Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1: 13) Construct The Partitioned Semantic Net Representations For The Following

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1) Explain the State Space with the use of Water Jug Problem.
2) Differentiate the DFS and BFS with merits and demerits
3) Solve the following Crypt arithmetic Problem.

4) What is Hill Climbing? Explain Simple Hill Climbing and Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing.
5) Explain the Forward and Backward Reasoning.
6) What are the Applications, Features and Limitations of Prolog?
7) Demonstrate the use of Cut and Fail Predicates in Prolog with example.
8) What are the Problem Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence?
9) Describe the various steps of Natural language Processing.
10) Explain the algorithm for Backpropagation in Neural Networks.
11) Explain the Alpha-Beta Cut offs Procedure in Game Playing.
12) Describe the Expert System Development Procedure.
13) Construct the partitioned semantic net representations for the following:
• Every batter hit a ball.
• All the batters like the pitcher.
14) Explain the Bayesian Networks.
15) Describe briefly the applications of Neural Networks.
16) Explain the Nonmonotonic reasoning.
17) What is Intelligence? Discuss types of problems requiring Intelligence to solve it. Define
18) Solve Water-Jug Problem using Production Rule System.
19) Explain & Compare DFS & BFS search algorithm.
20) Explain general properties of solution.
21) What is artificial intelligence? Explain various problem solution techniques used in AI.
22) Explain applications of AI in biomedical engineering.
23) Explain general properties of solution
24) What is expert system? Explain any one expert system
25) What is task level programming? Explain task planning problem.
26) Explain: (i) Grasp planning (ii) Fine motion planning
27) What is Intelligence? Discuss types of problems requiring Intelligence to solve it. Define
28) Solve Water-Jug Problem using Production Rule System
29) Explain & Compare DFS & BFS search algorithm.
30) Explain A* algorithm
31) Explain Steepest ascent Hill climbing algorithm
32) Consider the following sentences and Answer a,b,c given below:
1. Rama likes all kinds of vegetarian food.
2. Oranges are food.
3. Mutton is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and is not killed by is food.
5. Likex eats peanuts and is still alive.
6. Lovex eats everything Likex eats.
(a) Translate these sentences into formulas in Predicate Logic.
(b) Prove that Rama likes peanuts using Backward Chaining.
(c) Prove Rama likes peanuts using Resolution

33) Explain Inference Rules in Propositional Calculus

34) Explain mean-end analysis approach to solve AI problems
35) What is Expert System? Explain it’s Architecture, Features & applications in brief
36) Solve 8 Puzzle problem by any AI Technique
37) Explain Artificial Neural Network in brief.
38) Explain Minmax procedure for game playing with any example
39) What is Natural Language Processing? Explain each step of NLP
40) Explain CUT, FAIL & REPEAT predicates in PROLOG
41) Write a Prolog program to solve Tower of Hanoi Problem
42) Write a prolog program to count vowels in a list of characters
43) Write a prolog program to find the sum of elements of a List.
44) Explain the State Space with the use of 8 Puzzle Problem.
45) Discuss the AI Problem Characteristics in detail.
46) Solve the following Crypt arithmetic Problem.

47) Solve The following Crypt arithmetic problem:
48) What is local maximum, Plateau and Ridge? Assume the following facts :
 John likes all kinds of food.
 Apples are food.
 Chicken is food.
 Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
 Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
 Sue eats everything Bill eats.
o Translate these sentences into formulas in Predicate logic
o Prove that John likes peanuts using backward chaining.

49) What is Red Cut and Green Cut in Prolog?

50) Demonstrate the use of Repeat Predicate in Prolog with example.
51) Explain the Minimax Procedure with example.
52) Explain Probability and Bay’s Theorem
53) Write a prolog program to solve Tower of Hanoi Problem
54) What is Non-monotonic Reasoning
55) Describe the Expert System Development Procedure
56) Explain semantic net and frames with proper example
57) Explain the Bayesian Networks
58) Describe briefly the applications of Neural Networks
59) Explain Semantic and Syntactic analysis in NLP.
60) What is artificial intelligence? Define the different task domains of artificial intelligence.
61) What is production system? Explain it with an example. Discuss the characteristics of a
production system.
62) What is depth first search? Explain algorithm and its advantages
63) Explain the different approaches to knowledge representation
64) What is natural language processing? Explain the NLP steps in process
65) Explain Expert System Architecture In Artificial Intelligence
66) Explain depth first search (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS) with suitable examples.
Why is ‘depth limited search’ necessary in DFS?
67) What do you mean by state space representation of a problem? Illustrate how you can
represent following water jug problem as a state space search: There are two jugs
(without any measuring marks on them) of 4 and 3 liters capacity, respectively. There is a
tap of water to fill the jugs. The objective is to fill the 4-liter jug with exactly 2 liter of
68) Explain Goal Stack planning using suitable example
69) Explain simulated annealing algorithm
70) Explain Depth first search and Breadth first search with example
71) Explain AO* algorithm
72) Explain simulated annealing algorithm
73) Explain the different issues in Knowledge representation
74) Explain the algorithm of predicate logic resolution
75) Explain Semantic Net and Frame with example
76) What is an expert system? Explain Architecture of an Expert system
77) Solve Travelling Salesman Problem using any AI technique
78) Solve Water Jug Problem using production rule system
79) Explain cut and fail predicate with example
80) Explain steps of Natural Language Processing
81) Write a prolog program to find sum of all the numbers of a list
82) Write a prolog program to find maximum number from a list
83) Solve the following Crypt Arithmetic problem.
84) Explain the algorithm for Backpropagation in Neural Networks
85) Describe the Expert System Development Procedure
86) Write a Prolog program to solve Tower of Hanoi Problem.
87) Solve The following Crypt arithmetic problem:
88) Explain Goal Stack planning using suitable example

1) Explain Robot classification
2) Explain linear interpolation with parabolic blends
3) Explain composite homogeneous transformations
4) Explain screw transformations
5) Explain the arm equation in detail
6) Explain a four axis SCARA robot
7) Explain the concentric layout of multiple part feeders
8) Describe common characteristics of robot specification
9) Explain: (i) Grasp planning (ii) Fine motion planning
10) Explain Robot classification.
11) Explain pick and place operation.
12) Explain the concentric layout of multiple part feeders
13) Describe common characteristics of robot specification
14) Define: Production system. Explain characteristics of production system.

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