De HSG 9 Bac Ninh 2017

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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

I. Listen to the conversation about how to study better . Circle True or False for these sentences
1. Tom doesn't know how to start studying.
2. Tom's mum thinks that music helps people study.
3. Tom puts the dog outside.
4. Tom's mum recommends having a sandwich on the desk.
5. Tom doesn't want to turn off his phone at first.
6. Tom needs the internet to study.
7. Tom's going to turn off his messages.
8. Tom thinks his mum has helped him.
II. Listen to five different conversations at a train station . Write the correct answer to these questions.
1. Which platform does the 10.15 train to Cambridge leave from? ______________
2. How much is a single ticket to Manchester? ______________
3. Which platform does the 12.30 train to Manchester leave from? ______________
4. What time does the train arrive at Exeter? ______________
5. What time is the train back to London? ______________
6. Which platform does the train back to London leave from? ______________


I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences
1. What a nice day ! Let’s go for a picnic,__________?
A. will we B. do you C. shall we D. don’t
2. The ministry refused to __________the figures to the press.
A. release B. leak C. show D. add
3. As she is so heavily overworked, there is a__________ possibility that will have a
nervous breakdown.
A. distinctive B. distinct C. little D. manifest
4. There was no one in the house, but the__________ of the meal lay on the table.
A. remains B. remainders C. ruins D. records
5. The car was repaired but not to the owner’s __________.
A. joy B. pleasure C. regard D. satisfaction
6. You’re too old to carry on working. It’s time you called it a __________.
A. year B. month C. week D. day
7. This house needs__________.
A. to paint B. repainted C. to be repainting D. repainting
8. I have just bought __________.
A. brown nice leather belt B. a nice leather brown belt
C. brown a leather nice belt D. a nice brown leather belt
9. __________your father was in hospital, we would have gone to see him.
A. Had we known B. if we have known
C. if we knew D. We had known
10. You should pay__________ to what the instructor is saying.
A. attendance B. intention C. convention D. attention
11. I don't usually like staying at hotels but last summer we spent a few days at __________very nice hotel by
__________ sea.
A. a / - B. a / the C. the / a D. - / the
12. I can’t find the tickets. I seem__________ them.
A. to have lost B. to lose C. losing D. to lost
13. I’ll give you ten minutes to come__________ with a better idea.
A. out B. in C. through D. up
14. We have decided to __________the money for the local secondary school.
A. beg B. collect C. raise D. rise
15. Of course he can lift that! He’s a __________as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
16. In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions __________in the northern parts of the country.
A. rose up B. turned out C. came off D. broke out
17__________ what he says, observe what he does.
A. Although B. In contrast C. Contrary D. Never mind
18. He__________ his life to the skill of the surgeon.
A. owes B. keeps C. perseveres D. maintains
19. I don’t think that this fashion will __________.
A. catch on B. catch up C. catch out D. catch over
20. If you don’t repay the money, we will, as a last __________, take you to court.
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort
21. There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5% __________.
A. is rejected B. has been rejected C. be rejected D. rejects
22. I couldn't believe that they were brothers. They were as different as __________.
A. Mars from Jupiter B. milk from honey C. chalk from cheese D. dogs and cats
23. If I __________hear from Nigel, I’ll tell him you were asking after him.
A. happened B. should to C. happen to D. will happen to
24. Tom: “Lilly, may I use your pen?” - Lilly: “__________ ”
A. Feel free B. Forget it C. Nothing at all D. No problem
25. Susan: "Tom says he doesn’t like you!" - Lucy: "__________ ."
A. I don’t care B. So do I C. I know he isn’t D. It makes nothing
Your answer:
1. ……. 2. ……. 3. ……. 4. ……. 5. ……. 6. ……. 7. ……. 8. …… 9. …….
10. …… 11…….. 12…….. 13…….. 14…….. 15…….. 16……… 17……. 18……..
19…….. 20…….. 21…….. 22…….. 23…….. 24…….. 25………

II. Supply the correct tense/form of the verbs in the parentheses.

- I think I ( 1. lose ) ___________ my sunglasses. I ( 2. look ) ___________ for them since noon, but I
can’t find them.
- I wish it (3. not, rain) ___________ now so that we could go out for a walk.
- Hurry up. By the time you finish getting ready, we ( 4. miss ) __________ the train.
- Nam, together with his classmates, (5. be) __________ in the voluntary program last year.
- He __________ (6. play) the part now if he __________ (7. not offend) the producer at the last rehearsal.
- Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery. He (8. not sell)
_________ his car.
- When I (9. arrive) __________ home last night, I discovered that Jane (10. prepare) __________ a beautiful
candlelit dinner.
Your answer:

1. …………………... 2. …………………... 3. …………………... 4. …………………...
5. …………………... 6. …………………... 7. …………………... 8. …………………...
9. …………………... 10. ………………...
III. Give the correct form of the words provided.
Your chances of success can be greatly increased if you follow a few simple 1. EMPLOY
rules in your working life. First of all, remember that your (1) _________ wants you 2. AMBITION
to do well - that's what you are being paid for. Many companies choose (2) 3. ENCOURAGE
__________ young people to work for them and provide a lot of (3) ___________ for 4. SECURE
their workers. Working for a large, international company may provide job (4)
___________. On the other hand, a smaller company might give you the chance to 5. IMAGINE
use your (5) _____________ more.
Secondly, remember that any experience you gain will always 6. STRONG
(6) ___________ your position in the company. The company wants 7. PROVE
(7) ___________ that you want to get to the top. Take any opportunity you get to go 8. TRAIN
on (8) _____________ courses related to your work. The more (9) ____________ 9. QUALIFY
you are, the better chance you have of being promoted. Finally, don't give up, even
when you are (10) ____________. Stick with it and you'll get there in the end. 10. SUCCESS

IV. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

1. We took part in a six- hours journey to the eastern coast. 1.......................................
2. Different kinds of newspapers are arranging on the shelves. 2.......................................
3. There are a little activities that we can do after the meeting. 3.......................................
4. Hung really wishes that he can take part in the game. 4.......................................
5. They’re going to get their house to decorate for the Christmas. 5.......................................
6. I used to sit next to a man who his name is Michael Faraday. 6.......................................
7. I’d rather typing this letter than write it because it’s faster. 7.......................................
8. He drives too fast that no one likes to ride with him. 8.......................................
9. The novel writing by Mark Twain attracts a lot of children. 9.......................................
10. Thank you very much for your letter, who came yesterday. 10.....................................

V. Put one suitable preposition in the blank of each sentence.

1. He was poor, but he rent a mansion and set himself __________as a millionaire.
2. We will definitely see you next week. We will be there __________fail.
3. The same rule applies, irrespective __________how much you have paid.
4. It was very good __________Sue to drive us to the airport.
5. He went __________his own accord. Nobody forced him to go.
Your answer:
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But
actually the idea for a computer was (1)……….. out over two centuries ago by a man (2)………... Charles
Babbage was born in 1791 and (3)…………… up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for
several calculating machines (4) ……………. he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he (5)……………..
building some of these he never finished any of them.
Over the years people have argued(6)…………….. his machines would ever work. Recently, however,
the Science Museum in London has finished building an engine based (7)………. one of Babbage’s designs.

It has ( 8)………..six years to complete and more (9)………………four thousand parts have been
specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science
Museum to (10)……………. people of Babbage’s work.
1. A. turned B. thought C. invented D. worked
2. A. known B. recognized C. called D. written
3. A. developed B. grew C. brought D. expected
4. A. which B. who C. there D. whose
5. A. wanted B. made C. started D. missed
6. A. until B. whether C. while D. though
7. A. on B. in C. at D. with
8. A. spent B. took C. taken D. been
9. A. than B. therefore C. when D. then
10. A. remind B. say C. inform D. encourage
II. Read the passage below and choose the word that best fits each of the blanks.
During the teenage years, many young people can at times (1)__________ difficult to talk to. They often
seem to (2)__________being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a
(3)__________development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand. It is part of becoming
(4)__________of teenagers trying to be adult while they are (5)__________growing up. Young people are usually
more willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are trying to
check up (6)__________ them.
Parents should (7)__________ their best to talk to their sons and daughters about school work and future plan
but should not (8)__________them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs:
some young people trying to be adult may experiment with drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Parents need to watch for
any signs of unusual behavior which may be (9)__________with these and get help (10)__________ necessary.
Your answer:
1. ……………... 2. ……………... 3. ……………... 4. ……………... 5. ……………...
6. ……………... 7. ……………... 8. ……………... 9. ……………... 10. …………...

III. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than
did the federal government. States chartered manufacturing, banking, mining, and transportation firms and
participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes, and railroads. The
states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways ; first, by actually establishing state companies to
build such improvement ; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public-private companies setting out
to make a profit.
In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct
regulatory activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs. Licensing targets reflected both
similarities in and differences between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of today : in the nineteenth
century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on peddlers, innkeepers, and retail merchants of various
kinds. The perishable commodities of trade generally came under state inspection, and such important frontier
staples as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control. Finally, state governments experimented with
direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting
maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by businesses.
Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not
inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries. Toward
these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action. It established a national bank to stabilize
banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the frontier, where it
was greatly needed for settlement. It permitted access to public western lands on increasingly easy terms,
culminating in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed on the basis of residence alone.

Finally, it set up a system of tariffs that was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering for position by
various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff rates
throughout the nineteenth century.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. States' rights versus federal rights
B. The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction
C. The roles of state and federal governments in the economy of the nineteenth century
D. Regulatory activity by state governments
2. The word “effect” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. value B. argument C. influence D. restraint
3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as areas that involved state governments in the nineteenth
century EXCEPT _________.
A. mining B. banking C. manufacturing D. higher education
4. The word “distinct” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. separate B. innovative C. alarming D. provocative
5. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and railroads were_________.
A. built with money that came from the federal government
B. much more expensive to build than they had been previously
C. built predominantly in the western part of the country
D. sometimes built in part by state companies
6. The regulatory activities of state governments included all of the following EXCEPT_______.
A. licensing of retail merchants B. inspecting materials used in turnpike maintenance
C. imposing limits on price-fixing D. control of lumber
7. The word “setting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. discussing B. analyzing C. establishing D. avoiding
8. The word “ends” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. benefits B. decisions C. services D. goals
9. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862 ?
A. It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West.
B. It was a law first passed by state governments in the West.
C. It increased the money supply in the West.
D. It established tariffs in a number of regions.
10. Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century?
A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder
B. Determining the conditions under which individuals worked
C. Regulation of the supply of money
D. Inspection of new homes built on western lands

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before.
1. She dances beautifully and sings sweetly too.
Not only.........................................................................................................................
2. They do not clean the windows so the room looks rather dark.
Were they.......................................................................................................................
3. The keeper had no sooner opened the cage door than the tiger attacked him
4. People believe that the explosion was caused by terrorists.
The explosion ..................................................................................................................

5. Switch off all the lights before going out.
All the lights ....................................................................................................................
6. During the teacher’s absence, the class was very noisy.
While ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow.
I ……………………………………………………………………………….…………………..
8. He brought the umbrella along but it didn’t rain.
He needn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The gun going off was the signal for everyone to panic.
As soon ………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. She’s successful and happy.
She has ………………………………………………………………………………………….

II. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original one, using the words given in
1. By chance I was there when she revealed the truth. (happened)
2. Riding a bicycle along a pavement is against the law. (mustn’t )
3. She has not gone out with him for almost two years. (stopped)
4. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets)
5. I’m sure he bought them a lovely present for their wedding. (bound)
6. I wonder where Harry is now – I haven’t seen him for years. (become)
III. Write an essay on a topic.
“The Internet has bad effects on pupils’ study.”
Do you agree or disagree? In an essay of about 150 - 180 words, express your ideas about this statement.

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