Welcome To The Contact Time (CT) Calculator

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Welcome to the Contact Time (CT) Calcula

Macros MUST be enabled in Micro

for CT Calculator to work pro

Intended Audience: Public drinking water systems that use ground water and want to determine if the chemical disinfection
uses provides 4-log inactivation of viruses, in order for the water system to qualify for compliance monitoring under the Grou
assess need for infrastructure improvements. (Supporting documentation must be prepared and submitted as required by yo
justification of 4-log inactivation for the Ground Water Rule. The results provided by this calculator cannot be used as justific
inactivation on their own.)

Information Needed to for a Complete Sample Siite

1. Type of Disinfection (Free Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Chloramines, or Ozone)
2. For each sample site being used the: 3. For each sample sit
Residual Disinfection Concentration
Water pH
Water Temperature in Celsius
Peak Flow in gallons per minute

Review Instructions and Example Instructions

User's Guide - Walkthrough of Inputs User's Guide

User's Guide provide
how the calculator wor
Background Information and System Specifications Background and explanations of the
of the User's Guide is a
Begin Data Entry of the formulas use
Enter Data
act Time (CT) Calculator
Macros MUST be enabled in Microsoft Excel
for CT Calculator to work properly.

o determine if the chemical disinfection their water system

compliance monitoring under the Ground Water Rule or to
epared and submitted as required by your state for
his calculator cannot be used as justification of 4-log

loramines, or Ozone)
3. For each sample site being used either the:
Volume in Gallons.
Total volume of water storage tank(s) for each GWTF.
Length (in feet) and diameter (in inches) for each GWTF
that has a cylindrical pipe.

User's Guide provide guidance to users on

how the calculator works, appropriate inputs,
and explanations of the formulas. Appendix B
of the User's Guide is a quick reference guide
of the formulas used in this calculator.
Spreadsheet Overview of "CT Calculator."

In order for this spreadsheet to run properly, macros MUST be enabled in Microsoft Excel.

This calculator was designed to be a simple tool to help ground water systems determine their system's log inactivation. The CT
Calculator is designed to help your ground water system determine its minimum virus log inactivation at each ground water treatment
facility (GWTF). A GWTF refers to the disinfection infrastructure of a ground water source. It does not refer to the ground water source itself.
A GWTF can either be a single well where disinfection is applied or the location where multiple wells are joined together and disinfection is
applied. So if a water system has 2 wells and the output of the 2 wells are disinfected at a single point using the same infrastructure that system
would have 1 GWTF. If each well had its own disinfection infrastructure then the water system would have 2 GWTFs.

Systems should understand that their states may have additional requirements to ensure that a sufficient amount of disinfection is being
reliably provided under all conditions at the water system. Certain safety factors may be established for the water system and its operation
(e.g., maximum flow, maximum pH during disinfection contact time) to ensure sufficient disinfection CT is achieved.

This spreadsheet will calculate the log inactivation achieved by your facility. The spreadsheet has been designed to calculate the log inactivation
provided by your system's treatment train based on various operating parameters (e.g., flow rate, type of disinfectant, temperature, etc.). This report
may assist you in determining whether a change in treatment process will benefit or adversely impact your ability to meet your system’s disinfection

This spreadsheet is designed for systems that have only one disinfection segment with one treatment stage (such as a clearwell
or pipeline) in the disinfection segment. The spreadsheet contains one row for each disinfectant residual measurement.

Step 1:
Input the number of GWTF at your system in Cell F2 on the Input Sheet. (Note: Up to 20 GWTF can be calculated using this tool.)

Step 2:
For each GWTF enter the number of sample sites you have.

Step 3:
Complete the volume at your water system after disinfection is applied but before the first customer: only volumes that are actively in service should
be included in the volume calculation. There are three ways to enter the volume.
1) The known total volume of the system after disinfection but before the first customer,
2) The total volume of storage prior to the first customer, or
3) The diameter and length of pipe after disinfection but before the first customer.
See the CT Calculator's user's guide for for information on how to calculate your system's volume. User's Guide
If your system will use storage tanks and cylindrical pipe to determine CT, enter the storage tank volumes and length and diameter of the pipe and
the spreadsheet will add the volume in gallons together. When calculating contact time, use the lowest volume of water in a tank under peak flow conditions.

Step 4:
Follow instructions for accessing GWTF sheets and click on the "Add a Sheet for Each Ground Water Treatment Facility" button.

Step 5:
Enter the appropriate data for your system in the blue highlighted cells in Columns D through I on each GWTF Sheet. The baffling factor
must be entered in Cell F6 for each GWTF. The values in the remaining cells are automatically calculated by the spreadsheet. The example
below demonstrates how a system with one disinfection segment would enter data into the spreadsheet for the first three sample sites.

This spreadsheet restricts values for pH, temperature, and chlorine residual concentration to those values included in the CT tables in the
LT1ESWTR Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Technical Guidance Manual. If values are entered outside of these ranges, one of the following
error messages will occur: "check pH", "check temp", or "check residual". Valid ranges are provided under the example below.

This spreadsheet does not address ozone system configurations. For more information on calculating log inactivation for systems using ozone,
refer to Example D-3 in Appendix D of the LT1ESWTR Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Technical Guidance Manual (EPA 816-R-03-004, 2003).
If you are a ground water system using ozone, please contact your state for more information.


6 Enter Baffling Factor for GWTF: 1.00 Minimum Log Inactivation Provided: 3.00
Residual Peak Contact Log
Sample Temp. Volume TDT 4-log Inactivati
8 Sample Site Disinfectant Conc. (C) pH Flow Time (T) CTcalc Treatment
Date (Celsius) (gal) (min) CTreq on
(mg/L) (GPM) (min) Needed for
9 1 3/14/2008 Free Chlorine 1.00 7.40 9.00 20.0 100.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.4 3.13 0.88
10 2 4/13/2008 Free Chlorine 0.90 7.40 10.00 20.0 100.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 6.0 3.00 1.00
11 3 5/13/2008 Free Chlorine 0.99 7.40 10.00 20.0 100.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 3.30 0.70
12 4 6/12/2008 Free Chlorine 1.00 7.40 10.00 20.0 100.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 3.33 0.67
Note: Columns P and R are hidden Columns.
The following restrictions are imposed in the calculation of CT required for 4-log inactivation of viruses.

For Free Chlorine – pH is restricted to between 6 and 10. A pH value lower than 6 and higher than 10 (rounded) will result in a “check pH” error.
Chloramines and Chlorine Dioxide – pH is restricted to between 6 and 9. A pH value lower than 6 and higher than 9 (rounded) will result in a “check
pH” error.
For Free Chlorine – Temperature (T) is restricted to between 0.5 (lower can be entered but the spreadsheet will use 0.5) and 25 degrees C. A T value that is
greater than 25 degrees (rounded) will result in a “check temp” error.
For Chlorine Dioxide, Chloramines, and Ozone – Temperature (T) is restricted to between 1 (lower can be entered but the spreadsheet will use 1) and 25
degrees C. A T value that is greater than 25 degrees (rounded) will result in a “check temp” error.
Step 1: Enter the total number of Disinfection Ground Water Treatment Facilities (GWTF)
at your water system. (Up to 20 facilities can be calculated using this tool.)

Step 2: Number of Complete Sample Sites Per GWTF:

Step 3: By answering "Yes" or "No" to a series of questions the appropriate fields will appear to allow you to determine you

Did the state provide or do

you know the total volume of
each of your GWTF after
disinfection but before the
first customer? (Enter Yes or
No in the cell to the right

To access the GWTF sheets click on the button below. A box will
GWTF 1” click yes and the sheet will appear and another box wil
all the way through to GWTF 20. Click no and the sheet will not a
unhide the sheets. Unhide as many GWTF sheets as needed.

Total Volume after disinfection and prior to first customer:

Step 4:

GWTF Volume(s) Missing

te Sample Sites Per GWTF:

ppear to allow you to determine your system's volume.

ets click on the button below. A box will appear asking “Unhide the following sheet?
e sheet will appear and another box will appear asking to unhide the next GWTF sheet
TF 20. Click no and the sheet will not appear and the program will stop asking to
e as many GWTF sheets as needed.

Enter Length in
Enter Diameter
in Inches

Volume of Pipe - - - - -
in Gallons

and prior to first customer: - - - - -


- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - -

- - -
*Note: Clicking on the button will open the User's Guide in Microsoft Word format

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