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In Paper Dungeons, each player controls a classic group of heroes of medieval fantasy stories
in a great seek for power and glory. They adventure in a dungeon full of monsters and traps in
order to fulfill their dangerous mission. During eight rounds, they will upgrade their skills, fight
terrible villains and their tenebrous minions, while trying to retrieve valuable treasures.
In the end of the game, each group of hero returns to its village to tell their tales in the tavern.
The player who has the group with most prodigious adventure, obtaining most glory points is
the winner!

CONTENT SETUP 4. Randomly draw 3 Mis-

1. Each player get a Player sion Cards and set them next
6 Dice Sheet and a pen or pencil. The to the revealed Villain
(3 white and 3 black) cards.
sheet is used to mark everything
necessary during the game.
In the first games, we recom-
12 Dungeon 2. Shuffle all Dungeon Cards
Cards mend to not use the Mission
and reveal one them. This card
contains the scheme of the dun-
geon that will be stormed in this 5. Shuffle and randomly deal 2
game. Each player follows the Power cards and 2 Objecti-
12 Villain Dungeon Cards, instructions,
Cards ve Cards to each player, which
marking, in his sheet, circles with has to choose one of each kind of
number 1, 2 and 3 (these are the card, and discard the rest.
rooms where the three Villains
16* Mission 6. Return to the box, all remaining
Cards are hiding), and marking the black
card of any kind, that were not
walls, keeping its format and po-
distributed or that were discar-
sition. Also, set visible the 3
16 Power ded.
Cards Villain cards indicated in the
back of the Dungeon Card. 7. Each player fills two spaces (trai-
16 Objective ning style) next to the icons of
Cards All players draw the same their heroes, indicated by their
Dungeon. Although each one will Objective Card. The icons
explore it separately, some actions are in the upper left corner of the
100 Player will affect all players. Player Sheet.
3. Set the 6 Dice next to the vil-

Round Track,
PLAYER SHEET DESCRIPTION including the fight with the
Hero Classes and Villain at the end of each
Leveling up (p. 6) This is a season. season (p. 9)
This is a round.

column and
column of a
player (p.5)

The Dungeon.

for magical
items (p. 7,
14) Defeated
Minion Track
(p. 8)

to keep
track if the
was used (p. 5)

Obtained and Gems Track
consumed Potions (p. 9)
Area (p. 8) Glory Points Scoring Track. Glory can
be earned during the game (p. 10) or at
the end of it (p.13).

A game of Paper Dungeons Some events deal damage to the pla-
The Dices has different symbols, yers, such as skull symbols at the be-
that will be used to fill the available
lasts for eight rounds, divided in
ginning of a round, fighting minions
spaces in the Player Sheet. They three seasons (the first and second and villains and triggering traps in
are used to increase the level and have three round and the third, two). the dungeon.
get various equipment as well to When taking damage, the player must
At the end of each season (end of
explore the dungeon. fill the available heart from bottom to top
third, sixth and eighth rounds), the in his damage column on the left area
The dice can show seven possible of his sheet. If the player has potions
players fight dangerous villains,
symbols: sword and shield (war- (p. 8), the player can mark this damage
rior), hat (wizard), cross (cleric), competing to deal more damage to on the potion area, instead of marking
mask (rogue), clover (wild, only them, to obtain more glory point. in the damage column.
on white dice), three boots (triple The health column is the sum of all the
movement, only on black dice) and
The game ends after the fight against levels of all heroes of the player and
skull. the third villain, at the end of season must be adjusted when leveling up a
hero. At any moment, if the damage
Next to each symbol (except the 3 (the eighth round). When this ha- column of a player gets higher than his
Skull), there is a small number. It ppens, the players add their glory health column, he will suffer a penalty
at the end of the game (see resurrec-
shows which dice the player already points and determine the winner.
tion below).
has selected in each round.
Each round has two phases: The received damage also indicates how
The skull symbol show that all much glory points are lost by the player,
players takes one damage at the 1. Dice roll; at the end of the game.
beginning of the round (for each
skull symbol). Besides that, this 2. Dice selection.
die cannot be used by the players
during a round. If the damage column of a player is
1. DICE ROLL higher than his health column, he is
The clover symbol is a wild and
not eliminated from the game. Instead,
it can be used as any other face A player (randomly selected) roll
he must fill the square in his player sheet
of any die of both colors, except the 6 Dice, making a common the use of the resurrection. This means
three boots and skull. that he continues in the game, as usual,
reserve that all players will use in but loses 9 glory points at the end of
The Three boots symbol can only be that round. the game.
used to movement, and allows up After the Resurrection, his damage
to three movements in the dungeon. If there is, at the beginning of the column can be higher than his health
round, three or more skull, sym- column. However, remember that the
total damage indicates how many glory
bols or three or more clover sym- points will be lost at the end of the game
(as shown on the side of the damage
bols, roll all dice again, until is not
the case anymore.

2. DICE SELECTION GAME ACTIONS To increase the level of one a hero,
the die must show the correspon-
First, for each skull symbol
The three actions areas, in the dent symbol, as well, must have the
in the common reserve, all players
player sheet are: Level area, corresponding color that matches
must take a damage (see “Ta-
Inventory and Potions with the training style of that hero
king Damage”, p5). These dice will
not be used anymore in this round. area. (black or white die). The player
then fills the next square available to
Now, all players do their actions
1. LEVELING UP that hero, counting as an increase in
at the same time. They must
his group power level, also fill one
choose, simultaneously, three This area is the representation of
more circle in his health column.
available dice symbols, in any your group of heroes. It is here that
order, and uses them in their the players mark the level of their In the upper section of the level area,
sheets. heroes during the game. Each group there are numbers from 1 to 6, that
has four heroes, one of each kind: represents the current level of each
The dice in the common reser- hero. The sum of the levels of all he-
ve are not exclusives, and a die warrior, wizard, cleric
roes represents the power level and
can be chosen by more than one and rogue.
how many health points the group
player in the same round. In the leveling up action, a player has. The level of the heroes will be
However, each player can only chooses a die to increase the level used mainly during the fights with
use the same die once, although of one of his heroes. the minions and Villains.
he can use more than one dice
symbol, as long it is available on In this example, the player decides to level up his warrior to level 2. He chooses a
the reserve. black dice with the sword and shield symbol, filling the first, right-most, square
available. This will increase the power level and the health points of his group in
Before using a die, the player must one point (from the initial 4 to 5). Do not forget to fill the corresponding circles in
the health column.
write the number of the selected
die, on the Round Track (upper
section of the sheet, the number
is printed next to the symbol).

The dice symbols are used to fill

appropriated spaces in the actions
area of your sheet (darker areas; see
next) or to realize a movement
action (or part of one; see move-
ment, p. 8).

All heroes start at the level 1 (all level 2. PREPARE The preparation of a magical item
1 squares start the game filled in the happens in two steps. To complete
Player Sheet). This means that
a step, choose a Die that allows
the initial power level and the ini- By using this action, the players to fill a square of any magical item.
tial health points (already filled, as
choose a die to prepare a step of The first four magical items require
well) of each group is 4.
a magical items, which will be used a specific symbol, the last four do
Every time that a hero reaches the
during the game, and can earn not have this restriction. The color
level 4, the player gains a special
ability according to the hero class, of the dice is irrelevant when doing
glory points at the end of the game.
as shown below: this action.
Warrior: The player receives a When the second square (second
+1 bonus in his power level when step) of a magical item is filled, the
fighting Villains.
item is completed. From now on,
Wizard: The player can use a the player gets the benefit of that
white die as it was black die and item, that can be of two kinds:
vice versa.
Instant Items give it benefit just
Cleric: The player does not take
once, while Constant Items
damage anymore at the beginning of Up here, the initial confi-
a round by skull symbols. guration of the hero group. keeps its benefit active until the end
All heroes start the game at of the game.
Rogue: The player loots im- the level 1. In this example,
to level up the warrior and Each filled square of a Magical Item,
mediately a Gem (p.8). the cleric the black dice must
be used, and the wizard and earns 1 glory point at the end of
At the end of the game, this area ear-
the rogue must use the white the game. Some items, if completed,
ns to each player glory points dice.
according to his lower level hero.
Below each level column, there is a
shield indicating how many glory In the right, it can be noted that the player already completed
points will be earned if your lower the Flaming Sword and the Armor of Heroes¸ also has
level hero reached that column. one filled square of Invisible Cloak, and the Alchemist’s
Each player also earns 1 glory
Caldron. He will receive 6 glory points for filling squares of
point per hero that reached level 6.
magical items. The Armor of Heroes gives +1 permanent to
Example: If, at the end of the fight minions, and 2 more additional glory points. The Flaming
game, the lower level hero of a pla- Sword gives +3 in the power level to fight villains. The others
yer is at level 3, then he will earn 6 items are incomplete, then do not give any benefits.
glory points.

make the player earns or loses glory available in the potion area, the ex-
points at the end of the game. tra damage must be marked on the
damage column.
The complete magical items The number of potions is limited, if
description is on the page 14 of a player obtains more potions than
this rulebook. the total allowed, the extra is lost.

3. PREPARE POTIONS 4. MOVEMENT In his example, the player starts his

movement from the entering point
By using this action, the pla-
By using this action, the players C1 ending on room D1, which con-
yers choose a die to prepare tains a level 3 goblin. The hero re-
healing potions. choose a die to move in the
quired to defeat this minion is the
dungeon, fighting minions, rogue, which is at level 2. The goblin
Any die can be used to obtain
two potions. The player must fill and monsters, triggering is defeated however the player takes
traps and recovering lost 1 damage. After this, he obtains one
in his sheet, the circle next to
the first available potion (from top treasures.
to bottom, left to right). In case of
Each die provides two movements
the last potion in a row is obtained, entering point, on the lower side
the player, immediately, gains the points, while the die showing the
three boots, provides three move- of the dungeon.
indicated bonus.
ments points. To each movement point, draw a
The healing potions prevents
any damage, which means instead The dungeon is divided in square line from the center of the last room
of marking the damage on the rooms, each movement point allo- that the player has ended his pre-
damage column, mark this damage vious movement (or from one of the
ws movement to an orthogonally
filling the hearts below of an avai- entering points) to the center of an
lable potion. Each potion has two adjacent room of your current
adjacent room. You cannot move
hearts below it, which means that position.
thought walls (already printed or
each potion prevents up to two
For his first movement in a game, drawn during setup), also you can-
damage. If the receive damage is
higher than the number of hearts the player chooses any of the six not move thought water.
The rooms at the edge of the dun-
geon with the symbol allows that
In the left, the player obtained 6 potions. As soon, he filled
the circle in the last position of the first row, he received
a player moves through from one
the benefit indicated (an immediately leveling up of one side to the other side of the dungeon
level for a hero). He already prevented 3 damage, and has (for example, if a player is on room
available space to prevent more. F2, it can spend a movement point
to go to room A2).

When entering a new room, check class to fight it, as indicated in their OBTAINING POTIONS AND RE-
if there is any event to be dealt. All icon in the dungeon. CIVING BENEFITS
events must be resolved as soon Some rooms have potion,
If the minion’s level is equal or lo-
as the player enters in that room. magical items or Leveling up
wer than the hero’s level, the hero
icons. In those rooms, the player re-
It is possible enter again in a room wins the combat without taking any
ceives a benefit after dealing with a
that the player had already been damage. However, if the minion’s
minion or trap.
before. In this case, the events are level is higher than the hero’s le-
not resolved again, except for the vel, the hero still wins the combat Potion: if a player obtains a po-
traps (see triggering traps). and then will take an amount of tion, fills the circle of the first avai-
The events order is the following: damage equal to the difference bet- lable potion in his potion area, as
ween the minion and hero level. per this action regular rules.
1. Fight minions or trigger traps;
After the combat, the player must Magical item or leveling up: if
2. Receive benefits of items/leveling
up, obtain potions or loot gems. draw a over the minion icon and a player enters a room with a
fill a square on the Minion Track. magical item or icon, the pla-
To improve your journey visuali-
yer receives the indicated benefit,
zation through the dungeon, every TRIGGERING TRAPS and must fill a square in the corres-
time that you fight a minion, draw Every time after entering in a ponding area in his player sheet,
a over that minion icon. Every room that has a trap (even if ignoring any restriction of symbol
time that you receive the benefit of this was not the first time), the
a magical item, leveling up, or dice color.
player must take one damage.
obtain a potion or loot a gem
in a room, circle its icon. Draw a
over any gem that is not availa-
ble, in your dungeon, anymore (see In the left, a player starts his move-
Looting Gem). ment choosing his entering point the
rightmost point in the dungeon. In his
first movement (room F1), he obtains
Every time after entering in a room
that has a minion, the player a potion. In his second movement, he

must fight it. There are four kind of goes to E1, takes one damage due the

minions: ghosts, goblins, trap and then receive a magical item

orcs and zombies. Each kind benefit.
of minion requires one specific hero

LOOTING GEMS be looted when
There are eight gems scattered
levelling up the At the end of the third round (end
inside the dungeon, each one sho- of first season), the player is in a
rogue of your
wing a letter. Different from the other room that has a ghost and a po-
group to level 4 tion. However, previously he pas-
treasures, the gems disappear from and when you ob- sed through the room with the
the dungeon, when a player (or more tain the 12thª
villain hidden. This way, he can
fight it now, even not being in the
than one) looted it, in a round. potion. same room of that villain.
The player that enters a room
with an available gem can loot it
after dealing with a minion or FIGHTING the player already had visited the
trap. After looting the gem, the
player immediately fills the first
room where this season villain is. In
available circle in his gems track, Fighting villains is the highlight this combat, the players compete to
and receives any benefit if there in Paper Dungeons. The heroes deal more damage to the villain,
is one. seek glory, bravely facing legendary trying to obtain glory point and
evil beings, that are hiding in their possible rewards.
At the end of each round, each pla-
lairs in the deep ready to destroy In the bottom of the villain card
yer must declare the letters of the
unwary adventurers.
gems the he looted in that round. there are three icons representing
After that, all others player that has At the end of a season, the players the damage range that each player
not looted that gem must draw a fight the villain indicated to that can deal to the villain, and what the
over the gems with the same letter specific season. At the end of the consequences of that combat to
in their own dungeon. This means third round, the heroes fight the each player. The more damage a pla-
that those gems will be no longer villain , at the end of the si- yer deals to the villain, more glory
available to other players, even if xth round, the villain . And points he will earn, and will take
they enter that room afterwards. finally, at the end of the eighth less damage.
It is possible that more than one round, the villain .
The combat against the villain
player loots the same gem in the Any player that, until the end of is simultaneous to all players,
same round. a season, had reached or passed however each player fights it se-
There are two extra gems, out- through the room where that season parately. Meaning, that dama-
side the dungeon. These extras villain is hidden, will be involved ge dealt to a villain by a player
gems are available to all players, in a combat against it. The current does not have any influence in
during the entire game, and can position does not matter, as long as the combat of other players.

Besides that, each villain has a (a level 4 warrior, and/or combat level is not higher than the
weakness against one specific hero flaming sword). This sum is that bare minimum to deal damage to
class (the villain’s weakness is indi- player’s combat level. The com- the villain, this player must run
cated by the hero icon in the villain bat level will be used to tell which away from that villain, losing
card). This means that this specific damage range the player deals to glory points indicated in the
hero level is added twice for that that villain in this fight. villain card (IV of the example).
combat only. However, this player will take no
If a player does not reach the room
The player also adds any combat damage, because his flee kept him
with that villain before the moment
bonus against villains that he has to the combat this villain, or if his far from the villain.
After that, the players that dealt
damage to the villain write in
QUIMERA their player sheet the amount

In this example, the players are fighting a

Chimera. The weakness of this villain is the
rogue. Then, after the sum of all hero levels,
the level of the rogue must be added again.
In this situation, player A gets a combat
level of 16, that is higher than 14 (the bare
minimum to fight this Chimera) and lower
than 18 (the second damage range). Then,
the player A earns 3 glory points and take 4
damage. The player B gets a combat level
of 13, that is lower than minimum. Player B
is force to run away from the fight and loses
4 glory points. Finally, the player C gets a
combat level of 22, earning 7 glory points
and taking 2 damage. Since C had the higher
combat level (without ties), he receives also
a magical item benefit.

I. Letter and color of the villain (for identification).
II. Weakness of the Villain. The level of the indicated hero will be added twice
against this villain.
III. Reward for defeating the villain – Only to the player that deals more damage
to the villain (without ties). Note: there is no reward on solo plays.
IV. Penalty for running away. The amount of glory points lost, if the player does not
reach the villain room or does not get the minimum combat level to fight the villain.
V. Excluded Gems: in a solo play, the indicated gems must be crossed out (if they
were not looted previously), after the combat with this villain.
VI. Damage range. The combat levels required to fight the villain and its three
different reward levels.
VII. Glory point earned by the player at the end of the combat, according with
the damage range.
VIII. Damage taken by the player at the end of the combat, according with the
damage range.

of glory points earned according GAME END In the player sheet there is
a space to write all earned glory
with the damage range they dealt
A game of Paper Dungeons ends points. Except by villains and
(VII of the example), as well the
after the combat with the villain accomplished missions (which
damage taken (VII of the example).
, at the end of the eighth round. had theirs points written during the
The player that dealt the most dama- game), all other points are only
ge (the higher combat level) to the END SCORE scored at the end of the game. And
villain receives the reward (III of they are:
Add all the glory points ob-
the example). In case of a tie, no one tained by each player. The player
A. Glory point obtained by de-
gets the reward. feating the villain ;
with most glory points wins the
In solo plays, there is no reward game. In case of a tie, the player B. Glory point obtained by de-
after the combat with the villains. that visit more different dungeon feating the villain ;
rooms wins. If the tie continues, all C. Glory point obtained by de-
tied players share the victory. feating the villain ;

D. Glory point obtained by H. Glory point loss by earns 4 glory points per accom-
evolução: leveling up: damage taken: the player plished missions.
the player earns glory points
loses glory points according L. Score total.
according to his lower level
to the higher penalty with a
hero (see page 6). He earns 1
additional glory point for each
filled damage heart next to it
(for example, a player that had
hero that reached level 6; At the beginning of the game, all
taken 11 damage loses 6 glory
E. Glory point obtained by players must agree if they want to
points). Damage prevented by
magical items: the player earns use any variant. In solo games, the
potions does not count. variant Disappearing gems is man-
1 glory point for each filled squa-
I. Glory point loss by Resur- datory. We recommend that players
re in the Inventory. Also, some
rection: If the player had used use the variants after some plays.
magical items, when completed,
earns or reduce glory points (for resurrection during the game
example, the heroes armor (page 5), he loses 9 glory points. DISAPEARING GEMS
earns 2 additional glory point); When using this variant, after the
J. Glory point obtained by ob-
F. Glory point obtained by loo- combat with the villains and
jectives and power cards: if
ting gems: the player earns , some gems will disappear
the player had completed his
glory points according to the from the dungeon.
objectives (totally or par-
number below the last filled cir- tially) he adds glory points ac- In the right side of the villain’s cards
cle on gem track (for example, from seasons I and II, there is two
cording to his card. Also, some
a player that had looted 7 gems crossed gems with different letters.
power cards show some po- After the villain fight end, if the in-
earns 30 glory points);
sitive or negative glory points. dicated gem was not looted yet, all
G. Glory point obtained by de- For example, if a player com- players must exclude it from their
feated minion: the player pletes partially his objective (4 dungeon, drawing an X over it.
earns glory points according to glory points), also if he had a
the number of defeated minions, power card that gives 2 addi-
according to the number below CAMPAIGN MODE
tional glory points, he would
the last filled square on the mi- The Paper Dungeon’s world is rich in
score 6 extra glory points.
nion track (for example, a player history and legends. Using this mode,
that had defeated 9 minion earns K. Glory point obtained by mis- the player must play a series of plays
14 glory points); sions accomplished: The player to find out whose group will have
their names written in the history

There are 5 storylines available to given by mission cards change ac- Intangibility Cloak: Gain the ability
play. To play them, pay attention in cording to the round that you ac- to move through walls, inside the
the letters on the lower right corner complished it. In the right margin
of the dungeon cards. Choose whi- of the mission cards, there is two The Crown of The Righteous King: Ear-
ch of storyline your group want to columns. The left column is num- ns 4 glory points at the end of the game.
play and organize its corresponding ber of rounds, the right column the Alchemist’s Caldron: Obtain im-
chapters. It is necessary play the earned glory points is the mission is mediately potions.
chapters in this order: accomplished in that corresponding The Armor of Heroes: Get +1 in po-
Urban Heroes: round. wer level when fighting minions. Also
A, B then C
The second variant is regarding the earns 2 glory points at the end of the game.
Hamnapta’s Mummy:
D, E then F disappearing gems, as explained TomeofWisdom: Gains an immediately
The Terrors in the Tower: previously. levelling up of one your heroes. Also
G, H then I
earns 3 glory points at the end of the game.
Around the Kingdom:
J, K then L
A game will be played as usual, ho-
wever at the end of each chapter
The author would like to thank POWER CARDS
everyone that contributed to this
you must keep track of the score
project, especially to “Mansão das potion
of all players. After the last chapter Alchemist: Obtain one extra
Peças”, which was fundamental to po-
end, add all scores of each player. when you use any die to prepare
make this game a reality. tion. Lose 1 glory points at the end
The one with the higher scoring will
have his name kept in the hall of of the game.
fame of heroes. REFERENCE
MAGICAL ITEM Artisan: Before the game starts, earn one
step of two different magical item. Lose
SOLO MODE Flaming Sword: Get a +3 in combat
2 glory points at the end of the game.
level against villains.
It is possible to seek glory in a so-
Death Scepter: Choose two Assassin: Before the game starts, defeat
litary manner. minions da sua masmorra. in your dun-
two minion in your dungeon (draw
For a solo game, do the setup (page geon. They are immediately defeated (draw a X
a X on them, and fill two squares on mi-
2) without any change. on them, and fill two squares on minion track).
nion track).
It is a cursed item thus the player loses one X
During the game, you must use two glory point at the end of the game.
variants. Barbarian: Do not take damage when
Khar Medallion: Gain the ability to
First one is regarding the mission move through water. Besides that, fighting villains.
earns 1 glory point at the end of the game.
cards. In solo game, the glory points

Bloodthirsty: Get a +2 in combat level in dungeon. Lose 2 glory points at the
against villains. Lose 2 glory end of the game.
points at the end of the game.

Seer: Take one less damage from Skull

Healer: Before the game starts, obtain two during phase 1 of a round. Earn 2 glory
potion. Earn 2 glory points at the points at the end of the game.
end of the game.

Shaman: Obtains a potion to each 3

Looter: Before the game starts, loot one defeated minions. Earn 3 glory
gem of any letter. Other player players points at the end of the game.
can still loot this gem (it does not disappear
from the other players dungeon).
Veteran: Before the game starts, level
up two different heroes. Lose 3 glory
Noble: Earn a step of a magical item points at the end of the game.
every time that one of your heroes reach
the level 5. Lose 1 glory point at the
end of the game.

Merchant: Obtain one potion every

time that you loot a gem.

Psionic: Once per round, you can use a whi-

te die as if it was a black die and vice versa.

Ranger: Earn a movement point each

time you move through water (see Khar Game design by: Leandro Pires
Medallion). Lose 1 glory point at the Art and graphical design: Dan Ramos
end of the game.
Produced by: Diego Bianchini
Diagrammed by: Gerson Lopes
Scavenger: Earn a step of a magical
Reviewed by Márcio Botelho
item to each 3 defeated minions. Lose
2 glory points at the end of the game. Rulebook by: Thiago Leite

Scout: Do not take damage from traps

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Embu Guaçu/SP - CEP 06.900-000 - Brasil


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