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Muslim Commercial Bank

 Keeping money safe while also allowing withdrawals when needed

 Issuance of checkbooks so that bills can be paid and other kinds of payments can be
delivered by post
 Provide personal loans, commercial loans, and mortgage loans (typically loans to
purchase a home, property or business)
 Issuance of credit cards and processing of credit card transactions and billing
 Issuance of debit cards for use as a substitute for checks
 Allow financial transactions at branches or by using Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
 Provide wire transfers of funds and Electronic fund transfers between banks
 Facilitation of standing orders and direct debits, so payments for bills can be made
 Provide overdraft agreements for the temporary advancement of the Bank's own money
to meet monthly spending commitments of a customer in their current account.
 Provide Charge card advances of the Bank's own money for customers wishing to settle
credit advances monthly.
 Provide a check guaranteed by the Bank itself and prepaid by the customer, such as a
cashier's check or certified check.
 Notary service for financial and other documents

HBL Bank Products

Ready Purchase/Sale
Treasury Marketing Unit (TMU) provides all corporate and
commercial customers up to date market rates for all transactions
equal or equivalent to US $10,000/- and above in the third
currencies as well. Rates on the rate sheet are applicable for
amounts less than US $10,000/- or equivalent.

In addition to the ready transactions, customers can book their

forward exposure through forward sale/purchase transaction for
which the rates are provided by treasury.
Forward Purchase/Sale (Import/Export)
Customers can book their Forex exposure in the forward to hedge
themselves against any volatility in USD or any other currency.
The forward can be booked till six months both with full and
fixed option.

Outward Forward Sale (OFS)

Importers with specific L/Cs can book rates on their forward
commitments to avoid rate volatility and fluctuations.

Outward Forward Purchase (OFP)

Exporters can book rates for their documents whose proceeds are
to be received in the future whether it is against an L/C or
Contract. The facility helps protect the exporter against
unfavorable rate movement and can use it as a hedging

Foreign Bill Discounting(FBD)

Customers can present their export bills and avail rupee facility
the same day. The bank purchases the documents and gets dollars
as per maturity of bills ranging from 12 days to 180 days. All
deals irrespective of the amount/currency regarding needs to be
registered on telephone with the TMU.

Foreign Currency Finance (FCF)

Foreign Currency Finance (FCF) facility is the product developed
for Exporters to take advantage of loan in foreign currency on
LIBOR based interest rate for the period of maximum six months.

Foreign Currency Import Fiannce (FCIF)

Foreign Currency Import Finance (FCIF) facility is the product
developed for Importers to take advantage of loan in foreign
currency on LIBOR based interest rate for the period of
maximum six months. This facility is obtained against DA or
Sight L/C and can be adjusted within the financing period on the
prevailing spot rate.

Foreign Currency Bill Purchase (FCBP)

FCBP facility is offered to our export customers with outstanding
foreign currency finance. The loan is adjusted by discounting the
bill amount of the export document with respect to the specified
tenor at LIBOR plus spread.

Allied Bank Products

Project financing

Long term financing

Short term financing

Trade financing

Project financing


Cash management

Home remittances


Saadiq Letter of Credit (LC)

Standard Chartered Saadiq - LC provides your suppliers with assurance from a world class bank
while respecting your Islamic values. When dealing with unfamiliar suppliers, you can be
confident that payment will not be made until the documents are received and verified to be in
order according to the agreed terms of the LC.

Saadiq Import Finance

Standard Chartered Saadiq can also provide financing solutions for the goods you import through
our Saadiq Letter of Credit. It is based on the Murabaha Structure whereby the bank buys the
goods from the foreign supplier and sells the same to you at an agreed profit margin.
Saadiq Shipping Guarantee
You need help to clear your imported goods expeditiously prior to receiving the shipment
documents. Just ask us for a Saadiq Shipping Guarantee. By utilizing our guarantee, you can
promptly get your goods cleared until shipment documents are received.

Saadiq Letter of Credit Confirmation

You may deal not only with unknown foreign buyers, but also with their less well known banks
whose Letter of Credit may not give you sufficient comfort. We offer you Saadiq Letter of Credit
Confirmation that gives you peace of mind that your payment is guaranteed by a leading
international bank.

Saadiq Export Bills for Collection

YYou can simplify dispatch, payment tracking, and reconciliation of your export collections
when you choose Standard Chartered Saadiq's counter for export collections. We can handle
your collections requests the way you want through Documents against Acceptance, Documents
against Payment or Clean Collections.

Saadiq Export LC Negotiation

At Standard Chartered Saadiq, we offer Export Bill Negotiation through our innovative
Musawamah Structure. You can rely on Standard Chartered for financing your export
transactions in a Shariah Compliant manner. In addition, Standard Chartered's thorough checking
standards will reassure you that your documents will not be rejected. Strict service standards are
applied to ensure that your documents are negotiated and dispatched quickly.

Saadiq Supply Chain Finance

Whether you are a supplier or a buyer, your bottom line is affected by your trading partners'
financial strength. If your major buyers want to move from LC Terms to Open Account Terms,
can you still obtain pre-shipment financing from your Bank? Can your sales cycle generate cash
fast enough, if your major suppliers want to reduce your credit term? Standard Chartered Saadiq
offers Supply Chain Financing as a solution to the financing needs of your entire supply chain in
a Shariah Compliant manner.

Saadiq Guarantees
You need to provide bank guarantee to your customers. Using the Islamic Financing Concept of
Kafalah, Standard Chartered Saadiq offers tailored Islamic Solutions to meet all your
performance, financial and other guarantee needs.
For more information on the choices available

Please Call Us

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