 1. The following force affect each faces of the particle, fluids

pressure (p), friction force by (τ) viscosity. An x-axis direction force of

O x, v those is as follows. A force by fluids pressure is shown in Eq. (8).
dx dp dp
pdy p+ dx dy = dxdy
h: gap distance between parallel flat plates dx dx (8)
vave: average fluids speed A force by shearing stress is shown in Eq. (9).
vf : maximum fluids speed d d
v : fluids speed dx + +
dy dx =
p : fludis presure
Both force of Eqs. (8) and (9) are balanced. Then Eq. (10) is es-
: fluids friction force tablished.
Fig. 10. Viscous fluids model between parallel flat plates. dp d
Equation 8 + Equation 9 = dxdy + dxdy = 0
dx dy (10)
Based on previous Section 2.3, the following relationship is
Then Eq. (11) is established.
d dp
(Vehicle speed ratio) > 0.65: free traffic flow =
dy dx (11)
(Vehicle speed ratio) < 0.65: jam traffic flow
This fluids flow is viscous flow, then fluids friction force (τ) becomes
Therefore there is a similarity of viscous fluids flow and traffic flow Eq. (12) by Newton’s viscosity law.

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

dv 0.800

dy (12)
0.750 Cam#8
From Eqs. (11) and (12), (13) is established.
dv 2 1 dp Cam#4
= 0.700 Cam#7
dy 2 µ dx (13)

Speed ratio in Jun

While μ is viscosity and constant, pressure incline dp/dx is equal at a Cam#9
0.650 Cam#1 Cam#3
cross section, not function of y, Eq. (13) is integrated by y twice. Then
Eq. (14) is obtained. Cam#6
1 dp 2 Improved
v= y + C1 y + C2
2µ dx (14) Congested condition
0.550 Deterioated
C1 and C2 are integration constant. According to the boundary
conditions of v = 0 at y = 0 and v = 0 at y = h, C2 = 0 and C1 = −(1/
2μ)(dp/dx)h. Then Eq. (15) is obtained by inserting C1 and C2.
0.500 0.550 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.750 0.800
1 dp Speed ratio in Feb
v= (hy y2)
2µ dx (15)
Fig. 13. Traffic condition comparison in February and June 2015.
When Eq. (15) is integrated, the flow volume (q) per unit of y di-
rection is obtained as Eq. (16).
Daytime 12 hour traffic volume
h 1 dp 3
q= vdy = h
0 12µ dx (16)

The dp/dx is incline of pressure for flow direction and is equal at a

cross section. And it has no relation value with y. Therefore flow dis- Feb Jun
tribution becomes quadratic function from Eq. (15). When flow speed is
vf at y = h/2, Eq. (17) is obtained.
1 dp 2
vf = h
8µ dx (17)

When average flow speed is defined vave, it is calculated from flow

volume (q) divided by gap distance (h) of parallel flat plates.
q 1 dp 2
vave = = h
h 12µ dx (18)

Then Eq. (19) is leaded from both Eqs. (17) and (18).
vave = vf
3 (19)

The following results are achieved, which is fluids flow speed ratio
Fig. 14. Ahmedabad City Traffic condition map.
(vave/vf) equals to 0.66 and vehicle speed ratio (vave/vf) equals to 0.65 in
Section 2.3. From this results, it is summarised that traffic jam
threshold 0.65 is similar threshold between viscous flow and turbulent side of Ahmedabad city is called “New City” and there are many in-
flow of viscous fluids model of parallel flat plates, which means traffic dustry development in this area. Therefore they have currently heavy
flow analysis based on fluid mechanics is useful in emerging country traffic jams especially in the morning and in the evening. This kind of
traffic flow analysis. This effect is presumably for only emerging traffic analysis becomes important not only for city government but also
countries traffic flow because of chaotic traffic flow behavior which is local residents too.
seen in Fig. 12. Therefore traffic speed ratio (vave/vf) in India is useful In Fig. 14, it shows comparison daytime 12 h traffic volume in
one of parameter for identifying traffic jam condition. Ahmedabad February and June at Ahmedabad city. According to Fig. 14, the total
traffic jam condition analysis is described in the next section. traffic volume at Camera #2 is relatively small volume. However the
traffic condition is congested in previous analysis. It seems that the
2.6. Traffic jam analysis environment at Camera #2 has some issues. In Ahmedabad, there is a
plan to develop new Metro service towards 2019 and the metro line will
From our Ahmedabad city traffic measurement, the comparison be located between VMS #1 and Camera #2 towards to the centre of
based on speed ratio between traffic condition in February 2015 and the city which direction goes to from left to right in Fig. 14. The metro
June 2015 is shown in Fig. 13. construction has been started and some area which is related metro
In Fig. 13, the shadow area is area of lower vehicle speed ratio 0.65, construction may have some traffic limit by this construction. Therefore
which is potential of traffic jam position. According to Fig. 13, there are it is also important to understand urban development plan in order to
four candidates—Camera #1, #2, #3 and #6, which is also recognized traffic flow analysis.
in Fig. 7. In Fig. 13, the area of above dotted line means improvement
traffic congestion in June from February and lower part is worse traffic 3. Discussions
congestion changing. Main traffic jam occurs radial portion of roads at
Camera#1, #3, and #6. In Camera#5 in radial portion, it is candidate In this study, there are more than one months traffic flow data in
of traffic jam situation but according to vehicle speed ratio, traffic runs Ahmedabad and it finds out some unique characteristics based on
relatively smooth compared to other Camera#1, #3 and #6. The west measurement data. In order to make quantitative traffic flow analysis,

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 2
The number of road lane in each location.
Location Cam#1 Cam#2 Cam#3 Cam#4 Cam#5 Cam#6 Cam#7 Cam#8 Cam#9 Cam#10 VMS#3

no. of lane 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2

the Data Envelopment Analysis is used as method and achieve traffic congestion analysis in detail, not only from the measurement data
flow characteristics by traffic flow theory. In terms of traffic flow analysis. It also can be said that traffic flow is sensitive based on several
analysis, it is necessary to have more parameters such as road size phenomenon not only urban development plan but also daily activities
(number of lanes), more actual vehicle sensing such as two wheelers such as sudden traffic accident, road works, and event such as festival.
behaviour, understanding urban development plan and comparison. There are lot of festivals in India and they cause potential traffic jam.

3.1. Road Size

4. Conclusions
In the traffic analysis, it is also important about road size such as
number of lane. In terms of the road size, table 2 shows the number of This paper describes the first traffic big data analysis in emerging
road lane in each location. The Camera #8, #9, #10 have three lanes country, which is one of main city in India. Authors have opportunity to
and others have two lanes. Because of the number of lane difference, two months traffic data in west side (New City) of Ahmedabad of
three lane road has more capacity than two lane road. Therefore it is Gujarat state. The population of Ahmedabad city is around 8 million
necessary to generalize traffic data in order to compare traffic jam and the largest city in Gujarat state.
condition. In this research, traffic flow data of each road are generalized The traffic data is gathered by fourteen traffic monitoring cameras
as one lane condition. The detail analysis of effectiveness of lane to in city, which count traffic vehicle speed, traffic density, occupancy,
traffic flow will be done in further study. vehicle length, gap, headway and so on. Each parameters are captured
every one minutes. Based on those data, authors analyze following
3.2. Two wheelers classical data format such as traffic density (k) to vehicle speed (v) (k–v
curve) and traffic volume (q) to traffic density (q) (q–k curve).
In this study, it is used traffic monitoring cameras and the cameras Authors recognize unique features of analyzed characteristics that
capture four wheelers data such as traffic density, velocity, headway or there are boundary line in every traffic curve and these boundary show
gap between vehicles, occupancy. According to transport share in India, free traffic flow condition. According traffic flow theory, measurement
two wheeler takes about 50% modal share in 2013 and it is expected data is plotted near area of curve. But results of emerging country traffic
more than 50% as Business As Usual base (refer to Fig. 15). Therefore flow analysis is different from the theory. The data is located not only
there are traffic jam condition even under not heavy the traffic density near area of curve but also inside curve. When authors use boundary
because the measurement data in this study does not cover whole line of traffic characteristics, it makes sense for get free speed value (vf)
traffic. The comparison of the phenomena between traffic flow and and jam density (kj) from k–v curve by using Greenshields formula
fluid flow and find some similarity. The typical Indian traffic is based on (v = vf(1 − k/kj)) of traffic theory. Then we are able to get q–k char-
mixed transportation flow so far and small vehicles such as two acteristics (q = −vf/kj(k–kj/2)^2 + vfkj/4). This is the first time to get
wheelers easy get into the space of four wheelers. This unique traffic emerging country traffic flow characteristics based on real measure-
flow behaviour imagines that traffic flow is more likely as fluid flow ment big data.
compared with that of advanced countries then it achieve that the flow In order to analysis for meaning of boundary in q–k characteristics,
critical level between free flow and congested flow becomes two third authors pick vehicle speed ratio which is a ratio of measurement traffic
of speed ratio of the average speed to free flow speed. average vehicle speed to free speed. When the vehicle speed ratio for
identifying traffic jam, the value of traffic congested area is under 0.65.
3.3. Urban development plan Therefore the area of vehicle speed ratio over 0.65 is relative free flow
traffic condition. When q–k characteristics is distinguished by speed
In Fig. 14, it is mentioned about the congestion at Camera #2 is ratio under 0.65 and over 0.65, the boundary area is always over 0.65
potentially caused by the Metro construction. Therefore it is necessary speed ratio, which means traffic free flow condition. After this analysis,
to understand the urban development planning in order to make traffic traffic speed ratio becomes one of key parameters for indicating traffic
jam condition. This is the second unique point in this paper.
It is well-know that traffic flow theory comes from fluid mechanics.
According to viscous fluids model between parallel flat plates, threshold
between viscous flow and turbulent flow is 0.66 (≈2/3) which is a ratio
of average fluid flow speed to maximum fluid flow speed. Based on this
relation fluid flow speed, emerging country vehicle speed ratio 0.65 is
kind of similarity of fluid flow relation. In another words, vehicle speed
ratio 0.65 is threshold between traffic free flow condition and traffic
jam flow condition. This is not adventitious because a traffic theory
comes from fluid mechanics. However it is considered that this phe-
nomena only valid under typical emerging country traffic because of
current chaotic traffic flow condition. This is the third unique point in
the paper.
Finally it is worth to continue collecting more data not only this city
but also other cities in India and or other emerging countries for
identifying emerging countries’ traffic flow analysis.
Fig. 15. Indian Traffic Modal Share.

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Acknowledgement JPMJSA1606.
Special appreciation to Mr. Kikuchi C. and Mr. Mallesh B. of Zero-
This research is a part of SATREPS (Science and Technology Sum ITS India for providing traffic data in Ahmedabad.
Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) program 2016 (ID:

Appendix A

In terms of Traffic flow analysis in emerging countries such as India, there are several studies these days. Goutham M .and Chanda B. have
proving data analysis at National Highway in Hyderabad. It shows trend of traffic condition and comparison with Indian Road standard IRC-106-
1990 but measurement points are only two Highways and volume is two days with five CCTVs. There is a study of Headway analysis by Salim A.,
Vanajakshi L. and Subramanian C. In this study, it describes traffic congestion condition by headway measurement in Chennai. But measurement
point is only one city road and four days data with one hour for each. Therefore it is limited measurement data.

Appendix B

The camera location is summarized in Table C-1.

Table C-1
The Camera Location.
No. Name Longitude Latitude

1 Cam#1 72.551851 23.003068

2 Cam#2 72.533957 23.004489
3 Cam#3 72.541823 23.008767
4 Cam#4 72.532764 23.006812
5 Cam#5 72.539645 23.016932
6 Cam#6 72.538800 23.022838
7 Cam#7 72.527752 23.025180
8 Cam#8 72.534051 23.032038
9 Cam#9 72.528715 23.029604
10 Cam#10 72.532804 23.035910
11 VMS#1 72.535150 22.995969
12 VMS#2 72.527704 23.014099
13 VMS#3 72.530080 23.020356
14 VMS#4 72.524131 23.033628

Appendix C

In this paper, we choose Greenshields equation for traffic data analysis. There are also other K-V curve equations such as Greenburg and
The appendix Fig. B-1 shows those K-V curves and measurement data. The Greenburg equation is defined by Eq. (B-1), and the Underwood
equation is defined by Eq. (B-2).

Fig. B-1. Comparison of k-v curve characteristics at Camera #1.

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

v = vc ln
k (B-1)

v = vf e k /kc
The characteristics equation result by using measurement data at Camera#1 is summarized in Table B-1. As shown in Fig. B-1, the Greenshields
fits with the measurement data well compared with other equations.

Table B-1
Comparison of K-V curve characteristics.
Type Equation

Greenshields v= 0.2479k + 54.545

Greenburg v= 27.3ln(k ) + 1471
v = 64.545exp ( k
110 )

Appendix D

The followings are k-q curve, k-v curve, traffic volume of time zone, and speed of time zone characteristics during a month of June 2015 for each
location. The data of VMS#1, VMS#2, and VMS#4 are missing because of system trouble.
Camera #1

Camera #2

Camera #3

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Camera #4

Camera #5

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Camera #6

Camera #7

T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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T. Tsuboi and N. Yoshikawa Case Studies on Transport Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

References Noriaki Yoshikawa joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

Public Corporation (currently NTT) in 1967 and engaged in
wireless cell design especially for the development of au-
Greenberg, H., 1959. An analysis of traffic flow. Operat. Res. 79–85. tomobile radio telephone system until 1991. After that, he
Underwood, R.T., 1961, Speed, Volume, and Density Relationship. Quality and Theory of joined Hitachi, contributed to product development support
Traffic Flow, Yale Bur. Highway Traffic, New Haven, Connecticut, pp. 141–188. of PHS and international standardization of IMT – 2000
(3G). Since 2001, he has been engaged in research on
technology trends such as ITS, RFID, mobile communica-
Tsutomu Tsuboi joined Hitachi from 1979 and worked as tion system, drone, connected car., development of clean
industrial motors designer until 1985, then Network pro- beacon using Bluetooth at Cyber Creative Institute. He re-
duct management of Semiconductor Div. from 1986 to ceived the Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular
1997. He was manager of Hitachi Semiconductor America Technology Group in 1977.
Inc. from 1997 to 2000. He was senior manager of Renesas
Technology from 2003 to 2010. He was senior manager of
Smart City Div. of Hitachi Ltd. from 2010 to 2012. He was
Project Director of Hamamatsu Agency for Innovation from
2012 to 2014. He is currently general manager of Global
Business Development office in Nagoya Electric Works since
2014. He is IPSJ member and IEEE senior member.


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