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Unit of inquiry planner

(Primary years)

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2019

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® |
Grade/Year PYPII Collaborative teaching team: Amna Ismat , Naila Zeeshan, Sundas Usman, Sana Amin, Joel Sajid , Hamid Raza, Adeel Billiam, Lisa Arsalan, Afshan
level: Aroosh

Date: 8th February- 19th Timeline: (continued investigation, revisiting once, 5 weeks
March or numerous times, discrete beginning and ending,
investigating in parallel with others)

Transdisciplinary theme: Where we are in place and time

An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations,
from local and global perspectives.

Central idea:

Lines of inquiry
Variability of physical geography around the world (Landforms, names only with simplest description)

o Exploring landforms with simple description

o Knowing about the continents and the physical geography

o Understanding about cardinal directions.

The relationship between location and settlement

o Introduction to word settlements and progression of settlements over the time

o Exploring different types of dwellings and their relation to the location

Challenges faced by settlers

o Exploring natural disasters

o Investigating about different factors affecting settlements

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o Physical and natural challenges faced by settlers

Key concepts Related concepts Learner profile attributes

Form: Science: ● Inquirer

Types of landforms Resources: by exploring different types of materials used in construction Learners acquire inquirer attribute by observing and reading globe &
and their textures. Suitable natural resources for building settlements. Flora map and inquiring about the form and structure of different landforms
Types of dwellings
and fauna of different landforms.
Interdependence: how the construction materials are being used to build a
While formulating and responding to different tasks during the whole
Progression of the settlements over the time house and how different plants and animals are surviving in different
central idea.
Structure: by observing the texture of the materials and types of houses ● Communicator
Relationship between location and settlements.
Social Studies: geography, impact, location, resources and progress: Becoming communicator by sharing their knowledge about dwellings
Causation: and their connection to landforms through paragraph writing, reading,
By inquiring about different landforms and the types of dwelling related to and listening through discussion.
Challenges of settlers them.
● Reflective
By exploring the progression in materials used in building houses
Learners build their own settlements to show their understanding of the
Exploring flora and fauna of various landforms. landforms and settlements.
Art: Creativity and form ● Knowledgeable
● Making models of settlements and different landforms Knowing about oceans and continents and differennt landforms
English Language Arts: While learning about the types of dwellings and the factors that affect the
location of a settlement
Grammar: using accurate forms of verb while describing landforms,
dwellings and resources punctuation, present / past tense and parts of
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Visual text: by watching slides and videos related to settlements

. Drama: Expression,positioning, cooperation

● Mime presentation on the progression of settlements

Music: rhythm, melody, pitch

Exploring music and tunes of different regions related to


Math: pattern, shape, measurement, property, number,


● Learning about directions and time

● Multiplication 2 digit with 1 digit

● 2D shapes and patterns

● Position on grids


Safety : Keeping safety measures in mind while building


Change: Progression of settlement over past

Rights: Ethics of dwellings in Islam

Approaches to learning
● Communication skills

Developing communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) by attending to visual information, reading different texts, writing paragraph/sentences and taking part in discussions.

● Research skills

Developing research skills by exploring different types of materials used in building houses, flora and fauna of different landforms.

● Social skills

Developing social skills by working in groups.

● Self-management skills

Enhancement of self-management skills by building their own settlements

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Task I

● Learners are shown or provided with the pictures of animals (polar bear, markhor, camel and fish) divided in 4 puzzle pieces. Each learner asks to choose a piece and join the other 3 learners having
pieces of the same puzzle image. They are asked to guess the landform on which these animals are found abundantly. Later they are provided with the materials to build their settlements according to
their guessed landform along with the house of their animal. (Desert, Mountains, Lake & glacier/ north pole (snowy area).

Task 1A: Learners search the details about their settlement and jot down the information

Differentiated Task: Describe their settlement in 4-5 sentences

Task II B: Finally, they share how to overcome a natural disaster to save his/her settlement (e.g lakes--- flood, Desert ---sandstorms Mountains --- Land Sliding Glacier --- melting of glacier) in 2-3sentences

Differentiated Task: They share about natural disasters affecting their settlement.

Learner Profile: Thinker, Reflective & Knowledgeable

Subject Focus: English Language Arts, Social studies, Science and Art.

Time Duration:135 minutes

Assessment Criteria:

Thinkin Criteria Exceeding Approaching Emergent

g skills
Concept Clarity Accurate identification of Accurate identification of Proper identification of the
& landform through animal, landform along with less (1- landform through animal, unable to
● Identification of landform
use of relevant material & 2) selection of appropriate choose the suitable materials and
through the provided/ shown
Self- selection of suitable type of material according to the build a house
Mana house settlement
gemen ● Selection of material
t Skills
● Building of a house
Group Dynamic All members contribute A few members do not Inappropriate coordination among
equally and appropriately contribute appropriately and group members was evident
one or two members
contribute more than others.

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Time Management Complete the task in allotted Take a few extra minutes to Unable to complete the task at time.
time complete the task

Writin Appropriate content Appropriate content Most of the content is Inappropriate content and limited
g skills according to assigned task. appropriate understanding towards assigned
✔ Appropriate description of task.
natural scenery of landform
and its settlement

✔ Structure of house

✔ Usage of material

Vocabulary & spellings Appropriate use of Mostly use appropriate Needs to improve vocabulary &
vocabulary with correct vocabulary but with spelling spellings.
spellings errors

Sentence Structure Correct use of basic tenses Partially correct use of basic Minimally correct use of basic
and accurate word order tenses and accurate word tenses and accurate word order
● Word order order
(has/have/present verb) (has/have/present verb)
Subject verb agreement (has/have/present verb)

Grammar Appropriate use of Proper grammar, but suffers Inappropriate use of grammar
grammatical skills from a number of mistakes.
● Describing words

● punctuation(full stop, comma,

capital letter)

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Prompts: Overview
Trans disciplinary theme Central idea Lines of inquiry Key concepts
Which parts of the trans disciplinary theme will the unit of Does the central idea invite inquiry and support What teacher questions and provocations will Do the key concepts focus the direction of the
inquiry focus on? students’ conceptual understandings of the trans inform the lines of inquiry? inquiry and provide opportunities to make
An inquiry into the disciplinary theme? connections across, between and beyond
The Earth’s physical geography helps to explore the
orientation in place and time The Earth’s physical geography helps to explore the factors of various human settlements
factors of various human settlements. Form:
● how settlements have developed over the passage ● What do you think are landforms?
of time ✔ Inquire about Ethics of dwellings in Islam, Types of landforms
direction of Kaaba (PSE) ● Have you seen various types of land? If yes, then
homes Types of dwellings
tell where have you observed a different type of
● Different types of dwellings according to ✔ Texture and types of construction materials, Change:
landforms flora and fauna of landforms (Science)
● Do you know what physical geography is? Progression of the settlements over the time
relationships between and the interconnectedness of ✔ Progression in settlements with the passage
settlement and location • How can you relate some examples with physical Connection:
of time (Social Studies)
How materials of buildings / houses are selected Relationship between location and settlements.
✔ model making of settlements (Art) • In what ways humans modified the physical geography of
according to landforms
Factors affecting the location of settlement ✔ Short skits showing the progression of
• Briefly describe the role of physical geography in a Challenges
changing world.
✔ Tunes and music related to different
• What is the purpose of human geography?
regions (Music) Describing scenes,
comprehensions, paragraph and story • What are some examples of geographical features?
• Elaborate the role of physical geography in a changing
✔ Multiplication, time, shapes, patterns &
position (Mathematics) The relationship between location and settlement

• Name some major types of landforms.

• Which landform is surrounded by water?

• Consider yourself as a geographer, which landform

would you develop and how it will benefit others?

• If you are asked to be a settler, which landform would

you prefer and why?

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• Which landforms are higher than the land around them?

• Suggest some ways for the betterment/improvement in


Challenges faced by settlers

• Discuss some ways for a settler to create a settlement?

• Why is settlement important in geography?

• Explain some factors that affect location of settlements?

• How do settlements change over time?

• Why do people become settlers?

• Think critically & share what problems/ difficulties

settlers would face and how to overcome their situations?

• How is it possible for someone to be a settler? Come up

with our own explanation.

• Summarize some impacts humans have on the


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Related concepts Learner profile attributes Approaches to learning Action
Do the related concepts provide a lens for conceptual What opportunities will there be to develop, What authentic opportunities are there for What opportunities are there for building on prio
understandings within a specific subject? demonstrate and reinforce the learner profile? students to develop and demonstrate approaches learning to support potential student-initiated
to learning? action?
Science: ● Inquirer

Resources: by exploring flora and fauna of various landforms Learners acquire inquirer attribute by observing the Task I
and different types of materials used in construction and their form and structure of different landforms ● Communication skills ● Learners are provided with the pictures of
Thinker Developing communication skills (listening, animals (polar bear, markhor, camel and fish
Interdependence: how the construction materials are being
speaking, reading and writing) by attending to divided in 4 puzzle pieces. Each learner asks t
used to build a house While formulating and responding different tasks
visual information, reading different texts, writing choose a piece and join the other 3 learners
Structure: by observing the texture of the materials. paragraph/sentences and taking part in discussions.
● Communicator having pieces of same puzzle image. They are
Social Studies: geography, impact, location, resources and asked to guess the landform on which these
Becoming communicator by sharing their knowledge ● Research skills
about dwellings and their connection to landforms animals are found abundantly. Later they are
By inquiring about different landforms and the types of Developing research skills by exploring different provided with the materials to build their
through paragraph writing, reading, and listening
dwelling related to them. types of materials used in building houses.
through discussion. settlements according to their guessed
By exploring the progression in materials used in building ● Social skills landform along with the house of their anima
● Reflective
houses (Desert, Mountains, Lake & glacier/ north pol
Developing social skills by working in groups and
Learners build their own settlements to show their (snowy area).
Art: Creativity and form pairs.
understanding of the landforms and settlements.
● making models of settlements and different landforms ● Self-management skills
● Knowledgeable
English Language Arts: Task I1A: Describe their settlement in a paragraph of 4
While learning about the types of dwellings and the Enhancement of self-management skills by
50 words
Grammar: using accurate forms of verb while describing factors that affect the location of a settlement building their own settlements
landforms, dwellings and resources punctuation, present / past Task II B: How will you overcome a natural disaster to
tense and parts of speech save your settlement (e.g lakes--- flood, Desert ---
sandstorms Mountains --- Land Sliding Glacier --- melti
Visual text: by watching slides and videos related to
settlements of glacier) 2-3sentences

. Drama: Expression,positioning, cooperation

Learner Profile: Thinker & Knowledgeable
● Mime presentation on the progression of settlements
Subject Focus: English Language Arts, Social studies a
Music: rhythm, melody, pitch Art.
Exploring music and tunes of different regions related Time Duration:80 minutes
to landforms

Math: pattern, shape, measurement, property,

number, symbol, position

● Learning about directions and time

● Multiplication 2 digit with 1 digit

● 2D shapes and patterns PYP | Unit of inquiry planner (Primary years) | Page 9
Initial reflections
The planned central idea and lines of inquiry shall provide learners opportunities to:

● enhance their knowledge of landforms.

● develop real life connections with the settlements and location.

● enhance communication skills for logical discussion.

● Watch a movie to enhance understanding about the geographical factors affecting types of dwellings.

● enhance written expressions by writing sentences/ paragraphs/ describing scenes & places, getting new vocabulary words related to central idea

● develop observational skills using visuals and videos to gather and record information

Prior learning
✔ Learners conduct Gallery walk in order to observe landforms, types of houses and disasters (realia / images). They are asked to identify any 8. Later, they develop two questions regarding lines of inquiry independently.


Criteria Excellent Good Needs Improvement

Identification of images/landform accurately 8/8 6-7/8 5 or less

Question as per selected image/ realia

Sentence structure

(word order)

Use of punctuation marks

( question mark, capitalization)

Connections: Trans disciplinary and past

Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the programme of inquiry

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● Build on their prior knowledge about different landforms, flora and fauna of landforms and types of houses

What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of inquiry?

● By making connections of the knowledge of the UOI with real life situations and taking individual actions accordingly.

What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual understandings to support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects?

● To learn about the revolution in the settlements over the time passage, different types of houses and materials used in construction, investigating further about the factors affecting location of a settlement.

How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local and global challenges and opportunities?

● Helps to understand that dwellings have evolved over time and are a necessity for the survival of human life against the challenges like climatic conditions, natural disasters and resources.

Learning goals and success criteria

What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do?

● Develop observational skills by using their senses.

● Arts can interpret knowledge in terms of types settlements

● Increase awareness about change settlement patterns over the passage of time.

● Develop an understanding towards cardinal directions by using grids

● Exploring flora and fauna of different landforms.

● Attend to visual information i.e. video to Get familiar and understand the advancements in dwellings with the passage of time

● Understand that text is used to convey meaning in different ways and writing can be structured in the form of comprehension focusing on skimming and scanning.

● Show understanding that writing can be structured in a paragraph and arts to interpret knowledge about different types of houses according to landforms

● Get familiar with the digital and analogue clocks

● Learning to read time by half past and quarter past

● Understand the use of different types of materials in building a house.

● Show an understanding that grammatical concepts can be enhanced by using text and for the purpose of writing

● Understand that the Islam has proposed different ethics for the dwellings

● Show an understanding that writing can be structured in different ways i-e enhancement of vocabulary sentence making

How are learning goals and success criteria co constructed between teachers and students?

● Bring images of different landforms and settlements

● Suggest variety of scenes for descriptions and topics for paragraph writings related to each LOI.

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Teacher questions
● What do you know about landforms?

• Have you ever seen different types of land? If yes then where?

• Which landforms are surrounded by water?

• Consider yourself as a geographer, which landform would you want to study? why?

● Have you ever considered making a map of your house?

● Why do we use maps?

● On a picture of Earth what does white part show?

● In your opinion why is the globe round and the map flat?

● Why don't the people living on poles fall in space?

● Why do we use directions?

● Have you ever used a compass before?

● Can you tell before watches were invented how people measured time?

• Name some of the continents on Earth?

• If you are to build your own settlement what type of landform will you choose?

● In your opinion, what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?

● Think about an Igloo, do you think igloos can freeze us?

● Have you ever seen a different type of house other than cement house?

● On your way to school, which type of building do you see?

● Can people live alone or in isolation?

● Why do we build cities and villages?

● If you were to live in a mud house and it starts to rain? How will you save your house?

● Can an Igloo survive in the desert?

● Which animals and plants are common in the desert?

• What do you think is settlement important?

• What are some factors that affect the location of settlements?

• Why do people build settlements?

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● In Venice, why don't buildings drown?

• Do you know about some impacts humans have on the environment?

• Can you tell a few factors important for the location of a settlement?

● In your opinion, what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?

Student questions
● Do landforms grow?

● I wonder how many landforms there are.

● Are landforms everywhere?

● Is a landform surrounded by water?

● Can landforms form in water?

● Why do landforms come in different shapes?

● Why do we need a map?

● Are there really treasure maps in the world?

● How are maps made?

● Who are geographers?

● What do we need for geography?

● How is geography used in everyday life?

● What is physical geography?

● Where is Pakistan located geographically?

● How many continents are there?

● What are continents?

● How many landforms are in Pakistan?

● What are the different types of landforms?

● How are plains formed?

● Which landforms are flat on earth?

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● What are water landforms?

● Who are settlers?

● What is settlement?

● How is settlement important?

● What is the difference between challenge and difficulty?

● What is a settlement area?

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Prompts: Reflecting and planning
Initial reflections Prior learning Connections: Trans disciplinary
How can our initial reflections inform all learning and teaching in this How are we assessing students’ prior knowledge, conceptual
and past
unit of inquiry? understandings and skills? Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the
The planned central idea and lines of inquiry shall provide learners ✔ Learners conduct Gallery walk in order to observe landforms, types of programme of inquiry
opportunities to: houses and disasters (realia / images). They are provided with checklist to ● Build on their prior knowledge about different landforms, flora and faun
identify any 8. Later, they develop two questions regarding lines of inquiry
● enhance their knowledge of landforms of landforms and types of houses
What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of
● develop real life connections with the settlements and Criteria:
● By making connections of the knowledge of the UOI with real life
● enhance communication skills for logical discussion Criteria: situations and take individual actions accordingly

● Watch a movie to enhance understanding about the Criteria Excellent Good Needs What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual
geographical factors affecting types of dwellings. Improvement understandings to support the transfer of learning across, between and
beyond subjects?
● enhance written expressions by writing sentences/ Identification of
images accurately ● To learn about the revolution in the settlements over the time passage,
paragraphs/ describing scenes & places, getting new different types of houses and materials used in construction, investigatin
vocabulary words related to central idea further about the factors affecting location of a settlement.
Question as per
● develop observational skills using visuals and videos to selected image How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local and
gather and record information Sentence global challenges and opportunities?
Helps to understand that dwellings have evolved over time and are necessary
(word order) for the survival of human life against the challenges like climatic conditions,
natural disasters and resources.
Use of

( question mark,

How are we using data and evidence of prior learning to inform planning?

● We are using this data during the collaboration meeting and we

can modify the learning engagement according to the level of the

How does our planning embrace student language profiles?

● Encourage learners to read books related to different types of

houses. Learners develop “wh” questions after exploring
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different books consisting of pictures of houses.

Their writing and presentation skills enhance while they present their work.

Learning goals and Teacher questions Student questions

success criteria What teacher questions and provocations will inform the lines of inquiry? What student questions, prior knowledge, existing theories, experiences and
What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do? interests will inform the lines of inquiry?
• What do you know about landforms?
● Develop observational skills by using their senses. ● Do landforms grow?
• Have you ever seen different types of lands? If yes then where?
● Arts can interpret knowledge in terms of types settlements ● I wonder how many landforms there are.
• Which landforms are surrounded by water?
● Increase awareness about change settlements pattern over the passage ● Are landforms everywhere?
• Consider yourself as a geographer, which landform would you want to
of time.
study? why?
● Is a landform surrounded by water?
● Develop an understanding towards cardinal directions by using grids
● Have you ever considered making a map of your house?
● Attend to visual information i.e. video to Get familiar and understand ● Can landforms form in water?
● Why do we use maps?
the advancements in dwellings with the passage of time
● Why do landforms come in different shapes?
● On a picture of Earth what does white part show?
● Understand that text is used to convey meaning in different ways and
writing can be structured in the form of comprehension focusing on ● In your opinion why is the globe round and the map flat? ● Why do we need map?
skimming and scanning.
● Why don't the people living on poles fall in space? ● Are there really treasure maps in the world?
● Show understanding that writing can be structured in a paragraph and
arts to interpret knowledge about different types of houses according to ● Why do we use directions? ● How are maps made?
landforms Have you ever used a compass before?
● ● Who are geographers?
● Get familiar with the digital and analogue clocks ● Can you tell before watches were invented how people measured time? ● What do we need geography?
● Learning to read time by half past and quarter past • Name some of the continents on Earth?
● How is geography used in everyday life?
● Understand the use of different types of materials in building a house. • If you are to build your own settlement what type of landform will you
choose? ● What is physical geography?
● Show an understanding that grammatical concepts can be enhanced by
using text and for the propose of writing ● In your opinion, what are the materials that are necessary to build a house? ● Where is Pakistan located geographically?
● Understand that the Islam has proposed different ethics for the Think about an Igloo, do you think igloos can freeze us?
● ● How many continents are there?
● Have you ever seen a different type of house other than cement house? ● What are continents?
● Show an understanding that writing can be structured in different ways
i-e enhancement of vocabulary sentence making ● On your way to school, which type of building do you see?
● How many landforms are in Pakistan?
How are learning goals and success criteria co constructed between ● Can people live alone or in isolation?
● What are the different types of landforms?
teachers and students?
● Why do we build cities and villages?

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● Bring images of different landforms and settlements ● If you were to live in a mud house and it starts to rain? How will you save ● How are plains formed?
your house?
● Suggest a variety of scenes for descriptions and topics for ● Which landforms are flat on earth?
● Can an Igloo survive in the desert?
paragraph writings related to each LOI.
● What are water landforms?
• What do you think is important?
• What are some factors that affect the location of settlements? ● Who are settlers?

• Why do people build settlements? ● What is settlement?

● In Venice, why don't buildings drown? ● How settlement is important?

• Do you know about some impacts humans have on the environment? ● What is the difference between challenge and difficulty?
• Can you tell a few factors important for the location of a settlement? What is a settlement area?
In your opinion, what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?

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Unit of inquiry and/or subject specific inquiry (inside/outside programme of inquiry)
Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea: Theme: Where we are in place and time

Central idea:

Collaborative teaching team: Amna Ismat , Naila Zeeshan, Sundas Usman, Sana Amin, Joel Sajid , Hamid Raza, Adeel Billiam, Lisa Arsalan, Grade/Year level: PYPII Date:
Afshan Aroosh

Designing engaging learning experiences

1stLOI: Variability of physical geography around the world (Land forms: names only with simplest description)

Globe and maps: (Continents and Oceans)

Learners are divided into pairs/groups and each have a globe and maps on their desk. They are asked to find out their country and relatives/ friends living in other countries and their visited countries.

A word “Geo” and “graphy” along with images of “earth” and “study” are posted on the board. Learners are asked to make a connection of images with the words to guess the meaning of it.

*study/ representation of Earth.

Teacher places a giant flex of earth on the floor having different artifacts and famous buildings of 7 continents e.g. Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked to stand on their favorite building and artifact.
Following questions are asked:

*Where do you want to stand?

* Do you know where you are standing?

Video Comprehension:

In order to clear their understanding, they watch the video.

Pre, While and post watching questions

✔ What is geography?

✔ What do we call those people who study about Earth??

✔ Which specific tools do we use to study about Earth?

✔ Why is it important to study about Earth?

✔ Where do we live?

✔ Why is life possible on planet Earth?

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✔ What is the shape of a globe/ earth?

✔ Why can we see different colours on the globe?

✔ Which colour do we see the most?

✔ What blue colour represents the globe?

✔ What white, green, red, orange, yellow colours are represented on the globe?

✔ What do we say to the pole which is located at the top?

✔ Where is the North Pole located?

✔ Tell the directions of the globe.

✔ What is the meaning of hemi- sphere?

✔ What is the equator?

✔ What is the difference between the map and the globe?

Learners play online quizzes related to the globe, continents and oceans. Finally, they complete the sheet consisting of labeling oceans and continents. (2P)

L.P: Inquirer, knowledgeable, Thinker)

(ATL: Thinking skills, Communication skills

Integrated with Art

● First teacher demonstrates how to make the model of a globe in front of learners. Later things/ materials are provided to the learners individually and they are asked to develop a model and they are given chits with names of 7
continents and are asked to show his/ her continent on the globe by using paint and black permanent marker. (2P)

LP: Thinker, Communicator, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking, Communication skills

Cardinal Directions:

● Teacher writes mnemonics on the board “Never Eat Slimy Worms”, “Never Eat Shredded Wheat'' & “Never Eat Soggy Waffles” Learners are asked to guess the pattern by relating the first letter of mnemonics with the Globe.

✔ From where the sun sets?

✔ From where the sun rises?

✔ What do you call four main directions?

✔ When you are lost anywhere, which specific tool can you use to know the right direction?

✔ When you are coming to school or travelling anywhere how do you come to know about the exact direction?

Maze Game:

Divide students in pairs. Create a maze in the classroom; the one student is blindfolded while the other student gives directions to help their partner get through the maze.

Later, kids are asked to play online quiz for better understanding of cardinal directions finally they are provided with physical map of Pakistan and rose compass and they are asked to place compass on their city (Faisalabad) and tell

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the direction of Lahore, Islamabad, Sindh, Peshawar etc

Learners complete the sheet of directions. (2P)

Group I

For understanding of cardinal directions finally they are provided with physical map of Pakistan and rose compass and they are asked to place compass on their city (Faisalabad) and tell the direction of Lahore, Islamabad, Sindh,
Peshawar and etc

Group II(Differentiated) Complete the provided sheet. (2P)

Integrated with Music:

Learners sing Cha Cha song with actions. (P2)

(L.P: Thinker, Communicator, Knowledgeable)

(ATL: Communication skills, thinking skills, Self-management skills)

Integrated with ELA:

Learners watch/ read a short story “Treasure Map” and complete the quiz. Later they are asked to imagine and tell if you find a treasure chest. Tell us what's inside it! (P2)

Group I: Relate Learner profile with the story along with justification.

Group II: Answer the given questions.

(LP: Thinker, Inquirer, communicator)

(ATL: Thinking skills, Communications skills)


● Teacher draws

lines on the board and they are asked to tell the link of these lines with the map/image

Teacher asks to tell:

✔ How much Earth’s surface is covered with land?

✔ What do these lines represent?

✔ Is the land on the Earth the same everywhere?

✔ Where do we prefer to live? Or where can we construct our houses to live comfortably?

In order to unpack the word landform, a simple “frayer model” is given to the learners in pairs. Explain the Frayer model graphic organizer to the class. Learners are assigned different land forms which must be written in the middle
and they are asked to write its meaning, illustrate its examples and non-examples. Learners conduct environmental walk to observe different landforms and post sticky notes about their observations.

Group II(Differentiated) is provided with the reading material and Group I is provided with online books of landforms to enhance their understanding towards land forms.

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L.P: Inquirer, Thinker, Communicator, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking, Communication and research skills.

Video Comprehension:

Later, video on landform/ informative slides is shown to the learners in order to know more about landforms and their characteristics.

● What do you think a landform is?

● What are various land forms?

● Which landform is the highest?

● What is the coast?

● What are the unique features of valleys and plains?

● Which landforms are flat?

● Share the difference between a mountain and a hill.

● How is the island opposite the lake?

● Which landform do you choose to live in? Why?

Group I: Images of different land forms are given to the learners and they are asked to identify the pictures and write a sentence about each focusing on characteristics.

Group II: Images of different land forms are given to the learners and they are asked to identify the pictures and write their names and match their characteristics.

(5-6 pictures) (4p)

(LP: Thinker, Inquirer, Knowledgeable)

(ATL: Thinking, Communication skills)

Integrated with Art

Learners are asked to make an interactive sand tray. Have students use their fingers to push the sand aside to form each landform. (P2)

L.P: Thinker, Reflective

ATL: Thinking and self- management Skills

Reading Comprehension: Land Forms:

● Learners read the story “Landforms”.

Before reading

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Learners are given one landform individually and asked to write 2-3 describing words with them for example (Mountain) tall, steep, high, big, hard, rough, huge, giant etc.)

on a colored sheet.

While Reading:

Learners highlight nouns with pink, verbs with blue and adjectives with yellow

After Reading:

Learners are asked to write 2-3 sentences

If you were an alien, which landform would you choose to land your spaceship on? Why?

● Learners attempt a comprehension sheet. (2P)

Creation of Allah (SNC)

● Teacher ask the questions:

✔ Who has created everything?

✔ Who created us?

✔ What should we say when we see the creation of Allah everywhere?

✔ Name the blessings of Allah.

✔ What do we say when Allah helps us to climb mountains?

Later they read the given material and write

i. Why do we say ‫ﷲﺪﻤﺤﻟﺍ‬

‫ ﷲﺍﻥﺎﺤﺒﺳ‬and ‫ﺮﺒﮐﺍﷲﺍ‬


(LP: thinker, Knowledgeable)

(ATL: Thinking and Communication skills)

Reading Peter Rabbit Goes to Island: Integrated with Reading

Scenario of an island is created in the school courtyard. Learners read the peter rabbit goes to the island and select one character for personification. They relate the previous taught concept about classification of animals and complete
the task sheet. (P3)

LP: Thinker, Reflective, Communicator

ATL: Thinking and communication and self-management skill

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Landforms in provinces of Pakistan SNC:

Brainstorming is done by asking few questions:

✔ What is the name of your country?

✔ How many provinces are there in Pakistan?

✔ In which province do you live?

Later they are provided with coloured image of Pakistan Map and they are asked to focus on the colour of key on the map and tell the type of landform focusing on the province/location and direction of Pakistan: like

✔ Mountains are in Kashmir and Gilgitbaltistan/ North regions

✔ Plains are in Punjab and Sindh/ East

✔ Plateau is in Balochistan/West

✔ Deserts in (Punjab & Sindh) East of Pakistan

SNC integrated with “My Country” read Chapter: mera wataan on Waqfiyateama PTB(1P)

(LP: Knowledgeable, Thinker)

(ATL: Thinking skills, Communication Skills)

Simple Present Tense+ pronouns:

● Learners are asked to tell about the pronouns and they share about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. Later different flash cards of verbs are given to them, they perform the mentioned action and the rest of learners guess the verb and they
are asked to post verbs on the board. Teacher learner discussion is held in order to discuss the rule of simple present tense.

Later, they are provided with two sentences in pairs.

Sentence is divided into two parts like

✔ A boy ---- climbs up the mountain.

✔ We plan to--- visit a beautiful valley.

They are asked to join and develop a complete statement

Note: sentences must be related to landforms and should be given with the wrong form of verb so that they can identify correct and wrong sentences.

After discussing all sentences, learners are asked to write 8-10 sentences or a paragraph of 45-50 words in a notebook by using simple present tense. (2P) learners play online quiz related to present tense.

Scene Description:

● Enlarge image is posted on the board and they are asked to tell:

(1) Describe what kids are doing.

(2) Tell what kids are wearing.

(3) Share what they are holding.

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(4) What there is and how many there are.

(5) Where they are.

(6) Where things are in relation to each other.

(7) Describe shapes and colors.

(8) What the weather is like.

Later they are divided in pairs and sample description is given to learners and they are asked to read and complete the scene description.

Finally, they describe the scene individually in 70-80 words. (peer editing/checking is done by learners) (2p)

LP: Thinker, Reflective, Communicator

ATL: Thinking Skills, Communication skills

Concentration Memory Game

Provide learners a stack of cards consisting of subject and verbs e.g. she, goes, they, don’t like, I, am, Alex, has, friends, were, players, is

(cards must be mixed with wrong matching) Place the cards face down on the table. The first student turns over two cards and if they match in terms of subject/verb agreement, he keeps them and gets a point. Similarly, each student
takes turns. Finally, learners having accurate cards are the winners.

Learners complete the task sheet subject verb agreement. (P2)

Teacher posts 4 or 5 letter words on the board according to the strength of the class across the room.

Learners are asked to write words (from each letter) as many as they can under each letter within 5 minutes. Each child must have different words. Later they make sentences 7-8 on notebook (P2)

LP: thinker, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking skills


Ping pong balls subtraction:

Learners are divided into pairs/groups, ping pong balls are given to them. They shuffle and share their ping pong balls and write the numbers on sticky notes to make a subtraction sum. Later, they exchange their sticky notes with their
peers and solve the sum. Teacher will discuss the rules of subtraction with learners. Learners will do Primary mathematics workbook pg: 41, 42, 43 and 44.

Paddle pop sticks:

Different numbers are written on paddle pop sticks. Learners pick sticks of their choice and write that number on a sticky note and drop it in a box. Box is shuffled and pasted on the board. Learners write and solve the sums. Learners
complete Primary mathematics workbook pg: 58 and 60.

SNC Math PTB: 50 and 52 are also practiced. (3P)

Subtraction Regrouping with Bowling:

Learners Play subtraction bowling in pairs. Learners set up ten bowling pins (or cups) and use a ball to knock some down. One learner will note down the number of bowling pins left over after being stricken. Learners complete
Primary mathematics workbook pg: 45,46, 47 and 48.

SNC Math PTB: 57, 59 and 61.

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Note: Learners learn 3 words from a resource pack on a daily basis and use it in sentence making.

● Learners write a paragraph/ describe the scene/ place/ once a week.

(1280 Minutes) (22hours) 32 Periods

2nd LOI: The relationship between location and settlement

Intro of Settlement:

Learners are asked to tell which buildings/ places do you see on your way to school and they are asked to make a word map (schools, hotels, hospitals, shops, mall, traffic signals etc) of the places or buildings they see on their way.

Based on the discussion of their word map they are asked to tell:

*What type of building / place is suitable for living?

*What do you know about working places (hospitals, schools, police stations, hotels, shops, malls etc) around you? Share your knowledge about working places?

During discussion learners are asked to think and guess what is settlement? After discussion, learners get an idea about settlement (it is a community where we live and work)

Learners are asked to guess the meaning of the word settler by giving examples like what do we call a person who settles in any settlement? (A person who moves to an area for living is called settler) (1P)

Home task:

Pin the location: Learners visit someone with their family with GPS on , pin the location and follow.

Progression of settlement:

● Learners observe the slides showing progression of the settlements (cave > hay > mud > bricks) over the past.

Pre watching questions

*Which type of house do you live in?

*What type of houses do you think which type of houses people lived in the past?

*Is there any difference between buildings (houses) between past and present?

While watching questions

Animated slide is shown to learners one by one and they are asked to share what the image is representing. In order to clear their concept, they are asked to read the description of each slide.

Post Watching question

*Which types of settlements (houses) did you observe in each slide?

*How can we build a house/building?

*What types of materials are important for construction?

Group I Select any two settlements (house) from the slide. They illustrate any one settlement and describe it in 6 sentences/ 40-45 words by using an adjective list.

Group II Name the different settlements mentioned in the slide. (4P)

L.P: Thinker, Inquirer, Communicator

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ATL: Thinking skills, Social Skills, Self-management skills

Reading My home and City SNC:

Learners use Google Earth and GPS or different images of passport, identity cards to know about the location of different residences of learners. They are asked about their residential areas and famous places of the city. Learners read
PTB: 13 and 15. Later, they write a paragraph of 30-40 words on Pakistan, its Capital City-Islamabad, in their notebooks. (2P)

L.P: Communicator, Inquirer, Knowledgeable)

(ATL: Communication skill, Self-management skill)

Settlements Integrated with Drama:

● Learners perform mime based on the progression of the settlement over the past. For example cave (savages)— Hay (grow crops)—village (plough) – -mud house (pottery)—huts---brick house (modern life etc.. --(2P)

L.P: Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Reflective

(ATL: Thinking skills and Self-management skills

Scrapbook making & Visit to a Construction Site:

Learners visit a construction site and observe the material used for construction. Later they collect material (like bricks, cement, concrete, paint box, piece of wood, steel pipe etc.) in transparent bags.

They make a scrapbook, write the name of each material and its use as a building material. (4p)

L.P: Knowledgeable, thinkers, inquirer

ATL: Thinking skills, Social skills, Self-management

Venice “The Floating City”:

● Learners are asked to share the place and name of the town where they live? Learners use the Google map to show their town on the map of Faisalabad. In this way learners are introduced to the word Location. (1P)

● Learners are shown a video and are asked:

* Can you guess what kind of place is being shown in the video?

*What is the main type of landform in the video?

Later they guess the title of reading comprehension. Learners read the text focusing on fluency, pronunciation expression and audibility

“Venice: The floating city” and inquire more about the different types of dwellings over different landforms.

Group I: They read the material given and make 3-4 questions with answers.

Group II: They read the material given and complete the comprehension sheet (2P)

(L.P: Thinker, Inquirer, Knowledgeable)

(ATL: Thinking & Communication Skills)

Music Lesson:

● Learners listen and then sing “map and direction” songs with proper actions in music lessons. (1P)

(Thinking skills, communication skills)

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(L.P: thinker, communicator)

Flora and Fauna:

Learners explore flora and fauna of different continents by using flex and maps. In order to enhance their understanding PPT of flora and fauna of different landforms is shown / group II inquire from E books and reference books.
Discussion is held after PPT. Finally, they are asked to list the names of plants and animals of each landform (3-4 each)

● Teacher create false combination (igloo in desert, Mud house in river, Teepee on mountains, hut in glacier, stilt house in sand, boat house on plains) of dwellings and landforms and learners comment on unsuitable conditions they
observe e.g igloo will melt in desert and also water supply is short in deserts, Teepee will not be able to keep us warm on mountains, Mud house can dissolve in water, Hut in glacier will freeze us. After the discussion is done
learners get the idea that a few factors like climate, quality of soil, water supply and shelter are important to decide dwellings. Later they read the material and complete the task sheet.

Finally, they write a 40-50 words paragraph on the needs of settlement (e.g. climate, water, shelter) focusing on

*What are the needs of settlers?

*What should be a suitable climate?

*What must be a house built of e.g. near a river but made of wood, on a glacier but made out of snow, near coast of sea but away from flooding. (3P)

Visit to Thal Desert or Virtual Visit to Desert:

Map of the world is provided to learners; they are asked to pin the famous deserts of each continent. Brainstorming session is done by following questions:

✔ What are the things we need to go to a desert?

✔ What is the difference between the desert and your home area?

✔ How do the people of the desert survive there?

✔ Are their homes secure?

✔ What type of utensils are used in the desert?

Learners virtually/ physically visit the desert of Sahara and for the information of animals. or Adventure Travels, Thar parker and Kalakahar

They read E- Book “Sand Animals” and books on desert.

Later, they share information about travelling (food, language, clothes, famous things, weather etc).

ATL: Thinking skills, Research and Communication skills

LP: Thinker, Communicator

Sam’s Dream Video comprehension:

● Learners watch a video “Sam’s Dream”

Before watching activity

● Learners are shown pictures of different types of houses and land forms (coastal area: boat houses, Glacier: Igloo, plains: mud houses, concrete houses, mountains: wood house to explore the relationship between the availability of
resources and human settlement. They guess the names of landforms they see in images. They are asked:

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*Do you have any friends who live abroad, hill stations, deserts, coastal areas, or the river side?

*What type of landform do we live on?

*Which type of house is suitable for our landform?

While watching questions

Learners are asked to tell:

*What is the title of the video?

*How many characters are there?

*Mention the names of continents Sam visited in his dream.

*Name the types of houses you saw in the video?

*Have you noticed any difference in land forms?

After Watching activity

Group I: Learners illustrate and describe their imaginary house located on their favorite landform.

Group II: Learners illustrate and write 5-6 sentences about their house.

Finally, they complete the video comprehension sheet and a picture description on RP. (3P)

L.P: Thinker, Inquirer, Communicator

ATL: Thinking skills and Communication Skills

2-D Shapes:

•Teacher displays 2D shapes in different colors in front of learners and they are asked to identify the shapes. (for brainstorming) or they are asked to share various 2D shapes from their surroundings. Later, they are provided with
coloured sheets. Learners read the shape story “Violets Very Merry Shape”

Note: sheets must consist of colours of materials like: brown, sky blue, silver/ metallic etc…

They cut the shapes and paste the cutouts on a plain sheet in order to build a house and label the shapes to show types of materials (e.g wood for door, glass for window, concrete for walls, tiles for roof). Finally, they use cut outs of
shapes to make patterns AABB ABCD ADCB on notebook. Finally, learners play game on patterns of shape (2P)

● Teacher create false combination (igloo in desert, Mud house in river, Teepee on mountains, hut in glacier, stilt house in sand, boat house on plains) of dwellings and landforms and learners comment on unsuitable conditions they
observe e.g igloo will melt in desert and also water supply is short in deserts, Teepee will not be able to keep us warm on mountains, Mud house can dissolve in water, Hut in glacier will freeze us. After the discussion is done
learners get the idea that a few factors like climate, quality of soil, water supply and shelter are important to decide dwellings. Later they read the material and complete the task sheet.

Finally, they write a 40-50 words paragraph on the needs of settlement (e.g. climate, water, shelter) focusing on

*What are the needs of settlers?

*What should be a suitable climate?

*What must be a house built of e.g. near a river but made of wood, on a glacier but made out of snow, near coast of sea but away from flooding. (3P)

Integrated with Reading “Where people Live”:

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● Learners play and online practice quiz related to landforms and show their knowledge towards various landform

● Learners read informational text “where people live” to develop an understanding towards the relationship between settlement

(dwelling) and location, attempt online quiz and complete the task sheet (2P)

Group I: they write a 40-50 words paragraph on the needs of settlement (e.g. climate, water, shelter) focusing on

*What are the needs of settlers?

*What should be a suitable climate?

*What must be house built of e.g. near a river but made of wood, on a glacier but made out of snow, near coast of sea but away from flooding

Group II: they write sentences about animals in their perspective settlements (bear /igloo, lion/den, bear/cave, bird/nest etc). (3P)

L.P: Thinker, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking, Research Skills

Ethics of dwelling:

● Learners read hadith and a text on the ethics of dwellings to understand housing schemes according to Islam.

Later, they complete the quiz to check their understanding.

Peer checking is done(1P)

L.P: Principled, Thinker, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking and Self-Management skill

Building Material:

● Learners are brainstormed with prepositions online quiz and the teacher awards the learner with fake money on every correct answer. Later the teacher sets up a mini building material store in corner of class and asks learners to
buy the material to build their dream house.

Task I: Learners identify materials and write a sentence about each.

Task II: Learners describe their dream house using prepositions.

Task III: Learners complete math book pages # related to money (3P)

Building a Town: (Parents collaboration)

Learners along with parents are divided into groups and they are provided with different materials such as sand, fake snow, fake water sheets, and mountains. The Names of the landforms are allotted by the teacher through chits. They design their own
town in the allotted area of paper and mark these features on mock town having 5 houses per settlement on a road or track.

Later, they describe their town by using adjectives in a paragraph of 45-50 words (2P

Telling Time:

Learners are shown two different types of clocks and they tell the difference between each and read time from both. Later they play online quiz on time and solve an activity sheet to develop a better understanding between digital and
analogue clocks. Later they solve the pg# 191-196 on MAB and 191-199 on pupil’s book (2P)

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● Teacher asks learners to share their routine focusing on O’clock and half past. They solve the MAB pg.# 199-203 and MPB pg.# 199-203 (1P)

● Learners are divided into two group:

First group play Lego game

Time in words or digital is written on Legos. Learners are asked to identify 3 times which are same on the blocks/ legos

Second group play Eggsactly game.

Teacher divides the eggs into two parts through colouring and writes the timings at the bottom part and draws the clock at the top part. Later she mixes up the tops and bottoms of all eggs and let learners to identify the accurate
timings and complete the egg showing accurate timings.

Both groups are provided with the sheet to fill up.


Integrated with Art:

Learners develop their wrist watches or analogue clocks by using different materials in Art lesson.


Later they solve the pg# 191-196 on MAB and 191-199 on pupil’s book (2P)

(LP: Thinker, knowledgeable)

(ATL: Thinking skill, Self- Management Skill)

Simple Past Tense:

Divide class into 4 groups. Put two baskets of present and past forms of verb in front of each group. Flash cards of noun, adjectives, present and past forms of verbs are given to learners.

Each child is given two minutes to separate present and past form of verbs and put them in their respective baskets.

Group who has the maximum and correct flash cards of verbs in 5 minutes is the winner.

Later, learners write a paragraph of 25-30 words in present form and shuffle their sheets to the next learner, then they are going to change the passage in past tense. (2P)

Finally play a game on simple past tense for better understanding.

(LP: Thinker, Communicator)

(ATL: Thinking Skills)

Direction of Kabaah:

Learners are asked to share;

● How many prayers do we offer in a day?

● What do we say to the specific direction we face while offering prayer?

● What is the meaning of Qibla?

● What is the significance of the Qibla?

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● Who was the first to build the Kaabah?

● What was the first Qibla? In which city of the world was it located?

● Later, images of compass, directions north, south, east and west, khana kabah, are shared with learners.

● Teacher asks about the importance of prayer in Islam and share the story about changing Qibla direction.

Learners understand the use of compass and use it for finding Qibla direction. (1p) (integrated with PSE)

(L.P: Knowledgeable, Thinker)

(ATL: Self-Management, Thinking, Communication skills)

Movie Session: Frozen

● Learners watch movie “Frozen” to understand the relationship between climate and the dwellings

*Do you like snow?

*Have you ever been to snowy mountains?

*What kind of weather have you experienced in snowy mountains?

*Can you imagine living in an igloo?

*What do you think it is to live in an igloo?

Group I: Learners are provided with the scenes to describe in 55-60 words

Group II: learners write about characters using adjectives in the movie. (4P)

(L.P: Thinker, Communicator, Reflective)

(ATL: Thinking and Communication Skills)

Skype Session:

✔ Skype session with the learners of ………. Middle East Countries in order to know information about the Sahara Desert.

✔ Country/ city tourism attractions (Muscat, Oman, Jordan ,Iran )

Word Search Board

•Learners are given a sheet of word search boards to find out the words.

•Learners make Vocabulary booklet related to LOI

•Learners write dictation and 5-6 sentences in notebooks. (1P)


Reinforcement of general spellings for 20 minutes every day(3P)

● Learners watch a song related to paragraph writing.

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They are asked:

*What is a paragraph?

*How many parts does a paragraph have?

*What are these parts called?

*Which tense is mostly used in descriptive and narrative paragraphs?

Later, samples of the paragraphs (mountains, desert, the tiger, House, Seasons etc.) are provided to learners. They highlight the text features of paragraphs in pairs. They write paragraphs individually on a topic related to LOI (Why
location is important for settlements) in 45-50 words. (2P)

Subtraction Word Problems in Café:

Learners visit café in school and buy items. They will use their real money to buy and get the exchange. In this way they learn the concept of left-over/ remaining / exchange (subtraction). Later, learner makes a word problem using
left. Learners complete Primary mathematics workbook pg: 49, 50, 51, 51 and 53.

SNC Math PTB pg: 58 and 62.

Snake and ladder game:

Learners play Snake and ladder game within groups. They learn to decrease and increase concepts and later they write one-word problems by themselves.

Learners complete Primary mathematics workbook pg: 54 and 55.

(1840 Minutes) (31hours) 46 Periods

● Note: Learners learn 3 words from resource pack on daily basis and use it in sentence making

● Learners write a paragraph/ describe the scene/ place/ once a week

3rdLOI: Challenges faced by settlers

● MYP learners are asked to present different situations (snow and blockage of roads, Rain and traffic jam) to show challenges of real life. That’s how learners are introduced to the meaning of problems and challenges of humans.

L.P: Reflective, Thinker, Communicator

ATL: Thinking & Communication Skills

Integrated with ELA

● Learners conduct environmental walk showing settlements, landform (island, desert, mountains, hill station), dwellings (tree house, tent, hut, castle, boat house, tepee etc), climatic conditions (flooding, thunder storm, sand storm,
high temperature, snow storm and etc), they observe carefully and fill see think wonder chart and discuss. (P2)

● Learners and teachers discuss their visit to northern areas. What kind of challenges do people face there during the snowy season? Learners also discuss the challenges of foggy weather.

Later they are provided with the scene of the northern area and describe it in a paragraph of 55-60 words. Or they can write their own experience of northern areas/ foggy weather. What kind of challenges they had to face there or
if they observed any challenges faced by the residents of northern areas? (P1)

L.P: Communicator, Inquirer, Thinker

ATL: Communication and Thinking Skills.

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Differentiated task:

Learners are provided with the word bank and they write 5 sentences about their visit to the northern area.

● Later, they are given reading material to develop a better understanding of the challenges faced by settlers and write a paragraph in 45- 50 words. (1P)

Intro of natural Disaster:

Learners are asked to tell about their favourite season (raining, spring, winter, summers). Teacher asks following questions:

✔ What will happen if your favorite season does not change for a year?

✔ Can you have mangoes in winter if the winter is for a year?

✔ What will happen if the hot sun keeps shining at ice- caped mountains?

✔ How can we survive if it does not rain for a year?

Integrated with Reading:

Learners experience storms through augmented reality books. (Storms). Later, they are assigned with online books of natural disasters (Tornado, Hurricane, Flood, Earthquake and etc…). They are asked to read and scan information
from the provided books in the IT Lab and complete a Lap Book. Finally, Learners relate learner profile and ATL with the reading (P3)

L.P: Thinker, Inquirer, Communicator

ATL: Thinking, Research and communication Skills

Dice rolling game

Learners are provided with a cube having pictures of challenges pasted on all sides, they ask to roll that cube and share two sentences about the picture which they see at the top of the cube. (1p).

● Learners are provided with the clues and they develop a booklet on natural disasters during (flood, earthquake, sand storm, ice storm). Learners write about these natural disasters on booklet.

Learner profile: Knowledgeable, communicator, Inquirer

ATL: Communication skills and thinking skills

Hand-on experience of natural disasters:

Teacher and learners develop different models of disasters and experience them. (Tornado, Hurricane, etc..) (P2)
L.P: Thinker, Reflective, Communicator, Thinker

ATL: Thinking and self-management skills

Integrated with Reading:

Fake snow activity:

Learners are provided with these ingredients:

Baking soda

Corn starch

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A bowl

Learners are guided to mix 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of cornstarch in a bowl. Add water, one tablespoon at a time, mixing with your hands. Keep adding water until the mixture can just hold its shape when squeezed in your

Learners keep this fake snow in a tray and place some toy cars in the snow tray to show how traffic can be stuck in snowy weather. Learners are asked to remove the snow with the help of DIY snow mover and clear the way for

LP: Knowledgeable, Inquirer, Thinker

ATL: Self-management, Thinking skills

Integrated with Reading:

Learners are provided with the book “Village in the Snow”

Questions before reading:

✔ Have you ever seen snowfall?

✔ Did you travel to northern areas in snowy weather?

✔ Snow come in winter or summer?

✔ What precautionary/safety measures should we take in snowy weather?

✔ Have you ever visited a village?

During reading:

Learners share nouns, verbs and adjectives from the reader.

Questions after reading:

✔ Did you like the story?

✔ Do you want to see snow?

✔ What is toboggan?

✔ Do you believe in magic/magic key?

Differentiated task:

Learners listen to the reading and after listening they will discuss the review of the story.

Learner profile: Communicator, Inquirer, Knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking skills, communication skills

Integrated with Reading:

Reading “seasons” page # 117 from an SNC English book, in which they learn about different seasons and discuss how different seasons affect us differently.

Differentiated task:

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Learners are shown flashcards of different seasons and they identify the season and discuss it.

L.P: Communicator, knowledgeable

ATL: Communication and Thinking skills

Ali Sad para the mountaineer: 2P

✔ Learners are shown a documentary on Ali Sad para the mountaineer Teacher asks a few questions in order to check understanding of the kids.

✔ What makes Ali Sadpara so passionate about mountaineering?

✔ How do mountaineers manage food during hiking?

✔ Did Ali Sad para survive during his last hiking?

✔ How do mountaineers face the challenges?

✔ How mountaineers manage oxygen level on mountains during hiking.

Note: Documentary will be downloaded by IT staff.

L.P: Risk takers, Thinker, knowledgeable

ATL: Thinking skills, communication skills, self-management skills

Pakistan’s Ali Sad para who never came back from K2. Reading material

● Teacher divides learners in pairs and they play hang man game on board (or through hangman application) to enhance their vocabulary related to LOI

For example

Ch_ll_n_e, _ea_h_r



Integrated with Music:

Singing of song with actions “Don’t step in the Lava”

Subtraction sums and word problems:

Learners brainstorm the subtraction sums with and without regrouping. Learners solve the sums on SNC book.

Learners are provided with a situation where there is a natural disaster in a forest “wildfire” . Before this disaster there were 500 animals living. After this killing wildfire 240 animals died. How many animals left in the forest?
Learners are shown images of forest, wildfire and animals or a short video on wildfire.

Learner profile: Communicators, knowledgeable

ATL: Communication skills, thinking skills

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Scramble Sentences:

Learners watch this video and make the scrambled sentences.

Learners are provided with jumbled flash cards and they arrange the flash cards and make a sentence.

L.P: Knowledgeable, Communicator, Thinker

ATL: Thinking skills, communication skills

Ice Age the Meltdown:

Ice Age the meltdown clip from the movie is shown to the learners to watch different natural disasters.

They watch different types of disasters like melting of glaciers, floods, learn about the character's survival in the movie in critical conditions and experience augmented reality book’s characters while watching the video.

After watching the movie, learners are asked to develop a booklet consisting of any 2 characters, illustrate and describe in 5-6 sentences.

Learners are shown the movie “Our Planet” in which they observe different climate changes animals face. After watching the movie, learners write the review on the movie in 8-10 sentences.

L.P: Communicators, Thinkers, Knowledgeable, Inquirers

ATL: Communication skills, Research skills

Learners are provided with reading material “Ice-storms” they read the book and write a paragraph on it.
Differentiated task:

Learners are shown a picture of a snow storm and they describe the scene in 5-7 sentences.

L.P: Communicator, knowledgeable

ATL: Communication skills, social skills, thinking skills

Incident of Koh-e- Toor:

● Learners are asked to tell:

✔ Have you ever read an Islamic story related to mountains?

✔ Share the names of mountains mentioned in the Quran.

● Learners read a story “Hazrat Musa (A.S) met his Lord on Koh e Toor” to understand the significance of koh e toor in Islam. Later learners highlight adjectives and develop two questions out of the text individually. (1P)
Teacher places a small tub in front of learners having a partition with a card board. Later, learners fill water in one part and let the water overflow to the next part, finally discussion about floods is done.

✔ What is overflow?

✔ How are the areas flooded?

✔ What are the after effects of floods?

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✔ What precautions should be taken?

✔ What type of diseases spread due to floods?

✔ How can people save themselves from the after effects of floods?

Learners watch documentary on recent flood disasters in Karachi and Islamabad Pakistan. Later we discuss about most flooded areas of Pakistan. How people survive in those areas. What kind of challenges do they face?

Integrated with reading:

Reading source: EPIC school. Reading material can be assigned online to learners by adding them from google classroom.
L.P: Communicators, knowledgeable, thinker

ATL: Communication skills, thinking skills, social skills

Integrated with PSE:

Later we discussed how we can help those people who suffered from flood or these kinds of disasters. How the military is involved to help these people to provide them food and shelter. Integrating it with the previous theme we
should be caring, kind and generous. Reinforcing the concept of charity, learners are encouraged to help the people affected by natural disasters either in their own country or some other country.

Learners are provided with reading book “I Can Be Safe”

In which learners will read about different safety measures they can take during extreme weather conditions and different situations.

L.P: Caring, Communicator, thinker

ATL: Communication skills, thinking skills, self-management skills

Picture Dictation

● Learners are divided in trios; each child is assigned a different role as “the Describer”, second as “the Artist” and third as the Scribe.Each team is provided with a picture related to central idea, only the describer sees the image
and describe it; an artist draws what the describer is describing while the scribe writes the description. When it is finished, the three students compare their picture, drawing and written description and together discuss the
similarities and differences in their tasks. (2P)

Integrated with Art:

3D model of Natural Disasters:

Learners make a 3D model of flood and its after effects with recyclable materials.

L.P: Knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators

ATL: Communication skills, Social skills

Integrated with music:

Pictionary Game:

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● Learners listen to the song on landforms and sing it with actions. (2P)

● Learners play a Pictionary game. Teachers draw different pictures related to LOI e.g climatic conditions such as thunder, flood, dying plant, house, igloo, hut etc and learners guess the names to enhance their vocabulary related to
central ideas. Later, they use 7-8 words to make sentences. (2P)

Learners present short skits focusing on the challenges of dwellings on different landforms


Subject Verb Agreement:

● Three baskets tagged with

Subject, verb and object are hung outside the class with the pillars. Learners go one by one, take one flash card from each basket and use all three words to make one sentence.

● Later they present their sentences in front of the class and complete the sheet individually by highlighting subject, verb and object in each. (P1)

● Learners are provided with the sample paragraphs. Teacher discusses text features of a paragraph with learners. Later they write a paragraph on a topic related to LOI. (2P)

(1080 Minutes) (18hours) 27 Periods

Note: Learners write a paragraph/ describe the scene/ place/ story writing once a week.

Supporting student agency

● Teacher places a giant flex of earth on the floor having different artifacts and famous buildings of 7 continents e.g. Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked to stand on their favorite building and artifact.
Later learners solve the online quiz on kiddle and complete the sheet consisting of labeling and fill the gaps.

● First teacher demonstrates how to make the model of a globe in front of learners. Later things/ materials are provided to the learners individually and they are asked to develop a model and they are given chits with names of 7
continents and are asked to show his/ her continent on the globe by using paint and black permanent marker.

● Learners are provided with physical map of Pakistan and rose compass and they are asked to place compass on their city (Faisalabad) and tell the direction of Lahore, Islamabad, Sindh, Peshawar etc

● Learners use different materials to show various landforms in the form of model on a chart paper.

● Learners are asked to tell which buildings/ places do you see on your way to school and they are asked to make a word map of the places or buildings they see on their way. Learners are asked to guess the meaning of the word
settler by giving examples like what do we call a person who settles in any settlement?

● Learners observe the slides showing progression of the settlements (cave > hay > mud > bricks) over the past. Learners select any two settlements (house) from the slide. They illustrate any two settlements and describe them in 6
sentences (3 each)/ 40-45 words by using adjectives.

● Teacher divide learners in pairs and they are asked to list the resources/materials they observe in their surroundings; later they highlight/mark the materials use to build a house.

● In order to make learners understand about materials used for construction, teachers place bricks, cement, concrete, paint box, piece of wood, steel pipes and wires in trays in front of learners and let them feel the texture of each
material. They identify the names of each. They are provided with reading material to develop understanding of constructing material.

● Learners are asked to share the place and name of the town where they live? Learners use the Google map to show their town on the map of Faisalabad. In this way learners are introduced to the word Location.

● Learners watch a video related to VeniceLater they guess the title of reading comprehension. Learners read the text focusing on fluency, pronunciation expression and audibility “Venice: The floating city” and inquire more about
the different types of dwellings over different landform. Later they complete the task sheet.

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● Teacher display 2D shapes in different colors in front of learners and they are asked to identify the shapes.(for brainstorming) or they are asked to share various 2D shapes from their surroundings. Later, they are provided with
coloured sheets

● Teacher create false combination of dwellings and landforms and learners comment on unsuitable conditions they observe .After the discussion is done learners get the idea that few factors like climate, quality of soil, water supply
and shelter are important to decide dwellings

● Learners along with parents are divided into groups and they are provided with the different materials such as sand, fake snow, fake water sheet, and mountains. Name of the landforms are allotted by teacher through chits. They
design their own town in the allotted area of paper and mark these features on mock town having 5 houses per settlement a road or track..

● Learners are asked to stand in the middle the of the courtyard and they are asked to mention the cardinal directions on the floor using chalks and write the names of directions and area’s name .

● • Learners are taken out for a gallery walk, different images showing settlements and landform. They observe the pictures carefully and fill see think wonder chart.

● Learners play fortune teller times table game. Learners are given jumbled time tables (2-9) equation sheet of two sets. Learner 1 chooses an equation from the closed fortune time table and answers the equation. Then learner 2
verifies that they are correct by checking hidden answer. Same turn is taken by learner 2 & completes the tally sheet. High scorer is the winner.

Teacher and student questions

Teacher questions

What additional teacher questions and provocations are emerging from students’ evolving theories?

Teacher questions

What additional teacher questions and provocations are emerging from students’ evolving theories?

● What do you know about landforms?

• Have you ever seen different types of lands? If yes then where?

• Which landforms are surrounded by water?

• Consider yourself as a geographer, which landform would you want to study? why?

● Have you ever considered making a map of your house?

● Why do we use maps?

● On a picture of Earth what does white parts show?

● In your opinion why is the globe round and the map is flat?

● Why don't the people living on poles fall in space?

● Why do we use directions?

● Have you ever used a compass before?

● Can you tell before watches were invented how people measured time?

• Name some of the continents on Earth?

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• If you are to build your own settlement what type of landform will you choose?

● In your opinion, what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?

● Think the about an Igloo, do you think igloos can freeze us?

● Have you ever seen a different type of house other than cement house?

● On your way to school, which type of building do you see?

● Can people live alone or in isolation?

● Why do we build cities and villages?

● If you were to live in a mud house and it starts to rain? How will you save your house?

● Can an Igloo survive in desert?

• What do you think why is a settlement important?

• What do you what are some factors that affect location of settlements?

• Why do people build settlements?

● In Venice, why dont buildings drown?

• Do you know about some impacts humans have on the environment?

• can you tell a few factors important for the location of a settlement?

In your opinion what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?

Student questions:

What student questions are emerging from students’ evolving theories?

● Do landforms grow?

● I wonder how many landforms there are.

● Are landforms everywhere?

● Is a landform surrounded by water?

● Can landforms form in water?

● Why do landforms come in different shapes?

● Why do we need a map?

● Are there really treasure maps in the world?

● How are maps made?

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• Who are geographers?

• What do we need for geography?

• How is geography used in everyday life?

• What is physical geography?

• Where is Pakistan located geographically?

• How many continents are there?

• What are continents?

• How many landforms are in Pakistan?

• What are the different types of landforms?

• How are plains formed?

• Which landforms are flat on earth?

• What are water landforms?

• Who are settlers?

• What is settlement?

• How is settlement important?

• What is the difference between challenge and difficulty?

•What is a settlement area?

Ongoing assessment
Formative Assessment I: (Pair task)
✔ Learners are divided in pairs and a grid is drawn on the floor having 7 rows and 7 columns. Later, they are given different directions (forward/North, backward/South, right/East, left/ West)/ instructions so both members of a
pair can meet at the same point.

Descriptive Criteria:

Criteria Above standards At standards Approaching standards

Follow instructions Follow direction accurately & Follow directions but missed out few (1-2) Unable to follow the instructions
independently spaces properly take guidance
● Accuracy & independence
Concept clarity Cover distance according to Less clear about taking steps and directions Confused about taking steps

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✔ Accuracy in Positioning instructions and be able to meet the accurately focusing on directions according to
(North/ South/ East/ West) partner. the given instructions.

Subject Focus: Math

Learners Profile: Thinker & Knowledgeable

Time duration: 30 minutes

Formative Assessment II

Teacher sets up a mini building material store in the corner of class and asks learners to select any five materials to build their dream house.

Task I: Identify materials and write a sentence about each.

Task II: Describe their dream house in 35-40 words

Differentiated Task:

Identify the material and match their uses

Write 5-6 sentences to describe your home.

Category Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Concept clarity Identify five materials accurately and One/two materials are not Unable to identify material accurately and take
✔ Identification of material independently and write their use identified accurately and uses are guidance in writing uses of 2 or more materials
✔ Use of materials written with errors

Appropriate content Appropriate content according to Most of the content is appropriate Inappropriate content and limited understanding
assigned task. towards assigned task.

Vocabulary & spellings Appropriate use of vocabulary with Mostly used appropriate Needs to improve vocabulary & spellings.
correct spellings vocabulary but with spelling errors

Sentence Structure Correct use of basic tenses and Partially correct use of basic Minimally correct use of basic tenses and
accurate word order tenses and accurate word order accurate word order
● Word order
● Subject verb agreement (has/have/present verb) (has/have/present verb) (has/have/present verb)

Grammar Appropriate use of grammatical Proper grammar, but suffers from Inappropriate use of grammar
skills a number of mistakes.
● Describing words
● punctuation(full stop,
comma, capital letter)

Subject Focus: Social Studies& English Language Arts

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Learner Profile: Thinker, Communicator, Reflective

Time Duration:40 minutes: Selection of materials (3-5 minutes) Writing sentences about each material (10 minutes), Writing a paragraph (20-25 minutes)

Formative Assessment III

Learners listen the story. Later, they are provided with a basket full of picture flash cards having different challenges related to climatic conditions, they select a card and describe it while completing the comprehension sheet
“Charley’s Challenge”

Differentiated Task: Different comprehension is provided to learners.

Duration: 20 minutes

Subject Focus: Social Studies and English Language Arts


Criteria Excellent Good Needs Improvement

Focus in listening The student is able to concentrate fully and The student is mostly attentive and usually The student is not able to concentrate on
listen very attentively throughout the able to listen with good concentration. the listening task and is easily distracted
assessment. and inattentive.

Understanding of the story

The student shows a very good The student shows a good general Student does not understand enough
understanding of all vocabulary and understanding of the vocabulary and vocabulary or information to answer the
information, completing all the questions. information, with most questions questions.

Listening for details

The student includes all the specific The student is able to include most specific Students are unable to grasp specific details
information and details in his/her answers. information and details in his/her answers. when listening, and do not include them in
the answers.

Accuracy of answers.
The content is always accurate and related Answers are mostly accurate and related to The student's answers are mostly left out or
to the information given. the information given, with only a few unrelated to the information given.

Writing Skills Appropriate use of grammatical skills Proper grammar, but mistakes found in Inappropriate use of grammar observed in
observed in written task. written task. written task.
Sentence structure, past tense and
punctuation marks(capital letter, full
stop, comma)

Appropriate vocabulary & spellings Appropriate use of vocabulary with correct Mostly use appropriate vocabulary but with Needs to improve vocabulary & spellings.
spellings spelling errors

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Making flexible use of resources
How will resources add value and purpose to learning?

Web links:

✔ ( maps and globes)

✔ (maps and globes quiz)

✔ (Continents)

✔ (pin the oceans)

✔ (Globe and continents)

✔ (Cardinal directions)

✔ (Cha Cha Slide song)

✔ (map and direction)

✔ (Treasure Map)

✔ (Position and Movement math)

✔ (Landforms)

✔ (Informative slides of landforms)

✔ (Quiz about landforms)

✔ (Simple Present Tense)

✔ (Landform rap song)

✔ ( Nouns and Adjectives Quiz)

✔ (Surah Rehman verse # 24)


✔ PPT of Settlement

✔ (Venice City)

✔ (Virtual Visit to Sahara Desert)

PYP | Unit of inquiry planner (Primary years) | Page 44

✔ Teacher resource:


✔ morocco desert:


✔ Pakistan: Cholistan desert


✔ (Sam’s dream)

✔ (Desert dwellers)


✔ (settlement)

✔ (2D shape game)

✔ (Sorting 2D and 3D shapes)

✔ (Voilet’s Very Merry Shapes)

✔ (Pattern Quiz)

✔ (Resource for different topics)

✔ (Parts of a house)

✔ (E-book) Sand Animals

✔ (The Forest)


✔ (places to live)

Direction of Kaabah:

✔ How to Find Qibla Direction with Smartphone without App?


Compass introduction to kids



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✔ (Preposition quiz)

✔ (Telling Time Quiz)

✔ Time song:

✔ (Simple past)


✔ (Natural Disaster)

✔ (Volcanic pictures)

Ice Age Collision course: Augmented Reality Book


✔ (Subject verb agreement)

✔ (Scramble Sentences)

✔ (Islamiyat Book Teacher Resource)





● (Paragraph Writing)



● Globe

● Map(landforms)

● Sticky notes

● Flex sheet of earth

● Map of world

● Flex of flora and fauna

● Project/ model of globe

● Frayer Model

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● Shaslik stick

● Small plastic ball

● Flexible steel wire

● Straw

● Paddle pop stick

● Hot glue gun

● Paint

● Brush

● Permanent marker

● Brown paper

● Tray

● Sand

● Cardboard

● Cellophane sheet

● Crape paper

● Molding clay

● Fomic sheet

● Reading Comprehension

● Images of Landforms

● Flash cards of verbs

● Gadget/ device for using Google map

● Constructing materials

● Cheese net, paints for mountains

● Styrofoam fake snow

● Analogue Clock

● Digital Clock

● Egg shells

● Blocks/ Legos

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● Baskets

● Bottle for spinning

● Play dough

Reading material

● Reading material

● PPT slide

● Task Sheet

● Sentences Quiz Sheet

● Activity sheet

● Video comprehension

● Scrap book sheet on RP

● A4 white/colored sheets

● Quiz Sheet

● Movie Review sheet

● Booklet

● Tally sheets

Student self-assessment and peer feedback

● Teacher places a giant flex of earth on floor having different artifacts and famous buildings of 7 continents e.g. Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked to stand on their favorite building and artifact.

● Learners are asked to make an interactive sand tray. Have students use their fingers to push the sand aside to form each landform.

● Learners play fortune teller times table game. Learners are given jumbled time tables (2-9) equation sheet of two sets. Learner 1 chooses an equation from the closed fortune time table and answers the equation. Then learner 2
verifies that they are correct by checking hidden answer. Same turn is taken by learner 2 & completes the tally sheet. High scorer is the winner.

● Grid is drawn on the floor having 7 rows and 7 columns. Learners are giving directions (forward/North, backward/South, right/East, left/ West) For example:2 spaces up, 3 spaces right, 3 spaces up, 2 spaces left 1 space up. This
learner will reach at point D. Similarly, kids are given different directions. Later they complete the sheet of grid.

Ongoing reflections for all teachers

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Additional subject specific reflections

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Prompts: Designing and implementing
Designing engaging Supporting student agency Questions
learning experiences How do we recognize and support student agency in Teacher questions
learning and teaching? What additional teacher questions and provocations are emerging from students’
What experiences will facilitate learning?
evolving theories?
● Teacher places a giant flex of earth on floor having different artifacts
● A word “Geo” and “graphy” along with images of
and famous buildings of 7 continents e.g. Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of ● What do you know about landforms?
“earth” and “study” are posted on the board. Learners
Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked to stand on their favorite • Have you ever seen different types of lands? If yes then where?
are asked to make connection of images with the words
building and artifact. Later learners solve the online quiz on kiddle and
to guess the meaning of it. • Which landforms are surrounded by water?
complete the sheet consisting of labeling and fill the gaps.
*study/ representation of Earth. • Consider yourself as a geographer, which landform would you want to study? why?
● First teacher demonstrates how to make the model of a globe in front of
Have you ever considered making a map of your house?
Teacher places a giant flex of earth on floor having different learners. Later things/ materials are provided to the learners ●

artifacts and famous buildings of 7 continents e.g. Eiffel individually and they are asked to develop model and they are given ● Why do we use maps?
Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked chits with names of 7 continents and are asked to show his/ her
● On a picture of Earth what does white parts show?
to stand on their favorite building and artifact. Following continent on the globe by using paint and black permanent marker.
questions are asked: ● In your opinion why globe is round and map is flat?
● Learners are provided with physical map of Pakistan and rose compass
● Why dont the people living on poles fall in space?
*Where do you want to stand? and they are asked to place compass on their city (Faisalabad) and tell
the direction of Lahore, Islamabad, Sindh, Peshawar etc ● Why do we use directions?
* Do you know where are you standing?
● Learners use different materials to show various landforms in the form ● Have you ever used a compass before?
In order to clear their understanding, they watch the video. of model on a chart paper. ● Can you tell before watches were invented how people measured time?

Pre, While and post watching questions ● Learners are asked to tell which buildings/ places do you see on your • Name some of the continents on Earth?

✔ What is geography? way to school and they are asked to make a word map of the places or • If you areto build yourown settlement what type of landform will you choose?
buildings they see on their way. Learners are asked to guess the
In your opinion what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?
✔ What we call to those people who study about Earth?? meaning of word settler by giving examples like what do we call a ●

person who settles in any settlement? ● Think theabout an Igloo, do you think igloos can freeze us?
✔ Which specific tools do we use to study about Earth?
● Learners observe the slides showing progression of the settlements ● Have you ever sen a different type of house other than cement house?
✔ Why is it important to study about Earth?
(cave > hay > mud > bricks) over the past. Learners select any two ● On your way to school which typesof building you see?
✔ Where do we live? settlements (house) from the slide. They illustrate any two settlements
● Can people live alone or in isolation?
and describe them in in 6sentences (3 each)/ 40-45 words by using
✔ Why life is possible on planet Earth? adjectives. ● Why do we build cities and villages?

✔ What is the shape of a globe/ earth? ● Teacher divide learners in pairs and they are asked to list the ● If you were to live in a mud house and it starts to rain? How will you save your house?

resources/materials they observe in their surroundings later they ● Can an Igloo survive in desert?
✔ Why can we see different colours on the globe?
highlight/mark the materials use to build a house.
• What do you think why is a settlement important?
✔ Which colour do we see the most?
● In order to make learners understand about materials used for • What do you what are some factors that affect location of settlements?
✔ What blue colour is representing on the globe? construction, teacher places bricks, cement, concrete, paint box, piece
• Why do people build settlements?
of wood, steel pipes and wires in trays in front of learners and let them
✔ What white, green, red, orange, yellow colours are feel the texture of each material. They identify the names of each. They ● In Venice, why dont buildings drown?
representing on the globe?
PYP | Unit of inquiry planner (Primary years) | Page 50
✔ What do we say to pole which is located at the top? are provided with reading material to develop understanding of • Do you know about some impacts humans have on the environment?

constructing material. • can you tell a few factors important for the location of a settlement?
✔ Where North Pole is located?
● Learners are asked to share the place and name of town where they In your opinion what are the materials that are necessary to build a house?
✔ Tell the directions of the globe. live? Learners use the Google map to show their town on the map of Student questions:
✔ What is the meaning of hemi- sphere? Faisalabad. In this way learners are introduced to the word Location.
What student questions are emerging from students’ evolving theories?

✔ What is equator? ● Learners watch a video related to Venice. Later they guess the title of
● Do landforms grow?
reading comprehension. Learners read the text focusing on fluency,
✔ What is the difference between the map and the globe? pronunciation expression and audibility “Venice: The floating city” and ● I wonder how many landforms there are.
inquire more about the different types of dwellings over different Are landforms everywhere?
Finally learners solve the online quiz on kiddle and ●
landform. Later they complete the task sheet.
complete the sheet consisting of labeling and fill the gaps. ● Is a landform surrounded by water?
(2P) ● Teacher display 2D shapes in different colors in front of learners and
● Can landforms form in water?
they are asked to identify the shapes. (for brainstorming) or they are
Integrated with Art
asked to share various 2D shapes from their surroundings. Later, they ● Why do landforms come in different shapes?

● First teacher demonstrates how to make the model of a are provided with coloured sheets ● Why do we need map?
globe in front of learners. Later things/ materials are
● Teacher create false combination of dwellings and landforms and ● Are there really treasure maps in the world?
provided to the learners individually and they are asked
learners comment on unsuitable conditions they observe. After the
to develop model and they are given chits with names of ● How are maps made?
discussion is done learners get the idea that few factors like climate,
7 continents and are asked to show his/ her continent on
quality of soil, water supply and shelter are important to decide • Who are geographers?
the globe by using paint and black permanent marker.
(2P) • What do we need geography?
● Learners along with parents are divided into groups and they are
● Teacher writes mnemonics on the board “Never Eat • How is geography used in everyday life?
provided with the different materials such as sand, fake snow, fake
Slimy Worms”, “Never Eat Shredded Wheat “Never Eat
water sheet, and mountains. Name of the landforms are allotted by • What is physical geography?
Soggy Waffles” Learners are asked to guess the pattern
teacher through chits. They design their own town in the allotted area • Where is Pakistan located geographically?
by relating the first letter of mnemonics with the Globe.
of paper and mark these features on mock town having 5 houses per
• How many continents are there?
● From where the sun sets? settlement a road or track.
• What are continents?
● From where the sun rises? ● Learners are asked to stand in the middle the of the courtyard and they
are asked to mention the cardinal directions on the floor using chalks • How many landforms are in Pakistan?
● and write the names of directions and area’s name. • What are the different types of landforms?

● • Learners are taken out for a gallery walk, different images showing • How are plains formed?
settlements and landform. They observe the pictures carefully and fill
• Which landforms are flat on earth?
see think wonder chart.
• What are water landforms?
● Learners play fortune teller times table game. Learners are given
jumbled time tables (2-9) equation sheet of two sets. Learner 1 chooses • Who are settlers?
an equation from the closed fortune time table and answers the • What is settlement?
equation. Then learner 2 verifies that they are correct by checking
hidden answer. Same turn is taken by learner 2 & completes the tally • How settlement is important?
sheet. High scorer is the winner.
• What is the difference between challenge and difficulty?

• What is a settlement area?

● Who are settlers?

PYP | Unit of inquiry planner (Primary years) | Page 51

● What is settlement?

● How settlement is important?

● What is the difference between challenge and difficulty?

● What is a settlement area?

On going assessment Making flexible use Student self-assessment

What evidence will we gather about students’ emerging of resources and peer feedback
knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills? ● Teacher places a giant flex of earth on floor having different artifacts and famous buildings of 7
Web links: continents e.g. Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Big Ben etc. and they are asked to stand on
How are we monitoring and documenting learning against their favorite building and artifact.
learning goals and success criteria?
● Learners are asked to make an interactive sand tray. Have students use their
How are we using ongoing assessment to inform planning, ●
fingers to push the sand aside to form each landform.
and the grouping and regrouping of students?
● ● Learners play fortune teller times table game. Learners are given jumbled time tables (2-9)
Formative Assessment I: (Pair task) equation sheet of two sets. Learner 1 chooses an equation from the closed fortune time table and
● answers the equation. Then learner 2 verifies that they are correct by checking hidden answer.
● Learners are divided in pairs and grid Same turn is taken by learner 2 & completes the tally sheet. High scorer is the winner.
is drawn on the floor having 7 rows
plans/islamiyat.pdf ● Grid is drawn on the floor having 7 rows and 7 columns. Learners are giving directions
and 7 columns. Later, they are given (forward/North, backward/South, right/East, left/ West) For example:2 spaces up, 3 spaces right,
different directions(forward/North, ● 3 spaces up, 2 spaces left 1 space up. This learner will reach at point D. Similarly kids are given
backward/South, right/East, left/ different directions. Later they complete the sheet of grid.

West)/ instructions so both members ●

of a pair can ,meet at the same point v=JKT7cSFf2ic&
Formative Assessment II ●

● Teacher sets up a mini building ●

material store in the corner of class ●

and asks learners to select any five
materials to build their dream house. practice-time-skills/

● Task I: Identify materials and write a ●

sentence about each. ●

● Task II: Describe their dream house in
35-40 words ●

Formative Assessment III
Learners listen the story. Later, they are provided with a timestables_2.swf
basket full of picture flash cards having different challenges
related to climatic conditions, they select a card and describe

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it while completing the comprehension sheet “Charley’s ●

Challenge” ●

Formative IV: Attempt multiple choice quiz on

Crape paper
Resources Molding clay
● Types of landfroms & dwellings
Fomic sheet
● Globe Reading Comprehension
● Progression of the settlements over the time,
Images of Landforms
● Map(landforms)
● Relationship between location and settlements. & Flash cards of verbs
Gadget/ device for using Google map
● Sticky notes
Constructing materials
● Chanllenges of settlers settlements on “Hot
● Flex sheet of earth Cheese net, paints for mountains
Potato” . Styrofoam fake snow
● Project/ model of globe Analogue Clock
Digital Clock
● Frayer Model Egg shells
Blocks/ Legos
● Shaslik stick Baskets
Bottle for spinning
● Small plastic ball Play dough
Reading material
● Flexible steel wire Reading material
PPT slide
● Straw
Task Sheet
Sentences Quiz Sheet
● Paddle pop stick
Activity sheet
Video comprehension
● Hot glue gun
Scrap book sheet on RP
● Paint A4 white/colored sheets
Movie Review sheet
● Brush Booklet
Tally sheets
● Permanent marker Quiz Sheet

● Brown paper

● Tray

● Sand

● Cardboard

● Cellophane sheet

Ongoing reflections Additional subject-specific

For all teachers
Inside or outside the programme of inquiry
● How are we responding to students’
emerging questions, theories, inquiries and ● What opportunities are there for students to make connections to
the central idea and lines of inquiry or the programme of inquiry?
PYP | Unit of inquiry planner (Primary years) | Page 53
interests throughout the inquiry?  ● What opportunities are there for students to develop
knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to support the
● How are we supporting opportunities for
transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects?  
student-initiated action throughout the
inquiry?  They learn about Ethics of dwellings in Islam(PSE), texture and types of
construction materials(Science), progression in settlements with the
● How can we ensure that learning is passage of time (Social Studies), model making of settlements(Art), Short
purposeful and authentic and/or connects to skits on progression of settlements(Drama), tunes and music related to
real-life challenges and opportunities?  different regions (Music) and describing scenes, comprehensions,
paragraph and story writings(ELA) and multiplication, time, shapes,
● How are we nurturing positive relationships
patterns& position (Mathematics)
between home, family and school as a basis
for learning, health and well-being?

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Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:

Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year level: Date:

Teacher reflections

Student reflections

Assessment reflections

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Prompts: Reflecting
Teacher reflections Student reflections
How did the strategies we used throughout the unit help to develop and evidence students’ What student-initiated inquiries arose and how did they inform the process of inquiry? What
understanding of the central idea? adjustments were made, and how did this enrich learning? 

What learning experiences best supported students’ development and demonstration of the How are students supported in having voice, choice and ownership in the unit of inquiry? (For
attributes of the learner profile and approaches to learning? example, through: co-constructing learning goals and success criteria, being engaged in student-
initiated inquiries and action, being involved in self-assessing and self-regulating, co-designing
learning spaces and so on).
What evidence do we have that students are developing knowledge, conceptual understandings
and skills to support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects?
How have these experiences impacted on how students feel about their learning? (For example,
through: developing and demonstrating attributes of learner profile and approaches to learning,
To what extent have we strengthened transdisciplinary connections through collaboration among developing understanding of the central idea, achieving learning goals, taking action and so on).
members of the teaching team? 

What did we discover about the process of learning that will inform future learning and teaching?

Assessment reflections
How effective was our monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning informing our understanding of student learning?

What evidence did we gather about students’ knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills?

How will we share this learning with the learning community?

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