Don Mariano Memorial State University Mid-La Union Campus Domingo, Jemma F. Bse English 1A

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Mid-La Union Campus


GECC 104 – Midterm Exams

1 Semester SY 2021-2022 

BSE Dept.
October 21, 2021 

1.  Discuss the meaning, importance, and system of Ethics as it applies to your own self. (5 points)
 Ethics is important because it is what all career people should aim to have. Not just
the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because in
order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard
oneself and others. I will apply to myself to not look ignorant to others and gain
respect to me as well as to society.
2. Explain the difference between human acts and acts of man.  (5 points)
 Not every act that a human being does is a distinctively human act. Some acts that
human beings do are performed also by animals, vegetative acts and acts of
perception and of emotion. When a human being does such acts, they are called acts
of man but not human acts. Acts of man, therefore, are acts shared in common by
man and other animals, whereas human acts are proper to human beings.  
3. In your quest towards a profession, explain the ultimate and intermediate ends of your actions. 
(5 points)
 Demonstrating the impact of the policy, by measuring changes in short term,
intermediate and long-term outcomes.  Determining whether changes in
outcomes can be attributed to the policy.  Comparing relative impacts of
policies with different components. Identifying the relative cost-benefit or cost-
effectiveness of a policy.
4. What is the Cultural Difference Argument?  How does this affect or influence your ethical views
with regards to other cultural practices?  (5 points)
 Different cultures have different moral codes. Therefore, there is no
objective "truth" in morality. Right and wrong are only matters of opinion and
opinions vary from culture to culture. It affects other culture sometimes the
way we act is very offensive to them and it begin to have conflict.
5. Eskimo infanticide is a phenomenon that exists within the realm of cultural relativism.  What is
the justification behind such an act?  Do you think it is acceptable?  Discuss your answer
thoroughly.  (5 points)
 It does not, however, indicate a lack of cultural relativism, as the simple need
to conduct infanticide in order to survive may be exclusive to the Eskimo
culture. Similarly, Benedict is correct in her conclusions that many aspects
of the lives of people within a culture are actually exclusive to that culture.
6. Explain the following statement:  Our moral development is directly an offshoot of our cognitive
development.  (5 points)
 According to Piaget, the first stage of moral development is therefore referred
to as premoral judgment, which coincides with sensorimotor and pre-
operational stages in his theory of cognitive development.  The first stage of
moral development and the first two stages of cognitive development are
related in the sense that children at these stages do not pay heed to the
consciousness of others, being incapable of handling “complex mental
operations (“Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development”).”
7. Apply your understanding of Kohlberg’s 3 level of moral development (Post conventional Level)

to your analysis of the use of extrajudicial killings (EJK) as a solution to the widening drug
problem in our society.  Do you think EJK is right or wrong?  Explain your answer thoroughly.  
(5 points)
 The third level of moral thinking is one that Kohlberg felt is not reached by the
majority of adults. I think it is wrong, because we are created to love not to kill
sinner, everyone have sinned and we don’t have the right to kill. I believe that
people can change through process and time.
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