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OXFORD NEW LEARNER'S é Common and Proper Nouns Let's pa what do you see in the picture below? Nea cenit UNI a 4 , a> Let's Learn re in the picture on the page 13a nouns. What you saw You have learned that: Common and proper nouns aia wne 1. Some nouns are general naming words. They tell us who common nouns. t. These are eg &xample: building, road, duck These nouns ar, 2. Some nouns give us exact names of people, places and things. : called proper nouns. Example: Townsend Library, Adil Street, Donny -= SS | [kee r boy Karthik | girl Rini | city Jaipur : day Monday “ Let's Practise. 1. Underline the common nouns and circle the Proper nouns in the sentences belc The first one has been done for you. a. This guitar has nine strings. It belongs to Mr Mendez. b. I know Pubali) She is a nice girl. c. My pet birds are singing. Their names are\Chirpyon rpy, d. This cake is very good. My aunt bought it from tt Cake House’ (Raj)s watering the plants. {We are waiting for(anci)He is our friend, 7 (Rita)yhave you met my cousin (Tom 2. Rewrite the following sentences capitalizing the Proper nouns. a, Have you seen the taj mahal? It’s in Agra, ani Have... eou..Beem. Ah deg Mahall..2... b. There is a lake beside my house. The Thee. c. My pet dog, bruno, loves to play with birds. ge ped dog--Bxsme asd, birede.... d. I have two sisters—ameena and sabina. TL. heve....dbeuo. Didier... Asmenna...crad..dadot e. Everyone loves gurpreet because he is very well-mannered. Evempenne Mtn Grasse Bocas heli. Meo Lue Manmmermed.. 3. In some of the sentences below, capital letters have been used wrongly. Put a tick (v)against the correct sentences. Put a cross (x) against the incorrect sentences and rewrite them using capital letters correctly. a. My Cousins, ritu and deepak, will come to visit me. eh. c. The President of India lives in New D . >, wd Qa. e. Mrand Mrs iyer are travelling to chennai. (Mx. sara NAR yn Ti Aran LAINE it’s play this fun game. : Write ten different nouns, for example, woman, Kolkata, teacher, train, mang Rukmini, week, Monday, etc. on ten pieces of paper. Make two cards, Name the cards common noun and proper noun, Two students will hold up the cards. * Putall the pieces of Paper together and give them to your teacher. * Your teacher will give you back a piece of Paper. Read the word written on it * Ifyou havea common noun written on your piece of Paper, stand near the friend holding the common noun card. U Revision, * Acommon noun does not start with ... * All proper nouns start with ‘ Pe fe on Singular and Plural Let's D>: undertine the NOUNS IN these sentences below nsec a 1. Icon see «duck, There are two ducks ' doll ae She has many dolls 3. She has a pet The wae a pid you notice that there is only one duck but two ducks? we add -s to duck, doll and pet to mean more than one. We say ducks, dolls and pets. . Je Let's Learn if there is more than one of the same object, we normally add -s/-es after the word. Examples: tree—trees house—houses road—roads bench—benches bridge—bridges class—classes To change nour Oran ee 1 a Pa See some more examples below. ’ bell | pen . 7 | bush bushes I church | ~——schurches _ bells pens Let's, Practise, Make plurals of the nouns given below. One has been done for you. 6. beach ......peacher.. 1. brother —o 7. class 3. radish bt grout: 4. branch bebpese =rime 10. dress There are other ways in which the spelling of a word changes when we make plurals. We will study some of them. 1. Read the following passage. As you read, underline all the plurals in the passage. Raju is a tailor ina big city. Sometimes he works for days to stitch smart hats for ladies. One summer afternoon, Raju thought he would sit in his garden and stitch hats there. As his wife had gone to the Tailors’ Wives Club that afternoon, Raju locked the house. He kept the bunch of keys in his pocket and went to the garden with all his half- stitched hats and caps. Soon the heat made him tired and he fell asleep. chatter .-. chatter ... Raju got up with a sudden start “Where are the hats and caps?” Raju looked around and thought chatter ... chatter ... ent. -where is that noise coming from?” Raju wondered He looked up at the leaves and the branches of the tree under which he sat. Some monkeys were chattering up there. Each monkey had a hat or a cap on its head! plural cg oe day hat | lady | cap wife key leaf branch Menkeys Je Lets Learn When we make plurals from singulars, the spelling of plurals change according to the vowels or consonants coming at the end of monkey the words. 1. For nouns ending with a consonant + y, the plural is formed by changing -y into Example: % St [ti ? Now form the plural for these words: a. fly senna 03 b. cherry c. berry d. baby i adding 2. For nouns ending with a vowel + y, the plural is formed by simply | monkey Now form the plural for these words: a. ray b. toy c. tray sess Dh d. trolley trades... monkeys | | . key : clay ve LOE . boy boys | valley we Mabe sears 3. Most nouns ending in -fe or -f form the plural by changing -fe or -f into -ves. ____ wife wives | leaf leaves Now form the plural for these words: a. leaf b. knife c. loaf d. half . shelf Shelve... wolf edd QVES ne . calf adver po siecaselteeeah .thiee Wheeden Let's Practisa, change the nouns into their plural forms in the sentences below. a. The sparrow sat on the puppy. ahele d b. They looked at the church near the tree. dhe Aooked..od. the... chuncches near. hex c. | put my book on the shelf, TI... Rad ty bacaba...cro. Abe. shel ied. d. The baby wanted to eat the crispy fry. f._ | will wash and put the dish in the box. . Write the singular nouns of the plurals given below. a. houses .....D.Qdddefecreeeseseseee f. fifties b. g. ourselves c h. fairies d. bunnies i. ways e. wolves j. rays «= s done for ' : has been You, first One hts, i ences: ; ‘al forms in these sent y 3. Correct the plure y a. The boxis are new. = The. BONES. AEE. ies 0 b. There are many pretty housies d. We sail paper boates when it rains. we..ctail...paper...boaly.. 0a Fan. wad. e. The fairys will grant Salima three wishs. The. parirciss... ail. Grraednn cabin. Asean) are 4. Some nouns change their spelling to become plurals. Check if you remember such nouns. Change the singulars into plurals in the table below. Example: mouse (singular) mice (plural) a._child childern e. goose Fee9,e. b. man Men f£._ tooth teodh c._woman Wun Men 8._ fireman tine Men foot Fee} h._ox Oke pieand) table Nouns; m into nouns that can be | Counta uncoun | ighlighted. Sort the! Let's D 1. The nouns in the passage below are hit counted and nouns that cannot be counted. It was a terribly rainy day but | had to go out. My m was ill and she needed some medicine. We needed food. My father made a list for me. | would buy milk, Sugar, butter, tomatoes, onions, bread and eggs. other | walked in the rain under my umbrella. After a while, ! realized that | had forgotten to bring the prescription! In the first column below, write the nouns that you can count. Add -s/es to make them plural. In the second column, write the nouns that cannot be counted. ee} 2. nouns that can be counted + -s/es nouns t not be c d os Medicine | Mathes, food father, riley Umbrellas, ugar Jormatee, g Sudfesr Stajn Let's Lear countable nouns and uncountable nouns read about the differences between countable and uncountable nouns in the table below. Sl ciaets ieee acd Countable nouns have plural forms. £xamples: apple—apples, book—books gular and Uncountable nouns have only singular, |” forms and cannot be turned into | plurals. | ee | rice v rices x | | honey ¥ honies » 2. We use a, an or number words before 2 . We cannot use a, an or number countable nouns. | words before uncountable nouns. | Examples: an apple, a ball, two cats, | Examples: | ten books | one water x amilk x | ten air x 3. We use much, little before | uncountable nouns. | 3. We use many, a few before countable nouns. Examples: a few boys, many fruits ___ Examples: much rice, little water et's, Practise, 1. Underline the countable nouns and circle the uncountable nouns. The first one has been done for you. a. Uncle Prasad has ten pets who eat a lot of rice) b. Pour Water)into a pot to make tea. c. Add two spoons offugah)and some(milk)in the two cups.

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