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Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

Rifati Hanifa, Ernie Diyahkusumaning Ayu Imperiani

English Language and Literature
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aims to examine the turn-taking patterns and the possible
factors influencing turn-taking in The Help (2011) movie. Particular
conversations were used as the data, namely the conversations between
Miss Celia and Minny (M1) as well as the conversation between Miss
Hilly and Minny (M2). Using the turn-taking theory from Levinson
(1983) as set out by Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974), this study
found three turn-taking patterns that occurred in both conversations;
they are self-selection (SS), current speaker selects the next speaker
(CS2TNS), and current speaker continues (CSC). Factors influencing
turn-taking were also found in the conversations; they are social status
and discourse topic. Regarding the turn-taking patterns, self-selection
(SS) is the most common pattern that emerged in M1, meanwhile
current speaker selects the next speaker (CS2TNS) is the dominant used
in M2. The use of SS in M1 indicates that the participants have a close
relationship which is portrayed through the topic being discussed. On
the contrary, in M2, CS2TNS which occurs mostly in the form of
command shows the power of the maid’s master. This suggests that the
use of CS2TNS pattern is mostly influenced by social status.

Keywords: Conversation Analysis, Turn-Taking Patterns, Factors of Turn-Taking

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

INTRODUCTION inequality in terms of social class

Conversation is an interaction which discrimination during the Civil Rights
involves two or more participants that Movements in 1963 which took the setting
commonly uses verbal and nonverbal in Jackson, Mississippi. The
signals (Brennan, 2010). It plays a role as discrimination affected the way white
a means of communication to exchange people behave towards colored people.
information, share thoughts and feelings, The portrayal of social class difference is
and give the people the opportunity to clearly seen since the white people enact
learn new things. When people speak in as having higher social class than the
conversation, they usually take and serve colored ones which have a role as a maid.
turns which are commonly known as turn- Therefore, analysing turn taking in this
taking. According to Olutayo (2013) turn- movie is intriguing.
taking refers to the process of shifting a
Regarding turn-taking analysis,
turn between the speakers which involves
there have been a number of studies
floor, overlaps, backchannels and
focusing on turn-taking analysis. Olutayo
interrupts. In fact, turn-taking is important
(2013), for instance, who examined the
to be understood because it helps the
natural conversation in television
participants of the conversation to
discourse, namely talk shows. He
comprehend the rhythm of
investigated the determinants of turn-
communication or the turn exchange in
taking patterns in Nigerian television talk
particular setting.
shows, and his study revealed that there
Since turn-taking is a common were seven determinants that play major
occurrence in daily conversation, it seems roles in determining the patterns of turn-
that turn-taking has a chance to occur in taking, such as discourse topic, social
the conversation between people from status of the participants, the composition
various backgrounds in the society. That of the guests, the personality of the hosts,
particular phenomenon can also be gender, culture, and duration of the
observed in a number of literary works, program.
such as a movie since it often adopts the
Another study came from Brunett
actual issues that happen in the reality.
(2017) who explored the role of turn-
The Help (2011) is an American taking within 3 fieldwork sessions
drama movie which depicts a condition of between a linguist and native Mocho’

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

speaker, especially to address the attention has been given to turn-taking

occurences of overlaps in the conversation studies on movies. If any, the previous
and investigates the role of culture and studies have left an area that has not been
ethnicity in the turn taking mechanism. discussed. Tiono and Ansori (2005), for
The study concluded that fieldwork instance, investigated turn-taking
conversations have a specific organization irregularities by African American
of turn-taking, promoting overlap for characters in Why Do Fools Fall in Love
native language consultant in order to movie. This study revealed that
ensure accuracy of language data and interruption and overlap are the types of
transcription. The study also found that turn-taking irregularities that occurred in
the conversation largely depended on the the conversation among the main
sociocultural background. characters in the movie.

Moreover, Napitupulu and To contribute to the plethora of

Siahaan (2014) also conducted a study studies on turn-taking, this study focuses
regarding turn-taking patterns that took on examining the patterns of turn-taking
place in Marhata, an event which is a part that occur in the conversations between
of Batak Toba traditional wedding individuals with different social classes in
ceremony. The results demonstrated that particular movie entitled The Help (2011).
the current speaker selects the next To analyze the turn-taking patterns, this
speaker is the most dominantly used in study employs the turn-taking theory from
Marhata. The turn-taking in Marhata of Levinson (1983) as proposed by Sacks,
every Batak Toba traditional wedding Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974). Besides
ceremony mostly influenced by Batak investigate the turn-taking patterns, this
Toba culture in which kinship played the study also analyze the possible factors that
dominant role in every turn-taking. influence the occurrences of turn-taking
by using Olutayo’s determinants of turn-
Most prior studies have focused on
taking. The selection of The Help (2011)
television discourse (e.g. Olutayo, 2013;
movie is based upon the issue being raised
Oyeleye & Olutayo, 2012; Azhimi, 2016;
which is racial discrimination that
and Amanat, 2015), on fieldwork study of
involves characters that belong to
Mocho’ speaker (e.g. Brunett, 2017), and
different racial categories; white
on cultural ceremony (Marhata) discourse
Americans and African-Americans. The
(e.g. Napitupulu & Siahaan, 2014). Little

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

reason of using movie conversations as patterns and the possible factors that
the data are because they can represent the influence the occurrences of turn-taking.
reality of a society through language in
The data were taken from the
which its function reflects meaning.
movie conversations of The Help (2011).
Through the findings of this study, Certain scenes were selected that related
theoretically, it might contribute to the to the turn-taking rules. There were two
development of a turn-taking theory in conversations selected; namely, the
social interaction discourse. Meanwhile, conversation between Minny and Miss
the findings are expected to give a new Celia which was labeled using the initial
perspective on how people with different code M1, and also the conversation
social class communicate in everyday between Minny and Miss Hilly that was
interaction. Furthermore, practically, this labeled using the initial code M2. Then,
pattern of turn-taking can be applied in the data were transcribed using transcript
social interaction to gain successful symbol as proposed by Jefferson (2004, as
communication and contribute to give a cited in Forrester, 2010).
deep understanding on how to interpret
After the data were compiled, they
meaning embedded in the interaction.
were analysed by using the turn-taking
theory from Sacks, Schegloff, and
METHODOLOGY Jefferson (1974) which involved several
This study used a descriptive qualitative steps. First, identifying the utterances in
method supported by a simple terms of turn-taking. Second, categorizing
quantification to show the frequency of the turn-taking patterns found in the data.
turn-taking which in the form of tables. Then, calculating the turn-taking patterns
According to Berg (2001) a qualitative to obtain the percentage of the
research method refers to non-numerical occurrences of turn-taking. Lastly,
data such as description of things, interpreting the results and drawing
meanings, metaphors, concepts conclusions.
definitions, symbols, and characteristics.
Furthermore, to discover the
Thus, this research design suits this study
possible factors influencing turn-taking,
since the data of the study were in the form
this stage focused on investigating the
of conversation in which the turn-taking
social relations among the characters by

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

employing Olutayo’s (2013) determinants developed by Sacks, Schegloff, and

of turn-taking. Jefferson (1974). In M1, self-selection is
the most dominant pattern emerged in the
data which obtained 42 turns (53.16%) out
of 79 turns. The second pattern that
The analysis of this study revealed that
occurred quite often is current speaker
there are three turn-taking patterns that
selects the next speaker (CS2TNS) which
occurred in this study; they are self-
gained 25 turns (31.64%). At the last,
selection, current speaker selects the next
current speaker continues (CSC) appeared
speaker, and current speaker continues.
the least in the data which include 12 turns
Related to the factors influencing turn-
(15.2%). In M2, meanwhile, the most
taking, this study discovered two factors
frequent to the least patterns appeared in
which are discourse topic and social
the data are CS2TNS (81.48%), SS
status. The elaboration of these findings
(14.82%), and CSC (3.7%) in which the
are shown and discussed as follows.
total turns are 27. The findings are
Turn-Taking Patterns summarized in table 2 and 3 which are
presented as follows.
The analysis of turn-taking
patterns employed the turn-taking rules

Table 2. M1’s Turn-Taking Percentage

Turn-Taking Patterns Occurrences (%) Number of Turns

SS 53.16 42

CS2TNS 31.64 25

CSC 15.2 12

Total 100 79

Table 3. M2’s Turn-Taking Percentage

Turn-Taking Patterns Occurrences (%) Number of Turns

CS2TNS 81.48 22

SS 14.82 4

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

CSC 3.7 1

Total 100 27

From table 2 and 3, each pattern of (The Help, 2011)

turn-taking in the data has an
The instance above showed that
interpretation in which in the same
self-selection pattern has various
pattern, the utterances might show
intentions or functions in delivering
different functions. Further elaboration of
utterances. The response ‘Oh’ uttered by
each pattern of turn-taking is shown as
Miss Celia (MC), in this case, showed the
expression of surprise as the reaction of
Self-selection (SS) what has been said by Minny (M). In
accordance with Merriam-Webster’s
Self-selection occurs when the
dictionary, Oh is an exclamation which is
current speaker does not allocate the next
used to express emotion such as desire or
turn to other speakers, then the
surprise or to express acknowledgement
participants involved in the conversation
or understanding of a statement. In
have an opportunity to take the turn to be
response to Miss Celia, Minny gave her
the next speaker. The analysis revealed
work schedule as the thing to be
that self-selection is the most frequent
discussed. Here, she used SS due to the
pattern appeared in M1 (53.16%).
previous turn does not involve the use of
Whereas, it is the second most dominant
CS2TNS (Sacks et al., 1974).
pattern emerged in M2 (14.82%). The
Furthermore, another function of SS is
sample of the data showed self-selection
denoted by Miss Celia’s utterance, “No,
pattern in M1 that is presented below.
you can’t works at all on weekends.”
E1.MC: You hungry? which indicates to clarify or emphasize
M: =No, Ma’am the statement.
M: =Now, hold on a minute >we gots
Current speaker selects the next speaker
to talk about some things first<
MC: (Oh).
M: I worked Sunday to Friday. M2 used this pattern as the most
MC: <No, you can’t work at all on frequent pattern shown in the data
weekends> (81.48%). Meanwhile, M1 used this

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

pattern far less than SS which was be used to assure something through direct
31.64%. Current speaker selects the next questions (Oyeleye & Olutayo, 2012).
speaker occurs when the first speaker
In addition to ensure something,
allocates a turn to the next speaker usually
CS2TNS was also used to get response,
by delivering a question, addressing the
the example is as follows.
next speaker’s name, or asking the next
speaker to do something (Levinson, E4. M: Don’t be taking those woman any
1983). The use of CS2TNS in the more pies, you understand?
conversation can show the interpretation (7.0)
of the utterances as can be seen in the MC: <They made me stand there like
following excerpt as follows. I was the vacum salesman>
(.)Why Minny?
E3. M: Okay. (.)Well, what time you
M: =‘Cause they know about you
want me here?
getting (.) knocked up by Mr.
MC: After nine (.) and you gotta leave
Johnny (.) Mad you married one a
before four.
they mens. (.) Especially since
M: Okay Now what your husband say
Miss Hilly and Mr. Johnny had
you can pay?
just broke up, too.
MC: Johnny doesn’t know I’m
bringing in help. (The Help, 2011)

(The Help, 2011) The words ‘Why, Minny?’ uttered

by Miss Celia denote that she needs a
Here, Minny allocates turns to
response from Minny which was selected
Miss Celia by using the personal pronun
as the the next speaker. Here, the use of
you to ask two questions about her work
CS2TNS indicates that Miss Celia
hour as well as her salary. As stated by
positioned herself as not having more
Amanat (2015), the setting of the
authority than Minny. Unlike in M2, Miss
conversation which involve only two
Celia showed power inequality regarding
people, the word you in addressing the
the use of CS2TNS as the following
next speaker is directly refer to another
example below.
speaker, which in this case is Miss Celia.
Regarding the function of CS2TNS, the
instance above indicates that CS2TNS can E4. MH : What do you put in here
that makes it taste so goo::d?
Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

M: =That good vanilla from Mexico (.) E5. MC: >Johnny’s grandma left him this
and. something else re:::al special. house when she died< (.) and then
MH: Mmm:: Johnny’s momma wouldn’t let me
(Minny talks to Miss Hilly’s mom) change a thing (.) But if I had my
M : >No no no< Missus Walters, that’s way, this place would have wall to
Miss Hilly’s special pie. wall whi::te carpet with go:ld
(2.0) trim(h) (.) None of this old stuff.
MH: Momma can have a piece. (1.0)
(3.0) MC: Main house has five bedrooms
MH: Take her one! Go get a plate! and baths (.) Then the pool
house has two more beds and
(The Help, 2011)
In this context, Minny was no M: When y’all gone have some
longer Miss Hilly’s helper since Minny chillin’ (.) start fillin’ up all those
was fired unilaterally. Here, Minny came beds?
to Miss Hilly’s house and brought her pie
(The Help, 2011)
which was known as the best pie in town.
Though she came as a visitor, Miss Hilly’s The excerpt exemplify above
command was rude as if she still work for indicates CSC pattern as it is shown by
her. Moreover, other utterances in M2 Miss Celia who continued her speak after
were interpreted as a prevalent pattern doing self-selection and a slightly pause.
which is to ask and answer questions. In regard to the function of CSC pattern, it
is mostly used to express an explanation in
Current speaker continues (CSC)
detail. It was evident in Miss Celia’s
This pattern appeared the least in utterances, at first, she did self-selection in
both conversations; M1 (15.2%) and M2 talking about parts of her house, as she
(3.7%). Current speaker continues occurs narrated that her house was the inheritance
when there is no pre-selection or self- of Johnny’s grandmother. Then, CSC
selection after a slight or long pause pattern occurred to explain the house in
(Oyeleye & Olutayo, 2012). The example detail, as Miss Celia said, “Main house
of CSC pattern in the data is shown below. has five bedrooms and baths. Then the
pool house has two more beds and baths.”

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

Another function found in M1 is Among the determinants of turn-

CSC used to express gratitude. It is taking suggested by Olutayo, only two
evident in the following instance as factors are relevant to this study, namely
follows. social status and discourse topic. Further
elaborated of possible factors influencing
E6. M: What’s this?
turn-taking are shown as follows.
MC: I cooked it a:ll by myself.
MC: I wanted to do something special. Social Status
Social status was portrayed vividly
MC: I wanted to say thank you.
in The Help (2011) movie which involved
M: So::. I ain’t losing my job?
maids and masters. Minny who was
(The Help, 2011) working for Miss Hilly was dishonourably
fired. Shortly after, fortunately, she got
By saying thank you, Miss Celia
Miss Celia as her new master. Miss Hilly
was beyond grateful to have Minny as her
and Miss Celia had the same social status
helper because she made contribution to
in which they were equal in terms of
Miss Celia’s daily life so that Miss Celia
wealth, race as well as their role as masters
could do the stuff that she never do before,
in the movie, whereas Minny is a maid
like cooking.
which belongs to lower social status in the
society. Both masters treated her in
different ways in which it determined the
Possible Factors that influence Turn-
number of turns amongst them. The
number of their turns are presented in the
following table 4 below.

Table 4. The participants’ number of turns

Participants Number of Turns

(M1) Miss Celia – Minny 38

(M1) Minny - Miss Celia 41

(M2) Miss Hilly – Minny 18

(M2) Minny - Miss Hilly 9

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

The table 4 above shows Social status is not the only

different number of turns occurred in one that determines the occurrences
the conversations. Miss Celia had 38 of turn-taking. Another factor which
turns in which she had less frequent will be discussed is discourse topic.
turns than Minny who had 41 turns. Further elaborated factor influencing
On the other hand, Miss Hilly who turn-taking is shown in the section
was Minny’s first master had 18 turns below.
which occurred more frequent than
Discourse Topic
Besides social status, this
The study revealed that social
study also revealed that both
status might influence the turn-taking
conversations have different topics
occurrences. This conforms
discussed in their interaction. This
Olutayo’s (2013) statement, the
issue determines to a large extent the
higher status of someone in society,
turn-taking patterns shaped in the
the more turns are taken. In other
words, the conversation is dominated
by those who occupy the higher rank The conversation between
in society. In terms of the number of Miss Celia and Minny mostly
turns, M1 indicates that social status discussed about personal life. In
does not influence the occurrences of contrast, the conversation between
turn-taking in talk-in-interaction since Miss Hilly and Minny was merely
Miss Celia, whose belongs to higher between a master and a maid. What
status, had less turns than Minny. On makes M1 conversation more
the contrary, social status was interactive because Miss Celia might
applicable in determining the number not positioned herself as more
of turn-taking in M2. It is proved that powerful than Minny. In addition, the
someone with higher status, which is way Miss Celia treated Minny built a
Miss Hilly, dominate the conversation closeness relationship between them
by taking more turns than Minny who which reflected in the example
occupied the lower status. presented below.

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

E7. MC: There you a::re aimed to differentiate white and

MC: I’m sta::rved. It (the coloured people.
chicken) looks so goo::d!
On the contrary, the topic
M: >We done been over this, Miss
discussed in M2 reflected the social
Celia< You supposed to eat in
relation between Miss Hilly and
the dinin’ room (.) that how it
Minny was professionally between
master and maid, as can be seen in the
M: Here, let me take your plate
example below.
MC: No! E8. MH Minny Go get Momma
I’m fine right here Minny. M: Missus Walters?! You need
(7.0) help coming down?
MC: Mmm(h)
(The Help, 2011)
M: What?
MC: I just want you to know... I’m
The excerpt 8 portrayed the
real grateful you’re here.
way Miss Hilly treated Minny was
(The Help, 2011)
different from Miss Celia’s way. As
The setting took place in the Miss Hilly narrated in the excerpt 8
kitchen where the fried chicken that she gave command to Minny to
already served in the dining room. do something which mean that the
The common rule was, the maid must topic that being discussed indicate
eating in the kitchen in which table that both of them had social
and chairs were provided, whereas the relationship inequality which affect to
master eating in the dining room. their number of turns.
However, Miss Celia neglect the rule.
Olutayo (2013) who
She preferred to have lunch with
investigated discourse topic in
Minny in the kitchen area. It indicates
television talk shows, revealed that
that Miss Celia disregard the rules
the controversial topics gained more
that commonly applied in society that
involvement from the participants as

Passage 2019, 7(3), 114-128

well as the overlaps and interruptions used is current speaker selects the
were found more in those episodes. next speaker (CS2TNS). These
They tend to have the floor in the findings affected by two factors
interaction to deliver their points. which are found in the data; they are
Unlike in Olutayo’s (2013) study, this social status and discourse topic.
study found that the social relation
Self-selection occurred in M1
between a master and a maid can be
denote that the participants have a
determined through discourse topic in
close relationship since both
which the topic related to personal life
participants enact as not having more
obtains more turns and involvement,
authoritative role to each other. This
though neither overlaps nor
may be due to discourse topic that
interruptions include.
plays a major role in determining their
CONCLUSION social relation. Meanwhile, CS2TNS
occurred in M2 mostly dominant by
This study revealed the turn-taking one participant which is Miss Hilly. In
patterns occurred in The Help (2011) M2, the use of CS2TNS is mostly in
movie as well as the possible factors the form of command which indicate
influencing turn-taking shown in the the authority of the master towards
conversation between two masters the maid. This turn-taking pattern in
and a maid; namely, the conversation M2 is influenced by social status.
between Miss Celia and Minny (M1)
In conclusion, it can be
and the conversation between Miss
inferred that even though the
Hilly and Minny (M2). The analysis
participants in the conversation
has shown that both conversations
belong to different social status, the
indicate different number of turn-
turn-taking will be intense if the
taking patterns. It is evident that M1
discourse topic involves both of the
gained 79 turns in which self-
participants. Moreover, to gain more
selection is the most dominant pattern
understanding about turn-taking,
occurred, whereas M2 gained 23 turns
future study could conduct turn-
in which the most prevalent pattern
taking analysis using another genre of

Rifati Hanifa
Turn-Taking Patterns in the Characters’ Dialogue in The Help (2011) Movie

literary work or another conversation influencing turn-taking in movies

setting. In addition, it is possible for since the latest findings only obtain
future study to discover other factors two factors.

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