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English Speaking Lesson Plan

This lesson plan to help you teach your students how to polish up and improve their
English speaking skills. A text lesson outlines several strategies which students they put
into practice with hands-on activities.

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:

 explain why strong speaking skills are important

 identify, name, and explain strategies to use to strengthen their English speaking

 1 - 1.5 hours


 Copies of the lesson How to Improve English Speaking Skills, one for each
 Index cards with conversation topic ideas, such as 'Favorite birthday party' and
'Last time I wore a costume'
 Technology equipment that allows students to watch movies and/or television as
well as programs to watch
 Paper
 Construction paper
 Magazines
 Scissors
 Glue

Key Vocabulary

 Fluent
 Conversational partner
 Authentic


 Before class, set up three stations for students as follows:

o Talk station, stocked with index cards with conversation topic ideas, such
as 'Favorite birthday party' and 'Last time I wore a costume.'
o Media station with devices for students to watch television or movies as is
appropriate for your students, along with paper and pencils.
o Journal station with paper, construction paper, staplers, magazines,
markers, scissors, and glue.

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