Unit 4. Nervous System. Sensory Organs of The Human Body

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Unit 4. Nervous System.

Sensory organs of the human body


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main control system of the human body?
2.What are sensory organs of the human body? What senses are they related to?
3. Look at the brain teasers below and guess the idioms.
1. enlightened 2. clever 3. unaware

o __________n- m____________ed b________________________y h________d in c____________ds


Input -  act of putting in; infusion
Nerve [nɜːv] cordlike bundles of fibers for conducting information through the body
Glia (pl.) [glī′ə] - connective tissue that surrounds and supports nerve cells
Datum [ˈdeɪ.təm ]- fact or proposition used to draw a conclusion, pl. data
Somatic [ səˈmæt.ɪk ] -portion of the nervous system that regulates voluntary movement
Sulcus [sŭl′kəs] - narrow fissures separating adjacent convolutions of the brain, pl. sulci
Brainstem [ˈbreɪnˌstɛm] - portion of the brain that connects the spinal cord to
the forebrain and cerebrum
Effector - muscle, gland, or organ capable of responding to a stimulus, especially a 
nerve impulse
Text A. Nervous System
The nervous system has three main functions: sensory input, integration of data and
Sensory –
motor output. Sensory input is when the body gathers information or data, by way
of neurons, glia and synapses. The nervous system is composed of excitable nerve
cells (neurons) and synapses that form between the neurons and connect them to
Output – centers throughout the body or to other neurons. These neurons operate on
production, yield excitation or inhibition, and although nerve cells can vary in size and location their
Inhibition– communication with one another determines their function. These nerves conduct
suppression impulses from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord. The data are then
restraint processed by way of integration of information, which occurs only in the brain.
Occur- happen, After the brain has processed the information, impulses are then conducted from the
take place, result brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands, which is called motor output. Glia cells
are found within tissues and are not excitable but help with myelination, ionic
regulation and extracellular fluid. The nervous system is comprised of two major
parts, or subdivisions, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain is
the body's "control center". The central nervous system has various centers located
within it that carry out the sensory, motor and integration of data. These centers can
be subdivided to lower centers (including the spinal cord and brain stem) and higher
Network – web, centers communicating with the brain via effectors. The peripheral nervous system
interconnection is a vast network of spinal and cranial nerves that are linked to the brain and the
arrangement spinal cord. It contains sensory receptors which help in processing changes in the
internal and external environment. This information is sent to the central nervous
Afferent – system via afferent sensory nerves. The peripheral nervous system is then
sensory subdivided into the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system. The
autonomic has involuntary control of internal organs, blood vessels, smooth and
Crevice - gap,
cardiac muscles. The somatic has voluntary control of skin, bones, joints, and
skeletal muscle. The two systems function together. The brain is found in the cranial
fissure, fracture
cavity. Within it are found the higher nerve centers responsible for coordinating the
sensory and motor systems of the body (forebrain).
Lobe – rounded
The brain stem houses the lower nerve centers (consisting of midbrain, pons, and
medulla). The medulla is the control center for respiratory, cardiovascular and
digestive functions. The pons houses the control centers for respiration and
inhibitory functions. Here it will interact with the cerebellum. The cerebrum, or top
portion of the brain, is divided by a deep crevice, called the longitudinal sulcus. The
longitudinal sulcus separates the cerebrum in to the right and left hemispheres. In the
hemispheres there are the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and the limbic system. The
two hemispheres are connected by a bundle of nerve fibers called the corpus
callosum. The right hemisphere is responsible for the left side of the body while the
opposite is true of the left hemisphere. Each of the two hemispheres are divided into
four separated lobes: the frontal in control of specialized motor control, learning,
planning and speech; parietal in control of somatic sensory functions; occipital in
control of vision; and temporal lobes which consist of hearing centers and speech.
The cerebellum is the part of the brain that is located posteriorly to the medulla
oblongata and pons. It coordinates skeletal muscles to produce smooth, graceful
motions. The cerebellum receives information from the eyes, ears, muscles, and
joints. After processing this information, the cerebellum sends motor impulses from
the brainstem to the skeletal muscles. The main function of the cerebellum is
coordination. The cerebellum is also responsible for balance and posture.
Comprehension check:

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the functions of the nervous system?
2. What are the two main parts of the nervous system?
3. What parts of the body protect the nervous system?
4. Where are nerve cells located?
5. How does the brain send and receive messages to and from the body?

III. True or false:

1. Nervous system is composed of excitable nerve cells. T/F
2. Nerves conduct impulses from sensory receptors exclusively to the brain. T/F
3. Glia cells are found within tissues and are excitable. T/F
4. Peripheral nervous system is subdivided into the autonomic nervous system and the somatic one. T/F
5. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the right side of the body. T/F

IV. Paraphrase:
1. Central nervous system has various centers located (1.) __________ within it that carry out (2.)
__________ the sensory, motor and integration (3) __________ of data.
2. Peripheral nervous system contains sensory (4.) __________ receptors which help (5.) __________ in
processing changes in the internal and external environment (6.) __________.
3. Within the brain are found (7.) __________ the higher nerve centers responsible for coordinating (8.)
__________ the sensory and motor systems of the body.
4. Occipital lobe controls vision (9.) __________ and temporal lobes control hearing (10.) __________
centers and speech.

V. Find in the text the definition for the words below:

1. Sensory input - ________________________________________________________________________

2. Motor output - ________________________________________________________________________
3. Medala - _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Pons - _______________________________________________________________________________
5. Cerebellum - __________________________________________________________________________

VI. Complete the table:

Singular Plural
----------------------------------------------------------- Glia

VII. 1. Examine the diagram below. 2.What are the 6 main parts of the brain?

3.Fill in the gaps with the names of brain regions according to the functions they perform:
1.______________ Lobe
 Attention and concentration 3.______________ Lobe
 Speaking (expressive 2. Cerebellum  Memory
language)  Balance & Coordination  Understanding language
 Personality  Skilled Motor Activity (receptive language)
 Mental flexibility  Visual Perception  Sequencing
 Emotions  Hearing
 Problem solving  Organization
 Judgment

5._______________Stem 6. Parietal Lobe

4.__________________ Lobe  Sense of touch
 Breathing
 Vision  Spatial perception
 Arousal and consciousness
 Attention and concentration  Differentiation
 Heart rate (identification) of size,
 Sleep and wake cycles shapes, and colours
 Visual perception

VIII. Consult the dictionary. Find the meaning of the words below:

1. Brainwash a. sudden bright idea

2. Braincase b. clever, intelligent
3. Brainy c. theory, invention thought up by a particular person
4. Brainless d. putting great (psychological) pressure on sb.
5. Brainchild e. stupid or foolish person
6. Brainwave f. part of the skull that encloses the brain

Written production:
IX. Write an article entitled:
Building Better Mental health
(100-150 words)
___________________________________________________________________________________ .
Video material. Anatomy of the human ear

I. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the three parts of the ear?
2. What is hearing? What part of the brain is responsible for hearing?


Inner [ ˈɪnə(r) ] - located or occurring farther inside; inlying, internal, interior

Loose [ luːs ] - not tight or bound
Strike [ straɪk ] - to produce by friction or a blow; hit, drive, collide with
Sheer [ ʃɪər ] - deviate, swerve
Wrap [ ræp ] - to cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something
Split [ splɪt ] - break up, divide, separate
Projection [ prəˈdʒek.ʃən ] - protrusion, protuberance, bulge

II. True false:
1.The outer ear consists of the pinna, which serves as protection for the delicate inner parts of the ear. T/F
2.The ear canal collects sound and directs it towards the eardrum. T/F
3.The middle ear is an air-filled cavity located in the sphenoid area of the skull. T/F
4. Eardrum (the tympanic membrane) has a very rich blood supply. T/F
5. The middle ear contains two small bones known as the ossicles. T/F
6. The bones of the middle ear are called the malleus (the hammer), the incus (the anvil), and the stapes (the
stirrup). T/F
7. The inner ear has two distinct portions the vestibular portion and the auditory one. T/F
8. The vestibular portion of inner ear is concerned with balance. T/F
9. The auditory portion (the cochlea) is concerned with listening. T/F
10. The tympanic membrane vibrates in response to sound. T/F
III. Paraphrase the underlined words:
1. The (1.) shape _________of the pinna helps (2.) detect where sounds are coming from above or
below the ear.
2. Sound waves (3.) enter __________ the ear canal and (4.) strike __________ the tympanic membrane,
(5.) setting __________ it in motion.
3. The ossicles (6.) are connected __________ in a chain (7.) across __________ the middle ear.
4. The malleus (8.) is attached __________ to the tympanic membrane.
5. The vestibular (9.) portion __________ is made up of three semi-circular (10.) canals __________.

IV. Match the medical terms with their lay forms:

Medical term Lay term
Malleus Eardrum
Tympanic membrane Stirrup
Incus Hearing
Stapes Anvil
Cochlear (auditory) Hammer

V. Derivatives:
Each ear canal has a 1.(swell, swelling, sweling) __________ at one end, the ampulla and two 2.
(membranous, membrane, membraining) __________ sacs (the utricle and the saccule). These 3.(contain,
contains, containing) __________ fluid and sensory cells 4.(which, wich, whitch) __________ move in
response 5. (by, to, with) __________ head movements and travel to indicate the 6.(bodys' ,body's, bodys's)
__________ status. The vestibular system 7.(worked, works, work) __________ in conjunction 8.(to, with,
for) __________ the eyes and the receptor cells in the 9.(joints, joined, joining) __________ of the body to
10.(continuous, continuously, continuouslly) __________ maintain our balance.

VI. Find the correct variant:

1.The cochlear appears as a coiled tube in the shape of a 1.__________ .(spiral, snail shell, corkscrew)
2.It is wrapped around the acoustic portion of the 2. __________. (auditory nerve, hearing nerve, cochlear
3. When sound energy is transferred to the cochlea, the basilar membrane vibrates 3. __________ (up and
down, forward and back, side to side)
4.This shearing action causes the stereocilia to open the ion gates leading to chemical changes and a
resulting electrical charge inside their 4. __________ (cells. units, sections)
5.These charges make a neural impulse which travels along the auditory nerve to the 5.
__________(encephalon, brain, cerebellum)

VII. Consult the dictionary. Find the meaning of the idioms below:

Idiom Meaning
1. all ears a. without any influence or effect
2. coming out of (one's) ears b. deeply involved or occupied fully
3. in one ear and out the other c. to improvise
4. up to (one's) ears d. overabundant
5. play it by ear e. acutely attentive
VIII. Write a report on the following topic:
Importance of regular hearing screening
(100-150 words)
___________________________________________________________________________________ .
I. Answer the following questions?
1.What is vision?
2. What is the colour of your eyes? (Blue Eyes, Grey Eyes, Green Eyes, Brown Eyes, Hazel Eyes)
3. What is visual acuity test? Why is important to do regular eye checks?

Rod - elongated cylindrical cells in the retina of the eye which are sensitive to dim light

Whitish [ ˈwaɪ.tɪʃ ] - somewhat white
Conjunctiva [ ˌkɒn.dʒʌŋkˈtaɪ.və ] - mucous membrane that lines the inner
 surface of the eyelid
Lens -  transparent, biconvex structure in the eye that focuses light rays entering
 through the pupil  to form an image on the retina.
Photoreceptor - nerve ending, cell, or group of cells specialized to sense 
or receive light
Sphincter [ ˈsfɪŋk.tər ] - ring like muscle that maintains constriction  of a body  passage
 or orifice and that relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning

Vitreous [ ˈvɪt.ri.əs ] - relating to or resembling or derived from or containing glass

Text B. Human eye


The human eye is a sense  organ that reacts to light and

Depth- deepness, allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina allow conscious light perception and
extent vision including colour differentiation and the perception of depth. The human eye
awareness, sense,
can differentiate between about 10 million colours and is possibly capable of detecting a single photon. The
eye is part of the sensory nervous system. There are two eyes, situated on the left and the right of the face.
They sit in two bony cavities called the orbits, which are present in the skull. Six extraocular muscles attach
directly to the eyes to assist with movement. The front visible part of the eye is made up of the
whitish sclera, a coloured iris, and the pupil. A thin layer called the conjunctiva sits on top of this. The front
part is also called the anterior segment of the eye.

The eye is not shaped like a perfect sphere, rather it is a fused two-piece unit, composed of an anterior
(front) segment and the posterior (back) segment. The anterior segment is made up of the cornea, iris and
lens. The cornea is transparent and more curved, and is linked to the larger posterior segment, composed of
the vitreous, retina, choroid and the outer white shell called the sclera. The cornea is typically about
11.5 mm (0.3 in) in diameter, and 0.5 mm (500 μm) in thickness near its centre. The posterior chamber
constitutes the remaining five-sixths; its diameter is typically about 24 mm. The cornea and sclera are
connected by an area termed the limbus. The iris is the pigmented circular structure concentrically
surrounding the centre of the eye, the pupil, which appears to be black. The size of the pupil, which controls
the amount of light entering the adjusted by the iris' dilator and sphincter muscles. Light energy enters the
eye through the cornea, through the pupil and then through the lens. The lens shape is changed for near
focus (accommodation) and is controlled by the ciliary muscle. Photons of light falling on the light-sensitive
cells of the retina (photoreceptor cones and rods) are converted into electrical signals that are transmitted to
the brain by the optic nerve and interpreted as sight and vision.

Comprehension check:
II. True False:

1. Human eye is a sense  organ that allows vision. T/F

2. Human eye can differentiate between 100 colours. T/F
3. There are three extraocular muscles attached directly to the eyes. T/F
4. The eye is shaped like a perfect sphere. T/F
5. Cornea and sclera are connected by an area termed limbus. T/F

III. Paraphrase the underlined words:

1.The iris is the pigmented (1.) __________ circular structure concentrically surrounding (2.)
__________the centre of the eye.
2. Light energy enters (3.) __________ the eye through the cornea, pupil and lens.
3. The lens shape is changed (4.) __________ for near focus (5.) __________ and is controlled by the ciliary
4. Photons of light falling on (6.) __________ the light-sensitive cells are converted (7.) __________ into
electrical signals (8.) __________ that are transmitted (9.) __________ to the brain by the optic nerve and
interpreted as sight (10.) __________.
IV. Consult the dictionary. Find the meaning of the words and phrases below:

1. All eyes a. to look at someone without  embarrassment
2. An eye for an eye  b. to watch carefully
3. Have eyes for  c. retributive or vengeful justice
4. Look someone in the eye d. acutely vigilant or observant 
5. To eye e. to be interested in

V. Consult the dictionary. Find the word family for ‘eye’:





VI. Match the terms related to the human eye with their functions:

How the Eyes Work  How the Eyes Work 

Name Function
Lens contains cells that detect light

Retina opening to the inner eye

Ciliary muscle controls the size of the pupil

Optic nerve focuses image of object

Pupil controls shape of lens

Cornea transmits information to brain

Iris outermost transparent layer of eye/ begins focusing process

Written production:
VII. Write an article entitled:
Eye nutrition- Good foods for eye health

(100-150 words)
____________________________________________________________________________ .

Teacher guide:

Text A. Nervous System

Ex. 3
1 T, 2- (correct and spinal cord), 3- (are not excitable), 4. T, 5- (correct left side)
Ex. 6
1.Lobe- lobes, 2. Sulcus- sulci, 3. Datum- data, 4. Synopsis- Synopses, 5. Crevice- crevices

1Frontal lobe, 2. Cerebellum, 3. temporal lobe, 4. Occipital lobe, 5. Brain stem, 6. Parietal lobe
Video material. Anatomy of the human ear
Ex. 2
1. T, 2.-T, 3., - (temporal), 4. T, 5, -(3), 6.- T, 7.- T, 8.- T, 9.- (hearing), 10.- T
1.Malleus- hammer, 3. incus-anvil, 4. Stapes-stirrup, 5. Cochlear- hearing
1- snail shell, 2- auditory nerve, 3- up and down, 4- cells, 5-brain
Ex. 7
1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5- c
Text B. EYE

1-T, 2- (10 million), 3- (six muscles), 4- (not perfect), 5-T

1. Cornea. Outermost transparent layer of eye. Begins focusing process.
2. Pupil. Opening to the inner eye.
3. Iris. Controls size of pupil.
4. Lens. Focuses image of object (on retina).
5. Retina. Contains cells that detect light.
6. Ciliary muscle. Controls shape of the eye.
7. Optic Nerve. Transmits information to the brain.
Just in case

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