MODULE 4 Bottom Line

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1. Why is there a need to preserve the traditional Filipino or indigenous games?

Our traditional Filipino games carry numerous values of diversity, inclusion, harmony,
and mostly, cultural awareness. These traditional games reflect our cultural diversity
and even foster mutual understanding among communities not only in our country but
around the world. Due to demographic and societal changes, many traditional games
probably have disappeared in time. Therefore, preserving the information and
knowledge about indigenous games is important for the next generations to come. It is
very important that the knowledge remains in the public realm and is readily accessible
by everyone. This is one of the ways in protecting our sense of who we are as a
Filipino. It gives us a certain connection to the past – the social values, beliefs,
traditions, that allow us to classify ourselves with other people and intensify our sense
of unity, belonging, and state pride.

2. What can the government or schools do to preserve the Filipino traditional games?

The first step in safeguarding our indigenous games is to assess and identify the legacy
to raise awareness today and for the generations to follow. Our government can create
to renew the interest in these games, to bring new light, and make it an active form of
living inheritance. The collaboration among local communities, public and private
institutions, the government, national stakeholders shall contribute to ensuring the
preservation and knowledge is transmitted to the young generation. This can be done in
the form of education on all levels of institutions in our country or holding a national or
local event of ‘palaro’ involving our traditional games. As we all take the lead role in
preserving our cultural heritage in whatever form we could, we would not just be able to
uphold understanding on the following generations but we would also be able to
demonstrate respect for other cultures included within the homegrown games we

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