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Address: Jalan Udayana Singaraja-Bali. Postal Code 81116
Telp. (0362) 22570, Fax (0362) 25735

Study Program : Mathematics
Course Title : Differential Calculus
Course Code : MMM1101
Semester I
Credit Units 3
Course Prerequisite : None


Differential Calculus is a basic course that must be mastered by students as a basis for learning for advanced courses, such as integral calculus,
multivariable calculus, differential equations, mathematical statistics, and many more. The focus of Differential Calculus is the foundation on
functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, and their applications.


The differential calculus course has the following learning outcomes:

A. Attitude and Behaviour:

At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Contribute to self-improvement through interaction and group work
2) Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise independently
3) Discipline in using time
4) Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics

B. Knowledge:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Describe and explain the concepts of function, it’s domain, and it’s curve.
2) Describe and explain the concepts of limit and continuity.
3) Describe and explain the concepts of derivative.
4) Apply the derivative concept to solve problems

C. Skills:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing mathematics
2) Demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance in solving differential calculus problems
3) Carry out the evaluation process of their group works, and manage their learning independently
No Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Indicators Topics/Subject Matters
1 2 3 4
1 A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, C1,  Students are able to construct a function Function
C2, C3  Students are able to determine the natural domain an  Definition of a function
d range of a function  Natural domain and range
 Students are able to sketch a function  Function’s curve
 Students are able to classify the symmetric of a funct  Symmetry
ion  Algebraic operation on functions
 Students are able to prove some properties of algebra  Properties of operation on functions
ic operation on functions  Some special functions
 Students are able to explain the properties of some s  Composition of functions
pecific functions  Trigonometric functions
 Students are able to construct a composition of two f
 Students are able to explain the properties of some tr
igonometric function

2 A1, A2, A3, A4, B3, B5, C1,  Students are able to deduce the limit of a function ba Limit and Continuity
C2, C3 sed on intuitive understanding.  An Intuitive Understanding
 Students are able to analyse limit of a function by it’ of Limit
s formal definition.  A formal definition of limit
 Students are able to prove some theorems of limit  Theorems of limit
 Students are able to find limit involving trigonometr  Limit involving trigonometri
ic functions c functions
 Students are able to find limit at infinity.  Limit at Infinity; Infinite Li
 Students are able to analyze infinite limit mit
 Students are able to analyze continuity of a function  Continuity of functions
at certain point.
Midterm Examination

3 A1, A2, A3, A4, B3, B5, C1,  Students are able to explain the similarity of instanta The Derivative
C2, C3 neous velocity and gradient of tangent line.  Introduction of the derivative (instant
 Students are able to explain the definition of derivati aneous velocity and gradient of a tan
ve. gent line)
 Students are able to prove the rules for finding deriv  Definition of derivative
ative.  Rules for finding derivatives
 Students are able to find the derivative of trigonomet  Derivative of trigonometric functions
ric functions.  The Chain Rule
 Students are able to apply the chain rule to determin  Implicit differentiation
e the derivative of a composition function.
 Related Rates
 Students are able to apply implicit differentiation.
 Differential and Approximation
 Students are able to solve related rates problems
 Students are able to explain the similarity and differ
ences between differential and derivative.
 Students are able to apply the concept of differential
to find approximation of f(x+Δx)
4 A1, A2, A3, A4, B4, B5, C1,  Students are able to analyze whether a function with Application of the Derivative
C2, C3 certain domain has minimum or maximum value.  Maxima and Minima
 Students are able to determine monotonicity and con  Monotonicity and Concavity
cavity of a function.  Local Extrena and Extrema on Open Int
 Students are able to determine local extrema and ext erval
rema on an open interval  Practical Problems
 Students are able to solve practical problems related  Graphing Function using Calculus
to extreme value, monotonicity and concavity of a f  The Mean Value Theorem for derivativ
unction. es
 Students are able to analyze properties of a function
by using calculus concept and sketch it’s graph.
 Students are able to apply the mean value theorem f
or derivatives
6 Final Examination
Approve by: Arranged by:
Coordinator of Mathematics Study Program

I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan, S.Si., M.Sc. Putu Kartika Dewi, S.Pd., M.Sc.
NIP 198405252008121008 NIP 199004202019032021
Address: Jalan Udayana Singaraja-Bali. Postal Code 81116
Telp. (0362) 22570, Fax (0362) 25735


Study Program : Mathematics
Course Title : Differential Calculus
Course Code : MMM1101
Semester I
Credit Units 3
Course Prerequisite : None


Differential Calculus is a basic course that must be mastered by students as a basis for learning for advanced courses, such as integral calculus,
multivariable calculus, differential equations, mathematical statistics, and many more. The focus of Differential Calculus is the foundation on
functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, and their applications.


The differential calculus course has the following learning outcomes:

A. Attitude and Behavior:

At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Contribute to self-improvement through interaction and group work
2) Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise independently
3) Discipline in using time
4) Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics

B. Knowledge:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Describe and explain the concepts of function, it’s domain, and it’s curve.
2) Describe and explain the concepts of limit and continuity.
3) Describe and explain the concepts of derivative.
4) Apply the derivative concept to solve problems

C. Skills:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing mathematics
2) Demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance in solving differential calculus problems
3) Carry out the evaluation process of their group works, and manage their learning independently


Learning Learning Assessment Time Allocation

Week Study Materials Indicators Form
Outcomes Methods
1-3 A1, A2, A3, A4, Function On-line  Students are able to co  Individual 2 × 50
B1, B2, C1, C2,  Definition of a function  Synchrono nstruct a function Task minutes
C3  Natural domain and range us (Lecture  Students are able to de  Quiz
 Function’s curve via virtual termine the natural do
 Symmetry Meeting) main and range of a fu
 Algebraic operation on functions  Asynchron nction
 Properties of operation on function ous  Students are able to sk
s etch a function
 Some special functions  Students are able to cl
 Composition of functions assify the symmetric o
 Trigonometric functions f a function
 Students are able to pr
ove some properties of
algebraic operation on
 Students are able to ex
plain the properties of
some specific function
 Students are able to co
nstruct a composition
of two functions
 Students are able to ex
plain the properties of
some trigonometric fu
4-7 A1, A2, A3, A4, Limit and Continuity On-line  Students are able to  Students’ 2 × 50
B3, B5, C1, C2,  An Intuitive Understan  Synchrono deduce the limit of a f worksheet minutes
C3 ding of Limit us (Lecture unction based on intui (Group
 A formal definition of li via virtual tive understanding. Task)
mit Meeting)  Students are able to
 Theorems of limit  Asynchron analyse limit of a func
 Limit involving trigono ous (Group tion by it’s formal def
metric functions work and inition.
 Limit at Infinity; Infinit discussion)  Students are able to pr
e Limit ove some theorems of
 Continuity of functions limit
 Students are able to fi
nd limit involving trig
onometric functions
 Students are able to fi
nd limit at infinity.
 Students are able to an
alyze infinite limit
Students are able to anal
yze continuity of a funct
ion at certain point.
8 Midterm Examination
9 & 10 A1, A2, A3, A4, The Derivative On-line  Students are able to ex  Students’ 2 × 50
B8, C1, C2, C3  Introduction of the derivative (in  Synchrono plain the similarity of worksheet minutes
stantaneous velocity and gradien us (Lecture instantaneous velocity (Group
t of a tangent line) via virtual and gradient of tangen Task)
 Definition of derivative Meeting) t line.  Quiz
 Rules for finding derivatives  Asynchron  Students are able to ex
 Derivative of trigonometric func ous (Group plain the definition of
tions work and derivative.
 The Chain Rule discussion)  Students are able to pr
 Implicit differentiation ove the rules for findi
ng derivative.
 Related Rates
 Students are able to fi
 Differential and Approximation
nd the derivative of tri
gonometric functions.
 Students are able to ap
ply the chain rule to d
etermine the derivativ
e of a composition fun
 Students are able to ap
ply implicit differenti
 Students are able to so
lve related rates probl
 Students are able to ex
plain the similarity an
d differences between
differential and deriva
 Students are able to ap
ply the concept of diff
erential to find approx
imation of f(x+Δx)
A1, A2, A3, A4, Rigid Bodies and Equilibrium On-line 1. Students are able to  Students’ 2 × 50
9 - 12
B9, C1, C2, C3  Synchrono apply the concept of worksheet minutes
 Centre of gravity us (Lecture centre of gravity of (Group
 The equilibrium of rigid bodies via virtual objects in a rigid body Task)
 Rotational dynamics, torque and Meeting) equilibrium
moment of inertia  Asynchron 2. Students are able to
 Rolling motion ous (Group analyse the problem
 Work and kinetic energy of work and of rotational
rolling motion discussion)
dynamics of rigid
Angular momentum and its bodies for various
conservation conditions
3. Students are able to
formulate the law of
conservation of
angular momentum in
rotational motion
A1, A2, A3, A4, Application of the Derivative On-line  Students are able to an  Students’ 2 × 50
13 - 15
B9, C1, C2, C3  Maxima and Minima  Synchrono alyze whether a functi worksheet minutes
 Monotonicity and Concavity us (Lecture on with certain domain (Group
 Local Extrena and Extrema on Ope via virtual has minimum or maxi Task)
n Interval Meeting) mum value.
 Practical Problems  Asynchron  Students are able to de
 Graphing Function using Calculus ous (Group termine monotonicity
 The Mean Value Theorem for deri work and and concavity of a fun
vatives discussion) ction.
 Students are able to de
termine local extrema
and extrema on an op
en interval
 Students are able to so
lve practical problems
related to extreme val
ue, monotonicity and
concavity of a functio
 Students are able to an
alyze properties of a f
unction by using calcu
lus concept and sketch
it’s graph.
 Students are able to ap
ply the mean value th
eorem for derivatives
16 Final Exam

V. EVALUATION (indicators and percentage)

A. Assessment of Process (Weighting for qualification 60 %)
1. Attitude (refers to the description of the general description)
2. Participation and activities in the learning process (Lectures, group discussions, simulations)
3. Completion of tasks

B. Assessment of Products (Weighting for qualification 40%)

1. Midterm Exam
2. Final Exam

C. Assessment Reference: using the Five Scale Range

Score Value (in numbers) Band
96 – 100 4.00 A
91 – 95 3.75 A-
86 – 90 3.25 B+
81 – 85 3.00 B
76 – 80 2.75 B
65 – 75 2.00 C
40 – 64 1.00 D
0 – 39 0.00 E

 Varberg, Purcell, dan Rigdon. Calculus (9th Edition)
 Wrede dan Spiegel. 2010. Schaum’s Outline Series : Advanced Calculus (third edition). McGraw-Hill.

Approve by: Arranged by:

Coordinator of Mathematics Study Program

I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan, S.Si., M.Sc. Putu Kartika Dewi, S.Pd., M.Sc.
NIP 198405252008121008 NIP 199004202019032021
Address: Jalan Udayana Singaraja-Bali. Postal Code 81116
Telp. (0362) 22570, Fax (0362) 25735


Study Program : Mathematics
Course Title : Differential Calculus
Course Code : MMM1101
Semester I
Credit Units 3
Course Prerequisite : None


Differential Calculus is a basic course that must be mastered by students as a basis for learning for advanced courses, such as integral calculus,
multivariable calculus, differential equations, mathematical statistics, and many more. The focus of Differential Calculus is the foundation on
functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, and their applications.
The Fundamental of mechanics course has the following learning outcomes:

D. Attitude and Behavior:

At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Contribute to self-improvement through interaction and group work
2) Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise independently
3) Discipline in using time
4) Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics

E. Knowledge:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Describe and explain the concepts of function, it’s domain, and it’s curve.
2) Describe and explain the concepts of limit and continuity.
3) Describe and explain the concepts of derivative.
4) Apply the derivative concept to solve problems

F. Skills:
At the end of the course program, the students shall be able to:
1) Apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing mathematics
2) Demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance in solving differential calculus problems
3) Carry out the evaluation process of their group works, and manage their learning independently

Learning methods that will be used in this course are lectures, Q&A, group discussions, assignments, and quizzes.


1. Students are required to take Middle and Final Semester Examination as scheduled.
2. Students are required to do all the assignments (both individual and group work) given by the lecturer.
3. Students are required to obey the following rules during the course:
a) To attend the lectures in a good and discipline manner (students are not allowed to join the lectures after 15 minutes late).
b) To dress formally and are prohibited to wear t-shirts and sandals to the class.
c) Students are not allowed to use handphone for communicating during the lectures and must set their handphone on silent mode.
d) If there is an urgent matter regarding using the phones, students must ask the lecturer’s permission.
e) If the lecturer is 20 minutes late without giving any notice to the students, the student may leave the class.
f) Students must attend 75% of total face to face/ virtual meetings in one semester
g) Any violation of these rules will get sanctions in the form of: (1) reprimand (2) warning and (3) not allowed to attend lectures at the
time of violation.

VI. EVALUATION (indicators and percentage)

A. Assessment of Process (Weighting for qualification 60 %)
1. Attitude (refers to the description of the general description)
2. Participation and activities in the learning process (Lectures, group discussions, simulations)
3. Completion of tasks

B. Assessment of Products (Weighting for qualification 40%)

1. Midterm Exam
2. Final Exam
C. Assessment Reference: using the Five Scale Range
Score Value (in numbers) Band
96 – 100 4.00 A
91 – 95 3.75 A-
86 – 90 3.25 B+
81 – 85 3.00 B
76 – 80 2.75 B
65 – 75 2.00 C
40 – 64 1.00 D
0 – 39 0.00 E

 Varberg, Purcell, dan Rigdon. Calculus (9th Edition)
 Wrede dan Spiegel. 2010. Schaum’s Outline Series : Advanced Calculus (third edition). McGraw-Hill.

Approve by: Arranged by:

Coordinator of Mathematics Study Program

I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan, S.Si., M.Sc. Putu Kartika Dewi, S.Pd., M.Sc.
NIP 198405252008121008 NIP 199004202019032021

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