Philosophy What I Know

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Module 1:

Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer from the statements below. Write
your answers on other sheet of paper.
__A__1.It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and
actions and learn from experience.
A. reflection C. wondering
B. questioning D. reasoning
__D__2. What is the science and art of correct thinking?
A. Ethics C. Metaphysics
B. Aesthetics D. Logic
__A__3. The type of philosophical reflection which trains the mind to think logically. It is also
the ability of the mind to construct and evaluate arguments
A. Secondary reflection C. Primary reflection
B. Tertiary reflection D. all of the above
__B__4. One of the triumvirate Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument called
A. Plato C. Pythagoras
B Socrates D. Aristotle
__A__5. This is the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a
conclusion or judgement.
A. reasoning C. intuition
B. proposition D. reflection
__B__6. It is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some
sort of contradictory process between opposing sides.
A. deductive C. Inductive
B. dialectic D. reflective
__A__7. It is the idea that various systems (e.g. physical, biological, social) should be viewed as
wholes, not merely as a collection of parts.
A. holism C. existentialism
B. idealism D. rationalism
__C__8. According to Gabriel Marcel this type of reflection enables us to look deeper into our
experiences and see the bigger picture of reality.
A. Secondary reflection C. Primary reflection
B. Tertiary reflection D. all of the above
__A__9. The western philosophical tradition originated in______.
A. Greece C. India
B. China D. Egypt
__C__10. What is the branch of Philosophy that studies the nature and means of human
A. Metaphysics C. Politics
B. Ethics D. Epistemology

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