Block 1 The Human Body: How Do We Change and Develop During Our Lifetime?

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Block 1 The Human Body

Unit 2 How Do We Change and Develop During Our Lifetime?

Lesson 1 What are the stages of life?

Test Name: __________________________________________ Points: ____ / 25

1 Listen and match.

a ___ fetus 1 From about 65, the aging process causes cells to

b ___ infancy 2 We begin life in our mother’s womb.

c ___ childhood 3 When we are fully grown and our strength,

coordination and senses are at their best.

d ___ adolescence 4 From newborn to about two years old. Babies

learn to walk and talk in this time.

e ___ adulthood 5 Between the ages of 13 and 19, people transition

from children to adults.

f ___ old age 6 Girls and boys have similar body shapes at this time.

____ / 6

2 Read and complete the definitions.

f physical social intellectual emotional

1 _______________ development: changes in the way we look and the

actions and movements we can do

2 _______________ development: changes in our ability to remember

information, communicate, and control our impulses

3 _______________ development: evolution of self-image and the tools

to manage and understand our feelings

4 _______________ development: growth of relationships with different

people in our lives and our ability to interact with others
____ / 4

Oxford Discover Science 2nd edition 5 Block 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Test

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
3 Read and complete.

pruning frontal lobe motor skills matures cerebellum

language parietal lobe

By two years old, about 85% of brain

development has happened, including intellect,
personality, and basic 1 _______________ . As
the 2 _______________ continues to grow, our
balance and coordination improves. A child’s
brain has twice as many connections as an
adult’s brain. In a process called
3 _______________ ,
the neural connections
that are used most often, like those used for
4 _______________
, are strengthened, while
the ones that aren’t used, die. The
5 _______________
, which helps us distinguish
size, shape, and color, increases as we learn
more about the world around us.
At age 20–25, the brain reaches its adult weight of three pounds. The 6 _______________ ,
which is responsible for impulse control, planning, weighing risks, and decision-making,
finally 7 _______________ and our brain performs at its best.
____ / 7
4 Match to complete the sentences.

The Effects of Age on Our Body

a hair 1 ___ become narrower

b eyes 2 ___ become less flexible

c ears 3 ___ lose density and become weaker

d brain 4 ___ takes longer to fill with blood

e heart 5 ___ pick up fewer sound waves

f arteries 6 ___ may develop cataracts and glaucoma

g bones 7 ___ loses neurons

h muscles 8 ___ changes color

____ / 8

Oxford Discover Science 2nd edition 5 Block 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Test

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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