Different Kinds of Drugs

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Stimulants are a group of drugs that result in increased activity in the body. Sometimes referred
to as “uppers,” these drugs are frequently abused due to their performance-enhancing and
euphoric effects. Generally, those who abuse stimulants experience heightened energy levels
and enhanced focus.

From my own perspective, stimulants speed up mental and physical processes, which can have
short-term positive benefits via raising dopamine levels in the brain. While the short-term
benefits of stimulants may make users feel wonderful, long-term usage of these medications
can have serious implications, which is why those who abuse them should get help as soon as

Hallucinogens are a type of drug that changes a person’s perception of reality. Also known as
‘psychedelic drugs’, hallucinogens make a person see, feel and hear things that aren’t real, or
distort their interpretation of what’s going on around them. Some are quick acting, others take
longer to take effect. Being under the influence of a hallucinogen is commonly called
‘tripping’.Some hallucinogens are manufactured, like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), PCP
(phencyclidine, or ‘angel dust’) and ketamine. Others are naturally occurring compounds found
in particular plants.

From my own perspective, hallucinogens are substances that produce psychological effects
that tend to be associated with phenomena such as dreams or religious exaltation or with
mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Hallucinogens produce changes in perception,
thought, and feeling, ranging from distortions of what is sensed such as illusions to sensing
objects where none exist such as hallucination.

Sedatives are a type of prescription medication that slows down your brain activity. They’re
typically used to make you feel more relaxed. Doctors commonly prescribe sedatives to treat
conditions like anxiety and sleep disorders. They also use them as general
anesthetics.Sedatives are controlled substances. This means their production and sales are

From my own perspective, sedatives primarily affect the central nervous system by modifying
impulses. When sedatives are overused or mistakenly coupled, such as when prescription
sedatives are mixed with alcohol, they might depress vital signals that are needed to keep the
heart and lungs working properly.
A substance used to treat moderate to severe pain. Narcotics are like opiates such as morphine
and codeine, but are not made from opium. They bind to opioid receptors in the central nervous
system. Narcotics are now called opioids.

From my own perspective, a substance (such as opium or morphine) that dulls the senses,
reduces pain, and produces deep sleep in moderate doses but causes stupor, coma, or
convulsions in high amounts.

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