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Explicações / Introductory Circuit Analysis: Global Edition

Exercício 30
Capítulo 11 | Página 523

Introductory Circuit Analysis: Global Edition

ISBN: 9780133923919

Explicação Certificado

Passo 1 1 de 6

We rearrange the elements in the given circuit to simplify visualizing it and redraw it as shown below.

Passo 2 2 de 6


The switch has been closed for a long time for t < 0. Under steady-state dc conditions, the inductor acts as a
short circuit. Thus, we replace the inductor in the given circuit with a short circuit as shown below. The two resistors
(4.7 kΩ and 1.2 kΩ) are shorted and can be removed from the circuit.
By Ohm's law,

Ii =
= −10.91 mA

Passo 3 3 de 6

At t = 0, the switch is opened and we apply the Thevenin theorem to the 1.2 H inductor. To obtain RT h , consider
the circuit shown below in (a). Thus,

RT h = (2.2 + 4.7) ∣∣ 1.2
= 6.9 ∣∣ 1.2
= 1.022 kΩ

To obtain ET h , consider the circuit shown below in (b). By voltage-division,

ET h = −24 ⋅
1.2 + (2.2 + 4.7)
= −3.556 V

Passo 4 4 de 6

The Thevenin equivalent circuit is shown below in (a). After opening the switch, the current flowing through the
inductor is

iL = If + (Ii − If ) e−t/τ

The time constant of the given LR circuit is

RT h
1.022 ⋅ 103
= 1.17 ms

We obtained that Ii = −10.91 mA. Substituting the short-circuit equivalent for the inductor will result in a final or
steady-state current determined by Ohm’s law:

ET h −3.556
If = = = −3.48 mA
RT h 1.022

iL = If + (Ii − If ) e−t/τ
= −3.48 + (−10.91 − (−3.48)) e−t/1.17ms
= −3.48 − 7.43 e−t/1.17ms  mA

The voltage across the inductor after opening the switch is

vL = Vm  e−t/τ

where Vm is the initial peak voltage across the inductor. For the circuit shown below in (b), applying KVL around
the loop gives

Vm = −Ii RT h + ET h
= −10.91 (1.022) − 3.556
= −14.71 V


vL = Vm  e−t/τ
= −14.71 e−t/1.17ms  V

Passo 5 5 de 6


We sketch the waveforms of iL and vL from the initial value to the steady-state level as shown below.

Resultado 6 de 6


iL = −3.48 − 7.43 e−t/1.17ms  mA

vL = −14.71 e−t/1.17ms  V

We sketch the waveforms of iL and vL from the initial value to the steady-state level.

Exercício 29 Exercício 31

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