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Primary User Group: Tourists/ Businessmen

Activity Facility
1)Identify allocated bedroom Big and clear number sign on the bedroom door
1) Bedroom entry door opening Door handle should be in a easily accessible
2)Walking into the bedroom with luggage The door opening should be wide enough to
allow guest to enter with luggage
3)Close the entry door Door that can be easily closed by the guest
4)Turning on the light Light switches are found in best places so the
guest can access it from anywhere in the
5)Unpacking the luggage Compact wardrobe with easily accessible doors,
with room for shoes, a place for suits and
formal clothes, room for underwear and socks,
and a mirror
6)Going to the bathroom The bathroom door is easily opened and closed,
big mirror with space for cosmetics or hygiene
7)Turning on the ventilation Ventilation switches next to the bathroom door
for a quick access when needed
8)Balcony door opening Door that can be easily opened and closed, with
adjustable modes of opening and a net to
prevent insects for coming in.
9)Walking into the balcony A wide and tall opening so guest can go in and
out with ease
10)Leaning on the rail to check the view Ferm rails for the safety of guests.
11)Setting up technology Nice and compact table if guest need a place
for their technology, laptops etc
12)Opening the T.V Tv remote place in a opened space
13)Opening the personalized bathroom Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste shampoo and so
equipment on are placed in bathroom
14)Going to bed Having all need for a comfortable and warm
15)Taking a beverage from the fridge Having a stock with all needed in the bedroom
16)Hiding expensive belongings Have a safe with code or touch id hidden in the
17)Smoking Having a ashtray outside on the balcony

Secondary users Group: Housekeeping

Activity Facility
1)Entering the room Have a wide opening so housekeeping has
room to enter with the equipment
2) Vacuuming Place for the vacuum to get electricity
3)Moping Easily movable objects
4)Cleaning bathroom Accessible places for the housekeeping staff to
5) Changing bed linens Easily removable and placeable bed sheets

6) Topping up the guest supplies Easily access to the fridge and bathroom shafts

Secondary User Group: Maintenance

Activity Facility
1)Entering the room Tall and wide entrance
2)Check heating systems Have an easy opening to the heating system
3)Light fixtures Easy to access light bulb so they can be
4)Wi-FI connection Router should be hidden but easy to access
5)Check Phone lines Phone cables manageable to fix
6)Plumbing Bathroom should have a plumbing system easy
to work with
7)Electrical system check Easy access to plugs and electrical panels

Secondary User Group: Fire inspectors

Activity Facility
1)Entering the bedroom Having a tall and wide entrance for equipment
to fit
2)Checking smoke detectors Easy to access the smoke detector system with
no effort
3)Check water extinguisher system Easy to access the water pipes

Tertiary User Group: Insects/Vermin

Activity Facility
1)Enter room through holes and small Have traps and a good isolation
2)Flying in through the balcony door or Have nets on every single window and doors
3)Making homes in air canals Have traps in canals where insects can make
homes off

Tertiary User Group: Animals

Activity Facility
1)Entering from the front door of the hotel Closing system
into the bedroom
2)Mouses coming from basement Traps and good isolation

Tertiary User Group: Thieves

Activity Facility
1)Entering room and steal A system lock with cards or keys that can not
be broken in
2)Entering room Seif for expensive belongings
3)Going through the window Locking system for windows and balcony doors

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