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-8:22 AM Yahoo Mail - [Aim-atls3] Participate in ATL Marathon - 4

weeks to Gal \

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· [Aim-atls3] Participate in ATL Marathon - 4 weeks to Go! (1 \~ ' -'.J_
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From: Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) ( lf ' J- ,.. ,/'(',, 1•;,;;

Date: Monday, 7 February, 2022, 04:45 pm 1ST "'\\)'. · '

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~ Dear Schools,

4 Weeks To Go for ATL Marathon to close. Haye your students Q.atlici~Y..e.U

Atal lnnovation'Wssionhas launched its flagship Innovation Challenge for ~chool children ~f lnd)a - T~·¥f
ATL Marathon. The ATL Marathon is a national level innovation challenge, where students identify i
community problems of their choice and develop innovative solutions in the form of working prototy~es.
Participation Link - https: //innovate.mygov. in/atl-marathon-2021 / j&
This year we celebrate the resilience diversity and achievements of India as we begin the 75th ye~r of
lndepen?en~e. To commemorate this'special year, ATL Marathon will draw inspiration from develop,~- 1
New India with the innovation and creativity of the young minds of our country. Il ri.
The themes for ATL Marathon this year are - Healthcare & Nutrition, Education, Energy & 1
Transportation, Social Inclusion I$
The students of India voted on problem statements that they most relate to, to jointly curate the fi~rJ.;~.
problem statements under the above 4 themes. These are listed in the attached · f:ll}[
ATL Marathon brochure. !·
AWARDS in Store

Students: •I

1. All students who submit an entry get a Participation certificate

2. Top 10 teams per State/UT get a certificate of excellence
3. Top 300 teams nationally, get a certificate and Student Internship Program with AIM partners t .
4. Top 30-50 teams nationally, get the Student Entrepreneurship Program to take produ~t to .mar~.,

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This year we have many more award categories as well for Schools, Teachers 8: Principals: i ··
1. Most Innovative School Award - Schools that submit more than 30 entries for ATL Marathon will
get special recognition from Mission Director, AIM and certificates of excellence. They will also gt:it'. ~
badge from AIM Ht-.;
2. Most Inclusive School Award - School that has most number of community students in their teams
& School that has the most number of students with special needs participating In Marathon ,1/~ii- .
All Students, Teachers who submit an entry will get Participation Certificates from AIM, NIT! Aayo~. :
This competition is open to all students of India (ATL School and non-ATL School) and is an
way to develop and hone an innovation mindset amongst the students. Through this competition ·
students research, ideate, innovate and fi~ally im~lement their solutions over a period of 4 mon~h~
to eventually benefit their community, region and m turn, the country. ·p~i(

On behalf of Atal Innovation Mission, we request you to encourage each and every scho6l assoclai ed
with you to participate in large numbers and become a part of India's innovation t _, ;_,
journey. Participation Link - https://innovate.mygov. in/atl-marathon-2021 / )-.fn,
AIM conducts a special session every Thursday for students to help them submit their best
innovation in ATL Marathon. The Video Playlist is here -
list:==PLe8QoqrwXb4TON5jj 1CElkpRu1 KOBCxpR

We have conducted 5 sessions so far:

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· ·i,Themes : . .
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{-, Energy &

Education Social Inclusion

/roblem Statements

Education lnnov~ to create solutions to make education and learning inclusive and resilient
for all children - Those with no access to devices or internet (Mobiles,Laptops,TVs),
those that are in regions with extreme weather conditions those with no access to
a school (physical or virtual) , ·· --.

Innovate to integrate soft skills (personality building, confidence etc.), technical

skills (digital and 21st century skills) and a mindset of innovation in the curriculum
for schools/colleges to ensure students have the skillsets to become successful
entrepreneurs or professionals.
. :-.":

Innovate to create a sustainable model for financial inclusion which will help India
Social get closer to the goal of no poverty by providing accessible and affordable financial
Inclusion services to all.

Innovate to create solutions to build inclusivity in the society in terms of languages

and cultures so that localised access can be made possible for information related
to education, financial literacy and government policies/schemes

Innovate a system that could improve rider/driver(motorcycles, cars, trucks,

Energy & and/or any other vehicle)/citizen (people and animals on the road) safety and
Transport prevent road accidents .
I .

Innovate solutions that reduce the carbon footprint as well as adopt climate-
resilient and low-carbon strategies to enable the transition to truly sustainable

Innovate solutions specifically solving problems faced by patients suffering from

Healthcare the most common diseases of India. You can choose a disease from this list or pick
another disease to create a solution - Diabetes, Anaemia, Tuberculosis, Malaria,
& Nutrition Typhoid or others

Innovate to build solutions to find novel ways to address health and nutrition
challenges such as malnutrition, obesity etc.

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Pr·izes & Awards

Recognition for Students:

1. All students who submit an entry get a Participation certificate
2. Top 10 teams per State/UT get a certificate of excellence
3. Top 300 teams nationally, get a certificate and Student Internship Program
with AIM partners =
4. Top 30-50 teams nationally, get the Student Entrepreneurship Program to take
product to market "---

Recognition for Schools, Teacher & Principal:

1. Most Innovative School Award - Schools that submit more than 30 entries for
ATL Marathon get special recognition and certificates
2. Most Inclusive School Award-
1. School that has most number of community students in their teams
2. School that has the most number of students with special needs
participating in Marathon
3. Participation Certificate: ATL in-charge/teachers whose teams participate will
get a participation certificate from AIM, NITI Aayog

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