Product Prospectus

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Tristan Nielsen

Senior Project

Mr. Rudebusch

15 February 2022

Product Prospectus

For my senior project product, I decided to make a workout routine to help clients jump

higher, run faster, be able to count your calorie loss with each exercise and to ultimately lose

weight. While I was job shadowing for Dave Greenmen at the Prairie Lakes Wellness Center

they had me work with some patience ranging from young to old. They all had specific exercises

depending on what they wanted to accomplish and strengthened. The workout routine will look

as if you signed up or called for an athletic trainer. This workout routine was made to help you

jump higher, run faster, and I will help you as you workout to count your calories and tell you

what you can snack on and have for after your workout.

With this routine, I will need to find what exercises benefit your jumping height and

distance as well as reaching your peak running ability. I will have to use different exercises with

different reps and weights along with different machines. I need to make sure all of these

exercises are helping the right muscles and helping you burn calories in the process. These

exercises should give you real results starting with your first day with the workout routine. I need

to start off by analyzing what makes these muscles grow and what makes calories burn the most

beneficial way possible.

Starting out this project, I will need to gather information on each muscle group and what

makes this muscle grow. I will also need to make these workouts home friendly for everyone to
have access too. No weight exercises can mainly be used throughout the workout for some parts

you can add or subtract weight as you feel is needed. It will be very important to have an Iphone

on hand or at least a notebook. With this you will be able to write down what you have

accomplished and will make the counting calories process a lot smoother. There might be days

where you don’t want to workout so this workout routine will hit 3 days out of 7. It will test the

main muscle groups to help elevate your jumping height, speed and ultimately benefit in the

meal planning part of things.

Starting off with the meal prepping, I decided since there are 3 hard workout days each

week I will use NutriCoach on my iphone. While using this we can set our calories for each day

and reach our protein goals while also staying underweight. As we calculate our calories for the

day I need to find how many calories a person needs to stay under for weight loss to happen and

how many calories does this person burn per workout.

Now that I know what I need and what I need to plan for, I will start preparing for my

product. With very detailed home workouts, I will need to make sure my precise workouts help

in the listed categories; jumping, running and weight loss. These workouts should take no more

than 1 hour if done in a timely manner. I have learned skills and ideas, through my shadowing

experience at the Prairie Lakes Wellness Center, that will help this process go smooth and

calmly. I feel prepared for this product and am glad to help on your fitness and weight loss


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