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BACKGROUND TO STUDY.........................................................................................................4
Research instrument........................................................................................................................7
Data analysis....................................................................................................................................7
Reference list...................................................................................................................................9

Research Proposal

Student: Nita Norbert Andrei

Programme of study: American Hotel Academy Year 2

Unit title: Research Methods

Topic: How change in technology has affected the

hospitality industry

How change in technology has affected the hospitality

Throughout the last decade, technology has played a significant role in the hospitality and
tourism industries. Technology has aided in the reduction of expenses, the improvement of
operational efficiency, and the enhancement of services and customer experience. Improved
communication, reservations, and guest service systems can benefit both customers and
businesses. Hospitality industries have benefited from electronic labor to replace pricey human
labor. This not only helps to save money on labor, but it also helps to avoid customer service
concerns. This not only affected the Human Resources of a hotel but also the marketing part in a
hospitality industry, nowadays with the technology that we have we can access a hotel and see
reviews, check the hotel facilities and so on with just a few clicks.

1. AIM

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the hotels from all around the world were
affected by the evolution of technology and what were the benefits and downs of this

 To identify fields and purposes for which technology is used by these hotels.

 To define how technology affected marketing
 To explore the benefits of technology in the hospitality industry.
 To determine the advantages of technology from the perspective of customers and
 To understand how technology affected people and businesses.

Excellent customer service and efficient operations can provide a hospitality-related
organization a distinct competitive advantage, and advances in technology enable these
businesses to make significant changes in both areas. The hotel is one of the most well-known
and oldest hospitality businesses in the world today. Although hotels and other hospitality
organizations are not recognized for being early adopters of technology, the great opportunities
that technology presents for hotels and other hospitality businesses cannot be overlooked. But, if
we go back over the last century and glance up from our iPhone's furious lifecycle phase, things
have changed - a century ago, we celebrated hotel elevators. Guests nowadays complain if the
front desk does not have a ramp. Enterprise technology does not advance quickly; it may do so
on the vendor side, but not on the client side. Despite the fact that everyone is sick of hearing
about cloud-this and cloud-that, barely 20-30% of Fortune 100 organizations have shifted to
cloud-based solutions. And those ancient mainframe computers that were invented in the 1950s
and that most people only see in movies? They're still selling; in fact, they're used by over 70%
of Fortune 500 organizations.

In contrast to many other industries, where clients go in, grab what they need, and depart in a
matter of minutes, hotel guests will spend hours, if not days, in the establishment. Your
neighborhood supermarket's antiquated technology won't have much of an impact on you.

However, there are numerous extra touchpoints in hotels where our guests must interact with
the property and employees. For generations, the top hotels have been aware of this and have
successfully controlled it. So much so that when Apple wanted to reimagine retail, they enrolled
all of their proespective Store Managers in the Ritz Carlton's leadership development program.
Apple's Genius Bars are modeled after a high-end hotel concierge.

However, given the rapid pace at which consumer technology evolves, our customers expect
that exceptional experience to continue. Unlike fifty years ago, when outstanding human
relationships were the norm, nowadays, much of that experience is mediated by technology. Not
because human contacts are outdated, but because the volume of emails, calls, persons, chats,
and other channels has risen so rapidly that dealing with them would necessitate an army of
concierges with those magical human talents. People aren't used to waiting anymore, thanks to
cellphones and an always-on lifestyle.

As a result, we require technology to assist, and guests are not just accustomed to but also
anticipate it. Given the rapid pace at which consumer technology improves, our customers, on
the other hand, want that exceptional experience to remain. Unlike fifty years ago, when great
human relationships were the norm, today's technology mediates a large portion of that
experience. Because the volume of emails, calls, meetings, chats, and other channels has risen so
quickly, dealing with them would require an army of receptionists with those miraculous human
qualities. People are no longer used to waiting thanks to cellphones and an always-on culture.

Technology is likely to be the next frontier in hotel comfort. Guests now carry a computer
with them wherever they go, and those computers (their smartphones) serve as their
individualized interface to the rest of the world - not just the virtual world, but the entire globe.

Those who seamlessly integrate their physical experience with their customized digital
experience will see exponential increases in client delight and comfort. It's easy to envision
stepping into a hotel and being told which room to go to without ever having to check in. It's
easy to imagine automatic invoicing to one's account without the need to speak with a person or
use a computer. Imagine being able to open the Netflix app and quickly switch it to the TV.

There are essentially two types of data acquisition: quantitative and qualitative, each with its
own set of advantages and disadvantages. The experimental methodology used in this analysis
was chosen from a variety of ways to meet the demand for a high degree of flexibility. All
secondary and primary work for this study will be undertaken in an experimental manner in
order to attain the previously agreed-upon purpose and objectives. In terms of the research
backdrop, the literature material studied comprises secondary analysis, which means that
qualitative data collection will require primary research on the issue chosen within the hotel
business. A lot of information that helped me create this study were found from Martin Soler
who was a former General Manager and Chief Marketing Officer of multiple hotel technology

Key words / search terms that were used in search for literature: Technology and Hospitality

Secondary research involves the use of key words, search engines and digital databases. Main
journals and websites used in my topic area are: Google,, and information from
Martin Soler s web site.

Research instrument
In this case, with reference to the particular topic, the qualitative research method
demonstrates its effectiveness in gaining a rich and complex understanding of the perception of
the target audience. This strategy is considered appropriate as it provides a more realistic
outcome, also giving the primary and unstructured data a descriptive capability. Using Random
Analysis as a Probability Sampling Method, a practical description of the study will be entitled
due to interviewing 15% of hotel staff from multiple departments and different positions within
the business. The approach for this particular instance is to gather information through Indepth,
one-to-one interviews with several of the people employed at Hotel Ambasador Mamaia.

This survey method is appropriate for collecting information, balancing the highest potential
for portraying the large group as a whole, due to its lack of objectivity.

The following are some of the questions that interviewees may be asked to respond to:

 How would you feel if technology went back in time tomorrow and you had to do
everything manually?
 Does technology affect the interactions between people?
 Do guest ask for better technology in this hotel?
 Are you afraid that in the near future technology can take over your jobs ?

Data analysis
Hotels are also beginning to abandon user-pay models. In the past, hotels could charge high
charges for internet access, and guests knew they'd have to pay if they wanted to use it. Although
the expenses of installing and maintaining a hotel-wide wireless network are substantial, several
big hotel chains have begun to install high-density Wi-Fi and offer in-building mobile phone
coverage since visitors have grown to anticipate these services during their stay (not only for
themselves, but also for their guests if they are hosting a conference or function at the hotel).
Although hotels may not be able to entirely forsake the user-pay model due to financial
constraints, many are rethinking their current infrastructure and pricing methods. Technology has
pervaded practically every part of our lives, and hoteliers must accept that almost everyone
checking into a hotel, resort, spa, or lodge will be carrying a smartphone.

Guests check in on location-based social media applications, tweet about their experience on
Twitter, and share their holiday photos with friends and followers on Instagram and Facebook,
and many companies in the hospitality industry are already using social media to their advantage.
This trend is expected to continue, and hotels should expect to see even more social media
engagement from visitors who utilize these platforms to provide feedback, complain, and laud
their stay. Hotel employees are also expected to provide real-time feedback and respond to any
concerns or questions from visitors.

By making things easier, safer, and more efficient to work with, technology has changed the
way the world works, travels, and enjoys itself. When there are high-tech processes in place to
decrease the odds of human mistake, it is easy to be more specific with expectations and be
confident that they will be met. From this research we can bring out that people even if they
criticize technology can not and would not leave without it, this evolution helped everyone in
hospitality industry , from staff to customers and owners by doing their life easier, I learned

from this research proposal that even thought some job from the past were replaced with
technology our capacity to form a bonding with customers will still remain the same .

Reference list
1. Martin Soler available at:
2. By Martin Soler, Partner at Soler & Associates ( 2020) available at:
3. Ly Yang ,Tony H., Babu George (2019) Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Technology in the Hospitality Industry: Current Applications and Future Trends
4. By Entre (2018) available at
5. Prakash K.Chathoth(2007) book name : International Journal of Hospitality Management ,
Volume 26 The impact of information technology on hotel operations, service
management and transaction costs: A conceptual framework for full-service hotel firms

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