A Sunday Afternoon On The Island of La Grande Jatte

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“A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”


Title: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

Artist: George Seurat

Art Movement: Pointillism and Neo Impressionism

The setting of the artwork is at an Island that is consisted of people specifically

the adults and young ones, pets, trees, umbrellas, ground and grass, boats, and the
river. It is an afternoon scene that is painted in a landscape position and the main
subjects are the people who are relaxing in the Island of La Grande Jatte while the
ground is their main place and the river together with the boats is their view. The
elements of arts that were most used in the painting are colors, textures, lines, and
depth that makes the artwork lively and alluring to a viewer’s perspective.


The first art element that is most noticeable is the color, the artist mainly used
primary color pigments or palettes which are red, yellow, and blue for the composition of
the painting, and he also did dots, strokes, and dabs. For the second element, its
texture has the attributes of an actual texture type that are created by the dots, stroke,
and dabs by the artist that really enhances the color of the painting. For its lines, the
artist mainly focused on horizontal and vertical lines, it also has some curved lines but it
is only applied to some parts of the painting. The trees and most of the people has a
form of vertical lines while the lines of the river, boats, and the landscapes were
horizontally inclined. Lastly, for its depth, the artist achieved a one-point linear
perspective that serves as a method for the artwork setting which shows how things
appears to be smaller as they go further.


The mood or feeling that was felt in the painting is lively, relaxed, and
sentimental. The liveliness was from the colors that was used which are the pigments
of the primary colors red, blue, and yellow. Most of the people also seems that they are
having a relaxed mood while walking or sitting in the grass.

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