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Hospital Committees
Part 4
Prof (Col) Dr RN Basu
Adviser, Quality & Academics
Executive Director, AHA Kolkata

Safety committee Safety committee

• As per NABH, the hospital has a structured • Composition
patient safety programme (CQI 2) – In safety committee all stakeholders
• This safety programme is developed, pertaining to safety are represented
implemented and maintained by a
– The committee consists of:
multidisciplinary committee called safety
• Representation from management
• Major clinical departments
• Patient safety is “prevention of harm to
patients” • Hospital engineer

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Safety committee Safety officer

• Nursing superintendent/Dy Nursing • A senior level officer will be nominated
superintendent as hospital safety officer
• Radiation safety officer
• The safety officer will coordinate and
• Representative from hospital laboratory
implement hospital safety programme
• Pharmacist
• Hazardous materials manager
• The safety officer should have knowledge
• Biomedical engineer
about patient safety as well as general

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Safety committee Safety Committee

• Goals
– Maintain a safe environment and working condition for patients,
• The safety committee should meet at
personnel and visitors least quarterly
– Reduce and control environmental hazards and potential safety-
related risks in the entire hospital • The committee is required to develop
– Reduce and prevent incidents, accidents and injuries to patients,
staff and visitors hospital safety programme
– Provide education to all personnel on the risk and safety
management programme • The safety officer implements the
– Promote a culture of safety and develop the culture of reporting
in a non-punitive approach, throughout the hospital programme

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Patient safety Environment of Care

• There are basically two sources of patient • Activities that accomplishes safety from
environment of care are:
– Harm from environment of care
– Harm that may arise from delivery of health – Reduce and control the environmental
care hazards and risks
• Environment of care – Prevent accidents and injuries
– The goal of environment of care Programme is
to provide a safe, functional and effective – Maintain safe conditions for patients, staff
environment for patients, staff and visitors and visitors

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Environment of Care Environment of Care

• There are 7 areas included under the • Patient safety
Environment of Care:
– Helping to prevent slips, trips and falls
– Fire safety
– Utility Systems – Guarding against burns
– Medical Equipment – Lifting and moving patients safely
– Emergency Management – Protecting patients’ rights
– Safety
– Security
– Reporting all incidents immediately
– Hazardous Materials
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Environment of Care Environment of Care

• Security Management • Hazardous Materials and Waste
– Wear your ID badge at all times
– Be aware of the hazardous materials in your
– Call security immediately if you need help workplace
– Park in assigned areas – Request a copy of a Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) if you have questions on the hazardous
– Do not allow people in areas where they do chemicals in your area
not belong – Wear appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment before when handling hazardous
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Environment of Care Environment of care

• Emergency Preparedness • Other Disaster Plans
– Various codes are used (Not standardized)
– Civil disturbance
– Examples:
• Code Yellow Disaster – Utility alert
• Code Red Fire
• Code Blue Medical Emergency – Community hazardous materials release
• Code Grey Severe Weather – Major communicable disease response
• Code Pink Neonatal Medical Emergency
• Code Violet Radiation Spill
– Emergency plans are part of hospital safety
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Environment of Care Environment of Care

• Medical Equipment Management • ECRI Institute issues top10 technology
– All new medical equipment must be evaluated hazards warning each year. For 2013 these
by Clinical Engineering are:
– Alarm hazards
• Familiarise with the procedures for proper use of
– Medication administration errors using
infusion pumps
• Immediately remove faulty equipment from service – Unnecessary exposures and radiation burns
and tag it for repairs
from diagnostic radiology procedures
• Notify your supervisor if faulty equipment has – Patient/data mismatches in EHRs and other
caused serious harm to patients or employees health IT systems

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Environment of Care Environment of Care

– Interoperability failures with medical devices and
health IT systems • Utilities Management
– Air embolism hazards – Electricity
– Inattention to the needs of paediatric patients when
using “adult” technologies – Water
– Inadequate reprocessing of endoscopic devices and – Medical gas
surgical instruments
– Caregiver distractions from smartphones and other – Transportation system
mobile devices – HVAC
– Surgical fires

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Healthcare Delivery Process Patient Safety Solutions

• Medication management • With the growing recognition of safety
• Surgical safety problems in health care, WHO disseminates
• Laboratory safety “Solutions” for patient safety
• Radiation safety • Nine Patient Safety Solutions
• Hospital Associated Infection 1. Look-Alike, Sound-Alike Medication Names
2. Patient Identification
• Transfusion safety
3. Communication During Patient Hand-Overs
• Nursing care
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Patient Safety Solutions Hospital Safety Programs

4. Performance of correct Procedure at Correct Body • An annual safety plan will be developed by
Site the safety Committee
5. Control of Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions • The plan will be disseminated to all
6. Assuring Medication Accuracy at Transition in Care concerned
7. Avoiding Catheter and Tubing Mis-Connections • The plan will be reviewed every quarter
8. Single Use of Injection Devices • The safety officer will carry out facility safety
9. Improved Hand Hygiene to Prevent Health Care round every 4 months to identify
Associated Infection environmental deficiencies, hazards, and
unsafe practices
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Hospital Safety Programs

• A summary report of findings and status of
improvement projects will be provided to the safety
• Fire and Disaster Drills will be carried out every
quarter and deficiencies noted will be rectified
• Preventive maintenance of all life support equipment
will be done as per equipment management plan
• All incident reports and sentinel events will be
reviewed, Root Cause Analysis Done and Corrective
and Preventive actions taken


Sexual Harassment at workplace Application of the Law

• To protect women from sexual harassment • The law applies to
an Act has been promulgated by the – Women harassed in the workplace
Parliament: – Women working as domestic workers,
– Daily wagers,
• The Act is entitled: • temporary or permanent,
– The Sexual Harassment f Women at Workplace • full-time or part-time, as well as
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act No • volunteers.
14 of 2013 – The women may or may not be employed and can be of
– The Act provides for the prevention and any age.
redressal of complaints of sexual harassment – The law is only applicable to women and women only.

Other Conditions Considered as Sexual

What Sexual Harassment Includes
• Sexual harassment includes any one or more • The following circumstances also count as sexual
of the following unwelcome acts or behavior: – Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in
– Physical contact or advances employment
– A demand or request for sexual favours – Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in
– Making sexually coloured remarks – Implied or explicit threat about her present or future
– Showing pornography employment status
– Interferes with work or creates an intimidating/ hostile/
– Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non- offensive work environment
verbal conduct of sexual nature – Humiliating treatment likely to affect the woman’s
health and safety


Where the Act of Sexual Harassment Internal Complaints Committee

Can Occur
• Internal Complaints Committee
• The act of harassment can occur in the – Every employer of a workplace shall constitute a
workplace and committee for addressing the issue of sexual
– While visiting a place arising out of or – This will be done by an order in writing
during the course of employment – The committee is known as Internal Complaints
– This also includes: – The committee shall address the issue of sexual
• transportation provided by the office harassment.
– There will also be a Local Complaints Committee for
• In these circumstances also a complaint each District where complaints can be filed.
can be filed under this Act. • An aggrieved woman can file a complaint within 3 months
of the incident (or later if allowed by the committee)

Composition Composition
• The composition shall be as umder: – One member from amongst NGO, or
– A Presiding Officer • Association committed to the cause of women, or
• Shall be a women employed at a senior level at • A person familiar with the issues relating to sexual
workplace from amongst the employees
– Two or more members from amongst
employees • At least one-half of the total members so
• They should preferably be committed to the cause nominated shall be women
of women, or
• Have experience in social work, or • The Presiding Officer and other members
• Have legal knowledge shall hold office not exceeding three years

Conciliation Time Period and False Complants

• The Act provides: • The inquiry has to be completed within 90 days.
– On the request of the woman • In case of malicious complaints or false
• An option exists for settlement between the
– The Committee may take action against the
aggrieved woman and the responded
• This is done through conciliation – However, simply not being able to prove an
– However, money compensation cannot be allegation will not mean that it is a false/malicious
a basis for the settlement.


Confidentiality Prevention of Sexual Harassment

• Confidentiality and identity shall be • Preventive responsibility as per the Act
maintained of the – Employers’ responsibility
– aggrieved woman,
• To hold regular workshops/awareness
– respondent, programmes
– witnesses • Display the consequences of harassment in the
• Identity as well as other details of the workplace.
complaint cannot be published or disclosed • Every employer has a duty to provide a safe
to the public/media working environment to all employees


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