GR CH ZIKANA. Villi Heritage by MR Z

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G&G Kennels’ GR CH ZK, 1S, 1xXC nd Galo wrote this ZIKANA story especially for is book, ver his famous ZIKANA won her last hunt Over Stone City Keres jations on latest Grand Champion and enjoy the story. ~ my ine night af fiycongratl ZIKANA was born in a litter of 4 pups, This breeding was m: frend GO. Kennels (GR CH CROATA owner) when he ccouee Naan, G0 & Carrera's VILI III who was imported from Ntaly, from South Kennels wth hs female named Southern Kennel’s RAMONA (who was a gift from cyber Dog Kennels). RAMONA comes from special Southern Kennels program, daughter of a very special exemplary male with infinite game It was Southem Kennels’ (Cyber Dog Kennels) ICE DAY H fof GR CH MAYDAY) who was breed to Southern Kennels ROJA, she was a daughter of BAMBAM (son of GR CH MAYDAY and trother to Havana Boys CH NORIEGA 4W) and Evolution Kennels’ LADY ROMELL. of this breeding between VILI Ill x RAMONA, 4 black pups were born that would change the history of the gamedog world, this litter was called THE FANTASTICS FOUR"! Here they are as follows Galo and CH LUCIUS 4 WHS, brother to GR CH ZIKANA 27 - (aka The Killer Machine). - LUCIUS was Lucius 3W G.O. Kennels, who later soig py® Pick 1.CH 1s kept by him G0. and wa: Ome of the liter By GO) AP Jerseas, | already have seen LUCIUS ang n” me after he went fo WTF EN) ne was game tested against one of po Nada i al th and US from my friend G S0gs hard mouth an chased LUC © nor oe pamed KANDIRU. | BYCITTS ihe has eat 35 well | toon him: go he has in ut Heat finished all opponents he went against in short order eatning time: 9 iller Machine the nickname "The Killer ack Queen).-. ZIKANA Ss ZIKANA SW - (aka The BI WAS owne, 2. eR rere who was the co-owner of VILI Ill with GO. anaes A OA AIKANA as a aif, after GO left to work overseas, | want to tage the wr taniy to express my gratitude to him for letting me have the cay female! 3. AMI-A very game dog had to kill him to stop, This male named AM) yen to me by my friend GO. Ami was game tested by myself ang sold him to my friends in Peru. 4 VILIRRUBINA was spectacular. GO. gave VILIRRUBINA to Bons from Street Pit Kennels. He rolled her a couple of times and she was a hard mouth face dog that would go to the neck. Unluckily she was bitten by snake nd died at early age, RIP. ZIKANA started late, at three years of age. | had all the patience of the world to Wait, because | felt it fire in her eyes despite being cold early in her fe (One day like many others, | came to the yard and had | recall a very shed dog weight 36 Ibs. chain weight, who was ready to play, she came Maree quality (daughter of CAPIRO 2W x LADY), practically ¢ MAYDAY ‘bitch with good mouth, face style like her father, and in honor of father she was called CAPIRA Then We try to start ZIKANA one moré £ press to ZIKANA at her face and suddenly ‘al day ZIKANA woke the sleeping lion she in fivé minutes had caused allot of damage Fatch and we stop her first schooling roll to Spectacular, Fram th; has inside of her, that in less thay 1OCAPIRA She made a great sci condos |Cage; and return herto her chain spot a a nthe ideal school partner for future schooling and fll with the samme Cre, CAE ack with ZIKANA again to give heres RISES because “or Nd this time was 20 minutes and we oor § ZIKANA nde n eyecaused Serious damage to CAPIRA, but in a Pnds i. CAPIRA was history. | was very pleased after wh? ‘Saw there e NX = is se g£pr 2 OWS Be ew ee eee _—— ~~ py that time, | receNv® a challenge from Peru and they had a 1 piten who had imported vom Mexico one Cardenas/Eli bitch WHEAT been showing a complete package of qualities, especially a lot of mout hag high speed (nad ‘demolished her rivals 19 the pit in quick time). Ween) and that call, | decided f° give further evidence to ZIKANA and roll her o} | got liter mate brother LUCIUS, had aes Na fme because by then Nev tremendous mouth. finishing all his rivals in the 4x4 in less than 30 mj [felt | had special connection with ZIKANA since I got her and she wane $s What cy a complete package of skills that every time me when we schooled her Also, she was the future of my cae Seay focused on this great combination (VILI-MAYBaS ) and was alt prcause already had examples of her Titer mate brother LUCI half brother CROATA, US and her Oran ahing, ZIKANA has 0.5 lbs more than BLACK MAMBA, T jas shocking, two gladiators wanting to conquer ‘ role started, the fight V her but only one could be the winner and that was ZIKANA. In just 32 minutes it ended up with quick finish in the neck. The neck fi 1 ne neck finish defini characterise of the combination of VILI-MAYDAY dogs. Sead Re sstoon as they fave the opportunity. After this roll, ZIKANA was pei pounds we all seek in 274 — : " S| SHE FF Bao aE sHow #1 - One day | called my good friend Victor of Southern Sig and asked him to help me looking opponent for ZIKANA at 33 Keng and he was there to help me hooking vs. The Chosen Few CL. to poyin the tropics. He had a Very good bitch of Croatian origin who had won BIS trophy in an international event, called ZUTA 1W and in 33 pounds gre was open to the world si" Unfortunately on the day of fight, bitch from TCF was sick and could not play. they paid forfeit and also was cancelled match GASOLINA 2W vs Mantas Kennels’ PEPA too. | decided with my friends that we will play ZIKANA vs. PEPA then, although there is a big difference in weight. We bet forfeit money and asked our friend Victor to give us his OK and that's how we proceeded ZIKANA was at 32.98 pounds and PEPA at 35.45 pounds, there was a difference of more than 2 pounds, and beside that PEPA was very tall and very complicated style face bitch. The pace was fast and PEPA was definitely stuck too long on the face of ZIKANA. Very uncomfortable to play with, and very game too, she kept coming back even she felt hard mouth of ZKANA. She mostly rides the face and ears of ZIKANA The battle continued on and took almost one hour ZIKANA to get to the shoulders and ao the damage. Once she got where she wants, story changes and ZIKANA took it over. At 1:48 PEPA was picked up, showed to be very game while ZIKANA was screaming for more from her corner That night ZIKANA showed me she has. a lot of class and power and intelligence to suit any Style. WINNER: ZIKANA 1xW (1:48) \d from my country OM & GC Kennels ft fof CH HONDA (Mayday / Patriey te 1 ~ A good frien ee! eo he is the ownel e day and told me that his JESSY is the bi nted to compete against ZIKANA, | told him that | 3, ott “4 we agreed ail the details fast. For this occasion 2) “i challenge eo to the keep, collaborating more and desperately Wanted t ‘as more Caner were no problems during her keep and everything Qo. out to work the day of the hunt, we traveled almost 4 hours to ho, ne good Sone: Kennels and their famous JESSY Very nice piace'e the OM ts oreet us and we agreed all details with the Judge of thee, 2"4 genvernen singly both bitches were at Same weight 33,20 poungs <°° patte started at very fast pace, it has been one of the best fights Ive see _ life. Two small dogs with lots of power, skills and determination ang vith ‘aclear objective to finish each other in the shortest time possibje That night there were my friends GTM Kennels who came from Centra, America to visit and to see the show. The truth is that that night ZIKANA surprised me again when changing hers style and became an artist in the og this time. driving and dancing with her opponent who showed very harg mouth. It was even for the 35-40 minutes, but after that ZIKANA understood that the game was different and to push harder. JESSY got to the face ang caused damage to ZIKANA, but she goes to the shoulders and was seeking to get the neck holds, to complete her task. At 1:06 A DM picked up JESsy when ZIKANA were finishing in the neck and punishing hard. JESSY did great scratch and ZIKANA again just screamed for more in her comer. After this victory ZIKANA gained lots of respect from dogmen from South America. JESSY was really good bitch, after she lost | took her and she won 3 times in a row and became Champion JESSY 3W 1GL. WINNER: ZIKANA 2xW (1:09) 33 Ibs. and wal SHOW #3 - By this time ZIKANA was more than 4 years old. | receved 2 call from Peru, from Fast Black Kennels & Revolution Kennels challenging me with a big bitch of them, called BREECH (cross RBJ / Patrick with touch of FRISCO blood), she supposedly finished he” Spponents quick and they wanted to bet big money. The details were ae Guichly, in the same phone call and | accepted to travel with ZIKANA , atonal Show in another country, to Peru. | had maximum oS Ph oan picousibat she could do in the pit. Apparently, many. oy But think tun ee IKANA had no mouth, because her atts eT net sadn cs mistake to think so, | think her shows i Jonget and that's what | tke Ui ne ones and was required to da! he te re body ftrenath whey ee again, she was more matured and Blea bi Campaign, Finally we NA Was in a good shape and was ence 1 the best competion.” V& into a big international event, in ta 2 Dominican - yy oe in Peru and several more countries a that Sveryone around pit oe Confidence in BREECH was ea 5 08 be Shouting passionately supporting her a a several coun’ XW + Best in Shot SHOW #4 - Had been already almost one year after and it was hard to Contract Z1KANA, again. There were several attempts to contract her, but Out luck, She was over 5 years old when one day one friend from ‘GEntine told me that they were going to do an International Show in their ntty, with the arrival of Mexican dogmen and they had a 2x winner bitch Wee lbs, known as S.I, Kennels’ CHOCOLATA. She had good reputation in 160 and Was seekina a anad hitch for her Chamnianshin match The 28 nol ZIKANA'S weight 30 decided Ws accept the wei . Mhaltaetors, SHADY LABY. She wos another great birch trea! VILL Ill, with lots of power and talent. When we started Pre-keep, sraa tt nt looked $0 well so! made the blood-analysis to chen, her uy an as ‘tee was CH ZIKANA, but she had was best at 34 33.2 pounds nade ZIKANA‘s keep well and she looked fine... bit drier byte me Oe Wolinisg bevel iota Vis @ Arveriine (6-7 note by plane) butt wag Taal ueroeLWrenon envied enaterencs Very Cold weathor 2 fang ih = Wow weet ZIKANA fell Dal chamse ona Saw it. But itis tae’ dhe uaeved recovery and I just waited ready the day of the Show 7 ma gtiwe went to the Show place, nobody knew it was the CH ae with me that day, everyone thought that was the SHADY LADY and so announced billboard. When wos ner and | could see that. After 15 minutes ZIKANA hits back to face and (or doing the same thing as her opponent, but with the difference that Pan has been showing the class and the more opponent push she give aback harder. Then she got to the shoulders and neck and began to finish + CHOCOLATE felt it was the end and started to refuse the fight S1 Kennels a very well-known dog man in Mexico, whose mentor was Mr. Morfin and other old famous dogmen of Mexico, asked to pick up his bitch put she was quitting already and she didn't run her courtesy scratch. That ight CH ZIKANA became a 4x winner and again she was awarded by {atermational “Best in Show’ trophy. Off course, ZIKANA came as a rocket to the courtesy scratch and she was crazy screaming for more WINNER: CH ZIKANA 4xW + Best in Show G&G ZIKO, young son of GR CH ZIKANA f, fam SHOW #5 — After a long time, | hooked my “black jewel” into the z, 'ous Stone City Kennel (Tonito) SCK has been around the game for 30 #S and | had to go up on weight to make it happen. | knew this was, my = Ee 279 last chance to compete’with my ZIKANA since she was 7 % years o1q last chance for shot for GR CH title! Weight was set at 35 pounds. Both females showed on weight, From the beginning was a fast pace match, each of hess were hitting the shoulders and staying out of trouble. The female Sci ys was a Wildside x FRISCO bred bitch, really fast and with a hard mouth She started 10 get inside the shoulder of ZIKANA more ofien as the mame progress. At 26 minute mark, ZIKANA was a bottom dog and first out Of hold was counted. Females were handled and taken back to their corners. it yee my jewel up to scratch and she did without Use of front end and with fee nose on the floor! | knew | was going to pick her up soon as it wasn't iogg good for her, but SCK handled her bitch to her comer for her scrateh tg Continue. Surprisingly, she stood the line at 27 minutes! | was euphore when the referee counted her out after 10 seconds! Another legend in Ecuador was made, | let GR CH ZIKANA seraign one more time and she did it Very game again, without front end and as fast as a freight train! ZIKANA was awarded one more time at Intemational show, this time she was awarded by “Gamest in Show’ trophy for her performance | Want to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all my friends To Nelson who was my trainer and friend and who takes care of my dogs, to German ©., Andres C., Victor A, as well as my family who supports me all the way. WINNER: GR CH ZIKANA 5xW + Gamest in Show THANKS ZIKANA FOR EVERYTHING. YOU ARE THE QUEEN!!! By 4 ee ek = ‘ fs =

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