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Dictionary of

Dictionary of

International Food and Cooking
Terms from A to Z

Second Edition

Charles Sinclair

A & C Black London

Alyson Cole, Eri Eguchi, Magda Hughes, Sarah Lusznat,
Diane Nicholls, Helen Szirtes, Maureen Teulier

Katy McAdam, Joel Adams, Heather Bateman, Emma Harris

First edition published 1998

as International Dictionary of Food and Cooking
Reprinted 1999
Second edition published 2004
as A Cook’s Dictionary
This paperback edition published 2005

A & C Black Publishers Ltd

37 Soho Square, London W1D 3QZ

© Charles Sinclair 1998

© Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2004
© A & C Black Publishers Ltd 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0218-3

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The language of English cuisine is unusual in that it uses many words of foreign origin, often
in their original spelling. The purpose of this dictionary is to give short definitions of these
words so that both the practising chef and the amateur enthusiast, the gastronome and the
student may quickly determine the meaning. It is not a recipe book or a repertoire, but it
does give the ingredients of classic and well-known dishes, together with a brief summary of
the cooking processes. A picture of a chef’s hat indicates dishes that the professional or
amateur cook could, after a little experimentation, roughly reproduce.

As in all dictionaries, the compiler has had to be selective in the words chosen for inclusion.
Even so, the dictionary lists over 24,000 words, of which very few are not in current use
somewhere in the English-speaking world. Some entries have been included for historical
reasons and the browser will find much of interest. Classic dishes, ingredients, cooking
processes, cooking implements and equipment, descriptions of function and details of
service are included as well as scientific, botanical, medical, technological, hygienic and
nutritional terms. Many single words appertaining to the catering industry from the countries
of the European Union are translated, and the dictionary is of use in translating menu items
not included. Drinks, wines and spirits are not included except where they are used as
flavourings in food and food preparation.

Order of entries
All words are listed in strict alphabetical order, ignoring spaces or hyphens. Thus
comes after and after . Numbers come before letters, so E-numbers
such as and come before and . Accented characters are
assumed to follow the unaccented characters which they resemble. Thus comes before or
, for example.

Verbs are listed as and , for example.

The names of many items in the French repertoire have been taken over wholesale into the
English language. For example, is known as , often
retaining the French acute accent, and for this reason – and to avoid making the entries too
repetitious – this type of entry is listed in reverse order of the words in the dictionary. Thus
would appear under the heading ; other examples are
and . Similar examples occur with whole classes of French
names such as (butter), (garnish), , (soup), ,
etc. Phrases from French and other European languages beginning with , , , , etc.
are also listed in reverse order:

France An unglazed earthenware cooking pot in two symmetrical halves which

when put together resembles a ball with two flat sides and a long handle. Used for
cooking chestnuts and vegetables without water either in the oven or on top of the stove.
Can be shaken and turned over for even cooking. Kidneys or poussins, split,
flattened, grilled and served with sauce diable
France Strongly flavoured with a selection of Worcestershire and Tabasco
sauces, mustard, cayenne pepper and vinegar. Also called
England, France A reduction of chopped shallots, white wine, vinegar,
cayenne pepper and mignonette pepper simmered with demi-glace, strained and
seasoned. Served with fried or grilled fish or meat. Also called
France see
Mexico, Spain Devilled, hot and spicy
France Cheese-flavoured croûtons Christmas crackers
Regional and national dishes
The country or region of origin of words or phrases, if important or not obvious from the
definition, is given immediately after the entry. Where a dish is of some regional origin within
a country, the region will usually be indicated in the text, whereas the name of the country
will be given after the entry:

England A shortcrust pastry incorporating an amount of dried vine fruits

equal in weight to the fat, often used for meat or bird pies (NOTE: Figgy is the West
Country term for dried vine fruits)

Similarly, where a country is contained within a larger grouping such as Central Europe or
West Africa, the text will indicate the country of origin. This style is only used where there
are relatively few entries for the country. An exception is made for the original four kingdoms
which made up the British Isles: these are treated as separate countries, i.e. England,
Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Terms from French and other cuisines which are also used in English cookery are labelled
England, France, for example.

In some of the entries, outline recipes are given together with quantities of key ingredients.
The usual method of giving quantities is to give the relative proportions by weight in brackets
after the list of ingredients. Thus for example is defined as ‘Flour, butter,
caster sugar and eggs (2:1:3:5) made up…’ This could be 4 oz of flour, 2 oz of butter, 6 oz
of caster sugar and 5 eggs (recalling that a standard egg weighs 2 oz or 60g), or alternatively
in metric measure, 24g of flour, 12g of butter and 36g of caster sugar to each egg.

All cooking temperatures are given in °C (degrees centigrade or Celsius). Equivalents in other
units (°F or gas mark) can be found in any reasonable recipe book.

The transliterations used from the Greek, Russian, Southeast Asian, Chinese, etc. languages
are those adopted in the English translations of the original dishes and terms. Different
authorities give different transliterations and, where several are in common use for the same
dish, they are all given in their correct alphabetical order, referring back or forwards to the
main entry. Chinese terms are transliterated in a variety of ways from either Cantonese or
Mandarin according to the source of the entry. Accents indicating tones are not shown for
Chinese transliterations, hence they give only a very rough approximation of the spoken
Every compiler of a dictionary is indebted to so many written sources that it would be
impossible to list them all. Most of the extant dictionaries and encyclopedias of food have
been consulted and many hundreds of cookbooks trawled. Quite a few errors in the
published literature have been spotted and corrected but it is inevitable that some will not
have been detected and it is hoped that correspondents will point these out.

I am eternally indebted to those persons who first inspired me to undertake this work and to
those who have given so freely of their time to correct the spellings and definitions of foreign
terms. In chronological order, these are Gareth Burgess, at that time Head of the Catering
and Hospitality Department of City College, Manchester, whose encouragement and practical
help were given freely when it was most needed, and my agent, Chelsey Fox, whose efforts
on my behalf were most welcome. The publisher of the first edition, Peter Collin, was a tower
of strength and his continuous guidance, help and assistance eased the long path from first
to last draft. Faye Carney, the editor for the second edition, and her staff have been
extremely helpful and Faye Carney in particular has made many suggestions for improving
the dictionary. Lecturing staff and former lecturing staff at the City College, Manchester, in
particular Gordon Fotheringham, Mary Cork and Anthony Fallon, have been unstinting in
giving me the benefit of their knowledge and experience.

I wish to pay tribute to those students and friends at UMIST and from all over the world who
have corrected the entries in their respective mother tongues. Without their help the errors in
this dictionary would have been legion; as it is, the ones that remain are solely my

In alphabetical order of surname, they are:

Norhafizah Abdullah, Lee Abrams, Cornelia Allen, Christine Biermann, Bao-Dong Chen,
Jan Cilliers, George Devarkos, Rosa Maria Dominguez, Tom Dyskowska, Amer El-Hamouz,
Claudia Aguilar Garcia, Vipa Jayranaiwachira, Dilys Jones, Brahim and Mrs H. Khalfaoui,
Jiri Klemes, Claudia Konscaq, Joan and Bjorn Kristiansen, Asher Kyperstock, Gen Larssen,
Nityamo Lian, Emma Marigliano, Ferda Mavituna, David Miller, Gunnar Munksgaard,
Mehdi Nemati, Claire O’Beirne, Severino Pandiella, Megan Sinclair, Amita Sitomurni (Adji),
David Webb

And finally to my good lady bed companion, Pamela Davis, for whose tolerance and support
over the many years that it took to compile, check and type this dictionary I owe an
irredeemable debt of gratitude.
° deg degree centigrade lb pound weight
(Celsius) m metre
cm centimetre mm millimetre
deg degree Fahrenheit oz ounce
e.g. for example spp. species
esp. especially subsp. subspecies (in botanical
f form (in botanical names)
names) var. variety (in botanical
g gram names)
GM gas mark x botanical cross
i.e. that is to say > greater than
kg kilogram < less than Page 1 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:53 PM

AA See arachidonic acid abalone mushroom Oyster mushroom
AA abalone mushroom

aachar Indonesia, South Asia Shredded abats France Offal, internal organs and other
aachar abats

cabbage and other vegetables. See also acar edible parts of an animal from its extremities
abatte France A thick, broad, double-edged

aahaar Nepal Food


aal Netherlands Eel

knife used to flatten meat
abattis France Poultry offal or giblets

Aal Germany Eel


abattis à la bourguignonne France Poultry

abattis à la bourguignonne

Aalquappe Germany Eel pout


giblets, excluding livers, which are reserved,

Aalsuppe Germany Eel soup

are fried in butter with chopped onions and

aam South Asia Ripe mango

added flour, before being cooked with red

aamchur South Asia A flavouring similar made

wine, stock, bouquet garni and garlic in the

from unripe mango. See also amchoor oven. The mixture is then drained and
aam ka achar South Asia A type of mango placed in a clean pan with fried diced bacon,
aam ka achar

pickle. Halved unripe mangoes are mixed cooked button onions, the raw sliced livers
with fenugreek, turmeric, asafoetida, dried and the strained reduced cooking liquor, and
red chillies and salt, allowed to rest, then finished.
covered with warm mustard oil and kept abattis aux navets France As abattis à la
abattis aux navets

warm until matured. bourguignonne, but omitting red wine from

aara South Asia Wholewheat flour the stock and small turned pieces of turnip

aardappel Netherlands Potato

sautéed in butter added with the other
aardbei Netherlands Strawberry
ingredients at the final stage
abattis chipolata France As abattis à la
abattis chipolata

aarey South Asia A semi-hard, scalded-curd,


rindless cheese similar to Gouda, made in bourguignonne, but with white wine replacing
India from buffalo milk red and with grilled chipolata sausage,
cooked chestnuts and fried diced salt belly of
abacate Portugal Avocado

pork added at the final stage

abacaxi Portugal Pineapple

abattis de volaille aux champignons

abattis de volaille aux champignons

abadejo Spain Fresh codfish


France Poultry giblets are cut in pieces,

abaissage France The process of rolling out

browned in butter, and cooked in a moderate

pastry, etc. oven with flour, stock, seasoning, skinned
abaisse France Thinly rolled out pastry used

tomatoes and bouquet garni for 1 hour.

as a base for other foods Mushrooms are then added and cooking
abaisser France To roll out
continues until everything is tender. The
abalone A bivalve mollusc, Haliotis
cooking liquor is thickened and the dish is
tuberculata, and other species of the genus served with chopped parsley.
abattis printanier France As abattis à la
abattis printanier

Haliotis, found in warm sea water worldwide.

It is larger than the oyster (up to 13 cm). The bourguignonne, but garnished à la
edible part is the foot; the frilly mantle is printanière with the raw livers replacing the
discarded. Abalone may be eaten raw if very diced bacon and button onions
abattoir A slaughter house, a place where live

young, but normally must be tenderized

before being braised or sautéed lightly (less food animals are killed, desanguinated,
than 1 minute). See also blacklip abalone, gutted, skinned and prepared for sale to the
greenlip abalone, paua, ormer, mutton fish. trade
abba Sri Lanka Black mustard seed

Also called sea ormer, sea ear, earshell

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abbacchio Italy 1. Milk-fed lamb 2. Young and Worcestershire sauce and brought

unweaned lamb together with beaten egg. This mixture is

abboccato Italy Slightly sweet. Used of wine.
then packed in a tin with a foil cover, and
abborre Sweden Perch
baked in the oven in a bain-marie at 180°C
for an hour. It may then be eaten hot
abbrühen Germany To scald

immediately or, if to be eaten cold, soaked

abbrustolito Italy Toasted

while hot in as much beef stock as it will

Abelmoschus esculentus Botanical name absorb, cooled in the refrigerator, turned out
Okra and sliced.
abelmosk See abelmusk

Aberdeen rowies Scotland A type of croissant

Aberdeen rowies

abelmusk A seed of a plant of the marrow


made from a yeast-raised strong dough in

family, Hibiscus abelmoschus, which has a the manner of puff pastry interleaved with
musk-like flavour. Also called abelmosk butter mixed with a little lard using two triple
Abendessen Germany A light evening meal or

folds, made into rounds, proven a second

supper time and baked at 200°C
Aberdeen Angus A breed of prime, Scottish Aberdeen sausage Scotland A slicing
Aberdeen Angus Aberdeen sausage

beef cattle renowned for the flavour, texture sausage (about 30 cm long by 10 cm
and tenderness of its meat (NOTE: Because of diameter) made from 2 parts minced beef, 1
lax English law, the amount of meat part fat bacon and 1 part fine oatmeal with
advertised as Aberdeen Angus sold, far spices and seasoning. The mixture is
exceeds the number of cattle raised for wrapped in a cloth and boiled. After
slaughter.) unwrapping it is cooled and glazed or coated
Aberdeen buttery Scotland A yeast-raised
Aberdeen buttery

with breadcrumbs. (NOTE: Some sources give

croissant made from a knocked-back strong it as being made from minced mutton.)
flour and water dough, interleaved with a Aberdeen sole Scotland Witch sole, a flatfish
Aberdeen sole

mixture of butter and lard (2:1) with a flour similar to the lemon sole
fat ratio of (4:3) using the rough puff pastry Aberffrau cakes Wales Small cakes made
Aberffrau cakes

method with 3 threefold turns. The dough is from flour, butter and caster sugar (3:2:1)
cut in ovals, allowed to prove and baked at made up by the creaming method, baked for
200°C for 20 to 25 minutes. 15 minutes at 190°C in greased deep scallop
Aberdeen crulla Scotland A sweet, deep- shells and sprinkled with sugar
Aberdeen crulla

fried cake made from a stiff dough of Abernethy biscuit Scotland A Scottish
Abernethy biscuit

creamed butter and sugar, eggs and flour, caraway-flavoured sweet biscuit (NOTE:
rolled into rectangles, each rectangle Named after Dr John Abernethy (1764–
partially cut into three lengths, these plaited, 1831) of Bart’s Hospital.)
deep-fried, drained and sprinkled with sugar Abgesottener Austria An acid-curdled cheese

Aberdeen fillet Scotland A single, lightly

Aberdeen fillet

made from skimmed cows’ milk, cooked to

smoked, unskinned fillet of haddock noted produce a soft, golden yellow, round cheese
for its use in Arnold Bennett omelette. Also weighing between 0.2 and 1 kg. Contains
called smoked fillet 70% water, 10% fat and 16% protein.
Aberdeen nips Scotland Cooked smoked A.B. Goods United States Sweets of the gum,
Aberdeen nips A.B. Goods

haddock and egg yolk, blended into a hot jelly and marshmallow type (NOTE: The origin
béchamel sauce, served on fried bread or of the term is unknown.)
toast and garnished with parsley and paprika abgusht Central Asia An Iranian dish generally

Aberdeen preserved apples Scotland

Aberdeen preserved apples

of browned meat and onions with beans,

Peeled and cored hard eating apples are fruit, vegetables and flavourings, simmered
completely submerged in buttermilk for 2 very slowly for several hours in a slow cooker
days. The apples are then removed, rinsed or otherwise. It may be thick or thin and
and put in a cold sugar syrup made from served as two courses or one. Typical
water, sugar and peeled chopped ginger root flavourings are tomato purée, limu omani,
(16:8:1). The syrup is slowly heated to a turmeric or lemon juice. (NOTE: Literally
simmer and the apples are cooked until just ‘water of the meat’.)
soft. They are then bottled with the syrup and abgushte miveh Central Asia An abgusht
abgushte miveh

ginger and will keep for several months. made with cubed lean lamb or beef stew
About 2 litres of syrup per kg of apples are meat, plus bones if available, simmered in
required. water with a limu omani. After 90 minutes the
Aberdeen roll Scotland Equal quantities of
Aberdeen roll

bones and limu omani are removed and

beef, bacon and onion are minced and onions browned in ghee with turmeric are
mixed with rolled oats (equal to one third the added, together with dried apricots and
weight of the beef), flavoured with mustard peaches and pitted prunes. All are then

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simmered for a further 30 minutes. Before apricot halves are placed around the top of a
serving, sugar and lemon juice are added to genoese ring, that has been cooked to the
taste. soft-ball stage and glazed with redcurrant
abi See abiu
jelly. The centre of ring is filled with chopped
abish East Africa An Ethiopian dish of minced
anisette-flavoured jelly.
abricots Bourdaloue France Halved apricots
abricots Bourdaloue

beef fried with chopped onions, garlic,

tomatoes and grated ginger, and brought poached in vanilla-flavoured syrup, placed
together with beaten egg. Turmeric, chopped on frangipane cream, covered with same,
parsley, butter and grated goats’ cheese are sprinkled with crushed macaroons and
added and the mixture used to stuff peppers glazed quickly. The dish may be made up in
or potatoes or the like. a baked pastry flan or a timbale, or contained
abiu A bright yellow, round fruit with white
in a ring of dessert rice or genoise coated
sweet caramel-flavoured flesh from a South with apricot jam.
abricots Colbert France Poached apricots
abricots Colbert

American tree, Pouteria caimito, now grown

commercially in Florida and Australia. It can with the stones removed, filled with dessert
only be used when fully ripe. rice, panéed and deep-fried, and served with
abji l’amid Turkey Potato soup flavoured with
abji l’amid

apricot sauce
lemon juice abricots Condé France Apricots poached in
abricots Condé

abklären Germany To clarify, to clear sugar syrup, arranged on a ring of dessert


abkochen Germany To blanch

rice mixed with diced crystallized fruits
ablémamu West Africa A thickening agent
macerated in kirsch, the whole decorated
from Ghana made by grinding dry-roasted with crystallized fruits and coated with a
maize to a powder kirsch-flavoured apricot syrup
abricots Cussy France The flat side of a soft
abricots Cussy

abóbora Portugal Pumpkin


abodabo Philippines A method of cooking

macaroon covered with a finely cut salpicon
meat by frying pieces with garlic until of fruit mixed with apricot purée, half a
browned then adding a little stock and poached apricot placed on top, the whole
vinegar to make a sauce coated with Italian meringue, dried in the
oven without colour and served with kirsch-
abon Indonesia A method of preserving meat,

in which the meat is cooked in water until it flavoured apricot sauce

abricots gratinés France Halved apricots
abricots gratinés

is tender and all the water has evaporated, at

which point the flesh is shredded and deep- poached in sugar syrup, placed on a 2-cm-
fried until crisp thick layer of sweetened apple purée or
aborinha Portugal Courgette
dessert semolina, covered with royal icing
praline, dredged with icing sugar and placed
aboyeur France The person responsible for

in a moderate oven to colour the praline

shouting out the customer’s order to the
abricots meringués France Halves of
abricots meringués

various kitchen departments (NOTE: Literally

‘barker’.) poached apricot placed on top of a layer of
abraysha kabaub Central Asia A dessert from
abraysha kabaub
dessert rice, covered with meringue and
Afghanistan of lightly beaten eggs. The decorated with same, dredged with icing
beaten eggs (about one egg per person) are sugar, coloured in a warm oven and served
poured through a moving funnel or using the with a garnish of redcurrant and apricot jams
abricots mireille France Peeled and halved
abricots mireille

fingers into hot fat so as to make a lacy open-

textured omelette. This is cooked on both ripe apricots, mixed with skinned apricot
sides, drained, soaked in a lemon-flavoured kernels, sprinkled with sugar and cooled to
heavy sugar syrup, rolled up and cut in 0°C. Prior to serving, sprinkled with kirsch,
slices. covered with vanilla-flavoured whipped
abricot France Apricot
cream and decorated with crystallized
abricots à la parisienne France Halved
abricots à la parisienne

abricots sultane France A ring-baked

abricots sultane

apricots poached in vanilla-flavoured syrup,

cooled, reformed around vanilla ice cream, genoese stuck to a base of short pastry with
placed on a large flat macaroon, covered in a apricot jam, the outside coated and top
cone shape with vanilla-flavoured crème decorated with meringue, baked to a colour,
chantilly and sprinkled with fine hazelnut the centre filled with dessert rice mixed with
praline frangipane cream and chopped pistachios,
abricots à la royale France Halved apricots
abricots à la royale
the filling covered with poached apricots and
poached in vanilla-flavoured syrup, placed in sprinkled with chopped pistachios
abrikoos Netherlands Apricot

tartlet moulds, filled with kirsch-flavoured

abrikos (plural abrikosi) Russia Apricot

jelly and cooled to set. When demoulded, the

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Abruzzese, all’

Abruzzese, all’ Italy In the style of Abruzzo, acar kuning Southeast Asia A highly spiced
Abruzzese, all’ acar kuning

i.e. with green or red peppers mixed-vegetable dish which can be served
abschäumen Germany To skim hot or cold. Onions, carrots, French beans,

absorption method A method of cooking rice.

absorption method
cauliflower, sweet peppers and cucumber, all
The exact amount of water needed to cook cut to the size of a quartered French bean,
the rice without leaving free water is placed, are fried progressively in oil in the order
with the rice, in a heavy pan with a tight given, with a fried spice mixture of pounded
fitting lid. The pan is placed on a heat source shallots, garlic, candlenuts, turmeric, ginger
for some time then removed to allow the rice and red chillies. Water and vinegar are
to dry out. Precise proportions and times added progressively, and sugar, mustard and
depend on the rice type. (NOTE: Rice cooked cucumber last of all. The mixture is cooked
in this way is also known as steamed rice.) until al dente.
abulón Spain Abalone acar timun Malaysia A vegetable pickle made
abulón acar timun

abura Japan Oil


from salted and drained cucumber heated

abura-age Japan Soya bean pouches made
gently in vinegar, water, brown sugar and
by deep-frying slices of strained and pressed tomato sauce and mixed with a fried
bean curd and splitting them open from one pounded spice mixture of garlic, chillies,
side to form pouches which may be stuffed turmeric and ginger
accartocciato Italy Twisted or wrapped, e.g.

abura-kiri Japan A type of colander which fits


inside a receptacle. Used for draining oil in spirals

from fried food. accelerated freeze-drying

accelerated freeze-drying Freeze-drying in

abutilon A plant of the marrow family,

which the rate of temperature drop between

Abutilon esculentum, whose leaves are used 0 and –5°C is very rapid, thus preventing the
in the same way as spinach. Also called growth of ice crystals which would disrupt
raughi the cells and destroy the texture of the food,
acacia flower fritters Flower fritters and in which heat is supplied to the food
acacia flower fritters

acacia gum See gum arabic

acacia gum
whilst under high vacuum and at a low
açafrão Portugal Saffron
temperature to remove the free and
açafrão-da-índia Portugal Turmeric
combined water

acajou Cashew nut

acciughe Italy Salted anchovies (NOTE: The
Acanthosicyos horrida Botanical name Nara singular is acciuga. Fresh anchovies are
nut alici.)
acciughe alla carabiniera

acar Indonesia, South Asia Shredded


acciughe alla carabiniera Italy Anchovies

cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and other with potato salad
vegetables parboiled in spiced vinegar with acciughe alla contadina Italy Anchovy salad
acciughe alla contadina

turmeric and left to mature for a week. Also with capers, onions and olives
called aachar, achar, achards, atjar acciughe in salsa verde

acciughe in salsa verde Italy Anchovies in

acar bening Indonesia A mixed-vegetable
acar bening

green sauce, made by alternating in a jar

sweet pickle, containing an assortment of layers of drained anchovies with a mixture of
cucumber, onion, pineapple, green pepper chopped parsley, garlic, red chillies and
and tomato in vinegar, water, brown sugar white of bread soaked in vinegar. The layers
and salt are covered with olive oil. The finished dish is
acar ikan Southeast Asia The Malaysian
acar ikan

refrigerated until required.

version is a sweet-and-sour cold dish made acciughe marinate

from suitable whole fish, fried in oil until

acciughe marinate Italy Cleaned and filleted
brown, then cooked in vinegar, water, brown fresh anchovies marinated in olive oil, lemon
juice, garlic, parsley, red chillies and
sugar and a fried pounded spice mixture
seasoning for at least 4 hours
(chillies, ginger, onions, garlic, turmeric and acciughe ripiene al forno

macadamia nuts), decorated with slices of acciughe ripiene al forno Italy A dish made
onion and chicken and served cold. The with cleaned fresh anchovies with heads and
Indonesian version is similar but with the tails off and backbone removed leaving two
addition of lemon grass, laos, bay leaves and fillets joined kipper-style. Two anchovies are
lime leaves to the pounded spice mixture put together like a sandwich, skin side out,
and with shallots, spring onions and with a filling of chopped herbs, garlic, pine
tomatoes added towards the end. nuts or walnuts and olive oil. The ‘sandwich’
acarje Burma An appetizer made from a
is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and olive oil
processed mixture of black-eyed beans and and baked for 10 minutes in a 220°C oven.
accompaniments Items offered separately

dried shrimps, made into balls, fried in oil

and served with a spicy shrimp sauce with a main dish of food

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acidless orange

accra Caribbean A yeasted doughnut mixture achar Shredded cabbage and other
accra achar

containing pounded salt cod and chillies, vegetables. See also acar
deep-fried and eaten hot with floats achards France, South Asia A macédoine of

acedera Spain Sorrel vegetables preserved in vinegar with spices.


aceite Spain Oil

Escoffier gives mustard, Alexander Dumas
aceituna Spain Olive
suggested salt, saffron, chilli pepper and
ginger root. See also acar
aceitunas rellenas Spain Stuffed olives (e.g.
aceitunas rellenas

achee Vegetable used in Caribbean cooking.


with anchovy)
See also akee
acelga Spain Spinach beet

achiar Southeast Asia A bamboo pickle made


acepipes variados Portugal Assorted hors

acepipes variados

from vinegar and young green bamboo

acerola The large dark cherry-like fruit of a

Achillea millefolium Botanical name Yarrow

tree Malpighia glabra, originating in Brazil
achiote Annatto seed

but now grown in the Caribbean and

Australia. It is the richest natural source of
Achras sapota Botanical name Sapodilla
achtarmige poliep Netherlands Octopus
achtarmige poliep

vitamin C, and primarily used as a health

achtfüssiger Tintenfisch Germany Octopus
achtfüssiger Tintenfisch

food. Also called Brazilian cherry, Barbados

acid A substance containing an excess of

cherry, West Indian cherry

Acer saccharum Botanical name Sugar hydrogen ions when compared with pure
maple tree water, which contains equal amounts of
acescence The slight vinegar smell of wine
hydrogen ions (acid forming) and hydroxyl
and fortified wine that has undergone some ions (alkali forming). This excess causes the
acetification particularly through being aged characteristic sour taste response. See also
in wood. Not necessarily unpleasant. acidity, alkali, alkalinity
acid brilliant green BS A synthetic green
acid brilliant green BS

acesulfame K See acesulfame potassium

acesulfame K

acesulfame potassium An artificial

acesulfame potassium
food colouring which maintains its colour in
sweetener, roughly 150 times as sweet as acid conditions. See also E142
acid calcium phosphate The acid ingredient
acid calcium phosphate

sucrose, used in canned foods, soft drinks

and table top sugar substitutes. Also called in some baking powders
acid cherry A cherry, Prunus cerasus, that is
acid cherry

acesulfame K
acetic acid The acid contained in vinegar
acetic acid
much smaller than the sweet cherry, and
which at 3.5% concentration will ensure the prized for jam making and culinary use. The
stability of pickles, etc. It is obtained by two well-known varieties are the Morello and
biological oxidation of alcohol in wine, ale the Montmorency. Also called sour cherry,
and other fermented beverages. Very cheap pie cherry
acidification The process of adding acids to,

vinegars are made from a chemically

produced acetic acid. See also E260 or causing acids to be produced in, foods for
acetini Italy Pickles
preservation – as in pickles, sauerkraut,
soused herrings, mayonnaise, etc. The usual
aceto Italy Vinegar

acids are acetic, citric and lactic. Benzoic

Acetobacter Any of a group of acid is effective at low concentrations.
microorganisms associated with rot and
acidify, to To add an acid (e.g. lemon juice,
acidify, to

browning in apples, but more importantly

used for the production of vinegar from vinegar or a permitted additive) to a mixture
wines and ales by oxidation of alcohol to to reduce its pH to below 7. Also called
acetic acid acidulate, to
acidity Acidity is a measure of the strength of

aceto balsamico Italy Balsamic vinegar

aceto balsamico

an acid measured on the scale of pH which

aceto-dolce Italy 1. Sweetened vinegar

goes from 1 (very acid) through 2 (acidity of

(sometimes with honey as the sweetener) 2.
lemon juice), 3 (apple juice) to 7 (neither
Pickles prepared with sweetened vinegar
acid nor alkaline), the pH of pure water. pH
acetoglyceride A fat containing one or more

values greater than 7 refer to alkalis. Very few

acetic acid side chains instead of the normal food-spoiling organisms will grow at a pH
longer-chain fatty acids, thus giving a much equal to or less than 2.
lower melting point. It is used in the
acidless orange A type of sweet orange rarely
acidless orange

compounding of shortenings. found in Europe or North America. Grown

acetosa Italy Garden sorrel

mainly in Egypt and Brazil, it has very low

acetosella Italy Wood sorrel

acid levels and is highly appreciated where

acha West Africa A hardy cereal plant. See

grown. Some believe it to have special

also fonio therapeutic and prophylactic properties. It is

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not suitable for processing. Also called overheated fat which causes eye and throat
succari orange, sugar orange irritation
acido Italy Acid, pickled, sour, sharp

Actinidia deliciosa Botanical name The kiwi

acidophilus milk Milk soured with a pure
acidophilus milk
fruit or Chinese gooseberry
activated dough development A method of
activated dough development

culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus at 37°C

to give a lactic acid content of 0.6 to 0.8%. It speeding up the primary proving of dough by
is refreshing and easily digested and adding small quantities of chemicals such as
considered to be a health food. ascorbic acid, cysteine, bromates, etc.,
acid potassium tartrate See cream of tartar
acid potassium tartrate
which modify the properties of the gluten
açúcar Portugal Sugar

acidulate, to To acidify
acidulate, to

açúcar granulado Portugal Granulated sugar

açúcar granulado

acidulated cream Cream to which lemon

acidulated cream

adalu West Africa Soaked dried cow peas


juice is added in the proportions of 1 to 8

acini Italy Tiny pasta shapes similar to rice,
boiled in water until almost cooked then
used for soups. Also called acini de pepe simmered with fresh maize kernels until they
acini de pepe See acini
acini de pepe
begin to disintegrate. Often seasoned with
baking soda or potash and pepper. Dried
acitron A candied cactus, Echino cactus

shrimps or pieces of smoked fish may be

grandis from Mexico. Used as an ingredient added to make it into a main dish. Also called
of a meat stuffing. niébé et maïs
ackara West Africa A Gambian christening

Adamsapfel Germany Pummelo


food made of ground white beans mixed to a

adam’s fig Plantain
adam’s fig

stiff paste with water, shaped into balls,

Adam’s needle United States See yucca 2
Adam’s needle

deep-fried and served with a tomato, sweet

adaptation The process by which the senses

pepper and onion sauce flavoured with garlic

and chillies become less sensitive to and less stimulated
ackee Vegetable used in Caribbean cooking.
by particular odours or flavours with
See also akee repeated contact, thus accounting for
Ackersalat Germany Lamb’s lettuce
acquired tastes and the tolerance of high
levels of spices, garlic and chillies, etc. in
ackra fritters Caribbean Jamaican deep-fried
ackra fritters

some cultures
fritters made from a mixture of cooked and
adas Indonesia, Malaysia Fennel seed

mashed black-eyed beans with chopped

adas cina Indonesia Dill
adas cina

adas manis Indonesia Dill seed
adas manis

açorda Portugal Bread soup made from


added kit Scotland Sweetened curds. See

added kit

pounded herbs, salt, garlic and water mixed

with olive oil and cubed stale bread onto also hatted kit
which boiling water is poured until the bread addition France The bill (in a restaurant)

softens. It can be garnished with poached additive A substance added to food to


egg. improve its properties such as keeping

açorda de mariscos Portugal An açorda
açorda de mariscos

quality, health value, flavour, texture, colour,

flavoured with shellfish and coriander acidity, stability, tendency to oxidize or dry
acorn squash United States Table queen out, sweetness, cooking properties, viscosity,
acorn squash

squash stickiness and the like. All additives must be

Acorus calamus Botanical name Calamus listed on packaging either by an E number in
acqua Italy Water
the European Union or by name or both
acqua cotta Italy A mushroom soup made
acqua cotta
unless they are natural materials not
from a mixture of varieties of fresh and required to be listed by any law, regulation or
soaked dried mushrooms, sautéed with directive. See also E number
Adelaide cake A cake made from a Victoria
Adelaide cake

chopped garlic for 15 minutes, boiled with

canned plum tomatoes and their juice, sponge mixture with added corn flour (1:2
stock, and any available mushroom-steeping ratio to flour), chopped glacé cherries and
liquor, finished with chopped basil and chopped almonds
Ädelost A soft to semi-hard Swedish blue

served over toast with grated Parmesan

cheese (NOTE: The name, literally ‘cooked cheese made from whole cows’ milk and
water’, is also used of many vegetable cast in large rounds. Contains 44% water,
soups.) 28% fat and 25% protein.
acra lamori Caribbean Fried salt-cod fish aderezo Spain Salad dressing
acra lamori aderezo

cakes adianto Italy Maidenhair fern


acrolein The acrid smelling chemical Adiantum capillus-veneris Botanical name


produced from the thermal decomposition of Maidenhair fern

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adipic acid See E355 aerate, to To incorporate finely divided air into
adipic acid aerate, to

adley Philippines Job’s tears

a liquid or powder mixture, by e.g. sieving
adobada sauce Mexico A Mexican sauce
adobada sauce
flour, whisking or beating eggs, or beating air
used in making tamales, consisting of into a cake mixture
aerated bread Bread made from dough
aerated bread

pounded or liquidized garlic, onion and

cinnamon, fried in oil until dry then which has been mechanically mixed with
simmered with tomato purée, chicken stock, carbon dioxide without using yeast
chocolate, sugar and powdered dry chillies aerated flour United States Self-raising flour
aerated flour

or chilli powder. Also called adobo 1 aerial yam An orange-coloured yam,

aerial yam

adobo 1. Mexico Adobada sauce 2.


Dioscorea bulbifera, which produces several

Philippines A pork, poultry or fish stew with growths, or ‘bulbils’, resembling small tubers
sweet peppers, garlic, soya sauce, vinegar about the size of a large thumb above
and coconut milk. The pieces of meat are ground. These are very tasty. The
first crisp-fried before being combined with underground tuber is edible but not used.
the sauce. The plant is cultivated in Africa, Asia and the
adrak South Asia Ginger

Caribbean. Also called air potato, potato yam

adriatica, al Italy In the Adriatic style, i.e. fish
adriatica, al
Aerobacter Any of a group of bacteria used to
grilled over wood or charcoal oxidize alcohol to acetic acid in vinegar
adschempilavi North Africa Pickled meat
aerobe The term is applied to microorganisms

stewed with rice

aduki bean See adzuki bean
aduki bean
which require oxygen from the air in order to
grow and reproduce. See also anaerobe
adulterant A cheaper substance added to

Aeromonas hydrophilia A food poisoning

Aeromonas hydrophilia

food in order to increase its weight without

changing its appearance and thus increase bacterium which will grow at temperatures
the profit margin. Some are legal, e.g. water below 10°C
ærter Denmark Peas

and phosphates in chickens, or extenders

afang West Africa The leaves of a forest plant,

added to chilli powder.

adulterate, to To add adulterants to food
adulterate, to
Gnetum africanum, from southern Nigeria
adzuki bean, azuki bean A type of small
adzuki bean
and Cameroon, eaten as a vegetable. Also
flattened oval-shaped reddish-brown bean called okasi, ukasi
afang soup West Africa A soup/stew from
afang soup

with a white hilum, Phaseolus angularis,

from Japan and China, used as a pulse or southern Nigeria made with meat or offal of
ground into flour. It contains more sugar than any kind which is simmered with onion, chilli
most beans and is sometimes used as pepper, winkles or other snails, stockfish,
confectionery. It can also be sprouted. Also dried shrimp, red palm oil and a large
called aduki bean, azuki bean quantity of chopped afang leaves and
æbleflæsk Denmark Fried diced bacon and
waterleaf. Served with fufu or mashed yams.
afelia Greece Tender pork, cubed and

chopped apples
æblekage Denmark An individual dessert
browned in olive oil, then simmered in white
made from layers of sweetened apple purée wine with coriander seeds and seasoning
and breadcrumbs which have been fried in until the meat is tender
affettato Italy Sliced. Used of ham or sausage.

butter and mixed with sugar, the whole being

decorated appropriately affogato Italy Poached, steamed or plunged

æbler Denmark Apples


affumicare Italy To smoke


æbleskiver Denmark A non-yeasted type of


affumicato Italy Smoked


doughnut with a light texture filled with apple afiorata Italy The finest grade of olive oil made

purée and cooked in a special pan with from the cream which rises to the top of the
indentations first cold pressing. It is skimmed off and
æg Denmark Egg

bottled separately and contains a maximum

æggekage Denmark A thick omelette topped of 1% free oleic acid.

with fried bacon and served in wedges aflata West Africa Fermented maize flour

aegletree fruit Wood apple dough boiled with an equal quantity of water
aegletree fruit

aemono Japan A highly decorative mixed

and used to make kenkey in Ghana
aflatoxin A toxin produced by certain moulds

salad, usually of chicken, seafood or

vegetables dressed with various sauces one which grow on stored grains and nuts in
of which is made from miso, mashed tofu or tropical areas. The toxin tends to cause low-
egg yolk, vinegar and seasoning. Often grade illness and reduced food absorption
served as an appetizer. and growth and is thus not easily noticed

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unless specially tested for. It is most serious Agaricus bisporus Botanical name Cultivated
in animal feeds. mushroom
áfonya Hungary Blueberries

Agaricus campestris Botanical name

Aframomum korarima Botanical name Common field mushroom
Ethiopian cardamom agate ware Enamel-lined metal kitchen ware
agate ware

Aframomum melegueta Botanical name agbono West Africa Ogbono


Grains of paradise age Japan 1. Deep-fried tofu, cut into


africaine, à l’ France In the African style, i.e.

africaine, à l’

pouches, used to make inari by stuffing with

garnished with aubergines, tomatoes, sushi rice and flavourings prior to braising in
mushrooms and potatoes a mixture of dashi, sugar, soya sauce and
africains France Small dessert biscuits

sake 2. In recipes. See also agemono

African horned melon Kiwano agedofu Japan Fried bean curd
African horned melon agedofu

African hot sauce Central Africa An all-

African hot sauce

ageing The process of leaving foods to age or


purpose hot sauce made from deseeded artificially ageing them using chemicals, e.g.
chilli peppers, green sweet pepper, garlic, hanging meat and game to improve the
onion, tomato purée, vinegar, sugar and salt, flavour and tenderness, adding oxidizing
processed and simmered until smooth, then agents to flour to produce a stronger dough
bottled agemono Japan Deep-fried food, also the

African spinach See amaranth 1

African spinach

coating, batter or pané used. Always done in

afronchemoyle Scotland A form of haggis vegetable oil, vegetables at 160°C and meat

consisting of whole eggs, white and fish at 170°C. (NOTE: Abbreviated to age
breadcrumbs, finely diced soft interior fat of in recipes.)
lamb, pepper and saffron, mixed and stuffed agemono-nabe Japan Pan for deep-frying

into a sheep’s stomach (honeycomb tripe agemono no dogu Japan Agemono-nabe

agemono no dogu

stomach) and steamed or boiled. The first agerhøne Denmark Partridge


written record is from 1390 A.D.

ägg Sweden Egg

afternoon tea United Kingdom Cakes,

afternoon tea

ägg à la Lena Sweden A cocotte dish with a

ägg à la Lena

biscuits, scones and dainty sandwiches

served with tea in the mid-afternoon little liver pâté on the base, a trimmed
poached egg on top and all surrounded with
afters United Kingdom The dessert course of

a sherry-flavoured setting consommé,

a meal (colloquial) See also starter
garnished with a ring of sweet pepper and
agachadiza Spain Snipe

cooled until set

agami South America A popular game bird,

aggiada Italy A garlic soup from the northwest


Guiana agami, used in soups, stews and Mediterranean region

braised dishes. Also called trumpeter
äggkulor Sweden Egg balls, made from hard-

agar-agar Southeast Asia A natural gelling


boiled egg yolks, seasoned, mashed with soft

agent made from seaweed of the Gelidum, butter and paprika, cooled, formed into small
Eucheuma or Gracilaria species, sometimes balls and rolled in diced truffles, truffle oil or
used instead of gelatine. The gel has a very chopped wild mushrooms. Used as garnish
high melting point and it will only dissolve in for soup.
boiling water. Also called seaweed gelatine,
agliata, all’ Italy With garlic sauce
agliata, all’

seaweed jelly, Japanese gelatine, macassar

aglio Italy Garlic

gum. See also E406 (NOTE: Suitable for

aglio e olio Italy Sauce or dressing composed
aglio e olio

agar-agar dengan serikaya Southeast Asia A
agar-agar dengan serikaya
of garlic and oil pounded together
agliota Italy A sauce made by pounding garlic

sweet sugar and agar-agar jelly served with a

type of sweetened egg custard made with with bread and vinegar
aglycone An antibacterial agent in olives,

eggs beaten with brown sugar (e.g.

muscovado) and coconut cream until fluffy which inhibits lactic acid fermentation and
then cooked over a bain-marie until thick which is removed by treatment with lye (a
agar-agar noodles Fine strips of agar-agar
agar-agar noodles
caustic soda solution)
agneau France Lamb

soaked in boiling water until just tender and

appropriately flavoured. They are used to agneau à la hongroise France Hungarian-
agneau à la hongroise

bulk out cold appetizers. (NOTE: Not to be style lamb made from breast of lamb,
confused with cellophane noodles.) defatted and cut into small pieces, browned,
agaric A family of fungi, some edible, some

added to a roux made from sliced onions

deadly poisonous browned in butter and flour, paprika added
Agaricus arvensis Botanical name Horse and stock as required, simmered for 1 to 1½
mushroom hours

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ah moi’s mee

agneau de lait France Unweaned milk-fed agoni Italy Small flat freshwater fish found in
agneau de lait agoni

lamb the Italian lakes, often salted and dried. See

agneau de Pauillac France A small milk-fed
agneau de Pauillac
also misoltini
Agostano Italy Parmesan cheese made in July

lamb, usually roasted

agneau de pré-salé France Young lamb fed
agneau de pré-salé
or August. See also Parmigiano Reggiano
agouti Caribbean A rabbit-sized humpbacked

on sea-washed pastures (salt marshes or

meadows) rodent, Dasyprocta antillensis, widespread
throughout the Caribbean and Central and
agneau pascal France Spring lamb
agneau pascal

South America. Its firm, white, tender meat is

agnelet France Milk-fed lamb

highly prized.
agnello Italy Lamb

Agrafa Greece A hard, scalded-curd, ewes’


agnello al forno Italy A saddle of lamb larded milk cheese similar to Gruyère with a few
agnello al forno

with onions and garlic, sprinkled with salt holes and a dry rind
and chopped rosemary, roasted in lard and agraz Spain The juice of immature grapes

served with potatoes roasted in the same from which verjuice is made
dish agrazada Spain Verjuice

agnello al latte

agnello al latte Italy Milk-fed lamb agresto Italy Verjuice from grapes

agnello con cicoria Italy Pieces of boned leg agridulce Spain Sweet-and-sour sauce
agnello con cicoria agridulce

of lamb are casseroled with sliced onions, agrini A small, soft, acid curdled Swiss

olive oil, tomatoes, salt and red chillies in the cheese made from cows’ or goats’ milk with
oven at 200°C for 1 hour. Chicory, endive or a slightly sour fresh taste, 40 to 60 g in
blanched dandelion leaves are then placed weight
over the lamb, and it is cooked for a further agrio Spain Sour

30 minutes.
agriões Portugal Watercress

agnello con olive all’abbruzzese

agnello con olive all’abbruzzese Italy agro, all’ Italy Dressed with oil and lemon,
agro, all’

Floured steaks of boned leg of lamb, also soured with lemon juice
browned in olive oil, salted, defatted and
agrodolce Italy Bittersweet

heated briefly with stoned black olives (4:1

agua Portugal, Spain Water

ratio), oregano, chopped green peppers and

aguacate Spain Avocado

finally dressed with lemon juice

aguacates rellenos de atun Mexico Halved
aguacates rellenos de atun

agnello in fricassea Italy Lamb chops are

agnello in fricassea

browned in lard with chopped onions and avocado pears, filled with a mixture of tuna,
strips of pancetta (or smoked bacon); tomato sauce, soured cream, Worcestershire
nutmeg, seasoning and brown stock are sauce and seasoning, and garnished with
added and evaporated, then the chops are chiffonade of lettuce and radish, used as a
braised in white wine. To finish, the pan hors d’oeuvre
aguado Spain Liquid

juices are defatted and mixed off heat with

beaten egg yolks and lemon juice, the aguaturma Spain Jerusalem artichoke

mixture being served as a coating on the aguglia Italy Garfish


chops. aguinaldo honey Mexico A very pale honey

aguinaldo honey

agneshka kebab Bulgaria A casserole of

agneshka kebab

from Mexico
lamb, including its kidneys and sweetbreads aguja Spain Garfish

with onions, wine, lemon juice, chillies, agulat Spain Rock salmon

herbs and seasoning, thickened with eggs

agurk Denmark, Norway Cucumber

and accompanied with boiled rice

agurksalat Denmark, Norway Cucumber

Agnès Sorel, garnish Chopped fried

Agnès Sorel, garnish

salad. Generally slices of cucumber, salted

mushrooms, small rounds of cooked tongue
and drained for an hour, dried, dressed with
and chicken mousse or pâté
pepper, sugar and vinegar, chilled, drained
agnolini Italy Stuffed pasta from Lombardy

and garnished with chopped parsley or dill.

similar to tortellini agusi West Africa The seeds of pumpkins,


agnolotti Italy A half-moon-shaped ravioli gourds and other plants belonging to the
stuffed with minced lamb and onion sautéed family Cucurbitaceae. See also egusi
in butter mixed with boiled rice or spinach, ah moi’s mee Malaysia A Malaysian dish of
ah moi’s mee

cheese and seasoning. Served after cooking stir-fried noodles with soaked Chinese
in standard fashion, sometimes tossed in mushrooms, prawns, cooked chicken,
meat pan juices. Also called pazlache greens, garlic, onion, ginger, egg and soya
agnostinele Italy Tiny red mullet passed

sauce, garnished with crabmeat, shredded

through seasoned flour and fried omelette and spring onion

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ah moi’s rendang

ah moi’s rendang Malaysia A chicken curry aileron France 1. A wing, strictly a wing tip, of
ah moi’s rendang aileron

made with sugared chicken pieces, onions, a bird 2. A fin of a fish

garlic, ginger, laos, lemon grass, coconut ailerons de poulet carmelite France Breasts
ailerons de poulet carmelite

milk, desiccated coconut and pandan leaves and wing bones of poached chicken
Ahornsaft Germany Maple syrup

removed as two pieces, skinned, coated in

ahumado Spain Smoked

aspic, placed on a layer of crayfish mousse in

ahumar Spain To smoke a timbale, interspersed with cooked and

ahven Finland Perch

shelled crayfish tails, covered in aspic jelly,
aiglefin France Haddock
refrigerated and served cold
ailerons de volaille dorés

aïgo bouïdo France A simple soup of garlic

aïgo bouïdo
ailerons de volaille dorés France Large
and sage, possibly plus thyme and bay, chicken or turkey winglets fried in butter to a
boiled in water with olive oil, strained and colour and set aside. Sliced carrots and
poured over dried French bread onions browned in same butter, placed in
aïgo bouïdo à la ménagère France A
aïgo bouïdo à la ménagère
oven dish with seasoning and herbs.
Provençale soup made from sliced onions Winglets placed on top and cooked in a slow
and leeks, fried in olive oil, crushed garlic, oven, then removed. Remainder cooked with
potatoes, fennel and mixed herbs boiled in white stock for 10 minutes, reduced,
saffron-flavoured water with orange zest. The strained and poured over winglets.
ailerons de volaille farcis chipolata France
ailerons de volaille farcis chipolata

strained soup is served over French bread

and the potatoes served separately with Boned winglets of large chicken or turkey
poached egg and chopped parsley. stuffed with sausage meat, braised and
aïgo saou France A fish and garlic soup made
aïgo saou
decorated with chipolata garnish 15 minutes
from pieces of fish, sliced onions, potatoes, before finishing
ailerons de volaille farcis grillés France
ailerons de volaille farcis grillés

bouquet garni, seasoning and garlic boiled in

water. The soup is eaten with French bread Boned winglets of a large chicken or turkey
dressed with olive oil and the fish is eaten stuffed with sausage meat, braised, coated
separately. with sausage meat, covered with caul fat,
aigre France Sour, sharp, acid dipped in melted butter and breadcrumbs,

aigre doux France Bittersweet

aigre doux
grilled and served with sauce Périgueux
ailerons de volaille Lady Winter France
ailerons de volaille Lady Winter

aigrette England, France A savoury fritter


made from cheese-flavoured choux pastry, Breasts and wing bones of poached chicken
served as an appetizer removed as two pieces, skinned, coated in
aïgroissade France Cooked solid vegetables,
aspic placed with the points uppermost
e.g. roots, tubers, sweet peppers, aubergine, around a cone of set mousse made from the
courgettes and the like, served warm with a flesh of the chicken legs and decorated with
mayonnaise and garlic sauce chopped truffle and red ox tongue
aillade France A garlic and nut emulsion

aiguillat France Rock salmon


aiguille France Needlefish or garfish from the

sauce made with skinned hazelnuts
Mediterranean with green bones which pounded with garlic and egg yolk, to which a
become mauve when cooked. Also called mixed nut and olive or sunflower oil is added
orphie as for mayonnaise
aillade toulousaine As aillade, but with
aillade toulousaine

aiguille à brider France A trussing needle

aiguille à brider

aiguille à piquer France A larding needle

aiguille à piquer
ailloli France An emulsion sauce, made from

used for small cuts, e.g. filet mignon or rack

of hare white crustless bread soaked in milk,
aiguillette France A long thin cut of beef from

squeezed and mixed with pounded garlic

the extreme top of the rump, extending from (and possibly egg yolk), to which olive oil is
the sirloin to the tail stump and about one added as in making mayonnaise. The final
quarter way down the animal. Used for mixture is let down with lemon juice or wine
braising and boeuf à la mode. vinegar to taste. Sometimes ground almonds
aiguillettes France Long thin slices, usually
are added. Also called beurre de Provence
ailloli garni France A Provençal dish of salt
ailloli garni

of duck breast
ai gwa China Aubergine
ai gwa

cod and vegetables garnished with snails

ail France Garlic (NOTE: The plural form is ails aioli 1. Italy Garlic pounded with egg yolk and
ail aioli

or aulx.) salt then made into a mayonnaise in

ail, à l’ Flavoured with garlic
ail, à l’
standard fashion 2. France An alternative
aile France A wing e.g. of poultry or of a game
spelling for ailloli
aipo Portugal Celery


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akoho sy vanio

air-dry, to To hang foodstuffs on hangers or ajonjoli Spain Sesame seeds

air-dry, to ajonjoli

racks in sheds or cages or in open sunlight in ajowan A plant of the caraway family, Carum

cold climates where there is a reasonable ajowan, whose seeds are used as a spice and
flow of fresh air over them. Used for hams, as a source of ajowan oil and thymol. It has a
fish, etc. strong thyme-like flavour, and is used in
airelle France 1. Bilberry or whortleberry 2. Indian cooking often in conjunction with

Blueberry starch foods and pulses. Also called lovage 2,

airelle rouge France Cranberry
airelle rouge
ajwain, carom, bishop’s weed
ajula Italy The North Italian name for striped

air potato Aerial yam

air potato

ajam panggang Netherlands Grilled chicken

ajam panggang
sea bream
ajwain See ajowan

flavoured with ginger, garlic, chilli peppers

akadashi, akadashi-miso Japan A miso

and saffron (NOTE: This dish originates from

Indonesia.) similar to hatcho-miso. Also called aka-miso
akagai Japan Ark shell, a type of clam about

aji, aji no tataki Japan Horse mackerel, used


in sushi 10 cm in diameter. This is one of the few

ají Spain Chilli peppers
shellfish which use haemoglobin to transport
oxygen and is thus red in colour. It is usually
ajiaceite Spain Garlic-flavoured mayonnaise.

available cooked, and used in preparing

See also alioli
ajiaco South America A thick soup or thin

akami Japan A dark red meat from around the


stew from Colombia, made of chicken

spine of the tuna fish, used as a separate cut
cooked in stock with sweetcorn and
in sushi
sausages, each serving garnished with sliced
aka-miso Japan Akadashi

hard-boiled eggs and cream

akara West Africa Black-eyed beans, soaked

ajiaco cubano Cuba A soup made from salt

ajiaco cubano

pork, pickled pork and pork flesh with chick overnight and skinned, then processed with
peas, garlic, aubergine, sweet corn, chillies, onions, salt and egg so as to
pumpkin and potatoes, seasoned and incorporate air. The bean mixture is then
flavoured with saffron formed into small balls and deep-fried in oil
until browned. Served hot or cold. Also called
ajiaco de papas South America A potato stew
ajiaco de papas

koosé (NOTE: Also known as akkra in

from Peru made from cubed boiled potatoes
Jamaica, acra in Trinidad and calas in New
mixed with chopped and fried garlic, onion
and jalapeno chillies all fried to a colour, milk
akee The fruit of a small African tree, Blighia

or cream, chopped hard-boiled eggs and

crumbled cheese sapida, introduced to the Caribbean by
Captain Bligh and now extensively grown
aji-li-mojili sauce Caribbean A hot
aji-li-mojili sauce

there. The soft creamy flesh of the ripe fruit

vinaigrette made with olive oil, vinegar and
is used as a vegetable e.g. in akee and
lime juice (2:1:1) into which processed garlic
saltfish. The outer pink skin is poisonous.
and chilli pepper are mixed together with salt Also called achee, ackee
and pepper
akee and saltfish Caribbean A traditional
akee and saltfish

ajillo, al Mexico Fried with ajillo chilli

ajillo, al

breakfast dish of Jamaica consisting of akee

aji-mirin Japan A mixture of mirin, sugar

fried with onions, sweet peppers, chillies,

syrup and salt used in the same way as mirin tomatoes and flaked salt cod. It looks like
aji-no-moto Japan A trademark for

piperade or scrambled eggs.

monosodium glutamate åkerärter Sweden Field peas which are yellow

ajlouke North Africa Appetizers, hors


when dried. Used in the Swedish national

d’oeuvres, from Tunisia soup gula ärter med fläsk.
ajo Spain Garlic

akilt-b-dabbo East Africa An Ethiopian


ajo blanco Spain 1. A basic bread, garlic, oil

ajo blanco

vegetarian dish of vegetables with bread

and vinegar gazpacho with added pounded akni South Asia A court bouillon, used in

or liquidized skinned almonds, garnished Indian cooking, made by simmering herbs,

with peeled and deseeded grapes 2. A cold spices and other flavourings in water to
soup made from garlic and almonds aromatize it. Used for steaming rice and
pounded with olive oil to a thick paste, mixed vegetables. Typical flavourings are fried
with water and seasoning and served with onion, coriander seed, fennel seed, chopped
sippets sweet pepper, garlic and fresh ginger.
ajomba Central Africa A method of cooking akoho sy vanio South Africa A dish from
ajomba akoho sy vanio

meat or fish in banana leaves. See also Madagascar made from chicken pieces
liboké marinated in lemon juice, lemon zest, salt

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and pepper which are then sautéed with Alaska pollock See Alaska pollack
Alaska pollock

previously sautéed onions and garlic. Alba, al modo d’ Italy In the Alban style, i.e.
Alba, al modo d’

Tomatoes and finely chopped ginger are then with truffles

added to the mixture, and finally all is albacore A small variety of tuna, Thunnus

simmered in coconut milk until cooked alalunga, up to 1 m in length with a soft white
through. Served with rice. flesh, not recommended for poaching, but
akpith West Africa Maize meal and soya flour

can be eaten raw e.g. for sashimi or baked or

(4:1) sieved with baking powder (50g per kg grilled. Also called long fin tuna
of flour mixture) plus chilli powder, salt,
albahaca Spain Basil

pepper and sugar to taste. Half the mixture is

albaricoque Spain Apricot

cooked with twice its weight of water over a

albedo United States The white inner pith of

low heat, then the rest added and mixed to a

stiff dough which is formed into small balls, the citrus fruit skin
albergínia (plural albergínies) Catalonia

deep-fried and eaten hot as a snack.

akudjura Australia Ground dried bush tomato
used as a flavouring. It has a Albert, sauce England, France Grated
Albert, sauce

tamarillo/caramel flavour. horseradish simmered in white bouillon for

akureyri Iceland A blue cheese made from

20 minutes; butter sauce, cream and

ewes’ milk breadcrumbs added; thickened by
ak yaw Burma A crisp accompaniment made
ak yaw
reduction; sieved, thickened again with egg
from a batter of rice flour, turmeric and water, yolks and finished with seasoning, English
shallow-fried in spoonfuls in oil and scattered mustard, vinegar and chopped parsley
Albert oranges Canada Rose hips
Albert oranges

with yellow and green split peas before the

fritters are turned over in the oil albicocca Italy Apricot

ål Denmark, Norway, Sweden Eel


albillos Spain White grapes


al’-, all’-, alla- Italy In the style of

al’-, all’-, alla-

albóndigas Mexico, Spain Meatballs or meat


à la France In the style of, in the manner of,

à la

patties made from finely chopped tenderloin

with (NOTE: Used before feminine French of pork and fat bacon combined with
nouns.) chopped garlic and red pepper, seasoning
alaccia Italy 1. A large variety of sardine 2.

and bound with whole egg; fried, then

Celery (Naples) braised in a suitable sauce
alalonga Italy Albacore albóndigas con chipotle Mexico Minced
alalonga albóndigas con chipotle

alamang Philippines The tiny shrimp (up to 1 pork, beef, bread, vinegar, sugar and

cm) used to make Filipino shrimp paste seasoning, formed into balls; shallow-fried in
(bagoong) oil until brown, then baked in the oven with
alanine A non-essential amino acid
salsa de chile chipotle, and garnished with
alaria A seaweed, Alaria esculenta, found in
flaked almonds
albóndigas con guisantes Spain Meat
albóndigas con guisantes

the North Atlantic; similar to the Japanese

wakame. Also called murlins, brown ribweed, patties made from chopped beef, onions and
ribweed, wing kelp seasoning; formed, browned on both sides in
Alaska See baked Alaska
butter, simmered in demi-glace with tomato
Alaska black cod See black cod
Alaska black cod
purée and garlic paste and served with the
sauce and green peas
Alaska Dungeness crab See Dungeness crab
Alaska Dungeness crab

albondiguillas Spain Small patties made


Alaskan king crab A very large crab from the

Alaskan king crab

northern Pacific, Paralithodes camtschatica, from minced cooked meat mixed with
weighing up to 10 kg and with a leg span of breadcrumbs, egg, white wine, chopped
3 m. Its excellent meat is usually processed parsley, seasoning and herbs; panéed,
or canned. shallow-fried in oil and served with tomato
Alaska pollack A variety of the seawater fish
Alaska pollack

albondiguillas a la criolla Spain

albondiguillas a la criolla

pollack, Theragra chalcogramma, found in

the northwest Pacific. It is of the cod family, Albondiguillas served with a tomato sauce
weighs around 1 kg and has an olive green to mixed with chopped sweet pepper sweated
brown upper skin. The lean white flesh may in butter and a separate saffron-flavoured
be cooked in any way, but is usually salted and coloured rice pilaff
albondiguitas Mexico Small fried meatballs

and dried or pickled. The roe is also salted

for the Japanese market. Also called Alaska made from pork. beef, bread, vinegar, sugar
pollock, walleye pollack, walleye pollock and seasoning, usually served on sticks as a
(NOTE: The name walleye pollack/pollock cocktail snack.
albricoque Portugal Apricot

comes from its distinctive appearance.)

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albufera, sauce England, France Sauce whitish centre of the paste just disappears.
albufera, sauce

suprême mixed with meat glaze and pimento (NOTE: Literally ‘to the tooth’.)
butter aldoxime An artificial zero-calorie sweetener,

albumen The white of egg, the nutritive 450 times sweeter than sucrose

material surrounding the yolk of the eggs of ale An alcoholic drink made from top

higher animals, which also contains various fermented extract of malted grains. The
anti-bacterial substances. Hens’ egg name is generally nowadays applied only to
albumen consists of the protein albumin (9 – crystal (lightly coloured) malts. Ale may be
12%) and water (84 – 87%), in total about flavoured e.g. with hops.
58% of the weight of the egg. It forms a very ale berry See ale gruel
ale berry

stable emulsion with air and hence is used in alecost Costmary


a variety of air-raised dishes. It may be dried

alecrim Portugal Rosemary

to a powder for reconstituting or deep-frozen.

ale flip England Beer heated with mace,
ale flip

albumen index A measure of egg quality

albumen index

cloves and butter, poured into separately

equal to the ratio of the height of a mass of
beaten egg yolk let down with cold beer and
egg white to its diameter as it sits on a flat
egg white (1 egg per litre)
surface. A higher index indicates higher
alegar Ale vinegar

ale gruel England A Yorkshire drink made
ale gruel

albumin A mixture of water soluble proteins


found in egg white, blood and other foods. from a very thin gruel of porridge oats and
Like all proteins, these denature and water mixed, when hot, with an equal part of
coagulate when heated or treated with beer, to which is added grated ginger root,
various chemicals e.g. alcohol. See also nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar to taste
ale jelly England A jelly made from ale, sugar,
ale jelly

alcachofa Spain Globe artichoke
cinnamon and lemon juice, boiled together,
alcachôfra Portugal Globe artichoke
clarified with egg white and set with gelatine
alemtejo Portugal A soft, round cheese made

alcahual Mexico A delicately flavoured


amber-coloured honey from Mexico from ewes’ milk with added thistle-type
alcaparra Spain Caper

alentejana, à Portugal In the style of Alentejo,

alentejana, à

alcaravea Spain Caraway


i.e. with garlic, olive oil and paprika

alcaravia Portugal Caraway

Aleppo nut Pistachio nut

Aleppo nut

alce Italy Elk


alesandre salami A variety of Italian salami

alesandre salami

Alchemilla vulgaris Botanical name Lady’s

aletria Portugal Vermicelli

aletta Italy 1. A wing of a bird 2. A fin of a fish

Alcobaça Portugal A semi-hard cheese made


from ewes’ milk with a white smooth paste Aleurites moluccana Botanical name
and thin dry rind, cast in small rounds (about Candlenut tree
220 g). Contains 45% water, 30% fat and Aleurobius acaras Botanical name A mite
20% protein. sometimes found in old, poorly stored flour.
If seriously infested, the flour has a purplish
alcohol The generic name for a class of

chemical compounds which includes
alewife United States A member of the

ethanol, the commonest mood-altering

substance used in all cultures. Most are herring family, Alosa pseudoharengus,
toxic, particularly methanol which is found in similar to the true herring but with a deeper
methylated and surgical spirits and many body. It is found off the east coast of North
household liquids. Propanol and butanol, the America and may be baked, fried or grilled.
alewife caviar United States The female roe
alewife caviar

other common alcohols, are used as solvents

and in cleaning agents. of the alewife, processed to resemble caviar
alexanders A hardy biennial herb, Smyrnium

al cuarto de hora Spain Mussel soup made

al cuarto de hora

from chopped onions, parsley, diced ham olusatrum, with a celery-type flavour
and rice all sweated in butter, mixed with resembling lovage and angelica. Its roots can
water and the liquor from the cooking of the be boiled or candied, its young stems
mussels, seasoned and cooked, served with braised, its leaves and flower buds used in
the mussels and garnished with chopped salad or as a pot herb and its seeds used for
hard-boiled eggs (NOTE: The name indicates flavouring. Also called black lovage
alface Portugal Lettuce

that it can be made in 15 minutes.)

al dente Italy Cooked to be firm to the bite. alfalfa A variety of lucerne, Medicago sativa, a
al dente alfalfa

Used of pasta or vegetables. Dried leguminous plant normally used as cattle

commercial pasta is al dente when the fodder. The seeds are sprouted to give a

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crisp plant stem about 4 cm long, used in Laguiole cheese in a bain-marie until just
salads or for stir-frying as a vegetable. smooth and elastic
alfóncigo Spain Pistachio nut alimentação Portugal 1. Food 2.
alfóncigo alimentação

alfóstigo Portugal Pistachio nut

alimentari Italy 1. Groceries 2. Grocery shop

alfredo, all’ Italy Tossed in cream and butter.

alfredo, all’

alimentary pastes Pastas, noodles and

alimentary pastes

Used e.g. of pasta.

alga Italy, Spain Seaweed, algae
similar foodstuffs made from dough
aliñado Spain Seasoned

algae Non-self-supporting vegetable-like


aliño Spain 1. Seasoning 2. Salad dressing


organisms which flourish in fresh or salt

water, generally greenish in colour, ranging in alioli Spain Garlic-flavoured mayonnaise.

size from the microscopic to enormous (e.g. Also called ajiaceite

with 100-metre-long fronds). Of culinary alitán Spain Larger spotted dogfish

importance are the microscopic Chlorella alkali An alkali is a substance containing a


and Spirulina, which are used as health deficiency of hydrogen ions (or an excess of
foods, and the larger seaweeds, used either hydroxyl ions) compared with pure water. An
as vegetables or as a source of various food- alkali (e.g. sodium hydroxide) will combine
thickening agents. See also agar-agar, with an acid (e.g. alginic acid) to form a
alginic acid, carragheen, laver bread, nori neutral salt (e.g. sodium alginate). The most
alga mar An edible seaweed, Durvillea
alga mar

common culinary alkalis are sodium

antarctica, exported to the USA from Chile bicarbonate and ammonium carbonate both
algarroba Spain Carob

of which liberate carbon dioxide gas when

Alge Germany Seaweed, algae heated or combined with an acid such as

Algerian clementine United States Fina

Algerian clementine
tartaric acid.
alkalinity A measure of the strength of an

algérienne, à l’ France In the Algerian style,

algérienne, à l’

i.e. garnished with small croquettes of sweet alkali on the scale of pH which goes from 7
potato and small empty tomatoes, seasoned (neutral) through 7.7 to 9.2 (egg white), 8.4
and braised in oil (sodium bicarbonate or baking soda), 11.9
algin United States Alginates used for
(household ammonia) to 14 (highest value of
thickening. See also alginic acid alkalinity). Strong alkalis such as sodium
hydroxide react with fat in the skin to form
alginates Salts and esters of alginic acid

soaps which give a characteristic slimy feel.

alginic acid A carbohydrate acid, E400,
alginic acid

alkaloids The components of plants


obtained from various seaweeds and used as

responsible in most cases for their bitter
a thickening and gelling agent in commercial
taste and therapeutic effects. Typical
ice cream and convenience foods. It is also
supplied as the sodium salt, sodium alginate, examples are quinine used in tonic water
and caffeine and theobromine found in
E401, used mainly in ice cream, the
coffee beans. Other well known alkaloids are
potassium salt, E402, and the calcium salt,
cocaine, strychnine, atropine and morphine.
E404, which forms a much stiffer gel than
alkanet A Mediterranean plant of the borage

the other salts. It is also available as an ester,

propane 2-diol alginate, E405. family, Anchusa tinctora, whose roots
provide a red or blue (depending on pH) food
algue France Seaweed, algae

dye similar to henna. Also called alkanna

algue rouge France Dulse
algue rouge

alkanna Alkanet

alheira Portugal A sausage made with


all Catalonia Garlic (NOTE: The plural is grans


smoked ham, garlic and nuts

alho Portugal Garlic

allache France A large sardine


alho frances Portugal Leek. Also called alho-

alho frances

allemande France The term applied to dishes


garnished with German specialities such as
alholva Spain Fenugreek

sauerkraut, smoked sausage, pickled pork,

alho-porro Portugal Leek

potato dumpling, etc.

Alicante Spain A fresh, white, rindless cheese

allemande, à l’ France In the German style,

allemande, à l’

made from goat’ milk, curdled with rennet i.e. garnished with noodles and mashed
and stored in weak brine or water. Contains potatoes
60% water, 15% fat and 20% protein. allergens Compounds, either proteins or

alice Italy Fresh anchovy


smaller chemicals, which react with the

aligi Philippines Tomalley

proteins of the skin and mucous membranes

aligot de marinette France A purée of
aligot de marinette

(eyes, nose, lungs, gut, etc.) of some

potatoes beaten vigorously with crushed persons to elicit the immune response of the
garlic, bacon fat and half its weight of body causing rashes, irritation, asthma, etc.

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Typical food allergies occur with Allium tuberosum Botanical name Chinese
strawberries, eggs, milk, cereal, fish, peas, chives
and nuts. The response should not be allodola Italy Lark, the bird

confused with that produced by enzyme alloro Italy Bay tree


deficiencies as e.g. with the inability to all-purpose flour United States Plain white
all-purpose flour

metabolize lactose, found in most Chinese, flour blended from hard and soft wheat flours
and the inability to metabolize gluten, which
allspice The dried, green, unripe berry of a

is fairly common in the West.

tree, Pimenta dioca or P. officinalis, which
Allgäuer Bergkäse Germany A hard cows’
Allgäuer Bergkäse

grows exclusively in the Caribbean and

milk cheese similar to Emmental
South America. It has a flavour of cinnamon,
Allgäuer Rahmkäse Germany A soft, mild,
Allgäuer Rahmkäse

nutmeg, and cloves combined. Used in

Limburger-type cheese cakes, in food manufacture and extensively
Allgewürz Germany Allspice

in Jamaican meat dishes. Also called

Alliaria petiolata Botanical name Garlic Jamaican pepper, pimento 1, myrtle pepper
mustard allumettes France Matchsticks e.g. pommes

allicin The chemical compound in garlic


allumettes = straw potatoes; allumettes au

which gives it its characteristic smell and fromage = cheese straws
taste allumettes aux anchois France Rectangles
allumettes aux anchois

alligator A large carnivorous amphibian


of puff pastry coated with a thin layer of fish

found in the swamps and rivers of the forcemeat flavoured with anchovy essence
southern USA and the Yangtze river in China. and garnished with fillets of anchovy prior to
The meat, especially the tail meat, is eaten baking
during the hunting season and is a speciality
allumettes aux crevettes France As
allumettes aux crevettes

of Cajun cuisine.
allumettes aux anchois, but with a forcemeat
alligator pear Avocado
alligator pear

of whiting and shrimp butter containing

allioli Catalonia A thick emulsion of garlic, salt

cooked and sliced shrimps

and olive oil either pounded together or allumettes caprice France As allumettes aux
allumettes caprice

prepared in a mechanical blender. Served anchois, but with a forcemeat of chicken and
cold as an accompaniment to fish, meat or cream with chopped ox tongue and truffle
vegetables. (NOTE: From the Catalan all
allumettes pour hors d’oeuvres France
allumettes pour hors d’oeuvres

meaning ‘garlic’.)
Rectangles of 8 mm puff pastry used as a
allipebre d’anguiles Catalonia A spicy eel
allipebre d’anguiles

base for hors d’oeuvres, generally covered

stew, flavoured with paprika, peppers, garlic with a thin layer of forcemeat flavoured with
and saffron cayenne pepper and cut into 7 cm by 2.5 cm
allis shad See shad
allis shad

rectangles prior to baking. They are

Allium The botanical name for the important decorated as appropriate.
family of plants, including onions and spring
alma-ata plov Central Asia A Central Asian
alma-ata plov

onions Allium cepa, shallots Allium cepa rice pilaf, made with chicken stock and
Aggregatum group, Welsh or bunching
containing cubed lamb, julienned carrots,
onions (ciboule) Allium fistulosum, Egyptian
sliced onions, chopped apples, dried raisins,
onion or tree onion Allium cepa var.
dried apricots and almonds, flavoured with
proliferum, leeks Allium porum, garlic Allium
orange juice and zest
sativum, giant garlic (rocambole) Allium
al macc Italy A northern soup of milk with
al macc

scorodoprasum, chives Allium

schoenoprasum and Chinese chives Allium chestnuts and rice. Also called mach
almaciga Spain Mastic

almamártás Hungary Apple sauce

Allium ascalonicum Botanical name Shallot

Allium cepa Botanical name 1. Onion 2. almás palacsinta Hungary Pancake with
almás palacsinta

Spring onion chopped apples

Allium cepa var. proliferum Botanical name almavica Italy A dessert similar to semolina

Egyptian onion pudding

Allium fistulosum Botanical name Welsh almeja Spain Clam, carpet shell and similar

onion bivalve molluscs

Allium porrum Botanical name Leek almejas marineras Spain Clams in a sauce
almejas marineras

Allium ramosum Botanical name Asian leek based on garlic and olive oil
Allium sativum Botanical name Garlic
almejas palourdes Spain Carpet shell clams
almejas palourdes

Allium schoenoprasum Botanical name

almejón brillante Spain Venus shell clam
almejón brillante

almendra Spain Almond

Allium scorodoprasum Botanical name Giant

almendrado Spain Macaroon


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almendras garapiñadas

almendras garapiñadas Spain Sugared almond slice An individual cake made from a
almendras garapiñadas almond slice

almonds rectangle of pastry covered with a thick

almôço Portugal Lunch (taken between 13.30
almond topping similar to frangipane and
and 15.00 hrs) decorated with flaked almonds
almuerzo 1. Mexico Brunch 2. Spain Lunch

almond The kernel (nut) of the fruit of the


Alnwick stew England A casserole from

Alnwick stew

almond tree. The sweet variety, Prunus

dulcis var. dulcis, is used whole, split, flaked, Northumberland of cubed bacon layered
chopped or ground in cookery. The bitter with onions and potatoes, seasoned with
variety, Prunus dulcis var. amara, is used for pepper and mustard and simmered with
the production of almond essence and water and bay leaf for about 2 hours
almond oil and very occasionally in cooking. aloco West Africa A popular dish in the Cote

almond biscuits Ground almonds and caster

almond biscuits

d’Ivoire, consisting of plantains fried in palm

sugar folded into stiffly beaten egg white, oil, reserved and drained, together with
piped onto rice paper, decorated and baked chopped onions, chilli pepper and tomatoes
at 180°C fried in the same oil and simmered with a
almond butter A compound butter made from
almond butter
little water to make a chunky sauce. The
freshly shelled sweet almonds pounded to a sauce is poured over the plantains. Aloco is
fine paste with twice their weight of butter used as an accompaniment to grilled fish.
aloo South Asia Potato

and passed through a fine sieve. Also called

aloo bhurta South Asia Boiled potatoes
aloo bhurta

amandine butter
almond cream A sweet made from a mixture
almond cream
mashed with 3 tbsp per kilogram of minced
of ground almonds with egg yolks and red peppers, chopped chives and molten
orange flower water, thickened in a bain- butter, 2 tbsp of chopped parsley or
marie and garnished with almond praline coriander leaves and a little powdered bay
almôndêga Portugal Meatball
plus salt and pepper. Served hot or cold.
aloo bokhara South Asia Sour prunes
aloo bokhara

almond essence An alcoholic extract of

almond essence

aloo chat South Asia A spiced potato dish

aloo chat

fermented bitter almonds, used to give an

almond flavour to cakes, etc. Some almond made from large diced potatoes, fried in
essences are made from apricot kernels ghee until coloured, mixed with minced
almond flakes Dehusked almonds separated
almond flakes
onions and garlic, chat masala, chilli powder,
into two halves. Also called flaked almonds seasoning, crumbled bay leaf, chopped red
chilli and chopped fresh coriander leaves,
almond flavouring A synthetic chemical
almond flavouring

then cooked until tender in a covered pan

product with an almond flavour and smell, with a little water if necessary
much cheaper than almond essence and
alootikka South Asia A potato and chickpea

commonly used as a substitute

rissole served with yoghurt and tamarind
almond milk England A medieval substitute
almond milk

sauce. Also called alutikka

for milk during Lent, made by pounding
alosa Italy Shad

sweet almonds plus a few bitter almonds

alose France Shad

with water, then mixing with barley water and

alose à la provençale France Alternate
alose à la provençale

sugar and boiling to a creamy consistency

almond nibs Evenly chopped blanched
almond nibs
layers of sorrel mixed with chopped onions
almonds about 2 to 3 mm in diameter used and slices of shad, finishing with a sorrel
as a decoration layer, are placed in a garlic-flavoured pan or
casserole with a tight fitting lid. The top is
almond oil An oil with a very delicate flavour
almond oil

sprinkled with thyme, oil, seasoning and

obtained by pressing or solvent extraction marc or brandy, the lid sealed on and the
from bitter almonds. Used in confectionery whole cooked over a very low heat or in a
and for oiling dessert moulds. slow oven for 7 hours.
almond paste See marzipan
almond paste

alose à la tomate et au vin France A whole

alose à la tomate et au vin

almond potatoes Pommes amandine

almond potatoes

shad placed on a bed of tomato concassée,

almond powder United States Very finely
almond powder

butter and chopped garlic in a flame-proof

ground almonds used in desserts casserole, covered with tomato concassée,
almond sauce 1. Sweetened milk, thickened
almond sauce
chopped onions, chopped mushrooms,
with corn flour and flavoured with almond white wine and melted butter, covered,
essence 2. Scotland Milk, eggs, caster sugar cooked on top of the stove for 3 minutes and
and ground almonds (6:2:1:1) mixed and finished in a moderate oven for 20 to 25
flavoured with orange flower water and minutes
alose de la Loire à l’oseille France An
alose de la Loire à l’oseille

heated over a double boiler until it thickens

(85°C). Served with steamed puddings. incised and seasoned whole shad, oiled and

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grilled for 2.5 minutes per side, finished in Mont d’Or. It is dry-salted and ripened for a
the oven on a bed of sorrel purée mixed with week or more. It contains 55% water, 21%
butter and lemon juice and served with the fat and 21% protein.
purée, wedges of hard-boiled egg and slices Alpine cheese A hard, pale yellow mountain
Alpine cheese

of lemon cheese. See also Berg

alose farcie France A whole shad, stuffed
alose farcie

alpine hare See Scottish hare

alpine hare

with a forcemeat of soft roes, white bread

Alpine pepper Australia The fruit of a bush,
Alpine pepper

moistened with milk, seasoning, nutmeg,

Tasmannia xerophila, which is the hottest of
chives, parsley, chervil, egg and egg yolks, is the Australian peppers. It is unrelated to the
incised, wrapped in oiled paper, baked for
common peppercorn, Piper nigrum. See also
35–40 minutes and served accompanied by mountain pepper
sauce Bercy
alpine strawberry A small, delicately
alpine strawberry

alose feinte France Twaite shad

alose feinte

flavoured strawberry, Fragaria vesca

alose grillée France Shad, incised whole or
alose grillée

sempiflorens, F. alpina which fruits

cut into darnes, marinated in oil, lemon juice constantly from June to October in the UK.
and herbs, grilled over moderate heat until Alpinia galanga Botanical name Greater
cooked through, served with lemon slices galangal
and either parsley or anchovy butter and
Alpinia officinarum Botanical name Lesser
sauce Bercy
alose grillée à l’oseille France Grilled shad
alose grillée à l’oseille

alpino United States A variety of salami


accompanied by sorrel, stewed in butter

alsacien(ne) France From Alsace, usually

then braised; the whole presented in a deep

dish and served with melted butter, garnished with sauerkraut and/or ham,
presented separately. See also alose grillée smoked sausage and peas
alsacienne, à l’ In the Alsace style, i.e.
alsacienne, à l’

alouette France Lark, a small bird. Once used


in cooking but now protected in the EU. garnished with small tartlet cases filled with
alouette sans tête France A beef olive, also
alouette sans tête
braised sauerkraut and topped with a round
made with veal slice of lean ham
al-salooq Persian Gulf A sweetmeat or

aloyau de boeuf France Sirloin of beef on the

aloyau de boeuf

bone, usually including the fillet and dessert made from a flour, milk and molten
prepared especially for top-class roasting butter dough (12:5:5) flavoured with
aloyau de boeuf froid France Cold roast
aloyau de boeuf froid
cardamon and with 2 dsp of baking powder
sirloin of beef including the fillet, on the bone per kg of flour. Walnut-sized balls are shaped
and coated with aspic jelly into crescents, deep-fried at 190°C for 5
Aloysia triphylla Botanical name Lemon minutes until brown, then drained and
verbena coated in icing sugar.
Alse Germany Shad

Alpbergkäse A cooked-curd, dense German


ålsoppa Sweden A thick soup or thin stew


cheese made from whole cows’ milk with a

dense dry rind and a few holes, cast into made from pieces of skinned eel boiled in
large rounds weighing 20 to 30 kg. Contains salted water with some mixed peppercorns
40% water, 27% fat and 25% protein. for 25 minutes. The eel is then removed and
alp cheese A hard, pale yellow mountain
alp cheese
replaced with floury potatoes and leeks,
cheese. See also Berg which are cooked until the potatoes fall and
Alpenkäse A hard, pale yellow mountain
Alpenkäse the whole is like thin mashed potatoes. The
eel is then added back, and the dish is
cheese. See also Berg
seasoned and its consistency adjusted with
Alpenklüber Switzerland A Rohwurst made of

lean pork, beef and pork fat, air-dried and
Altaiski See Altay

eaten raw
Altay Russia A hard cheese with a dry rind

Alpenschneehuhn Germany Ptarmigan


alpha-linolenic acid A fatty acid found in

alpha-linolenic acid and medium-sized holes cast into large
rounds weighing about 12 to 20 kg. Contains
ester form in high proportion in walnut oil,
purslane and soya oil (NOTE: It is said to be 42% water, 30% fat and 24% protein. Also
called Altaiski, Altaysky
the reason why Cretans and Japanese have
Altaysky See Altay

a low incidence of heart attacks, since it has

altea Italy Marshmallow

protective effects esp. against repeat heart

attacks.) Altenburger (Ziegenkäse) A variable-fat-

Alpin France A soft rindless cheese made


content small, round, soft cheese, similar to

from cows’ milk curdled with rennet and Camembert, made in eastern Germany from
made into small rounds similar to Vacherin goats’ and cows’ milk. It contains 66 to 56%

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altitude effects

water, 7 to 20% fat and 25 to 20% protein for meat is reserved. Meat from opened scallops
the half-fat to full-fat versions. is sliced and sautéed in butter for a few
Althaea officinalis Botanical name seconds. The clam and mussel liquor is
Marshmallow reduced by half and finished with single
altitude effects The temperature at which
altitude effects
cream to form a sauce. The salad is
water boils depends upon the pressure to assembled from sliced cold waxy potatoes
which it is subjected, which in an open topped with the cooked shell fish. The sauce
vessel depends upon the altitude. The is poured over and the whole is garnished
boiling point of water drops by approximately with chopped parsley and served warm.
amalgamer France To mix, amalgamate or

1°C for every 900 feet (290 m) rise, hence

the need for pressure cookers at high blend
altitudes. amalu North Africa A delicious Moroccan

alt Kuhkäse Germany Hard cheese spread made from argan oil, almond paste
alt Kuhkäse

alubia Spain Kidney bean

and honey
amande France Almond

alum See aluminium potassium sulphate


amandel Netherlands Almond


alumbeberas Philippines Pomfret, the fish


amandes, fish aux Fish meunière with

amandes, fish aux

aluminium An extremely thin aluminium foil,


which may be used as food decoration. It has coarsely chopped almonds added to the
no nutritional value and may be harmful. See beurre noisette. Also called poisson meunière
also E173 aux amandes
amandine France A name given to certain

aluminium calcium silicate See E556

aluminium calcium silicate

aluminium foil Aluminium metal rolled until

aluminium foil
almond-flavoured French pastries and
very thin and flexible. Because it is relatively sponges
amandine butter See almond butter
amandine butter

inert and does not easily corrode, it is useful

amanida catalana Catalonia A salad of
amanida catalana

as a wrapping for food or for cooking. Also

called cooking foil cooked vegetables and any of cured meat,
aluminium potassium sulphate A firming
aluminium potassium sulphate
cheese, fish or seafood, or hard-boiled eggs
agent used in e.g. chocolate-coated cherries. with lettuce and tomatoes
amanida verda Catalonia Green salad
amanida verda

It is also used as a preservative and firming

agent for pickles in Southeast Asian cooking. amaranth 1. A widely distributed tropical and

Also called alum subtropical plant of the genus Amaranthus,

aluminium sodium silicate See E554
aluminium sodium silicate

whose leaves are used as a vegetable,

alutikka South Asia A potato and chickpea
supplied fresh or canned. There are two
rissole. See also alootikka popular types: one is green and mild, and the
alveograph The instrument which measures
other is red. It is generally lightly cooked by
the strength of dough prior to baking by steaming. A variety of names are used for the
injecting air into it at a fixed depth and flow local species, i.e. callaloo, bhaji, elephant’s
rate through a nozzle and recording the ear, sag, sagaloo, African spinach, Chinese
pressure at which the resulting bubble spinach, Indian spinach, and Surinam
bursts amaranth. (NOTE: Amaranth is often credited
with magical powers.) 2. E123, a synthetic
Alvorca Portugal A hard, dense, grating

yellow food colouring banned in the USA

cheese made with ewes’ milk in 200 to 300g
rounds with a dry brown rind. Contains 25%
Amaranthus Botanical name Amaranth
water, 37% fat and 33% protein. Amaranthus caudatus Botanical name One
of the amaranths with pale green leaves and
alya Middle East Fat from the tails of lamb and

vivid red tassel-like flowers. Often grown as

mutton much used in Iraq an ornamental plant.
amaebi Japan A sweet tasting shrimp about

Amaranthus cruentus Botanical name The

12 cm long used in sushi most commonly grown amaranth, with oval,
amahong Philippines Asian mussel

light green leaves and long spiky flowers

amai Japan Sweet Amaranthus tricolor Botanical name Chinese

Amalfi lemon Italy A prized variety of lemon

Amalfi lemon
amardine Middle East Sheets of dried apricot

from the south of Naples, which is allowed to

ripen on the tree and is thus less acid. It is paste used for flavouring drinks or desserts
larger than normal with a rough knobbly skin or as a constituent of certain Middle East
and a very fine flavour and aroma. lamb stews
Amalfi salad Cleaned and prepared mussels amarelle United States A sour red variety of
Amalfi salad amarelle

and small clams are boiled to open with dry cherry with a colourless juice, used for
white wine and chopped shallots. The sound cherry pie and liqueurs

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American pink shrimp

amarena Italy Morello cherry américaine, sauce France The cooking

amarena américaine, sauce

amaretti Italy Small sweet meringue-like

liquor from garnish à l’américaine or homard
macaroons made from ground almonds, à l’américaine, reduced, mixed with the
sugar and stiffly whipped egg whites (3:5:1), lobster coral and cream from its head plus
alternatively (2:3:1), blended to a stiff paste, butter, strained and finished with chopped
possibly with almond essence, piped onto parsley
American broccoli Calabrese
American broccoli

parchment paper and baked at 175°C. They

may be decorated with almond flakes before American brown shrimp See American
American brown shrimp

baking. They are usually shop-bought. See shrimp

also almond biscuits American burbot A freshwater non-oily
American burbot

amasar Spain To knead


relative of the cod, Lota maculosa, found in

amassada Portugal Mashed the Great Lakes of Canada and North

amatriciana, all’ Italy In the style of the town

amatriciana, all’
America. Cooked like cod.
American crayfish The small common
American crayfish

of Amatrice, i.e. used of dishes with a sauce

made of tomatoes, onions and salt pork or crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, of North
bacon American rivers
American cress Land cress
American cress

amayuela Spain Golden carpet shell clam


American frosting United States A cake

American frosting

amazushoga Japan Red-coloured wafer-thin


slices of pickled ginger. See also benishoga icing, hard on the outside but soft inside,
amberjack A large round brightly coloured
made from sugar and water boiled to 120°C
fish, Seriola dumerili and other species of with a little cream of tartar, then slightly
Seriola, found in tropical and subtropical cooled and whisked into stiffly beaten egg
waters white. Also called boiled frosting, boiled
amb halad South Asia Zedoary
amb halad
icing, frosting
American fudge cake See fudge cake
American fudge cake

ambrosia Italy A dessert made from layers of


American grape A more cold-tolerant grape,

American grape

thinly sliced oranges, sliced bananas, fresh

pineapple, desiccated coconut and caster Vitus labrusca or V. rotundifolia, which has
sugar been hybridized with the European grape,
ambrosía Mexico A very sweet scented herb
Vitus vinifera, to produce a wide range of
cooler-climate cultivars. American grapes
whose leaves are used in cold drinks in the
same way as mint are considered to be inferior to the European
varieties, V. rotundifolia having a foxy flavour.
amchar See amchoor

American long-grain rice A long thin white

American long-grain rice

amchoor South Asia A flavouring similar to


rice from which the husk, bran and germ

tamarind made by drying slices of unripe have been removed. Stays separate when
mango, Magnifera indica. It is also supplied cooked. Also called regular milled white rice
in powdered form and is used for souring
American meringue United States The type
American meringue

and tenderizing. Also called aamchur,

of meringue used for a Pavlova, made by
amchar, amchor, amchur, mango powder
mixing corn flour and acid with meringue
amchor, amchur See amchoor

Suisse and baking at a higher temperature

ame Japan A sweet jelly made from boiled

than normal for a shorter period to give a

millet used to flavour fish dishes crisp outside with a soft sticky centre
ame hnat Burma A dish of braised beef with
ame hnat

American mustard A sweet, mild variety of

American mustard

fried chopped onions, garlic, ginger, chilli mustard made from ground, dehusked white
powder, lemon zest, etc. garnished with crisp mustard seeds coloured with turmeric and
fried onions mixed with vinegar, etc. Used as a
amêijoas Portugal Small, thin shelled and

condiment particularly with hot dogs and

very sweet clams hamburgers
ameixa Portugal 1. Plum 2. Prune

American navy bean See navy bean

American navy bean

Amelanchier canadensis Botanical name American oyster A variety of oyster,

American oyster

Juneberry Crassostrea virginica, reaching 17 cm in

amêndoa Portugal Almond

length and found on the American side of the

amendoim Portugal Peanut

Atlantic. Usually cooked. Also called eastern

américaine, garnish à l’ Slices of lobster tails
américaine, garnish à l’
American persimmon A variety of
American persimmon

which have been fried then cooked in white

wine, fish stock, brandy, meat glaze, demi- persimmon, Diospyros virginiana, about 4
glace sauce, chopped shallots, tomato cm in diameter and with redder skin and
concassée, chopped parsley and cayenne flesh
American pink shrimp See American shrimp
American pink shrimp


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American plaice

American plaice A large flatfish, amiral, à l’ France In the admiral’s style, i.e.
American plaice amiral, à l’

Hippoglossoides platesoides, similar to, but garnished with a mixture of sliced truffles,
with less definite markings than, the mussels, lobster meat, oysters and crayfish
European plaice. Also called Canadian tails
plaice, sand dab ami-shakushi Japan A fine wire mesh

American relishes Hors d’oeuvres consisting skimmer for cleaning deep-fat-frying oil or
American relishes

of aceto-dolce pickles flavoured with removing foam from soup

cinnamon and cayenne and accompanied ammantato Italy Covered with another

by small cinnamon biscuits ingredients such as cheese, sauce, etc.;

American service A method of serving food
American service

in a restaurant by dividing it amongst ammiraglia, all’ Italy In the admiral’s style i.e.
ammiraglia, all’

individual plates in the kitchen rather than containing fish or shellfish

serving from a platter at the table ammollicato Italy Soaked and softened

American shad A variety of shad, Alosa

American shad

ammonia A pungent irritating gas used in


sapidissima, more popular in the USA than water solution as a cleaner and bleach. Often
shad is in Europe smelled on rotting fish and overripe cheese.
American shrimp A large shrimp of the genus ammonium bicarbonate An old-fashioned
American shrimp ammonium bicarbonate

Penaeus (up to 15 cm) fished south of the raising agent which releases carbon dioxide
Carolinas and closely related to the king on heating or reaction with acid. Not in
prawn. There are three varieties: the brown general use. Also called salts of hartshorn
P. aztecus aztecus, the pink P. duorarum ammonium carbonate See E503
ammonium carbonate

duorarum and the white P. setiferus. ammonium chloride See E510

ammonium chloride

American veal cuts United States Veal cuts

American veal cuts

ammonium ferric citrate See E381

ammonium ferric citrate

American whelk A variety of whelk, Busycon

American whelk

ammonium phosphatides Food additives

ammonium phosphatides

carica, which can reach 30 cm in length used as emulsifiers and stabilizers for cocoa
American white shrimp See American shrimp
American white shrimp

and chocolate products

a-mer-tha-hin Burma A mild beef curry made ammonium polyphosphate See E545
a-mer-tha-hin ammonium polyphosphate

from fried pieces of stewing beef and a fried, ammonium sulphate The ammonium salt of
ammonium sulphate

pounded spice mixture (onions, garlic, fresh sulphuric acid used as a yeast food
ginger, salt, turmeric and chilli powder) Amomum globosum Botanical name Chinese
cooked in beef stock and thick soy sauce. cardamom
Other recipes include vinegar, bay leaves, Amomum melegueta Botanical name Grains
fish sauce and cinnamon. Also called amé- of paradise
thà-hin Amomum subulatum Botanical name Nepal
amé-thà-hin Burma A-mer-tha-hin

ametlles Catalonia Almonds amoras Portugal Berries
ametlles amoras

amido Italy Starch


Amorphophallus campanulatus Botanical

amigdala alatismena Greece Salted (45 g
amigdala alatismena
name Elephant’s foot
per kg), unskinned, shelled almonds which Amorphophallus konjac Botanical name
have been marinated in lemon juice or citric Devil’s taro, used for preparing black bean
acid solution and drained, then baked for 30 curd
amorphous sugar United States Non-
amorphous sugar

minutes at 180°C. Eaten as an appetizer.

amilbar de arce Spain Maple syrup
amilbar de arce
crystalline sugar made by melting sucrose
amino acid An organic acid which is a
amino acid
and cooling it rapidly to form a transparent
building block of proteins. The sequence of glass-like material
amouille France Beestings

amino acids in a protein determines its

amourettes France The spinal marrow of veal

properties. 20 amino acids are incorporated

in human tissue. Of these 12, or 11 in the and lamb, prepared by thorough cleaning
case of rapidly growing infants, can be followed by poaching for 30 minutes in a
synthesized in the body; the remaining 8 or boiling vinegar court bouillon (NOTE: Literally
9 (essential amino acids) must be obtained ‘passing fancies’.)
amourettes de veau Tosca France Short
amourettes de veau Tosca

from food. High-class proteins contain the

essential amino acids. They are in lengths of cooked amourettes of veal mixed
alphabetical order: alanine, arginine, with macaroni, butter, grated Parmesan
aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic cheese and coulis of crayfish tails, carefully
acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, heated in a timbale, covered with coulis
lysine, methionine, norleucine, ornithine, d’écrevisses (crayfish coulis) and garnished
phenylalanine, serine, threonine, with amourettes
tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. ampalaya Philippines Bitter gourd

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ampil khui Cambodia Tamarind salmon is a common example. (NOTE: The

ampil khui

ampil tum Cambodia Unripe tamarind

ampil tum
opposite is catadromous)
anaerobe A microorganism which will grow

amriti South Asia A sweetmeat made from a


besan batter deep-fried in the shape of small and reproduce in the absence of air.
rings and soaked in a flavoured sugar syrup Facultative anaerobes will grow with or
amsamgelugor Tamarind
without air. Strict (i.e. non-facultative)
anaerobes are poisoned by the oxygen in the
amsoh galbi kui Korea Marinated and grilled
amsoh galbi kui

air. See also aerobe

short ribs of beef
anago Japan Conger or seawater eel; thin

amsterdamse korstjes Netherlands Spice

amsterdamse korstjes

slices are used raw in sushi

anaheim chilli A fairly hot, long, green to
anaheim chilli

amuse-gueule France Small appetizers


usually served before or while the menu yellow chilli pepper which is never dried.
choice is being made (NOTE: Literally ‘mouth- Also called guero, Californian chilli,
pleasers’.) California pepper
analcolico Italy Non-alcoholic drink

amydated pectin A synthetic derivative of

amydated pectin

ananá South America, Spain Pineapple


pectin which is more stable than the parent

product. See also E440(ii) ananas Denmark, France, Germany,

amyl acetate An ester formed from amyl Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden
amyl acetate

alcohol and acetic acid used to flavour the Pineapple

confectionery item, pear drops (NOTE: Some ananâs Portugal Pineapple

say it has a banana flavour.) Ananas Germany Pineapple


amylase An enzyme (a naturally occurring


ananas à la créole France Peeled and cored

ananas à la créole

catalyst of chemical reactions) found in pineapple is cooked in kirsch-flavoured

saliva and gastric juices which breaks down sugar syrup and cut into thin semicircles,
starch (a polysaccharide) into smaller which are used to line a dome-shaped
subunits which are further broken down by mould. The centre of the mould is filled with
other enzymes or which can be directly a layer of vanilla dessert rice followed by
absorbed, usually as glucose, into the blood diced custard apple, pineapple and banana
stream. Strains obtained commercially by cooked in syrup to complete. The whole is
fermentation from Aspergillus niger and chilled until set, demoulded, decorated with
Bacillus subtilis are used in the manufacture angelica and surrounded with poached
of syrups, in the brewing industry and bananas.
generally in food manufacturing. Also called
ananas à la royale France Pineapple
ananas à la royale

prepared as for ananas georgette, but filled
amyl butyrate An ester formed from amyl
amyl butyrate

with fresh fruit salad flavoured with kirsch.

alcohol and butyric acid used as an artificial
The base of the pineapple is surrounded with
alternate poached peaches and strawberries
amylolytic enzyme Any of an important class
amylolytic enzyme

macerated in kirsch.
of enzymes that degrade starch to mono-, di- Ananas comosus Botanical name Pineapple
and polysaccharides. Important in bread-
ananas Condé France Pineapple poached
ananas Condé

and served on dessert rice with a fruit syrup
amylopectin The main and more easily

ananas georgette France The top of a large

ananas georgette

digested component of starch

whole pineapple is removed and reserved.
amylose The minor and less easily digested

The centre of the pineapple is scooped out,

constituent of starch
chopped finely and mixed with an iced fruit
amyl valeriate An ester formed from amyl
amyl valeriate

mousse mixture made from cold syrup

alcohol and valerianic acid with an apple-like (35°Be, 1.86 kg per litre of water), pineapple
flavour purée, and crème chantilly. This mixture is
an Japan A sweetened smooth or crunchy

replaced in the pineapple, covered with the

paste of ground adzuki beans top and the whole is allowed to set in the
Anacardium occidentale Botanical name refrigerator.
The cashew nut tree Ananaskaltschale

Germany A cold
anadama bread United States A yeast-raised
anadama bread

pineapple soup made from crushed

bread containing cornmeal and molasses or pineapple boiled in a light sugar syrup,
black treacle allowed to cool and stand, pushed through a
anadromous Used to describe fish which are

strainer, mixed with white wine, chilled and

born in a river, migrate to the sea to grow and garnished with a macédoine of pineapple
return to their birth river to spawn. The steeped in sugar and lemon juice

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ananas Ninon

ananas Ninon France A soufflé mould is filled anchois aux poivrons France A hors
ananas Ninon anchois aux poivrons

with vanilla ice cream and a conical d’oeuvre of anchovy fillets marinated in oil,
depression made from the centre to the alternating with strips of sweet pepper and
outer edges. The depression is lined with decorated with chopped hard-boiled egg,
overlapping slices of pineapple, and the parsley and capers
centre heaped with wild strawberries anchois de Norvège France Norwegian
anchois de Norvège

covered with a purée of raspberries and anchovies, preserved in brine

sprinkled with chopped pistachios. anchois des tamarins France A hors
anchois des tamarins

ananasso Italy Pineapple


d’oeuvre composed of anchovy paupiettes,

ananas Virginie France Pineapple prepared
ananas Virginie
each topped with a black olive, arranged
as for ananas georgette, but with a strawberry around a centre of grated warm potatoes
mousse mixed with the diced flesh of the seasoned with oil and vinegar and sprinkled
pineapple as filling with chopped fines herbes
anchois frais marinés France A hors
anchois frais marinés

ananász Hungary Pineapple


anar South Asia Pomegranate

d’oeuvre made from fresh anchovies salted
for 2 hours, drained, plunged into hot fat to
anara Italy Duck

stiffen, then marinaded in oil with a little acid

anardana South Asia The ground dried seeds

(lemon or vinegar) for 2 days. Served with a

of sour pomegranates used in North India as little of the marinade.
a souring agent in chutneys and curries, in ancho pepper A mild, richly flavoured variety
ancho pepper

fillings for bread and savoury pasties, and of pepper, Capsicum frutescens, usually
with braised vegetables and pulses dried for use in Latin American cooking
Anari A soft, white, unripened curd cheese

anchouiada France Anchovy fillets pounded


from Cyprus, made from ewes’ milk. It has a with garlic, shallots, thyme and olive oil with
slightly sweetish flavour and moist texture a little vinegar, used as a flavouring or dip.
similar to the Greek Mizithra or Italian Ricotta Similar to bagna cauda.
and is eaten as a dessert. anchovas Portugal Anchovies. Also called

anatra Italy Duck


anatra arrosto Italy Duck, blanched for 5
anatra arrosto

Anchovis Germany Anchovy


minutes, dried with paper then hot air (e.g. anchovy A small Mediterranean fish of the

with a hair dryer), rubbed with ground herring family, Engraulis encrasicolus, up to
rosemary, sage, salt and black pepper, 20 cm in length and fished in the
stuffed with the same herbs mixed with Mediterranean and the bay of Biscay
chopped liver, roasted and served with sauce between January and September. Usually
made from pan juices and the stuffing salted whole and used as a garnish or for
anatra ripiena Italy Duck braised with a
anatra ripiena

flavouring. A similar fish, Stolephorus

stuffing of meat, sausage, mushrooms and heterolobus, is found throughout Southeast
pistachio nuts Asia and used fresh, salted or dried and is
anatrino Italy Duckling
one of the fish fermented to produce fish
anatto See annatto
pastes and sauces.
anchovy butter A compound butter made
anchovy butter

anchoa Spain Anchovy


from butter and anchovy fillets pounded

anchoïade France An anchovy paste from

together and sieved

Provence, made with anchovies pounded or
anchovy essence A liquid extract of cured
anchovy essence

processed with olive oil and possibly garlic to

and salted anchovies used for flavouring
make a dip for canapés
anchovy fingers See allumettes aux anchois
anchovy fingers

anchois France Anchovy


anchovy paste Salted anchovies, vinegar,

anchovy paste

anchois, beurre d’ See anchovy butter

anchois, beurre d’

spices and water pounded together

anchois, canapé d’ France Canapé with
anchois, canapé d’

anchovy paupiettes A hors d’oeuvre of

anchovy paupiettes

anchovy butter flattened anchovy fillets, spread with a purée

anchois, sauce France Anchovy sauce
anchois, sauce

of cooked fish mixed with mayonnaise

anchois à la parisienne France Fillets of
anchois à la parisienne

seasoned with cayenne, rolled into

desalted anchovies arranged in a multi- paupiettes and decorated with anchovy
diamond pattern in the centre of a plate butter
covered with a little vinaigrette mixed with anchovy sauce A rich fish velouté, thickened
anchovy sauce

soy sauce. The centre of the diamonds and with egg yolk and cream or sauce normande
the border are filled with separately chopped without the butter and flavoured with
hard-boiled egg yolk, hard-boiled egg white anchovy; alternatively, a béchamel sauce
and green herbs to give a pleasing pattern. with 2 tablespoons of anchovy essence per

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andouillette de Troyes

litre. It may be finished with diced, dried and andouille de Cambrai France A tripe
andouille de Cambrai

desalted anchovy fillets, and is used with sausage dating from 1767
fish. andouille de campagne

andouille de campagne France The typical

anchovy toast England A savoury or appetizer
anchovy toast

andouille containing about 50% pork

made from rounds of bread fried to a pale shoulder meat, the remainder being
straw, covered with anchovies and topped chitterlings, tripe and seasonings
with chilled Devonshire or whipped cream
andouille de Nancy France Equal parts of
andouille de Nancy

and served immediately

calf mesentery and belly pork cut in 20-cm-
an chun China Quail
an chun

long strips, treated with salt, pepper and

an chun dan China Quail egg
an chun dan

spice or marinated in wine and herbs,

Anchusa tinctora Botanical name Alkanet drained, seasoned, possibly mixed with
ancidda Italy Eel (Sardinia)

chopped onions and mushrooms sweated in

ancien impérial France A soft mild cheese
ancien impérial

lard, moistened with Madeira or white wine,

cast in squares. May be eaten fresh or stuffed into beef runners and tied. Cooked by
ripened. pricking and simmering in water with
ancienne, à l’ France In the old style, i.e. with
ancienne, à l’

aromatic vegetables and a bouquet garni,

boiled rice, béchamel sauce and mushrooms then left to cool in the cooking liquor.
ancient egg Chinese preserved eggs
ancient egg
andouille de Vire

andouille de Vire France As andouille

ancono Italy A soup made with fish, shellfish

bretonne but with fat bacon replacing the

and tomatoes pork fat, chopped onion, shallots and parsley
and Denmark, Norway Duck

added and the whole seasoned and

andaa Nepal Egg

moistened with white wine. The strips are

andalouse, à l’ France In the Andalusian
andalouse, à l’
formed in bundles and placed neatly in beef
style, i.e. garnished with halves of grilled red runners with each bundle tied in place. The
pepper filled with rice cooked à la Grecque andouille may be salted in brine and/or
and slices of aubergine, 4 cm thick, with the smoked, but in all cases it is finally simmered
centre hollowed out and filled with tomatoes in a bouillon for 3 hours.
andouille pur porc

sautéed in oil andouille pur porc France Andouille made

andalouse, sauce England, France with seasoned pork shoulder meat and fat
andalouse, sauce

Mayonnaise mixed with tomato purée and andouillette France A small version of the

garnished with julienned red sweet pepper andouille but usually containing only
andalouse mayonnaise Mayonnaise mixed
andalouse mayonnaise

coarsely chopped chitterlings and tripe and

with tomato purée and the finely chopped purchased in the cooked state. Generally
flesh of skinned and cooked sweet red lightly slashed and grilled or fried and served
peppers. Served with roast veal, poultry and hot with fried potatoes, mustard and onions.
hard-boiled eggs. andouillette à la lyonnaise

andouillette à la lyonnaise France

Andalusian sauce See andalouse, sauce
Andalusian sauce

Andouillettes cut into 1 cm. slices, sautéed

ande South Asia Egg

in very hot butter until browned, sliced onion

andijvie Netherlands Endive

added and coloured, seasoned, mixed well

andouille France A large, black, pig-based and finished with chopped parsley and a

sausage boiled in water then grilled, which little vinegar.

may be served hot or cold, usually in thin andouillette à la strasbourgeoise

andouillette à la strasbourgeoise France

slices and garnished with mashed potato. It Grilled or fried andouillette served on a bed
is generally made from pork, tripe, pork of sauerkraut accompanied by boiled
chitterlings, calf mesentery, pepper, wine, potatoes
onions and spices, depending on region. It
andouillette (à la) bourguignonne France
andouillette bourguignonne

may be white through various shades of

Andouillettes cut into 1 cm. slices, sautéed
brown to black and may be dried (sechée) or
in hot butter and lard until browned, fat
smoked (fumée).
drained off, and andouillettes served with
andouille bretonne France Pig tripe and
andouille bretonne

melted well-seasoned snail butter.

chitterlings, cut into strips a little shorter than
andouillette de Savoie France An
andouillette de Savoie

the sausage, dry-cured in salt, pepper and

spices or marinated in wine and herbs, andouillette containing pork chitterlings,
mixed with half their combined weight of tripe and calf mesentery flavoured with
similar strips of hard pork fat, placed cumin
andouillette de Troyes

regularly or jumbled up in beef runners, tied, andouillette de Troyes France An

salted for a week, smoked for 3 days over andouillette containing calf mesentery,
apple wood, brushed off, floured and boiled udder, egg yolks, shallots, parsley, seasoning
in water for 2 hours before serving and nutmeg, moistened with white wine

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andouillette fine de porc

andouillette fine de porc France Calf

andouillette fine de porc

Angelica sinensis Botanical name Dang gui.

mesentery and lean bacon cut in pieces, Also called Chinese angelica
simmered in stock with herbs and an onion angélique France Angelica

clouté for 2 hours, removed, coarsely angelitter Schnüss Germany A soup made
angelitter Schnüss

chopped and combined with the strained from bacon, young beans and milk
reduced cooking liquor, egg yolks and
angelot France Angel fish

chopped shallots, mushrooms and parsley,

angelote Spain Angel fish

sweated in lard, filled into casings and tied to

angel’s farts See fritole di lino
angel’s farts

form small sausages. May be brined and/or

smoked before simmering in a bouillon. angel’s hair A very fine and thin noodle
angel’s hair

andouille vigneronne France Soaked haricot

andouille vigneronne

wrapped in skeins like wool. Also called

beans put in a casserole with diced fat bacon vermicellini
and pork rind, carrots, onions, a bouquet angel shark See angel fish
angel shark

garni and seasoning, covered with water and angels on horseback A savoury consisting of
angels on horseback

boiled with some wine for an hour, a oysters wrapped in streaky bacon, grilled
previously cooked pork andouille added and and served on buttered toast
the whole braised in the oven for 2 hours.
anges à cheval France Angels on horseback
anges à cheval

The meat and beans are served separately.

angevine, à l’ France In the Anjou style, i.e.
angevine, à l’

ànec amb naps Catalonia Duck with turnips

ànec amb naps

with the addition of local wine

añejo 1. Mexico A cheese made from cows’ or

anghiti South Asia A charcoal-burning brazier


goats’ milk, well matured with a strong salty

flavour 2. Spain Meat from 14 to 15 month rather like a modern barbecue
angkak Philippines Dried and ground rice

old beef cattle

anelli Italy Rings of pasta cut from a tube
which has been coloured red/purple by
about 1 cm. in diameter. fermentation with Monascus purpureus.
anellini Italy Tiny pasta rings used for soup, a
Used to colour and flavour foods prepared
smaller version of anelli from fish and cheese and to produce red rice
anémona de mar Spain Sea anemone
anémona de mar

anglaise, à l’ France In the English style, i.e.

anglaise, à l’

anémone de mer France Sea anemone

anémone de mer

plain-cooked or, if deep-fried, coated with

anemone di mare Italy Sea anemone
anemone di mare

flour, egg and breadcrumbs (i.e. panéed)

aneth France Dill

anglaise, fish à l’ Fillets of fish, panéed,

anglaise, fish à l’

Anethum graveolens Botanical name Dill deep-fried at 185°C, drained and garnished
Anethum sowa Botanical name Indian dill with lemon wedges and a sprig of parsley
aneto Italy Dill

and served with tartare sauce

aneurin See vitamin B1

anglaise, sauce England, France Crème à

anglaise, sauce

ange de mer France Angel fish

ange de mer

angel cake United States A fat-and-egg-yolk-
angel cake

anglaise, sauce à l’ France Egg custard

anglaise, sauce à l’

free light sponge made by folding very low sauce

gluten cake flour sieved with cream of tartar angled loofah The fruit of a climbing vine,
angled loofah

and caster sugar into stiffly beaten egg Luffa acutangula, which grows to 3 m. It has
whites. Usually baked in a ring mould. Also a dull green skin with 10 longitudinal ridges
called angel food cake and is harvested at up to 50 cm. It is slightly
angel fish A type of shark, Squatina squatina,
angel fish

bitter and has a similar taste and texture to

with large pectoral fins which can be treated okra. It is peeled before use and may be
as skate wings. The tail is also thick and steamed, fried or braised. See also loofah,
meaty with a few soft flexible bones. Also club gourd. Also called Chinese okra, ridged
called angel shark, fiddle fish gourd, ridged melon, pleated squash, angled
angel flake coconut A much wider cut of luffa
angel flake coconut

desiccated coconut like large flakes angler fish United States Monkfish
angler fish

angel food cake See angel cake

angel food cake

Anglesey cake Wales Flour, butter, sugar and

Anglesey cake

angelica A tall parsley-like plant, Angelica


eggs (3:2:2:1) with 4 tbsp of baking powder

archangelica or A. officinalis. The blanched, per kg of flour and a little dried vine fruit are
peeled and boiled stalks and leaf ribs are combined by the rubbing-in method and
candied for use as a decoration. brought together with a little milk to form a
Angelica archangelica Botanical name stiff paste, then baked at 190°C in thinnish
Angelica layers for 30 to 40 minutes. Each cake is
Angelica officinalis Botanical name sliced in half and eaten hot as a jam
Angelica sandwich.

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anguille en matelote

Anglesey eggs Wales Hard-boiled eggs is served with a centre garnish of

Anglesey eggs

mixed with cooked leeks and potatoes in a mushrooms, poached oysters and poached
cheese sauce soft roe, the garnish being coated with
angola Spain Sour milk
strained cooking liquor thickened with sauce
angoori petha South Asia A petha made with
angoori petha
espagnole, and the whole surrounded with
small green pumpkins the size of large shallow-fried smelts.
anguille à la tartare France Cleaned and
anguille à la tartare

anguidda Italy Eel (Sicily)
skinned eel either whole or in portions,
poached in white wine court bouillon,
anguila Spain Eel

drained, panéed, deep-fried, garnished with

anguila ahumada Spain Smoked eel
anguila ahumada

fried parsley and gherkins and served with

anguilla Italy Eel

tartare sauce
anguilla alla fiorentina Italy Eels rolled in
anguilla alla fiorentina

anguille à l’escabèche France Pickled eel,

anguille à l’escabèche

seasoned breadcrumbs and baked fried in oil then cooled in aspic jelly
anguilla alla griglia Italy Boned eels, cut in
anguilla alla griglia

anguille au vert France Cleaned and skinned

anguille au vert

10 cm pieces, seasoned, floured, oiled and eels cut into 5 cm. pieces, placed on a bed
grilled over charcoal until slightly charred of garden herbs (sorrel, nettle tops, parsley,
anguilla alla marinara Italy Eel in vinegar salad burnet, sage, savory, chervil and
anguilla alla marinara

sauce tarragon) and butter; cooked until the flesh

anguilla alla veneziana Italy Eel with tuna
anguilla alla veneziana
stiffens, then white wine, seasoning, and
and lemon sauce sage added; when cooking complete, liquor
anguilla argentina Italy A silvery coloured
anguilla argentina
thickened with egg yolk and finished with
eel, Anguilla anguilla lemon juice. Usually served cold.
anguille au vert à la flamande France
anguille au vert à la flamande

anguilla gialla Italy The common eel

anguilla gialla

Cleaned and skinned eels cut into 5 cm

anguilla in carpione Italy A hors d’oeuvre of
anguilla in carpione

pieces, cooked in butter until flesh stiffens,

pieces of eel. salted and oiled, grilled over
then further cooked in beer and seasoning;
charcoal until cooked and marinated in a
towards the end of cooking chopped garden
mixture of oil, vinegar, bay leaves, garlic and
herbs (as in anguille au vert) added, and
seasoning for a minimum of 24 hours.
liquor thickened with arrowroot. Usually
anguilla in teglia al pisello Italy Fried eel
anguilla in teglia al pisello

served cold.
with tomato sauce and peas
anguille au vin blanc et paprika France
anguille au vin blanc et paprika

anguille France Eel


Cleaned eels cut into 8 cm. pieces, placed in

anguille à la Beaucaire France Skinned
anguille à la Beaucaire

a shallow pan with sliced onions, a bouquet

boned eel stuffed with whiting and chopped garni, garlic, seasoning, white wine and
mushroom forcemeat, sewn up, formed into paprika, boiled, flamed with brandy, covered
an oval, then braised in white wine with and cooked, then cooled in cooking liquor.
chopped shallots, mushrooms, glazed The eel pieces are finally skinned, the fillets
button onions and brandy. Served from the detached and covered with defatted and
cooking dish. thickened cooking liquor.
anguille à la ménagère France Cleaned and
anguille à la ménagère

anguille benoîton France Boned, skinned

anguille benoîton

skinned eel cut into 8 cm. pieces, incised on and filleted eel, cut into 10 cm. thin slices,
each side, seasoned, grilled and served with twisted into spirals, passed through
a border of gherkins, accompanied with seasoned flour, deep-fried and piled up with
softened parsley butter mixed with a small fried parsley. Accompanied with a strained
amount of prepared mustard. reduced red wine sauce made with shallots,
anguille à la meunière France Cleaned and
anguille à la meunière

parsley stalks and eel trimmings, thickened

skinned eels, cut in pieces, passed through with butter.
seasoned flour, shallow-fried in butter, and anguille de mer France Conger eel
anguille de mer

finished with beurre noisette anguille en matelote France Cleaned

anguille en matelote

anguille à la romaine France Cleaned and

anguille à la romaine

skinned eel is cut in pieces, boiled with red

skinned eels cut into 5 cm pieces, stiffened or white wine, sliced onions, bouquet garni,
in hot butter then stewed gently with peas, garlic, and seasoning, flamed with brandy
shredded lettuce and white wine, thickened and cooked until done in a tightly closed pan.
with beurre manié and served immediately The cooking liquor is strained and, if white,
anguille à la rouennaise France A cleaned
anguille à la rouennaise

reduced and thickened with a fish velouté

and skinned eel is incised both sides, formed and garnished with button onions, crayfish
into a ring and poached with a mirepoix of and croûtons (marinière); if red, it is
aromatic vegetables. When cooked, it is thickened with beurre manié and garnished
glazed by basting with the cooking liquor. It with crayfish and croûtons.

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anguille frite

anguille frite France Fried eel. Small skinned animelles France Testicles, usually of oxen or
anguille frite animelles

eels, incised both sides, folded into figures of sheep, the latter also being known as sheep’s
eight and skewered, deep-fried and fry. Prepared by scalding, skinning and
garnished with fried parsley. soaking in running water, then marinated
anguille frite à l’anglaise France Cleaned,
anguille frite à l’anglaise
and deep-fried or treated as kidneys. Also
skinned, boned and filleted eel cut into thin called frivolités
anis France, Philippines Aniseed

slices, marinated with seasoning, chopped

parsley, oil and lemon juice, panéed and anise A half-hardy annual umbelliferous

deep-fried, finished with anchovy butter and plant, Pimpinella anisum, related to the
served immediately accompanied with sauce plants which produce cumin, dill and fennel.
bâtarde It grows erect or prostrate to about 45 cm.
anguille fumée France Smoked eel, served The seeds are known as aniseed. The
anguille fumée

with skin and bone removed and cut into flowers and fresh leaves may be used in
sections salads and as a garnish. The plant is
anguille in salsa Italy Small fried fish
anguille in salsa
sometimes known as aniseed.
aniseed The aromatic, oval seeds of the anise

marinated in vinegar
anguille pompadour France Cleaned and
anguille pompadour
plant with a sweet liquorice-like flavour. Used
skinned eel, incised both sides, formed into in cakes, for liqueurs and in Indian cookery
a ring, cooked in white wine court bouillon and as a general flavouring. First mentioned
and cooled in the cooking liquor; then in the written literature in 1500 BC by the
drained, dried, coated with a mixture of Egyptians. Also called anise
aniseed myrtle Australia The leaves of this
aniseed myrtle

Villeroi and Soubise sauce, panéed and

deep-fried until heated through and native myrtle, Backhousia anisata, have a
browned. Served with fried parsley and strong aniseed flavour with a eucalyptus
croquettes of pommes dauphine, aftertaste. It is related to the lemon myrtle
accompanied with tomato-flavoured and grows in the coastal rain forest. The
béarnaise sauce. leaves are used either fresh or dried, whole
anguillette France Small eel, a speciality of
or ground in meat dishes, desserts and
the Basque country baked goods. Since the essential oils are
volatile, it is usually added just before
anguria Italy Water melon

service. The essential oil can be bought

Angus fish soup Scotland A soup made from
Angus fish soup

fresh haddock heads, boiled, skinned then
anise fern Sweet cicely
anise fern

simmered with aromatic vegetables, turnips,

anise pepper A Chinese spice made from the
anise pepper

parsley and seasoning for 20 minutes,

strained onto a white roux and finished with ground dried red berries of the feathery-
milk, thyme, chopped parsley and a liaison leaved prickly ash tree, Xanthoxylum
of eggs and cream piperitum. It has a pronounced spicy-woody
smell and a numbing taste and is one of the
Angus potatoes Scotland A dish of baked
Angus potatoes

constituents of five-spice powder much used

potatoes from which the cooked interiors in Chinese cooking. See also sansho. Also
have been removed and mixed with flaked called Sichuan pepper, Szechuan pepper,
Arbroath smokie flesh, butter, milk and Chinese pepper, Chinese aromatic pepper,
seasoning, before being returned to the Japanese pepper, xanthoxylum, fagara
cases. These are then heated through in the
anithi South Asia Dill seed

anitra Italy Duck

anho Portugal Lamb


anka Sweden Duck


anhydrate, to United States To dehydrate

anhydrate, to

ankerias Finland Eel


anice Italy Anice (NOTE: Semi di anice is


anko Japan A sweet bean paste made from


adzuki beans, blanched and simmered for 1
Anice stellato Italy Star anise
Anice stellato

to 1.5 hours until soft and passed though a

anicini Italy Aniseed biscuits from Sardinia

sieve into a little water. This water is removed

anijs Netherlands Anise

by squeezing in muslin, and the paste,

animelle Italy Sweetbreads combined with sugar, equal in weight to the

animelle con limone e capperi Italy

animelle con limone e capperi
original dried beans, and a little salt, is
Poached calf’s sweetbreads, sliced, worked over a low heat until glossy and thick.
annanas South Asia Pineapple

seasoned and floured, sautéed in butter until

annatto A bright orange permitted food colour,

golden, mixed with capers and lemon juice

and served with the pan juices and chopped E160(b), made from the fruit pulp of a South
parsley American tree, Bixa orellana, like bixin and

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Anzac biscuits

norbixin. Must be acidified before use. Also antiboise, à l’ France In the Antibes style, i.e.
antiboise, à l’

called anatto garnished with garlic, cheese and sometimes

annatto lard Red coloured lard used in
annatto lard

antica, all’ Italy In the old-fashioned, classic
antica, all’

Filipino cooking. Made by frying annatto

seeds in the lard then discarding them. style
anticaking agent A compound added to
anticaking agent

annatto seed The seeds of the annatto fruits

annatto seed

of Bixa orellana, usually fried in oil or lard to powdered foods to prevent their particles
impart a subtle flavour and red colour to sticking together. E numbers 530 to 578 are
food. After cooking the seeds are discarded. anticaking agents.
anticuchos South America Kebabs made

annegato Italy Simmered in wine


from marinated ox hearts brushed with a hot

annona Custard apple

chilli sauce and grilled. Common in Peru.

Annot France A ewes’ or goats’ milk cheese

antimycotic Referring to the action of


from Provence compounds which kill, slow down or prevent

anolini Italy Small, half-circle-shaped, stuffed

the growth of moulds, e.g. calcium

pasta similar to ravioli. The stuffing always propionate
contains meat and is often a well reduced antin, fish d’ Poached white fish in a sauce.
antin, fish d’

and sieved meat stew. See also bréval, fish

anona Custard apple

antioxidant A chemical compound of


Anona cherimolia Botanical name synthetic or natural origin which retards the
Cherimoya rate of reaction of the oxygen in the air with
Anona diversifolia Botanical name Ilama foods, thus slowing down the development of
Anona muricata Botanical name Soursop off flavours in fats and the colouring of cut
Anona purpurea Botanical name Soncoya fruit, etc. E numbers 300 to 321. Typical
Anona reticulata Botanical name Bullock’s examples are vitamin E (from soya beans),
heart vitamin C (from citrus fruit or made
Anona spp. Botanical name Custard apples synthetically), BHT (butylated
and related fruits hydroxytoluene), BHA (butylated
Anona squamosa Botanical name Sweet sop hydroxyanisole) and propyl gallate. The last
anone France Custard apple
three are synthetic.
antipasti almagro Italy Seafood salad
antipasti almagro

ansarino Spain Gosling


antipasti assortiti Italy Mixed antipasti of

antipasti assortiti

Anschovis Germany Anchovy


ham, salami, anchovies, olives, fruit, etc.

Ansgar Germany A milder variety of Tilsit

antipasto Italy Starter, hors d’oeuvre, first


cheese made in the west of Germany course of a meal (NOTE: The plural is
ansjos Norway Anchovy

antipasto alla genovese Italy Young broad
antipasto alla genovese

ansjovis Netherlands, Sweden Anchovy


anthocyanin, anthocyan A glucoside plant

beans with sausage
antispattering agent A compound such as
antispattering agent

pigment extracted from grape skins which is

red in acid and blue in alkaline conditions. It lecithin which, when added to fat, prevents
forms coloured complexes with metals e.g. spattering due to water droplets
antistaling agent A compound such as
antistaling agent

grey with iron, green with aluminium and

blue with tin, hence the off colours in e.g. sucrose stearate or glycerol which apparently
canned pears where its reaction with tin slows down the staling of baked goods by
gives the pears a pink colour. See also E163 softening the crumb of the bread
antojitos Mexico Small portions of classical

anthoxanthan A colouring compound in


potatoes and onions which is colourless in Mexican dishes served as snack food for
acid and yellow in alkaline conditions street eating or as appetizers or starters
Anthriscus cerefolium Botanical name (NOTE: Literally ‘what you fancy’.)
añu A South American knobbly yellow tuber

antibiotics Chemicals produced by various
from a perennial climbing plant. See also
moulds which can kill or prevent the growth ysaño
anversoise, à l’ France In the Antwerp
anversoise, à l’

of microorganisms. As they are often

incorporated in animal feeds, residues may (Anvers) style, i.e. garnished with hop shoots
occur in the milk or flesh of the animal. The in cream
anxove Catalonia Anchovy

limits of these residues are strictly controlled

Anzac biscuits Australia Biscuits made with
Anzac biscuits

as continuous ingestion could develop

antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in the rolled oats, self-raising flour, sugar, butter
human gut. and golden syrup (2:2:2:2:1) and a little

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bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water. All with breadcrumbs mixed with melted butter,
the ingredients are melted together, followed by sliced cooking apples and
sometimes with dessicated coconut added. topped with currants soaked in rum. This is
AOC See appellation d’origine contrôlée
baked at 175°C for 10 minutes, then filled
aojiso Japan See green shiso
with a sweetened egg custard made with
aole Italy A fresh water fish
cream, sprinkled with sugar and butter and
baked until the custard is set and browned.
aonegi Japan Spring onions

Apfelmus Germany Stewed apple


aonori Japan Green flaked or shredded nori


Apfelpfannkuchen Germany A pancake with


used as a seasoning
an apple filling
aoshiso Japan See green shiso

Apfelschmarren Austria Pancake batter


aotogarashi Japan A small green hot pepper


mixed with diced apple, cooked (about 1 cm

aoyagi Japan 1. A round clam used raw or

thick) until brown on both sides, broken up

lightly cooked for sushi 2. A large clam, and sprinkled with caster sugar
Mactra chinensis, about 4 cm by 8 cm and 5 Apfelschnitze Germany Apple fritter

cm thick, used throughout Japan for Apfelsine Germany Orange, the fruit

sashimi, sunomono and kakiage. Also called

Apfelstrudel Austria Strudel (filo) pastry rolled

around a mixture of chopped raw cooking
aoyose Japan A natural green food colouring

apples, sultanas, caster sugar and chopped

extracted from spinach leaves nuts, sealed and baked. The pastry may be
apaz onion United States An edible, small
apaz onion

covered on the inside with grated nuts or

wild onion fried dry white breadcrumbs. Also called
apee United States A biscuit (cookie) whose

apple strudel
distinguishing feature is the use of sour Apfeltorte Germany Apple cake

cream in the batter (NOTE: The biscuit is apielsiny v romye z pryanostyami Russia
apielsiny v romye z pryanostyami

named from the initials of its creator, Ann Oranges with spiced rum. Peeled, depithed
Page.) and sliced oranges, marinated and served in
apelsin Sweden Orange, the fruit

a sugar syrup flavoured with cloves and rum.

apem West Africa The Ghanaian name for

apio 1. Arracacha 2. Spain Celery


baby plantain apio-nabo Spain Celeriac


aperitif An alcoholic drink taken before a


Apios tuberosa Botanical name Arracacha

meal Apium graveolens Botanical name Wild
Apfel Germany Apple celery

Apfelbettelmann Germany Chopped, peeled

Apium graveolens var. dulce Botanical
and cored apples, well sprinkled with sugar, name Celery
layered alternately in an ovenproof dish with Apium graveolens var. rapaceum Botanical
a mixture of fine pumpernickel crumbs, name Celeriac
apog Philippines Lime (calcium hydroxide)

sugar, butter and chopped nuts (3:3:2:1)

flavoured with cinnamon and lemon zest, à point France Medium rare, a degree of
à point

starting and finishing with a breadcrumb cooking meat or fish so that protein at the
mixture layer, topped with butter and baked centre of the piece is coagulated but not
at 175°C until apples are soft discoloured or hardened
Apfelbröisi Germany A bread pudding apon West Africa The kernels of the wild
Apfelbröisi apon

containing apples mango tree used, crushed, as a thickener.


Germany As See also ogbono

appa South Asia, Sri Lanka Soft spongy

Ananaskaltschale, but with cooked apples

rubbed through the strainer and garnished breads made from a ground rice, rice flour
with diced apples and sultanas simmered in and coconut milk batter or dough, raised
a light syrup using the fermenting sap of the coconut
Apfelkren Austria Apple and horseradish
palm (although yeast may be substituted)
sauce made from cooking apples simmered and cooked in small, greased and covered
with sugar and lemon juice, mashed and wok-like pans. Eaten for breakfast. See also
mixed with shredded horseradish from the string hoppers
apparecchiato Italy 1. Prepared. Used of

outer part of the root. Served with Viennese

boiled beef (Tafelspitz). food. 2. Laid. Used of the table.
appareil France Food mixture or items for

Apfelkuchen Germany An open apple tart


made with a slightly sweetened pastry preparing a dish, e.g. appareil à crêpes
flavoured with lemon zest and brought ‘pancake batter’
appel Netherlands Apple

together with egg yolks. The base is coated

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apple cream bun

appelbeignet Netherlands Apple fritter eating raw, and, since they keep their shape

äppel-fläsk Sweden Panéed strips


of on cooking, also used for tarts and in other

derinded pork belly, fried until brown, cases where the shape of the cut fruit is
layered in a casserole with sweated sliced important. Cooking varieties are generally
onions and raw, cored but unpeeled, slices acid and become soft and mushy when
of apple, seasoned, moistened with pan boiled, stewed or baked.
äpple Sweden Apple

juices and water, and simmered with a lid on

for 30 minutes. Served with boiled potatoes. apple amber England An 18th-century dish
apple amber

appellation d’origine France The French

appellation d’origine

consisting of peeled chopped apples boiled

certificate of origin for foodstuffs, especially in water with sugar, lemon juice and lemon
wine and cheese. There are only 27 French zest. After cooking the apples are mixed with
cheeses entitled to this certificate. See also whole beaten eggs and baked in the oven
cheese certification (NOTE: Literally ‘label of with a puff pastry cover.
origin’.) apple amber pudding England A shortcrust
apple amber pudding

appellation d’origine contrôlée France The

appellation d’origine contrôlée

pastry case filled with a sweetened apple

French designation that a wine or cheese purée mixed with lemon juice and lemon
has an appellation d’origine which zest, topped with meringue and baked
guarantees the origin of the grapes and the apple banana The small sweet fruit of a
apple banana

yield. Also called AOC tropical herb of the genus Musa with a
appelmoes Netherlands Apple sauce

flavour similar to a mixture of pineapple and

äppelmos Sweden Apple sauce apple

appelsiini Finland Orange, the fruit appleberry Australia The green/yellow fruit of
appelsiini appleberry

appelsin Denmark, Norway Orange, the fruit


a creeper, Billardiera cymosa and B.

appeltaart Netherlands Apple cake
scandiens. It is cylindrical, about 2–3 cm
Appenzell Switzerland Appenzeller
long, and has a fuzzy skin containing
Appenzeller Switzerland A strong, slightly
Appenzeller numerous seeds dispersed through the
bitter, semi-hard, scalded-curd cheese pulpy flesh. The ripe fruits which fall off the
made from whole cows’ milk. It is cast in creeper have a mild aniseed flavour and can
large rounds (6 to 8 kg), and matured in be eaten fresh or used in sauces and baked
brine with wine and spices for 3 to 6 months desserts.
apple bread England A Derbyshire bread
apple bread

to give it its characteristic flavour. It contains

43% water, 28% fat and 26% protein. Also made from dough kneaded with sweetened
called Appenzell apple purée prior to proving
apple brown Betty United States Stewed
apple brown Betty

Appenzellerli Switzerland A spiced sausage


from Appenzell. See also Knackerli apple layered with toasted butter-soaked
appertization The term for the heat-
cake crumbs
apple butter See apple cheese
apple butter

processing of foods at temperatures above

apple cake See Norfolk apple cake
apple cake

120°C, in particular, retorting and high

temperature short time (HTST) processing. apple charlotte A dessert made from apples
apple charlotte

This process does not guarantee complete cooked in butter and sugar flavoured with
sterility but any spores present should be grated lemon zest and ground cinnamon,
non-pathogenic and unable to grow in the placed in a mould lined with stale bread
processed food environment. soaked in melted butter or with browned
appertize, to To subject to heat treatment by bread crumbs, covered in same, baked in
appertize, to

retorting (121°C) or high temperature short the oven and served with apricot or custard
time (HTST) processing (132°C and above) sauce
appetite The desire for food evoked by hunger apple cheese England Whole apples cut so
appetite apple cheese

and the taste, smell or appearance of various as to break open the pips, cooked until soft
foodstuffs in cider, passed through a coarse sieve to
appetitost Denmark A sour buttermilk cheese

allow the pip kernels to pass through, then

appetizer A general name given to small
cooked with an equal amount of sugar and a
items of food served before or at the clove until of coating consistency. Also called
beginning of a meal or at cocktail parties apple butter
apple corer The tube-shaped implement
apple corer

apple The fruit of the apple tree, Malus


sylvestris var. domestica, which requires cool used to remove the core from apples
apple cream bun England A large choux
apple cream bun

winters to fruit. There are thousands of

varieties but only about fifty are commercially pastry spherical bun filled with whipped
available. Dessert varieties are sweetish, cream into which slices of apple poached in
sometimes combined with acid, used for syrup have been folded

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apple crumble

apple crumble Apples, prepared as for apple apple pudding A suet-pastry-lined basin filled
apple crumble apple pudding

charlotte, with a crumble topping baked in with sliced apples mixed with sugar, ground
the oven cinnamon, grated lemon zest, sealed with
apple cucumber A distinctive variety of
apple cucumber

more suet pastry, covered with a cloth or lid

almost spherical cucumber, up to the size of and steamed or boiled for approximately 2
an orange hours
apple sauce Peeled, cored and chopped
apple sauce

apple curd A fruit curd flavoured with puréed

apple curd

unsweetened apples, lemon juice and lemon apples, sweated in butter and a little water,
zest possibly with ground cinnamon and then
apple dumpling Cored apples filled with a
apple dumpling
sieved, liquidized or whisked to a smooth
mixture of butter, caster sugar and possibly sauce
apple sauce cake 1. England A Somerset
apple sauce cake

dried fruit, cinnamon, etc., are enclosed in

short pastry. The tops are decorated and cake made from a spiced cake mixture using
egg-washed. The pastry is pierced and the brown sugar to which unsweetened apple
dumplings are baked in a hot oven for 15 sauce is added prior to folding in the flour,
minutes. spices, salt and dried fruit. Topped with
apple flan The base of a cooked flan case is
apple flan

vanilla butter icing. Also called Somerset

covered with apples cooked as for apple apple cake 2. United States A cake
charlotte and finished in a variety of ways e.g. containing mixed dried fruit, nuts and apple
by being covered with other fruits, nuts or a sauce
purée or mousse of candied chestnuts, by apple schnitz United States Dried apple
apple schnitz

being glazed either with apricot syrup or slices used in Pennsylvanian cooking
melted redcurrant jelly, or by being covered originated by German immigrants
with meringue or dredged with icing sugar. apple slim Ireland A griddle-cooked double-
apple slim

(In the latter two cases, the flan is cooked in crust apple tart
the oven to brown.).
apple snow Apple pulp or purée mixed with
apple snow

apple fritters As for apricot fritters but

apple fritters

substituting peeled, cored and sliced apple
apple soup England Chopped whole apples
apple soup

apple frushie Scotland A plate pie made with

apple frushie

simmered in mutton broth passed through a

shortcrust pastry and a lattice top. For the
strainer and seasoned with ginger and salt.
filling cooking apples are peeled, cored and
May be reheated with pearl barley until the
sliced and laid evenly over the base,
barley is soft.
sprinkled with rose water and covered evenly
apple strudel See Apfelstrudel
apple strudel

with honey. The pie is baked at 200°C for 25

apple turnover Rounds of 3 mm puff pastry,
apple turnover

to 30 minutes, dredged with caster sugar

and served hot with cream. egg-washed, one half of each round heaped
apple hedgehog England An old Dorset
apple hedgehog
with a mixture of finely sliced apples, sugar
dessert of peeled and cored apples which and cinnamon, other half folded over and
are cooked in a pan with three quarters of sealed, egg-washed, baked and glazed with
their weight in sugar and a little water until icing sugar just before finishing
the sugar forms caramel. They are then Applewood England A medium-flavoured

poured into a buttered mould, turned out Cheddar cheese from Somerset, flavoured
and, when set, stuck with almond flakes and with an extract of applewood smoke or
served with cream or custard. smoked over applewood and coated with
apple mayonnaise Scandinavia Equal paprika
apple mayonnaise

quantities of mayonnaise and slightly aprapransa West Africa A thick palm nut stew

sweetened apple purée flavoured with from Ghana containing cooked cow peas,
horseradish sauce palm butter or peanut butter, tomatoes,
applemint One of the common culinary

toasted maize flour and lemon juice. Usually

varieties of mint, Mentha suaveolens, with served on special occasions with smoked
hairy apple-scented bright green leaves, herrings.
used for making mint sauce, mint jelly, apricot A round, orange-coloured fruit with a

stuffings, salads, etc. and as a general rich aromatic flavour from a tree, Prunus
flavouring herb. Also called Egyptian mint armeniaca, of the plum family. Suitable for
äpplen Sweden Apples

stewing, for sorbets and for jam-making;

apple of the Orient Persimmon often preserved by drying.
apple of the Orient

apple pandowdy United States An apple pie apricot flan Flan ring lined with sugar paste,
apple pandowdy apricot flan

made in a dish with spiced sliced apples, pierced, sugared, filled with neatly arranged
covered in a pastry crust half apricots, sugared, baked at 210°C, ring

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arándano agrio

removed, rebaked and glazed as for apple essential fatty acids (EFA’s). It is found in egg
flan yolks and fish oils. Its lack in infant milk
apricot fritters Firm but not overripe halved
apricot fritters

formulae is thought to cause retarded brain

apricots, sprinkled with sugar and development in new born infants. Also called
macerated with kirsch, brandy or rum, dried, AA
dipped in batter and deep-fried, drained, Arachis hypogaea Botanical name The
dredged with icing sugar and glazed groundnut plant whose seed pods, which
apricot glaze Sugar syrup boiled to 115°C,
apricot glaze
grow underground, are the source of
mixed with approximately half its quantity of peanuts
arachis oil Peanut oil
arachis oil

apricot purée, reboiled to 110°C and sieved

apricot ice cream Bombe andalouse Aragackij A round, scalded-curd, semi-hard,
apricot ice cream Aragackij

apricot kernel The small flat kernels of the

apricot kernel

slicing cheese from Armenia made with

apricot stone which must be blanched in ewes’ and goats’ milk matured for 2 months
boiling water and dried in a warm oven to and with a thin dark bluish rind. Contains
detoxify them. Used in Chinese cooking. Also 40% water, 30% fat and 25% water.
called Chinese almond Aragón Spain A semi-hard, firm cheese made

apricot marmalade See apricot glaze

apricot marmalade

with goats’ and/or ewes’ milk curdled with

apricot sauce Apricot jam boiled with water
apricot sauce
rennet, shaped into cones, dry-salted and
and lemon juice, thickened as required with the firm paste containing a few holes ripened
corn flour and strained. Alternatively, very for 1 week. Also called Tronchón
aragosta Italy Lobster (NOTE: Also used of

ripe or drained stewed apricots sieved and

thinned with sugar syrup (28°Be, 1.1 kg langouste, rock lobster, spiny lobster,
sugar per litre water) and reduced to a crayfish and most species of the genus
coating consistency. Palinurus.)
apricot stuffing United Kingdom Roughly aragosta alla fra diavolo Italy Lobster baked
apricot stuffing aragosta alla fra diavolo

chopped destoned apricots mixed with an with a spicy tomato sauce

equal quantity of fine white breadcrumbs aragosta alla griglia con burro Italy Grilled
aragosta alla griglia con burro

seasoned and moistened with water if lobster with melted butter

required. Used for stuffing hams before they aragosta americana Italy Florida lobster
aragosta americana

are covered in pastry. aragosta atlantica Italy Large pink spiny

aragosta atlantica

aprikos Sweden Apricot


lobster of the genus Palinurus

aprikose Denmark, Norway Apricot

aragosta bollita Italy Cold boiled lobster

aragosta bollita

Aprikose Germany Apricot


served with a vegetable salad

Aprikosenkaltschale Germany As Ananas

aragosta mediterranea Italy Spiny lobster

aragosta mediterranea

Kaltschale but with ripe apricots and ground,

araignée de mer France Spider crab
araignée de mer

skinned apricot kernels pushed through the

Aralar A smoked ewes’ milk cheese from the

strainer and garnished with slices of skinned

destoned apricots Basque country. See also Idiazabal
arame Japan A brown variety of seaweed from

aprikos och appel soppa Scandinavia

aprikos och appel soppa

Apricot and apple soup consisting of apricots Japan, Eisenia bicyclis, which is similar to
(fresh or reconstituted dried), cooking wakame. It is dried, cut into strips and used
apples, celery, parsley and bay leaf, as a vegetable, in soup or for flavouring. Also
simmered in a light stock, celery and herbs called sea oak
arance caramellate Italy A dessert of peeled,
arance caramellate

discarded, the whole then liquidized or

passed through a sieve, cream added and depithed and sliced oranges coated with
garnished with toasted almonds sugar syrup and decorated with caramelized
apu lapu Philippines Garoupa, the fish
apu lapu
orange peel
arancia Italy Orange, the fruit

apulid Philippines Water chestnut


arancia cardinale Italy Peeled and

arancia cardinale

ap yeung cheung China A sausage from

ap yeung cheung

Hong Kong containing lean and fat pork, segmented oranges dressed with salt and
preserved duck livers, sugar, soya sauce and olive oil
arancini Italy Croquettes made of savoury rice

rice wine
Arabica coffee A type of coffee from the bush
Arabica coffee
with butter and saffron wrapped around a
Coffea arabica, with a finer flavour than the filling e.g. meat and tomatoes, chicken liver
higher yielding robusta varieties and tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and
arachide France, Italy Peanut
tomatoes or ham and peas, and then fried
arancio amaro Italy Seville orange
arancio amaro

arachidonic acid A polyunsaturated fatty

arachidonic acid

arándano Spain Bilberry


acid which cannot be synthesized by the

arándano agrio Spain Cranberry
arándano agrio

human body and is therefore one of the

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aranygaluska Hungary A sweet dumpling the meat. Cooking is completed in the oven

araruta Arrowroot
and more butter is added at intervals.
Araucaria A genus of pine trees which are the Particularly suitable for white meats.
ardennaise, à l’ France In the Ardennes
ardennaise, à l’

source of pine nuts

araw West Africa A type of couscous made
style, i.e. including juniper berries
Ardennes ham A high-quality cured Belgian
Ardennes ham

from millet. See also karaw

arbi Malaysia, South Asia Yam
ham ranked alongside Parma, York and
arborio rice A medium-grain, superfino,
arborio rice
Bayonne hams. Eaten raw.
ardilla Spain Squirrel

pearly rice grown in northern Italy, used in

ardisone rice Italy A moderately priced semi-
ardisone rice

Italian cooking and for making risotto. It

cooks in 20 minutes and absorbs five times fino oval and slightly sticky rice suitable for
its weight of liquid. Starch is released during minestrone
cooking and makes the grains creamy. Areca catechu Botanical name Betel nut
Arbroath fillet See Arbroath smokie
Arbroath fillet
areca nut Betel nut
areca nut

Arbroath smokie Scotland The original

Arbroath smokie

areganato Italy With oregano


gutted, deheaded haddock or whiting, salted

for 2 hours, hot smoked in less than an hour Arekanuss Germany Betel nut

over oak and about 250 g in weight. Can be Arenga pinnata Botanical name Sugar palm
eaten cold or hot and does not need Arenga sacchifera Botanical name Sugar
recooking. Also called Arbroath fillet palm
Arbroath-style lobster Scotland A dish of
Arbroath-style lobster

arenque Spain Herring


sliced, precooked lobster flesh, mussels and arenque en escabeche Spain Pickled
arenque en escabeche

shrimps cooked in butter. These are bound herring

with a reduced wine- and velouté-based arepa Central America A common street food

sauce, seasoned, flavoured with lemon juice, on Margarita island, Venezuela, made from
placed in lobster shells lined with fried white corn meal, salt and water to form a soft
mushroom slices, covered with sauce and moist dough. This can be deep-fried in small
grated cheese, then glazed and garnished balls stuffed with cheese, meat, fish or
with parsley, anchovies and poached turned beans, or formed into 2.5 cm thick patties
mushrooms. and fried on an unoiled griddle until crusted
arbutus The fruit of the strawberry tree,

on either side, then finished in the oven at

Arbutus unedo, used in preserves and to 180°C for about 20 minutes until hollow.
make an alcoholic drink. Not suitable for When hollow, they are served hot with butter
dessert purposes. or jam.
Arbutus unedo Botanical name Arbutus arequipe South America A dessert made from

arbuz Russia Watermelon


a caramelized milk and sugar mixture, best

arca di noe Italy A small shell fish
arca di noe

made by boiling a tin of sweetened

archangels on horseback United Kingdom condensed milk for 2 hours. Also called doce
archangels on horseback

As angels on horseback but substituting de leite, dulce de leche, cajeta de celaya,

scallops for oysters manjar blanco, natillas piuranas (NOTE: This
Archestratus The Greek author of the oldest
dessert was quite common in the UK during
surviving cookbook, ‘The Life of Luxury’, World War II. Its name derives either from the
dating from 300 BC Peruvian town of Arequipa or from arequipe,
archiduc, à l’ France In the Archduke’s style,
archiduc, à l’
the Andalusian word for rice pudding.)
arête France Fish bone

i.e. coated with a paprika-flavoured white

argan North Africa The plum-sized fruit of the

archimede A pasta shape. See also fusilli

argan tree, Arganta sideroxylon, which grows

arctic char A type of trout, Salvelinus alpinus,
arctic char
in the south of Morocco. These fruits are
found in both fresh and sea water in the pressed for a highly prized oil, which can be
northern hemisphere. It is better tasting than used for cooking, but is more often used in
trout and is best simply baked and served the way that Westerners would use the finest
with butter. See also potted char olive oil. See also amalu
argenteuil, à l’ France In the Argenteuil style,
argenteuil, à l’

Arctium lappa Botanical name Burdock

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Botanical name i.e. garnished with asparagus
argentina Italy Argentine, a small fish similar

ard bhoona South Asia A dry pot roast
ard bhoona
to a sardine
argentine A small silvery fish similar in

employing butter only. The meat is first

seared then placed in a heavy casserole with appearance to a sardine or a smelt but from
a tight-fitting lid with enough butter to cover a different family. The three varieties of

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commerce are the lesser, the larger and the arme Ritter Germany French toast, pain
arme Ritter

deep sea argentine, which latter comes from perdue

Japan. They may be grilled or fried. Armillaria edodes Botanical name
Argentinian jujube A species of jujube which Matsutake
Argentinian jujube

is used for the Bolivian drink chicha. Also Armillaria mellea Botanical name Honey
called mistol jujube fungus
arginine One of the non-essential amino acids armleti Italy Savoury dumplings from Tuscany
arginine armleti

arhar South Asia Pigeon peas


Armoracia rusticana Botanical name

arhrot South Asia Walnut
armoricaine, à l’ France In the Armorican
armoricaine, à l’

ariégeoise, à l’ France In the Ariège style, i.e.

ariégeoise, à l’

containing salt pork, kidney beans, cabbage style, i.e. with brandy, white wine, onions and
and potatoes tomatoes (NOTE: Armorica is the old name for
arigusta Italy Crawfish, crayfish

armotte France Maize flour cooked and mixed


aringa Italy Herring (NOTE: The plural is


with goose fat; similar to polenta and eaten as

a staple carbohydrate in Gascony
aringa alla casalinga Italy A hors d’oeuvre of
aringa alla casalinga

armyanski manny pudding Russia A

armyanski manny pudding

sliced pickled herrings mixed with slices of

pudding made from semolina boiled until
salad onions, cooking apples and boiled
cooked in white wine and water (2:3, 120 g
waxy potatoes, bound with cream and
semolina per litre of liquid) sweetened and
chopped parsley
flavoured with sugar, orange juice and zest
aringhe Italy Herrings

and lemon zest. Egg yolks are then mixed in

arisi pori South Asia Puffed rice
arisi pori

off the heat followed by stiffly beaten egg

arista Italy Loin of pork whites, which are folded in. The whole is

arkshell Cockle
then baked in a mould in a bain-marie at
170°C for 1 hour, cooled slightly, demoulded
arlésienne, à l’ France In the Arles style, i.e.
arlésienne, à l’

and served with lemon-juice-flavoured syrup

garnished with 1-cm-thick aubergine slices
and chopped pistachio nuts.
seasoned, floured and fried in oil, onion rings
arni palikari Greece Fried lamb chump
arni palikari

floured and deep-fried and peeled tomatoes

sautéed in butter chops with fried chopped onions and garlic,
cooked en papillote after layering with
Arles salami A variety of French salami
Arles salami

tomato slices and oregano, potato slices,

Armada Spain A semi-hard, sharp-tasting

seasoning and Faseri or Gruyère cheese

cheese made from cows’ colostrum and slices before wrapping. Papillotes brushed
matured for two months. Also called with oil and baked for 1.5 hours at 180°C.
Calostro, Sobado
arni se lathoharto Greece Small steaks from
arni se lathoharto

armadillo sausage United States A Texan

armadillo sausage

boned leg of lamb, larded with garlic and

speciality sausage made from 4 parts cooked en papillote for 3 hours in the oven
armadillo meat to 1 part breadcrumbs with olive oil, red wine, seasoning, chopped
flavoured with allspice, sage, crushed black fresh marjoram and dried oregano
peppercorns and salt
arni yiouvetsi Greece A trimmed leg of lamb
arni yiouvetsi

armagnac France A brandy from the


is piquéed with sliced garlic, rubbed with

Southern Bordeaux region, used for lemon juice, oregano and seasoning, and
flavouring roasted with chopped onion. The lamb is
Armenian bole Very finely powdered ferric
Armenian bole

reserved. The defatted pan juices are mixed

oxide (iron oxide) used to colour food orange with tomato purée, seasoning and cooked
or red. See also E172 pasta, sprinkled with grated Parmesan or
Armenian bread A standard bread containing
Armenian bread

Kefalotiri cheese, and reheated in the oven,

sesame and toasted sunflower seeds made before being served around the roast lamb.
into flat loaves and spread with a paste of Arnold Bennett omelette An omelette
Arnold Bennett omelette

grated Parmesan cheese, eggs, cumin, covered with flaked smoked haddock mixed
chopped walnuts and pepper before baking with grated Parmesan cheese, cooked one
but after proving side, top side dressed with cream and
Armenian cucumber United States A
Armenian cucumber

grilled, served unfolded (NOTE: The dish was

sweetish cucumber which grows in a coiled named after the novelist Arnold Bennett and
shape 25 to 50 cm long created for him at the Savoy.)
Armenian wax pepper chilli United States A aroma The pleasant fragrance of food caused
Armenian wax pepper chilli aroma

long waxy-skinned yellow chilli pepper with a by a complex mixture of volatile chemicals
relatively mild sweet taste released during, or produced by, the cooking

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process, but lost by evaporation and steam arricchito Italy Enriched, e.g. with cream

distillation; hence the necessity for careful arròs a banda Catalonia Rice cooked in a fish
arròs a banda

control of the time and temperature of the broth

cooking process. The aroma of food has arròs a la cubana Catalonia Boiled rice with
arròs a la cubana

important effects on both the feeling of well- tomato sauce, egg and banana
being and on the digestive system. arroser France 1. To baste 2. To sprinkle with

aromate France Aromatic material, e.g.


a liquid
herbs, spices, etc. arròs negre Catalonia The famous Catalan
arròs negre

aromatic With a fragrant, slightly spicy and


dish of cooked rice, squid, monkfish,

slightly pungent smell. Used of herbs, spices shellfish, onions, garlic and tomatoes with
and vegetables which impart flavour and fish stock, olive oil and squid ink (NOTE:
aroma to a dish. Literally ‘black rice’.)
aromatic sauce White bouillon, boiled and
aromatic sauce

arrosticini all’abruzzese Italy Skewers of

arrosticini all’abruzzese

infused with thyme, savory, marjoram, lamb, marinated in olive oil with seasoning,
chives, chopped shallots, peppercorns and marjoram and garlic and grilled over
grated nutmeg for 10 minutes, strained, charcoal
thickened with a blond roux, cooked out and arrostino annegato alla milanese Italy
arrostino annegato alla milanese

finished with lemon juice and chopped and Boned loin of veal, rolled around calves’ liver,
blanched tarragon and chervil tied or skewered, cut into thick slices, slices
aromatic vegetables Carrots, leeks, onions
aromatic vegetables

sprinkled with chopped sage, rosemary and

and celery. Used for flavouring stocks, salt, floured, fried both sides in oil, stewed in
sauces, soups, etc. the oven in white wine, lemon juice and
aromatize, to To add flavours and aromas to
aromatize, to

brown stock, glazed to finish and served with

an aqueous or oily liquid by respectively risotto and the reduced, thickened and
boiling or frying herbs and spices in it and strained cooking liquor
then removing them arrostire Italy To roast

Arômes de Lyon France A strong-tasting

Arômes de Lyon

arrostiti Italy Roasted


cheese made from goats’ and/or cows’ milk, arrosto Italy 1. Roasted 2. Roast meat or

ripened in white wine for a month, dried for a anything baked in the oven, e.g. arrosto-di
month and wrapped in chestnut or plane bue, roast beef; arrosto-di castrato, roast
leaves mutton; arrosto-d’agnello, roast lamb;
aromi Italy Culinary herbs

anguilla-arrosta, grilled eels

Aroserli Switzerland Pork and beef-paste

arrosto di maiale Italy Scored leg of pork,

arrosto di maiale

sausages. See also saucisses d’Arosa salted, oiled, sealed in the oven at 220°C for
arpajonnaise, à l’ France In the Arpajon
arpajonnaise, à l’

25 minutes, then basted with a mixture of

style, i.e. including haricot beans white wine, finely chopped carrots, garlic
arracacha 1. A leguminous plant, Apios and pepper. Cooking continues in this

tuberosa, from North America whose roots basting liquor at 190°C until done. Served
can be cooked liked potatoes and also used with red cabbage and mashed potatoes.
in desserts. Also called apio 1 2. The arrosto di maiale ubriaco Italy A tied, boned
arrosto di maiale ubriaco

Peruvian carrot, Arracacia xanthorrhiza, a pork loin larded with carrots, floured,
native of Colombia whose roots are used like browned in butter, braised slowly in grappa
potatoes or turned into a flour used for bread (or brandy), red wine, nutmeg, bay leaves
and pancakes and seasoning until tender and served sliced
Arracacia xanthorrhiza Botanical name with the cooking liquor (NOTE: Literally ‘tipsy
Arracacha, the Peruvian carrot pork’.)
arracanato Italy With oregano arrotolato Italy Rolled up
arracanato arrotolato

arraia Portugal Skate arrowhead A water plant, Sagittaria

arraia arrowhead

Arran cheese Scotland A hard, moist, close-

Arran cheese

sagittifolia, with arrow-shaped leaves. Both

textured, rindless cheese made on the the leaves and roots are used in Chinese
Scottish island of Arran from whole cows’ cooking.
milk. The usual size is just less than 1 kg. arrowroot England, France A starch powder

Arran potato salad Scotland Cooked and

Arran potato salad

obtained from the root of a West Indian plant,

cubed waxy potatoes and beetroot mixed Maranta arundinacea, used for thickening
with finely chopped shallot and chopped where a clear, glossy glaze is required. Also
herbs and dressed with a vinaigrette. Cooked called araruta (NOTE: It loses its thickening
peas or broad beans are arranged around power if overcooked.)
the edge of the bowl. arroz Philippines, Portugal, Spain Rice

arrayán Spain 1. Myrtle 2. Bog myrtle arroz abanda Spain Fish stew served on rice
arrayán arroz abanda

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artichauts de Jerusalem

arroz a la alicantina Spain A fish stew made arrurruz Spain Arrowroot

arroz a la alicantina arrurruz

with additions of pepper, garlic, artichoke arsekka Italy Mussel (colloquial)


hearts and saffron, served on rice arselle Italy Scallop


arroz blanco 1. Spain White rice 2. Mexico

arroz blanco

arsuma Italy An uncooked custard similar to


Long-grain rice fried in garlic-flavoured oil zabaglione made with whole eggs whipped
until white, cooked slowly with 2.5 times its with sugar and dry white wine
weight of water or chicken stock and finely Artemisia dracunculoides Botanical name
chopped onion, carrot, chilli and parsley or Russian tarragon
coriander Artemisia dracunculus Botanical name
arroz con camaron seco Mexico Rice with
arroz con camaron seco

dried fish. Same as arroz con pollo but with Artemisia lactiflora Botanical name White
dried shrimps reconstituted in boiling water mugwort
and tinned tuna fish substituted for the Artemisia vulgaris Botanical name Mugwort
poached chicken. ärter Sweden Peas. Also called ärtor

arroz con frijoles Mexico Rice with beans,

arroz con frijoles

ärter med fläsk Sweden The Swedish

ärter med fläsk

the staple dish of Mexicans. Long-grain rice national soup of split yellow peas and pork.
fried in garlic-flavoured oil until golden, the See also gula ärter med fläsk. Also called
oil discarded and the rice simmered with a ärter och fläsk
green chilli, chicken stock, chopped onion ärter och fläsk Sweden Ärter med fläsk
ärter och fläsk

and parsley, tomato purée and cooked beans

artichaut France Artichoke

plus the bean cooking liquor until all the

artichauts, purée d’ France Artichoke soup
artichauts, purée d’

liquid is absorbed.
artichauts à la barigoule France Trimmed
artichauts à la barigoule

arroz con leche Spain Rice pudding

arroz con leche

and blanched globe artichokes from which

arroz con pimenton Mexico Rice with sweet
arroz con pimenton

the choke has been removed, filled with

red pepper. As arroz con frijoles but with
duxelles enriched with chopped ham and
liquidized sweet red peppers and julienned
herbs, wrapped in salt pork fat, braised in
peppers substituted for the beans and their
white wine or brown stock then the fat
cooking liquor.
discarded, and served with a reduced brown
arroz con pollo Mexico A Mexican variant of
arroz con pollo

sauce made with the cooking liquor

paella made with rice fried until pale yellow in
artichauts à la grecque France Globe
artichauts à la grecque

garlic-flavoured oil and simmered in chicken

artichoke hearts cooked à la grecque
stock until all the liquid is absorbed, together
artichauts à la provençale France Small
artichauts à la provençale

with: a whole onion and chilli which are later

discarded; sealed and poached chicken trimmed artichokes placed in hot oil,
meat; tomato purée; a macédoine of carrots seasoned, covered and cooked for 10
and potatoes, peas, shredded cabbage, minutes, fresh peas and shredded lettuce
runner beans and red sweet pepper. The added, and the whole tightly sealed and
whole is garnished with chopped parsley. cooked slowly in the juices from the
arroz con rajas Mexico An oven-baked dish
arroz con rajas

artichauts Cavour France Small tender

artichauts Cavour

of layers of arroz blanco, sliced sweet

peppers, sour and single cream, sliced artichokes, trimmed to egg shape, cooked in
Cheddar-type cheese and seasoning, topped white bouillon, drained, dipped in melted
with cheese butter and coated with a mixture of grated
Parmesan and Gruyère cheeses, coloured in
arroz con verduras Mexico Arroz blanco with
arroz con verduras

the oven and served with chopped hard-

sweet corn, peas and macédoine of carrots
boiled egg fried in butter and mixed with
added prior to cooking in water or stock
anchovy essence and chopped parsley
arroz de grano largo Spain Long-grain rice
arroz de grano largo

artichauts Clamart France Trimmed and

artichauts Clamart

arroz doce Portugal Rice pudding

arroz doce

divided artichokes with choke removed,

arroz parillada Spain Chicken, sausage,
arroz parillada

cooked slowly in the oven in water with diced

pork, onions, tomatoes, string beans and carrots, fresh peas, bouquet garni and salt;
artichoke hearts fried together and served in when cooked, bouquet garni removed,
a mould with rice cooking liquor thickened with beurre manié
arroz refogado Portugal Savoury rice with an
arroz refogado

and the whole served in same dish. A simpler

onion and tomato sauce alternative has cooked artichoke bottoms
arroz valenciana Spain Rice pilaff made with
arroz valenciana

filled with a sieved purée of the bases of the

chopped chicken meat, ham, red and green sepals and piled with cooked young new
sweet peppers and boletus edible fungi, peas (petits pois).
served with a tomato-flavoured demi-glace artichauts de Jerusalem France See
artichauts de Jerusalem

sauce Jerusalem artichoke

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artichauts Grand Duc

artichauts Grand Duc France Trimmed Arundel mullets England A 17th-century

artichauts Grand Duc Arundel mullets

medium-sized artichokes cooked in salt Sussex dish made from small, cleaned and
water, drained, and arranged in a circle on a washed mullets, simmered in a court
dish coated with cream sauce; napped with bouillon for 10–15 minutes, served with a
same, sprinkled with grated Parmesan reduced sauce made from the cooking
cheese and melted butter and glazed. liquor, sweated onions, lemon juice, white
Served with buttered asparagus tips in the wine, herbs, chopped anchovies, seasoning
centre, and a slice of warm truffle and melted and nutmeg
meat glaze on each artichoke. arval cake A cake given to mourners at
arval cake

artichauts grosse horloge France Cooked funerals in the north of England (NOTE: The
artichauts grosse horloge

artichoke bottoms covered with mussels and name is derived from the Old English word
cockles and topped with a béarnaise sauce arfwol ‘inheritance ale’, used to designate the
flavoured with reduced shellfish cooking feast given by the heir of a deceased king.)
liquor arvi Indonesia Yam

artichauts Stanley France Small trimmed

artichauts Stanley

arvi leaf Dasheen leaf

arvi leaf

artichokes or artichoke bottoms cooked over arwa chawal South Asia Long-grain rice
arwa chawal

a layer of sliced, blanched onions and raw asadero Mexico A cooking cheese made from

ham with white wine and thin béchamel cows’ milk (NOTE: Literally ‘good for
sauce; cooking liquor reduced, sieved and roasting’.)
finished with butter, then poured over the
asado 1. Mexico, Spain Grilled or roasted,

cooked artichokes; the whole sprinkled with

a brunoise of ham often with garlic, ham, red pepper and
saffron 2. Argentina An outdoor barbecue 3.
artichoke A plant of the thistle family, Cynara

Philippines A method of cooking meat by

scolymus, whose unopened flower buds are simmering in soya sauce with bay, onion,
used in cooking, particularly the base of the tomato and peppercorns
bracts and the base of the immature flower.
asados South America Spit-roasted meat from

The choke consisting of the immature petals

and stamens, etc. is removed. See also Uruguay
asadura Spain Offal

Jerusalem artichoke, Chinese artichoke,

asafoetida A rather unpleasant hard resin

Japanese artichoke. Also called globe

artichoke, French artichoke obtained from the root or stem latex of some
artichoke, Jerusalem See Jerusalem
artichoke, Jerusalem
species of Ferula, F. asafoetida, F. narthex,
artichoke which grow in Afghanistan and Iran. The
powdered form is used sparingly in Indian
artichoke bottom The flower base of the
artichoke bottom

cookery, and the taste improves when it is

globe artichoke after the choke and bracts
briefly fried in hot oil. Also known as devil’s
have been removed. Often used to hold
dung for obvious reasons. The related
garden plant is highly poisonous. Also called
artichoke heart A small immature globe
artichoke heart

artichoke with the tips of the bracts cut off.
asam Indonesia Tamarind

The choke has not formed at this stage.

asam gelugor Malaysia Dried slices of
asam gelugor

artichokes Greek style See artichauts à la

artichokes Greek style

asam java Malaysia Tamarind
asam java

artichoke soup Basic soup made with

artichoke soup

asam jawa Indonesia, Malaysia Dried slices of

asam jawa

artichokes. Also called artichauts, purée d’

tamarind pulp
artificial sweeteners Chemical and natural
artificial sweeteners

asam koh China Tamarind paste

asam koh

products other than those containing sugars

asam pedas Indonesia Fish or meat cooked in
asam pedas

used to sweeten food and drink

a hot (chilli hot) and sour sauce or cooking
Artischocke Germany Artichoke

artisjok Netherlands Artichoke

asar 1. Mexico, Spain To roast 2. Spain To grill


Artocarpus communis Botanical name

asar a la parrilla Spain To grill
asar a la parrilla

Breadfruit tree
asarijiru Japan Cleaned and debearded

Artocarpus heterophyllus Botanical name

Jackfruit tree mussels, simmered in dashi until open;
ärtor Sweden Peas. Also called ärter
unopened mussels discarded; mirin added
and all simmered for a further 5 minutes;
ärtsoppa Sweden Pea soup. See also gula

mussels removed and kept warm whilst the

ärter med fläsk soup is seasoned and flavoured with soya
arugula Rocket

sauce and shichimi togarashi; mussels

arum root Snake palm plant
arum root

served in their shells with the soup

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asatsuki Japan Spring onion removed and the meat chopped before it is

asa wat East Africa Freshwater fish served in

asa wat
finished with nano dok.
ashe reste Iran Meatballs possibly flavoured
ashe reste

a hot berbere sauce from Ethiopia

asciutto Italy Dry or drained. Used only of
with cinnamon, boiled in water or stock with
items such as pasta, gnocchi, rice, etc. kidney beans, lentils, fine noodles,
which could otherwise be served in stock. seasoning, chopped parsley, spinach and
Persian leek, finished with dried mint and
ascorbates Salts and esters of L-ascorbic acid

fried garlic
(vitamin C) used as antioxidants. Sodium,
ashet Scotland A dish in which meat is

E301, calcium, E302 and 6 ortho-palmitoyl,

roasted or cooked
E304 are used in the food industry.
ash gourd Wax gourd
ash gourd

ascorbic acid Vitamin C used to prevent

ascorbic acid

Ashley bread United States A type of bread

Ashley bread

oxidation and thus browning reactions and

colour changes in foods. Also used as a flour from the south made from a rice flour bread
improver. See also E300 (NOTE: Strictly, this mix and cooked in a casserole
Asiago d’allevo Italy A hard, granular, semi-
Asiago d’allevo

should be known as L-ascorbic acid, the

biologically active laevo-form.) fat, sharp, grating cheese from the
northwest. It is made from a mixture of
ascorbyl palmitate A chemical compound
ascorbyl palmitate

skimmed and full cream milk, curdled with

derived from ascorbic and palmitic acids
lactobacillus and scalded, and cast into large
used as an agent to prevent staling
rounds (8 to 12 kg). It can be aged up to 2
ascorbyl stearate A chemical compound
ascorbyl stearate

years and becomes sharper with aging. The

derived from ascorbic and stearic acids used minimum fat content is 24% of dry matter.
as an antioxidant
Asiago grasso di monte Italy A semi-soft
Asiago grasso di monte

a-sein thanat sohn Burma A hors d’oeuvre

a-sein thanat sohn

cooked curd, mellow summer cheese made

consisting of blanched vegetables and spring in the northwest from raw whole cows’ milk
onion pieces with a sauce of tomato with numerous holes and a delicate flavour
concassée mixed with finely chopped green Asiago pressato Italy A white, scalded-curd,
Asiago pressato

chillies, salt and sugar mild-tasting cheese from the northwest, cast
asepsis The prevention of contamination of a

in large rounds (11 to 15 kg) with a white to

sterile or appertized food with organisms that pale straw paste containing a few irregular
can cause spoilage holes and a thin elastic rind. It is matured for
aseptic packaging Packaging of food to 20 to 40 days. It contains 37% water, 23%
aseptic packaging

ensure asepsis either by filling in unsterilized fat and 33% protein.

containers at 124°C, closing and leaving at Asian leek A variety of small thin leek, Allium
Asian leek

temperature until all contaminants are ramosum, grown in China and Japan. The
inactivated, or by filling the food in sterilized central white part is used in cooked dishes
containers in an apparatus which is itself and the green leaves are used as a garnish.
sterilized where they can be sealed. The Asian mussel A greenish-black shelled
Asian mussel

second method is generally used only where mussel, Perna virides, commonly found and
large numbers of containers are to be cooked in Southeast Asia. The flesh is
packed. sometimes dried or deep-fried as a snack
Ashburton open pasty England A Derbyshire
Ashburton open pasty

pasty made from a large rectangle of puff Asian pear The crisp, white, pear-flavoured
Asian pear

pastry 1 cm thick, covered with stewed fruit, fruit of a Japanese tree, Pyrus pyrofolia or P.
soaked dried fruit, mincemeat or jam to 3 ussuriensis, now also cultivated in New
cm. from edges, edges turned to centre and Zealand. The shape varies from apple to
baked at 220°C for 20 minutes. pear. The juicy semi-sweet flesh has a
Ashdown partridge pudding England A fragrant flavour and is enclosed in a golden
Ashdown partridge pudding

Sussex dish consisting of a savoury suet skin rather like a russet apple. It is eaten raw
pastry pudding filled with joints of old or as a garnish e.g. with game. Also called
partridge, sliced rump steak, mushrooms, Japanese pear, Beijing pear, Peking pear,
herbs, seasoning, moistened with red wine snow pear, nashi
and stock. Steamed for 3 hours. Asiatic yam A very heavy yam, Dioscorea
Asiatic yam

ashe anar Central Asia A thick Iranian soup

ashe anar

alata, (up to 10 kg) grown in Southeast Asia.

made with lamb shanks, yellow split peas, The plant is distinguished by the winged
beetroot, onion and spinach, flavoured with petioles of the leaves. Also called winged
coriander leaves, Persian leek, spring yam, greater yam
asida North Africa Cooked semolina served in

onions, lemon juice and about one fifth its

volume of pomegranate juice. The bones are Morocco with honey

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asier Denmark Sweet pickled cucumber used asparagus sauce Cooked asparagus,
asier asparagus sauce

as a garnish liquidized with white stock and white wine,

Asimina triloba Botanical name Papaw strained, seasoned and cream added
asparagus soup Basic soup without leek and
asparagus soup

asino Italy Donkey


asparagi alla Fiorentina Italy Boiled

asparagi alla Fiorentina
using chicken stock and fresh asparagus
asparagus browned in butter and garnished trimmings or a tin of asparagus, finished with
with a fried egg cream or milk. Also called crème d’asperges
asparges Denmark, Norway Asparagus

asparagi al Parmigiano Italy Tender, cooked

asparagi al Parmigiano

aspargesbønner Norway French beans, the


asparagus with grated Parmesan cheese and

melted butter pods
aspartame A dipeptide made from the two

asparagi e funghi al burro Italy Diagonally

asparagi e funghi al burro

cut 25 mm pieces of asparagus and similar amino acids, aspartic acid and the methyl
sized pieces of mushrooms, sautéed ester of phenylalanine, used as an artificial
(asparagus first) in butter with seasoning sweetener with roughly 180 times the
until dry and al dente, served immediately sweetening power of sucrose. It is a risk to
asparagi pasticciati con uova Italy Peeled
asparagi pasticciati con uova
persons suffering from phenylketonuria (1 in
asparagus stalks cut into 5 cm lengths, 15,000 Europeans), and a warning to this
boiled until tender, drained and mixed with effect should be on all containers. Used in
sliced onion cooked to transparency in soft drinks, yoghurts, drink mixes and
butter; beaten eggs with seasoning and sweetening tablets.
aspartic acid A non-essential amino acid
aspartic acid

grated Parmesan cheese added while the

asperge France, Netherlands Asparagus

mixture is hot and stirred until scrambled;

cream added and the whole served asperges à la flamande France Cooked
asperges à la flamande

immediately with the cooked asparagus tips asparagus served with a sauce made from
as a garnish hard-boiled yolk of egg combined with
asparago Italy Asparagus

melted butter. The sauce may be made at

asparagus A perennial plant of the lily family,
the table by each guest from individually
Asparagus officinalis. The young shoots are served portions of hot hard-boiled egg and
removed in spring. White asparagus is cut melted butter.
asperges à la milanaise France Cooked
asperges à la milanaise

below ground when the tips protrude about 5

cm above ground. Green asparagus is cut at asparagus laid in rows on a buttered dish
ground level when the shoots are about which has been sprinkled with grated
15cm long. Asparagus should be used as Parmesan cheese; points sprinkled with
fresh as possible, scraped, carefully washed same; the whole coated with brown butter
and cooked in plenty of boiling salted water. and glazed lightly. Also called asperges à
See also sprue l’italienne
asperges à la polonaise France Cooked
asperges à la polonaise

asparagus bean A long (up to 40 cm) green

asparagus bean

bean, Dolichos sesquipedalis, with a frill asparagus arranged in rows, the tips
down four sides, which can be cooked whole sprinkled with a mixture of chopped hard-
when young in the same way as French boiled yolk of egg and parsley, the whole
beans. The dried ripe beans of some coated with brown butter and fine white
varieties are sold as black-eyed beans. Also breadcrumbs which have been fried to a
called yard long bean, long bean, yard bean golden brown in butter
asperges à l’italienne France Asperges à la
asperges à l’italienne

Asparagus officinalis Botanical name

Asparagus milanaise
asperges au gratin France Cooked
asperges au gratin

asparagus pea A leguminous plant from

asparagus pea

southern Europe, Lotus tetragonolobus or asparagus arranged in rows, tips and one
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, with a flower third of remaining stalk coated in Mornay
rather like a small sweet pea with smooth sauce, uncoated stalk protected with
brown seeds and grown extensively in buttered paper, sauce sprinkled with grated
Southeast Asia. The pods can be eaten like a Parmesan cheese and the whole glazed.
mangetout when not longer than 6 cm and Also called asperges Mornay
asperges Mornay France Asperges au gratin
asperges Mornay

preferably 3 cm. Also called Goa bean,

winged pea (NOTE: Not to be confused with aspergesoep Netherlands Asparagus soup

the asparagus bean.) Aspergillus flavus Botanical name The

asparagus royale Half-cooked asparagus
asparagus royale

mould which produces aflatoxin. It is a strict

tips, cold béchamel sauce, cream, green aerobe.
spinach for colouring and egg yolk, mixed, Aspergillus niger Botanical name One of the
sieved and poached as a royale principal moulds used in the production of

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food-grade citric acid, and for the production cut in slices; the whole filled with aspic jelly
of enzymes such as glucose oxidase and and demoulded when set
pectinase aspic of foie gras An aspic-lined mould
aspic of foie gras

Aspergillus oryzae Botanical name A fungus decorated with truffle and cooked egg white,
or mould used to ferment rice in the first filled with slices or scoops of cooked foie
stage of soya sauce and miso production gras, each coated with cool aspic; the whole
Aspergillus parasiticus A mould which filled with aspic and demoulded when set
grows on cereals, potatoes and onions and Aspik Germany Aspic

produces aflatoxin
assad South Asia Cubed pork shoulder,

Aspergillus sojae One of the moulds used to

coated with a paste of ginger, garlic, turmeric
ferment soybeans and rice to make miso
and seasoning, fried in ghee until coloured,
asperula Italy Sweet woodruff

then simmered with water, cinnamon stick,

aspérula olorosa Spain Sweet woodruff
aspérula olorosa

cloves, dried chillies and mace until tender

aspic England, France, Italy, Spain A savoury

assadeiro Portugal A large, shallow roasting


jelly made with the appropriate clarified pan

stock (meat, chicken or fish) flavoured with
assado Portugal Roasted

vegetables, herbs, sherry, etc. with added

assaisoner France To season

gelatine if required, mainly used for

assam jawa Southeast Asia Tamarind
assam jawa

decorative larder work (NOTE: Nowadays

assam tea A high-quality tea from Assam in
assam tea

instant aspic granules at 70 g per litre of

water are usually used.) northeast India
aspic de bécasses France The leg flesh and assiette France Plate
aspic de bécasses assiette

intestines of roast woodcock pounded assiette anglaise France A plate of assorted

assiette anglaise

together with brandy and aspic jelly and sliced cold meats and sausages
sieved, piled onto slices of breast, cooled, assiette de charcuterie France A plate of
assiette de charcuterie

covered with a brown chaud-froid sauce, assorted sliced sausages

placed breast uppermost in an aspic-lined
assonza Italy Lard flavoured with hot pepper

mould, filled with aspic jelly and demoulded

when set and fennel seeds, spread on toast
assorted hors d’oeuvres A variety of hors
assorted hors d’oeuvres

aspic de volaille à l’italienne France An

aspic de volaille à l’italienne

aspic-lined mould is decorated with slices of d’oeuvres served separately in raviers or

truffle and filled with alternate layers of similar dishes, e.g. potato salad, niçoise
julienne of cooked chicken breast, slices of salad, egg mayonnaise, rice salad,
cooked red ox tongue and truffle, each layer anchovies, cauliflower à la grecque, tomato
separated by cool aspic jelly. The whole is salad, Russian salad. The assortment should
filled with aspic jelly and served with salade have contrast of colour, taste and texture.
assorti France Assorted

italienne and sauce remoulade.

assortito Italy Assorted

aspic de volaille gauloise France An aspic-

aspic de volaille gauloise

ast, a l’ Catalonia Spit-roasted

ast, a l’

lined mould is decorated with slices of truffle,

then filled with alternate layers of slices of astaco Italy The crayfish, Astacus fluviatilis,

chicken, cockscombs coated with brown also the popular name for lobster
chaud-froid sauce, chicken kidneys coated astaco americano Italy True lobster
astaco americano

with white chaud-froid sauce and slices of ox

astakos me latholemono Greece Lobster
astakos me latholemono

tongue. All are cooked, each layer being

flesh, dressed with a mixture of olive oil,
separated with aspic jelly. The whole is
lemon juice, chopped marjoram and
demoulded when set.
seasoning, piled in the pregrilled half lobster
aspic d’ortolans France Cold roast whole
aspic d’ortolans

shells, brushed with more dressing, grilled

buntings (not boned out) placed breast side for 8 minutes and served immediately
down in a border mould coated with aspic,
astaxanthin The pink colouring in a small

filled with aspic jelly and demoulded when

shrimp-like creature which gives the pink
set (NOTE: Buntings are no longer served as
colour to the flesh of salmon. Now fed to
food in the EU.)
farmed salmon which are generally pinker
aspic mould A decoratively-shaped mould,
aspic mould

than wild.
usually metal, used for aspic-bound and
astice Italy Plural of astaco

coated foods
astringent A liquid such as lemon juice or a

aspic of fillets of sole A fish-aspic-lined

aspic of fillets of sole

mould, decorated and filled with either solution of tannin which tightens up the skin
cooled and aspic-coated poached and or mucous membranes of the mouth
asukal Philippines Sugar

trimmed fillets of sole or paupiettes of sole

asupara Japan Asparagus

stuffed with a fish forcemeat and truffle and

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ata A wholemeal flour used for making atmospheric steamer A device used to cook
ata atmospheric steamer

unleavened breads. See also atta foods in live steam at atmospheric pressure,
atap chee Malaysia Palm nut
atap chee
Condensation of steam on the surface of the
atemoya A hybrid variety of custard apple,
food or its container gives the highest rate of
genus Anona, derived from the cherimoya heat transfer available with the exception of
and the sweet sop high-temperature radiant heat. The food
temperature is limited to 100°C.
athénienne, à l’ France In the Athenian style,
athénienne, à l’

atole Mexico A thin porridge or thick gruel of


i.e. garnished with onion, aubergine, tomato

maize flour (masa harina) or corn flour, boiled
and sweet red pepper, all fried in oil
with water, milk, cinnamon, sugar and
atherine A small silvery fish similar in

puréed fresh fruit. Served hot for breakfast.

appearance to the lesser argentine, usually
atole de arroz Mexico As atole, but made
atole de arroz

grilled or fried
with rice or rice flour and flavoured with
Atherton raspberry Australia One of the wild
Atherton raspberry

raspberries available commercially in Atriplex hortensis Botanical name Orach
Queensland. As it deteriorates quickly it is atsu-age Japan Lightly fried bean curd

usually only available frozen. See also wild

atta South Asia A wholemeal flour used for

making unleavened breads such as
athol brose Scotland A dish consisting of a
athol brose

chapatis, puri and paratha. Also called ata

gruel made by pouring boiling water over
attar Middle East A spice shop in Arab

oatmeal with whisky and honey added for

flavour. Sometimes most of the oatmeal is
attelette France The small silver skewer used

to present attereaux after cooking or for
atis Philippines Rose apple

certain garnishes
atjar Shredded cabbage and other

atterato Italy A method of serving vermicelli


vegetables. See also acar with butter, pine nuts and chocolate
Atlantic blue crab See blue crab
Atlantic blue crab

attereaux France Hors d’oeuvres consisting of


Atlantic butterfish See butterfish 1

Atlantic butterfish

thin slices of various cooked (e.g. meats) or

Atlantic catfish Catfish raw (e.g. vegetables) ingredients on a
Atlantic catfish

Atlantic cod The name given in North

Atlantic cod
skewer, coated in a reduced sauce, panéed
America to cod caught in the North Atlantic and deep-fried just before serving, garnished
Ocean with fried parsley and possibly presented on
a mound of rice (socle) or on fried bread
Atlantic croaker A seawater fish,
Atlantic croaker

attereaux à la florentine France Attereaux

attereaux à la florentine

Micropogonia undulatus, found off the North

American coast, up to 1 kg in weight and au Parmesan
attereaux à la genevoise France Attereaux of
attereaux à la genevoise

with lean delicately flavoured flesh

Atlantic deep sea scallop A large North
Atlantic deep sea scallop
chicken livers, lambs sweetbreads, brains,
Atlantic scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, mushrooms, truffles, artichoke hearts coated
fished off the American coast with a well-reduced duxelles sauce, when
cool covered with a forcemeat mixed with
Atlantic mackerel Mackerel
Atlantic mackerel

beaten egg, panéed, deep-fried and served

Atlantic salmon The wild salmon of the
Atlantic salmon

Atlantic, Salmo salar, with medium oily pink attereaux à la princesse France Attereaux
attereaux à la princesse

flesh and a mild flavour, which can weigh up au Parmesan

to 18 kg. It can be distinguished from farmed
attereaux à la royale France Attereaux au
attereaux à la royale

salmon by signs of wear especially on the tail

fin. Cooked in any way and often smoked.
attereaux au Parmesan France Semolina
attereaux au Parmesan

Atlantic silverside A slender round oily

Atlantic silverside

cooked in just sufficient white bouillon,

seawater fish, Menidia menidia, 13 to 15 cm
mixed with grated Parmesan cheese and
long with a translucent green back and silver
butter, spread out 0.5 cm thick to cool into a
bands lengthways along the sides. It is
stiff paste, cut into 2.5 cm rounds and
caught on the Atlantic coast and in the alternated with similar slices of Gruyère
estuaries of North America, and usually fried
cheese on a skewer, panéed, deep-fried and
or grilled. served immediately. Also called attereaux à
Atlantic squid Loligo forbesi, a slightly larger
Atlantic squid

la florentine, attereaux à la princesse,

variety of squid than the Mediterranean, but attereaux à la royale
otherwise similar attereaux d’huitres à la Villeroy France
attereaux d’huitres à la Villeroy

Atlantic sturgeon Common sturgeon

Atlantic sturgeon

Attereaux of oysters alternating with slices of

Atlantic thread herring See thread herring
Atlantic thread herring

cooked mushrooms on a skewer coated with

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aumônières surprise

sauce Villeroy reduced with juices from the aubergines à la serbe France As for
aubergines à la serbe

oysters, panéed, deep-fried and served aubergines à l’égyptienne but filled with a
immediately mixture of chopped cooked mutton, tomato
attereaux Villeroy France Attereaux coated flesh and onions chopped and cooked in
attereaux Villeroy

with sauce Villeroy butter, plain boiled rice, crumbed and

ättika Sweden Vinegar
gratinéed and served with tomato sauce and
chopped parsley. Also called aubergines à la
attorta Italy An S-shaped cake from Umbria

made from flour, ground almonds, sugar and
aubergines à la turque France Aubergines à
aubergines à la turque

lemon zest
la serbe
atum Portugal Tuna fish

aubergines à l’égyptienne France

aubergines à l’égyptienne

atún Spain Tuna fish


Aubergines cut in half lengthwise, flesh cut

au France In the style of; used before

away from edges and scored, aubergines

masculine French nouns (NOTE: Also means deep-fried, then the flesh removed from
‘with’ or ‘in’.) skins. Skins arranged in a buttered dish,
aubergine England, France, Italy The purple
filled with a mixture of chopped flesh and
fruit of an East Indian annual plant, Solanum chopped onions cooked in oil, oiled, baked
melongena, of the same family as the tomato for 15 minutes and served topped with
and deadly nightshade. Generally violet to sautéed sliced tomato and chopped parsley.
aubergines à l’orientale France Peeled
aubergines à l’orientale

deep purple in Europe and North America

and up to 30 cm long, but can be white or aubergines cut lengthwise into slices,
deep yellow streaked with purple and the seasoned, floured, deep-fried, made into
size of a hen’s egg. The bitter taste of some sandwiches with a filling of chopped fried
varieties is removed by sprinkling with salt aubergine and tomato flesh, white
and allowing to drain. Also called eggplant, breadcrumbs, seasoning and garlic
garden egg, Guinea squash flavouring. Filled aubergines placed in an
aubergines à la bordelaise France Salted
aubergines à la bordelaise
oiled dish, sprinkled with oil and baked for
and drained slices of aubergine, seasoned, 30 minutes. Served hot or cold.
aubergines au gratin France As for
aubergines au gratin

floured and sautéed in olive oil with finely

chopped shallots, white breadcrumbs used aubergines à l’égyptienne but filled with a
to absorb the excess oil, the whole served mixture of chopped aubergine flesh and
with lemon juice and chopped parsley or duxelles, arranged in a dish, sprinkled with
grilled with olive oil and coated with white breadcrumbs and oil, baked and
bordelaise sauce served with tomato sauce
aubergines à la crème France Aubergines aubergines frites France Aubergines cut in
aubergines à la crème aubergines frites

cut in 0.5 cm slices, salted and drained for 1 thin round slices, seasoned, battered or
hour, dried, cooked in butter and mixed with panéed, deep-fried and served immediately
cream sauce Auflauf Germany 1. Omelette 2. Baked soufflé

aubergines à la napolitaine France Peeled

aubergines à la napolitaine

Aufschnitt Germany Cold meat


aubergines, cut lengthwise in slices, Aufschnittwurst Switzerland A scalded


seasoned, floured, deep-fried, reformed with sausage (Brühwurst) made with pork and
tomato purée flavoured with Parmesan beef
cheese between the slices, arranged in a
Augsburgerwurst Germany A lightly smoked

dish coated with tomato sauce, sprinkled

with grated Parmesan cheese, oiled and cooking sausage made with chopped lean
buttered and baked pork and back fat, flavoured with cinnamon,
cloves, nutmeg, seasoning and a little
aubergines à la parisienne France As for
aubergines à la parisienne

saltpetre, filled into beef runners and air-

aubergines à l’égyptienne but filled with a dried for 4 days before being smoked
mixture of chopped aubergine flesh, white
augurk Netherlands Gherkin

meat, marrow or bacon fat, egg yolks, stale

augurken Netherlands Pickles

breadcrumbs, nutmeg and seasoning, then

Auld Reekie plum cake Scotland A rich fruit
Auld Reekie plum cake

baked in the oven

aubergines à la provençale France As for
aubergines à la provençale
cake flavoured with whisky (added at the
aubergines à l’égyptienne, but filled with a flour folding stage) and chopped preserved
mixture of aubergine flesh, onions and ginger
aumônières surprise France A dessert made
aumônières surprise

tomato flesh, all coarsely chopped and

cooked in oil, fresh breadcrumbs, chopped from thin sweet pancakes or crêpes with a
parsley, seasoning; flavoured with garlic, centre filling of fruit salad, ice cream, etc.,
gratinéed and served with tomato sauce pulled up into a bag or purse shape and tied

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with a blanched strip of angelica or liquorice, autocondimentor A person who seasons any

and served on a coulis of fruits meal placed in front of them, whatever it is

Aunus France A small triangular-shaped and regardless of how much seasoning it has

cheese from Charente made with ewes’ milk already had and of how it tastes
Aura Finland A semi-soft, blue-veined cheese autolysed yeast Yeast cells which have been
Aura autolysed yeast

made from whole cows’ milk, cast in 2.5 kg subjected to limited and controlled autolysis
rounds. Contains 45% water, 28% fat and to liberate cell contents and change their
24% protein. flavour. The result which looks like thick
Auricularia auricula Botanical name Jew’s molasses in appearance is used in
ear vegetarian cooking and as a sandwich
Auricularia polytricha Botanical name spread.
Chinese mushroom autolysis The process by which cells are

aurin France Grey mullet


broken down by their own enzymes or acid

aurore, sauce England, France Suprême
aurore, sauce

products when dead. In the early stages cell

sauce, lightly flavoured with either tomato contents are released adding to flavour but
purée or sieved tomato concassée and later the material becomes putrid. The
finished with butter. Used for boiled chicken, process occurs when meat is hung or when
poached eggs, etc. fish goes bad.
aurore maigre, sauce France As sauce automatic boiler A boiler with an automatic
aurore maigre, sauce automatic boiler

aurore but using fish stock to make the water feed designed to produce fresh boiling
velouté base. Used for fish. water on demand
Ausbackteig Germany Dough or flour-based autrichienne, à l’ In the Austrian style, i.e.
Ausbackteig autrichienne, à l’

paste or pâte including soured cream, paprika, onions and

aush Central Asia A dish from Afghanistan of

noodles made with a flour and water dough, autumn partridge pot England A Norfolk dish
autumn partridge pot

boiled and mixed with cooked spinach, of jointed older partridges passed through
yellow split peas and chakah. Served with seasoned oatmeal and slowly casseroled
keema. between diced bacon and mushrooms,
aushak Central Asia A type of ravioli from

onions and tomatoes with stock and red wine

Afghanistan, filled with a mixture of chopped flavoured with cloves, bay, thyme and
leeks, chilli peppers, salt and oil, and seasoning
poached in the usual way. Served in chakah, autumn pudding England As summer
autumn pudding

sprinkled with rubbed dried mint and topped pudding, but using stewed autumn fruits
with keema. such as apples, plums and blackberries, etc.
Auster Germany Oyster, originally the

autumn vegetable soup England A variety of

autumn vegetable soup

European flat oyster diced vegetables, sweated in butter and

Austerpilz Germany Oyster mushroom cooked in vegetable stock with a bouquet

Australian barracuda Snoek

Australian barracuda
garni until just tender
available nutrients Nutrients in food which
available nutrients

Australian black bream Australia A typical

Australian black bream

bream-shaped fish, Acanthopagrus can be digested and absorbed in the body.

butcheri, quite common in Victorian waters. Some become unavailable when bound to
Generally 0.5 to 1.5 kg in weight, they have another compound, e.g. avidin in raw egg
white, delicately flavoured flesh. The upper whites binds biotin to make it unavailable.
body is green to blackish, and the belly and Cooking frees the biotin.
chin are white. Also called southern bream avaisances Belgium Meat-filled pastries

Australian fondant icing See plastic icing

Australian fondant icing

avanzi Italy Leftovers


Australian oyster An oyster, Crassostrea

Australian oyster

avdrakla Greece Purslane


commercialis, grown off the coasts of aveia Portugal Oatmeal


Australia and New Zealand aveline France Filbert


australique Australia Ortanique


avella Italy Hazelnut


Austrian pancakes A type of sweet soufflé

Austrian pancakes

avellanas Spain Hazelnuts


omelette. See also Salzburger Nockerln

ave maria Italy Short tubes of pasta used in
ave maria

Austro/Malaysian laksa Australia A

Austro/Malaysian laksa

soups. See also cannolicchi

Malaysian laksa flavoured with lemon aspen
avena Italy, Spain Oats

and lemon myrtle

avena a medio moler Spain 1. Oat grits 2.
avena a medio moler

autoclave A high-pressure-steamed and


steam-heated chamber which cooks food Coarse oatmeal

avern Scotland Wild strawberry

very rapidly and which is also used to sterilize

aves Portugal, Spain Poultry

canned and bottled food

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Aylesbury game pie

aves de corral Mexico Poultry

aves de corral awayukikan

awayukikan Japan A dessert made from

avgolemono Greece A sauce made by agar-agar and caster sugar dissolved in

combining egg yolks or whole eggs with boiling water (1:50:60) cooled to less than
lemon juice and stock then cooking in a 60°C, beaten into stiffly beaten egg whites
double boiler until thick. Alternatively a (one fifth of the weight of the sugar) and
reduced velouté sauce thickened with a poured into a mould or dish and decorated
mixture of egg yolks and lemon juice. Also awenda bread

awenda bread United States A bread of

called saltsa avgolemono Amerindian origin made from hominy grits
avgolemono soupa Greece A soup made with
avgolemono soupa

ayam Indonesia, Malaysia Chicken

chicken stock and rice with eggs, lemon ayam bakar

juice and seasoning ayam bakar Malaysia Chicken pieces coated

avgotarabo The salted and dried roe of grey
with a paste of pounded garlic, lemon grass,
mullet used as an appetizer and for making laos, turmeric and salt, left for 50 minutes,
taramasalata. Also called botargo (NOTE: boiled in water with bay leaves, soya sauce
Recorded as being eaten by Samuel Pepys and butter for 30 minutes until the cooking
on the 5th June 1661.) liquor is reduced to coating consistency,
then grilled to finish
avidin A component of egg white which

ayam goreng jawa

impairs the uptake and utilization of the ayam goreng jawa Indonesia A dish of
vitamin biotin in the body. One of a number chicken cut in pieces, simmered until tender
of protective chemicals in the white whose in water, with chopped shallots, garlic,
function is to prevent bacterial attack of the coriander powder, laos powder, lemon grass,
yolk. It is inactivated by heat. grated nutmeg, cinnamon, bay leaves,
avocado The pear-shaped fruit of a species of
brown sugar and salt until most of the liquid
subtropical laurel, Persea americana, with a is absorbed, drained, cooled and deep-fried
rough, thick, green to dark brown skin, a until golden brown
creamy yellow flesh and a large single stone,
ayam kecap

ayam kecap Indonesia A dish of poached

usually eaten as a starter or salad, but also chicken pieces, tossed with a fried pounded
used as an ingredient of guacamole. The spice mixture of onion, garlic and deseeded
flesh mixed with grated nutmeg is said to be red chillies, simmered with chicken stock,
a male aphrodisiac. Also called avocado nutmeg, cloves, strained tamarind purée and
pear, alligator pear soya sauce until tender
avocado mousse Purée of avocado flesh,
avocado mousse
ayam opor

ayam opor Indonesia A dish of chicken pieces

mixed with lemon juice, icing sugar, and hot fried in a pounded spice mixture (garlic,
gelatine solution, cooled, whipped cream onion, macadamia nuts and coriander
folded in, moulded, set and demoulded seeds), stewed with coconut milk, laos,
avocado oil Cooking oil extracted from the
avocado oil

lemon grass, lime leaves, bay leaves, salt

pulp of damaged avocados. Contains about and sugar until tender and garnished with
20% saturated, 65% monounsaturated and crisp fried onions
15% polyunsaturated fats. ayam panggang kecap

ayam panggang kecap Southeast Asia

avocado pear See avocado
avocado pear

Roasted chicken cut into four pieces,

avocado soup See sopa de aguacate
avocado soup

flattened, marinated with dark soya sauce,

avocat France Avocado

chopped shallots, garlic, chilli powder, lemon

avocat épicure France The diced flesh of
avocat épicure

or lime juice and sesame seed oil for 1 hour

halved avocados, mixed with diced gherkins, then reheated under the grill
walnuts, mayonnaise and paprika, replaced Aylesbury duck

Aylesbury duck England One of the 2

in the empty half skins, garnished with standard duck breeds, the other being pekin.
pickled walnut and served on crisp lettuce It matures in about 7 weeks and contains a
avocat Singapour France The diced flesh of
avocat Singapour

lot of fat.
halved avocados, sprinkled with vinegar, Aylesbury game pie

mixed with crab meat, mayonnaise, cream

Aylesbury game pie England A
and lemon juice, replaced in the empty half Buckinghamshire terrine made in a dish
skins and served on crushed ice with crisp lined with bacon from alternating layers of
lettuce and lemon slices seasoned forcemeat (pork fat, leg meat, liver,
etc.) and diced meat from hare, chicken and
avoine France Oats

pheasant previously marinated in brandy,

avron Scotland Cloudberry

thyme, bay and seasoning, covered with

awabi Japan Abalone

marinade and bacon, sealed and oven-

awasi East Africa A type of Ethiopian mustard cooked in a bain-marie for 3 hours. May be

sauce served hot or cold and demoulded.

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ayran Middle East A yoghurt-based drink qualities, light, heavy, oily, dry, hot and cold.

similar to lassi, but flavoured with cardamom Eating should be a leisurely activity and a
seeds (two pods per 100 ml of yoghurt) period of quiet after a meal should also be
Ayrshire bacon Scotland Bacon from
Ayrshire bacon
observed. Steaming is considered the best
Ayrshire which has its rind removed after method of cooking, and the attitude of the
curing and is tightly rolled and secured with cook, who should be serene and tranquil, is
string important.
azafrán Spain Saffron

Ayrshire galantine Scotland A galantine of

Ayrshire galantine

azarole The Naples medlar, Crataegus


minced bacon and beef shoulder steak

mixed with breadcrumbs, nutmeg, mace azarolus, a native of the Mediterranean with
and seasoning, bound with egg and stock, a crisp fruit the size of a crab apple
rolled in a cloth, simmered in water with containing 3 or 4 hard seeds. It is eaten fresh
aromatic vegetables, removed from the or used for jam making. Also called Naples
cloth, pressed until set, glazed with aspic medlar, Mediterranean medlar
jelly and served cold azêda Portugal Sorrel

Ayrshire gigot Scotland A boned, rolled and azêdo Portugal Sour

Ayrshire gigot azêdo

tied gammon joint azeitão Portugal A soft, mild, ewes’ milk


Ayrshire meat roll Scotland A mixture of

Ayrshire meat roll

cheese made in cylinders (up to 250 g) with

minced Ayrshire bacon, minced stewing a creamy fine textured tangy flavoured paste
steak, finely chopped onions, eggs, white and a yellow rind. Eaten with a spoon.
breadcrumbs, nutmeg and pepper, rolled azeite Portugal Olive oil

and wrapped in a floured cloth, simmered for azeitonas Portugal Olives


two hours, removed from the cloth and azijn Netherlands Vinegar

coated with toasted breadcrumbs

azodicarbonamide See E927

Ayrshire roll Back bacon, skinned, rolled and

Ayrshire roll

azorubine Carmoisine

tied. Available in Scotland.

azúcar Spain Sugar

Ayrshire shortbread Scotland A Scottish

Ayrshire shortbread

azúcar de pilón Spain Sugar lump

azúcar de pilón

shortbread using less butter than the

azúcar en cortadillo Spain Cube sugar
azúcar en cortadillo

standard recipe but enriched with egg and

azúcar en cuadrillo Spain Sugar lumps
azúcar en cuadrillo

azúcar en polvo Spain Granulated or caster
azúcar en polvo

ayu Japan Freshwater trout


ayurveda South Asia A science of living which

azuki bean See adzuki bean
azuki bean

offers guidance on food, menus, cooking

azul A nondescript, dense, strong-tasting blue

techniques and conditions in which food

should be eaten. In brief it recommends cheese made in Latin America from
fresh vegetarian food but definitely not red pasteurized and homogenized cows’ milk,
meat and that a balanced meal should similar to the equally nondescript Danish
contain a little of each taste and quality. Six blue. Contains 43% water, 31% fat, 22%
tastes are distinguished, sweet, salt, sour, protein.
bitter, pungent and astringent and six azyme France Unleavened

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baby beef

baak dau gok China The light green variety of baby beef United States Meat from a beef
long bean animal between 14 and 52 weeks old, no
baak kwo China Ginkgo nut longer veal, but not yet true beef
baby bel France A small, soft, whole cows’
baby bel

baars Netherlands 1. Perch 2. Bass


baba 1. Poland A Polish cake resembling a

milk cheese similar to Edam and covered in
long gathered skirt (NOTE: Literally ‘an old red wax
baby corn See miniature corn
baby corn

woman’.) 2. France A light-textured cake

made from a sweetened yeast-raised dough, baby’s head England Steak and kidney
baby’s head

often baked in small or large ring moulds or pudding (colloquial; navy)

in dariole moulds. May be soaked in syrup bacalaitos Caribbean Puerto Rican fried fish

flavoured with rum or liqueur and/or filled cakes made with cod
with cream. Served hot or cold. bacalao Spain Dried cod, salt cod, cod or ling

baba au kirsch France A baked baba cake

baba au kirsch

bacalao a la ajo arriero Spain Cod cooked in

bacalao a la ajo arriero

soaked in kirsch-flavoured sugar syrup a garlicky sauce with parsley and pepper
baba au rhum France A baba cake baked in
baba au rhum

bacalao a la vizcaína Spain Poached salt

bacalao a la vizcaína

a small ring mould, soaked in rum-flavoured cod, boned, floured and browned in oil;
syrup and the centre filled with whipped
bread cubes, raw ham, garlic, chopped
cream onions, bay leaf and ñoras added and
babaco A hybrid of the paw paw, Carica

sweated until tender; pimenton and

papaya, which when cut across resembles a poaching liquor added and cooked for 10
five pointed star. The soft pulp has a pleasant minutes; fish reserved; cooking liquor
mixed-fruit taste. Originally from Ecuador but liquidized, sieved, seasoned and sugared,
now grown in New Zealand. Also called star and its consistency adjusted, then poured
fruit over salt cod and all heated through
babaghanouji An Armenian aubergine pâté;

bacalao al pil-pil Spain Cod cooked in olive

bacalao al pil-pil

the same as baklazhannaia ikra except that oil, from the Basque region
parsley is substituted for coriander and
bacalao seco Spain Stockfish
bacalao seco

pomegranate seeds are added at the same

bacalhau Portugal Dried salt cod used as a

time as the parsley

babaofan China Glutinous rice pudding with
staple protein food in Portugal
bacalhau à portuguêsa Portugal Casseroled
bacalhau à portuguêsa

eight ingredients. Also called eight treasure

rice salt cod with tomatoes, onions, potatoes and
babassu The Brazilian palm, Orbignija
sweet peppers
bacalhau cozido Portugal Salt cod boiled
bacalhau cozido

speciosa or O. martiana, whose nuts yield a

valuable oil. with vegetables
babbelaar Netherlands Butter cake bacalhau fresco à portuguêsa Portugal Cod
babbelaar bacalhau fresco à portuguêsa

babelutten Belgium A caramel biscuit

steaks fried in oil with aubergines, tomatoes,
babeurre France Buttermilk
onions and garlic. Served with rice.
bacallà Catalonia Salt fish, also cod

babi guling Indonesia Roast pork

babi guling

bacca Italy Berry (NOTE: The plural is bacche.)


babi lemak Southeast Asia A pork stew from

babi lemak

Singapore made with coconut milk, onions, baccalà Italy Salt cod

blachan, herbs and spices baccalà alla bolognese Italy Salt cod cooked
baccalà alla bolognese

baboy letsonin Philippines Roast sucking pig

baboy letsonin

in butter and oil with garlic and pepper

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baccalà alla cappuccina

baccalà alla cappuccina Italy Salt cod Backpulver Germany Baking powder
baccalà alla cappuccina Backpulver

cooked with oil, vinegar, parsley and garlic Backstein Germany The Bavarian version of

baccalà alla genovese Italy Salt cod grilled

baccalà alla genovese

Limburger cheese
and served with oil, lemon juice and boiled Backteig Germany Batter for deep-frying

potatoes Backwerk Germany 1. Cakes 2. Pastries


baccalà alla napoletana Italy Salt cod, fried

baccalà alla napoletana

bacon England, France, Spain The flesh of


in oil then stewed in a sauce of tomatoes,

pork, divided in two halves along the
garlic, oil and capers
backbone, then dried and preserved by
baccalà alla veneziana Italy Salt cod
baccalà alla veneziana

treatment with salt, saltpetre and spices.

browned in oil with onion and stewed in a These remove water from the meat and have
thick anchovy sauce some antibacterial action. Commercial
bacche Italy Berries

curing methods leave more water in the flesh

bac cua Vietnam Ginkgo nut
bac cua

by including polyphosphates and do not give

bachelor’s button United States A round
bachelor’s button

a bacon which keeps as well as the

sweet biscuit with a cherry in the centre traditionally cured or dry-cured variety.
Bachforelle Germany Brown trout Bacon may be smoked after curing to

bacile France Samphire, C. maritimum.

enhance the flavour. It is usually sold after
Bacillus cereus A bacterium which grows on boning.
baconer A pig bred for bacon to give a high

rice, usually found in temperate countries in

spore form. The spore will germinate after yield of back bacon, generally long with little
cooking and lead to growth of the vegetative fat and small head and legs
form which can cause food poisoning. There bacon froise England A plain flour, egg and
bacon froise

are 2 strains, one has an incubation period of milk batter into which whisked egg white is
1 – 5 hours, a duration of 6 – 24 hours and folded, half added to a buttered fry pan and
the symptoms are nausea and vomiting and cooked until set, crisp bacon pieces added,
occasionally diarrhoea; the other has an the remaining batter added, cooked and
incubation period of 8 – 16 hours, a duration turned to brown both sides
of 12 – 24 hours and the symptoms are bacon rasher A thin slice cut at right angles to
bacon rasher

abdominal pain, diarrhoea and occasionally the backbone from a side of bacon. Also
nausea. called rasher
Bacillus licheniformis Bacteria which can bacon strip United States Bacon rasher
bacon strip

produce a toxin causing diarrhoea and

bacoreta Spain Little tunny

vomiting. The incubation period is 4 – 8

bacteria The plural form of bacterium.

Bacillus subtilis Bacteria which can produce Important in the food industries are
a toxin causing vomiting, abdominal pain Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter,
and diarrhoea. The incubation period is 2 – Staphylococcus, Listeria, all of which are
18 hours. food poisoning organisms and Lactobacillus
back bacon That part of the side of bacon
back bacon
spp. and Streptococcus spp., etc. which are
which, if uncured, would be pork loin or used in the production of various foodstuffs.
shoulder chop See under each heading. See also food
backen Germany To bake
poisoning bacteria
bacterial count The number of bacteria per
bacterial count

Bäckerei Germany 1. Pastries 2. Patisserie


unit weight or volume of a foodstuff, which is

back fat Hard fat from the back of the pig,
back fat

indicative of food quality in some cases

usually specified for high-quality sausage
bactericide A chemical which kills actively

Backhendl Austria Panéed chicken fried in
growing bacteria
bacterium A single-celled micro-organism

lard or oil
Backhuhn Germany Panéed and fried
which replicates by growth and then division.
chicken Some are beneficial, some harmful. See
examples under entry bacteria.
Backobst Germany Dried fruit

badaam South Asia Almond


Backobstkompott Germany Mixed dried fruit,


badasco France The Provençal name for the


soaked overnight then simmered in a sugar

water syrup (4:5) with a cinnamon stick and fish, rascasse, used in fish soups and
lemon rind until the fruit is all tender, then bouillabaisse
badèche France Sea bass

drained and covered with the reduced

cooking liquor. Served hot or cold and Badischer Hecht Germany Pike fillets with
Badischer Hecht

possibly flavoured with liqueur or spirits. button onions, covered in sour cream half
Backpflaume Germany Prune

baked in the oven then finished by

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gratinating with breadcrumbs and grated killed at the battle of Borodino in 1812 and
cheese has various dishes named after him.)
baecheoffe Switzerland Baked potato baguette France Long, thin, crusty French
baecheoffe baguette

baechu Korea Chinese leaves

bread, about 250 g weight and formed on a
baeckoffe France A meat and potato hotpot
cloth. Not baked in a tin. The top is slashed
from the Alsace region of France made from in a characteristic diagonal pattern before
boneless stewing meat marinaded in Alsace baking. (NOTE: The form originated in Paris in
Riesling wine with chopped onions, garlic the middle of the 19th century, where it was
and herbs, layered with potatoes and onions, introduced from Vienna by the Austrian
covered in the marinade; the pot then sealed embassy. It rapidly became popular
and cooked in the oven for up to 4 hours at throughout France.)
baharat Middle East A spice mix from the

175°C (NOTE: Literally ‘baking oven’.)

bagaceira Portugal The Portuguese
Persian Gulf consisting of nutmeg, black
equivalent of marc or grappa, a type of rum peppercorns, coriander seeds, cumin seeds,
made with sugar cane residues cloves, green cardamom, paprika and
cayenne pepper and used with meat and
bagel A Jewish bread roll made by forming the

dough into a ring, then briefly boiling after
Bahia Washington

proving and prior to baking

bai cai China Pak choy
bai cai

baggiana Italy A bean, tomato and basil soup


baie France Berry


from Umbria
baie de ronce France Wild blackberry
baie de ronce

baghar South Asia A mixture of sliced onions


baigan South Asia A long thin aubergine


and possibly other vegetables, flavoured with

bai guo China Gingko nut
bai guo

chopped garlic, chillies and whole spices,

bai horapa Thailand Basil
bai horapa

fried in ghee or clarified butter and used as a

topping for dhal bai karee Thailand Curry leaf
bai karee

baghlava Iran Baklava bai krapow Thailand Purple basil

baghlava bai krapow

bai magrut Thailand Makrut lime leaves

bai magrut

baghrir North Africa A fine semolina and flour


pancake from Morocco usually eaten at bai mak nao Cambodia Lemon grass
bai mak nao

breakfast. It is cooked on one side only and baingan South Asia Aubergine

has a distinctive honeycombed appearance. bainiku Japan Puréed umeboshi plums


Often served with butter and honey or khli’. added to dips and sauces to give a tart
bagna 1. France A small Niçoise salad served

on a round bun with the centre scooped out, bain-marie England, France A dish to contain

eaten as street food (colloquial; Provence) 2. boiling or hot water in which other dishes are
Italy A regional name for sauce stood for cooking or to keep them warm at
bagna cauda Italy A mixture of melted butter
bagna cauda

temperatures below boiling. May be specially

or olive oil, chopped anchovies, garlic, and made with appropriate containers.
basil, served hot with raw or cooked bain-marie, au France Method of cooking an
bain-marie, au

vegetables item in a container placed in a pan of water

Bagnes et conches Switzerland A hard so as to prevent it reaching too high a
Bagnes et conches

delicately flavoured cheese temperature

bairm breac Ireland Barm brack
bairm breac

bagnet Italy The name for sauce in Piedmont


bai sa ra neh Thailand Mint

bai sa ra neh

bagnomaria Italy See bain-marie


baiser France Two meringue shells


bagolan Philippines Cuttlefish


bagoong Philippines Salted shrimps or small

sandwiched together with whipped cream
fish fermented in a closed jar for several (NOTE: Literally ‘a kiss’.)
bai toey hom Thailand Screwpine
bai toey hom

weeks and used as a flavouring or

bajai halászlé Hungary A fish and potato
bajai halászlé

condiment. The liquid which is drawn off is

used as a fish sauce known as patis. soup from Baja
bajoue France Pig’s cheek

Bagozzo Italy A cooked-curd, grana-type


bajra South Asia Bulrush millet


cheese with a very hard yellow paste

containing fine holes. It has a sharp flavour bakagai Japan A type of large clam. See also

and a red rind, and is often sliced and grilled. aoyagi (NOTE: The name is sometimes
Bagration Russia A veal and chicken

incorrectly used for mirugai which is a

consommé flavoured with bay, thyme and different species.)
bake 1. United States A North American term

dill and served hot over cooked asparagus

tips and garnished with sour cream (NOTE: for a social gathering at which baked or
Named after General Bagration who was barbecued food is served, e.g. ‘clam bake’ 2.

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bake, to

Caribbean A type of biscuit from Trinidad baked pudding United Kingdom As steamed
baked pudding

made from plain flour, butter and baking pudding but cooked uncovered at 180°C in
powder (25:6:1) by the rubbing-in method, an oven for about an hour until well risen
brought together with coconut milk and bakelse Sweden A sweet pastry or small cake

either baked, griddled or fried bake pan United States A large rectangular
bake pan

bake, to

bake, to To cook in an oven with dry heat. straight-sided shallow pan without a cover,
Heat is transferred by radiation from the hot used for oven-baking
metal surfaces or by convection from natural baker’s cheese United States A soft, smooth
baker’s cheese

or forced circulation of hot air or gas- type of cottage cheese made from a
combustion products. Sometimes steam pasteurized skimmed milk with a lactic
may be added to increase the relative starter culture. Extensively used in the
humidity and reduce the loss of weight by bakery trade. Contains 74% water, 0.2% fat
evaporation of water. Baked goods are and 19% protein.
usually brown on the outside. baker’s dozen Thirteen of anything, a bonus
baker’s dozen

of one over the regular dozen

bake and shark

bake and shark Caribbean A local snack food

baker’s yeast A particular strain of the yeast
baker’s yeast

from Trinidad and Tobago consisting of shark

meat marinated in lime juice, then coated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suitable for
seasoned flour, fried and placed between bread making. Sold as a beige, crumbly,
two fried bakes solid cake, usually containing about 75 to

bakeapples Cloudberries 80% free water. Must be used fresh.

bakery An establishment where cakes and

bake blind, to

bake blind, to To bake an unfilled pastry case bread are baked, often with a shop attached
in a tin by lining the inside with foil or
Bakewell pudding England A thickish
Bakewell pudding

greaseproof paper and filling this with dried

beans or grain so as to prevent the case irregular puff pastry case lined with jam and
filled with an almond-flavoured egg, butter
losing its shape. After the pastry has set, the
and sugar mixture, eaten hot or cold (NOTE:
filling is removed and the pastry case is
So called from the town of Bakewell in
finished in the oven.
baked Alaska
baked Alaska Very cold ice cream placed on Bakewell tart England A shortcrust pastry
Bakewell tart

a sponge cake, covered with meringue and case lined with jam and filled with an almond
baked in a hot oven so that the meringue is cake mixture, baked and finished with icing
browned whilst the ice cream remains solid. (NOTE: So called from the town of Bakewell in
Also called Norwegian omelette, omelette Derbyshire.)
soufflée surprise, omelette norvégienne baking chocolate Unsweetened or bitter
baking chocolate

baked apple

baked apple United Kingdom A cored apple chocolate used in cooking. See also bitter
with skin on, stuffed with sultanas, brown chocolate
sugar and cinnamon powder and baked in baking powder A chemical raising agent
baking powder

the oven as a dessert made from a finely ground mixture of two

parts cream of tartar to one part bicarbonate
baked bananas

baked bananas Peeled bananas, halved,

baked with rum, brown sugar, lemon juice of soda which liberates carbon dioxide gas
and butter and served with whipped cream on heating. Domestic baking powders
or ice cream replace some of the cream of tartar with an
baked batter pudding
acid phosphate which is slower to act and
baked batter pudding England A Yorkshire
gives more time for preparation and cooking.
pudding batter baked in the oven with sweet
baking sheet A heavy steel sheet, usually
baking sheet

or savoury solid additions

baked beans rectangular with raised edges on 3 sides, on
baked beans Cooked navy beans (from the which rolls, biscuits, etc. are cooked in the
USA) in a tomato sauce. The tinned variety oven. The unraised edge is to facilitate
are an important source of protein and fibre sliding the baked goods onto a cooling rack.
in Europe and North America, especially for See also baking tray
children. The navy bean is now being baking soda See bicarbonate of soda
baking soda

replaced in some brands by European

baking tray A steel sheet with a raised edge
baking tray

varieties of the haricot bean.

baked custard
all around or on three sides for use in an
baked custard United States Crème oven. Various shapes are available for pizzas,
renversée tarts, etc., or a rectangular tray can be used
baked egg custard

baked egg custard An egg custard mix of as a base for flan rings and smaller
eggs, sugar, milk and flavourings, baked in containers. See also baking sheet
baklava, baklaoua A Middle Eastern,

the oven until set and browned, sometimes

in a pastry case. (4 to 5 eggs per litre). Armenian and Greek dessert made from

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Balmoral shortbread

layers of filo pastry interspersed with diluted palm vinegar, flaked and mixed with
chopped nuts, ground almonds, fried sliced onions, green and red chillies,
breadcrumbs, sugar, spice, butter, etc.; after sweet green peppers, ginger, garlic and
baking at 170°C for 50 minutes, soaked in spices and finished with dried shrimp
sugar syrup or honey, cooled and cut into powder and lemon juice
squares or diamonds. The Armenian version baleron Poland A popular smoked pork

is usually baked in a round pan and sausage

prescored in a diamond pattern and cut into balichow South Asia A South Indian relish of

diamonds after baking. minced prawns. See also balachong

baklazhannaia ikra Southwest Asia A
baklazhannaia ikra

balik Turkey Fish


Georgian pâté made from the flesh of roasted ballach Ireland Wrasse, the fish

aubergines, simmered with chopped and

Ballater scones Scotland Flour, butter and
Ballater scones

sweated spring onions and green sweet

buttermilk (8:1:5) with 1 dsp of salt, 1 dsp of
peppers, skinned tomatoes and cayenne
bicarbonate of soda and 2 dsp of cream of
pepper until all cooked and thick, mixed with
tartar per kg of flour, dry ingredients mixed,
chopped coriander and lemon juice and
butter rubbed in, and all brought together
cooled with the buttermilk. Formed into rounds by
bakonyi betyárleves Hungary A thick soup of
bakonyi betyárleves

hand, cut in quarters, docked and baked at

chicken, beef, noodles, mushrooms and 220°C for 10 to 15 minutes. Eaten warm.
vegetables. Also called outlaw soup baller A food preparation implement

bakonyi gombamártás
bakonyi gombamártás

Hungary A consisting of half a hollow sphere with sharp

mushroom sauce from Bakony edges on the end of a handle. Used for
bakudai Japan A type of pea used as a

cutting out balls from melons, cucumbers,

garnish for sashimi and salads. The pods are root vegetables, ice cream, cheese, cooked
steeped in tepid tea to make them open and gizzards, etc. Made in various sizes.
the seeds are removed and washed prior to ball garlic Bulb garlic
ball garlic

use. ballon France A boned joint of meat tied into


balabusky Eastern Europe A yeast-raised


a ball shape prior to cooking

Ukrainian bread made from rye flour, wheat balloon whisk The professional chef’s whisk
balloon whisk

flour and sour cream (1:2:1). Water, sugar which consists of about 12 teardrop-shaped
and yeast are used to form the slightly sticky pieces of stainless steel wire, the two ends of
dough which is mixed with caraway seeds, each secured around the circumference of a
shaped into rolls, sprinkled with more stout circular handle about 2 cm diameter by
caraway seeds, proved and baked at 200°C. 15 cm long. The whole forms a 3
balacan Malaysia A strong-smelling dried

dimensional tear drop shape which fits easily

paste made from small crustaceans. See the contours of a basin. They come in various
also blachan sizes.
balachaung Burma Chopped garlic, spring

ballottine France 1. A roll of boned and


onion and ginger root fried in oil until golden, stuffed poultry, meat or fish 2. Meat loaf
reserved; finely chopped dried shrimps fried ballottine de volaille France A chicken
ballottine de volaille

with turmeric in the same oil, mixed with the boned from the inside, lined with pâté,
garlic, etc.; softened shrimp paste added stuffed with forcemeat made from the leg
and all cooked over a low heat to form a meat, cooked, cooled and coated with aspic
smelly but tasty concoction. Used as a side jelly
dish. Ballymaloe Ireland A wholemeal, yeast-raised

balachong South Asia A South Indian relish of


bread, the yeast activated with treacle in

minced prawns, fried with minced onion, place of sugar
mango and tomatoes or similar plus spices, balm Lemon balm

then pounded with salt and vinegar to an balmain bug Australia Sand lobster
balmain bug

acceptable taste and consistency. Also

balmoral loaf tin A corrugated cylindrical
balmoral loaf tin

called balachow, balichow

metal loaf tin somewhat like a bellows, which
balachow South Asia Balachong

produces a ridged loaf or cake easily cut into

balantier France Wild pomegranate

slices. Also called ribbed loaf tin, toast rack

Balaton Hungary A semi-hard, scalded-curd,

cows’ milk cheese with a buttery, aromatic Balmoral shortbread Scotland Queen
Balmoral shortbread

flavoured paste with holes. Contains 42% Victoria’s favourite shortbread made from
water, 20% fat and 25% protein. flour, butter and sugar (3:2:1) pressed out
balcalhao di kismur South Asia A seafood
balcalhao di kismur

very thin (4 mm) and cooked at 180°C for 30

salad from Goa made of salt cod soaked in minutes

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Balmoral tripe

Balmoral tripe Scotland Veal tripe cut in 8 cm Asian cooking. Fresh shoots must be
Balmoral tripe

squares, bacon slightly smaller laid over parboiled to remove toxins. Dried shoots are
each square which is then peppered, rolled the most tasty but require long soaking and
up and packed seam side down over bay cooking. Tinned are the most convenient.
leaves in a saucepan, seasoned and covered bambú Italy, Spain Bamboo

with chopped onions, parsley and veal stock. Bambusa Botanical name Bamboo
It is simmered for 2 hours until tender adding Bambusa vulgaris Botanical name Cultivated
sliced mushrooms 10 minutes before the bamboo shoots
end. Finished with cream before serving. Bambusprosse Germany Bamboo shoot

balnamoon skink Ireland Chicken broth

balnamoon skink

ba mee Thailand Egg noodle

ba mee

finished with egg yolks and milk and

bamee Malaysia A thin white noodle made

garnished with green peas, shredded lettuce

and diced celeriac from wheat flour
bami Netherlands A spicy dish of noodles with

baloney United States Bologna sausage


all or some of pork, shrimp, eggs, onions and

balsam apple Kantola
balsam apple

various vegetables. Brought from Indonesia.

balsamella Italy Béchamel sauce

bamieh Middle East Okra


balsamic vinegar A highly fragrant, sweetish

balsamic vinegar

bamiya Middle East Okra


vinegar from Italy, made from concentrated

bammy Caribbean A Jamaican bread made

grape juice and aged in wood for at least 10

years from cassava flour, soaked in milk or water
Balsamita major Botanical name Costmary then fried or steamed
bamya Egypt, North Africa A stew of minced

balsam pear Bitter gourd

balsam pear

balti A style of cheap Indian fast food, which

lamb, okra, tomato, onion, green pepper,
originated in Birmingham, UK, in the 1970s, lemon juice, and herbs
banaan Netherlands Banana

consisting of marinated and spiced

bana caldo Italy Olive oil mixed with chopped
bana caldo

ingredients stir-fried and served in a karahi.

Balti is Hindi for bucket, and there is no anchovies, chopped garlic and seasoning
suggestion that there is an authentic Indian simmered in butter for 10 minutes. Used as
balti cooking style. a dip.
Baltic herring A small species of herring, banak Philippines Grey mullet
Baltic herring banak

Opisthonema oglinum, found in the Baltic banán Hungary Banana


Sea banana England, Italy, Japan, Portugal The


balut Philippines Fertilized duck eggs


fruit of a giant herb, genus Musa, (all sterile

containing an intact embryo duck. Thought hybrids without exact species names, but
to increase male potency when eaten. sometimes named M.sapientum), grown in
Bambara groundnut West Africa One of the
Bambara groundnut

hot climates throughout the world. The

original peanuts from the Bambara region of individual fruits 7 – 24 cm long grow in
Mali, probably taken to Africa by the bunches from a central stalk and are usually
Spaniards from Latin America via the picked green for transportation and ripened
Phillipines and Asia to yellow prior to sale. The flesh is soft and
bamboo Any large tropical woody grass of the cream coloured and when underripe a

genus Bambusa, normally used as a source of useful low-digestibility starch, said

construction material. The leaves and shoots to reduce the chance of bowel cancer. The
of some species are used in cooking. skin is thick and easily removed. Dessert
bamboo fungus A very expensive fungus
bamboo fungus
bananas when ripe have a sugar content of
fruiting body, Dictyophora phalloidea, which 17 to 19%. Unripe bananas and some which
grows in China on a certain kind of bamboo. would never reach a high sugar content are
It is light in colour, looks like a small lacy eaten as a staple food and known as
purse and has a musty earthy taste and plantain. After fruiting the stem of the plant
crunchy texture. Also called staghorn fungus dies back and new suckers grow from the
bamboo leaf The blanched and softened
bamboo leaf
banana chilli A yellow and rather mild sweet
banana chilli

leaves of certain species of bamboo used as

a food wrapping for grilling, steaming, chilli pepper
boiling, etc. banana fig United States Sun-dried slices of
banana fig

bamboo mustard cabbage See chuk gaai banana which are dark and sticky and
bamboo mustard cabbage

choy resemble figs

bamboo shoots The immature shoots of the banana flour A flour made from plantains
bamboo shoots banana flour

bamboo, used either fresh, salted, pickled, which have been dried and ground. Also
dried or canned in Chinese and Southeast called pisang starch, plantain flour

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bannock fluke

banana flower The fat red to purple pointed banda Indonesia Yam
banana flower banda

group of male flowers which forms in the bandal South Asia A rich cream cheese made

initial stages at the tip of a bunch of bananas. from cows’ or buffaloes’ milk
Used like the globe artichoke in Indian and bandeng Indonesia Bangus

Southeast Asian cooking. bangers England Cooked English sausages


banana fritters See fruit fritters

banana fritters

banana heart The pith at the centre of the
banana heart

bangers and mash England A simple meal of

bangers and mash

trunk of a banana plant. It is sliced and fried English sausages, mashed potatoes
soaked in salted water for several hours and and gravy (colloquial)
used in Burmese cooking. The sap must not bangkwang Malaysia Yam bean

be allowed to contact the clothes or body.

bangus A farmed round fish, Chanos chanos

banana leaf The leaves of bananas

banana leaf

and C. Salmoneus, which is very popular in

sometimes used as disposable table cloths the Phillipines and Indonesia. It grows up to
or plates in Indian and Southeast Asian 1.5 m and has a greenish grey skin and
restaurants or as a substitute for greaseproof delicate flesh. Also called milkfish
paper when cooking en papillote banh cuon Vietnam Cellophane noodles
banh cuon

banana pepper United States A mild yellow-

banana pepper

banh hoi Vietnam Rice vermicelli

banh hoi

green pepper up to 10 cm long used in

banh mi Vietnam Bread
banh mi

salads and as a stuffed vegetable

banh pho Vietnam White rice noodles about 3
banh pho

banana prawn A yellowish beige variety of

banana prawn

mm wide. They cook very quickly and are

king prawn, Penaeus merguiensis
used with the popular Hanoi soup called
bananas Foster United States A New Orleans
bananas Foster

pho. Also called nu tieu

speciality of fried bananas, spiced, sugared,
banh phong tom Vietnam Prawn crackers
banh phong tom

flamed with rum and served with whipped

banh trang Vietnam Dried thin and almost
banh trang

transparent pancakes made from cassava,
banana shoot The shoots which grow from
banana shoot

water and salt. Moistened to soften before

the base of the banana plant are forced by use in wrapping food prior to cooking as in
excluding light and become long thick white
e.g. spring rolls.
spikes rather like asparagus. Cooked in hot
banh uot Vietnam Freshly made thin pancake
banh uot

ashes or baked.
wrappers similar to banh trang but made with
banana split A longitudinally split banana
banana split

a mixture of wheat, tapioca and corn flours

filled with ice cream and finished with with peanut oil, water and salt
whipped cream and chopped nuts
banh xeo Vietnam Fried pancake
banh xeo

banana squash A winter squash shaped like

banana squash

banira Japan Vanilla


a banana
banitza susu sirene Bulgaria A pie made of
banitza susu sirene

banane France Banana


layers of pastry interlayered with a mixture of

Banane Germany Banana

egg, cheese and yoghurt

banane des antilles France Plantain. Also
banane des antilles

bankebiff Norway Beef, browned in butter


called banane plantain and simmered in stock

banane plantain France Plantain
banane plantain

bankekød Denmark Stewed beef


bananer Denmark, Norway, Sweden Bananas


banket letter Netherlands Flaky pastry

banket letter

bananes baronnet France Bananas served

bananes baronnet

(millefeuille) cakes filled with almond paste

with cream and kirsch banku West Africa A Ghanaian staple made

bananes Beauharnais France Bananas

bananes Beauharnais

from a maize meal dough which has been

served with sugar, rum and macaroons allowed to ferment for 2 to 3 days and is then
bananes pesées Caribbean A Haitian dish of
bananes pesées

boiled with water for about 20 minutes to

green plantains soaked in salted water for an make a very stiff cooked porridge. This is
hour, drained, sautéed in oil until tender, formed into tennis-ball-sized portions for
then flattened with a fish slice or similar until serving. Sometimes equal parts of maize
half their original thickness and fried until meal and grated cassava root are used.
golden brown and crisp on the outside. bannock Scotland 1. A circular scone made

Served with sauce ti-malice. from barley flour, oatmeal or barley meal and
Banbury cake England An oval-shaped
Banbury cake

cooked on a griddle. Various types are

Oxfordshire cake made from puff pastry filled produced for breakfast and high tea. 2. A
with dried vine fruits, sugar, butter, spices, biscuit resembling shortbread but containing
flour and rum, prior to baking, finished with chopped mixed peel and almonds. Also
an egg white and caster sugar glaze just called Pithcaithly bannock
bannock fluke Turbot
bannock fluke

before removing from the oven

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Banon France A small Provençal cream egg and a little milk to a cake consistency,

cheese sprinkled with savory, wrapped in then baked in a buttered loaf tin at 160°C for
vine leaves and presented on a slice of wood about an hour. Served sliced with butter.
banquet A formal meal with many courses bara jheenga South Asia Lobster
banquet bara jheenga

served to a large gathering of people bara lawr Wales Laver bread

bara lawr

bantam A small, more primitive type of


baranina Russia Lamb


domestic fowl or chicken usually with

bárányhús Hungary Lamb

brightly coloured feathers producing small

báránypaprikás Hungary Diced lamb fried in

bantam eggs Eggs from the bantam fowl,
bantam eggs
lard with diced lean bacon, chopped onions
sometimes used of the very small eggs first and paprika then all simmered with water,
laid by chickens. See also pullet eggs tomato purée, thinly sliced sweet green
peppers and seasoning until cooked and
banteng A small cow-like animal from

finished with sour cream. Served with rice,

Southeast Asia and domesticated in
tarhonya or dumplings.
Indonesia. The flesh is reputed to be very
báránypörkölt Hungary Diced lamb fried in

lard with chopped onions, diced bacon and
bao China 1. Blanching and refreshing 2.

paprika and all simmered in seasoned brown

stock and tomato purée until cooked. Served
baobab The fruit of the African baobab tree,

with tarhonya.
Adansonia digitata. The fruit is large and
bara sem South Asia 1. Jack bean 2. Sword
bara sem

pulpy. Also called monkey bread

bao zi China Steamed bread bun, sometimes
bao zi

barbabietola Italy Beetroot


barbada Spain Brill

bap United Kingdom A small, flat round white


barbadine France Passion fruit


bread with a soft crust and generally dusted

with flour Barbados cherry Acerola
Barbados cherry

baptist cake United States A deep-fried

baptist cake

Barbados sugar Muscovado sugar

Barbados sugar

enriched yeast dough bun from New

Barbarakraut Germany Land cress

England. Also called hustler, holy poke, huff

Barbarea verna Botanical name Land cress
Barbarea vulgaris Botanical name Winter
bar 1. France Bass, the fish. Also called

badèche, bézuche, cernier, loup de mer 2.
barbari Central Asia A yeast-raised Iranian

England, France An establishment which

serves drinks and light snacks 3. A unit of white bread mixed for 15 minutes, proved,
pressure; 1 bar roughly equals the pressure shaped into rectangles 30 by 12 by 1 cm,
exerted by the atmosphere proved again, indented along its length to
look like a Lilo mattress and baked at 220°C
bär Sweden Berry

for about 15 minutes

bara bread Caribbean Split pea flour, plain
bara bread

barbary duck A fleshy, well-flavoured, slightly

barbary duck

flour and butter (4:2:1) with 8 teaspoons of

gamey lean duck, Cairina moschata, with
baking powder per kg of combined flours,
flavoured with cumin, turmeric, minced musky-flavoured flesh, originally from South
garlic and minced seeded chilli pepper and America but now bred in France and
brought together with warm water to form a elsewhere and very popular in Australia. It is
firm dough, rested, then rolled out to 3 cm slaughtered at up to 3 months old and
thick and fried both sides. Eaten hot, usually should be cooked more slowly than duckling
as a sandwich with channa and a hot sauce. and barded and basted. Also called muscovy
(NOTE: From Trinidad)
barbary pear Prickly pear
barbary pear

bara brith Wales A Welsh sweet bread made

bara brith

Barbe Germany Barbel, the fish


from a yeasted dough with caraway seeds

and a high proportion of dried vine fruits barbeau France Barbel, the fish

soaked in tea (NOTE: Literally ‘speckled barbecue 1. A method of cooking food similar

bread’.) to grilling, generally in the open air over

bara ceirch Wales The traditional UK oatcake
bara ceirch

smouldering charcoal or some other form of

but made with bacon fat. See also oatcake radiant heat. The meats are often treated
bara claddu Wales A simple cake made from with spice mixture. Also called barbeque 2.
bara claddu

plain flour, sugar, dried vine fruits and egg The equipment used to cook meat in this way
(4:4:4:1) with a little baking powder and (NOTE: Derived from the French barbe à
mixed spice. The dry ingredients are well queue ‘beard to tail’, referring to the
mixed and brought together with the beaten barbecueing of the whole animal.)

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Barnstaple fair pears

barbecue sauce The general term for any to rice. Not suitable on its own for making
barbecue sauce

spicy sauce served with barbecued food. e.g. leavened bread since it contains little gluten.
a mixture of soya sauce, rice wine or vinegar, Sometimes used in soups (as an addition to
spring onions, garlic, chilli sauce and ground broth), occasionally to make a flour or meal,
toasted sesame seeds or peanuts blended in but predominantly either as animal feed or
a food processor. for conversion to malt (by sprouting) for
barbecue spice mix A medium hot blend of
barbecue spice mix
fermentation in the beer and spirit industries.
ground spices rubbed on to meat before See also pot barley, pearl barley
barley broth Scotland Scotch broth but made
barley broth

grilling, made from black peppercorns,

celery seeds, cayenne pepper, dried thyme, with a mutton stock
dried marjoram, paprika, mustard powder, barley flakes Partially cooked barley,
barley flakes

salt and soft brown sugar flattened and dried. Used as one constituent
barbeel Netherlands Barbel, the fish

of muesli, also for puddings and toppings.

barbeen Middle East A salad green rather like

barley flour Ground barley used as a

barley flour

watercress thickening agent, for making unleavened

barbel The coarse European freshwater fish,

bread, or as a substitute for some of the

Barbus barbus, related to the carp. Can grow wheat flour in leavened bread
up to 45 cm in length. barley meal Coarsely ground pot barley used
barley meal

barbeque See barbecue


to make a kind of porridge or gruel and

Barberey France A soft cheese made from

partially skimmed cows’ milk formed into a barley pudding Scotland A Lothian dish of
barley pudding

disc (250 g), covered with wood ash and barley cooked in the oven at 150°C with 6 to
ripened for a month. Also called Troyes 7 times its weight of water for 2 hours,
barberon France The Provençal name for

currants are added for the last 20 minutes.

salsify Served with sugar and cream.
barberry The fruit of the bush Berberis

barley sugar A transparent, caramel-

barley sugar

vulgaris, generally used for preserves if at all coloured and lemon-flavoured brittle sweet
barbo Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain Barbel,

now made from sugar and water, originally

the fish from sugar and barley water
barbot Eel pout

barley syrup See malt

barley syrup

barbotine France Tansy


barley water A drink made from the water in

barley water

barbounia Greece Red mullet


which pearl barley has been cooked. Once

barbue France Brill

thought to have medicinal properties.

barbue Brancas France Brill baked with
barbue Brancas

barm Yeast

vegetables in a tomato sauce barm brack Ireland A sweet bread made from
barm brack

Barcelona nut Hazelnut

Barcelona nut

yeasted dough mixed with dried vine fruits

barchetta Italy Barquette, a small boat-

and chopped candied peel, possibly

shaped tartlet previously soaked in tea to rehydrate, and
bar clam See surf clam
bar clam

caraway seeds. Popular at Christmas and

bard, to To cover meat with thin layers of fat or
bard, to

Hallowe’en. Also called bairm breac

fatty bacon to prevent it drying out during barm cake England A soft bread roll in the
barm cake

roasting whilst other parts of the meat are shape of a circle often split and filled for use
cooking. Often used to protect the breast as a sandwich
meat of birds and chicken. Bärme Germany Yeast (North Germany)

bardatte France Cabbage stuffed with hare


barnacle A cylindrical stalk-like crustacean,


barde France A layer of fat or fatty bacon used


Pollicipes cornucopia, up to 15 cm long,

to bard meat which is found on sea-washed rocks around
bardé France Wrapped or covered in a thin

the Atlantic coast. The foot with which it

solid sheet of fat or fatty bacon, used in attaches itself to the rock and the tough
roasting to protect parts from the heat papery skin covered in small scales are
barder France To bard

discarded. May be eaten raw or cooked.

barfi South Asia A sweet resembling fudge. Popular in Spain and Portugal. Also called

See also burfi goose barnacle, goose-necked barnacle

barista South Asia Sliced onions fried until barnacle goose Brent goose
barista barnacle goose

crisp. Used to finish savoury dishes. Barnstaple fair pears England Large Comice
Barnstaple fair pears

bark gor China Ginkgo nut

bark gor

pears, peeled with the stalk on, piquéed with

barley One of the oldest cultivated cereals, blanched halved almonds, poached in red

Hordeum vulgare, with a seed of similar size wine with sugar and cloves for 15 minutes

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barnyard millet

and served with the strained reduced yolks and sour cream, seasoned, chilled and
cooking liquor and clotted cream served with slices of hard-boiled egg
barnyard millet A type of millet, Echinochloa barya a jagnjetinom Balkans A lamb and
barnyard millet barya a jagnjetinom

crusgalli, grown mainly as a fodder crop in okra casserole from Serbia

the east and now an escaped wild plant in barzotte Italy Soft-boiled, as of eggs

the UK and the USA basal mahshi Persian Gulf Stuffed onion
basal mahshi

baron d’agneau France Fillet end (top half) of

baron d’agneau

made by making a radial slit from root to tip,

a leg of lamb used for roasting boiling the onion and separating the layers.
baron of beef England A large beef joint These are then stuffed as with cabbage rolls
baron of beef

consisting of two sirloins, connected by the using a meat and rice filling and baked with
backbone. Roasted for celebratory a water and tamarind pulp mixture.
occasions. basal metabolic rate The rate at which the
basal metabolic rate

baron of lamb The saddle and two legs of resting body uses energy. For the average
baron of lamb

lamb in one piece healthy adult this is 1700 K cal per day equal
barquette France 1. Small boat-shaped tartlet
to 7100 kJ per day.
bas de carré France The top part of the
bas de carré

2. The small tin in which a barquette is

baked shoulder of veal, equivalent to scrag end of
barquillo Spain Wafer
base 1. The chemical term for a substance

barracouta Snoek

barracuda A slender round-bodied ferocious

which reacts with an acid to form a salt 2.
seawater game fish of the genus Sphyraena The major component of a dish which is the
found in warm water worldwide. Barracudas main determinant of its properties as e.g.
are generally eaten at around 2.5 kg and stock is the base of soups and sauces. Also
have lean firm flesh. Very large Caribbean called fond
barracudas over 1 m long have poisonous Basella alba Botanical name Ceylon spinach
bashan Middle East A smoked cheese from

flesh which causes joint pains, trembling and

vomiting. Israel made with ewes’ and goats’ milk. The
barralax Australia Gravlax made with
rind is a glossy red and the paste has a sharp
barramundi fillets, cold cured and flavoured flavour.
bashit Scotland Mashed, as in bashit neeps

with a dusting of lemon myrtle instead of dill

weed (colloquial)
basic cake mixture Flour, butter, caster
basic cake mixture

barramundi, barramunda Australia The edible


Australian lungfish, Lates calcarifer. Also sugar and eggs in the proportions by weight
called lungfish of 8:5:5:5 with 1 level teaspoon of baking
powder per 8 oz of flour (16 g per kg flour)
barrel 1. A wooden cask with specially shaped

basic foods Seven classes of food are

basic foods

wooden staves forming the sides which are

held together with iron hoops which when considered necessary for a balanced daily
knocked down from either end compress all diet: green and yellow vegetables, starchy
the staves together to make the sides tubers, fruits, milk products, meat including
watertight. Used for wine, beer, salted fish or eggs, cereals and fats and oils.
herrings, olives and the like. 2. A liquid Vegetarians would substitute pulses for the
measure equivalent to 159 litres, 42 US meat products.
basic soup A mirepoix of onions, leek and
basic soup

gallons or 35 imperial gallons

barrel bread A cylindrical loaf baked in a
barrel bread
celery plus twice the quantity of the
ridged tin so that it can easily be cut into vegetable after which the soup is named,
uniform slices. Also called crinkled musket, sweated in butter, flour added and cooked
landlady’s loaf, lodger’s loaf, pistol, piston, out without colour; a bouquet garni and
rasp white stock added; the soup simmered and
skimmed for 1 hour; the bouquet garni
barrinaire Italy Sand eel

removed; the soup liquidized, seasoned and

barrogog bis basela North Africa A lamb
barrogog bis basela

consistency adjusted, creamed if required

stew with prunes and garnished as appropriate. See also
Barsch Germany 1. Perch 2. Bass

cream soup
barszcz Poland A Polish version of borscht

basil A tender annual herb, Ocimum


made from fermented sour beet juice, basilicum, with an aromatic flavour
traditionally served on Easter day reminiscent of mint and cloves used in
barszcz zimny Poland Cold soup made from
barszcz zimny

salads, pesto and Italian cooking, and added

the juice of pickled beetroot and cucumbers, at the last minute to cooked dishes. See also
thickened with semolina, finished with egg bush basil, holy basil, lemon basil, hairy

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Bath chap

basil, purple basil, kemangi. Also called basting brush A brush used to spread fat or
basting brush

sweet basil other liquids over food prior to and during


basilic France Basil cooking

bastoncini Italy Small stick-shaped biscuits

basilico Italy Basil

batagur Malaysia A species of turtle now

Basilienkraut Germany Basil

basin endangered due to excessive exploitation.
basin A wide flattish dish Even though local consumption is forbidden
basket A steel mesh utensil (about 8 to 12

by the Muslim religion, they have been

mm pitch) with a handle, which fits in a exported in quantity.
deep-fat fryer and is used to lower damp batakh South Asia Duck

foods, especially potato chips, into the fat batangas Philippines A type of mandarin

slowly so that the boiling off of the water does orange. See also ponkan mandarin
not cause the fat or oil to boil over. It is also
bâtarde, sauce France Salted water
bâtarde, sauce

used for blanching vegetables in boiling

water. thickened with a white roux then reheated
with a liaison of egg yolks and cream and a
Basler Leckerli Switzerland A Christmas
Basler Leckerli

little lemon juice, strained and about 30% of

biscuit containing candied peel, almonds, its weight in butter added just before service.
honey, hazelnuts, cinnamon and kirsch Served with asparagus or poached fish. Also
baked in relief-carved wooden moulds called beurre, sauce au
depicting traditional scenes. See also Tirggel,
batata 1. Portugal Potato, usually firm waxy

basmati rice
types 2. Spain Sweet potato
basmati rice A dense thin long-grain rice with batata charp Middle East An Iraqi patty of
batata charp

an aromatic and nutty flavour, more duchesse potatoes surrounding a filling

expensive than American long-grain rice, made from sweated chopped onion fried
used in Indian cooking for biryani and pilau. with garlic and minced meat until dry. The
Best boiled without salt for about 10 filling is then simmered with baharat, tomato
minutes, or in lots of boiling water for 8 concassée and chopped parsley, flattened
minutes then drained, covered and finished into cakes, floured and fried on each side
on a very low heat for a further 10 minutes. until brown. A fried vegetable filling may be
(NOTE: The name means fragrant, and the used instead of meat.
rice is grown in the foothills of the
batata frita Portugal Potato chips
batata frita

Batate Germany Sweet potato

basquaise, à la

basquaise, à la France In the Basque

batavia France 1. Batavian endive. Also

manner, i.e. with ham, tomatoes and red

peppers called scarole 2. Curly lettuce, e.g. Webb’s
batavian endive A variety of winter endive,
batavian endive


bass A prized silvery grey round non-oily fish,

Cichorium endivia, with larger flatter leaves
Dicentrarchus labrax, up to 1 m in length
than true endive. Used as a salad green. Also
which lives in saltwater lakes, estuaries and
called plain-leaved escarole
around some European coasts. The flesh is
batch loaf United Kingdom A loaf which has
batch loaf

white and is cooked in any way. Also called

salmon dace, salmon bass, common bass been baked close to others on a tray so that
the dough touches and partially joins. After
bassia fat South Asia A soft yellow oil
bassia fat

baking they are split apart to reveal soft

extracted from the seeds of the Indian butter sides.
tree. See also mowra butter
batelière, à la France In the boatman’s style,
batelière, à la

bastani Iran Ice cream


i.e. garnished with some or all of fried eggs,

bastard saffron Safflower
bastard saffron

mushrooms, button onions, and crayfish, or,

baste to

baste to To spoon melted fat over food during with small pastry shells with a rich fish filling
Bath asparagus England The flowerhead and
Bath asparagus

cooking either to prevent drying out or to aid

heat transfer stem of the spiked star of Bethlehem plant,

bastilla North Africa Layers of crisp-fried Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, which grows wild
warkha pastry interleaved in the savoury around Bath. It tastes rather like asparagus
version with pigeon meat, chicken or fish, and is boiled or steamed.
Bath bun England A sweet, yeast-raised bun
Bath bun

almonds, spices and lemon-flavoured eggs,

or, in the sweet version, with a milky almond containing mixed peel and sultanas
sauce to make a kind of pie. Both types are originating in Bath, Somerset; egg-washed
liberally dusted with icing sugar. It was and topped with coarse white sugar crystals
introduced from Portugal by the Moors. Also before baking
Bath chap Pig’s cheek
Bath chap

called b’stilla, pastilla, bisteeya

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Bath Oliver

Bath Oliver A plain flat biscuit (NOTE: It was battre France To whip, especially eggs
Bath Oliver battre

invented by Dr Oliver of Bath in the 1700s, battuto Italy A mixture of chopped onion,

and at that time supposed to have slimming garlic, celery and herbs, sweated in oil and
properties.) used as a base or flavouring ingredient for
batir Spain To whip or whisk soups and stews

batu giling Indonesia A granite slab and

batu giling

bâton 1. England, France A long baguette-


type French loaf or bread roll tapering at rolling pin used for grinding spices or
either end and baked on a flat tray 2. A type crushing flavourings such as ginger, onions,
of cut for root vegetables, roughly 6mm x garlic, chillies, etc. Also called batu lesong
batu lesong Indonesia, Malaysia Batu giling
batu lesong

6mm x 25mm
bau dau gok China A light coloured variety of
bau dau gok

bâton de manioc Central Africa Cassava

bâton de manioc

tubers treated to remove cyanide long bean

baudroie France Monkfish

compounds, processed to a smooth paste,

wrapped in softened banana leaves in bauern Germany Country-style

cylinders between 2 cm and 10 cm in Bauernbratwurst Switzerland A country-style


diameter and 30 cm long, then steamed for scalded sausage, made for grilling or frying
between 4 and 8 hours. Eaten warm as the Bauernbrot Germany Peasant bread, rye

staple carbohydrate source with soups and bread

stews. They will keep in their wrappings for
Bauernfrühstuck Germany Fried potatoes

several days. Also called bobolo,

topped with scrambled eggs, ham and
chikwangue, kwanga, mintuba, placali
cucumber. Served at lunch. (NOTE: Literally
bâtons royaux France Small patties of
bâtons royaux

‘farmer’s or peasant’s breakfast’.)

minced chicken and game
Bauernomelett Germany A bacon and onion

bat out, to To flatten pieces of raw meat with

bat out, to

filled omelette
a cutlet bat and thus reduce cooking time Bauernschmaus Austria A dish of sauerkraut,

batsoa Italy Pig’s trotters, panéed and deep-


pork sausages and dumplings

fried. See also piedini di maiale alla Bauernsuppe Germany A country soup of

piemontese beans, bacon and vegetables

Battelmatt Austria, Italy, Switzerland A soft

bauletti Italy Paupiettes of veal


cooked-curd cheese made from cows’ milk Baumé scale A complicated scale of density
Baumé scale

with a springy tender texture and delicate originally based on brine and equivalent to
taste and numerous small holes. The curd is the percentage by weight of salt in a salt and
pressed in variously-sized cylindrical water solution at 15.5°C. Also used for sugar
moulds, salted in brine or dry salt and syrups but this has no simple relationship to
ripened for 3 to 4 months. sugar concentration. Written °B or °Bé. The
Battenberg A rectangular long oblong sponge

relationship between °Bé and specific gravity

made in two different colours arranged is °Bé = 145 – (145/specific gravity), e.g. a
lengthwise in a 2x2 checkerboard pattern 50% sugar solution, specific gravity 1.23, is
and covered all round with a marzipan 27°Bé.
coating Baumkuchen Germany A Christmas cake

batter 1. A basic mixture of flour, milk and


shaped like a tree and iced with chocolate to

eggs with possible added flavourings, made resemble bark
either to pouring consistency for pancakes, Baumwollöl Germany Cottonseed oil

drop scones, Yorkshire pudding, etc. or to baunilha Portugal Vanilla


coating (i.e. more viscous) consistency for Bavarian cream See bavarois
Bavarian cream

fritters, cromesquis, bhajias, etc (NOTE: From

Bavarian sausage Very well trimmed lean
Bavarian sausage

the French battre, ‘to beat’.) 2. United States

A general term used in North America for any pork and veal, finely minced with back fat,
soft mixture made from flour including cake shallots and garlic, mixed with a little
and scone mixes, etc. as well as batter coriander, sugar, seasoning and saltpetre,
proper packed in sheep casings, linked, air-dried
and smoked until golden brown
batter, to To coat with batter
batter, to

bavarois France A dessert made from either a


batter bread United States An unsweetened

batter bread

vanilla-flavoured egg custard or a fruit purée

bread or pudding made with white cornmeal both containing gelatine, let down with sugar
from dent corn raised with well-beaten eggs. syrup, combined when beginning to thicken,
Also called spoon bread (NOTE: From the with whipped cream and sugar. Cooled in a
southern states.) mould, which is either oiled or lined with
batter dip United States Frying batter
batter dip

caramel, demoulded when fully set and

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bean curd cheese

decorated if required. Also called crème liver, sieved and mixed with egg, chopped
bavaroise, Bavarian cream bacon fat, onions, fried bread crumbs,
bavarois au marasquin France A cherry-
bavarois au marasquin

seasoning and flour to stiffen, formed into

flavoured bavarois tangerine-sized dumplings, poached and
bavaroise France A hot drink made with milk,
served with beurre noisette and sauerkraut
bayleaf See bay

tea, eggs and sugar, flavoured with vanilla or

bay lobster Sand lobster
bay lobster

liqueur (NOTE: Not to be confused with

bavarois.) bayonnaise, à la France In the Bayonne
bayonnaise, à la

bavaroise, sauce style, i.e. containing Bayonne ham

bavaroise, sauce

England, France
Hollandaise sauce flavoured with grated Bayonne ham France A dry-cured lightly
Bayonne ham

horseradish smoked ham similar to Parma and eaten raw

bavette 1. France Flank or skirt of beef 2. Italy

bay salt Salt produced by the natural solar

bay salt

Long thin strips of pasta noodles with an oval evaporation of seawater, usually in large
cross section, available fresh or dried crystals of up to 5 mm. See also sea salt
baveuse France Moist or runny. Used for the

bay scallop A small bivalve scallop,

bay scallop

just runny top of an omelette which becomes Argopecten irradians, up to 7.5 cm diameter
the interior when it is folded. with an off-white to black shell. Found off the
bavosa Italy Soft in the centre, as of omelettes east coast of North America, it has a very

and frittatas. See also baveuse delicate flavour and can be eaten raw when
bavose Italy Blenny, the fish
bay trout Australia See salmon 2
bay trout

bawal puteh Malaysia White pomfret, the fish

bawal puteh

bazilik Russia Basil


bawal putih Indonesia Pomfret, the fish

bawal putih

BBB See bleu-blanc Belge


bawang bakung Malaysia Asian leek

bawang bakung

beadlet A sea anemone, Actinia equina, eaten


bawang besar Malaysia Onion

bawang besar

bawang bombay Indonesia Onion

bawang bombay
in France, generally brown to green in colour
but occasionally red. Also called tomate de
bawang daun Indonesia, Malaysia Spring
bawang daun

onion mer
beakie Australia Southern sea garfish

bawang merah Indonesia, Malaysia Shallots

bawang merah

bean A leguminous plant characterized by a


bawang putih Indonesia, Malaysia Garlic

bawang putih

long pod containing a string of separated

bawd Scotland Hare, rabbit (colloquial)

seeds. Both the young immature pods and

bawd bree Scotland A rich soup made from a
bawd bree

seeds and fresh or dried mature seeds are

jointed hare browned in lard with bacon and used for a variety of culinary purposes. The
winter vegetables, simmered in water with principal vegetable varieties in Europe and
minced shin beef, bay, cloves and North America are broad, dwarf French,
peppercorns until all soft, strained, and the climbing French and runner, but many
puréed vegetables and finely shredded hare others e.g. mung, soya, lima, etc. are in
meat returned. The soup is thickened widespread use.
without boiling using a little of the acidulated bean clam A small American clam of the
bean clam

hare’s blood and finished with redcurrant genus Donax, similar to the wedge shell clam
jelly, lemon juice and port. Served with
bean curd A rather flavourless, textureless but
bean curd

dumplings made with hare’s liver, onions and

nutritious coagulated soya bean protein
made by treating boiled soya milk with
ba-wel Burma Squid

various coagulants such as flaked sea salt

bay An evergreen laurel-like shrub, Laurus

(nigari), Epsom salts, vinegar, etc. and

nobilis, whose fresh or dried leaves are used separating off the curd as for cheese. It can
for flavouring, especially in a bouquet garni, be soft and jelly-like or have the water
marinades, béchamel sauce, milk puddings content progressively reduced to form finally
and fish. Also called sweet bay, laurel a cheese-like substance. It may be boiled,
bayam Indonesia, Malaysia Amaranth

fried, etc. and is a most important source of

bay boletus An edible fungus, Boletus
bay boletus

first-class protein, minerals and vitamins in

badius, with a 5 to 15 cm diameter smooth Chinese and Japanese cuisine and for
brown cap and a short slender stem and with vegans. Also called tofu, soya bean curd,
pores rather than gills under the cap. It grows bean custard, soya bean cake
profusely under spruce and pine trees and bean curd brains A cream coloured lightly
bean curd brains

occasionally on the wood or pine cones. coagulated bean curd which has a soft
bay bug Sand lobster
bay bug

lumpy appearance
Bayerische Leberknödel Germany Liver bean curd cheese Bean curd fermented with
Bayerische Leberknödel bean curd cheese

dumplings made with raw chopped calves’ brine or rice wine and spices and mixed with

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bean curd noodles

red food colouring and sometimes cereal beard The gills of an oyster or the fibrous

extenders. It has a strong flavour of cheese threads by which mussels attach themselves
and is served as a side dish or condiment, or to rocks
used as flavouring. Also called Chinese beard, to To remove the frilly gill parts or
beard, to

cheese, pickled bean curd, red bean curd, beards of certain shellfish such as oysters
soya bean cheese, fermented bean curd and the threads from mussels which attach
bean curd noodles

bean curd noodles Thin strips of dried bean them to the rocks
bear grass United States See yucca 2
bear grass

curd used in the same way as noodles but

not normally fried after boiling. More béarnaise sauce England, France A
béarnaise sauce

nutritious than starch-based noodles. Also hollandaise sauce, but with chopped
called soya noodles, soya vermicelli tarragon stalks in the initial reduction and
bean curd sheets

bean curd sheets See bean curd skin finished after straining with chopped
bean curd skin tarragon and chervil. More egg yolks are
bean curd skin The skin which forms on the used than for hollandaise to give a thicker
surface of hot soya bean milk if allowed to sauce. Served warm with grilled meat and
stand. It is lifted off and dried. When fish.
softened it is used for wrapping food prior to
béarnaise tomatée, sauce France Choron,
béarnaise tomatée, sauce

cooking. Also called bean curd sheets

bean curd sticks
bean curd sticks Bean curd skins rolled into bearnässås Sweden See béarnaise sauce

stick-like quills before drying. After softening bearss lime Persian lime
bearss lime

they are cut in pieces and used in cooked

beastlyns Beestings

dishes as is or after deep-frying. Also called

beat, to To incorporate air into a mixture and
beat, to

rolled bean curd, second bamboo

bean paste to intimately combine the ingredients by
bean paste A variety of seasonings made from vigorous agitation with a spoon, whisk, fork
yellow or black dried soya beans, softened, or mechanical or electric mixer
fermented with an added culture, salted and beater A general term for any implement used

dried or mixed with brine. Sometimes other for beating

grains or pulses are added. They keep well,
Beaufort France A hard cooked-curd cows’

are strongly flavoured and are used in

milk cheese from Haute Savoie with AOC
Japanese, Chinese and Southeast Asian
status. It is ripened for 3 months and has a
cuisines. The important ones are yellow bean
firm springy paste with a thin rind. It is similar
sauce, black bean sauce, chilli bean paste,
to Gruyère but with a higher fat content and
Hoisin sauce, hot black bean sauce, Dhwen-
fruitier aroma. Also called Gruyère de
jang, soya bean paste, sweet bean paste and
Beaumont France A semi-hard cheese made

bean sauce

bean sauce A bean paste let down with brine with cows’ milk in the Haute Savoie using the
or oil to give a softer consistency same techniques as Toma. It has a springy
bean sprouts

bean sprouts The young shoots of the mung texture without holes and is cast in 20-cm-
bean, Phaseolus aureus, or adzuki bean, diameter thin rounds.
used as a vegetable in Chinese and bebek Indonesia Duck

Japanese cooking. Other seeds that may be becada amb cóc Catalonia Cooked woodcock
becada amb cóc

sprouted include soya beans, lentils, wheat, in a bread roll

rye, mustard seed and cress. Also called becado Spain Woodcock

green gram, moyashi, tu ya ts’ai bécasse France Woodcock


bean thread noodles

bean thread noodles Cellophane noodles becasseau France Young woodcock


bean threads

bean threads United States Cellophane bécassine France Snipe


noodles beccaccia Italy Woodcock


beccaccia alla norcina Italy Woodcock

bear beccaccia alla norcina

bear 1. A large omnivorous animal of the

Ursidae family. Black bears and polar bears stuffed with a mixture of its entrails, herbs
are confined to the Northern Hemisphere and truffle
beccacino Italy Snipe

and brown bears are found worldwide. The

meat, which tastes like strong-flavoured beccafico Italy Game bird

beef, is very rare as the species is becoming beccute Italy Maize flour cakes containing

endangered. 2. See bere pine nuts and sultanas


bearberry The red fruit of a plant from béchamel, sauce England, France A basic
béchamel, sauce

northern moors, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, white sauce made from a white roux and
similar to the cranberry and picked from the seasoned milk flavoured with an onion clouté
wild using 100g of flour per litre. The onion is

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beef tenderloin

removed and the sauce strained after with celery seeds, topped with onion and
simmering for at least 30 minutes. A very parsnip, moistened with red wine, stood for 2
important base and often referred to simply hours and baked with a tight fitting lid at
as béchamel. 170°C until tender
bêche-de-mer France Sea cucumber (NOTE: beef herbs The principal herbs used with beef
bêche-de-mer beef herbs

Literally ‘spade of the sea’.) are basil, bay, caraway, chervil, lovage,
beckasin Sweden Snipe

marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley,

bécsi heringsaláta Hungary Herring salad
bécsi heringsaláta
peppermint, rosemary, sage, savory,
with vinegar tarragon and thyme
beef middles Beef casings for salami,
beef middles

Beda Egypt A soft scalded-curd cheese made


from buffalos’ or cows’ milk. The unbroken Knackwurst, cervelat and similar sausages
salted curd is drained in cheese cloth and about 4.5 to 5.5 cm diameter taken from the
may be eaten fresh or ripened for up to 3 middle of the beef intestine
beef olive A thin slice of topside of beef rolled
beef olive

months. Contains 53% water, 21% fat and

19% protein. Also called domiati around a savoury stuffing, tied and braised in
bedeu France The Provençal name for tripe
the oven
beef runners Beef casings for black
beef runners

bee balm Bergamot

bee balm

beechmast Beech nut

puddings, Bolognese sausage, etc. about
3.5 to 4.5 cm in diameter, made from the
beech nut A small nut from the beech tree,
beech nut

first part of the beef intestine

genus Fagus and Nothofagus, similar in
beef sausage Scotland A sausage of lean
beef sausage

flavour to a hazelnut but not commonly used.

A flavoursome oil can be extracted from beef, bullock heart, suet, chopped onions
them. Also called beechmast and seasoning chopped very fine (cheaper
varieties adulterated with bread and meal)
beechwheat Buckwheat

packed into pig casings and possibly

beef The meat of the animal known as a cow

(female) or bull (male) (NOTE: The Anglo-
beefsteak United States Steak, as in

saxon name ‘Ox’ is still used for some of what

beefsteak and kidney pie
were once the less desirable parts e.g. oxtail,
beefsteak fungus United Kingdom A bright
beefsteak fungus

ox liver)
beef bourguignonne See boeuf à la
beef bourguignonne
red edible fungus, Fistulina hepatica,
bourguignonne shaped rather like a thick tongue which
grows on trees. Treat as mushroom. Also
beefburger A mixture of lean minced beef,

called poor man’s beefsteak

chopped onions and seasoning formed into a
beefsteak plant Shiso
beefsteak plant

thin patty. Usually grilled and served as fast

beefsteak tagalog Philippines Trimmed
beefsteak tagalog

food on a soft white bread bun with a variety

of garnishes. Also called hamburger rump steaks marinated with sliced onion,
beef cervelat England A variety of smoked
beef cervelat
soya sauce, lime juice and pepper for 2
red-dyed sausages made with lean beef, hours, removed, dried, fried in oil with sliced
possibly bullock heart, fat pork, seasoning onion and bacon and served with a sauce
and a little saltpetre, sometimes with ground made from the deglazed pan juices and the
spices. The mixture is left to cure then marinade accompanied by garlic-flavoured
sometimes packed in beef middles, tied and rice
beef Stroganoff Strips of fillet steak or other
beef Stroganoff

smoked for 12 hours at 50°C, or, dried for

eight days and cool-smoked for 6 days. tender cut of beef, shallow-fried in butter and
beef cotto United States A low-fat coarse cut
beef cotto
mixed with sweated chopped shallots,
beef salami containing whole peppercorns reduced white wine, cream, lemon juice and
seasoning, possibly finished with soured
beef dripping The fat collected after roasting
beef dripping

beef or rendered from beef suet. A less
beef suet The hard granular fat interspersed
beef suet

flavoursome variety is made by boiling up

beef scraps and separating off the fat which with membranes from around the kidneys of
collects on the surface. cattle
beef tataki Australia Fillet steak or similar
beef tataki

beef grading United States The standard

beef grading

government-recognized grades are prime, served tataki-style, i.e. seared briefly on all
choice, good, standard and commercial. sides under a hot grill then thinly sliced and
Prime is rarely available in retail markets. presented to show the brown exterior and
beef hare England Strips of chuck steak
beef hare
pink interior
beef tea A clear consommé of beef
beef tea

passed through seasoned flour flavoured

beef tenderloin United States Fillet of beef
beef tenderloin

with nutmeg, packed in an ovenproof dish

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beef tomato

beef tomato A very large fleshy tomato up to beet sugar Sugar produced from sugar beet.
beef tomato beet sugar

10 cm in diameter often stuffed as an Chemically it is identical to cane sugar (both

individual dish contain sucrose).
beef Wellington A part-roasted fillet of beef beetwortel Netherlands Beetroot
beef Wellington beetwortel

spread with duxelles and liver pâté, wrapped bef stroganov Russia Beef Stroganoff
bef stroganov

in puff pastry, egg-washed and baked in the traditionally made with sliced onions sweated
oven. The meat and pastry should finish for at least 30 minutes with sliced
cooking simultaneously. Served sliced. mushrooms added towards the end,
Beenleigh blue England A ewes’ milk cheese
Beenleigh blue

combined in the pan with sautéed strips of

made in Devon similar to Roquefort fillet steak, English mustard, sugar and sour
beer Fermented malt extract flavoured with
cream, all warmed through and served with
hops, sometimes used as a cooking liquor straw potatoes and chopped parsley
begendi Turkey A smooth paste made from a

beer sausage Bierwurst

beer sausage

bees sting Bienenstich

bees sting
mixture of thick béchamel sauce and a purée
of cooked aubergine flesh. Used as a starter.
beesting pudding Colostrum from the cow
beesting pudding

begiessen Germany 1. To baste 2. To sprinkle


and sugar baked slowly in the oven

with liquid
beestings The first milk (colostrum) from the

beg wat East Africa As doro wat, but made

beg wat

cow after giving birth. It is very rich and

creamy and is used for puddings and with red meat
beh Central Asia The Iranian name for quince

sweets. (NOTE: Also frozen to preserve it for

beid hamine Middle East Hard-boiled eggs,
beid hamine

use as a restorative for newly born lambs.)

beestings curd A curd made by mixing cows’
beestings curd
the shells coloured with onion skins or
colostrum with fresh milk and water, heating ground coffee. They are simmered for 5 to 6
to 37°C, cooking and straining hours in water with the colourant and are
beeswax The wax excreted by bees to
served as an appetizer with salt and ground
construct honeycomb. Used as a glazing cumin.
beid mahshi Middle East Hard-boiled eggs,
beid mahshi

agent in sugar and chocolate confectionery.

See also E901 halved lengthways; yolks mashed with finely
beet 1. The generic name for members of the
chopped onion and parsley, olive oil,
Beta family including beetroot, Swiss chard, cinnamon and seasoning, made into balls
spinach beet and sugar beet, which latter is and replaced in the egg whites; filled whites
the main source of sugar in Europe 2. United laid on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with paprika
States Beetroot or chilli powder, dressed with vinaigrette or
yoghurt sauce and garnished with chopped
Beetensuppe Germany Borscht

beetroot A biennial plant, Beta vulgaris

beigel Bagel

vulgaris, grown as an annual for the swollen

beignet France 1. Fritter, a food item coated in

root which grows at ground level. Most are

deep red but there are pink and yellow batter and deep-fried. Also called French
varieties. The roots contain a high proportion fritter 2. A ball of yeast-raised sweetened
of sugar and as the red colour easily leaches dough or flavoured choux pastry, deep-fried
out they are boiled in their skins as a and served hot with a dusting of sugar and
vegetable. They are also used for soup possibly jam or fruit sauce. Rather like a
(borscht) and pickled in vinegar. The young doughnut. Also called French puff
beignet de fleurs France Flower fritters, e.g.
beignet de fleurs

leaves may be used as a vegetable.

beetroot consommé Grated beetroot, onion
beetroot consommé
of acacia
beignet soufflé France A light deep-fried
beignet soufflé

and carrot simmered with a bay leaf and

chicken stock for 40 minutes, strained, sweet fritter. See also pet de nonne
Beijing cabbage Chinese leaves
Beijing cabbage

simmered with egg white for 15 minutes to

clarify, strained and finished with lemon juice Beijing duck Peking duck
Beijing duck

and sour cream beijing kao ya China Peking duck

beijing kao ya

beetroot red E162, a red food colouring

beetroot red

Beijing pear Asian pear

Beijing pear

extracted from beetroot. Also called betanin

Beilagen Germany Accompaniments to a

beetroot soup Shredded beetroot and onion

beetroot soup

sweated in butter, flour added and cooked
Bein Germany Leg; of an animal, etc.

out, stock added, simmered and skimmed

Beinfleisch Austria Boiled beef

for 30 minutes, seasoned, consistency

Beja Portugal A ewes’ milk cheese from the

adjusted and finished with lemon juice and

cream or sour cream Alentajo weighing about 2 kg. It can be eaten

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Benalty pie

fresh or after ripening into a semi-hard Bellelay France An alpine semi-hard


cheese for from 1 to 2 years. unpasteurized cows’ milk cheese. See also
bejel Spain Tub gurnard

Tête de Moine
belle meunière, fish Fish meunière dressed
belle meunière, fish

Bekassine Germany Snipe


with one grilled mushroom, one slice of

bekon Japan, Russia Bacon

peeled tomato and one floured and shallow-

bekutak Indonesia Cuttlefish

fried soft herring roe

bel Nepal Wood apple

bellevue, à la France Coated in transparent

bellevue, à la

beladi Middle East The common orange


aspic jelly (NOTE: Literally ‘in full view’.)

Bellos Spain A hard cheese made from ewes’

belan South Asia Rolling pin


and/or goats’ milk with a strong pungent

belangah Malaysia A terracotta cooking pot

close-textured paste and a dry rind. Usually

similar to an Indian chatty. Also called
cast in smallish cylinders (700 g). Contains
27% water, 36% fat and 27% protein. Also
belarno Italy A hard, rich cheese

called Queso de Los Bellos, Bellusco

belegte Brote Germany Open sandwiches on
belegte Brote

bell pepper United States Sweet pepper

bell pepper

rye bread Bellusco Spain Bellos


Belfast ham Ireland, Scotland A dry-salted

Belfast ham

belly fat Soft fat from the belly of a pig with

belly fat

ham smoked over peat. Also found on the specific uses in sausage, pâté and pastry
West coast of Scotland. making
Belfermière Luxembourg A semi-hard cows’ belly of pork See pork belly
Belfermière belly of pork

milk cheese cast in squat cylinders (1.8 kg). belly pork See pork belly
belly pork

Similar to Port-Salut. belon France A particular size of oyster from


Belgian chicory A perennial dandelion-like Brittany

Belgian chicory

plant, Cichorium intybus, with bitter green Bel Paese Italy A rich, mild, quick-ripened
Bel Paese

leaves. The conical roots are trimmed and creamy cheese made on an industrial scale
have the leaves cut off 2 cm above the crown since 1906 from whole cows’ milk, weighing
and are then forced to produce white, yellow- about 2.5 kg and coated with a yellow wax
tipped, compact, leafy shoots up to 15 cm rind (NOTE: Literally ‘beautiful country’.)
long by 5 cm diameter, known as chicons, beluga caviar Russia The light grey caviar
beluga caviar

which are in season from January to March. from the roe of the female beluga, the largest
They can be cooked as a vegetable or eaten of the sturgeon family. Usually served as a
raw in salads. The roots have been used as a hors d’oeuvre.
coffee substitute and when young can be beluga sturgeon One of the largest fish,
beluga sturgeon

boiled as a root vegetable. The flowers and Acipenser huso or Huso huso, in the
seedlings of the unforced plant can be used sturgeon family from the Black Sea, the
in salads. Also called Witloof chicory, Caspian Sea and the rivers that flow into
succory, Belgian endive, endive them. It can live up to 100 years and weigh
Belgium endive United States Belgian
Belgium endive

up to 1600 kg, but is normally caught much

chicory younger and produces up to 20 kg of caviar
beliashi Russia A shallow-fried pastry made
of the same name. (NOTE: Should not be
with a wheat-flour unleavened dough confused with the beluga whale.)
beluge Iran Beluga caviar

containing a variety of fillings

Belval France A firm mild cheese from

belimbing Malaysia The fruit of a relative of


the carambola, Averrhoa bilimbi, about 8 cm Picardy with a shiny rind

belyashi Russia A deep-fried meat pasty

long, light green and acidic. Used for souring

bem passado Portugal Well done. Used e.g.
bem passado

food. Also called sour finger carambola,

cucumber tree fruit of meat.
benachin West Africa A one-pot meal in which

belimbing manis Indonesia Carambola

belimbing manis

belimbing wuluh Indonesia Belimbing, the

belimbing wuluh
ingredients are added in order of cooking
fruit time but usually starting with onions and
garlic fried in oil followed by water or stock
belinjo Indonesia A small red fruit. See also

then the ingredients which usually include

melinjo meat or fish, vegetables, tomato paste,
belle dijonnaise, à la France With
belle dijonnaise, à la

seasonings but always rice. Occasionally the

blackcurrants rice is steamed in a colander rested over the
Belle-Hélène France Served with ice cream simmering liquid in the pot and when cooked

and chocolate sauce, as in pear Belle- stirred into the stew.

Hélène Benalty pie Scotland Teviotdale pie
Benalty pie

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ben cotta

ben cotta Italy Well done. Used of steaks. berberecho Spain Cockle
ben cotta berberecho

benfri gädda Sweden Boneless pike. A whole berberetxo Catalonia Cockle

benfri gädda berberetxo

pike, head on, cleaned but not scaled, boiled Berberis vulgaris Botanical name Barberry
in salted water then allowed to cool before berbigão Portugal 1. Cockle 2. Mussel

gently easing the flesh from the skin and Bercy France With sauce Bercy or beurre

bones. The flesh is ideal for filling vol-au- Bercy

vents when combined with a béchamel Bercy, fish White fish, shallow-poached in
Bercy, fish

and/or velouté sauce. Often served with an fish stock, white wine, lemon juice with
egg or horseradish sauce. chopped parsley and sweated chopped
Bengal gram South Asia A small variety of
Bengal gram

shallots. The cooking liquor is strained,

chick pea. See also channa 1 mixed with fish velouté, and seasoned, its
Bengal rice A small-grain white rice with a
Bengal rice

consistency is adjusted, then it is finished

fine flavour from Bengal in the east of India with butter, lightly whipped cream and a
Benicasa hispida Botanical name Fuzzy sabayon. The reserved and dried fish is
melon coated with this sauce, glazed under the grill
benishoga Japan Red-coloured wafer-thin and garnished with chopped parsley. (NOTE:

slices of pickled ginger rhizome used as an A popular example is filets de sole bercy.)
accompaniment to Japanese dishes Bercy, sauce England, France Chopped
Bercy, sauce

especially sushi. Also called gari, shallots sweated in butter, white wine and
amazushoga fish stock added and reduced, fish velouté
benløse fugler Norway Beef olives
benløse fugler

added, seasoning and consistency adjusted

(paupiettes) stuffed with pork and onion and and the sauce finished with butter and
served with a spiced gravy chopped parsley
Bercy butter See beurre Bercy
Bercy butter

benne seed Sesame seed

benne seed

bere A type of primitive barley first recorded in


benniseed West Africa Sesame seed


benoil tree Drumstick pod

benoil tree
4000 BC, still grown in the Orkneys and said
benoiton, à la France Fish served with a
benoiton, à la
to be an acquired taste. Also called bear
bere bannock Scotland A brown round
bere bannock

reduced red wine sauce flavoured with

shallots scone-like cake made in the Orkneys with
bento Japan Different cold foods served in a
the flour ground from bere
berenjena Spain Aubergine

bento bako at lunchtime. Also called obento

Beresford pudding England A steamed
Beresford pudding

bento bako Japan The partitioned lacquered

bento bako

lunch box used by Japanese office workers pudding made from a Victoria sponge
to hold their midday meal mixture flavoured with grated orange zest
berffro cakes Wales Flour, butter and sugar
berffro cakes

bento box See bento bako

bento box

(4:2:1) made into a stiff biscuit mixture by

bentonite See E558

rubbing in or melting and the dough rolled

bento no tomo Japan A trade name for a
bento no tomo

out and cut into rounds. Each round is

seasoning made from a mixture of dried fish, marked with the impression of a scallop
salt, soya sauce, seaweed and monosodium shell, the emblem of the pilgrims to the
glutamate, pounded or processed to a paste shrine of St James, and baked at 170°C until
ben tree Drumstick pod
ben tree

coloured. Also called James’ cakes,

benzoates Salts of benzoic acid used as food

cacennau Iago (NOTE: Berffro is a shortened

preservatives. Those used in the food form of Aberffraw in Anglesey, where the
industry are, sodium E211, potassium E212 cakes come from)
and calcium benzoate E213. Berg Germany A hard, pale yellow mountain

benzoic acid A naturally occurring acid found

benzoic acid

cheese made from full-fat cows’ milk

in most berries and in large concentrations in resembling Emmental but cast in smaller
gum benzoin, now made synthetically for use rounds. Also called alp cheese, Alpenkäse,
as the food preservative E210 Alpine cheese, mountain cheese
berawecka France A spiced bread roll from Bergader Germany A soft blue-green veined
berawecka Bergader

Alsace, containing dried vine fruits and cows’ milk cheese with a cracked but
flavoured with kirsch. Also called bireweck smooth strong-flavoured paste and a
berbere A ground spice mix from Ethiopia,
wrinkled light brown rind
used in stews and in panés. Made from dry- bergamot 1. A citrus hybrid, probably of

fried deseeded red chillies, coriander seeds, Seville orange and sweet lime, Citrus
cloves, green cardamom, ajowan, allspice, bergamia, used only for its highly perfumed
black peppercorns, fenugreek seeds, rind oil which amongst other uses is sprayed
cinnamon and dry ginger. on tea to produce Earl Grey 2. A perennial

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lemon-scented herb, Monarda didyma, used chopped meat and diced bacon with salt and
in salads, summer drinks and with pork. Also black pepper, coloured dark red
called bee balm Berliner Torte Germany Short pastry
Berliner Torte

Bergen bread Bread enriched with plant

Bergen bread

flavoured with cinnamon and lemon zest,

oestrogens obtained from linseed and soya mixed with finely chopped hazelnuts and
oil. Said to reduce menopausal symptoms. baked in 4 circles which are filled when cool
bergère, à la France In the shepherdess’
bergère, à la

with 3 layers of redcurrant jelly and covered

style, i.e. garnished with fried sliced with vanilla-flavoured fondant
mushrooms and straw potatoes berlingozzo Italy Cream cake

Bergkäse A generic name for many different


Bermuda onion United States Spanish onion

Bermuda onion

types of cooked-curd, pressed semi-hard bernard-l’ermite France Hermit crab


cows’ milk cheeses from the Alps such as

bernard-l’hermite France Hermit crab

Berg, Gruyère, Fontina, Montasio, Walliser

Berner Platte Switzerland A dish of smoked
Berner Platte

and the like. Also called mountain cheese

pork ribs, beef, tongue or sausage, lean
Bergues France A soft cows’ milk cheese

bacon, ham, salted tongue and roasted

similar to Saint-Paulin made near Dunkirk. It
marrow bone arranged on a bed of
has a dense supple paste with a thin washed
sauerkraut or beans
rind covered in blue-black mould and is cast
berrichonne, à la France Garnished with
berrichonne, à la

in thin rounds (2 kg).

cabbage, bacon, onions and chestnuts for
berinjela Portugal Aubergine

large joints of meat

berkoush North Africa Moroccan rice

berro Spain Watercress


pudding made with milk

berry A small fruit with pulpy flesh enclosing

Berkswell lemon chicken England A young

Berkswell lemon chicken

chicken, jointed and browned in a seasoned one or more seeds or an assembly of small
mixture of lemon juice and molten butter, put sacs of juice each enclosing one seed within
in a covered dish with chicken stock and it or on its surface
berry sugar United States Sugar finer than
berry sugar

baked at 160°C or simmered for an hour.

The chicken is reserved and served with a granulated similar to caster sugar
sauce made from the thickened cooking Bertholletia excelsa Botanical name Brazil
liquor and extra chicken stock. nut tree
bertorella Spain Three-bearded rockling, the

Berliner Germany A jam filled doughnut from


Berlin (NOTE: Made unintentionally famous fish

by President Kennedy who, when visiting berza Spain A pork stew made with chopped

Berlin and speaking near the Berlin Wall, aromatic vegetables and garlic browned in
said ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ He should have olive oil, 5cm cubes of floured and browned
said ‘Ich bin Berliner’ or ‘Ich komme aus pork, soaked haricot beans and chick peas;
Berlin’.) stock added and all simmered until almost
Berliner Hühnerfrikasse Germany Diced cooked; French beans and sliced roasted
Berliner Hühnerfrikasse

chicken flesh, diced calf’s tongue, sweet red peppers added and cooked 15
sweetbreads, prawns, sliced asparagus and minutes; finally sliced black pudding and
diced mushrooms (8:2:2:2:2:1), all seasoning added for a further 10 minutes of
previously cooked, mixed with a chicken cooking
velouté with added egg yolks (2 per litre) and berza marina Spain Sea kale
berza marina

lemon juice, heated to boiling and served. besan South Asia Ground chick pea flour,

The velouté is normally made with the more aromatic and less starchy than wheat
chicken cooking liquor. flour, excellent for batter and for coating fish.
Berliner Luft Germany A light mousse of egg
Berliner Luft

Used extensively in Indian cookery. Also

yolks, creamed with sugar and lemon juice, called besan flour, gram flour, bessan
flavoured with lemon zest, mixed with besan flour See besan
besan flour

softened gelatine leaves and strained; stiffly

beschuit Netherlands A well toasted dry rusk

beaten egg whites folded in; all placed in a

beschuittaart Netherlands A cake made with

mould to set, demoulded and served with a

border of raspberry syrup rusks
besciamella Italy See béchamel, sauce

Berliner Pfannküchen Germany A thick puffy

Berliner Pfannküchen

beskidzka Poland A very common hard


pancake with jam

Berliner Riesenbratwurst Germany A very
Berliner Riesenbratwurst
sausage made from pork and beef
bessan See besan

large Bratwurst
Berliner Rotwurst Germany A type of black bessara North Africa A Moroccan dip made
Berliner Rotwurst bessara

pudding made with pig’s blood, coarsely from cooked broad beans and red sweet

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best-before date

peppers, ground cumin seeds, oil and lemon are shelled and boiled before drying. The
juice, all processed to a smooth paste orange to scarlet ripe nuts are known as chali
best-before date Date mark used on
best-before date
and are dried in the husk and shelled. Also
packaged food which has a shelf life of 6 called areca nut
beterraba Portugal Beetroot

weeks to 3 months after packing (NOTE:

Under UK regulations this date can be Bethmale France A hard cows’ milk cheese

changed by the manufacturer after the first from Touraine with a spicy flavour
date has expired. Such relabelled foods tend Bethmännchen Germany A marzipan biscuit

to enter the market and discount shop from Frankfurt

trade.) bette France 1. Chinese cabbage or Chinese

best-before-end date Date mark giving only

best-before-end date

leaves 2. Swiss chard

the month and year. Used on packaged food betterave rouge France Beetroot
betterave rouge

which will stay in good condition for longer

beurre France Butter

than 3 months (usually not more than 18

beurre, au France Cooked in or served with
beurre, au

months). (NOTE: Under UK regulations this

date can be changed by the manufacturer butter
beurre, sauce au France Bâtarde, sauce
beurre, sauce au

after the first date has expired. Such

beurre à la meunière Nut-brown butter. See
beurre à la meunière

relabelled foods tend to enter the market and

discount shop trade.) also beurre noisette
beurre à la polonaise France Butter cooked
beurre à la polonaise

best end of lamb The vertebrae and first six

best end of lamb

rib bones counting from the rear of the lamb, until nut brown, one quarter its weight of very
cut down the centre of the back bone. The fine fresh white breadcrumbs added and
ribs are shortened to about 10 cm. Usually cooked until golden brown
skinned and chined and the ends of the ribs beurre Bercy France White wine reduced by
beurre Bercy

scraped before cooking. one half with chopped shallots, cooled,

best end of veal United Kingdom The ribs of
best end of veal

mixed with softened butter, diced, poached

the animal extending about half way down its and drained bone marrow, chopped parsley,
side from the backbone and from the loin to seasoning and lemon juice. Used as a
the shoulder. Corresponds to the best end of garnish with steaks and chops.
beurre blanc France Reduced white wine
beurre blanc

lamb. Usually roasted, fried or grilled.

besugo Spain See bream 1
and vinegar flavoured with shallots, strained,
beta-apo-8’-carotenal (C30) An orange
sufficient cold butter beaten in in stages over
carotene compound extracted from fruit and a low heat until the sauce is of coating
vegetables used as a food colouring. See also consistency. Served warm with fish and
E160(e) (NOTE: The more fat soluble ethyl vegetables.
beurre Chivry France Ravigote butter
beurre Chivry

ester, E160(f), is also available.)

beurre Colbert France Beurre maître d’hôtel
beurre Colbert

betacyanin One of the red colours in beetroot,


less susceptible to colour change than mixed with melted meat glaze and chopped
anthocyanin tarragon
beurre composé France Compound butter
beurre composé

beta-jio Japan A method of salting food by


beurre d’ail France A compound butter made

beurre d’ail

sprinkling it with salt for an hour then rinsing

off the salt. This leaves the surface layer from equal quantities of blanched peeled
lightly salted. Used for fatty fish. cloves of garlic and butter, processed and
betanin See beetroot red
passed through a sieve
beurre d’amandes France Almond butter
beurre d’amandes

betasuppe Norway Mutton broth


beurre d’anchois France Anchovy butter

beurre d’anchois

Beta vulgaris Cicla group Botanical name

beurre d’aveline France Hazelnut butter
beurre d’aveline

Swiss chard, spinach beet

Beta vulgaris maritima Botanical name Sea beurre de caviar Caviar butter
beurre de caviar

beet beurre d’échalotes France A compound

beurre d’échalotes

Beta vulgaris vulgaris Botanical name butter made of equal quantities of chopped
Beetroot shallots and butter, the shallots blanched,
betel leaf The leaf of the betel pepper, Piper
betel leaf

refreshed and squeezed dry through a cloth,

betle, used in Indian cooking and as a then all pounded together and sieved
wrapping for pan beurre de crevettes France A compound
beurre de crevettes

betel nut The hard nut of a palm tree, Areca

betel nut

butter made from equal quantities of cooked

catechu, with stimulating properties, ground shrimps and butter, pounded together and
and mixed with lime and other spices and sieved. Alternatively it can be made by
wrapped in a betel leaf to make pan. The pounding together butter and shrimp
green unripe nuts are known as chikni and remains, shells, etc. and sieving.

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bhel puri

beurre d’écrevisses France A compound original wine, lemon juice and chopped
beurre d’écrevisses

butter made from the remains of crayfish parsley. Used with grilled sirloin steaks.
cooked for some other purpose, pounded beurre monté France Monter au beurre
beurre monté

with an equal quantity of butter and sieved beurre noir France Butter browned in the
beurre noir

beurre de hareng France Herring butter

beurre de hareng

frying pan, passed through a fine strainer

beurre de laitance France A compound and mixed when lukewarm with a reduction
beurre de laitance

butter made with poached soft roes pounded of vinegar and coarsely ground pepper. This
with twice their weight in butter, flavoured may be kept molten until used when fried
with mustard and sieved chopped parsley and chopped capers are
beurre de Montpellier France A mixture of
beurre de Montpellier
sprinkled over the food to be coated with the
blanched, refreshed and drained watercress, butter.
beurre noisette France Nut-brown butter
beurre noisette

parsley, chervil, tarragon, chives and

spinach leaves with blanched chopped prepared by melting butter over heat and
shallots, gherkins, capers, garlic and adding lemon juice after it has melted and
anchovy fillets processed to a fine paste, foamed and just before it burns, used with
mixed with three times its weight of butter, fish meunière. Also called beurre à la
raw and hard-boiled egg yolks mixed in and meunière
one fifth the combined weight of olive oil beurre printanier France A compound butter
beurre printanier

whisked in, seasoned and finished with a made from vegetables appropriate to the
little cayenne pepper. Used to coat fish for dish being garnished, cooked, pounded with
cold buffets. an equal weight of butter and sieved
beurre de moutarde France Mustard butter
beurre de moutarde

beurre ravigote France Ravigote butter

beurre ravigote

beurre de noisettes France Hazelnut butter

beurre de noisettes

beurre vert France Ravigote butter

beurre vert

beurre de paprika A compound butter made

beurre de paprika

Beuschel Austria, Germany Stewed calves’


from softened butter mixed with chopped lungs with vinegar and sugar. Served with
onions, which have been sweated in butter, dumplings.
and paprika powder, and all sieved Beutelmelone Germany Melon

beurre de piments France A compound

beurre de piments

beyainatu East Africa A small portion of every


butter made from braised sweet red pepper dish on the menu (NOTE: Literally ‘of every
pounded with twice its weight in butter and type’.)
sieved beyaz peynir Turkey A soft white freshly eaten
beyaz peynir

beurre de Provence France An emulsion

beurre de Provence

cheese made from ewes’ milk, possibly

sauce made with bread soaked in milk and mixed with goats’ milk. It may be ripened in
crushed garlic. See also allioli brine.
beurre de raifort France Horseradish butter
beurre de raifort

bézuque France Bar, the fish


beurre de saumon fumé France Smoked

beurre de saumon fumé

BG See bouquet garni


salmon butter BHA E320, butylated hydroxyanisole, a


beurre d’estragon France Tarragon butter

beurre d’estragon

controversial antioxidant allowed only for use

beurre de truffes France Truffle butter
beurre de truffes

in fats, oils and essential oils

beurre fondu France Butter and a small
beurre fondu

bhaatmas Nepal Soya beans


amount of water or wine, boiled until bhagoni South Asia A tinned brass cooking

combined then strained through double pot. See also degchi

muslin or a tammy cloth. Served hot with
bhaji 1. See amaranth 1 2. See bhajia

boiled fish and some vegetables. Also called

bhajia An Indian vegetable fritter, usually

melted butter sauce

onion, served as a starter or as an
beurre (à la) maître d’hôtel France A
beurre maître d’hôtel

accompaniment to a meal. See also pakora.

compound butter made with lemon juice,
Also called bhaji
seasoning and finely chopped parsley.
bharta South Asia Cooked and puréed,

Formed into rolls, refrigerated and cut into

0.5-cm thick slices. Served with grilled meat especially vegetables
bharti South Asia Barnyard millet

and grilled or fried fish.

bhat Nepal Rice

beurre manié France A well-kneaded mixture

beurre manié

bhatoora, bhatura South Asia A deep-fried


of equal quantities of flour and butter, small

quantities of which are used to progressively chapati. See also puri
bhedaa Nepal Lamb, sheep

thicken liquids and sauces

beurre marchand de vins France Red wine bhel puri South Asia Puffed rice and peanuts
beurre marchand de vins bhel puri

reduced with chopped shallots, seasoned, mixed with cooked and dried lentils,
then mixed with a little melted meat glaze chopped onion and coriander leaves. Served
and softened butter equal in weight to the with a spicy sauce as a snack.

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bhindi South Asia Okra the ingredients of baking powder and also

bhogar South Asia The process of basting

used as a mild cleansing agent. Also called
meat in a casserole, either by shaking with a sodium bicarbonate, baking soda. See also
sideways and downward motion to cover the E500
bicchiere Italy A glass or tumbler, also a

meat with the cooking juices, or by adding

the cooking liquor to aromatized ghee in a measuring cup
separate pan, reducing it to the right biefstuk Netherlands A cut of beef equivalent

consistency then adding it back to the meat to sirloin or round steak (USA)
bhojia South Asia Spiced stir-fried vegetables

biefstuk van de haas Netherlands Filet

biefstuk van de haas

bhoona 1. Indian frying which covers sautéing


mignon of beef
(sukha bhoona), pot roasting (dummed bien cuit France Well done; in the case of
bien cuit

bhoona) and a type of braising in ghee in a meat, all pinkness gone

closed container (ard bhoona) 2. another Bienenstich Austria, Germany A yeasted

spelling of bhuna 2 pastry with an almond topping similar to an

bhoona pursindah South Asia Flattened
bhoona pursindah

almond slice. Also called bee sting

deboned lamb or pork chops, marinaded in bien padado Spain Well done. Used of meat,
bien padado

a mixture of yoghurt, minced chillies and steak, etc.

sweet pepper, black pepper and ground
Bier Germany Beer

cloves for 6 hours, then fried in butter which

bière France Beer

has been aromatized with cinnamon and

Bierkaltschale Germany Cold beer soup

sweet nim leaves, until cooked and dry

bhorji South Asia Scrambled. Used of eggs. Bierkäse Germany A rectangular-shaped
bhorji Bierkäse

BHT Butylated hydroxytoluene, a controversial

sharp-tasting semi-hard cows’ milk cheese.
antioxidant allowed only for use in fats, oils See also Weisslacker
Bierplinsen Germany Cooked meat or

and essential oils. See also E321

bhuna 1. another spelling of bhoona 1 2. A dry
sausages, coated in frying batter made with
curry dish made with fried meat beer and deep-fried
Bierschinken Germany A Brühwurst made

bhuni khichhari South Asia A dry version of

bhuni khichhari

khichhari with 2 parts lean shoulder pork, 1 part belly

bianchetti Italy Very tiny fish fry, so small that
pork, minced very fine with seasoning,
they are transparent. Generally mixed with spices and containing chunks of cooked
egg and made into an omelette or used in ham fat and sometimes pistachio nuts.
soup. Also called gianchetti Usually eaten cold.
Biersuppe Germany Lager, boiled and

bianco, in Italy Served with oil, melted butter

bianco, in

and lemon juice. Used usually of fish. thickened with a brown roux, flavoured with
bianco di Spagna Italy A large tender and
bianco di Spagna
cinnamon stick, cardamom seeds and
commonly used white bean lemon zest plus salt and sugar, strained and
served with croûtons
bianco d’uovo Italy White of egg
bianco d’uovo

Bierwurst Germany A coarse-textured dried


bian dou China Beans

bian dou

slicing sausage made from spiced pork or

biarrotte, à la France In the Biarritz style, i.e.
biarrotte, à la

pork and beef, and garlic. Also called beer

garnished with ceps and potato cakes sausage (NOTE: Once made from ham
bias cut An oblique cut or one at an angle to
bias cut

marinated in beer; hence the name.)

the grain of the food
Biestmilch Germany Beestings

bibb lettuce United States A variety of

bibb lettuce

biet Netherlands Beetroot


butterhead lettuce considered to be one of

biete Italy Swiss chard

the finest
bietola Italy 1. Swiss chard 2. Spinach beet

biber Turkey Sweet peppers


bietola da coste Italy Spinach beet

bietola da coste

biber dolmasi Turkey Sweet peppers stuffed

biber dolmasi

bietoline Italy A leaf vegetable. See also


with a mixture of chopped onions, raisins,

pine nuts, cooked rice, herbs and seasoning, erbette
baked in the oven and served cold bife Portugal Steak of beef, pork, lamb, fish,

bibliothèque internationale de etc.

bibliothèque internationale de gastronomie

gastronomie International Library of biff Norway, Sweden Beef


Gastronomy biff à la Lindstrom Sweden Raw minced fillet

biff à la Lindstrom

bicarbonate of potash See E501

bicarbonate of potash

steak mixed with diced cold boiled potatoes,

bicarbonate of soda Sodium bicarbonate, a
bicarbonate of soda

double cream, diced pickled beetroot, grated

mild alkali which gives off carbon dioxide onion, capers, egg yolk and seasoning,
when heated or mixed with acid. It is one of formed into egg-sized balls and shallow-fried

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so as to remain pink in the middle. Served bijan Malaysia Sesame seed


hot with fried onions. bijane France A cold soup made from

biff med lök Sweden Fried rump steak served

biff med lök

sweetened red wine thickened with fresh

with fried onions and boiled potatoes breadcrumbs
biffstek Sweden Beef steak bijeni sir Balkans, Greece A soft cooked-curd
biffstek bijeni sir

Bifidobacterium A bacterium used for the cheese with holes from the Former Yugoslav
fermentation of milk Republic of Macedonia. It is made from
Bifidobacterium plantarum One of the ewes’ or a mixture of ewes’ and cows’ milk.
microorganisms used as starter culture for biji sawi Malaysia Black mustard seed
biji sawi

fermented milk products especially in Japan bikini Catalonia A toasted cheese and ham

bifschteks Russia Beef steak


sandwich, similar to a croque-monsieur

bifteck France General name for steak biko Philippines A dessert made from
bifteck biko

suitable for frying or grilling glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.
bifteck américaine Belgium Chopped raw
bifteck américaine
Served with latik.
biksemad Denmark Beef hash, served with a

beef with mayonnaise, seasoning and spices

bifteck Bercy au père François France Beef
bifteck Bercy au père François
fried egg
bilberry The dark-blue-bloomed berry of a

steak with a sauce based on red wine,

shallots and parsley low-growing wild bush, Vaccinium myrtillus,
bifteck haché France 1. Minced beef 2.
bifteck haché
that grows on acid moorland. Harvested with
Hamburger or beefburger a large-toothed curved comb. Slightly acid
and used for pies or jam. Also called
bifteck tartare France Steak tartare
bifteck tartare

whortleberry, huckleberry, blaeberry,

biftek Spain Beef steak. Also called bistec

whimberry, windberry
bifuteki Japan Beef steak

billeri Italy Lady’s smock


biga Italy A starter for bread made from plain


billy bi France A mussel soup made from fish

billy bi

flour, water and fresh yeast (32:12:1) mixed stock, mussel liquor and a little cream,
to a slack dough and left to work for at least flavoured with lemon zest or lemon grass and
12 hours garnished with shelled mussels
bigarade France Seville orange

biltong South Africa Dried strips of game meat


bigarade, à la France Served with orange or

bigarade, à la

or beef which will keep for years. Tough and

an orange-based sauce using Seville oranges leathery, it requires cutting into very thin
if available strips before eating raw or cooking. Venison
bigarade, sauce France Sauce made from
bigarade, sauce

makes the best biltong but beef is the most

the cooking liquor or deglazed pan residues usual. Also called jerky, jerked beef, jerked
of duck with Seville orange, if available, and meat (NOTE: Literally ‘bull tongue’.)
bind, to To bring together dry or crumbly
bind, to

lemon juice and finished with a julienne of

blanched lemon and orange zest. Also called ingredients with a binding agent such as egg,
orange sauce flour paste, thick sauces or even water, etc.
bigarro Spain Winkle
so as to make a cohesive mass which can be
bigatan Philippines Ridged sand clam
shaped prior to, and which will hold its shape
during, cooking
bigoli Italy Thick home-made spaghetti from

bindae duk Korea Fritters made with a mung

bindae duk

bean flour batter
bigorneau France A small gastropod mollusc,

bindi South Asia Okra


Nassa mutabilis, similar in shape to a winkle

bing cherry United States A round, plump red
bing cherry

and treated in the same way. Very common

in Brittany. to purple, and very juicy cherry
bing ji ling China Ice cream
bing ji ling

bigos Poland A typical winter stew made from


bingleberry A variety of dewberry


cabbage, sauerkraut, chopped pork,

bin tong China Lump sugar (3)
bin tong

gammon, smoked sausage, dried

mushrooms, onions, lard, tomato purée, biocide The general name for any chemical

garlic, paprika and seasoning, cooked in substance which destroys microorganisms

advance and reheated. Sometimes prunes, and other forms of life
plum tomatoes and red wine are added. biocoli Italy Toasted sweet bread

bigoudine, à la France In the Bigouden style,

bigoudine, à la

bioflavonoids A complex family of chemicals


i.e. with baked slices of scrubbed potatoes including rutin and hesperidin which are
with the skin left on (NOTE: Bigouden is a widely distributed in fresh raw fruits and
village in Pont d’Abbé, Brittany.) vegetables. It is thought that they have
bihun Indonesia, Malaysia Rice vermicelli

protective effects on vitamin C stores in the

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body and are involved in the strength of biryani South Asia A vividly coloured and

capillaries. They have no known toxicity. aromatic pilau-type dish of rice and fish or
biotin A very stable vitamin necessary for meat. The meat or fish, precooked with

yeast and bacterial reproduction. Its spices, is mixed with uncooked, parboiled or
presence in bread dough is essential. Its cooked rice previously fried with spices as for
absence, in an active form, in egg white is risotto, caramelized onions, and possibly
responsible for the preservation of the egg almonds, and then steamed in a tightly
against bacterial attack. It is widely sealed container. The colour is derived from
distributed in all animal and plant tissues, saffron or turmeric. Spices and herbs are
with high concentrations in yeast, liver and selected from parsley, bay, mint, lovage,
kidney. It is also synthesized by intestinal coriander leaves, garlic, fresh ginger root,
bacteria and easily absorbed in the gut. It is chillies, cardamom, cloves, coriander seed,
required for the metabolism of peppercorns, cumin, fennel, anise,
carbohydrates and has no known toxicity. cinnamon or cayenne pepper. Vegetables
Raw egg white taken in excessive quantities incorporated include carrots, green peppers
whilst under antibiotic treatment could lead and onions. Additional ingredients include
to a deficiency state which would appear as butter and yoghurt.
skin disease. Currently this affects only a few bis(e) France Wholemeal (flour or bread)

babies and is easily cured. Also called Bischofsbrot Germany A Christmas cake

vitamin H containing dried vine fruits, nuts and

biphenyl See E230, diphenyl

chocolate drops (NOTE: Literally ‘bishop’s

bird A feathered and winged animal, not

necessarily having the ability to fly. Either biscocho Philippines Crumbled dried toast

domesticated e.g. chicken, duck, goose, used for thickening sauces and stews
turkey, guinea fowl, etc. or wild e.g. duck,
biscoito Portugal Biscuit

pheasant, partridge, etc.

biscote Spain Rusk

bird cherry United States A native cherry,

bird cherry

biscotte France 1. Rusk 2. Melba toast


Prunus pennsylvanica, used to make a jelly-

biscotti Italy 1. Biscuits 2. Rusks

type conserve. Also called pin cherry

birdseye chilli A small (max. 2 cm long) chilli biscotti da tè Italy 1. Tea cakes 2. Petits fours
birdseye chilli biscotti da tè

from Thailand, blisteringly hot and varying in biscotti di prato Italy A hard sweet biscuit
biscotti di prato

colour from green to red containing almond pieces

bird’s nest 1. The nest of a small species of
bird’s nest

biscuit 1. A crisp, dry, small, flat, baked,


swallow found on the coasts of Southeast sweet or savoury cake (NOTE: Literally ‘twice
Asia. The birds, which consume a lot of cooked’. See biscuit production methods.) 2.
seaweed, secrete a gelatinous saliva which United States An English scone. Also called
they use to construct the nest. This is used to hot biscuit 3. France Sponge cake
make a soup which is more renowned for its
biscuit à la cuiller France Sponge finger
biscuit à la cuiller

texture than its flavour but is regarded as a

(UK), lady finger (USA)
health food by the Chinese to prevent brittle
biscuit crust pastry Flan pastry
biscuit crust pastry

bones in old age. There may be some

biscuit cutter A light metal or plastic outline
biscuit cutter

scientific justification for this. 2. United

States A nest made from raw straw potatoes shape used to cut individual biscuits from
deep-fried between nesting frying baskets rolled-out dough. Also called cookie cutter
bird’s nest soup A delicately flavoured soup
bird’s nest soup

biscuit de Reims France A type of macaroon

biscuit de Reims

made by cooking cleaned birds’ nests in a biscuit press A large syringe with variously
biscuit press

sweet or savoury consommé shaped attachments at the end remote from

bireweck France A spiced bread roll from

the plunger. It is filled with biscuit dough

Alsace. See also berawecka which is pressed out to form the various
Birkhuhn Germany Grouse shapes. Also called cookie press

Birne Germany Pear biscuit production methods The five

Birne biscuit production methods

Birnenbrot Germany A sweetened fruit loaf


methods are sugar batter, flour batter,

biroldo Italy A Tuscan blood pudding
blending, foaming and rubbing in. See under
containing pine nuts and raisins or cheese each name for method.
biscuit sec France Plain biscuit (UK), cookie
biscuit sec

birthday cake An iced and decorated cake to

birthday cake

celebrate a birthday. Often baked in special (USA)

biscuit tortini United States A frozen dessert
biscuit tortini

tins to give shapes appropriate to the

occasion and recipient. Usually with as many made with cream, eggs and crushed
candles as the age and some piped greeting. macaroons

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biscuit turner A small broad spatula with an 2. bitok (plural bitki) Russia A minced pork
biscuit turner

offset blade, used to lift and turn small items or beef patty with breadcrumbs and sweated
on the baking tray chopped onions bound with egg, panéed,
bishara North Africa A thick purée of cooked
fried in chicken fat or lard and served with
beans from Morocco flavoured with cumin lingonberry or cranberry sauce or the pan
and paprika, used as a dip or thinned out as residues deglazed with sour cream
bittara appa South Asia, Sri Lanka A popular
bittara appa

a soup
bishop’s cake United States A light sponge
bishop’s cake
breakfast food made from appa batter or
cake with raisins and almonds string hoppers, cooked very slowly with a
bishop’s weed Ajowan
bishop’s weed
whole shelled egg in the centre
bitter almond The kernel of the nut of the
bitter almond

Biskotte Germany Langue de chat


biskvit Russia Sponge cake

bitter almond tree, Prunus dulcis var. amara,
used for the production of almond essence
bismalva Italy Marshmallow

and almond oil. Toxic if the kernel is

Bismark filler United States A large plain
Bismark filler

consumed in quantity. Used occasionally as

nozzle used with a piping bag for filling a flavouring in some classic European
pastries etc. dishes. The oil is not available in the USA.
Bismark herrings Flat fillets of herring
Bismark herrings

bitterballen Netherlands Minced ham bound


interspersed with sliced onion and marinated with a thick white sauce containing gelatine.
in spiced vinegar Formed into balls, panéed and deep-fried.
bisque England, France A soup made from

Eaten as an appetizer. (NOTE: Probably

shellfish or crustaceans in a way similar to derived from the old nautical term, bitter,
lobster sauce but using a white meat stock meaning ‘the end of a cable’.)
instead of fish stock, omitting the garlic and bitter chocolate Chocolate containing 5 to
bitter chocolate

finishing with diced shellfish or crustacean 20% sugar used for baking and
flesh and cream confectionery rather than for eating directly.
bisque de homard France A bisque, made
bisque de homard

Also called baking chocolate

either with live lobster, halved, cleaned and bitter cucumber See bitter gourd
bitter cucumber

claws cracked, or, cooked lobster shell

bitter gourd An Indian vegetable, Momordica
bitter gourd

excluding the claws. Also called lobster

charantia, found also in China and Southeast
Asia, which looks like a small green warty
bisquit tortoni Italy A frozen dessert of cream,
bisquit tortoni

cucumber. It is usually sliced, its seeds

nuts and fruit sprinkled with crushed discarded and soaked in salt water to remove
macaroons the bitter taste. It is usually braised or
bistec Spain Beef steak

steamed and combined with strong flavours.

bistecca Italy Beef steak

It can be pickled, and in Indonesia it is eaten

bistecca alla pizzaiola Italy Beef steak with
bistecca alla pizzaiola

raw in salads. Also called balsam pear, bitter

a sauce of sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumber, bitter melon
garlic flavoured with oregano and spices bitterkoekjes Netherlands Macaroons

bistecca fiorentina Italy Beef steak grilled

bistecca fiorentina

bitter melon See bitter gourd

bitter melon

over charcoal and served rare with a little bitter orange See Seville orange
bitter orange

olive oil
bittersweet Tasting both bitter and sweet at

bistecchina Italy A thin steak


the same time

bisteeya A type of filled pastry. See also

bitto Italy A hard cooked-curd cheese cast


bastilla and pressed in cylinders weighing 15 to 25

bistro England, France A small restaurant,

kg. After moulding, the cheese is repeatedly

with a bar, serving snacks and full meals dry-salted and then ripened and dried for 2
(NOTE: The word was taken over from to 6 months for the table version and 2 to 3
Russian by Napoleon’s troops during the years for the grating version. The paste of the
invasion of Russia. It means ‘quick’ and was young cheese has a buttery texture with a
used jocularly of the slow service in that few holes and a delicate taste. It becomes
country’s inns.) denser and more crumbly with age. Used
biswa tulsi South Asia Basil
biswa tulsi

especially in polenta, polenta taragna and

bitki Russia See bitok 2 sciatti.

bitochki Russia Small meatballs, fried and bivalve Any shellfish of the mollusc family
bitochki bivalve

served with a piquant sauce enriched with with two shells hinged together enclosing the
soured cream animal. Examples are mussels, oysters,
bitok 1. France The French name for a
cockles, clams and scallops.
biwa Japan Loquats

Russian meat loaf served with soured cream

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Bixa orellana Botanical name The plant of juice each containing a seed and all
which bears annatto seeds gathered in an elongated sphere. Available
bixin A golden yellow food colouring obtained

wild or cultivated they are used for pies, jam

from the seeds of achiote. See also annatto or stewed fruit, often teamed with apples.
bizcocho Spain 1. Biscuit 2. Sponge cake
Also called bramble
black bottom pie United States A custard pie
black bottom pie

bizcochos borrachos Spain Sponge cake

bizcochos borrachos

dredged with sugar and cinnamon and with a layer of dark chocolate custard on the
splashed with wine bottom
black bread Pumpernickel
black bread

bjano sirene Bulgaria A soft ewes’ milk

bjano sirene

cheese cast like a small brick (1 kg). The black bream One of the seawater bream,
black bream

salty, acid paste is dense and covered with a Spondiyliosona cantharus, with an excellent
thin rind. Contains 50% water, 25% fat and flavour; found from the Mediterranean to the
20% protein. North Sea. Also called old wife. See also
björnbär Sweden Blackberry

Australian black bream

bjørnebær Norway Blackberry

black bun Scotland A rich, spiced, dark fruit

black bun

blåbær Norway 1. Blueberry 2. Bilberry cake encased in pastry and eaten in


blåbär Sweden Blueberry

Scotland on New Year’s eve. Often well
blacan See blachan
matured. Also called Scotch bun, Scotch
blachan A strong-smelling dried paste from
black bun
black butter See beurre noisette
black butter

East Asia made from salted and fermented

small crustaceans and sold in small blocks. black cap pudding England A pudding made
black cap pudding

Used for flavouring. Also called blacan, from basic steamed pudding mixture,
blakhan, kapi, terasi, balachan, trasi poured into a greased basin whose base is
black back salmon Australia See salmon 2 covered with currants or blackcurrant jam.
black back salmon

black bass United States A small freshwater

black bass
When turned out it has a black cap. Served
fish of the genus Micropterus, with a firm with a sweet jam or syrup sauce.
blackcock See black grouse

delicate white flesh found in North American

rivers. The skin must be removed before black cod A round bodied fish, Anoplopoma
black cod

cooking to avoid off flavours. fimbria, from the North Pacific which has a
black bean 1. A type of French bean,
black bean

grey-black to black upper surface and

Phaseolus vulgaris, widely cultivated in weighs about 2.5 kg. It is not a member of
South America and East Asia. The dried the cod family and has a rich oily flesh.
bean has a black skin and white flesh and Available fresh or preserved. Also called blue
can be used as kidney beans. It must be cod, Alaska black cod
boiled vigorously for 15 minutes. Also called black crowdie Scotland Crowdie cheese
black crowdie

black kidney bean, Mexican black bean, combined with cream and coated with
Mexican bean 2. Fermented soya beans oatmeal and crushed black pepper
made by cooking, salting and fermenting
black cumin A variety of cumin with a very
black cumin

until they become almost black. Used as

dark seed and a sweeter smell than ordinary
flavouring in made up dishes or to produce
cumin, found in Northern India and Iran.
various pastes and sauces. See also black
Used in North Indian and Moghul cooking.
bean sauce
Also called sweet cumin (NOTE: Sometimes
black bean curd A dirty grey, spongy curd
black bean curd

the name is used incorrectly for nigella.)

made from the tuber of a taro-like snake
blackcurrant The fruit of a low growing bush,

palm, Amorphophallus konjac, by peeling,

pounding, boiling then precipitating the curd Ribes nigrum, which looks like a small black
with lime. Can be flavoured or deep-frozen grape. The berries can be combed off the
(snowed) to give it a different texture. Added stalks with a fork. They have a rich, slightly
to soups, braised dishes and the like. See sour flavour and are used to flavour liqueurs,
also konnyaku. Also called devil’s taro, devils’ in pies, to make jam and occasionally to
tongue make a sauce similar to redcurrant sauce.
black drum See sea drum
black drum

black bean sauce Black fermented soya

black bean sauce

black duck United States A highly prized wild

black duck

beans flavoured with garlic and star anise

and let down with brine. Used as flavouring, duck, Anas rupripes, shot for the table. The
dressing or dip. domesticated version is the Cayuga duck.
blackberry A dark red to black soft fruit, blackened United States A term used in
blackberry blackened

Rubus fruticosus, which grows on long Cajun cooking for searing meat or fish in a
rambling canes in late summer. The berries very hot cast iron skillet to give the aroma of
consist of a large number of individual sacs barbecued or charcoal grilled meat or fish

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black sea bass

black-eyed bean 1. See black-eyed pea 1 2. black halibut Greenland halibut

black-eyed bean black halibut

United Kingdom Cow pea black kidney bean See black bean
black kidney bean

black-eyed pea 1. A legume, Vigna catjang, black-leg chicken A traditional French breed
black-eyed pea black-leg chicken

related to other species of the genus Vigna of chicken with firm flesh, superior in quality
(cow pea and long bean) from South America to the normal roasting chicken. Needs
but now grown also in India and Southeast slightly slower cooking.
Asia. The pods grow up to 60 cm long and black lentil See black gram
black lentil

the beans when mature are yellow-brown to blacklip abalone One of the main species of
blacklip abalone

red in colour with a dark eye and similar in abalone, Haliotis ruber, with a red corrugated
size and and shape to a kidney bean. To shell. It lives in crevices in rocks and reefs.
confuse matters it is sometimes referred to (NOTE: So called because of its black
as asparagus bean which is a completely mantle.)
different species. Also called black-eyed black lovage Alexanders
black lovage

bean, catjang bean 2. United States Cow pea

black Mike United States A meat and
black Mike

black-eyed susan United States Cow pea

black-eyed susan

vegetable stew (colloquial; Forestry workers)

blackfish Australia A commercial fish from

black moss Hair vegetable

black moss

New South Wales available all the year round black mustard seed A strong, pungent
black mustard seed

but particularly in autumn. Suitable for all variety of mustard, Brassica nigra, from
types of cooking, it is easily skinned and Southern Europe and India not grown for
deboned. international trade and only available locally.
Black Forest cherry cake See Black Forest
Black Forest cherry cake

Used in curries.
gateau black olive Olive
black olive

Black Forest gateau A layered chocolate

Black Forest gateau

black pepper Made from whole green unripe

black pepper

sponge partially soaked in kirsch-flavoured berries of the vine, Piper nigrum, dried in the
sugar syrup, with whipped cream and black sun. Usually freshly ground, it has a hot
cherries between the layers, the whole pungent flavour. See also peppercorn
decorated with whipped cream, cherries and black PN A synthetic black food colouring.
black PN

grated chocolate or caraque. Also called See also E151

Black Forest cherry cake
black pomfret A greyish-brown skinned
black pomfret

Black Forest ham A smoked and air-dried

Black Forest ham

variety of pomfret with not as fine a flavour as

ham from southern Germany with a strong white pomfret
flavour. Served with potato salad. black pots England A Cornish speciality of
black pots

black forest mushroom See shiitake

black forest mushroom

gerty meat pudding with added pig’s blood

mushroom black pudding United Kingdom Groats boiled
black pudding

black fungus Cloud ear fungus

black fungus

in muslin until cooked, mixed with diced

black game See black grouse
black game

pork leaf or back fat, a little finely chopped

black gram A legume, Phaseolus mungo,
black gram
onion, seasoning, herbs and spices and
grown mainly for its dry seeds (the young mancu. Pig’s blood is added to the warm
pods can be eaten as a vegetable), found in mixture (roughly 2/3rds the dry weight of the
India and the Caribbean. The plant and pods groats), the whole thickened with fine
are very hairy and look somewhat like the oatmeal. Filled into beef runners or wide hog
dwarf French bean. The small seeds are casings tied in smallish links, plaited and
black or dark green with a white interior and boiled gently for 20 minutes. Preservative is
prominent white hilum. They require long added to commercial varieties. The spices
boiling and are very important in Indian and herbs added vary according to region.
cooking. It is one of the most expensive See under Bury, North Staffordshire,
pulses but widely used. The ground bean is Stretford, Yorkshire and Welsh blood
used in idlis, dosas and poppadoms. Also pudding. See also Scottish black pudding.
called urd bean, urad dal, black lentil, mash, Also called blood pudding, blood sausage
black rice 1. A type of glutinous rice from
black rice

woolly pyrol, uluthan

black grouse A game bird, Lyrurus tetrix.
black grouse
Indonesia and the Phillipines. It resemble
Shooting season in the UK 20th August (1st wild rice in appearance but is a true rice. Its
of September in parts of the south) to the nutty flavour is appreciated in puddings and
10th of December. Hanging time 3 to 10 cakes. 2. Mexico Rice cooked in the cooking
days. Drawn and trussed and roasted like liquor obtained after boiling black beans
black salsify Scorzonera
black salsify

chicken for about 1 hour. Sometimes called

black sea bass A deep-bodied seawater
black sea bass

moorfowl, moorgame and moorcock in

England adding to the confusion. Also called game fish, Centropistes striatus, also caught
black game, blackcock, greyhen commercially. It has a grey to black upper

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black sesame seeds

skin surmounted by a very sharp fin and blanc 1. France White 2. France A cooking

weighs between 0.5 and 2 kg. It has firm liquor consisting of water, lemon juice, flour
white flesh and may be cooked in any way. and salt 3. See blanc de poulet
Found in deep water off the eastern coast of blanc, au France White in colour e.g. chicken
blanc, au

the USA. or veal, or cooked in white stock

black sesame seeds A black coloured
black sesame seeds

blanc de poulet France White meat or breast

blanc de poulet

sesame seed used as a garnish in desserts of chicken

and puddings and, when ground, in soup or blanc de volaille France Breast of chicken
blanc de volaille

to make gomasio
blanc d’oeuf France White of egg
blanc d’oeuf

black soya bean A smaller variety of soya

black soya bean

blanch, to 1. To plunge items into boiling

blanch, to

bean than the yellow. Served as a salad or,

salted water or to bring to the boil in same
when puréed and sweetened, as a cake and
and cook for 2 to 5 minutes, in order to part
bun filling.
cook, retain colour and nutrients, to
blackstrap molasses The darkest variety of
blackstrap molasses

inactivate enzymes that cause changes in

molasses being that black mixture of invert colour, flavour or nutritive properties during
sugars and other compounds remaining storage or, for a shorter time, to loosen
after crystallization of raw sugar from sugar tomato, almond and other skins prior to
cane juice removing. Usually followed by refresh. 2. To
black treacle A mixture of molasses and
black treacle

partially cook chipped potatoes in the deep-

invert sugar syrup used as a general fryer, in order to prevent discolouring and to
sweetener but particularly for treacle toffee improve the texture, also to have them
and treacle tart prepared ready for quick cooking
black tree fungus Cloud ear fungus blanchaille France Young fish, similar to
black tree fungus blanchaille

black trumpet Horn of plenty

black trumpet
whitebait, but of sardines with possibly a few
anchovies. Cooked as whitebait.
black turnip A large black-skinned turnip
black turnip

blanched almonds Almond kernels with the

blanched almonds

from Italy with a sharp, pungent, white and

crisp flesh skin removed
blanchir France To blanch or scald

black vinegar A dark, mild and sweetish

black vinegar

blancmange United Kingdom A sweet, semi-


vinegar similar to balsamic vinegar but made

from fermented glutinous rice or sorghum. solid dessert made with milk, sugar,
Presumably made in a similar way. flavourings and colour, thickened with corn
Commonly added to many dishes as a flour, poured into a mould and demoulded
flavouring in north and central China. when set. Originally a medieval dish made
black walnut United States A variety of
black walnut
with almonds. (NOTE: Literally ‘white eats’.)
blancmange mould same as jelly mould
blancmange mould

walnut tree with black coloured walnuts

blanco South America A cows’ milk cheese

bladder cherry Chinese lantern

bladder cherry

similar to Ricotta
blade bone United Kingdom A large beef joint
blade bone

blandade grönsaker Sweden A large white

blandade grönsaker

from the top of the forequarter between the

ribs and the neck and clod. Usually boned cauliflower cooked al dente and cored,
and sold as blade steak or chuck steak. placed at the centre of a dish, decoratively
surrounded by small carrots, young beetroot,
blade mace The one-piece outer lacy
blade mace

mangetout peas, spinach, petit pois and

covering, the aril, of a nutmeg. See also mace spring onions all cooked al dente plus hard-
blade of pork United Kingdom The shoulder
blade of pork

boiled eggs, sliced tomatoes and sliced

blade and surrounding muscle. Can be cucumber, all sprinkled with chopped
roasted or boned out and roasted or cut up parsley. Served with mousseline sauce or
for braising or stewing. melted butter.
blade steak United Kingdom Blade bone
blade steak

blandad frukt Sweden Mixed fruit

blandad frukt

blaeberry Bilberry

blangah Malaysia A terracotta cooking pot.


Blakeney fritters England Small balls of See also belangah

Blakeney fritters

dough made from flour, butter, sugar and blanket tripe A smooth tripe from the first
blanket tripe

egg yolk, put on a baking sheet and a hole stomach of the cow or ox. Considered to be
pressed into the centre of each. After the the finest. Also called plain tripe
fritters have been glazed and baked at 180°C blanquette France A white stew of meat

for 30 minutes, jam is put in the hole. cooked in stock with onions and
blakhan South Asia A strong-smelling dried

mushrooms, the cooking liquor then made

paste made from small crustaceans. See into a sauce with a liaison of egg yolks and
also blachan cream

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Bleu de Sassenage

blanquette de veau France Veal stewed in a blé noir France Buckwheat flour
blanquette de veau blé noir

lemon-flavoured white sauce blette France Bette


Blarney Ireland A firm, semi-hard pale-


bletted Very over-ripe, soft and almost


coloured mild cows’ milk cheese with a few disintegrating (fruit)

scattered large holes which resembles the bleu France 1. Describes meat that is very

Danish Samsø. The yellow paste is enclosed underdone, the surface only being quickly
in a red rind. Contains 39% water, 29% fat browned 2. Describes cheese that is blue-
and 24% protein. Also called Irish Swiss veined because of penicillium moulds grown
cheese within the paste, usually along cracks or
blast-freeze, to To rapidly freeze food items
blast-freeze, to

needle holes (NOTE: Literally ‘blue’.)

by subjecting then to a blast of air at –28°C bleu, au France A method of cooking fish or
bleu, au

Blätterteigpastete Germany Vol-au-vent


shellfish by plunging them alive into boiling

blau Germany Very rare. Used of meat. See

water or court bouillon

also bleu bleu-blanc Belge Belgium A breed of cattle
bleu-blanc Belge

Blaubeere Germany Blueberry


with a high yield of hindquarter, bred for its

Blaufelchen Germany Pollan, the fish beef. Also called BBB

blawn whiting Scotland Freshly caught Bleu d’Auvergne France A soft blue-veined
blawn whiting Bleu d’Auvergne

whiting, cleaned and eyes removed, dipped unpressed cows’ milk cheese made in small
in salt, which is immediately shaken off and (up to 1 kg) and larger (up to 3 kg) cylinders.
the fish hung in a drying wind for 1 to 3 days The starter is a spore suspension of
depending on size, by passing string through Penicillium glaucum and the moulded
the eye sockets. The fish are cooked by cheese is dry-salted for 5 to 6 days and
coating with molten butter and grilling on ripened at high humidity for 2 to 4 weeks.
each side. Also called wind-blown whiting The paste is white and creamy with evenly
blé France 1. Wheat 2. Corn
distributed veining and a pleasant but
bleaching agent Any compound used to
bleaching agent
distinctive taste. Used as a dessert cheese.
whiten flour or other food commodity, such Made in the Massif Central and has
as chlorine or chlorine dioxide Appellation d’Origine status.
Bleu de Bresse France A heavily promoted,
Bleu de Bresse

bleak A small freshwater fish of the carp


family found in European rivers. Cooked like modern French semi-hard, blue-veined
sprats. cheese made from pasteurized cows’ milk
bleeding bread Bread infested with Serratia
bleeding bread
and sold in small short cylinders. Also called
marcescens, which causes red staining. In Bresse bleu
Bleu de Corse France A soft ewes’ milk
Bleu de Corse

warm damp conditions this can occur

overnight, and in medieval times there were cheese with a firm buttery texture, a strong
reported cases of it being interpreted as a flavour and a few blue-veined cracks. The
miracle and causing religious riots. best are ripened in the Rochefort caves.
Bleu de Gex France A semi-hard blue-veined
Bleu de Gex

blended flour United States Two or more

blended flour

types of flour blended for making specific cheese with AOC status, made from cows’
items, e.g. pretzels, cookies milk, cast into 7 to 8 kg rounds, pressed, dry-
blender 1. An electric machine consisting of a
salted and ripened for 3 to 4 months.
glass or plastic vessel with a fast rotating Contains 31% water, 33% fat and 30 %
steel blade directly coupled to an electric protein.
Bleu de Haut-Jura France The official name
Bleu de Haut-Jura

motor below. This pulverizes, mixes, blends

or emulsifies the contents of the vessel which for cheese made in the Haut-Jura region.
can be wet or dry. 2. A hand-held electric The most well known are Bleu de Gex and
machine with a fast rotating shrouded metal Bleu de Septmoncel, both of which have AOC
blade at the end of an extension on the status.
Bleu de Laqueuille France A cheese similar
Bleu de Laqueuille

motor, used for wet mixtures e.g. for making

purées or emulsions such as mayonnaise. to Bleu d’Auvergne but with a milder taste
Also called liquidizer and dryer rind
blending method for biscuits A method of Bleu de Quercy France A soft blue cheese
blending method for biscuits Bleu de Quercy

making biscuits by simply blending or mixing made in Aquitaine from cows’ milk. It has a
all the ingredients together, e.g. brandy strong flavour and a greyish-green natural
snaps rind. It has Appellation d’Origine status.
blend to To mix into a homogeneous mass Bleu de Sainte Foy France A strong-tasting
blend to Bleu de Sainte Foy

blenny A small slimy fish found both in the sea

blue-veined cows’ milk cheese from Savoie
Bleu de Sassenage France A semi-hard blue
Bleu de Sassenage

and in rivers in Europe and North America,

treated like whitebait cheese from near Grenoble, similar to Bleu

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Bleu des Causses

de Gex with slightly more water and less fat. herring that have been similarly treated are
Also called Sassenage sold as bloaters. Grilled or fried.
block roux Roux made in large quantities,
block roux

Bleu des Causses France A soft blue-veined

Bleu des Causses

cheese made from the milk of cows pastured cast into blocks and portioned for use as
on Les Causses (high limestone pastures) in required
southern France. The paste is firm, rich and block sausage Diced streaky pork mixed with
block sausage

evenly veined. It has Appellation d’Origine finely chopped garlic, cardamom and
status. seasoning, moistened with rum, packed into
Bleu de Septmoncel A blue cheese similar to
Bleu de Septmoncel

ox casings, air-dried, salted and cold-

Bleu de Gex but with a slightly smoother rind. smoked
blodfersk Norway Blood fresh. Used of very

It has AOC status.

Bleu de Thiézac France A blue-veined cows’
Bleu de Thiézac
fresh fish or meat.
blødkogt Denmark Soft-boiled, as of eggs

milk cheese very similar to Bleu d’Auvergne

blodkorv Sweden Swedish blood sausage

Bleu de Tigne France A blue-veined cows’

Bleu de Tigne

blódmor Iceland Blood sausage


milk cheese from Savoie

blodpudding Sweden Black pudding

blewit, blewits A variety of edible fungus,


Tricholoma saevum, with a short stem with a bloedpens Belgium Boudin noir

blueish appearance thickening at the base bloedworst Netherlands A blood sausage


and a 6 to 15 cm diameter, and a dirty yellow containing raisins, oat bran and pork fat
to greyish ochre smooth cap rather like a bloemkool Netherlands Cauliflower

field mushroom. The flesh has a pleasant blomkål Denmark, Norway, Sweden

scent but should be thoroughly cooked. It

grows in grass and pasture land along the
blomkålsgratang Sweden Cauliflower au

edges of woods especially in warm areas.

Blighia sapida Botanical name Akee
blommer Denmark Plums

blind-cook, to To cook an open pie or tart

blind-cook, to

blondir France To sweat (esp. onions) in fat or


casing without the filling, usually by lining it

with aluminium foil and filling it with dry oil until they start to take a hint of colour
blond roux A mixture of equal parts of fat
blond roux

beans so that it keeps its shape while

cooking. The base is usually docked. (dripping, clarified butter, etc.) and flour
cooked to a sandy texture for slightly longer
blinde vinken Netherlands A stuffed piece of
blinde vinken

than a white roux with no more than a hint of

veal or beef, especially a beef olive
colour. Used for thickening liquids, soups,
Blindhuhn Germany A bean and bacon

veloutés, sauces, etc. Also called roux blond

casserole with dried apples and vegetables
blood The red oxygenating liquid that

from Hanover circulates around the body of animals,

blindjo Indonesia A small red fruit. See also

usually drained after killing and used as a

melinjo commercial raw material. Pig’s blood is used
blind scouse Lobscouse without meat, eaten
blind scouse

for making black puddings, hare’s blood in

in very hard times jugged hare and chicken’s blood in coq au
blini Russia Small pancakes made from a
vin. It adds flavour and can be used in the
yeast-raised batter of buckwheat flour and same way as and with the same precautions
milk, which is rested overnight, mixed with as egg for thickening sauces. It is often sold
milk, plain flour, melted butter, egg yolks and in a coagulated cooked state for use in
salt, proved, has stiffly beaten egg whites various dishes. When blood is not drained
folded in, and is then browned either side in from the animal, the meat is very dark.
blood heat See lukewarm
blood heat

10 cm circles on a buttered griddle. May be

kept for up to 2 days. Traditionally served blood orange Pigmented orange
blood orange

with melted butter but may be garnished blood pudding Black pudding
blood pudding

with various fillings. Also called bliny blood sausage Black pudding
blood sausage

blintzes A Jewish speciality of small pancakes


bloom 1. The white coating on some fruits


made into turnovers with a sweetened cream such as plums, grapes and peaches which is
cheese filling, sealed and fried in butter, said to consist of wild yeasts 2. A white
sprinkled with cinnamon and served with coating which appears on the surface of
soured cream chocolate after variations in temperature
bliny See blini

over some time. Probably recrystallized fat

bloater A whole herring, still containing the

and sugar.
bloomer A large loaf made from a roll of

gut, which is lightly salted and cold-smoked.

Has a gamey flavour. Sometimes gutted proven dough baked on a flat tray, diagonally

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blue Shropshire

slashed and glazed with beaten egg or salt made with skimmed cows’ milk. It has a
water strong flavour similar to Stilton. The blue
blotched mackerel Australia Queensland
blotched mackerel

mould is evenly distributed through the paste

school mackerel and is not in veins. Also called Dorset blue,
bløtkake Norway A cream filled sandwich
blue vinny, blue vinney
blue drawers Caribbean Duckanoo
blue drawers

sponge sometimes coated with marzipan

bløtkokt Norway Soft-boiled, as of an egg bluefin tuna The tasty but very rare variety of
bløtkokt bluefin tuna

blower dryer The last stage of a continuous

blower dryer
tuna, Thunnus thynnus, growing to 2 m long
dishwasher where the rinsed dishes are and 150 kg. It migrates over wide reaches of
dried by blasts of hot air the southern oceans and was once very
blu, al Italy Plunged alive into boiling water.
blu, al
common in the Mediterranean. Now a
See also bleu, au threatened species.
bluefish A medium-sized (up to 3 kg), oily

blubber The subcutaneous fat of the whale,


seal and other marine mammals seawater fish, Pomatomus saltarix, with a
blue 1. When applied to meat means the
grey to greenish blue upper skin with firm,
surface just seared brown whilst the interior white flesh found in the warmer waters of the
is still raw 2. When applied to cheese means Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. It leaves
inoculated with various species of the deep water for the coast during summer
Penicillium using needles, to encourage the and is sometimes fished for sport. It can be
growth of the blue-green fungus within the poached, baked or grilled.
blue garoupa See garoupa
blue garoupa

bluegill A freshwater fish, Leponis

blueberry 1. The highbush blueberry, from


Vaccinium corymbosum, has been bred macrochirus, found in North America and
from the American wild blueberry. The farmed in the USA and Japan. Generally
purple fruits with a grey bloom are produced blue with dark blue gill covers and a firm
in clusters on 1.5 to 2 m high bushes and are moist flesh, weighing up to 0.5 kg. Usually
similar to bilberries. 2. Rabbit-eye shallow-fried or partly poached, skinned,
blueberries, from Vaccinia ashei, are smaller battered and deep-fried.
and grittier than the highbush varieties. Both blue ginger Ginger shoots
blue ginger

cultivated and wild varieties are used to blue hare See Scottish hare
blue hare

make the well-known American blueberry blue manna crab See blue crab
blue manna crab

blue meat United States The meat of a
blue meat

blueberry muffin United States A slightly

blueberry muffin

suckling calf
sweetened muffin mixture containing
blue melilot A Turkish melilot, Melilotus
blue melilot

blueberries which have been washed,

drained and added to the other dry coeruleus, with blue flowers, now
ingredients. Baked at 200°C in muffin tins predominantly used to flavour the curds
for 18 minutes. used for Sapsago cheese
blue mould Species which grow as surface
blue mould

bluebonnet rice A type of long-grain rice

bluebonnet rice

moulds on e.g. bread and jam. See also

blue cheese dressing Soured cream, blue
blue cheese dressing

cheese, vinegar, pepper and crushed garlic mould

combined with mayonnaise
bluemouth A type of deepwater scorpion fish,

blue Cheshire England A blue-veined

blue Cheshire

Sebastes dactylipterus, with red skin mottled

Cheshire cheese made in 8 kg cylinders and
with black and with a blue flash on the gill
ripened for up to 6 months. It has a strong-
covers. Used in bouillabaisse.
flavoured warm yellow paste.
blue mussel The European mussel, Mytilus
blue mussel

blue cod Black cod

blue cod

galloprovincialis, very similar to the common

blue crab A mottled blue crab, Callinectes
blue crab

sapidus, up to 20 cm across, with blue claws
bluepoint United States A popular type of

and a very fine flavour often eaten just after it

has shed its shell. Very popular in North oyster found and farmed off the coast of Long
America and caught off the southeastern Island
blue sausage Switzerland Sausages
blue sausage

coast of the USA, mainly in Chesapeake Bay,

and in the eastern Mediterranean where it containing horsemeat which are dyed blue
blue shark A common European shark,
blue shark

has been recently introduced. Also called

Atlantic blue crab, blue manna crab, sand Prionace glauca, sometimes passed off as
crab tuna
blue Dorset England A white, crumbly, blue blue Shropshire England A blue-veined
blue Dorset blue Shropshire

cheese from Dorset with a brown, crusty rind cheese similar to Stilton but with a milder

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blue Stilton

flavour and made in Leicestershire. Also böckling-låda Sweden Buckling pie, made

called Shropshire blue with cleaned and filleted buckling placed in

blue Stilton See Stilton
blue Stilton

a dish and covered with a rich seasoned egg

blue trout Forelle blau
blue trout
custard mix sprinkled with chopped chives
blue velvet swimming crab A gourmet crab
blue velvet swimming crab
and cooked in the oven until set
böckling och purjolökslåda Sweden
böckling och purjolökslåda

from Spain
blue vinney See blue Dorset
blue vinney
Cleaned and filleted buckling laid in the base
of a greased ovenproof dish, covered with
blue vinny See blue Dorset
blue vinny

alternate stripes of chopped hard-boiled egg

blue Wensleydale England A blue-veined
blue Wensleydale

yolk, egg white and raw leeks, seasoned,

version of Wensleydale cheese. Very rare. dotted with butter and baked in a moderate
Blumenkohl Germany Cauliflower

oven for 15 minutes adding double cream

Blumenkohlsuppe Germany Cream of half way through

cauliflower soup Bocksbart Germany Salsify


Blut Germany Blood Bockshornklee Germany Fenugreek

Blut Bockshornklee

Blut Schwartenmagen France A type of bockwurst United States As the German

Blut Schwartenmagen bockwurst

black pudding from Alsace. See also variety of Bockwurst, but with the addition of
schwartenmagen eggs and sometimes milk and flavoured with
Blutwurst Germany A raw sausage made from

leeks or chives
pig’s blood with a variety of meat, bacon or Bockwurst Germany Similar in appearance to

offal additions, possibly onions, together with a long frankfurter but made from finely
herbs and spices. May be poached or fried minced veal or beef together with pork, back
and eaten hot or cold. fat, and seasoning, flavoured with nutmeg,
BMR See basal metabolic rate

coriander, ginger and garlic, packed into

bo Vietnam Beef
sheep casings, smoked and scalded.
boar A species of wild pig, Sus scrofa and
Poached in water. See also Frankfurter
boczek Poland Hard, smoked pork meat

others, still hunted in parts of Europe and

body mass index A measure of obesity in
body mass index

Asia. It is not bled after killing so has a very

dark meat. Also called wild boar human beings equal to a person’s weight in
boar’s head The head of a boar, almost
boar’s head
kilograms divided by the square of their
exclusively used for decoration in the same height in metres. If between 25 and 30, then
way as a pig’s head the person is considered overweight, if over
30 they are obese. (Example weight 75 kg
bob (plural bobi) Russia Bean

(168 lb), height 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in), body mass

bo bay mon Vietnam An elaborate and costly
bo bay mon

index = 75/(1.7 x 1.7) = 25.95, hence

meal of seven different beef dishes, starting overweight).
with a beef fondue with vinegar and ending
body skirt United Kingdom The less muscular
body skirt

with a kind of gruel (chao thit bo). See also

part of the diaphragm of beef cattle
fondue chinoise (NOTE: Literally ‘beef in seven
boeren Netherlands Farm (NOTE: Printed on

the rind of genuine Dutch farmhouse
bobe Italy A type of sea bream

bobolo Central Africa Treated cassava tubers.

boerenkool Netherlands 1. Kale 2. Broccoli


See also bâton de manioc

boerenkool met worst Netherlands Broccoli
boerenkool met worst

bobotee United States A pudding-like dish of


or kale and mashed potatoes with sausage

almonds, onions and breadcrumbs in a
boerewors South Africa Pork or lamb

seasoned white sauce

sausages made from the principal meat
bobotie South Africa Cooked minced beef or

mixed with other meats and bacon or pork

lamb, mixed with milk-soaked bread, raisins, fat, seasoned, flavoured with coriander and
almonds, sweated chopped onions, vinegar other spices and herbs, moistened with
or lemon juice, spices and seasonings, vinegar or wine and packed after standing
placed in a dish, covered in an egg custard into hog casings. Usually grilled. Also called
and baked until set wors
bocas de la isla Spain A speciality of Cadiz
bocas de la isla

boeuf France Beef or ox


made from the claw of the fiddler crab

boeuf, estouffade de France Braised beef,
boeuf, estouffade de

bocca di dama Italy Fruit and nut cake

bocca di dama

similar to boeuf en daube and enriched with

bocca negra Italy Dogfish
bocca negra

pigs’ trotters
bocconcino Italy Thin slices of ham, veal and

boeuf à la bourguignonne France A piece of

boeuf à la bourguignonne

cheese, panéed and fried beef, usually topside, larded and marinated
böckling Sweden Buckling

in red wine and brandy for 12 hours,

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bokko ko maasu

drained, sealed, browned and braised in the Bohemian pheasant Guinea fowl
Bohemian pheasant

marinade and brown stock to half-cover. bohémienne France A very simple ratatouille

Served with a sauce made from the made from tomatoes and aubergines,
degreased, strained and reduced cooking separately cooked in olive oil before
liquor and garnished with glazed button combining
mushrooms and onions, fried diced bacon
bohémienne, à la France In the gypsy style,
bohémienne, à la

and heart-shaped croûtons.

i.e. garnished with tomatoes, rice, fried
boeuf à la ficelle France A fine, trimmed,
boeuf à la ficelle

onions and possibly sweet red peppers and

boneless piece of fillet, rump or sirloin of paprika
beef, suspended in seasoned and boiling
bohémienne, sauce A cold sauce made like
bohémienne, sauce

water with a mirepoix of aromatic vegetables,

mayonnaise using a base of thick cold
a bouquet garni and an onion clouté so that
béchamel sauce, egg yolks, seasoning and a
it does not touch the base of the pan and
simmered very slowly at 35 minutes per kg. little vinegar into which olive oil and tarragon
vinegar are whipped. Finished with mustard.
Served sliced with watercress, mustard,
Böhmische Dalken Austria An egg yolk and
Böhmische Dalken

horseradish and pickles.

boeuf à la mode France Aiguillette of beef,
boeuf à la mode
sugar enriched yeast-raised dough, mixed
larded, marinated and braised in red wine, with stiffly beaten egg whites before proving,
served with vegetables made into a circular shape which has the
centre indented after proving and served hot
boeuf de Constance France Specially
boeuf de Constance

with red jam in the centre after baking

selected beef carcasses from animals that
Bohnen Germany Beans

have been finished on yeasty beer with their

Bohnenkraut Germany Savory

fodder without exercise for the last three

months to make their muscles tender and boil, to To cook in water or a water-based
boil, to

massaged daily during this period to push liquid at its boiling point and with sufficient
surface fat into the back muscles (NOTE: The heat input to generate bubbles of steam
technique was copied from the Japanese.) which agitate and stir the mixture
boeuf en daube France Marinated and larded
boeuf en daube

boiled beef and carrots England A famous

boiled beef and carrots

beef braised with the marinade and a traditional London dish, the subject of a
bouquet garni in a daubière lined with salt popular song. Made from soaked salted
pork for at least 4 hours and served as is. See silverside or brisket simmered with an onion
also daube (NOTE: Sometimes used clouté, turnips, celery, leeks and small
incorrectly of beef braised with wine, onion, carrots until tender and served with the
vegetables and garlic.) defatted and reduced cooking liquor.
boeuf miroton France A dish of boiled beef.
boeuf miroton

boiled custard United States Custard made

boiled custard

See also miroton on top of the stove

boeuf salé France Smoked brisket of beef.
boeuf salé

boiled egg An egg cooked by boiling in its

boiled egg

Also called pikefleisch shell in water

bøf Denmark Beef

boiled frosting United States American

boiled frosting

bofu Japan The thin red stems from parsnips,


split in four lengthwise using a skewer, curled boiled icing United States American frosting
boiled icing

in ice water and used as a garnish for sushi

boiled sweets Hard translucent sweets made
boiled sweets

and sashimi
by boiling sugar, glucose, acid and
boga Italy, Spain Bogue, the fish

flavourings to 149°C
bogavante Spain Large clawed lobster

boiler onions United States Small white mild

boiler onions

bog butter Scotland A strong-flavoured butter

bog butter

onions used whole in soups, stews, etc. or

made by burying firkins of butter in a bog to may be puréed
ripen it
boiling fowl Chickens older than 18 months
boiling fowl

boghe Italy Bogue, the fish


weighing between 2 to 3.5 kg not suitable for

bog myrtle An aromatic bush, Myrica gale,
bog myrtle

roasting, grilling or frying. Usually a hen

with a flavour like bay which grows wild on which has had 1 or 2 laying seasons. Used to
boggy moors. Also called sweet gale (NOTE: produce a highly flavoured stock.
The oil is said to be the best repellent for the
boissons France Drinks (NOTE: Boissons

ferocious Scottish midges.)

incluses means drinks included.)
bogrács gulyás Hungary Hungarian goulash
bogrács gulyás

bok choi Pak choy

bok choi

bogue England, France A small (up to 1 kg)


bok-choy Pak choy


round seawater fish, Boops boops, with a

bokking Netherlands Bloater

silvery yellow skin, interchangeable with

bokko ko maasu Nepal Goat
bokko ko maasu


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bokkoms South Africa Salted fish, a west possibly thickened with flour. Served with

coast speciality spaghetti. Also called bolognaise, sauce

bolony United States Bologna sausage

boko-boko East Africa A type of porridge


bomba di riso Italy A dish of cooked rice

bomba di riso

made from shredded meat, burghul and

spices (cinnamon, cumin, turmeric and the moulded around a filling of cooked minced
like) cooked in a closed pot very slowly and meat, herbs and seasoning, chopped
for a long time in the cooking liquor in which mushrooms and diced cheese or ham
the meat was boiled. When finished, butter Bombay duck South Asia Sun-dried pieces of
Bombay duck

and flavourings are stirred in to give a smooth the bummaloe fish, Harpodon nehereus,
porridge. Popular amongst the Swahili and found in Indian waters. It has a very strong
introduced by the Arabs. smell and a not particularly pleasant taste.
bolacha Portugal Crackers, the biscuits Served with curry. Also called bombil

bombe 1. France An ice cream speciality of


boles de picolat Catalonia Meatballs in

boles de picolat

tomato sauce different flavours in a near spherical or

Boletaceae A family or subgroup genus of the
conical shape, often made by lining a bombe
fungi of which Boletus edulis or cep is the mould with one ice cream and filling the
most well known. All varieties are centre with another, possibly mixed with
characterized by close-packed tubular nuts, glacé fruits or liqueurs 2. Italy A
structures under the cap in place of the more breakfast roll
bombe glacée France A mixture of ice
bombe glacée

common gills and only one variety, the bitter

boletus, is poisonous and is distinguished creams and flavoured ices
bombe mould A special mould for making ice
bombe mould

from the cep by its bitter taste. Of the others,

the white boletus, B. albidus, the devil’s cream bombes
boletus, B. satanus, the red-stalked boletus, bombil South Asia Bombay duck

B. erthropus, and the yellow boletus, B. bombolette Italy Fritters


calopus, are inedible. All the other 23 bomeloe Bummaloe


varieties are edible. However all pickers bonalay Ale flip


should be trained by an expert.

bonavista bean Hyacinth bean
bonavista bean

bolet bronze France A variety of cep found in

bolet bronze

bonbon France Sweet, item of confectionery


vineyards. See also cèpe de vendage

bondail A bondon type cheese flavoured with

Boletus badius Bay boletus garlic

Boletus edulis Cep
Bondard See Bondon

bolinhos Portugal Small balls (of meat, fish,


Bondart See Bondon


bondas South Asia Spiced balls of mashed

boller Denmark Balls, as in fish or meatballs


potatoes coated in a besan batter and deep-

bollicina Italy Whelk

bollito Italy Boiled

Bonde See Bondon


bollito misto Italy A rich stew made by

bollito misto

bondelle France Houting, the fish


simmering boned pig’s head, flank of beef bondepige med slør Denmark A traditional
bondepige med slør

with bones in, shin beef, boiling fowl, tongue, dessert made from layers of crumbled rye
sausage, sweated carrots, onions and celery, bread, sweetened apple purée and molten
with seasoning in water for 4 hours. The red jam, finished with a whipped cream and
boiling fowl and sausage are added towards red jam topping
the end. It is usually served from a special Bondon France A small bun-shaped, soft,

trolley with the meats carved at the table and whole cows’ milk cheese made in Normandy.
presented with a sharp sauce. Used as a test Also called Bondard, Bondart, Bonde
of a good restaurant.
bone, to To remove bones from animal
bone, to

bollo Spain 1. A small loaf 2. A bread roll


carcasses and fish, generally with as little

bõlo Portugal 1. Ball 2. Cake 3. Pie

damage to the flesh as possible

bõlo de anjo Portugal Angel cake
bõlo de anjo

boneless With any bones having been


bologi West Africa Waterleaf removed


boneless steak United States A steak without

boneless steak

bolognaise, sauce France Bolognese sauce

bolognaise, sauce

Bologna sausage Salsiccia di Bologna

Bologna sausage
bone cut from the sirloin
bone marrow See marrow
bone marrow

Bolognese sauce A sauce made from fine-

Bolognese sauce

bone marrow sauce See moelle, sauce

bone marrow sauce

minced beef fried in olive oil with chopped

bonen Netherlands Beans

onions, garlic and skinned tomatoes, mixed

with herbs and seasonings and simmered bones The skeletons of animals and fishes

with stock or wine and/or tomato juice and together with connective tissue, gristle, etc.

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Used to make stock by long simmering (4 bonnefoy, sauce France A white bordelaise
bonnefoy, sauce

hours plus) with water, aromatic vegetables sauce made with dry white instead of red
and a bouquet garni to release flavour and wine and a white velouté instead of
gelatine. The simmering stock is repeatedly espagnole sauce. Finished with a little
skimmed to remove fat and scum chopped tarragon. Also called bordelaise au
(coagulated protein and dirt). Bones are vin blanc, sauce
either browned or blanched before bønner Denmark Beans

simmering. They are sometimes put in the

bönor Sweden Beans

bottom of a pan to prevent food sticking to

Boodles’ orange fool England A type of
Boodles’ orange fool

the base and to add flavour to the dish.

bone taint A fault which can occur in meat on
bone taint
syllabub made with filtered orange juice
the bone preserved by surface salting, due to replacing the alcoholic liquid. Alternatively a
growth of species of Clostridium and bowl lined with slices of trifle sponge and
Streptococcus around the bone which is filled with a type of fool made from
furthest from the salt and the last part to sweetened orange and lemon juice with
become salted. Particularly noticeable if the grated zest and whipped cream, allowed to
meat is not correctly chilled. See also cold soak, refrigerated and decorated with orange
shortening slices. Named after Boodle’s club.
Boodles’ stuffing Mashed ripe bananas
Boodles’ stuffing

boniato Central America, Spain Sweet potato


boning knife A thick, non-pliable, sharp knife

boning knife
mixed with an equal volume of wholemeal
used for boning animals or a thin, pliable breadcrumbs, finely chopped onion,
sharp knife for boning fish chopped tarragon and seasoning. Used to
stuff quails, small birds or chicken breasts.
bonita Italy Bonito

bookmaker sandwich An underdone minute

bookmaker sandwich

bonite France Bonito


steak between two slices of hot buttered

bonito 1. A fish, Katsuwonus pelamis, more

correctly called Pacific bonito, whose dried
bookweeten janhinnerk
bookweeten janhinnerk

flesh is used as a base for all Japanese Netherlands

broths and stocks. The dried flesh is grey Buckwheat pancake with bacon
boolawnee Central Asia Pastry turnovers with

black with a light grey coating of mould and

is sold either in blocks (katsuo-kezuriki) or as a leek and chilli filling. From Afghanistan.
very thin shavings (hana katsuo or kezuri- boomla South Asia Bummaloe, the fish

bushi). It is also ground and agglomerated boontjie sop South Africa Bean soup made
boontjie sop

into granules for making dashi. Also called from stock and dry beans (3 or 4:1), the
frigate mackerel 2. See little tunny, skipjack beans soaked overnight and simmered in the
tuna stock with a chilli until soft, then all passed
bonito flakes Dried shavings or flakes of
bonito flakes

through a sieve
Pacific bonito used in Japanese cooking
boova shenkel United States A meat stew
boova shenkel

especially for making dashi. Removed from

with dumplings, originating with the Dutch
the dish after the flavour has been extracted.
immigrants to Pennsylvania
Bonitol Germany Little tunny, the fish

boquerones Spain Fresh anchovy fillets,


boniton France Little tunny, the fish


pickled in salt and vinegar or crisp fried

bonnachen Scotland A sausage from the

borage A hardy annual herb, Borago


Highland region made from 2 parts lean beef

officinalis, with hairy, cucumber-flavoured
to 1 part suet with seasoning, saltpetre,
leaves and intense blue flowers. Used to
sugar, ground ginger and cloves
flavour drinks and rarely in salads. The
bonne bouchée France A canapé or savoury
bonne bouchée

leaves can be cooked as spinach. The

food item served as an appetizer or at the flowers may be crystallized for decoration.
end of a meal (NOTE: Literally ‘a good
Borago officinalis Botanical name Borage
borani Central Asia An Iranian salad of various

bonne femme France Simple; involving little

bonne femme

or no complication. Used of cooking. cooked vegetables with garlic and nuts etc.
dressed with drained yoghurt
bonne femme, à la France In the housewife’s
bonne femme, à la

borani esfanaj Central Asia An Iranian salad

borani esfanaj

style, i.e. cooked with mushrooms, potatoes,

onions and sometimes fried bacon consisting of sautéed onion and garlic which
has been cooked with chopped spinach until
bonne femme, fish As for fish Bercy with the
bonne femme, fish

it has wilted, allowed to cool, seasoned and

addition of sliced button mushrooms to the
dressed with yoghurt
cooking liquor. The mushrooms are
borassus palm Palmyra palm
borassus palm

separated after poaching and used as a

borda Hungary Chop


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Bordeaux mustard

Bordeaux mustard A dark coloured, slightly bors Hungary Pepper

Bordeaux mustard bors

sweet, prepared mustard often flavoured borscht Poland Borshch


with herbs and milder than Dijon mustard bors de fasole Romania A broth made with
bors de fasole

bordelaise, à la France Incorporating wine

bordelaise, à la

haricot beans, raw beetroot, onions, celery,

sauce, bone marrow, ceps or a garnish of spinach, tomatoes, oil, vinegar and
artichokes and potatoes seasoning
bordelaise, sauce England, France A brown
bordelaise, sauce

borshch Russia See bortsch


sauce made from a reduction of red wine, borshchok Russia A clear beetroot soup

shallots, thyme, bay leaf and mignonette made by simmering beef or game stock with
pepper, simmered with demi-glace for 30 grated raw beetroot for 10 minutes and
minutes and strained. Finished with meat straining. The beetroot is acidified with
glaze and lemon juice and garnished with vinegar or lemon juice before adding the hot
diced poached bone marrow if available. stock ro preserve its colour. Served with
Used with steak. croûtons. Also called bortschchock
bordelaise au vin blanc, sauce France A
bordelaise au vin blanc, sauce

borststuk Netherlands Brisket of beef


white bordelaise sauce. See also bonnefoy, bortsch Russia A generic name for various

sauce soups based on beetroot, e.g. beetroot soup,

border See bordure

beetroot consommé, borszcz, borshchok.

border mould See ring mould
border mould

Also called borshch

bordetto Italy A fish stew in tomato sauce from

bortschchock Russia Borshchok


the north of Italy bosanske cufte Balkans A Bosnian speciality

bosanske cufte

bordure France A ring or border, usually of


of meatballs made from seasoned minced

cooked rice or vegetables around the edge of lamb or beef, bound with egg and flour,
a plate, used to contain other foods in the baked in the oven and served reheated with
centre an egg and yoghurt sauce flavoured with
borecole A flat-leaved variety of kale

caraway seeds
boreg See börek bosanske lonac Balkans A rich casserole
boreg bosanske lonac

börek Turkey A puff pastry or filo pastry pasty,

from Bosnia based on diced pork, lamb and
sometimes filled with honey and nuts and beef cooked in wine with vegetables and
soaked in a sugar syrup, or alternatively with seasoning, given body with a calf’s foot and
a meat or cheese filling. The sweet variety is flavoured with vinegar
similar to the Greek bourekakia. Also called bosbessen Netherlands 1. Blueberries 2.

boreg Bilberries
boretto Italy A saffron-flavoured fish stew. See boscaiolo, al’ (It) In the style of the forester,
boretto boscaiolo, al’

also brodetto i.e. with mushrooms

borgmästarfläta Sweden Rectangles of bosega Italy Grey mullet
borgmästarfläta bosega

Danish pastry, 40 cm by 8 cm, spread with bossons macérés France A strong-tasting

bossons macérés

cinnamon-flavoured butter cream followed goats’ milk cheese from Languedoc soaked
by almond paste, rolled into long cylinders, 3 in olive oil, white wine and brandy
cylinders plaited, proved for 45 minutes, egg Boston baked beans United States White
Boston baked beans

washed, sprinkled with flaked almonds and beans casseroled with salt pork, an onion
baked at 230°C for 15 to 20 minutes clouté, mustard, sugar or treacle and salt for
borjú Hungary Veal

a long time until tender. Served with Boston

borjúpaprikás Hungary As paprikás csirke

brown bread.
but substituting veal for chicken Boston bean Navy bean
Boston bean

borjúpörkölt Hungary Diced veal fried in lard


Boston blue fish Coley

Boston blue fish

with chopped onions, paprika and garlic Boston brown bread United States A
Boston brown bread

then simmered with water, tomatoes or steamed, yeast-raised bread containing

tomato purée and seasoning until cooked white and brown flour, fine cornmeal or
bornholmeræggekage Denmark An omelette

semolina and treacle

filled with smoked herring, radish and chives Boston cracker United States A large, thin
Boston cracker

bornholmere Denmark Buckling


and slightly sweet cracker

borowik szlachetny Poland Cep, Boletus
borowik szlachetny

Boston cream pie United States A sandwich

Boston cream pie

edulis sponge filled with crème pâtissière and

borragine Italy Borage

coated with chocolate icing

borrêgo Portugal Lamb Boston lettuce United States A small variety
borrêgo Boston lettuce

borride France A Provençal fish soup. See


of butterhead lettuce
bot Netherlands Flounder, the fish

also bourride

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Botany Bay greens Australia Warrigal greens bottle gourd Although often scooped out and
Botany Bay greens bottle gourd

botargo England, Italy The salted, pressed

dried for ornamental use, this fruit of the
and dried roe of the female tuna fish or grey plant Lageneria siceraria is used when young
mullet, which latter is often coated with a as a somewhat bland vegetable after
preservative wax. A popular delicacy or hors removing the large seeds. It looks like a
d’oeuvre in Italy, Greece and Egypt. Also smooth cucumber with a bulge at the flower
called bottarga end. Used to make kampyo. Also called
boter Netherlands Butter
trumpet gourd, calabash (when inedible),
dudhi (when edible)
boterham Netherlands Cold sliced meats,

bottom round United States The bottom of the

bottom round

assiette anglaise
hindquarter of beef adjacent to shin beef
boterhammenworst Netherlands A boiled

Botton England A semi-hard Cheddar-like


sausage made from minced fatty veal and

cheese made from unpasteurized cows’ milk
pork back fat cured with a mixture of salt,
in Danby, Yorkshire
sugar and saltpetre (6:2:1) for 2 days using
botulism Food poisoning caused by the toxin

1 part of the curing mixture per 30 parts of

meat mixture, this then mixed with flour, excreted by Clostridium botulinum, which is
ground pepper, ginger, nutmeg and mace, a strict spore-forming anaerobe. It can
packed into ox bungs, hot smoked and therefore only grow in sealed cans and jars
simmered in water from which air is excluded or rarely in the
centre of cooked food. Used to be
boterhammetje Netherlands Sandwich

responsible for deaths when home-bottling

boterkoek Netherlands Butter cake, similar to

of vegetables was common. The toxin is

Scottish shortbread destroyed and made harmless by boiling for
bot gao Vietnam Rice flour
bot gao

a few minutes. See also Clostridium

botifarra Catalonia A small firm sausage
botvinya Eastern Europe A celebratory

made with minced pork loin and belly,

moistened with white wine, seasoned and summer soup from the Ukraine made with
flavoured with garlic, cinnamon and white wine mixed with pickled beetroot juice,
powdered cloves, air-dried for 2 days, boiled spinach and sorrel leaves, beetroot tops,
in salted water and air-dried again. Called pickled cucumber, shrimps, sturgeon,
butifarra in Spanish. herbs, vinegar and seasoning, all cooled with
botifarra amb mongetes Catalonia Grilled
botifarra amb mongetes
crushed ice
bot xa xiu Vietnam Roast pork spices
bot xa xiu

white or black sausage with haricot beans

bou a l’adoba Catalonia A peasant beef
bou a l’adoba

botifarra blanca Catalonia A cooked white

botifarra blanca

sausage containing pork tripe and pine nuts casserole

boucan Caribbean A wooden grid on which

botifarra negre Catalonia A cooked black

botifarra negre

sausage made with pig’s blood, minced pork meat is sun-dried and smoked (boucanned)
belly and spices to preserve it
bouchée France A small filled vol-au-vent or

boti kabab South Asia Small pieces of very

boti kabab

tender meat, marinated for several hours, puff-pastry shell made by cutting virgin puff
skewered and grilled under intense heat pastry in a round and half-cutting the centre,
whilst being basted with ghee cooking and scooping out the middle prior to
bôt mì Vietnam Corn flour
bôt mì
filling. When half-risen in the oven it should
be pressed down flat to give an even rise.
bot nep Vietnam Glutinous rice flour
bot nep

(NOTE: Literally ‘a mouthful’.)

bot ngot Vietnam Monosodium glutamate
bot ngot

bouchées à la reine France Chicken-filled

bouchées à la reine

bottagio Italy Pork stew


bottarga England, Italy The salted, pressed

bouchées de fruits de mer France Bouchées

bouchées de fruits de mer

and dried roe of the female tuna fish or grey filled with diced mushrooms cooked in
mullet. See also botargo butter, which have been sweated with mixed
bottatrice Italy Eel pout shellfish, bound with sauce vin blanc and

bottle, to To preserve food, usually fruit but

bottle, to
garnished with picked parsley
bou de Fagne Belgium A small soft brick-
bou de Fagne

sometimes vegetables, in sealed sterilized

bottles. Prevention of bacterial spoilage is by shaped cheese made from cows’ milk. The
heating to 130°C for 30 minutes, or by paste has a pleasant taste and aroma with a
addition of acid, salt or sugar, all of which few holes. The rind is orange-yellow with a
inhibit bacterial growth. Apart from fruit, slight bloom.
boudin 1. France Sausage or pudding as in

most food is too difficult to bottle under

domestic conditions. black or white pudding, boudin noir or boudin

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boudin à la crème

blanc 2. United States A Creole sausage and boiled onion instead of sweated
mixture made from pork liver, cooked pork chopped onion. Made into long 20-cm links.
and rice, spring onions and seasoning boudin de Lyon France A boudin noir mix
boudin de Lyon

boudin à la crème Belgium, France A simple flavoured with paprika, chives, thyme,
boudin à la crème

boudin noir mix of 2 parts pigs blood to 1 part parsley and brandy
cream with egg, butter, chopped onion and boudin du Languedoc France A boudin noir
boudin du Languedoc

seasoning mix including lean neck and spare rib of

boudin à la Flamande Belgium A boudin noir pork, flavoured with caraway seeds or
boudin à la Flamande

mix with a large amount of onion, dried vine aniseed

fruits and chopped parsley instead of spices boudin du Poitou aux épinards France A
boudin du Poitou aux épinards

boudin Asturien France Morcilla

boudin Asturien

boudin noir mixture of blood, chopped

boudin blanc France A white cooked sausage
boudin blanc
spinach, pork flare fat and gin, flavoured with
made from finely ground white meat orange flower water, thyme, quatre-épices
(chicken, rabbit, veal, pork), cream, egg, and salt. Cooked as boudin noir.
boudin noir France A black pudding made
boudin noir

onions, starchy material, spices, herbs and

seasoning. It is then boiled and may be eaten with pigs’ blood, pork, kidney fat, cream,
cold or cooked in the usual manner. Popular onions, salt and spices. The chopped pork
at French Christmas celebrations. fat and onions are sweated in lard, mixed
boudin blanc à l’ancienne France A boudin
boudin blanc à l’ancienne
with the other ingredients, poured into
blanc made from raw fish, chicken breast, casings, linked, and simmered at 90°C until
sweetbreads or carp roes pounded one by the blood solidifies and the boudins rise in
one with bread boiled in milk, butter, cooked the water. There are many variations.
boudin noir à l’ail France A boudin noir mix
boudin noir à l’ail

cows’ udder, boiled rice, onion purée and

egg yolks, seasoned and flavoured with with chopped garlic instead of spice
boudin noir à l’anglaise France A boudin
boudin noir à l’anglaise

nutmeg and mixed with cream before being

filled into casings and simmered in milk noir mix with the addition of boiled rice or
boudin blanc de Paris France A mixture of
boudin blanc de Paris
pearl barley
boudin noir à la normande France Sliced
boudin noir à la normande

finely processed raw poultry breast meat,

pork loin, flare and back fat, sweated boudin noir and peeled and sliced dessert
chopped onions, softened breadcrumbs, apples sautéed in butter until slightly
eggs, cream, seasoning and quatre-épices, browned. Served as is or with a reduction of
filled loosely into beef runners, linked and cider and pan juices or flamed with calvados.
simmered in milk and water for 20 minutes, boudin noir alsacien France A boudin noir
boudin noir alsacien

cooled and grilled or fried mix with chopped apple

boudin blanc d’Ourville France A panada boudins entre ciel et terre France A dish of
boudin blanc d’Ourville boudins entre ciel et terre

made with milk, mixed with chopped pork mashed potatoes, enriched with egg yolks
fat, sweated chopped onions, butter, cream, and butter, and apple purée placed in a
egg yolks, seasoning and quatre-épices, serving dish, warmed, well-grilled boudins
packed into pieces of casing tied either end placed on top and all napped with melted
leaving room for expansion, simmered in butter
water then grilled bouffi France A type of bloater, lightly salted

boudin blanc rennais France A mixture of

boudin blanc rennais

and smoked, eaten cooked or raw. Also

chopped poultry breast meat and fat pork called craquelots, demi-doux
with onions boiled in milk flavoured with bouillabaisse France A Mediterranean soup

cloves and chervil, fine breadcrumbs, eggs made with firm white fish and shellfish, with
and seasoning, filled loosely into beef tomatoes, garlic, saffron, herbs and olive oil
runners, linked and simmered for 45 boiled 10 minutes before adding soft fish.
minutes, cooled then fried Served with slices of French bread.
boudin Breton France A boudin noir mix
boudin Breton

bouilli 1. France Boiled; past participle of


using a mixture of pigs’ and calf’s blood bouillir ‘to boil’ 2. United States A classic
boudin creole United States A boudin noir Cajun soup made with beef offal
boudin creole

mix of blood, milk-soaked bread, pork back bouillie France 1. A thick porridge from

fat, garlic, parsley, chives, seasoning, quatre- Brittany made with buckwheat flour and
épices and rum resembling polenta 2. Baby cereal 3. Gruel
boudin d’Auvergne France A boudin noir mix
boudin d’Auvergne

4. Porridge 5. Pulp
with added milk and hard pork back fat and bouillinade France A fish stew with onions,

flare fat potatoes, garlic and sweet peppers from

boudin de Brest France A boudin noir mix
boudin de Brest

bouillir France To boil

with higher proportions of blood and cream

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bouillir à petit feu France To simmer bouquetière, à la France In the florist’s style,
bouillir à petit feu bouquetière, à la

bouillon 1. France A stock specifically made i.e. a method of presentation of hot cooked

for soup, not especially clarified 2. England A food, usually steaks or chops or the like on a
pasty mixture of salt, MSG, vegetable and/or platter surrounded by alternating small piles
meat extracts and flavourings; sold of individual servings of vegetables. The
commercially in large tubs for making number of each variety corresponding to the
convenience stocks number of servings of meat, etc.
bouillon cube See stock cube
bouillon cube bouquette

bouquette Belgium A pancake made with a

boula United States A green turtle soup with

buckwheat batter containing raisins

green peas, flavoured with sherry, garnished bouranee baunjaun

bouranee baunjaun Central Asia Aubergine

with grated cheese and sometimes with slices salted and drained, browned on both
whipped cream sides in oil then layered in a pan with
boulangère, à la France In the baker’s wife’s
boulangère, à la

sweated onions, sliced raw green peppers

style, i.e. cooked in the oven with sliced and tomatoes with a little chilli powder,
onions, potatoes and stock covered in water and simmered until tender.
boule France The flat ball-shaped traditional

Served in a dish with the Afghanistan sauce

bread loaf with a rough crust, weighing up to (chakah) below and above the vegetables.
12 kg. Sometimes made by the sourdough bourani esfenaj Iran A mixture of cooked
bourani esfenaj

method. (NOTE: Boule is the origin of the spinach, yoghurt and chopped garlic, served
French word boulangerie, meaning baker’s as a starter
shop.) Bourbon biscuit

Bourbon biscuit Two rectangular chocolate-

boule de Bâle Switzerland A pork meat, beef
boule de Bâle

flavoured biscuits, sandwiched together with

and fat pork sausage, smoked over beech
a chocolate cream filling
wood, scalded and cooled. Served hot. bourdaine

boule de macreuse France A forequarter cut

boule de macreuse
bourdaine France A dessert from Anjou
of beef extending down from the middle of consisting of an apple dumpling with jam

the shoulder to the top of the leg and bourdaloue France Poached fruit served in a
including parts of English chuck, leg of vanilla syrup
mutton cut and brisket. Used for braising bourekakia

bourekakia Greece 1. A small sweet cake

and stewing. made from nuts and honey surrounded by
boule de neige France A sponge or ice cream
boule de neige

layers of filo pastry or puff pastry like a

dessert topped with whipped cream sausage roll, baked, cooled and soaked in
boulette 1. France Rissole, meatball or meat sugar syrup (NOTE: Similar cakes are

croquette 2. France A small shortcrust or common throughout the Middle East.) 2. A

puff pastry pasty with a cooked meat or savoury pasty made with filo pastry filled with
poultry filling, panéed and deep-fried 3. cheese, poultry, vegetables or meat, fried or
Belgium A small strong-flavoured cheese baked and eaten hot or cold
made in a variety of shapes, often flavoured bourgeoise, à la

bourgeoise, à la France Domestic in nature

with herbs and usually without a set recipe, often
boulette d’Avesnes France A soft, cooked
boulette d’Avesnes

garnished with carrots, onions and bacon

and kneaded-curd cheese made from bourgouri

bourgouri Middle East Powdered wheat. See

buttermilk in northern France. It is seasoned
also burghul
with salt, herbs and spices and ripened for 3 bourguignonne, à la

months. bourguignonne, à la France In the Burgundy

boulettes creole West Africa Highly spiced
boulettes creole
style, i.e. with red Burgundy wine, shallots,
minced meatballs from Gambia simmered mushrooms and bacon
bourguignonne, sauce England, France Red
bourguignonne, sauce

with onions, green sweet peppers, tomatoes,

ginger and chillies in oil and stock wine flavoured with chopped shallots or
bounceberry Cranberry
onions, mushrooms, parsley, thyme and bay
bouquet France Common prawn
leaf, reduced, strained and thickened with
beurre manié. Served with grilled or roast
bouquet de Moines Belgium A soft cows’
bouquet de Moines

beef. Also called Burgundy sauce

milk cheese with a smooth even-textured bouride

delicately flavoured paste covered in a brown bouride France Strongly garlic-flavoured

rind and made in 400 g cylinders

bourride France A Provençal fish soup made

bouquet garni France Herbs tied in a bundle, with small pieces of sea fish sautéed with
bouquet garni

or wrapped in muslin or a blanched leek leaf, onions, celery, and garlic, boiled in white
usually consisting of thyme, parsley stalks, wine, water, herbs and seasoning and
celery leaves, bayleaf and possibly garnished with diced boiled potatoes. Served
peppercorns. Abbreviation BG with mayonnaise and bread.

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boursin France A commercial fresh cream mashed potatoes, grated raw potatoes and

cheese flavoured with garlic and herbs or self-raising flour with a little extra baking
rolled in crushed peppercorns powder, brought together into a stiff dough
boursotto France A rice, anchovy, vegetable
and baked at 200°C
boysenberry A hybrid of raspberry,

and cheese pasty from Nice

boutefas Switzerland A large smoked sausage
strawberry, dewberry and blackberry, similar
from the Vaudois made of 4 parts pork to 1 to a blackberry but dark red and with a rather
part beef acid taste
bra Italy A soft or hard cows’ milk cheese from

bovine somatotrophin A genetically

bovine somatotrophin

engineered growth hormone given to cows to Piedmont, cast in wheel shapes (6 to 8 kg).
increase their milk production but leading to The cheese is moulded, pressed, salted and
their discomfort and an increased incidence ripened 45 days for the soft version or 6
of udder troubles months for the hard version. The paste is
bovine spongiform encephalopathy The so-
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
pale cream changing to a dense yellow with
called mad cow disease caused by an minute holes as it ages.
braadkip Netherlands 1. Chicken 2. Broiler

infective agent (prion) which causes scrapie

braai South Africa Barbecue

in sheep and which has been passed on to

cattle by feeding them with sheep offal. It has braaivleis South Africa Barbecue

now been shown that the agent can be brabançonne, à la France In the Brabant
brabançonne, à la

transmitted to other animals and there is a (Belgium) style, i.e. garnished with Brussels
strong presumption that it can cause a new sprouts, hops or chicory
type of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in humans
bracchiolini Italy A giant beef olive from Sicily

especially amongst those who consumed the made with a stuffing of hard-boiled eggs,
cheaper types of manufactured beef
pork fat, parsley, cheese and chopped
products in the 1980s. There is considerable onions. This is then fried in oil and brandy,
evidence that the incubation period depends
stewed in a tomato sauce flavoured with
on the amount of the agent ingested. It has
cinnamon and herbs and cut in slices for
led to a decrease in the consumption of beef serving.
and the banning of the sale of certain parts
brace of pheasants Two pheasants, one the
brace of pheasants

of the beef carcass. Also called BSE

brightly plumaged cock and the other the
Bovril United Kingdom A proprietary meat

hen, the better eater

extract made from hydrolysed meat protein
Brachsenmakrelle Germany Pomfret, the

and extractives used for flavouring or as a

drink when diluted with hot water fish
bracie, alla Italy Charcoal-grilled
bracie, alla

bowara East Africa Pumpkin leaves, eaten


braciola Italy Cutlet, chop


fresh or after drying and reconstituting. From

braciola di maiale Italy Pork chop
braciola di maiale

bowl A vessel of roughly hemispherical shape, braciolette ripiene Italy Veal olives
bowl braciolette ripiene

sometimes with a flat base, used in the (paupiettes)

kitchen to mix, weigh and prepare the mise bracioline Italy Small cutlets of lamb

en place bräckkorv Sweden A sausage made from


Bowles’ mint The common mint type, Mentha

Bowles’ mint

finely minced beef, lean pork and fat bacon,

x villosa ‘Alopecuroides’, with large roundish mixed with mashed potatoes, milk,
hairy leaves, mid-green in colour and with a seasoning, sugar, saltpetre and allspice,
mixed apple/spearmint aroma diced bacon added, the whole filled into
box crab A small pink crab, Calappa
box crab

casings, linked, dry-salted for 1 day and

granulata, with red claws which fit over its possibly smoked
face and jaw parts so that it looks like an bradan Ireland Salmon

irregular ball. Found off Spanish coasts. bradan rost Scotland Salmon roasted in a hot
bradan rost

boxthorn A plant, Lycium chinense, of the


smoke kiln at around 105°C for a short

tomato family with small deep-green, oval period
leaves used in Cantonese cooking to flavour Bradenham ham England A west country
Bradenham ham

soup ham cured with dry salt or brined for a

boxty Ireland Mashed cooked potatoes mixed

month, pickled in molasses, salt and

with grated raw potatoes, flour, baking saltpetre for a month and smoked over
powder, fat and seasoning, formed into applewood and oak. This turns the skin
cakes, baked, split and eaten hot with butter black and the meat red and sweet. To cook,
boxty bread Ireland A potato bread from
boxty bread

it is soaked in water to remove salt and then

Northern Ireland made of equal parts of boiled.

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brændende kærlighed Denmark Mashed the flour, it is used as an animal feed or for
brændende kærlighed

potato and bacon (NOTE: Literally ‘burning high-fibre breakfast cereals.

love’.) branche, en France Served whole; especially
branche, en

bragance, à la France In the Braganza

bragance, à la

of vegetables, e.g. celery, spinach

(Portugal) style, i.e. garnished with stuffed branco Portugal White

tomatoes and potato croquettes Brand Germany A hard cheese made from

Braganza cabbage Portuguese cabbage

Braganza cabbage

naturally soured milk mixed with beer

Brägenwurst Germany A lightly smoked thin

brandade de morue France Poached salt

brandade de morue

sausage made from pigs’ brains, oats and cod, skinned, boned and fried in oil with
flour garlic, then pounded with oil, milk and
braid cheese See string cheese
braid cheese

seasonings to a fine paste, put in a baking

brains The brains of animals are classed as

dish and glazed

offal and are a delicacy in Italy, France and brandade de thon France A dish from
brandade de thon

other countries. Their use is falling out of Brittany of canned or cooked tuna chunks
favour due to problems with the agent mixed with cooked haricot beans and
responsible for scrapie and BSE, which dressed
affects the brains of sheep and cows. If used branding griddle A cast-iron plate with raised
branding griddle

they should be plump, fresh and covered parallel ribs used to give the desirable brown
with an easily removed membrane. They are lines on grilled steaks or fish. It has a gutter
soaked in salted water, the membrane and round the edges to collect fat.
blood vessels removed and the brains
brandon puff United States A muffin made
brandon puff

poached in acidulated water.

with a mixture of cornmeal and flour
brains sausage United States Casings filled
brains sausage

brandy A high-alcohol spirit distilled from wine


with a mixture of chopped brains, pork and

pork fat with grated onions and seasoning, and matured. Used for flavouring and
linked, boiled for a few minutes and cooled. flambéing or flaming food. Similar spirits are
Served fried in butter. grappa and marc. Also called cognac,
braise, to To cook previously browned food in
braise, to

brandy butter A mixture of softened butter,

brandy butter

just enough liquid to cover it in a pan with a

very tight fitting lid which reduces caster sugar, brandy and possibly spice,
evaporation. The cooking is very slow and served when cool with hot puddings or
the meat is usually placed on a mirepoix of mince pies usually at Christmas. Also called
vegetables. Braising is often finished in the hard sauce
brandy sauce United Kingdom A sweetened
brandy sauce

oven after the meat and liquid have been

brought to the boil on top of the stove. béchamel sauce, flavoured with brandy.
braisé(e) France Braised; past participle of
Served with Christmas pudding or mince
braiser, ‘to braise’ pies.
brandy snap A crisp biscuit made with a thin
brandy snap

braised rice Rice pilaff

braised rice

braiser France To braise

mixture of butter, icing sugar, egg whites, soft
bramble Blackberry
flour and flavouring dropped in spoonfuls
onto a baking tray, cooked at 240°C until lacy
bramble jelly 1. United Kingdom Wild
bramble jelly

and brown, immediately rolled into a tube

blackberry jelly 2. United States Crab apple
and left to cool. Generally filled with whipped
and blackberry jelly (a clear jam without
Brandza See Brynza

bramborová polévka Czech Republic Beef

bramborová polévka

bran flour United States Wheat bran finely

bran flour

stock, thickened with a brown roux and

simmered with garlic, marjoram and ground
brank Buckwheat

seasoning, strained and garnished with

diced carrots and celeriac and shredded Brânzǎ de burduf A ewes’ milk cheese
Brânzǎ de burduf

cabbage previously sweated in butter plus stronger than Brynza which is matured in a
diced boiled potatoes, mushrooms and fried special leather bag (burduf). Sometimes
salt pork flavoured by bringing into contact with fir tree
Bramley’s Seedling United Kingdom A large bark.
Bramley’s Seedling

green sour cooking apple, ideal for purées, Branzi Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd slicing

sauces, baking and most culinary uses. cheese from Bergamo cast in wheel shapes
Available all year round. (up to 15 kg). The moulded and pressed
bran The outer layer of cereal grains

curd is salted in brine and ripened for 3 to 5

composed mainly of cellulose, which is left in months. The paste has a soft supple texture
wholemeal flour. When removed by sifting with small evenly distributed holes. If kept, it

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will harden and may be used as a grating Brassica rapa var. parachinensis Botanical
cheese. name Choy sum
branzino Italy Bass

Brassica rapa var. pekinensis Botanical

brasa, a la Catalonia Cooked over open
brasa, a la
name Chinese leaves
flames, e.g. barbecued or char-grilled Brassica rapa var. perviridis Botanical
brasare Italy To braise
name Komatsuna
brasas, nas Portugal Charcoal-grilled
brasas, nas
Brassica rapa var. rosularis Botanical name
Chinese flat cabbage
brasato Italy Braised

Brat Switzerland A grilling cheese made from


braskartofler Denmark Fried potatoes


cows’ milk
brasserie 1. France A brewery 2. England,

Bratapfel Germany Baked apple


France An informal eating house or pub

braten Germany To roast

which supplies à la carte cooked dishes at all

Braten Germany Roast meat

hours. They tend to be rather more

Bratenbrühe Germany Gravy

pretentious and expensive in the UK.

Bratenfett Germany Dripping

brassica The most important class of leafy


vegetables, belonging to the genus Brassica Bratfisch Germany Fried fish


and grown throughout the world in a variety Brathendl Austria Roast chicken

of forms. Generally classified as western Bratheringe Germany A type of escabeche


brassicas, such as kale, cauliflower, made from filleted herrings, floured and fried
cabbage, Brussels sprouts, calabrese, then marinated in vinegar with onion, bay
broccoli raab, kohlrabi, swedes and turnips, leaf, peppercorns and mustard seed. Served
or oriental brassicas, such as mizuna greens, cold.
komatsuna, Chinese cabbage, pak choy and
Brathuhn Germany Roast chicken

Chinese broccoli. The oriental brassicas are

Bratkartoffeln Germany Fried potatoes

mainly cultivated for the leaves and leafy

Bratrollmops Germany Rollmop herrings

stems. See individual items for details.

Brassica hirta Mustard (for sprouting and made up and fried before pickling
bratt pan A large versatile rectangular tilting
bratt pan

Brassica juncea Botanical name Brown pan used in commercial kitchens, heated by
mustard and oriental mustard gas or electricity and mainly used for
Brassica napus Botanical name Rape and shallow- or deep-frying, boiling, braising and
salad rape stewing. A typical installation can process
Brassica napus Napobrassica Group 200 portions per hour.
Bratwurst Germany A pale-coloured raw

Botanical name Swede

Brassica nigra Botanical name Black sausage, made from finely ground pork or
mustard veal, sweated chopped onion, seasoning and
Brassica oleracea Acephala Group ground mace. Sometimes smoked and/or
Botanical name Kale lightly scalded and grilled or fried before
Brassica oleracea Botrytis Group Botanical serving.
name Cauliflower Braudost Iceland A cows’ milk cheese similar

Brassica oleracea Capitata Group Botanical to Edam (NOTE: Literally ‘bread cheese’.)
name Cabbage braune Ecke Germany A crisp and crusty rye
braune Ecke

Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group bread roll

Botanical name Brussels sprouts braune Tunke Germany Brown sauce
braune Tunke

Brassica oleracea Gongylodes Group Braunschweiger Cervelat Germany A

Braunschweiger Cervelat

Botanical name Kohlrabi

cervelat mix containing sugar, packed into
Brassica oleracea Italica group Botanical
beef middles, air-dried for 3 weeks and cool-
name Calabrese and sprouting broccoli
smoked over oak and beech with juniper
Brassica oleracea var. tronchuda Botanical berries
name Portuguese cabbage
Braunschweiger Kohl Germany Common
Braunschweiger Kohl

Brassica rapaa Utilis Group Botanical name

Broccoli raab cabbage
Braunschweiger Kuchen
Braunschweiger Kuchen

Brassica rapa Rapifera group Botanical Germany

name Turnip and turnip tops Brunswick cake
Braunschweiger Mettwurst Germany A
Braunschweiger Mettwurst

Brassica rapa var. alboglabra Botanical

name Chinese broccoli Mettwurst speciality from Brunswick
Brassica rapa var. chinensis Botanical Braunschweigerwurst Germany Speciality

name Pak choy sausages from Brunswick known by their

Brassica rapa var. nipposinica Botanical type, e.g. Braunschweiger Mettwurst or
name Mizuna greens Schlackwurst, etc. See under type names

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brawn Meat from the head, generally of pigs with a thick yellow to green and brown rind.

but sometimes calves, sheep or cows, etc. Introduced into the Caribbean from the
stewed on the bone with the usual Pacific islands by Captain Bligh of mutiny
flavourings, deboned, defatted, put in a fame. Used as a staple food, baked, boiled or
mould and covered with reduced, defatted fried like yam.
and strained cooking liquor, demoulded bread herbs The principal herbs used in
bread herbs

when set and served thinly sliced. Also called bread are aniseed, basil, caraway, chives,
head cheese dill, fennel, lovage seed, poppy seed,
Brazilian cherry Acerola rosemary, sunflower seed and thyme
Brazilian cherry

bread knife A long non-tapering knife with a

bread knife

Brazilian guava Feijoa

Brazilian guava

brazil nut A large hard-shelled nut from the

brazil nut
serrated edge used for cutting bread, cakes
fruit of a tall tropical tree, Bertholletia and other friable dryish foods. Also called
excelsa. The nuts in their shells are shaped serrated knife
breadnut A variety of breadfruit which

liked the segments of an orange and are

grouped together inside the round fruit. contains large 2.5 cm long seeds which may
Usually sold shelled, except at Christmas. be roasted or boiled and eaten as nuts
Also called cream nut, para nut bread pudding United Kingdom A baked
bread pudding

brazo de gitano Spain Gypsy’s arm pudding made from white crustless bread
brazo de gitano

breac geal Ireland 1. Salmon trout 2. Brown

breac geal
mixed with milk, eggs, sugar, dried vine
trout fruits, flour, butter, jam or marmalade and
bread A staple food made from a mixture of
spices and baked in the oven. Eaten hot or
ground grains or seeds (flour), salt and water, cold.
bread sauce A thick sauce made from white
bread sauce

baked, grilled or fried to a solid mass. Now

usually refers to wheat or rye flours but other crustless bread mixed with milk which has
grains are used in small quantities and been simmered with an onion clouté,
ground legumes in India. Bread is either chopped sweated onions, butter, spices and
unleavened, i.e. no raising agent is used, or seasoning. Served with roast poultry and
leavened, i.e. raised by the action of a game.
bread saw A knife with a serrated edge used
bread saw

chemical raising agent or a yeast

fermentation of part of the flour. Leavening to cut cleanly bread, cakes and other dry
introduces small bubbles of gas into the crumbly goods
flour-water matrix, giving the bread a lighter bread sticks See grissini
bread sticks

texture. breakfast The first meal of the day. See also


bread, to United States To pané

bread, to

English breakfast, continental breakfast

bread and butter pudding United Kingdom A
bread and butter pudding

breakfast cereals Breakfast food other than

breakfast cereals

dessert made from slices of white crustless bread or cake made from cereal grains,
bread well soaked in an egg custard mixture, principally, maize, rice, wheat, or oats. Some
layered or arranged in an oven-proof dish are cooked as needed, e.g. porridge, boiled
with dried vine fruits and spices and baked in rice and congé, others are commercially
the oven until crisp and brown on top processed by precooking, pressing, drying
bread and butter sausage England Finely
bread and butter sausage

and coating, e.g. cornflakes and rice

chopped veal and pork, mixed with ground crispies. Yet others use only a part of the
cloves, ginger, saltpetre, seasoning and cereal, e.g. bran flakes, and others are used
small pieces of scalded lean bacon, packed raw such as rolled oats in muesli. Generally
into ox casings, smoked until red, boiled and eaten with milk and sugar, possibly fruit and
cooled. Possibly eaten with bread and butter. other flavourings.
breadcrumbs Crustless bread reduced to a breakfast cream United States Light cream
breadcrumbs breakfast cream

fine particle size generally less than 3 mm in breakfast sausage Equal parts of finely
breakfast sausage

diameter. Used either fresh, dried, fried or chopped beef and lean pork, mixed with
toasted in various dishes and coatings. breadcrumbs, 1 cm dice of pork back fat,
bread flour The type of flour made from hard
bread flour

ground mace, nutmeg and seasoning,

wheat used in the West for making bread. It packed into weasands, smoked, then boiled.
generally, though not necessarily, contains a May be eaten cold or heated using any
high proportion of protein (greater than cooking method.
12%), the gluten content of which aids, after bream 1. A round, red-backed, deep-bodied

kneading, the rising of the dough and the seawater fish of the genera Pagellus and
stabilization of the texture on baking. Spondyliosoma, with a silver underside and
breadfruit The large, heavy, 20 cm diameter

red fins weighing up to 1 kg and with a firm,

fruit of Artocarpus communis, mostly starch mild-tasting, white flesh. Found in the North

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breast of lamb

East Atlantic. Also called red bream 2. A bretonne, fish Fish meunière dressed with a
bretonne, fish

yellowish similarly shaped freshwater fish, few picked shrimps and sweated sliced
Abramis brama, of the carp family of little mushrooms
importance bretonne, garnish Shrimps, capers and
bretonne, garnish

breast of lamb A cheap cut of lamb consisting

breast of lamb

gherkins for fish and haricot beans for meat

of the rib cage and belly, composed of layers bretonne, sauce France 1. For cooked
bretonne, sauce

of fat, connective tissue and muscle. Usually haricot beans: chopped onions fried in butter
boned, stuffed, rolled and braised or roasted until light brown, white wine added and
but can be chopped on the bone and stewed reduced by half, espagnole sauce, a little
or barbecued. tomato sauce and chopped garlic added,
breast of veal The rib cage of the calf cooked
breast of veal

simmered 8 minutes and finished with

like breast of lamb chopped parsley 2. For fish: fish velouté
brécol, brecoli Spain Broccoli mixed with a fine julienne of leek, celery,

brêdes South Africa Boiled greens as served

onion and mushrooms sweated in butter,
with rice in Madagascar simmered and skimmed and finished with
cream and butter
bredie South Africa A meat and vegetable

bretonneau France Turbot


Breton sauce Sauce bretonne
Breton sauce

bree Scotland Soup (colloquial)


brettone Spain Brussels sprouts


Breitling Germany Sprat


bretzel France Pretzel


breka Spain Pandora, the fish


bréval, fish As for fish Bercy with the addition

bréval, fish

brème France Bream


of sliced button mushrooms and tomato

brème de mer France Pomfret, the fish
brème de mer

concassée to the cooking liquor. These are

Bremer Klaben Germany A raisin and citron
Bremer Klaben

reserved after poaching and used as a

cake garnish. Also called antin, fish d’
Bremer Kükenragout Germany Stewed
Bremer Kükenragout

Brevibacterium linens A microorganism

chicken and vegetables in a cream sauce associated with the ripening of Brick cheeses
Brennsuppe Germany A brown soup in which

brewer’s yeast See yeast

brewer’s yeast

the flour is browned by dry-roasting or frying. breyani South Africa A Cape Malay dish of

Usually contains onions and wine. rice and lentils with lamb or chicken and
Brenten Germany Almond pastry from

flavoured with coriander

Frankfurt, flavoured with rose water and rum Brezel Germany Pretzel

Brent goose A small, dark, wild goose, Branta

Brent goose

briciola Italy Crumb, of bread, etc.


bernicla and other species of Branta, that

briciolone Italy Small pieces, e.g. of dried

breeds in the Arctic. Also called barnacle

porcini (NOTE: Literally ‘broken bits’.)
Brick United States A brick-shaped, yellow,

bresaola Italy Cured air-dried beef, matured


medium-soft, slicing cheese with a lot of

for several months, cut in wafer thin slices,
small holes, created in Wisconsin. It has a
marinated and served as a hors d’oeuvre
lactic starter and is surface-ripened with
bresi Air-dried beef from the Haute Savoie on

Brevibacterium linens. It is ripened for 15

the French Italian border; similar to bresaola days at high humidity and then under cooler
from the contiguous Italian region conditions whilst the rind, which develops a
Bressan France A mild goats’ milk cheese

red colour, is washed at intervals until the

from Bresse cheese is ready to be wrapped. The paste
bressane, à la France In the Bresse style
bressane, à la

has a sweet and spicy nutty flavour, similar to

(NOTE: Bresse is a town in eastern France.) Münster, Saint Paulin and Tilsit.
Bresse bleu France A type of blue cheese. brider France To truss
Bresse bleu brider

See also Bleu de Bresse bride’s bonn Scotland A flat cake made with
bride’s bonn

Bresse chicken A famous free-range chicken

Bresse chicken

self-raising flour, butter and caster sugar

from north of Lyon, France. It is considered (5:2:1) by the rubbing in method, brought
to have the finest-flavoured flesh of any together with milk and flavoured with
chicken and is correspondingly expensive. It caraway seeds. Cooked on a hot griddle on
is the only poultry with an Appellation the wedding day and traditionally broken
d’Origine. over the bride’s head as she entered her new
bretonne, à la France 1. In the Brittany style,
bretonne, à la
Shetland house.
bridge rolls Small finger rolls of soft white
bridge rolls

i.e. with whole or puréed white beans 2.

Coated in sauce bretonne. Used of eggs or bread about 8 by 3 cm, the dough often
fish. enriched with egg, usually filled and served

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as open or closed sandwiches at buffets and brilliant blue FCF A synthetic blue food dye,
brilliant blue FCF

functions licensed for use in the UK but not in the EU

bridie Scotland, England A meat pasty from generally. Used in canned vegetables. See

Scotland and Northumberland also E133

brin France A sprig, of a herb

Brie England, France A soft, smooth, full-fat


Brin d’amour France A soft goats’ milk cheese

Brin d’amour

cows’ milk cheese, formed into a large wheel

shape with a surface fungus used to develop from Corsica, flavoured with, and its grey
its flavour. It matures in about 6–8 weeks surface coated with, herbs. Presented in
when the centre should be soft but not runny small squares which have been matured for
with a faint mushroom aroma and a mild three months. Also called fleur de maquis
piquant, aromatic and slightly acid taste. brine A solution of salt in water used to

Usually sold in wedges, sometimes flavoured preserve food. Preservation occurs by

with herbs, etc. and now available in a blue- diffusion of salt from the brine into the food
veined version. Contains 46% water, 30% fat and of water from the food into the brine. On
and 22% protein. a small scale this can make the brine too
Brie de Coulommiers France A milder and
Brie de Coulommiers

dilute. Brines should be between 80 and

smaller version of Brie. Also called 100% saturation i.e. between 290 and 360g
Coulommiers of salt per litre of water. Eggs and potatoes
Brie de Meaux France A Brie cheese with
Brie de Meaux
will float in such a brine. However 200g of
AOC status, produced from unpasteurized salt per litre of water is sufficient to inhibit
cows’ milk in the area surrounding Paris bacterial growth.
brine, pickling A solution of salt, saltpetre
brine, pickling

Brie de Melun France The original Brie (13th

Brie de Melun

century) made from unpasteurized cows’ and herbs and spices in water used to
milk with an orange-red rind and a strong preserve raw meats and sometimes
flavour. It is sold on straw mats and has AOC vegetables by soaking
brine, to To soak a foodstuff in brine
brine, to

bringa Sweden 1. Brisket (of beef) 2. Breast

brigade A team of people working in a


restaurant, generally divided into the kitchen (of lamb)

brigade and the restaurant brigade bringebær Norway Raspberry

Brighton sandwich England Self-raising flour, brinjal South Africa, South Asia A long thin
Brighton sandwich brinjal

butter, caster sugar and egg (4:2:2:1) aubergine extensively used in Indian cuisine
brought together by the rubbing-in method, brinjal kassaundi South Asia A hot spicy
brinjal kassaundi

the dough then divided in two and one half pickle made from brinjal aubergines
rolled into a circle and covered with sieved brinjela Portugal Aubergine

apricot jam, the other half placed on top. The

Brinza 1. Middle East A soft rindless ewes’

top is painted with apricot jam and covered milk cheese with irregular holes made in
with flaked almonds. Baked at 180°C for 15
Israel. Contains 60% water. 18% fat and
minutes then at 160°C for a further 20 20% protein. 2. A cheese similar to Feta. See
also Brynza
brigidini Italy Aniseed-flavoured biscuits

brioche France A yeast-raised bread enriched


brik North Africa A large deep-fried pasty


with eggs and butter, often eaten warm, and

made from filo pastry with a filling of raw egg, sometimes filled
vegetables and tuna fish, served hot brioche à tête France A small brioche made
brioche à tête

brill A firm-fleshed flatfish, Schopthalmus


with a ball of the same dough on top

rhombus or Rhombus laevis, from the brioche loaf A large brioche which is sliced
brioche loaf

shallow waters of the North Atlantic and like bread

Mediterranean. About 30–40 cm long with a
Briol Belgium A Limburger-type cheese

freckled grey or brown upper surface. At best

brionne Choko

in autumn and winter, and cooked on the

brioscia Italy Brioche

briouats North Africa A type of sweet

Brillat-Savarin 1. A 19th-century French


epicure who had an important influence on triangular samosa from Morocco filled
classic French cooking 2. France A triple- normally with date or almond paste, but
cream, cows’ milk cheese from Normandy other fillings are also used. Deep-fried until
similar to Brie 3. A garnish of small tartlets crisp.
brique à l’oeuf North Africa An egg deep-
brique à l’oeuf

filled with foie gras, asparagus tips, truffles,

etc. fried in a filo pastry packet
Briquette Neufchâtel

brilliant black PN A synthetic black food

brilliant black PN

briser France To break, of bones


colouring. See also E151

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brisket United Kingdom, United States A broccoli England, Italy A brassica related to
brisket broccoli

coarse fatty cut of beef from the lower part of cauliflower which exists in two forms, the
the shoulder. Usually boned and rolled for heading or calabrese type and the sprouting
boiling, braising or pot-roasting. May be type, Brassica oleraceae var. italica. The
salted or pickled and sold cold. sprouting varieties are harvested in spring
brisler Denmark Sweetbreads
after overwintering and consist of small
brisling Small sprats similar to sardines,
immature purple or green tight clusters of
usually canned in oil. Also called Swedish miniature flowers which branch from a thick
anchovies 1 m tall main stem. They are cut repeatedly
for use as a vegetable or salad item until they
brit United States 1. Young herring 2. Young

become too small to be of use. Eaten raw,

boiled, steamed, cold or hot.
brittle See praline

broccoli raab The leaves of a turnip-type

broccoli raab

briwat North Africa Small Moroccan pasties


plant, Brassica rapa (Utilis Group), used in

made in a triangular shape with flaky pastry the same way as turnip tops
and various fillings and deep-fried in oil
broccoli rabe Italy Broccoli
broccoli rabe

Brix scale A scale of density based on sugar

Brix scale

broccoli rape Rape

broccoli rape

syrups and measured in degrees. The

broccolo Italy Broccoli

degree Brix, °Brix, is the percentage by

brochain Scotland Broth

weight of sugar in a sugar water solution at

brochan Scotland Porridge or gruel

20°C. Thus 100°Brix is pure sugar, 50°Brix

is equal weights of sugar and water i.e. 1 kg broche France A spit, for roasting of meats,

of sugar per litre of water. Some hydrometers etc.

are calibrated in °Brix. broché(e) France Trussed (NOTE: past

broa 1. Portugal A very popular yeast-raised


participle of brocher, ‘to truss’)

large flat bread from Minho made with broche à la France Spit-roasted
broche à la

various flours 2. Spain Cornmeal bread

brochet France Pike

broach A spit, for roasting meat, etc.


brocheta Mexico, Spain 1. Skewer 2.


broad bean The seed of a legume, Vicia faba,

broad bean

eaten as the whole pod when very young (up
brochet de mer France Barracuda
brochet de mer

to 8 cm) or as green unripe oval-shaped

brochette France 1. A skewer, used for

beans from more mature pods (up to 30 cm).

Usually boiled but uncooked beans are kebabs 2. Pieces of meat, etc. on a skewer
eaten as a snack food in the eastern and cooked
brochette of lamb See shish kebab
brochette of lamb

Mediterranean. The dried bean, which is

creamy in colour, is used as a pulse or brochettes North Africa Kebabs of marinated

canned. It was one of the first legumes to be offal, lamb or mutton and fat
harvested in Europe. It is a direct brochettes de Parme France Hors d’oeuvre
brochettes de Parme

descendant of the field bean or horse bean on a skewer. See also attereaux au Parmesan
which has been cultivated in Europe since
brocoli France Broccoli

the Stone Age. Also called fava bean, flava

brócoli Spain Broccoli

bean, Windsor bean, shell bean, Scotch bean

bróculi Spain Broccoli

broad bean sauce A thick brown sauce made

broad bean sauce

bröd Sweden Bread


from fermented ground broad beans and

brød Denmark, Norway Bread

flavoured with garlic, chillies and spices.

Used in Szechuan, China instead of soya brodetto Italy 1. A sauce made from broth

bean sauces. with beaten eggs and lemon juice 2. A

broad leaf sage See sage
broad leaf sage

saffron-flavoured fish stew similar to

broad leaf sorrel See sorrel
broad leaf sorrel
bouillabaisse. It has many local variations.
broad leaf thyme A bushy shrub, Thymus
broad leaf thyme
Also called boreta, broeta
brodetto alla romana Italy An Easter stew of
brodetto alla romana

pulegioides, growing to 40 cm. with large

leaves and a stronger flavour than garden beef and lamb finished with egg yolks, lemon
thyme. juice and grated Parmesan
brodino, al Italy Finished with egg yolks and
brodino, al

Broccio France A ewes’ or goats’ milk


unsalted curd cheese from Corsica, similar lemon juice, especially of lamb stews
brodo Italy Broth, stock

to the Italian Ricotta. Eaten as soon as made.

Also called Brocciu cheese brodo di manzo Italy A clear beef broth,
brodo di manzo

Brocciu cheese See Broccio

Brocciu cheese

usually containing pastini

broccoletti Italy Broccoli raab brodo ristretto Italy Consommé
broccoletti brodo ristretto

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brown FK

broeto Italy A saffron-flavoured fish stew. See brouillé(e) France Scrambled, as in oeufs
broeto brouillé

also brodetto 2 brouillés, scrambled eggs

broil, to To grill
broil, to

brousse du Rôve France A ewes’ milk curd

brousse du Rôve

broiler United States A young chicken cheese from Provence similar to Ricotta

weighing just over 1 kg brown Partially or wholly untreated e.g. brown


broit Ireland Brill, the fish


rice, brown sugar

brokkoli Norway Broccoli

brown, to To bake grill or roast in the oven so

brown, to

Brombeere Germany Blackberry


that the outer surface of the food turns a

bromelain See bromelin

golden brown due to caramelization or

bromelin A protease used in beer production
Maillard reactions
brown and serve United States Convenience
brown and serve

to remove protein haze and also to solubilize

soya protein. Can be used to convert topside food, usually bread, cooked to a state where
into a much softer meat resembling fillet it just needs to be browned before serving
steak. Also called bromelain brown bean sauce See yellow bean sauce
brown bean sauce

brönies Scotland A spiced beefburger from


brown beef stock Chopped beef bones,

brown beef stock

the Shetland isles made from equal roasted in the oven until brown and the fat
quantities of sassermaet and plain minced poured off. The bones, deglazed pan juices,
beef plus some finely chopped onions and a chopped aromatic vegetables browned in fat
few breadcrumbs brought together with egg, and a bouquet garni are added to water,
formed into rounds, floured and fried simmered for 8 hours, skimmed
bronze turkey A breed of turkey usually hung
bronze turkey

continuously and strained (proportions:

to improve its flavour. It has an excellent taste bones 4, vegetables 1, water 10). Also called
and a plump breast. It is more slow growing fond brun, estouffade
than the whiter breeds and the white meat is brown betty United States A pudding made
brown betty

darker. Also called Cambridge bronze from layers of sugar, breadcrumbs, butter,
bronzino Italy Sea bass

sliced apples, spices and lemon zest baked

brood 1. Netherlands Bread 2. Belgium A

until brown
cows’ milk cheese similar to Edam, shaped brown braising The sealing of meat in oil by
brown braising

like a loaf and coated with a yellow wax browning on all sides prior to braising on a
broodje Netherlands A longish bread roll used

bed of chopped root vegetables

to make a sandwich brown bread A general term for bread made
brown bread

broodpap Netherlands Bread pudding


from a brown low-extraction flour such as

broom corn Common millet
broom corn

wholemeal. Now also applied to artificially

Bröschen Germany Sweetbreads

coloured white breads.

brose See athol brose

brown bread ice cream United Kingdom A

brown bread ice cream

Brot Germany Bread vanilla-flavoured ice cream containing brown


brotchan Ireland A broth made with leeks,


potatoes and onions brown butter sauce See beurre noisette
brown butter sauce

Brötchen Germany Small bread roll


brown cap mushroom A derivative of the

brown cap mushroom

broth 1. The liquid in which meat or fish had


cultivated white mushroom more like its wild

been boiled together with herbs, vegetables counterpart with a lightly feathered effect
and spices (NOTE: This is the original above the rim. They have a lower water
meaning.) 2. Stock, brunoise vegetables and content than the white mushroom and keep
either barley or rice simmered with a their shape better when cooked. They do not
bouquet garni and seasoning and finished need peeling.
with chopped parsley brown chaud-froid sauce Demi-glace
brown chaud-froid sauce

Brotkock Germany Bread pudding


thickened with 75 g of gelatine per litre

Brotkrümmel Germany Breadcrumbs

brown chicken stock As for brown beef

brown chicken stock

Brotsuppe Germany Bread soup made with


stock, but with chicken bones substituted for

meat stock and bread and flavoured with beef bones. Also called fond brun de volaille
nutmeg browned flour United States Flour which has
browned flour

Brotwurzel Germany Cassava


been browned or dry-roasted to give it a nutty

broufado France A Provençal beef stew with

baked flavour. Used for thickening stews and

vinegar, anchovies and capers sauces.
brouillade France A stew using oil (NOTE:

brown FK A synthetic brown food dye,

brown FK

Literally ‘a fog’.) licensed for use in the UK but not in the EU

brouillade périgourdine France Scrambled generally. Used to dye kippers. See also
brouillade périgourdine

eggs flavoured with truffles E154

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brown flour

brown flour Wheat flour containing between brown stock Stock made with bones and/or
brown flour brown stock

80 and 90% of the dehusked grain. Part of vegetables which have been browned in the
the bran is removed but the wheat germ oven. See also brown beef stock
remains. Also called wheatmeal flour brown sugar Unrefined or partially refined
brown sugar

brown fungus Cloud ear fungus

brown fungus

sugar, dark brown to fawn in colour with

brown hare Common hare
brown hare
varying crystal sizes and varying amounts of
entrapped molasses. See also demerara
brownie United States A slightly underbaked

sugar, muscovado sugar

rich chocolate sponge, soft in the middle,
brown trout A golden brown game fish, Salmo
brown trout

possibly with nuts and/or iced with

chocolate, made in a square tin and cut into trutta, with white flesh found in the upper
square or rectangular individual pieces reaches of unpolluted rivers. It has a better
flavour than rainbow trout. It is best shallow-
brown lamb stew See navarin
brown lamb stew

fried, but may be grilled, poached or baked

brown long-grain rice An unpolished long-
brown long-grain rice

en papillote. Also called river trout

grain rice which, when boiled, has a nutty brown veal stock As for brown beef stock, but
brown veal stock

flavour with a chewy texture. Requires about substituting veal bone for beef bones. Also
30 minutes boiling. See also brown rice called fond brun de veau
brown mustard seed The hot and bitter
brown mustard seed

brown vegetable stock Chopped aromatic

brown vegetable stock

brown seed of an annual, Brassica juncea, vegetables browned in oil, simmered with
native to India. Used whole in Indian cooking water, tomatoes, mushroom trimmings,
or ground and mixed with white mustard in peppercorns and yeast extract for 1 hour and
the various mustard-based condiments and strained (proportions vegetables 1, water 3
flavourings available. Also called Indian and 4 g yeast extract per litre)
mustard broyé(e) France Bruised or ground

brown mutton stock As for brown beef stock,

brown mutton stock

Brucialepre Italy A soft surface-ripened cows’


but with mutton or lamb bones substituted milk cheese from Piedmont with a white
for beef bones. Also called fond brun de creamy mild paste and a thin soft rind. Made
mouton in thin circles (300 g).
brown onion sauce See lyonnaise, sauce
brown onion sauce

brugnon France Nectarine


brown onion soup Finely sliced onion and

brown onion soup

Brühe Germany 1. Broth 2. Gravy


garlic well browned in butter, flour added and Brühwurst Germany A group of sausages

cooked to a brown roux; brown stock added, including Frankfurters, Bockwurst and
simmered for 15 minutes, strained and Bierschinken made from finely minced pork
seasoned. The soup is served in bowls with or beef with spices and bacon, filled into
the top covered with toasted French bread casings and generally lightly smoked before
slices and the whole sprinkled with cheese being scalded at 80°C to seal in the flavour.
and browned under a fierce heat. Also called Not suitable for keeping.
French onion soup bruin brood Netherlands Wholewheat bread
bruin brood

brown oyster sauce Any of the European

brown oyster sauce

bruine bonen Netherlands Kidney beans

bruine bonen

oyster sauces with the milk and cream bruinkaalssupe Netherlands Brown cabbage

replaced with brown stock. Used for grills soup

and meat puddings. bruiss United States Pobs (boiled milk and

brown ribweed Alaria

brown ribweed

brown rice Unprocessed rice from Oryza
brown rice

brûlé(e) France Caramelized, browned.


sativa, from which only the husk is removed. Usually applied to dishes with a crisp
More flavoured and chewy than polished caramelized sugar topping as in crème
rice. brûlée.
brown roux Four parts of fat (clarified butter,
brown roux

brûler France 1. To burn 2. To brown or


dripping or vegetable oil) cooked slowly but caramelize

not overcooked with 5 parts of soft plain flour bruna bönor Sweden 1. Brown beans 2. A
bruna bönor

until the flour is light brown in colour. Used national dish of soaked brown beans,
for espagnole sauce and soups and as a simmered until tender, drained and mixed
general thickening agent. with salt, vinegar and dark brown sugar.
brown sauce See espagnole, sauce
brown sauce

Eaten with fried pork.

brunch A combination of breakfast and lunch

brown shrimp One of the common European

brown shrimp

varieties, Crangon crangon, of shallow water eaten any time between 10.00 and 15.00 hrs
brunede kartofler Denmark New potatoes
brunede kartofler

shrimp up to 6 cm long found on sandy

shores. It has the ability to vary its colour for fried in butter and sugar until golden brown
camouflage. and tender

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bûche de Noël

brune kager Denmark Brown spiced biscuits distributed evenly along a thick vertical stalk,
brune kager

brun fisksuppe Norway Fish soup thickened

brun fisksuppe
harvested in autumn and winter and said to
with a brown roux taste better after being frosted. Usually
Brunnenkresse Germany Watercress
boiled or steamed but may be braised.
Brust Germany Breast (of meat)

brunnies Scotland A wholemeal bannock


brut(e) France Raw


from the Shetland isles made with buttermilk

and a greater than normal proportion of Bruxelles Belgium A soft fermented skimmed

chemical raising agent. The name comes cows’ milk cheese

from the Norwegian ‘brun’ meaning brown. bruxelloise, à la France In the Brussels style,
bruxelloise, à la

brunoise France 1. Small 2mm-cubed dice of


i.e. with a garnish of Brussels sprouts,

vegetables, etc. 2. The procedure of cutting braised chicory and roast turned potatoes
vegetables, etc into small dice brylépudding Sweden Crème caramel

brunoster Norway A sweet cheese, the colour


Bryndza See Brynza


of brown sugar, from the north of Norway brynt smör Sweden Beurre noisette
brynt smör

Brunswick cake A rich cake with dried fruit

Brunswick cake

Brynza A Central European and Balkan semi-


and almonds hard ewes’ and goats’ milk white cheese

Brunswick salad Strips of slicing sausage
Brunswick salad

similar to Feta. Also called Brandza, Brinza,

mixed with finely chopped pickled Bryndza
cucumber, sliced tomato, grated apple and brysselkål Sweden Brussels sprouts

cooked French green beans, all dressed with

BSE See bovine spongiform encephalopathy

a vinaigrette made from the cucumber pickle

B’soffner Kapuziner Austria An almond and
B’soffner Kapuziner

juice and finished with chopped parsley

Brunswick stew United States A stew made
Brunswick stew
raisin pastry (NOTE: Literally ‘drunk monk’.)
BST See bovine somatotrophin

from chicken and/or squirrels, vegetables,

b’stilla North Africa A type of filled pastry. See

garlic, tomatoes, sweetcorn and seasoning,

sometimes thickened with okra also bastilla
buab Thailand Angled loofah

bruschetta Italy Lightly toasted thick slices of


bread rubbed with cut garlic cloves and cut buah keloh Malaysia Drumstick vegetable
buah keloh

ripe tomatoes, sprinkled with olive oil and buah keras Malaysia Candlenut
buah keras

salt and eaten as an accompaniment to a buah pala Malaysia Nutmeg

buah pala

meal or as a snack. Also called fettunta,

buah pelaga Malaysia Cardamom
buah pelaga

fett’unta, fregolotta
bubble and squeak England A southeastern
bubble and squeak

bruscion Switzerland A soft goats’ milk


dish of leftover mashed potatoes and

cheese eaten very fresh
chopped cooked cabbage, fried in dripping
brusco Italy Sharp, sour

or lard and stirred until the crisp brown bits

brush, to To cover or coat foods before, during
brush, to

are well distributed throughout the mixture.

or after cooking with milk, fat, oil, beaten egg, May have chopped cooked beef, fish or other
sieved jam or sugar syrup or the like, using a protein source added. Once a dish of the
small brush poor.
brush roast United States Oysters cooked
brush roast

bubbly jock Scotland Turkey (colloquial)

bubbly jock

over a barbecue or wood fire, served with

bucaniere, al’ Italy In the style of the pirate,
bucaniere, al’

mustard pickle, butter and corn bread

i.e. with seafood and tomato sauce
brusselkaas Belgium A type of low-fat,

bucati Italy A type of macaroni (NOTE: From


rindless cheese. See also fromage de

bucare, ‘to pierce’.)
bucatini Italy A smaller version of bucati. Also

Brussels lof Netherlands 1. Endive 2. Cooked

Brussels lof

called perciatelli, perciatelloni

endive rolled in ham with cheese
buccellato Italy Aniseed-flavoured cake

Brussels mosaic A sausage attributed to

Brussels mosaic

containing currants
Belgium consisting of finely minced pickled
buccin France Whelk

pork and veal flavoured with ground pepper,

buccino Italy, Spain Whelk

ginger and cardamom, this paste mixed with

bûche de chèvre France A soft goats’ milk
bûche de chèvre

largish chunks of ox tongue, liver sausage,

bacon fat and frankfurter to give a mosaic cheese rather like Sainte-Maure. Made in a
appearance when cut, packed into middles log shape (900 g).
or bungs, smoked, simmered and resmoked bûche de Noël France Yule log. The
bûche de Noël

Brussels sprouts A member of the Brassica traditional French Christmas cake made like
Brussels sprouts

family, Brassica oleraceae (Gemmifera a Swiss roll and decorated with a chocolate
Group), consisting of small (up to 4 cm cream to simulate the bark of a tree and
diameter), usually tight, basal leaf buds dusted with icing sugar to simulate snow.

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Buchweizen Germany Buckwheat buffalo wings United States Deep-fried

Buchweizen buffalo wings

Buckinghamshire mutton pie England A

Buckinghamshire mutton pie
chicken wings brushed with a hot chilli
small double shortcrust pastry pie filled with sauce
buffet A meal consisting of large tables laid out

diced cooked mutton or lamb plus half the

meat’s weight in diced cold potatoes with a with a selection of hot and/or cold foods and
little chopped onion, chopped parsley and drinks from which guests make a selection.
rosemary to flavour and a little stock to May be self-service or served. Usually for
moisten. Baked at 220°C for 15 to 20 large formal or small informal gatherings.
minutes. buffet Russe A buffet of assorted Russian
buffet Russe

buckler leaf sorrel A hardy perennial, foods, blini, caviar etc.

buckler leaf sorrel

Rumex scutulatus, of the sorrel family. It has buglosa Spain Sweet violet

light green silver-patched leaves with a mild bugloss Spain Viper’s bugloss

lemony flavour and is less acid than sorrel. bugne lyonnaise France A sweet fritter from
bugne lyonnaise

Preferred by the French for sorrel soup. Lyon

buckling A whole hot smoked herring ready

buisson France A cluster, of small fish,


for eating. Traditionally smoked over juniper langoustines, etc (NOTE: Literally ‘a bush’.)
twigs, especially in Scandinavia. buko Philippines A young coconut. Also called

buck rarebit Welsh rarebit topped with a

buck rarebit

maprao, narijal
poached egg bulavesa Catalonia A fish soup similar to

buck venison See venison

buck venison

buckwheat The seed of a plant, Fagopyrum

bulb baster An implement resembling a large

bulb baster

esculentum, of the dock family native to eye dropper used for basting or for collecting
Russia. After dehusking the grain may be fat-free gravy etc. Also called turkey baster
toasted and/or ground to a flour and used in bulb garlic A rounded mild garlic resembling
bulb garlic

the same way as other cereal grains. Has a a button onion from Szechuan province in
pleasant nutty flavour. Also called China. Also called ball garlic
beechwheat, saracen corn, kasha, brank
bulfahf North Africa Grilled sheeps’ or lambs’

buckwheat flour A flour made from

buckwheat flour

liver. One of the dishes made from the animal

buckwheat, used in making kasha, Russian killed for the Eid festival in Morocco.
blini, Breton galettes, and pancakes of bulgar Middle East Powdered wheat. See also

various kinds burghul

buckwheat noodles See soba, cha-soba
buckwheat noodles

bulgogi Korea A circular metal hotplate over a


Buddha’s hand citron A type of citron in

Buddha’s hand citron

heat source used to grill or cook food at the

which the fruit is split down its length into table
many finger-like section each with its own bulgogi wa sajeog gui Korea Slices of beef
bulgogi wa sajeog gui

skin. Mainly used for perfuming rooms and marinated in soy sauce, rice wine, onions,
clothing in Japan and China. Also called garlic, ginger, sesame oil, spices and
fingered citron seasoning, then grilled or barbecued
budding Denmark Pudding

bulgur Middle East Powdered wheat. See also


budduzze Italy A Sicilian dish of meatballs


simmered in tomato sauce buljol Caribbean A salad from Trinidad

budelli Italy Intestines, entrails, guts


consisting of saltfish which has been

budelline Italy Giblets desalted and shredded, mixed with onions,

bu ding China Pudding

bu ding
tomatoes, chives and fresh thyme, then
dressed with lemon juice and oil
budino Italy 1. Pudding 2. A small black

buljong Norway Beef broth


pudding or boudin noir from Aosta

bull 1. An uncastrated male of the bovine

budino di ricotta Italy Cheese pudding

budino di ricotta

species, usually used as a source of semen

budino torinese Italy Chestnut pudding
budino torinese

for impregnating cows 2. Catalonia Various

bue Italy Old beef

meats stuffed into pig casings (NOTE: From

buey Spain Meat from old bulls, rather tough

bullit, ‘boiled’.)
buey del mar Spain The common crab of
buey del mar

bullabesa Spain A fish soup similar to


Northern Europe (NOTE: Literally ‘ox of the bouillabaisse

sea’.) bullace A small wild blue-black plum, Prunus

bufala Italy Buffalo


insititia, with a tart flavour used for jam

buffalo The meat of the draught animal, the

bullas Caribbean A flat heavy ginger cake

water buffalo, used in Southeast Asia in

place of beef from Jamaica

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bullock A young bull less than a year old bunga cingkeh Malaysia Cloves
bullock bunga cingkeh

bullock’s heart A type of custard apple,

bullock’s heart

bunga kantan Malaysia Ginger buds

bunga kantan

Anona reticulata, with a more solid granular bunga lawang Indonesia, Malaysia Star anise
bunga lawang

flesh than usual. It is heart-shaped with a

bunga pala Malaysia Mace
bunga pala

reddish brown skin. Also called ramphal

bunga siantan Malaysia Ginger buds
bunga siantan

bulls Catalonia Various meats stuffed into pig


bun loaf A sweet, yeast-raised loaf with

bun loaf

casings (from bullit meaning boiled)

bully beef Corned beef
bully beef
flavourings and spices possibly containing
dried vine fruits
bul’on Russia Broth

bunny chow South Africa A type of trencher

bunny chow

bulrush Australia Cumbungi


made from a loaf cut in half horizontally, the

bulrush millet An important staple millet,
bulrush millet

soft centre removed and the halves filled with

Pennisetum typhoideum, from Africa and curry. Eaten using the bread scooped out to
India which grows quickly, will stand drought mop up the curry. The true trencherman eats
and is used for making flour and unleavened the container last of all.
bread. Also called reedmace, cat tail
buntan Japan Pummelo

bulviv desros Lithuania A cheap peasant

bulviv desros

bun tau Vietnam Cellophane noodles

bun tau

sausage made from grated potatoes, a little

Bunter Hans Germany A large bread-based
Bunter Hans

sweated diced bacon and chopped onion,

bound together with eggs and water, filled dumpling, cooked in a cloth then cut up and
into casings, linked and baked for 2 hours, served with cooked vegetables or stewed
basting as necessary with water. Served with fruit
bun tin Individual round tins either in trays or
bun tin

bummaloe A predatory fish with easily
single, used for baking small cakes, buns,
perishable flesh, Harpodon nehereus, up to tartlets, Yorkshire puddings, popovers, etc.
40 cm long and found off the west coast of See also barquette. Also called patty tin
buñuelos Mexico, Spain Light and puffed up

India. When salted and dried, it is known as

Bombay duck, because of the ease of fritters made from a biscuit dough, sprinkled
catching it during the monsoon. Also called with icing sugar and cinnamon and served
bomeloe, bummalow as soon as cooked
bummalow See bummaloe

bunya nut Australia A large almond-shaped

bunya nut

bun A small round, oval or cylindrical baked nut from the pine cone (up to 10 kg) of the

shape made from sweetened, yeast-raised 80-metre Queensland bunya bunya pine,
dough with flavourings and spices usually Araucaria bidwillii. The nut is encased in an
containing dried vine fruits elongated woody shell, and the meat is beige
Bundenfleisch Switzerland Bünderfleisch
in colour with a waxy texture tasting like an
Bünderfleisch Switzerland Cured and dried
earthy chestnut. Bunya nuts are supplied
beef similar to bresaola. Also called fresh (January to March) or frozen, and can
Bundenfleisch, Bündnerfleisch be eaten raw or cooked. When frozen, they
should be boiled to loosen the shell. Use like
Bundkuchen Germany A type of cake. See

chestnuts or as a potato substitute.

also Gugelhopf
bunyols de bacallà Catalonia Salt cod fritters
bunyols de bacallà

Bündnerfleisch Switzerland Bünderfleisch


served as tapas
Bündnerplat Switzerland A dish of cured and

buost Sweden A firm, low-fat, slightly pungent


dried beef
cows’ milk cheese rather like Tilsit
Bündnerwurst Switzerland Minced pork and

bu qi China See water chestnut

bu qi

diced pork fat, seasoned and flavoured with

burbot Eel pout

ground cloves, packed into a pig’s bladder,

smoked then boiled. Served hot or cold. burdock The widely distributed, dock-like

bundt pan United States A cake pan or mould

bundt pan

plant, Arctium lappa, popular in China and

with a vertical tube in the centre and Japan, whose young spade-like leaves are
scalloped edges, used to provide a eaten like spinach and whose long thin roots
decorative shape to the cake or mould are used as a vegetable. Once used in the
bung The sausage casing made from the large
UK to flavour the drink dandelion and
intestine being, about 50 mm in diameter burdock. Also called gobo
Burenwurst Germany A Brunswick sausage

from a pig (hog bung) or 75 to 100 mm in

diameter from beef (ox bung). Used for large containing beef and bacon fat bound with a
diameter sausages, e.g. Bologna, liver little fécule
sausage, haggis, etc. Also called fat end burfi South Asia A sweetmeat made from a

bunga Philippines Pigeon pea


mixture of sugar syrup and ground almonds

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Burgenländisch Hauswürstel

or pistachios resembling fudge. Also called burritos Mexico, Spain Rolled pancakes filled

barfi with pork, ham and melted cheese or other

Burgenländisch Hauswürstel Austria A
Burgenländisch Hauswürstel

savoury filling possibly coated with cheese

famous sausage from Burgenland adjacent sauce, gratinated with cheese and browned
to the Hungarian border containing roughly 2 in the oven, or served with guacamole and a
parts lean pork to 1 part pork back fat and 1 sour cream topping
burro Italy 1. Butter 2. A small, mild, pear-

part beef
burger See beefburger
shaped cheese with a butter centre. See also
burghul Middle East Wheat which has been
burro, al Italy With butter only. Used of pasta.
burro, al

dehusked, parboiled, dried then cracked

burro banana United States A flat, square-
burro banana

into a coarse powder prior to sale. It is easily

reconstituted with boiling water and may be shaped banana with a lemony flavour from
used for made up dishes or to accompany a Texas. Also called chunky banana
burro e formaggio Italy A sauce or dressing of
burro e formaggio

main dish. Also called bulgur, bulgar,

bourgouri, pourgouri melted butter and grated cheese
burro e parmigiano Italy A sauce or dressing
burro e parmigiano

burgonya Hungary Potatoes. Also called


krumpli of melted butter and grated Parmesan

burgonyakrémleves Hungary Cream of
cheese, used with pasta
burro fuso Italy Melted butter
burro fuso

potato soup
burro nero Italy Beurre noisette
burro nero

burgoo United States A meat and vegetable


Bury black pudding England The most

Bury black pudding

stew thickened with okra. Also called

mulligan stew famous of the UK black puddings, flavoured
Burgos Spain A soft mild scalded-curd cheese
with marjoram, thyme, mint, penny royal and
made from ewes’ milk around the town of the celery seed. Also called Bury pudding
Bury pudding See Bury black pudding
Bury pudding

same name. It has an even textured paste

busecca Italy, Sweden A thick tripe soup

without holes and is cast in 1 to 2 kg discs.

Often sweetened and used as a dessert. made with onions and usually with beans
Contains 65% water. bush basil A compact, tiny-leaved and very
bush basil

Burgundy beef See boeuf à la bourguignonne

Burgundy beef

hardy variety of basil, Occimum basilicum

Burgundy sauce See bourguignonne, sauce
Burgundy sauce
var. minimum, with a medium flavour, which
originated in South America. Also called
buri Japan Yellowtail, the fish

Greek basil
burida Italy Fish stew with garlic, oil,

bush cucumber Australia A type of melon,

bush cucumber

tomatoes, dried mushrooms, onions, celery Cucumis melo ssp. agrestis, 2–5 cm in
and saffron length with a speckled or striped bitter green
Burmeister United States A cows’ milk cheese

skin. The flesh has a sweet, minty, cucumber

from Wisconsin similar to Brick flavour and is used in salsas and relishes.
burnet See salad burnet

bushel A volume measure equal to 8 gallons


burnt cream England A version of crème

burnt cream

in either imperial or USA measure

brûlée, as served at Trinity College, bushetta Australia Mountain pepper bread,

Cambridge. Also called Cambridge burnt toasted, spread with a mixture of bush
cream tomato chutney, tomato concassée and torn
buro Philippines Salt basil leaves, topped with a mixture of

burong dalag Philippines Mudfish cured by

burong dalag
akudjura and Parmesan cheese and cut into
layering it in an earthenware dish with salt, convenient sizes
bushman’s silverside Australia A piece of
bushman’s silverside

soft-boiled rice and angkak colouring

burong mustasa Philippines Pickled mustard
burong mustasa
silverside rolled in a mixture of wattleseed
greens which are red in colour and akudjura to form a crust, then roasted
until the crust is black and the meat done.
burpless cucumber United States Long
burpless cucumber

Served with a sauce of finely chopped

cucumber muntries, onions and shiitake mushrooms all
burrida Italy A fish soup made from available

sweated in oil and brought together with

seafood in Sardinia stock.
burrie Portugal Winkle

bush tomato Australia A general name for

bush tomato

burrino Italy A small, mild, spun curd pear-


many species of Solanum. The most

shaped cheese made from a cows’ milk and important is the small fruit (10–13 mm
moulded around a centre of butter, Eaten diameter) of a bush Solanum centrale, from
young (3–4-weeks) and sometimes waxed. the centre of the continent. They are toxic
Also called butirro, burro, manteca when fresh, but this toxicity is removed by

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butterfly cut

drying. The dried berries have an intense 2. A name given to various soft butter-like
spicy flavour. When ground they are used as preserves made from fruits. Similar to fruit
a thickening agent and a dry seasoning; they cheeses.
are often used with tomatoes to intensify the Butter Germany Butter

flavour. Also called desert raisin

butter-basted poultry Ready basted poultry
butter-basted poultry

bushukan Japan Citron, the fruit


in which the fat part of the injected material

Busserl Germany Small pastries (NOTE:

contains butterfat
Literally ‘kisses’.)
butter bean The butter-coloured, kidney-
butter bean

buss-up shut Caribbean An extremely large

buss-up shut

shaped seed of the legumes Phaseolus

roti flatbread made with flour and butter lunatus and P. limensis, grown worldwide in
(3:1) and baking powder at 4 teaspoons per warm climates. May be eaten like broad
kg of flour, all brought together with water. beans in the country of cultivation but
The dough is flattened and fried both sides usually ripened and dried for export. Must be
on a large griddle, then torn into strips. boiled for 15 minutes to destroy protease
(NOTE: Literally ‘burst-up, i.e. torn, shirt’) inhibitors. Also called lima bean, Madagascar
bustard A large game bird of the family

Otididae from Asia, Africa and Australasia
butter clam United States Two varieties of
butter clam

bustard plover Plover

bustard plover

clam of the genus Saxidomus, found on the

buster United States The name for a crab

Pacific coast
which has just shed its shell
butter cream A cake filling or coating made by
butter cream

buta Japan Pork


whisking butter with an equal part of icing or

butaniku Japan Pork

caster sugar. It can be made less rich by

butarega Italy The salted, pressed and dried

replacing some of the butter with milk or

roe of the female tuna fish or grey mullet. See coffee.
also botargo
buttercrunch lettuce United States A variety
buttercrunch lettuce

butcher A person who prepares slaughtered


of butterhead lettuce
and dressed meat for sale. Sometimes also
buttercup squash A winter squash common
buttercup squash

slaughters the animals and dresses the

carcasses. in the USA with a deep green striped skin
and a medium-sweet creamy and mild
Bute herrings Scotland Herring fillets, salted
Bute herrings

orange flesh. It is in the shape of a turban

and sugared for several hours, dried and
surmounted with a pale cap.
rolled up and baked in the oven at 180°C in
butterfat The fat found in milk which forms

water and lemon juice for an hour, drained

and served cold with a sauce of sour cream the main part (82 percent) of butter. It
with grated cucumber and chopped herbs contains about 40% saturated, and less than
buterbrod Russia Otkrytyi buterbrod
4% unsaturated fats.
butterfish 1. A small oily seawater fish,

butifarra Spain A small firm pork sausage.


See also botifarra Peprillus tricanthus, with white tender flesh

butifarra negra Spain Butifarra with added
butifarra negra
and a bluish upper surface, weighing up to
pigs’ blood and chopped mint 200 g and found on the Atlantic coast of the
butifarrón sabroso Caribbean A meat loaf or
butifarrón sabroso
USA. May be baked or fried. 2. A small eel-
giant rissole containing minced beef and salt like seawater fish, Pholis gunnellus. Also
pork, chillies, sweet pepper, onion, coriander called gunnel 3. A deep-bodied freshwater
and oregano and cooked in a large heavy fish, Eupomotis gibbosus, with greyish skin
frying pan changing to golden yellow on the underside
4. Australia Mulloway
butirro Italy A small, mild, pear-shaped

butterfly cakes Small sponge cakes from the

butterfly cakes

cheese with a butter centre. See also burrino

buttariga Italy The salted, pressed and dried
top of which a hemispherical section is
roe of the female tuna fish or grey mullet. See removed, cut in half and replaced like wings
also botargo on top of the depression which is filled with
cream, butter cream, mashed fruit or the like
butter 1. The emulsion of milk in fat produced

butterfly chop A thick chop cut through until

butterfly chop

by churning (i.e. mechanically mixing)

cream and containing about 80% fat and almost separated, opened out and flattened
17% water. There are roughly 1 billion to look like a pair of butterfly wings prior to
separate liquid globules per gram. A variety cooking
butterfly cut A type of cut in which any piece
butterfly cut

of types of butter are produced depending

on, the type of animal, the method of of meat, chop, prawn or the like is cut
production, the season, added salt or through until almost separated then flattened
acidification of the cream prior to churning. out to look like a butterfly

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butterhead lettuce

butterhead lettuce A type of lettuce with Butterschmalz Germany Melted butter

butterhead lettuce Butterschmalz

smooth soft leaves forming a rounded butter swirls United States The process
butter swirls

compact head. Also called flat lettuce, round known as monter au beurre, i.e. adding cold
lettuce, cabbage lettuce butter to a sauce or soup at the last moment
Butterkäse Germany A soft rich, cows’ milk before service to give it a sheen

cheese with a close-textured elastic paste Butterteig Germany Puff pastry


with no holes and a delicate buttery taste and buttock steak United Kingdom Topside
buttock steak

smell. The thin rind is covered with mould. button mushroom A small immature
button mushroom

Sometimes flavoured with caraway seeds. mushroom in which the gills are not visible
Contains about 60% water, 18% fat and 17%
button onion Small onions less than 2.5 cm
button onion

protein. Also called Damenkäse, ladies’

diameter used for pickling and in boeuf
bourguignonne. Best peeled after blanching.
Buttermilch Germany Buttermilk

Also called pickling onion, pearl onion

Buttermilchquark Germany A quark made

button quail A small ground living bird of the

button quail

from a mixture of buttermilk and skimmed Turnicidae family from the warmer parts of
milk Africa, Europe and Asia
buttermilk The liquid remaining after the

butty England A slang name for a sandwich,


conversion of cream into butter. If made from mainly used in the North especially Liverpool
raw cream, it will thicken naturally from the (colloquial)
naturally present lactobacillus. Used as a butylated hydroxyanisole See BHA
butylated hydroxyanisole

drink or for scones and soda bread. butylated hydroxytoluene See BHT
butylated hydroxytoluene

butternut 1. The edible oily nuts of the tree


butyl stearate The ester formed from butanol

butyl stearate

Juglans cinerea, a member of the walnut and stearic acid used as a release agent
family found in the USA 2. Nara nut
butyric acid A fatty acid which when in ester
butyric acid

butternut squash A bulbous, pear-shaped,

butternut squash

form is a constituent of butter fat. The free

pale yellow winter squash, Cucurbita fatty acid is liberated by oxidation of the
maxima, with orange flesh, common in the butter and is responsible for the rancid
USA; the flesh is used as a vegetable or for flavour and smell.
savoury dishes Butyrospermum parkii Botanical name Shea
butter pat A small pat of butter
butter pat

butter pit Nara nut
butter pit

buz Turkey Ice


butter sauce Sauce bâtarde thickened with byssus The beard of tough fibres with which a
butter sauce byssus

white roux only and with no egg yolks mussel attaches itself to solid objects

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cá Vietnam Fish: the following word indicates Cabeça de velha Portugal One of the finest of
cá Cabeça de velha

the type or state of the fish the Quiejo da Serra cheeses (NOTE: Literally
caakiri West Africa A sweet dessert,
‘old lady’s head’.)
nowadays made with couscous, but which cabécou France A small highly flavoured

can be made with any grains. The couscous cheese made from ewes’ or goats’ milk in
softened and heated with butter and salt, Aquitaine
then mixed with sugar, vanilla, extract and cabello de ángel Spain A dessert made from
cabello de ángel

possibly nutmeg and any of sour cream, a squash

evaporated milk, yoghurt or other milk cabeza Spain Head, of an animal or of e.g.

product added to taste. Served warm or garlic

chilled. Also called chakrey, thiakry cabichou A small, white, cone-shaped goats’

cabai Indonesia Pepper, Piper nigrum


milk cheese. See also chabichou

cabai hijau Indonesia Green chilli
cabai hijau

cabidela Portugal A blood-thickened sauce


cabai merah Indonesia Red chilli

cabai merah

cabillaud France Cod


cabai rawit Indonesia Bird’s eye chilli

cabai rawit

cabillaud à la boulangère France Fresh cod

cabillaud à la boulangère

caballa Spain Mackerel


baked in butter with potatoes and chopped

cabanos Poland See kabanos parsley

cá bass Vietnam Bass cabillaud à la flamande France Cod,

cá bass cabillaud à la flamande

cabassol(les) France A dish of lamb offal


poached in white wine with chopped shallots

cooked with ham and vegetables from and served with lemon wedges
cabillaud à la portugaise France Sliced cod,
cabillaud à la portugaise

cabbage The most common member of the

cooked with wine, tomatoes and garlic and

Brassica family, Brassica oleracea (Capitata served with rice
Group), which consists of green, white or cabinet pudding A simple moulded pudding
cabinet pudding

reddish leaves springing from a central stalk made from bread and butter or sponge cake
either loosely as in spring cabbage or in a with chopped glacé cherries and dried vine
tight pointed or round mass of layered leaves fruits soaked in egg custard (6 to 8 eggs per
with some open outer leaves. The white litre of milk) cooked in the oven in a bain-
varieties are often eaten raw or fermented marie and served hot accompanied with egg
but all may be pickled, fermented, boiled, custard sauce or apricot sauce. Also called
stewed, braised or fried. The coarser outer pouding de cabinet
green leaves are a major source of folic acid cabliaud France Cod

essential to prevent some birth defects. caboc Scotland A mild, smooth cheese made

cabbage lettuce Butterhead lettuce

cabbage lettuce

from full-cream cows’ milk with added

cabbage palm Palmetto cream, coated with fine oatmeal
cabbage palm

cabbage rolls A very common North and cá bo lò Vietnam Baked fish

cabbage rolls cá bo lò

Eastern European dish made from blanched cabot France Chub, the fish (NOTE: Literally

and trimmed cabbage leaves made into a ‘dog or cur’.)

parcel-like roll with the sides tucked in using ca bo uang Cambodia Yellowfin tuna
ca bo uang

a variety of fillings and baked generally in a caboul sauce Mayonnaise flavoured with
caboul sauce

tomato sauce. Taken to North America by curry powder. Used with cold meats.
immigrants. Also called pigs in blankets cabra Portugal, Spain Goat

cabbage turnip Kohlrabi

cabbage turnip

cabracho Spain Scorpion fish


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Cabrales from Sicily with a shiny yellow rind and made


Spain A distinctive, strong-

flavoured, smooth, semi-hard cheese made from spun curd similar to Provolone. It is
from cows’ milk in Asturia, sometimes blue- ripened 2 to 3 months for slicing and 6 to 12
veined and sometimes wrapped in leaves. months for grating.
Ripened for 5 to 6 months in limestone Caciofiore Italy A hard ewes’ milk cheese with

caverns. Contains 30 to 35% water, 31% fat a high fat content, a tender paste and no
and 28 to 30% protein. Also called rind, suitable for the table or for cooking
Cabraliego, Picón Cacioricotta Italy A ewes’ milk cheese from

Cabraliego Spain Cabrales


central and southern Italy and Sardinia made

Cabreiro Portugal A white, strong-flavoured

in 2 versions. The soft version is made by a

cheese made from a mixture of goats’ and lactic coagulation and may be eaten fresh or
ewes’ milk eaten either young or after salted and ripened for 2 to 3 months for use
maturing in brine as a dessert or grating cheese. The hard
cabrichiu France A small, white, cone-

version is coagulated with rennet or fig juice

shaped goats’ milk cheese. See also and the curd is moulded, salted and ripened
chabichou for 3 to 4 months.
Caciotta Italy A small soft mild slicing cheese

cabrito Portugal Kid or young goat


cabrito asado Mexico Roast baby kid

cabrito asado
made from a variety of pasteurized milks with
flavoured with garlic and chillies a lactic starter. Usually contains 50% water,
cabrón Spain Goat
32% fat and 22% protein.
Caciotta di Pecora Italy A soft ewes’ milk
Caciotta di Pecora

cabus France White cabbage


cheese shaped like a small drum, 14 cm

caça Portugal Game

diameter by 7 cm with a mild-tasting dense

cacahouette France Peanut

paste and a smooth soft rind. Contains 50%

cacahué Spain Peanut

water, 26% fat and 23% protein.

cacahuete Spain Peanut

caciucco Italy A highly seasoned fish soup


cacah(o)uète France Peanut


served with pieces of garlic-flavoured toast

cacao France, Italy, Spain Cocoa

ca com Vietnam A small fish similar to an

ca com

cacao bean Cocoa bean

cacao bean

anchovy prepared like ikan bilis

cacao butter Cocoa butter
cacao butter

cactus leaf Nopal

cactus leaf

cacau Portugal Cocoa


cactus pear Prickly pear

cactus pear

cacciagione Italy Wild game


cadan Ireland Herring


caccia Torino Small salami, weighing about

caccia Torino

Cádiz Spain A soft goats’ milk cheese made in


200 g, made of pork and beef and, being 1.5 kg discs and eaten after a few day’s
small, maturing quicker than the normal size ripening
cacennau Iago Wales Berffro cakes
cacennau Iago

cadju Sri Lanka Cashew nut


cacerola Mexico Casserole


cadog Ireland Haddock


cachalot France Sperm whale


caecum A blind, sac-like extension to the


cachat France A strong-flavoured ewes’ milk


intestine of an animal which after cleaning is

cheese from Provence, often ripened in used as a type of sausage skin
Caerphilly United Kingdom A moist, mild,

cá chep Vietnam Carp

cá chep

crumbly cheese made from cows’ milk.

cachet France A soft, white, creamy farm

Originating in Wales it is now made generally

cheese made from ewes’ milk in Provence in the UK. It is slightly acidic from the lactic
(NOTE: Literally ‘tablet’.) starter and matured for less than 2 weeks.
ca chim den Vietnam Black pomfret, the fish
ca chim den

May be substituted for feta cheese. Also

ca chim mi Vietnam White pomfret, the fish called new cheese
ca chim mi

ca chim trang Vietnam White pomfret, the Caesar salad United States A mixture of crisp
ca chim trang Caesar salad

fish lettuce, anchovies, garlic-flavoured croutons

Cacietto Italy A smaller version of Cacio
and grated Parmesan cheese, tossed with a
Cavallo dressing of raw or coddled egg, seasoning,
cacik Turkey A mixture of chopped
oil and vinegar
caesar’s mushrooms Ovoli
caesar’s mushrooms

cucumber, garlic and lettuce in yoghurt,

similar to tsatsiki café 1. France Coffee 2. England, France The

cacio Italy Cheese name given to a place selling drinks and


Cacio Cavallo Italy A semi-hard, mild-

Cacio Cavallo
snacks but not formal meals
café au lait France Coffee mixed with hot milk
café au lait

flavoured, pale yellow, pear-shaped cheese

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café brûlot France Hot black coffee, hold hot food. It may be made of ceramic,
café brûlot

sometimes with added spices (e.g. paper or dough. (NOTE: Literally ‘box’.)
cardamom), flamed with brandy Caithness cheese Scotland A mild, pale
Caithness cheese

Café Konditorei Austria A coffee shop which yellow, creamy cheese made from cows’ milk
Café Konditorei

sells cakes and sweets for consumption both cajan pea Pigeon pea
cajan pea

on and off the premises Cajanus cajan Botanical name The pigeon
café liégeois France Iced coffee served in a pea plant
café liégeois

glass with whipped cream or ice cream cajeta de celaya South America A dessert
cajeta de celaya

café renversé Switzerland Café au lait made from a caramelized milk and sugar
café renversé

cafetière A straight sided glass pot with a lip


mixture. See also arequipe

into which a tight fitting plunger with a fine caju Portugal Cashew nut

wire mesh is fitted. Ground coffee and Cajun (Louisiana) A style of cooking based on

boiling water are put in the pot, the plunger rice, okra and crayfish, developed by the
is placed on top and when the coffee has French Canadians who settled during the
infused, the plunger is depressed to filter the 18th century in Southern USA. See also
coffee extract which is then poured out. Créole cuisine
caffeine The alkaloid found in tea (2–4% by

Cajun-blacken, to To sear, on an extremely

Cajun-blacken, to

weight) and coffee (1–2% by weight) and in hot cast iron frying pan or griddle, batted out
cola drinks, responsible for some of their or thin tender cuts of meat, fish or poultry
stimulating properties which have been dipped in molten butter
caglio Italy Rennet

and sprinkled with Cajun spice mix

caidan China Menu

Cajun spice mix A mixture of ground spices

Cajun spice mix

cai juan China See spring roll from Louisiana used in Cajun and Créole
cai juan

caille France Quail

cooking consisting of paprika, black pepper,
caillé France Curds
cumin seeds, mustard seeds, cayenne
caillebotte France A white, soft, creamy curd
pepper, dried thyme, dried oregano and salt.
cheese made from a variety of milks, usually Usually blended with garlic and onion and
sold in small wickerwork baskets or rubbed on meat or fish prior to cooking.
cake 1. A baked or fried mixture of generally

earthenware pots (NOTE: Literally ‘curdled

bale or bunch’.) fat, flour, eggs and sugar with flavourings and
cailleteau France Young quail
raising agents to lighten and aerate the
mixture. May also incorporate root
caillette France 1. The fourth stomach of the

vegetables, principally carrot. 2. Netherlands

calf, used as a source of rennet 2. A package
of flavoured chopped meat and offal
cake flour United States A very high-
cake flour

wrapped in pig’s caul or wafer-thin sheets of

pork fat 3. The Provençal name for a extraction low-protein white flour used for
crépinette, but the crépinette does not making very light-textured cakes such as
usually contain offal angel cake
cake mixtures The five important cake
cake mixtures

caillettes de foie de porc France Strips of

caillettes de foie de porc

pigs’ liver and bacon and chopped pigs’ mixtures are basic, Victoria sponge,
sweetbreads marinated for 24 hours with Genoese, pound and fatless. The first two
chopped garlic, parsley and seasoning, use a chemical raising agent; the last three
formed into thin cylinders and wrapped in rely on air beaten into the egg for raising. See
pig’s caul, tied, roasted in a medium oven for under the name for proportions. See also
1 to 2 hours, cooled in the pan juices and cake production methods
cake production methods The five methods
cake production methods

served cold in slices

caillettes provençales France Chopped lean
caillettes provençales
are: rubbing in, creaming, fatless whisking,
pork, pork belly and liver mixed with whisking and melting. See under each name
chopped cooked spinach, sweated chopped for details.
cake rack A wire grid used to support hot
cake rack

shallots, garlic, parsley, thyme and

seasoning, the whole lightly fried, bound with baked goods, cakes or bread while they cool
egg, made into balls, each ball wrapped in so as to prevent their bases becoming damp
cake stand 1. A round platform which can
cake stand

pig’s caul and all baked in a moderate oven

with skinned and deseeded tomatoes, rotate on which a cake is placed for icing and
chopped parsley and garlic. Served hot. decoration 2. A round platform on a pedestal
caimo A yellow fruit of South American origin.
for displaying a cake. By having it on a
See also abiu pedestal more room is available on the table.
ca khoai Vietnam Bummaloe, the fish
ca khoai

caisse France A small French oblong


calabacín Spain Marrow, courgette


container not greater than 6 cm long, used to

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calabacita Spain Courgette calcium acetate The calcium salt of acetic

calabacita calcium acetate

calabash Bottle gourd

acid (vinegar) used as a preservative and
calabaza A member of the squash family
firming agent. See also E263
calcium carbonate A natural mineral source
calcium carbonate

found in Spain and popular in the Carribean.

Very large with yellow flesh and used in of calcium produced from limestone. Used
savoury dishes. in a very finely ground form as an acidity
regulator and as a source of calcium in
calabrese A variety of broccoli, Brassica

processed foods, especially manufactured

oleracea (Italica Group), originally from
bread in the UK. Also called chalk, ground
Calabria in Sicily but now widely grown. The
chalk, precipitated chalk. See also E170
immature compact central flower heads,
calcium chloride See E509
calcium chloride

about 10 cm across, and their stems, and

calcium dihydrogen di-L-glutamate See
calcium dihydrogen di-L-glutamate

young side shoots are harvested in summer

and cooked as a vegetable. See also E623
calcium disodium EDTA See E385
calcium disodium EDTA

broccoli. Also called American broccoli,

calcium formate The calcium salt of formic
calcium formate

Italian broccoli
calaloo Caribbean A soup made from
acid used in the same way as the acid. See
dasheen leaves, okra, crabmeat, salt pork, also E238
calcium gluconate See E578
calcium gluconate

etc. See also callaloo soup

calcium glutamate See E623
calcium glutamate

calamar Spain Squid


calcium heptonate A food additive used as a

calcium heptonate

calamares en su tinta Spain Squid, stuffed

calamares en su tinta

and fried, served with a sauce made from firming agent and sequestering agent in
their ink prepared food and vegetables
calcium hydrogen malate See E352
calcium hydrogen malate

calamaretti Italy Small squid


calcium hydroxide See E529

calcium hydroxide

calamari Italy Squid (pl.)


calcium lactate See E327

calcium lactate

calamaro Italy Squid


calcium malate See E352

calcium malate

calamars a la romana Catalonia Fried squid

calamars a la romana

calcium phytate A sequestering agent used

calcium phytate

rings served as tapas in wine

calamento Spain Catmint

calcium polyphosphate See E544

calcium polyphosphate

calaminta Spain Catmint


calcium saccharin The calcium salt of

calcium saccharin

calamondin A small mandarin and kumquat


saccharin used as saccharin

hybrid, Citrofortunella microcarpa, up to 4 calcium silicate See E552
calcium silicate

cm diameter, rather like a small thin-skinned calcium stearoyl-2-lactate A calcium salt

calcium stearoyl-2-lactate

orange. Used for marmalade and pickles. corresponding to the sodium salt sodium
Also called China orange, Panama orange stearoyl-2-lactate and with the same uses.
calamus A wild marsh plant, Acorus calamus,

See also E482

whose roots used to be candied. Used as a calcium sulphate See E516
calcium sulphate

flavouring, mostly in liqueurs. Also called calçots Catalonia A spring-season speciality


sweet flag of Tarragona, consisting of green-leek-sized

Calamus rotang Botanical name Rattan palm onions, roasted on an open fire and served
calas United States A breakfast dish from

with a spicy tomato sauce dip

New Orleans consisting of a mixture of caldeirada de peixe Portugal A fish and/or
caldeirada de peixe

cooked rice, flour, spices and sugar, shellfish stew similar to bouillabaisse. The
spoonfuls of which are deep-fried ingredients depend on what is available
calawissa onion Egyptian onion
calawissa onion

locally and may include potatoes.

Calcagno Italy A hard ewes’ milk cheese aged caldereta Spain A thick fish stew
Calcagno caldereta

for at least 6 months and moulded in wicker caldereta asturiana Spain Fish stewed with
caldereta asturiana

baskets so that it has an uneven rind onions, pepper and spices

calciferol See vitamin D caldillo de congrio South America A fish
calciferol caldillo de congrio

calcionetti Italy Apple and almond fritters

soup from Chile made from the local fish,
calcium An essential element for health used
caldo 1. Italy, Spain Hot 2. Portugal, Spain A

in the formation of bones and for the

transmission of nerve impulses as well as in clear soup or broth
caldo de carne Portugal Meat stock
caldo de carne

other metabolic processes. Requires vitamin

caldo de gallina Spain Chicken broth
caldo de gallina

D for absorption. Available from milk

caldo de perro gaditano Spain A fish stew
caldo de perro gaditano

products, pulses and cereals as well as from

inorganic sources such as hard water, chalk made from sliced white fish salted for 1 hour,
and lime. drained, added to fried onions and garlic,

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water, seasoning and Seville orange juice California roll United States A cone of nori,
California roll

and cooked until tender filled with sushi rice and pieces of crab meat
caldo de pescado Spain Fish soup
caldo de pescado

and avocado pear

California whiting United States Merluccius
California whiting

caldo de pimentón Spain A fish stew with

caldo de pimentón

potatoes, tomatoes, garlic and paprika undulatus, a similar fish to North Atlantic
caldo gallego Spain A thin stew or soup of
caldo gallego
Calimyrna fig United States A small sweet
Calimyrna fig

beans, ham, chicken, beef, cabbage,

potatoes, turnips and onions, from Galicia nutty-flavoured fig with an amber skin. Used
caldo verde Portugal Potato and cabbage
caldo verde
fresh, in fruit salads and chutney and in
soup. The national soup of Portugal, made cooked meat dishes.
calipash The fatty, gelatinous, dull-green,

with potatoes, olive oil and finely shredded

green Portuguese cabbage. edible lining of the upper shell of a turtle
calissons France Lozenge-shaped almond

Caledonian cream Scotland An excellent

Caledonian cream

dessert made from finely minced Dundee biscuits or confections

callaloo 1. See amaranth 1 2. Caribbean In

marmalade, caster sugar, lemon juice,

brandy and cream (1:1:1:1:4), the first four spite of its name, a stew made with dasheen
ingredients well mixed and the half-whipped leaves, okra, aubergines, tomatoes, onions
cream whisked in. Served in a bowl and garlic with meat or crab, all cooked in
decorated with some pieces of peel from the coconut milk and flavoured with herbs and
marmalade. spices. Also called kallaloo, calaloo, callau,
calendola Italy Marigold
callaloo soup Caribbean A soup made from
callaloo soup

caléndula Spain Marigold


Calendula officinalis Botanical name dasheen leaves, okra, crabmeat, salt pork,
Marigold onions, garlic and sometimes coconut
callau, callilu See callaloo

calf The young of some of the larger


callos Spain Tripe, usually served in a stew


herbivores, principally used of young cows or

beef cattle (NOTE: The plural is calves.) with chick peas
calmar France Squid and flying squid, a

calf’s foot The foot of the calf which when

calf’s foot

boiled is a useful source of gelatine for aspic speciality of Aix en Provence

and other jellies or to give body to a stew Calocarpum mammosum Botanical name
calf’s foot jelly The jelly made by boiling a
calf’s foot jelly
calf’s foot with aromatic vegetables and Calocarpum viride Botanical name Green
herbs, straining and clarifying then cooling. sapote
calorie The outdated measure of the energy

Once thought to be beneficial for invalids.

calf’s head The head of a calf usually boiled
calf’s head
content of foods, still used in popular
and the flesh used for brawn or pies. Not parlance to estimate the fattening potentiality
generally available during the BSE scare of food (since if not used for energy, food is
because of the danger of infection from brain usually stored as fat). The Calorie (capital C)
tissue. or kilocalorie used in nutrition has 1000
times the value of the calorie (small c) used
calf’s tongue The tongue of a calf usually
calf’s tongue

in science and is the energy required to heat

boiled, skinned and then either eaten hot or
pressed in a mould with a setting jelly, 1 kg of water by 1°C. See also joule
calorific value The amount of heat produced
calorific value

cooled, demoulded and sliced

when 1 g (small calorie) or 1 kg (large Calorie
caliente Spain Hot

or kilocalorie) of food is completely burned or

California bonito Skipjack tuna
California bonito

metabolized to carbon dioxide and water by

California dry chilli United States A long red
California dry chilli

chilli pepper that has been left to dry on the calostro Spain 1. A semi-hard, sharp-tasting

bush cheese. See also Armada 2. Beestings

Californian chilli United States Anaheim
Californian chilli

calrose rice A type of slightly glutinous white

calrose rice

chilli rice with a higher starch content than normal

Californian halibut A sinistral flatfish,
Californian halibut

making it easier to eat with chopsticks

Paralichthys californicus, related to the brill caltrops A very similar fruit to water caltrop of

and turbot but not to the halibut the related species, Trapa natans. It too has
Californian mussel United States A mussel,
Californian mussel

been used as a food source since Neolithic

Mytilus californianus, found along the west times and is still grown and eaten in central
coast and very similar to the common mussel Europe and Asia. It has a floury texture and
California pepper United States Anaheim
California pepper

an agreeable flavour and may be eaten raw,

chilli roasted or boiled like a chestnut. Also called

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cá luôc

Jesuit’s nut (NOTE: It also is often called a Camembert France A soft, small, wheel-

water chestnut, but it is not the canned water shaped cheese about 250 g in weight made
chestnut familiar in the West.) from full cream cows’ milk, dry-salted to 3%
cá luôc Vietnam Boiled fish
cá luôc

salt, surface-ripened for 10 to 14 days with

calvados France An alcoholic spirit made by
Penicillium candidum and P.camembertii,
distilling cider, much used for flavouring which forms a white fungus on the rind, then
dishes from Normandy wrapped in paper and boxed. Contains 57%
water, 21% fat and 20% protein, half of
calves’ kidneys Light coloured, tender and
calves’ kidneys

which is hydrolysed by the fungus.

delicately flavoured kidney of young cattle, Originating in Normandy but now widely
grilled or fried produced.
calves’ liver A golden brown, smooth and
calves’ liver

Camembert de Normandie France The

Camembert de Normandie

delicate liver much used in Italian cooking. traditional Camembert cheese from
Requires very little cooking. Normandy made with unpasteurized milk
calzone Italy A yeasted, white bread dough,

and specially licensed with Appellation

rolled out thinly, formed into a pocket and d’Origine status
filled with cheese or salami and cheese (in Camerano Spain A soft goats’ milk cheese,

Naples) or with onions, olives, anchovies, moulded in wicker baskets and eaten within
capers and cheese, rather like a large pizza. one day of draining and salting
Baked in the oven or if small sometimes camicia, in Italy 1. Poached. Used of eggs. 2.
camicia, in

fried. Also called calzuncieddi Baked in their jackets. Used of potatoes.

cá ma-cá-ren Vietnam Mackerel
cá ma-cá-ren

(NOTE: Literally ‘in a shirt’.)

ca mang Vietnam Bangus, the fish
ca mang

camoscio Italy Chamois, a small goat-like


camarão Portugal Common prawn


mammal, Rupicapra rupicapra, famous for

Camargue France A soft, creamy cheese
its leather, but the meat is eaten in Italy,
made from ewes’ milk and flavoured with usually marinated and stewed
camotes Philippines, Spain Sweet potatoes

fresh thyme and bay

campagnola, alla Italy Country-style
campagnola, alla

Camargue red rice A natural hybrid between

Camargue red rice

camp coffee A liquid extract of coffee and

camp coffee

short-grain rice and the wild red rice of the

Camargue discovered in 1980. It has the red chicory once used as an instant coffee
campden tablets A mixture of sodium
campden tablets

colour and subtle taste of its wild parent but

does not shed its grain on ripening. metabisulphite, E223, and potassium
camarón Spain Common prawn
benzoate, E212, used as a food and wine
camaroon Philippines Large shrimp or prawn

campo, di Italy Wild. Used of e.g.

campo, di

Cambazola A dull, fat, soft, blue-veined


mushrooms, asparagus, etc. (NOTE: Literally

German cheese with a white Camembert- ‘of the field’.)
type rind Campylobacter A genus of food-poisoning
Cambridge bronze Bronze turkey
Cambridge bronze

bacteria found in raw meat and poultry

Cambridge burnt cream England Burnt
Cambridge burnt cream

which cause diarrhoea, vomiting and fever

cream Campylobacter jejuni A food-poisoning
Cambridge cheese York cheese
Cambridge cheese
bacteria found in chicken and milk which is
Cambridge sauce England A processed
Cambridge sauce
a major cause of gastroenteritis. The
mixture of hard-boiled egg yolks, anchovy incubation period is 2 to 10 days and the
fillets, capers, mustard, tarragon, chervil and duration of the often severe illness, which is
chives, made into a thick emulsion sauce flu-like with abdominal pain and fever
with oil and vinegar and finished with followed by diarrhoea, is 5 to 10 days.
ca muc Cambodia Cuttlefish
ca muc

chopped parsley. Served with cold meat.

ca mu cham Vietnam Garoupa, the fish
ca mu cham

Cambridge sausage England A lean pork

Cambridge sausage

cá muoi Vietnam Salt fish

cá muoi

frying sausage flavoured with sage, cayenne

can United States Any metal container used

pepper, ground mace, nutmeg and

seasoning for keeping or preserving food, hermetically
camel A large domesticated animal from arid
sealed if used for preservation
can, to To preserve food in a sealed, tin-plated
can, to

regions with either one hump, Camelus

dromedarius, or two, C. bactrianus, used steel or aluminium can by heating after
both as a draught animal and as a source of sealing to cook and sterilize the contents
Canadian bacon See Canadian-style bacon
Canadian bacon

meat and milk. The fat in the milk is very

finely dispersed and cream cannot be Canadian Cheddar A Cheddar-type cheese
Canadian Cheddar

separated from it. made in Canada

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Canadian plaice See American plaice sweated in butter, rice, diced chicken meat
Canadian plaice

Canadian service A variation on English

Canadian service
and chopped mint
candied fruit Pieces of fruit soaked in a heavy
candied fruit

service in which the host or hostess

apportions the food on a plate and passes it sugar syrup until all the water is replaced
to a guest with the syrup, then dried so that the surface
Canadian-style bacon A quick-cured mild
Canadian-style bacon

is covered with crystalline sugar unlike glacé

bacon with more sugar and less salt than fruit. Used as a confectionery item and for
normal in the curing liquid decoration. Also called crystallized fruit,
canalons a la barcalonesa Catalonia A type
canalons a la barcalonesa
preserved fruit
candied peel Citrons, halved, pulp removed,
candied peel

of stuffed cannelloni. See also canelons a la

barcalonesa immersed in brine or sea water for 1 month
caña medular Spain Marrow bone
caña medular

to ferment then washed, dried and candied

canapé England, France Small biscuits or
with sugar syrup. Usually candied in the
pieces of toast covered with various savoury country where used. Sometimes used as a
items and decorated. Served at buffets, confectionery item but more usually
cocktail parties and with drinks. (NOTE: chopped and used in cakes.
canditi Italy Candied fruit

Literally ‘couch or settee’.)

canard France Duck

candle, to To examine eggs in front of an

candle, to

canard à la presse France Breasts of lightly intense light to see if they are fresh and to
canard à la presse

roasted (20 minutes) Rouen duck sliced and assess their quality
warmed at the table in a mixture of brandy candle fruit A North African variety of
candle fruit

and the blood and juices obtained by aubergine, shaped like a small banana with
crushing in a press the remainder of the ivory coloured skin
carcass less the legs. Sometimes flambéed
candlenut The macadamia-shaped nut of a

with brandy. Also called canard rouennais à

tree, Aleurites moluccana, grown in
la presse
Southeast Asia. When ground, used as a
canard à l’orange France Duck with orange.
canard à l’orange

thickening agent in Malaysian cooking. It

Roast mallard (200°C, 40 min.) or widgeon must be cooked before consumption to
or teal (220°C, 25 min.), previously detoxify it. The kernel is removed by charring
seasoned and flavoured, served with sauce the outer shell so that it can be cracked.
made from defatted pan residues, red wine, (NOTE: So called because the nuts were once
stock and Seville orange juice thickened with ground to a paste with copra and cotton to
fécule or arrowroot. Garnished with wedges make candles)
of sweet orange and watercress.
cane France A female duck

canardeau France A duckling (slightly older


canel Caribbean Cinnamon


than a caneton)
canela Central America, Portugal, Spain

canard rouennais France A specially bred

canard rouennais

duck from the Rouen district, usually filled Cinnamon (NOTE: Cinnamon is the most
with a stuffing made from its own liver, important spice used in Portugal.)
canela em pau Portugal Cinnamon quill
canela em pau

roasted and served with a red wine sauce

canard rouennais à la presse France See
canard rouennais à la presse

canelle knife A small knife shaped so that

canelle knife

canard à la presse thin narrow strips of skin may be cut from the
canard sauvage France Wild duck, usually skin of citrus fruit, cucumbers, etc.
canard sauvage

mallard duck canellini Italy A generic name for all types of


Canary pudding England A basic steamed

Canary pudding

white beans
pudding mixture with half the flour replaced canelones Spain Minced meat

with fresh breadcrumbs, a third to a half of

canelons a la barcalonesa Catalonia
canelons a la barcalonesa

the milk with Madeira, and flavoured with

grated lemon zest Cannelloni stuffed with a cooked chicken
Canavalia ensiformis Botanical name Jack liver and pork meat filling
canesca Italy A variety of shark

Canavalia gladiata Botanical name Sword Canestrato Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd

bean Sicilian cheese made from ewes’ milk and

cancalaise, à la France In the Cancale
cancalaise, à la

matured in a wicker basket to give it a

(Brittany) style, i.e. with a fish sauce made distinctive surface pattern. Also called
from white wine with mussels, prawns and Incanestrato, Pecorino, Pecorino canestrato,
oysters rigato, Siciliano
canch mexicana Mexico A chicken broth canestrelli Italy 1. Small scallops 2. Sweet
canch mexicana canestrelli

containing chopped onions and tomatoes scallop-shaped pastries from the northwest

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cane syrup

cane syrup United States The concentrated cannelon France A small puff pastry roll, filled
cane syrup cannelon

juice from sugar cane used in place of with meat, fish, poultry or game
golden syrup or molasses cannocchia Italy Mantis shrimp

caneton France A small duck or duckling cannoli Italy Horn-shaped pastries filled with
caneton cannoli

caneton à la rouennaise France A Rouen

caneton à la rouennaise

cream cheese, whipped cream, custard,

duck strangled, plucked whilst warm, liver chocolate cream or similar
less the gall bladder returned to the cavity, cannolicchi Italy Short and fairly thick tubes

spit-roasted for 15 to 30 minutes and of pasta used in soups. Also called ave maria
skinned. Legs removed and thigh bones cannolichio Italy Razor shell, mollusc

excised, brushed with butter, grilled and canola Rapeseed


salted, wing removed, panéed and grilled can opener An implement for removing the
can opener

and all, together with the sliced breast, tops from sealed cans of food
served with a sauce made with juices canotière, à la France In the boatman’s style,
canotière, à la

pressed from the carcass, red wine, shallots

i.e. freshwater fish cooked with shallots,
and the sieved liver. mushrooms and white wine
caneton rouennais France A specially bred
caneton rouennais

canotière, sauce France The lightly salted

canotière, sauce

duckling from the Rouen district, generally cooking liquor from poached freshwater fish
pot-roasted or roasted but may be braised if reduced by two thirds, thickened with beurre
to be served cold manié, simmered 5 minutes, strained and
cangrejo Spain Crab

finished with butter and a little cayenne

cangrejo de mar Spain Shore crab
cangrejo de mar

cangrejo de rio Spain Freshwater crayfish Cantal France A large (up to 50 kg) semi-hard
cangrejo de rio Cantal

cangrejo moruno Spain A small furry crab,

cangrejo moruno

cheese made from cows’ milk and matured

Eriphia verrucosa, found in the from 3 to 5 months. The rind is grey with red
Mediterranean and used particularly in the streaks and has a powdery surface, and the
paella of the Balearic islands paste is firm, full of bite and has a nutty
canh ga Vietnam Chicken wing
canh ga
flavour. It has been made for at least 2000
years and is protected by an Appellation
canistel United States An egg-shaped fruit,

d’Origine. Contains 44% water, 26% fat and

Pucheria campechiana, with a thin glossy
23% protein. Also called Fourme de Cantal,
skin and a yellowish, creamy and slightly
Fourme de Salers, Salers
sweet flesh. Used in fruit salads.
Cantalon France A smaller version of Cantal

canja Portugal A clear chicken soup with rice,


shreds of chicken breast, mint and lemon
cantaloup England, France Cantaloupe

canja de galinha Portugal Chicken broth with
canja de galinha

cantaloupe melon 1. A variety of sweet

cantaloupe melon

chicken livers and rice

melon, Cucumis melo, developed in
can measure United States North American
can measure

Cantelupo, central Italy. It has a grey-green

recipes sometimes use USA can sizes as a rough skin with deep longitudinal grooves,
volume measure. They are approximately: the flesh is orange-yellow, very sweet and
buffet, 236 ml; picnic, 295 ml; no. 300, 413 fragrant, and individual fruits weigh up to
ml; no. 1 tall and no. 303, 472 ml; no. 2, 590 750 g. It is ripe when there is a slight give at
ml; no. 21/2, 826 ml; no. 3 cylinder, 1375 ml the stalk end under gentle pressure. The
and no. 10, 2830 to 3060 ml. See also liquid principle types in Europe are the charentais,
measure, dry measure, cup measure, market ogen, tiger and sweetheart. Also called rock
measure, volume measure melon 2. United States Musk melon
canneberge France A cranberry

canterellen Netherlands Chanterelle


canned food Food preserved in cans or tins

canned food

cannella Italy Cinnamon

canthaxanthin See E161(g)


cannelle France Cinnamon


Cantonese cooking The style of cooking from

Cantonese cooking

cannellino bean A variety of haricot bean, southeast China, including stir-frying of meat
cannellino bean

Phaseolus vulgaris, slightly larger than and vegetables with the addition of corn
normal, now extensively grown and used in flour-thickened chicken stock, sweet-and-
Italy. Also called fazolia bean sour dishes, and steamed sweet and savoury
cannelloni Italy Large squares of thin pasta
delicacies known as dim sum
Cantonese onion Chinese chive
Cantonese onion

which are first poached, then rolled around a

cantucci Italy Small hard, sweet biscuits

stuffing to form tubes which are placed in a

dish, covered in a sauce, possible gratinated containing almond pieces. Traditionally
with cheese and baked in the oven dunked in Vin (or Vino) Santo, a rich sherry-

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like wine from Tuscany. Also called parsley and accompanied by heart-shaped
cantuccini croûtons
cantuccini Italy Cantucci capilotade, en France In crumbs, squashed
cantuccini capilotade, en

canvas back United States A wild duck,

canvas back
to a pulp or to bits. Used of a cake.
capirotada Mexico Bread pudding

Aythya valisineria, with a distinctly flavoured

flesh due to its diet of wild celery shoots capitaine Central Africa The Nile perch, Lates

cao gu China Straw mushroom

cao gu

niloticus, which is prized throughout Africa

cao mei China See strawberry
cao mei
for its eating qualities. It is found in the Nile,
Lake Chad, Lake Victoria and the Congo and
capão Portugal Capon

Niger rivers. Usually grilled or fried and

caparon Italy Shellfish

served with hot sauce, e.g. pili-pili sauce.

capeado Spain Battered and deep-fried

Also called Nile perch, mbuta

cape gooseberry A cherry-sized, yellow-
cape gooseberry

capitone Italy Conger eel


fleshed, slightly sour fruit of a plant Physalis caplin See capelin


peruviana originally from Peru but now capocollo Italy Boned out, skinned, cured

grown in Egypt, Colombia and South Africa. and cooked pork shank, rolled in ground
It is loosely enclosed in a segmented, papery, spices and pepper and served in thin slices
fawn husk which looks like a Chinese
capon A castrated male domestic fowl which

lantern. Used in fruit salads and for

grows larger and is more tender than the
decoration. Also called physalis, goldenberry
intact bird
capelan See capelin

caponata Italy A salad of fried aubergines and


capelin United States A medium oily fish,


onions with tomatoes, anchovies, capers and

Mallotus villosus, similar to smelt and up to olives served on a large dry biscuit or toasted
25 cm in length. It is greenish on top and bread. Other fruits and vegetables may be
white underneath and found in the North included together with some sugar and
Atlantic. Also called capelan, caplin vinegar and the whole mixture may be
capelli d’angelo Italy Angel’s hair
capelli d’angelo

reduced to a thick chutney-like consistency.

capellini Italy A very thin spaghetti

caponatine Italy A salad of pickled vegetables


capelvenere Italy Maidenhead fern capone gallinella Italy Tub gurnard

capelvenere capone gallinella

caper The flower bud of a small capozzella Italy Roasted lamb’s head
caper capozzella

Mediterranean bush, Capparis spinosa or C. cappa Italy Razor shell, mussel, various

inermis, which is pickled in brine for use in shellfish generally

sauces and on pizzas. cappa ai ferri Italy Grilled scallops
cappa ai ferri

capercaillie A large game bird, Tetrao


cappa liscia Italy Venus shell clam

cappa liscia

urogallus, about the size of a turkey, cappalletti Italy Small ravioli made in the

common in Scandinavia, northern Russia shape of a three cornered hat, usually

and the alps and recently reintroduced to stuffed with a mousseline of fish or shellfish
Scotland. In season 1st October to 31st Capparis inermis Botanical name Caper
January; hanging time 7 to 14 days. Also bush, spineless variety
called capercailzie, wood grouse Capparis spinosa Botanical name Caper
capercailze See capercaillie

bush, spiny variety

caperizzoli Italy Molluscs

cappelle di fungo Italy Mushroom caps

cappelle di fungo

caper mayonnaise Chopped capers,

caper mayonnaise

cappello Italy Hat. Used of foods shaped like


chopped sweet red peppers and tarragon a hat, either conical or like an Italian priest’s,
vinegar mixed with mayonnaise e.g. pies or boned-out hams, etc.
caper sauce A velouté sauce made from capperi Italy Capers
caper sauce capperi

mutton stock flavoured with chopped cappone Italy 1. Capon 2. Gurnard, the fish

capers, served with boiled leg of mutton. See cappone in galera Italy A salad of anchovies
cappone in galera

also câpres, sauce aux and capers

capillaire commun France Maidenhair fern
capillaire commun

capponi Italy Small red mullet


capillaire syrup A thick mucilaginous liquid

capillaire syrup

cappon magro Italy A mixed salad of cooked

cappon magro

extracted from the maidenhead fern and vegetables, anchovies, fish, lobster and
flavoured with orange flower water or other garlic-flavoured rusks
capillari Italy Tiny eels

cappuccino Italy 1. Espresso coffee mixed


capilotade France Boned-out leftovers of


with milk that has been boiled and foamed

chicken or game birds sliced and reheated in by steam injection, served with a sprinkling
sauce italienne with some sweated sliced of ground spice such as cinnamon, nutmeg
mushrooms, garnished with chopped or cocoa 2. Nasturtium leaves

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cappuccio, a

cappuccio, a Italy Round, as in round lettuce capucine France Nasturtium

cappuccio, a capucine

(NOTE: Literally ‘like a hood or cap’.) caquelon Switzerland A wide-based pot with a

cappucina Italy Lettuce


short stubby handle to one side in which

capra Italy 1. Goat 2. A freshwater lake fish

cheese fondue is prepared and kept hot and

similar to trout molten over a spirit lamp or candle
carabasso arrebossat Catalonia Deep-fried
carabasso arrebossat

capra di mare Italy Spider crab

capra di mare

câpre France Caper

battered courgettes. See also carbasó
câpres, sauce aux France Butter sauce with
câpres, sauce aux
carabinero Spain A large king prawn. See

the addition of 120 g of capers per litre at the

last moment. Served with boiled fish. also crevette rouge
caracóis Portugal Snails

capretto Italy Kid, young goat


caracoles Spain Snails


caprice, fish As fish Saint Germain, but

caprice, fish

caracol gris Spain Winkle

caracol gris

topped with a lengthways slice of banana

passed through seasoned flour and shallow- carafe An open-topped glass container with a

fried. Served with Robert sauce. bulbous or conical shape used to serve wine
Caprice des Dieux France An oval-shaped, or water (with a narrow-flared top) or coffee
Caprice des Dieux

mild, soft cheese from the Champagne (with a wide-flared top and a handle) at
region made from cows’ milk with added meals
cream and sold in a small box caraili sauce Caribbean A hot sauce from St
caraili sauce

capricorn England A goats’ milk cheese from Vincent made from chilli peppers deseeded

Somerset with a relatively mild flavour and and finely sliced, bitter gourds boiled in salt
cast in cylinders water drained and seeds removed and the
caprini Italy Small goats’ milk cheeses
flesh thinly sliced, finely chopped onions,
caprino di pasta cruda Italy A soft cheese
caprino di pasta cruda
Caribbean cilantro, sliced raw carrot, chives,
made from unpasteurized goats’ milk and parsley and finely chopped garlic marinated
ripened for 3 months in vinegar, lime juice and oil with salt and
pepper. Used with fish etc.
caprino semicotto Italy A hard scalded-curd
caprino semicotto

carajay Philippines Wok


goats’ milk cheese from Sardinia made in a

carambola The fruit of a small evergreen tree,

drum shape. The cheese is brined, dry-

salted and ripened for at least 3 months. Averrhoa carambola, from Southeast Asia
capriolo Italy Deer, roebuck
which, when cut across its axis, has the
appearance of a five-pointed star. The crisp
caprylic acid A fatty acid which when
caprylic acid

yellow flesh has an acid, sweet and aromatic

esterified is a constituent of goats’ milk fat,
flavour and it is often used for decoration.
butter fat and coconut oil. When liberated by
The flavour and colour are improved by
oxidation it has a rancid goaty smell.
poaching it in a little light syrup. It can also
capsaicin The hot flavouring component of

be used for jam and chutney. Also called star

chilli peppers and cayenne peppers fruit
capsanthin A peppery flavouring and pink

caramel England, France The golden-brown


food colouring obtained from paprika. Also distinctly flavoured compound formed when
called capsorubin. See also E160(c) sugar is heated to 182°C. Used for colouring,
Capsella bursa-pastoris Botanical name as an ingredient in its own right and to flavour
Shepherd’s purse the confectionery called caramel. (NOTE: In
capsicum The general name for the hollow

its darker form it is the permitted food

seed pods of plants of the genus Capsicum colouring E150.)
which are relatives of the tomato. They range caramel cream Crème caramel
caramel cream

from green, yellow or red sweet peppers to

caramel custard England Crème caramel
caramel custard

the very hot chilli and cayenne peppers, not

caramelize, to To cause sugars to break
caramelize, to

to be confused with the spice pepper Piper

nigrum. See also sweet pepper, chilli down into brown flavoured compounds by
peppers, cayenne pepper heating to around 180–185°C. Caramelizing
Capsicum annuum Grossum Group is responsible for some of the brown colour
Botanical name Sweet peppers developed by baking, frying, roasting or
Capsicum annuum Longum Group Botanical grilling sugar-containing foods.
caramelized potatoes See brunede kartofler
caramelized potatoes

name Chilli peppers

Capsicum frutescens caramella Italy Caramel

Botanical name
Cayenne peppers caramellato Italy Caramelized, candied or

capsorubin See capsanthin


capuchina Spain Nasturtium caramelo Spain Caramel
capuchina caramelo

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caramel sauce England A hot sauce made carbonara Italy The sauce or dressing used
caramel sauce carbonara

with caramel, water and butter (3:2:2), with spaghetti alla carbonara
whisked together carbonata Italy A dish from the northwest of

caramel stage See sugar cooking beef or salt beef stewed in red wine. Often
caramel stage

caramote France A transverse-striped king


served with polenta.

carbonate, to To dissolve carbon dioxide gas
carbonate, to

prawn, Penaeus kerathurus, from the

Mediterranean. It is brown with reddish tints in a liquid as in the production of soft drinks
becoming pink when cooked and is up to 22 or some sparkling wines
cm long. It is considered to be the finest carbonated water Water in which carbon
carbonated water

crustacean flesh in the world. Also called dioxide has been dissolved. Sometimes
crevette royale, grosse crevette stored under pressure. The gas is released
caramujo Spain Winkle

when the pressure is reduced or when the

cá rán Vietnam Fried fish
cá rán

water is warmed up on contact with the

caranguejo Portugal Crab
mouth. Also called soda water, mineral water
carbon black A very finely divided form of
carbon black

carapace The hard upper shell of


crustaceans, tortoises or turtles carbon used as a food colouring. Also called

carapau Portugal A small seawater fish
vegetable carbon. See also E153
carbon dioxide The gas produced when the
carbon dioxide

between a sardine and smelt in size

carapulca South America A Peruvian stew
carbon in foods is oxidized either by the
made from meat, papa seca, tomatoes, action of yeasts and other microorganisms,
onions and garlic by combustion or by cellular processes in the
body, or when chemical raising agents are
caraque A form of flaked chocolate made by

heated or react in water. The gas is

coating a thin layer of chocolate on marble or
responsible for the raising of bread, cakes,
on a steel tray, allowing it to set and cool,
etc. See also E290
then removing it with a scraper as though
carbonnade France Charcoal-grilled meat or

stripping paint
beef braised dark brown. See also carbonade
caraway The plant from which caraway seeds

carbonnade à la flamande Belgium A stew

carbonnade à la flamande

are obtained. The young leaves may be used

in salads and soups and the roots can be made from beef, onions, garlic and dark
cooked as a vegetable. beer, thickened with slices of bread coated in
French mustard (NOTE: So called because of
caraway mint Sprouted caraway seeds used
caraway mint

its dark (‘carbonated’) colour.)

as a herb in Vietnamese cooking
carborundum stone A hard stone made from
carborundum stone

caraway seeds The small brown seeds of a

caraway seeds

finely powdered silicon carbide fused

biennial European plant, Carvum carvi, with
together. Used for sharpening knives; often
a sweet aromatic flavour. Used to flavour rye
shaped like a steel and used in the same
bread, cakes, cheese and other foods and is
way. Causes more wear than a conventional
the principal flavouring in Kümmel liqueur.
carbasó arrebossat Catalonia Deep-fried
carbasó arrebossat

carboxymethyl cellulose A non-nutritive

carboxymethyl cellulose

battered courgettes
cellulose derivative used for thickening and
carbohydrates The principal energy sources

stabilizing ice cream and jellies. It is also

in human food which are simple sugars used as wallpaper paste.
(monosaccharides) or chains of repeated
carcass The body of a slaughtered animal,

sugar units (disaccharides, trisaccharides

prepared for use as meat
and polysaccharides). The polysaccharides
carcasse France A carcass, e.g. of chicken

have many repeated sugar units and are

carcass of chicken The remains of plucked
carcass of chicken

starches or various types of cellulose. They

are all with the exception of cellulose and a and dressed chicken after the legs, breasts
few starches broken down in the gut into and wings have been removed. Cut into 3
absorbable monosaccharides either by acids pieces for chicken sauté so as to add flavour
and enzymes in the gastric juices or by the to the pan residues or used for stock.
carciofi alla romana Italy Artichokes boiled
carciofi alla romana

action of microorganisms. See also

monosaccharide, cellulose, dietary fibre in oil with herbs
carciofini Italy Artichoke hearts

carbonade France Meat grilled over charcoal


carciofo Italy Artichoke


but now often used of very dark-coloured

braised beef. Also called carbonnade carciofo alla giudea Italy Jerusalem
carciofo alla giudea

carbonade of beef See carbonnade à la artichoke

carbonade of beef

flamande cardamine France, Italy, Spain Lady’s smock


carbonado Argentina Beef stew with apples, Cardamine pratensis Botanical name Lady’s

pears, potatoes, tomatoes and onions smock

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cardamom The dried fruit of a perennial bush, cari France, Spain Curry
cardamom cari

Elettaria cardamomum, belonging to the Caribbean banana bread Caribbean Pain fig
Caribbean banana bread

ginger family, consisting of green or bleached banane

pods (5 to 10 mm long) containing loose Caribbean black pudding Caribbean An
Caribbean black pudding

black seeds with an aromatic flavour and exotic black pudding made with chopped
smell. Larger pods are in general brown to spring onions, sweet red peppers, grated
black and their seeds are of a lower quality sweet potato or boiled rice, pig’s blood,
and used in pickles and chutneys. butter, seasoning and marjoram, well mixed,
Cardamom is used to flavour coffee in the packed into hog casings leaving room for
Middle East as well as being common in expansion, tied in circles, simmered for 20
Indian, Eastern and Scandinavian cuisines. minutes, pricked, cooked for a further 30
Young cardamom leaves are used as a food minutes and served hot
wrapping and to flavour food in Southeast
caribou Moose

Asian cuisines. Cheap cardamom

Carica papaya Botanical name The papaya
substitutes are Nepal cardamom, Chinese
cardamom, Javanese winged cardamom
caril Portugal Curry powder

and Ethiopian cardamom. Also called

carlins England Soaked and boiled pigeon

cardamon, cardamum
cardamome France Cardamom
peas which are drained, fried in butter and
cardamomo Italy, Spain Cardamom
sweetened with brown sugar and possibly a
little rum. From Northumberland.
cardamon, cardamum Cardamom

Carlsbad prune A large dessert prune meant

Carlsbad prune

cardeau France A sardine


to be eaten at the end of a meal

cardi Italy A relative of the globe artichoke.

Carlton salad dressing Pineapple juice

Carlton salad dressing

See also cardoon

thickened with a sabayon whilst whisking
cardinal France A term used to describe the

vigorously, cooled, a well-rubbed mixture of

pinky-red colour of food by analogy with the
hard-boiled yolk of egg, raw yolk of egg,
colour of a cardinal’s robes
French mustard and vinegar whisked in and
cardinal, sauce France A pink sauce based
cardinal, sauce

all finished with slightly whipped double

on lobster and truffles, served with fish cream
cardinal fish The large red mullet of the
cardinal fish

carmarguaise, à la France In the Carmargue

carmarguaise, à la

Mediterranean. Considered to be the finest style, i.e. cooked with tomatoes, garlic,
quality. orange peel, olives, herbs and wine or
cardinal suppe Norway A cream soup
cardinal suppe

containing chopped ham and noodles
carmine See cochineal

cardine France Megrim, the fish


carmoisine E122, a synthetic red food


cardon France A cardoon


colouring. Also called azorubine

cardone Italy A cardoon

carn Catalonia Meat


cardoni United States A thistle-like plant


cârnăcior Romania A grilling sausage made


resembling celery with an artichoke flavour.

with ground lamb, garlic and spices
Used cooked or raw in salads.
carnaroli riso The best superfino Italian
carnaroli riso

cardoon Scolymus cardunculus, a relative of


risotto rice from Piedmont, well rounded and

the globe artichoke, which can grow to a
extremely absorbent
height of 2 or more metres. The thick celery-
carnauba A Brazilian palm, Copernicia

like stems are blanched whilst growing in the

autumn to reduce bitterness and used as a cerifera, with an edible starchy root. Also the
vegetable. They need long slow cooking. The source of carnauba wax. Also called wax
leaves, roots and buds can also be used. palm
carnauba wax The wax from the Brazilian
carnauba wax

cardo silvestre Spain Cardoon

cardo silvestre

Carême, Antonin (1784 – 1833) A famous

Carême, Antonin
palm used in the food industry as a glazing
French chef who worked for George IV, agent in sugar and chocolate confectionery.
Napoleon and Czar Alexander amongst See also E903
carne Italy, Portugal, Spain Meat, e.g. carne

others, originated the classic French

repertoire of cooking, ‘La Grande Cuisine’, de porco is pork in Portuguese, carne di
and developed the organization of the maiale is the same in Italian and so on
carne a la castellana Spain Meat served with
carne a la castellana

brigade of chefs into specialities

cargol Catalonia Snail
tomatoes, potato croquettes and onion rings
carne asada a la parilla Spain Boiled meat
carne asada a la parilla

cargo rice A dark rice which has only been

cargo rice

carne asada al horno Spain Baked or

carne asada al horno

dehusked, rich in bran, protein, vitamins,

etc. roasted meat

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carne de boi Portugal Beef carob powder The powdered dried inner pulp
carne de boi carob powder

carne de cerdo Spain Pork

carne de cerdo

of the carob bean, used in place of cocoa

carne de cordero Spain Lamb
carne de cordero
powder in cakes and drinks. Also called
carne de membrillo Spain Quince jelly,
carne de membrillo
carob flour, St John’s bread
Carolina duck United States A highly prized
Carolina duck

reduced to a thick paste, usually eaten with

cheese wild duck, Aix sponsa, shot for the table. Also
carne de porco à algarvia Portugal Fried
carne de porco à algarvia
called wood duck
Carolina rice A round short-grain rice from
Carolina rice

pork and clams

carne de ternera Spain Veal
carne de ternera
South Carolina which, when cooked, is
sticky, but not as sticky as Italian rice. Used
carne de vaca Portugal, Spain Beef
carne de vaca

for puddings, Italian-style risotto and as a

carne de veado Portugal Venison
carne de veado

staple carbohydrate in China and Japan. The

carne de venado Spain Venison
carne de venado

seed was originally introduced into the USA

carne de vinha de alhos Portugal Pickled
carne de vinha de alhos

from Italy by Thomas Jefferson.

pork Carolina whiting United States Merluccius
Carolina whiting

carne di maiale Italy Pork

carne di maiale

americanus or Merluccius undulatus, a

carne ensopada Brazil A pot roast of beef, similar fish to the North Atlantic whiting
carne ensopada

bacon, ham, garlic, onions, butter and caroline France 1. A small eclair made from

seasoning choux pastry, often filled with a savoury

carne in umido Italy Stewed beef
carne in umido

stuffing as a hors d’oeuvres 2. Chicken

carneiro Portugal Mutton

consommé with rice and chervil

carom Ajowan

carne lessa Italy Boiled beef

carne lessa

carne mechada Central America A stuffed carota Italy Carrot

carne mechada carota

beef roll, boiled and served sliced with its carotenes Various yellow/orange pigments in

puréed cooking liquor carrots and other yellow and green

carne picada Portugal Chopped or minced
carne picada

vegetables and fruit. It is converted into the

meat antioxidant vitamin A in the body and used
carne picardo Spain Minced meat
carne picardo

as a permitted orange food colouring

carnero Spain Mutton
E160(a). Lycopene in tomatoes and beta-
carne secca Italy The Tuscan name for bacon
carne secca
carotene in carrots are two well-known
examples. Also called carotenoids,
carnes frias Portugal Cold meats sliced and
carnes frias

provitamin A
presented as in assiette anglaise
carotenoids See carotenes

carne tritata Italy Minced meat

carne tritata

carotte France Carrot


Carnia Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd cows’


carottes, purée de France Carrot soup

carottes, purée de

milk cheese, similar to Montasio, from Friuli

carottes vichy France Vichy carrots
carottes vichy

carn i olla Catalonia The meat and vegetable

carn i olla

caroube France Carob


part of the traditional Catalan hotpot. See

also escudella i carn d’olla carp A medium-oily, variously coloured,

carnitine A chemical widely distributed in


freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio, which is

plant and animal tissues and in particularly found worldwide both in the wild and
high amounts in muscle. No vitamin function farmed, harvested at 30 – 60 cm long (1.5 –
has been ascribed to it but it may be involved 2.5 kg) but can grow much bigger. A
in fatty acid transport in muscle cells. (NOTE: common feast dish in Central Europe and
It has been suggested that carnitine may be highly regarded in Asia.
connected with the medical condition carpa Italy, Spain Carp

myalgic encephalopathy (ME, chronic

carpaccio Italy Raw fillet of beef, sliced paper

fatigue syndrome).)
thin and served with a mustard sauce or oil
carob The fruit of a leguminous evergreen

and lemon juice

tree, Ceratonia siliqua, from the
carp caviar United States Female carp roe,
carp caviar

Mediterranean. The brown, ripe seed pods

treated to resemble and used as a substitute
(20 by 2.5 cm) contain an edible sweet pulp
for caviar
and hard inedible seeds. The pulp is dried
carpe France Carp

and ground into a powder resembling and

carpe à la juive France Baked carp stuffed
carpe à la juive

used as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate

powder especially by those who required with raisins, chopped almonds, herbs and
stimulant-free confectionery and drinks. Also spices, originates in the Alsace region of
called locust bean France
carob flour See carob powder carpeau France A young carp
carob flour carpeau

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carpet bag steak

carpet bag steak A thick beef steak (sirloin or carrot soup Basic soup with carrots and a
carpet bag steak carrot soup

fillet) into which a pocket is cut and filled small amount of tomato purée. Served
with oysters, then grilled. Popular in Australia accompanied with croûtons. Also called
and North America, but originated in the UK carottes, purée de
when oysters were very cheap. carruba Italy Carob

carpet shell A small European bivalve

carpet shell

carry France Curry


mollusc, Tapes decussatus, with a dark grey çarsi kebabi Turkey Cubes of lamb or mutton
çarsi kebabi

shell, similar to various small clams marinated in vinegar with chopped onions
carpet shell clam A white to light brown
carpet shell clam

and seasoning, skewered and grilled. Served

clam, Venerupis decussata, with dark brown with a sprinkling of roasted almond slivers
radial markings and up to 8 cm in diameter. and sour cream.
It is found around Britain and in the carta cinese Italy Rice paper
carta cinese

Mediterranean and can be eaten raw like an

carta de musica Italy A paper-thin crisp
carta de musica

bread. Also called fresa pistocco
carpion France A type of trout

cártamo Italy, Spain Safflower


carpione Italy Carp


carte France A menu in a restaurant


carragahen Spain See carragheen


carte, à la France Dishes prepared to order

carte, à la

carrageen See carragheen


and individually priced on the menu, usually

carragheen Ireland, France An extract of the

more expensive than a fixed menu (formule)

seaweeds Chondrus crispus and Gigantina or a plat du jour
stellata. These are rinsed, kept damp and
carte du jour France The menu of the day,
carte du jour

bleached in the open air until creamy white,

usually cheaper than the à la carte menu,
dried and used as a thickening agent. Used
similar to table d’hôte in more prestigious
in Jamaica as the basis of a punch called
Irish moss. Also called Irish moss, sea moss,
carthame France Safflower

pearl moss, carrageen. See also E407

carré France Best end (of lamb, carré
Carthamus tinctorus Botanical name
d’agneau; of veal, carré de veau) Safflower
cartilage Dense elastic connective tissue in

carré de Bray France A small, square, soft,

carré de Bray

creamy cows’ milk cheese from Normandy the body which is especially prominent
sold on rush mats around joints. The younger the animal, the
softer and more gelatinous it is. It is
carré de l’est France A small, square, soft
carré de l’est

solubilized by long slow cooking and adds

and rather salty Camembert-type cheese body to a cooking liquor, hence the use of
made in Lorraine and Champagne from calves’ feet in stews.
cows’ milk. Contains 52% water, 25% fat and
cartoccio, al Italy En papillote
cartoccio, al

20% protein.
cartouche England, France A circle of

carré de porc France The equivalent of the

carré de porc

best end of lamb cut from the front of the loin buttered greaseproof paper place over the
of pork liquid contents in a dish to exclude air and to
prevent a skin forming whilst it is cooking or
carrelet France Plaice

being kept hot

carrello Italy A trolley of desserts or hors

Carum carvi Botanical name Caraway

d’oeuvre brought to the table in a restaurant
carve, to To cut slices of cooked meat from a
carve, to

carrettes United States Small immature


large joint for serving or any similar

carrots. Also called French carrots operation. Meat that is roasted is usually left
carrot An orange-coloured, tubular root

to rest for 10 – 20 minutes to improve its

vegetable from a biennial plant, Daucus texture for carving.
carota, common all over the world. One of carvery A restaurant or section of a restaurant

the aromatic vegetables used for its flavour where roast or baked joints of meat or poultry
but also eaten raw when young or cooked as are sliced to order and served. Sometimes
a vegetable. self-service or at least with customer
carrot cake 1. United States A cake made
carrot cake

with grated raw carrots, oil, sometimes carvi France, Italy Caraway seed

crushed pineapple, flour, sugar, etc. with a Carya illionensis Botanical name The
cream- cheese-based topping. Also called hickory tree which produces pecan nuts
paradise cake, passion cake 2. Various cake
casa, di Italy Home-made
casa, di

recipes found in many countries containing

casaba melon Winter melon
casaba melon

grated young raw carrots in part substitution

casalinga Italy Home-made

for or in addition to the flour

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Casanova Germany A soft surface-ripened cassareep The reduced sweetened spicy

Casanova cassareep

cows’ milk cheese which is creamy and juice made from a bitter variety of cassava.
delicate when young but becomes sharper Used as a condiment in Caribbean cooking.
with age. Contains 55% water, 22% fat and cassata Italy A compound ice cream made

19% protein. from layers of at least three different flavours

casatella Italy A soft fresh rindless cows’ milk

and colours containing chopped nuts and

cheese from Lombardy chopped glacé fruits. Also called Neapolitan
cascabel Mexico Chilli cascabel
ice cream
cassata alla siciliana Italy A many-layered
cassata alla siciliana

cascadura Caribbean A mud-dwelling fish


much prized in Trinidad. It must be chocolate cake from Sicily, soaked in liqueur,
thoroughly cleaned in fresh water or else the filled with Ricotta cheese and decorated with
flavour is too strong. It may be curried, made nuts and glacé fruits. Sometimes layered
into a Creole stew or barbecued. with ice cream.
cassatedde di Ricotta A deep-fried,
cassatedde di Ricotta

cascia, alla maniera di Italy In the style of

cascia, alla maniera di

Cascia, i.e. with anchovies, tomatoes and crescent-shaped pasty filled with chocolate
truffles, especially of pasta and sweetened Ricotta cheese, the baking
powder raised pastry for which is made with
casein The main protein found in milk and in

flour, wine, butter, lard and sugar

cassava England, Italy A tropical, virtually

casein mark A mark placed on the rind of a

casein mark

pure starch tuber up to 30 cm long of a plant,

cheese which usually gives the date of
Manihot utilissima, which is grown in hot
manufacture, the geographical source of the
countries and used as a major carbohydrate
cheese and other special quality
source in South America, Africa and other
countries. The roots of some varieties have to
caseiro Portugal Home-made

be grated and boiled in several changes of

caserta Italy A pepperoni sausage containing

water, or partially fermented, to remove toxic

chilli cyanide compounds which are in the plant
Cashel blue Ireland A semi-soft, sharp-
Cashel blue

cells and are broken down by enzymes in the

flavoured, blue-veined cheese made from sap. The leaves are also edible and do not
unpasteurized milk contain toxic compounds and are cooked as
cashew apple The fruit associated with the
cashew apple
a vegetable or used as a food wrapping.
cashew nut. It is eaten raw in Indonesia but Many people are permanently crippled by
generally is only suitable for making jam. the poison especially in Africa. Also called
manioc, tapioca, yuca, yucca
cashew leaves The young leaves of the
cashew leaves

casse France Cassia


cashew are used to flavour rice in Java,

casse-croûte France A sandwich made by

cashew nut The slightly curved nut from the
cashew nut
slicing a small crusty French bread (pistolet,
fruit of a tropical tree, Anacardium flute or baguette) lengthways, then buttering
occidentale, originally from South America and filling
casser France To break, e.g. bones, eggs

but now grown worldwide. The nut and shell

casser la croûte France To eat
casser la croûte

hang below the fruit, and the shells contain a

skin irritant and are removed before casserole England, France 1. A heavy metal,

exporting the nuts. See also cashew leaves, glass or earthenware dish with a tightly fitting
cashew apple. Also called acajou lid used for slow cooking of meat, vegetables,
casia Spain Cassia

etc. 2. Any food cooked in a casserole 3. The

casings The name given to all parts of the
trade description for one-dish, in-flight meals
alimentary canal from the gullet to the prepared by commercial companies for
rectum used, after cleaning and treatment, airlines
casserole, en France Cooked in a saucepan
casserole, en

to enclose meat mixtures as in sausages,

salamis, puddings, etc. Nowadays casings on top of the stove
are often made of plastic. See also ox casserole, to To cook slowly a selection of
casserole, to

casings, hog casings, sheep casings, bung, ingredients, meat, vegetables, etc., usually in
runner, weasand the oven but possibly on the stove in a dish
cá sông Vietnam Raw fish
cá sông

with a tightly closed lid. The food is normally

casow Philippines Cashew nut
served from the casserole dish.
casserolette A small casserole dish in which

cassaba The variety of melon, Cucumis melo


inodorus, from which various sweet melons, food may be heated and/or served
casseruola Italy Casserole

e.g. honeydew, have been bred

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cassette Belgium A soft, pale, creamy, and sugar for 40 minutes, celery removed,

rectangular cows’ milk cheese, seasoned, drained and served very hot with butter
wrapped in walnut leaves and sold in small Castanea crenata Botanical name Japanese
willow baskets chestnut
cassettine siciliane Italy Sweet almond
cassettine siciliane
Castanea sativa Botanical name Sweet
pastries chestnut
castanha Portugal 1. Chestnut 2. Cashew nut

cassia England, Italy A spice which is the


inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree, Castelmagno Italy A soft blue-veined cows’

Cinnamomum cassia, grown in China and milk cheese from Cuneo which is ripened in
the East. It has a similar aroma to cinnamon cool damp conditions. It resembles a milder
but is not as delicate. One of the constituents version of Gorgonzola.
of five spice powder. Castelo Branco Portugal A smooth, white,
Castelo Branco

cassia buds The dried unripe fruits of the

cassia buds

semi-hard cheese from the town of the same

cassia tree used as a flavouring and as a name, made with a mixture of cows’ milk and
substitute for curry leaves. The fresh buds ewes’ or goats’ milk. and cast in a disc
and leaves are used as a vegetable. shape. The paste has no holes and no rind.
cassis France 1. Blackcurrant 2. A liqueur It is delicately flavoured when young but

flavoured with blackcurrant (crème de develops a strong flavour after 3–4 weeks.
cassis) caster sugar Refined white sugar (sucrose)
caster sugar

cassol France The clay cooking pot from


intermediate in size between granulated and

Languedoc in which cassoulet is traditionally icing sugar, used in cake and dessert making
made because it dissolves easily without forming
cassola Italy Fish soup from Sardinia with

lumps. Also called castor sugar

chillies and tomatoes. Served with a garlic Castigliano Spain A hard ewes’ milk cheese

toast. with a strong flavour, a pale cream paste and

cassola de peix Catalonia A fish casserole brown rind shaped in a thin disc
cassola de peix

cassolette France A small portion-sized dish castle cheese Schlosskäse

cassolette castle cheese

or casserole used for presenting small castle pudding A small steamed or baked
castle pudding

entrées, hors d’oeuvres or entremets, made pudding made from a Victoria sponge
of pleated paper, silver or china mixture flavoured with vanilla and lemon zest
cassonade France Soft brown sugar

cooked in individual dariole moulds and

cassoni Italy Pasties filled with green

served with jam sauce

vegetables and fried castor sugar See caster sugar
castor sugar

cassoulet France A rich stew from Languedoc


castradina Italy 1. Mutton 2. Smoked and


consisting of haricot beans which have been dried mutton from Venice. Usually boiled
simmered in a flavoured bouillon, layered in with rice.
an earthenware pot with lamb or fresh and castrato Italy Mutton

smoked pork, smoked sausages, possibly casuela criola Caribbean A typical casserole
casuela criola

confit d’oie, onions, carrots and a pig’s foot from Cuba using offal or cheap cuts of meat
for its gelatine content. Cooked slowly in a sautéed in oil. This is then stewed with
casserole in the oven, the lid being removed tomatoes, beans and whatever vegetables
towards the end to develop a crust on the are to hand, flavoured with oregano and bay
surface. and finally thickened with corn flour.
castagna Italy Chestnut

Vegetables are added according to cooking

castagnacci Italy Fritters or waffles made with

a chestnut flour batter casuelita Caribbean A rich Cuban seafood

castagnaccio Italy A sort of cake made from


stew made by sweating onions, garlic,

a chestnut flour/water paste mixed with pine tomatoes and chives then adding lobster
nuts, fennel seeds and plumped and dried meat, peeled prawns, white fish goujons and
currants or sultanas, placed in a greased sundry shellfish. This is all cooked gently
baking tray dribbled with olive oil and baked then let down with hot stock and white wine,
until a crust forms seasoned and served hot with a garnish of
castagne all’ubriaca Italy Peeled roasted
castagne all’ubriaca

chopped almonds and parsley.

chestnuts covered with a cloth soaked in red casu marzu A Sardinian delicacy which was
casu marzu

wine and kept warm for 30 minutes. Eaten as discovered by accident when a pecorino
is or with honey. cheese was left outside to ripen and became
castaña Spain Chestnut

infested with fly maggots. The maggots

castañas con mantequilla Spain Peeled caused enzymatic ripening of the cheese by
castañas con mantequilla

chestnuts simmered in water with celery, salt modifying the fats and proteins, making it

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pungent and runny. (NOTE: Literally ‘rotten caudle England A mixture of freshly soured

cheese’. It is said that the maggots can get cream and beaten eggs added to pies and
into a person’s eyes, so the cheese is always casseroles in Cornwall about 15 minutes
eaten enclosed in bread.) before the end of the cooking period
cata France Dogfish (colloquial)

caudrée France A one-pot meal of vegetables


catabolism The chemical breakdown of food


in the mouth, stomach and gut to form and fish from the north rather like a potée,
simpler compounds (sugars, amino acids, i.e. the liquor is used as the soup course and
fatty acids etc.) which can be absorbed into followed by fish plus vegetables as the main
the bloodstream course. Also called caudière
caul The lace-like fatty membrane which lines

catadromous (Fish) which are born at sea,


migrate to brackish or fresh water to grow the abdominal cavity of sheep, pigs, etc.
and then return to the estuaries or the sea to Used for covering joints of meat, wrapping
spawn. The eel is a common example. (NOTE: stuffed meats, faggots and other foods,
The opposite is anadromous.) where string or casing could be used, to hold
cataire France Catmint
their shape during cooking. It has the
catalane, à la France In the Catalan style, i.e.
catalane, à la
advantage of adding fat to baste the food and
with tomatoes and rice and possibly olives being edible. Also called lard net
cauliflower A vegetable, Brassica olereacea

and aubergine
cataplana Portugal A hinged metal cooking
(Botrytis Group), consisting of a short thick
container shaped like a giant clam, or two central stalk topped with a white
woks, which has a very good seal for use on hemispherical head of closely packed
top of the stove immature flowers, 10–15 cm in diameter
surrounded with long green leaves. Usually
catchup Ketchup

eaten raw, steamed, boiled or pickled.

cater to To provide prepared food for large or
cater to

cauliflower au gratin United Kingdom

cauliflower au gratin

small groups usually as part of a business or

Cauliflower cheese
public enterprise
cauliflower bellevue A steamed whole head
cauliflower bellevue

catfish A medium-oily, white-fleshed, blunt-


of cored cauliflower presented on a plate

headed seawater fish, Anarchis lupus, with a
which has been covered with chopped
long dorsal fin and whiskers. It is greenish
cooked spinach sautéed in butter with garlic
grey with darker stripes and is found in the
until fairly dry and the cauliflower
North Atlantic. Also called Atlantic catfish,
surrounded decoratively with steamed carrot
wolf fish, sea cat, sea wolf
slices which have been sautéed in butter
catjang bean See black-eyed pea 1
catjang bean

cauliflower cheese United Kingdom Cooked

cauliflower cheese

catmint A sprawling aromatic hardy perennial


sprigs of cauliflower coated with a cheese

plant, Nepeta cataria, which may be used as sauce, gratinated with cheese and browned
a flavouring for meat or as a tea and the under the grill. Also called cauliflower au
young shoots may be used in salads. If grown gratin
in the open the plant will be destroyed by
cauliflower soup Basic soup with cauliflower,
cauliflower soup

cats who are inordinately attracted to it. Also

garnished with small cooked florets of
called catnip
cauliflower. Also called chou-fleur, purée de
catnip Catmint

caustic soda See sodium hydroxide

caustic soda

cat’s tongues See langues de chat

cat’s tongues

cavallucci di Siena Italy Small honey cakes

cavallucci di Siena

catsup United States Ketchup (usually


containing candied fruit peel and nuts

tomato) shaped in the form of a horse
cat tail Bulrush millet
cat tail

cavatieddi Italy Pasta curls served with


cattle The plural collective English term for all


sauces or cheese. Also called mignuic,

ages and sexes of the bovine species mignule
cattley Strawberry guava

caveach A method of preserving fish by first


cá tuoi Vietnam Fresh fish

cá tuoi

frying it then pickling it in vinegar. See also

Caucasian pilaff A rice pilaff containing
Caucasian pilaff
escabeche. Also called pickled fish
chopped lamb and onion which is first fried cavedano Italy Chub

in lard then simmered in stock with bay and caviale Italy Caviar or substitutes

seasoning caviar 1. England, France, Spain The very


cauchoise, à la France In the style of Caux in

cauchoise, à la

expensive prepared roe of the female

Normandy, i.e. cooked with apples, cream sturgeon found in the wild in Russia, the
and calvados. Usually refers to meat. Mediterranean, the eastern Atlantic and the
caudière France Caudrée

western Pacific but now being farmed. The

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caviar blanc

main varieties are beluga, sevruga and mutton were traditionally the meat used and
osciotre caviar. The colour can vary from potatoes, leeks and onions the vegetables.
white to black and gold to orange brown, but Other ingredients and herbs were at the
different colours are not mixed. It is prepared cook’s discretion.
from freshly caught fish within 2 hours. The cawl cennin Wales A Welsh leek, onion and
cawl cennin

roes are removed carefully and rubbed celery purée soup made with chicken stock.
through a string sieve to remove membranes Occasionally a piece of bacon is added.
and then drained. The eggs are mixed with Garnished with chopped chives.
50 to 80 g of fine salt per kg and preservative cawl pen lletwad Wales A vegetable soup
cawl pen lletwad

according to destination. It is not sterilized made with whatever vegetables are available
and must therefore be kept under but no meat
refrigeration. It is at its best after 3 days and cawl sir benfro Wales Pembrokeshire broth
cawl sir benfro

thereafter develops a fish flavour. 2. A

caws Aberteifi Wales A tasty cheese made in
caws Aberteifi

general term used for prepared fish roe

where the eggs are separated so as to
caws pobi Wales Roasted cheese
caws pobi

resemble sturgeon caviar, e.g. lumpfish roe.

çay Turkey Strong tea usually served in

See also imitation caviar

caviar blanc France Mullet roe
caviar blanc
glasses with sugar but without milk
cayenne chilli A long, thin, red chilli pepper
cayenne chilli

caviar butter Butter and caviar (4:1)

caviar butter

pounded together and passed through a fine which is extremely hot-flavoured and used to
sieve make cayenne pepper
cayenne pepper 1. also cayenne The dried
cayenne pepper

caviar d’aubergine France Poor man’s caviar

caviar d’aubergine

(aubergine purée) and finely ground spice made from a variety

caviar de saumon France Salmon roe
caviar de saumon
of cayenne peppers. Used sparingly as a
seasoning in Europe and the USA. 2. The
caviar niçois France A paste made from
caviar niçois

very pungent fruit of a branching perennial

anchovies, olives and herbs processed with
bush, Capsicum frutescens, which may be
olive oil
yellow, orange or red and is similar in shape
caviar pearls See ikura
caviar pearls

to a chilli pepper. May be used sparingly as a

caviar rouge France Salmon roe. Also called
caviar rouge

flavouring and in sauces. Also called hot

caviar de saumon pepper
caviglione Italy Small gurnard

cay hoy Vietnam Star anise

cay hoy

cavolata Italy A pork, cabbage and potato


Cayuga duck The domesticated version of the

Cayuga duck

soup from Sardinia wild black duck of North America

cavolfiore Italy Cauliflower

cay vi Vietnam Aniseed

cay vi

cavolfiore alla romana Italy Cauliflower

cavolfiore alla romana

caza Spain Game


browned in oil and served with a tomato cazón Spain 1. Smooth hound, the fish 2.

sauce gratinated with cheese Brown sugar

cavolfiore alla vastedda Italy Cauliflower
cavolfiore alla vastedda

cazuela Spain An earthenware casserole


florets dipped in anchovy butter and deep- glazed on the inside

cazuela a la catalana Spain Minced meat
cazuela a la catalana

cavolfiore alla villeroy Italy Cauliflower with

cavolfiore alla villeroy

browned in olive oil and reserved; carrots

lemon sauce and onions fried until golden in same oil;
cavolfiore indorato e fritto Italy Cauliflower
cavolfiore indorato e fritto

flour, tomatoes, stock and reserved

panéed and fried mincemeat added; all simmered for 45
cavolini di Bruxelles Italy Brussels sprouts
cavolini di Bruxelles

minutes, then topped with slices of butifarra

cavolo Italy Cabbage

and baked or grilled until piping hot

cavolo broccoluto Italy Broccoli cazuela de cordero South America A lamb
cavolo broccoluto cazuela de cordero

cavolo marino Sea kale and vegetable stew from Chile, containing
cavolo marino

cavolo nero Italy Black cabbage, a type of

cavolo nero
pumpkin and thickened with beaten egg
cazuela de habas verdes a la granadilla
cazuela de habas verdes a la granadilla

cavolo rapa Italy Kohlrabi
cavolo rapa
Spain French green beans and artichokes
cavolo riccio Italy Kale
cavolo riccio
with poached eggs
ceba (plural cebes) Catalonia Onion

cavolo verza Italy Savoy cabbage

cavolo verza

cebada Spain Barley


cavroman Italy A mutton or lamb stew with


cebada perlada Spain Pearl barley

cebada perlada

potatoes, sweet peppers and onions

cebiche A dish of marinated white fish. See

cawl Wales A basic country soup made of


meat and vegetables as available, cooked also ceviche

cebola Portugal Onion

together in a large pot or cauldron. Bacon or

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cellulose derivatives

cebolado Portugal A soft brown paste made as a winter root vegetable in central Europe.

by first frying onions and possibly garlic in Also called knob celery
olive oil until golden brown then covering and céleri-rave France Celeriac

sweating until soft and able to be mashed céleri remoulade France Grated celeriac in
céleri remoulade

cebolinha verde Portugal Spring onion

cebolinha verde

mayonnaise sauce
cebolinho Portugal Chive

celery Apium graveolens var. dulce, one of


cebolla Spain Onion


the aromatic vegetables used for flavouring

cebolleta Spain Shallot

and also eaten braised or raw. It grows as a

cebollino Spain Chive
cluster of green, ridged crisp stalks about 30
Cebrero Spain A hard, cooked-curd, full-
cm long, closely packed and white in the
flavoured, firm, mountain cheese made from centre with feathery leaves. The whole may
cows’ milk and shaped like a malformed be grown in a paper collar to whiten all the
mushroom. Also called Piedrafita stalks. The leaves are used in a bouquet
garni. There are other strong-flavoured
cece Italy Chick pea (NOTE: The plural form is

varieties grown for their seeds or for drying

and grinding. See also wild celery
cecenielli Italy Deep-fried tiny anchovies and

celery cabbage Chinese leaves

celery cabbage

celery salt A mixture of table salt and dried
celery salt

ceche Italy Elvers, fried with garlic and sage,


bound with egg and flour and refried as small and ground celery from a strong-tasting
loose pancakes variety or a mixture of salt and the essential
oil of celery, both used for flavouring
ceci Italy Chick peas (NOTE: The plural form is

celery sauce Celery hearts simmered with

celery sauce

white bouillon, a bouquet garni and an onion
Cecil A spun curd cows’ and/or ewes’ milk

clouté until tender, the celery passed

cheese with no rind from Armenia in which
through a fine sieve and mixed with an equal
the curd is twisted into a spiral shape to give
quantity of cream sauce and a little of the
a 4 kg cheese. Eaten fresh.
reduced celery cooking liquor
cedioli Italy Tiny eels

celery seeds The small brown seeds of a wild

celery seeds

cedoaria Spain Zedoary


celery plant, Apium graveolens, native to

cédrat France Citron, the fruit

southern Europe, used as a flavouring in

cédrat de corse France Corsican citron
cédrat de corse

pickles, tomato ketchup and tomato juice.

cedro Italy Citron, the fruit

Used by Scandinavians and Russians in

cedro di diamante Italy Diamante citron soups and sauces.
cedro di diamante

cedrone Italy Capercaillie, the bird celery soup Basic soup with celery, garnished
cedrone celery soup

ceebu jën West Africa A classic fish dish from

ceebu jën
with a fine julienne of celery cooked in salted
Senegal made from whole or filleted fish, water. Also called céleri, purée de
celestine France A garnish for consommé of

slashed and stuffed with roof, placed on a

bed of onions and smoked fish which have strips of fried pancake
previously been fried in oil, then simmered in cellentani Italy Pasta made from short pieces

water with tomato purée, root vegetables, of ridged macaroni shaped in a helix
green vegetables and a chilli pepper until all cellophane noodles Thin dried noodles
cellophane noodles

cooked. When the fish is cooked, it and the made from seaweed and mung bean flour
vegetables are removed and kept warm; a which are translucent. Used in Chinese and
little of the broth is kept aside, and short- Japanese cooking. They can be boiled and
grained rice is cooked in the remainder, (1:2) become soft, slippery and gelatinous,
on liquid, until it has absorbed all the liquid. cooked as a stir-fry or deep-fried. Also called
The rice including the crust at the bottom is bean thread noodles, transparent noodles,
turned out on to a large platter and the fish jelly noodles, transparent vermicelli
and vegetables are arranged around and on

Long-chain polysaccharides
the rice, garnished with parsley and slices of
grouped into bundles cemented together
lime and served with the excess broth in a
with other compounds, which form the
separate dish. Also called thiebu djen
structural support of all plants and plant
cefalo Italy Grey mullet

parts. Not digested by humans but provides

celan France Sardine

roughage or fibre which swells in the gut and

céleri France Celery

is a necessary component of a healthy diet

céleri, purée de France Celery soup for correct operation of the bowels.
céleri, purée de

celeriac The thickened globular upper root of cellulose derivatives Various derivatives
celeriac cellulose derivatives

a plant, Apium graveolens var. rapaceum, made by adding side chains to cellulose
with a pronounced celery flavour. Much used used as bulking and thickening agents. The

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Celsius scale

principal ones used in food manufacture are cephalopod The subgroup of molluscs such

methyl cellulose, E461, hydroxypropyl-, as squid, octopus, cuttlefish with a soft body,
E463, hydroxypropyl methyl-, E464 and tentacles growing from around the head and
ethyl methyl cellulose, E465. gut parts and in some a hard internal shell.
Celsius scale The scale of temperature in
Celsius scale

All have a sac of dark brown or black ink in

which the freezing point of water is 0 and the their body cavity which they can squirt out to
boiling point 100, written 0°C and 100°C. provide a protective screen. (NOTE: Literally
Also called centigrade scale ‘head-footed’.)
cepumi Latvia Biscuits made from creamed

celtuce United States A lettuce grown for the


stalk only which is eaten raw or sliced and butter and sugar with caraway seeds, orange
braised. Also called stem lettuce juice and orange zest, made into a dough
cena Italy Dinner
with self-raising flour and salt, rolled to a
diameter of 5 cm, chilled, sliced and baked
cenci Italy A Venetian snack of crisp, wafer-

at 180°C until browned

thin, deep-fried strips of pastry. See also
cerdo Spain Pork

cereal The edible grains of monocotyledons

cendawan Malaysia Shiitake mushroom


such as wheat, rice, barley, maize, oats, etc.

cendré(e) France General term for small,

which may be eaten whole or ground into

strong-flavoured, cows’ milk cheeses in a flour. Together with starchy roots they are the
variety of shapes which have been matured main source of energy carbohydrates for
in wood ash (NOTE: Literally ‘ash-coloured’.) humans.
cengkeh Indonesia Cloves

cereal cream United States Half-and-half

cereal cream

cenoura Portugal Carrot


cereales Spain Cereal plants


centeio Portugal Rye


céréales France Cereal plants


centeno Spain Rye cereali Italy Cereal plants

centeno cereali

cerebro Spain Brains


centigrade scale See Celsius scale

centigrade scale

cereja Portugal 1. Cherry 2. Ripe coffee bean


centilitre One hundredth of a litre, 10


cereza Spain Cherry


millilitres. Abbreviation cl
cerf France Stag, male deer

centola Spain Spider crab


cerfeuil France Chervil


centralized service The service of food in an

centralized service

cerfeuil musqué France Sweet cicely

cerfeuil musqué

establishment where trays or plates of food

are completely prepared and laid out in the cerfoglio Italy Chervil

main kitchen and dispatched from there ceriman The fruit of a tropical tree. See also

century egg Chinese preserved egg

century egg

monstera deliciosa
cerise France Cherry

cep An edible group of the Boletaceae family,


the most common of which is Boletus edulis. cerises, sauce aux France Cherry sauce
cerises, sauce aux

All are characterized by very fat stems, a cerises jubilées France Hot cherries
cerises jubilées

round sometimes shiny cap and spongy flambéed with kirsch

flesh with tiny pinholes. The edible varieties çerkez tavugu Turkey Chicken poached in
çerkez tavugu

are fawn to brown with white to brown flesh. water with sliced onion browned in oil,
They are common in Europe under beech, drained, cooled and disjointed and served
oak and pine and are slightly covered with a sauce made from soaked
phosphorescent at night. They can grow to 1 bread crusts pounded with hazelnuts, let
kg in weight, have a meaty taste and dry well. down with seasoned chicken stock and
Used in all mushroom dishes. Also called flavoured with paprika. The dish is sprinkled
penny bun with a mixture of hot oil and paprika.
cèpe France Cep

cerneau France Unripe or half-shelled walnut


cèpe de chêne France A variety of cep which

cèpe de chêne

cernia Italy Mediterranean grouper


grows under oak trees and is said to have a cernier France Bar, the fish

finer flavour than the cèpe de pin certosa Italy A mild and creamy Stracchino

cèpe de pin France A variety of cep which

cèpe de pin

type cheese made from cows’ milk

grows under pine trees certosino Italy A small version of Certosa

cèpe de vendage France A darker variety of

cèpe de vendage

cervelas France A large, thick, smooth


cep which grows in vineyards. Also called sausage usually made from pork flavoured
tête-de-nègre, bolet bronzé with garlic and in a red casing. It is boiled
cèpes à la bordelaise Sliced ceps fried in
cèpes à la bordelaise

then smoked before sale. Also called saveloy

butter with chopped shallots and parsley or (NOTE: So called because originally made
in oil with garlic from brains (cervelle in French).)

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cervelas de poisson France A fish loaf from chaat masala South Asia An Indian spice and
cervelas de poisson chaat masala

Champagne made with pike flesh herb mixture for fruit and vegetable salads.
cervelas maigre à la bénédictine France A
cervelas maigre à la bénédictine

See also chat masala

sausage made from eel and carp flesh, chaat murgh South Asia Lettuce with a mixed
chaat murgh

minced together with onions, garlic and topping. See also chat murgh
shallots sweated in butter, spices and chabai Malaysia Bird’s eye chilli

seasoning, bound with egg and packed in

chabi Chabichou

cleaned fish intestines. Smoked for 3 days

chabichou France A small, white, firm, soft

before poaching in white wine. Used by the

monks as a substitute for pork sausages cone-shaped goats’ milk cheese from Poitou
during Lent. with a strong goaty flavour ripened for 15 to
20 days. Also called cabichou, cabrichiu,
cervelat Europe The general European name

for a large thick-linked sausage made of
chablisienne, à la France Cooked in the
chablisienne, à la

various meats, mainly lean pork and beef

and pork fat, usually packed in beef middles, white wine Chablis or served with a sauce
dried, smoked and dyed red or yellow. The based on the wine
chabyor Russia Savory, the herb

meat is chopped or minced finely and

incorporates saltpetre, seasoning and chado The traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

flavourings but not garlic. Served cold in Also called cha no yu

slices. chadon beni Caribbean A coriander-like herb
chadon beni

cervellata Italy A pork sausage from Northern


chadon beni sauce Caribbean A herb mix

chadon beni sauce

Italy flavoured with Parmesan cheese, from Trinidad made from finely minced
saffron and spices cilantro, garlic, deseeded chilli peppers,
cervelle France Brains

parsley, thyme and basil mixed with vinegar,

cervello Italy Brains

lime juice and oil. Used in stews and curries.

cervo Italy Venison Also called shadow bennie sauce

Cetraria islandica Botanical name Iceland Chaenomeles speciosa Botanical name

moss Japonica
cetriolini Italy Gherkins chafing dish 1. A dish with a spirit lamp or
cetriolini chafing dish

cetriolo Italy Cucumber

candles beneath, placed on the table in front
ceun chai China Chinese celery
ceun chai
of guests and used to keep food warm 2. A
cevada Portugal Barley
small portable bain-marie for use at the table
3. A shallow metal dish heated by a flame or
cevapcici Balkans Grilled mincemeat balls

an electric heater, used for cooking or

from Serbia
holding hot foods beside the table or on a
cévenole, à la France In the Cévennes style,
cévenole, à la

buffet table. Also called hot plate

i.e. with chestnuts and mushrooms
chagga coffee A full-bodied coffee from the
chagga coffee

ceviche South America A dish of cubed, raw,


slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania,

white fish marinated in lime juice, lemon named after the Wachagga people who grow
juice, garlic, onions, chillies, chopped and process it
coriander leaves and seasoning, and served
cha gio Vietnam Rice paper rolls filled with
cha gio

with chopped skinned tomatoes and

avocado. Originally from Peru, now widely pork, fish, vegetables and noodles which are
available. Does not need further cooking. deep-fried until crisp
cha giò viet nam Vietnam Vietnamese spring
cha giò viet nam

Also called seviche, cebiche

Ceylon moss Agar-agar
Ceylon moss
cha gwa China Cucumber
cha gwa

Ceylon spinach A short-lived tropical and

Ceylon spinach

cha gwoo China Straw mushroom

cha gwoo

subtropical twining perennial, Basella alba,

with large green or red leaves which can chahr ziu China Chinese honey-roast pork.
chahr ziu

grow to 4 m. The leaves are grown as a See also char siu

vegetable. Also called Indian spinach, vine chai Russia Tea

spinach chair blanche France White meat, as of

chair blanche

Ceylon tea A black tea produced in Sri Lanka

Ceylon tea

breast of chicken
cha See char

chair noire France Dark meat, as of chicken

chair noire

chá Portugal Tea


chakah Central Asia A very common sauce


chã Portugal Round of beef


from Afghanistan made from drained

chaamal Nepal Uncooked rice

yoghurt combined with crushed garlic and

chaat South Asia A mixture of diced fruit,

salt. The drained yoghurt is rather like cream

vegetables, etc. with dressing. See also chat cheese.

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chakchouka North Africa 1. Seasoned sweet champ Ireland Rich mashed potatoes mixed
chakchouka champ

peppers, onions and skinned tomatoes with chopped spring onions. Served with
sliced and sautéed in olive oil with harissa melted butter for dipping.
until soft and blended. Formed into patties, a champignon Denmark, France, Germany,

hollow made in each and a raw egg put in Netherlands Mushroom

and cooked until set. 2. A vegetable stew champignons, aux France Cooked or
champignons, aux

from Morocco similar to ratatouille, garnished with mushrooms or coated with a

sometimes with eggs added to resemble a mushroom sauce
piperade. Also called thetchouka
champignons, crème de France Mushroom
champignons, crème de

chakhokbili Southwest Asia A Georgian meat


and potato stew made with lamb or chicken
champignons, sauce aux France Mushroom
champignons, sauce aux

pieces browned in oil, chopped onions and

tomatoes added and softened, cubed sauce
champignons marinés France Pickled
champignons marinés

potatoes and seasoning added and all

simmered or braised until tender. Chopped mushrooms
champinjoner Sweden Mushrooms. Also

garlic, coriander leaves, parsley and basil

added, simmered 10 minutes with stirring called svamp
then rested a few minutes before serving. champiñón Mexico Mushroom

chakin-zushi A sushi rolled in a thin pancake


champorado Philippines Chocolate-flavoured


or crêpe instead of nori. Also called fukusa- glutinous rice eaten as a snack
zushi chamsur Nepal, South Asia Watercress

chakla South Asia A wooden board with a


chana South Asia A small variety of chick pea.


smooth side for rolling out dough and a See also channa
recessed side for kneading dough
chandagar Burma See lump sugar 3

chakrey West Africa A sweet dessert made


chandi ka barakh, chandi ka warq South Asia

chandi ka barakh

with couscous. See also caakiri

Silver leaf
chal Central Asia A fermented camel’s milk

chane jar garam South Asia Dry-roasted

chane jar garam

from Central Asia rather like a strong-

smelling yoghurt chick peas, seasoned with amchoor, chilli
and cumin. Eaten as a snack.
chalau Central Asia Long-grain rice, fried in oil

chanfaina Spain A liver and giblets stew


then cooked in twice its weight of water in a

chanfana Portugal A leg of lamb or goat

tightly closed pan. From Afghanistan.

chali South Asia The orange to scarlet ripe
browned in oil with sliced onion and garlic,
nuts of betel seasoned and floured, covered with red
wine, flavoured with cloves and bay and
chalk See calcium carbonate

simmered or braised in the oven in a closed

challa, challah A plaited bread covered in

dish for 3 to 4 hours, topping up with wine as

poppy seeds made from yeast-raised dough
enriched with eggs and used on the Jewish
chang China Sausage

Sabbath. Also called challah, cholla

chan ga Vietnam Chicken legs
chan ga

chalota Portugal Shallot


chang hau China Asian mussel

chang hau

chalote Spain Shallot


changr China Sausage


chalupa Mexico A filled oval piece of tortilla


chanh Vietnam Lemon


dough, raised at the edges and cooked and

garnished with black beans, diced fresh channa South Asia 1. A small variety of chick

cheese and nopales pea and the most common pulse used in
chamak South Asia A style of finishing in India. When dehusked and split into dal, it is

Indian cookery. See also tarka oval and yellow as opposed to the split pea
Chambarand France A small, creamy,
which is round. Also called Bengal gram,
delicately flavoured cheese with a chana, gram 2. Curds made from boiling milk
pink/orange rind made from cows’ milk by acidified with lemon juice. See also paneer
channa ki dal South Asia Dehusked, split and
channa ki dal

Trappist monks. Also called Trappiste de

Chambarand polished chick pea
Chamberat France A cows’ milk cheese channel catfish A freshwater catfish, Ictaluris
Chamberat channel catfish

similar to Saint-Paulin natalis, with the usual whiskers around the

chambourcy France A commercial version of mouth and a very black skin, white on the

cream cheese underside

chamois d’or France A soft cheese made with Channel Islands milk United Kingdom Milk
chamois d’or Channel Islands milk

cows’ milk enriched with cream and shaped from Jersey, Guernsey or South Devon cows’
rather like a thick Brie with a minimum butterfat content of 4%. but

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charlotte mould

averaging 4.8%. Also called Jersey milk, gold then tossed with a salad to give it a garlic
top flavour.
cha no yu Japan The traditional Japanese tea chapathi See chapati
cha no yu chapathi

ceremony. Also called chado chapati South Asia An unleavened bread


chanquetes Spain Young fish similar to


made from a wholemeal dough shaped like a

whitebait but of sardines and other local fish pancake and dry cooked on a hot griddle or
varieties. Cooked as whitebait. flat slightly dished pan. Also called chapathi,
chantelle United States A cows’ milk cheese

chapatti, phulka
similar to Bel Paese chapatti See chapati

chanterelle France An edible mushroom,


chapelure France Sieved breadcrumbs made


Cantharellus cibarius, deep yellow and from crushed oven dried bread
smelling of apricots, shaped like the chapon France 1. Capon 2. The end of a loaf

upturned horn of a trumpet with wavy edges of bread rubbed with garlic and dressed with
on a short stalk. Much prized in French oil and vinegar. Eaten with or added to salad.
cuisine. Also called girolle
char 1. A fresh water fish of the salmon family

chantilly, crème France Crème chantilly

chantilly, crème

with firm white to pink flesh found in

chantilly, sauce France A mayonnaise made
chantilly, sauce

unpolluted rivers and lakes in Europe 2. See

very thick and using lemon juice instead of arctic char 3. Colloquial name for tea from
vinegar. Stiffly whipped cream added at the the Cantonese word chai, e.g. ‘char and a
last moment. Sometimes used for sauce wad’ – tea and bun (NOTE: The name ‘tea’
mousseline, which is a warm butter emulsion comes from the Chinese province of Amoy,
sauce. Also called mayonnaise chantilly where it is called t’e.)
chantilly cream A sweetened whipped cream
chantilly cream

charbon de bois, au France Grilled over

charbon de bois, au

flavoured with vanilla or brandy which is charcoal

often substituted for plain whipped cream
charcuterie France 1. Cooked and ready-

chantilly mayonnaise A mixture of

chantilly mayonnaise

prepared pork products, e.g. sausages,

mayonnaise and whipped cream served with hams, rillettes 2. A shop which makes and
cold foods sells charcuterie and other delicatessen
chao 1. China To stir-fry or sauté 2. Vietnam A

type of wok but smaller and shallower than charcutier, -ière France Pork butcher,
charcutier, -ière

the Chinese type delicatessen dealer (NOTE: From chair cuitier,

cháo Vietnam A stew or thick soup

‘flesh cooker’.)
chao dou fu China Fried bean curd
chao dou fu

charcutière, sauce England, France As for

charcutière, sauce

chao fan China Fried rice Robert sauce, but finished with a julienne of
chao fan

chao ji dan China Scrambled eggs

chao ji dan
chard See Swiss chard

chao mian China Chow mein

chao mian

chard cabbage United States Chinese leaves

chard cabbage

chao pai Vietnam Dried and possibly salted

chao pai

char dou fu China Fried bean curd

char dou fu

chao shao bao China A steamed bun filled
chao shao bao

charentais melon A French variety of

charentais melon

with roast pork cantaloupe melon with a greenish yellow skin

chao thit bo Vietnam A thin stew or thick soup
chao thit bo

and a sweet, juicy, orange and highly

based on rice, diced beef, fried noodles and scented flesh
peanuts charhearth broiler United States A gas or
charhearth broiler

Chaource France A soft, cows’ milk cheese electrically heated barbecue generally using

shaped like a small drum (600 g) which can ceramic coals. The food is cooked on a grill
be eaten fresh or after ripening for a month, over the red hot coals and drips from the
when the rind becomes covered in a mould food catch fire to give the characteristic
and the interior breaks up into small cracks. charcoal-grilled flavour to the food.
Contains 63% water, 19% fat and 15% charlotte England, France 1. Apple charlotte

protein. It has AOC status. (NOTE: The dish also be made on the same
chao yulanpian donggu China Sliced hoshi- principle with other fruit.) 2. A variety of salad
chao yulanpian donggu

shiitake mushrooms sautéed with sliced potato

bamboo shoots charlotte moscovite A charlotte russe but
charlotte moscovite

chap The lower part of a pig’s cheek. See also with the base of the mould filled with red jelly

pig’s cheek charlotte mould A straight or sloping-sided

charlotte mould

chapan France A crust of bread rubbed with


round mould used for making charlotte

raw cut garlic to absorb the flavour. This is desserts

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charlotte royale

charlotte royale France A charlotte mould balls are allowed to rise then cooked by
charlotte royale

lined with slices of jam-filled Swiss rolls and steaming for 15 minutes.
filled with a charlotte mixture or bavarois char siu jeung China See roast pork spice
char siu jeung

charlotte russe France A charlotte mould,

charlotte russe

char siu powder See roast pork spice

char siu powder

sides lined with sponge finger biscuits, base chartreuse ragoût Denmark A decoratively
chartreuse ragoût

layered with fan-shaped pieces of finger arranged casserole of meat or poultry with
biscuit and filled with a vanilla bavarois. colourful vegetables
When set, demoulded and decorated. cha shao bao China A steamed bun filled with
cha shao bao

charlotte sibérienne France A cake with the

charlotte sibérienne

roast pork
centre removed to form a bowl and filled with cha siew China Char siu
cha siew

fruit and cream

chasni South Asia A sweet and sometimes

charlottka Russia See sharlotka


sour syrup used to glaze food which is being

char masala Central Asia A simple spice mix
char masala

grilled or roasted. Usually for meat or poultry.

from Afghanistan used to flavour rice dishes.
chasnidarh South Asia A style of Indian dish

Made from equal parts of cinnamon, cloves, made with young meat or fish in a sweet-
cumin seed and black cardamom seed.
and-sour sauce, possibly with fruits and
charn China The curved spoon-shaped

spatula which fits the curve of a wok and is
cha-soba Japan Buckwheat noodles

used to manipulate the food in the wok

containing powdered green tea. They have a
charni South Asia Chutney

distinctive colour and smell.

Charnwood United Kingdom A smoked

chasseur, (à la) France In the hunter’s style,


Cheddar cheese coated with paprika i.e. with a selection of onions, shallots, sliced
charolais France 1. A very large breed of

mushrooms, tomatoes and white wine and/or

French cattle famous for its meat 2. A small, brandy
soft, strong-flavoured, hard, cylindrical chasseur, sauce Chopped shallots, garlic
chasseur, sauce

cheese made from cows’ and/or goats’ milk and mushrooms sweated in butter, fat
which is ripened for 2 to 3 weeks. The paste removed, reduced with red wine, skimmed,
has a delicate texture with a few small cracks deseeded tomatoes and demi-glace added,
and the greyish blue rind is thin and simmered, seasoned and finished with
unblemished. Contains 58% water, 24% fat parsley and tarragon
and 21% protein.
chat South Asia A mixture of diced fruit,

charoli nut Small round nut about the size of

charoli nut

vegetables, possibly with meat and shrimps

a pine nut, used to garnish Indian and with a spicy, sour dressing
sweetmeats. Also called chironju
châtaigne France Sweet chestnut

charoset, charoseth A condiment made from


châtaigne d’eau France Water chestnut

châtaigne d’eau

chopped apples and walnuts flavoured with

chateaubriand England, France A large steak

cinnamon and moistened with a sweet

dessert wine. Used at the Jewish Passover cut from the thickest part of a fillet of beef.
feast. Also called charoseth Generally grilled to serve two persons or the
whole thick end roasted.
charqui United States Smoked and sun-dried

chateaubriand, sauce England, France

chateaubriand, sauce

strips of beef or venison. Also called jerked

beef, chipped beef, jerky, jerked meat White wine with chopped shallots, thyme,
bayleaf and mushroom trimmings reduced
char siu China Chinese honey roast pork
char siu

by two thirds, an amount of brown veal stock

made from skinned and deboned pork
equal to the original wine added and all
shoulder or fillet, marinaded in salt, sugar,
reduced by half, strained and finished with
hoisin sauce, yellow bean sauce, red bean
beurre maître d’hôtel and chopped tarragon.
curd, chopped garlic, light soy sauce and dry
Used with red meat.
sherry, roasted and basted with the
chateaubriand cheese A cream cheese from
chateaubriand cheese

marinade until a rich dark brown, removed

from the oven and brushed with honey. Normandy made with cows’ milk and added
Excess marinade can be reduced for use as cream
château potatoes 1. United Kingdom Roast
château potatoes

a dipping sauce. Also called chahr ziu, cha

siew, red pork turned potatoes 2. United States Long thin
char siu bow China Bread dough formed into
char siu bow
strips of potatoes cooked in butter
châtelaine, à la France Garnished with
châtelaine, à la

small balls around a filling of finely chopped

stir-fried char siu, reconstituted black artichoke hearts, chestnuts and puréed
mushrooms and spring onion mixed with onions and served with a cream sauce
chat masala South Asia An Indian spice and
chat masala

hoisin sauce, oyster sauce and a little sugar

and thickened with corn flour and stock. The herb mixture for fruit and vegetable salads

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chee mah

with a fresh sour taste containing cumin chaussons aux pommes France Apple
chaussons aux pommes

seeds, black peppercorns, ajowan seeds, turnover

anardana seeds, salt, asafoetida, chilli chaussons aux queues de langoustines
chaussons aux queues de langoustines

powder, amchoor, dried mint and dried France A pastry turnover filled with lobster
ginger. Also called chaat masala meat from the tail
chat murgh South Asia Lettuce, topped with a
chat murgh

chávena Portugal Teacup, used as a fluid


mixture of sliced tomatoes, eggs and onion, measure

deseeded and finely chopped green chillies Chavignol France A small, hard, goats’ milk

and shredded chicken, sprinkled with salt, cheese. See also Crottin de Chavignol
sugar and chat masala and dressed with chawal South Asia Rice

lemon juice. Allowed to stand for 10 minutes

chawan Japan A straight-sided porcelain or

before serving.
glazed pot dish about the size of a teacup
chatnee Caribbean A hot spice mix from St

with a conical lid. Used for steaming egg

Lucia made from freshly grated turmeric, custards.
chives, thyme, seeded chilli peppers and salt
chawan mushi Japan A savoury steamed
chawan mushi

and pepper all processed in a blender or with

custard made with 7 eggs per litre of ichiban
a mortar and pestle. Traditionally added to
dashi, flavoured with mirin and salt and
cooked rice.
contains a few pieces of chicken breast
chatni gashneez Central Asia A smooth
chatni gashneez

meat, prawn and mushroom marinaded in

chutney from Afghanistan made from equal soya sauce and sake. It is steamed for 15
weights of walnuts and coriander leaves minutes, garnished and served in the
processed with a green chilli and lemon juice chawan.
or vinegar to make a spreadable paste
chawara South Asia Date

chattak South Asia A unit of weight equal to 5


chay Vietnam Vegetarian


tolas, approximately 56 g or 2 oz. Also called

chayote Choko

chebeh rubyan Persian Gulf Prawn paste
chebeh rubyan

chatti Sri Lanka A terracotta cooking pot


similar to an Indian chatty balls with a filling of sweated chopped onions

that have been flavoured with baharat and
chatty South Asia An unglazed clay cooking

loomi powder and simmered in a sweet-and-

pot. Because the clay absorbs flavours from
sour sauce. The prawn paste is made from
the food, separate pots are used for different
processed shelled prawns and coriander
classes of food, e.g. fish, meat, vegetables,
leaves mixed with ground rice, turmeric and
loomi powder to a cohering mass.
chatui South Asia Sambal-like side dishes

checkerberry United States Wintergreen


chaud(e) France Hot


cheddam Australia A combination of Cheddar


chaudeau France Sweet pudding sauce


and Edam-type cheeses

chaudeu France An orange-flavoured tart

cheddar, to To repeatedly cut and stack

cheddar, to

from Nice in Provence blocks of milk curd turning between

chaud-froid, sauce A coating sauce made
chaud-froid, sauce

operations so as to drain off as much whey as

from equal parts of warmed béchamel or possible
velouté sauce and aspic jelly, or either sauce Cheddar England The renowned English

thickened with gelatine. Used to coat cheese from the Cheddar Gorge area now
salmon, chicken, turkey, hams, etc. for cold made all over the world. It is a hard, scalded-
buffets. See also brown chaud-froid sauce curd, full-fat cows’ milk cheese made with a
chaudin France The large intestine (colon)

lactic starter and traditionally cloth bound.

used in sausage making The paste is firm and yellow with a very
chaudrée France A dish from Bordeaux of

pleasant flavour ranging from mild to sharp

conger eel and other white fish cooked with (tasty) depending on maturity (3–12
potatoes, garlic and white wine, a type of months). It is available in farmhouse (5–12
chowder or fish soup kg rounds) and commercial versions of
chaudron France Cauldron

indeterminate size. An excellent dessert and

chauna A sour cows’ milk cheese. See also cooking cheese. Contains 36% water, 34%

chhana fat and 29% protein.

chaunk gobhi South Asia Brussels sprouts Cheedham Australia A cows’ milk cheese
chaunk gobhi Cheedham

chaurice United States A Creole version of

similar to Cheddar and Edam
cheegay Korea A thin stew or thick soup of

chorizo containing chopped onions and

parsley, thyme, bay leaves and allspice various ingredients. Crabs, fish and bean
chausson France A round flat light pastry

curd are often cooked in this way.

chee mah China Sesame seed
chee mah

turnover usually filled

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chee mah jee mah

chee mah jee mah China White sesame cheese layer cake United States A three
chee mah jee mah cheese layer cake

seeds layered cheese made from a white cheddar,

cheena chatti Sri Lanka A slightly dished
cheena chatti

one layer of which is flavoured with

circular pan like a shallow wok used for pistachios and one with pink champagne,
cooking bread especially atta the whole coated with almonds
cheese pastry Shortcrust pastry flavoured
cheese pastry

cheese 1. A solid derivative of milk made by


coagulating most of the protein matter with cheese and seasoning used as a basis
(casein) in the milk into curds and draining for savouries and sometimes in the UK for
off the remaining watery constituents of the apple pie
milk (whey). The processing combines a cheese plate Several varieties of cheese
cheese plate

variety of the following processes: separating arranged on a plate and shown to customers
or adding cream, souring the milk with a or guests who make a selection from them
lactobacillus, heating or boiling it, cheese sauce A boiling béchamel sauce into
cheese sauce

coagulating the protein content with rennet which grated melting cheese (Cheddar,
or other coagulant, breaking up the curd and Gruyère, Emmental, etc.) and egg yolks are
draining off the whey, salting the curd, incorporated off the heat, the whole strained
heating the curd, milling the curd, adding and reheated but not boiled. Used for fish or
cultures of microorganisms, pressing the vegetables. Also called Mornay, sauce
curd to a paste, needling the paste and cheese spread A rather nondescript cheese
cheese spread

maturing it. The type of cheese depends on preparation made by combining mild cheese
the source of the milk, the treatment, the with milk and emulsifiers, used for spreading
amount of water removed from the curd, the on bread or biscuits and appreciated by
butterfat left in the curd, the microorganisms children
that grow in it or on the surface and the cheese straws Cheese pastry cut into narrow
cheese straws

length of time and the conditions under finger length strips and baked. Used as a
which it matures. Cheese is a major source of snack food.
protein and fat for humans. 2. See fruit
chef England, France A generic name for a

restaurant cook, e.g. chef de partie, sous
cheese cake Central Europe, United States A
cheese cake

chef, etc.
crushed biscuit or pastry base covered with
chef de cuisine England, France Head chef
chef de cuisine

a processed mixture of cream, cottage or

curd cheese mixed with eggs, sugar, butter in the kitchen
chef de partie England, France Chef in
chef de partie

and/or cream, lemon juice, grated lemon

zest, vanilla and corn flour and baked in the charge of a section of the kitchen e.g.
oven vegetables, sauces, meat cooking, larder,
cheese certification Cheeses may be
cheese certification
etc. Usually given the name of the section
chef de rang France A high-ranking chef or
chef de rang

certified by type or by origin as detailed in the

1951 Stresa convention. Typical type principal waiter in a restaurant
chef de station France Waiter who serves a
chef de station

certifications are Cheddar, Camembert, Brie,

Gruyère, Gouda, Fynbo and Adelost. Typical particular group of tables. Also called station
origin certifications are Gorgonzola, waiter
chef écailler France Oyster opener
chef écailler

Parmesan, Pont l’Evêque, Roquefort and

Bleu d’Auvergne. Type certified cheeses may chefe de mesa Portugal Head waiter, maître
chefe de mesa

be made in any country, e.g. Canadian d’hôtel

Cheddar, but origin certified may only be chef entremétier France Vegetable chef
chef entremétier

made in designated geographical areas. chef garde-manger France Larder chef who
chef garde-manger

cheesecloth Loosely woven cloth originally


is concerned with cold dishes, salads and

used for pressing curds into cheese but also preparation of meat and fish for cooking by
for draining and filtering any foods others
cheese fondue Switzerland A coating-
cheese fondue

chef pâtissier France Pastry chef

chef pâtissier

consistency mixture of Emmental or Gruyère

chef poissonier France Fish chef
chef poissonier

cheese melted with garlic, white wine, corn

chef potager France Soup chef
chef potager

flour and kirsch in a pot (caquelon), kept hot

chef restaurateur France Chef in charge of
chef restaurateur

on the centre of the table and eaten

immediately, used to coat cubes of bread the à la carte menu
chef rôtisseur France Roast chef
chef rôtisseur

impaled on fondue forks

chef saucier France Sauce chef
chef saucier

cheese herbs The principal herbs used in

cheese herbs

chef’s salad An over the top, large salad

chef’s salad

cheese are basil, caraway, chervil, chives,

dill, fennel, marjoram, mint, rosemary, sage, combining vegetables, salad vegetables,
savory, tarragon and thyme meats, cheeses, eggs, etc.

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chef tournant France A chef who helps out in

chef tournant

Chenopodium bonus-henricus Botanical

any section of the kitchen (NOTE: Literally name Good King Henry
‘rotating chef’.) Chenopodium quinoa Botanical name
chef traiteur France Chef in charge of outside
chef traiteur
cheong China Sausage

functions, buffets, etc.

cheppia Italy Twaite shad, the fish

che hau sauce China A spicier version of

che hau sauce

hoisin sauce cherimoya South America One of the most


chelou Central Asia Basmati rice boiled 5 common custard apples, Anona cherimolia,

minutes and drained. Equal parts of butter with a pineapple-type flavour. From Peru,
and water (butter 1:8 on original rice) are now grown in Spain and Israel. Also called
boiled, then half placed in a pan to coat the cherimoyer
parboiled rice which is made into a mound cherimoyer See cherimoya

covering the base of the pan; the remaining chermoula North Africa A processed mixture

butter water mixture is poured on top. It is from Morocco of some or all of finely
then cooked on a low heat with a tight-fitting chopped onion, garlic, parsley, coriander
lid until fluffy. leaves, red chillies, ground cumin, paprika,
chelou kabab Iran A kebab of lamb fillet,
chelou kabab

cayenne pepper, lemon juice, vinegar, oil

marinated in lemon juice with chopped and salt, used as a marinade and flavouring.
onion and spearmint, grilled over charcoal Often used on fish before frying. Also called
and served with rice sharmoola
chelou kebab Central Asia An Iranian kebab
chelou kebab

cherries jubilee United States Vanilla ice

cherries jubilee

made from the eye of the lamb loin stripped cream topped with a sweet cherry sauce and
out and trimmed of all fat and gristle, flambéed at the table
flattened, slit lengthways in three and cut cherry The fruits of various members of the

into 20-cm pieces. These are marinated in genus Prunus, 1 – 2.5 cm in diameter,
raw onion juice and lemon juice for 12 hours, generally spherical with a slight depression
skewered lengthways, brushed with clarified where they are attached to the stalk, with a
butter and barbecued for about 5 minutes. central stone (up to 5mm diameter)
Served with grilled tomatoes and hot chelou, surrounded by a plum-like flesh and a
into which diners mix raw egg yolk then smooth shiny outer skin. The colours range
butter, seasoning, sumac and yoghurt as from white to deep purple/black and the
desired. flavours from sweet to acid. Used in sweet
Chelsea bun England A bun made by taking
Chelsea bun

and savoury dishes. The kernels are used to

a rectangle of egg-enriched yeast-raised flavour some liqueurs. Classified as sweet
dough, covering it with melted butter, cherries and acid or sour cherries.
currants and sugar, rolling it up, slicing it, cherry cake A rich sponge cake containing
cherry cake

then packing these into a buttered tray so glacé cherries

that the spiral is visible prior to baking and cherry plum A small variety of plum, Prunus
cherry plum

glazing (NOTE: Chelsea buns were much cerasifera, from western Asia, common in
liked by King George III and Queen Charlotte China. It is sometimes used as a windbreak
in the 18th century.) in the UK. The rather tasteless flesh
chemise, en France Used of food wrapped or
chemise, en

improves with cooking.

left in its natural skin prior to cooking. cherry salmon A Pacific salmon,
cherry salmon

Wrappings include pastry, pané, batter, vine Oncorhynchus masu, found off the coast of
leaves, etc. (NOTE: Literally ‘in a shirt’.) Japan
chemiser France To coat the inside of a

cherry sauce Port wine reduced with a little

cherry sauce

mould with aspic or other coating so that mixed spice and grated orange zest,
when the whole is demoulded it is en redcurrant jelly and orange juice added and
chemise dissolved then finished with stoned cherries
chenelline Italy Tiny dumplings used to

which have been poached in syrup. Used

garnish soup with venison and duck.
chenette Caribbean A small round fruit like a

cherrystone United States Quahog clam


grape. See also genip cherry tomato A very small (up to 2 cm

cherry tomato

cheng mein China Wheat starch

cheng mein

diameter) tomato, used principally for

chenna South Asia Curds made from boiling

milk acidified with lemon juice. See also chervil A herb of the carrot family, Anthriscus

paneer cerefolium, with flat parsley-like leaves and a

Chenopodium album Botanical name Fat hen slightly pungent mild parsley flavour. It loses

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Cheshire black pudding

its flavour on boiling and is usually added to less protein and fat than most nuts. Also
hot dishes just before serving. called Spanish chestnut, sweet chestnut
chestnut purée Chestnuts incised with a
chestnut purée

Cheshire black pudding England Black

Cheshire black pudding

pudding flavoured with coriander, pimento cross at the top, boiled for 15 minutes and
and caraway seeds the outer and inner skin removed. Boiled in
Cheshire cheese England A crumbly, mellow,
Cheshire cheese
stock with a sprig of celery for 45 minutes,
slightly salty cows’ milk cheese which is rubbed through a sieve, warmed and mixed
matured from 1 to 15 months (farmhouse with cream, butter, salt and sugar to taste.
chetha si biyan Burma A chicken stew
chetha si biyan

types usually for over 9 months) suitable for

dessert or culinary use, manufactured in a flavoured with onions, garlic, turmeric, fresh
similar way to Cheddar. There is a white ginger, coriander leaves, lemon and salt
cheung China Sausage

variety and a red one coloured with annatto.

It is the oldest known English cheese dating cheu yuan China Citron, the fruit
cheu yuan

from at least Roman times. chevaine France Chub, the fish


Cheshire onion pie England A shortcrust

Cheshire onion pie

chevesne France Chub, the fish


pastry quiche with sweated onions as the cheveu d’ange France Angel’s hair
cheveu d’ange

vegetable. The custard is flavoured with cheveux de vénus adiante France

cheveux de vénus adiante

nutmeg. Maidenhair fern

Cheshire potted cheese England Grated
Cheshire potted cheese

Cheviot cheese England A Cheddar cheese

Cheviot cheese

Cheshire cheese, mixed with softened butter, flavoured with chopped chives
ground mace and sweet sherry or Madeira chèvre France 1. Goat 2. Goats’ milk cheese.

into a smooth paste, placed in pots and Also called fromage de chèvre, mi-chèvre
covered with melted butter. Used as a spread
chevreau France Kid, the young of the goat

with celery or for canapés, etc.

chevreton France A strong goats’ milk cheese

Cheshire potted pigeon England A dish of

Cheshire potted pigeon

with a hard rind and soft runny interior

pigeons which are boiled until the meat falls
chevrette France 1. Kid, a young goat 2. Doe,

off the bones, with the meat then being

female deer 3. A metal tripod
processed with seasoning and
chevreuil France 1. Male deer 2. Venison

Worcestershire sauce plus some of the

chevreuil, sauce England, France As sauce
chevreuil, sauce

reduced cooking liquor to make a soft paste.

This is pressed into ramekins and covered poivrade, but with bacon or game trimmings
with molten butter. added to the mirepoix and with red wine
Cheshire soup England A soup made from
Cheshire soup
added after straining. Finished with a little
pork stock, diced potatoes, grated carrots sugar and cayenne pepper. Served with
and chopped leeks with pinhead oatmeal game.
chevreuse France A small goose liver tart

added at 50g per litre after the vegetables

chevron United States A young goat

have softened. It is simmered until thick and

Chevrotin des Aravis France A semi-hard
Chevrotin des Aravis

finished with 50g per litre of grated Cheshire

cheese. It is served hot, sprinkled with an goats’ or goats’ and cows’ milk cheese from
equal amount of grated cheese. Savoie with a typical goaty smell and taste
Chevru France A cows’ milk cheese from the

chesnok Russia Garlic


chessel A vat or mould used in cheese

region surrounding Paris, similar to Brie de
making. Also called chessit Coulommiers
chewing betel Pan
chewing betel

chessit Chessel

chezzarella United States A coarse mixture of


chess pie United States A pastry case filled

chess pie

Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses to give a

with a mixture of walnuts or pecans, fruit marbled effect
juice or sweet sherry, butter, eggs and cream
chhana South Asia A sour cows’ milk cheese.

Chester France A hard, scalded-curd cows’


Also called chauna

milk cheese made with a lactic starter on a chhanna South Asia Pomfret, the fish

large commercial scale in blocks or rounds

chhas South Asia Buttermilk

of 30 kg. It has a mild tasting smooth paste

chhena South Asia Curds made from boiling

and a thin rind. Contains 39% water, 31% fat

and 24% protein. milk acidified with lemon juice. See also
chestnut The edible fruit (up to 4 cm

chi China Chicken


diameter) of the sweet chestnut tree,

chiarificare Italy To clarify

Castanea sativa, a native of southern Europe.

chícharo Mexico Pea

It has a hard woody skin and a cream-

chicharro Spain Mackerel

coloured interior containing more starch and

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chicken tetrazzini

chicharrón Middle East, Spain Pork crackling chicken fried steak United States Good-
chicharrón chicken fried steak

Chichester pudding England A soufflé made

Chichester pudding
quality frying steak, floured, coated with an
with milk, coarse white breadcrumbs, eggs egg-based batter, floured again, then deep-
and caster sugar (9:7:4:1). All the fried and served with a white gravy
chicken gumbo Portioned chicken and diced
chicken gumbo

ingredients except the egg whites are well

mixed with a flavouring of lemon zest and smoked ham (2.5 mm cubes) browned in oil;
juice. The egg whites are whisked to a stiff sliced onion, tomato concassée and sliced
peak and folded into the mixture and all okra added and fried for 5 minutes; then all
baked in a well-buttered soufflé dish at simmered in water with salt, cayenne
180°C for about 30 minutes until well risen pepper, dried red chilli and a faggot of herbs
and browned. It must be served immediately. for 1.5 hours skimming as necessary; faggot
chichinda South Asia Snake gourd
removed, shelled oysters added and cooked
chicken The common domestic fowl, Gallus
2 minutes; seasoning adjusted and finished
gallus, bred for its meat and eggs. Generally with a little filé powder. Served with rice.
chicken halibut A small immature halibut
chicken halibut

known as poultry.
chicken Kiev Russia A pocketed chicken
chicken Kiev

chicken à la king United States Diced

chicken à la king

cooked chicken, fried chopped onions, suprême filled with a pounded mixture of
mushrooms and green and red peppers in a garlic butter and chopped parsley, opening
béchamel sauce. Sometime flavoured with secured, panéed and shallow-fried and
sherry. Served with rice. cooked through until golden
chicken liver Small delicately flavoured and
chicken liver

chicken breasts Bellinger Australia

chicken breasts Bellinger

Suprêmes of chicken stuffed with a salpicon very tender livers used for pâtés, terrines,
of avocado and banana, sautéed and served etc.
chicken Marengo See poulet sauté Marengo
chicken Marengo

in a sauce of the same ingredients as the

chicken Maryland United States Panéed
chicken Maryland

stuffing flavoured with orange zest and

garnished with orange segments chicken portions deep-fried in oil, served
chicken brick An unglazed terracotta dish in
chicken brick
with corn fritters, fried bananas and gravy
chicken of the woods A rare fan-shaped
chicken of the woods

two halves shaped to take a whole chicken

and used to cook a chicken in the oven fungus which grows on old oak trees often in
without added fat. Dates back to Roman inaccessible places. The flesh is white to
times. Also called Roman pot, Römertopf salmon and the surface skin is orange to
chicken broth Blanched boiling fowl
chicken broth
yellow. It must always be cooked.
chicken paprika See paprikás csirke
chicken paprika

simmered in water with constant skimming

chicken piri-piri Charcoal grilled chicken
chicken piri-piri

for 1 hour, brunoise of celery, turnip, carrot

and leek and a bouquet garni added, basted with a mixture of piri-piri sauce, olive
simmered until almost cooked, washed rice oil, garlic, tomato purée, Worcestershire
added, cooked chicken and bouquet garni sauce and salt both before and during
removed, diced lean chicken meat returned, cooking
the whole skimmed, seasoned and served chicken soup A mirepoix of onion, leek and
chicken soup

with chopped parsley celery sweated in butter, flour added and

chicken cacciatora See pollo alla cacciatora
chicken cacciatora

cooked out without colour, chicken stock

chicken demi-deuil Chicken stuffed with
chicken demi-deuil
and a bouquet garni added, simmered and
truffle and poached with aromatic skimmed for 1 hour, bouquet garni removed,
vegetables, jointed, slices of truffle inserted liquidized, strained and finished with cream.
between the skin and flesh and served with Garnished with diced cooked chicken meat.
the vegetables and strained reduced cooking Also called crème reine, crème de volaille
chicken spatchcock See spatchcock
chicken spatchcock

liquor (NOTE: Literally ‘chicken half

mourning’, because of the black and white chicken steak United States Thin small
chicken steak

contrast.) portions of chuck steak with the

chicken fat A soft fat used as a substitute for characteristic line of white connective tissue
chicken fat

butter in Jewish cooking, since meat and down the middles

milk products cannot be used together. It chicken stock China A most important stock
chicken stock

contains about 35% saturated, 50% in Chinese cooking made by simmering

monounsaturated and 15% polyunsaturated chicken carcasses with onions and ginger.
fat. Also called Schmalz See also white chicken stock, brown chicken
chicken feet The feet of chickens, not usually
chicken feet

chicken tetrazzini United States Cooked
chicken tetrazzini

sold with the carcass, are blanched,

descaled and used to add flavour and chicken pieces in a velouté sauce over
gelatine to stocks and sauces cooked pasta, gratinated with breadcrumbs

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chicken tikka masala

and Parmesan cheese and browned under chifferoni Italy Curved pasta tubes, elbow

the grill. Served with broccoli. macaroni

chicken tikka masala United Kingdom Small chiffonade France 1. A garnish or base for
chicken tikka masala chiffonade

marinated pieces (a tikka) of chicken with a other foods made from a very finely sliced roll
spice mixture (masala) of ground cumin and of lettuce or sorrel leaves (not chopped) 2. A
coriander seeds plus chilli powder and soup of finely shredded herb leaves
powdered amchoor in the yoghurt marinade. chiffon cake A cake similar to angel cake but
chiffon cake

After frying, the chicken is mixed with enriched with oil

caramelized onions and garlic plus the chiffon pie United States A baked pastry case
chiffon pie

marinade and stock, then simmered until all filled with a fruit-based mousse and
is cooked and the sauce is thick. (NOTE: Said decorated
to be the most popular dish in the UK)
chiftele Romania Croquettes of minced

chicken turbot A small immature turbot

chicken turbot

cooked beef mixed with minced lean pork,

chicken yassa West Africa Poulet yassa
chicken yassa

seasoned, flavoured with paprika and

chickling vetch Lath
chickling vetch
marjoram, panéed and deep-fried. Served
chickpea A legume, Cicer arietinum, with 2 or
with a tomato sauce.
chih mah China Sesame seeds of either
chih mah

3 brown or yellow peas per pod, usually used

as a dried pulse or ground to make besan, colour
chikhirtma A sour chicken soup from

but may be used like broad beans. Common

around the Mediterranean in the Middle East Georgia, made by simmering a whole
and India. See also channa. Also called chicken with onion, celery, saffron,
garbanzo, garbanzo pea, ram’s-head pea peppercorns and cayenne pepper for 90
chickweed A vigorous creeping annual,
minutes, skimming as necessary and
Stellaria media, usually classed as a weed straining. The stock is thickened with a roux
but may be eaten raw in salads or boiled as made with onions fried until coloured, and
a vegetable finished with beaten eggs, egg yolks, lemon
juice and chopped fresh mint, parsley and
chicle The coagulated sap or latex of the

sapodilla tree used in the production of
chikku Sapodilla

chewing gum
chikni South Asia The green unripe nuts of

chico Sapodilla

chicon England, France The white, yellow-

chiko Sapodilla

tipped, compact and pointed rosette of

chiko roll Australia A concoction of chicken
chiko roll

leaves produced by forcing the trimmed

roots of Belgian chicory and vegetables, covered in dough and
breadcrumbs and deep-fried
chicorée France Endive

chiku Sapodilla

chicorée frisée France Endive

chicorée frisée

chikuwa Japan A fish cake formed in a


chicorées au jambon Belgium A Belgium

chicorées au jambon

cylindrical shape around a sliver of bamboo.

dish of cooked heads of chicory, wrapped in After steaming it is usually grilled. See also
ham, reheated in cheese sauce and served kamaboko
with boiled potatoes chikwangue Central Africa Treated cassava

chicory A group of plants, Cichorium intybus,


tubers. See also bâton de manioc

grown for their leaves which all have a chila Portugal A gourd with long thin stranded

distinctive slightly bitter flavour. They include flesh similar to vegetable spaghetti. Also
Belgian chicory whose roots are forced to called gila
produce the well-known white compact
chilaquiles Mexico Strips of cornmeal tortilla,

chicons commonly known as chicory, red

fried until crisp and reheated with tomato
chicory also known as radicchio and sugar
sauce. May have cooked meat added.
loaf chicory.
Garnished with grated cheese, chopped
chicory escarole United States Batavian
chicory escarole

onions, chillies and cream.

endive chile See chilli peppers

chicory root The root of the chicory plant

chicory root

chile guajillo Mexico A long thin reddish

chile guajillo

which, when dried, ground and roasted, can brown and very hot chilli, smooth with a
be used as a substitute for or as an extender pointed end and often dried
or adulterant of coffee
chile peppers See chilli peppers
chile peppers

chicosapote, chicozapote Spain Sapodilla


Chile saltpetre Sodium nitrate which can be

Chile saltpetre

chieh China Mandarin orange


used instead of saltpetre. As it contains more

chien Vietnam Fried

nitrate radical per gram than saltpetre it is

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chill storage

roughly one sixth more effective in weight


chillies The fruits of the genus Capsicum

terms. (NOTE: This name is usually confined to the
chiles en nagada Mexico As chiles rellenos,
chiles en nagada

hot varieties.)
but stuffed with minced beef, fruits (apricots, chilli flakes

chilli flakes Dried and crushed chillies used

apples, plums), napped with a sweet sauce as a flavouring
made of nuts and cream and garnished with chilli flower

grenadine seeds to resemble the Mexican chilli flower A garnish made by slicing a long
flag chilli into 7 or 8 segments from the base to
the tip leaving them attached at the base and
chiles rellenos Mexico Sweet peppers
chiles rellenos

not disturbing the inner pith and seeds. It is

stuffed with a cheese filling, deep-fried and then placed in iced water to make the petals
topped with cheese curl back on themselves.
chili United States The term used for the fruit

chilli oil

of all capsicum species whether hot or sweet

chilli oil A red-coloured, hot-tasting oil made
by infusing crushed dried chillies in hot
chili con carne United States As chilli con
chili con carne

vegetable oil. Used as a flavouring or

carne, but need not include beans condiment.
chili con queso United States Molten cheese
chili con queso

chilli peppers

chilli peppers The fruit of the annual bush,

flavoured with minced or finely chopped
Capsicum annuum Longum Group, related
chillies and served hot with tortilla chips
to the sweet pepper but thinner and and up
chilienne, à la France In the Chilean manner,
chilienne, à la

to 9 cm long. They mature from green to red

i.e. with rice and red peppers becoming hotter as they mature. The main
chilindron Spain A meat casserole from

sources of the capsaicin and other hot-

Aragon made without water from either split flavouring compounds are the seeds and
game birds, chicken, pork chops or lamb internal white pith which can be discarded.
chops, sautéed in olive oil until brown, added They are used for flavouring and as an
to a mixture of sweated chopped onion and appetizer. If eaten raw or cooked they can be
garlic with diced ham, saffron, paprika, red intensely irritating to the mucous
peppers and skinned tomatoes, and membranes unless the person is habituated
simmered in a covered pan until cooked to them, and hands should be thoroughly
chill, to To reduce the temperature of cooked washed after handling. Much used in Indian,
chill, to

food to between 0 and 5°C in a refrigerator or Mexican and other highly spiced cuisines.
cold room. An initial cooling may be done in See under individual names, Anaheim chilli,
cold water if suitable and will be quicker. banana chilli, chilli arbol, chilli California,
chilled food Food, usually cooked, kept at a
chilled food
chilli cascabel, chilli pequin, chilli poblano,
temperature between 0 and 5°C so that it Fresno chilli, guajillo, guero chilli, habanero
only needs reheating prior to serving chilli, jalapeno chilli, New Mexico chilli,
serrano chilli, etc. Also called chile peppers,
chilli See chilli peppers

chilli arbol Very small hot chilli peppers used
chilli arbol

chilli pequin

in Mexico and the East chilli pequin A very small hot green chilli
pepper used in Mexico and East Asia
chilli bean Red kidney bean
chilli bean

chilli poblano

chilli bean paste Yellow or black bean sauce

chilli bean paste
chilli poblano A chocolate brown variety of
left thick and mixed with chopped dried the hot chilli pepper used in Mexico to make
chillies and other spices. Recipes vary with a sauce, mole poblano, with unsweetened
the manufacturer. Also called hot bean paste, chocolate, as well as for general cooking
chilli powder

Sichuan hot bean paste chilli powder The name of various mixtures
chilli California A variety of chilli pepper
chilli California
of dried ground chillies with other dried
grown in California. It is large, fairly mild and herbs and spices. The pure chilli powder is
deep red, and resembles the Kashmiri chilli. very hot, but milder blends contain ground,
Roasting intensifies the flavour. dried sweet red peppers, oregano, and garlic
chilli cascabel A round dried variety of hot
chilli cascabel
amongst other things. Some are quite mild
but all should be tested by adding to a known
chilli pepper whose seeds rattle inside, from
the Spanish for rattle quantity of the cooked food and tasting
before use.
chilli con carne A dish adapted from Mexico
chilli con carne

chilli sauce

and the southern United States and now chilli sauce A hot, commercially prepared,
adopted in many countries. It contains cold sauce or ketchup made from chilli
stewed minced beef and cooked red kidney peppers and used for flavouring other dishes
chill storage

beans in a sauce made of onions, garlic, chill storage A method of preserving foods by
chilli powder, tomatoes, spices, seasonings storing at temperatures between –1°C and
and stock. +4°C. Not suitable for all foods.

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chilogrammo Italy Kilogram, unit of weight, blanched leaves known as yellow chives and

abbreviated kg the round fairly stiff flowering stem with a

chimichangas Mexico Fried stuffed tacos
pointed flower bud at the tip known as
made from wheat flour tortillas, filled with flowering chive. The taste varies from mild to
cooked minced beef, accompanied by strong according to the variety. See also
shredded lettuce, grated cheese, radishes garlic chive. Also called Chinese onion,
and spring onions (NOTE: From Sonora state.) Chinese leek, Cantonese onion
Chinese cinnabar melon United States A
Chinese cinnabar melon

chimichurri Argentina A sauce for meat and


poultry made from, oil, vinegar, garlic, deep red coloured melon with sweet smooth-
chopped onions, cayenne pepper and textured flesh
seasonings blended together Chinese date Mauritanian jujube
Chinese date

china cap strainer United States A conical

china cap strainer

Chinese dried black mushroom Shiitake

Chinese dried black mushroom

metal strainer. See also chinois 1 mushroom

China orange Calamondin
China orange

Chinese egg roll See spring roll

Chinese egg roll

chinchin West Africa Small balls of a raised


Chinese flat cabbage A low-growing

Chinese flat cabbage

dough from Nigeria made from equal

brassica, Brassica rapa var. rosularis, with
quantities of self-raising flour, plain flour and
white stems and small rounded white-veined
sugar with dried yeast and baking powder,
deep green leaves. Resistant to frost. Also
deep-fried in oil so as to cook through and
called flat cabbage
Chinese gooseberry Kiwi fruit
Chinese gooseberry

chine, to To cut through the ribs of a joint of

chine, to

Chinese green cabbage See jiu la choy

Chinese green cabbage

meat close to the back bone so as to make

the meat easier to carve or preparatory to Chinese honey orange Ponkan mandarin
Chinese honey orange

removing the backbone. Usually done with Chinese kale An annual leaf vegetable,
Chinese kale

lamb and pork. Brassica rapa var. alboglabra, growing to 45

chine bone A joint of meat consisting of the
chine bone

cm. The soft green leaves, green stems and

vertebrae (backbone) of an animal with white flower buds are used like broccoli. Also
some of the surrounding muscle. Usually called Chinese broccoli
stewed or braised.
Chinese keys A reddish brown root vegetable
Chinese keys

chine of beef Forerib of beef

chine of beef

from the ginger family that looks like a

chine of pork The term used for a saddle, i.e.
chine of pork

misshapen bunch of keys. Used in Thai and

two undivided loins from a small pig Indonesian curries and pickles.
Chinese anise United States Star anise
Chinese anise

Chinese lantern A type of physalis, Physalis

Chinese lantern

Chinese apple Pomegranate

Chinese apple

alkekengi, grown mainly for its decorative red

Chinese aromatic pepper Anise pepper
Chinese aromatic pepper

papery husk. Edible varieties are light brown.

Chinese artichoke The pale, short, tapering See also cape gooseberry. Also called bladder
Chinese artichoke

tuber of a plant, Stachys sieboldii, which has cherry

concentric segments and resembles a Chinese leaves The large, generally close-
Chinese leaves

Jerusalem artichoke, although more regular packed, very pale green heads of an oriental
in shape. Also called chorogi, crosnes, brassica, Brassica rapa var. pekinensis.
Japanese artichoke, stachys Loose-leaved varieties are available. Grown
Chinese bean Cow pea
Chinese bean

widely, Chinese leaves originated in China,

Chinese black bean A fermented and salted have a mild flavour and are often pickled.
Chinese black bean

soya bean used for flavouring and for making Used in stir fries. Also called Chinese
sauces cabbage, Nappa cabbage, Shantung cabbage,
Chinese broccoli See Chinese kale
Chinese broccoli
Korean cabbage, celery cabbage, Beijing
Chinese cabbage Chinese leaves
Chinese cabbage
Chinese leek See Chinese chive
Chinese leek

Chinese cardamom A dark brown, rather

Chinese cardamom

Chinese mushrooms
Chinese mushrooms

hairy cardamom substitute from the plant Whole dried

Amomum globosum. Usually available in mushrooms from China which when
Chinese food stores. reconstituted are used to flavour Chinese
Chinese celery A variety of celery with narrow
Chinese celery

deep green stems and a strong flavour Chinese mustard cabbage A leaf vegetable
Chinese mustard cabbage

Chinese cheese See bean curd cheese

Chinese cheese

with long stalks and small leaves with a

Chinese cherry Lychee
Chinese cherry

strong mustard flavour used in soup or

Chinese chive A vegetable of the onion
Chinese chive
salads, cooked like spinach, or pickled like
family, Allium tuberosum, like a very large sauerkraut
Chinese nuts Dried lychees
Chinese nuts

chive. Sold in three forms, dark green leaves,

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Chinese okra A large (up to 30 cm) variety of chinonaise, à la France In the Chinon style,
Chinese okra chinonaise, à la

okra grown in the USA, originally by Chinese i.e. with a garnish of potatoes and cabbage
market gardeners filled with sausage
Chinese olive seed Kernels of the small
Chinese olive seed

chinook salmon The largest of the Pacific

chinook salmon

Chinese kanari fruit, Canarium album, salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha,

similar in size to a pine nut and used in the weighing between 4 and 22 kg with a flaky,
same way oily flesh. Also called king salmon, royal
Chinese onion See Chinese chive chinook, spring salmon
Chinese onion

Chinese parsley Coriander chinquapin United States Pine nut

Chinese parsley chinquapin

Chinese pea Mangetout

Chinese pea

chiocciola di mare Italy Winkle

chiocciola di mare

Chinese pepper Anise pepper

Chinese pepper

chiocciole Italy 1. Snails 2. Small pasta shells


Chinese plum A variety of red-gold apricot,

Chinese plum

used in soup
Prunus armeniaca, grown in China and chiodi di garofano Italy Cloves
chiodi di garofano

Japan since records were kept. They are

chip See chips

dried and candied or salted.

chip basket A wide, 1 cm mesh, woven wire
chip basket

Chinese plum sauce See plum sauce

Chinese plum sauce

metal basket used to hold food for deep-

Chinese preserved eggs Hen and duck eggs
Chinese preserved eggs

frying or blanching. Also called frying basket

preserved by coating them in a mixture of
chip butty England A sandwich containing
chip butty

lime, wood ash, salt and rice husks and

packing them into earthenware tubs for 3 to fried potato chips popularized in Liverpool
4 months. The yolk becomes a greyish green humour (colloquial)
chi po Thailand Preserved finely chopped
chi po

and the white a pale amber and translucent.

They are served shelled as an appetizer. turnip used in Thai cooking
chipolata garnish A garnish of brown glazed
chipolata garnish

Variously known with characteristic modesty

as 1000 year old eggs, 100 year old eggs, button onions, chipolata sausages,
century eggs, Ming dynasty eggs and ancient chestnuts poached in white stock, glazed
eggs. See also salted duck eggs turned carrots (olive size) and diced belly of
Chinese red date Jujube
Chinese red date

salt pork fried to a light brown colour

chipolata sausages Small pork or beef
chipolata sausages

Chinese red stew United States Red cooked

Chinese red stew

meat. See also red cooking sausages cooked and served whole (NOTE:
Chinese sausage See lap cheong
Chinese sausage
From the Italian cipolla meaning ‘onion’,
Chinese spinach One of the amaranths,
Chinese spinach
although it contains no onion. A typical
Amaranthus tricolor, with red, yellow and recipe might contain seasoned lean and fat
green leaves. Also called spineless amaranth pork, a little rusk and ground rice, coriander,
Chinese truffle A truffle, Tuber himalayense,
Chinese truffle paprika, nutmeg, cayenne pepper and
thyme, all packed in sheep casings and
indistinguishable from the French black
truffle except by taste and smell, but being made into small links)
chipotle chilli A dried and smoked chilli
chipotle chilli

imported into Europe and, since it is much

cheaper than the French truffle, in some widely used in Mexican cooking. See also
cases being substituted for the genuine jalapeño chile
chipped beef Flakes of charqui used as a
chipped beef

Chinese vegetable marrow Wax gourd
Chinese vegetable marrow
chipples England The Cornish name for

Chinese water chestnut See water chestnut

Chinese water chestnut

Chinese water lily Lotus

Chinese water lily
chopped spring onion or shallot tops
chips 1. Batons of potato deep-fried until

Chinese water spinach Swamp cabbage

Chinese water spinach

Chinese yam A scaly-skinned variety of yam

Chinese yam
brown and soft (UK) or golden and crisp
with white flesh, Dioscorea esculenta. The (USA, Fr and elsewhere) 2. A generic name
plant produces several small tubers instead for thin slices of potato or other starchy
of the more usual single tuber. product or mixture, deep-fried until crisp and
ching chao ming xia China Sautéed prawns
ching chao ming xia
chiqueter France To flute the edge

ch’ing ts’ai China Pak choy

ch’ing ts’ai

chirashi-zushi Japan A plate or lacquered


chini South Asia Sugar


chinois France 1. A conical metal strainer

box of sushi-meshi rice scattered with
with one handle usually about 15 cm deep various fillings
chirongi nut A round nut the size of a small
chirongi nut

and 12 cm across either of perforated metal

or fine wire mesh (NOTE: So called because of pea with a musky flavour. Used in the
its resemblance to a Chinese coolie hat) 2. A Hyderabad state of India.
chironju South Asia Charoli nut

candied small green kumquat

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chitak South Asia A unit of weight equal to 5 celery, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes,

tolas, approximately 56 g or 2 oz. Also called cucumber, garlic and seasonings

chattak chocola Netherlands Chocolate

chitcharon Philippines A dry snack made


chocolade Netherlands Chocolate


from pork crackling or fried chitterlings. Also chocolat France Chocolate


called sitsaron
chocolate 1. England, Spain A bitter dark

chitterlings 1. The cleaned middle portion of


brown solid mixture of cocoa butter and

pig gut about 18 m from the stomach, cocoa bean solids, made from the fermented
generally boiled before sale. May be fried. pods of the cacao tree from which the seeds
Often chopped and incorporated into are removed, and which are dehusked,
sausage fillings. 2. United States Odd pieces roasted and shelled, then ground into a
of newly killed pigs, cut into squares and paste which is worked between rollers until
simmered in broth the correct smooth physical form is
chive A small invasive perennial plant of the

achieved. This chocolate is then further

onion family, Allium schoenoprasim, with processed to make cocoa solids, cocoa
thin tubular leaves and purple flowers. The butter, cocoa powder, chocolates
chopped leaves have a mild onion flavour (confectionery), cooking chocolate,
and are used as a garnish or for flavouring couverture, etc. 2. A confectionery item
but not with prolonged cooking. The flowers made by mixing chocolate and cocoa butter
are used for decorating dishes. to give about 35% fat content then flavouring
Chivry, sauce France White wine boiled and
Chivry, sauce

with almond, vanilla and/or other spices and

infused with chervil, parsley, tarragon, sweetening to taste. In the UK, chocolates
chopped shallots and fresh young salad are adulterated with vegetable fat, butter fat
burnet for 10 minutes, squeezed out, mixed and milk solids.
with 5 times its volume of velouté sauce and chocolate cake A cake flavoured and
chocolate cake

finished with ravigote butter. Served with coloured with chocolate or cocoa powder
boiled and poached chicken. chocolate chip cookies United States
chocolate chip cookies

chi yu China Chicken fat

chi yu

Biscuits containing small recognizable

chi zhi China Black bean sauce
chi zhi

pieces of chocolate and possibly chopped

chłodnik Poland A cold soup similar to nuts. Also called Maryland cookies

chotodziec, but containing blanched young chocolate crackles Australia A children’s

chocolate crackles

beetroot tops and an additional garnish of party biscuit made from a mixture of rice
diced fresh cucumber, lemon slices and bubbles, icing sugar, desiccated coconut
occasionally cold sturgeon and cocoa powder bound together with
chłodnik litewski Poland A chilled summer
chodnik litewski

soup originating in Lithuania, made from chocolate fudge sauce A thick pouring
chocolate fudge sauce

beetroot, cucumber, dill, chives, milk or sauce made from melted chocolate, brown
yoghurt, lemon juice and soured cream sugar, butter, vanilla essence and milk,
processed with water or chicken stock. served hot with ice cream
Served with quartered hard-boiled eggs and chocolate log A cake consisting of a Swiss
chocolate log

sliced radishes. roll coated with chocolate or chocolate butter

chlorine A highly irritant gas liberated when

cream, the coating made to resemble bark

bleach reacts with organic matter and acids. using a fork or other implement. Also called
Can be dangerous if some cleaning agents yule log
are used improperly. Used as a flour chocolate pudding United Kingdom Basic
chocolate pudding

improver. See also E925 steamed pudding flavoured with cocoa or

chlorine dioxide See E926
chlorine dioxide

grated chocolate
chlorophyll The green colouring matter in

chocolate sauce 1. A sweetened white sauce

chocolate sauce

plants which is a part of the system which flavoured with chocolate or cocoa powder
turns carbon dioxide into carbohydrates used with baked or steamed puddings 2.
using the energy from the sun. Also used as Molten chocolate mixed with sugar, butter
a permitted green food colouring E140, and vanilla essence used to coat profiteroles,
together with its copper complex E141. cakes, ice cream, etc. Solid when cold
chnang phleung Cambodia Steamboat
chnang phleung

chocolate up and over pudding England A

chocolate up and over pudding

chocart France A Breton pastry tart filled with


type of sponge pudding where the uncooked

a spice and lemon mixture. Also called sauce is put on top of the uncooked sponge
choquart and ends up after cooking below the sponge.
chochon rouci Caribbean A meat stew from
chochon rouci

The Victoria sponge mixture has one quarter

St Lucia containing pork, onions, leeks, of the flour replaced by cocoa and the sauce

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chopped liver

is made by sprinkling demerara sugar, high-molecular-weight alcohol normally

chopped nuts and cocoa over the sponge synthesized by the liver, a constituent of cell
and covering with strong black coffee membranes and a precursor of steroid
containing 200 g of demerara sugar per litre. hormones. There is a total of about 140 g in
It is baked in a well-buttered pudding dish for the body most of which is synthesized in the
1 hour at 180°C. body. There is no evidence that dietary
chocolate vermicelli Short fine strands of
chocolate vermicelli

cholesterol influences the amount of body

extruded chocolate 1mm by 3 mm cholesterol. The concentration in blood is
approximately. Used for decoration. thought to be an indicator of other problems
chocolat liégeois France As café liégeois,
chocolat liégeois
predisposing to heart and vascular system
but with chocolate disease.
choline A water-soluble compound which is

choi Central Asia Black tea from Afghanistan,


often flavoured with cardamom and needed for B vitamin action and is important
sweetened for brain function and fat metabolism. It can
choice England A rump and sirloin of beef not
be synthesized in the body by healthy
disjointed humans when adequate methionine is
choice beef United States A high-quality
choice beef
present in the diet and is not strictly a
tender and well-flavoured beef with less vitamin. It is found in high concentration in
marbling than prime quality most animal tissues and egg yolk is the
richest source. Deficiency may cause fatty
choix, au France At the choice of the
choix, au

liver and a predisposition to cirrhosis of the

customer, choose at will
liver. It has no known toxicity.
cho kanjang Korea Tahini
cho kanjang

cholla 1. A plaited bread covered in poppy


choke The central hairy part of an artichoke


seeds. See also challa 2. Chick pea

consisting of immature petals and stamens
cholodyetz A Jewish appetizer made from

which is removed when cooked before

serving or using calf’s foot jelly. See also petcha
chompoo Thailand Rose apple

chokecherry United States A small astringent


chondroitin A polysaccharide component of


native cherry, Prunus virginiana, used to

make a jelly-type conserve cartilage and bone
chongos Spain A lemon and cinnamon-

choklad Sweden Chocolate


chokladglass Sweden Chocolate ice cream

flavoured custard
chop A slice of meat cut across the back about

choko A green pear-shaped squash similar in


size to the avocado which grows on a 1 to 3 cm thick consisting of a part of the

rampant vine, Sechium edule. Originally spinal column, the muscles surrounding it
from South America, it is now grown in and part of the rib cage or belly extending to
Australia, the Caribbean and the USA. The at most 15 cm. either side. Usually halved
flesh is fairly tasteless and must be cooked through the spinal cord, but sometimes
before eating. The central seed may be eaten complete, e.g. Barnsley chop. Usually from a
when very young and the young leaves and lamb, pig or goat.
chop, to To divide food into pieces of varying
chop, to

shoots and fleshy roots are also edible. Also

called brionne, christophine, custard marrow, size using a knife or cleaver on a chopping
mango squash, chayote, mirliton, pepinello, board
vegetable pear, xoxo, chow-chow chopa Spain Black bream

chokolade Denmark Chocolate


chop kebab Bulgaria Cubes of lamb and

chop kebab

chokoreto Japan Chocolate flavour peeled marrow, threaded on skewers,


cholecalciferol See vitamin D3

marinated in tomato juice, seasoned and
cholent A Jewish casserole made from beef
chopped egg and onion A Jewish appetizer
chopped egg and onion

brisket, beans, vegetables and barley which

is cooked slowly for 24 hours in flavoured made with chopped hard-boiled eggs,
stock so that it can be prepared and started onions and seasoning bound together with
the day before the Sabbath molten chicken fat
cholent simmes A cholent based on a chopped herring A Jewish appetizer of
cholent simmes chopped herring

mixture of minced turkey meat and onions chopped salted herring fillets mixed with
bound with egg and matzo meal, used in one white bread, grated sour apples, chopped
piece instead of brisket, together with beans onion and hard-boiled egg white, vinegar
and possibly dried fruits, casseroled in a and seasonings. Served on lettuce and
lemon, honey and chicken stock garnished with sieved hard-boiled egg yolk.
cholesterol A complex alcohol (sterol) found chopped liver A Jewish appetizer made from
cholesterol chopped liver

in most body tissues and many foods. It is a cooked liver, onions and hard-boiled egg

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chopping board

yolks all chopped, seasoned, bound with chorizo picante Mexico A pork chorizo made
chorizo picante

molten chicken fat, served on lettuce and without fat, seasoned, flavoured with garlic,
garnished with chopped hard-boiled egg chilli powder and ground cumin seed and
white preserved with added vinegar. When dried
chopping board A thick board of hard wood
chopping board

will keep for several weeks.

chorizos combinados Spain Mixed sliced
chorizos combinados

or plastic used to protect the edge of the

knife and the surface of the table when sausages
chopping food. Different coloured plastics Chorley cake England A parcel of shortcrust
Chorley cake

are now recommended for different types of pastry with a filling of currants, brown sugar
food in commercial establishments in order and melted butter in the centre, rolled flat
to reduce cross-contamination, i.e. red for until the currants show through the pastry,
raw meat, blue for fish, brown for vegetables, egg washed, slit and baked at 190°C
green for salads and fruit, yellow for cooked Chorleywood process United Kingdom A
Chorleywood process

meats and white for dairy products. See also method of making bread developed at the
cutting board British Baking Industries Research
chop sticks Two slender tapering wood, Association, Chorleywood, (now the Flour
chop sticks

plastic or ivory sticks about 30 cm long used Milling and Baking Research Association),
in the East for eating solid food. The which cuts down on the time necessary to
technique for use requires some practice. knead and prove the dough. In essence it
chop suey A Western version of Chinese food
chop suey
uses intensive mixing of the flour, water, salt,
invented to use up scraps of meat, consisting yeast, vitamin C and fat for from 3 to 5
of shredded meat or poultry, chopped or minutes imparting 11 watt-hours of energy
sliced mushrooms, onions and bamboo per kg of the dough in that time and raising
shoots, bean sprouts, seasoning, etc. in a its temperature to 30°C. Double the normal
corn flour thickened chicken stock laced amounts of yeast and improvers are also
with MSG. Served with rice and soya sauce. added. The dough can then be immediately
divided into tins. The whole bread-making
chop suey greens Garland chrysanthemum
chop suey greens

process takes less than 3.5 hours from flour

choquart France A Breton pastry tart. See also

to bread and produces a very cheap loaf

chocart without character suitable only for use as a
choriceros chilli A mild and piquant hot chilli
choriceros chilli

loss leader and for feeding ducks.

from Spain chorlito Spain Plover

chorizo Middle East, Spain A type of sausage chorogi Chinese artichoke

chorizo chorogi

made from pork, beef, olive oil, red peppers, choron, sauce England, France A béarnaise
choron, sauce

garlic and seasoning, stuffed in hog casings. sauce combined with tomato purée. Also
Often scalded, dried and left to mature for 2 called béarnaise tomatée, sauce
to 3 months when it develops a surface chota piaz South Asia Shallot
chota piaz

mould. Sometimes cold-smoked. Served as chotenn bigoudenn France A pig’s head

chotenn bigoudenn

an appetizer or with chick peas as a main roasted with garlic

course. choti elaichi South Asia Bleached or green
choti elaichi

chorizo basquais France, Spain A softer and

chorizo basquais

less highly spiced version of chorizo chotodziec Poland A cold soup made from

chorizo canton Philippines Lap cheong,

chorizo canton

the juice of pickled cucumbers blended with

Chinese sausage sour milk, strained and garnished with diced
chorizo de Catimpalos Spain A chorizo
chorizo de Catimpalos

beetroot, slices of hard-boiled egg, crayfish

containing large chunks of ham tails, chopped chives and chopped dill.
chorizo de Estremadura Spain A highly
chorizo de Estremadura
Served on a plate with an ice cube.
chou France Cabbage

spiced expensive chorizo made with finely

chou à la crème France Cream puff
chou à la crème

processed pork fillet and pig’s liver flavoured

chou blanc France White cabbage
chou blanc

with the usual sweet red pepper, but

including crushed juniper berries, tomato chou brocoli France Broccoli
chou brocoli

purée, cayenne pepper and other spices, chou cabus France White cabbage
chou cabus

packed in beef casings and cold-smoked for choucroute France Sauerkraut or pickled

a week or more with juniper berries added to cabbage

the fire choucroute aux poissons France Poached
choucroute aux poissons

chorizo de lomo Spain A chorizo sausage

chorizo de lomo

freshwater fish served on a bed of pickled

made with large pieces of pork loin cabbage with a wine-based cream sauce
chorizo de Salamanca Spain A coarse- choucroute garnie à l’alsacienne France
chorizo de Salamanca choucroute garnie à l’alsacienne

textured chorizo Pickled cabbage topped with sausages, pork

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chops and knuckles of ham. Served with appropriate decorations to be served after a
mustard and horseradish sauce. christening
chou de mer France Seakale
chou de mer

Christmas cake A very rich moist cake with a

Christmas cake

chou farci France Stuffed cabbage high proportion of dried vine fruits, chopped
chou farci

chou-fleur France Cauliflower

nuts and candied peel, often with added
chou frisé France Kale
chou frisé
brandy or rum, covered with almond paste
and icing and appropriately decorated. The
chou marin France Seakale
chou marin

cake itself before covering is often matured

chou navet France Swede
chou navet

for several months.

chou palmiste France Heart of palm
chou palmiste

Christmas melon United States A small

Christmas melon

chou pomme France White cabbage

chou pomme

smooth melon with a mottled green and

chou-rave France Kohlrabi

yellow rind and pale green flesh. it is similar

chouriço Portugal A chorizo-type sausage
in taste to the honeydew. Also called Santa
made with pork cured in brine, seasoned, Claus melon
flavoured with garlic and paprika and Christmas pudding A steamed or boiled
Christmas pudding

moistened with red wine, packed into pudding made from flour, suet, sugar, dried
casings, smoked and preserved in olive oil vine fruits, spices, milk and sometimes
chouriço de sangue Portugal Black pudding,
chouriço de sangue

breadcrumbs, cooked, matured and

boudin noir reheated for serving. Traditionally a small
chou rouge France Red cabbage
chou rouge
coin was inserted into the pudding as a token
chou vert France Green cabbage
chou vert
of good fortune for the receiver. Also called
plum pudding
choux de Bruxelles France Brussels sprouts
choux de Bruxelles

christophine Choko

choux pastry Pastry made by melting 4 parts

choux pastry

christstollen A yeasted, egg-enriched and


butter and 10 parts water, beating in 5 parts

strong flour and 8 parts of egg over heat until sweetened fruit bread incorporating almond
the paste leaves the side of the pan, piping flakes, rum soaked dried vine fruits, candied
onto baking trays and baking until dry peel, glacé cherries and chopped angelica
and flavoured with lemon zest and almond
chow chow 1. Choko 2. See chow chow
chow chow

preserve essence
Christstollen Germany An enriched

chow chow preserve 1. A Chinese preserve

chow chow preserve

of ginger, fruits and peel in a heavy syrup 2. sweetened Christmas bread. See also Stollen
chromium A trace element required by the

Chopped mixed vegetables in a mustard

flavoured pickle sauce body for health, found in fish, nuts, whole
chowder United States The name for fish
grains, yeast and seaweed

soups generally based on a mixture of fish Particular types of

stock and milk with sweated chopped chrysanthemum plants are grown for their
vegetables usually including potatoes and edible flowers, petals and leaves in China
sweet corn, pieces of fish and/or shellfish and Japan. There are two types grown for
added towards the end so as not to overcook leaves and one for flowers. See also garland
and occasionally thickened with corn flour, a chrysanthemum
similar starch or beurre manié. In the USA, Chrysanthemum coronarium Botanical
meat, salt pork and bread or crackers may name Garland chrysanthemum
be included. chrysanthemum cut A Japanese method of
chrysanthemum cut

chow fun China Wide flat rice noodles

chow fun

cutting turnip or other root vegetables by

chow mein As chop suey but served with standing the piece between two parallel
chow mein

boiled or fried noodles. Also called chao mian chopsticks, cutting down at right angles to
choy pin China Turnip
choy pin
the chopsticks in very thin slices joined at the
choy sum China A leaf vegetable, Brassica
choy sum
base, rotating the piece through 90 degrees
rapa var. parachinensis, resembling pak and repeating. This gives fine strands
choy but with slightly bitter stems which are springing from a solid base like the centre of
the part usually eaten. It occasionally shows any daisy-like flower.
chrysanthemum greens
chrysanthemum greens

small yellow flowers. Also called flowering Garland

white cabbage chrysanthemum
chtapothi Greece Octopus

chrain A Jewish relish made from grated


horseradish mixed with chopped beetroot. chub A freshwater fish, Leuciscus cephalus,

Served with gefilte fish or cold fried fish. which is a relative of the carp. Rarely used for
christening cake A rich fruit cake covered
christening cake

food on account of the numerous small

with marzipan and white icing with bones and the somewhat muddy flavour.

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Braised chub’s head is a popular dish in chuño blanco South America A preserved
chuño blanco

China. form of bitter potato from the Andean region

chuck United States The name of a large part of Peru made by freezing raw potatoes,

of the forequarter of beef extending to the removing the skins, squeezing out the
brisket and excluding only the foreribs and released liquid, washing in running water
part of the middle ribs. It is cut in a number and drying. Used as a basis of stews, soups
of different ways which depend on the and cheese dishes and with fruit and
locality but are mainly self explanatory, e.g. molasses as a dessert (mazamorra).
chuck roll, chuck steak, blade steak, chuck chuño negro South America A preserved form
chuño negro

tender, shoulder steak, chuck short ribs, arm of potato similarly processed to chuño
steak, etc. blanco but with the skins left on and not
chuck ribs of beef United Kingdom The first
chuck ribs of beef

washed in running water. Dark brown in

two ribs of beef counting from the head end, colour it is usually soaked in water for one to
the meat of which is generally used off the two days before cooking to remove strong
bone for stewing and braising flavours.
chuck roll United States A rolled joint of beef chuoi Vietnam Banana
chuck roll chuoi

from the ribs of the chuck chupe de camarones South America A thick
chupe de camarones

chuck steak 1. United Kingdom Blade bone

chuck steak

soup from Peru containing prawns, fried

2. United States A cut of beef from between onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes,
the neck and shoulder used for stewing peas, sweet corn, eggs, cream, parsley or
chuck wagon stew Canada A stew from coriander and seasoning
chuck wagon stew

Alberta made from beef fried in fat, water, churek Russia A yeast-raised bread from the

potatoes, carrots, apples, small onions, Caucasus enriched with milk and melted
herbs and seasonings thickened with corn butter, flavoured with ground anise
flour (aniseed), glazed with egg and sprinkled with
chucruta Spain Sauerkraut sesame seeds

chufa Spain Tiger nut churn 1. A tall almost cylindrical metal vessel
chufa churn

chui kan China Kumquat

chui kan
with a deep rimmed lid used in the olden
chu ju China Mandarin orange
chu ju
days to keep milk for sale or further
processing 2. A vessel of moderate size,
chuka-nabe Japan Wok

often made of wood in which cream was

chukandar South Asia Beetroot

converted to butter by agitation, now

chuk gaai choy China One of the oriental
chuk gaai choy

superseded by machinery
mustards with ribbed green stalks and churn, to To agitate cream with a regular
churn, to

serrated leaves growing to 30 cm. The strong motion to convert it into butter and
flavour is reduced by parboiling. Also called buttermilk
bamboo mustard cabbage
churrasco Portugal Charcoal grilled meat or

chuk surn China Bamboo shoot

chuk surn

chicken, usually on a skewer

chuleta a la vienesa Spain Veal cutlet
chuleta a la vienesa

churrasco a gaucha Brazil A barbecue

churrasco a gaucha

chuleta de cordero Spain Lamb chop

chuleta de cordero

usually featuring beef or chicken

chuleta de ternera Spain Veal cutlet
chuleta de ternera

churros Spain Banana-shaped fritters


chump chops United Kingdom Chops cut

chump chops

squeezed through a nozzle into deep fat,

from the top of a leg of lamb and the rear of fried, sprinkled with sugar and eaten for
the loin including parts of the pelvis but not breakfast often by dunking in a hot
any vertebrae except the coccyx cinnamon drink
chump end of loin of lamb United Kingdom
chump end of loin of lamb

chutney A mixture of chopped apples, onion


The end of the loin nearest the tail or pelvis and garlic with possibly other vegetables
chump of pork United Kingdom The top of the
chump of pork

and/or fruits cooked in a vinegar, sugar and

pork leg and the rear of the loin including spice mixture to a thick consistency, used as
parts of the pelvis but not any vertebrae a relish. Also called sweet pickle
except the coccyx. Usually sold as a piece chutoro Japan The very highly prized middle

and not as chops. section of tuna belly (toro). See also otoro
chum salmon See Siberian salmon
chum salmon

chyet-thon-phew Burma Garlic


chung China Scallion


chymosin A protease used in cheese making


chung choy China Turnip

chung choy

chymotripsin One of the proteases found in


chung tau China Shallots

chung tau

the human digestive system. The seeds of

chun juan China Spring roll
chun juan

some legumes contain chymotrypsin

chunky banana United States Burro banana
chunky banana

inhibitors which prevent its digestive action.

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cinnamon basil

For this reason these seeds must be well England and Northern France. Can be
cooked before consumption. distilled to a strong spirit sometimes used for
ciabatta Italy An oval-shaped bread made
cider cake A chemically raised basic cake
cider cake

from a very slack dough of flour, water and

fresh yeast (20:14:1) with dried milk powder, mixture made by the creaming method
salt and olive oil and some sour dough or containing sultanas equal in weight to the
biga. The batter is beaten then kneaded until flour which have been soaked in dry cider
silky (1000 movements suggested), proved 2 (8:5) for at least 12 hours. Baked at 180°C
to 3 hours at 26 to 30°C, shaped on a flat until cooked.
tray, proved again until doubled in volume cider vinegar A vinegar made by the
cider vinegar

and baked 20 to 25 minutes at 230°C. (NOTE: oxidation of the alcohol in cider to acetic acid
Literally ‘slipper’.) cidra Spain Citron, the fruit

ciafotta Italy Ciambotta


cidre France Cider


cialda Italy Waffle, wafer


ciernikis Poland An appetizer made from a


cialledda del massaro Italy A country soup

cialledda del massaro

cottage cheese, butter and flour dough,

made with slices of bread covered with seasoned and flavoured with nutmeg, rolled
vegetables out, cut in squares, boiled, drained and
ciambelle Italy 1. Ring-shaped cakes or

served sprinkled with grated cheese and

pastries with nuts and candied fruit. Also breadcrumbs which have been browned in
called panafracchi 2. Bread loaves (Tuscany butter
and Sardinia) ciervo Spain Venison

ciambotta Italy A type of Spanish omelette


cigala Spain Dublin bay prawn


made with potatoes, sweet green peppers,

cigalle France Dublin bay prawn

tomatoes and aubergines cooked in olive oil.

cigarra Spain A flat Mediterranean lobster-like

Also called ciamotta, cianfotta

ciammotte ammuccate Italy Snails seasoned
ciammotte ammuccate
crustacean, Scyllarides latus, very similar to
with pepper, mint and herbs a slipper lobster and with small claws. Large
ones are treated like lobster; small ones are
ciamotta Italy Ciambotta

used in paella.
cianfotta Italy Ciambotta

cilantro 1. Spain, United States Coriander


ciaronciedi moena Italy A potato-based

ciaronciedi moena

leaves. See also chadon beni 2. Caribbean A

ravioli from the Dolomite region of Italy, herb, Eryngium foetidum, from Costa Rica,
stuffed with a filling based on figs or dried Dominica and Mexico with a similar flavour
pears and finished with melted butter and to coriander, very common in Trinidad
poppy seeds
ciliegia Italy Cherry

ciasto Poland Cake


cili padi Malaysia Bird’s eye chilli

cili padi

ciboule France 1. Spring onion 2. Chive


cima di vitello Italy Veal in aspic

cima di vitello

ciboulette France Chives


cima ripiena Italy Breast of veal with a pocket

cima ripiena

cibreo Italy Cooked cockscombs and


cut into it and filled with various stuffings

sweetbreads served with a vegetable timbale.
cimbopogone Italy Lemon grass

The dish is said to date from Roman times.

cime di rapa Italy Broccoli raab
cime di rapa

cicala Italy A flat Mediterranean lobster-like


cimeter United States A knife with a curved


crustacean. See also cigarra

ciccioli Italy Pork scratchings, crackling
pointed blade for accurate cutting of steaks
cicely See sweet cicely

cincho South America A ewes’ milk cheese


Cicer arietinum Botanical name Chick pea

from Venezuela similar to Villalon
cicerchia Italy A large pebble-like pea

cinghiale Italy Wild boar


cicerelle France Sand eel


Cinnamomum cassia Botanical name Cassia

cicerello Italy Sand eel

Cinnamomum zeylanicum Botanical name

cichorel Netherlands Chicory, endive

Cichorium endivia Botanical name Endive cinnamon A very popular spice made from

Cichorium intybus Botanical name Chicory the dried bark of a tree of the laurel family,
cicoria Italy Chicory, the leaf

Cinnamomum zeylanicum, which is either

cicoria spadona Italy Sword-leaved green
cicoria spadona

ground or rolled up into small curls called

chicory ‘quills’. Extensively used for sweet and
cicoriella Italy Wild chicory savoury items.

cider The fermented juice of apples, often cinnamon basil Italy A variety of basil with a
cider cinnamon basil

used as a cooking liquor in Southern cinnamon aroma

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cinnamon sugar

cinnamon sugar A mixture of caster sugar soaked in a strong sugar syrup, then dried
cinnamon sugar

and ground cinnamon used for baking, and chopped

principally in Central and Northern Europe citron vert France Lime, the fruit. Also called
citron vert

cioccolata Italy Chocolate


citrouille France Pumpkin

cioppino United States A mixed seafood stew


from the west coast similar to bouillabaisse, citroxanthin The yellow pigment found in

i.e. with wine, olive oil, garlic, onions, citrus peel

tomatoes, green sweet peppers, spices, Citrullus lanatus Botanical name
herbs and seasoning Watermelon
cipolla Italy Onion

Citrullus vulgaris Botanical name

cipollette Italy Spring onions
cipolline Italy Small silverskin onions, pearl
Citrullus vulgaris var. fistulosus Botanical
onions name Tinda
citrus The most important tree fruit crop in the

Circassian sauce See satsivi

Circassian sauce

world (around 70% of all fruit grown) which

ciriole Italy 1. Tiny eels 2. Crusty round bread

will grow within 40 degrees of latitude on

rolls (Rome) either side of the equator. There are six
ciruela Spain Plum

genera of which three are of commercial

ciruela damascena Spain Damson
ciruela damascena

importance, i.e. Poncirus (trifoliate orange),

ciruela pasa, ciruela seca Spain Prune
ciruela pasa

Fortunella (kumquat) and Citrus (eight

cisco Lake herring
important species). All three will hybridize
ciseler France 1. To shred or cut in julienne
with each other and most Citrus species are
strips 2. To incise cross-fertile, hence the increasing number of
varieties. See also Citrus
citrange A hybrid of the sweet orange and a

Citrus The 8 most important Citrus species

poncirus citrus, developed in the USA to are sweet orange C. sinensis, mandarin C.
withstand cool climates. The flesh is sharp reticulata,grapefruit C. paradisi, pummelo C.
tasting. grandis, lemon C. limon, lime C. aurantifolia,
citrates and dihydrogen citrates Salts of
citrates and dihydrogen citrates

citron C. medica and sour orange C.

citric acid used for the same purposes as aurantium. All of these varieties will cross-
citric acid. The ones used are sodium, E331, fertilize and it is thought that the sweet
potassium, E332 and calcium, E333. See orange may be a pummelo x mandarin
also E330 cross, the grapefruit a pummelo x sweet
citric acid The commonest food acid
citric acid

orange cross and the lemon a lime x citron x

originally extracted from citrus fruits where it pummelo cross. See also citrus fruits
is in high concentration but now made by a Citrus aurantifolia Botanical name West
fungal fermentation. Also found in Indian lime
gooseberries, raspberries, etc. See E330 for Citrus aurantium Botanical name Seville
uses. orange
citroen Netherlands Lemon Citrus bergamia Botanical name Bergamot,

citrom Hungary Lemon

the fruit
citron 1. A citrus fruit from an evergreen tree,
Citrus deliciosa Botanical name
Citrus medica, native to East Asia. It is Mediterranean mandarin
citrus fruits Fruits of the genus Citrus which
citrus fruits

shaped like a lemon up to 20 cm long by 13

cm diameter with a knobbly skin. It is grown have been cultivated for 2000 years and
for its skin which is used to make candied known in Europe since the 16th century.
peel, as a flavouring and after carving as a They all have a two-layered separable green,
garnish. The flesh is very sour. 2. Denmark, yellow or orange skin, the outer layer (zest)
France, Sweden Lemon being rich in essential oils, the inner (pith or
citronella Lemon grass
albedo) being white and soft, all enclosing a
Citronella microcarpa Botanical name segmented fruit containing juice sacs and
Calamondin seeds (pips). The juices contain sugar,
flavours, aromas and citric acid. The relative
citron fromage Denmark A lemon-flavoured
citron fromage

proportions of these determine the

palatability and uses of the fruit. (NOTE:
citronkräm Sweden A lemon-flavoured

Examples of citrus fruits are: orange, lemon,

dessert lime, cumquat, grapefruit, mandarin,
citronnat France Candied lemon peel

tangerine and clementine.)

citron peel The peel, including the zest and Citrus grandis Botanical name Pummelo
citron peel

pith, of the citron which is brined, dried, Citrus hystrix Botanical name Makrut lime

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Citrus junos Botanical name Yuzu the cooking liquor is strained off to make a
Citrus latifolia Botanical name Persian lime broth with fried diced bacon, leeks and
Citrus limettiodes Botanical name Sweet celery and chopped potatoes. Towards the
lime end of the cooking period, milk, cream,
Citrus limon Botanical name Lemon seasoning and the reserved clams are
Citrus medica Botanical name Citron added, simmered for 5 minutes, finished
Citrus nobilis Botanical name King mandarin with chopped parsley and served with
Citrus paradisi Botanical name Grapefruit croûtons.
Citrus reticulata Botanical name Common clam knife A short-bladed sharp knife used to
clam knife

mandarin open shellfish

Citrus sinensis Botanical name Sweet orange clapper cut Hyoshi-giri
clapper cut

Citrus sphaerocarpa Botanical name Kabosa clapshot


Scotland A vegetable
Citrus sudachi Botanical name Sudachi accompaniment of potatoes and swedes
Citrus unshui Botanical name Satsuma boiled in salted water until soft and mashed
mandarin with seasoning, butter and chopped chives
city chicken United States Diced veal from
city chicken

claquebitou France A goats’ milk cheese


the lean part of the shoulder cooked on a

flavoured with herbs from Burgundy
clara Portugal Egg white

ciuppin Italy A fish stew


clarificar Spain To clarify


cive France Chives


clarified butter Pure butter fat without any

clarified butter

civet England, France A dark brown stew


made from wild rabbit, hare or other game solids, liquid or foam. It should be
animal, thickened with its blood transparent when molten.
clarifier France To clarify, e.g. butter,

civet de lièvre France Jugged hare

civet de lièvre

civette France Chives

clarify, to To remove all solids and immiscible
clarify, to

clabber United States Milk soured almost to


the point of separating into curds and whey, fluids from a liquid by skimming, filtering, by
something like junket. Eaten plain or entrapping the impurities in coagulated egg
flavoured. whites or isinglass, by solubilizing with
enzymes, etc. to leave a perfectly clear liquid
clafoutis France Black cherries baked in a

e.g. for bouillon

thick creamy batter until golden brown,
clarifying agent A substance that removes
clarifying agent

sprinkled with sugar and served warm with

cream, often at harvest time suspended impurities in liquids. Egg white is
claire France A fattened oyster. Also called
the most common in food preparation, e.g.
huître de clair for consommés.
clary sage A biennial herb, Salvia sclarea,
clary sage

clam A bivalve shellfish found worldwide with


lean flesh which can be eaten raw, poached, belonging to the mint family. It has a flavour
steamed, baked or fried. All must be live similar to sage. Famous for its very expensive
when purchased and consumed as soon as essential oil. Also called clear eye
clavelado France Skate, the fish

possible after being allowed to clean

claviari Italy A type of fungus

themselves in water with a little oatmeal for

24 hours and subsequently well scrubbed. clavo Mexico Clove

There is considerable confusion in the claytonia Winter purslane


naming and classification of clams for

clear, to 1. What happens to dough during the
clear, to

culinary purposes. See amongst others,

bean, carpet shell, golden carpet shell, little later phases of kneading when it becomes
neck, quahog, sand, soft shell, surf, venus elastic, smooth and silky 2. To clarify
clear eye See clary sage
clear eye

shell, warty venus and wedge shell.

clear oxtail soup As thick oxtail soup but
clear oxtail soup

clamart England, France A garnish of globe


artichoke hearts filled with petit pois omitting the flour and slightly thickening
clam bake United States A social gathering at
clam bake
before garnishing using arrowroot and
the beach in which food (clams, chicken, cooking until clear. Also called queue de
corn on the cob, potatoes, etc.) is steamed in boeuf clair
clear soup See consommé
clear soup

a pit in the beach by means of heated rocks

using damp seaweed to provide the steam cleaver An instrument with a wide rectangular

clam chowder United States A famous USA

clam chowder

heavy blade used in the West for chopping

soup made from small clams cooked over a through small bones and cartilage. but
high heat with dry white wine and water until increasingly, following East Asian practice, as
all open. The sound clams are reserved and a precision-slicing knife.

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clementine A hybrid citrus fruit of the baked apple/honey taste. Used to flavour a

mandarin and Seville orange. One of the liqueur.

common mandarins, Citrus reticulata, said to cloud ear fungus An edible fungus,
cloud ear fungus

have been grown accidentally in 1902 by a Auricularia polytricha, grown in China on oak
Father Clément. It is small, sweet, round and logs and available as small, black, brittle
juicy with a thin skin and few pips. See dried pieces which expand 5 times in volume
common mandarin. when reconstituted. Used in Chinese dishes.
clipfish Klipfish

Also called wood ear, wood fungus, tree

cloche, sous France Describes a dish of food
cloche, sous
fungus, brown fungus, black fungus, black
served under a domed cover with a handle tree fungus, rat’s ear, tree ear
clou de girofle France Clove
clou de girofle

on the top
clouté(e) France Studded, as in onion clouté.

clod England A cut of beef from the neck


between the head and the blade bone See also piquer
clouted cream See clotted cream
clouted cream

suitable only for mincing or long slow stewing

or braising cloutie dumpling See clootie dumpling
cloutie dumpling

cloïsses Catalonia Clams


clovas de comer Philippines Cloves

clovas de comer

clonorchis A species of fluke with a similar


clove basil A variety of basil with a slight clove

clove basil

mode of transmission, prevalence and aroma and flavour

effects as opisthorchis cloverleaf roll United States Three balls of
cloverleaf roll

cloot Scotland A large square of muslin or


yeasted and proven dough placed on a

linen used to contain boiled puddings baking tin so that when risen and baked they
clootie dumpling Scotland A spiced pudding stick together and resemble the three parts
clootie dumpling

similar to Christmas pudding and boiled in a of a cloverleaf

cloot. Sometimes eaten cold like cake. Also cloves The dried unopened flower buds of an

called cloutie dumpling evergreen tree, Eugenia caryophyllus, with a

Clostridium botulinum The bacterium found strong, sweet, aromatic smell and flavour.
in home canned and bottled vegetables The tree is a native of Indonesia but now
which causes botulism. The spores of this grown in East Africa. Cloves are used whole
organism are not killed by cooking at normal or ground in desserts and savoury dishes.
temperatures. The incubation period is 18 to Ground cloves are mixed with tobacco to
36 hours and death occurs in 1 to 8 days or make the Indonesian kretek cigarette which
there is a slow recovery lasting 6 to 8 months. has a soporific effect on the smoker.
The symptoms are disturbance of vision, dry clovisse France 1. Carpet shell clam 2.

mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue Golden carpet shell clam

and pharynx, which cause difficulty in club gourd Angled loofah
club gourd

speaking and swallowing, and progressive

club sandwich A sandwich made from two
club sandwich

weakness and respiratory failure. Immediate

slices of toasted bread filled with lettuce,
medical attention should be sought if there is
sliced chicken, sliced tomatoes, crisp fried
any suspicion of the condition.
bacon and mayonnaise, garnished with
Clostridium perfringens A food-poisoning chutney, pickles or olives
bacterium found in cooked and reheated
club steak United States A beef steak cut
club steak

meats and meat products. The incubation

period is 8 to 12 hours, the duration 12 to 24 from the small end (rib end) of the short loin
hours and the symptoms are diarrhoea, with no fillet
cluck and grunt United States Eggs and
cluck and grunt

abdominal pain and nausea. There is rarely

vomiting and no fever. bacon (colloquial; Wild West)
cluster bean Guar bean
cluster bean

clot, to To coagulate
clot, to

coagulate, to The process by which liquids or

coagulate, to

clotted cream England A thick, yellow,

clotted cream

pasteurized cream with a minimum fat some of the soluble components of liquids,
content of 48% from Devon or Cornwall. It is usually proteins, become solid, e.g. when
made by heating full cream milk slowly and white of egg or blood solidifies or milk
skimming off the cream from the surface. curdles. Also called clot, to
coalfish Coley

Used with jam as a spread on scones for the

coarse salt United States Sea salt
coarse salt

traditional Devon cream tea. Also called

clouted cream coat, to To cover pieces of cooked or
coat, to

cloudberry A wild berry from a creeping plant,


uncooked food with a liquid which sticks to

Rubus chamaemorus, similar to a blackberry the surface, e.g. sauce, batter, melted butter
and found in Northern Europe and North or a glaze, or a combination of liquid and
America. It is a deep golden colour with a solid, e.g. egg and breadcrumbs, either to

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cockles pen-clawdd

seal in flavour, to add flavour or to improve cacti, found in Mexico and Brazil, but now
the appearance made synthetically. Also called carmine
cochineal red See ponceau 4R
cochineal red

coating batter A thick, viscous mixture of

coating batter

flour, water or milk, with possibly egg, cream cochinillo Spain Suckling pig

or sugar, and seasoning used to coat items of cochinillo asado Spain Spit-roasted suckling
cochinillo asado

food, generally prior to frying, deep-frying, or pig

baking cochinita pibil Mexico Minced pork mixed
cochinita pibil

coating consistency (A liquid) with sufficient

coating consistency

with annatto seeds ground to an oily paste

body or viscosity such that when it coats a and pork fat, wrapped in banana leaves and
solid it will not drain off. Tested by inverting a baked in the oven. Served with black beans,
spoonful of the mixture which should not tortillas and chopped onions in vinegar. Also
leave the spoon. called pibil pork
coating sauce A thick sauce of coating
coating sauce

cochino Spain Pig


consistency used to cover foods to improve cochon France Pig


their appearance and flavour cochon de lait France Sucking pig

cochon de lait

cob A round, hemispherical, white or brown


cocido Spain 1. A stew. See also olla podrida


loaf baked on a flat tray, sometimes with a 2. Cooked

cross incised on the top before baking cocido a la madrileña Spain A slowly cooked
cocido a la madrileña

cobalamin See vitamin B12


casserole containing meat, fowl, sausages,

cobalt A trace element necessary for health vegetables and chickpeas

which is a constituent of vitamin B12 cock The adult uncastrated male of the

(cobalamin). Found in meat, eggs, dairy domestic fowl Gallus gallus. Also used of
products and yeast extract. other males e.g. crabs, fish, wild birds.
cobbler England Any sweet or savoury cooked cock-a-leekie Scotland A soup made with
cobbler cock-a-leekie

food mixture covered or part covered with equal parts of chicken and veal stock
uncooked scones (sweet or savoury as garnished with a julienne of prunes, cooked
appropriate), egg- or milk-washed, possibly white chicken meat and leeks
cheese gratinated and baked at 220°C until cockle A bivalve shellfish, Cerastaderma

the scones rise and are browned. See e.g. edule (UK), C. glaucum (Mediterranean) and
fish cobbler, cobbler pudding. Cardium edule, with ribbed, grey to brown,
cobbler pudding A cold stewed fruit mixture pink or even dark blue, almost circular shell
cobbler pudding

covered with round scones, brushed with from 2.5 to 10 cm diameter found on most
beaten egg and baked until brown sea coasts and with over 200 varieties
cobek Indonesia A ceramic mortar used with
worldwide. May be eaten raw or cooked for 6
a ceramic pestle (uleg-uleg). Also called minutes, but usually sold cooked. Treat like
tjobek mussels. See also cuore rossa, dog cockle,
prickly cockle, spiny cockle. Also called
Coblenz sausage Koblenz sausage
Coblenz sausage

cobnut Hazelnut

cockle cakes Wales Cockle cakes are made

cockle cakes

Coburg cake A small, spiced sponge cake

Coburg cake

by mixing fresh cleaned cockles in a thick

soaked in flavoured sugar syrup batter and frying them a spoonful at a time in
coca 1. Catalonia A crisp pastry base often

oil. The batter is made from flour, beaten egg

used as the base for snacks and tapas 2. The and molten butter (4:2:1). Also called
American shrub, Erythroxylon coca, from teisennau cocos
whose leaves an extract is obtained which cockle pie Wales An open pie made with
cockle pie

was once used used in cola drinks shortcrust pastry layered with fresh cockle
cocada Spain A coconut-flavoured custard meat, chopped spring onions and chopped

coca de Sant Joan Catalonia A yeast-raised

coca de Sant Joan
bacon alternately in that order until the pie is
cake, sprinkled with candied fruits and pine full. The liquid from the shucked cockles is
nuts, served on St John’s night poured in, the top decorated with strips of
(Midsummer’s Eve) throughout Catalonia pastry in a lattice and all baked at 200°C for
30 minutes. Served hot or cold. Also called
cocciole Italy Cockles, shellfish

pastai cocos
cocer al vapor Spain To steam
cocer al vapor

cockles pen-clawdd Wales Chopped spring

cockles pen-clawdd

cocer en cazuela con poco agua Spain To

cocer en cazuela con poco agua

onions and breadcrumbs fried in butter until

braise the breadcrumbs are crisp, well-cleaned
cochineal A deep red food colouring.

cockles in their shells added to the pan and

Originally extracted from and contained in shaken over the heat with a lid on until the
the fat and egg yolks of an insect, Coccus cockles are open and heated through.

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cock paddle

Served with a generous sprinkling of coconut pudding United Kingdom Basic

coconut pudding

chopped parsley. steamed pudding mixture with 1 part in 6 of

cock paddle Lumpfish
cock paddle

the flour replaced by desiccated coconut

coconut sugar Palm sugar
coconut sugar

cocktail avocado United States A small

cocktail avocado

coconut syrup A clear viscous sweet syrupy

coconut syrup

seedless fruit of the Fuerte avocado with the

characteristic buttery flavour and used in the sap extracted from the trunk of the coconut
same way palm
coconut vinegar A mild vinegar made from
coconut vinegar

cocktail sauce Mayonnaise flavoured with

cocktail sauce

tomato purée, horseradish sauce, coconut wine. See also suka

coconut water See coconut milk 2
coconut water

Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco, used

with prawns, crab and lobster coconut wine The fermented sap of the
coconut wine

coco France, Middle East, Portugal Coconut coconut palm from India. Used as a

cocoa bean The seed of a tree, Theobroma

cocoa bean
beverage and as the ferment for appa bread.
cacao, originally from South America but Also called toddy
coco quemado Caribbean A type of enriched
coco quemado

now grown in West Africa. Used as the

source of chocolate and cocoa. thick custard from Cuba made with plain
cocoa butter The highly saturated white or
cocoa butter
milk, sugar, egg yolks and plain flour
yellow fat pressed out of cocoa beans, mainly (10:10:5:2) flavoured with coconut cream to
used for chocolate manufacture taste and when cooled sprinkled with toasted
grated coconut flesh
cocoa powder Defatted cocoa beans treated
cocoa powder

cocotte France A shallow earthenware, cast


with an alkali, further processed, dried and

iron or porcelain dish with a lid, a casserole
ground to a fine powder for use as a
cocotte, en France A method of cooking eggs
cocotte, en

flavouring or to make drinks

in a small cocotte, ramekin or soufflé dish
cocomero Italy Watermelon

which is placed in rapidly boiling water.

coconut 1. The oval fruit (up to 20 cm long) of

Various food items may be put under the egg

a tropical palm, Cocus nucifera, with an before cooking or over it after cooking.
outer fibrous covering, an inner hard shell cocotte minute France A domestic pressure
cocotte minute

lined with a white crisp flesh about 6 mm cooker

thick and containing a white, sweet,
cocoyam Taro

translucent liquid 2. The inner lining of the

cocozelle squash United States A small
cocozelle squash

coconut often shredded, grated and/or dried.

See also desiccated coconut, makapuno summer squash resembling the courgette
cocum The fruit of an Indian tree. See also

coconut crab A large edible land crab, Birgus

coconut crab

latro, which lives in burrows and is found on kokum

cod A round, non-oily sea water fish, Gadus

islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans

morrhua, from the northern oceans up to 40
coconut cream A thick creamy liquid made
coconut cream

kg in weight with a white flaky flesh and a

either by mixing coconut milk with sufficient
grey green skin. Used to be cheap and
dried coconut milk powder or puréeing
common in the northern hemisphere. Dried
coconut flesh with coconut milk. Used to add
and salted it is a major item in international
body and flavour to stews, etc.
trade as a protein source.
coconut grater A hemispherical grater with a
coconut grater

coda di bue Italy Oxtail

coda di bue

handle used for removing the flesh from

coddes United States A Maryland speciality of

fresh coconuts
codfish fish cakes panéed and deep-fried
coconut milk 1. The liquid obtained by
coconut milk

coddle Ireland A rich stew of any of, meat,


soaking grated or desiccated coconut in

cured meat, beans, vegetables and herbs
water and straining off the solid particles.
coddle, to A way of cooking eggs by putting
coddle, to

Used in Indian and Eastern dishes. Available

as a dried powder for reconstituting. 2. The them into boiling water which is then covered
white translucent liquid inside a coconut and removed from the source of heat. The
used as a refreshing drink or as flavouring. white is usually just set.
coddled eggs Eggs cooked by coddling, i.e.
coddled eggs

Also called coconut water

coconut oil The highly saturated oil extracted
coconut oil
by being placed in boiling water which is not
from dried coconut (copra), used in the food- further heated
codling A young, immature cod

manufacturing industry and in Asian cooking

cod liver oil Oil extracted from cod livers used
cod liver oil

as well as for soap and cosmetics. It contains

about 75% saturated fat and is solid at as a major natural source of vitamins A and
ambient temperatures in temperate D and EFAs
codorniz Portugal, Spain Quail


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cod roe The eggs of the cod fish, available but these may be mixed with crystals of other
cod roe

fresh, canned or smoked. It has a mild fishy colours

flavour and a creamy grainy texture. Used to cognac France Brandy from the Cognac

make cheaper versions of taramasalata region, used as a flavouring and for

instead of grey mullet roe. flambéing
coelho Portugal Domesticated rabbit

cogombre Catalonia Cucumber


coelho bravo Portugal Wild rabbit

coelho bravo

cogumelos Portugal Mushrooms


coeliac disease A metabolic disease in

coeliac disease

cohombrillo Spain Gherkin


which the sufferer must not eat foods coho salmon An important commercial
coho salmon

containing gluten variety of Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus

coentro Portugal Coriander leaves

kisutch, up to 4.5 kg in weight with an oily,

coeur France 1. Heart 2. Neufchâtel

deep pink to red flesh. Now in danger of

coeur à la crème France A dessert made
coeur à la crème

extinction due to degradation of the coastal

from a curd or cream cheese allowed to drain streams where the salmon spawn. Also
in a perforated heart-shaped mould, turned called silver salmon
out onto a plate and decorated with summer coiblide Ireland Champ

fruits and sprinkled with sugar. Also called coiled wire whisk The normal domestic
coiled wire whisk

fromage à la crème whisk consisting of a loose coil of stainless

coeur d’artichaut France Artichoke heart
coeur d’artichaut

steel wire wrapped around a single loop of

coeur de filet France The trimmed eye of the
coeur de filet

stiff wire held in a suitable handle

fillet of beef coing France Quince

coeur de palmier France Heart of palm

coeur de palmier

Coix lachryma-jobi Botanical name Job’s

coeurs d’artichauts France Artichoke hearts,
coeurs d’artichauts

small, tender and trimmed artichokes. See col Spain Cabbage

also artichauts Clamart, artichauts Grand Duc cola bean The nut of a West African tree, Cola
cola bean

coffee The water extract of ground, roasted


acuminata or C. nitida, now also grown in the

coffee beans used as a beverage and for Caribbean and South America, which yields
flavouring a red extract containing caffeine and other
coffee bean The fruit of an evergreen bush,
coffee bean

stimulants and flavours used to make cola

Coffea arabica or C. canephora, native to type drinks. Also called cola nut, kola nut
Ethiopia but now widely grown in high- colache Mexico Diced squash mixed with

altitude tropical regions. The red fruit, which chopped onions fried in butter, tomato
contains two almost hemispherical green concassée, sweet corn kernels and
seeds, is first fermented, the pulp removed seasoning and baked in a slow oven in a
and the seeds dried prior to roasting at or covered dish without added water
near their point of sale. After roasting they
colander A perforated bowl used to drain

contain about 50% water soluble material

liquids from solid food. Usually with handles
including caffeine and flavours. The two
and sometimes with a flat base.
main varieties are robusta and arabica but
cola nut See cola bean
cola nut

they are often identified by their place of

colazione Italy Breakfast

colbert, (à la) France Containing small

coffee cake United States A plain sponge

coffee cake

cake usually served warm with coffee pieces of vegetables and poached egg. Used
coffee cream United States Pasteurized
coffee cream
of a clear soup. See also sole Colbert
colbert butter A compound butter containing
colbert butter

cream from cows’ milk containing 18 to 30%

butterfat for adding to coffee. Also called parsley, lemon juice, tarragon and meat
light cream, table cream extract, refrigerated in the shape of a
coffee grinder A mechanically, electrically or
coffee grinder
cylinder and cut into 5 mm thick rounds to
hand-operated grinder for roasted coffee garnish grilled fish, steaks and rare roast
beans with an arrangement for adjusting the beef
colbert sauce A sauce flavoured with parsley,
colbert sauce

particle size, very fine for espresso, fine for

filters, Turkish and cona, medium for spices, lemon and Madeira wine, served with
cafetières and percolators and coarse for jug vegetables
infusion Colbi Middle East An Israeli cows’ milk cheese

coffee kisses Small drop cakes or biscuits resembling Gouda cheese. Also called kol-
coffee kisses

containing ground nuts, sandwiched bee

together with coffee-flavoured butter cream Colby United States An orange-coloured

coffee sugar Coarse crystals, to 3 mm, of scalded-curd hard Cheddar-like cheese but
coffee sugar

translucent, usually amber-coloured sugar slightly softer and with a more open texture

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from Colby, Wisconsin. Made from whole coleslaw Finely shredded white hearts of

cows’ milk. It has a dark brown rind and is cabbage bound together with various
not cheddared. dressings such as mayonnaise, soured
colcannon Ireland Potato mashed with onion

cream, yoghurt, French dressing, possibly in

flavoured milk and butter to which are added combination, and with other possible
chopped and poached spring onions and additions such as nuts, grated carrots,
(savoy) cabbage seasoned with nutmeg. chopped and vinegared onions, celery,
Sometimes topped with grilled bacon apples, etc. A very popular salad item. Also
rashers. Also called kolcannon called slaw
coleweed Rape

colcasia Indonesia Yam


coley A cheap fish, Pollachius virens, of the


Colchester England A famous oyster from the


town of the same name cod family up to 6.5 kg in weight but with a
cold collation A meal consisting of a
cold collation
darker skin and a brownish flesh which
selection of cold foods whitens on cooking. Found in the North
Atlantic. Also called saithe, coalfish, pollock,
col de Bruselas Spain Brussels sprouts
col de Bruselas

Boston bluefish
cold-pressed A term used of oil which has

col fermentada Spain Sauerkraut

col fermentada

been produced by direct pressure on the

coliflor Spain Cauliflower

cold untreated fruit, nut or seed. This usually

colimaçon France A variety of snail

gives a more distinctive flavour than hot

colin France 1. Hake 2. Coley

pressing or solvent extraction.

colinabo Spain Turnip

cold room A refrigerated room used to store

cold room

colineau France Codling


perishable foods
colin mayonnaise France Cold poached
colin mayonnaise

cold shortening The process by which

cold shortening

carcass meat becomes tough if chilled too hake, served with mayonnaise
colinot France Codling

rapidly after slaughter, especially with beef

and sheep. The chilling rate should not lead collagen One of the constituents of

to temperatures in any part of the carcass connective tissue (the supporting structure
below 10°C in 10 hours or less after of the body). It is a fairly soft protein which
slaughter. breaks down into gelatine on prolonged
cold-smoke, to To lightly smoke food at a boiling or cooking at low temperatures.
cold-smoke, to

temperature not greater than 33°C so as not collar bacon The top front section of a side of
collar bacon

to cook the flesh but usually in the range bacon cut into bacon joints or sliced into
20°C to 30°C. Used mainly for salmon, rather rectangular-shaped rashers
kippers, gammon and some sausages. The collard See collard greens

weight loss should be about 18% for salmon, collard greens The edible green leaves from
collard greens

12 to 14% for haddock and 25% for cod non-hearting brassicas including root
roes. With the exception of things like cheese vegetables
and hard-boiled eggs, the goods are first
collé(e) France With added gelatine (NOTE:

lightly brined.
From coller, ‘to glue’.)
cold soufflé A gelatine-based mousse put in
cold soufflé

college cake A spiced fruit cake containing

college cake

a soufflé dish with a paper collar extending caraway seeds

about 8 cm vertically above the rim, this
college pudding England A steamed or
college pudding

being removed when the mousse has set so

as to resemble a soufflé baked pudding made from fresh
breadcrumbs, shredded beef suet or
cold-store bacteria Bacteria which can grow
cold-store bacteria

softened butter, caster sugar and eggs

at temperatures down to –8°C and survive in (4:3:2:2) with 15 g (4.5 teaspoons) of baking
deep-freezers powder per kg of breadcrumbs, the same
cold table See smörgåsbord
cold table

weight of mixed sultanas and raisins as

cole An old English word used for members of breadcrumbs and generously flavoured with

the cabbage family, now only surviving in ground cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.
borecole, coleslaw and the corrupted forms Baked in dariole moulds at 180°C for 45
kale and cauliflower minutes.
coller, to To add body to a mixture by
coller, to

colère, fish en Long round fish, skinned,

colère, fish en

degutted, gills and eyes removed, tails fixed dissolving gelatine in it

in mouth, panéed and deep-fried, stuffed collet France Neck of lamb or veal. Also

olives put in eye sockets and served with called collier

remoulade or tartare sauce colli di polli ripieni Italy The skin of a
colli di polli ripieni

coleseed Rape

chicken’s neck stuffed loosely with a mixture

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commercial beef

of finely processed lean beef, egg, cheese, birth. It is extremely nutritious and health-
lemon zest, lemon juice and breadcrumbs, promoting and is used by farmers as a
tied either end and poached in stock until miracle cure for new born animals in
cooked. Served cold and sliced. difficulty. See also beestings
collier France Collet colour, to To give colour to food by the
collier colour, to

collo Italy Neck (of lamb, etc.) addition of natural or artificial food colourings

colloids Very finely divided particles of any

or by heating to produce a brown colour by
phase, gas, liquid or solid, which are caramelization or Maillard reactions
col rizado Spain Kale
col rizado

dispersed in another phase without settling

by surface forces alone. Food examples are coltsfoot The green stalks of the coltsfoot

milk solids in milk and oil droplets in plant, Tussilago farfara, are rinsed, dry-salted
mayonnaise. for 10 minutes to draw out the juices, rinsed,
collop 1. United Kingdom A small slice of

the outer fibrous covering stripped off and

meat like an escalope (colloquial) 2. eaten as rhubarb, generally only in the East.
Scotland A minced beef stew 3. Egg fried Also called bog rhubarb
with bacon Colwick England A soft, white, creamy,

collop, to To cut into small pieces

collop, to

slightly acid cows’ milk cheese

colmenilla Spain Morel

colza France, Italy, Spain Oilseed rape,


Colocasia esculenta Botanical name The Brassica napus, used for its leaves and
taro plant young shoots or for the oil from its seeds
colocassa A Mediterranean tuber of the

colza oil Rapeseed oil

colza oil

genus Colocasia, similar in size to a small

com Vietnam Cooked rice

pointed swede, up to 2 kg in weight, with a

comal Mexico The terracotta griddle on which

rough, light brown skin and a starchy, bland,

white flesh. Used in stews or fried. Also tortillas are baked
combava France Makrut lime, the fruit

called cologassi, kolocassi

comber 1. A seawater fish of the perch family,

colo de castra Italy A Venetian dish of

colo de castra

mutton, stewed with celery and onions and Serranus cabrilla. Also called sea perch 2.
served with rice and peas Ireland A very sweet, fine potato from Ireland
cologassi See colocassa
which when new can be eaten as a dish in its
colomba Italy Dove-shaped Easter cake
own right
combination menu A menu in which popular
combination menu

colombaccio Italy Wood pigeon


colombian coffee A smooth strong coffee

colombian coffee
items are repeated each day and others
from Colombia changed on a cyclical or irregular basis
combination oven A standard fan-assisted
combination oven

colombière France A soft cows’ milk cheese


from Savoie cast in the shape of a dish with electric oven combined with a microwave
a mild smooth paste energy source to give very fast cooking
together with the surface browning and
colombo Italy Wood pigeon

hardening of a conventional oven

colombo de giraumon Caribbean A
colombo de giraumon

combine, to To mix ingredients together

combine, to

Martinique dish of pumpkin cubes cooked

comfrey A hardy herbaceous perennial herb,

with sweated onions and garlic, fried spices,

chopped tomatoes, sultanas and seasoning. Symphytum officinale, rarely used
Used as a vegetable accompaniment to meat nowadays. The young leaves can be used in
etc. salads and the stems blanched and cooked
colon The large intestine of an animal used as
like asparagus. The leaves contain more
a casing for sausages protein than any other known member of the
vegetable kingdom and are commonly used
colonne United States A cylindrical

as an organic fertilizer.
instrument with a metal tube used to core
comida Spain Lunch

fruits or cut solids into cylindrical shapes.

comino Italy, Mexico, Spain Cumin

See also apple corer (NOTE: From the French

word for column.) comino dei prati Italy Caraway seed
comino dei prati

colorau Portugal Dried and powdered red


çömlek kebabi Turkey A lamb and mixed

çömlek kebabi

pepper made from a reasonably hot variety vegetable casserole served with boiled
of capsicum potatoes or rice pilaf
colorau-doce Portugal Paprika

commercial beef United States Beef from old

commercial beef

colostro Italy Colostrum, beestings


animal used for manufacturing. More

colostrum The first liquid obtained from the

flavoursome than standard grade. Also

mammary gland after an animal has given called utility beef

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commis chef

commis chef A junior chef, assistant to the tightly closed or close when tapped, and only
commis chef

chef de partie those which open when heated should be

commis de rang France Assistant waiter
commis de rang
common orange A type of sweet orange
common orange

commis waiter An assistant to a station waiter

commis waiter

common crab The common decapod

common crab
which comprises a large and diverse group
crustacean, Cancer pagurus, found from with a wide range of qualities but generally
Norway to Spain in the North Atlantic. It has paler than navels and with many seeds.
a generally mottled brownish red shell with Usually suitable for processing into juice.
ten legs, two of which have developed into The best known of this group is the Valencia
muscular claws, and a tail which is tucked although the Shamouti (Jaffa or Cyprus) is
underneath the body. It is up to 20 cm. in quite common and there are at least 20
diameter. The shell is shed periodically to varieties traded widely.
common otter shell clam A white to light
common otter shell clam

allow the animal to grow. The edible parts,

which must be cooked in salted water (35 g yellow clam with a long shell up to 12.5 cm
salt per litre), consist of white muscular common prawn The main British and
common prawn

tissue and a soft brown tissue. The grey Western European prawn, Palaemon
feather-like gills (dead man’s fingers), the serratus, fished extensively from Norway
mouth and the stomach bag and all its green down to Spain. It reaches a maximum length
to grey-white contents are discarded. Often of 9 cm and is translucent when alive.
served in the shell. It is illegal to sell juvenile
common puffball The edible pear-shaped or
common puffball

crabs (less than 13 cm across) or gravid

pestle-like fruiting body of a fungus,
females in the UK. Also called edible crab
Lycoperdon perlatum, which when young is
common eel Eel
common eel

densely covered with spines or loose cone-

common flounder Winter flounder
common flounder

shaped warts which leave their marks on the

common hare A hare, Lepus europaeus,
common hare

older fungus. Grows profusely up to 8 cm tall

distributed across the whole of Europe and 5 cm diameter Eaten when young before
through to eastern Asia. Also called brown the centre becomes full of spores.
hare common purslane See summer purslane
common purslane

common jack Crevalle jack

common jack

common skate A European skate, Raja batis,

common skate

common ling Ling

common ling

with a long pointed snout and smooth

common mandarin A large group of
common mandarin

greenish brown skin with spots. The eyes are

mandarin oranges, Citrus reticulata, of which on the upper side with the mouth and gills on
the clementine is perhaps the best known. the lower. The medium-oily white flesh which
They are grown extensively in Spain and is taken from the wings has a good flavour
Morocco and seedless varieties have been and may be cooked in any way. Also called
developed. See also satsuma tinker skate
common marjoram Oregano
common marjoram

common snook A pike-like game fish,

common snook

common millet A millet of temperate

common millet

Centropus undecimalis, caught off the coast

climates, Panicum miliaceum, mainly used of Florida, USA
as bird seed and animal feed in the West but common sturgeon A large sturgeon,
common sturgeon

can be made into an unleavened bread. Also Acipenser sturio, which can grow to 60 kg
called broom corn, hog millet, proso, Indian and is found in the Caspian Sea, Black Sea,
millet Mediterranean and the western Atlantic. It
common morel Morel
common morel

has a firm white to pink flesh which may be

common mushroom The most common
common mushroom

baked, grilled or smoked. The roe, which

cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, may amount to up to 22 kg from a single
also found in the wild. It has a light creamy female, is processed into caviar mainly in
coloured top with a definite skin and brown Russia and Iran. The Atlantic sturgeon is
gills underneath the cap. Sold as button now only found in the Gironde estuary and is
(completely closed cap with no gills currently an endangered species. Captive
showing), cup (half open cap) and flat (fully breeding is being attempted.
mature open cap). composé(e) France Arranged with several

common mussel The usually dark blue to

common mussel

elements as for e.g. in salade composée

black crescent-shaped bivalve, Mytilus
composta Italy Compote of fruit, stewed fruit

edulis, with orange flesh grown extensively

composto Italy Composed, compound. Used

around the Atlantic coast in unpolluted

seawater. They are also found in the wild but of a salad, etc.
compota Portugal, Spain Jam and stewed

these are suspect because of pollution. If

they are purchased live, the shells should be fruits

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confetti sugar

compote England, France 1. Stewed fruit 2. A Condé France A dessert made from individual
compote Condé

stew made from game birds such as pigeon portions of dessert rice or pastry topped with
or partridge, cooked until the meat is very canned or poached fruit, glazed with jam
tender and decorated with whipped cream. See also
compote d’abricots à la minute France
compote d’abricots à la minute
condés au fromage
condensed milk Milk from which about 85 to
condensed milk

Halved apricots boiled in sugar syrup for 3

minutes, skimmed and orange juice added 90% of the water has been removed to leave
compotier France A large shallow glass dish
an evaporated milk containing 45 to 50%
on a raised stem and base, used to serve fruit water, to this is added about 70 g of sugar
compotes and other desserts per 100 g of evaporated milk to give a thick
compound butter Butter flavoured by
compound butter
sticky liquid containing about 55% sugar
pounding it with herbs, shells, spices, etc. including lactose, and 28% water which is
then sieving out any inedible or unwanted thus resistant to bacterial contamination.
bits. Usually formed into a roll, refrigerated Available in both full cream and skimmed
and cut in slices to finish hot dishes for versions. the skimmed version containing
presentation. usually written as beurre about 60% sugar in the resulting mixture.
condés au fromage France Puff pastry
condés au fromage

followed by the name of the flavouring e.g.

beurre d’amande, beurre de paprika. All are rectangles, covered with an egg-enriched
listed under beurre and/or the English name béchamel sauce, seasoned with Cayenne
of the flavouring. pepper and mixed with finely diced cheese
compressed yeast United States Small
compressed yeast
and baked in a hot oven
condiment England, France A seasoning,

greyish cakes of compressed live yeast

weighing about 18 g, used in baking usually salt, pepper, nutmeg, various pasty or
Comté France A hard, cooked-curd Gruyère
dry mixtures of herbs and/or spices,
type cheese produced from cows’ milk in sometimes pickles, individually added to
Franche-Comté, with AOC status. It has an food by the eater after it is served
condimento Italy, Spain Seasoning,

aromatic nutty-flavoured soft paste with

medium-sized holes. Used as a cooking condiment
condiment set A decorative carrier holding
condiment set

cheese or for dessert. Also called Gruyère de

Comté two or more small bottles or pots for
Comuna Spain A variety of orange
condiments such as oil, vinegar, salt, pepper,
comune Italy Common orange
ground cumin etc. and sometimes
conalbumin One of the proteins in white of

condition, to To subject a substance,

condition, to

egg. It reacts with iron to give a pink colour.

principally meat, cheese and alcoholic
concassé(e) France Chopped or crushed as

beverages, to the process of ageing at a

in tomates concassées; past participle of controlled temperature to improve quality.
concasser, ‘to crush or grind’ With meat this process occurs naturally after
conch A large sea snail with a spirally coiled

slaughter. Sometimes, with game birds, the

shell found on the Central American and innards are left in to assist conditioning.
Florida coast. The tough flesh requires condito Italy Seasoned or dressed

cone See cornet

concha Spain Mussel, scallop


conejo Spain Rabbit


concha de peregrino Spain Scallop

concha de peregrino

conejo a la gallega Spain Rabbit fried with

conejo a la gallega

concha peregrina Spain Scallop

concha peregrina

onions and tomatoes

conchiglia Italy 1. Shellfish 2. Shell-shaped

conejo frito a la catalina Spain Rabbit,

conejo frito a la catalina

pasta marinated in vinegar and white wine then

conchiglia di San Giacomo Italy See
conchiglia di San Giacomo

coquille Saint Jacques coney 1. England Rabbit (colloquial) 2.

conchiglie Italy 1. Shells, especially scallop


United States A hot dog

shells, used as containers for hot dishes 2. confectioner’s custard See crème pâtissière
confectioner’s custard

Pasta shaped like a half shell (not the conch confectioner’s sugar United States Icing
confectioner’s sugar

shell) 3. Small shell-shaped citron-flavoured sugar containing a little corn flour. Also called
cakes from Sicily powdered sugar
conchigliette Italy Small pasta shells used in

confeitado Portugal Candied. Also called


soup conservado
con chom chom Vietnam Sea urchin
con chom chom

confetti sugar United States Large sugar

confetti sugar

concombre France Cucumber


crystals dyed different colours for decorative

concombre salé France Pickled cucumber
concombre salé


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confettura Italy Jam all simmered until the rabbit is tender.


confit(e) France 1. Well-cooked meat,

Finished with chopped chervil or parsley.
conill amb xocolata Catalonia Rabbit with
conill amb xocolata

particularly duck, goose or pork, preserved

in its own fat 2. Fruits cooked and preserved garlic, liver, almonds, fried bread, chocolate
in brandy or a sweetened liquor; vegetables and old wine
conkies Caribbean Two parts of a mixture of

preserved in vinegar or pickled

confit d’oie France Slices of cooked goose
confit d’oie
grated coconut, pumpkin, sweet potato and
breast preserved in goose fat brown sugar (6:3:2:3) are combined with
confiture France Jam or marmalade
one part of a mixture of corn flour, milk,
wheat flour and molten shortening (4:2:1:1)
confiture d’abricots France Apricot jam
confiture d’abricots

to make a stiff dough. This mixture is

confiture d’oranges France Orange
confiture d’oranges

flavoured with cinnamon, nutmeg, almond

marmalade essence and raisins and a few tablespoons of
cong China Scallion or spring onion

it wrapped and tied in a banana leaf prior to

cong bao yang rou China Stir-fried lamb and
cong bao yang rou

steaming. Also called paimi (NOTE: Conkies

spring onions are traditionally made in Barbados on the 5th
congeal, to To become stiff or jelly-like owing
congeal, to
of November, Guy Fawkes Day)
connective tissue The structural material of
connective tissue

to a drop in temperature
congee The standard breakfast dish of the
the animal body normally seen as cartilage,
Chinese consisting of a gruel of well-soaked sinew or gristle in meat but also present in
rice boiled with salt and water, flavoured by bone and as the inner layer of skin, etc. It
sprinkling sweet or savoury ingredients over consists mainly of proteins principally
the surface. Also called rice gruel, rice soup collagen fibres interlaced with elastin fibres
embedded in a gel. The more elastin the less
congelato Italy Frozen

soluble is the tissue.

congeler France 1. To freeze 2. To deep-

con poy China Dried slices of a type of scallop

con poy

freeze with a distinctive flavour. Very expensive and

conger eel A seawater eel, Conger conger,
conger eel

used like truffles in Western cooking.

which grows up to 2 metres long. It has an conserva Italy 1. Preserve or jam made from

oily, coarse, well-flavoured firm flesh, usually fruit or vegetables 2. Tinned

sold in steaks. conserva de fruta Portugal Jam
conserva de fruta

conger pie United Kingdom Conger eel

conger pie

conserva di frutta Italy Jam

conserva di frutta

poached in a seasoned stock and red wine, conservado Portugal Candied. Also called

skinned, deboned and laid in a buttered confeitado

ovenproof dish over a bed of sweated onions
conservare in scatola Italy To can
conservare in scatola

and garlic, and covered with the poaching

conserve Fruits preserved in sugar, usually as

liquor, thickened if required. It is then topped

with potatoes creamed with milk and egg a jellied mixture which may or may not
yolks and lightened with stiffly beaten white contain distinct pieces of fruit. The jelling
of egg. The whole gratinated with grated properties come from pectin, the vegetable
Cheddar cheese and baked in a 200°C oven equivalent of gelatine. Jam and marmalade
for 20 minutes. are examples.
conserve, en France In a tin, canned
conserve, en

congou Black tea from China sometimes used


conserve, petit-pois en France Tinned peas

conserve, petit-pois en

in blended tea
conserves United States Elaborate jams with

congre France Conger eel


additions such as nuts, raisins, liqueurs, etc.

congress tart A small pastry tart spread with
congress tart

conserves au vinaigre France Pickles

conserves au vinaigre

jam and filled with a mixture of ground

consistency The property of a mixture which

almonds, sugar and egg prior to baking

determines its flow or cutting properties. The
congrio Spain Conger eel

word is usually qualified as e.g. coating

congro Portugal Conger eel

consistency, dropping consistency, thick

cong tou China Onion
cong tou

consistency, jam-like consistency, buttery

coniglio Italy Rabbit consistency, etc.

consistency of cheese Cheeses are

consistency of cheese

coniglio alla reggiana Italy Jointed rabbit

coniglio alla reggiana

browned in oil and lard or bacon fat, classified as soft, semi-hard or hard
reserved; chopped onion browned in the according to their consistency
same fat; chopped and crushed garlic, consommé England, France A transparent

chopped celery and tomato concassée clear soup made from a well-flavoured meat,
added and simmered, followed by dry white fish, chicken or vegetable stock, simmered
wine and the reserved rabbit; seasoned and without stirring or disturbance with the

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cook, to

appropriate minced flesh and/or vegetables growth of aspergillus and penicillium

mixed with egg whites for 2 hours and moulds.
carefully strained. Will usually set when cold continuous grill A grill in which food is loaded
continuous grill

and as such is sometimes chopped and on a conveyor and cooks on both sides as it
used as a garnish. Also called clear soup travels to the unloading position, e.g. in
consommé à la royale England, France A hot
consommé à la royale

burger bars
consommé garnished with royale shapes continuous phase That phase in a two or
continuous phase

consommé aux profiteroles England, France

consommé aux profiteroles

more phase mixture which is continuously

A hot consommé with unsweetened choux interconnected, e.g. vinegar is the
paste piped into pea-sized pieces, baked continuous phase in mayonnaise and
and added to it at the last moment hollandaise sauces, butterfat in butter and
consommé brunoise England, France As
consommé brunoise
milk in cream. See also dispersed phase,
consommé julienne with the same emulsion
contiser France To make small incisions in

vegetables cut as a brunoise

consommé celestine England, France Hot
consommé celestine
food in which to insert small pieces of solid
consommé with the addition at the last flavouring as e.g. garlic slivers, truffle,
moment of a julienne of pancake, the tongue, etc. See also piquer
conto Italy The bill in a restaurant

pancake seasoned and flavoured with

chopped parsley, tarragon and chervil contorno Italy Vegetable dish or side dish,

consommé des viveurs France A strong- vegetable garnish

consommé des viveurs

flavoured bouillon or consommé. See also contre-filet France Sirloin off the bone. Also

viveur en tasse called faux-filet

consommé en tasse England, France Cold
consommé en tasse

controfiletto di bue Italy Sirloin of beef

controfiletto di bue

consommé served lightly jellied in a cup. If convection oven An oven in which heated air
convection oven

there is not sufficient natural gelatine, more is circulated by a fan over the food to be
may be added. baked or cooked. Also called forced
consommé julienne England, France A hot
consommé julienne

convection oven
consommé garnished at the last moment convenience food Food which allegedly
convenience food

with a julienne of carrot, turnip and leek needs little preparation prior to serving. It
previously cooked in salted water and may be a chilled, non-sterile cooked meal or
refreshed a vacuum-packed fully cooked meal. Other
consommé madrilène England, France A
consommé madrilène

forms require the addition of eggs, milk,

basic consommé well-flavoured with tomato water, etc. or elaborate mixing, heating and
and celery and garnished with a brunoise of stirring, often taking as long to prepare as the
skinned and deseeded tomato flesh just same dish cooked with fresh ingredients
before serving purchased in semi-processed form.
consommé vermicelle England, France Hot
consommé vermicelle

converted rice Rice which has been soaked

converted rice

consommé with cooked and refreshed and steamed before being hulled. This
vermicelli added at the last moment preserves more of the nutrients from the
conta Portugal The bill in a restaurant

outer coat in the polished grain which is

contamination The ingress of impurities,
yellow but whitens on cooking. The process
either microorganisms or compounds such does not shorten the cooking time. Also
as detergents, bleach, dust etc. into a called parboiled rice
con vich Vietnam Turtle
con vich

foodstuff, usually by contact with surfaces or

other foods coocoo Caribbean Cornmeal cooked with

conti, à la France Garnished with a bacon

conti, à la
seven times its weight of salted water and a
and lentil purée, usually used of joints of fair quantity of butter to make a stiff paste. It
meat is then shaped into balls and, in Trinidad,
continental breakfast A small breakfast
continental breakfast
served in a buttered dish garnished with
consisting of bread rolls, croissants or toast vegetables and salads to taste.
coo-coo Caribbean A cooked paste of

with butter and jam or marmalade plus a hot

drink of coffee, chocolate or tea cornmeal or breadfruit, okra and water,
continental sausage Sausages usually made
continental sausage
served with fish especially in Barbados. Also
from 100% meat which are traditionally called cou-cou
cook A person who prepares food for eating

preserved by the addition of small amounts

cook, to To make food flavoursome, edible
cook, to

of glucose on which species of Lactobacillus

grow and reduce the pH by producing lactic and digestible usually, but not necessarily, by
acid. They are also ripened by the surface subjecting it to heat

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cook-and-hold oven

cook-and-hold oven An oven that cooks for a copeau France Pastry twist (NOTE: Literally
cook-and-hold oven copeau

preset time at a selected temperature, then ‘shaving’.)

reduces the temperature and sometimes copeaux de chocolat France Chocolate
copeaux de chocolat

adjusts the humidity to values where the food shavings used for decoration
can be kept warm for a long period. Often coperto Italy 1. Cover charge in a restaurant

used in carveries for roast meat. 2. Covered with some ingredient e.g. a slice
cooked cheese Cheese made from curdled
cooked cheese

of cheese
milk which has been cooked before the whey copha Australia A white shortening made from

is separated from the curds hardened vegetable oils

cooked curd Curd for cheese which has been
cooked curd

copocolla Italy A sausage made from chunks


heated to temperatures greater than 48°C. of mildly cured shoulder pork, sometimes
See also scalded curd air-dried before being mixed with finely
cooker An appliance for cooking food by the

minced fat pork, red sweet peppers,

application of heat or other type of energy, seasoning and spices and packed in beef
usually self contained casings
copollotto The boiled bulbs of grape hyacinth

cookie 1. United States A biscuit 2. Scotland


A glazed bread roll made from enriched served in a sweet-and-sour sauce. Also
yeast dough containing dried vine fruits called lambascione
copos de avena Spain Rolled oats
copos de avena

cookie cutter United States Biscuit cutter

cookie cutter

coppa 1. A salted pork slicing sausage, dried


cookie press United States Biscuit press

cookie press

and smoked with herbs; from Corsica 2. Italy

cooking apple United Kingdom A variety of
cooking apple

A rather fatty ham cut from the shoulder 3. A

apple such as Bramley’s Seedling, generally
large sausage containing distinct pieces of
with a tart flavour and usually large, which
shoulder pork and pork fat obtained from
softens when cooked and is particularly
pigs fed on chestnuts 4. Italy Bowl or cup
suitable for stewing and baking
coppa cotta Italy A type of brawn made from
coppa cotta

cooking chocolate Unsweetened chocolate

cooking chocolate

the meat of pig’s heads and tongues,

available in block form or as chips (NOTE: Not pressed until set into a solid mass
to be confused with the cheap, brown
coppa di Corse Italy Smoked ham produced
coppa di Corse

chocolate-flavoured substance often sold

in Corsica
under this name.)
coppa gelata Italy Mixed ice creams
coppa gelata

cooking fat Normally a white, hard and

cooking fat

copper A trace element necessary for health.


tasteless unsalted fat made by

hydrogenation of deodorized vegetable or Sufficient is usually obtained from water that
fish oils has been delivered via copper pipes.
copper pan The type of pan generally used in
copper pan

cooking foil See aluminium foil

cooking foil

high-class kitchens made of thick copper

cooking liquor The liquid in which food has
cooking liquor

with a tin lining. The copper makes for even

been cooked, often used as the basis of a and quick distribution of heat and uniformity
sauce to go with the food of temperature.
cook out, to To completely finish the cooking
cook out, to

copra The white inner meat of the coconut.


process so that no suggestion of the Used fresh or grated and dried in cooking.
uncooked food remains. Used especially of The dried copra is traded internationally as a
starch-thickened sauces, soups, etc. source of oil and animal feed.
cook’s knife A heavy, easily sharpened, well-
cook’s knife

Coprinus comatus Botanical name Shaggy

balanced, steel-bladed knife with a ink cap
substantial handle, sharpened on one edge, coq France Male of a bird, especially of a

broad near the handle and tapering to a point chicken, cockerel

and with a convex curve to the blade so that coq à la bière France As coq au vin, but
coq à la bière

it can be used for chopping with a rocking cooked in beer and flavoured with juniper
motion berries (NOTE: From the north)
cool, to To reduce the temperature of food by
cool, to

coq au vin France Chicken, possibly

coq au vin

a variety of means e.g. placing in a previously marinated, simmered in red wine

refrigerator, plunging in cold water, adding with brandy, onions, carrots, garlic and
ice cubes, standing a container in cold water, bouquet garni and sometimes bacon,
etc. garnished with glazed button onions, glazed
coon United States A strong-tasting Cheddar-

button mushrooms and croûtons

type cheese made from cows’ milk coq au vin jaune France Chicken stewed with
coq au vin jaune

Cootamundra bush bread Australia Bread

Cootamundra bush bread

edible fungi, cream and the local white wine

flavoured with ground wattleseed from Arbois

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coq de bruyère France Grand (large) cordeiro Portugal Lamb

coq de bruyère cordeiro

capercaillie or petit (small) black grouse cordero Spain Lamb


coq en pâte France Chicken pie

coq en pâte

cordero al ajillo Spain Lamb fried with garlic,

cordero al ajillo

coque 1. France Shell of an egg 2. France


pepper and saffron

Cockle 3. An Easter cake made from a cordero asado Spain Roast lamb
cordero asado

brioche dough flavoured with citron cordero lechazo Spain Suckling lamb
cordero lechazo

coque, à la France Cooked in its shell. Used

coque, à la

cordero manchego Spain Lamb casseroled

cordero manchego

especially of an egg. in wine and garlic, served with fried sweet

coquelet France A young cock chicken

peppers and garnished with chopped

around 1 kg parsley
coquetier France Egg cup

cordon England, France A line of sauce or


coquillage France Shellfish


gravy poured around an item of food on a

coquille France Shell of an egg, nut, mollusc, dish

etc. cordon bleu 1. France A style of cooking

cordon bleu

coquille, en France Cooked in a scallop shell based on classic French cooking taught by
coquille, en

coquille Saint Jacques England, France 1.

coquille Saint Jacques
some French and English cookery schools or
The commonest European scallop, Pecten a description of a person so trained. Often
jacobaeus. Also called pilgrim scallop 2. part of the ‘finishing’ education of children of
Halved scallops, poached in seasoned milk, the wealthy. 2. See escalope cordon bleu
core, to 1. To remove the inedible centre of
core, to

reserved, a thick velouté sauce made with

sliced mushrooms and the cooking liquor, fruits such as apples and pears which
cooked out, scallops and sherry added and contain seeds rather than single stones,
the mixture spooned onto scallop shells and using a cylindrical corer and without
gratinated with a mixture of breadcrumbs, damaging the edible part of the fruit 2. To
grated cheese and dry mustard. Garnished remove the central blood vessels and tubes
with lemon twists and picked parsley. from a kidney
coquimol Caribbean A Haitian sweet pouring coregone bondella Italy Houting, the fish
coquimol coregone bondella

cream made from heavy sugar syrup (3:1) coregone laverello Italy Pollan, the fish
coregone laverello

into which roughly equal volumes of coconut coriander An annual plant, Coriandrum

cream and egg yolks are beaten. This is then sativum, cultivated worldwide for its leaves,
brought to the consistency of double cream seeds and roots. The leaves look like flat
by heating over hot water. It is finally parsley and have a slightly soapy herb-like
flavoured with vanilla essence, white rum flavour and are used as a herb. The small,
and a sprinkling of nutmeg. brown, round seeds (3 to 4 mm diameter)
coquina 1. Spain Wedge shell clam 2. United

have a mild sweet spicy flavour quite

States Winkle, the shellfish different to the leaves with a hint of pepper
coquito nut South America Small immature
coquito nut

and aniseed and are used extensively

coconuts which are eaten whole throughout the world as a whole or ground
corail France Coral, eggs of shellfish and

spice. The roots are used as a vegetable and

crustaceans also as a flavouring in Thai cooking. Also
coral The ovaries and eggs of the female
called Chinese parsley (leaves only), cilantro
coriandre France Coriander

lobster which turn a brilliant red when

cooked and are used in the sauce to coriandro Spain Coriander

accompany lobster dishes Coriandrum sativum Botanical name

corallo Italy Lobster coral Coriander

coratella Italy Offal, also a stew of lambs’ corindolo Italy Coriander

coratella corindolo

lungs, liver and heart corkscrew greens Fiddlehead fern

corkscrew greens

coratella di agnello alla sarda Italy Lamb

coratella di agnello alla sarda

corn A general term once used of all grains


offal interspersed with slices of ham, such as wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, etc.
threaded on a skewer, wrapped in pig’s caul but now used only of wheat in Europe and of
or intestine and grilled maize in the USA
corazón Spain Heart

corn bread United States A deep yellow

corn bread

çorba Turkey Soup coloured bread made with a mixture of


corbeille de fruits France Basket of fruit

corbeille de fruits
cornmeal from flint corn and flour
corn chips Tortilla chips
corn chips

corbina United States A fish of the drum


family. Also called corvina corncrake A small game bird, Crex crex,

Corchorus olitorius Botanical name The which migrates from Northern Europe to
meloukhia plant Africa during the winter

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corn dog

corn dog United States A Frankfurter dipped Cornish fairings England Crisp and spicy
corn dog Cornish fairings

in a cornmeal batter, deep-fried until crisp biscuits from Cornwall enriched with butter
and presented on a stick and sweetened with brown sugar and golden
corne France A horn-shaped brioche from
Cornish heavy cake England A cake from
Cornish heavy cake

corned beef Beef that has been cooked and
corned beef
Cornwall made from a lard-based puff pastry
preserved in salt together with some sodium containing currants. Also called heavy cake
Cornish hog pudding England Hog pudding
Cornish hog pudding

nitrite to give it a pink colour. Usually sold in

tins. Also called bully beef (NOTE: So called Cornish kiddley broth England A type of fish
Cornish kiddley broth

from the corns (small crystals) of salt used in soup similar to the cotriade of Brittany, made
the curing.) with fish stock and whatever fish and
corned beef hash United States A mixture of vegetables were available and said to be
corned beef hash

coarsely mashed potatoes, chopped corned garnished in the old days with chipples and
beef and cooked chopped onion formed into marigold petals (NOTE: Kiddley is Cornish for
a cake and shallow-fried on each side until ‘soup kettle’.)
browned. Topped with a poached egg and Cornish pasty England A pasty made from a
Cornish pasty

served with toast and chilli sauce. rolled out circle of short pastry, preferably
corned bief Netherlands Corned beef made with strong flour filled with diced raw
corned bief

corne grecque France Okra

corne grecque
skirt steak and vegetables (turnips, potatoes
and onions), the opposite edges of the circle
Cornell bread United States A high protein
Cornell bread

brought together over the filling, sealed,

bread developed at Cornell university
fluted and the whole then baked (NOTE:
containing soya bean flour, wheat germ and
Originally used by Cornish miners as a
dried skimmed milk solids
complete meal. It is said that a genuine
corner of gammon A triangular piece of meat
corner of gammon

Cornish pasty can be dropped down a mine

cut from a gammon shaft and not break.)
cornes de gazelle North Africa Croissant-like
cornes de gazelle

Cornish saffron cake England A fruited

Cornish saffron cake

pastries filled with honey and almonds. Also yeast-raised cake flavoured with saffron,
called kaab el ghzal, ka’b ghzahi baked in a deep round tin, sliced and
cornet A large cone shape (up to 12 cm by 4

buttered when cold. Also called saffron cake

cm diameter) made with a wafer mixture in Cornish sly cake England Currants, chopped
Cornish sly cake

which ice cream is served so that it can be mixed peel, spices and sugar sandwiched
eaten as a snack. Also called cone between layers of flaky pastry, the whole
cornetti Italy 1. Sweet breakfast bread rolls 2.

rolled out until the currants just show,

Pastry horns usually filled with cream sprinkled with caster sugar, cut into fancy
corn-fed chicken Chicken fed principally on shapes and baked. Also called sly cake, fig
corn-fed chicken

yellow maize which gives its skin and flesh a sly cake
yellow colour Cornish splits England Small milk bread rolls
Cornish splits

corn flakes A popular breakfast cereal made about 8cm in diameter, either yeast or baking
corn flakes

from small blobs of cooked and flavoured powder raised and enriched with butter and
maize porridge, flattened, crisped and sugar at the rate of about 60g per kg of flour,
toasted to a golden colour baked at 220°C for 10 to 15 minutes and
corn flour 1. United Kingdom Pure starch
corn flour
either eaten hot, split and buttered, or cold
powder extracted from maize kernels. It with jam and clotted cream
Cornish squab cake England A single-crust
Cornish squab cake

blends easily with water without forming

lumps and thickens into a translucent paste. pastry pie, baked blind, filled with cooked
Used for blancmange, English custard, for potatoes which have been seasoned and
thickening sauces and gravies and to give a mashed with cream, covered with strips of
lighter shorter texture to some cakes and pickled pork and baked at 200°C until
biscuits. It is a common thickening agent browned
and source of starch in Chinese cooking. Cornish yarg England A creamy mild-
Cornish yarg

Also called corn starch 2. United States flavoured cheese made from cows’ milk and
Ground corn which can be white or yellow. generally covered with nettles
When used in baking it must be used with cornmeal United States White, yellow or rarely

gluten-rich flours. blue, dried maize kernels ground to varying

corn fritter United States Sweet corn kernels
corn fritter

degrees of fineness
bound in batter and deep-fried. Served hot corn oil A light delicately flavoured vegetable
corn oil

with chicken Maryland. oil extracted from the germ of maize kernels.
cornichon France Gherkin

Contains 15% saturated, 35%

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monounsaturated and 50% polyunsaturated costelles de cabrit rostides Catalonia Roast

costelles de cabrit rostides

fat. Also called maize oil cutlets of young goat

corn on the cob A complete cob of sweet costillas Spain Chops, ribs
corn on the cob costillas

corn, (a variety of maize), boiled, leaves costmary A bitter mint-flavoured herb,


removed and kernels eaten with salt and Tanacetum balsamita, resembling tansy,
butter. Also called sweet corn once used in beer making. Can be used
corn pone United States An unleavened sparingly as a culinary herb. Also called
corn pone

cornmeal bread made from dent corn, fried alecost

or baked costole Italy Ribs

corn salad Lamb’s lettuce costoletta Italy Cutlet

corn salad costoletta

corn starch United States Corn flour côt dua Vietnam Coconut milk
corn starch côt dua

corn sugar United States Sugar, principally côte France 1. Rib (beef) 2. Cutlet (veal,
corn sugar côte

glucose, crystallized from acid hydrolysed lamb) 3. Chop (mutton, pork)

corn flour. Less sweet than sucrose. cotechino Italy A large cooking sausage made

corn syrup 1. Hydrolysed maize starch

corn syrup

with lean and fat pork, white wine, spices

consisting mainly of glucose. Used as a and seasoning, usually simmered and
general liquid sweetener in drinks and served with polenta, mashed potatoes or
manufactured foods. 2. United States lentils. Used in bollito misto.
Golden syrup côte d’agneau France Lamb chop
côte d’agneau

corona, alla Italy Ring-shaped côte de boeuf France Rib of beef

corona, alla côte de boeuf

coronation chicken A cold dish made from côte de porc bruxelloise Belgium Pork chop
coronation chicken côte de porc bruxelloise

diced, cooked chicken meat mixed with served with a large amount of endive
mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes, onions and côte de porc fumée France Smoked bacon
côte de porc fumée

apricots, whipped cream and flavoured with coteghino Italy A stew made with pork skin

curry powder, lemon and bay côtelette France 1. Chop 2. Cutlet


corps, qui a du France With body. Used of

corps, qui a du

côtelettes decouvertes France The ribs

côtelettes decouvertes

sauces and soups. between the best end of lamb or veal and the
correlet France Dab, the fish

neck which are hidden behind the shoulder

Corsican citron A citron lacking acidity with a
Corsican citron

blade cut into cutlets. Equivalent of scrag

very rough and bumpy ridged skin end.
côtelettes premières France Fem. The first
côtelettes premières

Corsican mint A type of mint, Mentha

Corsican mint

requiena, with tiny peppermint-scented four ribs of lamb or veal counting from the
bright green leaves and tiny flowers. Grows rear of the animal equivalent to the best end,
only to 3 cm. divided into cutlets.
côte première France Loin chop
côte première

corvina United States Corbina


côtes couvertes France Rolled rib of beef

côtes couvertes

corvino Portugal Croaker, the fish


Corylus avellina Botanical name Hazelnut from the middle and chuck rib end. Usually
Corylus colurna Botanical name Turkish slow roasted or braised.
côtes premières France Best end of lamb or
côtes premières

Corylus maxima Botanical name Filbert veal used for roasting in the piece
côtes secondes France The four ribs next to
côtes secondes

coscetta Italy Leg of lamb or poultry


coscia Italy Haunch (of venison), leg (of lamb,

the best end of lamb or veal used for roasting
goat, etc.) in the piece
Cotherstone England A white loose-textured

coscia di montone Italy Leg of lamb

coscia di montone

cheese with a clean fresh flavour, made in

cosciotto Italy Leg of lamb

Yorkshire from unpasteurized cows’ milk

cos lettuce A type of lettuce with long,
cos lettuce

cotiche Italy Pork rind


substantial and well-flavoured leaves and

cotignac France A thick quince and apple

with a fairly loose heart. Also called romaine

jelly eaten as a confectionery item
cotochinjos Brazil Parboiled chicken legs,

costalame di bue Italy Ribs of beef

costalame di bue

coated in a paste of tapioca cooked in stock,

costata Italy Rib chop

deep-fried and served with a tomato sauce

costeleta Portugal Cutlet or boned out chop

cotogno Italy Quince


costeleta de carne Portugal Chop, of an

costeleta de carne

cotolette Italy 1. Chops 2. Cutlets


animal cotriade France A fish stew from Brittany


costeletas de carneiro Portugal Mutton

costeletas de carneiro

using a fish stock made from wine, water,

chops sweated finely chopped onions, a bouquet
costeletas de porco Portugal Pork chops
costeletas de porco

garni and the fish heads and trimmings, all

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Cotswold cheese

strained through a coarse colander; sliced or cou d’oie France A boned neck of goose with
cou d’oie

whole potatoes simmered in the stock for 30 intact skin stuffed with a mixture of goose
minutes; pieces of various fish added and flesh, goose liver and truffles, cooked and
simmered a further 12 minutes; the broth preserved in goose fat. Eaten cold as a hors
then separated, finished with cream and d’oeuvres.
served over toasted bread; the fish and Couhé Vérac France A goats’ milk cheese
Couhé Vérac

potatoes served as a separate course from Poitou which is wrapped in leaves

Cotswold cheese England A type of double
Cotswold cheese

coulibiac France A fish pie, originally from


Gloucester cheese flavoured with chopped Russia, of brioche or puff pastry filled with
chives and/or onions salmon or sturgeon, butter, mushrooms, rice
cottage cheese A low-fat, very loose-
cottage cheese

or buckwheat and cream and possibly

textured, soft mild cheese made of small chopped hard-boiled eggs. Also called
white curds which have been repeatedly koulibiac
washed and drained and not pressed or coulis England, France A purée or strongly

matured. Popular in the USA and Europe. flavoured thick sauce prepared without
Contains 75 to 80% water, 3 to 5% fat and starch, of vegetables, tomatoes, meat, fish,
15 to 16% protein. etc. but more often of liquidized and sieved
cottage loaf A white yeasted bread made
cottage loaf

fruit, possibly with added sugar, acid or

from a large sphere of dough on which is liqueur, consistency adjusted with fruit juice
placed and secured a small sphere, the coulis of shellfish The pounded remains of
coulis of shellfish

whole proven and baked on a flat baking tray prawn or crawfish shells, eggs, coral and
cottage pie Stewed minced beef and onions
cottage pie

other remains of lobster or crawfish, mixed

in a thick gravy placed in a basin, topped with cream and passed through a very fine
with a layer of mashed potatoes whose sieve
surface is roughened with a fork, the whole Coulommiers France A mild soft creamy

then baked in the oven until browned cheese made from cows’ milk, similar to Brie
cottage potatoes United States Cold cooked
cottage potatoes

but cast in smaller (500 g) rounds. Also

potatoes, diced or sliced, fried in butter called Brie de Coulommiers
without stirring until brown on one side, then
counter guard A transparent glass or plastic
counter guard

turned over and browned on the other side. shield at and/or below face level used to
Also called country fried potatoes
protect unwrapped food on display from the
cottage pudding United States Plain cake
cottage pudding

coughs, sneezes and other contaminants

covered with a hot sweet pudding sauce emitted by customers. Also called sneeze
cotto 1. United States A type of salami

containing pork and peppercorns. counter service The method of service where
counter service

Abbreviated from salame cotto (‘cooked customers sit at a counter from behind
salami’). 2. Italy Cooked which food is served and possibly cooked
cotton bean curd See momendofu
cotton bean curd

country captain 1. South Asia A west Bengal

country captain

cottonseed flour A high-protein flour (about

cottonseed flour

Anglo-Indian dish of skinned chicken pieces,

40%) often used to enrich bread browned in oil with sweated onion slices and
cottonseed oil Oil extracted from cotton
cottonseed oil

mixed with a paste blended from fresh

seeds used in the fish canning industry ginger, onion, garlic and water together with
cotton thistle The true Scottish thistle, a
cotton thistle

cayenne pepper, salt, sugar and white

hardy biennial, Onopordum acanthium, vinegar and all cooked until tender 2. United
which can grow to 2.5 m. The young stems States A chicken stew adapted from the
may be blanched, peeled and used like Indian version with green pepper, onion,
asparagus. The large flower heads may be garlic, curry powder, herbs, raisins,
cooked like globe artichokes. tomatoes, almonds and seasoning
cotufa Spain Jerusalem artichoke

country fried potatoes United States Cottage

country fried potatoes

coturnice Italy Partridge potatoes


cou France 1. Neck, of chicken, etc. 2. Scrag country ham United States Dry cured and
cou country ham

end of lamb or veal, not the neck highly salted ham

couche-couche United States A Cajun dish of cou nu France A breed of chicken with a well-
couche-couche cou nu

fried corn dough served with jam and milk or flavoured flesh not suitable for factory
cane syrup farming. Usually free-range and maize fed.
cou-cou A cooked paste served with fish. See (NOTE: Literally ‘bare neck’.)

also coo-coo coupe England, France An individual dish of


coudenac France A pork sausage from the ice cream, decorated and garnished with

Basque country. Eaten hot. fruit sauces, fresh and preserved fruit, nuts,

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whipped cream, crystallized flowers, cooked and strained before use. Other types
chopped jelly, etc. are available, e.g. plain court bouillon, white
coupé-coupé Central Africa The Central

wine court bouillon, red wine court bouillon

African version of the barbecue in which a and salted water. Fish served cold are
large piece of beef (brisket, flank, shoulder allowed to cool in the CB.
or the like), previously marinaded, is slow courting cake England A Victoria sponge
courting cake

cooked over a hardwood or charcoal grill with cake in three layers with strawberries and
plenty of smoke. The meat is basted every so whipped cream filling and sprinkled with
often to keep it moist using the marinade and icing sugar. Once made in the north of
will normally take 4 to 5 hours to cook. As England as evidence of the bride-to-be’s
street food it would then be sliced and served pastry skills.
in bread. couscous North Africa 1. A cereal made from

coupe dish A small, goblet-shaped glass or fine semolina agglomerated with a little water
coupe dish

metal dish in which cold desserts are to form grains about 3 mm across which are
assembled and served coated with fine wheat flour and dried 2. The
coupe glacée France Ice cream sundae
coupe glacée
name of the dish made from couscous which
coupe Jacques England, France Strawberry
coupe Jacques
has been moistened with water to make it
and lemon ice cream topped with kirsch- swell, then steamed, heaped on a plate and
soaked fruit and decorated covered with steamed vegetables, mutton or
coupe-oursin France A special tool for cutting
chicken, with possibly chickpeas and/or
sea urchins in half onions glazed in honey
couscousière France An open steamer used

coupe Saint-Jacques France Fruit salad

coupe Saint-Jacques

topped with vanilla ice cream for cooking couscous over a pan of stew as it
couques Belgium A heavy, very sweet

couscous kedra North Africa Couscous with

couscous kedra

chicken, raisins and chickpeas
courge France Squash or gourd

couscous royale North Africa Couscous with

couscous royale

courge à la moelle France Vegetable marrow

courge à la moelle

vegetables and grilled meats or kebabs, all

courgette England, France The small juvenile

served in separate dishes accompanied with

version of the vegetable marrow (summer harissa and individually self served by guests
squash, Cucurbita pepo) up to 15 cm in
couteau France 1. Knife, as e.g. couteau de

length, usually green but yellow cultivars

cuisine, kitchen knife 2. Razor shell (UK),
exist. Cooked whole or sliced, boiled, stewed,
Razor shell clam (USA)
roasted or fried, used as a raw salad
couve Portugal Cabbage and various species

vegetable when very young. Also called

zucchini of Brassica
couve de bruxelas Portugal Brussels sprouts
couve de bruxelas

courgette flowers The large, yellow, male

courgette flowers

couve-flor Portugal Cauliflower


flowers of pumpkins, squash and marrows.

couve gallego Portuguese cabbage
couve gallego

Must be used very fresh and are often stuffed

couve lombarda Portugal 1. Collard greens 2.
couve lombarda

with flavoured meat or served as fritters. Also

called squash blossoms, zucchini flowers Kale
couvert France Cover, place setting

couronne France A baguette formed into a


circle or torus couverture A high-quality chocolate with


couronne, en France In the shape of a ring or

couronne, en

added cocoa butter to give a high gloss and

torus various proportions of sugar, used for coating
couronne de côtelettes d’agneau rôties
couronne de côtelettes d’agneau rôties
confectionery items and cakes and for
France Crown roast of lamb made from two making caraque. Milk solids are added to
best ends milk chocolate couverture.
couve tronchuda Portuguese cabbage
couve tronchuda

course An individual stage in a meal,


Coventry cakes England Oven-baked pastry

Coventry cakes

particularly in the West, where different

classes of food, e.g. soup, meat, desserts, triangles filled with jam and glazed with
hors d’oeuvres, savouries, cheese, fruit, etc. sugar
are served separately Coventry god cakes England Oven-baked
Coventry god cakes

court bouillon England, France A cooking

court bouillon

puff pastry triangles filled with fruit

liquor for deep-poaching fish consisting of mincemeat and glazed with sugar. Eaten at
water, vinegar, lemon juice, white wine, a Christmas.
bouquet garni and seasoning for the white cover 1. A place setting for one person in a

variety, and malt vinegar, a bouquet garni dining area. Capacities or quantities are
and aromatic vegetables for the brown often measured in covers. 2. A lid of a dish or
variety. Brown court bouillon should be pan, etc.

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cover charge

cover charge A charge made in a restaurant cozzula Italy A type of bread from Sardinia
cover charge cozzula

on a per-capita basis, supposedly to cover crab A short-tailed decapod (10-legged)


the cost of preparing the table for the crustacean which yields 38 to 50% of its
customer weight in edible meat. Varieties include: blue
cow A female of the bovine species, usually crab, jonah crab, mud crab, red crab, rock

used for milking and reproduction and then crab, shore crab, snow crab, southern stone
for cheap beef or manufactured beef crab, spanner crab and spider crab. See also
products common crab
crab apple The wild version of the apple,
crab apple

cowberry Large, tart, dark red berries similar


to cranberries, from a shrub, Vaccinium Malus pumila, with generally small (up to 3
vitisidaea, which grows in the colder high- cm diameter) tart and crisp fruits. Used for
altitude regions of Europe and North making jams and preserves.
America. Popular in Germany and crab au gratin United States A Louisiana dish
crab au gratin

Scandinavia. Also called lingonberry, of cooked crab meat bound together with a
mountain cranberry béchamel sauce mixed with sour cream and
cow cod soup Caribbean A Jamaican soup
cow cod soup

seasoning, gratinated with cheese and

made with a bull’s genitals browned in the oven
crab backs Caribbean A dish of cooked crab
crab backs

cowfoot Caribbean A thick and gelatinous


stew from Jamaica made with calves’ or meat mixed with fried onions, fried skinned
cows’ feet tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar and
cow heel The foot of a cow which, because of
cow heel
seasoning, served on a crab shell, sprinkled
the large amount of collagen in the with breadcrumbs and butter and browned
connective tissue is used to add gelatine to in the oven
crab bisque United States A Louisiana bisque
crab bisque

stocks or stews when boiled with them

cow pea An important erect legume, Vigna
cow pea
made from a white roux thickened milk base
unguiculata, with pods to 15 cm which with fried onions, cooked crab meat, sweet
originated in Africa where it is grown for the corn kernels, Tabasco and Worcestershire
dried seeds which can be black through to sauces and seasoning
crab boil United States A social occasion at
crab boil

white or coloured. Now also grown in the

Caribbean and the USA. It can be sprouted which crabs are boiled in water flavoured
or, rarely, cooked in the pod when young. with the following whole spices in a bouquet
The leaves are sometimes eaten as a garni, black peppercorns, mustard seed, dill
vegetable. The long bean which is common seed, coriander seed, cloves, allspice, dried
in southern China and Southeast Asia, has ginger and bay leaf, and then served with
been bred from it. Also called black-eyed accompaniments
crab butter The yellow-white fat which lines
crab butter

bean, black-eyed pea, black-eyed susie,

Chinese bean, southern pea the upper shell of the crab. Used in
cowslip A hardy herbaceous perennial,
dressings and sauces.
crab claws The two large pincer-like claws on
crab claws

Primula veris, with yellow flowers and a

rosette of primrose-type leaves. The flowers either side of the mouth parts. The meat is
may be used in jams, pickles or for flavouring considered to be the best from the crab.
desserts. The leaves may be used in salads crabe France Crab

or for meat stuffings. crabe froid à l’anglaise France Dressed crab

crabe froid à l’anglaise

cows’ udder Elder

cows’ udder

crabe vert France Shore crab

crabe vert

cozido 1. A Brazilian meat stew 2. Portugal


crab legs. United States The legs of the

crab legs.

Boiled Alaskan king crab which are large enough to

cozido à portuguesa Portugal A Portuguese be eaten on their own. They do not include
cozido à portuguesa

national dish, being a stew made from the claws.

brisket or similar cut of beef, bacon, crab Louis United States A Californian salad
crab Louis

sausage, yams, vegetables, cabbage, haricot of crab meat on a chiffonade of lettuce,

beans and rice. The cooking liquor serves as coated with Louis sauce and garnished with
both soup and sauce. The sausage is usually hard-boiled egg and black olives
bland e.g. farinheira, but white or black crab yolk Tomalley
crab yolk

pudding may be substituted. Pigs’ ears, tails cracked wheat Coarsely crushed grains of
cracked wheat

and trotters are sometimes included. Also wheat, dry cooked for 25 minutes. Served
called Portuguese boiled dinner hot as a breakfast cereal, served as an
cozinha Portugal Kitchen

accompaniment to other dishes or sprinkled

cozze Italy The southern Italian name for

on rolls or bread prior to baking. Also called

mussels kibbled wheat

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crayfish, Scandinavian cooking

cracked wheat flour United States A coarse liqueur and heather honey. Also called
cracked wheat flour

flour rather like oatmeal which has been cut cranachan

from the wheat rather than ground and cranshaw melon United States A hybrid of
cranshaw melon

hence does not release starch very readily the Persian and the winter melon
cracker United States The general name crapaud Caribbean An edible toad,
cracker crapaud

given to any type of plain or salted hard Leprodactylus fallax, found in Dominica and
biscuit Montserrat. Also called mountain chicken
crapaudine, à la France Cut horizontally from
crapaudine, à la

cracker flour United States A soft wheat flour

cracker flour

with a low water absorption ability below the point of the breast over the top of
crackling The skin of a pork, bacon or ham
the legs to the wing joints, back bone broken
joint which has been scored to 3 or 4 mm and the whole flattened so that the breast
with a sharp knife in strips or a diamond points forward, the legs back and the wings
pattern prior to roasting and which becomes are folded in the centre. It is then grilled and
crisp and golden brown if basted with water; with imagination resembles a toad. Also
it is served as an accompaniment to the roast called spatchcock (NOTE: Literally ’toad-like’.)
crappit Scotland Stuffed, filled

cracklins United States Crackling


crappit heids Scotland Cleaned haddock

crappit heids

cracknel United States A type of hard crisp


plain biscuit made of a paste which is boiled heads stuffed with a mixture of oatmeal, suet
before being baked causing it to puff up and onions, then boiled
crappit muggies Scotland Cod stomachs
crappit muggies

crackseed United States The bruised and


stuffed with a mixture of minced cod liver,

squashed seeds of various fruits which are
oatmeal and finely chopped and sautéed
preserved in salt and sugar (NOTE: From
onions. From the northern islands.
craquelet Switzerland Seasoned pork and

crakeberry Crowberry

beef, processed to a very fine creamy paste,

crake herring Ireland The northern name for
crake herring

packed into casings, smoked and cooked.

scad Eaten hot or cold.
Crambe maritima Botanical name Seakale craquelot France A type of bloater. See also

cranachan 1. Ireland A dessert made from


stiffly whipped cream into which honey and Crataegus azarolus Botanical name Azarole
whisky (6:1:1) are folded, followed by Craterellus cornucopioides Botanical name
toasted and chopped almonds and toasted Horn of plenty
rolled oats, flavoured with lemon juice and crauti Italy Sauerkraut

garnished with orange slices 2. Scotland

cravo Portugal Clove

cravo-de-india Portugal Clove

cranberry The hard ripe fruits (diameter to 2


crawfish 1. Spiny lobster 2. United States The


cm) of a wild or cultivated evergreen shrub,

Créole name for freshwater crayfish
Vaccinium macrocarpum, which grows in
crayfish 1. A freshwater crustacean

cool regions of the northern hemisphere.

They are deep red in colour, very tart and resembling the lobster, found in unpolluted
used in sweet and savoury dishes, the most streams and lakes but now generally farmed.
famous of which is as a sauce Crayfish breed in autumn and are best
accompaniment to turkey. Also called caught in summer. Cooked as lobster. The
bounceberry, craneberry European variety, Astacus fluviatilis, is about
the size of a Dublin Bay prawn. Some
cranberry juice The juice of cranberries
cranberry juice

Australian varieties can weigh up to 6 kg.

containing compounds which prevent even
Most make excellent eating. Also called
antibiotic-resistant bacteria from attaching to
crawfish. See also signal crayfish, yabbie,
the urinary tract lining and causing urinary
marron 2. The name is often used
tract infections.The effect occurs after 2
indiscriminately for crayfish, crawfish and
hours and remains for up to 12 hours. It
similar crustaceans with or without claws,
should not be taken in conjunction with
especially in the USA
blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin.
crayfish, Scandinavian cooking Cleaned
crayfish, Scandinavian cooking

cranberry sauce Cranberries stewed with

cranberry sauce

live crayfish immersed in just sufficient

water and sugar, liquidized and sieved. salted boiling water flavoured with dill flowers
Traditionally served with turkey. Also called to completely cover them, the water brought
airelles, sauce back to the boil and the crayfish boiled for
craneberry See cranberry

exactly 3 minutes, drained, refreshed and

crannochan Scotland A dessert made from

then left in the cooled cooking liquor for 24

raspberries, cream, toasted oatmeal, whisky hours

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crayfish butter

crayfish butter Beurre d’écrevisses baking and setting process. e.g. Victoria
crayfish butter

crayfish sauce Hollandaise sauce or sauce

crayfish sauce
sandwich, fruit cake.
creaming quality The ability of fats to absorb
creaming quality

vin blanc mixed with beurre d’écrevisses

creachan Scotland A north Scottish haggis-
air when mixed or beaten
cream nut

type pudding made with the entrails of calves cream nut Brazil nut
cream The globules of butter fat which rise to
cream cream of artichoke soup

cream of artichoke soup See Palestine,

the top of milk entrapping larger or smaller crème
amounts of milk. The type is determined by cream of green pea soup See Saint Germain,
cream of green pea soup

the butterfat content. See half cream, single crème

cream, whipping cream, double cream, extra
cream of tartar Acid potassium tartrate
cream of tartar

thick double cream, clotted cream, Jersey

cream, etc. (potassium hydrogen tartrate), a crystalline
substance which is precipitated from wine as
cream, to To beat one or a mixture of
cream, to

it ages. Now made synthetically and

ingredients vigorously so as to give it or them combined with sodium bicarbonate to make
the consistency of whipped cream and the raising agent baking powder.
incorporate air, especially fat and sugar in cream of tomato soup

cake making cream of tomato soup See tomates, crème de

cream of vegetable soup

cream bun See cream puff

cream bun
cream of vegetable soup Vegetable soup
with added cream, milk or béchamel sauce
cream caramel See crème caramel
cream caramel

cream puff 1. A round bun of cooked choux

cream puff

cream cheese A soft, acid curdled spreading

cream cheese

cheese made from a mixture of cows’ milk pastry, split, centre scooped out if soft, the
halves filled with whipped cream or crème
and cream. The curds are spun off and
milled with stabilizers and preservatives prior pâtissière and sandwiched together then
dusted with icing sugar or coated with coffee
to packaging for immediate sale and
or chocolate-flavoured soft icing. Also called
consumption. Contains between 45% and
65% butter fat. Also called Philadelphia cream bun 2. United States Profiterole
cream puff pastry

cream cheese cream puff pastry United States Choux pastry

cream sauce

cream crackers Light, fawn-coloured, square

cream crackers

cream sauce Béchamel sauce with the

unsweetened biscuits made from flour, fat, addition of cream, natural yoghurt or
water and salt. Usually eaten with cheese. fromage blanc. Used for poached fish and
Nothing to do with cream. boiled vegetables. Also called crème, sauce
cream slices Baked rectangles of puff pastry
cream slices

cream-crowdie Scotland Crannokan


creamed cakes Cakes made by the creaming

creamed cakes
divided into two rectangles of the same area
method with high proportions of fat, sugar which are sandwiched together with jam and
and eggs to flour. Usually require little if any whipped cream or crème pâtissière and the
raising agent due to the amounts of air top covered with soft icing. Also called
incorporated during preparation. Examples millefeuilles
cream soup 1. A soup made from a vegetable
cream soup

are Madeira cake, rich fruit cake, Victoria

sponge. Also called rich cakes purée soup with added cream, milk or
creamed coconut See coconut cream
creamed coconut
yoghurt 2. A vegetable purée type of soup
creamer 1. A dry white powder made from
mixed with béchamel sauce 3. A velouté
glucose and vegetable fats used as a soup with added cream, milk or yoghurt
cream tea England An afternoon snack or
cream tea

substitute for cream or milk in coffee 2. An

implement for separating cream from milk meal consisting of scones, whipped or
cream horns Cones made from overlapping
cream horns
clotted cream and jam served with tea.
strips of puff pastry wrapped around conical Popular in Devon and Cornwall and country
metal moulds, baked in the oven, cooled, district tourist areas.

removed from the mould and filled with jam crecchietto Italy A type of pasta from Apulia
and whipped cream crécy,

crécy, (à la) France In the Crécy style, i.e.

creaming method of making cakes The garnished with or containing carrots
creaming method of making cakes

method of making cakes by vigorously crédioux aux noix France A soft, cooked-
crédioux aux noix

beating together fat and sugar to incorporate curd cows’ milk cheese coated with walnut
air and give a soft, light, fluffy texture, pieces
incorporating well beaten eggs slowly with
cree’d wheat Frumenty wheat
cree’d wheat

continuous beating to form a stable

crema 1. Italy, Spain Cream 2. Italy Custard,

emulsion, then gently folding in flour and

other dry ingredients to avoid losing air. The custard cream, dessert 3. Italy Cream soup
crema batida Spain Whipped cream
crema batida

trapped air expands with steam during the

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créole, à la

crema catalana Catalonia Crème brûlée caramel, filled with egg custard, baked in a
crema catalana

flavoured with cinnamon and lemon and bain-marie in the oven, cooled, demoulded
served very cold on to a plate so that the caramel is on top and
crema di pollo Italy Cream of chicken soup
crema di pollo
decorated or left plain. Sometimes made in a
crema di verdura Italy Puréed vegetables
crema di verdura
large dish and portioned. Also called cream
possibly including potatoes or cooked rice caramel, caramel cream, caramel custard,
and finished with cream French flan, flan
crème chantilly France Sweetened whipped
crème chantilly

crema española Spain A dessert made with

crema española

flavoured and sweetened milk and eggs set cream

crème crécy France Creamed carrot soup
crème crécy

with gelatine
crema fritta Italy Fried sweet or savoury egg
crema fritta
garnished with plain boiled rice
crème d’amandes France Almond cream
crème d’amandes

custard cut in diamond shapes

crema pasticceria Italy Crème pâtissière, crème de riz France White soup coloured and
crema pasticceria crème de riz

confectioner’s custard thickened with powdered rice

crema rovesciata Italy Baked egg custard crème d’orge France Soup made with fine
crema rovesciata crème d’orge

cremat Catalonia 1. Crisp-fried 2.

Caramelized crème fleurette France Unsweetened
crème fleurette

creme Portugal 1. Cream 2. Cream soup whipping cream


crème France Cream crème fouettée France Whipped cream

crème crème fouettée

crème, à la France With or containing cream crème fraîche France A lactobacillus culture
crème, à la crème fraîche

crème Agnés Sorel France A cream of

crème Agnés Sorel
of cream with a fresh sour taste. It may be
chicken soup garnished with mushroom used as cream, keeps better and does not
slices and julienne of tongue separate on boiling.
crème frite France A custard, stiffened with
crème frite

crème aigre France Sour cream

crème aigre

crème à l’anglaise France A thick egg

crème à l’anglaise
thick flour and egg yolk, flavoured and
custard made with 16 egg yolks and 500 g of sweetened, then spread 1.5 cm thick, cooled
sugar per litre of milk, flavoured as required and chilled, cut in shapes, battered or
with vanilla, lemon zest or, after cooling, with panéed and deep-fried. If panéed sprinkled
liqueur. The sugar and egg are whisked to with caster sugar, if battered dredged with
the ribbon stage and boiling milk added, icing sugar and glazed under the grill.
crème glacée France 1. Ice cream 2. Ice
crème glacée

whisked, and heated to a coating

consistency. Must not be boiled. Strained cream sundae
and served hot or cold. Also called sauce crème moulée France Baked egg custard
crème moulée

anglaise, crème anglaise, English egg served cold either in a dish or demoulded
custard crème patisserie See crème pâtissière
crème patisserie

crème à la vanille France A vanilla-flavoured

crème à la vanille

crème pâtissière
crème pâtissière

England, France
baked egg custard Confectioner’s custard. An egg and flour-
crème anglaise France Crème à l’anglaise
crème anglaise

thickened custard made with sweetened

crème au beurre France Crème beurre
crème au beurre

milk flavoured with vanilla (4 eggs and 200 g

crème bachique France Cinnamon and
crème bachique

flour per litre). Used as a filling for flans,

sauternes-flavoured custard cakes, pastries, tarts, etc. The flour prevents
crème bavaroise France A dessert made
crème bavaroise
the egg from curdling.
crème pralinée France Crème pâtissière
crème pralinée

from vanilla-flavoured egg custard or fruit

purée. See also bavarois flavoured with powdered praline
crème beurre France A butter cream for crème renversée France A demoulded
crème beurre crème renversée

filling or covering cakes made by combining crème caramel. Also called cup custard
hot sugar syrup with egg yolks, cooling the Crémet Nantais France A soft white unsalted
Crémet Nantais

mixture then whisking it into well-creamed cream cheese from Brittany made with cows’
butter with flavourings such as chocolate, milk
coffee, vanilla and fruit purée. Also called crémeux (euse) France Creamy

crème au beurre
cremona mustard See mostarda di Cremona
cremona mustard

crème brûlée France A thick, rich egg

crème brûlée

crempog Wales Welsh pancake


custard baked in individual portions in

crempog las Wales Pancake omelette
crempog las

ramekins, cooled, sprinkled with brown

crenata United States Pine nut

sugar and caramelized under the grill or with

a blow torch until crisp créole, à la France In the Creole style, i.e.
créole, à la

crème caramel France Individual sized

crème caramel

with rice and possibly tomatoes and sweet

ramekins, with a base layer of, or lined with, peppers

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Créole United States A style of cooking with milk, sweated chopped onions,

developed by the settlers of part French seasoning and crushed juniper berries
descent from Louisiana using tomatoes, crépinettes de foie de porc à la
crépinettes de foie de porc à la vauclusienne

peppers, onions and spices. See also Créole vauclusienne France Crépinettes filled with
cuisine a seasoned mixture of chopped pig’s liver,
Créole cheese United States A New Orleans bacon, spinach, onion and stoned black
Créole cheese

speciality cheese consisting of cottage olives, flavoured with chopped parsley and
cheese with double cream nutmeg, tied and baked in the oven
Créole Christmas cake Caribbean A dark, crépinettes de volaille France Crépinettes
Créole Christmas cake crépinettes de volaille

rich fruit cake from Trinidad, well flavoured filled with chopped chicken and mushroom,
with rum, brandy, port and liqueur. Also possibly with truffles, bound in a chicken
called gateau noir velouté sauce
Créole crab United States The meat from crépinettes Reine Jeanne France
Créole crab crépinettes Reine Jeanne

freshly boiled crab (10 minutes) fried gently Crépinettes filled with chopped blanched
in olive oil, a little water, chopped onion and sheeps’ or calves’ brains, duxelles and
garlic, lemon juice, seasoning, thyme, bay truffles, bound with a thick béchamel sauce,
leaf and a chilli pepper added, then panéed with egg white and breadcrumbs,
simmered slowly for 30 minutes. Served with fried and served hot with lemon wedges
boiled rice after discarding the bay, thyme, crèque France Bullace, the fruit

bouquet garni and chilli pepper. crescent United States Croissant


Créole cuisine United States A cooking style

Créole cuisine

crescente Italy Dough made with flour,


developed in the Southern USA combining sodium bicarbonate raising agent, salt and
Caribbean, French, African and Spanish milk, rested, rolled into very thin discs which
cooking based on shellfish, rice, okra and filé are fried both sides in hot olive oil until they
powder bubble, drained and served hot with a
Créole mustard United States A hot whole
Créole mustard

savoury topping
grain mustard seed macerated in vinegar crescentina Italy Flat bread made from

crepe Italy, Portugal Pancake


dough containing pieces of bacon

crêpe France A large thin pancake made with

crescenza Italy A soft cows’ milk cheese with


white flour a buttery texture and no rind from Northern

crêpe dentelle France A very thin pancake
crêpe dentelle

Italy and similar to Stracchino. Contains 57%

from Brittany water, 22% fat and 20% protein.
crêperie France A restaurant or shop usually

crescione Italy Deep-fried pasta triangles


with a connection with Brittany which filled with spinach and cream
specializes in filled sweet and savoury crêpes crescione dei prati Italy Lady’s smock
crescione dei prati

and pancakes crescione di fonte Italy Watercress

crescione di fonte

crepes do céu Portugal Pancakes filled with

crepes do céu

crescione di giardino Italy Cress

crescione di giardino

whipped cream and candied fruit (NOTE:

crespella Italy A thin stuffed crêpe

Literally ‘Heavenly crêpes’.)

crespone Italy A salami from Milan made with

crêpes Parmentier France Potato-based

crêpes Parmentier

pancakes approximately equal amounts of lean pork,

lean beef and pork fat, seasoned and
crêpes Suzette France Small pancakes
crêpes Suzette

flavoured with garlic and moistened with

folded in quarters, simmered in a buttery
white wine, packed in fat ends or beef
orange sauce, flamed with brandy and
middles, dry-salted and air-dried
served as a dessert
cress A small plant, Lepidium sativum, from

crépine France Pig’s caul


Iran. The seeds are grown to the two leaf

crépinette France 1. A croquette wrapped in

stage on a 6 cm stalk, generally together with

grilled or fried bacon 2. A ball of seasoned mustard and used in salads or for
and flavoured minced meat, wrapped in pig’s garnishing. It may be grown for the young
caul or very thin slices of salt pork fat, true leaves, which are harvested
possibly coated with melted butter and continuously. Also called garden cress, curly
breadcrumbs and baked, grilled or fried. cress, peppercress, peppergrass
Also called caillette 3
cresson alénois France Land cress
cresson alénois

crépinettes d’agneau France Crépinettes

crépinettes d’agneau

cresson cultivé France Cress

cresson cultivé

filled with a mixture of chopped lamb and

cresson de fontaine France Watercress
cresson de fontaine

duxelles bound with espagnole sauce

cresson de prés France Lady’s smock
cresson de prés

crépinettes d’agneau à la liégeoise

crépinettes d’agneau à la liégeoise

cresson de ruisseau France Watercress

cresson de ruisseau

Belgium Crépinettes filled with a mixture of

cresson d’Inde France Nasturtium
cresson d’Inde

chopped lamb, breadcrumbs moistened

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cressonnière, purée France A purée crisphead lettuce A type of lettuce with very
cressonnière, purée crisphead lettuce

Parmentier with watercress added with the crisp leaves forming a tight solid ball. Called
potatoes, and garnished with blanched and iceberg when the outer leaves are removed.
refreshed watercress leaves crispito Mexico A tightly rolled tortilla, fried or

cretons 1. France Crackling 2. Canada A type


deep-fried and eaten with dipping sauces

crisps Thin slices of raw potato deep-fried in

of rillette from Quebec made from crisped

bacon rind simmered with pork, onions, hot oil until brown and crisp. Nowadays often
spices and seasoning until soft, thickened made with processed potatoes so as to have
with bread crumbs and allowed to set in a a regular shape. May be flavoured and
mould. Usually served on bread. seasoned. Also called potato crisps, game
crevalle See crevalle jack
crevalle jack An oily tropical and warm water
crevalle jack Crithmum maritimum Botanical name
sea fish of the genus Caranx with a deep
critical moisture content The percentage of
critical moisture content

body, bluish green on top, silver underneath,

weighing 1 to 3 kg. Also called crevalle, jack, water in a food item or substance at which it
common jack becomes unsuitable for sale or use
critmo Italy Samphire, Crithmum maritimum

crevette France Brown shrimp


croaker The general term for any of over 200


crevette grise France Shrimp

crevette grise

species of fish which make croaking noises

crevette nordique France Deepwater prawn
crevette nordique

e.g. the Atlantic croaker

crevette rose France Common prawn
crevette rose

croccante Italy Praline


crevette rose du large France A large pink crocche Italy Croquette

crevette rose du large crocche

king prawn, Parapenaeus longirostris, crocchetta Italy Croquette


caught off Spain, Portugal and in the crocette Italy Small cone-shaped shellfish

Mediterranean and up to 16 cm long. Also crockery Plates, dishes, cups, etc. and all

called red prawn types of domestic pots, usually of ceramic

crevette rouge France A large king prawn
crevette rouge

materials, used at meals

found in the Mediterranean which is either, Crocus sativus Botanical name Saffron
Aristeus antennatus, up to 20 cm long with a croissant France A light, flaky, crescent-

light red body and a mauve head or, shaped breakfast roll made from white,
Aristeomorphia foliacea, up to 30 cm and yeast-raised dough interleaved with butter in
blood red in colour the same way as puff pastry. Cut in triangular
crevette royale France A Mediterranean king
crevette royale

shape, rolled with a point on the outside and

prawn. See also caramote bent into a crescent shape before baking.
cromesquis France A small cylindrical

crevettes, sauce aux France Boiling fish

crevettes, sauce aux

velouté, consistency adjusted using fish croquette of minced meat bound with a thick
stock or cream, seasoned, strained and sauce, wrapped in bacon or pig’s caul,
finished with picked shrimps coated with fritter batter and deep-fried.
criadilla de tierra Spain Truffle, the fungus
criadilla de tierra
Served as a hors d’oeuvre or light main
course. Also called kromeski, kromesky
criadillas Spain 1. Sweetbreads 2. Testicles

(NOTE: Cromesquis are a 19th-century

crimp, to To pinch together, successively
crimp, to

French adaptation of a Polish dish)

along the edges of pastry where two layers crookneck squash A yellow or orange
crookneck squash

meet, as in a covered pie or pasty, so as to summer squash with a neck bent into a
seal the pastry and for decoration. See also hook, common in the USA. Also called
scallop, to yellow squash
crinkled musket Barrel bread
crinkled musket

crop A chamber at the bottom of a bird’s


criolla, a la Spain In the South American

criolla, a la

throat in which food is stored prior to it being

style passed on to the gizzard for processing
croquant 1. France Crunchy 2. A type of crisp

crisp, to To make food brittle and firm e.g. by

crisp, to

chilling vegetables, by drying off biscuits or biscuit

bread in the oven, by soaking in water or croque au sel, à la France 1. With salt and
croque au sel, à la

commercially with a variety of firming agents nothing else 2. With a sprinkling of salt
croque-madame France As croque-monsieur,

crispbread A, usually rectangular, crisp, light


biscuit made from crushed rye or wheat, salt but with cooked chicken replacing the ham
and water, often with a pattern of croquembouche France A tall pyramid made

depressions. Thought to be non-fattening of cream-filled choux pastry spheres coated

but if buttered, the depressions hold more with caramel and decorated. Traditionally
butter that the equivalent flat biscuit. served at French weddings.

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croque-monsieur France Popular French fast odd hole or crack. Used for slicing or grating

food consisting of a sandwich filled with ham depending upon age.

and Gruyère cheese, crust removed, cut into Crottin France Crottin de Chavignol

decorative shapes, dipped in beaten egg and Crottin de Chavignol France A small, hard,
Crottin de Chavignol

shallow-fried until golden. Sometimes only goats’ milk cheese with a strong flavour from
toasted. Eaten hot. the Berry region.I has AOC status. Often
croquesignole United States A round or

deep-fried or grilled and served with lettuce

square holeless Cajun doughnut as a starter. Also called Crottin, Chavignol
croqueta Spain 1. Croquette 2. Meatball

(NOTE: Literally ‘droppings’, because of its

croquetes Portugal Croquettes

croquetes de camarão Portugal Shrimp croupion France Parson’s nose
croquetes de camarão croupion

croquettes eaten as an appetizer or hors croustade France A hollowed out piece of


d’oeuvres bread, deep-fried until crisp, or a baked

croquetjes Netherlands Croquettes pastry case used to serve cooked meats,

croquette England, France Any mixture of

vegetables, etc. bound in a savoury sauce
minced cooked meat, etc. combined with croustade d’oeufs de caille Maintenon
croustade d’oeufs de caille Maintenon

mashed potatoes and/or breadcrumbs, France Poached quails’ eggs laid on a bed of
herbs, onions, seasonings and egg or stock duxelles and hollandaise sauce in a pastry
to form a stiff paste which is shaped into barquette
cylinders, spheres, rounds, ovals etc., croustillant France Crunchy, crisp or crusty

panéed and deep-fried croustilles France Potato crisps


crosnes France Chinese artichoke (NOTE: So


croûte 1. France Crust, rind or toast 2. France


called from the French town where they were A circle or rectangle of fried or toasted bread
first introduced.) on which game or other dishes and savouries
crosnes du Japon France Japanese artichoke
crosnes du Japon

are served 3. A small pastry crust, usually

crosse de boeuf France Knuckle of beef, also
crosse de boeuf

crescent-shaped, served with savoury dishes

used of calf’s foot croûte, en France Enclosed in pastry then
croûte, en

crosta Italy Crust, e.g. of bread


baked e.g. of fish or meat

crostacei Italy Crustaceans

croûte anchois France Anchovy toast

croûte anchois

crostata Italy Pie


croûte au pot France A beef and vegetable

croûte au pot

crostata di fragole Italy Strawberry pie

crostata di fragole

soup each serving topped with toasted bread

crostatina Italy Tart

and cheese
crostato Italy 1. Browned 2. With a crust

croûte aux morilles France Morels on toast

croûte aux morilles

crostini Italy 1. A piece of good bread, toasted


croûtons England, France Small (8mm)


over charcoal or on a griddle, rubbed with a cubes of bread fried until crisp and golden in
cut clove of fresh garlic, spread with olive oil clarified butter and served as an
or butter and topped with a variety of savoury accompaniment to purée soups
items such as sliced tomatoes, capers, crow England Mesentery

olives, anchovies, cheese, avocado or

crowberry The black skinned fruit of a shrub,

prawns, i.e. bruschetta with a topping. Eaten

Empetrum nigrum, which grows in hilly areas
as a starter. Also called crostoncini 2.
of Northern Europe, similar to and can be
Croûtons or toasted bread
substituted for the cranberry. Also called
crostini alla fiorentina Italy A crostini spread
crostini alla fiorentina

with a chicken liver pâté
crowdie Scotland 1. A gruel made from

crostini alla napoletana Italy A crostini

crostini alla napoletana

oatmeal once used as a staple food in

spread with tomatoes and anchovies Scotland 2. A mild-flavoured cottage cheese
crostini alla parmigiana Italy A crostini
crostini alla parmigiana

made from rennet-curdled, skimmed,

spread with grated Parmesan and anchovies unpasteurized cows’ milk. Eaten fresh
crostini di mare Italy A crostini spread with
crostini di mare

usually with an admixture of cream. Also

minced shellfish called crowdy
crostoncini Italy Crostini

crowdie cream Scotland A celebratory

crowdie cream

crostoni Italy A large crostini eaten as a light


crowdie from Skye consisting of cream

meal beaten until stiff, toasted medium oatmeal,
crostoni, sul Italy On toast caster sugar and a good single malt whisky.
crostoni, sul

Crotonese Italy A hard, scalded-curd, ewes’

Each person is given a bowl of the cream and
milk cheese cast in wicker basket moulds in adds the other ingredients according to his
2 kg discs. It has a dry rough orange/yellow or her taste.
crowdy See crowdie

rind with a cream coloured paste and the

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crown roast of lamb Two best ends of lamb, crumbs Small irregularly shaped particles
crown roast of lamb crumbs

chined and with scraped ribs, joined in a made from large friable pieces, e.g. of cake,
circle so that the ribs curve outwards like a bread, biscuits
crown. Roasted and served with cutlet frills crumpets A yeasted flour liquid batter (3:4)

on the ends of the ribs. The centre may be made with equal parts of milk and water and
filled with stuffing before cooking. a little oil, allowed to froth, baking powder
cru Portugal Raw added at the rate of 5 g per kg of flour, left 40

cru(e) France Raw

minutes to rest then cooked in rings on a
greased griddle to form small, circular, flat
crubeens Pig’s trotters simmered with herbs

buns with a honeycombed top surface.

and aromatic vegetables for about 3 hours
Usually served toasted with butter.
crucetta Italy A Calabrian dish of roasted figs

crusca Italy Bran


stuffed with nuts

crush, to To squeeze or press a solid so as to
crush, to

cruchade France A sweet cornmeal fritter


extract liquid, to turn it into a semi-solid or to

crucian carp A silver-coloured type of carp
crucian carp

reduce it to smaller particles

similar to bream in appearance crust 1. The outer hard golden brown surface

crudan Ireland Gurnard, the fish


of bread or cakes or other mixtures which are

crudités France A selection of crisp baked or fried 2. The pastry top on a filled

vegetables suitable for eating raw, cut into sweet or savoury pie or dish not necessarily
long strips or batons and often served with a having a pastry base
dipping sauce such as mayonnaise, soured crustacean A class of aquatic animals with a

cream or other cold sauce, usually as a hors hard external segmented shell (exoskeleton)
d’oeuvre or appetizers containing a soft body, usually with muscular
crudo Italy, Spain Raw, fresh

legs, tail and possibly claws, such as lobster,

cruet A set of pots, shakers and grinders for
prawn, crab, etc.
crustáceos Spain Crustaceans

serving condiments, usually on a small tray

crustacés France 1. Shellfish 2. Crustaceans

crulla Scotland Flour, eggs, caster sugar and


butter (6:2:1:1) with 2 dsp of baking powder 3. Seafood

cryptoxanthin See E161(c)

per kg of flour, made into a soft dough by the

creaming method, rolled out and cut into crystallized flowers Small flowers or flower
crystallized flowers

narrow 15-cm-long strips. These are plaited petals soaked in sugar syrup and dried, often
in threes, deep-fried until brown, drained artificially coloured, used for decoration.
and sprinkled with caster sugar. Traditionally violets.
crullers United States A sweetened egg-

crystallized fruit See candied fruit

crystallized fruit

enriched pastry made with butter, cut into Csabai Hungary A well-flavoured spicy

strips, deep-fried and dusted with icing sausage containing chilli pepper and paprika
sugar. Eaten warm. Also a popular snack in
császárkörte Hungary A type of pear, white

China and often sliced and served with

butter pear
congee or soup.
csemege Hungary Dessert

crumb, to United States To pané or cover with

crumb, to

cseresznye Hungary Cherries


csipetke Hungary Tiny dumplings made by

crumb crust A mixture of crushed biscuits

crumb crust

combined with sugar and melted butter cooking pieces of egg noodle dough in
which is often substituted for pastry, e.g. in simmering water until al dente, draining and
cheese cakes and in the USA for tarts and tossing in lard. Served with soups and stews.
csirke Hungary Chicken

flans where Graham crackers are the biscuit

csirkegulyás szegedi módra Hungary
csirkegulyás szegedi módra

of choice
crumber A device used by a waiter to remove
Jointed chicken simmered in white stock
crumbs from a table, either a small dustpan with thinly sliced green sweet peppers, diced
and brush or small carpet sweeper potatoes, tomatoes, sweated celeriac,
onions, carrots and Hamburg parsley and
crumble A compote of fruit topped with a

served with boiled csipetke tossed in butter

mixture of fat, flour and sugar, sometimes
csuka Hungary Pike, the fish

with oatflakes and/or white of egg, baked in

cu China Vinegar

the oven until the topping is crisp and

crumbly cuajada 1. Spain Curds 2. South America A

crumble, to To rub a dry solid between the

crumble, to
soft, creamy, cows’ milk cheese from
fingers or otherwise so as to reduce it to Venezuela often wrapped in banana leaf
cuajo Spain Rennet


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cuan China Simmering of meat or vegetables


Cucurbita maxima The botanical name of the

e.g. in a steamboat American vine from which some varieties of
cuaresmeño Mexico A dark green round chilli
winter squash are obtained. Distinguished by
cubeb The dried, dark brown, unripe fruits of
soft hairs on the stems, a swollen almost
a plant, Piper cubeba, native to Indonesia smooth stem and leaves which are not
and about the size of a peppercorn with a deeply lobed.
stalk. They have a warm, somewhat bitter, Cucurbita moschata The botanical name of
flavour close to allspice with a hint of the American vine from which some varieties
turpentine and were one of the spices used of winter squash are obtained especially the
to flavour hippocras. Used in Indonesian cushaw and crookneck
cooking. Also called tailed pepper Cucurbita pepo The botanical name of the
cube sugar White or brown crystals of sugar
cube sugar
vine from which pumpkins, marrows and
compressed into small cubes (about 15 mm summer squash are obtained. Distinguished
edge). Also called sugar lump, loaf sugar by roughly bristled stems, short ridged fruit
stalks and deeply lobed leaves.
cu cai tau Vietnam Mooli
cu cai tau

cu hành Vietnam Onion

cu hành

cucchiaino Italy Teaspoon, also used as a


cuiller à bouche France Tablespoon, also

cuiller à bouche

volume measure equal to 5 ml

cucchiaio da tavola Italy Tablespoon, also
cucchiaio da tavola
used as a volume measure equal to 15 ml
cuiller à café France Coffee spoon =
cuiller à café

used as a volume measure equal to 15 ml

cuchara Spain 1. Spoon 2. Ladle
teaspoon, also used as a volume measure
cucharada Spain Tablespoonful used as a
equal to 5 ml
cuiller à dessert France Dessertspoon
cuiller à dessert

volume measure equal to 15 ml

cuillerée à café France Teaspoonful
cuillerée à café

cucharadita Spain Teaspoonful used as a


volume measure equal to 5 ml cuillerée à soupe France Tablespoonful

cuillerée à soupe

cuchay Chinese chive


cuina volcànica Catalonia Cuisine based on

cuina volcànica

cucina Italy 1. Cooking, cuisine 2. Kitchen


local produce in the La Garrotxa region

cuckoo flower Lady’s smock
cuckoo flower

ranging from potatoes and beans to wild boar

cucumber A fruit of a member of the
and truffles (NOTE: Literally ‘volcanic
Cucurbitaceae family, Cucumis sativus,, cuisine’.)
cuipi ji China Chicken cooked so that the skin
cuipi ji

introduced to the UK from India in 1573 and

harvested in the unripe green stage between is crisp
5 and 35 cm in length and 1.5 to 5 cm in cuire France To cook

diameter. The smaller ones are usually cuire à la vapeur France To steam
cuire à la vapeur

pickled in flavoured brine or vinegar, the

cuisine France 1. Kitchen 2. Cooking,

larger are generally eaten raw as a salad

cookery, the art of cookery 3. Kitchen or
vegetable or deseeded, salted, drained and
catering staff
diced combined with herbs and yoghurt or
cuisine au jus France A style of cooking
cuisine au jus

used as a bulking agent in various mixtures.

See also dill pickles, gherkin, Japanese avoiding cream, butter and flour for sauces
cucumber, yellow cucumber, ridge cucumber, but instead relying on the natural cooking
long cucumber juices
cuisine bourgeoise France Plain cooking
cuisine bourgeoise

cucumber mayonnaise Finely chopped

cucumber mayonnaise

cuisine de terroir France Regional cooking

cuisine de terroir

cucumber and salt mixed with mayonnaise

cucumber sauce See doria, sauce cuisine du soleil France The modern haute
cucumber sauce cuisine du soleil

cucumber tree fruit Belimbing

cucumber tree fruit

cuisine of the French Riviera based on fresh

Cucumeropsis spp. Botanical name Egusi fruit and vegetables, olive oil, garlic and the
melon herbs of Provence such as thyme, fennel,
Cucumis anguria Botanical name Gherkin sage, etc.
Cucumis melo Botanical name The vine from cuisine épicée France Hot or spicy dishes or
cuisine épicée

which the sweet melons, mush melon, food

canteloupe and honeydew melon are cuisine ménagère France The cooking of the
cuisine ménagère

obtained ordinary household

Cucumis sativus Botanical name Cucumber cuisine minceur France A low-calorie style of
cuisine minceur

Cucurbitaceae The botanical family name for cooking developed in France, with little or no
a group of vine plants whose fruits include
fat or starch
cucumbers and melons, watermelons,
cuisse France Thigh

summer squash including marrows and

cuisseau France Haunch (of veal)

courgettes, winter squash, pumpkins,

cuisse de mouton France Leg of mutton
cuisse de mouton

chokos, etc.

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cuore rossa

cuisse de poulet France Chicken leg, divided Cumberland herb pudding England A dish of
cuisse de poulet Cumberland herb pudding

into drumstick (pilon de cuisse) and thigh pearl barley, spring cabbage, onion, leeks,
(gras de cuisse) butter and egg. The vegetables and barley
cuisses de grenouilles France Frogs’ legs,
cuisses de grenouilles
are fully cooked then mixed with egg and
usually sautéed with butter, chopped garlic butter and baked in a pie dish at 180°C for
and parsley or served in a cream sauce 10 to 15 minutes.
Cumberland rum nicky England A rich
Cumberland rum nicky

cuisson France Cooking


cuissot France Haunch of venison or wild

double-crust tart filled with a sticky mixture
boar of chopped stoned dates, soft brown sugar
cuit(e) France Cooked; past participle of
cuit and stem ginger soaked in rum
Cumberland sand cake England A cake of
Cumberland sand cake

cuire, as in bien cuit, ‘well cooked’

eggs, caster sugar, corn flour, butter and
cuixa de xai al forn Catalonia Roast leg of
cuixa de xai al forn

flour (4:4:4:2:1) with 2 tbsp of baking

powder per kg of flour, flavoured with nutmeg
cuka Malaysia Rice vinegar

and lemon juice and made by the creaming

cukor Hungary Sugar

method. Baked at 180°C for about 30

culaccio Italy Rump of beef

minutes. Originally served with sherry.

culantrillo Spain Maidenhair fern

Cumberland sauce England A mixture of

Cumberland sauce

culatella Italy A smoked raw ham made from warmed redcurrant jelly, blanched and

lean pork cut from the leg, similar to Parma refreshed chopped shallots, lemon juice,
ham. Sometimes soaked in wine before orange juice, port and a little English
maturing. Very expensive, used for hors mustard, finished with a blanched and
d’oeuvres. Also called culatella di Parma, refreshed fine julienne of orange zest. Served
culatella di Zibello with cold ham.
culatella di Parma, culatella di Zibello See Cumberland sausage England A sausage
culatella di Parma Cumberland sausage

culatella made of coarsely chopped pork with

cul de veau France Chump chop
cul de veau
seasoning and nutmeg in a natural casing.
culinaire France Culinary, relating to cookery
Not linked but sold from a large coil. Now
cullen skink Scotland A fish stew or soup
cullen skink often modified with the addition of rusk and
made from onions sweated in butter, mixed cereal.
cumbungi Australia A water plant, Typhus

with flour to make a roux, chopped potatoes

and milk added, simmered, then 10 minutes domingensis or T orientalis, from the
before serving flaked smoked haddock or northern river systems. The new shoots and
smoked cod added and the whole diluted the base of the more mature stems, after
with stock to the right consistency stripping them of their outer layers, are
cooked like leeks. They have a flavour
cullis A misspelling or anglicized

reminiscent of young artichokes or heart of

transliteration of the French word coulis
palm. Also called bulrush
culotte de boeuf France Rump steak of beef
culotte de boeuf

cumi-cumi Indonesia Squid


cultivated mushroom See common mushroom

cultivated mushroom

cumin 1. England, France The seeds of an


cultivateur, à la France In the farmer’s style,

cultivateur, à la

annual plant, Cuminum cyminum, grown

i.e. with mixed vegetables and pork or bacon around the Mediterranean and through to
culture A large quantity of bacteria, yeast,

East Asia. It has a strong pungent flavour and

fungal mycelium or fungal spores grown in a is much used in Arab, Indian and Spanish
nutrient medium and used to start cooking. Also called white cumin 2. France
fermentation as in the production of wine, Caraway
cheese, yoghurt, etc. Also called ferment cumin des prés France Caraway seed
cumin des prés

cultured buttermilk Buttermilk which has

cultured buttermilk

cumino Italy Cumin


been fermented with a species of Cuminum cyminum Botanical name Cumin

Lactobacillus. May be sweetened and cumquat Kumquat

flavoured for use as a drink or may be

cu nang Vietnam Water chestnut
cu nang

substituted for milk or buttermilk in recipes.

cuoccio Italy Gurnard, the fish

cultured milk Milk soured with various

cultured milk

cuocere alla graticola Italy To grill

cuocere alla graticola

species of Lactobacillus at 20°C to give 0.45

cuocere a vapore Italy To steam
cuocere a vapore

to 0.6% lactic acid concentrations It has a

cuocere in umido Italy To stew
cuocere in umido

refreshing acid taste

cuore Italy Heart

Cumberland ham England A large, traditional,

Cumberland ham

cuore edule Italy Cockle

cuore edule

strong-tasting ham, cured with salt, saltpetre

and brown sugar, matured in air for 3 cuore rossa Italy A cockle used in Italian
cuore rossa

months. Usually boiled or baked. cooking with bright red flesh when alive

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cuoriccini Italy Sicilian heart-shaped biscuits common octopus but often served braised in

traditionally served at weddings tomato sauce and sometimes canned. Also

cup cakes Small sponge cakes cooked in
cup cakes
called white octopus
curly algae Wakame
curly algae

individual bun tins or paper cases (NOTE: So

called because originally baked in cups) curly cress See cress
curly cress

cup custard United States Crème renversée

cup custard

curly endive See endive

curly endive

cup leaf Daun mangkok

cup leaf

curly kale Kale

curly kale

cup measure A volumetric method of

cup measure

curly parsley Parsley

curly parsley

measuring out ingredients now only used in

curly seaweed Wakame
curly seaweed

the US and Australia, but once used in the

currant 1. Dried grape of the small black

UK. 1 US standard cup = 236 ml volume (8

US fluid oz.) and will hold 145 grams of plain Corinth variety from Greece now grown
flour, 200 grams of dry rice and 220 grams elsewhere. More tart and with less sugar
of caster sugar. The British standard cup was than the sultana and raisin. Also called
285 ml (10 fluid oz.). See also liquid currant raisins 2. The small, round berry of a
measure, dry measure, can measure, market variety of shrubs from Northern Europe and
measure, volume measure North Africa. See also redcurrant,
curaçao The generic name for various
blackcurrant, white currant
currant pasty A mixture of currants, brown
currant pasty

orange-flavoured liqueurs used to flavour

cakes and desserts sugar, spices, apple and pork scratchings
curcuma France Turmeric

sandwiched between 2 layers of pastry,

cúrcuma Spain Turmeric
baked and cut into squares
currant raisin United States Currant
currant raisin

Curcuma longa Botanical name Turmeric

Curcuma zedoaria Botanical name Zedoary currant tomato A tiny tomato, Lycopersicon
currant tomato

Curcuma zerumbet Botanical name Zedoary pimpinelli folium, 1 cm in diameter and used
Curcumin A natural yellow food colouring

for decoration
obtained from turmeric. See also E100 currie, sauce France Curry sauce made with
currie, sauce

curcumina Italy Turmeric


white bouillon
curd The solid which separates from milk or

currie à l’indienne, sauce France Finely

currie à l’indienne, sauce

soya milk which has been coagulated and sliced onion sweated in butter with a
cut or stirred. Used to make curds and whey, bouquet garni, mace and a cinnamon stick,
cheese, or soya bean curd. sprinkled with curry powder, fried, then a
curd cheese A soft white cheese made from
curd cheese

mixture of equal parts of coconut milk and

the curds which separate from a lactic acid veal or fish stock added, simmered, strained
fermentation and coagulation of milk. It is not and finished with cream and lemon juice.
pressed and is slightly sour tasting. often Also called indienne, sauce
used for making cheesecake. curry 1. England, France A general term for

curd cheese pastry Central Europe Pastry

curd cheese pastry

highly spiced cooked dishes of meat,

made from equal parts of curd cheese, vegetables, fish, pulses, etc. originating from
butter and flour. It resembles flaky pastry India and Southeast Asia, popular in the
when cooked. West, often containing varying proportions of
curdle, to To separate into visible immiscible
curdle, to

hot chillies (NOTE: Curry means ‘mixture’ in

solid and/or liquid phases as in the Hindi and the dish got its name when
production of curds and whey from foreigners asked what was being cooked and
coagulated milk, or when mayonnaise were told a mixture.) 2. South Asia A stew
breaks down into oil droplets and vinegar or with a pungent aromatic sauce made by
when a cooked egg mixture separates browning onion in ghee, separating, adding
cure, to To preserve meat, game, poultry, fish
cure, to

meat which has been defatted and degristled

or any flesh by smoking, salting or treating to the fat, searing this, adding aromatics and
with salt, saltpetre, sodium nitrite or sugar or frying over medium heat until the fat
with brine or any combination of these. The separates, then adding salt, water and
purpose is to remove water from the flesh chillies or sweet peppers, simmering for a
and to inhibit bacterial action. The nitrite long period adding water as necessary and
accentuates the pink colour of haemoglobin. finally adding onions and other vegetables
See also dry-salt, to, pickling brine towards the end. Also called turrcarri
curled octopus A species of octopus, curry butter A compound butter flavoured
curled octopus curry butter

Eledone cirrosa, with a maximum length of with curry powder, cayenne pepper, ginger
40 cm and curled tentacles with a single row and lemon juice, refrigerated as a roll and cut
of suckers. Not as fine a quality as the into 5 mm slices for use as a garnish

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cut in, to

curry-flavoured oil Peanut oil flavoured with cush United States A cornmeal pancake
curry-flavoured oil cush

curry powder cushaw United States A large variety of


curry leaf The leaves of a small tree, Murraya

curry leaf

crookneck squash
koenigii, from hilly regions of India which cush cush yam A red skinned yam from a
cush cush yam

give off a spicy odour when bruised. Fresh plant, Dioscorea trifida, native to South
leaves are used to add flavour to many Indian America which produces several small
dishes. The dried leaves lose much of their tubers instead of the more normal single
flavour. large tuber
curry mayonnaise See caboul sauce
curry mayonnaise

cushion A cut of lamb, veal or beef from the


curry paste Ground spices and flavouring inside top of the rear leg
curry paste

agents processed with garlic, chilli peppers cushion of veal United Kingdom The thick
cushion of veal

and fresh ginger to a thick paste and fried in longitudinal muscle at the rear inside of the
oil until the oil separates (about 10 minutes) leg of veal, equivalent to topside of beef.
and then mixed with a little salt. This will Used for escalopes, roasting, braising and
keep for a considerable time. Vinegar is sautéing. Also called nut
added for vindaloo curry paste. cusk Tusk

curry plant A shrub, Helichrysum

curry plant

cussy, à la France Garnished with large

cussy, à la

angustifolium, of the daisy family from mushrooms, chestnuts, cock’s kidneys and
Southern Europe with silvery needle-like truffles, usually of steaks and roast chicken
leaves which impart a mild curry (Indian custard 1. A general term for various

spice mix) flavour to cooked dishes. Use like sweetened milk-based sauces, flavoured
rosemary. (NOTE: Not to be confused with with vanilla and thickened with flour and/or
curry leaf.) eggs 2. United Kingdom English custard
curry powder A mixture of ground spices
curry powder

custard apple The general name for a group

custard apple

used for making curry especially in the West. of tropical fruits of the genus Anona,
Made from a selection of coriander seeds, including atemoyas, cherimoyas, sweet sops
cumin seeds, mustard seeds, black and sour sops which generally have a scaly
peppercorns, fenugreek seeds and chillies to skin and a soft custard-like flesh tasting
produce varying degrees of hotness, all of variously of combinations of pineapple,
which are dry-roasted, together with strawberry, banana, etc. Also called annona,
unroasted dried ginger, turmeric, cinnamon anona
and cloves. There are many variations, e.g.
custard banana The fruit of a tree, Asimina
custard banana

Madras and West Indian curry powder.

Rarely used in Indian cooking, but useful for tribloa, from the Southeast of the USA and
those not wishing to stock individual spices. Mexico. It looks and tastes something like a
small vanilla-flavoured banana but has a thin
curry sauce Chopped onions and garlic
curry sauce

skin and numerous seeds in the flesh.

cooked in fat without colour, flour and curry
custard cream See crème pâtissière
custard cream

powder added and the roux cooked without

custard fritters Crème frites which have been
custard fritters

browning the flour, tomato purée and stock

added to form a smooth sauce, chopped battered
custard marrow 1. Patty pan squash 2.
custard marrow

apples, chutney, desiccated coconut,

sultanas, grated fresh ginger and salt added, Choko
simmered and skimmed for 30 minutes. custard powder United Kingdom A mixture of
custard powder

Served with meat, fish, eggs, etc. corn flour, sometimes yellow colouring, and
currysill Sweden A typical smörgåsbord dish artificial vanilla flavouring very popular in

of sliced matjes herring, diced cold boiled England for thickening sweetened milk to
potatoes and chopped hard-boiled eggs make English custard
mixed and bound with a curry-flavoured custard sauce English custard
custard sauce

mayonnaise and served cold cut, to To use a knife or scissors to divide solid
cut, to

curuba A type of elongated passion fruit,


foods into smaller pieces

Passiflora maliformis, from South America cut and fold, to To mix dry ingredients into a
cut and fold, to

with a yellow green skin and a taste similar batter or foamed mixture by gently sprinkling
to, but slightly more acid, than passion fruit them on the surface and very carefully
Curworthy England A semi-hard cheese

incorporating them by slowly turning over the

made with unpasteurized cows’ milk from mixture with a metal spoon, spatula or knife
Devon and Cornwall. It is matured for 6 cut in, to To combine hard fat with dry
cut in, to

weeks and has a creamy buttery taste. ingredients by repeatedly cutting the fat with
cuscinetti Italy Fried cheese sandwich (NOTE:

one or two knives beneath the surface of the

Literally ‘small cushion’.) the dry ingredients until it is reduced to small

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uniform pieces each coated with dry removed before cooking include the ink sac,
ingredients the contents of which can be used in an
cutlet A transverse section from the rib cage

accompanying sauce. Cooked like squid or

of an animal containing part of the vertebrae octopus. Sometimes eaten in East Asia as a
and ribs with accompanying flesh. Usually of snack food when in its dried form. See also
lamb, veal or pork. little cuttlefish
cutlet bat A heavy metal implement with a flat cuu Vietnam Lamb
cutlet bat cuu

face about 10 cm by 7 cm and a handle used cwt Abbreviation for hundredweight, a unit of

to thin out pieces of meat, fish, etc. by weight still used in the USA
striking the food, usually contained between Cyamopsis psoraloides Botanical name
two pieces of polythene, on a solid work Guar bean
surface. See also bat out, to cyanocobalamin Vitamin B12

cutlet frill A small piece of frilled white paper

cutlet frill

cyclamate An artificial sweetener about 30


shaped like a chef’s hat which is used to times as sweet as sugar, now banned in
cover the end of the bare, scraped rib bone many countries
on a cutlet or roast joint after it has been
Cydonia oblonga Botanical name Quince
cooked. Also called frill, paper frill
cygne France A swan-shaped pastry filled

cutters See pastry cutters


with chantilly cream

cutting board A flat-surfaced board, usually
cutting board

Cymbopogan citratus Botanical name

wood, hard plastic or glass on which food is Lemon grass
cut or chopped. Plastic boards are of
cymling Patty pan squash

different colours for different classes of food,

but have been shown to be less hygienic Cynara scolymus Botanical name The globe
than hardwood boards. See also chopping artichoke
board Cyperus esculentus Botanical name Tiger
cuttlefish A cephalopod, Sepia officinalis,
from the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic Cyphomandra betacea Botanical name
with an oval body and head from which two Tamarillo
cyprus oval Shamouti
cyprus oval

long and eight short tentacles spring, in all

cysteine hydrochloride See E920
cysteine hydrochloride

about 25 cm long. It has one internal

stiffening bone (cuttlebone). The guts which Cystophyllum fusiforme Botanical name
together with the parrot-like beak must be Hiziki

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daai dau nga choy China Soya bean sprouts
daai dau nga choy

haddock. Steamed, baked or fried. Also

daai gaai choy China One of the oriental
daai gaai choy

called dare, dart

mustards with a rounded lettuce-type head, dacquoise France A speciality of Dax

curly pale green leaves and thick grooved consisting of layers of meringue containing
stems. It has a slightly astringent taste and is toasted and coarsely ground nuts
usually pickled or salted. Also called Swatow interspersed with whipped cream and soft
mustard cabbage fruits such as raspberries and strawberries,
daam China Sea urchin

the whole decorated and circular in shape.

daanti South Asia A ceramic pestle used with

Cut in wedges for serving.

a matching mortar (imamdusta) for grinding dadarisi Netherlands An omelette stuffed with

soft grains and spices a spicy Indonesian filling

daarim Nepal Pomegranate

dadels Netherlands Dates


dab A small flatfish, Limanda limanda, up to


dadi Italy Dice, of vegetables, etc.


25 cm long, from North West European dadlar Sweden Dates


coastal waters, white below and brown with

dadler Denmark, Norway Dates

greenish spots above. Cooked as plaice.

da dou China Soya beans
da dou

da bai cai China Chinese cabbage

da bai cai

daging kambing Indonesia, Malaysia Lamb

daging kambing

dabo East Africa The Ethiopian name for


daging kerbau Indonesia Buffalo meat

daging kerbau

daging smor Netherlands Stewed meat,
daging smor

dabo fir fir East Africa An Ethiopian snack of

dabo fir fir

bread with butter and berbere Indonesian style

dagwood sandwich United States A multi-
dagwood sandwich

dabo kolo East Africa An Ethiopian snack

dabo kolo

made from whole wheat flour mixed with layered sandwich with a variety of fillings in
berbere spice mix to taste (approx. 8 tbsp between each layer
dahchini South Asia 1. Cinnamon 2. Cassia

per kg of flour), sugar (4 tbsp per kg) and salt

dahi Nepal, South Asia Yoghurt

(2 tsp per kg) and sufficient water to make a

thick dough. This is kneaded, rested, then dahi balle South Asia Fried bean cakes
dahi balle

250 g softened butter per kg of flour is served in a herb and spice-flavoured yoghurt
incorporated and the dough is rolled and cut sauce
into small cylinders and baked at 180°C for dahl See dhal

30 minutes until browned on all sides. dahorpt Balkans Diced mutton simmered with

Cooled and stored in an airtight container. onions and herbs until tender, reserved, rice
dabulamanzi salad Caribbean A St Vincent
dabulamanzi salad

cooked in the strained cooking liquor with

salad made from finely chopped carrot, chopped sweet green peppers, mixed with
ginger, cabbage and garlic, lightly sautéed in the meat and lightly vinegared. See also
sesame oil then poured over washed and kissela dahorp
dried lettuce leaves followed by chopped -dai Japan Red sea bream, as in kinmedai

avocado flesh
dai choy goh China Agar agar
dai choy goh

Dacca South Asia A cheese made from cow or


daidai Japan Seville orange


buffalo milk, ripened for 2 to 3 weeks in

daikon Japan A shorter and rounder variety of

wicker baskets, then smoked

mooli used in the same way
dace A bony freshwater fish, Leuciscus

daikon no nimono Japan 4 cm pieces of

daikon no nimono

leuciscus, resembling in shape a small

daikon boiled in salted water until tender and

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daikon oroshi

simmered in dashi with a little soya sauce Dampfnudeln Germany Sweetened yeast-

and mirin and covered with an otoshibuta for raised, flour-based dumplings or noodles,
about 30 minutes steamed or poached in milk and served with
daikon oroshi Japan Finely grated daikon or custard, stewed fruit or jam
daikon oroshi

mooli used as a marinade especially for Dampfwürstel Austria A mild sausage


octopus and to mask or remove strong fishy containing beef and bacon fat bound with a
smells little fécule, lightly scalded and possibly
daikon shreds Japan Very fine almost hair-
daikon shreds

like shreds of mooli made by cutting a long damson A small blue black plum with a yellow

thin ribbon like a wide potato peeling, rolling green flesh from a Middle Eastern tree,
it up and cutting it across in very thin slices. Prunus damascena or P. insititia, with a
Used as a garnish for sushi. greyish yeast bloom. Rather acid but
daing Philippines Cleaned fish which have

excellent in preserves and cooked dishes.

been salted and dried in the sun damson and apple tansy England Cooked
damson and apple tansy

dai rau song Vietnam A platter of mixed

dai rau song
apples and stoned damsons fried in butter
herbs, salad leaves, raw vegetables cut in with sugar until soft, mixed with ground
strips and cooked rice or noodles served with cloves and cinnamon followed by stiffly
meals as a side dish beaten egg whites. Cooked over a low heat
dairy The buildings in which milk is removed
until set, sprinkled with sugar and browned
from the animals and further processed into under the grill. Originally flavoured with
cream, butter, cheese and other milk tansy.
dan China Egg

products. Nowadays removal and processing

dana Turkey Veal

are usually carried out at different locations.

dairy products Milk and all other products Danablu Danish blue
dairy products Danablu

derived directly from it such as cheese, Danbo Denmark A hard cows’ milk cheese

butter, cream, yoghurt, etc. which is salted in brine and matured for 5
dai suen China Asian leek months, often waxed and with internal holes
dai suen

daizu Japan Dried soya beans

like Emmental. Fairly mild in flavour and
daktyla Greece A long loaf of bread, topped
often contains caraway seeds. Contains 45%
with sesame seeds and made up of several water, 24% fat and 29% protein.
Dancy tangerine United States The
Dancy tangerine

sections easily pulled apart

dal See dhal
traditional Christmas tangerine is an old
(1867) variety of mandarin grown from seed
dalchini South Asia Cinnamon and cassia

by Colonel Dancy. It has a deep orange-red

thin skin with a tender well-flavoured flesh.
Dalia Romania A cows’ milk cheese similar to

They tend to decay rapidly.

dandelion A common European wild plant,

dalle France A thin slice or escalope of round


Taraxacum officinale. The young and/or

fish cut across the bone (NOTE: Literally garden blanched leaves are used in salads
‘slab’.) and the ground and roasted roots are used to
damaschina Italy Damson

make a coffee substitute.

damasco Portugal Apricot

dan gao China Cake

dan gao

damask cream England A junket made with

damask cream

danger zone The range of temperatures most

danger zone

sweetened single cream flavoured with suitable for bacterial growth, 7 to 60°C (45 to
nutmeg and brandy, set with rennet at 37°C 140°F). Food should not be kept in this
for 2 to 3 hours, and carefully decorated with range for any length of time.
a mixture of clotted cream and rose water. dang gui China The dried root of a relative of
dang gui

Also called Devonshire junket angelica, Angelica sinensis, used to flavour

Damaszenerpflaume Germany Damson

soup and reputed to have medicinal

dame Italy Small raisin cakes

dame blanche France A common Belgian dang noi Thailand Cassava
dame blanche dang noi

and northern French dessert of white ice dango Japan Dumpling


cream, whipped cream and chocolate sauce Danish United States A Danish pastry

Damenkäse Germany A soft rich, cows’ milk


Danish blue Denmark A blue-veined white

Danish blue

cheese. See also Butterkäse and crumbly cooked-curd cows’ milk cheese
damper Australia Unleavened bread made

made commercially in large quantities. It is

from flour, salt and water cooked on a inoculated with Penicillium roquefortii spores
griddle, barbecue or in hot wood fire ashes to produce the blue veining. It is dry-salted,
Dampfbraten Germany Beef stew

ripened for 3 months and held in a cold store

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for a further 2 months. The flavour is sharp dariole mould A small bucket-shaped mould
dariole mould

and somewhat salty. Marketed aggressively. used to make individual desserts such as
Danish blue brie Denmark A Danish version
Danish blue brie

crème caramel, madeleines, etc.

Dariworld United States A semi-hard cooked-

of a blue-veined Brie cheese

Danish mellow blue Denmark A more mellow
Danish mellow blue
curd cows’ milk cheese, salted in brine then
and creamier textured version of Danish blue ripened in plastic packs. Contains 45%
cheese water, 27% fat and 23% protein.
darjeeling An expensive unblended black tea

Danish open sandwich See smørrebrød

Danish open sandwich

with a very fine flavour from the foothills of

Danish pastries Sweet cakes and buns made
Danish pastries

the Himalayas. Often drunk without milk or

with Danish pastry usually filled with fruit, sugar.
custard, jam or the like. Examples are
dark brown sugar United States Muscovado
dark brown sugar

spandauer, wienerlangd, kammar and

borgmästarfläta, all strangely enough from
dark soya sauce A less salty version of soya
dark soya sauce

sauce used to colour food as well as for its
Danish pastry A yeasted, egg and sugar-
Danish pastry

full-bodied flavour
enriched, strong flour dough (2 eggs per kg
dark sugar General term for the various types
dark sugar

of flour) brought together with cold milk,

of brown sugar
layered with 0.6 times the weight of flour in
darn China Hen’s egg

butter, using the English puff pastry method

darne France A thick slice or steak of fish cut

with 3 threefold turns, resting between turns

as usual. The pastry is rolled out to the across the backbone and including the
appropriate thickness, garnished bone. See also fish steak
dart Dace

appropriately, proved and then baked at

230°C. dartois France 1. A garnish of celery, carrots,

Danish salami

Danish salami A type of salami made with a turnips and potatoes used with meat dishes
mixture of pork, beef or veal and a high 2. Two pieces of sweet or savoury puff pastry
proportion of pork fat, coloured red to sandwiched together with a sweet or savoury
resemble meat, dry-salted or brined, air- filling and baked
dasheen Caribbean A tropical and subtropical

dried and possibly smoked. Eaten raw in thin

slices and not suitable for cooking. plant, Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum,
dansk fläskkotlett

dansk fläskkotlett Sweden Danish pork brought from Southeast Asia to the
chops made from seasoned chops rubbed Caribbean as a staple food for slaves. The
with curry powder, fried quickly in butter, leaves are edible and the tubers of the plant
soured cream added and all simmered for (referred to as taro or cocoyam) may be
10 minutes. Garnished with diced ham and boiled, baked or roasted. See also taro,
apple and sliced onion sweated in butter. cocoyam (NOTE: The name dasheen is a
dansk leverpostej corruption of de Chine, meaning ‘from
dansk leverpostej Denmark A pâté made China’.)
from calf’s liver, flour, cream, butter, eggs,
dasheen leaf The fan-like leaf of taro and
dasheen leaf

onions, spices and seasoning served warm

with boiled potatoes or cold with open similar tubers of species of Colocasia, used
sandwiches, etc. as a vegetable and in callaloo soup. Also
called arvi leaf, patra
dansk potatis Sweden Large potatoes baked
dansk potatis

dashi Japan A fish stock made from dried


with the skin on at 200°C for 45 minutes, seaweed (kelp or kombu), dried Pacific
rolled between the hand and a board to
bonito flakes and other flavourings. The first
soften the inside, opened and topped with infusion of the raw materials is called ichiban
chopped prawns in creamed butter
dashi and is used for soups, whilst the
dansk wienerbrød Denmark Danish pastry
dansk wienerbrød

second, niban dashi, is used as a stock or

(NOTE: Literally ‘Danish Vienna bread’.) cooking liquor. See also katsuodashi,
darang Philippines Dried smoked fish which Hondashi

develop a characteristic deep red colour date The fruit of the date palm, Phoenix


darchini South Asia Cinnamon dactylifera, with a yellow skin and brown
sweet flesh enclosing a single elongated
dare Dace

stone, the whole about 4 cm by 2 cm, which

dare oh Burma A rounded deep pan similar to
dare oh

grow in clusters arranged in two rows along a

a wok made of brass or cast iron with a central stalk. Usually traded in the dried form
handle at either side which is sweet and sticky. Popular at
dariole France A small pastry with custard

Christmas in Europe as a snack and also

cooked in a dariole mould used to sweeten and flavour cakes.

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date mark

date mark A date stamped on a packaged daun kari pla Malaysia Curry leaf
date mark daun kari pla

food item indicating either the use-by date, daun kemangi Indonesia The
daun kemangi

best-before date, best-before-end date or commonly used basil
display-until date daun
daun ketumbar

ketumbar Indonesia, Malaysia

date mussel See sea date
date mussel

Coriander leaves
date shell See sea date
date shell

daun limau purut Malaysia Makrut lime

daun limau purut

dátil (plural dátiles) Spain Date daun mangkok South Asia A shrub, Polyscias
dátil daun mangkok

dátil de mar Spain Sea date scutellarium, whose aromatic young leaves
dátil de mar

datolya Hungary Dates

are used as a green vegetable, usually
datte France A date
shredded. The whole leaves are also used to
hold food.
datte de mer France A sea date
datte de mer

daun pandan Indonesia, Malaysia Screwpine

daun pandan

Datteln Germany Dates


daun pudina Malaysia Mint

daun pudina

datteri Italy Dates


dauphin France A dolphin


datteri farciti Italy Stuffed dates

datteri farciti

Dauphin France A cows’ milk cheese from the


dattero di mare Italy Sea date

dattero di mare

near the Belgian border, flavoured with herbs

daub, to To lard
daub, to

and spices and formed into decorative

daube France A rich casserole made from

shapes. The cheese itself is similar to

previously marinated meat with a selection of Maroilles.
vegetables, wine, garlic, onions and dauphine, à la France With pommes
dauphine, à la

seasonings according to region. Cooked dauphine

slowly in a sealed pot and traditionally served dau phong Vietnam Peanut
dau phong

with boiled potatoes or pasta.

dau phong rang Vietnam Roasted peanuts
dau phong rang

daube disef An egg stew from Mauritius,

daube disef

used as a garnish and for flavouring

made with hard-boiled eggs and new
daurade France Gilt-head bream

potatoes boiled in their skins, both fried until

daurade commune France See bream 1
daurade commune

brown, mixed with a sauce made from

dau see China See black bean 2
dau see

chopped onions, garlic, green chillies,

dau xanth Vietnam Mung bean or bean sprout
dau xanth

ginger, parsley and thyme all sweated in oil,

Davidson’s plum Australia A very sharp sloe-
Davidson’s plum

chopped skinned tomatoes, tomato purée,

sugar, seasoning and water and finished with like fruit with an intense acid flavour about 5
chopped coriander and petit pois cm long which comes from a 12-metre
daubière France An earthenware casserole
northern tree, Davidsonia pruriens. It is used
with a tight-fitting lid used to cook daubes. in small quantities in jams, dressings and
Originally they had a deep lid in which desserts. It can be used as a substitute for
burning charcoal could be put. tamarind.
Daucus carota Botanical name Carrot da xia China Prawn
da xia

dau gok China A dark green variety of long dayap Philippines A small lime (up to 1.5 cm
dau gok dayap

bean diameter) used as a souring agent

dau hao Vietnam Oyster sauce DeArbol chilli A small long and thin, very hot
dau hao DeArbol chilli

dau hu Vietnam Bean curd

dau hu
dried chilli pepper with a bright shiny skin.
dau hu chien Vietnam Fried bean curd
dau hu chien
Should be used with care.
deauvillaise, à la France In the style of
deauvillaise, à la

dau hu chung Vietnam Bean curd

dau hu chung

Deauville in Normandy. Used especially of

dau hu ki Vietnam Dried bean curd
dau hu ki

sole poached with cream and chopped

dauil nakhud Central Asia Yellow split peas
dauil nakhud

dau me Vietnam Sesame seed oil
dau me

dębowiecka Poland A firm medium-sized

dębowiec ka

dau mil, dau miu China 1. Pea leaf 2. Pea

dau mil

slicing sausage from Poznan, made with

shoot pork containing only a little fat
daum kesom Indonesia, Malaysia Vietnamese
daum kesom

debrecen Hungary A spicy sausage made of


mint 2 parts lean pork, 1 part pork fat and 1 part

daumont, à la France Garnished with
daumont, à la

beef, seasoned and flavoured with spices.

mushrooms, soft fish roe, crayfish tails and Used in various stews.
sometimes fish quenelles. Used for fish. debrecener rohwurst Hungary A hard
debrecener rohwurst

daun bawang Indonesia, Malaysia Scallion or

daun bawang

Rohwurst made entirely of pork

spring onion debrecziner Hungary A spicy coarse-textured

daun jeruk purut Indonesia Makrut lime

daun jeruk purut

sausage similar in size to the Frankfurter

leaves decaffeinated coffee Coffee made in the
decaffeinated coffee

daun kari Indonesia Curry leaf

daun kari

usual way from green beans which have

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degh fasli

been solvent treated to selectively remove deep-freeze, to To cool food below –20°C so
deep-freeze, to

the caffeine. It has a similar flavour to, but is as to prevent deterioration

not as stimulating as coffee. deep-freezing A method of preserving food

decant, to To gently pour off the clear liquid

decant, to

by storing at temperatures below –10°C,

from the top of a mixture of liquid and usually around –18°C to –20°C
heavier particles, where the latter have deep-fry, to To cook food by immersing it in
deep-fry, to

settled to the bottom. Usually applied to wine and covering it with hot fat or oil at a
to separate it from the crystals of tartaric acid temperature between 175 and 195°C. The
which are precipitated on long standing. food is quickly sealed, crisped and cooked if
decanter A glass container with a stopper,

not too thick.

often decorated, in which decanted wine or deep-fryer The cooking utensil which

other drinks are kept for serving contains sufficient depth of fat and a means
decentralized service Service where food is
decentralized service

of heating it, used for deep-frying. It should

prepared in bulk and sent to to serving points have a cool zone below the heating element
where it is placed onto dishes or trays for and hot fat, to collect burnt fragments of
onward dispatch, e.g. in hospitals food, and a thermometer and/or thermostat
dechi Nepal, South Asia A tinned brass
to control the temperature.
deep-poaching, fish Large cuts of fish or
deep-poaching, fish

cooking pot. See also degchi

decilitre One tenth of a litre, 100 millilitres.
whole fish cooked in simmering court
Abbreviation dl bouillon or acidulated and salted water until
decompose, to To undergo a process of
decompose, to
cooked. Cooking is finished when the flesh
bacterial, fungal or enzymic attack which leaves the bone. Usually garnished with
causes food to break down into usually picked parsley, plain boiled potatoes, slices
strong-smelling and often toxic components. of blanched aromatic vegetables and a little
Some decomposition enhances flavour and cooking liquor and served separately with a
texture e.g. in game, cheese and many suitable sauce.
deep sea argentine See argentine
deep sea argentine

fermented foods, but these can easily go bad

deepwater prawn A large prawn, Pandalus
deepwater prawn

as the process of decomposition has started.

decorate, to To make pleasing to the eye by
decorate, to
borealis, up to 13 cm long, red when live and
adding shapes, colours and textures to a found from Greenland to the UK, large
dish, e.g. to cakes, desserts, cold buffet quantities being fished in Norwegian waters.
items, sandwiches, salads, etc. Also called northern prawn, deepwater shrimp
deepwater shrimp See deepwater prawn
deepwater shrimp

decorated eggs Painted and decorated hard-

decorated eggs

deer A family of herbivores, Cervidae, found


boiled eggs in their shells. Often used at

Easter as symbols of resurrection or of throughout the world. Most of the males have
fertility. bony antlers which are shed and regrown
decorating bag United States Piping bag
decorating bag
annually throughout life. They range in size
from 55 cm high at the shoulder to 2.4 m.
decorating comb A flat plate or spatula with
decorating comb

The important meat varieties are red, fallow

serrated edges used to make ridged surfaces
and roe deer in Europe, the white-tailed mule
on cake icing. Different edges may have
deer and moose in North America and the
different profiles.
caribou and reindeer of Arctic regions. The
découper France To carve, joint or cut in

meat is known as venison.

defrost, to 1. To thaw or warm up deep-frozen
defrost, to

dee la Thailand Sesame seed

dee la

food to room temperature in readiness for

deem sum China Dim sum
deem sum

cooking or eating. Usually done by slow

deep-dish pizza United States A North application of heat to avoid cooking part of
deep-dish pizza

American style pizza made in a dish with the food, often in a microwave oven. 2. To
sides like a flan or tart tin. Used so that more warm up a refrigerator or deep-freeze so as
filling than is usual with a traditional pizza to remove ice and snow encrusted on the
may be cooked with the dough. Also called internal surfaces
deep-pan pizza degchi South Asia A tinned brass cooking pot

deep fat Hot fat or oil of sufficient depth to

deep fat

with a heavy base, straight sides and no

completely cover the item being fried. handles used for cooking over charcoal or
Usually held in a special cooking utensil wood. Also called bhagoni, dechi, patila
designed to prevent accidents. degh Central Asia The narrow-necked conical

deep-freeze An insulated and refrigerated

cooking pot of Afghanistan
degh fasli South Asia A type of cassoulet
degh fasli

cabinet or chest for freezing and storing

frozen food at temperatures below –20°C made with any variety of beans and breast of

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deghi mirch

lamb cut in cubes and marinated in deipnon The first part of a formal meal in

processed and liquefied onions. After all are ancient Greece when the food was served.
simmered together with tomatoes, sweet See also symposium
peppers and aromatic spices and herbs the déjeuner France Lunch

meat is removed and fried in butter, the deli United States A delicatessen where food

separated cooking liquor is defattted and can also be eaten on the premises
reduced by half, then all is recombined and delicatessen A shop or area within a shop

flavoured with ground mace and bay leaves. selling ready-to-eat savoury items such as
deghi mirch South Asia Kashmiri chilli
deghi mirch

preserved meats and fish, cheese, slicing

déglaçage France 1. The process of

sausages, salads, pâtés, dips, etc.

deglazing 2. Defrosting délice England, France A thin fillet of fish with

déglacer France 1. To deglaze 2. To defrost


the two ends folded underneath to form a

deglaze, to To dissolve and loosen coagulated
deglaze, to
rectangular parcel. Usually poached. (NOTE:
meat juices which stick to the bottom of a Literally ‘a delight’.)
Délice de Saint Cyr France A rich, triple-
Délice de Saint Cyr

roasting dish or frying pan using water, stock

or wine. The resulting solution or suspension cream cheese made from cows’ milk in the
is sometimes reduced in volume by boiling area surrounding Paris
Delikatessaufschnitt Germany Assorted cold

and is used to add flavour to sauce or stock.

degorge, to See dégorger, faire
degorge, to
meats, assiette anglaise
deliquescent The description of a substance

dégorger, faire 1. France To soak in water to

dégorger, faire

remove impurities before cooking; used of that absorbs water from the atmosphere and
e.g. fish, offal, meat, etc. 2. To remove water dissolves in it, e.g. pure salt without additives
and sometimes bitter flavours from a food by will cake and eventually dissolve
delizie Italy 1. Appetizers 2. Delicacies

chopping, covering with salt, allowing to

della rice A type of long-grain rice
della rice

drain for some time then rinsing and drying.

Delmonico potatoes United States Potato
Delmonico potatoes

Used with cucumbers, aubergines,

courgettes, kantolas and karellas. balls, boiled then dressed with butter, lemon
dégraisser 1. France To skim off fat and scum
juice, chopped parsley and seasoning
Delmonico steak United States A boneless
Delmonico steak

from the top of a simmering liquid as in the

preparation of stocks and sauces 2. To beef steak 2.5 to 5 cm thick, cut from the
remove fat from meat wing and fore rib with all bone fat and coarse
degrease, to To remove fat from the surface
degrease, to
meat removed. Treat like fillet steak. Also
of a liquid, either by skimming, decanting or called spencer steak
dem à la Saint Louisienne West Africa A
dem à la Saint Louisienne

soaking it into paper

Senegalese dish of stuffed fish in the French
degree Celsius The divisions of the Celsius
degree Celsius

style. See also mulet farci à la Saint-

scale of temperature of which there are 100
between the freezing point and the boiling Louisienne
Demeltorte Austria A pastry filled with

point of water, 0°C and 100°C respectively.

Written °C. Also called degree Centigrade candied fruit
demerara sugar A light brown sugar with
demerara sugar

degree Centigrade See degree Celsius

degree Centigrade

coarse crystals originally from Demerara in

degree Fahrenheit The divisions of the
degree Fahrenheit

British Guiana but now produced widely

Fahrenheit scale of temperature of which from raw cane sugar. Used for coffee and
there are 180 between the freezing point and various desserts. Less moist than
the boiling point of water, 32°F and 212°F muscovado.
respectively. Written °F.
demersal Which live near or on the sea bed.

degue West Africa Millet porridge (tô) mixed


Used of e.g. flatfish.

with soured milk and honey demi France Half

dégustation France Tasting or sampling e.g.


demi-deuil France With black and white


of wine, oysters, etc. ingredients, usually poached chicken,

dehumidify, to To remove water vapour from
dehumidify, to

sweetbreads, eggs, shellfish, etc. for white

air, either by passing the air over a chemical and truffles for black, and served with
which absorbs water or a cold surface which suprême sauce (NOTE: Literally ‘half-
condenses it. Used in humid areas. mourning’.)
dehydrate, to To remove water from a food demi-deuil salad A salad of sliced boiled
dehydrate, to demi-deuil salad

product generally to improve its keeping waxy potatoes, seasoned, mixed with real
quality. Food may be dehydrated by sun or truffle shavings and dressed with a mixture
air drying, heating, salting or applying a of olive oil, vinegar, French mustard and
vacuum whilst adding heat. single cream

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dessert cream

demi-doux France A type of bloater. See also dentice Italy Dentex, the fish
demi-doux dentice

bouffi dentón Spain Dentex, the fish


demi-glace, sauce England, France A

demi-glace, sauce

Denver sandwich United States Western

Denver sandwich

mixture of equal parts of espagnole sauce sandwich

and brown stock reduced by simmering to a deodorize, to To remove or mask the smell of
deodorize, to

half quantity, skimming as necessary, and cooking food, e.g. with herbs or spices
finally strained. Used as a basis for other
dépecer France 1. To joint 2. To carve

dépouiller France 1. To skim fat, scum and

demi-loaf United States A small individual-


sized loaf similar from the surface of stock, soup,

sauce and the like 2. To remove the skin of
demi-sel France 1. Slightly salted, as of

an animal
butter, cheese, etc. 2. A moist, white, salted
Derby England A pale yellow, hard but flaky

curd cheese made from cows’ milk and with

40% butterfat content. It has a mild, slightly textured cheese made from cows’ milk. Mild
sour flavour. when young but matures over 6 months to
develop a fuller flavour.
demi-suisse France, Switzerland A 30 g

Derby sage parsnips England Parsnips

Derby sage parsnips

Suisse cheese. Also called petit-suisse

demi-tasse France, United States A half cup
demi-tasse peeled and cut in smallish pieces, parboiled,
or a small cup usually used to serve coffee dried, coated in a mixture of flour and finely
grated sage Derby (2:1) and seasoning and
demoiselles de Cherbourg France Small
demoiselles de Cherbourg

then roasted in the oven using dripping or oil,

basting occasionally
denature, to To change the properties of
denature, to

Derby sauce England A proprietary sauce

Derby sauce

protein, usually by heat or chemical action.

invented by Escoffier. Worcestershire sauce
Generally denaturing reduces the solubility
is used as a substitute.
and changes the colour and appearance of
derek tibs East Africa Fried meat from
derek tibs

protein, e.g. as when heating egg white or

blood. Ethiopia served ‘derek’, i.e. without sauce
derere East Africa The Tanzanian name for

dendang Indonesia Surf clam


dénerver France To remove tendons, gristle,

derrynaflan Ireland A semi-soft Irish cheese

arteries, veins and membranes from meat

dés, en France Diced
dés, en

and muscle
dengaku Japan Grilled, skewered and coated desayuno Mexico, Spain Breakfast
dengaku desayuno

with a sweetened miso. See also miso- Desenchildkröte Germany Terrapin


dengaku desert raisin Australia Bush tomato

desert raisin

dengu East Africa A Kenyan dish of cooked


deshebrar Spain To shred


mung dal mixed with sautéed onions and

déshydrater France To dehydrate

coconut milk, brought to the boil and

desiccate, to To dry or remove water from
desiccate, to

flavoured with paprika. Served with rice,

chapatis or mashed sweet potatoes. substances, as in desiccated coconut
desiccated coconut The grated or shredded
desiccated coconut

dénoyauter France To stone or pit a fruit


density 1. Mass or weight per unit volume.

white inner lining of the coconut, vacuum-
e.g. water has a density of 1 kg per litre, dried at 70°C and used as an ingredient in
saturated brine about 1.22 kg per litre and sweet and savoury dishes and as a
vegetable oil about 0.8 kg per litre. 2. The decoration
desnatar Spain To skim

quality of hardness, thickness, opacity, etc.

désossé Boned, without bones

of something. See also specific gravity

dent corn United States A common tall form dessaler France To desalt by soaking in water
dent corn dessaler

of maize, Zea mays var. indentata, with dessert Denmark, England, France, Norway

yellow or white kernels in which the hard coat The pudding, ice cream, fruit or other sweet
covers only the sides so that they are item served at or towards the end of meal
indented at the top. dessert apple A normally sweet apple
dessert apple

dent-de-lion France Dandelion


suitable for eating raw. Because they do not

dente, al Italy Al dente
dente, al

lose their shape on cooking, dessert apples

denté France Dentex, the fish (NOTE: Literally are used to make uncovered decorative

‘toothed’.) apple tarts.

dentex The general species name of a group dessert cream Mixtures of cream with
dentex dessert cream

of Mediterranean fish, Dentex dentex, similar custard and/or fruit purée, often set with
to sea bream with a firm flesh and up to 1 m gelatine and with a smooth creamy texture.
in length. Baked or grilled. Used as the basis of many desserts.

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dessert grape

dessert grape Special grape varieties meat, fish, etc. prior to panéing and frying.
dessert grape

selected for eating raw. Classed as: See also diable, à la

sweetwater – the earliest ripening; muscat – devil’s dung Asafoetida
devil’s dung

the second to ripen and having the finest devil’s food cake United States A rich, sweet
devil’s food cake

flavour; and vinous, which have less flavour and dark brown chocolate cake
but are strong-growing and mature late in the devils on horseback As angels on horseback
devils on horseback

season. but with prunes instead of oysters

dessert herbs The principal herbs used in
dessert herbs

devil’s taro Black bean curd

devil’s taro

desserts, custards, fruit salads, compotes devil’s tongue 1. Snake palm plant 2. Black
devil’s tongue

and the like are angelica, aniseed, bay bean curd

(custard only), bergamot, dill, elderflower,
Devon flat England A flat biscuit made with
Devon flat

lemon balm, lemon thyme (custard only),

self-raising flour, caster sugar, clotted cream
lemon verbena, mint, rosemary, rose petals,
scented geraniums and sweet cicely and egg (4:2:2:1), brought together with a
little milk and baked at 220°C
dessert rice Rice prepared for compounded
dessert rice

Devon garland England A cows’ milk cheese

Devon garland

sweets, puddings and desserts, etc. Long-

from North Devon flavoured with fresh herbs
grain rice is washed and blanched twice,
Devon sausage Australia A rather cheap
Devon sausage

cooked with boiling milk, sugar, butter, salt,

and vanilla or orange zest flavouring in the slicing sausage made of manufacturing
oven without stirring, when cooked removed meat, principally pork and mutton. Also
from the oven and enriched with egg yolks. called devon (NOTE: Named after a breed of
Nowadays dessert rice more often made with Australian cattle)
Devonshire chudleighs England A smaller
Devonshire chudleighs

short-grain rice cooked in sweetened milk,

drained and sweetening adjusted. version of Cornish splits
Devonshire cream Clotted cream
Devonshire cream

dessertspoon A standard volume measure,


Devonshire hog pudding England Hog

Devonshire hog pudding

10 ml in the UK and 12 ml in Australia, not

defined in the USA. Abbreviation dsp pudding
Devonshire junket England Damask cream
Devonshire junket

destone, to To stone
destone, to

Devonshire pie England Layers of pork

Devonshire pie

détrempe France A slack mixture of flour and


water chops, sliced apples which have been

peeled and cored, and sliced onions in
devein, to To remove the large vein which
devein, to

alternate layers in a pie dish with sugar and

runs along the back of the tail meat of a
allspice on each layer of chops. Covered with
shrimp or prawn
gravy and topped with flaky pastry. Baked at
Deventer koek Netherlands Deventer cake, a
Deventer koek

220°C for 10 minutes and then at 180°C for

spice cake from Deventer 90 minutes.
devil butter A compound butter flavoured
devil butter

Devonshire split England A sweet yeasted

Devonshire split

with cayenne pepper, vinegar, bun, split open and filled with jam and
Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces, whipped cream
refrigerated in a roll and cut into 5 mm slices Devonshire squab pie England A deep pie
Devonshire squab pie

for garnishing meat and fish dishes filled with lamb, apples, onions and
devilled Strongly flavoured with a selection of

seasoning and covered in a pastry crust prior

Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces, to baking
mustard, cayenne pepper and vinegar. See dewberry An early ripening soft fruit hybrid of

also diable, à la the blackberry of the genus Rubus, similar

devilled kidneys Peeled, cored and chopped
devilled kidneys

to, but larger and juicier that a blackberry

kidneys, sautéed in butter, drained and and with a more trailing habit. Cook or use as
mixed off the heat with boiling sauce diable. blackberry.
Usually served on toast. dewcup Lady’s mantle

devilled sauce See diable, sauce

devilled sauce

dewwahra North Africa Lamb’s tripe in a


devilled sausages Sausages baked in the coriander and garlic sauce eaten during Eid
devilled sausages

oven, basted at intervals with a mixture of in Morocco

mustard, chutney, anchovy essence, oil and dextral Term used of a flatfish in which the eye

cayenne pepper. Served with mashed on the left of the juvenile form moves to join
potatoes. that on the right which becomes the
devilling Application of a selection from

uppermost side of the adult fish

dextrin A polysaccharide made by reducing

Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce,

mustard, cayenne pepper, vinegar and other the number of repeating glucose units in
highly flavoured condiments to the surface of starch. Used in commercial food

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preparations and when dissolved in water as diablotins


France 1. Cheese-flavoured
a glaze for bread and rolls. croûtons 2. Christmas crackers
dextrose See glucose

diacetin See glycerol di-acetate


d-glucono-1,5-lactone See E575 diamante citron The principal Italian citron

d-glucono-1,5-lactone diamante citron

DHA See docosahexanoic acid

grown in Calabria with a very thick, yellow
smooth and slightly ridged skin
dhal South Asia 1. Term used for dehusked

diamant noir France French black truffle

diamant noir

and split pigeon peas, lentils or similar small

diane, sauce England, France A poivrade
diane, sauce

pulses (NOTE: From the Hindi word meaning

‘to split’.) 2. A thin gruel-like dish of cooked sauce enriched with cream
dehusked split pulses with aromatic diaphragm The muscular partition separating

flavourings and spice, onions and other the lung and abdominal cavity in mammals.
vegetables, very commonly served at Indian Not usually traded separately except in beef
meals. Also called dal, dahl, dholl cattle.
dhania South Asia Coriander seed diastase See amylase
dhania diastase

dhania-jeera, dhania-jira South Asia Mixed diavola, alla Italy Devilled, served with a
dhania-jeera diavola, alla

coriander and cumin seeds (2:1), dry- spicy sauce, often of a chicken, split,
roasted to bring out the flavour and ground flattened and grilled
diavolini Italy Small fried spicy rice cakes

dhaniya South Asia Coriander seed


dibs Middle East A sugar syrup made from the


dhansak South Asia A mild lamb or chicken


stew with vegetables, lentils and spices sugar in sweet grapes, raisins or carob beans
topped with fried onion rings. Originally by expression, extraction and concentration.
brought from Iran to India by the Parsees. Used as a sweetener.
dicalcium diphosphate See E540
dicalcium diphosphate

dhansak masala South Asia A mixture of

dhansak masala

dice, to To cut into small cubes with sides

dice, to

ground coriander and cumin seeds

dholl See dhal
between 5 and 15 mm
di centro Italy Parmesan cheese made in July
di centro

dhuli urd South Asia Dehusked black gram

dhuli urd

from which all traces of black have been and August. See also Parmigiano Reggiano
dick Germany Thick

washed out
dhwen-jang Korea A strong-flavoured salty
Dictyophoria phalloidea Botanical name
bean paste similar to hatcho-miso Bamboo fungus
dienone A breakdown product of ptaquiloside

diabetic food Food with reduced sugar and

diabetic food

carbohydrate suitable for diabetic persons, found in bracken and a potent carcinogen
diente Spain A clove of garlic

especially jams, marmalades, soft drinks,

biscuits, cakes and confectionery items dieppoise, à la France In the Dieppe style.
dieppoise, à la

diable France 1. An unglazed earthenware

Used of any dish containing or garnished
cooking pot in two symmetrical halves which with shrimps or served with a shrimp sauce.
diepvries Netherlands Deep-frozen

when put together resembles a ball with two

flat sides and a long handle. Used for diet, to To control the intake of food in general
diet, to

cooking chestnuts and vegetables without or of particular types of food usually with a
water either in the oven or on top of the stove. view to losing weight but sometimes for other
Can be shaken and turned over for even medical or health reasons, e.g. for coeliac
cooking. 2. Kidneys or poussins, split, disease and diabetes
flattened, grilled and served with sauce dietary fibre Long-chain carbohydrates
dietary fibre

diable which are not digested in the gut but which

diable, à la France Strongly flavoured with a
diable, à la

add to the bulk of bowel contents, reducing

selection of Worcestershire and Tabasco constipation and decreasing the transit time
sauces, mustard, cayenne pepper and of waste matter thus thought to reduce the
vinegar incidence of bowel cancer. Also called
diable, sauce England, France A reduction of roughage
diable, sauce

chopped shallots, white wine, vinegar, dietetics The science and study of nutrition

cayenne pepper and mignonette pepper and diet

simmered with demi-glace, strained and diethyl ether An organic solvent used in some
diethyl ether

seasoned. Served with fried or grilled fish or flavourings and food colours
meat. Also called devilled sauce dietician A person trained in dietetics,

diable de mer France Monkfish

diable de mer

nutrition and food related illness who advises

diablo, en Mexico, Spain Devilled, hot and
diablo, en

on these topics usually in relation to illness

spicy and health

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digester The original name of the pressure dill weed, parsley, salt and peppercorns until

cooker tender (about 1 hour). Served with dill sauce.

digestibility A measure of the degree to dill pickles Small cucumbers (gherkins)
digestibility dill pickles

which food can be converted to nutrients pickled in vinegar flavoured with dill seed or
which can be used in metabolism. Generally dill weed as well as garlic, spices and salt.
measured subjectively in humans though The best undergo a lactic fermentation.
animal measurement techniques could be dillsås Sweden Dill sauce

dill sauce Sweden A white velouté sauce
dill sauce

digestif An alcoholic drink such as brandy,


flavoured with white wine vinegar, sugar and

taken after a meal to aid digestion dried dill, finished with a liaison of egg and
digestion The processes which take place in

cream and garnished with fresh dill

the stomach and bowels whereby food is
dill weed The leaves of the dill plant used in
dill weed

broken down into small molecules which can

salads and to flavour pickled cucumbers and
be absorbed into the blood and transported
fish. Also called Laotian coriander
round the body for use. The process makes
dilute, to To make less concentrated by
dilute, to

use of acid, enzymes and emulsifying agents

secreted into the mouth, stomach and bowel adding e.g. water to sugar syrup or vinegar to
and of microorganisms in the gut which prepared mustard
dimbula Sri Lanka A mellow and smooth

convert food into other compounds

necessary for health. unblended black tea from Sri Lanka
digestive Any item of food or drink thought to dimethylpolysiloxane See E900
digestive dimethylpolysiloxane

aid digestion dim sum China Steamed or deep-fried sweet

dim sum

digestive biscuit United Kingdom A crumbly

digestive biscuit

or savoury snacks served at lunch or in the

slightly sweet biscuit made from wholemeal afternoon before a Chinese meal or with
flour Chinese tea. If steamed, often served in
Digitaria exilis Botanical name Hungry rice characteristic woven split cane baskets.
dihydrogen citrates See citrates and (NOTE: Literally ‘heart warmers’.)
dihydrogen citrates

dihydrogen citrates dinar Catalonia Lunch


dijaj ala timman Middle East Iraqi roast

dijaj ala timman

dinca fala Wales Tinker’s apple cake

dinca fala

chicken with a stuffing based on rice, onion,

dinde France Hen turkey

pine nuts, chopped walnuts and sultanas,

dindon France Cock turkey

flavoured with baharat

dindonneau France Young turkey, poult

Dijon mustard A pale, smooth and clean-

Dijon mustard

tasting prepared French mustard made with diner France, Netherlands Dinner

brown mustard seed, salt, spices, water and dinner The main meal of the day usually of

white wine or, more traditionally, verjuice. two or more courses containing meat, fish,
The most common mustard used in cooking. cheese or other high protein foods as well as
dijonnaise, à la France In the Dijon style, i.e.
dijonnaise, à la

carbohydrates. Served in the evening or

with mustard or blackcurrants and around noon, depending on working
blackcurrant liqueur patterns, region or country, or social class.
dika West Africa The seeds of the wild mango

dió Hungary Walnuts


tree. See also etima Dioscorea The group of plants from which the
dilaw Philippines Turmeric

starchy tuber yam is obtained. See under

dilis Philippines A small fish similar to

yam for varieties.

anchovy prepared like ikan bilis Dioscorea alata Botanical name Asiatic yam
dill A tall, hardy annual, Anethum graveolens,

Dioscorea bulbifera Botanical name Aerial

from the Mediterranean and southern Russia yam
with feathery leaves and clusters of tiny Dioscorea cayenensis Botanical name
brown seeds reminiscent of aniseed and Guinea yam
caraway. Used in bread and cakes, with fish Dioscorea elephantipes Botanical name
and in pickled cucumbers. See also Indian Elephant’s foot (2)
dill (NOTE: From the Norse dilla ‘to lull or Dioscorea esculenta Botanical name
induce sleep’.) Chinese yam
Dill Germany Dill

Dioscorea japonica Botanical name

dillilammas Finland Boiled mutton in dill

Mountain yam
sauce Dioscorea rotundata Botanical name White
dillisk Ireland Dulse

dillkött Sweden Best end or scrag end of Dioscorea trifida Botanical name Cush-cush

lamb, blanched and simmered in stock with yam

178 Page 179 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

djuvec od praziluka

diósmetélt Hungary Freshly cooked egg disjoint To cut carcass meat, game or poultry
diósmetélt disjoint

noodles mixed with lard, finely chopped into pieces by severing the joints between
walnuts and sugar, served as a dessert bones
Diospyros discolor Botanical name Mabalo disodium dihydrogen EDTA See disodium
disodium dihydrogen EDTA

Diospyros kaki Botanical name Kaki fruit, dihydrogen ethylenediamine-NNN’N’-tetra

persimmon acetate
Diospyros spp. Botanical name Persimmon, disodium dihydrogen ethylenediamine-
disodium dihydrogen ethylenediamine-NNN’N’-tetra acetate

American persimmon, kaki, sharon fruit NNN’N’-tetra acetate A salt of EDTA used
Diospyros virginiana Botanical name as a sequestering agent. Also called
American persimmon disodium dihydrogen EDTA
diot France A fresh sausage containing root

disossato Italy Boned, without bones


vegetables, turnips, beetroot and carrots dispersed phase That phase in a two or more
dispersed phase

according to season phase mixture which consists of separate

dip A soft savoury, usually cold, sauce into

and unconnected globules, droplets,

which pieces of food such as raw vegetables, particles or bubbles, e.g. oil is the dispersed
crisps, biscuits, etc. are dipped prior to phase in mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce,
eating buttermilk in butter and air is the dispersed
dip, to To fully or partially immerse a solid phase in whipped white of egg. See also
dip, to

material or food into liquid or semi-liquid, continuous phase

either to coat the solid or to absorb some of display-until date A date mark used on
display-until date

the liquid into it packaged food for stock control purposes

diphenyl A potent fungicide permitted for use and not an indication of shelf life

in the wrappings of and in packing cases for dissolve, to To mix a solid with a liquid so that
dissolve, to

oranges and tomatoes. Also called biphenyl, the individual molecules of the solid are
phenylbenzene. See also E230 separately dispersed in the liquid and cannot
diphenylamine A food additive with no E

be seen. The colour but not the transparency

number or UK number used as an of the liquid may be changed. Not all solids
antioxidant dissolve in all or any liquids.
disznóhús Hungary Pork

diplomate, sauce France Sauce normande

diplomate, sauce

ditali Italy Thimble-sized tubes of pasta


with 75 g per litre of lobster butter, garnished

with truffles and diced lobster meat. Served ditalini Italy A small version of ditali used in

with whole large fish. soup

diplomatico Italy A chocolate cake flavoured

di testa Italy Parmesan cheese made between

di testa

with rum and coffee April and June. See also Parmigiano
diplomat pudding As cabinet pudding but Reggiano
diplomat pudding

served cold with redcurrant, raspberry, ditini Italy Cinnamon biscuits from Sicily

apricot or vanilla sauce. Also called pouding divinity A type of fudge made with egg whites,

diplomate sugar and ground nuts

diplomat sauce See diplomate, sauce
diplomat sauce

djej North Africa Chicken


dipper A large ladle with a long handle used


djej bil loz North Africa A Moroccan dish of

djej bil loz

for transferring small quantities of liquid from chicken stewed with blanched almonds and
a large container spices, the sauce thickened with mashed
dirty rice United States A Louisiana dish chicken liver
dirty rice

consisting of a mixture of fried chopped djej matisha mesla North Africa A Moroccan
djej matisha mesla

onions, celery, sweet peppers, garlic and dish of chicken stewed in oil with onion,
minced beef cooked with long-grain rice in a garlic, tomatoes, spices and seasoning until
seasoned stock (NOTE: So called because of very tender, the chicken reserved and the
its appearance) juices reduced, flavoured with honey and
disaccharide A sugar consisting of two served with the chicken garnished with fried

simple sugars such as glucose, fructose or or dry-fried almonds and sesame seeds
galactose chemically bonded together. The djej mqualli North Africa A Moroccan dish of
djej mqualli

most common is sucrose, ordinary beet or chicken stewed with preserved lemons and
cane sugar, which consists of glucose and olives, the sauce thickened with mashed
fructose. chicken liver
dishwasher rinse Water at around 82°C used djuvec Balkans A casserole of meat and rice
dishwasher rinse djuvec

for the final rinse cycle with tomatoes, aubergines, peppers,

disinfectant A chemical which kills growing

courgettes, celery, onions and garlic

bacteria, yeasts etc but not necessarily djuvec od praziluka Balkans A vegetarian
djuvec od praziluka

spores casserole of leeks, tomatoes, chillies and rice

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doan gwa

from the Former Yugoslav Republic of dog cockle A variety of cockle, Glycmeris
dog cockle

Macedonia glycmeris, found throughout the

doan gwa China Wax gourd Mediterranean. It has a distinctive patterned
doan gwa

Döbel Germany Chub

shell, yellow with red to brown circles which
Doboschtorte Germany A tall 10-layer sponge
appear as though feathered.
dogfish A white-fleshed, slightly oily, round-

cake with a mocha filling

dobostorta Hungary A layered cake filled with
bodied fish of various species of the shark
and sides coated with chocolate cream, top family with a flexible cartilaginous skeleton
covered with caramel which is divided before up to 1 m in length and usually bought
it sets to facilitate serving skinned. Common in European waters. See
e.g. larger spotted dogfish, lesser spotted
dobrada Portugal Tripe

dogfish, rock salmon and smooth hound.

dobrada a modo de porto Portugal Cooked
dobrada a modo de porto

Also called huss, rock eel, flake, rigg

chick peas, pieces of honeycomb tripe
dogh Iran A type of lassi made from yoghurt,

cooked in water, black pepper, bay leaf,

dried peppermint or spearmint, salt and
cumin parsley, onions and garlic browned in
oil and cooked tomatoes all combined in a
dog rose See rose
dog rose

casserole and simmered or baked for 1 hour

dog salmon See Siberian salmon
dog salmon

dobrada com feijão branco Portugal Stewed

dobrada com feijão branco

doh peeazah A variation of korma in which

doh peeazah

tripe, sausages and white beans

dobrogea A Romanian ewes’ milk cheese.
two additions of onions are made (2 parts
See also Penteleu onion to 1 part meat). The first half are
doce Portugal Sweet
browned and then cooked with the meat, the
second half are grated or processed and
doce de amendos Portugal A sweet almond-
doce de amendos

added to the meat near the end of the

flavoured dessert with almonds
cooking process. Also called do piaaza,
doce de chila Portugal The tough threads of
doce de chila

chila or vegetable spaghetti, separated,
doily A small circular placemat of cloth,

refrigerated in water overnight, drained,

plastic or paper often embossed and
blanched, drained and cooked over medium
pierced, placed under or on top of plates to
heat with an equal weight of sugar, drained,
protect or beautify. Often used under cup
the syrup boiled with a cinnamon stick to
cakes, petit fours, chocolates and the like.
116°C and added back to the strands off the
dok jun Thailand Mace
dok jun

heat. Cooled and bottled. Used in sweets

dok mali Thailand Jasmine essence
dok mali

and in place of marmalade or jam.

dolce Italy 1. Sweet 2. Mild 3. Soft 4. Fresh

doce de leite Brazil, Portugal A dessert made

doce de leite

from a caramelized milk and sugar mixture. dolceforte Italy Sweet and strong as applied

See also arequipe to dishes with these characteristics

dock, to To make a number of closely spaced
dock, to

Dolce Latte Italy A soft creamy and mild blue-

Dolce Latte

holes in rolled-out pastry either with a fork, a veined cheese made from cows’ milk (NOTE:
hand roller with many short spines or an Literally ‘sweet milk’.)
industrial scale machine. The purpose is to dolci Italy Sweets or desserts, usually eaten in

allow any air bubbles in the pastry to collapse a pastry shop, not with a meal
and thus prevent irregularities when baked.
dolichos bean Hyacinth bean
dolichos bean

docono West Africa A semolina milk pudding


Dolichos biflorus Botanical name Horse

from Guinea flavoured with vanilla and gram
cinnamon and mixed with sliced banana Dolichos sesquipedalis Botanical name The
docosahexanoic acid A polyunsaturated
docosahexanoic acid

asparagus bean. Also named Vigna

essential fatty acid (EFA) found in egg yolk sesquipedalis.
and fish oils. Its lack in the food of newborn
dolma 1. Turkey Blanched vine, fig, cabbage

children raised on breast milk substitutes is or other edible leaves wrapped around a
thought to cause retarded brain
filling of minced lamb and rice or other
development. Also called DHA savoury mixture then braised. Served hot or
doddy Bottle gourd

cold. 2. Middle East Stuffed aubergines or

dodine France Boned poultry stuffed with

pâté, simmered in wine and served with dolmades Greece Vine leaves, wrapped

deglazed pan juices around a filling of fried onions, rice, parsley,

dodol Malaysia A dark sweet dessert made

seasonings and either currants and nuts, or,

from cooked rice and mangosteen fried minced beef or veal, the parcels
doe Female deer

simmered in water and lemon juice and

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served cold as an appetizer. See also dolma. carved from the surface as it is cooked.
Also called dolmathes Served with a meal or as takeaway food in a
dolmathes See dolmades

pocketed hot pitta bread with salad. A

Dolmeh Central Asia Stuffed, as e.g. of vine
cheaper version made from minced lamb, fat
leaves, cabbage leaves, apples, tomatoes, and other ingredients is common in the UK.
quinces etc. usually with a meat filling. The Also called döner kebabi
döner kebabi Turkey The authentic Turkish
döner kebabi

common meaning is stuffed vine leaves. The

Greek dolmades comes from the same root. version of doner kebab
dong Thailand Pickle

dolphin fish A warm seawater round fish of

dolphin fish

dongde China Frozen


the genus Coryphaena, found worldwide with

a bright silvery gold colour and very tender dong gu China Dried hoshi-shiitake
dong gu

flesh. Up to 7.5 kg in weight. Poached, mushrooms harvested in winter

baked, fried or grilled. Also called dorado dong guei China The dried root of a relative of
dong guei

domasni nadenizi-na furna Bulgaria A

domasni nadenizi-na furna

angelica, Angelica sinensis. See also dang

mixture of chopped onions, minced meat, fat gui
and a little raw rice, seasoned and flavoured dong gwa China Wax gourd
dong gwa

with paprika, packed into sheep’s casings dong gwa jong China A rich broth served in
dong gwa jong

and baked in the oven in water and fat with the elaborately carved skin of a wax gourd
frequent basting dongo-dongo Central Africa A soup/stew of

domates dolmasi Turkey Tomatoes stuffed

domates dolmasi

dried, salted or smoked fish in an okra-

with a mixture of fried onions, raisins, pine thickened stock with sautéed onions, garlic
nuts, rice, herbs and seasoning, baked in the and chilli peppers. A large amount of
oven and served cold chopped okra is used and a pinch of baking
domiati Egypt A soft scalded-curd cheese

powder and tomato purée are also added.

made from buffalos’ or cows’ milk. See also do’nut United States The American spelling of

Beda the doughnut, a version of the similar

Dominican masked duck United States A
Dominican masked duck

European bun which is made in the form of

highly prized wild duck, Nomonyx a torus after its inventor observed that the
dominicus, from the south, shot for the table centre of the European version was
domoda West Africa A Gambian meat stew

sometimes not cooked

generally with lemon juice, chilli pepper, donzella Italy Wrasse, the fish

onions, garlic, aubergine and tomatoes but doodh South Asia Milk

always with peanut butter equal in weight to doodhi Bottle gourd


the meat in the cooking liquor. The meat is

dooren Malaysia Durian

normally browned before stewing and the

doperwtjes Netherlands Green peas

peanut butter is added for the last ten

do piaaza, dopiaza South Asia A variation of
do piaaza

domsiah Iran The finest quality rice
korma. See also doh peeazah
Doppelrahmstufe Germany An official

domuz Turkey Pork


category of double cream cheeses with a fat

dòn Vietnam Crisp

content of 60 to 85% (based on dry matter)

dôn Vietnam 1. Stuffed 2. Assembled or put

doppio Italy 1. Strong 2. Concentrated


doppskov Denmark Diced leftovers of meat,

donabe Japan An earthenware casserole used


fried in butter with chopped onion,

for one-pot meals (nabemono) cooked at the
simmered in cream sauce until heated
though, mixed with diced boiled potatoes
Donaukarpfen Germany Carp from the river

and served topped with a fried egg

dorada Spain Gilt-head bream

donburi Japan 1. A big rice bowl 2. A dish of


dorade France Gilt-head bream


cooked rice topped with some or all of meat,

dorado 1. Dolphin fish 2. A freshwater fish

fish, egg, vegetables and garnishes all

arranged in a decorative manner and served from South American rivers
dorata Italy Gilt-head bream

with spicy sauces, the typical fast food of

dorato Italy Dipped in an egg batter and fried

dondurma Turkey Ice cream
to a light golden colour
doré France 1. Egg-washed with beaten egg

doner kebab Thin slices of raw lamb meat

doner kebab

with fat and seasoning built up on a spit to yolks 2. Golden brown

dorée France John Dory, the fish

make a cylinder 20 cm diameter and 60 – 80

dorer, faire France To brown slightly
dorer, faire

cm long, spit-roasted while rotating in front of

a source of radiant heat and thin slices doresshingu Japan A salad dressing

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doria France Containing cooked cucumber firstly on being moistened and secondly on

doria, fish Fish meunière, dressed with small

doria, fish
being heated
double boiler Two saucepans which fit
double boiler

turned pieces of cucumber sweated in butter

or blanched together one on the other. The top one
doria, sauce England, France A béchamel
doria, sauce
contains the food to be cooked and the lower
sauce enriched with cream and flavoured one which is directly on the heat contains
with cooked, chopped cucumber and grated boiling or hot water. Used to limit the
nutmeg. Served with fish. temperature of the food being cooked and to
dormeur France Common crab
prevent burning especially when melting
chocolate, thickening with egg yolk, etc. Also
dorogobuski, dogorobouski Russia A strong-

called double saucepan

flavoured cows’ milk cheese matured for 6
double cream 1. A thick cream with a
double cream

weeks with an orange red rind. Sold in small

minimum butterfat content of 55%.
Sometimes used for whipping but should be
doro wat East Africa A dish of chicken pieces
doro wat

diluted with 10% milk. 2. United States Soft

and hard-boiled eggs simmered in a thick cream cheese made from milk enriched with
sauce made from onions caramelized in extra cream
ghee or butter, tomato paste, garlic,
double cream cheese A cream cheese with
double cream cheese

cardamom and berbere or finely chopped

a high fat content made from cream.
chillies. Served with rice or injera.
Generally used for spreading on bread or as
Considered to be the best of the Ethiopian
a constituent of desserts.
wat dishes.
double-crème France Soft cream cheese

Dorsch Germany Cod


double-crust Describes a pie or food dish with


Dorset apple cake England Flour, chopped

Dorset apple cake

a pastry crust below and above the filling,

apples, sugar and lard (2:2:1:1) plus 3 dsp of
usually in one continuous sheet
baking powder per kg of flour, the lard
double-crust pie A pie with both a pastry
double-crust pie

rubbed into the flour and all the rest brought

together to a firm dough with milk. Made into base and top
double-decker sandwich United States A
double-decker sandwich

a flat cake 2 cm thick, baked at 190°C for

about 1 hour, cut in half, well buttered and sandwich made with 3 slices of bread and 2
eaten hot. fillings
double Gloucester England A hard orange-
double Gloucester

Dorset blue See blue Dorset

Dorset blue

dorso Italy Back, of a rabbit, hare, etc.

coloured cows’ milk cheese with a rich
mellow flavour suitable for cooking and as a
dorure France Beaten egg for egg-washing

dessert. Double refers to its size.

and glazing
double grid A wire mesh with handle which
double grid

dory A seawater fish, Zeus taber, from the


opens to enclose fish, beef burgers, patties

Mediterranean and the Bay of Biscay, or the like, allowing them to be turned over
famous for St Peter’s thumbprint (a large
on the grill or barbecue without damage
black spot ringed with yellow) behind both
doubles Caribbean A popular fast food

gill covers. The head takes up nearly half its

length (up to 60 cm female, 45 cm male). consisting of curried chickpeas between two
The fish is a sandy colour tinged with yellow small, fried and seasoned batter pancakes
double saucepan See double boiler
double saucepan

and blue and has a very fine-flavoured white

douce France Sweet or mild, used before

flesh. Also called John Dory

dosa South Asia A dish of fried pancakes for
feminine words
douce-amère France Sweet-and-sour

which the partially fermented thick pouring

batter is made from ground rice and ground dou fu China Bean curd
dou fu

urad dal in water. Often stuffed with cooked dou fu nao China Bean curd brains
dou fu nao

vegetables e.g. mashed potato. dou fu pok China Fried bean curd
dou fu pok

dot, to To put small pieces of butter, etc. over

dot, to

dough A mixture of flour, liquid and possibly


the surface of food so that when grilled or yeast and other ingredients which after
heated it will cover it kneading has a firm, pliable and sometimes
Dotterkäse Germany A cheese made from

elastic consistency rather like putty. Used for

skimmed cows’ milk and egg yolks making bread, buns, scones, etc.
dou China Pulse

doughboy United States Dumpling


douara North Africa A casserole of marinated


dough cake England A white bread dough

dough cake

lambs’ tripe, liver and heart enriched with eggs and butter containing
double-acting baking powder A chemical
double-acting baking powder

sugar, spices and dried vine fruits and baked

raising agent which releases carbon dioxide in a cake or loaf tin

182 Page 183 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

dried fruit

dough hook A hook-shaped heavy metal arm vegetables, sometimes emulsified with water
dough hook

used in mixing machines for mixing and or vinegar

kneading bread doughs etc. drawn butter sauce United Kingdom A sauce
drawn butter sauce

doughnut A ball of slightly sweetened yeasted


made from a white roux and flavoured water,

or chemically raised dough, deep-fried, traditionally served with vegetables or, with
drained and coated with caster sugar often the addition of lemon juice, with steamed or
with jam in the middle. The ring doughnut poached fish
was the original form made by wrapping the dredge, to To lightly sprinkle with flour or
dredge, to

dough around a stick which was suspended sugar or other fine powder using a dredger or
in hot oil, the ball form followed but was in sieve
turn generally superseded by a ring formed dredger A cylindrical metal can with either a

by extrusion because of the difficulty of removable perforated top or a mesh base

cooking the centre of the ball without used for sprinkling flour, sugar or other fine
overcooking the surface. powders on food items prior to or whilst
douille France Piping nozzle or tube

dou jiang China Soya bean milk Dresden dressing United States A condiment
dou jiang Dresden dressing

dou sha China Adzuki bean paste

dou sha

sauce made from hard-boiled egg, onions,

dou sha bao China Sweet buns made from
dou sha bao
mustard and other flavourings and
bean flour seasonings. Used with meat.
Dresdener Stollen Germany A variety of
Dresdener Stollen

doux France Sweet or mild, used before


masculine words Stollen from Dresden

dress, to 1. To add a dressing, e.g. of oil and
dress, to

dou zhi China Black soya beans

dou zhi

Dover sole One of the finest seawater flatfish,

Dover sole
vinegar, to a salad prior to tossing the salad
Solea solea and S. vulgaris, up to 50 cm long 2. To garnish a dish 3. To arrange a food item
and caught around North West Europe and which has been cooked, as in to dress a crab
in the Mediterranean. It is much prized for its 4. To prepare poultry or game for cooking by
lean white flesh. The upper surface is a mud plucking, drawing and trussing
dressé(e) France Garnished

colour and the lower is white. It is very slimy

dressed crab Seasoned white and dark crab
dressed crab

when fresh. Also called sole

dovi East Africa The Tanzanian name for
meat, the latter mixed with breadcrumbs,
peanut placed in the upturned cleaned crab shell
dow foo China Bean curd
dow foo
and garnished or decorated with sieved egg
yolk, chopped egg white and chopped
dow ghok China Asparagus bean
dow ghok

parsley arranged in rows across the surface

dow see China Fermented and salted black
dow see

dressed tripe Bleached and partially cooked

dressed tripe

soya beans
drabantost Sweden A semi-hard scalded-

dressieren Germany To truss


curd cows’ milk cheese. The paste has a

dressing 1. A mixture of oil and vinegar with

bland flavour and is springy with occasional

holes. various flavourings used to dress salads 2.
United States Stuffing or forcemeat
Drachenkopf Germany Bluemouth, the fish

dreux A soft surface-ripened cheese made in


dragées France 1. Sugared almonds 2. Small


Normandy. See also feuille de Dreux

silver-coloured sugar balls and small
dried The adjective applied to any edible

chocolate hemispheres used for cake

material from which all or most of the water
has been removed so as to improve its
dragoncello Italy Tarragon

keeping quality and inhibit bacterial, fungal

dragon’s eye Longan
dragon’s eye

and insect attack as e.g. applied to fruit,

drain, to To allow liquid to fall away from a
drain, to

milk, mushrooms, pasta, yeast, egg,

solid by holding it in a colander, chinois or tomatoes, peas, pulses, etc.
similar item or by laying the solid on dried beef United States Round beef cured
dried beef

absorbent paper. The liquid is usually either with salt and sugar, sliced paper thin, then
water, fat or cooking liquor. smoked and pressed. Also called smoked
dranken Netherlands Drinks, beverages

beef, sliced beef

drappit eggs Scotland Poached eggs
drappit eggs

dried duck See pressed duck

dried duck

draw, to To remove the innards (heart, lungs,

draw, to

dried fruit Fruit that has had the water

dried fruit

intestines, etc.) of birds and poultry, and content reduced by solar or other drying
sometimes the leg sinews methods to give a hard almost leathery
drawn butter 1. United States Clarified butter texture and to reduce the water activity so
drawn butter

2. Melted butter used as a dressing for that it is not degraded by microorganisms.

183 Page 184 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

dried gourd strips

Apricots, peaches, apples, bananas, grapes, spoonful of the mixture held upside down
tomatoes, plums and similar can all be dried. should drop off the spoon in more than 1 and
dried gourd strips See kampyo
dried gourd strips
less than 5 seconds
drop scone United Kingdom A flat cake made
drop scone

dried grapes See dried vine fruits

dried grapes

dried lychees The dried fruit which looks like

dried lychees
from a thick coating batter of flour, water,
a raisin and is eaten as a confection or added sugar, eggs and cream or butter and a raising
to desserts agent, dropped on to a hot greased griddle
dried mushrooms Completely dehydrated
dried mushrooms
and cooked on both sides. Served with butter
fungi of various types, used extensively in and jam. Also called dropped scone, Scottish
Chinese and Japanese cooking pancake, Scotch pancake, flapjack scone,
griddle cake
dried shrimp Whole or ground dried shrimps
dried shrimp

druer Norway Grapes


used extensively in Southeast Asian cooking.

druif Netherlands Grape

Also called shrimp floss

druiven Netherlands Grapes

dried vine fruits Dried grapes especially

dried vine fruits

currants, sultanas and raisins drum The general class of fish which make

drikker Norway Drinks, beverages drumming noises using their air bladders.

drinde Dehydrated pork rind, ground and

Similar to croaker.
Drumlanrig pudding Scotland A type of
Drumlanrig pudding

formed into granules for incorporation in

cheap English sausages. Up to 10% of the summer pudding made with alternate layers
required meat content of sausages may be of white crustless bread and cooked
drinde under UK law. rhubarb, sweetened to taste, in a pudding
dripping The fat which is extracted from fatty
basin, put under a weight for 24 hours,
animal tissue and bones by heating or turned out and served with sour cream and
boiling. Originally referred only to the fat from sugar (NOTE: Named after the castle in
roast meat or bird which had a fine flavour. Dumfriesshire.)
drumstick The lower part of a chicken or other

dripping cake England A spiced fruit cake

dripping cake

with beef dripping substituted for butter fowl’s leg below the thigh
drumstick bean See drumstick pod
drumstick bean

dripping pan A shallow rectangular metal

dripping pan

dish placed under roasting food to catch any drumstick pod The green-skinned slightly
drumstick pod

dropping juices. A Yorkshire pudding used to peppery tasting seed pod of a tree, Moringa
fulfil this function. oleifera, which is very thin and up to 40 cm
drisheen Ireland A black pudding made with

long with small cream-coloured seeds. The

2 parts blood to 1 part cream and 1 part young pods can be used as a vegetable or
breadcrumbs, seasoned and flavoured with when older, boiled and the centre scooped
tansy and other chopped herbs, filled into 4 out for use in soup. The mature beans only
cm casings, knotted and boiled for 20 or so are used in Indian cooking. Originally from
minutes. The blood used depends on the India it is now grown in the Caribbean, Africa
supply. Sheep, pig, goose, turkey and hare and Southern USA. Also called drumstick
blood have all been used. The original from bean, benoil tree, bentree, susumber
Limerick uses sheep’s blood. drumstick vegetable The pods of a relative of
drumstick vegetable

drizzle, to A vogue word for to sprinkle or

drizzle, to

the drumstick tree, Moringa pterygosperma,

perhaps with the connotation of a thin which grows in India and has the taste and
stream rather than individual droplets of a texture of a vegetable marrow. Cut in lengths
liquid and cooked like asparagus. The roots of the
droëwors South Africa Dried sausage looking tree can be grated as a substitute for

rather like a dog chew horseradish.

dronningsuppe Norway Chicken broth drunken chicken Boiled chicken pieces
dronningsuppe drunken chicken

finished with sherry and a liaison of egg yolks drained and marinated for 12 to 24 hours
and cream and garnished with small with a mixture of salt, sugar and yellow rice
forcemeat balls wine or dry sherry, drained and garnished
drop flower tube United States A piping bag
drop flower tube
with chopped coriander leaf
drupe The name for any fleshy or pulpy fruit

nozzle with a star-shaped opening, used to

make flower shapes or swirls enclosing a single stone
drop lid A floating wooden pan lid. See also
drop lid

druvor Sweden Grapes


otoshibuta dry, to 1. To remove superficial or surface

dry, to

dropped scone See drop scone

dropped scone

moisture from food 2. To remove superficial

dropping consistency The consistency of a
dropping consistency

and bound water from edible products to

cake or pudding mixture such that a produce e.g. dried fruit, dried beans, etc.

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dry-fry, to To heat and cook food in a frying Dublin coddle Ireland A casserole of onions,
dry-fry, to Dublin coddle

pan without oil or fat. Suitable for fatty foods bacon, potatoes and pork sausage
or for non fatty foods using, with care, a non- traditionally served with soda bread
stick frying pan. Often used to prepare Dublin lawyer Ireland Diced lobster meat and
Dublin lawyer

spices. its coral, lightly sautéed in garlic butter,

dry goods Any dry foods that can be stored for
dry goods

flambéed with whisky and heated with

long periods without deterioration cream. Served on the shell with the pan
dry goose Scotland The southern name for
dry goose
juices poured over.
ducana Caribbean A dish from Antigua similar

fitless cock
to duckanoo but also containing grated
dry ice Solid carbon dioxide which exists at –
dry ice

sweet potatoes, raisins and vanilla essence

79°C. Can be used for very rapid freezing or
duchesse, à la France 1. Garnished or served
duchesse, à la

to produce a fine fog or mist.

with duchesse potatoes 2. A dish of tongue
dry jack United States A 6-month-old
dry jack

and mushrooms in a béchamel sauce 3. (of

Monterey Jack with a distinctive flavour. pastries) Containing an almond mixture
Suitable for grating.
duchesse, sauce England, France Tomato
duchesse, sauce

dry measure Cup measure

dry measure

and hollandaise sauces combined with

dry mustard United Kingdom Ground dried
dry mustard

chopped ham and white wine

yellow mustard seeds used as a spice and duchesse potatoes Seasoned, riced or
duchesse potatoes

flavouring agent or when mixed with water as mashed potatoes mixed with butter and egg
an English condiment yolks and piped into assorted shapes then
dry-roast, to A method of bringing out the
dry-roast, to

baked in the oven until browned. Often egg-

flavours of spices and other flavouring agents glazed after an initial drying period in the
by subjecting them to dry heat (180°C) in an oven. Also called pommes duchesse
duck The general name for a family of

oven for a few minutes. Pastes, etc. should

be wrapped in foil prior to dry-roasting. swimming birds Anatidae with webbed feet
dry-salt, to To preserve food by covering with,
dry-salt, to
and a broad flat beak, some wild, others
immersing in or rubbing on a mixture of domesticated, common in French and
coarse dry salt, saltpetre and sugar and Chinese cuisines. See also canard, Peking
possibly spices in the absence of light and duck
duckanoo Caribbean A Jamaican dessert of

leaving it until the food is dehydrated and

brine runs off; the first 3 usually in the African origin made from corn flour, sugar
proportions 50:2:1. Can be used for meat, and nutmeg wrapped in a banana leaf and
fish, vegetables, nuts, etc. steamed. Also called blue drawers
duck eggs The eggs of ducks, which are
duck eggs

dry shell bean United States Haricot bean

dry shell bean

about twice the weight of a hen’s egg, and

dua nao Vietnam Freshly grated young
dua nao

are usually pale blue in colour with an almost

coconut (kelapa)
translucent white when set. See also salted
dua nao kho Vietnam Desiccated coconut
dua nao kho

duck eggs, Chinese preserved eggs, thousand

Dubarry, à la France Containing or garnished
Dubarry, à la

year egg
with cauliflower duck feet A Chinese delicacy. They are
duck feet

Dubarry, crème France Creamed cauliflower deboned and softened by slow braising.
Dubarry, crème

soup garnished with small, cooked florets of Sometimes stuffed. Also called duck webs
cauliflower duckling A young duck

duck press A press consisting of a perforated

duck press

dubbele boterham Netherlands An English-

dubbele boterham

type sandwich with two pieces of buttered cylinder into which the duck is put. It is then
bread and a filling squeezed with a screw-operated piston to
dubbelsmörgås Sweden An English-type
extract the juices.
duck sauce 1. See hoisin sauce 2. The sauce
duck sauce

sandwich with two pieces of buttered bread

and a filling used with Peking duck consisting of sweet
bean paste, sugar and sesame seed oil
Dublin bay prawn A type of lobster, Nephrops
Dublin bay prawn

processed together, let down with water and

norvegicus, up to 25 cm long (excluding the
simmered until thick
claws) and rose grey to pink in colour, fished
duck skin When cooked to a crisp texture, the
duck skin

from the western Mediterranean through to

Iceland. It is not a prawn. The shelled tail most prized part of a roast duck in Chinese
meat is known in the UK as scampi, although cuisine
duck webs See duck feet
duck webs

monkfish is a cheaper version often

dudhi Bottle gourd

substituted for it. Also called scampi, Norway

dudi Bottle gourd


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due Denmark 1. Pigeon 2. Squab cooked and then dried for use as a snack

dug Central Asia A diluted yoghurt drink from

food or health food. Also called dillisk
dum, to To steam in the Indian way, for meat
dum, to

Dugléré, fish As for fish Bercy, with tomato
Dugléré, fish
usually on a trivet standing clear of the liquid
concassée added to the cooking liquor. in a pan with a tight-fitting lid, for vegetables
Cooking liquor strained, reduced, mixed with by chopping them and browning in a little
fish velouté and butter, consistency ghee then heating in a closed pan with a little
adjusted, seasoned and served over the fish water or akni
dummed Steamed Indian-fashion. See to

with some of the strained shallots and

tomatoes. dum.
dummed bhoona South Asia Pot-roasting in
dummed bhoona

dügün çorbasi Turkey A beef broth thickened

dügün çorbasi

with flour and garnished with diced beef, Indian cuisine. See also bhoona
dumpling 1. A round ball of sweet or savoury

Paprika butter is added just before serving

dügün eti Turkey A dish of cubed mutton fried
dügün eti
dough or pastry sometimes made with suet
in mutton fat with quartered onions, then or dripping or other fat, cooked in soups and
stewed in tomato purée and water flavoured stews to accompany them, or, if sweet,
with lemon juice steamed, boiled or baked as a pudding.
Sometimes used to coat a piece of fruit as in
duhay Philippines Pomfret, the fish

apple dumpling. 2. In Asia a dumpling is

duja Italy A special pot for the preservation of

often a savoury or sweet filling surrounded

a type of salami, salamin d’la duja with a thin dough sheet similar to ravioli and
duke cherry A hybrid of sweet and acid steamed or boiled
duke cherry

cherries, originating in France where they dumpling wrappers Southeast Asia Wrappers
dumpling wrappers

are known as royale for filled dumplings consisting of a wheat

dukka Egypt A ground spice mix used as a
flour dough made with egg yolks and warm
condiment especially to flavour bread dipped water, salt and baking powder, kneaded until
in olive oil. It is made from sesame seeds, silky, rested and rolled out thinly and cut in
skinned hazelnuts or chick peas, coriander squares or circles. They are normally filled
seeds, cumin seeds, all dry-roasted, with and the edges brought together like a purse.
dun 1. China Braising of food in its own juices

salt, black pepper and dried thyme or mint.

dukkah Egypt A dry mixture of dry-roasted
in a tightly sealed casserole. Also called wei
sesame seeds, coriander seeds, walnuts and 2. A brown mould which grows on salted fish
Dundee biscuit Scotland A rich short biscuit
Dundee biscuit

cooked and dried chick peas. See also zahtar

2 made with plain flour, caster sugar and
dukkous al-badinjan Persian Gulf Baked
dukkous al-badinjan
butter (4:2:1) bound with egg yolk, glazed
aubergine flesh puréed with garlic, chilli with egg white and sprinkled with chopped
pepper and paprika almonds
Dundee cake Scotland A fruit cake made by
Dundee cake

dukkous al-tamat Persian Gulf A tomato

dukkous al-tamat

sauce made from tomatoes, garlic and oil the creaming method from pound cake
flavoured with baharat mixture containing about 25% more flour
than normal and using soft brown sugar with
dukuna Caribbean A variant of ducana from

an equal amount of dried vine fruits, candied

Antigua, made from cornmeal, grated or peel and chopped almonds; flavoured with
desiccated coconut, mashed sweet potatoes, grated lemon and orange zest and topped
raisins and sugar, wrapped in leaves or in a with rings of split blanched almonds before
cloth and steamed. Also called paymi baking
dulce Mexico, Spain Sweet Dundee marmalade Scotland A dark, rich
Dundee marmalade

dulce de leche Mexico, Spain A dessert

dulce de leche

orange marmalade with coarsely cut peel

made from a caramelized milk and sugar dundu See dun dun

mixture. See also arequipe

dun dun Africa Slices of yam or sweet potato,
dun dun

dulces Spain Sweets, desserts


floured, egged and deep-fried. Served hot

dulet East Africa An Ethiopian dish of minced

with omelettes. Also called dundu

tripe, liver and lean meat fried in butter with Dunesslin pudding Scotland A thick flour and
Dunesslin pudding

chopped onions, chillies, cardamom and egg custard made from milk, eggs, flour,
pepper butter and sugar (12:4:2:1:1), flavoured with
dulse A purple-coloured seaweed, Palmaria

vanilla or lemon juice and zest poured over

palmata or Rhodymenia palmata, from the jam or stewed fruit in the bottom of a
intertidal zone in Ireland and the coastal pudding basin then browned in the oven at
regions of the North Atlantic, eaten raw or 180°C for 20 minutes

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Dungeness crab United States The most dusky flathead Australia See flathead
Dungeness crab dusky flathead

popular crab, Cancer magister, caught off dust, to To sprinkle lightly with finely ground
dust, to

the shores of the North Pacific Ocean and powder such as icing sugar, cocoa, flour,
weighing up to 1 kg. The legs are often as ground nuts, etc.
meaty as the claws. Also called market crab,
Dutch cabbage Savoy cabbage
Dutch cabbage

Alaska Dungeness crab

Dutch cheese United States Cottage cheese
Dutch cheese

dunk, to To dip a solid cake or biscuit into a

dunk, to

dutch oven A heavy pot with a domed tight-

dutch oven

hot drink before eating it

Dunlop Scotland A mild, hard cows’ milk
fitting lid used for slow cooking and pot
cheese made in the same way as Cheddar roasts etc.
Dutch sauce Béchamel sauce enriched with
Dutch sauce

except that the curd is not cheddared and

the cheese is consequently moister. egg yolks and cream and flavoured with
Originally Irish but introduced to Scotland by lemon juice. Served with fish, chicken and
religious refugees. vegetables.
duva Sweden Pigeon

Dunmow flitch England The name given to

Dunmow flitch

the flitch which is awarded annually in Great duvor i kompott Sweden Braised pigeons
duvor i kompott

Dunmow to any married couple who can made by frying a little diced pork in pork fat,
prove that they have not quarrelled during adding pigeons to brown followed by
the preceding year mushroom and covering with seasoned
dünsten Germany 1. To steam 2. To stew

stock flavoured with parsley, chives and

duo United States A pasteurized and tarragon. This is then simmered with a lid on

processed Emmental-type cheese filled with until the pigeons are tender and served with
walnuts, herbs, spices, black pepper and a thickened cooking liquor and garnished with
salami or smoked salmon forcemeat the pork and mushrooms.
duong cuc vang Vietnam Palm sugar duxelles Chopped shallots or onions and
duong cuc vang duxelles

dur France Hard, as in oeuf dur, hard-boiled


mushrooms, sautéed in butter until quite dry.

egg Used in many other dishes for flavour and
durchgebraten Germany Well done
duxelles, sauce England, France Equal
duxelles, sauce

Durham lamb cutlets England Minced cold

Durham lamb cutlets

cooked lamb mixed with an equal amount of volumes of white wine and mushroom
mashed potatoes and some minced onion cooking liquor with chopped shallots,
and cooking apple, flavoured with chopped reduced by two thirds then simmered with
parsley and tomato purée then formed into demi-glace sauce, tomato purée and
cutlet shapes, panéed and shallow-fried duxelles for 5 minutes and finished with
durian England, Indonesia, Malaysia The fruit
chopped parsley. Used for gratinated dishes.
D value The number of minutes of heat
D value

of a Malaysian tree, Durio zibethinus,

cultivated all over Southeast Asia, which has required to reduce the number of viable
an offensive odour but pleasant taste. It has organisms in a sample of food by a factor of
a green to yellow spiky thick rind, is shaped 10. This depends on the temperature and
like a rugby ball and weighs up to 4.5 kg. The the microorganisms, e.g. 12D minutes of
segmented flesh is a yellowy soft pulp heat treatment are required for canning
containing brown inedible seeds. Eaten raw where D is determined by the treatment
or in both sweet and savoury dishes. The temperature and conditions for Clostridium
flesh may be canned and the peel is used to botulinum.
smoke fish. dwaeji galbi kui Korea Marinated and grilled
dwaeji galbi kui

duro Italy Hard as in a hard crust


pork spare ribs

durra Great millet

dwarf bean French bean

dwarf bean

Dürrerund Austria A medium-sized brown


dwarf cape gooseberry A smaller version of

dwarf cape gooseberry

skinned sausage similar to Brunswick the cape gooseberry, Physalis pruinosa, with
sausage a similar structure and found in the USA. It
durum wheat A hard, high-protein wheat,
durum wheat

grows wild in Hawaii. Also called ground

Triticum durum, used for the production of cherry, strawberry tomato, poha
semolina and pasta. Grown in Italy, Spain dybfrossen Denmark Deep-frozen

and North and South America.

dynia, dynya Russia Melon

Durvillea antarctica Botanical name Alga

dyrerya Denmark Saddle of venison

dyrerygg Norway Previously marinated

Duse, à la France Garnished with tomatoes,

Duse, à la

French beans and potatoes, particularly of venison cooked in sour cream

dyrestek Norway Roast venison

joints of meat

187 Page 188 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

dyrlægens natmad

dyrlægens natmad Denmark A Danish open dzhazh msharmal North Africa A chicken
dyrlægens natmad dzhazh msharmal

sandwich spread with spiced lard, liver pâté, tagine from Morocco with olives and
veal and jellied consommé (NOTE: Literally preserved lemons and flavoured with ginger,
‘vet’s midnight snack’.) saffron and pepper

188 Page 189 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

E100 Curcumin, the natural colouring E150 Caramel, the dark brown food colouring
E100 E150

obtained from turmeric, used in cakes and made from sugar. Used in beer, soft drinks,
margarine sauces and gravy browning.
E101 Riboflavin and riboflavin-5’phosphate, E151 Black PN or brilliant black PN, synthetic
E101 E151

vitamin B2 used as a food colouring black food colourings

E153 Carbon black or vegetable carbon, very

E102 Tartrazine, a synthetic dye used as a


food colouring in soft drinks but suspected of finely divided carbon used as a food
possibly causing allergies and hyperactivity colouring in e.g. liquorice
in children E154 United Kingdom Brown FK, a synthetic

E104 Quinoline yellow, a synthetic food

food dye used on kippers (not licensed for
colouring use throughout the EU)
E155 United Kingdom Brown HT, a synthetic

E110 Sunset yellow FCF or orange yellow S,


synthetic food colourings used in biscuits food dye used for chocolate cake (not
E120 Cochineal, the red food colouring
licensed for use throughout the EU)
E160(a) Carotenes, orange food colourings

extracted from an insect

E122 Carmoisine or azorubine, synthetic red
from plants, also precursors of vitamin A
E160(b) Annatto, bixin and norbixin, golden

food colourings
yellow food colourings obtained from the
E123 Amaranth, a synthetic yellow food

seeds of achiote. Used on crisps.

colouring banned in the USA, used in
E160(c) Capsanthin or capsorubin, peppery-

alcoholic drinks
flavoured and pink food colouring obtained
E124 Ponceau 4R, a synthetic red food

from paprika
colouring used in dessert mixes
E160(d) Lycopene, a natural red food colour,

E127 Erythrosine BS, a synthetic red food


one of the carotenoids extracted from ripe

colouring used in glacé cherries fruit especially tomatoes
E128 United Kingdom Red 2G, a synthetic

E160(e) Beta-apo-8’-carotenal (C30), an


dye. Used to colour sausages. (not licensed orange carotene compound extracted from
for use throughout the EU) fruit and vegetables
E131 Patent blue V, a synthetic food colouring

E160(f) The ethyl ester of E160(e), an orange


E132 Indigo carmine or indigotine, a synthetic


food colouring
blue food colouring E161(a) Flavoxanthin, a natural carotenoid

E133 United Kingdom Brilliant blue FCF, a


yellow food colouring

synthetic food dye used in conjunction with E161(b) Lutein, a natural carotenoid

yellows to colour canned vegetables (not yellow/red food colouring extracted from
licensed for use throughout the EU) flower petals. Also called xanthophyll
E140 Chlorophyll, the green food colour made

E161(c) Cryptoxanthin, a natural yellow


from plants carotenoid food colouring with some vitamin

E141 Copper complexes of chlorophyll used A activity extracted from petals and berries of

as food colourings Physalis spp

E142 Green S, acid brilliant green BS and E161(d) Rubixanthin, a natural carotenoid
E142 E161

lissamine green, synthetic green food yellow food colouring, isomeric with E161(c)
colourings extracted from rose hips

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E161(e) Violaxanthin, a natural carotenoid E216 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, a synthetic

E161 E216

yellow/brown food colouring derivative of benzoic acid, used as E210

E161(f) Rhodoxanthin, a natural carotenoid E217 Sodium propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, the
E161 E217

violet food colouring sodium salt of E216, used as E210

E161(g) Canthaxanthin, a natural orange food E218 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, a synthetic
E161 E218

colouring extracted from shellfish and used derivative of benzoic acid, used as E210
in fish food to give colour to farmed salmon E219 Sodium methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, the

E162 Beetroot red or betanin, a red food


sodium salt of E218, used as E210

colouring extracted from beetroot. Used for E220 Sulphur dioxide, a pungent and irritating

ice cream and liquorice. gas which is one of the most common
E163 Anthocyanins, red, violet or blue

preservatives used in food. Used in dried

vegetable food colours extracted from grape fruit, dehydrated vegetables, fruit products,
skins. Used in yoghurt. juices and syrups, sausages, cider, beer and
E170 Calcium carbonate used as an acidity wine, to prevent the browning of peeled

regulator, obtained from limestone. Used as potatoes and to condition biscuit doughs.
a firming agent, release agent and diluent. E221 Sodium sulphite, a compound formed

E171 Titanium dioxide, an inert white from caustic soda and sulphur dioxide, used

pigment, usually used in high-quality white as E220

paints, but also in sweets E222 Sodium hydrogen sulphite, a similar

E172 Iron oxide and hydroxides, natural red, food preservative to E221, but containing a

brown, yellow and black food colourings and higher proportion of sulphur dioxide
pigments E223 Sodium metabisulphite, a compound

E173 Aluminium, a silvery metal sometimes which contains twice as much sulphur

used in very thin films as a food decoration dioxide as E221

E174 Silver, sometimes used in very thin films E224 Potassium metabisulphite, a similar
E174 E224

or layers as a food decoration compound to E223

E175 Gold, sometimes used as gold leaf, a E226 Calcium sulphite, a food preservative
E175 E226

very thin film for decoration of cakes and similar to E221

dragees E227 Calcium hydrogen sulphite, a food

E180 Pigment rubine or lithol rubine BK, a


preservative similar to E222

synthetic red colour restricted to colouring E228 Potassium bisulphite, a food

the rind of hard cheeses preservative used in wines

E200 Sorbic acid, used as a preservative in

E230 Diphenyl, a fungicide which may be


baked and fruit products, soft drinks and used on the wrappings of oranges and
processed cheese slices bananas or in their packing cases. Also
E201 Sodium sorbate, the sodium salt of

called biphenyl, phenyl benzene

sorbic acid used as a preservative in frozen E231 2-hydroxy diphenol, a synthetic

pizzas and flour confectionery compound used in the same way as E230.
E202 Potassium sorbate, the potassium salt of

Also called orthophenyl phenol

sorbic acid, used as E201 E232 Sodium diphenyl-2-yl oxide, a synthetic

E203 Calcium sorbate, the calcium salt of


compound used in the same way as E230.

sorbic acid, used as E201 Also called sodium orthophenylphenate
E210 Benzoic acid, a naturally occurring

E233 2–(thiazol-4-yl) benzimidazole, a


organic acid also made synthetically, used as synthetic compound used in the same way
a preservative in beer, jam, salad cream, soft as E230. Also called thiabendazole
drinks, fruit products and marinated fish E234 United Kingdom Nisin, a food

E211 Sodium benzoate, the sodium salt of


preservative licensed for use in the UK but

benzoic acid, used as E210 not generally in the EU. Used in cheese and
E212 Potassium benzoate, the potassium salt clotted cream. (not licensed for use

of benzoic acid, used as E210 throughout the EU)

E236 Formic acid, a natural chemical found

E213 Calcium benzoate, the calcium salt of


benzoic acid, used as E210 in some fruit but made synthetically for use
E214 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, a synthetic
as a flavour enhancer
E237 Sodium formate, the sodium salt of

derivative of benzoic acid used as a food

preservative formic acid, used as a flavour enhancer
E215 Sodium ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, the E238 Calcium formate, the calcium salt of
E215 E238

sodium salt of E214, used as E210 formic acid, used as a flavour enhancer

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E239 Hexamine, a synthetic chemical used as E296 United Kingdom Malic acid, an acid
E239 E296

a preservative, restricted to preserved fish found in fruit and also produced

and Provolone cheese synthetically, used as a flavouring in soft
E249 Potassium nitrite, the potassium salt of
drinks, biscuits, dessert mixes and pie
nitrous acid, used to maintain the pink fillings (not licensed for use throughout the
colour of cured meats and in some cheeses EU)
E297 United Kingdom Fumaric acid used as

E250 Sodium nitrite, the sodium salt of nitrous


acid, used to maintain the pink colour of E296 (not licensed for use throughout the
cured meat by reacting with the EU)
E300 L-ascorbic acid, vitamin C, used to

E251 Sodium nitrate, the sodium salt of nitric
prevent oxidation and thus browning
reactions and colour changes in food. Also
acid, used for curing and preserving meat
used as a flour improver.
E252 Potassium nitrate the potassium salt of

E301 Sodium L-ascorbate, the sodium salt of


nitric acid, used for curing and preserving

ascorbic acid, used for the same purposes
meat. Also called saltpetre
as E300
E260 Acetic acid, the acid component of

E302 Calcium L-ascorbate, the calcium salt of


vinegar, used as an acidity regulator, as a L-ascorbic acid, used for the same purposes
flavouring and to prevent mould growth as E300
E261 Potassium acetate, the potassium salt of

E304 6-o-palmitoyl L-ascorbic acid, an oil


acetic acid, used as a preservative and soluble ester of ascorbic acid, used for the
firming agent same purposes as E300 and especially in
E262 1. United Kingdom Sodium acetate

Scotch eggs
used in the same way as potassium acetate, E306 Extracts of natural substances rich in

E261. Licensed for use in the UK but not tocopherols, i.e. vitamin E, used as vitamin
generally in the EU. 2. Sodium hydrogen additive to foods and as an antioxidant
diacetate, a sodium salt similar in effect to especially in vegetable oils
E261, used as a preservative and firming E307 Synthetic alpha-tocopherol, one of the

agent (not licensed for use throughout the tocopherols, used an antioxidant in cereal-
EU) based baby foods
E263 Calcium acetate, the calcium salt of

E308 Synthetic gamma-tocopherol, one of the


acetic acid used as a firming agent and as a tocopherols, used as E306

calcium source in quick-setting jelly mixes E309 Synthetic delta-tocopherol, one of the

E270 Lactic acid, one of the products of


tocopherols, used as E306

anaerobic metabolism of some E310 Propyl gallate, the propyl ester of gallic

microorganisms and animal muscle, widely acid, allowed for use as an antioxidant in oils,
used as an acidifying agent, flavouring and fats and essential oils only
as a protection against mould growth in e.g. E311 Octyl gallate, the octyl ester of gallic

salad dressings and soft margarine acid, allowed for use as an antioxidant in oils,
E280 Proprionic acid, a simple fatty acid

fats and essential oils only

naturally occurring in dairy products but also E312 Dodecyl gallate, the dodecyl ester of

synthesized for use as a flour improver and gallic acid, allowed for use as an antioxidant
preservative in oils, fats and essential oils only
E281 Sodium proprionate, the sodium salt of

E320 BHA, butylated hydroxyanisole, a


proprionic acid, used as a flour improver and controversial antioxidant, allowed for used in
preservative fats, oils and essential oils only
E282 Calcium proprionate, the calcium salt of

E321 BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene, a


proprionic acid, used as a flour improver and controversial antioxidant, allowed for use in
preservative fats, oil, essential oils and chewing gum
E283 Potassium proprionate, the potassium E322 Lecithin, a natural substance found in
E283 E322

salt of proprionic acid, used as a flour egg yolk, used as an emulsifier and
improver and preservative antioxidant, e.g. in low-fat spreads
E325 Sodium lactate, the sodium salt of lactic

E290 Carbon dioxide, the gas produced when


sugar and many other food items are acid, used as a buffer i.e. to maintain near
metabolized in the body and by constant pH in foods and as a humectant in
microorganisms. Provides the gas for raising jams, preserves and flour confectionery
E326 Potassium lactate, the potassium salt of

yeasted goods, for use as a propellant, as the

gas in sealed packs where oxygen must be lactic acid, used as a buffer in foods such as
excluded and in fizzy drinks. jams, preserves and jellies

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E327 Calcium lactate, the calcium salt of E341(b) Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate
E327 E341

lactic acid, used as a buffer and as a firming with the same uses as E341(a)
agent in canned fruits and pie fillings E341(c) Tricalcium orthophosphate with the

E330 Citric acid, the acid present in citrus and


same uses as E341(a)

other fruit and in animals, used as an E350 United Kingdom Sodium malate and

acidifying agent, as an emulsifier, as a flavour sodium hydrogen malate, sodium salts of

enhancer, to increase the effects of malic acid used as buffers and humectants
preservatives, to inhibit bacterial action, as a in sweets, cakes and biscuits (not licensed
buffer and as a sequestrant to protect foods for use throughout the EU)
from reaction with metals in e.g. soft drinks,
E351 United Kingdom Potassium malate

biscuit fillings, jams, dessert mixes and

used as E350 (not licensed for use
processed cheeses
throughout the EU)
E331 Sodium dihydrogen citrate, disodium

E352 Calcium malate and calcium hydrogen


citrate, trisodium citrate, sodium salts of

citric acid with the same uses as E330 malate, calcium salts of malic acid E296,
used as firming agents in processed fruit and
E332 Potassium dihydrogen citrate,

vegetables (not licensed for use throughout

tripotassium citrate, potassium salts of citric
the EU)
acid with the same uses as E330
E353 Metatartaric acid, a sequestering agent

E333 Calcium citrate, dicalcium citrate,


tricalcium citrate, calcium salts of citric acid used in wine (not licensed for use throughout
used in the same way as E330 and also as a the EU)
E355 Adipic acid, an organic acid used as a

firming agent
E334 Tartaric acid, an acid naturally present
buffer and flavouring in sweets and synthetic
in many fruits with the same uses as citric cream desserts (not licensed for use
aid, E330 throughout the EU)
E363 Succinic acid, an organic acid used as

E335 Monosodium and disodium tartrate,


sodium salts of tartaric acid, used as E334 a buffer and flavouring in dry foods and
E336 Potassium tartrate and potassium
beverage mixes (not licensed for use
hydrogen tartrate, potassium salts of tartaric throughout the EU)
E370 1,4-heptanolactone, used as an acid

acid used in the same way as E334, the latter

is the cream of tartar used as a constituent of and sequestering agent in dried soups and
baking powder instant desserts (not licensed for use
E337 Potassium sodium tartrate, a mixed salt
throughout the EU)
E375 Nicotinic acid used as a colour stabilizer

of tartaric acid, used in the same way as

E334 in bread, flour and breakfast cereals (not
E338 Orthophosphoric acid, an inorganic acid
licensed for use throughout the EU) Also
used as an acidity regulator in soft drinks and called vitamin B3
E380 Triammonium citrate, an ammonium

E339(a) Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate,

salt of citric acid used as a buffer and

a sodium salt of orthophosphoric acid, used emulsifier in processed cheese (not licensed
as a buffer, sequestrant and emulsifying for use throughout the EU)
agent E381 Ammonium ferric citrate, used as an

E339(b) Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, iron supplement in bread (not licensed for

used as E339(a) use throughout the EU)

E339(c) Trisodium orthophosphate, used as E385 Calcium disodium EDTA, used as a
E339 E385

E339(a) but not as a buffer sequestering agent in canned shellfish (not

E340(a) licensed for use throughout the EU)

Potassium dihydrogen
orthophosphate, a potassium salt of E400 Alginic acid, a water-loving

orthophosphoric acid with the same uses as carbohydrate acid extracted from seaweeds
E339(a) in the form of mixed sodium, potassium and

Dipotassium hydrogen magnesium salts, capable of absorbing 200

orthophosphate with the same uses as to 300 times its weight in water. Used for
E339(a) thickening and gelling, e.g. in ice cream and
E340(c) Tripotassium orthophosphate with

soft cheeses.
the same uses as E339(a) but not as a buffer E401 Sodium alginate, the sodium salt of

E341(a) Calcium tetrahydrogen alginic acid used as an emulsifier and


diorthophosphate, a calcium salt of stabilizer in cake mixes and in ice cream to

orthophosphoric acid used as a firming provide a creamy texture and to prevent the
agent, anti-caking agent and raising agent formation of ice crystals

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E402 Potassium alginate, the potassium salt emulsifiers and stabilizers in bakery

of alginic acid used as a thickener and products and confectionery creams. They
stabilizer are polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan
E403 Ammonium alginate, the ammonium
monolaurate (432), monooleate (433)
salt of alginic acid used as a more soluble monopalmitate (434), monostearate (435)
thickener and stabilizer and tristearate (436). (not licensed for use
E404 Calcium alginate, the calcium salt of
throughout the EU)

alginic acid which gives a much more solid Pectin, a natural plant
gel than the other alginates polysaccharide used as a gelling agent or
E405 Propane-1, 2-diol alginate, an ester of
E440(ii) Amydated pectin, a synthetic

alginic acid which is more miscible with fats

and oils than simple salts. Used in salad derivative of pectin more stable than the
dressings and cottage cheese. parent product
E406 Agar-agar, a polysaccharide extracted

E450(a) Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate,


from certain seaweeds, used for thickening, tetrasodium diphosphate, tetrapotassium

gelling and stabilizing purposes. Soluble only diphosphate, trisodium diphosphate, salts of
in hot water. Used in ice cream and phosphoric acid used for flavouring, as
vegetarian jellies. stabilizers, buffers, sequestrants,
E407 Carrageenan, a polysaccharide emulsifiers, texturizers and raising agents in

extracted from certain seaweeds consisting fish and meat products, whipping cream,
of galactose units several of which are bread, canned vegetables, processed
sulphated. Used as an emulsifier for oil water cheese and the like
mixtures and for gelling and thickening. E450(b) Pentasodium triphosphate and

Used in quick setting jelly mixes and in milk pentapotassium triphosphate, used as
shakes. E450(a)
E410 Locust bean gum, a plant gum used as

E450(c) Sodium polyphosphates and


a thickener or gelling agent, e.g. in salad potassium polyphosphates, mixtures of

cream phosphoric acid salts used as E450(a) and to
E412 Guar gum, a plant gum used as a

stabilize added water in poultry, ham, bacon

thickener or gelling agent in packet soups and other similar meat products where it
and meringue mixes appears as a white exudate on cooking
E413 Gum tragacanth, a plant gum used as a

E460(i) Microcrystalline cellulose, a bulking


thickener or gelling agent in e.g. salad agent used to add bulk and to stabilize
dressings and processed cheese slimming foods, convenience foods, desserts
E414 Gum arabic, a plant gum used as a

and the like and also in grated cheese

thickener or gelling agent especially in E460(ii) Powdered cellulose, as E460(i)

confectionery. Also called acacia gum

E461 Methyl cellulose, a methyl derivative of

E415 Xanthan gum, a thickener and gelling


cellulose used as a thickener, e.g. in low-fat

agent used in sweet pickles and coleslaw spreads
E416 United Kingdom Karaya gum used as an

E463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose, a derivative of


emulsifier and stabilizer in e.g. soft cheeses

cellulose, used as E461
and brown condiment sauce (not licensed
E464 Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, a mixed

for use throughout the EU)

E420(i) Sorbitol, a compound found in many
derivative of cellulose, used as a thickener in
berries and fruits, generally synthesized from ice cream
E465 Ethylmethyl cellulose, a mixed

glucose. Used as a humectant and as a

sweetening agent for diabetics. derivative of cellulose, used as a thickener in
E420(ii) Sorbitol syrup, a water solution of
E466 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, the

E421 Mannitol, found in many plants and
sodium salt of a derivative of cellulose, used
plant exudates, now synthesized from as a thickener and bulking agent in jellies
sucrose. Used as a humectant and in sugar- and gateaux but mainly used for wallpaper
free confectionery. paste
E470 Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of

E422 Glycerol, the alcohol which occurs in


nature as the other component of fatty acid fatty acids, edible soaps used for
esters in fats and oils. Used as a humectant emulsification of cake mixes
in cake icing and confectionery. E471 Mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids,

E432 – 436 A group of polyoxyethylene (20) manufactured synthetic fats used in place of
E432 – 436

sorbitan esters of fatty acids, used as fats and oils in baked goods, desserts, etc. to

193 Page 194 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM


improve keeping qualities and to soften and E501 Potassium carbonate and potassium

stabilize them hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate of potash)

E472(a) Acetic acid esters of mono and di- used as E500 (not licensed for use

glycerides of fatty acids, manufactured throughout the EU)

synthetic fats and oils used as E471 E503 Ammonium carbonate and ammonium

E472(b) Lactic acid esters of mono and di-


hydrogen carbonate, used as buffers and

glycerides of fatty acids, manufactured aerating agents in cocoa and biscuits (not
synthetic fats and oils used as E471 and in licensed for use throughout the EU)
convenience toppings E504 Magnesium carbonate, used as a base

E472(c) Citric acid esters of mono and di-


and anti-caking agent in wafer biscuits and

glycerides of fatty acids, manufactured icing sugar (not licensed for use throughout
synthetic fats and oils used as E471 and in the EU)
continental sausages E507 Hydrochloric acid (not licensed for use

E472(d) Tartaric acid esters of mono and di-


throughout the EU)

glycerides of fatty acids, manufactured E508 Potassium chloride, used as a gelling

synthetic fats and oils used as E471 agent and as a substitute for salt (sodium
E472(e) Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono

chloride) (not licensed for use throughout

and di-glycerides of fatty acids, the EU)
manufactured synthetic fats and oils used as E509 Calcium chloride, used as a firming

E471, especially in bread and frozen pizzas agent in canned fruit and vegetables (not
E472(f) Mixed acetic and tartaric esters of

licensed for use throughout the EU)

mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids used as E510 Ammonium chloride, used as a yeast

E471 nutrient in bread making (not licensed for

E473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids,

use throughout the EU)

manufactured synthetic fats and oils used as
E513 Sulphuric acid, a common industrial

acid used for neutralizing alkaline mixes. It

Sucroglycerides, manufactured produces sulphates on reaction which are

synthetic fats and oils used as E471, mostly harmless. (not licensed for use
especially in ice creams throughout the EU)
E475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids,

E514 Sodium sulphate, used as a diluent for


manufactured synthetic fats and oils used as food colours (not licensed for use throughout
E471, especially in cakes and gateaux the EU)
E476 Polyglycerol esters of polycondensed

E515 Potassium sulphate, used as a


fatty acids of castor oil, used in chocolate-

substitute for salt (sodium chloride) (not
flavoured coatings for cakes
licensed for use throughout the EU)
E477 Propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids,

E516 Calcium sulphate, used as a firming


manufactured synthetic fats and oils used as

agent and as a yeast food in bread making
E471, especially for instant desserts
(not licensed for use throughout the EU)
E481 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, the sodium

E518 Magnesium sulphate, used as a firming


salt of a derivative of lactic and stearic acids,

used to stabilize doughs, emulsions and agent (not licensed for use throughout the
whipped products EU) Also called Epsom salts
E524 Sodium hydroxide, a very strong base

E482 Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate, the


calcium salt corresponding to E481. Used in used to adjust acidity in cocoa, jams and
gravy granules. sweets (not licensed for use throughout the
E483 Stearyl tartrate, a derivative of stearic

E525 Potassium hydroxide, a very strong base


and tartaric acids, used in cake mixes

E491 – 495 United Kingdom Sorbitan
E491 – 495
used to adjust acidity in sweets (not licensed
monostearate (491), tristearate (492), for use throughout the EU)
E526 Calcium hydroxide, a weak base used

monolaurate (493), monooleate (494) and

monopalmitate (495), fatty acid esters of as a firming agent in sweets (not licensed for
sorbitol used in cake mixes (not licensed for use throughout the EU)
E527 Ammonium hydroxide, a weak base

use throughout the EU)

E500 Sodium carbonate, sodium hydrogen
used as a diluent and solvent for food colours
carbonate (bicarbonate of soda) and sodium and as an acidity regulator for cocoa (not
sesquicarbonate, used as bases, aerating licensed for use throughout the EU)
E528 Magnesium hydroxide, a weak base

agents and diluents in jams, jellies, self-

raising flour, wine, cocoa and the like (not used to regulate acidity in sweets (not
licensed for use throughout the EU) licensed for use throughout the EU)

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E529 Calcium oxide, a weak base used to E559 Kaolin, a very fine white clay used in dry
E529 E559

regulate acidity in sweets (not licensed for powder form as an anti-caking agent (not
use throughout the EU) licensed for use throughout the EU)
E530 Magnesium oxide, a fine white powder E572 Magnesium stearate, a type of soap
E530 E572

used as an anti-caking agent in cocoa used as an emulsifier and releasing agent

products (not licensed for use throughout (not licensed for use throughout the EU)
the EU) E575 D-glucono-1,5-lactone, an acid and

E535 Sodium ferrocyanide, used as an anti- sequestering agent used in cake mixes and

caking agent in salt and used in winemaking continental-style sausages (not licensed for
(not licensed for use throughout the EU) use throughout the EU) Also called glucono
E536 Potassium ferrocyanide, used as an
E576 Sodium gluconate, used as a

anti-caking agent in salt and used in

winemaking (not licensed for use throughout sequestering agent (not licensed for use
the EU) throughout the EU)
E540 Dicalcium diphosphate, a calcium salt E577 Potassium gluconate, used as a
E540 E577

of phosphoric acid, used as a buffer and sequestering agent (not licensed for use
neutralizing agent in cheese (not licensed for throughout the EU)
use throughout the EU) E578 Calcium gluconate, used as a buffer,

E541 Sodium aluminium phosphate, used as firming agent and sequestering agent in jams

an acid and raising agent in cake mixes, self- and dessert mixes (not licensed for use
raising flour and biscuits (not licensed for throughout the EU)
use throughout the EU) E620 Glutamic acid

E542 Edible bone phosphate, a fine powder E621 Sodium hydrogen L-glutamate, the
E542 E621

made from boiled dried and ground bones, sodium salt of glutamic acid, used as a
used as an anti-caking agent (not licensed flavour enhancer (not licensed for use
for use throughout the EU) throughout the EU) Also called monosodium
E544 Calcium polyphosphate, used as an glutamate, MSG

emulsifier in processed cheese (not licensed E622 Potassium hydrogen L-glutamate,


for use throughout the EU) similar to E621 (not licensed for use
E545 Ammonium polyphosphate, used as an throughout the EU) Also called

emulsifier, a texturizer and to help retain monopotassium glutamate

water in frozen chickens without drip on E623 Calcium dihydrogen di-L-glutamate,

thawing (not licensed for use throughout the similar to E621 (not licensed for use
EU) throughout the EU) Also called calcium
E551 Silicon dioxide, very finely powdered glutamate

purified sand, used as an anti-caking agent E627 Guanosine 5’-disodium phosphate, a


in skimmed milk powder and sweeteners breakdown product of the nucleus (genetic
(not licensed for use throughout the EU) material) of cells, used as a flavour enhancer
E552 Calcium silicate, used as an anti-caking in savoury foods, snacks, soups, sauces and

agent in icing sugar and as a release agent in meat products (not licensed for use
sweets (not licensed for use throughout the throughout the EU) Also called sodium
EU) guanylate
E631 Inosine 5’-disodium phosphate, a

E553(a) Magnesium silicate and magnesium


trisilicate, used as anti-caking agents and in flavour enhancer similar to E627 (not
sugar confectionery (not licensed for use licensed for use throughout the EU) Also
throughout the EU) called sodium inosinate
E635 Sodium 5’-ribonucleotide, a flavour

E553(b) Talc, a very finely ground natural


mineral with a slippery feel, used as a enhancer similar to E627 (not licensed for
releasing agent in tableted confectionery (not use throughout the EU)
licensed for use throughout the EU) E900 Dimethylpolysiloxane, used as and anti-

E554 Aluminium sodium silicate, used as an


foaming agent in liquid foodstuffs and

anti-caking agent (not licensed for use ingredients (not licensed for use throughout
throughout the EU) the EU)
E901 Beeswax (not licensed for use

E556 Aluminium calcium silicate, used as an


anti-caking agent (not licensed for use throughout the EU)

throughout the EU) E903 Carnauba wax (not licensed for use

E558 Bentonite, a very fine white clay-like


throughout the EU)

mineral used as an anti-caking agent (not E904 Shellac (not licensed for use throughout

licensed for use throughout the EU) the EU)

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E905 Mineral hydrocarbons, highly purified eastern surf clam See surf clam
E905 eastern surf clam

mineral oils used to prevent dried vine fruits eau France Water

sticking together and as a glazing and eau-de-Cologne mint A herb of the mint
eau-de-Cologne mint

release agent (not licensed for use family, Mentha piperata var. citrata, with
throughout the EU) smooth bergamot-scented purple-tinged
E907 Refined microcrystalline wax derived

dark green leaves and a distinct eau de

from crude oil, a soft amorphous looking wax Cologne smell, suitable for drinks but not
used as a release agent and in chewing gum used in cooking.
(not licensed for use throughout the EU) eba West Africa A thick porridge made from

E920 Cysteine hydrochloride, the acid salt of


gari and served with soups and stews as the

the amino acid cysteine used as a flour carbohydrate component
improver (not licensed for use throughout ébarber France 1. To remove the beard from

the EU) Also called L-cysteine hydrochloride shellfish 2. To trim

E925 Chlorine (not licensed for use

Eberesche Germany Rowanberry


throughout the EU)

ebi Japan Shrimp or prawn, often eaten raw in

E926 Chlorine dioxide, used as a flour


improver (not licensed for use throughout
ebi no kimini Japan Glazed shrimps made
ebi no kimini

the EU)
from large prawns with the tail shell left on,
E927 Azodicarbonamide, used as a flour

passed through corn flour, boiled 10

improver (not licensed for use throughout seconds in water then placed in a small
the EU) amount of boiling dashi, sake, sugar and salt,
ear A tight cluster of seeds or grains at the top

brought back to the boil, beaten egg yolk

of a stalk as in wheat, rye, etc. poured slowly over the prawns, simmered 2
early flowering yellow rocket Land cress
early flowering yellow rocket

minutes without stirring, removed from the

earshell Abalone

heat and rested for a further 2 minutes

ebi no suimono Japan A clear soup with
ebi no suimono

earth almond Tiger nut

earth almond

earthenware Dishes and pots made from

ebi oboro Japan Shrimp paste
ebi oboro

baked and vitrified clay, sometimes porous

and sometimes glazed, i.e. coated with a écarlate, à l’ France A description of salted
écarlate, à l’

glass-like substance to avoid absorption of and pickled meat, usually tongue (NOTE:
water and flavours. Sometimes heat Literally ‘scarlet’.)
resistant. See also stoneware Ecclefechan tart Scotland A tart filled with a
Ecclefechan tart

earth nut Tiger nut

earth nut

mixture of butter, dried vine fruits and

eascu Ireland 1. Conger eel 2. Common eel

Eccles cake England A filled puff pastry case
Eccles cake

Easter biscuit England A rich biscuit from the

Easter biscuit

West Country once eaten at Easter. It is made similar to the Banbury cake (NOTE: Originated
with plain flour, caster sugar, butter and egg in Eccles, now a suburb of Manchester.)
yolk (7:3:4:0.6) by the creaming method and ecet Hungary Vinegar

flavoured with mixed spice, cinnamon, ecetestorma Hungary Horseradish sauce


currants and chopped peel. Glazed with egg échalote France Shallot

white and sugar.

échauder France 1. To heat a liquid such as

Easter cake Simnel cake

Easter cake

milk to just below its boiling point 2. To heat

Easter egg 1. A hollow egg-shaped chocolate
Easter egg

by pouring boiling water over

confection given as a gift at Easter 2. A hard- échine France The top part of the forequarter

boiled egg with the shell painted and of pork, the spare rib joint (NOTE: Literally
decorated, regarded as a symbol of fertility or ‘backbone’.)
resurrection according to beliefs and given Echinochloa colona Botanical name Shama
as a gift at Easter. In the UK, rolled down hills millet
by children until broken. Echinochloa crusgalli Botanical name
eastern king prawn A variety of king prawn,
eastern king prawn

Barnyard millet
Penaeus plebegus, found in the East Echinochloa frumentacea Botanical name
easternola United States A mild pork sausage

Japanese millet
seasoned and flavoured with garlic Echium vulgare Botanical name Viper’s
eastern oyster See American oyster
eastern oyster

eastern rock lobster Australia A type of spiny Echourgnac France A small, pale yellow,
eastern rock lobster Echourgnac

lobster, Jasus verreausci, coloured olive delicately flavoured cows’ milk cheese from
green and found in eastern Australia. Also Aquitaine. It has brown rind and the cheese
called crayfish contains small holes.

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e-fu noodles

Echtermainzkäse Germany A soft Handkäse- edible crab Common crab

Echtermainzkäse edible crab

type cows’ milk cheese with a yellow rind and edible sea urchin A large sea urchin,
edible sea urchin

white paste. The flavour varies from mild to Echinus esculentus, up to 8 cm across but
sharp depending on age. not as flavoursome as the small varieties.
éclair England, France A finger length of

Found from Norway to Portugal.

choux pastry piped on a tray, baked, cooled, Edinburgh fog Scotland Sweetened whipped
Edinburgh fog

split in half lengthways and filled with cream flavoured with vanilla and mixed with
Chantilly cream or crème pâtissière, the top chopped almonds and crushed macaroons
coated with coffee or chocolate glacé icing Edinburgh stuffing Scotland Sausage meat,
Edinburgh stuffing

éclanche France Shoulder of mutton


finely chopped chicken liver, dry

Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française de
Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française de Paris

breadcrumbs with seasoning, dried herbs

Paris A prestigious private cookery school and grated nutmeg brought together with
for grands chefs cuisiniers beaten egg. Used for stuffing chicken.
écossaise, à l’ In the Scottish style, i.e. with
écossaise, à l’

Edinburgh tart Scotland A single-crust puff

Edinburgh tart

barley and root vegetables pastry tart filled with equal quantities of
écossaise, sauce Cream sauce mixed with a molten butter, sugar, candied peel and
écossaise, sauce

brunoise of carrot, celery, onion and French sultanas, mixed with beaten egg three times
beans which have been stewed in butter and the weight of the butter. Baked at 230°C for
white bouillon until almost dry. Served with 15 to 20 minutes.
eggs and poultry. EDTA See ethylenediamine-NNN’N’-tetra-

écrevisse France Crayfish acetate


écrevisse à pattes rouges France eel A long, smooth, round, catadromous fish
écrevisse à pattes rouges eel

Freshwater crayfish of the genus Anguilla up to 130 cm long and

ecuelle France A deep dish used to serve
weighing to 8 kg, usually without scales and
vegetables with no pelvic fins. The flesh is dense and
écumer France To skim
fatty and the bones are a good source of
écureuil France Squirrel
gelatine. Usually killed immediately before
cooking. Often smoked and served with
Edam Netherlands A semi-hard, ball-shaped,

horseradish. Popular in Japan and Chinese

yellow cheese made from partially skimmed
coastal regions. See also elver
cows’ milk using a lactic starter. It dates from
eel pie island pie England A pie of skinned
eel pie island pie

at least the 8th century. After shaping, it is

dry-salted or brined, ripened for a few weeks and boned eel pieces brought to the boil in
and coated with a red wax. Rather mild and water with nutmeg, sherry, chopped parsley
bland but easily sliced. Contains 45% water, and sweated chopped onions and
25% fat and 28% protein. Also called immediately removed. The eel pieces are
Manbollen, Katzenkopt, Moor’s head placed in a pie dish with some coarsely
chopped hard-boiled eggs. The cooking
edamame Japan Fresh soya beans

liquor is thickened with beurre manié,

Edamer Germany The German version of

seasoned and acidulated with lemon juice,

Edam cheese then poured over the eel. The top covered
eddik Norway Vinegar

with puff pastry, egg-washed, and the whole

eddike Denmark Vinegar

is baked at 220°C for 15 minutes then at

eddo See eddoe

190°C for a further 30 minutes. (NOTE:

eddoe A roundish scaly underground stem

Named after Eel Pie Island in the Thames at

from a plant, Colocasia esculenta, similar to Twickenham.)
but smaller than taro and used as a starchy eel pout A freshwater, non-oily fish, Lota lota,
eel pout

staple food in African and Caribbean cuisine a relative of the cod found in Northern
Edelblankkäse Germany A soft surface-

Europe. Resembles and is cooked like eel.

ripened cows’ milk cheese with white Also called barbot, burbot, lote
veining. The flavour is mild when young but een choy China Chinese spinach
een choy

becomes sharper with age. eend Netherlands Duck


Edelkastanie Germany Chestnut


EFA Essential fatty acid


Edelpilzkäse Germany A blue-veined cheese.


effervesce To bubble vigorously or foam, not


See also Pilz by boiling

édeskömény Hungary Caraway seeds

efterrätt Sweden Dessert


edesseg Hungary Sweet things


e-fu noodles Flat yellow-coloured egg

e-fu noodles

edible bone phosphate See E542

edible bone phosphate

noodles from China which have been fried

edible chrysanthemum See garland until crisp before sale. They can be eaten as
edible chrysanthemum

chrysanthemum is or softened by blanching.

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egg England, Norway A most important food cinnamon, turmeric, ground cumin and

item both for its nutritive and texturizing coriander and seasoning. Served hot or cold.
eggerøre Norway Scrambled egg

properties. Most eggs have a hard shell

made of calcium carbonate, an inner egg foo yung China An omelette filled with a
egg foo yung

membrane, an air pocket at one end mixture of shredded cooked meat, shellfish
between the membrane and the shell, a and cooked vegetables flavoured with soya
central yellow to orange yolk supported by sauce, garlic, chopped spring onions and
two filaments and a surrounding transparent sherry or rice wine
white. In fertilized eggs the embryo is seen as egg herbs The principal herbs used with eggs
egg herbs

a small blood spot at the edge of the yolk. are basil, chervil, chives, dill, marjoram,
Hen’s eggs are the most common food item, oregano and rosemary
but duck eggs and quail’s eggs are available. eggkake Norway Omelette

See also egg white, egg yolk, egg sizes

egg mayonnaise A hors d’oeuvre consisting
egg mayonnaise


eggah An Arabic version of the omelette. See of shelled, hard-boiled eggs, halved
also eggeh lengthwise, placed on a plate, cut side down,
egg and butter sauce Melted butter,
egg and butter sauce

coated with mayonnaise and garnished

seasoned, flavoured with lemon juice and egg noodles Narrow ribbons of pasta
egg noodles

chopped parsley and mixed with diced hard- containing eggs, sometimes made from
boiled eggs at the rate of 12 per kg of butter. eggs, flour and salt only. Available fresh or
Used for whole poached fish. dried. Common in Italy, Southeast Asia,
egg and crumb, to United States To pané
egg and crumb, to

Japan and China. Chinese egg noodles are

egg beater See rotary beater
egg beater
sometimes flavoured to suit the dish they will
be served with.
egg-bread East Africa A light wheat flour

egg pasta See pasta all’uovo

egg pasta

pancake. See also mkate mayai

eggplant Aubergine

egg coagulation Separated white of egg

egg coagulation

egg poacher A type of miniature bain-marie

egg poacher

coagulates between 60 and 65°C and the with an upper dish containing hemispherical
yolk between 62 and 70°C. These indentations each sized to hold an egg. Used
temperatures are raised when eggs are to poach eggs.
mixed into liquids with other additions.
egg roll See spring roll
egg roll

Coagulation and thickening of an egg, milk

eggs à la russe Hard-boiled eggs, halved, the
eggs à la russe

and sugar mixture, as in custard, will take

place between 80 and 85°C and it will start yolks removed and seasoned and mashed
to curdle at 88 to 90°C. Also called egg with mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, a little dry
setting English mustard, finely chopped gherkins
and spring onions. This mixture is returned
egg cup A small container shaped like a
egg cup

to the halved whites and each decorated with

goblet used to hold a soft-boiled egg in its paprika (tapped through a coffee strainer)
shell for ease of opening and eating and a caper. See also iaitsa po-russki
egg custard A mixture of egg (whole or yolk),
egg custard

egg sauce Béchamel sauce flavoured with

egg sauce

sweetened milk and flavouring cooked over a nutmeg with the addition of diced hard-
bain-marie or in a double boiler until the egg boiled eggs (6 eggs per litre). Used for
has set (80 to 85°C). The consistency poached or boiled fish and smoked
depends on the proportions of egg to milk. haddock. See also Scotch egg sauce
egg custard sauce

egg custard sauce A thin pouring sauce eggs Benedict United States A muffin or slice
eggs Benedict

similar to crème à l’anglaise but with only 8 of toast covered with grilled Canadian-style
to 10 egg yolks per litre of milk. Also called bacon, topped with a poached egg, coated
fresh egg custard sauce, sauce à l’anglaise with hollandaise sauce and garnished with a
eggeh Middle East The Arabic version of the slice of truffle

omelette in which precooked vegetables egg separator An implement shaped like a

egg separator

together with seasonings, herbs and spices large spoon or small ladle with a slot or holes
are bound into a stiff mixture with the egg to allow the white of an egg to pass through
prior to cooking by frying on both sides. May leaving the yolk in the spoon
be cooked as one large circle or in egg setting See egg coagulation
egg setting

tablespoonfuls. Probably the origin of the egg sizes 1. United Kingdom A numerical
egg sizes

Spanish tortilla. system for sizing eggs originally ranging from

eggeh beythat Middle East Hard-boiled eggs
eggeh beythat

size 1 (greater than 70 g) to size 7 (less than

with the shell removed, pricked through to 45 g). The standard egg used in recipes is
the yolk in several places, deep-fried in olive size 3, weighing 60 to 65 g (2 oz). The
oil until brown, then rolled in a mixture of system in the UK has recently been changed

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to small (minimum weight 45 g); medium églefin France Haddock


(minimum weight 55 g); large (minimum eglefino Italy Haddock


weight 65 g); and extra large (minimum Egon Ronay’s Guide United Kingdom One of
Egon Ronay’s Guide

weight 90 g). The standard 65g (2 oz) egg the restaurant guides to which complaints or
size in this system is medium. 2. United experiences may be sent. Address: 73
States US egg sizes are jumbo, extra large, Ulverdale Rd. London SW10 0SW. Others
large, medium and small are the Good Food and Michelin Guides.
egg slicer A small implement rather like a
egg slicer

egres Hungary Gooseberries


cheese slice but with a hollow base to hold a

egushi West Africa The Ghanaian name for

hard-boiled and shelled egg, and multiple

pumpkin seeds. See also egusi
wires on a hinged frame which cut through
egusi West Africa The seeds of species of

the egg and into slots in the base

Cucurbitaceae, which include gourds,
eggs Sardou United States Poached eggs
eggs Sardou

melons, pumpkins etc. used when ground as

served with artichoke hearts, anchovies,
thickeners. The name is also used for the
chopped ham and truffle and accompanied fruits themselves in West Africa. Also called
with hollandaise sauce agusi
egg thread net A lacy crêpe made by allowing
egg thread net

egusi melon A melon of the genus

egusi melon

beaten and strained eggs to drip off the Cucumeropsis, especially C. edulis, grown in
fingers into hot fat in an omelette pan to form west Africa for its oil-bearing seeds.
a lacy pattern which is cooked until firm
egusi sauce Central Africa Onions, tomatoes
egusi sauce

enough to handle. Used as a food wrapping

and chilli pepper sweated until cooked then
or garnish in Southeast Asia.
liquidized, let down with a little water and
egg timer An apparatus for timing the boiling
egg timer

thickened to a smooth sauce with egusi

of eggs, traditionally a sand-filled hour glass which has been roasted and ground to a fine
which measured only the three minutes powder. Served with staples or with grilled
necessary to soft-boil an egg meats and fish.
egg-wash, to To brush beaten egg over bread
egg-wash, to

egusi soup West Africa A soup/stew made by

egusi soup

rolls, pastry, duchesse potatoes and similar browning meat in palm oil or peanut oil
foods prior to cooking in order to glaze them transferring it to the cooking liquor, then
and give them a pleasant brown colour. They frying onion, chilli pepper, tomatoes and okra
may be partially baked to harden the surface in the same pan, when these are soft, tomato
prior to egg-washing. purée, dried shrimp and ground egusi seeds
egg wedger As egg slicer but with the wires
egg wedger

are added, heated through and all mixed in

arranged to cut the egg into wedges the stew. Finally chopped greens and
egg whey Wales A light custard made with 6 seasoning are added and all cooked until
egg whey

eggs per litre of milk flavoured with a little done.

nutmeg, ginger and sugar, poured over Egyptian bean Hyacinth bean
Egyptian bean

broken bread and set either in the oven in a Egyptian lentils Masoor
Egyptian lentils

bain-marie or over hot water on top of the Egyptian lotus The Nile plant, Nymphaea
Egyptian lotus

stove. See also egg custard lotus, used in the same way as the true lotus
egg white The transparent gel surrounding
egg white

Egyptian mint Applemint

Egyptian mint

the yolk of an egg which amounts to about

Egyptian onion A member of the onion family,
Egyptian onion

60% of the weight of a hen’s egg. When fresh

Allium cepa var. proliferum, which produces
the egg white is viscous and stands high on
a cluster of small bulbs at the flower instead
a plate, as it ages it becomes thinner and is
of seeds. These are often too small to be of
better for whisking. See also albumen
culinary interest. Also called tree onion,
eggy bread England Unsweetened and
eggy bread

calawissa onion
unflavoured pain perdu topped with grated
égyptienne, à l’ France In the Egyptian style,
égyptienne, à l’

Caerphilly cheese and chopped pickled

i.e. with lentils
onion mixture and grilled until brown. Served
égyptienne, purée France As purée Saint
égyptienne, purée

Germain, but substituting yellow split peas for
egg yolk The central part of the egg usually
egg yolk

the peas and leaving out the carrot. Also

light yellow to orange, semi-liquid and held
called yellow pea soup
separate within a fragile membrane. It
ei Netherlands Egg

contains about 16% protein mainly lecithin,

Ei Germany Egg

33% fat including cholesterol plus vitamins,

Eichhörnchen Germany Squirrel

trace elements and water. It represents

about 30% of the total weight of a hen’s egg. Eidotter Germany Yolk of egg

eglantine Rose eierenpannekoeken Netherlands Pancakes

eglantine eierenpannekoeken

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Eierfrucht Germany Aubergine Elbo Denmark A hard, mild, slightly acidic

Eierfrucht Elbo

Eierhaber Switzerland A type of omelette

tasting cheese similar to Danbo, made from
made with eggs, milk, seasoning and a little cows’ milk and cast in bricks of up to 5 kg.
flour, cooked then cut in small pieces The slightly acid-tasting paste contains a few
Eierkuchen Germany Pancake
holes and the smooth brown rind is usually
covered in red wax.
Eierpflanze Germany Aubergine

elbow macaroni United States Short pieces

elbow macaroni

Eierrösti Switzerland Diced bread soaked in


of macaroni curved into a right angle bend

milk then mixed with beaten eggs and
elder United Kingdom Cooked and pressed

cooked in butter
cows’ udder. Now rare.
Eierteigwaren Germany Egg noodles and

elderberry The fruit of a tree, Sambucus niger


egg-based pasta
(EU & USA), S. canadensis (eastern USA)
ei gebakken Netherlands Fried egg
ei gebakken

and S. caerula (western USA), which consist

eindosen Germany To can

of clusters of spherical shiny black fruits to 5

eingemacht Germany Preserved, as of fruits,

mm in diameter each containing a single

etc. seed. The eastern and western USA varieties
Eingemachte Germany 1. Jam 2. Marmalade

are larger than the European, may be red or

3. Preserves golden and are commercially cultivated as a
Eingepökelte Germany Pickles
elderflower The white creamy flowers of the

Einkorn A variety of wheat, Triticum


monococcum, grown on poor soil in Central elderberry tree which grow in clusters. Used
Europe, containing a single column of grains for decoration and sometimes deep-fried as
along the ear fritters.
élédone France Curled octopus

Einsiedlerkrebs Germany Hermit crab


eleesh South Asia A rather oily river fish from


Eintopf Germany A meat and vegetable stew


from the mining areas using fairly tender the Hooghly

elefante di mare Italy Lobster
elefante di mare

cuts of meat served with the unthickened

Elefantenlaus Germany Cashew nut

cooking liquor (NOTE: Literally ‘one pot’.)

elenolic acid One of the antibacterial agents
elenolic acid

Eis Germany 1. Ice 2. Ice cream


Eisbein Germany Boiled pickled pig’s

in olives which inhibit lactic acid
knuckle, usually served with sauerkraut, fermentation. It is removed by treatment with
puréed peas and potatoes dilute caustic soda solution (lye) or by daily
Eisenia bicyclis Botanical name Arame soaking in fresh water for 2 to 3 weeks.
Eleocharis dulcis Botanical name Water
Eiweiss Germany White of egg

ejotes Mexico Green beans

Eleocharis tuberosa Botanical name Water

ekmek Turkey Bread

ekmek kadayifi Turkey Honey-soaked bread
ekmek kadayifi

elephant apple Wood apple

elephant apple

or cake topped with buffalo milk cream elephant garlic United States A very large
elephant garlic

eksili çorba Turkey Mutton broth thickened

eksili çorba

garlic-looking vegetable with a very mild

with a mixture of flour, eggs, lemon juice and garlic flavour. The cloves may be cooked as
water and garnished with diced fatty mutton any tuber, or may be used raw in salads.
eksili köfte Turkey Meatballs made from a elephant’s ears See amaranth 1
eksili köfte elephant’s ears

mixture of chopped raw beef, eggs, chopped elephant’s foot 1. A plant, Amorphophallus
elephant’s foot

parsley, moistened breadcrumbs and campanulatus, from India grown for its white
seasoning, cooked in a sauce of water, to pink fleshed tubers which keep extremely
tomato purée and sweated chopped onions, well. The higher yielding type is rather acrid
finished just before service with crushed and requires long boiling. Also called suram
garlic, cinnamon and vinegar 2. An African species of yam, Dioscorea
ekte mysöst Real Mysost, i.e. made from pure elephantipes, with clusters of tubers which
ekte mysöst

goats’ milk grow above ground

Elaeis guineensis Botanical name The oil Elettaria cardamomum Botanical name
palm from which palm oil and palm kernel oil Cardamom
are extracted Eleusine caracana Botanical name Ragi
elaichi South Asia Cardamom elevenses United Kingdom A mid-morning
elaichi elevenses

elastin One of the proteins which make up

drink and possibly snack (colloquial)
elft Netherlands Shad

connective tissue, predominating in sinews

and gristle. It does not break down into el ful Egypt A dish made with brown beans.
el ful

gelatine on cooking. See also ful medames 2

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elg Norway Elk empanadillas South America, Spain Small

elg empanadillas

eliche Italy Pasta twists rather like fusilli


semicircular pasties made with a well-rested

Ellendale Australia An important mandarin
flour and butter pastry (8:5), rolled very thin,
from Australia with a very juicy high-quality filled with a savoury mixture and deep-fried
flesh which is sweet and tasty. Now also until golden
empanaditas Mexico, South America Small

grown in South America.

elmo United States A semi-soft creamy-
empanadas eaten as snacks or appetizers
textured cows’ milk cheese with a hickory empanado Spain Coated in breadcrumbs

nut flavour empedrat Catalonia A salad of salt cod and


elöétel Hungary Hors d’oeuvres


white beans, normally a starter

elöételek Hungary Appetizers

emperor’s omelette An Austrian dessert of

emperor’s omelette

elote Mexico Fresh corn


shallow-fied batter containing sultanas or

elver A young eel considered a delicacy in

raisins. See also Kaiserschmarren

France and Spain, usually stewed in garlic, Empetrum nigrum Botanical name Crowberry
sautéed or deep-fried emping melinjo Indonesia The kernel and
emping melinjo

emblanquecer Spain To blanch


horny covering around the fruit of the melinjo

embotits Catalonia A platter of cold meats

tree. It is rolled flat and sun-dried for use as

(assiette anglaise) a snack or garnish.
embuchado de lomo Spain A cured loin of
embuchado de lomo

emshmel North Africa Chicken with lemon


pork (eye of loin only) enclosed in a skin like and olives from Khemisset in Morocco
a long straight sausage and kept in olive oil. emulsifier A compound which aids the

Eaten raw. dispersion of one liquid or semi-solid in

embutido Spain Cold slicing sausage

another with which it is immiscible, e.g. oil

emek Middle East A popular Israeli cheese

and vinegar to make mayonnaise, butter with

resembling Edam milk and sugar in cake mixes. The emulsifier
émincé France Cut into thin slices or

is usually a long-chain molecule, one end of

shredded with a knife or mandolin or in a which dissolves in water and the other end in
food processor fat. Egg yolk and French mustard are
émincer France To slice thinly, to cut into
culinary emulsifiers but many others,
slivers or thin slices synthetic as well as natural, are used in
émissole lisse France Smooth hound, the
émissole lisse
commercial made-up dishes and mixes.
emulsion 1. A mixture of two or more

Emmental Switzerland A hard cooked-curd
immiscible liquids or semi-solids in which
cows’ milk cheese from the Emmental valley one is divided into very small droplets (less
with a sweet, nutty-flavoured glossy paste than 0.01 mm diameter) dispersed in the
containing random holes. Both lactic and other(s). Mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce and
propionic acid starters are used and, after cake batters are typical examples. See also
forming into a large wheel (up to 80 kg) emulsifier, homogenize, to, dispersed phase,
wrapped in cheesecloth, it is salted in brine continuous phase 2. Butter whisked into
and ripened for 5 to 7 months. Copied salted boiling water, used for reheating
worldwide. Used to make fondue. Contains vegetables just before service to give a
35% water, 37% fat and 27% protein. Also pleasing sheen
en France In, as in en croûte, ‘in a crust’; en

called Emmenthal, Emmentaler

Emmentaler Switzerland 1. Emmental 2. A
papillote, ‘in paper or foil’
enamel A glass-like covering for steel

regional Brühwurst-type sausage

Emmental grand cru de l’Est France A sometimes used for trays, saucepans,
Emmental grand cru de l’Est

French Emmental cheese with a regionally casseroles, etc. The enamel can be chipped,
administered Appellation d’Origine crazed by temperature shock or scratched
Emmenthal Switzerland Emmental
with harsh cleansers or metal spoons, etc.
enasal Sri Lanka Cardamom

émoudre France To grind


empada Portugal Pie, patty encarnada Portugal Red

empada encarnada

empadinha Portugal Small pie or tart enchaud France A dish from Périgord of pork
empadinha enchaud

empadinha de camarão Portugal Small

empadinha de camarão

and pigs’ trotters piquéed with garlic, baked

shrimp pie and flavoured with truffles
empanadas Mexico, South America Pasties enchilada Mexico A thin masa harina tortilla
empanadas enchilada

made from a yeast-raised dough containing fried both sides, brushed with chilli or tomato
sweet or savoury fillings, baked or shallow- sauce, rolled around a filling of cooked meat
fried and eaten hot or poultry or grated cheese, coated with

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more sauce and eaten hot with guacamole flour and vanilla flavouring) and served as a
and/or refried beans sweet pouring sauce. Sometimes coloured
enchilado Mexico A white, salty and crumbly
yellow. Also called custard, custard sauce
English egg custard United Kingdom Crème
English egg custard

cows’ milk cheese made in a block and

sometimes coloured on the outside with chilli à l’anglaise
powder or annatto. Used for cooking English muffin United States See muffin 1
English muffin

especially enchillada. English mustard A mixture of dehusked and

English mustard

enchovas Portugal Anchovies. Also called


ground brown and white mustard seeds

anchovas mixed with wheat flour and turmeric, sold dry
encornet France Squid or mixed with water and preservatives. Used

encre France The black ink from squid or

for flavouring or as a condiment.
English puff pastry method Roll out dough
English puff pastry method

octopus used in sauces for same

encurtidos Spain Pickles
into a rectangle 20 cm x 30 cm, cover two
endive 1. A bitter salad plant, Cichorium
thirds (20 x 20) with an even layer of the
endivia, with curly ragged leaves all springing remaining fat, fold in three to give three
from the base without a heart. Originally from layers of dough interleaved with two layers of
Southeast Asia and introduced by the Dutch fat, roll out to the original size repeat the fold,
in the 16th century and subsequently rest the dough then proceed as for puff pastry
English sausage England Apart from regional
English sausage

developed. It can be blanched by excluding

light when it is growing to remove the and speciality sausages, a rather revolting
bitterness. Known as chicorée in France and mixture of ground meat (which includes fat,
escarole in the USA. Unfortunately (Belgian) drinde, mechanically recovered meat and
chicory is known as endive in France, other parts of the animal not generally
causing much confusion. See also escarole, considered to be meat) with rusk, extenders,
batavian endive. Also called moss curled binders and flavourings packed in casings.
endive, staghorn endive, curly endive, winter By law, pork sausage must contain 65%
frisée 2. France Belgian chicory meat (of which 10% may be drinde), whilst
endiver Sweden Chicory or chicon
pork and beef sausage need only contain
50% meat.
endives à l’étuvée France Braised chicons of
endives à l’étuvée

English service A style of service, usually at

English service

Belgian chicory
private parties, where the host apportions
endives au jambon France Braised chicons
endives au jambon

food onto plates which are then distributed

of Belgian chicory wrapped in a slice of ham
by a waiter
Endiviensalat Germany Endive salad

English truffle A truffle, Tuber aestivum,

English truffle

endomame Japan A type of pea


found in Wiltshire, UK, growing in the root

endosperm The white 80% to 90% inner

area of beech trees, but not generally

portion of the wheat grain consisting of available
spherical starch granules surrounded by a enguia Portugal Eel

protein matrix and some cell wall material

enkulat tibs East Africa A type of Spanish
enkulat tibs

which remain after the bran and wheat germ

omelette made with eggs, green and red
have been removed
sweet peppers and sometimes onions served
endrina Spain Sloe, the fruit

with bread for breakfast in Ethiopia

endrina grande Spain Bullace, the fruit
endrina grande

enlatar Spain To can


endura Sri Lanka Dill seed


enlever France To remove


enebro Spain Juniper


enoki Japan Enokitake


eneldo Spain Dill


enokitake Japan A small delicately flavoured


engelsk bøf Denmark Fillet steak (NOTE:

engelsk bøf

mushroom, Flammulina velutipes, which

Literally ‘English beef’.) grows in clumps at the base of the Chinese
English breakfast United Kingdom A
English breakfast

hackberry tree. They have slender stalks (up

substantial meal of fruit juice, fruit and/or to 8 cm long) with a white gold cap. Sold in
cereals followed by a selection of bacon, clumps for use as a garnish or in Japanese
sausages, kidneys, eggs, tomatoes, salads such as aemono and sunomono.
mushrooms and bread, all grilled or fried, or Available fresh or dried. Also called enoki
kedgeree or kippers followed by toast, butter, enrich, to 1. To add some or all of butter, milk,
enrich, to

jam and/or marmalade and tea or coffee. sugar and eggs to a bread dough to produce
Often called Scottish breakfast and Irish buns, etc. or to add butter or cream to a
breakfast but never British breakfast. batter or sauce, or similar additions 2. To add
English custard United Kingdom Sweetened
English custard

back vitamins, trace elements or minerals to

milk thickened with custard powder (corn processed foods such as white flour, cereals,

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margarine, fruit juice, etc., sometimes to accompaniments, served between the fish
replace losses in processing, sometimes as a course and the roast
matter of public health policy entrée, en France A method of trussing a bird
entrée, en

enriched rice United States Rice, enriched

enriched rice

in which the drumstick is put through an

with vitamins and minerals to make up for incision in the skin
some of the losses in milling entremeses Spain Hors d’oeuvres

enrollado Mexico Rolled


entremétier England, France Vegetable cook


ensaimada Spain A stuffed savoury or sweet


entremets France Sweet or dessert, the


bread similar to an empanada course following the cheese at a French

ensalada Spain Salad

dinner. Originally any dish served after the

ensalada andaluza Spain A salad of sweet
ensalada andaluza

main course.
peppers, tomatoes, olives, rice and garlic entrocosta Portugal Entrecôte steak

ensalada de arroz Spain Rice salad

ensalada de arroz

E number A three-figure number, currently in

E number

ensalada de pepino Spain Cucumber salad

ensalada de pepino

the range 100 to 500 and prefixed by a

ensalada de San Isidro Spain Lettuce and capital E, which is used on packaging to
ensalada de San Isidro

tuna salad identify all food additives accepted as safe

ensalada de verano Spain A salad of baked
ensalada de verano
throughout the EU. These do not cover all the
aubergine, tomatoes, sweet peppers and additives allowed in the UK or other
onions with an oil and lemon juice dressing countries of the EU. Many of these have
ensalada variada Spain Mixed green salad
ensalada variada
numbers, and those legal in the UK but not
generally throughout the EU are followed by
ensaladilla Spain Salad

a note saying ‘not licensed for use

enset East Africa A relative, Ensete

throughout the EU’.

ventricosum, of the banana whose corms
enzymatic browning Browning of fruit and
enzymatic browning

and stems are used as a food and fibre

vegetables that occurs when cut surfaces are
source in Ethiopia. The tree is very resistant
exposed to air. This is inhibited by acids, e.g.
to drought and supports some of the densest
lemon juice or vinegar.
populations in Africa. It could be grown in
enzyme A natural protein which speeds up

western and southern Africa.

the rate of chemical reaction under
ensopada Portugal A meat or fish and

moderate conditions of temperature, such as

vegetable soup thickened with bread
oxidation, browning of apples, decolorizing of
Ente Germany Duck

vegetables, etc. They are easily inactivated

Entenbrüstchen Germany Duck breast

by extremes of pH, high concentrations of

Entenmuschel Germany Barnacle

salt, addition of alcohol or most importantly

Entenweissauer Germany Duck in aspic

by temperatures of 80°C or above

épaule France Shoulder, usually of lamb or

entosensal Philippines Caul


entrahmte Milch Germany Skimmed milk

entrahmte Milch
veal, as in épaule d’agneau, épaule de veau
epazote A strong-flavoured herb used in

Entrammes France The cheese from


Entrammes in Brittany made by the monks Mexican cooking and to make an infused
who originally made Port-Salut but who sold tea. Also called Mexican tea, wormseed
eper Hungary Strawberries

the name to commercial interests. Very

similar to Port-Salut. éperlan France Smelt

entrecot Spain Entrecôte steak


epicarp The outer peel of citrus fruit


entrecôte 1. A steak cut from the middle part


épice France Spice


of a sirloin of beef 2. France, Italy A thick

épices composées France A classic spice
épices composées

juicy well-marbled beef steak cut from the

mix of dried and ground thyme, basil, bay
wing ribs
and sage plus coriander seeds, mace and
entrecôte al ferri Italy Grilled fillet or
entrecôte al ferri

black peppercorns all ground. Also called

entrecôte steak of beef spice Parisienne
entrée England, France 1. The main course or

epicure A person who appreciates fine food


courses of a dinner consisting usually of a

épicurienne, sauce France Mayonnaise
épicurienne, sauce

proteinaceous part such as meat, game, fish

or pulses, with or without accompaniments, flavoured with gherkins and smooth chutney.
but complete with one of the classic white or Served with cold meat, eggs, poultry and
brown sauces and garnish. Served hot or fish.
épigramme France Slices of boiled breast of

cold but if there are two dishes, the hot is

served first. 2. Traditionally, a dish forming a lamb, panéed and fried in butter
épinard France Spinach

complete course in itself without

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épine France Loin of meat (NOTE: Literally ermek kaimaksi Southwest Asia A bread
épine ermek kaimaksi

‘backbone’.) pudding from Armenia made from slices of

épis de maïs France Sweetcorn
épis de maïs

crustless heavy bread toasted in the oven at

eple Norway Apple
170°C until golden, overlapped in a shallow
dish, moistened with a little milk and then
eplesnø Norway Apple snow

soaked in a sugar syrup (2 kg per litre) and

éplucher France To peel

baked at 180°C until brown and puffy.

Epoisses France A soft strong-flavoured cows’

Served covered with a type of clotted cream

milk cheese from Burgundy, formed into 300 (kaimak).
to 400 g discs and washed in brine or local ermitaño Spain Hermit crab

eau-de-vie. Sometimes wrapped in vine

Ermite Canada A semi-hard blue-veined

leaves or flavoured with spices. Normally has

a scored orange crust. cows’ milk cheese from Quebec
erter Norway Peas

éponger France To dry using an absorbent


ertersuppe Norway Pea soup


material such as kitchen paper

Epping sausage England A skinless frying
Epping sausage
Eruca vesicaria Botanical name Rocket
erucic acid A fatty acid once a significant
erucic acid

sausage made of equal parts of pork meat

and beef suet, finely minced, seasoned, constituent of rapeseed oil and considered a
flavoured with nutmeg, sage and a little potential danger to health in large quantities.
bacon and bound with egg Varieties of rape which contain only low
Epsom salts See E518
Epsom salts
concentrations have now been developed for
équille France Sand eel
oil production.
erugala Rocket

erba Italy Herb


ervanço Portugal Chick peas


erba cipollina Italy Chive

erba cipollina

ervilhas Portugal Peas


erba gatta Italy Catmint

erba gatta

erwentensoep Netherlands A thick puréed


erbaggi Italy 1. Pot herbs 2. Green vegetables


3. Salads soup made from split green peas and

vegetables in a meat stock. It is refrigerated
erba riccia Italy Lamb’s lettuce
erba riccia

after cooking then reheated with Frankfurter

erbette Italy A spinach or beet-like leaf

sausages. A national dish of Holland.

vegetable. Also called bietoline
erwten Netherlands Peas

Erbsen Germany Peas


erythrosine BS A synthetic red food

erythrosine BS

Erbsenbrei Germany Puréed peas


colouring, used for glacé cherries. See also

Erbsensuppe Germany Pea soup

Erdapfel Austria Potato

ésaü France Containing lentils (NOTE: From


Erdapfelnudeln Austria Very small potato


the Bible story.)

dumplings rolled in fried breadcrumbs escabeche Spain 1. Pickled 2. Cooked small


Germany Jerusalem whole fish marinated in a spiced oil and

artichoke vinegar mixture and served cold in the
Erdbeere Germany Strawberry

marinade 3. The marinade used in 2 above

Erdbeerkaltschale Germany A cold escalfado Portugal Poached
Erdbeerkaltschale escalfado

strawberry soup made from pulped wild escalfados Poached eggs


strawberries mixed with sugar and white escalfar Spain To poach


wine, passed though a sieve and garnished

escalivada Catalonia Roasted aubergines,

with whole wild strawberries dipped in sugar

onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers and black
Erdnuss Germany Peanut

olives dressed with olive oil. Called

ergo East Africa The Ethiopian name for a type

escalibada elsewhere in Spain.

of yoghurt
escalopado Mexico Made into escalopes

ergocalciferol See vitamin D2


escalope England, France A thin slice of meat


Erimis peynir Turkey A semi-hard spun-curd

Erimis peynir

cut from a large muscle without bone, gristle

cheese made from ewes’ or goats’ milk and or sinews, often from the top of the leg or the
eaten fresh fillet, and beaten out until very thin prior to
Eriobotrya japonica Botanical name Loquat frying
eriphie France A type of small furry crab. See

escalope cordon bleu Two escalopes of pork

escalope cordon bleu

also cangrejo moruno or veal, made into a sandwich with 1 slice of

erizo de mar Spain Sea urchin
erizo de mar

Gruyère cheese and 1 slice of ham, edges

Erkentaler Germany An Emmental-type

dampened to seal, panéed, marked with a

cheese diamond pattern on the presentation side,

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essential amino acids

shallow-fried and served with a rondel of dribbled in or poached, are used to finish the
lemon and chopped parsley soup
escalope de veau France A veal escalope Eskdale England A Camembert type cheese
escalope de veau Eskdale

usually panéed and fried or coated with flour, from Yorkshire

seared and simmered in stock or wine esmorzar Catalonia Breakfast

escalope normande, vallée d’Auge France espadín Spain Sprat

escalope normande, vallée d’Auge espadín

An escalope of veal or chicken breast served espadon France Swordfish


with a calvados-flavoured cream sauce and espagnole, à l’ France In the Spanish style,
espagnole, à l’

sautéed apples i.e. with sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic and

escamarlà (plural escamarlans) Catalonia 1.

Dublin bay prawn(s) 2. Scampi espagnole, sauce England, France Brown
espagnole, sauce

escargot France Edible snail


sauce, one of the three classic basic sauces

escargot clamp A small pair of metal tongues
escargot clamp

made from a brown roux mixed with tomato

used to hold a snail shell while the snail meat purée and brown stock. It is flavoured with
is extracted defatted browned aromatic vegetables and
escargot de mer France Whelk (NOTE:
escargot de mer
simmered from 4 to 6 hours, skimmed as
Literally ‘sea snail’.) necessary and finally strained. Also called
escargot fork A small fork with two long tines,
escargot fork
brown sauce, Spanish sauce
espaguetis Italy Spaghetti

used to extract snail meat from its shell

espargo bravo Portugal Wild asparagus
espargo bravo

escargotière France Dish on which snails are


espargos Portugal Asparagus


espárrago Spain Asparagus

escargots à la bourguignonne France Snails

escargots à la bourguignonne

espàrrecs Catalonia Asparagus


with garlic butter and chopped parsley

especia Spain Spice

escarola Spain Endive


espetar Spain To truss


escarole Italy, United States A variety of


espinaca Spain Spinach


slightly bitter broad-leaved endive,

espinacs a la catalana Catalonia Cooked
espinacs a la catalana

Cichorium endivia, used in salads. Usually

blanched in the garden. Also called scarola spinach with pine nuts, raisins and
Escherichia coli A human gut bacteria anchovies, often used as a starter
whose presence in food indicates poor food espinafre Portugal Spinach

hygiene. Some strains found in meat can espresso England, Italy Coffee made with

cause food poisoning. The incubation period dark-roasted finely ground coffee through
in 12 to 72 hours, the duration is 1 to 7 days which superheated water (water under
and the symptoms are either cholera-like pressure at a temperature greater than
illness with watery diarrhoea and pain or 100°C) is forced. This extracts a high
prolonged diarrhoea with blood and mucous. proportion of coffee solubles plus bitter
Escoffier Auguste Escoffier 1846 – 1935,

components not normally found in

apprentice chef at age 13, worked until conventionally brewed coffee.
1920, took charge of the Savoy Hotel esprot France Sprat

(London) kitchens in 1890, opened the esqueixada 1. Spain Fish salad from Galicia

Carlton and the Paris Ritz in the late 1890s, 2. Catalonia A salt cod, onion and sweet
wrote and published Le Guide Culinaire in pepper salad
1903 which contains over 5000 recipes and esquexada Catalonia A salt cod, onion and

is still a classic reference book. Famous for sweet pepper salad

his instruction to chefs – faites simple – ‘keep
esquinade France Spider crab

it simple’.
Esrom Denmark A semi-hard soft cheese with

escopinyes Catalonia Cockles


irregularly-shaped holes ripened for 1 to 3

escovitch Caribbean Escabeche

weeks. It is cast in 500 g to 1 kg bricks and

escudella Catalonia A plain broth with rice or

has a mild piquant flavour and a thin yellow

pasta to orange coloured rind. Contains 50%
escudella i carn d’olla Catalonia The soup
escudella i carn d’olla

water, 23% fat and 22% protein.

part of the traditional Catalan hotpot essbare Muschel Germany Clam
essbare Muschel

escupina grabada, escupina gravada Spain essence An extract of flavouring compounds

escupina grabada essence

Warty venus clam usually from fruit or vegetable matter but

eshkaneh Central Asia A meatless soup from

occasionally from meat. The extractant is

Iran based on onion and a souring agent with usually alcohol.
various additions of vegetables or chopped essential amino acids Amino acids which
essential amino acids

nuts, fruit etc. Eggs, either beaten and are necessary for health and cannot be

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essential fatty acids

synthesized in the body and must therefore are poured over, sour cream added and all
be obtained from food. They are: isoleucine, simmered for a few minutes. Served with rice
leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, or noodles.
threonine, tryptophan and valine, plus estofado Spain Beef or veal pieces simmered

histidine which is required by growing infants with sliced onions, strips of green pepper,
and may be required by adults. chopped tomatoes, the flesh of charred
essential fatty acids Fatty acids which
essential fatty acids

garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, wine, paprika,

cannot be synthesized in the body and must bay, parsley and thyme for about 2 hours or
be obtained from food sources. The until cooked adding a minimum of water as
important ones are: linolenic, linoleic, required. See also humba
arachidonic (AA), gamma linolenic (GLA) estofado de rabo Spain Oxtail stew with
estofado de rabo

and eicosopentanoic acid (EPA). All are garlic, tomato and anchovy paste
involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins estofar Spain To stew

which have a variety of important bodily

estofat Catalonia Stewed

functions and in the construction of the

estofat de bou Catalonia A rich beef stew with
estofat de bou

myelin sheaths around nerve fibres and the

synthesis of cell walls. Also called vitamin F, sausages and potatoes, flavoured with herbs
EFA and sometimes with chocolate
estofat de porc senglar amb bolets
estofat de porc senglar amb bolets

essential oil The oily compounds secreted by

essential oil

or extracted from plants, flowers and fruit Catalonia Wild boar casserole with wild
which have a concentrated aroma. Used in mushrooms
estofat de quaresma Catalonia A Lenten
estofat de quaresma

essenza Italy A meat or fish glaze
vegetable stew
estomac France Stomach

Essig Germany Vinegar


Estonkij See Estonski


Essiggurke Germany Pickled gherkins


Estonski A semi-hard cows’ milk cheese from


Essigkren Germany Horseradish sauce,


grated horseradish in vinegar with sugar and Estonia which uses a complex mixed culture
spices as a starter to give it a mildly acid aromatic
flavour. Contains 45% water, 25% fat and
Essigpilze Germany Pickled mushroom

23% protein. Also called Estonkij

estanboli polou Central Asia An Iranian rice-
estanboli polou

estouffade 1. England, France Brown beef


based dish (polou) made with cubed lamb or

stock 2. France A beef or pork pot roast with
beef and chopped onion, simmered after
vegetables or beans, herbs, seasoning and
frying with cinnamon, paprika and tomato
stock or wine. Also called étouffat
purée. The pan or dish may be lined when
estragon France, Russia Tarragon

assembling with slices of potato coated in

estragon, à l’ France Flavoured with tarragon
estragon, à l’

clarified butter and the whole cooked dish

estragon, sauce England, France A velouté
estragon, sauce

turned out like a cake.

ester The general name for the compound
sauce based on fish stock flavoured with
produced by reacting an alcohol with an tarragon. Served with fish.
estragón Spain Tarragon

acid. Most esters have pleasant fruity

flavours and aromas. Some are extracted Estragon Germany Tarragon

from fruits but many are now made estrella Spain A hard ewes’ milk cheese from

synthetically. Toledo. See also Oropesa

esterase An enzyme which breaks down

estrellado Spain Fried (egg)


esters into their component acids and

esturgeon France Sturgeon

alcohols, thus destroying or modifying the

esturión Spain Sturgeon

flavour or aroma
et Turkey Meat

Esterhazy Rostbraten Austria Roast stuffed

Esterhazy Rostbraten

étamine France Muslin, cheesecloth or


fillet of beef basted with Madeira wine

Esterházy rostélyos Hungary Thin slices of
Esterházy rostélyos
tammy cloth for straining
ethanol The alcohol produced by the

seasoned sirloin steak browned in lard and

casseroled with sliced onion, carrots, fermentation of sugars which is responsible
Hamburg parsley and flour, browned in the for the intoxicating effects of alcoholic drinks.
same fat, seasoned stock, slices of lemon It disappears from boiling liquid after some
and capers until cooked. The steak is time. Used as a solvent for food colourings
removed and transferred to a dish on a bed and flavourings. Also called ethyl alcohol
Ethiopian cardamom The seed pods of a
Ethiopian cardamom

of julienned carrots and Hamburg parsley

previously fried in butter and simmered in bush, Aframomum korarima, from Ethiopia
stock. The strained juices from the casserole used as a cheap substitute for green

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Exeter stew

cardamom. Has a more camphor-like flavour Eugenia uniflora Botanical name Surinam
than the true cardamom. cherry
ethoxyquin A chemical used to prevent europäischer Flusskrebs Germany
ethoxyquin europäischer Flusskrebs

discoloration (scald) on apples and pears Freshwater crayfish

ethrog See etrog European edible frog See frog
ethrog European edible frog

European flat oyster The original oyster of

European flat oyster

ethyl acetate An ester of ethanol and acetic

ethyl acetate

acid used as a solvent for food colours and European waters, Ostrea edulis. Considered
flavourings to have the best flavour, with the English
ethyl alcohol See ethanol
ethyl alcohol
native being the most prized. They are found
ethylene A gas given off by ripening fruit
from Norway down to Morocco and the
which also accelerates ripening. An overripe Mediterranean and are best served raw with
banana is often used in an enclosed space to a squeeze of lemon. See also oyster
European grape The original European grape
European grape

provide this gas.

ethylenediamine-NNN’N’-tetra-acetate A
variety, Vitis vinifera. See also grape
European sand smelt See sand smelt
European sand smelt

very common and powerful sequestering

European Welsh onion See Welsh onion
European Welsh onion

agent both as is and as its salts. Abbreviated

eustis A variety of limequat

to EDTA.
Euter Germany Udder

etikkasilli Finland Pickled herring


evaporated milk Homogenized cows’ milk

evaporated milk

etima West Africa The name given to the


seeds of the wild mango tree in Gabon and from which 60 to 65% of the water has been
Cameroon. Also called odika, dika removed under a vacuum at not more than
étolaj Hungary Cooking oil
66°C. Sold sterilized in cans. Use as a cream
Eton mess England Chopped strawberries
Eton mess
evening primrose A hardy biennial plant,
evening primrose

macerated in kirsch (5:1 by weight) then

mixed with cream whipped to a trail and Oenothera biennis, growing to 2 m with large
crushed meringue and served immediately yellow flowers. The seeds are the source of
in individual dishes decorated with evening primrose oil which contains a high
strawberries and mint leaves proportion of gamma linoleic acid, a
precursor of many important body chemicals
étouffat France A beef or pork pot roast with

and used as a health supplement and

vegetables or beans, herbs, seasoning and
prophylactic. The leaves and stems were
stock or wine. See also estouffade
once used as a popular food by North Native
étouffée France A pot with a very tight-fitting

Americans. The root may be boiled and

lid used for steaming or braising eaten either pickled or as a salad vegetable.
étouffée, à l’ France Cooked in a pot with a
étouffée, à l’

Eve’s darning needle United States See

Eve’s darning needle

tight-fitting lid and with very little liquid over yucca 2

a low heat
Eve’s pudding England A pudding made in a
Eve’s pudding

étouffe of beef United States A Creole pot

étouffe of beef

dish with alternating layers of sliced apples

roast from Louisiana containing beef, onions, and sugar, topped with a basic steamed
green peppers, tomatoes, garlic and pudding mix or Victoria sponge mixture and
seasonings. Also called smothered beef baked
étrille France Velvet swimming crab

eviscerate, to To remove the internal organs

eviscerate, to

etrog A citron smaller than most varieties with


from a carcass. Most animals are now

a smooth firm and yellow to yellow orange eviscerated at the abbatoir but fish, poultry
skin with deep ridges. Used in the Jewish and game birds often need eviscerating after
feast of the tabernacles. Also called ethrog purchase.
etto Italy Hectogram equal to one tenth of a

Evora Portugal A pale yellow mountain cheese


kilogram, 100 g made from a mixture of ewes’ and cows’

étuvée, à l’ France Braised milk. It is well salted with a full flavour and
étuvée, à l’

eucalyptus oil Australia A very distinctive

eucalyptus oil
has a crumbly texture. Eaten either fresh
tasting oil extracted from eucalyptus leaves. when creamy and piquant or fully ripe when
2 to 4 drops per litre is adequate flavouring firm and biting.
ewe A female sheep

for use in desserts or savoury sauces. Also

called gumleaf oil Excelsior France A mild double cream cows’

Euda United States A low-fat semi-hard cows’


milk cheese from Normandy shaped like a

milk cheese which is salted, moulded and small cylinder
ripened for 3 months Exeter stew England Chuck steak, cubed,
Exeter stew

Eugenia caryophyllus Botanical name floured and browned with chopped onions,
Cloves carrots and turnips and simmered in brown

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stock for 2 to 3 hours. Served with savoury has nothing to do with quality and there is no
dumplings cooked in the stew for the last half regulation to prevent manufacturers
hour. reducing the acidity by chemical means
exocet France Flying fish

Extrawurst Austria, Germany A moist, light

explorateur France A small cylindrical-

coloured Brühwurst made from a well-spiced

shaped triple-cream cows’ milk cheese from mixture of beef and pork or bacon fat. Used
the Paris region with a delicate flavour and a for slicing and sandwiches, in salads, or
Camembert-type rind cooked in stews and casseroles. Also called
extended life See ultra-heat treated
extended life

extender A substance added to food to
extrude, to

extrude, to To force a paste or semi-solid

increase its bulk as e.g. flour with ground through variously shaped holes under high
spices or gelatine, water and sugar with pressure as e.g. in the production of
whipped cream spaghetti, macaroni and the like
extract, to To remove and preserve flavour,
extract, to

eye 1. The term for the circular or oval shape

colour or aroma from a foodstuff by a variety
formed from the cross section of a single
of means, e.g. simmering in water,
muscle cut out from a chop or slice of meat
macerating in alcohol, with oil, steam
2. The dark spot on a potato from which the
distillation, squeezing, pressing or absorbing
next year’s shoots would sprout
onto a solid or fat eyeballs

extraction 1. The process of extracting one

eyeballs Eyeballs of sheep removed from the
component from a mixture 2. The head after cooking are eaten as a delicacy in
percentage of flour which is obtained from some Middle Eastern countries
Eyemouth fish pie

the original dehusked wheat grain. For white Eyemouth fish pie Scotland Pieces of white
flours this is normally around 80%. Above fish simmered in milk with chopped shallots
this figure the bran content starts to increase for 5 minutes, reserved then added to a roux-
giving a brown appearance. thickened sauce made with the cooking
extractives The flavouring components in liquor and some white wine. This mixture is

meat and browned vegetables which layered with sliced hard-boiled eggs and
dissolve in the cooking liquor to give it flavour tomatoes in a pie dish, topped with mashed
extracts Flavourings, aromas and colours in
potatoes and gratinated with cheese and
concentrated form produced by extraction breadcrumbs and browned under the grill.
extra vergine Italy Extra virgin olive oil
extra vergine eye of round

eye of round United States The round muscle

extra virgin olive oil The first cold pressing in the centre of the top of the hindquarter
extra virgin olive oil

of stoned and skinned ripe olives with a free (rear leg) of beef. Part of the topside in the
oleic acid content of less than 1% The term English cuts.

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faa jiu China Anise pepper fagiolini Italy French green beans
faa jiu fagiolini

faan China Rice fagiolini all’aretina Italy French beans

faan fagiolini all’aretina

faan sue China Sweet potato

faan sue

stewed with oil, tomatoes and sage

faarn woon China The small individual rice fa goo China Shiitake mushroom
faarn woon fa goo

bowl from which Chinese meals are eaten fagot United States Faggot (of herbs)

faat sau gwa China Choko

faat sau gwa

fagottino Italy Pastry


fabada Spain A Spanish cassoulet from


fagylaltot Hungary Ice cream


Asturia made with butter beans, sausage fah chiu China Hot seasoning pepper
fah chiu

and smoked ham Fahrenheit scale The scale of temperature in

Fahrenheit scale

façon de, à la France In the style or manner

façon de, à la

which the freezing point of water is 32 and

of the boiling point 212 written 32°F and 212°F.
fadge Irish potato cakes

Once used in the UK and found in old

fagara Anise pepper

recipes, still in use in the USA.

fågel Sweden Poultry or game

faht choy China A marine alga made up of

faht choy

fågelbo Sweden As solöga, but with a ring of fine hair-like strands, probably the same as

chopped cold boiled potatoes added (NOTE: nori

Literally ‘bird’s nest’.) fai chee China Chopsticks
fai chee

fågelsås Sweden Game sauce made from


fai gee China Large chopsticks (30 to 50 cm),

fai gee

game bones browned with aromatic used in cooking

vegetables, simmered in stock for 20 faire lever France To leaven or raise with
faire lever

minutes, skimmed, strained, thickened with yeast or chemical raising agent

beurre manié and finished with cream faire revenir France To brown (vegetables,
faire revenir

faggot 1. The name applied to a bunch of


meat, etc.)
herbs tied with string and used as a bouquet fair maids A Cornish name for smoked
fair maids

garni 2. Wales, England A pâté of liver, salt

pilchards (colloquial)
pork or bacon, herbs, spices, seasoning,
fairy cakes Small individual cakes made from
fairy cakes

minced onion and extender such as

breadcrumbs, oatmeal or mashed potato, a sponge mixture with currants, baked in a
formed into a tennis-ball size and covered bun tin or paper case and decorated
fairy ring mushroom An edible mushroom,
fairy ring mushroom

with pig’s caul. Traditionally made with liver,

lungs, spleen, pork scraps and fat. Marasmius oreades, which grows in circular
Simmered or baked. Also called savoury rings on grass land, the rings becoming
duck, poor man’s goose, Welsh faggot larger each year. It has a small fawn hump
fagianella Italy Pheasant
backed cap on a slender stem.
faisan France Cock pheasant

fagiano Italy Pheasant


faisán Spain Cock pheasant


fagioli Italy Dried beans


faisandeau France Young pheasant


fagioli asciaboli Italy Butter beans

fagioli asciaboli

faisander France To hang game


fagioli assoluti Italy Cooked bean fried with

fagioli assoluti

faisane France Hen pheasant


garlic in oil
faisão Portugal Pheasant

fagioli borlotto An Italian bean of the same

fagioli borlotto

family as French beans with a pinkish skin faisinjan Fried chicken or duck cooked in a

when dried. Also called rose cocoa bean pomegranate and crushed walnut sauce.
fagioli di lima Italy Butter beans
fagioli di lima

See also fesenjan

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fajita Mexico A soft tortilla filled and rolled faqqas North Africa A hard crunchy biscuit
fajita faqqas

with some or all of grilled meat, grated from Morocco flavoured with aniseed and
cheese, chopped lettuce, tomatoes and sesame seeds or almonds and raisins
spring onions. Served warm with sour cream. faqqus North Africa A variety of Moroccan

fak Thailand Wax gourd


cucumber, often grated and mixed with

falafel Middle East A common street food
sugar, orange-blossom water and thyme as a
made from soaked chick peas, onions, salad
far France A rum-flavoured tart or flan from

garlic, fresh parsley or coriander leaves,

ground cumin and coriander seed, cayenne Brittany
får Sweden Mutton

pepper, salt and baking powder processed to

faraona Italy Guinea fowl, often covered in

a fine cohering paste, formed into small

flattened balls and deep-fried for 3 to 4 damp clay before roasting
minutes. See also ta’amia. Also called felafel Färberbaum Germany Sumac

faloode Iran An Iranian version of ice cream farce England, France A stuffing or forcemeat
faloode farce

made from starch noodles, herb extract, rose farce, to To stuff

farce, to

water and sugar farce de gibier France Game livers quickly

farce de gibier

falscher Hase Germany Mock hare made

falscher Hase

browned with chopped onion in butter

with chopped beef, pork and veal mixed with (4:1:1), plus thyme and bay leaf, leaving the
sweated chopped onions, capers, lemon centre of the livers underdone; then sieved,
juice and seasoning, bound with eggs, seasoned and mixed with butter equal in
formed into a roll, panéed and roasted in quantity to that used for frying
butter. Served with pan residues deglazed farci(e) France Filled with a savoury stuffing

with cream. or forcemeat

falscher Wildschweinbraten Germany
falscher Wildschweinbraten

farcima A type of ancient Roman sausage


Mock boar made from a skinned and thought to be the origin of the words ‘farce’
trimmed leg of pork, marinated in red wine and ‘forcemeat’
and vinegar (4:1) with grated onions, juniper farci niçois France Stuffed courgettes,
farci niçois

berries, lemon zest, bay leaves, tarragon, aubergines, tomatoes and onions braised
ground cloves, allspice, ginger and black slowly in olive oil
pepper for 2 days then roasted at 160°C in farcir France To stuff

the usual way farcit Catalonia Stuffed


falsk hollandäs Sweden Mock hollandaise

falsk hollandäs

farcito Italy Stuffed


sauce, not based on béchamel as is Dutch farçon au cerfeuil France Riced potatoes,
farçon au cerfeuil

sauce but on a fish velouté enriched with egg mixed with beaten eggs, milk, fried diced
yolks into which butter and lemon juice are bacon, onions and shallots, raisins, grated
whisked over a low heat until thick and cheese, seasoning and chervil and baked in
creamy a greased dish at 220°C until golden
falukorv Sweden A sausage from Falun made

fare bollire Italy To boil

fare bollire

of beef, lean pork and pork back fat, hot fåre frikassée Norway Fricassée of lamb or
fåre frikassée

smoked and eaten hot either as is or as a mutton

made up dish
fårekjøtt Norway Mutton

familiario Italy In a simple, homely style


fåre kød Denmark Mutton

fåre kød

fan China Rice


fårekotelett Norway Mutton chop


fanchette, fanchonnette France A tiny tart


fårepølse Norway A sausage made with a


made of puff pastry filled with crème mixture of mutton, beef, goats’ meat and
pâtissière and covered with meringue. Also sugar, seasoned and moistened with alcohol
called fanchonnette of some kind
fanesca A Lenten soup from Ecuador made

fårestek Norway Roast leg of lamb or mutton


from salt cod, vegetables, peanuts, cheese, farfalle Italy Small pasta pieces made in the

milk, cream, stock and seasonings shape of a bow tie or butterfly

fan kua China A heavy metal pan used for
fan kua

farfallini A small version of farfalle


cooking rice by the absorption method farfel A small diamond- or pellet-shaped


fan mussel One of the largest British mussels,

fan mussel

Jewish pasta
Pinna fragilis or P. pectinata, up to 35 cm fårgryta med linser Sweden A casserole of
fårgryta med linser

long with a yellow brown shell which it buries middle neck of lamb browned in dripping,
in the sand. Cooked like a scallop. Also laid in a heavy pot on a bed of sweated
called pen shell, sea wing onions, covered with water or stock plus a
faoitin Ireland Whiting, the fish

bouquet garni and seasoning, simmered and

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fasulya plâki

skimmed for an hour, soaked lentils added farsh Russia Stuffing


and simmered until cooked, bouquet garni farshi Nepal Winter squash

removed and the whole finished with a little

farshirovannyi perets (plural farshirovannie
farshirovannyi perets

soya sauce and chopped parsley

pertsy) Russia Stuffed sweet peppers,
får i kål Sweden A lamb and cabbage
får i kål

usually with a cooked spicy mixture of

casserole consisting of blanched and minced lamb, onions, rice and sultanas with
possibly parboiled breast of lamb or shoulder tomato purée, eggs and honey and all baked
of lamb, trimmed, defatted and cut in pieces, at 190°C for 40 minutes. Also called perets
layered with cabbage in a large pan with a farshirovanny
few peppercorns, salt and flour between
Färsk getost Sweden A semi-hard goats’ milk
Färsk getost

each layer, covered in stock and simmered

1.5 to 2 hours. Served garnished with cheese made in a brick shape (up to 1.2 kg)
chopped parsley. It may be reheated. and ripened for up to 1 week
färsk sill Sweden Fresh herring
färsk sill

farina England, Italy The name given to


fårstek Sweden Leg of mutton


various types of flours made from wheat,

far sung yau China Peanut oil
far sung yau

nuts or root vegetables

farinaceous Containing a high proportion of

fasan Denmark, Norway, Sweden Pheasant


starch Fasan Germany Pheasant


farina di granturco Italy Corn flour

farina di granturco

faschierter Braten Germany Meat loaf

faschierter Braten

farinata alla contadina Italy Polenta, wheat

farinata alla contadina

fasciola A species of fluke infecting cattle and


flour and milk boiled to a gruel with poppy sheep worldwide, transmitted to humans by
seeds and sweetened. Also called mus watercress and other aquatic plants which
farinata alla ligure Italy A fried cake of chick
farinata alla ligure

act as host to the larvae, and causes liver

pea flour damage for which no satisfactory cure yet
farine France Flour

farine de blé France Wheat flour
farine de blé

faséole France Kidney bean


farine de froment France Wheat flour

farine de froment

fasnacht United States A yeast-raised potato


farine de maïs France Corn flour

farine de maïs

dough, rolled out, cut in diamond shapes,

farinha de avêa Portugal Oatmeal proved and fried. Traditionally eaten on
farinha de avêa

farinha de mandioca Portugal A flour made

farinha de mandioca
Shrove Tuesday by the descendants of
from cassava much used in Brazil Pennsylvania Dutch immigrants.
fasol (plural fasoli) Russia 1. French beans in

fårkött Sweden Mutton


farl 1. Ireland, Scotland Small thin triangular-

the pod 2. Flageolet beans 3. Haricot beans
fasolaro Italy Venus shell clam. Also called

shaped biscuits or cakes made with wheat

flour or oatmeal. Usually baked in the round cappa liscia
and scored for quarters. (NOTE: Literally fassolatha Greece A meatless soup made

‘fourth part’.) 2. Scotland A quarter, e.g. of an with parboiled (15 minutes) haricot beans
oatcake drained then fried with chopped onions and
farmed salmon Salmon grown in cages in sea
farmed salmon

garlic in olive oil, all boiled in water with

lochs or inlets in Scotland, Norway and other tomato purée, tomato concassée, bay and
suitable locations. Distinguishable from wild oregano until the beans are tender, seasoned
salmon by their pinker flesh and perfect tail and finished with chopped parsley
fins. fast food Food which can be cooked very
fast food

Farmers’ United States Cottage cheese made


quickly while the customers wait, e.g. fish

from cultured cows’ milk with added cream, and chips, hamburgers, doner and shish
salted and sold in tubs kebabs and Chinese stir-fry dishes
farmhouse Cheddar England The traditional
farmhouse Cheddar

fast-freeze, to To freeze food very rapidly so

fast-freeze, to

Cheddar cheese made in small dairies, as to prevent the formation of large ice
always matured in cloths for 1 to 2 years and crystals within the cell which would disrupt
having a superb flavour them and cause the contents to leak out on
farmhouse loaf A white bread dough raised in
farmhouse loaf

thawing, thus destroying the structure of the

an oblong loaf tin, dusted with flour and the food
top slit or slashed lengthwise so that the slit fasulya Turkey Beans

opens out as it bakes fasulya plâki Turkey A salad made from

fasulya plâki

farofa Brazil A bland mealy flour made from


cooked haricot beans, chopped onions,

cassava, often toasted before use tomatoes and sweet peppers, dressed with
farricello Italy Barley

olive oil, flavoured with seasonings and

far sang China Peanut
far sang

chopped parsley or dill

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fat An ester of fatty acids and glycerol formed fattore, alla maniere del, al modo di Italy In
fat fattore, alla maniere del

in the bodies of animals or plants as a long farmhouse style, i.e. crisply fried with
term energy store, and in the case of animals gherkins and mustard sauce
as a source of energy for their young prior to fattoush Middle East A Syrian and Lebanese

weaning and as an essential component of salad of chopped cucumber, tomatoes,

cell walls. May be heated to high spring onions and sweet green peppers with
temperatures without decomposition and shredded lettuce heart, chopped mint,
generally adds flavour, texture and parsley and coriander leaves, all seasoned
succulence to most foods and dishes. Oils and dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
are fats with low melting points. Also called The salad is chilled and just before serving,
lipid cubes of thin crisply toasted bread are
fatányéros Hungary A mixed grill of 3 or 4

added. Also called fattoosh

kinds of meat and offal, served on a wooden fatty acid A long-chain hydrocarbon with an
fatty acid

platter and accompanied by chips and acid group at one end. This combines with
pickles an alcohol such as glycerine by the
fat choy China Hair vegetable
fat choy

esterification reaction to form natural fats

fat content of cheese The fat content is and oils, or with a metal such as sodium to
fat content of cheese

expressed as a percent by weight of the dry form a soap. They are also esterified with a
matter, so that a soft high-fat cheese could variety of higher alcohols for use in
contain a lower overall percentage of fat than convenience foods. Generally produced from
a hard low-fat cheese natural fats and oils, and they are the initial
fat end See bung
fat end

breakdown product of fats in the body.

fat extenders Food additives that allow the fat fatty acid salts Sodium, potassium and
fat extenders fatty acid salts

content of food to be reduced without calcium salts of fatty acids which form edible
affecting the texture soaps used as emulsifying agents. See also
fathead Sheepshead fish
fatty cutties Scotland The same as the
fatty cutties

fat hen A hardy perennial herb, Chenopodium

fat hen

album, similar to Good King Henry, whose Northumberland singing hinny

seeds, which are rich in fat and protein, have Faubonne France A puréed vegetable soup

been used since Neolithic times and may be flavoured with herbs
ground into a flour fausse limande France Scald, the fish
fausse limande

fatia Portugal Slice


fausse tortue France Mock turtle

fausse tortue

fatias frias Portugal Sliced meats, assiette

fatias frias

faux-filet France A cut of beef steak from the


anglaise top of the sirloin. Also called contre-filet

fatira East Africa Ethiopian savoury pasties

fava Italy, Portugal Broad bean


fatless cake mixture Equal parts by weight of

fatless cake mixture

fava bean Broad bean

fava bean

flour, caster sugar and eggs without raising

favata Italy A rich stew of dried beans, pork,

agent, made up using the fatless whisking

fennel, cabbage and tomatoes
fave Italy Broad beans

fatless sponge A light sponge cake made

fatless sponge

fave dei morti Italy Almond and pine nut

fave dei morti

without fat and which goes dry and stale very

quickly. Angel food cake is an example. biscuits, traditionally baked in Lombardy for
fatless whisking method A method of
fatless whisking method
All Soul’s day
faverolles France A Provençal name for

making cakes by combining eggs and sugar

with a balloon whisk over hot water until light, haricot beans
faves a la catalana Catalonia A stew made of
faves a la catalana

creamy and doubled in volume and at the

ribbon stage, removing from the heat and broad beans, black pudding, bacon, onions
continuing to whisk until cool, then carefully and garlic
folding in the dry ingredients. The job may be favollo Italy A type of small furry crab. See

done in a mechanical mixer without heat. also cangrejo moruno

fat mouse Various varieties of short-tailed
fat mouse

favorite, à la France Garnished with

favorite, à la

mice of the genus Steatomys, which are asparagus tips, pâté de foie gras and truffles
eaten as a delicacy in South America (steaks), or artichoke hearts, potatoes and
fa ts’ai China Hair vegetable
fa ts’ai

celery (roasts)
fattiga riddare Sweden Pain perdu, French fazan Russia Pheasant
fattiga riddare fazan

toast fazan po-gruzinsky Southwest Asia

fazan po-gruzinsky

fatto in casa Italy Made on the premises,

fatto in casa

Georgian-style pheasant braised in green

home-made tea, grape juice, orange juice and zest,
fattoosh Middle East Fattoush chopped walnuts and sweet fortified wine for

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50 minutes. The drained pheasant is USA. It is about 5 cm long with a reddish

portioned, browned in the oven at 220°C and green inedible skin and whitish to green flesh
served with the strained cooking liquor which surrounds a core of soft seed-filled
reduced to a syrupy consistency and pulp. Tastes like guava with a hint of
accompanied with quince jelly. pineapple. Also called Brazilian guava,
fazolia bean Cannellino bean
fazolia bean

pineapple guava
feijoada completa Brazil, Portugal A stew of
feijoada completa

feather beef steak A frying or braising steak

feather beef steak

cut from between the neck and fore rib of black beans, dried and salted beef, fresh
beef. It is oval in shape with a feathery line of beef, tongue, bacon, sausage, pig’s trotters,
gristle running down the centre. ears and tails, onions, garlic, tomatoes,
feather fowlie Scotland A good chicken stock
feather fowlie
parsley, bay leaves chillies and seasoning. A
made by boiling a chicken with bacon and national dish of Brazil accompanied with
aromatic vegetables, straining and white rice, farofa, orange and green
thickening the liquid with a liaison of egg vegetables.
yolks and cream, and adding back the Feijoa sellowiana Botanical name Feijoa
feine Extrawurst Austria Extrawurst in which
feine Extrawurst

minced chicken flesh (NOTE: The name is

said to be a corruption of the French velouté the filling is very finely minced
de volaille) feine Mettwurst Germany Fine-textured
feine Mettwurst

febras de porco Portugal A boned-out leg of

febras de porco

pork cooked in red wine and flavoured with feiner Zucker Germany Granulated or caster
feiner Zucker

brandy, cloves, garlic and cumin sugar

fechun France Cabbage rolls stuffed with pork

Feingebäck Germany Pastry


from Franche-Comté feingemischter Aufschnitt Germany Mixed

feingemischter Aufschnitt

fécula Spain Starch


sliced cold meats

fécule Starch; particularly potato starch which

fejessaláta Hungary Lettuce


is made by grinding raw potatoes and felafel A common street food made from

washing away the solubles with water, soaked chick peas, onions and garlic with
leaving a pure starch similar in properties to herbs and spices, deep-fried in balls. See
corn flour and arrowroot. Also called potato also falafel
starch, potato flour
Felchen Germany A type of freshwater trout

fedelini Italy Very thin pasta noodles used in


felisówka Poland Soured buttermilk which


has been allowed to ferment slightly and is
Federwild Germany Game birds

slightly alcoholic
fegatelli Italy Small cubes or slices of pig’s

fenalår Norway Smoked leg of mutton


liver threaded on skewers then grilled or

Fenchel Germany Fennel

baked in various ways

fen chiew China Red girl wine
fen chiew

fegatini Italy Chicken livers


fennel 1. See Florence fennel 2. A herb,


fegato Italy Liver


Foeniculum vulgare, indigenous to the

fegato alla Veneziana Italy Liver and onions
fegato alla Veneziana

Mediterranean with an aniseed flavour. The

fegato di maiale Italy Pork liver
fegato di maiale

dried seeds are used as a spice or may be

fegato d’oca Italy Goose liver
fegato d’oca

sprouted for winter salads and the feathery

fehérhagyma mártás Hungary Onion sauce
fehérhagyma mártás

leaves are used to flavour fish dishes or in

Feige Germany Fig

salads. Also called sweet cumin

feijão 1. Portugal Bean 2. Brazil Butter bean,

fennel sauce Butter sauce, mixed with

fennel sauce

lima bean blanched chopped fennel at the rate of 20 ml

feijão branco Portugal White bean
feijão branco

per litre
feijão de frade Portugal Black-eyed pea fennel spice mix A blend of flavours suitable
feijão de frade fennel spice mix

feijão de vaca Portugal Black-eyed pea or for coating fish prior to barbecueing. Made
feijão de vaca

cow pea from fresh garlic, grated lemon zest and

feijão de vagem Portugal Feijão verde
feijão de vagem
ground black peppercorns, coriander seeds,
feijão encarnado Portugal Red bean
feijão encarnado
fennel seeds and dried thyme pounded
feijão manteiga Portugal Butter bean
feijão manteiga
fenogreco Spain Fenugreek

feijão preto Portugal Black bean

feijão preto

fenouil France Florence fennel


feijão verde Portugal Green beans, runner or

feijão verde

fenouil de mer France Samphire, Crithmum

fenouil de mer

French. Also called feijão de vagem, vagem

feijoa The fruit of an evergreen shrub, Feijoa
fen si China Cellophane noodles
fen si

sellowiana, a native of South America but

fenugrec France Fenugreek

now grown in Australia and the southern

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fenugreek A herb, Trigonella foenum- ferulic acid An acid which concentrates in

fenugreek ferulic acid

graecum, with 10-cm-long seed pods the bran fraction of wheat and can be used
containing irregular yellow seeds about 4 to measure the bran content of flour
mm long. The seeds are cooked or roasted fesa Italy Leg of veal

(but not too much), before use, to develop fesenjan Iran Fried chicken or duck cooked in

the flavour, and they have an aromatic smell. a pomegranate and crushed walnut sauce
They are ground for use as a spice especially and served with rice. Also called faisinjan
in commercial curry powders and other festen Preisen, zu Germany At fixed prices
festen Preisen, zu

spice mixtures and can be sprouted for salad festival Caribbean A light, sweet, fried

purposes. The leaves, known as methis, are dumpling from Jamaica

used as a vegetable and lose their bitterness
feta Greece A white, dry, crumbly cheese

on cooking. Dried fenugreek leaves are used

as a flavouring and in marinades. made from cows’, ewes’ or goats’ milk, cut in
blocks (fetes is the word for block or slice)
ferchuse France A Burgundian dish of pig’s

and matured in brine to give it a sharp acidic

heart and lights, possibly with other offal, and salty taste. Widely used throughout the
cooked in red wine with onions and potatoes Balkans and now made in Western Europe.
ferment See culture

Contains 46% water, 27% fat and 21%

ferment, to To carry out the process of
ferment, to
protein. Also called fetta
fetta 1. Greece Feta 2. Italy A slice

Fettsuppe Germany A rich soup

fermentation The process whereby a

fettuccine Italy Flat narrow ribbon noodles

microorganism such as a yeast, fungi,

lactobacillus, etc. breaks down an energy made from an egg-based pasta dough,
source (starch, sugar, protein, etc.) in the available fresh or dried
absence of air, into smaller molecules such fettuccine al burro Italy Fettuccine with
fettuccine al burro

as alcohol, acetic acid, lactic acid, etc. thus butter and grated Parmesan cheese
gaining the energy necessary for growth and fettuccine alla papolina Italy Fettuccine with
fettuccine alla papolina

reproduction. The process is important in the ham and butter

production of many foods such as yoghurt, fettuccine alla trota Italy Fettucine pasta
fettuccine alla trota

cheese, soya sauce, tempeh, vinegar, cooked al dente and mixed with sweated
sauerkraut, etc. chopped onions and garlic, flaked smoked

fermented Which has been subjected to the trout, seasoning, mace and cream, heated
process of fermentation for 1 minute and garnished with chopped
fermented bean curd See bean curd cheese
fermented bean curd
parsley and red lumpfish roe
fettunta Italy Lightly toasted bread rubbed

fermented black bean See black bean 2

fermented black bean

with garlic and tomato. See also bruschetta

fermented red rice The yeasty rice grains
fermented red rice

feuille de chêne France Oak leaf lettuce

feuille de chêne

(brewer’s grains) left after making rice wine,

feuille de Dreux France A soft surface-
feuille de Dreux

coloured red. Alternatively cooked rice

fermented with Monascus purpureus. This ripened cheese made in Normandy from
latter is sold in Chinese stores as a mixed partially skimmed cows’ milk and cast in 300
culture called wine balls or cubes. Used to 500 g discs. Contains 55% water, 14% fat
mainly in northern China. Also called red and 26% protein.
feuille de vigne France Vine leaf
feuille de vigne

rice, red mash

feuilletage France Puff pastry

Fermier France Farmhouse cheese, usually


feuilleté(e) 1. France Flaky as in pâte


made from unpasteurized milk (NOTE:

Literally ‘farmer’.) feuilletée, meaning flaky pastry, puff pastry
2. Danish pastry
fermière, à la France In the farmer’s wife’s
fermière, à la

feuilleté de poularde riviera France

feuilleté de poularde riviera

style, i.e. with carrots, onions, celery and

turnips Chicken pie
feuilleter de la pâte France To turn and roll
feuilleter de la pâte

ferri, ai

ferri, ai Italy Grilled over a barbecue or open flaky or puff pastry

fève France Broad bean

ferritu Italy An instrument used for making


fèves d’Espagne France Runner beans

fèves d’Espagne

pasta cylinders
ffagod sir benfro Wales A type of faggot from
ffagod sir benfro


fersken Denmark, Norway Peach Pembrokeshire made with minced pigs’ liver
fersk røget laks

fersk røget laks Denmark Freshly smoked and onions mixed with suet and
salmon breadcrumbs, seasoned and flavoured with
Ferula asafoetida Botanical name Asafoetida chopped sage
Ferula narthex Botanical name Asafoetida fiambre Portugal 1. Ham 2. Cold cooked meat

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fiambre de bonito Spain Tuna fish balls pink to brown gills found in late summer on
fiambre de bonito

cooked in a white wine sauce rough grassland

fieno greco Italy Fenugreek
fieno greco

fiambres Spain Cold cooked meats


fieto Italy Pomfret, the fish


fiamma, alla Italy Flamed, flambéed

fiamma, alla

Fife broth Scotland Pork ribs simmered with

Fife broth

fiasco, al Italy Cooked in a sealed flask,

fiasco, al

especially beans potatoes and barley for 2 hours, removed

fibre Non-digestible carbohydrates of
and deboned, the meat chopped small and
vegetable origin which add bulk to the bowel returned, all seasoned and garnished with
contents causing a more rapid transit chopped parsley
fig The fruit of a tree, Ficus carica, which

through the body, curing constipation and

reducing the incidence of bowel cancer. grows in warm and semi-tropical regions.
Available from most whole unprocessed The fruit, which varies from round to pear
natural vegetables, seeds and fruit and in shape, has a soft skin varying from green to
processed form from the bran by-products of purple filled with a red to purple sticky seed
grain milling. filled pulp. They may be eaten raw for
fica Italy Pomfret, the fish
dessert, are easily skinned if required, but
ficelle France A short very thin French bread
are commonly dried or canned and used for
similar in construction to the baguette desserts, snacks, in cakes and biscuits and
sometimes with meat and game.
fichi Italy Figs

figa Italy 1. Pomfret, the fish 2. A Venetian


fichi indiani Italy Prickly pears

fichi indiani

word for liver

fichi secchi Italy Dried figs
fichi secchi

figadini con l’uva Italy Sautéed chicken livers

figadini con l’uva

fico Italy Fig


with grapes
fico d’India Italy Prickly pear
fico d’India

figado Portugal Liver


Ficus carica Botanical name Fig figa garbo e dolce Italy Panéed and fried
figa garbo e dolce

fiddle fish Angel fish

fiddle fish

calves’ liver with vinegar and sugar

fiddlehead fern United States The tightly-
fiddlehead fern

figatelli France A pigs’ or lambs’ liver sausage


curled young fronds of the oyster fern, from Corsica

Matteuccia struthiopteris, used either as a figgy pastry England A shortcrust pastry
figgy pastry

salad vegetable or cooked like spinach. incorporating an amount of dried vine fruits
Grown in the northeast of the USA, it equal in weight to the fat, often used for meat
becomes toxic when the fronds begin to or bird pies (NOTE: Figgy is the West Country
open. Also called corkscrew greens term for dried vine fruits)
fidegela Switzerland A sausage made with

figgy pudding England A steamed suet

figgy pudding

pigs’ liver and rind flavoured with fennel pudding filled with minced apples and figs.
fideos Spain 1. Noodles 2. Spaghetti

Served at Christmas.
fideos gordos Spain Thick spaghetti
fideos gordos

figner Denmark Figs


fideus a la cassola Catalonia Fideus (a kind

fideus a la cassola

figos Portugal Figs


of noodle) garnished with red sweet peppers, fig sly cake England A sugar pastry brought
fig sly cake

pork chops or pork fillet and sausages together with water instead of egg and made
fidget pie England A pie made in a dish from
fidget pie

into a sandwich with a filling of chopped

chopped back bacon, onion, cooking apples dried figs, currants, raisins and walnut
and chopped parsley combined with cider pieces all cooked in water and reduced to a
and flour (for thickening) covered with short thick paste. Baked at 190°C until brown and
pastry and baked at 190°C until brown. cut in squares. See also Cornish sly cake
Originally used as a food for the harvest figue France Fig

figue de barbarie France Prickly pear
figue de barbarie

field bean A hardy legume, Vicia faba, related

field bean

figue de mer France Violet, the seafood

figue de mer

to, but a more primitive form of, the broad

fijn brood Netherlands Fine bread
fijn brood

bean. It is grown all over Europe and Asia

fikener Norway Figs

often on poor soils. The beans may be used

fikon Sweden Figs

fresh or dried but must be boiled before

eating to destroy toxic compounds. In filato Italy In strands or threads

Western Europe used for animal food and as filbert The fruit of a small deciduous tree,

the principal component in the production of Corylus maxima, very similar to the hazelnut
quorn. Also called horse bean but with a husk that is longer than the nut
field lettuce United States Lamb’s lettuce
field lettuce

and often completely encloses it. Also called

field mushroom An edible wild mushroom,
field mushroom

Kentish cob
filbunke Sweden Soured milk or junket

Agaricus campestris, with a white cap and

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filé Hungary, Portugal Fillet of beef, pork, etc. stuffing in a chicken 2. Which leaves the

filé powder Dried and ground sassafras

filé powder
consumer feeling satiated
filmjölk Sweden A sour-tasting yoghurt

leaves used as a flavouring in Creole

cooking. Also called gumbo filé, filet powder film yeasts The yeasts that form a whitish
film yeasts

filet Catalonia Sirloin


scum on the surface of pickles and pickling

filet de boeuf France 1. The whole fillet of
filet de boeuf
brines. They are non-toxic.
filo pastry A pastry rolled out so thin that it is
filo pastry

beef, often roasted whole 2. A boneless

piece of tender frying- or grilling-quality beef translucent, usually sold ready prepared in
filet de porc France The centre part of the
filet de porc
layers of several rectangular sheets. It
pork loin to which the kidney is attached, a originated in Turkey and travelled into central
prime roasting joint which may or may not Europe during the spread of the Ottoman
included the fillet (pointe de filet) empire. Used for many Balkan and Middle
filete Spain Fillet of beef, pork or lamb. See
Eastern specialities. Also called phyllo pastry
filosoof Netherlands A type of cottage pie

also tenderloin
filete de vaca Spain Fillet of beef
filete de vaca
(NOTE: Literally ‘philosopher’.)
filter, to To strain through fine muslin, paper
filter, to

filet mignon England, France A steak cut

filet mignon

from the thin end of a fillet of beef. Grilled, or a tammy cloth so as to remove suspended
fried or used for beef stroganoff, stir fries, solids from a liquid
filter coffee Coffee made by letting near
filter coffee

steak tartare or the like. (NOTE: Literally

‘dainty fillet’.) boiling water flow through ground coffee held
filet powder See filé powder
filet powder
in a filter paper supported on a metal or
plastic mesh or perforated container
filetto Italy Fillet (of pork, beef, etc.)

filtrate The liquid that flows through a filter


filfil soodani Middle East Sudanese pepper

filfil soodani

Fina A variety of common mandarin


filhó Portugal Fritter or pancake


originating in Algeria and widely grown in

Filipendula ulmaria Botanical name Spain. It has a very pleasant flesh but the
Meadowsweet fruit tend to be small. Also called Algerian
filipino red A thin sausage made of dried raw
filipino red

pork minced with garlic and mixed with financière, à la France In the financier’s
financière, à la

saltpetre, brown sugar, MSG, seasoning and style, i.e. garnished with cockscombs,
a red dye and packed into narrow hog kidneys, slices of truffle, mushrooms and
casings olives
fillet 1. A piece of fish removed from the bone

financière, sauce France Madeira sauce

financière, sauce

and running the whole length of the fish 2. reduced by 25%, a little truffle essence
Various cuts of meat and poultry added and all strained. Served with dishes
fillet, to To cut away from the bone the flesh
fillet, to

garnished à la financière.
of fish, meat or poultry finanziere Italy Cooked cockscombs and

fillet end of leg of lamb The upper half of a

fillet end of leg of lamb

sweetbreads served with a vegetable timbale.

hind leg of lamb See also cibreo
fillet of beef The muscle which runs along
fillet of beef

Fin de siècle France A double-cream cows’

Fin de siècle

the lower portion of the backbone on the milk cheese from Normandy
inside of the ribs. As it is very little used by findik köftesi Turkey Small meatballs made
findik köftesi

the animal it is very tender and is the most from a mixture of chopped mutton, chopped
expensive cut of beef. It is cut into fillet steak, and sweated onions, flour, eggs, butter and
filet mignon, chateaubriand and tournedos. seasoning, fried in butter then simmered in
fillet of fish The flesh of fish free from skin
fillet of fish

mutton stock with chopped fresh mint

and bone. Two fillets are usually obtained Findon fish pudding Scotland Aberdeen fillet
Findon fish pudding

from a round fish and four from a flatfish. baked at 180°C in a covered dish with butter
fillet of lamb United Kingdom The top half of
fillet of lamb

and milk for 20 minutes, then skinned,

a leg of lamb deboned and flaked and mixed with potatoes
fillet of pork United Kingdom The top half of
fillet of pork

mashed with the fish cooking liquor, put in a

a leg of pork dish covered with sliced tomatoes and grated
fillet of veal United Kingdom The equivalent
fillet of veal

cheese and browned in the oven

of sirloin and rump in beef usually cut into Findon haddock Scotland Finnan haddock
Findon haddock

thin slices for escalopes fine marineret sild Denmark Fine-quality

fine marineret sild

fillet steak A transverse slice through the

fillet steak

pickled herrings
centre part of a fillet of beef fine olive oil Oil pressed from the olive pulp
fine olive oil

filling 1. A food item contained within a case after the second cold pressing and after

as e.g. jam in a doughnut, cream in an eclair, heating the pulp with water. The free oleic

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acid content must not be more than 3.3%. finocchiona Italy A type of salami flavoured

This oil is also referred to as refined olive oil. with fennel which cannot be kept for any
fines herbes France A classic herb mixture,
fines herbes

length of time
Finte Germany Twaite shad

usually chopped chervil, chives, parsley and

tarragon, although other similar herbs may fiocchi d’avena Italy Oatmeal
fiocchi d’avena

be substituted. Used particularly in

fiocchi di granturco Italy Cornflakes
fiocchi di granturco

fiochetti Italy Small bow-shaped pieces of

fines herbes, sauce aux France Boiling

fines herbes, sauce aux

white wine infused with fines herbes for 20
Fior di latte Italy A soft, spun-curd cows’ milk
Fior di latte

minutes, strained, mixed with twice its

amount of demi-glace sauce if required cheese made in the same way as Mozzarella
brown, or with white velouté sauce if white, using a lactic starter or citric acid addition
and finished with chopped fines herbes and before coagulation and formed into various
lemon juice just before serving shapes. Contains 61% water, 18% fat and
17% protein. Used as a cheaper substitute
finger A strip of food usually a rectangular

for Mozzarella in the pizza trade.

piece of toast or a white bread roll about 10
fiore di sambuco Italy Small pasta stars used
fiore di sambuco

cm by 2–3 cm
in soup (NOTE: Literally ‘elder flowers’.)
finger bowl A small bowl filled with lemon-
finger bowl

fiore di zucchine ripiene Italy Stuffed

fiore di zucchine ripiene

flavoured water, used by guests to clean their

courgette flowers
fingers after eating messy foods
fiorentina Italy A grilled fillet steak with no

finger buffet A buffet consisting of only those

finger buffet

items which can be eaten with the fingers
fiorentina, alla Italy In the Florentine style,
fiorentina, alla

and do not require the use of a knife, fork or

spoon i.e. with oil, garlic, ham, parsley and pepper
Fiore Sardo Italy A hard ewes’ milk cheese
Fiore Sardo

fingered citron Buddha’s hand citron

fingered citron

from Sardinia made in the shape of two

finger food Food served at a buffet or stand-
finger food

cones joined at their bases. It is salted in

up meal which can be eaten with the fingers brine, dry-salted and may be ripened for 3 to
finger kombu United States Sea girdle
finger kombu

4 months. It has a sharp tasting paste with a

fingerling A small fish of any species under 1
dry brown rind. Eaten when young as a
year old dessert cheese, when mature after 6
months, it is used for grating and cooking.
finger millet Ragi
finger millet

Contains 26% water, 35% fat and 30%

finik (plural finiki) Russia Date

finlabong Philippines Bamboo shoot

fiori di zucca Italy Pumpkin or squash

fiori di zucca

finnan haddie

finnan haddie Scotland Finnan haddock flowers

fire point The lowest temperature at which a
finnan haddock fire point

finnan haddock Scotland Haddock which has

been split, soaked briefly in brine and cold- liquid will take fire and burn continuously
smoked for 6 hours over oak to a pale straw when a small flame is passed over its free
colour. Originally from Findon near surface. It is around 340°C for cooking oils.
Aberdeen. Also called finnan haddie, Findon firm ball stage United States Sugar cooking
firm ball stage

haddock firming agent A chemical compound used to

firming agent

finnisk far-stuvning

finnisk far-stuvning Finland Breast of lamb maintain crispness in canned and bottled
cut in pieces, fried in butter and stewed with vegetables
stock, carrots, turnips and potatoes firnee Central Asia A setting custard from


finnlandskaia Finland A strong-flavoured Afghanistan made with milk, sugar and corn
beef broth served with slices of sour cream flour and flavoured with ground cardamom
pancakes mixed with Hamburg parsley on seeds and powdered saffron. It is poured
toast topped with cheese and grilled until before setting into a large dish or individual
brown dishes and when set, decorated with shelled
fino Italy 1. Fine olive oil 2. A grade of rice
pistachio nuts.
firni South Asia A milk pudding made with

which is long and tapering and requires

about 16 minutes to cook but will stand long ground rice and almonds
cooking without losing structure. Used for firstings Beestings

risotto. Fisch Germany Fish


finocchio Italy Fennel


Fischbeuschlsuppe Austria A thick well-


finocchio marino Italy Samphire, Crithmum

finocchio marino

flavoured soup made with the gills of

maritimum freshwater fish

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Fischbrut Germany 1. Fish fry 2. Small fish 3. sauces and to improve their flavour. Also

Whitebait called glace de poisson

fish gravy Nuoc mam
fish gravy

Fischcrouton Germany Fish balls


fish herbs The principal herbs used with fish

fish herbs

Fischhackbraten Germany Baked fish loaf


are alexanders, basil, bay, caraway, chervil,

Fischlaich Germany Soft fish roe

chives, dill, fennel, lemon balm, lemon

Fisch mit feinen Kräutern Austria Fish with
Fisch mit feinen Kräutern

thyme, lovage, marjoram, mint, parsley,

chopped mixed herbs rosemary, sage and savory
Fischrogen Germany Hard fish roe

fish kettle A long (up to 60 cm), deep and

fish kettle

Fischschüssel Germany Fish and bacon


narrow pan especially made for poaching a

terrine large whole round fish. It has an internal
fish Cold-blooded, free-swimming vertebrate

perforated plate with handles on which the

animals with flat or spindle-shaped fish rests and with which it is lifted out
streamlined bodies which live either in fresh without damage.
or seawater and obtain oxygen for respiration fish maw The buoyancy bladder of a fish
fish maw

by circulating water over gills from which similar in appearance to the mammalian
mammalian vertebrate lungs evolved. They lung. The maw of the conger pike is used in
have fins instead of limbs and their skin is Chinese cooking and is usually sold in dried
usually covered with scales. Classified as form which needs reconstituting for about 3
freshwater, seawater, anadromous or hours and treating with vinegar. It has little
catadromous, flat or round, oily or white and flavour of its own but absorbs flavours and is
if flat, dextral or sinistral. prized for its spongy texture.
fish muddle United States Fish stew
fish muddle

fish and chips United Kingdom A national

fish and chips

dish consisting of deep-fried battered fish fish oil Oil obtained from fish, principally from
fish oil

fillet and potato chips usually served with salt the livers of cod and halibut, which contains
and vinegar (NOTE: Reputedly invented in the essential fatty acids (EFAs) as well as
17th century in the Meuse valley when the vitamins A and D which are all necessary for
newly arrived potato, which was viewed with health. Often sold in gelatine capsules as a
some suspicion, was cut to resemble small vitamin supplement, but the required
fishes and deep-fried with them.) amounts can be obtained by eating oily fish
fish cake A circular patty made from a
fish cake
once a week. Oily fish can contain up to 30%
mixture of mashed potato, cooked fish and fat of which about 20% is saturated.
fish paste Fish preserved either by salting or
fish paste

seasoning, panéed and usually fried

fish cobbler England A savoury cobbler made
fish cobbler
fermenting or both, sometimes with added
with sweated chopped onion and garlic with grain, and processed to make a paste of
sliced carrots, courgettes and celery, cooked variable consistency with a fishy salty flavour.
for 10 minutes, chopped tomatoes, fresh The liquid which drains off is fish sauce. It is
herbs and stock added, simmered, made all over Asia, especially in Southeast
seasoned and small pieces of white fish Asia.
fish pie United Kingdom Sliced parboiled
fish pie

added and cooked for a maximum of 2

minutes then finished as a cobbler potatoes layered in the base of a greased
fish cooking methods The principal methods
fish cooking methods
casserole, covered with a mixture of flaked
are shallow-poaching, deep-poaching, smoked haddock, sliced mushrooms,
grilling, shallow-frying, steaming and baking chopped tomatoes and soured cream,
en papillote. Stewing is only used for fish covered with another layer of sliced potatoes,
soups. See under each name for details. gratinated with grated Cheddar cheese and
butter and baked at 180°C for 30 minutes
fish cutlet A slice of fish cut across the
fish cutlet

fish pudding Scotland White fish fillets,

fish pudding

backbone anywhere from the head to the

vent so that a cross section of the gut space minced twice and flavoured with allspice and
is shown seasoning, combined with thin cream,
butter, eggs and flour (8:10:2:2:1), adding
fish fillet See fillet of fish
fish fillet

the cream last of all in a food processor.

fish finger A rectangular piece of compressed
fish finger

Tested by dropping a teaspoonful into boiling

white fish flesh with a breadcrumb coating. water and adjusting the consistency with
Usually sold frozen. The fish flesh is usually milk or egg white. The mixture is put in a
mechanically recovered from all the bones cake tin which has been buttered and
and skin and there is no waste and often little sprinkled with breadcrumbs and this is
taste. Popular with children. cooked in a slow oven in a bain-marie for 1
fish glaze Fish stock reduced by boiling until
fish glaze

to 1.5 hours. Allowed to rest then demoulded

a sticky consistency. Used as a base for and served with a sauce.

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fitless cock

fish puffs England Flaked fish (fresh or fiskegrateng Norway Skinned and flaked
fish puffs fiskegrateng

smoked) mixed with a batter into which boiled cod covered with a cream and egg
lemon juice and egg whites, whisked to a yolk enriched white sauce, gratinated with
peak, have been folded. This mixture is cheese and baked in the oven until brown
deep-fried a dsp at a time for about 3 fiskekaker Norway Fishcakes made from

minutes until golden. The puffs are then chilled raw haddock, corn flour, cream and
drained and served with a piquant sauce milk processed in a blender then fried in
with a milk or fish-stock base. butter and oil
fish sauce The salty fishy tasting liquid which
fish sauce

fiskepudding Norway Fish pudding


drains off fermented and/or salted fish. It is a fiskesuppe Norway A strong fish stock made

popular flavouring agent in Southeast Asia with bones, fins, cleaned fish heads, a
and is used in the same way as soya sauce. bouquet garni and an onion clouté just
Nuoc mam is the commonest example in the covered with water, simmered for 30
West. minutes, skimmed and strained, mixed with
fish sausage A sausage made with 80% fish
fish sausage

half its volume of milk thickened with a blond

flesh, free of skin and bone, blended to a fine roux, cooked out, seasoned, finished with
paste with suet and fécule or corn flour, sour cream and lemon juice and garnished
seasoned, flavoured with mace and cayenne with chopped parsley
pepper, filled into narrow casings and linked fiskfärs Sweden Fish pudding

fish slice A flat oblong slatted sheet of metal

fish slice

fiskgryta Sweden Paupiettes made from


on a long handle used in the domestic plaice or sole fillets rubbed with salt and filled
kitchen for handling flat items of food such with a mixture of chopped onion, grated
as fish fillets, fried eggs, rissoles and cheese and tomato concassée, packed
hamburgers in shallow frying or poaching tightly and poached in a dish moistened with
pans. Professional chefs use a palette knife lemon juice or wine, dotted with butter and
for fish fillets. baked in a moderate oven for 30 minutes.
fish soup United Kingdom Strained fish stock Served from the dish.
fish soup

thickened with a white roux and enriched fiskkaggen Norway A fish loaf made with

with cream or milk, flaked cooked fish added boiled white fish processed with butter, egg
and chopped parsley sprinkled on the yolks, breadcrumbs, nutmeg and seasoning,
surface stiffly beaten egg whites folded in and all
fish steak A slice of fish cut across the back
fish steak

baked in a mould as a soufflé, cooled,

bone anywhere from the vent to the tail of a demoulded and eaten cold
round fish fiskkroketter Sweden Fish cakes or

fish stew See under individual entries for:

fish stew

fisk med fyllning Sweden Stuffed fish
fisk med fyllning

bouillabaisse, bourride, chaudrée, cotriade,

matelote, meurette, pochouse and waterzooi fisk og skalldyr Norway Seafood
fisk og skalldyr

fish stick United States Fish finger

fish stick

fisk på fat Norway Fish fried then baked in a

fisk på fat

fish stock Stock made from the bones of

fish stock

sauce (NOTE: Literally ‘fish on a platter’.)

white fish sweated with onions and lemon fisksoppa Sweden Fish soup. First a stock is

juice in butter, simmered for 30 minutes with made from roughly chopped small cleaned
water (0.4 kg bones, per litre), skimmed fish with their gills removed, covered with
continuously then strained. Also called fond roughly 2 to 3 times their weight in water with
de poisson, fumet de poisson salt, sliced onion and white peppercorns and
fish velouté A velouté sauce made with fish
fish velouté
simmered for 30 minutes. The skimmed and
stock and used as a base for many fish strained stock is then mixed with sweated
sauces chopped onions, sliced leek and
fisk Denmark, Norway, Sweden Fish
mushrooms, skinned and cored tomatoes,
saffron, rosemary, basil, garlic and
fiskbullar Sweden Fish balls

seasoning, simmered until all cooked, then

fiskeballer Norway Fish balls made with

prawns and mussels added for the last

processed fish and cooked potatoes minute.
fiskeboller Norway A mixture of minced raw

fisnoga A Jewish appetizer made from calf’s


cod and/or haddock, bread crumbs, egg, foot jelly. See also petcha
cream and seasonings formed into balls, Fistulina hepatica Botanical name Beefsteak
poached in fish stock and served with a wine fungus
or cheese sauce fitless cock Scotland Oatmeal, shredded suet
fitless cock

fiskefärs Denmark Minced fish


and finely chopped onion (2:1:1) brought

fiskefrikadellar Denmark Fish balls

together with beaten egg, shaped in the form

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five-spice powder

of a chicken, wrapped in a floured cloth and flamiche Belgium A deep shell or case of

boiled for two hours. Also called dry goose bread dough baked with a filling of egg and
(NOTE: Fitless cock was traditionally eaten on cheese
Shrove Tuesday) Flammulina velutipes Botanical name
five-spice powder China A blend of five
five-spice powder

Enokitake mushroom
spices, star anise, anise pepper, cassia or flan 1. An open, cylindrical and straight-sided

cinnamon, fennel seed and cloves ground tart, either sweet or savoury, and either in a
together. May include two from cardamom, blind prebaked pastry case or with a sponge
dried ginger or dried liquorice root. Used to or biscuit crumb base with fillings that
flavour marinades and to season roast meat require little if any cooking 2. France Custard
and poultry. Also called Chinese five spices tart 3. Portugal, Spain Crème caramel
fjærkre Norway Poultry flan brioche aux fruits confits France A
fjærkre flan brioche aux fruits confits

fjordland Norway A semi-skimmed cows’ milk


dessert similar to bread and butter pudding

cheese resembling Emmental or Jarlsberg flanchet France Breast of veal

Fladen Switzerland A flat fruit cake made with flank A cut of beef or veal. See also thick flank,
Fladen flank

pears, nuts and marzipan thin flank

fläderbär Sweden Elderberries flank of lamb Lamb flank
fläderbär flank of lamb

flank steak United States A narrow flat cut of

flank steak

flæsk Denmark Pork or bacon. Also called


svinekød beef from below the short loin, fried or grilled.

flæskesteg Denmark Roast pork
Also called London broil
flan pastry A rather brittle shortcrust pastry in
flan pastry

flageolet France Flageolet bean


flageolet bean An 8 to 10 mm long light

flageolet bean
which beaten egg instead of water is used to
green oval bean from semi-mature French bind the fat and flour. Caster sugar (4 g per
bean pods after the pod has become stringy 100 g of flour) may be used for sweet tarts
but before it dries off. Eaten fresh or dried. and flans. Also called biscuit crust pastry,
Also called green shell bean sweet crust pastry
flan ring A plain or fluted ring of metal placed
flan ring

Flageolett Germany Flageolet bean


on a flat baking tray and used to form flan

flake 1. Thin slivers or slices of food such as

pastry cases for blind or other baking

is obtained when a cooked fish is gently
flapjack 1. England A type of biscuit made

broken with a fork or as in corn flakes,

almond flakes, etc. 2. The flesh of certain from fat, sugar, rolled oats and golden syrup,
small Australian sharks 3. Dogfish baked in a shallow tray and cut into
rectangles or squares 2. United States A
flake, to To form or make into flakes
flake, to

thick pancake cooked on a griddle

flaked almonds See almond flakes
flaked almonds

flapjack scone Drop scone

flapjack scone

flaked rice See rice flakes

flaked rice

flare fat A sheet of soft fat from the inner lower

flare fat

flake salt United States A flaked form of salt

flake salt

part of a pig’s abdominal cavity

used for pickling flash, to To brown the surface of a cooked
flash, to

flaky pastry A pastry similar to puff pastry

flaky pastry

dish very quickly under a very hot grill or in a

made with a lower ratio of fat to flour (3 to 4) very hot oven
and folded, rolled and turned only three flash-fry steak Minute steak
flash-fry steak

times. The lift is not as great as with puff

flash point The lowest temperature at which
flash point

the vapour over hot oil will burn but will not
flam Catalonia Crème caramel

sustain combustion of the liquid. It is around

flamande, à la France In the Flemish style,
flamande, à la

290°C to 330°C for cooking oils.

i.e. with a garnish of braised vegetables and fläsk Sweden Pork

bacon or small pork sausages; usually for fläskgryta med jordärtscockor Sweden
fläskgryta med jordärtscockor

joints of meat Cubed pork fillet browned and seasoned,

flambé, to To add an alcoholic spirit to a dish
flambé, to

sprinkled with flour, then stock, tomato

and set it alight either before (in the ladle or purée and cream added, simmered until
spoon) or after adding it. This may be done cooked, mixed with cooked Jerusalem
in the kitchen during cooking or when artichokes and finished with sherry
presenting the dish to the customer. Used to fläsk i form Sweden A type of pork pie made
fläsk i form

add the flavour of brandy, whisky or rum to a from alternate layers of seasoned sliced
dish and for the visual effect. Also called potatoes and onions covered in milk and
flame, to topped with slices of rindless salted pork
flamber France To flambé

belly, sprinkled with powdered rosemary and

flame, to To flambé
flame, to

baked in a hot oven until the pork is crisp

flameado Spain Flamed, flambéed

and all cooked

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fläskkorv Sweden A sausage made from lean flava bean Broad bean
fläskkorv flava bean

pork and fat bacon (3:1), minced twice, flavour The blend of taste and smell sensation

bound with fécule and ham stock, seasoned, experienced when food and drink are placed
flavoured with ginger, loosely filled into in the mouth. Taste is a direct nervous
casings, linked, dried and dry-salted for a transmission from the tongue and is the
day. May be stored in brine. same for all humans comprising salt, sweet,
fläskkorvsstuvning Sweden Thick slices of

sour and bitter. Smell is far more complex,

pork sausage cooked in pork stock with involves the nose and a large area of the
sliced onions and diced potatoes cerebral cortex and is to some extent
flat A flat dish, usually oval, on which food is culturally determined.

presented to the customer in a restaurant flavoured crisps Crisps with added flavour
flavoured crisps

flatbone steak United States A steak cut from

flatbone steak

usually artificial and sprayed on as they are

the sirloin being cooled, e.g. cheese and onion, smoky
flatbread Unleavened bread made without bacon, salt and vinegar, etc.

yeast such as chapati, paratha, tortilla, flavour enhancer A substance which having
flavour enhancer

matzo and crispbread little or no flavour of its own intensifies other

flatfish A fish which, as it matures, changes

flavours with which it is combined.

shape so that both eyes and the mouth are Monosodium glutamate is the most common
on one side which becomes the upper part and is used to enhance the flavour of
when swimming or lying on the sea bottom. vegetables and meat, especially in Chinese
See also dextral, sinistral cooking. Flavour enhancers are common in
flathead Australia Any fish of the genus

processed and convenience foods.

Platycephalus found in southern Australian flavourings Ingredients in cookery which add

waters. They are usual caught commercially flavour to a dish made principally from other
as a by-catch, but are very popular with ingredients. They can be of natural origin
recreational fishermen. All are long and thin and add little bulk, such as herbs, spices,
with a flat head and weigh from 1 to 3 kg, seasoning, extracts, essences, etc., or those
though they can reach 6 kg.The sand which also add bulk, such as aromatic
flathead, P. bassensis, is caught in Victorian vegetables and meats. Others, particularly
and Tasmanian waters and is distinguished fruit flavours, are purely synthetic in origin.
from other varieties by the spines in front of Processed and convenience foods generally
the gill cover and a large black blotch on the contain mixtures of natural and synthetic
tail. The dusky flathead, P. fuscus, is found flavours.
as far as up southern Queensland. They are flavoxanthin A natural carotenoid yellow food

considered excellent eating and they taste colouring. See also E161(a)
better the bigger they are. Generally
Flavr Savr United States A genetically
Flavr Savr

prepared as oblique slices from fillets. They

engineered tomato designed to maintain its
can be eaten as sushi.
flavour over an extended shelf life. It is now
flat-leaved parsley See flat parsley
flat-leaved parsley

on sale in the USA. It contains anti-ripening

flat lettuce Butterhead lettuce
flat lettuce

genes and does not need to be labelled

flat lobster Slipper lobster
flat lobster

under current UK rules.

flat mushroom A fully mature mushroom in
flat mushroom

flead England Mesenteric fat from veal or beef


which the cap is fully open so that all the gills Flecke Germany Tripe

are exposed on one side

Fleisch Germany Meat

flat parsley A variety of parsley, P. crispum

flat parsley

Fleischbrühe Germany A consommé based


Neapolitanum, in which the leaves are flat

rather than curled. It is said to have a on meat stock
Fleischgerichte Germany Meat dishes

superior flavour. It is the commonest form in

continental Europe. Fleischkäse Germany Meat loaf

flat sours United States Spoilage bacteria that

flat sours

Fleischklösse Germany Meatballs


do not produce a gas, thus leaving the ends Fleischkuchen Germany Meat pies

of cans in which they are growing flat instead

Fleischschnitte Germany Slice of meat

of domed and hence giving no sign of their

Fleischwurst Germany Extrawurst

fleishig A Jewish term describing food

flattbrød Norway A thin crisp flat biscuit made


of wheat, rye and barley flours. See also containing or derived from meat or meat
crispbread products, or equipment used in preparing
flauta Mexico A large tortilla filled and rolled
such food. See also milchig
flensje Netherlands Thin pancakes

(NOTE: Literally ‘a flute’.)

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flesh The name for edible muscular parts of fløde Denmark Cream
flesh fløde

animals, for some other tissues of shellfish flødekage Denmark A layered cream sponge

and crustaceans and for the edible parts of cake

fruits flødeost Denmark Cream cheese

fleshy Succulent and slightly resistant to the


flødeskum Denmark Whipped cream


Flohkraut Germany Pennyroyal, the herb

fleske pannekaker Norway Pancakes filled

fleske pannekaker

flondre France Flounder, the fish


with a pork stuffing

flor de Jamaica Jamaica flower
flor de Jamaica

fleskepølse Norway Very fatty pork sausages


Florence fennel The swollen bases of the

Florence fennel

flet France Flounder, the fish


leaves of a variety of plant, Foeniculum

flétan France Halibut

vulgare var. dulce, which form a tight bulb-

fleur de maquis France A soft goats’ milk
fleur de maquis

like crisp vegetable with a pleasant mild

cheese from Corsica. See also Brin d’amour aniseed flavour. Eaten raw or cooked. Also
fleur de muscade France Mace called fennel, sweet anise
fleur de muscade

florentine A biscuit containing a high


fleuriste, à la France In the florist’s style, i.e.

fleuriste, à la

with a garnish of potatoes and tomatoes proportion of chopped dried vine fruits,
stuffed with mixed vegetables candied peel and nuts and coated with
fleuron England, France A small crescent-
chocolate on one side
florentine, à la France In the Florentine style,
florentine, à la

shaped piece of flaky or puff pastry which

after cooking is used as a garnish i.e. served with spinach, sometimes napped
Fliederkaltschale Germany A cold soup
with cheese sauce. Usually used of fish or
made from hot milk infused with elder eggs.
florentine, fish As for fish Mornay, but with
florentine, fish

blossoms, vanilla and cinnamon, strained,

sweetened and thickened with egg yolks, the fish placed on a bed of cooked spinach
cooled and served sprinkled with crushed prior to coating with sauce
macaroons florid lobster United States A large spiny
florid lobster

flies’ cemeteries England Eccles cakes or

flies’ cemeteries

lobster, Palinurus argus, with a purple/brown

similar currant cakes and biscuits shell and a yellow band across the tail
(colloquial) flory Scotland A double-crust puff pastry tart

flint corn United States An early maturing

flint corn

filled with a corn flour thickened and

variety of maize, Zea mays var. indurata, in sweetened custard made with prune soaking
which the small kernels are completely water, plum juice or the like, flavoured with
covered by a flinty hard skin. Not as widely port and lemon juice and with halved or
grown as dent. whole fruit embedded in it. The top is glazed
flipper pie Canada A pie from Newfoundland
flipper pie
and the tart baked at 230°C for 15 minutes
made from the flippers of young harp seals and then at 200°C for a further 15 minutes
together with vegetables during the annual or until cooked. Called after the name of the
cull (April/May) fruit e.g. plum flory.
fløte Norway Cream

flippit United Kingdom A small pancake


fløtekaker Norway Cream cakes


made from a seasoned self-raising flour and

egg (2:1) batter with just enough water to fløtekarameller Norway Crème caramel

make it a thick dropping consistency, cooked fløtemysost Norway A semi-hard cooked-


in oil for 2 minutes then flipped over and curd cheese made with a mixture of cows’
cooked until it bubbles and rises slightly. milk and cream. It has no rind and a smooth
Served immediately with a savoury topping. texture. Contains 20% water, 25% fat and
flitch A complete side of pork (half a pig),

50% protein.
salted and cured fløtesuppe Norway Cream soup

floating islands See îles flottantes

floating islands

fløtevafler Norway Cream-based waffles


floats Caribbean Yeasted bread from Trinidad,


flounder 1. A flat sea fish, Platichthys flesus,


cut into thin rounds and fried. Served hot similar to plaice but with an inferior taste and
with accra. texture. Found in all coastal regions of the
floddies England Potato and onions grated,

Atlantic Ocean. 2. United States The general

seasoned and mixed with a little flour, term for any flatfish 3. Australia A small
chopped herbs and chopped cured or coastal flatfish, Pseudorhombus arsius,
cooked meat, brought together with egg and excellent edible quality but rather small
deep-fried in tablespoonfuls (NOTE: Floddies (from 25 to 40 cm in length). Cooked in the
are traditional to the northern English towns same way as all flatfish. Also called large-
of Gateshead and Durham) toothed flounder

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focaccia ligure

flour Finely ground cereal grains, dried pulses flundra Sweden Flounder
flour flundra

and dried starchy tubers, consisting mainly flute An indentation pressed into the edge of

of starch, often treated to remove fibre and pie or pasty for decoration or to help seal two
oils or modified to change its cooking or edges of pastry together
baking properties. The term is most flute, to To scallop
flute, to

commonly used of wheat flour. flûte France 1. A small French bread stick

flour, to To cover the surface of a food or

flour, to

smaller than a baguette but bigger than a

cooking implement or preparation surface ficelle 2. A transverse slice of French bread,
with flour, usually to absorb surface moisture toasted and cut in quarters and served as an
and to prevent sticking accompaniment to soup especially
flour batter biscuit method A method of minestrone 3. A type of glass for drinking
flour batter biscuit method

making biscuits by creaming half the flour champagne

with the fat, beating in the sugar and eggs flying fish The name given to various species
flying fish

previously mixed, then blending in the other of seawater fish which have enlarged
dry ingredients. An example is the cookie. pectoral fins allowing them to glide above the
flour corn See squaw corn surface of the water for considerable
flour corn

flour dredger A dredger filled with flour used

flour dredger
distances so as to avoid predators. Found in
to flour tropical and semi-tropical waters where they
are prized as a food.
floury 1. (Potatoes) which have an open soft

flying flusk See flying squid

flying flusk

texture when cooked as opposed to the waxy

flying lamb slices China A pot of flavoured
flying lamb slices

variety. See also potato 2. The taste of food

containing flour which is undercooked stock at the table kept boiling over a heater,
flower fu Fully cooked, dried and crushed
flower fu
into which guests dip very thin slices of raw,
gluten dough rather like breadcrumbs which possibly marinated, leg of lamb using
is sprinkled directly over food. See also chopsticks or a fondue fork. When cooked in
kohanafu a few seconds, they are eaten with a variety
of dips and relishes. The cooking liquor
flowering chive The flower stem and bud of
flowering chive

remaining may have eggs and soya sauce,

the Chinese chive used as a garnish or etc. added and is consumed by the diners.
flying squid Todarodes sagittatus, a relative of
flying squid

flowering white cabbage Choy sum

flowering white cabbage

the common squid up to 120 cm long and

flower pepper Anise pepper
flower pepper

with two broad, flat swimming fins which

flowers for salads See salad flowers allow it to glide above the surface for short
flowers for salads

Flügel Germany Wing

distances. Fished commercially but rather
tough and needs long slow cooking. Also
fluid ounce A subdivision of the pint. There
fluid ounce

called flying flusk

are 20 in the imperial pint equal in volume to
flyndre Norway Sole, the fish

28.4 ml and 16 in the US pint equal to 29.6

foam cake United States A cake which uses
foam cake

ml. Abbreviated to fl oz.

fluke A long-lived parasitic flatworm which
an egg-white foam to give it a very light
infects vertebrate (including human) livers, texture. See also angel cake
foaming biscuit method A method of making
foaming biscuit method

lungs and brains, causing a variety of

diseases. The eggs are shed in faeces. The biscuits by whisking egg whites with some
larval stages first infect snails, then pass to sugar to a light meringue, then folding in the
aquatic plants, shellfish and fish from dry ingredients being extra careful with
whence they reinfect the vertebrates. ground nuts
focaccetta Italy See focaccia 2

Freezing kills the larvae but raw freshwater

focaccia Italy 1. A bun or cake 2. A flour, salt

fish, shellfish and unwashed aquatic plants

represent the greatest danger to both tourists and water yeast-raised dough rolled out
and the more affluent countries which import thinly and formed into a sandwich with a
them unfrozen. cream cheese filling, sealed at the edges and
flummery 1. Wales An old Welsh dessert
baked at 230°C for 20 minutes. Also called
made of sweetened and flavoured milk focacetta
focaccia del Venerdí Santo Italy A tart filled
focaccia del Venerdí Santo

thickened by boiling with oatmeal, and set in

a mould prior to turning out when cold. with a mixture of fennel, endive, anchovies,
Originally a fermented and soured oatmeal olives and capers. Also called scalcione
gruel. 2. United States Any of several sweet focaccia di vitello Italy Focaccia with a veal
focaccia di vitello

puddings thickened with cornflour. Usually filling

milk- or fruit-based. focaccia ligure Italy A baked round of
focaccia ligure

Flunder Germany Flounder


yeasted dough with many toppings including

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herbs, coarse salt, diced ham, onions, anaemia) but excess can mask the signs of
artichokes and cheese pernicious anaemia caused by vitamin B12
foderare Italy To line a dish or pan, e.g. with

deficiency. Also called vitamin Bc

Folie de béguines Belgium A large loaf-
Folie de béguines

sponge fingers, sponge cake slices, biscuits,

bacon, dough, etc. shaped cows’ milk cheese (up to 8 kg). The
Foeniculum vulgare Botanical name Fennel paste is strong flavoured with many small
fofas de bacalhau Portugal Cod fish balls
fofas de bacalhau
foncer France To line the base of a pan or dish

fogas Hungary A type of pike-perch


foglia Italy Leaf

with slices of ham or bacon
fond France Foundation or basis, meaning the

foglia di vite Italy Vine leaf

foglia di vite

foglie de alloro Italy Bay leaves

foglie de alloro
foundation of all cooking, i.e. the stocks
which are converted into soups and sauces
Fogosch Austria, Germany A freshwater fish

and are used as cooking liquors. Generally

similar to a trout
reserved for meat and vegetable stocks, e.g.
foie France Liver

fond de veau meaning veal stock and so on.

foie de poulet France Chicken liver
foie de poulet

See also fumet

foie de veau France Calf’s liver
foie de veau

fondant Sugar syrup boiled to 116 to 118°C,


foie de veau moissonnière France Calf’s

foie de veau moissonnière

i.e. between the soft and hard ball stage,

liver fried with onions and herbs and used when cooled as a basis for cake icing.
deglazed with red wine It must be diluted with water and used at a
foie de volaille France Chicken livers precise temperature. If mixed with glycerine
foie de volaille

foie gras England, France The grotesquely

foie gras
and gums it remains temporarily malleable at
enlarged liver of goose or duck achieved by room temperature and may be rolled out for
force-feeding with cooked maize gruel using covering cakes and used to mould
a tube inserted down the throat of the bird. decorations.
fondanti Italy Small savoury croquettes

Used for savoury dishes and pâté de foie

gras. fondant potatoes Thick sliced or turned
fondant potatoes

foie gras de canard France A pâté of duck potatoes, buttered and seasoned, half
foie gras de canard

liver made in the Dordogne. Some think it covered in white stock and cooked in the
better than the goose-liver foie gras. oven at 240°C until tender and all stock
foie gras en croûte France Prepared goose
foie gras en croûte
fond blanc France White beef stock
fond blanc

liver cooked in a pastry case and very

expensive fond blanc de veau France White veal stock
fond blanc de veau

foil See aluminium foil


fond blanc de volaille France White chicken

fond blanc de volaille

foiolo alla milanese Italy Tripe and onion stock

foiolo alla milanese

stew with cheese fond brun France Brown beef stock

fond brun

foi thong Thailand A dessert made by pouring

foi thong

fond brun de veau France Brown veal stock

fond brun de veau

beaten egg in a thin stream into hot sugar fond brun de volaille France Brown chicken
fond brun de volaille

syrup. A type of roti jala cup is used called a stock

foi tong cone. fond d’artichaut France Artichoke bottom
fond d’artichaut

fokhagymásmártás Hungary Garlic sauce


fond de gibier France Game stock

fond de gibier

folares Portugal An Easter gift of eggs baked


fond de marmite France White beef stock

fond de marmite

in scooped out bread rolls

fond de tarte France 1. Pastry base 2. The
fond de tarte

fold in, to The procedure of combining one

fold in, to

crème pâtissière base of a French tart

ingredient with a liquid or semi-solid either of
fondo Italy 1. Stock 2. Bottom or heart, e.g. of

which contains entrapped air bubbles, so as

not to break down or release the air, usually an artichoke
fondre France To melt

by very gentle cutting and turning with a

fondre, faire France To sweat
fondre, faire

metal spoon or spatula as e.g. icing sugar

fonds d’artichauts aux points d’asperge
fonds d’artichauts aux points d’asperge

into whisked egg white, flour into an

egg/fat/sugar batter, whisked egg white into France Artichoke bottoms cooked in butter,
an egg milk mixture filled with creamed asparagus tips coated
folic acid One of the B group of vitamins
folic acid
with Mornay sauce and glazed
fondue 1. England, France, Switzerland

found in green leaves (hence the name) and

other foods. Essential for health and Cheese melted with wine and flavourings
especially to prevent foetuses developing and kept hot at the table over a heater. Cubes
neural cord defects (e.g. spina bifida) and of bread impaled on fondue forks are dipped
cleft palates during pregnancy. Deficiency into the molten mixture. Also called Swiss
can cause a form of anaemia (megaloblastic fondue 2. Any type of food preparation and

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food poisoning

cooking in which guests dip small or thin unpasteurized cows’ milk in the Aosta valley.
pieces of food into a hot liquid (oil, boiling It is dry-salted or brine-washed intermittently
stock or the like) which is kept hot at the for 2 months whilst being ripened in caves.
table, and then consume the pieces Used for fondue, fonduta and as a dessert
individually 3. France A vegetable cooked cheese. Contains in summer 38% water,
until it is reduced to a pulp, e.g. tomatoes 31% fat and 26% protein. The winter cheese
fondue au marc, fondue au raisin France A
fondue au marc
has about 2 percentage points less fat and 2
small round cheese made from skimmed percentage points more water.
food chopper A food processor in which the
food chopper

milk and ripened in a coating of grape pips.

See also Tomme au raisin bowl revolves in the opposite direction to the
fondue bourguignonne France Oil kept hot at
fondue bourguignonne
rotating cutting blades, used for high volume
the table into which guests dip pieces of raw work in commercial kitchens
food colourings Permitted dyes either of
food colourings

lean meat impaled on fondue forks to cook

the meat prior to consuming it with various natural or synthetic origin used to colour food
sauces and condiments especially by manufacturers of processed
fondue chinoise France, Switzerland As
fondue chinoise
food fibre See fibre
food fibre

flying lamb slices, but with rolls of wafer-thin

slices of lean beef food grinder United States Mincer, mincing
food grinder

fondue fork A long fork, usually with two

fondue fork

barbed prongs at the end of a thin metal rod food hygiene That science and/or craft which
food hygiene

with a handle. Used for dipping food into hot determines how food should be grown,
oil, boiling stock or molten cheese at the picked or harvested, slaughtered if
table. See also fondue appropriate, transported, stored, handled,
fondue neufchâteloise Switzerland Gruyère
fondue neufchâteloise

cooked and served to avoid contamination or

and Emmental cheese dissolved in hot white deterioration which could be harmful to
wine with butter, pepper, cayenne pepper, health, and also the design and cleaning of
kirsch and flavoured with garlic rubbed premises, vehicles, implements and
around the bowl. Eaten on cubes of bread in equipment with which food is associated
the usual way. food hygiene certificate A certificate of
food hygiene certificate

fonduta Italy Fontina cheese, soaked in milk


competence in food hygiene issued after

for half an hour, warmed while stirring, appropriate training. Required for all food
beaten egg and butter added, whisked until handlers in the EU.
thick and finished with grated truffle. Served food labelling Under EU rules, packaged
food labelling

with bread. food must be labelled with the name, the list
fong toa hu Thailand Bean curd sticks
fong toa hu

of ingredients in descending order of weight,

fonio West Africa An ancient fine-tasting
the net quantity, a best-before or best-
cereal, Digitaria exilis (white fonio) or before-end date, special conditions of
Digitaria iburua (black fonio), grown in the storage or use, the name and address of the
West African uplands. It withstands drought, packager or seller and, under certain
tolerates poor soil and matures very quickly. conditions, the particulars of the place of
It can be boiled, dry-fried and ground to origin. The location of the factory or
various sizes and is a useful famine crop. packaging centre is required in some
Also called acha countries.
food laws The legislation which lays down
food laws

Fontainebleau France A cheese with a soft


creamy texture made from cows’ milk in the requirements for food hygiene, for the purity
area around Paris. It is usually mixed with of food, for the description of food and for the
cream and served as a dessert with fruit. weights and measures associated with it
food mill See mouli 1
food mill

Fontal France, Italy A smooth, semi-hard


food mixer An electrically operated machine

food mixer

mild-flavoured cows’ milk cheese similar to

Fontina, made in both Italy and France. It is that processes solids and liquids by means
cast in large 20 kg wheels and has a tender, of various attachments to a powered head,
buttery, mild-tasting paste with occasional which operate within or over a bowl. It can
holes, and is waxed or wrapped in plastic. mix, beat, knead, whip, sieve, chop, grind,
Suitable for melting. Contains 43% water, mince, liquidize etc.
27% fat and 27% protein. food poisoning Any disease of an infectious
food poisoning

Fontina Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd mild-


or toxic nature caused by or thought to be

flavoured slightly rubbery-textured dark caused by consumption of food or water
yellow cheese with numerous small holes regardless of presenting symptoms and
and a tough brown rind made from very fresh signs (i.e. not necessarily gastrointestinal)

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food poisoning bacteria

and including illness caused by toxic food store A room or cabinet set aside for
food store

chemicals associated with food but storing foods, generally with good ventilation,
excluding illness due to known allergies or vermin proof and with easy clean slotted or
food intolerances mesh shelving
food poisoning bacteria The main bacteria
food poisoning bacteria

foo gwa China Bitter gourd

foo gwa

responsible for food poisoning are, in fool A purée of fruit into which whipped cream

alphabetical order: Bacillus cereus, or custard is mixed. May be sieved and

Campylobacter, Clostridium botulinum, sometimes thickened with gelatine.
Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, foon tiu meen China Wide flat noodles
foon tiu meen

Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio

foo yu China Bean curd cheese
foo yu

parahaemolyticus and Yersinia

foo yung China Omelette, often filled with
foo yung

enterocolitica. See under each heading.

food poisoning by bacteria, causes
cooked meat, vegetables and/or shellfish
food poisoning by bacteria, causes The
forced convection oven See convection oven
forced convection oven

principal causes are in descending order of

forcemeat Meat, game or fish flesh, free of

importance: inadequate cooling; more than

24 hours between preparation and gristle, bone and fat, ground finely and
consumption of a meal; inadequate thermal mixed with a panada of flour, rice, potato or
processing; inadequate hot storage; bread, possibly cream, eggs, egg yolks or
inadequate reheating; eating contaminated egg whites, fat or suet, etc., together with
raw food; cross contamination; inadequate seasonings and butter to a piping
cleaning of equipment; food from unsafe consistency. Used as a basis of stuffings,
sources; use of leftovers quenelles, mousselines, borders and bases,
food poisoning causative agents

food poisoning causative agents Agents pies, terrines and galantines.

forcing bag See piping bag
forcing bag

that can cause food poisoning are are:

substances added during preparation, e.g. forel (plural foreli) Netherlands, Russia Trout

lead; substances synthesized by the foreleg of beef See shin beef

foreleg of beef

commodity during growth and storage e.g.

forell Sweden Trout

poisons in potatoes and red beans;

Forelle Germany Trout

substances formed by processing or storage

Forelle blau Austria, Germany Freshly caught
Forelle blau

under poorly controlled conditions e.g. some

kinds of fish poisoning; substances stored by trout, possibly knocked on the head and
a commodity e.g. paralytic shellfish gutted, plunged into a gently boiling white
poisoning caused by a poison in some of the fish court bouillon. The skin turns a
plankton or algae that they consume; characteristic blue if the fish is absolutely
allergens, e.g. strawberries; bacteria; and fresh. When cooked, it is served with melted
unidentified agents, probably viruses. See butter and boiled potatoes. Also called blue
also food poisoning bacteria trout
Forellenbarsch Germany Largemouth black
food preservation science

food preservation science The study of the

means used to destroy or inhibit the growth bass
foreloin of pork United Kingdom The rib end
foreloin of pork

of those microorganisms with the potential to

cause deterioration in food. The means of the loin, equivalent to the best end of
involve intrinsic properties of the food, lamb. Roasted on or off the bone or cut into
extrinsic properties of the environment and chops.
physiological properties of the forequarter The front half of a meat animal

microorganisms which enable them to usually extending to the last rib

flourish because of the interaction of the fore rib of beef United Kingdom The joint of
fore rib of beef

intrinsic and extrinsic properties.

food processor
beef consisting of the 7th to the 10th rib
food processor A kitchen appliance counting from the head of the beast with the
consisting of a cylindrical bowl with cover attached muscles and the half vertebrae
through which projects a vertical shaft onto from a side of beef but excluding the breast
which various circular cutting, slicing and end of the ribs. Used for roasting on or off the
beating implements may be attached. The bone and first class braising. Also called
shaft is rotated by an electric motor at varying standing rib roast
speeds but generally lower than a blender foreshank United States Shank of beef

Used for chopping, slicing, mixing, puréeing

forestberry herb Australia A dried free-
forestberry herb

and pulverizing tasks for all kinds of

ingredients and mixes. flowing powdered herb with a strong passion
food safe fruit flavour with hints of cumin and caraway.
food safe See meat safe It is used to enhance the flavour of berry and
food slicer

food slicer See slicing machine stone fruits.

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forestière, (à la) France In the forester’s sprinkled with breadcrumbs for the last 5

style, i.e. garnished with mushrooms, ham or minutes to form a crust.

bacon and fried potatoes. Usually meat or fortuné France A miniature cake similar to a

poultry. macaroon, baked and served in a small

forest mushroom Hoshi-shiitake paper case, sprinkled with icing sugar and
forest mushroom

Forfar bridie Scotland A Scottish pastry

Forfar bridie
topped with half a glacé cherry (NOTE:
turnover containing beef, suet and onions Literally ‘fortunate’.)
fortune cookie United States A small cake or
fortune cookie

fork An implement with 2 or more prongs and


a handle conveniently grasped in the hand biscuit originated by Chinese Americans

used for eating solid foods, carving or containing a slip of paper on which a
cooking. Carving forks usually have 2 large horoscope, proverb or joke is printed
Fortunella One of the three important genera

fork luncheon A buffet type meal served on a
fork luncheon
of citrus fruit of which the kumquat and the
plate and eaten with a fork usually while calamondin are the most common examples
standing up Fortunella japonica Botanical name
förlorade Sweden Poached

Fortunella margarita Botanical name

forloren skildpadde Denmark A dish
forloren skildpadde

supposed to resemble turtle made from the
fouasse France A sweet bun

meat, tongue and brains of a calf’s head,

foudjou France A dish from Languedoc

with meatballs, fish balls and hard-boiled

eggs consisting of strong-flavoured pungent goats’
forlorent Norway Poached
milk cheese flavoured with garlic and brandy
and served with potatoes
Formagella della Val Bavona Switzerland A
Formagella della Val Bavona

fouet France Whisk


soft cows’ milk cheese with an even textured,

fouetter France To whip or whisk, especially

delicately flavoured paste and a thin smooth

rind cream
fougasse France A type of bread or pastry

Formagella Ticinese A soft cows’ milk

Formagella Ticinese

cheese with an even textured, delicately made from yeast-raised dough, oval or ring-
flavoured paste from Ticino cast in 2 kg shaped, with a variety of fillings put between
rounds two layers of raised and knocked-back
formagelle Italy Small farmhouse cheeses
dough, proved, then baked at 200°C
fougassettes France A bread made with olive

from North Italy made with any type of milk

formaggini Italy Small cheeses. See also
oil and flavoured with orange-flower water
foule medames Ful medames
foule medames

four France Oven

formaggio Italy Cheese


four, au France Cooked in the oven

four, au

formaggio bianco Italy The general term for

formaggio bianco

Fourme d’Ambert France A semi-hard blue-

Fourme d’Ambert

soft unripened lightly salted cows’ milk

cheeses veined cows’ milk cheese from the
formaggio di crema Italy Cream cheese
formaggio di crema
Auvergne, ripened for 2 to 3 months and with
formatge Catalonia Cheese
a creamy texture and full-bodied flavour. It is
cast in a tall cylinder shape and has a dark
formic acid The simplest organic acid found
formic acid

rind rather like Stilton. It has AOC status. Also

in some fruits and in the poison of ants, now called Fourme de Montbrison, Fourme de
made synthetically for use as a flavour Pierre-sur-Haute
enhancer. See also E236
Fourme de Cantal France A type of cheese
Fourme de Cantal

forn, al Catalonia Cooked in the oven

forn, al

with a red-streaked rind. See also Cantal

forno, al Italy Cooked in the oven
forno, al

Fourme de Laguiole France A semi-hard

Fourme de Laguiole

forrett Norway Appetizer, hors d’oeuvre


pressed cows’ milk cheese. See also

forshmak Russia A three-layered dish

consisting of skinned and deboned herrings Fourme de Montbrison France Fourme
Fourme de Montbrison

soaked in milk for 3 hours, minced with d’Ambert

caramelized onions and combined with Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute France Fourme
Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute

grated cooking apple as the first layer. The d’Ambert

second layer is crustless white bread
Fourme de Salers France A type of cheese
Fourme de Salers

moistened with milk and mixed with beaten

eggs, and the top layer is mashed potatoes, with a red-streaked rind. See also Cantal
fourrage France Stuffing or filling

plain or piped decoratively. Baked at 180°C

fourré(e) France Filled

for 30 minutes, brushed with butter and

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fourré à la crème

fourré à la crème France Filled with cream, française, fish à la Fillets of fish dipped in
fourré à la crème française, fish à la

e.g. a cake milk and passed through seasoned flour,

four spices Quatre-épices
four spices
deep-fried at 195°C, drained, garnished with
fowl An edible bird, usually applied to older or
lemon wedges and picked parsley and
tougher poultry suitable for boiling, served with sauce diable
frangipane 1. France Almond paste 2. United

casseroling or making soup

fox noodles Kitsume-udon
fox noodles
Kingdom An almond-flavoured cake mixture
made from butter, sugar, eggs, ground
fox tail millet A temperate climate millet,
fox tail millet

Setaria italica, certainly grown in China in almonds and flour, used for Bakewell tarts
and other similar items 3. France A
2700 BC, now grown in the USA for animal
thickening agent or panada, made rather like
feed and in Russia for beer. Also called
choux pastry from flour, egg yolks, butter and
German millet, Hungarian millet, Siberian
milk with seasonings, for use in the
millet, Italian millet
manufacture of chicken and fish forcemeats
foyot, sauce France Béarnaise sauce with
foyot, sauce

4. France Confectioner’s custard containing

added melted meat glaze whisked in slowly. chopped or ground almonds, used as crème
Also called valois, sauce pâtissière
fözelék Hungary Vegetables

frangipane flan See frangipane tart

frangipane flan

fracassata Italy Meat stew with an egg sauce


frangipane tart A 16th-century Italian tart

frangipane tart

Fragaria alpina Botanical name Alpine introduced to France at that time, consisting
strawberry of a blind-baked pastry case lined with jam,
Fragaria vesca Botanical name Wild filled with cooked cream containing crushed
strawberry ratafia biscuits, lightly browned butter, rum
Fragaria vesca sempiflorens Botanical and lemon zest, decorated with whipped
name Alpine strawberry cream and chopped pistachios. Also called
Fragaria x ananassa Botanical name frangipane flan
Cultivated strawberry. Originally a cross
frango Portugal A young chicken

between F. virginiana (arrived 1556 from the

frango com ervilhas Portugal Chicken
frango com ervilhas

USA) and F. chiloensis (arrived 18th

century). cooked in olive oil and butter and served with
petit pois, onions and the pan residues
fragole Italy Strawberries

deglazed with port

fragole di bosco Italy Wild strawberries
fragole di bosco

frango guisado Portugal A chicken, onion

frango guisado

fragolini Italy Wild strawberries


and tomato stew

fragolini di mare Italy Curled octopus
fragolini di mare

frank United States Frankfurter (colloquial)


fragolino Italy Sea bream. Also called pagello


frankfurter United States A cheap imitation of


fragrant mushroom Shiitake mushroom

fragrant mushroom

the German Frankfurter made from the

fraîche France Fresh or cool, the feminine

cheapest pig and beef meat and offal, finely

form of frais ground with water and emulsifiers, mixed
frais France Fresh or cool; usually applied to with flour, onion, seasoning, spices,

fresh cheeses and vegetables saltpetre, colouring and so on, packed into
fraisage France A method of kneading dough
narrow casings and linked. Made in various
by spreading it across the board with the heel lengths. Used for hot dogs.
Frankfurter Germany A yellowish-brown,

of the hand, gathering it up into a ball and

repeating the process smooth-textured, scalded and cold-smoked
fraise France 1. Strawberry. 2. Caul, the inner
sausage made from finely ground pork and
fatty membrane of the abdominal cavity. bacon fat. Usually poached in water to heat
fraise de bois France Wild strawberry
fraise de bois
it up. Called Bockwurst in Frankfurt.
Frankfurter Bohnensuppe Germany Kidney
Frankfurter Bohnensuppe

fraises Romanoff France Fresh strawberries

fraises Romanoff

macerated in liqueur and orange juice and beans previously rehydrated, boiled in water
served with a topping of whipped cream or stock with herbs until tender, finished with
butter and garnished with sliced frankfurters
framboesa Portugal Raspberry

Frankfurter Kranz Germany A rich cake

Frankfurter Kranz

framboise France Raspberry


made by the creaming method from sugar,

frambozen Netherlands Raspberries

corn flour, plain flour, butter and eggs

frambuesa Spain Raspberry

(4:3:2:3:3) with 8 teaspoonfuls of baking

française, à la France In the French style, i.e.
française, à la

powder (6 g) per kg of total flour and

with a garnish of spinach and potatoes, flavoured with lemon zest and rum, baked at
sometimes also cooked lettuce and 160°C, cut in 3 horizontal slices, filled with a
asparagus rum flavoured and egg yolk enriched butter

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French black truffle

cream and the top and sides covered with frozen. This causes the frozen water to
crushed almond praline evaporate whilst preserving an open
Frankfurter Würtschen Germany Pale boiled
Frankfurter Würtschen
structure in the food which facilitates
sausages for which Frankfurt is famous, rehydration. Freeze-dried vegetables are
containing finely ground meat products used in instant soups and the technique is
Frankfurt tongue sausage Germany Cured
Frankfurt tongue sausage
most widely used for instant coffee.
freezer A chest, upright cabinet or walk-in

pork leg meat finely minced, seasoned and

flavoured with mace and cardamom, diced room which is kept at a temperature of –
pork tongue and pistachio nuts added, the 20°C in which deep-frozen foods may be
mixture packed into thin bullock casings, stored. Also used to deep-freeze foods.
freezer burn The discoloration which occurs
freezer burn

boiled until cooked then smoked over oak

and juniper berries on the surface of food where it comes into
Frankische Butterplätzchen Germany
Frankische Butterplätzchen
direct contact with a cold surface because of
Biscuits made by the creaming method from inadequate packaging
freezer knife A knife with a serrated or saw-
freezer knife

half and half butter and clarified butter,

sugar, eggs, and flour (4:4:3:9), flavoured like edge to its strong blade, used for cutting
with vanilla and baked at 200°C up frozen food
franskbröd Sweden French bread, i.e. freginat Catalonia 1. Fried or sautéed, with a
franskbröd freginat

baguette, petit pain, bread roll or the like sauce 2. The meat used in preparing
franskbrød Denmark French bread, i.e.
something in the freginat style
freginat de fetge Catalonia Liver, usually
freginat de fetge

baguette, petit pain, bread roll or the like.

Also called rundstycke calves’ liver
freginat de pollostre Catalonia Chicken fried
freginat de pollostre

franske kartofler Denmark Potato chips

franske kartofler

franske poteter Norway Potato chips

franske poteter
or sautéed with onions and garlic
fregit Catalonia Fried

frappe Italy Galani, but the strips of pastry


fregolatta Italy Lightly toasted bread rubbed


frappé(e) France Frozen or chilled. Used to
with garlic and tomato. See also bruschetta
fregula Italy Saffron flavoured semolina

describe dishes served on crushed ice.

frappo France A strong-tasting casserole of ox
dumplings cooked in broth and served with
tripe from Languedoc cheese. Also called succu tundu
Freiburger Vacherin Germany, Switzerland A
Freiburger Vacherin

frassino di montagna Italy Rowanberry

frassino di montagna

smaller soft version of Gruyère cheese. See

Frauenhaar Germany Maidenhair fern

also Vacherin fribourgeoise

freak coconut Makapuno
freak coconut

frejol (plural frejoles) Spain Beans other than


fréchure France A casserole of pigs’ lights


broad beans. See also haba

from Vivarais
frejon West Africa An unusual dish from Sierra

freddo Italy Cold


Leone made from partially mashed cooked

free-range eggs Eggs laid by hens which
free-range eggs

cow peas mixed with coconut milk (2:1), salt

nominally have free access to open pasture. and sugar and flavoured with cocoa mixed to
Often theoretical since the birds have only a paste with a little water
limited openings from the barn to the outside French artichoke See artichoke
French artichoke

and are not bred to freedom from hatching.

French bean A South American, half-hardy
French bean

freeze, to To reduce the temperature of food

freeze, to

annual legume, Phaseolus vulgaris, usually a

to below 0°C so that any free water solidifies dwarf bush but occasionally climbing, which
and other materials become stiff or glass- carries 10 to 15 cm long thin fleshy pods,
like. Mixtures are frozen to make ice cream, usually green but some yellow or purple.
sorbet, etc. At even lower temperatures When immature, the whole pod is eaten as a
below –20°C food is preserved from vegetable. At a later stage when the pods
deterioration. See also deep-freeze, to become stringy the fresh green beans are
freeze-concentrate, to To concentrate fruit
freeze-concentrate, to

known as flageolet beans and can be treated

juice or other aqueous liquids by freezing out as peas, i.e.used as they are or dried. When
part of the water as crystals and removing fully mature, cream- or fawn-coloured and
them completely dry, the beans are known as
freeze-dried bean curd Bean curd which has
freeze-dried bean curd

haricot beans. They are grown extensively all

been freeze-dried. When reconstituted it over the world. Also called dwarf bean,
retains the porous texture of the dried kidney bean, string bean, snap bean, haricot
product. vert
freeze-dry, to A method of dehydrating food French black truffle The famous and
freeze-dry, to French black truffle

by subjecting it to a vacuum whilst it is expensive truffle, Tuber melanosporum,

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French bread

from Périgord which grows in the root area of then fried in (clarified) butter until crisp and
oak and hazelnut trees. In appearance it is golden. The sweet version is served as a
wrinkled and warty, dark brown to black with dessert in France and as a breakfast dish in
a strong distinctive fragrance and mild the USA, topped with maple syrup, fruit or
flavour. Now grown in California, New jam or sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.
Zealand and Australia. Also called diamant See also pain perdu
noir, Périgord truffle French whip United States Balloon whisk
French whip

French bread Any of the varieties of long thin

French bread

Freneuse, crème France Purée Freneuse

Freneuse, crème

bread with a crisp brown crust and the creamed with cream, milk or thin béchamel
characteristic diagonal slashes which imitate sauce
the traditional French daily bread. See also Freneuse, purée France A basic soup with
Freneuse, purée

flute, baguette potatoes and turnips. Also called potato and

French carrots United States Carrettes
French carrots

turnip soup
French dressing See vinaigrette
French dressing

fresa Spain Strawberry


French flan See crème caramel

French flan

fresa pistocco Italy A paper-thin crisp bread.

fresa pistocco

French fries United States Potato chips See also carta de musica
French fries

French fritters Beignet fresca Mexico 1. Fresh 2. Cool 3. A cocktail

French fritters fresca

French frying United States Deep-fat frying

French frying
made with tequila, grapefruit juice and soda
French icing United States A cooked cake
French icing
fresco Italy, Portugal, Spain Fresh, cool

covering made from icing sugar, butter, eggs

fresh egg custard sauce See egg custard
fresh egg custard sauce

and flavouring
French knife United States Cook’s knife
French knife
fresh fruit salad As fruit salad but restricted
fresh fruit salad

French marjoram Pot marjoram

French marjoram

French meringue 1 part egg white beaten

French meringue
to fresh fruits
fresh ham United States An uncured hind leg
fresh ham

until stiff with 2 parts of icing sugar, vanilla

essence and a pinch of salt over a bain-marie of pork
fresh pasta Freshly made soft pasta which
fresh pasta

for up to 30 minutes. Piped to form various

shapes. cooks in 3 to 5 minutes. Cannot be formed
French mustard A mild flavoured mustard
French mustard

into elaborate shapes like dried pasta.

freshwater bream A fish, Abramis brama,
freshwater bream

made from dehusked and ground, brown

and black mustard seeds mixed with vinegar related to the carp family with a lot of bones
and water and a muddy flavour. Generally caught for
French onion soup See brown onion soup
French onion soup

sport only.
freshwater drum Alpodinotus grunniens, the
freshwater drum

French parsley Flat parsley

French parsley

French puff Beignet

French puff
only member of the drum family of fish which
French puff pastry method Dough formed
French puff pastry method
lives all its life in fresh water. It is 30 to 40 cm
into a ball, cross cut on the top, corners long weighs to 500 g and is from the lakes
pulled out and rolled out to a square with a and rivers of the Northern USA. The flesh is
thick centre and thin corners. Fat of the light coloured and mild in flavour.
freshwater shark Pike
freshwater shark

same consistency as the dough placed on

Fresno chilli Mexico A small conical fairly hot
Fresno chilli

the centre, the corners pulled over the fat

and rolled out to a rectangle to give 2 layers chilli pepper with a green or greenish-yellow
of dough sandwiching 1 layer of fat, folded, colour
fresones Spain Large strawberries

rolled out and rested, then turned and rolled

as for puff pastry. fresse alla cunese Italy Minced pork liver
fresse alla cunese

French service 1. A style of laying the table

French service

and beef wrapped in pig’s caul and fried

with a plate (not necessarily used), cutlery, fressure France Offal from pigs or calves

glasses and a napkin on the plate 2. A friandises France 1. Titbit, delicacy,


method of serving food in which guests help sweetmeat 2. A selection of small sweets,
themselves from food offered on a dish or flat preserved fruits, etc. served with petit fours
from the left by a waiter and tea or coffee
French sorrel A name used indiscriminately
French sorrel

friand sanflorain France A herb-flavoured

friand sanflorain

for both sorrel and buckler leaf sorrel pork pie from Saint Flour in the Auvergne
French stick See French bread
French stick

friar’s chicken 1. England Soup made by

friar’s chicken

French tarragon See tarragon

French tarragon

cooking a small chicken cut in four pieces in

French toast Stale bread slices dipped in an
French toast

veal stock until tender. The seasoned

egg and milk mixture, sweetened and cooking liquor is thickened with egg yolks,
flavoured with vanilla for the dessert version, finished with chopped parsley and served

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frisches Obst

with the chicken meat. 2. Scotland Chicken friese Kanterkaas Netherlands A cheese like
friese Kanterkaas

stock thickened with a liaison of eggs and nagelkaas, but without the cumin and
cream to which is added finely chopped cloves. See also Kanterkaas
chicken meat at the rate of 150 g per litre. friese Nagelkaas Netherlands A pale strong-
friese Nagelkaas

This is warmed to not more than 85°C to flavoured and very hard and dense cows’
avoid curdling, garnished with parsley and milk cheese. See also nagelkaas
served immediately. frigate mackerel See bonito 1
frigate mackerel

friar’s omelette A baked omelette with

friar’s omelette

friggere Italy To fry


stewed apples
frijolada Spain A stew made with black

fricadelle 1. Fried small meatballs of minced


beans, ham shank and sausage with fried

beef and pork, etc. See also frikadeller 2. onion and sweet peppers in a chicken or
France Croquette beef stock flavoured with herbs and served
fricandeau England, France A slice of meat,

with rice
usually cushion veal, or large fish, cut along frijoles Spain Beans

the fibres to 4 cm thick, beaten with a cutlet

frijoles blancos Spain Haricot beans
frijoles blancos

bat, larded with thin strips of salt pork fat and

frijoles con puerco Mexico Black beans
frijoles con puerco

braised slowly until tender so that it may be

cut with a spoon. Served dressed with the cooked until soft in water, drained and
braising liquor and suitable garnishes. cooked in the oven with cubes of pork. The
beans and pork are served on top of rice
fricandó Catalonia Braised veal with wild

cooked in the bean cooking liquor (black

rice) and garnished with coriander, chopped
fricassea Italy Fricassée, usually finished with

onions, chopped radish and a well-spiced

eggs and lemon juice tomato and garlic sauce.
fricassee United States A veal or poultry stew

frijoles negros Spain Black eyed beans

frijoles negros

in which the meat is first lightly browned so much used in Caribbean cooking. See also
as to give a light brown colour to the stew black bean 1
fricassée England, France A stew of sealed

frijoles refritos Mexico Refried beans made

frijoles refritos

white meat and/or vegetable in a velouté from various beans boiled until tender with
sauce, cooked in the oven and finished with
onions, garlic, chillies, seasoning and
a liaison of egg yolks and cream
sometimes skinned tomatoes, drained,
fricaude France A rich Lyonnaise stew of pigs’

mashed, mixed with fried onions, reheated

offal and served as an accompaniment or as a dip
Fridatten Austria Thin strips of pancake used

frijoles rojos Spain Kidney beans

frijoles rojos

as a garnish
frikadeller Denmark, Sweden Small

fried bean curd Cubes of bean curd deep-

fried bean curd

meatballs of minced beef and pork with

fried to give a golden outer skin if lightly fried, grated onion, allspice, egg, seasoning and
or a crisp outer skin with just a little soft bean milk, deep or shallow-fried, served in tomato
curd in the centre sauce with potatoes and cooked red
fried cream United States As crèmes frites,
fried cream

cabbage or salad. Popular in Northern

but panéed with crushed cake crumbs and Europe. Also called fricadelle
sprinkled with sugar and rum Frikadeller Germany Small meatballs of

fried creams Crèmes frites

fried creams

minced pork, deep or shallow-fried, served

fried egg A shelled egg shallow-fried in hot
fried egg

in a tomato sauce and popular in northern

fat. The white on the top of the egg is Europe
coloured either by basting with hot fat or by frikkadel South Africa The standard German

turning the egg over when almost finished. Frikadeller

Tastes differ as to the amount of cooking frikkadels Sri Lanka An adaptation of the

required. European frikadeller made with minced beef,

fried rice Cooked rice stir-fried in oil with
fried rice

desiccated coconut, garlic, etc. and

chopped vegetables usually containing flavoured with dill or mint
spring onions, and beaten egg which is frill 1. See cutlet frill 2. Mesentery

dribbled into the mix as it is being stirred and

frío Portugal, Spain Cold

fried. Often served in place of boiled rice in

frire France To fry

Western Chinese restaurants or as a dish on

Frisch See Frischkäse

its own.
frische Leberwurst Germany Fresh liver
frische Leberwurst

fries Plural of fry


friese Netherlands A pale strong-flavoured

sausage. See also Leberwurst
frischer Hering Germany Fresh herring
frischer Hering

and very hard and dense cows’ milk cheese.

frisches Obst Germany Fresh fruit
frisches Obst

See also nagelkaas

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frischgemachte Germany Freshly cooked, frittura Italy Fried food

frischgemachte frittura

cooked to order fritura Spain Fried food


Frischkäse Fresh cheese; refers to products


friture 1. France The process of frying 2.


such as quark and cream cheese which are France Fried food 3. France Deep fat for
not left to mature. Also called Frisch frying 4. England A large oval pan fitted with
frisée France Endive (NOTE: Literally ‘curly’.)

a wire basket used for deep-frying. Usually

frise kaas Netherlands Soft cheese placed on top of the stove.
frise kaas

frit(e) France Fried frituurvet Netherlands Oil or deep fat for frying
frit frituurvet

fritella Italy A thick, yeast-raised flour and


Friulano Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd


water batter mixed with chopped vegetables, cheese from Friuli rather like a young
etc. and deep-fried Montasio with a yellow/brown rind enclosing
frites France Potato chips, chips, usually cut a firm paste containing a few small holes

thinner than the UK version frivolité France Small savouries served at the

friteuse England, France Chip pan, deep-


beginning of a formal meal or banquet

fryer frivolités France Testicles, usually of oxen or

fritieren Germany To deep-fry


sheep (colloquial) See also animelles

frito Spain Fried

frizzes United States Dried sausages made


frito de cordero Spain A lamb stew made with from coarsely chopped pork and beef
frito de cordero

cubed lamb, onions, bay, paprika, white flavoured with peppercorns and garlic and
wine and hot chilli pepper, thickened with filled into hog casings
machado frizzle, to To fry until very crisp and brown
frizzle, to

frito de verduras Spain Pisto

frito de verduras

frog One of a group of amphibian animals


fritole di lino Italy A choux pastry,

fritole di lino

most of which are edible. The European

teaspoonfuls of which are fried in a 2 cm edible frog, Rana esculenta, grows to 12 cm
depth of olive oil until the expanding ball long in the body, is green and does not have
turns itself over to complete browning taking black marks behind the eyes. It is generally
about 2 minutes in all. When cooled filled farmed for the back legs only, although it
with any thickened cream mixture and may be stuffed and eaten whole.
served warm. frogs’ legs The hind legs of frogs which when
frogs’ legs

frittata Italy An omelette made in the same


fried or stewed resemble chicken. Popular in

way as a Spanish tortilla but incorporating a France and the USA.
variety of ingredients such as cheese, froid(e) France Cold

prosciutto, precooked vegetables and pasta

froise An old English word for fritter, still in use

when qualified, e.g. apple froise
frittatine Italy Pancakes

frokost 1. Norway Breakfast 2. Denmark


frittella Italy Fritter, pancake


frittelli di Venezia Italy Balls of yeast-raised
frittelli di Venezia

frollo Italy 1. Short (of pastry) 2. Tender or


flour dough, flavoured with white wine,

high (of meat or game)
grated lemon zest and raisins soaked in
fromage France Cheese

wine, deep-fried in oil, drained and dusted

fromage affiné France Cheese which is fully
fromage affiné

with icing sugar

fritter The general name for a portion of sweet
matured and ripened
fromage à la crème France Cream cheese
fromage à la crème

or savoury food coated with batter and deep-

fried fromage à la croûte France Welsh rarebit
fromage à la croûte

fritter batter A thick coating batter made from

fritter batter

fromage à la pie France A white cheese

fromage à la pie

a smooth mixture of flour, oil and warm water prepared with full cream milk mixed with
into which stiffly beaten egg whites are herbs (NOTE: Said to resemble the black and
blended. Alternatively yeast and sugar may white plumage of the magpie.)
be used to raise the batter. fromage blanc France A very smooth-
fromage blanc

fritto Italy Fried


textured low-fat soft cheese with a fresh

fritto composto Italy A mixture of fried
fritto composto

clean taste. Made from cows’ milk with

croquettes each made from a different meat medium to low butterfat content, sometimes
fritto misto Italy Various items of boned meat flavoured. Often served for dessert in place
fritto misto

and poultry, offal and vegetables, panéed or of whipped cream.

coated in batter and deep-fried fromage de Bruxelles Belgium A low-fat
fromage de Bruxelles

fritto misto di mare Italy As fritto misto, but

fritto misto di mare

tangy rindless cheese made from

with fish or shellfish. Served with lemon pasteurized cows’ milk. Also called
wedges. brusselkaas, hettekees

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fruit cake

fromage de monsieur France A soft cows’ frozen yoghurt A dessert similar to ice cream
fromage de monsieur frozen yoghurt

milk cheese similar to, but milder than, made from a mixture of yoghurt, sugar and
Camembert flavourings
fromage des Pyrénées France A semi-hard Frucht Germany Fruit
fromage des Pyrénées Frucht

ewes’ milk cheese made in cylinders (up to 7 Frucht des Brotbaumes Germany Breadfruit
Frucht des Brotbaumes

kg). The paste is yellowish with a strong taste Fruchteis Germany Fruit ice

and the dry rind is sometimes coloured

Fruchtpastete Germany Fruit pie or tart

black. Also called fromage du pays

Fruchtsalat Germany Fruit salad

fromage de tête (de porc) France Brawn

fromage de tête

fructe coapte le flamă Romania Fruit fritters

fructe coapte le flamă

(NOTE: Literally ‘head cheese’.)

fromage de trappiste Belgium A semi-soft
fromage de trappiste dusted with icing sugar, sprinkled with spirits
cheese made from cows’ milk. Similar to or alcohol and flamed at the table
fructose 1. One of the three common

fromage d’Italie France A dish made from
fromage d’Italie
monosaccharides found in fruit and with a
pigs’ liver sweetening power greater than glucose or
sucrose (cane or beet sugar). Also called
fromage du curé France A strong-smelling
fromage du curé

fruit sugar, laevulose, levulose 2. One of the

cows’ milk cheese from Normandy cast in
sugars in corn syrup
frugt Denmark Fruit

fromage du pays France Fromage des

fromage du pays

frugt kage Denmark Fruit pie

frugt kage

Frühlingskäse Austria Cottage cheese mixed

fromage fondu France 1. Cheese spread 2. A

fromage fondu

small skimmed-milk goats’ cheese ripened with cream, caraway seeds and chopped
in grape seeds. See also Tomme au raisin chives and parsley
Frühlingsuppe Germany Spring vegetable

fromage fort France A mixture of overripe

fromage fort

dessert cheese mixed with herbs, spices, oil soup based on a meat stock
Frühstück Germany Breakfast

and spirits, sealed in pots and left to mature

to the strength required. Very strong-tasting Frühstückkäse Germany A cheese similar to

and piquant. Limburger used as a breakfast cheese

fromage frais France A soft young cultured
fromage frais

fruit England, France, Netherlands The seed-


cheese with a pleasant fresh flavour, often bearing part of any growing plant, but
enriched with cream. Used as a dessert generally restricted to those fruits in which
mixed or flavoured with fruit and since it does the seeds are unimportant and the flesh or
not curdle when boiled, used as a cream juice sac surrounding the seeds contains,
substitute. when ripe, a high proportion of sugar plus
fromage glacé France Cheese-shaped ice various esters which give the fruit its
fromage glacé

cream distinctive flavour. The natural function of

fromager France To add grated cheese
such fruits is to be eaten by animals who as
fromaget France Cheesecake
a result disperse the seeds. Some fruit trees
fromez Middle East A mild goats’ milk cheese
and bushes have been bred to have infertile
from Israel seeds with no or only vestigial seeds.
fruit and almond tartlets Ireland Equal
fruit and almond tartlets

Froschschenkel Germany Frogs’ legs


frossen fløde Denmark Frozen whipped

frossen fløde
quantities of butter, caster sugar and ground
cream, used for decoration almonds mixed and baked in tartlet moulds
at 180°C till straw-coloured. Filled before
frost, to 1. To give items especially soft fruits
frost, to

serving with fruit and whipped cream.

and the rims of glasses or coupes a frosty
fruit à pain France Breadfruit
fruit à pain

appearance by dipping in lightly whipped

fruit batter pudding England A baked
fruit batter pudding

egg white then in caster sugar and leaving to

dry 2. United States To ice (a cake) pudding mixture from Yorkshire containing
frosting United States American frosting
pieces of fresh fruit
fruit bread Bread made from a sweetened
fruit bread

frozen food Particular foods, made-up or

frozen food

partially made-up dishes which have been and possibly egg and butter enriched yeast
frozen to –20°C and which can be stored for dough, containing dried vine fruits and
a least 6 weeks and generally much longer. It sometimes spices, candied peel and citrus
is generally stated that once defrosted, zest. Also called fruit loaf
fruit butter See fruit cheese
fruit butter

frozen foods cannot be refrozen but there is

fruit cake 1. A generic term for cake mixes
fruit cake

no justification for this rule providing the

period at greater than 0°C is less than an containing various amounts of dried vine
hour. Frozen foods have generally been fruits, glacé cherries and chopped candied
prepared for use prior to freezing. peel 2. United States Candied fruits, dried

233 Page 234 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

fruit chat

vine fruits and nuts, bound together with just fruit pudding United Kingdom Basic steamed
fruit pudding

sufficient cake mixture to hold the fruit pudding mixture with soaked dried vine fruits
together when baking equal to half the weight of flour added in
fruit salad A mixture of sliced, or whole if
fruit chat fruit salad

fruit chat South Asia A fruit and vegetable

salad served on lettuce made from boiled small, fresh fruit and presoaked dried fruits
waxy potato, deseeded and peeled in fruit juice or a plain or flavoured sugar
cucumber, banana, papaya, mango, syrup, served as a dessert often with cream,
pineapple and apple all cubed, and orange custard, yoghurt or crème fraîche
segments, sprinkled with chat masala and fruits cuits France Stewed fruit
fruits cuits

lemon juice fruits de mer France Seafood, i.e. shellfish,

fruits de mer

crustaceans, etc. but excluding oysters

fruit cheese

fruit cheese A solid preserve made by boiling

a purée of fruit with sugar to form a mixture (NOTE: Literally ‘fruits of the sea’.)
which when cooled and set can be sliced like fruits glacés France Candied fruit
fruits glacés

cheese fruit snow Lightly sweetened fruit purée

fruit snow

fruit cocktail

fruit cocktail A mixture of various diced, combined with egg whites which have been
possibly parboiled fruits, with cherries and beaten with icing sugar
fruit soup Central Europe, Scandinavia A
fruit soup

other whole small fruit, in a sugar syrup.

Used in desserts, pies, tarts, etc. popular soup made from sweetened stewed
fruit crumble

fruit crumble United Kingdom A dessert or fruit thickened with fécule, arrowroot, corn
pudding made from fruit and sugar in an flour or fine semolina and flavoured with
oven proof dish, topped with a crumble wine, lemon juice or vanilla
fruit sponge pudding A baked pudding rather
fruit sponge pudding

mixture, baked in the oven and eaten hot

with cream, custard or ice cream. Also called like a fruit crumble but with a topping of
fruit streusel Victoria sponge mixture
fruits rafraîchis France Fruit salad
fruits rafraîchis
fruit curd

fruit curd Mixtures of sugar and butter

fruit streusel United States Fruit crumble
fruit streusel

thickened with egg yolks over a double boiler

fruit sugar See fructose
fruit sugar

and flavoured with various fruits. The most

common is lemon curd. fruit syrup Fruit flavoured sugar syrup made
fruit syrup

fruit de la passiflore France Passion fruit

fruit de la passiflore
from fruit juices and water, used for
flavouring and as a drink base
fruit essence An essence extracted from a
fruit essence

fruit turnover As apple turnover, but with

fruit turnover

fruit-flavoured yoghurt various fruits
fruit-flavoured yoghurt Yoghurt mixed with fruit yoghurt Yoghurt to which has been
fruit yoghurt

fruit juice, fruit flavouring or essences,

added a sterilized mixture of suitably sized
usually sweetened, often coloured and fruit pieces in a sugar syrup
thickened with starch
frukost Sweden Breakfast

fruit fritters Largish slices or pieces of raw

fruit fritters

frukt Norway, Russia, Sweden Fruit


fruit, coated in fritter batter, deep-fried until

frukti Russia See frukt

golden brown, drained, dusted with icing

frukt-kräm Sweden Puréed fruit

sugar and eaten hot

fruktpai Norway Fruit pie
fruit jelly

fruit jelly 1. A gelatine-set dessert made from

fruktpaj Sweden Fruit pie

sweetened fruit juice or fruit flavoured water,

frullato Italy Whisked or whipped

also used in trifles 2. A jam or preserve made

frumento Italy Wheat

from strained and clear fruit juice boiled with

sugar and set with fruit pectin if necessary frumenty United Kingdom A medieval

fruit juice

fruit juice Liquid extracted from raw or pudding made from frumenty wheat boiled
cooked fruit used for flavouring, as a starter with milk and presoftened dried vine fruits,
or appetizer or as a drink thickened if necessary with flour, sweetened
fruit leather and spiced with cinnamon, allspice or
fruit leather United States An early method of nutmeg. Traditionally eaten at Christmas,
preserving fruit by mixing fruit purée with Easter and in Lent. Served with butter, cream
brown sugar or honey, spreading on a baking
or rum. Also called furmenty, fumenty,
sheet and drying in a slow oven. It was then thrumenty
cut in strips and dusted with sugar. Also
frumenty wheat Hulled or pearled wheat,
frumenty wheat

called leather
fruit loaf
soaked in excess water and a pinch of salt for
fruit loaf See fruit bread 24 hours, excess water poured off and the
fruit pie

fruit pie A pie with a base and top of pastry remaining softened wheat stirred over heat
filled with fruit, sweetened if necessary until it boils, cooled and used to make
before baking frumenty. Also called cree’d wheat

234 Page 235 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

functional foods

frushie Scotland Brittle or crumbly fugath South Asia A style of cooking in which
frushie fugath

fruta Portugal, Spain Fruit

vegetables are fried with onions and spices
fugu Japan The puffer fish, Fugu rubripes,

fruta azucarada Spain Candied fruit

fruta azucarada

fruta del arbol del pan Spain Breadfruit

fruta del arbol del pan
whose liver and blood contain a deadly nerve
poison. The flesh is used in sashimi and this
frutas del mar Spain Shellfish and edible
frutas del mar

contains just enough of the poison to give a

crustaceans, etc.
tingling sensation in the lips. Only licensed
frutas doces Portugal Sugar plums, i.e. plums
frutas doces

chefs may prepare the fish. Several deaths

preserved by soaking in sugar syrup then occur yearly in Japan from consuming
draining incorrectly prepared fugu.
frutta Italy Fruit

fu jook pin China Bean curd sticks

fu jook pin

frutta candita Italy Candied fruit

frutta candita

fuki Japan Coltsfoot stalks


frutti di mare Italy Shellfish

frutti di mare

Fukien cooking The cooking of the eastern

Fukien cooking

frutto dell’albero del pane Italy Breadfruit

frutto dell’albero del pane

coast province of China between Shanghai

fry The collective noun for the pair of testicles

and Canton. It includes delicate soups,

of a lamb or calf (thus lamb’s fry), skinned sucking pig, seafood, egg rolls and makes
then fried, braised or stewed. Sometimes extensive use of soya sauce.
used of other offal. fukusa-zushi Japan A sushi rolled in a thin

fry, to To cook food in hot fat or oil at

fry, to

pancake. See also chakin-zushi

temperatures which seal the surface rapidly. ful Egypt Brown beans. Also called ful

May be in shallow or deep fat or oil. medames

fryer 1. United States A young chicken

full-cream milk Pasteurized unskimmed milk

full-cream milk

suitable for frying 2. The pan used for deep- with a minimum 3% butterfat content
frying (average 3.8%). Also called whole milk,
frying basket See chip basket
frying basket

silver top
frying batter. A batter of flour and water (4:5), full-fat soft cheese A soft white cheese with
frying batter. full-fat soft cheese

plus salt and/or oil and/or whole egg or stiffly a butterfat content between 20 and 45%
beaten egg white (4 eggs per kg of flour) made from cows’ milk. Used for dessert or
frying pan A shallow circular pan with
frying pan

outwardly sloping sides, a heavy base and a Füllung Germany Stuffing

long handle. Used for shallow frying. ful medames Egypt 1. A brown dried bean
ful medames

fry kettle United States Deep-fryer

fry kettle

similar to a broad bean. Also called ful 2. A

fry-up England An informal dish of fried

dish of ful medames which have been

assorted fresh or, more generally, leftover soaked and drained then casseroled for 4 to
food 7 hours to soften, cooking liquor discarded
fu Japan Wheat gluten
and the beans dressed with lemon juice,
fuarag Scotland Soured cream and toasted
olive oil, crushed garlic and seasoning
medium oatmeal (5:1) are mixed with sugar without breaking them up then garnished
with chopped hard-boiled eggs and parsley.
to taste and left for several hours to thicken.
Often eaten spread on oatcakes or with Also called el ful, foule medames
ful nabed Egypt Broad beans
ful nabed

stewed fruit.
fumaric acid See E297
fumaric acid

fudge A confection of butter, sugar and milk


fumé(e) France Smoked


which forms a soft sweet pasty mixture, used

fumenty See frumenty

as a filling for tarts or as a sweet or candy on

its own or enrobed in chocolate fumer France To smoke

fudge cake United States A rich, moist

fudge cake

fumet France 1. Aroma 2. A concentrated fish


chocolate cake which has a fudge-like or mushroom stock used for flavouring.
texture. Also called American fudge cake Made by boiling the stock with additional fish
fudge frosting United States A thick fudge-
fudge frosting

or mushrooms and aromatic vegetables,

like icing usually containing chocolate or straining off the liquid and reducing it to a
cocoa powder syrupy consistency.
fudge tart England A Gloucestershire tart fumetto Italy Fumet, concentrated stock
fudge tart fumetto

made by pouring molten hot fudge into a funchi Caribbean A pudding from the Dutch

blind baked pastry case where it solidifies West Indies made from cornmeal or corn
fuet Catalonia A long, dry-cured sausage

flour. Also called fungee

fufu West Africa A purée of yams, sweet functional foods Foods containing additional
fufu functional foods

potatoes or plantains served as the components which provide specific medical

carbohydrate source with stews or physiological benefits over and above

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those provided by the naturally occurring furi-jio Japan Hand-sprinkled salt used for

nutrients, including the more traditional salting vegetables, meats and fish. The food
supplemented foods such as bread, is laid on a salt-sprinkled board and
breakfast cereals etc. as well as those with a sprinkled with salt from above. It is usually
more ostensibly medicinal purpose, e.g. left about 40 to 60 minutes then rinsed and
Benecol, Yakult, etc. Also called dried.
nutraceuticals, pharma foods. See also furmenty See frumenty

probiotics furtaies Italy A fried pastry dessert from the


funge Central Africa A fufu-like staple porridge


Dolomite region made from a batter of milk,

from Angola made with maize meal or flour, salt, egg yolks beaten with grappa into
cassava meal which is folded stiffly whipped egg whites.

fungee Caribbean Funchi The batter is dribbled through a funnel into

funghi hot butter to make a spiral, fried on both
funghi Italy Mushrooms, fungi sides and sugared.
funghi porcini Italy Ceps. See also porcini
funghi porcini

fu ru China Bean curd cheese

fu ru

fungi The plural of fungus. Varieties of fungi


furutsujusu Japan Fruit juice


include: blewit, boletus, cep, chanterelle, fusilli Italy Pasta made into the shape of a

chestnut mushroom, common mushroom, corkscrew, hence the alternative name

field mushroom, girolle, honey fungus, horn archimede (from Archimedes’ screw pump).
of plenty, horse mushroom, Jew’s ear, Also called rotelle, tortiglione, tortiglioni,
matsutake, morel, orange peel fungus, archimede
oyster mushroom, parasol mushroom, pine fuso Italy 1. Melted or clarified. Used of butter.

mushroom, puffball, shiitake, truffle and 2. Processed. Used of cheese.

wood ear.
futari West Africa Equal quantities of squash

fungo Italy Mushroom


fun gor
and yam simmered in coconut milk with fried
fun gor China Ground pork and shrimp mixed onion, seasoned and flavoured with ground
with chopped chives or spring onions and cloves and cinnamon
light soya sauce. Made into small turnovers futomaki Japan Big roll, an assortment of

with wheat starch dough circles and items surounded by rice and wrapped in nori
steamed for 12 to 15 minutes. fuzzy melon A Chinese vegetable like a
fuzzy melon

fungus The name given in cookery to the


dumbbell-shaped courgette, but covered

fruiting body of a fungus which arises from with a fine down which grows on a vine,
the long branching thread-like strands of Benincasa hispida. It is used in its immature
mycelium which grow on decaying organic state as a vegetable and must be peeled
matter and is usually the only visible part of before use. Steamed, stir-fried or added to
the fungus. The fruiting bodies grow soup. The mature version is known as
extremely rapidly and carry the spores by Chinese vegetable marrow. Also called hairy
which the fungi are dispersed. They grow in melon, summer melon, hairy brinjal
the wild or are cultivated and are generally fyldt Denmark 1. Filled 2. Stuffed

eaten before they mature. They do not fyll Norway Stuffing


require sunlight to grow and are most colours fyllda svamphattar Sweden A dish served at
fyllda svamphattar

except green. (NOTE: The plural is fungi.) smörgåsbord consisting of parboiled

funkaso West Africa Nigerian pancakes made

mushroom caps marinated in French

from a well-mixed batter of millet flour and dressing and filled with a mixture of cleaned
water with a little sugar and salt which has sardines, grated onion, hard-boiled egg yolk.
been allowed to stand for at least 4 hours Worcestershire sauce and mayonnaise.
Fynbo Denmark A semi-hard scalded-curd

funnel cake United States A cake made by

funnel cake

running batter through a funnel into hot fat in cows’ milk cheese similar to Samsø from the
a spiral pattern. When cooked it is served island of Fyn. It has a lactic starter and the
with sugar or maple syrup. Introduced by paste is smooth and creamy with a few large
Dutch immigrants to Pennsylvania. See also holes. The brown dry rind is usually waxed.
furtaies fytt kålhode Norway Stuffed cabbage
fytt kålhode

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ga Vietnam Chicken: the preceding word gage A group of smaller plums, Prunus
ga gage

indicates which part of the chicken domestica or P. insititia, noted for their sweet
gaai laan China Chinese kale
gaai laan
flavour and pleasant smell. The two common
gaau sun China Wild rice shoots
gaau sun
varieties are the greengage and the golden
Gabelfrühstück Germany Fork breakfast, i.e.
Gagel Germany Bog myrtle

a substantial breakfast similar to an English

gai Thailand Chicken

breakfast or brunch
gai choy Chinese mustard cabbage
gai choy

gabi Philippines Taro


gai hoot China Steamed coagulated chicken

gai hoot

gacha Spain A soft pudding


gad Middle East A cows’ milk cheese similar,

blood used in soups and stews
gai larn China Chinese kale
gai larn

to the Danish Danbo, with fairly large holes

gai larn tau China Kohlrabi
gai larn tau

gädda Sweden Pike


gaimer Middle East A type of clotted cream


gado gado Indonesia A salad made from a

gado gado

mixture of bean sprouts and shredded or made from buffalo milk in Iraq
julienned vegetables, steamed until al dente, Gaisburger Marsch Germany A beef and
Gaisburger Marsch

dressed with a thick spicy sauce based on vegetable broth made from cubed chuck
onions, garlic, dry-roasted trassi, brown steak (1:4 on water) and pieces of marrow
sugar, tamarind juice, peanut butter, coconut bone simmered with a bouquet garni and
milk, ground cumin, dark soya sauce and onion clouté for 2 hours; skimmed; bouquet
ground lemon grass processed together, the garni, marrow bone and onion clouté
whole garnished with chopped hard-boiled removed; marrow from bone added back
eggs and simmered with diced root vegetables
gaelic See Galic

and leeks for 30 minutes; garnished with

gaeng Thailand Indicates liquid in a dish,
small Spätzle dumplings
Gaiskali Germany A soft goats’ milk cheese

therefore used as a prefix for stews, soups,

gai ts’ai China Chinese mustard cabbage
gai ts’ai

etc. Also called kaeng, keng

gaeng dang Thailand Red curry paste gai yau China Chicken fat
gaeng dang gai yau

gaeng jued Thailand Clear soup gajar South Asia Carrot

gaeng jued gajar

gaeng kaee Thailand A thick, slightly sweet- gaji jijim Korea Thin slices of roast beef
gaeng kaee gaji jijim

and-sour, shrimp soup flavoured with sandwiched between fried aubergine slices.
turmeric, citrus (peel, lemon grass or leaves) Served with a mixture of soya sauce and
and a variety of aromatic spices. Sometimes vinegar.
meat or chicken are substituted for shrimps. gajjar South Asia Carrot

gaeng khiao wann Thailand Curry

gaeng khiao wann

gajjar halwa South Asia A sweetmeat made

gajjar halwa

gaeng mussaman Thailand A heavily spiced from dried milk, carrots and spices rather
gaeng mussaman

beef curry with coconut and peanuts said to like fudge. Also called gajjar ka halva
have been introduced by Muslim civil gajjar ka halva See gajjar halwa
gajjar ka halva

servants from British India. Also called gajus Malaysia Cashew nut

Muslim curry, musaman curry gal Abbreviation for gallon


gaffel Denmark, Norway, Sweden Fork


galactose One of the common


gaffelbitar Sweden Small pieces of herring


monosaccharides which in combination with

gafgeer Central Asia A slotted or pierced

glucose forms lactose, the sugar in milk. It is

serving spoon from Afghanistan

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this monosaccharide liberated in the body galil Middle East A blue-veined ewes’ milk

which is responsible for lactose intolerance. cheese from Israel, similar to Roquefort
galaktoboureko Greece A traditional dessert

galingale 1. Tiger nut 2. The original


made from an egg custard set in filo pastry. European name for greater galangal, once
Also called galatoboureko considered to be an aphrodisiac
galamb Hungary Pigeon galinha Portugal Chicken
galamb galinha

galangal The roots of plants of the ginger galinha á Zambeziana South Africa A dish of
galangal galinha á Zambeziana

family respectively greater galangal, lesser chicken cooked in a lime juice, garlic and
galangal and kempferia galangal. Greater piri-piri sauce, from Mozambique
galangal has a flavour like a mixture of ginger galinha recheada Portugal Chicken stuffed
galinha recheada

and pepper with a sour overtone, lesser with eggs and olives
galangal is more pungent with a hint of galinha salteada Portugal Sautéed chicken
galinha salteada

cardamom and eucalyptus, whilst kempferia

galinhola Portugal 1. Woodcock 2. Moorhen

galangal has a stronger taste and is the

Galium odoratum Botanical name Sweet
variety found dried and sliced in the West.
galani Italy A Venetian snack of crisp, wafer-

Galium verum Botanical name Lady’s

thin, deep-fried strips of pastry, dusted with bedstraw
icing sugar. Also called cenci, frappe
gallates Esters of gallic acid used as

galantina 1. Italy Galantine (of meat) 2.


antioxidants in oils, fats and essential oils

Portugal Aspic only. Those available are propyl gallate,
galantine England, France Boned white

E310, octyl gallate, E311 and dodecyl

meat, possibly stuffed and rolled, cooked gallate, E312.
and pressed into a symmetrical shape and gallera, in Italy Wrapped in a beef and/or
gallera, in

glazed with aspic ham slice

galapong Philippines A dough made with

Gallert Germany 1. Gelatine 2. Jelly


ground rice and left standing overnight to galleta Spain Biscuit


partially ferment. Used for making sweet

galletta Italy 1. Wafer 2. Biscuit 3. Hard tack

4. Ship’s biscuit
galatoboureko See galaktoboureko

galletto Italy Cockerel, young cock chicken


galego lime West Indian lime

galego lime

gallina Italy, Spain Hen


galera Spain Mantis shrimp


gallinaccio Italy 1. Turkey, turkey cock 2.


galette France 1. A round flat sweet or


Chanterelle, the fungus

savoury cake or biscuit made from a variety gallinaceous The generic description of an

of foods, e.g. puff pastry, shortbread, batter, order of heavy-bodied ground-living birds
almond paste, potatoes, etc. 2. A buckwheat Galliformes which include the domestic fowl,
or brown flour pancake very popular in turkey, pheasant and grouse
Brittany as a lunch dish with a sweet or
gallina de Guinea Spain Guinea fowl
gallina de Guinea

savoury filling
gallina di faraona Italy Guinea fowl
gallina di faraona

galette de la chaise-dieu France A sweetish

galette de la chaise-dieu

gallina pepitoria Spain Fried chicken served

gallina pepitoria

goats’ milk cheese from the Auvergne

with a sauce of pounded garlic, almonds and
galette des Rois France A galette made from
galette des Rois

hard-boiled egg yolks

puff pastry for the twelfth night after
gallinella Italy 1. Hen 2. Boiling fowl 3.

Christmas. A single bean is baked in the

galette which brings luck to the person Woodcock
gallinella d’acqua Italy Moorhen
gallinella d’acqua

finding it.
gallineta 1. Spain Bluemouth, the fish 2.

Galia melon A variety of musk melon with

Galia melon

green flesh and a green to yellow skin. It is South America Guinea fowl
gallino rennet A type of rennet extracted from
gallino rennet

sweet, juicy and fragrant.

Galic Scotland A rich full cream soft cows’
the gizzard lining of chickens or turkeys
milk cheese. It is flavoured with the chopped which produces a delicate curd
gallo Italy Cock, rooster, male chicken

leaves of wild garlic (ransons) and covered

with rolled oats and chopped nuts. Also gallo cedrone Italy Grouse
gallo cedrone

called gaelic gallo di bosque Italy Grouse

gallo di bosque

Galician cabbage Portuguese cabbage

Galician cabbage

gallon 1. United Kingdom The old imperial


gali foto Africa Cooked cassava flour served

gali foto

liquid measure still found in recipes. 1

with fried lobster or shrimp and a sauce of imperial gallon equals 4.54 litre, 160 fluid oz,
fried onions, tomatoes, eggs, spices and 8 pints or 32 gills. 2. United States The liquid
corned beef measure still in use in the USA. 1 US gallon

238 Page 239 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM


equals 3.78 litres. (NOTE: Both are and seasonings, baked in a hinged oval
abbreviated gal.) mould and filled when cool with aspic jelly
galupe Italy Grey mullet game pie mould An oval metal mould
galupe game pie mould

galuptzes A Jewish speciality consisting of


consisting of two side pieces and a base

blanched cabbage leaves wrapped around a which all clip together, often fluted. Used for
filling of meat and rice. See also holishkes raised game and pork pies.
game pudding United Kingdom The cooked
game pudding

Galway oyster festival Ireland An annual

Galway oyster festival

festival in celebration of the oyster held flesh of game pounded with liver of the same
annually at the end of September in this animal together with bread and game stock
attractive Irish town or mashed potatoes and butter and packed
gamat Philippines Nori
into suitable casings
game sausage Trimmed flesh of game
game sausage

gamba France, Spain A large Mediterranean


prawn, especially the crevette rose du large minced with lean ham, then processed with
gambas a la plancha Spain Grilled prawns
gambas a la plancha
butter, seasoning, sweet red peppers and
gamberello Italy Common prawn
mace and packed into suitable casings
game stock As for brown beef stock but
game stock

gamberetti Italy Small shrimps


substituting game bones for beef bones. Also

gamberetti di mare Italy Prawns
gamberetti di mare

called fond de gibier

gamberettino Italy Shrimp

gamey Used to describe the smell and flavour


gamberetto grigio Italy Brown shrimp

gamberetto grigio

of meat and game which has been hung. In

gambero Italy Crayfish

meat such a smell would indicate that it had

gambero di acqua dolce Italy Freshwater
gambero di acqua dolce

hung too long. In game this is the smell and

crayfish flavour required to indicate that the meat has
gambero di mare Italy Lobster
gambero di mare

been sufficiently tenderized.

gambero imperiale Italy A Mediterranean gamma-linoleic acid A fatty acid obtained
gambero imperiale gamma-linoleic acid

king prawn. See also caramote from the seeds of the evening primrose, used
gambero rosa Italy A large Mediterranean as a medicine
gambero rosa

prawn, crevette rose du large Gammelost Norway A soft, cooked-curd,


gambero rosso Italy A large king prawn, blue-veined cheese made from
gambero rosso

crevette rouge unpasteurized skimmed cows’ milk. The

gambes a la planxa Catalonia Prawns
gambes a la planxa
natural Streptococcus lactis acts as a starter
cooked on the griddle and the curd is inoculated with Penicillium
gambrel The hock of an animal
roquefortii and ripened for 4 weeks at high
game Wild birds and animals hunted for food,
humidity to give the blue veining and a heavy
generally only in season at certain times of growth on the rind which give it its strong
the year. Some animals and birds such as flavour.
gammiris Sri Lanka Peppercorn

quail, rabbit and deer, which are now reared

gammon The name given to a whole hind leg

for the table in captivity, are still classed as

game. The flavour of true game is supposed cut from a side of bacon after curing. It has a
to be related to the intermittence of its food lighter cure than ham and is either used as
and its more stressful life than a domestic bacon or cut into thick (1 cm) gammon
animal or bird. See under individual types: rashers or steaks.
boar, capercaillie, deer, duck, goose, grouse, gammon corner A large triangular joint of
gammon corner

partridge, pheasant, wood pigeon, meat cut from a boned gammon

ptarmigan, quail, rabbit, snipe, teal, widgeon gammon hock The knuckle (foot) end of
gammon hock

and woodcock. gammon containing more sinews and

game chips See crisps
game chips

connective tissue than usual. Suitable for

gamecock The male of the wild fowl

boiling, stewing and braising. The meat is

game farce Farce de gibier
game farce
often used in pies. Also called gammon
game fish Fish which are caught by rod or line
game fish
gammon knuckle See gammon hock
gammon knuckle

for sport as well as for food, e.g. wild salmon,

gammon slipper A triangular piece of lean
gammon slipper

trout, shark, etc.

game herbs The principal herbs used with
game herbs
meat cut from a gammon. It is smaller than a
game are basil, bay, juniper, lovage, gammon corner and is used for boiling.
gammon steak A thick slice of bacon cut from
gammon steak

marjoram, rosemary, sage, savory and thyme

game pie United Kingdom A traditional raised
game pie
across a boned gammon
Gamonedo Spain A strong, smoked, blue-

pie with a pastry top made with hot water

pastry and filled with pieces of boned game, veined cheese made in Asturia from a
rump steak, lean ham, pork sausage meat mixture of cows’, goats’ and ewes’ milk and

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similar to Cabrales. After smoking, it is garbanzo Spain Chick pea


wrapped in fern leaves and matured for 2 garbanzo pea Chick pea
garbanzo pea

months. garbure France A thick vegetable soup from


ganache France A chocolate-flavoured cream


Béarn containing beans, garlic, herbs,

mixture used as a filling or topping for cakes seasoning, preserved meats (duck, goose,
pastries, etc., made from cream and melted turkey or ham), and sometimes chestnuts.
chocolate with flavourings and sometimes Served over slices of bread.
butter. The quality depends on the quality of Garcinia indica Botanical name Kokum
the chocolate. Garcinia mangostana Botanical name
gan bian siji dou China Stir-fried sliced
gan bian siji dou

French beans garde manger England, France The larder
garde manger

gander The male goose


area of a kitchen used for preparing cold

gandhmul South Asia Zedoary

buffets, canapés, hors d’oeuvre and the like

gan dia fen China Corn flour and for preparing meat, fish and shellfish
gan dia fen

gandules Caribbean Pigeon peas, from

ready for cooking by others
garden cress See cress
garden cress

Puerto Rico
ganmodoki Japan Fried patties of bean curd garden egg Aubergine
ganmodoki garden egg

mixed with vegetables and spices garden orach Orach

garden orach

gans Netherlands Goose


garden pea See pea

garden pea

Gans Germany Goose


garden rue See rue

garden rue

Gänschen Germany Gosling


garden thyme See thyme

garden thyme

Gänsebraten Germany Roast goose


Gardinia schomburgiana Botanical name

Gänsebrust Germany Breast of goose

Madun (2)
Gänseleberpastete Germany Goose live pâté,

gardon France Roach, the freshwater fish


pâté de foie gras garfish A long (up to 60 cm) slender seawater


Gänseleberwurst Germany A fine goose liver


fish, Belone belone, with green bones and a

Kochwurst firm flesh, greeny-blue in colour with a silver
Gänseweisssauer Germany Goose cut into

underside and found on most European

small pieces, simmered in water with coasts. Usually skinned before cooking. Also
vinegar, seasoning and herbs until tender, called gar, garpike, longnose
reserved, cooled and served covered with garganelli Italy Home-made macaroni

the strained and clarified cooking liquor garhi yakhni South Asia A highly reduced
garhi yakhni

cooled over ice until viscous but not set. meat stock similar to glace de viande. See
Extra gelatine added if necessary. also yakhni
ganso Portugal, Spain Goose

gari 1. A coarse flour or meal rather like


ganth gobhi South Asia Kohlrabi

ganth gobhi

coarse semolina made from dried cassava.

gan zi China Orange
gan zi

Used as a source of carbohydrate. An instant

gao Vietnam Uncooked rice form is made by moistening, fermenting,

Gaperon See Gapron

drying and then dry-frying the ground
Gapron A dome-shaped low-fat, soft and
cassava. Also called garri 2. Japan Wafer-
supple cheese made in the Auvergne from thin slices of pickled ginger. See also
skimmed cows’ milk or buttermilk and benishoga
garibaldi A soft, thin, rectangular biscuit

flavoured with garlic. Also called Gaperon

gar See garfish
consisting of a layer of minced currants
garam Indonesia Salt
between two layers of soft sweet biscuit
gari foto West Africa Dry-fried gari softened
gari foto

garam masala South Asia A blend of ground

garam masala

spices with many variants meant either to be with water then folded into a type of piperade
sprinkled on food just before it is served, to made with onions, tomatoes and eggs.
be added towards the end of cooking, or to Usually served in Ghana for breakfast or
be used to form an aromatic crust on foods lunch with red beans and tomato sauce.
garithes Greece Prawns

which are bland and simple. Typically it will

garland chrysanthemum A hardy perennial,
garland chrysanthemum

contain black pepper, black cumin,

cinnamon, cloves, mace, cardamom, Chrysanthemum coronarium, whose flowers
coriander seed and bay leaf, all dry-fried or are used in Chinese cooking. The seed may
roasted then dried and ground. Blends also be sewn thickly like cress and the young
include: Moghul masala, Gujarati masala, leaves used in salads or stir-fried. Also called
Kashmiri masala, parsi dhansak masala, chop suey greens, chrysanthemum greens,
chat masala, char masala and green masala. edible chrysanthemum

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garlic The cluster of small bulbs that grow at pork and beef coarsely minced, cured

the base of a plant, Allium sativum, after the separately (4% curing salt) in the refrigerator
first season of growth. Each segment or for 36 hours, finely minced with garlic, mixed
‘bulblet’ is called a clove and the whole with extenders, packed into weasands or
cluster is called a ‘head’ of garlic. Each clove large casings and hot smoked
gives rise to a new head after one season. garmerong Romania Red chilli pepper

The clove consists of a white pungent, blended with a little water, olive oil, ground
peppery flesh in a relatively tough skin. This walnuts. See also muhamara
is easily removed by squashing the clove. garmucia Italy A mixed vegetable soup from

When raw, the smell and taste are very strong Tuscany
and a cut clove run around a bowl will flavour garmugia Italy Beef stewed with peas and

anything contained within it. When cooked it artichokes

loses most of its pungency. Very widely used garnacha Mexico A turnover made with tortilla

in cookery throughout the world. It has been dough, filled with a savoury stuffing and
considered as an aid to good health since cooked. Used as an appetizer or snack. Also
antiquity and is now thought to have anti- called picada, sope
cancer properties.
garnalen Netherlands Very small shrimps

garlic bread A long thin French loaf cut

garlic bread

Garnelen Germany Brown shrimps


almost through transversely at 2 to 4 cm

garni Garnished with vegetables; past

intervals, a pat of garlic butter put in each cut

participle of garnir
and the whole, wrapped loosely in
garnir France To garnish

aluminium foil and baked in the oven until

garnish A decoration, always edible, added to

the butter has melted, and the outside

become crisp (180°C for 15 minutes.) a savoury dish to enhance its appearance,
garlic butter A compound butter made by
garlic butter
ranging from the simple sprig of a herb, to
processing butter, garlic, salt and chopped very elaborate garnishes which are often
parsley to a smooth paste more difficult to prepare than the main dish
garniture France Garnish

garlic chive A type of Chinese chive with a

garlic chive

garofano di mare Italy Sea anenome

garofano di mare

pronounced garlic taste used as a flavouring

garofolato Italy 1. With cloves 2. A pot roast of

garlic clove An individual segment of a head

garlic clove

of garlic, covered in a thin layer of papery beef with tomatoes and wine, flavoured with
skin cloves
garotes Catalonia Sea urchins’ eggs served

garlic dressing A salad dressing (French or

garlic dressing

vinaigrette), flavoured with crushed garlic raw with bread and spring onions or garlic
garoupa One of the grouper family of fish,

garlic head The cluster of garlic cloves that

garlic head

grows beneath the soil Plectropomous leopardus, which is found

around the coasts of China and Southeast
garlic mustard An early flowering perennial or
garlic mustard

Asia. It is up to 1 m in length and comes in

biennial wild herb, Alliaria petiolata, growing two types. Red garoupa is pink with orange
to 1 m. The heart-shaped indented leaves red spots and blue garoupa is red with blue
have a slight garlic flavour and may be spots. Prized in Chinese cooking.
included in salads or boiled as a vegetable.
garpike See garfish

Also called jack-by-the-hedge

garretto Italy 1. Shin beef 2. Knuckle or hock

garlic powder Finely ground dried garlic flesh

garlic powder

garri See gari


garlic press A small implement rather like a

garlic press

Gartenkresse Germany See cress


lever type nut cracker with a receptacle with

Gartenraute Germany Rue, the herb

a perforated base on one arm to hold the

Gartensalat Germany Lettuce

clove of garlic and a piston on the other

garum Fermented fish made into a paste used

which when pressed into the receptacle

pushes the flesh of the garlic though the by the ancient Romans as a flavouring.
perforations thus effectively chopping and Probably like some of the East Asian fish
crushing it pastes.
gås Denmark, Norway, Sweden Goose

garlic purée Puréed garlic flesh with

garlic purée

gåsestak Norway Roast goose


preservative, and possibly oil and salt.

Available in tubes or jars to use for flavouring gåsesteg Denmark Roast goose

in the same way as tomato purée. gashneez Central Asia Coriander


garlic salt Dried and ground garlic mixed with

garlic salt

gåsleverkorv Sweden A goose liver sausage


salt used for flavouring made with minced goose liver mixed with
garlic sausage United Kingdom A smooth
garlic sausage

boiled rice, sweated chopped onions, raisins,

pale-coloured slicing sausage made from corn syrup, seasoning and chopped

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marjoram, loosely packed in the unbroken gâteau Pithiviers France Two layers of puff
gâteau Pithiviers

neck skin of the goose, tied and simmered pastry with a rich cream filling containing
until cooked. Served cold or in made up almonds and rum (NOTE: From Pithiviers)
dishes. gâteau Saint Honoré France A circle of
gâteau Saint Honoré

gåsleverpastej Sweden One goose liver finely


cooked shortcrust or sugar pastry, biscuit or

minced with one third of it weight of lean sponge, with a circle of choux pastry piped
pork and one third its weight of suet, passed around the edge, topped with choux buns
through a coarse sieve, mixed with ground filled with whipped cream and coated with
cloves, bayleaf and nutmeg, seasoned, caramel, the centre filled with crème
placed in a covered greased mould and pâtissière and the whole decorated
cooked in a bain-marie in a medium oven for gâteaux à apéritif France Small savoury
gâteaux à apéritif

30 to 40 minutes biscuits
gas mark A scale of temperature, written as
gas mark

gato marino Spain Lesser spotted dogfish

gato marino

GM, peculiar to gas ovens and based on an gato pardo Spain Larger spotted dogfish
gato pardo

arbitrary scaling of the first oven thermostat

gatto, gatto di patate Italy Seasoned mashed

when °F were in use. The relationship to

potatoes enriched with eggs, milk and
temperature is as follows:- GM1/4 110°C,
Parmesan cheese, half of the mixture spread
225°F; GM1/2 130°C, 250°F; GM1 140°C,
in a flat oven-proof dish, covered with
275°F; and thereafter 25°F per unit until
Mozzarella and/or other cheeses or fillings,
GM9 240°C, 475°F. Also called regulo
covered with the remainder of the mixture,
gåsöga Sweden As solöga, but with rings of

gratinated with breadcrumbs and baked

anchovy, onion and dill until crisp on top
gaspereau Alewife

gattuccio Italy Lesser spotted dogfish


gass Middle East Doner kebab


Gätupgelter Germany Channel catfish


gastaurello Italy Skipper, the fish


gaucho Argentina A rich-tasting firm cheese


gastronome A connoisseur of fine food and


made from skimmed cows’ milk resembling

wine Port-Salut
gastronomy The study and knowledge of fine

gau choy China Chinese chive or garlic chive

gau choy

food and wine gau choy fa Flowering chive with a mild

gau choy fa

gastropod The name given to any mollusc


(soft bodied invertebrates without segments gau choy sum China Flowering chive with a
gau choy sum

or limbs) with a hard, one piece outer shell, strong flavour

sometimes coiled, such as the abalone,
gaufres Belgium, France Rectangular waffles

snail, whelk, winkle, etc. Also called univalve

made by cooking a pancake mixture with
gata Philippines Coconut

raising agent between two hot indented

gà tây Vietnam Turkey
gà tây

metal plates (gaufrier) to give a large surface

gâteau 1. France Cake 2. England, France An

to volume ratio. Served with butter or sugar

elaborate cake sliced for a dessert made syrup.
from layers of sponge, biscuit or pastry or a gaufrette France Wafer

mixture of these interspersed with sweet Gaultheria procumbens Botanical name

fillings and decorated Wintergreen
gâteau au fromage France Cheesecake
gâteau au fromage

gaur See guar bean


gâteau aux amandes France Almond cake

gâteau aux amandes

gaur bean See guar bean

gaur bean

gâteau d’anniversaire France Birthday cake

gâteau d’anniversaire

gau wong China Yellow chives, i.e. Chinese

gau wong

gâteau de patate Caribbean Cooked sweet

gâteau de patate

chives which have been blanched by

potato mashed with ripe banana and sugar growing them in the dark
(12:2:3) and eggs (3 per kg of potato), ga xao xa ot Vietnam Chicken stir-fry with
ga xao xa ot

flavoured with coconut cream, vanilla lemon grass and chillies

essence, cinnamon and nutmeg then let gayette France A small Provençal crépinette

down to a thick pouring mixture with made with pigs’ liver, fat bacon and possibly
evaporated milk, baked in a buttered tin for pork, diced, finely seasoned and flavoured
90 minutes at 180°C, turned out, cooled and with garlic and spice, wrapped in pig’s caul
served with cream or coquimol (NOTE: From and tied, baked in the oven in lard or stock.
Haiti) Served hot or cold.
gâteau de riz France Rice pudding
gâteau de riz

gazpacho Spain A cold soup based on stale


gâteau de semoule France Semolina

gâteau de semoule

bread, garlic, oil and vinegar pounded to a

pudding paste and mixed with water, nowadays
gâteau noir France Créole Christmas cake
gâteau noir

incorporating various salad ingredients such

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as tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, gefüllter Gansenhals Germany A goose liver

gefüllter Gansenhals

leaves and herbs. The bread is often omitted. sausage made from chopped goose liver and
gdra North Africa The lower part of a

pork, mixed with breadcrumbs and

couscousière in which the meat and seasoning, bound with egg, stuffed into the
vegetables are cooked to produce steam. intact skin of the goose’s neck, tied and fried
See also kskas in goose fat. Eaten cold.
gefüllter Rinderbraten Germany Rib roast of
gefüllter Rinderbraten

ge China Pigeon

Gebäck Germany Fancy pastries, tortes, rolls,

beef stuffed with onions, celery, carrots and
biscuits, generally eaten in the afternoons hard-boiled eggs
gefüllter Schöpsenrücken Germany Roast
gefüllter Schöpsenrücken

gebacken Germany 1. Fried 2. Baked


and stuffed saddle of mutton

gebackene Eier Germany Fried egg. Also
gebackene Eier

gegrillt Germany Grilled


called Spiegeleier
gehakt Netherlands Chopped

gebackene Kartoffeln Germany Baked

gebackene Kartoffeln

gehaktballetjes Netherlands Meatballs


Geheimratskäse Austria, Germany A semi-

gebakjes Netherlands 1. Pastries 2. Tartlets


hard, scalded-curd close-textured cheese

gebakken Netherlands Fried

produced in Southern Germany. It has small

gebonden soep Netherlands 1. Cream soup
gebonden soep

holes and a delicate taste and is enclosed in

2. Thick soup a tender rind.
gebraden Netherlands Roasted

Gehirn Germany Brains


gebraden kip Netherlands Roast or fried

gebraden kip

Gehirnwurst Germany A sausage made from


chicken a mixture of 2 parts pigs’ brain, 1 part lean

gebraten Germany Roasted

pork and 1 part pork fat, chopped, seasoned

gebunden Germany Thickened (as of sauces)
and flavoured with mace, filled into hog
casings, linked in pairs, boiled for 5 minutes
gedämpfte Ente Germany Steamed duck
gedämpfte Ente

then cooled. Served fried in butter.

gedämpfte Rinderbrust Germany Beef,
gedämpfte Rinderbrust

gekocht Germany 1. Boiled 2. Cooked


marinated in wine and slowly braised with

gekookt Netherlands Boiled

onions and carrots

gekristalliseerde gember Netherlands
gekristalliseerde gember

ge dan China Pigeon egg

ge dan

Crystallized ginger
gedünstete Gurke Germany Stewed
gedünstete Gurke

gel Jelly. Technically any liquid which is in a


cucumbers in a sour cream sauce

solid state by virtue of the network of strands
gedünsteter Ochsenschlepp Germany
gedünsteter Ochsenschlepp

of protein or carbohydrate which gives it a

Braised oxtail solid structure.
gee choy China Nori sheets
gee choy

gel, to To set into a jelly

gel, to

gee jook China Bean curd sticks

gee jook

gelat Catalonia Ice cream


geelbeck toutjies South Africa A traditional

geelbeck toutjies

gelatin United States Gelatine


Cape delicacy made by removing the head gelatina Italy, Spain 1. Gelatine 2. Jelly

and bones from a Cape salmon (a relative of gelatine The soluble protein obtained by

the cod) but leaving the flesh attached to the boiling bones and connective tissues in
tail. The flesh is cut into 4-cm-wide strips water and purifying it by fractional
which are salted and hung up to dry. After 5 precipitation. Produced in powder form and
hours the salt is washed off and the fish is as a purer sheet or leaf. Used extensively for
resalted lightly and hung up for seven days. gelling and setting jellies, aspic, mousses,
It is then ready to eat. etc. and adding body to sauces and soups.
gefilte fish Fish balls of ground raw fish with
gefilte fish

Since proteases break down the protein and

seasonings, or fish cutlets stuffed with the destroy the gelling action it cannot be used
same mixture, simmered in a court bouillon with raw pineapple or paw paw or other fruits
with sliced carrots and saffron. A Jewish used to tenderize meat. See also leaf
speciality served hot or cold. gelatine
Geflügel Germany 1. Poultry 2. Fowl

gélatine France Gelatine


Geflügelklein Germany Chicken giblets


Gelatine Germany Gelatine


Geflügelleber Germany Chicken livers


gelato Italy 1. Ice cream 2. Iced, frozen, or


Geflügelragout Austria A chicken and


Gelbe Rübe Germany Carrot
Gelbe Rübe

chicken giblet stew

gefüllt Germany Stuffed Gelbwurz Germany Turmeric
gefüllt Gelbwurz

gelé Sweden Jelly


gefüllte Kartoffeln Germany Stuffed baked

gefüllte Kartoffeln

gelée France 1. Jelly 2. Aspic



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gelée, en

gelée, en France 1. Garnished with chopped pulp off the seed. Also called Spanish lime,
gelée, en

jelly 2. Coated in aspic jelly chenette

geléia Portugal Jelly genmai Japan Brown rice
geléia genmai

gelinotte France Hazel hen genoa cake A fruit cake decorated with
gelinotte genoa cake

gelling agent Any substance which when

gelling agent
almonds or brazil nuts
genoese A light sponge cake made from

dissolved in a liquid will enable it to set into a

gel creamed eggs and sugar into which molten
gelo Italy Ice

butter is rapidly whisked to form a stable

gelo di melone Italy The diced and sieved
gelo di melone
emulsion. Sifted flour is then folded in prior
pulp of watermelon, sweetened, thickened to baking. Also called génoise, genoese cake,
with arrowroot or fécule, flavoured with genoese sponge
genoese cake, genoese sponge See genoese
genoese cake

vanilla and mixed when cool with chopped

bitter chocolate, candied fruit and pistachio genoese sponge mixture Flour, butter, caster
genoese sponge mixture

nuts, allowed to set in moulds, demoulded sugar and eggs (2:1:2:4) without raising
and sprinkled with cinnamon agent. Made up by the whisking method.
gelsomino Italy Jasmine

génoise France Genoese


gema Portugal Egg yolk


génoise, à la France In the Genoese style, i.e.

génoise, à la

gember Netherlands Ginger


including tomato sauce

gemeiner Dornhai Germany Rock salmon génoise, sauce France A purée of skinned
gemeiner Dornhai génoise, sauce

gemeiner Krake Germany Octopus

gemeiner Krake

pistachios, pine nuts and a little cold

gemeine Sepie Germany Cuttlefish
gemeine Sepie
béchamel, strained then made into a
gemelli Italy Short lengths of spaghetti twisted
mayonnaise type sauce with egg yolk, lemon
together juice and oil
genoise paste Flour, butter, caster sugar and
genoise paste

gemischt Germany Mixed


gemischter kalter Braten Germany A plate of

gemischter kalter Braten
eggs (2:1:3:5), made up using the whisking
assorted sliced cold roast meats method and used for baked desserts. Not to
be confused with genoese, which is a cake.
gemischter Salat Germany Mixed salad
gemischter Salat

genovese, alla Italy In the Genoese style, i.e.

genovese, alla

gemsenfleish Italy A dish of chamois cooked


with olive oil and garlic

in vinegar and served with polenta. From the
gen stew West Africa A fish stew from the
gen stew

alpine region.
Gambia containing onions, green sweet
Gemüse Germany Vegetables

peppers, tomatoes, garlic and chilli

Gemüsesuppe Germany Vegetable soup

gentleman’s relish England A paste made

gentleman’s relish

gendarme 1. France Popular name for red


from salted anchovies, tomatoes and

herring (hareng saur), often served as a hors extenders used as a relish and to spread on
d’oeuvre 2. France, Switzerland A small flat fingers of hot buttered toast as a savoury
rectangular spicy smoked sausage made
geoduck A large Pacific clam, Panope

with beef, pork fat, pork rind and wine. See

also Ländjäger generosa, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The flesh is
usually fried.
genevoise, sauce France A fine mirepoix of
genevoise, sauce

George’s bank flounder Winter flounder

George’s bank flounder

vegetables browned in butter with parsley,

gepökeltes Rindfleisch Italy Ham, from the
gepökeltes Rindfleisch

thyme and bayleaf, a chopped salmon head

and pepper added and stewed, the fat alpine region
geranium See scented geraniums

drained off, red wine added and reduced by

half, a fish-stock-based espagnole sauce Gerardmer Lorraine

added, simmered 1 hour, strained, skimmed geräuchert Germany Smoked


and finished with anchovy essence and geräucherte Bratwurst Germany A smoked
geräucherte Bratwurst

butter. Served with salmon and trout. Bratwurst containing 6 parts of lean pork
gen furay West Africa A snack from the
gen furay

chopped fine to 1 part of fat bacon chopped

Gambia consisting of small fried fish, coated coarsely
with a mixture of fried onions, tomatoes, Geringium foetidum Botanical name See
garlic and chilli cilantro 2
Genghis Khan griddle Mongolian barbecue
Genghis Khan griddle

germ That part of a seed, grain or nut from


gengibre Portugal Ginger


which the new plant starts to grow,

genièvre France Juniper berry equivalent to an embryo. The remainder of

genip Caribbean A small round fruit like a

the seed is the food supply for the growing
grape, from the tropical American tree, plant.
German chocolate United States A milk
German chocolate

Melicoccus bijugatus, eaten raw by removing

the skin and sucking the slightly astringent chocolate for cooking, flavoured with vanilla

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and containing additives which make it used to denote the general types of fresh
stable when heated cows’ milk cheeses sold in small tubs
German coffee A mixture of kirsch and hot geschabt Germany 1. Scraped 2. Grated 3.
German coffee geschabt

sweetened coffee topped with whipped Ground

cream and drunk through the cream geschmort Germany 1. Braised 2. Stewed

German garlic sausage See Jagdwurst

German garlic sausage

Geschnetzeltes Switzerland Fried pieces of


German lentils The original brown lentils veal and fried chopped onions simmered in
German lentils

used in British cooking since the Victorian a sauce made from wine, stock, seasoning
era and cream. Usually accompanied by Rösti.
geselchtes Austria Smoked pork or bacon

German millet Foxtail millet

German millet

gęsinka Poland A soup made from chopped


German mustard A prepared, sweetish

German mustard

mustard from Dusseldorf, often flavoured carrots, onions, celeriac and mushrooms
with herbs and spices sweated in butter until tender, passed
germano reale Italy Mallard, the wild duck
germano reale
through a sieve and mixed with beef broth,
seasoned, thickened with sour cream and
German pound cake A cake similar to genoa
German pound cake

egg yolks and finished with lemon juice and

cake but with less fruit and no almonds or
a little cooked pearl barley
brazil nuts
gesottenes Rindfleisch Germany Boiled beef
gesottenes Rindfleisch

German salami A hard, preserved and highly

German salami

and vegetables, served with horseradish

seasoned slicing sausage about 5 cm in
diameter made from finely minced pork and
gestoofd Netherlands Stewed

beef, normally flavoured with garlic and

Gestreifte Germany Red mullet, Mullus

peppercorns and contained in a casing.

Sometimes smoked. surmuletus
getmesost Sweden A Swedish version of

German sausage 1. A generic name for all

German sausage

sausages originating in Germany usually getost cheese made with the whey from
made from 100% meat products with spices, goats’ milk cheese
getost Sweden A hard goats’ milk cheese, dry-

flavourings, garlic and seasoning, often

smoked. There are three principal types: salted and ripened for 2 to 4 months and
Brühwurst, Rohwurst and Kochwurst. 2. with a dry rind
Getreide Germany Cereal

United Kingdom Luncheon sausage

germicide A disinfectant getrüffelt Germany Flavoured with truffles
germicide getrüffelt

Géromé France A cows’ milk cheese from geung China Ginger root
Géromé geung

Lorraine similar to Munster gevogelte Netherlands Poultry


Géromé anisé France Géromé cheese gevuld Netherlands Stuffed

Géromé anisé gevuld

flavoured with aniseed gevulde boterkoek Netherlands Buttercake

gevulde boterkoek

gerookt Netherlands Smoked


with a marzipan filling

gerookte paling Netherlands Smoked eel gevulde broodje Netherlands Filled bap or
gerookte paling gevulde broodje

eaten as a snack or hors d’oeuvres, bread roll

garnished with lemon and gherkin slices gevulde kalfsborst Netherlands Stuffed
gevulde kalfsborst

geroosterd brood Netherlands Toast breast of veal

geroosterd brood

gevulde kool Netherlands Cabbage rolls

gevulde kool

geröstet Germany Grilled


geröstete Kartoffeln Germany Fried potatoes

geröstete Kartoffeln
stuffed with a meat filling
gewöhnliche Herzmuschel
gewöhnliche Herzmuschel

gerst Netherlands Barley

Common cockle
Gerste Germany Barley

Gewürz Germany Spice


Gerstensuppe Germany, Italy Barley soup


Gewürzegurke Germany Pickled gherkin


containing bacon, onions and celery from

Gewürzgurkensosse Germany A seasoned

the alps
gerty meat pudding England A type of haggis
gerty meat pudding
meat stock slightly thickened with roux,
from Cornwall made from boiled pigs’ offal mixed with sweated chopped onions and
including lungs and spleen, minced with the finely chopped dill pickles (300 g per litre)
scallops from the fat and with groats, boiled and simmered 10 minutes
Gewürzkuchen Germany Spice cake

in the cooking liquor from the offal,

Gewürznelke Germany Clove, the spice

seasoned, packed into large casings, tied

and boiled ghaw-be-thot Burma Fried cabbage

Gervais France A branded soft cream cheese


flavoured with blachan

ghee South Asia Clarified unsalted butter used

generally sold in 6 individually wrapped

segments of a circle, but the name is also in Indian cooking because of its high smoke

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point in comparison with other oils and fats. ghuiyan Nepal, South Asia Yam

Also called ghi, usli ghee gia Vietnam Bean sprouts


gherigli Italy Kernels of nuts, etc.


giallo Italy Yellow


gherkin A small (up to 8 cm long) variety of


giambonetto Italy A boned leg of chicken


prickly cucumber which grows in damp shaped and tied to resemble a ham
subtropical and tropical climates. The
gianchetti Italy Very tiny fish fry. See also

immature fruits are soaked in brine and

treated with boiling vinegar. Some varieties of
gianfottere Italy A vegetable stew from

small ridge cucumbers are occasionally sold

as gherkins. Calabria made with aubergines, courgettes,
sweet peppers and herbs
ghi Ghee

giant garlic A mild garlic-flavoured bulb,

giant garlic

ghiaccio Italy 1. Ice 2. Iced


Allium scorodoprasum, of the onion family

ghiandole Italy Glands (thyroid, lymph, etc.)

with mauve flowers which develop edible

of pork aerial bulbs like the tree onion. Also called
ghiotta Italy Dripping pan used under spit-

rocambole, Spanish garlic

roasts giant granadilla A large tropical passion fruit,
giant granadilla

ghiotta, al Italy In a delicious style, nowadays

ghiotta, al

Passiflora quadrangularis, with an

with tasty vegetables and accompaniments indifferent-tasting greenish yellow fruit.
such as onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, Immature fruits are sometimes baked as a
olives, capers or raisins vegetable.
ghiotto Italy 1. Greedy 2. Delicious, appetizing

giant puffball A spherical fruit body of a

giant puffball

ghiottone Italy A gourmand


fungus, Langermannia gigantea, which can

ghiozzo Italy Goby, the fish
grow up to 30 cm in diameter but is eaten
ghiraybah Persian Gulf Shortbread biscuits
when young before the spores, which are
made with clarified butter using the made within the outer flesh, have formed.
creaming method Normally sliced, panéed and fried.
giant saxidome A large clam, Saxidomus
giant saxidome

ghisau Italy A beef stew from Sardinia made


with red wine, tomatoes and potatoes. Also gigantus, found along the west coast of North
called stuffau America down to San Diego
giant shells United States Conchiglie, pasta
giant shells

ghiu Nepal Ghee


ghiveci cǎlugǎresc Romania Fried onions
ghiveci cǎlug ǎre sc

giant west coast clam A large clam,

giant west coast clam

stewed with potatoes, carrots, celery,

aubergines, courgettes, French beans, garlic Schizothaerus nuttalli, from the west coast of
and salt. Served with roast meat and bread. the USA which lives 60 cm deep in the mud.
Also called monk’s hotchpotch It makes excellent chowder. Also called
ghivetch 1. An Armenian vegetable stew
Washington clam
giant white radish Mooli
giant white radish

made from garlic-flavoured olive oil and beef

giardiniera, alla Italy In the gardener’s style,
giardiniera, alla

stock (3:8), seasoned, flavoured with bay,

dried tarragon and oregano, brought to the i.e. with assorted fresh or pickled vegetables
boil, whatever mixed vegetables are available gia vi pha lau Vietnam Five-spice powder
gia vi pha lau

added, and the whole baked in a closed dish gibelotte France A fricassée of rabbit in wine

at 180°C for about 1 hour until all tender. usually with onions and potatoes
Quick cooking vegetables may be added
gibier France Game

towards the end. 2. Bulgaria As the

gibier à plume France Game birds
gibier à plume

Armenian version but with and egg and

gibier à poil France Game animals
gibier à poil

yoghurt topping and baked without a lid

gibier d’eau France Waterfowl
gibier d’eau

ghoriba North Africa A type of Moroccan


giblets The entrails and neck of poultry and


macaroon made with beaten whole eggs,

icing sugar and ground almonds (1:2:4), birds comprising the neck, gizzard, liver,
flavoured with lemon zest and vanilla but heart and sometimes kidneys. Used for stock
raised with baking powder (1:50 on or gravy, but livers and gizzards often used as
almonds). Baked at 180°C. Also called the basis of separate dishes.
ghriyyba Gien France A soft creamy but firm cheese

ghormehsabzi Iran Lamb chops and kidney with a fine flavour made around Orleans from

beans in a thick sauce flavoured with parsley, a mixture of goats’ and cows’ milk, matured
Persian leek, coriander and sun-dried in leaves or wood ash for about 3 weeks
lemon, served with rice gigginstown Ireland A hard, unpasteurized

ghriyyba North Africa Ghoriba



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Gigha Scotland A firm cheese made from ginestrata Italy A light mildly spiced soup
Gigha ginestrata

cows’ milk on the island of Gigha in Scotland from Tuscany made with chicken stock, egg
gigoret France Pig’s head cooked in blood
yolks, butter and white wine
gingelly South Asia Light sesame seed oil

and red wine. A dish from Poitou-Charentes.

gingembre France Ginger

gigot France Leg of lamb or deer


ginger The knobbly, buff-coloured, branching


gigot boulangère France A garlic piquéed leg

gigot boulangère

rhizome (creeping fleshy root) of a tropical

of lamb, roasted with butter at 200°C over a
plant, Zingiber officinale, with a warm aroma
thick bed of preroasted sliced potatoes
and hot burning taste. Available fresh, dried,
flavoured with chopped onions and herbs
preserved in sugar syrup and as a ground
until the lamb is cooked, the dish then
dried powder. Used extensively in all forms in
covered with foil and rested 10 minutes
all cuisines.
before serving
gingerbread 1. United Kingdom A moist fawn

gigot d’agneau à la couronne d’ail France

gigot d’agneau à la couronne d’ail

to dark brown cake made by the melting

Sealed and browned leg of lamb, pot-roasted method, sweetened with golden syrup or
with 50 to 60 cloves of garlic, sweet white treacle and flavoured with powdered ginger
wine, brandy and seasoning. Served with root. May be decorated with slices of
defatted pot juices and a fresh green salad. preserved ginger. 2. United States A ginger-
gigot lamb chops England The North of
gigot lamb chops

flavoured biscuit
England name for chump chops of lamb gingerbread man United Kingdom A ginger
gingerbread man

gigot of lamb Scotland A full leg of lamb

gigot of lamb

biscuit mixture rolled and cut in the shape of

gigot pourri France A leg of lamb roasted with
gigot pourri
a man (the traditional shape) and decorated
a large number of garlic cloves with currants to represent eyes and buttons.
gigue France Haunch (of venison, etc.)
Baked at 190°C until brown.
ginger buds The pink buds of various types of
ginger buds

gila Portugal A type of gourd. See also chila


ginger plant which are sliced and used as a

Gilboa Middle East A cows’ milk cheese from

garnish or eaten raw in salads. Also called

Israel similar to Edam pink ginger buds, torch ginger
gild, to 1. To glaze with beaten egg before
gild, to

ginger mint A mint type, Mentha x gentilis

ginger mint

baking. Gives a rich golden colour to the ‘variegata’, with smooth, gold-splashed
goods. 2. To coat the surface of some hard leaves and a spicy flavour. Used for
food with gold leaf for decorative purposes flavouring.
and to exhibit the wealth of the person ginger nut A small round biscuit strongly
ginger nut

serving it flavoured with ginger

gildeneh yoich Jewish chicken soup
gildeneh yoich

ginger pudding United Kingdom Basic

ginger pudding

gilead Middle East A ewes’ milk cheese from

steamed pudding mixture flavoured with
Israel resembling Kashkaval ground ginger and chopped stem ginger
ginger shoots Long thin pinkish stalks of the
ginger shoots

gili khichhari South Asia A moist version of

gili khichhari

khichhari for children and invalids ginger plant which are harvested in spring.
They are pickled in vinegar in Japan where
gill United Kingdom A fluid measure equal to

they are known as hajikama shoga. Also

one quarter of an imperial pint in the called blushing ginger
standard British and USA system,i.e. 142 ml
ginger snap A round sweet biscuit flavoured
ginger snap

and 118 ml respectively, and one eighth of a

with ginger and very crisp and crunchy
pint in Scotland. To confuse matter further a
gingko See ginkgo nut

gill of beer in England is half a pint.

ginitan Philippines Guinataan

gilt A female pig, especially a young sow


Ginkgo biloba Botanical name Maidenhair

gilt-head bream A silvery seawater bream,
gilt-head bream

Sparus aurata and Chrysophrys aurata, from ginkgo leaf cut See icho-giri
ginkgo leaf cut

the Northern Mediterranean with a gold-

ginkgo nut The kernel of the fruit of the
ginkgo nut

tinged head and fine-tasting flesh, very

maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba. From East
similar to the sea bream and easily confused
Asia but now grown around the
with it. Weighs approximately 1 kg. A related
Mediterranean. The flesh of the fruit is not
species, Chrysophrys major, is used in Japan
edible but the nuts are used in Japanese
for sashimi.
cooking. May be roasted, used in sweet or
gin Burma Ginger

savoury dishes or as a garnish or snack food.

gindungo Central Africa A type of hot chilli

ginnan Japan Ginkgo nut


pepper from Angola ginseng The roots of various members of the


ginepro Italy Juniper berry


genus Panax, found in East Asia and North

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giorno, del

America. Besides its medicinal uses it is okra and potatoes until cooked, most oil
used to flavour soups and stews. drained off the mixture, seasoned, covered
giorno, del Italy Of the day, as in dish of the
giorno, del

with slices of tomatoes, oiled and baked in

day the oven
glaçage France Icing or glazing with an egg

giovane Italy Young, new, of vegetables, etc.


Also called giovine wash

glace France 1. Ice 2. Ice cream 3. Glaze, i.e.

giovine Italy Giovane


girasol France, Spain Sunflower

reduced clear meat stock 4. Royal icing
glacé(e) France 1. Ice cold, iced 2. Glossy

girasole Italy Sunflower


glacé cherry Candied cherries, not dried and

glacé cherry

girdle See griddle


girdle cake See griddle cakes

girdle cake
with a glossy appearance, coloured with red
-giri Japan A cutting stroke of the knife, e.g.
or various other colours of food dye, used for
hyoshigi-giri, a baton cut for vegetables decoration of cakes and desserts or
sometimes in cake mixtures
giriama East Africa A Kenyan fish dish made

glace de poisson France Fish glaze

glace de poisson

from stir-fried onion, garlic, saffron, turmeric

glace de viande France A reduction of
glace de viande

and cumin. Fish is added towards the end

with chopped tomatoes and the whole then clarified meat stock which is shiny and
simmered in coconut milk until creamy. syrupy. Used to add flavour and body to
girofle France Cloves
other dishes. Also called glaze
glacé fruit Candied fruit which has not been
glacé fruit

girolle France 1. Chanterelle 2. A special


knife used to cut very thin slices of cheese dried so as to retain a glossy appearance
glacé icing A simple mixture of sugar and
glacé icing

and butter
gist Netherlands Yeast
water or strained fruit juice (100:15) of
gîte France Lamb shank and foot
coating consistency which has a glossy
appearance when spread on cakes, biscuits,
gîte à la noix France Thick flank of veal,
gîte à la noix

etc. Possibly coloured and flavoured. Also

topside of beef (UK), bottom round of beef called water icing
(USA). Also called noix pâtissière
glace portative France Ice cream to take
glace portative

gîte-gîte France Shin beef


away as e.g. ice cream cone

githeri East Africa A Kenyan dish of equal

glacer France To glaze


quantities of cooked cow peas or black-eyed

glacière France Ice box

beans and maize kernels mixed with a kind

gladde haai Netherlands Smooth hound, the
gladde haai

of ratatouille of onions, sweet peppers and

tomatoes. See also nyoyo fish. Also called toonhaai
Glamorgan cheese sausage, Glamorgan
Glamorgan cheese sausage

giuncata Italy 1. A soft curd cheese retaining


some whey, made from cows’ or ewes’ milk sausage Wales A skinless sausage from
and named after the rush container in which Wales made with a mixture of grated cheese,
the curds are drained 2. Curds and whey 3. breadcrumbs, chopped onion, parsley,
Junket thyme or rosemary, seasoning and possibly
givre The powdery white crystals of vanillin
mustard, bound with egg, shaped into
found on the best quality vanilla pods cylinders and fried
Glarnerschabziger Sapsago

gizzadas Caribbean Small Jamaican tarts


glas Denmark, Sweden 1. Glass 2. Tumbler


filled with shredded coconut flavoured with

nutmeg and ginger Glasgow magistrates Scotland Loch Fyne
Glasgow magistrates

gizzard A thick muscular organ in a bird,


herring, the analogy is to their plumpness

often the second stomach, used to grind Glasgow pale Scotland A small haddock
Glasgow pale

food prepared as finnan haddock but smoked

gizzard shad See shad more
gizzard shad

Gjetöst Scandinavia A sort of cheese which is Glasgow tripe Scotland Tripe is cooked in its
Gjetöst Glasgow tripe

an acquired taste. It is made with the whey own juices with an equal weight of chopped
from cheese made with goats’ and cows’ onions and some butter in a covered dish in
milk. This is reduced by boiling to a paste of the oven at 170°C for 2 hours. Half an hour
caramelized lactose and whey proteins and before finishing some of the cooking liquor is
is made in both soft, for spreading, and hard thickened with flour and returned. The dish
consistencies. The hard variety is eaten as is finished with cream and chopped parsley
shavings made with a special knife. and served with baked potatoes.
gjuwetch Bulgaria Diced mutton simmered in glasmästarsill Sweden Pieces of herring,
gjuwetch glasmästarsill

oil with chopped onions, sweet green marinated in vinegar and sugar for 2 days,
peppers, aubergines, green beans, squash, the marinade drained off, heated and poured

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over the herring pieces which have been Gloucester sausage England A pork sausage
Gloucester sausage

packed in a jar interspersed with slices of made with meat from the Gloucester old
carrot and onion, grated horseradish, bay spot, a traditional breed of pig with plenty of
leaves and pickling spices. Refrigerated until fat
eaten. Also called glass blower’s herring Gloucestershire pie England Layers of
Gloucestershire pie

glass 1. Sweden Ice cream 2. Norway Glass or


cooked and sliced lamb and thinly sliced

tumbler apple and onions, both of which have been
glassato Italy Glazed, iced
boiled for 5 minutes, placed in a greased
glass blower’s herring See glasmästarsill
glass blower’s herring
ovenproof dish, seasoned and sprinkled with
dried herbs between layers. The layers are
glasswort Samphire, Salicornia europaea

covered with a rich gravy, topped with

Glasur Germany Icing

mashed potatoes and swedes, brushed with

Glattbutt Germany Brill molten butter and baked at 190°C for an

Glatthai Germany Smooth hound, the fish

Gloucester squab pie England same as
Gloucester squab pie

Glattrochen Germany Common skate


Devonshire squab pie

glaze See glace de viande

glucono delta-lactone See E575

glucono delta-lactone

glaze, to 1. To give a glossy coating to sweet

glaze, to

glucose A monosaccharide which forms the


and savoury dishes so as to produce a

building block of many starch and cellulose
decorative finish. Beaten egg, milk, and lard
carbohydrates and is one of the constituents
are used with bread or buns. Sugar and fruit
of the disaccharides sucrose (with fructose),
syrups are used with sweetened doughs and
maltose (with itself) and lactose (with
cakes. Arrowroot and sugar thickened fruit
galactose). It inhibits the oxidation of foods
juices are used with fruit tarts, butter with
and facilitates browning in fried sausages.
vegetables, and aspic jelly is used with
Often added to continental sausages to act
savoury items, canapés, etc. 2. To brown
as the substrate for a lactic acid fermentation
food under a very hot grill e.g. crème brûlée
which improves their keeping qualities. Also
and sauces containing a liaison of eggs and
called dextrose
cream used on fish
glucose oxidase An enzyme obtained from
glucose oxidase

glazuur Netherlands Glazed


Aspergillus niger, used to remove traces of

gliadin One of the types of protein in gluten

glucose from egg white that is to be dried

which is soluble in dilute salt solutions. This glucose syrup United States See corn syrup 1
glucose syrup

affects the plasticity of dough. gluea Thailand Salt


glister pudding Scotland A steamed pudding

glister pudding

Glumse Germany Cottage cheese


made from a Victoria sponge mixture

glutamate de sodium France Monosodium
glutamate de sodium

flavoured with ginger, marmalade and lemon

juice. Served with custard or wine sauce.
glutamato de sodio Spain Monosodium
glutamato de sodio

globe artichoke See artichoke

globe artichoke

globe onion The common variety of spherical
globe onion

glutamic acid One of the amino acids used

glutamic acid

onion with a brown papery skin and by animals and humans. See also E620
concentric layers of white translucent crisp
gluten The general name given to the proteins

flesh springing from the root end. Fairly

in common wheat consisting mainly of
strong-flavoured and especially pungent
glutenin and gliadin. These are responsible
when raw.
for the visco-elastic behaviour of and the
Glomzda Poland 1. A type of cottage cheese

baking properties of dough made from wheat

2. Quark flours and for the ability of the dough to
Gloucester cheese England Cheese originally
Gloucester cheese

entrap bubbles of carbon dioxide. It is

made from morning milk (lower fat) of the extracted from wheat, especially in East Asia
Gloucester cow. It is a hard cheese with a and when cooked forms a spongy soft mass
mild and pale-coloured paste and cast in which absorbs flavours and is used rather
squat cylinders. Now very rare. See also like bean curd and for making cakes.
single Gloucester, double Gloucester gluten flour Dry powdered gluten made by
gluten flour

Gloucester pudding England A steamed suet washing the starch from high protein flour,
Gloucester pudding

pudding containing chopped raw apple and drying and grinding

chopped candied mixed peel gluten-free food Food which contains no
gluten-free food

Gloucester sauce England Very thick

Gloucester sauce

gluten. Necessary for the small fraction of

mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, lemon people who are allergic to gluten.
juice, chopped fennel and a little Worcester glutenin One of the protein types in gluten

sauce. Served with cold meat. insoluble in water or salt solution. It contains

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glutiminato di soda

many cross linkages which are broken or gnocchi alla bava Italy Gnocchi made with
gnocchi alla bava

rearranged during the kneading of dough buckwheat flour, fresh cheese and cream
and is responsible for its elasticity. gnocchi dolci Italy Sweet dumplings
gnocchi dolci

glutiminato di soda Italy Monosodium

glutiminato di soda

gnocculi Italy Potato gnocchi from Sicily


glutamate served with cheese and broth or meat sauce

glutinous rice Black or white, short- or long- goa Philippines Goa bean
glutinous rice goa

grain rice which is particularly sticky when goa bean A legume,

goa bean

boiled and easy to handle with chopsticks. tetragonolobus, which is a native of southern
Used in Chinese and Japanese dishes Europe but grown extensively in Southeast
especially boiled and sweetened in sushi. It Asia. It has winged four-angled pods similar
should be soaked in cold water for 8 hours to the asparagus pea which are cooked
then cooked with an equal weight of water for whole in the same way. The roots are also
about 12 minutes and left to stand covered edible.
for a further 10 minutes. See also black rice, goak sung China Bamboo fungus,
goak sung

mochi-gome, pinipig. Also called sticky rice goat A horned animal, slightly bigger than a

glutinous rice flour A fine white flour made

glutinous rice flour

sheep, which can metabolize almost any

from glutinous rice and used to make soft carbohydrate source. Bred mainly for their
cakes, buns and dumplings especially in milk in the West, they are an important
Asian and Southeast Asian cooking source of meat in Africa, the Eastern
glycérie France Sweet woodruff Mediterranean, the Middle East, the

glycerine A sweetish colourless oily liquid,

Caribbean and parts of Asia. Young goats’
completely miscible with water, which when meat is eaten in France and Italy especially
esterified with fatty acids forms natural fats in the spring.
goat fish 1. Red mullet 2. Australia Redfish
goat fish

and oils. Used as a humectant to prevent

goat pepper A very small chilli pepper from
goat pepper

foodstuffs drying out, especially royal icing.

Also called glycerol. See also E422 Indonesia dried and sold worldwide for
glycerol See glycerine
goats’ milk Goats’ milk has a higher fat and
goats’ milk

glycerol di-acetate An ester of glycerol and

glycerol di-acetate

acetic acid used as a solvent for food colours protein content and a stronger flavour than
and flavourings. Also called diacetin cows’ milk and is often made into cheese. It
has something of a health food reputation in
glycerol monoacetate An ester of glycerol
glycerol monoacetate

the West.
and acetic acid used as a solvent for food
gobhi South Asia Cauliflower

colours and flavourings. Also called

gobhi mhaans South Asia Braised lamb with
gobhi mhaans

cauliflower, the lamb browned in butter in the
glycerol tri-acetate An ester of glycerol and
glycerol tri-acetate

usual way with onion and ginger then cooked

acetic acid used as a solvent for food colours
in yoghurt with tomatoes, paprika, salt,
and flavourings. Also called triacetin
cayenne pepper, turmeric and coriander
glycine An amino acid used as a sequestering

seed. Finally the cauliflower and sweet red

agent and buffer pepper are added with water and all cooked
Glycine max Botanical name Soya bean until the meat is tender and the cauliflower
glycogen A polysaccharide produced in the

reduced to a soft sauce.

animal body from glucose and stored in the gobo Japan Burdock root used in sauces,

liver and muscles. Very quickly broken down stocks and braised dishes
into glucose and thus a very important goby A small seawater fish of the Gobidae

quickly available energy store. Animals that family with a sucker, similar to the freshwater
are killed after stress e.g. of the hunt or from gudgeon. Treated as a whitebait.
poor handling have little or no glycogen in gochian South Asia A type of black mushroom

their muscles which are thus less from Kashmir similar to the morel
flavoursome than otherwise.
gochujang Korea A chilli paste similar to

Glycyrrhiza glabra Botanical name Liquorice sambal oelek

GMP See good manufacturing practice

gochu jeon Korea Green sweet pepper rings

gochu jeon

gnocchetti Italy Tiny gnocchi used for


and halved chilli peppers stuffed with a meat

garnishing soup mixture, floured, dipped in beaten egg and
gnocchi Italy Small dumplings made in the deep-fried in sesame seed oil

form of balls, cylinders or circular slices godard, sauce France White wine reduced
godard, sauce

which are poached and used as a garnish or with a fine mirepoix of vegetables and ham,
served with a sauce. Made from semolina, demi-glace sauce and mushroom essence
choux paste or potatoes. added, simmered, strained and reduced

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golden threads

godaste färsen Sweden Finely minced beef Goldbrassen Germany Gilt-head bream
godaste färsen Goldbrassen

and pork mixed with softened rusk, egg yolk, golden apple betty England Triangles of
golden apple betty

seasoning and a little paprika. Half of this white crustless bread soaked in a mixture of
placed in a greased oblong mould, slices of equal quantities of molten butter and brown
skinned tomatoes placed on top followed by sugar flavoured with cinnamon. One third of
the remainder of the forcemeat, topped with these are layered in the base of a pie dish,
a mixture of French mustard, chopped onion slices of cored and peeled cooking apples
and parsley and butter and baked in a 200°C laid over and topped with the remaining
oven for 1 hour to give a crisp crusty surface. bread. Baked at 160°C for 60 to 75 minutes
Served from the dish. (NOTE: Literally ‘the until the top is crisp.
finest forcemeat’.) goldenberry Cape gooseberry

godiveau France A forcemeat made with


golden buck cheese United States Buck

golden buck cheese

cushion of veal, beef kidney suet and eggs rarebit

(4:4:1) with all skin, tissue, sinew, etc. golden carpet shell A small European bivalve
golden carpet shell

removed, processed, seasoned and mollusc, Venus gallina, similar to various

flavoured with nutmeg, sieved and, after small clams with a greyish brown shell
resting on ice, blended with ice water or
golden carpet shell clam Smaller versions,
golden carpet shell clam

cream over ice until of the correct

consistency as checked by poaching a small Venerupis aurea (yellow) and V. geographica
amount (grey), of the carpet shell clam, without radial
goed doorbakken Netherlands Well done.
goed doorbakken

golden cutlets Small decapitated haddocks

golden cutlets

Used of meat, steak, etc.

split, boned and smoked. A smaller version
goetberg United States A cardamom-

of the Arbroath smokie.

flavoured sausage originating in Sweden and
golden fillets United Kingdom Thin fillets of
golden fillets

resembling the German cervelat

haddock or cod, lightly smoked and
Goetta Germany As Scrapple, but thickened

artificially coloured golden yellow. Also called

with oats smoked fillets
goettinger United States A German-style hard

golden gage Mirabelle

golden gage

sausage similar to cervelat

golden gram Mung bean
golden gram

gofio Spain A flour with a nutty flavour made


golden grey mullet A variety of grey mullet,

golden grey mullet

by grinding a variety of toasted cereal grains

such as wheat, maize and barley. Originating Mugil auratus, with golden spots on its gill
in the Canary islands it is sold as a health covers
golden mountain oyster United States A light
golden mountain oyster

food in Spain.
gogi jeon-gol Korea Stir-fried strips of beef
gogi jeon-gol
brown fan-shaped mushroom
golden mullet Red mullet
golden mullet

with sliced onion, mushrooms and mooli,

golden needles Lily buds
golden needles

strips of fresh pear and egg

golden nugget A variety of squash which may
golden nugget

gogol-mogol Russia A type of zabaglione


made by beating equal weights of egg yolk be used as a potato substitute, i.e. chipped
and caster sugar together until lemon- or mashed
coloured and frothy. Rum is stirred in at the golden oak mushroom United States Shiitake
golden oak mushroom

rate of 400 ml per kg of egg yolks and the mushroom

mixture poured into wine glasses and golden passion fruit Yellow passion fruit
golden passion fruit

allowed to set. golden plover Plover

golden plover

gogue France A boudin noir made with pigs


golden sweetie See sweetie

golden sweetie

blood, cream, eggs, chopped onions golden syrup An invert sugar mixture (i.e. one
golden syrup

sweated in lard, breadcrumbs moistened in which will not crystallize) made either by
milk, beet leaves and seasoning, poached in
clarifying and decolorizing the remaining
casings and air-dried for 5 to 7 days uncrystallizable portion of the sugar after
gohan Japan Cooked rice served in a

production of sugar crystals or by treatment

Japanese-style bowl. See also raisu of sugar syrup with acids or the enzyme
gohanmono Japan The generic Japanese

invertase. Contains sucrose, glucose and

term for all types of cooked rice and rice fructose and is used as a sweetening agent.
dishes golden threads Beaten and strained egg
golden threads

Golan Middle East A ewes’ milk cheese from


yolks piped using a very fine nozzle in a

Israel similar to Provolone piping bag onto the surface of hot sugar
gold beet United States A golden-yellow and
gold beet

syrup to form a lacy pattern. Removed and

sweeter variety of beetroot which may be rolled up and repeated as required. See also
eaten raw or cooked yemas de San Leandro

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Goldkarpfen Germany Gilt-head bream gong bao xiaren China Shrimps cooked with
Goldkarpfen gong bao xiaren

gold leaf E175, gold beaten out until it is

gold leaf
hot peppers
gong jao lei China A large perforated metal
gong jao lei

extremely thin. Occasionally used for

decoration. skimmer used for retrieving deep-fried food
gold’n’rich United States A cows’ milk cheese
from a wok and draining it
gong yiu chee China Con poy
gong yiu chee

from Illinois similar to Port-Salut

gold top United Kingdom Channel Islands Gonterser Bok Switzerland Hard-boiled egg,
gold top Gonterser Bok

milk (NOTE: So called because in the UK the dipped in batter and fried in butter
bottles have a gold-coloured foil top.) good beef United States A relatively tender
good beef

Goliath Middle East A variety of pummelo from


grade of beef with little fat but less juicy or

Israel with a pebbly greenish-yellow rind and flavoursome than choice grade beef
white seedless juicy flesh (NOTE: Good Food Guide United Kingdom One of the
Good Food Guide

Unfortunately it is being marketed as a restaurant guides to whom complaints or

pomelo (Spanish for ‘grapefruit’)) experiences may be sent. Address: Freepost,
gol mirich South Asia Peppercorns 2 Marylebone Road, London NW1 1YN.
gol mirich

golonka w piwie Poland Pork knuckle

golonka w piwie
Others are Egon Ronay and Michelin.
Good King Henry A hardy perennial herb,
Good King Henry

cooked in beer
golubtsy Russia Cabbage rolls made from
Chenopodium bonus-henricus, whose
blanched and trimmed cabbage leaves leaves have been used as a vegetable from
wrapped in neat parcels around a mixture of Neolithic times. The flower spikes may be
minced beef and veal, chopped onion cooked like broccoli and the young shoots
sautéed in butter, cooked rice and like asparagus. The water should be
seasonings, the parcels placed seam side changed during cooking.
good manufacturing practice Methods used
good manufacturing practice

down in a deep oven dish and covered with

a thickened sauce of concassée tomatoes, in the food industry to control contamination
beef stock and sour cream, topped with with food poisoning organisms, their toxins or
bacon and baked open-topped at 180°C for food spoilage enzymes. See also HACCP. Also
1 hour until the rolls are slightly browned. called GMP
Rested for 10 minutes before serving. goolab jamoon Caribbean A typical Indian
goolab jamoon

goma Japan Sesame seed sweet from the Caribbean made from flour

goma-abura Japan Sesame seed oil

and butter (2:1) rubbed together and made
goma arábiga Spain Gum arabic
goma arábiga
into a stiff dough with evaporated milk.
Formed into almond-shaped pieces, deep-
goma-dare Japan A dipping sauce made from

fried and dipped in sugar syrup before being

dashi, mirin, sake and sugar (5:2:2:1). dried.
Roasted sesame seeds roughly half the
goose A large migratory game bird of various

volume of the liquid are added.

species from the Anser genus. Pink footed
gomashio See gomasio

and greylag are the common varieties. The

gomasio 1. Japan A mixture of black sesame

domestic goose was bred from the greylag.

seeds and coarse salt ground together and Wild geese are cooked as game. Domestic
used as a condiment on rice, raw vegetables geese are generally eaten when less than a
and salads. Also called gomashio, sesame year old. The points to look out for are a
salt 2. A mixture of toasted celery seeds and yellow hairless beak, yellow supple feet (red
salt indicates an older bird) and pale yellow fat.
gombaleves Hungary Mushroom soup

Usually roasted. It is one of the few

gombás Hungary Mushrooms domesticated birds which cannot be reared

gombo Okra
goose barnacle See barnacle, percebes
goose barnacle

gomma arabica Italy Gum arabic

gomma arabica

gooseberry The fruit of a bush Ribes uva-


gomme adragante France Gum tragacanth

gomme adragante

crispa of the same family as the

gomme arabique France Gum arabic
gomme arabique

blackcurrant. Generally picked when

Gomolya Czech Republic, Hungary A ewes’

immature and around 1 to 4 cm in length.

milk cheese very similar to Liptói. Also used They have a firm yellowish green flesh
to make Brynza. Also called Homolky, Hrudka containing several embedded seeds and a
Gomost Scotland A cheese made in the same

hairy, occasionally smooth, green striated

way as getost, but with whole milk curds and skin. In this state they are used for pies, tarts
whey and preserves. Dessert gooseberries are
gong bao rou ding China Chopped pork
gong bao rou ding

green to light brown and are eaten raw when

cooked with hot peppers ripe.

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gooseberry sauce A purée of gooseberries, Gorgonzola bianco Italy A rich, soft, quick
gooseberry sauce Gorgonzola bianco

water or white wine and a little sugar, boiled ripening cheese from south Lombardy. See
5 to 10 minutes, sieved and mixed with a also Pannarone
little butter sauce. Served with mackerel, Gornoaltaysky Russia A hard pungent

duck and goose. cheese made from cows’ or ewes’ milk.

goose blood pudding Scotland A pudding Sometimes smoked.
goose blood pudding

made with goose blood mixed with seasoned goroka Sri Lanka A tart orange fruit used for

barley meal, stuffed into the unbroken skin souring in the same way as tamarind e.g. in
of the goose’s neck, tied and simmered in fish dishes
broth until cooked gorokh Russia Peas

goose egg A large egg with a taste similar to a

goose egg

gosh feel Central Asia Deep-fried pastries

gosh feel

hen’s egg and cooked in the same way. It from Afghanistan made in the shape of an
requires 7 minutes for soft boiling. elephant’s ear from 10 cm circles of dough.
goosefish United States Monkfish

This is made from eggs, milk and flour

goose liver Foie gras
goose liver

(1:1:3) with a little sugar (1:40 on flour) and

goose liver sausage Sweden Gåsleverkorv
goose liver sausage
oil and flavoured with ground cardamom.
goosenecked barnacle See barnacle
goosenecked barnacle
After frying the pastries are sprinkled with
icing sugar and chopped nuts.
goose sausage England A sausage made
goose sausage

goshi South Asia Goat or lamb


with 2 parts of lean beef chopped with a little

gosht South Asia Meat

suet and mixed with 1 part of chopped roast

gosling A young goose up to 6 months old

lean goose meat, moistened with garlic-

gospel green England A semi-hard, milled,
gospel green

flavoured Madeira wine, seasoned and

packed into hog casings slightly crumbly cheese made from the
goose skirt United Kingdom Thick skirt
goose skirt
unpasteurized milk of Friesian cows in
Goosnargh cakes England A Lancashire
Goosnargh cakes
gota South Asia A mixture of seeds,

biscuit made from flour and butter (4:3)

mixed with caraway seeds and ground sometimes dyed. e.g. aniseed, fennel and
coriander. The butter is rubbed into the dry similar served at the end of a meal as a
ingredients and the dough rolled out to 6mm digestive.
gothaer United States An air-dried German

thick, cut in rounds, dusted with caster sugar

and baked at 130°C until firm and buff- sausage similar to cervelat
coloured. Götterspeise Germany Chantilly cream mixed

gorchitsa Russia Mustard


with grated chocolate and pumpernickel

gorda Mexico A cornmeal dough enriched
Gouda Netherlands A large (5 kg) wheel-

with lard and cooked as a thick cake

gordita Mexico A cornmeal and potato dough
shaped semi-hard mild and creamy cows’
mixed with cheese and fried in lard. Served milk cheese with a small number of irregular
with minced pork and guacamole. holes and a wax coating made in the same
Gorgonzola Italy The famous soft, blue-
way as Edam. If matured for a year its colour
veined, creamy-textured, sharp-flavoured darkens and the flavour becomes strong and
cheese made from pasteurized cows’ milk in piquant. Small Gouda cheeses are also
the Lombardy region since at least the 11th supplied. Suitable for slicing and cooking.
century and legally protected with a Very popular as a part of Dutch breakfast.
Gouds kaas Netherlands Gouda cheese
Gouds kaas

certificate of origin. A lactic starter is used

Gougelhopf Sponge cake or large choux

and after draining and turning, it is dry-

salted, drained for a further 3 to 4 days, pastry balls filled with whipped cream. See
ripened at high humidity, salted, wiped and also Kugelhopf
gougère France A savoury dish made by

turned then needled with Penicillium

glaucum and ripened for 50 to 60 days in piping choux pastry, sometimes cheese-
natural caves. It is well veined and internally flavoured, in a large or small circular tart
cracked. Wrapped in foil before sale. Used shape on a baking tray, baking it and filling
as a dessert cheese or in cooking. the centre with fish, chicken, mushrooms,
Gorgonzola a due paste Italy A Gorgonzola
Gorgonzola a due paste
kidneys, etc. bound in a savoury sauce.
made from curd from an evening milking Served cold or warm as a main course or as
which has been exposed to mould spores. hors d’oeuvres.
gougnette France A type of doughnut

This is moulded in the shape of a cone and

surrounded in a cylindrical mould by lightly dredged with sugar
drained curds made from the next morning’s goujon 1. France Gudgeon 2. England,

warm milk. France A strip of skinned white fish, usually

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sole, cut on the diagonal 8 cm by 6 mm, over shucked oysters at the rate of 30 or
possibly marinated, rolled in the hand, more oysters per litre of broth
panéed or battered and deep-fried, now also Goya Argentina A cheese similar to Asiago

used of similar sized strips of chicken (NOTE: goyave France Guava


So called from the resemblance to

Graçay France A dense, soft, white goats’ milk

gudgeons, which are cooked whole in the cheese from Berry, matured for 6 weeks and
same way.)
coated with charcoal powder. Formed into
goujonette England, France A small goujon of

stubby cones.
fish 5 cm by 6 mm cooked in the same way Gracillaria verrucosa Botanical name Hair
as a goujon vegetable
goulash A rich beef stew flavoured with

Grádaost Iceland A blue cheese made from


paprika and originally based on Hungarian cows’ milk

gulyás, a meat and vegetable soup. Served
grädde Sweden Cream

with sour cream.

Gräddost Sweden A semi-hard, scalded-curd

gourami See pla ra


cows’ milk slicing cheese with a pale yellow,

gourd The name used for members of the

close-textured paste containing numerous

squash family the skins of whose fruits can small holes
be used as containers or for decoration.
gräddvåfflor Sweden Waffles made with sour

Several of the over 500 varieties are useful as

edible vegetables e.g. bottle gourd, turk’s
graellada de marisc Catalonia A plate of
graellada de marisc

cap gourd turban gourd, towel gourd, snake

gourd. grilled shellfish and/or crustaceans served
with allioli
gourmand A person who eats to excess and

graellada de peix Catalonia Mixed seafood

graellada de peix

indiscriminately (NOTE: Literally ‘greedy

person’.) grill
Graham bread United States Wholemeal
Graham bread

gourmandise France 1. Sweetmeat 2.


Delicacy bread
Graham cracker United States A biscuit
Graham cracker

gourmet A person who appreciates good food


and drink made from Graham flour, similar to the UK

gourmet powder See monosodium glutamate
gourmet powder
digestive biscuit
Graham flour United States A wholemeal flour
Graham flour

Gournay France A mild, somewhat acidic,


slightly salty and rindless, soft Camembert- developed by the nutritionist Sylvester
type cheese from Normandy Graham in the early 19th century. Used to
make Graham bread and Graham crackers.
Gournay affiné France Gournay cheese,
Gournay affiné

Graham is now added to the name of any

surface-ripened for up to 8 days in damp
food made from wholemeal or wholewheat
cellars to develop the mild flavour
gousse d’ail France Clove of garlic
gousse d’ail

Graham rusk United States A bread roll made

Graham rusk

goûter France To taste


from Graham flour, split in half after baking

govyadina Russia Beef

and dried slowly

Gower fisherman’s stew Wales A stew made
Gower fisherman’s stew

grain The edible seeds of various cultivated


from cleaned and selected cockles boiled in plants usually, but not always,
a large saucepan until open, the cockle meat monocotyledons (grasses). The most
removed and the cooking liquor strained off. common are wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats,
White wine, a quartered onion, mace and a rye and millet. Sold as whole, kibbled,
bouquet garni are added to this, and the cracked, ground into flour, flattened into
whole reduced by one third. Then the onion flakes or partially cooked.
and the bouquet garni are removed, finely grain de cassis France Blackcurrant
grain de cassis

chopped onion is added and the haddock

grain de groseille France Redcurrant
grain de groseille

and plaice fillets are poached in this liquid for

grains of paradise A spice with a hot peppery
grains of paradise

about 15 minutes. Finally, the white flesh of

the fillets is separated from skin and bone, taste made from the dried seeds of a
the liquor thickened with a blond roux and perennial reed-like plant, Amomum
the flaked haddock, pieces of plaice, cockle melegueta or Aframomum melegueta,
meat, crab meat, peeled shrimps, saffron indigenous to West Africa and used in its
and seasoning are added, simmered for 1 cookery. Also called Guinea pepper, Guinea
minute and served. grains, melegueta pepper
graisse France Fat, grease

Gower oyster soup Wales A roux-thickened

Gower oyster soup

graisse de porc France Lard

graisse de porc

mutton broth, flavoured with onions, mace

graisse de rognon France Suet
graisse de rognon

and black pepper, poured whilst simmering

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graisse de rôti France Dripping grana Parmigiano Italy A fine variety of

graisse de rôti grana Parmigiano


gram 1. Subdivision of the kilogram unit of Parmesan cheese. See also Parmigiano
weight, 1 kilogram equals 1000 grams. Reggiano
granary bread Bread made from granary flour
granary bread

Abbreviated g. 2. South Asia Channa, unless

granary flour A strong brown flour to which
granary flour

qualified as in black gram or green gram, etc.

gram flour

gram flour Ground chick pea flour. See also malted wheat flakes have been added
granata Italy Pomegranate

Granatapfel Germany Pomegranate

gramme France Gram, unit of weight

granatina Italy Pomegranate syrup

grammi Italy Gram (1), unit of weight


granceole Italy Large crabs served in their


Grampian grouse pudding

Grampian grouse pudding Scotland A way of shells and dressed with oil and vinegar
using old grouse in a suet-pastry pudding. grancevola Italy Spider crab

The meat from the grouse is stripped off,

granchio Italy Crab

chopped and together with pieces of rump

granchio comune Italy Shore crab
granchio comune

steak tossed in seasoned flour. A pudding

granchio di sabbia Italy A small crab,
granchio di sabbia

basin is lined with the pastry and filled with a

mixture of the meat, chopped onions and Portunus holsatus, with a dark body and
chopped mushrooms plus stock made from pink claws and legs. The two rear legs have
the grouse carcasses. It is then covered with spade-like ends to assist it in moving over
the rest of the pastry sealed to the lining. This sand. (NOTE: Literally ‘sand crab’.)
granciporro Italy Common crab

is then steamed with a foil cover for about 6

grand-duc, au France In the style of the
grand-duc, au

hours until the grouse is tender. Half way

through the cooking period the stock is Grand Duke, i.e. garnished with asparagus,
topped up through the lid. truffle, crayfish tails and Mornay sauce.

gramugia Italy An artichoke, asparagus, bean Used especially of chicken.

grande Italy Large, big

and bacon soup from Tuscany

grande cigale Spain A Mediterranean
grande cigale

grana 1. Italy A hard, cooked-curd cows’ milk

cheese with a granular texture made with lobster-like crustacean. See also cigarra
grande roussette France Larger spotted
grande roussette

partially skimmed (2% butterfat) cows’ milk.

A lactic starter is used and the curd moulded dogfish
grand marnier France An orange-flavoured
grand marnier

and drained for 2 days, brined for 28 days

and ripened under controlled conditions for liqueur used to flavour desserts especially
up to 18 months. Used for cooking, grating crêpes Suzette
grand-mère, à la France In grandmother’s
grand-mère, à la

and dessert and very popular in Italy. They

are usually stamped with the type and the style, i.e. with onions or shallots, bacon,
name of the producer when soft and have mushrooms and diced potatoes. Also used to
the same information printed on the rind. 2. denote croûtons in scrambled egg and pasta
Philippines A red food colouring obtained in vegetable soup.
from a local plant grand tétras France Capercaillie
grand tétras

grana Bagozzo Italy A grana cheese from grand-veneur, sauce France A poivrade
grana Bagozzo grand-veneur, sauce

Brescia where it is referred to as the ‘cheese sauce prepared with game stock, game
of love’ blood added and cooked then all strained.

granada Philippines, Spain Pomegranate Served with game.

granelli Italy 1. Grains, seeds, pips 2. Lambs’

granadilla Spain Purple passion fruit


or calves’ testicles
granadillo Passion fruit granelli alla maremmana Italy Lambs’
granelli alla maremmana

grana Emiliano Italy A grana cheese similar to

grana Emiliano

testicles floured, egged and fried. Served

grana Lodigiano with a very black rind with lemon wedges.
grana Lodigiano Italy A grana cheese granita Italy A partially and slowly frozen
grana Lodigiano granita

produced near Milan. The hard smooth rind flavoured sugar syrup which consists of an
encloses a more crumbly paste than most ice crystal (up to 3 mm) mush in a syrupy
grana cheeses and tiny scattered holes, each substrate. Used as a dessert.
of which may contain a drop of clear liquid. granité France Granita

The paste tends to turn green when cut. grano Italy, Spain 1. Wheat 2. Corn 3. Grain

grana Padano Italy A hard grana cheese granola United States A breakfast cereal mix
grana Padano granola

which easily melts and dissolves in the similar to muesli. The composition varies but
mouth with a mellow but intense flavour is taken from rolled oats, wheat and rye
which strengthens with age (of the cheese). flakes, seeds, nuts, wheat germ, bran,
Used both for grating and dessert. raisins, desiccated coconut and similar.

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grano saraceno

Usually lightly toasted or baked with butter grappa Italy A clear alcoholic spirit distilled

and served with milk, yoghurt, fresh fruit, from the fermented remains of the grapes
etc. after they have been pressed for winemaking
grano saraceno Italy Buckwheat
grano saraceno

grappe de raisin France Bunch of grapes

grappe de raisin

granoturco Italy Maize, corn


gras (grasse) France Fat


granoturco dolce Italy Sweet corn

granoturco dolce

gras, au France Richly cooked

gras, au

granseola Italy Spider crab


gras de cuisse France Chicken thigh

gras de cuisse

granseola alla triestina Italy Spider crab

granseola alla triestina

gras-double France Tripe


baked with breadcrumbs and garlic

gräslök Sweden Chive

granulate, to To form into small particles or

granulate, to

Grasmere gingerbread See Grasmere

Grasmere gingerbread

granules by crystallization or agglomeration

granulated sugar Standard refined white
granulated sugar

Grasmere shortbread England Shortbread

Grasmere shortbread

sugar (sucrose) with crystals from 0.5 mm to

1 mm across from Grasmere in the Lake District
granzeola alla veneziana Italy Boiled
granzeola alla veneziana
containing chopped mixed candied peel,
crayfish or spider crab served on the shell sweetened with brown sugar and flavoured
with lemon juice and oil with ginger. Normally dusted with its own
crumbs before baking. Also called Grasmere
grape The fruit of a vine, Vitis vinifera, V.

labrusca or V. rotundifolia and hybrids,
grassato Italy A goat or lamb stew from Sicily

grown worldwide where the winters are cool

and summers long and hot. The berries containing potatoes, cheese and wine
grass carp A carp with a long round body
grass carp

normally grow in clusters and range from

green to dark purple and from 5 to 30 mm in rather like a mullet
grass mushroom See straw mushroom
grass mushroom

diameter. The flesh varies from sour to sweet

and succulent and is usually relatively firm grasso Italy 1. Fat, grease 2. Fatty, rich, with

but juicy and may contain up to 3 inedible meat

seeds. Used for wine making, as a dessert grasso d’arrosto Italy Dripping
grasso d’arrosto

fruit for decoration and garnishing and when

grasso di bue Italy Suet
grasso di bue

dried for use as dried vine fruits (raisins,

grass pea Lath
grass pea

currants and sultanas).

grate, to To shred or convert to a powder, firm
grate, to

grape cheese A small round skimmed-milk

grape cheese

cheese ripened in a coating of grape pips. textured foods such as carrots, cheese,
See also Tomme au raisin apples, nutmegs, etc. using either a hand-
grapefrugt Denmark Grapefruit
operated or food processor type of grater
grater 1. A round or rectangular thin metal

grapefruit Large spherical fruits of a citrus


tree, Citrus paradisis, which grow in clusters tube with a handle at one end, in the sides of
and are cultivated in the USA, South which are pressed arrays of holes of differing
America and some Mediterranean countries. sizes with sharp projections. Food rubbed
They are probably a cross between sweet against the projections is cut into fine slivers
orange and pummelo, the latter’s seeds were or raspings depending on the size of the
taken to Barbados by the British. The two holes and projections. Slivers accumulate on
main types are Marsh seedless and the inside of the tube, powder or raspings on
pigmented varieties. They have a thick yellow the outside. 2. A hand-operated version of
skin, with red pigmentation in some cases, the above in which the cylinder rotates while
with somewhat astringent typical citrus flesh. the food is pressed against it 3. A food
Halved grapefruits with the flesh loosened processor attachment consisting of a rotating
and membranes removed are often used as circular disc containing the sharpened holes
graticola Italy Grill, gridiron

a breakfast dish or starter to clear the palette.

Used for marmalade and supplied as gratin Denmark Soufflé

skinned segments in cans. gratin, au 1. France Sprinkled with grated

gratin, au

grapefrukt Norway, Sweden Grapefruit


cheese and/or breadcrumbs and browned

grape hyacinth A type of lily, Muscari
grape hyacinth

under the grill 2. United States Covered with

comosum, whose bulbs are boiled and eaten cheese sauce or grated cheese and baked
as a vegetable especially in Italy gratin, sauce France White wine, fish stock
gratin, sauce

grape leaves United States Vine leaves

grape leaves

and chopped shallots reduced by half,

grapeseed oil A delicately flavoured oil duxelless and fish-based demi-glace sauce
grapeseed oil

extracted from grape seeds used in the added and simmered, then finished with
manufacture of margarine and for salad chopped parsley. Used for the preparation of
dressings gratinated fish.

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grecque, à la

gratinate, to To bake food so as to form a in which meat, fowl or game has been
gratinate, to

crust on the surface, now usually done by roasted, mixed with wine or stock, reduced,
sprinkling the surface of a prepared dish of seasoned and possibly cream added. See
food with grated cheese and/or breadcrumbs also jus (de) rôti, jus lié 2. United Kingdom
and then browning it under the grill or in the Juices, extracts and scrapings plus some of
oven the fat from the pan in which meat, fowl or
gratinato Italy Gratinated
game has been roasted, mixed with flour to
gratin dauphinois France Thin slices of
gratin dauphinois
make a roux, briefly cooked, stock or water
potato, layered with garlic, cheese, added to give the consistency required,
seasoning and cream/milk, then baked sometimes coloured with gravy browning
gravy browning A solution of dark caramel
gravy browning

slowly until the top is golden brown and the

potatoes cooked with salt used to colour gravies, etc.
gratin dish An oval dish used for the cooking
gratin dish
Sometimes other permitted brown colouring
and presentation of gratinated food agents are used
grayling A silvery freshwater fish of the genus

gratiné(e) France Gratinated or napped with


a glazing sauce and browned in the oven or Thymallus, belonging to the salmon family,
under the grill with firm white flesh and a scent of thyme,
gratiniert Germany Gratinated
weighing between 0.5 and 1.5 kg. Different
varieties are found in Northern and Central
gratin savoyard France Pommes savoyard
gratin savoyard

Europe, the USA and New Zealand. Cooked

gratter France To scratch or scrape

like trout.
gratterons France Fried diced pork and pork

Graz Austria A firm and full-flavoured cheese


fat. See also scratchings made from cows’ milk

grattugiato Italy Grated

Grazalema Spain A ewes’ milk cheese from


Gratz Austria Graz


the Cadiz area which resembles Manchego.

Graupensuppe Germany Barley soup

Contains 35% water, 33% fat and 25%

gravad lax Sweden Gravlax
gravad lax

gravad makrill Sweden Pickled mackerel
gravad makrill

grease, to To coat the surface of a tin, dish,

grease, to

prepared in the same way as gravlax, except baking sheet, paper or aluminium foil, etc.
that the skin is not used. Very fresh mackerel which comes into contact with food with fat
is essential. or oil so as to prevent the food sticking to it
Graviera Greece A cheese made from cows’

during the cooking or preparation process

milk and resembling Gruyère greasyback prawn Greentail prawn
greasyback prawn

gravlax Two scaled, boned and surface-dried


greater galangal The root of an Indonesian

greater galangal

salmon fillets sandwiched skin side out with lily-like plant, Langusa galanga or Alpinia
a mixture of 2 parts salt, 2 parts sugar, 1 part galanga, somewhat similar to ginger in
saltpetre (if available), and crushed white appearance and with a sour gingery/peppery
peppercorns, with a layer of dill weed also in taste, used extensively in Southeast Asian
the sandwich and laid beneath and on top. cooking. The flowers, buds and young shoots
The thick part of each fillet is opposite the may also be used as a garnish or vegetable.
thin part of the other. They are then pressed Also called galingale, Laos ginger, Siamese
together in a bowl with a board and weight ginger, Thai ginger
and left in the refrigerator for 24 hours, greater yam Asiatic yam
greater yam

turning the package a couple of times. Wash,

great lakes trout Lake trout
great lakes trout

dry and cut thin slices of the flesh for use as

great millet The principal type of sorghum,
great millet

a hors d’oeuvre. The skin is cut in strips and

dry-fried until crisp and served as a garnish Sorghum vulgare, which is a staple
with dill and lemon. Traditionally salmon throughout the underdeveloped world. It
blood was also rubbed into the flesh to give it comes in two varieties, white grain sorghum
a scarlet colour. Also called gravad lax (NOTE: used for bread and the red bitter grain used
for brewing beer.
Literally ‘grave salmon’ referring to the
great northern bean Navy bean
great northern bean

underground chambers where it was

great scallop One of the larger scallops,
great scallop

gravlax sauce Scandinavia A sauce made
gravlax sauce
Pecten maximus, with a pink to brown shell
from French mustard mixed with oil, vinegar, up to 15 cm across. The flesh weighs about
sugar, chopped dill and seasoning. Served 60 g. Also called king scallop
greaves Scallops

with gravlax and other marinated fish. Also

greca, alla Italy Grecque, à la
greca, alla

called Scandinavian sweet mustard sauce

gravy 1. A sauce made from the fat-free grecque, à la France 1. A method of cooking
gravy grecque, à la

juices, extracts and scrapings from the pan vegetables e.g. artichokes, button onions,

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Greek basil

cauliflower sprigs, celery, leeks, etc. for use Often smoked. Known as turbot by
as a cold hors d’oeuvres, in a liquor Canadians who control some of its habitat.
consisting of water, olive oil, lemon juice, bay, Rapidly being fished out by Canadian and
thyme, coriander seeds and seasoning 2. In EU fishing fleets. Also called Greenland
the Greek style, i.e. with olive oil, lemon, turbot, black halibut, turbot
herbs and spices Greenland turbot See Greenland halibut
Greenland turbot

Greek basil See bush basil

Greek basil

green laver See nori, sea lettuce

green laver

green almond Pistachio nut

green almond

green leaf lettuce United States Loose leaf

green leaf lettuce

green bacon United Kingdom Bacon which

green bacon

has not been smoked. See also Wiltshire greenlip abalone One of the most tender of
greenlip abalone

cure. Also called plain bacon the abalone, Haliotis laevigata, with a
green banana Plantain
green banana

corrugated red shell streaked with light

green bean The immature pod of the French
green bean

green. Found on open rock faces.

bean green-lipped mussel A large variety of
green-lipped mussel

green butter Ravigote butter

green butter

mussel, Perna canalicula, from New Zealand

green cheese See Sapsago
green cheese

with a green blue shell and a particularly rich

green cod Pollack flavour. Reputed to have medicinal and
green cod

green coffee bean Coffee beans which are

green coffee bean

prophylactic properties.
ready to be roasted. These will keep green lollo lettuce Lollo biondo
green lollo lettuce

indefinitely and some will improve with age. green masala South Asia A mixture of fresh
green masala

green curry paste Thailand A paste used for

green curry paste

ginger, garlic, green chillies and fresh

curry made from dry-fried shallots, garlic, coriander leaves pounded together with
lemon grass, coriander seeds and cumin water into a paste. Used with fish or chicken.
seeds blended with fresh green chillies, green mayonnaise See verte, sauce
green mayonnaise

black peppercorns, coriander root and

green olive The unripe fruit of the olive tree
green olive

leaves, galangal, lime peel, terasi and salt

which are treated with dilute caustic soda
green dressing See salsa verde
green dressing

solution (1.5%) to remove glycosides, then

green fig A fresh as opposed to a dried fig
green fig

repeatedly washed with water prior to placing

greengage A sweet amber coloured plum,

in brine (8%) in which they are left to ferment

Prunus domestica or P. insititia, about 25 to for 1 to 6 months prior to storing in 7.5%
4 cm in diameter and with a fine flavour, brine
introduced to England from France by Sir green onion See spring onion
green onion

William Gage as an unlabelled specimen in

green oriental radish One of the large
green oriental radish

1724. Also called gage

radishes, Raphanus sativa, with green flesh
green goddess dressing United States Thick
green goddess dressing

and skin, about 20 cm by 5 cm diameter

mayonnaise thinned with soured cream and
green pea soup Soaked dried or washed
green pea soup

flavoured with garlic, anchovy, minced

spring onions, parsley and lemon juice. fresh peas, whole carrot, chopped green leek
and onion, a bouquet garni and a knuckle of
Served with fish and shellfish.
ham added to white stock, simmered and
green goddess salad United States An
green goddess salad

skimmed until all tender, carrot and ham

elaborate salad of chopped cos lettuce,
removed, the remainder liquidized or passed
endive and chicory, mixed with chopped
through a sieve, strained, seasoned,
anchovies, spring onion, parsley, tarragon
consistency adjusted and served hot
and cloves, served in a bowl rubbed with raw
accompanied with croûtons. See also Saint
garlic, dressed with mayonnaise let down
Germain, purée
with tarragon vinegar, and topped with
green peppercorns Soft dark green and
green peppercorns

chicken, crab meat or shrimps

underripe peppercorns with a mild subtle
green goose United Kingdom A young goose
green goose

flavour, usually pickled in brine or vinegar.

up to 3 months old which has been fed on
Also sold fresh or dried, but the flavour is less
pasture. Generally eaten at Michaelmas
piquant. Used for flavouring especially beef,
(September 29th) and less fatty than the
game and marinades or in the ground dried
Christmas goose.
version as a condiment. Also called
green gram See bean sprouts, mung bean
green gram

Madagascar green peppercorns

Greenland halibut A sinistral flatfish,
Greenland halibut

green peppers United States Underripe

green peppers

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, found in

sweet peppers
Arctic and sub-Arctic deep water of the
green plantain United States Plantain
green plantain

North Atlantic Ocean at depths of 200 to

green plover Plover
green plover

2000 m. The skin is dark grey or brown on

green purslane See summer purslane
green purslane

both sides and the flesh is dense and oily.

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grey mullet

greens A generic term for all types of leaf that gremolata, alla Italy Sprinkled with a mixture
greens gremolata, alla

are cooked and used as a vegetable. See e.g. of chopped garlic, grated lemon zest and
spring greens. grated nutmeg
grenade France Pomegranate
green S grenade

green S E142, a synthetic green food

grenadier An ugly fish found on the Hatton

green salad A salad of mixed raw green
green salad
bank to the west of Rockall. Now being
leaves. Occasionally sliced raw green fished commercially. The name was
vegetables or fruits might be added. changed from rat fish to aid marketing.
grenadilla Purple passion fruit

green sapote A fruit similar to the sapote from

green sapote

grenadin England, France A small slice or


a deciduous tree, Calocarpum viride, which

grows in cooler climates. It is round, green fillet of veal, usually larded and braised
grenadin de veau fermier Prince Orloff
grenadin de veau fermier Prince Orloff

skinned and more sweet and juicy than the

true sapote. France A grenadin of veal stuffed with a
green sauce Blanched and refreshed leaves
green sauce
duxelle of mushrooms and foie gras
grenadine 1. England, France A sweet tart red

of spinach, tarragon, chervil, chives and

watercress, squeezed dry, passed through a fruit syrup made from pomegranate juice.
fine sieve and combined with mayonnaise. Used as a flavouring. 2. Italy Grenadin of veal
grenobloise, à la France In the Grenoble
grenobloise, à la

Also called sauce verte, salsa verde

green sea urchin A 5 cm sea urchin,
green sea urchin
style, i.e. used of fish which is floured, fried
Strongylocentrus droebachiensis, which is and served with a garnish of lemon, capers
found on both sides of the North Atlantic and chopped parsley
grenobloise, fish Fish meunière dressed with
grenobloise, fish
green shell bean

green shell bean United States Flageolet

bean peeled segments of lemon and a few capers
grenouille France Frog

green shiso A variety of shiso with wide flat

green shiso

gressin France A long baguette-like French


deep green leaves with serrated edges. It is

used as a garnish, added to sushi, battered loaf
Gressingham duck England A cross between
Gressingham duck

and fried as tempura and sometimes

pickled. a mallard and domestic duck with lean dark
green snap bean United States The
green snap bean
and tender meat combining the advantages
immature pod of the French bean of both
gretski orekhi Russia Walnuts
gretski orekhi

green sprouting broccoli Calabrese

green sprouting broccoli

Grevéost Sweden A commercially produced


green swimming crab See shore crab

green swimming crab

greentail prawn
semi-hard scalded-curd cows’ milk cheese
greentail prawn A type of prawn, with a mild flavoured paste containing very
Metapenaeus bennettae, intermediate in large holes
size between the deep water and the king Greyerzer Switzerland Gruyère

prawn. Found in river estuaries. Also called grey gurnard See gurnard
grey gurnard

greasyback prawn
greyhen Black grouse

green tea

green tea Non-fermented tea, often drunk greylag goose A variety of wild goose from
greylag goose

with Chinese meals

which most of the domesticated varieties
green tomatoes Underripe tomatoes
green tomatoes

have been developed

sometimes used to make chutney grey-legged partridge An English native
grey-legged partridge

green turtle A large edible sea turtle, Chelonia

green turtle

bird, Perdrix perdrix, which is leaner and

mydas, found in warm seas. Now very rare tastier than the red-legged partridge found in
and possibly an endangered species. France. It weighs about 450 g and is suitable
green walnuts Young immature walnuts for 1 serving. Roasted at 190°C for 20 to 25
green walnuts

picked before the shell develops. Usually minutes.

pickled which causes them to turn black, but grey mullet A round seawater weed eating
grey mullet

also made into jam. fish, Liza auratus and various species of
greeter United States The male person who
Mugil, 30 to 70 cm long and 0.5 to 1 kg in
greets guests in a restaurant (NOTE: The weight, some of which are farmed. It has a
female equivalent is called a hostess.) small head with vestigial teeth and is found
worldwide in many varieties in warm waters.
grelhado Portugal Grilled

The skin is silvery grey and the flesh is firm,

grelos Portugal 1. Buds 2. Sprouts

white and oily but bruises easily. The skin
gremolada, gremolata Italy A mixture of requires thorough scaling. Suitable for all
chopped parsley, chopped garlic and grated cooking methods. The roe is traditionally
lemon zest. See also gremolata, alla used to make taramasalata. The dried and

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grey mullet roe

salted roe is known as botargo. See also small balls poached in simmering water for
golden grey mullet. Also called striped mullet, 20 minutes. Served with a sweet sauce as a
black mullet dessert, with butter as an accompaniment to
grey mullet roe See botargo
grey mullet roe
meat or made very small as a soup garnish.
Griessmehl Germany Semolina

grey plover Plover

grey plover

Griessnockerl Austria, Germany Dumplings


grey squirrel A tree-living American squirrel,

grey squirrel

Sciurus carolinensis, once an important item made with a seasoned semolina, egg and
of food, now used only in Brunswick stew. butter dough, simmered in beef stock
Griessnockerlsuppe Austria A clear meat or

Introduced into Europe in the 19th century.

grib (plural griby) Russia Mushroom
chicken stock or consommé garnished with
gribiche, sauce England, France Mashed
gribiche, sauce
tiny Griessnockerl
Griesstorte Germany A layer cake similar to

hard-boiled egg yolks blended with oil and

vinegar or lemon juice, flavoured with Mandeltorte but using a mixture of semolina
chopped capers and gherkins, tarragon, and ground almonds (5:3) instead of ground
chervil and parsley, seasoned and finished almonds
griet Netherlands Brill

with a julienne of egg white. Served with fish.

grifole Italy A type of fungus which grows on

griblette France Pork chop


gribnaya ikra Russia A pâté from western

gribnaya ikra
griglia, alla Italy Cooked on the grill
griglia, alla

Russia made by sautéing finely chopped wild

grigliata mista Italy Mixed grill
grigliata mista

mushrooms and other fungi with an equal

quantity of finely chopped onions in butter grigliate Italy Grilled

(1:2 on mushrooms). This is then deglazed grignaudes France Pieces of shredded pork

with a little dry sherry and well mixed with a fried until crisp. Eaten cold as a snack in the
curd cheese and cream cheese mixture same way as pork scratchings.
equal to half the original weight of the gril, sur le France Grilled
gril, sur le

mushrooms and a large quantity of finely

grill A metal box-like structure with an open

chopped parsley, tarragon and marjoram

front and a rack on which to place food to be
prior to chilling. (NOTE: Literally ‘mushroom
grilled. Elements on the underside of the top
surface are heated to a red glow with either
gribnoy ikra Russia See gribnaya ikra (NOTE:
gribnoy ikra

gas or electricity. Also called salamander

Literally ‘mushroom caviar’.)
grill, to To cook food by direct radiant heat
grill, to

gribouis A variety of cep common in Russia


over or under a heat source, e.g. barbecue or

and often dried grill. A quick method of cooking to a crisp
griddle A thick heavy flat metal plate which is

brown finish without added fat or oil. Also

heated either continuously or intermittently called broil, to
and on which drop scones, pancakes, grillad Sweden Grilled

crumpets and any item which does not need

grillade France A mixed grill or any food

to be contained in a pan may be cooked by

which has been grilled or a grilled slice of
conduction of heat. Also called girdle
meat or fish
griddle cakes Drop scones made on a
griddle cakes

grillade à la champagneules France Fried

grillade à la champagneules

griddle. Also called girdle cake

ham on toast coated with a cheese and beef
griddle pan cake United Kingdom Drop
griddle pan cake

fondu (NOTE: From Lorraine)

scone grillades United States A Creole light stew

griddle scone A traditional scone mix cooked

griddle scone

from Louisiana of thinly sliced veal cooked

on a griddle instead of in the oven with green sweet pepper, celery, onion,
grid iron A stout metal rack used inside a grill
grid iron

tomatoes and seasoning. Served with rice.

pan or over an open fire or barbecue grillé(e) France Grilled

griechisches Heu Germany Fenugreek

griechisches Heu

grilled grapefruit Half a grapefruit prepared

grilled grapefruit

Grièges France A log-shaped blue-veined


for eating, covered with brown sugar and

cows’ milk cheese. See also Pipo crem’ butter and browned under the grill. Served
Griesbrie Germany, Switzerland Semolina hot as a starter.

pudding grilleret lammehoved Denmark Grilled

grilleret lammehoved


Netherlands Semolina lamb’s head

pudding grillettato Italy 1. Simmered 2. Braised 3. A

Griessklösschen Germany Dumplings made


braised dish
grilling fish Small whole fish diagonally
grilling fish

from semolina boiled in milk and seasoned

water with butter until thick, eggs (3:4 based slashed, or fillets, darnes, tronçons and
on dry semolina) beaten in off the heat and suprêmes of fish, passed through seasoned

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grosella colorada

flour and melted butter, possibly soft, traditionally served with bacon and eggs
breadcrumbs, then grilled both sides until for breakfast. Also called hominy grits 2. Any
the flesh leaves the bone or is cooked coarsely ground dehusked grain. Also called
through semolina
grilling sauce See barbecue sauce grive France Thrush, the songbird. Like the
grilling sauce grive

grill pan A shallow metal pan with a handle

grill pan

lark can no longer be hunted in the EU. Once

and removable metal rack used for grilling made into pâté.
food grive del langhe Italy A mixture of chopped
grive del langhe

grilse A small 3-year-old salmon (1 to 4 kg)


pork, liver and spices, wrapped in pigs’ caul

which returns to its birthplace to spawn after and simmered in oil
its first year at sea griwash North Africa A flour, ground sesame

grind, to 1. To reduce hard substances such

grind, to

seed and egg-based pastry from Morocco,

as coffee beans, nuts. spices, dried roots fried in hot honey and eaten during
and cereals to a fine powder using either a Ramadan
pestle and mortar, a food processor, an groaning cake England A light fruit cake
groaning cake

electric or hand-operated rotary grinder or a given to women in labour

food mill. 2. United States To mince meat (as groats Dehusked whole oat grains. Can be

in ‘ground beef’) used to make a coarse-textured porridge

grinder United States Hoagie preferred by some.

griots Caribbean A Haitian pork dish made by grød Denmark Porridge

griots grød

simmering cubed shoulder pork with onion, grødaertesuppe Denmark Green pea soup

chilli pepper, a fair amount of chopped groen haring Netherlands Matjes herring
groen haring

chives, one sixth the weight of the pork of groente Netherlands Vegetables, greens

Seville or other bitter orange juice, thyme

groentesoep Netherlands A mixed vegetable

and seasoning. After 90 minutes the liquor is

soup containing vermicelli
drained off, the pork removed and fried in
gromack Scotland A restorative for those

very hot oil until brown and crusty then

added to the other drained ingredients. coming in wet and cold consisting of a tbsp
each of oatmeal, honey and whisky with
griotte France Morello cherry

cream to taste stirred in and eaten from a

gris de Lille France A strong-smelling salty
gris de Lille

cows’ milk cheese from the north, cast in
grönar bönar Sweden Green beans
grönar bönar

grondin France Gurnard

griset France Black bream


grondin galinette France Gurnard

grondin galinette

grisette An edible mushroom, Amanita


grongo Italy Conger eel


vaginata, of the generally toxic genus

grønlangkål Denmark Creamed cabbage

Amanita. It has a grey cap and a white stem

grønnsaker Norway Vegetables

and does not travel well. Should only be

grønsagsfromage Denmark A vegetable

picked by experts.
grisfötter Sweden Pigs’ feet
grönsaker Sweden Vegetables

griskin 1. The oval-shaped lean part of a loin


grönsakpuré Sweden Thick puréed mixed


of bacon 2. The meat left attached to the

spine of a pig when it is separated from the vegetable soup
sides which are to be made into bacon grönsakssoppa Sweden Vegetable soup

griskött Sweden Pork grönsallad Sweden Lettuce salad

griskött grönsallad

Grisoni Switzerland Thin square sectioned grøntsager Denmark Vegetables

Grisoni grøntsager

salami made with salted air-dried beef groppa Italy Back or rump of an animal

grissini Italy Long thin (up to 30 cm by 1 cm)


groseille à maquereau France Gooseberry

groseille à maquereau

dried bread sticks served as an appetizer, groseille blanche France White currant
groseille blanche

snack or accompaniment to a meal. Also groseille noire France Black currant

groseille noire

called Italian bread sticks, torinese

groseille rouge France Redcurrant
groseille rouge

gristle Tough inedible connective tissue


groseilles, sauce France Gooseberry sauce

groseilles, sauce

which forms tendons, the covering of

groseille verte France Gooseberry
groseille verte

individual muscles and the structures which

groselhas Portugal Berry fruits such as red or

hold joints together. It is composed of varying

proportions of collagen and elastin according blackcurrants, gooseberries
groselheira Portugal Gooseberry

to function. The collagen is broken down into

gelatine on prolonged boiling. grosella blanca, grosella verde Spain
grosella blanca

grits 1. United States Coarsely ground dried


grosella colorada Spain Redcurrant
grosella colorada

maize kernels, usually boiled in water until

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grosella negra

grosella negra Spain Black currant wings are the best eating. The shooting
grosella negra

grosert Scotland Gooseberry

season in the UK is 12th August to the 10th
gros Lorraine France Lorraine
gros Lorraine
of December. The birds should be hung for 2
to 4 days before drawing and plucking.
gros mollet France Lumpfish
gros mollet

Barded and roasted on toast in the roasting

gros pain France A large crusty French loaf
gros pain

pan at 200°C for 40 minutes, or at 230°C for

similar in construction to the baguette. Also 20 minutes and rested for 10. Garnished
called pain parisien with watercress and served with jus rôti,
grosse Bohne Germany Broad bean
grosse Bohne

bread sauce, fried breadcrumbs and

grosse crevette France A Mediterranean king
grosse crevette

pommes allumettes. See also black grouse,

prawn. See also caramote red grouse, sage grouse. Also called moor
gros sel France Cooking salt fowl, moor game
gros sel

grosse Mettwurst Germany Coarse-textured grouse family A family of game birds from
grosse Mettwurst grouse family

Mettwurst cold regions with feathered legs and feet

grosse palourde France Venus shell clam including grouse, ptarmigan, capercaillie
grosse palourde

grosse pièce France A joint of meat

grosse pièce
and hazel hen
grovbrød Norway A coarse dark rye bread

grosser Weisenkopf Germany Salad burnet

grosser Weisenkopf

gruau d’avoine France Oat grits, coarse

gruau d’avoine

grossetana, alla Italy In the style of Grosseto,

grossetana, alla

Tuscany, i.e. with mushrooms and tomato oatmeal

sauce, or of pasta, with butter and cheese gruel A thin porridge made by boiling fine

grossköpfige Meeräsche Germany Grey

grossköpfige Meeräsche

oatmeal or barley meal in water, milk or

mullet stock. Once believed to be suitable for
grosso rombo Italy Halibut
grosso rombo

invalids and convalescents.

grün Germany Green

grösti A meat loaf with potatoes and onions


from the alpine region grüne Bohnen Germany Green beans

grüne Bohnen

Gröstl Austria Cubes of beef fried with onion in


grüne Bohnen auf norddeutsche Art

grüne Bohnen auf norddeutsche Art

pork fat, seasoned and served mixed with Germany Blanched French beans simmered
slices of fried waxy potatoes in a thin velouté sauce with chopped parsley
grotebonen Netherlands Broad beans

grüne Erbsen Germany Green peas, garden

grüne Erbsen

ground almonds Dried sweet almonds,

ground almonds

dehusked and ground to a soft meal grüne Fisolen Austria Green beans flavoured
grüne Fisolen

ground beef United States Minced beef

ground beef

with fennel
ground chalk See calcium carbonate
ground chalk

grüne Gurke Germany Cucumber

grüne Gurke

ground cherry Dwarf cape gooseberry

ground cherry

grüne Pflaume Germany Greengage

grüne Pflaume

groundhog United States Woodchuck


grüner Salat Germany A green leaf salad

grüner Salat

ground meat United States Minced meat

ground meat

dressed with a herb and garlic-flavoured

groundnut See peanut

groundnut oil See peanut oil
groundnut oil

grüne Sosse Germany Sauce verte mixed

grüne Sosse

ground rice Rice flour or meal available in a

ground rice

with finely chopped hard-boiled eggs,

range of particle sizes. Used for milk additional green herbs and flavourings as
puddings, as a thickener and to give a crisp available, e.g. parsley, sorrel, savory, dill,
texture to biscuits, shortbread and batters. onion and leek. A speciality of Frankfurt
ground tomato Tomate verde
ground tomato

served with meat.

grouper A variety of warm seawater fish of

Grünkohl Germany Kale


various species, but all with firm white flesh. grunt United States An early settlers’ dessert

Found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, of steamed dough mixed with berries,

Southeast Asia and similar warm waters. probably an adaptation of the English
Colours vary from grey-green through blue to spotted dick
red and brown, often with contrasting
grusha Russia Pear

coloured spots. Lengths are usually in the

gruth dhu Black crowdie
gruth dhu

range 30 cm to 1 m and weights from 2 to 10

Grütze Germany Groats, grits

kg. See also garoupa, Mediterranean grouper

grouse England, France A small single portion Grützewurst Germany A sausage made from
grouse Grützewurst

wild game bird which is found on heather strips of pig’s intestines (chitterlings) mixed
moors in Northern Europe, the finest of with groats or wheatmeal previously boiled in
which is the red grouse found only in the UK a flavoured stock, the mixture seasoned and
and Ireland. The young birds which have flavoured with grated lemon zest, packed
downy feathers under their perfectly fledged into casings, linked, boiled for a few minutes,

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dried, then fried in butter. Also called guard of honour Roast lamb consisting of two
guard of honour

saucisson au gruau best ends or racks of lamb, rib bones

Gruyère Switzerland A sweetish, nutty- scraped as for a crown roast and interlinked,

flavoured large (up to 45 kg), hard cooked- with the vertebrae at the base and the skin
curd cheese made in Switzerland from the side outwards so as to look like a guard of
milk of cows grazed on Alpine pastures but honour. The space between two joints may
now copied throughout the world. It is dry- be filled with stuffing. The bone ends are
salted or brined for 8 days and ripened for up fitted with cutlet frills before presentation.
to 3 months and eaten between 3 and 10 guar gum A gum (E412) extracted from guar,
guar gum

months old. The paste is pale yellow and used as a thickener and stabilizer in
contains scattered small holes. Served as a processed food
dessert or slicing cheese and used to make guarnecido Portugal Garnished

guarnito Italy Garnished

Gruyère de Beaufort France A Gruyère type

Gruyère de Beaufort

guatlles amb salsa de magrana Catalonia

guatlles amb salsa de magrana

cheese from Beaufort, sometimes without Quail in a pomegranite sauce

holes and weighing up to 65 kg. Also called
guava A round or pear-shaped tropical fruit

from a tree, Psidium guajava, related to the
Gruyère de Comté France A Gruyère-type
Gruyère de Comté

myrtle and eucalyptus. It is the size of an

cheese produced in Franche-Comté. See orange, has a musky-smelling white to pink
also Comté flesh containing a lot of edible seeds, and an
gruzinskaya granatovaya podlivka
gruzinskaya granatovaya podlivka

inedible red skin which is removed before

Southwest Asia A Georgian chutney made the fruit is used. It can only be eaten when
from pomegranate seeds, depithed orange ripe and does not travel well except by air
segments cut in pieces, chopped spring freight. Made into a jelly or available tinned in
onions and chopped chilli peppers the west.
combined with lemon or lime juice, paprika, guayaba Spain Guava

cayenne pepper and chopped coriander leaf

guaymas sauce Mayonnaise flavoured with
guaymas sauce

and matured for 12 hours

fresh tomato purée and chopped stuffed
grystek Sweden Pot-roasted beef or reindeer

olives. Served with cold meat and poultry.

with a cream enriched thickened sauce,
gubbins sauce England A cold condiment
gubbins sauce

served for Sunday lunch with boiled

potatoes, vegetables and redcurrant jelly sauce made by blending butter, made up
English mustard, wine vinegar and
gryta Sweden Stew

Devonshire cream (1:1:1:2) with a little

grzyb (plural grzyby) Poland Mushroom

tarragon vinegar and seasoning

gua China Melon

gubeen Ireland A semi-soft, full-fat cheese


guacamole Mexico A purée of ripe avocado


from west Cork made from pasteurized milk

flesh, skinned and deseeded tomatoes, using a lactic starter and vegetarian rennet,
deseeded chillies, lime juice and parsley moulded into 20 cm wheels, drained for 18
used as a dip or as a filling for tacos and hours, brined for 8 hours and matured for 2
tortillas to 4 weeks
guaiva Italy Guava guchalpan Korea Stuffed pancakes.
guaiva guchalpan

guai wei ji China Sliced chicken marinated in

guai wei ji

Traditionally there are 9 different stuffing

soya sauce and garlic (NOTE: Literally ingredients.
guchi South Asia Cloud ear fungus

‘strange tasting chicken’.)

guajolote Mexico Wild turkey gudbrandsdalsost Norway A hard, cooked-
guajolote gudbrandsdalsost

guanbano Philippines Soursop

curd cheese made from a mixture of the
guanciale Italy A cured bacon made from the
whey from cows’ milk, cream and goats’ milk
jaw and cheek of the pig. Traditionally used which is coagulated by heating
gudgeon A European freshwater fish, Gobio

for spaghetti alla carbonara.

guanosine 5’ disodium phosphate See E627
guanosine 5’ disodium phosphate
gobio, of the carp family up to 20 cm long
with whiskers at the corners of the mouth.
guar bean A variety of green bean, Cyamopsis
guar bean

Generally fried, grilled or panéed or battered

psoraloides, with long thin pods that grow in
and deep-fried.
clusters. Used in India as a vegetable and in
guéridon France The pedestal table used by a

the USA as cattle fodder. The dried beans

are not eaten. The beans are a source of guar waiter when cooking food such as crêpes
gum (E412) used as a thickener and suzette or tournedos at the customer’s table
güero Mexico Anaheim chilli (USA)

stabilizer in processed foods. Also called

gueyteow Thailand Noodles

gaur bean, cluster bean

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guey teow sen lek

guey teow sen lek Thailand Rice ribbon guitar fish A type of skate, Rhinobatus
guey teow sen lek guitar fish

noodles rhinobatus, which looks a little like an angel

Gugelhopf Switzerland A type of cake made
fish and is found in the southern
from a fatless sponge mixture containing Mediterranean. Moderately good to eat.
guitarra Spain Guitar fish

lemon zest, chopped almonds, seedless

raisins and milk, raised with either yeast or gui yu China Crucian carp
gui yu

baking powder, baked in a deep fluted ring Guizotia abyssinica Botanical name The
mould and iced when cold. See also plant from which niger oil is extracted
Kugelhopf. Also called Gugelhupf Gujerat masala South Asia A hot spice mix
Gujerat masala

Gugelhupf Germany Gugelhopf


containing in addition to those listed under

gui choy China Mustard greens
gui choy

garam masala, sesame seeds, fennel seeds,

guimauve France Marshmallow

ajowan seeds and chillies. See also masala

gujjia South Asia A crescent-shaped sweet

guinataan Philippines A cooking method in


which the ingredients are simmered in pasty filled with chopped nuts and grated
coconut milk. Also called ginitan coconut
gula Indonesia, Malaysia Sugar

guindilla chilli A long and thin mildly piquant

guindilla chilli

red coloured hot chilli from Spain, usually gula ärter med fläsk Sweden A substantial
gula ärter med fläsk

dried national soup served traditionally on winter

guinea corn Sorghum Thursdays. Made from dried yellow peas
guinea corn

guinea fowl A recently domesticated game

guinea fowl
soaked overnight and cooked in the soaking
bird, Numida meleagris, related to the water, as many pea skins as possible
pheasant, between 1 and 2 kg in weight with removed, a piece of boned pork, sliced onion
white spotted grey plumage and rather dry or leek, marjoram or ginger and seasoning
flesh. Cooked as chicken or pheasant but added and the whole simmered for 2 hours
barded or larded. Also called Bohemian until peas and pork are tender. The pork is
pheasant removed and served separately with
guinea fowl eggs Small eggs hard-boiled for
guinea fowl eggs
mustard. The soup is served very hot. Also
5 minutes and used as a garnish called ärter med flask, ärtsoppa
gulab South Asia Rose water

guinea grains See grains of paradise

guinea grains

gulab jamon South Asia A Bengali speciality

gulab jamon

guinea pepper See grains of paradise

guinea pepper

of dumplings made from dried milk and

guinea pig A large rodent, Cavia porcellus,
guinea pig

syrup, deep-fried, soaked in a sugar syrup

widely used in Europe as a pet or laboratory
and flavoured with rose essence and
animal, but an important source of animal
cardamom. Also called gulab jamun
protein in South America where large
gulab jamun See gulab jamon
gulab jamun

varieties are bred. The flesh is rather like

gulai Indonesia, Malaysia A type of curry in

guinea squash Aubergine
guinea squash
which the ingredients are simmered in an
excess of coconut milk or soured stock with
guinea yam A largish yam (up to 5kg) with
guinea yam

rempah and spices and with a little jaggery

distinctive yellow flesh from a plant,
gula jawa Indonesia Palm sugar
gula jawa

Dioscorea cayenensis, grown in the USA,

gulaman Philippines Agar-agar

Africa and the Caribbean. Also called yellow

gula melaka Malaysia Palm sugar
gula melaka

guinep Caribbean A small round fruit like a gula merah Indonesia, Malaysia Brown sugar
guinep gula merah

grape. See also genip Gulasch Germany Goulash


guisado Philippines, Portugal, Spain A


gule ærter Denmark A winter soup made

gule ærter

method of cooking in which meat is first from pork belly, mixed vegetables and yellow
sautéed then braised or simmered until split peas similar to the Swedish gula ärter
done, also stew or stewed med fläsk
guisantes Spain Green peas

gulerødder Denmark Carrots


guiso de dorado South America A fish stew

guiso de dorado

gullet of beef Scotland A western Scottish

gullet of beef

from Paraguay containing dorado, a famous term for clod of beef

river fish of that country gull’s eggs Eggs of various species of gulls,
gull’s eggs

guiso de repollo South America A Bolivian

guiso de repollo

usually sold hard-boiled for hors d’oeuvres.

dish consisting of cooked cabbage mixed Examples are turquoise blue and speckled;
with tomato sauce containing onion, fawn with dark brown speckling from the
potatoes, chillies, coriander and seasonings. common gull, brownish olive green with dark
Served with grilled or fried meat and poultry. brown spots from the black-headed gull and
guitare France Guitar fish

off white with brown and blue-grey spots

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gus prigotovlyenny v marinadye

from the herring gull. The latter is about twice guo tieh China Fried dumpling
guo tieh

the size of a hen egg. gur Jaggery


gully bean Pea aubergine

gully bean

gurabiah North Africa An Algerian biscuit


gulrøtter Norway Carrots


made from butter and icing sugar (2:1)

gulyás Hungary A thicker more stew-like

beaten until fluffy, cake flour (1.2:1) on

version of gulyás le leves butter folded in to make a soft dough. Half a
Gulyas Austria Goulash
date pressed into each small ball of dough
gulyáslé leves Hungary A rich meat and
gulyáslé leves
and all baked at 200°C until golden.
gurdakupura turcarri South Asia A kidney
gurdakupura turcarri

vegetable soup made from shin beef, onion,

tomatoes, green sweet peppers and potatoes curry made with lamb or veal kidneys which
flavoured with paprika. The original goulash. have been soaked in vinegared water for 24
Gulyassuppe Austria Soup with diced meat
hours, then skinned and cored. Chopped
and vegetables onions are fried in a large amount of ghee
until brown; sesame seeds, turmeric, cumin
gum A polysaccharide, usually obtained from

seed and cayenne pepper are added and

plants in water solution with sticky and
fried; kidneys added and fried for 5 minutes
gelling properties. The common types of
until butter fat separates; tomato concassée,
vegetable origin are gum arabic, gum
powdered bay leaf and mace are added with
tragacanth, guar gum, locust bean gum and
a little water and cooked until dry; more
xanthan gum.
water added and cooked until dry. The whole
gum arabic A polysaccharide vegetable gum
gum arabic

is then fried with constant stirring until dark

obtained from the dried exudate of a Middle red, simmered with water until kidneys are
Eastern and Indian tree, Acacia senegal, tender, and kept warm for 10 minutes until
used as a thickener, emulsifier and stabilizer, served. See also turcarri
in the manufacture of chewing gum,
gurepufurutsu Japan Grapefruit

marshmallows and fruit gums and as a glaze

gurka Sweden Cucumber

on cake decorations. Also called gum acacia,

Gurke Germany Cucumber

acacia gum. See also E414

Gurkensalat Germany Cucumber salad

gumbo 1. Okra 2. United States A thick soup


gurnard A small round seawater fish of the


or thin stew from Louisiana made with

chicken or prawns, tomatoes, rice, sweet genus Friglidae, with an ugly oversized head
peppers, spices, herbs and seasonings and and enormous spiny fins, highly coloured
thickened with okra. See e.g. chicken with glittering scales and found in the
gumbo. Mediterranean and the North East Atlantic.
gumbo filé Filé powder
gumbo filé
There are three types, grey, red and yellow.
Poached or steamed, popular in France.
gum jum China Lily bulb
gum jum

Also called gurnet, sea robin, tub gurnard

gum kum South Asia Lily bulb
gum kum

gurnet See gurnard


gumleaf oil Australia Eucalyptus oil

gumleaf oil

gururu East Africa Curdled milk, similar to


Gummiarabicum Germany Gum arabic


cottage cheese. See also maziwa mabichi

gum tragacanth A vegetable gum obtained
gum tragacanth

gus Russia Goose


from a shrub, Astralagus gummifer, grown in

gusano de maguey The Mexican agave
gusano de maguey

western Asia. Used for thickening creams

worm, the larva of a butterfly, Hipopta agavis,
and jellies, to prevent crystallization of sugars
which feeds on agave plants. It is traditionally
in jam and ice creams and to make
found in bottles of mescal, a spirit distilled
pastillage, a particularly stiff royal icing used
from agave in southern Mexico. The worms
with wedding cakes. See also E413
are also served fried in garlic and chilli as a
Gundel palacsinta Hungary A pancake filled
Gundel palacsinta

regional delicacy.
with a creamed nut and raisin filling,
guscio Italy 1. Shell 2. Husk 3. Pod

flambéed at the table

guscio, al Italy (of eggs) Boiled in the shell
guscio, al

gunfo East Africa An oat or barley flour


gush halav Middle East A cows’ milk cheese

gush halav

porridge served in Ethiopia for breakfast with

from Israel similar to Edam
butter and berbere
gus prigotovlyenny v marinadye Eastern
gus prigotovlyenny v marinadye

gung 1. Thailand Crustaceans 2. Vietnam


Europe An Estonian dish of goose rubbed

with lemon juice, salt and saltpetre, rested 1
gunga pea Pigeon pea
gunga pea

day, then marinated in a boiled water, salt

gung foi, gung nang Thailand 1. Shrimp 2.
gung foi

and sugar brine (120:10:3) with raw onion,

Prawn carrot, garlic, peppercorns and bay for 3
gunnel See butterfish 2

days, drained, then simmered in water with

guo jiang China Jam
guo jiang

the pickling vegetables, herbs and spices

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until cooked (100 minutes). Served with guvetch Central Europe A type of ratatouille

lingonberry or cranberry sauce. made from various colours of sweet pepper,

Güssing Austria A cheese similar to Brick onion, garlic, green beans, tomatoes, chillies

made from semi-skimmed cows’ milk and seasoning all stewed in sunflower oil.
gut, to To remove the entrails from an animal
gut, to
Served with rice or pasta.
or fish including the gills in a fish and to gwaar ki phalli South Asia Guar bean
gwaar ki phalli

clean out the abdominal cavity gyin sein Burma Ginger

gyin sein

gutap Russia Deep-fried pasties made with a


gypsy herring United Kingdom A name used

gypsy herring

wheat flour unleavened dough enriched with in Cornwall for pilchard (colloquial)
butter and filled with e.g. meat mixture,
gypsy’s arm Spain A type of Swiss roll filled
gypsy’s arm

vegetables or set egg custards with

with jam or strawberries and cream. Also
called brazo de gitano
gutdurchgebraten Germany Well done. Used

gyudon Japan Rice with stir-fried beef and


of steaks, meat, etc.

onions and a sauce served with green tea as
guts See innards

fast food
Gutsleberwurst Germany A mild-flavoured,

gyulai Hungary A smoked pork sausage


coarse-textured liver sausage (Kochwurst)

flavoured with paprika
containing recognizable pieces of liver, pork
gyümölcs Hungary Fruit

and fat
gyümölcslé Hungary Fruit juice

güveç Turkey A casserole very similar to


gyuniku Japan Beef



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Haagse bluf

Haagse bluf Netherlands A light sorbet of simmered 10 minutes and finished with
whipped egg whites and redcurrant juice chopped fines herbes, capers and duxelles
(NOTE: Literally ‘Hague swank’.) hacher France To chop up or mince

haam China Salt hachis 1. Denmark Minced meat 2. France

haam hachis

haam daan China Salted duck egg

haam daan
Finely chopped cooked meat reheated in a
haar chee meen China Brown noodles
haar chee meen
sauce 3. France Chopped vegetables
hachis Parmentier France Shepherd’s pie
hachis Parmentier

flavoured with shrimp

hachoir France A rocking chopper consisting

haas Netherlands Hare


haas ko phul Nepal Duck egg

haas ko phul
of a curved blade with a vertical handle at
each end which is used with a rocking
haba Spain Broad bean, fava bean

motion. Several blades can be paralleled

habanero chilli An extremely hot, lantern-
habanero chilli

together for a faster chopping action.

shaped chilli from the Caribbean, with a
hackad Sweden Chopped

colour varying from green to red looking

hackad biff med lök Sweden Chopped beef
hackad biff med lök

rather like a small sweet pepper

and onions
habas a la montañesa Spain Broad beans
habas a la montañesa

Hackbraten Germany Meat loaf


baked with ham

hacken Germany To mince or chop up

habas al horno Spain Baked beans

habas al horno

Hackfleisch Germany Minced meat


habeet Middle East Lamb stewed with loomi


haddock A common round fish,


or lemon zest, garlic and a little vinegar. From

Iraq. Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of the cod
family found in the Atlantic Ocean. It is up to
habichuela Spain Kidney bean

60 cm long and 4 kg in weight with a greyish

habichuelas verdes Spain Green beans
habichuelas verdes

brown upper surface and with a dark spot

habitant pea soup Canada A thick soup from
habitant pea soup

behind each of the gill covers. The flesh is

Quebec using dried yellow and green peas softer and less flaky than cod and may be
with onions, salt pork, herbs and seasonings cooked in any way. Often smoked.
HACCP A system developed by NASA to

haddock à la russe Sweden A large cleaned

haddock à la russe

ensure safe food for astronauts, now applied haddock with head and fins, simmered in
in industry. It consists of applying checks to salted water with onion, bayleaf and mixed
possible contamination points at all stages of peppercorns for 15 minutes. Flesh removed
food processing from primary producer and reserved, cooking liquor strained and
through slaughter houses, packers, made into a velouté with an equal amount of
processors, retailers and restaurants or thin cream, finished with butter and egg yolk
canteens. However the adoption of this and poured over the fish, reheated and
system should not be an excuse for garnished with crisp fried onion and
abandoning end product testing. Full form chopped hard-boiled egg.
Hazard analysis critical control point system haemagglutinins See lectins

haché(e) France Finely chopped or minced


haemoglobin The red cells in blood


hachee Netherlands Minced meat


responsible for the transport of oxygen from

hachée, sauce France Vinegar with finely
hachée, sauce

the lungs to the tissues

chopped onion and shallot reduced by half, haew Thailand Water chestnut

court bouillon from the fish being poached Hafer Germany Oats

added, thickened with beurre manié, Haferbrei Germany Porridge


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Hagebuttensuppe Germany A warm soup covered in fine hairs and grows up to 75 cm


made from blanched rose hips simmered in length.

with breadcrumbs, cinnamon, lemon zest, hairy lychee Rambutan
hairy lychee

sugar, a little salt and white wine, sieved, let hairy melon Fuzzy melon
hairy melon

down with white wine, thickened with egg hai shen China Sea cucumber (NOTE: Literally
hai shen

yolks and finished with butter. Served with ‘ginseng of the sea’.)
croûtons. hai wei China Sea food
hai wei

haggamuggie Scotland Haggis made with


hai zhe China Jellyfish

hai zhe

fish liver instead of sheep offal hai zhe pi China Jellyfish

hai zhe pi

haggis Scotland A sausage made from the


hajdú Hungary A cheese made from cows’


minced heart, liver and lungs of a sheep milk and resembling Kashkaval
mixed with oatmeal, suet, minced onion, hajikamashoga Japan Pickled ginger shoots

spices, herbs and seasoning, all encased in

hákarl Iceland Shark, alternatively, strips of

a sheep’s stomach and boiled prior to being

shark flesh, tenderized by being left to ripen
served hot. Nowadays more commonly
under stones in the open air for several
stuffed in a plastic casing. Traditionally
weeks, then washed and air-dried. Has
served at Burns’ night suppers with tatties,
rather a pungent odour.
bashit neeps and an excess of whisky, whilst
hak chih ma China Black sesame seeds
hak chih ma

Burns’ Ode to the Haggis is recited with due

hake A superior tasting fish, Merluccius

ceremony. (NOTE: Said to have originated

with the Romans who, when campaigning, merluccius, of the cod family with a grey to
packed iron rations in a sheeps stomach.) bluish skin and lean white flesh. The lower
jaw protrudes beyond the upper. Caught in
hagyma Hungary Onions

the western part of the North Atlantic.

Hahn Germany Cock, rooster, mature male

Cooked in any manner.

chicken hakkebøf Denmark Minced or chopped beef

Hähnchen Germany Chicken


hakket æg og sild Denmark Smoked herring

hakket æg og sild

hahni Finland Goose


and hard-boiled eggs minced together and

haiga-mai rice Japan An incompletely used as a topping on open sandwiches
haiga-mai rice

polished rice leaving the germ attached so hakusai Japan Chinese leaves

that it has a nutty flavour hal Hungary Fish


hairst bree Scotland A type of hotchpotch halal 1. Slaughtered according to the rules of
hairst bree halal

with as well as the usual vegetables, broad the Muslim religion. Used of meat. 2. Selling
beans, shredded lettuce, cauliflower florets such meat. Used of a butcher.
and chopped herbs halászlé Hungary A fish stew made with a

hair tube A piping-bag nozzle with multiple mixture of freshwater fish cut in pieces,
hair tube

small openings to make a hair- or grass-like simmered in water and sour cream with
icing decoration paprika and tomato purée, strained and the
hair vegetable A black alga, Gracilaria
hair vegetable
fish pieces served with cooking liquor
verrucosa, which grows in very fine hair-like thickened with egg yolks and lemon juice
halawch Middle East Halva

strands off the south coast of China. It is

halba Malaysia Fenugreek

steamed as a vegetable, braised with bacon

for Chinese New Year and used as a garnish halb durchgebraten Germany Medium rare.
halb durchgebraten

or decoration. Also called black moss Used of steak, meat, etc.

hairy aubergine A Thai variety of aubergine halber Hahn Germany A dark bread roll
hairy aubergine halber Hahn

with a bitter tart taste and an orange skin spread with ripe cheese and mustard
covered in fine hairs. It is sliced and used halbran United States A very young duckling

raw in salads or finely chopped for use in halb roh Germany 1. Rare. Used of meat,
halb roh

sauces. steaks, etc. 2. Al dente

hairy basil Southeast Asia One of the
hairy basil

haldi South Asia Turmeric


Southeast Asian basils, genus Ocimum, with half-and-half United States Cream containing

lemony-peppery-flavoured narrow pale 10.5 to 18% butterfat. Also called cereal

leaves and red tinged seed pods, similar to cream
the Italian dwarf basil. The flavourless seeds halfatányéros Hungary A mixture of a variety

are used as a thickening agent. of panéed and plain fried fish served with
hairy brinjal Fuzzy melon
hairy brinjal

tartare sauce
hairy gourd A variant of the bottle gourd, half cream A thin cream with a minimum
hairy gourd half cream

Lageneria siceraria, with not such a butterfat content of 12% used as a pouring
pronounced bottle shape. It is light green, cream

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half moon cut Hangetsu giri finished over a low heat with a tight-fitting lid.
half moon cut

half-mourning United States Poularde demi-

The mixture is then poured into a greased
deuil tray, cooled and cut in pieces.
ham 1. England, Netherlands The hind leg

half pound cake United Kingdom Pound

half pound cake

cake made with half quantities (225 g) and thigh of a pig cut from the carcass and
sufficient to make one 20 cm round cake matured separately. Sometimes incorrectly
halia Malaysia Ginger
used for the hind leg and thigh cut from a
halibut England A large (up to 3 m) fine-
side of bacon. If to be cooked it should be
flavoured seawater fish, Hippoglossus soaked in water until the soaking water is not
hippoglossus, found in Northern waters. It salty and boiled at a temperature around
has dark green to brown upper side and the 80°C or baked until the final centre
flesh is firm, white and medium oily. Cooked temperature is 65°C. 2. United States Leg of
in any way. The liver is an important source pork either cured or uncured 3. The thigh of
of fish oils used as a vitamin (A & D) any animal. Occasionally used of cured beef
supplement. and mutton. 4. Vietnam Stewed
hamachi Japan The young of the yellowtail,

hälle-flundra Sweden Halibut


hallon Sweden Raspberry

(Japanese amberjack), Serriola
halmajonéz Hungary Fish with mayonnaise
quinqueradiata, about 40 cm long, a fish
served as a hors d’oeuvre much used for sushi and sashimi and grilled
as shioyaki. Also called inada
haloua dial jeljlane North Africa A Moroccan
haloua dial jeljlane

hamad m’rkad North Africa Preserved lemons

hamad m’rkad

sweetmeat made from honey, sesame seeds

hamaguri Japan Clams

and nuts (8:3:3). The honey is boiled to the

thread stage, the sesame seeds are dry-fried hamaguri sumashi-jiru Japan Clam and
hamaguri sumashi-jiru

until brown and the nuts, almonds or mushroom soup made from sound clean
hazelnuts, are dry-fried, skinned and clams soaked in salt water for 3 hours, boiled
coarsely chopped. The mixture is boiled for 2 in water until the shells open, unopened
minutes then poured into an oiled tray. ones discarded, mushroom caps and
Haloumi Greece, Middle East A soft or semi-

watercress added to the cooking liquor,

hard cheese with a salty lactic flavour made cooked 1 minute, a little soya sauce and
from ewes’ or goats’ milk. It is heated in whey some sake added, heated to boiling point,
to boiling point, drained, salted and garnished and served
preserved in salted whey for up to 40 days. Haman’s ears Middle East Hamantaschen
Haman’s ears

Known as jubna in Arabic.

hamantaschen The Yiddish name for small

halstra Sweden Roast


sweet triangular pastries filled with a mixture

halstrad Sweden Grilled

of poppy seeds, chopped walnuts, syrup,

Hals und Innereien Germany Giblets
Hals und Innereien

raisins, butter and milk. Eaten at the Jewish

halva Middle East, North Africa A sweetmeat

festivals of Purim and Lots. Also called

made from crushed sesame seeds or Haman’s ears
almonds combined with boiled sugar syrup.
hamburger See beefburger

Made in block form and sold in slices. Also

Hamburger Aalsuppe Germany Eel pieces
Hamburger Aalsuppe

called halawch
halvaye shir Central Asia An Iranian milk
halvaye shir
poached in fish stock and reserved. Peeled
pudding thickened with ground rice and and quartered pears poached in white wine
flavoured with ground cardamom and rose with a little sugar and lemon zest and
water, garnished with chopped nuts reserved. The strained cooking liquors mixed
with a strong beef broth, slightly thickened
halwa South Asia A type of pudding made

with a brown roux and garnished with green

from vegetables, lentils, nuts and fruit,
peas and a brunoise of carrots, leeks and
cooked with sugar and ghee to a sticky
Hamburg parsley and served over
dumplings, the eel pieces and the pears.
halwa rghayit North Africa A cone-shaped
halwa rghayit

Hamburger Apfelsuppe Germany As

Hamburger Apfelsuppe

honey cake from Morocco served with fresh

butter on celebratory occasions Hagebuttensuppe, with apples instead of rose
hips and cider instead of white wine. Served
halwau-e aurd-e sujee Central Asia A sweet
halwau-e aurd-e sujee

from Afghanistan made from coarse
hamburger bun A soft flat round yeast-raised
hamburger bun

semolina cooked with an equal weight of

clarified butter for 5 minutes. A hot medium bun which is used to make a sandwich with
sugar syrup is mixed in and cooked to absorb a hamburger. Standardized by some fast
all the liquid. Nuts, ground cardamom seeds food chains to a tasteless uniformity.
hamburgerkött Sweden Smoked ox breast

and rose water are added and the cooking

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Hamburger Krebssuppe

Hamburger Krebssuppe Germany Crayfish dried fruits (apricots, dates, prunes, sultanas
Hamburger Krebssuppe

soup made from crayfish sautéed in butter etc.) added together with date syrup or
and flamed with brandy, cooked in white brown sugar halfway through the cooking
stock and white wine until tender, tail meat process. The cinnamon and noomi are
reserved; the shells pounded, sweated in removed before serving.
butter, flour added and cooked; cooking hana gatsuo Japan Hana katsuo
hana gatsuo

liquor added, simmered, seasoned and hana-giri Japan The flower cut of root

strained over the crayfish tails, small vegetables made by trimming cylinders
dumplings and green peas lengthways so that when sliced transversally,
Hamburger Rauchfleisch Germany Very thin
Hamburger Rauchfleisch

they make a 5 petalled shape

slices of cold-smoked brisket of beef served hana hojiso Japan Small stems of the shiso
hana hojiso

with horseradish sauce plant with seed pods, used as a garnish. The
hamburgerryg Denmark Smoked loin of pork

seeds are also scraped from the stem into

served with a sauce made from redcurrant the soya dipping sauce used with sashimi.
jelly, mustard and grated onion Also called hojiso
Hamburg parsley A type of parsley,
Hamburg parsley

hana katsuo Japan Pacific bonito flakes or

hana katsuo

Petroselinum crispum ‘tuberosam’, whose shavings. Also called hana gatsuo

root, which has a strong celery-like flavour, is hanatsuki kyuri Japan Very small cucumbers
hanatsuki kyuri

used as a vegetable in Central Europe. Also with intact flowers still attached, used as a
called parsley root, turnip rooted parsley garnish
Hämchen Germany Pigs’ knuckles and

hand United Kingdom Hand and spring of


sauerkraut pork
ha mei China Dried shrimp
ha mei

Hand Germany Handkäse


hamine eggs Egypt Hard-boiled eggs

hamine eggs

hand and spring of pork England Name used

hand and spring of pork

coloured brown with onion skins or similar

in London and the southwest for a foreleg
Hammel Germany Mutton

and shoulder of pork excluding the blade.

Hammelfleisch Germany Mutton

Also called hand of pork

Hammelkeule Germany Leg of mutton

Handkäse Germany A variety of soft hand


Hammelkotelett Germany Mutton chop moulded cheeses (25 to 125 g) made from

Hammelschulter Germany Shoulder of

naturally soured and curdled skimmed or
mutton semi-skimmed cows’ milk. Sometimes
Hammelwürste Germany A sausage made of
flavoured with herbs or spices and widely
minced pork, mutton and garlic variable in colour, texture and flavour.
Contains 50 to 55% water, 2% fat and 27 to
hammerhead shark One of the better edible
hammerhead shark

35% protein. Also called Hand, Harzkäse,

sharks, Sphyrna zygaena, found in the
Atlantic and Mediterranean. Palatable when
hand of pork United Kingdom Hand and
hand of pork

spring of pork
hampe France Thin flank of beef; breast of

hand parer United States See peeler

hand parer

hang, to To leave meat or game birds,
hang, to

hamperilainen Finland Beefburger


ham sausage 1. Germany A scalded sausage

ham sausage
especially the tougher old birds, to hang in a
made from finely ground pork and beef cool dry airy store for sufficient time to allow
mixed with spices and garlic and the meat fibres to be broken down by the
interspersed with chunks of ham and lean acid conditions which develop. Animal meat
bacon (minimum 50%) to give a marbled is hung as complete or half carcasses for up
appearance. Used for slicing and grilling or to 2 weeks or more. Game birds with the
frying or as an addition to stews, etc. 2. exception of wild duck, which may be drawn,
United Kingdom A sausage made from finely are hung by the neck without being drawn or
chopped ham mixed with 20% coarsely plucked.
hangetsu giri Japan Half round cuts of
hangetsu giri

chopped pork fat, moistened with stock and

flavoured with white pepper, cayenne vegetables especially carrots, bamboo
pepper, mace and ginger, packed into shoots, radishes, etc. Also called half moon
weasands, tied, simmered for an hour and cut
hangibjúga Iceland Smoked sausage

cold-smoked for 10 days

hamu Japan Ham hangikjöt Iceland Smoked lamb
hamu hangikjöt

hamuth heloo Middle East An Iraqi dish of hangop Netherlands Cottage cheese, curds,
hamuth heloo hangop

lamb, browned in ghee then braised with alternatively a thick buttermilk and sugar
onions, noomi and cinnamon bark, with dessert

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haricot bean

hangtown fry United States An omelette hard red winter wheat flour United States A
hangtown fry hard red winter wheat flour

served with fried bacon and panéed and good bread flour made from a more flaky and
fried oysters thinner seed than the equivalent spring
hanhea Finland Goose
wheat flour
hard roe The eggs of female fish usually
hard roe

hanh la Vietnam Spring onions

hanh la

hanh tay Vietnam Onion

hanh tay
floured and fried
hard sauce See rum, brandy butter
hard sauce

hanjuku tamago Japan Soft-boiled eggs

hanjuku tamago

hardshell clam Quahog clam

hardshell clam

Hanoi beef soup Vietnam Pho

Hanoi beef soup

hard smoked herring Red herring

hard smoked herring

hanpen Japan A soft fish cake made from


hardtack A hard biscuit made of flour, salt


ground fish flesh and starch formed into

squares or triangles and steamed. Eaten as and water only. Also called ship biscuit, sea
is or grilled, poached or deep-fried and biscuit, pilot biscuit
Harduf Middle East An Israeli semi-soft

dipped in soya sauce.

hao you gai lan China Broccoli in oyster
hao you gai lan
spreading cheese made from ewes’ milk to
sauce resemble Lipto
hard wheat A tough wheat which resists
hard wheat

hao you niu rou China Beef with oyster sauce

hao you niu rou

hapankaali Finland Sauerkraut

cracking and with the starch grains tightly
bound. It contains no triabolin and it
har China 1. Shrimp 2. Prawn

fractures across the starch grains. Durum

hara dhania South Asia Coriander leaves
hara dhania

wheat is one of the hardest.

harak mas Sri Lanka A beef curry flavoured
harak mas

hare England, Norway A wild game animal


with onions, garlic, ginger, vinegar, spices resembling a large rabbit but which does not
and coconut hop nor live in burrows. There are several
haram Describes food forbidden by Islamic

varieties, the common, Scottish and the

law Mediterranean all distinguished from rabbit
hara mirich South Asia Green chilli by their dark flesh and powerful back legs.
hara mirich

häränfile Finland Fillet steak

The blood, which is collected for jugged hare,
häränhäntäliemi Finland See oxtail soup 1
is prevented from coagulating by adding 5 ml
of vinegar. Hares are usually hung by the legs
hara piaz South Asia Spring onions
hara piaz

for 5 to 10 days before being paunched. May

harcsa Hungary Wels, the fish

be roasted, braised or stewed. Shooting

hard Hard to the bite as applied to wheat,

season in the UK is from the 1st of August to

difficult to cut as applied to cheese, resisting the last day of February although it is not a
penetration by a sharp object law. Hare is not sold from March to July.
hardal Turkey Mustard

hare channa South Asia Fresh or dried, green

hare channa

hard ball stage See sugar cooking

hard ball stage

immature chick peas

hard-boil, to To boil something until it hareng France Herring
hard-boil, to hareng

hardens, usually used of whole eggs boiled hareng fumé France Kipper
hareng fumé

for 10 minutes until the yolk is solid hareng mariné France Pickled herring
hareng mariné

hard cheese A cheese which is difficult to cut,

hard cheese

hareng salé France Bloater

hareng salé

normally with a water content less than 40% hareng saur France The French version of the
hareng saur

hard clam Quahog clam

hard clam

red herring often served as a hors d’oeuvre

hard crack stage A stage in sugar cooking
hard crack stage

hareragu Norway Jugged hare


when the sugar temperature rises to 157°C haresteg Denmark Roast hare

in the UK and 149°C in the USA. See also

har gow China Small purses of minced shrimp
har gow

sugar cooking
made by placing the filling in the centre of a
hard dumpling See Sussex dumpling
hard dumpling

rolled out circle of wheat starch dough and

hardfiskur Iceland Fish cleaned and split

pulling the edges to the centre to make it look

along the abdominal cavity, sometimes with like a string purse or bag
bone removed, to make a triangular shape. harhardal South Asia Yellow dahl

In this form hung up to air dry in freezing

haricot à rame France Runner bean
haricot à rame

conditions. When dry will keep almost

haricot bean The shelled and dried mature
haricot bean

indefinitely. Eaten raw.

French bean, usually white, about 8 to 10 mm
hårdkogt Denmark Hard-boiled

long and oval-shaped. Sometimes coloured.

hårdkokt Norway, Sweden Hard-boiled

Used extensively in Western cooking. See

hard-neck clam Quahog clam
hard-neck clam

also French bean. Also called dry shell bean

hard red spring wheat flour United States A
hard red spring wheat flour

(NOTE: The name is derived from the Aztec

high gluten bread flour ayecotl.)

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haricot bean soup

haricot bean soup See soissonaise, purée Hase im Topf Germany Hare casseroled with
haricot bean soup Hase im Topf

haricot beurre France 1. Butter bean 2. A

haricot beurre
wine and spices
Haselhuhn Germany Hazel hen

type of yellow French bean

Haselnuss Germany Hazelnut

haricot de mouton France Stewed mutton

haricot de mouton

with root vegetables Haselnusscreme Germany A sweetened


haricot de Soissons France Kidney bean

haricot de Soissons

custard made with milk, sugar and egg yolks

haricot grimpant France Runner bean
haricot grimpant
(10:4:1), heated to coating consistency,
haricot lamb United Kingdom A lamb stew
haricot lamb
softened gelatine (2 g per 100 ml) and
with haricot beans, onions and turnips ground blanched hazelnuts (40 g per 100
ml) added, cooled but not set, then a third of
haricot rouge France Kidney bean
haricot rouge

its volume of cream, whipped to a soft peak,

haricot sec France Haricot bean
haricot sec

folded into the mixture which is poured into

haricot vert France The immature pod of the
haricot vert

moulds to set
French bean or green beans Haselnussmakronen Germany Hazelnut

hari gobhi South Asia Broccoli

hari gobhi

macaroons made in the same way as

hari mirch South Asia Sweet green pepper
hari mirch

ordinary macaroons using ground skinned

harina Spain Flour
hazelnuts and flavouring them with cocoa
harina de maíz Spain Corn flour
harina de maíz
powder and lemon zest
Hasenbraten Germany Roast hare

haring Netherlands Herring


Hasenklein Germany Hare, floured and


haringsla Netherlands Herring salad


browned with bacon dice then all braised in

harira North Africa A thick Moroccan purée-

red wine and stock with with pepper, spices,

type soup of chick peas, lentils and haricot
herbs, redcurrant jelly and lemon juice
beans in a mutton or chicken stock with
hash United Kingdom, United States Pieces of

eggs, lemon, sometimes tomatoes and

various herbs such as coriander, parsley or leftover meat served in a well-seasoned gravy
tarragon. Often served as a starter. or brown sauce with mashed potatoes and
cooked vegetables
harissa North Africa A hot chilli sauce made

hash, to To cut or chop food into small pieces

hash, to

from softened, deseeded red chillies, garlic,

hash brown potatoes United States A
hash brown potatoes

salt, caraway seeds, cumin seeds, coriander

seeds and dried mint leaves blended to a southern dish of grated raw potatoes fried
paste with olive oil. Some versions contain like a pancake in bacon fat, often served for
many more spices. breakfast with bacon and egg, also, diced
potatoes fried with onions. Also called hash
harrar A top-quality Ethiopian arabica coffee

browns, hashed brown potatoes

bean used for Turkish coffee
hash browns See hash brown potatoes
hash browns

harslet United Kingdom Haslet


hashed brown potatoes See hash brown

hashed brown potatoes

hart Netherlands Heart


hartgekocht Germany Hard-boiled

hashi Japan Chopsticks


harusame Japan Cellophane noodles (NOTE:


ha shoga Japan Ginger shoots

ha shoga

Literally ‘spring rain’.)

haslet England An old English meat loaf, or

Harvard beets United States Sliced, diced or

Harvard beets

faggot if wrapped in pig’s caul, based either

julienned beetroot cooked in vinegar and on pigs heart, liver, lungs and sweetbreads or
sugar then thickened with corn flour pork mixed with finely chopped onion, dried
harvest pudding England Sage and onion
harvest pudding

bread crumbs, herbs and seasonings,

stuffing, chopped cooked ham, grated cooked, sliced and served hot or cold.
cheese and eggs (5:2:1:2), the first three Sometimes wrapped in a pig’s caul. Similar
ingredients and the egg yolks mixed ingredients may also be stewed or
together, the stiffly beaten egg whites folded casseroled under the same name. A more
in and all then baked in an ovenproof dish at expensive version uses lean pork. Also called
190°C for 35 minutes harslet, pig’s fry
Harz, Harzer Germany Harzerkäse

hassaku Japan A naturally occurring hybrid of


Harzerkäse Germany A small, round, firm,


Citrus, relatively unknown outside Japan

pungent cheese made by hand from cows’ hasselback potatoes See hasselbackspotatis
hasselback potatoes

milk in the Harz mountains. Often eaten with hasselbackspotatis


Sweden Medium
goose fat on black bread. Also called Harz, potatoes, peeled, cut with thin parallel cuts
Harzer without completely severing each slice, each
Hase Germany Hare

slice brushed with butter and sprinkled with

Hasehendl Germany A name used in

dried white breadcrumbs, half baked in the

Frankfurt for chicken (colloquial) oven, sprinkled with cheese and baking

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heat lamp

completed (NOTE: Literally ‘hazel hill with lemon juice, brown sugar and water.
potatoes’.) Served with chelou.
hasselnöt Sweden Hazelnut Haxe Germany Knuckle (of veal, etc.)
hasselnöt Haxe

hasty pudding 1. England A thick béchamel haybox cooking A method of slow cooking in
hasty pudding haybox cooking

sauce enriched with egg, placed in a which the food is brought to the boil in a
flameproof dish, covered with butter, brown container which is then put inside an
sugar and cinnamon and browned under the insulated container with an insulated lid to
grill 2. United States Cornmeal thickened complete cooking without further heating.
and spiced milk sweetened with molasses. Originally the insulation was hay packed in a
Also called Indian pudding wooden box or hole in the ground.
hasu Japan Lotus root haymaking cheese Single Gloucester
hasu haymaking cheese

hatcho-miso Japan A very dark, salty, thick hazel grouse See hazel hen
hatcho-miso hazel grouse

and strong-flavoured miso made mainly of hazel hen A European woodland grouse,
hazel hen

soya beans and used in soups Tetrastes bonasia, mainly from Scandinavia
hatted kit Scotland Soft curds made from a
hatted kit

and Russia with a white excellently flavoured

mixture of buttermilk and full-cream milk, and tender flesh. Also called hazel grouse
double cream and caster sugar (7:4:1). The hazelnut A thick-shelled nut from the

cream and sugar are whipped to a stiff peak European or North American hazel tree,
and folded gently into the curds, which may Corylus avellana, with an outer husk that
be flavoured with nutmeg or cinnamon. The does not completely cover the nut. The nuts
curds were made in the old days by milking are small (up to 1 cm) and pointed, with a
a cow directly into buttermilk but they are firmly attached skin which is loosened by
now made with rennet, left overnight and roasting or blanching. Grown in the UK, Italy
strained through a fine sieve or tamis cloth. and Spain, they have a distinctive flavour
Also called added kit and are used in cooking, confectionery and
hat tiêu den Vietnam Black pepper
hat tiêu den

as a dessert nut. The oil is prized for its

hat tiêu trång Vietnam White pepper
hat tiêu trång

flavour. See also filbert. Also called cobnut,

hauki Finland Pike
Barcelona nut
hazelnut butter A compound butter made
hazelnut butter

haunch The rear leg of an animal with part of


the loin attached from skinned and roasted hazelnuts

Hauptelsalat Austria Lettuce
pounded with a few drops of water, mixed
Hausfrauenart Germany In the style of the
with softened butter and passed through a
housewife, i.e. with sour cream and pickles sieve
haze peper Netherlands A thick hare stew
haze peper

hausgemacht Germany Home-made


made from the hindquarter or the legs

Hausmachernudeln Germany Home-made

HDL See high-density lipoprotein


head cheese Brawn
head cheese

haute cuisine France Top-grade cooking

haute cuisine

heart The muscular organ which continually


havande gädda Sweden A whole pike, scaled

havande gädda

and opened up from the back and cleaned pumps blood around the body (NOTE: From a
so as not to break the abdominal skin and young animal they are reasonably tender, but
leaving in the backbone. A salt herring is older hearts being tough require long
placed in the abdominal cavity and the pike braising or stewing)
heart cockle See heart shell
heart cockle

is reformed, seasoned, panéed and baked,

heart of palm The hearts, i.e. terminal buds or
heart of palm

basting with milk. Served with the juices

which have been thickened with crushed young shoots of various types of palm, an
ginger biscuits. (NOTE: Literally ‘pregnant important leek-like vegetable grown in Brazil
pike’.) and Florida, now common in canned form
Havarti Denmark A semi-hard scalded-curd
throughout the USA and France. Also called
cows’ milk cheese with a pungently flavoured cabbage palm, palm heart
heart of rape Rape
heart of rape

paste containing numerous holes. The rind

may be dry or washed in which case the heart shell A bivalve mollusc, Glossus
heart shell

cheese has a better flavour. Either 45% or humanus, similar to but not a true cockle; it
60% butterfat content. is heart-shaped when viewed side on. Found
havermout Netherlands 1. Oatmeal 2. Rolled

in the eastern Atlantic from Iceland to the

oats Mediterranean. Also called heart cockle
heat, to To warm through without boiling
heat, to

havij polou Central Asia An Iranian rice-

havij polou

heat lamp A source of infra-red radiation

heat lamp

based dish (polou) made with pieces of

chicken, chopped onions and carrot batons usually suspended above a food serving or
with turmeric, fried in turn, then simmered food-holding area to keep the food warm

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heat treatment of curds

heat treatment of curds Curds for cheese Hefekranz Germany A savarin usually
heat treatment of curds Hefekranz

may be uncooked, i.e. not subjected to a decorated with almonds and candied fruit
temperature greater than 39°C, scalded, i.e. Heidelbeere Germany 1. Blueberry 2.

subjected to temperatures between 40 and Bilberry

48°C or cooked i.e. subjected to Heidesand Germany Biscuits made from self-

temperatures in excess of 48°C raising flour, butter and sugar (4:3:2) mixed
heavenly hash United States The name given
heavenly hash

by the blending method, flavoured with

to various sweet desserts vanilla, cut into rounds as in refrigerator
heavy cake Cornish heavy cake
heavy cake
cookies and baked at 175°C until firm and
heavy cream United States A cows’ milk
heavy cream
light brown
heiko Malaysia A smooth dark brown shrimp

cream with a butterfat content of 36 to 40%.

Used for whipping. Also called heavy paste used in Thailand and Malaysia
heilbot Netherlands Halibut

whipping cream
Heilbutt Germany Halibut

heavy syrup See syrup

heavy syrup

Heilbutt unterm Sahneberg Germany Fillets

Heilbutt unterm Sahneberg

heavy whipping cream United States Heavy

heavy whipping cream

cream of halibut laid in a buttered baking dish,

Hebridean lobster Scotland Cubed cooked
Hebridean lobster
sprinkled with onions sweated in bacon fat
lobster meat, sautéed briefly in butter, and covered with parcooked lean bacon
flamed with Drambuie (a whisky liqueur) and rashers, covered with a white wine court
cooked for a few minutes in a cheese sauce bouillon and baked at 165°C until the fish is
enriched with the mashed lobster coral, firm. Served topped with a velouté sauce
finished with added cream and piled into the made with the cooking liquor into which
lobster shells with a mushroom and parsley whipped double cream has been folded,
garnish. This is not a traditional dish. sprinkled with grated cheese and browned
under a very hot grill. (NOTE: Literally ‘halibut
hechima Japan Loofah

under a mountain of cream’.)

hecho See muy hecho, poco hecho

heimische Home-made (Yiddish)


Hecht Germany Pike


heiss Germany Hot


Hechtdorsch Germany Hake


heisse Biersuppe Germany Lager and sugar

heisse Biersuppe

Hecht mit Sauerkraut Germany Flaked pike

Hecht mit Sauerkraut

(9:1) boiled then thickened off the heat to

flesh mixed with sauerkraut, covered with avoid curdling, with a liaison of egg yolks and
cream and baked in the oven sour cream (1:7 on lager), seasoned and
hedelma Finland Fruit flavoured with a little cinnamon

heko Philippines The sediment from the


hedelmäkakku Finland Fruit cake


hedelmäkeitto Finland Cold fruit soup

fermented fish or shrimp paste bagoong,
hedelmäslaatti Finland Fruit salad
boiled with 3 times its weight in water for 30
minutes and then allowed to settle. Used as
hed fang Thailand Straw mushroom
hed fang

a mild fishy seasoning.

hedgehog A small rodent-like animal with a

helado Spain 1. Ice cream 2. also helada


covering of sharp retractable quills. Frozen

Traditionally baked in a clay covering by
heldersoep Netherlands Clear soup,

country folk. The clay enables the skin and consommé

quills to be easily removed.
helgeflundra Sweden Halibut

hedgehog mushroom United States A type of

hedgehog mushroom

Helianthus annuus Botanical name

mushroom with a fawn-orange cap and white Sunflower
tooth-like projections below Helianthus tuberosus Botanical name The
hed hom Thailand 1. Shiitake mushroom 2.
hed hom

Jerusalem artichoke plant

Chinese mushroom Helichrysum angustifolium Botanical name
hed hunu Thailand Cloud ear fungus
hed hunu

Curry plant
heet bliksem Netherlands A spiced mixture hellefisk Norway Halibut
heet bliksem hellefisk

of pork chops, potatoes and apples (NOTE: helleflynder Denmark Halibut


Literally ‘hot lightning’.) helstekt Norway Fried


Hefe Germany Yeast


Helston pudding England Equal quantities of

Helston pudding

Hefeklosse Germany Yeast-raised dumplings


raisins, currants, suet, sugar, breadcrumbs,

made with an egg and butter enriched flour flour and ground rice with 1 tsp of mixed
dough (1:1:7) made with milk flavoured with spice per kg of dry ingredients plus the same
nutmeg, kneaded and proved as bread and quantity of bicarbonate of soda which is
finally steamed. Served with sweet or savoury dissolved in the milk with which the dry
dishes. ingredients are brought together. The

274 Page 275 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM


mixture is boiled in a well-greased covered Herkimer United States A Cheddar-like


pudding basin for 2 hours. factory produced cows’ milk cheese from
Hemerocallis fulva Botanical name The day New York
lily from which lily buds are obtained herkkusienikastike Finland Mushroom

hemicellulose sauce

A polysaccharide
carbohydrate found in fruit and vegetables. herkkusienikeitto Finland Cream of

Some forms known as pectin are responsible mushroom soup

for the setting of jams. hermit crab An edible crab normally found in
hermit crab

hen The female of a bird, usually the female


France. Also called bernard-l’hermite

chicken which has been bred to lay eggs herneet Finland Peas

Hendl Austria Chicken


hernekeito Finland Green pea soup


Henne Germany Hen hero United States Hoagie

Henne hero

herrera Spain Striped bream


hennepot Belgium Chicken hotpot


Herrgårdsost Sweden A hard scalded-curd


herb A generic name for low growing plants


and shrubs but more generally reserved for factory-produced cheese made from
those plants with flavouring and medicinal pasteurized cows’ milk using a lactic starter
properties. See culinary herb. and resembling Emmental. The pressed
herbe aux chats France Catmint
herbe aux chats
cheese is salted in brine, coated in wax and
ripened for 3 to 4 months. Available in
herbes de Provence France A mixture of
herbes de Provence

skimmed milk (30% butterfat) and whole

culinary herbs usually containing thyme, milk (45% butterfat) versions.
marjoram, basil and oregano. Used fresh or
herring A round oily fish, Clupea harengus,

with a wide distribution. The upper surface is
herb salts United States A mixture of pure
herb salts

steel blue and the underside silvery white.

ground salt and ground dried herbs, Used as Sizes range from 20 to 40 cm in length. It has
a flavouring rather a lot of fine bones and may be cooked
herbs for particular food items See under
herbs for particular food items

whole or filleted and is also sweet and/or sour

food items: beef, bread, cheese, dessert, pickled, salted and smoked. Very popular in
egg, fish, game, lamb, liver, pork, poultry, Northern Europe and an important source of
salads, soup, turtle soup, vinegar. For EFAs. See also rollmop herring, kipper (NOTE:
example, herbs for beef are listed under beef The name is from the old German heer,
herbs. meaning an army, referring to its habit of
Hereford sausages England Fried sausages
Hereford sausages

once congregating in very large shoals.)

herring butter A compound butter made from
herring butter

are simmered for 20 minutes in a sauce

made from chopped bacon and onions filleted, smoked salt herrings, diced and
sweated in some of the fat from the pounded with half their weight of butter and
sausages. Flour is added to form a roux and sieved
finally cider and pork stock together with a herring caviar United States The roe of the
herring caviar

bay leaf. Finally sliced mushrooms are female alewife herring processed to
added for the last 10 minutes. resemble caviar
Herefordshire cod England Cod fillet baked
Herefordshire cod

herring flippits United Kingdom Freshly

herring flippits

in strong cider with sliced mushrooms and cooked flippits spread with a little mustard,
tomatoes for 15 minutes at 190°C, the topped with a grilled herring fillet, sprinkled
cooking liquor thickened with a blond roux with black pepper and served with lemon
and poured over the fish, the top gratinated wedges
with cheese and the dish browned under a herrings, salted Russian-style Russia
herrings, salted Russian-style

grill Selodka
hergma North Africa 1. Calves’ feet 2.

hertebout Netherlands Haunch of venison


Morrocan street food of lamb or calves hertevlees Netherlands Venison


trotters cooked with chickpeas and burghul

Herve Belgium A soft, washed rind cows’ milk

Hering Germany Herring


cheese from north of Liège with a very strong

Hering Rollmop Germany Rollmop herring,
Hering Rollmop

pungent smell formed into squat 7.5 cm

often served with mustard, horseradish cubes with the typical red brown rind.
sauce or tomato sauce Contains 51% water, 24% fat and 22%
Heringshai Germany Porbeagle shark
hervir Spain To boil

Heringskartoffeln Germany A casserole of


hervir a fuego lento Spain To simmer

hervir a fuego lento

alternate layers of herring and sliced

Herzmuschel Germany Cockle


275 Page 276 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

Herzogin Kartoffeln

Herzogin Kartoffeln Germany Mashed Highland fish sauce Scotland Anchovies

Herzogin Kartoffeln Highland fish sauce

potatoes browned in the oven, duchesse steeped in wine vinegar for a week then
potatoes mixed with red wine, chopped horseradish,
Herzwurst Germany A sausage made from

onion and parsley together with lemon

coarsely chopped pigs’ hearts mixed with thyme, bay, grated nutmeg, ground mace,
finely minced pork shoulder and belly, cloves and black pepper and all simmered
seasoned, flavoured with nutmeg and together for about 30 minutes and strained
allspice and filled into hog casings and bottled. Used with a brown butter sauce
hesperidin One of the bioflavonoids found in
at the rate of 1 tbsp per 50 g of butter as a
high concentration in citrus fruit dressing for fish.
High-Moisture Jack A young Monterey Jack
High-Moisture Jack

Hesperis matronalis Botanical name Sweet

rocket with a mild flavour matured up to 6 weeks
hetao ren China Walnut high-ratio flour A very fine flour which can be
hetao ren high-ratio flour

hetao zha ji pian China Deep-fried chicken

hetao zha ji pian
combined with up to twice as much sugar as
with walnuts normal. Used in cake-making.
high-ratio shortening Fat with a higher
high-ratio shortening

hettekees A low-fat, rindless cheese. See also


fromage de Bruxelles proportion of mono- and diglycerides than

heuk bone of beef Scotland The eastern
heuk bone of beef
usual which can absorb more sugar than
Scottish term for rump of beef normal
high tea United Kingdom A substantial
high tea

heung mao tso China Lemon grass

heung mao tso

heung nu fun China Five spice powder

heung nu fun
afternoon meal, once popular in Scotland
and the north of England, now usually found
hexamethylene tetramine See E239
hexamethylene tetramine

only in more traditional hotels and boarding

hexamine E239, a preservative permitted only

houses. Usually an assortment of cold meats

for fish and Provolone cheese and fish, salads, sandwiches, sweets, cakes
hibachi Japan A cast iron barbecue with a

and buns with tea or coffee.

slatted iron grid
higo chumbo Spain Prickly pear
higo chumbo

Hibiscus sabdariffa Botanical name Jamaica

hiilillä paistettus silakkaa Finland Grilled
hiilillä paistettus silakkaa

hickory France, United States A hardwood

hijiki A sun-dried and coarsely shredded


tree Carya spp. commonly used for smoking

food. brown seaweed. See also hiziki
hikiniku Japan Minced beef

hickory nut United States The sweet edible

hickory nut

Hildersheimer Streichleberwurst Germany

Hildersheimer Streichleberwurst

nut of the hickory tree related to the pecan

and similar to the walnut A spreading paste-like sausage made with
hie Japan Japanese millet
pigs’ liver and pork
hilloa Finland Jam

hielo Spain Ice


hilum The scar on a seed or bean where it


hierbabuena Spain Mint, the herb


hierbas finas Spain Fine herbs, a mixture of

hierbas finas
joined its stalk
him China Ridged sand clam

Himbeere Germany Raspberry

higadillo Spain The liver of a small animal,


Himbeerkaltschale Germany Raspberries,


particularly a bird
higadito de pollo Spain Chicken liver
higadito de pollo
macerated in sugar syrup, sieved, mixed
hígado Spain Liver
with white wine and a little lemon juice and
higashi Japan Hard cakes mainly made of
served cold garnished with whole raspberries
sugar and always purchased. They keep dipped in sugar
himmelsk lapskaus Norway Fresh fruit and
himmelsk lapskaus

highbush blueberry See blueberry
highbush blueberry
nuts sometimes served with a brandy-
flavoured egg sauce (NOTE: Literally
high country bread Australia Mountain
high country bread

‘heavenly potpourri’.)
pepper bread
Himmel und Erde Germany Creamed
Himmel und Erde

high-density lipoprotein A specific complex

high-density lipoprotein

potatoes and apple purée mixed with fried

of fat and protein that transports cholesterol
chopped onions and topped with fried liver
in the blood. High levels appear to protect
(NOTE: Literally ‘heaven and earth’.)
against heart and vascular disease. See also
himmeri Finland Lobster

cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein.

hina Japan A 3 to 4-month-old chicken. Also

Abbreviation HDL
Highland Crowdie Scotland A smooth cottage
Highland Crowdie
called hinadori
hinadori Japan Hina

type cows’ or goats’ milk cheese with a light

hindbær Denmark Raspberry

fresh flavour

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hoe cake

hindi Turkey Turkey hiyashi somen Japan A thin white noodle

hindi hiyashi somen

hind loin of pork The rear of the loin

hind loin of pork

resembling vermicelli. See also somen (NOTE:

containing the kidneys and pork fillet Literally ‘ice noodles’.)
(tenderloin). Roasted or cut into loin chops hiyu Japan Amaranth

and chump chops (rear end). hiziki Japan A sun-dried and coarsely

hind saddle United States The rear end of a

hind saddle

shredded brown seaweed, Cystophyllum

veal or lamb carcass cut between the 12th fusiforme or Hisikia fusiforme, found in
and 13th ribs counting from the neck end shallow coastal waters of East Asia and rich
hing South Asia Asafoetida

in iron and calcium. May be eaten on its own,

hinojo Spain Fennel
as a garnish or in soups and stews. Also
hinojo marino Spain Samphire, Crithmum
hinojo marino
called hijiki
hjärta Sweden Heart

hjerte Denmark, Norway Heart

hin sui China Squid

hin sui

hjort Sweden 1. Deer 2. Roebuck


hip The seed capsule of a flower, used


hjortetakk Norway A special doughnut made


especially of the rose

hip bone of beef England A Midlands term for
hip bone of beef
at Christmas
hjortron Sweden Cloudberry

beef rump
hipogloso Spain Halibut hjortstek Sweden Venison steak. Also called
hipogloso hjortstek

Hippen Germany Almonds pounded with egg


whites, caster sugar, a little flour and hmo Burma Straw mushroom

cinnamon, stiffly beaten egg whites folded in, hoagie United States A sandwich made with a

the batter spread thinly on oiled baking split hoagie roll filled with an assortment of
sheets, baked at 220°C, taken off the sheet meats, cheeses, salad vegetables, pickles,
when hot and rolled around a thin cylinder onions, etc. Also called grinder, Italian
like a brandy snap. Used for garnishing sandwich, sub and submarine
desserts. Also called Hohlhippen hoagie roll A flat oblong bread roll about 15
hoagie roll

hirame Japan Flounder or halibut, used raw in


to 20 cm long, used for a hoagie

sushi hoan jo China Date
hoan jo

Hirams Söndagshöna Sweden Sunday

Hirams Söndagshöna

hob 1. The flat metal framework on top of a


chicken. A large chicken stuffed with a cooker on which pans are placed in order to
mixture of minced gammon and giblets, be heated or a similar surface above or
fresh white breadcrumbs, chopped and beside an open fire on which food containers
crushed garlic, seasoning and chopped are put to keep hot 2. A set of gas or electric
parsley, stitched up, brought to the boil in rings set in a metal plate with controls,
water or stock flavoured with cloves, usually mounted in a work surface separate
skimmed then simmered with parsnip, from the oven
onions and leeks until tender. Served with a
hochepot France A soup made with salt pork,

roux-thickened, strained cooking liquor

pigs’ tails and ears, beef, mutton, cabbage
finished with a cream and egg yolk liaison.
and root vegetables (NOTE: Literally ‘shaking
hiratake Japan Oyster mushroom

hira-zukuri Japan A type of cut for fish such

hochepot flamand Belgium As hochepot, but

hochepot flamand

as snapper or sea bass used in sashimi in the meat and most of the vegetables served
which the fillets are skinned and cut across separately from the soup with small boiled
the grain in slices sausages
hirino Greece Pork

Hochwild Germany Game


Hirn Germany Brains


hock The part of an animal between the foot


hirn-profesen Italy Bread slices spread with


and lower limb corresponding to the ankle

brains, dipped in batter and deep-fried and part of the lower calf of a human. It
(NOTE: From the alpine region of Italy.) consists mainly of gristle and connective
Hirsch Germany Stag

tissue with a little flesh. Used to provide

Hirschbraten Roast venison

gelatine by prolonged boiling.

Hirse Germany 1. Millet 2. Sorghum hodesalat Norway Lettuce
Hirse hodesalat

hirvi Finland Elk


hodge-podge See hotchpotch


hisopo Spain Hyssop


hodgils Scotland Dumplings made like the


hiyamugi Japan A somen-type noodle but Welsh trollod with added chopped chives

even thinner. Generally served cold with a hoe cake United States A dent corn cornmeal
hoe cake

dipping sauce. batter pancake originally cooked on the

hiyashi Japan Chilled

blade of a hoe. Also called Johnny cake

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hoen kwe

hoen kwe Indonesia, Malaysia Mung bean hökarepanna Sweden Grocer’s stew made
hoen kwe hökarepanna

flour from sliced pork fillet and calves’ kidney

hog 1. United States A general term for pig 2.
alternated in a casserole dish with seasoned
United Kingdom A castrated male pig reared sliced raw potatoes and onions, finishing
for slaughter with potatoes, covered with lager and dotted
with butter, boiled, skimmed then simmered
hog casings The cleaned and scraped
hog casings

intestines of pigs, being the first 18 m of pig with a lid for 1 hour or more
hoki An important deep-water commercial

gut measuring from the stomach with a

diameter between 32 and 46 mm, classed as fish from New Zealand. Exported to Europe
narrow, medium, wide and extra wide. Used as fillets.
hokkien mee noodles China Egg noodles
hokkien mee noodles

for sausages and bratwursts.

holipce See holishkes

hogget A sheep between 12 months and 24


holishkes A Jewish speciality consisting of


months old, popular in Australia

hog millet Common millet
hog millet
blanched cabbage leaves wrapped around a
filling of meat and rice and simmered in a
hog plum The plum- or egg-shaped fruit (up
hog plum

sweet-and-sour tomato sauce. Also called

to 7.5 cm) of trees of the genus Spondias,
gluptzes, holipce, praakes
similar to the mango. Cultivated in Southeast
hollandaise, à la 1. France In the Dutch
hollandaise, à la

Asia and South America. A large stone is

surrounded by yellow and flavoursome flesh style, i.e. served with hollandaise sauce 2.
and a yellow to red skin. Also called Jamaica Coated with melted butter and served with
plum, otaheite apple boiled potatoes. Used of poached fish.
hollandaise, sauce England, France A
hollandaise, sauce

hog pudding England A type of haggis from

hog pudding

the southwest made with finely chopped reduction of crushed peppercorns and
pigs’ pluck or fatty pig meat for the more vinegar, cooled, a small amount of cold water
expensive versions, mixed with boiled groats, added, egg yolks whisked in and the whole
seasoning and flavourings, packed into wide cooked to a thread over a bain-marie whilst
hog casings and boiled until cooked. The continuing to whisk, removed from the heat
Devonshire variety is flavoured with mace, and molten clarified butter poured in slowly
nutmeg, thyme and cayenne pepper, the with vigorous whisking to form a stable
Cornish one with mace, nutmeg, parsley and emulsion, seasoned and strained. Served
thyme. Also called hog’s pudding warm with hot fish and some vegetables.
holländische Sosse Germany Hollandaise
holländische Sosse

hog’s pudding England Hog pudding

hog’s pudding

hoh laan dau China Mangetout pea
hoh laan dau

hollandse palingsoep Netherlands A soup

hollandse palingsoep

hoh laan dow China Mangetout pea

hoh laan dow

made from sweated skinned eels poached in

hohle Schokoladenhippen Germany Tubes
hohle Schokoladenhippen

a stock made from the eel trimmings and

made of thin chocolate, filled with whipped white wine, eel flesh reserved, poaching
cream liquor strained, seasoned and thickened with
Hohlhippen Germany Brandy-snap-shaped egg yolks and butter and poured over the eel

garnishes made mainly from almonds. See pieces and toast and garnished with a
also Hippen julienne of sweated leek, celery and
hoh yow China Oyster sauce
hoh yow
Hamburg parsley
holodny sup-salat Russia See kholodny sup-
holodny sup-salat

hoi git China Jellyfish

hoi git

hoi sin cheung China Hoisin sauce
hoi sin cheung

Holsteinerschnitzel Germany A panéed and


hoisin sauce China A sweet thick red-brown

hoisin sauce

fried veal escalope topped with a fried egg

sauce made from fermented soya beans, and garnished with various items, usually
sugar, garlic, five spices and a little chilli and anchovy fillets
coloured with annatto. Used with roast pork
Holsteinerwurst Germany, United States A

and poultry as a condiment or to glaze the

sausage consisting of equal parts of cured
meat as it is being roasted so as to give it a
pork and fresh beef minced finely with sugar,
rich red chestnut colour. Also called duck
seasoned and strongly spiced with coriander,
sauce, suan mei jiang
nutmeg and cardamom, filled into casings,
hoja Spain Leaf

linked or made into rings and smoked for a

hoja de laurel Spain Bay leaf
hoja de laurel

considerable time
hojaldre Spain Puff pastry

Holstein schnitzel
Holstein schnitzel

United States
hojiso Japan Small stems of the shiso plant

holubtsi Eastern Europe Cabbage rolls

with seed pods, used as a garnish. See also

hana hojiso (golubtsy) from the Ukraine often containing

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chopped mushrooms instead of minced lobster claws; coated with sauce cardinal,
meat sprinkled with grated cheese and butter and
holy basil An oriental variety of basil with a
holy basil

glazed under the grill

darker leaf than basil and a sharper, slightly homard thermidor The sliced flesh from a
homard thermidor

aniseed flavour grilled half lobster laid on cream sauce

holy poke United States Baptist cake mixed with a little English mustard, coated
holy poke

Holyrood pudding Scotland An enriched

Holyrood pudding
with the same and glazed lightly in the oven
semolina pudding made by adding 4 tbsp of or under the grill. Also called lobster
marmalade and 50g of egg yolks per litre of thermidor
hom horm Thailand Shiitake mushroom
hom horm

milk to the cooled pudding, folding in the

associated stiffly beaten egg whites plus (NOTE: Literally ‘good smell’.)
ratafia biscuits at the rate of 100 g per litre, hominy Dehusked whole dried maize kernels

then baking at 180°C until risen and with the germ removed. Usually boiled in
browned water with 1 teaspoonful of bicarbonate of
homard France Lobster

soda per litre to dehusk and soften it, prior to

homard, sauce France A lobster-flavoured
homard, sauce

drying or using in cooking. Also called hulled

sauce made by sweating lobster flesh in the corn
shell, or well-crushed cooked lobster shell, hominy grits United States Coarsely ground
hominy grits

with a mirepoix of onion, carrot and celery in dehusked maize kernels used to make a
butter; flaming with brandy; adding flour and kind of porridge
tomato purée to make a cooked-out roux; homity pie England A shortcrust pastry pie
homity pie

adding fish stock, white wine, a bouquet from the Lake District filled with potato,
garni and garlic; simmering, removing onion, cheese, garlic, herbs and seasoning
lobster flesh if used, returning crushed shell then baked
to the sauce; simmering and straining. Coral, hom lek Thailand Shallots
hom lek

if any, should be added before straining.

homo United States Homogenized milk

homard à la bordelaise France Lobster

homard à la bordelaise

homogenize, to To break down the dispersed

homogenize, to

prepared as for homard à l’américaine, up to

and including flaming; reduced white wine, phase of a two-phase mixture into such small
fish stock, tomato sauce, a bouquet garni droplets that they cannot separate out under
and seasoning added; cooked 15 minutes; gravity and thus form a stable emulsion. Fat
meat removed and sauce prepared in the globules in milk are treated in this way to give
same way and finished with butter, lemon homogenized milk.
homogenized milk 1. United Kingdom Milk
homogenized milk

juice and chopped tarragon and chervil

homard à l’américaine France Lobster killed
homard à l’américaine
which has been homogenized so that the
with a knife; chopped lobster tail and cream does not separate out. Sold in red-
cracked claws seasoned, lightly fried with topped bottles. 2. United States As the UK
chopped shallots and garlic in oil and butter, type but with 3.25% butterfat and 8.25%
flamed with brandy, then white wine, fish other milk solids
Homolky A ewes’ milk cheese very similar to

stock, meat glaze, demi-glace sauce,

chopped tomato flesh, parsley and cayenne Liptói. See also Gomolya
homos Hummus

pepper added; cooked 15 minutes; lobster

removed and meat reserved, coral and hon Japan High-quality or pure

creamy parts of head added to cooking höna Sweden A boiling or large older chicken

liquor; this reduced; butter added, the sauce

Honan cooking A style of Chinese cooking
Honan cooking

strained and poured over the reserved from the inland province of Honan which is
lobster meat prior to serving northeast of Szechuan. It is highly spiced
homard à l’armoricaine France Lobster
homard à l’armoricaine

and often contains wine. Yellow river carp is

cooked in oil with shallots, tomatoes, white a speciality of the region. Also called Hunan
wine and brandy (NOTE: From Brittany. There cooking
is controversy over the attribution of the
Hondashi Japan A trademark for instant dashi

name américaine or armoricaine to these

lobster dishes which are essentially the
høne Denmark Chicken

høne bryst Denmark Chicken breast, the
høne bryst

homard cardinal France Cooked lobster flesh

homard cardinal

arranged with a salpicon of chopped lobster white meat of chicken

hønekødsuppe Denmark Chicken and

flesh, cooked mushrooms, the creamy parts

from the head and chopped truffle mixed vegetable soup
honey Flower nectar partially digested and

with a little sauce cardinal, either in a dish or

a halved lobster shell supported by the regurgitated by the honey bee, Apis

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honey-baked ham

mellifera, as a thick sugary syrup with a with onions, tomatoes, paprika and soured
distinctive flavour. Used by bees as a cream
convenient food source and food storage hongroise, sauce France A velouté sauce
hongroise, sauce

medium. Its flavour and aroma depend to flavoured with lightly fried onions and
some extent on the types of flower from paprika. Served with freshwater fish, poultry
which the nectar was obtained. Strict vegans and roast veal. Also called Hungarian sauce
should not eat honey. hong-shao China Red cooking

honey-baked ham United Kingdom Ham

honey-baked ham

hong yu China Red snapper

hong yu

baked in the oven whilst basting with honey hong zao China Red rice
hong zao

and possibly brown sugar

Honig Germany Honey

honeybun United States A flat yeast-raised


Honigkuchen Germany Honey cake made by


bread roll glazed with honey before baking the melting method from self-raising flour,
honeycomb The hexagonal wax storage

honey, sugar and ground almonds (5:3:2:1)

chambers of the honey bee which are flavoured with lemon zest, cocoa powder,
formed in stacked tiers and in which honey ground spices, candied peel and almond
is stored. Honey can still be purchased in essence, thinned with a little water to a
this form. moderately stiff dough and baked at 175°C.
honeycomb mould A light dessert made by
honeycomb mould

The top is covered with almond flakes when

folding stiffly whisked egg white into a it is removed from the oven. Best after
mixture of jelly and cold egg custard sauce. maturing for several days.
If the mixture of egg custard and jelly is warm honiglekach A Jewish New Year cake

prior to folding in the egg white, then it sweetened with honey. See also lekach
separates into a jelly layer topped by a fluffy honing Netherlands Honey

mousse. honingkoek Netherlands Honey cake


honeycomb tripe Tripe from the second

honeycomb tripe

honje Indonesia Torch ginger


stomach of an ox which has a honeycomb

honmirin Japan Mirin

honning Norway Honey

honeydew melon A slow ripening oval, i.e.

honeydew melon

honningkake Norway Honey cake


rugby ball-shaped, variety of winter melon

hønsekødsuppe Denmark Chicken and

with a thick yellow to green ridged skin and

firm pale green, sweet and delicately vegetable soup
hønsesuppe Denmark, Norway Chicken soup

flavoured flesh. Not as sweet as some

honshimeji Japan Oyster mushroom

varieties but a good keeper.

hönssoppa Sweden Chicken soup

honey fungus A fungus, Armillaria mellea,

honey fungus

hontarako Japan Codfish roe, salted and dyed


which is a garden pest and grows on live

trees causing them to wilt and die. The cap red to resemble caviar. See also tarako
is golden brown when young, becoming honung Sweden Honey

lighter as it ages. The slender stem curls out hoo pla chalarm Thailand Shark’s fin
hoo pla chalarm

from a swollen base attached to the tree hop A plant, Humulus lupulus, of the mulberry

trunk. Although edible it has a bitter taste family with long twining stems bearing
and unpleasant smell and is not catkin-like flower clusters which when dried
recommended. are used to give the bitter flavour to beer. The
honey tangerine United States A
honey tangerine

young shoots may be used as a vegetable.

mandarin/orange cross developed in Florida Hopfen Germany Hops

in 1913 and propagated by C Murcott Smith

Hopfenkäse Germany A type of soft cheese

and J Ward Smith. It has a rather leathery

wrapped in hop leaves. See also Nieheimer
peel and tough segment walls but the juice
hop jeung gwa China Choko
hop jeung gwa

content is very high and it is sweet and well-

Hoppelpoppel Germany Scrambled eggs with

flavoured. It is grown in Florida and Brazil

and commands a premium price. Also called bacon and/or sausages and potatoes
hopper Sri Lanka A type of flat bread or

Murcott tangerine, Smith tangerine

hong chee China Persimmon
hong chee
pancake made with rice flour and coconut
milk and deep-fried until crisp. See also
hong dow China Adzuki bean
hong dow

string hoppers
hong dow sar China Sweet red bean paste
hong dow sar

hopping John United States A mixture of

hopping John

hong mei China Red rice

hong mei

cooked rice and black-eyed peas

hongo Spain Fungus

hop shoots The tender shoots of the hop plant

hop shoots

hongroise, à la France In the Hungarian

hongroise, à la

used as a vegetable in France and Belgium

horapa Thailand Basil

style, i.e. in a sauce flavoured with paprika or

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hot cross bun

horchata Mexico, Spain A summer drink have so good a flavour as mackerel. Also

made in Spain from ground tiger nuts called scad

(chufas) and in Mexico from ground rice or horse mushroom A wild edible mushroom,
horse mushroom

cantaloupe melon seeds Agaricus arvensis, similar to the field

Hordeum vulgare Botanical name Barley mushroom. It has a cream to yellow cap and
horenso Japan A delicate mild-flavoured

greyish gills and turns yellow when cut or

variety of spinach with pink stems broken giving off an aniseed smell.
horse mussel A large mussel, Modiolus
horse mussel

horenso no sarada Japan Spinach leaves

horenso no sarada

washed and cooked for 5 minutes until modiolus, found throughout the North
tender, wrung out, cut into shreds and Atlantic. It has a purplish yellow shell and
dressed with pasty mixture of soya sauce, orange flesh which is not as well-flavoured as
rice vinegar, toasted and crushed sesame that of the common mussel.
horseradish A hardy invasive perennial plant,

seeds, a little dry mustard, minced spring

onions, grated fresh ginger and schichimi Armoracia rusticana, whose thick roots have
togarishu a hot pungent white flesh which is grated for
hor fun China Rice ribbon noodles
hor fun
use in horseradish sauce. The young leaves
horiatiki Greece A Greek salad of cucumber,
have a similar but milder flavour and may be
tomato, olives, onions and feta cheese with used in salads.
horseradish butter A compound butter made
horseradish butter

an olive oil and vinegar dressing

Hörnchen Germany Slightly sweet crescent-
from grated horseradish pounded with 5
shaped rolls similar to croissants times its weight of butter and sieved
horseradish sauce Peeled and grated
horseradish sauce

horned melon Kiwano

horned melon

horno, al Mexico, Spain Baked or roasted in

horno, al
horseradish, mixed with vinegar, seasoning
the oven and lightly whipped cream. Served with roast
beef, smoked trout and smoked eel. See also
horn of plenty A funnel-shaped edible
horn of plenty

Albert, sauce. Also called sauce raifort

fungus, Craterellus cornucopioides, with a
hortalizas Spain Green leaves cooked as a

grey exterior and brownish-black gills. Grows

in beech woods. Also called black trumpet vegetable
hortelã pimenta Portugal Peppermint
hortelã pimenta

horoku Japan A large earthenware plate with


hortobágyi rostélyos Hungary Beef steak

hortobágyi rostélyos

a fitted lid used for baking

braised with stock and bacon bits and served
hors d’oeuvre England, France, Netherlands
hors d’oeuvre

with a large semolina dumpling

Single cold food items, a selection of well-
ho see China Dried oysters
ho see

seasoned cold dishes or well-seasoned hot

hoshi-shiitake Japan A close relative of the

dishes usually served at the beginning of a

meal but sometimes as snacks or with a shiitake mushroom, Cortinellus shiitake,
buffet or cold table fawn to black in colour and available fresh or
horse An animal, Equus caballus, whose
dried. Also called winter mushroom, forest
sweet-flavoured meat is eaten in many mushroom, Japanese black mushroom
hostess United States The female person who

countries and used as a substitute for beef in

many recipes. Not eaten in the UK and the greets guests when they enter a restaurant
USA. (NOTE: The male equivalent is called a
horse bean See field bean, jack bean
horse bean
hot and sour soup China A Pekinese soup or
hot and sour soup

horse clam A large (up to 1.5 kg) clam,

horse clam

Thesus nuttalli, from the Pacific Ocean with broth with vegetables, mushrooms, threads
lean light-coloured meat. Generally fried but of egg, soya sauce, vinegar and spices
in Japan eaten raw. including hot chillies. Thickened with corn
flour to a runny consistency.
horse gram The reddish brown, white, black
horse gram

hotategai, hotate Japan Scallop, served raw in


or mottled seed of a legume, Dolichos

biflorus, from India, which is rather wrinkled sushi or fried
hot bean paste See chilli bean paste
hot bean paste

in appearance, similar to a chick pea, and

hot biscuit United States Scone
hot biscuit

rarely split. Eaten if there is nothing else but

hot black bean sauce A sauce made from
hot black bean sauce

usually the whole plant is used as green

manure or animal fodder. Also called Madras cooked black soya beans mashed with
gram, kulthi bean chillies, sesame oil, garlic, salt and sugar.
horse mackerel Various large fish of the
horse mackerel
Used as a flavouring.
hotchpotch A thin stew of lamb or mutton and

mackerel family, Trachurus trachurus,

Decapterus punctatus and others found in vegetables similar to Irish stew
tropical and subtropical seas; with elongated hot cross bun Originally called a cross bun
hot cross bun

bodies and large spiky scales. They do not and could be eaten on Good Friday without

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hot dog

breaking the fast; now consisting of a yeast- houting A freshwater white fish, Coregonus

raised enriched sweet bun flavoured with oxyrhynchus or C. lavaretus, from the
spices, currants and chopped candied peel, northern rivers of Europe and Asia.
well glazed and with a cross formed on the hovdessert Sweden Meringues with

top using a slack flour water mixture, pastry chocolate sauce and whipped cream,
or by cutting a cross prior to proving. Eaten sometimes with chopped bananas and/or
at Easter. whipped cream
hot dog United States A hot poached or
hot dog

Hovis The name of bread made with Hovis


steamed North American frankfurter served flour

in a long soft white bread roll with American Hovis flour Flour milled by a process which
Hovis flour

mustard or other relish preserves the wheat germ from degradation

hôtelière, à l’ France In the hotelier’s style,
hôtelière, à l’

(NOTE: The name was derived from the Latin

i.e. garnished with beurre maître d’hôtel and hominis vis, meaning ‘strength of man’.)
chopped fried mushrooms. Used especially howtowdie Scotland A dish of boiled chicken

of fish. with poached eggs and spinach (NOTE: From

hotel rolls White crusty rolls, the tops of
hotel rolls

the Old French hutaudeau, ‘a pullet’.)

which are slashed after proving so that when hoy kwai China Turtle
hoy kwai

baked the crust opens in a cross hoy lai Thailand Surf clam
hoy lai

hot fudge United States A hot topping for ice

hot fudge

hoy meng phu Thailand Asian mussel

hoy meng phu

cream and desserts made with chocolate, hoy nangrom Thailand Oyster
hoy nangrom

butter and sugar ho yo jeung China Oyster

ho yo jeung

hot house cucumber United States Long

hot house cucumber

hrachová polevká Czech Republic Beef

hrachová polevká

cucumber stock thickened with a white roux, simmered

hot pepper Cayenne pepper
hot pepper

with onions, garlic and marjoram, mixed with

hot plate 1. A cast-iron or steel plate a purée of yellow split peas, strained and
hot plate

sometimes used as a cooking surface on garnished with diced fried pigs’ ears,
electric or gas ranges in a similar way to a potatoes, croûtons and chopped parsley
griddle 2. See chafing dish hramsa Scotland A mixture of Scottish Cabroc

hotpot A casserole of meat or fish and


cheese and double cream flavoured with

vegetables baked in the oven with a topping chopped leaves of wild garlic (ramsons),
of either sliced potatoes which become served as a dessert or a dip
hrira North Africa A thick rich soup from

brown and crisp when done or a pastry crust.

See also Lancashire hotpot Morocco which can be used as a meal in
hot-smoke, to To smoke food at a
hot-smoke, to
itself or as a starter. Often used to break the
temperature between 40 and 105°C thus fast during Ramadan. It contains lamb,
cooking it at the same time. Food is usually chicken giblets, chickpeas, lentils, rice or
cold-smoked first, and fish is restricted to shariyya, onions, garlic, herbs and spices. It
80°C. is thickened with flour, sometimes contains
hot water pastry A strong dense pastry used
hot water pastry
eggs and is finished with lemon juice.
Hrudka A ewes’ milk cheese very similar to

for hand raised meat pies made from flour,

fat and water and/or milk (2:1:1) boiled Liptói. See also Gomolya
hsien ts’ai China Chinese spinach
hsien ts’ai

together. Moulded whilst warm.

htamin Burma Rice

houblon France Hops


htamin lethoke Burma A platter or platters of

htamin lethoke

hough of beef Skink of beef

hough of beef

cold, cooked long-grain rice, various types of

hough of pork Scotland The knuckle half of a
hough of pork

noodles and vegetables served to guests who

leg of pork (colloquial)
pick up a selection with their fingers and mix
hou goo China Oyster mushroom
hou goo

them in their own bowl with small amounts of

houmous Hummus

sauces, condiments and other spicy or

houmus Hummus pungent accompaniments always using their

household flour See plain flour

household flour
fingers (NOTE: Literally ‘finger-mixed rice’.)
huachinango Mexico Red snapper

house lamb United Kingdom Milk-fed lamb

house lamb

hua daio China Red girl wine

hua daio

house leek A hardy evergreen perennial

house leek

hua hom Thailand Onion

hua hom

succulent, Sempervivum tectorum, which

hua jiao China Sichuan peppercorn
hua jiao

grows in clusters of rosettes on walls and

hua jiao you China Sichuan pepper oil
hua jiao you

roofs. The leaves are used in salads by the

Dutch. hua juan China Steamed bread rolls
hua juan

houtic Netherlands Houting, the fish huang chiu China Red girl wine
houtic huang chiu

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huang gwa China Cucumber Hühnerbrühe Germany Chicken broth

huang gwa Hühnerbrühe

huang you China Butter Hühnerbrust Germany Chicken breast

huang you Hühnerbrust

huang yu China Croaker, the fish Hühnerklein Germany Chicken giblets

huang yu Hühnerklein

hua pak had Thailand Mooli Huhn mit Käsesauce Switzerland Boiled
hua pak had Huhn mit Käsesauce

hua sheng China Peanuts

hua sheng

chicken with cheese sauce

hui China Lengthy simmering of tough foods to

hua sheng you China Peanut oil

hua sheng you

hua tiao China Red girl wine

hua tiao
tenderize them
huile France Oil

hubbard squash A very warty-skinned winter

hubbard squash

huile, à l’ France Served with olive oil or other

huile, à l’

squash, eaten at the green unripe stage as

well as in the orange mature stage. Common oil or with a dressing made from the same
huile blanche France Poppy seed oil
huile blanche

in the USA.
hu chiao China Anise pepper huile de colza France Rapeseed oil
hu chiao huile de colza

huchiao China Peppercorn huile de coton France Cottonseed oil

huchiao huile de coton

hucho A freshwater fish found in the rivers of huile de noix France Walnut oil
hucho huile de noix

northern Europe. Prepared like salmon. Also huile de tournesol France Sunflower seed oil
huile de tournesol

called huck huile d’olive France Olive oil

huile d’olive

huck See hucho


huile vierge France First pressing of oil

huile vierge

huckleberry 1. Bilberry 2. United States The


bearing berries or seeds

fruit of a small bush, Gaylussacia frondosa, huitlacoche Mexico An edible fungus,

related to the blueberry. It is up to 1 cm in Ustilago maydis, which infects green maize

diameter and has a sweet and juicy flesh. cobs causing the kernels to grow large, black
hueso Spain Bone

and deformed but with a pleasant taste

hueso medular Spain Marrow bone
hueso medular

huître France Oyster, originally the European


hueva Spain Hard fish roe flat oyster


huevos Spain Eggs huître de claire France A fattened oyster.

huevos huître de claire

huevos a la flamenco Spain Eggs baked with

huevos a la flamenco
Also called claire
huître portugaise France Portuguese oyster
huître portugaise

chopped tomatoes, onions and ham and

garnished with asparagus tips, red sweet huîtres, sauce aux France Sauce normande
huîtres, sauce aux

peppers and slices of pork sausage with the addition of poached and bearded
huevos al horno Spain Baked eggs oysters. Used for poached fish.
huevos al horno

huevos al nido Spain Egg yolks cooked in huîtres Dubarry France Oysters served in
huevos al nido huîtres Dubarry

small bread rolls and covered with white of potato cases

egg (NOTE: Literally ‘eggs in a nest’.) hu jiao miar China Pepper
hu jiao miar

huevos al plato Spain Shirred eggs

huevos al plato

huku East Africa The Tanzanian name for


huevos al trote Spain Hard-boiled eggs,

huevos al trote

halved lengthways, egg yolks mixed with hull, to To remove the outer inedible covering
hull, to

tuna fish and mayonnaise and replaced of a fruit or seed or the remains of the flower
huevos duros Spain Hard-boiled eggs calyx and stalk from berry fruits
huevos duros

huevos escalfados Spain Shirred eggs hulled corn Hominy

huevos escalfados hulled corn

huevos medio cocidos Spain Poached eggs Hülsenfrüchte Germany Pulses

huevos medio cocidos Hülsenfrüchte

huevos pasados por agua Spain Soft-boiled hu luo bo China Carrots

huevos pasados por agua hu luo bo

eggs hu ma China Sesame seed

hu ma

huevos revueltos Spain Scrambled eggs

huevos revueltos

humba Philippines A type of Spanish estofado


huffed chicken England An old Sussex dish

huffed chicken

but with vinegar and possibly bean curd

of stuffed chicken wrapped in suet pastry, humble pie England A meat pie made from
humble pie

decorated with pastry leaves, glazed and offal. Also called umble pie (NOTE: The name
baked at 180°C until the internal is derived from the old French nombles
temperature as measured with a meat meaning edible entrails of a deer.)
thermometer is 80°C and finished at 220°C Humbolt dressing United States A seasoned
Humbolt dressing

to brown the pastry if necessary mixture of crab butter and mayonnaise used
huff juff United States Baptist cake
huff juff

with crab meat

huffkin England As Kentish huffkin but

hummer Denmark, Norway, Sweden Lobster


formed in large oval flat loaves weighing Hummer Germany Lobster


about 750 g hummer-kotletter Sweden Lobster cutlets


Huhn Germany Chicken


made from hen lobster meat, coral, egg yolk

Hühnerbein Germany Chicken leg

and a little egg white, anchovy essence,

Hühnerbraten Germany Roast chicken

seasoning, sugar and nutmeg, processed,

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formed into cutlet shape, panéed and keeps well and the flavour improves with
shallow-fried in butter. Served with melted age.
butter and lobster coral. Hungarian sauce See hongroise, sauce
Hungarian sauce

Hummerkrabben Germany Large prawns


hung jo China Jujube

hung jo

hummerstuvning Sweden Lobster stew. hung liu China Five spice powder
hummerstuvning hung liu

Cream and the water from making lobster hung que Vietnam Mint
hung que

butter made into a velouté and cooked out. hungry rice A variety of millet, Digitaria exilis,
hungry rice

Cut-up lobster meat, seasoning, ground important as a staple in the dry areas of West
cloves and a little brandy added, and the Africa
whole warmed but not boiled. Served as hung zao China Jujube
hung zao

soon as the lobster meat is cooked through.

hunter’s sauce See chasseur, sauce
hunter’s sauce

Excessive cooking toughens the meat. (NOTE:

hunter’s sausage See Jagdwurst
hunter’s sausage

Sometimes translated as lobster Newburg.)

Huntingdon fidget pie England Fidget pie
Huntingdon fidget pie

hummus Middle East 1. A purée of cooked


Huntsman England A speciality cheese from


chick peas 2. An appetizer, dip or hors

d’oeuvre made from cooked chick peas Melton Mowbray consisting of a layer of blue
puréed with olive oil mixed with tahini, garlic Stilton between two layers of double
paste and lemon juice, dressed with olive oil Gloucester
hun tun China Won ton wrappers
hun tun

and garnished with chopped parsley. Often

hunyadi töltöt Hungary An escalope of sirloin
hunyadi töltöt

accompanied by black olives and pitta

bread. See also hummus-bi-tahina. Also steak, covered with a mixture of butter
called homos, houmus, houmous, humus creamed with egg yolk, chopped ham, sliced
hummus-bi-tahina Middle East The classic
macaroni and stiffly beaten egg white, rolled
hummus of Syria made from soaked chick and tied, seasoned, browned in lard, then
peas boiled and skimmed until tender with a stewed with a little brown stock, fried onion
little bicarbonate of soda added to the water, slices, thinly sliced sweet green peppers and
puréed with garlic and mixed with tahina plenty of paprika, with sour cream added at
paste equal to two thirds of the weight of the the half cooked stage
hunza Small wild apricots from the Himalayas

dry chick peas, chilli powder, ground cumin,

lemon juice and salt. Garnished with olive oil, with a delicious flavour. Usually traded in the
lemon juice, chopped parsley and cumin dried form when they are pale brown and
and a few whole cooked chick peas. wrinkled. Ideal soaked and poached.
huo tui China Ham
huo tui

humpback salmon Pink salmon

humpback salmon

hure France Head of pig or boar


Humulus lupulus Botanical name Hop

hure de sanglier France Boar’s head
hure de sanglier

humus See hummus


hús Hungary Meat


Hunan Chinese province north of Kwantung,


Hushållsost Sweden A semi-soft, scalded-


with a similar style of cuisine to Cantonese

hundreds and thousands Fine (up to 1mm in
hundreds and thousands
curd, pale and mild creamy cows’ milk
diameter) multicoloured strands or balls of cheese shaped like a cylinder. It has a
sugar, used as a cake decoration. Also called slightly open texture and some holes.
nonpareille Sometimes flavoured with cloves and cumin
and covered in wax or plastic.
hundredweight A measure of weight used for

hush puppies United States Deep-fried

hush puppies

large quantities of goods. Now obsolete in

the UK, but still used in the USA. In the UK dumplings from the southern states of the
it is equal to 112 lb and in the USA to 100 lb. USA made from a cornmeal batter flavoured
Abbreviation cwt with onions and served with fried fish. Used
to be thrown to dogs to keep them quiet.
hundred year egg Chinese preserved eggs
hundred year egg

husk 1. The outer bran layer of cereals and


Hundshai Germany Larger spotted dogfish


seeds 2. The empty shell of a nut

hung Vietnam A type of mint

huss Dogfish

Hungarian butter See beurre de paprika

Hungarian butter

hussaini kabab South Asia Nuts and raisins

hussaini kabab

Hungarian goulash An authentic Hungarian

Hungarian goulash

formed into cylinders and coated with a

stew containing cubed beef, fried onions, bound minced beef, then pan fried or grilled
green sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic, hussarde, à la France In the hussar’s style,
hussarde, à la

pasta, stock and caraway seeds. Not i.e. garnished with aubergines, stuffed
thickened. Also called borgrács gulyas potatoes, grated horseradish and possibly
Hungarian millet Foxtail millet
Hungarian millet

mushrooms. Used of joints of meat.

Hungarian salami A well-spiced lightly hussarde, sauce France Finely sliced onions
Hungarian salami hussarde, sauce

smoked salami made from fatty pork. It and shallots, browned in butter, white wine

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added and reduced by half; demi-glace


hydrogenation The process of chemically

sauce, tomato purée, white stock, garlic, a combining hydrogen with unsaturated oils
bouquet garni and a piece of raw ham and soft fats to make them more saturated
added; all simmered 30 minutes, strained, and harder. Used to make margarine and
ham reserved and the sauce finished with lard substitutes from oils. Doubts are being
finely chopped reserved ham, a little grated cast on the wholesomeness of the resulting
horseradish and chopped parsley. Served hard fats many of which have no natural
with grilled or spit-roasted meat. analogs.
hustler United States Baptist cake
hydrogen sulphites

hydrogen sulphites Salts similar to the

hutch United States A sideboard or cupboard

sulphites but containing a higher proportion

used for storing plates, napkins, cutlery etc. of sulphur dioxide, used as food
hu tieu Vietnam White rice noodles about 3 preservatives in the food industry. Those
hu tieu

mm wide. See also banh pho permitted are sodium hydrogen sulphite,
hutspot Netherlands A type of Irish stew or
E222, and calcium hydrogen sulphite, E227.
hydrolysed protein

hotpot of meat with carrots, onions and hydrolysed protein Protein which has been
mashed potatoes broken down into smaller subunits (peptides)
Hüttenkäse Germany Cottage cheese

by treatment with water at high temperature

Hutzelbrot Germany Fruit bread
and pressure or other hydrolysing agents.
This produces highly flavoured compounds
huzarensla Netherlands Russian salad, a

as in yeast and meat extracts and also occurs

mayonnaise bound salad of diced meat,
during fermentation of proteins (soya sauce,
apples, beetroot and potatoes with pickles
miso, tempeh, etc.) and to a limited extent
(NOTE: Literally ‘Hussar’s salad’.)
when cooking proteins.
hvalk kjøtt Norway Whale meat
hvalk kjøtt


hydrolysis The reaction of water molecules

hveteboller Norway Sweet bread rolls

with other compounds, usually to break

hvid Denmark White

them down into smaller subunits and

hvide bønner Denmark Kidney beans
hvide bønner

requiring the action of acids, enzymes or

hvidløg Denmark Garlic long heating. It is used e.g. to convert starch

hvidløgssmør Denmark Garlic butter

into simpler sugars and is the process which
hvidvinssovs Denmark White wine sauce
occurs when starch solutions and sauces are
thinned by boiling them too long.
hvit Norway White


hvitkålsalat Norway Coleslaw

hvitkålsalat hydrometer A short stubby cylinder
surmounted with a long graduated tube. The
hvitløk Norway Garlic

whole is sealed and weighted so that it floats

hvitting Norway Whiting, the fish

upright in a liquid always displacing its own

hyacinth bean A warm climate legume,
hyacinth bean

mass of liquid thus indicating by the depth to

Lablab purpureus, from India now cultivated which it sinks the density or specific gravity
worldwide. The whole pods which range in of the liquid. Used for measuring alcohol,
colour from green to purple may be treated salt and sugar concentrations in solution.
as French beans when young or the dried hygiene

hygiene The general term for those

beans which are brown with a white hilum procedures and practices which prevent the
may be used as a pulse. The beans must be transmission of disease between and to
well boiled before eating. They may also be humans, the multiplication of harmful
sprouted in the dark for bean sprouts. Also microorganisms in the body or environment
called Egyptian bean, lablab bean, dolichos and the accumulation of dirt, poisons and
bean, bonavista bean, black bean toxins where they could be harmful to living
hydrochloric acid The acid secreted in the
hydrochloric acid

stomach which maintains the pH of the hygroscopic

hygroscopic Describes a substance that

contents around 2, thus inhibiting or killing absorbs water from the atmosphere without
bacteria and helping with the breakdown of necessarily showing any signs of damp, e.g.
food. A permitted food additive, E507, in the silica gel which is used to maintain a dry
UK. atmosphere over some foods
hydrogen A highly inflammable light gas


occasionally used in sealed packaging, more

hylderbærsuppe Denmark Elderberry soup

often for hydrogenating vegetable and fish hyoshigi-giri Japan Baton cut for root
oils in order to harden them vegetables. Also called clapper cut

hydrogenated glucose syrup A modified hyphae The filaments and fungal strands
hydrogenated glucose syrup

glucose syrup used in sugar free which make up the main mass of fungi and
confectionery from which fruiting bodies, e.g. mushrooms,

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sprout. Quorn is an example of a food made hyssop A hardy semi-evergreen shrub,


from hyphae. Hyssopus officinalis, whose leaves can be

hyse Norway Haddock

used in small amounts to flavour game,

hysope France Hyssop

pâtés, soups, lamb stews and fruits

Hyssopus officinalis Botanical name Hyssop

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iabloko Apple currants, chopped dried apricots, lemon

iablonnik Russia A cold apple soup made

juice and herbs, casseroled in chicken stock

from peeled and cored finely chopped for 40 minutes and served cold with
cooking apples simmered until soft with cinnamon-flavoured yoghurt and lemon
sugar and cloves, cooled, the cloves wedges
removed and the soup flavoured with vanilla iben North Africa The highly prized buttermilk

extract left after making zebda

iachmen Russia Barley

ibu roti Malaysia Khamir

ibu roti

iachmennyi khleb Russia Yeast raised barley

iachmennyi khleb

ice Frozen water sometimes used in place of


bread made with barley flour and wheat flour water where intense agitation or prolonged
(2:3), milk, a little honey and yeast, kneaded processing might overheat a mixture. The
and proved in the usual way and baked at energy necessary to melt ice would heat the
200°C for 15 minutes reducing to 180°C same mass of water by 80°C. Also used for
until cooked cooling.
iahnie de ciuperci Romania Chopped onions
iahnie de ciuperci

ice, to To cover or decorate cakes, biscuits,

ice, to

fried lightly in oil followed by sliced buns, etc. with icing

mushrooms until all browned, tomato iceberg lettuce A crisphead, tightly packed
iceberg lettuce

concassée or purée, seasoning and chopped ball lettuce with the outer leaves removed
dill added and all served cold and with little flavour. Ideal for shredding or
iahnie de fasole Romania Cooked navy or
iahnie de fasole

for a chiffonade.
haricot beans mixed whilst hot with sliced
icebox pie United States A pie with a filling
icebox pie

fried onions, oil, lemon juice, seasoning and

which is chilled or frozen to make it firm
chopped dill and served cold
ice cream A flavoured, sweetened and
ice cream

iaika minsky Russia Halved hard-boiled eggs

iaika minsky

coloured mixture of (egg) custard and cream

filled with the yolks mashed with
(substitute) rapidly frozen to a stiff paste to
mayonnaise, double cream, chopped dill
avoid the formation of large detectable ice
and parsley and paprika and mixed with
crystals. Used as a dessert and for many
chopped white of egg, the filled eggs
made up desserts.
sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated
ice cream sundae Individual portions of ice
ice cream sundae

cheese, decorated with crossed anchovy

fillets and baked for 10 minutes at 200°C cream topped with canned or fresh fruit,
and served warm. Also called jajka minsky whipped cream, chocolate or other sweet
sauce and chopped nuts. Used for a dessert.
iaitsa po-russki Russia Hard-boiled eggs,
iaitsa po-russki

iced fancies Small sponge cakes completely

iced fancies

halved, the yolks blended with English and

French mustard, seasoning and finely covered with flavoured fondant icing and
chopped gherkins and spring onion, the decorated
ice-glaze, to To add a thin layer of ice to
ice-glaze, to

mixture returned to the eggs and decorated

with paprika and capers. See also eggs à la frozen food by spraying with or dipping in
russe water. It is said to preserve freshness and
i’a lawalu Fish baked in taro leaves, a
i’a lawalu
flavour but is usually used to increase
speciality of Hawaii apparent weight. Common with frozen
iarpakh dolmasy Russia Vine leaves stuffed
iarpakh dolmasy
Iceland moss An edible lichen, Cetraria
Iceland moss

with a filling of soaked bulgur, fried chopped

onions and minced lamb with pine nuts, islandica, resembling a dark carragheen

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Iceland scallop

from mountainous and arctic regions. It ifisashi East Africa A vegetarian greens in

grows to 1.2 m in length and is prepared by peanut sauce from Zambia. The sauce is
soaking it in boiling water with sodium made from ground peanuts or natural
bicarbonate to remove the bitter flavour, then peanut butter, chopped onion and tomato
soaking in water overnight. Used like boiled vigorously in water before adding the
carragheen or may be dried and ground to chopped greens and simmering until
make a flour. cooked.
Iceland scallop A small species of scallop, igat Philippines Eel
Iceland scallop igat

Chlamys islandica, fished in the northern igname France, Italy Yam


Atlantic Igny France A mild cows’ milk cheese made in


iceplant A sprawling succulent plant,


the shape of a disc, from the abbey of the

Mesambryanthemum crystallinum, whose same name in Champagne
fleshy leaves and young stems may be used iguana A large lizard, Iguana iguana, up to 2

raw in salads or cooked like spinach m long from Central and South America with
ichiban dashi Japan The first infusion in
ichiban dashi

white tender mild-flavoured meat generally

making dashi. See also dashi more expensive than beef or fish
ichigo Japan Strawberries

ijs Netherlands 1. Ice 2. Ice cream


ichimi Japan Flaked red peppers ika Japan Cuttlefish and squid, used raw in
ichimi ika

icho-giri Japan A quarter round cut of

ikan alu-alu Indonesia Barracuda
ikan alu-alu

vegetables, especially large and tapering root

vegetables. Also called ginkgo leaf cut ikan bawal hitam Indonesia Black pomfret,
ikan bawal hitam

icing A paste formed from icing sugar and the fish


water with possible additions of lemon juice, ikan bawal putih Indonesia White pomfret,
ikan bawal putih

egg white, glycerine, colouring and the fish

flavouring, used to coat cakes and buns, etc. ikan berinti Malaysia Stuffed fish
ikan berinti

for decorative purposes. See also American ikan bilis Malaysia Small fish such as
ikan bilis

frosting, glacé icing, fondant, royal icing, anchovy and similar, cooked, dried in the
transparent icing sun then deep-fried. Used as an addition to
icing bag See piping bag
icing bag

other dishes. Also called ikan teri

icing sugar Very finely ground sugar with no
icing sugar

ikan karau Indonesia A fish similar to salmon

ikan karau

particles larger than 0.1 mm (100 microns) ikan kembung Indonesia A fish similar to a
ikan kembung

used to make icing, to dredge desserts and small bonito

cakes, etc. for decoration, and to make some
ikan merah Indonesia Snapper or bream
ikan merah

confectionery items
ikan merah puchat Indonesia, Malaysia
ikan merah puchat

ICMSF The International Commission on


Snapper or bream
Microbiological Standards for Foods which
ika no surimi Japan Minced squid. Also
ika no surimi

sets standards for assigning foods to various

classes of health hazard ranging from case called surimi-ika
ikan teri Indonesia, Malaysia Ikan bilis
ikan teri

1, no health hazard and low incidence of

ikan terubuk Indonesia Herring
ikan terubuk

spoilage, to case 15, severe and direct health

hazard possibly influenced by conditions of ikra Russia Caviar

handling ikura Japan The large (0.5 cm diameter)


iç pilav Turkey A pilaf made from round short-

iç pilav

orange-red eggs of salmon. Often used in

grain rice, fried onions and pine nuts, sushi. Also called caviar pearls, keta caviar,
chopped lamb’s liver, currants, tomato, salmon caviar
cinnamon and seasoning, braised in water in ilama A custard apple, Anona diversifolia,

the oven in a covered dish. Also called growing in lowland tropics and similar to the
Turkish pilaf cherimoya
Idiazabal Spain A smoked ewes’ milk cheese

Ilchester England A beer and garlic-flavoured


from the Basque country. It is firm with a few Cheddar cheese

holes and has a mild smoky flavour. Also îles flottantes England, France A thin egg
îles flottantes

called aralar, urbasa, urbia custard topped with spoonfuls of poached

idli South Asia Small steamed cakes served

meringue mixture and finished with a

with spices, coconut or other flavourings as sprinkling of crushed praline or caramel.
an accompaniment to a main dish. Made Served cold.
from a batter of rice flour and urad dhal Ilha Portugal A Cheddar-type cows’ milk

which has been left to ferment overnight. cheese from the Azores (NOTE: Literally
iets vooraf Netherlands Appetizer
iets vooraf


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Indian oyster

illawara plum Australia The purple-black fruit inada Japan The young of the fish yellowtail
illawara plum inada

of an ancient pine, Podocarpus elatus, (Japanese amberjack), Serriola

grape-sized and semi-sweet with the seeds, quinqueradiata. See also hamachi
which are easily broken off, growing on the inaka-miso Japan A red coloured miso

outside. They have a rich flavour with a usually made with barley as the added grain.
slightly resinous quality and a refreshing May be sweet or salty. Used in soups and
aftertaste. The slight bitterness is intensified stews. Also called sendai-miso, red miso
if cooked in aluminium. May be used as inari Japan A sushi product

fresh fruit or in desserts and with meat. inari-zushi Japan A sushi packed into a

Illicium verum Botanical name Star anise deep-fried bean curd pouch (an abura-age)
illipe butter South Asia A soft yellow oil
illipe butter

Incanestrato A semi-hard scalded-curd


extracted from the seeds of the Indian butter Sicilian cheese. See also Canestrato
tree. See also mowra butter incasciata Italy A mixture of noodles,

illustrierte Salatgurke
illustrierte Salatgurke

Germany A chopped hard-boiled eggs and shredded

compound salad of sliced pickled meat
cucumbers alternated with slices of incassettato Italy Encased, e.g. in pastry

Emmenthal and anchovy fillets garnished incir Turkey Figs


with ham cornets filled with capers and

incise, to To cut deep slits in raw food, e.g. to
incise, to

halved hard-boiled eggs

aid penetration of a marinade or tenderizer
imam bayaldi Middle East A Syrian salad
imam bayaldi

or to insert garlic, herbs or spices

based on aubergines inconnu Canada, United States A white

imamdusta South Asia A ceramic mortar used


fleshed oily freshwater fish, Leucichthys

for grinding soft grains and spices using a mackenzii, with a protruding lower jaw, from
matching pestle (daanti) the great lakes of Canada. It has a silver grey
imbalagha East Africa A fish dish

back and white underside and weighs up to

accompanied with bananas from the Lake 4 kg. Use as salmon.
Malawi region of Tanzania incubation period The time following the
incubation period

imbiancare Italy To blanch introduction of a microorganism into a host


Imbiss Germany Snack

(i.e. food or a person) during which it
establishes itself and grows without visible
imbottini delizia Italy Paupiettes of veal
imbottini delizia

signs or effects
stuffed with ham, cheese and truffle
Indian bread United States Cornmeal bread
Indian bread

Indian butter tree A tree, Madhuca indica
Indian butter tree

imbottito Italy Stuffed


and M. longifolia, from central India. The

imbrecciata Italy A chick pea, bean and lentil

dried flowers are used as food and the seeds

soup from Umbria are the source of mowra butter.
imbriaco Spain Red mullet, Mullus barbatus

Indian corn United States An alternative

Indian corn

imitation caviar A product made from the

imitation caviar

name for the maize which is generally known

hard female roe of some types of fish just in the USA as corn
before spawning. It is washed, sieved to Indian cress Nasturtium
Indian cress

remove fibre, salted (1:6 or less on roe), kept Indian date Tamarind
Indian date

2 to 3 days, drained, surface dried and Indian dill A plant, Anethum sowa, similar to
Indian dill

pressed into jars. It goes under names such

the European dill but with longer and
as lumpfish caviar, German caviar, etc. narrower seeds and a slightly different
imli South Asia Tamarind

impanato Italy Panéed or coated with bread

Indianerkrapfen Austria A light pastry dipped


crumbs in chocolate and filled with whipped cream

impastare Italy To knead

Indian fig Prickly pear

Indian fig

impastoiata Italy A mixture of polenta and Indian jujube Jujube

impastoiata Indian jujube

beans from Umbria served with a tomato Indian lotus Lotus

Indian lotus

sauce Indian millet Common millet

Indian millet

impératrice, à l’ France The name given to

impératrice, à l’

Indian mustard Brown mustard seed

Indian mustard

enriched dishes and cakes, e.g. riz à Indian nut Pine nut
Indian nut

l’impératrice Indian oyster A small rectangular-shaped

Indian oyster

imperial agaric Ovoli

imperial agaric

oyster, Crassostrea cucullata, with a pink

impériale, à l’ France In the imperial style,
impériale, à l’

margin on its black shell, found throughout

i.e. used of chicken garnished with foie gras, the coasts of Southeast Asia and Japan.
mushrooms and cockscombs or kidneys Usually cooked by simmering, e.g. in kaki-

289 Page 290 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

Indian pear

miso, or quick frying and using in filled inguru Sri Lanka Ginger

omelettes. Ingwer Germany Ginger


Indian pear Prickly pear

Indian pear

Ingwerbrot Germany Gingerbread


Indian pudding United States A traditional

Indian pudding

Ingwerkuche United States A ginger cake


pudding made from cornmeal, milk, butter, introduced by Dutch immigrants to

treacle, eggs and spices. Similar to hasty Pennsylvania
inhame Portugal Yam

Indian rice Wild rice

Indian rice

inihaw Philippines Grilled on skewers over a


Indian spinach See amaranth 1, Ceylon

Indian spinach

heat source
injera Africa A round, sour-tasting flat bread

Indian sweet lime See sweet lime

Indian sweet lime

from East Africa resembling pitta bread,

indienne, à l’ France In the Indian style, i.e.
indienne, à l’

made from millet flour, yeast and water using

highly spiced, etc. the sourdough method. It has the texture of
indienne, sauce France Currie à l’indienne,
indienne, sauce

tripe and is eaten with stews.

sauce ink cap See shaggy ink cap
ink cap

indigo carmine A synthetic blue food

indigo carmine

inkfish Squid

colouring. Also called indigotine. See also

inkokt ål Sweden Boiled eel often served cold
inkokt ål

at the smörgåsbord. Made from pieces of
indigotine See indigo carmine

skinned eel simmered in a white wine court

indisches Ragoutpulver Germany Curry
indisches Ragoutpulver

bouillon for 25 minutes.

inky-pinky Scotland A kind of stew of leftovers

indivia belga Italy Belgium chicory

indivia belga

made with beef stock thickened with corn

indmad Denmark 1. Giblets 2. Offal

flour and heated with cold roast beef which

indring Indonesia Hairy basil

has been trimmed of all fat and gristle.

induction period The time during which
induction period

Cooked carrots and cooked button onions

foodstuffs such as fats are protected by are added together with seasoning and 25 ml
additives such as antioxidants before they of vinegar per litre of stock. Served with small
begin to deteriorate squares or triangles of toast (sippets).
indura bread East Africa A teff grain sour
indura bread

inlagd gurka Sweden Thinly sliced cucumber

inlagd gurka

dough raised bread from Ethiopia made in marinated in vinegar, sugar and water,
the form of a spiral flat pancake drained and served with a garnish of
indyeika Russia Turkey

chopped dill and parsley

infarinata Italy A Tuscan dish of polenta inlagd sill Sweden Salt herring soaked in
infarinata inlagd sill

cooked with beans, bacon and cabbage, water for at least 12 hours, washed and
cooled and eaten cold or sliced and fried drained, cleaned, boned and filleted and
infiammato Italy Flambéed marinated in vinegar and water (5:2), sugar,

infra-red That portion of the electromagnetic

white pepper, bay leaves and sliced shallots.
spectrum which is used in cooking to Served with the marinade coloured with
transfer heat by radiation from a hot surface beetroot juice.
innards Internal organs of an animal

to the food as in a grill, barbecue, electric or

halogen hob especially in the abdominal cavity. Also
infuse, to To bring a liquid into contact with
infuse, to

called guts, viscera

some food, herb or spice so as to transfer inosine 5’-disodium phosphate See E631
inosine 5’-disodium phosphate

aroma, taste and soluble components to the inositol A water-soluble carbohydrate which

liquid from which the solid material is is found in fruits and cereals either free or
strained. e.g. brewing of coffee or tea, combined. It has a role in fat metabolism and
extraction of vanilla from a pod and of also appears to be essential for the
aromatics from a bouquet garni. transmission of nerve impulses as the
infuser A small perforated closed container

concentration in nerves is much higher than

which allows boiling water to come into in the blood and is correlated with the speed
contact with tea, herbs, spices, etc. thus of response, since both decline with age. It is
extracting flavour from the solid also a major constituent of human semen. It
ingee South Asia Ginger has no known toxicity.

ingefaer brød Denmark Gingerbread insaccati Italy Sausages (colloquial) (NOTE:

ingefaer brød insaccati

ingefära Sweden Ginger


Literally ‘in a bag’.)

ingemaakte vruchten Netherlands Canned insalata Italy Salad
ingemaakte vruchten insalata

fruit insalata alla moda d’alba Italy A salad of

insalata alla moda d’alba

ingen Japan Runner beans


asparagus, celery and truffles

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insalata capricciosa Italy A salad made from or incorporated into manufactured foods.
insalata capricciosa

a julienne of celeriac, ham, tongue and See also chitterlings, andouille, casings
mushrooms bound with mayonnaise intingolo Italy 1. Sauce or gravy 2. Tasty dish

insalata composta Italy Salade composée 3. Stew

insalata composta

insalata cotta e cruda Italy A salad of mixed inulin A fructo-oligosaccharide added to some
insalata cotta e cruda inulin

cooked vegetables and raw salad greens breakfast cereals targeted at children’s
insalata di mare Italy Seafood salad
insalata di mare

parents. It is a prebiotic and is selectively

insalata di rinforzo Italy A salad of
insalata di rinforzo
metabolized by, thus encouraging the growth
anchovies, capers and olives, topped up of, probiotic bacteria in the colon.
in umido Italy 1. Braised 2. Stewed
in umido

daily with the same or similar items as part is

consumed invernengo Italy Parmesan cheese made

insalata mista Italy Mixed salad during the winter, from December to March.
insalata mista

insalata paesana Italy A peasant salad of

insalata paesana
See also Parmigiano Reggiano
invertase An enzyme obtained from

potatoes, eggs and vegetables, all cooked

and cooled Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is used to
insalata russa Italy Russian salad
insalata russa

prevent granulation in thick sugar syrups

insalata siciliana Italy Stuffed tomatoes with
insalata siciliana
and fondants
invert sugar
invert sugar

anchovies Simple sugars

insalata verde Italy Green salad, usually of
insalata verde
(monosaccharides) whose configuration has
only one type of leaf been changed by heat, enzyme or acid
insalatine Italy Salad greens
treatment so that they will not crystallize and
will prevent other sugars from crystallizing
insalatone Italy A mixed salad of cooked

involtini Italy Slices of meat, ham and cheese


rolled together and served in broth
insolation A method of drying food by

involtini di vitello Italy Paupiettes of veal

involtini di vitello

exposing it to the sun. Used for meat, fish

and fruit. stuffed and cooked as beef olives
involtino Italy A roll or roulade (not bread)

instant flour United States Wheat flour

instant flour

iodine A trace element required for health


processed to make it easily soluble in hot or

cold liquids especially of the thyroid gland, now included
instant food Food which has been prepared
instant food
in iodized salt but available particularly from
and dehydrated in such a way that it is shell fish, seawater fish and seaweed
iodized salt Salt to which potassium iodide or
iodized salt

immediately useable on adding (boiling)

water. Coffee, tea, soup and noodles are iodate (a source of iodine) is added in order
typical examples. to overcome any deficiencies of iodine in the
instant rice See precooked rice
instant rice
diet, especially in certain parts of the country
integrale Italy Wholemeal, bread, flour, etc.
where iodine is not present in the soil or
drinking water
integument The barrier around natural food

ionizing radiation Electromagnetic radiation

ionizing radiation

items such as egg shell and vegetable or fruit

peel, which provides a barrier to microbial which causes chemical changes in materials
invasion of the food through which it passes, in particular
intercosta Italy A small entrecôte steak
ionization of compounds and production of
short-lived free radicals which cause the
interiora Italy Offal, innards

death of living organisms. It is used for the

interlard, to United States Lard, to
interlard, to

sterilization of food in hermetically sealed

international kidney Jersey royal
international kidney

packs, for the reduction in amount of

International Library of Gastronomy A
International Library of Gastronomy

spoilage flora on perishable foods, for the

library of over 3,500 rare books related to elimination of pathogens in foods, for the
cooking and gastronomy from the 14th to the control of infestation in stored cereals, for the
19th century assembled by Arazio Bagnasco prevention of sprouting of root vegetables in
in Lugano Switzerland. Address: storage and for retardation of the
Bibliothèque Internationale de Gastronomie, development of picked mushrooms (e.g.
Casella Postale 33, 6924 Soprengo (Lugano) opening of the caps). Unfortunately there is
Switzerland. no current legislation requiring the labelling
intestines That part of an animal’s digestive
of foods so treated.
iota Italy A slowly cooked soup from the

system between the last stomach and the

rectum which forms a tube or in some cases northeast. See also jota
a blind sac. After cleaning, they may be used Ipomoea aquatica Botanical name Swamp
as sausage casings, eaten after preparation cabbage

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Ipomoea batatas Botanical name The sweet iron oxide Various combinations of iron and
iron oxide

potato plant oxygen which when finely ground have

Ipomoea reptans Botanical name Swamp colours ranging from yellow through brown to
cabbage black and are used as a food colouring and
ippoglosso Italy Flounder source of iron. See also E172

Iraty France A strong cheese from the Basque iron rations Emergency food of high calorific
Iraty iron rations

county made from a mixture of cows’ and value for a given weight, especially high-fat,
ewes’ milk. The flavour depends on the high protein, chocolate, etc. Often
proportions of each milk which in turn dehydrated or tinned so that they will keep
depends on the season. for years for use in emergencies
Iraty brebis pyrénées France A semi-hard
Iraty brebis pyrénées

irradiate, to To treat food with ionizing

irradiate, to

ewes’ milk cheese from the Basque region, radiation in order to kill all microorganisms
made in 4 to 5 kg cylinders. It is matured for and insects in fruits, cereals, pulses, dried
3 months and has a golden mellow tasting fruits and the like. It also prevents sprouting
paste with small holes. Farm produced of roots and tubers. It does not destroy toxins
cheeses have AOC status. or viruses and may cause chemical changes
iri dori Japan A chicken casserole made from
iri dori

in the food. Often used to preserve sealed

pieces of skinned chicken breast, packs of food and to increase the shelf life of
reconstituted shiitake mushroom caps, perishables. Since no laws govern the
carrot and bamboo shoot, browned in oil labelling of irradiated food it is impossible to
then simmered in dashi, mirin and sugar for know whether it has been treated in this way.
10 minutes. Soya sauce is added and the Some authorities consider it a dangerous
cooking liquor reduced to a quarter. Peas, practice.
sliced onions, cauliflower or any other is Denmark, Norway, Sweden Ice

quickly cooked vegetables are added and

iscas Portugal Casserole, a typical one might

cooked a further 3 minutes.

be tripe with white beans and sausages in a
irio East Africa A Kenyan dish of beans or

cream sauce
peas soaked and cooked then boiled with
iscas de figado Portugal Thinly sliced calves’
iscas de figado

plantains or greens, potatoes and maize

kernels, mashed with butter, seasoned and liver marinated in oil, wine, chopped onion
flavoured with herbs and/or spices. Also and garlic overnight, drained, dried and fried
called kienyegi in small batches in oil for 2 minutes,
reserved, then served with the pan residues
Irish moss Carragheen
Irish moss

deglazed with the marinade and reduced by

Irish potato cake Ireland A paste of mashed
Irish potato cake

potatoes, flour, butter and salt rolled out to 8
ischiana, all’ Italy In the style of Ischia, i.e.
ischiana, all’

– 10 mm, cut into triangles and fried until

stewed in oil and white wine with tomatoes
brown on both sides. Also called fadge
and herbs
Irish soda bread See soda bread
Irish soda bread

Ischler biscuits Ischlertörtchen

Ischler biscuits

Irish stew Ireland, England A stew or

Irish stew

Ischlertörtchen Austria, Germany Rich round


casserole of cheap cuts of lamb on the bone

with waxy potatoes, onions and seasoning, buttery biscuits made with a mixture of
once popular in the North of England and ground almonds and flour sandwiched in
Northern Ireland pairs with red jam and covered with
Irish Swiss cheese Blarney
Irish Swiss cheese
chocolate icing
ise ebi Japan Lobster
ise ebi

irlandaise, à l’ France In the Irish style, i.e.

irlandaise, à l’

isinglass 1. An extract from the buoyancy


with potatoes
irlandisches Moos Germany Carragheen
irlandisches Moos
bladders of fish used to clarify liquids
iron A trace element vital for many body
especially wine. Can be used as a gelling
processes especially formation of agent. 2. A solution of sodium silicate in
haemoglobin in the blood. Available in meat, water used to preserve eggs by its reaction
offal, fish, cereals, pulses and vegetables. with the shell which makes it impervious to
Vitamin C ingested at the same time as iron- air
iskembe çorbasi Turkey Tripe soup flavoured
iskembe çorbasi

containing foods facilitates absorption in the

gut. with lemon juice, garlic and vinegar and
iron hydroxide Various hydrated iron oxides
iron hydroxide
thickened with a liaison of egg yolks and
of which ordinary rust is the common cream
Islay Scotland A miniature Dunlop cheese

example. When finely ground they can be

used as a brown food colouring. See also suitable for melting. When mature eaten for
E172 dessert.

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ivory sauce

Islay scollops Scotland Scallops, cut in half if italienne, à l’ France In the Italian style, i.e.
Islay scollops italienne, à l’

very thick, dipped in seasoned flour and fried with pasta, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes
in butter for 2 to 3 minutes per side then and sometimes artichokes
served with browned butter and lemon juice italienne, sauce France 1. A mixture of demi-
italienne, sauce

isleta bread United States A bread shaped

isleta bread

glace, duxelles, chopped lean ham and

like a bear’s paw, made by Pueblo Indians tomato concassée simmered and finished
is longus Italy A Sardinian dish of the grilled
is longus
with chopped parsley, chervil and tarragon.
or spit-roasted intestines of cattle Served with fried lamb or veal. 2. A cold
sauce of poached brains, puréed, strained
isomalt A modified malt sugar used in sugar-

and mixed with a lemon juice mayonnaise,

free confectionery and as an extender in seasoning and finely chopped parsley.
some foods Served with cold meats.
isopropyl alcohol

isopropyl alcohol A solvent used for food Ital nut soup Caribbean A typical Rastafarian
Ital nut soup

colours and flavourings and in glass cleaners dish made from shelled and roasted peanuts
issopo Italy Hyssop

blended with vegetable stock and coconut

isterband Sweden A skinless sausage made
milk and flavoured with allspice, chilli pepper
with minced beef and pork mixed with and garlic
Ital restaurant Caribbean A Rastafarian
Ital restaurant

parboiled barley and possibly mashed

potato, salt-cured and air-dried. May be hot restaurant in which the food is completely
smoked. Split and fried or grilled and served meat free and theoretically salt free in
with fried onion and pickled beetroot. accordance with Rastafarian teaching
Ital stew Caribbean A vegetarian stew made
Ital stew

ita-kamaboko Japan A Japanese fish cake


formed on a small rectangle of wood and with pumpkin, yams, breadfruit, sweet
often grilled or coloured brown. See also potato and cassava, cut into chunks and
kamaboko boiled in vegetable stock and coconut milk
Italian bread sticks flavoured with onion, garlic, chilli pepper,
Italian bread sticks See grissini allspice, chives and thyme. Banana and
Italian brine A sausage curing solution
Italian brine

plantain pieces are added just before

consisting of equal parts of water and white service, and it is usually served with
wine, fully saturated with salt and with 17 g dumplings.
of saltpetre and 8 g of bicarbonate of soda itami-udon Japan Soft-fried noodles. Udon

per litre noodles boiled in salted water until al dente,

Italian broccoli Calabrese
Italian broccoli

drained, refreshed, redrained and oiled,

Italian meringue mixture Sugar syrup boiled mixed in the frying pan with grated carrot,
Italian meringue mixture

to the soft ball stage (115°C) then beaten shredded Chinese cabbage and diced sweet
into egg whites until soft and peaky pepper, which have all been fried in oil
Italian millet Foxtail millet
Italian millet
flavoured with chopped garlic and ginger,
and all fried gently whilst being stirred.
Italian parsley Flat parsley
Italian parsley

Seasoned and sprinkled with soya sauce

Italian red onion An oval-shaped onion
Italian red onion

before serving.
somewhat smaller then the globe with a red itik Malaysia Duck

tinge to the flesh and a mild, almost sweet ito Japan A prefix meaning ‘cut in fine strips’

flavour. It makes an attractive garnish when

ito-kezuri-katsuo Japan Fine pink thread-

cut in rings. Whitens on cooking. Also called

like shavings of dried Pacific bonito flesh
red onion
used as a garnish
Italian sandwich United States Hoagie
Italian sandwich

ito-konnyaku Japan Thinly sliced konnyaku


Italian sauce See italienne, sauce

Italian sauce

ito-zukuri Japan A type of cut for small fish


Italian sausage United States A type of pork

Italian sausage

used for sashimi rather like a julienne, 5 cm

sausage which may be spicy or sweet by 3 mm square
Italian white truffle A smooth beige-pink ivoire, sauce France Suprême sauce with
Italian white truffle ivoire, sauce

truffle, Tuber magnatum, with a stronger meat glaze added to give an ivory colour.
aroma than the French black truffle. Best left Used with boiled chicken. Also called ivory
uncooked. sauce
ivory egg A rare variety of plum tomato with a
ivory egg

Italico A generic term for a variety of quick


ripening cheeses started with Streptococcus pale golden yellow skin which contains no
thermophilus and ripened for 20 to 30 days. lycopene. This may make it suitable for those
Bel Paese is a well known example. Usually allergic to the red fruit. Available in the USA
contain 51% water, 25% fat and 21% but rare in Europe due to EU regulations.
ivory sauce See ivoire, sauce
ivory sauce


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ivy gourd

ivy gourd Tindoori iyokan Japan A naturally occurring hybrid of

ivy gourd iyokan

iwashi Japan Sardines

Citrus spp. as yet relatively unknown outside
iwashi no tsumire jiru Japan Sardine balls
iwashi no tsumire jiru
izer cookie United States A biscuit baked in
izer cookie

made with fresh, skinned sardine fillets

processed with miso, ginger and flour. These a mould with various figures and designs
are poached in water until they rise then embossed in it
izmir köftesi Turkey A mixture of chopped
izmir köftesi

reserved, the cooking liquor strained, salted,

flavoured with soya sauce, the cooked raw mutton, soaked white breadcrumbs,
sardine balls and cooked turnip slices added eggs, onion juice, seasoning and nutmeg,
and the soup served at once with a lemon shaped into long rolls, fried in butter then
peel garnish. simmered in tomato purée and water

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ja China Deep-frying jagaimo Japan Potato
ja jagaimo

jääpalanen Finland (Piece of) ice Jagdwurst Germany Hunter’s sausage. A

jääpalanen Jagdwurst

jäätellö Finland Ice cream


large Brühwurst of diced pork fat and finely

jabalí Spain Wild boar
minced lean pork. Also called German garlic
jabuke u rumo Balkans Apples poached in
jabuke u rumo
sausage, hunter’s sausage
Jägerart Germany In the hunter’s style, i.e.

syrup, chilled and topped with whipped

cream, glacé cherries and a little rum (NOTE: with mushrooms and wine
jägert Germany Sautéed with onions

From Slovenia)
jagger United States A sharp wheel attached

jachtschotel Netherlands A casserole of


meat, potatoes and onions, a hunter’s dish to a handle, used to cut pastry or pizzas
jaggery 1. South Asia A crude brown sugar

jack 1. Crevalle jack 2. See Monterey Jack


jack bean A perennial legume, Canavalia

jack bean
made from the sap of coconut or palmyra
ensiformis, from tropical America, also palm trees, sold in round cakes or lumps.
grown in the southern USA. It has edible Also called gur, palm sugar 2. Brown cane
white beans which require boiling to destroy sugar, often sold in round sticky balls
jagri South Asia Jaggery

toxins and the immature pods can be eaten

as a vegetable. Also called horse bean jagung Indonesia, Malaysia Miniature corn

jack-by-the-hedge Garlic mustard jahe Indonesia Ginger

jack-by-the-hedge jahe

jacket potato Washed, cleaned and dried jaiba Mexico A small crab with a hard shell
jacket potato jaiba

potatoes with skin on, pricked with a fork and jaiphal South Asia Mace and nutmeg

baked in an oven, in hot ashes or on a jajka minsky Russia See iaika minsky
jajka minsky

barbecue with or without a covering of jakfruit Jackfruit


aluminium foil until the flesh is soft. Often jalapeño chile Mexico A variety of gently
jalapeño chile

served cut open with some kind of filling. tapering hot green Mexican chilli about 6 cm
jackfish Pike

long. Used fresh in curries or pickled for use

jackfruit The Malaysian fruit of a tree,

as a snack food.
Artocarpus heterophyllus or A. integrifolia, jalea Spain Jelly

which can take up to six months to ripen jalea, en Spain Jellied

jalea, en

from picking. The fruit is large (up to 32 kg)

jalebi Jelabi

with a yellow to brown spiky skin and yellow

jalfrezi South Asia A South Indian style of dry-

fibrous flesh. The juicy pulp surrounding the

large white seeds is eaten and tastes like a frying meat that is cut in cubes. The normal
mixture of banana and pineapple, the seeds spices, cumin seeds, chopped ginger,
may be dried and roasted or ground and the turmeric and curry paste are fried in ghee,
fibrous flesh is sometimes boiled or baked as the meat added and coloured and fried until
a vegetable. The flowers and young leaf almost cooked, chopped green chillies,
shoots are used in salads and as a vegetable. tomatoes and sweet pepper added and stir-
Also called jakfruit fried for 10 minutes followed by garam
masala, coriander leaf and creamed coconut
Jacobean potatoes Potatoes roasted in their
Jacobean potatoes

for the final stir-fry. Served with plain rice or

bread and mango chutney. Also called jhal
Jacobsmuschel Germany Coquille Saint-

Jacques. See also Pilgermuschel
jälkiruokaa Finland Sweet, dessert

Jaffa orange Shamouti

Jaffa orange

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jalousie England, France A medieval tart jambonnette France A saucisson sec from
jalousie jambonnette

consisting of a rectangular puff pastry sheet Vivarais shaped to look like a ham
covered in a sweet filling held in by a thin jambon persillé France The raw, lean meat
jambon persillé

strip of puff pastry around the sides, this from cured shoulder and leg of pork, mixed
covered with a further sheet of puff pastry cut with a wine-flavoured jelly and chopped
horizontally to resemble a slatted blind parsley, cooked in a mould, cooled until set
jam A fruit preserve made by mixing fruit or and turned out. Also called parsley ham

boiling it with sugar and water and adding jambos Surinam cherry

extra gelling agent if required, usually pectin. jambu air Indonesia, Malaysia Water apple
jambu air

The high sugar concentration inhibits but James’ cakes Wales Berffro cakes
James’ cakes

does not totally prevent proliferation of

jamón Spain Ham

microorganisms, so jam is usually bottled hot

jamón serrano Spain A high-quality salted
jamón serrano

in sterile jars with a seal, or sterilized after

bottling. and air-dried ham, matured for 18 months.
Eaten raw. It should be made from free-
Jamaica flower The red flower of a mallow
Jamaica flower

range lean black Iberian pigs and weigh

bush, Hibiscus sabdariffa, which originated between 6 and 8 kg. Fakes weigh less. It is
in Mexico and is now grown in the Caribbean salted for 10 days, lightly brined and hung for
and India, used as a flavouring, as a a least a year. Also called mountain ham
vegetable and as the basis of sauces. The
jam puffs Puff pastry, cut into shapes,
jam puffs

fruit of the plant can be used to make jam

cooked, slit in half and filled with jam and
and jelly. Also called Flor de Jamaica, Jamaica
whipped cream
sorrel, red sorrel, rosella
jam roly-poly England Suet-crust pastry
jam roly-poly

Jamaican pepper Allspice

Jamaican pepper

spread with jam, rolled up, wrapped in a

Jamaica plum Hog plum
Jamaica plum

cloth or placed in a mould and steamed,

Jamaica sorrel See Jamaica flower
Jamaica sorrel

boiled or baked
Jamaika Pfeffer Germany Allspice
Jamaika Pfeffer

jam sauce England Jam boiled with lemon

jam sauce

jambalaya United States A Creole rice dish


juice and water, thickened with arrowroot or

similar to Spanish paella including any of corn flour if required, cooked out and
chicken, ham, sausage, prawns and crayfish strained. Traditionally used with steamed or
together with fried onions, celery, green baked puddings.
jam sugar Granulated sugar mixed with citric
jam sugar

pepper cooked with long-grain rice,

mounded onto a plate and served with acid and pectin, used for making jam with
Tabasco sauce those fruits that need extra acid and pectin
jambalaya aux chaurices United States A Jamswurzel Germany Yam
jambalaya aux chaurices Jamswurzel

jambalaya with chopped sausages as the jam tart A small or large open tart made with
jam tart

principal meat sweet pastry filled with jam let down with a
jamberry Tomate verde

little water
jam turnover A diamond-shaped piece of
jam turnover

jambon France Ham


jambon blanc France An unsmoked or lightly

jambon blanc
pastry, half covered with jam leaving the
smoked French cooking ham usually boiled. edges free, the other half folded over, sealed
Also called jambon glacé, jambon de Paris at the edges, pricked and glazed with milk
and caster sugar prior to baking
jambon cru France Raw, air-dried ham
jambon cru

jamu Japan Jam


jambon cuit de Prague France Prague ham

jambon cuit de Prague

jamur Indonesia, Malaysia Straw mushroom


jambon de Bayonne France Bayonne ham

jambon de Bayonne

jamur hitam Indonesia Shiitake mushroom

jamur hitam

jambon de campagne France A locally

jambon de campagne

jamur tiram Indonesia, Malaysia Oyster

jamur tiram

produced ham for cooking, usually sweet

cured and smoked
jan coude mai marge Caribbean A stew of
jan coude mai marge

jambon de Paris France Jambon blanc

jambon de Paris

salt beef, salt pork, red kidney beans, yellow

jambon des Ardennes France Ardennes ham
jambon des Ardennes

yams and other vegetables flavoured with

jambon de Toulouse France An unsmoked
jambon de Toulouse

thyme and coconut oil (NOTE: From St Lucia)

ham that is salted and dried. Eaten raw or jang yau see yau China Dark soya sauce
jang yau see yau

cooked. jan hagel Netherlands Finger biscuits

jan hagel

jambon fumé France Smoked ham

jambon fumé

flavoured with cinnamon and topped with

jambon glacé France Jambon blanc flaked almonds and sugar
jambon glacé

jan in de zak Netherlands A steamed

jan in de zak

jambonneau France 1. Pork hock or knuckle


from either the front or hind leg 2. A small pudding with currants and raisins
janis Finland Hare

knuckle of ham

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Janssons frestelse this repeated 2 more times each time rolling

Janssons frestelse

Sweden Jansson’s
temptation the omelette around the previous roll. It is
Jansson’s temptation Sweden A traditional
Jansson’s temptation
then sliced. Often the egg is layered with
casserole of grated raw potatoes, chopped some contrasting coloured ingredient before
onions, butter, anchovy fillets or strips of rolling.
Japanese oyster Pacific oyster
Japanese oyster

matjes herring and cream baked to a golden

crust. Reputed to have tempted a religious Japanese parsley See mitsuba
Japanese parsley

fanatic from his vow to give up earthly Japanese pear Asian pear
Japanese pear

pleasures of the flesh. Often served at the Japanese pepper Anise pepper
Japanese pepper

end of a party when it is supposed to tempt

Japanese plum A small round yellow, orange
Japanese plum

guests to stay longer. or red plum from China, Prunus salicina or P.

jantar Portugal Dinner

triflora. Also called salicine plum

jao lei China A wire mesh strainer or spider
jao lei

Japanese quince Japonica

Japanese quince

used to manipulate food in water or oil Japanese radish See mooli, daikon
Japanese radish

Japanese artichoke Chinese artichoke

Japanese artichoke

Japanese red prawn One of the famous large

Japanese red prawn

Japanese aubergine A small (up to 7 cm

Japanese aubergine

prawns, Penaeus nipponensis, of Japan, up

long) cylindrical or pear-shaped aubergine to 20 cm long
often cooked as tempura Japanese rice United States A variety of hard
Japanese rice

Japanese black mushroom Hoshi-shiitake

Japanese black mushroom

short-grain rice which is greyish white and

Japanese broiled vegetables Vegetables
Japanese broiled vegetables

translucent with a dark mark in the centre

such as leeks, courgettes, sweet peppers, Japanese rice vinegar A mild clear rice
Japanese rice vinegar

aubergines and mushrooms, threaded on vinegar which is not very strong. The aroma
skewers, oiled, grilled until brown, brushed is pleasant but quickly disappears on
with a mixture of miso, sugar and mirin and exposure to the air. Used as a dressing for
reheated under the grill for a further 2 the salads sunomono and aemono.
minutes. Served immediately. Japanese rice wine Sake
Japanese rice wine

Japanese bunching onion Oriental bunching

Japanese bunching onion

Japanese sherry Mirin

Japanese sherry

Japanese vegetable cuts The mundane and
Japanese vegetable cuts

Japanese chestnut A large but inferior

Japanese chestnut

decorative cuts and garnishes of vegetables

chestnut, Castanea crenata, which has which have been brought to a high art by
replaced the native American chestnut Japanese chefs. See e.g. hana giri, hangetsu
which was lost to the blight giri, hyoshigi giri, icho giri, katsura muki,
Japanese cucumber A small ridge cucumber
Japanese cucumber

matsuba, matsuka nani, mijin giri, ogi giri,

with the characteristic skin. Most varieties roppo muki, sainome giri and sen giri.
are quite small (up to 5 cm) with very thin Japanese wineberry Wineberry
Japanese wineberry

skin and small seeds. Slices are used as a japonais Switzerland Small round almond

garnish for sushi and sashimi. macaroons filled with butter cream
Japanese fish balls Kamaboko
Japanese fish balls

japonaise, à la France Garnished with

japonaise, à la

Japanese fish sausage Kamaboko

Japanese fish sausage

Japanese artichokes
Japanese gelatine Agar-agar
Japanese gelatine

japonica The fruit of the ornamental quince,


Japanese ginger sauce Chicken glace de

Japanese ginger sauce

Chaenomeles speciosa, which sometimes

viande, soya sauce, grated ginger root, ripen on the tree but can be ripened indoors.
minced spring onions and soft brown sugar Must not be eaten raw. Used in pies or
combined to give a thickish sauce adding stewed or made into a jelly. Also called
water if necessary. Used with sukiyaki. Japanese quince
Japanese horse radish Wasabi japonica rice A short-grained rice shorter
Japanese horse radish japonica rice

Japanese meatballs Finely minced or double and thicker than Carolina rice but with
Japanese meatballs

minced beef, mixed with minced spring similar characteristics and uses
onions, grated ginger root, flour, soya sauce japuta Spain Pomfret, the fish

and egg to make a thick paste, formed into jardinière France A garnish of mixed spring

balls and normally deep-fried vegetables

Japanese medlar Loquat
Japanese medlar

Jarlsberg Norway A hard scalded-curd


Japanese millet An Asian coarse grass,

Japanese millet

cheese similar to but softer and sweeter than

Echinocloa frumentacea, grown for its seeds Emmental, shaped in a large round and
which are eaten as porridge or with rice coated with wax. Made from pasteurized
Japanese omelette Eggs beaten with a little
Japanese omelette
cows’ milk.
jarret France Shin and shank of beef or

dashi and salt, cooked in a rectangular

omelette pan (maki-yakinabe), rolled up, and knuckle of veal

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jarrete Spain Knuckle jellied mayonnaise See mayonnaise collée

jarrete jellied mayonnaise

jasmine Various climbing shrubs, Jasminum Jello United States A proprietary jelly, i.e. the
jasmine Jello

sambac and other species of Jasminum, of gelatine-based product as opposed to the

the olive family whose leaves and flowers are clear jam
used to flavour Chinese and Southeast Asian jelly 1. The name given to any sweet or

dishes. The unopened buds are used as savoury liquid which is converted to a solid
table decoration and jasmine oil and essence with a small amount of a gelling agent such
are extracted from the flowers. as gelatine or agar agar 2. United States Jam
jasmine essence An alcoholic extract of
jasmine essence

jelly bag A cloth bag used to strain fruit juice

jelly bag

jasmine flowers used to flavour desserts, rice prior to making jelly from it
and other dishes especially in Thailand jelly crystals Australia Flavoured gelatine
jelly crystals

jasmine fragrant rice An aromatic long-grain

jasmine fragrant rice

used to make jelly

rice with a more subtle flavour than basmati jelly cube A concentrated jelly made from
jelly cube

and slightly sticky when cooked. Best gelatine, sugar and flavouring in water, set in
cooked for 10 minutes without salt. Used in a rectangular shape and partially divided into
Chinese and Southeast Asian cookery. Also cubes to be used by adding to hot water to
called Thai fragrant rice, Thai jasmine rice make fruit-flavoured jelly
jasmine oil The essential oil from jasmine
jasmine oil

jellyfish The salted and sun-dried skin of the


flowers jellyfish, Rhopilema esculenta, is used in

Jasminum sambac Botanical name Jasmine Chinese cooking. It is rather tasteless and
jätkän lohipotti Finland Laxgryta
jätkän lohipotti

either shredded or sold in a piece. It should

jaune d’oeuf France Egg yolk
jaune d’oeuf

be reconstituted, shredded if necessary and

Jausenwurst Austria A snack sausage made

marinated but not cooked and has a crunchy

with beef, lean pork and bacon fat, texture.
seasoned, flavoured and bound with fécule jelly mould A plastic or metal container with
jelly mould

Javaanse sla Netherlands A salad based on

Javaanse sla

various shapes in which jelly is set then

Indonesian ingredients demoulded and turned out onto a plate or
Java coffee A mature coffee from Indonesia
Java coffee
jelly mushroom See straw mushroom
jelly mushroom

with a subtle mellow flavour

jelly noodles Cellophane noodles
jelly noodles

javali Portugal Wild boar


Javanese winged cardamom A cheap jelly roll United States Swiss roll
Javanese winged cardamom jelly roll

cardamom substitute from a variety of jemuju Malaysia Caraway seed


Amomum, available in Southeast Asia jengibre Spain Ginger


Java rice A short-grained variety of rice

Java rice

jerked beef Charqui

jerked beef

particularly suitable for rice pudding as 80 g jerked meat Charqui

jerked meat

will absorb a litre of milk

jerk pork Caribbean Pork steaks marinaded
jerk pork

Java sugar Palm sugar

Java sugar

in a mixture of soya sauce, sesame-flavoured

javitri South Asia Nutmeg and mace

oil, brown sugar, jerk seasoning, thyme,

jbane North Africa A Moroccan goats’ milk

chopped spring onions and chopped apple.

cheese eaten fresh or after maturing on The drained steaks are barbecued or baked
straw in the oven, then served with a sauce made
jean-doré France John dory from the marinade, tomato purée and water

jeera South Asia Cumin

and garnished with apple slices fried in
jeera sali South Asia A delicate long-grain
jeera sali
jerk seasoning Caribbean A variable
jerk seasoning

rice shaped in a crescent rather like cumin

seeds. Sold in the west as basmati or pilau Jamaican spice mixture used for coating
rice. Always cooked by the absorption meat prior to frying or grilling consisting of
method. some or all of ground cayenne and black
jelabi South Asia Spirals of batter formed and
pepper, allspice, cinnamon, oregano, bay
fried in a deep-frying pan by dribbling batter leaf, nutmeg, onion and garlic and the like,
out of a funnel. Served as a dessert with rose presented as a paste or powder
jerky Charqui

water-flavoured sugar syrup.

Jerome Austria, Germany A semi-hard cows’

jelita Czech Republic A small blood sausage


which is boiled or fried milk cheese with a mild to slightly sharp

jellied eels England Portions of fresh skinned
jellied eels
Jersey milk See Channel Islands milk
Jersey milk

eel, simmered in water or flavoured fish

Jersey royal One of the earliest well-flavoured
Jersey royal

stock with vinegar, allowed to cool and

served as a snack new potatoes harvested in the UK on the

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island of Jersey and commanding a Pachyrrhizus erosus, from Central and South
premium price. Also called international America, with a brown inedible easily
kidney separated skin and juicy white flesh which
Jersey wonder England A deep-fried twist or
Jersey wonder
can be eaten raw or cooked. The root
ring of a light dough mixture, dusted with contains little or no protein and may be
sugar and eaten warm (NOTE: From the lobed. The pods and seeds of the plant are
Channel Islands.) edible when young but can be poisonous
jeruk asem Malaysia Citron
jeruk asem
when mature. Popular in Mexico and
jeruk bodong Indonesia Citron
jeruk bodong
California. Also called yam bean, jicana,
Mexican yam bean
jeruk nipis Indonesia Lime, the fruit
jeruk nipis

jicana See jicama


jeruk purut Indonesia Makrut lime

jeruk purut

ji dan China Hen egg

ji dan

jeruk sekade Indonesia, Malaysia Citron

jeruk sekade

jiemo China Mustard


Jerusalem artichoke A knobbly brown root of

Jerusalem artichoke

ji gan China Chicken liver

ji gan

a plant, Helianthus tuberosus, which is a

jigger United States A volume measure equal

relative of the sunflower with a flavour similar

to the artichoke. Jerusalem is a corruption of to 1 American ounce, 30 ml or 2 tbsp
jin dan China Meiwa kumquat
jin dan

the Italian girasole meaning sunflower. Also

jinga South Asia 1. Shrimp 2. Prawn

called winter artichoke

jing lung China The round bamboo nesting
jing lung

Jesuit’s cress Nasturtium

Jesuit’s cress

Jesuit’s nut Caltrops

Jesuit’s nut
steamers used for dim sum and other
jésus France A large cured dry sausage (up to
steamed foods
jintan manis Malaysia 1. Aniseed 2. Fennel
jintan manis

3 kg) made with coarsely chopped pork meat

and pork fat and matured for a long time seed
jinten Indonesia Cumin

jets de houblon France Hop shoots

jets de houblon

jinten putih Malaysia Cumin

jinten putih

jeung China Ginger


jiraa Nepal Cumin seed


jewfish 1. United States Giant sea bream 2.


ji rou China Chicken meat

ji rou

Australia Mulloway
ji tang China Chicken soup
ji tang

Jewish chicken soup See gildeneh yoich

Jewish chicken soup

jit choh China Red vinegar

jit choh

Jewish salami A kosher salami made from

Jewish salami

jit gwa China Fuzzy melon

jit gwa

beef with garlic and seasonings

jitrnice Czech Republic A fresh offal (liver and

Jewish sausage Small sausages made of

Jewish sausage

minced beef, onion and carrot extended with lungs) sausage for boiling or frying
jiu la choy China One of the oriental mustards
jiu la choy

matzo meal and bound with egg. Served at

Passover. with thick white stems and pointed green
jew’s ear An edible fungus, Auricularia
jew’s ear
leaves growing to 45 cm. It has a strong bitter
auriculajudae, similar to and related to cloud flavour and is parboiled before stir-frying.
ear fungus and available dried. This is a Also called Chinese green cabbage, sow
mistranslation from the Latin for Judas’s ear cabbage
ji you China Chicken fat
ji you

and is so called because it grows on the elder

tree on which he is reputed to have hanged Job’s tears A warm climate plant, Coix
Job’s tears

himself. Also called Judas’s ear lachryma-jobi, with large seeds, eaten mainly
jew’s mallow Middle East Meloukhia
jew’s mallow

in Southeast Asia and the Phillipines as a

jhal frazi South Asia Jalfrezi
jhal frazi
source of protein. The fruits are used for
jhanna South Asia A perforated spoon with
necklaces and it is grown as a garden plant
small holes used for producing small in southern Europe.
Jochburg Austria A Tyrolean cheese made

droplets of batter to be deep-fried or boiled

jhingli South Asia Angled loofah
from cows’ and goats’ milk with a distinctive
flavour and shaped into large thin discs
jhol Nepal Soup

jocoque Spain Sour cream


ji China Shallow frying


jodda Italy The local Sicilian name for yoghurt


jian China Shallow frying


Joe Mazetti United States A split round bread

Joe Mazetti

jiang China Ginger root


bun (balm cake) with a filling of cooked

jiang niu rou China Marinated beef
jiang niu rou

minced beef, oregano, basil, tomato sauce

jiang you China Soya sauce
jiang you

and seasoning
jiao zi China Dumpling
jiao zi

joetkal Korea Dried and salted fish similar to


jibia Spain Cuttlefish


Bombay duck. Used for flavouring or as a

jicama The large turnip-like root (25 cm in

snack food or side dish.

joghurt Hungary Yoghurt

diameter) of a leguminous plant,

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Joghurt Germany Yoghurt joojeh kabab Central Asia An Iranian kebab

Joghurt joojeh kabab

Johannisbeere Germany Redcurrant


of chicken pieces marinated in lemon juice,


Germany grated onion and seasoning for about 4

Redcurrants cooked in sugar syrup, sieved hours, threaded onto skewers, brushed with
and mixed with white wine. Served cold paprika and molten butter and then grilled or
garnished with whole redcurrants and barbecued
jook China A gruel of well-soaked rice boiled

crushed macaroons.
Johannisbeersosse Germany A jus roti or
with salt and water, flavoured by sprinkling
similar with added redcurrant jelly sweet or savoury ingredients over the
Johannisbrot Germany Carob bean
surface. See also congee
Jordan almond See sugared almond
Jordan almond

John Dory A seawater flatfish, Zeus faber, with

John Dory

jordärtskockor Sweden Jerusalem artichoke


olive brown skin, two distinguishing black

jordbær Denmark, Norway Strawberry

thumb marks (Saint Peter’s thumb) on each

side below the head and very sharp spines, jordgubbar Sweden Strawberries

found in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. It is jordnötter Sweden Peanuts


similar to sole, has firm white fillets and the joshinko Japan Rice flour

bones make excellent stock. jota Italy A slowly cooked soup from the

Johnny cake United States A cornmeal batter

Johnny cake

northeast of potatoes, beans or polenta,

pancake similar to hoe cake made from the turnips, bacon and sauerkraut. Also called
less starchy flint corn. Also called Rhode iota
Island johnny cake joue France Cheek (of pork)

joint A large thick portion of animal flesh often


jou kuei China Cinnamon

jou kuei

including some bone. Names of the same

joule The scientific unit of energy, too small to

joint vary considerably from place to place

be of use in nutrition. Hence the kilojoule
even within one country.
equal to one thousand joules is used. (NOTE:
joint, to To divide a carcass into manageable
joint, to

Named after James Joule, the scientist from

portions by severing a joint in the skeleton, Manchester, UK, who investigated the
by chopping, or by removing whole muscles
equivalence of heat and other forms of
or muscle groups energy.)
Joinville, sauce France Sauce normande
Joinville, sauce

jour, du France Of the day as in soupe du jour,

jour, du

finished with crayfish and shrimp butters

soup of the day
instead of cream and butter. Used with fish.
jowar South Asia Great millet, sorghum,

jojutla rice A type of long-grain rice

jojutla rice

usually the white grained seed ground for

Jókai bableves Hungary A fresh or dried
Jókai bableves

making unleavened bread

butter bean soup with smoked pig knuckle
jowl The meat from the cheeks and face of a

and carrots, flavoured with garlic, paprika

and parsley. Named after the author.
ju China Blanching and quick-boiling for 5

jollof West Africa A stew or casserole from


minutes in plain water to release blood from

Nigeria, Gambia and Senegal made of beef,
chicken or mutton simmered with fried
juan canary melon United States An oval
juan canary melon

onions, tomatoes, rice and seasonings. Many

other vegetables and garnishes are added melon with sweet white flesh tinged with pink
according to availability. near the seeds and a bright yellow skin
jubna Middle East Haloumi

jolly boy United States A fried flat cake made

jolly boy

Judas’s ear Jew’s ear

Judas’s ear

with cornmeal dough, split in half, buttered

judd mat gaardebou’nen Luxembourg
judd mat gaardebou’nen

and served with maple syrup

Jonagold apple A hybrid of the Jonathan and
Jonagold apple
Smoked collar of pork cooked with broad
Golden Delicious apples with a sweet, slightly beans and flavoured with summer savory.
tart, flavour used both for dessert and The national dish of Luxembourg.
judía Spain Kidney bean

judías blancas Spain Haricot beans
judías blancas

Jonah crab A close relative, Cancer borealis,

Jonah crab

judías de Lima Spain Lima bean

judías de Lima

of the rock crab but a little heavier (up to 500

g). It has a brick red shell and, like the rock judías verdes Spain Runner beans
judías verdes

crab, is not particularly well-flavoured judías verdes a la andaluza Spain Boiled

judías verdes a la andaluza

although quite edible. green beans sautéed with chopped tomatoes

jonchée France 1. A fresh cream cheese from

and julienne of ham

Poitou-Charentes 2. A type of junket judic, à la France Garnished with stuffed
judic, à la

jonc odorant France Lemon grass

jonc odorant

tomatoes, braised lettuce, potatoes and

jong eendje Netherlands Duckling sometimes truffles and kidney
jong eendje

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judru France A type of salami from Beaune similar fruits. See also Mauritian jujube,

made with pork only Argentinian jujube, lotus jujube. Also called
jug, to An old-fashioned term for cooking in a
jug, to
Chinese red date, Indian jujube, red date,
heavy earthenware casserole or jug jujube nuts 2. Confectionery made from
jugged hare United Kingdom A jointed hare
jugged hare
jellied and sweetened fruit juices
jujube nut See jujube
jujube nut

tossed in seasoned flour, browned with

juk China A gruel of well-soaked rice boiled

bacon and butter, then beef stock, port,

onion clouté, marjoram and redcurrant jelly with salt and water, flavoured by sprinkling
added, boiled then casseroled for 3 hours or sweet or savoury ingredients over the
until tender, onions removed and cooking surface. See also congee
julefrokest Denmark A Christmas cold table

liquor thickened with the reserved blood of

the hare. Garnished with chopped parsley. with a whole cooked gammon as centrepiece
jugged kippers Scotland A method of julekake Norway Christmas cake
jugged kippers julekake

cooking kippers by removing their heads and julienne England, France Cut pieces of

tails, packing them into a jug, covering with vegetables, fruit or citrus rind measuring
boiling water, leaving 8 minutes after which roughly 25 by 3 by 3 mm (smaller in the case
they are removed, dried off and served with of citrus rind). Usually used either raw,
beurre maître d’hotel blanched or cooked as a garnish.
jugjug Caribbean A Barbadian celebratory julskinka Sweden A hot or cold ham
jugjug julskinka

dish of salt beef and salt pork desalted and sometimes used as a centrepiece of a
boiled with twice their weight of pigeon peas Christmas cold table. If cold, piped with
with a faggot of thyme, marjoram and chives Happy Christmas (‘God Jul’) in white chaud-
and some chopped onions until the meat is froid sauce. The ham is prepared by
tender. The meat and peas are separated simmering a whole gammon with a bouquet
from the cooking liquor, any bones removed, garni, nutmeg and an onion clouté until the
then all minced. A stiff porridge is made with internal temperature reaches 80°C. It is then
some of the cooking liquor, butter and three cooled in the cooking liquor, removed, dried,
fifths the meat’s weight of sorghum flour. The skin stripped off, coated with a mixture of
two mixtures are combined and served mustard and ginger followed by
warm. breadcrumbs, egg yolk and sugar and
Juglans cinerea Botanical name Butternut browned in the oven. Nowadays, often baked
tree in the oven.
Juglans nigra Botanical name Walnut tree jumble 1. A small lemon or almond-flavoured

Juglans regia Botanical name Walnut tree biscuit baked in a tiny heap or an ‘S’, shape
jugo Spain 1. Juice 2. Gravy 2. United States A biscuit flavoured with rose

jugo de naranja Spain Orange juice

jugo de naranja
water and containing chopped walnuts and
jugurttia Finland Yoghurt
desiccated coconut
jumbo Larger than normal or expected, e.g.

juhla Finland A sharp-flavoured Cheddar-type


cheese made from cows’ milk jumbo oats, jumbo burger

jumeau France A cut of the forequarter of beef

juice The liquid expressed or released from


extending down from the end of the côtes

fruits, vegetables or even meats by any of
couvertes including the leaner parts of the
several methods, squeezing, pressing,
leg of mutton cut and the brisket
liquidizing, freezing and thawing, heating,
immediately in front of the foreleg. Used for
etc. Juice is usually strained to remove solids
juice extractor An implement for manually or
juice extractor

jump baarn China A chopping block usually

jump baarn

mechanically extracting juice from fruits. For

made from soapwood cut across the grain so
citrus fruits, it usually consists of a ribbed
as not to take the edge off the cleaver
convex cone, on which half the citrus fruit is
juneberry United States The fruit of a

turned, above a slotted base. Other fruits are

generally liquidized and strained. decorative shrub, Amelanchier canadensis,
with a red to black fruit similar to a
jujube 1. The red, wrinkled fruit of a shrub,

blackcurrant. Eaten raw or cooked. Also

Zizyphus jujuba, of the buckthorn family
called serviceberry
which grows in the East and Provence and is
junges Hammelfleisch Germany Lamb
junges Hammelfleisch

partially dried, candied or made into a stiff

junges Huhn Germany Spring chicken
junges Huhn

jelly. It has the shape of an olive, is green

Jungeszwiebeln Germany Spring onions

when unripe and red to dark brown when

juniper The dried berries of a shrub,

ripe, and has a single stone and a sweet and

sticky white flesh, rather like a small date. Juniperus communis, from temperate
Other shrubs of the genus Zisyphus have Northern regions used to flavour gin, for

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marinades and as a pickling spice. The piney jus, au France Served only with its own roast
jus, au

flavour also goes well with game and pork. juices

jus de bissap West Africa Approximately half
junípero jus de bissap

junípero Spain Juniper

juniper spice mix
a litre of Jamaica flowers steeped in 2 litres
juniper spice mix A mixture of ground spices
of boiling water, allowed to cool for ten
suitable for flavouring dense textured fish,
minutes, strained and 250 to 500 g sugar
beef and lamb before barbecueing made
added and the drink chilled. Other
from juniper berries, black peppercorns,
flavourings may be added e.g., ginger, lemon
allspice, cloves, dried bay leaves and salt
juice, orange flower water, mint etc. The
Juniperus communis Botanical name national drink of Senegal. Also called
Juniper karkadé

junket United Kingdom Sweetened and jus de viande France Gravy

jus de viande

flavoured milk mixed at blood heat (37°C) jus lié France Espagnole sauce made from
jus lié

with rennet to cause it to set. Once set it must veal or chicken bones without flour,
not be disturbed or it will separate into curds thickened with arrowroot or corn flour,
and whey. simmered briefly, seasoned and strained.
junk food

junk food Food with plenty of Calories, Also called thickened gravy
generally in the form of cheap sugar, fat, jus (de) rôti France Roast gravy
jus rôti

starch and recovered protein, highly Jussière, garnish France Onions, braised
Jussière, garnish

seasoned and flavoured if savoury, but with lettuce, potatoes and sometimes carrots
few or no vitamins or trace elements, and if juusto Finland Cheese

the major source of energy will lead to juustoleipä Finland A hand made low-fat

suboptimal health cows’ milk slicing cheese in the form of a


Jurawurst Switzerland Smoked sausage from loaf. Often sliced and toasted or dunked in
the Jura. See also saucisse d’Ajoie coffee. Also called leipäjuusto
ju zi China Orange
jus ju zi

jus France Juice, either from fruit, vegetables

juzi China Tangerine

or from meat

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kaab el ghzal North Africa Croissant-like kabaub Central Asia The traditional kebab
kaab el ghzal kabaub

pastries filled with honey and almonds. Also from Afghanistan made from cubed lamb
called cornes de gazelle marinated overnight with yoghurt, garlic, salt
kaagati Nepal Lemon

and pepper, then grilled or barbecued

Kabeljau Germany Cod

kaakro West Africa A snack food from Ghana


kabeljauw Netherlands Codfish


made from mashed plantains and flour (5:1)

flavoured with grated fresh ginger, onion, ka’b ghzahl North Africa Croissant-like
ka’b ghzahl

black pepper and paprika, all processed to a pastries filled with honey and almonds. Also
smooth paste with water, formed into small called cornes de gazelle
balls and deep-fried in oil. Served hot with kabocha Japan A small winter squash similar

lemon. Also called kaklo to a small green pumpkin. Cooked like

kaali Finland Cabbage

swede or marrow.
kaalikääryle Finland Blanched cabbage

kabosu Japan A very acid citrus fruit, Citrus


leaves wrapped around a stuffing and baked sphaerocarpa, grown in Japan for use as a
kaalipiiras Finland A cabbage filled pie garnish or flavouring. It has a very dark green

served hot or cold rind which is thin and smooth and juicy flesh
kaankro Nepal Cucumber
with several seeds.
kabu Japan Turnip

kaas Netherlands Cheese


kabuli channa South Asia Yellow chick peas

kabuli channa

kaassaus Netherlands Cheese sauce


kabu no tsukemono Japan A salad pickle

kabu no tsukemono

kabab South Asia Kebab, usually on a wooden


skewer or on iron if cooked in a tandoori oven made from thinly sliced turnip mixed with a
kabab-e murgh Central Asia Chicken
kabab-e murgh
little crumbled kombu, sliced ginger,
brushed with clarified butter is roasted and chopped dry red chillies, chopped lemon
basted with a thick sauce made with rind, julienned carrot and salt, all pressed
tomatoes, onions and butter during the final under a weighted board for 12 hours or
30 minutes. It is served on bread garnished more, wrung out and dressed with equal
with sliced hard-boiled eggs and chopped parts of soya sauce and mirin
kacang djong Malaysia Bean sprouts
kacang djong

coriander leaves. From Afghanistan.

kacang eeris Malaysia Pigeon pea
kacang eeris

kabachok Russia Squash, marrow


kacang goode Indonesia Pigeon pea

kacang goode

kabak dolmasi Turkey A young marrow or

kabak dolmasi

large courgette filled with a mixture of kacang ijo Malaysia Bean sprouts
kacang ijo

onions, raisins, pine nuts, chopped parsley kacang-kacang


Indonesia, Malaysia
or dill and seasoning, baked in the oven and Barracuda
served cold kacang kedele Indonesia Soya bean
kacang kedele

kabak tathsi Turkey A dessert made from

kabak tathsi

kacang merah Indonesia Black-eyed pea

kacang merah

cooked pumpkin flesh, soaked in sugar kacang mete Indonesia Cashew nut
kacang mete

syrup and sprinkled with chopped walnuts kacang monyet Indonesia Cashew nut
kacang monyet

kabanos (plural kabanosy) Poland A thin and


kacang padi Malaysia Bean sprouts

kacang padi

hard smoked pork sausage made into links

kacang panjang 1. Indonesia Black-eyed pea
kacang panjang

about 30 cm long
2. Malaysia Long bean
kabaragh South Asia Lamb chops cooked in

kacang tanah Indonesia, Malaysia Peanut

kacang tanah

milk with ginger and fennel

kachalo Central Asia Potato

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kachauri South Asia A type of pitta bread kahve Turkey Turkish coffee
kachauri kahve

made into a pocket and stuffed with a spiced kai Thailand Egg or chicken

bean mixture kaibashira Japan Scallops


Kachkaval A hard, scalded ewes’ or ewes’


kai kem Thailand Salted duck eggs

kai kem

and cows’ milk cheese made from spun kail 1. See kale 2. Scotland Greens of any

curd. See also Kashkaval kind and the soups made with them, not
kachkeiss Luxembourg A matured and

necessarily the brassica kale, which is called

hardened curd cheese cooked with butter, lang kail
sour cream, seasoning and sometimes yolk kailkenny Scotland A dish of mashed

of egg, served on bread potatoes mixed with chopped cooked

kachoomar South Asia A side dish of sliced

cabbage (1:1) and cream, similar to

onions, tomatoes and sweet peppers colcannon
dressed with lemon juice. often served kaimak Russia A type of clotted cream from

before a meal as the menu choice is being Armenia made by simmering a mixture of
made. double cream and milk (5:3) for 15 minutes
kachur South Asia Zedoary

whilst repeatedly incorporating air with a

kacsa Hungary Duck

ladle. It is then cooled slowly for 4 hours and

kadhai Nepal, South Asia A small wok used

refrigerated for 24 hours all without agitation.

for one-dish cooking. See also karahi The solidified cream from the top is cut in
kadin budu köfte Turkey Chopped raw beef
kadin budu köfte
squares and lifted out with a slotted spoon. It
mixed with boiled rice, chopped parsley and will keep up to a week in a refrigerator.
kai pad bai krapow Thailand Diced chicken
kai pad bai krapow

salt, shaped into oval cakes, steamed or

boiled, cooled, dipped in beaten egg and meat stir-fried with fresh basil leaves and
fried bird’s eye chillies, moistened with a little fish
kadin göbegi Turkey Small fried biscuits
kadin göbegi
sauce and served as a side dish
kaiseki ryori Japan A succession of small
kaiseki ryori

soaked in syrup and eaten as a dessert

(NOTE: Literally ‘lady’s navel’.) dishes served in a formal style, ingredients
kadju South Asia Cashew nut
change with the seasons but do not included
kadu South Asia Winter squash
red meat
Kaiserfleisch 1. Germany Smoked sucking

Kaempferia galanga Botanical name

Kempferia galangal pig 2. Boiled bacon
Kaisergranat Germany Dublin bay prawn

Kaempferia pandurata Botanical name

Kaiser Koch Germany Rice pudding with
Kaiser Koch

Kempferia galangal
kaeng Thailand Indicates liquid in a dish. See
Kaiserschmarren Austria A thick sweet batter

also gaeng
kærnemælk Denmark Buttermilk
containing sultanas or raisins, shallow-fried
kærnemælkskoldskaal Denmark Cold
in long strips until crisp, drained and served
buttermilk soup in a heap dredged with sugar. Eaten as a
kærnemælksuppe Denmark A cold soup
dessert with stewed fruit. See also emperor’s
made from eggs, buttermilk, sugar, vanilla omelette
kai wat East Africa A very spicy wat
kai wat

and lemon sprinkled with crushed cornflakes

kajiki Japan Swordfish

and chopped almonds

kajmak Balkans Feta and cream cheeses

kaffe Denmark, Norway, Sweden Coffee


kaffebröd Sweden Coffee cake

beaten with butter until fluffy and served as
an appetizer
Kaffeekuchen Germany Coffee cake

kaju South Asia Cashew nut


Kaffir beer South Africa Beer produced from

Kaffir beer

kaka Sweden Cake


sprouted millet seed. See also pombé

kakadu plum Australia The fruit of a tall
kakadu plum

kaffir corn A variety of millet, Sorghum

kaffir corn

vulgare var. caffrorum, from South Africa, slender northern tree, Terminalia
used as millet or sorghum. ferdinandiana, very similar in appearance
and structure to a large green olive. It has a
kaffir lime Makrut lime
kaffir lime

tart gooseberry-like flavour and is best

kaga Japan A variety of Japanese cucumber

cooked and sieved to get rid of the fibrous

kage Denmark Cake

material.The pulp is used in jams, relishes

Kaggost Sweden A medium soft and mild,

and sauces. It can be stripped of its flesh in

yellow coloured cheese made from cows’ the same way as a mango, or it can be
milk and sometimes flavoured with cumin pickled whole in sweetened vinegar. It has a
kaha bath Sri Lanka Turmeric coloured very high vitamin C content (3%). Also called
kaha bath

spiced rice used on festive occasions wild plum

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kakao Russia, Sweden Cocoa The rind is crystallized for use as a garnish or

Kakao Germany Cocoa

kalamarakia tiganita Greece Young squid,
kalamarakia tiganita

kakavia Greece A fish soup similar to


bouillabaisse. See also psarassoupa cleaned, sliced and floured then browned in
hot oil for 3 minutes. Served as an appetizer
kakda South Asia Cucumber

on cocktail sticks.
kake Norway Cake

kalamarossoupa me domata Greece A thin

kalamarossoupa me domata

kakee Persimmon

stew or thick soup made from sliced squid,

kakejiru soup Japan Dashi, soya sauce and
kakejiru soup

sweated onions and garlic, tomato

mirin (10:1:1) with a little salt and sliced concassée, sliced mushrooms, red wine and
spring onions simmered for about 10 water (1:4), all simmered for 10 minutes
minutes only, seasoned and finished with chopped
kaki 1. Persimmon 2. Japan Oyster parsley

kala namak South Asia Salt

kala namak

kakiage Japan A tempura made in clumps


from mixed small fish, shellfish and shrimps, kalassås Sweden A festive sauce for fish used

also from vegetables such as carrot, burdock at parties, made with double cream with
and onion cut small 10% of uncooked egg yolk mixed in and
kaki-nabe Japan Oysters simmered with

flavoured with wine vinegar, caster sugar,

vegetables in a miso and sake broth French mustard and freshly ground white
kakitama-jiru Japan A soup made from dashi
Kalb Germany Veal

flavoured with a little salt and soya sauce,

Kalberwurst Switzerland Veal sausage

slightly thickened with corn flour. After

cooking out, it is brought to a very gentle Kalbfleisch Germany Veal

simmer and beaten egg mixed with a little Kalbsbeuschel Austria A ragout of calves’

dashi is dribbled in from a moving ladle and lights and hearts, once a dish of the poor but
allowed to set. The soup is removed from the now fashionable
heat and finished with juice squeezed from Kalbsbraten Germany Roast veal

freshly grated ginger root and garnished with

Kalbsbratwurst Switzerland A white Bratwurst

lemon rind shapes. (NOTE: Literally ‘egg drop

made from a mixture of veal, bacon and milk,
seasoned and flavoured with spices
kakku Finland Cake

Kalbsbries Germany Calves’ sweetbreads


kaklo West Africa A snack food from Ghana


Kalbsbrust Germany Breast of veal


made from mashed plantains and flour. See

Kalbsfüsse Germany Calves’ feet

also kaakro
Kalbshaxen Austria, Germany A speciality of

kakukfú Hungary Thyme


the Austrian-Bavarian border region

kaku-zukuri Japan A type of cut for large

consisting of a well roasted or fried pork or

thick fillets of fish used in sashimi consisting veal leg joint which is crisp, brown and
of 1 cm dice tender, served with boiled potatoes and salad
kål Denmark, Norway, Sweden Cabbage

Kalbskopf Germany Calves’ head


kala Finland Fish


Kalbsleber Germany Calves’ liver


kalács Hungary A well-raised white milk-


Kalbsleberwurst Germany A spreading


bread available as rolls or in slices sausage made from calves’ liver

kala jeera South Asia 1. Black cumin, a
kala jeera

Kalbslende Germany Fillet of veal


variety of cumin found in Kashmir, Pakistan Kalbsmilch Switzerland Calves’ sweetbreads


and Iran. Used in Moghul cooking. 2. Kalbsnierenbraten Germany Boned loin of


Caraway seed veal with some flank, stuffed with halved,

kalakakot Finland Fish cakes

skinned and cored calves’ kidneys,

kalakeitto Finland A fish, onion and potato

seasoned and sprinkled with dried thyme,

soup with a milk and water base thickened rolled, tied and roasted on a mirepoix of
with rye bread and corn flour and garnished vegetables at 175°C in the usual way
with chopped fresh dill leaf Kalbsrippchen Germany Veal chop

kalakukko Finland A hollowed-out rye loaf


Kalbsrolle Germany Boned breast of veal


filled with small white fish (muikku), fat pork covered with a stuffing containing minced
and seasoning, baked slowly until filling is beef and sausage with breadcrumbs soaked
cooked, then sliced and served hot in milk, sweated chopped onion, parsley,
kalamansi Philippines The local lemon which

nutmeg, lemon zest and seasoning bound

is about the size of a small lime and has a with egg, rolled up, tied, browned in lard and
bright green skin. Generally used as a lemon. braised in stock for about 2 hours. Served

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hot with the reduced cooking liquor kalkunragout Denmark Casserole of turkey in

thickened with beurre manié or cold with a sweet-and-sour sauce, served with
clarified and jellied cooking liquor. mashed potatoes or chestnut purée
Kalbsroulade Germany A type of meat loaf kall Sweden Cold
Kalbsroulade kall

made with a pork and veal mixture kallaloo Caribbean A soup made from

containing diced pork fat and pistachio nuts dasheen leaves, okra, crabmeat, salt pork,
kald Norway Cold etc. See also callaloo soup

kall citron-kyckling Sweden Cold lemon

kall citron-kyckling

Kaldaunen Germany Tripe


kåldolmar Sweden Blanched cabbage leaves

chicken made from boiled, skinned and
wrapped around a filling of minced beef or deboned chicken meat covered with a sauce
pork, butter, rice cooked in milk until very made from cream, egg yolk and sherry
soft and seasonings, lightly fried then baked (12:1:1) stirred over heat until thick, and the
in a covered dish with a sweetened stock. whole topped with shredded lemon zest
kall tomatsoppa Sweden Tomatoes boiled in
kall tomatsoppa

Served with the cooking liquor thickened

with corn flour and soured cream, boiled just sufficient water to cover them for 15
potatoes and cranberry sauce. minutes, passed hot through a chinois onto
kåldolmer Denmark Stuffed cabbage
grated or processed onion, seasoned and
flavoured with sugar, lemon juice and
kaldt kjøtt Norway Cold sliced meats, assiette
kaldt kjøtt

Worcestershire sauce. Served cold as a

anglaise soup.
kale A member of the Brassica family,

Kalmar Germany Squid


Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group), with a

kalocsai halászlé Hungary A fish soup
kalocsai halászlé

tall thick stem from which spring large curly

based on red wine
leaves and, later, tender flower stalks. It will
kalonji South Asia Nigella

stand through the winter and both the leaves

kalops Sweden Beef stewed in the old-

and the flowering stalks (in spring) can be

eaten. It has a stronger flavour than cabbage fashioned way with onions, peppercorns, bay
and is known in northern Europe as leaf and possibly allspice
kalt Germany Cold

‘peasant’s cabbage’. When shredded and

fried in oil it resembles fried seaweed. See kalte pikante Sosse Germany Spicy ketchup
kalte pikante Sosse

also borecole. Also called curly kale, kail Kalteschale Germany Cold fruit soup

kale brose Scotland A Scottish peasant dish

kale brose

kalte Speisen Germany Cold dishes

kalte Speisen

of cows’ heel simmered and skimmed for 4 kalua puaa United States A Hawaiian
kalua puaa

hours, finely shredded kale and toasted speciality of seasoned shredded roast pork,
oatmeal added and boiled until cooked. A wrapped in taro leaves and briefly roasted or
more up-market version uses beef broth with barbecued
beef cheek. kalvbräss-stuvning Sweden Creamed calves’

kaleji South Asia Liver


sweetbreads made from cleaned and

kalfsgehakt Netherlands Minced veal blanched whole sweetbreads, sweated in

kalfskotelet Netherlands Veal cutlet

butter with sliced onion and carrot and
boiled 10 minutes with flavoured veal stock.
kalfslapje Netherlands Veal steak

The sweetbreads are then reserved, cooled,

kalfsoester Netherlands Grenadin of veal

chopped and combined with a cream sauce.

kalfsvlees Netherlands Veal

Also called stuvad kalvbräss


Netherlands Calves’ kalvebrisler Denmark Calves’ sweetbreads


sweetbreads kalvekjøtt Norway Veal


kali South Asia Loofah


kalvekød Denmark Veal


kalia Poland Chicken broth flavoured with the


kalvemedaljong Norway Roast veal


juice of pickled cucumbers and garnished kalvenyrestek Norway Loin of veal


with diced chicken meat, celeriac, carrots kalvfilé pandora Sweden Seasoned
kalvfilé pandora

and Hamburg parsley escalopes of veal, fried in butter, arranged in

kali mirch South Asia Black peppercorn
kali mirch

an oven-proof dish and covered with strips of

kali mirich South Asia Black peppercorn ham, sweet green pepper and sliced
kali mirich

kalkkuna Finland Turkey

mushroom. This covered with the pan juices
which have been deglazed with cream,
kalkkunapaisti Finland Roast turkey

topped with slices of Gruyère cheese and

kalkoen Netherlands Turkey

browned under the grill.

kalkon Sweden Turkey

kalvfilet Oscar Sweden Flattened medallions

kalvfilet Oscar

kalkun Denmark, Norway Turkey


of veal passed through seasoned flour,

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browned in butter, napped with choron sauce kaminari-jiru Japan A soup containing bean

or béarnaise sauce and garnished with curd and vegetables

lobster and asparagus tips (NOTE: Named kammar Sweden Cinnamon-flavoured butter

after King Oscar II of Sweden.) cream placed over the central 10 by 32 cm

kalvkött Sweden Veal

strip of a rolled 32 cm square of Danish

kalvkyckling Sweden Paupiettes of veal, veal pastry, the sides folded over to give a 10 by

birds, veal olives 32 cm rectangle, cut in 4 cm pieces, each

kalv med fänkål Sweden Lightly browned
kalv med fänkål
piece having 4 cuts to the centre along the
veal escalopes simmered in white wine or long side, brushed with water, rolled in
stock in a closed dish over a bed of chopped coarse sugar and almond nibs, bent to open
bulb fennel for about 20 minutes and served out the cuts, proved 30 minutes and baked
with the reduced cooking liquor thickened at 230°C for 8 minutes (NOTE: Literally
with a liaison of egg and cream ‘combs’.)
Kammuschel Germany Scallop, the shellfish

kalvrulad med bacon Sweden Escalopes of

kalvrulad med bacon

kampyo Japan Thin dried strips of the flesh of


veal covered with bacon, rolled and tied,

dusted with flour and browned with chopped bottle gourd. When softened by blanching in
bacon, onions and shallots, covered with weak brine they are used as edible strings for
stock and a bouquet garni, seasoned and tying and wrapping food or as a filling for
then braised with a cover for 1 to 1.5 hours, sushi. Also called kanpyo, dried gourd strips
untied and served with the strained braising kamrakh South Asia Carambola, the fruit

liquor kana Finland Hen


kalvsteck i öl Sweden Leg or shoulder veal

kalvsteck i öl

kana gushi Japan Short metal skewers for

kana gushi

browned with carrots and onions in butter grilling whole or sliced fish and other foods
then simmered in brown ale with bay, cloves kananpoika Finland Chicken

and seasoning until tender

kanari fruit The small sour fruit of a Chinese
kanari fruit

kalvstek på grönsaksbädd Sweden Veal

kalvstek på grönsaksbädd

tree, Canarium album. The kernels from the

shoulder rubbed with seasoning and stone are known as Chinese olive seeds.
powdered rosemary, roasted on a mirepoix of
kande East Africa A Tanzanian staple food of

onions, carrots, leeks and celeriac and

beans and maize, possibly with additional
basted with stock from time to time. When
flavouring of vegetables and meat
cooked (1 to 2 hours) the veal is sliced, laid
kandierte Früchte Germany Candied fruit
kandierte Früchte

over the vegetables and served from the

kaneel Netherlands Cinnamon

kanel Sweden Cinnamon

kama Japan A heavy metal pan used for


kanewala choona South Asia Lime (calcium

kanewala choona

cooking rice by the absorption method

kamaboko Japan Cooked fish cakes made
kangaroo tail Australia The tail of a kangaroo
kangaroo tail

with ground up white fish flesh bound with

starch, egg white, mirin and sugar. Either cooked as oxtail
steamed or dusted with corn flour and kangaroo tail soup Australia As oxtail soup,
kangaroo tail soup

shallow-fried. They have a slightly rubbery with kangaroo tail substituted for oxtail
texture and are either sliced and added to kangkong Philippines Swamp cabbage

soups, noodles, etc. or served as a hors kani Japan Crab, used both generally and in

d’oeuvres with a sauce. The surface is often sushi

coloured to give an attractive appearance
kaniini Finland Rabbit

when sliced. See also chikuwa, hanpen, ita-

kanin Denmark, Norway, Sweden Rabbit

kamaboko, natto. Also called Japanese fish

Kaninchen Germany Rabbit

balls, Japanese fish sausage

kanin i flødepeberrod Denmark Jugged
kanin i flødepeberrod

kamano lomi United States An appetizer from

kamano lomi

Hawaii made with chopped smoked or rabbit served with a horseradish and cream
desalted salted salmon, chopped onions and dressing, mushrooms and onions
kanjadaa West Africa A soup/stew from the

salt to taste
kamasu Japan Saury pike
Gambia. See also superkanja
kan lan China Kanari fruit
kan lan

kambing Indonesia Goat


kanom Thailand Cake, dessert


kamias Philippines Belimbing (1), the fruit


kanom bang Thailand Bread

kanom bang

kami-jio Japan A method of lightly salting


kanoon Thailand Jackfruit


food especially raw fish by wrapping the food

kan phoo Thailand Cloves
kan phoo

in paper and allowing it to stand for an hour

immersed in salt kanpyo Japan Thin dried strips of the flesh of

kamin Thailand Turmeric


bottle gourd. See also kampyo

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kanten Japan Agar-agar and bacon pieces, pork sausage, carrots,


Kanter Netherlands Kanterkaas

celeriac, Hamburg parsley and onions, then
Kanterkaas Netherlands A cheese like
strained, the liquid thickened with a roux and
Nagelkaas, but without the cumin and served with a garnish of diced pork, bacon
cloves. Also called Kanter, Friese Kanterkaas and sausage
kapusta Russia Cabbage

kantola A small bitter gourd, Momordica


kapustnyi rulet Russia Cabbage rolls stuffed

kapustnyi rulet

muricata, used in the cooking of India and

East Asia. It is similar to a courgette with a with a mixture of sweated chopped onions,
thick green knobbly skin. The young seeds seasoned minced pork and veal, boiled
are edible but harden with age like a marrow. barley, chopped gherkins and sweet peppers
It should be blanched and degorged before and meat stock, placed in a baking dish with
cooking and hard seeds removed. Also a thickened tomato sauce mixed with sour
called balsam apple, ucche cream, covered with a yeast-raised rye
Kantwurst Austria A rectangular-shaped
dough, proved and baked at 180°C until
Rohwurst made with lean pork and pork fat brown
Kapuzinerkresse Germany Nasturtium

kara-age Japan Dusted with flour and deep-

kanyah West Africa A sweet snack from Sierra


Leone made from 2 parts of shelled and fried

karabu nati Sri Lanka Cloves
karabu nati

skinned peanuts, 2 parts of parched rice

both crushed to small pieces but not too fine, karahi South Asia A small wok used in

mixed with 1 part sugar then all processed to Northern Pakistan for one-dish cooking.
a powder and formed into balls, pyramids or Used to serve food in Balti restaurants. Also
cubes called kadhai, kurhai
kao 1. China Roast 2. Thailand Rice Karamel Germany Caramel
kao Karamel

kao liang China Millet karamelrand Denmark Caramel custard

kao liang karamelrand

kaolin See E559


karapincha Sri Lanka Curry leaf


kao mao Thailand Young unhusked rice,

kao mao

karashi South Asia English-style mustard


flattened and roasted. Used as a coating for condiment without adulterants

fried food. karashina Japan A mild version of mustard

kao mian bao China Toast

kao mian bao

kaong Philippines Palm nut

karasumi Japan The salted roe of mullet


kao pan Thailand A variety of Thai pummelo similar to caviar

kao pan

with a sweetish flavour and with less acid karaw West Africa A type of couscous made

than a grapefruit from millet. Also called araw

kao yang rou China Lamb karaya gum See E416
kao yang rou karaya gum

kapama Bulgaria A ragoût of floured pieces of


karbonader 1. Denmark Fried pork and veal


boneless lamb, sautéed in oil with sliced rissoles 2. Netherlands A spiced rolled meat
onions and then simmered with paprika, ready for roasting
seasoning and a little water until nearly Kardamome Germany Cardamom

cooked, mixed with plenty of chopped spring kardemommerkoekje


onions, simmered until all cooked, covered Cardamom-flavoured biscuits
with blanched spinach leaves and served kardi South Asia A spicy yoghurt-based sauce

Kapaun Germany Capon


Kardone Germany Cardoon


Kapern Germany Capers


karee Thailand Curry


kaperssaus Netherlands Caper sauce


karei Japan Flounder or sole


kapi Thailand A moist shrimp paste which


kare kare Philippines A meat and vegetable

kare kare

becomes very pungent and dark brown as it

stew thickened with ground peanuts and
matures. See also blachan
coloured red with burong-mustasa. The
kapor Malaysia Lime (calcium hydroxide)

meat is usually oxtail, shin beef or tripe.

kapormártás Hungary Dill sauce

Served with fried bagoong. Also called kari

káposzta Hungary Cabbage

kappamaki Japan A maki-sushi made in the

karela South Asia Bitter gourd


normal way with a centre filling of batons of Karelian hotpot See karjalanpaisti
Karelian hotpot

cucumber and bainiku Karelian open pasties Finland Rye dough

Karelian open pasties

kappan Hungary Capon


formed into an oval boat shape, filled with a

kapulaga Indonesia Cardamom

cooked savoury rice mixture, baked in the

kapuśniak Poland A soup of sauerkraut oven and served warm with a topping of

cooked in water with marrow bones, pork chopped hard-boiled eggs and butter

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karella South Asia Bitter gourd with grated potatoes, squeezed dry in a

Karfiol Austria Cauliflower

towel, mixed with grated onion and minced
karhu Finland Bear
lamb, seasoned and flavoured with chopped
parsley, coriander and ground cumin and
karhunkinkku Finland Smoked leg of bear

brought together with flour and egg, made

karhunliha Finland Bear meat

into round patties and fried in clarified butter

kari Sri Lanka Curry. See also red curry, white

kartofelnye vareniki Russia Potato

kartofelnye vareniki

curry dumplings made from mashed potatoes,

karicollen Belgium Tiny steamed snails

flour and lard (11:3:1); bound with egg yolk

served as street food and kneaded to a silky dough; stuffed with
karides güveç Turkey Prawns cooked in a
karides güveç

sweetened chopped prunes and walnuts;

tomato sauce and gratinated with cheese poached until they float; drained and rolled
kari kari Philippines A meat and vegetable in toasted breadcrumbs mixed with
kari kari

stew thickened with ground peanuts. See cinnamon and sugar. Served immediately
also kare kare with sour cream.
kari patty South Asia Curry leaves kartofelnyi salat Russia Potato salad,
kari patty kartofelnyi salat

kari phulia South Asia Sweet nim leaves

kari phulia
potatoes usually sliced with radishes, spring
karjalanpaisti Finland A casserole of cubed
onions, gherkins and dill and dressed with
lamb, pork or beef with onions and carrots, Russian dressing
Kartoffel (plural Kartoffeln) Germany Potato

seasoned and flavoured with bay, cooked

Kartoffelbrei Germany Puréed potatoes

very slowly in the oven and served with boiled

potatoes and mashed swede. Also called Kartoffelklösse Germany Potato dumplings

Karelian hotpot made with riced cooked potatoes, semolina

karkadé West Africa A chilled drink. See also and flour (8:1:1), seasoned, flavoured with

jus de bissap nutmeg and brought together with beaten

karljohanssvamp Sweden The boletus
egg until the dough holds its shape in a
fungus spoon. Made into balls about 5 to 7 cm in
karlovska lukanka Bulgaria A large sausage
karlovska lukanka
diameter and poached in simmering water
made with pork, beef and bacon (4:2:1), until they float and a further minute after they
chopped and mixed with sugar, seasoning, float. Served with butter and fried or toasted
caraway seeds and oregano, filled into wide breadcrumbs. Usually stuffed with e.g.
casings, tied in 25 cm links, pricked, air- croûtons, meat or plum jam.
kartoffelmos Denmark Mashed potato used

dried, wrapped and stored in wood ash for

up to a year as a stuffing, potato puffs
Kartoffelpuffer Germany Large potato

Karlssons frestelse Sweden As Jansson’s

Karlssons frestelse

temptation, but using buckling instead of pancakes made from grated raw potato fried
anchovies or matjes herring in a flour and egg batter served very hot with
karnemelk Netherlands Buttermilk
cold apple purée as accompaniment
Kartoffelsalat Germany Potato salad

karni yarik Turkey Aubergine flesh removed

karni yarik

Kartoffelspatzen Germany Cold boiled


via a single incision, chopped and fried in

butter with onions and minced lamb or potatoes on the raw side, grated and mixed
mutton, placed back in the skin, buttered with hot milk, butter, breadcrumbs and
and baked in the oven until browned seasoning and bound with egg, made into
kärnmjölk Sweden Buttermilk
small dumplings and poached in water.
Karotten Germany Carrots
Karotten Drained and served with melted butter.
Kartoffelsuppe Germany Potato soup made

karp Russia Carp


with diced potatoes, stock or water and

karpalo Finland Cranberry

cream (5:3:1) cooked in the stock or

karpalo kiisseli Finland A cranberry pudding
karpalo kiisseli

seasoned water, rubbed through a sieve (not

made from the juice thickened with fécule or liquidized), and mixed with cream, some
similar milk and grated onion, and simmered 5
karper Netherlands Carp

Karpfen Germany Carp

kartoffler Denmark Potato


karry Denmark Curry


kartofi sus sirene Bulgaria Sliced potatoes

kartofi sus sirene

Kartano Finland A cows’ milk cheese similar and cheese baked in milk

to Gouda karupillam Malaysia Curry leaf


kartofel Russia Potato


karvaviza Bulgaria A black pudding including


kartofelnye pirozhki z barabinoy Central

kartofelnye pirozhki z barabinoy

pork from the neck and belly minced with

Asia Lamb patties from Kazakhstan made lungs, heart and kidneys, mixed with pigs’

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karvaviza drug vid

blood, seasoned, flavoured with allspice, kashruth Orthodox Jewish dietary laws and a

caraway and oregano, packed in casings, description of the state of a food being
linked, dried and smoked kosher. Also called kashrut
karvaviza drug vid Bulgaria A karvaviza kashubha Philippines Saffron
karvaviza drug vid kashubha

which is boiled rather than air-dried kas kas Malaysia Poppy seeds
kas kas

karvaviza po banski Bulgaria As karvaviza Kaskaval See Kashkaval

karvaviza po banski Kaskaval

but including pigs’ spleen (melt) Kasseler Leberwurst Germany A dark

Kasseler Leberwurst

kasar peyniri Turkey A hard, cooked-curd

kasar peyniri
coloured sausage made from pigs’ liver and
ewes’ milk cheese with a strong, pungent- diced lean pork
Kasseler Rippchen Germany Smoked loin
Kasseler Rippchen

flavoured and dense paste, dry-salted for 15

days and ripened for 3 months and spare rib of pork usually roasted and
kascher France Kosher
served with potatoes and braised red
cabbage or sauerkraut
Käse Germany Cheese

Kasseri Greece A hard, scalded-curd, mild


Käsefladen Germany Cheese omelette


and white ewes’ milk cheese similar to

Käsekuchen Germany A flat cheesecake

Provolone. Often panéed and deep-fried as a

Käserösti 1. Germany See potatiskaka med
hors d’oeuvres but also used for dessert or as
ost 2. Switzerland Sliced crustless white a melting cheese on Greek pizza.
Kassie Germany Cassia

bread soaked in milk in a baking dish,

topped with Swiss cheese and baked until Kassler Germany A lightly salted loin of pork,

brown. Served with a sprinkling of chopped mildly smoked with the smoke from juniper
fried onions. berries. Eaten raw, fried or roasted. Served
Käsestangen Germany Cheese straws
cold in thin slices as a hors d’oeuvre or hot
with creamed potatoes or noodles and pease
Käseteller Germany Cheese plate

Käsetorte Germany Cheesecake

Kastanie Germany Chestnut


Käsewurst Austria A sausage made from a


Kastanienreis Austria A dessert made from


pork sausage mix containing an additional puréed chestnuts and whipped cream
15 to 35% diced Gruyère, Emmental or kastanier Denmark Chestnut

similar cheese
kastaniesovs Denmark A chestnut sauce

kasha Russia 1. Whole buckwheat groats 2.


flavoured with Madeira

The dish made by dry-frying the buckwheat kastanja Finland Chestnuts

groats until they pop, then adding 1.5 to 2

kastanje Netherlands Chestnut

times their weight in water and cooking in the

kastanjepuré Sweden Chestnut purée

oven (180°C) or in a steamer for about 45

kastanjer Sweden Chestnuts

minutes until soft

kastha besan South Asia A special frying
kastha besan

kashata East Africa A kind of peanut brittle


snack made from dry-roasted peanuts mixed batter made from besan and yoghurt (8:3)
with caramelized sugar, grated coconut and mixed and blended with ground cardamom
flavoured with cinnamon or ground and coriander seeds and cloves, saffron,
cardamom chilli powder, black pepper and minced
chives and allowed to stand for an hour
kashia keihi Japan Cassia
kashia keihi

Kastlerribchen Belgium Smoked pork loin


Kashkaval A hard, scalded ewes’ or ewes’


cooked in white wine with sauerkraut and

and cows’ milk cheese made from spun curd juniper berries
in the Balkans with an aromatic salty flavour kasutado Japan Custard

and which has been ripened for 2 to 3

kaszanka Poland A popular soft sausage or

months. Similar to Cacio Cavallo. Also called

black pudding made with a well-spiced
kaskaval, kachkaval
mixture of pork, pigs’ liver, lungs and blood,
Kashmiri chilli South Asia A large deep red
Kashmiri chilli

extended with boiled buckwheat, packed in

chilli from Kashmir used throughout India for casings and knotted
its colour and flavour rather than for its kaszinótojás Hungary Egg mayonnaise

hotness. Treat as sweet red pepper.

katai South Asia Whitebait

Kashmiri mirich South Asia Kashmiri chilli

Kashmiri mirich

katakuri-ko Japan A starch thickener. Once


Kashmir masala A mild Indian spice mix

Kashmir masala

obtained from the roots of the dog tooth

containing black cumin seeds, green violet, Erythronium dencanis, but now
cardamoms, black peppercorns, cloves, usually fécule which is much cheaper.
cinnamon, mace and nutmeg katalou Turkey A type of vegetable stew made

kashrut See kashruth


with coarsely chopped French beans,

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aubergines, sweet green peppers, tomatoes katsura-muki Japan A long very thin sheet of

and okra simmered in oil with garlic and mooli or carrot cut from a cylinder of the
chopped parsley vegetable in one continuous motion. The
katch South Asia Lamb sheet is as wide as the cylinder is long and

katchumbari East Africa A relish from Kenya

can be up to 40 cm long. When rolled it is
made from chopped and/or shredded used to make very fine shreds.
katt pie Wales A traditional deep-pan double-
katt pie

vegetables from one or more of tomatoes,

onion, garlic, sweet pepper, cucumber and crust mutton pie about 10 cm diameter,
cabbage flavoured with chilli pepper or made on Templeton fair day, the 12th of
coriander, seasoned and dressed with lemon November. The filling in the hot water pastry
juice is minced mutton, nowadays generally lamb,
kateh Middle East Plain boiled rice dried off in
layered with equal quantities of currants and
the oven to form a crust on the surface of the brown sugar in that order and baked at
rice 220°C for 20 to 30 minutes. (NOTE: As the
Katenrauchwurst Germany A country-style,
letter ‘k’ does not exist in Welsh, the origin of
very large (45 cm by 10 cm) Rohwurst made the name is a mystery.)
katushki Russia Fish quenelles made from

from coarsely chopped pork containing

chunks of smoked pork slowly smoked over white fish flesh and softened white bread
aromatic woods such as juniper, pine, processed with egg, seasoning and chopped
heather or beech until very dark and strongly dill, consistency adjusted with flour, formed
flavoured. Often served with beer and black into balls (2cm diameter), chilled, then
bread. poached in fish stock, broth or consommé
Katzenjammer Germany Sliced cold beef and

Katenschinken Germany A smoked ham


baked in a rye flour dough cucumber in mayonnaise

Katzenkopt Netherlands Edam

Katenspeck Germany A speciality pork


Katzenminze Germany Catmint


product made from cured, smoked and

cooked belly pork. It has a dark brown rind kau fu China A type of half cooked spongy
kau fu

and may be eaten cold or used to flavour gluten dough added to braised dishes
stews and soups. kaviaarib Finland Caviar

Katerfisch Germany Fillets of sole marinated


kaviar Denmark, Norway, Sweden Caviar


for 10 minutes with salt and lemon juice, laid kaviár Hungary Caviar

in a buttered baking dish, covered with a

Kaviar Germany Caviar

layer of tomato purée mixed with vinegar and

kavurma Turkey A dish of boiled, drained and

horseradish, scattered with sweated onion

rings, dotted with butter and baked at 190°C chopped spinach mixed with chopped
until firm. Served from the dish. onions and minced mutton, fried in butter
and served with a poached egg on top
kathal South Asia Jackfruit

käx Sweden Biscuit


kathal ke beej South Asia Jackfruit

kathal ke beej

kayla Plantain

katiem Thailand Garlic


kayu manis Indonesia, Malaysia Cinnamon

kayu manis

katkarapu Finland 1. Shrimp 2. Prawn


kaz Turkey Goose


katnim South Asia Curry leaf


kazunoko no agemono Japan Soft herring

kazunoko no agemono

katora The small metal or earthenware bowls


roes, blanched in salted water for 2 minutes,

in which individual portions of food are
dried, coated in batter and deep-fried. The
served at an Indian meal. The different
batter is made from flour, salt and warm
components of a meal are served separately
water rested and, at the last minute, stiffly
and not on one plate as in the West. Also
beaten egg white folded in.
called katori
kazy Central Asia A horsemeat sausage from

katori South Asia Katora


Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

katrinplommen Sweden Prunes

k’dras North Africa A Moroccan chicken


katsuo Japan Skipjack tuna. Usually referred


tagine cooked with onion, saffron and spices

to as bonito, strictly Pacific bonito. and a large amount of smen
katsuobushi Japan Blocks of boned and

kebab Middle East, South Asia Any cubed or


dried Pacific bonito (skipjack tuna) flesh sliced food especially meat and vegetables
used to make bonito flakes impaled on a skewer or brochette and
katsuodashi Japan A liquid concentrate of

cooked under the grill, over a barbecue or in

dashi; instant dashi a tandoori oven until lightly charred on the
katsuo-kezuriki Japan A special implement

outside. If meat, often tenderized by

for making Pacific bonito flakes from blocks marinating with an acid-based marinade and

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basted whilst cooking. Usually served on or kefir grains A dried agglomeration of lactic
kefir grains

off the skewer with rice and salad. Also called Streptococci, Leuconostocs, yeasts and
kebob, shashlik dried milk, broken into small pieces, To use,
kebabchés Bulgaria Meatballs

they are soaked in 2 changes of water at 20

kebap Turkey Kebab
to 30°C until swollen to 3 or 4 times their
original size. They are then used to ferment
kebob Kebab

milk or whey for 1 day to make kefir. They

kecap asin Indonesia A thick, salty and dark
kecap asin

may be reused until they disintegrate, if

coloured soya sauce used for colouring and washed after each use and kept in the
flavour refrigerator.
kecap bentang manis Indonesia Kecap
kecap bentang manis

kefta See kefteji


manis keftedakia Greece Small keftedes eaten as an


kecap ikan Indonesia A fermented fish sauce

kecap ikan

appetizer. Also called keftethakia

kecap manis Indonesia A sweet, thick dark keftedes Greece Keftethes
kecap manis keftedes

aromatic soya sauce used as a seasoning kefteji North Africa Fried meatballs usually of

and condiment and for satay. Also called mutton or offal flavoured with coriander and
ketjap sauce, kecap bentang manis, sweet cumin. Often served in a rich pepper sauce
soya sauce with an egg. Also called kefta
kecipir Indonesia Goa bean keftethakia Greece Keftedakia
kecipir keftethakia

keftethes Greece Large meatballs made from


kecombrang Indonesia Ginger buds


kecsege Hungary Sterlet, a small sturgeon

seasoned minced lamb, beef or veal, mixed
from the Caspian Sea with white breadcrumbs, sweated chopped
onions and garlic and flavoured with ouzo
kecskeméti barackpuding Hungary Apricot
kecskeméti barackpuding

and mint, floured and fried. Served with

pudding with vanilla cream
salad and bread. Also called keftedes
kedgeree United Kingdom A dish of flaked

keitto Finland Soup


smoked haddock mixed with cooked rice,

kekada South Asia Crab

curry powder and hard-boiled egg usually

kekel East Africa Ethiopian for boiled meat

served at breakfast. Adapted from the Indian

kekererwten Netherlands Chick peas

dish khichhari (fish with rice and lentils)

Keks Germany Biscuit

during the British occupation of India.

keksi Finland Biscuit

kedjenou West Africa A popular chicken stew


kela South Asia Banana


from the Cote d’Ivoire made from chicken

pieces, aubergines, okra, chilli pepper and keladi Malaysia Yam

tomatoes in water or stock flavoured with kelapa Indonesia, Malaysia Coconut


grated ginger, bay leaf, garlic and thyme. It is kelapa muda Indonesia A young coconut
kelapa muda

usually slow-cooked in a sealed pot which is about 10 months old. It has a soft gelatinous
shaken from time to time to prevent sticking. sweet flesh which is easily scraped from the
keem Korea Nori

shell. Used in desserts and drinks.

keema 1. South Asia Minced meat 2. Central kelapa sayur Malaysia Chopped mixed
keema kelapa sayur

Asia A common sauce from Afghanistan vegetables cooked in coconut milk

rather like a bolognese, made with minced kelapa setengah tua Malaysia Young
kelapa setengah tua

meat fried in oil and simmered with tomato coconut. See also kelapa muda
purée and water kelapa tua santan Malaysia Coconut milk
kelapa tua santan

Kefalotir Balkans A cheese similar to


kelbimbó Hungary Brussels sprouts


Kefalotiri keledek Malaysia Sweet potato


Kefalotiri Cyprus, Greece A very hard


kelewele West Africa A street food from


scalded-curd ewes’ or ewes’ and goats’ milk Ghana made from sliced plantains
cheese similar to Parmesan and made in a marinated in a spice mixture of grated ginger,
cylindrical shape with a rounded top. Also cayenne peppers and salt in water then
called Kefalotyri deep-fried. Other spices may be added to
Kefalotyri See Kefalotiri

the marinade and lemon juice can be used

kefir Russia, Scandinavia A slightly alcoholic
instead of water.
kelp A general name for varieties of brown

and sour drink made originally from mare’s

milk, now from cows’ milk and cultured with seaweed of the genus Laminaria, common
mixed microorganisms in the form of kefir on the European coasts. Can be eaten raw or
grains. Contains 0.6 to 0.9% lactic acid and cooked.
0.2 to 0.8% alcohol. It is used to treat gastro- kelt A salmon which has spawned and is thin

intestinal problems in Russia. and useless for eating

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kesong puti

kem Thailand Salty kepong beras boh Indonesia Galapong

kem kepong beras boh

kemangi Indonesia, Malaysia A mild basil kepro knedlo zelo Czech Republic A
kemangi kepro knedlo zelo

native to Indonesia and Malaysia traditional Czech dish of roast pork with
kembang kol Indonesia Cauliflower
kembang kol

dumplings and sauerkraut

képviselöfánk Hungary Cream puff

kembang pala Malaysia Mace

kembang pala

keraa Nepal Banana


kemiri Indonesia Candlenut


kempferia galangal Long thin roots of a keran ka achar South Asia Pickled venison
kempferia galangal keran ka achar

plant, Kaempferia galangal or K. pandurata, meat

which resemble dahlia tubers. Normally kerapu bara Malaysia Garoupa, the fish
kerapu bara

dried and sliced for use in East Asian dishes. kerapu lodi Indonesia Garoupa, the fish
kerapu lodi

It has a stronger flavour than lesser galangal

kerbau Indonesia Buffalo

and should be used sparingly. Also called

kere Indonesia Ridged sand clam

lesser ginger
kerma Finland Cream

kenan West Africa A traditional Ghanaian dish


kermakakku Finland Cream cake


made with a whole fish. See also kyenam

kerma kastike Finland Cream sauce
kerma kastike

kencur Indonesia 1. Powdered lesser galangal


root 2. Zedoary kermes A red dye similar to cochineal from an


keneffa North Africa Warqa pastry from insect, Coccus ilicis, which lives on the

Morocco layered with sugar, cinnamon and kermes oak. Referred to by Chaucer as
almonds grains of Portugal.
keng Thailand Indicates liquid in a dish. See kernel The edible, usually central, part of a
keng kernel

also gaeng nut or stone of a fruit

kenkey West Africa Finely ground maize flour Kernhem Netherlands A soft sticky cows’ milk
kenkey Kernhem

mixed to a dough with water and allowed to cheese with 60% butterfat. Initially rindless,
ferment for 2 to 3 days. After kneading, half it can be ripened for 30 days in a cool damp
the dough is boiled with an equal quantity of atmosphere to give a rich full flavour and an
water for ten minutes and all combined with orange-brown rind.
the uncooked dough, divided and wrapped kern milk Scotland The Scottish term for
kern milk

in banana leaves which are then steamed for buttermilk

2 to 3 hours. kerrie Netherlands Curry

Kentish cob Filbert

Kentish cob

kerrierijst Netherlands Curried rice


Kentish huffkin England A small oval flat

Kentish huffkin

kers Netherlands Cherry


yeast-raised loaf or roll with a deep

kerupuk Indonesia A large deep-fried crisp

indentation in the centre and a soft crust.

The dough is enriched with a little sugar and pancake flavoured with dried prawns. See
butter and they weigh about 60 g each. also krupuk
kerupuk singkong Indonesia A type of
kerupuk singkong

Kentish pudding pie England Kent Lent pie

Kentish pudding pie

poppadom made from tapioca starch and

Kentish sausage England A coarse-textured
Kentish sausage

cassava chips
sausage containing lean pork and pork fat
kesäkeitto Finland Summer vegetable soup

(2:1), seasoned and flavoured with sage,

mace and nutmeg (NOTE: Literally ‘summer soup’.)
kesar South Asia Saffron

kentjoer Netherlands Zedoary


keshar Nepal Saffron


Kent Lent pie England Short crust pastry

Kent Lent pie

keshy yena Caribbean Edam cheese stuffed

keshy yena

baked blind in a flan case, filled with milk

thickened with ground rice which is added and baked with various mixtures of poultry,
into a creamed butter, sugar and egg mix fish, shellfish, meat, etc (NOTE: From the
flavoured with grated lemon zest, salt and Dutch East Indies)
nutmeg, currants sprinkled on top and the kesksou North Africa The Berber name for

whole baked at 190°C until browned couscous

Kentucky ham United States Ham made from
Kentucky ham

keskülü fukara Turkey A sweetened milk

keskülü fukara

pigs traditionally fattened on acorns, beans pudding thickened with rice flour and
and clover. The ham is dry-salted and flavoured with liquidized almonds or almond
smoked over apple and hickory wood and essence and chopped almonds and topped
matured for up to a year. The name refers to with chopped pistachio nuts and desiccated
the method of curing. coconut. Served chilled.
Kenya coffee A sharp, aromatic coffee from
Kenya coffee

kesong puti Philippines Cottage cheese made

kesong puti

Kenya from water buffalo milk. Also called quesong

kenyér Hungary Bread


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kesra North Africa A type of Arab bread made kha Thailand Greater galangal
kesra kha

with strong flour containing about 10% khabli palau Central Asia An elaborate lamb
khabli palau

cornmeal in the usual way using a pilaff from Afghanistan made with browned
sourdough starter equal to approximately almond slices and a julienne of carrots and
one third of the previous batch. Also called raisins, and flavoured with garam masala,
kisra, khobz ground cardamom and ground coriander.
kesram South Asia Saffron

The meat, cooked with onions and the

kesti Finland A cheese similar to Tilsit, spices, is mixed with the carrots, raisins and

flavoured with caraway seeds almonds and put on top of the half-cooked
keta Russia Siberian salmon
rice before being finished in the oven or on
keta caviar 1. Ikura 2. Ketovaia
keta caviar
top of the stove.
khachapuri Southwest Asia A Georgian

ketan Indonesia A glutinous rice served as a


dessert with desiccated coconut and a yeasted flour and water dough incorporating
brown sugar syrup melted butter (25% of flour). It is kneaded
ketchup A commercially produced sauce sold
and allowed to rise, rolled out and cut into
in bottles to be used cold as a condiment. squares. Grated Haloumi cheese mixed with
Usually of one particular flavour, e.g. tomato, egg is piled in the middle of each square,
mushroom, etc. See also Pontac ketchup. and the corners pulled into the centre. The
Also called catsup, catchup (NOTE: The name breads are egg-washed and the filling
is derived from the Indonesian word for sprinkled with chopped herbs, then the
sauce, ‘kecap’) breads baked at 190°C for 25 minutes or
until the cheese is browned.
ketela pohon Indonesia Cassava
ketela pohon

khagina South Asia Eggs and yoghurt (6:1)


ketelkoek Netherlands Steamed pudding


beaten with (besan) at the rate of 5 tbsp

ketimun Indonesia Cucumber

besan for 6 eggs and flavoured with ground

ketjap Netherlands Ketchup

coriander and cardamom seed, grated

ketjap sauce Kecap manis
ketjap sauce

onion, chopped chives and salt to taste. The

ketola Malaysia Angled loofah

dish is then cooked as a rather thick omelette

ketola ular Malaysia Snake gourd
ketola ular

in the usual way and served by cutting thick

ketovaia Russia The large red and almost

slanted slices from the folded omelette.

transparent eggs of Siberian salmon. It is khajur South Asia Date

more salty then true caviar and has a kha kho Vietnam Shallots
kha kho

different flavour. Also called red caviar, keta khal Nepal A stone mortar used for grinding

caviar grains and spices

ketumbar Indonesia, Malaysia Coriander

khalia South Asia A brass or cast iron mortar


seeds used for grinding hard grains and spices

ketumbar jinten Indonesia, Malaysia A
ketumbar jinten

using a matching pestle (musaria)

mixture of ground cumin and coriander
kha mar Burma Oyster
kha mar

kha-min Thailand Turmeric

Keule Germany Saddle, haunch or leg (of


kha min khao Thailand Zedoary

kha min khao

khamir South Asia A natural yeast used for

Keulenrochen Germany Thornback ray


kevada Nepal Screwpine

kevada making soft bread. It is propagated in
sourdough fashion with flour and yoghurt.
kewra Screwpine

khanom chine Thailand Small bundles of

khanom chine

kewra essence An extract of the flowers of

kewra essence

cooked rice noodles sold as instant food.

screwpine used in India to flavour meat,
Usually resteamed and served with a savoury
poultry and rice dishes
sauce or curry.
kex Sweden An unsweetened cracker biscuit

khanom jeen Thailand 1. Fast food 2. Instant

khanom jeen

key lime West Indian lime

key lime

key lime pie A blind baked pastry or Graham
key lime pie

khao Thailand Rice


cracker case filled with a mixture of

khao chair Thailand Ice-cold cooked long-
khao chair

sweetened condensed milk, lime juice and

egg yolks which have been cooked out over grain rice served with a selection of small
a bain-marie. Served cold or topped with snacks and appetizers
khao niew Thailand Sticky rice
khao niew

meringue and browned in the oven.

khao pad Thailand Fried rice
khao pad

kezuri-bushi Japan Flakes or shavings of


khao phod Thailand Sweet corn

khao phod

dried Pacific bonito

kg The abbreviation for kilogram in any khao phoune Laos Cooked rice vermicelli
kg khao phoune

language topped with bean sprouts, salad leaves,

314 Page 315 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 PM

khtim slek

chopped banana heart and flower and khli’ North Africa Marinated and dried strips

covered with a creamy coconut milk sauce of meat which are then cooked and
flavoured with chillies and peanuts and preserved in fat
containing chopped fish, meat or poultry. khnehey Cambodia Ginger

Often served for breakfast. khoa South Asia Milk dehydrated by stirring

khao tom gung Thailand Congee flavoured

khao tom gung

over a low heat until it becomes a thick paste

with fish sauce. Eaten for breakfast. which is pressed into cakes. See also khoya
khara korma South Asia A korma made with
khara korma

khoai mon Vietnam Taro

khoai mon

whole instead of ground spices. The meat is khobz North Africa Bread

simmered first with yoghurt and cinnamon khobz bishemar North Africa 1. A savoury
khobz bishemar

until dry, then with a water extract of garlic turnover or similar made from pastry
until dry, then fried in butter until cooked and wrapped around a filling or from a stuffed
crusty. It is then mixed with the previously pitta-type bread 2. Bread dough made into
soaked spices and herbs and their parcels filled with a mixture of beef suet, red
marinating liquor: typically chilli peppers, chilli peppers, and fresh parsley, all finely
fennel, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, bay leaves, chopped with ground cumin and paprika.
peppercorns marinated in lime juice, nigella Allowed to prove then docked and fried in
and cardamom seeds, plus a little asafoetida butter until crisp and golden. Served hot.
and ground ginger. All is then cooked in
kholodny sup-salat A cold soup made from
kholodny sup-salat

butter until dry and the fat separates.

chopped red onion, radishes, tomatoes,
khas khas 1. South Asia Poppy seeds 2. An
khas khas

cucumbers and garlic seasoned and dressed

aromatic grass, Vetiveria zizanioides, used as with a little Tabasco sauce plus oil and lemon
a flavouring in Indian cooking. Grown in juice, mixed with chilled chicken consommé
India and the south of the USA. Also called just before serving accompanied by garlic-
vetiver flavoured croûtons
khas syrup A sweetened extract of the
khas syrup

khoobani South Asia Apricot


aromatic grass, khas khas khoresh Central Asia An Iranian dish which

khas water An extract of the aromatic grass,

khas water

literally means ‘sauce’ but contains meat

khas khas browned in clarified butter with onions and
kha-wel Burma Cuttlefish spices, then simmered with vegetables

kha-ya-nyo Burma Asian mussel

and/or fruit often with the addition of lemon
kheer South Asia A dessert made from rice
juice and brown sugar. Always served with a
cooked in milk until it is completely rice dish such as chelou.
khoreshe alu Central Asia A khoresh of
khoreshe alu

disintegrated> Then sugar, raisins, chopped

dried apricots, bruised cardamom seeds and cubed lamb or beef flavoured with turmeric
cinnamon stick are added and the whole and cinnamon. Prunes, lemon juice and
cooked for 1.5 hours. Almond slivers are brown sugar are added for the last 45
added towards the end. The mixture is then minutes of simmering.
khouzi Middle East A festive dish from Iraq

cooled and thinned with a little rose water

until a thick pouring consistency, put in consisting of a whole lamb steam-roasted
individual bowls, chilled and decorated. Also whole, head down, in a tannour oven over a
called sheer dish of saffron rice (timman z’affaran). The
kheera South Asia Cucumber
top is sealed with palm leaves and clay and
the fat from the tail end bastes the lamb as it
khesari South Asia Lath

slowly cooks, with the juices being absorbed

khichhari South Asia A dish of cooked rice

by the rice. Palm-leaf ribs are used to skewer

mixed with a variety of ingredients from a few the lamb and these impart their own flavour.
sprouted seeds or lentils to an elaborate khoya South Asia Milk dehydrated by stirring

mixture of spices, nuts and raisins. The over a low heat until it becomes a thick paste
origin of kedgeree. Also called kichardi, which is pressed into cakes. It is used for
kitcheri, khichri making sweetmeats and Indian cakes and to
khichri South Asia Khichhari

enrich sweet or savoury dishes. A different

khing Thailand Ginger

texture is obtained by coagulating the milk

khing dong Thailand Chow chow preserve
khing dong

with lemon juice before dehydrating. Also

khleb Russia Bread
called khoa
khren Russia Horseradish

khleb i sol Russia Bread and salt, the

khleb i sol

khtim baraing Cambodia Onion

khtim baraing

traditional words of welcome in Russia. The

khtim kraham Cambodia Shallots
khtim kraham

two commodities are often offered to guests

khtim slek Cambodia Spring onion or scallion
khtim slek

when arriving for a celebratory meal.

315 Page 316 Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:21 PM


khubz North Africa Morrocan bread cooked in Kichererbsen Germany Chickpeas

khubz Kichererbsen

a circular glazed terracotta dish. It is proved kickshaw United Kingdom An old-fashioned


but not knocked back. term for a food delicacy or fancy dish
khubz-tanou Middle East A very thin bread

kid A young goat, a popular meat in


from the Lebanon Mediterranean countries

khum South Asia Cloud ear fungus Kidderminster plum cake England A type of
khum Kidderminster plum cake

khurma po-samarkandski Russia Blanched

khurma po-samarkandski
Eccles cake with a filling made from mixed
persimmons, skinned, cut in sections and dried fruits, flour, soft brown sugar, butter
fanned on a plate, covered with a sauce and egg (4:1:1:1:1), well mixed and
made with corn flour-thickened orange juice, flavoured with ground mixed spice. Before
flavoured with lemon juice and zest, and baking at 200°C, the tops of the cakes are
scattered with pomegranate seeds docked and brushed with a mixture of water
khus-khus South Asia Poppy seed
and granulated sugar.
kidney The internal organ of an animal which

khuwa Nepal Milk dehydrated by stirring over


a low heat until it becomes a thick paste filters out breakdown products of
which is pressed into cakes. See also khoya metabolism from the blood and delivers
them in water solution to the bladder. The
khvorost Russia Deep-fried biscuits made

main bulk is a uniform brownish-red tissue

from egg yolk, egg and icing sugar, creamed,
arranged around blood vessels and tubes.
flavoured with rum and vanilla and mixed
Generally prized as tender and tasty offal.
with salted plain flour to make a stiff paste;
The kidneys of smaller animals are grilled or
kneaded 10 minutes, rolled out very thin and
fried after removing the hard core, outer
cut into 12 by 5 cm rectangles; a longitudinal
membrane and fat. The kidneys of larger
slit made at one end and the other end
animals are generally stewed.
threaded through this; deep-fried in hot oil,
kidney bean A type of kidney-shaped dried
kidney bean

drained and sprinkled with cinnamon and

icing sugar. A very traditional biscuit. French bean ranging in colour from white to
black. See also red kidney bean
kibbeh Middle East 1. Made with burghul 2.

kidney fat See suet

kidney fat

Lean lamb and burghul (1:2), the burghul

kidney soup A brown roux and tomato purée
kidney soup

washed and water squeezed out, the lamb

double minced, mixed with finely chopped boiled with brown stock; chopped ox kidney,
onion and seasoning and kneaded for 10 to carrot and onion lightly browned in fat and a
15 minutes with wet hands until a smooth bouquet garni added; all simmered and
paste results skimmed for 2 hours; bouquet garni
removed, and the remainder liquidized,
kibbeh nayeh Middle East Kibbeh niya
kibbeh nayeh

strained, seasoned, consistency adjusted

kibbeh niya Middle East Kibbeh made with
kibbeh niya

and garnished with diced cooked kidney.

fine burghul, spread on a plate, covered with Also called soupe aux rognons
olive oil and sprinkled with chilli powder and kiełbasa Poland A boiling sausage formed in

pine nuts. Served with lettuce and raw onion. a ring containing beef, pork, garlic,
Also called kibbeh nayeh seasoning and spices
kibbeh tarablousieh Middle East Minced
kibbeh tarablousieh

Kieler Sprotten Germany Salted and smoked

Kieler Sprotten

lamb fried in oil for 15 minutes, chopped sprats

onion, seasoning and allspice added and
kieli Finland Tongue

fried 20 minutes, then roasted or fried pine

kienyeji East Africa A Kenyan dish of beans or

nuts and parsley added to form a stuffing.

Kibbeh in egg-sized balls made into long oval peas. See also irio
kiev A method of pocketing, stuffing and

purses between the index finger and thumb,

stuffing added, the package closed, rolled cooking chicken breasts. See also chicken
into an oval shape and deep-fried. Served Kiev
kieve Ireland A large mash tun used for

with lemon wedges.

kibble, to To grind or chop coarsely
kibble, to
kikka-kabu Japan Baby turnips, peeled and

kibbled wheat Cracked wheat

kibbled wheat

trimmed top and bottom, cut with a

kicap cair Malaysia Light soya sauce
kicap cair

chrysanthemum cut, stood in salted water

kicap hitam Malaysia A sweet dark soya
kicap hitam

for 30 minutes to soften, dried and sprinkled

sauce similar to kecap manis with a mixture of caster sugar and salt and
kicap pekat Malaysia Dark soya sauce
kicap pekat

garnished with sweet pepper rings or with

kichardi South Asia A dish of cooked rice

grated lemon to resemble red or yellow

mixed with a variety of ingredients. See also chrysanthemums. Stood in individual bowls
khichhari lined with chrysanthemum leaves.

kinugoshi tofu

kiku Japan Chrysanthemum flowers and


leaves used as a garnish. Also called kikuna

kikuna Japan Kiku

kikurage Japan Cloud ear fungus


kilawin Philippines A method of preparing


fish for consumption without heating it by

marinating in coconut vinegar, lime juice or
kalamansi juice until it becomes translucent
kilic kebap Turkey A kebab of swordfish
kilic kebap

pieces, onion, tomatoes and bay leaves

dressed with lemon and grilled over charcoal
kilkis Scandinavia Norwegian anchovies,

preserved in brine. See also anchois de

Killarney Ireland Irish Cheddar cheese

Kilmeny kail Scotland A young rabbit

Kilmeny kail

chopped in convenient pieces and a piece of

bacon of about the same weight simmered in
water for 2 to 3 hours. When the meat is
cooked it is removed and finely chopped
cabbage or kale, equal in weight to the
rabbit, is added and cooked a further 15
minutes. Some of the meat is diced and
returned to the soup, which is served with
oatcakes; the rest is served separately as a
main course.
Kilner jar United Kingdom
Kilner jar

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kip Netherlands Chicken kitcheri South Asia A dish of cooked rice

kip kitcheri

kip aan’t spit Netherlands Grilled chicken

kip aan’t spit
mixed with a variety of ingredients. See also
kippelever Netherlands Chicken liver
kited fillet United States A boned and filleted
kited fillet

kipper A gutted herring, split and flattened


from the belly side, lightly brined and then round fish in which a cut is made along the
cold-smoked top of the fish to expose the main bones and
viscera which are removed leaving the two
kipper, to To preserve fish by salting then
kipper, to

halves joined by the abdominal flesh at the

smoking bottom of the fish
kipper sausage Scotland A sausage made
kipper sausage

kitfo East Africa A type of steak tartare from


with kipper flesh without bones or skin, Ethiopia, possibly warmed slightly in a frying
probably mixed with suet and breadcrumbs pan, seasoned with chopped onion, lemon
kippesoep Netherlands Chicken broth

juice, hot chilli sauce or any of chopped

kiri bath Sri Lanka A thick mixture of cooked
kiri bath

chillies, cumin, cinnamon, coriander,

soft rice and coconut cream, shaped into flat rosemary and garlic. Made into small balls or
diamonds and served with jaggery at festivals patties and served with a variety of chopped
kiriboshi daikon Japan Sun-dried strips of
kiriboshi daikon

salad vegetables.
mooli. Added to soups and stews. kitha neem South Asia Curry leaf
kitha neem

kirkeen Ireland Carpet shell clam kitsune-udon Japan Udon noodles cooked
kirkeen kitsune-udon

kirsch A strong alcoholic infusion of cherry

until al dente, topped with abura-age,
and cherry kernels used as a flavouring in simmered in dashi, soya sauce, mirin and
e.g. black forest gateau sugar until they have absorbed most of the
Kirschen Germany Cherries
liquid and served with kakejiru soup
kiwano A large egg-shaped fruit with a


Germany Morello
cherries and the cracked kernels cooked in reddish-yellow warty skin enclosing a sweet
sugar syrup, strained, mixed with white wine green watery and rather insipid flesh and
and served cold, garnished with whole pitted large cucumber-like seeds. Eaten like
cherries passion fruit. Grown in Africa and New
Zealand. Also called horned melon
Kirschwasser Germany Kirsch, the liqueur

kiwi fruit A small egg-shaped fruit up to 10

kiwi fruit

kirsebær Denmark Cherries


cm long from a trailing climber, Actinidia

kirsikka Finland Cherries

chinensis or A. deliciosa. It has a light-brown

kisel Russia Kissel

hairy skin containing a sweet bright-green

kishk Middle East A fermented mixture of

flesh tasting of melons and strawberries and

bulgar, milk and yoghurt, dried, powdered with symmetrically arranged black seeds. It
and used to make a kind of porridge is often peeled and sliced for decoration or
kishka Hungary, Russia A sausage rather like
used in tarts and salads. As the fruit contains
haggis made from chopped beef suet, onion, proteases it can be used to tenderize meat,
flour or rice and seasonings, stuffed in beef but will degrade gelatine and prevent jellies
intestines, tied and simmered over a low heat from setting. Originally from China, but now
with onions. Served hot with horseradish mainly grown and exported from New
sauce as an appetizer. Also called stuffed Zealand. Also called Chinese gooseberry
kjeks Norway 1. Dry crackers 2. Biscuits

kjøtt Norway Meat

kisra North Africa A type of Arab bread. See


kjøttbolle Norway Meatball


also kesra
kjøttedeig Norway Minced meat

kissel An East European dessert of puréed


kjøttfarse Norway Hamburger meat, minced


red berries and/or fruit juice, thickened with

gelatine, corn flour or arrowroot and served meat
with cream. Sometimes used in the same kjøttpudding Norway Meat loaf

way as redcurrant jelly in savoury sauces. kjøttsuppe Norway Meat broth, bouillon

kissela dahorp Balkans Diced mutton

kissela dahorp

Klaben Germany A white fruit bread with nuts


simmered with herbs, separated and mixed and dried vine fruits
with half cooked rice, fried chopped onions, klaicha Middle East A sweet pastry from Iraq

paprika, a little vinegar and sufficient of the made with water instead of eggs and filled
cooking liquor to be absorbed by the rice and with pitted dates sweated in butter. They can
all baked in the oven until the rice is cooked be in the form of balls pressed into a
kisu Japan A small white fish

decorated mould, in rolls like a sausage roll

kiszka kaszana Poland A cooked sausage
kiszka kaszana

or flat like a Chorley cake. They are baked at

made with blood and dehusked buckwheat 170°C for 30 minutes.

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knock back, to

klarbär Sweden Sour cherry (amarelle) of lean pork, beef, pork fat and saltpetre,

klare Fleischbrühe Germany Clear beef

klare Fleischbrühe
flavoured with garlic and cumin, filled into
broth, consommé beef runners, dried and smoked. Served hot
klare Rindsuppe Austria Clear beef broth
klare Rindsuppe
after poaching.
knaidlech Very popular Jewish dumplings

klatkager Denmark Rice fritters


Kleie Germany Bran

made with crushed unleavened matzos,
eggs, water, salt and molten fat or oil, boiled
kleine gevlekte hondshaai Netherlands
kleine gevlekte hondshaai

and served with soup. Suitable for Passover

since made with matzo meal. Also called
kleingefleckter Katzenhai Germany Dogfish
kleingefleckter Katzenhai

Kleist Germany Brill

knakworst Netherlands Sausage, Frankfurter


klejner Denmark Crullers


Knaost Pultost

kletskoppen Netherlands Ginger snaps


knead, to To mix a stiff dough by repeatedly

knead, to

Kliesche Germany Dab, the fish


compressing it and folding in or over; this

klimatofilla Greece Vine leaves

may be done manually or mechanically by

klimp Sweden A traditional product of

using a dough hook at slow speed. In the

dumplings made from a very thick roux- case of bread doughs made from strong
based white sauce with added egg yolk and flour, kneading is used to develop sheets of
variously flavoured with grated bitter gluten in the mixture and to incorporate air.
almonds, crushed cardamom seeds, or The air acts as nuclei for the formation of
grated cheese, poured into moulds, chilled, bubbles of carbon dioxide during rising and
turned out and nowadays usually sliced for proving; the gluten sheets facilitate their
use as a consommé garnish retention in the cooking dough.
klipkous South Africa Abalone

kneaded butter Beurre manié

kneaded butter

klippfisk Norway Cod that is salted and


knedlach See knaidlech


spread out on stones and rocks to dry. Also knedlíky Czech Republic Huge soft

called clipfish dumplings made from flour and/or semolina,

klobas Czech Republic, Hungary A juicy

eggs, fat and water, boiled and served with

sausage made from smoked pork or veal soup or if sweetened as a dessert
mixed with wine, filled into casings and Knepfle Small dumplings from Alsace made

formed into a continuous spiral like a with semolina or mashed potatoes and flour,
Cumberland sausage mixed with chopped parsley, chopped leek
Kloepfer Switzerland Klöpfer

and egg yolks

Klöpfer Switzerland A cervelas sausage from

kneten Germany To knead


Basle made of beef, pork, bacon and pork knickerbocker glory Alternate layers of jelly,
knickerbocker glory

rind, seasoned and lightly spiced, packed in fruit, ice cream and whipped cream
medium or narrow hog casings, tied into 10 assembled in a tall sundae glass
cm lengths and lightly smoked. Also called
Kniestück Germany Knuckle of veal

knife A thin steel blade, one edge of which is

Klopse Germany Meatballs made with a


sharpened, the whole fitted with a handle.

mixture of meats
They come in various thicknesses and
Klösse Germany Dumplings made from

profiles and sometimes with a serrated or

potatoes and flour mixed with milk, fat and saw edge, for various types of work.
sometimes bacon. Breadcrumbs and
knishes Semicircular Jewish pastry turnovers

semolina may be incorporated. Boiled and

served as an accompaniment to sweet or with a variety of fillings, some specific to
savoury dishes. Also called Knödel particular festivals
kniv Denmark, Norway, Sweden Knife

Klosterkäse Germany A soft, surface-ripened


knob celery Celeriac

knob celery

cheese made in block form from semi-

Knoblauch Germany Garlic

skimmed cows’ milk. Similar to Romadur.

Contains 52% water, 19% fat and 24% Knoblauchwurst Germany A sausage made

protein. from a seasoned mixture of lean pork and

kluay Thailand Banana pork fat, spiced and heavily flavoured with

klyukva Russia Cranberries

garlic and formed in a ring
knoblaugh United States Knoblauchwurst

Knackerli Switzerland A spiced sausage from


Knochen Germany Bones


Appenzell made from beef, pork and veal.

Also called Appenzellerli knock back, to To lightly knead a yeast-raised
knock back, to

Knackwurst Germany A short fat variety of dough which has risen once in order to

Frankfurter made from a seasoned mixture eliminate large gas bubbles and help further

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knock down, to

develop the gluten. This is done prior to koek Netherlands 1. Cake 2. Biscuit (NOTE:

shaping the dough. Also called knock down, The plural is koekjes.)
to koeksister South Africa A twisted or plaited

knock down, to To knock back

knock down, to

doughnut, deep-fried in oil and dipped into

knockit corn Scotland Groats made from
knockit corn

cold sugar syrup and then possibly in

bere, the original domesticated barley from desiccated coconut
the Orkneys kofta 1. Middle East Cylinders of a spiced

knockpølse Denmark A Danish version of


minced meat mix formed around skewers

knackwurst made from a mixture of finely brushed with oil, and grilled over charcoal. A
chopped beef, pork and veal with about 10% typical mix might contain double minced
diced pork back fat, seasoning and saltpetre, lamb, chopped onion, chopped parsley,
flavoured with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger ground allspice, fenugreek, red pepper and
and garlic, packed into hog casings, linked salt. Also called kofte, kufta 2. South Asia
(12 cm), air-dried and hot smoked Finely ground meat sometimes blended with
knockwurst United States A version of finely chopped aromatics, seasoning and

Knackwurst made with smoked beef and herbs, bound with egg and formed into balls,
pork sometimes over sweet-sour plums or a paste
Knödel Austria, Germany Dumpling
of dried apricots and herbs. May be braised,
knödel alla tirolese in brodo Italy Bread and
knödel alla tirolese in brodo
curried or grilled on skewers. See also nargisi
kofte See kofta

bacon dumplings served in beef broth

köfte Turkey Meatballs shaped like small rolls

knoflook Netherlands Garlic


knol Netherlands Turnip

and fried in mutton fat. Usually made from
knol-kohl South Asia Kohlrabi
chopped raw lamb or mutton, mixed with
water, soaked breadcrumbs, eggs, garlic,
knolle Italy Large boiled dumplings from the

cinnamon and salt.

kogt Denmark Cooked or boiled

Knollensellerie Germany Celeriac


kohada Japan Fillets of a small spotted


knotted marjoram See marjoram

knotted marjoram

sardine, the gizzard shad, Clupanodon

knuckle The lower parts (shin) of a leg of veal,

punctatus, used in sushi etc. Also called

pork or lamb, extending down to the hock
konoshiro (NOTE: The larger fish called
knuckle of lamb See shank end of lamb
knuckle of lamb

konoshiru grows up to 25 cm but is difficult

knuckle of veal The lower part of a leg of veal
knuckle of veal

to eat because of the many small bones.)

below the thick part of the muscle usually cut kohanafu Japan Fully cooked, dried and

into rounds for ossobuco crushed gluten dough rather like

knusprige Kruste Germany Pork crackling
knusprige Kruste

breadcrumbs which is sprinkled directly over

kobegyu, kobeushi Japan Steaks from a type

food. Also called flower fu

of beef cattle reared or finished on beer and kohitsuji Japan Lamb

brewer’s grains and massaged daily to

Kohl Germany Cabbage

produce tender back meat marbled with fat.

Kohlenhydrat Germany Starch

The technique has now been introduced into

kohlrabi The thickened turnip-like lower stem

France. See also boeuf de Constance

Koblenz sausage A thin sausage made from
Koblenz sausage
of a member of the Brassica family, Brassica
veal and pork which has been pickled in oleraceae (Gongylodes Group), from which
brine for several days, minced with onions the rather sparse leaves spring. It is generally
and garlic, flavoured with pepper, packed green to red, and grows above ground. The
loosely in narrow hog casings, linked, air- flesh is crisp, has a mild flavour and is eaten
dried and smoked over oak and beech. raw or cooked. Popular in Germany.
Kohlrabi Germany Kohlrabi

Served hot. Also called Coblenz sausage

koblihy Czech Republic Jam doughnut Kohlroulade Germany Blanched cabbage
koblihy Kohlroulade

kochujang Korea Chilli bean paste

leaves wrapped around minced meat, fried
Kochwurst Austria, Germany A group of
then braised
Kohl und Pinkel Germany Cabbage and
Kohl und Pinkel

German/Austrian slicing or spreading

sausages such as Leberwurst, Zungenwurst sausage
and Berliner Rotwurst which are steamed or koi-kuchi shoyu Japan Dark soya sauce
koi-kuchi shoyu

boiled for a considerable time. They do not koki Central Africa A bean paste similar to

keep. moyin-moyin
kød Denmark Meat

koko Central Africa The name given to afang,


kødboller Denmark Meatballs


Gnetum africanum, in the Central African

kødfars Denmark Meat stuffing, forcemeat

Republic. The leaves are usually prepared

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for sale as a chiffonade to make cooking to soften and then scored with a knife to
easier. Also called mfumbwa release the flavour and may be used twice or
kokoska u unaku od slacice Balkans A
kokoska u unaku od slacice
more before before all the flavour is
Croatian speciality of roast chicken coated extracted. See also oboru kombu, tororo
with a thick sauce made from seasoned kombu, shiraita kombu. Also called sea kelp,
chicken stock and vinegar thickened with tangle kelp
egg yolks and soured cream. Served with kome Japan Uncooked rice

dumplings. Komijnekass Netherlands A hard cheese


kokosnoot Netherlands Coconut


flavoured with caraway seeds and cloves

kokosnøtt Norway Coconut

komkommer Netherlands Cucumber


koksalt Norway Salt


komló Hungary Hops


kokt Norway, Sweden Boiled


kompot Russia Compote, often made with a


kokt torsk Sweden Thick slices of poached

kokt torsk

mixture of diced fruit and nuts, sweetened

cod served with egg sauce or melted butter with honey
and accompanied by boiled potatoes Kompott Germany Compote, fruit stewed in a

kokum The fruit of an Indian tree, Garcinia


sugar syrup
indica, of the same family as the Konfitüre Germany Jam

mangosteen. The flesh is dried and used as kong syin tsai China Swamp cabbage
kong syin tsai

a souring agent. A semisolid fat, kokum

Königinpastete Germany A savoury filled

butter, is extracted from the large seeds. The

dried fruits resemble sour prunes. Also pasty, usually meat and mushrooms
Königinsuppe Germany A chicken soup

called cocum
koláce Czech Republic A fruit-filled bun
thickened with a liaison of cream and eggs
Königsberger Klopse Germany Meatballs
Königsberger Klopse

kola nut See cola bean

kola nut

simmered in good stock and served with the

kolbasa Russia Smoked ham sausage

thickened cooking liquor flavoured with

common in the western Russian republics
capers and boiled rice
kolbász Hungary Sausage

Königskuchen Germany A rum-flavoured


kol-bee An Israeli cheese resembling Gouda.


cake made by the creaming method from

See also Colbi
flour, sugar, butter, separated eggs and
kolcannon See colcannon

ground almonds (2:3:2:4:1) with 8

koldtbord Norway Fork supper (buffet), cold

teaspoonfuls (6 g) of baking powder per kg of

collation, similar to smörgåsbord flour, creaming with egg yolks and folding in
koldt kød Denmark Cold sliced cooked meats
koldt kød

the stiffly beaten egg whites after the flour.

kołduny Poland A type of ravioli The cake is flavoured with lemon zest and

kolja Sweden Haddock

rum-soaked dried vine fruits and baked at
kolje Norway Haddock
roughly 175°C. (NOTE: Literally ‘king’s cake’.)
Königwurst Germany A sausage made from

Kölle Germany Savory, the herb


kolo East Africa Roasted barley eaten as a

equal parts of chicken and partridge meat
snack in Ethiopia mixed with chopped mushrooms, truffle
shavings, seasoning and mace, moistened
kolocassi See colocassa

with wine, packed into casings, tied and

kolokythaki Greece Courgettes

braised. Eaten cold. (NOTE: Literally ‘king’s

kolska Poland A firm pork sausage from

Poznań and Lublin
konijn Netherlands Rabbit

komatsuna A diverse group of oriental


koninginne groente Netherlands The thick

koninginne groente

brassicas, Brassica rapa var. perviridis. The

white asparagus much liked by the Dutch
loose leaves which form a plant up to 30 cm
and in season during May and June (NOTE:
by 18 cm have a flavour between cabbage
Literally ‘queen of vegetables’.)
and spinach. They are eaten cooked as a
konjac Gum extracted from the tubers of the

vegetable or sliced raw in salads. Also called

spinach mustard snake palm plant, Amorphophallus konjac,
which has gelling properties and is used in
kombu Japan A type of broad leafed kelp,

making black bean curd

genus Laminaria, which is available as dried
konjak Sweden Brandy

thick dark-green strips (30 cm long and

konjakk Norway Brandy

folded) or in powdered form. Used to make

konnyaku Japan A low-calorie, virtually

stock, to make a tea or eaten as a vegetable

after boiling for 30 minutes. On storage it tasteless, complex oligosaccharide
develops a white surface covering which produced from the tubers of the snake palm
should be wiped off before use. It is soaked plant, Amorphophallus konjac. It is mainly

321 Page 322 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM


used to to form translucent gelatinous bricks hours then packed in ox casings, made into
(see black bean curd) but the dry powder is long links and air-dried for 3 months
used as a low-calorie substitute for gelling kopvoorn Netherlands Chub, the fish

starch in confectionery, drinks, edible films kop yop Indonesia Makapuno

kop yop

etc. In the brick form it is used like bean Korbkäse Germany A soft acid-curdled cows’

curd. It may be sliced thinly for use as a milk cheese with a smooth texture and thin
vegetarian sashimi. See also ito-konnyaku, rind weighing to 125 g
shirataki noodles
Korean cabbage Chinese leaves
Korean cabbage

konoshiro Japan Fillets from a small sardine


Korean pickled cabbage Fermented

Korean pickled cabbage

which are used in sushi. See also kohada cabbage (usually Chinese leaves) or other
konservirovannye tomati po-bakinski
konservirovannye tomati po-bakinski

vegetables, flavoured with salt, garlic and

Southwest Asia A Georgian tomato chutney chillies. See also kimchi
made with chopped red and yellow sweet koriandr Russia Coriander

peppers, chillies, chopped onions and

korinkake Norway Currant cake

tomatoes all combined in their raw state with

Korinthen Germany Currants, from dried

sugar, salt and a little wine vinegar and left

for at least 24 hours before using grapes
koritsa Russia Cinnamon

konservirovannye yabloki Russia Apple

konservirovannye yabloki

koriyenda Japan Coriander leaves


preserve made from peeled, cored and

korma 1. South Asia Braising of meat or

chopped dessert apples stewed in dry cider

with light brown sugar, finely chopped onion, vegetables with some or all of water, stock,
garlic, peeled ginger and sweet red pepper, yoghurt or cream. Styles vary, with some
flavoured with lemon zest, lemon juice and cooked to a thick sauce, some to almost dry
cayenne pepper and matured for at least 3 and others to a flaky crust. Only the best
days. Served with pork. young meat is used. The early parts of the
kontomiré West Africa Ghanaian for the
braising process often involve dry cooking,
dasheen leaves used as a vegetable i.e. using a heavy pan over a fierce heat,
searing the meat, then adding cooking liquor
kookoo Eggah

gradually so as to maintain dry but not burnt

kool Netherlands Cabbage

conditions. See also doh peeazah, shikar

koolraap Netherlands Turnip

korma 2. Central Asia The basic Afghan stew

koosé West Africa A black-eyed bean mixture of cubed meat browned in oil with onion and

formed into small balls. See also akara garlic, then simmered with pulses and/or
koosmali South Asia A side dish made with
vegetables plus flavourings, typically chillies,
grated raw carrots and fried black mustard pepper, cumin and coriander. The standard
seeds korma has yellow split peas. The name after
kop Denmark Cup
korma indicates the vegetable used, e.g.
korma shulgun ‘turnip korma’.
Kopanisti Greece A semi-hard creamy strong-

korma powder South Asia A mild spice mix

korma powder

tasting blue cheese from the Aegean islands.

It is salted and placed in pots to ripen for 1 to used in korma cooking with white pepper
2 months. instead of chilli powder
korma sadah South Asia A relatively simple
korma sadah

Kopenhagener Germany Danish pastries


dish by Indian standards of braised mutton.

Kopfsalat Germany Lettuce

Pieces of mutton are rubbed with a paste of

Kopfsalatherzen Germany Lettuce hearts

shallots, garlic, cloves, coriander leaves, salt

Kopfsalatsuppe Germany Lettuce soup

and a little butter, and fried in butter until dry.

kopi luwak Indonesia An Indonesian coffee
kopi luwak

Yoghurt and some basil leaves are added

bean, very rare, very expensive and said to and the mixture is again stirred and boiled
have a fine distinctive flavour. The luwak, a until dry, more butter, mace and chopped
nocturnal civet, eats wild ripe coffee fruits chives are added and the dish slowly cooked
and the beans, still encased in their until well browned. A little water may be
protective endocarp, are collected from the added to ensure that the meat is cooked
animal droppings. They are washed and through. Finally paprika is added and the
treated in the usual way. dish finished in a slow oven for about 30
kopp Norway, Sweden Cup
Korn Germany 1. Cereals 2. Grain

koprivstenska lukanka Bulgaria A keeping

koprivstenska lukanka

koromo Japan Batter for tempura. See also


sausage made from neck or spare rib of pork

and leg of beef (2:1), chopped, drained, soya batter
körsbär Sweden Cherries

minced, seasoned, mixed with sugar and

körte Hungary Pear

caraway seeds, allowed to mature for 12

322 Page 323 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM


korv Sweden Sausage formed into round or oval patties, panéed


korv och bröd Sweden Sausage in a roll

korv och bröd
and fried. Served with a béchamel or tomato
korv Stroganoff Sweden A sausage stroganoff
korv Stroganoff
sauce and vegetables.
kotlety iz rybi Russia As kotlety, but made
kotlety iz rybi

made with strips of skinned Vienna-type

sausage (Frankfurter, Falukorv, etc.), fried in with minced cod or pike flesh and butter.
butter with chopped onions until brown then Served coated with melted butter and with
simmered in a closed pan for 10 minutes vegetables in a béchamel sauce.
with acidulated cream and tomato purée kotlety pojarski Russia Minced chicken, veal
kotlety pojarski

Koscher Germany Kosher or pork processed with breadcrumbs, butter


kosher Food slaughtered and/or prepared

and cream and flavoured with nutmeg,
according to the strict Jewish dietary laws chilled, panéed, rechilled then fried and
kosheri Egypt A street food consisting of
served with an appropriate sauce
kotlety po-kievski Russia Chicken kiev. The
kotlety po-kievski

layers of cooked lentils and rice topped with

caramelized onions and a tomato sauce. stuffing is traditionally unsalted butter, lemon
Sometimes a layer of pasta is placed juice, lemon zest and chopped tarragon.
between the rice and the onions. Generally Deep-fried at 190°C.
served with a hot chilli pepper sauce. The kotopitta Greece A double-crust chicken pie

Egyptian version of the Indian khichhari. using layers of buttered filo pastry as the
kosher salt United States Sea salt
kosher salt

container filled with diced cooked chicken

koshi-an Japan A smooth sweet red bean

bound with a chicken velouté flavoured with

paste chopped coriander and walnuts and
kosho Japan 1. Peppercorn 2. Pepper, the
enriched with egg
kött Sweden Meat

kosie West Africa A snack food from northern köttbullar Sweden Minced beef meatballs
kosie köttbullar

Ghana made from mashed cooked beans fried and served with creamed potatoes and
blended with half their volume of finely sliced cranberry sauce
onion, processed with a little chilli, eggs (4 köttfärs Sweden 1. Minced meat 2. Meat loaf

per kg of cooked beans), plus salt and water koud Netherlands Cold

until frothy then shallow-fried in spoonfuls

koud vlees Netherlands Assorted sliced cold
koud vlees

and served with a dip

cooked meats
Kossuth cake United States Iced sponge
Kossuth cake

koulibiac Coulibiac

cake filled with whipped cream or ice cream

koumiss A thick slightly alcoholic and sour

Kostromskoi Russia A cows’ milk cheese


similar to Gouda drink originally made from ass or camel’s

kota kapama Greece Portioned chicken,
kota kapama
milk now made from fresh mare’s milk. It is
browned in olive oil and butter, reserved; similar to but more alcoholic than kefir and
chopped onions, garlic and celery browned rather like a gassy alcoholic yoghurt. Used to
in the same fat; then all combined with treat gastro-intestinal problems in Russia.
tomato purée, chopped or canned tomatoes Also called kumiss, kumyis
kou mou China A white irregularly shaped
kou mou

and red wine, flavoured with a cinnamon

stick and simmered 45 minutes; cinnamon mushroom similar to an oyster mushroom,
removed and the chicken served with the grown and used in northern China. Possibly
reduced cooking sauce the same species as St George’s mushroom.
kouneli Greece Rabbit

kotcho East Africa Bread made from the


starch extracted from the Ethiopian kourabi Sweden A sweet biscuit served with

domesticated enset plant. This is scraped coffee

from the leaf bases and obtained from the kourabiedes Greece A crisp crescent-shaped

stem and the swelling at the base of the biscuit flavoured with almond and aniseed
plant, it is then fermented in pits lined with
kovo South Africa A large-leaved vegetable

enset leaves and will keep in this state for

similar to spring cabbage but sweeter and
long periods. The enset plant can be
lighter in texture
harvested at any season and is drought
koyadofu, koyatofu Japan Freeze-dried bean

kotelet Denmark, Netherlands Cutlet, chop

koyun Turkey Mutton


kotelett Norway Chop


krab Russia Crab


Kotelett Germany Cutlet, chop


krabba Sweden Crab


kotlett Sweden Chop, cutlet


krabbe Norway Crab


kotlety Russia Minced beef and pork, milk-


Krabbe Germany Shrimp


soaked breadcrumbs, egg and seasoning

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krabbesalat Norway Crab meat on lettuce, Kräuterleberwurst Germany, Switzerland A

krabbesalat Kräuterleberwurst

celery and dill with a mustard dressing well-seasoned liver sausage flavoured with
krabbetjes Netherlands Pork spareribs

herbs and with large pieces of liver

krachai Thailand Kempferia galangal
embedded in it. Also called Kräuterwurst

kra dook Thailand Spare ribs

kra dook
Germany, Switzerland
kräfta Sweden Crayfish
Kräuterwurst à la Montreux Switzerland
Kräuterwurst à la Montreux

Kraftbrühe Germany Beef consommé


kraftor Sweden Crayfish

Liver sausage (Kräuterwurst) laid on a bed of
baked leeks, napped with a rich brown gravy
Kraftsuppe Germany Beef and vegetable

and heated through

Krautfleckerl Germany A dish of boiled

Kraine Austria A sausage similar to


Burgenländisch Hauswürstel cabbage mixed with noodles

Krautkräpfli Switzerland A type of ravioli filled

krajana Poland A firm smoked sausage from


Poznan knotted in links with spinach

Kraut mit Eisbein und Erbensuppe Germany
Kraut mit Eisbein und Erbensuppe

Krakauer Austria A sausage similar to Polish


krakowska but containing visible chunks of A national dish of pigs’ knuckles with
lean meat cabbage and pea soup
Krautwürstel Austria Cabbage rolls stuffed

Krake Germany Octopus


krakelingen Netherlands 1. Crackers 2.

with minced beef and onions
krawaan Thailand Cardamom

krebs Denmark Crayfish

krakowska Poland A slicing sausage made


from a very firmly consolidated mixture of Krebs Germany Crab


seasoned chopped lean beef, lean pork and Krebstieren Germany Crustaceans

pork fat packed in beef middles and

kreeft Netherlands Crayfish

smoked. Common throughout the country.

Kreivi Finland A loaf-shaped cheese

kranjska kobasica Balkans A smoked

kranjska kobasica

sausage made from diced pork and bacon resembling Tilsit, but not flavoured with
(6:1), kneaded with sodium nitrate, garlic caraway seeds
krem Norway 1. Whipped cream 2. Custard

and seasoning for about 30 minutes, filled

Kren Germany Horseradish

into small casings, linked in pairs and

smoked for 3 days if to be eaten immediately krendel Russia An egg and butter enriched

or longer if to be kept yeasted dough formed after raising into a

kransekage Denmark Almond pastry ring

long cylinder (5 cm diameter) and tied like a

Kranzkuchen Germany A braided sweet cake pretzel; proved, egg-washed, sprinkled with

Krapfen 1. Germany, Italy Sweet fritters 2.

almond flakes and baked at 200°C, initially
Switzerland A rich fruit cake with pears, nuts covered with foil then uncovered; finally
and marzipan dusted with icing sugar
Krenfleisch 1. Germany Sliced hot boiled

Krapfenchen Germany Special doughnuts or


fritters served on Shrove Tuesday (Mardi beef served with horseradish sauce 2.
Gras) Austria, Italy Pork, boiled in vinegar and wine
krapivnyi shchi Russia A soup made from
krapivnyi shchi
and served with horseradish and potatoes
krenten Netherlands Currants, from dried

seasoned meat or vegetable stock, with

young nettles, sorrel, sausages and chopped grapes
onions. Served with soured cream. krentenbrood Netherlands Currant bread

krapow Thailand Purple basil


krentenbroodjes Netherlands Currant buns


krappe Denmark Crab


kreplach A type of Jewish ravioli with a variety


krasnyi perets Russia Paprika

krasnyi perets

of fillings. Meat or chicken are served in

kra-thin Thailand Cassia

chicken consommé. Fillings based on

kratiem Thailand Garlic

cheese, soured cream and eggs are served

kratiem dong Thailand Pickled garlic
kratiem dong
with melted butter and either salt or sugar.
kreps Norway Small crayfish

krauch soeuch Cambodia Kaffir lime

krauch soeuch

Kreuzkümmel Germany Cumin


Krauskohl Germany Kale


Kraut Germany Sauerkraut (colloquial) Krevetten Germany Shrimps

Kraut Krevetten

Kräuter Germany Herbs kroepoek Netherlands A large deep-fried

Kräuter kroepoek

Kräuterkäse Switzerland Sapsago cheese crisp pancake flavoured with dried prawns.

Kräuterklösse Germany Dumplings coloured

See also krupuk
Krokette Germany Croquette

green with spinach or herbs

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kromeski, kromesky A small cylindrical rather like an Indian poppadom or Chinese


croquette of minced meat. See also prawn cracker

cromesquis krupuk tempeh Indonesia A krupuk chip
krupuk tempeh

krona Mexico A mild red pepper


flavoured with tempeh

krupuk udang Indonesia 1. A shelled,
krupuk udang

kronärtskocka Sweden Artichoke


Kronsbeere Germany Cranberry

deveined and flattened shrimp, dried and
kroppkakor Sweden Potato dumplings made
resembling a crisp 2. A rice-flour batter
with minced raw potatoes mixed with egg, flavoured with powdered dried shrimp, dried
flour and seasoning to a give a light mixture. and deep-fried
krusbär Sweden Gooseberries

Formed into dumplings around a filling of

Krustentieren Germany Crustaceans

sweated chopped gammon and onions,

kryddersild Norway Spiced herring

boiled in water until they float, plus a further

5 minutes. Served with melted butter and kryddor Sweden Condiments, spices

cranberry sauce. Kryddost Sweden A cows’ milk cheese


kropsla Netherlands Lettuce


flavoured with caraway seeds and cloves

kropsua Finland A thick pancake kryddpeppar Sweden Allspice
kropsua kryddpeppar

krøsesuppe Denmark A soup made from a Kryddsvecia Sweden Sveciaost cheese

krøsesuppe Kryddsvecia

mixture of dried fruits, apples and chicken flavoured with various spices
giblets kseksu bidawi North Africa Couscous with
kseksu bidawi

kruiden Netherlands Herbs seven vegetables; the most common seven


kruidenagel Netherlands Clove, the spice

are cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, peas,
kruiden azÿn Netherlands Herb-flavoured
kruiden azÿn
artichoke hearts, turnips and sweet potatoes
kskas North Africa The upper part of a

kruisbes Netherlands Gooseberry
couscousière in which the couscous is
steamed. See also gdra
krumpli Hungary 1. Potato 2. A stew of mainly

kuali Malaysia Wok


vegetables, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,

kuba al-aish Persian Gulf Stuffed meatballs
kuba al-aish

green sweet peppers, etc. with bacon and

sausage, seasoned and flavoured with made from a minced lamb and sticky rice
paprika mixture, spiced and processed into a
krung gaeng Thailand The general term for
krung gaeng
cohering paste. This is formed into small
curry paste balls around a filling of cooked split peas,
fried onions, sultanas, ground cardamom
krung gaeng kao wan Thailand A very hot
krung gaeng kao wan

and baharat. The balls are flattened into oval

green curry paste made hot by the fresh cakes and shallow-fried on each side.
green chillies which give it its colour
kubis bunga Malaysia Cauliflower
kubis bunga

krung gaeng kare leung Thailand A mild

krung gaeng kare leung

ku cai Malaysia Garlic chive

ku cai

yellow curry paste coloured using fresh

Kuchen Germany Cake

turmeric root
Küchenragout Germany A rich stew of

krung gaeng ped daeng Thailand A medium

krung gaeng ped daeng

to hot commercial and very aromatic curry chicken, sweetbreads, veal meatballs,
paste coloured red. A typical formulation clams, asparagus and peas
kudamono Japan Fruit. It may be served at

contains chopped seeded New Mexico

chillies, minced greater galangal root, the end of a meal in small portions and
coriander root and shallots, chopped kaffir decorative shapes.
kudzu A pale grey starch rather like arrowroot

lime rind and lemon grass root and shrimp

paste. made from the roots of a vine. See also kuzu
kuei China Cassia

krung gaeng som An orange-coloured curry

krung gaeng som

kugel A Jewish baked pudding consisting of


paste used in seafood soups and dishes

krupek See krupuk
rice or noodles with dried vine fruits, fresh
krupuk Indonesia A large deep-fried crisp
fruit, chopped nuts, eggs, sugar, spices and
pancake flavoured with dried prawns, similar margarine or molten chicken fat
Kugelhopf Germany, Switzerland Sponge

to the Indian poppadom or Chinese prawn

cracker. Smaller varieties are made with cake or large choux pastry balls filled with
fresh ingredients, e.g. shrimps and tapioca whipped cream. Also called Kugelhoph
Kugelhoph Germany, Switzerland Kugelhopf

chips, by rolling out and drying. See also

singkong, emping melinjo. Also called kugelhumf tin A tubular cake tin hinged along
kugelhumf tin

krupek, kerupuk the length for cooking long cylindrical cakes

krupuk ikan Indonesia A rice flour batter kugelis Lithuania A famous dish of grated raw
krupuk ikan kugelis

flavoured with fish, dried and deep-fried potatoes, salted and drained for 10 minutes,

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ku gua

dried, combined with a little flour, baking baked at 200°C for 15 minutes then at
powder, bacon fat, egg, grated onion, 180°C until cooked.
caraway seed and pepper, placed in a baking kulikuli West Africa A type of biscuit made

dish, dotted with butter and baked at 180°C from freshly ground peanuts from which
for 35 minutes then at 200°C until browned. most of the oil is extracted by kneading and
Served with fried onions. squeezing with a little warm water. The paste
ku gua China Bitter melon is mixed with water, salted, shaped into
ku gua

kuha Finland Pike-perch

biscuits and deep-fried.
kulitis Philippines Amaranth

kühl Germany Cool


kulthi bean Horse gram

kulthi bean

kui Korea 1. Grilled 2. Cooked on the griddle


kumara New Zealand The Maori term for


kuiken Netherlands 1. Young chicken 2.


Young pigeon sweet potato

kumin Japan Cumin

kukhura ka phul Nepal Hen’s egg

kukhura ka phul

kumiss A thick slightly alcoholic and sour


kukorica Hungary Sweetcorn


drink made from fresh mare’s milk. See also

kuku Central Asia An egg dish from Iran either

like a Spanish omelette with discrete pieces
kumler Norway Potato dumplings

of vegetables or with the vegetables puréed

kummel Sweden Hake

and mixed with the egg. The dish is usually

Kümmel 1. Germany Caraway seed 2.

named after the principal vegetables in it,

preceded by kukuye, e.g. kukuye sabzi. Netherlands A caraway-flavoured liqueur
kuku choma East Africa Roast chicken
kuku choma
sometimes used for flavouring
Kümmelkase Germany A soft surface-ripened

kuku paka East Africa A Swahili chicken and

kuku paka

caraway-flavoured cows’ milk cheese.

coconut curry made from onions, sweet
Contains 58% water, 21% fat and 19%
peppers and garlic fried in the usual way with
spices. Potatoes and water are added and
Kümmelsuppe Germany Caraway-flavoured

simmered until the potatoes are almost

cooked, browned chicken pieces are then soup
kumquat One of the three principal varieties of

added together with tomatoes and coconut

milk, the whole being simmered until the citrus, members of the genus Fortunella,
chicken is well done and the sauce thick. especially F. japonica & F. margarita with
Served with rice or chapatis. oval-shaped fruits about 2 to 4 cm in
kukuruza Russia Maize
diameter with an edible skin and an unusual
bittersweet flavour. Introduced to the UK in
kukuye sabzi Central Asia An omelette of
kukuye sabzi

1846, and thence worldwide. Crystallized,

herbs and spring greens baked in a 180°C
made into marmalade, often sliced for
oven for about 45 minutes
decoration and used in sweet and savoury
kulchas South Asia A yeast or other leaven

dishes. See also maru-kinkan, nagami

raised white flour dough made into rounds kumquat, meiwa kumquat. Also called
and deep-fried. May be filled with cheese or cumquat
vegetables before cooking. kumys Russia A thick slightly alcoholic and

kulebiaka Russia The original Russian fish


sour drink made from fresh mare’s milk. See

pie coulibiac. Also called kulebiak, kulibyaka also koumiss
kulfi South Asia A type of ice cream made

kun choi China Chinese celery

kun choi

from sweetened full-cream milk thickened kunchor Malaysia Lesser galangal


with corn flour, mixed with chopped almonds kunde East Africa A Kenyan dish of cooked

and pistachio nuts and flavoured with rose

cow peas and ground peanuts (2:1) mixed
water with chopped onions and tomatoes that have
kulfi mould A small conical metal mould used
kulfi mould

been sautéed in oil and all cooked gently for

for shaping kulfi about ten minutes. Normally served with
kulich Russia A traditional yeast-raised Easter

maize porridge.
cake made with flour, milk, sugar and butter kung haeng Thailand Dried shrimp
kung haeng

(11:5:4:2) mixed with eggs and egg yolks to kung yue China A small fish similar to an
kung yue

make a firm well-kneaded dough. After anchovy prepared like ikan bilis
allowing a thin batter made with some of the
kunyit Indonesia, Malaysia Turmeric

flour, milk and yeast to rise, the dough is

kunyit basah Malaysia Turmeric
kunyit basah

mixed after the first proving with sultanas,

kunyit kering Malaysia Saffron
kunyit kering

rum, powdered saffron, crushed cardamom

kupang Malaysia Asian mussel

seeds, chopped mixed peel and almond

kura Russia Chicken

slivers. It is then knocked back, proved and

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Kürbis Germany 1. Squash 2. Pumpkin 3. bread is dried and powdered, steeped for 8

Gourd hours, sieved, yeasted and fermented with

kure po plzensku Czech Republic Chicken
kure po plzensku
mint and sugar (1:30 on water) for 8 hours,
cooked in beer with sultanas strained, a few sultanas added and the whole
kurhai Nepal, South Asia A small wok used for
left for about 3 days until the sediment settles
one-dish cooking. See also karahi and the sultanas float. Decanted and
strained before use. Juniper is occasionally
kuri Japan Chestnut

used in place of mint.

kuri ama-ni Japan Candied chestnuts similar
kuri ama-ni

kveite Norway Halibut


to marrons glacés
kwabaal Netherlands Eel pout, the fish

kuritsa Russia A boiling fowl, old hen


kwah North Africa A Moroccan kebab of


kurnik 1. Poland A double-crust puff pastry


pie filled with four thin unsweetened cubed liver coated with cumin, paprika and
pancakes interspersed with three separate salt and wrapped in a sheep’s caul before
layers: the first, chicken in a cream sauce, grilling
kwali Malaysia A Chinese-style wok used by

then sautéed mushrooms in a sour cream

sauce and finally boiled rice mixed with Malaysian Chinese (Straits Chinese) for
chopped hard-boiled eggs and onions bound cooking rempah
kwalima East Africa A beef sausage from

in a cream sauce. The pie is egg-washed,

baked and served with a suprême sauce. 2. Ethiopia similar to Spanish chorizo
Russia A simpler version of the Polish kurnik kwanga Central Africa Treated cassava

using a shortcrust pastry and a creamy filling tubers. See also bâton de manioc
of hard-boiled eggs, cooked rice and kwanta East Africa The Ethiopian name for

chopped roast chicken meat preserved beef made by rubbing strips with
kuro goma Japan Black sesame seeds
kuro goma

butter, salt and berbere then hanging them

k’urt East Africa Chopped raw beef mixed with out to dry

mustard and chilli paste kwark Netherlands 1. Quark 2. Curds


Kurt Central Asia A hard pungent sun-dried


kway tio Malaysia Rice ribbon noodles

kway tio

ewes’ milk cheese from Kazakhstan kyabetsu Japan Cabbage


kurundu Sri Lanka Cinnamon


kyainthee Burma Candlenut


kurzemes Latvia Patties made with a duxelle


kyauk kyaw Burma Agar agar

kyauk kyaw

of onions and mushrooms mixed with

kyauk-nga Burma Garoupa, the fish

minced pork, veal or ham and breadcrumbs,

kyckling Sweden Baby chicken or poussin

seasoned and flavoured with chopped

kyenam West Africa A traditional Ghanaian

parsley and dried thyme, bound with egg,

fried both sides and served with a sauce dish consisting of a whole fish, each side
made from the reduced deglazed pan juices incised with two deep diagonal cuts which
and sour cream are filled with a paste of chillies, root ginger
kushikatsu Japan Skewers of pork with a
and salt, coated with surplus paste and
sauce deep-fried or grilled until crisp. Also called
kushiyaki Japan Skewers of pork, chicken,
kyet-thun-ni Burma Shallots

seafood and vegetables, panéed and deep-

kyin-kyinga West Africa Kebabs of meat and

fried and eaten with a variety of sauces and

relishes sweet peppers, the meat marinated in a
Kuttelflech Austria Tripe
processed mixture of onion, ginger, ground
Kutteln Germany Tripe
roasted peanuts, tomatoes, garlic and
chillies and the kebabs sprinkled with
kutya Russia Wheat grains, whole burghul or

ground peanuts before cooking

rice cooked in sweetened milk or almond
kylling Denmark, Norway Chicken

milk like a rice pudding

kyodo ryori Japan Specialities of a region,
kyodo ryori

kuzu A pale grey starch rather like arrowroot


made from the roots of a vine related to either single dishes or a complete meal
kypsäksi paiste Finland Well done. Used of
kypsäksi paiste

jicama. Used in Chinese and Japanese

cooking to thicken sauces and make meat, steaks, etc.
translucent glazes, it is excellent as a coating kyringa Russia A central Asian fermented

for fried foods. Also called kudzu milk similar to koumiss made in wooden
kvæder Denmark Quince vessels which become impregnated with the

kvarg Norway Quark

starter culture and are not sterilized
kyufte Bulgaria Meatballs

kvas Russia A slightly alcoholic drink made


kyuri Japan Cucumber


from stale rye bread and water (1:6), the

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la China Hot and peppery Lachs Germany Salmon
la Lachs

laab Thailand A mixture of lightly stir-fried Lachsforelle Germany Salmon trout

laab Lachsforelle

meat and onions with herbs and other salad Lachsschinken Germany The main muscle of

ingredients pork loin, lightly smoked and wrapped in a

la bai cal China Peppery pickled cabbage
la bai cal

sheet of raw bacon fat and tied into a neat

labelling See food labelling, organic labelling, cylinder with string. Eaten raw and thinly

nutritional labelling sliced as a hors d’oeuvre or sandwich filling.

lablab bean Hyacinth bean
lablab bean

See also laxschinken

lablabi North Africa A thick vegetarian purée Läckerli Switzerland Sweet biscuits
lablabi Läckerli

soup from Tunisia based on chickpeas with containing chopped nuts and candied peel.
garlic and sweated onion, carrots and celery, Also called Leckerli
finished with lemon juice and chopped lacón con grelos Spain Boiled cured
lacón con grelos

coriander leaves shoulder of pork with turnip tops

Lablab purpureus Botanical name Hyacinth lactalbumin One of the proteins in milk

bean Lactarius deliciosus Botanical name Saffron

labna Middle East A cream cheese made from

milk cap
the solids remaining when goats’ milk lactase The enzyme that converts lactose into

yoghurt is strained through muslin. It is glucose and galactose

formed into 3 cm balls which are coated with
lactates Salts of lactic acid used as buffers i.e.

olive oil and chopped herbs or paprika.

to maintain near constant pH in foods and as
Eaten with bread and keeps well. Also called
firming agents. Sodium (E325), potassium
(E326) and calcium lactate (E327) are used
labneh See labna

in the food industry.

labong Philippines Bamboo shoot

lactic acid An important food acid which is

lactic acid

Labquark Germany Quark


the end product of anaerobic fermentation of

Labskaus Germany A northern German dish

sugars by Lactobacillus spp. Added as a

of mashed potatoes, fried chopped onion, preservative to reduce pH or made naturally
chopped corned beef and seasoning, served in the production of yoghurt, sauerkraut,
hot topped with a fried egg and some cheeses, olives, other varieties of
accompanied by pickled beetroot and pickles and in continental sausages.
gherkins. Sometimes well-soaked, filleted lactic butter Butter made from a cream
lactic butter

and chopped salt herrings are added. treated with species of Lactobacillus to give it
labu air Malaysia Bottle gourd
labu air

a slightly sour flavour

labu merah Indonesia, Malaysia Winter
labu merah

lactitol A modified lactose used in sugar-free


squash confectionery
labu siam Indonesia Choko
labu siam

Lactobacillus bulgaricus One of the bacteria

la cari Vietnam Curry leaves
la cari

used in starter cultures for yoghurt and

laccetto Italy Mackerel

continental cheeses
lace, to To add alcohol, condiments or spices
lace, to

Lactobacillus caseii A bacterium associated

to a dish to make it more tasty or interesting with the ripening of Cheddar cheese
lacerto Italy Mackerel

Lactobacillus helveticus One of the bacteria

la chang China The standard Chinese pork in starter cultures for yoghurt and Swiss
la chang

sausage. See also lap cheong cheeses

328 Page 329 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

laham ajeen

Lactobacillus plantarum One of the bacteria and nuts, the whole covered with white icing
included in starter cultures for the (NOTE: This cake is supposed to have
fermentation of cucumbers and olives originated in the Lady Baltimore Tearoom in
Lactobacillus sanfrancisco Bacteria used Charleston, South Carolina, towards the end
for the leavening of sour dough bread of the 19th century. The husband of the
Lactobacillus spp. Bacteria used for the original Lady Baltimore was an Irishman who
production of lactic acid in cheese and other inherited the state of Maryland in 1632.)
milk products and in sauerkraut production lady finger United States Sponge finger
lady finger

Lactococcus lactis A bacteria which can lady fingers See langues de chat
lady fingers

ferment traditional foods made from rice to

lady’s bedstraw A wild plant, Galium verum,
lady’s bedstraw

prevent transmission of infection to weaning

children in underdeveloped countries. It has of the madder family whose small yellow
the advantage of producing a safe form of flowers were once used to curdle milk
lady’s fingers A short variety of banana (NOTE:
lady’s fingers

lactic acid, the laevo isomer (L-lactic acid)

which cannot harm children. Other lactic Not to be confused with ‘ladies’ fingers’,
fermenters produce both the L and D forms which is okra.)
lady’s mantle A low growing hardy perennial,
lady’s mantle

of the acid which are easily tolerated by

adults. Alchemilla vulgaris, whose mildly bitter
lactofil Sweden A cultured milk concentrated
young leaves may be used sparingly in
by removing whey equal to half its volume. It salads. Also called dewcup
is then enriched with cream to give 5% lady’s smock A common wild plant,
lady’s smock

butterfat and homogenized. Cardamine pratensis, tasting like cress,

lactoglobulin One of the proteins in milk which can be eaten young as a salad

lacto-ovo-vegetarian A person who will not

vegetable. Also called cuckoo flower
eat poultry, animal flesh or fish, but will eat laevulose See fructose

eggs and milk products Lafayette gingerbread United States A

Lafayette gingerbread

lactose The main sugar in milk. It is a


spiced gingerbread with added orange juice

disaccharide composed of a glucose and a and zest
galactose unit. Less sweet than sucrose. Also Lageneria siceraria Botanical name The
called milk sugar bottle gourd and hairy gourd plant
lactose intolerance An inability to absorb
lactose intolerance

lagerblad Sweden Bayleaf


and metabolize the galactose component of

lagopède France Ptarmigan

lactose hence the cause of many bowel

lagopède d’Écosse France Grouse
lagopède d’Écosse

complaints due to fermentation in the lower

lagópodo escocés Spain Grouse
lagópodo escocés

gut. Common in persons of Chinese origin.

lagos Greece Hare

lacto-vegetarian A person who will not eat


animal flesh, fish, poultry or eggs but will eat lagôsta Portugal Spiny lobster

milk and milk products lagostim Portugal 1. Prawn 2. Small lobster 3.


Lactuca sativa Botanical name Lettuce Dublin bay prawn

låda Sweden Casserole

lagostino Galicia 1. Dublin Bay prawn 2. A


lada cabai Indonesia Black pepper

lada cabai

general term for a crayfish or large prawn

lada hijau Malaysia Green chilli
lada hijau

Laguiole France A semi-hard pressed cows’


lada hitam Malaysia Peppercorn

lada hitam

milk cheese from the mountains of

lada merah Malaysia Green chilli
lada merah

Aquitaine, with a soft dry rind and a supple

lade China Spicy

homogeneous paste whose herby flavour

ladies’ cheese A soft rich, cows’ milk cheese. comes from the pasture on which the cows
ladies’ cheese

See also Butterkäse feed, resembling Cantal. Protected by an

ladies’ fingers Okra
ladies’ fingers
appellation d’origine. Contains 37% water,
ladies’ mustard An old-fashioned name for
ladies’ mustard
28% fat, and 26% protein. Also called forme
tarragon de Laguiole, Laguiole-Aubrac
Laguiole-Aubrac See Laguiole

ladle A cooking implement for transferring


laguipierre, sauce France Butter sauce with

laguipierre, sauce

liquids or skimming liquids, consisting of a

hemispherical metal scoop attached at an the addition of the juice of one lemon and 60
angle to a long handle hooked at the other ml of fish glaze per litre. Used for boiled fish.
end. Usually sized in fluid measure. laham ajeen Middle East Small 12-cm-round
laham ajeen

la dua Vietnam Screwpine

la dua

tarts from Iraq made with a yeast-raised

Lady Baltimore cake United States A white
Lady Baltimore cake

dough and filled with cooked lamb, onion,

layer cake, layers separated with a garlic, tomato, courgette, parsley, thyme and
meringue-like icing mixed with dried fruits chilli. Baked for about 10 minutes at 220°C.

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lahana dolmasi

lahana dolmasi Turkey Blanched cabbage laksa 1. Indonesia, Malaysia A stew of fish,
lahana dolmasi laksa

leaves wrapped around a mixture of cooked shrimp or chicken in a well-flavoured and

rice, chopped onions, raisins, pine nuts, possibly soured curry-type sauce based on
seasoning and chopped parsley or dill, coconut milk. Served with rice noodles. 2.
baked in the oven and served cold Philippines A stew containing a wide variety
la han chay Vietnam Vietnamese vegetarian
la han chay
of vegetables, shrimp and pork, served with
stir-fry fine bean flour vermicelli (sotánghon) (NOTE:
la he Vietnam Garlic chive
la he
Literally ‘10,000’, referring to the number of
lahm bil bayd Persian Gulf A type of Scotch
lahm bil bayd

laksa ikan Malaysia A fish soup containing

laksa ikan

egg. The covering is a well-processed paste

of lamb and onion mixed with finely chopped noodles
lala mirich South Asia Red chilli
lala mirich

parsley and soft breadcrumbs, panéed and

lal mirch South Asia Cayenne pepper, chilli
lal mirch

deep-fried as usual.
lait France Milk
lal sarsu South Asia Brown mustard seed
lal sarsu

lait, au France Cooked or mixed with milk

lait, au

lam Denmark, Netherlands Lamb


lait aigre France Sour milk

lait aigre

la Mancha saffron Reputed to be the best

la Mancha saffron

laitance France Soft roe


saffron from Spain. It contains the white

laitances d’alose France Shad roe
laitances d’alose

styles as well as the red stamens.

lait caillé France Milk curds, sour milk
lait caillé

lamb A young sheep under 1 year old but


lait d’amande France Almond oil

lait d’amande

preferably 3 to 4 months old and weighing

lait de coco France Coconut milk
lait de coco

about 10 kg. The meat is tender and suitable

lait écrémé France Skimmed milk for grilling, frying and roasting.
lait écrémé

lait en poudre France Dried or powdered milk lamballe, crème France Crème Saint Germain
lait en poudre lamballe, crème

laiterie France Dairy

garnished with cooked and washed tapioca
lambascioni Italy Bulbs of grape hyacinth

laitue France Lettuce


laitue beurrée France Round lettuce

laitue beurrée
served in a sweet-and-sour sauce. See also
laitue romaine France 1. Cos lettuce (UK) 2.
laitue romaine

lamb backstrap Australia The trimmed eye of

lamb backstrap

Romaine lettuce (USA)

the middle loin of lamb, free of bone, gristle
la jiao fen China Chilli pepper
la jiao fen

and fat, usually about 30 cm long

la jiao jiang China Chilli sauce
la jiao jiang

lamb cutlet A transverse slice cut from a

lamb cutlet

la jiao xiang you China Sesame chilli oil

la jiao xiang you

skinned and chined best end of lamb

lake bass A freshwater game fish of the genus
lake bass

containing one rib, the rib sometimes

Micropterus caught throughout North scraped to the bone for 5 to 7 cm
America except Alaska, with firm white lean lamb cutlets Reform England Lamb cutlets
lamb cutlets Reform

flesh up to 1.5 kg in weight. It is also farmed. panéed with a mixture of breadcrumbs and
Usually eaten baked or fried. finely chopped ham, grilled or fried,
lake herring A freshwater fish of the genus
lake herring

garnished à la Réforme and served with

Leucichthys from the Great Lakes of North Réforme sauce
America. Similar in shape and colour to a lamb flank Scotland The Scottish term for
lamb flank

herring but only medium oily with white breast of lamb

flesh. It weighs up to 1 kg and may be lamb grades United States Grades of lamb in
lamb grades

poached or fried. Also called cisco the US are prime, choice, good, utility and
Lakeland A variety of limequat

cull in descending order of quality

lake trout Canada, United States A large
lake trout

lamb herbs The principal herbs used with

lamb herbs

trout, Salvelinus namaycush, light green to lamb are basil, chervil, cumin, dill, lemon
near black with oily pink flesh weighing on balm, lovage, marjoram, mint, parsley,
average 2 kg. Caught all the year round in rosemary, savory and thyme
North American lakes and rivers. Cook as lambie Caribbean Tenderized conch flesh

trout. Also called Great Lakes trout used as a food

lake whitefish Canada, United States A fish,
lake whitefish

lambie souse Caribbean Lambie cut in small

lambie souse

Coregonus clupeaformis, of the trout and pieces and simmered until tender, drained
salmon family with a light-brown back and and cooled and served as a salad with
white, medium oily, delicate flesh which chopped shallots, sliced peeled cucumber
cooks in flakes like cod. Found in North and sweet pepper, lime juice, chopped
American lakes. Cook as trout. parsley and finely chopped chilli pepper
lakka Finland Cloudberry

lamb’s fry 1. The liver, kidney, sweetbreads,

lamb’s fry

laks Denmark, Norway Salmon


heart and sometimes the brains and some of

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landlady’s loaf

the internal abdominal fat of a lamb. lampern A fish resembling a small lamprey.

Generally cut in pieces, panéed and fried. 2. Cooked like an eel.

The testicles of sheep, very rare since most lampone Italy Raspberry

are now castrated by a bloodless method

lampreda Italy Lamprey

lamb’s kidneys Small kidneys which are

lamb’s kidneys

lamprey Any of various


skinned and cored in the usual way and small round

cooked whole or halved in kebabs, mixed anadromous sea fish rather like eels, with
grills or other dishes sucking mouthparts and rough tongues.
Popular in Spain, Portugal and Southern
lamb’s lettuce A slow-growing hardy annual,
lamb’s lettuce

France. Lampreys require longer cooking

Valerianella locusta, grown for its leaves
than eels.
which will stand the winter and are used in
lampries Sri Lanka A mixture of several types

winter salads. The growing plant may be

blanched to reduce the slight bitterness. of food separately wrapped in banana leaves
There are two varieties, a floppy large-leaved and baked (NOTE: From the Dutch lomprijst.
version and a smaller, more hardy, upright Typical dishes might be frikkadels, buttered
type. Also called corn salad, mâche, field rice, various curries and sambals. Very much
lettuce party food in which the guests make and
lamb’s liver A delicate light-brown liver very
lamb’s liver
bake the parcels)
lamproie France Lamprey, the fish

popular in the UK. It should not be cooked

too long or it becomes tough. lampuga Italy Dolphin fish

lamb’s quarters Canada A wild vegetable

lamb’s quarters

lamsbout Netherlands Leg of lamb


which is a cross between Swiss chard and lamsvlees Netherlands Lamb


spinach and cooked in the same way. Said to

Lanark blue Scotland A blue-veined ewes’
Lanark blue

have a faint flavour of lamb. Grows profusely

in New Brunswick. milk cheese from Strathclyde, similar to
lamb’s tongues Small pink tongues weighing
lamb’s tongues

Lancashire cheese England An excellent

Lancashire cheese

about 200 g with a good flavour. May be

stewed and jellied as other tongues. white melting cheese with a crumbly texture.
lamb’s tongue Ste Menehould France
lamb’s tongue Ste Menehould When new it has a mild flavour but this
Lamb’s tongues braised, panéed and grilled develops as it matures especially if made
with unpasteurized milk.
lam chiak Thailand Screwpine
lam chiak

Lancashire hotpot England A casserole of

Lancashire hotpot

Lamellibranchiata The scientific name for


lamb chops from the neck end and kidneys

bivalves, shellfish with two hinged shells,
including oysters, clams, scallops, mussels, with onions, carrots and potatoes, topped
with a layer of sliced potatoes which become
razor shells, abalone, etc.
brown and crisp in the oven
Lamington Australia A small square cake

Lancashire parkin England A gingerbread

Lancashire parkin

made from sponge coated with chocolate

icing and sprinkled with desiccated coconut containing oatmeal, chopped candied peel,
demerara sugar and caraway seeds
lam keong China Greater galangal
lam keong

lançon France Sand eel


lamm Sweden Lamb


landaise, à la France In the style of the

landaise, à la

Lamm Germany Lamb


lammasta Finland 1. Mutton 2. Lamb

Landes in southwest France, i.e. cooked in
goose fat with garlic and pine nuts
lamme Denmark 1. Mutton 2. Lamb

land cress A slightly peppery leafy plant,

land cress

lamme kotelet Denmark Lamb chop

lamme kotelet

Barbarea verna, found wild but also

lammesteg Denmark Roast lamb

cultivated in Europe and North America to

Lammkeule Germany Leg of lamb

provide green leaves for salads in winter. Also

Lammkotelett Germany Lamb chop

called early flowering yellow rocket,

lammkotlett Sweden Lamb chop

American cress
lammstek Sweden Roast lamb

Landes chicken Chicken from the Landes in

Landes chicken

Lammzunge Germany Scald, the fish


southwest France. Usually free-range and

lampaankyljys Finland Mutton or lamb chop

maize-fed with dark well-flavoured leg meat,

lampaanliha Finland 1. Mutton 2. Lamb

slightly firmer than normal.

lampaanpaisti Finland Roast leg of lamb or Ländjäger Germany A small smoked and
lampaanpaisti Ländjäger

mutton scalded sausage made from up to 40% pork,

lampada, alla Italy Cooked at the table over a
lampada, alla

beef, garlic, caraway seeds and red wine

portable heat source pressed into a square mould and cold-
lampari Sri Lanka Curried rice baked in
smoked or air-dried
landlady’s loaf Barrel bread
landlady’s loaf

banana leaves

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Landmettwurst Germany A Mettwurst made lanzado Italy Mackerel

Landmettwurst lanzado

in the countryside laos Indonesia 1. Greater galangal 2. Laos


landrail Corncrake powder


laos ginger Greater galangal

laos ginger

ländstycke Sweden Sirloin steak


laos powder The dried and ground root of

laos powder

Lane cake United States A layered cake

Lane cake

containing chopped nuts, dried fruit and greater galangal, rather like ginger
Laotian caviar Som khay
Laotian caviar

coconut and covered with a fluffy icing

lange japanische Auster Germany Pacific Laotian coriander Dill weed
lange japanische Auster Laotian coriander

oyster Laotian rice A rice grown on the dry hillsides

Laotian rice

Langermannia gigantea Giant puffball and not in paddy fields. It is soaked before
langka Philippines Jackfruit

being steamed in a woven cane basket (a

lang kail Scotland True kale, Brassica
lang kail
luang prabang).
lap Korea Finely ground raw water buffalo

oleraceae Acephala Group

lángos Hungary Fried doughnuts
meat or venison, flavoured with chilli and
herbs and served wrapped in bite-size rolls
langosta Spain Spiny lobster

using blanched lettuce leaves

langostino Spain General term for crayfish or

lapa Spain Limpet


large prawn
lap cheong China The standard pork sausage
lap cheong

langostino moruno Spain A large king prawn

langostino moruno

made from chopped lean pork and pork fat,

(crevette rouge) mixed with sugar, salt, saltpetre and softened
langouste France Spiny lobster

grain, flavoured with paprika and soya

langoustine France Dublin bay prawn

sauce, moistened with rice wine, filled into

Langres A soft, surface-ripened and washed casings and air-dried. Usually steamed to

curd cows’ milk cheese with a tangy flavour soften before use. Also called la chang, lop
and shaped like a squat cylinder (300 g). cheeng
The salted curd is ripened for 2 to 3 months. lapereau France Young rabbit

langsam kochen Germany To simmer lapin France Rabbit

langsam kochen lapin

langsat A round or oval fruit of a tree, Lansium lapin à l’aigre doux Belgium Jointed rabbit
langsat lapin à l’aigre doux

domesticum, from Malaysia which is about 4 marinated for 24 hours in white wine and
cm diameter and grows in clusters. The flesh vinegar with sliced onion and herbs, dried
is white, juicy and fragrant, contains one or off, browned in butter and stewed with demi-
two large inedible seeds and is enclosed in a glace sauce, stock and a little of the
tough brown mottled skin. Eaten raw. marinade until tender, reserved and mixed
Langskaill Scotland A cows’ milk cheese from

with pickled cherries and the reduced

Scotland which resembles Gouda cooking liquor flavoured with melted dark
Languas galanga Botanical name Greater chocolate
lapin aux pruneaux Belgium Jointed rabbit,
lapin aux pruneaux

Languas officinarum Botanical name Lesser marinated, dried, browned in butter then
galangal simmered in equal parts of water and the
langue France Tongue
strained marinade with destoned prunes
languedocienne, à la France In the
languedocienne, à la
plumped in water and white wine until
Languedoc style, i.e. with a garnish of tender. Served with the cooking liquor
aubergine, mushrooms, tomatoes and thickened with redcurrant jelly.
lapjes Netherlands Small slices of meat

lap ngup China Pressed duck
lap ngup

langues de chat France Small sweet flat

langues de chat

lapocka Hungary A cut of meat from the


biscuits made by the sugar batter method

with butter, icing sugar, egg white, flour and shoulder
lap of lamb England The north of England
lap of lamb

vanilla essence. Can be moulded when hot.

Also called lady fingers (NOTE: Literally ‘cat’s name for breast of lamb (colloquial)
tongues’.) lapskaus Norway A thick stew of meat and

languier France Smoked pig’s tongue


Lapskaus Germany Lobscouse. See also

Languste Germany Spiny lobster


Lansium domesticum Botanical name Labskaus

lapskojs Sweden A modern version of

lansur Africa A leaf vegetable from Nigeria
lobscouse made with corned beef
lapskous Netherlands Lobscouse

rather like a cross between parsley and

watercress lapu lapu Philippines Garoupa, the fish
lapu lapu

lanttu Finland Kohlrabi lapwing Plover

lanttu lapwing

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lap xuong Vietnam Chinese sausage lap 1.2 m long and with rather coarse tasteless
lap xuong

cheong flesh. Also called nurse hound

large thread stage See sugar cooking
large thread stage

lap yoke China Dried and smoked belly pork,

lap yoke

rather like smoked streaky bacon large-toothed flounder Australia See

large-toothed flounder

laranja Portugal Orange, the fruit

flounder 3
largo Mexico A long thin variety of chilli

laranja cravo Brazil A variety of mandarin

laranja cravo

grown extensively in Brazil. It is medium pepper which is fairly hot

Largo potato soup Scotland Neck of mutton,
Largo potato soup

large and has a rather thick skin. The flavour

is appreciated in Brazil, but is too insipid for chopped onions and carrots simmered for
European and North American tastes. 90 minutes, sliced potatoes added and
laranja lima Brazil A variety of acidless
laranja lima
cooked a further 30 minutes, bones and fat
orange very popular in Brazil where over half removed and the meat chopped small and
a million tonnes are grown annually. Also returned, the soup seasoned and garnished
called lima orange with chopped parsley
lark A small wild bird almost hunted to

lard 1. England, France Rendered-down pig


fat, which is white, soft and has a distinctive extinction. Eaten as a delicacy in France and
flavour. The best lard comes from leaf fat, the Italy, but will soon be protected.
larm yum China Chinese olive seeds
larm yum

fat around the kidneys. Often used with

equal parts of butter or margarine for pastry- Laruns France A ewes’ milk cheese from the

making. 2. France Bacon Basque country

lard, to To thread small strips of fat or fat lasagna England, Italy A wide flat pasta which
lard, to lasagna

bacon through the lean flesh of game birds, comes in a strip, rectangle or square about 1
poultry and other meat to keep it succulent to 2 mm thick. Poached in salted water
during roasting, using a needle with a large before incorporation in a made-up dish. Also
eye called lazagne (NOTE: The plural is lasagne.)
larder France To lard meat lasagna verde England, Italy Lasagna made
larder lasagna verde

larding needle A large needle with a wide eye

larding needle
with a paste coloured green with spinach
used for larding meat purée
lasagne alla bolognese Italy Poached
lasagne alla bolognese

lard maigre France Streaky bacon

lard maigre

lard net Caul

lard net
lasagna layered with a meat sauce and
topped with béchamel sauce and grated
lardo Italy Bacon or salt pork

Parmesan cheese
lardo affumicato Italy Bacon
lardo affumicato

lasagne alla fiorentina Italy Poached

lasagne alla fiorentina

lardoire France Needle used for larding large


lasagna with a meat sauce and cheese

cuts of meat lasagne da fornel Italy Poached lasagna with
lasagne da fornel

lardon England, France Small strips of pork or


a sauce of nuts, raisins, apples and figs

bacon fat, square in cross section used for lasagne pasticciate alla napoletana Italy
lasagne pasticciate alla napoletana

larding lean meat, or similar strips of bacon Cooked lasagna layered with cooked cheese
used for flavouring or after cooking as a and Bolognaise sauces, topped with a final
component of a salad layer of cheese sauce and gratinated.
lardoncini Italy Fried cubes or strips of salt

Finished in the oven until crisp on top.

pork (lardons) lasagnette Italy Wide ribbons of flat pasta

lardy cake England A south Midlands cake

lardy cake

intermediate in size between lasagna and

made from bread dough enriched with lard, tagliatelle
sugar and dried vine fruits, baked in small lasca Italy Roach, the fish

square tins with rounded corners and the lassan South Asia Garlic

tops scored in diamonds. Eaten warm with

lassi South Asia Yoghurt diluted with water or

mineral water (1 part yoghurt to 1 to 2 parts
large calorie See kilocalorie
large calorie

water), used as a refreshing drink either with

largemouth black bass A bass-like
largemouth black bass

sugar or flavoured with e.g. cumin and mint.

freshwater game fish, Micropterus Sometimes made from salted and sweetened
salmoides, with a silvery skin and a dark tail buttermilk.
and mouth parts, found in Europe and North lasun South Asia Garlic

America and weighing up to 10 kg lat chu jeung China Chilli bean paste
lat chu jeung

larger argentine See argentine

larger argentine

lath A legume, Lathyrus sativus, grown as a


large round kumquat See meiwa kumquat

large round kumquat

fodder plant and, in poor areas, for its seeds

larger spotted dogfish The most common
larger spotted dogfish

which are used like other pulses. Also called

British dogfish, Scyliorhinus stellaris, up to chickling vetch, grass pea

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latholemono Greece An olive oil and lemon Laums France A cows’ milk cheese from
latholemono Laums

juice (3:1) salad dressing with chopped Burgundy made in a brick shape and often
marjoram and parsley, seasoning and soaked in coffee
possibly a little sugar laung South Asia Cloves

Lathyrus sativus Botanical name Lath laurel The only edible member of the laurel

latik Philippines The brown curds produced


family, Laurus nobilis. See also bay

by heating coconut milk to separate the oil. laurie France Porbeagle shark

Used on desserts and snack foods. laurier France Bay, Laurus nobilis, but also

lat jiu jiang China A medium to hot, orange

lat jiu jiang

used of several other toxic members of the

red thickish chilli sauce laurel family
lat jiu keung yau China A ground garlic and
lat jiu keung yau

laurier, feuille de France Bayleaf

laurier, feuille de

chilli paste lauro Italy Bay, Laurus nobilis, but also used of

latkes The Jewish name for Rösti. Also called


several other toxic members of the laurel

potato latka family
lato Philippines An edible seaweed with

Laurus nobilis Botanical name Bay

clusters of small bladders rather like a bunch lavagante Portugal Large American or

of grapes European lobster

latour France Porbeagle shark

Lavandula angustifolia Botanical name

latte Italy Milk Lavender

Lavarel Austria, Switzerland Lake trout


latte acido Italy Sour milk

latte acido

la Varenne The founder of French classical

la Varenne

latte di mandorla Italy Almond milk. Whole

latte di mandorla

almonds blended with water until creamy, cooking (1618 – 1678)

separated from the solid residue, sweetened lavaret de bourget France Pollan, the fish
lavaret de bourget

to taste and possibly flavoured with lemon lavender The bitter leaves of lavender,

zest and cinnamon. Served chilled. Lavandula angustifolia, are used in southern
latte di pesce Italy Soft fish roe
latte di pesce

European cooking
latteria Italy 1. Dairy 2. Dairy farm 3. The laver 1. A red-tinged edible seaweed,
latteria laver

name generally used for cheeses from the Porphyra umbilicalis (P. purpurea), found
Friule region round the coasts of South Wales and Ireland,
latterino Italy Smelt, the fish

similar to Japanese nori. Prepared by

latte scremato Italy Skimmed milk
latte scremato
cleaning, soaking in sodium bicarbonate
solution, then washing and stewing until
lattice top A method of covering an open pie
lattice top

in which thin strips of pastry are laid in a tender when it resembles spinach purée.
Also called sloke, slugane, stoke, stake,
crisscross pattern over the top so that the
filling is seen in the openings slouk, slokum 2. France To wash
laver bread Wales Cooked laver mixed with
laver bread

Lattich Germany Lettuce


porridge oats and fried in bacon fat as a

lattuga Italy Lettuce

breakfast dish. Popular in south Wales. Also

lattuga a cappuccio Italy Round lettuce
lattuga a cappuccio

called bara lawr

lattuga romana Italy Cos lettuce
lattuga romana

laverello Italy Lake trout from the northern


Latviiski Russia A cows’ milk cheese with a


strong smell and pungent taste. Also called laver sauce Wales Laver bread heated and
laver sauce

Latviysky blended with orange juice, butter and lamb

Latviysky Russia Latviiski

stock and/or cream. Served with shellfish

lat you China Chilli oil
lat you

and lobster.
lawalu, i’a Fish baked in taro leaves. See also
lawalu, i’a

Laubfrösche Switzerland A type of cabbage


roll made with spinach leaves with a filling of i’a lawalu

fresh white breadcrumbs, sweated chopped lawash Central Asia A wholemeal flat bread

onion, scrambled eggs, seasoning and from Afghanistan baked on the side of a
nutmeg, moistened with water if necessary tandoori oven and prepared in the same way
and cooked in the usual way (NOTE: Literally as the Iranian nane lavash
‘tree frogs’.) lax Iceland, Sweden Salmon

Lauch Germany Leek


laxforell Sweden Brown trout


lauki South Asia Wax gourd


laxgryta Sweden Salmon slices sprinkled with


laulau United States A Hawaiian speciality


salt and dried dill weed, layered in a pan,

consisting of taro leaves wrapped around a covered with equal parts of butter and boiling
filling of salt pork and either butterfish, water and simmered until most of the water
mackerel or salmon, steamed and served hot has evaporated. Served with new potatoes.

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lechón sarsa

laxpudding Sweden Layers of seasoned Leber Germany Liver

laxpudding Leber

salmon and raw sliced potatoes alternated in Leberkäse Germany A pre-cooked meat loaf

a greased oven-proof dish starting and from Bavaria made from a mixture of finely
finishing with potato, covered in an egg minced liver and sausage meat. Usually
custard mix to leave the potatoes showing sliced and grilled or fried.
and baked in a moderate oven for about 1 Leberklösse Germany Liver dumplings

hour. Also called salmon pie leberknodel Italy The northern Italian version

laxschinken A roll of smoked pork loin. See


of liver dumplings, found in the Trentino-Alto

also Lachsschinken Adige region
layer cake A sponge cake which is baked in
layer cake

Leberknödel Austria, Germany Liver


several tins then assembled together when dumplings made with a processed and
cold and the layers sandwiched with various seasoned mixture of beef liver, onions,
fillings. The top layer is decorated. An chopped parsley and soaked bread brought
example of a layer cake is Black Forest together with a little flour and egg, formed
gateau. Also called sandwich cake into small balls and simmered in beef stock
lazagne Italy Lasagna

until they rise to the surface

lb Abbreviation for pound weight Leberknödelsuppe Austria, Germany A clear
lb Leberknödelsuppe

L-cysteine hydrochloride See E920 (NOTE:

L-cysteine hydrochloride

consommé containing small dumplings

The l- refers to the naturally occurring laevo made from ground liver, breadcrumbs, herbs
form.) and seasonings, garnished with chopped
LDL See low-density lipoprotein
parsley or chives

Lea and Perrins’ sauce See Worcestershire

Lea and Perrins’ sauce
Switzerland A Rohwurst
sauce containing pork meat, pork fat, pigs’ liver and
leaf beet Swiss chard
leaf beet
beef, air-dried and smoked
Leberspätzle Germany Noodles made with

leaf fat A sheet of soft fat from the lower part

leaf fat

of the abdominal cavity of a pig flour, eggs, liver and spinach. See also
leaf gelatine Rectangular shapes of purified
leaf gelatine

Leberspiessli Switzerland A kebab of pieces


gelatine rather like stiff cellophane. Each

sheet weighs 2 g and will set 100 ml of water of liver wrapped in sage leaves and bacon
and grilled over charcoal
on average, but dependent on temperature
Leberstreichwurst Austria A small coarse-

and stiffness of gel required. Should be

softened in water for 5 minutes prior to using. textured spreading sausage made with pork
and pigs’ liver
leaf lard A very fine quality lard made from
leaf lard

Leberwurst Austria, Germany Liver sausage


leaf fat
made from boiled pig meat, pig’s liver, salted
leaf tube A piping-bag nozzle with a V-shaped
leaf tube

pork fat, onions fried in lard and seasoning,

opening, used to make leaf shapes
all pounded to a fine paste and cased, the
leather United States Fruit leather

whole boiled, air-dried and smoked

leathog Ireland Plaice

Lebkuchen Germany Highly spiced soft


leaven 1. A piece of dough reserved from


brown ginger cakes with a hard white icing or

yeast-based bread making, placed in water chocolate covering. Eaten over the Christmas
possibly with a little sugar and allowed to rise season.
when it can be used in place of yeast for the lebonnet rice A type of long-grain rice
lebonnet rice

next batch of dough and is the basis of the

lebre Portugal Hare

sour dough production method. This process

leccia Italy Pompano, the fish

may continue indefinitely. 2. Any yeast or

lechas Spain Soft fish roe

other raising agent used in dough to make

leche Spain Milk

leavened bread
lechecillas Spain Sweetbreads

leavened bread Any bread using yeast or

leavened bread

leche de manteca Spain Buttermilk

leche de manteca

other raising agent to lighten it and

incorporate carbon dioxide or air leche desnatada Spain Skimmed milk
leche desnatada

leban Middle East Yoghurt lechón Spain Suckling pig

leban lechón

Lebanon bologno United States A hardwood- lechoncillo Spain Small suckling pig
Lebanon bologno lechoncillo

smoked Bologna sausage from Lebanon, lechón de leche Philippines A whole

lechón de leche

Pennsylvania made with coarsely ground barbecued sucking pig

pre-cured meat lechón sarsa Philippines A thick sauce made
lechón sarsa

leben Middle East Yoghurt


from ground pig’s liver, brown sugar, vinegar,

leben raib Middle East The Saudi Arabian
leben raib

garlic, spices and seasoning, thickened with

term for yoghurt biscocho. Served with roast pork.

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lechuga Spain Lettuce leek soup Basic soup with leeks, garnished
lechuga leek soup

lecithin A natural substance found in egg yolk

with a fine cooked julienne of leek
leen chee Thailand Lychee
leen chee

used as an emulsifier and antioxidant. See

also E322 leen ngau China Lotus
leen ngau


Switzerland Sweet biscuits leg chops of lamb England A Midlands name

leg chops of lamb

containing chopped nuts and candied peel. for chump chops of lamb and generally used
See also Läckerli for slices cut from the top end of a leg of
le colombo Caribbean A meat or fish and
le colombo
leg of beef England The lower part of the hind
leg of beef

tropical vegetable curry flavoured with rum,

coconut and lime leg of beef. It is tougher and has more gristle
lecsó Hungary A sauce used for flavouring
than other cuts and is braised, stewed or
made by sweating green sweet peppers with casseroled.
leg of lamb A prime roasting joint being the
leg of lamb

chopped bacon, onions, paprika, tomatoes

and salt in lard until soft, puréeing and rear leg cut from the carcass at the coccyx
straining. Used cold, may be frozen. and pelvis. Often divided into two, the fillet
lectins A type of protein found mainly in
end nearest the loin and the knuckle or leg
legume seeds, some of which are highly end.
leg of mutton As leg of lamb, but from an
leg of mutton

poisonous and believed to act as a protection

for the seed against insect and animal older sheep
attack. They attack different human leg of mutton cut A part of the beef carcass
leg of mutton cut

populations differently depending on their which resembles a leg of mutton from just
blood type. They are inactivated by boiling at above the shank of the foreleg, below the
100°C for at least ten minutes. It has been chuck and in front of the brisket. Used for
reported that the lower boiling point of water braising and stewing.
at high altitude can prevent inactivation. Also leg of pork A prime roasting joint being the
leg of pork

called haemagglutinins hind leg cut from the carcass at the coccyx
Lecythis sabucajo Botanical name Paradise and pelvis. Often cut into two joints the fillet
nut and knuckle.
Lederzucker Germany Marshmallow

leg of veal A prime roasting joint being the

leg of veal

ledvinková polévka Czech Republic Kidney rear leg cut from the carcass at the coccyx
ledvinková polévka

soup made from sliced onions and potatoes and pelvis. Can be roasted whole but is more
sweated in lard, flour added to make a roux often divided into knuckle, thick flank,
and all simmered with white stock, paprika, cushion and under cushion.
caraway seeds and garlic, sieved and legumbres Spain Vegetables

garnished with sliced and sautéed calves’ legumbres secas Spain Pulses
legumbres secas

legume The general name for plants whose

Lee cake

Lee cake United States A white sponge cake seeds are enclosed in two-sided pods
flavoured with citrus juice and zest attached along one join. Sometimes the
leek A mild-tasting member of the onion

whole pod is eaten, but more often the seeds

family, Allium porrum, with a thick only, either in the green or dried state, are
multilayered stem which is the part eaten. consumed. When dried, they are known as
The stems are white in the centre but may be pulses and are an important source of
fully blanched if planted deep in the soil or protein. Well over 10,000 varieties are
protected from light with a collar. The edible known, most of which are edible. See also
part is cylindrical up to 30 cm long and 5 cm bean, pea
in diameter. legumes Portugal Vegetables

leek and potato soup Paysanne-cut leek

leek and potato soup

légumes France Vegetables


sweated in butter without colour, white stock, légumes, crème de France Vegetable soup
légumes, crème de

a bouquet garni and paysanne-cut potatoes with added cream, milk or thin béchamel
added, seasoned and simmered until all sauce
légumes, purée de France Vegetable soup
légumes, purée de

leek pasty Wales A double-crust pie, whose

leek pasty

legume soups Soups made from pulses,

legume soups

filling consists of a layer of chopped leeks usually puréed and possibly creamed
covered with bacon rashers and a little water
légumes secs France Pulses
légumes secs

or beaten egg. The top crust is egg-washed

legumi Italy Vegetables

and pierced and all baked at 200°C for

leguminous Used to describe plants which

between 30 and 45 minutes. Also called

pastai cennin are legumes

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lemon mint

Leicester cheese England A mild-flavoured lemon balm A clump-forming perennial plant,

Leicester cheese lemon balm

hard cheese made from pasteurized cows’ Melissa officinalis, with lemon-scented oval
milk and coloured orange-red with annatto. leaves used as flavouring herb with fish,
Also called Red Leicester poultry and ham. Also used in fruit drinks,
leichte Kraftsuppe Germany Chicken and
leichte Kraftsuppe

salads, mayonnaise and sauerkraut. Also

veal broth called melissa
lemon barley water The strained cooking
lemon barley water

Leiden A highly flavoured yellow cheese with


a red wax coating. See also Leyden cheese liquor from barley mixed with sugar and
Leinsamenbrot Germany A yeast-raised
lemon juice, used as a high-calorie drink
lemon basil A variety of basil, Ocimum
lemon basil

bread made from wholemeal flour and

unground linseed. Said to aid digestion. Also basilicum var. citriodorum, with lemon-
called linseed bread scented green leaves.
leipä Finland Bread lemon butter sauce See meunière butter
leipä lemon butter sauce

leipäjuustö A Finnish cheese. See also


juustoleipä lemon curd The commonest of the smooth
lemon curd

Leipziger Allerlei Germany Diced root fruit curds made from butter and sugar
Leipziger Allerlei

vegetables, green beans and morels all emulsified and thickened with egg yolks and
cooked separately and drained, mixed with flavoured with the juice and zest of lemons
cooked green peas and steamed and sliced lemon dainty England A pudding made from
lemon dainty

asparagus tips, buttered and bound with milk, sugar, egg, flour and butter
crayfish sauce. Served garnished with (12:12:8:3:2) flavoured with lemon juice and
crayfish tails, fleurons and small semolina zest. All the ingredients with the exception of
gnocchi. the egg whites are mixed, the butter being
leitão assado Portugal Roast sucking pig
leitão assado

cut in small pieces. The stiffly beaten egg

leite Portugal Milk
whites are folded in and all baked at 180°C
leivokslet Finland 1. Pastries 2. Tarts 3. Pies
until the top is firm and browned. It is allowed
leivos Finland 1. Pastry 2. Tart 3. Pie
to stand before serving.
lemon essence An alcoholic extract of lemon
lemon essence

lei yu China Rock carp

lei yu

zest used for flavouring

lekach A Jewish New Year cake sweetened

lemon fluff England A light sugar syrup (250

lemon fluff

with honey and flavoured with spice, raisins

and chopped mixed candied peel. Also g per litre) is flavoured by boiling it with
called honiglekach lemon peel then thickened with corn flour
Le Moine Canada A cheese resembling Port-
Le Moine (50 g per litre) and egg yolks (from 4 eggs
Salut made by monks in Quebec per litre). The whites from the eggs are
whisked to a soft peak and folded into the
lemon One of the most important fruits of the

cool mixture, which is then decorated with

Citrus family from a tree, Citrus limon, which
chopped nuts.
grows in Mediterranean climates and is
lemon grass The fresh or dried stalks and
lemon grass

probably a hybrid of Indian lime and

pummelo. It originated in the Punjab, was leaves of a perennial grass, Cymbopogon
further developed in the Middle East and citratus and C. flexuesus, native to South
taken to Spain by the Arabs around 1150 Asia but widely grown in hot climates. It has
A.D. Although there are many varieties they a lemony flavour and is common in
differ very little more between varieties than Southeast Asian dishes particularly in Thai
a single variety does at different times of the cooking. Also called citronella
lemon juice The juice of lemons used for
lemon juice

year. The fruit has a tart taste and is shaped

like a rugby ball with usually a thick yellow flavouring, souring and to prevent cut fruit
skin. The juice is used extensively for and vegetables from browning or to whiten
flavouring, for souring and to add bite to fish and fish bones for stock. The juice of 1
sauces. Segments and slices are used as lemon amounts to between 50 and 100 ml,
garnishes and for decoration and the zest is say 60 ml or 4 tablespoons.
lemon meringue pie United Kingdom A
lemon meringue pie

an important flavouring ingredient.

lemon aspen Australia This fruit of a rain
lemon aspen
blind-baked pastry case or base filled with a
forest tree, Achronychia acidula, is the size thick-setting lemon-flavoured sauce, topped
of a small apple with a thin lemon-coloured with meringue and baked until browned.
skin and grape-like flesh. It has an intense Served cold. (NOTE: Although of UK origin, it
tart lemon eucalypt flavour and is used is very popular in the USA.)
lemon mint A type of mint, Mentha aquatica
lemon mint

wherever lemons or lemon grass would be.

15–20 lemon aspens are the equivalent of var. citrata, with smooth lemon-scented
the zest, juice and flesh of 6 large lemons. green leaves. Used for flavouring.

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lemon myrtle

lemon myrtle Australia The leaves of this lenguado a la vasca Spain Boiled Dover sole
lemon myrtle lenguado a la vasca

tropical tree, Backhousia citriadora, are used with potatoes and mushrooms
either fresh or dried and ground as a lenivyi shchi Russia A soup made with water
lenivyi shchi

flavouring herb. The taste and aroma are or stock, simmered with a large amount of
similar to a mixture of lemon, lime, lemon shredded cabbage and sliced potatoes,
grass and lemon verbena. The essential oil is tomatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips and
sold separately. celery. It is flavoured with an onion and bay
lemon pudding United Kingdom A pudding
lemon pudding

leaves, which are removed, before being

made from basic steamed pudding mixture served in large bowls garnished with sour
flavoured with grated lemon zest cream and butter. (NOTE: Literally ‘lazy soup’,
lemon sauce As orange sauce but with lemon
lemon sauce

referring to the use of cabbage for soup

zest and juice substituted for orange instead of preparing it for sauerkraut.)
lemon-scented verbena See lemon verbena lenkuas Malaysia Greater galangal
lemon-scented verbena lenkuas

lemon sole A North Atlantic dextral flat-fish, lenrimmad lax Sweden Home-salted salmon
lemon sole lenrimmad lax

Microstomus kitt, similar to plaice with a prepared as gravlax but with twice as much
brownish-yellow upper skin covered with salt as sugar. Cut in very thin slices and
spots and with a faint lemon scent when served with potatoes mashed with chopped
freshly caught. It has a very small head and parsley and dill.
can grow to 60 cm long. The flesh is white Lens culinaris Botanical name Lentil
and lean but not considered as fine as Dover Lens esculenta Botanical name Lentil
sole. Also called long flounder lentejas Spain Lentils

lemon soufflé A cold soufflé flavoured with

lemon soufflé

lenticchie Italy Lentils


finely grated lemon zest. Also called lentil brö Scotland A lentil soup from the
lentil brö

Milanese soufflé Shetland Islands made with ham stock and

lemon squeezer See juice extractor
lemon squeezer

finely chopped onions, carrots and turnips

lemon thyme A hardy low-growing thyme,
lemon thyme

plus pearl barley, the solid ingredients all

Thymus x citriodorus, with lemon-scented being first sweated in butter
leaves used in stuffings, fresh fruit salads lentilhas Portugal Lentils

and dips lentilles France Lentils


lemon verbena A half hardy shrub, Aloysia

lemon verbena

lentilles, purée de France Lentil soup

lentilles, purée de

triphylla, with pointed crinkly leaves which lentilles vertes du Puy France Very tiny
lentilles vertes du Puy

have a sharp lemony fragrance. The green and expensive lentils regarded as a
chopped young leaves can be used to flavour delicacy
desserts, cakes, ice cream and the fresh or
lentils The seeds of the oldest documented

dried leaves are used in white meat and fish

leguminous plant, Lens culinaris or L.
dishes. Can be used as a substitute for
esculenta, originating in the Middle East but
lemon grass. Also called lemon scented
verbena, verbena now common throughout the world. They are
about 5 mm in diameter and usually
lemon zester See zester
lemon zester

dehusked and split in two. Red, green and

lencse Hungary Lentils

brown (orange when dehusked) varieties

Lende Germany Loin or sirloin (of meat)

exist, the latter keeping their shape on

Lendenbraten Germany Roast sirloin of beef

cooking. None require soaking prior to

Lendenschnitte am Grill Germany Grilled
Lendenschnitte am Grill

cooking. Other seeds are incorrectly called

fillet of beef lentils, e.g. black lentil (black gram) and
Lendenstück Germany Fillet or loin (of meat)

green lentil (mung bean).

lengkuas Malaysia Greater galangal lentil soup Washed lentils, chopped carrot
lengkuas lentil soup

lengua Spain Tongue

and onion, a bouquet garni, knuckle of ham
lengua asada Caribbean A dish from Puerto
lengua asada
and tomato purée simmered and skimmed
Rico made from cows’ tongue boiled with with white stock until all cooked, ham
onions, carrot, thyme, cloves and a bay leaf removed and the whole liquidized and
until almost cooked. The tongue is skinned passed through a chinois, seasoned and
whilst hot then cooked to completion in a served hot with croûtons. Also called
mixture of oil and caramelized sugar. The lentilles, purée de
strained cooking liquor is added together Lentinus edodes Botanical name Shiitake
with onion and garlic and all simmered until mushroom
lentischio Italy Mastic

the sauce thickens. The tongue is then

lentisco Spain Mastic

removed and sliced and served with the

sauce. lentisk A straggly bush, Pistacia lentiscus,

lenguado Spain 1. Dover sole 2. Dab with red berries which grows wild on arid

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Mediterranean hillsides. If cut it exudes the letterato Italy A small tuna fish

aromatic resin, mastic. letterbanket Netherlands Marzipan


León Spain A hard cows’ milk cheese, dry-


lettuce The most common salad vegetable,


salted and ripened for about 20 days. It is which is occasionally braised or stir-fried. It is
made in small cylinders (500 to 800 g) and an annual low-growing plant, Lactuca sativa,
has a close-textured paste with a hard, varying from a 10 to 30 cm spread, usually
yellow and rough rind. green-leaved but some varieties are red or
Leoni Germany A sausage made from a

brown. They may be loose-leafed, curly or

mixture of coarsely ground beef, pork and form tight compact heads. The principal
pork back fat, with seasoning, sugar, ginger, types are cos (romaine), semi-cos,
coriander and nutmeg, packed into beef butterhead, crisphead and loose leaf. Typical
middles and tied named varieties are Webb, Great Lakes, Little
Lepidium sativum Botanical name Cress Gem, Sugar Cos, Oak leaf, Lollo rosso and
Lepiota rhacodes Botanical name Shaggy Lollo biondo.
parasol lettuce laver Sea lettuce
lettuce laver

lepre Italy Hare


lettuce leaf basil A variety of basil with a

lettuce leaf basil

lepre agrodolce Italy Hare cooked in sweet-

lepre agrodolce

fruity scent
and-sour sauce and topped with shredded Leuconostoc The name of the genus of
chocolate, almonds and raisins bacteria used for the production of lactic
lepre crostata Italy Spit-roasted hare, baked
lepre crostata

acid in cheese and other milk products and

with cream and covered in almond paste in sauerkraut production
lepre in salmì Italy Hare marinated in vinegar
lepre in salmì
Leuconostoc mesenteroides One of the
and cooked in red wine bacteria included in starter cultures for the
lepudrida Italy A rich meat and vegetable
fermentation of cabbage, cucumbers and
stew from Sardinia olives and the production of cottage cheeses
leudar Spain To leaven or raise with yeast or a

le rouge royal United States A very large,

le rouge royal

brilliant red and thick-walled sweet pepper chemical raising agent

leuqkuas Malaysia Greater galangal

leshch Russia Bream


levadura Spain Leavening agent such as


leshch v pergamente Russia Fillets of bream,

leshch v pergamente

soaked in hot water then cooked en papillote baking powder, sourdough starter, yeast
levain France Leaven, sourdough starter

with grated carrot, onions and butter with

lever Denmark, Norway, Sweden Liver

lemon juice and herbs. Served with boiled

potatoes and béchamel or fish velouté with leveret A young hare up to 1 year old

pickled cucumbers. leverkorv Sweden A liver sausage made with


Les Orrys France Orrys

Les Orrys

pigs’ liver, fat bacon and veal, separately

Les Riceys France A soft cows’ milk cheese
Les Riceys

minced, combined with seasoning, chopped

from Troyes made in discs and covered in onion and marjoram, moistened with milk,
wood ash packed loosely into casings and simmered
lessato Italy Lesso
for 30 minutes
leverpastej Sweden Liver pâté

lesser argentine See argentine

lesser argentine

leverpølse Denmark A firmer version of the


lesser galangal The root of a Chinese plant,

lesser galangal

Languas officinarum or Alpinia officinarum, liver sausage leverpostej

leverpostej Denmark A liver sausage made

with a reddish-brown skin resembling a

smaller version of ginger root. It has a with pigs’ liver, lean pork and flare fat,
pungent flavour of cardamom and ginger seasoned, flavoured with anchovies, nutmeg
with a hint of eucalyptus. Used extensively in and cinnamon, bound with egg, packed into
Southeast Asian cooking. beef runners and simmered for 2 hours
leves Hungary Soup

lesser ginger See kempferia galangal

lesser ginger

levistico Italy Lovage


lesser spotted dogfish A common British

lesser spotted dogfish

dogfish, Scyliorhinus caniculus, up to 75 cm Levisticum officinale Botanical name

long and slightly better tasting than the larger Lovage
variety levraut France Young hare

lesso Italy 1. Boiled 2. Boiled meat, especially levreteau France Young hare
lesso levreteau

boiled beef 왘 also called lessato Levroux France A soft goats’ milk cheese

lesso valdostano Italy Meat and sausage

lesso valdostano

similar to Valençay, shaped like a pyramid

boiled in a sealed pot (300 g)
let down, to To dilute or thin with liquid levulose See fructose
let down, to levulose

letsprængt oksebryst Denmark Corned beef levure France Yeast, or other leavening agent
letsprængt oksebryst levure

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levure chimique

levure chimique France Baking powder lier France 1. To blend or bring together 2. To
levure chimique lier

Lewis kilkenny Scotland Equal quantities of

Lewis kilkenny

thicken or to bind, hence ‘jus lié’

lievero Italy Young hare

cooked potatoes, carrots and well-chopped

cabbage mashed together with cream and lievitare Italy To leaven or raise with yeast or

seasoning. Eaten hot as is or made into a chemical raising agent

cakes and fried. lievito Italy Yeast

Leyden cheese Netherlands A highly

Leyden cheese

lievito chimico Italy Baking powder

lievito chimico

flavoured yellow, semi-hard scalded-curd lievito naturale Italy Sourdough starter

lievito naturale

cheese made from cows’ milk with a hard

lièvre France Hare

rind and red wax coating. Often flavoured

lièvre en civet France Jugged hare. Also
lièvre en civet

with cumin seed, caraway seed or cloves.

ley nyin bwint Burma Cloves
ley nyin bwint
called civet de lièvre
lifrarpylsa Blood sausage

L-glutamic acid See E620

L-glutamic acid

lift The rising of puff pastry when cooked due


liaise, to To thicken with a liaison

liaise, to

to the generation of steam which separates

liaison England, France A combination of

the layers of dough as they are cooked. Also

ingredients used to thicken and bind soups,
used for the rising of any cooked mixtures
sauces, stews, etc. Egg yolks and cream,
such as cakes and soufflés.
beurre manié and all the starch-based
light brown sugar United States A refined
light brown sugar

mixtures are typical liaisons

pale brown sugar which looks like damp
liba Hungary Goose

sand. Also called soft sugar, sand sugar,

libamáj pástétom Hungary A hot puff pastry
libamáj pástétom

pieces, yellows
bouchée or vol-au-vent filled with a mixture
light corn syrup United States Corn syrup
light corn syrup

of goose liver pâté, butter, béchamel sauce,

light cream United States Coffee cream
light cream

brandy and spices

light muscovado A semi-refined soft brown
light muscovado

liboké Central Africa A method of preparing


fish or meat in the Congo river area by sugar about the same crystal size as
wrapping it in banana leaves two or three granulated or caster sugar
lights Lungs of animals used in manufactured

layers thick and either steaming or grilling.

Marinades and flavourings are used in the meat preparation but rarely eaten in meals in
usual way. The banana leaves are softened the UK
light soya sauce A thin, light-coloured and
light soya sauce

by warming them in water or the oven and

the central rib is cut away. Also called ajomba salty soya sauce used where colouring is not
(NOTE: The plural is maboké.) required as e.g. with seafood. Also called thin
lichee Lychee
soya sauce
light syrup 1. United States Corn syrup 2. See
light syrup

lichene d’Irlanda Italy Carragheen

lichene d’Irlanda

li chi China Lychee

li chi
light whipping cream United States Cream
light whipping cream

licki kupus Balkans A Croatian dish made

licki kupus

from three or more different cuts of pork with 30 to 40% butterfat

Ligueil France A strong-flavoured goats’ milk

simmered with sauerkraut and served with

boiled potatoes cheese from the Loire valley made in a
licorice See liquorice
cylindrical shape
ligurienne, à la France In the style of Liguria
ligurienne, à la

Liebig beef extract The original concentrated

Liebig beef extract

beef extract named after the German in Italy, i.e. with a garnish of stuffed
chemist Leibig who developed it for tomatoes, risotto flavoured with saffron and
production in South America before duchesse potatoes
ligústico Spain Lovage

refrigerated ships could bring their beef to

Europe Ligusticum scoticum Botanical name
liebre Spain Hare
Scottish lovage
ligzdinas Latvia A type of Scotch egg

Liebstöckel Germany Lovage


liha Finland Meat


Liederkranz United States A soft golden-


lihakääryle Finland Beef olive


yellow cows’ milk cheese with an orange

lihaliemi Finland Consommé

rind, somewhat milder than Limburger, made

in Ohio lihamureke Finland Forcemeat

liégeoise, à la France In the Liège style, i.e.

liégeoise, à la

lihamurekepiiras Finland Meat pie with a


including gin or juniper berries sour cream crust

liemi Finland Soup

lihapallero Finland 1. Meat balls 2.


lien jee China Lotus seeds

lien jee

lien ngow China Lotus root lihapiirakka Finland Meat pie or pasty
lien ngow lihapiirakka

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limpet stovies

lihapyörykkä Finland 1. Meat ball 2. and Citrus limetta, the Tunisian sweet

Croquette limetta. Limes generally have a thin green

liiaksi paiste Finland Overdone, overcooked.
liiaksi paiste
skin and few pips; they are sharper and more
Used of meat, baked goods, etc. acid than lemons, but are used in the same
li jiang China Oyster sauce
li jiang
way. They are also available dried and as
li ju China Carp
li ju
such frequently used in Middle Eastern and
East Asian cooking. Often pickled with
likky pie England A West Country dish of
likky pie

spices, salted and/or dried or preserved in

sliced parboiled leeks and cubed lean pork
soya sauce. 2. Calcium hydroxide, the
cooked in milk for about an hour, mixed with
hydrated form of calcium oxide (E529) used
cream and eggs, placed in a pie dish,
in Southeast Asia to add crispness to batter,
covered with puff pastry and baked at 220°C
to reduce the acidity of fruits in desserts and
until brown
as a component of pan. It is an important
Lilium tigrinum Botanical name Lily bulb
source of calcium in the diet. See also tortilla
lily buds The 5 cm long, furry, slim unopened
lily buds

flour. Also called slaked lime

flower buds of a day lily, Hemerocallis fulva,
lime leaves The leaves of the makrut lime
lime leaves

with a woody scent, used in Chinese

limequat A hybrid of the lime and kumquat,

cooking. They are light brown in colour and

are soaked in water prior to use. Usually tied Citrus aurantifolia x Fortunella japonica. The
up when cooked in simmering dishes to principal varieties are Eustis and Lakeland
avoid them falling apart. Also called golden which are both small and green with a thin
needles edible skin and very sour flesh. Used as a
lily bulb The bulbs of a tiger lily, Lilium
lily bulb garnish.
lime sauce As orange sauce, but with lime
lime sauce

tigrinum, resembling a head of garlic. Used

fresh in Japan and Korea or dried in China. juice and zest substituted for orange
limon Russia 1. Lemon 2. Lime, the citrus fruit

Must be parboiled before use to remove

limón Spain Lemon

lima Italy, Spain Lime, the citrus fruit limoncello Italy The zest of Amalfi lemons
lima limoncello

lima bean United States Butter bean

lima bean
macerated in alcohol and sugar
limoncillo Spain Lemon grass

limanda Italy Dab, the fish


limone Italy Lemon


limande France Dab, the fish


limone, al Italy Sautéed and finished with

limone, al

limão Portugal Lemon


limão galego Brazil West Indian lime

limão galego
lemon juice
limone Amalfitano Italy Amalfi lemon
limone Amalfitano

lima orange See laranja lima

lima orange

limone di mare Italy See violet 2

limone di mare

limau Indonesia Pummelo


limousine, à la France In the Limousin style,

limousine, à la

limau kesturi Malaysia A small lime, 1.5 cm

limau kesturi

diameter, used as a souring agent i.e. with red cabbage, ceps and chestnuts
Limousin tart clafoutis See tarte limousine
Limousin tart clafoutis

limau nipis Malaysia Lime, the fruit

limau nipis

Limburger A very strong-smelling, soft,

limpa bread Sweden A dark yeast-raised
limpa bread

surface-ripened cheese originally from

Belgium, then adopted in Germany and now bread made with milk, brown sugar and/or
made worldwide. It is made from pasteurized treacle and a mixture of wheat and rye flour,
full cream cows’ milk started with flavoured with caraway seed, fennel seed
Streptococcus lactis and S. thermophilus to and grated orange zest which has been
develop acidity, coagulated with rennet, the covered with boiling water then cooled
limpet A single-shelled mollusc, Paletta

curd formed into small bricks, dry-salted,

ripened at high humidity for about 10 days vulgaris, with a shell shaped like a flat cone
until the surface develops a red colour, then up to 5 cm diameter and which is commonly
further ripened at lower temperatures until seen clinging to rocks. It is found in the
finished. It has a cream-coloured close- Atlantic and the Mediterranean and is
textured paste. prepared and served like cockles. They are
lime England, France 1. A small round citrus
not traded and not particularly good to eat on
fruit of which there are four principal their own but may be used in sauces and
species: Citrus aurantifolia, the West Indian stews.
limpet stovies Scotland Limpets, soaked in
limpet stovies

lime, requires very hot conditions and is not

usually exported; Citrus latifolia, the Persian water for 12 hours, are drained then
or Tahiti lime, is rather larger and is seedless; simmered in salted water until they are
Citrus limettiodes, the Indian or sweet lime, released from their shells, retaining the
is grown extensively in the Middle East, cooking liquor. They are then rinsed in cold
India, the Caribbean and South America, water and the eyes and sandy trails removed,

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limpin’ susan

layered alternately with sliced potatoes ((3:1) Linköping Sweden A spreading sausage

on limpet meat) in a pan, covered with the made from pork and beef and salt-cured
cooking liquor, seasoned, buttered and link sausages Frying or grilling sausages
link sausages

simmered for 1 hour. made in a long chain with one casing and
limpin’ susan United States A dish of rice and
limpin’ susan

formed into links by taking them three at a

red beans time with a twist between each group of three
limun helou Egypt Sweet lime linquisa Portugal A brine-cured pork-based
limun helou linquisa

limun succari Egypt Sweet lime

limun succari
sausage, flavoured with garlic, cumin and
limu omani Central Asia The Iranian name for
limu omani
cinnamon. Requires cooking.
linseed bread See Leinsamenbrot
linseed bread

whole loomi
linseed oil Cold pressed oil from the seeds of
linseed oil

Lincolnshire potato cheesecake England A

Lincolnshire potato cheesecake

shortcrust pastry flan filled with a mixture of the flax plant which can be used in food and
mashed potatoes, butter, caster sugar and as a nutritional supplement being rich in
well-beaten eggs (2:1:1:1) flavoured with essential fatty acids (EFAs)
Linsen Germany Lentils

nutmeg, lemon juice and zest. Baked at

Linsensuppe Germany Lentil soup often

200°C for 15 minutes to set the pastry, then

for a further 10 minutes without the flan ring. served with chopped sausage
Contains no cheese. linser 1. Denmark Cream tarts 2. Norway

line, to To cover the inside of a cooking utensil Lentils

line, to

e.g. a cake tin, pudding bowl or terrine dish, Linz cake See Linzertorte
Linz cake

with edible matter, e.g. bacon, or non-edible Linzer Delicatesse A small pleasant-tasting
Linzer Delicatesse

matter, e.g. greaseproof paper, for salad potato

protection, decoration or to prevent the Linzertorte Austria, Germany A flan made

enclosed food sticking to the container with a base of almond-flavoured pastry filled
ling A round seawater fish, Molva molva, with

with raspberry jam and topped with

a brownish-black top, a member of the cod latticework pastry. Eaten warm or cold with
family but longer (up to 2 m) and thinner whipped cream. Also called Linz cake, Linz
than cod. Often salted or smoked. Cooked as tart
cod. Also called sea burbot, common ling Linz tart See Linzertorte
Linz tart

ling fun China Tapioca starch

ling fun

lipase An enzyme that breaks down fats into


ling gok China Water caltrop

ling gok

fatty acids and glycerine for absorption in the

lingon Sweden Cowberries gut. It also causes fat to go rancid.

lipeäkala Finland Lutefisk


lingonberry Cowberry

lipid See fat


lingua Italy, Portugal Tongue


lipoic acid This acid is an essential growth

lipoic acid

lingua alla borghese Italy Ox tongue, braised

lingua alla borghese

with wine, brandy and salt pork factor for many microorganisms. Whether it
linguado Portugal Sole, the fish
has any function in human metabolism is not
linguado com bananas Portugal Baked fillets
linguado com bananas

Liptauer Germany A soft strong-tasting ewes’


of sole topped with bananas, served with

boiled potatoes and salad milk cheese with no rind. It is made by
ripening the curd for 10 days, removing the
linguattola Italy General name for small flat

rind, blending with salt and ripening for a few

seawater fish, dabs more days. Contains 50% water, 22% fat and
lingue France Ling, the fish

21% protein.
lingue di gatto Italy Langue de chat
lingue di gatto

Liptauer cheese spread Liptauer cheese

Liptauer cheese spread

lingue di passero Italy Thin strips of noodle-

lingue di passero

mixed at the blending stage with cream and

like pasta (NOTE: Literally ‘sparrow’s flavourings such as anchovies, onions,
tongues’.) capers, caraway seed, chives, paprika, etc.
linguica Portugal A coarse-textured pungent Liptói Hungary A soft creamy ewes’ milk
linguica Liptói

small sausage, usually grilled or barbecued cheese, similar to Liptauer

liqueur A sweetened alcoholic extract of

linguine Italy Small tongue-shaped pieces of


flat pasta various herb-, spice- and fruit-based

link, to A method of dividing long meat-filled
link, to
flavourings, used as a drink but also as a
casings into short individual sausages by flavouring in many dishes, e.g. cointreau,
twisting at the division points and plaiting Kümmel, kirsch
liqueur de framboise Raspberry liqueur
liqueur de framboise

them into a succession of threes. Normally

liquidize, to To pulverize fruits and vegetables
liquidize, to

done by butchers who make their own

sausages. or mixtures of liquids and the same into a soft

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liver pudding

purée by breaking down the cell walls and pints or 2.1 US pints, or divided into
releasing their contents decilitres (dl) (10 per litre), centilitres (cl)
liquidizer See blender
(100 per litre) or millilitres (ml) (1000 per
liquid measure Volume measure
liquid measure
litre). A teaspoon is 5 ml, a dessertspoon 10
ml, a tablespoon 15 ml and an imperial pint
liquid paraffin See mineral hydrocarbons
liquid paraffin

568 ml. Abbreviation l, L

liquid smoke See pyroligneous acid
liquid smoke

litro Italy, Spain Litre


liquirizia Italy Liquorice


little cuttlefish A very small cuttlefish,

little cuttlefish

liquor See cooking liquor


Sepiola rondeleti, with a maximum length of

liquorice A Mediterranean plant, Glycyrrhiza

4 cm. Usually cleaned and eaten whole.

glabra, which probably originated in China. It
Little Gem A semi-cos-type lettuce variety with
Little Gem

is grown for the rhizomes and roots from

which, after 3 to 5 years’ growth, the soft leaves, usually harvested when up to 15
flavouring is extracted in water and boiled cm high
little neck clam A small (up to 6 cm) and
little neck clam

down to a black tarry substance. The roots

used to be chewed by children as a sweet. slightly oblong clam, Venerupis japonica,
Also called licorice, Spanish found in the Pacific Ocean. May be eaten
liscio Italy Smooth
raw or cooked.
little tuna See little tunny
little tuna

lisette France A small mackerel


little tunny A tropical seawater fish,

little tunny

lissamine green A synthetic green food

lissamine green

colouring. See also E142 Euthynnus alletteratus, resembling a small

lista Italy Menu
albacore and also related to tuna. It has a
Listeria monocytogenes A bacterium firm oily flesh and dark blue to green striped
causing illness which grows in soft ripened skin on top. Weighs up to 7 kg. Baked or
cheeses (unpasteurized milk has been grilled. Also called bonito, little tuna
liu China A method of cooking involving

wrongly implicated), pâtés, shop-prepared

salads, etc. It will grow in these foods at less coating with corn flour, frying or steaming
than 4°C with a doubling time of 18 hours. then simmering in sauce
Samples cultured at 37°C normally have a lívance Czech Republic A mixture of flour,

doubling time of 7.4 hours but after milk, butter, sugar and egg yolks, lightened
subjecting them to cold shock at 4°C the with stiffly beaten egg whites, shaped into
doubling time drops to 2.5 hours, at the small balls and baked until brown on both
same time refrigeration appears to select for sides in the oven. Served coated with plum
more virulent strains. The incubation period jam and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.
is up to 4 weeks and the resulting illness can Livarot France A soft cows’ milk cheese from

range from a general feeling of malaise to Normandy cast in small discs (500 g) with a
meningitis and septicaemia. It is more likely brownish shiny rind and a strong flavour and
to cause stillbirths and miscarriages, and for smell. It is protected by appellation d’origine
this reason pregnant women are status and the label should contain the
recommended to refrain from the food items words ‘Pays d’Auge’. Contains 51% water,
mentioned unless home cooked. It does not 20% fat and 24% protein.
grow in raw milk farmhouse cheeses due to
livèche France Lovage

the low pH (less than 5), and better hygienic

liver A large internal organ in all vertebrates

practices. Subsequent pasteurization cannot

be used as a let-out, and there is more rapid consisting of pink to dark brown soft uniform
transfer of the milk from cow to cheese tissue interspersed with veins, etc. all
making. enclosed in a membrane. It functions as a
listeriosis The disease caused by the
detoxifying organ for poisons such as alcohol
bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and plant alkaloids, as an energy store
(glycogen) and as a source of fat emulsifiers
litchee Lychee

for the bowel. The flavour depends on the

litchi Lychee

age and type of animal. The most commonly

Litchi chinensis Botanical name Lychee used are lamb’s, pig’s, and calf’s livers which
litekokt Norway Soft-boiled. Used e.g. of

are grilled, fried or braised; goose, duck, pig

eggs. and chicken livers which are made into
liter United States Litre

pâtés; and pig and ox livers which are

Liter Germany Litre
braised and stewed.
liver herbs The principal herbs used with liver
liver herbs

lithol rubine BK See E180

lithol rubine BK

litre England, France The normal measure of

are basil, dill, marjoram, sage and tarragon
liver pudding See maksalaatikko
liver pudding

volume approximately equal to 1.75 imperial

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liver sausage

liver sausage A very common sausage made loaf tin A rectangular tin, of length
liver sausage loaf tin

in many countries from a fine paste of approximately twice, and width equal to, the
cooked liver, sometimes with meat, and with depth, with slightly outward sloping sides to
flavourings and seasonings. Can be sliced or allow for easy removal of whatever is cooked
spread. See also Leberwurst in it
live yoghurt Yoghurt which still contains live
live yoghurt

lo baak China Mooli. Also called lo bok

lo baak

bacteria and hence can be used to inoculate lo baak gor China A solid steamed savoury
lo baak gor

further batches. It is kept at a low pudding or dumpling made with grated mooli
temperature to slow down bacterial growth. and rice flour, then sliced and fried
livonienne, sauce France A fine julienne of
livonienne, sauce

lobak Indonesia, Malaysia Mooli


carrots, celery, mushrooms and onions

lobe leaf seaweed Wakame
lobe leaf seaweed

sweated in butter, added to a fish velouté and

lobhia South Asia Cow pea

finished with julienned truffle and chopped

parsley. Served with fish. lobia South Asia Cow pea

livornaise, à la France In the style of Livorno

livornaise, à la

lo bok China Mooli. Also called lo baak

lo bok

in Italy, i.e. accompanied with shallots,

lobscouse United Kingdom, United States A

tomatoes and truffles. Used especially of

meat and vegetable stew thickened with ship
poached fish.
biscuit, once popular on sailing vessels
livornese, alla Italy In the style of Livorno in
livornese, alla

where it could easily be prepared. Variants

Italy, i.e. with tomato sauce, especially fish on the name occur in all north Atlantic
and shellfish seafaring nations. In the UK it is associated
livre France Pound of weight; 500 g

with Liverpool, hence the name scouse or

li yi China Carp scouser for inhabitants of that city. In the
li yi

li yu China Rock carp

li yu
USA it is associated with New England.
li zhi China Lychee
li zhi
Nowadays it is made without the ship biscuit.
Also called scouse
llagosta a la brasa Catalonia Lobster cooked
llagosta a la brasa

lobskovs Denmark Lobscouse served with rye


over an open flame

llagosta i pollastre Catalonia Lobster and
llagosta i pollastre

lobster Europe, United States The largest sea


chicken in a tomato and hazelnut sauce

llantén Spain Plantain
crustaceans, Homarus gammarus and H.
americanus, with eight legs, two forward-
llenguado Catalonia Sole, the fish

facing strong crushing claws, several

llesca (plural llesques) Catalonia A slice

antennae and a muscular tail. Lobsters are

llet Catalonia Milk

blue-grey when alive and pink when cooked.

lliseria Spain Megrim, the fish

They are caught on both sides of the Atlantic

llobarro al forn a rodanxes Catalonia Baked
llobarro al forn a rodanxes
and in Europe weigh up to 2 kg. The North
sliced sea bass American variety is larger. Female lobsters,
llom de porc Catalonia Pork loin chops
llom de porc
which are more tender, may contain orange
eggs called coral. They should feel heavy for
llonganisetta Catalonia A fine-textured cured

their size, generally yield half their weight in

edible meat and are normally bought alive.
lluç a la plancha Catalonia Hake cooked on
lluç a la plancha

To kill them they can either be suffocated for

a griddle 30 minutes in de-aerated water (water which
loach One of three types of small European

has been vigorously boiled and cooled), be

freshwater fish of the carp family Cobitidea. dropped in boiling water and held under for
They have a good flavour but lots of small 2 minutes or be severed along the centre line
bones and when fried are popular in France. of the whole body using a cleaver or heavy
Treat as smelt. knife and starting at the head end. The
loaf 1. A standard quantity of bread dough

RSPCA recommend placing them in cold

usually baked in a rectangular loaf tin to give salted water (35 g salt per litre) which is
a characteristic shape 2. Any type of food gradually brought to the boil.
baked in a loaf tin, e.g. meat loaf, fruit loaf, lobster bisque Bisque de homard
lobster bisque

lobster butter 1. Lobster shell pounded with
lobster butter

loaf cheese Edamer

loaf cheese

unsalted butter to a smooth paste, sweated

loaf pan A rectangular pan with deep, slightly
loaf pan

in a pan, a little water added and all boiled for

sloping sides, used to bake bread, some 15 minutes, strained and cooled until the
cakes and meat loaves butter fat sets. Used quickly, the water may
loaf sugar United States Cube sugar or sugar
loaf sugar

also be used for its flavour. 2. A compound

cubes (NOTE: Not the same as sugar loaf.) butter made with the creamy parts, eggs and

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coral of lobster pounded together with an loin of veal United Kingdom That part of the
loin of veal

equal amount of butter and sieved back between the ribs and leg. May be
lobster mayonnaise Half a cold boiled lobster stuffed, rolled and roasted or cut into chops.
lobster mayonnaise

served in its shell with mayonnaise and salad lök Sweden Onion

lobster Newburg United States Cubed

lobster Newburg

løk Norway Onion


cooked lobster meat, sautéed in butter, lok dow China Mung beans
lok dow

sherry added, the juices thickened with a

lokhi Bottle gourd

liaison of egg yolks and cream and all served

löksås Sweden Onion sauce made from finely

on a paprika-flavoured rice
chopped onions sweated in butter, flour
lobster sauce See homard, sauce
lobster sauce

added to make a blond roux and let down to

lobster thermidor Homard thermidor
lobster thermidor

a thin sauce with milk, cooked out and

lobya South Asia Cow pea

seasoned. Often served with baked potatoes.

Loch Fyne kipper Scotland An excellent fat
Loch Fyne kipper

lokshen A Jewish term for noodles. See also


and plump kipper from Loch Fyne lochshen

Loch Fyne oysters Scotland Farmed Pacific
Loch Fyne oysters

lokshyna Russia Egg noodles


oysters from Loch Fyne löksoppa Sweden Onion soup


lochshen A Jewish term for noodles,


lökströmming Sweden Uncleaned sprats


traditionally made by cutting thinly rolled marinated in equal parts of white vinegar and
pasta dough into strips, now usually water for 12 hours, drained, then layered
commercial vermicelli. Also called lokshen with sliced onions and a mixture of sugar,
locro South America An Ecuadorian potato

black pepper, crushed white peppercorns,

soup with cheese, garnished with pieces of cloves and salt in a pot and kept in the
avocado refrigerator for 5 days Served with potatoes
locust bean Carob
locust bean

boiled in their skins

locust bean gum E410, A plant gum
locust bean gum

Lollo biondo Italy A non-hearting loose leaf

Lollo biondo

extracted from carob, used as a thickener or lettuce with well-flavoured green frilly leaves.
gelling agent May be harvested over a long period by
lodger’s loaf Barrel bread picking individual leaves or cutting and
lodger’s loaf

lodole Italy Larks, the birds

leaving to resprout. Also called green lollo
lofschotel Netherlands Chicory
Lollo rosso England, Italy As Lollo biondo, but
Lollo rosso

løg Denmark Onion


with frilly leaves tinged with red/bronze and

loganberry A hybrid of a raspberry and

of excellent flavour. Also called red Lollo

blackberry or dewberry looking like a large
lombarda Spain Red cabbage

dark raspberry about 5 cm long, with a

lombata Italy Loin (of meat)

sweet-sour taste and fragrant aroma. Use as

raspberry. lombatina Italy 1. Entrecôte steak of beef 2.

lohi Finland Salmon


Loin chop
lombo Italy, Portugal Loin (of meat)

lohikeitto Finland Salmon soup with potatoes


and leeks lombo di maiale al latte Italy A pork loin,

lombo di maiale al latte

lohilaatikko Finland As laxpudding, but with


piquéed with cloves and cinnamon bark and

the addition of chopped onions and braised in milk
breadcrumbs to the layers and gratinated lombok chilli A deep-red pointed chilli from
lombok chilli

with breadcrumbs Indonesia and used in its cuisine

lohipiirakka Finland Salmon pie

lo mein China Fresh egg noodles

lo mein

lohipiiras Finland Salmon pie, similar to


lomi-lomi salmon United States A Hawaiian

lomi-lomi salmon

koulibiac dish of salted salmon cooked with chopped

loin The general name for the joint of an tomatoes, sweet mild onions and spring

animal consisting of the ribless vertebrae up onions

to the pelvis plus up to 4 vertebrae with ribs, lomo Spain 1. Saddle, loin or back (of meat)

cut through the centre of the backbone to 2. The eye of a loin of pork, cured and
include all the longitudinal muscles plus a packed without further treatment into a close
small portion of the ribs and the abdominal fitting casing. Usually eaten raw.
cavity muscles lon 1. Thailand Various cooked sauces made

loin end of lamb The front half of a loin of

loin end of lamb

with ingredients such as shellfish, fish and

lamb meat with flavouring agents and seasoning
loin of lamb Scotland A best end of lamb.
loin of lamb

and simmered in coconut milk until thick 2.

Also called single loin of lamb Vietnam Pork

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lonac Balkans A deep earthenware casserole juices, which have been heated to 132°C for

dish 1 to 2 seconds (occasionally up to 6 minutes

London broil United States Boneless flank of
London broil
depending on the foodstuff) rapidly cooled
beef, marinated and grilled then cut on the and aseptically packaged. Also called UHT,
slant ultra heat-treated
long-neck clam Soft-shell clam
long-neck clam

London particular England A bacon and

London particular

green split pea soup made with a chicken or longnose Garfish


ham stock with aromatic vegetables, puréed, long pepper A plant Piper longum (India), P.
long pepper

strained, seasoned and finished with cream retrofractum (Indonesia), related to the
or yoghurt and garnished with chopped pepper vine whose berries are harvested
grilled bacon and croûtons (NOTE: Named green and sun dried. Its flavour resembles a
after a particularly nasty London fog whose milder black pepper. It is grown only in India
colour it resembled.) and Indonesia and is used in East Asian
longa Ireland Ling, the fish

cooking. Also called pippali

longan A small round tropical fruit,

long-podded cow pea See long bean

long-podded cow pea

Nephelium longana, from Southeast Asia

longsong Laos A type of fondue chinoise in

and China resembling a lychee. It has a

which thin strips of buffalo meat or venison
brown and brittle skin, a central inedible
are cooked at the table in a pot of simmering
stone and a sweet aromatic white flesh. Also
flavoured stock and dipped in a peanut
called dragon’s eye, lungan
longaniza Portugal A large sausage similar to

long xia China Lobster

long xia

long xu niu rou China Thin-sliced beef and
long xu niu rou

long back bacon Long rashers of bacon from

long back bacon

that part of a side of bacon without ribs asparagus shallow-fried

lontong Indonesia Boiled short-grain white

long bean Vigna sesquipedalis, a relative of

long bean

the cow pea grown extensively in India, rice pressed into a greased square dish,
China and Southeast Asia both for the covered with banana leaf, cooled and cut
mature yellow beans which are harvested into cubes. Served with satay.
lonza Italy The eye of a loin of pork, salted and

from pods (up to 1 m long) or for the young

pods (up to 35 cm) which are cooked whole. air-dried. Eaten raw in very thin slices.
The plants need high supports. Also called loofah The slightly bitter gourd from a plant,

yard long bean, long-podded cow pea, snake Luffa cylindrica, which looks like a cucumber
bean when young and can be used as a vegetable
Longchamp, crème France Crème Saint
Longchamp, crème

after soaking in salted water to remove the

Germain garnished with cooked and washed bitter flavour. When old it is made into a
vermicelli and a julienne of sorrel cooked in rough bath sponge. Grown in China and the
butter Caribbean. See also angled loofah. Also
long cucumber Indoor-grown cucumbers, 25 called sponge gourd, luffa
long cucumber

to 65 cm in length with usually smooth skins. loomi Middle East, Persian Gulf Dried limes

They do not require fertilization. If fertilized which have first been boiled in salted water
they produce bitter fruits and it is for this for five minutes then halved and dried in the
reason that they must be grown in the sun or a very cool oven until dark and brittle
absence of insects. with the flesh completely dehydrated. May
longe France Loin (of veal or pork)

be powdered for use as a spice. Lime or

longeole Switzerland A sausage from Geneva lemon zest is used as a substitute if not

made with chopped pork filled into a casing, available.

air-dried for 2 days and cooked for 2 hours. loose-leaf lettuce A type of lettuce with
loose-leaf lettuce

Served hot. leaves often indented and very decorative

long fin tuna Albacore
long fin tuna

but not forming a heart. The most nutritious

long flounder Lemon sole type of lettuce.
long flounder

long-grain rice Rice which releases little lop cheeng China The standard Chinese pork
long-grain rice lop cheeng

starch when boiled thus remaining in sausage. See also lap cheong
separated grains. See also brown long-grain loquat The fruit of a tree, Eriobotrya japonica,

rice, white long-grain rice once from Japan but now grown in
Long Island duck United States An
Long Island duck

Mediterranean and similar climates. It looks

intensively raised duck killed at 1.5 to 2.5 kg, like a small golden yellow plum and has a
7 to 8 weeks old sweet slightly tart flesh with a fruity aroma
long-life Used to describe foods, usually milk, and a large central stone. Use as plums. Also

cream, other liquid dairy products and fruit called Japanese medlar

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love and tangle

Lorbeer Germany Bay, Laurus nobilis, but also lotus flowers The petals of the lotus flower are
Lorbeer lotus flowers

used of several other toxic members of the used as a garnish in Chinese and Thai
laurel family cuisines and the open flower is used to
lorgnettes France 1. Fried onion rings 2.
contain food
lotus jujube A species of jujube, Zizyphus
lotus jujube

Small dessert biscuits 3. Candied fruit

Lormes France A goats’ milk cheese shaped
lotus, from North Africa, only noted because
like a cone from Nivernais its fruits were mentioned by Homer as the
food of the lotus eaters
lorraine, à la France In the Lorraine style, i.e.
lorraine, à la

lotus root The tuberous roots of the lotus with

lotus root

garnished with small potatoes sautéed in

butter and balls of red cabbage many longitudinal internal holes are eaten
young and taste rather like artichokes. The
Lorraine France A whitish cows’ milk cheese

Japanese value them for their appearance.

with a distinct lactic flavour formed into
They are often stuffed and deep-fried or
stubby cylinders. Similar to Münster and
braised before slicing.
Géromé cheeses. Also called Gérardmer, Gros
lotus root starch A grey-coloured and slightly
lotus root starch

granular starch made from lotus’ roots and
Lorraine soup Scotland A soup made from a
Lorraine soup

used for soft cakes and sweet dishes

processed paste of cooked chicken meat,
lotus seeds Seeds of the lotus used in
lotus seeds

cooked veal, almonds, hard-boiled egg yolks

and breadcrumbs soaked in milk. This paste desserts and stews or roasted as a snack
is thinned to the desired consistency with Lotus tetragonolobus Botanical name
chicken and veal stock, seasoned and Asparagus pea
Louisiana yam Sweet potato
Louisiana yam

flavoured with lemon juice and zest and a

Louis sauce United States Mayonnaise
Louis sauce

little ground mace and finished with cream

and chopped parsley. (NOTE: Said to be incorporating whipped cream, flavoured with
named after Mary of Lorraine, wife of James chilli sauce, finely chopped green sweet
V of Scotland.) peppers and spring onions, and lemon juice.
losh kibbehskiye kebaby Central Asia
losh kibbehskiye kebaby
Served with seafood.
loukanika Greece A sausage made with

Azerbaijani kebabs made from a processed

mixture of soaked bulgar, minced lamb, seasoned pork belly marinated with red
chopped onion, tomato purée, parsley, wine, salt and some or all of cinnamon,
allspice, cayenne pepper, lemon zest and coriander, allspice, herbs and orange for a
seasoning, formed into cylinders around week, packed into hog casings and air-dried
skewers, brushed with oil and grilled for 10 to for a week
15 minutes. Served with chopped sweet red lou-kenkas France A small spicy garlic-

peppers and parsley. flavoured sausage from the Basque country.

löskokt Sweden Soft-boiled. Used of eggs. Sometimes eaten hot with cold oysters. Also

losos Russia Salmon

called loukinka
loukinka France Lou-kenkas

lota Spain Eel pout


loukoum North Africa Turkish delight


lote Eel pout


Lou Palou France A hard scalded-curd ewes’

Lou Palou

loto Italy, Spain Lotus


and/or cows’ milk cheese with a thick black,

Lotos Germany Lotus

dry rind and a dense paste whose flavour

Lotosblume Germany Lotus flower

depends on the milks used varying from

lotte France Burbot, the freshwater fish

strong and aromatic to mild and nutty

loup de mer France Sea bass
loup de mer

lotte de mer France Monkfish

lotte de mer

loup marin France Catfish

loup marin

lotte de rivière France Eel pout

lotte de rivière

lovage 1. A perennial herb, Levisticum


loture Italy A type of bread from Sardinia


lotus England, France A water plant,

officinale, with a sharp peppery flavour
Nelubium nuciferum, related to the water lily rather like celery. Used in strong-tasting
and used in Chinese and Indian cooking. dishes and soups. The seeds can also be
The leaves are used for wrapping food, the used in bread and pastries and sprinkled on
tuberous roots which have internal holes are salads, rice and mashed potatoes. The
used as a vegetable and the black seeds are stems are occasionally candied like angelica.
used like a nut when ripe and after removing 2. An Indian name for ajowan
lövbiff Sweden Sliced beef with béarnaise

the bitter germ. The young stems are eaten

as a vegetable in Southeast Asia. See also sauce
love and tangle United States Deep-fried
love and tangle

lotus root, lotus flowers. Also called Chinese

water lily, Indian lotus twisted and tangled doughnuts

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love apple

love apple England The original name given luccio del trasimeno arrostito Italy Pike,
love apple luccio del trasimeno arrostito

to the tomato when it was introduced, larded with bacon and anchovies, roasted
probably as a marketing ploy and served with a sharp mayonnaise
luccio marino Italy Barracuda, the fish
luccio marino

love in disguise England Calf’s heart stuffed

love in disguise

luccioperca Italy Pike-perch


and baked in the oven, served with gravy and

bacon lucines France Clams or mussels

lucio Spain Pike, the fish


low-calorie With a low energy value. The


guidelines (not law) used in the EU require luciperca Spain Pike-perch


such foods to have less than 40 Kcal per 100 luffa See angled loofah, loofah

g of food. Luffa acutangula Botanical name Angled

low-density lipoprotein

low-density lipoprotein A specific complex loofah

of a lipid (fat) and a protein that transports Luffa cylindrica Botanical name The loofah
cholesterol in the blood. High levels appear plant
to increase the risk of heart and vascular lufttrockene Mettwurst Germany An air-
lufttrockene Mettwurst

disease. See also cholesterol, high-density dried Mettwurst from Westphalia

lipoprotein luganeaga Italy Luganega

low-fat A term used for any food which


luganega Italy A small pure pork-based


contains less fat than normally expected or a sausage flavoured with Parmesan cheese
low-fat substitute for a fatty food. Examples from northern Italy that looks rather like a
are milk, cheese, yoghurt, substitute butter Cumberland sausage. Also called lucanica,
spreads, etc. Guidelines (not law) in the EU luganeghe, luganiga
require foods so labelled to have less than 5 luganeghe Italy Luganega

g of fat per 100 g of food. luganiga Italy Luganega


low-fat milk

low-fat milk United States Milk with no more luk (plural luki) Russia Onion

than 2% butterfat lukanka Bulgaria A slightly salted and spiced


low-methoxyl pectin Pectin treated to

low-methoxyl pectin

pork sausage eaten raw or cooked

remove methoxyl groups. It can form a gel luk chand Thailand Nutmeg
luk chand

without sugar. lukewarm Around 37°C. Also called blood


low mull

low mull United States A vegetable and meat heat

stew related to the Irish Mulligan stew luk jun Thailand Nutmeg
luk jun

low-starch flour

low-starch flour Flour from which most of the luk kra waan Thailand Cardamom
luk kra waan

starch has been removed. Used for diabetics luk mangkak Thailand Hairy basil
luk mangkak

and makes a bread rather like an open foam luk taan Thailand Palm nut
luk taan

or sponge.
lumache Italy Snail-shaped pasta


lox United States Smoked salmon lumachi 1. Italy Snails 2. Switzerland Snails

loza de barro Spain Earthenware

loza de barro

served with walnut paste

lsanat matabbli Middle East A salad from
lsanat matabbli

lumberjack pie United States Venison and

lumberjack pie

Syria and the Lebanon of lambs’ tongues vegetable pie

boiled in water with aromatic vegetables and lumi Malaysia Bummaloe, the fish

a bouquet garni until tender, cooled, lumpfish A grey or green seawater fish,

skinned, sliced and arranged decoratively, Cyclopterus lumpus, with a humped back
chilled, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice and knobbly skin, found in the North Atlantic
and garnished with paprika, chopped and Baltic and growing to about 60 cm. The
parsley and lemon wedges male is oily but can be poached. The female
lua Thailand Blanched

is not eaten but caught for the lumpfish roe.

luang prabang

luang prabang Laos A round handwoven Also called lump sucker, sea owl, cock paddle
lumpfish roe The eggs of the lumpfish used
lumpfish roe

basket in which rice is steamed and served.

The rice is normally formed into small balls as a substitute for caviar especially as a
with the fingers and eaten by hand. garnish. Coloured white, black, orange or
luau soup

luau soup United States A cream soup from red. See also imitation caviar
lumpia Southeast Asia A type of spring roll in

Hawaii made with puréed taro leaves, stock

and seasonings which the wrapping is a thin sheet of cooked
beaten egg
lubia Middle East Hyacinth bean

lump sucker Lumpfish

lump sucker

lubina Spain Bass, the fish


lump sugar 1. See cube sugar 2. Irregularly

lump sugar


lucanica Italy Luganega shaped pieces of sugar made by crushing a


luccio Italy Pike, the fish sugar loaf 3. A semi-refined sugar from

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lyonnaise, sauce

Southeast Asia and China compressed into lute, to 1. To seal the gap between the lid and
lute, to

flat slabs and cut into 15 x 3 x 3 cm fingers. body of a cooking dish with a flour and water
Also called brown slab sugar, rock sugar, paste which bakes hard in the oven. Used for
yellow rock slow cooking casseroles, etc. 2. To place a
lunch England, Sweden A meal taken

strip of pastry around the rim of a pie dish to

between around 12 noon to 1.30 p.m. seal on the pastry cover
lutefisk Norway Air-dried cod, cut into pieces,

luncheon A more formal lunch


soaked in water for 12 to 14 days, then in

luncheon meat A mixture of pork, ham,
luncheon meat

dilute caustic soda solution for 2 days,

cereal, fat, colouring and seasoning usually
resoaked in water for 3 to 4 days, boiled and
cooked in deep rectangular cans to form a
served with fried bacon and its fat. An
solid pink mass which can be sliced and
acquired taste.
eaten cold or hot. A superior version known
lutein See E161(b)

as spam (spiced ham) was shipped in great

lutfisk Sweden Lutefisk

quantities during World War II from the USA

lut tzee China Chestnut
lut tzee

to the UK.
luumu Finland Plum

luncheon sausage A slicing sausage made

luncheon sausage

with ground beef and salt pork mixed with luumut Finland Plums

saltpetre, sugar and flour or starch, luvasu Italy A Sicilian name for either pandora

seasoned, spiced and coloured pink, filled or sea bream

into ox bungs, simmered at 75 to 80°C for 3 luwombo East Africa A celebratory dish from

hours, smoked and oiled Uganda of boneless meat or fish wrapped in

lungan Longan

banana leaves. See also oluwombo

lungfish Barramunda

luxerna Italy The name used on the Italian


lungs The soft spongy tissue used in


Riviera for grouper, the fish

luya Philippines Ginger

vertebrates to transfer oxygen from air to

blood and carbon dioxide from blood to air. Luzener Allebei Switzerland A vegetable and
Luzener Allebei

Known normally as lights when in mushroom salad

manufactured meat products, but not lychee The fruit of a Chinese subtropical

normally eaten in the UK except by pets. evergreen tree, Litchi chinensis, now grown
Sometimes eaten as a part of a cooked dish worldwide. The small fruits grow in bunches
in other cuisines. and are about 4 cm long with a central stone,
lunsj Norway Lunch

sweet juicy white grape-like flesh and a hard

luo bo gao China A dim sum made from a type
luo bo gao

rough pink to brown skin. May be eaten raw

of turnip cake or cooked after peeling and destoning.
luoc Vietnam To boil, boiled
Available canned. Also called Chinese cherry,
lichee, litchee, litchi, lizhi
luo han zhai China Bamboo shoots, nuts and
luo han zhai

lycopene An extract of ripe fruit, especially


mushrooms, stir-fried with soya sauce and

tomatoes, used as a natural red food colour.
rice wine or sherry (NOTE: Literally ‘Buddha’s
See also E160(d)
Lycoperdon perlatum Common puffball
Luostari Finland A cows’ milk cheese

Lycopersicon esculentum Botanical name

resembling Port-Salut Tomato
luppoli Italy Hops

lye A dilute solution of sodium hydroxide


lúpulos Spain Hops


Lymeswold England A so-called designer


lu rou China Deer cheese deliberately developed and marketed

lu rou

lu shui China Lu soy

lu shui
commercially in 1982 as the UK answer to
soft blue cheeses. It did not survive.
Lusignan France A fresh goats’ milk cheese

Lyoner Germany The German version of the


from Poitou
French saucisson de Lyon, made with beef,
lu soy China A mixture of soya sauce with
lu soy

pork and veal and containing pistachio nuts

sugar, ginger and five spices used as a basic
lyonnaise, à la France Containing fried
lyonnaise, à la

flavouring for cooking liquors used for

chopped onion
simmering meat and poultry
lyonnaise, sauce England, France Onion
lyonnaise, sauce

lustrer France To glaze with aspic


sweated to a light colour in butter, vinegar

lustro Italy A Calabrian name for grey mullet

added and reduced completely, demi-glace

lute A flour and water paste used to seal the

added, simmered, skimmed and seasoned.

lids of casseroles, terrines and other cooking Served with Vienna steak or fried liver. Also
pots for baking in the oven called brown onion sauce

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lyre of beef

lyre of beef Scotland The term used in the contamination by destroying the cells of any
lyre of beef

east of Scotland for clod of beef invading bacteria

lysozyme An enzyme found in egg white lys saus Norway Light sauce, e.g. thin
lysozyme lys saus

which protects the egg from bacterial béchamel, etc.

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maafe West Africa 1. Sautéed chicken pieces

Usually sold shelled. Use as hazelnuts. Also

simmered with onions, chopped chillies, called Queensland nut
tomato paste, peanut paste and vegetables Macadamia ternifolia Botanical name
including okra and flavoured with cinnamon Macadamia nut
and paprika 2. A groundnut stew from
maçã do pieto Portugal Brisket of beef
maçã do pieto

Senegal. See also mafé

maçapão Portugal Marzipan

maanz South Asia Meat


macaron France Macaroon


maas South Africa A thick naturally curdled


macaroni England, France Thick hollow tubes


of pasta, often cut into short lengths
maasa West Africa Millet flour and possibly

macaroni alla veronese Italy Potato gnocchi

macaroni alla veronese

other flours sweetened and allowed to

ferment with yeast and water, possibly with a served with butter and grated Parmesan
chemical raising agent, then brought to the cheese
macaroni cheese United Kingdom Cooked
macaroni cheese

consistency of a pancake batter, shallow-

fried and sprinkled with sugar before service. macaroni mixed with cheese sauce,
From Mali. gratinated with cheese and browned under
Maasdam Netherlands A yellow wax-coated
the grill
macaroon A small light crisp cake or biscuit

cows’ milk cheese resembling Emmental

maatjes haring Netherlands Lightly cured
maatjes haring
made from ground almonds, sugar and egg
young herrings which have not yet developed white (6:5:1), the egg white being whisked to
roe. Eaten as a snack or as a main course a stiff peak with the sugar and baked at
with boiled potatoes and salad. (NOTE: Not to 150°C after resting on rice paper. Used as
be confused with matjes herring.) petit fours or crushed for use in desserts. The
mixture may be cooked in a pastry tartlet.
maayi Middle East A popular Iraqi mezze dish

macarrão Portugal Macaroni


of turnips peeled, diced and simmered in

macarrones Spain Macaroni

salted water for 30 to 45 minutes with

macassar gum Agar-agar
macassar gum

beetroot cut in quarters. The beetroot is

maccarello Italy Mackerel

discarded and the turnips drained and

served hot, sprinkled with salt. maccheroncini Italy A thinner version of

mabalo A species of persimmon, Diospyros


discolor, grown in the Philippines, Malaysia maccheroni Italy Macaroni, sometimes used

and Sri Lanka. Also called velvet apple as a general description of all types of dried
mabela South Africa A type of sorghum which

when ground is made into mabela porridge macco Italy Mashed boiled beans mixed with

maboké Central Africa The plural of liboké


oil and fennel, from Sicily. Also called maccu

maçã Portugal Apple maccu Italy Macco
maçã maccu

Macadamia integrifolia Botanical name mace The lacy covering (aril) that surrounds

Macadamia nut the stone (nutmeg) in the apricot-like fruit of

macadamia nut The fruit of a tree,
macadamia nut

an evergreen tree, Myristica fragrans,

Macadamia ternifolia (with hard-shelled originally from the Moluccas but now grown
nuts) and M. integrifolia (with softer-shelled extensively in maritime tropical areas. It has
nuts), originally from Australia, developed in a slightly bitter aromatic flavour and is widely
Hawaii and now grown worldwide. Rather used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Sold
like a large hazelnut with a very hard shell. as blades (whole mace), chips or powder.

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macédoine England, France 1. A cut for maddalene Italy Madeleine, a sponge cake
macédoine maddalene

vegetables and fruit consisting of small cubic baked in a madeleine mould

dice 2. A mixture of diced fruit or vegetables made Finland Burbot, the fish

macédoine de fruits France Fruit salad

macédoine de fruits

Madeira A fortified and heat-treated wine


macedone Italy Macédoine from Madeira used to flavour foods


macedònia Catalonia Fresh fruit salad


especially sauces and once popular as the

macedonia di frutta Italy Fruit salad, usually
macedonia di frutta
drink to be taken with the Victorian madeira
with a liqueur cake
Madeira cake A rich yellow sponge cake
Madeira cake

macelleria Italy Butcher’s shop


macerate, to To leave a solid in contact with a

macerate, to
flavoured with lemon juice and zest and
liquid either to soften the solid, to decorated with candied citron peel during
reconstitute it, to extract flavour from it or to the baking process
Madeira sauce 1 part Madeira to 10 parts
Madeira sauce

add flavour to it. Also called steep, to

macérer France To macerate, steep or soak
demi-glace, seasoned, passed through a
chinois and butter added. Served with
mach Italy A northern soup of milk with

chestnuts and rice. See also al macc braised ox tongue.

madeirense, à Portugal In the style of
madeirense, à

machado Spain Bread fried in olive oil until


Madeira, i.e. with tomatoes, onions and

crisp, pounded or blended with white wine
and used as a thickening agent for stews and garlic
madeleine 1. United Kingdom A small cake

soups, etc.
made from Victoria or Genoese sponge,
machbous Persian Gulf A type of spicy prawn

baked in a dariole mould, coated with jam,

dredged with desiccated coconut and
mâche France Lamb’s lettuce

decorated with a glacé cherry and angelica.

machi South Asia Fish

Also called madeline 2. France A small

ma chin China Cumin
ma chin

sponge cake baked in a madeleine mould

macia Spain Mace

madeleine mould A hinged scallop-shaped

madeleine mould

macinare Italy To grind


mould which completely encloses the cake

macinato Italy Ground, pounded or minced

baked in it
macis France, Italy, Spain Mace madeline United Kingdom Madeleine
macis madeline

mackerel A round seawater fish, Scomber madère, sauce France Madeira sauce
mackerel madère, sauce

scombrus, up to 55 cm long with blue-black Madras curry powder A fragrant, fairly hot,
Madras curry powder

stripes on its back and off-white, firm, well- ground spice mixture made from deseeded
flavoured oily flesh. Available fresh or and dried red chillies, coriander seeds,
smoked. Cooked whole in fillets or in steaks cumin seeds, mustard seeds, black
and often served with gooseberry sauce. Also peppercorns, curry leaves, all dry-roasted,
called Atlantic mackerel plus dry ginger and turmeric
mackerel shark Porbeagle shark
mackerel shark

Madras gram Horse gram

Madras gram

mâconnaise, à la France In the Mâcon style,

mâconnaise, à la

madrilène, à la France In the Madrid style,

madrilène, à la

i.e. garnished with croûtons, braised button i.e. garnished with or incorporating tomatoes
onions or shallots and button mushrooms. maduixa (plural maduixes) Catalonia

Used especially of poached freshwater fish. Strawberry

macque choix United States A Cajun
macque choix

madun Thailand 1. Belimbing, the fruit 2. A


Christmas dish of tomatoes stewed with small juicy sour fruit from the tree Gardinia
sweetcorn, hominy, green sweet peppers, schomburgiana, similar to a small star fruit.
celery, lemon juice, and seasoning. Served Used as a souring agent.
as an accompaniment to duck. maduru Sri Lanka Fennel

macquée Belgium A soft, mild, brick-shaped


mafalde Italy Long flat ribbons of pasta with


cheese made from skimmed cows’ milk crinkly edges

macreuse France Scoter duck

mafé West Africa The standard groundnut


macrobiotic A philosophy of eating or diet


stew from Senegal made with any meat or

developed by Japanese Zen Buddhists. Each even in a vegetarian version. Meat and
person’s diet seeks to complement their Yin onions are sautéed in oil then cooked very
and Yang components or tendencies. The slowly with as little water as possible with
diet is very restrictive but adherents claim it chopped vegetables, chilli pepper, tomatoes
promotes health and spiritual harmony. and tomato paste. When all is cooked peanut
Madagascar bean Butter bean
Madagascar bean

butter and a little stock are added to make a

Madagascar green peppercorns Green smooth sauce. Served with rice. Also called
Madagascar green peppercorns

peppercorns maafe

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maid of honour

magdalena Spain A popular breakfast food caraway seeds. Strips of sweet red pepper,

often dunked in coffee. The traditional recipe diced tomatoes and csipetkes are added at
uses equal weights of eggs in the shell, intervals so that all are cooked at the same
sugar, flour and aniseed-flavoured olive oil. time.
The ingredients are vigorously beaten into magyar halleves Hungary A fish soup made
magyar halleves

the oil to incorporate as much air as possible. from sweated onions sprinkled with flour and
They are then spooned into paper cases with simmered with fish stock, seasoned and
flavourings and baked at 180°C for about 20 flavoured with paprika. Towards the end
minutes. Nowadays egg whites may be blended with sour cream and garnished with
whisked separately before folding them in small pieces of fish roe and csipetkes and all
and baking powder is usually added. cooked out.
Magenbrot Switzerland A bitter-sweet cake

ma-gyi-thi Burma Tamarind


flavoured with cinnamon (NOTE: Literally mahallebi Turkey A dessert of sweetened milk

‘stomach bread’.) thickened with rice starch, flavoured with

Magerquark Germany Fat-free quark, i.e.

rose water, poured into a mould and chilled

containing less than 1% butterfat. Also mahamri East Africa Deep-fried dough cakes

called skimmed milk quark from Kenya and Tanzania. See also mandaazi
maggengo Italy Parmesan chesse made

maharagwe East Africa Red kidney beans


between April and November. See also from Kenya often cooked in coconut milk,
Parmigiano Reggiano flavoured with cardamon or cinnamon.
maggiorana Italy Marjoram

Sometimes chopped vegetables are added

magnesium An essential element required for

towards the end of the cooking period.

health and a constituent of many enzymes, mahlab Small beige oval kernels of the black

necessary for bone and teeth growth and cherry tree, Prunus mahaleb, with a bitter,
repair. Available from all seeds but often rather sour taste used when dried and
taken as a supplement in the form of Epsom ground to flavour breads and pastries in
salts. Turkey and the Middle East
magnesium carbonate See E504
magnesium carbonate

mahlen Germany To grind


magnesium hydroxide See E528

magnesium hydroxide

mah mee Southeast Asia A soup from

mah mee

magnesium oxide See E530

magnesium oxide

Singapore consisting of a clear stock with

magnesium silicate See E553(a)
magnesium silicate

noodles, shellfish, pork, vegetables and

magnesium stearate See E572
magnesium stearate
Mahón Spain A semi-hard cows’ and ewes’

magnesium sulphate See E518

magnesium sulphate

magnesium trisilicate See E553(a)

magnesium trisilicate
milk cheese from the Balearic islands, white,
Magnifera indica Botanical name Mango soft and creamy when young but becomes
magnonese Italy Warm mayonnaise served
harder, darker and more tasty as it matures.
with fish or boiled meat It is cast in a rounded brick shape and
normally brined, matured for 3 weeks, then
magnosa Italy A flat Mediterranean lobster-

coated with olive oil.

like crustacean. See also cigarra
mahonesa Spain Mayonnaise

magnum France A large bottle of about 1.5


Mährische Austria A sausage made from lean


litre capacity
pork, beef and bacon fat (2:1:1) plus
Magnum France A rich creamy cows’ milk

cheese from Normandy made in the shape
mah tai China Water chestnut
mah tai

of a disc and similar to Brillat-Savarin

maiale Italy Pig or pork

magoro Italy Tuna


maiale ubriaco Italy Pork chops cooked in

maiale ubriaco

magret France Grilled and sliced underdone


breast of duck or goose taken from a force- red wine (NOTE: Literally ‘tipsy pork’.)
maialino Italy Sucking pig

fed bird. Also called maigret, maigret de

canard maida flour A soft white flour for making
maida flour

magro Italy Not containing meat


naan, from the north of India

magrut Thailand Makrut lime maidenhair fern A feathery fern, Adiantum
magrut maidenhair fern

maguro Japan Bluefin tuna, excellent for

capillus-veneris, which can be used for
sushi and sashimi and when cooked for decoration or when extracted with water is
shioyaki and teriyaki used to make capillaire syrup
maidenhair tree The tree, Ginkgo biloba,
maidenhair tree

magyar gulyás leves Hungary Soup made

magyar gulyás leves

like a thin goulash from sweated onions and from which ginkgo nuts are obtained
maid of honour England A small puff pastry
maid of honour

diced beef simmered in water with

seasoning, paprika, marjoram and crushed tartlet with a filling made from milk curds or

353 Page 354 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

Maidstone biscuit

curd cheese, egg yolks and butter or clotted maison, de la France Made on the premises
maison, de la

cream (5:3:5), with sugar to taste and (NOTE: Literally ‘of the house’.)
flavoured with lemon zest and possibly Maistorte Germany A type of pudding made

cinnamon and nutmeg. Other additions to with cornmeal

the filling include coconut, flour or ground maito Finland Milk

almonds and some recipes give orange

maitoporsas Finland Sucking pig

flower water as a flavouring. (NOTE: It is said

maître d’ United States Maître d’hôtel.
maître d’

to have been invented by Anne Boleyn when

she was a maid of honour to King Henry VIII’s Pronounced ‘maître dee’. (colloquial)
maître d’hôtel France The person in charge
maître d’hôtel

first wife, Catherine of Aragon)

Maidstone biscuit England A light crisp
Maidstone biscuit
of a dining room in a restaurant or hotel; the
biscuit made with plain flour, caster sugar head waiter or waitress. See also beurre (à la)
and butter (5:4:4), using the creaming maître d’hôtel
maíz Spain 1. Maize 2. Corn on the cob

method and flavoured with rose water and

chopped blanched almonds. Baked at maize A Central American cereal, Zea mays,

180°C. now grown worldwide, which is a tall large-

Maifisch Germany Shad

leaved grass with an ear consisting of a large

maigre France Lean, low-fat, clear (of soup)
number of individual white, yellow, red or
maigre, au France Not containing meat
maigre, au
blue seeds packed in a single layer around a
Maigrelet Canada A medium soft cheese
cob, a central wide stalk tapering to a point,
made from skimmed cows’ milk in Quebec the whole enclosed in several papery leaves
with a tassel emerging from the point.
maigret, maigret de canard France Grilled and

Several of these cobs, which are about 6 to 8

sliced underdone breast of duck or goose. cm diameter and up to 30 cm long, sprout
See also magret from the leaf bases. The individual seeds
maik yu China Cuttlefish
maik yu

(kernels) are stripped from the cob for

maillard reaction A reaction between a sugar
maillard reaction

further processing, the white and yellow

and an amino acid, both of which are usually being used for human consumption. Maize
part of a carbohydrate and a protein is an important source of carbohydrate for
respectively. It is responsible for the both humans and animals. There are various
browning of meat, bread, chocolate, coffee types: Dent (var. indentata) is soft, has a
and other roasted food. depression in the seeds, and is used for flour.
maillot, à la France Garnished with turnips,
maillot, à la

A hard type, flint (var. indurata) is used for

carrots, French beans, braised lettuce and popcorn and a sweet sugary type, (var.
peas saccharata) is used as a vegetable. See also
Mainauerkäse Germany, Switzerland A semi-
entries for sweet corn, miniature corn,
hard, surface-ripened, scalded-curd cows’ popcorn, hominy, corn syrup, etc. Also
milk cheese with a smooth texture and called corn, Indian corn, mealies
slightly acid pleasantly aromatic taste. maize meal United States Coarsely ground
maize meal

Contains 43% water, 25% fat and 24% dehusked maize kernels
protein. maize oil See corn oil
maize oil

main course The central and most substantial

main course

majonnäs Sweden Mayonnaise


dish of a meal, usually containing a fair Majoran Germany Marjoram


amount of meat, fish or pulse protein

majorana Spain Sweet marjoram

maintenon, à la France Garnished with an

maintenon, à la

makapuno Philippines A mutant coconut


onion sauce containing puréed onions and

chopped mushrooms which cannot mature and in which the fruits
are full of a soft gelatinous meat instead of
Mainz Germany A hand-moulded cheese

separate liquid and flesh. Used as a dessert

similar to Harzerkäse and often flavoured
and for making ice cream.
with cumin
makaronilaatikko Finland Macaroni baked in

Mainzer Rippchen Germany Pork rib chops

Mainzer Rippchen

milk and cream thickened with egg yolks

maionese Italy Mayonnaise

ma kham Thailand Tamarind

ma kham

maioran Russia Marjoram


makhan South Asia Butter


maïs France 1. Maize 2. Sweetcorn


makhanas South Asia Roasted seeds of the


Mais Germany 1. Maize 2. Sweetcorn


lotus plant which puff up when fried.

maïs en épi France Corn on the cob
maïs en épi

Generally served salted as a snack or

Maismehl Germany Corn flour

sometimes made into a kind of sweet by

maison France Used to indicate that the food

boiling them in milk with flavourings. See

was made on the premises, e.g. pâté maison also makhane ki kheer

354 Page 355 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

malinovyi sup

makhane ki kheer South Asia A thinnish syrup, raisins, eggs, marjoram and
makhane ki kheer

dessert of makhanas simmered in milk for seasoning. Served with melted butter, boiled
about 30 minutes, sweetened with sugar and potatoes and cranberry sauce.
combined with almond pieces and grated makua Thailand Aubergine

coconut makua phuong Thailand Pea aubergine

makua phuong

makhani chawal South Asia Buttered rice

makhani chawal

malacz kövesonya Hungary Brawn made

malacz kövesonya

made from cooked rice and molten butter from pig’s head boiled with a minimum of
(5:1) heated gently with various flavourings, water with garlic, carrots, onion, Hamburg
diced or raw vegetables and sometimes parsley, seasoning and spices
chopped or flaked cooked fish and shellfish. maladi Middle East Common orange

Served when the rice is steaming.

Málaga Spain A soft cream-coloured cheese

makhani khumbi South Asia Grilled

makhani khumbi

made from goats’ milk, covered with a yellow

mushrooms sweated with butter (10:1),
rind, with a mild goaty flavour and many fine
minced chives, paprika, and cardamon
holes. Eaten fresh within a few days of
seeds previously fried in the butter for 10
malagliata Italy Roughly cut elongated

makisu Japan A flexible mat made of strips of


diamonds of pasta (NOTE: Literally ‘badly

bamboo, used for rolling up sushi
maki-sushi Japan A type of sushi made

malai South Asia Cream used in Indian


without being wrapped in nori. See also nori-

cooking, similar to clotted cream but made
by repeatedly boiling the milk and removing
maki-yakinabe Japan A rectangular omelette

the skin from the top until it is all reduced to

pan the same shape as a Swiss roll tin. See a crumbly texture
also tamago-yakiki
Malakoff, tarte France A cake made from
Malakoff, tarte

makkara Finland Sausage


layers of rum-soaked sponge fingers in a rich

Makkaroni Germany Macaroni

cream mixture made from butter, sugar,

makki ki roti South Asia A thin bread from the
makki ki roti

ground almonds and cream, flavoured with

Punjab made from fine cornmeal. It is soft on coffee or vanilla essence (NOTE: Named after
the inside and crisp on the outside. the suburb of Paris.)
mak mo China Cuttlefish
mak mo

malanga, malanga isleña 1. The Columbian


mako shark Isurus oxyrhynchus, a member

mako shark

name for taro 2. A Latin American name for

of the shark family which makes good eating yautia and other tuberous starch plants of
makreel Netherlands Mackerel

different species and genera

malasado Portugal An egg-enriched puff

makrel Denmark Mackerel


Makrele Germany Mackerel

pastry deep-fried and dredged with sugar
makrell Norway Mackerel
(NOTE: Literally ‘unlucky’.)
Malay apple United States A crisp red bland-
Malay apple

makrill Sweden Mackerel


flavoured and pear-shaped fruit

makrillgryta Sweden Pieces of seasoned

Maldive fish Sri Lanka Various fish species

Maldive fish

mackerel fillet, layered with thin slices of

lemon and peeled tomatoes in a pot, a little local to Sri Lanka, dried and crumbled or
stock and butter added and simmered with a powdered for use in cooking. See also
tight fitting lid for 20 minutes. Finished with bummaloe
malet kött Sweden Minced beef
malet kött

chopped parsley or dill.

malfatta Italy Home-made balls of pasta

makrilli Finland Mackerel


Makrone Germany Macaroon

dough (NOTE: Literally ‘badly made’.)
malfatti Italy Gnocchi coloured with spinach

makroner Denmark Macaroons


makrut lime This citrus fruit from Southeast

makrut lime
and flavoured with ricotta cheese
malfattina Italy Finely chopped sheets of

Asia, Citrus hystrix, is not a true lime but is

picked in the immature state and used as pasta dough
mali Thailand Jasmine flowers and jasmine

such. The rind is irregular and very bumpy

with a pronounced smaller stem end. There essence used as flavouring
is very little juice. The rind and leaves are malic acid A fruit acid, E296, found in
malic acid

used to flavour curries, soup, salads and underripe apples, rhubarb and some berries.
vinegar. Known in Paris as combava. Also It is not suitable for setting jams. Used as a
called kaffir lime flavouring in soft drinks, dessert mixes and
maksa Finland Liver pie fillings.

maksalaatikko Finland A liver pudding made malinovyi sup Russia A cold soup from the
maksalaatikko malinovyi sup

with liver, rice, onions, milk, water, golden Baltic region made from the strained juice of

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malka sabat

summer fruits sweetened with brown sugar malto Italy Malt


and flavoured with cinnamon, lemon juice maltose A disaccharide consisting of two

and lemon zest and slightly thickened with glucose units. The principal sugar in malt.
corn flour Also called malt sugar
malka sabat South Asia Dehusked and split
malka sabat

malt sugar See maltose

malt sugar

red lentils malt vinegar A brown vinegar made by partial

malt vinegar

mallard A wild duck, suitable for one or two


oxidation of the alcoholic liquor (ale) made

servings depending on size. Brushed with oil from the water extract of malt. Contains
and roasted at 200°C for approximately 50 about 5% acetic acid.
minutes and then treated as duck. Shooting Malus pumila Botanical name Crab apple
season 1st September until the 31st of Malus sylvestris var domestica Botanical
January, or until the 21st of February if shot name Apple
below the high water mark of spring tides. Malva moschata Botanical name
Hanging time 2 to 3 days. Muskmallow
mallow A family of plants many of which are

malvavisco Spain Marshmallow


edible, e.g. abelmusk, Jamaica flower, Malvern apple pudding England Equal
Malvern apple pudding

abutilon, marshmallow, okra, and meloukhia quantities of butter, sugar, eggs and flour
malong Malaysia Eel

made up using the creaming method and

malosol Russia Fresh caviar prepared with

combined with half the mixture’s weight of

only a little salt cored, peeled and chopped russet apples
malosolnyi Russia Lightly salted. Used e.g.

and one eighth its weight of currants. The

some Russian caviar. mixture is flavoured with lemon juice and
mal passado Spain Rare. Used of meat,
mal passado

zest and brandy, put in a lined pudding

steaks, etc. basin, covered and steamed for 2 hours.
Malpighia glabra Botanical name Acerola Malz Germany Malt

malpuri South Asia Puri bread flavoured with mămăligă Romania Cornmeal cooked slowly
malpuri mămăligă

crushed fennel seed in salted water with butter until thick and
malt England, France Barley which has been

served with melted butter. A national dish of

germinated and allowed to sprout under Romania.
warm humid conditions. The sprouting mămăligă cu ochiuri românesti Romania
mămăligă cu ochiuri ro mâ nesti

liberates enzymes which convert the starch Mămăligă topped with poached eggs and
into a variety of sugars and polysaccharides melted butter with sour cream served
of which maltose is the most important. Heat separately
is used to denature the enzymes and the mamalyga Russia The Russian Moldavian

malt is then dried and crushed. The soluble version of mămăligă made from polenta,
sugars are extracted with water either for butter and melting cheese (3:1:4 based on
brewing or for concentration into malt cornmeal), flavoured with marjoram and
extract, a thick brown sweetish syrup. pepper, put in a buttered dish and baked at
malta Spain Malt

190°C until skinned over, cooled, divided in

maltaise, à la France In the Maltese style, i.e. squares and served gratinated with cheese
maltaise, à la

with the addition of orange zest and juice and grilled

maltaise, sauce mamelle France Udder

England, France
maltaise, sauce

Hollandaise sauce flavoured with the mamey The spherical fruit of a tree, Mammea

strained juice of blood oranges and orange americana, from the Carribean and South
zest. Also called Maltese sauce America, up to 15 cm in diameter with a
maltase The enzyme which splits maltose into brown to grey rough outer skin, a thin bitter,

its constituent glucose units yellow, inner skin and yellowish flesh tasting
malt bread A yeasted bread dough enriched
malt bread
of raspberries and apricots, surrounding up
with malt extract, black treacle and dried to 4 inedible seeds. May be eaten raw. Also
vine fruits prior to baking to a soft moist loaf called mammee
Mamirolle France A semi-hard washed-rind

malted milk A mixture of dried milk powder

malted milk

and ground malted barley reconstituted with cows’ milk cheese made in the same way as
milk. Served hot or cold. Limburger but not as pungent. Usually brick-
Maltese sauce See maltaise, sauce
Maltese sauce
shaped (600 g).
malt extract A concentrated solution of the
malt extract
Mammea americana Botanical name Mamey
mammee See mamey

soluble sugars extracted from malt. Used in

mammella Italy Udder

cakes, bread and puddings in the West and

as a constituent of sauces and meat glazes in mämmi Finland A pudding made from rye

China. meal sweetened with molasses and

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flavoured with Seville oranges. Usually baked as sweet and not sugar glazed. Sometimes
in the oven in birch bark baskets for Easter they are spiced. Also called mahamri,
and served with cream. mandazi
Mamsell Babette Germany A firm, loaf- mandaliya South Asia An almost vegetarian
Mamsell Babette mandaliya

shaped mild-flavoured cows’ milk cheese sausage consisting of marrow and spices
from Bavaria which contains small pieces of stuffed into a casing
smoked ham mandarin The general name of a group of

mam tom Vietnam Shrimp paste

mam tom

citrus fruits, Citrus reticulata, which are all

manaita Japan A chopping board generally sweet and have very easily

manalsama Middle East As klaicha but filled

separable thin orange skins and segments.
with a mixture of coarsely ground walnuts Generally classified as: satsuma or unshui
and caster sugar (8:1) mandarin, Citrus unshui; Mediterranean
ma-nao Thailand Lime, the fruit
mandarin, C. deliciosa; king mandarin, C.
manapua United States A dough bun from
nobilis; and common mandarin, C.
Hawaii filled with various savoury fillings and reticulata. The zest is not usually used
steamed except dried and ground as a spice. Also
called tangerine
manbollen Netherlands Edam

mandarina Spain Mandarin orange


mancare cu bame Romania Diced pork and

mancare cu bame

mandarin cooking The haute cuisine of

mandarin cooking

fried onions stewed in tomato juice with

herbs and seasonings. Served with bread. Chinese cooking originating in the royal court
and combining Peking (Beijing) and
manchant England Manchet

Shanghai styles
manche France The scraped bone end of a

mandarine France Mandarin, the fruit


cutlet or the knuckle of a leg of lamb (NOTE:

Mandarine Germany Mandarin, the fruit

Literally ‘handle’.)
mandarino Italy Mandarin, the fruit

Manchego Spain A strong-tasting, pale-


mandarin pancake The pancake in which

mandarin pancake

coloured, hard scalded-curd cheese with a

sprinkling of small holes, made from ewes’ Peking duck is wrapped, made from a flour
milk. It uses a lactic starter and the yellow and boiling water dough (5:3) which is
paste is covered with a greenish black kneaded until silky with a further part of cold
mould. Very popular and eaten both fresh water. It is rolled out, cut in squares, one side
and matured to varying degrees of hardness of each coated in sesame seed oil and
and dryness. The mature varieties are sandwiched in pairs with the oiled sides
washed and oiled. together. These are rolled out again, fried in
Manchester pudding England Soft white
Manchester pudding
an oiled pan until browned on each side,
breadcrumbs mixed with egg yolks, sugar separated and folded in triangles.
mandarin peel See tangerine peel
mandarin peel

and milk infused with lemon peel, cooked

until set in a bain-marie in individual dishes. mandazi East Africa Deep-fried dough cakes

Cooled, covered with raspberry jam, piped from Kenya and Tanzania. See also mandaazi
with meringue, coloured under the grill and Mandel Germany Almond

dredged with icing sugar. mandelbiskvier Sweden Almond biscuit


manchet England The Old English term for the


Mandel Halbmonde Germany Almond

Mandel Halbmonde

finest wheaten bread eaten only by the well crescent biscuits made by the creaming
off, now applied in Cornwall to any loaf of method from flour, butter, sugar and egg
bread shaped by hand. Also called manchant yolks (6:4:3:1) in which two thirds of the egg
(NOTE: Possibly from Anglo-Norman pain yolks are hard-boiled and sieved before
demaine, from medieval Latin panus incorporation. Formed into crescents from
dominicus, ‘lord’s bread’, and cheat, ‘poor bent and flattened cylinders of paste, dipped
quality wheat bread’.) in egg white and coated with a mixture of
manchette France Cutlet frill

almond nibs, sugar and cinnamon, then

manchon, en France A method of presenting
manchon, en

baked at 160°C until firm.

panéed and deep-fried small fish by cutting Mandeltorte Germany An almond layer cake

off the head and tail after cooking so that with a filling of jam or crème pâtissière and
they appear to be served in sleeves covered with a royal icing flavoured with rum
mancu A black colouring used in black

or butter icing or the like. The cake mixture

puddings is a type of fatless cake mixture with mainly
mandaazi East Africa Sweet, puffy, deep-fried ground skinned and dry-roasted almonds

dough cakes from Kenya and Tanzania, mixed into an egg yolk, egg and sugar batter
served hot at breakfast and cold and rather with a little flour and stiffly whisked egg
solid at dinner. Similar to doughnuts but not whites folded in at the end. The baking tins

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are coated with melted butter and dredged segments of juicy, creamy white flesh
with fine dried breadcrumbs before filling. containing an inedible seed. The flesh has a
mandioca Spain Cassava

sweet-sour flavour reminiscent of molasses.

mandlar Sweden Almonds
The skin contains an indelible dye. See also
mandler Denmark, Norway Almonds
kokum. Also called mangostan
mang tre Vietnam Bamboo shoot
mang tre

mandolin An implement for slicing any firm


mangue France Mango


vegetable or fruit or making it into batons or

maniche Italy Wide tubes of pasta resembling

julienne strips. It consists of a strong

rectangular metal frame supported at an short cannelloni
manicotti Italy Large cannelloni often stuffed

angle to the bench top with various

transverse cutting blades and attachments. with a Ricotta cheese mixture and baked in a
The food to be sliced is moved by hand sauce (NOTE: Literally ‘muffs’.)
downwards across the blade and the cut manicou Caribbean The opossum, Didelphys

pieces fall beneath. marsupialis insularis, from Central and

mandonguilles Catalonia Meatballs

Northern America now widely distributed,

mandora Cyprus Ortanique
and appreciated for its fine-tasting meat. In
mandorla Italy Almond
the Caribbean it is generally smoked then
stewed in red wine or curried. See also
mandorlato Italy 1. Almond cake 2. Nougat

mandur Balkans A hard grating cheese made

maniera di, alla Italy In the style of

maniera di, alla

from a mixture of cows’ and ewes’ milk and

manina ferrarese Italy A crisp bread roll in
manina ferrarese

the whey from cheese making

the shape of a double horseshoe
maneira de, à Portugal In the style of
maneira de, à

manioc England, France Cassava


mangetout England, France A variety of pea,


manioca Italy Cassava


Pisum sativum var. macrocarpum, which

manjar blanco Mexico, Spain A dessert made
manjar blanco

has a delicate pod and is eaten whole when

young. Also called snow pea, sugar pea, from caramelized milk and sugar. See also
sugar-snap pea, Chinese pea (NOTE: Literally arequipe
manju Japan A cake eaten with tea

‘eat all’.)
mannagrynspudding Sweden Semolina

manggis Indonesia, Malaysia Mangosteen


mang guo China Mango

mang guo
mannaia kasha, mannaya kasha Russia A
mannaia kasha

mangkut Thailand Mangosteen


type of slightly sweetened gruel made from

mango England, Italy, Spain A large round to

semolina with milk and salt

pear- or kidney-shaped tropical fruit
mannish water Caribbean A soup made from
mannish water

weighing between 0.25 and 1 kg, from a tree,

Magnifera indica, which is widely grown. The goat meat, including the testicles, served to a
fruit when ripe has a juicy, slightly fibrous Jamaican groom on his wedding night
mannitol A compound similar to sorbitol

orange flesh with a distinctive flavour, a large

central stone and a thickish green through found in many plants, now synthesized from
yellow to red inedible skin. Sold whole or sucrose for use as a humectant. See also
skinned and destoned in canned or dried E421
mano Mexico A stone ball-like roller used on a

Mango Germany Mango
metate to grind grains and spices
manoa United States A variety of butterhead

Mangold Germany Spinach beet


mango pickle An Indian pickle made from

mango pickle
lettuce from Hawaii
Manoori, Manouri Greece A ewes’ milk

chopped very underripe raw mango,

destoned but not peeled mixed with cheese from Crete eaten with honey as a
turmeric, ground cinnamon, nigella, fennel dessert
mansikkasoppa Finland Strawberries with

seed, soaked fenugreek seed, salt and chilli

powder, left for two days then covered with cream and sugar
mansikkat Finland Strawberries

warm oil flavoured with dried chillies and

allowed to mature mansikkatorttu Finland Strawberry tart

mango powder See amchoor mantar Turkey Grilled mushroom caps with a
mango powder mantar

mango squash Choko garlic filling

mango squash

man tau China Steamed buns

man tau

mangostan Mangosteen

manteca 1. Italy A small, mild, pear-shaped


mangosteen The fruit of a Malaysian


evergreen tree, Garcinia mangostana, which cheese with a butter centre. See also burrino
grows in wet tropical regions. It has a deep 2. Mexico Lard
manteca de cerdo Spain Pig’s lard
manteca de cerdo

purple fibrous outer casing enclosing

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maréchal, à la

mantecado Spain Ice cream with added maple syrup pie Canada A double-crust pie
mantecado maple syrup pie

whipped cream filled with a mixture made from maple syrup,

mantecare Italy To whip or whisk
corn flour, butter and chopped nuts
maprao Thailand A young coconut

mantecato Italy 1. Softened 2. Pounded 3.


maque choux United States A sweet, highly

maque choux

Soft ice cream made by adding whipped

cream to ice cream seasoned Cajun dish of maize
maquereau France Mackerel

manteenmäti Finland The roe of the burbot


maquereaux au vin blanc France Mackerel

maquereaux au vin blanc

processed like caviar and very expensive

mantega Catalonia Butter
fillets poached in white wine and served cold
as a starter
mantega bean A bean from Chile which does
mantega bean

maracuya South America Purple passion fruit


not cause flatulence and which is being used

to breed more popular varieties with the grown in Columbia
maraîchère, (à la) France In the market

same properties
gardener’s style, i.e. garnished with salsify,
manteiga Portugal Butter

Brussels sprouts, potatoes, onions and

manteli Finland Almond

carrots. Used of meat.

mantelimassa Finland Marzipan

maräng Sweden Meringue


mantequilla Spain Butter


maranta Italy Arrowroot


manti Turkey Fresh ravioli, poached, drained Maranta arundinacea Botanical name

and coated with a sauce made from yoghurt, Arrowroot

melted butter, chopped garlic and paprika maraq al-bamiya Persian Gulf A stew of beef
maraq al-bamiya

mantis shrimp A large crustacean, Squilla

mantis shrimp

or lamb with okra, flavoured with onions,

empusa from the eastern coast of the USA garlic, tomatoes, sugar and baharat
marasche Italy Morello cherries

and S. mantis from the Mediterranean,

somewhat larger than a prawn and when maraschino A colourless liqueur flavoured

eating resembles a praying mantis. It is with maraschino cherries and their crushed
related to the crab but looks more like a kernels. Used for flavouring.
prawn. Usually only found where landed. maraschino cherries Cherries preserved in a
maraschino cherries

Cooked like prawns. red coloured sugar syrup flavoured with

manty Central Asia Steamed filled dumplings

almond oil, or in maraschino liqueur

from Uzbekistan made with a flour and water Marasmius oreades Fairy ring mushroom
dough, rolled out, cut in 10 cm circles each maratello rice Italy A moderately priced
maratello rice

of which is wrapped around a teaspoonful of semi-fino, oval, slightly sticky rice suitable for
filling and some butter. Usually served with minestrone
yoghurt or vinegar as a dipping sauce. marbled 1. Interspersed with long visible

man yu China Eel

man yu

flecks of fat, usually a sign of high quality in

manzana Spain Apple lean beef. The fat helps to prevent the meat

manzo Italy Beef from cattle under 4 years old

drying out. 2. In pastry or cake-making,
made from two contrasting coloured pastes
manzo alla certosina Italy Beef stewed with
manzo alla certosina

mixed together to resemble marble when

bacon, anchovies and herbs
manzo arrosto Italy Roast beef
manzo arrosto

marbrade France A dish from the southwest


manzo brasato Italy Braised beef

manzo brasato

consisting of a cooked pig’s head in aspic

manzo lesso Italy Boiled beef
manzo lesso

marbré France Striped bream


manzo salato Italy Corned beef

manzo salato

marc An alcoholic spirit distilled from the


manzo stufato Italy Stewed beef

manzo stufato

fermented skins and pips of pressed grapes.

manzo uso Italy Pot-roasted beef
manzo uso
Used as a cheap substitute for brandy.
marcassin France A young wild boar

maple sugar Canada, United States A solid

maple sugar

marchand de vin France Cooked with red

marchand de vin

sugar (saccharose) with a characteristic

flavour crystallized from the sap of the sugar wine and shallots, especially steak
marchand de vin, sauce England, France A
marchand de vin, sauce

maple tree, Acer saccharum

maple syrup Canada, United States A sweet
maple syrup
chasseur sauce based on red wine as well as
sugar syrup prepared from the sap of the stock
marche Lamb’s lettuce

sugar maple tree, Acer saccharum, which is

marchepain Marzipan

collected by boring a hole into the trunk

maréchal, à la France In the marshal’s style,
maréchal, à la

during March. Used as a sweetening agent

especially to produce a sauce for waffles and i.e. garnished with asparagus tips, truffles,
hot cakes. cockscombs and peas

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Maredsous Belgium A rectangular cows’ milk variety of dishes and as a garnish. The leaves

cheese similar to Saint-Paulin can be used sparingly in salads. Also called

marée France Fresh seawater fish and
calendula, pot marigold
Marille Austria Apricot

marees Middle East A mixture of date syrup mar i muntanya Catalonia A dish containing
marees mar i muntanya

and butter, used in Iraq in the same way as both seafood and meat (NOTE: Literally ‘sea
jam and mountain’)
Marengo See poulet sauté Marengo marinade England, France A mixture of
Marengo marinade

marennes France A variety of small oysters various tenderizing and flavouring agents,

margarine England, France A butter

usually including an oil, an acid such as
substitute made by hydrogenating liquid vinegar or lemon juice and a selection from
vegetable and deodorized fish oils to give a wine, sherry, yoghurt, coconut milk, fruit
fat solid at room temperature. Once thought juices and similar liquids, herbs, spices,
to be healthier than butter due to its lower seasonings and flavour enhancers such as
proportion of saturated fat. Unfortunately the soya sauce. Used to treat raw meat and fish
chemical processes produce fats which do for periods from an hour upwards to
not occur in nature (trans- as opposed to cis- tenderize, flavour and add moisture.
forms) which, although they do appear in Sometimes the strained marinade is used in
butter at a lower concentration, may be the resulting dish. The classic marinade
deleterious to health in some as yet unknown contains 1 litre of wine, 0.5 litres of vinegar
way. One of the more successful examples of and 0.2 litres of oil to 200 g of chopped
persuading the public to substitute a factory aromatic vegetables plus garlic, parsley
product for a farm-produced equivalent. stalks, bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves and
margarita Spain Golden carpet shell clam
may be cooked or uncooked.
marinades Canada Pickles

marge United Kingdom Margarine (colloquial)


marinar Spain To marinate


Margotin France A soft buttery cows’ milk


marinara Italy A rich tomato sauce prepared


cheese from Périgord, flavoured with pepper

or herbs very quickly from ripe tomatoes
Marguery, fish As for fish Bercy, but marinara, alla Italy In the sailor’s style, e.g.
Marguery, fish marinara, alla

garnishing the fish with cooked prawns and with seafood, or, of shellfish, simmered with
mussels before coating it with sauce and oil, wine, parsley and garlic
glazing marinare Italy To marinate

marha gulyás Hungary A goulash of diced

marha gulyás

marinate, to To treat raw meat, poultry, game

marinate, to

beef heart, ox liver and cows’ udder with or fish with a marinade
chopped onions and garlic sweated in lard, marinato Italy 1. Marinated 2. Pickled

flavoured with paprika, crushed caraway

mariné(e) France 1. Marinated 2. Pickled or

seeds and marjoram, seasoned and stewed

with tomato purée and water with diced
mariner France To marinate

potatoes and csipetkes

marinerad böckling Sweden Cleaned, filleted
marinerad böckling

marhahús Hungary Beef


Maribo Denmark A semi-hard, scalded-curd

and deboned (as far as possible) buckling,
open-textured cows’ milk cheese, cream marinated for 2 hours in oil, vinegar and
coloured with a slightly lactic flavour and seasoning, drained and garnished with
many small holes. The curd which is cast in chopped dill or chives
marinière, à la France In the boatman’s style,
marinière, à la

large rounds (up to 14 kg) is salted and

ripened for 3 to 5 weeks and covered in i.e. garnished with mussels. See also moules
yellow wax. The white paste has a mild to marinière
marinière, sauce France Sauce Bercy with
marinière, sauce

strong aromatic flavour depending on age.

Marie-Louise, à la France In the Marie-
Marie-Louise, à la
100 ml of reduced mussel cooking liquor per
Louise style, i.e. garnished with onion purée, litre and finished with 6 egg yolks per litre
marinieren Germany To marinate

artichoke hearts, mushrooms and potatoes

Marienhofer Austria A cheese from the mariniert Germany 1. Marinated 2. Pickled
Marienhofer mariniert

Austrian Tyrol resembling Limburger Marinierter Hering Germany Soused herring

Marinierter Hering

Marienkraut Germany Sweet marjoram


marinovannaia arbuznaia korka Russia

marinovannaia arbuznaia korka

marignan France A type of rum baba with an


Pickled watermelon rind from which all the

apricot glaze and filled with crème chantilly pink flesh and the green skin has been
marigold A hardy annual, Calendula

removed. It is brined (50 g per litre)

officinalis, grown as a garden plant. The overnight, drained and rinsed, boiled until
petals can be used to colour and flavour a soft in vinegar and water (2:1), sugar equal in

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weight to the rind added plus cinnamon, juice with water, shredded peel and a muslin
cloves, root ginger and allspice in a muslin bag containing all the pips, pith and excess
bag and all boiled until the rind is peel for several hours to extract pectin. The
transparent. The rind is then bottled with the muslin bag is removed, sugar added and the
reduced syrup and served on the hors whole boiled for a short time until it reaches
d’oeuvre (zakuski) table. setting point.
marinovannie griby Russia A type of marmalade pudding United Kingdom A
marinovannie griby marmalade pudding

mushroom à la grecque made with a variety pudding made from the basic steamed
of edible fungi cooked in wine vinegar and pudding mixture poured into a greased basin
water (3:2) with garlic, cloves, bay, salt, whose base is covered with marmalade
sugar and peppercorns, bottled in the marmalade sauce As apricot sauce but using
marmalade sauce

cooking liquor, covered with oil and marmalade in place of apricot jam. Served
refrigerated for at least 10 days before use with steamed and baked sponge puddings.
marisc Catalonia Seafood

Marmande A variety of large ribbed tomato up


mariscos Spain Shellfish


to 10 cm in diameter
maritozzo Italy A currant bun

Marmande farcie France A Marmande

Marmande farcie

marjolaine France 1. Marjoram 2. A pie case tomato stuffed with e.g. tuna, onion and olive

made of meringue mixed with almonds and oil or minced lamb and onion. Served as a
filberts, layered with chocolate, praline and starter.
butter cream marmelad Sweden Marmalade

marjoram The name given to species of


marmelada Spain Jam


Origanum, in particular Origanum majorana, marmelade France A thick purée of fruit


sweet or knotted marjoram; Origanum made by stewing until well reduced

onites, pot or French marjoram; and
Marmelade Germany 1. Jam 2. Marmalade

Origanum heracleoticum, winter marjoram.

marmellata Italy 1. Jam 2. Marmalade

See also oregano

marmelo Portugal Quince

Mark Germany Bone marrow


marmite 1. France A special metal or


market crab Dungeness crab

market crab

earthenware pot with a lid and handles used

market measure The system of volume
market measure

for long slow cooking 2. United Kingdom

measures used for large quantities of goods,
Marmite, the trade name for a thick dark
now in hectolitres (100 litres). In the pre-
brown extract of hydrolysed yeast protein
metric system the most common were the
used for spreading on bread or to flavour
bushel (equal to 8 gallons, either imperial or
soups, sauces and vegetarian dishes
US), the quarter (equal to 8 bushels), the
marmite dieppoise A fish soup made of sole,
marmite dieppoise

bag, sack, chest, hogshead and barrel.

Because many dry goods were originally sold turbot and red mullet cooked in mussel
by volume, the weights of a bushel and other liquor, white wine or cider and vegetables,
volume measures were standardized, e.g. a garnished with mussels, shrimps and
bushel of wheat equals 60 lb, of maize, 56 lb, finished with cream
marmitta Italy A cooking pot similar to a

of oats, 39 lb in the UK and 32 lb in the USA

and so on. See also liquid measure, dry marmite
marmora Italy Striped sea bream

measure, cup measure, can measure, volume

measure Marmorgugelhopf Austria A chocolate and

Markklössen Germany Bread dumplings


vanilla-flavoured cake
mixed with beef marrow. Served with Marmorkuchen Germany Marbled cake

consommé. maro Italy Pounded and sieved cooked beans


Markknochen Germany Marrow bone


mixed with chopped mint, garlic, cheese and

mark yang tong China Malt extract or maltose
mark yang tong

oil. Also called pestun de fave

Marlborough pie United States A blind-
Marlborough pie

marocaine, à la France In the Moroccan

marocaine, à la

cooked pie case filled with a mixture of style, i.e. garnished with courgettes, sweet
sweetened apple purée and cream flavoured peppers, saffron-flavoured rice and tomatoes
with nutmeg and sherry and thickened with Maroilles, Marolles Belgium, France A soft,

eggs. The whole baked until the filling sets. thick, square cheese from the
marlin A seawater game fish, Makaira

French/Belgian border region (Aisne and

nigricans (blue) and M. albida (white), with a Nord), pale yellow and slightly elastic with a
long pointed upper jaw. It is similar to the strong taste and smell. It is started with a
swordfish but with not so good a flavour. mixed culture of Streptococcus cremoris, S.
marmalade A jam made from citrus fruit, lactis, S. diacetilactis and Leuconostoc

especially Seville oranges, by boiling the citrovorum. The curd is drained, moulded

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and brined and kept so as to allow surface original marshmallow confection. The seeds
moulds and yeasts to develop when the rind and flowers are edible and the young leaves
becomes rough and red. It is ripened for 6 can be used in salads or steamed and served
months and brine-washed regularly. as a vegetable and were used as such by the
Contains 50% water, 25% fat and 23% ancient Romans. 2. A soft, sweet, opaque
protein and has appellation d’origine status jelly-like confection cut in 2 to 3 cm cubes
in France. Sold as a quart (180 g), mignon and rolled in icing sugar. Sometimes used in
(360 g), sorbais (540 g) and the full Maroilles desserts.
(720 g). marsh samphire Samphire, Salicornia
marsh samphire

Marone Germany Chestnut


marquise France A frozen dessert made from

Marsh Seedless The commonest variety of

Marsh Seedless

a fruit sorbet mixed with a liqueur and grapefruit grown worldwide since it keeps
whipped cream well and is easily processed for juice and
Marrajo Germany Porbeagle shark segments

marron 1. France Chestnut 2. Australia A fine- maru-kinkan Japan A round kumquat,

marron maru-kinkan

tasting crayfish, Cherax tenuimanus, from Fortunella japonica, weighing about 12 g and
Western Australia which weighs up to 2 kg grown mainly in East Asia. The rind is thinner
marrona Spain Chestnut

and sweeter than the nagami kumquat and

marroni Italy Chestnuts
has slightly more segments and seeds but is
marrons, purée de France Chestnut purée
marrons, purée de
otherwise similar. Also called oval kumquat
marula The light yellow, 3.5 cm-diameter fruit

with or without vanilla and sugar

marrons glacés England, France Shelled
marrons glacés
of a South African tree, Scelerocarya birrea,
chestnuts boiled in sugar syrup and drained with an intense fragrance and a white fibrous
for use as a dessert, as a decoration, or, flesh enclosed in a leathery skin with one
when puréed and sieved, as a flavouring and central stone. The stone contains 2 or 3
bulking agent for meringue and whipped kernels (marula nuts) slightly bigger than a
cream peanut and similar in shape to a pine nut.
marrons Mont Blanc France Chestnut purée
marrons Mont Blanc
The flesh is a good source of vitamin C and
heaped into a cone and topped with whipped the nut of protein. Not yet marketed
cream to resemble the mountain commercially.
Maryland United States Served in a butter

marrons plombières France Iced custard

marrons plombières

with chestnuts, rum, vanilla and kirsch and cream sauce. See also chicken Maryland
Maryland cookies Chocolate chip cookies
Maryland cookies

marrow 1. See vegetable marrow 2. The


marzapane Italy Marzipan


blood-forming tissue of the body which takes

marzipan A kneaded paste of ground

the form of pink pulpy material in the hollow

centres of some of the larger skeletal bones almonds and sugar bound with sugar syrup
especially thigh and leg bones. Beef marrow (at the hard crack stage) or white of egg or
is often poached in the bone wrapped in a whole egg, used for covering cakes or
cloth for an hour, for use as a garnish and producing various sweetmeats. Also called
sometimes served in the bone with a special marchpane, almond paste
metal scoop to extract it. Marzipan Germany Marzipan

marrow bone The large hollow bones of the

marrow bone

masa 1. Spain Dough 2. Mexico A cornmeal


skeleton which contain marrow, especially dough used for making tortillas, tamales and
the thigh bone of beef enchiladas
marrowfat pea The original European pea
marrowfat pea

masa harina Mexico A heavy type of white

masa harina

now grown mainly for canning, drying or to flour made from maize with a much larger
make mushy peas particle size than corn flour, treated with lime
Marsala Italy A sweet fortified wine from Sicily

water and used for making masa. See also

used to make zabaglione and for general nixtamal. Also called tamale flour
flavouring masala South Asia A general term for a

marseillaise, à la France In the Marseilles

marseillaise, à la

blended mixture of ground spices, either

style, i.e. garnished with tomatoes, produced commercially or in the home.
anchovies and olives. Used especially of Varieties include garam masala, chaat
steaks. masala and dhansak masala.
marsepein Netherlands Marzipan

masala dosa South Asia A South Indian

masala dosa

marshmallow 1. A tall hardy perennial, pancake made from a lentil flour and water

Althaea officinalis, from whose roots and batter which is allowed to ferment overnight.
leaves a thickening agent used to be After frying, it is stuffed with mashed potato
extracted which, with sugar, made the and spices.

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masar dal South Asia Split dehusked lentils Masnor Balkans A semi-hard cooked-curd
masar dal Masnor

which are pink and easy to cook. See also pear-shaped goats’ milk cheese made in the
masoor dal same way as Ricotta, dry-salted and ripened
mascarpone Italy A rich unsalted cream-
for 1 to 2 months
masoor South Asia Lentils either whole or

cheese-like confection made from cows’

cream heated to 90°C, curdled with citric or dehusked and split. See also saabat masoor,
tartaric acid, drained then beaten or masoor dal. Also called Egyptian lentils
whipped and eaten freshly made. masoor dal South Asia Split dehusked lentils
masoor dal

Sometimes flavoured with chocolate, coffee, which are pink and easy to cook
liqueur, brandy, etc. for use as a dessert. masquer France To mask or nap

Contains around 45% water, 45% fat, 7% massa 1. Portugal Noodles and other similar

protein and 2 to 3% lactose. Also called pasta products 2. Dough 3. Paste

Maschepone, Mascherpone
massa de pimentão Portugal A chilli pepper
massa de pimentão

Maschepone, Mascherpone Mascarpone


mascotte, à la France (of a roast joint)
mascotte, à la

massa folhada Portugal Puff pastry

massa folhada

Garnished with artichoke hearts, truffles and Masséna, à la France (of steak) Garnished
Masséna, à la

potatoes with artichoke hearts, béarnaise sauce and

masculini Italy Tiny anchovies from Sicily,

bone marrow
served with spaghetti massepain France 1. Marzipan 2. A cake

masgoof Middle East Fish from the River


made with marzipan

Tigris in Iraq, gutted and opened out, mast Iran Yoghurt

impaled on skewers, seasoned and Mastgeflügel Germany Corn-fed poultry of


barbecued slowly with the skin side away high quality

from the heat. When the flesh is cooked
mastic The resin exuded by the

through the skin side is placed on the

Mediterranean plant lentesk and other
glowing charcoal to crisp it. Served as is with
similar plants used as a flavouring in some
sliced onions, tomatoes and bread.
Greek dishes and in Turkish delight
mash 1. United Kingdom Seasoned boiled

mastice Italy Mastic


potatoes formed into a stiff purée with

mastique Spain Mastic

margarine or butter and milk. See also

Mastix Germany Mastic

bangers and mash 2. South Asia Black gram

mastokhiar Iran A light Iranian version of

mash, to To pound or process a soft fruit or

mash, to

vegetable to a smooth paste tsatsiki containing sultanas and chopped

cucumber combined with yoghurt and
mashamba East Africa, South Africa A type of

garnished with dry mint

pumpkin from Zimbabwe which resembles a
mastuerzo de jardín Spain Cress
mastuerzo de jardín

melon and has green flesh

mast va khiar Central Asia A cold yoghurt
mast va khiar

mashed potatoes Floury potatoes cooked in

mashed potatoes

soup from Iran rather like a thin tsatsiki, with

their jackets, skinned, dried over heat and
chopped green herbs, sultanas, spring
mashed with milk, butter (5:2:1) and
onions and hard-boiled eggs all let down with
seasoning until smooth and creamy 왍 See
iced water. It is also served as a salad
(borani) by not adding water.
mashkoul Persian Gulf Long-grain rice

masuka nani Japan A decorative carrot

masuka nani

cooked then mixed with finely chopped garnish made from a flat rectangle of carrot
onion that has been fried until crisp in oil. It part cut through from each of the two short
is served topped with more of the crisped ends and twisted so that one length is
onion. trapped between the two remaining
mashwi North Africa A Berber festive dish

ma taai China Water chestnut

ma taai

consisting of a whole lamb barbecued on a

matafan aux pommes France Sliced, peeled
matafan aux pommes

spit over a pit in the ground which is coated

and cored dessert apples mixed into a
inside and out and basted at 15 minute
baking powder raised batter flavoured with
intervals with a mixture of butter, cumin, salt,
brandy, cooked in a frying pan over a low
pepper and paprika. This gives it a rich crust.
heat for 30 minutes, turned, cooked a further
mask, to To cover or coat a piece of cooked
mask, to

15 minutes and served dredged with icing

meat, fish or similar item with a savoury sugar. Other fruit can be used. Also called
sauce, glaze or jelly or to coat the inside of a matefaim
mould with the same matambre Argentina A long thin slice of meat

maslina Russia Olive


rolled round a filling of spinach, onion rings,

maslo Russia Butter or oil

sliced carrots and quarters of hard-boiled

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eggs, simmered in stock until tender, added towards the end of the cooking
drained, cooled and sliced for use as an process.
appetizer matrimony vine Various shrubs of the genus
matrimony vine

matapa South Africa A dish from Mozambique


Lycium, related to the boxthorn, whose

consisting of cassava leaves cooked in a minty-flavoured leaves are used for tea and
peanut sauce, often with prawns or other to flavour soup. All parts of the plant are used
additions in Chinese medicine.
matar dal South Asia Yellow dal matsedeln Sweden Menu
matar dal matsedeln

matbucha North Africa A sweet tomato


matsoon Southwest Asia The Armenian term


chutney from Morocco for yoghurt

matefaim France Matafan aux pommes

matsuba Japan The pine needle garnish


matelote France A rich freshwater fish stew made from an 8 cm long halved piece of thin

made with wine, onions and mushrooms cucumber with many 0.5 cm deep
matelote blanche, sauce France Sauce
matelote blanche, sauce
longitudinal cuts made on the skin side
canotière with the addition of button onions followed by a series of oblique 2 cm slashes
glazed in butter and blanched button across the length, the slashes being pushed
mushrooms to alternate sides to give what looks like a
matelote d’anguilles France Eels stewed in a
matelote d’anguilles
series of rows of pine needles
matsutake Japan A dark-brown thick capped

wine sauce
matha South Asia Buttermilk
mushroom, Armillaria edodes, which grows
under red pine. They are very expensive and
matière grasse France Fat (indicating the fat
matière grasse

are eaten fresh and cooked very simply as a

content on a product) single dish. Also called pine mushroom
matignon France Minced or finely chopped

matsutake fu Japan Baked gluten dough cut

matsutake fu

aromatic vegetables used in the same way as to resemble mushroom slices and flavoured
a mirepoix and aromatized with an extract of matsutake
matisha mesla North Africa A Moroccan dish
matisha mesla

or shiitake mushrooms. Sometimes used in

of chicken cooked in a sauce of tomatoes, sukiyaki.
honey, ginger and cinnamon Matteuccia struthiopteris Botanical name
Matjeshering Germany Lightly cured young

The fiddlehead fern

virgin herrings which have not yet developed mattha South Asia Seasoned yoghurt

roe flavoured with dry-roasted cumin and

matjes herrings Gutted herrings if small or
matjes herrings

chopped fresh mint. May be let down as a

gutted and filleted if large, lightly cured in drink.
salt, sugar and saltpetre used in made-up mature Kept for a considerable time to

dishes or served with raw onion and boiled develop flavour especially of fermented and
potatoes (NOTE: Not to be confused with cured products such as cheese, salami, etc.
maatjes haring.)
matzo A large thin piece of very dry

matjessill Sweden Rinsed and wiped but not


unleavened Jewish bread eaten during

cleaned salt herring, layered in a pot with Passover. The bread is rather like a water
brown or granulated sugar and saltpetre biscuit or cream cracker. Crushed matzos
(140:1) and covered with milk for 3 weeks in are used in Jewish cooking. Also called
a cool place, then filleted as required. passover bread
Traditionally served on Midsummer’s day.
matzo meal, matzo mel Finely powdered
matzo meal

matjessill à la russe Sweden Fillets of

matjessill à la russe

matzos often used as a flour substitute in

matjessill covered with a sauce of Jewish cooking and as the equivalent of
mayonnaise mixed with French mustard, dried breadcrumbs
wine vinegar, sugar and cream and
maui onion United States A very mild sweet
maui onion

decorated with diced hard-boiled eggs,

chives, beetroot and capers onion from Hawaii which may be eaten raw
without treatment
mató Catalonia Fresh goats’ cheese usually

ma uk Thailand Hairy aubergine

ma uk

eaten with honey, sugar or jam

mau lai China Oyster
mau lai

matoke East Africa Previously fried onions,


Maultasche Germany A filling of minced


tomatoes, sweet peppers, chilli pepper and

spices are simmered in beef stock with pork, veal, brains, spinach, spices, etc.
seasoning and coriander leaves and, in wrapped in a thin sheet of noodle dough and
Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar, diced or braised in gravy
maund South Asia A unit of weight equal to 40

minced beef. Plantains which have been

chopped and marinated in lemon juice are seers, approximately 36 kg, 80 lb

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Mauritian jujube A species of jujube, maziwalala East Africa Fermented milk from
Mauritian jujube maziwalala

Zizyphus mauritiana. Also called Chinese Kenya (NOTE: Literally ‘sleeping milk’.)
date maziwa mabichi East Africa Curdled milk,
maziwa mabichi

maush Central Asia Mung beans


similar to cottage cheese. Also called gururu,

maushawa Central Asia A kind of thin stew or
maziwa ya robu
maziwa ya robu East Africa Maziwa mabichi
maziwa ya robu

thick soup from Afghanistan made by mixing

various kinds of cooked pulses and rice with mazoon Southwest Asia See matsoon

small spiced meatballs and chopped onion mazurek Poland A Polish cake made from a

fried in oil This is then simmered with flat pastry base spread with jam or vanilla
chopped tomatoes, water and dill and cream and sprinkled with dried fruit and nuts
finished with yoghurt
mazza bishurba Persian Gulf Lamb knuckles,
mazza bishurba

maust Central Asia Yoghurt


blanched then simmered with whole loomi,

Maximillian sauce Mayonnaise flavoured
Maximillian sauce

cinnamon quills, fried onions and baharat

with tomato purée and chopped gherkins, mazzacuogni Italy A Mediterranean king

capers and parsley, served with fish prawn. See also caramote
ma yau China Sesame seed oil
ma yau

mazzafegati Italy A pork liver and pine kernel


Mayence red sausage A type of fat sausage

Mayence red sausage

sausage from Umbria flavoured with fennel

or pudding from Germany consisting of the and garlic
chopped neck meat, rind and tongue of pig mazzancolla Italy A Mediterranean king

moistened with pigs blood, flavoured with prawn. See also caramote
white pepper, peppermint, cloves, marjoram
mbaazi wa nazi East Africa Soaked and
mbaazi wa nazi

and mace, stuffed into a pig’s stomach and

boiled until cooked cooked pigeon peas, cow peas, black eyed
peas or similar simmered in coconut milk
mayonesa Spain Mayonnaise

until almost dry. A fried chopped onion, chilli

mayonnaise See mayonnaise, sauce

and curry powder mixture is added and all

mayonnaise, sauce England, France Egg
mayonnaise, sauce

finished by simmering with thick coconut

yolks, vinegar, French mustard and milk for ten minutes.
seasoning combined, oil poured in slowly mbanga soup Central Africa Pieces of fresh
mbanga soup

with vigorous whisking until the consistency fish skinned and deboned, simmered in
of the resulting emulsion is as desired. More stock with onion, chilli pepper and seasoning
oil makes it thicker and stiffer, more vinegar for 10 minutes, moambé sauce added and
less so. Generally nowadays made with a simmered for a further 10 minutes, finally
blender. Served cold and used as a base for smoked or dried fish and dried shrimp
many other cold sauces. added and simmered for another 10 minutes
mayonnaise à la russe France Mayonnaise
mayonnaise à la russe

or until the soup is thick enough. Served with

whisked over ice with a little melted aspic rice, yams, plantain or fufu. Greens can also
jelly, tarragon vinegar and grated horseradish be added.
until frothy. Used for binding Russian salad, mbaqanga East Africa A yellow-fleshed

etc. pumpkin from Tanzania

mayonnaise chantilly France Sauce
mayonnaise chantilly

mbatata East Africa A type of soufflé dessert


chantilly from Malawi made from cooked sweet

mayonnaise collée England, France
mayonnaise collée

potatoes mixed with honey, brandy or sherry,

Mayonnaise mixed with melted aspic jelly butter, the zest and juice of an orange and
(7:3), used to bind vegetable salads or to egg yolk, the stiffly beaten egg white folded
coat à la russe, chaud-froid dishes. Also into the mixture and all baked at 200°C for
called jellied mayonnaise about an hour
mayonnaise verte France Mayonnaise mbika Central Africa Seeds of pumpkins etc.
mayonnaise verte mbika

coloured with a raw green purée of spinach, See also egusi

watercress, parsley or tarragon or any mboga East Africa Vegetables, usually

combination potatoes, carrots and onions in a meat gravy.

mayorana Spain Sweet marjoram

Served in Kenya.
Maytag Blue United States A local speciality mbuta Central Africa Capitaine
Maytag Blue mbuta

blue cows’ milk cheese from Newton, Iowa mchele East Africa Kenyan for plain white rice

mazamorra South America A sweet dessert


mchicha East Africa A type of spinach grown


made from chuño blanco, fruit and molasses in most gardens and much used in
mazapán Spain Marzipan

Tanzanian cooking
maziwa East Africa Milk m’choui North Africa Mechoui
maziwa m’choui

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mchuzi East Africa A beef and vegetable stew measuring spoon Plastic or metal, usually
mchuzi measuring spoon

lightly flavoured with curry powder hemispherical spoons used for measuring
mchuzi wa biringani East Africa A coastal small quantities of liquid or powder, graded
mchuzi wa biringani

Swahili standard curry made with aubergines one quarter, one half or one teaspoon (1.25,
and the usual sautéed onions, garlic, 2.5 or 5 ml), dessertspoon (10 ml) and
potatoes, tomatoes and tomato paste with tablespoon (15 ml)
curry spices, chopped ginger and chilli meat

meat 1. The edible muscle of any animal

peppers, cumin, coriander, turmeric, including vertebrates, invertebrates,
cardamom etc. all brought together and molluscs, crustaceans, etc. Sometimes used
simmered with coconut milk or yoghurt of soft tissues not necessarily muscular as in
mchuzi wa kamba East Africa As mchuzi wa
mchuzi wa kamba

molluscs 2. The central edible part of a fruit

samaki, but with peeled shrimps instead of or nut
fish. The shrimps are not precooked. meat birds Any paupiette of meat with a
meat birds

mchuzi wa samaki East Africa A fish curry

mchuzi wa samaki

savoury stuffing, usually browned then

from Zanzibar made from whole or filleted braised. Also called olive
firm fish, seared on the outside and steeped meat cleaver A heavy chopping implement
meat cleaver

in coconut milk and tamarind. Chopped which can cut through bone
onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, garlic and
meat extract The soluble components of
meat extract

spices are fried in the usual way then added

to the fish mixture and all simmered until the meat extracted by heating with water
fish is cooked through. Served with rice or sometimes under pressure above its normal
chapatis. boiling point, filtering off the debris and
reducing the solution to a thick dark syrupy
me Vietnam Tamarind

paste. Used for spreading, making drinks

meadowsweet A hardy perennial herb,

and as a flavouring.
Filipendula ulmaria, up to 1 m high, whose
meat glaze White or brown beef stock,
meat glaze

flowers give a slight almond flavour to jams

and fruit. Leaves may be added to soups. reduced by boiling until a sticky consistency.
(NOTE: Once used for flavouring mead and Used as a base for sauces or to improve their
called meadsweet, hence the current name.) flavour. Also called glace de viande
meat grading

meal 1. Any combination of foods eaten at a

meat grading United States Beef is graded in
single sitting 2. The ground edible parts of the USA as prime, choice, good, standard
any grain, seed, nut, etc. usually coarser and commercial or utility. See under each
than flour. The word is often added to the name. There are no official gradings in the
end of the seed’s name, e.g. wheatmeal, UK.
meat loaf Minced raw meat mixed with
meat loaf

oatmeal, cornmeal.
mealie meal South Africa Ground maize used
mealie meal

flavourings, seasoning and extenders, bound

to make a porridge, which is used as a staple with egg or flour, baked in a tin, demoulded
carbohydrate source and sliced. Served hot or cold.
mealie pudding Scotland White pudding meat pie A pie filled with precooked meat,
mealie pudding meat pie

mealie rice South Africa Crushed or cut

mealie rice

gravy, flavouring and seasoning prior to

maize made to resemble rice and used in the baking
same way meat press United States A heavy piece of
meat press

mealies Caribbean, South Africa Maize


metal with a heat-proof handle which is

mealy endosperm An endosperm with an
mealy endosperm

placed on food being cooked on a griddle in

open structure containing voids and which is order to maintain good contact between the
not very tough food and the hot surface and to prevent
mean see jiang China Soya bean paste
mean see jiang
meat safe A well-ventilated cupboard in a cool
meat safe

measuring cup The standard volume

measuring cup

measure used in North America and place with wire mesh or perforated metal
Australasia, equal to 236 ml and used in over all ventilation holes. Used to keep meat
recipes for both free-flowing solids and or other food in a relatively uncontaminated
liquids. Referred to as a ‘cup’, as in ‘2 cups state before refrigerators were in common
of flour’. use. Also called food safe
measuring jug A toughened glass, metal or meat tenderizer Some form of proteinase,
measuring jug meat tenderizer

plastic jug inscribed on the side with volume often from papaya or pineapple, which in a
measure usually in millilitres, litres, fluid water solution is used to break down the
ounces and pints. The ideal shape tapers muscle fibres in meat. Care must be taken
towards the base so that small quantities can not to use for too long as the enzymes are not
be measured accurately. used up and the meat may be reduced to

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soft slush. The enzymes can be deactivated reddish-brown skin, weighing normally
by heat or alcohol. around 2 kg. Often baked whole at 200°C
meat thermometer A metal thermometer with
meat thermometer

from 30 minutes to 1 hour if stuffed. Also

the measuring element in a sharp point and called rock bass
Mediterranean hare A strong-coloured small
Mediterranean hare

a circular indicating dial, placed with its point

in the thick part of a joint so as to indicate its hare, Lepus capensis, found in Spain and
internal temperature. Beef and lamb Mediterranean islands
temperatures are 51°C, 60°C and 70°C for Mediterranean mandarin The first mandarin,
Mediterranean mandarin

rare, medium and well done, pork and veal Citrus deliciosa, introduced to England from
are 75°C, chicken, ducks and turkey 80°and China in 1805, from where it spread to the
goose 85°C. Mediterranean and throughout the Western
mebos South Africa Pickled, sugared and world. The fruit is small to medium with a

dried apricots small, heavily furrowed neck and sometimes

mechanically recovered meat The waste
mechanically recovered meat
a navel. It peels very easily, the segment
meat, etc. left on animal carcasses and walls are fairly tough but the flesh is very
bones after trimming, removed as a soft pink juicy with an aromatic and sweet taste. It
slurry by subjecting the bones to very high does not ship or store very well. Essential oils
pressure under a piston. All the soft tissues are produced from the rind and the leaves
and marrow are squeezed out leaving bone and twigs. Also called willowleaf mandarin,
fragments behind. Abbreviation MRM thorny mandarin
Mediterranean medlar Azarole
Mediterranean medlar

mechoui North Africa A lamb, or occasionally


Mediterranean mussel A mussel, Mytilus

Mediterranean mussel

a young camel, roasted on a spit or baked in

a special oven and served whole to be carved gallaprovincialis, very similar to the common
at the table. Accompanied by ground cumin variety with an overlapping range
seed and bread. Mediterranean rocket See rocket
Mediterranean rocket

mechouia North Africa A Tunisian salad of Mediterranean squid The common squid,
mechouia Mediterranean squid

assorted vegetables Loligo vulgaris, traded in Europe and up to

Mecklenberg Germany A hard cheese made

50 cm in length
from skimmed cows’ milk Mediterranean sturgeon Common sturgeon
Mediterranean sturgeon

Mecklenburger Bratwurst Germany A Mediterranean sweet lime, Mediterranean

Mecklenburger Bratwurst Mediterranean sweet lime

Bratwurst made of equal parts of lean and fat sweet limetta Tunisian sweet limetta
pork, seasoned, spiced and moistened with medium-fat Containing between 10% and

brandy 20% butterfat according to type. Used e.g. of

Mecklenburger Leberwurst Germany A liver cheese, yoghurt.
Mecklenburger Leberwurst

sausage of coarsely minced pig’s liver mixed medium oily Containing between 2% and 6%
medium oily

with chopped boiled breast of pork, pork fat or oil. Used of fish flesh.
kidney, tongue and back fat, pepper, allspice medium rare Cooked so that the centre of the
medium rare

and powdered sage, filled into casings, meat is just pink but set. Used of steaks.
boiled in the cooking liquor, refreshed then medium syrup See syrup
medium syrup

dried and smoked

medium white sauce United States A sauce
medium white sauce

medaglioni Italy 1. Small slices of fillet steak


made with a blond roux and with a liquid to

or slices of veal 2. Medallions flour ratio of 14:1
médaillon France Medallion

medivnyk Russia A rich, heavily spiced and


medallion A small round piece of tender meat


fruited, chemically raised honey cake for

easily cooked by frying or grilling, especially Christmas made with creamed butter, brown
of beef or veal. Also called médaillon sugar and egg yolks mixed with a molten
Médici, à la France Garnished with artichoke
Médici, à la

honey, spice and baking soda mixture then

hearts, peas, carrots, turnips and sometimes flour, yoghurt and cottage cheese with
tomatoes. Used of steak. (NOTE: Named after orange zest are alternately folded in followed
Catherine de Médici.) by the fruit and stiffly beaten egg whites. All
medio Portugal Medium cooked. Used of

baked in a tube tin, cooled, brushed with

steaks, meat, etc. honey and matured for several days.
medjool North Africa A particularly fine date

medister pølse Denmark A sausage made

medister pølse

with pork and pork fat with the possible from the Mahgreb
addition of beef, seasoned, packed into 4 cm med-kha-noon Thailand A kind of dessert

diameter casings and hot smoked. May be which looks like jackfruit seeds
fried, grilled or boiled. medlar A small brown fruit about the size of an

Mediterranean grouper A grouper, apple from a deciduous tree, Mespilus

Mediterranean grouper

Epinephelus caninus, with a grey-green to germanica, which grows in temperate

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climates. The sharp-flavoured flesh can be mehraz North Africa A heavy brass mortar

eaten raw if very overripe (bletted), i.e. after and pestle for pounding spices and herbs
the first frost; otherwise they are used to mei fun China Rice vermicelli
mei fun

make jam. mei gee China Rice paper

mei gee

medvurst Sweden A Rohwurst similar to


mei jing China Monosodium glutamate

mei jing

Mettwurst usually moistened with stock and

mein jin pau China Small balls of cooked
mein jin pau

brandy.and either hot or cool-smoked. May

gluten dough which are deep-fried and may
be eaten raw or cooked in any way.
be added to soups and stews
mee krob Thailand Deep-fried puffed-up rice
mee krob

mein noodles Chinese egg noodles

mein noodles

noodles mixed with stir-fried fish, pork and

meiwa kumquat A hybrid kumquat,
meiwa kumquat

vegetables flavoured with lemon juice,

vinegar and sugar and garnished with strips Fortunella margarita x F. japonica, grown in
of egg omelette, chopped spring onions and China and Japan. It is larger than either of
coriander leaves. Also called mi krob the parent species, has a thicker peel and
fewer seeds, is the sweetest of the three and
meenchi Sri Lanka Mint

is considered to be the best eating variety.

mee noodles Chinese egg noodles
mee noodles

Also called large round kumquat

Meer Germany Bass, the fish

mei zi China Prunes

mei zi

Meeraal Germany Conger eel


mejillón (plural mejillones) Spain Mussel


Meerbarbe Germany Red mullet


mejillones rellenos Spain Stuffed and baked

mejillones rellenos

Meerengel Germany Angel fish


Meerfenchel Germany Samphire, Crithmum

mejiso Japan Shiso seed sprouts used as a


maritimum garnish
Meerpolyp Germany Octopus

mejorana Spain Marjoram


Meerrettich Germany Horseradish


mekabu Japan The root or thickened base of


Meersalz Germany Sea salt


wakame used whole or shredded in stews or

Meerschildkröte Germany Turtle as a separate vegetable

mel Catalonia, Portugal Honey


mee siam Malaysia A noodle dish made by

mee siam

frying a pounded mixture of spring onions, mela Italy Apple


red chillies and shrimp paste in oil, adding melaço Portugal Molasses

mashed soya beans, sugar, fried onions and melacotogna Italy Quince

coconut milk, simmering, then adding rice

melagrana Italy Pomegranate

vermicelli, dried shrimp powder, fried bean

melancia Portugal Watermelon

curd and peeled and fried shrimps. The

mélange France Blend or mixture

whole is heated through, seasoning

melanger France To mix or blend

corrected, finished with lime juice and

garnished with sliced hard-boiled eggs and melanzana Italy Aubergine

shredded spring onions. melanzane alla finitese Italy A Calabrian

melanzane alla finitese

meggyleves Hungary A cold summer soup


dish of aubergines stuffed with cheese, basil

based on cherries and peppers and deep-fried
megrim A rather dry sinistral flat-fish,

melão Portugal 1. Melon 2. Bread roll


Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis, lacking in any melassa Italy 1. Treacle 2. Molasses


distinctive flavour of its own. Requires a mélasse France 1. Treacle 2. Molasses


strong-tasting sauce. Also called whiff

Melasse Germany 1. Treacle 2. Molasses

mehemalou Iran Cubed lamb or mutton,


melaza Spain 1. Treacle 2. Molasses


marinated in lemon juice with chopped

Melba sauce A sweet sauce made from
Melba sauce

onions, bay leaf, garlic, cloves and

peppercorns; meat drained, floured and puréed and sieved fresh raspberries. Used
browned then simmered in stock with salt, on fruit sundaes and similar desserts.
Melba toast Very thin (3 mm) slices of bread,
Melba toast

sugar and saffron; stoned prunes and raisins

added at the half-cooked stage; and the dried and browned in the oven or under the
sauce finished with grape juice syrup. grill. Served with soup or as a base for hors
Served with a topping of dry-roasted almond d’oeuvre and appetizers.
melboller Denmark Dumplings

Mehl Germany Flour Melbury England A soft mild white mould-
Mehl Melbury

Mehlpüt Austria Stewed pears with sweet

ripened cheese with a mellow taste and
dumplings formed in the shape of a loaf
mele alla certosa Italy Baked stuffed apples
mele alla certosa

Mehlspeise Austria A sweet pastry dish or


melegueta pepper Grains of paradise

melegueta pepper


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mele in gabbia Italy Apple dumplings (NOTE: meloen Netherlands Melon

mele in gabbia meloen

Literally ‘apples in a cage’.) melokhia A plant related to okra. See also


meli Greece Honey meloukhia


melon Denmark, England, France, Norway,


melilot A hardy biennial, Melilotus officinalis,


whose faintly aromatic leaves are used to Spain, Sweden The fruit of a climbing annual
flavour the Swiss cheeses Gruyère and vine, Cucumis melo, related to cucumber. It
Sapsago. It may also be used in small is round or oval with a hard thick skin
amounts in sausages, stuffings and enclosing a thick layer of sweet (when ripe)
marinades. Also called sweet clover juicy flesh with a mass of inedible seeds at
Melilotus coeruleus Botanical name Blue the centre. The three principal types are
melilot cantaloupe, winter and musk. See also water
Melilotus officinalis Botanical name Melilot melon. Also called sweet melon
melon baller A parisienne cutter used to
melon baller

melindres de Yepes Spain Dessert fritters

melindres de Yepes

melinjo Indonesia The small red fruit of a tree,

make melon balls
melón de agua Spain Watermelon
melón de agua

Gnetum gnemon. The kernel and its

melón de verano Spain Cantaloupe melon
melón de verano

covering are used to make emping melinjo

and the young flowers and leaves are used as melone Italy Melon

a vegetable, raw or cooked. The ripe peel is Melone Germany Melon


fried in oil and served with rice as a side dish. melon pear Pepino
melon pear

The immature nuts can be added to soup.

meloukhia Egypt, Middle East A plant,

Also called belinjo, blindjo

Corchorus olitorius, related to okra and
melissa Lemon balm

hibiscus. The leaves, which are used in

Melissa officinalis Botanical name Lemon cooking and soup-making, release a
balm gelatinous thickening agent similar to that
melitzanes Greece Aubergine

from okra. See also molohia. Also called

melitzanes me domata Greece A type of
melitzanes me domata

melokhia, molokhia, jew’s mallow, naita jute,

ratatouille made from chopped onions tussa jute
softened in olive oil mixed with chopped Melrose pudding Scotland A pudding made
Melrose pudding

tomatoes and peeled garlic cloves, with self-raising flour, eggs, butter, sugar and
simmered 15 minutes, diced grilled ground almonds (8:4:4:3:2) made by the
aubergine which has previously been salted creaming method and with sufficient milk
and drained added and the whole simmered added to make it of dropping consistency.
over a low heat until all tender Put in a buttered pudding basin lined with
melitzano salata Greece 1. A salad made
melitzano salata
halved glacé cherries and steamed for 2
from chopped cooked aubergine, onions, hours.
melt The spleen of an animal, sometimes

garlic and tomatoes, garnished with black

olives, parsley and rings of sweet green classed as offal. Also called milt
pepper and dressed with oil, vinegar, lemon melt, to To convert a solid to a liquid by
melt, to

juice and seasoning 2. Roasted aubergine heating

flesh puréed to a fine paste with chopped melted butter sauce See beurre fondu
melted butter sauce

onions, garlic, skinned tomatoes, oil, lemon melting cake method A method of making
melting cake method

juice and fresh herbs, spread over a flat dish, cakes such as parking by melting and mixing
covered with olive oil and garnished with together all liquid, liquefiable and soluble
olives. Served as a starter with pitta bread. ingredients such as fat, sugar, milk, etc., but
melk Netherlands, Norway Milk

not eggs, then folding in the sieved dry

melkbrood Netherlands Milk bread, i.e. made

ingredients and beaten eggs if any

with milk instead of water melting moments Small crisp round biscuits
melting moments

melkchocolade Netherlands Milk chocolate


covered with oats which melt in the mouth

melktert South Africa A corn flour thickened Melton Mowbray pie England A raised pork
melktert Melton Mowbray pie

and sweetened egg custard made with egg pie from Leicestershire, with a flavoured
yolks, flavoured with cinnamon. The egg chopped (not minced) pork filling flavoured
whites are whisked to a peak and folded into with ground mace and ground ginger
the cooled custard which is then put into a melu Italy Blue whiting, the fish

pastry case and cooked in the oven with a membrillo Spain Quince

topping of cinnamon and sugar. men China Red cooking


melò Catalonia Melon


mendoan Indonesia A fermented paste similar


melocotón Spain Peach


to tempe made from the residual solids after

melocotón en almíbar Spain Peach in syrup
melocotón en almíbar

making bean curd and from peanuts. It has

369 Page 370 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

mendo limón

a finer texture than tempeh and is usually merendeiras Portugal Small fresh 50 g ewes’

fried. milk cheeses kept in olive oil prior to sale

mendo limón Spain Lemon sole
mendo limón

(NOTE: Literally ‘intended for lunch’.)

merguez France, North Africa A highly spiced

menegi Japan The very young shoots from a


spring onion that is grown to a maximum short stumpy beef or lamb sausage from
height of 8 cm. Used as a decoration and Algeria, now popular in France and generally
garnish for sashimi and sushi. Chives can be in North America. Usually grilled.
merica cabai Indonesia White pepper
merica cabai

merica hitam Indonesia Peppercorn
merica hitam

menestra Spain Stew


merienda Spain Snack


menestra a la castellana Spain Meat and

menestra a la castellana

meriendas Philippines Tapas-like dishes


vegetable stew in a wine and tomato sauce

meringato Italy With meringue

menestra de legumbres frescas Spain

menestra de legumbres frescas

Mixed cooked vegetables with a poached meringue England, France A whisked mixture

egg of egg white and caster sugar in which a

menjar blanc Catalonia Almond blancmange
menjar blanc
large amount of air is incorporated. The
mennola Italy Picarel, a type of sea bream
mixture is dried in a slow oven. The principal
types are meringue suisse (often known
menrui Japan Noodles

simply as meringue), meringue cuite, Italian

men-ryori Japan Noodles

meringue and American meringue. All are

menta Italy, Spain Mint, the herb

shaped before drying and all use about 50 g

menta piperita Italy Peppermint of sugar per egg white.
menta piperita

Mentha Botanical name Mint meringue

meringue cuite

cuite France Professional

Mentha aquatica var. citrata Botanical meringue made by whisking the egg whites
name Lemon mint over a boiling bain-marie whilst incorporating
Mentha pulegium Botanical name the sugar. It is harder, whiter and more
Pennyroyal powdery than meringue suisse and requires
Mentha raripila rubra Botanical name Red more care and intenser mixing, but keeps
raripila spearmint better.
Mentha requiena Botanical name Corsican meringue suisse France Meringue in which
meringue suisse

mint half the sugar is incorporated during

Mentha spicata Botanical name Spearmint whisking, the remainder being folded in. The
Mentha suaveolens Botanical name mixture is firm and glossy. Also called Swiss
Applemint meringue, meringue
Mentha x gentilis ‘variegata’ Botanical merinhe Italy Meringues

name Ginger mint merise France Wild cherry


Mentha x piperita Botanical name merlan France, Spain Whiting


Peppermint merlano Italy Whiting


menthe poivrée France Peppermint

menthe poivrée

merlo marino Italy Wrasse, the fish

merlo marino

menthe verte France Spearmint, garden mint

menthe verte

merlu France Hake


mentonnaise, à la France In the Menton

mentonnaise, à la

merluche France 1. Dried cod or stockfish 2.


style, i.e. garnished with vegetable marrow or Hake

courgette, potatoes and artichokes. Used merluza Spain 1. Haddock 2. Cod 3. Hake

especially joints of meat. merluza a la plancha Spain Hake cooked on

merluza a la plancha

menu 1. France Meal or diet 2. England,


a griddle
France A list of foods available at a restaurant merluzzo Italy Hake

or eating establishment with the prices of

merluzzo comune Italy Cod
merluzzo comune

individual dishes or of whole meals and the

mermez North Africa A mutton stew from

conditions of sale, or the list of items at a

meal without prices if a formal meal where Tunisia
mero Spain Mediterranean grouper

the participants do not pay at the time

mérou France Mediterranean grouper

Menü Germany Fixed-price menu


mersin Turkey Smoked swordfish


menudillos Spain 1. Giblets 2. Offal


Mesambryanthemum crystallinum
menudo Spain A maize and tripe stew

Botanical name Iceplant

menukort Denmark Menu

mescal Mexico The generic name for all


merca Italy Grey mullet boiled in a court


spirits distilled from the fermented sap of the

bouillon then rolled into a cylindrical shape agave plant of which there are over 300
with a coating of herbs varieties. Generally produced in the southern
merenda Italy Snack, light meal

states of Mexico and may be bottled there or

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shipped in bulk for bottling elsewhere. Also transported in the blood to the cells of the
called mezcal. See also tequila (NOTE: The body, into new or repaired cell material and
practice of putting into the bottle the butterfly tissues and energy
larva, Hipopta agavis, which feeds on the metagee Caribbean A traditional stew from St

agave plant was started in the USA in the Lucia made from cubed salt beef sautéed
1940s as a marketing ploy. It is known as with garlic and onions in coconut oil, saltfish,
gusano de maguey, ‘worm of the agave’, and green bananas and seasonings added, then
may be gold or the more prized red.) in order according to cooking time, potatoes,
mesclun France A mixed green salad from pumpkin, plantain, okra and tomato followed

Provence by coconut milk and chilli peppers. It is then

mesentery A deep frilly fold in the interior
cooked a further 20 minutes or so.
metatartaric acid See E353
metatartaric acid

lining of the abdominal cavity (the

peritoneum) which is used to keep the metate Mexico A large stone with a dished

intestines in position and attach a part of upper surface used for grinding grains and
them to the back wall. Also called mudgeon, spices using a mano
frill, crow metchnikoff Russia A soured milk product

Meshanger Netherlands A soft cows’ milk


named after the Russian bacteriologist who

cheese with a delicate tasting and smooth isolated the important bacterium
paste covered with a thin natural rind. Lactobacillus bulgaricus used for yoghurt
Contains 53% water, 23% fat and 21% and similar products
protein. metété Caribbean A type of risotto from

mesi Finland Honey


Martinique using fried meat, fish or shellfish,

mesimarja Finland The honey berry or arctic

often crab meat, with onions, garlic, chillies

bramble, found in the Arctic and used for and rice, flavoured with herbs and using
flavouring vegetable or other stock. A more French
mesocarp Albedo

version of the West African jollof.

methai South Asia Indian sweetmeats often

Mesost Sweden A cows’ milk whey cheese


made in the same way as Gjetöst based on evaporated or condensed milk. See
Mespilus germanica Botanical name Medlar also mithai
methe South Asia Fenugreek

mesquite United States A tree whose wood is


used as part of barbecue fuel to add a strong methi ka beej South Asia Fenugreek seeds
methi ka beej

flavour to the food cooked over it methi ka saag South Asia The leaves of
methi ka saag

mesquite bean The seeds of various spiny fenugreek with a bitter taste and strong
mesquite bean

shrubs, Prosopis glandulosa, P. juliflora and aroma. Often cooked with starchy root
other species, mainly used as cattle fodder vegetables. The bitter taste disappears on
but also ground for pinole. cooking.
mess A portion of food for 2 to 4 persons methis Indonesia Fenugreek
mess methis

served on a trencher in medieval times methods of cookery See under particular

methods of cookery

messicani Italy Stuffed paupiettes of veal class of items to be cooked such as biscuit,

messina cob Turkish hazelnut

messina cob
cake, fish, meat, etc.
metre The normal measure of length

mesticanza Italy A dressed mixture of tender


salad leaves approximately 3 feet 3 inches, abbreviated

metabisulphites Salts similar to the sulphites
m, divided into centimetres (cm) (100 per
and hydrogen sulphites used both as metre) and millimetres (mm) (1000 per
sterilants and food preservatives. Sodium- metre). One inch is approximately 2.5 cm,
metasulphites, E223, and potassium- one foot 30 cm and one yard 91 cm.
metasulphites, E224, are used in the food Metroxylon sagu Botanical name Sago palm
metso Finland Capercaillie, the game bird

metton France A spread made from

metabolism The process of converting


circulating blood components derived from evaporated whey similar to a soft Gjetöst.
food or the breakdown of body tissues, Made in the Jura.
mettre en boîte France To can
mettre en boîte

principally fats, sugars and amino acids, into

new or repaired body tissues and into energy Mettwurst Germany A Rohwurst of equal parts

by chemical reaction and conversion in the of lean pork, lean beef, and fine diced fat
body’s cells. The end products of these bacon, seasoning, spices such as cloves,
reactions are transported by the blood and paprika and nutmeg and a little sugar and
excreted via the lungs, skin or kidneys. saltpetre, filled into casings, cooled and
metabolize, to To convert food, which has dried then dry-cured with salt, sugar and
metabolize, to

been broken down in the gut and saltpetre for 2 days, retied and cool

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smoked.It may be coarse-textured (grosse mezze Greece, Turkey A selection of small


Mettwurst) or smooth and fine textured dishes of food similar to hors d’oeuvres,
(feine Mettwurst). Cooked in any way. Also appetizers or tapas served as starters or as a
called Metwurst main meal. Both hot and cold dishes are
Metwurst Germany Mettwurst served with pitta bread. Also called mezes,

Metzithra Greece A Cretan cheese

mezzefegati Italy Mazzafegati

meunière, à la France Cooked in butter and

meunière, à la

mezze penne Italy Short pasta quills

mezze penne

finished with beurre noisette or lemon juice

mezze ziti Italy Long lengths of macaroni
mezze ziti

and chopped parsley. Applied especially to

shallow-fried fish. slightly thinner than ziti mezze. See also ziti
mezzi rigatoni Italy Ridged pasta tubes
mezzi rigatoni

meunière, fish Shallow-fried fish cooked à la

meunière, fish

meunière. See also amandes, fish aux, belle mezzo Italy Half, semi-

meunière, fish, doria, fish, grenobloise, fish, mfumbwa Central Africa The leaves of a forest

bretonne, fish plant eaten as a vegetable. See also afang

meunière butter sauce Clarified butter
meunière butter sauce

mhaans turcarri khasta South Asia A

mhaans turcarri khasta

heated until it just starts to brown then piquant mutton curry made by cubing and
cooled with lemon juice and finished with piquéing mutton, rubbing in a pounded
parsley and ground white pepper. Used with paste of minced onion, black pepper,
fish. Also called meunière butter, beurre paprika, dry-roasted mustard seeds and
noisette ground cinnamon with oil, leaving 2 hours
meurette France A mixture of fish stewed in then layering the meat in a buttered pan with

red wine from Burgundy onion rings, ground fenugreek, chopped

Mexi-bell pepper United States A mildly hot
Mexi-bell pepper
ginger and garlic, finishing with onion rings
sweet pepper-sized capsicum and chopped mint. This is covered with
Mexicaine, à la France In the Mexican style,
Mexicaine, à la
mutton stock and simmered until the meat is
i.e. garnished with tomatoes, mushrooms, tender, skimming and adding stock to keep
sweet peppers, rice and sometimes the level high. Finally it is mixed, a little
aubergine asafoetida added, and the whole kept warm
for 15 minutes before serving. See also
Mexican bean Red kidney bean
Mexican bean

Mexican black bean See black bean
Mexican black bean

mhaans turcarri sadah South Asia A simple

mhaans turcarri sadah

Mexican lime West Indian lime

Mexican lime

mutton curry made by browning chopped

Mexican saffron Safflower
Mexican saffron

onion in ghee and reserving, browning the

Mexican tea Epazote trimmed and cubed shoulder of mutton in
Mexican tea

Mexican yam bean Jicama

Mexican yam bean
the same ghee for 10 minutes, adding
mexikansk vårkyckling Sweden Mexican
mexikansk vårkyckling
turmeric and ground coriander, and cooking
spring chicken made from pot-roasted and briefly. The reserved onion and cayenne
boned poussins laid on a sort of risotto made pepper are added and cooked briefly, then
with half and half wild rice and short-grain seasoned, and a little water added to deglaze
rice, separately cooked with chopped fried the pan. The whole is then covered with
onion, mushrooms and green and red sweet water and simmered until the meat is tender,
peppers plus petit pois and chopped parsley. and finished with chopped parsley or
Served with a red wine sauce. coriander leaf and kept warm for 15 minutes
before serving. Potatoes may be added
mexilhão Portugal Mussel

towards the end. See also turcarri

meyve Turkey Fruit

mhannsha North Africa A large coil of pastry


mezcal See mescal


dusted with icing sugar. From Morocco.

mezclar Spain To mix or blend

(NOTE: Literally ‘the snake’.)

meze, mezes A selection of small dishes of mhon-la-u Burma Mooli
meze mhon-la-u

food similar to hors d’oeuvres. See also mi Vietnam Wheat flour noodles

mezze miascia Italy A baked bread pudding from


mézeskalacs Hungary Honey cake


Lombardy containing apples, pears, raisins

mezethes Greece Appetizers and herbs

miaso Russia Meat


mezzaluna Italy A two-handled crescent-


shaped chopping knife which is rocked back miata Russia Mint


and forth over the food to be chopped. Michaelmas United Kingdom The feast of St

Versions with two and more blades are Michael on the 29th of September regarded
available. Also called hachoir as being the end of the harvest, used as an
mezzani Italy Pasta tubes

adjective to describe particular food served

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to celebrate the occasion such as middellandse-zeetapijtschelp Netherlands


Michaelmas goose Carpet shell clam

Michaelmas goose England A traditional middle See ox casings
Michaelmas goose middle

Devonshire method of roasting a stuffed middle bacon Bacon from the centre of the
middle bacon

goose by basting it with its own fat and pig combining streaky and back bacon. May
dredging it with seasoned flour at half-hourly be sliced for rashers or stuffed, boiled or
intervals to form a thick crust. This crust baked.
would be eaten with the goose and its gravy middle gammon A lean cut of bacon from
middle gammon

or, if the person were rich, fed to the dogs. between the corner gammon and the hock
miche France A cob or round loaf

middle neck of lamb United Kingdom The

middle neck of lamb

Michelin guide United Kingdom One of the

Michelin guide

cutlets, rib bones, vertebrae and longitudinal

restaurant guides to whom complaints and muscles which lie between the best end and
experiences may be sent. Address: Michelin the scrag end (neck) behind the shoulder.
Tyre plc, Tourism dept., 38 Clarendon Rd., Used for stewing or sometimes passed off as
Watford, Herts WD1 1SX. (NOTE: The other cutlets.
guides with the same status are the Egon middle rib of beef United Kingdom The 3rd
middle rib of beef

Ronay and Good Food Guides.) to the 6th ribs of beef counting from the head
mi-chèvre France Cheese made from a

end. Used as a second class roasting joint or

mixture of goats’ and cows’ milk containing for braising, e.g. beef olives.
at least 25% goats’ milk midolla Italy Crumb of a loaf, flesh of a fruit

Michigan banana Papaw

Michigan banana

midollo Italy Bone marrow


microcrystalline cellulose E460(i), a very

microcrystalline cellulose

mie France The soft crustless interior of white


finely divided form of cellulose used to add bread

bulk and fibre to slimming food, convenience miel France, Spain Honey

foods, desserts and the like miele Italy Honey


microcrystalline wax See E907

microcrystalline wax

mien bao China Bread

mien bao

microorganism A microscopic form of life


mien see China Yellow bean sauce

mien see

such as a bacterium, virus, yeast etc. mien tiao China Noodles

mien tiao

microwave cooker A small oven fitted fitted

microwave cooker

Miesmuschel Germany Mussel


with a timer, power variation and sometimes

miette France Crumb

elaborate programmers, which cooks by

mi fan China Rice
mi fan

subjecting the food to very high frequency

miga Spain Crumb

electromagnetic radiation (microwaves)

migas 1. Spain A Spanish breakfast dish

similar to radio waves, generated in a

magnetron and piped to the oven through a consisting of fried breadcrumbs, flavoured
wave guide. The microwaves are contained with garlic, bacon and peppers 2. Portugal
within the cooking chamber by the reflective Tender cubed lean pork and beef, coated
walls but are absorbed by the food, which with massa de pimentão overnight and each
should be contained in materials such as sautéed separately in olive oil and bacon fat
ceramics, glass and plastics which do not until brown. The pan juices deglazed with
absorb microwaves and so do not water, mixed with fried diced bacon, sweated
themselves get hot. See also microwaves garlic and chunks of moistened stale bread,

Very-high-frequency seasoned as required, beaten until fluffy and

electromagnetic radiation used to heat up served with the beef and pork. 3. Portugal
and cook foods. Microwaves transfer their Panada
migiod Wales Yeast buns

energy to food by causing certain types of

migliaccio Italy Pig’s blood mixed with a

molecules to vibrate at their frequency. They

are generally absorbed in the first cm of the variety of nuts, spices, dried vine fruits,
surface and hence solid food to be cooked honey, etc. and baked in a tart or fried as a
should be less than 2 cm thick or well stirred flat cake. Also called sanguinaccio alla
from time to time if contained in a deep fiorentina (NOTE: From central Italy)
container. Microwaves are reflected off metal miglio Italy Millet

surfaces but isolated metal within an mignardise France Small and dainty made-

enclosure will heat up and sometimes cause up dishes

sparking. mignon France 1. Small and dainty especially

microwave thermometer A thermometer

microwave thermometer

when applied to cuts of meat, e.g. the small

without any metal parts which can be used muscle in a chicken breast or the small end
inside a microwave cooker of a fillet of beef (NOTE: Literally ‘dainty’.) 2. A
middag Denmark, Norway, Sweden Dinner

smaller size of Maroilles cheese

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mignonette France Small round fillets of lamb atmosphere, usually in the form of green

mignonette pepper Coarsely crushed white

mignonette pepper
furry blotches, each of which has grown from
peppercorns. Also called shot pepper a single organism
mil folhas Portugal Flaky pastry, millefeuille
mil folhas

Mignot France A cheese from Normandy


milho Portugal Maize


similar to Livarot
milk The liquid food provided by all mammals

mignuic, mignule Italy Pasta curls served with


sauces or cheese. See also cavatieddi for new-born young, consisting of a water
mihun Indonesia, Malaysia Rice vermicelli
solution of sugars and proteins with
mi-iro gohan Japan Boiled rice dressed with
mi-iro gohan
emulsified fats, various minerals, vitamins
the cooking liquor from the meat served in and health protective substances. The most
individual dishes with petit pois, seasoned important milk in cooking is from the cow,
egg scrambled with a little sugar and minced but milk from sheep, goats, buffalo, camels
topside of beef, lightly cooked with soya and horses, etc. is used in various cultures,
sauce, salt, sugar and dashi, all arranged especially for cheese and yoghurt
decoratively on top of the rice manufacture. Cows’ milk is available with
various fat contents and in various forms.
mijin-giri Japan Finely shredded or brunoise

The first milk drawn at a particular time from

a mammal is usually high in sugar and low in
mi jiu China Yellow rice wine
mi jiu

fat and becomes progressively less sugary

mijo Spain Millet

and more fatty as the glands are emptied,

mijoter France To simmer or cook very slowly

thus allowing some control over quality.

mikan Japan Mandarin orange, often milk bread A white yeast-raised bread
mikan milk bread

hollowed out and used as a dish e.g. for containing about 6% of dried milk by weight
orange-flavoured jelly or seafood of the dry ingredients
mike cho China Rice vinegar milk chocolate A high sugar content (greater
mike cho milk chocolate

mi krob Deep-fried puffed-up rice noodles

mi krob

than 48%) chocolate confectionery with

mixed with stir-fried fish, pork and added milk solids
vegetables. See also mee krob milk-fed lamb 3 to 4 week old, unweaned
milk-fed lamb

milagia podi South Asia A condiment from

milagia podi
lamb weighing 4 to 5 kg. Usually born in
the south made from dry-roasted sesame winter and raised indoors on milk only.
and coriander seeds, red chillies and black Should be eaten fresh not more than 3 days
gram, dehusked chick peas or similar and all after slaughter. Also called house lamb
milkfish Bangus

coarsely ground. Used on bread or

vegetarian snacks. milk pudding Grain, either whole or ground,
milk pudding

milanaise, à la France In the Milan style, i.e. and other starch products cooked in
milanaise, à la

garnished with spaghetti or macaroni, sweetened milk, e.g. rice pudding, semolina,
tomato sauce and ham or tongue or panéed sago, tapioca
with breadcrumbs and grated cheese prior to milk substitute Creamer
milk substitute

frying milk sugar See lactose

milk sugar

milanese, alla Italy In the style of Milan, i.e.

milanese, alla

mill An implement used to reduce a solid to a


panéed, fried in butter and finished with fine powder, as with pepper, salt crystals,
lemon. Used especially of escalopes and coffee, spices, etc.
liver. mill, to To reduce foods to a powder or paste,
mill, to

Milanese soufflé Lemon soufflé

Milanese soufflé

generally by grinding or squeezing the

Milch Germany Milk

material through close, counter-rotating or

milchig A Jewish term describing food moving metal, stone or other hard solid

containing or derived from dairy products, or plates, rollers or discs

equipment used in preparing such food. See millassata Italy A cheese omelette from Sicily

also fleishig filled with artichokes and asparagus

Milchrahmstrudel Austria Strudel pastry millefeuille France Cream slice. Also called
Milchrahmstrudel millefeuille

wrapped round a light curd cheese and Napoléon (NOTE: Literally ‘a thousand leaves
baked in a cream sauce or sheets’.)
mild-cure Cured by the quick method using a mille foglie Italy Puff pastry
mild-cure mille foglie

solution of salt, saltpetre, flavourings and millet England, France The general name for

sometimes polyphosphates, which is either a variety of small seeds produced by grasses

injected into the food or in which the food is used as food sources for both humans and
immersed animals. Millets tend to be drought and
mildew A fungus which grows on the surface

waterlogging resistant and hence important

of food exposed to a warm humid food sources in drought prone or marshy

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areas. Millet has a delicate bland flavour and the stationary disc may be of various sizes to
is cooked as any other grain. See common give varying degrees of size reduction.
millet, sorghum, finger millet, kaffir corn, minchet abesh East Africa Minced beef or
minchet abesh

bulrush millet, hungry rice, etc. lamb in a hot berbere sauce from Ethiopia
milo maize United States A variety of
milo maize

Mineiro Frescal Brazil Queijo Minas frescal

Mineiro Frescal

sorghum, Sorghum vulgare subspecies mineola A variety of tangelo


glabrescens, used to make sorghum flour mineral hydrocarbons Highly purified oils
mineral hydrocarbons

milt 1. Soft roe 2. See melt


derived from crude oils with high boiling

milza Italy Spleen, occasionally fried with

points and usually colourless and

herbs and anchovies transparent. Technical white oils come in a
milzschnittensuppe Italy Beef broth served range of viscosities. The highest-viscosity oil

with fried bread spread with a mixture of is called liquid paraffin. Once used as fat or
minced spleen with eggs and garlic oil substitutes in slimming foods since they
Milzwurst Germany A Bavarian veal sausage
are not metabolized. Used as release agents
usually fried in butter, probably contains to prevent dried vine fruits sticking together.
spleen See also E905
minerals The name given to various metals

Mimolette France An Edam-type cows’ milk


cheese coloured a dark orange and other elements usually in the form of
mimosa A garnish or decoration made by
salts, oxides or organic compounds which
forcing hard-boiled egg yolk through a sieve are necessary for health. See under
to resemble the petals of the mimosa flower individual names e.g. calcium, chromium,
copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium,
mince The name given to any foodstuff

selenium. Those required in very small

processed by a combination of chopping and amounts are called trace elements.
crushing as in a mincer, especially for meat
mineral water See carbonated water
mineral water

and dried vine fruits. See also minced meat,

miner’s lettuce Winter purslane
miner’s lettuce

minestra 1. Italy The first course of a meal

mince, to To reduce the size of solid or semi-

mince, to

solid foodstuffs by a combination of after the antipasto either soup, pasta, rice,
chopping and crushing usually in a mincer gnocchi or similar 2. Catalonia Vegetable
or food processor stew
minestra asciutta Italy Dry minestra, i.e.
minestra asciutta

minced meat Meat which has been finely

minced meat

divided by being chopped or passed through pasta, rice, etc. eaten with a fork, not a spoon
minestra col battuto alla romana Italy Soup
minestra col battuto alla romana

a mincer. Used in stews, hamburger, pies,

etc. Mincing converts tough meat into a with pasta containing ham fat, onions and
more palatable and tender form. Also called garlic
minestra di riso alla cappuccina Italy Thick
minestra di riso alla cappuccina

ground meat
mincemeat A mixture of dried vine fruits,
rice soup with pounded anchovies
minestra in brodo Italy Pasta or rice cooked
minestra in brodo

chopped mixed peel, apples and suet, with

sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, grated lemon in broth
zest, lemon juice and sometimes spirits all minestrina Italy A light broth

passed through a mincer, allowed to mature minestrina tricolore Italy Potato soup
minestrina tricolore

and used as a filling for mince tarts and other garnished with diced cooked carrots and
sweets, cakes and puddings chopped parsley
mince pie A small round pastry tartlet with a
mince pie

minestrone 1. Italy A substantial thick, mixed


pastry top, filled with mincemeat, baked and vegetable soup with the addition of some of
sprinkled with icing sugar. Also called mynce pasta, rice, beans and potatoes in many local
pie, shred pie variations. The UK version is given in the next
mincer A culinary implement used for

entry. 2. United Kingdom A soup made from

mincing, consisting of a barrel with a hopper paysanne-cut mixed vegetables sweated in
above possibly tapering towards one end, oil without colour, white stock, a bouquet
into which fits a well-fitting scroll feeder with garni and seasoning added and simmered
a pitch which reduces towards the output 20 minutes, peas and diamond-cut green
end. When the scroll is turned either beans added and simmered 10 minutes,
manually or mechanically it forces food paysanne-cut potatoes, short lengths of
towards the output end slightly crushing it. A spaghetti, tomato purée and diced, skinned
knife with three or four blades rotates with and deseeded tomatoes added and
the scroll and cuts the crushed food as it is simmered until all cooked. A processed
forced through a stationary circular disc mixture of fat bacon, garlic and parsley
containing a number of holes. The holes in formed into pea-sized balls dropped into the

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minestrone alla milanese

boiling soup, the bouquet garni removed and mirasol Spain Sunflower

all served with grated Parmesan cheese and mirchi South Asia Chilli peppers

toasted slices of French bread. mirepoix England, France A mixture of rough


minestrone alla milanese Italy The classic

minestrone alla milanese

cut aromatic vegetables used as a bed on

minestrone with tomatoes, peas, beans, which to braise meats and to flavour sauces.
courgettes, potatoes, cabbage, bacon and Often browned in fat in the oven before use.
rice, often served at room temperature or
mirin Japan A sweet rice wine used almost

exclusively for cooking and not classed as an
minestrone alla sarda Italy A minestrone
minestrone alla sarda

alcoholic drink. Used in basting sauces to

with beans, chick peas, potatoes, cabbage, give food a translucent glaze. A well-
fennel, pasta and pork flavoured sweet sherry with a little extra
Ming dynasty egg Chinese preserved eggs
Ming dynasty egg

sugar may be substituted. Also called

minhota, à Portugal In the style of Minho, i.e.
minhota, à

honmirin, Japanese sherry, sweet sake

with chopped ham and vinho verde mirliton 1. Choko 2. France A small almond-

miniature corn Small (up to 10 cm long) cobs

miniature corn

flavoured pastry cake from Normandy

of sweet corn used as a vegetable and eaten miroton France A dish of boiled beef warmed

whole. Also called baby corn up with an onion and mustard sauce. Also
Minneola A variety of tangelo

called boeuf miroton

Minnesota blue United States An American
Minnesota blue

mirride odoroso Italy Sweet cicely

mirride odoroso

copy of Roquefort cheese, but made from

mirtilli Italy Bilberries

cows’ milk instead of ewes’ milk

mirto Italy, Spain Myrtle

Minnesota slim United States A moist, open-

Minnesota slim

mirto holandés Spain Bog myrtle

mirto holandés

textured cows’ milk cheese coloured orange,

mirugai Japan A gaper clam, Tressus keenae,

which easily melts

mint A large group of hardy herbaceous
around 14 cm across and 9 cm thick with a
perennials of the genus Mentha, which large projecting syphon, The syphon is
interbreed readily to form hybrids. Generally skinned and used for sushi, sashimi and
up to 1 m high with oval pointed aromatic sunomono but is very chewy. The rest is also
leaves, deep veined and set in pairs up a eaten but is has a poor flavour. Also called
square green to purple stalk. Some varieties mirukui
mirukui Japan Mirugai

are variegated (two colours). All are edible

save that penny royal should only be used in mischen Germany To mix or blend

small quantities. See also Mentha mischiare Italy To mix or blend


mint sauce United Kingdom Chopped mint

mint sauce

Mischling Austria A hard scalded-curd


leaves, macerated with boiling water and strong-flavoured mountain cheese made
sugar and combined with an equal amount from cows’ milk coagulated with a natural
of vinegar. Served with roast lamb. lactic starter. The paste contains a few
mintuba Central Africa Treated cassava

irregular shaped holes and cracks but the

tubers. See also bâton de manioc rind is dry, hard and unbroken.
minute France Cooked quickly

mise en place England, France The

mise en place

minute steak Lean pieces of beef which have

minute steak

collection, weighing and preparation of all

been passed through rollers covered with ingredients for a recipe before it is
sharp projections. These have the effect of assembled and cooked (NOTE: Literally
breaking down the fibres in the steak so that ‘putting into place’. It is an essential in a
it cooks quickly when grilled or fried. Also commercial kitchen and will save time in a
called flash-fry steak domestic situation.)
minyak kelapa Indonesia, Malaysia Coconut
minyak kelapa

miser’s feast Wales A very simple traditional

miser’s feast

oil dish from 19th-century Carmarthenshire

Minze Germany Mint, the herb

consisting of peeled potatoes and sliced

miolos Portugal 1. Brains 2. The soft crumb

onions seasoned, covered with a piece or

inside a loaf of bread slices of bacon, a small amount of water
Mirabeau, à la France Garnished, especially added and all covered with a lid and
Mirabeau, à la

of grilled meats, with anchovies, olives and simmered until the potatoes are cooked and
pats of anchovy butter most of the water absorbed. The potatoes
mirabelle France A small, golden, cherry-
and onions were mashed with a little of the
sized variety of plum, Prunus insititia, very liquid for one meal and the bacon eaten with
popular as a dessert fruit in Europe, also the boiled potatoes the next day.
Mish Egypt A soft buffalo milk cheese which is

alcoholic liqueur made from the same. Also

called golden gage kept for up to a year in salted buttermilk

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mizuna greens

mishkaki East Africa Beef kebabs in which either chopped or whole. Also called

the beef has been marinated for several Japanese parsley, trefoil
hours in a mixture of ginger, tomato, garlic, Mittagessen Germany Lunch

tamarind paste, curry powder and seasoning miúdos Portugal Giblets


processed in a mixture of oil and water. miveh dami Central Asia An Iranian rice, meat
miveh dami

Popular all along the coast. and fruit dish, made like a risotto by frying
miso Japan A dark brown salty paste tasting

onion and diced lamb or veal in clarified

rather like soya sauce. It is made by a two butter and adding cinnamon, sour cherries,
step fermentation first producing koji from chopped walnuts, currants, chopped dried
grains or beans then fermenting the koji apricots and washed basmati rice with
mixed with mashed, well cooked soya beans enough water to cook on a low heat in a
and salt, stirring at intervals. It is aged for up tightly closed pan
to 3 years. Used as a flavouring and mix A mixture of dry ingredients to which

condiment. A good source of B vitamins. See water, milk, eggs or a combination of these is
also hatcho-miso, inaka-miso, shinshu-miso, added and the result may be eaten as is, left
shiro-miso. Also called bean paste, bean to set, or further cooked, e.g. bread mix,
sauce soup mix, cake mix
miso-dengaku Japan Grilled, skewered and

mix, to To combine two or more ingredients so

mix, to

coated with a sweetened miso that they are intimately and irrevocably
misoltini Italy Salted and dried agoni. Also

called missoltitti mixed grill A mixture of small portions of
mixed grill

miso-ni Japan Cooked in miso various grilled meats, offal, bacon, ham,

miso-ramen Japan A white curly noodle

sausage together with grilled mushrooms
containing the cream coloured miso and tomatoes, served as a main meal or
breakfast dish
miso-shiru Japan A traditional soup made

mixed herbs Mixtures of dried herbs supplied

mixed herbs

from kombu and shiitake mushrooms

simmered in dashi and finished with for flavouring, often proprietary brands
shredded spring onions, diced bean curd formulated for different applications such as
and red miso. It must not be boiled at the sausages and the like
mixed salad An assortment of raw or cooked
mixed salad

finishing stage.
Mispel Germany Medlar
vegetables, leaves, fruit, cheese, sometimes
with cooked fish, shellfish, meat, offal or egg
missoltitti Italy Misoltini

assembled together as a single dish of

misticanza Italy Mixed salad

attractive appearance and treated or served

misto Italy Mixed

with a suitable dressing. Served warm or

mistol jujube Argentinian jujube
mistol jujube
mixed spice Mixtures of ground spices
mixed spice

misto mare Italy Mixed fried seafood

misto mare

miswa Philippines Fine white wheat flour

supplied for flavouring, often proprietary
noodles similar to hiyamugi noodles. Sold in brands formulated for various cakes,
biscuits, desserts, etc.
bundles and should be cooked carefully to
mixed vegetable soup See potage paysanne
mixed vegetable soup

avoid breaking up.

mixer Any hand-operated or machine

mithai South Asia Indian sweetmeats made in


various ways but often based on evaporated operated implement used for mixing
or condensed milk (khoya) and nuts. Also ingredients ranging from a simple spoon to a
called methai complex food processor. See also whisk, food
processor, blender
mitha nimboo South Asia Sweet lime
mitha nimboo

Mizithra Greece A Ricotta-like cheese made


mithia tiganita Greece Cooked mussels,

mithia tiganita

from the whey remaining after conventional

battered and deep-fried at 180°C. Served cheese making with ewes’ milk
with lemon wedges.
mizu Japan Water

mitili Italy Mussels


mizuna Japan A bitter leaf used as a herb


mititei Romania Skinless sausages flavoured


mizuna greens An annual or biennial oriental

mizuna greens

with garlic and ground caraway seed and brassica, Brassica rapa var. nipposinica, with
containing bicarbonate of soda which gives dark green, glossy, almost feathery leaves
them an unusual texture and flavour with white stems which form large rosettes
mitmita East Africa A hot yellow chilli pepper

rather like endive but not bitter. They may be

from Ethiopia eaten at any stage of growth up to 10 weeks
mitsuba Japan A herb resembling Italian

and are cooked as a vegetable or the young

parsley whose leaves are used as a garnish tender leaves used in salads.

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m’jadarah Middle East Sliced onions fried mock cream A creamed mixture of fat and
m’jadarah mock cream

until crisp in olive oil, most removed and sugar, mixed with a corn flour thickened
drained and reserved, cooked lentils and rice milk-based white sauce. Used as a cake
added to the leftover oil and onions with filling especially in the UK during World War
cinnamon, allspice and pepper and cooked II.
until dry. Served covered with the reserved mock hollandaise See Dutch sauce
mock hollandaise

crisp fried onions. mock turtle soup England Soup made from
mock turtle soup

mjölk Sweden Milk


stock derived from calf’s head, aromatic

mjuka småfranska Sweden Soft bread rolls
mjuka småfranska

vegetables and turtle herbs, strained,

mkate mayai East Africa A light wheat flour
mkate mayai

thickened and coloured brown, garnished

pancake wrapped around fried eggs and with diced lean meat from the calf’s head
fried minced meat, from Kenya. Also called moda, à Portugal In the style of
moda, à

egg-bread moda di, alla Italy In the style of

moda di, alla

mkate wa ufute East Africa A type of flat

mkate wa ufute

mode, à la 1. France In the fashion 2. United

mode, à la

bread from Zanzibar made with a yeast States Served with a scoop of ice cream 3.
raised flour batter (equal parts of milk and France With carrots, onions and a calf’s foot
water), fried in oil like a pancake and braised in wine. Used of beef dishes.
sprinkled with sesame seeds mode de, à la France In the style of
mode de, à la

moa luau United States A Hawaiian dish of

moa luau

moderne, à la France In the modern style, i.e.

moderne, à la

diced boiled chicken mixed with cooked taro garnished with cauliflower sprigs coated with
leaves, butter and seasoning cheese sauce, tomatoes and duchesse
moambé sauce Central Africa A sauce made
moambé sauce

from palm nuts boiled in water until the skin moelle France Bone marrow

comes off, drained, mashed into a pulp,

moelle, sauce France Bordelaise sauce
moelle, sauce

mixed with water and strained through a

finished with poached and diced bone
sieve to remove skin and kernels. The pulp
marrow and chopped parsley
and oil are then cooked until thick to make
moeum spey sar Cambodia Mooli
moeum spey sar

the sauce. Used as a base for many soups

mofo South Africa The traditional bread of

and stews. Also called nyembwe sauce, palm

butter Madagascar, usually baguette-shaped
Moghul masala A mild Indian spice blend
Moghul masala

moa niu United States A Hawaiian dish of

moa niu

boiled chicken in a white sauce placed in a containing green cardamoms, cinnamon,

halved coconut shell still containing coconut black peppercorns, mace and cloves
mo gwa China Bitter gourd
mo gwa

flesh, covered in cooking foil and baked in a

bain-marie in the oven mohali mandarin Ponkan mandarin
mohali mandarin

mocetta, la Italy 1. A large salami 2. Dried

mocetta, la

mohingha Burma A spicy fish soup based on


salted chamois or goat flesh served in very coconut milk with local vegetables, served
thin slices as an antipasto with noodles, hard-boiled eggs, raw onions,
Mocha A strongly flavoured coffee. The word chillies and lemon. The national dish of

is also used for a mixture of coffee and Burma.

chocolate flavours used for cakes and mohi shekumpour Central Asia A large fish,
mohi shekumpour

puddings and sometimes the cake itself. slashed and marinated in lemon juice and
mochi Japan Steamed glutinous rice pounded oil, the cavity stuffed with chopped spring

to a smooth paste and made into small sweet onions and herbs mixed with some of the
or savoury cakes or dumplings. May be marinade, and baked at 190°C for about 45
grilled and served with soya sauce. minutes. From Iran.
mochi-gome Japan A very small grain moh lung ye baw Burma Small flour and
mochi-gome moh lung ye baw

glutinous rice. Used to make mochi cakes. grated coconut dumplings filled with jaggery
mochiko Japan Ground mochi-gome used as
and cooked in a sauce based on coconut
a thickening agent milk. Eaten to celebrate the cutting of a
mochomos Mexico Cooked, shredded and
baby’s first tooth, which meant it had
crisply fried meat survived the first hazardous months of life.
mock crab England Chopped hard-boiled egg
mock crab Also called teething cake
Mohnbrötchen Germany Poppy seed rolls

and egg yolk mixed with grated red Leicester

Mohnkipfel Germany Poppy seed crescent

cheese and shredded cooked chicken breast

bound with a mixture of cooked egg yolk, rolls
Mohnkuchen Austria, Germany A cake made

mustard, anchovy essence, butter and

pepper. Rested, then presented on crab from a base of white yeast-raised dough
shell and garnished as for dressed crab. topped with a sweet rich mixture containing

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poppy seeds. Served in pieces dredged with mixture of sugar, invert sugar and other plant
icing sugar. derived components and minerals. Cane
Mohnsamen Germany Poppy seed
sugar molasses are used to produce treacle.
Mohnspielen Germany Christmas bread
Beet sugar molasses contains too many
soaked in milk and sprinkled with poppy bitter and astringent beet compounds to be
seeds, currants and sugar palatable.
molasses sugar A fine grained unrefined
molasses sugar

Mohnstriezel Germany Poppy seed cake


made from a yeasted egg and butter sugar containing a large admixture of
enriched stiff dough, rolled in a ball, molasses so that it is very soft. Used in cakes
submerged 5 to 8 cm below cold water and and puddings.
Molbo Denmark An Edam-type cows’ milk

left until it rises above the surface; dried,

punched down and kneaded and allowed to cheese covered in red wax
prove; rolled into a 6 mm thick rectangle mold United States Mould

about 25 by 40 cm and covered with a filling Moldavia Russia A hard smoked scalded-

of ground poppy seeds, raisins and almond curd ewes’ milk cheese made in the form of
nibs (5:3:1), mixed with an egg yolk- a cylinder (up to 25 kg). Contains 42% water,
enriched and sweetened béchamel with 31% fat and 25% protein.
stiffly beaten egg whites folded in at the end; mole Mexico As mole poblano, but with added

then brushed with melted butter. The tomatoes, thickened with tortillas and
rectangle is rolled from either short side like sweetened with raisins. Also called molli
palmiers and baked seam side down at
moleas de vitela Portugal Veal sweetbreads
moleas de vitela

190°C until golden brown and crusty.

moleche Italy Small shore crabs cultivated in

Möhre Germany Carrot


the Venice lagoon and eaten just after they

Mohrenkopf Germany A Genoese sponge

have shed their shells and before the new

cooked in hemispherical moulds. Two placed shells have hardened
together with a chocolate filling and covered
moleche alla muranese Italy Moleche
moleche alla muranese

with whipped cream. (NOTE: Literally ‘Moor’s

floured, egged and fried
moleche ripiene Italy Moleche, killed by
moleche ripiene

Mohr im Hemd Austria A chocolate pudding

Mohr im Hemd

being left in beaten egg for 2 hours, then

topped with ice cold whipped cream and
covered with hot chocolate sauce (NOTE: floured and fried
molee South Asia A dish of fish or meat

Literally ‘Moor in a shirt’.)

containing thick coconut milk in the sauce
Mohrrüben Germany Carrots

which is usually made from sweated onions,

moilee South Asia A dish of fish or meat

garlic, chillies and fresh ginger with spices to

containing thick coconut milk in the sauce. which the coconut milk is added. The fish or
See also molee meat are then cooked in this sauce without
moi-moi West Africa A dish based on black-

boiling. Also called moilee

eyed peas, soaked, skinned and ground. See mole poblana con guajalote Mexico Boiled
mole poblana con guajalote

also moyin-moyin turkey served with mole or mole poblano

moisten, to To add a little liquid to a dry
moisten, to

mixture of foods so as to soften or flavour it, mole poblano Mexico A sauce made from
mole poblano

but not so as to be able to see free liquid deseeded chile poblano puréed and fried
moist sugar United States Muscovado sugar
moist sugar

with onion, coriander and garlic and

moixama Catalonia Thinly sliced, dried and

combined with a small amount of

cured, e.g. of fish or meat unsweetened chocolate. Individual cooks
mojama Catalonia Thinly sliced, dried and may add other chillies for their own special

cured. Used e.g. of fish or meat. flavour.

mojettes France White cooked haricot beans, moler Spain To grind
mojettes moler

eaten warm or cold as a salad molho Portugal A bunch


moka France Mocha


môlho Portugal 1. Gravy 2. Sauce


moke-kaung Burma Ridged sand clam


môlho branco Portugal White sauce

môlho branco

Mokka Germany Mocha


môlho de maças Portugal Apple sauce

môlho de maças

molahu kozhambhu South Asia A well-

molahu kozhambhu

mølja Norway Cod steaks boiled in water and


seasoned and spiced soup made with served with sliced, cold, boiled cod’s roe and
yoghurt, coconut, lentils and tamarind a sauce made from boiled cod’s liver heated
thickened with a little rice flour with onion and water and the oil which floats
molasses The thick brown drainings from raw

on the top of the water in which the liver is

and recrystallized sugars which is a complex boiled

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moll de roca

moll de roca Spain Red mullet, Mullus colour to the rice which is used to make ang-
moll de roca

surmuletus kak or rice wine. See also red rice

molle, molletto Italy 1. Soft 2. Soft-boiled mondé(e) France 1. Hulled. from monder, ‘to
molle mondé

mollejas Spain Sweetbreads

hull’. 2. Formed into a round ball shape e.g.
mollet France Soft or soft-boiled, especially of
when a tomato is cored and skinned
mondeghili Italy Meatballs from Lombardy

molletto Italy Molle
made with minced beef and cheese then
panéed and fried
molli A sauce made from deseeded chile

Mondseer Austria A semi-hard, cooked-curd


poblano. See also mole, mole poblano

mollica Italy Crumb
cows’ milk cheese made with a lactic starter.
The cheeses are brined then ripened for up
molls a la brasa Catalonia Red mullet cooked
molls a la brasa

to 8 weeks. The supple yellow paste contains

over an open flame small irregular holes and is enclosed in a thin
mollusc The general term for a creature with

dry rind. The taste varies from mild to

a soft body and a hard either external or piquant depending on age.
internal shell, but which is not segmented.
mongete Spain Dried kidney bean. Also called

Many molluscs live in the sea. Molluscs are

divided into univalves (gastropods) with a
mongetes tendres i patates Catalonia
mongetes tendres i patates

single solid external shell, bivalves which

have a hinged two part external shell and the French beans and potatoes
mongo-ika Japan Cuttlefish strips used for

cephalopods, some of which have an

internal shell. flavouring stocks and soups
Mongolian barbecue An upwardly convex
Mongolian barbecue

molluschi Italy Molluscs


mollusk United States Mollusc

domed steel plate set over a fierce heat
molohia Egypt A thick green soup made by
source and usually with a gutter round the
boiling finely chopped meloukhia leaves (or edge. Finely chopped foods (often self
spinach beet if not available) in stock and selected by the guest) are cooked rapidly on
adding chopped garlic and ground coriander the plate in small quantities. Said to be
seeds fried in butter. Sometimes named after derived from the upturned shield on which
the vegetable. Mongolian horsemen cooked their food. Also
called Genghis Khan griddle
molokhia A plant related to okra. See also

Mongolian fire-pot See Mongolian hot pot

Mongolian fire-pot

Mongolian hot pot A large pot with a funnel
Mongolian hot pot

moloko Russia Milk


through the middle somewhat like a ring

molt fet Catalonia Well done. Used of meat.
molt fet

mould, and with a burner below which uses

molto cotto Italy Well done, cooked through
molto cotto

the funnel as a flue. Food is cooked at the

molva occhiona Italy Ling, the fish
molva occhiona

table, possibly a stew or a stock into which

momendofu, momentofu Japan Bean curd

finely sliced raw meat is briefly dipped as in

which has been strained through cloth, flying lamb slices. Also called Mongolian fire
slightly pressed and presented in cubes or pot
similar monguete Spain Dried kidney bean

momiji-oroshi Japan A mixture of finely


mong yau China Caul

mong yau

grated mooli and red chillies served wet as a

monkey bread 1. Baobab 2. United States A
monkey bread

condiment or dry after expelling the juice

sweet bread made by placing separate
through a cloth. The juice may be used for
pieces of dough at random into a bread tin
flavouring other dishes. The grating of the
and baking. The bread may be enriched and
chillies is achieved by inserting the long red
variety into holes pierced in the mooli then
monkey nut Peanut
monkey nut

grating the combination.

monkfish 1. A round seawater fish, Lophius

Momordica charantia Botanical name The

bitter gourd piscatorius, with a large ugly head and very
Momordica cochiniensis Botanical name fine-tasting white tail flesh often used as a
The spiny bitter gourd substitute for scampi. The whole tail can be
Momordica muricata Botanical name roasted like a leg of lamb. The fish can grow
Kantola up to 2 m in length and 30 kg, but is usually
Monarda didyma Botanical name The herb sold smaller. It is found in the Mediterranean
bergamot and the Atlantic. Also called anglerfish,
Monascus purpureus A fungus used in goosefish 2. A name sometimes given to the
addition to the alcohol producing angel fish, a type of shark
monk’s hotchpotch See ghiveci cǎlugǎresc
monk’s hotchpotch

microorganism to impart a purplish red

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Monmouth pudding Wales A pudding made Montecenisio France, Italy A soft blue
Monmouth pudding Montecenisio

with soft white breadcrumbs, sugar, butter cheese made with cows’ milk possibly mixed
and strawberry jam into which beaten egg with goats’ milk from the region west of Turin
whites are folded and all baked together monter France To increase the volume of an

món ngôi Vietnam A cold dish of food ingredient by whipping to incorporate air
món ngôi

monoacetin See glycerol monoacetate monter au beurre England, France To add

monoacetin monter au beurre

Monoatriumglutamat Germany Monosodium

butter to a sauce at the last moment to give it
glutamate a sheen
Monterey Jack United States A scalded-curd
Monterey Jack

monopotassium glutamate See E622

monopotassium glutamate

monosaccharide A simple sugar consisting of

bland Cheddar-like cows’ milk cheese made
a 6-membered ring structure. The important in dessert, semi-hard or grating textures
monosaccharides in food are glucose, depending on the ripening time. The grating
fructose and galactose which in various version is known as Dry Jack. Originally from
combinations form most of the sugars, Monterey, California.
starches and carbohydrates found in food. Montia perfoliata Botanical name Winter
monosodium glutamate The white crystalline
monosodium glutamate
Montmorency, à la France 1. Dishes
Montmorency, à la

sodium salt of the amino acid, glutamic acid,

a constituent of proteins now produced by dedicated to the Montmorency family
fermentation. It has a distinctive meaty taste especially various cakes and sweet and
in itself but is used to enhance the flavour of savoury dishes containing Montmorency
other foods especially in Chinese cooking cherries 2. Garnished, especially steaks, with
and in convenience foods. See also E621. artichokes, carrots, potatoes and sometimes
Also called MSG, aji-no-moto, taste powder, with Madeira sauce
Montmorency cherry A particularly prized
Montmorency cherry

gourmet powder, ve tsin

monounsaturated As polyunsaturated but
variety of cherry used in many sweet and
only one carbon atom has less than two savoury dishes
Montoire France A mild, pleasant-tasting

hydrogen atoms or other groups attached

monounsaturated fat A fat or oil which
monounsaturated fat
goats’ milk cheese from the Loire
montone Italy Mutton

contains a single unsaturated (i.e. double)

Montpellier butter This butter without the oil
Montpellier butter

bond in the chain of carbon atoms which

make up the fatty acid part. Olive oil is the and egg yolks is sometimes chilled and cut
commonest example. into decorative shapes for cold buffets. See
monsieur France Monsieur fromage
also beurre de Montpellier
Montpensier, garnish France A steak garnish
Montpensier, garnish

monsieur fromage France A small double

monsieur fromage

cream cows’ milk cheese from Normandy of artichokes, asparagus, truffles and
with a strong flavour and in the shape of a tall potatoes
Montrachet France A small, delicate and

cylinder. Also called monsieur

monstera deliciosa The fruit of a tropical
monstera deliciosa
creamy goats’ milk cheese made in the
tree, Monstera deliciosa, with a green scaly shape of a small cylinder and wrapped in
skin about the size of a large maize cob. The grape or chestnut leaves
montreuil France With peaches

ripe pulpy flesh is white and has a strong

Montreuil Germany Fish poached in white

flavour similar to that of pineapples and

bananas. Also called ceriman wine and served with potatoes and shrimp
Montasio Italy A hard, cooked-curd wheel-
Montrose cakes Scotland Self-raising flour,
Montrose cakes

shaped (up to 15 kg) cows’ milk cheese

made with a whey starter, pressed, salted 10 caster sugar, butter, eggs and currants
days, brined for 7 days and ripened for 6 to (4:4:4:4:3) made up by the creaming
12 months and varies from a dessert cheese method, flavoured with brandy, rose water
to a grating cheese as it ages. Resembles and nutmeg and baked in buttered bun tins
Asiago. at 190°C for 10 to 15 minutes
montata Italy Whipped Montségur France A bland cows’ milk cheese
montata Montségur

Mont Blanc France A dessert of sweetened

Mont Blanc
from Languedoc-Roussillon
monzittas Italy Snails (Sardinia)

chestnut purée topped with whipped cream

moo Thailand Pork

monté, to The shortened anglicization of

monté, to

monter au beurre, meaning to add butter to a moolee South Asia Cooked in a coconut

sauce before service to enrich, thicken and sauce

gloss it mooli South Asia The long white tubers of a

Monte Bianco Italy As Mont Blanc, with species of radish, Raphanus sativus, with a
Monte Bianco

chocolate and rum similar and sometimes hotter taste. Up to 40

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moong dal

cm long and eaten raw, pickled or cooked. morcilla Spain The Spanish version of boudin

Also called Japanese radish, white radish, noir from Asturia. Also called boudin Asturien
giant white radish, mouli, muli, daikon morcilla blanca Spain A boudin blanc made
morcilla blanca

moong dal Mung bean

moong dal

with chicken meat and hard-boiled eggs

moong ke dal South Asia Dehusked and split
moong ke dal

morcilla negra Spain A boudin noir from

morcilla negra

mung beans Andalusia made from pig’s blood, minced

moongphali South Asia Peanut

almonds, sweet peppers and parsley

moon sin China Eel more Italy Blackberries
moon sin more

moorcock See grouse, black grouse


morel The fruiting body of a highly prized wild


moorfowl See grouse, black grouse fungus, Morchella esculenta, the


moorkoppen Netherlands Filled tarts piled

commonest of the Morchellaceae, all of
high with whipped cream (NOTE: Literally which are edible. It has an erect brownish
‘Moors’ heads’.) fruit body with deep pits surrounded by
Moor’s head Edam
Moor’s head
irregular ridges 3 to 10 cm high and 3 to 7
cm in diameter, attached to a whitish stem
Moors’ heads United States As Mohrenkopf,
Moors’ heads

which thickens towards the base. It must be

but with various fillings and coverings washed carefully to remove grit and dirt from
Moosbeere Germany Cranberry

the pits. Available dried, fresh or canned.

moose A large wild herbivore, Alces

Also called common morel

americana, from the north of Canada. The morello cherry The best cooking variety of
morello cherry

membrane around the muscles gives the cherry, almost black in colour and slightly tart
flesh a gamey flavour and should be when ripe
removed before cooking. Marinating is
morena Spain Moray eel

Moreton Bay bug Australia Sand lobster
Moreton Bay bug

moo shu zoh China A pancake rolled around

moo shu zoh

morgen complet Denmark Full breakfast

morgen complet

a filling of chopped pork stir-fried with spring

morgenmad Denmark Breakfast

onions, cloud ear fungus and eggs

Morgenrot Germany A chicken broth with

mo qua China Fuzzy melon

mo qua

mora Italy, Spain Blackberry

tomato purée and pieces of chicken meat
mora di gelso Italy Mulberry
mora di gelso
(NOTE: Literally ‘dawn’.)
morgh shekumpour Central Asia Iranian roast
morgh shekumpour

morango Portugal See strawberry


chicken stuffed with a mixture of chopped

Moravsky bochník syr Czech Republic A
Moravsky bochník syr

prunes, sultanas, dried apricots and

cows’ milk cheese similar to Emmental
chopped apple, flavoured with cinnamon
Moray eel A warm seawater fish, Muraena
Moray eel

and brown sugar. Served with chelou.

helena, with a brown and fawn mottled skin.
moriawase Japan A celebratory display of

It is up to 1.5 m in length, has excellent flesh

sashimi, yakitori, or other food arranged
although with many bones and is suitable for
artistically on a wooden platter and
poaching or boiling.
morbidelle Italy Tiny dumplings used to

moriglione Italy Pochard, a red headed diving


garnish soup
Morbier A hard cows’ milk cheese from

morille France Morel, the fungus


Franche-Comté with a delicate flavour. The

milk is treated with a lactic starter, Moringa oleifera Botanical name The
coagulated with rennet and the curd, drumstick bean
drained, pressed, brined and ripened for 2 to Moringa pterygosperma Botanical name
3 months. Before brining, the cylinder of Drumstick vegetable
morkovka (plural morkov) Russia Carrot

immature cheese is cut in half horizontally

with a knife dipped in soot to give a mörkt rågbröd Sweden Toast
mörkt rågbröd

characteristic black line when it is finally cut Morlacco Italy A semi-hard, scalded-curd

in wedges. cows’ milk cheese similar to Montasio with a

mørbrad Denmark Tenderloin of pork, i.e. that

smooth rind and a firm paste with a few holes

muscle corresponding to the fillet of beef mormora Italy Striped bream

morceau France A small portion


Mornay, à la France With Mornay sauce

Mornay, à la

morcela Portugal The Portuguese version of


Mornay, fish White fish poached in fish stock,

Mornay, fish

boudin noir drained and kept warm, reduced cooking

Morchel Germany Morel

liquor added to boiling béchamel sauce, egg

morchella Italy Morel

yolk whisked in, removed from heat, grated

Morchella esculenta Botanical name Morel cheese added, seasoned, strained, butter

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moth bean

and cream added, fish coated with sauce morwong


Australia A perch-like fish,

and gratinated with grated cheese Nemadactylus family, sometimes called and
Mornay, sauce England, France Cheese sold as sea bream because of a superficial
Mornay, sauce

sauce resemblance. It is found from New South

Moroccan spearmint See spearmint
Moroccan spearmint
Wales along the south coast to Western
moroko South Africa Equal weights of greens
Australia and Tasmania. It has a grey back
(Swiss chard, spinach or similar, cleaned and a silver underside and grows to 4 kg.
and chopped) and potatoes. The greens are They are reasonably cheap, have a moist
placed in the bottom of the pan with chicken flesh with medium-sized flakes and can be
stock and the potatoes on top so that they are cooked in any fashion. Also called queen
steamed. More stock or water is added as snapper, sea bream
mosbolletjie South Africa A sweetish bun,

required until the potatoes are tender then all

are mashed together. From the highland eaten fresh or dried like a rusk, often
regions where potatoes can be grown. flavoured with aniseed
moscardino bianco Italy Curled octopus
moscardino bianco

Morón Spain A mild and delicate white cheese


moscovita Italy A rich dessert mousse


made from a variety of milks in the Seville

region and often consumed within 24 hours moscovite, sauce England, France Poivrade
moscovite, sauce

of production. If kept longer it is steeped in sauce made with venison stock and finished
olive oil and rubbed with paprika. at the last minute with a sweet fortified wine
moros y cristianos Caribbean A Cuban dish infused with juniper berries, soaked and
moros y cristianos

of black eyed beans and long-grain rice plump currants and toasted pine nuts or
cooked and mixed together with fried finely chopped almonds
diced onion and garlic (NOTE: Literally ‘Moors mosede kartofler Denmark Mashed potatoes
mosede kartofler

and Christians’.) moskovitaeg Denmark Egg mayonnaise


morötter Sweden Carrots


Moskovski Russia A hard cows’ milk cheese


morozhenoe Russia Ice cream


with a good flavour matured for 3 to 4

mortadella Italy The original Bologna

sausage, noted for its size and dating from moss curled endive See endive
moss curled endive

the 12th century if not before. The moss curled parsley Parsley
moss curled parsley

composition is variable but the best contain

mossel Netherlands Mussel (blue)

only pork, garlic and seasoning. Cheaper

Mosslands saddle of lamb England A boned
Mosslands saddle of lamb

ones may contain in addition, veal, tripe,

donkey and spices, etc. All are ground to a and skinned saddle of lamb with the bone
fine paste and stuffed into pig’s or beef replaced by a pork fillet, the whole seasoned,
bladders, boiled and hung up to dry for a few rolled, tied and roasted in the oven at 180°C
days. for about 70 minutes per kg or until cooked
mostacciolo Italy A rich fruit cake with

mortadella di campotosta Italy A type of

mortadella di campotosta

mortadella with a cylinder of bacon through almonds, chocolate and candied fruit
mostarda Italy, Portugal Mustard

the centre
mostarda di Cremona Italy A mixture of fruits
mostarda di Cremona

mortadelle France A version of mortadella


made from pork, salt pork fat and fresh pork preserved in a mustard-flavoured sugar
fat, soaked in wine and smoked syrup served with boiled meats. Also called
mortar The round ceramic, stone or steel bowl
mostarda di frutta
mostarda di frutta Italy Mostarda di Cremona
mostarda di frutta

in which food is placed to be broken down by

the pestle. See also pestle and mortar mostaza Spain Mustard

mortella Italy Myrtle


mostelle France Three-bearded rockling, the


mortella di palude Italy Cranberry fish

mortella di palude

mortifier France To hang meat or game mosterd Netherlands Mustard

mortifier mosterd

mortpølse Norway A sausage made from a mosto Italy Unfermented grape juice, must
mortpølse mosto

mixture of beef, mutton and reindeer meat Motal Russia A salty ewes’ or cows’ milk

morue France Cod, also used for salt cod


cheese from the Caucasus matured in brine

morue salée France Salt cod
morue salée
for 3 to 4 months
Morus nigra Botanical name Mulberry motella Italy Three-bearded rockling, the fish

Morven Scotland A soft cows’ milk cheese moth bean One of the most recently
Morven moth bean

with a yellow rind from Scotland made into domesticated legumes, Phaseolus
square blocks. It is similar to Butterkäse and aconitifolius, which is very drought-resistant
like that cheese is flavoured with caraway and is grown in India for its green or black
seeds. seeds

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mother The name often given to a undefined must be discarded. Also called moules à la

mass of microorganisms, yeasts, bacteria, marinière

etc. which are used to start a fermentation moules poulettes France Mussels presented
moules poulettes

mother of vinegar The whitish flora which in timbales with creamed mushrooms,
mother of vinegar

grows on the surface of naturally brewed parsley and lemon sauce

vinegar used as a starter for vinegar mouli 1. France A hand-operated food mill for

moti sonf South Asia Fennel

moti sonf

puréeing soft food or slicing raw vegetables

mouclade France A mussel stew with a white
consisting of various perforated discs over
wine and cream sauce thickened with egg and through which food is forced by rotating
yolks blades operated via a cranked handle 2. See
moudre France To grind
mountain ash 1. Rowanberry 2. United States
mountain ash

moufflon See mouflon


mouflon England, France A wild sheep

mouflon Various trees, Sorbus americana and S.
scopulina, with larger fruit similar to the
originally from Corsica but now the name
rowan, with berries used in the same way.
applies to all large horned wild sheep. Also
mountain cheese Bergkäse
mountain cheese

called moufflon, muflon

mountain chicken Caribbean 1. Crapaud 2.
mountain chicken

mouhalabiah North Africa Sweetened milk


thickened with rice flour or puréed soft rice Frog’s legs

mountain cranberry Cowberry
mountain cranberry

and flavoured with orange flower water.

mountain grouse Ptarmigan
mountain grouse

Served as a cold sweet.

mountain ham See jamón serrano
mountain ham

mould 1. A hollow container of metal,


mountain hollyhock Wasabi

mountain hollyhock

ceramic, glass or plastic in which liquids are

placed so as to set and take up the shape of mountain oysters Prairie oysters
mountain oysters

the mould. Used for jellies, blanc-mange and mountain pepper Australia The commonest
mountain pepper

a variety of solid foods set in aspic. 2. The Australian pepper grows on a small bush,
fungi which grow on the surface of food left Tasmania lanceolata, in Tasmania and
exposed to ambient conditions. Often Victoria. The leaves and the berry have an
moulds are not noticed until the fruiting aromatic taste followed a few seconds later
bodies appear. These are usually either a by the heat of the pepper. The leaves are
white coating or a furry white, grey or green usually dried and ground and used in the
growth, both of which grow outwards from same way as pepper.
the original inoculating spore. Some moulds mountain pepper bread Australia Bread
mountain pepper bread

are deliberately encouraged as on the flavoured with mountain pepper added to the
surface of Camembert and in blue cheeses flour at the rate of 1 teaspoon (6 ml) per kg
where they are deliberately introduced into of flour. Also called high country bread
the centre by needling. Mould growth is also mountain spinach Orach
mountain spinach

important in many fermented foods such as

mountain yam A temperate climate variety of
mountain yam

soya sauce and tempeh. Very few moulds are

yam, Dioscorea japonica, which grows in
toxic and many have antibiotic (anti-
Japan. It has a gluey texture and is often
bacterial) properties.
grated and used as a binder.
mould, to To form into a desired shape either
mould, to

mousaka Greece Moussaka


by hand or in a mould
mousetrap cheese United Kingdom Various
mousetrap cheese

moule France 1. Mould for jellies, etc. 2.


types of bland tasteless Cheddar-type

cheese imported from different countries
moule à gateaux France Cake tin
moule à gateaux

and occasionally from British commercial

moule à manqué France A deep cake tin with
moule à manqué

cheese makers. Only suitable for baiting

outward sloping sides. This facilitates icing or mousetraps. (colloquial)
coating the sides of cakes baked in it. mousquetaire, sauce France Mayonnaise
mousquetaire, sauce

moule à tarte France 1. Pie plate 2. Flan dish

moule à tarte

flavoured with chopped onion or shallot

moules à la marinière France Moules
moules à la marinière

which has been simmered in dry white wine.

marinière Served cold. (NOTE: Literally ‘musketeer’s
moules à l’escargot Belgium Mussels, sauce’)
moules à l’escargot

stuffed and prepared to look like snails moussaka England, Greece Alternating layers

moules marinière England, France Cleaned

moules marinière

of partially cooked and flavoured minced

and debearded mussels cooked in a deep lamb and fried aubergine slices in a deep
closed pan with dry white wine, chopped dish, topped with a béchamel sauce or a
onion, chopped parsley and seasoning. yoghurt, eggs and cheese mixture, flavoured
When the mussels open they are served with with nutmeg, gratinated with breadcrumbs
the cooking liquor. Any which do not open and cheese and baked in the oven. Served

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muaba nsusu

with salad and pitta bread. Also called sorts of additional ingredients are added to
mousaka the mixture according to the cook’s fancy.
mousse England, France A flavoured egg

Also called moi-moi

mixture or purée of fruit, vegetables, fish or Mozzarella Italy A soft pale spun-curd cheese

shellfish into which whisked egg whites and made from buffalo or cows’ milk eaten very
whipped cream are folded to make a stiff fresh. Formed into a round or pear shape
foam, this poured into a mould, set and and often stored in brine. Used for pizzas,
demoulded. Gelatine may be used in the lasagne and in salads. It becomes
base mix as a setting agent or the mousse characteristically stringy when cooked.
may be frozen. Served as a cold dessert, as Contains 55 to 65% water, 18 to 20% fat and
a starter or sometimes used as a filling for 16 to 21% protein.
fish paupiettes, etc. Mozzarella affumicata Italy A smoked
Mozzarella affumicata

mousse de foie gras France As pâté de foie

mousse de foie gras

Mozzarella cheese
gras but need contain only 55% or more of
Mozzarella di bufala Italy A Mozzarella
Mozzarella di bufala

goose liver, almost as good as the pâté but

will melt if heated cheese made with pure buffalo milk and
given legal protection. Also called Trecce di
mousseline France A small individually

served sweet or savoury mousse
mozzarella in carrozza Italy A fried
mozzarella in carrozza

mousseline, sauce England, France

mousseline, sauce

Hollandaise sauce mixed with whipped sandwich filled with Mozzarella cheese
MRM See mechanically recovered meat

double cream prior to serving. Used with

asparagus, broccoli and poached fish, mrouziya

mrouziya North Africa A Moroccan tagine

chicken and egg dishes. Sometimes called made from middle neck of lamb rubbed with
sauce chantilly. ras el hanout, powdered saffron, cinnamon
mousse perlée d’Irlande France Carragheen
mousse perlée d’Irlande

and seasoning, simmered with blanched

mousseron France St George’s mushroom,

almonds, onions, butter and a little water and

meadow mushroom finished with raisins and honey about 30
mousseuse, sauce France A type of
mousseuse, sauce
minutes before serving
compound butter made by whisking the mruziyya North Africa A sweet-and-sour

juice of half a lemon, 16 g of salt and 800 ml tagine from Morocco made with mutton,
of cream into a litre of softened butter which raisins, lemon, almonds and spices in a thick
is then chilled and sliced for use with boiled brown sauce. Reputed to last for up to a
fish month without refrigeration.
moutabel A purée dip similar to hummus-bi-

MSG See monosodium glutamate


tahina, made with aubergine. See also

mtindi East Africa Buttermilk or cream

mutabbal mtori

moutarde France Mustard

mtori 1. East Africa A thick Tanzanian soup
from the Kilimanjaro region made from
moutarde, sauce France Mustard sauce
moutarde, sauce

plantains, onions and tomatoes simmered in

moutarde de Meaux France A whole grain
moutarde de Meaux

a strong beef stock until tender. This is then

mustard made from a mixture of mustard all mashed together and finished with butter.
seeds with their husks Sometimes meat that has been cooked to
moutarde extra-forte France English
moutarde extra-forte

make the broth is removed from the bones,

mustard chopped into small pieces and added to the
moutarde forte France English mustard
moutarde forte

soup. 2. West Africa A sort of mash made

mouton France Sheep, mutton

from boneless meat browned and boiled to

mowra butter South Asia A soft yellow oil which are added plantains, potatoes, onions,
mowra butter

extracted from the seeds of the Indian butter tomatoes, chilli pepper and seasoning. When
tree. Used locally for cooking and exported all is soft the mixture, less the meat, is
for margarine manufacture. Also called mashed or processed, the chopped meat is
bassia fat, illipe butter returned and finally coconut milk or butter is
moyashi Japan Bean sprouts
added before service.
muaba nsusu

moyin-moyin West Africa Soaked and muaba nsusu Central Africa A chicken and

skinned black-eyed peas, partially cooked, peanut butter soup from Angola and the two
are ground to a thick paste and oil added if Congos. The chicken meat is removed from
preferred. Dried shrimp powder, tomatoes, the bones after cooking and mixed with the
onion, chilli pepper and seasoning are soup made from the chicken broth
processed and mixed with the bean paste, thickened with tomato purée and peanut
which can then be steamed in banana-leaf butter. Usually, chopped onions sautéed in
parcels or baked in muffin tins at 200°C. All palm oil are added.

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muaddas Persian Gulf A type of risotto made parsley and served as a mezze dish. Also

with well-washed brown or green lentils, called garmerong

chopped onion and oil or clarified butter but muhammar Persian Gulf Parboiled long-grain

with water in place of stock and wine rice drained and mixed with sugar or honey
muamba de galinha Central Africa Chicken, (1:6 on uncooked rice) and poured over
muamba de galinha

marinated in lemon juice, browned in oil, molten butter in a pot with a tight-fitting lid. A
cooked with onions, chilli pepper and mixture of rose water infused with saffron
tomatoes and towards the end with and cardamom seeds is poured over and the
aubergine or squash. Finally moambé sauce pot sealed and cooked over a low heat for 20
and okra are added and all cooked until to 25 minutes until the rice is cooked and
tender. From Angola. has absorbed all the liquid. Served with meat
mucca Italy Cow
or fish.
muhennettu Finland Stewed

Mucor A class of white moulds which grow on


muhennos Finland Stew


Mucor pusillus A microorganism used for the muik Korea Kombu

production of a protease used in curdling muikku Finland A tiny white fish similar to

milk for cheese production. Acceptable to whitebait

mui kwai cheung China A sausage from
mui kwai cheung

mud crab A dull green crab, Scylla serrata,

mud crab

Hong Kong made from a mixture of lean and

growing up to 2 kg in weight and found fat pork, soya sauce, rosé wine, salt and
throughout Southeast Asia in shallow muddy sugar
water. The claw meat is especially prized.
mújol Spain Grey mullet

mudgeon Mesentery

muk bampound Cambodia Squid

muk bampound

mudjemeri Turkey Very similar to kadin budu


muki goma Japan Hulled sesame seeds

muki goma

köfte, but mutton finely minced and made

muktuk Canada The tough outer flesh of

into small balls fried in mutton fat

whales used by the Inuit people of Canada as
mu er China Cloud ear fungus
mu er

muesli A mixture of raw or semi-processed

mulard France A modern crossbred duck


and dry cereals with dried vine fruits,

chopped nuts, bran, sugar and chopped bred for the table and its liver. It is fleshier
dried fruit, used as a breakfast cereal and and leaner than the standard French breeds.
mulato Mexico A large brown chilli pepper,

eaten uncooked. Typical cereals used are

wheat, rye, barley and oat flakes as well as usually dried
mulberry The soft very perishable blackberry-

others less common.

muffin 1. England A yeast-raised dough made
like fruit of a tree, Morus nigra, which grows
with strong flour, milk, a little semolina and to about 10 m. Treat as blackberries.
mulet doré France Golden grey mullet
mulet doré

salt, rolled out and cut in 8 cm rounds,

proven and cooked on a griddle or hot plate mulet farci West Africa Mulet farci à la Saint-
mulet farci

for about 7 minutes each side until golden Louisienne

brown 2. United States A baking powder mulet farci à la Saint-Louisienne West
mulet farci à la Saint-Louisienne

raised sweet sponge mix baked in deep patty Africa A Senegalese dish of stuffed fish in the
tins to a soft doughy consistency. Sometimes French style. A large 2 kg mullet is cleaned
flavoured with fresh or dried fruit, glacé and skinned from the dorsal ridge without
cherries, honey or maple syrup. tearing the skin. The fish flesh is removed
muflon England Mouflon

from the bones and mixed with soft

mugicha Japan Roasted barley made into a breadcrumbs and a processed paste made

tea which is very popular as an iced drink in from coriander, parsley, garlic, green onions
summer and salt plus chopped tomatoes and tomato
mugwort A wild perennial herb, Artemesia
purée. This mixture is sewn back into the fish
vulgaris, originally used in place of hops. The skin which is baked in the oven on a mirepoix
crushed dried leaves may be sprinkled on of onions, tomatoes and chilli peppers
fatty meats and poultry prior to roasting. See sprinkled with thyme and oil. After baking for
also white mugwort 25 minutes the covering is removed and fish
muhamara Middle East Red chilli pepper
stock poured over the vegetables and all
blended with a little water, olive oil, ground cooked until the vegetables are soft and the
walnuts and a few stale breadcrumbs, fish browned. Also called dem à la Saint
allspice, ground cumin, salt and Louisienne, dem farci, mulet farci
mulet gris France Grey mullet
mulet gris

pomegranate (or lemon) juice until a smooth

muli Mooli

paste. Chilled and garnished with chopped

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mülk Denmark Milk a snack food or used to make a type of bean


mull, to To heat wine or beer with or without

mull, to
curd. Also called golden gram, moong dal,
spices and sugar green gram, green lentil
mung bean flour Flour made from mung
mung bean flour

mulled wine Red wine heated with a sugar

mulled wine

syrup flavoured with cinnamon stick, bruised beans, sold natural colour or pink or green
dried ginger, cloves and orange zest. for use in making Southeast Asian
Traditionally heated by immersing a red hot sweetmeats
mung dal South Asia Dehusked and split
mung dal

poker in the mixture.

mullet See grey mullet, red mullet, yellow eye
mung beans
mungerela South Asia Nigella

mullet, sea mullet

mulligan stew United States Burgoo munk Sweden Doughnut
mulligan stew munk

mulligatawny soup England A Victorian soup munkar Sweden Dumplings

mulligatawny soup munkar

made from pre-browned chopped onions munna juusto Finland A delicately flavoured
munna juusto

fried in oil with curry powder and flour, stock; golden-coloured cheese made from cows’
tomato purée, chopped apple, chutney and milk mixed with eggs
desiccated coconut added; simmered and Münster France, Germany A soft yellow,

skimmed for 1 hour; liquidized, strained, surface-ripened cows’ milk cheese with an
seasoned and consistency corrected and orange-red rind from Alsace. It uses a lactic
served with a garnish of boiled rice. An starter and has an open textured delicately
alternative uses only chicken stock, fried flavoured paste with some cracks. It has a
curry powder (mixed Indian spices) and recorded history going back to the 7th
yoghurt. (NOTE: Adapted from the Tamil century. The German variety is milder than
milakutanni (‘pepper water’) during the the French. Traditionally served with
British occupation of India.) Gewürztraminer and a bowl of cumin seeds.
mulloway Australia A fish, Argyrosomus

The French version has appellation d’origine

hololopidotus, generally from the northern status.
waters of Australia, although it is found in all mun sum palung Thailand Cassava
mun sum palung

states with the exception of Tasmania. They

munthari berry Australia Muntries
munthari berry

can grow to 50 kg but average 2 to 8 kg. The

muntries Australia A pea-sized fruit from a low

flesh is white and the smaller fish make

excellent eating. They are normally grey-blue growing plant, Kunzia pomifera, that tastes
above shading to a silver belly. Also called like a cross between Granny Smith apples
jewfish, butterfish, and sultanas. Their reddish green colour
changes to a dull brown on cooking. They are
multer Norway Cloudberry

used like dried vine fruits in pies, cakes and

mum bar Middle East A highly spiced sausage
mum bar

biscuits. Also called munthari berry

from Iraq containing lamb and rice
muòi Vietnam Salt

muna Finland Egg


murag Middle East A meat and vegetable


muna ja pekoni Finland Eggs and bacon

muna ja pekoni

sauce from Iraq (NOTE: Literally ‘sauce’.)

munakas Finland Omelette

Murazzano Italy A soft cheese made from a


munakokkeli Finland Scrambled eggs


mixture of 60% ewes’ milk and 40% cows’

muna kova Finland Hard-boiled eggs
muna kova

milk. It is formed into small cylinders (up to

muna pehmeä Finland Soft-boiled eggs
muna pehmeä

400 g), dry-salted, and then washed daily for

Münchener Weisswurst Germany A
Münchener Weisswurst

7 days. It has no rind and a dense texture.

Brühwurst made from veal and possibly beef Mürbeteig Germany Short pastry

with parsley, filled into a light coloured Murbodner Austria A large (up to 15 kg) hard,

casing. Served steamed or grilled with cooked-curd cows’ milk cheese resembling
sauerkraut, puréed potatoes and sweet Emmental which is ripened for 2 months. It
Bavarian mustard. contains 39% water, 28% fat and 26%
munchies United Kingdom, United States 1.

Snack foods 2. The state of being peckish, Murcott tangerine Honey tangerine
Murcott tangerine

hungry, e.g. to have the munchies mûre France Mulberry


mung bean A small spherical green bean,

mung bean

mûre de ronce France Blackberry

mûre de ronce

Phaseolus aureus, with a white hilum, used

murena Italy Moray eel

as a source of bean sprouts, but may be

murène France Moray eel

eaten as a vegetable when the pod is young.

mûre sauvage France Blackberry
mûre sauvage

Its principal use is as a pulse which is also

murex A small gastropod mollusc from the

made into a flour used in Indian cooking. If

used as a pulse, it requires 8 hours soaking Mediterranean, the original source of the
and long cooking. It may also be candied as Roman imperial purple dye

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murgh South Asia Chicken


Musa sapientum Botanical name The

murgh musallam South Asia A Pakistani dish
murgh musallam
muscade France Nutmeg

of chicken roasted with spices

muscadine United States A white grape used

muriche Italy Murex, the shellfish


murlins Alaria
for the table and for making raisins
muscatel raisins Dried muscat grapes,
muscatel raisins

Murol France A semi-hard washed-rind


pressed cows’ milk cheese from the sometimes still in the original bunch
muscat grape Dessert grape
muscat grape

Auvergne made in 500 g discs with a hole in

the centre. It has a red rind and the flavour Muscheln Germany Shellfish

of the paste starts off mild but gradually muscle Spain Mussels

becomes strongly aromatic over the 7 week

musclos Catalonia Mussels

ripening period.
muscoletti Italy Muscolo

murraba tamar Middle East An Iraqi method

murraba tamar

muscoli Italy Mussels


of preparing dates. They are pitted, stuffed

muscolo Italy Beef or veal shank. Also called

with halved walnuts, boiled and then left to

soak in a heavy sugar syrup flavoured with muscoletti
lemon rind, cloves and cinnamon. muscovado sugar A soft and sticky partially
muscovado sugar

murraba tringe Middle East An Iraqi refined cane sugar with fine crystals. Both
murraba tringe

sweetmeat made from small triangles of light and dark varieties are available. Also
citrus peel which are boiled in water called Barbados sugar, moist sugar
repeatedly to remove bitterness then boiled muscovy duck Barbary duck
muscovy duck

in a heavy sugar syrup, left overnight, musgo de Irlanda Spain Carragheen

musgo de Irlanda

reboiled to 110°C, cooled and served with

mush United States A cooked porridge made

the syrup as a sweet

from maize meal similar to polenta
Murraya koenigii Botanical name Curry leaf
mushi See mushimono

Murray river crayfish Australia A crayfish,

Murray river crayfish

mushi-ki Japan A steamer, usually 2 or 3


Euastacus armatus, with a spiny blue shell

and weighing up to 2 kg tiered dishes with a topmost lid which fit over
a pan of boiling water. The steamer dishes
murseddu Italy A flat bread from Calabria

may be in metal or bamboo. Also called seiro

filled with a mixture of tripe, offal, tomatoes
mushimono Japan Steamed or steaming as

and spices
applied to cooking methods (NOTE:
mursiellu alla cantanzarese Italy Pork
mursiellu alla cantanzarese

Abbreviated in recipes to ‘mushi’.)

stewed in wine
mushizakana to daikon to tamago tsuke
mushizakana to daikon to tamago tsuke awase

murtabah South Asia A southern dish


consisting of a very large pancake filled with

awase Japan Pieces of white fish placed in
individual bowls, moistened with sake,
curried meat and onions
covered with a mixture of egg, sake, sugar
murtabak Southeast Asia Pasties with a

and grated mooli, garnished with a spinach

savoury meat and vegetable filling, fried and leaf, steamed until set, sprinkled with grated
eaten as a snack ginger and served immediately
mus Italy Polenta, wheat flour and milk boiled

mushkaki East Africa A Kenyan kebab of


to a gruel with poppy seeds and sweetened. marinated meat

See also farinata alla contadina
mushroom A general name given to various

musaca Romania Moussaka topped with


edible fungi but in the UK the name is

soured cream instead of the customary generally applied to the common mushroom,
cheese sauce Agaricus bisporus, which is widely cultivated
musakka Turkey A type of moussaka made

and the field mushroom, Agaricus

with layers of fried sliced aubergine, fried campestris. Common mushrooms are sold
onions, minced lamb or beef, sliced as buttons (completely closed caps to 2 cm
tomatoes and halved green peppers, baked diameter), closed cup (skin still closed below
or simmered very slowly cup to 4 cm diameter), open cup (pink gills
musaman curry A heavily spiced beef curry
musaman curry

visible) and flat (fully open with dark brown

with coconut and peanuts. See also gaeng gills). Other common types of cultivated
mussaman mushroom in the UK are oyster, chestnut
Musa paradisica Botanical name The and shiitake. See also fungi
plantain mushroom essence The juices extracted
mushroom essence

musaria South Asia A brass or cast iron pestle


from mushrooms. This is best done by

used with a matching mortar (khalia). Used freezing them, thawing them and squeezing
for hard grains and spices. out the liquid. The tissue remaining may be

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chopped and added to duxelles before bouquet garni, dried herbs, spices, etc. from
preparation. which the flavour is to be extracted in a
mushroom ketchup A dark brown salty cold
mushroom ketchup

simmering liquid
muslinger Denmark Mussels

condiment sauce made with mushrooms

mushroom sauce 1. A suprême sauce but muslo Spain Leg (of meat)
mushroom sauce muslo

with sliced and sweated button mushrooms muso Italy Beef muzzle and nose

added after the velouté sauce has been musola Spain Smooth hound, the fish

strained. Used for boiled chicken, mussel A very common bivalve mollusc

sweetbreads, etc. 2. Fish velouté, (various species) found worldwide usually

consistency adjusted with fish stock or attached to rocks near the water line, but
cream, seasoned, strained and finished with some bury themselves in the sand. Most
sliced button mushrooms sweated in butter have dark blue to black shells up to 8 cm
and lemon juice. Served with boiled or long, but some from New Zealand have blue
poached fish. Also called champignons, and green shells. Generally sold live in their
sauce aux shells or removed, cooked and preserved in
mushroom sausage England A link sausage
mushroom sausage

brine, sauce or by canning. Sometimes sold

containing about 5% chopped fresh smoked. Cooked as any other mollusc. The
mushrooms in the usual rusk/meat mixture mussel is a highly productive shellfish
mushroom soup A mirepoix of onions, leek
mushroom soup

producing up to 10000 kg of meat per

and celery sweated in butter, flour added and hectare per year. Varieties include the
cooked out without colour, white stock, a common mussel, green-lipped mussel,
bouquet garni and chopped mushrooms horse mussel and fan mussel.
added, simmered and skimmed for 1 hour, mussel brose Scotland A soup made with
mussel brose

bouquet garni removed, liquidized, strained, cleaned and selected mussels covered with
seasoned and consistency adjusted. water and heated until they open, the liquor
Finished with cream. Also called crème de strained off and an equal amount of milk
champignons added. Lightly toasted oatmeal added,
mushroom soya sauce Soya sauce flavoured seasoning adjusted, all warmed and the
mushroom soya sauce

with an extract of straw mushrooms reserved mussels added just before service.
mushy peas Marrowfat peas, cooked until soft Musselburgh pie Scotland Beef olives made
mushy peas Musselburgh pie

and mashed. May be forced through a sieve with rump steak beaten out thin, each piece
to remove the skins. Served as an stuffed with a few mussels and some suet.
accompaniment. After tying, the olives are dipped in seasoned
musillo Italy The thick central cut of salt cod
flour and packed upright in a pie dish with
muska börek Turkey A deep-fried puff pastry
muska börek
chopped onions and water, then covered
pasty (börek) filled with feta cheese and with foil and braised until cooked (1 to 2
chopped parsley hours). The dish is then allowed to cool, the
Muskatblüte Germany Mace
Muskatblüte strings removed and the olives covered with
pastry, which is glazed with egg and baked at
Muskatnuss Germany Nutmeg

220°C for 30 minutes until golden brown.

muskatnyi orekh Russia Nutmeg
muskatnyi orekh

Originally oysters were used.

musk mallow A bushy perennial, Malva
musk mallow

mussel pâté Wales A pâté from the north of

mussel pâté

moschata, growing to 60 cm. The leaves can Wales made with mussels, egg yolk, soft
be boiled and eaten as a vegetable. herring roe, chopped celery, chopped
musk melon A variety of sweet melon,
musk melon

carrots and breadcrumbs (5:4:3:2:2:2)

Cucumis melo, smaller than the cantaloupe processed with garlic and fresh herbs,
or winter melon but variable in size and with consistency adjusted with double cream and
fine reticulate markings (a raised network) brandy and cooked in a bain-marie in the
on smooth or ribbed yellowish or green skins. oven at 180°C for 30 to 40 minutes
The aromatic flesh is green to salmon mustard 1. The name of a range of seeds with

orange. It was the common variety grown in a generally hot taste native to Europe and
UK hothouses. When ripe the skin at the India. None have any smell. Varieties include
stalk end will give slightly when pressed. Also black mustard, brown mustard, white
called netted melon, nutmeg melon, mustard and oriental mustard. 2. A mixture
cantaloupe of various ground or whole mustard seeds
Muslim curry A heavily spiced beef curry with
Muslim curry

and other spices, etc. often moistened with

coconut and peanuts. See also gaeng vinegar, wine, verjuice or water, used as a
mussaman condiment or for flavouring other dishes 3. A
muslin A relatively open simple woven cotton fast growing brassica, Brassica hirta, usually

used for straining liquids or to wrap up a grown as sprouted seed for the sharply

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mustard and cream sauce

flavoured seedling leaves and stems which mutton broth Blanched neck or scrag end of
mutton broth

are used in salads or as a garnish. If allowed mutton simmered with water or stock and
to grow on, the young leaves may also be washed barley, skimmed, brunoise carrot,
used in salads. See also mustard and cress leek, turnip, celery and onion and a bouquet
mustard and cream sauce Double cream
mustard and cream sauce

garni added, simmered and skimmed, meat

whipped into English mustard let down with removed, diced lean meat returned, bouquet
lemon juice as when making mayonnaise. garni removed, seasoned and served with
Used on hors d’oeuvres and canapés. chopped parsley
mutton fat A hard highly saturated fat from
mutton fat

mustard and cress Seeds of mustard and

mustard and cress

cress laid thickly on a water saturated lamb and mutton used for cooking in the
substrate and root support, allowed to grow Middle East. Contains 50% saturated, 45%
to the two-leaf stage and a height of 5 to 7 cm monounsaturated and 5% saturated fat.
mutton fish 1. A type of abalone, Haliotis
mutton fish

and sold in this form for cutting to use as a

garnish. The mustard is sown 2 days after naevosa, from Australian waters 2. Ocean
the cress so that both are of equal height. pout 3. See mutton snapper
mutton ham Cured leg of mutton. Used in
mutton ham

mustard butter A compound butter made

mustard butter

with 120 g of French mustard per kg of Muslim cooking.

softened butter. It is shaped into a 2.5 cm mutton sausage England An English-type
mutton sausage

roll, refrigerated and cut in 6 mm slices for sausage made with lean mutton, mutton
use as a garnish on grilled meats, mackerel suet, breadcrumbs, chopped boiled bacon
and herrings. and seasoning, moistened with mutton stock
mustard greens Oriental mustard mutton snapper An olive-green snapper,
mustard greens mutton snapper

mustard oil A deep yellow highly flavoured oil

mustard oil
Lutjanus analis, fished for sport in the warm
extracted from mustard seeds. Used in western waters of the Atlantic
muy hecho Spain Well done. Used of meat,
muy hecho

Indian cooking and in pickles and chutneys.

Usually diluted with a blander oil. steak, etc.
myaso Russia Miaso

mustard pickle See piccalilli

mustard pickle

myaso po-tatarsky Russia Steak tartare

myaso po-tatarsky

mustard sauce Béchamel sauce with the

mustard sauce

addition of English or French mustard and made with triple minced seasoned fillet steak
possibly vinegar. Used with pork, ham or mixed with egg yolks, chopped spring onions
cheese dishes, with fried or grilled herring or and capers, horseradish sauce,
mackerel and with hot boiled tongue. Also Worcestershire sauce, oil and pepper vodka
myata Russia Miata

called moutarde, sauce

mycella Denmark A semi-hard full-fat cows’

mustard seeds Small (up to 1.5 mm

mustard seeds

diameter) seeds used extensively in Indian milk cheese shaped in cylinders and with a
cooking. Usually fried before use to bring out creamy yellow blue-veined paste. Milder
the pungent flavour. See also mustard than Danish blue.
mylta med grädde Sweden A compote of
mylta med grädde

mustella Italy Forkbeard, a fish similar to


whiting cloudberries with cream

mynce pie United Kingdom Mince pie
mynce pie

Musteweck Germany A bread roll with


myoban Japan Alum


chopped pork
myoga Japan Ginger buds

mustikka Finland 1. Blueberry 2. Bilberry


mustikkakeito Finland A dessert made from

Myristica fragrans Botanical name Mace
corn flour-thickened blueberry juice and nutmeg
myrobalans Cherry plum

mustikkapiiras Finland Blueberry tart


myrrh Sweet cicely


mutabbal Middle East A purée dip or mezze


similar to hummus-bi-tahina, but substituting

Myrrhis odorata Botanical name Sweet cicely
myrte France Myrtle

the flesh of grilled aubergines for the chick

Myrte Germany Myrtle

peas. Also called moutabel

myrte des marais France Bog myrtle
myrte des marais

mutton The meat of sheep older than one year


myrtille France Bilberry, blueberry


but nowadays over two years. The meat is

myrtle A half-hardy evergreen shrub, Myrtus

darker and stronger-flavoured than lamb and

was preferred in Victorian times. Most communis, growing to 3 m with small shiny
mutton sold today is from old breeding ewes leathery leaves which have a spicy orange
killed at 3 to 5 years and is generally tough fragrance used for stuffings and with pork or
and only suitable for boiling. The best lamb. The small white flowers excluding the
mutton, now difficult to find, is killed at 18 green calyx may be used in fruit salads and
months and is more expensive than lamb. the dried black berries have a mild juniper

390 Page 391 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM


flavour and may be used as juniper berries. whey from a mixture of cows’ and goats’ milk
Grows in Mediterranean climates and is in a similar manner to Ricotta. The whey is
common in Corsican and Sardinian cooking. boiled and reduced to a brown sticky mass
An oil is extracted from the ripe berries. containing whey proteins, lactose and
myrtle pepper Allspice caramelized sugars. It is stirred whilst
myrtle pepper

Myrtus communis Botanical name Myrtle cooling to a solid to prevent crystallization of

myśliwska Poland An expensive smoked and
myśliwsk a
the sugars. Usually cut or shaved in very thin
linked pork sausage in a natural casing slices and served on crispbread, but also
Mysore coffee A rich full-flavoured coffee
Mysore coffee
used in cooking. Also called Gjetöst,
from Mysore in Southern India Norwegian whey cheese

Mysost Norway A fawn, slightly sweet


Mysuostur Iceland A cheese very similar to

caramel-flavoured cheese made from the Mysost made from the whey of cows’ milk

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naam gwa China Winter squash nagkesar South Asia Cassia buds
naam gwa nagkesar

naan South Asia Nan bread naita jute Middle East A plant related to okra.
naan naita jute

naartjie South Africa A variety of tangerine


See also meloukhia

nai tsom East Africa The Eritrean name for ye
nai tsom

naawr mai China Glutinous rice

naawr mai

naba Spain Kohlrabi

som megeb
näkinkenka Finland Mussel

nabemono Japan A single-pot meal cooked at


nakiri bocho Japan A vegetable knife rather

nakiri bocho

the table using sliced raw prepared

ingredients and usually a central casserole of like a very sharp diminutive chopper. Used
simmering stock. Sukiyaki and shabu shabu for peeling and the production of the
are the two most famous. characteristic vegetable cuts of Japan.
näkkileipä Finland Crispbread, hard rye

nabo Portugal, Spain Turnip


nabo sueco Spain Swede

nabo sueco
bread, hardtack
naky pliak Eastern Europe A cabbage soufflé
naky pliak

nachos Mexico Pieces of fried tortilla topped


with grated cheese, browned under the grill considered to be a good test of a Ukrainian
and garnished with green chillies. Served as cook. It is made from shredded cabbage
a snack. which has been lightly salted and pressed,
Nachspeise Germany Dessert, sweet
then covered in boiling water and left for 3 to
Nachtisch Germany Dessert, sweet
Nachtisch 4 days to partially ferment. The drained,
rinsed and dried cabbage is mixed into an
nadru South Asia Lotus

onion-, garlic- and milk-based roux sauce,

nagaimo Japan Yam

flavoured with cheese, thickened with egg

nagami kumquat The commonest kumquat
nagami kumquat

yolks and lightened by folding in stiffly

in Europe and the USA, Fortunella margarita, beaten egg whites (cabbage to eggs 2:1),
grown mainly in Morocco, Palestine, Brazil placed in a buttered soufflé dish, dotted with
and the USA. It is an oval fruit with a smooth butter sprinkled with breadcrumbs and
rind and a pronounced spicy citrus flavour. baked at 190°C.
The flesh is acidic with a few seeds. Also naleśniki Poland Fritters made from cottage

called oval kumquat cheese mixed with egg yolks and butter
naganegi Japan Asian leek

sandwiched between thin pancakes, cut into

nagashi-bako Japan A small square mould

squares, dipped in batter and deep-fried

used for making jellies and jellied (e.g. aspic nama-age Japan Lightly fried bean curd

coated) food nama fu Japan Fresh gluten cake

nama fu

nage, à la France Shellfish cooked in white

nage, à la

namagashi Japan Soft cakes usually


wine with aromatic vegetables and herbs including adzuki bean paste (anko)
nagelkaas Netherlands A pale strong-

namasu Japan Julienned mooli and carrot


flavoured and very hard and dense cows’ salted in a bowl for 30 minutes, wrung out
milk cheese made with a lactic starter, and dressed with a rice vinegar flavoured
flavoured with cumin and cloves and with soya sauce, chopped ginger root and
matured for six months. The hard yellow rind sugar. Best left to mature for 8 hours.
is usually oiled. The unspiced version is
nama-uni Japan Raw sea urchins

Kanterkaas. Also called Friese nagelkaas,

nambanzuke Japan Soused fish made as for

escabeche from fried fish using mirin, soya
Nagelrochen Germany Thornback ray

sauce, chillies and dashi in the marinade

nagerecht Netherlands Dessert

(NOTE: Namban means ‘southern savages’,

392 Page 393 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

napolitaine, à la

referring to the Spanish and Portuguese who pressed onto an oiled preheated smooth
brought this dish with them) griddle plate with a cloth-covered cushion,
nam dong ca Vietnam Shiitake mushroom
nam dong ca

baked at 290°C until the surface bubbles

ñame Spain Yam
then turned over to complete the cooking
nameko Japan A small gelatinous mushroom
(about 5 minutes in all). The dough is not
native to Japan, used in soups and proved or rested.
nangka Indonesia, Malaysia Jackfruit

sunomono. Usually sold preserved in a light

nangpur suntara South Asia Ponkan
nangpur suntara

nameshi Japan Green rice made by mixing
nan nan bin Burma Coriander leaves
nan nan bin

salted plain boiled rice with shredded

spinach that has been cooked 5 minutes and nan nan zee Burma Coriander seeds
nan nan zee

wrung out nannee Caribbean Anise seeds


namida Japan See wasabi (NOTE: Literally


nannygai Australia Redfish


‘tears’.) nano dok Central Asia A flavouring mix from

nano dok

nam jim kratiem Thailand A sweet-and-sour

nam jim kratiem

Iran made of turmeric browned in clarified

garlic sauce with chillies, made by slowly butter, with powdered dried mint added off
cooking the ingredients with a little water the heat. It is used for flavouring soups,
until soft and reduced to a sauce, then salads etc.
salting to taste Nantais France 1. A semi-hard smooth-

na mool Korea Accompaniments and side

na mool

textured, washed-rind cheese made from

dishes at Korean meals, often marinated or cows’ milk. The rind is light brown and the
cold cooked vegetables smooth paste has a strong flavour and smell.
nam pa Laos A thin straw coloured fish sauce
nam pa

Also called Véritable Nantais 2. A small

similar to nuoc mam almond cake
nam pla Thailand The salty brown liquid
nam pla

Nantais duck See Nantes duck

Nantais duck

which drains from salted and fermented fish nantaise, à la France In the Nantes style, i.e.
nantaise, à la

used as a flavouring in the same way as soya garnished with peas, potatoes and turnips.
sauce. Also called fish sauce Used especially of roasts.
nam pla ra Thailand A thin sauce made by
nam pla ra

Nantes duck One of the two main breeds of

Nantes duck

boiling nam pla with lemon grass and makrut French domesticated duck, similar to the
lime leaves and straining Aylesbury and less plump than the Rouen
nam prik Thailand The general name for Thai
nam prik

duck. It is usually killed at about 2 kg and

relishes made from a mixture of spices, provides 4 portions It may be braised or
herbs and other flavouring agents such as poêléed as well as being roasted.
red chillies, dried shrimps, garlic, trassi, fish Nantua, à la France In the Nantua style, i.e.
Nantua, à la

sauce, brown sugar, shallots, tamarind, lime garnished with crayfish tails and truffles.
juice, peanuts, sour fruits, etc. all processed Used especially of fish.
together Nantua, sauce England, France 200 ml of
Nantua, sauce

nam prik pao Thailand A hot chilli sauce

nam prik pao

cream per litre of béchamel sauce, reduced

made from roasted red deseeded chillies by one third, consistency adjusted with more
fried in oil with garlic, onions and shrimp cream and finished with crayfish butter and
paste, then all processed with brown sugar a few small cooked and shelled crayfish tails
and tamarind to a thin paste. Also called nap, to To cover a food item, usually a piece of
nap, to

roasted chilli paste, roasted curry paste meat or fish on a plate or dish, with sauce
nam som Thailand Rice vinegar
nam som

Napfkuchen Germany A yeast-raised sweet


nan (bread) 1. South Asia A yeast-raised


bun with raisins

bread made from white flour and yoghurt, Napfschnecke Germany Limpet

cooked very quickly as a large flat pear

Naples biscuit United States A light dessert
Naples biscuit

shaped bread on the side of a tandoori oven.

The shaped dough is moistened so that it or tea biscuit similar to a sponge finger
Naples medlar Azarole
Naples medlar

sticks to the side of the oven and is hooked

Napoléon France Cream slice made with

off when cooked. Served with Indian meals.

2. Iran Bread layers of puff pastry
Napoléon biscuits Two biscuits sandwiched
Napoléon biscuits

nane lavash Central Asia The Iranian yeast-

nane lavash

raised flat bread made with a mixture of together with a filling of jam and dusted with
wholemeal and plain flour beaten or icing sugar
napolitaine, à la France In the Neapolitan
napolitaine, à la

kneaded for at least 20 minutes with as

much water as it will take added. The dough style, i.e. garnished with spaghetti in tomato
is then rolled out very thin, stretched and sauce, grated cheese and chopped

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nappa cabbage

tomatoes. Alternatively a description of salads, the flowers as decoration and the

spaghetti served with a tomato sauce and young green seeds may be pickled in vinegar
grated cheese. and resemble capers. Also called Indian
nappa cabbage United States Chinese leaves
nappa cabbage
cress, Jesuits’ cress
napper France To nap
Nasturtium officinale Botanical name
naranja Spain Orange, the fruit
nasturzio Italy Nasturtium

naranja amargo Spain Seville orange

naranja amargo

nasu Japan Aubergine


nara nut The seed of a gourd from a spiny

nara nut

nata 1. Spain Cream 2. Philippines A


shrub, Acanthosicyos horrida, that grows in

South West Africa and is about the size of a translucent degraded starch, probably a
large melon seed. Also called butternut, dextran, which appears on the surface of
butter pit fruits after they are inoculated with a
narbonnaise, à la France In the Narbonne
narbonnaise, à la
dextranase producing bacteria. It is scraped
style, i.e. garnished with haricot beans, off, washed and boiled and used as a
aubergine and tomatoes flavouring for desserts.
nata batida Spain Whipped cream
nata batida

nargisi South Asia A forcemeat of finely


nata de coco Philippines A nata produced on

nata de coco

ground meat blended with aromatics and

herbs, moulded around a hard-boiled egg coconut flesh
nata de pina Philippines A nata produced on
nata de pina

rather like a Scotch egg and baked or fried

(NOTE: Literally ‘narcissus’.) pineapple flesh
natillas Spain A soft custard dessert made

narial South Asia Coconut


narijal South Asia A young coconut

with ewes’ milk and flavoured with cinnamon
narm yu China Bean curd cheese
narm yu
and lemon
natillas piuranas Spain A dessert made from
natillas piuranas

narrow-headed softshell turtle A species of

narrow-headed softshell turtle

turtle from Thailand now endangered due to a caramelized milk and sugar. See also
over exploitation arequipe
native mint Australia A common ornamental
native mint

narrow-leaf sage See Spanish sage

narrow-leaf sage

garden bush in the southeastern states with

naruto Japan A Japanese fish cake formed

edible flowers and strong mint flavoured

into a cylinder and the surface decorated leaves which are used fresh or dried and
with red colouring after steaming to give an ground. The flavour intensifies over time and
attractive garnish when sliced. See also it should be used sparingly. There are a
kamaboko number of indigenous plants which are
naseberry Sapodilla

called native mints. Used in dressings,

nasello Italy Hake, the fish

sauces, curries and in baking and desserts.

nashab Persian Gulf Deep-fried filo pastry

native oyster A smaller variety of oyster,

native oyster

rolls about 12 cm by 10 to 15 mm in Ostrea edulis, with a smooth flat shell famous

diameter, filled with a mixture of ground for its flavour. Can grow to 12 cm, but
cashew nuts and walnuts, caster sugar and normally sold somewhat smaller.
ground cardamom seeds then deep-fried at native peach Australia Quandong fruit
native peach

190°C native pepperberry Australia Small fruits

native pepperberry

nashi Asian pear


intermediate in size between a peppercorn

nasi Indonesia, Malaysia Rice

and a pea which can be used whole or dried

nasi goreng Indonesia Fried rice with
nasi goreng

and ground as a substitute for pepper

chopped pork, ham, onion, garlic, seafood native peppermint Australia A widespread
native peppermint

and vegetables. Served with acar, krupek eucalyptus, Eucalyptus dives, whose grey-
and strips of cooked egg omelette. green leaves have a strong peppermint
nasi padang Indonesia A very hot-flavoured
nasi padang

flavour with a hint of eucalyptus. They are

and spicy rice dishes from Padang, Sumatra best used dried and ground in desserts and
nässelkål Sweden Nettle soup made from

cakes, or the whole leaves may be used to

fresh young nettles cooked like spinach, make a tea. The essential oil is sold
chopped and added to a seasoned beef separately.
native spinach Australia Warrigal greens
native spinach

stock thickened with a blond roux, the whole

finished with chopped chives and served native tamarind Australia A relative of the
native tamarind

with one poached egg per portion lychee, Diploglottis cunninghamii and D.
nasturtium A trailing plant, Tropaeolum

campbellii, with a hard woody orange-

majus, with bright red to yellow trumpet- coloured shell and segmented fleshy pulp
shaped flowers and round green leaves. The around a central stone. The brilliant orange
leaves and flower buds may be used in flesh has a sharp, sour, mandarin type

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flavour and is excellent in sauces, jams, ice navet 1. France Any type of turnip 2. England

cream and the like. Small immature and tender white turnips
native thyme Australia Wild thyme
native thyme

tinged with red, generally require no peeling

navets, purée de Turnip soup
navets, purée de

natsudaidai Japan A naturally occurring


navone Italy Swede


hybrid of Citrus relatively unknown outside

Japan navy bean United States A variety of haricot
navy bean

natsumegu Japan Nutmeg


bean used for making the ubiquitous canned

Natterkopf Germany Viper’s bugloss
baked beans. Also called American navy
bean, Boston bean, great northern bean, pea
nattmat Sweden Solitary midnight snacks, or

bean, yankee bean

vickning (NOTE: Literally ‘night food’.)
nazi East Africa The Tanzanian word for

natto Japan Soaked and steamed soya beans


inoculated with Bacillus natto, made up into
nazuna Japan Salt pickle made with a variety

small parcels with rice straw and allowed to

ferment for a day in a hot humid conditions of green leaves
’ncapriata Italy A bean purée flavoured with

when they develop a strong flavour and

stickiness. Usually served with hot rice, but chillies and other spices (NOTE: From Puglia)
ndayu East Africa Roasted young goat served

sometimes in soup and salads.

natur Germany Plain, not garnished or
as a celebratory meal in Tanzania
n’dizi East Africa Plantain

n’dizi na nyama East Africa Cubed boneless
n’dizi na nyama

naturale Italy Plain, not garnished or


decorated beef simmered with seasoning, curry powder

and cayenne pepper until almost cooked,
nature France Plain as in omelette nature, or

then sliced plantains added for a further 10

a description of tea or coffee without the
minutes cooking. Finally, onions, tomatoes
addition of milk
and tomato paste which have been fried in oil
naturel, au France Plainly cooked without
naturel, au

then simmered with a bay leaf in coconut

sauces or garnish or served in its plain milk are added to the meat plantain mixture.
uncooked state as e.g. huîtres au naturel Served with rice or ugali.
Naturschnitzel Germany Plain veal cutlet or

neapolitan Made in multicoloured layers


escalope, not panéed Neapolitan ice cream See cassata

Neapolitan ice cream

nau Vietnam To cook


Neapolitan parsley A type of parsley grown

Neapolitan parsley

naudanliha Finland Beef


for its leaf stalks used in the same way as

naudanpaisti Finland Beefsteak celery

Neapolitan sauce A tomato sauce from

Neapolitan sauce

naun Central Asia A yeast-raised bread from


Afghanistan made with a mixture of equal Naples flavoured with onion, basil and
parts of wholemeal and white flour. After parsley
rising it is formed into tear shapes about 1 nebu South Asia Lemon

cm thick which, when proved, are marked necares Spain The blue velvet swimming crab

with the fingers in three long grooves before most favoured by Spanish gourmets
being baked at 220°C on a flat sheet for neck end of pork A joint of meat from the
neck end of pork

about 15 minutes. shoulder of the pig near the neck. Usually

nauris Finland Turnip

boned and rolled.

navaja Spain Razor shell

neck end of veal The ribs and muscles

neck end of veal

navarin France A lamb or mutton stew with


behind the shoulder and in front of the best

onions and potatoes end. Used for stewing and sautéing after
navarin à la printanière France A lamb or
navarin à la printanière
boning out.
neck fillet United Kingdom Scrag end of lamb
neck fillet

mutton stew with onions, garlic, root

neck of beef United Kingdom Clod
neck of beef

vegetables, peas, green beans, herbs and

seasoning nectar 1. The sugary liquid extracted from

navel orange A type of sweet orange which

navel orange

flowers by bees which after ingestion is

has a small secondary fruit embedded in the chemically transformed and regurgitated as
apex of the primary fruit. They are seedless, honey 2. Any thick sweetened fruit juice
nectarine The fruit of a deciduous tree,

with deep orange, easily peeled rinds and

with a rich sweet flavour. One of the best Prunus persica var. nectarina, with a
dessert fruits. They are unsuitable for worldwide distribution. The fruit is a variant
processing as the juice develops bitterness of the peach with a smooth shiny orange red
on standing. The two common varieties are skin and white to red firm flesh surrounding
the Washington and the Bahia. a rough central stone. Use as peach.

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needle A thin steel rod, sharpened at one end neohesperidin The compound responsible
needle neohesperidin

and pierced with a flattened hole at the other, for the bitterness of the Seville orange
used for trussing or larding a bird or piece of nep Vietnam Uncooked glutinous rice. See

meat also xoi nep

needle, to To pierce food singly or repeatedly Nepal cardamom A cheap cardamom
needle, to Nepal cardamom

with single or multiple needles either to make substitute from a perennial plant, Amomum
it more absorptive, to introduce subulatum, which has ribbed and deep red
microorganisms as e.g. in making blue pods becoming black or brown when dried
cheeses, or to inject fluids through and resembling a small coconut (up to 2.5
hypodermic needles (hollow needles) as in cm long). The seeds have a distinctly
quick curing or tenderizing of meats camphorous flavour.
needle cut A very fine julienne vegetable cut. nepaul pepper United States A chilli pepper
needle cut nepaul pepper

See also sen-giri similar to cayenne with a sweet pungent

needlefish A fish similar to the garfish found
in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans Nepeta cataria Botanical name Catmint
neep Scotland Scottish for swede although
Nephelium lappaceum Botanical name
sometimes thought to be a turnip. The Rambutan
English white turnips are called new turnips Nephelium longana Botanical name Longan
in Scotland, e.g. bashit neeps, mashed Nephelium mutabile Botanical name
swede. (colloquial) Pulasan
nero Italy Black

neep bree Scotland A soup made from

neep bree

neslesuppe Norway Nettle soup


chopped swedes blanched then sautéed in

nespola Italy Medlar

butter with onion and a pinch of ginger for 10

nespola del Giappone Italy Loquat, Japanese
nespola del Giappone

minutes and simmered with stock and milk

until soft prior to puréeing. Equal weights of medlar
liquid and vegetables are used. Nessel Germany Nettle

neep purry Scotland A purée of swede or Nesselrode France Containing chestnut

neep purry Nesselrode

turnip, mashed with butter and a little purée

ground ginger Nesselrode pudding A dessert made from
Nesselrode pudding

neeseberry Sapodilla chestnut purée, egg yolks, cream and


nèfle France Medlar

possibly candied fruits, cooked without
curdling then frozen in a mould. See also
nèfle d’Amérique France Sapodilla
nèfle d’Amérique

pouding Nesselrode
negi Japan Asian leek

nesting frying baskets Two wire mesh

nesting frying baskets

negi shigi-yaki Japan Broiled leeks. See also

negi shigi-yaki

baskets one slightly smaller than the other,

Japanese broiled vegetables used to make edible bowls by trapping finely
négresse en chemise France A dessert
négresse en chemise

shredded or precooked ingredients between

made of a chocolate ice cream or mousse, the two baskets before deep-frying them
heaped up in the centre of a plate with cream netted melon Musk melon
netted melon

over and surrounding it nettle A wild plant, Urtica dioica, which grows

negretti Italy Individual square chocolate


in clusters on well-manured ground with

coated almond cakes leaves that sting the exposed skin. The
negritas Spain Chocolate mousse topped with young leaves may be used as spinach or to

whipped cream make soup and lose their stinging capacity

neguilla Spain Nigella
on boiling. Also called stinging nettle
nettle kail Scotland A boiling fowl stuffed with
nettle kail

neige France White of egg beaten to a froth


(NOTE: Literally ‘snow’, as in oeufs à la neige a mixture of sweated onions cooked in suet,
‘floating islands’.) thickened with oatmeal and flavoured with
ransons or mint is simmered in seasoned
neige, monter en France To whisk egg whites
neige, monter en

water for 60 to 80 minutes and young nettles

to a stiff peak
or spinach added for the last 10 minutes of
neige de Florence France Very small thin
neige de Florence

cooking together with a little fine oatmeal or

flakes of pasta barley flour to thicken. Served with the
neiha kinkan Japan Meiwa kumquat
neiha kinkan

buttered nettles.
Nelke Germany Clove, the spice. Also called

nettoyer France To clean


Gewürznelke Neufchâtel France A soft white creamy cows’


Nelubium nucifera Botanical name The lotus milk cheese from Normandy with a rind like
plant Camembert and a salty lactic taste. It is
nenna South Asia Loofah

produced in various small shapes and eaten

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niçoise, à la

young. See also Bondon, carré de Bray. Also ngalakh West Africa A sweetened porridge

called Coeur, Briquette from Senegal made from couscous or karaw

neutral fat Fat with no excess fatty acid cooked as normal with some butter then
neutral fat

New Bedford pudding United States A

New Bedford pudding
mixed just before service with a sauce made
molasses-sweetened pudding made with from equal parts of baobab fruit juice or
cornmeal, flour, milk and eggs tamarind juice and peanut butter with sugar,
Newburg, sauce England, France Diced
Newburg, sauce
vanilla essence, nutmeg, orange flower water
lobster meat cooked in court bouillon or oil and raisins. Also called ngallax
ngallax West Africa Ngalakh

and butter, drained, covered with Madeira

nga-man-gyaung Burma Small fish similar to

wine and reduced, seasoned with cayenne

pepper, cream and fish stock added, anchovy, prepared like ikan bilis
simmered then thickened with egg yolks. nga-mote-phyu Burma Pomfret, the fish

The lobster may be flamed with brandy and ngan pye ye Burma Fish sauce similar to nuoc
ngan pye ye

the pounded coral and creamy parts may be mam

added towards the end. ngan pye ye chet Burma A strong-flavoured
ngan pye ye chet

new cheese Caerphilly

new cheese

sauce made from fish sauce (ngan pye ye),

new cocoyam A plant with yam-like fruit. See lemon grass, garlic and chilli powder
new cocoyam

also tannia ngapi Burma A dark grey paste made from


New England boiled dinner United States A fermented fish commonly used as a
New England boiled dinner

one-pot dinner of corned beef or chicken flavouring in Burmese cooking (NOTE:

cooked with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, etc. Literally ‘rotten fish’.)
and served with horseradish sauce or ngapi htaung Burma A pungent dipping
ngapi htaung

mustard paste made from a finely ground mixture of

New Mexico chilli A variety of red and hot ngapi, onions, garlic and dried shrimps
New Mexico chilli

chilli pepper about 8 cm by 0.5 cm from ngapi nut The seed of a Burmese jungle tree,
ngapi nut

Mexico and the southern USA. They are Pithecolobium lobatum, with a smell similar
used in curries and sauces and are often to ngapi. Used raw or cooked.
dried and ground. In New Mexico green nga-youk-kuan Burma Peppercorn

chillies are included in this category. nga yut thee Burma Chilli pepper
nga yut thee

newrex rice A type of long-grain rice

newrex rice

ngege East Africa A type of tilapia,


newspaper cooking United Kingdom A

newspaper cooking

Oreochromis esculentus, from the Great

method of cooking cleaned whole fish by Lakes region of East Africa
wrapping in 8 or 9 layers of newspaper, ng he Vietnam Turmeric
ng he

thoroughly soaking in water then cooking in ng heung fun China Five-spice powder
ng heung fun

a moderate oven until the paper is

ngun jump fun China Wheat starch
ngun jump fun

completely dry (approximately 1 hour for a

ngun nga choy China Silver sprouts
ngun nga choy

1.5 kg fish)
ngup jern China Duck feet
ngup jern

new turnips Scotland The English turnip 1

new turnips

ngup yu China Cuttlefish

ngup yu

New Zealand grapefruit A citrus hybrid with

New Zealand grapefruit

ngu vi huong Vietnam Five-spice powder

ngu vi huong

characteristics similar to grapefruit but not

nho Vietnam Raisin or grape

directly related. Taken from Shanghai to

nhopi South Africa Sadza dumplings mashed

Australia in 1820. It has a straw-coloured

coarse flesh which is tender and far more and mixed with cooked and mashed
juicy than most grapefruit. The flavour pumpkin (3:1), flavoured with sugar and
combines that of grapefruit with a trace of peanut butter, cooked for a few minutes and
lime and lemon. Usually used as a breakfast thinned with the pumpkin cooking water to
fruit. Also called poorman orange the desired consistency. Served with green
New Zealand spinach A half-hardy creeping
New Zealand spinach
niacin See vitamin B3

perennial, Tetragonia tetragonioides or T.

expansa, grown as an annual. The thick niacinamide See vitamin B3

triangular leaves are used in the same way as niban dashi Japan The second infusion in
niban dashi

spinach. It is at its best eaten young and the making dashi. See also dashi
water should be changed during the niboshi Japan Dried and salted fish similar to

cooking. See also Warrigal greens Bombay duck. Used for flavouring or fried as
nfissat North Africa A thin mutton broth from

a snack food or side dish.

Morocco nibuta Japan Boiled and seasoned pork

nga Thailand Sesame seed


niçoise, à la France In the Nice style, i.e.

niçoise, à la

nga choy China Mung bean sprouts

nga choy

garnished with olives, tomatoes, garlic,

nga hnap Burma Bummaloe, the fish
nga hnap

French beans, etc.

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niçoise, salade

niçoise, salade France Salade niçoise otoshibuta. The solids are usually served with
niçoise, salade

niçoise, sauce England, France Vinaigrette

niçoise, sauce
a little of the stock.
ninfea Italy Lotus

with French mustard, diced anchovies and

chopped capers, olives and parsley. Served Niolo France A soft, washed-rind cheese from

with meat salads and hard-boiled eggs. Corsica made in a brick shape (600 g) from
nicotinic acid See vitamin B3, E375
nicotinic acid

a mixture of ewes’ and goats’ milk. It is dry-

nidi Italy Tangles of thin pasta (NOTE: Literally
salted and ripened for 15 days.
nishin Japan Herring

nisin See E234

nido, al Italy In a nest, i.e. one ingredient in

nido, al

níspola Spain Medlar


niébé et maïs West Africa A dish based on nitrate of potash See saltpetre
niébé et maïs nitrate of potash

soaked dried cow peas, boiled. See also nitrites Salts of nitrous acid which are

adalu involved in producing the pleasant pink

Nieheimer Germany A soft cheese made with

colour of cured meat. They are formed by

skimmed cows’ milk coagulated with lactic reduction of nitrates (saltpetre) by bacterial
acid. The curd is salted and flavoured with action in the meat or can be included in the
caraway seeds, formed into 40 g cheeses, curing liquor. Because of the method of
ripened for a short time and wrapped in hop production sal prunella contains a little nitrite
leaves. Also called Hopfenkäse as impurity.
nitrogen The inert gas which forms 79% of air,

Nieren Germany Kidneys


Nierenfett Germany Suet

used to fill sealed packaging so as to displace
nigella England, Italy The small black seeds
air and prevent oxidation
nitrogen trichloride A compound used for
nitrogen trichloride

of an annual plant, Nigella sativa, related to

love-in-a-mist and resembling onion seeds. bleaching flour
nitrous oxide Laughing gas, once used as an
nitrous oxide

They have a delicate, slightly peppery flavour

and are used in Indian spice mixtures and to anaesthetic, now used as a propellant in
flavour bread in India and the Middle East. aerosol packs of whipped cream
nitsuke Japan Simmered, in clear liquid or

(NOTE: Not to be confused with black cumin.)

Nigella sativa Botanical name Nigella thin sauce
nigelle France Nigella niu Catalonia A fish and meat stew from the
nigelle niu

niger oil A highly flavoured oil extracted from

niger oil
Costa Brava containing, amongst other
the seeds of a plant, Guizotia abyssinica, things, pigeon, cuttlefish, cod, tripe, pigs’
which grows in Africa and India. It has a trotters, egg and garlic mayonnaise
Niva Czech Republic, Russia A soft blue-

pleasant nutty flavour.

nigiri-zushi Japan A hand-moulded sushi
veined cheese similar to Roquefort, made
made in an oval shape with the fillings placed from a mixture of ewes’ and cows’ milk and
on top after smearing the ball with a little surface-ripened. Contains 47% water, 23%
wasabi fat and 22 % protein.
nixtamal Mexico Maize kernels treated with

nihai-zu Japan A vinegar-based dressing for


sunomono consisting of a mixture of rice water and lime (15:30:1) until the skins can
vinegar, soya sauce and dashi be rubbed off, washed until white in clean
nihura Nepal Drumstick vegetable
water then used for making masa or masa
nijuseki , nijusseki Japan Asian pear

nizakana Japan Oily fish such as herring,


nikiri sake Japan Sake boiled to remove

nikiri sake

mackerel, sardine, etc. cleaned and gutted,

alcohol before incorporating in cold
slashed and placed in a boiling mixture of
uncooked dips and sauces
equal parts of dashi, soya sauce and sake
niku-ryori Japan Meat

with a little sugar, and simmered until cooked

nikuzuku Japan Nutmeg

on a very low heat. Served immediately with

Nile perch Central Africa Capitaine
Nile perch

some of the cooking liquor.

nimboo acar South Asia A lemon pickle made njamma-jamma Central Africa Shredded
nimboo acar njamma-jamma

from quartered lemons with the pips greens cooked with a little sweated onion
removed. These are layered in a jar with a and garlic, then all simmered in stock with
little salt, chopped ginger, bay leaf and chilli seasoning to taste until tender. The name
between each layer then covered with lime also refers to the leaves of a plant used as a
juice and finally a thin layer of salt. The pickle vegetable in Central Africa.
is left covered for at least 2 weeks to mature. Njeguski Balkans A hard, scalded-curd,

nimono Japan Simmered, e.g. of meats or


pressed ewes’ milk cheese made in a drum

vegetables in a well-flavoured stock using an shape (up to 3 kg). It is dry-salted and

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ripened for up to 4 months. Contains 33% noix du Brésil France Brazil nut
noix du Brésil

water, 33% fat and 31% protein. noix pâtissière France A cut of veal or beef.
noix pâtissière

njure Sweden Kidney


See also gîte à la noix

njursauté Sweden Cleaned and blanched Nøkke Norway Nøkkelost
njursauté Nøkke

calves’ or lambs’ kidneys diced or sliced and Nøkkelost Norway A hard scalded-curd

sautéed with mushrooms in butter. Flour, cheese made in wheels (up to 15 kg) from
stock, mushroom juices and cream added, semi-skimmed cows’ milk and flavoured with
seasoned and simmered 10 minutes and cumin and caraway. It contains 43% water,
finished with Madeira wine. 20% fat and 33% protein. Also called Nøkke
njursoppa Sweden Kidney soup made from

non Russia A flat onion-flavoured bread from


diced kidney flesh sweated with chopped Asiatic Russia, similar to the Indian paratha
onion and parsley, flour added to make a nonats France Gobies, Mediterranean fish

roux and let down with beef stock, boiled 10 similar to whitebait
minutes and finished with a whisked mixture
non-dairy creamer Creamer
non-dairy creamer

of eggs and sour cream. Served over toast.

nonna, alla Italy In the style of grandmother,
nonna, alla

nocciola Italy 1. Hazelnut 2. Noisette of meat


i.e. home cooked

nocciola di burro Italy Beurre noisette
nocciola di burro

nonnati Italy Goby, the fish


nocciolina Italy Peanut


nonnette France Spiced bun


noce Italy 1. Nut, walnut 2. Rump (of meat) 3.


nonnette de Dijon France Iced gingerbread

nonnette de Dijon

Knob (of butter)

noce del Brazile Italy Brazil nut
noce del Brazile

nonpareille France Hundreds and thousands


noce del para Italy Brazil nut

noce del para

nonya cuisine The distinctive cuisine of the

nonya cuisine

noce di acagiu Italy Cashew nut

noce di acagiu

Chinese Malaysians and Singaporeans

noce di areca Italy Betel nut
noce di areca

(Straits Chinese), which marries Chinese and

noce di cocco Italy Coconut
noce di cocco

Malaysian ingredients
noce moscata Italy Nutmeg noodle basket A container made by lining a
noce moscata noodle basket

nocepesca Italy A nectarine


wire mesh frying basket with softened and

nødder Denmark Nuts
drained noodles, placing a slightly smaller
nodino Italy Meat chop
basket inside to hold the noodles in place
and deep-frying until the noodles are crisp
noisette France 1. Hazelnut 2. A neatly

and adhering together. The noodle basket is

trimmed and tied boneless piece of meat at
used to serve some stir-fried Chinese dishes.
least 1.5 cm thick, cut from the eye of the
Also called noodle nest
loin of lamb, the filet mignon of beef or a
noodle nest See noodle basket
noodle nest

small grenadin of veal, usually surrounded

noodles A mixture of grain or pulse flour or

on its edge with a thin layer of fat 3. Knob (of

butter) other starch product with egg and/or water
noisette, beurre France Beurre noisette
noisette, beurre
and salt formed into a long flat ribbons of
various thicknesses and cross sections.
noisette, beurre de France Beurre de
noisette, beurre de

Available in most cuisines. Cooked by

noisette boiling, stir-frying or deep-frying and may be
noisette, sauce France Hollandaise sauce
noisette, sauce

soft or dried. Typical names are listed under

finished at the last moment with 150 g of egg, rice, cellophane, soba, cha-soba, udon,
beurre noisette per kg of butter used in somen, shirataki, bean thread, e-fu, miswa,
making the hollandaise. Used with poached Shanghai and all the Italian pasta types.
salmon and trout.
noomi Middle East The whole, not powdered,

noisette cutter A larger version of the

noisette cutter

version of loomi
Parisienne or Paris cutter used for scooping Noorse kreeft Netherlands Dublin bay prawn
Noorse kreeft

balls out of raw vegetables and fruit, etc.

nopal Spain Young leaf of the prickly pear

noix France 1. Walnut 2. Eye of a chop or


cactus, Opuntia vulgaris, sold skinned,

cutlet, i.e. a round piece of lean meat cut
trimmed and chopped and used after
from across a long circular muscle 3. Knob cooking in stews and salads. Common in
(of butter) 4. Cushion of veal Mexico and southern USA. Also called
noix d’arec France Betel nut
noix d’arec

nopalito (NOTE: Plural is nopales.)

noix de cajou France Cashew nut
noix de cajou

nopalito Nopal

noix de coco France Coconut

noix de coco

noques France Gnocchi


noix de muscade France Nutmeg

noix de muscade

ñora A round red chilli from Spain, not


noix de pecan France Pecan nut

noix de pecan

particularly hot, almost a sweet pepper.

noix de veau France Cushion of veal
noix de veau

Usually dried.

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norbixin A golden yellow food colouring show the decoratively arranged filling. See

obtained from the seeds of achiote. See also also maki-sushi

normande, à la France In the Normandy
normande, à la

nordische Meerbrassen Germany See bream
nordische Meerbrassen
style, i.e. containing cream, apples, cider,
1 calvados or seafood. Also used of fish served
Norfolk apple cake with sauce normande and garnished with
Norfolk apple cake England A shortcrust truffles, shrimps and crayfish or mussels.
pastry case with a pastry top filled with a
normande, sauce France A fish velouté
normande, sauce

mixture of stewed apples, orange marmalade

and currants. Also called apple cake sauce enriched with cream, egg yolks and
butter and served with fish and shellfish.
Norfolk black England A breed of turkey
Norfolk black

Also called Normandy sauce

similar to the bronze but with a slightly less Normandy sauce See normande, sauce
Normandy sauce

plump breast
Normanna Norway A semi-hard cows’ milk

Norfolk dumpling

Norfolk dumpling England A dumpling made cheese made with a lactic starter. The
of flour, eggs and milk sometimes with added cylindrical cheeses (up to 3kg) are ripened
yeast to cause it to rise before boiling for 2 months and develop a sharp flavour
Norfolk knobs

Norfolk knobs England Hollow biscuits made and patches of greenish blue colouration in
with a sweetened and butter enriched yeast- the white paste.
raised soft dough, kneaded, rolled, docked North American lobster A larger variety of
North American lobster

to remove all air, cut in 3 cm discs, proved lobster, Homarus americanus, than the
until doubled in size and baked at 220°C European, Homarus vulgaris
then completely dried in the oven at 90°C. northern fluke Summer flounder
northern fluke

Eaten with cheese or jam, or the like. northern prawn Deepwater prawn
northern prawn

Introduced by the Flemish weavers.

North Staffordshire black pudding England
North Staffordshire black pudding

Norfolk plough pudding

Norfolk plough pudding England A pudding Black pudding flavoured with thyme,
basin lined first with suet pastry, then with allspice, marjoram, pennyroyal and
sausagemeat, the centre filled with a mixture coriander
of chopped onion, bacon flavoured with a Norvegia Norway A semi-hard cows’ milk

little sage and brown sugar plus stock, this cheese resembling Gouda. The paste
layered with more sausagemeat and contains small holes.
everything topped with suet pastry well norvégienne, sauce A type of mayonnaise
norvégienne, sauce

sealed to the sides. The basin is covered,

made from pounded hard-boiled egg yolk
then steamed for 3 to 4 hours. (NOTE: This
with vinegar and mustard into which oil is
dish was traditionally served on Plough
beaten to give a thick sauce
Monday, the first Monday after Twelfth Night
Norway haddock Redfish
Norway haddock

when spring ploughing started.)

Norway lobster Dublin bay prawn
Norway lobster

Norfolk rusks England A hard biscuit made

Norfolk rusks

Norwegian omelette Baked Alaska

Norwegian omelette

with self-raising flour, butter and egg

Norwegian whey cheese Mysost
Norwegian whey cheese

(12:5:4) mixed by the rubbing-in method,

nosh England Food, from the Yiddish for titbits

rolled out to 7 mm thick and cut in rounds.

These are baked at 200°C for 20 minutes or or appetizers (colloquial)
nostrano Italy Home-grown

until golden, cooled, split in half and baked

cut side uppermost for a further 5 minutes. noten Netherlands Nuts

nötkött Sweden Beef

nori nötkött

nori Japan A marine alga, Porphyra tenera or

P. umbilicalis, found on the surface of the nötter Sweden Nuts

sea off Japan, China and Korea. It is formed nøtter Norway Nuts

into paper-like sheets, compressed and nøtteterte Norway Nut cake


dried and has a colour ranging from green Nottingham pudding England The centres of
Nottingham pudding

through purple. It is used in Japan to wrap

peeled and cored Bramley cooking apples
around rice and various fillings to make are filled with a creamed mixture of equal
sushi. It may also be shredded for use as a parts of butter and sugar flavoured with
condiment or flavouring or may be formed
cinnamon and nutmeg, then placed in a
into baskets by deep frying. Also called green greased baking dish, covered with an egg
laver, purple laver, sea laver
and milk batter stabilized with flour at the
noriega Spain Common skate

rate of 2 tbsp per egg and baked at 200°C for

50 minutes

nori-maki Japan A sushi wrapped in nori with

nougat England, France Any sweetmeat made

the filling in the centre of the sushi-meshi

rice. Rolled up using a bamboo mat with a mixture of nuts and sugar, syrup or
(makisu). The roll is cut in 3 cm pieces to honey with possibly white of egg and glacé

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Nuss und Mohnstrudel

fruits. The white French version is common in the mixture and left for from 1 to 30 days
in the UK. In Germany it is light brown and to mature and become preserved.
smooth. nuka-zuke Japan 1. Nukamiso-zuke 2. A

nougatine England, France A confection method of preserving in which salted


similar to praline made from a light caramel vegetables are immersed in rice bran
mixed with crushed almonds or hazelnuts, num krathi Thailand Coconut
num krathi

poured onto a flat sheet and cut into small num taan Thailand Sugar
num taan

decorative shapes, or moulded when warm num taan peep Thailand Palm sugar
num taan peep

into baskets and the like to contain other

num taan sai Thailand Sugar
num taan sai

foods, or cut in a large circle to be used as a

nun’s beads Scotland Grated Dunlop cheese,
nun’s beads

base for a gateau or dessert

egg yolks and breadcrumbs (4:1:1), made
nouilles France 1. Pasta 2. Noodles

into a paste, formed into walnut-sized balls,

nouvelle cuisine England, France A
nouvelle cuisine

each ball covered in thin puff pastry and

fashionable 1980s style of cooking using deep-fried until golden brown
small amounts of very fresh food artistically
nun’s toast United States Hard-boiled eggs in
nun’s toast

arranged on the plate together with purées

thickened milk, served over toast
and reduced cooking liquors without cream,
nuoc cham Vietnam A condiment and dipping
nuoc cham

flour, egg or butter thickening, as sauces.

Portions and sauces have now reverted to sauce made from dried red chillies, garlic
normal although much of the artistic merit and sugar, processed with water, fish sauce
has persisted. This type of cuisine tends to and lime juice. Will keep fresh for 3 days in
arise in history at favourable economic times. the refrigerator.
nuoc cham tuong gung Vietnam Tuong
nuoc cham tuong gung

nova United States Cold-smoked salmon.


Eaten with cream cheese and bagels. sweetened with sugar and processed with
noyau France Kernel, stone or pit of a fruit
noyau ginger and chillies. Served with roast meats.
nuoc cot dua Vietnam Coconut milk
nuoc cot dua

noyau, liqueur de 1 France A liqueur

noyau, liqueur de 1

nuoc dua tuoi Vietnam Coconut water

nuoc dua tuoi

flavoured with kernels of cherry and apricot

nuoc mam Thailand, Vietnam A thin fish
nuoc mam

stones used as a flavouring

noz Portugal Walnut
sauce made from the liquid which drains
from salted and fermented anchovies or
nozzle An open-ended hollow metal or plastic

other small fish. Also called nuoc-nam

cone in varying sizes used in the end of a
nuoc mau Vietnam Caramelized sugar used
nuoc mau

piping bag. The smaller end may be a plain

circle, star-shaped or other shapes to give as a colouring and for glazing grilled food.
different decorative effects. Sometimes used of brown sugar.
nuoc-nam See nuoc mam

nsusu na buha Central Africa A similar

nsusu na buha

nuoc tuong Vietnam Soya sauce

nuoc tuong

Congolese dish to muaba nsusu made with

nuoc tuong hot Vietnam Bean paste
nuoc tuong hot

smoked chicken
nuo mi zong zi China Lotus leaves stuffed
nuo mi zong zi

Nudeln Austria, Germany Egg noodles not


made with durum wheat flour with sweet rice and meat
nuong Vietnam Grilled

Nudelschöberl Austria Noodle pie, served as


Nur Hier Germany A solid black bread only

Nur Hier

an accompaniment to meat
nudlar Sweden Dumplings
available in Hamburg (NOTE: Literally ‘only
nuea Thailand Beef
Nürnberger Germany Nürnbergerwurst

nueces Spain 1. Nuts 2. Walnuts


Nürnbergerwurst Germany A sausage made


nueng Thailand Steamed


nuez Spain 1. Nut 2. Walnut (NOTE: Plural is

from minced lean pork mixed with diced
nueces.) bacon fat, seasoned, flavoured with kirsch,
thyme and marjoram, packed into casings
nuez americana Spain Hickory nut
nuez americana

and linked. Fried in butter and served with

nuez de anacardo Spain Cashew nut
nuez de anacardo

horseradish sauce and sauerkraut. Also

nuez de areca Spain Betel nut
nuez de areca

called Nürnberger
nuez de Brasil Spain Brazil nut
nuez de Brasil

nurse hound Larger spotted dogfish

nurse hound

nuez moscada Spain Nutmeg

nuez moscada

Nuss Germany Nut


nuez nogal Spain Walnut

nuez nogal

Nusstorte Central Europe A speciality cake


nuka Japan Rice bran. See also nuka-zuke,


containing ground almonds or walnuts filled

nukamiso-zuke and coated with whipped or butter cream
nukamiso-zuke Japan A mixture of rice bran, Nuss und Mohnstrudel Austria A walnut and
nukamiso-zuke Nuss und Mohnstrudel

salt, beer and mustard made into a paste poppy seed strudel with a filling made from
with water. Salted vegetables are immersed ground walnuts, sugar, butter, raisins,

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cinnamon, lemon zest, rum and biscuit protein, carbohydrate and fat. It may also
crumbs. Sprinkled with poppy seeds. show, sugar, saturated fats, fibre and
nusu East Africa The name given to a half
nutritional needs The amounts of the various
nutritional needs

portion of food in Kenya

nut The seed of a plant usually enclosed in a
components of food required to be eaten for
fruit and edible when ripe without further health and well being
nutritionist A person who makes a study of

cooking or processing. The term is also

applied to or some underground seed-like and is an expert in nutrition and nutritional
tubers. Most, apart from chestnuts, contain needs. Often works with the kitchens and
large amounts of protein and oil or fat. The chefs of hospitals, schools and other
most important in commerce are almonds, institutional food providers.
brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, cobnuts, NVQ National vocational qualification. The UK

filberts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, craft training qualification which consists, for
pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. The cooking, of on-the-job training with agreed
coconut is an unusual hollow nut and there competencies but no formal externally
are many others of regional interest. marked examinations or time limits for
nut brittle See praline
nut brittle

completion. Exact details of certificated

nut cracker An implement used to crack the
nut cracker
competencies should always be examined if
hard outer shell of nuts using a lever or screw this qualification is offered and the
thread action reputation of the training school or workplace
nu tieu Vietnam White rice noodles about 3
nu tieu
is important. The question of formal
mm wide. See also banh pho examinations is under consideration.
nyama East Africa The Tanzanian name for

nut meal Ground nuts used to substitute for

nut meal

some of the flour in biscuit and cake mixes beef

nyama choma East Africa Roast meat brought
nyama choma

and in fillings
nutmeg The hard, dried, oval, shelled seed
to the table on a wooden platter where it is
(up to 2 cm long) of which the outer covering chopped for service. The meat has often
is mace, from the fruit of an evergreen tree, been marinated in lemon juice with spices
Myristica fragrans. It has a warm sweetish and garlic before roasting. A Kenyan dish
aromatic flavour and is used when grated to usually accompanied with ugali and spinach.
nyana creole West Africa A stew from Ghana
nyana creole

a fine powder to flavour both sweet and

savoury dishes, vegetables and cakes, etc. made from oysters, onions, green sweet
especially by the Dutch. Also used as a peppers, tomatoes, garlic, chilli pepper, oil
condiment. It is hallucinogenic if taken in and seasoning. Served with rice or bread.
nyavhi South Africa A wild native plant of

large quantities (1 – 3 whole nutmegs) and

can be poisonous. See also mace Zimbabwe with small narrow green leaves
nutmeg melon Musk melon
nutmeg melon

harvested just before the rainy season. It is

nut of veal United Kingdom Cushion of veal
nut of veal
cooked and used as a vegetable.
nyembwe sauce Central Africa Moambé
nyembwe sauce

nut oil Any oil expressed or extracted from a

nut oil

nut, usually carrying the particular flavour of sauce

the nut Nymphaea lotus Botanical name The
Egyptian lotus
nutraceuticals See functional foods

nymphes à l’aurore France Frogs’ legs

nymphes à l’aurore

nutria, nutria rat A small rat-like herbivore


from Louisiana, USA, considered to be a poached in white wine and covered with pink
luxury. Generally stewed in a tomato sauce. chaud-froid sauce and garnished with
chopped aspic
nutrient Any substance in food which is

nyoyo East Africa A Kenyan dish of equal


utilized in the body for energy production, for

the growth, reproduction and repair of quantities of cooked cow peas or black-eyed
tissues or for other physiological functions beans and maize kernels mixed with a kind
such as providing bulk or a substrate for of ratatouille of onions, sweet peppers and
micro-organism growth in the bowel tomatoes, seasoned and flavoured with
paprika and cooked in a covered pot for 15
nutrition The study of the food requirements

minutes, adding a little water if necessary.

of humans and animals in terms of quantity,
Served with rice and salad, or fried as a
quality and the content of protein, fat,
snack. Also called githeri
carbohydrate, fibre, vitamins, mineral, and
nypon Sweden Rose hips

trace elements, etc.

nyponsoppa Sweden Rose hip soup

nutritional labelling In the EU, nutritional

nutritional labelling

nyre Denmark, Norway Kidney


labelling is optional, but if given, must

nyrøket laks Norway Smoked salmon
nyrøket laks

contain the energy value and the amounts of

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oak leaf lettuce A loose-leaf lettuce with ob cheuy Thailand Cinnamon
oak leaf lettuce ob cheuy

deep bronze serrated leaves and a mild obed Russia The main meal of the day taken

flavour. Also called red oak leaf lettuce, red any time between 13.00 and 17.00 hours
salad bowl lettuce obeni-mikan Japan Dancy tangerine

oak mushroom Shiitake mushroom

oak mushroom

obento Japan Different cold foods served in a


oast cake England A type of thin chemically

oast cake

lunch box (bento bako). See also bento

raised scone containing currants, not baked Oberland Leberwurst Germany A liver
Oberland Leberwurst

but fried in oil and butter until golden brown sausage made from a boiled skinned and
oat bran The fibrous outer layer of the whole
oat bran

boned shoulder of pork, drained and the

oat grain separated during the process of pork flesh minced with half its weight of pigs’
making oat flour. Usually mixed with oat liver, mixed with diced, boiled and drained
germ. pork fat, chopped onion, seasoning and
oatcake Scotland, England An unsweetened

nutmeg, packed into casings, boiled 45

Scottish and Northern English unleavened minutes, refreshed and air dried
bread or biscuit made with oatmeal, water, Obers Austria Whipped cream (colloquial)

fat and salt. Some are relatively thick and

oblada Spain Saddled bream

baked in the oven or on a griddle, others are

oblade France Saddled bream

made like a pancake batter, cooked and

oboro ebi Japan Shrimp paste
oboro ebi

sometimes dried.
oboru kombu Japan Shavings from soaked
oboru kombu

oat flakes See porridge oats

oat flakes

oat flour Flour ground from oats. Does not

oat flour
kombu cut across the grain leaving the tough
contain much gluten and must be combined membrane
O’Brien United States A garnish of crisp fried

with wheat flour to make a bread which rises.

oat germ The germ of the oat grain separated
oat germ
bacon pieces with fried chopped onions and
during the process of making oat flour. red and green sweet peppers. Often served
Usually mixed with oat bran to a brown with potatoes.
powder which can be used to make a thin Obst Germany Fruit

porridge or added to other flours for use in Obstkuchen Germany Fruit cake

bread making. Obstsosse Germany A sweet-and-sour fruit


oatmeal Coarsely ground or cracked


sauce such as apple or redcurrant, served

dehusked oats separated by sieving into with roast meat
various particle sizes, usually fine, medium Obstsuppe Germany A puréed fruit soup

and coarse, but superfine and pinhead can

Obsttorte Germany A glazed open mixed fruit

be found
tart. The pastry is made with flour, sugar, raw
oats The seeds of a cereal grass, Avena sativa,

egg yolks, sieved hard-boiled egg yolk and

extensively grown in cool wet climates on melted butter (25:4:2:1:25) kneaded and
poor soils. Once considered a herbal rested before baking blind at 165°C until
medicine now known to be an excellent slightly brown. The filling is mixed fresh or
source of dietary and soluble fibre. Used tinned fruit set in jelly.
extensively in cooking especially as a
Obst Traubensaft Germany Verjuice
Obst Traubensaft

breakfast cereal and for cakes, biscuits and

oca 1. Italy Goose 2. See occa

scones and for coating herring.

oca amb peres Catalonia A festive dish of
oca amb peres

Oaxaca Mexico A fresh spun-curd cows’ milk


cheese similar to Provolone goose with pears

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oca di guerra

oca di guerra Italy Goose poached in water minutes depending on size, alternatively
oca di guerra

and the flesh cooled in molten goose fat like smaller ones are tender if cooked very
confit quickly e.g. by deep-frying or stir-frying. See
oca farcita alla borghese Italy Roast goose
oca farcita alla borghese
also warm-water octopus, red octopus, curled
stuffed with chopped pork, apples, octopus
Odelsostur Iceland A cows’ milk cheese

chestnuts and the goose liver

occa An important white to brown tuber,

which resembles Emmental

Oxalis tuberosa, from the South American oden Japan A stew of squid, turnips, carrots,

Andes region. It is said to have gone wild in potatoes, konnyaku, abura-age, hard-boiled
parts of France. Requires careful cooking to eggs and deep-fried Japanese meatballs all
rid it of oxalates. Also called oca, oka simmered in dashi with soya sauce and
occhialone Italy See bream 1 sugar for 2 to 3 hours. Bean curd is added

occhiata Italy Saddled bream

towards the end and the stew is served with
occhi di lupo Italy Short pasta tubes
occhi di lupo
mustard. The ingredients are normally cut in
oceanic bonito Skipjack tuna
oceanic bonito decorative shapes. Also called Tokyo
ocean perch Redfish
ocean perch

Oderberger Austria A sausage similar to the


ocean pout A seawater fish, Macrozoarces

ocean pout

German Brunswick sausage

americanus, found in coastal waters off the
odika West Africa The seeds of the wild

northeast coast of North America. It has a

sweet white flesh with few bones. Also called mango tree
odour The property of a substance which

mutton fish
ocean quahog A bivalve mollusc, Arctica
ocean quahog
causes the sensation of smell. It is caused by
islandica, similar in appearance to the molecules from the substance binding to
quahog clam but with a dark shell and flesh receptors in the nasal cavity which send
which sometimes has a strong taste. Found specific signals to the brain. The six main
in the North Atlantic but only fished in the odour qualities are fruity, flowery, resinous,
USA where it is used in manufactured clam spicy, foul and burnt. See also flavour. Also
products. called smell
oeil d’anchois France A raw egg yolk
oeil d’anchois

ochazuke Japan Boiled rice served with


crumbled crisp nori and hot green tea surrounded by chopped onion and
poured over it. Eaten as a snack. anchovies served as a hors d’oeuvre
Oelenberg France A mild-flavoured, cows’

ochro Okra

Ochse Germany Ox, beef

milk cheese from Oelenberg monastery,
Ochsenauge Germany Fried egg (colloquial)
suitable for cooking as well as dessert uses.
(NOTE: Literally ‘ox eye’.) Also called Trappiste d’Oelenberg
Ochsenbraten Germany Roast beef
Ochsenbraten Oenothera biennis Botanical name Evening
Ochsenfleisch Germany Beef

oester Netherlands Oyster, originally the


Ochsenlende Germany Fillet of beef


European flat oyster

Ochsenmausalat Germany A salad of sliced

oeuf France Egg


cold beef with onions and vinegar

oeuf à la poêle France Fried egg
oeuf à la poêle

Ochsenniere Germany Beef kidney


oeuf dur France Hard-boiled egg

oeuf dur

Ochsenschwanz Germany Oxtail


oeuf frit France Fried egg

oeuf frit

Ochsenschwanzsuppe Germany Oxtail soup


oeuf mollet France A shelled soft-boiled egg

oeuf mollet

Ochsenzunge Germany Ox tongue


oeuf poché France Poached egg

oeuf poché

Ocimum basilicum Botanical name Basil

octadecyl ammonium acetate An anti- oeufs, sauce aux France Egg sauce
octadecyl ammonium acetate oeufs, sauce aux

caking agent for yeast foods used in bread oeufs à la bénédictine France Poached eggs
oeufs à la bénédictine

making. Aids dispersion throughout the mix. served on a base of creamed salt cod
octopus An eight-armed cephalopod,

oeufs à la causalade France Fried eggs and

oeufs à la causalade

Octopus vulgaris, found worldwide in warm bacon

seawater and usually in the range 30 cm to 1 oeufs à la coque France Eggs in their shell,
oeufs à la coque

m long (head and tentacles), although they

generally soft-boiled
can reach 3 m. They vary in colour from
oeufs à l’agenaise France Eggs fried in goose
oeufs à l’agenaise

transparent to blue-black. The tentacles and

head flesh of larger animals are usually fat with aubergines and onions
oeufs à la neige France Îles flottantes
oeufs à la neige

cooked after pounding to soften the tissues.

oeufs à la tripe France A Normandy dish of
oeufs à la tripe

To cook, put a cork in the head and place in

boiling unsalted water and boil for 10 to 20 chopped hard-boiled eggs with onions

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oeufs au chasseur France Scrambled eggs sufficient quantity will give the same
oeufs au chasseur

with chicken livers mucilaginous effect as ogbono.

ogen melon A variety of cantaloupe melon
ogen melon

oeufs au lait France Egg custard

oeufs au lait

oeufs brouillés France Scrambled eggs

oeufs brouillés
bred on an Israeli kibbutz. The fruit is about
15 cm across with a bright orange/yellow
oeufs bûcheronés France Beaten eggs
oeufs bûcheronés

green ribbed skin and a pale green, sweet,

poured over slices of ham on toast and
juicy and fragrant flesh.
baked in the oven
oggy England Cornish pasty (colloquial)

oeufs de lump France Lumpfish roe

oeufs de lump

ogi-giri Japan A fan cut of circular soft


oeufs de poisson France Hard fish roe

oeufs de poisson

vegetables such as cucumber or thin

oeufs en cocotte See cocotte, en
oeufs en cocotte

aubergine made from a quarter of the

oeufs en gelée France Poached eggs in aspic
oeufs en gelée

cylinder cut lengthwise with close evenly

oeufs en gelée Stendhal France Poached
oeufs en gelée Stendhal

spaced cuts to within 1 cm of the end and

eggs in aspic flecked with ham then pressed flat to make the fan
ögle yemegi Turkey Lunch
ögle yemegi

oeufs en meurettes France Eggs poached in

oeufs en meurettes

ogonowa Poland A skinless spicy smoked


red wine with lardons

oeufs farcis France Stuffed eggs
oeufs farcis
pork sausage common throughout the
oeufs florentine Freshly poached eggs laid
oeufs florentine
ogopogo apple dumpling Canada A
ogopogo apple dumpling

on a bed of spinach, topped with cheese

sauce, gratinated with cheese and rectangular baked apple turnover made from
breadcrumbs and browned under the grill a square of pastry folded over the apple
oeufs Justine France Hard-boiled eggs
oeufs Justine
filling, sealed, coated with syrup and baked
stuffed with mushrooms in a thick cream in the oven (NOTE: From British Columbia)
ogurtsi Russia Gherkins

sauce, reassembled, panéed and fried in

Ohio pudding United States Sweet potatoes,
Ohio pudding

oeufs montés (en neige) France Egg whites
oeufs montés
carrots and squash, all cooked, mashed and
beaten to a peak mixed with brown sugar, breadcrumbs and
single (light) cream, then baked until firm.
oeufs Rossini France An elaborate shirred
oeufs Rossini

Served with an uncooked sweet sauce made

egg dish in which the egg yolks are baked in
from butter, cream, icing sugar and lemon
depressions in a stiffly beaten egg white base
oeufs sur le plat France Eggs baked in a
oeufs sur le plat

Ohrmuschel Germany Abalone


shallow, greased, oven-proof dish. Also

ohukas Finland A small thin crêpe

called shirred eggs

oie France Goose

Ofentori Switzerland Mashed potatoes mixed


oie à l’instar de Visé Belgium Roast goose in

oie à l’instar de Visé

with fried finely diced bacon

a rich cream and garlic sauce
offal The edible internal parts of an animal

oie cendrée France Greylag goose

oie cendrée

including brains, chitterlings, heart, kidneys,

oie sauvage France Wild goose
oie sauvage

liver, lungs, spleen, sweetbreads (pancreas

oi gimchi Korea Cucumbers stuffed with
oi gimchi

and thymus gland) and tripe. Tongues,

heads, tails, trotters and testicles are radish and pickled with ginger, garlic, chillies
sometimes included in this classification. and salt
Öffelkes Germany Small cakes oignon France Onion
Öffelkes oignon

oignon clouté France Onion clouté

oignon clouté

office knife A small knife with a 10 cm blade

office knife

shaped like a cook’s knife. Used for fine oignons, purée d’ France White onion soup
oignons, purée d’

cutting and paring and for testing food to see oignons, sauce aux France Onion sauce
oignons, sauce aux

if it is cooked. oil Fat, which is liquid at ambient


ogbono West Africa The Nigerian name for the


temperatures, comprising glycerol esters of a

kernels of the wild mango tree, Irvingia variety of mainly unsaturated, fatty acids.
gabonensis and I. wombolu, which when They are extracted from seeds, nuts, fruit,
crushed are a very powerful thickener and fish and other cold blooded animals. Most
are therefore used sparingly in soups and natural oils contain complex flavouring
stews. Also called apon, agbono compounds some of which are essential oils.
ogbono soup West Africa A typical West
ogbono soup

The common seed, nut and fruit oils are

African soup/stew made with meat, palm oil, almond, coconut, corn, cottonseed,
dried fish or shrimps, onions and tomato, grapeseed, hazelnut, mustard, olive, palm,
thickened with crushed ogbono and peanut, poppy seed, rape seed, safflower,
seasoned with salt and cayenne pepper. sesame, soya, sunflower and walnut. The
Often chopped greens are added. Okra in animal oils are cod liver, halibut liver, whale

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and snake. See also essential oil, essential okroshka Russia A cold uncooked soup made

fatty acids, cold-pressed, virgin oil, from cooked egg yolks mashed with dry
hydrogenation English mustard and sour cream and let
oil-down Caribbean A Trinidadian dish of down with kvas (or flat beer or semi-sweet

vegetables, particularly cassava tubers or cider) and mixed with chopped white of egg,
breadfruit, stewed in coconut milk cooked potatoes, spring onions and cold
oil pastry A short crust pastry made with oil
oil pastry
roast meat all diced, flavoured with cayenne
instead of hard fat. Because of its fragility it pepper and garnished with chopped dill
oksebryst Denmark Brisket of beef

is rolled out between sheets of non-stick

paper. oksefilet Denmark Fillet steak

oil sardine A small fish, Sardinella longiceps,

oil sardine

oksekjøtt Norway Beef


similar to the sardine oksekød Denmark Beef


oily fish Fish whose flesh contains more than

oily fish

oksekødsuppe Denmark Beef broth


6% of fat by weight oksesteg Denmark Roast beef


oiseau France Bird


oksestek Norway Roast beef


oiseaux sans têtes Belgium, France,

oiseaux sans têtes

oksetunge Denmark Ox tongue


Netherlands Beef olives (NOTE: Literally ‘birds

Öl Germany Oil

without heads’.)
olallieberry United States A hybrid of the

oison France Gosling, young goose


loganberry and the youngberry, grown in the

oka 1. Canada A semi-hard cows’ milk cheese

southwestern states of the USA

resembling Port-Salut from the village of Oka
olandese, all’ Italy With hollandaise sauce
olandese, all’

near Montreal 2. See occa

olandese, salsa Italy Hollandaise sauce
olandese, salsa

Okanagan savoury tomato Canada Tomato

Okanagan savoury tomato

Oldbury tart England A raised fruit pie from

Oldbury tart

stuffed with a filling made from fried

chopped onions, flour, milk, breadcrumbs, Gloucestershire filled with gooseberries and
herbs, spices and grated Cheddar cheese eaten hot
Old Heidelberg A small cows’ milk cheese
Old Heidelberg

(NOTE: From British Columbia)

okashi Japan Sweets and desserts, usually
from Illinois, USA, resembling Liederkranz
old wife Black bream
old wife

served with tea to visitors but not at formal

meals Olea europa Botanical name Olive
olean The commercial name for olestra

okasi West Africa The leaves of a forest plant


eaten as a vegetable. See also afang oleic acid A monounsaturated fatty acid
oleic acid

okayu Japan A rice gruel which when esterified with glycerol produces

okorok v rzhanom teste Russia Canned or

okorok v rzhanom teste
a low melting point fat which is a constituent
cooked ham with the jelly removed, coated of lard making it soft and of many vegetable
with a mixture of dark brown sugar, dry oils including olive oil
Olenda Italy A cheese similar to Edam

English mustard, ground cloves and

cinnamon then wrapped in a yeast-raised rye óleo Portugal 1. Oil 2. Fat

flour pastry flavoured with caraway seeds Oléron France A mild creamy ewes’ milk

and black treacle and completely sealed. cheese from the Ile d’Oléron on the Atlantic
This is then glazed with milk and baked in coast
the oven at 180°C for 2 hours or more and olestra An ester of fatty acids and sugar,

allowed to rest for 15 minutes. The pastry which behaves in cooking like oil or fat but
case is usually discarded. which is not absorbed by the human body.
okra The seed pod of a plant, Abelmoschus

Thus it can be used as a non-fattening fat. It

esculentus, used when young as a vegetable has been licensed in the USA for cooked
or when mature, dried and powdered as a snack foods such as crisps. Because of its
flavouring. Generally about 5 to 10 cm long, ability to sequester vitamins A, D, E and K
green, deeply ridged and full of seeds. They plus carotenes and possibly other nutrients,
liberate a gelatinous material when cooked foods cooked with it carry a health warning.
unless treated with lemon juice and salt prior Extra vitamins are required to be added back
to frying. In the Middle East great care is to the food which uses olestra.
taken not to cut the pod if the release of olie Denmark, Netherlands Oil

gelatinous material is not wanted. Grown in

oliebollen Netherlands Deep-fried doughnuts

most hot areas of the world. Also called

olijfolie Netherlands Olive oil

gumbo, gombo, lady’s fingers, ochro, bhindi,

olijven Netherlands Olives

bindi, bamiya. See also Chinese okra

olio Italy Oil

ok-rong Thailand A pale yellow mango


olio, all’ Italy Cooked in oil

olio, all’

considered to be the best dessert variety

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olio, sott’ Italy Preserved in oil dish for the feast of San Anton on the 19th of
olio, sott’

oliva Italy, Spain Olive

olla gitana Spain A vegetable stew
olla gitana

olive England, France The oval fruit of a long-


olla podrida Spain Beef brisket, rolled rib of

olla podrida

living evergreen tree, Olea europa, which

grows in areas with hot summers and cool beef, soaked chick peas or other beans, hard
winters. The fruits, up to 4 cm long, are sausage and salt pork or bacon (roughly
green when unripe and turn black when fully 8:6:3:2:1) simmered in seasoned water with
ripe. Both green and black olives are eaten a bouquet garni until tender, aromatic
raw, the green after treatment. Both kinds vegetables and any other solid vegetables to
may be fermented (lactic fermentation) in a hand added and cooked until tender and
10% brine. The black are often partially finished with chopped parsley. A traditional
dried and stored in oil. The fully ripe black Spanish dish named after the pot in which it
olives are the source of olive oil. See also is cooked. Also called cocido, puchero
øllebrød Denmark A soup made from black

green olive
Olive Germany Olive
bread and a non-alcoholic malt liquor
Olmützer Austria A strong-flavoured cows’

olive all’ anconetana Italy Large green

olive all’ anconetana

olives, pitted, stuffed with meat, ham or milk cheese similar to Handkäse, sometimes
chicken and deep-fried flavoured with caraway seeds
Olmützer Quargel Germany Very small (up to
Olmützer Quargel

oliven Denmark, Norway Olives


olive oil The monounsaturated oil obtained

olive oil
20 g) soft low-fat cows’ milk cheeses with a
from the ripe fruit of the olive tree. The first strong flavour made by coagulating the milk
cold pressing of the hand-picked, destoned with acid. The paste has no holes and there
and skinned ripe fruit from a single producer is no rind save for the soft skin.
Olomoucké syrecky Czech Republic A strong
Olomoucké syrecky

is usually the finest flavoured and most

expensive, and is treated with the respect cows’ milk cheese similar to Handkäse. Also
accorded to fine wines. Most olive oil is hot- called Syrecky, Tvarvzky
oluwombo East Africa A classic dish from

pressed or solvent-extracted from the whole

fruit. Olive oils are classified according to the Uganda, once served to royalty and now on
method of production and the acidity (free celebratory occasions. Single servings of
oleic acid) of the oil. The Italian grades are boneless meat and/or smoked fish or meat
afiorato, extra virgin (extra vergine), are browned and steamed for an hour or so
superfine (sopraffino), fine (fino), virgin en papillote, using banana leaves
(vergine), and finally the pure or 100% pure presoftened by heating, together with a
commercially blended oils. See under each smooth peanut, onion, and tomato sauce as
heading for details. flavouring. Plantains are also steamed in the
oliver Sweden Olives
same way and the dish is assembled by
mashing the plantain on the plate, then
Olivet France A soft cows’ milk cheese made

in the same way as Camembert in Loiret. It is topping it with the meat and sauce. This may
be done in the kitchen or individually at the
eaten after 2 days ripening or left to ripen for
table. Also called luwombo
a month in damp cellars when it develops a
Olympia oyster A small delicate oyster, Ostrea
Olympia oyster

stronger flavour due to the growth of mould

on its surface. It is then known as Olivet bleu. lurida, found off the Pacific coast of the USA
omble chevalier France Arctic char
omble chevalier

Olivet bleu France Olivet

Olivet bleu

ombrina Italy Arctic char


Olivet cendré France As Olivet bleu but the

Olivet cendré

omelet Denmark, Netherlands, United States


rind dried off in wood ashes

olivette 1. France Plum tomato 2. Italy Beef or
omeleta Greece Omelette

veal olive, paupiette

omelett Norway, Sweden Omelette

olivette cutter A sharp-edged scoop-shaped

olivette cutter

omeletta Italy Omelette


implement for cutting out oval shapes (olive-

omelette England, France Whole shelled

shaped) of potato or other vegetables or fruit

olivette de vitello Italy Stuffed paupiettes of
olivette de vitello
eggs, lightly stirred to mix the white and the
veal, veal olives yolk, seasoned, then poured into a hot frying
olivkovoe maslo Russia Olive oil
olivkovoe maslo
or omelette pan greased with butter. As the
egg sets, the unset egg is run underneath so
olja Sweden Oil

that the whole of the egg mixture cooks

olje Norway Oil

rapidly with a slightly brown lower surface.

olla Spain Cooking pot or stew

The omelette my be turned over to harden

olla de San Antón Spain Pork with rice,
olla de San Antón

the upper surface or folded in half or thirds

beans and fennel. A traditional Andalusian with or without a precooked filling or topping

407 Page 408 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

omelette landaise

and served immediately. Generally served layers. Sometimes beef stock is added. Also
slightly runny (baveuse) in the centre. See called teisen nioned
also soufflé omelette onion clouté England A peeled onion
onion clouté

omelette landaise France Pine nuts fried studded with cloves some of which may hold
omelette landaise

gently in the butter before adding the eggs in a piece of bay leaf, most commonly used to
the usual way flavour the milk used for béchamel sauce
omelette (à la) norvégienne France Baked
omelette norvégienne
(NOTE: Literally ‘nailed onion’.)
onion kachumber South Asia Sliced onions
onion kachumber

omelette pan A heavy-based frying pan with
omelette pan
salted and drained for an hour, mixed with a
rounded sloping sides, usually kept mixture of equal proportions of water, brown
exclusively for omelettes and never washed sugar and tamarind then combined with
after use but cleaned with absorbent paper. chopped tomato, minced ginger, chopped
Omelette pans are proved before first use by coriander leaves and chopped and
heating salt in them. deseeded green chillies
onion rings Onions sliced across the root
onion rings

omelette soufflée en surprise France Baked

omelette soufflée en surprise

stem axis and the large outer rings battered

and deep-fried
omelette Stéphanie Austria A light and fluffy
omelette Stéphanie

onion sauce Finely diced onions, boiled or

onion sauce

soufflé omelette from Vienna

sweated in butter added to béchamel sauce.
omena Finland Apple

Used for roast mutton. Also called oignons,

omenahilloke Finland Compote of apples

sauce aux
omenalumi Finland Apple snow, the dessert onion seeds Used in India as a spice, often
omenalumi onion seeds

omenasose Finland Apple sauce

fried with vegetables
omnivore A person or animal who will eat
Onopordum acanthum Botanical name
Cotton thistle
anything edible, either of animal or vegetable
ontbijt Netherlands Breakfast

ontbijtkoek Netherlands 1. A spiced

omul Russia A relative of the salmon found in


Lake Baikal, Siberia breakfast bun 2. Honey cake

oodovolstvie testya Russia See udovolstvie
oodovolstvie testya

omum South Asia Ajowan


testia (NOTE: Literally ‘father-in-law’s

omuretsu Japan Omelette

oncom Indonesia A fermented paste made

ookha Russia See ukha


from peanuts and subsequently fried. Similar opal basil A variety of basil with a heavy
opal basil

to tempe. perfumed scent

ong choi China Swamp cabbage
ong choi

open sandwich A Scandinavian speciality

open sandwich

onglet France Thin flank of beef. Also called


consisting of a single slice of buttered bread

hampe on which food and garnishes are arranged in
onigiri Japan Cooked rice moulded around a
a decorative and artistic manner. Eaten with
sweet or savoury filling and possibly wrapped a knife and fork.
opéra, à l’ France In the opera style, i.e.
opéra, à l’

in sheets of seaweed. The Japanese

equivalent of the sandwich. garnished with chicken livers, duchesse
onion A white pungent bulb from a plant,
potatoes and asparagus tips
Opera dell’arte del cucinare Italy One of the
Opera dell’arte del cucinare

Allium cepa, originating in Asia but now

grown all over the world. It is the most most influential early Italian cookery books
important culinary vegetable and comes in by Bartalomeo Scappi, cook to Pope Pius V,
many varieties. Scallions and spring onions 1566 to 1572 A.D. See also Scappi’s spice
are immature forms of onion harvested mix
operatårta Sweden A cream-filled layer cake

before the bulb has swollen. Varieties

include globe, Spanish, Italian red, white, opgerolde koek Netherlands A Swiss roll
opgerolde koek

button, silverskin and spring onion. opisthorchis A species of fluke common in


onion and liver sausage England A sausage

onion and liver sausage

Russia and parts of Southeast Asia which is

made with minced pigs’ liver and lean pork transmitted by carp and other fresh water
mixed with chopped onions and sliced lights, fish. Causes liver damage.
all fried in lard, mixed with seasoning, oplet A sea anemone, Anemonia sulcata,

nutmeg and marjoram, packed into hog fat eaten in France. Also called snakelocks
ends or bungs, simmered for 30 minutes, opossum Small marsupials from the USA,

refreshed and air dried principally the Virginian opossum, Didelphis

onion cake Wales As pommes Anna, but with
onion cake

virginiana, and from Australia, the brush-

finely chopped onion between the potato tailed opossum, Trichosurus vulpecula. They

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are eaten as food.especially in southeastern marjorams. It has a slightly sprawling habit

USA. The American variety can weigh up to and white or pink flowers. Available dried or
5 kg. There are many other species of fresh and used with meat, sausages, in
opossum which are generally smaller and of salads and in many Italian dishes. Also
no value as food. See also manicou. Also called common marjoram, wild marjoram
called possum orégano Spain Oregano

Opuntia ficus-indica Botanical name Prickly Oregano Germany Oregano


pear cactus Oregon grape United States Barberry

Oregon grape

orach A hardy annual, Atriplex hortensis,


oreille France Ear, especially of a pig


growing to 1.5 m with large indented leaves

oreille de mer France Abalone
oreille de mer

also available in gold and purple varieties.

oreja de mar Spain Abalone
oreja de mar

The young leaves may be used in salads,

orekh Russia Nut

older leaves are cooked as spinach. Used in

France for soups. Also called garden orach, organic food Food which has been grown or
organic food

mountain spinach reared without synthetic or chemically

orada a la sal Catalonia Gilthead bream
orada a la sal

produced fertilizers, pesticides and

cooked in a salt crust which is removed herbicides on land which itself has been
before service organic for 2 years
organic labelling In the EU, any food product
organic labelling

orange See sweet orange


Orange Germany Orange, the fruit

with organic claims on the label must have
orange amère France Seville orange
orange amère
been produced according to the rules on
organic agricultural production. No
orangeboom Netherlands Orange, the fruit

irradiated or genetically engineered

orange essence A strong extract of orange
orange essence

ingredients can be included.

zest used as a flavouring
organ meat United States Offal
organ meat

orange flower water An alcoholic extract

orange flower water

orge France Barley


from Seville orange flowers used as a

orge perlé France Pearl barley
orge perlé

oriental brassicas Brassicas cultivated
oriental brassicas

orange marmalade Denmark, England

orange marmalade

Marmalade made with oranges mainly for their leaves, stems and young
orange passion fruit Sweet granadilla
orange passion fruit
flowering shoots. They tend to grow faster
and have a wider range of uses than the
orange pudding United Kingdom A pudding
orange pudding

western varieties.
made from basic steamed pudding mixture
oriental bunching onion A bunching onion
oriental bunching onion

flavoured with grated orange zest

developed from the Welsh onion with
orange roughy New Zealand A seawater fish
orange roughy

thickened white leaf bases up to 15 cm long.

from the South Pacific with firm white,
Usually grown as an annual or biennial plant.
tasteless flesh, exported as boneless fillets
All parts are edible and are used at all stages
orange sauce 1. A 20% sugar syrup
orange sauce

of growth. Often used as a substitute for

thickened with corn flour or arrowroot, spring onions.
cooked out, strained then strained orange
orientale, à l’ France In the eastern
orientale, à l’

juice and blanched julienne of orange zest

Mediterranean style and the Balkan style, i.e.
added 2. See bigarade, sauce
with tomatoes, garlic and saffron
orata Italy Gilt head bream

orientale, sauce France Sauce américaine

orientale, sauce

Orbignija martinana Botanical name flavoured with curry powder, reduced and let
down with cream
Orbignija speciosa Botanical name Babassu
oriental mustard The name of a variety of
oriental mustard

ördek Turkey Duck


annual and biennial, often coarse-leaved

ordinaire France Ordinary, not distinguished

plants, Brassica juncea, with seeds the same

in any way colour as white mustard, grown in Japan for
Orduña Spain A hard cylindrical (up to 1.5 kg)

use in cooking and as a condiment. The

ewes’ milk cheese with no holes, ripened for leaves which come in various colours and
30 to 40 days textures are cooked as a vegetable or eaten
orecchia di San Pietro Italy Abalone
orecchia di San Pietro

raw in salads when young and are becoming

orecchia marina Italy Abalone popular in the west. The flavour of the leaves
orecchia marina

orecchiette Italy Small ear-shaped or shell-

becomes stronger as they age. Also called
like pasta shapes mustard greens
oriental sesame oil Sesame seed oil
oriental sesame oil

orecchio Italy Ear, e.g. of a pig


origan France Oregano


oregano A more aromatic and strongly


origano Italy Oregano


flavoured herb, Oregano vulgare, than the

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Origanum heracleoticum Botanical name trademark (from orange, tangerine unique).

Winter marjoram The flesh is extremely tender with a very
Origanum majorana Botanical name Sweet sweet aromatic juice, few if any pips and a
marjoram, knotted marjoram thin easily peelable skin. It does not develop
Origanum onites Botanical name Pot off flavours.
marjoram, French marjoram ortega Spain Grouse

Origanum vulgare Botanical name Oregano orthophenyl phenol See E231

orthophenyl phenol

Orkney Scotland A firm cows’ milk cheese


orthophosphates, ammonium Ammonium

orthophosphates, ammonium

from Orkney, resembling Dunlop dihydrogen and diammonium hydrogen

Orkney broonies Scotland Similar to parkin
Orkney broonies

orthophosphate, used as buffers and as

but made with buttermilk instead of milk yeast food
Orlando A variety of tangelo

orthophosphates, calcium Calcium salts of

orthophosphates, calcium

orléanaise. à l’ France In the Orleans style, orthophosphoric acid used as firming

orléanaise. à l’

i.e. garnished with braised chicory and agents, anti-caking agents and raising
potatoes agents in cake mixes, baking powder and
Orly, fish à l’ Fish, usually fillets of white fish
Orly, fish à l’
dessert mixes. E341 covers calcium
marinated in oil and lemon juice, passed tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate, calcium
through seasoned flour, coated in a frying hydrogen orthophosphate and tricalcium
batter, deep-fried at 175°C, drained, diorthophosphate.
orthophosphates, sodium and potassium
orthophosphates, sodium and potassium

garnished with lemon and picked or deep-

fried parsley and served with separate Sodium and potassium salts of
tomato sauce orthophosphoric acid used as buffers,
ormer The European version of the Pacific
sequestrants and emulsifiers in dessert
abalone, found in the Mediterranean and mixes, non-dairy creamers, processed
around the Channel Islands. Up to 10 cm cheese and the like. E339 covers sodium
long. dihydrogen-, disodium hydrogen- and
ornato Spain A decorative bread from
trisodium orthophosphate, E340 covers the
Estremadura with chorizo sausage inside equivalent potassium salts.
orthophosphoric acid An inorganic acid
orthophosphoric acid

oronge France Orange agaric, an edible


fungus used as a buffering agent, and in the form of

its salts (orthophosphates) as buffers,
Oropesa Spain A hard ewes’ milk cheese from

sequestrants, anti-caking agents, emulsifiers

Toledo cast in cylinders (up to 2 kg). It has a
and firming agents in cake and dessert
dark paste containing small holes and a hard
mixes, creamers and processed cheese. See
thick rind after ripening for 2 to 3 months.
also E338
Similar to Manchego.
ortiche Italy Nettles

oroshigane Japan A long thin grater


ortie France Nettle


resembling a wood rasp or surform with one

ortie de mer France Sea anemone
ortie de mer

sharpened edge used for peeling and grating

ortiga Spain Nettles

ginger root
ortolan A small wild bird, Emberiza hortulana,

orozuz Spain Liquorice


orphie France Needlefish or garfish from the

up to 15 cm long, once popular in France,
Mediterranean. See also aiguille now a protected species due to over-hunting
orts England Remains of food left over from a

orre Sweden Black grouse


ørred Denmark Trout

meal often eaten as a snack or at a
subsequent meal (colloquial)
ørret Norway Trout

oruga Spain Rocket, the plant


Orrys France A hard strong-tasting cows’ milk


cheese from Languedoc-Roussillon made in

Oryza glaberrima Botanical name Red rice
the shape of a large flat disc. May be used for
Oryza sativa Botanical name Rice
orzo Italy 1. Barley 2. Rice-shaped pasta used

ort See orts


in soups
ortaggi Italy Vegetables, greens

orzo perlato Italy Pearl barley

orzo perlato

ortanique Caribbean A naturally occurring


os France Bone

hybrid of the genus Citrus from Jamaica,

os, à l’ France Garnished or flavoured with
os, à l’

which is grown in many semi-tropical

climates under other names e.g. australique bone marrow
os à moelle France Marrow bone
os à moelle

(Australia), mandora (Cyprus), topaz and

Osborne pudding England A bread and butter
Osborne pudding

tangor (Middle East) and tambor (South

Africa), because the original name is a pudding made with brown bread and butter

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spread with marmalade but without dried and two toed feet. It is now being farmed for
fruit its flesh which is very lean, its feathers and its
oscetrova Caviar from the osetrina sturgeon

skin which makes good leather. The meat is

oseille France Sorrel
best with little cooking.
ostriche Italy Oysters

osetrina sturgeon A somewhat larger

osetrina sturgeon

ostrich fern Fiddlehead fern

ostrich fern

sturgeon, Acipenser guldenstädti, than the

sevruga. It weighs up to 18 kg and yields ostron Sweden Oyster

about 4 to 7 kg of caviar. The caviar, known ostsås Sweden A type of cheese or rarebit

variously as osciotre, ossetra, osetrova in the sauce made from diced cheddar cheese
West, is considered to be one of the finest. melted with butter and cream over a low
Also called white sturgeon heat, seasoned with salt and cayenne
oshifima South Africa The Namibian name for

pepper, flavoured with a little dry mustard

the standard corn or maize meal porridge and diced gherkin and finished with beaten
oshinko maki Japan A sushi roll containing
oshinko maki

egg. Used with fish.

pickle and salted mooli ostsoppa med åggkulor Sweden Veal or
ostsoppa med åggkulor

oshi-zushi Japan Sushi-meshi rice packed


chicken stock, thickened with a blond roux,

into a square wooden mould, covered with flavoured with salt, paprika and white wine,
filling which is pressed into place. The mould boiled and whisked into a frothy but not too
sides are removed and the rice cake cut into thick mixture of double cream, egg yolks and
squares. grated cheese. Served hot, garnished with
Osmanli kebabi Turkey A kebab of cubed
Osmanli kebabi

chopped parsley, chervil and egg balls

fatty mutton or lamb marinated in vinegar (äggkulor).
with chopped onions and seasoning and osuimono Japan Suimono

osyotrina sturgeon Russia See osetrina
osyotrina sturgeon

osmanthus flower A tiny scented white flower

osmanthus flower

from China used as a garnish. They may be
ot Vietnam Chilli pepper

fresh, candied or preserved in sweetened

otaheite apple A very sweet variety of hog
otaheite apple

oss buss Italy Ossobuco
oss buss
plum from the tree Spondias dulcis
otak-otak Malaysia A mixture of chopped raw

ossehaas Netherlands Fillet of beef


ossestaartsoep Netherlands Oxtail soup

fish, chopped onions, grated coconut, herbs
and spices, bound with egg and wrapped in
ossetra Caviar from the osetrina sturgeon

banana leaf or aluminium foil prior to

ossibuchi Italy Ossobuco

osso Italy Bone

o’teano Italy A Neapolitan vegetable pie made


osso bucco See ossobuco 2

osso bucco

with steamed potatoes, zucchini and

ossobuchi Italy Ossobuco

aubergines, flavoured with oregano (NOTE:

ossobuco Italy 1. Marrow bone 2. Knuckle or

Literally ‘saucepan’, in local dialect.)

shin of veal cut in steaks across the bone, otkrytyi buterbrod Russia Open sandwich
otkrytyi buterbrod

sautéed on the bone and then simmered

otoro Japan A very expensive cut from the

with garlic, onions and tomatoes, sprinkled

middle of the middle section of tuna belly
with a mixture of chopped parsley, garlic and
(toro). See also chutoro
grated lemon zest and served with spaghetti
otoshibuta Japan A circular piece of wood

or rice, especially risotto alla milanese. Also

called osso bucco, ossibuchi, ossobuchi, oss with a central handle placed directly on
buss simmering food to prevent too much
ost Denmark, Norway, Sweden Cheese
ost turbulence and the food breaking up
ottarde Italy Bustard, the bird

østers Denmark, Norway Oysters


ou China Lotus root


ostia Italy Wafer


ouaouaron Canada, United States Bullfrog in


ostkaka Sweden A type of cheesecake baked


in a mould the Cajun patois

ouillade France A bean and vegetable soup

ostra Portugal, Spain Oyster, originally the


European flat oyster from Languedoc, well flavoured with garlic

oukha Russia See ukha

ostra de Portugal Spain Portuguese oyster

ostra de Portugal

ostrica giapponese Italy Pacific oyster oukrop Russia Ukrop

ostrica giapponese oukrop

ostrica piatta Italy European flat oyster ounce A unit of weight equal to one sixteenth
ostrica piatta ounce

ostrica portoghese Italy Portuguese oyster

ostrica portoghese

of a pound. Still in use in the USA.

ostrich A very large flightless bird, Struthio
Abbreviation oz
oursin France Sea urchin

camelus, with a long bare neck, small head

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ous remenats amb camasecs

ous remenats amb camasecs Catalonia ovos estrelados Portugal Fried eggs
ous remenats amb camasecs ovos estrelados

Scrambled eggs with wild mushrooms ovos mexidos Portugal Scrambled eggs
ovos mexidos

outlaw soup See bakonyi betyárleves

outlaw soup

ovos moles Portugal Egg yolks mixed with

ovos moles

ouvrir France To open


sugar and used as a sauce or filling or

ouzhin Russia See uzhin

poached in spoonfuls and dusted with

ouzo Greece An aniseed-flavoured liqueur
ovos quentes Portugal Soft-boiled eggs
ovos quentes

also useful as a culinary flavouring

ovotarica Italy Botargo

ovalbumin The main protein comprising


about 70% of egg white protein. It is partially ox 1. A general name for the male or female of

coagulated by fast beating especially at common domestic cattle (bulls and cows),
higher temperatures and is responsible for especially a castrated male. The name is still
the stability of whipped egg white. It starts to used as a prefix for some items of offal e.g.
coagulate with heat at around 60°C. liver, kidney, heart, etc. 2. Sweden Indicating
oval kumquat Nagami kumquat beef
oval kumquat

oxalic acid The acid found in spinach,

oxalic acid

Ovár Hungary A supple-textured, yellow cows’


milk cheese with a reddish-brown rind rhubarb and some other leaves, stems and
resembling Tilsit tubers which serves to prevent insect attack.
Ovcí Hrudkovy syr Czech Republic A semi-
Ovcí Hrudkovy syr
It has no known benefit to humans and may
hard unpressed ewes’ milk cheese made in be deleterious especially for certain health
spheres or brick shapes (up to 10 kg) and conditions.
ripened in brine for a week Oxalis tuberosa Botanical name Occa
ox brains The brains of older cattle, not now
ox brains

oven An insulated enclosed space, usually


rectangular but may be other shapes, heated used in the UK because of BSE
oxbringa Sweden Brisket of beef

by any type of fuel including solar radiation,

either directly or indirectly, with a door or ox casings The trade term for casings
ox casings

opening and in which food is baked, roasted (cleaned intestines) of cattle, known as
or cooked runners to 48 mm diameter, middles 45 to
oven-fry, to United States To pass meat
oven-fry, to

55 mm diameter and bungs 75 to 150 mm

through seasoned flour, brush with molten diameter
fat or oil and bake in the oven on a flat sheet ox cheek Very gelatinous and tasty meat from
ox cheek

or dish until brown and cooked through the cheek of cattle generally classed as offal.
oven-ready Sold in a state ready to be put in

Requires long slow cooking and is used in

the oven for heating or cooking after soups, stews and casseroles.
removing any unwanted packaging, usually oxfilé Sweden Fillet of beef

descriptive of chickens, potato chips or Oxford cheese England A cheese

Oxford cheese

prepared meals intermediate in flavour and texture between

oven temperature Oven temperature is set
oven temperature

Cheddar and Cheshire. May be smoked.

according to four different scales, three Oxford John steak England A speciality of
Oxford John steak

quantitative, i.e. Fahrenheit °F, Centigrade

Oxfordshire, consisting of leg steaks of lamb
°C, or gas mark GM, and one qualitative, i.e. including the bone, fried with onion, thyme
cool <120°C, slow 120°C, moderate 180°C, and parsley and served with a brown gravy
hot 220°C and very hot 250°C. As a rule of flavoured with port and lemon juice
thumb °F are twice °C. This is exactly so at
Oxford pudding England A pastry tart lined
Oxford pudding

144 °C; above this °F are slightly less than

double and below slightly more than double. with apricot jam and filled with meringue
Oxford sauce As Cumberland sauce, but
Oxford sauce

See also gas mark

oven toast Bread lightly buttered on each side
oven toast
finished with chopped blanched orange and
and baked in the oven until golden brown lemon zest instead of julienne of orange
Oxford sausages England Sausages made
Oxford sausages

ovini Italy Sheep


from minced pork, minced pork fat and fresh

ovo Portugal Egg

white breadcrumbs (2:1:1), mixed,

ovoli Italy 1. A small ball-shaped Mozzarella

seasoned and flavoured with sage, winter

cheese sometimes eaten with Parma ham 2. savory and marjoram and grated lemon zest,
An egg-shaped mushroom with a bright moistened with water and may be packed
orange cap which is highly prized and eaten into casings and linked or left skinless. Fried
raw/NX/. Also called Caesar’s mushroom, and served hot. A 19th century version
imperial agaric substituted veal for half the pork, suet for
ovos duros Portugal Hard-boiled eggs
ovos duros

pork fat and reduced the breadcrumbs by

ovos escalados Portugal Poached eggs
ovos escalados


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oyster sauce

oxidation In cooking, the reaction of a food oxymel A mixture of 4 parts honey to 1 part
oxidation oxymel

with the oxygen of the air which usually vinegar which may be used as a marinade or,
produces off flavours. Oxidation reactions after diluting with water, as a drink
are often promoted by light and high oxystearin A sequestering agent and inhibitor

temperature increases the rate of reaction of fat crystallization used in salad creams
(approximate doubling for every 10°C rise). and similar foodstuffs
Anti-oxidants are used to inhibit the reaction.
oyakonabe Japan A small round frying pan

ox kidney The large dark red kidney from

ox kidney

oyster 1. A seawater bivalve of the genera


mature cattle. It has a core of fat and

requires long slow cooking. Often soaked in Ostrea and Crassostrea and the species
warm salted water with a little vinegar prior to Saccostrea commercialis, once the food of
cooking to reduce the strong flavour. Used in the poor but now a gourmet delicacy. May be
steak and kidney puddings and pies. wild or farmed, sold alive or in dried or other
preserved form. Since they are static
oxkött Sweden Beef

feeders, they are influenced by sea

ox liver The deep brown-coloured and strong-
ox liver

conditions and hence known by the name of

flavoured liver from mature cattle. It requires a district, e.g. Whitstable and Colchester in
long cooking and is suitable for stewing, the UK, Galway in Ireland, Belon and
braising and for casseroles and coarse pâtés. Armoricaine in France. Not at their best
The flavour may be reduced by soaking in when spawning, hence traditionally eaten in
milk. the Northern Hemisphere in months with an
oxstek Sweden Roast beef

‘R’ in them, i.e. September to April. See also

oxsvans Sweden Oxtail

native oyster, Pacific oyster, Portuguese

oxsvanssoppa Sweden Oxtail soup
oyster, American oyster, Indian oyster,
Australian oyster, South American oyster,
oxtail The tails of beef cattle usually weighing

Olympia oyster 2. A prized small muscle in

about 1.4 kg when skinned. There is a fair
poultry which sits in an indentation in the
amount of lean meat with a good meaty
carcass just in front of where the thigh bone
flavour and a thin layer of firm white fat.
is attached
Usually braised or made into soup.
oyster bacon A round cut of bacon from the
oyster bacon

oxtail soup 1. Disjointed oxtail and a mirepoix

oxtail soup

of onion, garlic, carrot and turnip browned in end of the back containing a fair amount of
fat; flour added to make a brown roux; fat
oyster crab A very small (1 cm) crab which
oyster crab

tomato purée, a bouquet garni and brown

stock added, simmered and skimmed for 4 lives in the shells of live oysters. May be
hours; oxtail and bouquet garni removed; eaten raw or fried. Also called pea crab
oxtail deboned and flesh returned; the whole oyster fungus See oyster mushroom
oyster fungus

liquidized, strained, seasoned and oyster knife A knife with a thin, strong, sharp-
oyster knife

consistency corrected; finished with sherry pointed blade, used to open oysters
and garnished with diced or balled carrots
oyster meat See oyster 2
oyster meat

and turnips and the tip of the oxtail cut in

oyster mushroom An edible wild mushroom,
oyster mushroom

rounds. See also thick oxtail soup 2. As thick

oxtail soup, but omitting the flour and slightly Pleurotus ostreatus, with a short stalk on one
thickening before garnishing using arrowroot side of the smooth bare oyster-like cap which
and cooking until clear. See also clear oxtail is up to 15 cm in diameter and blue-grey
soup when young. It grows on the trunks of
ox tongue The large tongue of mature cattle
ox tongue
deciduous trees and has a rather tough, juicy
weighing about 3 kg. Sold fresh or brined flesh with no smell but a slightly fishy flavour.
and often cooked, jellied and pressed as a Now cultivated. Also called oyster fungus,
slicing meat and sandwich filling. When abalone mushroom, tree oyster mushroom
oyster of veal A prime roasting cut of veal
oyster of veal

cooked it has a rich flavour and may be

served hot with mustard sauce or Madeira from the forequarter, generally boned and
sauce. rolled
oyster plant Salsify
oyster plant

oxtunga Sweden Ox tongue


oxygen The gas which is necessary for most oyster sauce 1. China A condiment and
oxygen oyster sauce

animal life and which forms about 20% of flavouring sauce consisting of soya sauce
the air. At high temperatures it causes combined with dried oysters. It has a strong
oxidation and deterioration of food. The rate shellfish flavour. 2. See huîtres, sauce aux 3.
of oxidation doubles for every 10°C increase United Kingdom A béchamel sauce with
in temperature. Occasionally used as a cream, a little cayenne pepper, oyster juice
packaging gas. and poached and bearded oysters

413 Page 414 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

oyster sausage

oyster sausage England A traditional sausage parsley in butter, adding piri-piri or similar
oyster sausage

made when oysters were the food of the poor. hot sauce, white wine and seasoning and
Made from pounded veal, chopped or processing in a blender.
minced oysters and breadcrumbs soaked in oysters outback

oysters outback Australia Shucked oysters

oyster liquor, seasoned and bound with egg topped with a mixture of grated cheddar
before being packed in casings. Not made cheese and akudjura, salted and grilled until
commercially nowadays but almost certain to the cheese melts
be taken up by expensive restaurants oysters Rockefeller

specializing in traditional English cooking. oysters Rockefeller United States A New

Orleans speciality of oysters topped with a
oysters Bienville United States Oysters on
oysters Bienville

Pernod-flavoured savoury breadcrumb

the half shell covered with a béchamel sauce
mixture and baked quickly on the half shell
containing chopped and sweated green oysters Van Diemen

sweet peppers and onion, gratinated with oysters Van Diemen Australia Shucked
breadcrumbs and cheese and grilled oysters each covered with a slice of
oysters Mombasa East Africa Shucked
oysters Mombasa
Tasmanian Brie, seasoned with mountain
oysters baked in the oven for 6 to 8 minutes. pepper and garnished with a native
Each oyster is topped with a little sauce pepperberry

made by sautéeing garlic and coriander or oz Ounce

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pa Catalonia Bread pachadi South Asia Chopped vegetables
pa pachadi

paahdeleipää Finland Toast


bound with yoghurt and flavoured with

paahdepaisti Finland Roast beef
mustard seeds
paak cheong China White pomfret, the fish
paak cheong
Pachyrrhizus erosus Botanical name The
pa amb oli Catalonia A snack made from a
pa amb oli
jacama plant
Pacific bonito Skipjack tuna
Pacific bonito

thick slice of crusty bread rubbed with a

Pacific cod A relative, Gadus macrocephalus
Pacific cod

vine-ripened cut tomato, sprinkled with good

oil and salted of the Atlantic cod with a brown to grey back
pa amb tomàquet Catalonia Bread rubbed
pa amb tomàquet
weighing 2 to 4 kg and up to 60 cm long.
with tomato and garlic and drizzled with olive Treat as cod.
Pacific dogfish Rock salmon
Pacific dogfish

oil. Served as tapas.

Pacific hake A variety of hake caught in the
Pacific hake

paan South Asia A breath freshener taken


after a meal usually consisting of a mixture of Pacific Ocean, used mainly for processed
aromatic seeds, often garishly coloured. See fish products
Pacific halibut The halibut, Hippoglossus
Pacific halibut

also pan 2
paarl lemoen South Africa A classic Cape
paarl lemoen
stenolepsis, found in the northern Pacific
recipe for abalone (perlemoen) which is Ocean
Pacific mackerel The mackerel, Scomber
Pacific mackerel

simmered in white wine and water (1:3) with

butter, lemon juice and seasoning for 2 hours japonicus, found off Japan and California
Pacific oyster A variety of disease-resistant
Pacific oyster

then served with cooking liquor thickened

with soft white breadcrumbs and flavoured oyster, Crassostrea gigas, used to restock
with a little nutmeg many European farmed oyster beds wiped
paayap Philippines Long bean

out by disease in the 1970s. Has a craggier

PABA This constituent of sunscreen agents
and deeper shell than the Portuguese oyster
appears to maintain hair colour and skin and can grow to 30 cm but normally sold at
conditions in rodents, but its function in 6 to 12 cm. Also called Japanese oyster
Pacific thread herring A relative of the
Pacific thread herring

humans is obscure. It is found in whole

grains and wheat germ and is an essential thread herring found off the west coast of
growth factor for many microorganisms. Also North America
called para-amino-benzoic acid packet Ireland A black pudding from Limerick

pabellon caroqueno Venezuela A national

pabellon caroqueno

similar to drisheen. Eaten with tripe.

dish consisting of a mixture of steak, rice, Pacrasma excelsa Botanical name Bitter ash
black beans and plantains or bananas from which quassia is extracted
topped with a fried egg pad Thailand Stir-fried

pa boeuk Laos A very large fish (up to 2 m) paddestoel Netherlands Mushroom

pa boeuk paddestoel

caught in the Mekong river. Its roe alone can paddy rice Freshly harvested rice still with its
paddy rice

weigh up to 10 kg. The flesh may be eaten husk

fresh, but because of the amount is usually paddy straw mushroom See straw mushroom
paddy straw mushroom

preserved by fermentation. pa de fetge Catalonia Liver pâté

pa de fetge

pabulum An archaic term for food of any kind


pa-de-gaw-gyi Burma Greater galangal


especially of animals and plants padeira, à Portugal Baked in an ovenproof

padeira, à

paca South America An edible rodent from


dish in a hot oven (NOTE: From padeiro,

the north of South America with a white ‘baker’.)
spotted brown coat

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padek Laos A fish paste made by salting fish pai chi China The dried root of a relative of
padek pai chi

or fermenting it with rice bran angelica, Angelica sinensis. See also dang
padella Italy Frying pan
paillard 1. France A thin escalope or slice of

padrushka Poland Hamburg parsley


meat or fish 2. Italy Grilled sirloin steak

paella 1. A savoury mixture of rice,

paillard di vitelle A grilled veal cutlet served

paillard di vitelle

vegetables, chicken and shellfish cooked in

a large pan called a paellera in the same way with lemon juice
paillettes France Thin slivers or rings, e.g. of

as risotto, but with a less starch-releasing

rice such as Valencia. Shellfish are normally potatoes, pastry, onions, etc (NOTE: Literally
added about 5 to 10 minutes after adding ‘spangles, flakes’.)
paillettes d’oignons frits France Fried onion
paillettes d’oignons frits

stock, so that they are not overcooked, and

paella is finished with liquidized garlic and rings
paillettes dorées France Cheese straws
paillettes dorées

decorated before service from the pan. 2.

Catalonia The same as Spanish paella but paimi Conkies

using seafood on the coast and game inland pain France Bread, also used for the long 400

paella de campiña Spain Paella with ham,

paella de campiña

g baguette type of loaf

bacon, chicken and sausage pain à cacheter France Wafer
pain à cacheter

paella powder A colouring agent, usually

paella powder

pain à la grecque Belgium Small cakes made

pain à la grecque

synthetic tartrazine, used to colour paellas from a rich cake mixture

instead of saffron. Not recommended. pain au chocolat France A rectangular-
pain au chocolat

paella valenciana Catalonia Paella with

paella valenciana

shaped croissant-type pastry with chocolate

chicken, shellfish, peas, beans and in the centre. Eaten warm.
artichokes pain au sucre Canada A French Canadian
pain au sucre

paellera Spain A wide, round, shallow, 3 to 5 speciality of bread toasted on one side, the

cm deep pan with 2 handles. The diameter, untoasted side covered with maple sugar,
which can be up to a metre, depends upon grilled until the sugar melts then served with
the number of servings required. Used for cream
cooking paella which is served direct from pain bis France Wholemeal or brown bread
pain bis

the pan. pain blanc France White bread

pain blanc

pære Denmark, Norway Pear


pain complet France Wholemeal, wholewheat

pain complet

paesana, alla Italy In country style, i.e with or granary bread

paesana, alla

bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes, especially pain de Gênes France Genoa cake
pain de Gênes

of pasta. pain de la Mecque France A cream-filled

pain de la Mecque

paeta Italy Turkey


puff pastry
pain de ménage France Home-made bread
pain de ménage

pagello Italy Sea bream, the fish. Also called


fragolino pain de mie France Soft crusted English-style

pain de mie

pageot rouge France Pandora, the fish

pageot rouge

white bread for sandwiches

pain d’épices France Well-spiced
pain d’épices

Paglia Switzerland A soft cheese similar to


Gorgonzola from Ticino gingerbread

pain de seigle France Rye bread
pain de seigle

paglia e fieno Italy Thin green and yellow

paglia e fieno

pain de son France Wholemeal bread

pain de son

dried noodles sold mixed in the packet

pain des paysans France Chestnut flour
pain des paysans

(NOTE: Literally ‘straw and hay’.)

pain de veau Belgium A meat loaf made with
pain de veau

pagnotta Italy A round loaf of bread


pagnotta Santa Chiara Italy A potato bread

pagnotta Santa Chiara
pain de volaille France A finely processed
pain de volaille

from Naples filled with tomatoes, anchovies

and herbs chicken meat loaf or mould
pain doré France Pain perdu
pain doré

Pago Austria A ewes’ milk cheese


pain entier France Wholemeal bread

pain entier

pagre France Sea bream


pain épi France A large French bread stick,

pain épi

pagro comune Italy Sea bream

pagro comune

shaped like an ear of corn, weighing about

paguro Italy Hermit crab

250 g
pahari mirich South Asia Sweet peppers
pahari mirich

pain fig banane Caribbean A speciality of St

pain fig banane

pähkinäkakku Finland A rich cake containing


Lucia consisting of banana bread flavoured

ground walnuts and smothered in whipped with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves
cream eaten like cake. Also called Caribbean
pähkinäpaisti Finland A vegetarian patty

banana cake
pain grillé France Toast
pain grillé

made from ground nuts and cream

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palm cabbage

pain intégral France Wholemeal bread cheese or meat. (NOTE: They are the north
pain intégral

pain noir France Wholemeal bread or brown

pain noir
Indian equivalent of bhajias.)
paksiw Philippines Large pieces of fish

pain parisien A long loaf of bread rather like
pain parisien
simmered until cooked in a clay pot with
a large baguette vinegar, salt and possibly ginger and sugar.
Allowed to cool in the liquid and served cold
pain perdu France Stale bread slices dipped
pain perdu

with some of the pickling liquid.

in an egg and milk mixture, sweetened and
pak soi See pak choy
pak soi

flavoured with vanilla for the dessert version,

pala Indonesia Nutmeg

then fried in (clarified) butter until crisp and

palabok Philippines Garnishes, usually to give

golden. Also called pain doré, French toast

pain pistolet France Pistolet
pain pistolet
added flavour, such as dried fish flakes, pork
pain rôti France Toast
pain rôti
crackling, chopped scallions, dried shrimps,
chopped hard-boiled eggs, etc.
Painswick chop England A bacon chop from
Painswick chop

palacinky Czech Republic Light batter


the West country often baked in the oven

with cider, brown sugar and mustard pancakes filled with grated chocolate,
apricot jam or a sweetened mixture of cream
pain trouvé Belgium Pain perdu topped with a
pain trouvé

cheese and sultanas

mixture of béchamel sauce and chopped
palacsinta Hungary Small pancake, crêpe

ham and sprinkled with grated Parmesan

pålæg Denmark The filling on open-topped

Danish sandwiches
paio Portugal A thick garlic-flavoured pork

palak South Asia Spinach


palamita Italy Bonito, the fish

Paisley almond cakes Scotland Well beaten

Paisley almond cakes

Palatschinken Austria Thin pancakes filled


eggs, butter, caster sugar, rice flour, corn

flour and ground almonds (8:6:6:4:4:3) with with marmalade, chocolate, chopped nuts
3 tbsp of baking powder per kg of flours and/or sweetened cheese
palayok Philippines A terracotta cooking pot

made up by the creaming method and

baked in bun tins at 180°C for 10 to 15 similar to the Indian chatty
minutes paleron France A cut of beef including part of

paistettu Finland 1. Roasted 2. Fried the chuck and clod used for stewing or

paistettu kana Finland Fried chicken

paistettu kana
braising; parts are sometimes marinated in
paistettut sienet Finland Fried mushrooms
paistettut sienet
the piece and roasted
Palestine, crème France Artichoke soup
Palestine, crème

paisti Finland Steak, roast (as of meat)


finished with cream, milk or thin béchamel

paistinperunat Finland Fried potatoes

sauce. Also called cream of artichoke soup

paj Sweden Pie

Palestine sweet lime See sweet lime

Palestine sweet lime

pak Thailand Vegetables


palette France Blade of pork or lamb from the


pak bung Thailand Swamp cabbage

pak bung

pak chai China Pak choy
pak chai

palette knife A 2 to 3 cm wide, flexible

palette knife

pak chee Thailand Coriander seed and leaves handled blade with a round blunt end and
pak chee

pak chee lao Thailand Dill seed

pak chee lao
not sharpened. Used for manipulating food,
pak chi met Thailand Coriander
pak chi met
e.g. fish fillets, and for smoothing icings and
pak choi Pak choy
pak choi

palm Any member of an important family of


pak choy A loose-leaved Chinese brassica,

pak choy

plants, Palmae, of which there are over

Brassica rapa var. chinensis, with white leaf 4,000 species, generally tropical or
stems and dark, succulent mild leaves, very subtropical and mostly trees with the
fast growing and cooked when young with at characteristic tuft of fan-like leaves, although
most 12 opened leaves. Also called pak choi, a few are climbers, e.g. the rattan palm. They
pak soi, bok choy, bok choi, celery cabbage supply edible vegetable matter, fruit, nuts, oil
pak hom ho Vietnam Mint
pak hom ho

and sap as well as building materials.

pak kard hom Thailand Lettuce
pak kard hom

palma Italy, Spain Palm


pak kok China Star anise

pak kok

palm butter 1. Central Africa Moambé sauce

palm butter

pakode South Asia Fritters


2. West Africa A pulp made from palm nuts

pakora South Asia Bite-sized fritter made with

similar in consistency to peanut butter 3.

a batter containing besan or chickpea flour. West Africa Palm kernel oil
palm cabbage The growing tip of the coconut
palm cabbage

Deep-fried and served hot with chutney. The

fritters usually contain vegetables, but can palm considered to be a delicacy and eaten
be made with shellfish, fish, cooked rice, as a vegetable in tropical Asia

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palme France Palm or sugar palm. Also called jaggery, java



Palme Germany Palm sugar, coconut sugar

palm tree See palm
palm tree

palmetto A palm tree, Sabal palmetto, which


palmyra fruit Palm nut

palmyra fruit

grows in the southeast of the USA and in

palmyra palm A palm tree, Borassus
palmyra palm

Mexico. Its main use is for brushes but the

growing tips are boiled as heart of palm and flabellifer, from India, Africa and Asia. Sap is
eaten hot as a vegetable or cold as a salad. extracted by tapping the unopened male or
Also called cabbage palm female flower stalks and immediately boiled
down to produce palm sugar or fermented to
palm heart Heart of palm
palm heart

toddy. Alternatively the fruits (palm nuts) are

palmiers England, France A square of

allowed to grow. Their sap is used as a drink,

sugared puff pastry rolled like a scroll from the soft kernel is also eaten and the
opposite sides to meet in the middle, egg- germinated nuts produce an enlarged fleshy
washed, cut into 2 cm slices, one side embryo which is used as a vegetable. Also
sugared and baked sugar side down for called borassus palm
about 10 min. in a hot oven, turned and paloise, sauce England, France As
paloise, sauce

sugar caramelized. hollandaise sauce, but with chopped mint in

palmitic acid A saturated fatty acid found in
palmitic acid

the initial reduction and finished after

its glycerol ester form in beef and lamb fat straining with chopped fresh mint
and other hard fats paloma Spain Pigeon

palmito Portugal, Spain Heart of palm


palomba Italy Wood pigeon


palm kernel oil A white oil extracted from the

palm kernel oil

palombacce Italy Wood pigeon


kernels of the fruits of the oil palm, Elaeis palombe France Wood pigeon

guineensis, mainly used for margarine palombo Italy 1. Smooth hound, the fish 2.

manufacture. See also palm oil. Also called Ring dove

palm butter
palometa Spain Pomfret, the fish

palm nut The fruit of the palmyra palm about

palm nut

palourde France Cockle, clam, carpet shell or


9 cm long and containing 3 kernels in each. similar bivalve mollusc

The immature kernels are used in desserts
palwal South Asia A small elongated green

and have a taste of coconut. The mature

kernels are a source of palm kernel oil but squash. See also tindoori
pámpano Spain Vine leaf

may be germinated to give an enlarged

Pampelmuse Germany Grapefruit

fleshy embryo used as a vegetable. Also

called palmyra fruit pamplemoes South Africa 1. Grapefruit 2.

palm oil The oil extracted from the fruits of the

palm oil
pamplemousse France 1. Grapefruit 2.

oil palm, Elaeis guineensis, which originated

in Africa but is now grown in Malaysia, Pummelo
Indonesia and other high rainfall tropical pan 1. A metal, glass or ceramic vessel usually

areas. About half the African production is deep and round but may be other shapes,
used as cooking oil, the remainder is used for fitted with one long handle or two small
soap and industrial purposes and after handles 2. Italy, Spain Bread, cake 3. South
treatment for margarine. The oil sets to a soft Asia A betel leaf folded into a parcel
solid after extraction. It contains 40% containing a betel nut, spices and a little lime
saturated, 40% monounsaturated and 10% paste. Chewed to extract the flavours and
polyunsaturated fat. See also palm kernel oil considered by some to be an aid to digestion
palm-oil chop West Africa A celebratory dish
palm-oil chop
to be taken after a meal. The lime provides
made by browning beef or chicken pieces in much needed calcium. The fibrous mass left
palm oil with ground ginger or cinnamon, after all the flavour has been extracted is not
The meat is removed and vegetables are swallowed. Sometimes spelled paan but this
sweated in the same oil and simmered for 20 refers to another mix.
pan, to United States To cook vegetables
pan, to

minutes and partially mashed. Prawns,

tomato purée, palm fruit pulp, thyme and without water in a tightly closed pan with a
spices are added together with water to little fat
make a smooth sauce. The reserved meat is panaché(e) France 1. Multicoloured or

added and simmered until cooked. Served layered, e.g. desserts, salads, ice creams,
over rice with a selection of garnishes for the etc. 2. Garnished with a mixture of flageolet
guests to choose at will. and French beans
palm sugar A sugary substance obtained by panada 1. England, Spain A stiff pounded and
palm sugar panada

boiling down the sap from the palmyra palm boiled mixture of stale bread and water with

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pané, to

possibly oil, used for thickening and binding panchporan South Asia Panch foran

2. England, France A double-thickness pancit canton Philippines E-fu noodles made

pancit canton

béchamel sauce used as a binding agent 3. with duck eggs

Italy A broth thickened with breadcrumbs pancotto Italy A soup thickened with stale

and egg and finished with grated Parmesan bread, containing seasonal vegetables and
cheese finished with oil and cheese. Also called
panade France 1. See panada 2. A peasant

soup based on water, stock or milk and pancreas An abdominal gland which supplies

thickened with bread insulin to the blood and digestive juices to

panadó, panadons d’espinacs Catalonia A

the small intestine. Together with the thymus

small spinach, pine nuts and raisin pasty, it comprises the sweetbreads.
often served as tapas pancreatin A protease produced by various

panafracchi Italy Ring-shaped cakes or


microorganisms and used to convert

pastries with nuts and candied fruit. See also proteins into emulsifying agents
ciambelle Pandanus amaryllifolius Botanical name
panais France Parsnip

The more aromatically flavoured variety of

Panama orange Calamondin
Panama orange
pandanus leaf The leaf of the screwpine used
pandanus leaf

panarda Italy A celebratory feast of 20 or more


dishes traditional in the Abruzzo region both for its colouring and flavour
panato Italy Panéed, breaded
Pandanus odoratissimus Botanical name
pan bagnat France A sandwich from
pan bagnat

pandekager Denmark Pancakes


Provence containing salade niçoise

pan di frizze Italy A bread containing pork
pan di frizze

ingredients. A hollowed out loaf or roll is often

used as the bread base. scratchings
pan di Genova Italy Genoa cake
pan di Genova

pan blanco Spain White bread

pan blanco

pan di natale Italy A soft yeast-raised

pan di natale

pan-broil, to United States To cook meat in a

pan-broil, to

very hot iron (non-stick) frying pan with no fat enriched dough mixed with a variety of
by rapidly browning all sides to seal in the candied fuits, nuts, raisins, pine nuts, etc.
juices and formed into various shapes (NOTE:
pancake A thin flat cake cooked on both sides
Literally ‘Christmas bread’.)
pan di Spagna Italy A liqueur soaked sponge
pan di Spagna

with oil or fat in a pancake or frying pan,

made from a thin pouring batter of milk, egg, cake filled with cream or jam
pan dolce Italy A tall octagonal sweet yeast-
pan dolce

flour and possibly sugar, normally served

with a sweet or savoury filling or sauce. In the raised and enriched bread from Verona,
UK served with lemon juice and sugar on Served at Christmas. Also called pandoro
Shrove Tuesday. pandora A pink seawater fish, Pagellus

pancake omelette Wales Plain flour and

pancake omelette
erythrinus, similar in size and appearance to
beaten egg (2:1) mixed and brought together the sea bream
pandorato Italy Pain perdu, French toast,

with a little milk to form a thick batter,

seasoned and flavoured with chopped often with Mozzarella cheese and anchovies
parsley and shallots and fried until golden spread on the bread before egging
brown on both sides. Also called crempog las pan d’oro Italy A round sweet yeasted bun
pan d’oro

pancake pan A pan similar to an omelette pan

pancake pan

pandoro Italy Pan dolce


reserved for pancakes and crêpes pandowdy United States A type of apple pie

pancake roll See spring roll

pancake roll

made from stewed sliced apples layered in

pancetta Italy Belly of pork cured with salt and an ovenproof dish with butter, brown sugar

spices, rolled up and eaten either raw in thin and spice, moistened with cider, covered
slices or cooked in thicker slices. Also called with biscuit dough then baked until golden
panchetta brown
pan-dressed United States (Fish) gutted and

panchetta Italy Pancetta


panch foran South Asia A Bengali spice mix

panch foran
scaled with the head and fins removed ready
consisting of cumin, nigella, aniseed, for baking, grilling or frying
pan drippings United States Residues in the
pan drippings

fenugreek and brown mustard seeds ground

to a well mixed powder. Used to flavour oils pan left after roasting or frying meat or
as well as in made up dishes. Also called vegetables used as a basis for gravy
panchphoran, panch poran pane Italy Bread

panchphoran, panchporan South Asia Panch pané, to An anglicization of the French paner,
panchphoran pané, to

foran meaning to coat foods with seasoned flour,

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pane bianco

beaten egg and breadcrumbs in that order, minutes uncovered, then grilled to brown the
prior to frying them top. Served from the pan.
pane bianco Italy White bread paniccia Italy Panissa
pane bianco paniccia

panicia Italy A barley soup from the Dolomite


pane bigio Italy Brown bread

pane bigio

pane bolognese Italy A sweet bread made

pane bolognese
from cornmeal and containing candied fruit Panicum miliaceum Botanical name
and nuts Common millet
paniert Germany Panéed

pane carasau Italy A very thin bread from

pane carasau

panini imbottini Italy Sandwiches

panini imbottini

panino Italy Bread roll

pane di frumento Italy Whole wheat bread

pane di frumento

panir South Asia Curds made from boiling


pane di segale Italy Rye bread

pane di segale

panée à l’anglaise France Panéed

panée à l’anglaise
milk acidified with lemon juice. See also
paneer South Asia Curds made from boiling

paniscia Italy Rice, beans and sausage


milk acidified with lemon juice. Used for

cooked in broth
making desserts and as an accompaniment
panissa Italy A dough made from boiled chick

to vegetarian meals. May be fried. Also called

panir, chenna, chhena, channa pea flour and finely chopped and sweated
onions, sliced and fried
paneermeel Netherlands Breadcrumbs

panitsa Philippines Palm sugar


paneer tikki South Asia Fresh curds (paneer)

paneer tikki

panko Japan Large-sized toasted dry


pressed overnight in a cheese cloth to make

a fairly solid curd cheese breadcrumbs used for coating fried foods
pan loaf Scotland A loaf of bread baked in a
pan loaf

pane grattugiato Italy Pangrattato

pane grattugiato

panela South America A hard dark sugar from

pan moreno Spain Brown bread

pan moreno

Colombia formed into loaves

panna Italy Cream

panelle Italy Fritters made in Sardinia from


panna cotta Italy 1. A rich dessert made from

panna cotta

chick pea flour

cream and milk flavoured with vanilla and set
paner France To pané

with gelatine. Often served with a fruit sauce.

pane scuro Italy Dark bread
pane scuro

2. Coffee-flavoured cream custard (NOTE:

panetière France A baked pastry case filled

Literally ‘cooked cream’.)

with precooked food or a small precooked panna fermentata Italy Sour cream
panna fermentata

bird and served hot panna montata Italy Whipped cream, usually
panna montata

pane tostato Italy Toast

pane tostato

panettone See pannetone

Pannarone Italy A rich, soft, quick ripening


Panfisch Germany A mixture of cooked cheese from south Lombardy, made from

minced fish and onions served on mashed whole milk, the curds not salted but gathered
potatoes in cheese cloths, drained, kept at 28°C for 7
panforte Italy A rich cake from Sienna
days and ripened for a further 8 to 19 days at
containing glacé fruits and nuts a lower temperature. It has a thin yellow rind
pan-fry, to To cook in a frying pan with a small
pan-fry, to
and a white to fawn, mild and slightly bitter
quantity of fat or oil paste with lots of small holes. Also called
panggang Indonesia Spit-roasted. The food is

pannbiff med lök Sweden Chopped beef

pannbiff med lök

usually marinated.
steak and onions
pang kao niew Thailand Glutinous rice flour
pang kao niew

pannekoeken Netherlands Pancakes


pang khao chao Thailand Rice flour

pang khao chao

pannequet France A small crêpe filled with a


pang khao phod Thailand Corn flour

pang khao phod

sweet or savoury mixture and folded into

pang mun Thailand Tapioca starch
pang mun

pangrattato Italy Dried stale bread reduced to

Pannerone Italy Pannarone


fine breadcrumbs pannetone Italy A tall yeast-raised cake from


pang tao yai mom Thailand Arrowroot

pang tao yai mom

Milan containing nuts, spices, sultanas and

pang xie China Crab candied peel often associated with
pang xie

pan haggerty England A Northern dish made

pan haggerty
Christmas and New Year’s eve. Also called
in a wide shallow pan with heated butter and panettone
pannkakor Sweden Pancakes

oil, layered with sliced raw waxy potatoes,

pannkoogid A large soufflé type of pancake

onions and grated Cheddar or Lancashire

cheese and seasoning, topped with cheese from Estonia made from a flour, egg, milk
and cooked in the oven on a low heat for 30 and sugar batter (4:4:8:1) flavoured with

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papavero, al

vanilla essence. The egg whites are reserved panzanella Italy A bread salad from Tuscany

whilst the batter matures for 12 hours, made from coarse bread soaked in water
beaten to a stiff peak and folded into the and squeezed dry, mixed with chopped
batter just before it is fried in 100 ml lots. tomatoes, basil and other salad vegetables,
Filled with a thickened soft fruit compote. dressed with oil and vinegar and left to
pannocchia Italy Mantis shrimp

develop the flavours for a few hours before

Pannonia Hungary A hard cows’ milk cheese
panzarotti Italy Deep-fried pastry turnovers

similar to Gruyère and made in cylinders (up

to 40 kg). The paste has a few holes and a filled with a chopped ham, cheese, parsley
pleasant flavour. Contains 38% water, 31% and egg filling or as an alternative,
fat and 30% protein. anchovies, basil and egg
panzerotti Italy Triangular-shaped ravioli. See

pannukakku Finland An oven-baked sweet


pancake also pansotti

pão Portugal Bread

panocha, panoche Mexico A dark unrefined


pao yu China Dried abalone. It requires

pao yu

sugar similar to muscovado. See also

piloncillo soaking for 4 days.
pap 1. Soft mushy foods served to weaning

panoche Mexico Piloncillo


pan pepato Italy A nutmeg and pepper-

pan pepato
infants and persons with eating or swallowing
flavoured cake containing raisins, almonds, difficulties 2. Netherlands Porridge
papa Mexico Potato

hazelnuts and chocolate

papadam South Asia Poppadom

pansit Philippines Noodles fried with various


papads South Asia Poppadom


ingredients such as garlic, onions,

vegetables, shrimps, meat, etc. papadum South Asia Poppadom

pansoti Italy Pansotti papaia Italy Papaya

pansoti papaia

pansotti Italy Triangular-shaped ravioli filled papain A protease derived from papaya latex,
pansotti papain

with meat, offal or cheese. Also called used to remove protein hazes from beer, in
pansoti, panzerotti bread dough modification, for yeast autolysis
pansy A plant, Viola tricolor with edible flowers
and for tenderizing meat for manufacturing
used for decoration and to add a subtle purposes. It is also present in pineapples
flavour to salads and figs.
Papaja Germany Papaya

panthe kaukswe Bulgaria A mild chicken

panthe kaukswe

papalina Italy Sprat. Also called spratto


curry flavoured with onions, garlic, chillies,

papalina, alla Italy In the style of the pope
papalina, alla

coconut milk and turmeric, served with

noodles, hard-boiled eggs, raw onion slices, (strictly ‘of the pope’s skullcap’), i.e. with
lemon quarters and prawn crackers ham, cream, eggs and Parmesan cheese
pantosta Italy Toast papanasi cu smantană Romania Sieved
pantosta papanasi cu smantană

pantothenic acid See vitamin B5

pantothenic acid
cottage cheese mixed with butter, eggs, egg
pantserkreeft Netherlands Spiny lobster
yolks, double cream and a little sugar,
seasoned and flavoured with grated lemon
panucha Philippines Palm sugar

zest, made into small patties, fried and

panucho Mexico A small tortilla from the

served with sour cream

southwest, part fried to make it puff up, papanasi fierti Romania Curd cheese
papanasi fierti

partially split, filled with a savoury filling then dumplings, poached in water, drained and
fried until crisp coated with melted butter, breadcrumbs and
panunto Italy Bruschetta (Tuscany)

caster sugar
panure 1. France Breadcrumbs 2. A coating

papa seca South America Boiled and peeled

papa seca

of flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. See non-bitter potatoes from Peru, dried in the
also pané, to sun and then ground. Used for the
panurette France Finely grated rusks used as preparation of carapulca.

a lining in moulds papas rellenos South America A type of

papas rellenos

panvis Netherlands Fried fish, also a


cottage pie with a base of meat, vegetables,

casserole made with dried codfish, onions hard-boiled eggs, olives, raisins and spices
and potatoes topped with mashed potatoes
papatzul Mexico Tortilla filled with egg and

pan white pudding Scotland A type of skirlie

pan white pudding

from Mull made with dripping from the roast pumpkin seeds
papavero, al Italy With poppy seeds
papavero, al

meat rather than butter. The medium

oatmeal is generally twice the weight of the Papaver rhoeas Botanical name Field poppy,
dripping. corn poppy, a source of poppy seed

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Papaver somniferum Botanical name Opium pappa Italy A soup thickened with stale bread.

poppy, a source of poppy seed See also pancotto

papaw 1. A variety of green custard apple, pappa al pomodoro Italy A Tuscan bread
papaw pappa al pomodoro

Asimina triloba, which grows in temperate soup with tomatoes cooked in oil, garlic and
regions of the USA. It is kidney-shaped with basil
smooth yellow skin and large brown seeds pappadam South Asia Poppadom

surrounded by a sweet yellow pulp tasting of pappadum South Asia Poppadom


bananas and pears. 2. Papaya pappardelle Italy Wide egg noodles with

papaya England, Spain A large pear- or


crinkly edges
melon-shaped fruit to 20 cm long, from the paprica dolce Italy Paprika
paprica dolce

tree Carica papaya which grows in most

paprika England, France A variety of sweet

tropical and sub-tropical regions and is

red pepper, Capsicum annuum, from
second only in importance to the banana
Hungary, used fresh or more commonly
amongst tropical fruit. When ripe it has a
dried and ground as the flavouring of the
yellow/orange skin and a juicy pink/orange
same name
flesh tasting like a mixture of roses, peaches
paprika butter See beurre de paprika
paprika butter

and strawberries with many black seeds in a

Paprikapfeffer Germany Powdered paprika

central cavity. The unripe fruit can be boiled

paprikas Netherlands Sweet peppers,

and used as a vegetable in the same way as

a marrow. The juice contains the protease capsicums
paprikás borjúszelet Hungary Veal
paprikás borjúszelet

papain and the seeds may be used as a

condiment. Also called pawpaw escalopes seasoned and sprinkled with
papaye France Papaya
paprika, floured and fried in lard with
papaz yahnisi Turkey Thick slices of mutton
papaz yahnisi
chopped onions, simmered in white stock
or lamb stewed in mutton fat with sliced with sliced sweet green peppers and served
onions, garlic, seasoning, cinnamon and a with the reduced cooking liquor and sour
little vinegar cream as a sauce
paprikás csirke Hungary A chicken stew
paprikás csirke

papel de paja de arroz Spain Rice paper

papel de paja de arroz

flavoured with onions, sweet peppers,

paper bark Australia The bark of large trees
paper bark

tomatoes, paprika, soured cream and

which is used as a food wrapping and seasonings. Served with pasta or tarhonya.
imparts a woody smoky flavour to the meat or
Paprikáskrumpli Austria A type of goulash.

fish cooked in it
Sliced onions and garlic are sweated in oil;
paper frill See cutlet frill
paper frill

sliced potatoes and sausages (debrecen or

paperino Italy Gosling

chorizo), paprika and chilli powder are

Paphos sausage Cyprus Seasoned minced
Paphos sausage

added and cooked. Then peeled and diced

lean leg of pork mixed with chopped pork fat, tomatoes, stock, sliced green sweet peppers
flavoured with ground coriander and herbs, and dried Hungarian peppers and seasoning
marinated with red wine for 2 days, filled into are added, and the whole is simmered until
pricked casings and air-dried for 5 to 10 cooked.
paprika spice mix A pungent blend of
paprika spice mix

days, fried or grilled. May be preserved after

drying in rendered pork fat. flavouring agents used to coat chicken prior
papier de riz France Rice paper
papier de riz
to barbecueing, consisting of fresh ginger,
papillon France A butterfly-shaped small
fresh garlic, paprika and ground cumin
cake of flaky pastry dredged and possibly pounded into a paste
papu Finland Bean

glazed with sugar

păpusi de cas Romania A hard spun-curd
păpusi de ca

papillote France Cutlet frill or the paper frill on


the bone of a leg of lamb and smoked ewes’ milk cheese with a sharp
salty taste made in 500 g cylinders or bricks
papillote, en England, France Baked in a
papillote, en

paquette France The dark green mature


buttered greaseproof paper or aluminium foil

packet. Usually used of a piece of meat or lobster roe about to be laid or the lobster
fish with flavourings which is served from the carrying such roe
para-amino-benzoic acid See PABA
para-amino-benzoic acid

paradicsommártás Hungary Ketchup

papo de anjo Portugal Small spherical cakes

papo de anjo

Paradiesapfel Germany Tomato


made with mostly egg yolks and served with

Paradieser Austria, Germany Tomato

syrup, alternatively a frothy dessert made

with egg white paradise cake Carrot cake
paradise cake

papo seco Portugal Bread roll or ordinary paradise nut South America A nut from a
papo seco paradise nut

bread without butter tree, Lecythis sabucajo, which resembles the

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Parma ham

Brazil nut but has a more delicate flavour parique South Africa A mixture of peanuts,

and a thinner shell. Also called sapucaya nut cooked rice and sugar wrapped in banana
paragonimus A species of fluke endemic in

leaves, baked and then sliced. From

Asia and parts of Africa, transmitted mainly Madagascar.
in freshwater crabs and crayfish, causes Paris-Brest A cake consisting of three

tuberculosis-like symptoms since it lives in concentric baked rings of choux pastry, split
the lungs. It can also affect the brain. Easily in half and filled with whipped cream or
cured with 1 dose of praziquantel. crème pâtissière mixed with a fine praline
Paranuss Germany Brazil nut

and decorated with icing sugar and flaked

parasol mushroom An edible fungus, Lepiota
parasol mushroom
almonds (NOTE: It is named after a famous
procera, found in grassy areas and 19th-century bicycle race.)
Pariser Schnitzel Austria Veal escalope,
Pariser Schnitzel

resembling a light brown umbrella. The cap,

which has a scaly surface which should be dipped in flour and lightly beaten egg and
removed, can be up to 15 cm in diameter. fried in butter
Best eaten when young. Also called umbrella parisersmörgås Sweden An open sandwich

mushroom consisting of a thick slice of bread and butter

paratha South Asia Flaky unleavened bread
topped with a forcemeat of minced beef, egg
made from a mixture of white and brown yolk, breadcrumbs, grated onions, finely
flour, water and salt, the dough formed into chopped pickled beetroot and seasoning.
rounds coated with ghee and fried until crisp The whole fried both sides, meat side first.
Parisian spice United States A mixture of
Parisian spice

on the outside
parboil, to To boil foods until they are about
parboil, to
dried thyme, bay, basil and sage ground with
half cooked coriander seed, mace and black
parboiled rice See converted rice
parboiled rice
peppercorns used for flavouring
parisien France Gros pain

parch, to To dry-roast until slightly brown

parch, to

parisienne, à la France Garnished with

parisienne, à la

parcha South Asia Parcha-style, i.e. cooked


en papillote in a banana leaf or completely parisienne potatoes and artichoke hearts,

encased in pastry and steamed, grilled, and sometimes other vegetables
parisienne, sauce England, France
parisienne, sauce

barbecued or cooked in the oven. It also

refers to the process of dry-roasting with a Allemande, sauce
parisienne cutter A sharp edged scoop-
parisienne cutter

crust formed by basting at intervals with a

marinade of yoghurt and spices. shaped implement for cutting out balls of
parched corn Maize kernels which have been
parched corn
potato or other vegetables or fruit
parisienne potatoes Potatoes scooped out
parisienne potatoes

cooked or dry-roasted slightly

pare Indonesia Bitter gourd
with a parisienne cutter, browned in a frying
pare, to To peel thinly, e.g. skins from
pare, to
pan, finished in the oven at 240°C and
potatoes, apples, etc. coated with meat glaze just before serving
Parker House Roll United States A yeast-
Parker House Roll

párek v rohlíku Czech Republic Hot dog,

párek v rohlíku

raised dough formed into a roll and folded in

boiled or steamed sausage in a roll
two before proving and baking
parenica Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia A

parkia A medium-sized leguminous tree,


soft spun-curd ewes’ milk cheese cut into

Parkia speciosa, from Thailand and
long strips, rolled up and smoked. Also
Indonesia which produces flat seed pods
called ribbon cheese
about the size of broad beans with a peculiar
pareve A Jewish term describing food made

smell. The pods are eaten as a vegetable and

without milk or meat or derivatives of them, the sun-dried and peeled beans are fried in
so that it may be eaten with either type oil or softened in water and eaten as a snack.
parfait France A frozen, flavoured, cooked

Also called stink bean, twisted cluster bean

egg custard mixture in which the eggs have Parkia speciosa Botanical name Parkia
been well beaten to incorporate air, served as parkin England A moist and dense dark

a dessert. Flavourings included coffee brown ginger cake from Yorkshire made with
(traditional), chocolate, fruit, vanilla, liqueurs oatmeal and sweetened with black treacle.
and praline. Usually served in squares after maturing for
parfum France 1. Flavour 2. Aroma

a week.
pargo 1. Portugal Barbel, the fish 2. Spain Sea

párky Czech Republic Frankfurter type


bream sausages often boiled or steamed in pairs.

paria Indonesia Bitter gourd

Popular as a street snack in Prague.

paring knife A smaller version of an office Parma ham A dry-cured ham eaten raw as
paring knife Parma ham

knife, used to peel fruit and vegetables prosciutto. It must come from around the

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town of Parma in Italy, have been air-dried for crispum, or flat duller leaves, P. crispum
at least 8 months and be branded on the ‘Neapolitanum’. The flat-leaved variety which
skin. is common outside the UK has a stronger
Parmentier France Containing potatoes
flavour. It is very widely used as a culinary
Parmentier, purée England, France Sliced
Parmentier, purée
herb, as a decoration or garnish either in
onion and leek sweated in butter, bouquet sprigs or chopped, and as an essential part
garni, stock and sliced peeled potatoes (esp. the stalks) of a bouquet garni. See also
added, simmered, skimmed, bouquet garni French parsley, Italian parsley
parsley butter See beurre (à la) maître d’hôtel
parsley butter

removed, passed through a sieve or

liquidized, seasoned, consistency adjusted parsley ham See jambon persillé
parsley ham

and served hot with croûtons parsley root Hamburg parsley

parsley root

Parmesan A very hard Italian grating cheese


parsley sauce 1. Béchamel sauce with finely

parsley sauce

with a strong and distinctive flavour made chopped parsley. Used for poached and
from unpasteurized skimmed cows’ milk. boiled fish and vegetables. 2. A fish velouté
The curds are heated and packed into very mixed with a strong infusion of parsley,
large circular moulds and matured for well chopped parsley and a little lemon juice
over 2 years, ending up with a pale straw parsnip A biennial plant, Pastinaca sativa,

colour and a black rind. When grated it is whose long (up to 25 cm) conical tap root is
used on a wide variety of Italian dishes. The harvested as a winter root vegetable in the
composition depends on age, at 18 months first year. The roots have a cream sweetish
it is 27% water, 37% fat and 31% protein. flesh with a distinctive flavour and are best
See also Parmigiano Reggiano after being frosted. Served boiled, roasted,
parmesane, à la France Containing or
parmesane, à la

fried or puréed, etc.

sprinkled with Parmesan cheese parson’s nose The small projecting fatty
parson’s nose

parmigiana, alla Italy Finished with butter

parmigiana, alla

tissue growth at the rear of a chicken which

and grated Parmesan or an escalope panéed carries the tail feathers and, in the case of
with a mixture of grated Parmesan cheese the male, the sexual organs and glands. It
and breadcrumbs has a strong flavour and is not usually eaten
Parmigiano Reggiano Italy The finest and
Parmigiano Reggiano

except by those who wish to draw attention to

most authentic Parmesan cheese, made in themselves.
squat barrel shapes (up to 35 kg) which are parson’s venison England A skinned and
parson’s venison

salted in brine and turned and brushed boned leg of lamb, stuffed with a duxelle
regularly. It is unique to its particular region mixed with chopped ham and chives,
and although it may be made at any time it marinated for 24 hours in port, red wine, red
has special names according to the date of wine vinegar, juniper, allspice, bay leaf and
manufacture, ‘maggengo’ April to November grated nutmeg, drained, dried, seared then
and ‘invernengo’ December to March. The braised in the marinade in a covered dish at
non-winter period can also be split, ‘ditesta’ 180°C for up to 2 hours until cooked and
April to June, ‘agostano’ or ‘di centro’ July served with the reduced strained cooking
and August and ‘tardno’ September to liquor
November. One year old cheeses are called partan bree Scotland Puréed soup from
partan bree

‘vecchio’ and two year old ‘stravecchio’. Scotland containing crab meat and rice
Always stamped with the name. It may be
partridge 1. United Kingdom A greyish-brown

eaten young as a dessert.

game bird widespread in Europe and the
päron Sweden Pear

Middle East weighing about 450 g at 2 to 4

parr A young river salmon in its second or

months and serving 1 person. Barded and

third year before it leaves for the sea. roasted at 200°C for 1 to 2 hours. They come
Protected from fishing. Also called samlet in two varieties:grey-legged, Perdrix perdrix,
parrilla Spain Grill

and red-legged, Alectoris rufa. The shooting

parrillada Argentina Barbecue season is the 1st September to 1st February,

parrillada de pescado Spain A mixed

parrillada de pescado
and the hanging time 3 to 5 days. 2. United
seafood grill States The general name for various game
parsa Finland Parsley
birds including the American ruffed grouse,
quail, pheasant and bobwhite
parsi dhansak masala South Asia A hot spice
parsi dhansak masala

parut Indonesia, Malaysia Coconut grater


mix containing in addition to those listed

parwal South Asia A small elongated oval

under garam masala, fenugreek seeds,

mustard seeds, chillies and turmeric green squash. See also tindoori
pasa Mexico, Spain Raisin

parsley A hardy biennial plant with either


pasa de Corinto Spain Currant, from grapes

pasa de Corinto

bright green very curly leaves, Petroselinum

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pasta e fagioli

pasha Finland A type of cheesecake surface of food in a hot frying pan prior to

introduced from Russia cooking by another method

pashka See paskha passera Italy Plaice
pashka passera

pashtet iz tieliatiny Eastern Europe A veal passera pianuzza Italy Flounder

pashtet iz tieliatiny passera pianuzza

and liver pâté from the Ukraine made with passerino Italy Plaice

fried calves’ liver, veal, bacon and vegetables Passiflora edulis Botanical name Purple
simmered with chicken stock and dried passion fruit
mushrooms, strained, processed with Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Botanical
softened bread, bound with egg, seasoned name Yellow passion fruit
and flavoured with allspice then baked in the Passiflora laurifolia Botanical name Yellow
oven at 180°C granadilla
Pasiego prensado Spain A soft mild white Passiflora ligularis Botanical name Sweet
Pasiego prensado

smooth cream cheese from Santander made granadilla

from ewes’ and semi-skimmed cows’ milk. Passiflora maliformis Botanical name
Eaten after 2 weeks maturation. The white Curuba
paste contains small holes and has a Passiflora quadrangularis Botanical name
decided flavour. Giant granadilla
Pasiego sin prensar Spain A cheese similar passion cake Carrot cake
Pasiego sin prensar passion cake

to Pasiego prensado but hand-moulded into passion fruit The globular fruit of climbing
passion fruit

various shapes plants, Passiflora edulis, P. edulis v.

pasilla chile Mexico A variety of long, hot and flavicarpa and P. ligularis, which grow in
pasilla chile

dark brown chilli, commonly dried warm, humid, frost-free climates. See purple
pasionara Spain Nigella
passion fruit, yellow passion fruit and sweet
paskha Russia A rich dessert made from a
granadilla. Passion fruit on its own generally
mixture of curd cheese, cream, almonds and refers to the purple variety.
passoire France Colander, strainer, sieve

dried fruits placed in a muslin-lined sieve or

passover bread See matzo
passover bread

unglazed earthenware (flower)pot, weighted

and left to drain for 24 hours, then turned pasta 1. Italy Dough, paste 2. England, Italy A

out, muslin removed, and decorated. variety of extruded, cut or pressed shapes
Traditionally served at Easter. Also called and sheets of pasta dough made either fresh
pashka and soft, or dried, from a basic dough of
pass, to 1. To pass a food item through an
pass, to

water and/or eggs, salt and hard durum

excess of flour, beaten egg, oil or similar so wheat flour and sometimes oil. The simplest
as to completely coat it with the material 2. To pasta is made from strong flour and eggs
make something pass through a sieve or only (9:5), kneading up to 10 minutes until
strainer as in making a purée or coulis small blisters appear. There are innumerable
passa Portugal Raisin

names and shapes but the main types are

passa de Corinto Portugal Currant, from
passa de Corinto
spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, vermicelli,
grapes lasagne, canneloni and ravioli. Most pastas
passata Italy Purée, in the UK usually of raw
are cooked and served with a sauce. 3. Spain
tomatoes Pasta or pastry 4. Italy, Spain Noodle
pasta alla sarde Italy Alternate layers of
pasta alla sarde

passato Italy 1. Purée soup 2. Well done,


overcooked 3. Skinned and deseeded macaroni, fennel and fresh sardines, cooked
tomatoes simmered with chopped onions in a pie dish and served cold
pasta alle acciughe Italy Pasta with tomato
pasta alle acciughe

(10:1) with garlic, basil, bay and celery until

reduced by half, then seasoned and passed sauce, anchovies and clams
pasta all’uovo Italy Pasta made from flour
pasta all’uovo

through a sieve. May be frozen.

passé l’an France 1. A hard cooked-curd
passé l’an
and eggs only without water or oil. Available
cows’ milk cheese from Languedoc weighing in various shapes and usually made on the
to 40 kg. Similar to Parmesan but with a premises where cooked or sold. By law it
more mellow flavour. (NOTE: Literally ‘passed must contain at least 4 eggs per kg of flour.
pasta cresciuta Italy Vegetable, etc. fritters
pasta cresciuta

the year’, i.e. more than 1 year old.) 2.

Ripened, of cheese made with a yeast-raised flour, water and salt
Passendale Belgium A semi-hard loaf-
pasta d’acciughe Italy Anchovy paste
pasta d’acciughe

shaped cows’ milk cheese weighing up to 7

pasta de hojaldre Spain A patty made from
pasta de hojaldre

kg. The moist and supple paste has many

small holes. puff pastry
passer France 1. To pass (food through flour, pasta e fagioli Italy A traditional soup made
passer pasta e fagioli

beaten egg, etc.) 2. To quickly seal the with pasta, white beans and salt pork

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pasta fatta in casa

pasta fatta in casa Italy Fresh pasta usually pastelitos Mexico Biscuits or small cakes
pasta fatta in casa pastelitos

made in the place where it is cooked pastella Italy Batter


pasta filata Italy The term for scalded milk

pasta filata

pastels West Africa The West African version


curds that are kneaded until they become an of the Cornish pasty, the Hispanic empanadas
elastic dough and easy to shape and the Indian samosa, usually filled with a
pasta frolla Italy Shortcrust pastry
pasta frolla

savoury fish stuffing and served with a hot

pastai cennin Wales Leek pasty chilli sauce based on tomatoes, sweet
pastai cennin

pastai cocos Wales Cockle pie

pastai cocos
peppers and onions
pastèque France Watermelon

pasta in brodo Italy Pasta cooked and served

pasta in brodo

in broth Pastete Germany Pie


pastai persli Wales Welsh parsley pie pastetice od sira-skute Balkans Turnovers
pastai persli pastetice od sira-skute

pasta italiana Spain Spaghetti from Serbia filled with ham and using a
pasta italiana

pasta liscia Italy Smooth pasta

pasta liscia
pastry made from flour, butter and cottage
pastanaga Catalonia Carrots (NOTE: The plural
pasteurize, to To heat a substance, usually a
pasteurize, to

is pastanagues.)
pasta reale Italy Small pasta grains for soup
pasta reale
liquid, to a temperature between 60 and
pasta rigata Italy Ridged pasta which traps
pasta rigata
100°C to kill particular pathogenic
more sauce than smooth organisms, e.g. milk may be pasteurized at
62.8°C for 30 minutes or at 72°C for 15
pasta rossa Italy A red or pink pasta coloured
pasta rossa

seconds, shelled eggs at 64.4°C for 2 to 5

with tomatoes
minutes, etc. This process does not
pastasciutta Italy Pasta in a sauce

completely sterilize the substance

pasta secca Italy Dried pasta usually
pasta secca

pasteurized milk Milk pasteurized at 72°C for

pasteurized milk

manufactured and sold through retail outlets 15 seconds and then rapidly cooled. This
pasta sfoglia Italy Puff pastry
pasta sfoglia

does not affect the flavour of the milk but

pasta trinata Italy Flat pieces of pasta with
pasta trinata

causes the cream to rise unless it is

frilly or lacy edges wedges homogenized.
pasta verde Italy A green pasta coloured with
pasta verde

pasticceria Italy 1. Pastry 2. Pastry-making 3.


spinach Cake 4. Cake shop

paste The name given to any thick relatively

pasticciata Italy Baked pasta with a savoury


smooth semi-solid which is spreadable, such sauce, cheese and cream

as a flour water paste or pastry but more pasticcino Italy Fancy cake or pastry

specifically to cooked and pounded meat

pasticcio Italy 1. A savoury pie of meat, pasta,

and fish mixed with flavourings and

vegetables or cheese or a combination of
these 2. Pâté, meat loaf, any mould of
pastei Netherlands A pie or pasty usually

processed fish, meat, etc.

containing meat in a thick sauce
pasticcio di maccheroni Italy A large
pasticcio di maccheroni

pasteijes Netherlands Blind-cooked pastry


double-crust deep pie made in a cake tin

shells with a removable base, lined with a sweet
pastéis Portugal A round patty-shaped food

egg and butter enriched pastry filled with a

item, may be a sweet cake or a savoury item mixture of cooked pasta, meatballs, peas,
such as a fish cake or rissole rich tomato sauce and diced Mozzarella
pastéis de bacalhau Portugal Dried salt cod,
pastéis de bacalhau

cheese heaped up in the centre and filled

cooked and then recooked en croûte with a sweetened egg custard (5 eggs per
pastej Sweden Pie

litre of milk), covered with a pastry lid,

pastel Spain Pastry, cake, pie or pâté

decorated and glazed, then baked at 190°C

pastel, en Spain In batter
pastel, en
for 45 minutes. Rested 10 minutes in the tin.
pastiera Italy A tart filled with ricotta cheese

pastél Portugal Pie, tart or pastry


pastiera Napoletana Italy A puff pastry case

pastiera Napoletana

pastela Spain An Andalusian speciality


consisting of shredded beef cooked with filled with fruit

pasties See pasty

cumin, nutmeg and honey in a pastry case

pastelería 1. Portugal, Spain Pastries 2. pastilla A type of filled pastry. See also bastilla
pastelería pastilla

Spain Cake shop pastillage A dough-like mixture of icing sugar,


pastelillos Caribbean Small deep-fried


water and gum tragacanth which can be

pasties containing meat or cheese served as coloured and moulded or shaped to make
a hors d’oeuvre or appetizer cake coverings and decorations
pastélinho Portugal Small pie

Pastinaca sativa Botanical name Parsnip

pastelito de almendra Spain Almond cake Pastinake Germany Parsnip
pastelito de almendra Pastinake

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pastine Italy Tiny pasta shapes for soup pat, to To shape a solid or semi-solid into a pat
pastine pat, to

pastís Catalonia Pie or cake. See also tarta

by using two flat wooden paddles, by forming
pastitsio Greece Cooked pasta layered with a
into a roll, refrigerating and slicing, or by use
cooked meat sauce, usually lamb, an egg- of a mould
pataca Spain Jerusalem artichoke

enriched and cinnamon-flavoured béchamel

pata de mulo Spain Villalón cheese made in
pata de mulo

and grated cheese, finishing with a final layer

of grated cheese and fresh breadcrumbs the shape of a hoof (NOTE: Literally ‘mule’s
then baked at 190°C until the top is golden foot or shoe’.)
Patagonian black cake Wales A rich fruit
Patagonian black cake

brown (40 minutes)

Pastorella Italy A small version of Bel Paese
cake similar to the Scottish black bun but
cheese containing rum and encased in glacé icing
pastrami United States Dry cured and
instead of pastry. The icing is put on while
smoked brisket or other similar cut of meat the cake is still warm from the oven.
Patagonian cream tart Wales Flour, butter
Patagonian cream tart

usually boiled then thinly sliced for use as a

sandwich filling and egg yolks (8:4:1) made into a paste,
rested for several hours then used to line a
pastries Various types of small cakes, often

pie dish. This is filled with a vanilla-flavoured

iced, filled or decorated and made of pastry
mixture of double cream and egg whites
or various sponge or cake mixtures
(5:1), the egg whites being whisked to a stiff
pastry A mixture of flour, fat, possibly egg and

peak and folded into the cream. All baked at

sugar, the fat usually dispersed as small solid 179°C for 35 to 40 minutes.
globules coated with flour and the whole patagras South America A semi-hard cows’

brought together with liquid prior to shaping

milk cheese resembling Edam and Gouda
and baking. There are many types of pastry,
patakukko Finland A double-crust pie from

including shortcrust, flan, sweet, flaky, puff,

rough puff, hot water crust, suet crust, choux Karelia made with rye flour and filled with
muikko fish, fat pork and seasoning, cooked
and filo.
very slowly to completely soften the filling
pastry board A square or oblong board
pastry board

patata Italy, Spain Potato


preferably marble but usually wood on which

patata, purea di Italy Mashed potato
patata, purea di

pastry is rolled out

patata arrostita Italy Roast potato
patata arrostita

pastry brake Opposed and contra-rotating

pastry brake

patata asada Italy Baked potato

patata asada

rollers with a variable gap through which

patata bollita Italy Boiled potato
patata bollita

pastry can be worked and reduced in

patata dolce Italy Sweet potato
patata dolce

thickness for commercial production. A very

patatas bravas Catalonia Cubed and fried
patatas bravas

small version is used domestically for pasta

production. potatoes in a spicy tomato sauce, often
pastry case An uncooked or blind baked
pastry case
served as tapas
patata sfogliata Italy Deep-fat-fried potato,
patata sfogliata

pastry container used to hold savoury or

sweet mixtures chips, French fries
patatas fritas Spain Chips, fried potatoes
patatas fritas

pastry cream See crème pâtissière

pastry cream

patata stacciato Italy Mashed potato

patata stacciato

pastry crimper A tool used to scallop or crimp

pastry crimper

patate (douce) France Sweet potato


the edges of pies, tarts etc.

patate alla borghese Italy Potatoes with
patate alla borghese

pastry cutters Various metal or plastic

pastry cutters

outlines of shapes, e.g. circles, fluted circles, butter and lemon

patate alla veneziana Italy Diced potatoes
patate alla veneziana

diamonds, gingerbread men, etc. sharpened

on one edge and used to cut out fried with onions and herbs
corresponding shapes from biscuit, scone, patate fritte Italy Potato crisps, game chips
patate fritte

pastry or cake mixtures, etc. patate lesse Italy Boiled potatoes

patate lesse

pastry wheel A small wooden wheel with a

pastry wheel

patates Turkey Potato


serrated edge attached to a handle, used to patate sabbiose Italy Sauté potatoes
patate sabbiose

crimp edges of pastry etc. patate tenere Italy New potatoes

patate tenere

pasty A doubled over sheet of pastry


pâte France 1. Pastry (NOTE: The ‘e’ is


containing a savoury filling, sealed around unaccented.) 2. A softish mixture such as

the edges and baked flat on a baking tray batter, etc. 3. Paste, e.g. of cheese
without support. Usually a half circle. pâté 1. France A raised pie with a meat filling

pasztetowa Poland Seasoned pigs’ liver and


completely enclosed in pastry. Eaten hot. 2.

veal processed and packed into casings England, France A cooked, smooth or coarse
pat A small shaped amount of solid or semi-

meat paste made from a variety of meats,

solid such as a butter pat often liver and belly pork or bacon plus

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pâte à choux

flavourings and seasoning. Allowed to cool in pâté maison France A cold pâté produced on
pâté maison

the mould then turned out and eaten cold, the premises usually cut in slices as a hors
usually as a hors d’oeuvres. As a rule of d’oeuvre and served with a garnish and
thumb there should be equal amounts of fingers of hot toast
lean meat and fat to which are added binders patent blue V A synthetic blue food colouring.
patent blue V

such as eggs, flour, choux pastry or white See also E131

sauces. Sometimes vegetarian pastes with a paternostri Italy Small squares of flat pasta

similar texture are so called. pâtes France 1. Pasta 2. Noodles


pâte à choux France Choux pastry

pâte à choux

pâte sablée France Sugar pastry (UK), sugar

pâte sablée

pâte à crêpes France Pancake batter

pâte à crêpes

crust pastry (USA)

pâte à foncé France Shortcrust pastry
pâte à foncé

pâtes alimentaires France 1. Pasta 2.

pâtes alimentaires

pâte à frire France Batter

pâte à frire

pâte à sucre France Sugar pastry pâtes de fruits France Pieces of crystallized
pâte à sucre pâtes de fruits

pâte brisée France Shortcrust pastry

pâte brisée
pâte sucrée France A sweetened shortcrust
pâte sucrée

pâte croquante France A crisp ground

pâte croquante

almond and sugar pastry pastry (pâte brisée) used extensively for
pâte d’amandes France Marzipan
pâte d’amandes
patisserie. Quite fragile and requires careful
pâte d’anchois France Anchovy paste
pâte d’anchois

patience A sorrel-like herb, Rumex patientia,


pâté de campagne France Farmhouse pâté,

pâté de campagne

with a slightly acidic taste. Used like sorrel or

usually made from coarsely chopped pork
with garlic and herbs
patila South Asia A tinned brass cooking pot.

pâté de foie gras England, France An

pâté de foie gras

See also degchi

expensive gourmet pâté made with the
patinho Portugal Duckling

enlarged livers (foie gras) of force-fed geese,

patis Philippines A fermented fish sauce

seasoned and flavoured with truffles. The

pâtisserie France 1. Cake shop 2. Sweet

best pâté is made from livers trimmed of any

yellow gall stains, rested or soaked overnight, items generally made of pastry, filled and
trimmed of connective tissue, seasoned, decorated. The filling is often crème
possibly marinated, piquéed with truffle pâtissière overlaid with glazed fruit or cream,
slivers, squashed into a terrine, sealed with a chocolate, jam and the like. 3. The art of
flour and water paste and cooked in the oven cake and pastry making and baking
pâtissier,-ière France Confectioner or pastry

in a bain-marie. By law, pâté de foie gras

must contain 80% goose liver. cook
patlican dolmasi Turkey Aubergine halves,
patlican dolmasi

pâte de fruit, en France Fruit jelly as in

pâte de fruit, en

framboise en pâte de fruit (raspberry jelly) filled with a mixture of minced beef, chopped
pâté de Pâques France Veal and pork pie
pâté de Pâques
onions, tomatoes, rice and seasonings,
pâté de Pâques au biquion France An
pâté de Pâques au biquion
baked in the oven and served hot
patlican salatasi Turkey Cooked aubergine
patlican salatasi

elaborate Easter pie made with puff pastry

which uses a mixture of butter and goats’ flesh puréed with lemon juice and olive oil,
cheese (3:2) instead of all butter. The filling served cold garnished with tomato wedges,
is a mixture of diced pork, veal and kid, fried strips of green sweet pepper and black olives
Patna rice A north Indian long-grain rice
Patna rice

in butter and mixed with finely chopped

onion, parsley and egg yolk, seasoning and which stays separate during cooking. Similar
nutmeg. The pie is assembled on a baking to basmati rice but not so fragrant. Excellent
sheet from a circle of puff pastry with the for rice salads.
pato Portugal, Spain Duck

filling heaped in the centre, halved hard-

boiled eggs on the top and all covered with pato bravo Portugal Wild duck
pato bravo

another circle of puff pastry sealed around patola Philippines Angled loofah

the edges and crimped. Baked at 200°C for patra Dasheen leaves used as a vegetable

20 minutes, then at 170°C until cooked. patrijs Netherlands Partridge


pâtée France The mash that is force fed to


pattegris Sweden Sucking pig


geese and chickens

pattie Caribbean A snack food from Jamaica

pâté en croûte France Meat pie

pâté en croûte

consisting of a flaky pastry case filled with a

pâte feuilletée France Flaky or puff pastry
pâte feuilletée

highly spiced beef or other filling

pâte frollée France Almond-flavoured pastry
pâte frollée

patty A small pie or pasty


patella Italy Limpet


patty pan squash A summer squash,

patty pan squash

patelle 1. France Limpet 2. Italy Limpets, the


Curcubita pepo, common in the USA. The

shellfish creamy white skin and flesh and the seeds

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peach Melba

are eaten as a vegetable when it is very paysanne A vegetable cut in thin slices and

young. Also called scallop squash, custard small (1 cm) triangular, square or round
marrow, cymling (NOTE: So called because of shapes
its dish shape with scalloped edges.) paysanne, à la France In the peasant style,
paysanne, à la

patty shell United States A puff or short pastry

patty shell

i.e. a simple dish containing onions, carrots

shell for serving hors d’oeuvres, bouchées, and bacon
vol-au-vents, barquettes, etc.
payusnaia Russia The less mature eggs of

patty tin See bun tin

patty tin

sturgeon treated with hot brine to coagulate

pau South Asia An old unit of weight. See also

them and packed into small wooden tubs.

powa Also called pressed caviar
paua New Zealand A type of abalone, Haliotis

pazlache Italy A type of lamb-stuffed ravioli.


iris, with a rainbow-coloured shell which is See also agnolotti

often used as an ornament pazon ng api Burma Shrimp paste
pazon ng api

Pauillac lamb Milk-fed lamb from Pauillac,

Pauillac lamb
pazun nga-pi

pazun nga-pi Burma A pungent fermented

France fish sauce made from shrimps
paunce bourré United States A Cajun dish of
paunce bourré

pea The fruit of a climbing legume, Pisum


stuffed pork stomach

sativum, grown extensively in temperate
paunch, to To remove the entrails, heart and
paunch, to

climates, consisting of a green pod to 10 cm

lungs of an animal, especially a hare long containing a row of soft, round green
paupiette 1. England, France A stuffed and

seeds which become brown and hard when

rolled thin fillet of fish 2. France Beef or veal ripe. Some varieties (e.g. mangetout) have
olive edible pods which are eaten whole before
paupiettes d’anchois France Anchovy the seeds begin to swell, but most have
paupiettes d’anchois

paupiettes inedible pods and the green underripe seeds

pau ts’ai China Pak choy
pau ts’ai
are eaten either raw if very young or cooked.
Most peas are frozen in the developed world.
pav South Asia An old unit of weight. See also

Some are dried, possibly dehusked and split

or further processed. The fully ripe seed is
pava Spain Hen turkey

brown and used as animal and bird food in

pavé France A thickish square or rectangle

developed countries but may also be used as

e.g. of steak, cheese, cake or mousse (NOTE: a pulse. See also pea leaf. Also called garden
Literally ‘cobblestone or paving stone’.) pea
pavé d’Auge France Pont l’Evêque
pavé d’Auge

pea aubergine Tiny pale green, white/yellow

pea aubergine

pavé de Moyaux France Pont l’Evêque or purple/brown relatives of the aubergine,

pavé de Moyaux

Pavlova Australia Meringue piped into a

Solanum torvum, grown in the Seychelles,
shallow basket, dried, filled with whipped Thailand and the Caribbean, which look like
cream and decorated with fresh fruit. Named a rather straggly bunch of grapes. They are
in honour of the famous Russian ballet picked while unripe and used raw in hot
dancer. sauces and chutney. Used in nam prik. Also
called susumber, gully bean
pavo Spain Turkey

pea bean Navy bean

pea bean

pavo relleno a la catalana Spain Stuffed

pavo relleno a la catalana

peaberry A mutant arabica coffee which is a


and roasted turkey

pavot France Poppy seed
single round bean instead of the two
matching hemispheres as is normal
pawpaw See papaya

peach The fruit of a deciduous tree, Prunus


payasam South Asia A paste made from


persica, originally from China but now

various ingredients but always containing
cultivated worldwide in temperate climates.
coconut milk, eaten as a sweet snack or
Most fruits are spherical up to 7.5 cm
accompaniment to a meal. Typical
diameter with a single longitudinal
ingredients are cooked and mashed pulses,
indentation from the stalk to the calyx end.
cooked rice, cooked sago, cashew nuts,
The sweet juicy flesh may be white, yellow or
jaggery or sugar.
orange, surrounds a large rough central
pay darn China Chinese preserved eggs
pay darn

stone and is enclosed in a downy skin

paymi Caribbean A dessert from Antigua. See

ranging in colour from cream to orange/pink.

also dukuna Used both raw and poached as a dessert and
payousnaya Russia Payusnaia for jam.

pays France Country or region, as in vin de peach Melba An individual dessert made with
pays peach Melba

pays, locally produced wine vanilla ice cream plus poached, skinned and

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pea crab

destoned peaches with a topping of fresh pear Condé A Condé dessert, possibly made
pear Condé

raspberry sauce. Served in a coupe dish. with a short-grain rice, topped with a fanned
pea crab

pea crab A very small crab from New poached pear. Also called poire condé
pearks sakhoo Thailand Tapioca
pearks sakhoo

England, USA which lives in empty oyster

shells and is eaten whole after stewing in pearl barley Pot barley which has been
pearl barley

cream. Also called oyster crab steamed and tumbled in a revolving cylinder
pea flour

pea flour Flour produced from fully mature to remove the outer coating. Softens more
dried peas used for soups and thickening quickly than pot barley.
pearl millet A white-seeded variety of bulrush
pearl millet

sauces. Also called pea starch

pea leaf
pea leaf The young leaves and shoots of the
pearl moss Carragheen
pearl moss

garden pea which have been prevented from

pearl onion Button onion
pearl onion

flowering. Used as a gourmet vegetable in

pearl rice United States A short-grain soft
pearl rice

stir fries and soups. Also called pea sprout

pea man

pea man Japan another spelling of piman sticky rice

pearl sago See sago
pearl sago

peanut A plant, Arachis hypogaea, from South

peasant’s cabbage Kale
peasant’s cabbage

America whose fertilized flowers send shoot-

pea sausage England A vegetarian sausage
pea sausage

like structures into the soil where the

immature fruits develop as two to four nuts in made from mashed cooked yellow peas with
a light brown, dry and soft shell or pod, each a little grated carrot, onion, nutmeg and
nut being covered by a thin papery skin. The seasoning, possibly bound with a little fat
Spanish type has 2 light brown seeds per and flour, packed in non-animal casings
pease pudding Split dehusked dried green
pease pudding

pod, the Valencia type up to 4 dark red seeds

per pod and the Virginia type 2 dark brown peas, soaked, boiled, drained and mashed
seeds per pod. They are eaten raw or roasted with butter, egg yolks and seasoning.
as a snack food and are a major source of oil Reheated in the oven before serving.
and protein. Peanuts are made into peanut pea sprout Pea leaf
pea sprout

butter and are used to thicken and flavour pea starch Pea flour
pea starch

many sauces and stews. Also called peau blanche France Ziste
peau blanche

groundnut, monkeynut
peber Denmark Pepper

peanut butter

peanut butter Ground peanuts sometimes pebernødder Denmark A spiced Christmas


with added peanut oil, salt or sugar with a biscuit

buttery consistency. Sold as smooth or
pebre Catalonia Pepper, the condiment

crunchy, the latter containing chopped

pebrots Catalonia Red sweet peppers

peanuts. Used as a sandwich spread or to

pecan nut The central stone of the fruit of a
pecan nut

flavour some dishes.

peanut flour
large hickory (pecan) tree, Carya illinoensis,
peanut flour United States Ground peanuts
from central and southern USA. It has
sometimes used to enrich baking flours
peanut oil
walnut-like wrinkled flesh enclosed in a
peanut oil Oil extracted from peanuts smooth oval brown outer shell (up to 2.5 cm
containing 20% saturated, 50% long). Eaten raw or cooked.
monounsaturated and 30% polyunsaturated pecan pie United States A sweet open-topped
pecan pie

fat. It has a rather high melting point pie filled with pecan nuts often served at
(freezing point) and a high smoke point. Thanksgiving
Used for deep-frying. Also called groundnut
pechay Philippines Chinese leaves

oil, arachis oil

pêche France Peach (NOTE: Also means


pear The fruit of a deciduous tree, Pyrus ‘fishing’)

communis var. sativa, native to Europe and pechena tikva Bulgaria Pumpkin slices
pechena tikva

western Asia which requires cool winters to baked with honey, walnuts, cinnamon and
fruit. The thin, usually smooth, green lemon zest
through yellow to brown and often mottled
pechenye, pyechenye Russia Tart

skin encloses a firm, juicy, delicately

pêches Melba France Peach Melba
pêches Melba

flavoured flesh surrounding a core of seed

pecho de ternera Spain Breast of veal
pecho de ternera

somewhat smaller than an apple. The fruit is

pechuga Spain Chicken breast

narrow at the stalk end widening towards the

calyx. There are both cooking and dessert pechuga de ave a la Sarasate Spain
pechuga de ave a la Sarasate

varieties and they may be eaten raw, Chicken breast filled with chopped veal
poached, baked, etc. pechyen-grill, pyechyen-grill Russia Liver

pear apple

pear apple Asian pear and onion kebabs basted with mutton fat

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Peking cooking

from Asiatic Russia. The liver can be wines and beers and for the extraction of fruit
wrapped in bacon for non-Muslims. juices by breaking down pectin
peda South Asia Milk fudge formed into small

pechyenka, pyechyenka Russia Liver


pechyen kur v madere, pyechyen kur v

pechyen kur v madere
rounded blocks and garnished with pistachio
madere Russia Floured chicken liver pieces nuts
pedas South Asia Hot-flavoured as from

sautéed with sweated onions, stewed in

chicken stock and Madeira until cooked and chillies
served with the reduced cooking liquor Pediococcus cerevisiae Bacterium used as
blended with sour cream and garnished with a starter culture for lactic fermentation in
chopped parsley meat products, e.g. salami, and in
pecora Italy Sheep, ewe, mutton
vegetables, e.g. cucumbers
Pediococcus halophilus Bacterium uses for
Pecorino, Pecorino canestrato A semi-hard

the second-phase acidification of soya sauce

scalded-curd Sicilian cheese. See also
pedra, a la Catalonia Cooked on a hot stone
pedra, a la

or hot-plate
Pecorino canestrato See Canestrato
Pecorino canestrato

Pedroches Spain A hard ewes’ milk cheese


Pecorino foggiano Italy A hard ewes’ milk

Pecorino foggiano

with holes in the paste, ripened for 1 to 2

cheese made in cylinders (up to 7 kg), dry- months. Contains 40% water, 30% fat and
salted and cured for 6 months. It has a sharp 24% protein.
flavour and a hard rind. Contains 40% water, peel 1. The outer skin or rind of fruits and

29% fat and 25% protein. some, principally root, vegetables 2. The
Pecorino Romano Italy A hard cooked-curd
Pecorino Romano

long handled paddle used to move bread,

ewes’ milk cheese made around Rome and baked goods, pizzas, etc. in and out of ovens
in Sardinia and shaped into cylinders (up to peel, to To remove the skin or rind from fruit
peel, to

20 kg). The curds are tapped and pierced in or vegetables or to remove any outer
their moulds to promote drainage of whey, covering, e.g. paper from a cake or rind from
and the cheeses are dry-salted and needled a cheese
to allow salt to penetrate over a period of 3
peeler An implement used for peeling,

months. They are then ripened for a further

consisting of a handled steel blade in which
5 months. It has a dense white to yellow
a longish slot with a raised sharp edge has
paste with a sharp ewes’ milk cheese flavour
been formed. This is used to remove a
and a brown oiled rind. Used as a dessert
uniformly thick continuous slice from the
cheese since Roman times. Contains 31%
surface of the object being peeled. Also
water, 33% fat, 28% protein and 4 to 5 %
called potato peeler, vegetable peeler
peelings The lengths of peel produced by a

Pecorino Siciliano Italy A hard ewes’ milk

Pecorino Siciliano

cheese made between October and June
peertjes Netherlands Cooking pears

and formed in a basket mould. The cheeses

pee tee Thailand A deep saucer-shaped
pee tee

are dry-salted and ripened for 8 months.

They have a pale yellow oiled rind and the mould on the end of a long handle which is
pale paste which contains a few peppercorns dipped in oil, then in batter, and deep-fried to
has a sharp flavour and a few holes. produce a thin crisp case for filling with
appetizers and the like
Pecorino Siciliano bianco Italy Pecorino
Pecorino Siciliano bianco

pei sooli China Asian pear

pei sooli

Siciliano without peppercorns. Also called

peix Catalonia Fish

Pecorino Siciliano calcagno

peixe Portugal Fish

Pecorino Siciliano calcagno Italy Pecorino

Pecorino Siciliano calcagno

peixelua Portugal Sunfish, a type of basking


Siciliano bianco
pectin A natural hemicellulosic carbohydrate
peix espasa Catalonia Swordfish
peix espasa

gelling agent which in acid conditions (less

pejerrey Spain Smelt

than 3.46 pH) causes jam and marmalades

to set. If the acidity is too low, less than 3.2 pekin duck England One of the two standard
pekin duck

pH, then the jelly will weep, boiling also duck breeds, Aylesbury is the other. It
reduces the gelling power. Citrus fruits, matures in about 7 weeks from hatching and
apples, currants and some plums are rich in contains a lot of fat.
pectin and acids. Other fruits require added Peking cooking The style of cooking
Peking cooking

pectin and acid to make a satisfactory jam. practised in the northeast of China around
See also E440(i) Beijing. It is suited to a colder climate and
pectinase An enzyme obtained from

includes carp, crab and giant prawns, roasts,

Aspergillus niger, used for the clarification of hotpots, wheaten bread and noodles. Typical

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Peking duck

flavourings included garlic, ginger, onions, freshly minced meats mixed with just
chives and leeks. enough water to keep them juicy, and
Peking duck A renowned Chinese speciality
Peking duck
carefully sealed in an envelope of extra-thick
of crisp, marinated and roasted duck, pieces dough. Traditionally made at the beginning of
of which are wrapped up in a small pancake winter, left frozen outside in the snow and
with spring onions, strips of cucumber, and a used as required.
pelota Spain Meatball

soya-based sauce prior to eating with the

fingers. The ducks are specially bred with a peltopyy Finland Grey-legged partridge

meaty breast and an even layer of fat Pembrokeshire broth Wales Equal weights of
Pembrokeshire broth

between the skin and the carcass so that the salted beef and bacon in a piece simmered
skin separates when roasted and becomes in water for 2 to 3 hours, finely shredded or
crisp. Also called Beijing duck chopped carrots, turnips, onions and
Peking pear Asian pear
Peking pear

cabbage added and simmered a further 30

pekoni Finland Bacon minutes, meat removed and kept warm and

pelagic Fish which move about in large shoals

the broth thickened with oatmeal. The broth
in the open sea is served in bowls with finely chopped and
Pelardon France A mild, smooth, close-
cooked leeks and the meat is served as a
textured, white goats’ milk cheese from second course with boiled potatoes. Also
Languedoc, formed into small rounds and called cawl sir benfro
pemican See pemmican

often cured in the local brandy

pemmican United States Lean dried meat

pelargonium Scented geranium


Pelargonium capitatum Botanical name A pounded to a paste with molten fat and used
rose-scented geranium used as an infusion by the native Indians as an easily
to flavour sauces, custards, jellies, etc. transportable energy source. It will keep for
Pelargonium crispum ‘Prince of Orange’ some time. Occasionally used with an
Botanical name An orange-scented admixture of dried vine fruits as iron rations.
geranium used as an infusion for general Also called pemican
Penang sugar A crude unrefined sugar
Penang sugar

Pelargonium graveolens x tomentosum containing a high proportion of molasses
Botanical name A rose-peppermint-scented Peña Santa Spain 1. A dessert similar to
Peña Santa

geranium used to flavour liver pâté baked Alaska 2. An Asturian cheese

Pelargonium odoratissimum Botanical Pencarreg Wales A Welsh cheese made from

name An apple-scented geranium used with pasteurized cows’ milk resembling Brie in
fish baked in cider appearance but softer and with a stronger
Pelargonium quercifolium Botanical name flavour
An oak-leaved incense-scented geranium peng China A method of cooking in which

Pelargonium radens Botanical name A rose- ingredients are first deep-fried to seal the
lemon scented geranium. An infusion of the surface quickly and then stir-fried
leaves is used for general flavouring. Penicillium camembertii One of the
Pelargonium x fragrans Botanical name A penicillium moulds associated with the
pine-scented geranium used in soup and ripening of soft Camembert type cheeses
Welsh rarebit Penicillium candidum A strain of the
pelato Italy Peeled, skinned

penicillium mould used to give the

pelau Caribbean 1. A version of rice pilaff characteristic skin and flavour to Camembert

including boiling fowl meat, salt beef, cheese

almonds, sugar, butter, chopped onions, Penicillium glaucum A strain of the
tomatoes, herbs, spices and seasoning 2. A penicillium mould used for the production of
Trinidadian dish of chicken or other boneless bleu d’Auvergne cheese
meat, long-grain rice and pigeon peas Penicillium roquefortii A strain of the
(4:2:1), flavoured with caramelized brown penicillium mould used to produce the
sugar and simmered with coconut milk so as veining in Roquefort and Stilton cheese
to produce a moist mixture penne Italy Short tubes of pasta about 4 cm

pelle di porco Italy Pork crackling

pelle di porco

long and cut on the diagonal to resemble

pelli-pelli A simple sauce made from hot
quill pens
penne rigate Italy Finely ribbed penne
penne rigate

chillies. See also piri-piri sauce

Pellkartoffeln Germany Potatoes boiled in pennette Italy Thin penne
Pellkartoffeln pennette

their skins Pennisetum typhoideum Botanical name

pelmeni Russia A type of ravioli made in the
Bulrush millet
pennone Italy Large penne

same fashion and filled with three different

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peppermint oil

penny bun Cep pepo A type of marrow with a hard rind and
penny bun pepo

pennyroyal A type of mint, Mentha pulegium,


many seeds. Also called pepos

pepos See pepo

with bright green peppermint scented

leaves. There are two main varieties peppar Sweden Pepper

‘creeping’ which grows to a height of 15 cm pepparkakor Sweden A traditional crisp


and ‘upright’ with upright stems to 30 cm. It biscuit, variously flavoured with powdered
should only be used in small quantities and cinnamon, cloves and cardamom seeds,
not when pregnant or suffering from kidney served especially at Christmas
problems. Also called pudding grass
pepparrot Sweden Horseradish

pensées brouillées France Crisply fried

pensées brouillées

pepparrotskött Sweden Brisket of beef boiled


with vegetables and herbs and served with a
pen shell Fan mussel
pen shell

velouté sauce made from the skimmed and

Penteleu Romania A ewes’ milk cheese very

strained cooking liquor flavoured with grated

similar to Kashkaval. Also called dobrogea horseradish and finished with cream
penyu Indonesia, Malaysia Turtle

pepparrotskött Sacher Sweden Boiled beef

pepparrotskött Sacher

peoci Italy Oven-browned mussels


with Sacher sauce

pepato Italy A Pecorino type of cheese

pepper 1. Either the capsicum, sweet or hot,


containing crushed peppercorns or the spice, Piper nigrum 2. Norway Pepper,

pepe Italy Pepper

the spice
pepe di caienna Italy Cayenne pepper pepper, to To sprinkle or season with ground
pepe di caienna pepper, to

pepe forte Italy Chilli pepper

pepe forte

peppercorn The berries from a perennial

pepe nero Italy Black pepper

pepe nero

peper Netherlands Pepper

vine, Piper nigrum, harvested at different
peperata Italy A peppery sauce served with
stages of maturity with a pungent taste.
roasts. Also called peverada Unripe green peppercorns can be preserved
in brine or vinegar and are used whole or
peperkoek Netherlands Gingerbread

crushed. If the green berries are allowed to

pepermunt Netherlands Peppermint

ferment and then dried they become black

pepernoten Netherlands Tiny cubes of spiced

peppercorns. White peppercorns are the

ginger cake served on the 5th of December, dried, dehusked ripe berries. All forms are
the eve of St Nicholas’ day when the Dutch used whole for flavouring. Black and white
give presents are also ground for use as a flavouring agent
peperonata Italy A type of ratatouille, made or as a condiment. See also long pepper

with sweet onions, red and yellow sweet peppercress See cress

peppers, tomatoes and a little garlic finished pepper dulse A seaweed, Laurencia
pepper dulse

with chopped fresh parsley. Often served pinnatifida, with a strong flavour once used
cold as an antipasto. as a condiment and chewed like tobacco in
peperoncino Italy 1. Hot chilli pepper 2.

Paprika peppergrass See cress

peperone Italy Sweet pepper, capsicum,


pepper jelly United States A Cajun

pepper jelly

occasionally used for chilli peppers and condiment from Louisiana made with
grains of paradise chillies, sweet peppers, sugar, vinegar and
peperoni gialli Italy Sweet yellow peppers
peperoni gialli

pectin and coloured red or green. It has a

pepinillo 1. Spain Gherkin 2. Choko

very hot taste.

pepino 1. A large round or oval fruit of a plant

pepper mill A hand-operated implement for

pepper mill

related to the tomato. It has a yellow to green, grinding dried peppercorns to a powder as
smooth, shiny and bitter skin streaked with required
purple, a sweet, slightly acid, yellow flesh peppermint A strongly scented plant of the

and a central mass of white seeds. Eaten mint family, Mentha x piperita, with dark
fresh or in cooked sweet or savoury dishes. green pointed leaves and small pink or
Also called melon pear 2. Portugal, Spain purple flowers. Mainly cultivated for its oil
Cucumber which is used as a flavouring, but may be
pepino de mar Spain Sea cucumber
pepino de mar

used as a culinary herb.

pepita Spain Pumpkin seed

peppermint cream A peppermint-flavoured

peppermint cream

pepitoria Spain Meat hash or stew fondant very popular in chocolates served

pepitoria de gallina a la española Spain A

pepitoria de gallina a la española
with coffee at the end of a meal
peppermint oil The essential oil extracted
peppermint oil

chicken fricassée with peas, flavoured with

nutmeg and saffron from peppermint used as a flavouring

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pepperoncini United States A small, mild, through the tube again until all the solubles

green chilli pepper used sparingly in salads are extracted.

perdigón Spain Partridge

pepperone Italy A sausage made from beef


and pork with chopped sweet red peppers perdikes Greece Partridge

and fennel. Cannot be kept. perdiu Catalonia Partridge


pepperpot United States A highly seasoned


perdiz Portugal, Spain Partridge


thick soup or thin stew made with tripe perdiz a la moda de Alcántara Spain Stuffed
perdiz a la moda de Alcántara

pepperpot soup Caribbean A rich soup made

pepperpot soup

and roasted partridge

from beef, oxtail, pigs’ trotters, chicken and perdiz blanca Spain Ptarmigan
perdiz blanca

mixed vegetables including okra, pumpkins perdiz en chocolate Spain Partridge baked
perdiz en chocolate

and yams, flavoured with chillies and often in a casserole with onions, garlic, parsley and
containing cassava juice vinegar and topped with chocolate
pepperrotsaus Netherlands, Norway

perdiz estofada a la catalana Spain

perdiz estofada a la catalana

Horseradish sauce Partridge stuffed with sausage and served

pepper salami A salami covered in crushed
pepper salami

with a wine and vinegar sauce with chocolate

peppercorns instead of a casing perdreau France Young partridge

pepper sauce See poivrade, sauce

pepper sauce

perdrix France Partridge


pepper steak A beef steak coated with

pepper steak

pere Italy Pears


crushed peppercorns before frying and perejil Mexico, Spain Parsley


served with a sauce made from the deglazed peren Netherlands Pears

pan juices and cream. Also called steak au

peres amb vi negre Catalonia Pears poached
peres amb vi negre

in red wine
pepper tree Various evergreen trees of the
pepper tree

perets Russia Pepper


genus Schinus especially S. molle, found in

perets farshirovannyi Russia Stuffed sweet
perets farshirovannyi

South America and from which a

peppers. See also farshirovannyi perets
commercial food-flavouring oil is obtained.
pericarp The bran layer on cereal grains

pepsin One of the proteases found in the


inside the outer husk

human digestive system and also extracted
perifollo Spain Chervil

from pigs’ stomachs for use in cheese

perifollo oloroso Spain Sweet cicely
perifollo oloroso

périgord, à la See périgourdine, à la
périgord, à la

pera Catalonia, Italy, Spain Pear


Périgord black truffle An edible truffle, Tuber

Périgord black truffle

pêra Portugal Pear


melanosporum, from Périgord, France,

perca Spain Perch

which has a wrinkled warty appearance and

percebes Spain Goose barnacles which grow

a strong distinctive fragrance but with a

along the northern Galician coast of somewhat mild flavour. Very rare and
northwest Spain. Cannot be frozen or expensive. See also truffle
canned and are eaten after boiling for 10
périgourdine, à la France In the Périgord
périgourdine, à la

minutes. Very expensive.

style, i.e. sometimes including truffles and/or
perch A round freshwater fish of the genus

foie gras
Perca, especially P. fluviatilis, with a fine périgourdine, sauce France As sauce
périgourdine, sauce

delicate flesh but many bones; found in the

Périgueux but with parisienne-cut balls or
northern hemisphere. It has a greenish thick slices of truffle instead of chopped
yellow back and is usually up to 30 cm long truffle
(500 g). Cooked in any way.
Périgueux, à la See périgourdine, à la
Périgueux, à la

perche France Perch, the freshwater fish


Périgueux, sauce England, France An

Périgueux, sauce

(NOTE: Also means pole, stick)

espagnole sauce to which port and finely
perche-soleil France Butterfish (3)

chopped truffles are added. Served with

perche-truite France Largemouth black bass

meat and omelettes.

perchia Italy Comber, the fish

perilla 1. A member of the mint family. See


perciatelli, perciatelloni Italy A type of


also shiso 2. A soft white cheese. See also

macaroni. See also bucatini Tetilla
perciatelloni Italy Bucatini

Perilla arguts Botanical name Shiso

perilla oil Oil from the roasted seeds of a
perilla oil

percolator A coffee maker in which liquid


heated to boiling point at the base rises variety of perilla, Perilla frutescens, grown in
through a central tube and sprays over a north India, China and Japan and used in
container of ground coffee. As it percolates Asian cooking
through it extracts the solubles from the peri-peri A simple sauce made from hot

coffee and returns to the base to rise up chillies. See also piri-piri sauce

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pesce al cartoccio

perisoare cu verdeaţă Romania Meatballs olives. The meat is cut in thick slices and
perisoare cu verdeaţă

made of a mixture of minced beef and fat served over the reduced cooking liquor.
pork (1:3) with plenty of chopped and fried persillade France A mixture of chopped garlic

onions and seasoning, shaped into small or shallots and chopped parsley used as a
balls, rolled in a mixture of chopped green flavouring
herbs and fried very slowly in butter. Served persillade, sauce France A vinaigrette
persillade, sauce

with demi-glace sauce. dressing flavoured with persillade

periwinkle See winkle

persille Denmark Parsley


perlé(e) France Polished or pearl-shaped


persillé(e) France 1. Sprinkled with parsley


perleløge Denmark Silverskin onions


2. The name of many local goats’ milk

perlemoen South Africa Afrikaans for cheeses from the Savoie, each named after a

abalone. Also called klipkous village as e.g. Persillé de Thônes, meaning

perles du Japon France Tapioca pearls
perles du Japon
veined 3. (of beef) Marbled
persimmon A large tomato-like fruit from a

Perlhuhn Germany Guinea fowl


perline Italy Tiny balls of pasta used in soup

large group of tropical trees of the genus
Perlmoos Germany Carragheen
Diospyros but normally D. kaki. The fruit has
a central core of seeds like an apple and a
perna de carne Portugal Leg of meat
perna de carne

large calyx, and its green inedible skin turns

pernice Italy Grey-legged partridge

a glossy yellow-orange as the fruit matures.

pernice di montagna Italy Ptarmigan
pernice di montagna

Found in three principal varieties, i.e. kaki

pernice rosa Italy Red-legged partridge
pernice rosa

(Japan and China), Sharon fruit (Israel) and

pernil Catalonia Cured and air-dried ham mabalo. Eaten as a dessert in fruit salads or

often used for tapas other dishes. May be used as a decoration, in

pernil dolç Catalonia Cooked ham
pernil dolç
jam-making or may be dried. Also called kaki
pernil serrà Catalonia Cured ham
pernil serrà
(NOTE: The persimmon is traditionally known
as ‘the apple of the Orient’ because it
perpetual spinach See spinach beet
perpetual spinach

originated in Japan and China)

Persea americana Botanical name Avocado
peru Portugal Turkey

Pershore egg plum England A yellow, almost

Pershore egg plum

peruna Finland Potato


pear-shaped plum used in cooking and jam

peru paulistano Brazil Turkey stuffed with a
peru paulistano

Persian leek A small variety of leek about the
Persian leek
mixture of bread, tapioca and chopped ham,
size of a spring onion used as a flavouring braised and served with thickened cooking
Persian lime A lime, Citrus latifolia, with a
Persian lime
perzik Netherlands, Russia Peach

very thin skin and a distinctive aroma,

pesca Italy Peach (NOTE: Also means

usually picked when dark green. It has a very

juicy and acid flesh with no seeds and is ‘fishing’.)
unsuitable for manufacturing purposes. It is pescada Portugal Haddock, cod and similar

produced in the USA, Israel and Australia. fish

Also called Tahiti lime, bearss lime pescadilla Spain Whiting

Persian melon United States A large

Persian melon

pescaditos Spain Small fried fish, similar to


spherical dark green netted melon with a whitebait, served as tapas

bright pink-orange flesh. It has finer netting pescado 1. Portugal Any food fish 2. Spain

than the musk melon. Fish

Persian-style rice United States Plain boiled
Persian-style rice

pescado a la asturiana Spain Fish cooked in

pescado a la asturiana

rice with a crust similar to kateh wine with onions and chocolate and served
persicata Italy A paste made from peaches

with mushrooms
which is dried and cut into squares pescado a la sal Spain Whole unskinned fish
pescado a la sal

persico comune Italy Perch

persico comune

baked in hot rock salt

persico sole Italy Butterfish (3)
persico sole

pescado blanco a la malagueña Spain Cold

pescado blanco a la malagueña

persico trota Italy Largemouth black bass

persico trota

skinned and deboned whitefish served with a

persika Sweden Peach covering of mayonnaise

persil France Parsley pescado frito a la andaluza Spain Fish

persil pescado frito a la andaluza

persil, sauce France Parsley sauce

persil, sauce
coated in an egg and flour batter and fried in
persilja Sweden Parsley
olive oil
pesca nettarina Italy Nectarine
pesca nettarina

persiljespäckad kalv Sweden Fillet or

persiljespäckad kalv

pesce Italy Fish


cushion of veal stuffed with chopped parsley

pesce al cartoccio Italy Fish baked en
pesce al cartoccio

and chervil, browned in butter then pot-

roasted with tomato concassée and stuffed papillote

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pesce cane

pesce cane Italy Dogfish petha South Asia Strips of wax gourd softened
pesce cane petha

pesce cappone Italy Scorpion fish

pesce cappone
with lime water (Calcium hydroxide), then
pesce castagna Italy Pomfret, the fish
pesce castagna
boiled in sugar syrup to form a candied
pesce da taglio Italy Halibut
pesce da taglio

petis Indonesia A fermented fish sauce


pesce di castagna Italy Fish baked with

pesce di castagna

petit beurre France A small biscuit made with

petit beurre

chestnuts and served with mint sauce

butter. Butter cookie (USA).
pesce forca Italy Gurnard, the fish
pesce forca

petit déjeuner France Breakfast (NOTE:

petit déjeuner

pesce gatto Italy Channel catfish

pesce gatto

Literally ‘small lunch’.)

pesce martello Italy Hammerhead shark
pesce martello

petit-duc, au France In the style of the minor

petit-duc, au

pesce persico Italy Perch

pesce persico

duke, i.e. garnished with asparagus tips,

pesce San Pietro Italy John Dory
pesce San Pietro

truffles, creamed chicken in small pastry

pesce sciabola Italy Scabbard fish
pesce sciabola

cases and possibly mushrooms

pesce spada Italy Swordfish
pesce spada

petite marmite 1. England, France Double-

petite marmite

pesce stocco Italy Stockfish, dried cod strength consommé in which are simmered
pesce stocco

pesce turcino Italy Mackerel

pesce turcino
progressively diced lean beef, blanched
pesce violino Italy Guitar fish
pesce violino
pieces of chicken winglets, turned carrots,
pieces of celery, leek and cabbage and
pesce volante Italy Flying fish
pesce volante

turned turnip so that all are cooked at the

pesche Italy Peaches

same time, the whole seasoned, degreased

pesciolini Italy Young fish similar to whitebait

and served in a marmite dish garnished with

but of the local fish varieties, mainly slices of beef bone marrow and
sardines. Cooked as whitebait. accompanied by a slice of toasted French
pêssego Portugal Peach

bread and grated cheese 2. France A small

pesticide Any natural or synthetic chemical
earthenware bulbous dish with two moulded
which kills insects such as flies handles used to serve consommé
petite roussette France Lesser spotted
petite roussette

pestiño Spain A sweet honey fritter


pestle A heavy and short stumpy stick-like

petites France Sheep’s or calves’ tripe

implement with a rounded end of ceramic,

glass, metal or other hard material for use petit four See petits fours
petit four

with a mortar. See also pestle and mortar petit gris France A small dark brown snail
petit gris

pestle and mortar The pestle and mortar are

pestle and mortar

from the north of France

used in combination to crush and/or to grind petit lait France Milk whey
petit lait

by hand foods, spices and the like to a fine petit pain France A quarter-sized baguette
petit pain

powder or paste weighing about 50 g

pesto England, Italy A mixture of basil,

petit pain fourré France A filled roll or bridge

petit pain fourré

parsley, pine kernels and olive oil pounded roll

together or processed. Used to flavour pasta
petit pâté France A small pork pie or meat
petit pâté

and as a general flavouring. Sometimes

contains grated Parmesan cheese. (NOTE: So patty
petit salé France Small pieces of salt pork
petit salé

called because once prepared in a pestle

petits fours England, France Small
petits fours

(pesto in Italian) and mortar.)

pestun de fave Italy Pounded and sieved
pestun de fave
sweetmeats, chocolates and tiny decorated
cooked beans mixed with chopped mint, cakes served with the coffee at the end of a
garlic, cheese and oil. See also maro meal
petits pois England, France A small variety of
petits pois

petacciuola Italy Plantain


petai Indonesia Parkia

a very tender pea with a delicate flavour
petits secs France Small cream biscuits
petits secs

petcha A Jewish appetizer made from calf’s


petit-suisse France, Switzerland A 30 g


foot jelly flavoured with garlic and vinegar,

seasoned and studded with wedges of hard- Suisse cheese. Also called demi-suisse
boiled egg. Also called cholodyetz, fisnoga, petonchio Italy Variegated scallop

pilsa, putcha pétoncle France Variegated scallop


pet de nonne France A light deep-fried sweet

pet de nonne

pétrir France To knead


fritter similar to a beignet. From Burgundy. Petroselinum crispum Botanical name Curly
(NOTE: Literally ‘nun’s fart’.) parsley
pétéram France A rich offal stew containing

Petroselinum crispum ‘Neapolitanum’

sheep’s trotters and tripe from Languedoc Botanical name Flat leaved (Italian or
Petersilie Germany Parsley

French) parsley

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Petroselinum crispum ‘tuberosam’ Pfirsich Germany Peach


Botanical name Hamburg parsley Pflaume Germany Plum


Petrus Belgium A pale yellow, supple


Pflaumenschlehe Germany Bullace, the fruit


textured, strong smelling but mild-flavoured Pfnutli Switzerland Apple fritters


cows’ milk cheese from Loo with an orange

pH A measure of acidity or alkalinity related to

rind. The cheese contains many small holes.

the concentration of hydrogen ions
petruska kudryavana Russia Flat leaved
petruska kudryavana

(positively charged hydrogen atoms) in

parsley solution. Values range from 1 the most acid
pe tsai China Chinese leaves
pe tsai

through 7, neutral, to 14 the most alkaline.

petticoat tails Scotland Skirt-shaped
petticoat tails

Some typical pH values are: gastric juice 1.3

shortbread biscuits from Scotland to 3.0, lemon juice 2.1, cranberry sauce 2.6,
petti di pollo Italy Chicken breasts
petti di pollo

orange juice 3.0, apples 3.4, tomatoes 4.4,

pettine Italy Small scallops

black coffee 5.0, egg yolk 6.0 to 6.6, milk

pettitoes Young sucking pigs’ trotters which
6.9, baking soda solution 8.4, egg white 9.6
may be braised or grilled or used for their to 10.0, household ammonia 11.9.
phai tong Thailand Bamboo shoot
phai tong

gelatine content
petto Italy Breast of an animal, brisket, etc. phak hom pom Laos Coriander leaves
petto phak hom pom

petto di tacchino alla milanese Italy Panéed phak si Laos Dill seed
petto di tacchino alla milanese phak si

and fried breast of turkey phalazee Burma Cardamom


peultjes Netherlands 1. Small young peas 2.


pharma foods See functional foods

pharma foods

Mangetout phase A physical state of matter such as gas,


peus de porc a la llauna Catalonia Pigs’

peus de porc a la llauna

vapour, liquid or solid. Two or more phases

trotters in a spicy sauce are common in many foods, e.g. milk and
peverada Italy Peperata

cream contain two liquid phases, water and

peynir Turkey Cheese butterfat, whipped eggs contain liquid and

pez Spain Fish

gas phases, cooked meringue contains a
pez cinto Spain Scabbard fish
pez cinto
solid and gas phase and some cake mixtures
are very complex mixtures of phases. See
pez de limón Spain Amberjack
pez de limón

also dispersed phase, continuous phase

pez de San Pedro Spain John Dory
pez de San Pedro

Phaseolus aconitifolius Botanical name

pez espada Spain Swordfish
pez espada

Moth bean
pez martillo Spain Hammerhead shark
pez martillo

Phaseolus acutifolius Botanical name

pezzo Italy A piece (of cake, etc.)

Tepary bean
Pfahlmuschel Germany Farmed mussel Phaseolus aureus Botanical name Mung

Pfälzer Leberwurst Germany Smooth liver

Pfälzer Leberwurst
sausage containing coarse pieces of offal Phaseolus canceratus Botanical name Rice
Pfannkuchen Germany Pancake. The
German variety tend to be thicker than in the Phaseolus coccineus Botanical name
UK or France. Runner bean
Pfeffer Germany Pepper
Phaseolus limensis Botanical name Butter
Pfeffergurke Germany Gherkin

Phaseolus lunatus Botanical name Butter

Pfefferkuchen Germany A spice cake similar

to gingerbread eaten at Christmas
Phaseolus mungo Botanical name Black
Pfefferminz Germany Peppermint

Pfeffernüsse Germany Spiced ginger biscuits

Phaseolus vulgaris Botanical name French

made by the blending method e.g. from self- bean, kidney bean, etc.
raising flour, golden syrup, honey, sugar and pheasant The most widespread of all game

butter (12:8:6:4:1) well-flavoured with spices birds, Phasianus colchicus, weighing about
and baked at 205°C 1 to 1.5 kg and suitable for two persons. Hen
Pfefferpotthast Germany Boned and trimmed

birds are less tough than the cock, but the

stewing steak cut in large pieces, simmered cock has a better flavour. The feathered birds
with sliced onions, a bouquet garni and should be hung by the feet for 3 to 10 days
seasoning until cooked, bouquet garni until blood begins to drip from the beak. The
removed and all thickened with young birds are barded, not larded, with fatty
breadcrumbs and flavoured with plenty of bacon and roasted at 190°C for 45 to 60
pepper and lemon minutes. Shooting season in the UK 1st
Pfeilwurz Germany Arrowroot

October to the 1st of February. Hanging time

Pfifferling Germany Chanterelle

3 to 10 days, some say 12 to 15 days, at 6°C.

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phen Vietnam Alum


Phyllostachys pubescens Botanical name

phenol oxidase The enzyme which causes
phenol oxidase
One of the cultivated bamboo shoots
physalis Cape gooseberry

the cut surfaces of apples, potatoes etc. to

brown in air Physalis alkekengi Botanical name Chinese
phenyl benzene See E230, diphenyl
phenyl benzene
Philadelphia cheese steak United States A
Philadelphia cheese steak
Physalis ixocarpa Botanical name Tomatillo
crisp roll covered with thin slices of beef Physalis peruviana Botanical name Cape
and/or cheese, with relishes, etc. gooseberry
Philadelphia cream cheese A heavily
Philadelphia cream cheese
Physalis pruinosa Botanical name Dwarf
promoted and well-known brand of cape gooseberry
phytic acid A plant acid which tends to bind
phytic acid

processed cream cheese

Philadelphia eggs United States A split
Philadelphia eggs
iron and zinc in the plants and to carry these
muffin covered with cooked sliced breast of trace elements through the human gut
chicken, a poached egg and hollandaise without absorption. The amino acids
sauce methionine and cysteine present in animal
products but not in plant-derived protein
phil noi Laos Peppercorn
phil noi

promote the release of these trace elements

philpy United States A rice bread from South

and hence their absorption.

Carolina Phytolacca americana Botanical name
pho Vietnam A traditional rice noodle soup

made with beef stock, and served with limes phytomenadion See vitamin K

and chillies. It is eaten for breakfast, lunch or

piacere, a Italy At choice, free choice of menu
piacere, a

phong jau China Chicken feet
phong jau

piada Italy Piadina


phool gobi South Asia Cauliflower

phool gobi

piadina Italy A soft flat bread usually served


phooti South Asia A variety of melon which


warm filled with sausage, ham or spinach

bursts open when ripe. Used in the unripe and/or Ricotta cheese. Also called piada, pie
state as a vegetable.
piantaggine Italy Plantain

phosphated flour United States Flour with

phosphated flour

pianuzza Italy Dab, the fish


added salt, yeast and yeast nutrients which

piatti Italy Dishes, plates (of food)

only needs mixing with water to make dough.

piatto, al Italy Shirred or gently cooked in a
piatto, al

Does not keep well.

phosphates Salts of phosphoric acid used for
dish, usually eggs
piatto del giorno Italy Dish of the day
piatto del giorno

flavouring and as stabilizers. The important

piaz South Asia Onion

ones used in the food industry are disodium

dihydrogen, tetrasodium, tetrapotassium pibil pork Mexico Cochinita pibil
pibil pork

and trisodium diphosphate all classified as picada 1. Mexico A filled turnover made with

E450(a) and pentasodium triphosphate and tortilla dough. See also garnacha 2. Catalonia
pentapotassium triphosphate classified as A sauce whose principal ingredients are
E450(b). See also polyphosphates garlic, ground nuts, toasted bread, spices
phosphoric acid See orthophosphoric acid,
phosphoric acid

and parsley, with ground almonds used

E338 instead of flour for thickening
phosphorus An essential inorganic element

picadillo 1. Spain Minced meat 2. Mexico A


necessary for health. Usually in the form of cooked savoury mixture of minced pork and
phosphates which are essential for cellular beef with onions, oil, tomatoes, garlic,
processes as well as for the construction of vinegar, raisins, chopped almonds, spices,
bones and teeth. herbs and seasonings, used as a filling or
phul Nepal Egg

served with rice 3. A salad of orange, onion,

phul gobhi South Asia Cauliflower florets
phul gobhi
sweet peppers and cooked shredded salt
briefly fried in butter which has already been codfish
picadinho Brazil Minced beef simmered in

aromatized with mustard seeds, chopped

ginger and turmeric, all the florets to be well- stock with chopped onions and tomatoes.
coloured with the turmeric. Cumin, paprika, Served with the addition of chopped hard-
pepper and salt are added with a little water, boiled eggs and olives, accompanied by rice
then the pan covered and left on a low heat or mashed potatoes.
until the cauliflower is al dente. It is then picado Portugal A type of meat hash

dried off over a high heat before serving. Picadon France A soft goats’ milk cheese

phulka South Asia A small chapati


from the Rhône valley cast in 100 g discs.

phyllo pastry Filo pastry
phyllo pastry

The white paste has a sharp nutty-flavoured

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taste after maturing for 1 to 4 weeks. It has pickled fish Caveach

pickled fish

AOC status. Contains 45% fat. pickled garlic Peeled garlic cloves pickled in
pickled garlic

picante Spain Piquant, hot and spicy


vinegar, possibly with the addition of sugar.

pica-pica Catalonia A selection of different

Eaten as a snack or side dish.

pickled limes Limes are preserved by
pickled limes

dishes for sharing

picatostes Spain Deep-fried bread slices
immersing in soya sauce with sugar, salt and
piccalilli A bright yellow mustard-flavoured
vinegar (across Southeast Asia), by salting
pickle made from brined pieces of and drying (in China), or by slitting, filling
cauliflower, marrow, green beans, pickling with spices and immersing in oil (in
onions and cucumber in a sauce made from Indonesia)
pickled shallots Shallots pickled in a vinegar
pickled shallots

white vinegar, flour, sugar, mustard, ginger

and turmeric. Also called mustard pickle and sugar mixture, used as a snack or side
piccante Italy Piquant, hot and spicy
dish in China and Japan
pickled testicles Iceland Testicles pickled in
pickled testicles

piccata Italy A small medallion or escalope of


meat, usually a thin fried escalope of veal whey

pickling brine A mixture of 500 g salt, 40g of
pickling brine

served in a sour lemon sauce and garnished

with lemon wedges saltpetre and 20 g of brown sugar per litre of
water. This mixture is oversaturated and will
piccioncello Italy Pigeon

contain solid salt but this will disappear as

piccioncino Italy Pigeon

pickling progresses. Various spices and

piccione Italy Pigeon

herbs may be added. Joints of meat are

piccolo Italy Small

normally pickled for about 8 days and if

Pichelsteiner Germany Pichelsteinerfleisch weighing over 4 kg should be injected with

Pichelsteinerfleisch Germany A flame-proof

the brine.
pickling onion Button onion
pickling onion

earthenware dish filled with alternate layers

of meat (sliced marrow, beef, pork, veal and pickling salt United States Pure salt without
pickling salt

mutton mixed together) and vegetables additives such as anti-caking agents which
(sliced onions, carrots, celeriac, potatoes are often insoluble and would cloud the
and savoy cabbage), seasoned, moistened pickle
with water, covered and baked in the oven. pickling spice United Kingdom A mixture of
pickling spice

Served from the pot. Also called whole spices used to flavour vinegar for
Pichelsteiner preparation of pickles and chutney,
pichón Spain 1. Pigeon 2. Squab consisting of a selection from dried ginger,

pickerel 1. A young pike 2. A small relative of

mustard seed, cloves, black peppercorns,
the pike found in North America small chilli peppers, mace, coriander seed
Pickert Germany A type of peasant bread
and allspice berries
picnic A meal taken in the open air usually

made from potato flour or grated potatoes

and wheat flour or buckwheat meal, fried or from food laid out on a cloth on the ground or
baked on collapsible tables
picnic ham United States A cured and
picnic ham

pickle Food, usually chopped vegetables and


fruits, preserved in a flavoured sauce or smoked front leg of pork, similar in taste to
solution which prevents the growth of ham
Picodon France The name of various goats’

microorganisms. Usually used as a

condiment or accompaniment and milk cheeses from the Drôme-Rhône valley
Picón Spain An Austurain semi-hard cheese.

appreciated for its salty or sharp acidic

flavour. See also Cabrales
pi dan China Salted duck eggs
pi dan

pickle, to To preserve food by placing it in

pickle, to

brine, vinegar or other acid solutions pie 1. A sweet or savoury mixture enclosed

together with flavourings. The low pH or high totally in pastry and cooked in a container or
salt concentration prevents the growth of placed in a pie dish and covered with pastry
microorganisms. prior to cooking 2. Italy Foot 3. Italy Piadina
pickled bean curd See bean curd cheese pie, à la France Black and white like a magpie
pickled bean curd pie, à la

pickled cucumber Cucumbers or cucumber pièce de boeuf France A prime cut of beef
pickled cucumber pièce de boeuf

pieces or slices pickled in spiced brine or pièce montée France The centrepiece of a
pièce montée

vinegar cold or hot buffet or other display of food;

pickled eggs Shelled hard-boiled eggs
pickled eggs

alternatively a French wedding cake of

pickled in spiced and seasoned vinegar. profiteroles built up into a cone and held
Usually eaten between 1 and 4 months after together with caramel
pickling. pieces Light brown sugar

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pie cherry

pie cherry Acid cherry pierrade France Meat, fish or vegetables

pie cherry pierrade

piecrust pastry United States Shortcrust

piecrust pastry
cooked without oil or fat on an electric hot-
pastry plate (a ‘pierrade électrique’) brought to the
pied France Foot or trotter
pieterman Netherlands Weever fish

pie d’asino Italy Dog cockle

pie d’asino

pie tin A round shallow baking dish with

pie tin

pied de cochon France Pig’s trotter

pied de cochon

pied de porc France Pig’s trotter

pied de porc
sloping walls
pieuvre France Octopus

piedini Italy Feet, trotters, e.g. of a pig


pie veal United Kingdom Diced meat from

pie veal

piedini di maiale alla piemontese Italy Pigs’

piedini di maiale alla piemontese

trotters, panéed and deep-fried cheap secondary cuts of veal e.g. neck,
scrag and breast
pie dish A round or oval dish with a rim on
pie dish

pig 1. United Kingdom Any member of the


which the pastry crust is supported,

sometimes with a projection rising from the Suidae family, intelligent animals with a
centre to also support the pie crust bristly skin and long snouts with which they
can root about in earth and leaf litter looking
Piedmontese truffle The Italian white truffle,
Piedmontese truffle

for food; especially Sus scrofa, the

Tuber magnatum
domesticated pig, and European wild boar.
‘(Tuber magnatum)’
Also called porker 2. United States A sucking
Piedrafita Spain A hard, mushroom-shaped,

pig or young immature pig

mountain cheese. See also Cebrero
pigeon England, France A rather tough wild

pieds cendrillons France A mixture of

pieds cendrillons

bird or more tender domesticated bird

seasoned meat from pigs’ trotters minced
weighing about 450 to 700 g. Part roast at
with mushrooms and truffles either made as
200°C for 15 minutes, remove breasts and
a crépinette, wrapped in pastry and baked in
poach in stock made from the remainder of
the oven or wrapped in greased paper and
the carcass, using reduced cooking liquor as
cooked in hot ashes
sauce. The domesticated bird is treated like
pieds et paquets France A Provençal dish of
pieds et paquets

chicken. There are no restrictions on

sheep’s tripe folded into packets filled with a shooting. See also wood pigeon. Also called
savoury mixture and cooked slowly with wood dove
trotters, skinned tomatoes, herbs and
pigeonneau France Squab or young pigeon

seasoning. Also called pieds-paquets, pieds-

pigeon pea The peas from a short lived
pigeon pea

perennial shrub, Cajanus cajan, which are a
pie floater Australia A meat pie floating on
pie floater

staple food and grown in Africa, India and

mushy peas with tomato sauce on top. From
the Caribbean. The peas may be red to
South Australia.
white, brown, mottled or black and the green
pie marker A round metal frame supporting
pie marker

pods can be used as a vegetable. Also called

radial cutters, used for accurately portioning cajan pea, red gram, gunga pea, toor dal, red
pies and cakes, usually into quarters, sixths, chick pea, tuware, tur, tuvaran, rarhar, arhar
eighths or smaller
piggvar Norway, Sweden Turbot

piémontaise, à la France In the style of

piémontaise, à la

pig-in-a-blanket United States Sausage roll


Piedmont in Italy, i.e. garnished with polenta

pigmented grapefruit A comparatively recent
pigmented grapefruit

or risotto, white truffles and sometimes

tomato sauce development of grapefruit, some varieties
pie plant United States Rhubarb
pie plant
having occurred naturally and other having
been produced by irradiating seed (e.g. rio
pierna Spain Leg of meat

red). All are characterized by a red

pierna de cordero Spain Leg of lamb
pierna de cordero

pigmentation of the flesh and in some

piernik Poland A Christmas gingerbread cake

varieties, of the rind. The pigment is

made by the melting method sweetened with lycopene (as in tomatoes) and is produced
sugar and honey, raised with baking powder by prolonged high temperature. The
and flavoured with ground ginger, cinnamon common variety is ruby but many new
and nutmeg varieties are in the process of development.
pierogi Poland A type of ravioli usually filled

pigmented orange A type of sweet orange

pigmented orange

with either curd cheese, sauerkraut or which develops red pigmentation

mushrooms. Larger than Italian ravioli. (anthocyanins) in the flesh adjacent to
pierozki Poland Small savoury semi-circular segment walls and near the flower end. The

pasties made from 10 cm rounds of choux, flavour is distinctive and is sometimes said to
sour or puff pastry with a variety of fillings, resemble that of a raspberry or cherry. As
baked at 200°C or deep-fried. Often served they require low night temperatures to
as an accompaniment to soup or as a snack. develop the red colour they tend only to be

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grown in the Mediterranean and similar Pikantwurst Austria A spicy sausage similar

climates. Also called blood orange to Csabai

pigment rubine See E180
pigment rubine

Pikatinij Russia A semi-hard surface-ripened


pignatta Italy Earthenware cooking pot cows’ milk cheese with scattered holes.

pignola United States Pine nut

Contains 45% water, 25% fat and 23%
pignoli Italy Pine nuts
pike A large (up to 4 kg commercially but can

pignolia Pine nut


be 20 kg) freshwater fish of the genus Esox,

pignons France Pine nuts

with a long pointed nose, greenish yellow

pignut Tiger nut

back and lighter underside found in

Pigouille France A creamy cheese from

temperate waters of the northern

Charente made from any milk and usually hemisphere. The flesh is lean, white and dry
sold wrapped in straw with an excellent flavour but very bony.
pig’s cheek Half the lower part of the pig’s
pig’s cheek

Usually soaked before cooking in any way.

cheek including the jaw bone, and half the Also called jackfish, freshwater shark,
tongue and snout, pickled, boiled, boned waterwolf
and coated with breadcrumbs, sliced and pikefleisch France, Germany Boeuf salé

served cold or for frying. Alternatively dried pikelet Scotland, England A name used for a

and cured. Also called Bath chap variety of teacakes, in particular the crumpet
pig’s ear Pig’s ears may be cooked together
pig’s ear

(in Yorkshire) and the Scottish pancake,

with pigs’ trotters but are generally used for either the yeasted or non-yeasted types.
manufactured meat products Usually eaten warm.
pig’s fry 1. Haslet 2. Heart, liver and pike-perch A temperate freshwater fish from
pig’s fry pike-perch

sweetbreads of a pig, cut in pieces, boiled the northern hemisphere of the genera
until tender, drained, coated with a mixture Stizostedion or Lucioperca which has the
of seasoned flour and rubbed sage and fried. body of a perch but a pike’s nose and a
Served with fried potatoes, greens and gravy. brown striped back. Cooked like pike or
pig’s head The major source of meat for
pig’s head

brawn, occasionally used as a source of meat pilaf Turkey Pilav

for pie fillings and sometimes roasted whole, pilaff Greece A rice dish made from finely

glazed and an apple placed in its mouth for chopped onions sweated in butter, rice
use as a table decoration especially at theme added and sweated 2 minutes, twice the
banquets volume of boiling seasoned white or fish
pigs in blankets United Kingdom Cabbage
pigs in blankets

stock added with a bouquet garni and all

rolls cooked under a cartouche in a 240°C oven
pig’s kidney Small but elongated kidneys with
pig’s kidney

for 15 to 20 minutes until cooked. The

a good flavour which may be cooked in any bouquet garni is removed, the dish seasoned
way. Allow one per person. and butter stirred in. Often served with
pig’s liver A strong-flavoured liver which
pig’s liver
cooked meat, fish or vegetables. See also
should be soaked in milk for at least 1 hour. pilaw, pilau
pilafi 1. Grains of pasta resembling rice 2.

Generally stewed or casseroled, made into

pâté or used in stuffings. Rice fried to a cream colour in butter then
pig’s trotters Pigs’ feet used like calves’ feet
pig’s trotters
simmered in stock until tender
pilaki Turkey Fish cutlets or steaks braised

as a source of gelatine or may be boned,

stuffed and roasted or the meat used in with vegetables and garlic then served cold,
brawn. Boiled pigs’ trotters used to be eaten dressed with lemon juice and garnished with
dressed with vinegar as a northern UK chopped parsley
delicacy. pilao South Asia Pilau

pig weed Summer purslane pilau South Asia A savoury rice dish made
pig weed pilau

pihvi Finland Beef steak


from spices, garlic and chilli fried in butter or

piimä Finland 1. Curdled milk 2. Junket 3.
ghee, meat added and fried 5 minutes;
Clabber 4. Buttermilk yoghurt progressively added until no more is
absorbed; soaked and drained Basmati rice
piirakka Finland Meat or fish and rice cooked

added with saffron and salt and fried. The

in a pasty
whole is then covered with stock, brought to
pijlinktvis Netherlands Squid

the boil and cooked on a very low heat until

pikant Germany Piquant, spiced; often

the rice is tender adding more stock if too

denotes coated with a hot prepared mustard dry. Garnished with crisply fried onions
Pikantensosse Germany Piquant sauce

before service. Fruits and vegetables may be

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added with the rice. Also called pilao, pulao, pimento 1. Italy Allspice 2. See pimiento 3. A

pullao very mild chilli pepper

pilav Turkey Round grain rice or bulgar wheat pimento butter Red peppers pounded with
pilav pimento butter

cooked until tender then mixed with butter or butter and sieved
oil. Also called pilaf pimento-do-reino Portugal Black pepper

pilaw Poland A type of pilaff with lamb and


pimentón Spain Dried and ground red


tomato purée pepper, generally bright red and with a

pilchard A small round oily sea fish, Sardina strong aroma, similar to paprika

pilchardus and Clupea pilchardus, which piment rouge France Chilli pepper
piment rouge

when immature is called a sardine. Often pimient Russia Allspice


canned in brine or tomato sauce, but can be pimienta 1. Portugal, Spain Pepper,

cooked whole. Found off the south-west capsicum 2. Spain Pepper P. nigrum.
coast of the UK. Fresh pilchards can be
pimienta inglesa Spain Allspice
pimienta inglesa

distinguished from small herring by raised

pimienta negra Spain Black pepper
pimienta negra

lines that run back from the eyes and from

pimiento 1. Spain A variety of red, yellow or

sprats by their lack of the line of spiny scales

along the centre line of the belly. green sweet pepper with a good flavour often
Pilgermuschel Germany Pilgrim scallop
sold canned or bottled. Also called pimento
2. United States Sweet pepper
pilgrim scallop The Mediterranean scallop,
pilgrim scallop

pimiento de Jamaica Spain Allspice

pimiento de Jamaica

Pecten jacobaeus, slightly smaller than the

pimpinela Spain Salad burnet

great scallop. Also called coquille Saint

pimpinella Italy Salad burnet

piliç Turkey Chicken
Pimpinella anisum Botanical name Anise
Pimpinelle Germany Salad burnet

pili pili Central Africa Chilli pepper

pili pili

pimprenelle France Salad burnet


pili pili sauce Central Africa A very hot sauce

pili pili sauce

piña Spain Pineapple


made from finely chopped chilli peppers,

pinaattiohukaiset Finland Spinach-flavoured

lemon juice, garlic, parsley, salt and oil, all

processed and heated in a hot frying pan for pancakes
pinaksiw Philippines Sardines or similar fish

a few minutes then bottled

pillau Pilau
layered in a pot with banana leaves, salt and
piloncillo Mexico A dark unrefined sugar
coconut vinegar and simmered for 20
similar to muscovado, formed into small minutes
pinaroli Italy A small fungus found in pine

cylinders and sometimes wrapped in raffia.

Also called panoche, panocha woods
pin bone of beef Wales Welsh and west
pin bone of beef

pilon de cuisse France Chicken drumstick

pilon de cuisse

country term for rump of beef

pilot biscuit Hardtack
pilot biscuit

pinbone steak United States A steak cut from

pinbone steak

pilsa A Jewish appetizer made from calf’s foot


the sirloin
jelly. See also petcha
pinch A dry measure often used in recipes for

Pilz Germany 1. Mushroom 2. A crumbly,


a small quantity of powder. The amount of

yellowish, blue-veined semi-soft cows’ milk powder held between the thumb and
cheese (up to 5 kg) with a strong distinctive forefinger, roughly equal to one quarter of a
flavour and a soft or dry rind. Usually served gram. 15 pinches per teaspoon.
as a dessert cheese. Contains 49% water,
pin cherry United States Bird cherry
pin cherry

27% fat and 18% protein. Also called

pincisgrassi Italy Lasagne layered with ceps,

cream and parma ham, topped with
Pilzschnitzel Austria A vegetarian cutlet

Parmesan cheese and white truffle shavings.

made from mushrooms, carrots and peas
See also vincisgrassi maceratese
piman, pimen Japan Sweet pepper

pinda Netherlands Peanuts


piment France Capsicum


pindakaas Netherlands Peanut butter



Portugal Cayenne pindangga Philippines Eel


Pindos Greece A cheese similar to Kefalotiri

Pimenta dioica Botanical name Allspice

pineapple The fruit (up to 30 cm long and 15

pimentão-doce Portugal Sweet red or green


cm diameter) of a tropical plant, Ananas

pepper comosus, which is the result of the
Pimenta officinalis Botanical name Allspice coalescence of the fruits of a hundred or
piment doux France Sweet pepper
piment doux

more flowers. It grows at the top of a thick

piment fort France Chilli or cayenne pepper
piment fort

stalk which springs from the centre of a

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pin tong

rosette of long spiky leaves. The golden- onions, oats and seasonings and sometimes
yellow flesh is firm, juicy and fibrous with a lightly smoked. Boiled or cooked with other
central inedible core. The skin varies from foods. Also called Pinkelwurst
green to yellow or red as it matures. Sold Pinkelwurst Germany Pinkel

whole or tinned with the skin and central pink fir apple An irregularly shaped potato
pink fir apple

core removed. Used as a dessert fruit or in with a pink skin, a smooth waxy flesh and a
savoury dishes, e.g. with pork. The fine nutty flavour. Used for potato salad.
uncooked juice, which contains active
pink gingerbuds Ginger buds
pink gingerbuds

proteases, may be used to tenderize meat

pink peppercorn See schinus molle
pink peppercorn

and will prevent gelatine-based jellies from

pink salmon The smallest of the Pacific
pink salmon

pineapple cheese United States A pink-
pineapple cheese
salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, with a
coloured soft textured Cheddar-like cheese dark blue spotted back and silvery underside
from Connecticut weighing to 2.5 kg. The flesh is pink, oily and
firm textured and it may be cooked in any
pineapple fritter A slice of pineapple,
pineapple fritter

way. Also called humpback salmon

skinned, cored, floured, coated with a batter
pink sauce United States Marie-rose sauce
pink sauce

and deep-fried
pink shrimp One of the common British
pink shrimp

pineapple guava Feijoa

pineapple guava

varieties, Pandalus montagui, of shallow

pineapple melon A Japanese melon rather
pineapple melon

water shrimps. Not as good tasting as the

like a water melon with a green striped skin
brown shrimp.
and a crisp, sweet, golden flesh tasting
pink trout See salmon trout
pink trout

slightly of pineapple. now grown in Israel.

pinne Italy Fan mussels

pine kernel See pine nut

pine kernel

pinnekjøtt Norway Salt-cured mutton chops


pine mushroom Matsutake

pine mushroom

steamed over peeled birch twigs

pine nut The seed of the Mediterranean stone
pine nut

pinocchio Italy Pine nut


pine tree, Pinus pinea, from the

pinole A mixture of finely ground maize or

Mediterranean and North Africa. They are

sold shelled, are cream coloured with a wheat flour made from the parched grain
slightly resinous flavour and oily texture and and mesquite beans sometimes used to
about the size of a lemon pip. Popular in make a sweet drink. Used in Mexico and
Middle Eastern and Italian cooking and used southwestern USA.
pinoli Italy Pine nuts

to make pesto. The seeds of various other

pine trees are eaten worldwide e.g. P. pinolli South America A mixture of powdered

koraiensis (Korea), P. gerardiana vanilla, spices and ground and toasted

(Himalayas), P. cembroides (Mexico and chocolate beans
southwest USA). In fact most pine tree seeds pinolo Italy Pine nut

if sufficiently large are eaten somewhere. piñón Mexico, Spain Pine nut

Also called Indian nut, pignola, pine kernel

pint A non-metric fluid measure still in use in

pine nut oil An expensive fine oil extracted

pine nut oil

the USA and still seen in English recipes. The

from pine nuts. Used for salad dressings. UK measure is divided into 20 fluid ounces
ping Thailand Dry cooking of food in the oven

and is 567.5 ml (0.57 litres). The USA

or over a source of heat such as charcoal. measure is divided into 16 fluid ounces and
Also called bing is 0.8 times the UK measure i.e. 473
ping guo China Apple
ping guo

millilitres. Both are abbreviated pt. See also

pinhead oatmeal Dehusked whole oats cut
pinhead oatmeal

gallon, cup measure, liquid measure, volume

into 3 or 4 pieces per individual grain. Also measure, dry measure
called steel-cut oatmeal pintada Spain Guinea hen

Pinienkern Switzerland Pine nut pintade France Guinea fowl

Pinienkern pintade

Piniennuss Germany Pine nut pintadeau France Young guinea fowl

Piniennuss pintadeau

pinion The wingtip or winglet of a bird (poultry pintail duck A wild duck, Anas acuta, shot for
pinion pintail duck

or game) the table

pinipig Philippines Toasted and flattened pintarroja Spain Dogfish
pinipig pintarroja

glutinous rice used in cakes and desserts pinto bean A variety of pale kidney bean,
pinto bean

and after deep-frying used as a crisp topping Phaseolus vulgaris, with bright red markings,
for sweets and ice cream popular in Spain, Mexico and North America
pink bean United States Pinto bean
pink bean

pin tong China Lump sugar (3)

pin tong

Pinkel Germany A type of sausage from Pinus Botanical name The genus of pine

Bremen made from beef and/or pork, trees, the source of pine nuts

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Pinzgauer Bier

Pinzgauer Bier Austria A distinctive, full- pippuri Finland Pepper

Pinzgauer Bier pippuri

flavoured cows’ milk cheese from the district piquant France Highly seasoned, sharp

around Salzburg piquante, sauce France Piquant sauce

piquante, sauce

pinzimonio Italy A mixture of olive oil, salt and


piquant sauce Chopped shallots and vinegar,

piquant sauce

pepper used as a dressing for raw vegetables reduced by half, demi-glace added,
Piora Switzerland A hard scalded-curd cows’

simmered and seasoned. Finished with

milk cheese shaped like a cylinder (up to 12 chopped gherkins, capers, chervil, tarragon
kg). The cheeses are salted and ripened for and parsley. Served with made up dishes
up to 6 months. and grilled meats. Also called piquante,
pip The small seed of which several are

usually found in fruits such as apples, citrus, piquant Welsh sauce Wales 6 lemons cut in
piquant Welsh sauce

grapes and melons eighths mixed with 1 litre of malt vinegar, 450
pip, to To remove seeds or pips from fruit or
pip, to

g of salt, 50 g each of grated horseradish and

vegetables English mustard, 6 cloves of garlic and 1
pipe, to To force a semi-solid mixture through tbsp each of ground mace, cloves, nutmeg
pipe, to

the nozzle of a piping bag and lay it down on and cayenne pepper, all brought to the boil in
some surface. See also piping bag an enamel or glass pan, left to steep for 6
piperade France Tomatoes, sweet peppers,
weeks in a jar, stirring daily, then strained
onions and garlic cooked in olive oil or goose and bottled
piquer France To pierce a joint of meat at

fat until soft, then chopped herbs and beaten

eggs added to the mixture and lightly various points on its surface with the point of
scrambled. Served with fried or grilled ham an office knife so as to be able to insert
and garnished with triangular pieces of fried slivers or cloves of garlic or sprigs of herbs
bread. piquín Mexico A very small, hot and dark

Piper betle Botanical name The betel pepper green chilli pepper
vine from which betel leaf is obtained pirinç Turkey Rice

Piper cubeba Botanical name Cubeb piri piri Africa, Portugal 1. A hot chilli pepper
piri piri

Piper longum Botanical name Long pepper 2. Meat or fish dishes served with a sauce
(In) made from piri piri chillies, originally from
Piper nigrum Botanical name Pepper Portuguese Africa. Also called peri-peri, pilli-
Piper retrofractum Botanical name Long pilli
piri-piri sauce A simple sauce made from hot
piri-piri sauce

pipi Smooth-shelled seawater bivalves found


chillies in various ways, e.g. by simmering

in New Zealand, Mesodesma nova- red sweet peppers and red chilli peppers in
zelandiae, and Australia, Plebidonax lemon juice for 5 minutes, passing through a
deltoides sieve, salting and simmering further or by
pipián Mexico A sauce served with chicken

infusing small red chillies in warm oil

made from ground sesame and pumpkin pirog c limonem Russia Lemon tart
pirog c limonem

seeds, spices and ground peanuts or

pirogen Semicircular Jewish turnovers similar

almonds and coloured red

to piroshki, made with a kneaded dough and
pipikaula United States A Hawaiian dish of

a variety of fillings, some specific to

dried beef cooked with soya sauce particular festivals. Also called knishes
piping The decorative lines of icing piped onto

pirogi Hungary, Russia Potato dough balls


a cake stuffed with potato and onion, served fried

piping bag A triangular-shaped bag made of a
piping bag

with sour cream

flexible impervious material with a hole at the pirozhki Russia Small semicircular pasties

pointed end into which a metal or plastic made from 10 cm rounds of choux, sour or
cone with a plain circular or star shaped hole puff pastry with a variety of fillings, baked at
may be fitted. Used for piping any soft but 200°C or deep-fried. Often served as an
self supporting mixture such as whipped accompaniment to soup or as a snack.
cream, icing, mashed potatoes, meringue
pirurutung Philippines A dark purple-

mix, etc. into various patterns prior to

coloured rice grown around Luzon
cooking or for decoration. Also called forcing
pisang Indonesia, Malaysia Banana

bag, icing bag

pisang goreng Netherlands Indonesian-style
pisang goreng

Pipo crem’ France A log-shaped blue-veined

Pipo crem’

cows’ milk cheese from Grièges with a fried or baked bananas

pisang-pisang Malaysia Bangus, the fish

similar flavour to Bleu de Bresse. Also called

pisang starch Banana flour
pisang starch

pippali South Asia Long pepper piselli Italy Peas
pippali piselli

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piselli all’antica Italy Peas cooked with pit, to To stone

piselli all’antica pit, to

lettuce and finished with cream pita bread See pitta bread
pita bread

piselli alla romana Italy Peas cooked in

piselli alla romana

pitahaya The fruit of a cactus from Central


butter with chopped onions and ham and South America with a scaly reddish
piselli secchi Italy Split peas purple skin and sweet pink but bland flesh
piselli secchi

Pishingertorte Austria A cake made from

containing embedded tiny black edible
circular wafers sandwiched with chocolate seeds
Pitcaithly bannock Scotland Scottish
Pitcaithly bannock

hazelnut cream and covered with chocolate

pisi hui lal mirich South Asia Chilli powder
pisi hui lal mirich
shortbread containing chopped mixed peel
pismo clam A very large hard-shell clam,
pismo clam
and caraway seeds and topped with flaked
Tivela stultorum, up to 500 g in weight from almonds before baking
pitepalt Sweden Potato dumplings stuffed

the coasts of southern California, USA. It

makes excellent chowder. with pork
pith The soft white tissue found beneath the

pissaladière France A savoury open tart filled


with cooked tomatoes and onions, black zest of citrus fruits and in the centre of some
olives and anchovy fillets from Provence. stalks. Citrus pith is usually bitter and is
Eaten hot or cold. removed in all dishes except marmalade
pissaldeira Italy A flat bread covered with
where its pectin content is required.
onions, black olives, tomatoes, cheese and Pithecolobium lobatum Botanical name
anchovies similar to pissaladière Ngapi nut
Pithiviers France A puff or flaky pastry tart or

pissenlit France Dandelion


cake filled with almond paste or Pithiviers

pista South Asia Pistachio nut

cream (NOTE: From the town of the same

pistacchio Italy Pistachio nut

pistache France Pistachio nut

Pithiviers au foin France A soft cheese

Pithiviers au foin

pistachio nut The fruit of a small tree, Pistacia

pistachio nut

shaped like a disc and covered with dried

vera, from the Middle East and Central Asia, grass
with bright green kernels in a beige shell Pithiviers cream A French cake filling made
Pithiviers cream

which splits but does not detach itself when from butter, sugar, eggs, ground almonds
ripe. Often soaked in brine and dried. Used and flavourings
as a snack, flavouring, garnish or in nougat,
pito-ja-joulupuuro Finland A pudding made

halva, ice cream and mortadella. Also called from pearl barley cooked in milk and served
green almond
with rosehip or raisin purée
pistacho Spain Pistachio nut

pi-tsi China Water chestnut


Pistacia lentiscus Botanical name Lentisk

pitta Italy A flat bread or pizza from Calabria

Pistacia vera Botanical name Pistachio nut

with various toppings
pitta bread Middle East Yeast-raised dough
pitta bread

Pistazie Germany Pistachio nut


formed into thin flat ovals and baked in the

pisto Spain Chopped tomatoes, courgettes,

oven. Allowed to cool in a humid atmosphere

onions and sweet peppers, fried and stewed or wrapped in a damp cloth to make the
together. Also called samfaina, frito de surface leathery. Often opened along one
verduras side to make a pocket which can be filled
pistocco Italy Carta di musica

with cooked meat, salad, etc. Known as

pistol Barrel bread

khubz in Arabic. Also called pita bread

pistoles France Peeled, stoned and flattened

pitta maniata Italy A sandwich of pitta filled

pitta maniata

prunes with eggs, cheese, sausages and peppers

pistolet France A third-sized baguette used pitta ’nchiusa Italy A sandwich of pitta filled
pistolet pitta ’nchiusa

for sandwiches. Also called pain pistolet with nuts and raisins moistened with grape
piston Barrel bread juice

pistou France 1. A dip or accompaniment pitulle Italy A yeasted plain-flour dough with a
pistou pitulle

similar to pesto made from basil, garlic and little olive oil and coarse sea salt, proved until
Gruyère cheese processed to a soft paste doubled, mixed with a selection of chopped
with olive oil 2. A rich soup containing green onions, sun-dried tomatoes, olive, capers,
beans, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic and anchovies, mushrooms, etc. proved again,
vermicelli then fried in small teaspoonfuls until golden
Pisum sativum Botanical name Pea and puffed up
Pisum sativum var. microcarpum Botanical piviere Italy Plover

name The mangetout pea pizza Italy A popular and cheap meal, which

pit United States The stone of a fruit


was once used for leftover dough from bread

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pizza cheese

baking. The yeast-raised dough is rolled out Served after standing 3 hours as a hors
into a thin circle, covered with sieved d’oeuvre scattered with chopped walnuts
tomatoes, oregano and pieces of Mozzarella and/or toasted pine nuts.
cheese together with various toppings such pla Thailand Fish

as ham, salami, hard-boiled eggs, tuna, placali Central Africa Treated cassava tubers.

anchovies, olives, etc. all in small pieces. See also bâton de manioc
This is cooked quickly in the oven on a flat pla chalard Thailand Dried fish used for
pla chalard

sheet or in a shallow dish until the cheese flavouring

melts and bubbles. pla chalarm Thailand Shark
pla chalarm

pizza cheese United States A soft spun-curd

pizza cheese

plăcinte moldovenesti Romania Puff pastry

plăcinte moldove nesti

cheese similar to Mozzarella made from turnovers filled with a mixture of sieved
cows’ milk using either a starter of cottage cheese, egg yolks, butter, sugar and
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus salt, egg-washed and baked at 210°C
thermophilus or citric acid to curdle the milk. pla duk Thailand Catfish
pla duk

Used particularly for pizzas and contains

pla haeng Thailand Dried fish
pla haeng

somewhat less water than real Mozzarella,

pla hai ling Thailand Bangus, the fish
pla hai ling

roughly 47% water, 24% fat and 25%

plaice A flat seawater fish, Pleuronectes

platessa, with orange or red spots on a brown
pizza di ricotta Italy Cheesecake
pizza di ricotta

upper skin weighing up to 1.5 kg. Found

pizza dough A typical yeasted dough made of
pizza dough

throughout the Atlantic and North Sea.

strong flour and tepid water with 30 to 60 ml Cooked as any white fish.
of olive oil, 10 to 30 ml of active dried yeast
plain bacon Green bacon
plain bacon

and 10 ml of salt per kg of flour. Proved,

plain cakes Cakes made by the rubbing in
plain cakes

knocked back and proved again. Exact

proportions of flour and water depend on the method with a low ratio of fat to flour (1 or
flour. This dough will keep for 7 days in the less to 2)
plain chocolate Chocolate confectionery with
plain chocolate

refrigerator if oiled and covered with film.

a low percentage of sugar (less than 30%)
pizzaiola Italy A sauce made from skinned

and no milk solids

and deseeded tomatoes, garlic, parsley,
plain court bouillon A cooking liquor for
plain court bouillon

oregano and seasoning. The word is also

used for dishes served with this sauce. deep poached or boiled fish consisting of
water, milk, salt and lemon juice, used for
pizza oven The traditional pizza oven was
pizza oven

large cuts of turbot and brill

brick with a stone floor and a wood fire to one
plain flour Wheat flour made from any type of
plain flour

side radiating heat from the brick roof onto

soft wheat with between 9 and 10% protein
the pizza. Modern ovens mimic these
with no added raising agents. Used mainly
characteristics by having a large hot mass of
for cakes and pastries where less rise and a
finer texture than bread is required. Not used
pizzelle Italy 1. Deep-fried pizza dough

for puff pastry. Also called household flour

served with tomato sauce and a variety of plain-leaved escarole Batavian endive
plain-leaved escarole

fillings 2. A thin circular biscuit baked on a

plain omelette An omelette made with no
plain omelette

patterned griddle and bent when hot to form

filling or addition to the eggs except
a cone or similar for filling with various
seasoning and possibly water
pla in-see Thailand Mackerel
pla in-see

pizzetta Australia Cooked pasta baked into a


plain tripe Blanket tripe

plain tripe

pizza base
pla jalamed Thailand Pomfret, the fish
pla jalamed

pizzette Italy A dough made from flour, eggs,


pla jara met khao Thailand Pomfret, the fish

pla jara met khao

Gorgonzola or similar cheese and butter

pla jien Thailand Steamed filleted fish in a
pla jien

(4:2:2:1) plus seasoning, rested, rolled out,

cut in shapes, glazed with egg white and light soya sauce
pla kapong Thailand Sea bass
pla kapong

baked at 200°C. Eaten as a snack.

pla karang Philippines, Thailand Garoupa,
pla karang

pizzoccheri Italy Short stubbly noodles made


from buckwheat flour the fish

pla karang daeng jutfa Thailand Garoupa,
pla karang daeng jutfa

pkhala Southwest Asia A Georgian dish made


from a purée of cooked and wrung out the fish

pla lai Thailand Eel
pla lai

spinach with sweated chopped onion and

pla mangkor Thailand Eel
pla mangkor

garlic and chopped parsley and coriander

pla muk Thailand Squid
pla muk

leaves mixed with soaked saffron, vinegar

and lemon juice, finely chopped walnuts and planche de charcuterie France A platter of
planche de charcuterie

sufficient chicken stock to make a stiff paste. cold meats

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plank A well-seasoned hardwood board tinned on the inside and used professionally

usually with a groove or gutter to catch juices for sautéing and shallow frying. The sides are
cut into the surface around the outer edge. almost as hot as the base and are used to
The plank is warmed, oiled and used to serve cook the sides of steaks chops, etc.
and sometimes to grill and serve meat or fish plat-de-côte France A cut of beef from the

dishes. lower centre of the animal including the plate

plank, to United States To bake or grill meat
plank, to

and parts of the rib bones which would be

or fish on a plank included with the ribs in English butchery. It
plantain England, France A type of banana, is either boned or left on the bone and used

genus Musa, sometimes named M. for braising, pot roasts or boiled beef.
paradisica, with firm and starchy flesh plat-de-côtes France The front of the pork

cooked either in the green (if dessert types) belly containing the ribs. Used for braising,
or ripe (if non-sweet types) state; used as a pot-roasting or casseroles.
staple food in Africa, the Caribbean and plat du jour France The special dish for the
plat du jour

South America. Also called adam’s fig, green day in a restaurant. Normally changed daily
banana and cheaper or better value than other menu
plantain flour Banana flour
plantain flour

plantation shortcake United States Hot corn
plantation shortcake

plate 1. A flat oval or round piece of crockery


bread topped with chopped chicken or ham on which food is served 2. United Kingdom
in a cream sauce The rear part of the lower half of the ribs of
planxa, a la Catalonia Cooked on a flat metal
planxa, a la

beef behind the brisket, usually used for

sheet stewing and manufacturing
pla o Thailand Tuna
pla o

plate, to To place food and garnishes on a

plate, to

pla pak khom Thailand Bummaloe, the fish

pla pak khom

plate preparatory to serving it to a customer

pla ra Thailand A freshwater mud fish,
pla ra

Plateau Belgium A soft cows’ milk cheese


gourami, from the north of Thailand which is similar to Saint-Paulin and Herve. It has a
fermented with roasted rice for several smooth pungent taste and a yellow crusty
months and has a very pungent smell and rind.
flavour. It is sometimes deep-fried and
plateau de fromages France Cheeseboard
plateau de fromages

dressed with finely sliced shallots, chillies

plateau de fruits de mer France A speciality
plateau de fruits de mer

and lemon grass but is more usually made

into a seasoning by boiling in water with of Brittany and northern France consisting of
shallots, lemon grass and kaffir limes and a mixture of shellfish and crustaceans served
then straining. It is sold in the West as cold on a plate
plate of beef Scotland The Scottish name of a
plate of beef

pickled gourami.
plasas West Africa A sauce from Gambia and

tough lean cut from the shoulder

Sierra Leone made from any greens sweated plate ring A metal ring used for stacking
plate ring

in oil with chilli peppers and onions then plates with food on them so as to prevent the
simmered in stock until cooked. This is then food on one plate touching the base of the
thickened with egusi or peanut butter let one above. Commonly used in restaurants
down with a little water and all simmered and at banquets.
until smooth. Meat, dried shrimps and plate waste Food left on the plate in a
plate waste

pieces of salted or smoked fish, previously restaurant, indicating either low quality or
cooked are often added at the end. Served excessively large portion sizes. Usually
with fufu or rice. carefully monitored.
plastic icing Australia A thick icing
plastic icing

platija Spain Flatfish: plaice, flounder or dab


resembling fondant icing made from a

pla too Thailand Fried fish such as salted
pla too

mixture of granulated and icing sugar with

water, gelatine, lemon juice and butter which mackerel, trout and herring. Served with nam
after resting can be rolled out or moulded. prik.
plat siew Thailand Dried fish, fried with dried
plat siew

Also called Australian fondant icing

plat Balkans Turbot
noodles and a black bean sauce
plättar Sweden Small pancakes made with a

plàtan Catalonia Banana


plátano Spain Banana

butter and egg-enriched sweet batter,
plátano manzano Mexico A stubby banana
plátano manzano
flavoured with brandy and served with a jam
with a hint of strawberry and apple in its or fresh fruit and cream stuffing
Plättchen Germany Pretzels

plat à sauter France A large diameter shallow plattekaas Belgium A curd cheese usually
plat à sauter plattekaas

copper pan with straight vertical sides, made from cows’ milk

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platter A large plate generally used for serving generally replaced by eggs of various species

food to several people or for serving several of gull (black- headed, lesser black-backed,
foods on the same plate, e.g. seafood platter great black-backed, etc.), which are similar
Plattfisch Germany Plaice
in colour. In the UK they can only be
plava A fatless sponge cake made with matzo
gathered up to April the 14th and for home
meal and flavoured with almonds for use at consumption only. Their sale is prohibited.
plov iz rybi Russia A risotto made from rice,
plov iz rybi

the Jewish Passover meal

plegonero Spain Whiting, the fish
fish, tomatoes, onions and butter
pluches France A spray of chervil or other

pletzlach Squares of pastry with an apricot or


plum filling served at the Jewish Passover fresh herb used as a garnish
pluck The liver, lungs and heart of an animal

pleurote France Oyster mushroom pluck, to To remove the feathers from poultry
pleurote pluck, to

pleurotis mushroom United States Oyster

pleurotis mushroom

and birds. Also called ploat, to

mushroom plum The fruit of deciduous trees, Prunus

Pleurotus ostreatus Botanical name Oyster domestica and other species of Prunus, with
mushroom yellow through purple skin usually with a fine
plie France Plaice bloom of wild yeast, a central stone and a

Plinz Germany Fritter or pancake

generally sweet flesh. All need cool winters to
ploat, to To pluck
ploat, to
fruit. There are many varieties, e.g.
greengage, damson, cherry plum, mirabelle,
Plockwurst Germany An air-dried, smoked

quetsch plum, bullace, Japanese or salicine

slicing sausage with a deep red colour, made
and Victoria. Dried plums are known as
from a variety of meats e.g. beef, pork, ham,
pickled pork, etc.
plumb An old English name for a raisin

Ploderkäse Switzerland A soft scalded-curd


plumcot A rediscovered eighteenth-century


surface-ripened cows’ milk cheese

coagulated with a lactic starter, formed into fruit. The taste is intermediate between plum
blocks (up to 10 kg), dry-salted and ripened. and apricot. Also called violet apricot, pope’s
The paste is smooth with a slightly bitter apricot
plum duff Suet pudding containing currants,
plum duff

plombières France Tutti frutti ice cream
raisins, spices and brown sugar. Boiled in a
plomme Norway Plum
cloth and served hot with English custard or
plommegrøt med fløtemelk Norway A milk
plommegrøt med fløtemelk
plum pudding 1. See Christmas pudding 2. A
plum pudding

and cream pudding thickened with groats

and mixed with plums porridge-like mixture of raisins (otherwise
plommon Sweden Plum
called plumbs), dried fruits, spices, oranges,
lemons, sugar, minced veal or beef and
plommonspäckard fläskkarré Sweden Loin
plommonspäckard fläskkarré

sherry, thickened with bread. Once popular

of pork with a prune stuffing
in the UK but since evolved into Christmas
plot toffee United Kingdom A treacle toffee
plot toffee

served on Guy Fawkes night (5th of
plum sauce A Chinese condiment made from
plum sauce

dark red plums, sugar and water. Also called
ploughman’s lunch United Kingdom A typical
ploughman’s lunch

Chinese plum sauce

public house lunch of cheese, crusty bread,
plum tomato A bright red elongated Italian
plum tomato

butter and pickles

tomato with a good flavour. The principal
plov Russia Rice pilaf

variety used for canning.

plover A small wild wading bird common in

pluvier France Plover


Norfolk but now rarely hunted for the table.

Plymouth onions England Large Spanish
Plymouth onions

There are several varieties of which the

lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, the golden onions wrapped in foil and baked in the oven
plover, Pluvialis apricaria and the grey plover, for about 40 minutes until soft, then cut in
Pluvialis squatarola, are the most well half and eaten with butter and cheese
plyskavice Balkans Grilled hamburgers from

known. The golden plover is the most sought

after. Usually roasted with or without the Serbia
innards at 220°C and served on buttered poach, to To cook food, usually eggs or fish, in
poach, to

toast with lemon and watercress garnish. a cooking liquor at the simmer, i.e. at around
Also called bustard plover, green plover 96/7°C in an open or closed pan on the stove
plover’s eggs The eggs of plovers considered
plover’s eggs

or in the oven. Coddling is a kind of poaching

to be a delicacy, generally cream or buff- and is as equally successful with fish and
coloured with dark brown spots or blotches, small pieces of tender meat as with eggs.

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poached eggs Shelled eggs, yolk intact, picked before maturing, unless ripe seeds
poached eggs

placed in acidulated water just below are to be harvested as pulses. Sometimes

simmering point for about 3 minutes until set eaten whole; otherwise, immature seeds are
then carefully removed. May be poached in removed.
other cooking liquors. pod, to To remove seeds from a pod
pod, to

poached white fish Fillets of white fish or

poached white fish

poddy mullet Australia Sea mullet

poddy mullet

whole, skinned and trimmed sole, shallow- podina South Asia Mint

poached and served with a sauce usually podlivka Russia Sauce, usually a thickened

derived from the cooking liquor. See also gravy made with the meat juices from frying
Bercy, fish, bonne femme, fish, bréval, fish, or roasting. It is often enriched with chopped
Dugléré, fish, florentine, fish, Marguery, fish, ingredients such as fried onions or
Mornay, fish, Véronique, fish, vin blanc, fish, mushrooms, bacon bits, chopped hard-
Walewska, fish boiled eggs, capers etc. and whatever other
poacher’s pie England A pie made from
poacher’s pie

flavourings are available such as sour cream,

alternate layers of boned rabbit, bacon, tomato purée, chilli sauce or mustard.
potatoes and leeks in a pie dish, seasoned,
podsolnechnoe maslo Russia Sunflower oil
podsolnechnoe maslo

flavoured with herbs, half filled with stock

poêle France 1. Frying pan 2. Stove

and topped with shortcrust pastry. Baked

poêlé(e) 1. England Braised or pot-roasted 2.

covered at 190°C for 30 minutes and

finished uncovered at 180°C until brown and France Fried
poêlon France A casserole, a small tight

po boy United States Poor boy
po boy
lidded heavy pan with a long handle used for
pocha bruide Scotland Deer tripe cleaned
pocha bruide
slow cooking
poem card cut Tanzako giri
poem card cut

immediately after slaughter, soaked in water

poffertjes Netherlands Puffed up fritters

for 24 hours and boiled for 8 hours then

cooked in the normal way in thickened milk made with a chemically raised batter
with onions. See also tripe and onions poffertjies South Africa Apple fritters made

pochade France A freshwater fish stew from from sieved apple purée, milk, flour, sugar,

Savoie containing raisins and carrots egg and raisins (12:3:2:2:1:1), beaten
pochard A wild duck, Aythya fernia, shot for

together into a stiff batter then deep-fried in

the table in the UK small quantities, drained and served with
poche France Caecum
cinnamon and sugar
po gwa China Hairy gourd
po gwa

poché(e) France Poached


poha The wild dwarf cape gooseberry found in


pocher France To poach


pocheret Denmark Poached

poh pia China Spring roll
poh pia

pocheteau France Common skate


poi A staple food of the Pacific islands made


po chio China Aniseed

po chio

pochouse France A mixture of various

from the boiled and mashed tubers of taro or
freshwater fishes, especially eel, stewed in sweet potato with possibly banana and
white wine from Burgundy breadfruit
point, à See à point
point, à

pochti nichevo, pochty nichevo Russia Soup

pochti nichevo

pointe France 1. Tip, as in pointes d’asperge,


made from equal quantities of mixed bones

and water (1.5 kg of each) simmered with a asparagus tips 2. A small amount as in
cleaned but unpeeled onion until the liquid pointe d’ail; a small amount of any ingredient
has reduced by half. The liquid is strained. that can be held on the tip of a knife
pointe de filet France Pork fillet (tenderloin)
pointe de filet

Chopped onion and clean potato peelings,

sautéed in bacon fat, are simmered with the point steak United Kingdom The thin end of
point steak

strained stock, then puréed. The seasoning a slice of beef rump steak
and consistency are adjusted, and the whole poire France Pear

finished with cream and chopped chives.

poireau France Leek

(NOTE: Literally ‘almost nothing (soup)’.)

poireaux, purée de France Leek soup
poireaux, purée de

poco hecho Spain Rare, underdone. Used of

poco hecho

poire condé France Pear Condé

poire condé

meat, steak, etc.

poirée France Chinese leaves

poco pasado Spain Rare. Used of meat,

poco pasado

poires Alma France Pears poached in port

poires Alma

steak, etc.
poires Belle Hélène France Pear halves,
poires Belle Hélène

pod The elongated seed capsule of


leguminous plants which contains a row of poached in sugar syrup and served with
seeds and splits lengthways into two halves vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce
pois France Peas

to release the seeds when ripe. Usually

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pois à la française

pois à la française France Peas braised with Pokel Germany Pickle

pois à la française Pokel

lettuce, a little sugar, chopped spring onions pokeweed A shrub, Phytolacca americana,

and parsley and a small amount of water from North America with poisonous roots but
pois cassés France Split peas whose young leaves (up to 15 cm) may be
pois cassés

pois chiches France Chickpeas

pois chiches
boiled and treated like asparagus. The red
pois rouges maconne Caribbean A dish of
pois rouges maconne
berry may be used as a food colouring. The
rice and beans (not peas) from Martinique, whole plant is classified as poisonous in the
made by gently frying chopped onion, garlic, UK.
pok fet Catalonia Rare. Used of meat.
pok fet

chillies and bacon in peanut oil, adding red

pok kak bua Thailand Star anise
pok kak bua

beans and water, simmering until the beans

are almost cooked then adding the rice to pole dab United States Witch sole
pole dab

finish cooking, finally thickening with Polędwica sopocka Poland As Polędwica

Polędwica sopocka

cassava tososiowa, but not packed in casings

poisson France Fish

Polędwica tososiowa Poland A hard smoked

Polędwica toso siowa

poisson brun Belgium Browned fish with a

poisson brun

sausage from Gdansk made of pork and pork

wine and herb sauce back fat, packed in casings and knotted
poisson-chat France Channel catfish Polei Germany Pennyroyal
poisson-chat Polei

poisson fumé France Smoked fish polenta England, Italy Fine yellow cornmeal,
poisson fumé polenta

poisson meunière aux amandes France

poisson meunière aux amandes
dry-fried until it loses its colour It is used as a
Amandes, fish aux thick porridge, and to make some types of
poissonnière France Fish kettle
bread and gnocchi. This porridge, also
known as polenta, is made by mixing the
poisson volant France Flying fish
poisson volant

cornmeal with salted water (150 g per litre).

poisson yassa West Africa As poulet yassa,
poisson yassa

This is brought to the boil then simmered

but with any firm-fleshed fish in place of the with stirring until thick and the paste leaves
chicken the side of the pan. It is a major source of
poitrine France 1. Breast (of lamb or veal),

carbohydrate in Italy and is often left to cool

stewed or boned out and stuffed rolled and then sliced and fried as an accompaniment
roasted 2. The abdominal part of pork belly to meat dishes.
3. A cut of lean beef from the shoulder polenta al forno Italy Polenta casseroled with
polenta al forno

immediately in front of the jumeau, used for sausages in a meat sauce covered with
braising, pot-roasting and boiled beef cheese
poitrine de porc France Pork belly
poitrine de porc

polenta alla bergamasca Italy Polenta baked

polenta alla bergamasca

poitrine fumée France Smoked streaky

poitrine fumée

with tomatoes, sausage and cheese

bacon polenta d’ivrea Italy A cake resembling
polenta d’ivrea

poivrade France Vinaigrette sauce with


polenta made with buckwheat flour flavoured

pepper with vanilla
poivrade, à la France Containing freshly polentagrøt Norway Cornmeal pudding
poivrade, à la polentagrøt

ground pepper or dried green peppercorns polenta taragna Italy Polenta liberally
polenta taragna

poivrade, sauce England, France A mirepoix

poivrade, sauce

sprinkled with grated Bitto cheese and

of onion, carrot, celery, bay leaves and covered with melted butter
thyme, sweated in butter, fat removed, poleo Spain Pennyroyal

reduced with wine, vinegar and mignonette polewka Poland A very simple soup of

pepper, simmered with demi-glace for 30 seasoned water thickened with rye flour and
minutes, strained and seasoned. Served with blended with cream
venison. Also called pepper sauce pólipo Spain Octopus

poivre France Pepper


poliporo Italy An edible fungus which grows


poivre, au France With pepper, usually

poivre, au

on trees
coarsely crushed peppercorns polished rice Rice from which the vitamin B-
polished rice

poivre d’âne France 1. A goats’ milk cheese

poivre d’âne

rich outer coating has been removed during

from the Alpes Maritime with a distinctive processing. Prized because of its whiteness.
flavour of herbs, probably savory 2. The Polish sausage A generic term for a variety of
Polish sausage

Provençal name for savory, the herb sausages using the usual pork, beef and
(colloquial) pork fat with flavourings, saltpetre and
poivre de la Jamaïque France Allspice
poivre de la Jamaïque

sometimes dextrose to facilitate lactic

poivron France Sweet pepper, capsicum

fermentation, normally cased, air-dried and

poke United States A Hawaiian dish of fish
smoked until hard
polla Spain Young chicken

marinated in a highly spiced sauce

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pollack A coastal seawater fish, Pollachius simmered in a sauce made from wine,

pollachius, of the cod family with a tomatoes, spices and seasoning

protruding lower jaw and a dark green upper pollo ripieno alla trentina Italy Chicken
pollo ripieno alla trentina

skin, found throughout the North Atlantic. It stuffed with a mixture of chopped nuts,
does not have as fine a flavour as cod but is breadcrumbs, beef marrow and chopped
otherwise similar and cooked in the same liver, then boiled
way. Generally sold at 50 cm in length. Also pollo salteado Spain Chicken sautéed with
pollo salteado

called green cod, pollock onion and served with artichoke hearts and
pollame Italy Poultry

tomato sauce
pollan See pullan

polmone Italy Calves’ lungs


pollanca Italy Young chicken


polo Iran Cooked rice


pollastre Spain Young chicken


polonaise, à la France In the Polish style, i.e.

polonaise, à la

pollastre rostit amb samfaina Catalonia

pollastre rostit amb samfaina

containing soured cream, red cabbage or

Roast chicken with samfaina sauce beetroot, or vegetables topped with a mixture
pollastro Italy Young chicken

of chopped hard-boiled eggs and parsley

pollito Spain 1. Pigeon 2. Squab
with fried breadcrumbs
poloney The name of a sausage common in

pollo Italy, Spain Chicken


pollo a la chilindrón Spain Sautéed chicken

pollo a la chilindrón
English-speaking countries, probably a
corruption of Bologna or Polonia since it has
pollo a la extremeña Spain Chicken with
pollo a la extremeña

the characteristics of both Italian and Polish

sausages and baked tomato
sausages. All are coloured red.
pollo a la navarra Spain Chicken casseroled
pollo a la navarra

polony See poloney


in wine with carrots, onions and strips of ham

polou Central Asia An Iranian-style dish

pollo alla cacciatora Italy Chicken stewed in

pollo alla cacciatora

combining rice with another ingredient such

stock with mushrooms and seasoning and
as chicken, lamb or veal together with
flavoured with Marsala. Served with fresh
pumpkin, potatoes, beans etc. The meat and
vegetables are generally precooked and
pollo alla contadina Italy Portioned chicken
pollo alla contadina

usually fried in clarified butter and reserved.

fried in oil for 20 minutes, mixed with Partly cooked rice as in chelou is put in the
potatoes cut in 2 cm slices and fried bottom of the pan and pressed down,
separately, then, both stewed in chopped followed by the meat and vegetables. The
deseeded tomatoes with seasoning and a other half of the rice is put on top, excess
little wine until all tender (NOTE: Literally frying butter is poured over and the whole
‘peasant woman’s chicken’.) cooked slowly, either on the stove or in the
pollo alla marengo Italy Chicken stewed in
pollo alla marengo

oven with a tight-fitting lid. Sometimes

stock and white wine with tomatoes, vegetables may be mixed with the top layer of
mushrooms, parsley, black olives and rice. The contents may be removed in one
seasoning. See also poulet sauté Marengo piece, in which case high heat is used to
pollo alla padovana Italy Chicken browned,
pollo alla padovana

form a crust in the initial stage.

then braised in the oven with onions and polpa Italy Lean meat, flesh of fruits

finished with egg and lemon polpessa Italy Warm water octopus

pollo all’arentina Italy Chicken stewed in

pollo all’arentina

polpetiello Italy Polpo


polpetta Italy Croquette, meatball, rissole

pollo alla romano Italy Chicken simmered

pollo alla romano

polpettine Italy Meatballs


with white wine, tomato, ham, sweet pepper

polpettine di spinaci Italy Spinach-flavoured
polpettine di spinaci

and herbs
pollock 1. See pollack 2. Coley
and coloured dumplings
polpettone Italy 1. Meat or fish loaf 2. A baked

pollo de naranja Spain Chicken pieces

pollo de naranja

marinated in sherry and orange juice and mixture of vegetables bound with egg
polpettone alla genovese Italy A mixture of
polpettone alla genovese

shallow-fried in butter
pollo en chanfaina a la catalana Spain
pollo en chanfaina a la catalana
chopped cooked potatoes and French beans
Chicken sautéed with sweet peppers, bound with grated cheese and eggs and
aubergine and tomato sauce baked in a loaf tin
polpettone alla toscana Italy A minced meat
polpettone alla toscana

pollo fandango Spain Chicken cooked in a

pollo fandango

creamed sauce and served with braised and cheese loaf bound with egg and braised,
celery fried or poached
polpo Italy Octopus

pollo rebozado South America A Bolivian

pollo rebozado

pølser Denmark, Norway Sausages


speciality of chicken joints coated in an egg,

Polsterzipfel Austria A jam filled turnover

milk and polenta batter, fried, then

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polvere di curry

polvere di curry Italy Curry powder spots, found around and used in India,
polvere di curry

polydextrose A bulking agent used in

China and Southeast Asia. It has white flesh
reduced and low calorie foods similar to, but not as tasty as, that of turbot or
sole and is cooked in the same ways. There
polygonum Vietnamese mint

is also a darker variety with a brownish-grey

polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan esters See
polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters

skin found in Indonesia and the Phillipines

E432 – 436 with an inferior flavour. The Chinese smoke
polyphenol oxidase The enzyme in plants
polyphenol oxidase

pomfret over tea leaves. Also called Ray’s

which causes browning of fruits and bream, white butter fish
vegetables on exposure to air by oxidation of pomfret cake Pontefract cake
pomfret cake

phenolic compounds to melanin pigments.

pomme France 1. Apple 2. Potato (NOTE:

Its effects are being eliminated by genetic

Abbreviated from pomme de terre.)
engineering of plant varieties.
pomme de terre France Potato, often
pomme de terre

polyphosphates Complex phosphates of


abbreviated to pomme, especially with

sodium and potassium used mainly to retain
potato dishes
added water without exudation in frozen
Pommel France An unsalted double-cream

chickens, ham, bacon and other similar

meat products, and also as stabilizers and cows’ milk cheese similar to Petit-Suisse
pommes à l’anglaise France Plain boiled
pommes à l’anglaise

emulsifiers. See also E450(c)

polysaccharide Long chains or branched
pommes allumettes France Very thin potato
pommes allumettes

chains of simple sugars which make up

starch, dextrins, cellulose and other chips
carbohydrates of natural origin pommes amandine France Potatoes made in
pommes amandine

Polyscias scutellarium Botanical name the same way as croquette potatoes but
Daun mangkok panéed with flour, egg and nibbed almonds
polysorbate ( ) The alternative names for instead of breadcrumbs

polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan esters. See pommes Anna France Layers of thinly sliced
pommes Anna

also E432 – 436 potatoes, melted butter and seasoning,

polyunsaturated A description of long chains baked in a straight sided metal dish in the

of carbon atoms that occur in fats, oils and oven in a dish until browned, inverted on a
fatty acids in which several of the carbon plate and served in slices or wedges (NOTE:
atoms do not have as many hydrogen atoms The dish for pommes Anna should not be
attached as they could and are therefore washed.)
connected to neighbouring carbon atoms by pommes boulangère France Roast potatoes
pommes boulangère

double or triple bonds. Hence pommes dauphine France A mixture of

pommes dauphine

polyunsaturated fats. potato croquette mixture and choux pastry

poma Catalonia Apple

(3:1) formed into small cylinders, panéed

pomace The residue after juice or oil has been and deep-fried

physically crushed out of fruit. The pomace pommes dauphinoises France Sliced
pommes dauphinoises

from oil bearing fruits is often treated by potatoes layered in a dish with milk, grated
solvent extraction to produce inferior oils. cheese, garlic and butter and cooked in the
pombé South Africa Beer produced from oven. Egg and cream may be added but the

sprouted millet seed, an important source of egg tends to scramble. Also called gratin
vitamins. Also called Kaffir beer dauphinois
pommes de terre en robe des champs See
pommes de terre en robe des champs

pomegranate The beige to red fruit of the


pomegranate tree, Punica granatum, up to 8 pommes en robe de chambre

cm in diameter with a hard skin filled with pommes duchesses France Duchesse
pommes duchesses

numerous seeds each in a red, juicy, fleshy potatoes

sac. Sweet varieties are eaten (rather pommes en copeaux France Grated potatoes
pommes en copeaux

messily) as a dessert. Seeds of the sour or potato shavings

pomegranate have a sweet-sour taste and
pommes en robe de chambre France
pommes en robe de chambre

are used as a garnish in the Middle East. The

dried, ground seeds, known as anardana, Potatoes boiled or steamed in their skins
pommes frites France Potato chips, thinner
pommes frites

are used as a souring agent and with bread,

vegetables and pulses in North India. Also and crisper than the UK variety
pommes mousselines France Mashed
pommes mousselines

called Chinese apple

pomelo 1. See pummelo 2. Spain Grapefruit
pommes pailles France Straw potatoes
pommes pailles

pomfret A tropical seawater fish, Pampus


pommes sauvages France Crab apples

pommes sauvages

argenteus, with a silvery skin and tiny black

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pommes savoyarde France As gratin have disintegrated, strained and bottled.

pommes savoyarde

dauphinois, but substituting stock for cream. Also called Pontac sauce
Also called gratin savoyard Pontac sauce England A sharp condiment
Pontac sauce

pommes vapeur France Boiled or steamed sauce based on elderberries (NOTE: Invented
pommes vapeur

potatoes by a Monsieur Pontac of Lombard St.

pomodori di magro alla sarda Italy
pomodori di magro alla sarda
Pontefract cake A small flat round (up to 2
Pontefract cake

Tomatoes stuffed with anchovies, tuna and

aubergine flesh and baked cm in diameter) liquorice-based sweet
pomodorini Italy Small tomatoes
usually embossed as though by a seal. Also
pomodori ripieni alla novarese Italy
pomodori ripieni alla novarese
called pomfret cake
Pont l’Evêque France A soft orange-coloured
Pont l’Evêque

Tomatoes stuffed with rice, onions and

cheese, panéed and deep-fried cows’ milk cheese from Normandy, made in
pomodoro Italy Tomato
a square about 10 cm on the side and 4 cm
deep with a thick brown rind mottled with
pompano A small, oily, round seawater fish of

thin smears of mould. The paste contains a

the genus Trachinotus, with a high yellow to
few round holes and has a strong smell and
green-blue back, a deep belly and deeply
a less strong taste. It has AOC status.
forked tail fin from the Mediterranean,
Contains 47% water, 27% fat and 20%
Caribbean and southeast USA. It can weigh
up to 3 kg but is better at 1 kg and has a
Pont Moutier France A soft square-shaped
Pont Moutier

sweet-flavoured, rather dry, white flesh.

Often cooked en papillote. Prepared like cows’ milk cheese weighing to 2.5 kg. The
perch. brown rind had a white bloom and the
pompano rellena Mexico Pompano stuffed
pompano rellena
smooth fragrant and aromatic tasting paste
with a mixture of chopped onions and has a few cracks and holes.
ponzu, ponzu-shoyu Japan A dipping sauce,

tomatoes sweated in oil, chopped hard-

boiled eggs, parsley and spices then especially for oden or yosenabe and
poached and served with a fish velouté condiment use, made from yuzu juice, soya
pompelmo Italy Grapefruit or pummelo
sauce, mirin, sake and dried bonito flakes
(20:20:3:3:1 by volume) with a piece of
pompelmoes Netherlands Grapefruit

kombu, all macerated for 24 hours then

pompoen Netherlands Pumpkin

pomtannia A plant with yam-like fruit. See

poong dang Thailand 1. Alum 2. A paste of

poong dang

also tannia lime (Calcium hydroxide)

ponceau 4R A synthetic red food colouring
ponceau 4R

poor boy United States A Cajun sandwich

poor boy

banned in the USA. Also called cochineal from Louisiana consisting of a French bread
red. See also E124 stick split lengthwise and filled with a savoury
poncirus One of the three important genera of

mixture of foods, salads, etc. similar to

Citrus. Also called trifoliate orange casse-croûte. It originated in New Orleans in
pondah Indonesia Ubod, palm pith

the 19th century when oyster sandwiches

pone Caribbean, United States A general
were given as charity to the poor. See also
name for a baked carbohydrate mixture in hoagie. Also called po boy
the Caribbean and southern USA. It is poori South Asia A deep-fried chapati. See

usually unleavened and may be made from also puri

cornmeal, sweet potatoes, pumpkin etc. and poor knights of Windsor England Fingers of
poor knights of Windsor

flavoured or merely salted. bread dipped in egg and milk mixture

ponkan mandarin The most widely grown
ponkan mandarin

sometimes flavoured with liqueur or spirits,

mandarin in the world, found in Japan, the deep-fried and eaten hot sprinkled with
Phillipines, India, south China and Brazil. cinnamon and caster sugar. See also pain
The rind is moderately thick and very loose, perdu
the juice content whilst sweet and pleasant- poorman orange New Zealand grapefruit
poorman orange

tasting is rather low in quantity and the

poor man’s beefsteak Beefsteak fungus
poor man’s beefsteak

segment walls are somewhat tough. Also

poor man’s caviar A dip made from the flesh
poor man’s caviar

called Chinese honey orange, mohali mandari

Pontac ketchup England Ripe elderberries
Pontac ketchup
of roasted aubergines processed with garlic
covered with warm boiling vinegar and kept and olive oil to a thick purée, seasoned, let
hot in the oven for 3 hours. Juice strained off down with a little lemon juice and garnished
without pressure and boiled with mace, with chopped parsley
poor man’s goose Wales, England Faggot
poor man’s goose

peppercorns, shallots and salted anchovies

pop Catalonia Octopus

(250 g per litre of juice) until the anchovies

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popara Bulgaria A porridge made from bread, porc France Pig or pork
popara porc

butter, cheese and milk, eaten at breakfast porcella Catalonia Suckling pig

popcorn A variety of maize kernels, indurata,


porché France A Breton dish of stewed pigs’


which when heated in a closed container are ears and trotters

blown up into a soft foamed starch as the
porchetta Italy Sucking pig

bound water turns to steam. Eaten as a

porcini Italy Ceps, usually sliced and dried

snack with salt, sugar or butter.

porco Portugal Pork

pope A freshwater fish similar to the perch.


porc salé France Salt pork

porc salé

Also called ruffe

pope’s apricot Plumcot
pope’s apricot

porgy Various deep-bodied seawater fishes of


pope’s eye 1. England The small circle of fat the genus Calamus, especially Pagrus
pope’s eye

in the centre of a leg of lamb or pork 2. pagrus with long spiny dorsal fins chiefly
Scotland Prime rump steak found in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
pope’s nose The equivalent of the parson’s
pope’s nose
Ocean and similar to bream. They have
nose on a duck or goose delicate, moist, sweet flesh but many bones.
pork The flesh of the pig

popets Catalonia Baby octopi used for tapas


popone Italy Melon pork belly Meat from the underside of the
popone pork belly

popover 1. England A small individual abdominal and chest cavity of the pig

Yorkshire pudding, often flavoured with equivalent to breast of lamb and consisting
grated cheese, chopped onions, bacon and of alternating layers of fat and lean muscle.
herbs or in a sweet version with chopped fruit Used in sausages, pâtés and terrines or may
and sugar 2. United States A quickly made be cooked as a dish in its own right. Also
type of muffin using a Yorkshire pudding called belly pork
batter baked in the oven pork chop A transverse slice from a loin of
pork chop

poppa Italy Udder


poppadom South Asia A thin round pancake pork crackling Crackling
poppadom pork crackling

made from a lentil flour batter which is porker See pig


occasionally spiced, deep-fried until crisp

pork fat Fat from the pig is graded according
pork fat

and served as an appetizer or

to hardness and has many uses in sausages,
accompaniment to Indian food. Sometimes
terrines, pâtés and other items. Back fat
the lentil flour is mixed with or substituted by
tends to be the hardest and belly fat the
rice or potato flour. Also called papadum,
softest. Lard is rendered pork fat and is
papadam, pappadam, pappadum, puppadom,
traditionally used in pastry and in the
cooking of eastern France. It contains about
popper United States A type of pan used to

49% saturated, 42% monounsaturated and

prepare popcorn 9% polyunsaturated fat.
poppy seed The ripe seeds of an annual
poppy seed

pork fillet Tenderloin of pork

pork fillet

poppy, Papaver somniferum and P. rhoeas,

pork grades United States Grades of pork in
pork grades

which vary in colour from cream through to

almost black according to origin. They have the US are 1, 2, 3 and cull, in descending
a slightly nutty aroma and flavour and are order of quality
pork herbs The principal herbs used with
pork herbs

often sprinkled on bread and cakes or

crushed with honey or sugar to make pastry pork are chervil, coriander, fennel, lovage,
fillings. Used with other spices in Indian marjoram, rosemary, sage, savory and thyme
cooking. porkkana Finland Carrot

poppy seed oil A light odourless oil with a

poppy seed oil

pork oaties England Cold cooked pork, onion,

pork oaties

faint almond taste from the first cold pressing apple and breadcrumbs (2:1:1:1) are
of poppy seeds. Used for salads. minced together, seasoned and flavoured
poppy seed paste Roasted and ground
poppy seed paste

with dried sage then brought together with

poppy seeds formed into a paste much used beaten egg and formed into small flat cakes
in Turkish cooking which are panéed with oatmeal and fried in
pop tart United States A thin pastry turnover
pop tart

pork dripping for 6 minutes a side

with various fillings which can be heated in a pörkölt Hungary 1. Roasted 2. A thick braised

pop-up toaster or in the oven stew with very little added water made with
porbeagle shark A member, Lamna nasus, of fried meat, poultry or game pieces,
porbeagle shark

the shark family which grows to 4 m and is tomatoes, green sweet peppers, onions,
common in the Atlantic. It makes good paprika and seasoning, served with boiled
eating and is often larded and grilled as potatoes or rice, green salad and/or pickled
steaks. cucumbers

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portugaise, à la

pork pie United Kingdom A raised pork pie port A fortified wine from Portugal made by
pork pie port

similar to a Melton Mowbray pie but the stopping the fermentation of full-bodied
cooked pork is in cubes and/or minced and grape juice with brandy before all the sugar
whole hard-boiled eggs are sometimes has been fermented to alcohol. Used as a
included in the filling of the larger ones flavouring in sauces and served with melon.
Port-du-Salut France The original Port-Salut

pork sausage The most common sausage of

pork sausage

English-speaking countries, made from cheese made by the Trappist monks of Port
ground pork, flavourings, extenders and du Salut monastery at Entrammes. The
binders filled into casings and linked. name was sold to commercial cheese
Quantities of extenders depend on the price makers in the late 1940’s.
and local laws. In the UK many suspect porter cake Ireland A chemically raised basic
porter cake

extenders which legally count as meat such cake mixture flavoured with mixed spice and
as drinde, MRM, etc. are incorporated in the grated lemon zest with 3 parts dried vine
cheaper versions, together with a high fruits to 2 parts flour, brought together with a
proportion of rusk and cereal fillers. UK dark stout and all ingredients whisked
sausages are usually flavoured with sage, together for a few minutes and baked at
cayenne pepper and possibly cloves, ginger, 170°C until cooked (NOTE: From Northern
nutmeg or mace. USA sausages are normally Ireland)
flavoured with cardamom, coriander and porterhouse steak A steak without bone cut
porterhouse steak

nutmeg. from the large end of the short loin of beef

pork scratchings See scratchings
pork scratchings

possibly including some of the sirloin and

pork vindaloo A dish of lean pork, cubed,
pork vindaloo

including the fillet. It is usually about 5 cm

piquéed, rubbed with a paste of dry-roasted thick and will easily feed 2 people. Grilled or
coriander and cumin seeds plus cardamom fried.
seeds, cinnamon, cloves, black portion control The establishment of
portion control

peppercorns, turmeric, onion salt, ground standards in a catering establishment for the
ginger and cayenne pepper to taste, all well size, weight or number of each item served
pounded, then marinated in vinegar or portion size The weight or number of each
portion size

vinegar and water (1:1) with bay leaves for item in one serving
24 hours. The meat and its marinade are Portland-style mackerel England Seasoned
Portland-style mackerel

then simmered slowly with mustard seeds and floured mackerel, grilled until golden
fried in ghee until tender, adding water as brown and served with a sweetened coulis of
required. gooseberries flavoured with a little nutmeg
poron Finland Reindeer

portmanteau lamb chops England Lamb loin

portmanteau lamb chops

poronkäristys Finland Very thin slices of


chops pocketed from the skin side to the

braised reindeer bone and filled with a cooled and seasoned
poronkieli Finland Reindeer tongue cooked mixture of finely chopped chicken

poronliha Finland Reindeer meat

liver and mushrooms, sealed with a stick,
panéed and baked in melted butter at 200°C
poronpaisti Finland Reindeer steak

until brown on both sides

Porphyra tenera Botanical name Nori
Portnockle shortbread Scotland A less
Portnockle shortbread

Porphyra umbilicalis Botanical name Nori

buttery shortbread made from flour,
porpore Italy Murex, the shellfish

margarine, sugar, rice flour, and butter

porridge A kind of gruel made by boiling

(12:8:5:5:4) rolled out to 5 mm, cut into

porridge oats with water or milk or mixtures rounds and baked at 180°C for 15 to 20
of both and salt until the desired consistency minutes
is reached. Eaten as a breakfast dish with porto, sauce France Port-wine sauce
porto, sauce

sweetening and milk or cream. The name is

Port-Salut France A semi-hard mild-flavoured

also used for oatmeal, maize, etc. boiled to

cows’ milk cheese from the west of France.
the same consistency with water.
Made in large rounds (up to 2 kg) with an
porridge oats The breakfast cereal produced
porridge oats

orange rind. Used as a dessert cheese.

by heating either pinhead oatmeal or whole portugaise, à la France 1. A method of
portugaise, à la

oats with steam as they are passed through cooking vegetables similar to à la grecque,
rollers to flatten them. The pinhead oatmeal using a cooking medium consisting of water,
produces the normal porridge oats, whilst olive oil, skinned and deseeded tomatoes,
the whole oats produce oat flakes which can chopped onion, tomato purée, garlic,
be used in muesli. Also called rolled oats parsley, bay leaf, thyme and seasoning,
porro Italy Leek

served hot or cold 2. In the Portuguese style,

porsaankyljys Finland Pork chops

i.e. including onions, tomatoes and garlic

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portugaise, crème

portugaise, crème France Crème de tomate, cylindrical container usually of ceramic or

portugaise, crème

cream of tomato soup, garnished with plain glass in which food is placed for serving or
boiled rice storage as in potted meat or jams, etc. 3.
portugaise, sauce France A type of
portugaise, sauce
General term for crockery (pots)
pot, to To put food into jars or ramekins and
pot, to

espagnole sauce made with fresh tomatoes

instead of tomato purée seal with molten butter, fat, greased paper,
Portugiesische Auster Germany Portuguese
Portugiesische Auster
etc. for presentation at the table or so as to
oyster preserve it for a long or short time
potable Safe to drink

Portuguese boiled dinner See cozido à

Portuguese boiled dinner

potage 1. France A light soup or broth 2.


Portuguese cabbage A smooth-leaved, blue-
Portuguese cabbage

England A meat or vegetable stock with

green cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. added paysanne-cut vegetables, e.g.
tronchuda, from Portugal used in their minestrone
national dish caldo verde. Kale or Savoy potage à la bressane France Pumpkin soup
potage à la bressane

cabbage may be substituted. Also called potage à l’albigeoise France A soup from
potage à l’albigeoise

Braganza cabbage, Galician cabbage, couve Albi based on beef stock with a selection
gallego, couve tronchuda from preserved goose, calves’ feet, ham,
Portuguese oyster A variety of oyster,
Portuguese oyster

sausage and various vegetables

Crassostrea angulata, once popular as the potage bonne femme France Leek and
potage bonne femme

farmed European oyster now displaced by potato soup finished with cream and butter.
the Pacific or Japanese variety. It is Some recipes add carrot but this spoils the
elongated in shape and up to 17 cm long. It colour.
is best used in cooked dishes. potage de tomates France Tomato soup
potage de tomates

portulaca Summer purslane


potage paysanne France Paysanne-cut

potage paysanne

Portulaca oleracea Botanical name Summer mixed vegetables sweated in butter without
purslane colour until tender, white stock and a
port-wine jelly United Kingdom A gelatine-
port-wine jelly

bouquet garni added, seasoned, simmered

based sweetened jelly flavoured with port and skimmed for 20 minutes, peas and
and spices, moulded, cooled, demoulded diamond cut green beans added and the
and served with whipped cream whole simmered until all cooked. Also called
port-wine sauce As Madeira sauce, but
port-wine sauce

mixed vegetable soup

substituting port pota i tripa Catalonia Lambs’ trotters cooked
pota i tripa

poshekhonski, poshekhonskij Russia A hard


with tripe
scalded-curd cows’ milk cheese with a hard potaje Spain A thick soup or stew

dry rind and containing small irregular holes. potassium An important mineral essential for

Contains 41% water, 26% fat and 26% health, especially to maintain the fluid
protein. balance in the body and the correct working
posset 1. England An old English dessert

of muscles and nerves. Found in all plant

made from a rich egg custard flavoured with and animal cells.
sherry, lemon and sometimes almonds 2. potassium acetate E261, the potassium salt
potassium acetate

United Kingdom A hot, spiced and of acetic acid used as a preservative and
sweetened milk drink mixed with ale or wine firming agent
possum See opossum

potassium bisulphite See E228

potassium bisulphite

posta de carne Portugal A slice, not a steak,

posta de carne

potassium bromate A flour improver and

potassium bromate

of beef bleaching agent

postej Denmark Pâté or paste

potassium carbonate See E501

potassium carbonate

postnyi farshirovonnyi baklazhana Russia

postnyi farshirovonnyi baklazhana

potassium chloride See E508

potassium chloride

Pulped aubergine flesh mixed with fried

potassium gluconate See E577
potassium gluconate

onions and tomatoes, chopped hard-boiled

potassium hydrogen carbonate See E501
potassium hydrogen carbonate

eggs, parsley and seasoning, stuffed into

potassium hydrogen L-glutamate See E622
potassium hydrogen L-glutamate

aubergine skins, two sandwiched together

potassium hydrogen tartrate See cream of
potassium hydrogen tartrate

and baked in a little water and lard

postre Spain Dessert course
potassium hydroxide See E525
potassium hydroxide

postres Catalonia Dessert


potassium lactate See E326

potassium lactate

postres de músic Catalonia A bowl of mixed

postres de músic

potassium nitrate See saltpetre

potassium nitrate

nuts and dried fruit

pot 1. A deep ceramic or metal cylindrical potassium nitrite E249, the potassium salt of
pot potassium nitrite

container with a lid and two handles used on nitrous acid used in curing mixtures to
the stove for slow cooking of stews, etc. 2. A preserve meat and maintain the pink colour

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poteter stappe

potassium sorbate See E202 potato peeler See peeler

potassium sorbate potato peeler

potassium sulphate See E515 potato ricer A two part potato masher
potassium sulphate potato ricer

potassium tartrate See cream of tartar consisting of a receptacle for the boiled
potassium tartrate

potatis Sweden Potatoes

potatoes with a fine perforated plate at the
potatiskaka med ost Sweden Cheese potato
potatiskaka med ost
base and a solid plate on a lever which forces
cakes made from a mixture of grated the potatoes through the perforations. Rather
potatoes and onions, half fried in butter, like an oversize garlic press.
potato salad Cooked waxy potatoes, diced
potato salad

mixed with grated Gruyère cheese, brought

together in the frying pan and fried until and bound together with mayonnaise and
browned, turned over, refried and topped sometimes with a little chopped onion and
with slices of Gruyère cheese which should parsley or other herb
just melt. Also called Käserösti potato sausage Sweden Beef, fat pork, cold
potato sausage

potatismos Sweden Mashed potatoes


cooked potatoes and onions, all minced,

potatis och purjolöksoppa Sweden Potato
potatis och purjolöksoppa
seasoned, and flavoured with mace, ginger
and leek soup, the same as potage bonne and sage, packed into thin hog casings and
femme cooked by boiling
potato scones England Potato cakes
potato scones

potato One of the commonest and most


potato skins The skins of baked potatoes

potato skins

versatile of vegetables which is the swollen

tip of an underground stem of the plant after the cooked potato has been removed
Solanum tuberosum, used as a store of for e.g. duchesse potatoes. They are often
starch to support the growth of new stems served with a filling or deep-fried until crisp.
from the eyes. The two main types are floury potato snow United States Riced cooked
potato snow

and waxy, distinguished by the cohesiveness potato, not mixed or treated in any way
of the tissues. Waxy potatoes are less dense potato soup See Parmentier, purée
potato soup

than floury and will float in a brine of 1 part

potato starch Fécule
potato starch

salt to 11 parts water. Stem end blackening

potato yam Aerial yam
potato yam

due to the reaction of compounds in the

pot au feu France A traditional French stew of
pot au feu

potato with iron during cooking can be

minimized by boiling with acidulated water meat or poultry sealed in fat and braised or
(0.5 tsp of cream of tartar per pint). Common simmered in stock with a variety of
varieties of waxy potatoes in the UK are Arran vegetables. The broth and the meat are often
Comet, Ulster Sceptre, Maris Bard, Pentland served separately.
pot barley Dehusked whole-grain barley with
pot barley

Javelin, Alcmaria and Romano and of floury

potatoes, Desirée, Estima, Home Guard, no other treatment. Requires long soaking
Kerrs Pink, King Edward, Maris Peer, Maris and cooking to soften. Used for soups and
Piper, Pentland Dell, and Pentland Squire. stews. Also called Scotch barley
potato and turnip soup See Freneuse, purée pot cheese United States Cottage cheese
potato and turnip soup pot cheese

potato cakes England A northern speciality of potée France A thick soup containing
potato cakes potée

floury potatoes, mashed with salt and butter sausage, salt pork or streaky bacon,
and enough plain flour worked in to make a cabbage, potatoes, onions and possibly
stiff dough, rolled, cut in shapes, floured, beans, lentils and other vegetables,
fried on a griddle and served hot with butter. seasoned and flavoured with nutmeg and
Also called potato scones bay. Sometimes reduced to a stew or hotpot.
potato chips See chips potée champenoise France A thick soup or
potato chips potée champenoise

potato crisps See crisps stew made with salt belly of pork, ham,
potato crisps

potato croquettes Mashed potato with butter,

potato croquettes
haricot beans and vegetables. The liquid is
milk, seasoning and possibly eggs, formed served as soup and the meat and vegetables
into small cylinders and deep-fried as a main course dish.
pote gallego Spain A thick stew of pork,
pote gallego

potato dumplings Dumplings made from

potato dumplings

potatoes, e.g. Kartoffelklösse bacon, beans and cabbage, from Galicia

poten dato Wales Floury potatoes boiled until
poten dato

potato flour Fécule

potato flour

potato latkes Jewish potato pancakes made

potato latkes
soft then mixed with a little flour, sugar,
with grated raw potatoes, chopped onions, spice, currants, butter, an egg and enough
eggs, flour and seasoning, fried until crisp milk to give a soft consistency. Baked in the
potato masher A flat perforated metal or
potato masher
oven at around 180°C.
plastic circle or oval with an upright handle Poterium sanguisorba Botanical name Salad
used to mash cooked potatoes by forcing burnet
poteter Norway Potatoes

them through the perforations with an up

poteter stappe Norway Mashed potatoes
poteter stappe

and down movement

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potetkaker Norway Potato cakes made from potted hough Scotland A Scottish brawn
potetkaker potted hough

fried mashed potatoes made from shin and knuckle of beef,

potetstappe Norway Mashed potatoes
peppercorns and seasoning, simmered until
pot herbs Leaves or stems of green plants
pot herbs
tender, bones removed and the liquid
used as vegetables or culinary herbs reduced until setting consistency
potted meat 1. Cooked meat either reduced
potted meat

potica Balkans A walnut strudel from Slovenia


known as povitica in Croatia to a paste or chopped into pieces, placed in

a container and sealed with molten fat or
potiron France Pumpkin

clarified butter. Commercial varieties contain

potje Belgium, France Pâté

preservatives. 2. Shin beef, cooked until

potjiekos South Africa A mixture of meat,

tender with calves foot, herbs and

vegetables and spices cooked very slowly in seasonings, bones removed, meat coarsely
a large cast iron pot. The original dish dates chopped, mixed with reduced cooking liquor
from the 16th century and is probably Dutch. and allowed to set in a pot
potlikker United States Pot liquor

potted shrimps England Cooked and peeled

potted shrimps

pot liquor United States The liquid in which whole shrimps placed in a container and
pot liquor

vegetables have been cooked or blanched. covered with molten clarified butter. Popular
May be used as a basis for vegetarian soups in the north of England.
especially if not salted and the same water potwarak Balkans Duck, browned then

used for several batches. Also called braised on a bed of sweated sliced onions,
potlikker mixed with chopped sauerkraut,
potli samosa South Asia An Indian pasty filled
potli samosa

peppercorns and a little of the liquid from the

with shrimps in a cumin and cardamom- sauerkraut. When cooked, sliced and served
flavoured yoghurt sauce on the sauerkraut.
pouce pied France Barnacle
pouce pied

pot luck Whatever food is available for eating

pot luck

pouding France Pudding


when arriving somewhere unannounced,

thus to take pot luck pouding au pain France Bread pudding
pouding au pain

pot marigold See marigold pouding de cabinet France Cabinet pudding

pot marigold pouding de cabinet

pot marjoram A type of marjoram, Origanum pouding de Noël France Christmas pudding
pot marjoram pouding de Noël

onites, which originated in Sicily and has a (UK)

much stronger flavour than sweet marjoram. pouding diplomate France Diplomat pudding
pouding diplomate

Also called French marjoram pouding Nesselrode France Sweetened

pouding Nesselrode

potpie United States A dish of meat and


chestnut purée, combined with egg custard,

vegetables in a rich gravy baked in a deep raisins and currants, flavoured with
dish and covered with pie crust to finish maraschino liqueur, half frozen, cream
pot-roast, to To cook meat which has been folded in then placed in a mould, cooled,
pot-roast, to

sealed in hot fat in a covered pan or demoulded and served with maraschino-
casserole with a little fat and a small amount flavoured custard
of liquid or vegetables over a low heat for a poudre de colombo Central America, France
poudre de colombo

considerable time A mixture of garlic, deseeded red chillies,

pottage Broth containing mashed vegetables

turmeric, coriander seeds and mustard

and chopped up pieces of meat to make a pounded together to make a paste. It
thick substantial meal in itself. Originally any originated in the French Caribbean and is
food served in a pottager, a kind of medieval used to make colombo, a type of curry.
dish. poudre de curry France Curry powder
poudre de curry

pottager The dish in which pottage was pouile dudon Caribbean Chicken stew with
pottager pouile dudon

served made of metal, earthenware or wood garlic, onions, sweet peppers, caramelized
potted char An old English delicacy made
potted char
sugar, coconut oil, spices and seasoning.
from char, a freshwater fish still available in Served with rice and pigeon peas.
poularde France A large fattened chicken

the Lake District. Popular as a breakfast dish

in the 19th century. It is made from between 1.5 and 2 kg
unwashed skinned and bone fillets of char, poularde demi-deuil France Poached
poularde demi-deuil

rubbed with a mixture of ground pepper, chicken masked with suprême sauce and
allspice, mace, cloves and nutmeg surrounded with tartlets containing a
(2:1:4:1:2), baked with butter for 5 hours at salpicon of braised calves’ or lambs’
120°C, drained, pressed into pots and sweetbreads bound with suprême sauce
covered with some of the melted butter. each topped with a slice of truffle
potted fish As potted meat with fish poule France A boiling fowl suitable for
potted fish poule

substituted for meat stewing, slow braising or stock

458 Page 459 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM

poussin double

poule-au-pot France Stewed chicken and poultry grades United States Grades of
poule-au-pot poultry grades

vegetables served with the reduced cooking poultry in the US are AA, A, B and C, in
liquor descending order of quality
poulet France Chicken usually between 3 and poultry herbs The principal herbs used with
poulet poultry herbs

8 months old. Suitable for 2 to 4 portions domesticated poultry are bay, chervil, chives,
depending on size. Roasted, grilled or fennel, lemon balm, marjoram, mint, parsley,
sautéed. sage, savory, tarragon and thyme
poulet à la crapaudine France Spatchcock poultry needle A large curved bodkin-type
poulet à la crapaudine poultry needle

poulet au vinaigre France A Lyonnaise dish

poulet au vinaigre

needle used for sewing up the abdominal

of chicken and shallots cooked in wine cavity of poultry and game birds
poultry shears Heavy scissors or secateurs
poultry shears

vinegar and finished with cream

poulet de grain France Corn-fed and free-
poulet de grain
with a serrated edge and a good hand grip
range chicken used for cutting through the bones of poultry
pound The original unit of weight in the British

poulet moambé Central Africa This very

poulet moambé

popular chicken dish from the Congo river system still in use in the USA and equal to
area is similar to muamba de galinha. Under 453.6 g. Divided into 16 ounces.
its alternative name of ‘poulet nyembwe’ it is Abbreviated lb. It still lingers on in mainland
considered to be the national dish of Gabon Europe, e.g. the French livre, but is taken as
in West Africa. being 500 g.
pound, to 1. To bruise, break up and crush
pound, to

poulet noir France A superior variety of

poulet noir

chicken with black feathers and a delicious any hard food item to reduce it to a smooth
slightly gamey flavour consistency or a fine powder. Once done in a
poulet nyembwe West Africa Poulet moambé
poulet nyembwe
pestle and mortar but now usually done by
poulet sauté Marengo France A classic dish
poulet sauté Marengo
mechanical means, e.g. food processor,
reputed to have been cooked by Napoleon’s grinder or powder mill. 2. To beat meat with
chef after the battle of Marengo from what a bat or specially-shaped hammer in order to
could be found quickly, i.e. a cock, wild tenderize it or flatten it into e.g. an escalope
pound cake A fruit cake originally made from
pound cake

mushrooms, crayfish, eggs, garlic and

brandy. Also called chicken Marengo pound (454 g) quantities of the main
poulette France Pullet, immature chicken
ingredients, fat, flour, sugar and eggs, using
the creaming method to make two 20 cm.
poulette, à la France Served with sauce
poulette, à la

diameter round cakes.

poulette or garnished with onions and garlic
poupeton France Veal slices with minced

poulette, sauce France A sauce made from

poulette, sauce

white stock combined with lemon juice,
pour batter United States Thin batter
pour batter

butter and chopped parsley thickened with

pourgouri Powdered wheat. See also burghul

egg yolks
pouring batter United Kingdom A thin batter
pouring batter

poulet yassa West Africa A Senegalese dish

poulet yassa

of chicken pieces marinated overnight in made from flour, egg, milk, salt and
250 ml of equal parts of lemon juice and sometimes sugar, used for pancakes,
vinegar per chicken together with minced Yorkshire puddings, etc.
pouring sauce Any flowing sauce used to
pouring sauce

garlic, bay leaf, French mustard, chopped

chilli pepper, soya sauce, seasoning and a cover foods usually on the plate, thickened
large quantity of chopped onions. The with approximately 50 g of flour or starch per
chicken is then browned in a frying pan or on litre
Pourly France A white creamy and mild goats’

a grill and slowly cooked in a sauce made

from the marinade together with a few milk cheese from Burgundy with a greyish
vegetables. Served with rice, fufu or blue rind
couscous. Also called chicken yassa pour-on cheese United States A bottled
pour-on cheese

Pouligny-Saint-Pierre France A soft goats’


processed coating consistency cheese

milk cheese shaped like a pyramid (250 g), topping
which is dry-cured for a month. It is pousse de bambou France Bamboo shoot
pousse de bambou

protected by an appellation d’origine. pousser France To rise, as of dough


pouliot France Pennyroyal


poussin England, France A single portion,


poulpe France Octopus small and tender chicken 4 to 6 weeks old.


poultry The name given to all domesticated


Usually grilled or roasted. Also called broiler

birds bred for the table or for their eggs, as chicken
poussin double France A double portion 10
poussin double

opposed to game birds which are wild.

Includes chickens, hens, turkeys, ducks, to 12 week old chicken, usually grilled or
ducklings, geese, and guinea fowl. roasted

459 Page 460 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:45 PM


poutargue France A relish made from praliné(e) France Caramelized or covered

poutargue praliné

botargo. Also called boutargue with praline

Pouteria caimito Botanical name Abiu praline cream United Kingdom Praline folded
praline cream

povitica Balkans The Croatian name for


into softly whipped cream, used to

potica accompany apple tart
powa South Asia A unit of weight in the old pranzo Italy 1. Lunch 2. Dinner (rare)
powa pranzo

system equal to 4 chattaks, approximately Prästost Sweden A semi-hard, creamy cows’


225 g or 8 oz. Also called pau, pav milk cheese with an open texture and some
powdered cellulose Finely divided cellulose
powdered cellulose

scattered holes. Sometimes covered in wax.

used to add bulk and fibre to slimming foods, Contains 40% water, 30% fat and 25%
convenience foods, etc. See also E460(ii) protein. (NOTE: Literally ‘priest’s cheese’.)
powdered eggs Spray-dried mixed eggs used
powdered eggs

prataiolo Italy Of the field, e.g. mushrooms


for manufacturing purposes. During World pratie Ireland Potato from the Irish práta,

War 2 large quantities of eggs dried on potato (colloquial)

heated revolving cylinders were imported pratos de carne Portugal Meat dishes
pratos de carne

into the UK from the USA for domestic

prawn The name given to various species of

small clawless crustaceans with long curved
powdered sugar United States Icing sugar
powdered sugar

tails and large heads varying in colour from

pozole Mexico A thick soup made with sweet

white translucent to red and brown and from

corn and chicken or pork, flavoured with 7 to 20 cm long found all over the world’s
chilli powder, oregano and pepper and oceans. Available raw or cooked, shelled or
served with chiffonade of lettuce and fried unshelled and fresh, frozen or dried. The
tortilla strips tails only are eaten. Varieties include
ppb Parts per billion. Similar to ppm: 1000

common prawn, spot prawn, northern

ppb equals 1ppm. See also ppm prawn, deepwater prawn and king prawn.
ppm Parts per million: normally used to

prawn cocktail A stemmed glass containing

prawn cocktail

indicate the levels of contaminants, trace a base of chiffonade of lettuce topped with
elements or vitamins in food. 10,000 parts prawns bound in a cocktail or marie-rose
per million equals 1%. sauce. It should be assembled just before
praakes A Jewish speciality consisting of

blanched cabbage leaves wrapped around a prawn crackers A Chinese snack food made
prawn crackers

filling of meat and rice. See also holishkes from a dried, prawn-flavoured rice flour
Pragerschinken A small ham on the bone.

batter which when deep-fried, puffs up to a

See also prazská sunka light crunchy hard white foam-like biscuit or
Prague ham See prazská sunka
Prague ham

Prague powder See saltpetre
Prague powder

prawn ondines Australia Ramekins lined with

prawn ondines

prahok Cambodia A fish paste prepared using mashed cooked white fish mixed with

the residue from preserved cleaned fish creamed butter and whipped cream, centre
which have been used to make a fish sauce filled with prawns in mayonnaise, chilled,
praio Italy Sea bream
then covered with a white wine aspic
prawn pudding See shrimp pudding
prawn pudding

praire France Warty venus clam


prairie chicken United States A type of wild prazheni filii Bulgaria French toast (pain
prairie chicken prazheni filii

grouse with mottled brown plumage, perdu) flavoured with cinnamon and served
Tympanuchus cupido or T. pallidicinctus, with honey
found on the great plains of western North prazská sunka Czech Republic A small ham
prazská sunka

America. on the bone cured for several months in mild

prairie oyster 1. United States Ox, pig or lamb brine, smoked over beech wood, then baked
prairie oyster

testicles usually panéed and fried. Also or boiled whole. Considered to be the best
called mountain oyster, rocky mountain oyster ham for serving hot. Also called jambon cuit
2. A hangover cure consisting of a shelled de Prague, Pragerschinken, Prague ham
egg with an intact yolk, flavoured with prebiotics

Polysaccharides, principally
Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and salt fructo-oligosaccharide made up of fructose
praline England, France Nut brittle made units and galacto-oligosaccharide made

from toasted (dry-fried, roasted or grilled) or from galactose units, which resist digestion
boiled nuts, skins removed, retoasted, mixed in the stomach and small intestine and reach
with an equal weight of sugar and some the colon intact. They are then selectively
water, caramelized to a rich golden brown, metabolized by the so-called beneficial
allowed to cool and broken down to a coarse bacteria, bifido bacteria and lacto bacilli.
powder Now being added to foods as a selling point

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pressure-temperature relationship

although they are of no use without the untinned copper, now usually aluminium or
presence of these bacteria and increase stainless steel. Used for making jam and
flatulence. marmalade.
precio fijo, a Spain Fixed-price preserving sugar A refined white sugar in
precio fijo, a preserving sugar

precipitated chalk See calcium carbonate

precipitated chalk

large crystals used for jam-making,

preço fixo, a Portugal Fixed-price
preço fixo, a
supposed to minimize scum formation and
pre-cook, to To cook one or more ingredients
pre-cook, to
reduce caramelization when being dissolved
press, to 1. To shape food, usually meat but
press, to

in advance of their use in another dish, e.g.

a duxelle, or of their assembly into a finished sometimes fruit, by compacting it in a bowl or
dish, e.g. for a salad basin with a weight so that when turned out
precooked rice Rice that had been
precooked rice
it forms a solid mass which can be easily
completely cooked then dehydrated. Also sliced 2. To squeeze juice out of fruit 3. To
called quick-cooking rice, instant rice squeeze milk curds so as to remove excess
Preiselbeere Germany Cranberry
whey thus making a harder cheese
Pressburger Beugel Austria A rich pastry
Pressburger Beugel

prepared mustard Various mustard seeds

prepared mustard

finely or coarsely ground and mixed with a with a ground walnut filling
pressé(e) France Pressed

selection of vinegars, spices, herbs and

préssec Catalonia Peach

seasoning for use as a condiment or as a

pressed bean curd Bean curd wrapped in
pressed bean curd

flavouring for other dishes

pré-salé France Lamb or sheep raised on salt
cheese cloth and pressed to reduce the
marshes water and increase the solids content. Used
presame Italy Rennet
as a cheese substitute.
pressed caviar See payousnaya
pressed caviar

preservation See food preservation science


pressed duck Deboned duck with wing and

pressed duck

preservative Any substance added to food


capable of inhibiting, retarding or arresting drumstick bones left in, seasoned with salt
the growth of microorganisms or of any and spices, pressed flat and dried. Used as
deterioration of food caused by a flavouring agent in Chinese cooking. Also
microorganisms or capable of masking the called dried duck
pressgurka Sweden Cucumber salad or relish

evidence of any such deterioration.

Traditional preservatives included salt, sugar, Presskopf Austria, Germany A sausage

saltpetre, acids or alcohol. Numbers of similar to the German Presswurst but with
synthetic substances and derivatives of larger pieces of meat
natural substances are also used. These are press-sylta Sweden Brawn

identified by E numbers between 200 and pressure-cook, to To cook food in the

pressure-cook, to

299. presence of water or steam in a pressure

preserve A jam or marmalade preserved by

cooker at a temperature above the normal

cooking or boiling the fruit with a high boiling point of water by allowing the
concentration of sugar pressure to rise to some predetermined
preserve, to To make food suitable for long
preserve, to

value. Food cooks much quicker than

term storage by preventing growth of normal under these conditions.
microorganisms or enzyme attack using a pressure cooker A vessel which can be
pressure cooker

variety of techniques such as freezing, completely sealed with a tight fitting lid, fitted
canning, bottling, drying, curing, salting, with a pressure regulator and a pressure
pickling, fermenting or preserving with sugar, relief valve so that when heated with water
chemical preservatives or alcohol inside, the internal pressure rises to some
preserved fruit See candied fruit
preserved fruit

predetermined value above atmospheric

preserved ginger Ginger rhizomes from pressure with a consequent increase in
preserved ginger

young plants, skinned, soaked in brine for temperature above the normal boiling point.
several days, refreshed in water, boiled in See also pressure-temperature relationship
water then in sugar syrup. Used for pressure fryer A deep-fryer with a sealed lid
pressure fryer

decoration of cakes, in jam and as a which holds steam under pressure over the
sweetmeat. surface of the hot fat, thereby reducing the
preserves United States Large pieces of fruit cooking time. Similar in action to a pressure

or whole fruit preserved in a heavy sugar cooker.

syrup which may be slightly jellied with pressure-temperature relationship The
pressure-temperature relationship

pectin boiling point of water depends on the

preserving pan A large deep, wide pan with
preserving pan

pressure exerted on its surface and is 100°C

outwardly sloping sides, a thick base and a at sea level in an open vessel. This rises to
large handle, once made of brass or 120.5°C at a pressure of 15 psi (pounds per

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square inch, equivalent to 1 bar) above prik leung A mild yellow chilli
prik leung

atmospheric pressure and decreases by prik pon Thailand Red chilli powder
prik pon

approximately 2.7°C for every 1000 m above prik thai Thailand Peppercorn
prik thai

sea level.
prik yuah Thailand Sweet pepper
prik yuah

presswurst Hungary The Hungarian version


prik yuak Thailand Medium to large, green to

prik yuak

of the German Presswurst made from pigs’

red mild chillies, usually stuffed and fried
trotters, neck and head boiled with onions,
prima colazione Italy Breakfast
prima colazione

garlic, seasoning, bay, marjoram and

primavera Italy A garnish of raw or blanched

paprika, bones removed and when cool pigs’

blood added, filled into casings simmered for spring vegetables
2 hours and pressed under a weight prime beef United States The best quality
prime beef

Presswurst Germany A pig’s stomach loosely

beef from young specially fed cattle. It is
filled with a mixture of diced pickled pork tender, with an excellent flavour and texture
shoulder, pigs’ head meat and salted pigs’ and is well marbled and usually well hung.
prime cut A top-quality cut of meat or fish
prime cut

tongue, salted pork rind, calves’ feet and

chopped shallots, all chopped until primer plat Catalonia Main course of a meal
primer plat

individual pieces are no bigger than a pea, primeurs France Early forced fruit and

bound with meat glaze, seasoned and vegetables. Also used as an adjective
flavoured with nutmeg and coriander, especially of wines.
simmered for up to 2 hours and pressed in a
primizie Italy First early vegetables

mould until cool

Primost Scandinavia A soft form of Gjetöst

presunto Portugal Smoked ham


Primula veris Botanical name Cowslip

presunto de lamego Portugal Salted, smoked
presunto de lamego

Prince Albert pudding England A Victoria

Prince Albert pudding

and air-dried ham made from pigs fed on

sponge sandwich mixture in which half the
acorns from the cork oak forests
flour may be replaced by breadcrumbs,
présure France Rennet

steamed in a basin lined with precooked

prêtre France Smelt

pretzel A glossy brittle non-sweet snack

Prince Jean Belgium A soft surface-ripened

Prince Jean

biscuit sprinkled with coarse salt resembling cows’ milk cheese made in the shape of a
a capital B, figure of 8 or lover’s knot. Made cylinder (up to 450 g) with an even-textured
by poaching the shaped dough then baking aromatic paste
it hard in the oven. Also called bretzel, salt princesse, à la France In the princess’s style,
princesse, à la

stick i.e. garnished with asparagus tips and

preziosini al pomodoro Italy Fried bread
preziosini al pomodoro

truffles or noisette potatoes, and sometimes

dumplings with cheese and tomato sauce with béchamel sauce
prezzemolo Italy Parsley

pringar Spain To baste or sprinkle with liquid


prezzo fisso Italy Fixed price

prezzo fisso

pringue Spain Dripping


prickly cockle A variety of cockle,

prickly cockle

prinskorv Sweden Small sausages


Acanthocardia echinata, with raised printanière, à la France In a spring-like

printanière, à la

projections on the shell fashion, i.e. garnished with a mixture of

prickly custard apple Sour sop
prickly custard apple

spring vegetables coated with melted butter

prickly pear A small greenish-orange fruit
prickly pear

Printen Germany Honey biscuits with nuts


from a large cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica, prix fixe France A fixed-price menu
prix fixe

shaped like a 4 to 7 cm long flattened pear.

probecho Spain See violet 2

The sweet juicy flesh contains edible seeds

probiotics A rather vague name sometimes

which become hard on cooking. It should be

handled with leather gloves when skinning used for functional foods but more often for
although they can be bought with the spines the various beneficial bacteria which
removed. Also called barbary pear, cactus hopefully grow in the colon and crowd out
pear, Indian pear, Indian fig, tuna fig the more hostile ones. Typical are
prik Thailand Chilli pepper
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum
longum, which can be obtained in capsule
prik bod Chilli paste
prik bod

form or in various yoghurt-type foods.

prik chee far Thailand Cayenne pepper
prik chee far

process, to To grind to a fine or coarse

process, to

prik khee noo Thailand Bird’s eye chilli

prik khee noo

consistency in a food processor

prik khee noo kaset Thailand Serrano chilli
prik khee noo kaset

processed cheese Fairly bland cheese

processed cheese

prik khee noo luang Thailand A small very

prik khee noo luang

compounded with flavourings, emulsifiers,

hot chilli preservatives, extenders and stabilizers, then
prik khee noo suan Thailand Bird’s eye chilli
prik khee noo suan

formed into blocks, portions, wedges, slices,

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etc. or filled into squeezy tubes or sausage protease A specialized group of enzymes

casings which attack the peptide links (i.e. between

processed peas Marrowfat peas, cooked in the amino acids) in proteins causing a variety
processed peas

their cans and coloured a particularly bright of changes including complete digestion of
green proteins to amino acids. Used in brewing,
profiterole England, France A light cake filled
baking, cheese making and for flavour
with cream or custard usually served with enhancement and meat tenderization.
protein Long chains of amino acids which

chocolate sauce, now restricted to choux

pastry balls about 3 to 5 cm diameter with arrange themselves in many different
the centre hollow filled with whipped cream, shapes, some for use as muscle fibres,
Chantilly cream, ice cream or crème others to act as structural building blocks of
pâtissière body tissue and others as the enzymes
profumata, alla Italy Flavoured with
profumata, alla
which mediate most body processes. Of the
prolamin One of the proteins in seeds and
20 amino acids required 8 (9 in the case of
grains. It is soluble in the water-ethanol infants) cannot be synthesized by the body
mixtures formed during dough proving and and must be supplied in the diet. These are
affects the texture of wheat dough during known as essential amino acids. Proteins in
proving and baking. food are broken down into amino acids in the
gut, these are absorbed into the blood and
proof cabinet A controlled temperature and
proof cabinet

reassembled as required or burnt to provide

humidity enclosure, used for proving baked
protein bodies These are roughly spherical
protein bodies

propan-1,2-diol A solvent used for food


structures consisting of protein encapsulated

colours and flavourings. Also called
propylene glycol in a membrane which occur in all seeds
including cereals. They cannot be broken
propan-1,2-diol alginate E405, an ester of
propan-1,2-diol alginate

mechanically but water causes them to swell

alginic acid which is partially soluble in fats and break open, this being the process
propan-2-ol See isopropyl alcohol

occurring in germination and also in dough

proprionates Salts of proprionic acid used as

production. See also gluten, glutenin, gliadin,

flour improvers and food preservatives. The prolamin, lectins
sodium- E281, calcium- E282 and proteolytic enzyme See protease
proteolytic enzyme

potassium proprionates E283 are used.

protose steak United States A type of
protose steak

Proprionibacterium A genus of
textured vegetable protein made to resemble
microorganisms associated with the ripening
of Swiss cheese and the development of the
prove, to 1. To allow a yeast dough to rise both
prove, to

before and after shaping. Even rising
proprionic acid E280, a simple fatty acid
proprionic acid

depends on the incorporation and dispersion

which occurs naturally in dairy products,
of the correct amount of air in the dough by
now synthesized for use as a flour improver
the mixing and kneading processes. 2. To
and preservative
heat a new frying pan to a high temperature
propylene glycol See propan-1,2-diol
propylene glycol

with oil or salt prior to using it so as to fill in

prosciutto Italy Fresh uncooked ham

minute imperfections in the surface. This

preserved by curing and/or air-drying. prevents certain mixtures containing eggs or
Usually served in very thin slices as other proteins from sticking to it. Such pans
antipasto. should not be washed in detergents.
prosciutto cotto Italy Cooked ham often
prosciutto cotto

provençale, (à la) France In the Provence


boned and pressed into shape style, i.e. with olive oil, garlic, olives and
prosciutto crudo Italy Raw smoked ham
prosciutto crudo

tomatoes, and sometimes mushrooms or

prosciutto di montagna Italy A type of Parma anchovies
prosciutto di montagna

ham but with a more powerful flavour and provençale, sauce France A fondue of
provençale, sauce

darker colour concassée tomatoes fried briefly in hot oil

prosciutto di Parma Italy Parma ham then cooked very slowly in a covered pan
prosciutto di Parma

proso Common millet

with crushed garlic, chopped parsley,
Prosopis glandulosa Botanical name seasoning and a little sugar
provision, to To purchase or acquire all the
provision, to

Mesquite bean
Prosopis juliflora Botanical name Mesquite foods necessary for a particular task, usually
bean for a voyage or expedition
prostokvash Russia Milk soured at around provisions 1. Foodstuffs acquired for use or
prostokvash provisions

30°C storage 2. Caribbean A general name for

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provitamin A

edible tubers such as eddoes, dasheen and Prunus insititia Botanical name Damson,
cassava or starchy fruit and vegetables, i.e. gage, mirabelle and bullace
main carbohydrate sources Prunus mahaleb Botanical name Mahlab
provitamin A See carotenes Prunus pennsylvanica Botanical name Bird
provitamin A

Provola Italy A soft spun-curd cheese made


with buffalo or cows’ milk in the same way as Prunus persica Botanical name Peach
Mozzarella but ending up rather more firm. It Prunus persica var. nectarina Botanical
is formed into 500 g pear shapes and a string name Nectarine
tied around the top leaves a small sphere Prunus salicina Botanical name Japanese or
where the stalk of the pear would be. salicine plum
Provolone Italy A hard, scalded and spun- Prunus spinosa Botanical name Sloe

curd smooth-textured, pale yellow cheese Prunus triflora Botanical name Japanese or
made from unpasteurized cows’ milk. It is salicine plum
started with fermented whey and rennet and Prunus virginiana Botanical name
the curd is warmed and washed to reduce Chokecherry
calcium which makes it more pliable. It is psarassoupa Greece A thick fish soup made

then cheddared and drained, moulded by

from fish stock simmered for 30 minutes
hand into a variety of shapes, cooled, brined with sliced onions, celery, carrots, potato and
and ripened at high humidity and strung in
garlic all sweated in olive oil, plus tomato
pairs when moulds develop on the surface. It
concassée and bay leaf. Skinned boned and
is brushed and washed before sale. Used for portioned white fish (about 1:2 on the
dessert and cooking, as it matures the
original stock) and white wine added,
flavour increases in intensity. The mature simmered 10 minutes then seasoned and
form contains 33% water, 35% fat, 28%
finished with lemon juice and simmered a
protein and 4% salt.
further 2 minutes. Served with chopped
Provolone affumicato Italy A smoked
Provolone affumicato

parsley. Also called kakavia

Provolone cheese
psari Greece Fish

Provolone piccante Italy A type of grating

Provolone piccante

pshennaya kasha Russia A porridge made

pshennaya kasha

provolone in which the milk is coagulated

with kid’s rennet and the cheese is left to from millet and milk with salt and sugar
mature for up to 2 years when it becomes Psidium guajava Botanical name Guava
psiti crema Greece A baked custard made
psiti crema

dark, hard and strong

prugna Italy Plum

from plain yoghurt, sugar and egg yolks

prugna secca Italy Prune
prugna secca
(15:3:2) flavoured with cinnamon. The
prugna selvatica Italy Sloe
prugna selvatica
yoghurt is whisked into the creamed egg and
sugar and all cooked in a bain-marie.
prugnolo Italy Sloe

psito arni Greece Roast lamb

psito arni

prugnuoli Italy Saint George’s mushrooms


pruim Netherlands Plum

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Botanical
name Goa bean
prune 1. A whole plum with or without the

ptaquiloside The compound in bracken,


stone dried to a black colour 2. France Plum

pruneau France Prune
Pteridium aquilinum, which is broken down
in the body into dienone, a potent
prune d’Agen France One of the best French
prune d’Agen

carcinogen. This may explain the high

plums, used for making prunes
incidence of throat cancer amongst the
prune de Damas France Damson
prune de Damas

Japanese who eat bracken shoots.

prunelle France Sloe

ptarmigan A small rarely seen wild bird,


Prunus armeniaca Botanical name Apricot

Lagopus mutus, of the grouse family from
Prunus avium Botanical name Sweet cherry northern Europe and North America, which
Prunus cerasifera Botanical name Cherry goes white in winter. It is generally cooked in
the same way as grouse. Shooting season
Prunus cerasus Botanical name Acid or sour 12th of August to the 10th of December.
Hanging time 2 to 4 days. Also called willow
Prunus communis var. sativa Botanical partridge, rock partridge, mountain grouse
name Pear
puak Thailand Taro

Prunus domestica Botanical name Plum and

gage Pucheria campechiana Botanical name
Prunus dulcis var. amara Botanical name Canistel
puchero 1. Spain Olla podrida 2. Argentina An

Bitter almond
Prunus dulcis var. dulcis Botanical name olla podrida containing diced pumpkin and
Sweet almond quarters of corn on the cob

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puchero argentina Argentina A complex stew Puffer Germany 1. Fritter 2. Potato pancake
puchero argentina Puffer

of cubed brisket of beef, lamb’s and pig’s puffer fish A yellow and black fish, Fugu
puffer fish

heads, portioned chicken and chick peas, rubripes, with a white underside whose raw
simmered slowly with diced bacon, chorizo flesh is prized by Japanese gourmands for
sausage, cabbage, potatoes, rice and use in sashimi. It contains a powerful toxin
tomatoes added towards the end which kills several consumers each year. See
puchero mexicana Mexico A one-pot meal of
puchero mexicana

also fugu
beef, veal, pickled pork and goose giblets puff pastry Pastry made from 700 to 1500
puff pastry

cooked in plenty of water with carrots, interleaved layers of a very short flour dough
turnips, onions, Hamburg parsley and chick and fat formed by rolling out a rectangular
peas in a special earthenware pot and served layer of the short flour dough, coating or
as both soup and main course sandwiching with fat, folding in 3 (3-fold
puddenskins England A Cornish sausage of

turn) or folding the ends to the centre and

slightly salted pork, potatoes, turnips and then together like a book (book turn),
onions, seasoned and baked in the oven in a rotating a quarter turn and repeating this,
covered dish, chopped and mixed with flour, resting for 20 minutes in the refrigerator
suet, oatmeal and raisins, bound with egg between turns. 5 book folds and 6 3-fold
and filled into large casings, tied and baked turns are required. The fat used must be of
or fried until coloured the same consistency as the dough.
pudding 1. The general term for sweet or Margarine or pastry fat requires a strong

savoury dishes cooked or assembled and set flour, butter a softer flour. The ratio of fat to
in a pudding basin or other type of mould 2. flour in the dough is roughly 1:8 whilst
The general term for hot sweet dishes served overall, the fat flour ratio is 1:1. See also
at the end of a meal 3. The Old English term French puff pastry method, puff pastry, rough
for minced meat or offal and cereal packed puff pastry, virgin pastry
into a casing and boiled. Haggis and black puff pastry fat A high-melting-point fat which
puff pastry fat

pudding are the two common survivors of can be used to make puff pastry in warm
this once common practice. conditions and which will withstand rough
pudding grass Pennyroyal
pudding grass

handling. Usually free of water. If it contains

pudding iz kartofelia i iablok Russia A
pudding iz kartofelia i iablok
water the amount of fat in the puff pastry
Baltic dish of equal parts of mashed potatoes must be increased to give the correct ratio of
mixed with mashed cooking apples sautéed pure fat to flour.
in butter, flavoured with sugar and nutmeg puffs Small cakes or tarts made with a casing

and mixed with a little cream, placed in a of puff pastry filled with jam, custard,
baking dish covered with breadcrumbs and whipped cream, etc.
butter and baked at 200°C until golden puila A sweet bread from Finland flavoured

pudding rice A short-grain rice, chalky when

pudding rice

with cardamom
raw and sticky when cooked. Requires 40 pui la ceaun cu mujdei Romania Roast
pui la ceaun cu mujdei

minutes to cook. chicken served with a sauce made from

pudding spice England An English blend of
pudding spice

chicken stock and garlic

ground spices used in cakes, biscuits and puits d’amour France A small round pastry
puits d’amour

puddings selected from cinnamon, cloves, filled with cream, jelly or fruit (NOTE: Literally
mace, nutmeg, coriander seeds and allspice ‘well of love’.)
pudeena South Asia Mint

pulao South Asia Pilau


pudim Portugal Pudding


pulasan The fruit of a small tree, Nephelium


pudim de nozes Portugal Custard with

pudim de nozes

mutabile, covered with red to yellow warts,

cinnamon and walnuts similar to the lychee and used in the same
pudim de ovos Portugal Caramel custard
pudim de ovos

flavoured with lemon and cinnamon puleggio Italy Penny royal

pudim flan Portugal Crème caramel

pudim flan

puli Indonesia Blade mace


pudim portugués Portugal Orange custard

pudim portugués

pulla Finland A roll or bun especially an


pudín Spain Pudding


enriched and sweetened yeast-raised dough

pudina ki patti South Asia Mint
pudina ki patti

formed into a braid or plats before proving

puerco Spain Pig or pork

pullan Ireland A white-fleshed fish, Coregonus


puerro Spain Leek lavaretus, similar to vendace found in


puffball An edible pear-shaped or spherical

freshwater lakes especially in Ireland. Also
fungus of two distinct types called the called white fish
pullao South Asia Pilau

common puffball and the giant puffball

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pulled bread

pulled bread United States Freshly baked pumpkin pie United States A dessert served
pulled bread pumpkin pie

bread with its crust removed with whipped cream consisting of a cooked
pullet A young hen or laying fowl
pumpkin or squash purée mixed with eggs,
pullet eggs The small eggs laid by pullets
pullet eggs
sugar, cream, black treacle or molasses and
when they first start to lay. Not normally sold spices, baked in a precooked open pastry
through other than producer outlets. case until set
pumpkin seeds Large flat green seeds from
pumpkin seeds

pulp 1. The soft, somewhat formless, interior


of a fruit or vegetable 2. A thick or coarse pumpkins and squashes eaten raw or

purée of fruit or vegetables 3. The residue of cooked, in sweet or savoury dishes or as a
cooked or uncooked fruit or vegetables after snack food. Can be sprouted.
punajuuri Finland Beetroot

sieving or pressing out the juice. Citrus pulp

is sometimes used in manufactured orange punajuurikeitto Finland Borscht

drinks. punch, to To fold dough in triple or bookfold

punch, to

pulpeta Spain Slice of meat


and literally punch it to expel air

pulpo Spain Octopus or squid punchero Mexico A one-pot meat, bean and
pulpo punchero

pulp wash The liquid containing sugars, acids

pulp wash

vegetable stew. The broth is served first, then

and minerals obtained by washing the pith the meat and vegetables.
and cell walls left when orange juice is Punica granatum Botanical name
separated from whole oranges. It is illegal to Pomegranate
add it to pure orange juice in the UK but not Punkersdorker Germany A strong juicy

in the USA. salami-style sausage

pulse The general name for most dried

punnet A small square, rectangular or oval


leguminous seeds used for their protein basket originally of woven wood or leaves but
content, such as beans, peas, lentils, etc. now plastic or card, used to hold soft fruit,
Pultost Norway A soft cooked-curd naturally mushrooms and the like for sale

curdled cheese made from very low-fat cows’ Punschtorte Germany A rum-flavoured cake

milk. The curds are salted and often punt, al Catalonia Medium cooked (of meat)
punt, al

flavoured with caraway seeds to give a very punta di vitello Italy Breast of veal
punta di vitello

tasty paste. Contains 60% water, 3% fat and

puntarelle Italy A winter salad green with thin

30% protein. Also called knaost, ramost

serrated leaves on long stalks
pummelo The fruit of a tree, Citrus grandis,

puntina Italy Pinch, e.g. of salt


which looks like a large pale green grapefruit

puntine Italy Tiny pasta seeds, smaller than

and has a firm sharp-tasting white or pink

flesh and a very thick skin. It probably semini
puntino, a Italy Medium well done as applied
puntino, a

originated in southern China but is now

grown throughout Southeast Asia. There are to meat
3 main groups: the Thai which is relatively puntitas Paco Alcade Spain An Andalusian
puntitas Paco Alcade

small and of high quality, the Chinese which speciality of beef sautéed with fresh
is medium-sized with a coarse juicy flesh tomatoes, black olives and garlic
and the Indonesian which is the largest and punto, en su Spain Medium-cooked. Used of
punto, en su

is perfectly spherical. They are usually eaten meat steaks, etc. See also à point
by removing a segment and peeling away the
puppadom South Asia Poppadom

walls on two sides. Also called pomelo,

pur chèvre France Cheese made only from
pur chèvre

goats’ milk
pumpa Sweden Pumpkin

purea Italy Purée


pumpernickel A dark brown slightly sticky


puré de patata Spain Mashed potato

puré de patata

dense German-style bread made from

purée England, France 1. A type of soup in

coarse rye flour and steamed for up to 20

hours. Usually eaten in very thin slices. Also which fresh vegetables and pulses are
called black bread simmered in stock with flavouring then
pumpkin The various yellow to orange fruits of
forced through a sieve or liquidized to give a
a vine, Cucurbita pepo, a member of the smooth consistency. Usually served
Cucurbitaceae family native to America. accompanied with croûtons in a separate
Pumpkins are usually used for decoration dish. 2. Any food processed or pounded to a
e.g. jack o’ lantern and Connecticut field smooth consistency, somewhere between
cultivars. Pumpkin pie is usually made from coating and pouring
Püree Germany Purée

squash which have better cooking qualities;

pure olive oil Blended olive oil made by larger
pure olive oil

New England sugar however is a small pie

pumpkin. companies from a mixture of refined oils

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from various sources. Also called 100% pure


puuro Finland Porridge

olive oil Puzol

Puzol Spain A soft ewes’ milk cheese eaten
puri South Asia A deep-fried chapati which very fresh. Contains 61% water, 21% fat and
puffs and swells as it is cooked. Served hot, 18% protein.
often with a hot spicy filling for use as a pwdin cymreig

snack. Also called poori, bhatura, bhatoora

pwdin cymreig Wales Welsh pudding
pwdin eryri


purjo Sweden Leeks pwdin eryri Wales Snowdon pudding

pwdin gwaed

purple basil

purple basil A type of basil from Southeast pwdin gwaed Wales A Welsh black pudding
made of salted fresh pig’s blood mixed with a
Asia with red to purple tinged leaves and red
stalks. The flavour and aroma become little water, allowed to stand overnight,
intense when it is cooked. chopped onions and a little fat coated with
purple granadilla oatmeal, herbs and seasoning added, this
purple granadilla See purple passion fruit then mixed with the blood, all packed into
purple guava

purple guava See strawberry guava hog casings, boiled 30 minutes then dried.
purple laver

purple laver Nori Served sliced and fried.

pwdin gwaed gwyddau

pwdin gwaed gwyddau Wales As pwdin

purple passion fruit

purple passion fruit A large (up to 7.5 cm

diameter) globular fruit, Passiflora edulis, gwaed but using goose blood instead of pig’s
with a hard wrinkled purple to black skin blood
containing a deliciously flavoured pyaaj

pyaaj Nepal, South Asia Onion

mucilaginous yellow pulp full of small edible pyechenka

seeds. The pulp is scooped out for eating or pyechenka Russia Pechyenka

use in desserts, or it may be sieved to use as pyechenye Russia Pechenye

a flavouring. Also called maracuya, purple

pyechyen-grill See pechyen-grill

granadilla pyechyen kur v madere

purple sage
pyechyen kur v madere See pechyen kur v
purple sage A variety of sage, Salvia officinale madere
‘Purpurascens’, with very strong-flavoured pyin daw thein

pyin daw thein Burma Curry leaf

purple leaves, good for tea pyin tha-leik

purple sprouting broccoli pyin tha-leik Burma Turtle

purple sprouting broccoli See sprouting p’yogo

broccoli p’yogo Korea Shiitake mushroom

pursindah seekhi

pursindah seekhi South Asia An elaborate pyramide France A soft surface-ripened goats
way of skewering lamb fillet by first trimming milk cheese with a sweet flavour which
it to a block 75 mm long by 60 mm wide by becomes stronger as it ripens. It is formed in
20 mm deep. The block is then cut once the shape of a truncated pyramid and
from either end into a 6 to 7 mm thickness sometimes coated with ashes to dry it out.
without completely finishing the cut so as to pyrethrum

pyrethrum A nontoxic pesticide made from

form a long strip roughly 210 by 60 by 7mm. dried pyrethrum flowers that can be used
This strip is pierced along its length in a near food
series of S curves with a greased skewer then pyridoxal

grilled, with flavourings added either before pyridoxal See vitamin B6


or after cooking. pyridoxamine See vitamin B6


pyridoxine See vitamin B6


purslane A plant of two distinct types, summer

purslane which is a half-hardy annual and pyridoxol

pyridoxol See vitamin B6

winter purslane which is fully hardy pyroligneous acid

pusit calmar
pyroligneous acid A yellow liquid obtained by
pusit calmar Philippines Squid condensing the vapours obtained by heating
puso no saging

puso no saging Philippines Banana flower sawdust in a closed metal retort. Used to
pu tao

pu tao China Grapes impart a smoky flavour to some foods.

pu tao gan Pyrus communis Botanical name Pear tree
pu tao gan China Raisins
pu tao jiu
Pyrus pyrofolia Botanical name Asian pear
pu tao jiu China Wine made from grapes Pyrus ussuriensis Botanical name Asian

putcha A Jewish appetizer made from calf’s pear

foot jelly. See also petcha pytt i panna

pytt i panna Sweden Fried cubes of potato,


Pute Germany Hen turkey ham and beef, mixed with fried onions and

Puter Germany Cock turkey chopped parsley, the whole topped with a
puttanesca, alla

puttanesca, alla Italy In the style of the harlot, raw egg yolk which is stirred into the mixture
i.e. with tomatoes, garlic, capers, olives and at the table. Also called Swedish hash

anchovies pyy Finland Hazel hen

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qâlat daqqa Middle East, North Africa An quaietta Italy A dish from Turin of veal cutlets
qâlat daqqa quaietta

Arabian spice blend of ground black stuffed with meat, cheese and truffles
peppercorns, cloves, grains of paradise, quail A small game bird, Coturnix coturnix,

nutmeg and cinnamon used in vegetable now protected in the wild but farmed for
dishes and with lamb table use. The English version is usually
qa tagine North Africa A deep copper dish in more tasteless than the French which has a
qa tagine

which a tagine is served at the table so as to yellow flesh from being corn-fed. Usually
protect the table’s surface barded and roasted at 220°C for 25 minutes
qataif Middle East A pancake made from

and served one per person on buttered toast

flour, water and yeast, dipped after cooking garnished with watercress.
in lemon-flavoured syrup scented with quails’ eggs Small eggs regarded as a
quails’ eggs

orange flower water. Can be stuffed, folded delicacy, boiled for 1 minute or hard-boiled
and deep-fried. and served with a dip as an appetizer or used
qawwrama Middle East Lebanese preserved

as a garnish for cold buffets

meat made from the rendered fat of specially quaking custard United States A New
quaking custard

fattened sheep in which cubes of lean England demoulded egg custard garnished
mutton which have been pressed to remove with egg white which tends to shake easily on
moisture are fried and the fried meat and fat the plate
to cover, packed in earthenware pots. Will qualheim cutter United States A type of
qualheim cutter

keep for several months. mandolin that also dices food

quadrello Italy Rack of lamb or loin of pork

quandong fruit Australia One of the best

quandong fruit

quadretti di riso alla piemontese Italy Rice known wild fruits of the continent, Santalum
quadretti di riso alla piemontese

fritters with meat sauce and cheese acuminatum, now grown in considerable
quadrucci Italy Small squares of egg pasta

commercial quantities. It is bright red, mildly

used in soups tart and the flavour is a mixture of apricot and
quaggiaridda Italy A mixture of sheep’s offal,
peach with a touch of cinnamon. It is used in
sausage and cheese wrapped in a pig’s caul sauces, desserts etc. The seed kernels are
and baked toxic unless roasted to a light chocolate
quaglia Italy Quail
colour. Also called native peach
quarg See quark

quaglie alla borghese Italy Quails wrapped

quaglie alla borghese

quark, Quark Central Europe, England,


in vine leaves and roasted on a bed of puréed

peas and lettuce Germany A soft, slightly sour, curd cheese
quaglie rincartate Italy An Umbrian dish of
quaglie rincartate
sometimes flavoured with fruit or herbs,
quails wrapped in bread dough and baked made from skimmed, whole or buttermilk
quagliette Italy Cabbage rolls and similar
quagliette possibly with added cream. Eaten as a
dessert. Contains 70 to 80% water, and less
quagliette di vitello Italy Paupiettes of veal
quagliette di vitello

than 3 % fat. Also called kvarg, quarg,

stuffed with ham and grilled on a skewer
Buttermilchquark, Labquark, Speisequark
quahog clam An Atlantic Ocean clam,
quahog clam

Quarkklösse Germany Dumplings made with


Mercenaria mercenaria, up to about 13 cm

in diameter with a dull grey to brown exterior
Quarktorte Germany A type of cheesecake

and purple interior shell. Eaten raw or

cooked. Also called hard clam, hard shell with a short pastry base. The filling is
clam, hard-neck clam, cherrystone strained quark creamed with butter, sugar
and egg yolk flavoured with lemon zest and

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queijo Minas curado

cinnamon and with currants and stiffly queen of puddings England Bread or cake
queen of puddings

beaten egg whites folded in. The base and crumbs covered with a sweetened and
fillings are baked in a very slow oven and flavoured egg custard mixture baked in the
served cold dusted with icing sugar. oven in a bain-marie until set, cooled, spread
quart 1. 2 pints in either imperial or USA

with warmed jam or fruit, topped with a

volume measure 2. France A quarter, one meringue mixture and browned in the oven
queen scallop A small variety of scallop,
queen scallop

fourth part
quarter A volume measure equal to 8 bushels
Pecten opercularis or Chlamys opercularis,
or 64 gallons in either imperial or USA with an almost circular shell up to 10 cm
measure diameter and a vivid red roe. Found in
quarter of meat See forequarter
quarter of meat
deeper waters than the great scallop. The
flesh weighs about 12 g. Also called queenie,
quartier France Fore or hindquarter of an

quin scallop
animal carcass
Queensland nut Macadamia nut
Queensland nut

Quartirolo Italy A soft, cows’ milk cheese


Queensland school mackerel Australia An

Queensland school mackerel

similar to Taleggio made with a lactic starter important commercial fish, the school
and having a distinctive mushroom flavour mackerel, Cybium queenslandicus, makes
quarto Italy 1. A quarter, one fourth part 2.

excellent eating. It can grow to 8 kg but is

Leg, haunch or hindquarter of meat generally available at between 1 and 3 kg. It
quasi France The top of the leg of veal cut

is green on top and silver below and its

from the English cushion and undercushion alternative name, blotched mackerel, refers
and the rear of the loin to the several rows of light grey blotches
quasi de veau bourgeoise France Boneless
quasi de veau bourgeoise
along the sides. Also called blotched
quasi of veal casseroled with pork, calf’s foot mackerel (NOTE: Not to be confused with the
and vegetables common mackerel, Scomber australasicus,
quassia A bitter flavouring extracted from the
which rarely weighs more than 800 g in
wood and bark of a South American tree,
queen snapper Australia Morwong
queen snapper

Quassia amara, or West-Indian tree,

queijadas de sintra Portugal Unsweetened
queijadas de sintra

Pacrasma excelsa, mainly used for drinks

and tonics patties made with eggs, almonds and cheese
Quassia amara Botanical name Quassia served with French beans
queijo Portugal Cheese

quatre-épices France The classic French


queijo arreganhado Portugal A mild and

queijo arreganhado

spice blend used in charcuterie and stews,

consisting of 5 parts black peppercorns, 2 mellow cheese made from the first milk
parts nutmeg, 1 part cloves and 1 part dried drawn from the ewe which doesn’t contain
ginger ground to a fine powder. Cinnamon is much fat
queijo da Ilha Portugal A hard cows’ milk
queijo da Ilha

substituted for black pepper if used in sweet

dishes and the proportions vary from place to cheese from the Azores resembling a mature
place. Cheddar, used mainly for cooking. Also
quatre-quarts France The French version of
called queijo da Terra
queijo da Serra Portugal The famous semi-
queijo da Serra

pound cake
quattro spezie Italy A spice mix of pepper,
quattro spezie
hard high-fat cheese made from the milk of
nutmeg, juniper and cloves (NOTE: Literally ewes pastured on the high meadows of the
‘four spices’.) north East. It resembles a well-flavoured Brie
and is eaten either runny or ripened until firm
quattro stagioni Italy 1. A butterhead lettuce
quattro stagioni

and pungent. Its origin and method of

with dimpled soft and glossy leaves tipped
production are controlled by the
with red 2. A type of pizza in which the four
government. Also called Serra
quarters have different additions to the
queijo da Terra Portugal Queijo da Ilha
queijo da Terra

tomato and cheese base to represent the

queijo do ceu Portugal A cheese dessert
queijo do ceu

four seasons
queijo Minas Brazil A white scalded-curd
queijo Minas

quay Vietnam Roast


cheese made from cows’ milk eaten fresh as

que Vietnam A type of mint

a dessert or allowed to mature and become

queen cake A small individual cake made
queen cake

from the basic cake mixture using the queijo Minas curado Brazil The mature,
queijo Minas curado

creaming method with a final addition of semi-hard version of Minas with a thin rind
washed and dried mixed dried vine fruits
and paste containing scattered holes.
queen crab See snow crab
queen crab

Contains 45% water, 20% fat and 28%

queenie Queen scallop


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queijo Minas frescal

queijo Minas frescal Brazil A soft fresh cows’ a seasoned mixture of eggs and milk and/or
queijo Minas frescal

milk cheese with a pleasant acid taste. cream, possibly gratinated and/or decorated,
Contains 60% water, 16% fat and 17% then baked in the oven at 200 to 230°C until
protein. Also called Mineiro Frescal cooked and browned
queijos frescos Portugal Fresh cheeses quiche dish A shallow (about 3 cm deep),
queijos frescos quiche dish

made from ewes’ or goats’ milk sometimes round, glazed ceramic dish used for cooking
allowed to ripen quiches
quemada Mexico Milk which has been boiled

quiche lorraine England, France A quiche

quiche lorraine

until it turns a caramel colour made with a filling of chopped ham or bacon
quenelle England, France Fish, meat or

and grated cheese or slices of Gruyère

poultry meat processed to a very fine quick bread United States Bread made with
quick bread

forcemeat, bound with eggs or fat, shaped chemical raising agents

with two spoons into small round or oval
quick cooking rice See precooked rice
quick cooking rice

dumplings and poached in a cooking liquor.

quick freeze, to To freeze food so that it
quick freeze, to

Served as a garnish or as a main course with

a sauce. spends a minimum of time between 0°C and
–4°C, the region where ice crystals would, if
quenelles de brochet France Quenelles or
quenelles de brochet

dumplings made with the flesh of pike given the time, grow to such a size as to
rupture cell walls releasing their contents on
quente Portugal Warm, hot

thawing. Usually done by blasting with

quesillo Caribbean Crème caramel from

liquefied gases. Quick frozen food is usually

Dominica stored at around – 30°C.
queso Spain Cheese

quiejo do Reino Brazil A cows’ or goats’ milk

quiejo do Reino

queso blanco South America A soft cheese

queso blanco

cheese similar to the Portuguese Serra

made from cows’ milk curdled with acetic cheese
acid, the curds kneaded, pressed and
quiejo Prato Brazil A flat semi-hard Edam-like
quiejo Prato

salted. Eaten fresh or after ripening for up to

cows’ milk cheese with a few small holes and
3 months. Contains 50% water, 19% fat and
a tender rind
25% protein.
quignon France Crust or hunk (of bread)

queso Ciudad Real Spain A smoked goats’

queso Ciudad Real

quill Cinnamon bark rolled up into a cigar-like


milk cheese
queso de bola Spain A round ball-shaped
queso de bola
quillaia The compound extracted from the

Dutch-style cheese
queso de cabra South America A soft
queso de cabra
bark of the soap bark tree from SA used as a
cylindrical (up to 1 kg) goats’ milk cheese foaming agent in soft drinks. Permitted for
from Chile with a sharp flavour use in the UK.
quillings Small broken pieces of cinnamon

queso de cerdo Spain Brawn made from pig’s

queso de cerdo

head bark often rolled up within larger quills

queso de los Bellos Spain A hard cheese. quince The apple or pear-shaped fruit of a
queso de los Bellos quince

See also Bellos temperate climate bush, Cydonia oblonga,

queso de nata Spain Cream cheese
queso de nata

with a green skin which turns to gold when

queso helado Spain An ice cream brick
queso helado
ripe and is covered by a greyish-white down.
queso manchego Spain A hard sheeps’ milk
queso manchego
The ripe flesh is sweet, juicy and yellow with
cheese a pronounced scent and is always cooked.
Used as apples or made into jam without the
quesong puti Philippines Kesong puti
quesong puti

need of added pectin. They originated in

quetsche France A variety of dark purple

western Asia but are now grown worldwide

plum especially in Uruguay.
queue France 1. Tail, of an animal 2. Handle

quin choy China Winter rape

quin choy

of a pan
quing dou China Fresh soya beans
quing dou

queue de boeuf France Oxtail

queue de boeuf

quing suan China Asian leek

quing suan

queue de boeuf claire France Clear oxtail

queue de boeuf claire

quinoa A tiny golden seed from South


queue de boeuf liée France Thick oxtail soup
queue de boeuf liée
America cultivated since 3000 BC. It is
queues d’écrevisses France Crayfish tails
queues d’écrevisses
rather like rice but has a higher protein
quiche A savoury custard tart made from a
quiche content. Requires 10 to 15 minutes boiling.
shortcrust or puff pastry-lined quiche dish or Can be grown in temperate climates.
quinoline yellow E104, a synthetic yellow
quinoline yellow

flan ring, possibly precooked, filled with

various solid savoury and raw salad or food colouring
quin scallop Queen scallop
quin scallop

vegetable items which are then covered with

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quwarmah ala dajaj

quire of paper England An old English cake beans. It contains about 45% protein and
quire of paper

made from very thin pancakes cooked on 13% fat together with dietary fibre, and after
one side only, sprinkled with sugar and built drying and compounding is used as a high-
up into a cake. The pancake mixture is rich class protein in vegetarian meals, both made
in eggs, cream and melted butter and up and home cooked.
flavoured with sherry, rose water and quroot

quroot Central Asia Yoghurt or sour milk

nutmeg. drained and dried to form a cheese-like
quisquilla Spain Shrimp

substance which can be stored. It is usually

quisquilla gris Spain Brown shrimp
quisquilla gris

reconstituted with water and used as a base

Quitte Germany Quince

for sauces.
Quittengelee Germany Quince jam
Quittengelee quwarmah ala dajaj

quwarmah ala dajaj Persian Gulf A lightly

quorn The thread-like mycelium of a fungus curried chicken flavoured with garlic, fresh

grown industrially in a medium made ginger root, a little chilli powder, turmeric and
principally from the starch content of field loomi powder

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rã Portugal Frog finished with cream and rachel, à la France In Rachel’s style, i.e.
rã rachel, à la

chopped dill steaks garnished with artichokes, bone

rabaçal Portugal A mild, white and soft curd
marrow and parsley
cheese made from a mixture of ewes’ and racine France Root vegetable

goats’ milk. Eaten young but the taste ració Catalonia A large tapas, almost sufficient

intensifies as it ripens. Often cured in the for a meal

rack of lamb One half of the vertebrae and
rack of lamb

rabadi South Asia Condensed milk


first six rib bones counting from the rear end

rabanadas Portugal A dessert made from

of the lamb equivalent to the best end.

sweetened fried bread Usually chined, skinned and roasted.
rabanete Portugal See radish

raclette Switzerland 1. An unpasteurized


rábano Spain Radish


cows’ milk cheese similar to Gruyère and

rábano picante Spain Horseradish
rábano picante

made in small rounds. See also Valais

rabarbaro Italy Rhubarb

raclette 2. A dish made by halving a raclette

rabarber Denmark, Sweden Rhubarb cheese, toasting it in front of the fire or

rabarbra Norway Rhubarb


grilling it and serving the molten centre with

rabbit A small furry burrowing game animal,
boiled potatoes and pickles
Oryctolagus caniculus, of the hare family radappertization The production of food free

sometimes farmed and weighing when from spoilage microorganisms using ionizing
dressed around 1.2 kg to 4 kg for some of the radiation
farmed animals. The farmed animal’s flesh radicchio Red chicory

resembles chicken, the wild animals are radici Italy Radishes


more gamey but this may be reduced by

radicidation The elimination of pathogens in

soaking in salted water and briefly blanching.

They are not hung. Cooked in any way, food using ionizing radiation
Radieschen Germany Radishes

traditionally served with onion sauce.

rabbit-eye blueberry See blueberry radijs Netherlands Radish
rabbit-eye blueberry radijs

rabbit Latrobe Australia Marinated pieces of radis France Radish, radishes

rabbit Latrobe radis

rabbit stewed in a sour cream sauce radish The root of a plant, Raphanus sativus

rabbit sausage England Meat from cooked

rabbit sausage

and R. sativus Longipinnus Group, of the

rabbit, shredded and mixed with one third its mustard family grown in many forms and
weight of coarsely chopped bacon, colours from 1 cm diameter spheres to 30
seasoned, flavoured with ground cloves and cm long carrot-like roots and with colours
mace, packed into casings and boiled or from white through red to black. The crisp
fried. Eaten hot or cold. white flesh has a slightly peppery flavour of
råbiff Sweden Raw beef, steak tartare

varying degrees of strength. Generally used

râble France Saddle of hare or rabbit raw in salads and for decoration in many

rabo de buey Spain Oxtail

rabo de buey
sculpted shapes. The larger varieties, e.g.
rabotte France An apple cooked in pastry as a
mooli, may be eaten raw, cooked or pickled.
dessert (NOTE: From Champagne) The young leaves are also edible.
radis noir France Horseradish
radis noir

raccoon United States A small furry


carnivorous animal sometimes used in Cajun radisor Sweden Radish


cuisine radisser Italy Radishes


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rådjurssadel Sweden Roasted saddle of raie France Ray or skate, the fish
rådjurssadel raie

venison raie blanche France White skate

raie blanche

rådjursstek Sweden Venison steak


raie bouclée France Thornback ray

raie bouclée

radurization The reduction of the content of


raifort France Horseradish


spoilage organisms in perishable food using raifort, sauce France Horseradish sauce
raifort, sauce

ionizing radiation
raïm Catalonia Grape

rådyr Norway Venison


rainbow sardine A small fish, Dussumiera

rainbow sardine

rafano Italy Radish


acuta, similar to the sardine. It is fished off

rafano tedesco Italy Horseradish
rafano tedesco

the southwest coast of India and canned in

raffreddato Italy Chilled

the same way.

rafinat France A refined product

rainbow smelt See smelt

rainbow smelt

rafraîchi(e) France Refreshed or chilled, the


rainbow trout A generally freshwater trout,

rainbow trout

past participle of rafraîchir, ‘to refresh or cool Salmo gairdneri, occasionally found in the
down’ sea, with a silvery green back, banded with
ragee See ragi

pink and weighing about 500 g, now usually

raggee See ragi

farmed. The flesh may be white or pink

raggmunkar Sweden Potato (pan)cakes depending upon the diet. Grilled, poached,

raggy See ragi

shallow-fried or baked en papillote.
Rainfarn Germany Tansy

ragi 1. The seeds of an East Indian grass,


rainforest oysters Australia Avocado flesh,

rainforest oysters

Eleusine caracana, used as a cereal grain in

Africa and India and used for bread and lemon aspen juice, and salt processed to a
beer. Also called ragee, raggee, raggy, finger fine purée, piped onto shucked oysters and
millet 2. Southeast Asia A rice cake, widely garnished with an edible flower
sold as street food Rainha Claudia Portugal A type of greengage.
Rainha Claudia

ragno di mare Italy Spider crab

ragno di mare

See also reine-claude

ragoo England An English spelling of ragoût, raise, to To lighten baked doughs and cake
ragoo raise, to

used of a rich meat and vegetable casserole mixtures by the addition of raising agents or
ragoût France A thick stew with a high by fermentation with yeast prior to cooking

proportion of meat or poultry sometimes raised pie A pie made with a very stiff pastry
raised pie

including offal and sausages (hot-water pastry) which is self-supporting,

Ragoût fin Germany Sweetbreads, brains and will hold the filling without support and can
Ragoût fin

other fine offal cooked with mushrooms in a be moulded by hand sometimes around a tin
cream and wine sauce or more commonly in a fluted oval mould
ragú 1. Italy Ragoût 2. Italy A sauce made
which separates into pieces. Melton
from olive oil, butter, cooked meat and garlic Mowbray pie and pork pie are types of raised
3. Denmark, Norway, Sweden Stew pie.
raisin 1. Dried white grapes made from either

Ragusano Italy A hard, scalded and spun


curd cheese from Sicily made in rectangular the naturally seedless Thompson type or the
blocks (up to 12 kg). It is matured for 3 muscatel grape 2. France Grape
months for dessert use or up to 12 months raising agent Any chemical mixture which
raising agent

for grating. The dessert cheese has a mild liberates carbon dioxide on heating so as to
delicate flavour, the grating cheese which form small bubbles and hence lighten the
had an oiled dark brown rind is sharp and mixture it is in. Bicarbonate of soda and
savoury. baking powder are typical examples.
rahat lokum Turkey A type of Turkish delight raisin oil Oil pressed from the seeds of
rahat lokum raisin oil

mixed with almond slivers, pistachios and Muscat grapes, used to keep raisins soft
hazelnuts after it is cooked but before setting raisins de Corinthe France Currants (the
raisins de Corinthe

Rahm Germany Cream


dried vine fruits)

Rahmfrischkäse Germany A soft fresh

raisins de Smyrne France Sultanas

raisins de Smyrne

cheese made with acid curdled cows’ milk. raisins secs France Raisins
raisins secs

Contains 70% water, 18% fat and 9% raisu Japan Cooked rice served on a plate,

protein. Western-style. See also gohan

Rahmkäse Germany Cream cheese

raita South Asia A combination of chopped


Rahmschnitzel Switzerland Veal escalopes in


vegetables and fruit, usually cucumber,

a cream sauce onion and bananas mixed with thick yoghurt
Rahmsosse Germany Cream sauce

and flavoured with cumin, coriander and

rai South Asia Black mustard seeds

seasoning, served as an accompaniment to

raia blanca Portugal White skate other foods
raia blanca

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rajas Mexico Strips of chilli poblano fried with ursinum, with clusters of white flowers and

onion, potatoes and/or tomatoes and dark-green strap-shaped leaves. The leaves
garnished with melted cheese impart a mild garlic flavour to a mixed-leaf
rajma South Asia Red kidney beans
salad and all parts of the plant can be used
rakkyo Japan Pickled shallots
for flavouring. It is easily grown in the herb
garden. (NOTE: From the Old English
räkor Sweden 1. Prawns 2. Shrimps

hramsan, ‘wild garlic’)

rakørret Norway Salted and cured trout

ram tulsi South Asia White basil

ram tulsi

rakott káposzt Hungary Sauerkraut layered in

rakott káposzt

rana comune Italy Edible frog

rana comune

a dish with slices of smoked bacon covered

rana pescatrice Italy Monkfish
rana pescatrice

with chopped lean pork which has been

ranchero, ranchera Spain In a country style

browned in lard with garlic and paprika,

rancid The unpleasant smell of oxidized stale

slices of debreszin sausage and with a final

layer of sauerkraut, then covered with sour fats which is due to liberated free fatty acids
cream and baked in the oven and other oxidation compounds
räksås Sweden Shrimp sauce. Chopped and rane fritte Italy Fried frogs’ legs
räksås rane fritte

cooked shrimps, sweated with butter and range A large cooking stove with several

flour, combined with fish stock. burners and one or more ovens which are
rambutan England, Indonesia The oval fruit of usually kept hot and ready for use

a tropical tree, Nephelium lappaceum, about ranghi Abutilon


5 cm long with a central inedible stone, a rango ko maasu Nepal Water buffalo meat
rango ko maasu

delicate sweet white flesh tasting of raisins rankins United States A type of light cheese

and a green skin turning to red when ripe, pudding or soufflé containing stiffly beaten
covered with soft spines. Eaten raw. Also egg whites
called hairy lychee
ranocchio Italy Edible frog

ramekin 1. A small individual circular, usually


rapa Italy Turnip


white, porcelain, glass or earthenware oven-

rap a l’all cremat Catalonia Monkfish served
rap a l’all cremat

proof dish from 4 to 15 cm in diameter used

for pâtés, mousses, egg custards, baked with crisped garlic
raparperi Finland Rhubarb

eggs and soufflés, etc. 2. A mixture of

rapa svedese Italy Swede
rapa svedese

cheese, eggs and bread crumbs or

unsweetened puff pastry baked in an rapata Italy A rice and turnip soup from

individual dish Lombardy

ramen Japan The common noodle of Japan, rape 1. The plant, Brassica napus, from which
ramen rape

thin, yellow and made from wheat flour and rapeseed is obtained. Some varieties known
egg as salad rape are used in the west as a
ramequin France 1. Ramekin 2. A type of

source of salad leaves. It is used as a

cheese fritter vegetable in northern China where 3 types,
ramequin au fromage France, Switzerland A
ramequin au fromage
broccoli rape (probably the same as broccoli
cheese tart or fritter served hot or cold raab), heart of rape and winter rape are
ramereau France Young wood pigeon
used. Also called cole, coleweed, coleseed
2. Spain Monkfish
ramier France Wood pigeon

râpe France Grater


ramo de cheiras Portugal Flavourings

ramo de cheiras

râpé(e) 1. France Grated, past participle of


wrapped in muslin like a bouquet garni

always containing garlic, parsley and bay leaf râper, ‘to grate’ 2. Grated cheese (from
plus other herbs according to the dish fromage râpé)
rape rosse Italy Beetroot
rape rosse

ramolaccio Italy Horseradish


rapeseed The seed of a yellow flowered plant,


ramost A soft cooked-curd cheese. See also


Pultost Brassica napus, closely related to the swede,

now commonly grown for its oil, but can also
ramp United States A wild leek with a strong

be sprouted as a substitute for mustard in

mustard and cress. Also called canola
rampe South Asia, Sri Lanka Screwpine

rapeseed oil The oil from the rapeseed,

rapeseed oil

ramphal Bullock’s heart


grown in great quantities in the EU. Used as

rampion A European flowering plant,

a cooking oil and for margarine manufacture.

Campanula rapunculus, of the harebell Low erucic acid strains of rape are now
family. The leaves and roots are eaten. normal. Also called colza oil
ram’s head pea Chick pea
ram’s head pea

Raphanus sativus Botanical name Mooli

ramsons United Kingdom A wild plant of river Raphanus sativus Longipinnatus Group

banks and damp woodlands, Allium Botanical name Radish

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raphøne Denmark Pheasant vegetables, wilted sorrel or spinach, bay leaf


rapini Italy Broccoli raab

and seasoning until cooked, bay leaf
rapphöna Sweden Partridge
removed, all puréed, finely chopped
gherkins, pickling juice and prefried, floured
rapphøne Norway Partridge

pieces of lambs’ kidney added and

Raps Germany Rape, Brassica napus

simmered 5 minutes then thickened with

Rapsöl Germany Rapeseed oil

egg yolk and served hot or chilled with sour

rårakor Sweden A type of crêpe made from

grated or processed raw potato and onion, rasp Barrel bread

seasoned, bound with egg and fried as very

rasp, to To grate or break up into raspings
rasp, to

thin pancakes in hot butter

raspberry A fruit similar to the blackberry but

rare Cooked so that the inside of the meat is


softer, light red, occasionally white or black,

still red or pink
with a covering of fine down and a sweet,
rarebit See Welsh rarebit, buck rarebit

slightly acid, fruity, perfumed flavour. The

rarhar South Asia Pigeon pea

wild variety are small to 5 mm but

rarrah South Asia Saddle, usually of lamb

domesticated varieties can grow to 2.5 cm

rasadarh chawal South Asia Flavoured rice
rasadarh chawal

long. It is grown on a cool-climate rambling

made by steaming or boiling the rice in the plant, Rubus idaeus, which is cultivated so
usual way with paprika and seasoning but as to produce new, relatively short canes
mixing in flavourings according to use, e.g. each year. The fruit tend to soften and go
tomato purée, beetroot purée, stock, ground mouldy quickly and must be used when
herb pastes, sieved vegetables and the like fresh, canned or deep-frozen. Used raw or
rasam South Asia A lentil broth soured with

cooked and often puréed to form a coulis or

tamarind sauce. One of the fruits in summer pudding.
raspberry sauce As apricot sauce but made
raspberry sauce

rascasse France Scorpion fish, used in


bouillabaisse. Also called rascasse rouge with raspberries

raspings Breadcrumbs

rascasse de fond France Bluemouth, the fish

rascasse de fond

Rässkäse Switzerland A hard cooked-curd


rascasse rouge France Rascasse

rascasse rouge

Raschera Italy A semi-hard cows’ milk cheese

cows’ milk cheese similar to but stronger
sometimes with ewes’ or goats’ milk added. tasting and less supple than Appenzell and
It is made in squares (up to 8 kg) and has a with more holes. It is slightly bitter.
råstekt potatiskaka Sweden A type of Rösti
råstekt potatiskaka

yellow, supple paste with a delicate taste and

containing a few holes. Also called Raschiera made from grated potatoes, seasoned and
Raschiera Italy Raschera
fried in butter in a closed pan as a solid cake.
rasedar South Asia Vegetables in a thin sauce
Butter is put on top and the pan is left on a
ras el hanout North Africa A mixture of many
ras el hanout
very low heat until the base of the cake is
spices, herbs and other items, up to 20 or browned. Served browned side up.
rat Grenadier

more in number including so-called

ratafia 1. A liqueur flavoured with the kernels

aphrodisiacs such as Spanish fly

(cantharides), ash berries and monk’s of cherries, almonds, peaches and other
pepper. Sold whole by the merchants who stone fruits 2. A small sweet macaroon-like
each have their own recipe and grind as biscuit flavoured with ratafia essence. Once
required. Used in sweet and savoury dishes. eaten with the liqueur but now used for
(NOTE: Literally ‘head of the shop’.) decoration, as a base for cold desserts or,
rasgullas South Asia Cheese quenelles eaten
when crushed, as a constituent of various
as a dessert. They are made from a paneer dessert creams. See also macaroon
ratafia essence An alcoholic extract of the
ratafia essence

tikki mixed with semolina to a smooth paste,

then formed into walnut-sized balls. A little kernels of cherries, peaches, almonds and
sugar and some chopped almonds are other stone fruits used as a flavouring
pressed into the centre of each then they are ratalu South Asia White yam

poached in a medium sugar syrup for 90 raţă pe varză Romania Duck browned in fat
raţă pe varză

minutes. Served hot or cold, sprinkled with then braised in the oven on a deep bed of
rose water. sauerkraut mixed with chopped onions
rashad Middle East A herb from Iraq

browned in lard and moistened with

resembling a coarse dill weed with a peppery sauerkraut juice, defatted and the duck
flavour carved and served on the sauerkraut and
rasher See bacon rasher onion mixture

rasolnik Russia A soup based on beef stock ratatouille 1. England, France A Provençal
rasolnik ratatouille

simmered with presweated aromatic dish made from a mixture of tomatoes,

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rathu miris

aubergines, green and red sweet peppers, with shallot butter and chopped chervil,
onions, garlic and olive oil seasoned and tarragon and chives. Served hot. 2. A
flavoured with marjoram or oregano. vinaigrette made with oil and vinegar, small
Courgettes and stoned olives are sometimes dried capers, chopped parsley, tarragon,
included. Traditionally each vegetable is fried chervil, chives, onion and seasoning
or grilled separately and then combined. In ravigote butter A compound butter made by
ravigote butter

the UK and commercially all tend to be mixing butter with blanched, refreshed and
stewed together. 2. France Bad stew, lousy dried chopped shallots, parsley, chervil,
food tarragon, chives and salad burnet which
rathu miris Sri Lanka Chilli pepper
rathu miris

have been pounded to a paste, the whole

raton France A type of cheesecake

passed through a sieve. Also called beurre

rat’s ear Cloud ear fungus
rat’s ear
Chivry, beurre ravigote, beurre vert, green
rattan palm A climbing palm, Calamus
rattan palm
ravioli England, Italy A filling made from

rotang, whose shoots and seeds are edible

but whose main use is as a source of cane for cheese, spinach, ground meat or similar
weaving furniture and baskets items piped gridwise on to a sheet of pasta,
rattatuia di frutti di mare alla marchigiana
rattatuia di frutti di mare alla marchigiana
egg-washed, a similar-sized sheet laid over
Italy A stew of seafood and tomatoes in wine, and small squares or circles cut out with a
served with rice filling in the centre of each. Poached and
served with a sauce.
rattle A variety of salad potato

ravioli alla calabrese Italy Ravioli with a

ravioli alla calabrese

rau Vietnam A generic term for leaves of all


filling of sausage, cheese and egg and

kinds, the following word indicates the type
served with a sauce sprinkled with cheese
Raubreif Germany A dessert of chilled

ravioli alla napoletana Italy Ravioli filled with

ravioli alla napoletana

Chantilly cream blended at the last moment

a mixture of ham, ricotta, Mozzarella and
with peeled and cored dessert apples which
have been coarsely grated into a mixture of Parmesan cheese
ravioli caprese Italy Ravioli stuffed with
ravioli caprese

orange juice, lemon juice and sugar (6:3:4)

previously prepared and chilled cheese, eggs and herbs
ravioli della val pusteria Italy Ravioli made
ravioli della val pusteria

rau cai tau Vietnam Chinese cabbage

rau cai tau

rau can Vietnam Celery leaves

rau can
with rye flour, filled with spinach, cheese or
sauerkraut and poached or fried
Räucheraal Germany Smoked eel

ravioli dolci Italy Ravioli from Liguria stuffed

ravioli dolci

Räucherkäse Germany Naturally smoked


with beef marrow and candied fruit, fried and

cheese, often of the processed kind and with
dredged with sugar
various flavourings and additives
raviolini Italy Very small ravioli

Räucherlachs Germany Smoked salmon


ravioli trentini Italy Ravioli stuffed with a

ravioli trentini

räuchern Germany To smoke


mixture of meat and chicken

Rauchfleisch Germany Smoked meat

ravo South Asia Semolina


rau hun cay Vietnam Mint

rau hun cay

raw Not cooked


Rauke Germany Rocket, the plant


raya de clavos Spain Thornback ray

raya de clavos

Raukenkohl Germany Rocket, the plant


rayed-trough shell clam A cream-coloured

rayed-trough shell clam

rau la tia to Vietnam Caraway mint

rau la tia to

clam with purple markings about 13 cm in

rau muong Vietnam Swamp cabbage
rau muong

rau ngo Vietnam Coriander leaves
rau ngo

ray’s bream Pomfret

ray’s bream

rau que Vietnam Basil

rau que

raznjici Balkans Grilled meat kebabs from


rau ram Vietnam Vietnamese mint

rau ram

Raute Germany Rue, the herb

razor shell A cut-throat razor-shaped

razor shell

rau thom Vietnam Mint

rau thom

mollusc, Solen vagina, about 6 cm long.

rau trôn Vietnam Salad (NOTE: Literally ‘mixed
rau trôn

Treat as mussels.
leaves’.) razor shell clam A long thin bivalve mollusc,
razor shell clam

rava South Asia Semolina


Ensis ensis, resembling a cut-throat razor up

ravanelli Italy Radishes to 13 cm long and found on sandy beaches.

ravier England, France A dish in which

Not traded commercially but may be eaten
compound hors d’oeuvres are presented, raw or cooked like mussels if gathered in
usually rectangular (10 by 20 cm) in shape unpolluted water. Toughens with
ravigote, sauce England, France 1. A
ravigote, sauce
razza Italy Common skate, the fish

reduction of white wine and vinegar mixed

razza chiodata Italy Thornback ray
razza chiodata

with a velouté sauce and finished off the heat

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redcurrant jelly

rBST Recombinant BST made by genetic rectifier (l’assaisonnement) France To

rBST rectifier

engineering not involving the cow adjust the seasoning according to taste
RDI See recommended daily intake recuit Catalonia Curdled sheep’s or cows’ milk
RDI recuit

ready basted poultry Poultry, usually turkeys,

ready basted poultry

served in a small pot

red 2G A synthetic red food dye, E128, used
red 2G

which have fat, emulsifiers, flavourings, etc.

injected and massaged into the flesh to for sausages. Licensed for use in the UK but
improve the apparent quality of intensively not generally in the EU.
reared birds red banana United States A short stumpy
red banana

Rebenblatt Germany Vine leaf banana with a purplish red skin and a very

Rebhuhn Germany Partridge


sweet tasting flesh

red bean curd See bean curd cheese
red bean curd

Reblochon France One of the oldest mild


French cheeses from Haute Savoie made red beans and rice United States A Louisiana
red beans and rice

with the later part of the cows’ milking which dish of red kidney beans cooked with a ham
has the higher fat content. It is shaped like a hock and served over rice
wider and thinner Camembert with a soft red bean sauce A Chinese paste made from
red bean sauce

supple centre and a deep orange to red- fermented soya beans used as a condiment
coloured washed rind. It is packed between or flavouring
very thin wooden discs and does not go red braising See red cooking
red braising

runny like Camembert. It has a pleasant red bream See bream

red bream

buttery flavour with a fruit finish when young red cabbage A cabbage, Brassica oleracea
red cabbage

but becomes bitter when old. Protected by var. capitata, with red to purple leaves and a
an appellation d’origine. round firm head, generally available in
rebong Indonesia, Malaysia Bamboo shoot

autumn and winter, often casseroled with

receipt An old English word for recipe

sugar, sultanas and vinegar, or pickled.

reçel Turkey Jam

red caviar Ketovaia

red caviar

recette France Recipe


Red Cheshire A deep orange-coloured

Red Cheshire

réchaud France Hot plate or small stove used


Cheshire cheese dyed with annatto

at the table red chick pea Pigeon pea
red chick pea

rechauffé(e) France Made of food already


red chicory A low growing perennial chicory,

red chicory

cooked and then reheated, such as rissoles, Cichorium intybus var. foliosum, grown as an
croquettes, hash, cottage pie, etc. annual. It has slightly bitter red leaves with
rechauffer France To reheat, to warm up

white veins and a compact heart rather like a

recheado Portugal 1. Stuffed 2. Stuffing loose red cabbage. Used in salads and as a

recheio Portugal Stuffing, filling


garnish. Also called radicchio, red-leaved

recipe The list of ingredients with quantities
red cooking A Chinese technique of cooking
red cooking

and the instructions for making a dish

recommended daily intake The amounts of
recommended daily intake
meat by first browning it then slow cooking it
vitamins, minerals and other micro-nutrients in a tightly sealed casserole with dark soy
(sometimes fat, fibre, carbohydrate and sauce, sherry, sugar and spices which turns
protein) that the government recommends the meat a dark reddish brown colour. Also
people take in their food or otherwise every called red braising, red stewing
red crab United States A bright red crab,
red crab

day. They tend to be set so as to avoid ill

health rather than to promote optimum Geryon quinquedens, up to 15 cm across
health and are not related to body weight, found in deep water along the eastern coast
age, physical activity, type of work, state of of North America. It has thin legs and a good
health, etc. Most can be exceeded with flavour.
safety. The amount of vitamins and some redcurrant A small red fruit similar to the

micro-nutrients that remain in food depends black currant but more acid and from a more
on its age, storage conditions and cooking hardy bush Ribes sativum. Usually cooked
methods. Abbreviation RDI for jams, jellies and sauces.
reconstitute, to To add back liquid, usually redcurrant and horseradish sauce United
reconstitute, to redcurrant and horseradish sauce

water, to dried foods so as to restore them to Kingdom Port wine reduced with seasoning,
some semblance of their original state ground nutmeg and cinnamon, mixed with
recovery time The time it takes for a cooking
recovery time

redcurrant jelly and finely grated

appliance (deep fat fryer, oven, blanching horseradish. Served cold.
liquor, etc.) to return to the required redcurrant jelly This jelly used in many
redcurrant jelly

temperature for another batch of food after a sauces is made from redcurrants, boiled with
batch of cooked food has been removed a little water until the skins break, strained,
from it sugar equal in weight to the juice added and

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redcurrant sauce

all boiled for 3 to 4 minutes to produce a red grouse The finest flavoured of the grouse
red grouse

setting jelly family, Lagopus lagopus scoticus, is found

redcurrant sauce As apricot sauce, but made
redcurrant sauce

only in the UK and Ireland. It is a sub species

with redcurrants of the willow grouse, which is ruddy brown
red curry Sri Lanka An intensely hot curry
red curry
and does not go white in winter. Also called
coloured a deep red from the number of red Scottish grouse
red gurnard A variety of gurnard, Trigla pini,
red gurnard

chillies used
red curry paste Thailand A paste used for
red curry paste
sometimes confused with red mullet. Red
beef and similar curries made from dry-fried gurnard does not have long feelers (barbels)
shallots and garlic, lemon grass, coriander hanging from the underside of the mouth as
seeds and cumin seeds, blended with black does red mullet. See also gurnard
redhead duck United States A highly prized
redhead duck

peppercorns, dried red chillies, coriander

root, galangal, lime peel, trassi and salt wild duck, Nyroca americana, shot for the
red date Jujube
red date
red herring Whole herring cured in brine for
red herring

red deer A species of deer, Cervus elaphus,

red deer

found in Scotland. The meat is inferior to that several weeks then smoked until a
from roe deer. mahogany colour. Must be desalted by
soaking before eating. Usually used as part
reddiker Norway Radishes

of a mixed hors d’oeuvres or as decoration

redeye gravy United States The gravy made
redeye gravy

for egg-based canapés. Also called hard

by deglazing the dish in which ham is baked smoked herring
or roasted with water or coffee plus a little red kidney bean The reddish brown French
red kidney bean

brown sugar bean shaped like a kidney used in chilli con

redfish 1. A short thick-bodied orange-red

carne and other dishes. Must be boiled

deep-sea fish of the genus Sebastes, vigorously to destroy toxins. Often sold
especially S marinus and S. viviparus, up to precooked in cans. Also called Mexican
25 cm long and found in the North Atlantic. bean, chilli bean
The delicately flavoured flesh is white and red-leaved chicory See red chicory
red-leaved chicory

flaky and the fish may be cooked in any way.

red-legged partridge The French native
red-legged partridge

Also called ocean perch, Norway haddock,

partridge, Alectoris rufa, distributed from
red perch 2. Australia A relatively small fish,
central UK to Spain. It is plumper but less
Centroberyx affinis, with a deep, short body
tasty than the grey-legged. Roast as grey-
and large eyes which is fished both
commercially and recreationally. They are
Red Leicester See Leicester cheese
Red Leicester

predominantly red, deepest on top and

red lollo lettuce Lollo rosso
red lollo lettuce

fading towards the belly. They have a moist,

red mash Fermented red rice
red mash

finely flaked flesh with a good flavour and are

cooked only as skinned fillets. They can be red meat Meat which is red in appearance in
red meat

fried, grilled or baked, the latter requiring its raw state as opposed to the paler types
constant basting. Also called nannygai, such as chicken, veal, rabbit, etc.
goatfish red miso Inaka-miso
red miso

red flannel hash United States Chopped

red flannel hash

red mullet A small crimson to dull pink

red mullet

onions, bacon, corned beef and cooked seawater fish of the genus Mullidae,
beetroot, often the leftovers from New especially Mullus surmuletus (red) and M.
England boiled dinner seasoned and mixed barbatus (pink), not related to the grey
with mashed potatoes, shallow-fried on both mullet. It has a delicate flavour and is
sides and served in wedges with fried or generally cooked whole with its liver which is
poached eggs considered a prized delicacy. It can be hung
red garoupa See garoupa for 24 hours to give it a gamey flavour. It can
red garoupa

red girl wine China The classic Chinese rice

red girl wine
weigh up to 1 kg but is usually caught much
wine made from a cooked glutinous rice and smaller. Also called goatfish, golden mullet
red mustard A prepared mustard made with a
red mustard

millet mash fermented with yeast, often aged

for up to 10 years and possibly to 100 years. mixture of whole mustard seeds and crushed
The younger wines are used in Chinese dried red chillies
cooking in the same way that wines, fortified red octopus A small octopus, Eledone
red octopus

wines and brandy are used in the west. moschata, more tender than the curled
(NOTE: So called because a bottle would be octopus but with a musky flavour
laid down on the birth of a girl in anticipation red onion 1. Italian red onion 2. A small red
red onion

of her marriage.) skinned onion similar to a shallot used in

red gram Pigeon pea
red gram

Asian cooking and pickled in China

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refresh, to

red palm oil Central Africa Unrefined palm oil red top milk United Kingdom Homogenized
red palm oil red top milk

which has a red colour due to naturally whole milk containing 3.8% butterfat on
occurring carotenoids. It is said to have more average. The cream does not separate out.
than 15 times the carotenoids in carrots on a reduce, to To boil a liquid so as to remove
reduce, to

weight for weight basis. See also palm oil water and thus thicken the liquid and
red pepper 1. A general term for dried and intensify the flavour. Often done during
red pepper

ground red capsicums such as cayenne and sauce making with wine and stock.
chilli peppers or paprika 2. Red sweet reduced-fat EU guidelines (which do not have

peppers the force of law) state that this means the

red perch Redfish
red perch

foodstuff contains less than 25% of the fat

red porgy See porgy
red porgy

normally found in the product

reduction milling The stage in the conversion
reduction milling

red pork Char siu

red pork

red pottage Scotland A purée soup made with

red pottage
of grain to flour where the endosperm is
soaked haricot beans, onions, tomatoes and ground from semolina size particles to flour
celery sweated in butter then simmered in after the preceding bran separation
reduction sauce Any sauce based on vinegar,
reduction sauce

stock for 3 hours. A beetroot is added to

colour the soup. The soup is then liquidized, wine or stock concentrated by boiling to give
sieved, reheated and garnished with an intense flavour and sometimes a pouring
chopped parsley. consistency
red prawn See crevette rose du large réduire France To reduce a liquid by boiling
red prawn réduire

red raripila spearmint A type of spearmint, red vinegar A slightly salty clear pale red
red raripila spearmint red vinegar

Mentha raripila rubra, with pointed dark vinegar made in China. Used as a condiment
green leaves, a sweet spearmint flavour and and added to soups to give them a lift.
purple stems red wine court bouillon Equal quantities of
red wine court bouillon

red-red West Africa A Ghanaian dish of dried red wine and water with 120g each of onion

cow peas or black-eyed beans soaked in and carrot and 12 g of salt per litre together
water, skins and all debris removed, then with parsley stalks, a little thyme and bay leaf
boiled with just sufficient water to cook them. and peppercorns added. Used for trout and
They are then mixed with onions and carp.
tomatoes fried in red palm oil together with red wine sauce See vin rouge, sauce
red wine sauce

red pepper. Reconstituted dried shrimps or ree Netherlands Roe deer


fish or smoked fish may be added and reebout Netherlands Haunch of venison

simmered with a little extra water. Often reedmace Bulrush millet


served with kelewele.

refined microcrystalline wax See E907
refined microcrystalline wax

red rice 1. Fermented red rice 2. An inferior

red rice

refined oil Culinary oil which has been treated

refined oil

dull reddish strain of rice, Oryza glaberrima,

to remove flavouring and other compounds
grown in many parts of Asia for processing.
which oxidize easily, which would reduce its
Not generally used in cooking.
shelf life and would depress the maximum
red salad bowl lettuce Oak leaf lettuce
red salad bowl lettuce

temperature at which it could be used

red salmon The flesh of the sockeye salmon,
red salmon

refogado Portugal An onion and tomato sauce


usually canned
Réforme, à la France In the Reform Club’s
Réforme, à la

red sauce United States Any Italian type of

red sauce

style, i.e. garnished with strips of carrot, ham

tomato sauce and gherkin and white of egg, and slices of
red sea bream A type of sea bream eaten raw
red sea bream

mushrooms and truffles

in Japan as sushi. Also called tai, dai Réforme, sauce England, France A mirepoix
Réforme, sauce

red seedless watermelon United States A

red seedless watermelon

of carrot, onion, celery, bay leaf and thyme,

spherical (diameter 30 cm) water melon with fried in butter, fat drained off, vinegar and
no seeds crushed peppercorns added and reduced,
red shiso The leaves of the red variety of shiso
red shiso

demi-glace added, simmered and skimmed,

used to colour and flavour umeboshi as well redcurrant jelly added, strained through a
as being used as a vegetable chinois and garnished with a julienne of
red snapper A seawater fish, Lutjanus
red snapper

cooked beetroot, hard-boiled egg white,

campechanis, of the snapper family with a gherkin, mushroom, truffle and tongue.
distinctive red skin and fine white flesh, Served with lamb cutlets.
weighing between 0.5 and 2 kg. Baked, refresh, to 1. To immerse blanched
refresh, to

grilled, deep-fried or stir-fried. Often used in vegetables in fast running cold water so as to
Eastern dishes. cool them quickly and prevent further
red sorrel Jamaica flower
red sorrel

cooking 2. To freshen up herbs, leaves and

red stewing See red cooking vegetables by immersing them in cold water.
red stewing

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Any plant cells which have lost water and Rehrücken mit Rahmsauce Germany Saddle
Rehrücken mit Rahmsauce

crispness will replace some of it. of venison, larded, marinated in wine, cloves,
refreshments Light food and drink taken

juniper berries, bay leaves, peppercorns and

between meals or on some informal grated nutmeg for a day, browned in lard with
occasions aromatic vegetables, covered with reduced
refried beans United States Frijoles refritos
refried beans
marinade and baked in the oven. Served
with noodles, cranberry sauce and poached
refrigerator A cooled sealed storage box,

pears with a sauce of reduced cooking liquor

usually with shelves and a front opening door
and cream.
which maintains food at a preset
Rehrücken mit Schlag Germany A pastry
Rehrücken mit Schlag

temperature between 1 and 6°C

(resembling a saddle of venison) with
refrigerator cookies United States Biscuits
refrigerator cookies

almonds, chocolate and whipped cream

prepared and baked as needed by slicing
Rehschnitzel Germany Venison cutlets

them from an uncooked roll of thick biscuit

rehydrate, to To add back the water lost by
rehydrate, to

dough usually wrapped or cased in plastic

and kept in the refrigerator dehydration either by soaking or cooking in
refroidir France To refresh, cool, chill

Reibeküchen Germany Grated potato


regaliz Spain Liquorice


regattakotlett Sweden Pork chops rubbed

reindeer meat Scandinavia The meat of

reindeer meat

with seasoning and paprika, browned in

reindeer, usually smoked and salted
butter, reserved, chopped onion fried in the
reine, à la France Made from chicken,
reine, à la

same pan until golden, tomato concassée, a

bayleaf and thyme added, all reduced, especially coated with an allemande or
chops added back and simmered until chicken velouté sauce and garnished with
cooked (NOTE: Literally ‘yachtsman’s chop’.) mushrooms and sliced truffles
reine, crème France Chicken soup
reine, crème

Regenbogenforelle Germany Rainbow trout


reine-claude France A variety of greengage


regenboog forel Netherlands Rainbow trout

regenboog forel

very popular in France

régence, sauce France For meat, a mirepoix
régence, sauce

reinette grise France Russet apple

reinette grise

sweated in butter with a reduction of white

reinsdyr Norway Reindeer

wine mixed with demi-glace sauce and truffle

reinsdyrpølse Norway A spiced reindeer

essence, simmered and strained. For fish

and poultry, sauce normande with a meat sausage
reinsdyrstek Norway Reindeer steak

reduction of white wine, mushroom and

truffle trimmings, strained and finished with Reis Germany Rice

truffle essence. Reisauflauf Germany Rice pudding


Regenpfeifer Germany Plover


Reispapier Germany Rice paper


Regensburger Germany Short sausages from


Reiswurstchen Austria A forcemeat of


Bavaria rather like Frankfurters, made from minced and cooked veal mixed with cold
ground pork and beef with embedded small boiled rice, bound with egg, wrapped in rice
pieces of bacon. Boiled before consumption. paper, panéed and fried. Used in soups.
May be eaten hot or cold.
rejemad Denmark The piles of tiny shrimps

regina in porchetta Italy Carp from Umbria,

regina in porchetta

put on Danish open sandwiches

stuffed and baked in a wood burning stove rejer Denmark Shrimps

réglisse France Liquorice


rekening Netherlands The bill


regular milled white rice United States

regular milled white rice

reker Norway Shrimps


American long-grain rice

relative density See specific gravity
relative density

regulo See gas mark


relative humidity The amount of water

relative humidity

Reh Germany Deer


vapour in air as a percentage of the total

Rehbraten Germany Roast venison

amount the air could hold at the same

Rehrücken Germany 1. Saddle of venison 2.
temperature and pressure. If liquid water is
A long thin chocolate cake made with egg present as fog or steam then the relative
yolks, sugar, ground hazelnuts and humidity will be 100%. At 100% relative
breadcrumbs by the creaming method, humidity no evaporation of sweat or water
flavoured with vanilla and grated chocolate can take place. Abbreviation RH
relevé France Originally the second meat

and into which the stiffly beaten egg whites

are folded and all baked at 175°C (NOTE: So course of a formal dinner in the days when
called because of its resemblance to a loin of there were many courses, usually a large
venison.) joint or bird. Nowadays the course between

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resurrection pie

the fish and entrée or the soup and entrée if done in a heavy pan over a low heat or in the
no fish course, in a formal meal. oven at 150°C.
relevée, sauce France Ketchup rene Italy Kidney
relevée, sauce rene

Reneklode Germany A type of greengage. See


religieuse France A cooked choux pastry


sphere filled with whipped cream, topped also reine-claude

with a smaller choux pastry sphere and Renette Germany Rennet

coated with coffee or chocolate icing so as to renkon Japan Lotus


resemble the rear view of a nun renne France Reindeer


religious food laws Some religions have

religious food laws

rennet A mixture of enzymes extracted from


particular food prohibitions in particular; the stomachs of suckling animals such as

Buddhism, usually vegetarian; Hinduism, calves, kids and lambs, but usually from the
complex laws depending on caste, but fourth stomach of the unweaned calf. Is is
generally no beef; Jainism, strict vegetarian used to curdle milk as the first stage in
with no eggs but dairy products allowed; cheese making. Vegetarian rennets are now
Judaism, no horse or pig, seafood must have made using microorganisms. Some extracts
fins and scales, unfertilized eggs only, dairy of plants, especially cardoon, are used for
products and meat must not be mixed and the same purpose.
animals are examined for blemishes, rennin The main protease enzyme in rennet

slaughtered and prepared by licensed

renstek Sweden Roast reindeer

persons; Islam, no pork or alcohol, special

renversé(e) France Past participle of

slaughter of animal and no gold or silver

plate; Sikh, Muslim or Jewish slaughter not renverser, ‘to turn out or demould’
repápalos Spain Sweet bread fritters. Eggs

relish United States Pickles and highly
mixed with soft breadcrumbs fried in
seasoned sauce-like condiments spoonfuls in olive oil, then placed in a pan
with orange peel, cinnamon, sugar and milk,
rellenos Spain 1. Stuffed 2. Stuffing

simmered for 15 minutes and allowed to rest

remis Malaysia Surf clam

for 15 hours. Served chilled.

remolacha Spain Beetroot

repas France Meal


Remoudou Belgium A strong-flavoured, soft, repasser France To strain or pass through a

Remoudou repasser

cows’ milk cheese matured for 3 months and sieve a second time
made in 200 g loaves. The brownish orange repast The Old English term for meal

rind has a stronger smell than the centre. repollo Spain Cabbage

remoulade, sauce England, France Tartare

remoulade, sauce

repollo relleno South America A speciality of

repollo relleno

sauce plus anchovy essence. Served with Bolivia consisting of a hollowed out cabbage
fried fish. stuffed with a meat mixture and simmered in
remouladsås Sweden Remoulade sauce

stock. Served with rice.

usually served with panéed and fried plaice requeijão 1. Portugal A cheese similar to

rempah Indonesia, Malaysia A spicy paste Ricotta made from the whey of ewes’ milk,

made by grinding, pounding or processing often enriched with butter and cream. It is
shallots, garlic and some or all of lemon white, smooth and has a fresh taste. Sold in
grass, coriander, cumin, turmeric, straw baskets and served on fig or cabbage
candlenut, cinnamon, ginger, galangal, leaves. 2. Brazil A soft cooked-curd cows’
chillies, peppercorns, sugar and salt. milk cheese made with a lactic starter. The
Sometimes fried in oil. Used for flavouring hot, washed and salted curd is placed in
curries or to season meat for satays. oblong or cylindrical moulds to make 500 g
rendang Indonesia A coconut-based highly
requin marteau France Hammerhead shark
requin marteau

flavoured curry cooked until all the liquid is

réserver France To put aside to be used later

rendang chicken Seasoned and browned
rendang chicken
in the same recipe
resin Solid exudate from plants and trees

chicken pieces mixed with a cooking liquor

made from thick coconut milk simmered used to seal wounds in the bark or skin and
with a fried paste of spring onions, garlic and prevent infection. Some such as asafoetida,
chillies together with lemon grass, lime mastic and pine resin are used as
leaves, tamarind, turmeric and seasoning flavourings.
and simmered until tender restaurant A place where complete meals are

render, to To heat animal fat tissues so that

render, to

sold for consumption on the premises

resurrection pie England Cooked vegetables
resurrection pie

the fat content is released and can be

separated from the remaining tissue. Usually layered alternately with a cheese sauce

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flavoured with mustard, each vegetable layer rhodoxanthin See E161(f)


being of a different kind. After all vegetable rhubarb A deep-rooted perennial plant,

types are used up the pie is finally covered Rheum x cultorum, which produces thick
with more sauce, gratinated with cheese and pink to red stems at ground level each
browned in the oven at 200°C. topped with a large green leaf. The stems are
rete Italy Pig’s caul

stewed with sugar and used as a dessert, in

reticella Italy Pig’s caul
pies, crumbles, fools, etc. and for jam
retinol See vitamin A
making. Early rhubarb is forced by excluding
light and is the most tender. The leaves are
retort, to To treat food by heating to 121°C in
retort, to

order to kill all microorganisms. Usually used
rhubarbe France Rhubarb

for canned foods.

rhum France Rum

Rettich Germany Radish


Rhus coriaria Botanical name Sumac

reuben United States A corned beef and

riatto Italy Reheated


Swiss cheese sandwich dressed with

rib That part of the carcass of an animal

mayonnaise topped with sauerkraut and

grilled comprising the vertebrae and associated
muscles plus a length of attached rib bone
revbensspjäll Sweden Spare ribs

equal in length to twice the diameter of the

Réveillon France The festive meal held in

main muscle or less in the case of large

France after midnight mass on Christmas animals. It is usually divided along the spinal
Eve and on New Year’s Eve. Usually includes column and may be cut into single rib
traditional foods according to region, often portions (cutlets, etc.) or 3 or more ribs (rib
boudin noir. roasts).
reven Southwest Asia Rhubarb, often made

ribbe Norway Pork chops from the rib


into a sweet drink flavoured with lemon and ribbon cheese Parenica
ribbon cheese

mint in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

ribbon stage The stage at which whipped
ribbon stage

revenir, faire France Faire revenir

revenir, faire

eggs or cream become just stiff enough to

revuelto de triguero Spain An Estremaduran
revuelto de triguero

form ribbons when dropped from a spoon

dish consisting of wild asparagus tips mixed riberry Australia The small pink to purple,

with ham, garlic, cumin and bay, fried in olive pear-shaped fruit of various trees of the
oil then beaten eggs added and gently genus Sysygium, known by the indigenous
scrambled population as lilly pilly trees. They have an
revythia soupa Greece A meatless chick pea
revythia soupa

aromatic flavour with cinnamon and clove

soup made from chick peas parboiled for 15 notes and can be eaten fresh or cooked as a
minutes and drained, boiled in water until dessert, in fruit salads, in baking or to make
tender and a few reserved, a sauté of onions, sauces for use with meat. They become pale
carrots, garlic, tomato purée and tomato pink when cooked.
concassée added to the chick peas and ribes Italy Redcurrants

water, all puréed, seasoned and finished with ribes comune Italy Redcurrant
ribes comune

lemon juice, chopped parsley and the

ribes nero Italy Black currant
ribes nero

reserved chick peas

Ribes nigrum Botanical name Blackcurrant
rghayif North Africa Various types of dough

Ribes sativum Botanical name Redcurrants

folded and interleaved with butter or oil to and whitecurrants
give a flaky texture when cooked, sometimes Ribes uva-crispa Botanical name
filled with khli’ and onions or served plain Gooseberry
with sugar or honey rib of beef United States The wing, fore and
rib of beef

rghayif el mila North Africa An egg-enriched

rghayif el mila

middle ribs of beef extending about half way

rghayif dough used on celebratory occasions down the animal to the short plate. Often cut
in Morocco into steaks, each including one rib bone. See
Rhabarber Germany Rhubarb

also ribs of beef

Rheinlachs Germany Rhine salmon riboflavin Vitamin B2, essential for health,
Rheinlachs riboflavin

Rheinsalm Germany Rhine salmon


also used as an orange food colouring E101

Rheum x cultorum Botanical name Rhubarb riboflavin-5’ phosphate See E101
riboflavin-5’ phosphate

Rhizopus oligosporus The fungal organism ribollita Italy A cabbage and bean soup from

used in the manufacture of tempeh. It also Tuscany which is reboiled (ribollita) each day
has the beneficial effect of removing the and thickened with bread
bean flavour. ribs of beef Half of the ribs and the vertebrae
ribs of beef

Rhode Island johnny cake United States

Rhode Island johnny cake

together with associated muscle from a side

Johnny cake of beef. In total there are 13 which are

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rich cakes

numbered from the head end. The English rice flour Ground polished rice which is
rice flour

cuts are 1 and 2 chuck ribs, 3 to 6 middle mainly starch with very little gluten. Used in
ribs, 7 to 10 fore ribs and 11 to 13 wing ribs. the same way as corn flour and for noodles,
rib steak United States A steak cut from the sweets and short pastry.
rib steak

rib one rib thick and including the outer layer rice gruel Congee
rice gruel

of fat. May be on or off the bone. rice noodles Noodles made with rice flour in
rice noodles

ricciarelli Italy Almond biscuits


very long strands and of varying thicknesses

riccio di mare Italy Sea urchin
riccio di mare

and widths. Very common in Vietnam.

ricciola Italy Amberjack, the fish

Usually folded into a compact bundle. When

ricciolina Italy Curly endive

deep-fried they puff up. Also called rice stick

ricciolini Italy Pasta curls
rice paper A very thin edible white paper
rice paper

ricco Italy (of food ) Rich


rice A cereal grain, Oryza sativa, cultivated in

made from the pith of a small tree,
China since 6000 BC, grown extensively in Tetrapanax papyriferum, grown in Taiwan. It
warm moist climates and forming the is used to line baking trays used for sticky
principal energy source for a major part of baked goods such as macaroons and similar,
the world’s population. There are thousands and does not need greasing. Usually sticks to
of different varieties but all have a high starch the base of the biscuit or cake.
rice pudding United Kingdom Short-grain
rice pudding

content and are between 3 and 6 mm long

and about 2 mm in diameter. Varieties rice covered with sweetened milk and baked
include long-grain, short-grain, brown, white, slowly in the oven in a covered dish. Sultanas
glutinous, pudding, polished, prefluffed, or other dried fruit may be added and the top
Arborio, basmati, Carolina, fragrant, jasmine, is usually sprinkled with grated nutmeg.
Patna and Thai. Proportions may be adjusted to give thin or
rice, to To force a semi-solid such as puréed
rice, to
stiff finished results and the lid left off
potato through a perforated plate or mesh so towards the end to give a crisp top.
ricer An implement rather like a large garlic

as to form thin fragile strands

rice bean A small yellow to deep red dried
rice bean

press in which boiled potatoes are forced

bean, Phaseolus canceratus, from Southeast through fine holes. Used to produce
Asia, grown in the Nepal and Assam and superfine mashed potatoes.
similar in size to the adzuki bean but less rice ribbon noodles Flat noodles about 1 cm
rice ribbon noodles

rounded, with a larger hilum running the wide made from a thin rice flour and water
length of the bean and crinkly edges. Said to dough which is cooked in thin sheets to a
taste like rice when cooked and reputed to firm jelly-like texture, brushed with oil and
have the highest calcium content of all cut into strips to be sold as fresh noodles in
beans. most Chinese communities in Southeast
rice bubbles Australia Rice crispies Asia. The same dough cut in 20 cm squares
rice bubbles

rice cakes Wales Cooked rice, flour, milk and

rice cakes
is used when filled with meat or shrimps as
egg (5:5:3:1) mixed with 4 tbsp of melted dim sum.
butter and 8 tsp of baking powder per kg of rice soup Congee
rice soup

flour to form a thick batter. Large rice stick noodles See rice noodles
rice stick noodles

tablespoonfuls of the mixture are dropped

rice vermicelli Very thin rice noodles which
rice vermicelli

onto a well greased griddle or thick frying pan

only require softening in hot water, or they
and cooked for 4 minutes a side until golden
may be deep-fried in the dried state
brown. Served hot with a sweet sauce or
rice vinegar Vinegar made by oxidizing the
rice vinegar

syrup. Also called teisen reis

rice crispies United Kingdom Steamed
rice crispies
alcoholic beer or wine made from fermented
cooked rice, put under reduced pressure, so rice starch. There are several varieties in use
that the internal water expands puffing up in Asia. See also black vinegar, red vinegar,
the rice grain to about three times its size, sweet vinegar
rice wine An alcoholic liquid made by
rice wine

then dried and browned slightly

rice dough Rice flour mixed with boiling or
rice dough
fermenting a cooked ground rice mash. It
cold water to make a dough which is used for has a sherry-like taste and is both used as a
wrappers, cakes or dumplings. Boiling water drink and as a cooking liquid. Clear and
makes a translucent wrapper for won ton. amber-coloured varieties are available. See
rice flakes Rice grain steamed or softened by
rice flakes
also red girl wine, sake
rich Very sweet, high in fat, oil or cream

partial cooking and flattened through rollers,

may be cooked or eaten uncooked in e.g. content or highly seasoned
rich cakes See creamed cakes
rich cakes

muesli. Also called flaked rice

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riche, sauce

riche, sauce France Sauce diplomate strong-tasting. Eaten for dessert or used for
riche, sauce

finished with truffle essence and finely diced cooking. See also Canestrato
black truffles rigato Italy 1. A semi-hard scalded-curd

richelieu France A layer cake with apricot


Sicilian cheese. See also Canestrato 2.

glaze and frangipane cream between the Ridged as applied to pasta shapes
rigatoni A large ridged macaroni cut in pieces

layers, the whole iced with a maraschino-

flavoured fondant and decorated with about 5 cm long and 1 cm in diameter
angelica strips rigg Dogfish

richelieu, à la France In the Duc de

richelieu, à la

Rigottes France A soft surface-ripened goats’


Richelieu’s style, i.e. garnished with stuffed milk cheese from the Ardèche with a
tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes and braised delicately flavoured velvety paste made in 60
lettuce. Used especially of roasts. g cylinders. Contains 45% water, 22% fat ad
Ricotta Italy A soft cows’ or ewes’ milk cheese 24% protein.

made from whey which may be enriched riisi Finland Rice


with milk or cream. The whey is heated with riisivanukas Finland Rice pudding

citric or tartaric acid to cause the proteins to rijst Netherlands Rice


coagulate. These are separated off, drained,

rijsttafel Netherlands An Indonesian inspired

usually in basin-shaped baskets and

demoulded. Used widely in Italian cooking or meal of many contrasting savoury dishes
may be eaten as a dessert with fruit, each accompanied by rice or noodles
riklingur Iceland An air-dried fish (hardfiskur)

chopped nuts, chocolate or instant coffee.

May be matured and hardened for grating. made from halibut or catfish
rillettes France A rich meat paste made by

Contains 50 to 60% water, 15% fat, 23 to

26% protein, mainly albumen, and 3% simmering herbs and pork or goose meat in
lactose. Not usually salted. its own fat until tender then pounding it to a
Ricotta Piemontese Italy Ricotta made from
Ricotta Piemontese
smooth texture
rillons Crisply fried or grilled pieces of cooked

cows milk whey enriched with 10 to 20%

milk pork or goose preserved in fat
rim Portugal See kidney

Ricotta Romana Italy Ricotta made with the

Ricotta Romana

rimestato Italy Stirred or scrambled


whey left over from making Pecorino Romano

Ricotta salata moliterna Italy A semi-hard rimmad skinka Sweden Salted ham
Ricotta salata moliterna rimmad skinka

cooked curd cheese made from the whey of rimmat kött Sweden Salt meat
rimmat kött

ewes’ milk heated to 90°C to precipitate rind The outer skin of bacon, ham, pork,

soluble proteins. The filtered curd is salted cheese, and some fruits and vegetables
and formed into cylinders. It may be eaten
Rind Germany Beef

young as a dessert cheese or ripened for

Rinderbraten Germany Roast beef

Rinderbrust Germany Brisket of beef

Ridderost Norway, Sweden A semi-hard,


Rinderleber Germany Ox liver


deep yellow, cows’ milk cheese similar to

Rindermark Germany Beef marrow

Saint-Paulin with an orange rind and slightly

nutty flavour, surface-ripened for 5 to 6 Rindfleisch Germany Beef

weeks. Suitable for dessert and as a melting Rindfleischkochwurst Germany A sausage


cheese. made from a mixture of 75% lean beef and

ridge cucumber An outdoor cucumber often
ridge cucumber

25% pork fat with saltpetre and seasoning,

with a grooved, indented or knobbly skin, packed into casings, linked in pairs and air-
usually smaller than long cucumbers. They dried for 2 days. Boiled before serving.
require fertilization. (NOTE: So called because Rindfleischwurst Germany A sausage filled

they used to be planted on ridges in the open with a mixture of minced lean beef, lean
field) pork, bacon fat, saltpetre and seasoning,
ridged sand clam A clam which is found in
ridged sand clam

flavoured with garlic and ground cloves.

Southeast Asia on beaches with surf and Simmered for an hour before serving.
strong tidal currents Rindkraftfleisch Germany Corned beef

Riebisel Germany Redcurrant


Rindsrouladen Germany Beef olives


riekko Finland Ptarmigan (white or willow)


ring doughnut The ring form of the doughnut

ring doughnut

rigaglie Italy Giblets


Ringelblume Germany Marigold


Rigatello Italy A hard scalded-curd cows’ milk ring mould A round mould in the shape of a
Rigatello ring mould

cheese made in cylinders (up to 3 kg). The half torus so that when the food is
paste is hard, dense with a few cracks and demoulded it forms a round ring on the plate.

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risotto alla milanese

Used for cakes, desserts, jellies, savoury topped with butter served at Christmas
custards, etc. Also called border mould before the main course of the meal. The
ring-neck dove United States A highly prized
ring-neck dove

person who receives the one almond in the

wild duck, Aythya collaris, shot for the table mixture receives a present.
risengrynsklatter Denmark Rice fritters

riñones Spain Kidneys


risengrynslapper Norway Rice flour


riñones a la española Spain Kidneys

riñones a la española

sautéed with onions, tomatoes and sweet pancakes

peppers risetto Italy Croquettes made with tiny

Rio red A highly pigmented grapefruit variety

Rio red

anchovies and sardines

which was produced by inducing mutations risgrøt Norway Rice pudding

using ionizing radiation risgryn Sweden Rice


ripa Sweden Grouse


risgrynsgröt Sweden Rice pudding


ripe Fully developed or matured and ready for


risi e bisi Italy A mixture of cooked rice and

risi e bisi

eating, usually used of fruits, vegetables and peas in a small amount of thick stock
cheese sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese
ripen, to To allow time for fruit, vegetables and
ripen, to

riso Italy Rice


cheese to become ripe. Fruit may be ripened riso al forno Italy A meat sauce with rice
riso al forno

more quickly by putting it in a plastic bag baked in the oven

with a ripe tomato.
riso al forno in peverada alla rovigina Italy
riso al forno in peverada alla rovigina

ripening lamp An ultraviolet lamp used to

ripening lamp

Rice baked with chicken livers, mushrooms

ripen fruit and vegetables quickly and anchovies
Ripennstück Germany Beef ribs

riso alla canavesana Italy Rice boiled in

riso alla canavesana

ripe tart England A butter-based shortcrust

ripe tart

meat broth and finished with Fontina, Grana

pastry brought together with egg yolk and and Emmental cheeses
water, baked blind in a flan tin, lined with riso alla milanese Italy Rice boiled in meat
riso alla milanese

stoned cherries, filled with an egg, icing broth with saffron and served with butter and
sugar and ground almond mixture and cheese
baked at 170°C until golden brown
riso alla piemontese Italy Rice with a
riso alla piemontese

ripiddu nivicatu Italy A Sicilian dish of rice

ripiddu nivicatu

chicken or meat sauce

cooked with cuttlefish and their ink, put in a
riso alla ristori Italy Rice with cabbage,
riso alla ristori

heap and topped with Ricotta cheese and

bacon and sausage
tomato sauce so as to resemble Mount Etna
riso alla siciliana Italy Rice with aubergines,
riso alla siciliana

ripieno Italy Stuffed with or stuffing


tomato, parsley and basil, gratinated with

Rippchen Germany Rib chops, cutlets usually

cheese and baked

of smoked pork
riso commune Italy The cheapest rice
riso commune

Rippe Germany Rib of meat


risoles Mexico Fritters


Rippenbraten Germany Roast loin


riso ricco Italy Boiled rice with a cream and

riso ricco

Rippenspeer Germany Spareribs of pork


cheese sauce
ripple ribbon tube A nozzle for a piping bag
ripple ribbon tube

risotto Italy A classic Italian dish best made


that produces a ribbed ribbon shape with arborio or carnaroli rice fried in butter
ris 1. France Sweetbreads, esp of veal, ris de

and/or olive oil with chopped onion and any

veau or lamb, ris d’agneau 2. Denmark, other flavouring elements (cooked chicken,
Norway, Sweden Rice shellfish, vegetables, etc.), a splash of white
ris à l’amande Denmark Rice pudding mixed
ris à l’amande

wine added over the heat until absorbed,

with whipped cream and chopped almonds then hot stock added progressively with
served with cherry sauce stirring until no more can be absorbed and
ris d’agneau France Lamb sweetbreads the dish is moist and creamy. May be
ris d’agneau

ris de veau France Veal sweetbreads

ris de veau
finished with grated Parmesan cheese and
rise, to To allow a yeast dough to increase in
rise, to
risotto alla certosina Italy Risotto with
risotto alla certosina

size by the production of bubbles of carbon

dioxide within it or a baked dish or cake to prawns, mushrooms, peas and frogs’ legs
risotto alla chioggiotta Italy A risotto from
risotto alla chioggiotta

similarly increase in size by the action of heat

on air bubbles entrapped in the mix, e.g. Chioggia with gobies (fish), white wine and
soufflés, or the production of carbon dioxide Parmesan cheese
by reactions of chemical raising agents. See risotto alla milanese Italy A risotto made with
risotto alla milanese

also prove, to, lift chopped onions, flavoured with saffron and
risengrød Denmark A sweetened rice soup or grated Parmesan cheese only. Served by

porridge sprinkled with cinnamon and itself or as an accompaniment to osso bucco.

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risotto alla monzese

risotto alla monzese Italy Risotto with previously sweated in olive oil, simmered
risotto alla monzese

sausages and tomato sauce with water, tomato concassée, sugar,

risotto alla toscana Italy Risotto with beef,
risotto alla toscana
chopped herbs and lemon juice until 5
calves’ kidney and liver and tomatoes minutes before the rice is cooked and all
risotto al salto Italy Cooked risotto formed
risotto al salto
liquid absorbed, cooked and peeled prawns
into a thick round and fried added and then all cooked 5 minutes. Feta
cheese is added off the heat until melted,
risotto kalamara Balkans A risotto flavoured
risotto kalamara

and the dish is finished with chopped

with chopped squid, coloured with the ink
from the squid and sprinkled with grated
rizi pilafi me mithia As moules marinière, but
rizi pilafi me mithia

Parmesan cheese
risotto polesano Italy Risotto with eel, mullet
risotto polesano
with the chopped onions sweated in olive oil
and bass and the shelled mussels mixed with long-
grain rice boiled in the mussel cooking liquor
rissole 1. United Kingdom A small shaped

for about 12 minutes

patty or roll of minced meat bound with
riz sauvage France Wild rice
riz sauvage

mashed potatoes or similar vegetarian

rizzared haddock Scotland Cleaned
rizzared haddock

mixtures, panéed and fried 2. France A small

sweet or savoury filled (puff) pastry turnover unskinned haddock rubbed inside and out
usually deep-fried and served with a sauce with salt and left in a cool place for 3 hours,
rissolé(e) France 1. Baked or fried until
then floured and grilled for about 8 minutes
brown; past participle of rissoler, ‘to brown’ 2. a side until browned
Pork crackling roach A small red freshwater fish, Rutilis

ristet Norway Grilled, fried or roasted rutilis, similar to carp. Rarely eaten because

ristet brød Denmark, Norway Toast

ristet brød
of the numerous bones but if to be eaten
ristet loff Norway Toast
ristet loff
then best fried after soaking in salted water.
roast A joint of piece of meat cooked in the

ristretto Italy Reduced, concentrated, of


stock, sauce and soup oven on a trivet without any cover at around
river trout Brown trout
river trout
230 to 250°C
roast, to To cook food in the oven by a
roast, to

rivierkreeft Netherlands Freshwater crayfish


riz France Rice

combination of convected and radiated heat
with good air circulation around it and
riz, au France Served with rice
riz, au

usually with fat. The object is to brown the

riz à l’imperatrice France A cold dessert
riz à l’imperatrice

surface of the food, to make it crisp and tasty

made from a layer of set red jelly in the base and to just cook the interior to the right
of a charlotte mould. Short-grain rice cooked degree. Generally used for meats and root
in milk until tender is mixed with sugar, vegetables. See also spit-roast, to
vanilla essence, gelatine, diced angelica and
roast beef United Kingdom A classic dish
roast beef

glacé cherries and when near the setting

point has stiffly beaten egg whites and ideally of sirloin, wing rib, fore rib or fillet, but
whipped cream folded in. This is poured over often nowadays of topside or middle rib.
the jelly and when all set, the dessert is Traditionally cooked slightly underdone and
demoulded and turned out on a plate. (NOTE: served with Yorkshire pudding, horseradish
Created for Empress Eugénie) sauce and roast gravy and garnished with
riz au blanc France Plain boiled rice
riz au blanc

roasted cheese Wales The original Welsh

roasted cheese

riz au gras France Fried rice

riz au gras

rarebit made by toasting one side of a slab of

riz complet France Brown rice
riz complet

hard cheese supported on wholemeal bread

rízek Czech Republic Schnitzel, pork cutlet

either in front of the fire or nowadays in the

riz et pois colles Caribbean Red kidney
riz et pois colles

microwave oven. Also called caws pobi

beans cooked in four times their weight of roasted cheese canapés Caribbean A
roasted cheese canapés

water and the liquor reserved, a little salt seasoned cheese and breadcrumb mixture
pork and onion finely chopped and fried in spread over slices of toast, grilled and cut
hot oil with chives and chilli pepper, this put into fancy shapes and served hot
in the bean water with rice equal to twice the
roasted chilli paste See nam prik pao
roasted chilli paste

dried weight (or equal to the cooked weight)

roasted curry paste See nam prik pao
roasted curry paste

of the beans, a little butter and simmered for

about 20 minutes until the water is roast gravy All fat poured off the roasting pan,
roast gravy

absorbed, then mixed with the cooked beans deglazed with the appropriate brown stock,
before service simmered, skimmed, strained and
rizi pilafi me garithes Greece A pilaff of rice
rizi pilafi me garithes

seasoned. Served with roast meat. Also

fried with chopped onions and garlic called jus de rôti

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rock sugar

roasting pan A large rectangular metal pan rock cornish A breed of table chicken with a
roasting pan rock cornish

about 8 cm deep finer flavour than standard breeds. It thrives

roastit Scotland Roast (adj.)
in free-range and is popular in the USA.
rock crab A crab, Cancer irroratus, (Atlantic)
rock crab

roast pork spice A spice mix containing five-

roast pork spice

spice powder, sugar, salt, dried soya sauce or C. autannarius, (Pacific) with a yellowish
and ground annatto seed. Rubbed over pork shell marked with purple or brown spots and
before roasting to give the characteristic up to 10 cm wide. They are not particularly
Chinese colour and flavour. Also called char well-flavoured and are often eaten after they
siu powder have shed their shell.
rock dove A wild pigeon, Columba livia,
rock dove

roast potatoes Parboiled potatoes roasted in

roast potatoes

the oven at a temperature of 230 to 250°C in treated as wood pigeon

a tray containing hot fat which is used to rock eel Dogfish
rock eel

baste the potatoes until the surface is crisp rocket A slightly bitter, peppery-flavoured

and brown plant, Eruca vesicaria, which grows wild in

robalo 1. The general name for various pike-

cold climates and is cultivated in Italy and

like fish, especially Centropomus Cyprus. The dandelion-shaped leaves are
undecimalis, which has a particularly fine- used in salads. Also called arugula, rokko,
flavoured flesh, caught in tropical seas. Also salad rocket, Mediterranean rocket, erugala,
called snook 2. Spain Bass, the fish roquette)
Robbiola Italy Robiola

rockfish A large group of seawater fish of the


Robert, sauce England, France Chopped genus Sebastodes found off rocky coasts in
Robert, sauce

onion sweated in butter, vinegar added and most parts of the world. Generally 30 to 90
reduced completely, demi-glace added, cm long weighing 1 to 2.5 kg. The flesh is
simmered, mustard diluted with water and white to pink turning to white when cooked,
caster sugar added, skimmed and seasoned. and is firm, flaky and mid-oily. May be
Served with fried pork chop. poached, baked or grilled. One of the more
Robiola Italy A soft surface-ripened cows’ milk
common in the USA is the striped bass.
rock herring Shad
rock herring

cheese from Lombardy and Piedmont made

using a natural or cultured lactic starter and rock lobster United States The name given
rock lobster

rennet coagulation. The curd is cast in for legal reasons to the spiny lobsters which
square moulds (20 by 20 cm) to drain, are caught in Australia and shipped in large
demoulded, cut in 4 pieces, dry-salted or quantities to the USA. See also eastern rock
brined and ripened at high humidity. Also lobster, southern rock lobster, western rock
called Robbiola lobster
Robiolini Italy Very small (up to 70 g) soft raw

rock melon Cantaloupe melon

rock melon

cows’ milk cheeses curdled with acid whey rock partridge Ptarmigan
rock partridge

and rennet and ripened for 10 to 15 days at

rock salmon A small shark, Squalus
rock salmon

high humidity. Also called formaggini

acanthias, 2 to 3 kg in weight and up to 60
robusta coffee A high yielding variety of
robusta coffee

cm long with a medium oily delicate white

coffee but with a flavour inferior to that of the
flesh. Very widely distributed and commonly
arabica variety served as deep-fried battered fish where the
rocambole Giant garlic

type is not otherwise named. Cooked in any

rocciata di Assisi Italy Pastry filled with a
rocciata di Assisi

way. Also called spurdog, Pacific dogfish,

mixture of nuts, raisins, chopped dried figs spiny dogfish
and prunes rock salt Unrefined salt as mined, used as a
rock salt

rochambeau France A garnish for large cuts


heat transfer medium e.g. in baking potatoes

of meat of carrots in duchesse potato and heating oysters, or as a freezing mixture
baskets, stuffed lettuce, cauliflower florets à with ice
la polonaise and pommes Anna rock samphire Samphire, Crithmum
rock samphire

Rochen Germany Skate, the fish


rock bass Mediterranean grouper
rock bass

rock sole A flat seawater fish, Lepidopsetta

rock sole

rock cakes Small individual cakes made from

rock cakes

bilineat,a about 20 cm with a brown to grey

the basic cake mixture with dried fruit using skin and a non-oily white flesh. Caught off
the rubbing in method. Baked in rough the west coast of Canada. Also called
irregularly-shaped mounds. roughback
rock carp A variety of carp with a large head, rock sugar Large brown transparent
rock carp rock sugar

a thick body, small bones and a delicious irregularly-shaped crystals of sugar. See also
rich meat. Popular with the Chinese. lump sugar 3

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Rocky Mountain oyster

Rocky Mountain oyster United States Prairie and Northern Europe. The meat is known as
Rocky Mountain oyster

oyster venison and is considered to be the best of

röd Sweden Red
its type.
roereieren Netherlands Scrambled egg

rød Denmark, Norway Red


roff West Africa Roof


rodaballo Spain Turbot


rogan josh South Asia Lamb or beef cooked in

rogan josh

rodaballo menor Spain Brill, the fish

rodaballo menor

rødbeter Norway Beetroot

a yoghurt-based sauce with sweet peppers,
rödbetor Sweden Beetroot
tomatoes and aromatic spices including chilli
powder and paprika to give a red colour
rode kool Netherlands Red cabbage
rode kool

Rogen Germany Fish roe


rødgrød med fløde Denmark Stewed and

rødgrød med fløde

roger Catalonia Red mullet


sweetened summer fruits (berries and

Rogeret de Cévennes France A goats’ milk
Rogeret de Cévennes

currants) thickened with arrowroot. Served

cold when set in individual dishes topped cheese similar to Pélardon
with Chantilly cream. røget Denmark Smoked

rødgrot Norway A dessert made from


røget sild Denmark Smoked herring

røget sild

thickened and sweetened purée of roggebrood Netherlands Rye bread


redcurrants and raspberries

Roggen Germany Rye

rödkål Sweden Red cabbage


Roggenbrot Germany Rye bread


rødkål 1. Denmark Red cabbage cooked with


roghan Central Asia The Afghanistan word for


chopped apple and flavoured with caraway

seeds. Served with poultry, pork and ghee
rognon France Kidney

meatballs. 2. Norway Red cabbage

rognone Italy Kidney

rodovalho Portugal Turbot


rognons blancs France Veal testicles, usually

rognons blancs

rødspætte Denmark Plaice


rödspätta Sweden Plaice

floured and shallow-fried
rognons en chemise France Veal kidneys still
rognons en chemise

rödspätta i sardellsås Sweden Skinned and

rödspätta i sardellsås

gutted whole plaice simmered in a little water surrounded with suet, seasoned, laid on
with salt and lemon juice until cooked (up to rosemary or thyme sprigs on a rack and
20 minutes), fish removed and flesh roasted at 180°C for about 25 to 30 minutes
reserved, the cooking liquor made into a until all the suet has melted, rested 10
velouté sauce and finished with cream and minutes and served with the pan residues,
diced fillets of anchovy. The sauce is poured defatted and deglazed with wine
rognons turbigo France Skinned split
rognons turbigo

over the fish, gratinated with breadcrumbs

and all put into a medium oven and kidneys, sautéed in butter, presented around
browned. a centre garnish of grilled mushrooms and
rödtunga Sweden Lemon sole
chipolata sausages and napped with a sauce
rödvinssås Sweden Red wine sauce made by
made from the white wine deglazed pan
simmering a well cleaned cod’s head in red juices mixed with a tomato flavoured and
wine with a bouquet garni for 30 minutes, seasoned demi-glace sauce
rognures France Trimmings

then straining, seasoning and thickening it

with beurre manié roh Germany Raw

roe The egg or sperm of fish or the eggs of


roher Schinken Germany Raw ham

roher Schinken

shellfish. It can be hard or soft. Rohkost Germany Crudités, raw vegetables


roebuck The male roe deer


mainly used as a hors d’oeuvre

roebuck sauce A reduction of vinegar with a
roebuck sauce

Rohkostplatte Germany A salad of raw


bouquet garni and a brunoise of onion and vegetables

raw ham browned in butter, espagnole sauce Rohwurst Austria, Germany A group of

added and simmered 15 minutes, bouquet German/Austrian slicing or spreading

garni removed and the sauce finished with sausages such as salami, Mettwurst,
port and redcurrant jelly. Used for venison. Ländjäger, Plockwurst and Teewurst, which
roe cakes Scotland Skinned cooked roe,
roe cakes

are made of raw meat then cured, air-dried

cooked potatoes and finely chopped onion and/or smoked. All can be kept.
sweated in butter (4:2:1) mashed together, rokko Rocket

formed into round cakes 1 cm thick, floured,

rökt Sweden Smoked

rested then shallow-fried in oil with a little

røkt Norway Smoked

butter. Served with fried bacon etc.

rökt ål Sweden Smoked eel
rökt ål

roe deer A species of deer, Capreolus

roe deer

rökt lax Sweden Smoked salmon

rökt lax

capreolus, which is very common in the UK

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roll 1. A small bread separately cooked from finished with pine nuts and a few currants

about 50 to 60 g of raw dough 2. Any food and raisins soaked in water until plump
item shaped like a cylinder e.g. Swiss roll, romaine lettuce See cos lettuce
romaine lettuce

meat roll, etc. romana, a la Catalonia Deep-fried in batter

romana, a la

roll, to 1. To thin out, e.g. pastry or dough,

roll, to

romanesco A pale green, very decorative


with a rolling pin by compressing it between variety of cauliflower in which each floret
the rolling pin and a flat surface with a to and rises to a peak and can be seen individually
fro rolling motion. More accurately, to roll out. although they are all bunched together like a
2. To form in to a cylinder. More accurately, true cauliflower
to roll up. Romano United States A hard, drum-shaped

rolle Italy Roll of veal or beef


cooked-curd cows’ milk cheese made in the

rolled bean curd See bean curd sticks
rolled bean curd
Pecorino Romano manner. It is close-
rolled cutlets United States Beef and veal
rolled cutlets
textured with a strong taste and thin rind.
olives (paupiettes) Contains 32% water, 26% fat and 33%
rolled oats See porridge oats
rolled oats

roman pot Chicken brick

roman pot

rolled rump United States The top of the

rolled rump

roman snail An edible European snail, Helix

roman snail

round of beef without bone used for roasting

roller milled flour Flour produced from
roller milled flour

romarin France Rosemary


cereal grains by passing the larger pieces or

romazava South Africa A beef and vegetable

whole grains though rollers set close together

stew from Madagascar
and rotating at slightly different speeds so as
rombo Italy Turbot

to shear the grain

rombo chiodato Italy Turbot
rombo chiodato

rolling pin A wooden or ceramic cylinder

rolling pin

rombo giallo Italy Megrim, the fish

rombo giallo

about 5 cm in diameter and 25 to 50 cm long

rombo liscio Italy Brill, the fish
rombo liscio

used for rolling out pastes and doughs or

romdeng Cambodia Greater galangal

crushing brittle foods such as nuts, praline,

etc. Some rolling pins, e.g. for making pasta, romero Spain Rosemary

are longer and thinner Römertopf Germany Chicken brick


roll mac United Kingdom Mackerel fillets

roll mac

romesco Catalonia A famous spicy sauce


filled with fruit chutney and rolled up, laid on made with toasted nuts, garlic, tomatoes,
a bed of chopped onions and mushrooms, nyora peppers and bread
moistened with white wine, topped with more romesco chilli A mildly piquant smoky-
romesco chilli

chutney and cooked in a 200°C oven until a flavoured dried chilli from Spain used to
crust forms on top. Served with soured make romesco sauce. No other should be
cream. substituted.
rollmop herring Fillets of herring rolled with
rollmop herring

romesco de peix Catalonia Seafood with

romesco de peix

chopped onions, gherkins and peppercorns, romesco sauce

secured with a sliver of wood and marinated romesco sauce Spain Romesco chilli,
romesco sauce

in spiced vinegar for 7 to 10 days blistered in the oven and peeled, blended
Rollmops Germany Rollmop herring

with oven softened garlic and skinned

roly-poly pudding United Kingdom Suet
roly-poly pudding

tomatoes, roasted hazelnuts and almonds,

pastry rolled out into an oblong, spread with chopped parsley, wine vinegar, olive oil and
jam, mincemeat or any sweet filling, rolled seasoning to form a smooth paste. Sweet red
up, wrapped in a cloth or foil and steamed or pepper and cayenne pepper may be
baked for 1.5 to 2 hours. Served with English substituted for the romesco chilli.
romiet Cambodia Turmeric

Romorantin France Selles-sur-Cher

Romadur A soft, smooth-textured and


surface-ripened block-shaped cows’ milk ron Spain Rum


cheese with a yellowish brown washed rind. Roncal Spain A hard ewes’ milk cheese made

It tastes like a milder and sweeter version of in 2 kg rounds and matured for 4 months. It
Limburger cheese. Made in central Europe. has a yellowish white, hard but open textured
romaine, à la In the Roman style, i.e. roasts paste with a pungent taste. The rind is light
romaine, à la

garnished with tomatoes, or tomato sauce, brown and slightly greasy. Used as a dessert
spinach and occasionally, potatoes cheese or for cooking.
rond de gigot France A thick leg steak of lamb
rond de gigot

romaine, sauce France Caramel dissolved in

romaine, sauce

vinegar as soon as it is made, espagnole or mutton

sauce and game or brown stock added, rondelle France A round thin slice of carrot,

reduced by one quarter, strained and lemon. salami, etc.

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rondinella Italy Flying fish rose A hardy shrub with pink to red fragrant
rondinella rose

rondino Italy Pomfret, the fish

flowers of the genus Rosa. The wild rose or
ronnach Ireland Mackerel
dog rose, R. canina, and the eglantine or
sweet brier, R. eglanteria, have large red
roof West Africa A mixture for stuffing fish

seed capsules known as hips or rose hips.

from Senegal consisting of sweet peppers,
The flower petals with the bitter white heel
onions or leeks or similar, garlic, parsley or
removed may be crystallized or used for
other fresh herb, salt and a chopped chilli
decoration, in salads, in fruit pies or as a
pepper, all processed to a fine smooth paste
general flavouring. The bright red rose hips,
with a little oil or water. Also called roff
after dehairing, may be used in jams or
rookworst Netherlands A spiced and smoked

puréed for use in sauces or to make a sweet

sausage syrup high in vitamin C. See also rose water
roomali roti South Asia A very thin bread
roomali roti

rose apple A fruit which grows in clusters on

rose apple

somewhat like a pancake a tree, Syzygium malaccensis, from East

root celery Celeriac
root celery

Asia. They are small, pink and white, pear-

root ginger The solid root form of ginger,
root ginger

shaped and have an apple flavour, but are

either fresh or dried rather soft and full of seeds.
roots A general name for the common root rose cocoa bean, rose coco bean Borlotto
roots rose cocoa bean

vegetables, as in bed of roots which is a bean

mirepoix of carrots, turnips and swedes rose hip The orange to dark red fruit of the
rose hip

root vegetables The general name for

root vegetables

rose, especially R. canina and R. eglantina,

vegetables consisting of the swollen roots of with an edible fleshy casing up to 2.5 cm
plants from which the leaves and flowers long containing a mass of inedible seeds.
spring. Common examples are carrots, Usually used to make syrups and jams and
turnips, swedes, beetroot, parsnips, salsify valued for their high vitamin C content.
and radish. Also called roots rose hip catsup Canada A cold sauce or
rose hip catsup

roppo muki Japan A cut for small vegetables

roppo muki

ketchup made in Alberta from rose hips,

such as baby turnips in which the top and onions, garlic, sugar, spices, vinegar and
base are trimmed flat and they are cut into water
hexagons rosehip syrup A sweetened extract of
rosehip syrup

Roquefort France A soft, virtually rindless blue


rosehips used for flavouring and colouring

cheese made from unpasteurized ewes’ (pink) drinks and desserts and as a source of
milk, the curds of which are sprinkled with vitamin C
Penicillium roquefortii mould spores as they rosella Jamaica flower

are being formed into 2.5 kg rounds. The rosemary An evergreen perennial shrub,

cheeses are matured for 3 months in Rosmarinus officinalis, with woody upright
underground caves in currents of air at a stems and thin pointed aromatic leaves
constant temperature and humidity. The which grows in temperate and
cheeses are needled to assist mould growth. Mediterranean climates. Used to flavour
It has a delicate and subtle tangy flavour and meat dishes especially lamb and strong-
production is strictly controlled. It has AOC flavoured soups. A twig of rosemary is often
status. laid on fish or meat as it is being cooked.
roquette Rocket

Rosenkohl Germany Brussels sprouts


röra Sweden Scrambled as in ägg röra,


rose oil The essential oil extracted from rose

rose oil

scrambled egg petals used as a flavouring and perfume

røræg Denmark Scrambled egg

roseroot A perennial rock plant, Sedum


rörd smörsås Sweden A stirred butter sauce

rörd smörsås

rosea, whose thick succulent leaves are

made by creaming butter and egg yolk (3:1), eaten in salads in Greenland
seasoning and whisking in lemon juice rosette de Lyon France A large coarse-
rosette de Lyon

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Botanical textured salami-like dried pork sausage

name Watercress made with chopped pork shoulder and
Rosa Botanical name See rose

matured very slowly. Eaten raw.

Rosa canina Botanical name Wild rose, dog rose tube A nozzle for a piping bag with an
rose tube

rose elongated teardrop-shaped opening to

Rosa eglanteria Botanical name Eglantine, produce petals and other decorative shapes
sweet brier rose water Diluted essence of rose petals
rose water

rosa Krebse Germany Prawn

rosa Krebse

used as a flavouring in confectionery and

rosbif France, Italy, Spain Roast beef, usually

desserts especially in Middle Eastern, Indian

very rare and Southeast Asian cooking

490 Page 491 Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:24 PM


Rosinen Germany Raisins rôti France 1. Roasted; past participle of rôtir,

Rosinen rôti

Rosmarin Germany Rosemary


‘to roast’ 2. Roast of beef, pork, etc.

roti jala South Asia A thick pouring batter
roti jala

rosmarino Italy Rosemary


Rosmarinus officinalis Botanical name made with flour, eggs, salt and thin coconut
Rosemary milk dripped in a continuous stream through
rosmerino Italy Rosemary
a perforated cup into a hot greased frying
rosół Poland A mixed beef and chicken broth
pan to form a lacy pattern. Cooked both sides
thickened with buckwheat groats and and then rolled up.
roti jala cup A metal vessel with four spouts
roti jala cup

garnished with diced chicken, diced bacon

and chopped parsley and fennel issuing from the base each with a fine hole.
rospa Italy Monkfish
Used for making roti jala and string hoppers.
rotini Italy Ruoti

rossetti Italy Goby, the fish


rôtir France To roast


rosso Italy Red


rôtisserie 1. France The section of the


rossolye Russia A traditional Baltic salad of


diced cooked beetroot, cooking apples, kitchen equipped for roasting meat 2.
boiled potatoes, gherkins, pickled herring France A steakhouse type of restaurant or
and cold cooked meat dressed with cream shop selling roast meat 3. England A rotating
lightly whipped with dry English mustard and spit within a conventional oven on which
caster sugar, all chilled and served on lettuce joints of meat or poultry may be turned as
decorated with chopped hard-boiled egg and they are roasting. Used to give more even
some of the dressing cooking and browning.
Rotkohl Germany Red cabbage

rosta Italy Roasted


Rotkraut Germany Red cabbage cooked with


rostat bröd Sweden Toast

rostat bröd

Rostbratwurst Germany A sausage made

apples and vinegar
rotmos Sweden Mashed boiled turnips

from a seasoned mixture of mainly lean pork

rotolo Italy Roll

with one half its weight of fat pork and veal all
rotolo alla marmellata Italy Swiss roll
rotolo alla marmellata

finely chopped, packed into narrow hog

casings and linked rött Sweden Red

rösten To grill, roast or fry


Rotwurst Germany A well-seasoned blood


Rösti Switzerland A mixture of grated


sausage containing large chunks of meat

parboiled potatoes, chopped onion and Rotzunge Germany Witch sole

seasoning, formed into pancakes or patties rou China Meat


and shallow-fried rouelle France Leg of veal excluding the jarret


rosticceria Italy Rotisserie, delicatessen


and the very top of the cushions or a thick

rostit Catalonia Roasted

slice cut across same

Röstkartoffeln Germany Fried potatoes

Rouen duck One of the two main types of

Rouen duck

rotary beater A hand-held and hand-

rotary beater

French domesticated duck. It is usually

operated mechanical whisk or beater killed by suffocation or strangulation and
consisting of two counter rotating eviscerated carefully so that no blood
intermeshed metal loops, now generally escapes. Usually roasted slightly underdone
superseded by electrically powered mixers, and used e.g. for canard à la presse.
beaters or whisks. Also called rotary whisk, rouennaise, sauce France Hot bordelaise
rouennaise, sauce

egg beater sauce mixed with processed raw duck liver,

rotary whisk See rotary beater
rotary whisk

heated very gently so as not to harden the

Rotbarbe Germany Red mullet, Mullus liver then strained and seasoned

barbatus rougail United States A highly spiced Creole


Rotbart Germany Red mullet, Mullus barbatus condiment served with rice dishes

Rotegrütze Germany Strained and sweetened rougaille South Africa A savoury sauce from
Rotegrütze rougaille

fruit juice thickened with corn flour or potato Madagascar made from peeled tomatoes,
flour, cooled and set in individual dishes and ginger, onions, lemon juice and zest and
served with cold milk or cream chillies
rote Johannisbeere Germany Redcurrant rouget France Mullet, the fish
rote Johannisbeere rouget

rotelli Fusilli rouget barbet France Red mullet, Mullus

rotelli rouget barbet

Roterübe Germany Beetroot

rouget de roche France Red mullet, Mullus
rouget de roche

Rotforelle Germany Arctic char, the fish


roti 1. South Asia Bread, of any kind 2. Sri

rouget grondin France Gurnard
rouget grondin

Lanka An unleavened flat bread made from

roughage See dietary fibre

wheat flour and grated coconut

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roughback Rock sole roux blond France Blond roux

roughback roux blond

rough puff pastry A puff pastry made with the Rouy France A soft strong-smelling cows’ milk
rough puff pastry Rouy

conventional turns to build up layers but the cheese from Dijon, packed in square boxes
fat is mixed with the flour in the form of solid rova Sweden Turnip

cubes 1 to 2 cm on the side and water added rovello Italy Blue-spotted sea bream

to make the dough, keeping the cubes as

rovellons Catalonia Wild mushrooms

intact as possible. The flour fat ratio is 4:3.

roventini alla toscana Italy Fried pigs’ blood
roventini alla toscana

Used only where scrap puff pastry would be

used e.g. pies, palmiers. and Parmesan cheese
rowanberry The small red berries of the

rouille France A processed sauce of water


softened and squeezed bread, garlic, salt, mountain ash or rowan tree, Sorbus
deskinned red peppers, and olive oil with aucuparia, which grows in temperate
possibly cayenne pepper or paprika. It is not climates. The soft, orange to red berries grow
cooked. Spread on bread and served with in clusters and although too bitter to eat on
bouillabaisse and other fish soups in their own, their high pectin content is useful
Provence. when combined with other fruits to make
jams. Also called sorb
roulade A type of presentation of sweet cakes,

rowanberry jelly Scotland A condiment jelly

rowanberry jelly

savoury mixtures, cheeses, layered meats or

fish, cooked egg mixtures, etc. by taking a made in Scotland from rowanberries, apples,
rectangle of one item, covering it with a filling sugar and water
royal See royale

or layer in contrasting colour or texture, then

royal chinook See chinook salmon
royal chinook

rolling up into a spiral which may be served

as is, sliced or further cooked. Examples are royal custard See royale
royal custard

Swiss rolls, salmon and turbot roulades, nut royale France A savoury egg custard made

and vegetable roulades and similar. from equal parts of egg and stock or milk,
Rouladen Germany Beef olives

seasoned, strained and poached in a

roulé France 1. Swiss roll, rolled meat or

buttered mould in a bain-marie. Cut into neat

similar 2. A fresh soft cows’ milk cheese shapes and used as a garnish especially for
made into a roulade with layers of flavourings consommé. Also called royal, royal custard
such as garlic, herbs and peppercorns. Also royale, à la In the royal style, i.e. coated with
royale, à la

called roulette a rich white sauce and garnished with

rouler France To roll

truffles and button mushrooms. Also used of

roulette France 1. Roulé 2. A pastry or pasta a consommé garnished with a royale.

cutting wheel royale cherry Duke cherry

royale cherry

round fish Fish which may be round or

round fish

royal glaze United States Royal icing

royal glaze

elliptical in cross section and have an eye on royal icing A hard white icing made from
royal icing

each side of the head lightly beaten egg whites into which is beaten
round gourd Tinda
round gourd

icing sugar, lemon juice and at the end a little

round kumquat See maru-kinkan glycerine. Also called royal glaze
round kumquat

round lettuce Butterhead lettuce royal icing praline Egg whites and icing
round lettuce royal icing praline

round of beef United States The whole of the

round of beef

sugar whipped to the ribbon stage and mixed

rear leg of beef excluding the shin but with finely chopped almonds to the required
including the rump, topside, silverside and consistency
part of the thick flank. It is cut into a number Royalp Switzerland A mild, semi-hard cheese

of joints and steaks ranging from rump at the made from unpasteurized cows’ milk cast in
top to round steak at the bottom. large rounds (up to 5 kg), similar to Tilsit with
round of bread A single slice of bread a buttery paste and moist reddish brown
round of bread

round steak United States Steak cut form the

round steak
rind. Contains 39% water, 28% fat and 27%
lower part of round of beef. It may be fried protein.
Royal Wazwaam South Asia A Kashmiri meal
Royal Wazwaam

but is not very tender. When tenderized it is

called Swiss steak. of 36 courses of which between 15 and 30
round yam Australia A ball-shaped yam from
round yam
will be meat dishes cooked by the master
the native Burdekin vine, Dioscorea chef, the Vasta Waza. Guests are seated in
bublifera, which also has edible black berries groups of four and share the meal out of a
roux England, France A combination of fat
large metal dish.
royan France Pilchard

and flour cooked together to varying degrees

roz bil habib North Africa A sweetened rice
roz bil habib

of colour, i.e. white roux, blond roux or brown

roux. Used to thicken liquids to make sauces dessert cooked in milk, flavoured with
of various kinds. See also block roux almonds, vanilla and orange-flower water

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rum sauce

roz bil tamar Middle East Cooked rice, rue odorante France Rue, the herb
roz bil tamar rue odorante

almonds, dates and sultanas (2:1:1:1), the ruffe Pope


last three all fried, are assembled with the Ruffec France A strong-tasting goats’ milk

rice heaped on top of the fruit and nut cheese from Charentais
mixture, then all baked in the oven at 120°C. rugbrød Denmark Dark rye bread

Served with a sprinkling of rose water.

rugde Norway Woodcock

rozijnen Netherlands Raisins


rughetta Italy Rocket


rubanné(e) France Made up of well defined


rugola Italy Rocket


layers of different colours and flavours

Rühreier Germany Scrambled eggs

rubbing in biscuit method A method of

rubbing in biscuit method

ruibarbo Spain Rhubarb


making biscuits by rubbing the fat into the

ruladă de nuci Romania A Swiss roll filled
ruladă de nuci

flour as in short pastry making, then adding

the liquid ingredients and sugar and mixing with a mixture of ground walnuts, sugar,
as little as possible e.g. shortbread and milk, rum and grated lemon zest
rulader Sweden Beef roll, beef olive

ginger biscuits
rullepølse Denmark A type of roulade made

rubbing in cake method A method of making

rubbing in cake method

cakes by combining fat and sieved flour and with the belly meat of any animal spread with
raising agent to a sandy (breadcrumb) a mixture of minced onion, spices and herbs,
texture, mixing in other dry ingredients then tightly rolled, tied then either dry-salted with
adding liquid to make a dough, e.g. rock salt and saltpetre for a week and simmered
cakes, raspberry buns in water or braised as is
rullesild Norway Rollmop herring

Rübe Germany Turnip


rum England, Italy An alcoholic spirit distilled


Rubens, sauce France A slow reduction (25

Rubens, sauce

minutes) of white wine, fish stock and a fine from a fermented molasses solution, used as
brunoise of aromatic vegetables, thickened a flavouring
Rum Germany Rum

with yolk of egg and finished with Madeira

rumaki United States A cocktail snack

wine, crayfish butter and anchovy essence

rub in, to To combine hard fat with flour and
rub in, to
consisting of chicken liver and water
other dry ingredients using the tips of the chestnuts, wrapped in bacon, grilled and
fingers or a food processor so as to end up dipped in a savoury sauce
rum baba A baba cake soaked in rum-
rum baba

with a dry flowable mixture resembling

breadcrumbs in which small particles of flavoured sugar syrup and decorated with
solid fat are coated with the dry ingredients whipped cream, glacé cherries and angelica
rubixanthin See E161(d)
strips. It was created for the King of Poland
Rubus The genus containing hybrids of the when living in Alsace Lorraine and is based
wild blackberry, raspberry and other similar on the recipe for Kugelhopf. See also baba
rumble-de-thumps Scotland Cooked potatoes

soft fruits
Rubus idaeus Botanical name Raspberry and chopped cooked cabbage, mixed
Rubus phoenicolasius Botanical name together and browned in the oven
rum butter A mixture of softened butter,
rum butter

ruby Pigmented grapefruit
brown sugar and rum and sometimes
ruchetta Italy Rocket
cinnamon. When cool used as an
accompaniment to hot puddings.
rucola Italy Rocket

Rumex acetosa Botanical name Sorrel

ruda Spain Rue, the herb

Rumex patientia Botanical name Patience

rudder-nosed lobster Sand lobster
rudder-nosed lobster

Rumex scutatus Botanical name Buckler leaf

rue A hardy evergreen shrub, Ruta sorrel

graveolens, with small lobed bluish green rump United Kingdom A cut of beef from the

leaves which have a strong bitter flavour and hindquarter, being a vertical slice from the
pungent aroma. Used in small quantities as coccyx (fused vertebrae near the tail) behind
a garnish and in egg, cheese and fish dishes. the sirloin and extending down to the thick
The seeds are infused together with with flank. It is a prime joint which can be roasted,
lovage and mint in marinades for partridge. It fried or grilled. A rump and sirloin of beef
is said to be poisonous in large quantities. joined together is called a choice.
Also called garden rue rump steak United Kingdom A slice of beef
rump steak

Ruegenwalder Teewurst Germany A smooth

Ruegenwalder Teewurst

cut from the rump

spreading sausage made with pork and rum sauce United Kingdom A sweet white
rum sauce

collar bacon, smoked over beechwood sauce flavoured with rum, usually served
rue kewra South Asia Screwpine
rue kewra

with Christmas pudding or mince pies

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rundergehakt Netherlands Minced beef garnished with sliced hard-boiled egg, sliced

runderlapje Netherlands Beefsteak

gherkins and diced beetroot.
Russian service The method of serving food
Russian service

rundown Caribbean A Jamaican dish of flaked


smoked fish simmered with coconut milk, from platters to individual diners at the table
Russian tarragon A milder tarragon,
Russian tarragon

onions and seasonings

rundstycke Sweden Bread roll. Also called
Artemesia dracunculoides, than the French
franksbröd variety. It may be distinguished from the
rundstykke Denmark, Norway Bread roll
French by its ability to set seed.
russin Sweden Raisin

rundvlees Netherlands Beef


russische Eier Germany Sliced hard-boiled

russische Eier

runner Used for black and white puddings,


Bologna sausage, etc. See also ox casings egg dressed with mayonnaise, served with
runner bean The pods and beans from a
runner bean
salad (NOTE: Literally ‘Russian eggs’.)
russole Italy A type of fungus

climbing legume, Phaseolus coccineus,

which was introduced into Europe from rustica, alla Italy In the rustic style, e.g. used
rustica, alla

South America as a flowering plant in the of spaghetti served with an anchovy and
18th century. The long narrow green pods cheese sauce flavoured with garlic and
are generally cooked and eaten whole when oregano
young since the pods tend to become stringy ruta Italy Rue, the herb

with age. The unripe beans may also be used

rutabaga 1. A variety of swede, Brassica

at a later stage and the ripe beans may be

campestris var. rutabaga, with yellow flesh.
dried. Also called scarlet runner, string bean,
2. United States Swede, kohlrabi 3. France
stick bean
runny Baveuse

Ruta graveolens Botanical name Rue

ruoka Finland Food, meat, dish or course

rutin One of the bioflavonoids found in high


ruokalista Finland Menu


concentration in buckwheat
ruoti Italy Small cartwheel-shaped pieces of

Rutland England Cheddar cheese flavoured


pasta. Also called rotini with beer, chopped parsley and garlic
ruotini Italy Small ruoti

ryba Russia Fish


ruou Vietnam Wine


rybia polewka Poland A fish soup made from

rybia polewka

rushnut Tiger nut


fish stock simmered with carrots, celeriac,

rusinakakku Finland Fruit cake

onions, cabbage, parsley and cauliflower

rusinat Finland Raisins and sultanas

until all tender, sieved, finished with egg

rusk Ground rusks made from unleavened
yolks and milk and garnished with sliced
bread used as an extender in sausages and hard carps’ roes poached in fish stock
rye A cereal grain, Secale cereale, which

sausage meat. Yeast-raised bread rusk can

cause off flavours in the sausage. grows mainly in Baltic areas. Used for dense
rusks Small pieces of bread, dried and baked
breads and crispbreads. A fungus, Claviceps
until golden brown purpurea, which grows on the seed heads,
russe, à la France In the Russian style, i.e.
russe, à la
especially during wet harvesting weather, is
garnished with beetroot, soured cream, responsible for a sickness ‘St Anthony’s fire’,
hard-boiled egg and sometimes salt herring characterized by hallucinations and mental
derangement. An extract of the fungus is
russet apple A reddish brown apple with a
russet apple

used to induce labour and as an illegal

dull non-shiny skin and crisp sweet/sour abortifacient.
rye bread A bread usually shaped like a baton
rye bread

Russian dressing 1. Russia Mayonnaise

Russian dressing

and flavoured with caraway seeds, made

combined with a little dry white wine,
from a mixture of rye and wheat flour
horseradish and Worcestershire sauces and
rye flakes Flakes made by rolling steamed or
rye flakes

tomato ketchup 2. United States Mayonnaise

combined with tarragon vinegar or lemon softened rye grains. Used in muesli and for a
juice, parsley and chopped hard-boiled egg cooked breakfast cereal.
rye flour Flour made from rye which has a
rye flour

Russian fish pie United Kingdom As

Russian fish pie

coulibiac, but with any suitable cooked fish more sticky and less elastic gluten than
and using puff pastry only wheat and is thus usually mixed with wheat
Russian salad A mixture of cooked diced
Russian salad
flour to make bread. Used on its own for
unleavened bread and crispbreads.
potatoes and carrots with peas and sliced
rye meal Coarsely ground rye
rye meal

green beans bound together with

rygeost Denmark Smoked cream cheese

mayonnaise. Usually served on lettuce

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rysk kolja

ryotei Japan The extremely expensive rype Denmark, Norway Grouse or ptarmigan
ryotei rype

restaurants that serve the traditional haute rype i fløtesaus Norway A famous dish of
rype i fløtesaus

cuisine of Japan in private Japanese-style ptarmigan in a cream sauce

rooms. The menu is decided by the chef. rysk kolja Sweden Haddock à la russe
rysk kolja

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saabat masoor South Asia Lentils with a dark sablé biscuits A rich sandy-textured biscuit
saabat masoor sablé biscuits

brown or pale green skin which when made from a buttery paste containing
dehusked are a pale pink-orange. They take granulated sugar, formed into a roll, chilled,
a considerable time to cook. sliced and the round slices baked in the
saabat moong South Asia Whole mung beans
saabat moong

oven. Also called sand biscuits

saboga Spain Twaite shad

saabat urad South Asia Whole seeds of black

saabat urad

gram sabor Spain Flavour


saag South Asia A general term for green sabre France Scabbard fish
saag sabre

vegetables sabre bean Sword bean

sabre bean

saa got China Yam bean

saa got

sabroso Spain Savoury, tasty


Saanenkäse Switzerland A hard, cooked-


sabzee Central Asia The Afghan name for


curd cows’ milk cheese similar to Sbrinz, spinach

suitable for slicing or grating. The cheeses sabzi South Asia Vegetables

are dry-salted and matured in cool damp sabzi khordan Central Asia A platter of
sabzi khordan

conditions for up to 5 years. Also called washed, drained and chilled herb sprigs
Walliskäse arranged in an attractive fashion and served
saang choy China Cos lettuce
saang choy

with cubes of cheese and bread. Eaten as an

saba 1. Japan Mackerel 2. Philippines

appetizer in Iran.
Banana sac France Caecum

sábalo Spain Shad


saccharin A synthetic chemical which weight


Sabal palmetto Botanical name Palmetto for weight is 400 times sweeter than sugar. It
saba no miso-ni Japan Mackerel simmered
saba no miso-ni

is approved for use in the UK for soft drinks,

in miso cider and diet products. It does not have an
sabayon A mixture of egg yolk and a little E number and is therefore not universally

water whisked to the ribbon stage over gentle approved in the EU.
heat. Added to sauces to assist glazing under saccharometer A hydrometer which is directly

the grill. calibrated with the percentage of sugar in the

sabayon sauce A French, thinner, lighter and sugar/water solution
sabayon sauce

frothier version of zabaglione made from egg Saccharomyces cerevisiae The most
yolks, sherry or rum and sugar, sometimes common yeast used for converting sugars
with whipped cream folded into the mixture. into alcohol or water and carbon dioxide, for
Served with fruit desserts and rich sponge making bread and as a source of some
puddings. enzymes, e.g. invertase
sabb al-gafsha Persian Gulf An enriched
sabb al-gafsha

Saccharomyces exiguus A yeast used for

yeast-raised thick batter made with a mixture the leavening of sour dough bread
of besan, wheat flour, eggs and clarified Saccharomyces inusitatus A yeast used for
butter (2:1:4:1) with a little ground rice to the leavening of sour dough bread
give the right consistency, then flavoured Saccharomyces rouxii A yeast used in the
with ground cardamom seeds and saffron third phase of the production of soya sauce
powder. Spoonfuls are deep-fried at 190°C saccharose See sucrose

for about 4 minutes, drained and soaked in a sacchetto Italy Sea perch

cardamom-flavoured heavy sugar syrup. sacher sauce A blond roux made into a thin
sacher sauce

Served warm. sauce with equal parts of consommé and

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cream, flavoured with Worcestershire sauce, safflower styles The style of the safflower is
safflower styles

thickened with egg yolks and finished with often used to replace or adulterate saffron by
chopped chives unscrupulous traders, but it is yellow as
Sachertorte Austria Vienna’s most famous opposed to the red of real saffron. Will colour

torte, created by Franz Sacher in 1832, dishes orange but has no flavour. Also called
made from a butter, sugar and egg yolk bastard saffron
creamed batter into which rum or Madeira- saffransbröd Sweden A yeast-raised fruit

flavoured molten chocolate is beaten, this bread flavoured and coloured with saffron.
followed by folding in flour and stiffly beaten Served on St Lucia’s feast day, the 13th of
egg whites and baking at 180°C. The cake is December.
rested and covered with chocolate icing to saffron The red/orange thread-like 3

make a rather dry torte which is best served branched styles of the perennial crocus,
with whipped cream. Crocus sativus, about 2.5 cm long with a
Sacherwürstel Austria A Bratwurst containing

penetrating aromatic flavour that is

mainly beef and bacon fat medicinal in high concentration. Cultivated
sacristain France A spiral-shaped puff pastry

from the Mediterranean to Kashmir. It is the

with almonds and sugar or cheese most expensive spice known but a small
sad (A cake or loaf) which is heavy, sunken or

amount (0.1 g) will both flavour a dish and

has not risen as required colour it a brilliant gold. Sold either as
saddle A large joint of meat from smaller
strands which should be infused in hot water
animals, consisting of two joined loins and for at least 8 hours or as a red powder which
sometimes including ribs gives a fast release of aroma. Used with fish
and rice dishes and in buns. Often
saddled bream A small seawater bream,
saddled bream

adulterated, and should only be purchased

Oblada melanura. The grey-blue skin has
from reputable merchants. See also
longitudinal stripes.
safflower styles
saddle of lamb The two joined loins of a lamb
saddle of lamb

saffron cake Cornish saffron cake

saffron cake

before cutting through the backbone.

saffron milk cap An edible mushroom,
saffron milk cap

Normally skinned and roasted, garnished

with water cress, carved longitudinally in Lactarius deliciosus, with an irregular orange
thick slices and served with gravy, mint circular cap containing a central depression.
sauce, and redcurrant jelly. The yellow sap turns green on drying and is
sadikka Sri Lanka Nutmeg
a positive identification of the species.
Pickled and used in cooking.
sadza South Africa A type of steamed

saffron sauce Finely chopped shallots or

saffron sauce

dumpling made from red millet flour or

cornmeal, popular in Zimbabwe and usually onions cooked in white wine, the volume
served with some kind of sauce or stew reduced to about one sixth of the original,
double cream, equal in amount to the
safardjaliyya North Africa Lamb or beef

original wine, whisked in off the heat and

chunks browned in oil and simmered with
saffron powder added to colour and flavour
sweated onions, skinned tomatoes,
saffron thistle Safflower
saffron thistle

cinnamon and ginger until tender, then

Saflor Germany Safflower

cooked with cored, unpeeled and quartered

quinces or, if unavailable, hard pears or safran France Saffron

apricots until the fruit is soft safran d’Inde France Turmeric

safran d’Inde

safflower A thistle-like plant, Carthamus


Safrangewürz Germany Saffron


tinctorius, with large orange-red flowers,

saft Denmark, Norway Juice

cultivated in India, China and the Middle

Saft Germany 1. Juice 2. Gravy

East. The flowers are used as a yellow

colouring and oil is extracted from the seeds. Saftbraten Germany A thin beef stew or

The styles are sometimes sold as true saffron braised beef

to unsuspecting customers. Also called Saftig Germany Juicy, spicy

saffron thistle, Mexican saffron

safuran Japan Saffron

safflower oil A mild-flavoured, high

safflower oil

sag See amaranth 1 (NOTE: In Europe, this is


polyunsaturated oil from the seeds of the

safflower, which is a good source of vitamin usually spinach.)
sagaloo See amaranth 1 (NOTE: In Europe, this

E. Not suitable for deep-frying. Used for

margarine manufacture and in salad is usually spinach.)
saganaki Greece Thick slices of Kessari or

dressings. Contains about 10% saturated,

15% monounsaturated and 75% Kefalotiri cheese, floured, deep-fried and
polyunsaturated fat. served with lemon wedges as an appetizer

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sage A perennial bush herb, Salvia officinalis, saignant(e) France Rare or underdone
sage saignant

of the mint family which grows worldwide. It especially of meat (NOTE: Literally ‘bleeding’.)
has silvery leaves, a highly aromatic flavour saigneux, bout France Neck of lamb or veal
saigneux, bout

and aroma and is used as a flavouring sai gwa China Water melon
sai gwa

especially in Italian cooking. It goes well with

sai jar Indonesia Drumstick vegetable
sai jar

fatty meats and liver and is used to flavour

sailor’s beef Sjömansbiff
sailor’s beef

sausages, vinegar, and compound butters. It

saín Spain Suet

is also available in a prostrate form, S.

saindoux France Pig’s lard

officianils ‘Prostratus’, which has a very

balsamic flavour. Also called broad leaved saingorlon France A soft blue-veined cows’

sage] milk cheese similar to Gorgonzola and cast in

sage and onion stuffing United Kingdom 5 to 10 kg cylinders. Contains 55% water,
sage and onion stuffing

Onions baked in the oven, the inner soft flesh 21% fat and 20% protein.
mixed with white bread which has been sainome-giri Japan Dice cut food (1 cm)

soaked in milk and squeezed out, seasoning Saint Albray A semi-soft, mellow and delicate
Saint Albray

and chopped sage. Chopped beef suet may cows’ milk cheese from Béarn produced in a
be added. Used as a stuffing for poultry or 2 kg flower shape. It has a pale orange
may be diluted with gravy for use as a sauce. bloomed rind with a pale yellow paste
Sage Derby England A hard, mild cheese with
Sage Derby

containing small holes. Suitable for dessert

a slightly flaky texture and marbled and sandwiches.
appearance made by adding the juice of Saint-Benoît France A round cows’ milk

sage leaves mixed with chlorophyll to the cheese from the Loire with a fruity flavour
curds Saint Chevrier A mild and creamy goats’ milk
Saint Chevrier

Sägegarnele Germany Common prawn


cheese covered with ash

sage grouse United States A species of
sage grouse

Sainte-Maure France A soft creamy goats’


grouse, Centrocerus urophasianus, which milk cheese from the Loire made in long
feeds on sagebrush buds. The crop must be cylinders often moulded around a straw
removed as soon as it is shot, otherwise it Sainte-Menehould France Cooked and then

would give the bird an objectionable flavour. coated with mustard, dipped in melted
Sage Lancashire England Lancashire cheese
Sage Lancashire

butter, covered with breadcrumbs and

flavoured with chopped sage grilled, a method originating in the
saging Philippines Plantain Champagne region of France. Pigs trotters

Sagittaria sagittifolia Botanical name are traditionally treated in this way.

Arrowhead Saint-Florentin France A washed rind, full-

sago A starch extracted mainly from the pith


flavoured cows’ milk cheese from Burgundy

of the sago palm, Metroxylon sagu, using Saint George’s mushroom An edible
Saint George’s mushroom

water. The starch is then dried and mushroom, Tricholoma gambosum, with a
granulated into small balls known as pearl cream-coloured irregular cap on a thick stem
sago. Used for milk puddings. Many palm found in grassland in spring and early
trees which grow in India and Southeast summer. Used as a flavouring for soups and
Asia, the cabbage palm from the American stews.
tropics and cyclads which grow in Sri Lanka, Saint Germain, à la France In the Saint
Saint Germain, à la

India and Japan all have a starchy pith at a Germain style, i.e. including peas
certain phase in their life cycle and are used Saint Germain, crème France Onion, leek
Saint Germain, crème

as a source of starch. and celery sweated in butter, white stock,

Sago Germany Sago

mint, a bouquet garni and shelled green

sago palm A palm tree, Metroxylon sagu, peas added, boiled 5 minutes, bouquet garni
sago palm

which grows wild in fresh water swamps in removed, an equal quantity of béchamel
Southeast Asia. Just before flowering at added, boiled, consistency adjusted,
about 15 years, starch reserves build up in liquidized, seasoned and passed through a
the pith and the palm is felled to extract the chinois and finished with cream. Also called
starch from which sago is produced. cream of green pea soup
sagú Italy, Spain Sago Saint Germain, fish Fillets of fish passed
sagú Saint Germain, fish

Sahne Germany Cream

through seasoned flour, melted butter
containing English mustard, and
Sahnequark Germany Cream cheese

breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs neatened on

Sahnetorte Germany Cream cake

the presentation side with a palette knife and

saiblinge France A fish of the salmon family

marked with a diamond pattern, grilled and

sai dau naga choy China Mung bean sprouts
sai dau naga choy

served with béarnaise sauce.

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salad cream

Saint Germain, purée France Soaked dried sakana, sakana-ryori Japan Seafood, or a
Saint Germain, purée sakana

or washed fresh peas, whole carrot, chopped seafood dish

green leek and onion, a bouquet garni and a sakana shioyaki Japan Cleaned and gutted
sakana shioyaki

knuckle of ham added to white stock, herring, dried, sprinkled with salt and
simmered and skimmed until all tender, allowed to rest for 30 minutes, sprinkled with
carrot and ham removed, the remainder more salt especially on the tail and grilled or
liquidized or passed through a sieve, barbecued for 15 to 20 minutes, turning as
strained, seasoned, consistency adjusted required
and served hot accompanied with croûtons. saka-saka Central Africa Congolese for

Also called green pea soup cassava leaves which normally are only
Saint-Gildas-des-bois France A triple cream

eaten in this region. They can be very tough

cows’ milk cheese from Brittany with a rather and require long cooking.
mouldy smell sake Japan 1. A rice wine used principally for

Saint Honoré The patron saint of pastry

Saint Honoré

drinking but can be used as a substitute for

cooks. See also gâteau Saint Honoré mirin in cooking. It is brewed from steamed
Saint-Jacques France Coquilles saint-

rice using the mould, Aspergillus oryzae, as

jacques the fermentation agent. Lactic acid is added
Saint John’s bread See carob powder to reduce the pH and prevent contamination
Saint John’s bread

Saint Laurence The patron saint of cooks

Saint Laurence
with a yeast. It is filtered and used
Saint-Malo, sauce France Sauce vin blanc
Saint-Malo, sauce
immediately. See also Japanese rice wine 2.
with mustard, chopped shallots cooked in Salmon
saki Japan another spelling of sake

white wine and a little anchovy essence

sakizuke Japan A seasonal appetizer served

Saint-Marcellin France Tomme de Saint


Marcellin especially in expensive restaurants, e.g.

Saint-Nectaire France A semi-hard cows’
saku Thailand Sago

milk cheese from the Dordogne cast in large

sakura denbu Japan A mixture of dried and
sakura denbu

discs (up to 2 kg). It is salted and ripened in

caves for 60 days. The smooth paste has an ground codfish and sugar-coloured pink and
aromatic flavour and a slight smell of mildew. used as a garnish
It has appellation d’origine status. Contains sal Portugal, Spain Salt

45% water, 25% fat and 23% protein. salaatti Finland Salad

Saint-Paulin France A semi-hard creamy


salaattikastike Finland Salad dressing


yellow round cheese with a mild delicate Salacca edulis Botanical name Snake fruit
flavour made from cows’ milk and cast in salad A mixture of raw leaves, vegetables,

discs (up to 2 kg). It is made with a lactic fruit, warm or cold cooked vegetables,
starter, is washed in weak brine, salted in sausages, ham, cheese, fish, shellfish,
brine and cured at high humidity. Sometimes cereal grains, pasta, etc. Virtually any edible
sold as Port Salut. foodstuff may be incorporated in a salad but,
Saint Peter’s fish Tilapia
Saint Peter’s fish

save for pure fruit salads, all are dressed with

Saint-Pierre France John Dory

some kind of acid-based sauce or dressing

Saint-Rémy France A soft, washed rind cows’

and seasoned. Served as a course or meal in

milk cheese from Lorraine with a strong- its own right or as an accompaniment to
smelling paste and a reddish brown rind. other food. well-known varieties include
Made in squares. Russian salad, green salad, fruit salad and
saisir France To sear salade niçoise.

Saiten Germany A juicy sausage often served salada Portugal Salad

Saiten salada

with lentils salad bar A range of salad ingredients in

salad bar

saithe Coley separate containers displayed on a


saka madesu Central Africa A mixture of

saka madesu
refrigerated counter for self-service by the
white beans, soaked and cooked until customer
salad burnet A perennial hardy evergreen
salad burnet

tender, and cassava leaves, which have been

crushed in a pestle and mortar and herb, Sanguisorba minor, with tiny green/red
simmered in water with sautéed onions for 1 spherical flowers. The lacy leaves have a
to 2 hours. The mixture is simmered with salt slightly nutty flavour with a hint of cucumber.
in a large pot for a further 15 minutes and is Used in salads, sauces, soups and stews.
eaten with any staple carbohydrate source. salad cream A commercial emulsion sauce
salad cream

saka-mushi Japan A method of steaming


made to resemble mayonnaise but deriving

food over sake and water or steaming food its texture more from thickeners than from
which has been marinated in sake emulsified oil

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salad dressing

salad dressing A sauce usually based on oil and swede family used as a salad leaf, or
salad dressing

and an acid such as vinegar, lemon juice or when older, may be cooked as a vegetable
possibly yoghurt, either a stable or unstable salad rocket See rocket
salad rocket

emulsion, seasoned and flavoured with salaison France 1. The process of salting

herbs, spices, garlic, etc. Generally used to meats, cheeses, etc. 2. Salted meat or fish
coat very lightly the components of a salad used as a hors d’oeuvres
especially leaves, but occasionally to bind
salak Indonesia, Malaysia Snake fruit

the ingredients together

salam Switzerland A type of cervelas or

salade France Lettuce, green salad


salade composée France A substantial
salade composée

salamander 1. A commercial high intensity


mixed salad with a selection of bacon,

poached egg, offal, deep-fried cheese and grill used in restaurant kitchens 2. A small
the like. Salade niçoise is an example of a circular metal block on the end of a metal rod
salade composée. with a wooden handle, heated to red heat on
a fire or stove then held over the food surface
salade des fruits France Fruit salad
salade des fruits

to have the same effect as an overhead grill,

salade de zalouk North Africa A type of spicy
salade de zalouk

nowadays a gas operated blow torch is often

ratatouille from Tunisia made from cubed used for the same effect
aubergine, garlic, courgettes, chilli pepper
salamandre France Salamander

and tomatoes, sautéed, then cooked

salambo France An open topped tart filled

together in that order until most of the liquid

has evaporated. Served cold. with a kirsch-flavoured pastry cream and
salade niçoise France A typical Provençal
salade niçoise
topped with caramel
salame Italy A type of cased sausage named

salad made of a selection of most of

tomatoes, cucumbers, skinned raw broad after Salamis which was a city of the Roman
beans, cooked French beans, hard-boiled empire in Cyprus. The plural in Italian is
eggs, anchovy fillets, tuna, black olives, basil salami, which is the English word for the
and parsley dressed with a garlic-flavoured sausage of that name. Salame is variable in
vinaigrette composition and texture although with few
salade panachée France Mixed or layered
salade panachée
exceptions it is 100% meat and flavourings
salad and is usually known by a district name in
Italy. Also called salami
salade russe France Russian salad
salade russe

salame alla friulana Italy Sautéed slices of

salame alla friulana

salade simple France Plain salad

salade simple

salami with vinegar eaten with polenta

salade tiède France A lukewarm salad
salade tiède

salame calabrese Italy A short thick salami

salame calabrese

achieved by using a relatively hot salad

dressing made of pure pork embedded with chunks of
white fat weighing about 250 g. It has a
salade verte France Green salad
salade verte

strong peppery flavour and is linked and tied

salad flowers The principal flowers used in
salad flowers

with string.
salads are bergamot, borage, chives, salame casalingo Italy Home-made salami
salame casalingo

nasturtium, marigold, primrose, rose petals,

salame cotto Italy Cotto
salame cotto

sweet rocket and violet

salame di Cremone Italy A large coarse-
salame di Cremone

salad greens The various green leaves that

salad greens

can be used in salads textured salami similar in composition to

salame milanese
salad herbs The principal herbs used in
salad herbs

salame di fegato Italy Liver sausage

salame di fegato

salads are (leaves only): alexanders,

salame di felino Italy A succulent salami of
salame di felino

angelica, basil, bistort, borage, caraway,

chervil, chicory, Chinese chives, coriander, pure pork meat moistened with white wine,
corn salad, dill, fennel, lemon balm, lovage, flavoured with garlic and whole peppercorns
marjoram, mint, mustard, nasturtium, orach, in a rather uneven shape
parsley, salad burnet, salad rocket, savory, salame di porco Italy Brawn
salame di porco

sorrel, summer purslane, sweet cicely, salame di Sorrento Italy A garlic free salami
salame di Sorrento

tarragon, thyme, watercress, wild celery and from Sorrento containing 80% pork and 20%
winter purslane. See also salad flowers beef
saladier France Salad bowl

salame fabriano Italy A salami made of equal

salame fabriano

salado Spain Salted or salty


parts of pork and vittelone

salad onion See spring onion
salad onion

salame finocchione Italy A large salami

salame finocchione

salad patta South Asia Lettuce

salad patta

made with pork containing some large

salad rape The light green leaves of a small
salad rape

chunks of lean meat as well as fat and

annual plant, Brassica napus, of the rape flavoured with fennel

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sale marino

salame fiorentino Italy The most famous of salatah arabiyeh Middle East Arabic salad
salame fiorentino salatah arabiyeh

the Tuscan salami made of pork containing generally of chopped or sliced sweet green
chunks of fat and lean which give them a pepper, onion, tomato, radish and garlic with
mottled appearance when cut. About 10 cm crushed coriander seeds, dried mint,
in diameter. chopped parsley and seasoning and usually
salame genovese Italy A salami made of
salame genovese

dressed with olive oil and vinegar

roughly equal parts of vitellone and fatty salatah-bi-laban Middle East Salad

pork. Very popular in the USA. ingredients as salatah arabiyeh with a

salame iola Italy A pure pork salami from yoghurt salad dressing
salame iola

Sicily flavoured with garlic salatah-bi-taheenah Middle East Salad


salamella di cinghiale Italy Wild boar ingredients as salatah arabiyeh with a tahini
salamella di cinghiale

sausage salad dressing

salame milanese Italy A salami made in large salatina Italy Fresh salad leaves
salame milanese salatina

quantities containing 50% lean pork, 20% salato Italy Salted, savoury, especially of

fat pork and 30% beef or vitellone, all meats

coarsely chopped, seasoned and flavoured salat olivier Russia A salad of julienned
salat olivier

with garlic and whole white peppercorns. chicken meat with chopped hard-boiled
Dextrose is added to encourage lactic eggs, slices of waxy new potatoes, peas and
fermentation and it is air-dried and matured chopped gherkins mounded on a serving
for 2 to 3 months. dish decorated with slices of hard-boiled egg
salame napoletano Italy A long thin salami
salame napoletano

each with half an olive and topped with a

from Naples made of pork and beef mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream
seasoned with a lot of ground pepper and flavoured with Worcestershire sauce
with a very strong flavour salat po-karabakhsky Russia A salad from
salat po-karabakhsky

salame sardo Italy A salami from Sardinia

salame sardo

the Caucasus made from sliced radishes,

highly flavoured and with red pepper deseeded and peeled cucumber and spring
salame ungherese Italy A Hungarian salami
salame ungherese

onions, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice,

made in Italy from finely chopped pork, pork chopped fresh mint and served with a feta
fat, beef and garlic, seasoned, moistened type of cheese
with white wine and flavoured with paprika Salatsosse Germany Salad dressing

salame Valdostana Italy A small soft sausage

salame Valdostana

Salbei Germany Sage


made of pork and beef and flavoured with Salber Germany Salt pork

salceson włoski Poland A hard unsmoked
salceson woski

salami 1. England, France A hard sausage


pork sausage in a natural casing popular

with excellent keeping qualities, variously
throughout the country
made from fine or coarse chopped pork,
salchicha Spain Dark coarse-textured fresh

beef or veal and mild or spicy often with

peppercorns. Normally brined and smoked. sausage with a delicate flavour made from
Used for antipasto, hors d’oeuvres and various meats. May be eaten raw or cooked.
salchichas estremeñas Spain Salchichas
salchichas estremeñas

sandwiches. 2. Poland A hard cows’ milk

cheese with a close-textured paste containing equal parts of pork belly, lean
containing many small holes pork meat and liver
salchichón Spain A large sausage made from

salamin d’la duja Italy A soft mild type of

salamin d’la duja

salami preserved in fat in a special pot called lean pork meat and pork belly, seasoned,
a duja spiced, dry-salted and lightly smoked
salciccia napoletana Italy A pork and beef
salciccia napoletana

salamine di cinghiale Italy A strong-

salamine di cinghiale

flavoured sausage made of wild boar meat sausage strongly spiced with powdered
and preserved in brine or oil sweet red pepper
salcraute Italy Sauerkraut

salamini Italy Small salami (pl.)


sale Italy Salt


salamoia Italy Pickling liquid, brine


salé(e) France 1. Salted, also corned, as of


salat Denmark, Russia Salad


Salat Germany Salad, lettuce

beef 2. Savoury, as opposed to sweet
saleem Thailand Salim

salata Greece Salad of raw fresh vegetables


sale grosso Italy Coarse salt

sale grosso

salatǎ de vinete Romania The flesh of baked

salatǎ de vinete

salema England, Spain A small round


aubergines, finely chopped, seasoned and

mixed with lemon juice and grated onion seawater fish, Boops salpa, with a grey skin
then blended with oil to form a purée which and regularly spaced yellow horizontal lines
is served cold as an appetizer weighing to around 1 kg. Treat as sea bream.
salatagurker Norway Dill pickles sale marino Italy Sea salt
salatagurker sale marino

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salep England, France A starch preparation salmon 1. A large, round, oily seawater fish,
salep salmon

from the dried tubers of various Middle Salmo salar, with a silvery skin and pink
Eastern orchids used as a thickening agent flesh, which spends the first two years of its
saleratus United States Potassium and/or

life in a river and returns to the same river to

sodium bicarbonate used as a raising agent spawn. Found throughout the North Pacific
or as an ingredient of baking powder (NOTE: and Atlantic oceans, it is now extensively
From the Latin sal aeratus.) farmed in Scotland and Norway. The farmed
salers France A type of cheese with a red-
variety may be distinguished from the wild by
streaked rind. See also Cantal their intact tails and fins. They normally
weigh from 3 to 13 kg and are often cooked
sa leung geung China Lesser galangal
sa leung geung

whole and served cold and decorated at

salgado Portugal Salted

buffets and banquets. May be cooked in any

salgam Nepal, South Asia Turnip

way and smoked. 2. Australia The Australian

salicine plum See Japanese plum
salicine plum

salmon, Arripis trutta, the eastern variety,

Salicornia europaea Botanical name and A.truttaceus, the western variety, which
Samphire (marsh samphire or glasswort) are not true salmon but are more closely
salim Thailand A dessert made from thin
related to perch. The ranges of the two
tapioca noodles in a coconut milk and species overlap in Victoria and they are also
jaggery sauce. Also called saleem found in the coastal waters of New Zealand.
They are not of great commercial value,
Salisbury steak United States A grilled
Salisbury steak

although an excellent sport fish, and are

seasoned beef patty rather like a hamburger generally canned. Also called bay trout, black
without the bun back salmon
sallad Sweden Mixed salads made with a

salmón Spain Salmon

variety of salad ingredients including salmón ahumado

preserved fish, shellfish, pickled beetroot, salmón ahumado Spain Smoked salmon
salmon and onions

apples and cold potato salmon and onions Wales Cleaned salmon
salladsås Sweden Salad dressing

boiled in seawater or brine (35 g of salt per

Sally Lunn A plain teacake made from a white
Sally Lunn
litre) for 3 minutes, skin and bones removed,
yeast dough enriched with eggs and butter the fish flaked and then fried with finely
and baked in various size tins. Served hot, chopped onions in bacon fat
salmon bass See bass
salmon bass

split and buttered, or cold, topped with glacé

icing. salmon caviar See ikura
salmon caviar

Salm Germany Salmon


salmon dace See bass

salmon dace

salmagundi England A type of old English


salmone Italy Salmon


salad consisting of diced meats, hard-boiled

salmone affumicato Italy Smoked salmon
salmone affumicato

eggs, anchovies, pickles and beetroot, all

diced and arranged in a pleasing pattern on Salmonella enteritidis A food poisoning
a bed of salad leaves. Also called salmagundy bacterium found in up to 75% of chickens

salmagundy See salmagundi

salmonete Portugal, Spain Red mullet,
salmi, in Italy In a rich wine sauce, especially
salmi, in
Mullus surmuletus
salmon pie

game salmon pie See laxgryta

salmigondis France Hotchpotch
salmigondis salmon trout

salmon trout 1. A variety of trout, Salmo

salmis England, France A dish made from
trutta, which spends a season or more in the
game birds by roasting in the usual way for open sea, where the diet of small
about half the usual time, removing and crustaceans gives its flesh a pink colour. The
reserving the breasts and finishing these off flesh is coarser and less succulent than
in a salmis sauce made with the remains of salmon. The salmon trout can be
the bird, e.g. salmis of grouse, salmis de distinguished from the salmon by the jaw line
canard which extends beyond the eye. Also called
salmis, sauce England, France A mirepoix of
salmis, sauce
pink trout, sea trout 2. Name given to various
vegetables browned in butter, chopped similar fishes in Australia and North America

game carcasses and white wine added and salmorejo Spain A thick, smoothly blended
reduced, demi-glace sauce and stock sauce of tomato concassée, garlic, oil,
added, simmered and skimmed until vinegar and salt in which charcoal-grilled
reduced to a thick consistency, then strained fresh chicken, rabbit or fish is placed when
and finished with mushroom essence and hot and left to cool and marinate for at least
truffle essence. Served with game. 6 hours

salmistrato Italy Pickled, cured in brine salmuera Spain Pickling brine


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saloio Portugal A fresh and creamy cows’ milk salsa rossa Italy A thick sauce made from
saloio salsa rossa

cheese from the countryside near Lisbon chopped shallots sweated in butter and olive
(NOTE: Literally ‘peasant’.) oil, tomato concassée, finely chopped
salpa Italy Salema, the fish
carrots, roasted, skinned and chopped sweet
salpicão Portugal A fine sausage made with
red peppers, seasoning and a little chilli
pork fillet, seasoned, spiced and smoked powder, simmered until all tender and
salpicó de mariscos Catalonia A cold
salpicó de mariscos

salsa verde Italy An oil and vinegar mixture

salsa verde

shellfish salad with sweet peppers and

onions flavoured with crushed garlic, anchovy
essence or chopped salted anchovies,
salpicon England, France A mixture of

chopped parsley and capers. Served with

chopped (traditionally 0.5 cm dice) or salads, cold meats and hard-boiled eggs.
minced fish, meat or vegetables with Also called green sauce
flavourings and bound with a sauce. Used
salsetta Italy Salad dressing, light sauce

for stuffings, canapés, croquettes, vol-au-

salsicce alla romagnola Italy Sausages fried
salsicce alla romagnola

vents, etc. or similar mixtures of chopped

raw or cooked fruits sweetened and with sage and tomato sauce
salsicce e fagioli Italy A Tuscan dish of
salsicce e fagioli

flavoured as appropriate for use as fillings.

sal prunella Saltpetre cast in cakes. Because
sal prunella
cannellino beans and coarse-textured
of the method of manufacture it contains sausage with garlic, tomatoes, olive oil and
potassium nitrite as an impurity and thus sage
salsiccia Italy A small fresh or dried sausage

imparts a pink colour to meat products.

salsiccia bolognese Italy A sausage
salsiccia bolognese

Used for curing meat.

salsa 1. Italy, Portugal, Spain Sauce, gravy,
containing minced heart and lungs
salsiccia di Bologna Italy A smoked slicing
salsiccia di Bologna

ketchup 2. Portugal Parsley

salsa alla pizzaiola Italy A tomato sauce
salsa alla pizzaiola
sausage from Bologna, made from various
well-flavoured with garlic, basil or oregano ingredients mainly finely ground pork with
and chopped parsley. Served with meat, spices and seasonings but also veal, beef,
poultry and pasta. tripe, pistachio nuts, onion, tongue, etc.
salsa borracha Mexico A cold sauce made
salsa borracha
cooked in wine and stuffed into beef bungs
from a processed mixture of raw onions, then simmered. Similar to Mortadella. Some
pasilla chillies, orange juice and tequila or are smoked. Also called polony, bolony,
pulque poloney
salsiccia di fegato Italy A sausage made with
salsiccia di fegato

salsa comun Italy One of the earliest known

salsa comun

recipes for a spice mixture from Ruperto de liver and flavoured with pepper and fennel
Nola, cook to the King of Naples, consisting seeds
salsiccia di nicosia Italy A pork and rabbit
salsiccia di nicosia

of 3 parts cinnamon, 2 parts cloves, 1 part

pepper and 1 part ginger with a little ground meat sausage mixture
salsiccia fresca Italy A small pure pork-
salsiccia fresca

coriander seed and saffron if so wished

salsa de chile chipotle Mexico A sauce
salsa de chile chipotle
based sausage flavoured with Parmesan
made from smoked green chillies (chipotle cheese. See also luganega
salsiccia matta Italy A sausage made with
salsiccia matta

chillies), garlic, oil, water and salsa para

enchiladas (tomato sauce); used in Mexican giblets and spleen
cooking salsiccia salamella Italy A thicker fresh
salsiccia salamella

salsa de tomate Spain Tomato ketchup or

salsa de tomate
sausage divided into links with looped string
salsiccia salamella vaniglia Italy A sausage
salsiccia salamella vaniglia

salsa di noci Italy Skinned walnuts,
salsa di noci
flavoured with vanilla
salsiccia secca Italy Dried salsiccia
salsiccia secca

processed with moistened bread, parsley,

salt, oil and a little garlic, let down with cream salsiccia toscana Italy A salsiccia flavoured
salsiccia toscana

or curds and served with ravioli with garlic, pepper and aniseed
salsa di soia Italy Soya sauce
salsa di soia

salsiccie alla romagna Italy Poached

salsiccie alla romagna

salsa francesa Spain French dressing sausages, dried, fried until brown in butter
salsa francesa

salsa inglesa Spain Worcestershire sauce

salsa inglesa
and oil, covered with half their weight of
tomato concassée and simmered for 15
salsa roja Caribbean A savoury Cuban sauce
salsa roja

made by sautéeing peeled tomatoes until
salsichas Portugal The Portuguese version of

soft then simmering them with chopped

garlic, sugar, cayenne pepper and finely salchichas
salsifí Spain Salsify

chopped basil and oregano until thick and

salsifis France Salsify

finishing with vinegar and pepper

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salsify A long narrow root of a hardy biennial d’oeuvres. The yolks are used in Chinese

plant, Tragopogon porrifolius, originating moon cakes. Common in China and

from Spain with an oyster-like flavour. Can be Southeast Asia. See also Chinese preserved
boiled, fried or eaten raw. Similar to eggs
scorzonera. Also called oyster plant, salted water A cooking liquor for poached
salted water

vegetable oyster and boiled fish consisting of 15 g of salt per

salsitxa Catalonia A thin raw sausage

litre of water used for sea perch, mullet, etc.

saltfish and akee Caribbean A mixture of
saltfish and akee

Salsiz Switzerland A Rohwurst made from a


mixture of lean pork meat, beef and pork fat, diced salt pork fried in its own fat and
air-dried and smoked reserved, chopped onion, sweet peppers,
salt 1. The general chemical name for the
chillies, spring onions and tomatoes fried in
compound formed when an acid reacts with the same fat with a sprig of thyme and all
a base (usually an alkali) as e.g. sodium combined and heated with deskinned,
acetate, which is formed by the reaction of deboned and flaked poached saltfish plus
acetic acid with the corrosive alkali sodium the creamy parts of akee which have been
hydroxide or with sodium bicarbonate which boiled in the saltfish poaching liquor for 15
is itself the salt of a weaker acid. The minutes
saltfiskur Iceland Salted and dried cod

common example is sodium chloride,

formed from the highly corrosive salt grinder A small mill like a pepper mill
salt grinder

hydrochloric acid and it has appropriated the which is used to reduce large crystals of sea
name salt to itself. See also acid, alkali 2. salt or similar to a small enough size to put on
Denmark, England, Norway, Sweden Sodium food
chloride is used extensively in food salt herrings Gutted herrings preserved
salt herrings

processing and cooking as a taste item, to between layers of salt, often in wooden casks
extract plant juices in fermented vegetables, saltimbocca Italy A meat dish made from thin

e.g. sauerkraut, to solubilize proteins in slices of veal and ham sandwiched together
meat, to assist emulsification, e.g. with sage and seasoning, formed into rolls,
frankfurters, and to act as a preservative in fried in butter and simmered in wine for 15
e.g. salted fish and meat minutes
salt, to To preserve food by immersing it in
salt, to

saltimbocca alla marchigiana Italy As

saltimbocca alla marchigiana

brine or covering it with dry salt. This saltimbocca, but made with beef, bacon and
replaces the water in the tissues with salt or ham
a strong solution of salt, in which bacteria
saltimbocca alla partenopea Italy As
saltimbocca alla partenopea

and other food degrading organisms cannot

saltimbocca, but with veal, ham and cheese
grow. See also cure, to
and cooked in a tomato sauce
saltato Italy Sautéed

saltine biscuits Thin cracker biscuits

saltine biscuits

salt beef A joint of beef, usually brisket, cured

salt beef

sprinkled with coarse salt crystals before

in a spiced brine. Usually boiled and served baking
hot or cold, usually in rye bread to make a
salt-kind Caribbean Either dry or brine-salted

meat, including trotters, tails, ears etc. used
salt cod Filleted cod layered in coarse salt and
salt cod

for making soup or for cooking with beans

allowed to dry out. Used throughout
salto, in Italy Turned over and fried as in
salto, in

southern Europe and the Caribbean as a

cheap source of fish protein.
saltpetre E252, potassium nitrate, a chemical

salt duck Wales A large fat duck rubbed

salt duck

used in mixtures for curing meat and fish.

inside and out with coarse dry sea salt and
Also a constituent of gunpowder. Also called
left in a cool place for 2 to 3 days, it is then
nitrate of potash, Prague powder, sal prunella
rinsed and simmered slowly in stock or water
salt pork Fat pork cured and preserved in salt
salt pork

with a bouquet garni, preferably in a double

boiler until thoroughly cooked. Usually or brine
salt potato United States A small new potato
salt potato

served with onion sauce.

salted almonds See amigdala alatismena
salted almonds
which has been soaked in brine, from
Syracuse N.Y.
salted duck eggs Duck eggs packed in tubs
salted duck eggs

saltsa avgolemono Greece Avgolemono

saltsa avgolemono

and covered with a mixture of finely ground

saltsa domata Greece Tomato sauce
saltsa domata

charcoal in brine. After 6 weeks to 3 months,

salts of hartshorn Ammonium bicarbonate,
salts of hartshorn

the yolk becomes firm and the white

becomes salty as the salt diffuses in. They once obtained from the antlers of deer, now
are cooked by cleaning and boiling for 10 produced synthetically for use as a raising
minutes. Used in curries and as hors agent

504 Page 505 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

samboosa holwah

saltspring lamb Canada Baby lamb raised on samak quwarmah Persian Gulf A fish curry
saltspring lamb samak quwarmah

salt marshes in British Columbia, similar to flavoured with fried onions, fresh ginger root,
the French pré-salé lamb garlic, baharat, turmeric, a whole loomi and
salt stick Pretzel
salt stick
cinnamon stick and simmered for about 15
saltwater fish Fish which live in the open sea
saltwater fish
minutes. The loomi and cinnamon are
removed before serving with muhammar.
salume Italy Salt pork

sambaar South Asia A highly flavoured split


salumeria Italy Delicatessen, grocer’s shop


pea and vegetable stew containing a lot of

salumi Italy Salted meats

chillies, too hot for most Western tastes

salva Portugal Sage

sambal 1. Indonesia, South Asia Paste-like


salvado Spain Bran


mixtures of various flavouring agents served

salvastrella Spain Salad burnet

separately in small dishes at the table 2.

salvia Italy, Spain Sage
Various cold vegetables and fruits such as
Salvia lavandulifolia Botanical name chopped tomatoes, sliced sweet peppers,
Spanish sage sliced bananas, etc. often sprinkled with
Salvia officinalis Botanical name Sage grated coconut and served in individual
dishes as accompaniments to Indian food,
Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurascens’ Botanical
name Purple sage especially curries 3. Side dishes of various
meats, vegetables, etc. served with
Salvia sclarea Botanical name Clary sage
Southeast Asian meals
salxitxó Catalonia A type of cured sausage

sambal asem A spice paste similar to sambal

sambal asem

Salz Germany Salt


trassi with added sugar and tamarind

Salzburger Nockerln Austria Soufflé
Salzburger Nockerln

omelettes baked in three’s on a large dish sambal bajak Indonesia A paste of red
sambal bajak

and served with sweetened strawberry chillies, onions, garlic, trassi, candlenuts,
flavoured cream or jam sauce. Also called tamarind, galangal, oil, salt, soft brown
Austrian pancakes sugar, makrut lime leaves and coconut
Salzburgerwurst Austria A non-keeping

cream ground together. Used as a relish.

sausage made with a mixture of beef, pork sambal goreng sotong Malaysia A side dish
sambal goreng sotong

and bacon, lightly smoked and scalded. of fried squid flavoured with chilli
Grilled or fried. sambal kemiri A spice paste similar to
sambal kemiri

Salzgebäck Germany Pretzels or crackers


sambal trassi with added ground dry-roasted

sprinkled with coarse salt before baking candlenuts
Salzgurken Germany Dill pickles

sambal manis Indonesia A fairly mild dark

sambal manis

Salzkartoffeln Germany Plain boiled parsley


brown condiment sambal made from mixed

potatoes herbs, onions and brown sugar
Salzlake Germany Pickling brine sambal oelek Indonesia Dry-roasted fresh
Salzlake sambal oelek

Salzwasser Germany Brine

red chillies, salt and soft brown sugar
samaki wa kupaka East Africa Whole firm
samaki wa kupaka
processed together to make a paste which is
fish, cleaned, scaled and prepared for used as a relish and served at the table in a
barbecueing, slashed along either side and separate dish. Also called sambal ulek
sambal trassi A spiced highly flavoured paste
sambal trassi

the whole of the surface and cavities covered

with a paste of ground ginger, garlic, chilli made from cooked terasi (180°C for a few
pepper and salt and left for two hours. The minutes), red and green chillies, salt, lemon
fish is then half cooked on the grill (or in the juice and soft brown sugar pounded
oven) then basted with a previously made together. Widely used in East Asia.
sambal ulek Indonesia Sambal oelek
sambal ulek

sauce of coconut milk, tamarind, curry

powder, salt and cayenne pepper each time sambar masala South Asia A spice mix used
sambar masala

it is turned over until cooked. in the south with a thin vegetable curry
samaki wa nazi East Africa A fish curry from
samaki wa nazi

comprising urad dal, coriander, cumin and

Tanzania prepared in the usual way with firm fenugreek seeds and black peppercorns, all
fish, onions, garlic, tomato paste, chillies, dry-roasted and ground. Sometimes
lemon juice and curry powder which are all contains in addition mustard seeds, dried
fried then simmered in coconut milk curry leaves and dried chillies.
sambola Sri Lanka Sambal-like side dishes

samak mahshi beroz Middle East, North

samak mahshi beroz

samboosa holwah Persian Gulf Deep-fried

samboosa holwah

Africa A dish of Syrian origin consisting of

whole white fish, stuffed with rice, pine nuts filo pastry triangles with a filling of ground
and almonds, baked and served with a cashew nuts and walnuts, caster sugar and
tamarind sauce ground cardamom seeds, made from 4 cm

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sambosay goshti

by 20 cm rectangular strips. By repeated sanbusak Turkey A turnover made with a


folding of the triangle all the edges are yeasted dough filled with a mixture of
sealed. minced meat and onions with pine nuts and
sambosay goshti Central Asia Deep-fried cinnamon
sambosay goshti

triangular turnovers made from 9 cm sancele Italy A black pudding from Sicily

squares of enriched pastry filled with a made with pig’s blood, raisins, sugar and
spiced mixture of minced cooked lamb and spices. Usually sliced and fried with onions.
onion sanchal South Asia A blackish rock salt with a

samfaina Spain Pisto


good flavour due to other mineral

samla mchou banle Cambodia Seafood,
samla mchou banle

grilled and served with, or poached in, an sancoche Caribbean A thick broth made from

aromatic herby stock with lemon juice and salt pork, salt beef, fresh meat, tropical
lemon grass vegetables, green figs, yellow split peas and
samlet Parr

coconut. Served with dumplings. A much

samna Middle East Clarified butter

simpler version from Trinidad is a lentil soup

samong-saba Burma Fennel
flavoured with a pig’s tail.
sancocho South America A meat and

samoosa South Asia Samosa


samosa South Asia A triangular pastry

vegetable stew similar to cocido from
turnover containing a savoury filling, deep- Columbia
Sandaal Germany Sand eel

fried and eaten as a snack. Also called

sand biscuits Sablé biscuits
sand biscuits

samouli Persian Gulf A long white bread stick sand cake A rich sponge cake made with
samouli sand cake

similar to a French baguette, glazed and corn flour, ground rice or fécule. Also called
sprinkled with sea salt, sesame seeds or sandkage
caraway seeds sand crab See blue crab
sand crab

samp South Africa Coarsely crushed maize


sand dab See American plaice

sand dab

often cooked with beans as a staple food for sand eel Various small thin long fishes of the
sand eel

most South Africans Ammodytidae or Hypotychidae families

sam palok Philippines Tamarind
sam palok

which bury themselves in the sand at low

samphire 1. The annual salt marsh plant,

tide. Used as bait and an important food for

Salicornia europaea, whose fleshy stems are sea birds, They may be substituted for elvers
cooked like asparagus. The fleshy part is in the appropriate dishes. Referred to and
stripped away from the hard core using the used as whitebait in the USA. Also called
teeth. Because of its high proportion of silica sand lance
it was once used in glassmaking. The sand flathead Australia See flathead
sand flathead

succulent young leaves and shoots may be sandía Spain Water melon

used in salads. Also called glasswort, marsh

sandkage Denmark Sand cake

samphire 2. A bushy member of the carrot

sand lance United States Sand eel
sand lance

family with fleshy green leaves which grows

sand lobster A general name for various
sand lobster

on sea cliffs and in rocky coastal districts.

The fleshy leaves and stems have a strong species of small lobster-like crustaceans with
flavour and may be cooked as a vegetable or similar quality meat known variously as bay
pickled. Also called rock samphire, sea lobster, bay bug, shovel-nosed lobster,
fennel rudder-nosed lobster, similar to slipper
samsa Russia Pasties made with an
lobsters. Some bay bugs (Moreton Bay bug
unleavened dough of creamed Greek-style and Balmain bug) are fished commercially in
yoghurt and butter with flour, rolled out and Australia.
sandre France Pike-perch

cut into 10 cm circles and each filled with a

spiced and flavoured meat mixture, sealed, sand smelt A thin round oily seawater fish,
sand smelt

egg-washed and baked at 200°C for 15 Atherina presbyter, up to 15 cm long found

minutes until golden in the Mediterranean. It has a translucent
Samsø Denmark A semi-hard, scalded-curd green skin and a silver line along each side.

cows’ milk cheese cast in 15 kg cylinders. Fried or grilled. Also called silverside,
The paste has a few irregular holes and a European sand smelt
delicate nutty flavour which develops as it sand sole A flatfish, Pegusa lascarisk, smaller
sand sole

matures. Not normally cooked. than the Dover sole and with a speckled
sanbai-zu Japan A vinegar-based dressing for

brown upper surface, found in shallow

sunomono consisting of a mixture of rice waters around the Mediterranean and the
vinegar, soya sauce and a little mirin English Channel. The flesh is not as fine as

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Dover sole but may be cooked in the same San Maurin Italy A soft cheese from Piedmont
San Maurin

way. with a lactic goaty flavour made from

Sandspierling Germany Sand eel naturally soured goats’ milk and cast in small

sand sugar United States Light brown sugar

sand sugar
elongated cylinders
San Pedro Spain John Dory, the fish
San Pedro

sanduiche Portugal Sandwich


Sanroch Italy A somewhat sharp soft goats’


sandwich Two slices of bread enclosing a


filling. The bread is coated on the inside with milk cheese made in small elongated
butter or similar to prevent the filling soaking cylinders
sansho One of the few spices used in

into the bread. See also open sandwich,

smørrebrød, double-decker sandwich, casse- Japanese cooking. It is the berry
croûte corresponding to anise pepper from the
sandwich cake See layer cake, sponge
sandwich cake
variety of Xanthoxylum piperitum cultivated
sandwich in Japan. Used as a condiment.
sansho sauce Japan Equal quantities of soya
sansho sauce

sanfaina Catalonia A sauce made from sweet


peppers, tomatoes, garlic, courgettes and sauce and sake mixed with soft brown sugar,
aubergines, all sweated together until soft thinly sliced spring onions and a small
then sieved and seasoned amount of ground sansho
San Simón Spain A pear-shaped (up to 2 kg)
San Simón

sang France Blood


sang chau China Light soya sauce

sang chau
cows’ milk cheese from Galicia. It is ripened
in hot whey and often smoked.
sang chow bow China A stir fry of diced
sang chow bow

Santa Claus melon United States Christmas

Santa Claus melon

pigeon meat, lap cheong and spices

wrapped in bite-sized parcels of lettuce leaf melon
santan Indonesia, Malaysia Coconut milk

sang keong China Ginger

sang keong

santara South Asia Mandarin orange


sanglier France Wild boar


santola Portugal Edible crab


sangrando Spain Rare, underdone, as of


santoreggia Italy Savory


sanwa Japanese millet

sangre Spain Blood


sa-nwin Burma Turmeric


sangre, con Spain Rare, or underdone (of

sangre, con

saor, in Italy Soused, pickled

saor, in

meat, steak, etc.)

sap Netherlands Juice

sangre con cebolla Spain A fried mixture of

sangre con cebolla

sliced onions, garlic, finely chopped fennel, saparot Philippines Pineapple


cooked potatoes and pieces of baked sapin-sapin Philippines A layered dessert


coagulated blood made from galapong or rice flour mixed with

sangre con pimientos Spain As sangre con
sangre con pimientos

sweetened coconut milk. Each layer is

cebolla, but including sweet pepper and less separately coloured and the whole is
onion steamed.
sangue Italy, Portugal Blood sapodilla The fruit of the evergreen tree
sangue sapodilla

sangue, al Italy Rare, underdone, as of meat

sangue, al

Achras sapota from Central America now

sangue, em Portugal Rare, underdone, as of
sangue, em
grown in Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka,
meat which is also the source of chewing gum
sanguinaccio Italy The Italian version of black
base. The fruits are 5 to 7.5 cm in diameter
pudding (boudin noir) and when ripe, the skin is brown, rough and
sticky, the seeds are inedible and the flesh is
sanguinaccio alla fiorentina Italy Pig’s
sanguinaccio alla fiorentina

pasty, sweet and tastes of burnt sugar. Used

blood mixed with a variety of nuts, spices,
as a dessert. Also called chiko, chiku,
dried vine fruits, honey, etc. and baked in a
chikku, naseberry, neeseberry, tree potato,
tart or fried as a flat cake. See also migliaccio
zapote, sapodilla plum
Sanguisorba minor Botanical name Salad
sapodilla plum See sapodilla
sapodilla plum

saponins Chemical compounds found in

sangyak Central Asia The same bread as nane


lavash but shaped in an oval and baked on a many plants and especially in legumes such
dish of oiled pebbles about 1 to 2 cm in as chick peas, soya beans and navy beans
diameter so as to give an indented effect. thought to have important blood cholesterol
The bread is pressed onto the pebbles after lowering effects
sapore Italy Taste, flavour

1 minute and again when turned over.

saporoso Italy A relish

sanitize, to To reduce the number of

sanitize, to

sapota Italy Sapodilla


microorganisms on a surface by treatment

with a biocide, usually using a spray and sapote The fruit of a deciduous Central

cloth American tree Calocarpum mammosum. It is

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oval, up to 15 cm long and has a brown as sprats and herring. Grilled or available in
rough skin enclosing a sweet spicy flesh with cans.
a large central seed. May be eaten as a Sardine Germany Sardine

dessert, used in fruit salads or made into sardiner Denmark, Norway, Sweden Sardines

jam. sardines escabetxades Catalonia Pickled

sardines escabetxades

sapotiglia Italy Sapodilla


Sapotiglis Germany Sapodilla

sardineta Spain Sprat


sapotille France Sapodilla


sárgarépa Hungary Carrot


SAPP Sodium acid pyrophosphate, used to


sargo Italy Sea bream


prevent blackening in potatoes sarma Balkans Sarmale


Sapsago A very hard grating cheese from


sarmale Romania Cabbage rolls filled with a


Switzerland made from cows’ milk and mixture of minced beef and pork, chopped
shaped like a truncated cone, weighing from onion, boiled rice, garlic and seasoning,
50 to 200 g. It is flavoured with a local herb, placed in a baking dish between 2 layers of
Melilotus caerulea, which gives it a green sauerkraut with a layer of fried sliced onions
tinge. Contains 37% water, 15% fat and 41% at the base, covered with tomato sauce
protein. Also called Schabzieger, Ziger, mixed with juice from the sauerkraut and
Glarnerschabziger, Krauterkäse, green braised in the oven until cooked through.
cheese Served with thick sour cream.
sapsis United States A type of porridge made

sarmale în foi de spanac Romania As

sarmale în foi de spanac

from beans sarmale but in spinach leaves and without

sapucaya nut Paradise nut the sauerkraut
sapucaya nut

sarmale în foi de viţă Romania As sarmale

sarmale în foi de viţă

saracen corn Buckwheat

saracen corn

saraceno Italy Buckwheat

but in vine leaves and without the sauerkraut
sarmie South Africa Sandwich, probably

sarago Italy Sea bream


sarang burung Malaysia Bird’s nest

sarang burung
misspelling of sarnie or vice versa
sarnie United Kingdom Sandwich (colloquial;

sarapatel Portugal A type of haggis,


North West)
sarpa Italy Sea bream

sarashi-an Japan Ground adzuki bean flour


sarrasin France Buckwheat


used for making desserts

sarriette France Savory, the herb

Saratoga potatoes United States Potato

Saratoga potatoes

sarsaparilla A flavouring made from the dried


chips, named after the town where they were

first introduced roots of a tropical climbing plant, Smilax
officinalis, used mainly for soft drinks. Also
sar bo China A terracotta cooking pot glazed
sar bo

called sarsparilla
or unglazed on the inside that can be placed
sarson South Asia Mustard greens

directly on a heat source. The clay from

sarson ka tel South Asia Mustard oil
sarson ka tel

which it is made contains a high proportion

sarsparilla See sarsaparilla

of sand.
sarsuela Catalonia A spicy fish and shellfish

sarcelle France Teal, the wild duck


sard Catalonia Sea bream

stew with a large variety of species. Similar to
the Spanish zarzuela.
sarda Italy Sardine

Sarusø Denmark A semi-hard cows’ milk


sarde, à la In the Sardinian style, i.e.

sarde, à la

cheese made in squat cylinders to 14 kg. It

garnished with rice, tomatoes, stuffed
has a dry golden brown rind and a firm, mild
cucumber and possibly mushrooms. Used of
and sweet paste with pea-sized holes.
sås Sweden Sauce

sardeles sto fourno Greece Cleaned and

sardeles sto fourno

sasafrás Spain Sassafras


prepared sardines baked in a shallow dish at

sasage Japan Asparagus bean

190°C for 15 minutes with a dressing of

sasami Japan The two small muscles in a

latholemono. Served with chopped

marjoram. chicken breast closest to the carcass and
sardella Italy Sardine
breast bone, often called the mignons. They
are readily detached from the complete
Sardelle Germany Sardine

chicken breasts.
sardenaira Italy Pissaladeira

sashimi Japan Raw, very fresh seafood of


sardin Sweden Sardine


contrasting textures and colour, sliced very

sardina Italy, Spain Sardine

thin and arranged decoratively on a bed of

sardine England, France A young pilchard.

salad or grated mooli or rolled with

Also used for the young of other oily fish such contrasting colours, etc. Served with wasabi

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sauce boat

and a dipping sauce based on flavoured soya saturated fat Hard fats in which all the carbon
saturated fat

sauce. See also ito-zukuri, hira-zukuri, kaku- atoms are attached to the maximum number
zukuri, usu-zukuri of other atoms, usually two carbon and two
sashimi bocho Japan A knife with a long thin hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated soft fats and
sashimi bocho

blade for cutting fish fillets oils are converted to harder fats by
saslik Turkey Kebab
hydrogenation, a process which can produce
sassafras The tree, Sassafras albidum, whose
the trans fatty acids which some suspect to
dried leaves are used to make filé powder. A be harmful for pregnant and nursing
spicy, lemon-scented oil used as a flavouring mothers. Saturated fats are said to be
for confectionery and ice cream is extracted unhealthy but fashions in health change
from the leaves, bark and roots. from time to time. Small amounts of natural
saturated fats (suet, lard, butter, etc.) are
Sassafras Germany Sassafras

probably beneficial.
Sassafras albidum Botanical name Sassafras
saturated solution A solution containing the
saturated solution

sassefrica Italy Salsify


maximum amount of solid (solute) that can

Sassenage France Bleu de Sassenage

be dissolved in and remain in solution in a

sassermaet Scotland A Shetland speciality of

liquid solvent at a particular temperature.

minced beef preserved by mixing it with 50 g The amount of solute dissolved depends
of salt per kg of meat plus ground pepper, upon and usually increases with
cloves and cinnamon to taste. This mixture temperature. A supersaturated solution may
will keep for several weeks in a refrigerator or be obtained by cooling a saturated solution
cool larder. but this is unstable and any shock will cause
sassofrasso Italy Sassafras

solid to crystallize out.

saster Scotland A sausage made with pork

Satureja hortensis Botanical name Summer

shoulder meat containing about 25% fat, savory
seasoned, flavoured with cloves, packed into Satureja montana Botanical name Winter
casings, linked and air-dried savory
sås till grönsaker Sweden Mousseline sauce
sås till grönsaker

Saubohnen Germany Broad beans


sa-taw Thailand Parkia


sauce England, France A liquid thickened by


satay Southeast Asia Cubes of meat, poultry a roux, starch, beurre manié, egg yolks or

or seafood marinated in a highly spiced blood, made by adding cream and/or butter
mixture threaded on skewers and grilled until or oil to a reduced cooking liquor or other
cooked. Usually served with a sweet or liquid, or consisting of puréed vegetables or
peppery hot peanut sauce. Also called saté fruit. Sauce should have a smooth glossy
saté See satay
appearance in most cases and a definite
sato Russia Dried pork fat eaten on bread with
taste and light texture. It is used to flavour,
mustard coat or accompany a dish or to bind
ingredients together. Savoury sauces are
sato imo Japan Field yam
sato imo

usually based on stock, milk, wine or juices

sa tong China Granulated sugar
sa tong

extracted from vegetables; sweet sauces on

satsivi Southwest Asia A classic Georgian

milk, fruit juice or puréed fruits. Emulsion

sauce of shelled walnuts processed with sauces are emulsions of fat or oil with vinegar
garlic and chopped onions, sweated in or acid, and a few sauces are made by
chicken fat and simmered in chicken stock compounding butter with flavourings, by
with a bay leaf for 15 minutes until thick. The combining herbs and spices with vinegar
bay leaf is removed, and the mixture is and/or oil or from a variety of puréed beans,
flavoured with vinegar, ground coriander, fermented products, nuts and the like.
turmeric, cloves, cayenne pepper and
sauce, to To nap with sauce, to place sauce
sauce, to

seasoning, finished with chopped tarragon on a plate either to stop food sticking to the
and parsley and chilled for 2 hours, before plate and/or to contribute to the decorative
being served with chicken. Also called effect
Circassian sauce
sauce abricot France Apricot sauce
sauce abricot

satsuma A variety of mandarin, Citrus unshiu,


sauce airelles France Cranberry sauce

sauce airelles

which arose as a sport. It is slightly flattened

sauce Allemande France White velouté
sauce Allemande

and seedless with a well developed orange

colour and sweet flavour, sometimes with a sauce thickened with egg yolks. Also called
navel at the tip. It is grown extensively in sauce Parisienne
Japan and Spain since both have cold sauce boat An oval shallow wide-mouthed jug
sauce boat

winters. Also called unshiu, mikan standing on an oval plate. Used to serve
satsuma-imo Japan Sweet potato

sauces usually with a small ladle.

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saucepan Once restricted to a small pan for season and eaten at the Réveillon

making sauces, now used for cylindrical celebratory meal either fried or heated in
pans of all sizes stock.
saucer scallop A large variety of scallop, saucisse d’Auvergne France A small
saucer scallop saucisse d’Auvergne

Amusium balloti, common in Australia saucisson sec

sauce soja France Soya sauce
sauce soja

saucisse de campagne France A common

saucisse de campagne

sauce ti-malice Caribbean Finely chopped

sauce ti-malice

air-dried sausage made from a mixture of

onions and chives marinated in lime juice for seasoned lean pork and fat bacon,
2 hours then all cooked with finely chopped moistened with red wine and flavoured with
garlic and chilli pepper and olive oil. Served any of allspice, savory, marjoram, thyme, bay
cold. or coriander, packed into beef runners and
saucière France Sauce boat, gravy boat

sometimes lightly smoked

saucijzebroodje Netherlands Sausage roll, a saucisse de Dole France Saucisse de
saucijzebroodje saucisse de Dole

pastry roll filled with sausage meat Montbéliard

saucijzen Netherlands Sausages

saucisse de Montbéliard France A lightly

saucisse de Montbéliard

saucisse France Sausage, especially the smoked sausage made of pork only. It is

smaller types of fresh sausage made with cooked by placing in cold water, bringing to
chopped lean pork shoulder, seasoned and the simmering point. Served with lentil purée
minced, packed into 2 to 3 cm casings and or sauerkraut. Also called saucisse de Dole,
linked. Normally grilled or fried. See also saucisse de Thann
saucisson saucisse de Strasbourg France A thin
saucisse de Strasbourg

saucisse à la catalane France A ring of

saucisse à la catalane

sausage made of lean pork, possibly salted,

sausage (e.g. Cumberland) fried in fat until and two thirds its weight of pork back fat,
brown then simmered for 30 minutes in a seasoned and flavoured with coriander and
sauce consisting of a roux made with pan mace or similar, mixed with a little saltpetre,
residues, white wine, stock, tomato purée, a all minced at least twice to make a fine paste,
bouquet garni, orange peel and a large packed into thin casings, tied off into 15 to
number of garlic cloves 20 cm lengths, air-dried and then cold-
saucisse au champagne France A gourmet smoked for 8 hours
saucisse au champagne

sausage made from very fresh, preferably saucisse de Thann France Saucisse de
saucisse de Thann

just killed, trimmed meat from a leg of pork Montbéliard

and back fat, chopped and mixed with egg, saucisse de Toulouse France A sausage
saucisse de Toulouse

sugar, quatre-épices and seasoning, made from 3 parts coarsely chopped lean
moistened with Champagne and left to
pork to 1 part pork back fat with sugar and
marinate for 12 hours, chopped truffles saltpetre, seasoned and packed into 3 to 4
mixed in and all packed into sheep casings
cm casings and either linked or left as a
and linked, allowed to mature for a further 12 continuous length
hours and deep-fried before serving
saucisse du Périgord France A sausage
saucisse du Périgord

saucisse au fenouil France Very small

saucisse au fenouil

made from lean pork plus three quarters as

sausages flavoured with fennel and poached
much pork back fat, minced, mixed with a
then grilled as a kebab
little saltpetre, flavoured with shaved truffles
saucisse au paprika France A kind of short
saucisse au paprika

and quatre-épices, seasoned, moistened

Frankfurter flavoured with paprika and with white wine and left to mature for a day
cooked in the same way before being packed in casings
saucisse bretonne France Chopped fat pork
saucisse bretonne

saucisse en brioche France A good quality

saucisse en brioche

meat mixed with chopped parsley, chives,

sausage baked in a brioche paste rather like
quatre-épices and seasoning, packed into
a large sausage roll. Served warm and sliced
casings and linked
as a starter.
saucisse d’Ajoie Switzerland A smoked
saucisse d’Ajoie

saucisse espagnole France A sausage made

saucisse espagnole

sausage from the Jura made with seasoned

chopped pork. It can be boiled and eaten of equal parts of seasoned lean pork and
hot, or air-dried and eaten cold. Also called pork back fat mixed with raisins and
Jurawurst flavoured with quatre-épices and allspice
saucisse juives France A sausage similar to
saucisse juives

saucisse d’Alsace-Lorraine France A

saucisse d’Alsace-Lorraine

sausage made from 2 parts of lean pork to 1 the merguez but whose meat content is
part pork fat mixed with saltpetre, seasoning entirely calves’ liver
saucisse madrilène France A sausage made
saucisse madrilène

and flavoured with quatre-épices and ginger,

packed into hog casings and linked. from chopped veal, pork fat and filleted
Sometimes decorated for the Christmas sardines in oil, seasoned, packed into beef

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saucisson lorrain

runners and tied in rings, poached in veal saucisson chasseur France A small air-dried
saucisson chasseur

stock, cooled and fried in butter sausage consisting mainly of pork, for
saucisses à la languedocienne

saucisses à la languedocienne France snacking

saucisson cuit au madère France A sausage
saucisson cuit au madère

Sausage (e.g. saucisse de Toulouse) sweated

in goose fat with chopped garlic and a made with 2 parts of seasoned pork fillet and
bouquet garni for 20 minutes and served 1 part pork back fat, flavoured with quatre-
with a sauce made with the pan residues, épices and Madeira wine, mixed with truffle
demi-glace sauce, tomato purée, wine shavings and/or blanched pistachio nuts,
vinegar and capers and finished with packed in 5 cm diameter casings and
chopped parsley simmered until cooked
saucisson d’Arles France A mixture of
saucisson d’Arles
saucisses au gruau

saucisses au gruau France Grützewurst

saucisses d’Arosa coarsely chopped seasoned pork, pork fat
saucisses d’Arosa Switzerland Sausages and ground lean beef, flavoured with garlic,
made from two parts of chopped pork to one paprika, peppercorns and quatre-épices.
part viande de boeuf blitzée. Eaten hot. Also May have saltpetre, sugar (for lactic
called Aroserli, saucisses de Davos, fermentation) and red wine added, then
saucisses de Schaffhouse packed into large casings and air-dried for
saucisses de Davos

saucisses de Davos Switzerland Saucisses some considerable time.

d’Arosa saucisson de Bourgogne France 2 parts of
saucisson de Bourgogne

saucisses de Francfort

saucisses de Francfort France Frankfurter finely minced seasoned pork mixed with 1
saucisses de Schaffhouse

saucisses de Schaffhouse Switzerland part of coarsely chopped pork back fat and
Saucisses d’Arosa some sugar, flavoured with quatre-épices
saucisse sèche and brandy or kirsch, packed into beef
saucisse sèche France Small coarse- middles and air-dried for at least 6 months
textured sausage, partially dried and
saucisson de campagne France A sausage
saucisson de campagne

sometimes lightly smoked and usually

made in the same way as saucisson de
cooked further before consumption
saucisse soudjouk
Bourgogne but with the addition of garlic and
saucisse soudjouk Middle East A highly with the brandy or kirsch left out. May be
spiced beef sausage served as a hors smoked. Also called saucisson de ménage
d’oeuvre saucisson de cheval France A pork sausage
saucisson de cheval

saucisse viennoise

saucisse viennoise France An expensive containing approximately 25% horse meat

sausage from Vienne made of equal parts of saucisson de jambon France A ham sausage
saucisson de jambon

finely minced lean pork, veal and fillet steak from Strasbourg
with saltpetre, seasoning, cayenne pepper saucisson de lièvre France A sausage from
saucisson de lièvre

and coriander, moistened with a little water, Savoie made with hare meat
packed in casings and lightly smoked saucisson de Lyon France A saucisson sec
saucisson de Lyon


saucisson France A normally large sausage, made as saucisson lorrain but with 4 parts of
either boiled like Cervelas, dried to make lean pork leg meat to 1 part of pork back fat
saucisson sec or smoked to make saucisson (salted pork or bacon)
fumé (NOTE: Named after either a district or saucisson de ménage France Saucisson de
saucisson de ménage

some component of the contents) campagne

saucisson au foie de porc

saucisson au foie de porc France Equal saucisson de montagne France A coarsely

saucisson de montagne

parts of pork liver, pork back fat and lean chopped pork sausage, air-dried
pork, separately chopped and combined saucisson de Paris France A small sausage
saucisson de Paris

with chopped onions sweated in lard, made of coarsely chopped lean pork with
seasoning, quatre-épices, cayenne pepper little fat, seasoned, flavoured and packed in
and kirsch, rechopped, packed into hog casings. Normally boiled.
casings, tied or knotted to make 10 to 15 cm saucisson d’Italie France Minced seasoned
saucisson d’Italie

lengths, air-dried for a day, simmered in lean pork and veal with about one fifth of the
water until cooked and served cold combined weight of pork back fat, flavoured
saucisson au poivre vert

saucisson au poivre vert France A sausage with nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger,
made of 100% pork flavoured with green moistened with pigs’ blood and white wine,
peppercorns packed into a pig’s bladder, air-dried,

saucisson-cervelas France A sausage filled smoked with juniper berries added to the
with various mixtures of meat and bacon, wood, and coated with olive oil
saucisson gris France Saucisson lorrain
saucisson gris

sometimes pork only together with saltpetre,

saucisson lorrain France A saucisson sec
saucisson lorrain

garlic, shallots and other spices, packed into

beef runners, linked or looped, possibly made of 2 parts of lean pork, 1 part of soft
brined and lightly smoked pork fat and 1 part lean beef, all chopped

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saucisson provençal

finely and mixed with saltpetre, quatre- saupiquet France A sharp spicy wine-based

épices and chopped and crushed garlic, sauce or stew. The sauce sometimes served
packed tightly into hog casings, tied and with roast hare.
strung in 40 to 50 cm links, air-dried for up saur France Salted and smoked, usually of

to 6 months, packing down the filling as herring

needed and keeping the sausage straight. saure Kartoffeln Germany Sliced peeled
saure Kartoffeln

Also called saucisson gris potatoes boiled until tender and served in a
saucisson provençal France A sausage
saucisson provençal

sauce which is made from a brunoise of

made from pork from the leg or shoulder with bacon fried until crisp, flour added and
little fat, containing saltpetre, peppercorns, cooked to a roux, potato cooking liquor
quatre-épices and seasoning. Air-dried for added, seasoned and soured with vinegar at
several days and lightly smoked. 65 ml per litre
saucisson sec France Cured and dried saure Rahmsauce Germany Sour cream,
saucisson sec saure Rahmsauce

sausages similar to some salami, normally salad dressing

eaten without further cooking saure Sahne Germany Sour cream
saure Sahne

saucisson sec aux herbes France Coarse- saure Sahnensosse Germany Sour cream
saucisson sec aux herbes saure Sahnensosse

textured dried pork sausage coated with sauce

herbs from Provence sauro Italy Sorrel

saucisson vaudois France An air-dried and

saucisson vaudois

saursuppe Italy Tripe soup from the north


smoked sausage made with chopped pork saury pike A long seawater fish, Scomberesox
saury pike

and cured pork back fat saurus, found in temperate waters

Sauerampfer Germany Sorrel

saus Netherlands, Norway Sauce


Sauerbraten Germany Beef, marinated in sausage Chopped or minced meat, seasoned,

Sauerbraten sausage

boiling red wine vinegar and water (1:2) with possibly mixed with spices, herbs, flavouring
chopped onion, herbs and spices for 2 days, agents, extenders and binders, all stuffed
dried, browned and baked in a covered dish into a casing usually of cleaned intestines,
with the onions and half the marinade at may then be boiled, scalded, cured, dried,
250°C for 1.5 hours. Served with the strained smoked or any combination of these before
thickened pan juices. Sometimes ginger sale. The name probably derived from the
biscuits or ginger cakes are added to the Latin salsisium, meaning salted, i.e.
cooking liquor. preserved.
sausage maker A hollow long tapered
sausage maker

Sauerkraut Germany Salted cabbage which


has been subjected to a lactic fermentation. cylinder that fits over the outlet of a mincing
Widely used in central European cooking. machine. The casing with one end tied in a
Available canned. It may be made from knot is placed over the cylinder like a
cleaned, washed and finely shredded white wrinkled stocking and as it is filled with the
cabbage mixed with 1.5% by weight of salt, mixture extruded from the machine is
placed in a straight sided, sterilized tub and allowed to slip off the cylinder. The long
covered with a sterilized muslin cloth, droplid sausage may then be linked or divided as
and weight. After a day liquid should cover required.
the lid and the sauerkraut is ready in 3 sausage meat A meat mixture similar to that
sausage meat

weeks, The liquid is skimmed off and the for stuffing sausages, used for pies, rolls,
sauerkraut is used from the tub as required, turnovers, meat loaf, etc. In the UK, a
always covering it with a sterilized cloth. revolting paste of ground meat scraps,
Sauermilch Germany Sour milk

drinde, MRM, rusk, etc. See also English

Sauermilchkäse Germany Handkäse
sausage roll Sausage meat or similar meat
sausage roll

säuern Germany To leaven or raise with yeast


mixture wrapped in puff or shortcrust pastry

or a chemical raising agent
to form a small roll, egg-washed and baked
Sauerteig Germany Sourdough starter

in the oven
sauge France Sage

sauté, to To shallow fry food in hot fat or oil

sauté, to

saumon France Salmon


whilst shaking or tossing the ingredients so

saumon blanc France Hake, the fish
saumon blanc
as to cook it and/or brown the surface (NOTE:
saumon fumé France Smoked salmon
saumon fumé
From the French sauter, ‘to jump’, from the
jumping of the food as it is tossed around the
saumure France Pickling brine

saumuré Pickled or marinated in brine

sauté de boeuf et rognons en croûte France

sauté de boeuf et rognons en croûte

saunf South Asia Aniseed or fennel


Steak and kidney pudding

saupe France Salema, the fish sauté pan See plat à sauter
saupe sauté pan

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scald, to

sauter, faire France To sauté or to fry and reheated. The finest cabbage commonly
sauter, faire

sautoir France Sauté pan, plat à sauter

savu Finland Smoked

sauvage France Wild, undomesticated,


savulohi Finland Smoked salmon


usually of animals
savarin England, France A rich yeast mixture

saw A serrated-edge steel blade with sharp,


similar to a baba, baked in a ring mould and ground, alternately offset to right and left,
demoulded. Sometimes soaked in spirit or teeth used for cutting bones and frozen food,
liqueur-flavoured sugar syrup and may be shaped like a hacksaw or conventional saw
filled or decorated, sometimes cut in slices or made as a continuous power driven loop
as a basis for other desserts such as croûte (bandsaw) for cutting up animal carcasses
aux fruits. Often incorrectly used to describe sawara Japan Mackerel

a sweet or savoury mousse set in a ring

saw knife See bread knife
saw knife

mould, demoulded and garnished or

saya endo Japan Mangetout peas
saya endo

sauced. (NOTE: Named after Brillat-Savarin.)

sayori Japan A very thin fish, Hyporhamphus

savarino Italy Savarin


sajori, similar to the garfish, It is cleaned very

Savaron France A semi-hard mild-flavoured

cows’ milk cheese from the Auvergne with a thoroughly and served as a double fillet in
sushimi or can be used in tempura, shioyaki
thick covering of mould on the rind. Similar
to Saint Paulin. or sunomono (NOTE: Literally ‘half beak’.)
sayote Philippines Choko

savelha Portugal Shad, the fish


sayur Indonesia A dish of crisp cooked


saveloy Cervelas

vegetables in a thin coconut milk sauce

savenna Spain Venus shell clam

sayur salat Malaysia Lettuce

sayur salat

savijaca od jabuka Balkans The original

savijaca od jabuka

sayyadiya Middle East A fish, onion and rice


apple strudel from Croatia which eventually

found its way to Hungary and Austria stew popular in the Arabian gulf, especially
savoiardi Italy Sponge fingers
sbattere Italy To whip or whisk

savore Italy Savory, the herb


Sbrinz Switzerland A hard, dark-yellow grating


savory A perennial herb similar to thyme


which comes in two main forms, summer cheese made from unpasteurized cows’
savory and winter savory. Traditionally used milk. A lactic whey starter is used and the
to flavour beans. curd is hard cooked, gathered in
cheesecloths, moulded in up to 25 kg lots,
savoureux France Tasty, flavoursome

pressed and brined for 3 weeks then

savoury 1. With a pleasant meaty, salty,

matured for 6 to 12 months. It is also made

piquant, herby or spiced flavour, the in Germany, France and Italy. Also called
opposite of sweet 2. A small savoury item of Spalenkäse
food usually presented on a small piece of
sbrisolona Italy A flat crisp cake made with a

toast for eating with the fingers 3. A savoury

tasting dish, once served in small quantities mixture of wheat flour and cornmeal and
after the sweet at very formal multi-course incorporating chopped almonds
scabbard fish A long thin edible seawater
scabbard fish

dinners. Nowadays a substantial savoury-

tasting dish used as a main course at a fish, Lepidopus caudatus, with a smooth
lunch, supper or snack meal. silvery skin
scad Horse mackerel

savoury butter A compound butter with a

savoury butter

scads United Kingdom Fish (colloquial; Scilly


savoury flavour, e.g. anchovy butter

savoury duck Wales, England Faggot
savoury duck

scalcione Italy Focaccia del venerdi santo

savoyarde, à la In the Savoie style, i.e.

savoyarde, à la

containing potatoes and a local cheese scald A sinistral flatfish, Arnoglossus laterna,

savoy biscuit A small dry sponge finger similar to the lemon sole but of inferior
savoy biscuit

biscuit made by the creaming method with quality

whipped egg whites folded in at the end. scald, to 1. To pour boiling water over
scald, to

Used for lining moulds or as the base of something or immerse in steam for a few
desserts made from setting mixtures such as moments so as to cook a thin outer layer
charlottes. See also sponge fingers without affecting the inner part. Used to
savoy cabbage A winter ball type cabbage
savoy cabbage

remove skin from tomatoes or to loosen hair

with dark green crinkly leaves surrounding a on animal skin. 2. To heat milk to just below
tight ball of similar but light green leaves. boiling point and then immediately cool 3. To
Excellent boiled, braised or steamed, then clean cooking utensils by immersing in
wrung out, chopped, buttered, seasoned boiling water 4. To seal in flavour by bringing

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scalded cheese

food in water to a temperature which scallops 1. The pieces of meat and hard

coagulates surface proteins, usually 80°C tissue left after rendering down fat into lard.
scalded cheese Cheese which has been Also called greaves 2. United Kingdom Slices
scalded cheese

made from curds which have been heated to of potato fried like potato chips (colloquial)
between 40 and 48°C, soft cheeses at the scallop squash Patty pan squash
scallop squash

lower temperature scalogni Italy Shallots


scalded curd Curd for making cheese, which

scalded curd

scaloppina Italy A schnitzel of veal or pork


has been heated to a temperature between fillet, either panéed and fried or floured and
40 and 48°C fried, often finished with Marsala and/or
scalded sausages Brühwurst
scalded sausages

cream and served with tomato sauce

scale, to To remove the scales from fish scaloppina alla milanese Italy A plain
scale, to scaloppina alla milanese

scales 1. A device for measuring weight 2.

Wiener Schnitzel garnished only with lemon
The outer protective coat of fish consisting of wedges
scaly custard apple Sweet sop
scaly custard apple

overlapping tile-like sheets of a tough

substance (chitin) about 3 to 6 mm in Scamorza Italy A soft spun-curd cows’ milk

diameter attached at one edge. Removed by cheese similar to but somewhat firmer than
scraping against the free side with the back Mozzarella. A lactic starter is used followed
of a knife or similar. by rennet and the curds are hot kneaded and
scalibada Catalonia 1. A dish of vegetables shaped into teardrops (up to 250 g) which

grilled over charcoal or on a barbecue 2. are tied with raffia at the top. They are then
Roasted aubergines, onions and sweet cooled, briefly brined and sold young.
peppers dressed with olive oil Contains 51% water, 24% fat and 23%
scallion 1. See spring onion 2. The name
scampi 1. United Kingdom The tail meat of

often given in Chinese and Southeast Asian

cooking to the Welsh onion the Dublin bay prawn. Many restaurants
scallop A bivalve mollusc of the Pectinidae
substitute pieces of monkfish tail if they can
family with an almost circular white to brown get away with it. 2. Italy Dublin bay prawns
shell with a distinctive straight hinge varying (singular scampo), strictly only those caught
in diameter from 7.5 to 20 cm. After in the Bay of Naples
Scandinavian sweet mustard sauce See
Scandinavian sweet mustard sauce

scrubbing and washing they are baked at

150°C for 10 minutes to open the shell. After gravlax sauce
scapece, a Italy Soused, fried then marinated
scapece, a

opening and detaching from the rounded

upper shell, the beard is removed, the in oil and vinegar with garlic and herbs, used
scallop separated from the lower shell and of fish
the black intestinal sac removed. The shell Scappi’s spice mix A mixture of cloves, dried
Scappi’s spice mix

and flesh with the orange roe are well ginger, nutmeg, grains of paradise, saffron
washed to remove all traces of sand. Usually and soft brown sugar from Bartolomeo
served on the shell and have a delectable Scappi’s cook book ‘Opera dell’ Arte del
flavour and soft texture. They must not be Cucinare’
overcooked. There are over 400 species scarlet runner bean See runner bean
scarlet runner bean

worldwide. Also called scollop, coquille St-

Scarlett O’Hara herb United States Lemon
Scarlett O’Hara herb

Jacques. See also great scallop, queen

scallop, bay scallop, saucer scallop, pilgrim
scarola Italy Batavian endive

scallop, Atlantic deep sea scallop, Iceland

scarole France Batavian endive

scallop, variegated scallop

scaup A wild duck, Aythya marlo, shot for the

scallop, to 1. United Kingdom To decorate

scallop, to

and seal the edge of a double-crust pastry table in the UK

scaveccio alla grossetana Italy Eel,
scaveccio alla grossetana

pie by making small radial incisions in from

the edge and half turning over the pastry with marinated in oil, vinegar and pepper
the back edge of the knife to give a scalloped scelta, a Italy According to choice, as
scelta, a

effect. A similar effect may be obtained with preferred

the forefinger of the left hand and the thumb scented geraniums Tender evergreen
scented geraniums

and forefinger of the right hand or vice versa. perennials of the genus Pelargonium,
2. United States To cover with sauce and growing to 1 m with various scented leaves
breadcrumbs and bake in a casserole which may be used for flavouring or
scalloped Cooked in a scallop shell

crystallized for decoration. The flowers may

scalloped potatoes United States Raw sliced
scalloped potatoes

be used in salads. See under Pelargonium

potatoes, baked in a dish with butter, milk for particular scents and uses.
schaaldieren Netherlands Shellfish

and seasoning

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Schabzieger United States Sapsago Schlag- Germany With cream

Schabzieger Schlag-

Schafmilckkäse Germany A slicing cheese schlagen Germany To whip or whisk

Schafmilckkäse schlagen

made from ewes’ milk Schlagobers Austria Whipped cream


Schafsragout Emmentaler Art Switzerland A

Schafsragout Emmentaler Art

Schlagsahne Germany Whipped cream


blanquette of lamb or mutton, coloured with Schlegel Germany Drumstick (of poultry), leg

saffron and containing diced root vegetables (of veal)

Schalotten Germany Shallots

Schlehe Germany Sloe


Schaltiere Germany Shellfish


Schleie Germany Tench, the fish


schapevlees Netherlands Mutton


Schlemmer-Topf Germany Chicken brick


Schaum Germany Mousse or foam


Schlesisches Himmelreich Germany A dish

Schlesisches Himmelreich

Schaumrollen Germany Puff pastry rolls filled


from Silesia of pork chops cooked with dried

with whipped cream apples, pears, apricots and prunes,
schaum torte Denmark A dessert made with alternatively roast pork or goose with potato
schaum torte

almonds and egg white, sometimes dumplings or with sauerkraut and purée of
incorporating crushed fruit peas
schav A Jewish soup made from spinach or Schlosskäse Austria A cows’ milk cheese
schav Schlosskäse

sorrel, lemon juice, eggs, sugar and soured similar to, but milder than Limburger
cream. Served chilled. Schlumperweck Germany A pie filled with

Schellfisch Germany Haddock grated apple and baked


Schlupfkuchen Germany A chemically raised


schelvis Netherlands Haddock


Schenkeli Switzerland Small oval rolls, fried in

sponge cake flavoured with lemon zest made
butter (NOTE: Literally ‘little thigh’.) by the creaming method, 3 mm slices of
schiacciata Italy A very thin flattened yeast-
apple inserted in to the dough and all
raised bread incorporating olive oil and sprinkled with a cinnamon and sugar
sometimes herbs, chopped onions or olives mixture before baking at 175°C
Schmalz Germany Melted or rendered down

schiacciato Italy Crushed, flattened


fat, dripping, lard, etc., more specifically a

schidionata Italy Spit-roasted

description of chicken fat rendered down

Schildkröte Germany Turtle

with onion. See also chicken fat

Schildkrötensuppe Germany Turtle soup

Schmalzgebackenes Germany Fried food


Schinken Germany Ham


Schmand Germany Sour cream


Schinkenbrötchen Germany Ham sandwich


Schmankertorte Austria Pastry


Schinkenkipferl Austria A yeasted dough


Schmelz Germany Processed cheese


made from mashed potatoes, flour, eggs, egg

Schmorbraten Germany A pot roast of beef

yolks and milk, proved, rolled out thinly, filled

with mushrooms, gherkins and vegetables
with a mixture of chopped boiled ham,
schmoren Germany To braise or stew

butter, egg yolks and grated Parmesan

Schmorfleisch Germany Spiced meat, meat

cheese, formed into croissants, proved, egg-

washed and baked. Served hot or cold. for pot-roasting or stewing
Schmorgurken Germany Peeled and seeded

Schinkenkipper Austria A croissant with a


ham filling cucumbers, halved and cut into 3 cm

Schinkenplockwurst Germany A somewhat
pieces, poached in a type of béchamel made
firmer sausage than Schinkenwurst with browned chopped onion and a brown
containing large pieces of fat roux, served with sour cream and chopped
Schinkenwurst Germany A speciality slicing

Schnäpel Germany Houting, the fish


sausage from Westphalia made with flaked

Schnecken Germany 1. Snails 2. Sweet

ham and smoked over beech and ash with

juniper berries. Best chilled before slicing to cinnamon-flavoured rolls
Schneeballen Austria Strips of sugared

prevent it disintegrating.
schinus molle The aromatic dried red berries
schinus molle
pastry twisted into large constructions
Schneeklösschen Austria A wine- and egg-

of a tree Schinus molle often sold as a pink

peppercorn. They have a brittle outer shell based soup
Schnepfe Germany Woodcock

enclosing a small seed.

schiumare Italy To skim Schnitt Germany A slice of food, or a food
schiumare Schnitt

Schlachtplatte Germany A plate of sliced


which can easily be cut into slices

Schnitte Germany Chop, steak, slice of meat,

cold meat and sausages

Schlackwurst Germany A dark red-coloured

fillet of fish, etc.

Schnittlauch Germany Chives

beef and pork sausage similar to cervelat

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Schnittlauchsosse Austria Chive sauce. An Schwärtelbraten Germany Roast leg of pork

Schnittlauchsosse Schwärtelbraten

emulsion sauce made with milk soaked usually accompanied with sauerkraut,
white bread, hard-boiled and raw egg yolks dumplings and sour cream
pounded together with oil added as for schwartenmagen France A type of short

mayonnaise, finished with vinegar, black pudding from Alsace made with
seasoning and chopped chives. minced lean pork and pigs’ blood. Also
Schnitzel Austria, England, Germany A piece

called Blut Schwartenmagen

Schwarzbrot Germany Brown or rye bread,

of tender meat beaten out to a large thin

sheet using a cutlet bat, then panéed, coloured with molasses or treacle
shallow-fried and garnished. Usually pork or schwarze Johannisbeere Germany Black
schwarze Johannisbeere

veal. currant
Schokolade Germany Chocolate

Schwarzkümmel Germany Nigella


Schokoladeneis Germany Chocolate ice Schwarzsauer Germany Goose giblets

Schokoladeneis Schwarzsauer

cream stewed with dried apples, pears and prunes

Schokoladenpudding Germany A type of
and thickened with goose blood
Schwarzwälder Eierküchlein Germany
Schwarzwälder Eierküchlein

chocolate mousse made from plain

chocolate, butter. separated eggs and Pancake batter flavoured with kirsch, cooked
blanched almonds (2:2:5:2) and a little very thin. rolled around a filling of butter
strong coffee. The chocolate is melted with cream with sugar mixed with chopped and
the coffee (6:1), the butter and sugar are drained morello cherries flavoured with
creamed, the egg yolks whisked in followed kirsch. Flamed with kirsch when served.
by the cooled chocolate and almonds and Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte Germany Black
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

finally the whipped egg white (soft peak) are Forest gateau
folded in. The mixture is cooked in a covered Schwarzwurst France, Germany A highly

mould in a simmering bain-marie for 1 hour, spiced black pudding from Alsace and
demoulded and served with Chantilly cream adjoining Germany, made from minced lean
whilst still hot. pork, fat, breadcrumbs and garlic, mixed
schol Netherlands Plaice with pig’s blood, seasoned, flavoured with

Scholle Germany Plaice

cloves, packed into casings, linked, boiled,
air-dried and smoked. Sometimes flavoured
school prawn Australia A type of prawn,
school prawn

with onions.
Metapenaeus macleayi, intermediate in size
Schwarzwurzeln Germany Salsify

between the deepwater and king prawn

Schwein Germany Pig

found in river estuaries and bays

Schweinebauch Germany Belly pork

Schöpsenschlegel Germany Roast leg of


Schweinebraten Germany Roast pork, often


browned and then covered and baked at
schorseneer Netherlands Scorzonera

Schotensuppe Germany Fresh green pea

Schweinefett Germany Lard


Schweinekeule Germany Hind leg of pork

schotisches Moorhuhn Germany Grouse

schotisches Moorhuhn

Schweinekotelett Germany Pork chop


schrod United States Baby halibut under 1 kg,


Schweineohren Germany Crisp and very thin


popular on the northeast coast of North sweet pastry (NOTE: Literally ‘pigs’ ears’.)
America. See also scrod
Schweinepfeffer Germany Highly seasoned


Schrotbrot Germany Wholewheat bread cooked pork with pepper

Schübling Austria, Switzerland A small

Schweinepökelfleisch Germany Salt pork


smoked sausage containing beef, pork, Schweinerippchen Germany Pork spare ribs

bacon, diced bacon, seasoning and spices. or cutlets

Eaten hot.
Schweinerücken Germany Pork fillet

Schulter Germany Shoulder


Schupfnudeln Germany Thick and heavy

Schweineschenkel Germany Leg of pork


noodles Schweinesülze Germany Jellied pork, brawn


Schutzauf Austria A cream cheese cake


Schweinfleisch Germany Pork


Schwäbische Wurst Germany A mixture of

Schwäbische Wurst

Schweinshaxe Germany Leg of pork


two thirds lean pork and one third fat pork, Schweinsjungfernsbraten Germany The

seasoned, flavoured with garlic, packed into back meat of the pig after removing the eye
casings, boiled then smoked of the loin and fillet, roasted until the skin is
Schwamm Germany Mushroom


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Scotch haddock pudding

Schweinskarre score, to To make shallow cuts (1 to 4 mm) in

Schweinskarre score, to

Germany Smoked pork

chops the surface of food using the point of an
Schweinskopfwurst Austria A sausage made

office knife, to assist marinating, or skinning,

from 4 parts of pork head meat mixed with 1 or in the case of skin on the surface of meat
part of beef, all minced, seasoned, to assist the rendering of the subcutaneous
moistened with water, bound with fécule and fat and to prevent the shrinking of the skin
packed into casings from distorting the shape of the meat, or to
Schweinswurst Germany Pork sausage from
make indentations in a cake, biscuit or
Bavaria flavoured with marjoram and scone, etc. to assist portioning
scorfano di fondale Italy Bluemouth, the fish
scorfano di fondale

scalded before sale

Schweizerkäse Germany Swiss cheese scorfano rosso Italy Scorpion fish
Schweizerkäse scorfano rosso

Schweizer Leberspiessli
Schweizer Leberspiessli

Switzerland scorpion fish A very ugly fish, Scorpaena

scorpion fish

Bacon-wrapped liver kebabs, brushed with scrofa, with a rough red mottled skin and
molten butter, seasoned, flavoured with weighing up to 1 kg. Used in bouillabaisse
chopped sage and wrapped in pig’s caul and similar soups and stews. Found in
before grilling Mediterranean and similar climates.
Schwertfisch Germany Swordfish

scorthalia Skorthalia

sciarrano Italy Sea perch


scorza Italy Skin, rind or peel, e.g. of citrus


sciatti Italy Pancakes filled with a mixture of


molten Bitto cheese and grappa and served scorzonera England, Italy The long black root

hot (NOTE: Literally ‘sloppy’.) of a member of the daisy family, Scorzonera

sciroppato Italy Sweetened in syrup

hispanica, originating from Spain and used

sciroppo Italy Syrup as a vegetable or in salads. Also called black

sciroppo d’acera Italy Maple syrup

sciroppo d’acera
salsify (NOTE: Literally ‘black serpent’.)
sciroppo di zucchero Italy Treacle
sciroppo di zucchero
Scorzonera hispanica Botanical name The
scorzonera plant
scissors Two pivoted opposing blades with

Scotch barley Pot barley

Scotch barley

handles arranged to close together and

Scotch bean Broad bean
Scotch bean

overlap. Used for a variety of cutting tasks in

the kitchen. The two blades are differently Scotch black bun See black bun
Scotch black bun

ground and sharpened, one being the cutter

Scotch bonnets The common Caribbean
Scotch bonnets

with the oblong finger hold and rounded tip,

name for a rounded version of the sweet
the other being the anvil blade with the round
pepper which comes in a wide range of
finger hole and the sharp tip. The cutter colours
blade is usually on top of the work and does
Scotch broth Washed barley simmered in
Scotch broth

the actual cutting.

white beef stock until tender, brunoise of
scoiattolo Italy Squirrel

carrot turnip, leek, celery and onion and a

scollop See scallop

bouquet garni added, simmered until tender,

Scolymus ardunculus Botanical name skimmed, bouquet garni removed, seasoned
Cardoon and served with chopped parsley
scone An eggless plain cake made with self-

Scotch bun See black bun

Scotch bun

raising flour, butter and sugar (4:1:1) and

Scotch egg A hard-boiled egg completely
Scotch egg

added baking powder (50g per kg flour)

using the rubbing in method, gathered into a covered in sausage meat, panéed and deep-
paste with milk possibly with added sultanas, fried at 185°C, halved and served hot with
cut into small rounds or a quartered larger tomato sauce or cold with salad
Scotch egg sauce United Kingdom As egg
Scotch egg sauce

circle and baked at 200°C for 15 to 20

minutes. Must be eaten fresh, usually split sauce but the yolks of the hard-boiled eggs
and buttered or with jam and whipped passed through a coarse sieve and the
cream. Also called English scone, hot biscuit whites diced. Served with salt cod.
(NOTE: Named after the original oatmeal and Scotch grouse See grouse
Scotch grouse

sour milk cake made in Scone, Scotland.) Scotch haddock pudding Scotland A type of
Scotch haddock pudding

scone round A large round scone scored in

scone round

soufflé using mashed potatoes flavoured with

wedges before baking. The separate wedges celery salt, lemon juice and tabasco sauce
are usually split open and eaten with a instead of the flour-based panada. Flaked
savoury or sweet filling. cooked haddock is added to the mixture of
scoop A type of spoon with a hemispherical or

egg yolks and potatoes before folding in the

deeper bowl. Used for ice cream and for stiffly beaten egg whites. Baked at 180°C for
dispensing powders. half an hour in a rather shallow layer.

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Scotch kale

Scotch kale Scotland A thick broth from scouse See lobscouse

Scotch kale scouse

Scotland containing shredded cabbage scrag end of lamb United Kingdom The neck
scrag end of lamb

similar to the soup part of pot-au-feu of the lamb extending to the ribs from the
Scotch oats Scotland Pinhead oatmeal
Scotch oats

head end. Used for stewing. Occasionally the

Scotch pancake Drop scone
Scotch pancake

longitudinal muscle is dissected out and sold

Scotch pie Scotland A raised pie made with a
Scotch pie
as neck fillet.
scrag of veal United Kingdom The neck and
scrag of veal

beef dripping hot water pastry, (flour, water

and dripping (8:5:2)). The sides stand up to neck vertebrae of veal used for stewing and
1.5 cm above the top and the filling which is stock. Usually boned out for stewing.
scram United Kingdom Food in its cooked

made with minced lean mutton and chopped

onion browned in lard and simmered with form (colloquial; navy)
water, parsley and seasoning and thickened scramble, to To stir beaten eggs continuously
scramble, to

with flour for about 20 minutes. The round over heat scraping solid egg off the base of
pies, which are about 8 cm diameter and 5 the pan until all is set to the required
cm deep, are baked at 180°C for 45 consistency
minutes. It used to be the custom to fill the scrambled eggs Seasoned beaten eggs
scrambled eggs

top with vegetables to make a complete mixed with milk or cream and scrambled
meal. Always served hot. with a little butter in the pan. It should look
Scotch woodcock A savoury made of
Scotch woodcock

moist and creamy and not be overcooked.

buttered toast variously covered with a thick Scrapple 1. Germany Pork scraps and offal,

butter sauce containing anchovy purée and boiled and chopped, seasoned, mixed with
capers then gratinated and grilled or lightly cornmeal or other cereal and flavoured with
scrambled eggs decorated with fillets of sage, cooked like a meat loaf, cooled, sliced
anchovy and capers or similar, served hot and fried 2. United States As the German
scoter duck A large dark-coloured diving
scoter duck

Scrapple but made with better quality meat

duck genus Melanitta or Oidemia which lives scratchings United Kingdom Crisp fried

in coastal seas pieces of pork skin, eaten as a bar snack.

scottadito Italy Small cutlets eaten with the

Also called pork scratchings

fingers whilst hot (NOTE: Literally ‘burning screwpine The fragrant leaves of the palm-

fingers’.) like screwpine, Pandanus odaratissimus and

scottare Italy To scald

P. amaryllifolius, from tropical swamps in

scottiglia Italy A rich stew from Tuscany

Southeast Asia, used as a flavouring in

made with veal, poultry, pork and game Malay, Thai and Indonesian dishes, and as a
Scottish black pudding Scotland Salted and
Scottish black pudding

source of kewra essence. Also called

sieved fresh pig’s blood mixed with milk pandanus leaf
scrigno di venere Italy Large stuffed pasta
scrigno di venere

(4:1), one third the combined weight of suet,

minced onions, seasoning and a small shells
quantity of lightly toasted oatmeal, filled into scrod United States Young cod under 1 kg in

beef runners leaving room for expansion, weight, popular on the northeast coast of
tied, simmered for 2 hours pricking to North America. See also schrod
prevent splitting, then dried. Served hot scum The layers of greyish, foamy, coagulated

either boiled or fried. protein and dirt which rise to the top of a
Scottish ginger cake Scotland As
Scottish ginger cake

simmering liquid. Must be skimmed off or

gingerbread with a little oatmeal, sultanas, the liquid will lack clarity.
chopped stem ginger and mixed peel scungilli Italy Conches, the gastropod

Scottish grouse Red grouse

Scottish grouse

Scottish hare A hare, Lepus timidus scoticus,
Scottish hare

scup United States Sea bream


found in the Alps, Scotland, Ireland and sea anemone A primitive flower-like polyp
sea anemone

Scandinavia. It has a smaller body, shorter consisting of a digestive sac with a ring of
ears, a larger head and longer legs than the tentacles around the opening and attached
common hare and its fur turns white in to the rocks at the base by a foot, common in
winter. See also hare. Also called varying European waters. They are prepared by
hare, blue hare, alpine hare removing the tentacles, turning inside out
Scottish lovage A plant, Ligusticum
Scottish lovage

and cleaning thoroughly. The beadlet (also

scoticum, very similar to lovage which grows called ‘tomate de mer’) and oplet are eaten
wild on rocky coasts. Used in salads and as in France.
a pot herb. sea bass A seawater bass, genus
sea bass

Scottish pancake Drop scone

Scottish pancake

Centropristus, which feeds mainly on

Scottish shortbread See shortbread
Scottish shortbread

shellfish and crustaceans and has a

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sea spinach

delicately flavoured firm white flesh. Found shallow water of the North Atlantic. Also
off the coast of North America. called tangle, sea tangle, finger kombu
sea kail See seakale
sea kail

sea beet A species of wild beet, Beta vulgaris

sea beet

subspecies maritima, with a sprawling habit seakale A seashore plant, Crambe maritima,

which grows on the seashore and sea walls. of the cabbage family prevalent in northern
The leaves are cooked like spinach. Also Europe whose stems are blanched and
called sea spinach served like asparagus with melted butter.
sea biscuit Hardtack
sea biscuit

Also called sea kail

seakale beet Swiss chard
seakale beet

sea bream Various blunt-nosed medium oily

sea bream

seal, to To briefly expose the surface of meat

seal, to

seawater fish of the Pagellus and

Spondyliosoma families, principally Pagrus to intense heat which is supposed to form an
pagrus and P. vulgaris, with deep, red to pink impermeable seal to prevent loss of juices on
bodies ranging in length from 20 cm to 1 m. further cooking
The flesh is pink or white and may be cooked sea laver 1. See sea lettuce 2. Nori
sea laver

in any way. See also bream. Also called porgy, sea lettuce 1. A pale green seaweed, Ulva
sea lettuce

red porgy, scup lactuca, resembling lettuce leaves, found

sea burbot Ling
sea burbot

around the shores of the UK and sometimes

Seabutt Germany Brill, the fish
used as a vegetable. Also called sea laver,
sea cat Catfish
sea cat
green laver, lettuce laver, ulva 2. Carragheen
sea mullet Australia One of the most common
sea mullet

sea celery Australia A low growing herb,

sea celery

edible Australian fishes, Mugil cephalus, is

Apium prostratum, with a slight celery
plentiful in all the states except Tasmania. It
flavour. It grows near sea or fresh water
is olive green above with silvery sides and
estuaries and swamps etc. The leaves are
grows to 3 kg. It has an oily flesh which is
used in salads and the stems may be braised
good to eat, especially if grilled or smoked.
like celery.
Also called poddy mullet
sea cucumber A slow-moving worm-like sea
sea cucumber

sea oak United States Arame

sea oak

grub, Isostichopus fuscus, related to the star

sea ormer Abalone
sea ormer

fish, between 3 and 9 cm in length, which

sea owl Lumpfish
sea owl

processes sea sediments to extract nutrients.

sea perch Comber
sea perch

The dried flesh is much prized in Asia and is

sea pie 1. United Kingdom A beef stew
sea pie

used to thicken and flavour soups. The flesh

is firm and gelatinous with a slight fishy partially cooked in a casserole, a layer of suet
flavour. The dried variety most commonly crust pastry rested on top of the stew, the lid
available must be soaked for several days replaced and cooking continued until the
before cooking. To prepare from fresh, wash meat is tender. Served from the casserole. 2.
and clean, soak overnight, blanch 5 minutes, United States A veal, pork or chicken stew
cut open and gut, then simmer for 4 hours. with dried dessert apples, molasses and
Also called bêche de mer, sea slug, sea rat dumplings from New England
seapuss Caribbean Octopus

sea date A tiny bivalve mollusc, Lithophaga

sea date

lithophaga, from the Mediterranean which is sear, to To brown food, especially meat, in a
sear, to

the same shape, colour and size as a date, very little hot fat or oil before grilling, roasting,
usually eaten raw. Also called date shell, date braising or stewing
mussel sea rat Sea cucumber
sea rat

sea drum A deep bodied seawater fish,

sea drum

sea robin Gurnard

sea robin

Pogonias cromis, of the drum group up to 4 sea salt Salt produced by the artificial
sea salt

kg in weight and 1 m long. The lean flesh evaporation of cleaned and filtered seawater.
may be cooked in any way. Also called black Usually large crystals up to 5 mm.
drum sea slug Sea cucumber
sea slug

sea ear Abalone

sea ear

season, to To add salt and ground pepper to

season, to

sea fennel United States Samphire

sea fennel

seafood Any edible marine animal, fish, seasoned flour Flour mixed with salt and
seafood seasoned flour

shellfish, and various other species which ground pepper used for coating food (esp.
inhabit the sea bottom or are free floating or surface damp food) before frying
swimming seasoned salt United States A mixture of salt,
seasoned salt

seafood in puff pastry Bouchées de fruits de MSG, spices and vegetable salts, used as a
seafood in puff pastry

mer general seasoning

seasoning Salt and ground pepper

sea girdle A variety of brown kelp, Laminaria

sea girdle

sea spinach Sea beet

sea spinach

digitata, similar to kombu and found in

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sea tangle

sea tangle United Kingdom Sea girdle sediment Unwanted solid particles which
sea tangle sediment

sea trout See salmon trout

sea trout
settle out at the bottom of liquids
sedlo olenia, sedlo olenya Russia Saddle of
sedlo olenia

sea urchin A spherical-spine covered animal,

sea urchin

Paracentrotus lividus and other species, up venison marinated 24 hours, barded with
to 8 cm in diameter which lives on rocky bacon and roasted with the marinade at
coasts in all oceans and seas. The spines 230°C for 30 minutes, reducing to 180°C
require careful handling. They are opened until tender. Served with reduced pan juices
when alive and the orange-coloured ovaries mixed with cream and horseradish.
are removed and either eaten raw or used as Sedum rosea Botanical name Roseroot
Seeanemone Germany Sea anemone

a garnish. Must be live when purchased and

Seebarsch Germany Bass, the fish

consumed as soon as possible. See also

edible sea urchin, green sea urchin see byan Burma The stage in making a curry
see byan

sea vegetables Edible seaweed, i.e. plants of at which the oil or fat separates. This occurs
sea vegetables

the algae family which grow in seawater and when most of the water has evaporated and
may be green (shallow water), brown, or red the dish is then considered to be correctly
(deep water). Usually dried. See also sea cooked.
lettuce, laver, dulse, kombu, nori, wakame. seed The structure containing an embryo,

Also called seaweed stored food and a seed coat derived from the
seawater This contains 35 g of salt per litre.

fertilized ovule of a flowering plant or tree

Fish and shellfish should be boiled in a from which a new plant will arise if it
similar concentration of salt in water to avoid germinates successfully. Variously known as
making the flesh soft and watery. grains, cereals, pips, nuts, stones, kernels,
seaweed See sea vegetables
Seedattel Germany Sea date

seaweed gelatine Agar-agar

seaweed gelatine

seed cake A type of Madeira cake flavoured

seed cake

seaweed jelly Agar-agar

seaweed jelly

with caraway seeds and possibly lemon

sea wing Fan mussel
sea wing

and/or vanilla
sea wolf Catfish
sea wolf

seedless Without seeds


sebo Spain Suet


seedy cake England A West Country victoria

seedy cake

sec France 1. Dry 2. Dried (NOTE: The


sponge flavoured with caraway seeds. The

feminine form is sèche.) cake is made by the creaming method but
secchielli Italy Dried chestnuts incorporating the egg yolks in the usual way

secco Italy Dry, dried

and folding in the stiffly beaten egg whites.
No baking powder is used. Baked at 200°C
sèche See sec

for 30 to 45 minutes.
séco Portugal Dried, dry

Seehecht Germany Hake


seconda portata Italy The main dish or

seconda portata

Seeigel Germany Sea urchin


course of a meal
Seekarpfen Germany Black bream

second bamboo See bean curd sticks

second bamboo

seek kabab South Asia Minced meat

seek kabab

second feather duck A duck which is not

second feather duck

croquettes shaped with the hand over a steel

killed until it has replaced its first set of or iron skewer the thickness of a pencil and
feathers at about 3 months of age. Usually grilled over or under a fierce heat. The meat
free-range and with a fuller and more mature should be free of fat and gristle and may
flavour. contain aromatics and herbs. It is bound with
secondi Italy The main courses of a meal as

an egg.
displayed on a menu Seekrabben Germany Crabs

secondo grandezza Italy S.G.

secondo grandezza

seeng South Asia Drumstick vegetable


section waiter See station waiter

section waiter

Seeohr Germany Abalone


sedani Italy Ridged macaroni (NOTE: Literally


Seepolyp Germany Octopus


‘sticks of celery’.) seer South Asia A unit of weight equal to 4


sedani corti Short pieces of sedani, the

sedani corti

powas or 20 chattaks, approximately 900 g

classical pasta for minestrone or 2 lb
sedano Italy Celery Seespinne Germany Spider crab
sedano Seespinne

Seeteufel Germany Monkfish


sedano di verona Italy Celeriac

sedano di verona

seet gnee China White fungus

seet gnee

sedano rapa Italy Celeriac

sedano rapa

seethe, to To simmer
seethe, to

Sedgemoor Easter cake England A thin crisp

Sedgemoor Easter cake

see yau China Light soya sauce

see yau

biscuit from the southwest containing

Seezunge Germany Dover sole

currants and flavoured with brandy

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seffa North Africa Sweetened couscous from Selkirk bannock Scotland A yeast-raised
seffa Selkirk bannock

Morocco flavoured with cinnamon. sweetened dough enriched with butter and
Sometimes prunes, raisins and almonds are sultanas, baked and glazed to a golden
added. brown (NOTE: From the Scottish border
segala Italy Rye, rye bread
country and traditionally served at
Hogmanay. It weighs about 0.5 kg)
segedínsky gulás Czech Republic Selny
segedínsky gulás

sella Italy Saddle (of lamb or veal)


sell-by date Date shown on packaged food to
sell-by date

seiche France Cuttlefish


aid stock control, usually for food with a short

seigle France Rye

shelf life. Food may well remain edible after

seiro Japan Mushi-ki

this date but should be consumed quickly or

seiron-nikkei Japan Cinnamon stored appropriately.

selle France Saddle, e.g. of lamb or venison


seitan Wheat gluten obtained by washing the


selleri 1. Denmark Celery 2. Sweden Celeriac,


starch out of flour dough. It is marinated in

soya sauce with various flavourings and used not celery
in vegetarian meals as a protein source and Sellerie Germany 1. Celeriac, not celery 2.

flavouring agent. Celery

seitó (plural seitons) Catalonia See anchovy

Selles-sur-Cher France A soft, mild-flavoured


sekar pala Indonesia Mace

sekar pala

goats’ milk cheese from Loire et Cher, whose

seker geker Turkey Sugar
seker geker
rind is dusted with powdered charcoal.
Protected by appellation d’ origine status.
seki han Japan Boiled rice mixed towards the
seki han

Also called Romorantin

end of the cooking with cooked adzuki beans
sellou North Africa A dryish sweet made with

and cooked a further 5 minutes, then

sugar, butter and ground almonds
flavoured with a little sake and soya sauce.
selodka Russia Russian salt herrings, made

The rice is cooked in the liquor from the

cooked adzuki beans made up with extra by covering whole herrings, not gutted, with
water as required. a mixture of coarse salt, coarsely ground
pepper and bay leaves for 3 days in a cool
sel France Salt

larder. They are then removed, the salt

selasih Indonesia A wild basil with a very mild

brushed off and the fish covered in a

flavour marinade made from water boiled with a
Selchfleisch Germany Smoked pork

large amount of chopped garlic and bay

Selchwurst Austria A sausage similar to

leaves mixed with some of the liquor from the

Burgenländisch Hauswürstel herrings and a few tablespoons of the salt. To
sel’d Russia Herring
serve they are rinsed, gutted, deboned and
laid on a bed of bay leaves and crushed
sel de mer France Sea salt
sel de mer

selderie Netherlands Celery

selon grandeur France S.G.

selon grandeur

self-raising flour A wheat flour which

self-raising flour

selshcaree Trimmed loin of pork cured in


incorporates a chemical raising agent, spiced brine and lightly smoked. Popular in
usually sodium bicarbonate plus an acid salt Northern Europe boiled with sauerkraut.
for reaction and completed liberation of all Selva Spain A soft cows’ milk cheese made in

the available carbon dioxide. 30 g of baking small cylinders (up to 2 kg) with a delicate
powder per kg of plain flour may be slightly salty taste which develops after
substituted (9 teaspoons per kg or 4 ripening for 3 to 6 weeks
teaspoons per lb).
selvaggina Italy Game, venison

self rising flour United States Self-raising

self rising flour

selvatico Italy Wild, uncultivated


sem South Asia Green beans

self-service A type of service of food where


semangka Indonesia, Malaysia Water melon


the customers go to a counter where food is

sembei Japan A small crisp rice cracker

laid out and usually help themselves to cold

sementare Italy Very small eels, elvers

items and sometimes to hot items. The food

semi Italy 1. Seeds 2. Half

is then taken to a cash receiving point, if to

be paid for, where the cost is computed and semi-cos lettuce A type of lettuce with sweet
semi-cos lettuce

paid. Cutlery, napkins, seasonings and crunchy leaves shorter than the cos
condiments are usually collected after semi di papavero Italy Poppy seeds
semi di papavero

payment. semidure Italy Soft-boiled, of eggs


selha chawal South Asia Converted rice

selha chawal

semi-fino Italy A grade of rice requiring about


selino Greece Celery


15 minutes cooking time

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semifreddo Italy A chilled mousse type Senfkohl Germany Rocket, the plant
semifreddo Senfkohl

dessert or ice cream on a crushed biscuit sen-giri Japan A very fine julienne vegetable

base cut. Also called hari-giri, hari-kiri. See also

semifrío Spain A chilled dessert needle cut

semi-hard cheese A fairly rigid cheese with sen leck Thailand Medium-sized rice noodles
semi-hard cheese sen leck

normally a moisture content between 40 and sen mee Thailand Small rice noodles similar
sen mee

45% to vermicelli
semini Italy Small seed-shaped pasta

senmen-giri Japan A cucumber fan used as


semi-skimmed milk United Kingdom Milk a garnish

semi-skimmed milk

with a butterfat content between 1.5 and sennep Denmark, Norway Mustard

1.8%. Sold in bottles with a silver and red sen yai Thailand Rice sticks
sen yai

striped top. separate, to To take one part of a substance

separate, to

semi-soft Holding its shape but easily cut with


away from the whole, as for instance in

a knife separating egg yolks from whole eggs or
semi-sweet Lightly sweetened

cream from whole milk

semlor Sweden Light sweetened yeast-raised sepia Spain Cuttlefish
semlor sepia

buns flavoured with spice and filled with sèpia amb pèsols Catalonia Cuttlefish with
sèpia amb pèsols

almond paste. Served as a dessert floating in peas

bowls of hot milk on Shrove Tuesday. Also seppia Italy Cuttlefish

called Shrove Tuesday bun sera South Asia Lemon grass


semmel United States A breakfast roll


serai Malaysia Lemon grass


introduced by German immigrants, i.e. the

serai powder Sereh powder
serai powder

Pennsylvania Dutch (from ‘Deutsch’)

serbal Spain Rowanberry

Semmelkloss Germany Bread dumpling


serbuk perasa Malaysia Monosodium

serbuk perasa

sémola Spain Semolina


semolina 1. A technical term for the large

sereh Indonesia, Malaysia Lemon grass


pieces of endosperm from wheat which are

sereh powder Dried and ground lemon grass
sereh powder

made by the fluted rolls used to separate the

bran from the semolina 2. The culinary term used for flavouring. Also called serai powder
Serena Spain A hard vegetarian cows’ milk

for a particular type of semolina made from

durum wheat. The particle size varies cheese with a dry rind and dense hole-free
according to the use to which it is going to be yellow paste cast in cylinders (up to 1.5 kg).
put. Fine semolina is used for pasta, coarser The curd is moulded in esparto grass
varieties are used to make a boiled milk containers and is ripened for 50 days.
pudding. Contains 40% water, 30% fat and 26%
semolina pudding United Kingdom A
semolina pudding
serendipity berry Central Africa, West Africa
serendipity berry

pudding made by boiling milk and sprinkling

in semolina at the rate of 70g per litre, An edible red berry from a tropical tree,
simmering for 20 minutes then adding sugar Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii, which has an
and butter at the rate of 100g and 20g per extremely sweet taste
sériole France Amberjack

litre of milk respectively. It may be browned

Serpa Portugal A ewes’ milk cheese eaten

under the grill.

Semolino Italy Semolina, from durum wheat
fresh when soft and buttery or ripened for 1
semoule France Semolina
to 2 years in caves where it is regularly
Sempervivum tectorum Botanical name cleaned and wiped with a paste of olive oil
House leek and paprika. It has a dry texture and nutty
semplice, alla Italy Simply cooked
semplice, alla

serpenyös rostélyos Hungary Sirloin steak

serpenyös rostélyos

senap Sweden Mustard


flattened and browned in lard with chopped

senape Italy Mustard

onions and garlic, well dusted with paprika

senape di digione Italy Dijon mustard
senape di digione

and flour, and braised in water with crushed

senapssås Sweden Mustard sauce made with

caraway seeds, marjoram, tomato purée and

a fish velouté with dry mustard added equal chopped sweet green peppers, adding thick
in weight to one sixth of the flour used in the slices of parboiled potatoes towards the end
roux. Finished with cream. Serra Portugal Queijo da Serra

sendai-miso Japan Inaka-miso


serrano chilli A variety of hot chilli pepper

serrano chilli

Senf Germany Mustard


from Mexico, usually sold green. They are

Senf Kartoffeln Germany Sliced cooked plumpish (4 cm by 1.5 cm) with a strong rich
Senf Kartoffeln

potatoes in a mustard sauce flavour.

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serrated knife See bread knife potatoes in skin 125 g, rice and other dried
serrated knife

serruda North Africa A Moroccan dish of

starch staples 25 to 50 g, pulses and beans
mashed chickpeas served with onion, butter as main course 60 g
servizio Italy Service charge in a restaurant

and saffron
seru ndeng Indonesia A condiment made sésame France Sesame
seru ndeng sésame

from fried shredded coconut mixed with sesame butter See tahini
sesame butter

peanuts and brown sugar. Served with rice. sesame chilli oil Red chillies fried in sesame
sesame chilli oil

service 1. A full set of crockery for a specific


seed oil to give the oil a red colour and hot

meal for several persons (usually 4, 6 or 12), flavour. Used as a seasoning and condiment.
as in tea service, dinner service 2. The sesame salt Gomasio
sesame salt

attendance given to customers in a

sesame seed Cream to black oval seeds from
sesame seed

restaurant by waiters and staff

the seed pods of an annual plant, Sesamum
serviceberry Juneberry

indicum, mainly grown in China, Central

service charge The charge added to a
service charge

America and South West USA. After dry-

restaurant bill, usually as a percentage of the roasting they have a pleasant nutty taste and
total to cover the cost of providing waiters. It contain about 50% oil. Used in bread and
originated in the times when waiters were cakes, to make tahini and to add texture to
paid only this percentage for their labour. other foods. See also black sesame seeds,
This archaic and demeaning practice dies white sesame seeds, tahini. Also called benne
out as society develops. seed
service compris France Service included.
service compris

sesame seed oil Oil extracted from sesame

sesame seed oil

Used on a restaurant bill. seeds, sometimes toasted, with a

serviço incluido Portugal Service included.
serviço incluido

pronounced flavour and good colour. Used

Used on a restaurant bill. for stir-frying, to add flavour to other dishes
Serviettenklösse Germany Bread dumplings

and added to deep-frying oil (1 part in 10).

cooked in a cloth to hold their shape. Usually Also called oriental sesame oil
served with cooked pears, bacon and French sesame seed paste See tahini
sesame seed paste

beans in a sweet-and-sour sauce.

sesamo Italy Sesame

serving A single portion of food or drink. See


sésamo Spain Sesame


also serving: fish and shellfish, serving:

healthy eating, serving: meat, serving: soups
Sesamum indicum Botanical name Sesame
sesos Spain Brains

and sauces, serving: vegetables, grains and

set, to 1. To lay out crockery, cutlery and
set, to

serving: fish and shellfish Main course
serving: fish and shellfish
glassware on a table 2. To leave jellies and
servings are 300 g fish per portion on the other thickened mixtures to go solid usually
bone, 125 g fish boned and skinned, 250 g by cooling 3. To freeze ice cream, sorbets,
or half lobster in the shell, half a litre of etc.
seta Spain Fungus

mussels in the shell

serving: healthy eating Nutritionists state
serving: healthy eating
Setaria italica Botanical name Foxtail millet
seui gwa China Loofah
seui gwa

that an adequate diet should contain 5

servings per day of fruit or vegetables each sevastopolskoe pechenye Russia An
sevastopolskoe pechenye

approximately 80 g (3 oz). Typical servings almond tart from the Crimea made in a
are, a medium-sized apple or orange, half a square blind-baked case, the pastry made
grapefruit, 2 to 3 tablespoons (50 ml) of peas from flour, sugar, butter and eggs (8:3:5:3),
or beans or other vegetables, 200 ml of filled with a mixture of egg white and light
salad, 100 ml of fruit juice. brown sugar (7:10) mixed with flaked
serving: meat Main course servings are meat
serving: meat

almonds and flavoured with cinnamon and

off a piece, 100 g off the bone, 150 g on the lemon zest, the mixture slightly thickened
bone, individual steak or chop, 2 to 3 lamb over a low heat, then baked until brown.
cutlets or two lamb kidneys Served cut in 5 cm squares.
serving: soups and sauces Soup as starter
serving: soups and sauces

seven minute frosting United States Egg

seven minute frosting

100 to 150 ml, sauce with meat or fish 50 to whites, granulated sugar, boiling water,
75 ml, sauce as accompaniment e.g. mint, cream of tartar and flavouring beaten briskly
cranberry, apple, 20 to 40 ml for 7 minutes over hot water until of a
serving spoon A spoon with a large oval bowl meringue-like consistency. Used for icing
serving spoon

end which may or may not be slotted and as a cake filling.

serving: vegetables, grains and pulses sevian South Asia Baked vermicelli-type
serving: vegetables, grains and pulses sevian

Cooked vegetables 80 to 100 g, mushrooms noodles in a creamy sugar syrup flavoured

50 g, old potatoes in skin 170 g, new with rose water

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seviche South America A dish of marinated sha cha jiang China A slightly coarse-
seviche sha cha jiang

white fish. See also ceviche textured sauce made from peanuts, dried
Seville orange The round orange-coloured
Seville orange
fish, dried shrimp, chillies, garlic and various
fruit of the original orange tree of the spices such as five spices and coriander.
Mediterranean, Citrus aurantium, about 7 Used in Cantonese cooking. Also called sha
cm in diameter, which is now only cultivated zha chiang
shad A white, seawater fish of the genus

around Seville and Malaga. It is harvested in

January and used for marmalade Alosa, belonging to the herring family, which
manufacture and as a substitute for lemon. migrates from the sea to rivers to spawn.
Also called sour orange, bitter orange There are several varieties, e.g. Allis shad,
sevruga sturgeon The smallest of the
sevruga sturgeon
Alosa alosa, and the slightly smaller twaite
sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, up to 10 kg in shad, Alosa fallax, ranging from 30 cm to 1
weight, which produces about 1.5 to 2 kg of m in length. Its oily delicate flesh is often
fine-flavoured, dark grey to black caviar marinated in acid or cooked with acidic
which has the same name leaves to loosen or dissolve the bones. It is
generally grilled, fried or baked, and is also
sew, to To close a pocket of meat or the
sew, to

used raw in sushi. Also called alose, gizzard

abdominal cavity of a bird or fish by sewing shad
with thick thread so as to prevent a stuffing
shaddock Pummelo

from leaking out during cooking

shadow bennie sauce Caribbean Chadon
shadow bennie sauce

sewin Wales Salmon trout


bennie, sauce
sfenj North Africa Doughnuts

shaggy cap Shaggy ink cap

shaggy cap

sfenzh North Africa Deep-fried Moroccan


shaggy ink cap An edible fungus, Coprinus

shaggy ink cap

doughnuts comatus, with a dark shaggy cap on top of a

sfilatino Italy A bread from Tuscany

short stem, paler when young. Also called

sfilato Italy Boned or jointed, as applied to
ink cap, shaggy cap
shaggy parasol An edible mushroom, Lepiota
shaggy parasol

small game animals (NOTE: Literally

‘unthreaded’.) rhacodes, similar to the parasol mushroom,
sfincione Italy A Sicilian pizza with a thick soft
with a rough light brown cap on an off-white
base topped with tomato, cheese, anchovies stem. Skinned before cooking.
sha gou dou fu China Casseroled bean curd
sha gou dou fu

and olives
sfingi Italy Sweet biscuits
sha he China A noodle made from rice flour
sha he

sfoglia Italy A sheet of pasta dough


which puffs up when deep-fried

sfogliata Italy 1. Flaky pastry 2. A type of

sha jeera South Asia Caraway seed

sha jeera

Napoleon cake sometimes filled with ricotta

sha jen China Cardamom
sha jen

cheese, spices and candied fruit

shakarkandi South Asia Sweet potato

sfogliatelle Italy A Neapolitan speciality cake


shake United States Milk shake


sformata Italy Moulded food, timbales, etc.


shakkar South Asia Raw sugar (NOTE: The


S.G. 1. France, Italy Selon grandeur (French)


Sanskrit origin of the English word sugar.)

or secondo grandezza (Italian), i.e. shako Japan 1. A giant clam, Hippopus

according to size. Used e.g. for pricing fish in hippopus, to 1 m high. The flesh near the
restaurants according to the weight of the shell is the most flavoursome and the
fresh fish to be cooked. 2. See specific adductor muscle is dried and used as a
gravity flavouring or in other dishes. 2. The mantis
S-Gebäck Germany ‘S’-shaped biscuits

shrimp, Oratosquilla oratorio, which grows to

flavoured with lemon zest made from flour, 15 cm long. When boiled, and removed from
butter sugar and egg yolk (4:2:2:1) by the its shell with some difficulty, it has a purplish
creaming method. The dough is refrigerated, skin and white flesh. Used as a topping for
rolled out into 1 cm by 10 cm sticks, formed nigiri-zushi or for tempura.
into flattened S shapes on the baking tray, shallot 1. A small hard onion, Allium cepa

brushed with egg white, sprinkled with Aggregatum Group which grows in clusters,
crushed sugar lumps and baked at 200°C usually stronger-flavoured than the onion.
until firm. The green leaves may be harvested for use
sgombro Italy Mackerel

as a flavouring. 2. Australia same as spring

shabu shabu Japan A one-pot meat and
shabu shabu
shallot butter See beurre d’échalotes
shallot butter

vegetables dish cooked at the table in boiling

stock. Served with sesame-flavoured sauce. shallow-fry, to To cook food in a small
shallow-fry, to

Similar to sukiyaki. amount of hot oil and/or fat in a frying pan or

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shark’s skin

plat à sauter, the aim being to complete the served with sauce in the same way as
cooking of the centre of the food at the same spaghetti.
time as the outside is brown and crisp Shanghai nuts Roasted peanuts with a crisp
Shanghai nuts

shallow-frying, fish Skinned and filleted or

shallow-frying, fish

savoury coating. Eaten as a snack.

whole fish washed and drained, passed shank 1. Part of the leg of any animal, usually

through seasoned flour, fried in a small including the knuckle 2. United Kingdom
amount of hot clarified butter presentation Beef from the lower muscular part of the
side first, placed on a dish, covered with foreleg, with more gristle than shin beef and
beurre noisette and garnished with a slice of generally used for consommé and stock 3.
lemon The Welsh term for leg of lamb
shallow-poaching, fish A method of cooking
shallow-poaching, fish

shank end of lamb United Kingdom The

shank end of lamb

cuts of fish by placing presentation side up lower half of a hind leg of lamb
on sweated chopped onions or shallots in a
shan na China Lily bulb
shan na

pan, adding cooking liquor to half way up the

Shantung cabbage Chinese leaves
Shantung cabbage

fish, bringing to the boil, placing a cartouche

shan yao China Chinese yam
shan yao

over then placing the pan in the oven at

160°C to 180°C for 3 to 10 minutes. The fish shao China Braising

is removed and kept warm while the cooking

Shaohsing rice wine See red girl wine
Shaohsing rice wine

liquor is made into a sauce. See also poached

shao mai China Steamed pork dumplings
shao mai

white fish
sharbat billooz North Africa A popular
sharbat billooz

shama millet A slightly smaller seed than

shama millet

normal from a millet, Echinochloa colona, Moroccan drink made from whole blanched
used in the same way as Japanese millet almonds liquidized with milk, water, sugar
shami kabab South Asia Small croquettes
shami kabab
and rose water or orange flower water,
made with minced meat and soaked yellow strained and served chilled
shariyya North Africa Very fine Moroccan

split peas (4:1), cooked in water with

flavourings such as garlic, coriander, cumin, noodles
mint, ginger, minced onion or the like until shark A group of fish ranging from 70 g to 20

soft and all liquid absorbed. The mixture is tonnes characterized by their lack of
then processed to a smooth paste, formed mineralized bones, the skeleton being of very
into small flat circular croquettes and fried in flexible cartilage-like material. Many of the
clarified butter on both sides, taking care not smaller varieties are edible and traded.
to break them. Because of their unusual physiology they
shami kebab South Asia Deep-fried meatballs tend to smell of ammonia but this can be
shami kebab

made from lamb, onion, garlic, yellow split counteracted by cooking at high
peas, ground black cumin, chilli powder, temperatures e.g. deep fat frying. Varieties
cashew nuts, garam masala, salt and include tope, guitar fish, angel fish, dogfish,
chopped coriander leaves blended together skate, porbeagle, hammerhead and mako.
and bound with egg and lemon juice shark-ray Angel fish

shamouti Middle East A variety of common


shark’s fin The fin of a species of shark found

shark’s fin

orange which occurred by mutation in a in the Indian Ocean. It requires lengthy

Palestinian orchard in 1844. It is easily preparation to clean and soften it and it may
peeled without releasing much oil and is be converted into chips or strands. It is
virtually seedless and has a good flavour. It is always cooked in a rich stock of poultry
not suitable for processing owing to delayed bones and pork shank, possibly
bitterness (like the navel orange). Grown in supplemented with dried oyster and con poy.
Cyprus, Turkey and Swaziland. Also called Whole cleaned fins are slow- cooked and
Jaffa, Cyprus oval eaten for their taste and texture, usually
Shanghai cooking A cosmopolitan style of without any accompaniment save perhaps a
Shanghai cooking

Chinese cooking influenced by many of the little vinegar.

provinces of China shark’s fin soup A soup made with prepared
shark’s fin soup

Shanghai hairy crab A small square-bodied

Shanghai hairy crab

shark’s fin (chips or strands) cooked in

crab with a covering of dark hair on the legs clarified and seasoned chicken stock with
and edge of the top shell. It is found on the strips of chicken meat and Chinese
Chinese coast around Shanghai and the mushrooms. May be thickened with corn
meat and the roe are highly prized. flour and garnished with a julienne of ham.
Shanghai noodles Round fresh egg or white shark’s skin Dried shark’s skin is used as a
Shanghai noodles shark’s skin

wheat flour noodles from Shanghai which are flavouring agent. It has to be softened by
thicker than Italian spaghetti. Generally repeated long simmering and refreshing.

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shark’s stomach

shark’s stomach The dried stomachs of or grill. Also called fathead 2. Freshwater
shark’s stomach

sharks are treated in the same way as shark’s drum

fin sheer South Asia A dessert based on rice

sharlotka Russia Charlotte Russe cooked in milk. See also kheer


sharmoola North Africa A processed mixture sheftalia Cyprus A crépinette with a filling of
sharmoola sheftalia

of finely chopped onion, garlic, parsley, and seasoned fatty pork mixed with an equal
other herbs and spices. See also chermoula quantity of veal or lamb, all minced with
sharon fruit A seedless variety of persimmon,
sharon fruit
grated onion
sheh paan China Garoupa, the fish
sheh paan

not as astringent as the true persimmon, with

a thin edible orange skin grown in and shelf life The length of time a foodstuff will
shelf life

exported from Israel. It should be eaten stay fresh and palatable when stored as
when hard and may be used in fruit salads, indicated by the supplier or manufacturer
stuffed or sliced as a decoration or garnish. shellac The strained resin exuded by various

sharp 1. With a pungent, tart or acid flavour 2.


lac insects which live on the bark of some

With a finely ground and honed edge. A Eastern trees. Used to coat apples to give
really sharp knife should easily cut a ripe them a glossy appearance. See also E904
tomato without deformation using only a shell bean Broad bean
shell bean

slight downward pressure.

shellfish The collective name for a group of

shashlik Southwest Asia The Georgian term


generally sea-dwelling creatures comprising

for kebabs, usually cubes of lamb marinated molluscs, cephalopods and crustaceans.
in wine and lemon juice with garlic, parsley, Oysters, squid and lobsters are typical
dill and seasonings, skewered with sweet red examples. The only freshwater shellfish is
pepper and button onions and grilled the crayfish which is a crustacean.
shauk-nu, shauk-waing Burma Makrut lime

shell mould Pee tee

shell mould

shaurabat adas Persian Gulf Lentil soup

shaurabat adas

shell steak United States A boneless steak

shell steak

made with red lentils, fried onions, garlic and cut from the fleshy part of the sirloin of beef
tomatoes and flavoured with baharat and
shemis Scotland A wild lovage, Levisticum

scoticum, one of the greens (kail) eaten by
sha zha chiang China Sha cha jiang
sha zha chiang

the poor in the olden days

shchi Russia Cabbage soup made with beef

sheng tsai China Lettuce

sheng tsai

stock, tomatoes, onions, butter and herbs

shepherd’s pie United Kingdom A dish made
shepherd’s pie

accompanied by soured cream. Also called

shtchi in the same way as cottage pie and often
confused with it. However, the meat used is
shea butter An edible solid fat obtained from
shea butter

lamb or mutton. See also cottage pie

the shea nut. Also used for soap- and
shepherd’s purse A common weed, Capsella
shepherd’s purse

bursa-pastoris, which was once eaten as a
shea nuts The seeds of the tropical shea tree,
shea nuts

green vegetable (NOTE: So called from the

Butyrospermum parkii, used for their fat
shape of the seed capsule)
sherbet United States A frozen dessert made

shebbakia North Africa Pastry formed into


from sweetened fruit juice or purée or other

knots, deep-fried and dipped in honey
flavoured syrups with added beaten egg
she-crab soup United States A soup from
she-crab soup

white and/or cream

South Carolina made from the roe and the
sherry sauce As Madeira sauce but
sherry sauce

meat of the female blue crab flavoured with

substituting dry sherry. Also called xérès,
Worcestershire sauce and sherry and
finished with cream
Sherwood A double Gloucester cheese

sheep casings The cleaned and scraped

sheep casings

flavoured with chives and onions

intestines of sheep ranging from 16 to 24
Shetland sheep Scotland A breed of sheep
Shetland sheep

mm in diameter Classified as narrow,

medium, wide and extra wide. Used for thin from the Shetland Isles which feed on grass,
sausages such as chipolatas and heather and seaweed to produce a tender
frankfurters. lamb with a gamey flavour
Shetland sparls Scotland A type of sausage
Shetland sparls

sheepshead fish United States 1. A deep-

sheepshead fish

bodied seawater fish, Archosargus made with seasoned minced beef flavoured
probatocephalus, caught off the south-east with allspice, cloves, mace, ginger and
coast with white firm flesh similar to the sea cinnamon, wrapped in wide sheep casings
bream. It weighs from 2.5 to 4.5 kg and its and smoked
sheto West Africa Shitor din

back is silvery blue with seven dark vertical

sheung moy cheung China Plum sauce
sheung moy cheung

bars on the back and each side. Poach, bake

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shia jeera South Asia Caraway seed shioyaki Japan Grilled in salt, a method of
shia jeera shioyaki

shiba-kuri Japan Small firm sweet chestnuts

cooking fish
ship biscuit United States Hardtack
ship biscuit

shichcheta Bulgaria Spicy lamb kebabs


ship caviar United States The caviar from a

ship caviar

shichimi Japan Shichimi togarishi


shichimi togarashi Japan A blend of seven

shichimi togarashi
hybrid of the osciotre and sevruga sturgeon
shiraita kombu The thin membrane left after
shiraita kombu

flavouring agents, white and black sesame

seeds, sansho, nori, dried tangerine peel, shaving off the fleshy part of kombu to make
togarashi and white poppy seeds, ground oboru and tororo kombu. Used as a food
together and used as a condiment and to wrapping.
flavour soups, noodles and grilled meats. shirasu ae Japan Cooked vegetables, e.g.
shirasu ae

Some formulations include black hemp dried beans, mushrooms, aubergines,

seeds. Also called shichimi courgettes containing as little moisture as
shiitake mushroom A variety of fungus possible, combined with a sesame seed
shiitake mushroom

fruiting body, Lentinus edodes, from East sauce made from dry-roasted white sesame
Asia where it is grown on tree trunks, now seeds pounded with sugar, vinegar, mirin,
grown in Europe on wheat straw. They have salt and bean curd which has been boiled for
a white stem, a brown flattish cap and white 3 minutes and wrung out in a cloth. The
ruffled gills. They are high in protein and sauce should be smooth and sticky.
keep their shape when cooked. The flavour shirataki noodles Very fine noodles made
shirataki noodles

intensifies on drying and they become from the glutinous tuber of the snake palm
darker. Often sold dried in Chinese shops as plant. They soften immediately on contact
winter mushrooms. Also called Chinese dried with hot food and require no other cooking.
black mushroom, black forest mushroom, Often stored in cold water in the same way as
fragrant mushroom, oak mushroom (NOTE: cooked spaghetti is stored in commercial
Literally ‘tree mushroom’.) kitchens.
shikar korma South Asia A pork korma made
shikar korma

shiratamako Japan Glutinous rice flour


with loin of pork cut in pieces, fried with shirauo Japan Whitebait

honey and ghee until browned, salted water

shirazi Iran West Indian lime

added and all simmered until cooked and

shirini polo See shirin polo
shirini polo

dry. Grated shallots, turmeric, black pepper,

shirin polo Middle East A rice and chicken
shirin polo

orange and lemon peel are added and the

whole cooked until the butter fat separates, dish flavoured with almonds, saffron and
yoghurt added and again cooked until the fat candied orange peel. Also called shirini polo
shiro-goma Japan White unhulled sesame

separates, crushed garlic, ground

cardamom and cinnamon added and seeds
cooked 1 minute, a little mace added and all shiro-kikurage Japan White fungus

left in a slow oven with a tight fitting lid on the shiro-miso Japan A very light-coloured,

dish for 15 minutes. almost sweet, miso suitable for making salad
shiltong Nepal Rice bean

shimeji Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia Oyster

shirona Japan See hakusai


mushroom shiro wat East Africa A vegetable stew from

shiro wat

shin beef United Kingdom The lower

shin beef

Ethiopia made from onions fried with berbere

muscular part of the rear leg of beef. It or chopped chillies and simmered with a
contains a lot of connective tissue and being variety of vegetables in a ground peanut and
well used is tough but of excellent flavour. water liquor for the appropriate times.
Used for making consommé, beef tea and Sometimes thickened with egg. Served with
for long stewing. injera especially on fasting days.
shingala South Asia Catfish

shirr, to To bake food, especially eggs, in

shirr, to

shinmai rice Japan Freshly harvested rice

shinmai rice

small shallow containers or dishes in the

with moist, tender and sweet grains which do oven
not require as much water for cooking as shirred eggs Shelled eggs baked in a shallow
shirred eggs

most rice types tray in the oven. Alternatively stiffly beaten

shinshu-miso Japan A light thin yellowish

egg white spread in a buttered shallow tray,

miso in which rice is the added grain depressions made for individual yolks and all
shio Japan Salt baked in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes.

shiogame Japan A heavy earthenware platter

See also oeufs sur le plat
shirumono Japan Technically a thick soup but

used for grilling or roasting food. Usually

covered with a layer of coarse salt on which the thickness is only relative when compared
the food rests. with suimono and usually comes from the

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higher proportion of vegetables, tofu, used in soups and stocks. Also called green
mushrooms, etc. in the soup crab, green swimming crab
shore dinner United States A seafood dinner
shore dinner

shishi-to, shishi-togarashi Japan A small


green sweet or sometimes hot pepper shortbread Scotland A Scottish crisp biscuit

shish kebab A kebab made with cubes of

shish kebab

made of butter, caster sugar and flour or flour

lamb and possibly pieces of tomato, onion plus fine semolina mixed (2:1:3), baked at
and sweet pepper 150°C, usually prescored in thick rectangles.
shiso Japan A member of the mint family,
Also called Scottish shortbread
shortcake United States Two rounds of a

Perilla argus, which comes in both green and

red leaved forms and is used as a garnish or baked rich scone mixture sandwiched
a vegetable. See also green shiso, red shiso, together with a filling of fruit and cream
shortcrust pastry The commonest pastry
shortcrust pastry

mejiso, hojiso, perilla, beefsteak plant

shitor West Africa A hot chilli sauce used to
made of soft flour, lard or vegetable
add flavour to bland carbohydrate foods in shortening and butter (4:1:1). It is mixed by
Ghana. All contain chopped chillies or chilli the rubbing in method and brought together
powder and variously onions, tomatoes, with sufficient chilled water. The paste
garlic, ginger, shrimp paste etc. should not be kneaded, rolling will compact
the mixture. It improves if rested for 30
shitor din West Africa A relish rather like the
shitor din

minutes after forming. Baked at 200 to

Mexican salsa, very common in Ghana. The
220°C until light brown. Also called short
fresh version is made from deseeded fresh
pastry, pâte à foncer, pâte brisée, piecrust
chilli peppers, onions and tomatoes
processed with some salt and allowed to
shortening The fat used in pastry, biscuit and

mature. The oil-based version is made by

cooking dried shrimps with dried chilli flakes cake making. See also shortening power
shortening power The ability of a fat to allow
shortening power

in oil with salt prior to bottling. Also called

sheto air bubbles to become trapped in a mixture
and therefore lighten the texture of the
shi zi China Persimmon
shi zi

resulting baked item. This is achieved by

shi zi tou China Large meatballs of minced
shi zi tou

adding soft unsaturated fats or oils to harder

pork ones to increase their plasticity or by adding
shoestring potatoes United States Very thin
shoestring potatoes

emulsifying agents such as glycerol

deep-fried strips of potatoes like pommes monostearate to the fat. Such a
pailles superglycerinated fat prevents the
shoga Japan Ginger development of gluten network structures in

shoga sembei Japan Small crisp rice

shoga sembei
the dough and also aids the incorporation of
crackers coated with a mixture of ground more liquid and hence sugar in the mix.
short-grain rice A rice with a low length to
short-grain rice

ginger and sugar

shole zard Iran An Iranian dessert made from
shole zard
diameter ratio, generally sticky when cooked
short loin United States The front half of a
short loin

soft cooked rice, sugar and crushed

almonds, flavoured with rose water, saffron sirloin of beef including the fillet
shortnin’ bread United States A chemically
shortnin’ bread

and cinnamon
shoofly pie United States A sweet treacle or
shoofly pie
raised sweet bread from the Southern states
molasses pie with a crumble topping. Served made with butter or lard
short pastry See shortcrust pastry
short pastry

cold or warm with cream or ice cream.

short plate United States The lower part of the
short plate

shoppe kebab Bulgaria A beef stew with

shoppe kebab

tomatoes, onions, paprika, butter, marjoram centre of the beef animal extending from
and chillies thickened with eggs, yoghurt and halfway down the body including the ends of
flour, finished with vinegar and garnished the ribs, the English plate and part of the thin
with chopped parsley flank. Used for braising.
short ribs United States Part of the ribs of beef
short ribs

shopska Bulgaria A salad of cucumber, dried


tomatoes and ewes’ milk cheese dressed excluding the large longitudinal muscles
with vinaigrette and garnished with chopped beside the vertebrae, i.e. between the rib
parsley roast and the plate
shorva South Asia Soup

shore crab A small green shelled crab,

shore crab

shot pepper Mignonette pepper

shot pepper

Carcinus maenus and C. mediterraneus,

shou de China Lean, as of meat, without fat
shou de

sometimes with yellow spots and up to 7 cm

shoulder The top of the foreleg of an animal

across. Popular in Venice just after they have

shed their shell where they are known as including the shoulder blade and
moleche. If the shell has hardened they are surrounding muscles but not the vertebrae

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Sichuan dumplings

and ribs and the longitudinal muscles shrimp paste A paste of ground, salted and
shrimp paste

associated with them. The methods of partially fermented shrimps, dried and
cooking depend upon the amount of work compressed into blocks. See also blachan,
the muscles have done, e.g. lamb, pork and bagoong
veal may be roasted, older beef and mutton shrimp powder Dried shrimps ground to a
shrimp powder

shoulder is usually stewed or braised. fluffy powder and used as a condiment on

shoulder of veal United Kingdom, United
shoulder of veal

salads, vegetables, rice dishes, etc.

States The shoulder blade, the upper bone of shrimp pudding England Equal parts of
shrimp pudding

the leg and the surrounding tissues minced shrimp or prawn meat and chopped
excluding the rib sheet. Similar to shoulder of cold chicken, veal or sweetbreads, bound
lamb and used for braising and stewing. with egg yolks, breadcrumbs and cream,
shovel-nosed lobster Sand lobster packed into casings and served fried in
shovel-nosed lobster

shoyu Japan A naturally fermented light soya

shrimp sauce See crevettes, sauce aux
shrimp sauce

sauce made from soya beans and grains

shrinkage The reduction in size of baked

such as wheat or barley

shpinatnyi shchi Russia Spinach and sorrel
shpinatnyi shchi
items or roast meat and poultry due to loss of
soup made with beef stock with added water. Generally less when cooked at lower
onions and root vegetables, served with temperatures.
Shropshire blue See blue Shropshire
Shropshire blue

hard-boiled eggs and soured cream. Also

called zelonye shchi Shrove Tuesday bun See semlor
Shrove Tuesday bun

shtchi Russia Shchi


shprota (plural shproti) Russia Sprats


shuan yang rou China Mongolian fire-pot with

shuan yang rou

shred, to To cut food into very thin pieces or

shred, to

strips lamb. See also flying lamb slices

shuck, to To open and prepare bivalve
shuck, to

shredded wheat A crisp breakfast cereal

shredded wheat

made from a cooked wheat flour paste shellfish or to remove husks, shells or pods
extruded in a rectangular multitude of fine from seeds and nuts, etc.
shui dian fen The suspension of corn flour or
shui dian fen

(0.5 to 1 mm) threads, partly dried, chopped

transversally into rectangular biscuits, dried other starch in water (1:2) always kept
and browned together with oil and stock beside the wok
shred pie Mince pie
shred pie
where the Chinese restaurant cook prepares
Shrewsbury biscuit England A traditional
Shrewsbury biscuit

shui dou fu China Silk bean curd

shui dou fu

English biscuit about 13 cm diameter, made

shui guo China Fruit
shui guo

from a basic biscuit paste flavoured variously

shui guo zhi China Fruit juice
shui guo zhi

with citrus rind, mixed spice, dried vine fruits

shui jiao China Boiled dumpling
shui jiao

or cocoa, rolled and cut into shape

shungiku Japan Leaves of the garland

Shrewsbury Eastertide biscuit England A

Shrewsbury Eastertide biscuit

rich crisp biscuit made with brown sugar and chrysanthemum which impart a subtle
flavoured with caraway seeds, vanilla and flavour to soups and other dishes
sherry. Also called Shrewsbury Eastertide shwa North Africa A barbecued whole sheep

cake from Morocco, served with salt and cumin

Shrewsbury Eastertide cake England Siamese ginger Greater galangal
Shrewsbury Eastertide cake Siamese ginger

Shrewsbury Eastertide biscuit sianliha Finland Pork


shrimp 1. Small white transparent to grey siba Portugal Cuttlefish

shrimp siba

brown crustaceans generally much smaller Siberian millet Foxtail millet

Siberian millet

than prawns and cooked as soon as caught. Siberian salmon A salmon, Oncorhynchus
Siberian salmon

Used fresh cooked and shelled in potted keta, found in the Siberian and western
shrimps and shrimp salads and also either Canadian rivers which drain into the Pacific.
shelled or unshelled as a snack food. They The source of ketovaia and ikura. Also called
are also salted and dried for use in Chinese dog salmon, chum salmon
cooking. See also brown shrimp, pink shrimp Siberian sturgeon A variety of sturgeon,
Siberian sturgeon

2. United States A general term used for Acipenser baeri, found in the Siberian rivers
assorted species of prawns and shrimps that drain into the Pacific Ocean
shrimp butter Beurre de crevette
shrimp butter

Sichuan China A province of China famous for


shrimp eggs The roe of shrimps and prawns

shrimp eggs

its cooking. Also called Szechuan (NOTE: The

usually dried and salted. They are very words tend to be interchanged at random)
expensive and used as a garnish in Chinese Sichuan dumplings China Ground seasoned
Sichuan dumplings

cuisine. pork fillet mixed with finely chopped pork fat,

shrimp floss Dried shrimp
shrimp floss

chopped garlic or garlic chives, bound with a

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Sichuan hot bean paste

little sesame seed oil, corn flour and egg sigtebrød Denmark Light rye bread

white, divided amongst won ton wrappers, sigui Eastern Europe A fish found in the Baltic

formed into purses, poached in simmering with flesh similar to the shad
water for 5 minutes and served with a spicy siikas ja munakokkelia Finland White fish
siikas ja munakokkelia

sauce with scrambled egg

Sichuan hot bean paste See chilli bean paste
Sichuan hot bean paste

sik Sweden Whitefish


Sichuan pepper Anise pepper

Sichuan pepper

sikbadj North Africa A Moroccan stew with


Sichuan pepper oil Vegetable oil flavoured

Sichuan pepper oil

aubergines, dried dates and dried apricots,

with finely ground anise pepper flavoured with cinnamon and allspice. The
siciliana, alla Italy In the Sicilian style, i.e.
siciliana, alla

aubergines are added after the lamb is

with anchovies, pine nuts, sultanas and tender and the fruit after a further 20
vinegar. Used especially of fish and minutes and all cooked until the fruits are
vegetables. soft. Garnished with toasted almonds and
Siciliano A semi-hard scalded-curd Sicilian
sesame seeds.
si-klok Thailand A sausage made of 3 parts of

cheese. See also Canestrato

side dish An accompaniment to a main food
side dish
minced pork mixed with 2 parts of crabmeat,
dish such as a salad, a bowl of rice or pasta chopped onion, coriander leaves and
or vegetables roasted peanuts, flavoured with red curry
side of meat One half of an animal carcass
side of meat
paste, moistened with equal parts of nuoc
split lengthways along the centre of the mam and coconut milk, filled into casings
backbone, generally without the head and coiled like a Cumberland sausage
sikuk North Africa Moroccan couscous eaten

Siebling Germany Arctic char


without vegetables but with butter, milk and

sieden Germany To boil or simmer

steamed fava beans

sieni Finland Mushroom

silakka Finland Baltic herring


sienimunakas Finland Mushroom omelette


silba Balkans A cows’ milk cheese resembling


sienisalaatti Finland Mushroom salad


sien ts’ai China Kale
sien ts’ai

sild 1. England, Norway A small type of


siero di latte Italy Buttermilk or whey

siero di latte

herring once found in huge quantities off the

sierra South America The local name for

Norwegian coast and canned in the same

snoek caught off the coast of Chile way as sardines 2. Denmark Baltic herring
sildeboller Norway Herring fish balls

sieva bean A variety of butter bean

sieva bean

sildesalat Norway Herring salad


sieve A fine stainless steel wire, plastic or


silgochu Korea Finely shredded dried chillies


other stranded fine mesh either stretched in

a flat circle on a metal or wooden former or used as a seasoning and condiment instead
made into the shape of a half sphere or of powdered or whole chillies
inverted cone. Used for separating large silicon dioxide See E551
silicon dioxide

from fine particles, for straining liquids or for silk bean curd A very smooth soft bean curd
silk bean curd

reducing soft foods to a purée. made by straining the coagulated bean curd
sieve, to To pass dry powder, e.g. flour or icing
sieve, to

through fine mesh and allowing the strained

sugar, through a sieve to remove large curds to settle under gravity without pressing
particles or foreign bodies and to aerate it, or silke cepts Lithuania A dish of herring fillets
silke cepts

to pass a liquid through it to remove solid in a mustard and onion sauce

particles sill Sweden Herring

si-ew Thailand Light soya sauce


sillabub See syllabub


sift, to To pass dry ingredients through a sieve

sift, to

sillgratäng Sweden Gratinated herrings made


either to clean or aerate them or to spread with sliced matjes herring fillets, sliced boiled
them evenly over a food potatoes and sweated onion rings layered
sifter A closed cylindrical container with a

alternately in a greased dish with potatoes on

sieve or perforated top at one end for top, gratinated with toasted breadcrumbs
sprinkling flour, sugar or other powders over and possibly cheese, heated in the oven or
food items under the grill and buttered
sigarilla Philippines Goa bean

silli Finland Herring


sigir Turkey Beef


sill med brynt smör Sweden Herrings in

sill med brynt smör

signal crayfish A large fast-growing crayfish

signal crayfish

brown butter made from matjes herrings or

farmed in the UK for the restaurant trade. It soaked cleaned and filleted salt herrings
has now escaped into the wild where it is covered with a mixture of dried dill weed and
supplanting the native species. equal parts of diced hard-boiled egg and

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singing hinny

chopped onion and served covered with silversides United States Any small silver-

beurre noisette coloured fish such as whitebait, anchovies,

sill med gräslök och gräddfil Sweden
sill med gräslök och gräddfil

sardines, etc.
Herring with sour cream and finely chopped silverskin onion A very small variety of onion,
silverskin onion

chives less than 2 cm in diameter, with a silver skin

sillpudding Sweden As laxpudding but using

and white flesh. Used for pickling, or, in a

salt herring or matjes herring fillets instead of sweet pickle, as a cocktail onion for use with
salmon drinks and snacks, etc.
silver smelt See smelt
silver smelt

sillsalad Sweden Finely chopped salt


silver sprouts Mung bean sprouts which have

silver sprouts

herrings mixed with chopped cooked

potatoes, pickled beetroot, pickled had the root and leaf removed to leave a thin
cucumber, chopped dessert apple and white stalk. Used as a garnish or vegetable in
onion, bound with a little of the beetroot expensive Chinese dishes.
vinegar, packed in a mould, chilled, silver threads United States Cellophane
silver threads

demoulded, garnished with hard-boiled eggs noodles

and picked parsley and served with soured silver top Full cream milk
silver top

cream which can be coloured pink with

sima East Africa Ugali

beetroot vinegar
simi Nepal French bean

silotakia tiganita Greece Small pieces of

silotakia tiganita

simla mirich South Asia Sweet pepper

simla mirich

fried chicken liver or calf liver dipped in

simmer, to To keep a liquid at a temperature
simmer, to

lemon juice and speared on cocktail sticks

for use as a snack or appetizer just below boiling point around 95 to 97°C for
silsi East Africa A peppery fried tomato and
pure water, but around 87°C for meat. The
onion sauce from Eritrea eaten at breakfast heat input necessary to maintain this
temperature with a heat source under the
Silter Italy A hard, scalded-curd skimmed

pan will cause slight movement of the

cows’ milk cheese from Brescia. It has a surface of the liquid but no evolution of
close-textured curd with a few cracks and steam bubbles. The lower temperature is
holes. best for extracting the maximum flavour from
silvano Italy Chocolate meringue tart

meat, bones and vegetables as in making

silver E174, a precious metal sometimes stock, but speed of extraction is increased

used in very thin films as a food decoration with temperature. Also called seethe, to
simmuledda alla foggiana Italy Potato and
simmuledda alla foggiana

silver balls Small silver-coloured sugar balls,

silver balls

2 to 4 mm in diameter used for cake fennel soup thickened with buckwheat flour
simnel cake England A spiced Easter fruit
simnel cake

silver beet Australia, United States Swiss
silver beet
cake with a layer of marzipan baked in the
chard centre. Sometimes covered with marzipan
and decorated.
silverbeet United States Swiss chard

sim-sim East Africa Sesame seed


silver fungus White fungus

silver fungus

sinaasappel Netherlands Orange, the fruit


silver hake A seawater fish, Merluccius

silver hake

sinaasappelen Netherlands Oranges


bilinearis, of the cod family with a silvery

sinappi Finland Mustard

skin, weighing about 400 g found off the

sindootan Indonesia Parkia

North American Atlantic coast. It has a white

moist flesh which softens rapidly if not frozen síndria Catalonia Watermelon

and it may be cooked in any way. Also called sin gaun Burma Sea urchin
sin gaun

singe, to To use a flame (blowtorch or lighted
singe, to

silver leaf E174 as gold leaf but made with

silver leaf

taper) to remove hairs from pork skin or pin

silver. Used for decorating Indian festive feathers etc. from poultry and game birds
dishes. Also called varak
singhara nut South Asia The fruit of an
singhara nut

silver salmon Coho salmon

silver salmon

aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa, similar to

silverside United Kingdom The inside cut

water caltrop, but it may have either 1 or 2

from the top of the rear leg of beef. It is projecting horns. It is extensively grown in
virtually fat-free and traditionally is pickled in Kashmir and either eaten raw or cooked as a
brine and boiled, but now sometimes sold, kind of porridge.
wrapped in a layer of fat, as a cheap roasting singing hinny England A Northumberland
singing hinny

joint. cake, made from a currant scone mix,

silverside (fish) 1. See Atlantic silverside 2.

cooked on a griddle and eaten hot. The

Sand smelt name comes from the sound of the steam

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being released when it is cooked on the sirloin United States A cut of beef from the

griddle. upper part of the loin just in front of the

singkong Indonesia Cassava round, including some of the English rump

single-acting baking powder Baking

single-acting baking powder
and the rear part of the English sirloin, the
powder that releases carbon dioxide only on rear half of the whole loin
sirloin of beef Part of a loin of beef,
sirloin of beef

contacting water
single cream Cream with a minimum
single cream
comprising about 6 full vertebrae.
butterfat content of 18%. Not suitable for Sometimes roasted on the bone, boned out
whipping. and reassembled on the bone or boned and
rolled. Also used as steaks.
single-crust Describes a pie or food dish with

sirloin steak 1. United Kingdom A slice about

sirloin steak

a single layer of pastry below the filling, and

none above 1.5 to 2 cm thick cut from a boned out sirloin
of beef. Also called entrecôte steak 2. United
single Gloucester A hard, mild Cheddar-like
single Gloucester

States Steak cut from the sirloin usually

white farmhouse cheese made in the form of
including bone and the outer layer of fat.
a squat cylinder from the skimmed cows’
They are designated by the shape of the
milk of an early season day’s milking. Also
vertebra and its extension as pinbone,
called haymaking cheese
flatbone and wedgebone or, if without bone,
single loin of lamb See loin of lamb
single loin of lamb

as boneless.
sinigang Philippines A thin stew of meat or

sirop France Syrup


fish with vegetables, simmered in a cooking

sirop d’érable France Maple syrup
sirop d’érable

liquor soured with some of lime, lemon,

sirsak Indonesia, Malaysia Soursop

tamarind or unripe tomatoes, seasoned and

Sirup Germany Molasses

flavoured with fish sauce or soya sauce

sishi salad Netherlands A dark bluish brown
sishi salad

sinistral Describes a flatfish in which the eye


on the right of the juvenile form moves to join sprouted seed grown like mustard and cress
that on the left which becomes the as a decoration
uppermost side of the adult fish sis kebap Turkey A shish kebab consisting of
sis kebap

sink tidy A triangular metal or plastic dish with cubes of meat, pieces of tomato and pieces
sink tidy

perforations in the base and sides used to of sweet pepper grilled on separate skewers,
strain off vegetable peelings and the like removed from the skewers on to the plate
sinn China Eel
and served with a rice pilav
sis köfte Turkey Meatballs of lamb threaded
sis köfte

Sint Jakobsschelp Netherlands same as

Sint Jakobsschelp

coquille Saint Jacques on and/or formed around a skewer as a

sipoli merce Latvia A dish of herring fillets
sipoli merce
flattened rectangle, grilled and served off the
skewer with a rice pilav
coated in a mixture of German mustard,
sissay yassa West Africa Joints of chicken
sissay yassa

French mustard, egg yolks and cream,

covered and left overnight in the refrigerator, marinated in lemon juice and oil with onions,
passed through rye flour and pan fried in garlic, ginger and chilli, fried and served with
butter. Served with onion rings and lemon rice. A Gambian speciality.
sitaw Philippines Long bean

sippet A small right-angled isosceles triangle sitron Norway Lemon
sippet sitron

of toast about 2 cm on the side (12 per slice sitruuna Finland Lemon

of English bread). Several are served in a sitruunakohokas Finland Lemon soufflé


sauce boat as an accompaniment to soup.

sitruunankuori Finland Lemon zest

See also croûtons

sitsaro Philippines Mangetout peas

sipuli Finland Onion and the onion family


sitsaron Philippines A dry snack made from


sipulipihvi Finland Steak and onions
pork crackling or fried chitterlings. Also
called chitcharon
sir Eastern Europe The generic name for

siu choy China Chinese leaves

siu choy

cheese in Balkan and some Slav countries

siu mai China Dumplings made from won ton
siu mai

siracha Thailand A thin red chilli sauce in


which individual flakes of chilli pepper can wrappers filled with a paste made from lean
be seen pork and prawn meat, chopped water
chestnuts, reconstituted black mushrooms,
sirap Sweden Syrup

spring onions, fresh ginger, salt, sugar and

Sirene Bulgaria A firm white salty and

soya sauce. The wrappers are circular and

crumbly white cheese similar to Greek feta made into a cup shape as they are filled, left
sirka South Asia Vinegar

open at the top, sprinkled with grated carrots

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and the dumplings placed in an oiled cooked in any way. See also common skate,
steamer basket and steamed for 12 minutes. thornback ray, guitar fish. Also called ray
Sium sisarum Botanical name Skirret skewer Variously sized wooden or metal rods

siwalan Indonesia Palm nut resembling knitting needles with a handle,


sjokolade Norway Chocolate

loop or enlargement at one end. Used for
sjokoladefarget Norway Covered in
trussing joints of meat, birds and poultry or
chocolate for holding meat, fish or pieces of vegetables
sjömansbiff Sweden A casserole of alternate
for grilling.
skewer, to To hold the edges of joints of meat
skewer, to

layers of fried slices of rump or sirloin beef,

sliced onions with seasoning and thyme and together, to hold the limbs of poultry and
sliced potatoes, starting and finishing with birds against the body using skewers or to
potatoes, simmered in water, lager or stout thread pieces of meat or vegetable on a
(NOTE: Literally ‘seaman’s beef’.) skewer
skillet United States Frying pan, sometimes

sjøørret Norway Sea trout


sjötunga Sweden Dover sole

with a lid
skim, to To remove surface layers of fat, froth
skim, to

sjøtunge Norway Dover sole


and scum from a simmering stock, sauce,

skaba puta Latvia A cold soup made from a
skaba puta

soup, stew or jam, using a ladle, spoon or

duxelle of mushrooms and onions brought to
skimmer. Occasionally adsorbent kitchen
the boil with tomato purée, lemon juice and
paper is used especially to remove the last
chicken stock, barley added and simmered
traces of fat from a consommé.
until tender, cooled, mixed with 10%
skimmed milk Milk with a butterfat content of
skimmed milk

buttermilk and 10% sour cream and

0.3% or less. Tends to burn on heating. Sold
chopped dill. Served cold garnished with
chopped hard-boiled eggs and gherkins. in bottles with a silver and blue checked top.
skimmed milk quark Magerquark
skimmed milk quark

skalddyr Denmark Shellfish


skin 1. The outer protective covering of an


skaldjur Sweden Shellfish


animal, fruit or vegetable 2. The hard dryish

skalldyr Norway Shellfish

film which forms on top of soups, sauces and

skånsk kålsoppa Sweden Cabbage soup
skånsk kålsoppa

jams when cooled and left. Prevented by

from Skåne, made from diced lean pork using a cartouche or other means to avoid
simmered in water, skimmed, sliced evaporation.
cabbage, swede, carrots and potatoes added skin, to To remove the skin from food items
skin, to

with salt, peppercorns and a bay leaf, such as fish, fruit, meat, vegetables, etc.
simmered until all tender, seasoning
skinka Sweden Ham

adjusted and served with a chopped parsley

skinkbullar Sweden Ham and potato balls

skinke Denmark, Norway Ham

skånsk potatis Sweden Diced potatoes

skånsk potatis

skinkestek Norway Roast ham


browned in butter and reserved. Chopped

skinkfärs Sweden A mousse made with finely

onion fried in the same fat, potatoes added

back, seasoned and the whole mixed with ground ham
skinklåda Sweden Ham omelette cooked in

double cream. Served with a chopped

parsley garnish. the oven
skärbönor Sweden French beans skink of beef Scotland A Scottish term used
skärbönor skink of beef

skarpsås Sweden A sharp sauce made with

for leg or shin of beef. Also called hough of
equal parts of mashed hard-boiled and raw beef
skipjack tuna A cheap species of tuna fish,
skipjack tuna

egg yolk, with a little vinegar and French

mustard into which oil is emulsified as in Katsuwonus pelamis, often substituted for
mayonnaise production, seasoned with salt the more expensive yellow fin or the rare blue
and cayenne pepper, mixed with an amount fin. Also called Pacific bonito, California
of double cream equal to the oil and finished bonito, oceanic bonito
with chopped dill. Often served with baked skirlie Scotland A Scottish accompaniment to

fish. grouse consisting of finely chopped onion

skate A flat triangular-shaped seawater fish,

fried slowly until coloured in butter or pork

Rajus batis, of the shark family, with eyes on dripping, then enough medium oatmeal
the upper side and mouth and gills on the added to absorb the fat, crisped and
lower side. The upper surface is greenish seasoned
brown with spots and they can be up to 2 m skirret A hardy herbaceous perennial, Sium

wide. The white medium oily flesh from the sisarum, growing to 1 m with small clusters
skinned sides (wings) cut into pieces and of tiny fragrant flowers, narrow leaves and
nuggets of flesh cut from under the body are aromatic tuberous roots. The young shoots

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may be steamed or stir-fried. The roots, sliced beef United States Dried beef
sliced beef

which should be cooked in their skins to slicing knife A knife with a long thin blade
slicing knife

preserve the flavour, are steamed, boiled or (30 cm by 2 to 3 cm) with a rounded end
pickled and are eaten in Germany with new used for slicing, usually cooked food
potatoes. The hard inner core of the root is
slicing machine A machine with a motor-
slicing machine

driven circular knife blade together with a
skirt United Kingdom A fairly tough cut of beef

tray which holds a solid food item and is

from the extreme bottom of the belly of the moved by hand or mechanically so as to cut
animal and the diaphragm, divided into the food in slices of a predetermined
thick, thin and body skirt. Thick skirt is part thickness. Also called food slicer
of the inner muscle of the belly wall attached
slip Australia Baking tray

to the rump, whilst thin skirt and body skirt

Slipcote England A small soft cheese

are part of the diaphragm. It must either be

braised very slowly or cooked fast on a high produced in Kent which is placed between
heat and served rare. Also called thin flank cabbage leaves to ripen for 1 to 2 weeks.
sköldpadda Sweden Turtle
When ripe its skin becomes loose.
slipper lobster A small lobster, Scyllarus
slipper lobster

sköldpaddsoppa Sweden Turtle soup


skordalia Greece Skorthalia

arctus or Scyllarides squammosis, with a flat
slipper-shaped tail which is the part used.
skorpor Sweden Rusks

The Mediterranean variety S. arctus (up to

skorthalia Greece Mayonnaise flavoured with

13 cm) has little meat and is usually used in

raw garlic, ground almonds and lemon juice soups. The tail of the larger variety S.
or vinegar, thickened with pounded bread squammosis which is fished off the coast of
and sometimes with the addition of chopped Queensland in Australia, is eaten as a dish in
walnuts or pine nuts. Used as a general cold its own right. Also called flat lobster
sauce or condiment. Also called skordalia
sliver A thin narrow strip of a foodstuff, e.g. of

skull cap Preformed cooked pieces of puff

skull cap

almonds, cheese and the like

pastry used to cover sweet or savoury dishes
sloe The small black sour fruit of the

of food. The pastry is rolled to 3 mm, cut to

the shape of the bowl, edges dampened and blackthorn bush Prunus spinosa about 1 cm
placed on bowls full of warm water and in diameter and with a central stone. May be
baked in the oven at 220°C for 12 minutes. used in jam, as a souring agent or to make
sloe gin.
skyr Iceland 1. Curds 2. A soft cultured and

sloke Laver

very smooth cheese made from rennet-

slokum Laver

curdled skimmed milk similar to fromage

frais or a strong-flavoured yoghurt sloppy joe United States A split bread bun
sloppy joe

Skyros Greece A cheese from the island of the filled with a thinnish mixture of seasoned and

same name similar to Kefalotiri cooked minced beef mixed with tomato
sla Netherlands Salad, lettuce
slot Wales A thick oatcake without fat,

sladkoe pechenye iz gryetskikh orekhov

sladkoe pechenye iz gryetskikh orekhov po-uzbeksky

po-uzbeksky Central Asia Uzbekistan crushed and served with cold buttermilk
walnut brittle poured over it
slagroom Netherlands Whipped cream slott Scotland A Shetland dish of cod roe,
slagroom slott

slake, to To mix a powder with a small amount

slake, to

beaten with flour and seasoning until smooth

of water or other liquid to a creamy lump-free and creamy, dropped in spoonfuls into
consistency boiling seawater or brine (35 g salt per litre)
slaked lime Lime (calcium hydroxide)
slaked lime
and eaten either hot or left to cool, sliced and
släpärter Sweden Peas in the pod
slotted spoon A large long-handled spoon
slotted spoon

slapjack United States A large flat pancake


slata North Africa Salad

with holes in the bowl end used for removing
large solids from a liquid
slatka Balkans Preserved fruits from Serbia

slottsstek Sweden Roast sirloin of beef


served as an afternoon snack with strong

coffee and cold water generally served with braised onions, roast
potatoes and jus rôti, More traditionally a
slatur Iceland 1. Butcher’s meat 2. Sheep’s

boned sirloin was seasoned, browned then

pluck 3. A version of haggis
braised in a covered dish with stock, onion,
slätvar Sweden Brill, the fish

anchovy, bay, white vinegar, sugar and

slaughterhouse See abattoir

peppercorns. Served with a jus lié thickened

slaw See coleslaw

with beurre manié and finished with cream,

slice, to To cut into thin sheets
slice, to

accompanied with boiled potatoes,

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smoked cod’s roe

cucumber salad and redcurrant or cranberry out the entrails through an incision made
jelly. below the gills and deep-fried or baked.
slouk Laver smen North Africa A type of clarified butter
slouk smen

slow cook, to To cook at a low temperature in

slow cook, to

with the flavour of cheese, which may be

the range 80 to 95°C flavoured with herbs and kept for years to
slow cooker A thermostatically controlled
slow cooker
smeriglio Italy Porbeagle shark

electrically heated deep metal container into

which a lidded earthenware or glass, deep smetana A soured low-fat cream (12%

and well fitting pot is placed. Used for slow butterfat) originating in Russia and Eastern
cooking food at or below simmering Europe, now made in the West from a
temperature for long periods of time. mixture of skimmed milk and single cream.
Slow Food Society Italy The Arcigola slow The original Russian version was made by
Slow Food Society

food society of Cuneo, Italy was formed in mixing sweet double cream and sour cream
1986 to promote slow eating and has since and had a much higher fat content than
flourished. Their logo is a snail shape and nowadays. Also called smatana, smitane,
appears in restaurant guides, the most well smytana
known of which is the Osteria d’Italia, a guide Smilax officinalis Botanical name
to Italy’s family-run restaurants. Sarsaparilla
slugane Ireland Laver sminuzzato Italy Brawn
slugane sminuzzato

slumgullion United States Disgusting food smitaine sauce See smitane, sauce
slumgullion smitaine sauce

(colloquial) smitane Smetana


slump United States A dessert made of


smitane, sauce England, France Chopped

smitane, sauce

stewed fruit topped with a dumpling-like onions, sweated in butter, white wine added
pastry and served with cream and reduced, sour cream added and
sly cake England See Cornish sly cake
sly cake

reduced, strained, seasoned and finished

småbröd Sweden Small cakes and biscuits with lemon juice. Also called smitaine sauce

småkage Denmark Biscuits Smithfield ham United States Ham from pigs
småkage Smithfield ham

småkakor Sweden Biscuit

traditionally fattened in the woods on hickory
små köttbullar Sweden Small meatballs
små köttbullar
nuts, beechnuts and acorns, finished before
slaughter on peanuts, obtained by rooting in
småländsk ostkaka Sweden A type of
småländsk ostkaka

the fields after the peanut harvest, followed

cheesecake from Småland
by maize. The hams are dry salt-cured,
smallage Wild celery

spiced and smoked. Also called Virginia ham

small calorie The scientific calorie written
small calorie

(NOTE: From the town of the same name)

with a lower case c, equal to the one Smith tangerine Honey tangerine
Smith tangerine

thousandth part of the calorie (kilocalorie)

smoke, to To expose food, usually hung on
smoke, to

used in nutrition. See also calorie

racks, to the dense smoke from slowly
small eats United Kingdom Savouries,
small eats

smouldering sawdust or wood chips. Usually

canapés, etc. served with drinks (colloquial; fish, meat and occasionally cheese are
a naval term) smoked but most of the latter so described is
small thread stage See sugar cooking
small thread stage

flavoured with a synthetic mix of chemicals

Smältost Sweden A mild runny cooking

which mimic the real thing. Meat and fish will

cheese be partially cooked and dried which helps to
småsill Sweden Pilchards

preserve them and the flavour will be

smatana Smetana
improved. See also cold-smoke, to, hot-
smoke, to
småvarmt Sweden Hot dishes served at the

smoked bacon Bacon which is smoked after

smoked bacon

smörgåsbord, traditionally filled omelette,

sautéed kidneys, chipolata sausages or curing
smoked beef United States Dried beef
smoked beef

items in a thick cream sauce

smoked cheese See Räucherkäse
smoked cheese

smedovska lukanka Bulgaria A smoked

smedovska lukanka

sausage made with two thirds pork and one smoked cod Brined cod fillets, naturally
smoked cod

third beef, chopped, mixed with sugar, smoked to a pale straw colour or more often
seasoning and caraway seed and packed dyed a deep yellow and then smoked or
into ox middles sprayed with a smoke flavour
smell See odour

smoked cod’s roe Salted and smoked cod

smoked cod’s roe

smelt Various small round oily silver-coloured


roes usually separated from the tough

seawater fish of the genus Osmerus, with a enclosing membrane and used for savouries,
flavour similar to trout. Gutted by squeezing canapés and hors d’oeuvres

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smoked eel

smoked eel Lightly brined eel, smoked then or cold smoking. Such meat requires
smoked eel

cut in slices. Served in the same manner as cooking.

smoked salmon and equally regarded as a smokie Scotland Hot-smoked, gutted and

delicacy. deheaded haddock or whiting tied together

smoked egg Shelled hard-boiled eggs
smoked egg
in pairs by the tails. See also Arbroath smokie
smolt A 2– to 3-year-old salmon about 12 to

marinated then smoked and served as a hors

d’oeuvre 14 cm long which is leaving the river where it
smoked fillet Scotland Aberdeen fillet
smoked fillet
hatched for the open sea. Not caught or
eaten at this stage.
smoked fillets See golden fillets
smoked fillets

smoored chicken Scotland A young chicken,

smoored chicken

smoked haddock Unskinned haddock fillets

smoked haddock

split in half down the backbone, flattened

or small whole haddock, brined then smoked
with a cutlet bat, seasoned and basted with
as cod. Sometimes dyed. Finnan haddock is molten butter before grilling either side for 5
the superior version.
minutes. The flesh side is coated with a milk
smoked haddock creams United Kingdom A
smoked haddock creams

and mustard mixture and grilled slowly or

processed mixture of smoked haddock, egg cooked in a covered pan for 25 minutes then
and egg yolk, curd cheese or yoghurt with finished by sprinkling with breadcrumbs and
seasoning and Tabasco sauce, filled into briefly grilling to form a crust. (NOTE: Literally
ramekins, cooked in a bain-marie, cooled ‘smothered chicken’.)
and demoulded smoorsnoek South Africa A lightly curried

smoked mackerel A popular prepared fish

smoked mackerel

stew of snoek and onions

usually filleted and cold- or hot-smoked. smoorvis South Africa A dish made from

Often coated with crushed peppercorns. onions cooked in oil and butter until
Eaten cold as purchased or hot. caramelized, diced parboiled potatoes,
smoked mussels Cooked mussels, brined
smoked mussels

tomatoes and finely chopped chillies added

(250 g salt per litre) for 5 minutes, oiled, and cooked until the potatoes brown, cooked
smoked at 82°C for 30 minutes packed in rice, flaked smoked fish and sultanas added
jars with oil and retorted at 121°C for about and all cooked through. Lemon juice and
15 minutes chopped parsley are added before service
smoked oysters Oysters removed from the
smoked oysters

and it is traditionally served with black grape

shell, steamed to set them, brined, smoked jam or acar and brown bread.
and generally canned or packed in oil. Used smooth hound A large, long and thin, edible
smooth hound

for savouries, canapés or as an appetizer. sea fish, Mustelus mustelus, with a brown
smoked salmon Fillets of salmon still on the
smoked salmon
skin, very prominent fins and a fairly well-
skin, cold-smoked for a long period of time flavoured flesh
smooth venus clam Venus shell clam
smooth venus clam

and considered by some to be a delicacy.

Usually cut very thin on the slant and served smör Sweden Butter

with brown bread and butter and garnished smør Denmark, Norway Butter

with lemon slices or wedges. smørbrød Norway Open sandwiches similar to


smoked salmon butter A compound butter

smoked salmon butter

made from smoked salmon pounded with smörgås Sweden Sandwich

2.5 times its weight in butter and sieved smörgåsbord Sweden A buffet meal of

smoked sprats Lightly brined and smoked

smoked sprats

various hot and cold fish, meat and egg

sprats which keep their silvery appearance. dishes with vegetables, salads, etc., always
Eaten without further cooking as a savoury or starting with herring, bread and butter and
as a hors d’oeuvre. Sometimes canned in oil. boiled potatoes followed by a succession of
smokehouse A well-sealed chamber in which more or less elaborately presented foods and

food is hung on racks for smoking with finally cheese and coffee, all eaten
provision for the generation of smoke from separately in small portions
smouldering wood, for temperature control smørrebrød Denmark Open sandwiches

and for the removal of smoke. Such a consisting of a rectangular slice of buttered
chamber may range in size from a small box bread topped with cold savoury items,
up to a large room. meats, fish, salads, etc. usually eaten with a
smoke point The minimum temperature at
smoke point
knife and fork at informal or snack meals.
which oils and fats begin to decompose and Also called Danish open sandwich
smother, to United States To braise in a
smother, to

produce smoke, usually above 160°C

smoke-roast, to United States To smoke meat
smoke-roast, to
covered pot with gravy or sauce
smothered beef United States Étouffe of beef
smothered beef

such as spare ribs or steaks at a temperature

smultringer Norway Doughnuts

between 97 and 107°C without prior salting

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smultron Sweden Wild strawberry snijbonen Netherlands Haricot or kidney

smultron snijbonen

Smyrnium olusatrum Botanical name beans

Alexanders snip, to To cut into small pieces or cut a small
snip, to

smytana Smetana portion off something with scissors


snipe A game bird, Gallinago gallinago, with a


snack A small amount of food, often savoury,


usually eaten between meals, but sometimes long bill and striped plumage weighing about
as a replacement for a meal 110 g and requiring two per person. Cooked
snail Various edible gastropod molluscs of the
as plover by roasting at 190°C for 15 to 20
genus Helix, found in the wild on land and in minutes. Shooting season in the UK is 12th
both fresh and seawater and sometimes August to the 31st of January. Young ones
cultivated. Prepared by starving for at least can be eaten fresh but skinned if they smell
24 hours, cleaning and boiling or frying for 5 fishy, older ones can be hung for 3 to 4 days.
Snir Middle East A semi-soft cows’ milk

minutes. The flesh is then removed from the

shells, degutted and cooked as appropriate. cheese from Israel similar to Bel Paese
Sometimes returned to the shell for service. snitbønner Denmark French beans

snail butter Butter mixed with finely chopped

snail butter

snoek 1. A seawater fish, Thyristes atun,


shallots, garlic paste, chopped parsley and related to the mackerel, tuna and swordfish
seasoning. Put in an empty snail shell before found in the southern hemisphere warm
inserting the cooked snail. waters only. It may weigh up to 8 kg and be
snake bean Long bean up to 1.2 m long and has a delicious flesh.
snake bean

snake fruit Indonesia, Malaysia The small

snake fruit
Also called Australian barracuda, sierra,
fruit of a low palm with little or no trunk, barracouta 2. Netherlands Pike
snoekbaars Netherlands Pike-perch

Salacea edulis. The fruit is triangular with a

coarse red peel like snakeskin and the flesh snook Robalo

is firm and crunchy with a slightly sweet snöripa Sweden Ptarmigan


flavour. Also called snakeskin fruit

snow A mixture of sweetened puréed fruit and

snake gourd The narrow cylindrical fruit of an

snake gourd

egg white whisked to a peak. Used as a

annual climber from Africa, Asia, Australia, dessert either as a topping or served on its
and India, Trichosanthes anguina and T. own with biscuits or sponge fingers.
cucumerina, which can grow to 2 m long in
snow crab Canada A cold water crab,
snow crab

a spiral shape. Picked when immature and

Chionoecetes opilio, from the coast of
treated like a courgette save that the central
Canada, with long thin claws which contain a
core of seeds should be discarded and the
fine-tasting meat
skin rubbed with salt to remove the down.
Snowdon pudding Wales A boiled pudding
Snowdon pudding

snakelocks Oplet

made from suet, fresh breadcrumbs, brown

snake palm plant A plant, Amorphophallus
snake palm plant

sugar, lemon marmalade and ground rice

konjac, with a glutinous starchy tuber used (6:6:4:4:1) and lemon zest well mixed, to
to make shirataki noodles and black bean which is added beaten eggs equal to twice
curd. Also called devil’s tongue, arum root the weight of the sugar. This mixture is
snakeskin fruit See snake fruit
snakeskin fruit

poured into a thickly buttered pudding basin

snap England Food taken to work in a

lined with raisins, covered and boiled for

lunchbox, especially by the once numerous about 90 minutes. Also called pwdin eryri
coal miners (colloquial) snow eggs United States Iles flottantes
snow eggs

snap, to To break a brittle foodstuff with a

snap, to

snow fungus White fungus

snow fungus

clean break snow pea Mangetout

snow pea

snap bean United States French bean

snap bean

snow pear Asian pear

snow pear

snapdoodle United States A New England


so Vietnam Scallops

chocolate-coated cake soak, to To immerse a foodstuff in water either

soak, to

snapper An inshore fish, Chrysophrys


to rehydrate it or to dissolve out excessive salt

auratus, of the red snapper type found in used in its preservation, or undesirable
New Zealand and the Arabian gulf constituents e.g. alkaloids, prussic acid, etc.
sneeuwballen Netherlands A cream puff

so as to make it suitable for cooking

pastry Soay lamb Scotland Lamb from sheep raised
Soay lamb

sneeze guard See counter guard

sneeze guard

on the Scottish islands with an excellent

snickerdoodle United States A New England
soba Japan Thin brown noodles with a square

sweet biscuit flavoured with cinnamon and

possibly containing dried vine fruits and nuts cross section made from buckwheat flour or

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a mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour. soda water See carbonated water
soda water

Popular in Tokyo. sode Italy Hard-boiled, of eggs


Sobado Spain A semi-hard, sharp-tasting


sød frugtsuppe Denmark A sweet fruit soup

sød frugtsuppe

cheese. See also Armada sodium 5’-ribonucleotide See E627

sodium 5’-ribonucleotide

sobbollire Italy To simmer


sodium acid pyrophosphate A compound

sodium acid pyrophosphate

soboro Japan A chicken and rice dish made


used in 2% water solution in the USA to treat

from chicken breasts and petit pois, potato chips before deep-frying to prevent
simmered in soya sauce, sake and sugar blackening
until cooked, the chicken sliced and
sodium aluminium phosphate See E541
sodium aluminium phosphate

arranged with the peas over the top of boiled

sodium bicarbonate See bicarbonate of soda,
sodium bicarbonate

rice and in turn covered with sliced,

reconstituted and cooked shiitake E500
sodium carbonate A mild alkali used for
sodium carbonate

mushroom caps and strips of Japanese

omelette cleaning purposes. See also E500. Also
sobrasada Spain Chorizo sausage mix but
called washing soda, soda ash
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose E466, the
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

minced much finer and with extra red

peppers sodium salt of a derivative of cellulose used
sobrasada mallorquina Spain A milder
sobrasada mallorquina
as a thickener and bulking agent
sodium caseinate A food additive made from
sodium caseinate

version of sobrasada from Majorca with the

filling ground to a paste-like consistency milk protein used to maintain colour in
sobremesa Portugal Dessert
sausages and other processed meats
sodium chloride The common salt used as a
sodium chloride

sobretto al frutto Italy Fruit sherbet

sobretto al frutto

socker Sweden Sugar

seasoning and preservative
sodium diphenyl-2yl-oxide E232, a
sodium diphenyl-2yl-oxide

sockerkaka Sweden Sponge cake


sockeye salmon One of the Pacific salmon,

sockeye salmon
synthetic derivative of diphenyl (E230) used
Oncorhynchus nerka, caught off the in the same way as a fungicide
sodium ferrocyanide See E535
sodium ferrocyanide

northwest coast of North America weighing

sodium formate E237, the sodium salt of
sodium formate

up to 2.5 kg. The deep red flesh is oily with

small flakes. Cooked in any way but usually formic acid used in the same way as the acid
available in Europe as canned red salmon. sodium gluconate See E576
sodium gluconate

Also called red salmon sodium glutamate See monosodium

sodium glutamate

sock mai jai China Miniature corn

sock mai jai

socle A bed of rice, vegetables or similar on

sodium guanylate See E627

sodium guanylate

which the main component of a dish is raised sodium heptonate A sequestering agent used
sodium heptonate

above a flat for presentation to the customer. in edible oils

Alternatively a base or ornamental stand on
sodium hydrogen diacetate E262, a sodium
sodium hydrogen diacetate

which a food item is raised above the rest

salt of acetic acid used as a preservative and
especially in buffet presentation.
firming agent
sød Denmark Sweet

sodium hydrogen L-glutamate See E621

sodium hydrogen L-glutamate

soda 1. A general name for alkaline sodium


sodium hydroxide The strongest alkali

sodium hydroxide

compounds such as caustic soda,

bicarbonate of soda, washing soda and soda available for domestic or general industrial
ash. They are not interchangeable. 2. United use. It should be handled with extreme care
States Bicarbonate of soda with all bare skin and eyes protected. Used
for dissolving fats from drains, etc. by
soda ash The dry powdered anhydrous form
soda ash

converting them to soaps and for removing

of sodium carbonate used for cleaning floors
the bitterness from unripe olives. Also called
and absorbing dangerous spilt, especially caustic soda. See also E524
acid, liquids
sodium inosinate See E631
sodium inosinate

soda bread Ireland A bread made with soured

soda bread

sodium lactate See E325

sodium lactate

milk or buttermilk and using bicarbonate of

sodium nitrate E251, the sodium salt of nitric
sodium nitrate

soda instead of yeast as the raising agent. It

may be made with white or brown flour, if acid used for curing and preserving meat
sodium nitrite E250, the sodium salt of
sodium nitrite

brown, cream of tartar is also added. Also

called Irish soda bread nitrous acid which is used in curing salts to
soda cake England A light spicy fruit cake
soda cake
preserve meat and maintain a pink colour by
from Somerset raised with bicarbonate of its reaction with haemoglobin. Banned in
soda and an acid, usually sour milk (lactic some countries because of fears that it might
acid) or vinegar. Also called Somerset soda induce stomach cancers.
sodium orthophenylphenate See E232
sodium orthophenylphenate


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soissonaise, purée

sodium phosphate An emulsifier used to soft drop batter United States A soft flour
sodium phosphate soft drop batter

assist in the incorporation of water into water mixture suitable for cakes and muffins
various processed foods such as sausage, with roughly equal parts of flour and water.
luncheon meats, etc. The proportions depend on the flour.
sodium polyphosphate A chemical used to
sodium polyphosphate

soften, to 1. To allow hard fats or frozen foods

soften, to

increase the water uptake of poultry and of to become soft by raising their temperature
other meats and bacon so as to increase 2. To sweat chopped vegetables in a little oil
their weight. All of this water is lost on or fat to make them soft
cooking and can cause problems e.g. when soft flour Flour made from soft wheat
soft flour

frying bacon. consisting of unbroken starch granules,

sodium saccharin A sodium salt of saccharin
sodium saccharin

mostly used for cakes, biscuits and general

used in the same way as saccharin thickening and coating. Much cheaper than
sodium sesquicarbonate See E501
sodium sesquicarbonate

strong flour.
sodium stearoyl-2-lactate E481, the sodium soft fruit Summer fruits such as berries and
sodium stearoyl-2-lactate soft fruit

salt of a stearic acid ester with the lactate of currants which are easily damaged
lactic acid used to stabilize doughs and soft red winter wheat flour United States A
soft red winter wheat flour

emulsions and to improve the mixing good low gluten pastry flour
properties of flour and the whipping and soft roe The sperm of male fish which is soft
soft roe

baking properties of dried egg white and creamy and forms a long packet within
sodium sulphate See E514
sodium sulphate

the abdominal cavity. Usually floured and

soep Netherlands Soup

fried, steamed or poached. Also called milt

soezen Netherlands A large cream puff

soft roe butter Beurre de laitance (Fr)

soft roe butter

soffiato Italy Soufflé


soft-shell clam A large, grey- to fawn-

soft-shell clam

soffrito Italy, Spain Sofrito


coloured clam, Mya arenaria, up to 15 cm

soffrito calabrese Italy Lamb’s offal cooked
soffrito calabrese

diameter with a thin brittle shell. They are

to a paste with tomatoes, herbs and often gritty and need thorough cleaning.
seasoning and spread on bread. Also called Found throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Also
suffritu called long neck clam, steamer clam
sofregit Catalonia A sauce made from onion, soft-shelled crab A crab eaten just after it
sofregit soft-shelled crab

garlic, tomatoes and sweet peppers, sweated has shed the hard shell it has grown out of
in oil until very soft and then sieved before its new shell has had time to harden.
sofrito 1. Italy, Spain A condiment and Usually applied to the American blue crab.

flavouring made by slowly cooking until soft sugar Light brown sugar
soft sugar

tender a mixture of chopped onions, garlic, soft wheat A wheat in which the starch
soft wheat

green sweet peppers, ham, salt pork, granules are loosely bound with voids
tomatoes, herbs and seasoning. Also popular between. This is thought to be caused by the
in the Caribbean, Central and South protein triabolin which is only found in soft
America. Also called soffrito 2. Floured and wheats. The endosperm is brittle and when
seasoned stewing steak, browned in oil then ground tends to give intact granules since
simmered in equal parts of vinegar and water the cracks pass around them. Not
with garlic, herbs and tomato purée until necessarily, but often with a low protein
tender, seasoned and finished with chopped content.
parsley so fun China Rice vermicelli
so fun

soft ball stage See sugar cooking

soft ball stage

soggy Of a cake, damp and heavy in the


soft-boil, to To boil an egg in the shell for

soft-boil, to

centre due to excess of moisture, lack of

roughly 3 to 4 minutes so that the white is raising agent or incorrect baking
just set but the yolk remains runny temperature
soft cheese A cheese made with the retention
soft cheese

sogi-giri Japan A diagonal cut of long thin


of much of the whey so it has a high water vegetables such as leeks, carrots, etc.
content. The limits of water content are 80%
sogliola Italy Dover sole

for low-fat (2 to 10% butterfat), 70% for

sogliola limanda Italy Lemon sole
sogliola limanda

medium-fat (10 to 20% butterfat) and 60%

soia Italy Soya

for full-fat (greater than 20% butterfat) soft

cheeses. soissonaise, à la France Garnished with or
soissonaise, à la

soft corn See squaw corn including white cooked haricot beans
soft corn

soft dough United States A thick flour water soissonaise, purée France As purée Saint
soft dough soissonaise, purée

mixture suitable for biscuits and bread, Germain but with soaked haricot beans
roughly 1.5 parts of flour per part of water. substituted for the peas. Also called haricot
The proportions depend on the flour. bean soup

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soja France, Spain Soya Solferino, sauce England, France The juice
soja Solferino, sauce

Sojabohne Germany Soya bean

from very ripe tomatoes reduced, mixed with
Sojasosse Germany Soya sauce
meat glaze, lemon juice and a little cayenne
pepper, finished with beurre maître d’hôtel,
sokeri Finland Sugar

pounded shallots and chopped tarragon

Solanum melongena Botanical name
solferino cutter A sharp-edged scoop-
solferino cutter

shaped implement for cutting out small pea
Solanum torvum Botanical name Pea
shaped balls of e.g. carrot, turnip, cucumber
sôlha Portugal Plaice

Solanum tuberosum Botanical name Potato

solianka Australia Fish fillets covered in a

Solanum x Burbankii Botanical name

Wonderberry thick, sieved, tomato, onion and cucumber
sauce, all poached in fish stock and served
sole England, France The name given to

garnished with chopped olives and capers

several types of flatfish, in particular Dover
solidified cooking oil Decolorized and
solidified cooking oil

sole, lemon sole and witch or Torbay sole.

Also called flounder deodorized vegetable oil, hardened by
hydrogenation and used for frying and
sole Albert Whole soles skinned and cleaned,
sole Albert

one side dipped in melted butter and stale
sollo Spain Pike

white breadcrumbs, put crumb side up in a

solöga Sweden A dish consisting of

buttered baking tin with the base covered

with 3 parts dry vermouth to 1 part water, concentric rings starting from the centre of
seasoned and sprinkled with chopped chopped anchovies, chopped onions, capers
shallots and parsley and baked in a hot oven and chopped pickled beetroot. A raw egg
so that the bottom is steamed and the top yolk is placed in the centre just before
browned. The fish is removed carefully and serving and the ingredients are mixed at the
served with the strained and reduced table and either fried in butter and spread on
cooking liquor with butter (monté au beurre). toast or spread on buttered bread and
grilled. (NOTE: Literally ‘eye of the sun’.)
sole Bercy England, France Bercy, fish
sole Bercy

solomillo Spain 1. Loin of pork 2. Sirloin


sole bonne femme England, France Bonne

sole bonne femme

solomillo a la sevillana Spain Loin of pork

solomillo a la sevillana

femme, fish
with boiled potatoes, artichoke hearts,
sole Colbert England, France Whole sole
sole Colbert

stuffed olives and tomato sauce

skinned, gutted, eyes and gills removed, fins
solomon gundy Canada Chopped salt
solomon gundy

trimmed, fillets on one side cut from centre

to within 1 cm of the edge and folded back, herrings and onions pickled in spiced
back bone broken in 3 places, the whole vinegar with sugar for several days and
panéed and deep-fried with fillets open, served as an appetizer (NOTE: From Nova
bone removed exposing white flesh in the Scotia)
soluble fibre Various non-metabolizeable
soluble fibre

centre which is piped with parsley butter.

The whole served with lemon wedges or soluble polysaccharides such as pectin,
pigtails. gums and related compounds found in
vegetable matter, seeds, nuts, grains, etc.
sole dieppoise France Sole poached in white
sole dieppoise

said to reduce blood cholesterol and low

wine and mussel liquor, garnished à la
density lipoprotein levels and to be essential
dieppoise and napped with sauce vin blanc
for good health
made with the poaching liquor
sølvkake Norway A light coconut- and lemon-

sole Dugléré England, France Dugléré, fish

sole Dugléré

flavoured cake
sole limande France Lemon sole
sole limande

solyanka Russia A thick fish soup or thin stew


sole normande France Poached sole coated

sole normande

made with salmon, chopped pickled

with a truffle-scented cream sauce and cucumbers, olives, capers, onions, etc.,
garnished with oysters, mussels and other butter and seasoning
seafood som Thailand Orange

soles in coffins England Baked potatoes with

soles in coffins

somen Japan 1. A thin white noodle


a lid cut off, scooped out, filled with poached resembling vermicelli, made from wheat
paupiettes of sole napped with a suitable flour 2. Cooked, refreshed, drained and
sauce, lids replaced and the coffins baked at chilled somen noodles served on a bed of ice
200°C for 10 minutes with a platter of decoratively arranged hard-
sole Walewska England, France Walewska,
sole Walewska

boiled eggs, cucumber and ham sprinkled

fish with strips of mint leaves and served with a
Solferino, crème France Equal parts of
Solferino, crème

dipping sauce made with chopped

crème de tomates and purée parmentier reconstituted shiitake mushrooms, dashi,

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sopa seca

soya sauce, sugar and sake, all boiled soo hoon Malaysia Cellophane noodles
soo hoon

together then cooled soojo South Asia Semolina


Somerset apple cake England Cake, sauce

Somerset apple cake

sookha dhania South Asia Coriander seeds

sookha dhania

Somerset chicken England Chicken portions

Somerset chicken

soondth South Asia Dried powdered ginger


roasted until cooked, then added to a roux- root. Also called sonth
thickened sauce with sweated onions, milk soonf South Asia Fennel seed

and cider. The mixture is finished with grated soon geung China Pickled ginger
soon geung

Cheddar cheese and mustard, the top

soong hwa dan China Chinese preserved
soong hwa dan

gratinated with more cheese and browned eggs

under the grill.
so’ o-yosopy South America Sopa de carne
so’ o-yosopy

Somerset cider cake England Wholewheat

Somerset cider cake

sop Hard bread soaked in a hot liquid such as


flour, butter, sugar and eggs (2:1:1:1) made

milk or soup
up by the creaming method, with 2 dsp of
sopa 1. Catalonia Soup 2. Spain A breakfast

bicarbonate of soda per kg of flour and a

large amount of grated nutmeg, then brought dish of hot coffee and milk poured over
to a soft dropping consistency with dry cider toasted bread from the previous day
sopa a la mallorquina Spain A fish soup with
sopa a la mallorquina

and baked in the oven for 60 to 75 minutes

at 190°C until the top browns and the sides tomatoes and onions
sopa blanca Spain A cold soup from
sopa blanca

shrink away from the tin

Somerset cider Cheddar England A mild
Somerset cider Cheddar
Andalusia made from equal parts of
Cheddar cheese flavoured with cider blanched and skinned almonds and cooked
Somerset fish casserole England Deboned
Somerset fish casserole
broad beans processed with garlic and oil
and skinned white fish cut in chunks, passed and let down with lemon juice and water,
through seasoned flour, briefly fried with seasoned, chilled and served over cubes of
previously sweated chopped onion and bread
sopa burgalesa Spain Lamb and crayfish
sopa burgalesa

mixed with a sauce made from pan residues,

butter, flour, cider, anchovy essence, lemon soup
sopa coada Italy A bread-thickened soup
sopa coada

juice and seasoning then baked at 180°C for

20 minutes. Garnished with apple rings fried made from roast pigeon flesh
sopa cuarto de hora Spain Quick soup made
sopa cuarto de hora

in butter and chopped parsley.

Somerset soda cake England Soda cake
Somerset soda cake
by adding leftovers to stock
sopa de aguacate Mexico Soup made from
sopa de aguacate

som khay Laos A delicate-coloured dip made

som khay

from the roe of the pa boeuk. Also called defatted seasoned chicken stock with
Laotian caviar mashed avocado and chopped parsley and
sommacco Italy Sumac
coriander leaf. Served lukewarm or chilled.
Also called avocado soup
sommargryta med korv Sweden A summer
sommargryta med korv

sopa de almejas South America A clam and

sopa de almejas

casserole of fresh spring vegetables

simmered with good quality pork sausages white fish soup with vegetables (from
sommelier France Wine waiter

sopa de batata e agrião Portugal Potato and

sopa de batata e agrião

som mu Laos A pungent flavouring ingredient

som mu

watercress soup
made from powdered pork and fermented
sopa de camarão e mexilhão Portugal A
sopa de camarão e mexilhão

soup of mussels and shrimps
som-o Thailand Pummelo

sopa de carne South America A beef and

sopa de carne

som pa Laos A pungent flavouring ingredient

som pa

vegetable soup with rice or vermicelli (from

made from pounded fish and fermented rice Paraguay). Served with grated Parmesan
som saa Thailand Citron
som saa

cheese. Also called so’ o-yosopy

son France Bran

sopa de feijão Portugal Bean soup

sopa de feijão

soncaya A particularly large custard apple,


sopa de legumbres Spain Vegetable soup

sopa de legumbres

Anona purpurea, from Mexico and Central sopa de moni South America A peanut and
sopa de moni

America potato soup finished with cream (from

sone ka warq South Asia Gold leaf used for
sone ka warq

decorating food sopa de pescado Spain Fish soup
sopa de pescado

song tse China Mulberry

song tse

sopaipilla Malaysia A flat bread which is fried


song zi huang yu China Yellow croaker fish

song zi huang yu

and puffs up
garnished with pine nuts sopar Catalonia Dinner

Sonnenbarsch Germany See butterfish 3


sopari South Asia Betel nut


Sonnenblume Germany Sunflower


sopa seca Portugal Shredded left-over meat

sopa seca

sonth South Asia Soondth


layered in a large oven-proof pot with sliced

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boiled potatoes and carrots, bread and Sorbus scopulina Botanical name See
chopped mint, covered with boiling stock mountain ash 2
and dried in a hot oven (NOTE: Literally ‘dry sorgho France Sorghum

soup’.) sorghum A very important plant, Sorghum


sope Mexico A filled turnover made with


vulgare, which grows in semi-arid tropical

tortilla dough. See also garnacha and subtropical regions. It has the general
sopp Norway Mushroom appearance of the maize plant with thinner

soppa Sweden Soup

leaves and a top terminal spike of small
soppressa Italy A Veronese salami made from
seeds. Some varieties produce white seeds
pork and beef which are preferred for eating, the red
seeded type is more bitter and used for
soppressa del pasubio Italy A firm textured
soppressa del pasubio

brewing beer. There is also a variety whose

pork sausage with potatoes and chestnuts
stems are crushed like sugar cane to
soppressate Italy A large sausage from the

produce a syrup used for sweetening, mainly

southwest, oval in cross-section, well- in the USA. Sorghum grain is used for
seasoned and flavoured with ginger, human consumption where grown and is
sometimes preserved in olive oil only traded for compounding animal feeds.
soprafino Italy Superfine olive oil

See also sweet sorghum, great millet, kaffir

sopressa Italy Coppa corn. Also called Guinea corn

sorb Rowanberry sorghum flour Ground sorghum or milo maize

sorb sorghum flour

Sorbais France Maroilles cheese

occasionally used to thicken soups
sorghum syrup The juice of the sweet
sorghum syrup

sorb apple A close relative, Sorbus

sorb apple

domestica, of the rowanberry, native to sorghum evaporated to produce a slightly

southern Europe. It is cultivated for the small acid molasses-like syrup
green apple- or pear-shaped fruit which may Sorghum vulgare Botanical name Sorghum,
be eaten as a fruit or used to make a type of great millet
sorpresine Italy Tiny pasta shapes used in

sorbates Salts of sorbic acid used as
sorrel A hardy perennial plant, Rumex

permitted food preservatives, the sodium salt

is E201, the potassium E202 and calcium acetosa, with pointed oval, sour leaves used
sorbate is E203 in salads, soups, etc., cooked with fish or
sorbet A soft water ice rather like a soft snow
used as a spinach-like vegetable. The variety
made by freezing a sweetened fruit juice or grown in France is less acid than that which
liqueur-flavoured light syrup mixed with grows wild in the UK. The leaves may be
whipped egg white, whisking vigorously at blanched before final cooking to reduce the
intervals to inhibit ice crystal formation and acidity. Also called broad leaf sorrel,
to incorporate air. Used as a dessert. sourgrass
sorsa Finland Wild duck

sorbet colonel South Asia An Anglo-Indian

sorbet colonel

sorsapaisti Finland Roast wild duck


dessert of lemon sorbet with a sprig of mint

sorvete Portugal Ice cream

floating in a coupe of spirituous liquor, e.g.

vodka sosaties South Africa Mutton kebabs

sorbetto Italy Sorbet sose Finland Purée, sauce, stewed and

sorbetto sose

sorbic acid A permitted preservative, E200,

sorbic acid

mashed, mash
sosiska Russia Sausage, usually pork and

for use in baked and fruit products. May be

obtained from berries of the mountain ash smoked. May be cooked or eaten as a snack.
but is now synthesized and is a mould and sospiri Italy Small custards with a cheese and

yeast inhibitor. egg filling

sorbier des oiseaux France Rowanberry
sorbier des oiseaux

Sosse Germany 1. Sauce 2. Gravy


sorbitol A compound found in many fruits


söt, sött Sweden Sweet

söt, sött

and berries but now synthesized from søt Norway Sweet


glucose for use as a humectant and as a sotánghon Philippines Cellophane noodles


sweetening agent for diabetics. Available as a

sot-l’y-laisse France Oyster (2), part of

water solution E420(ii). See also E420(i) chicken

Sorbus americana Botanical name See
sotong Malaysia Squid

mountain ash 2
sotong karang Malaysia Cuttlefish
sotong karang

Sorbus aucuparia Botanical name Rowan

søtsuppe Norway A sweet fruit soup

tree (rowanberries)
sottaceti Italy Pickles, pickled vegetables

Sorbus domestica Botanical name Sorb

sottaceto Italy Pickled


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sourdough bread

sotto Italy Under, as in sottaceto, under soupa faki Greece A brown lentil soup made
sotto soupa faki

vinegar from blanched and refreshed lentils

søtunge Denmark Sole, the fish
simmered in water (1:3 on dried lentils) for
Soubise, sauce England, France An onion
Soubise, sauce
45 minutes in a closed pan with finely sliced
sauce boiled with more onion to extract the onions, garlic, celery and carrots, olive oil,
onion flavour or a béchamel with a large tomato purée, tomato concassée and a
quantity of onion purée added, passed faggot of herbs, the herbs removed and the
through a chinois, seasoned and flavoured soup finished with a little vinegar and
with nutmeg. Used for roast meats. chopped thyme or parsley
soupe France Soup, tends to be more

souchet France A type of wild duck


souchet, sauce France The poaching liquor

souchet, sauce
substantial than potage
soupe à l’ail France Garlic soup
soupe à l’ail

from fish, reduced, mixed with sauce aux vin

soupe à l’oignon France See brown onion
soupe à l’oignon

blanc, consistency corrected if necessary

with beurre manié and garnished with soup
soupe au pistou France A country-style
soupe au pistou

julienned carrot, leek and celery which has

been sweated in butter and drained vegetable soup accompanied with a pistou
souci France Marigold
The soup is made from shredded white of
soudzoukakia Greece, Middle East A variety
leek and brunoise-cut carrots and turnips
of frying sausage made from seasoned and sweated in butter, mixed with cooked haricot
minced pork or veal, breadcrumbs and beans, chopped green beans, broad beans,
onions, flavoured with garlic, salt, parsley tomato concassée, tomato purée, macaroni,
and ground cumin and bound with egg seasoning and vegetable stock simmered
until all tender
soufflé England, France An air-raised fluffy

soupe aux légumes France Vegetable soup

soupe aux légumes

sweet or savoury baked dish made from a

soupe aux rognons France Kidney soup
soupe aux rognons

flavoured starch-based mixture (a thick

soupe de poisson France Saffron-flavoured
soupe de poisson

white panada or crème pâtissière) into which

stiffly beaten egg whites are folded, this and coloured fish soup, usually passed
poured into a buttered and floured soufflé through a chinois to remove all large pieces
dish and baked for about 25 minutes at of fish and bones. Served in the south of
200°C. The soufflé should rise well above the France with rouille, toast and grated cheese.
rim of the dish and be served immediately. soupe germou Caribbean A vegetable soup
soupe germou

See also cold soufflé with pumpkin, onions, celery and garlic
soufflé dish A straight sided ovenproof dish in thickened with a roux and served hot or cold
soufflé dish

which soufflés are baked soup herbs The principal herbs used in soup
soup herbs

soufflé omelette Whisked sweetened or

soufflé omelette

are basil, bay, borage, caraway, chervil,

seasoned egg whites, folded into slightly chives, dill, juniper, lemon balm, lovage,
stirred egg yolks, a little water added, marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, summer
rewhisked then cooked as an omelette, often savory, sorrel, tarragon, thyme, wild celery
with a sweet filling and winter savory
soup spoon A large oval-bowled (France) or
soup spoon

soulie Ireland Sugar dissolved in hot vinegar


used as a salad dressing round-bowled (UK) spoon, used to drink

Soumaintrain France A strong-flavoured
sour, to To add a souring agent such as acid
sour, to

surface-ripened cows’ milk cheese from

Burgundy cast in the form of a disc. The rind or acid fruits to a foodstuff to give it a sour
is reddish brown and the paste has a slightly taste
spicy flavour. sour cherry Acid cherry
sour cherry

so-un Indonesia Cellophane noodles sour cream Cream allowed to sour by a lactic
so-un sour cream

soup A flavoured liquid based on meat and/or


fermentation either naturally or more usually

vegetable extracts in water, milk or with the addition of a starter culture which
occasionally water only, with added may be cottage cheese. See also acidulated
ingredients. Derived from the old English cream
‘sop’, a term applied to hard bread dipped sour cream sauce A chicken or game velouté
sour cream sauce

into water or wine to make it palatable. There flavoured with vinegar, sweated chopped
are 7 classical types of soup: consommé, shallots, white wine and soured cream. A
potage, broth, purée, cream, velouté and simple version of smitane sauce.
bisque plus a few specials, often cold, based sourdough bread Bread which uses in place
sourdough bread

on fruit or tomato juice, wine and the like. of yeast, dough from a previous batch which
See also basic soup has been allowed to ferment with a little
soupa Greece Soup

warm water and sugar overnight or longer.

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soured cream

About 10% of a batch is reserved as starter soused herrings United Kingdom Herring
soused herrings

for the next equal-sized batch. Less will fillets, rolled and secured with a sliver of
require a longer time to prove. The method is wood, briefly cooked in a non-metallic
simple and the taste of the bread is thought covered dish with vinegar, water, onions,
by some to be superior. sugar, herbs, spices and seasoning and
soured cream Made by adding a souring
soured cream

allowed to cool in the cooking liquor. Eaten

culture of Lactobacillus to homogenized cold.
soused mackerel United Kingdom As soused
soused mackerel

single cream
sour finger carambola Belimbing
sour finger carambola
herring but substituting small mackerel fillets
for the herring
sourgrass Sorrel

sous-noix France Undercushion of veal


souring agent Any edible substance

souring agent

South American oyster An oyster,

South American oyster

containing a reasonable concentration of

Crassostrea chilensis, found off the coasts of
acid such as vinegar, lemon juice, tamarind,
central and south America
southern bean United States Cow pea
southern bean

sour milk Milk which has naturally curdled or

sour milk

southern bluefin tuna A common variety of

southern bluefin tuna

been deliberately exposed to some acid-

tuna, Thunnus macoyii, from the southern
producing organism and thus curdled at
hemisphere. The catch is worth half a billion
around 30 to 35°C. UHT milk should not be
pounds a year but is in danger of being
soured. Useful in baking where bicarbonate
fished out.
of soda is used as double the amount of
southern blue whiting A deep-water fish
southern blue whiting

carbon dioxide will be liberated.

from New Zealand
sour milk cheese 1. Handkäse 2. The curd
sour milk cheese

southern bream Australia Australian black

southern bream

separated from naturally soured milk by

straining through muslin. Commonly made
southern calamari Australia A variety of
southern calamari

in the home before refrigerators.

squid, Sepioteuthis australis, found from the
sour orange See Seville orange
sour orange

south of Western Australia to southern New

sour skons Scotland An unusually flavoured
sour skons

South Wales. It is extensively fished for

scone made from oatmeal, buttermilk, flour human consumption although once was
and caster sugar (3:3:3:1) with 4 tsp of considered only fit for bait.
bicarbonate of soda and 4 dsp of caraway southern cornpone United States Corn pone
southern cornpone

seeds per litre of buttermilk. The oatmeal is southern fried chicken United States Jointed
southern fried chicken

mixed with the buttermilk and left in a cool

portions of chicken passed through
place for 2 to 3 days before blending with all
seasoned flour and fried until crisp on the
the other ingredients to make a soft elastic
outside and just cooked through. Sometimes
dough, adding more buttermilk if necessary.
served with a béchamel-based sauce and
The dough is shaped into large rounds about mashed potatoes.
2 cm thick, each cut in quarters and baked
southern lobster See spiny lobster
southern lobster

on a hot griddle for 5 to 10 minutes, then

southern rock lobster A type of spiny lobster,
southern rock lobster

wrapped in a cloth to cool.

Jasus novahollandiae, coloured yellow,
sour sop A type of custard apple from a tree,
sour sop

orange and purple, found in Southern

Anona muricata, which has large 15 to 23
Australia and shipped to the USA as rock
cm long heart-shaped fruits with a green
lobster. Also called crayfish (seawater)
spiny skin. They are more acid-tasting than
southern sea garfish Australia A long slender
southern sea garfish

most custard apples and the texture of the

juicy flesh is not as good. Suitable for drinks fish, Hyporhamphus melanochir and H.
and desserts. Also called prickly custard australis, with a characteristic beak-like
apple elongation of the lower jaw, found mainly in
South Australia and Victoria with some in
sous-chef France Under chef, assistant chef

Western Australia and Tasmania. The flesh

souse Caribbean Pigs’ trotters and tails

has a sweet taste and firm texture but the fish

possibly chickens’ feet and/or pork meat is small and has many fine bones. It is
boiled until soft, rinsed and drained then generally cooked whole with the beak
marinated overnight in lime juice and water pushed into the tail end and grilled or
(1:2) with chilli peppers and cucumbers, barbecued or in chunks. It is a very
garnished with parsley and served cold often gelatinous fish and makes excellent soup.
with black pudding and sliced boiled Also called beakie
breadfruit southern stone crab United States A greyish
southern stone crab

souse, to To pickle in vinegar or brine

souse, to

crab, Menippe mercenaria, up to 12 cm

especially of herrings across and with very large claws, one of

544 Page 545 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

spaghetti alla carbonara

which is bigger than the other. It lives in deep soya bean sprouts Long (up to 13 cm) yellow
soya bean sprouts

holes in mud or rock piles around the coast sprouts from soya beans, used as a
from Texas to the Carolinas. Only the claw vegetable
meat is edible and often only the claws are soya flour Flour produced from soya beans
soya flour

traded. with a high fat and protein content, used

soutribbetjie South Africa Ribs of lamb or

together with wheat flour in baking and in ice

mutton lightly brined, hung up to dry then creams and other manufactured foods
cooked on a barbecue soya milk A substitute for cows’ milk used by
soya milk

Souvaroff, à la France (of a casserole of

Souvaroff, à la

vegetarians and vegans made by boiling

poultry or game birds) Containing brandy, ground soya beans with water for long
foie gras and truffles periods of time and filtering off the sediment
soya noodles See bean curd noodles
soya noodles

souvlakia Greece Kebabs of lamb, veal or


soya oil Oil extracted from soya beans used

soya oil

pork, cooked on a griddle or over a barbecue

and sprinkled with lemon juice during as a cooking oil, for salad dressings and for
cooking. Served with lemon wedges, onions the manufacture of margarine containing
and sliced tomatoes. only about 10% of saturated fat. Said to have
sovs Denmark Sauce
protective effects against breast cancer. Also
called soy bean oil
sowa South Asia Dill

soya sauce A highly flavoured liquid which is

soya sauce

sowbelly United States Salted fat belly pork or


obtained by long fermentation of soya beans

streaky bacon and various cereal grains. It is produced in 3
sow cabbage See jiu la choy
sow cabbage

stages. In the first, polished rice is fermented

soya batter Japan A batter sometimes used
soya batter

with Aspergillus oryzae. This is then mashed

for tempura made from water, egg and soya with boiled soya beans and crushed roasted
sauce (13:3:1) whisked together lightly then grains of wheat, incubated at 30°C for 3
mixed with half its combined weight of flour days, diluted with brine then fermented with
to give a lumpy consistency Pediococcus halophilus to reduce the pH. In
soya bean The seeds of an erect bushy plant,
soya bean
the third stage the mixture is fermented
Glycine max, of the pea family, originating in slowly for between 1 and 3 years with
China but now a major crop grown worldwide Saccharomyces rouxii. Both light and dark
in frost-free, warm summer climates and varieties are produced with varying amounts
containing about 20% oil and 35% protein of salt added. Also called soy sauce
soya vermicelli See bean curd noodles
soya vermicelli

on a dry weight basis. The pods contain

between 2 and 4 seeds which may be green, soy bean See soya bean
soy bean

brown, yellow or black. A common food in soy bean oil See soya oil
soy bean oil

China and Southeast Asia and an important soy sauce See soya sauce
soy sauce

animal feed. Used as a source of bean Spaetzle Germany See Spätzle 1


sprouts, oil, flour, milk, protein curds,

spag bol United Kingdom Spaghetti
spag bol

vegetable protein and meat analogues and Bolognese (colloquial)

sauce as well as being an important food
spagetti Sweden Spaghetti

pulse in its whole state. The beans,

spaghetti England, Italy Thin solid pasta

especially the oil, are rich in compounds

which behave like weak oestrogens and made by extruding a pasta paste though
dilute the effect of the body’s own circular holes about 2 to 3 mm in diameter,
oestrogens, thus reducing the risk of breast either cooked immediately or cut into lengths
cancer, but evidence has been reported that (up to 40 cm) and dried for future use
spaghetti al aglio e olio Italy The basic dish
spaghetti al aglio e olio

raw soya flour fed to rats produced

pancreatic cancer. See also black soya bean, of spaghetti with chopped garlic and olive oil
spaghetti al burro Italy Spaghetti with butter
spaghetti al burro

yellow soya bean, bean curd

spaghetti alla Bellini Italy Spaghetti with
spaghetti alla Bellini

soya bean cheese See bean curd cheese

soya bean cheese

soya bean condiment See yellow bean sauce

soya bean condiment
tomatoes, aubergines and ricotta cheese
(NOTE: Named after the composer.)
soya bean curd See bean curd
soya bean curd

spaghetti alla bolognese Italy Spaghetti with

spaghetti alla bolognese

soya bean flour Ground lightly-roasted soya

soya bean flour

a tomato and minced meat (Bolognaise)

beans containing a high percentage of fat sauce
from the beans spaghetti alla carbonara Italy Freshly
spaghetti alla carbonara

soya bean oil See soya oil

soya bean oil

cooked spaghetti tossed with crisply fried

soya bean paste Ground fermented black
soya bean paste

bacon chopped in small pieces, cream and

soya beans mixed with flour, salt and water to sometimes beaten egg. Served with a
give a thick paste used in Chinese cooking sprinkling of grated Parmesan.

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spaghetti alla carrettiera

spaghetti alla carrettiera Italy Spaghetti with Spanish chestnut See chestnut
spaghetti alla carrettiera Spanish chestnut

tuna fish, mushrooms and tomato concassée Spanish dagger United States See yucca 2
Spanish dagger

or purée Spanish garlic Giant garlic

Spanish garlic

spaghetti alla marinara Italy Spaghetti with

spaghetti alla marinara

Spanish lime A small round fruit like a grape.

Spanish lime

clams, mussels, garlic, tomatoes and onions See also genip

spaghetti all’amatriciana Italy Spaghetti
spaghetti all’amatriciana

Spanish ling A fish related to the ling found in

Spanish ling

with a tomato sauce flavoured with chopped the western Mediterranean and the Bay of
onions and pieces of salt pork or bacon and Biscay
sprinkled with grated Pecorino cheese Spanish omelette Tortilla
Spanish omelette

spaghetti alla napoletana Italy Spaghetti

spaghetti alla napoletana

Spanish onion A large delicately flavoured

Spanish onion

with mushrooms, tongue and tomatoes onion with a brown or red skin favoured by
spaghetti alla pommarola Italy Spaghetti
spaghetti alla pommarola

professional chefs for its ease of handling

with tomatoes, garlic and basil and suitability for frying. Grown in most
spaghetti alla puttanesca Italy Spaghetti
spaghetti alla puttanesca

countries. May be served raw.

with capers, black olives, parsley, garlic and Spanish peanut A variety of peanut with an
Spanish peanut

olive oil upright habit and 2 light brown seeds per

spaghetti alle vongole Italy A classic
spaghetti alle vongole

spaghetti dish with a sauce made from Spanish pepper Sweet pepper
Spanish pepper

chopped tomatoes and courgettes, sweated Spanish rice United States A mixture of rice,
Spanish rice

in olive oil, warty venus clams put in a chopped onion, chopped green sweet
minimum of cold water and heated until all pepper and chopped tomatoes, all cooked
the clams open, clams reserved, cooking separately with herbs and seasoning. Served
liquor added to the vegetables and all as an accompaniment to a meat course.
reduced, the reserved clams added just
Spanish sage A narrow-leaved sage, Salvia
Spanish sage

before serving
lavandulifolia, with a slightly balsamic
spaghetti al pesto Italy Spaghetti with a pesto
spaghetti al pesto

flavour. Also called narrow leaf sage

sauce Spanish salami A salami very similar to the
Spanish salami

spaghetti marrow See vegetable spaghetti

spaghetti marrow

Italian but with a milder flavour

spaghettini Italy A thin version of spaghetti

Spanish sauce See espagnole, sauce

Spanish sauce

spaghetti squash See vegetable spaghetti

spaghetti squash

spanner crab Australia A deep red-coloured

spanner crab

spalla Italy 1. Shoulder of lamb, veal, etc. 2.


frog-like crab, Ranina ranina, with claws that

Cured and pressed shoulder of pork forced resemble spanners. It is found along the
into a rectangular mould coasts of Queensland and northern New
spam United States A canned pork and ham South Wales. The white meat is particularly

meat loaf imported in large quantities into fine.

the UK during World War II (NOTE: Spam is spanocchi Italy Large prawns

short for Spiced Pork And Ham.) spanspek South Africa Cantaloupe melon

spanakopita Greece Cheese and spinach pie


sparaglione Italy Small sea bream


spandauer Denmark, Sweden A cake made


spare rib of pork United Kingdom The

spare rib of pork

from squares of unproved Danish pastry cutlets, i.e. rib bones, vertebrae and
each with a blob of apple purée, almond longitudinal muscles equivalent to middle
paste, conserve, crème pâtissière or similar neck of lamb, which are hidden behind the
in the centre, the four corners folded in shoulder. They may be roasted whole,
towards the centre and pressed down, chopped into cutlets for grilling or the meat
proved 30 minutes then baked at 230°C for used for pies, etc.
10 minutes and glazed with icing after spare ribs United Kingdom A sheet of
spare ribs

cooking skinned and partially defatted lower part of

Spanferkel Germany Sucking pig

the rib bones of pork cooked either as a

spanischer Pfeffer Germany Sweet pepper,
spanischer Pfeffer

whole sheet or in separate ribs, often

capsicum marinated in a spicy sauce, and barbecued
spanische Windtorte Germany A decorative
spanische Windtorte

or fried. Served as a starter or appetizer. Not

meringue shell filled with cooked berry fruit to be confused with spare rib.
and topped with whipped cream Spargel Germany Asparagus

Spanish United Kingdom Liquorice Spargelfest Germany A country festival held

Spanish Spargelfest

Spanish bayonet United States See yucca 2

Spanish bayonet

annually in the spring for the sole purpose of

Spanish black radish A round radish the size
Spanish black radish
eating white asparagus
Spargelkohl Germany Broccoli

of an orange with a black skin, eaten raw or

sparl United Kingdom A broad sheep casing


546 Page 547 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM


sparling United States Smelt flavouring and can be crystallized for



sparris Sweden Asparagus decoration. Also called Moroccan spearmint

specialité France Speciality, e.g. of the

sparrow grass Asparagus

sparrow grass

house, de la maison, etc.

spatchcock A chicken prepared by removing

specific gravity The ratio of the density of a

specific gravity

the wish bone, severing the leg sinews, substance to the density of water at the same
cutting horizontally from below the rear point temperature. It has no units and substances
of the breast over the tops of the legs down with a specific gravity greater than 1 will sink
to the wing joints without removing the in water, whilst if less than 1 they will float.
breasts, bending the breasts towards the Sugar solutions and brines have a specific
neck end and snapping the backbone so gravity greater than 1, oils and fats less than
that the point of the breast extends forward, 1. Also called SG, relative density
flattening and neatening the whole chicken.
Speck Germany Bacon or the mildly cured

When placed skin side up it should resemble

and smoked pork fat used in traditional
a toad. It is then seasoned, brushed with oil
and cooked under the grill for approximately
Speckblutwurst Germany A large-diameter

15 minutes per side. Also called chicken

spatchcock, poulet à la crapaudine (NOTE: So sausage made with seasoned and minced
called because it can be cooked in a hurry, lean pork mixed with diced speck and pigs’
i.e. with dispatch) blood
Speckknödel Austria Bread and onion

spatula 1. A flexible plastic or rubber scraper,


dumplings mixed with diced bacon and

rectangular in shape with a curve on one
Speck from the Tyrol
side, used for removing all the contents of
Speckkuchen Germany A flat cake

bowls and pans which would otherwise stick

to the sides. Some have a handle. 2. A long containing diced bacon
Specklinsen Germany Lentils cooked with a

thin flexible rectangular metal blade on a

handle used for spreading and smoothing piece of bacon, a whole onion and root
icing and fillings and for handling long fillets vegetables until soft, bacon and vegetables
of fish removed, strained and the lentils bound with
spatule France Spatula
a demi-glace sauce and sprinkled with
crisply fried finely diced bacon
Spätze Germany A type of gnocchi made with

speculaas Netherlands Spiced biscuits made


seasoned flour and beaten eggs (2:1) made

for the feast of St Nicholas and the rest of the
into a soft dough with water if necessary,
Christmas season
teaspoonfuls poached in boiling salted water
spegepølse Denmark A type of salami made

for 6 to 10 minutes, drained and served with

molten butter and fried bread crumbs with a mixture of various minced or chopped
meats, seasoned. sugar and saltpetre added,
spätzele France Short lengths of cooked

packed into ox runners, dry-salted then air-

pasta lightly browned in the oven or fried dried and smoked.
until golden. Also called spetzli (NOTE: From
speilegg Norway Fried egg

the Alsace region of France)

Speiseeis Germany Ice cream


Spätzle Germany 1. A batter of flour, milk, Speisekarte Germany Menu


eggs, salt and nutmeg made into noodles by

Speisequark Germany Quark

pouring through one or more small holes into

spejleæg Denmark Fried egg

fiercely boiling water. Served tossed or fried

spekemat Norway Cured meat

in butter. (NOTE: From the southern and

Alsace regions) 2. A type of gnocchi made spekepølse Norway A mutton sausage, lightly

with seasoned flour and beaten eggs (2:1), smoked

made into a soft dough with water if spekeskinke Norway Cured ham eaten raw

necessary, teaspoonfuls poached in boiling Spekulatius Germany A sweet almond


salted water for 6 to 10 minutes, drained and biscuit. Eaten during the Christmas season.
served with molten butter and fried bread
spelt flour Flour made from an ancient variety
spelt flour

of wheat which has a hard husk making it
spaul of beef Scotland A Scottish term for
spaul of beef

difficult to mill. It has a high gluten content

chuck and blade steak of beef which makes it very suitable for making
spear A young pointed cylindrical plant

sprout, especially of asparagus spenat Sweden Spinach


spearmint A type of mint, Mentha spicata, spenatsoppa Sweden Spinach soup based on

with closely set toothed leaves and a clean roux-thickened beef stock finished with
spearmint flavour. Used for drinks and for double cream

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spencer Ireland Ulster roll reddish-orange with prickly spines. It has a


spencer steak United States Delmonico steak

spencer steak
fine flavour and is usually poached and
spermaceti A low melting point wax obtained
served in its shell. Also called spiny crab
spiedino Italy Skewered or spitted, usually

from the whale’s buoyancy aid, used as a

releasing agent meat or prawns
spiedo, alla Italy Grilled over charcoal
spiedo, alla

sperm oil The oil rendered from the blubber

sperm oil

Spiegelei Germany Fried egg


of the sperm whale used as a releasing agent

Spiessbraten Germany Spit-roasted meat

spettekaka Sweden A tall cake baked on a


spigola Italy Bass


spijskaart Netherlands Menu

spetzli France Spätzele


spinace Italy Spinach


spezie Italy Spices


spinach A fast-growing annual plant, Spinacia


spezzatino Italy A light stew usually of tender


meat, sautéed and finished with a sauce. oleracea, which grows as a loose cluster of
Also called spezzato leaves to a height of 15 to 20 cm and a
spezzato Italy Spezzatino
spread of 15 cm. Used as a vegetable and
puréed as a base for other food. Very popular
spicchi, in Italy In segments or sections
spicchi, in

in Italian cooking as a colouring for pasta and

spicchio Italy Clove, e.g. of garlic

as a constituent of fillings.
spice One or other of various strongly

spinach beet A variety of beet, Beta vulgaris

spinach beet

flavoured aromatic substances of vegetable Cicla Group, grown for its leaves which
origin obtained from tropical plants, resemble spinach. Grows well in northern
particularly dried roots, seeds, buds, berries, climates.
fruits and bark spinach mustard Komatsuna
spinach mustard

spice bread See Yorkshire spice bread

spice bread

spinaci Italy Spinach, the vegetable


spiced beef United Kingdom Salted and

spiced beef

spinaci alla milanese Italy Spinach finished

spinaci alla milanese

rolled silverside, soaked, simmered with with pine nuts and butter and served with
onions, carrots and turnips for 4 hours, left to scrambled eggs
cool in the cooking liquor, drained, stuck with spinaci alla piemontese Italy Spinach
spinaci alla piemontese

cloves, covered with dark muscovado sugar, finished with garlic and anchovies
mustard powder, ground cinnamon and
spinaci alla romana Italy Spinach finished
spinaci alla romana

lemon juice and baked at 180°C for one hour

with garlic, ham, pine nuts and raisins
spiced salt China A mixture of salt and anise
spiced salt

Spinacia oleracea Botanical name Spinach

pepper heated in a heavy frying pan until the
spinaci in padella alla trasteverina Italy
spinaci in padella alla trasteverina

anise pepper darkens, cooled and ground.

Spinach cooked in fat in a frying pan with
Used in China as a dip for raw or deep-fried
raisins and pine nuts
vegetables, roast meat and poultry.
spinacio Italy Spinach, the plant

spice Parisienne United States Épices

spice Parisienne

spinarola Italy Rock salmon


spinat Denmark, Norway Spinach

spicken sill Sweden Top-quality plain salt

spicken sill

Spinat Germany Spinach


herrings, soaked 12 hours, rinsed, dried,

spinazie Netherlands Spinach

deboned and skinned. Two fillets formed into

spineless amaranth Chinese spinach
spineless amaranth

a whole herring and cut into 2 cm slices,

spinkrab Netherlands Spider crab

garnished with fresh dill and accompanied

by potatoes boiled in their skins, chives and spinola Italy Sea bass

soured cream. spiny bitter gourd A close relative,

spiny bitter gourd

spicken sill med sur grädde Sweden Pieces

spicken sill med sur grädde

Momordica cochiniensis, of the bitter gourd

of pickled herring dressed with a mixture of but more rounded in shape with pointed
soured cream and mayonnaise flavoured warts on the skin
with chopped dill weed or chives spiny cockle A large variety of cockle,
spiny cockle

Spickgans Germany Smoked breast of goose Acanthocardia aculeata, growing up to 10


spider A shallow circle of steel mesh with the

cm in diameter
spiny crab See spider crab
spiny crab

appearance of a spider’s web about 20 cm in

diameter with a metal handle used for spiny dogfish Rock salmon
spiny dogfish

collecting deep-fried food, especially fritters spiny lobster A seawater crustacean,

spiny lobster

and any food in batter, from the oil or fat Palinurus elephas var. vulgaris, resembling a
spider crab A round-bodied leggy
spider crab

lobster in taste and texture but without the

crustacean, Maia squinado, from Spain, also large claws. They are reddish brown with
found in the English Channel. It has an oval yellow and white markings and may be up to
shell to 20 cm across and is brown to 50 cm long, but taste better when smaller.

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They are found around the coasts of Britain, sponge gourd Loofah
sponge gourd

Spain, France and the Mediterranean, but sponge pudding A hot, baked or steamed
sponge pudding

now rare. Often called crayfish especially in pudding made from a Victoria sponge
Australia and the USA. Cooked as lobster. mixture possibly with added fruits which is
Also called crawfish, rock lobster, southern cooked in a pudding basin, sometimes with
lobster jam, golden syrup or treacle in the base.
spiral peel A continuous strip of apple or
spiral peel

Served hot with a sweet sauce.

citrus peel about 6 to 9mm wide, used for sponge sandwich A victoria sponge or
sponge sandwich

decoration genoese sponge sliced horizontally in half

spisekart Norway Menu

using a serrated knife, and filled with jam

spit A substantial metal rod on which meat is and/or whipped cream or butter cream, the

impaled for roasting in front of, over, or under top dusted with icing sugar. Also called
a source of radiant heat, or in an oven. It sandwich cake
usually has attachments which clamp to the spoom France A dessert made from fruit juice,

rod and engage the meat so that it turns as champagne or fortified wine, frozen then
the rod is turned giving even cooking on all mixed with Italian meringue
sides. The term often includes the spoon An implement with a shallow, oval or

supporting structure and the mechanism for round bowl at one end of a handle,
turning the spit. constructed of metal, plastic, ceramic, wood
spitchcock A split eel, grilled or fried

or other natural materials or a combination of

spit-roast, to To roast meat whilst it is being these. Wooden spoons are often used in
spit-roast, to

turned on a spit mixing and stirring so as not to leave

spitskool Netherlands Chinese cabbage
scratches on the container. Spoons used for
spleen A soft red pulpy organ near the
eating are either small (around 5 ml
stomach of an animal which is used for capacity) called teaspoons, medium (around
recycling the iron from dead or damaged red 10 ml capacity) called dessert spoons or
blood cells. Used in offal-based dishes or for large (around 15 ml capacity) called
stuffings. tablespoons. Larger ones may be used for
split almonds Blanched and dehusked
split almonds
serving. The Chinese ceramic spoon is
almonds split into their two halves around 20 ml capacity. See also measuring
spoon, slotted spoon, ladle
split pea Dehusked dried peas split into two
split pea

spoon bread United States Batter bread

spoon bread

equal hemispheres along the natural dividing

spore The inactive form of a bacterium which

split tin loaf England A bread loaf baked in a
split tin loaf
is very resistant to heat or chemical
tin in which the top of the dough has been treatment. It will, however, start to grow and
cut along the centre to allow outward divide again, given the appropriate
expansion as the dough rises and more crust environmental conditions.
sport coconut Makapuno
sport coconut

sposi Italy A small soft cream cheese

spoileensmall Ireland A joint of meat


spot prawn Canada The most important

spot prawn

spongada Italy A type of sherbet made with


stiffly beaten egg whites prawn, Pandalus platyceros, found on the

sponge cake A light chemical or air raised
sponge cake
west coast of Canada
spotted dick England A steamed pudding
spotted dick

cake generally made by the creaming or

whisking methods. Varieties include made from a sweetened, egg-enriched suet
Genoese or Victoria sponge. pastry mix with dried vine fruits and a raising
sponge finger biscuits See sponge fingers
sponge finger biscuits
agent cooked in a pudding basin or cloth for
several hours and served with cream or
sponge fingers Thin fingers of sponge made
sponge fingers

English custard. An alternative uses fresh

from creamed egg yolks and caster sugar (3
breadcrumbs, self-raising flour, shredded
per 100 g of sugar) mixed with sifted flour
suet, caster sugar and currants in the
equal in weight to the sugar, the stiffly beaten
proportions 4:3:3:2:6, flavoured with grated
egg whites and salt folded in to the mixture
lemon zest and brought together with milk.
progressively and then baked for 12 minutes
Also called spotted dog
at 160°C either in sponge finger tins or after
spotted dog England Spotted dick
spotted dog

piping onto a baking tray

spotted whiting Australia King George whiting
spotted whiting

sponge flan A circular flan case made with a

sponge flan

sprængt oksekød Denmark Corned beef

sprængt oksekød

sponge cake mixture in place of pastry. After

sprag United States A large codfish

baking and cooling, the centre is filled with

fruit, whipped cream, mousse or the like and sprängd Denmark, Sweden Salt-cured e.g. of

decorated. meat

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sprat England, France A small, round-bodied e.g. icing sugar over cakes, grated cheese

member of the herring family, Sprattus over soup or a fish dish, flour over bread or
sprattus, up to 14 cm long and with a bluish- vinegar over a salad. See also drizzle, to
green back. Found on the northeastern spritärter Sweden Green peas

shores of the Atlantic. Baked, fried or grilled. spritsar Sweden Almond butter biscuits

Also called brisling, Swedish anchovy spritz biscuits Biscuits made by piping or
spritz biscuits

spratto Italy Sprat. Also called papalina


squirting a biscuit mixture in zigzag shapes

spray-drying A method of drying solutions of

onto a tray then baking at 175°C until crisp

foods or other soluble materials in liquid by and brown. A typical mixture might be flour,
spraying the liquid into a warm atmosphere butter, sugar, ground nuts and eggs
and collecting the solid powder. Used for (2:2:2:1:1) made by the creaming method.
coffee extracts, milk and egg white. Popular in Holland and Belgium.
spread A semi-solid savoury paste spread on Spritzgebäck Germany Spritz biscuits
spread Spritzgebäck

bread for sandwiches or on toast for sproal Ireland A joint of meat


canapés, also any soft food item which can Sprotten Germany Sprats, whitebait

easily be spread
sprout 1. The initial growth from a seed,

spread, to To smear out a semi-solid food to

spread, to

usually very delicate and crisp, e.g. bean

form a uniform thin layer using a knife or a sprouts 2. See Brussels sprouts
spatula as with butter on bread, whipped
sprout, to To keep seeds, beans or grains in
sprout, to

cream or icing on a cake or a savoury spread

warm damp conditions after soaking in water
on toast
so that they germinate and begin to grow and
spremuto Italy Squeezed, of citrus fruit, etc.

generally convert starch and protein into

spring cabbage An early-season cabbage,
spring cabbage

sugars and plant tissue. Many seeds become

mainly leaf with no heart, planted in the more palatable and digestible after this
autumn, overwintered and harvested in process.
spring. See also spring greens sprouting broccoli Large, very hardy biennial
sprouting broccoli

spring chicken A chicken weighing a round

spring chicken

plants Brassica oleracea Italica Group

1.5 kg and 3 to 4 months old growing to 90 cm, with many flowering
Springerle Germany Aniseed-flavoured

shoots which develop in spring and are

biscuits stamped with various designs before cooked as a vegetable. Both purple and
cooking for the Christmas season white forms are available.
spring-form cake tin A cake tin with a flexible
spring-form cake tin

sprue Thin shoots of asparagus


side which can be tightened around or spruitjes Netherlands Brussels sprouts


loosened from the circular base by means of spruzzare Italy To baste or sprinkle with a

a latch mechanism, thus making the release liquid

of the cooked cake easy
spuma Italy Mousse

spring greens Individual leaves of the

spring greens

spun curd cheese Cheese in which the curd

spun curd cheese

brassicas, especially cabbage, picked early

had been extruded through small holes or
in the season before the plants have hearted
otherwise drawn and kneaded to make
spring lamb Milk-fed lamb between 6 weeks
spring lamb

cheeses like Mozzarella

and 4 months old
spun sugar Sugar syrup cooked to the hard
spun sugar

spring onion A variety of onion, Allium cepa,

spring onion

ball stage (121°C) which is spun or pulled

which initially grows with a long white leek- into fine threads when sufficiently cool and
like stem (up to 1 cm diameter) before used to make cake and dessert decorations
forming a bulb. When young has a mild
spur dog Rock salmon
spur dog

flavour and the whole stem including part of

spurtle Scotland A carved wooden stick used

the green leaves is used in salads, as a

garnish, and in many Chinese dishes. Also in Scotland to stir porridge
squab 1. United Kingdom A young pigeon 2.

called salad onion, shallot

spring roll A thin rectangle of pastry made
spring roll
United States A small single-portion chicken
squab pie England See Devonshire squab pie
squab pie

with eggs instead of water, wrapped securely

squadro Italy Angel fish

around a cylinder of filling and deep-fried

squash The Native American derived name

until crisp and golden. The filling consists of

various mixtures of cooked chopped meat, for various members of the Cucurbitaceae
poultry, shellfish or vegetables. Also called family, a vine crop originating in North
pancake roll America now grown worldwide. See also
spring salmon See chinook salmon
spring salmon
summer squash, winter squash
squash blossom Courgette flowers
squash blossom

sprinkle, to To scatter small or large particles

sprinkle, to

squash melon Tinda

squash melon

or liquid drops over the surface of food as

550 Page 551 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM


squaw corn A soft mealy variety of maize base layered with raspberry jam and the
squaw corn

preferred by Native North and South filling made from butter, caster sugar, beaten
Americans. Also called soft corn, flour corn eggs and ground almonds (4:4:3:1) by the
squid A widely distributed member of the
creaming method and flavoured with almond
cephalopod group of molluscs, genus Loligo, essence. Baked at 180°C for 40 minutes
varying from small to over 60 cm in length with a foil covering placed over the tart as
with a torpedo-shaped body, eight arms and soon as the pastry starts browning.
stag chicken United States An old male
stag chicken

two long tentacles growing from around the

central mouth parts at the rear of the body. It chicken with a good strong flavour
is semi-transparent with a reddish spot but staghorn endive See endive
staghorn endive

can change colour and is opaque when staghorn fungus Bamboo fungus
staghorn fungus

cooked. May be cooked in any way. It has an stagionata Italy Ripe or mature, of cheese

inner shell. See also flying squid, southern

stagione Italy Season, of the year, as in pizza

calamari. Also called inkfish

quattro stagione
squidgy chocolate roll England A fatless,
squidgy chocolate roll

stainless steel A high chromium and nickel

stainless steel

flourless type of Swiss roll made from eggs,

iron alloy which is corrosion-proof and does
caster sugar, milk and cocoa powder
not tarnish. Used for basins and cooking
(8:4:5:1). The egg yolk and sugar are
creamed and mixed with milk and cocoa
stake Laver

powder, the stiffly beaten egg whites folded

staling The process that occurs when foods

in, all baked in a Swiss roll tin at 180°C,

rolled, cooled, filled with whipped cream and such as bread or cooked potatoes are stored.
decorated. It is caused by the crystallization of amylose
squille France Mantis shrimp
in starch gels.
stalker’s pie A type of shepherd’s pie made
stalker’s pie

squirrel A bushy tailed tree climbing rodent of


the family Sciuridae, eaten in many parts of with finely diced cooked venison and
the world. Well known in Cajun cookery, chopped onion bound with gravy, topped
probably the grey squirrel, Sciurus with mashed potatoes and root vegetables,
carolinensis. coated with butter and baked at 200°C,
covered whilst warming through then
squirrel cut A method of preparing fish for
squirrel cut

uncovered to brown the top

frying by cutting at an angle to the vertical in
stallina, alla Italy In the style of the stable, i.e.
stallina, alla

a cross hatch pattern from skin to bone for

whole fish or from fish to skin for fillets so that pasta with bacon and garlic
stambecco Italy Wild goat

it looks like a pine cone. The cuts are opened

stamp and go Caribbean Small pieces of salt
stamp and go

out with the fingers and dusted with corn

flour to prevent them closing up. cod coated in a batter flavoured with chillies,
srikhand South Asia A dessert made from
spring onions and thyme, deep-fried and
drained yoghurt with sugar, nuts and saffron eaten as a hot snack
stampinjong Norway Mushroom

srpska proja Balkans Serbian bread made

srpska proja

stamppot Netherlands Hotpot


from maize flour

standard beef United States A tough grade of
standard beef

stabburpølse Norway Black pudding


stabilizers Food additives used to prevent

beef from low-quality young animals with no
food constituents separating out from a marbling and a bland flavour
standing rib of beef United Kingdom, United
standing rib of beef

mixture. Emulsifiers are usually considered

to be under this classification. States The fore rib of beef, a term used in the
stable emulsion An emulsion which will not
stable emulsion
northwest of England and North America
standing rump United States The top of the
standing rump

separate into its components under the

conditions for which it was made round of beef including the bone. Used for
Stachelbeere Germany Gooseberry
Stangen Germany Long rectangular sweet or

stachys Chinese artichoke


Stachys sieboldii Botanical name Chinese savoury pastries

Stangenkäse Austria A soft cows’ milk cheese

artichoke plant
Staffordshire beef steaks England Slices of
Staffordshire beef steaks
cast in bricks and resembling Tilsit
Stangensellerie Germany Celery

braising steak flattened, dipped in seasoned

stångkorv Sweden A sausage packed with

flour and fried with sliced onion until brown,

simmered in beef stock until the meat is beef, pork, liver, kidney and boiled pearl
tender and finished with walnut ketchup barley. Usually fried.
Staffordshire yeomanry pudding England A stanislas France A cake filled with almond
Staffordshire yeomanry pudding stanislas

double-crust tart made with sugar pastry, the cream

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staple crops

Staphylococcus aureus A food poisoning in fermented foods, e.g. Lactobacillus in milk

bacterium whose toxins are not destroyed by to make yoghurt, Rhizopus oligosporus in
cooking. It is found in meat pies and meat tempeh or the lactic cultures used to replace
products containing salt and in the microorganisms and enzymes lost during
confectionery. The incubation period is 2 to milk pasteurization preparatory to making
6 hours and the duration of the illness 6 to 24 cheese
hours. The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, station waiter A waiter in charge of a certain
station waiter

diarrhoea, and abdominal pain without fever. number of tables in a restaurant

There may be collapse and dehydration in steak 1. England, France A piece or slice of

severe cases. meat or fish up to 2.5 cm thick usually cut

Staphylococcus carnosus Bacteria used as across the muscle fibres and sufficiently
a starter culture for lactic fermentation in tender to be grilled or fried 2. A general name
meat products such as salami and in for lean muscle from animals used for
vegetables such as cucumbers braising, stewing, grilling or frying depending
staple crops Food plants which provide the
staple crops

on the muscle concerned

major source of energy and/or protein for steak and kidney pie United Kingdom Pieces
steak and kidney pie

most of the world’s population. The five most of cheek of beef marinated in red wine,
important are rice, wheat, corn (maize), dried, fried in oil and butter, dusted with
cassava (energy only) and beans. flour, simmered until tender in clarified
star anise The dried fruit of a Chinese tree,
star anise

marinade and beef stock, lightly fried pieces

Illicium verum, which has the appearance of of veal or beef kidney added, poached
an eight-pointed star, each point containing oysters and mushrooms added if required,
one seed. It has a sweetish aniseed/liquorice cooking liquor reduced and all combined in
flavour and is used in Chinese and a bowl and precooked tops (skullcaps) of
Vietnamese cooking. puff pastry placed over. Served piping hot. A
star apple The fruit of a subtropical tree,
star apple

simpler version is made from precooked

Chrysophyllum cainito, about 7.5 cm steak and kidney stew baked quickly
diameter with a white to purple, sticky, between a top and bottom crust of pastry.
inedible skin, a white sweet pulp containing steak and kidney pudding United Kingdom
steak and kidney pudding

inedible black seeds in a star-shaped core A pudding basin lined with suet crust pastry,
rather like an apple core. Eaten on its own or filled with diced stewing beef and kidney,
in fruit salad. onions, seasoning and thickened stock,
starch An odourless and tasteless

covered and sealed with more pastry, vents

polysaccharide which is the principal cut in the top, covered with cooking foil and
carbohydrate store in plant tissues, tubers boiled or steamed for 3 to 3.5 hours. Served
and seeds and is an important constituent of from the basin or, less formally, turned out on
the human, herbivore and omnivore diet a plate.
star fruit See carambola, babaco
star fruit

steak au poivre France Pepper steak

steak au poivre

star gazey pie England A fish pie from

star gazey pie

steak diane Tail end of fillet of beef, batted

steak diane

Cornwall made with whole pilchards cooked out, sautéed in butter, flambéed with brandy
beneath a crust of pastry with their heads and served with a sauce made from pan
poking up through the pastry around the rim juices, sliced mushrooms, Dijon mustard,
of the dish. The pie also contains a sauce double cream and demi-glace
flavoured with onion, bacon, parsley, vinegar steak haché France Hamburger steak
steak haché

or cider and seasoning, which is thickened

steak tartare Chopped (not minced) tail end
steak tartare

with breadcrumbs and eggs.

of fillet of beef, mixed with chopped onions,
starjerska kisela corba Balkans A soup from
starjerska kisela corba

gherkins and capers, shaped on the plate

Slovenia made with pigs’ tails and trotters, like a steak and served with a raw egg in a
vegetables, garlic, seasoning and a little depression on top of the steak. Mixed at the
vinegar and thickened with flour table by the customer and eaten raw.
stark senap Sweden Hot (English) mustard
stark senap

steam, to To cook in the vapour from boiling

steam, to

starna Italy Grey partridge


water. See also steamer, atmospheric

starna di montagna Italy Grouse
starna di montagna

steamer, pressure cooker

star ruby A highly pigmented grapefruit
star ruby

steamboat Southeast Asia An implement for


variety developed by an artificially induced cooking at the table consisting of an annular

mutation using ionizing radiation vessel containing cooking liquor (stock)
starter 1. The first course of a meal 2. A

around a circular chimney at the base of

bacterial or fungal culture used to initiate which is a source of heat. Prepared food is
fermentation, and thus flavour development, cooked by diners using fondue forks, chop

552 Page 553 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

stekt vildand

sticks or wire mesh baskets. Various dips are stegtgås gylat med svedsker Denmark
stegtgås gylat med svedsker

usually supplied and the stock is often Roast goose stuffed with prunes
consumed after all the solid food has been stegt kylling Denmark Braised chicken
stegt kylling

cooked and eaten. See also Mongolian hot stegt svinekam Denmark Roast pork with red
stegt svinekam

pot cabbage
steamed pudding Puddings based on
steamed pudding

Steinbuscher Germany A soft cheese made


sweetened suet pastry or a cake sponge with whole or partially skimmed cows’ milk. It
mixture with additions and flavourings, is brick-shaped and has a smooth buttery
cooked in a pudding basin, in a cloth or in a paste with a few holes. It comes from from
special hinged closed container using either the east of the country and is similar to
steam or boiling water. Usually served with a Romadur. Contains 52% water, 21% fat and
sweet sauce which may be cooked as an 24% protein.
integral part of the pudding.
Steinbutt Germany Turbot

steamed pudding mixture United Kingdom

steamed pudding mixture

Steingut Germany Earthenware


Made from self-raising flour, shredded beef

Steinpilz Germany Cep

suet or softened butter, caster sugar and

stekt Norway, Sweden Fried or roasted

beaten egg (6:3:2:2), the flour, fat and sugar

combined with a little salt, then brought stekt ägg Sweden Fried egg
stekt ägg

together with the beaten egg and sufficient stekt and Sweden Roast duck, usually stuffed
stekt and

milk to produce a soft dropping consistency with apple, prunes and the chopped up liver
steamed rice See absorption method
steamed rice

and heart
steamer A double or triple saucepan with a stekt fläsk med löksås Sweden Fried strips
steamer stekt fläsk med löksås

top lid in which the compartments above the of fresh or salt pork served with onion sauce
bottom pan are perforated so that steam (löksås)
generated at the bottom can circulate stekt gås Sweden Roast goose, the cavity
stekt gås

around the food items in the upper stuffed with parboiled prunes and cored,
compartments peeled and sliced apples sprinkled with
steamer clam Soft-shell clam ground ginger, basted with stock from time to
steamer clam

steam table A stainless steel table or counter

steam table
time and accompanied with jus lié made
with openings to take food containers heated from the defatted pan juices. Served with
by steam or hot water. Used to keep food hot roast potatoes, chestnut purée and red
prior to service. See also bain-marie cabbage.
stekt kalvbräss Sweden Calves’ sweetbreads
stekt kalvbräss

stearic acid One of the main saturated fatty

stearic acid

acids in hard beef and lamb fats, responsible prepared as for kalvbräss-stuvning, sliced,
when esterified with glycerine for the panéed and fried in oil and butter. Served
hardness of the fat with petit pois.
stekt potatis Sweden Fried potato slices
stekt potatis

stearyl tartrate An ester of stearyl alcohol and

stearyl tartrate

stekt rödspätta Sweden Fried plaice usually

stekt rödspätta

tartaric acid with the same uses as sodium

stearoyl-2-lactylate skinned whole, panéed and fried slowly in
stecche, al Italy On a skewer
stecche, al
stekt salt sill med lök Sweden Fried salt
stekt salt sill med lök

stecchi Italy Attereaux


Steckerfisch Germany Fish on a stick

herring which have been soaked, filleted and
coated with flour and toasted breadcrumbs.
steel A tapering rod either of hardened steel

Served with sliced onions which have been

with very small longitudinal sharp edged fried until brown in the butter in which the
grooves, carborundum stone or diamond fish is later fried and the pan residues
dust coated metal, used to put a sharp edge deglazed with thin cream. A traditional
on knife blades. The knife blade is stroked Monday lunch.
across and down the steel at an angle of
stekt salt sill papper Sweden Filleted salt
stekt salt sill papper

about 45° or less on either side removing a

small amount of metal from the edge. After herrings soaked, dried and baked or fried en
papillote with the usual additions (butter, dill,
considerable sharpening on a steel a knife
parsley, chives, etc.)
needs to be reground professionally.
stekt sjötunga Sweden Fried sole usually
stekt sjötunga

steel-cut oatmeal See pinhead oatmeal

steel-cut oatmeal

prepared as stekt rödspätta

steep, to To macerate
steep, to

stekt vildand Sweden Wild duck usually pot-

stekt vildand

steer A castrated male of the bovine species,


roasted for 45 minutes with soured cream

2 to 4 years old and milk after seasoning and browning the
steg Denmark Steak

bird and its liver. Served with a jus lié made

stegt Denmark Roasted. Also called stægt

from the roux thickened cooking liquor

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finished with double cream and a little stew, to To simmer meat and poultry with
stew, to

blackcurrant jelly. cooking liquor and vegetables in a heavy pan

Stellaria media Botanical name Chickweed with a tight fitting lid or to cook fruit in water
stellette Italy Very small pasta stars used in

until soft, possibly with the addition of a

soup. Also called stelline sweetening agent
Stewart cheese Scotland A mild cheese
Stewart cheese

stellina odorosa Italy Sweet woodruff

stellina odorosa

stelline Italy Stellette

which comes in both a white and a blue
variety. The white is saltier than the blue and
stem ginger Peeled ginger rhizome,
stem ginger

is an acquired taste.
macerated and preserved in a sugar syrup to
stewed fruit Fruit simmered in sweetened
stewed fruit

give a soft translucent confection

water until soft
stem lettuce United States Celtuce
stem lettuce

stick bean See runner bean

stick bean

Stephanie Cremetorte Austria An over-the-

Stephanie Cremetorte

sticking piece England Clod (of beef)

sticking piece

top sweet dessert invented for Crown

sticky bun United Kingdom A sweet yeast-
sticky bun

Princess Stephanie who complained of the

‘coarseness’ of Viennese cooking, consisting raised bun often flavoured with cinnamon
of chocolate and hazelnuts plus layers of and coated with a soft icing
sticky rice See glutinous rice
sticky rice

raspberry, hazelnut and chocolate cream

stifado Greece A stew based on meat, poultry,

Stepnoi Russia Steppe


octopus or squid with oil, onions, garlic,

Stepnoj Steppe

tomatoes, shallots, wine, wine vinegar, herbs

Stepnoy Steppe

and seasoning
Steppe A strong-flavoured cows’ milk cheese

stiff dough United States A very stiff mixture

stiff dough

similar to Tilsit and sometimes flavoured with of 2 parts flour to one part water. The exact
caraway made in Germany, Austria, proportions depend on the flour used.
Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. Also called stiffen, to To briefly cook flesh in water or fat
stiffen, to

Stepnoi, Stepnoj, Steppen, Stepnoy until it stiffens but is not coloured

Steppen Steppe

stifle United States A salt pork and vegetable


sterilize, to To heat food to between 115 and

sterilize, to

stew from New England

140°C depending on the type of food and the Stilton England An uncooked curd, blue-

time at the high temperature. This kills all veined, semi-soft cows’ milk cheese with a
pathogenic organisms and most creamy yellow paste made only in
microorganisms and spores. See also ultra- Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire
heat treated and Rutland. The blue variety is inoculated
sterilized cream Tinned cream sterilized at
sterilized cream

with Penicillium roquefortii spores and the

about 120°C. It has a slight caramel flavour edges of the cheese are hand-rubbed to
and cannot be whipped. exclude air, slow down development and give
sterilized milk Milk heated to 120°C for a few
sterilized milk

the characteristic hard greyish-brown rind.

minutes or to just over 100°C for 20 to 30 The cheeses are needled after 10 weeks to
minutes and aseptically sealed in a narrow encourage veining and may be sold after 12
necked bottle with a crown cork. This weeks. Often sold in small earthenware pots
process kills all pathogenic and most other and prized as a dessert cheese.
microorganisms and spores and the milk will Stilton pears England A starter made from
Stilton pears

keep for 1 to 2 years. The milk is off white in cored but not skinned Comice pears stuffed
colour and has a characteristic caramel, with a mixture of Stilton and curd cheese,
boiled milk taste which is not to everyone’s refrigerated, halved and fanned on individual
liking. plates, covered in seasoned mayonnaise
sterlet A small and very rare sturgeon,
thinned with oil and lemon juice and
Acipenser ruthenus, found in the Volga river flavoured with mustard
stinco Italy Shank of veal

and Caspian Sea and famed for its golden

caviar, the caviar of the Tsar. The fish, which stinging nettle See nettle
stinging nettle

is ugly and eel-like, is served baked with stink bean Parkia

stink bean

vegetables. Stint Germany Smelt, the fish


sterlyad Russia Sterlet


stir, to To agitate a liquid, semi-solid, or

stir, to

steur Netherlands Sturgeon


powder mixture with a spoon or spatula to

stew A mixture of meat, usually tough and cut

bring to a uniform consistency or a liquid

into small pieces, cooked slowly with mixture to prevent sticking or burning during
vegetables, cooking liquor and flavourings on heating
top of the heat source until tender, a process stirabout 1. An oatmeal or maize porridge

which can take many hours made with water or milk, originally from

554 Page 555 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

stove, to

Ireland 2. England Chopped or small whole during the Christmas season. Also called
fruits mixed with a coating consistency batter Christollen
enriched with sugar and butter and baked stomna kebab Bulgaria A lamb stew with
stomna kebab

for about 30 minutes at 220°C butter, tomatoes, spring onions, herbs and
stir-fry, to To cook small thin pieces of meat seasonings, thickened with flour and cooked
stir-fry, to

or vegetables very rapidly using hot oil in a in an earthenware pot

wok by continuously moving them and stone The hard central seed of fruits such as

turning them over. Used extensively in cherry, peach, mango, plum, olive, etc.,
preparing Chinese food. usually with a hard woody shell enclosing a
stivaletti Italy Small pasta shapes (NOTE:
soft kernel. Also called pit
stone, to To remove the central stone from a
stone, to

Literally ‘small boots’.)

stoccafisso Italy Stockfish
fruit. Also called pit, to, destone, to
stone crab United States A large edible crab,
stone crab

stock Water flavoured with extracts from


herbs, spices, vegetables and/or bones by Menippe mercenaria, with very large claws,
long simmering from the coast of Florida
stone cream England A very old
stone cream

stock cube A mixture of salt, MSG, vegetable

stock cube

and/or meat extracts and various flavourings Buckinghamshire dish which is a gelatine-
pressed into soft crumbly cubes or blocks stabilised mixture of milk combined with
each individually wrapped. One stock cube lightly whipped cream and egg whites,
will usually make 0.4 litres (0.75 pints) of sweetened with vanilla sugar and poured
stock. The salt and fat content and their before setting into glasses with jam on the
flavour make them unsuitable for the finest base. Approximately equal quantities of milk
cooking. See also bouillon. Also called and cream are used and gelatine is required
bouillon cube at the rate of 40 to 50 g per litre of liquid.
stoneground flour Flour which has been
stoneground flour

Stockfisch Germany Stockfish


ground between a stationary and a rotating

stockfish Air-dried cod from Norway which is

stone as opposed to rollers which are used to

very popular in Italy. Requires prolonged grind most flour nowadays. The slight
soaking in water. frictional heating modifies the flavour of the
stock pot A large cylindrical vessel with a
stock pot

draw off tap between 2 and 5 cm from the stone plover Plover
stone plover

base in which stock is prepared and into stoneware Coarse ceramic dishes, pots and

which all the suitable trimmings of a jugs etc. which are often only glazed on the
professional kitchen together with the usual inside
stock ingredients are put, and stock drawn
stör Sweden Sturgeon

off as required. It is usually kept simmering

Stör Germany Sturgeon

all the time and cleaned out and replenished

storage temperatures Recommended
storage temperatures

on a regular basis.
storage temperatures for food are
stock syrup A basic sugar solution with many
stock syrup

precooked, –3°C for up to 5 days; chilled,

uses containing 0.3 kg of granulated sugar
less than 5°C; eggs in shell, –10 to-16°C for
and 0.1 kg of glucose per litre of water. Often
up to 1 month; bakery produce, –18 to –
0.4 kg of granulated sugar with no glucose is
40°C, blanched vegetables, less than –18°C;
used, but it may tend to cause crystallization.
apples and pears, –1 to +4°C
stodge Heavy starchy solid food such as

store A designated room, cupboard,


overcooked stews, suet puddings and the refrigerator or freezer where foods are kept in
like (colloquial) their purchased or partially processed
stoemp Belgium A dish similar to colcannon

condition prior to use

made with mashed potatoes and vegetables Störe Germany Sturgeon

stoke Laver

store to To keep foods and articles for future

store to

Stokenchurch pie
Stokenchurch pie

England A use, either in a dry store, vegetable store,

Buckinghamshire baked pie filled with refrigerator or freezer
minced meat in a sauce mixed with storione Italy Sturgeon

macaroni stortini Italy Small pasta crescents used in


stokkfisk Norway Stockfish


Stollen Germany A sweetened enriched yeast stove, to Scotland A Scottish term dating from
Stollen stove, to

dough rolled in a rectangle, filled with dried the 17th century derived from the French
vine fruits, nuts and sometimes marzipan, étouffer, meaning to cook in a closed pot,
folded or rolled, baked, brushed with molten generally in the oven at around 150°C, e.g.
butter and dredged with icing sugar. Eaten stoved chicken

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stoved chicken

stoved chicken Scotland A dish of chicken diarrhoea and kidney failure. The incubation
stoved chicken

pieces sealed and casseroled in a closed pot period is 3 to 4 days. Common in the USA,
with bacon, potatoes, onions, thyme, and has occurred in Europe, Africa, Australia
seasoning and chicken stock at 150°C in the and Japan. The organism is killed by a
oven temperature of 70°C for 2 minutes.
stovies Scotland Boiled potatoes (colloquial) strainer General name for colander, sieve or
stovies strainer

stoviglie Italy Earthenware

straining bag A cloth bag used to filter liquids
straining bag

straccetti Italy Thin slices


Strandkohl Germany Sea kale


Stracchino Italy A soft cows’ milk cheese from


Strandkrabbe Germany Shore crab


the north cultured with Streptococcus

strangolapreti Italy Small dumplings similar

thermophilus, coagulated with rennet, the

curd then heated to 80°C for 6 to 10 hours in to strozzapreti and for the same purpose, i.e.
square 20 cm moulds, salted in brine and to strangle, figuratively, the priest. There are
matured for 7 to 10 days. Also called many local spellings all beginning with
crescenza (NOTE: Originally made in the strang- for what was obviously a widespread
autumn from the milk of cows’ brought down problem.
from Alpine pasture, from stracche meaning strapazzato Italy Scrambled, e.g. of eggs

‘tired’) strasbourgeoise, à la France In the

strasbourgeoise, à la

Stracchino di Gorgonzola Italy The original

Stracchino di Gorgonzola

Strasbourg style, i.e. cooked with sauerkraut,

Gorgonzola made from an evening’s and the bacon and foie gras
following morning’s milking of cows being Strasburg sausage Australia A manufactured
Strasburg sausage

brought down from mountain pasture and slicing sausage rather like garlic sausage
resting at the town of Gorgonzola. The strascinati Italy Baked ravioli with sauce

evening curd which cooled overnight was Strassburger Truffelleberwurst Germany A

Strassburger Truffelleberwurst

mixed with the next morning’s curd and gave liver sausage flavoured with truffles
a heterogeneous mixture which encouraged
stravecchio Italy Very old, mature. Used of

mould growth.
cheese or other food items which might
stracciata Italy Chiffonade of e.g. lettuce

improve with age.

stracciate Italy A flat cake

strawberries Romanoff United States

strawberries Romanoff

stracciatella Italy A beef or chicken broth into


Strawberries steeped in an orange-flavoured

which a mixture of beaten eggs, semolina liqueur and served with crème chantilly
and grated Parmesan is whisked to give solid strawberry The sweet, flavoursome and

ragged-looking strands decorative fruit of a ground-creeping

stracciato Italy Scrambled, of eggs

perennial plant, Fragaria x ananasa,

stracci di antrodoco Italy Pancakes layered
stracci di antrodoco

generally conical, up to 5 cm long and

with cheese, meat and vegetables consisting of a cluster of small fleshy
Strachur haddock Scotland Finnan haddock globules, each of which has a single seed on
Strachur haddock

poached for 4 minutes then skinned, the outer surface, around a central fleshy
deboned and flaked, placed in a buttered stem, with the remains of the calyx at the
ovenproof dish, covered with double cream, broad end. Eaten on their own with cream
peppered, baked for 10 minutes at 180°C and possibly caster sugar or in made-up
then flashed under the grill (NOTE: After the desserts, tarts, cakes and jams. See also wild
Scottish village of Strachur, which lies on the strawberry, alpine strawberry
eastern shore of Loch Fyne, in the Firth of strawberry beets United States Very small
strawberry beets

Clyde) beetroots used for pickling or in salads

stracotto Italy A very slowly cooked pot roast strawberry guava A smaller and sweeter
stracotto strawberry guava

or meat stew version of the guava, Psidium cattleianum,

straight neck squash A summer squash
straight neck squash

from Brazil with small reddish-purple fruit.

common in the US Also called cattley
strain, to To pass a mixture of solid particles strawberry shortcake United States A large
strain, to strawberry shortcake

and liquid through a strainer, colander, sieve, scone-like cake split whilst warm, buttered
chinois, muslin cloth, etc. to separate the and made into a sandwich with whipped
solid and liquid either of which may be the cream and sliced strawberries as a filling
desired product straw chips See straw potatoes
straw chips

strain 0157:H7 A strain of the gut bacteria, straw mushroom A globular, stemless edible
strain 0157:H7 straw mushroom

Escherichia coli, found in hamburger-type mushroom, Volvariella volvacea, grown on

minced beef which has picked up toxin- beds of straw in China. Available canned, but
producing genes from Shigella. These toxins not dried, for use in Chinese and Japanese
can destroy gut and kidney cells, leading to dishes. It is fawn when young but becomes

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grey-black and gelatinous as it matures. Also and weighs up to 2.5 kg. The flesh is white
called grass mushroom, yellow mushroom, and flaky and it may be cooked in any way.
paddy straw mushroom Also called rockfish
straw potatoes Well-washed and drained striped bream A small seawater bream,
straw potatoes striped bream

julienne potatoes deep-fried at 185°C until Lithognathus mormyrus, with transverse

golden brown and crisp, drained and lightly dark grey stripes on a silvery background
salted and used as a garnish for grilled meat. striped mullet United States A species of
striped mullet

Also called pommes pailles, straw chips mullet, Mugil cephalus, with longitudinal
straws See cheese straws

lines of dark grey on a silvery grey

streaky bacon Bacon from the rib cage and
streaky bacon

strip loin 1. Australia The fillet steak usually of
strip loin

belly of the pig which when sliced shows

alternate strips of lean and fat. Often used to lamb or pork, i.e. the longitudinal muscle
line terrines and pâté dishes. that runs along the backbone between the
Streckrübe Germany Swede

inside of the ribs and the vertebrae. Usually

Streichwurst Germany The generic name for
sold as the long muscle. 2. United States The
any paste-like spreading sausage round longitudinal muscle from the back of
Streptococcus A genus of bacteria used for the beef equivalent to the eye of a lamb loin,
the production of lactic acid in the boneless and trimmed and usually cut in
manufacture of cheese and sauerkraut. steaks
strip steak United States A beef steak cut
strip steak

Some of the species are pathogenic.

Streptococcus lactis ssp. cremoris One of from a boneless short loin and sirloin after
the microorganisms used in the starter the fillet has been removed. Popular in New
cultures for soured cream, buttermilk and York.
stroganoff See beef Stroganoff, bef stroganov

English cheeses
Streptococcus lactis ssp. diacetilicos As strömming Sweden High-quality herring and

S. lactis ssp. cremoris. sprats found only in the Baltic and

Streptococcus lactis ssp. lactis As S. lactis commanding a premium price
ssp. cremoris. strömming à la Operakällaren Sweden
strömming à la Operakällaren

Streptococcus thermophilus One of the Cleaned and rinsed herrings and sprats with
microorganisms used in starter cultures for fins and tails removed, salted, marinated in a
yoghurt and continental cheeses mixture of whipped egg and double cream
Stretford black pudding England Black
Stretford black pudding

(2:5) for at least an hour, removed, coated in

pudding flavoured with ground marjoram, wholemeal flour and shallow-fried in butter
mint and pennyroyal until well browned. Served with a simple
streusel United States A mixture of flour or parsley and lemon wedge garnish.

breadcrumbs with sugar, butter and spices strömmingslada Sweden Young herrings

used as a crumble topping on baked goods filleted kipper-style (from the back), bones
streusel cake A slightly sweet yeasted cake removed as far as possible, seasoned,
streusel cake

with a crumble topping of sugar flavoured placed in a buttered baking dish and
with cinnamon or mixed spice from Central gratinated with grated Parmesan cheese and
and Northern Europe breadcrumbs in the oven until browned
Streuselkuchen Germany Streusel cake strong flour Flour of any type made from a
Streuselkuchen strong flour

string bean 1. United States French bean 2.

string bean
hard wheat, usually containing between 11
United Kingdom Runner bean and 12% protein which is mostly gluten.
string cheese United States A cows’ milk
string cheese
Used mainly for bread and puff and choux
cheese similar to Mozzarella which pastry.
stroop Netherlands Syrup or molasses

originated in Armenia and Georgia and is

strozzapreti Italy Flour- and egg-based

shaped as a small cylinder. Sometimes

flavoured with caraway. Also called braid dumplings or gnocchi flavoured with
cheese spinach, basil, nutmeg and grated cheese,
string hoppers Sri Lanka A thin pouring appa
string hoppers
poached and served with a tomato sauce
batter poured into hot fat through a moving (NOTE: Literally ‘choke the priest’, allegedly to
funnel to give long threads of cooked dough. fill up the priest when he called on his
Also called hoppers parishioners.)
struccoli Italy Sweet pastry rolls filled with

striped bass A medium-oily seawater fish,

striped bass

Morone saxatilus and Roccus saxatilus, fruit or cream cheese

strudel, Strudel Austria, Italy A generic name

which spawns in fresh water and is found off

the coasts of North America. It has a deep for a rectangle of strudel pastry spread with a
olive-green body with longitudinal stripes sweet or savoury filling, layered or rolled up

557 Page 558 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

strudel pastry

like a Swiss roll and, after further proving and return to spawn, are the source of caviar
egg-washing, baked at 190°C for which may amount to 22 kg from a single
approximately 1 hour fish. There are about 24 species but the
strudel pastry A wafer-thin pastry common in
strudel pastry
important ones in order of size are the sterlet
Austria and Hungary but originating in the and the sevruga, osciotre, common and
Middle East and brought to Europe in the beluga sturgeon.
Ottoman invasions of the 15th century. Made stuvad Sweden Creamed

from strong white bread flour, beaten egg, stuvad kalvbräss Sweden Kalvbräss-stuvning
stuvad kalvbräss

melted butter (4:1:1), vinegar and salt, all stuvas potatis Sweden Diced potatoes,
stuvas potatis

mixed to a silky dough, rested, rolled out and sweated in butter, boiled with minimum milk
stretched until thin, then layered to build up and salt until tender, seasoning adjusted and
thickness. Other formulations omit the flavoured with chopped herbs
vinegar and include milk, sugar and lemon stuvet Denmark Creamed

zest and use yeast to raise the dough as in

stuvet oksekød Denmark Stewed beef
stuvet oksekød

bread dough production. See also filo pastry

stuvning Sweden Stew

struffoli Italy A pasty filled with cooked sliced


su 1. Japan Rice vinegar 2. Turkey Water


sua Vietnam Milk

strutto Italy Lard


sua bhati South Asia Dill seed

sua bhati

Stück Germany 1. Steak 2. A piece


suacia Italy Scald, the fish


stucolo Italy A north Italian version of strudel,


su-age Japan Deep-frying of food without any


usually layered rather than rolled

stud, to To insert small items such as cloves,
stud, to
suan China Preliminary boiling of large cuts of

sprigs of herbs or slivers of garlic or the like

regularly at intervals over the surface of a meat prior to other forms of cooking
food item such as an onion or a joint of meat. suan la tang China Hot and sour soup from
suan la tang

Also called piqué, to Canton

stuet Norway Creamed suan mei jiang China Hoisin sauce
stuet suan mei jiang

stufatino Italy Stufato suan niu nai China Yoghurt

stufatino suan niu nai

stufato Italy Beef braised in red wine with suave Mexico Mildly and subtly flavoured
stufato suave

onions, tomatoes, celery, garlic and ham. sub United States Hoagie

Also called stufatino sub gum geung China Chow chow preserve
sub gum geung

stuff, to To fill the central abdominal cavity of

stuff, to

submarine United States Hoagie


animals or fish or of hollowed out vegetables

subo benachin West Africa A stew from
subo benachin

or fruit with a sweet or savoury stuffing or

Gambia made with beef, lamb or fish
together with onions, chillies, tomatoes, rice
stuffau Italy A beef stew from Sardinia. See

and seasoning
also ghisau
subrics France Croquettes sautéed without

stuffed derma Kishka

stuffed derma

being panéed or coated

stuffed olive A green preserved olive which
stuffed olive

subtilisin A protease obtained from various


has been destoned and the central cavity Bacillus strains of bacteria, used for flavour
filled with a small piece of anchovy, a piece production from soya bean and milk protein
of sweet red pepper, a caper or the like (casein)
stuffing A sweet or savoury mixture or

succari orange Egypt A variety of acidless

succari orange

forcemeat used to fill the cavity of animals, orange with a highly adhering skin and a
fish or hollowed out vegetables or of fruits large number of seeds, very sweet but
prior to cooking. See also forcemeat without the familiar orange flavour
stump England A northern vegetable purée

succinic acid See E363

succinic acid

made from a combination of carrots, swedes

succo Italy Juice

and potatoes mashed with milk, butter and

succory Belgian chicory

succotash United States A Native North

sturgeon A medium to large anadromous fish


found in the rivers that flow into the Caspian American dish taken over and adapted by
Sea, Black Sea, the western Pacific and the the Pilgrim Fathers, consisting of cooked
eastern Atlantic oceans. It has a firm white to lima beans and sweetcorn kernels heated
pink flesh which may be baked, fried, grilled together with cream and seasoning. Often
or smoked. They have armour-plated bodies served at Thanksgiving.
succu tundu Italy Fregula
succu tundu

and an elongated snout with a dark grey-

suck cream England A Cornish dessert made
suck cream

green back. The females, which are caught

in the estuaries of the rivers to which they from cream and egg yolks (2 yolks per litre)

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sugar cooking

which are mixed with lemon juice and zest suet crust pastry See suet pastry
suet crust pastry

and sugar to taste and heated over a double suet pastry Self-raising flour and shredded
suet pastry

boiler until thick. The mixture is then poured beef suet (2:1) with a little salt brought
into glasses and eaten cold with long pieces together with water, kneaded slightly and
of toast off which it is sucked. rested. Also called suet crust pastry
sucker United States Various freshwater

suet pudding United Kingdom A traditional

suet pudding

fishes of the Catostomidae family, with a pudding made from chopped or granulated
thick-lipped mouth adapted for sucking, suet, breadcrumbs, flour, sugar, eggs, milk
most with sweet white flesh and flavourings, steamed or boiled in a
suckling A young unweaned animal

covered pudding basin and served with a

suckling pig, sucking pig A small unweaned sweet sauce
suckling pig

baby pig 3 to 6 weeks old which is usually sufed kaddu South Asia Wax gourd
sufed kaddu

roasted suffle Italy Soufflé


suco Portugal Juice


Suffolk ham England Ham cured in beer and

Suffolk ham

suco de laranja Portugal Orange juice

suco de laranja

sugar or molasses. It has a deep golden skin

sucre Catalonia, France Sugar and a rich red-brown meat with a blue

sucré(e) France Sweetened or sweet (as

Suffolk sausage England A meaty pork
Suffolk sausage

opposed to savoury)
sucre cristallisé France Granulated or caster
sucre cristallisé
sausage flavoured with herbs
suffritu Italy Soffrito calabrese

sugar. See also sucre en poudre, sucre

semoule sugar The sweet-tasting water-soluble

sucre d’orge France Barley sugar

sucre d’orge

monosaccharides and disaccharides

sucre en morceaux France Lump or cube
sucre en morceaux

crystallized from plant juices (sucrose,

sugar fructose) or obtained, usually as syrups, by
sucre en poudre France Castor sugar
sucre en poudre
breaking down starch (glucose, maltose).
sucre filé France Spun sugar
sucre filé
See also jaggery, palm sugar, brown sugar,
lump sugar
sucre glace France Icing sugar
sucre glace

sugar apple Sweet sop

sugar apple

sucre semoule France Granulated sugar

sucre semoule

sugar batter biscuit method A method of

sugar batter biscuit method

sucrose A disaccharide composed of a


making biscuits, e.g. langues de chat, by

glucose and a fructose unit which is the
creaming butter and sugar, mixing in eggs to
normal commercial variety found in cane
form a stable emulsion, then blending in the
and beet sugar
dry ingredients
sucuk Turkey Sausage flavoured with garlic

sugar beet A variety of beet, Beta vulgaris,

sugar beet

and herbs
whose roots when mature contain a high
sudachi Japan A small citrus fruit, Citrus

concentration of sucrose which is extracted

sudachi, similar to kabosu but only about one using water and crystallized from the solution
third of its weight. Used in the same way.
sugar cane The thick bamboo-like canes of a
sugar cane

sudako Japan Octopus pickled in vinegar


tropical grass, Saccharum officinarum,

Sudanese pepper A dried and ground hot
Sudanese pepper

about 2 m long by 4 to 5 cm diameter

chilli pepper from the Middle East Sometimes sold in pieces as a sweet for
sudare Japan Makisu

children to chew, but usually chopped and

sudulunu Sri Lanka Garlic crushed to a give a liquid from which sucrose

suduru Sri Lanka Cumin

is crystallized
sugar cooking The process of modifying
sugar cooking

suédoise France A dessert of sugared fruit


and jelly sugar (pure granulated sucrose) by

suédoise, sauce France Mayonnaise mixed
suédoise, sauce
dissolving it in a little water then heating it
with apple purée and grated horseradish without stirring to various temperatures to
produce various non-crystalline
suen China Bamboo shoots

consistencies until finally there is

suen tau China Garlic
suen tau

caramelization which changes its flavour and

suer, faire France To sweat
suer, faire

chemical composition. The stages are: small

suero Spain Whey

thread (103°C), large thread (107°C), soft

suet The hard fat surrounding kidneys which

ball (115°C), hard ball (121°C), hard crack

has very good cooking properties. Used for (157°C), and caramel (182°C). With practice
suet pastry and puddings and in sweet these stages can be judged by the behaviour
mincemeat fillings. Commercial suet is of the sugar between the fingers or when
granulated and coated with up to 15% flour dropped into cold water or on a cold plate. In
or starch to prevent sticking. the USA the stages recognized are thread

559 Page 560 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

sugar crust pastry

(110°C), soft ball (112°C), firm ball (118°C), sugna Italy Lard

soft crack (132°C), hard crack (149°C) and sugo Italy Gravy, juice, sauce

caramel (154 to 170°C). The differences sugo, al Italy Served with any sauce
sugo, al

may be due to differences in the sugar. In

sugo di carne Italy Meat gravy
sugo di carne

France and Europe generally, the density of

suif France Mutton fat or suet

the sugar water mixture in °Be is often used

suiker Netherlands Sugar

but is rather inconvenient. Many names for

suimono Japan A delicate clear soup served

the various stages exist and the above are not

exclusive. Also called sugar boiling in a fine lacquered bowl with traditionally
sugar crust pastry United States Sugar pastry
sugar crust pastry
three additional ingredients, a few pieces of
fish, shellfish or chicken, a few decorative
sugared almond A large Spanish almond
sugared almond

vegetables, mushrooms or pieces of

coated with a layer of amorphous coloured seaweed and a piquant or fragrant addition
and flavoured sugar. Also called Jordan such as ginger juice, lemon peel or yuzu.
almond Often accompanied by sashimi.
sugar loaf A brick- or cone-shaped mass of
sugar loaf

suino Italy Pig, pork


refined sugar made by pouring wet sugar

suisse France An unsalted soft fresh cheese

crystals into moulds to dry. Sugar used to be

made from cows’ milk enriched with cream.
sold in this form.
The mixture is curdled with a small quantity
sugar loaf chicory A green leaved chicory,
sugar loaf chicory

of rennet and left to stand for 1 to 2 days. The

Cichorium intybus, which forms a conical soft curd is then collected and packed into
head rather like cos lettuce. The leaves may 60 g pots for immediate consumption.
be harvested separately or the whole head Served with fruit, desserts, etc. See also
cut when mature. The inner leaves are petit-suisse, demi-suisse
naturally blanched and are less bitter than suji South Asia Semolina

the outer leaves.

suka Philippines A low acidity (1 to 3% acetic

sugar lump See cube sugar

sugar lump

acid) vinegar with a pleasant aroma made

sugar maple tree A variety of maple, Acer
sugar maple tree

from coconut sap

saccharum, found in North America. The sukade Netherlands Candied peel

spring sap obtained by boring a hole in the sukat Norway Candied lemon peel

trunk contains 1% to 4% saccharose and is

sukha bhoona South Asia Sautéing in Indian
sukha bhoona

used to prepare maple syrup and maple

cooking. See also bhoona
sukiyaki Japan Very thin slices of beef fried at

sugar orange See acidless orange

sugar orange

the table in oil, soya sauce, rice wine, sugar

sugar palm A large palm tree, Arenga
sugar palm

and water added followed by squares of

saccharifera or A. pinnata, which grows to bean curd and sliced vegetables, the whole
over 15 m. The sugary sap is obtained by cooked for a few minutes, then taken by
beating the feathery immature male flower guests, dipped in beaten raw egg followed by
spike for 14 days, then as soon as the flowers a dipping sauce and eaten with rice (NOTE:
open the spike is cut off at the base of the Literally ‘broiled on a ploughshare’.)
flowers and the sap collected. The beating sukiyakinabe Japan A shallow iron pan used

and slicing off of a little more of the flower for cooking sukiyaki
stem continues until the flow of sap stops.
sukker Denmark, Norway Sugar

sugar pastry Pastry made from soft flour,

sugar pastry

sukkererter Norway Petit pois, sugar peas


butter, eggs and sugar (8:5:2:2) with a little

sukkerkavring Norway Sweet biscuit

salt using the creaming or rubbing in

suklaa Finland Chocolate

method. Used for flans and fruit tartlets. Also

suklaakuorrute Finland Chocolate icing

called sugar crust pastry

sukuma wiki East Africa A Kenyan dish made
sukuma wiki

sugar pea Mangetout

sugar pea

by simmering left-over chunks of cooked

sugar-snap pea Mangetout
sugar-snap pea

meat with onions, tomatoes and sweet

sugar sorghum Sweet sorghum
sugar sorghum

peppers and a large amount of green leaf

sugar substitutes See artificial sweeteners
sugar substitutes

vegetable (NOTE: Literally ‘push the weak’,

sugar syrup A solution of sugar in water. See i.e. for the time when there is nothing better
sugar syrup

also syrup, light syrup to eat.)

Sulperknochen Germany Pickled pork boiled

sugar thermometer A thermometer used to

sugar thermometer

measure the temperature of boiling sugar with sauerkraut

sulphites Salts of sulphurous acid which is

syrups, usually calibrated from 50 to 200°C,

sometimes marked with the stages of sugar formed when sulphur dioxide is dissolved in
cooking excess water, used as food preservative.

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sunflower seeds

Common in the food industry are sodium chilled. When firm the pudding is
sulphite E221 and calcium sulphite E226. demoulded onto a plate and garnished as
sulphur dioxide E220, a pungent and
sulphur dioxide
summer purslane A half-hardy low-growing
summer purslane

irritating gas which dissolves in water to form

sulphurous acid or its salts the sulphites, plant, Portulaca oleracea, with slightly
hydrogen sulphites and metabisulphites, all succulent leaves used in salads or as a
of which liberate the gas in solution. It is one vegetable. There are two varieties, green
of the most common preservatives used in leaved with the better flavour and the yellow
foods. or garden type which looks better in salads.
sulphuric acid See E513
sulphuric acid

The leaves may be cut regularly during the

sultanas Dried seedless white grapes kept
summer. Also called pigweed, portulaca,
light-coloured by treatment with sulphur common purslane, green purslane
summer sausage United States The general
summer sausage

sultanina Italy Sultana
term for keeping sausages made with cured
pork and beef, similar to cervelat. Sometimes
Sultanine Germany Sultana

dried and smoked.

Suluguni Southwest Asia A Georgian cheese

summer savory An annual herb, Satureja

summer savory

rather like haloumi

hortensis, with a taste like a mixture of
sülün Turkey Pheasant

rosemary and thyme with a hint of pepper. It

-sülze Germany In aspic

has slightly larger and more rounded leaves

Sülzwurst Germany A type of brawn made

than the winter variety and a sparser habit.

with large pieces of cooked pork from the Used in the same way as winter savory.
head and leg, sometimes with sliced summer squash Various fruits of the genus
summer squash

mushrooms, in a wine-flavoured aspic jelly. Cucurbita, which are normally harvested

Usually sliced and served with French when immature before the skin hardens, and
dressing. the whole fruit used as a vegetable. The most
sumac England, France The dried red berries

common is the vegetable marrow, the

of a Middle Eastern bush, Rhus coriaria, juvenile version of which is the courgette.
containing several small brown seeds with a Examples of USA squashes are crookneck,
sour flavour. Commonly used in Middle straight neck, scallop or patty pan, cocozelle,
Eastern cooking. beinz and vegetable spaghetti.
Sumach Germany Sumac

sumo domoda West Africa A meat or fish stew

sumo domoda

suman Philippines Glutinous rice or other from Gambia containing fried onions, tomato

starchy material possibly mixed with coconut purée, peanut butter, chillies and seasoning
cream and sweetened, wrapped in young Sumpfmyrte Germany Bog myrtle

banana leaves, boiled and served with grated su mui jeong China Plum sauce
su mui jeong

coconut as a dessert
sunberry 1. Wonderberry 2. A hybrid

sumibiyaki Japan Charcoal grilling. Often


blackberry of the genus Rubus

done at the table, especially in ryotei.
sunchoke United States Jerusalem artichoke

summer flounder United States A large

summer flounder

sundae An elaborate decorated dessert made


flatfish, Paralichthys dentatus, related to

plaice but up to 1 m long with a dark grey to with ice cream, whipped cream, fruit or
brown spotted skin, found all along the east chocolate sauces and chopped nuts
sunflower A tender annual, Helianthus

coast of North America. It is mainly caught in

summer when it moves to shallow waters. annuus, which grows up to 3 m high with a
The flesh is firm, white and non-oily and may large yellow daisy type of flower. The seeds
be cooked in any way. Also called northern are a major source of vegetable oil and are
fluke often eaten raw or roasted especially as a
summer melon Fuzzy melon
summer melon
snack. The flower buds may be steamed and
served like globe artichokes.
summer pudding United Kingdom A
summer pudding

sunflower (seed) oil One of the commonest

sunflower oil

uncooked pudding of soft fruits and bread

made from a sauce of sieved raspberries, European vegetable oils extracted from
icing sugar and liqueur, which after warming sunflower seeds. Suitable for all culinary
slightly is mixed with a variety of soft fruits. uses and used to make margarine. Can be
White crustless bread soaked in the juice heated to high temperatures without
from this mixture is used to line a mould, the burning.
sunflower seeds The seeds of the sunflower,
sunflower seeds

fruits are packed into the lined mould which

is covered with more sauce-soaked bread eaten raw or roasted as a snack or used in
and the whole left under pressure and salads

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sunfruit A citrus hybrid grown in Swaziland cooked in water for about two hours. Meat, if

which is very similar to the New Zealand used, is first fried in palm oil, as is the onion
grapefruit and sweet pepper. Also called kanjadaa
sung kha ya Thailand An egg custard made sup iz syra i kartofelya Russia A potato and
sung kha ya sup iz syra i kartofelya

with sweetened coconut milk flavoured with cheese soup from Moldavia made from
jasmine essence or orange-flower water and chopped onions and carrots sautéed in
baked in the shells of young coconuts butter until golden, simmered with chopped
sunnyside up United States Describes a fried
sunnyside up
potatoes, seasoning, paprika, cayenne
egg with the yolk uppermost on a plate, pepper and parsley in chicken stock,
which has not been turned over in the frying puréed, consistency adjusted and hard
pan to set the yolk ewes’ milk cheese (Brynza, Ektori or
sunomono Japan A variety of salad-type
equivalent, 50 to 100 g per litre) dissolved in
dishes (poultry, seafood, vegetables, etc.) over a low heat
sup iz yogurta Russia A cold soup made from
sup iz yogurta

dressed with variously flavoured vinegar-

based sauces and served either in tiny Greek-style yoghurt and soda water (2:1),
portions as an appetizer or as a separate dish seasoned and flavoured with chopped
or course in a meal tarragon and dill. Chopped walnuts, dried
sunset yellow FCF A synthetic yellow food
sunset yellow FCF
apricots or other ingredients may be added.
supparod Thailand Pineapple

colouring. See also E110

sun tsui China Sweet pepper suppe Denmark, Norway Soup
sun tsui suppe

suola Finland Salt Suppe Germany Soup

suola Suppe

suomalainen lammamuhennos Finland A Suppenbrühe Germany Stock

suomalainen lammamuhennos Suppenbrühe

mutton stew with potatoes, onions, carrots supper Either a light meal or snack taken after

and turnips (NOTE: Literally ‘Finnish lamb the main evening meal before retiring or an
stew’.) alternative name for the main evening meal
suomolaisleipä Finland Yeasted bread (NOTE:

supper herrings Wales Filleted herrings

supper herrings

Literally ‘Finnish bread’.) spread with mustard and rolled up. The
suong Vietnam Chop or rib of meat

herring rolls are placed on a layered bed of

sup Russia Soup sliced potatoes, sliced onions and sliced

supa kangya West Africa A Gambian dish of

supa kangya
apples in that order, covered with more
fried fish and onions simmered in stock with sliced potatoes, butter and seasoning and
tomato purée, garlic, spinach, okra and palm the dish half filled with cider then covered
oil and baked at 180°C for 45 minutes,
supa khlebova Eastern Europe A Ukrainian
supa khlebova
uncovered and browned for a further 30
black bread soup made from mixed minutes. Also called swper sgadan
suppli Italy Croquettes made from a mixture of

vegetables e.g. carrot, leek, celery, onion,

parsnip and broad beans, a little stale black boiled risotto rice mixed with butter,
bread and beef stock, simmered until tender, Parmesan, eggs and pepper wrapped
puréed, seasoned, thickened with egg yolk around a filling of ham and cheese or tomato
and finished with 10% buttermilk and 10% and chicken liver, panéed and deep-fried.
milk. Served with croûtons fried in bacon fat. Eaten as a snack.
suprême The best or most delicate cut. See

super chill storage Storage of food at –5°C

super chill storage

superfine olive oil The second cold pressing

superfine olive oil
also suprême de volaille
suprême, sauce England, France A velouté
suprême, sauce

(higher pressure) of the olives with a 1.5%

maximum oleic acid content sauce made from chicken stock flavoured
superfine sugar United States Icing sugar
superfine sugar
with mushroom trimmings, strained,
superfino Italy The finest grade of rice with
reboiled, a liaison added to the sauce off the
large long grains, of which arborio is the well- heat and finished with lemon juice
Suprême des Ducs France A soft surface-
Suprême des Ducs

known example. It requires 18 minutes

cooking time and is used for the best-quality ripened cheese made from whole cows’ milk
risotto. and cast in small ovals. The smooth creamy
superglycinerated fat Fat with only one or
superglycinerated fat
paste becomes stronger tasting as it ages.
suprême de volaille France The breast and
suprême de volaille

two, as opposed to the normal three, fatty

acid residues per molecule of glycerol. They wing to the first joint from one side of a
are good emulsifiers. chicken, turkey or other bird
suprême of fish A piece of fish cut diagonally
suprême of fish

superkanja West Africa A soup/stew from the


Gambia made with meat, palm oil, onion, from a fillet of fish
sweet red pepper, chilli pepper, smoked or supuya papai East Africa A soup from
supuya papai

dried fish, fresh fish, greens and okra, all Tanzania made by sweating onions and

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unripe papaya in butter, then boiling with süri rüewe France Smoked blade bone and
süri rüewe

stock until tender knuckle of beef stewed with turnips and

suquet Catalonia A fish and seafood stew with onions in white wine (NOTE: From the Alsace

saffron, wine, tomatoes and potatoes region of France)

suquet de peix Catalonia The traditional fish surkål Norway, Sweden Sauerkraut
suquet de peix surkål

dish of Catalonia made with a variety of very suro Italy Horse mackerel

fresh fish, fried and served in a sauce of Surrey lamb pie England Trimmed lamb or
Surrey lamb pie

onions, garlic and parsley sweated in olive oil mutton chops, dipped in seasoned flour and
together with tomatoes, sweet peppers and browned in butter, arranged in a pie dish with
potatoes sliced onions and lamb kidneys, flavoured
sur 1. Norway Milk several months old 2.

with rosemary, just covered with lamb stock

Norway, Sweden Sour which has been used to deglaze the frying
suram Elephant’s foot pan and covered with a thick layer of sliced

surati panir South Asia A white cheese

surati panir
mushrooms brushed with butter. Baked in a
produced in Gujarat from buffalo milk. It 180°C oven. It can be topped with pastry if
develops a sharp pungent flavour as it is desired.
surstek Sweden Sirloin, marinated for 5 to 10

matured in whey.
surface-ripened cheese Cheeses ripened by
surface-ripened cheese

days in red wine, vinegar and oil with

the growth of moulds (Camembert or Brie chopped sweated shallots, thyme, cloves,
types) or bacteria (Pont l’Evêque or Munster bay, crushed peppercorns and juniper
types) on the surface of the cheese berries, sugar and salt. It is then dried,
surf clam Southeast Asia, United States A
surf clam
larded, seasoned, browned and roasted at a
very abundant clam, Spisula solidissima, up low temperature until tender. (NOTE: Literally
to 15 cm across, found in deep water off the ‘sour roast’.)
surströmming Sweden Fermented Baltic

eastern coasts. It is triangular in shape with

dark brown zigzag markings on a yellowish herring (strömming) from the north of
shell. The flesh is usually cooked in other Sweden
made-up dishes. Also called bar clam, surtidos Spain An assortment

eastern surf clam sushi Japan Small rolls of cooked rice


surf ’n’ turf United States Seafood and meat

surf ’n’ turf

flavoured with rice vinegar, sugar and salt,

served together topped with a variety of sliced or shaved raw
surgelato Italy Deep-frozen

seafood, pieces of sweet omelette or

surgelé(e) France Deep-frozen
shredded vegetables, wrapped in nori and
sur grädde Sweden Sour cream
sur grädde
sliced, or alternatively moulded to form a
suribachi Japan A serrated porcelain mortar
decorative bite-sized package. Served with
with a wooden pestle (surikogi). Traditionally wasabi, beni-shoga and a soya sauce dip.
used for puréeing miso and vegetables and See also sushi meshi, chirashi-zushi, fukusa-
for grinding seeds, The serrated ribs prevent zushi, maki-sushi, nigiri-zushi, oshi-zushi
the seeds moving around. (NOTE: Sushi was invented to fulfil the same
need as the sandwich, i.e. for keen gamblers
surikogi Japan A wooden pestle used with a

who wished to eat whilst playing.)

ceramic mortar (suribachi)
sushi meshi Japan The rice used in sushi
sushi meshi

surimi 1. Japan Minced fish 2. Processed


made by cooking short-grain rice in water

white fish flavoured and coloured, used for
with kombu, draining, removing the kombu
making imitation crab sticks and fish cakes
and tossing with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt
and sugar whilst still hot. Prepared as
surimi-ika Japan See ika no surimi

surimi soup Japan An unthickened fish soup
surimi soup

sushi-su Japan Seasoned rice wine vinegar


based on fish stock simmered with surimi, for sushi

sliced mushrooms and cucumber and
sushoga Japan Pink-coloured, wafer-thin

finished with soya sauce and chopped celery

slices of pickled ginger rhizome used as an
accompaniment to Japanese dishes
Surinam amaranth See amaranth 1
Surinam amaranth

especially sushi
Surinam cherry The fruit of a shrub, Eugenia
Surinam cherry

susina damaschina Italy Damson

susina damaschina

uniflora, of the myrtle family which grows in

susine Italy Plums

tropical or subtropical areas. The fruit is like

susino selvatico Italy Bullace, the fruit
susino selvatico

a large red, turning to black, cherry with eight

susis North Africa Morrocan dried sausage

clefts starting at the stem end. The red flesh

süss Germany Sweet

is soft and juicy and may be eaten raw or

Süssespiesen Germany Sweet desserts

cooked. Also called jambos

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Sussex bacon pudding

Sussex bacon pudding England Bacon, sütlaç Turkey Rice pudding made on top of
Sussex bacon pudding sütlaç

wholewheat flour, finely chopped onion and the stove and served with ice cream
shredded suet (4:2:2:1) mixed with chopped suya West Africa Nigerian kebabs made with

herbs and seasoning with 4 tbsp of baking cubes of beef, chicken or veal. The meat is
powder per kg of flour, all brought together marinaded in and thoroughly coated with a
with beaten eggs and a little milk if necessary spice mixture made with ground roasted
to a soft dropping consistency and steamed peanuts, cayenne pepper, paprika, salt and
in a covered pudding basin for 90 minutes other dried flavourings according to the
Sussex churdles England Shortcrust pasties
Sussex churdles

vendor’s taste. Cooked on a spit over an open

with a liver, bacon, onion and mushroom fire or in a hot oven. The meat is often
filling which has been fried in lard alternated on the skewer with pieces of
Sussex dumpling England A dumpling made
Sussex dumpling

onion, sweet pepper and/or tomato.

only of flour, salt and water. Also called hard suyo Japan A variety of Japanese cucumber

dumpling, Sussex swimmer Suzette See crêpes Suzette


Sussex heavies England Scones

Sussex heavies

suzuki Japan Sea bass


Sussex plum heavies England A cake made

Sussex plum heavies

svamp Sweden Mushrooms. Also called


from self-raising flour, butter, currants and champinjoner

caster sugar (8:6:3:1). One third of the butter
svampfylld kalkon Sweden Turkey, seasoned
svampfylld kalkon

is rubbed into the flour and currants to make

a dough, which is rolled into a rectangle and and rubbed with lemon, stuffed with cold
creamed mushrooms (svampstuvning) mixed
the remaining butter is used to make two
three-fold turns (see puff pastry). This is with the chopped heart and liver plus butter,
formed into a cake shape, glazed with milk barded with bacon and roasted whilst
and baked at 200°C for 30 minutes. basting with water. Served with jus rôti and
redcurrant jelly.
Sussex pond pudding A suet pudding made
Sussex pond pudding


by lining a pudding basin with suet pastry Sweden Creamed

and filling with brown sugar, currants and mushrooms made from seasoned and
butter with a pricked lemon in the centre, chopped onions and mushrooms sweated in
covering the top with pastry and foil, boiling butter, to which flour is added, cooked and
for 3 hours and turning out on a plate, when followed by cream, then all boiled for about
a pond is formed around the pudding 20 minutes
svariati Italy Assorted, varied

Sussex shepherd’s pie England Chump

Sussex shepherd’s pie

svarta vinbär Sweden Black currant

svarta vinbär

chops of lamb are seasoned and floured

then laid on a bed of chopped onion and svartsoppa Sweden A very elaborate soup

lentils in a casserole dish, packed with small garnished with slices of apple and prunes
peeled potatoes, sprinkled with flour and boiled in water, goose liver sausage and
brown sugar and covered with stock. The giblets, served at the goose feast on the 11th
dish (with lid) is then put in an oven at 160°C of November. It is made from a strained veal
for 3 hours with the lid removed for the last and goose giblet stock, thickened with flour,
20 minutes to brown the potatoes. cooked out and removed from the heat to
Sussex swimmer England See Sussex
Sussex swimmer

which 20% of strained goose blood is added

dumpling, swimmers with vigorous stirring whilst the soup is
Sussex tartlets England Single-crust tarts
Sussex tartlets
brought back to boiling point. It is again
made with shortcrust pastry which is filled removed from the heat and 3% red wine, 2%
with grated apple mixed with lightly beaten Madeira, 1% brandy and 1% sugar syrup (all
eggs, lemon zest and juice, caster sugar and percentages on original stock) added plus
cinnamon. Baked at 190°C for 15 to 20 water from cooking the apples and prunes.
minutes. The whole is seasoned and flavoured with
cinnamon, ginger and cloves. The flavour
Süssholz Germany Liquorice

improves with ageing up to 24 hours.

Süssigkeiten Germany Sweet desserts

Sveciaost Sweden A hard cows’ milk cheese


süss-sauer Germany Sweet-and-sour


made in very large blocks and varying in

susumber 1. Pea aubergine 2. Drumstick pod

taste from mild to strong depending on

süt Turkey Milk maturity. It has a few medium-sized holes.

svedsker Denmark Prunes


su tang China A rectangle of gluten dough

su tang

rolled up like a Swiss roll then cut across in Svenbo Denmark A semi-hard cooked-curd

slices and cooked in stir-fried and braised cows’ milk cheese with a mild flavour and a
dishes few large holes. Contains 43% water, 25% fat
sutari South Asia Rice bean

and 24% protein.

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sweet corn

Svensk panna Sweden Slices of veal and pork Swedish sauce Mayonnaise mixed with apple
Svensk panna Swedish sauce

fillet and calf’s kidney blanched, refreshed purée and grated horseradish served with
and boiled in stock with a bouquet garni and cold meats, etc.
sliced onions until half-cooked. Sliced Swedish turnip Swede
Swedish turnip

potatoes are added and all cooked until just sweet One of the four fundamental tastes,

done. (NOTE: Literally ‘Swedish pot’.) sweet, sour, bitter and dry. See also sweets
svestkové knedliky Czech Republic A plum
svestkové knedliky

sweet almond Almond

sweet almond

dumpling formed round a prune, possibly

sweet-and-sour A method of cooking or

with cottage cheese

preserving food in a mixture of vinegar and
svieza desra Russia A highly prized pork and
svieza desra

beef sausage
sweet-and-sour pork A typical Chinese dish
sweet-and-sour pork

svin Denmark Pig


served in Europe of floured pork, deep-fried

svinekjøtt Norway Pork

and served in sweet-and-sour sauce possibly

svinekød Denmark Pork

mixed with stir-fried vegetables and fruit

svinekotelett Norway Pork chop

sweet-and-sour sauce A corn flour

sweet-and-sour sauce

svine kotelette Denmark Pork chops

svine kotelette

thickened sauce based on vinegar and sugar

svine mørbrad Denmark Pork fillet with soya sauce, flavourings and rice wine or
svine mørbrad

svinestek Norway Roast pork

sherry, possibly with the addition of white
svinina Russia Pork
stock, chopped pineapple and vegetables
sweet anise United States Florence fennel
sweet anise

svinoe filye Russia Pork loin

svinoe filye

sweet apple Sweet sop

sweet apple

svisker Norway Prunes


sweet basil See basil

sweet basil

sviskon Sweden Prunes


sweet bay See bay

sweet bay

swäbischer Kalbsvogel Germany Paupiettes

swäbischer Kalbsvogel

sweet bean paste A thick brown sauce made

sweet bean paste

of veal filled with veal forcemeat and bacon,

braised on a mirepoix with stock and white from ground fermented soya beans mixed
wine. Served with the reduced cooking liquor with sugar and brine. Popular in Taiwan as a
mixed with capers and chopped anchovies. condiment or seasoning.
Swaledale England A semi-soft, creamy and sweetbreads The pancreas and thymus
Swaledale sweetbreads

moist cheese matured for 3 weeks to give it a glands from beef cattle, calves and lambs.
mild distinctive flavour. It is made from whole Usually prepared by washing, blanching,
Jersey cows’ milk in Swaledale, Yorkshire. refreshing and trimming then braising with
swamp cabbage A relative of the sweet
swamp cabbage

stock on a bed of roots until tender. Served

potato, Ipomoea aquatica and I. reptans, with some of the cooking liquor.
which grows in water, hence the botanical sweet brier Rose
sweet brier

name. Grown for its delicate leaves and sweet cherry The dessert cherry, Prunus
sweet cherry

stems which are used as a vegetable and avium, used for eating raw or cooking and
eaten raw in salads. Originated in Africa but varying in colour from pale yellow to deep red
now grown in Australia, USA and Southeast sweet chestnut See chestnut
sweet chestnut

Asia. Also called water spinach, Chinese

sweet cicely A hardy herbaceous perennial,
sweet cicely

water spinach, swamp spinach, water

convolvulus Myrrhis odorata, with feathery leaves and
long (up to 20 mm) ridged black seeds. The
swamp spinach Swamp cabbage
swamp spinach

leaves have a pleasant myrrh-like scent and

Swatow mustard cabbage See daai gaai
Swatow mustard cabbage

flavour with a hint of aniseed. Both the

choy unripe and ripe seeds have a stronger
sweat, to To cook without colouring in fat over
sweat, to

aniseed flavour. Unripe seeds may be used

a low heat in a pan with a tightly fitting lid in salads, ripe seeds as a spice. The leaves
swede The large swollen spinning-top shaped

may be added to soups, stews, or used to

root of a brassica Brassica napus flavour omelettes, salad dressing and
(Napobrassica Group), with purple skin and cabbage. Also called myrrh
dense yellow flesh weighing up to 1.5 kg. sweet clover Melilot
sweet clover

Used as a vegetable in the same way as sweet corn A variety of maize, Zea mays
sweet corn

carrots and turnips and also as animal feed. saccharata, with a higher proportion of
Also called Swedish turnip sugars in the maturing kernels. Usually
Swedish anchovies See brisling, sprat
Swedish anchovies

boiled or roasted and eaten directly from the

Swedish blood sausage Sweden A black
Swedish blood sausage

cob after being buttered and salted. The

pudding made with pig’s blood, rye meal and kernels are often sold separately either
raisins canned or frozen. Unscrupulous suppliers
Swedish hash Pytt i panna
Swedish hash

will often sell maize cobs, Zea mays, which

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sweet cream butter

are less sweet and more chewy. Also called in Italian cooking and with lamb, chicken
corn on the cob and oily fish. Since it has a delicate flavour
sweet cream butter United States Unsalted
sweet cream butter

which is destroyed by cooking it should be

butter containing at least 80% butterfat added at the last moment. See also
sweet crust pastry Flan pastry
sweet crust pastry
marjoram. Also called knotted marjoram
sweet melon

sweet cumin Fennel seed

sweet cumin

sweet melon See melon

sweet cure A quick curing fluid containing a
sweet cure sweet milk

sweet milk United States Cows’ milk

high proportion of sugar sweet nim

sweet nim Leaves of a bush similar in

sweeten, to To add sugar or artificial
sweeten, to

appearance to bay but smaller and thinner

sweetener to a dish sweet orange

sweet flag Calamus

sweet flag sweet orange The common orange of
commerce, Citrus sinensis, with an easily
sweet gale Bog myrtle
sweet gale

removed skin, and an excellent, sometimes

sweet granadilla The fruit of a variety of
sweet granadilla

slightly acid, flavour and few or no seeds.

passion flower, Passiflora ligularis, which has Classified in four groups, Navel, Common
a typical orange-coloured passion fruit skin (e.g. Valencia), Pigmented (blood orange)
enclosing a loose packet of grey seeds in a and Acidless. It has been cultivated in
gelatinous pulp, which taste rather like a southern China for several thousand years
sweet gooseberry. Also called orange passion and was first grown in the Mediterranean
fruit around 1450. Modern varieties were
sweetgrass buffalo and beer pie Canada A
sweetgrass buffalo and beer pie

introduced by the Portuguese. Also called

stew of buffalo meat with vegetables, sago, orange
herbs, spices, beer and seasoning, cooked sweet pepper

sweet pepper The fruit of an annual bush

then put in a pie dish, covered with pastry
Capsicum annuum Grossum Group which is
and baked (NOTE: From Alberta)
green when unripe and passes through
sweet haggis Scotland A slow-cooked
sweet haggis

yellow to red as it becomes riper. Some can

pudding from Kilmarnock made from a be purple or brown. They are generally about
mixture of medium oatmeal, finely chopped 8 – 15 cm long, 6 – 10 cm in diameter,
suet, flour, soft brown sugar, currants and possible tapering with a fleshy outer covered
raisins (3:3:1:1:1:1), with salt, pepper and with a tough shiny skin and with small seeds
sufficient water. It is then steamed in a in the mainly hollow interior. Known by their
covered pudding basin for 3 to 4 hours. colour (i.e. green, red peppers) or as paprika
Served as a dessert in slices, but may be or bell peppers. Their flavour is due to the
fried with bacon. compound capsaicin which is an irritant in
sweetheart melon A type of canteloupe
sweetheart melon

high concentrations. Also called Spanish

melon with a bright scarlet flesh pepper
sweetie Middle East A pummelo/grapefruit
sweet pickle

sweet pickle See chutney

cross extensively grown in Israel. It has a sweet pickled pork

greenish thick rind, a high sugar content and sweet pickled pork England A leg or hand of
low acidity. As it matures, the rind becomes pork pickled in a mixture of equal volumes of
yellow orange and it is marketed as golden beer and stout which have been boiled with
sweetie. 150 g of coarse salt, 150 g of bay salt and 25
sweet laurel See bay
sweet laurel
g of saltpetre per litre. The boiling pickle is
sweet lime A low acid rather insipid lime,
sweet lime
poured over the pork, which is then turned in
Citrus limettiodes. It has a smooth yellow rind the pickle every day for 2 weeks.
sweet potato

with a distinctive aroma and a tender flesh sweet potato A starchy tuber similar to an
with a few seeds. Popular in India and the elongated potato which grows on a tender
Middle East. Also called Indian sweet lime, perennial, Ipomoea batatus, with trailing
Palestine sweet lime stems usually grown as an annual in tropical
sweet maragan Scotland Flour, oatmeal,
sweet maragan
and subtropical climates (24 to 26°C). It has
finely chopped suet, sugar and raisins a white to purple skin and a dense white to
(4:4:2:1:1) mixed with a little chopped onion orange flesh with a sweetish perfumed taste.
and seasoning and brought together with Used as a staple food and cooked like
minimum water. Packed in a cloth lined potatoes. The leaves may also be eaten as
pudding basin, covered and steamed for 2 to spinach. Also called kumara, Louisiana yam,
3 hours. Served hot or sliced and fried. yam, yellow yam
sweet potato pastry

sweet marjoram A herb, Origanum majorana, sweet potato pastry England Cooked
sweet marjoram

with aromatic grey-green leaves from the potatoes, flour and butter (16:4:1) mashed
Mediterranean and western Asia now grown together with 2 tsp of muscovado sugar per
in France, Chile, Peru and California. Used kg of potatoes and kneaded until smooth

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sword bean

swells Canned foods where the can bulges

sweet red bean paste swells

sweet red bean paste Japan Boiled adzuki

beans mashed into a paste with oil and sugar because of the gas produced by internal
and cooked until fairly thick and dry. Used in bacterial action. These are always discarded.
cakes and desserts. See also koshi-an, swimmers England A Norfolk dish of suet and

tsubushi-an self-raising flour dumplings flavoured with

sweet rocket

sweet rocket A hardy biennial cottage flower, chopped chives and cooked on top of soups
Hesperis matronalis, with white to purple or stews (colloquial) Also called Sussex
four-petalled flowers, now a wild garden swimmers
swimming crab A small crab, Macropipus
swimming crab

escape. The young leaves are more bitter

than rocket but may be used sparingly in puber, to 10 cm across found in the
salads. Mediterranean and Atlantic. Eaten in France.
swirl, to To mix one liquid with another or a
swirl, to

sweets 1. Confections based mainly on

flavoured sugar, caramel and chocolate with soluble solid in a liquid by a gentle circular,
sometimes butter, cream and/or milk. Made figure-of-eight or to-and-fro motion
Swiss bun A plain white yeast-raised dough
Swiss bun

in small individual bite-sized pieces as

comfort food. 2. A common name for shaped into a long soft roll (up to 15 cm),
desserts, puddings, etc. being a variety of cooled and covered with glacé icing
Swiss chard A variety of beet, Beta vulgaris
Swiss chard

fruit, cake, pastry, sugar, eggs and cream

confections served at or near the end of a Cicla Group, grown for its dark crinkly glossy
meal, before the cheese in the UK and after leaves with thick white or red stems which
the cheese in France grow in a cluster from the base. The leaves
sweet sake
and stems are generally cooked as separate
sweet sake Mirin
sweet sop
vegetables usually by steaming. Common in
sweet sop A type of custard apple from a tree, the Mediterranean countries and similar to
Anona squamosa, cultivated in the tropics. It spinach. Also called chard, silver beet, white
is about 5 to 7.5 cm in diameter with a green beet, leaf beet, seakale beet
scaly skin and a white flesh with the texture Swiss cheese United States A hard cooked-
Swiss cheese

of thick custard containing embedded black curd cows’ milk cheese made in large
inedible seeds. Eaten raw or in made-up cylinders or blocks (up to 100 kg) to
dishes and drinks. Also called sugar apple, resemble Emmental. The starter culture
sweet apple, scaly custard apple contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus,
sweet sorghum

sweet sorghum A variety of sorghum, Streptococcus thermophilus and

Sorghum vulgare var. saccharatum, which is Propionibacter shermanii and the milk is
grown for the sugary sap pressed from the curdled with rennet. The pressed curd is
stems especially in the USA. This is brined, stored at high temperature and
evaporated to make sorghum syrup which is humidity for 3 to 6 weeks and ripened at low
like a thin and slightly acidic molasses. Also temperatures for 4 to 12 months.
Swiss fondue Fondue
Swiss fondue

called sugar sorghum

Swiss meringue Meringue suisse
sweet soya sauce Swiss meringue

sweet soya sauce A dark soya sauce

Swiss omelette Eierhaber
Swiss omelette

sweetened with sugar and maltose which

gives it a malty taste. Used extensively in the Swiss roll A Genoese sponge baked in a
Swiss roll

eastern coastal provinces of China. shallow rectangular tray about 1.5 cm final
sweet vinegar

sweet vinegar China A dark mild rice vinegar thickness on greased paper, turned out onto
containing sugar and caramel and flavoured sugared paper, spread with jam and rolled
with cassia and star anise. Used in relatively up whilst still hot leaving the paper to hold its
large quantities in braised meat dishes. shape until cooled. If to be filled with cream,
sweet violet first rolled hot then unrolled to fill. May be
sweet violet The most highly scented of the eaten cold as a cake or hot with a suitable
violets Viola odorata, is a hardy, spreading, sweet sauce.
perennial growing to 15 cm. The flowers are
Swiss steak United States 1. Rump steak,
Swiss steak

crystallized for use as a decoration and also

seasoned and stewed with onions, tomatoes,
used to flavour syrups and vinegar.
sweetwater grape
sweet peppers and possibly garlic and
sweetwater grape Dessert grape flavoured with herbs and spices 2. Round
sweet woodruff

sweet woodruff A white flowered herb, steak tenderized by breaking down the fibres
Galium odoratum, with the scent of new mechanically with a mallet faced with many
mown hay found growing wild in woodland. points at the same time forcing flour and
Used to flavour some wines, apple juice, seasoning into the meat then treating as (1)
sword bean A perennial legume, Canavalia
sword bean

liqueurs and German white beer as well as

the young German wine known as Maibowle. gladiata, similar to the jack bean but with

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curved pods and pink to brown seeds. Used Syrecky Czech Republic A strong cows’ milk

both for the ripe beans, which should be cheese similar to Handkäse. See also
boiled, and for the green pods. Also called Olomoucké syrecky
sabre bean syringe A piston and cylinder with provision

for attaching piping nozzles, used in cake


swordfish A seawater fish, Xiphias gladius,

which grows to 3 m long with a snout or decorating where the paste or cream is too
sword one third its length. It can weigh up to thick for a piping bag
syrniki Russia Curd cheese fritters

100 kg and travel at 100 km per hour. It has

a dryish firm pink flesh usually sold in steaks syrup A concentrated solution of sugar

and grilled or fried especially in (sucrose or sucrose with a third its weight of
Mediterranean countries. May be smoked glucose) in water used as an ingredient in
and served as smoked salmon. many sweet dishes and drinks.
swper sgadan

swper sgadan Wales Supper herrings Concentrations can be measured in

syau °Beaumé, kg of sugar per litre of solution or
syau Nepal Apple kg of sugar per litre of water, the last named
Sydney rock oyster

Sydney rock oyster Australia A comparatively being the most convenient. In these last
cheap and popular variety of farmed oyster, units, a light syrup has between 0.1 and 0.4
Saccostrea commercialis kg, a medium syrup between 0.4 and 0.8 kg
and a heavy syrup between 0.8 and 3.0 kg of
Sydney salad

Sydney salad Australia Mixed green leaves

(mesclun), smoked game meats and sugar per litre of water. Stock syrup has 0.4
croutons of mountain bread, seasoned with kg of sugar per litre of water.
syrup pudding United Kingdom 1. A roly-poly
syrup pudding

salt and lemon myrtle powder and dressed

with wild lime and oil vinaigrette pudding sweetened with golden syrup. Also

syllabub England An old English dessert called syrup roly-poly 2. A pudding made
originally either the froth from a whisked from the basic steamed pudding mixture
mixture of cream, wine, sugar and lemon poured into a greased basin whose base has
zest, or a frothy mixture of milk with wine, been covered with golden syrup
syrup roly-poly United Kingdom Syrup
syrup roly-poly

cider or ale and sugar, spices and spirits.

Nowadays made by mixing whisked egg pudding
syrup sauce Stock syrup and lemon juice,
syrup sauce

whites with sweetened whipped cream

flavoured with lemon juice and wine or thickened with corn flour or arrowroot,
spirits. Also called sillabub cooked out and strained

sylt Sweden Jam Syzygium malaccensis Botanical name

syltede rødbeder Rose apple
syltede rødbeder Denmark Pickled beetroot Szechuan China A province of China. Also


syltetøj Denmark Jam called Sichuan (NOTE: The two names are

syltetøy Norway Jam interchanged at random)

Szechuanese cooking The style of cooking
Szechuanese cooking

syltlök Sweden Button onion

from the Chinese province of Szechuan,
Symphytum officinale Botanical name which is in the west next to the Tibetan
border. It is renowned for its peasant-based
symposium The second part of a formal meal hot and spicy dishes with a strong emphasis
in ancient Greece given over to drinking and on preserved foods.
entertainment. See also deipnon Szechuan pepper Anise pepper
Szechuan pepper

synthetic fats

synthetic fats E471, E472(a to e), E473, sze gwa China Angled loofah
sze gwa

E474, E475 and E477, various esters of fatty székelygulyás Hungary A seasoned pork

acids all derived from natural products for stew with onions fried in lard, sauerkraut and
use in place of natural fats and oils in baked flavoured with caraway, garlic, paprika and
goods, desserts, etc. to improve their chopped dill. Served with soured cream.
keeping qualities and to soften and stabilize szynka sznurowana Poland A hard-smoked
szynka sznurowana

them ham sausage available throughout the


syr Russia Cheese country

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taai goo choy China Chinese flat cabbage table water See carbonated water
taai goo choy table water

ta’amia Egypt Soaked and cooked chickpeas tablier de sapeur France Panéed pieces of
ta’amia tablier de sapeur

or broad beans minced, mixed with water, tripe, fried or grilled and served with snail
egg, seasoning, turmeric, ground cumin, butter (NOTE: Literally ‘sapper’s apron’.)
cayenne pepper, chopped garlic and tabouleh Middle East A salad made with fine

coriander leaves, breadcrumbs and tahini or bulgur which has been well washed and
olive oil to form a soft but firm paste, formed drained, mixed with peeled and chopped
into 2 to 3 cm balls and shallow-fried until tomatoes, cucumber, sweet green pepper
golden brown. Traditionally a Coptic Lenten and onion, chopped mint and parsley,
dish but now served throughout the Middle seasoned then dressed with olive oil and
East. See also falafel lemon juice. Eaten with lettuce or pitta
taapke Nepal Frying pan

bread. Also called tabbouleh, tabbuli

taart Netherlands Layer cake, fancy cake

tacchina Italy Turkey hen


Tabasco sauce A hot, red-coloured sauce

Tabasco sauce

taccula Italy Blackbirds trussed and


made from particular red chillies grown in defeathered but not drawn, wrapped in
Louisiana, USA, ground with vinegar and myrtle leaves and braised
matured for 3 years in oak barrels taco Mexico A small tortilla either fried crisp

tabbouleh Middle East Tabouleh


and eaten immediately or cooked like a

tabbuli Middle East Tabouleh

pancake, rolled around a stuffing and eaten

tabil North Africa A Tunisian mixture of

hot. Served as a snack or a light meal.

coriander seeds, caraway seed, garlic and tadka South Asia A spice-flavoured butter

chilli flakes, dried in a slow oven and ground used in cooking

table cream United States Coffee cream
table cream

taeng ka Thailand Cucumber

taeng ka

table d’hôte England, France A fixed price

table d’hôte

Tafelsenf Germany Common table mustard


menu with a fixed number of courses with

Tafelspitz Austria Top rump or other good cut

possibly some choice of dishes in each

of beef simmered with blanched beef bones,
course. Sometimes supplements for more
aromatic vegetables, bouquet garni, leeks,
expensive dishes are charged.
onion clouté, garlic, tomato and dried ceps.
table queen squash A winter squash
table queen squash

Served with Apfelkren and

common in the USA which varies in colour Schnittlauchsosse.
from pale green to deep orange. It is round
Taffel Austria A semi-hard cooked-curd cows’

with a tough green skin. Also called acorn

milk cheese with a close-textured paste
containing a few holes. Contains 45% water,
table salt A fine-grained, free-flowing salt
table salt

24% fat and 23% protein.

suitable for being dispensed at the table from
Tageskarte Germany Dish of the day

a salt shaker. It is pure sodium chloride with

Tagessuppe Germany Soup of the day

the addition of anti-caking agents, a function

tagine North Africa 1. A slowly simmered stew

which was performed before additives by a

few grains of dry rice. of meat or fish with appropriate vegetables,
tablespoon 1. A standard volume measure,
pulses and fruits, cooked in its own juices in
15 ml in the UK and USA, 18 ml in Australia. an earthenware pot with a conical lid. Almost
Abbreviated to tbsp, sometimes tbspn. 2. A anything can go in a tajine. 2. The pot in
large spoon used for serving food at the which tagine is cooked. Also called tajine
tagliarine Italy Tagliatelle

table, now standardized as a unit of volume

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tagliatelle Italy 5 mm-wide noodles made tajine North Africa 1. A slowly simmered stew
tagliatelle tajine

from an egg-based pasta dough, available of meat or fish with appropriate vegetables,
fresh or dried. Also called tagliarine pulses and fruits, cooked in its own juices in
tagliatelle alla biellese Italy Tagliatelle with
tagliatelle alla biellese
an earthenware pot with a conical lid. Almost
milk or cream, butter and grated Parmesan anything can go in a tajine. 2. The pot in
cheese which tajine is cooked. Also called tagine
tajine barrogog North Africa A lamb tajine
tajine barrogog

tagliatelle della duchessa Italy Tagliatelle

tagliatelle della duchessa

with chicken livers, egg yolk and grated with prunes, flavoured with ginger, onion,
Parmesan cheese parsley, cinnamon, orange blossom water
tagliatelle verde Italy Green tagliatelle made
tagliatelle verde
and honey. It may be garnished with
from egg-based pasta dough coloured with blanched almonds and sesame seeds.
tajine bel hout North Africa A fish tajine
tajine bel hout

spinach purée
tagliato Italy Cut or sliced
containing tomatoes, sweet red pepper,
chillies, ginger and saffron
tagliolini Italy A thin linguine

tajine de lapin North Africa A tajine of rabbit

tajine de lapin

tahari South Asia A dish of rice and peas


with vegetables
flavoured with spices and herbs
tajine de poisson North Africa A tajine of fish,
tajine de poisson

taheena Tahini

usually bream or sardines, with tomatoes

tahina Tahini

and herbs
tahini A thick paste made from ground,

tajine de poulet North Africa A tajine of

tajine de poulet

husked or unhusked white sesame seeds chicken cooked with lemon and olives
mixed with sesame seed oil and of the same tajine de viande North Africa A mutton tajine
tajine de viande

texture as peanut butter. The unhusked with vegetables or prunes

seeds give a darker and more bitter paste.
tajine slaoui North Africa A tajine of
tajine slaoui

Used in savoury dishes and as a constituent

of hummus. In Asia usually made from meatballs with vegetables
take-away 1. A food shop or restaurant which

toasted seeds. Also called taheena, tahini,

sesame butter, sesame seed paste supplies hot food, generally cooked to order,
in containers or wrappings for taking away
tahini salad dressing Tahini paste, lemon
tahini salad dressing

and consuming elsewhere, e.g. fish and

juice and water (2:2:5) mixed until smooth
chips, Indian and Chinese dishes 2. The
tahinyeh Middle East Tahini paste mixed with

general name for the hot package of food

lemon juice, milk, finely chopped parsley, supplied by a take-away
crushed garlic, salt, chilli powder and white
takegushi Japan Bamboo skewers used for

breadcrumbs to form a thick creamy paste

grilling chicken and tofu
and sprinkled with parsley and cumin. May
takenoko Japan Bamboo shoots

be used as a dip or in place of mayonnaise.

takiawase Japan A mixture of firm vegetable

Tahiti lime Persian lime

Tahiti lime

pieces, e.g. potatoes, carrots, courgettes,

taho Philippines Bean curd brains or silk bean

aubergines, each cooked separately in

separate pans until al dente, mixed with fried
tahong Philippines Asian mussel

cubes of tofu and flavoured with a light soya

tahu 1. China Tofu or bean curd 2. Indonesia,

Malaysia Bean curd or bean curd cheese taklia Egypt A spice mix of ground coriander

tahure Philippines Bean curd


fried with either crushed garlic or cumin

tai Japan The prized fish, sea bream e.g.

tako Japan Octopus


Pagrus major used for weddings and other tako-kushisashi Japan Octopus kebabs

celebrations. Sometimes red snapper is ta krai Thailand Lemon grass

ta krai

takuan Japan A pickle made of mooli, air-

taikina Finland Dough, batter, pastry


dried for 2 to 3 weeks, salted and immersed

tail The tails of animals or fish. Of the animal

in rice bran (the nuka-zuke method)

tails only oxtail is commonly used. Pigs’ tails talaba Philippines Oyster

are occasionally used in some cuisines.

talas Indonesia Taro

tail cut The tail end of a fillet from a large

tail cut

talattouri Greece A dip based on finely


round fish
chopped or grated, deseeded cucumber.
tailed pepper Cubeb
tailed pepper

See also tsatsiki

tailler France To cut

talawa South Asia Deep-frying in exactly the


taingang daga Philippines Cloud ear fungus

taingang daga

same way as in the West

tai tai China Seville orange
tai tai

talawa kabab South Asia A kebab of alternate

talawa kabab

tajadas Spain Slices, of e.g. roast meat


layers of lightly boiled tender pork or lamb

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tandoori colouring

dusted with paprika, and mushrooms and and kiwi fruit and resembling a giant rosehip,
onions cut to exactly the same size. The grown in tropical and subtropical climates.
kebab is then coated with kastha besan The flesh is somewhat acid but high in
thickened with a little extra besan and clotted vitamin C and the seeds are edible. It is
cream, dusted with flour and coated in blanched and peeled before eating and may
beaten egg before deep-frying until golden be used in fruit salads, for jam-making and
brown. has been used for flavouring yoghurt and
talc See E553(b)

cheesecake. Also called tomarillo, tree

Taleggio Italy A semi-soft, mild cows’ milk
tamarin France Tamarind

cheese from Lombardy resembling

Camembert. It is produced in 2 kg squares tamarind The long (10 cm) dark-brown pods

and has a white paste with a few small holes of a tropical tree, Tamarindus indica, usually
and a pinkish-grey surface mould on the sold as blocks of mashed pods and pulp or
rind. It develops flavour as it matures. Also as a concentrated juice. The former is
called Talfino soaked in hot water and the juice squeezed
Talfino Italy Taleggio out and used for souring in the same way as

tal ha’emek Middle East An Emmental-type

tal ha’emek
lemon juice. Also called Indian date
Tamarinde Germany Tamarind

cheese from Israel

taliány Czech Republic A sausage similar to
Tamarindicus indica Botanical name
vurty but with diced fat bacon in the mix Tamarind
tamarindo Italy Tamarind

talim num Philippines Spinach

talim num

tamatar South Asia Tomato


tallarines Spain Noodles


Talleyrand, à la France In the Prince tambak merah Malaysia Snapper or bream

Talleyrand, à la tambak merah

Talleyrand style, i.e. garnished with tamba kuri Japan Large mealy chestnuts
tamba kuri

macaroni, cheese, truffle, foie gras and tambor South Africa Ortanique

possibly button mushrooms tambusa South Asia Red snapper


tallow A hard coarse fat originally rendered


Tamié France A smooth round cows’ milk


from mutton and used for lighting cheese from Annecy. Also called Trappiste de
talmouse France Cheesecake

talong Philippines Aubergine

tamis France Sieve or sifter


tamaater Nepal Tomato


tamiser France To rub through a tammy cloth,


tamago Japan Eggs


to sieve
tamago-hanjuku Japan See hanjuku tamago

tammy cloth A fine-woven woollen cloth used

tammy cloth

tamago-medamayaki Japan Fried eggs


for straining very fine particles from stocks,

tamago-pochi Japan Poached eggs sauces, juices, etc. Best used after an initial

tamago-yakiki Japan A rectangular omelette


straining through muslin

pan the same shape as a Swiss roll tin used tampala South Asia Chinese spinach

for making rectangular egg or batter sheets tanaceto Italy, Spain Tansy

which are rolled up or used as a wrapping. Tanacetum balsamica Botanical name

Also called maki-yakinabe Costmary
tamago-yude Japan See yude-tamago

Tanacetum vulgare Botanical name Tansy

tamakibi Japan Winkle, the shellfish

tanaisie France Tansy


tamale flour Mexico See masa harina

tamale flour

tanche France Tench


tamale pie United States Cornmeal porridge

tamale pie

tandoor South Asia An unglazed barrel-


with a filling of chopped meats and hot chilli shaped, deep clay pot with a top opening,
sauce used as an oven in India. It is heated by
tamales Mexico A thick porridge made from

charcoal in the base or gas. The food, e.g.

masa harina, one serving placed on a banana nan bread, is either stuck on the inside or put
leaf, maize leaves or foil and topped with a on long skewers which are either rested over
cooked meat and chilli mixture or with the opening or stood with their points at the
cheese, rolled up, steamed and served hot base propped up against the rim.
with chilli sauce tandoori South Asia A method of cooking on a

tâmara Portugal Date


greased spit in a clay oven. The oven is often

tamari, tamari-joyu Japan A thick strong soya a deep pot and the spits stand vertical from

sauce the bottom resting on the rim. It gives a crisp

tamarillo A large yellow to red, hard, egg-
dry finish. See also tandoor
tandoori colouring A special food colouring
tandoori colouring

shaped fruit of an evergreen shrub,

Cyphomandra betacea, related to the tomato powder formulated to give the orange red

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tandoori spice mix

colour required in tandoori cooked food. grape skins and the bark of trees, with the
Added to marinades. ability to coagulate proteins. Responsible for
tandoori spice mix A selection from
tandoori spice mix
the keeping qualities of fine red wines.
tannour Middle East An oven rather like a

cinnamon bark, nutmeg, dried ginger, dried

red chillies, paprika, cardamom, dried garlic, large tandoori oven. Glowing charcoal is put
cumin and coriander seeds, ground to a fine in the base with a deep dish on top and the
powder, the colour adjusted to a bright food to be cooked over this.
orange with food colourings and used for tanrogan England The local name in the Isle

marinating and coating meat prior to of Man for great and queen scallops which
tandoori cooking are found around its coasts
tang China Soup tansy 1. A hardy perennial and very invasive
tang tansy

tang chi Preserved radish, whole or in slices,

tang chi

herb, Tanacetum vulgare, with green leaves

usually vacuum packed in the West. Used to and yellow flowers and a very strong flavour.
add texture and flavour to Southeast Asian Used by the Victorians for flavouring baked
dishes. goods, sausages, stuffings and some
tang cu li ji China Sweet-and-sour boneless
tang cu li ji
desserts. 2. A soufflé omelette mixture with
pork fried tart fruit originally flavoured with tansy,
tangelo A naturally occurring hybrid of Citrus
nowadays with cloves and cinnamon
Tantallon cakes Scotland A type of
Tantallon cakes

species mandarin and grapefruit, which

occurs as two varieties, Minneola and shortbread made with flour, butter and
Orlando caster sugar (8:4:1) and lemon zest with
tangerina Portugal Tangerine
roughly 1/20th of the flour replaced with rice
flour. All the ingredients are kneaded
tangerine See mandarin

together to a stiff paste and formed by hand

tangerine peel The dried peel of mandarins
tangerine peel

into rounds 4 cm in diameter and 1 cm deep.

(tangerines) which is ground and used as a These are baked on a greased oven tray at
flavouring in Chinese and Vietnamese food 170°C for 25 to 30 minutes and sprinkled
tangia North Africa A casserole of lamb or

with caster sugar while still hot.

beef cooked with spices tanuki soba Japan Brown buckwheat noodles
tanuki soba

tang kuei China The dried root of a relative of

tang kuei

with tempura batter flakes

angelica, Angelica sinensis. See also dang tanuta Italy Black sea bream

gui tanyet Burma Palm sugar


tangle Sea girdle


tanzaku-giri Japan Thin slender rectangles


tangleberry A dark-blue berry with a sweet


cut from root vegetables. Also called poem

sharp flavour which grows in the USA. card cut
Similar to the blueberry or huckleberry. tanzhiyya North Africa 1. A slow-cooked meal

tang mien China Noodles in soup

tang mien

of meat, vegetables and spices in water

tangor Middle East Ortanique made in a narrow-necked round-bellied

tang ya suan tou China Pickled shallots

tang ya suan tou
earthenware pot of the same name with two
tanmen Japan Ramen noodles with fried
handles which is sealed. This is usually
vegetables taken to the local bakers for cooking on the
ashes over an 8-hour period and is called the
tannia A plant, Xanthosoma sagittifolium,

‘bachelor’s dish’ as it does not require a

which yields heavy (3–5 kg) yam-like tubers
stove. A speciality of Marrakesh. 2. A type of
and arrow-shaped leaves which are used as
tagine from Marrakesh made with a joint of
a leaf vegetable. Cultivated throughout the
meat (e.g. shoulder of lamb) slowly cooked
tropics. Also called new cocoyam, pomtannia,
with vegetables and spices at the cook’s
tannia fritters Central America Boiled and
tannia fritters

taoco Indonesia Yellow bean sauce


mashed tannia mixed with brunoise onion,

tao do Vietnam Dried Chinese plums
tao do

finely chopped deseeded chilli pepper,

tao hu Thailand Bean curd
tao hu

mashed garlic and butter, then deep-fried in

tao hu kon Thailand Bean curd
tao hu kon

oil until crisp. A speciality of the island of

tao tanu Thailand Turtle
tao tanu

Margarita in Venezuela.
tao zi China Peach
tao zi

tannic acid One of the acids in tannin, used

tannic acid

for flavouring and as a clarifying agent in tapa Philippines Thinly sliced dried and/or

beer, wine and cider and other natural cured meat used as a snack (NOTE: From the
brewed drinks Spanish tapas.)
tannin A mixture of strong astringent acids tapas Spain Originally a slice of ham or
tannin tapas

found in plants, particularly tea leaves, red chorizo sausage placed over the mouth of a

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wine glass, from tapa to cover, some say to tarbujaa Nepal Watermelon

keep out flies, others to increase thirst. Now tardno Italy Parmesan cheese made between

consists of small portions of any kind of September and November. See also
made-up dish or individual snack served in Parmigiano Reggiano
bars with wine. targone Italy Tarragon

tapenade A Provençale purée of capers,


tarhonya Hungary Small dried barley-shaped


black olives and anchovies in olive oil. pellets of egg noodle dough. They are fried in
Sometimes other ingredients are added. lard then cooked in bouillon like a risotto and
Used as a dip or spread or to fill hard-boiled served with goulash, etc.
eggs or hollowed out cucumber.
tari South Asia Gravy

tapéno France Caper


taring scale A weighing scale which can be

taring scale

tapes Catalonia Tapas


set to zero with any weight on it. It is

ta pin Malaysia Steamboat
ta pin

conveniently used to weigh ingredients into a

tapioca England, France, Italy, Spain An

bowl by zeroing between the addition of each

alternative name for cassava but also used ingredient.
for the processed starch produced from tarka South Asia A style of finishing in Indian

cassava by cooking, drying and then flaking cookery involving the fierce searing of
the starch. It is a useful thickener as it holds precooked food in ghee and seasonings to
its consistency better than corn flour and flavour and coat the surface of the food. Also
arrowroot. Sometimes added to other flours called chamak
to strengthen the dough. tarkaari Nepal Vegetable

tapioca starch See tapioca

tapioca starch

tarkari South Asia Containing vegetables


Tapioka Germany Tapioca


which have been fried in ghee then gently

tapulon alla burgomanerese Italy Stewed
tapulon alla burgomanerese

cooked in their own juices

donkey with red wine and cabbage taro A tropical and subtropical plant,

taquitos Mexico Small tacos filled with


Colocasia esculenta, brought from Southeast

picadillo (2), folded, secured with a skewer Asia to the Caribbean as a staple food for
and deep-fried, slaves. The tubers are boiled, baked or
tara Japan Cod

roasted. Also called cocoyam. See also

tarako Japan Codfish roe, salted and dyed red eddoe, dasheen

to resemble caviar taronja Catalonia Orange


tarama Greece The orange-coloured salted


taro starch A greyish flour made by grinding

taro starch

and dried roe of the grey mullet, an taro chips. Used as a thickener and for
expensive delicacy used for hors d’oeuvres making desserts.
or in the preparation of authentic tarragon A half hardy perennial herb,

taramasalata Artemesia dracunculus (France) and A.

taramasalata Taramossalata

dracunculoides (Russia), growing to 1 m,

taramossalata Greece A pounded mixture of whose narrow leaves have a warm, peppery

tarama, or more usually, smoked cod’s roe, bitter-sweet scent with a note of anise. The
soft white breadcrumbs or mashed potatoes, Russian variety is milder than the French. It
crushed garlic, olive oil and lemon juice, has a wide variety of uses, as a flavouring for
used as a dip or served with bread as part of vinegar, emulsion sauces and dips, soups,
a mezze. More commercial versions, known omelettes, chicken, compound butters, etc.
as taramasalata in the West, are smoother One of the constituents of fines herbes.
and contain excessive amounts of extenders Unlike the Russian, French tarragon does
and fish flavouring, besides being a rather not set seeds and is propagated from
strange pink colour. cuttings. See also Russian tarragon. Also
tarator Bulgaria, Hungary A chilled, dill-
called French tarragon
tarragon butter A compound butter made
tarragon butter

flavoured yoghurt and cucumber sauce

thickened with ground walnuts; alternatively from blanched and drained tarragon leaves
a chilled soup made with grated cucumber, squeezed dry, pounded with twice their
yoghurt, milk, lemon juice, garlic and parsley weight of butter and sieved
tarator od krastavaca Balkans A salad of tarragon vinegar A white wine vinegar
tarator od krastavaca tarragon vinegar

grated cucumber, green chillies, yoghurt and flavoured with tarragon leaves
garlic from the Former Yugoslav Republic of tart A shallow dish-shaped open pastry case

Macedonia usually shortcrust or flan pastry with a filling

Taraxacum officinale Botanical name which may either be baked with the case e.g.
Dandelion Bakewell tart, or added later to a case which
tarbot Netherlands Turbot, the fish

has been baked blind e.g. custard tart and

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most French fruit tarts. See also flan, turned out on a serving dish with the apple
pâtisserie 2 slices uppermost, hopefully with an attractive
tarta, tarta catalana Catalonia, Spain A small,

tartina Italy Canapé, tartine

single-crust, open top tart. Usually called

pastís. tartine France A slice of bread and butter,

tårta Sweden Layer cake


sometimes a small tart or slice of fruit loaf

tartafin France A potato dish made from tartine suisse France Puff pastry filled with
tartafin tartine suisse

slices of waxy potatoes laid over sweated vanilla-flavoured crème pâtissière

garlic with seasoning, covered with sliced tartrates Salts of tartaric acid used as

Gruyère cheese and cooked in a closed stabilizers, the principal ones being sodium-
container over a low heat until done E335, potassium- E336 and the potassium
tartaleta Spain Small tart

sodium mixed salt E337

tartara, alla Italy With tartare sauce tartrazine E102, a synthetic dye used as a
tartara, alla tartrazine

tartare 1. France A fresh cream cheese made


yellow food colouring, suspected of causing

from cows’ milk and flavoured with chopped hyperactivity and allergies in some children
herbs 2. England Steak tartare tartufato Italy With truffles

tartare, sauce England, France 1. Chopped tartufi di cioccolato Italy Chocolate truffles
tartare, sauce tartufi di cioccolato

capers, gherkins and parsley, dried and tartufi tre scalini Italy A ball-shaped dessert
tartufi tre scalini

mixed well with mayonnaise. Served with of chocolate ice cream, cake and whipped
fried fish. 2. Mashed hard-boiled egg yolks, cream
seasoned and mixed with vinegar, oil tartufo Italy Truffle

whisked in as in making mayonnaise and tartufo di mare Italy Warty venus clam
tartufo di mare

finished with a sieved purée of raw spring

tarwebrood Netherlands Wholewheat bread

onions mixed with a little mayonnaise

tasala The traditional cooking pot of Nepal

tartaric acid E334, an acid present in many

tartaric acid

and Kashmir with a round base and a flared

fruits which is precipitated as crystals in old
neck and rim
Taschenkrebs Germany Common crab

tartar med æg Denmark Steak tartare used as

tartar med æg

Tascherin Austria A type of ravioli with either


a topping for smørrebrød

a jam or savoury filling
tartar sauce United States Tartare sauce
tartar sauce

tashreeb Middle East An Iraqi dish of lambs’


tartaruga Italy Turtle


tripe and feet or shanks which are blanched

tartaruga aquatica Italy Terrapin
tartaruga aquatica

then simmered with well-soaked chick peas,

tarte France A single-crust, open top tart

noomi and a whole unpeeled head of garlic.

tarte à la crème France Custard tart on thin
tarte à la crème

Sweated chopped onions, chopped

pastry tomatoes and baharat are then added and all
tarte à l’oignon France An open tart filled
tarte à l’oignon

simmered for 2 hours. It is served over flat

with onions in a rich cream sauce bread with the meat and tripe on top.
tarte au citron France A pâte sablée pastry Tasmanian crayfish Australia A large
tarte au citron Tasmanian crayfish

case filled with a whisked egg and sugar crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi, which can grow
mixture to which has been added melted up to 6 kg in weight
butter, lemon juice and grated lemon zest tasse France Cup

tarte au riz Belgium An open pastry case

tarte au riz

tasse, en France Served in a cup, especially

tasse, en

filled with a creamy dessert rice mixed with of soups

raisins or sultanas, chopped almonds and taste powder See monosodium glutamate
taste powder

flavoured with nutmeg ta suan li China Asian pear

ta suan li

tarteletta Italy Tartlet


tataki Japan 1. A method of preparing fish by


tartelette France Tartlet, small tart


chopping it finely with a knife, together with

tarte limousine clafoutis France A clafoutis
tarte limousine clafoutis

shiso, negi and ginger. It is served with a soya

baked in a blind pastry case and grated ginger dipping sauce. 2. A
tarte lorraine France A tart similar to a quiche
tarte lorraine

method used for serving fish or beef steaks.

filled with well-spiced pork or veal and They are lightly grilled so that they are brown
onions on the outside and raw inside. They are then
tarte normande France An apple flan
tarte normande

sliced thinly and presented in a fanned layer

tarte Tatin France An upside down apple pie
tarte Tatin
with the dipping sauce of 1 above.
tate-jio Japan A method of treating food with

made from sliced dessert apples fried in a

baking dish with butter and flavourings, a low concentration brine (30 g per litre)
possibly with sugar so as to caramelize, containing some kombu flavouring
tatties Scotland Potatoes (colloquial)

covered with pastry, baked in the oven and

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teifi salmon

tatws llaeth Wales New potatoes cooked in and to produce marbling. Served as hors
tatws llaeth

their skins, peeled then served in a bowl with d’oeuvres.

buttermilk tea loaf Scotland A very common chemically
tea loaf

Taube Germany Pigeon


raised slicing cake made from flour, sugar,

taucheo Malaysia Yellow bean sauce
sultanas, butter and eggs (3:2:2:1:1)
tauge Indonesia Bean sprouts
flavoured with ground cloves and cinnamon
and ground caraway seeds. The butter is
tauhu tod Thailand Fried bean curd
tauhu tod

rubbed in to the flour and the other

tau kau China Nutmeg
tau kau

ingredients mixed in. Raised with

tau ngok Thailand Mung bean or bean
tau ngok

bicarbonate of soda at the rate of 1 tbsp per

sprouts kg of flour and baked at 220°C for 10
taupe France Porbeagle shark minutes then at 190°C for an hour or until

tau sa Malaysia Yellow bean sauce

tau sa
tea smoking A method of smoking meat or
tea smoking

tausi Philippines Bean curd cheese


tavola calda Italy Snack bar

tavola calda
fish using a domestic steamer. The base is
lined with foil and equal volumes of brown
tavola fredda Italy Cold buffet, cold table
tavola fredda

sugar, uncooked rice and an aromatic tea

tavsan Turkey Hare

(e.g. lapsang souchong) are put on the foil;

tawa South Asia A circular, slightly dished

the food is placed on the steaming rack with

steel or iron griddle with a handle, used for a tight fitting lid. It is then placed over a high
making Indian breads or, when placed below heat for 2 minutes to generate smoke, on a
another dish, to reduce the heat especially low heat for 10 minutes and then let stand.
on a difficult to control heat source teaspoon 1. A standard volume measure, 5

tawas Philippines Alum


ml in the USA and UK, 6 ml in Australia.

tayberry A cross between a blackberry and

Abbreviated to tsp, sometimes tspn. 2. A

raspberry species of Rubus. It is large and small spoon used for stirring drinks, now
conical, a bright deep purple in colour and standardized as a volume measure
with a rich flavour. teaterskinka Sweden A supper dish of slices

tay vi Vietnam Star anise of ham marinated in sherry, removed, dried,

tay vi

tazhin North Africa The Moroccan name for

covered with a mixture of double cream and
tagine tomato purée and warmed in the oven (NOTE:
tazza Italy Cup or small bowl
Literally ‘theatre ham’.)
teba Japan Chicken wing

tazzina Small cup, coffee cup


tebrød Norway Teacake


tazzine, nella Italy Coddled, of eggs

tazzine, nella

technical white oil See mineral hydrocarbons

technical white oil

T-bone steak United States A steak cut from

T-bone steak

Teegebäck Germany Tea cake


between the sirloin and short loin of beef (the

tee ma yau China Sesame seed oil
tee ma yau

centre of the sirloin (UK)) including a piece

teeri Finland Black grouse

of vertebra in the shape of a capital T and

about 5 cm thick. It will feed 2 persons. teething cake See moh lung ye baw
teething cake

tea cake A flat, slightly sweetened yeast-

tea cake

Teewurst Germany A smooth, pink, spreading


raised round bread bun with currants and sausage made from the finest of pork, beef
mixed peel about 10 cm in diameter. Usually and spices
split, toasted and buttered. teff Africa One of the indigenous cereals of

tea cream England Milk infused with an

tea cream

Ethiopia, Eragrostis teff. The pinhead-sized

aromatic tea, thickened with egg yolks, grain is part of the Ethiopian staple diet and
cream and gelatine, whipped egg whites used to make the bread indura. Also called
folded in, set in a mould, turned out and teff grass
decorated teff grass See teff
teff grass

teal A small wild duck, Anas crecca, weighing


tefteli Russia Meatballs


about 400 g and served 1 per person. teg 2 year old sheep

Roasted at 180 to 190°C for 25 to 30

tegame Italy A heavy frying pan or casserole

minutes and served garnished with

tegame, al Italy Fried or pot-roasted
tegame, al

watercress and lemon wedges. Shooting

tegamino, al Italy Coddled, of eggs
tegamino, al

season 1st September to 31st of January,

teglia Italy A wide and shallow baking dish or

hanging time 2 to 3 days.

tea leaf egg Egg boiled for 2 to 3 hours in
tea leaf egg
pie dish
Teifi Wales A Gouda-like cheese

water with tea leaves, star anise and other

teifi salmon Wales Skinned salmon fillets, cut
teifi salmon

flavourings. After 20 minutes the shells are

cracked to allow penetration of the flavours in slices, or a piece of salmon covered with a

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sauce made from molten butter blended with temperature A measure of the intensity of

one sixth its volume of port, an anchovy fillet heat such that heat always flows from a high
or anchovy essence and a little mushroom intensity to a low one. Measured in cooking
ketchup. All placed in a covered dish and on the Fahrenheit scale or Celsius scale.
baked at 190°C for 45 minutes. temperature probe A small pointed rod about
temperature probe

Teiggerichte Germany Macaroni dishes


3 to 4 mm diameter which measures the

teisen gri Wales See Welsh griddle cake internal temperature of food in which it is
teisen gri

teisen lap Wales An oblong fruit and spice

teisen lap
inserted. Used to determine the degree of
cake eaten when cold as buttered slices roasting of meats and for checking that
teisennau cocos Wales Cockle cakes
teisennau cocos
microwaved food is heated through.
tempestine Italy Tiny pasta shells used in

teisennau tatws Wales Welsh potato cakes

teisennau tatws

teisen nioned Wales Onion cake

teisen nioned
temple Caribbean A naturally occurring

teisen resi Wales Rice cakes

teisen resi

hybrid of Citrus spp

teishoku Japan Set menu

tempura Pieces of fish, shellfish, bundles of


t’ejj East Africa An alcoholic drink rather like


noodles and firm vegetables, covered with a

mead, made from honey and usually taken
thinnish coating of tempura batter, deep-
with Ethiopian raw meat dishes
fried and served with a dipping sauce made
tej pat In) The leaves of cassia used as a
tej pat

from dashi, mirin and light soy sauce, with

flavouring agent in Indian cooking added grated daikon (mooli) and fresh
tej patta South Asia Bay leaf
tej patta

ginger. The technique was introduced to

tekaka Sweden Teacake, crumpet

Japan by the Spanish and Portuguese in the

tel South Asia Oil

late 16th century.

Telemea Romania A soft rindless ewes’ milk

tempura batter Japan A lumpy batter made

tempura batter

cheese resembling Feta made from with iced water, sifted flour and egg yolk
uncooked curd which is dried, pressed in (12:6:1). The egg yolk and iced water are
square blocks, dry-salted and matured for beaten together and poured over the flour
30 days in a salted acid whey. It can be which is stirred lightly.
stored for a long period in the same whey at tempura dipping sauce Japan A mixture of
tempura dipping sauce

5°C. Contains 50% water, 25% fat and 20% dashi, light soya sauce and mirin (8:3:2),
protein. served with separate bowls of minced ginger
Teleme Jack United States A cooking cheese
Teleme Jack

and daikon oroshi

from California resembling Mozzarella temu putih Indonesia, Malaysia Zedoary
temu putih

teliatina, telyatina Russia Veal


tenca Spain Tench


tel kadayif Turkey Noodles cooked in

tel kadayif

tench A small dark-skinned freshwater fish,


sweetened milk and served with raisin syrup Tinca tinca, of the carp family found in
tellina Italy Wedge shell clam

European rivers. It has rather a muddy

Teltower Rübchen Germany A small and
Teltower Rübchen

flavour and is generally soaked in salted

well-flavoured variety of turnip grown around water for several hours before frying or
Berlin grilling.
telur Indonesia, Malaysia Egg tender cure, to To quick cure
telur tender cure, to

telur asin Indonesia, Malaysia Salted duck tenderize, to To break down the connective
telur asin tenderize, to

egg tissue of meat, octopus tentacles and the like

tembikai Malaysia Water melon by beating with a spiked mallet, by chemical

tempe Indonesia A firm substance like cheese

treatment with acids, proteases or
made by soaking and boiling soya beans, marinades, by hanging meat to allow natural
inoculating them with a fungus Rhizopus enzymes to break down the fibres and by the
oligosporus, packing them into thin slabs correct application of heat at the right
wrapped in polythene or banana leaves temperature
tenderloin United States Fillet steak (of beef),

pierced with holes and leaving to ferment. It

is an easily digestible and well-flavoured pork fillet and occasionally a corresponding
source of protein and is usually shallow-fried. muscle in lamb
See also oncom. Also called tempeh tenderloin of pork The long inner back
tenderloin of pork

tempeh Indonesia Tempe muscles equivalent to the fillet of beef,


temper, to To bring to a desired consistency,

temper, to
grilled, fried, used for kebabs, stir fries or
texture, temperature or other physical batted out as escalopes. Also called pork
condition by blending, mixing, kneading or fillet
tendon 1. The sinew or strand of strong

standing, etc. as in to temper a pancake

batter connective tissue which attaches a muscle to

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Tête de Moine

bone. It contains a high proportion of elastin tereyagi Turkey Butter


and does not liberate much gelatine on teri Japan A glaze for meat, vegetables, etc.

boiling. Usually excised and discarded. 2. teriyaki Japan Kebabs, marinated in a soya

Japan Boiled rice with pieces of tempura sauce, sugar, and/or mirin mixture and
(deep-fried battered fish, shellfish and grilled whilst being repeatedly basted with
vegetables) arranged decoratively on top and the marinade to give a rich, brown glaze.
dressed with a sauce made from dashi, sake, Alternatively escalopes, tender steaks,
soya sauce, sugar and grated ginger root, chicken breasts, fish, etc. browned then
then garnished with chopped spring onions gently cooked in simmering teriyaki sauce
tenero Italy Tender, fresh, soft

until the sauce is reduced to a glaze. Served

teneroni di vitello Italy Ribs of veal
teneroni di vitello

with a decorative garnish.

(equivalent to spare ribs of pork or breast of teriyaki sauce Japan Equal quantities of
teriyaki sauce

lamb) sake, mirin and dark soya sauce with about

tengericsuka Hungary Hake one twelfth ot the combined weight of sugar

tenok Malaysia Barracuda

and all boiled until the sugar dissolves
Terlaner Weinsuppe Austria A South
Terlaner Weinsuppe

tentsuyu Japan A dipping sauce for tempura


tepary bean A drought resistant bean,

tepary bean
Tyrolean soup made from beef stock and
Phaseolus acutifolius, grown in Mexico and white wine with egg yolk and whipped double
the southern USA for local use cream
termites akoumba Africa Pounded fresh
termites akoumba

tepeh Malaysia Ridged sand clam


termites mixed with palm oil and used as a

tepid The term applied to water at about 50 to

dip in Malawi and Zaire

60°C. See also lukewarm
ternera Spain A rose-coloured veal from

tepong pulot Indonesia, Malaysia Glutinous

tepong pulot

calves which have been raised outdoors and

rice flour are slaughtered between 8 and 12 months
teppan Japan A griddle used to cook food at

terong Malaysia Aubergine


the table
terraglie Italy Earthenware

teppan yaki Japan A method of cooking food,

teppan yaki

terrapin United States A small fresh or


usually in front of the diner, either on a hot

brackish water turtle whose flesh is
griddle or over burning charcoal
considered a delicacy. Available canned in
Teppichmuschel Germany Carpet shell

tepung beras Indonesia, Malaysia Rice flour
tepung beras

terre cuite France Earthenware

terre cuite

tepung hoen kwe Indonesia, Malaysia Mung

tepung hoen kwe

terrina Italy Terrine


bean flour terrine England, France 1. A meat or fish loaf


tequila Mexico A clear spiritous liquor made


made from coarsely chopped or finely

by distilling fermented sap from the blue processed meat, chicken or game flesh, liver,
agave. It is produced and bottled only in fish or shellfish and fat with herbs, spices
Jalisco state, Mexico, and originated around and flavourings, placed in an oblong
the town of Tequila and has denomination of earthenware dish lined with streaky bacon,
origin status. It has the same relationship to blanched leek leaves or similar, covered and
mescal as cognac has to brandy and is used baked in the oven, cooled, demoulded and
in cooking in the same way as brandy. The sliced for use as a hors d’oeuvre 2. A heat
finest is designated añejo (‘aged’) and is proof earthenware dish with a lid used for
aged in oak barrels for at least a year. See baking a terrine
also mescal terrine, en France Potted
terrine, en

terasi Indonesia, Malaysia Shrimp paste,


terung Indonesia Aubergine


blachan. Also called trasi

testa Italy Head of an animal or cap of a

terbiye Turkey A sauce used on vegetables,


made from vegetable stock thickened with
testicles The sperm-producing organs of

an egg, water and flour mixture and finished

male animals shaped like elongated balls,
with lemon juice
often cooked as a delicacy. See also
terbiyéli köfte Turkey Flat cakes made from a
terbiyéli köfte

mountain oysters, lamb’s fry

mixture of minced beef and onions, soaked
testicoli Italy Testicles, lamb’s fry

breadcrumbs, eggs, chopped parsley and

testina Italy Testa

seasoning, fried in butter then simmered in

testuggine marina Italy Turtle
testuggine marina

stock and served with a sauce made from

tête France Head

flour and water enriched with egg yolks and

Tête de Moine Switzerland An alpine semi-
Tête de Moine

lemon juice, seasoned and flavoured with

paprika hard unpasteurized cows’ milk cheese with a

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tête de nègre

pale yellow, mild and creamy paste enclosed Thai yellow chilli A pale yellow green chilli
Thai yellow chilli

in a rough slightly greasy rind. It is made in with a mild flavour, often stuffed and cooked
0.5 to 2 kg rounds and is cured for 3 to 5 as a snack
months. Traditionally served in thinly sliced thal South Asia A large brass, copper, silver or

curls with ground pepper and cumin. stainless steel platter with raised edges on
tête de nègre France A variety of cep. See
tête de nègre

which Indian food is served

also cèpe de vendage thala Sri Lanka Sesame seed

Tetilla Spain A soft white cheese made from


thali South Asia A smaller version of the thal


cows’ milk, the salted curd being placed in thambili Sri Lanka Milk from the king coconut

pear-shaped moulds and cured for 2 which is drunk directly from the shell
months. It has a slightly sour salty flavour. thaumatin A protein extract from berries,

Contains 50% water, 22% fat and 21% Thaumatococcus danielli, which is 3 to 4000
protein. Also called perilla times as sweet as sucrose, used in table top
tétine France Udder

sugar substitutes and yoghurts

Tetragonia expansa Botanical name New thee complet Netherlands Afternoon tea with
thee complet

Zealand spinach biscuits and cakes

Tetragonia tetragonioides Botanical name
thelele East Africa A thickish mixture of onion,

New Zealand spinach

okra, garam masala, tomatoes and spinach
Tetrapanax papyriferum Botanical name The
leaves fried in oil then simmered in a little
tree from which rice paper is made
water for 10 minutes. From Malawi.
tétras France Grouse

Theobroma cacao Botanical name Cocoa

tetrazzini Italy Pasta with a creamy cheese

bean tree
sauce and seafood or poultry meat thermidor The method of preparation is only

tette melk Norway Cultured milk preserved

tette melk

used with lobster. See also homard thermidor

and flavoured with tette leaves thermometer An instrument for measuring

Teviotdale pie Scotland Minced beef or lamb

Teviotdale pie

temperature, essential for cooking especially

browned in butter for 5 minutes then for determining when meat is cooked, for
simmered in a little water with seasoning for oven, freezer, refrigerator, fat and sugar
about 10 minutes, put in a pie dish which is temperatures and for ensuring adequate
then topped with a batter made from flour, defrosting and cooking in microwave ovens
milk, suet and egg (6:5:3:2) with a dsp of thermos flask A double-walled vessel made
thermos flask

baking powder per kg of flour and all baked from silvered glass or stainless steel in which
at 180°C for 40 minutes. Also called Benalty the space between the inner and outer wall
pie is a vacuum, mounted in a protective case
Tewkesbury mustard England A pale smooth
Tewkesbury mustard

and fitted with a closure. The vacuum

blend of mustard seed, horseradish, wine reduces transfer of heat by convection and
vinegar and salt. Used with sausages. the silvering reduces transfer by radiation,
Texas ruby red United States A red fleshed
Texas ruby red

thus the contents may be kept hot or cold for

grapefruit a considerable period of time (heat is
Texel Netherlands A green ewes’ milk cheese

eventually transferred by conduction). Other

textured vegetable protein Protein extracted
textured vegetable protein

types of insulation, e.g. foamed polystyrene

from vegetable sources, usually soya beans or polyurethane, are used for the same
which is flavoured, solubilized and forced purpose especially in larger rectangular
through a multitude of fine holes into a containers. Also called vacuum flask
coagulating medium. The numerous fibres thermostat An electrically or mechanically

are brought together into a thick rope which operated instrument which monitors the
is then chopped into pieces and dried. Used temperature in an enclosure and if it deviates
as a meat substitute. See also quorn. Also from a preset value increases or reduces the
called TVP energy input to or abstracts more or less
teynadam East Africa An Ethiopian herb often

energy from the space to maintain the preset

used in making spice mixes (NOTE: Literally temperature. Commonly used in gas or
‘Health of Adam’.) electric ovens, refrigerators and freezers,
tfaya North Africa A Moroccan meat dish in a
deep fat fryers, slow cookers and the like.
thetchouka North Africa See chakchouka 2

brown sauce with coriander, saffron, onion

and seasoning. Served with roasted almonds thiabendazole See E233

and hard-boiled eggs. thiakry West Africa A sweet dessert made with

Thai fragrant rice See jasmine fragrant rice

Thai fragrant rice

couscous. See also caakiri

Thai ginger Greater galangal thiamine Vitamin B1
Thai ginger thiamine

Thai jasmine rice See jasmine fragrant rice thick batter United States Soft drop batter
Thai jasmine rice thick batter

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thicken, to To increase the viscosity or thin skirt United Kingdom The muscular part
thicken, to thin skirt

consistency of a liquid by a variety of of the diaphragm of beef cattle

techniques including reduction, addition of thin soya sauce See light soya sauce
thin soya sauce

cooked starches, gums, proteins such as thit Vietnam Minced or thinly sliced

white of egg or yolk or gelatine, by thit ba chi Vietnam Bacon

thit ba chi

emulsifying a discontinuous phase into the

thit bo kno Vietnam Vietnamese stewed beef,
thit bo kno

liquid or by adding finely ground solids. See

usually eaten with French bread
also under: roux, liaison, beurre manié,
thit-ja-bo-gauk Burma Cinnamon

purée, coulis, sabayon, emulsions, etc.

thon France Tuna fish

thickened gravy See jus lié

thickened gravy

thonine France Bonito (2), the fish



Substances, usually
thon rouge France Blue fin tuna fish
thon rouge

carbohydrates or proteins which may have

thornback ray A type of skate, Raja clavata,
thornback ray

been chemically modified, used to increase

the viscosity or consistency of liquids found in European and Mediterranean
thick flank United Kingdom A cut of beef
thick flank
waters which grown to about 1 m long
thorny mandarin Mediterranean mandarin
thorny mandarin

from the front of the rear thigh. It is lean and

Thousand Island dressing Olives, onion,
Thousand Island dressing

used for braising and pot-roasting. Often sold

as cheap frying steak. Also called top rump hard-boiled egg, green sweet pepper and
thick flank of veal United Kingdom The
thick flank of veal
parsley all chopped and combined with
muscle at the front of the thigh bone of the mayonnaise and tarragon vinegar or lemon
rear leg of veal, equivalent to thick flank of juice
thousand year egg Chinese preserved egg
thousand year egg

beef. Used in the same way as cushion of

veal. thread herring A species of herring,
thread herring

thick oxtail soup Disjointed oxtail and a

thick oxtail soup

Opisthonema oglinum, up to 15 cm long and

mirepoix of onion, garlic, carrot and turnip with a distinctive thread-like ray at the end of
browned in fat, flour added to make a brown the dorsal fin. It is found in the Gulf of Mexico
roux, tomato purée, a bouquet garni and and off the southeast coast of the USA. Used
brown stock added, simmered and skimmed mainly for canning. Also called Atlantic
for 4 hours, oxtail and bouquet garni thread herring
removed, flesh returned, liquidized, strained, three-bearded rockling A small, round, pink
three-bearded rockling

seasoned and consistency corrected, skinned seawater fish, Gaidropsarus

finished with sherry and garnished with dice mediterraneus, found in the Mediterranean
or small balls of carrots and turnips and the Sea
tip of the oxtail cut in rounds. Also called throughcut bacon A complete rasher of
throughcut bacon

queue de boeuf lié bacon including the back and the streaky
thick seam tripe Tripe from the third stomach
thick seam tripe

from the middle portion of the pig

of the cow or ox. It has the same flavour as thrumenty See frumenty

blanket tripe or honeycomb tripe. thrush A small brown songbird Turdidae


thick skirt United Kingdom That part of the

thick skirt

family caught in France and Italy for use in

inner muscles of the belly wall attached to pâtés, pies or terrines
the rump. Also called goose skirt thunder and lightning England Cornish splits
thunder and lightning

thiebou diene West Africa Braised fish and

thiebou diene

eaten with cream and treacle

vegetables served with rice Thunfisch Germany Tuna fish

thiebu djen West Africa A fish dish from

thiebu djen

Thüringer Blutwurst Germany A blood

Thüringer Blutwurst

Senegal. See also ceebu jën sausage made with diced parboiled pork
thin Vietnam Thinh

belly and finely chopped pork rind, liver and

thin batter United States A thin flour liquid lights plus occasionally other cooked offal.
thin batter

mixture (1:2) suitable for crêpes, pancakes, This is mixed with warm pigs’ blood,
dipping, popovers, cream puffs, etc. The seasoned, flavoured with marjoram, caraway
proportions depend upon the flour. Also and ground cloves, loosely filled into large
called pour batter casings, boiled, refreshed, dyed red and
thin flank United Kingdom The better cut of
thin flank
cold-smoked with juniper berries and
beef from the abdominal cavity equivalent to sawdust.
Thüringer Rostbratwurst Germany A
Thüringer Rostbratwurst

pork belly. Contains a lot of fat and is used for

stewing and manufacturing. Bratwurst made of pork or veal from
thinh Vietnam Rice dry-fried to a deep golden
Thüringer Rotwurst Germany A cooked, red-
Thüringer Rotwurst

brown then ground into a coarse powder and

used as a flavouring and binder. Also called coloured blood sausage from Thuringia
thym France Thyme


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thyme A hardy evergreen low growing sub tiger melon A variety of cantaloupe melon
thyme tiger melon

shrub, Thymus vulgaris, with tiny aromatic from Turkey with an orange-yellow and black
leaves and pale lilac flowers. The stalks with striped skin and a fragrant orange flesh
leaves attached are used in bouquet garnis tiger nut A small wrinkled brown tuber which
tiger nut

or bundled up with other herbs to make a forms on the roots of a plant, Cyperus
faggot of herbs. Alternatively the leaves alone esculentus, that grows around the
are used fresh or dried in stuffings, sauces, Mediterranean. It has a crisp, sweet, nutty-
soups, stocks and meat dishes. Fresh sprigs flavoured white flesh and is eaten as is, in ice
may be used to flavour oil or vinegar. Also cream or is ground to make the Spanish
called garden thyme drink horchata. Also called chufa, galingale,
Thymian Germany Thyme

earth almond, pignut, rushnut

thymus A large gland from the neck of

tiger prawn A type of king prawn, Penaeus

tiger prawn

vertebrates important in the immune esculentus, with a brown and orange striped
response. It, together with the pancreas, shell and a dark-coloured head and tail. It
comprises the sweetbreads. retains the stripes on cooking.
Thymus pulegioides Botanical name Broad tikka South Asia Small pieces of meat or

leaf thyme poultry marinated in yoghurt and tandoori

Thymus vulgaris Botanical name Thyme spice mix, grilled or roasted and served with
Thymus x citriodorus Botanical name Lemon Indian bread and salad
tikki channa dal South Asia Small croquettes
tikki channa dal

tian France A shallow dish used in Provence,


of yellow split peas, cooked until very soft,

in which food is baked or grilled; alternatively puréed and mixed with minced parsley,
a dish of food made in a tian chopped ginger, salt, powdered bay leaf and
tian ya China Peking duck
tian ya

crushed cumin seeds, then bound with egg

t’ibs East Africa Fried meat, usually beef with and fried

butter, onions and chilli sauce. From til

til South Asia Sesame seed

tilapia A perch-like member of the Cichlid

tidbid Denmark Light snack


family originating in Africa but now the most

tiède France Warm, tepid

widely farmed fish in the tropics. An all-male

tiefgefroren Germany Deep-frozen

variety has been genetically developed which

Tiefseegarnele Germany Deepwater prawn
grows to 2 kg in 1 year. It is also farmed in
temperate climates, where supplies of warm
tiella Italy A large baking dish or the food

fresh water are available from industrial

cooked in it, usually a mixture of vegetables
processes. Also called St Peter’s fish
with offal, shellfish, cheese or ham, possibly
tilefish A reddish blue seawater fish,

in pastry case
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, with small
Tientsin pear A smooth, almost round, yellow
Tientsin pear

yellow spots on the upper side and fins,

fruit with a sweet crisp pear-like texture.
found in deep waters off the North American
Eaten raw after peeling and coring.
coast. The flesh is very firm and tender and
tieo Laos Chilli paste

may be substituted for lobster or scallops.

tier pans A set of cake tins of several
tier pans

til ka tel South Asia Sesame seed oil

til ka tel

diameters used to make elaborate two- or

Tillamook United States A Cheddar-type

three- tier cakes such as wedding cakes

cows’ milk cheese from Oregon
tiffin South Asia Lunch, light repast (NOTE:

Tilsit Germany A semi-hard, cooked curd,


From Old English tiff, to drink or to lunch.)

slicing cheese made from raw or pasteurized
tiffin box South Asia Stackable stainless steel
tiffin box

cows’ milk inoculated with Lactobacillus and

boxes or tins with lids in which lunch and
curdled with rennet. They are cast in large
snacks are delivered to office workers in
rounds or loaf shapes, dry-salted and
ripened for a month whilst being regularly
tiganita Greece Fried or deep-fried

washed with brine, then matured for 5

tiganito sikoti Greece Calves’ liver cut in 2.5
tiganito sikoti

months. The paste is creamy-yellow with a

cm cubes, passed through seasoned flour mild and delicate flavour and numerous
mixed with powdered dried herbs, fried in small holes. It is suitable for cooking and
hot butter for 1.5 to 2 minutes until brown melting as well as for slicing. Made in many
and served as a starter with salad and bread Central European countries. Contains 45 to
tigerella tomato A decorative tomato 50% water, and 10 to 30% fat. Also called
tigerella tomato

streaked with green Tollenser, Tilsiter

tiger lily bulb Lily bulb Tilsiter Germany Tilsit
tiger lily bulb Tilsiter

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timbale England, France 1. A cup-shaped tindoori South Asia A small elongated oval
timbale tindoori

mould 2. A light creamy puréed mixture, green squash from a vine, Trichosanthes
baked in a timbale, demoulded and served dioica, rather like a cucumber. Important in
with a sauce Indian cooking and may be eaten cooked or
timballa e’latte Italy A baked almond custard
timballa e’latte
raw. Also called ivy gourd, parwal, palwal,
from Sardinia. Also called tumbada tindola, tindori
tindori See tindoori

timballo Italy A hot pie or mould much more


ting hsian China Cloves

ting hsian

robust than the English timbale

tinker Common skate

timballo al abbruzzese Italy Pancakes

timballo al abbruzzese

tinker’s apple cake Wales Made from

tinker’s apple cake

layered in a dish with meatballs, chicken

livers, cheese and tomato sauce and baked cooking apples, self-raising flour, butter and
in the oven demerara sugar (3:2:1:1), the flour is rubbed
timballo di riso alla piemontese Italy A
timballo di riso alla piemontese
into the butter and made into a thick batter
mould of rice with chicken livers, kidneys with a little milk, this is mixed with the
and a meat sauce peeled, cored and chopped cooking apples
tim cheon China, Malaysia Plum sauce
tim cheon
and baked in a buttered tin for 30 minutes at
200°C. Also called dinca fala, Welsh apple
tim cheong Malaysia A sweet and very dark
tim cheong

soya sauce similar to the Chinese sweet soya
tinned food Food preserved and sterilized in
tinned food

sealed, tinned or coated steel or aluminium
timman Middle East Steamed basmati rice

timman z’affaran Middle East A festive rice
timman z’affaran

Tintenfisch Germany Cuttlefish


dish from Iraq, enriched with sweated

tippaleipä Finland A spiral-shaped

chopped onion and minced meat which are

sweetened pastry similar to crullers.
fried until dry with baharat, sultanas and salt.
Traditionally eaten on May day.
The rice is first soaked for 30 minutes then
Tippenhaas Germany A type of jugged hare

simmered in chicken stock with the meat

tipsy cake England A dome-shaped cake
tipsy cake

mixture for a further 30 minutes and allowed

to rest under a tight-fitting lid. It is served moistened with sherry, studded with
sprinkled with toasted split almonds and rose dehusked almonds and coated with an egg
water and coloured and flavoured with custard sauce. Served cold as a dessert.
tipsy pudding United States An English-style
tipsy pudding

timo Italy 1. Thyme 2. The thymus gland
trifle without fruit but well laced with liqueur
or sherry
timpana Malta A covered pie made with puff

tirakia tiganita Greece Stiffly beaten egg

tirakia tiganita

pastry filled with cooked al dente macaroni,

fried chicken livers, grated cheese and whites seasoned with pepper, mixed with
chopped hard-boiled eggs in a Bolognaise finely grated Parmesan or Kefalotiri cheese
sauce prior to baking at 190°C for 40 until firm, deep-fried at 190°C in
minutes teaspoonfuls until puffy and brown, drained
and served hot on cocktail sticks as an
timum balu Malaysia Fuzzy melon
timum balu

timun Malaysia Cucumber

tiram Indonesia Oyster


timur Nepal Anise pepper


tiram batu Malaysia Oyster

tiram batu

tin 1. Any metal container used for baking,


tiramisú Italy A rich dessert from Venice made


e.g. cake tin, loaf tin, bun tin, etc. or for with sponge fingers dipped in coffee and
storing or preserving food 2. The relatively spirit or liqueur and layered with a creamed
inert metal used to coat the inside of copper egg yolk, sugar and Mascarpone cheese
cooking utensils to prevent corrosion in acid (1:1:5) mixture sprinkled with chopped
solutions chocolate, finished with chopped nuts and
tinamou South America A game bird of the

refrigerated (NOTE: Literally ‘pick me up’.)

Tinamidae family resembling a partridge. Tirggel Switzerland A heavily spiced

Sold in France. Christmas gingerbread biscuit baked in a

tinca Italy Tench

wooden mould carved with a relief of some

tinda South Asia A type of squash, Citrullus ancient or modern design. See also Basler

vulgaris var. fistulosus, resembling a small Leckerli

green, apple-sized water melon with cream Tirolen Eierspeise Austria A casserole of
Tirolen Eierspeise

flesh and light-coloured seeds. Used as a hard-boiled eggs, potatoes and anchovies
summer vegetable. Also called round gourd, Tiroler Austria An Extrawurst-type sausage

squash melon containing mainly lean cured pork with a

tindola Tindoori

little veal and/or beef

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Tirolerknödel Austria Meatball tobiko Japan Orange/red flying fish roe with a
Tirolerknödel tobiko

Tirolersuppe Austria Soup with dumplings

crisp crunchy texture. Used with sushi and
tiropita Greece A triangular filo pastry pasty
as a garnish.
tocană cu mămăligă Romania Boned and
tocană cu mămălig ă

filled with cheese mashed with egg,

seasoned and flavoured with nutmeg and cubed shoulder pork, browned in lard and
chopped parsley. Also called tiropitakia braised with sliced onions browned in the
tiropitakia Greece Tiropita
same fat, stock and white wine flavoured
with thyme. Served with mămăligă.
titanium dioxide E171, an inert white
titanium dioxide

tocino Spain Salted pork belly or other fat pork


pigment permitted for use in food. It has no

known health benefits. often covered in crystalline salt (NOTE: (Note
– not bacon))
tit-bits Small items of savoury food, appetizers

tocino de cielo Spain A thick crème caramel

tocino de cielo

Tivoli, à la France In the Tivoli style, i.e.

Tivoli, à la

tocmchams Iran Apricots


garnished with asparagus tips and

tocopherols A group of natural substances

mushrooms. Used of meat dishes.

with vitamin E activity used as antioxidants.
tjobek Indonesia A ceramic mortar. See also

cobek Individual tocopherols now synthesized are

alpha-tocopherol E307, gamma-tocopherol
tlacenka Czech Republic A large sausage

E308 and delta-tocopherol E309. See also

filled with a kind of brawn E306
tlanochtle Mexico A sweet, green skinned

tod Thailand Deep-fried


fruit with a very high vitamin C content about

toddy Coconut wine

the size of a tomato from a plant, Lycianthes

toespijs Netherlands Sweet, dessert, side

moziniana, once widely cultivated by the

Aztecs but now rare, suitable for steep dish
toey Thailand Screwpine

marginal land
tofeja canavesana Italy A stew of pork offal,
tofeja canavesana

t’min, t’meen Russia Caraway seed


tô West Africa A fufu-like staple from Mali and

sausages and beans
tofu See bean curd

Burkina Faso made from millet, maize or

tofujiru Japan A tofu soup made with dashi

sorghum flour
toad in the hole England Cooked English
toad in the hole
flavoured with a little soya sauce, mirin and
sausage placed in a shallow tin with a reconstituted shiitake mushroom caps,
Yorkshire pudding mix and baked boiled and thickened with corn flour,
simmered for 15 minutes, diced tofu added,
toast Slices of bread browned on both sides

either under the grill or in a toaster. See also simmered a further 5 minutes and served
tofu no miso shiru Japan A very simple soup
tofu no miso shiru

French toast
made from dashi mixed with diced bean
toast, to To brown bread, marshmallows,
toast, to

curd and miso (20:5:1 by volume) and

cheese and similar items under the grill or in
garnished with chopped spring onions
front of a fire, or to brown bread in a toaster
togan Japan Wax gourd

toasted almonds See toasted seeds

toasted almonds

togarashi Japan A small intensely hot chilli,


toasted seeds Seeds, e.g. buckwheat,

toasted seeds

usually flaked, used as a flavouring and in

sesame seeds, almond pieces, which are
shichimi, also used of the dried chilli powder
baked in the oven on an ungreased tray until
made from the same
they are brown
Toggenburger Switzerland A semi-hard white

toaster An implement consisting of a spring


cheese made from naturally soured

loaded carrier for a slice of bread moving in
skimmed cows’ milk which is shaped into
a vertical slot with electrically heated
cubes and matured for 6 months
elements on either side. The bread is placed
Toggenburger Ploderkäse Switzerland
Toggenburger Ploderkäse

in the carrier which when depressed,

automatically switches on the elements and Ploderkäse
togue Philippines Bean sprouts

a timer which after a preset time releases the

toheroa New Zealand A rare shellfish,

catch which holds the carrier down thus

releasing the toast and switching off the Amphidesma ventricosum, found on only a
elements. few beaches and used to make a highly
toastie A sandwich which has been fried or
prized green soup (NOTE: Literally ‘long
toasted between two electrically heated grill tongue’.)
toi Vietnam Garlic

plates which are pressed together.

tokány Hungary A thick beef stew with

Depressions moulded in the grill plates hold

the sandwich and give it a distinctive cushion tomatoes, green peppers, onions, garlic,
shape. sliced mushrooms and paprika. Served with

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tom bac ga

soured cream and accompanied with rice or guacamole. Also called tomate con cáscara,
pasta. jamberry, ground tomato, tomatillo
Tokyo hotchpot Japan See oden tomatillo Tomate verde
Tokyo hotchpot tomatillo

tola South Asia A unit of weight based on the


tomato The fruit of an annual plant (in


old rupee coin equal to 0.4 oz or temperate climates) or short-lived perennial

approximately 11 g (in warm climates), Lycopersicon
tolee molee Burma Condiments including esculentum, of which some varieties grow to
tolee molee

fish sauces and other pungent mixtures and over 2.5 m high whilst others are low bushes.
pastes Although technically a fruit they are used
Tollenser Tilsit
exclusively as a salad or cooking vegetable or
Toll House cookie United States A biscuit
Toll House cookie
as a flavouring and thickener for a range of
made with brown sugar, nuts and chocolate soups, sauces and other cooked dishes. The
chips in the paste (NOTE: Named after the fruits are from 1 cm to over 10 cm in
Toll House inn in Massachusetts) diameter, slightly flattened spheres with a
yellow to red fleshy pulp divided internally in
töltött káposzta Hungary Cabbage rolls filled
töltött káposzta

hollow segments each containing a slack

with a mixture of chopped onions, boiled
pulp with embedded seeds. They are easily
rice, eggs, garlic, marjoram, paprika and
skinned by blanching for 10 to 20 seconds in
seasonings, braised in a covered dish,
boiling water and are used skinned and
between two layers of sauerkraut which have
unskinned, raw, cooked and sometimes
been sprinkled with flour and paprika. Sour
deseeded in a wide variety of dishes. Most
cream is added when the dish is half cooked.
tomatoes of commerce are picked green and
tom Thailand Boiled or simmered in water

ripened in the box. Vine ripened tomatoes

Toma Italy A hard cheese made from whole or

found in warmer climates generally have a

partially skimmed cows’ milk and cast in superior flavour. See also cherry tomato, plum
thick discs (up to 4kg). The curd is moulded, tomato, beef tomato, Marmande, tigerella
dry-salted or brined and ripened for at least tomato, yellow pear tomato
30 days. The rind is rough and the dense tomato concassée Finely chopped skinned
tomato concassée

paste has a sharp salty taste. and deseeded tomato pulp used in a variety
tomaat Netherlands Tomato

of sauces and soups. The juice from the

tomalley The liver of the lobster which is

seeds may be strained off and added to the

yellow green in colour and a delicacy. Used chopped pulp.
like the coral in sauces. Also used of crab tomato paste See tomato purée
tomato paste

eggs and ovaries.

tomato purée Partially dehydrated sieved
tomato purée

Tomar Portugal A very small ewes’ milk


tomato pulp with a deep red colour and

cheese from Tomar north of Lisbon. It may spreadable consistency used for flavouring.
be smoked. Sold in collapsible tubes, tins and jars. Also
tomarillo Tamarillo

called tomato paste

tomat Denmark, Norway, Sweden Tomato

tomato sauce A mirepoix of onion, carrot,

tomato sauce

tomate France, Portugal, Spain Tomato


celery, bay leaf and thyme browned with

tomate, sauce France Tomato sauce bacon scraps in butter, flour added and
tomate, sauce

Tomate Germany Tomato

cooked to a slight colour, tomato purée and
tomate con cáscara Mexico Tomate verde.
tomate con cáscara
white stock added, boiled than simmered
lit. tomato with a husk. with garlic, strained and seasoned. Also
called tomate, sauce
tomate de mer France Beadlet, a sea
tomate de mer

tomato sausage England An English sausage

tomato sausage

containing about 10% tomato, popular in the
tomates, crème de France Tomato soup
tomates, crème de

finished with milk or cream in the Midlands

tomato soup A mirepoix of bacon, onion and
tomato soup

proportions of 1 to 4. Also called cream of

tomato soup carrot browned in butter, flour added and
tomates farcies Belgium Skinned tomatoes,
tomates farcies
cooked out, tomato purée or fresh tomatoes,
stuffed with shrimps in mayonnaise stock and a bouquet garni added off heat,
simmered and skimmed for 1 hour, passed
tomate verde France, Mexico The fruit of a
tomate verde

through a chinois, seasoned, consistency

plant, Physalis ixocarpa, a relative of the
adjusted and served hot with croûtons. Also
cape gooseberry, resembling a green tomato
called potage de tomates
with a papery husk. Used extensively in
tomatsaft Norway Tomato juice

Mexican cookery and in the production of

tomatsoppa Sweden Tomato soup

salsa verde. It develops flavour when boiled

tom bac ga Vietnam 1. Shrimp 2. Prawn
tom bac ga

and is an essential ingredient of genuine

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tombarello Italy See bonito 1 tongs A scissor-shaped implement made of

tombarello tongs

tomber à glace France To reduce a stock to a

tomber à glace
metal or wood, with blunt ends and no
thick sticky glaze cutting edges used for handling hot or
delicate foods
tomillo Spain Thyme

tongue The tongues of cattle and lambs


Tomino Italy A soft cows’ milk cheese shaped


usually soaked, cleaned, simmered with a

in 2 to 3 cm elongated cylinders which are
bouquet garni and aromatic vegetables until
consumed as soon as they have been salted. tender, skinned and the meat pressed in a
A lactic starter is used which gives the fresh basin to cool and set in the natural jelly.
white paste its characteristic flavour. Used Sliced and eaten as a cold meat or julienned
for dessert or as a hors d’oeuvre. for use as a garnish.
Tomme France The general name of a variety

ton hom Thailand Scallion

ton hom

of small cheeses produced in Savoie, being

tonijn Netherlands Tuna fish

the name for the container in which the

tonka bean The leguminous seeds of various
tonka bean

cheese is made
trees of the genus Dipteryx. They contain
Tomme au raisin France A small round
Tomme au raisin

coumarin, a chemical responsible for the

cheese made from skimmed milk and smell of new mown hay, and are used as a
ripened in a coating of grape pips. Also flavouring.
called fondu au marc, fromage fondu, fondu
tonkatsu Japan Slices of pork fillet, panéed

au raisin, grape cheese

with large toasted breadcrumbs (panko),
Tomme d’Annot France A goats’ or ewes’ milk
Tomme d’Annot

deep-fried, sliced in strips and served on a

cheese from the Haut-Alpes chiffonade of lettuce garnished with lemon
Tomme de Cantal France A cooking cheese
Tomme de Cantal

wedges and served with tonkatsu sauce

from the Dordogne made from cows’ milk or tonkatsu sauce Japan A type of barbecue
tonkatsu sauce

occasionally from goats’ milk sauce served with tonkatsu. A typical recipe
Tomme de Saint Marcellin France A soft
Tomme de Saint Marcellin

might contain tomato ketchup, dark soya

cows’ milk cheese from Savoie made from sauce, sake, Worcestershire sauce and
various milks and formed into thin discs (up mustard.
to 80 g) which are ripened for 2 weeks to give tonnato Italy With tuna fish or a tuna fish

a hole-free paste and a delicate rind covered sauce

in greenish blue mould tonnetto Italy Little tunny, the fish

Tomme de Savoie France, Switzerland A

Tomme de Savoie

tonnino Italy Tuna fish


semi-hard skimmed cows’ milk cheese tonno Italy Tuna fish


formed into a squat cylinder (up to 1.5 kg). It tonyina Catalonia Tuna fish

has a pleasant aromatic and lactic flavour

tooa lisong Thailand Peanut
tooa lisong

and a firm texture resembling Saint Paulin.

toogbei West Africa Deep-fried dough balls

Tomme du Mont-Ventoux France A fresh and

Tomme du Mont-Ventoux

similar to chinchin (NOTE: Literally ‘sheep’s

slightly salty ewes’ milk cheese from
toon Thailand To steam or steaming

Tomme vaudoise Switzerland A soft surface-

Tomme vaudoise

toonhaai Netherlands Smooth hound, the


ripened cows’ milk cheese made in small

fish. Also called gladde hai
cylinders or oblongs (up to 100 g). The taste
toor dal Pigeon pea
toor dal

varies from mild to savoury and fragrant after

top and tail, to To remove either end of a fruit
top and tail, to

10 days ripening.
or vegetable, as in removing the stalk and tip
tom su Vietnam 1. Shrimp 2. Prawn.
tom su

of a French bean
tom yam gung Thailand A spicy prawn soup
tom yam gung

topaz Middle East Ortanique


flavoured with herbs and lemon juice

tope A type of shark, Galeorhinus galeus,

tom yam kung Thailand A spicy brown soup

tom yam kung

taken as a game fish in the Atlantic. The

Tonbridge biscuit England A thin sweet
Tonbridge biscuit

fresh fish has a strong smell of ammonia

biscuit glazed with egg white and sprinkled which disappears on cooking.
with caraway seeds before baking Topf Germany Pot

tonfisk Sweden Tuna fish


Topfen Austria Curd or cottage cheese made


tonfisksallad Sweden Tuna salad, normally


from skimmed milk

tinned tuna, mixed with diced hard-boiled Topfenknödel Austria A sweet dumpling

eggs, chopped onions and celery and flavoured with curd cheese
arranged on lettuce. Generally served on the topfenpalatschinken Hungary Large thin

smörgåsbord. pancakes spread with a mixture of strained

tong Netherlands Dover sole

cottage cheese, sugar, egg yolks, currants

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and grated lemon zest into which the stiffly tororo kombu Japan Shavings from soaked
tororo kombu

beaten egg whites are folded. These are kombu cut with the grain leaving the tough
rolled, cut in pieces, placed in a greased membrane
dish, filled with a sweet egg custard, baked in torrada Portugal Toast

the oven and finished with a dusting of icing torrades Catalonia Toasted country bread

sugar glazed under the grill.

tørret fruktsuppe Norway A soup made from
tørret fruktsuppe

Töpferware Germany Earthenware, crockery


dried fruits, served hot or cold

topinambour France Jerusalem artichoke

tørrfisk Norway Stockfish


(NOTE: Said to be named after a group of

torrone Italy Nougat

Brazilian natives of the Topinambous tribe

torsh Iran West Indian lime (NOTE: Literally

brought to Paris at the same time as the

tuber was introduced.) ‘acid’.)
torshi Middle East Pickles

topinambur Italy Jerusalem artichoke


torshi betingan Middle East Long thin

torshi betingan

topinky Czech Republic Fried bread with


aubergines, incised to a depth of 2 cm down

the long side, simmered in water for 10
topping Any covering such as breadcrumbs,

minutes, drained, the aubergines filled with a

grated cheese, sweet or savoury sauces, mixture of chopped garlic, chilli pepper,
cream, etc. placed on the surface of a celery leaves and stalks and walnuts, then
prepared dish as a garnish or decoration or pickled in water and vinegar (4:3) plus salt.
as an integral part of the dish Left for 3 weeks before eating after rinsing in
top round steak United States Steak cut from
top round steak

cold water.
the upper part of a round of beef below the torshi khiar Middle East Gherkins pickled in
torshi khiar

rump. It is more tender than round steak. water and vinegar (3:1) with salt, dill seeds,
top rump United Kingdom Thick flank
top rump

coriander seeds, black peppercorns and

top shell Winkle, the shellfish garlic cloves
top shell

torsk Denmark, Norway, Sweden Cod


topside United Kingdom A lean boneless beef


joint from the rear inside of the hind leg. It is torsk-filé à Willy Sweden Seasoned cod
torsk-filé à Willy

inclined to be dry and fine grained with no fillets put in a buttered ovenproof dish with a
marbling and is used for braising, stewing little water, coated with French mustard and
and second class roasting. sprinkled with sliced leek, covered and
toranja Portugal Grapefruit

cooked for about 20 minutes in a moderate

Torbay sole Witch sole
Torbay sole
oven until tender
torsk på Norsk Sweden Cod slices, 2.5 to 3
torsk på Norsk

torch ginger The pink-tinged ginger bud and

torch ginger

the tender part of the pink stem cm thick, boiled vigorously for 5 minutes in a
10% brine, removed immediately and kept
torciolo Italy Pancreas gland of veal or beef.

Together with the thymus makes up the
torta 1. Italy Cake, tart or pie 2. Mexico Cake

or loaf 3. Portugal A rolled and filled cake
tordi Italy 1. Thrushes, the birds 2. Wrasse,

similar to a Swiss roll 4. Spain Pie or tart

the fish
torta del Casar Spain A soft ewes’ milk
torta del Casar

tordi allo spiedo Italy Small birds (thrushes),

tordi allo spiedo

cheese with a thin soft rind and a white paste

skewered and grilled or barbecued with a few small holes. The milk is curdled
tori 1. Japan Chicken 2. Loofah and angled

with vegetable rennet, drained, pressed in

loofah flat discs, then salted and ripened for 30
toridon Japan Chicken donburi days at low humidity.

torta Gorgonzola Italy Torta San Gaudenzio

torta Gorgonzola

torigai Japan A type of cockle


torta margherita Italy A basic sponge cake

torta margherita

tori motsu Japan Chicken giblets, principally

tori motsu

the heart, liver and gizzard, grilled, fried or usually dusted with cocoa powder
served in nabemono torta pasqualina Italy An Easter dish of boiled
torta pasqualina

torinese Italy Grissini


eggs, beetroot and cottage cheese layered

toriniku Japan Chicken meat
with pasta and baked
torta San Gaudenzio Italy A cheese built up
torta San Gaudenzio

torkad frukt Sweden Dried fruits

torkad frukt

from alternate layers of Mascarpone and

tørkage Denmark Plain cake

blue-veined Gorgonzola to give a layered

torlo Italy Yolk, of an egg

effect. Sometimes flavoured with anchovy

toro Japan The belly flesh of tuna (maguro),

and caraway seeds. Also called torta

much prized for sushi and sashimi Gorgonzola
toronja Spain Pummelo, grapefruit Törtchen Germany Small tarts
toronja Törtchen

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Torte Austria, Germany An open tart or flan special tortilla flavour by breaking down the

with a pastry or rich, dry cake type of lining amino acid tryptophan in the corn to 2-
filled with a variety of sweet ingredients amino acetophenone, and also makes the B
torteau France A sweet cornmeal pancake
vitamin niacin available. Those who use the
from Bordeaux untreated flour may suffer from vitamin
tortellata alla crema Italy Cream tart
tortellata alla crema
tortina Italy Tartlet

tortelli Italy Variously-shaped ravioli often with


tortino Italy 1. Pie 2. A frittata (Spanish tortilla)


unusual fillings
tortelli alla cremasca Italy Bow-shaped
tortelli alla cremasca
baked in the oven and drier than normal
tort iz sushyonykh fruktov i orekhov Russia
tort iz sushyonykh fruktov i orekhov

tortelli filled with a processed mixture of

macaroons, sultanas, nutmeg and cheese A sweet pastry single-crust tart with a filling
and served with butter of dried apricots and peaches boiled in sweet
tortelli di zucca Italy Tortelli filled with a
tortelli di zucca
white wine and honey (3:1) until the liquid is
mixture of macaroons, vegetable marrow, absorbed, mixed to a sloppy consistency
pickled fruit and cheese with blanched almonds, walnuts, egg, honey,
butter and wine and baked at 180°C for 45
tortellini Italy 1. Small parcels of pasta with a

minutes. Served with cream whipped with

cheese or meat filling available fresh or
cinnamon and sugar.
dried. The meat should be chopped rather
tortoni Italy Ice cream made from cream and

than minced and lightly browned in oil before

mixing with breadcrumbs and egg. 2. Small sugar flavoured with Maraschino cherries,
versions of the tortello fritter from the chopped almonds and rum
torttu Finland French or Danish pastry, cake,

Bologna region
tortellini in brodo Italy Tortellini cooked in a
tortellini in brodo
torttutaikina Finland Pastry or cake dough

well-flavoured broth
tortue France Turtle

tortelli sguazzarotti Italy Tortelli filled with a

tortelli sguazzarotti

tortue, sauce France Boiling veal stock

tortue, sauce

mixture of beans, vegetable marrow and

nuts. Served cold with a wine sauce. infused with mixed herbs, mushroom
tortello Italy 1. A type of doughnut or sweet
trimmings and crushed peppercorns off the
fritter 2. A kind of pie heat, strained and mixed with demi-glace
tortelloni Large versions of tortellini (1)
and tomato sauce, reduced, strained and
finished with Madeira wine, truffle essence
tortera Spain Pastry

and a little cayenne pepper. It should have a

tortiera Italy Cake tin

definite herby flavour.

tortiglione Italy 1. Fusilli 2. Almond cake

tortue claire, soupe France Clear turtle soup

tortue claire, soupe

tortilha de mariscos Portugal An omelette

tortilha de mariscos

tortue d’eau douce France Terrapin

tortue d’eau douce

filled with chopped cooked shellfish

tortuga Spain Turtle

tortilla 1. Spain A thick omelette usually


tortuga de agua dulce Spain Terrapin

tortuga de agua dulce

consisting of fried sweet onion and potatoes

tor yau yu China Squid
tor yau yu

bound together with egg and shallow-fried on

tosa soya sauce Japan A mixture of light and
tosa soya sauce

both sides. Also called Spanish omelette 2.

Mexico A thin pancake made from a dough dark soya sauces with a little mirin flavoured
of masa harina or tortilla flour, shaped and with Pacific bonito flakes and kombu, both of
flattened by hand and cooked on both sides which are removed by straining before the
on a griddle until dry. May be salted and sauce is served with sashimi
toscane, à la France In the Tuscan style, i.e.
toscane, à la

eaten after rolling in place of bread or filled

and rolled as tacos or enchiladas. Not to be garnished with pasta, foie gras and truffles.
confused with the Spanish tortilla. Used especially of panéed and fried chicken
tortilla chips Small triangles (2 to 4 cm on the
tortilla chips
or sweetbreads.
toscanello Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd

side) cut from the Mexican tortilla and deep-

fried until crisp. Used as potato chips. Also ewes’ milk cheese from Tuscany and
called corn chips, totopos, tostaditas Sardinia made in cylinders (up to 3 kg). The
tortilla de huevo Mexico, Spain Omelette
tortilla de huevo
drained and moulded cheeses are brined
tortilla de pimientos Spain The standard
tortilla de pimientos
and ripened for 3 to 4 months to give a yellow
Spanish tortilla with the addition of sliced to white rind and a dense white, mild to
green sweet pepper sharp-flavoured paste with a few holes.
toscatårta Sweden An almond topped cake

tortilla flour Flour made from maize kernels

tortilla flour

tosin East Africa Rosemary


by soaking them in lime water (calcium

toss, to 1. To turn over food, usually with two
toss, to

hydroxide solution) until they are soft enough

to pound into flour. This process imparts a spoons, so that it becomes coated with a

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dressing, e.g. melted butter on vegetables or touron France A type of nougat or almond

vinaigrette dressing on salads 2. To coat pastry covered with nuts

pieces of food with a powder such as flour by tourrée de l’Aubier France A large cows’ milk
tourrée de l’Aubier

shaking them together in a bag 3. To turn cheese with a thin rind and a sweet, nutty-
over something being cooked in a frying pan flavoured, velvety paste. Suitable for cooking
by throwing it into the air with a flicking and as a dessert cheese.
motion of the pan and catching it tourte France A shallow tart or flan made with

tostada Spain Toast, rusk


puff pastry and with a savoury or sweet filling

tostadas Mexico Medium-sized tortillas, fried

tourteau France Common crab


until crisp and served with a topping of salad, tourtière 1. France Pie dish, tin or plate 2.

meat, poultry, fish or cheese with chilli sauce Canada A topped pastry pie from Quebec
and served as a light meal or snack filled with seasoned minced pork and onion
tostaditas Mexico Tortilla chips

flavoured with herbs

tostato Italy Toast, toasted toute-épice France Allspice
tostato toute-épice

tostones Caribbean Fried plantain chips tovaglia Italy Tablecloth

tostones tovaglia

flavoured with garlic. Served as an appetizer. tovagliolo Italy Napkin, serviette


totano Italy Flying squid towel gourd A type of gourd

totano towel gourd

tôt-fait France A quickly made sponge cake toxins Poisons produced by bacteria that
tôt-fait toxins

(NOTE: Literally ‘soon made’.) cause food poisoning, e.g. the nerve poison
totopos Mexico Tortilla chips
toyo Philippines Light soya sauce

toucinho defumado Portugal Smoked bacon

toucinho defumado

trace elements Mineral elements, usually

trace elements

in a piece
toulonnaise, à la France In the Toulon style,
toulonnaise, à la
metals in various chemical forms, which are
i.e. with a tomato, aubergine and garlic needed by the body for optimum health in
sauce quantities of less than 50 mg per day. Those
toulousaine, à la France In the Toulouse
toulousaine, à la
currently identified as necessary are, in
style, i.e. used of chicken garnished with alphabetical order, chromium, cobalt,
kidneys, cockscombs, mushrooms, truffles copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese,
and sauce suprême molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silicon,
vanadium and zinc. Other minerals required
Toulouse sausage A fresh French sausage
Toulouse sausage

in greater daily quantities and not classed as

made from pork or chicken trace elements are calcium, chlorine,
tourangelle, à la France In the Touraine
tourangelle, à la

magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and

style, i.e. garnished with a mixture of sodium.
flageolet beans and chopped French beans tragacanth See gum tragacanth

in a velouté sauce Tragopogon porrifolius Botanical name The

tourin France Cream of onion soup thickened

salsify plant
with egg yolks and sprinkled with grated trail 1. The name given to the entrails of birds

cheese and fish which are cooked with the item and
tourné(e) France Turned in the sense of

considered a delicacy, especially the heart

shaped like a barrel. See also turn, to and liver of a woodcock served with the roast
tournedos England, France Individual steaks

bird 2. The long somewhat ragged piece of

cut from the middle part of a trimmed fillet of muscle which runs the length of fillet steak
beef and grilled or shallow-fried. Usually tied as it is cut in the UK. Usually removed from
before cooking to preserve a round shape. the muscle before slicing it into tournedos,
tournedos Oscar United States A tournedos filet mignon and chateaubriand steaks. 3. A
tournedos Oscar

shallow-fried and served on an equal-sized stage in the whipping of cream when the
crouton of fried bread garnished with crab cream poured from a spoon onto the
meat and asparagus tips or artichoke hearts whipped cream leaves a distinct trail which
topped with béarnaise sauce persists for several seconds
traiteur France An establishment which

tournedos Rossini A tournedos shallow-fried

tournedos Rossini

in clarified butter and served on an equal- prepares and sells food for consumption off
sized croûton of bread, topped with a slice of the premises, both in a shop and as an
lightly fried foie gras and a slice of truffle. outside caterer. See also chef traiteur
tranche France Slice or rasher

Served with a Madeira sauce.

tournesol France Sunflower tranche de boeuf France A beef steak. Also
tournesol tranche de boeuf

Tournon Saint Pierre France A soft strong-

Tournon Saint Pierre
called bifteck
tranche grasse France Silverside, of beef
tranche grasse

smelling cows’ milk cheese from Poitou-

Charente made in the shape of a cone tranchelard France A long thin carving knife

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tranche napolitaine

tranche napolitaine France Multiflavoured covered with treacle or golden syrup, before
tranche napolitaine

and layered ice cream steaming or baking

treacle tart An open tart made from
treacle tart

tranche plombières France A slice of tutti

tranche plombières

frutti ice cream shortcrust pastry with a filling of golden syrup

trancher France To slice
(not black treacle) and breadcrumbs
flavoured with grated lemon zest and mixed
trancia Italy Slice

spice and covered with a lattice of pastry

transmontana, à Portugal In the style of Tràs-
transmontana, à

strips before baking

os-Montes, i.e. with chopped sausage, Trebizond nuts Turkish hazelnuts
Trebizond nuts

beans, garlic and onions

Trecce di bufala Italy A Mozzarella cheese
Trecce di bufala

transparent icing A very thin icing used to

transparent icing

made with pure buffalo milk. See also

give a professional finish to royal icing after it Mozzarella di bufala
has been sanded or scraped down until quite tree ear Cloud ear fungus
tree ear

tree fungus Cloud ear fungus
tree fungus

transparent noodles Cellophane noodles

transparent noodles

tree onion Egyptian onion

tree onion

transparent vermicelli Cellophane noodles

transparent vermicelli

tree oyster mushroom See oyster mushroom

tree oyster mushroom

Trapa bicornis Botanical name Water caltrop tree potato Sapodilla

tree potato

Trapa bispinosa Botanical name Singhara tree tomato Tamarillo

tree tomato

trefoil United States Mitsuba

Trapa natans Botanical name Caltrops

trelleborgsgryta Sweden Herring and tomato

Trappiste France A semi-hard cows’ milk


stew made from rolled herring fillets packed

cheese closely associated with the Trappist
lightly in a greased dish covered with salted
monks and made in most countries where water with lemon juice, parboiled small
they had monasteries. It resembles Port-
onions and peeled sliced tomatoes placed on
Salut with a smooth close-textured paste top and the whole sprinkled with chopped
containing a few holes covered with a soft
dill, parsley and ground pepper and small
rind. Usually cast in 3 kg discs. Contains
pieces of butter. Simmered for 20 minutes.
about 45% water, 25% fat and 22% protein.
trelough duck A modern breed of duck
trelough duck

Also called Trappisten

similar to the Gressingham
Trappiste de Chambarand France A small,
Trappiste de Chambarand

tremadode See fluke


creamy, delicately flavoured cheese made by

tremella White fungus

Trappist monks. See also Chambarand

Tremella fuciformis Botanical name White
Trappiste de Tamié France A smooth round
Trappiste de Tamié

cows’ milk cheese from Annecy. See also
trencher 1. A squared up plate made from

coarse wholemeal bread four days old, 60 to
Trappiste d’Oelenberg France A mild-
Trappiste d’Oelenberg

75 mm thick, used in medieval times to hold

flavoured, cows’ milk cheese from Oelenberg food. Lower classes of person known as
monastery. See also Oelenberg trenchermen also ate the trencher. Upper
Trappisten Austria, Germany Trappiste

classes didn’t. 2. A wooden serving dish

trasi, trassi Indonesia, Malaysia Terasi trencherman A hearty eater and drinker
trasi trencherman

trattoria Italy A family-run style of restaurant trenette A small noodle from Genoa similar to
trattoria trenette

Traube Germany Grape

tagliatelle and usually eaten with a pesto
travailler France To work, in the sense of

Trenton cracker United States A light, round,

Trenton cracker

beating or blending
puffy cracker
tray service Service where the complete meal
tray service

trepang Sea cucumber


is assembled on a tray and taken or given to

Tresterbrantwein Germany The German

the consumer, as in hospitals or prisons

equivalent of marc or grappa
treacle The non-crystallizeable impurities in

trey andeg Cambodia Catfish

trey andeg

sugar cane juice which remain in liquid form

trey pek chhieu China Pomfret, the fish
trey pek chhieu

after processing to separate the pure

trey reach Cambodia A very large fish caught
trey reach

sucrose. It is thick, black, sticky and sweet

with a distinctive flavour and used in cakes, in the Mekong river. See also pa boeuk
triabolin A protein found only on the starch

tarts and toffees. The similar substance from

sugar beet juice is too bitter for human granules of soft wheats and which may be
consumption. See also black treacle responsible for reducing the adhesion
treacle pudding United Kingdom A pudding
treacle pudding
between them
triacetin See glycerol tri-acetate

made from basic steamed pudding mixture

triammonium citrate See E380
triammonium citrate

poured into a greased basin whose base is

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trianon France A garnish of 3 colours pastry, bread crusts and the like 2.

trichinosis A disease of humans caused by

Traditional garnishes and accompaniments
eating fresh pork infested with the eggs or to a dish as in the phrase ‘steak and all the
cysts of a parasitic worm, Tricinella spiralis, trimmings’
tripa Portugal Tripe

which can also reproduce in the human

body. It is for this reason that pork is always tripa a la catalana Catalonia Tripe in an
tripa a la catalana

well cooked and never eaten raw. Curing and onion, garlic, tomatoes and sweet pepper
smoking raw meat kills any infestation so that sauce with pine nuts and almonds
hams, bacon, salamis and smoked pork tripailles France Guts or innards, sometimes

sausages are safe. They are also killed at tripe

75°C and at –15°C for 3 weeks.
tripe England, France The stomach lining of

Tricholoma gambosum Botanical name Saint

George’s mushroom animals, usually cattle (first 3 stomachs),
Tricholoma matsutake Botanical name which are cleaned, and in the UK, bleached
Matsutake and parboiled before sale. Various types are
Tricholoma nuda Botanical name Wood available depending on the animal and
blewit which stomach it comes from. Normally
Tricholoma saevum Botanical name Blewit boiled in salted water until tender then
Trichosanthes anguina Botanical name stewed, braised or fried or in the north of
Snake gourd England, served cold with vinegar. See also
Trichosanthes cucumerina Botanical name blanket tripe, honeycomb tripe, thick seam
Snake gourd
tripe and onions United Kingdom Pieces of
tripe and onions

Trichosanthes dioica Botanical name The

tindoori plant prepared tripe simmered with onions in
trid North Africa A chicken stew with ribbons
seasoned and flavoured milk, thickened with
of warkha pastry flour and simmered a further 10 minutes
tripes à la mode de Caen France Pieces of
tripes à la mode de Caen

trifle United Kingdom A cold dessert made


with sherry, fruit juice or liqueur-soaked prepared tripe simmered or casseroled until
sponge cake in the base of a large or tender with calf’s foot, belly pork, carrots,
individual dish, covered with layers of fruit, onions, garlic cloves and a bouquet garni in
jelly, custard and whipped cream in various either cider and calvados or dry white wine.
combinations and usually elaborately The casserole may be covered with thin
decorated strips of bacon and thickened if necessary
trifle sponge Fatless sponge cake or plain
trifle sponge
with corn flour.
tripes à l’Djotte Belgium A traditional
tripes à l’Djotte

Madeira cake used as a base for English

trifles Christmas season sausage made from equal
trifolato Italy Thinly sliced and sautéed in oil
parts of chopped borecole sweated in fat,
with garlic and parsley and possibly scallops (from lard making) and finely
mushrooms and lemon chopped raw pork, mixed with chopped
onion and seasoning, flavoured with grated
trifoliate orange Poncirus
trifoliate orange

nutmeg and whole cloves and packed into

triglia Italy Red mullet

fat ends prior to tying and cooking

triglia di fango Italy Plain red mullet, Mullus
triglia di fango

tripoux France A dish of sheep’s trotters and


veal tripe flavoured with herbs and cloves
triglia di scoglio Italy Striped red mullet,
triglia di scoglio

trippa Italy Tripe


Mullus surmuletus
trippa alla fiorentina Italy Thinly sliced tripe
trippa alla fiorentina

triglyceride The medical term for fats and oils


containing three fatty acid molecules casseroled with meat, tomatoes and stock
esterified with a glycerol molecule. Often and served with white beans and grated
measured in blood analysis. cheese
trippa alla romana Italy Tripe with a cheese
trippa alla romana

trigo Mexico, Spain Wheat


trigo negro Spain Buckwheat

trigo negro
tritato Italy Finely chopped or minced

Trigonella foenum-graecum Botanical name

tritello d’avena Italy Oat grits, coarse oatmeal
tritello d’avena

trim, to 1. To removed unwanted bits such as
trim, to

triticale A cross between wheat and rye with


fat, gristle, tendons, blood vessels, feet, etc. a higher protein content than wheat. Not in
from meat or poultry or fins from fish 2. To common use because of poor agricultural
cut to a pleasing shape yields.
trimmings 1. The discarded parts resulting Triticum aestivum Botanical name Common

from trimming food, e.g. small pieces of wheat

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Triticum durum Botanical name Durum truelle à poisson France Fish slice for cutting
truelle à poisson

wheat and serving fish

Triticum monococcum Botanical name trufas Portugal, Spain Truffles

Einkorn truffade France A dish from the Auvergne of


Triticum spelta Botanical name Spelt potatoes fried with bacon, garlic and cheese
trivet A small metal stand on which hot dishes

truffe France 1. Truffle 2. Chocolate truffle


are kept off the table surface or on which truffé(e) France Garnished with truffle

delicate food items may be held in a pan so Trüffel Germany Truffle


that they can be removed without damage

Trüffel Leberwurst Germany A liver sausage
Trüffel Leberwurst

Trockenmilch Germany Dried milk


flavoured with truffles

Troldkrabbe Germany Spider crab

truffiat France A potato cake from the Loire


trollod Wales Dumplings made from oatmeal


truffle 1. A fungus whose fruiting body grows


and the fat skimmed off the top of stock, underground as an irregular roundish mass
cooked in broth when potatoes were scarce without a distinct stalk. They are always
in the spring associated with the roots of trees and may
tron Vietnam 1. To mix 2. Mixed

have a symbiotic relationship with the tree.

Tronchón A semi-hard, firm cheese made

The two most highly prized are the French

with goats’ and/or ewes’ milk. See also black and the Italian white. See also English
Aragón truffle, Chinese truffle 2. A round soft
tronçon England, France A slice of fish at right

chocolate-based sweet or confection usually

angles to the backbone of a large flatfish and rolled in grated chocolate, cocoa powder or
including the bone. See also fish steak chopped nuts or dipped in chocolate
tronçonner France To cut into steaks
couverture and served with a selection of
Tropaeolum majus Botanical name small cakes or as an after dinner sweet with
Nasturtium coffee
truffle butter A compound butter made from
truffle butter

Tropaeolum tuberosum Botanical name

Ysaño diced black truffles with a little béchamel
trosc bake Ireland A fish bake made with cod
trosc bake
sauce, pounded with twice their weight of
chunks, sliced parboiled potatoes, brunoise butter and sieved
truita Catalonia Omelette used for tapas

onions and sliced mushrooms in a tomato

truita espanola Catalonia Spanish omelette
truita espanola

sauce, topped with sliced potatoes and

baked in the oven for about 25 minutes truite France Trout

trota Italy Trout truite à la hussarde France Trout slit open

trota truite à la hussarde

trota di torrente Italy Brown trout

trota di torrente

sideways and stuffed with aubergine

truite arc-en-ciel France Rainbow trout
truite arc-en-ciel

trota iridea Italy Rainbow trout

trota iridea

truite de mer France Sea trout, salmon trout

truite de mer

trota salmonata Italy Salmon trout

trota salmonata

truite de rivière France River trout

truite de rivière

trotters See pig’s trotters, calf’s foot


truite saumonée France Salmon trout

truite saumonée

Trou de Sottai Belgium A soft buttery cows’

Trou de Sottai

trumpeter Agami

milk cheese made in cylinders (up to 400 g)

trumpet gourd Bottle gourd
trumpet gourd

with a smooth paste and yellow rind

trousser France To truss trung den China Chinese preserved egg
trousser trung den

trout A round, oily fish, Salmo trutta, of the trunza di fera Italy Red cabbage stewed in oil
trout trunza di fera

salmon family which is found in both fresh with vinegar, capers and olives
and salt water in a variety of forms varying truss, to To tie or skewer into shape before
truss, to

from a few hundred grams to 35 kg (the cooking. Usually applied to poultry, game
American lake trout). The flesh is cream to birds or boned joints of meat.
pink depending on diet and the fish may be truta Portugal Trout

cooked in any way although they are Truthahn Germany Male turkey

generally shallow-fried or grilled in Europe. Truthenne Germany Female turkey


Nowadays extensively farmed as well as

trypsin One of the proteases in the human

being an important game fish. digestive system which is made in the

trout caviar Cured trout eggs which are
trout caviar

pancreas. Seeds of some legumes contain

orange in colour and similar to sturgeon trypsin inhibitors which prevent its digestive
caviar in taste and texture action.
Troyes France Barberey

tsarine, à la France In the Tsarina’s style, i.e.

tsarine, à la

trucha Spain Brown trout


used of chicken breasts garnished with

truckle England The name of a smaller

cucumber cooked in butter and mixed with

version of farmhouse Cheddar to 7 kg cream

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tsatsiki Greece Finely chopped or grated,


Tuber himalayense Botanical name Chinese

deseeded cucumber, salted and drained, truffle
washed, dried and mixed with yoghurt, Tuber magnatum Botanical name Italian
chopped garlic and mint, seasoning and white truffle
possibly oil and vinegar. Used as a dip or Tuber melanosporum Botanical name
constituent of mezze and eaten with pitta French black truffle
bread. Also called talattouri, tzajiki, zatziki, tubero edule Italy Arrowroot. Also called
tubero edule

tzatsiki maranta
tseet gwa China Fuzzy melon
tseet gwa

tubetti Italy Very small pasta tubes used in


tseng dau gok China A dark green variety of

tseng dau gok

soup. Also called tubellini, tubettini

long bean tubettini Italy Tubetti

tseng gwa China Cucumber

tseng gwa

tub fish See tub gurnard

tub fish

tseng loh baak China Green oriental radish

tseng loh baak

tub gurnard A small round seawater fish,

tub gurnard

tsimmes 1. A thickened Jewish New Year dish


Trigla lucerna, with a medium brown skin

of brisket of beef simmered with carrots, and two characteristic gill whiskers on either
onions and potatoes, sweetened with sugar side. Similar to the gurnard. Also called tub
and honey. Also called tzimmes 2. The fish
vegetables of tsimmes without the meat often tuchowska Poland A regional sausage

supplied as the vegetable accompaniment to tucker Australia Food, usually informally


salt beef in a Jewish restaurant presented (colloquial)

tsim tau sha China Shark
tsim tau sha

tuck shop A shop, usually in a school, which

tuck shop

tsing kaau China Mackerel

tsing kaau

sells snacks to the pupils

tso gwoo China Straw mushroom
tso gwoo

tuiles France Thin sweet biscuits sometimes


tsubushi-an Japan A crunchy sweet red bean


covered in almond flakes slightly rounded

paste in which the beans are only partially when still hot to resemble continental tiles
crushed tule potato Arrowhead
tule potato

tsukemono Japan Pickles, generally served at


tulingan Philippines Tuna, bonito


the end of a meal with rice to clean the

tulipe France A circular brandy snap type of

palate. Pickling may be in salt or vinegar or

in rice bran. See also nuka-zuke, nukamiso- biscuit, draped when hot over a cup to cool
zuke so as to make an edible bowl in which fruit or
desserts might be served
tsukemono-oke Japan A large wooden or

tulsi South Asia Hairy or purple basil seeds


earthenware vessel used for the production

tumbada Italy A baked almond custard from

of preserved vegetables
tsuki dashi Japan An appetizer, e.g. aemono.
tsuki dashi
Sardinia. See also timballa e’latte
tumbet Spain A vegetarian dish made from

See also sakizuke

tsukune Japan Meat or fish balls made from
alternate layers of sliced potatoes and salted,
the finely minced flesh bound together with drained, washed and dried aubergines
egg brushed with oil and browned on both sides,
the layers separated by thinly sliced sweet
tsuma Japan The general name for a wide

peppers fried in olive oil and a tomato sauce

variety of attractively constructed garnishes
made from finely chopped onions sweated in
of vegetable origin
olive oil to a golden brown, combined with
ts’ung China Scallion

oregano and tomatoes and simmered to a

ts’ung tau China Shallots
ts’ung tau

purée. The whole built up in an ovenproof

tsu ts’ai China Nori
tsu ts’ai

dish and baked at 180°C until cooked

tsut sing paan China Garoupa, the fish
tsut sing paan

tua Thailand 1. Bean 2. Nut tumbler A flat bottomed tall cylindrical
tua tumbler

tua ngak Thailand Bean sprouts drinking glass

tua ngak

tua poo Thailand Goa bean tummelberry A hybrid blackberry of the

tua poo tummelberry

tubellini Italy Tubetti

genus Rubus
tumpaeng Cambodia Bamboo shoot

tuber The fleshy swollen underground root or


tuna A large round fish of the genus Thunnus,


root tip of a plant used as a store of

carbohydrate for the next generation of the especially Thunnus thynnus, weighing up to
plant which usually sprouts from the tuber. 600 kg and coming in various forms. The
An important source of energy in human flesh looks almost like beef; some is light and
nutrition. lean and some dark and oily. Baked or grilled
Tuber aestivum Botanical name English when fresh but most consumption in Europe
truffle is in canned form. See also bluefin tuna,

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tuna fig

yellow fin tuna, skipjack tuna, albacore. Also turbinado sugar United States A coarse
turbinado sugar

called tunny grained partially refined sugar which is light

tuna fig Prickly pear beige in colour and contains a little adhering
tuna fig

Tunbridge Wells sausage England An

Tunbridge Wells sausage
turbot 1. England, France A diamond-shaped

English sausage from the town of the same

name made to a 100 year old recipe flatfish, Psetta maxima, up to 1 m in length
comprising coarsely chopped lean pork, and 15 kg with a spotted sandy back covered
chopped pork fat and yeastless bread rusk in small bumps. Found in the North Atlantic,
(10:5:2), seasoned, flavoured with sage, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The
mace and other herbs, filled into casings and fine white flesh is firm and medium oily and
linked can be cooked in any way. The head and
tunfisk Denmark, Norway Tuna fish
bones are a rich source of gelatine and make
tunga Sweden Tongue
excellent stock. The turbot found in the East
Atlantic is a different species, Scophthalmus
tunge Denmark, Norway Tongue

maximus, but otherwise is similar. 2. Canada

tung sum Bamboo shoots
tung sum

See Greenland halibut

tung ts’ao China Rice paper
tung ts’ao

turbotière France A large fish kettle for


Tunisian sweet limetta A small North African

Tunisian sweet limetta

poaching whole turbot and similar large fish

lime, Citrus limetta, only of local importance. turbotin A small turbot weighing 1 to 2 kg

Also called Mediterranean sweet limetta, turcarri South Asia A type of curry. See also

Mediterranean sweet lime turrcarri

Tunke Germany Sauce or gravy

tureen A large dish with a lid and ladle from


tunny See tuna


which soup is served at the table

tuong Vietnam A very strong-tasting

turian Thailand Durian


fermented sauce probably including soya

turkey A large (up to 15 kg) flightless bird,

sauce and fermented fish. Also called

Meleagris galopavo, native to North America
Vietnamese soya sauce
but now farmed worldwide for its high-
tuong ngot Vietnam Hoisin sauce
tuong ngot

yielding flesh. Popular in the UK at

tuong ot Vietnam Yellow bean sauce
tuong ot

Christmas and in the USA at Thanksgiving

tuoni e lampo Italy Bits of cooked pasta but now available throughout the year as one
tuoni e lampo

mixed with cooked chick peas (NOTE: of the cheapest forms of animal protein.
Literally ‘thunder and lightning’.) Cooked like chicken.
turkey baster England Bulb baster
turkey baster

tuorlo d’uovo Italy Egg yolk

tuorlo d’uovo

turkey cock A male turkey

turkey cock

tupí Spain A spread or flavouring made from


finely grated old cheese blended with oil and turkey roll Boned and cooked turkey meat
turkey roll

wine or brandy and left to mature in jars for formed in a tight roll and encased in plastic,
2 to 3 months sold for slicing
tur South Asia Pigeon pea

Turkish delight A confection made from

Turkish delight

turban France A ring mould or a method of sugar boiled with water to the large thread

presenting food in a circle on the plate (107°C) stage and thickened with corn flour,
usually by using a ring mould lemon juice and gum arabic, cooled until
turban gourd A type of gourd
turban gourd
thick, flavoured with rose water and poured
turban of cod England A large cod fillet,
turban of cod
into a flat cake moulds which have been
seasoned and brushed with lemon juice, liberally dusted with icing sugar or chopped
coiled into a turban shape and secured, then pistachio nuts. When set cut into cubes and
placed in a shallow dish and baked at 180°C rolled and stored in icing sugar.
Turkish hazelnut A smaller and cheaper
Turkish hazelnut

for 20 to 25 minutes until done. The fish is

put on a serving plate and the centre filled hazel type of nut, Corylus colurna, than
with a little béchamel sauce which has been hazelnuts or filberts. Also called Messina
flavoured with lemon juice and any fish cob, Trebizond nut
Turkish pilaf See iç pilav
Turkish pilaf

juices and mixed with chopped hard-boiled

eggs. Additional sauce is served separately Turk’s cap gourd A type of gourd
Turk’s cap gourd

and the turban is garnished with lemon Turk’s cap squash A decorative thick-
Turk’s cap squash

slices and parsley. skinned winter squash, Cucurbita maxima,

turban squash Turk’s cap squash
turban squash

with a flattened circular base surmounted by

turbante Italy A ring mould of food, e.g. rice,

a smaller grooved top resembling a turban. It

presented in a demoulded ring with a filling has a firm, slightly sweet orange yellow flesh
in the centre with a green and white streaked orange skin.

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turtle soup

Boiled or baked as a vegetable. Also called assist in its icing and decoration 2. A rotating
turban squash circular platform on the base of a microwave
türlü Turkey A mixed vegetable stew including

oven on which the dish of food being cooked

a selection from onions, sweet peppers, is placed to ensure even penetration of
tomatoes, green beans, courgettes, microwaves
aubergines, okra, squash, chillies and the turrcarri

turrcarri South Asia A style of curry making

like with meat simmered in excess of water (at
turmeric The boiled and skinned root of a

least 5 cm over the top of the meat) until the

perennial plant, Curcuma longa, which is meat falls apart. See also mhaans turcarri
dried and ground. It originated in India but is khasta, mhaans turcarri sadah, gurdakupura
now also grown in East Asia and South turcarri
America. It has a slightly aromatic peppery turrcarri molee

turrcarri molee South Asia A meat curry with

and musky taste and imparts a deep yellow coconut. The meat is cut in strips, simmered
colour to food. Used in Indian and Asian in coconut milk with chopped ginger,
cooking and as a colouring agent in the west. coriander, garlic and sliced onion for 45
Turmerikwurzel Germany Turmeric

minutes. The solids are strained and fried in

turn, to 1. To become sour or start to ferment
turn, to

ghee, adding ground fenugreek and poppy

usually by adventitious microorganisms 2. To seed until all dry and golden. The liquid, plus
rotate some item of food so as to promote more coconut milk if required, is added
even cooking or browning of the surface 3. back, and all simmered with lemon or lime
To shape solid root vegetables in a barrel or leaves until tender. The leaves are removed
rugby ball shape, or button mushrooms with and lime juice and seasoning added before
a series of swirling radial V-shaped cuts. serving.
Used to present an attractive appearance. turrón

turrón Spain Praline or a sweetmeat made

turn, to cook to a To cook a food so that it is
turn, to cook to a

with almonds resembling halva or sometimes

correctly cooked to the degree expected by nougat
the consumer turtle

turtle The aquatic version, Chelonia mydas, of

turnedo Italy Fillet of beef

the tortoise found worldwide in warm seas.

turning knife A small pointed knife with a
turning knife

Most varieties have edible flesh. The green

concave-shaped cutting edge used for turtle was once famed as the basis of turtle
turning vegetables soup but has now been hunted almost to
turnip 1. A temperate climate biennial plant,

extinction. Turtles have long been exploited

Brassica rapa (Rapifera Group), grown as an in Southeast Asia for their meat and as
annual for the swollen underground roots medicine. Turtle eggs are considered an
which are 2.5 to 7 cm in diameter and round, aphrodisiac, the blood is believed to increase
flat or long and tapering. The hard flesh is a person’s energy and the ground-up shells
white or yellow and the skin white, pink, red are considered to have medicinal properties.
or yellow. Young turnips may be eaten raw or To prepare and cook, decapitate the live
pickled, the mature ones are used as a root turtle, drain the blood, blanch for 3 minutes,
vegetable. The young leaves are known as scrape off the skin, cut the body from the
turnip tops. 2. Scotland, United States shell, disembowel, rinse and cut the meat
Swede into strips.
turnip greens The green leaves from the top
turnip greens
turtle herbs

turtle herbs A blend of basil, sage, thyme,

of turnips used as a vegetable
coriander leaves, marjoram, rosemary, bay
turnip rape Broccoli raab
turnip rape

leaf and peppercorns used to flavour turtle

turnip rooted parsley Hamburg parsley
turnip rooted parsley

turnip soup Basic soup with turnips. Also
turnip soup
turtle soup

turtle soup 1. Basic consommé simmered

called navets, purée de with turtle herbs in muslin for 10 minutes,
turnip tops The young leaves and flower
turnip tops

thickened with arrowroot, seasoned, strained

heads of the turnip plant, Brassica rapa and finished with dry sherry and cooked and
Rapifera Group, eaten as spring greens or diced reconstituted turtle meat. Served with
raw in salads cheese straws and lemon wedges. Also
turnover A circular or square piece of pastry

called tortue claire 2. Genuine turtle soup for

folded over into a sealed half circle or triangle the London Lord Mayor’s banquet was made
and containing a sweet or savoury filling. See from 80 kg of cleaned female turtles
also apple turnover, jam turnover, Cornish simmered with their shell for 2 days in 450
pasty litres of veal stock flavoured with thyme,
turntable 1. A rotating circular platform on a marjoram, basil, parsley, 9 litres of sherry

stand onto which a cake may be placed to and 4.5 litres of sweet white wine, settled,

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tuscarora rice

clarified, reduced to 225 litres and finished treacle and flavoured with cinnamon and
with sherry and diced gelatinous turtle meat mixed spice eaten on the twelfth night after
tuscarora rice Wild rice
tuscarora rice

Christmas. Traditionally some silver charms

tusk A North Atlantic fish, Bromse bromse,
are baked in it.
twisted cluster bean Parkia
twisted cluster bean

which resembles hake but is of the cod

family. It has lean white flesh and may be twists napolitani United States Gemelli pasta
twists napolitani

cooked in any way. Often substituted for cod

txangurro al horno A dish of baked spider
txangurro al horno

in Scandinavian cooking.
crabs with tomato, chilli and brandy from the
tusli South Asia Basil

Basque country of northern Spain

tussa jute Middle East A plant related to okra.
tussa jute

Tybo Denmark A hard scalded-curd cows’


See also meloukhia

milk cheese with a supple paste containing a
Tussilago farfara Botanical name Coltsfoot few scattered holes and a thin yellow rind
tutti frutti England, Italy Ice cream containing
tutti frutti

cast in bricks (up to 4 kg). Similar to Samsø.

chopped dried or glacé fruits
tykmælk Denmark Junket dessert

tuvaram South Asia Pigeon pea


tykvennyi sup z pryanostiami Southwest

tykvennyi sup z pryanostiami

tuware Pigeon pea


Asia An Armenian soup made from sweated

tu ya ts’ai China Bean sprouts
tu ya ts’ai

pumpkin flesh, chopped leeks, carrots and

tuyo Philippines Small fish, salted and dried

currants, puréed with chicken stock and

then fried or grilled. Served with sliced milk flavoured with allspice and simmered
tomatoes. until cooked. Finished with yoghurt and dry-
tuz Turkey Salt

roasted pumpkin seeds.

Tvarvsky Czech Republic A strong cows’ milk

Tyroler Alpenkäse Austria, Switzerland A

Tyroler Alpenkäse

cheese similar to Handkäse hard cooked-curd cows’ milk cheese made

Tvorog Russia Twarog

in large wheels to 14 kg. It is ripened for 3

tvorozhinka Russia Cheese dumplings

months and the paste is mild and slightly

tvorozhniki Russia Thin patties made from

sweet and contains a few large holes.

sieved curd cheese, flour and egg (9:1:1) Tyroler Graukäse Austria, Switzerland A soft
Tyroler Graukäse

with a little sugar, salt, vanilla essence and surface-ripened cooked-curd cows’ milk
lemon zest, chilled and rested, floured then cheese curdled with a lactic ferment. It is
fried, with some difficulty, in butter until formed into discs and ripened for 10 to 20
brown on each side. Served at breakfast. days at high temperatures and humidity.
TVP See textured vegetable protein

tyrolienne, à la France In the Tyrolean style,

tyrolienne, à la

twaalfuurtje Netherlands Lunch


i.e. garnished with tomatoes and fried onions

twaite shad See shad
twaite shad

tyrolienne, sauce England, France Finely

tyrolienne, sauce

Twaróg Poland A soft acid curdled cows’ milk


chopped shallots cooked with colour in oil,

cheese without rind eaten young. Contains tomato concassée added and cooked until
approximately 70% water, 10% fat and 20% dry, all passed through a fine sieve, cooled
protein. Also called Tvorog and mixed with mayonnaise, chopped
Tweed kettle Scotland Originally a dish of the
Tweed kettle

parsley, chervil and tarragon. Served with

poor made with boned and skinned salmon fried fish and cold meats.
cut in small pieces and poached for 4 to 5 tyrolienne à l’ancienne, sauce France
tyrolienne à l’ancienne, sauce

minutes in strained stock made with the Finely chopped onion sweated in butter
skin, bones and head of the salmon, together mixed with an equal weight of tomato
with an equal quantity of white wine plus a concassée and twice its weight of sauce
few chopped shallots, mace and parsley or poivrade and all simmered until cooked
dill. Chopped mushrooms fried in butter to
tyttebær Denmark Lingonberry

prevent them floating are added and the fish

tzatsiki, tzatziki Greece A dip based on finely

stew may be served either hot with mashed

potatoes or cold with salad. chopped or grated, deseeded cucumber.
Twelfth night cake A rich fruit cake
Twelfth night cake
See also tsatsiki
tzimmes See tsimmes

sweetened with brown sugar and black

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ube Philippines Yam egg yolk, and decorated with slices of hard-
ubi Philippines Yam
boiled eggs, beetroot and chopped spring
ubi jalar Indonesia Sweet potato
ubi jalar
Uferschnecke Germany Winkle

ubi manis Indonesia Sweet potato

ubi manis

ugali East Africa The Kenyan name for finely


ubod Philippines The central pith of trunks of


the coconut and other palms. Eaten raw or ground corn or maize meal porridge
cooked as a vegetable or salad ingredient. generally made with twice its volume of
ubre Spain Udder
water, sometimes with milk. The yellow
ubriaco Italy Drunk, i.e. cooked in wine
variety is considered inferior to the white but
is more nutritious.
uccelletti Italy Small birds

ugli fruit A naturally occurring hybrid of the

ugli fruit

uccelletti alla maremmano Italy Small birds,

uccelletti alla maremmano

grapefruit and mandarin found growing wild

browned in oil then cooked in a vinegar and
tomato sauce with anchovies, olives and in Jamaica in 1914. It has a very rough,
uneven and thick peel usually with
blemishes. The orange flesh has a soft
uccelletti scappati Italy Paupiettes of veal
uccelletti scappati

texture and is very juicy. Usually eaten with a

with bacon cooked on a skewer
spoon like a grapefruit.
uccelli Indonesia Birds

ugnsångad fisk Sweden Oven-steamed fish.

ugnsångad fisk

ucche Kantola

Cleaned whole fish put in an oven-proof dish

uchepos Mexico Fresh corn tamales from

which has been rinsed out with water and

Michoácan cooked in the oven at 95°C for between 1
udang Indonesia, Malaysia 1. Shrimp 2.

and 4 hours. No other treatment is

Prawn necessary.
udang kering Indonesia, Malaysia Dried
udang kering

ugnspannkaka Sweden A thick pancake


shrimp baked in the oven

udder The fatty white meat of the mammary

ugnstekt Sweden Oven-baked


glands of milking animals such as cows,

ugnstekt blomkål med tomat Sweden
ugnstekt blomkål med tomat

sheep and goats which is cooked and sliced.

Parboiled cauliflower surrounded with
Once popular but now rarely available.
halved tomatoes in a buttered dish,
Occasionally used as a pasta stuffing. Also
gratinated with cheese and butter and baked
called elder in a hot oven until browned
udo Japan A stalk vegetable with a flavour

UHT See ultra-heat treated


similar to fennel used raw or blanched and

uien Netherlands Onions

sliced in salads
uitsmijter Netherlands An open sandwich

udon Japan A wheat flour noodle from the


south of Japan. It is thicker than the soba with a slice of ham or roast beef topped with
noodle, is either round or flat and is usually two fried eggs and garnished with lettuce,
served in soup. tomato and sliced gherkin, eaten as a snack
ukad South Asia Unpolished rice, slightly

udovolstvie testia Russia A highly decorated

udovolstvie testia

pickled herring salad where the herring is dusty with a reddish colour and thick grain
ukasi West Africa The leaves of a forest plant

deboned and skinned and rearranged in a

herring shape on a dish. It is then eaten as a vegetable. See also afang
ukha Russia A light fish consommé made

surrounded with chopped vegetables in a

vinaigrette sauce thickened with hard-boiled from enriched fish stock (800 g of white fish

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bones and trimmings per litre) resimmered umbra Spain Arctic char

with onions, carrots, parsley, bay leaf, cloves, umbra, all’ Italy In the style of Umbria, i.e.
umbra, all’

and finely chopped dill before clarifying and with an anchovy, tomato and truffle sauce
straining. A little dry white wine may be umbrella mushroom Parasol mushroom
umbrella mushroom

added. Often served with katushki.

ume Japan Plum

ukoy Philippines A fritter of peeled shrimps


umeboshi Japan Dried plums which are them


mixed with chopped spring onions, in a rice

or wheat flour batter. Fried and served with
umeboshi plum A Japanese apricot, coloured
umeboshi plum

vinegar and minced garlic.

with red shiso leaves and pickled in salt. It
Ukraine eggs Eastern Europe Very intricately
Ukraine eggs

has a tart salty flavour and is served at the

decorated hard-boiled eggs. A peasant art
end of a meal as a digestive and is also used
form in the Ukraine dating back to 1000 BC
in cooking. It may be puréed for use as the
at least.
souring agent bainiku.
uleg-uleg Indonesia A ceramic pestle that

ume shiso zuke Japan Tiny pickled plums

ume shiso zuke

goes with a matching mortar (cobek) with shiso

ulekan Indonesia A small deep granite or

umido Italy Stew


other hard rock mortar and pestle

umido, in Italy 1. Braised 2. Stewed.
umido, in

uliva Italy Olive


umngqusho South Africa Samp and dry


Ulloa Spain A semi-hard cows’ milk cheese


cowpeas or similar (2:1) soaked in water

similar to Tetilla cast in 1 kg discs overnight, drained then simmered on a low
ulluco The pink or yellow tubers of a half

heat for 1 to 2 hours until all the water is

hardy perennial yam, Ullucus tuberosus, absorbed, adding water as required.
from South America. It can be grown in the Seasoned and served hot. (NOTE: Said to be
UK. Nelson Mandela’s favourite dish.)
Ullucus tuberosus Botanical name Ulluco unagi Japan Freshwater eel

Ulster roll Ireland A boned bacon joint from

Ulster roll

unbleached flour Flour which has not been

unbleached flour

Northern Ireland which is cured, dry-salted, treated with a bleaching agent to whiten the
soaked in water then dried and smoked. Also colour
called spencer unchun Thailand A natural blue colour

ultracongelado Spain Deep-frozen


obtained from the petals of a local plant.

ultra-heat treated (A liquid) which has been
ultra-heat treated
Often used to colour jicama and water
rapidly heated to 132°C, held at this chestnuts for dessert use.
uncooked curd Curd for cheese making
uncooked curd

temperature for 1 to 2 seconds (up to 6

minutes for some products), then rapidly which has not been heated to more than
cooled, generally in a stainless steel plate 40°C
heat exchanger through which the liquid Undaria pinnatifida Botanical name Wakame
flows as a very thin film. This treatment undercushion of veal United Kingdom The
undercushion of veal

sterilizes the liquid without too much change thick longitudinal muscle at the rear outside
in its flavour. However the process does not of a leg of veal equivalent to silverside of beef
necessarily destroy enzymes which may with the same uses as cushion of veal. Also
induce rancidity after several months. Also called undernut of veal
called UHT, long life, extended life underdone Still red or pink in the centre of the

uluhaal Sri Lanka Fenugreek


meat after cooking. Also called rare

ulutham South Asia Black gram undernut of veal United Kingdom
ulutham undernut of veal

ulva Sea laver

Undercushion of veal
Ungarische Art Germany In the Hungarian
Ungarische Art

Ulzama Spain A semi-hard ewes’ milk cheese


from Navarra made in cylinders to 2 kg. The style, i.e. with paprika
ung choi China Swamp cabbage
ung choi

white dense paste has a strong flavour and a

ung choy Swamp cabbage
ung choy

few holes and is covered in a brown rind.

umani Japan Vegetables simmered in dashi uni Japan Sea urchin, often presented in a
umani uni

flavoured with soya sauce, mirin, sugar and nori basket as sushi
salt, added to the broth in order of cooking univalve Gastropod

times. Garnished with very fine strands of unleavened Without any natural or chemical

mooli. raising agent

umble pie Humble pie
umble pie

unleavened bread Bread made from flour,

unleavened bread

umbles The edible entrails of deer or other


water and salt without using a raising agent

game animals or incorporating air

596 Page 597 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM


unna coffee East Africa The traditional coffee

unna coffee

Urtica dioica Botanical name Nettle

of Ethiopia which is roasted, ground and use-by-date Date mark used on packaged

brewed at the table food which is intended to be consumed

unpolished rice Rice from which the bran within 6 weeks. Under UK regulations this
unpolished rice

and most of the germ has been removed. date may be changed by the manufacturer
See also brown rice after the first date has expired.
unsaturated fat See polyunsaturated usli ghee South Asia Ghee
unsaturated fat usli ghee

unshu-mikan Japan Satsuma


uso di, all’ Italy In the style of

uso di, all’

unsweetened chocolate Chocolate

unsweetened chocolate

usuage Japan Soya bean pouches. See also


containing no sugar, used for baking abura-age

uova alla Bela Rosin Italy Egg mayonnaise
uova alla Bela Rosin

usu-kuchi shoyu Japan A particularly light,

usu-kuchi shoyu

uova con pancetta Italy Bacon and eggs

uova con pancetta

clear and salty soya sauce

uova di bufala Italy Mozzarella di bufala
uova di bufala

usu-zukuri Japan A diagonal cut of thin slices


uova di pesce Italy Hard fish roe of firm fish fillets for use in sashimi
uova di pesce

uova strapazzate Italy Scrambled eggs utaw Philippines Soya beans

uova strapazzate utaw

uovo Italy Egg


uthappam South Asia A thicker variety of the


uovo affogato Italy Poached egg South Indian dosa, with items such as
uovo affogato

uovo al burro Italy Fried egg

uovo al burro

vegetables, onions, tomatoes, chillies and

uovo al tegamino Italy Shirred egg
uovo al tegamino
coriander added to the batter before cooking
uovo bazzotto Italy Lightly boiled (3 minutes)
uovo bazzotto
rather than used as a stuffing afterwards
utility beef United States Commercial beef
utility beef

uunipuuru Finland A baked barley or rice

uovo di mare Italy See violet 2

uovo di mare

uovo molle Italy Soft-boiled egg

uovo molle
uunissa paistettu hauki Finland Baked
uunissa paistettu hauki

uovo sodo Italy Hard-boiled egg

uovo sodo

upotettu muna Finland Poached egg

upotettu muna
stuffed pike
uva Italy, Portugal, Spain Grape

upshwa South Africa A maize or cassava-


uva fragola Italy Strawberry grape

uva fragola

based staple porridge from Mozambique.

See also xima uva passa Italy Raisins and currants
uva passa

upside down cake A cake baked in a tin with

upside down cake

uva secca Italy Raisins and currants

uva secca

a decorative layer of fruit on the bottom so uva spina Italy Gooseberry

uva spina

that when it is turned out the fruit will be on Uzbekistan walnut brittle Southwest Asia
Uzbekistan walnut brittle

top Light brown sugar and evaporated milk (3:1)

upside down pudding A Victoria sponge
upside down pudding

flavoured with allspice, ginger and

pudding made in the same way as upside cinnamon, cooked to the soft ball stage
down cake (115°C) then mixed with halved walnuts and
urad dal South Asia Black gram
urad dal

vanilla essence, cooled and broken up

urad dal chilke wali South Asia Split but
urad dal chilke wali

uzhin 1. Russia Supper, a late evening meal


unskinned black gram varying in style from zakuski with unlimited

urad dal dhuli South Asia Polished black
urad dal dhuli

vodka to a more Western three-course meal

gram 2. See dill
Urbasa, Urbia A smoked ewes’ milk cheese

uzura no tamago Japan Quail egg

uzura no tamago

from the Basque country. See also Idiazabal uzvar Eastern Europe A compote of dried

urda A Balkan cheese similar to Ricotta


fruits soaked in water overnight then boiled

urd bean South Asia Black gram bean
urd bean

in water or apple juice with a little honey or

urney pudding Scotland A variation of glister sugar. It is often served with kutya in the
urney pudding

pudding using strawberry jam in place of the Ukraine on Christmas Eve and on feasts of
marmalade the dead.

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va Vietnam And, used as a linking word in in squat cylinders (up to 5 kg) and similar to
many Vietnamese dish descriptions. See also Saint Paulin. The paste is yellow with a
Vietnamese names of dishes reddish rind.
vaca Portugal, Spain Meat from old cows, vacuum drying A method of drying foods by
vaca vacuum drying

rather tough subjecting them to a vacuum so that the

vaca cozida Portugal Boiled beef
vaca cozida

water evaporates at ambient temperatures.

vaca guisada Portugal Beef stew
vaca guisada
May be used with frozen food.
Vaccinium ashei Botanical name Blueberry vacuum flask See thermos flask
vacuum flask

(rabbit eye blueberry) vacuum pack A long-life pack in which food is

vacuum pack

Vaccinium corymbosum Botanical name sealed under vacuum in polythene or other

Blueberry (highbush blueberry) clear plastic pouches. Also known as sous-
Vaccinium macrocarpum Botanical name vide when the contents are cooked or
Cranberry partially cooked food or meals for use in
Vaccinium vitis-idaea Botanical name restaurants.
Cowberry vadelmat Finland Raspberries

Vachard France A strong-flavoured cows’ milk


våfflor Sweden Waffles


cheese from the Massif Central similar to vafler Norway Waffles


Saint Nectaire vagem Portugal Green beans, runner or


vacherin France 1. Meringue formed in a


French. See also feijão verde

large or small shell or disc filled with whipped vainilla Spain Vanilla

cream, ice cream or fruited ice cream.

vaktel Sweden Quail

Served as a dessert or cake. 2. A soft runny

val South Asia Hyacinth bean

cheese from the Jura usually served with

Valais raclette France A semi-hard scalded-
Valais raclette

curd cows’ milk cheese made in 6 to 7 kg
Vacherin des Beauges France Soft cows’
Vacherin des Beauges

wheels from full cream milk. The paste is

milk cheese cast in large flat discs to 2 kg
pale and creamy and very suitable for
and wrapped in a strip of spruce bark to give
melting as a raclette.
it a resinous flavour. The rind becomes soft
Valdeteja Spain A semi-hard goats’ milk

and grey or brown after it is ripened in cool

damp conditions. cheese shaped into long cylinders with a
white paste containing a few holes. It is
Vacherin fribourgeoise France A smaller (up
Vacherin fribourgeoise

to 12 kg) soft version of Gruyère cheese with ripened for up to 15 days and the rind is
rubbed with olive oil.
golden yellow paste and holes of varying
Val di Muggio Switzerland A cows’ milk
Val di Muggio

shapes. It is started with a lactic culture,

pressed, salted and surface-ripened in high cheese with a delicate taste and smooth rind
Valençay France A pyramid-shaped soft

humidity. Considered as a cheese for special

occasions. Also called Freiburger Vacherin goats’ milk cheese from the Loire valley,
Vacherin Mont d’Or Switzerland A winter
Vacherin Mont d’Or
matured for 4 to 5 weeks and coated in wood
cheese made from unpasteurized cows’ milk ash
valenciano Mexico A type of chilli pepper

which is sold in thin wooden boxes. The

Valencia orange The most well known of the
Valencia orange

paste is very soft and runny and eaten with a

spoon. The rind is rust-coloured. common (sweet) oranges and probably the
Vacherol du Port-du-Salut de la Trappe
Vacherol du Port-du-Salut de la Trappe
most important world orange. Its history can
France A semi-hard cows’ milk cheese made be traced back to the Portuguese but it was

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popularized by a British nurseryman who Vanilla planifolia Botanical name Vanilla

recognized its good qualities and shipped it vanilla pod The fruit of the vanilla vine. Also
vanilla pod

around the world. It has medium to large called vanilla bean

fruits with a thin and leathery peel, about 2 to vanilla sugar Sugar flavoured by being kept
vanilla sugar

4 seeds per fruit and an excellent flavour, in contact with a vanilla pod in a closed jar.
though slightly acid if immature. The rind is Used for flavouring other dishes.
often greenish especially if grown in tropical vanille France, Netherlands Vanilla

Vanille Germany Vanilla

Valencia peanut A variety of peanut with an

Valencia peanut

Vanille Rahmeis Germany Vanilla ice cream

Vanille Rahmeis

upright habit and up to four dark red seeds

vanillin One of the flavouring components of

per pod
Valencia rice A Spanish rice similar to
Valencia rice natural vanilla, now synthesized chemically
Carolina which swells and becomes tender and used in artificial vanilla flavourings
vann Norway Water

without releasing starch. Ideal for paella.

vanneau France Queen scallop

valeriana cultivado Spain Lamb’s lettuce

valeriana cultivado

vannmelon Norway Watermelon


Valerianella locusta Botanical name Lamb’s

vanukas Finland Pudding

valérianelle France Lamb’s lettuce vapeur, (à la) France Steamed. Used
valérianelle vapeur,

valigini mantovani Italy Cabbage rolls filled

valigini mantovani
especially of potatoes.
vapor, à Portugal Steamed
vapor, à

with chicken and potato and cooked in

tomato sauce in the usual way varak South Asia Silver leaf

välikyljys Finland Entrecôte of beef


varaq South Asia Silver leaf


valkokaalisalaatti Finland Cabbage salad,


varié(e) France Assorted, as in hors


coleslaw d’oeuvres variés, mixed hors d’oeuvres

valnødkage Denmark Walnut cake

variegated scallop A small variety of scallop,

variegated scallop

valnødromkager Denmark Walnut and rum-


Chlamys varia, with a firmer and less white

flavoured biscuit muscle than the queen or great scallop
valois, sauce France Foyot, sauce variety meats United States Offal
valois, sauce variety meats

valor South Asia Hyacinth bean varkenskarbonaden Netherlands Fried pork

valor varkenskarbonaden

vanaspati South Asia Hydrogenated


vegetable oil used as a butter substitute and varkenvlees Netherlands Pork

for cooking värmlandskorv Sweden A sausage made


vand Denmark Water


from equal parts of finely minced pork, finely

vand melon Denmark Watermelon minced beef and chopped raw potatoes all
vand melon

vaniglia Italy Vanilla

reminced with onion, seasoned, flavoured
vanigliato Italy Vanilla-flavoured
with allspice, moistened with ham stock,
packed loosely into casings, linked, dry-
vanilje Norway Vanilla

salted for a day then cooked and refreshed

vaniljglass Sweden Vanilla ice cream

varmrätt Sweden A hot dish (of food)


vaniljsås Sweden English custard


vår-primör Sweden Smoked salmon served


vanilla The seed pod of a vine, Vanilla


with creamed spinach and poached eggs as

planifolia, which can grow up to a height of an early spring delicacy
15 m. The pods are picked when unripe and
varske Russia Cottage cheese

go through a complex curing process which

vårsoppa Sweden Spring vegetable soup

leaves the best pods narrow, dark brown,

supple and long, coated with white crystals based on beef stock with new carrots,
of vanillin, but this frosting can be faked. The cauliflower, asparagus, fresh peas and fresh
flavour is mellow and the aroma fragrant and spinach, chopped as appropriate, boiled in
unmistakeable. It is used to flavour desserts turn until tender and reserved;the stock
and chocolate. Synthetic vanillin is widely thickened with a liaison of egg yolks and
available and is used in most manufactured double cream and the vegetables added
goods. It has a heavier odour and a back together with chopped parsley and dill
disagreeable aftertaste. and sliced radish. Served hot.
varying hare See Scottish hare
varying hare

vanilla bean See vanilla pod

vanilla bean

vasikanliha Finland Veal


vanilla essence An alcoholic extract of the

vanilla essence

vasikanpaisti Finland Roast veal


vanilla pod used for flavouring

vassoio Italy Tray or cheese board

vanilla flavouring The name usually given to

vanilla flavouring

Västerbottenost Sweden A hard scalded-


an aqueous solution of artificial vanilla made

from the eugenol in clove oil curd cows’ milk cheese made with a lactic

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starter followed by rennet. The scalded curds are many separate cuts such as neck slices,
are pressed in moulds, salted and ripened riblets, foreshanks, brisket pieces, etc.
for up to 8 months to give a strong-flavoured confined to particular localities
firm paste with small holes. Also called veal Oscar United States A veal cutlet,
veal Oscar

Västergota sautéed, garnished with asparagus tips and

Västergota See Västerbottenost

crayfish tails and accompanied with a

västkustsallad Sweden A mixed salad of béarnaise sauce

prawns, lobster meat, cooked and shelled veal Parmigiana United States Veal chops
veal Parmigiana

mussels, cooked peas and asparagus, sliced panéed using breadcrumbs mixed with
raw mushrooms and tomatoes dressed with grated Parmesan cheese as the final coating,
a dill-flavoured vinaigrette. Served in baked or fried and served with a tomato
individual dishes garnished with dill weed. sauce
vat A large tub used for large-scale processing

veau France 1. Calf 2. Veal


of cheese, pickles, etc. and for fermenting

veau de mer France Porbeagle shark
veau de mer

and ageing wine

veau sous la mère France Veal from calves
veau sous la mère

vatrushki Russia Savoury tartlets made from


which have been reared outdoors with their

an egg and sour cream enriched short pastry
mothers until ready for slaughter
raised with baking powder and filled with an
vecchia maniera, alla Italy In an old
vecchia maniera, alla

egg, cottage cheese, sugar, butter and lemon

zest filling fashioned style
vecchio Italy Old. Used of cheese or other

vatrushki s tvorogom Russia Turnovers

vatrushki s tvorogom

made with an unsweetened yeast-raised food items which might improve with age.
dough filled with a mixture of cottage cheese, vedella Catalonia Veal

butter, eggs and salt, egg-washed, proved vegan A person who will not eat the meat or

and baked in a hot oven. Served with sour products derived from any animal or once
cream. living creature including eggs, milk, fish, etc.
vatten Sweden Water

Honey is excluded by some

vattenmelon Sweden Watermelon

vegemite Australia Concentrated yeast extract


vaxbönor Sweden Wax beans


similar to marmite (2)

veado Portugal Deer

vegetable carbon See carbon black

vegetable carbon

veal The meat of a young calf 6 to 14 weeks


vegetable extract A dark brown paste made

vegetable extract

old. Rearing methods range from calves run from hydrolysed vegetable protein and
with their mothers on grass which gives a vegetable flavourings, possibly mixed with
good-textured, dark pink meat, to those yeast extract. Used as a flavouring agent
which are removed from their mothers at especially by vegetarians and vegans.
birth, crated and fed with an iron-deficient
vegetable gelatine Agar-agar
vegetable gelatine

reconstituted milk to give an anaemic animal

vegetable marrow The large cylindrical green
vegetable marrow

with very pale flesh. This latter was once

highly prized but is now gradually going out to yellow fruits of the genus Curcubita,
of fashion. known as summer squashes which are
veal and calf grades Grades in the US are
veal and calf grades
harvested in summer. Cooked whole or
prime, choice, good, standard and utility, in stuffed or their flesh made into jams or used
descending order of quality as a vegetable. Very young vegetable
marrows up to 15 cm in length are known as
veal and ham pie United Kingdom A raised
veal and ham pie

courgettes or zucchini.
pie with a filling of diced ham, pork and veal,
vegetable oyster Salsify
vegetable oyster

usually surrounding a hard-boiled egg

vegetable pear Choko
vegetable pear

veal axoa A veal hash from the Basque

veal axoa

vegetable peeler See peeler

vegetable peeler

country of France made with chopped

onions and sweet red peppers fried in olive vegetable soup A mirepoix of mixed
vegetable soup

oil, diced veal added to the frying pan vegetables sweated in butter, flour added
followed by tomato concassée, all cooked and cooked out without colour, white stock, a
briskly for 5 minutes then simmered with dry bouquet garni and sliced potatoes added,
white wine until tender simmered and skimmed for 1 hour, bouquet
veal chops Chops cut from the loin of veal
veal chops

garni removed, the remainder liquidized,

veal cordon bleu An escalope cordon bleu
veal cordon bleu

seasoned, consistency adjusted and served

made with veal accompanied by croûtons. Also called
veal cuts United States Cuts of veal generally
veal cuts
légumes, purée de
vegetable spaghetti A yellow summer
vegetable spaghetti

correspond to beef cuts but because of

European, especially Italian influence, there squash whose flesh separates into spaghetti-

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venus shell clam

like strands when it is cooked. Also called vendace roe Finland The highly prized roe of
vendace roe

spaghetti marrow the local vendace served as caviar, e.g. with

vegetais Portugal Vegetables

chopped onion, sour cream and blini

vending service Service using machines to
vending service

vegetale Italy Vegetable


dispense the food and beverages, which are

vegetarian A person who avoids eating the

usually prepacked
flesh of once living creatures although some
Vendôme France An unpasteurized cows’

will eat animal products such as eggs, milk

and milk products and fish. See also vegan, milk cheese from the Loire valley cast in 250
lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian g discs. The cheeses are ripened for 1 month
either in humid caves so as to blue externally
vegetarian cheese Cheese made with a
vegetarian cheese

(Vendôme bleu) or covered in wood ash from

curdling agent not derived from animals vine shoots to give a brown crust (Vendôme
veggieburger United Kingdom A vegetarian

cendré). Contains 50% fat based on dry

patty shaped like a hamburger, made with a matter.
savoury mixture of vegetables and vegetable venison The meat of deer either farmed or

protein (colloquial) caught in the wild. That from the wild is in

veggies United Kingdom, United States

season from July to the end of February. The

Vegetables, as in veggieburger (colloquial) meat tends to be tough and is usually hung
Veilchen Germany Violet, the flower
for 1 to 2 weeks and marinated before use. It
has a low proportion of fat and requires
veitchberry A hybrid blackberry

special care in cooking. Popular in Germany.

vellay poondoo South Asia Garlic
vellay poondoo

venison salami Lean venison and one

venison salami

vells The lining of the fourth stomach of an


quarter its weight of lean pork finely minced

unweaned calf used as a source of rennet and mixed with coarsely minced pork belly
velösleves Hungary A soup made from and diced pork back fat each equal in weight

calves’ brains and sliced mushrooms to the lean pork, seasoned, mixed with
sweated in butter with parsley, sprinkled with saltpetre and brown sugar and flavoured with
flour and simmered with seasoned beef nutmeg, ginger, peppercorns, garlic and
stock flavoured with mace until all cooked. juniper berries, packed tightly into ox
Passed through a sieve, reheated and served middles or bungs and air-dried until mature
with croûtons. venison sauce Poivrade sauce made with
venison sauce

velouté England, France A type of soup in

game stock and finished with molten
which a blond roux is combined with stock redcurrant jelly and cream
venison sausage Scotland, United States A
venison sausage

and vegetables, possibly sweated, herbs and

seasonings, simmered and skimmed, then sausage of variable composition, roughly 2
forced through a sieve or liquidized and parts lean venison to 1 part fatty pork,
finished with a liaison of egg yolk and cream minced, extended with soaked pinhead
(NOTE: Literally ‘velvety’.) oatmeal in Scotland, seasoned and mixed
velouté sauce A basic white sauce made
velouté sauce
with any of saltpetre, sage, garlic, juniper
from a blond roux and a white stock, berries, brown sugar, lemon zest, spices and
simmered and skimmed for one hour and brandy, moistened with red wine, stock or
strained. (100 g flour per litre). lemon juice, packed into casings, linked and
velutato Italy Thickened with egg yolks (NOTE:

vénitienne, sauce France A reduction of

vénitienne, sauce

Literally ‘velvety’.)
tarragon vinegar, chopped shallots and
velvet apple Mabalo
velvet apple

chopped chervil, strained, mixed with twice

Venaco France A soft surface-ripened goats’

the original vinegar volume of sauce vin

milk cheese from Corsica made in cylinders blanc and finished with green butter,
(up to 400 g) and ripened for up to 50 days chopped tarragon and vinegar
in cool damp caves to give a greyish rind. venkel Netherlands Fennel

Only made at certain times of the year. ventaglio Italy Scallop, the shellfish

venado 1. Spain Venison 2. Mexico Deer,


ventaglio, a Italy Scallop- or fan-shaped

ventaglio, a

venison ventresca Italy Belly of pork or tuna fish


venaison France Venison


ventresca bollita Italy Boiled belly of tuna

ventresca bollita

venaison, sauce France Venison sauce

venaison, sauce

fish, considered to be the tastiest part

Venushaar Germany Maidenhair fern

vendace A small, medium oily, freshwater


venus shell clam A shiny red or pink clam,

venus shell clam

fish, Coregonus albula, smaller than the

related lake whitefish. Found in European Callista chione, up to 9 cm in diameter
waters and may be baked or fried. Found from southern England through to the

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Mediterranean. It can be cooked or eaten verza Italy Savoy cabbage


raw. Also called smooth venus clam verzelata Italy Grey mullet

verace Italy Authentic, fresh, not tinned


verzini Italy Small cooking sausages


verats a la brasa Catalonia Mackerel cooked

verats a la brasa

vescica Italy Bladder, used as a sausage


over an open flame casing

verbena Italy, Spain, United States Lemon

vesi Finland Water


verbena vésiga France The dried spinal cord of the


Verbena Germany Lemon verbena


verde Italy Green vesigha Russia Dried sturgeon marrow
verde vesigha

verdesca Italy A type of shark vesop A concentrated vegetable extract used

verdesca vesop

verdura Italy, Spain Vegetables, greens


in Eastern cooking
vetchina Russia Ham

vergine Italy Virgin olive oil


vetiver An aromatic grass used in Indian


verigüeto Spain Warty venus clam


Veritable Nantais France Nantais

Veritable Nantais
cookery. See also khas khas
verivanukas Finland Black pudding
Vetiveria zizanioides Botanical name Khas
verjuice In England the juice of crab apples,

vetkoek South Africa Deep-fried balls of


in France the juice of unripe grapes. Used as

a souring agent in place of vinegar. dough
ve tsin Vietnam Monosodium glutamate
ve tsin

verjus France Verjuice


Vézelay France A strong-flavoured goats’ milk


vermicelli Italy A very fine thin pasta usually


cheese from Burgundy, shaped like a cone

bundled up like a bird’s nest and used in
Vezzena Italy A hard scalded-curd cheese

made from skimmed cows’ milk, curdled
vermicellini Italy Angel’s hair

with rennet and formed into cylinders (up to

Vermont United States A Cheddar-type

40 kg). These are dry-salted and ripened for

cheese from the state of the same name 6 months to give a slicing cheese or for 12
vermouth A spice, herb and essential oil

months to give a grating cheese.

flavoured wine used as an aperitif and as a vi Catalonia Wine

flavouring agent
vialone rice Italy A fino-grade rice with long
vialone rice

verni France Venus shell clam


tapering grains able to absorb large

vero Italy Real, authentic

quantities of liquid without losing its

Véron, sauce France 3 parts of sauce
Véron, sauce

structure. Used for risotto.

normande mixed with 1 part of sauce viande France Meat

tyrolienne and finished with a pale meat viande de boeuf blitzée Switzerland Beef
viande de boeuf blitzée

glaze and anchovy essence reduced to a very fine paste or cream using
Véronique France Garnished with white

a bowl chopper or possibly a high powered

seedless grapes, used of savoury dishes food processor
Véronique, fish As for fish Bercy, glazed and
Véronique, fish

viande des grisons France Cured and dried

viande des grisons

garnished with white grapes, blanched, beef. See also Bünderfleisch

skinned and depipped viande faisandée France Meat kept until it is
viande faisandée

verseworst Netherlands Fresh sausage


high, well hung

verte, sauce England, France Mayonnaise
verte, sauce

viande hachée France Minced meat

viande hachée

flavoured and coloured with chopped viandes froides France Sliced cold meats
viandes froides

tarragon or chervil, chives and watercress viands A formal term for food and provisions.

(NOTE: Literally ‘green sauce’.) Also called victuals, vittals (NOTE: From Old
vert galant France A jam made from
vert galant

blueberries, honey and spices from Béarn Vibrio parahaemolyticus An infective type of
(NOTE: Literally ‘ladies’s man’, after the food poisoning bacteria found in shellfish
French king Henri IV.) and seafood generally. The incubation period
vert-pré, au France Garnished with water
vert-pré, au

is 2 to 48 hours, usually 12 to 18 hours and

cress and straw potatoes or coated with the duration of the illness is 2 to 5 days. The
green mayonnaise or a sauce suprême symptoms are diarrhoea often leading to
coloured with a green beurre printanier and dehydration, abdominal pain and fever.
garnished with bouquets of green vegetables Vichy, à la France Garnished with Vichy
Vichy, à la

(NOTE: Literally ‘like a green meadow’.) carrots, or with a sauce containing the red of
verveine France Lemon verbena

carrots which has been sweated and puréed

Verwurrelt gedanken Luxembourg Crisply Vichy carrots Young carrots turned or
Verwurrelt gedanken Vichy carrots

fried pastries scraped, cooked in (Vichy) water, butter, a

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villageoise, sauce

little sugar and seasoning until all the liquid spinach, celery and potatoes. Also used of
has evaporated and the carrots are tender escalopes garnished with a lemon slice plus
and glazed some of anchovy fillets, chopped hard-boiled
Vichyssoise A cold version of the homely
egg white and yolk, chopped capers or
French leek and potato soup, potage bonne chopped parsley arranged in a pleasing
femme, which has been finished with cream pattern.
(NOTE: Invented by Louis Diat, chef at the viennoiserie France The generic name for

New York Ritz Carlton, in a fit of nostalgia for French pastries, croissants, pain au
his Vichy boyhood.) chocolate, Danish pastries, brioche, pain au
Vichy water A natural mineral water bottled in
Vichy water

raisins, etc.
Vichy, France vierge, beurre France Softened butter
vierge, beurre

Vicia faba Botanical name Broad bean or whipped with seasoning and lemon juice,
horse bean used to dress boiled vegetables
vickning Sweden Food offered to guests just Vietnamese mint A herb of the genus
vickning Vietnamese mint

before they are about to leave, e.g. Jansson’s Polygonum with long slender deep green
temptation. Sometimes called nattmat, night leaves and with an intense flavour of basil
food, but this refers more to solitary midnight and mint. Used to flavour fish and noodle
snacks. dishes in Malaysia and salads in Vietnam.
Victoria, à la France In the Victoria style, i.e. (NOTE: So called because of its introduction
Victoria, à la

garnished with tomatoes, macaroni, lettuce, into Australia by Vietnamese migrants.)

potatoes and sometimes artichokes Vietnamese names of dishes Vietnam Apart
Vietnamese names of dishes

Victoria plum England A large oval red from one of two names left over from the
Victoria plum

skinned dessert plum with sweet juicy flesh. French occupation, Vietnamese dishes
Often eaten raw but may be cooked. rarely have names in the Western style such
victoria sandwich A victoria sponge mixture
victoria sandwich
as cottage pie, boeuf bourguignonne and the
baked in two shallow cake tins, turned out, like. Rather they list the ingredients and the
cooled, trimmed and sandwiched together cooking methods using the linking words voi
with a filling of whipped cream and/or jam (with) and va (and). For example (thit ga)
and the tops dusted with icing sugar (tron) voi (buoi) is (sliced chicken) (mixed)
victoria sponge mixture Equal parts by
victoria sponge mixture
with (grapefruit), and (rau thom) va (xa) is
weight of flour, butter, caster sugar, and eggs (mint) and lemon grass.
Vietnamese peanut sauce Roasted peanuts,
Vietnamese peanut sauce

with 2 level teaspoons of baking powder per

4 oz of flour (60 g per kg flour) made up deseeded red chillies, garlic, mint and lemon
using the creaming method juice, processed to a fine paste then thinned
victuals See viands
down with a 4:1 mixture of thin coconut milk
Vidalia onion United States A particularly
Vidalia onion
and fish sauce
Vietnamese soya sauce See tuong
Vietnamese soya sauce

sweet onion which may only be grown in a

limited area near Glenville, South Georgia. Vigna catjang Botanical name Black-eyed
One of the few restricted area foods in the pea
vignarola Italy Chopped leeks, quartered

vider France 1. To empty 2. To draw poultry,
artichokes, mint, seasoning, shelled broad
to disembowel or eviscerate beans and peas added progressively to
Vienna bread See Vienna loaf
Vienna bread
heated olive oil and cooked until soft and all
Vienna coffee A particular blend of coffee
Vienna coffee
liquid disappeared
beans favoured in Vienna Vigna sesquipedalis Botanical name Long
Vienna loaf A short oval-shaped white bread
Vienna loaf

about 30 cm long often with several diagonal

Vigna unguiculata Botanical name Cow pea
vigneronne, à la France In the wine grower’s
vigneronne, à la

slashes and with a fairly crisp brown crust.

The inspiration for French baguettes and style, i.e. with a wine sauce and garnished
other similar breads. Also called Vienna with grapes
viili Finland A soured milk, curds, junket,

Vienna sausage 1. A small Frankfurter 2.
Vienna sausage
viinimarjakiisseli Finland Redcurrant sauce

United States Frankfurter sausage

viinirypäle Finland Grape

Viennese coffee Austria 1. A mocha coffee 2.

Viennese coffee

vijg Netherlands Fig


Ground coffee mixed with dried figs

viennois, pain France An oval soft-crumbed vild hönsfågel Sweden Grouse. Also called
viennois, pain vild hönsfågel

crusty loaf of bread ripa

viennoise, à la France In the Viennese style, villageoise, sauce France A mixture of veal
viennoise, à la villageoise, sauce

i.e. used of roasts garnished with noodles, stock, mushroom essence, velouté sauce

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and soubise sauce, reduced, strained and marinade’) introduced to the Portuguese
thickened with egg yolks and cream and colony of Goa. Other authorities derive the
finished with butter. Used for white meat. name from ‘vinegar’ and aloo (the Indian
Villalón Spain An even-textured, soft, mild
word for ‘potato’). See also pork vindaloo
and rindless ewes’ milk cheese from vindaloo paste A spice paste used to make
vindaloo paste

Valladolid. The paste is made from scalded vindaloo consisting of dried red chillies,
curds and has lots of small holes. It is coriander, cumin and fenugreek seeds and
moulded in the shape of a long cylinder with peppercorns, all dry-roasted then processed
rounded ends and an oval cross section. with turmeric, salt, vinegar, tamarind, garlic,
Also called pata de mulo fresh ginger root and plenty of raw onion
Villeroi, sauce France Sauce Allemande vindrue Norway Grape
Villeroi, sauce vindrue

mixed with ham fumet and truffle essence, vindruvor Sweden Grapes

reduced until very thick. Used for coating vine fruits See dried vine fruits
vine fruits

items of food which are then panéed and

vinegar A dilute solution (4 to 6%) of acetic

acid made by biological oxidation of alcoholic
Villeroi Soubise, sauce France Villeroi
Villeroi Soubise, sauce

liquids such as ale, cider or wine. Known by

sauce with one part soubise sauce added to its source i.e. malt vinegar (from ale), cider
2.5 parts of sauce allemande at the initial vinegar or red or white wine vinegar.
stage Occasionally a cheap solution is made from
Villeroi tomatée, sauce France Villeroi
Villeroi tomatée, sauce

chemically produced acetic acid which is

sauce with 1 part fresh tomato purée added known as spirit vinegar. Many flavourings are
to 3 parts of sauce allemande at the initial added to vinegar e.g. tarragon or garlic.
stage Extensively used as a preservative and
viltfågel Sweden Game

flavouring agent in all cuisines. Vinegar can

viltsuppe Norway Game or venison soup

be made by allowing a 15% sugar solution to

vin Denmark, France, Norway, Sweden Wine ferment, open to the air, for about 6 months

vinäger Sweden Vinegar

using yeast and/or bread as a starter if
vinagre Portugal, Spain Vinegar
mother of vinegar is not available.
vinegar cake England An eggless fruit cake
vinegar cake

vinaigre France Vinegar (NOTE: Literally ‘sour


wine’.) made with plain flour, mixed dried fruit,

vinaigrette England, France 1. A mixture of
butter and soft brown sugar (2:2:1:1) using
oil and vinegar seasoned with salt and the rubbing in method and brought together
pepper, possibly with mustard and sugar, with a foaming mixture of milk with
then shaken together but not so as to make bicarbonate of soda and vinegar (60:1:9),
a stable emulsion. Used to dress salads or as baked at 200°C for 30 minutes then at
a dip. Also called French dressing 2. See 170°C until cooked
vinegar herbs The principal herbs used for
vinegar herbs

ravigote, sauce
vinbär Sweden Currant
flavouring vinegars are basil, bay, chervil, dill,
vin blanc, au France With white wine
vin blanc, au fennel, lemon balm, marjoram, mint,
rosemary, savory, tarragon and thyme
vin blanc, fish As for fish Bercy, but sauce
vin blanc, fish

vine leaves The young leaves of grape vines

vine leaves

finished only with butter and cream and not

glazed. Garnished with fleurons. sold fresh, canned or pickled in brine.
Served in salads or used as a wrapping for
vin blanc, sauce France Boiling fish velouté
vin blanc, sauce

various stuffings, e.g. for dolmades.

mixed with white wine, cooled, butter and
vine spinach Ceylon spinach
vine spinach

cream added, seasoned, lemon juice added

vinha d’alhos Portugal Fish fillets or pork
vinha d’alhos

then strained through a tammy cloth. Used

for fish. Also called white wine sauce steaks marinated in wine with garlic, cloves,
Vincent, sauce France Equal parts of green
Vincent, sauce
pepper and bay leaf, then fried, alternatively,
sauce and tartare sauce well mixed the marinade
vino Italy, Spain Wine

vincisgrassi maceratese Italy An 18th-

vincisgrassi maceratese

vinous grape Dessert grape

vinous grape

century pasta dish consisting of lasagne

vin rouge, au France With red wine
vin rouge, au

layered with ceps, cream and parma ham,

topped with Parmesan cheese and white vin rouge, sauce France A fine mirepoix of
vin rouge, sauce

truffle shavings. Also called pincisgrassi vegetables lightly browned in butter, red wine
(NOTE: Named after the Austrian Prince added and reduced by half, crushed garlic
Windischgratz.) and espagnole sauce added, simmered,
vindaloo South Asia A particularly hot Indian

skimmed, strained and finished with butter,

stew (from chillies). The name is a corruption anchovy essence and a little cayenne
of vinho de alhos (‘wine and garlic pepper. Served with fish.

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vitamin B1

vinsuppe Norway Wine soup syrup is more viscous than cream, which in

viola mammola Italy Sweet violet

viola mammola
turn has a higher viscosity than water.
Viola odorata Botanical name Sweet violet

viskoekjes Netherlands Fish cakes

Viola tricolor Botanical name Pansy visniski

visniski Russia A chopped fish ball seasoned

violaxanthin See E161(e)

with fennel, covered with dough and deep-

violet 1. A small wild flower of the genus Viola

which looks like a very small pansy and vispgrädde

vispgrädde Sweden Whipping cream

whose mauve flowers are crystallized for use vispi puuro

as cake or dessert decoration. The petals of vispi puuro Finland The juice from summer
the sweet violet, V. odorata, are used for their berries cooked with sugar and semolina to a
flavour by steeping them in vinegar. See also paste then whipped off the heat until light
sweet violet 2. England, France A and frothy. Served cold with milk and sugar.
Mediterranean sea creature, Microcosmus (NOTE: Literally ‘whipped porridge’.)

sulcatus, like a soft sac enclosed in a rubbery vit Vietnam Duck

skin similar to the sea squirt and attached to vit, vitt

vit, vitt Sweden White

deep rocks. The raw soft insides are relished vitamin

by some who like the sour iodine taste. An vitamin A naturally occurring substance
acquired taste. required by the human body for optimum
health usually in small milligram quantities
violet apricot Plumcot
violet apricot

but sometimes gram quantities may be

violetta, alla Italy With crystallized violets
violetta, alla

beneficial. Complete lack of any vitamin

violette odorante France Sweet violet
violette odorante

usually causes disease or birth defects in

violon France Guitar fish

foetuses. Recommended daily amounts

vipérine France Viper’s bugloss (RDAs) avoid these diseases but some

viperino Italy Viper’s bugloss

advocate taking greater amounts especially
viper’s bugloss A hairy biennial plant,
viper’s bugloss
of antioxidants. All vitamins are listed under
Echium vulgare, similar to borage which either alphabetical names such as Vitamin A,
grows on chalky and sandy soils to a height B, C, etc., or under chemical names such as
of 60 cm to 1 m. The flowers are edible and bioflavonoids, biotin, choline, folic acid,
can be crystallized and used for decoration inositol, lipoic acid, orotic acid, PABA.
or in salads. Whether all the chemical names listed are
true vitamins is constantly being reassessed
Virginia ham United States Smithfield ham
Virginia ham

and new vitamins are discovered at intervals.

Virginia peanut A less common variety of
Virginia peanut

See also trace elements

peanut with two dark brown seeds per pod vitamin A

virgin oil Oil which has not been treated after

virgin oil vitamin A A long-chain fat-soluble alcohol
which exist in various forms of which the
being pressed from the fruit or seed and thus
most active is retinol which is found in animal
has a more distinctive flavour and higher
tissues. Precursors of the vitamin are widely
vitamin content. Not to be confused with
distributed in vegetables as carotenes which
extra virgin or virgin as applied to olive oil.
are transformed in the intestinal wall into
virgin olive oil Oil produced by the next
virgin olive oil

Vitamin A. It is concerned with the integrity of

pressing of the heated olive pulp after fine epithelial tissues (skin and mucous
olive oil has been removed. The free oleic membranes) and of the retina, especially for
acid content must not exceed 4%. This oil is low light conditions, and is also needed for
referred to as refined. the correct functioning of many body cells.
virgin pastry Puff pastry after it is first made,
virgin pastry

Major food sources are fish and animal

which must be used for vol-au-vents, livers, eggs and milk. It is possible to
bouchées and items which require an even overdose.
rise or lift. Cuttings which are rerolled are vitamin B1

only suitable for pies, palmiers, etc. vitamin B1 A water-soluble vitamin which
must be taken daily. It maintains normal
Viroflay, à la France In the style of Viroflay,
Viroflay, à la

carbohydrate metabolism and nervous

near Paris, i.e. garnished with spinach, system function and is found in high
artichokes, potatoes, parsley and concentration in yeast and the outer layers
occasionally Mornay sauce. Used especially
and germ of cereals. Other major sources are
of roast lamb. beef, pork and pulses. It has no known
vis Netherlands Fish

toxicity but colours the urine a bright yellow.

viscera See innards

Lack of vitamin B1 causes beri-beri, the first

viscosity That quality of a liquid which deficiency disease to be recognized which

determines its flow properties: the higher the led to the discovery of vitamins. Also called
viscosity the less well it flows. Thus, golden aneurin, thiamine

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vitamin B2

vitamin B2 A water-soluble vitamin normally found only in animal products,

vitamin B2

(riboflavin), essential for metabolic particularly ox kidney and liver and oily fish.
processes and for cell maintenance and Vegetarians and vegans should take
repair. It is stored in the liver, kidneys and supplements which are produced by a
heart muscles. It is widely distributed in all fermentation process. Lack of vitamin B12
leafy vegetables, in eggs, milk and the flesh which may be due to its absence in the diet
of warm blooded animals. Lack of vitamin B2 or poor absorption in the gut can cause a
causes soreness of the lips, mouth, tongue form of anaemia (Addison’s pernicious
and eyelids. It has no known toxicity. anaemia). It is normally prescribed together
vitamin B3 A water-soluble vitamin which
vitamin B3
with folic acid.
vitamin Bc See folic acid
vitamin Bc

occurs in three forms, niacin, nicotinic acid

vitamin B complex The whole complement of
vitamin B complex

and nicotinamide. The first two can cause

skin flushing and should only be taken by B vitamins plus biotin and folic acid. They
diabetics and persons with peptic ulcers are all water-soluble and tend to be found
under strict medical supervision. Both niacin together in natural foodstuffs. Most are prone
and nicotinamide forms are essential for to destruction by excessive temperatures
bodily health. They are widely distributed in and sunlight. Some authorities include
foodstuffs. Meat, fish, wholemeal flour and choline, inositol and PABA in this grouping.
peanuts are major sources. Maize contains vitamin C A water-soluble vitamin (ascorbic
vitamin C

the vitamin in a non-absorbable form and it acid) which is synthesized in the bodies of
is for this reason that it is treated with lime most animals except humans, primates and
which makes the vitamin available as well as guinea pigs who have to obtain it from
improving the taste. Lack of the vitamin vegetables and fruit. It is essential for good
causes pellagra summarized as diarrhoea, health, wound repair, the effectiveness of the
dermatitis and dementia. It can also cause immune system and is thought by some to
severe lesions when the skin is exposed to play a role in the prevention of cancer.
light. Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy, a
vitamin B5 A water-soluble vitamin
vitamin B5

disease still found in the poor and the old.

(pantothenic acid) destroyed by boiling, Large amounts (up to 8 g daily) are
found in all animal and plant tissues, recommended by some doctors and more
especially poultry, liver, fish, eggs, potatoes famously by Linus Pauling, the chemistry
and whole grains. It is converted to co- Nobel prize winner. It has no known toxicity.
enzyme A in the body and as such is involved vitamin D A fat-soluble vitamin (calciferol)
vitamin D

in all metabolic processes. There is no whose main function is regulating calcium

known toxicity. Lack of the vitamin can cause and phosphate metabolism (bone formation
headaches, fatigue, impaired motor and repair). It is not normally present in
coordination, muscle cramps and nature but its precursors or provitamins,
gastrointestinal disturbance. Severe vitamin D2 and D3 are found in milk, cheese,
deficiency caused the burning feet eggs, butter, margarine (fortified) and
syndrome observed in prisoners of war in especially oily sea fish. These provitamins
East Asia during World War II. are converted in the body to vitamin D by the
vitamin B6 A water-soluble vitamin which
vitamin B6
action of sunlight. Lack of vitamin D causes
consists of three compounds, pyridoxal, rickets (deformation of the bones) in children
pyridoxol (also called pyridoxine) and and liability to fracture in adults. The vitamin
pyridoxamine, each with a different function. is toxic in excess, 30,000 IU for adults and
They are found in low concentration in all 2,000 IU for children.
vitamin D2 A precursor of vitamin D. Also
vitamin D2

animal and plant tissues especially fish, eggs

and wholemeal flour. They are involved in called ergocalciferol
protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism vitamin D3 A precursor of vitamin D. Also
vitamin D3

and in brain function. Lack of the vitamin can called cholecalciferol

cause lesions around the eyes, nose and vitamin E A fat-soluble vitamin (tocopherol)
vitamin E

mouth, peripheral neuritis and, in infants, found in small quantities in soya beans,
convulsions. It is not recommended that other seeds, butter, margarine (fortified),
supplements exceed 300 mg per day. vegetables, whole grains, eggs and liver. It
vitamin B12 A cobalt-containing water-
vitamin B12

exists in several forms indicated by a Greek

soluble vitamin (cobalamin) which together prefix, the alpha form being the most potent.
with folic acid has a vital role in metabolic It is a very powerful antioxidant and is vital for
processes and in the formation of red blood normal procreation and for cell processes.
cells. It is responsible for the general feeling There is some evidence that it has anti-
of well-being in healthy individuals. It is cancer activity. Natural sources are the best

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volume measure

and though it has no known toxicity it may pleasant taste and is covered with a hard
affect some medical conditions and smooth brown rind.
supplements should only be taken on viveiro de mariscos Portugal A shellfish stew
viveiro de mariscos

medical advice. Deficiency diseases in viveur en tasse France A strong-flavoured

viveur en tasse

otherwise normal humans have not been bouillon or consommé, often with cayenne
reported. pepper, served in a cup
vitamin F An obsolete term for essential fatty
vitamin F

vla Netherlands Custard, flan, tart


vlees Netherlands Meat

vitamin H See biotin

vitamin H

vleesnat Netherlands Gravy


vitamin K This vitamin relates to a group of

vitamin K

voi 1. Finland Butter 2. Vietnam With, used as


chemical quinones, some fat-soluble and

others water-soluble, which are synthesized a linking word in many Vietnamese dish
by human gut microorganisms and are descriptions. See also Vietnamese names of
found in abundance in brassicas and dishes
volaille France Poultry, chicken

spinach and in moderate concentration in

volaille, crème de France Cream of chicken
volaille, crème de

tomatoes and pig’s liver. Lack of the vitamin

causes haemorrhages especially in new born soup
infants. It is usually only administered under vol-au-vent England, France A round or oval

medical supervision. puff pastry case filled with a cooked savoury

vitamin M See folic acid mixture. It is made by rolling the pastry to 6
vitamin M

vitela Portugal Veal

to 8 mm thick cutting out the shape, then
vitello Italy 1. Veal from milk-fed calves 2. Calf
half cutting a smaller shape in the centre.
When baked the centre is removed and the
vitello alla genovese Italy Thin slices of veal
vitello alla genovese

crisp top replaced over the filling.

cooked with wine and artichokes
vol-au-vent à la toulousaine France A vol-
vol-au-vent à la toulousaine

vitello alla sarda Italy Veal, larded with

vitello alla sarda

au-vent with sweetbreads, mushroom and

anchovies and braised with tomato and
truffle filling
vol-au-vent régence France An oval vol-au-
vol-au-vent régence

vitello di lette Italy Sucking calf

vitello di lette

vent with a foie gras, mushroom, truffle and

vitello di mare Italy Dogfish
vitello di mare

chicken quenelle filling

vitellone Italy Meat from up to 3 year old beef

voleipä Finland Sandwich


cattle, darker than normal veal but lighter

voleipäpöytä Finland Hors d’oeuvres,

than beef
vitello tonnato Italy Cold roast veal coated
vitello tonnato

volière, en France (Game) decorated with

volière, en

with a sauce made from canned tuna,

their own plumage
mayonnaise and lemon juice processed to a
volpallière France Small chicken fillets,

smooth mixture, the whole garnished with

lemon wedges larded, braised and served with a truffle
vitelotte France A firm waxy variety of potato

volume measure A convenient method of

volume measure

Vitis labrusca Botanical name American fox

grape measuring ingredients by volume,
Vitis rotundifolia Botanical name American reasonably accurate in the case of liquids
muscadine grape but less so for solids. Volumes are measured
Vitis vinifera Botanical name European in millilitres (ml) and litres (l) in the metric
grape system used in most countries and in fluid
ounces (fl oz), pints (pt) and gallons (gal) in
vitkålsoppa med kroppkakor Cabbage soup
vitkålsoppa med kroppkakor

the old imperial system taken over with

with dumplings different sizes in the USA. Other measures of
vitling Sweden Whiting, the fish

volume are in use, e.g. cup measure, can

vitlök Sweden Garlic

measure and market measure. The

vitreous endosperm A wheat endosperm
vitreous endosperm

disadvantages of volume measure are the

with a very dense structure variation in density (weight per unit volume)
vitrified china Porcelain
vitrified china
of any solid commodity with particle size and
moisture content and the inaccuracy of
vit sås Sweden Béchamel sauce
vit sås

dispensing from common measuring jugs,

vittals See viands (colloquial)

etc. Volume measures also include the

vitt bröd Sweden White bread
vitt bröd

standard teaspoon, dessertspoon and

Vivaro Italy A semi-hard scalded-curd cows’

tablespoon. See also liquid measure, dry

milk cheese very similar to Montasio. The measure, cup measure, can measure, market
pale yellow paste has a few holes, a mild measure

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Volvariella volvacea Botanical name Straw Vorspeisen Germany Hors d’oeuvres, first

mushroom course, starters

vörtbröd Sweden Malt bread
vongola vörtbröd

vongola Italy Clam, especially the warty venus

clam used in a pasta sauce such as in vørterkake Norway Spice cake

spaghetti alle vongole vrai(e) France True, real, as in vraie tortue,


vongola grigia

vongola grigia Italy Golden carpet shell real turtle

vrilles de vigne France Young shoots or
vrilles de vigne

vongola nera Italy Carpet shell clam

vongola nera

vongola verace tendrils of grape vines, usually blanched and

vongola verace Italy Carpet shell clam either dressed with vinaigrette or cooked in

Netherlands Canapés, olive oil

appetizers vrucht Netherlands Fruit


voorjaarssla Netherlands Spring salad vruchtengelei Netherlands Jam


Vulscombe cheese England A goats’ milk

Vulscombe cheese

vorschmack Finland Minced mutton, beef


and salt herring cooked with onions and cheese from Devon
garlic vurty Czech Republic A short fat sausage

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Wachholder Germany Juniper texture. It is blanched in the whole leaf form

Wachsbohnen Germany Wax beans, butter

and either sold undried in Japan or exported

beans, yellow beans in dried form. The fresh and, after soaking,
Wachtel Germany Quail
the dried form can be used in salads or as a
wafer A thin, crisp, unsweetened biscuit with
vegetable after boiling for 10 minutes. Also
a papery texture made by cooking a batter called curly algae, curly seaweed, lobe leaf
between hot plates, served with ice cream seaweed
wakegi Japan Scallion

and sometimes sandwiched together in

several layers with a sweet or savoury cream wal South Asia Hyacinth bean pods

filling to form a wafer biscuit Waldmeister Germany Sweet woodruff


wafer biscuit See wafer

wafer biscuit

Waldorf salad A salad of chopped apple,

Waldorf salad

Waffel Germany 1. Waffle 2. Wafer


walnut and celeriac or celery, dressed on

waffle A crisp golden brown pancake made

lettuce leaves with mayonnaise let down with

by cooking a batter between two metal waffle lemon juice
irons which have corresponding indentations Waldschnepfe Germany Woodcock

and protrusions so that the waffle when Walewska, à la France In the style of
Walewska, à la

cooked has a series of indentations on both Comtesse Walewska (Napoleon’s mistress),

sides. Usually served hot with butter or i.e. garnished with lobster, truffles and a
maple syrup or cold with whipped cream or Mornay sauce
ice cream.
Walewska, fish As fish Mornay, but with a
Walewska, fish

waffle iron Two thick metal plates hinged

waffle iron

slice of cooked lobster and sliced truffles

along one edge with handles at the opposite placed on the fish before coating with sauce
edge and with heated indented mating
wali East Africa A Kenyan staple of rice with

surfaces which give waffles their

added fat and spices
characteristic appearance
wali wa nazi East Africa A Swahili dish of
wali wa nazi

wah-bho-hmyit Burma Bamboo shoot


long-grain rice cooked with salt and twice its

Wähe Switzerland An open-faced large pie or

volume of coconut milk, half thin for the

tart filled with fruit, vegetables or cheese
initial cooking and half thick to finish. Served
waiter, waitress A male, female person who
waiter, waitress

with stews and curries.

serves the customers in a restaurant and is
wallenbergare Sweden Triple minced

usually responsible for laying up and clearing

trimmed fillet of veal, seasoned, cooled,
the tables, making the coffee and presenting
the desserts and gateaux on a trolley. In mixed with cooled egg yolks and double
cream, made into egg-shaped balls, rolled in
some case waiters carve meat at a side table
or in expensive establishments prepare food breadcrumbs and fried carefully in butter.
Served with petit pois, creamed potatoes and
such as tournedos, beef stroganoff or steak
cranberry sauce. (NOTE: Named after the
tartare and flambé dishes in front of the
customers. Wallenberg family.)
walleye pike United States A freshwater pike
walleye pike

wajan Indonesia A type of wok but deeper


than the Chinese and with straighter sides with a firm, fine textured flesh found in the
great lakes of North America
wakame Japan A type of curly leaved brown

walleye pollack See Alaska pollack

walleye pollack

alga, Undaria pinnatifida, found in coastal

walleye pollock See Alaska pollack
walleye pollock

waters, with a mild vegetable taste and a soft

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wallies United Kingdom Pickled cucumbers leaves are like spinach but firmer and they

(colloquial) need to be blanched before use to remove

Walliser Raclette Germany, Switzerland The
Walliser Raclette
some of the oxalic acid. The young leaves
general name for the semi-hard scalded- have the best flavour. Also called Botany Bay
curd cows’ milk cheeses made in the Valais greens, native spinach, New Zealand spinach
region and used as melting cheeses and for (NOTE: Warrigal comes from an Aboriginal
raclette word meaning ‘dingo’)
warsche Scotland Lacking salt (colloquial)

Walliskäse Switzerland A hard, cooked-curd


cows’ milk cheese suitable for slicing or Warszawski Poland A ewes’ milk cheese

grating. See also Saanenkäse similar to Kashkaval

walnoot Netherlands Walnut

warty venus clam A plump, grey to brown-

warty venus clam

Walnuss Germany Walnut coloured clam, Venus verrucosa, with raised


walnut The brown nut from the fruit of the

rows of wart-like projections on the shell, up
walnut tree, Juglans regia and J. nigra, which to 7 cm in diameter Found from southern
when ripe has a crinkly brain-like England to the Mediterranean. Used in
appearance and is enclosed in a hard vongole sauce.
Wartzige Venusmuschel Germany Warty
Wartzige Venusmuschel

relatively smooth brown shell up to 4 cm in

diameter. The nut has a distinctive flavour venus clam
and is used in both savoury and sweet wasabi The edible root of a plant, Wasabia

dishes. The unripe nuts and shells are often japonica, which only grows in Japan. The
pickled in vinegar or preserved in syrup. Also skinned, pale green root has a fierce flavour
called hickory nut, butternut rather like horseradish. It is grated and
walnut oil A fine nutty-flavoured oil extracted
walnut oil

served like this or made into a paste for use

from walnuts. Used as a flavouring. with sashimi or in sushi. It can also be dried
walu jepan Indonesia Choko
walu jepan

to a pale brown powder. Also called Japanese

wan dou China Peas
wan dou
horseradish, mountain hollyhock, wasebi
wansuey Philippines Coriander leaves
Wasabia japonica Botanical name Wasabi
wasa-vasi Sri Lanka Mace

wappato Arrowhead

wasebi See wasabi


warabi Japan A fern sprout used in salads or


washed curd Milk curds which have been

washed curd

as a vegetable
wara einab Middle East Salted vine leaves
wara einab
separated from the whey then steeped in
wrapped around a mixture of cooked rice, cold water one or more times. This lowers the
pine nuts and raisins and served cold as an acid content of the curds and gives a coarser
appetizer. Also called waraq ainab cheese.
washed-rind cheese A surface-ripened
washed-rind cheese

waraq ainab Middle East Wara einab

waraq ainab

waribashi Japan Disposable chopsticks

cheese which relies on bacteria on the
warishita Japan The mixture of soya sauce,
surface to develop the flavour. They are
sugar and mirin added to sukiyaki frequently washed to discourage mould
growth and to encourage the growth of
warka North Africa Warqa pastry

bacteria and usually have an orange-red rind

warkha pastry North Africa A type of flaky
warkha pastry

and a pungent smell although the paste

pastry tends to be sweet to the taste. They are
warm, to To heat slowly to around 50 to 80°C
warm, to

normally small to give a high surface to

Warmbier Germany A soup made with beer

volume ratio. Pont l’Evêque and Munster are

warm-water octopus A small species of typical examples.
warm-water octopus

octopus, Octopus macropus, up to 1.2 m washing soda The crystalline hydrated form
washing soda

maximum length with thin tentacles found in of sodium carbonate

warm waters throughout the world. The Washington The original navel orange from

quality is not as good as the common which most navel varieties have been
octopus. developed. Also called Bahia
warq South Asia Silver leaf used for decoration

Washington, à la France In the Washington

Washington, à la

of foods style, i.e. garnished with sweetcorn kernels

warqa pastry North Africa Very thin filo-type
warqa pastry

in a cream sauce
leaves of pastry made from a gluey dough. Washington clam Giant west coast clam
Washington clam

Requires great skill to make.

Wasser Germany Water

Warrigal greens Australia One of the first

Warrigal greens

Wasserkresse Germany Watercress


plants, Tetragonia tetragonoides, to be found

Wassermelone Germany Watermelon

by Joseph Banks when the Endeavour came

wastle cake Scotland A type of griddle cake
wastle cake

into Botany Bay in 1770. The arrow-shaped

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wat A traditional Ethiopian stew spiced with water concentrations The highest water
wat water concentrations

berbere or a similar mix of long pepper, black concentrations (% by weight) at which

peppercorns, nutmeg and cloves, all dry- microbial spoilage will not occur are
roasted and ground to a fine powder with approximately 13 to 15% for wheat flour, 14
turmeric. The meat is usually beef or chicken to 20% for dehydrated vegetables, 10 to
but goat or mutton is also used. Very few 11% for dehydrated whole egg and 15% for
vegetables are cooked with the meat. See fat-free meat. See also water activity
also zegeni water convolvulus Swamp cabbage
water convolvulus

water activity A measure of the effective

water activity

watercress A hardy aquatic perennial,


water content (from the point of view of a Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, also called
microorganism) of a food, not necessarily Nasturtium officinale, with a round, sharply
related to the actual water content (% by flavoured green leaf, generally grown in
weight). It is defined as the ratio of the slightly alkaline running water. Used
pressure exerted by water vapour in principally as a garnish for roasts and grills,
equilibrium with the food to the pressure in salads and in soups. It was introduced to
exerted by water vapour in equilibrium with Asia by the British and is used in salads in
pure water at the same temperature as the Southeast Asia, as a garnish in Japan and is
food. (Both increase with temperature but boiled in soup in China. (NOTE: Watercress is
the ratio remains roughly constant.) A food called winter rocket in the US)
containing no water has a water activity of waterfisch Netherlands 1. Freshwater fish 2.

zero and pure water has a value of 1.0. Fish sauce made from vegetables and Seville
Freezing reduces water activity by turning orange, cooked in fish stock, seasoned,
liquid water into ice. flavoured with mustard and strained
water apple A type of rose apple, Eugenia
water apple

water ice Fruit or liqueur-flavoured sugar

water ice

aqua, which is smaller, juicier and a deeper syrup, frozen with continuous stirring to
pink colour. It may be eaten as a fruit or the make a frozen dessert similar to sorbet
juice extracted. Also called watery rose apple water icing See glacé icing
water icing

water biscuit A thin crisp plain biscuit made

water biscuit

waterleaf West Africa A spinach-like plant,


of flour, salt and water only, similar to a Talinum triangulare, grown throughout the
cream cracker and usually eaten with tropics, similar to purslane. Also called
cheese bologi
water-blommetjie bredie

water-blommetjie bredie South Africa A water lemon Yellow granadilla

water lemon

Cape province stew made with waterlily waterless cooking United States A style of
waterless cooking

stems cooking using very low heat, a pot or pan with

water caltrop The fruit of an aquatic plant,
water caltrop

a very tight fitting lid and not more than 1

Trapa bicornis, with a shiny brown to black tablespoon of water
skin and two projecting horns. It has been water melon The large round or oval fruit of
water melon

used for food since neolithic times and is still an annual warm climate trailing plant,
grown and eaten in China, Korea and Japan. Citrullus lanatus, and C. vulgaris with a thick
It has a semi-sweet potato-like flesh and dark green, possibly yellow striped, skin
must be boiled for an hour to destroy enclosing a watery crisp, pink/red and
parasites. It is used in various dishes and slightly sweet flesh with embedded black
preserved in honey or syrup. Unfortunately it seeds. Eaten raw as a thirst quencher. The
is often misnamed water chestnut and a flour seeds which are oily and nutritious can be
made from it is called water chestnut starch. eaten as a snack food.
water chestnut

water chestnut The bulbous corm of the water souchet United States The North
water souchet

plants Eleocharis dulcis and E. tuberosa, American equivalent of waterzoetje

types of sedge. It is used in Chinese and Thai water spinach Swamp cabbage
water spinach

cooking and can be purchased fresh or

water wolf Pike
water wolf

canned and eaten raw or cooked. It is used

watery rose apple See water apple
watery rose apple

as a vegetable in the West but more usually

waterzoetje Netherlands Waterzooi

to make desserts and drinks in Southeast

Asia and used for its crunchy texture in waterzoie Waterzooi

Chinese cooking. Also called Chinese water waterzooi Belgium 1. A local Brussels dish of

chestnut. See also caltrops, water caltrop boiled chicken in a stock and white-wine-
water chestnut starch A grey starch made
water chestnut starch

based cream sauce with julienned

from the water caltrop. Considered to be very vegetables 2. A thin stew or thick soup made
good for making crisp batters and coatings with mixed fish and julienned vegetables.
and for producing a good gloss in sauces. Also called waterzoetje

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wattleseed Australia The seeds of various Wedmore England A semi-hard cheese from
wattleseed Wedmore

Acacia species. The green pods can be Somerset made with unpasteurized cows’
eaten as a vegetable but generally the seeds milk and with a band of chopped chives
are dried and ground and taste like a mixture running through the centre
of chocolate, hazelnut and coffee. It may be weever fish Various edible seawater fish of
weever fish

used as a beverage or a flavouring. Not all the genus Trachinus with upward-looking
species are edible. An extract is also eyes and very sharp spines on the back and
available. gill covers
waved whelk See whelk
waved whelk

Wegerich Germany Plantain


wax bean A type of French bean with yellow wei China Braising food in its own juice. See
wax bean wei

waxy pods. Also called waxpod bean also dun

wax gourd A very large (up to 45 kg) marrow- Weichkäse Germany The generic name for
wax gourd Weichkäse

type vegetable, Benincasa hispida, from various fresh tasting soft cows’ milk cheeses
China with a thin hard waxy green skin, with high water content, close-textured
resembling a water melon in appearance. pastes and white bloom covered rinds
The flesh is cooked by steaming, braising or weight measure The most accurate method
weight measure

simmering. Cubes of the flesh are slit, stuffed of measuring ingredients using the
and steamed as dim sum. The flesh and skin gravitational force exerted on the material to
may also be candied or pickled. The skin deflect a calibrated spring or by balancing
lends itself to the carving of elaborate the weight of the ingredient against a known
patterns. See also petha, dong gwa jong. Also weight using a lever. Weights are measured
called winter gourd, white gourd, winter in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) and tonnes
melon, Chinese vegetable marrow, ash gourd (1000 kg) in the metric system used in most
wax palm Carnauba countries and in ounces (oz) and pounds (lb)
wax palm

waxpod bean See wax bean

waxpod bean
in the imperial system still in use in the USA.
wazan South Asia A master chef of Kashmir
Other cultures, especially in country districts,
still use local measures. See also volume
weakfish United States One of the drum

family of fish, Cynoscium regalis, very similar
Weihnachtsbäckerei Austria, Germany

to trout. Fished both for game and food off

Small pastries and biscuits specially baked
the Atlantic coast.
for Christmas
weasand The lining of a pigs gullet used for

Weihnachtstollen Germany An enriched


casing sausages. Rather rare.

almond-flavoured bread popular at
Webb’s lettuce A common crisphead lettuce
Webb’s lettuce

Christmas. See also Stollen

Weckewerk Germany Pork and pigskin

Wein Germany Wine


boiled with white bread and flavourings Weinbergschnecken Germany Snails


wedding breakfast The celebratory meal

wedding breakfast

Weinkraut Germany 1. Sauerkraut heated


after a marriage ceremony which has taken with bacon fat, then simmered in reduced
place in the morning, much more elaborate white wine for 10 minutes, seedless green
than a breakfast grapes or peeled apple pieces added and
wedding cake A celebratory cake served at a
wedding cake

simmered a further 5 minutes 2. Rue, the

wedding feast. In the UK it is a rich fruit cake herb
covered with almond paste and royal icing Weinschaum sauce A German version of
Weinschaum sauce

elaborately sculpted. In France it is a conical Zabaglione sauce often served with vanilla-
heap of profiteroles, held together with flavoured blancmange
Weintrauben Germany Grapes

wedge A triangular cut from the


weiss Germany White


circumference to the centre point of a round

Weissbrot Germany White bread

cake, cheese, pie, etc. Between 4 and 12

weisse Bohnen Germany Butter beans
weisse Bohnen

wedges are normally cut from a circle

Weissfisch Germany Whiting

wedgebone steak United States A steak cut

wedgebone steak

Weissfleisch Germany White meat


from the sirloin

Weisskäse Germany Cottage cheese

wedger A special tool that cuts tomatoes,


Weisskohl Germany White cabbage


lemons etc. into wedges

Weisslacher Bierkäse Germany Weisslacker
Weisslacher Bierkäse

wedge shell clam A small white, brown or

wedge shell clam

Weisslacker Germany A rectangular-shaped


purple clam, Donax trunculus, up to 4 cm

diameter, which is plentiful in the sharp-tasting semi-hard cows’ milk cheese
Mediterranean. Related to the American with a very white heavily salted paste made
bean clam. from uncooked curd and weighing about 4

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Wensleydale cheese

kg. The surface is covered in moulds which and 1 cm in diameter, which grows in
ripen the cheese from the outside. Also clumps like chives with thickened leaves
called Bierkäse, Weisslacher Bierkäse below ground level. Either the leaves or parts
Weissrüben Germany Turnips
of the clump are used, especially as a winter
Weisswurst Germany A mild-flavoured white
vegetable. Also called ciboule, European
sausage made from pork and veal with Welsh onion (NOTE: The Welsh onion is not
flavourings, similar to Münchener from Wales: the name probably derived from
Weisswurst. Usually heated in water then the German welsch meaning ‘foreign’.)
Welsh pancake Wales Pancakes but made
Welsh pancake

fried and served with mustard and bread.

Weizen Germany Wheat
with buttermilk instead of milk and cooked
Weizenbrot Germany Brown bread
thicker than normal. Served hot and buttered
well done United Kingdom Cooked so that no
well done or may be filled with leftovers or specially
trace of pinkness or free juice exists in the prepared meat or fish fillings. Also called
centre of the meat crempog
Welsh parsley pie Wales A type of quiche
Welsh parsley pie

Wellhornschnecke Germany Whelk


made with an egg custard containing a little

well hung (Meat or game) which has been
well hung

flour and sugar and a good amount of

hung sufficiently long to develop flavour and
chopped bacon and parsley. Baked at 205°C
tenderness. The classic description is – hang
until cooked and the custard set. Also called
two pheasants by their necks, when one
pastai persli
drops off, cook the other.
Welsh potato cakes Wales A yeast raised
Welsh potato cakes

wels A very large freshwater catfish, Silurus


potato cake made from milk, flour, boiled

gianis, found throughout Central Asia and
potatoes and butter (10:6:4:1). Yeast (1:12)
Central Europe
on flour is mixed with the warmed milk and
welscher Kohl Germany Savoy cabbage
welscher Kohl

butter and made into a dough with the flour

Welsh apple cake Wales Tinker’s apple cake
Welsh apple cake

and potatoes, kneaded then proved for an

Welsh blood pudding Wales See pwdin
Welsh blood pudding

hour, shaped into cakes and baked at 200°C

gwaed, pwdin gwaed gwyddau until golden brown. Also called teisennau
Welsh cake Wales A drop scone mixture
Welsh cake

containing currants, cooked by shallow Welsh pudding Wales Butter, sugar, egg white
Welsh pudding

frying and egg yolk (4:3;:2:2) made into a filling by

Welsh cawl Wales A mutton stew with
Welsh cawl

melting the butter, beating in the egg yolks

potatoes, cabbage and carrots and then the sugar and folding in the stiffly
Welsh chicken Wales Diced bacon and beaten egg whites. Lemon zest is added and
Welsh chicken

carrots are sweated in butter in a large pan. the mixture poured into a pie tin lined with
Flour is added and cooked to a brown roux puff pastry then baked at 180°C until
and one of two boiling fowl and a shredded cooked, about 1 hour. Also called pwdin
cabbage are placed on top. Chopped leeks, cymreig
herbs, dripping or butter, stock and Welsh punchnep Wales Equal quantities of
Welsh punchnep

seasoning are added and all simmered for 2 potatoes and turnips cooked and mashed
to 3 hours. Serve with the chickens on a bed separately with butter then combined and
of cabbage, garnished with the other seasoned, placed in a dish, several
vegetables and with the thickened cooking depression made in the surface and covered
liquor poured over. with cream before serving
Welsh curd cakes Wales An open pie lined Welsh rabbit See Welsh rarebit
Welsh curd cakes Welsh rabbit

with shortcrust pastry and filled with a Welsh rarebit United Kingdom A piece of
Welsh rarebit

mixture of curds or cottage cheese, butter, buttered toast covered with a thick cheese
egg yolks, sugar, cake crumbs and currants sauce made from a white roux, milk, possibly
(8:4:3:1:1:1) plus lemon zest, brandy and a ale, French mustard, Worcestershire sauce
pinch of salt combined by the creaming and seasoning mixed with an equal weight of
method. Baked at 180 to 200°C for about 20 grated Cheddar until smooth, and the whole
minutes. browned under the grill. The sauce may be
Welsh faggot Wales As faggot but using
Welsh faggot

kept in a refrigerator until needed. Also

oatmeal and never breadcrumbs called Welsh rabbit
Welsh griddle cake Wales The normal drop
Welsh griddle cake

Wensleydale cheese England A hard cows’

Wensleydale cheese

scone mixture but often with dried vine fruits milk cheese from Yorkshire, made from milk
added, sometimes brought together with inoculated with a small amount of fermenting
buttermilk. Also called teisen gri whey but not allowed to become acid. The
Welsh onion A very hardy perennial, Allium curd is uncooked and cast in 3 to 4 kg discs.
Welsh onion

fistulosum, with hollow leaves to 45 cm tall The white paste matures rapidly in 3 to 4

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weeks to a mellow honey-like taste. It should Westphalia ham Germany A brine-cured

Westphalia ham

not be yellow or sour. A blue-veined version boneless ham made from pigs fed on acorns.
is produced which is matured for 4 to 6 They are well rested before slaughter and
months and is similar to Stilton. completely desanguinated by massaging the
wentelteefjes Netherlands French toast, pain meat. The pork is dry-salted for 2 weeks,

perdu immersed in a 20% brine for a further 2

western United States Western sandwich
weeks and cold-smoked over ash and beech
wood with juniper berries for up to 5 weeks.
western king prawn A greyish king prawn,
western king prawn

Served raw in very thin slices.

Penaeus latisulcatus
Westphalian sausage Germany A sausage
Westphalian sausage

western rock lobster Australia A type of

western rock lobster

made from lean pork and fat pork (3:1) from

spiny lobster, Panulirus cygnus, found in the forequarter, minced, seasoned, flavoured
Western Australia. It varies in colour from with ground cloves, packed in casings and
pink to deep reddish brown and is of air-dried until yellow
excellent quality. Also called crayfish
Westralian jewfish Australia An outstanding
Westralian jewfish

deep-bodied table fish, Glaucosoma
western sandwich United States A
western sandwich

hebraicum, from Western Australia which

scrambled egg or omelette sandwich with commands high prices and appears only in
sautéed ham, sweet peppers and onions. the more expensive restaurants. It is silvery
Also called Denver sandwich, western blue fading to light blue on the belly and is
westfälische Blindhunde Germany Soaked
westfälische Blindhunde

striped longitudinally. It can grow to more

haricot beans simmered with pieces of than 1 metre in length and should not be
bacon until nearly tender, diced peeled and confused with the jewfish (mulloway) which,
cored apples, French beans, carrots and though similar in size, is not striped.
potatoes added, seasoned and simmered a wet fish Fresh uncooked fish, hopefully so
wet fish

further 30 minutes until all tender fresh that it is still twitching

westfälische Bohnensuppe
westfälische Bohnensuppe

Germany wetha see pyan Burma Pork curry flavoured

wetha see pyan

Puréed kidney beans let down with white with lemon, turmeric, garlic and ginger
stock and garnished with blanched julienne served with boiled rice
of celeriac, carrots, leeks and potatoes and
wether A castrated male sheep. The flesh is

sliced Bologna sausage considered to be less fine than a comparable

westfälische Kartoffeln Germany Mashed
westfälische Kartoffeln

young ewe.
potatoes, mixed with mashed cooking apples wether gammon Leg of mutton
wether gammon

and butter, covered with breadcrumbs and

wet nellie United Kingdom A doughnut with
wet nellie

butter and browned under the grill

jam in the centre (colloquial; North of
westfälischer Schinken
westfälischer Schinken

Germany England)
Westphalia ham
whale Animal of the largest mammal order

West Indian cherry Acerola

West Indian cherry

Cetacea which, although it breathes air, lives

West Indian curry powder A ground spice
West Indian curry powder

in the sea. There are various species ranging

mix introduced to the Caribbean by Indian in weight from 2 to 120 tonnes, although
migrants consisting of coriander seeds, dolphins and porpoises which are the same
aniseed, cumin seed, black mustard seeds, family may be considerably smaller than this.
fenugreek seeds, black peppercorns and They are hunted for their subcutaneous fat
cinnamon, all dry-roasted, plus dry ginger (blubber) which is further processed into
and turmeric whale oil, and the flesh which finds a ready
West Indian lime The original true lime,
West Indian lime

sale in Japan and East Asia. Once a major

Citrus aurantifolia, originating in or around food source for the inhabitants of Arctic and
Malaysia, now grown worldwide. It is a small northern latitudes.
round lime picked either green or yellow and whale oil Oil rendered from whale blubber
whale oil

it has a very acid light greenish yellow flesh used after deodorization for margarine and
with many seeds. Used to make lime juice. soap manufacture
Also called Mexican lime, key lime, Galego wheat The seed of a plant, Triticum aestivum,

lime which is the most important food grain of the

Westmorland pepper cake England A
Westmorland pepper cake

developed world. Used, when ground into

chemically-raised basic cake mixture with flour and processed, to make bread, pastry
added fruit and flavoured with ground ginger, and cakes, as a thickening agent and for a
cloves and black pepper but with half the multitude of other uses. Also used as an
normal quantity of eggs. Made by the melting animal feedstuff. Alternatively it can be
method and baked at 180°C until cooked. cooked whole, dried and cracked to form

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whipped cream

another food staple. It contains roughly 85% with a grey/brown snail-like shell. They are
endosperm, 13% bran and 2% wheat germ. usually boiled at the place of landing and
Also called corn checked for toxicity. They may be sold
wheat classification Wheats are classified
wheat classification
shelled or unshelled and are poached,
either as hard vitreous, hard mealy, soft baked or grilled. They are rather tasteless
vitreous or soft mealy. See also vitreous and therefore often served with vinegar. Also
endosperm, soft wheat, hard wheat called waved whelk
whetstone cakes United Kingdom Hard
whetstone cakes

wheat composition Protein 8 to 15% and fat

wheat composition

around 2%. It is the protein type and not the round cakes made with flour, sugar and egg
percentage composition which is the whites and flavoured with caraway seed.
underlying cause of hardness in wheat. Baked in a cool oven until hard.
wheat duck United States A type of wild duck whey The translucent liquid which is formed
wheat duck whey

similar to widgeon when coagulated milk separates into a semi-

wheatear A small buff and grey European
solid portion (curds) and a liquid portion
game bird, Oenanthe oenanthe, with a white (whey). It contains most of the lactose of the
rump (NOTE: From ‘white arse’.) milk and a small amount of protein and fat.
wheat flakes Partially boiled cracked wheat
wheat flakes
Usually a waste product but sometimes
crushed between rollers then dried, lightly boiled or acidified to separate more solids
toasted and used in muesli and as a from which a kind of cheese is made.
whey cream Any cream or fat still remaining
whey cream

breakfast cereal
wheat germ The embryo of the wheat grain
wheat germ
in whey after the curds have been separated
which is removed from white flour. It in cheese making
whey of butter Buttermilk
whey of butter

constitutes about 2% of the total weight of

the grain, consists mainly of fat and protein whiff Megrim

and contains most of the B and E vitamins.

whig Sour milk, whey, buttermilk

Often sold separately as a food supplement.

whimberry Bilberry

wheat germ flour United States The

wheat germ flour

whim wham England An 18th-century dessert

whim wham

pulverized germ of wheat usually dry-fried or

roasted before use of sponge fingers soaked in muscatel or
wheat germ oil The oil extracted from wheat
wheat germ oil
sweet sherry with brandy, orange juice and
germ used as a health supplement and high grated orange zest, topped with whipped
in vitamin E, which is destroyed by heating cream and sprinkled with almond praline
whip A dessert to which whipped cream or

wheat hardness A measure of the ease of

wheat hardness

grinding of wheat into flour determined either whipped egg white is added, often
by standard milling tests (time to grind to a containing gelatine and with a light texture
whip, to To beat one or a mixture of
whip, to

particular size in standard apparatus), by

biting the wheat seed (miller’s test) or by ingredients with a whisk, rotary beater or
measuring the force necessary to penetrate electrically-operated mixer to incorporate air
the wheat with a sharp point (micro and in some cases to form emulsions or to
penetration test) change the phase relationships in emulsions
wheatmeal flour See brown flour
wheatmeal flour
e.g. from oil in water to water in oil. Also
wheat starch A gluten free wheat flour
wheat starch
called whisk, to
whipkull Scotland A Yuletide drink from

consisting mainly of starch. It is used as a

thickener and is mixed with tapioca starch Shetland made from egg yolks, sugar and
(2:1) to make a boiling water dough suitable, rum (4:2:1). The egg yolks and sugar are
after kneading and rolling or flattening, for beaten to a cream over hot water and the
wrapping small parcels of food such as dim rum added drop by drop whilst still beating.
sum. See also wheat starch dough Poured into glasses and drunk whilst warm
wheat starch dough A dough suitable for
wheat starch dough
or eaten as a dessert when cold.
whipped butter Softened butter whipped to
whipped butter

food wrappers made from 2 parts wheat

starch, 1 part tapioca starch and a little salt, incorporated air so as to make it easy to
briskly mixed with 4 parts of boiling water spread
and a little oil, kept warm whilst resting then whipped cream Cream containing between
whipped cream

kneaded to a silky soft dough. Small 35 and 40% butterfat which is whipped to
chestnut-sized pieces can be rolled out or incorporate air and to begin linking up the fat
pressed out with the fingers or back of a globules to make it a semi-solid. If whipping
knife. is carried on for too long the fat will become
whelk A large (up to 4 cm across) carnivorous

the continuous phase and it will turn to

gastropod mollusc, Buccinum undatum, butter. For this reason, food processors must

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whipping cream

be carefully watched when being used to white chocolate A white, chocolate-tasting

white chocolate

whip cream. confectionery item made from bleached

whipping cream

whipping cream United Kingdom Cream cocoa butter and white sugar
white cinnamon The inner bark of wild
white cinnamon

containing a minimum butterfat content of

35%. See also light whipping cream, heavy cinnamon
whipping cream white crystal sugar United States Granulated
white crystal sugar

whip topping United States A non milk fat

whip topping
white cumin Cumin, the common brown
white cumin

substitute for whipping cream

whisk An implement used for hand whisking,
white currant A variety of redcurrant which
white currant

which can be a balloon whisk, a coiled wire

whisk or a rotary whisk lacks the gene for the colouring matter
white curry Sri Lanka A mild curry based on
white curry
whisk, to

whisk, to To whip
coconut milk
whisking method for cakes A method of
whisking method for cakes

white fish 1. A general name for any type of

white fish

making cakes by following the procedure for

fish with white flesh and less than 6% fat in
fatless whisking, then at the end folding in
the flesh, such as haddock, whiting, cod,
molten clarified or whole butter very gently
plaice, etc. 2. United States A small
(e.g. by simultaneously throwing in the fat
freshwater fish related to the salmon and
while switching the machine off), used for
trout. It is often smoked and the roe
making e.g. Genoese sponge
processed into a caviar substitute.
whistle pig United States Woodchuck
whistle pig

white flour Wheat flour from which the bran

white flour

white asparagus

white asparagus Asparagus shoots cut below and wheat germ have been removed leaving
ground level when the tips protrude at most between 72 and 74% of the original
5 cm into the light dehusked grain. Sometimes bleached
white aubergine

white aubergine A very light green aubergine chemically to enhance the white colour.
white fungus A white to golden-coloured
white fungus

used in central China


whitebait Young sprats, herring and possibly crinkly and rather tasteless fungus, Tremella
other fish under 5 cm long, generally deep- fuciformis, similar to cloud ear fungus and
fried whole à l’anglaise and seasoned with resembling a ball of sponge, normally
salt and cayenne pepper. See also anglaise, available in dried form. Also called snow
fish à l’, sand eel fungus, silver fungus, tremella
white gourd Wax gourd
white gourd
white beef stock

white beef stock Beef bones with fat and

white ladies pudding Central Asia A type of
white ladies pudding

marrow removed, blanched and refreshed,

simmered with aromatic vegetables and a bread and butter pudding in which a well-
bouquet garni for 8 hours, skimming buttered pie dish is sprinkled with
continuously then strained. Proportions 4 desiccated coconut and filled with triangles
bone, 1 vegetables and 10 water. Also called of buttered crustless white bread over which
fond blanc, fond de marmite is poured a light vanilla-flavoured custard,
white beet milk, eggs and sugar (8:2:1). This is then
white beet Chard baked in a bain-marie at 160°C for about 90
white bordelaise sauce See bonnefoy, sauce
white bordelaise sauce

minutes until set, turned out and eaten hot or

white bread

white bread Bread made from a white flour cold. (NOTE: The name comes from the
dough village of White Ladies Aston where there
white butter fish
used to be a Cistercian convent whose nuns
white butter fish Pomfret
wore white habits)
white butter sauce See beurre blanc
white butter sauce

white long-grain rice A polished long-grain

white long-grain rice

white cabbage

white cabbage A spherical cabbage rice with the bran and outer coating removed
consisting of a tightly-packed ball of rather giving separate fluffy grains when cooked.
thick white leaves with a few green leaves Requires about 15 minutes boiling to cook.
surrounding it. Used for making coleslaw white meat Term used for the breast flesh of
white meat

and sauerkraut and in the UK for institutional poultry to distinguish it from the dark meat of
boiled cabbage. the legs. Also used of pork and veal.
white cake United States A cake made with
white cake

white mugwort A hardy deciduous shrub,

white mugwort

all white ingredients, i.e. with no egg yolk or Artemesia lactiflora, whose aromatic green
coloured fats, etc. leaves are used in stuffings for roast goose
white chicken stock

white chicken stock As for white beef stock white mustard The pale yellow or fawn,
white mustard

but substituting chicken bones and pungent seed of an annual plant Brassica
carcasses for the defatted beef bones. Also hirta or Sinapsis alba native to Southern
called fond blanc de volaille Europe. This mild form of mustard is

616 Page 617 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM


combined with brown mustard, a more white Stilton A semi-hard, crumbly, slightly
white Stilton

aromatic variety, in various proportions to acid, whitish cheese which is young Stilton
give the variety of mustard-based before the veining has started. It is matured
condiments available. for about 4 weeks, has little crust and does
white mutton stock As white beef stock but
white mutton stock

not keep. May be used as a substitute for

substituting mutton or lamb bones for beef Feta.
bones. Also called fond blanc de mouton white sturgeon Osetrina sturgeon
white sturgeon

white octopus Curled octopus

white octopus

white sugar Fully refined sugar, either

white sugar

white of egg See egg, egg white

white of egg

granulated, caster or icing

white onion A variety of onion with a similar
white onion

whitetail A name for various game birds with


shape to the globe but with a silvery white

white tails, e.g. wheatear
skin. They have a mild sweet flavour and are white tuna fish

usually served raw. white tuna fish A variety of tuna with very pale
white onion soup Basic soup with onions.
white onion soup
white turmeric See zedoary
white turmeric

Also called oignons, purée d’

white pepper The dried dehusked berries of white veal stock As for white beef stock but
white pepper white veal stock

a vine, Piper nigrum, sold either as whole substituting veal bones for beef bones. Also
berries or ground to a fine fawn powder. called fond blanc de veau
Used in white sauces where the dark specks white vegetable stock Chopped aromatic
white vegetable stock

from the husks of black peppercorns would vegetables simmered in water for 1 hour and
detract from the appearance. See also strained. Proportions 1 vegetables, 4 water.
white vinegar A colourless transparent
white vinegar

white pomfret The silvery-skinned variety of

white pomfret

vinegar either spirit vinegar or a decolorized

pomfret with the finer flavour malt vinegar. Often used for pickling.
white pork United States The flesh of
white pork

white wine court bouillon Equal quantities of

white wine court bouillon

completely desanguinated young pigs

white wine and water with 120 g of onion and
whitepot England A Devonshire custard made

12 g of salt per litre together with parsley

with eggs, flour, milk and cream stalks, a little thyme and bayleaf and
white pudding 1. Scotland Skirlie, packed
white pudding

peppercorns added. Used for trout, eel, pike

into hog casings. Also called mealie pudding and most fish.
2. A general name for sausages made from
white wine sauce See vin blanc, sauce
white wine sauce

light-coloured offal and meats such as

white yam A most important species of yam,
white yam

brains, tongue, lights, etc. mixed with whitish

cooked grains such as pearl barley, oatmeal, Dioscorea rotundata, which is grown in the
etc., seasoned, flavoured and packed into high rainfall zone of West Africa where it is a
off-white casings. Generally fried and eaten staple food
hot. whiting 1. A round bodied seawater fish,

white radish Mooli Merlangus merlangus of the cod family

white radish

white roux Equal quantities of plain soft flour

white roux
found generally in the North Atlantic and
and butter, cooked together to a sandy weighing about 400 g. The upper skin is grey
texture for a few minutes without colouring. to dark green or blue and the flesh is lean,
Used for béchamel sauce. white and delicate and may be cooked in any
white sapote United States A type of
white sapote
way. See also King George whiting 2. United
baseball-sized custard apple with a green, States Silver hake
Whitstable oyster

shading to yellow, edible skin and soft flesh Whitstable oyster England A fine native
white sauce See béchamel, sauce
white sauce

white sesame seeds The white variety of wholegrain wheat Dehusked wheat grains
white sesame seeds wholegrain wheat

sesame seeds used to make tahini. Used as wholemeal bread

wholemeal bread Bread made from

a garnish in Asia and crushed for use in wholemeal flour. Also called Graham bread
sauces and coatings. In Asia they are dry-
wholemeal flour A flour produced from
wholemeal flour

fried or roasted to release flavour.

dehusked wheat grains containing both the
white skate A variety of skate, Raja
white skate

bran and the wheat germ. Also called

marginata, with a fawny red upper skin and
wholewheat flour
white underside. Used as skate.
whole milk 1. United Kingdom Full cream
whole milk

white sprouting broccoli See sprouting

white sprouting broccoli

broccoli milk 2. United States Cows’ milk with a least

3.25% butterfat and 8.25% non fat solids
white stew A stew made from poultry or veal
white stew

wholewheat flour See wholemeal flour

wholewheat flour

with onions in a white sauce. See also

whortleberry Bilberry


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wiankowa Poland A hard sausage made from than ordinary pig. Generally killed at 14 to 18

lean pork and pork fat, formed into the shape months.
of a horseshoe. Also called wiejska wildbraad Netherlands Game

wichity grub See witchetty grub Wildbret Germany Venison, game

wichity grub Wildbret

wickenin’ England Yeast Wildbret Pastete Germany Venison pie

wickenin’ Wildbret Pastete

wild celery A biennial plant, Apium

wild celery

widgeon A small wild duck, Anas penelope


which is normally plucked, drawn and graveolens, whose ground brown seeds are a
trussed and roasted at 220°C for 20 to 25 constituent of celery salt. The chopped
minutes, garnished with watercress and leaves may be used in salads, as a garnish or
lemon and served with an orange salad and as an aromatic flavouring. Also called
a jus lié flavoured with redcurrant jelly or port smallage
wine. The shooting season is the 1st of wild duck See mallard
wild duck

September to the 31st of January. Hanging wilde eend Netherlands Wild duck
wilde eend

time 2 to 3 days. Also called wigeon Wildegeflügel Germany Game birds


wiejska Poland Wiankowa


Wildente Germany Wild duck


wiener United States Frankfurter sausage


wildfowl Game birds such as partridge, wild


Wiener Backhendl Austria Deep-fried

Wiener Backhendl

duck, etc.
panéed chicken meat possibly beaten out to wild goose Either pinkfoot or greylag.
wild goose

escalope thickness Shooting season 1st September to the 31st

wienerbrød Denmark Danish pastry (NOTE:

of January. Hanging time 2 to 9 days.

Literally ‘Vienna bread’.) wild lime Australia The fruits of this true
wild lime

wienerlängd Sweden A cake made from a citrus, Eremocitrus glauca, are about 1 cm in

rolled out sheet of Danish pastry 40 by 15 diameter and have a thin porous skin. They
cm. Crème pâtissière laid lengthways along are bitter and very acidic and are used in the
the centre, the 2 sides folded in over part of same way as limes. Ten wild limes are the
the filling and pressed down, proved 40 equivalent of one ordinary lime. Other similar
minutes, baked at 230°C for 20 minutes, limes are the finger lime, the round lime and
cooled, iced and cut across into individual the Russell river lime, some of which are
pastries. larger.
wild marjoram Oregano
wild marjoram

Wiener Schnitzel Austria, Germany A veal

Wiener Schnitzel

wild plum Australia Kakadu plum

wild plum

escalope or cutlet, panéed (sometimes olive

oil in the egg) and fried in butter. Served with wild raspberry Australia There are various
wild raspberry

a wedge of lemon. wild raspberries, varying in size, colour and

Wiener Schnitzel Holstein Austria A Wiener flavour. The Atherton raspberry is one that is
Wiener Schnitzel Holstein

schnitzel topped with a fried egg commercially available.

wild rice A black and white seed of a rush
wild rice

Wienerwurst Austria, United States A coarse


sausage similar in shape to the Frankfurter plant, Zizania aquatica, which is grown in
made from veal or beef and pork lightly China, Japan and the USA. It is not a rice in
cured in sugar, salt and saltpetre, chopped spite of its name. It is now cultivated as well
separately, the pork finer than the veal or as being gathered in the wild. Cooked like
beef, mixed, seasoned, flavoured with rice, but requires about 45 minutes boiling.
coriander, garlic and grated shallots, filled Also called Indian rice, tuscarora rice
into narrow sheep casings, lightly smoked, wild rice shoot The young shoots of the wild
wild rice shoot

boiled until they rise to the surface, then air- rice plant, Zizania aquatica, used as a
dried. Also called wienie, Würstel vegetable. They are up to 25 cm long and
wienie United States Wienerwurst

may be steamed, boiled, baked or stir-fried.

wild rose See rose
wild rose

Wiesenschaumkraut Germany Lady’s smock


wild rosella Australia The edible, magenta-

wild rosella

wig England A small one-portion cake or bun


coloured flower covering (calyx) of a

wigeon See widgeon

naturalized hibiscus, Hibiscus sabdariffa,

wijen Indonesia Sesame seeds

from the north. It has a sharp raspberry and

wijn Netherlands Wine

rhubarb flavour and is available fresh in

Wild Germany Game Queensland and frozen elsewhere. It makes

wildappel Netherlands Crab apple

excellent jams, sauces and relishes.
Wildschwein Germany Wild boar

wild boar The original ancestor of the

wild boar

wild spinach United States Pig weed

wild spinach

domesticated pig, sometimes hunted but

wild strawberry A hardy evergreen plant,
wild strawberry

now farmed in enclosed woodland. They

grow slowly and the flesh is red and tastier Fragaria vesca, whose small fruits have a

618 Page 619 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

winter cress

very fine flavour. Also called wood strawberry concentrate the flavour, as a cooking liquor
(NOTE: The cultivated strawberry was bred and as a constituent of a marinade. 2.
from imports, F. virginiana and F. chiloensis, Alcoholic drink made from various sources:
in the 16th and 18th centuries.) palm wine, rice wine, barley wine, elderberry
wild thyme Australia This low-growing herb,
wild thyme

wine, etc.
Ocimum tenuiflorum, is a member of the wine ball A mixed culture of yeasts and fungi
wine ball

basil family and has the same leaf structure formed into small balls used for making
and flavour as thyme but more intense and Chinese alcoholic beverages and fermented
with hints of tarragon and rosemary. It is red rice. Also called wine cube
used sparingly in the same way as thyme. wineberry The sweet and juicy fruit of a

Also called native thyme prickly shrub, Rubus phoenicolasius, rather

wild yeast A yeast which grows naturally on like a conical red blackberry. It may be used
wild yeast

ripe fruit and will cause fermentation. Often a as blackberries or raspberries. Also called
mixture of yeasts and bacteria especially in Japanese wineberry
hot countries. wine cube See wine ball
wine cube

willick Ireland Winkle (colloquial)


wine jelly A jelly made with wine, gelatine and

wine jelly

willow grouse A member of the grouse flavourings. May be eaten as a dessert or as

willow grouse

family, Lagopus lagopus, widely spread an accompaniment to meat and game.

throughout Scandinavia, northern Russia wine plant United States Rhubarb
wine plant

and the north of North America. It goes (colloquial)

completely white in winter. Cooked as wine sauce Scotland Sweet white wine,
wine sauce

grouse. thickened with 55 g of corn flour per litre

willowleaf mandarin
willowleaf mandarin

Mediterranean then butter and brown sugar added both at

mandarin the rate of 100g per litre and finally finely
willow partridge Ptarmigan grated lemon zest to flavour. Served hot.
willow partridge

Wiltshire cure England The principal method wine vinegar Wine in which the alcohol has
Wiltshire cure wine vinegar

of curing bacon in which the curing solution been biologically oxidized to acetic acid. The
is injected under pressure into a whole side normal concentration is 3 to 4 percent of
of pork through multiple hollow needles. The acetic acid.
sides are then steeped in brine for 2 to 3 wing The feathered front limbs of a bird used

days and matured in a cold room for 7 days. for flying or fast ground running. Usually only
At this stage it is known as green bacon. The the bone nearest the body is used, the
sides may then be cold-smoked to give remainder going into the stockpot. If very
smoked bacon. meaty the two bones may be used and are
Wiltshire sausage England A sausage made often marinated and grilled.
Wiltshire sausage

from freshly killed lean pork, fat pork and winged bean Asparagus pea
winged bean

rusk (7:3:1), minced, seasoned, flavoured winged pea Asparagus pea

winged pea

with mace, ginger and sage, packed into hog winged yam Asiatic yam
winged yam

casings and linked wing kelp United States Alaria

wing kelp

windberry Bilberry

wing rib of beef United Kingdom The last

wing rib of beef

Windbeutel Germany A large hollow-centred


three ribs of beef closest to the sirloin and the

choux pastry ball filled with whipped cream choicest roasting joint. The wing rib with
wind-blown whiting Scotland Blawn whiting
wind-blown whiting

possibly some of the fore ribs is used for the

wind egg An imperfectly formed egg with a
wind egg

traditional roast beef of England.

soft shell winkle A small herbivorous gastropod

Windermere char England The British

Windermere char

mollusc, Littorina littorea, up to 2.5 cm long

version of the freshwater Arctic char from the found in most coastal waters and usually
lake of the same name sold cooked either shelled or still in its shell.
windfall Fruit which has fallen off trees and is

They have to be extracted with a long pin or

usually bruised or damaged winkle pick. Rather tasteless and usually
Windsor bean Broad bean
Windsor bean
eaten with vinegar. Also called periwinkle,
Windsor red cheese England A mature
Windsor red cheese
winkle pick A straight pin, 4 to 5 cm in
winkle pick

Cheddar cheese flavoured and coloured with

a red fruit wine to give a veined appearance length, used for extracting winkles from their
wine 1. The juice of red or white grapes,
winter artichoke See Jerusalem artichoke
winter artichoke

fermented on or off the skins and matured

Winterbergminze Germany Winter savory

for varying periods of time depending on

quality. Used as a constituent of many winter cress United States A wild cress,
winter cress

sauces especially when reduced to Barbarea vulgaris, with somewhat spicy

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winter flounder

bitter leaves which may be used in salads. and dry-roasted seeds are eaten as a snack
Can be cultivated throughout the winter food.
under protection. Also called yellow rocket winter wheat Wheat planted in the autumn.
winter wheat

winter flounder The young plants overwinter and growth

winter flounder

A flatfish,
Pseudopleuronectes americanus, similar to recommences in spring. Harvested slightly
a large plaice. It is found off the eastern coast earlier than spring wheat.
of Canada and northern USA and moves wishbone A thin V-shaped bone found in

towards the coast in winter. It weighs about 2 birds which connects the centre of the breast
to 3 kg and averages 45 cm long. The upper bone to the wing joints, equivalent to the
skin is reddish brown. Cook as plaice. Also collar bone of humans. It should always be
called common flounder, George’s bank removed from chickens and turkeys to aid
flounder carving and jointing.
witchetty grub Australia The large white larva
witchetty grub

winter frisée See endive

winter frisée

winter gourd Wax gourd

winter gourd
of the Australian longicorn beetle about 6 to
10 cm long eaten after frying by the
wintergreen United States A native evergreen

aboriginal population and becoming more

plant, Gaultheria procumbens, with deep generally popular. It tastes like fish cooked in
green aromatic leaves and edible spicy cream. Also called wichity grub, witjuities
berries used as a flavouring. Also called
witch sole A small long deepwater flatfish,
witch sole

Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, from north
Winterkohl Germany Kale

Atlantic European waters, up to 50 cm long

winter melon A variety of sweet melon,
winter melon

and with a brown to grey upper

Cucumis melo, with smooth yellow or yellow skin.Somewhat thinner than the similar
and green striped skin, weighing up to 1 kg winter flounder. Cook as sole. Also called
and with a sweet juicy white to orange and Torbay sole, pole dab
green flesh. The melon is ripe when the skin witherslacks England A Lake District term for

gives slightly at the stalk end when pressed. damsons (colloquial)

Also called casaba melon (NOTE: The name is witjuites Australia Witchetty grub

also used confusingly for the wax gourd) witlof Netherlands Belgian chicory

winter mushroom Shiitake mushroom

winter mushroom

witloof chicory Belgian chicory

witloof chicory

winter purslane A hardy invasive annual

winter purslane

wittebonen Netherlands White butter beans


plant, Montia perfoliata, with mild-flavoured, wittegoud Netherlands The thick white

heart-shaped leaves and small flowering asparagus much liked by the Dutch and in
shoots, all of which are cut continuously for season during May and June (NOTE: Literally
use in salads. Also called miner’s lettuce, ‘white gold’.)
wittekool Netherlands Cabbage

winter radish Varieties of radish which can be

winter radish

Wittling Germany Whiting


left in the ground throughout the winter

wohlriechende Süssdolde Germany Sweet
wohlriechende Süssdolde

winter rape Rape

winter rape

winter rocket United States Watercress
winter rocket

wok China A thin steel pan with one or two


winter savory A perennial herb, Satureja

winter savory

handles made in the form of a section of a

montana, with small narrow pointed and sphere which is used for very fast Chinese
folded leaves rather like thyme which is stir-frying. The wok is placed over a very
slightly milder than the summer variety. Used intense heat source and different ingredients
in bean and cheese dishes, on roast duck, to may be added to hot oil in order of cooking
flavour vinegar, chopped to garnish soups time. Cooked and part cooked food is often
and sauces and to flavour salami. kept on the shallow sloping sides of the wok.
winter squash Various fruits of the genus
winter squash
Toward the end of the cooking process stock
Curcubita, e.g. Curcubita maxima or C. and sauces may be added to complete the
moschata, which are used when fully ripe whole dish of food. The wok is also used for
and the rind has hardened. They are peeled rapid stir-frying of a single vegetable or item
and the seeds removed before cooking. of food, for deep-frying and it can be used for
Used for pumpkin pie and soup. Examples steaming using bamboo nested steamers.
wok lok wuat China Cardamom
wok lok wuat

are Hubbard, table queen or acorn, golden

Wolfbarsch Germany Bass, the fish

delicious, butter cup, butternut, turk’s cap,

etc. They all have much the same flavour. wolfberry The seed of the matrimony vine

They are often added to curries in India and which turns a bright red when cooked. It is
used tempura-style in Japan. They may also used as a flavouring and as a tonic in
be pickled or made into chutney. The salted Chinese medicine.

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Worcestershire sauce

wolf fish Catfish woodcock 1. A small squat wild bird,

wolf fish woodcock

wolke England The Old English term for rolled

Scolopax rusticola, from boggy land with
or kneaded dough mottled plumage, a long bill and large eyes.
Wollwurst Germany A finely minced and
It weighs about 280 gram and forms one
ground veal sausage from Bavaria. Normally portion. Roasted with the head on, barded
fried in butter. with bacon and without drawing the bird, at
190°C for 20 to 30 minutes. The trail (liver
wonderberry A tropical and subtropical

and heart) is spooned onto the bread on

annual plant, Solanum x burbankii, which
which they are served and the whole
grows to 1 m and has oval light green leaves
garnished with watercress and lemon and
and clusters of purple berries each berry up
accompanied with a jus lié and cranberry
to 1 cm diameter The young leaves and
sauce. The shooting season is the 1st of
shoots are cooked as spinach. The ripe
October to the 31st of January in England,
berries must be thoroughly cooked. Unripe
1st of September to the 31st of January in
berries contain a poisonous alkaloid. Also
Scotland. Hanging time 1 to 3 days. 2.
called sunberry
United States A slightly smaller relative,
wong bok China Chinese leaves
wong bok

Philobela minor, of the woodcock found in

wong geung China Turmeric
wong geung

Europe and Asia

wong gwa China Cucumber
wong gwa

wood dove See pigeon

wood dove

wong keung China Turmeric

wong keung

wood duck Carolina duck

wood duck

wong nga baak China Chinese leaves

wong nga baak

wood ear Cloud ear fungus

wood ear

wong paan China Garoupa, the fish

wong paan

wood fungus Cloud ear fungus

wood fungus

won ton China A type of ravioli made with very

won ton

wood grouse Capercaillie

wood grouse

thin 8 cm squares of noodle pastry with a wood hedgehog United States A type of wild
wood hedgehog

small amount of a savoury mixture of meat, mushroom with a near white flesh and a
fish or vegetables placed in the centre, the bitter flavour
pastry is then folded into a triangle, sealed wood pigeon The wild pigeon, Columba
wood pigeon

and the two acute angles brought together palumbus recognized by its large feet. Young
and the right angle folded outwards. They ones are barded with bacon and stuffed with
are either deep-fried and served as an shallots before roasting at 200°C for 30 to 40
appetizer, boiled in a soup or poached until minutes; older birds may be casseroled or
they float. stewed. There is no close season (May to
won ton skin See won ton wrapper
won ton skin

October best) and no hanging time is

won ton wrapper Egg pasta or egg noodle
won ton wrapper

required, although 2 to 3 days are

dough rolled out as thinly as possible, cut recommended by some authorities.
into 8 cm squares and dusted with corn flour. woodruff See sweet woodruff

Also called won ton skin wood sorrel One of the sorrel family with
wood sorrel

won yee China Cloud ear fungus

won yee

small heart-shaped sour leaves used for

woo chak China Cuttlefish
woo chak

flavouring and in salads and soups

wood apple An edible fruit indigenous to the wood strawberry Wild strawberry
wood apple wood strawberry

Indian sub-continent about the size of an wooi heung China Fennel

wooi heung

orange. It is eaten raw or mashed with sugar woolly pyrol Caribbean Black gram.
woolly pyrol

and water and made into jellies or sherberts. Sometimes grown as green manure.
Occasionally available in cans. Also called woo lo gwa China Bottle gourd
woo lo gwa

aegletree fruit, elephant apple

woon sen China Cellophane noodles
woon sen

wood blewit A variety of edible fungus,

wood blewit

woo tau China Taro

woo tau

Tricholoma nudum, with a relatively long

wop salad United States Lettuce with olives,
wop salad

cylindrical stem and a 5 to 14 cm diameter

smooth cap, deep purple to brownish purple anchovies, oregano, capers, and garlic
in damp conditions and beige brown during dressed with olive oil (NOTE: A politically
drought and when mature. The flesh has a incorrect name and probably soon obsolete.)
worcesterberry An intermediate-sized blue-

pleasant scent and they grow in clusters on

forest floors. See also blewit black hybrid of the North American
woodchuck United States A North American
gooseberry and the blackcurrant. May be
burrowing rodent, Marmota monax, weighing used instead of blackcurrants or blueberries.
Worcester sauce England A misspelling of
Worcester sauce

around 2.5 kg in March to 4.5 kg in

September prior to hibernation. The flesh Worcestershire sauce
Worcestershire sauce England A thin
Worcestershire sauce

when young resemble pork. Also called

groundhog, whistle pig strong-flavoured sauce usually used to add

621 Page 622 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

work, to

flavour to sauces and cooked dishes. Made Wurmkraut Germany Tansy


commercially from vinegar, molasses, sugar, Wurst Germany Sausage


salt, anchovies, tamarind, shallots, garlic and Würstchen Germany Small sausages made

spices. It is said to have originated when a from lean pork, veal and pork from the
barrel of vinegar and spices made up for a throat, seasoned, flavoured with allspice and
customer with Indian connections by the cardamom, moistened with wine, filled into
pharmacist’s shop, Lea and Perrins, in the casings, tied in bundles, boiled 3 minutes in
early 19th century was not collected and salted water then dried and grilled
bottled for sale by the pharmacist. Also Wurste Germany Cold cuts of meat

called Lea and Perrins’ sauce, Worcester

Würstel 1. Austria Sausage 2. Austria

Wienerwurst 3. Italy Frankfurter sausage
work, to 1. To mix or knead dough with a
work, to

Würstelbraten Austria A large joint of beef,


steady motion 2. During the process of

larded with sausages, slowly braised in the
fermentation, the liquid or paste is said to
oven with a little stock, sliced across the
sausages and served with a sauce made
workseed Epazote

from the pan juices thickened with cream

wormseed Certain types of fennel used to

Wursteplatte Germany A plate of assorted


make a herb tea sliced sausages

wors South Africa Boerewors

Wurst in Teig Germany A sausage wrapped in

Wurst in Teig

worst Netherlands Sausage


dough and baked

worteltje Netherlands Carrot, root vegetable

Wurstspeisen Germany Pork products


wot Africa A hot curry-like meat stew from East


Africa Wurst von Kalbsgekrüse Germany A
Wurst von Kalbsgekrüse

wrasse A very bony fish usually used as bait


sausage made from finely chopped calf

in the UK but used in other countries to add mesentery, seasoned, flavoured with
flavour to soups and stews nutmeg, bound with eggs and cream,
wreckfish United States A name given to

packed into hog casings and linked

various different types of fish Würze Germany Seasoning, spice or

wu kwok China A dim sum made by deep-

wu kwok

frying a meat filling surrounded by mashed Wurzelsellerie Germany Celeriac

taro. The taro beomes crisp and lacy. Würzfleisch Germany A spicy beef stew

wun sen Thailand Clear transparent noodles

wun sen

containing sour cream, served with

Würfelzucker Germany Sugar lumps, cubes

dumplings or potatoes

622 Page 623 Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:50 PM

xa Vietnam Lemon grass xiao long bao Small steamed buns
xa xiao long bao

xacutti masala South Asia A spice mix from xi dau Vietnam Light soya sauce
xacutti masala xi dau

Goa consisting of desiccated coconut, dried xie China Crab


Kashmiri chillies, coriander, cumin and xie rou dou fu China Fresh crab meat mixed
xie rou dou fu

fenugreek seeds and black peppercorns, all with soya bean paste
dry-roasted and ground
xi gua China Watermelon
xi gua

xai Catalonia Lamb


xi hong shi China Tomatoes

xi hong shi

xa-lach xon Vietnam Watercress

xa-lach xon

xima South Africa A maize- or cassava-based


xanthan gum E414. A gum produced from a

xanthan gum

staple porridge from Mozambique, usually

bacterium, Xanthomonas campestris, by
served with beans, vegetables or fish. Also
commercial fermentation used as a
called upshwa
thickener or gelling agent.
xing zi China Apricot
xing zi

xanthophyll See E161(b)


xin xiang de China Fresh

xin xiang de

Xanthosoma sagittifolium Botanical name

xiu China A method of cooking in which

The tannia plant

xanthoxylum Anise pepper
ingredients are first fried or steamed, then
Xanthoxylum piperitum Botanical name simmered and finally heated uncovered over
Anise pepper and sansho a high heat to reduce the cooking liquor to a
xao Vietnam Stir-fried, to fry
thick sauce
xocolata Catalonia Chocolate

xarope Portugal Syrup


xoconostle Mexico Green prickly pear


xató 1. Spain A vinaigrette sauce flavoured


xoi nep Vietnam Cooked glutinous rice served

xoi nep

with chopped red chilli peppers and garlic

used to dress a salad of endive and almonds. at breakfast or dinner in place of plain boiled
Usually served in winter. 2. Catalonia A white rice, but never at lunch
variation on a normal salad including some xooñ West Africa The crust which forms on the

or all of salt cod, tuna, anchovies or almonds bottom of the pan when rice is cooked in just
Xaviersuppe Germany Consommé garnished the right amount of water

with small cheese dumplings xoriço Catalonia A spicy red-coloured


xérès, sauce France Sherry sauce

xérès, sauce

sausage (chorizo) flavoured with paprika

xia China Shrimp

xoxo Choko

xiang gu China Shiitake mushroom

xiang gu

xua Vietnam Jellyfish


xiang tsai China Coriander

xiang tsai

xylitol A polyhydroxy alcohol somewhat


xiang you China Sesame seed oil

xiang you

sweeter than sugar used in sugar free

xian su ya China Crisp roasted or grilled duck chewing gum
xian su ya

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ya China Duck yakimono Japan The term used for foods
ya yakimono

yabbie Australia A freshwater crayfish, Cherax


which are rapidly grilled, barbecued or fried

destructor, widely distributed in Australian to give a crisp exterior and only a lightly
waters and growing to a maximum length of cooked interior. The food is usually
30 cm but generally caught at a smaller size. supported on one or more thin skewers
They have a slightly muddy flavour and may depending on the size of the food.
be brown, green or purple. Abbreviated in recipes to yaki.
yaki myoban Japan See myoban
yaki myoban

yabloko Russia Apple


yakinasu Japan Grilled aubergine


yablonnik Russia See iablonnik


yakitori Japan Grilled chicken, chicken livers,


yachmennyi khleb Russia See iachmennyi

yachmennyi khleb

khleb onion or Asian leek and sweet pepper

yachmyen Russia Iachmen
kebabs brushed with yakitori sauce during
Yachtwurst United States A coarse-textured
the cooking and sprinkled with sansho or
sausage made with beef, pork and pistachio shichimi to garnish
yakitori sauce Japan Dark soya sauce, sake,
yakitori sauce

ya dan China Duck egg
ya dan
mirin, rock sugar and light soya sauce
ya gan China Duck liver
ya gan (12:8:5:5:4), simmered for 15 minutes then
cooled and refrigerated
yahni Turkey Leg of mutton on the bone,

yaki zakana Japan 1. Grilled fish 2. Fish

yaki zakana

browned in mutton fat with sliced onions,

then pot-roasted with a little water and wrapped in foil parcels with onion slices,
seasoning in a well sealed fireproof dish quarters of sweet green pepper, sliced
mushrooms, sake, seasoning and a slice of
yahniya ot spanak Bulgaria Stewed lamb
yahniya ot spanak

lemon, baked in a 220°C oven for 15 to 20

with spinach
minutes and served immediately
yahourt Yoghurt

yakju Korea Rice wine


yair choy China Cauliflower

yair choy

yakni South Asia See yakhni 1


yaitsa po-russki Russia See iaitsa po-russki

yaitsa po-russki

yam 1. A generally large tuberous root of one


yak A domesticated animal from Tibet mainly


of the genus Dioscorea, with dense flesh,

reared for its butter used as a starch staple and ranging from less
yak butter A very strong-smelling butter made
yak butter

than 0.5 kg to 25 kg in size. They must be

from yak milk and invariably used in Tibetan cooked and are treated like potatoes.
tea Varieties are found in all tropical and
yakhnee Middle East See yakhni 2

subtropical areas and a few in temperate

yakhni 1. South Asia Stock made from meat,

regions. Typical are cush cush yam, Chinese

bones and vegetables as in the West, yam, aerial yam, winged yam, guinea yam
simmered 12 to 14 hours in a sealed pan, and Asiatic yam. 2. Thailand The decorative
the vegetables being removed after 3 hours. salads of Thailand which are an art form in
It may be reduced to a glace de viande when their own right 3. The name sometimes
it is known as garhi yakhni. Also called yakni incorrectly given to the sweet potato grown in
2. Middle East Stew, with potatoes as the the USA
main ingredient. Also called yakhnee yamabukusu Japan A sweetened vinegar

yaki Japan Grilled. See also yakimono, yakitori


used for seasoning rice as in sushi. A

yaki fu Japan Large cubes of gluten cake reasonable substitute is vinegar, sugar and
yaki fu

roasted until brown salt (15:2:1) with a pinch of MSG.

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yamadon An oil obtained from yellow nutmeg yassa au poulet West Africa Chicken fried
yamadon yassa au poulet

yamaimo Japan Yam


with onions then simmered in a marinade

yau char koay Malaysia Crullers
yau char koay

yam bean 1. Jicama 2. An edible tuber of a

yam bean

plant, Sphenostyllis stenocarpa, similar to yau jaar gai China Crullers

yau jaar gai

the jicama grown in West Africa yaupon United States Tea made by Native

yamo no imo Japan See mountain yam (NOTE:

yamo no imo

Americans from yapon leaves

Literally ‘long potato’.) yautia See tannia

yang-baechu gimchi Korea Pickled cabbage

yang-baechu gimchi

yau yu China Squid

yau yu

leaves wrapped around a filling of white

ya xin China Duck hearts
ya xin

radish and spring onions flavoured with

ya you China Duck fat, often used to add a
ya you

ginger, garlic, chillies, anchovies and salt

yang-hoe Korea Raw minced beef mixed with
finish to Chinese food
ya zhang China Duck feet
ya zhang

sesame seed oil, sesame seeds, ginger,

ya zhen China Duck gizzards
ya zhen

garlic, onions and sugar, formed into

mounds, topped with a raw egg yolk, yeaning United States A young lamb or kid

sprinkled with chopped pine nuts and yeanling England A young lamb or kid

garnished with strips of peeled pear

yearling A year old domesticated animal. It

yan grou China Lamb or mutton

yan grou

might be any age under 2 years.

yankee bean Navy bean
yankee bean

yearn, to United States To coagulate or curdle

yearn, to

yan kok China Aniseed

yan kok

yan wo China Bird’s nest
yan wo

yearning United States Rennet


yao dou China Cashew nut

yao dou

yeast A microorganism (strictly speaking a


yao gou ji ding China Diced chicken with

yao gou ji ding

fungus) which reproduces by budding from

cashew nuts the parent microorganism. The most
yao horn Cambodia A type of fondue chinoise
yao horn

important in cooking is Saccharomyces

in which thin slices of beef, chicken and cerevisiae which has a multitude of variants
seafood are poached at the table in stock used principally for converting sugars to
and dipped in raw egg and peanut sauce alcohol or water and carbon dioxide as in
after cooking and before eating beer, wine, and bread production. Yeasts
yaourt France Yoghurt

can also excrete some enzymes which break

yaout Bulgaria, Russia Yoghurt
down polysaccharides into simple sugars.
ya pi China Duck skin
ya pi
Yeasts work best around 30 to 35°C and are
killed above 60°C.
yapon United States A plant similar to holly.

yeast buns Wales A traditional Pembrokeshire

yeast buns

The leaves are used by Native Americans to

make the tea, yaupon. New Year bun which is basically an egg,
butter, sugar and dried vine fruit enriched,
yaprak dolmasi Turkey Vine leaves wrapped
yaprak dolmasi

yeast-raised bread with about 75 g of each

around a filling of rice, raisins, chopped
enriching agent per kg of flour. After
onions, pine nuts, chopped parsley or dill
kneading and proving, the dough is rolled
and seasoning, baked in the oven and
and cut into rounds, proved again then
served cold
baked at 220°C for 15 – 20 minutes. Also
yard bean Asparagus bean
yard bean

called migiod
yard long bean See long bean, asparagus
yard long bean

yeasted goods Flour- and starch-based

yeasted goods

bean mixtures which are treated with yeast to

yari-ika Japan A variety of squid

produce a multitude of carbon dioxide

Yarmouth bloater England A slightly salted
Yarmouth bloater

bubbles within the mixture prior to baking

and smoked herring from Yarmouth yeast extract A dark brown thick glossy semi-
yeast extract

yarpakh dolmasy Russia See iarpakh

yarpakh dolmasy

solid made by hydrolysing disrupted yeast

dolmasy cells to form a complex mixture of amino
yarrow A hardy wild perennial, Achillea acids, peptides, nucleic acids and their

millefolium, with clusters of small flowers reaction products together with vitamins and
and feathery leaves. The slightly bitter and fragments of other cell contents and
peppery young leaves may be chopped and concentrating the solution. It has an intense
used in moderation for salads, to flavour dips flavour and is used by vegetarians and others
and as a garnish. for flavouring savoury dishes, as a vitamin
yasai-ryori Japan A vegetable dish
supplement and as a sandwich spread.
yee raa Thailand Cumin
yee raa

yasawa A fried meatball made with chicken


ye-khu Burma Sea urchin


from the South Pacific islands

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yellow bean paste

yellow bean paste A strong-flavoured yellow pear tomato A tiny pear-shaped

yellow bean paste yellow pear tomato

Chinese paste made from fermented soya yellow tomato used for garnishing and
beans. Sold in jars as a flavouring. decoration
yellow pea soup See égyptienne, purée
yellow pea soup

yellow bean sauce Fermented yellow soya

yellow bean sauce

beans let down with brine. Used in Sichuan yellow rice wine See red girl wine
yellow rice wine

and Hunan cuisines and generally in yellow rock See lump sugar 3
yellow rock

Southeast Asia. Also called brown bean yellow rocket Winter cress
yellow rocket

sauce, soya bean condiment yellows Light brown sugar


yellow cake United States Cake in which egg

yellow cake

yellow soya bean The dried yellow beans are

yellow soya bean

yolks but not egg whites are used the common soya bean of commerce. Used
yellow chilli A smooth waxy-skinned chilli
yellow chilli

for making soya derivatives and the variety

slightly larger than a jalapeño and very hot. which is sold cooked and canned in the west.
Also called yellow wax chilli yellow split pea See yellow dal
yellow split pea

yellow chive Chinese chives whose leaves

yellow chive

yellow squash Crookneck squash

yellow squash

have been blanched by growing in the dark yellowtail dab See yellowtail flounder
yellowtail dab

and which have a mild flavour

yellowtail flounder A flatfish, Limanda
yellowtail flounder

yellow crookneck squash An important

yellow crookneck squash

ferruginea, up to 40 cm long and 500 g in

commercial squash grown in southeastern weight with an olive-brown upper skin with
USA. One of the first plants to be genetically reddish-brown spots and a yellowish tail. It is
engineered to be resistant to mosaic viruses. found on the northeast coast of North
yellow cucumber A coarse yellow variety of
yellow cucumber

America. Cook as flounder. Also called

cucumber grown in China. It has a rough yellowtail dab
skin and a melon-like taste. It is often peeled, yellow wax chilli See yellow chilli
yellow wax chilli

shredded and preserved in honey, yellow wine See red girl wine
yellow wine

sometimes with ginger. Also pickled in soya

yellow yam Guinea yam
yellow yam

yelt United States A young sow

yellow dal South Asia An Indian variety of

yellow dal

yemas de San Leandro Spain Egg yolk

yemas de San Leandro

yellow pea, Pisum sativum, allowed to

threads cooked in hot sugar syrup. See also
mature and dry on the vine. Normally
golden threads
dehusked and split. Often used as a snack
yemek listesi Turkey Menu
yemek listesi

food after dry-roasting with spices (e.g. in

yemesirkik East Africa A vegetarian stew from

Bombay mix). Also called yellow lentil,

yellow split pea Ethiopia made from chopped onion browned
yellow eel United States Ocean pout, one of
yellow eel
in oil with berbere paste and garlic, mixed
with mashed cooked lentils, water and more
the eelpout family with a sweet white flesh
oil added and all cooked with a little salt.
yellow eye mullet Australia A fish,
yellow eye mullet

Served warm or cold with injera.

Aldrichetta fosteri, that is abundant in the
yen wo China Bird’s nest
yen wo

bays, inlets and sheltered coastal waters of

yerba Spain Herb

southern Australia. It sometimes has an

yerba buena Mexico, United States A strongly
yerba buena

earthy taste which can be removed by

soaking in milk for an hour prior to cooking. aromatic wild mint used as a flavouring
Skinning the fillets will remove the small Yersinia enterocolitica Food poisoning
amount of oil found in the fish. Best for bacteria related to the plague organism. It is
barbecueing. found in pork and raw milk and will grow at
temperatures below 10°C. The incubation
yellow fin tuna A variety of tuna fish,
yellow fin tuna

Thunnus albacares, more expensive than period is not known, the duration is 3 plus
days and the symptoms are abdominal pain,
fever, headache, malaise, vomiting, nausea
yellow granadilla A type of passion fruit,
yellow granadilla

and chills. Common in Scandinavia and the

Passiflora laurifolia. Also called water lemon USA.
yellow gurnard Gurnard
yellow gurnard

ye som megeb East Africa A selection of

ye som megeb

yellow lentil See yellow dal

yellow lentil

different vegetable dishes served in Ethiopia

yellow passion fruit The fruit of a vine,
yellow passion fruit

on fast days, called nai tsom in Eritrea

Yetholm bannock Scotland A rich festive
Yetholm bannock

Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa, with a hard

smooth golden-yellow skin mottled with red shortbread from the border country. The
and a pulpy yellow flesh with a mass of paste, which is made with a little baking
embedded seeds. Slightly larger than the powder, is enriched with ground ginger,
standard purple passion fruit. Also called flaked almonds, chopped candied peel,
golden passion fruit, granadilla, grenadilla lemon zest and vanilla essence. It is rolled

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into two rectangles which are sandwiched York cheese England A rich creamy soft
York cheese

with chopped crystallized ginger as the filling cheese made from raw or unpasteurized
and the edges scalloped. The top is brushed cows’ milk. Also called Cambridge cheese
with egg yolk and milk and sprinkled with York ham England A ham cured with dry salt,
York ham

flaked almonds and sugar, then all baked at lightly oak smoked and matured for 3 to 4
170°C for 45 minutes. It may be scored and months prior to being boiled. The meat is
cut. pale with a mild delicate flavour. One of the
yeung choy China Watercress classic hams now made all over the world
yeung choy

yeung chung China Onion

yeung chung
and considered to be the best cooked ham
for serving cold.
ye zi China Coconut
ye zi

Yorkshire black pudding England Black

Yorkshire black pudding

yiaourti Greece Yoghurt, traditionally made


pudding flavoured with marjoram, thyme,

with goats’ milk lemon thyme and savory
yield The number of servings or portions

Yorkshire cheese cake England An open

Yorkshire cheese cake

obtained from a given recipe or amount of shortcrust pastry tart filled with a mixture of
food curd (or sieved cottage) cheese, butter,
yiner China White fungus

currants, eggs, sugar, grated lemon zest and

ying-shu China Poppy seed
nutmeg before baking. Also called Yorkshire
curd tart
yin wor China Bird’s nest
yin wor

Yorkshire curd tart See Yorkshire cheese

Yorkshire curd tart

yiouvetsi Greece Pasta


yira Thailand Cumin or fennel

Yorkshire parkin England A type of

Yorkshire parkin

yi tong China Malt extract or maltose

yi tong

gingerbread made with fine or medium

yiu gor China Cashew nut
yiu gor
Yorkshire pie A galantine of meat
Yorkshire pie

yod nam mali Thailand Jasmine oil

yod nam mali

Yorkshire pudding A savoury batter

Yorkshire pudding

yoghoort See yoghurt


nowadays baked in the oven in a large flat tin

yoghourt See yoghurt

or individual patty tins together with a roast of


Denmark, England, Italy, beef, and used as an accompaniment to it.

Netherlands, Norway A fermented product Originally the tin of batter was placed
made from any milk treated with a culture of beneath a joint of beef roasting on a spit to
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and possibly catch the juices. The batter would cook with
Streptococcus thermophilus at a the heat from the fire.
temperature of 37 to 44°C. The fermentation Yorkshire sauce England A julienne of
Yorkshire sauce

is stopped by cooling to below 5°C after 4 to orange zest cooked gently in port, reserved,
6 hours when the liquid will have developed the port thickened with equal parts of
a lactic acid flavour and will be more or less espagnole sauce and redcurrant jelly
thick, possibly even a gel. Different cultures flavoured with cinnamon and cayenne
of the microorganisms and the different pepper, reduced, strained and finished with
milks lead to country-specific textures and orange juice and the julienne of orange zest.
flavours. The raw natural yoghurt so obtained Served with braised duck or ham.
may be further pasteurized, sweetened, Yorkshire spice bread A heavily spiced fruit
Yorkshire spice bread

flavoured, thickened with gums or starches, loaf raised with yeast or baking powder
have fruit added or be treated in a variety of yosenabe Japan Poached chicken breast

other ways to satisfy Western tastes. Also meat and shellfish served in dashi
called natural yoghurt, plain yoghurt, yahourt,
you ga li China Curry-flavoured oil
you ga li

yoghoort, yoghourt, yogurt

you men sun China Braised bamboo shoots
you men sun

yoghurt salad dressing Natural yoghurt

yoghurt salad dressing

youngberry A hybrid of the loganberry and


mixed with ground coriander seeds, dried dewberry from the south of the USA. Use as
mint and seasoning with possibly olive oil blackberry.
and lemon juice
you yu China Squid or cuttlefish
you yu

yogur Spain Yoghurt


ysaño A South American knobbly yellow tuber


yogurt Italy, United States Yoghurt


from a perennial climbing plant, Tropaeolum

yok kai sake Japan Thinly sliced strips of tuberosum, related to the nasturtium. It is
yok kai sake

fresh salmon marinated for an hour in a eaten in Bolivia after freezing. Also called añu
mixture of sake, soya sauce with chopped Ysop Germany Hyssop

ginger root, garlic, spring onions, sugar and yu China 1. Fish 2. Pummelo

salt and served with decorative garnishes yuba Japan 1. The skin that forms on bean

yolk See egg, egg yolk


curd 2. Bean curd sticks

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yuca Cassava yueh shih huo kwo China Steamboat

yuca yueh shih huo kwo

yuen sai China Coriander leaves

yuen sai

yucca 1. Cassava 2. A wild cactus-like plant,


yufka Turkey Filo pastry


Yucca gloriosa, and related species with long

fleshy leaves ending in a spike. The young yule cake See Christmas cake
yule cake

stalks may be cooked like asparagus and yule log Chocolate log
yule log

fruits may be roasted. Also called Spanish yu lu China A fermented fish sauce
yu lu

bayonet, Spanish dagger, Adam’s needle, bear yum Thailand See yam 2

grass, Eve’s darning needle

yum cha China Sweet cakes and savouries
yum cha

Yucca gloriosa Botanical name See yucca 2 served with tea during the late morning
yu chee China Shark’s fin
yu chee

yumurta Turkey Egg


yu chiap China A fermented fish sauce

yu chiap

yun er China Cloud ear fungus

yun er

yu choy China Broccoli rape

yu choy

Yunnan A hand made goats’ milk cheese from


yu choy sin China Heart of rape

yu choy sin
the mountainous southwest province of the
yudebutaniku no nikomo Japan Boneless
yudebutaniku no nikomo
same name in China
yu pei China Shark’s skin
yu pei

pork loin simmered in water until tender and

yuri-ne Japan Lily bulb

most of the water has evaporated, cooled,

yu ts’ai China Broccoli rape
yu ts’ai

cut in 2 cm cubes and simmered for 10

minutes in soya sauce, sake, sugar and yu tu China Fish maw
yu tu

sliced ginger root and a little water, more yu xian rou si China Shredded spiced pork
yu xian rou si

soya sauce and sugar added and all yuzu Japan A small yellow-coloured citrus

evaporated to dryness. Served with minced fruit, Citrus junos, grown mainly for its rind
spring onions. which is used as a garnish and flavouring for
yude-tamago Japan Hard-boiled eggs

soups and vinegars

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zabade See zabady traditionally, and in wealthy households,

zabady The Arabic for yoghurt. Also called

made available for casual guests between

zabade, roba, rob late afternoon and dinner but now often
zabaglione Italy A warm dessert made from

including hot dishes and served as a first

Marsala, egg yolks and sugar. Also called course or like smörgåsbord
zabaione Zakussotchnyï, Zakoussotchnyï Russia A

zabaglione sauce A sauce made from

zabaglione sauce

Camembert-type cheese made from

Marsala, whipped eggs and sugar served pasteurized cows’ milk
warm with fruit desserts or from white wine zalm Netherlands Salmon

and whipped eggs as a savoury sauce zamia A type of palm tree from the pith of

zabaione See zabaglione


which a starch is extracted

zabalin Burma Lemon grass

zampe Italy Feet, trotters


zaboca Caribbean Avocado


zampetto Italy Pig’s leg


zachte eiren Netherlands Soft-boiled eggs

zachte eiren

zampone di Modena Italy A sausage made of

zampone di Modena

zádélávané drstky Czech Republic Thin

zádélávané drstky

a mixture of lean and fat pork, seasoned,

strips of parboiled tripe sautéed in butter spiced, moistened with wine and packed into
with chopped onions and garlic, flour added a boned pigs trotter, simmered for an hour
to make a roux, stock added with chopped and served with potatoes and a sweet sauce
ham and parsley and all simmered until (NOTE: From the province of Emilia-
cooked Romagna)
zafferano Italy Saffron zanahorias Spain Carrots
zafferano zanahorias

zafferanone Italy Safflower Zander Germany The freshwater pike-perch

zafferanone Zander

zaffran South Asia Saffron


caught in European rivers and lakes and

zafraan South Asia Saffron
considered to be a delicacy. The flesh is firm
Zahnbrasse Germany Dentex, the fish
and white with a stronger flavour than cod. It
zahtar 1. North Africa A spice mixture of 2
was introduced into the UK in the 1970s and
parts dry-roasted sesame seeds, 1 part is in danger of wiping out native species of
sumac and 1 part dried thyme, ground fish. Also called Zant
zanoibe Italy A hors d’oeuvres of stuffed pigs’

together and used as a condiment, dip or

mixed with olive oil and used as a bread trotters similar to sampone, served hot or
glaze 2. Middle East Similar to the north cold
Zant Germany Pike-perch

African zahtar, it is dry mixture of dry-roasted

zao zi China Date
zao zi

sesame seeds, coriander seeds, walnuts and

cooked and dried chick peas, all crushed but zapote Sapodilla

not pulverized, with ground cumin, zarda South Asia A sweet rice dessert

seasoning, cinnamon powder, dried zarda palau Central Asia An elaborate Afghan
zarda palau

marjoram and sumac powder. Served with a dish of boiled rice soaked in a heavy sugar
separate dish of olive oil into which bread is syrup which is flavoured with strips of orange
dipped prior to its being dipped into the peel. Half the rice covers the base of an
zahtar. Also called dukkah ovenproof dish and the remainder surrounds
zakuski, zakouski France, Russia 1. Hors

the central pile of meat, which is pieces of

d’oeuvres 2. In Russia, a table of cold meats, chicken breast browned with onions and
fish, small appetizers and hors d’oeuvres, simmered with water for 20 minutes. The

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cooking liquor is poured over and the zeelt Netherlands Tench


covered dish is casseroled at 150°C for 40 zeepaling Netherlands Conger eel


minutes. Finally the dish is decorated with zeera South Asia Cumin

the blanched pieces of orange peel removed

zeevis Netherlands Seafood

from the syrup, browned almond slivers and

zegeni North Africa A spicy meat stew. Also

pistachio nuts, and the rice is coloured with

a saffron infusion in water. called wat
zelná polevká Czech Republic Cabbage soup
zelná polevká

zaru Japan A strainer made of metal or


bamboo made from beef stock thickened with white

roux, seasoned and flavoured with nutmeg,
zarzamora Spain Blackberry

finished with egg yolks and cream and mixed

zarzuela Spain A colourful seafood stew

with chopped blanched cabbage

mainly of shellfish. A typical zarzuela might
zelny gulás Czech Republic A beef goulash
zelny gulás

consist of cleaned, and prepared as for a

stew, mussels, squid, Dublin bay prawns, flavoured with paprika, caraway seeds and a
spiny lobster, hake and eel, added to a little vinegar and mixed with shredded white
mixture of onions, garlic, tomatoes and sweet cabbage. Also called segedinsky gulás
zelyonyi shchi Russia Shpinatie shchi
zelyonyi shchi

peppers all chopped and sweated in oil,

zemikand South Asia Elephant’s foot

simmered for 20 minutes with wine,

zensai Japan An appetizer, e.g. aemono. See

seasoning, saffron and chopped parsley in a

casserole dish and finished with stoned also sakizuke, tsuki dashi
olives. zenzero Italy 1. Ginger 2. The Tuscan term for

zarzuela de mariscos Spain A Catalan

zarzuela de mariscos

chilli pepper
seafood dish (NOTE: Literally ‘an operetta of zephyr 1. England, France A very light

seafood’.) mousse of Italian origin made with fish or

zatore Middle East A herb and spice mix used

other foodstuff pounded to a smooth paste,

in bread which usually includes sesame mixed with egg white and cream, refrigerated
seeds, thyme and savory and used to fill small moulds lined with thin
zatziki Greece A dip based on finely chopped fish escalopes or similar, baked in a

or grated, deseeded cucumber. See also moderate oven, cooled and demoulded 2.
tsatsiki United States A light delicate cornmeal puff
zatzizi Southwest Asia A Georgian dish of
served instead of bread rolls with a meal
zeppole Italy 1. Doughnut 2. Fritter

chicken flavoured with herbs and served

with mashed walnuts zest The coloured outer layer of citrus fruit

zavtrak Russia Breakfast, traditionally tea, skin which contains the essential oil

rolls, curd cheese and/or buckwheat zeste France Zest


porridge and buttermilk zesté(e) France Flavoured with citrus fruit


Zea mays Botanical name Maize zest

Zea mays saccharata Botanical name Sweet zeste confit France Candied peel
zeste confit

zeste d’Italie France Candied peel
zeste d’Italie

zebda North Africa A Moroccan butter made


zester A small very fine toothed metal grater


in spring by churning milk which has been

often mounted on a wooden handle for
left to curdle for 2 to 3 days in an
earthenware vessel. It is either used fresh or grating the zest of citrus peel
zeytinyagli sebzeler Turkey Mixed
zeytinyagli sebzeler

converted into smen.

zebu A type of domesticated ox, Bos indicus,
vegetables, garlic and seasoning simmered
found throughout Africa, India and East Asia slowly with very little water until tender.
Served cold with a sprinkling of chopped
zedoaire France Zedoary

zedoaria Italy Zedoary

zha China Deep-fried


zedoary The dried and ground root of a plant,


zha cai tang China A spicy vegetable soup

zha cai tang

Curcuma zedoaria and C. zerumbet, grown

zha ge zi China Deep-fried pigeon
zha ge zi

and used as a spice in Southeast Asia. It has

zhang cha ya China Duck, smoked over
zhang cha ya

a pungent gingery flavour with a hint of

camphor. The young shoots and leaves of the camphor and tea
zha yu qiu China Deep-fried square pieces of
zha yu qiu

plant are used in Indonesian cooking. Also

called white turmeric fish in a hot and spicy sauce
zeeduivel Netherlands Monkfish zheng China Steamed
zeeduivel zheng

zeekreeft Netherlands Lobster zhi ma yoo China A dark-coloured sesame

zeekreeft zhi ma yoo

Zeeland oysters Fine oysters from the

Zeeland oysters
seed oil
zhou China A kind of porridge

Zeeland province of the Netherlands

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zhou fan China Congee rice zita See ziti

zhou fan zita

zhu China Pig zit argan North Africa The highly flavoured oil
zhu zit argan

zhug Middle East A typical spice mix from the


extracted from the fruit of the argan tree used

Yemen used as a condiment and containing in salads and desserts
ziti Italy Long lengths of thick macaroni

red peppers, red chillies, coriander leaves

and seeds, garlic, green cardamom and ziti mezze Italy Long lengths of macaroni
ziti mezze

lemon juice pounded into a paste slightly thinner than ziti

zhu jidan China Boiled eggs
zhu jidan

zitoni Italy A very thick version of ziti


zhum Middle East Cooked junket


zitoni rigati Italy A fluted or ridged zitoni

zitoni rigati

zhu rou China Pork meat

zhu rou

Zitronat Germany Candied peel


zhu sun China Bamboo fungus

zhu sun

Zitrone Germany Lemon


zhu you China Lard

zhu you

Zitronenstrauch Germany Lemon verbena


zia, alla Italy In the aunt’s style, i.e. home

zia, alla

zitun North Africa Olive


cooking Zitwerwurzel Germany Zedoary


zibet A

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