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Research Proposal Template

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Research Proposal Title

The title should be informative and helpful in clarifying the topic and the focus of your research.


In this section you should answer:

 What is the problem?

 Is the problem of current interest?
 Why is this question important and worth studying?
 Why are you interested in the topic area?
 Relevance to existing literature.

Research Question and Objectives:

In this section, you should clearly and concisely outline the key research question(s) and the corresponding

Research Methods

In this section, should state the type of research method you intend to use (quantitative, qualitative or

mixed-method). You should also define the rationale for the selection of participants, methods of

data collection (e.g. survey, focus groups, interviews) and analysis.

Timescale/ Workplan

Indicate the timeframe to achieve this research, taking into account that you will have to complete the project in
two months (Use Gantt chart or Table)

Ethical Consideration (if any)


Use APA style

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