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Assignment Geography ch-5

Topic - Major Domains of the earth


• Write difficult word min.10

I .Define the following terms:-

• Lithosphere
• Atmosphere
• Hydrosphere

2. Fill in the blank

1. The deepest point on the earth is ……….. in the Pacific Ocean.

2. The……… Ocean is named after a country.
3. The……… is a narrow contact zone of land, water and air that supports life.
4. The continents of Europe and Asia together are known as…………….
5. The highest mountain peak on earth is…………….
6. The mountain range that separates Europe from Asia is..............
7. The continent of North America is linked to South America by.............

3. . Write True or false

1. The shape of the Pacific Ocean is almost triangular.

2. A very small part of Africa lies in the Northern Hemisphere.
3. The level of seawater remains the same everywhere.
4. Air moves from low pressure to high pressure.
5. Carbon dioxide is an important constituent of air.
6. The atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

Very short answer:-

1.What is the height of the Mt. Everest?

2. In which Hemisphere does Asia lie?

3.What percent of earth is covered with land?

4. Name the research stations of India in Antarctica.

5.Name the world’s largest hot desert. Where is it located?

6.write the name of seven continents name.

6. Short questions in 30 t0 40 words:-

1.Write about the biggest continent.

2.Explain biosphere---the domain of life.

Give Reason
3 Why is the Northern Hemisphere icalled the Land Hemisphere

Differentiate Between

1.Strait and Isthmus

2.Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

1.Make poster on Global warming

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