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A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
Which of the following describes e- Doing business Doing business Sale of goods All
commerce? electronically
Which of the following is part of the four main B2B B2C C2B All
types for e-commerce?
Which segment do eBay, belong? B2Bs B2C C2B C2Cs

Which type of e-commerce focuses on B2B B2C C2B C2C

consumers dealing with each other?
The best products to sell in B2C e-commerce Small products Digital products Specialty Fresh products
are: products
Digital products are best suited for B2C e- Are commodity Can be mass- Can be All
commerce because they like products customised and delivered at the
personalised time of
An E-cheque is one form of what? E-Commerce Online Banking E-Cash Cheque

SSL does which of the following? Creates a secure, Encrypts Sends All
private connection information information
to a web server over the

One of the problems with using SET protocol is the merchant’s the credit card the bank has to the bank has to
risk is high as he company should keep a keep a database
accepts encrypted check digital database of the of digital
credit card signature public keys of signatures of all
all customers customers

B2C commerce includes services means only means only means only
such as legal shopping for customers customers
advice physical goods should should approach
approach business to buy
customers to
In E- Cash Payment A debit card A Customer A credit card RSA
payment system is buys several payment cryptography is
used electroninc system is used used in the
coins which are transaction
digitally signed
by coins
issusing bank

The solution for all business needs is EDI ERP SCM None
Which is not a function of E?commerce? marketing advertising warehousing None
Most individuals are familiar with which form B2B B2C C2B C2C
of e?commerce?
Which of the following are advantages Shorter cycle Reduction in Reaches wider All
normally associated with B2B e?commerce? times costs audiences
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
Which of the following is not related to encryption decryption e-cash All
security mechanism?
An electronic cheque is one form of what? e-commerce online banking e-cash Cheque

Which of the following is used in B2B to pay e-commerce financial electronic data electronic
for purchases? electronic data exchange cheque
ERP stands for Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise None
resolution reverse planning resource
planning planning
Smart card is better protected than other Encryption Firewall Hub All
cards using
The presence of make the smart Memory Microchip Ecash None
card smart.
In E- Cash Payment SCM EDI WWW BPR
Which e?government arena is being used G2G G2B G2C G2G
when governmental agencies send out and
accept bids for work?
Which type deals with e-commerce in OLX? B2B B2C C2B C2C

Which one is not a layer of E?commerce Physical layer Product layer Service layer None
During E?commerce transaction we should Integrity Security Confidentiality All
What is true in context of e-commerce and e- e-business is a e-commerce is a not related none
business? subset of e- subset of e-
commerce business
M-Commerce means Mobile Commerce Main My Commerce None
Advantage of B2C commerce is/are i. Business gets a ii. Easy for iii. Shop can i and iii
wide rich to Payment open 24 x 7
customers services

What floods a Web site with so many Computer virus Worm Denial-of- None
requests for service that it slows down or service attack
When a transaction is processed online, how use secure use secure use financial
can the merchant verify the customers sockets layers electronic electronic data
identity? transactions interchange

B2C commerce includes services means only means only means only
such as legal shopping for customers customers
advice physical goods should should approach
approach business to buy
customers to
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
In E- Cash Payment A debit card A Customer A credit card RSA
payment system is buys several payment cryptography is
used electroninc system is used used in the
coins which are transaction
digitally signed
by coins
issusing bank

Which of these is a cost/efficiency driver of e- Improving the Avoid losing Increasing Increasing speed
commerce? range and quality market share to speed with with which
of services offered businesses which supplies supplies can be
already using e- can be obtained.
commerce. obtained.
What is the purpose of a Denial of Service Exploit a weakness To execute a To overload a To shutdown
attack? in the TCP/IP Trojan on a system so it is services by
stack. system no longer turning them off
Which one of the following is a type of Quick heal Mcafee Kaspersky All of the
antivirus program? mentioned
VIRUS stands for Very Intelligent Very Vital Viral Important
Result Until Source Interchanged Information Record User
Resource Under Resource Searched
Search Under Slege
Which of the following is/are threats for DDos and Derive- Malware & Phishing and All
electronic payment systems? by Downloads Malvertising Password
When was the first computer virus created? 1970 1971 1972 1969

The amateur or newbie in the field of Sponsored Hackers Hactivists Script Kiddies Whistle Blowers
hacking who don’t have many skills about
coding and in-depth working of security and
hacking tools are called _

Criminal minded individuals who work State sponsored Blue Hat Hackers Cyber Red Hat Hackers
for terrorist organizations and steal hackers Terrorists
information of nations and other secret
intelligence are _
________ is a famous technological medium Cloud Pen drive Website Email
for the spread of malware, facing problems of
spam, & phishing attacks.

Which of them is not a proper method for Use Strong Use email Spam filters Click on
email security? password Encryption and malware unknown links to
scanners explore
Unauthorized use of trademark is known as Cyber Haking Cyber-squatting Hacking Cyber Spacing
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
Which one of the following actions is not a To import copied To make a copy To borrow a CD To purchase a CD
breach of copyright? CDs of a CD and sell it from a friend and copy it to
and copy it to your laptop for
your laptop for your own private
your own use
private use.

Which of the following refers to the violation Access control Confidentiality Availability All
of the principle if a computer is no more
An attempt to harm, damage or cause Cyber-crime Cyber Attack System Digital crime
threat to a system or network is broadly hijacking
termed as
Electronic Data is necessary in B2C e-commerce C2C e-commerce B2B e- None
By encryption of a text we mean compressing it expanding it scrambling it to hashing it
preserve its
Which of the following describes e-commerce Buying products Buying service Selling service All
in nutshell? from each other from each other from each
Which segment is most of the media's B2B B2C C2B C2C
attention focused on?
Which of the following is not a de-merit of e- System Hacking System Quick Corporate
commerce? Scallability Comparision Vulnerability
E-Commerce is a subset of E-Business TRUE FALSE Both None
E-Business is a subset of E-Commerce TRUE FALSE Both None
________ refers to all activities done with Cyber Space Cyber Crime Both None
wrong intension
Virus attack on personal computer is an As weapon As a Target Both None
example of device _ type of cyber
Which of the following is not an email related Email Spoofing Email Spamming Email Bombing Email proofing
Which of the following is/are not an Black Hat hackers Grey Hat Hacker White Hat All
example(s) of hacker? Hacker
Trojan, Virus and Warms are different types of TRUE FALSE Both None
malicious attacks
Trojan, Virus and Warms are different types of TRUE FALSE Both None
Cyber Crime
In Denial of Service Attacks which of the Attempts to Prevent access Attempt to All
following is possible? "Flood" a network to service disconnect two
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
__________malware attaches itself to a Trojan Horse Worm Virus attack None
program or file enabling it to spread from
one computer to another, leaving infection as
it travels.
_________is a class of advertising methods Advertorials pop-up ads Spam e-mail malware
which are considered unethical and may even
be illegal
All of the following are examples of real Hackers Virus Spam Worm
security and privacy threats except
Exploring appropriate and ethical behaviours Cyber ethics Cyber security Cyber safety Cyber law
related to online environments and digital
The practice of forging a return address on an Hacking Cracking Dumpster Spoofing
e-mail so that the recipient is fooled into diving
revealing private information is termed?

What is the purpose of a Denial of Service Exploit a weakness To execute a To overload a To shutdown
attack? in the TCP/IP Trojan on a system so it is services by
stack. system no longer turning them off
How is IP address spoofing detected? Installing and Comparing the Implementing a Identify all TCP
configuring a IDS TTL values of the firewall to the sessions that are
that can read the actual and network initiated but
IP header spoofed does not
addresses complete
What floods a Web site with so many requests . Computer virus Worm Denial-of- None
for service that it slows down or crashes? service attack

When a transaction is processed online, how use secure sockets use secure use electronic use financial
can the merchant verify the customers layers electronic data electronic data
identity? transactions interchange interchange

A combination of software and information digital wallet pop up ad shopping cart encryption
designed to provide security and information
for payment is called a what?

An E-cheque is one form of what? E-Commerce Online Banking E-Cash Cheque

When hackers flood a web site with useless Phishing Pharming Denial of Spoofing
traffic to overwhelm the network, it is called Service attack

What is the name for direct computer to Internet E-commerce Transaction EDI
computer transfer of transaction information Commerce information
contained in standard business documents? transfer
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
SSL does which of the following? Creates a secure, Encrypts Sends All
private connection information information
to a web server over the

The practice of forging a return address on an Hacking Cracking Dumpster Spoofing

e-mail so that the recipient is fooled into diving
revealing private information is termed?

One of the problems with using SET protocol is the merchant’s the credit card the bank has to the bank has to
risk is high as he company should keep a keep a database
accepts encrypted check digital database of the of digital
credit card signature public keys of signatures of all
all customers customers

B2C commerce includes services means only means only means only
such as legal shopping for customers customers
advice physical goods should should approach
approach business to buy
customers to
In E- Cash Payment A debit card A Customer buys A credit card RSA
payment system is several payment cryptography is
used electroninc coins system is used used in the
which are transaction
digitally signed
by coins issusing

Which of these is a cost/efficiency driver of e- Improving the Avoid losing Increasing Increasing speed
commerce? range and quality market share to speed with with which
of services offered businesses which supplies supplies can be
already using e- can be obtained.
commerce. obtained.
What is the purpose of a Denial of Service Exploit a weakness To execute a To overload a To shutdown
attack? in the TCP/IP Trojan on a system so it is services by
stack. system no longer turning them off
How is IP address spoofing detected? Installing and Comparing the Implementing a Identify all TCP
configuring a IDS TTL values of the firewall to the sessions that are
that can read the actual and network initiated but
IP header spoofed does not
addresses complete
In which of the following, a person is Phishing Bulling Stalking Identity theft
constantly followed/chased by another person
or group of several peoples?
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
Which one of the following can be considered Dos Attack Phishing Soliciting Dos Attack &
as the class of computer threats? Soliciting

Which of the following is considered as the Virus Malware Spam All of the
unsolicited commercial email? mentioned
Which of the following usually observe each Malware Spyware Adware All of the
activity on the internet of the victim, gather all mentioned
information in the background, and send it to
someone else?

_______ is a type of software designed to help Malware Adware Antivirus Both B and C
the user's computer detect viruses and avoid
Which one of the following is a type of Quick heal Mcafee Kaspersky All of the
antivirus program? mentioned
It can be a software program or a hardware Antivirus Firewall Cookies Malware
device that filters all data packets coming
through the internet, a network, etc. it is
known as the_______:
VIRUS stands for Very Intelligent Very Vital Viral Important
Result Until Source Interchanged Information Record User
Resource Under Resource Searched
Search Under Slege
Which of the following is/are threats for DDos and Derive- Malware & Phishing and All
electronic payment systems? by Downloads Malvertising Password
When was the first computer virus created? 1970 1971 1972 1969

Which of the following is a type of Trojan Horse Worm Trap Door Virus
independent malicious program that never
required any host program?
Hackers who help in finding bugs and Black Hat hackers White Hat Grey Hat Red Hat Hackers
vulnerabilities in a system & don’t intend to Hackers Hackers
crack a system are termed as ________

Which is the legal form of hacking based on Cracking Non ethical Ethical hacking Hactivism
which jobs are provided in IT industries and Hacking
The amateur or newbie in the field of hacking Sponsored Hackers Hactivists Script Kiddies Whistle Blowers
who don’t have many skills about coding and
in-depth working of security and hacking tools
are called ________

Criminal minded individuals who work for State sponsored Blue Hat Hackers Cyber Red Hat Hackers
terrorist organizations and steal information of hackers Terrorists
nations and other secret intelligence are
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
_____________ is a famous technological Cloud Pen drive Website Email
medium for the spread of malware, facing
problems of spam, & phishing attacks.

Which of them is not a proper method for Use Strong Use email Spam filters Click on
email security? password Encryption and malware unknown links to
scanners explore
Phishers often develop ______________ legitimate illegitimate genuine official
websites for tricking users & filling their
personal data.
Which of the following is a cybercrime? Hacking Worm attack Virus attack All
.......... Refers to email that appears to have Email bombing Email spoofing Email None
been originated from one source when it was spamming
actually sent from another source

In cyber law terminology ‘DoS’ means: Denial of Service Disc operating Distant None
System operator
.......... refers to sending email to thousands Email spamming Email bombing Trojan attack None
and thousands of users-similar to a chain letter

Act of attempting to acquire information such email bombing Spamming Cyber stalking Phishing
as usernames, passwords, and credit card
details by masquerading as a trustworthy
entity is called
Use of electronic messaging systems to send email bombing Spamming Cyber stalking Phishing
unsolicited bulk messages are called

Unauthorized use of trademark is known as Cyber Haking Cyber-squatting Hacking Cyber Spacing
Which one of the following actions is not a To import copied To make a copy To borrow a CD To purchase a CD
breach of copyright? CDs of a CD and sell from a friend and copy it to
it. and copy it to your laptop for
your laptop for your own private
your own use.
private use.

Which of the following refers to the violation Access control Confidentiality Availability All
of the principle if a computer is no more
An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat Cyber-crime Cyber Attack System Digital crime
to a system or network is broadly termed as hijacking
…………………is a class of advertising methods Advertorials pop-up ads Spam e-mail malware
which are considered unethical and may even
be illegal
All of the following are examples of real Hackers Virus Spam Worm
security and privacy threats except
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
Exploring appropriate and ethical behaviours Cyber ethics Cyber security Cyber safety Cyber law
related to online environments and digital
Trade mark, copyright, patent law etc comes Data protection Telecommunicati Intellectual None
under the purview of…………………… on laws property laws

What is the legal protection afforded an Ethics Intellectual Copyright Fair Use Doctrine
expression of an idea, such as a song, video property
game, and some types of proprietary
What is Cyber Defamation? Publishes Publishes Publishes Publishes
Respectful Matter Abusive Matter Respectful Abusive Matter
Over News Paper Over News Paper Matter Over Over Internet
Cyber Stalking means Following activities Following Following Following
of an individual's activities of an activities of an activities of an
in office individual's in individual's individual's in
society over internet college

Trademark can be used as domain name Yes No Yes in some None

_____is an activity which a person or firm uses Bio-metric Legal issues Cyber squatting Ethical issues
the existing domain name belong to the
wellknown organization .
Which of the following refers to stealing one's Piracy Plagiarism Intellectual All of the
idea or invention of others and use it for their property rights mentioned
own benefits?
The use of the Internet or other electronic Cyberspace Cyber stalking Pornography None
means to stalk or harass an individual, a group
of individuals, or an organisation is termed:

Act of attempting to acquire information such email bombing Spamming Cyber stalking Phishing
as usernames, passwords, and credit card
details by masquerading as a trustworthy
entity is called
Unauthorized use of trademark is known as Cyber Haking Cyber-squatting Hacking Cyber Spacing
Which one of the following actions is not a To import copied To make a copy To borrow a CD To purchase a CD
breach of copyright? CDs of a CD and sell from a friend and copy it to
it. and copy it to your laptop for
your laptop for your own private
your own use.
private use.

Which of the following refers to the violation Access control Confidentiality Availability All
of the principle if a computer is no more
A.Y. 2021-22
question answer1 answer2 answer3 answer4
An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat Cyber-crime Cyber Attack System Digital crime
to a system or network is broadly termed as hijacking
Exploring appropriate and ethical behaviours Cyber ethics Cyber security Cyber safety Cyber law
related to online environments and digital
It is stealing ideas or creations of others. Plagiarism Intellectual Piracy All
Property Rights

The most common security threat is _____ Phishing attacks Money thefts Data misuse All

Cyber crime can be defined as _____ A crime Stealing of a Organizing None

committed online computer theft in a
computer shop

Which of the following is not a form of Softlifting Counterfeiting Encrypting Hard Disk
software piracy? Loading
_____________is the process of transforming Copyright Trademark Encryption Information
data into an unreadable code. Security

The right which is concerned with the design Copyright Patent Trademark Data Protection
and algorithm of the product rather than the Law
entire product is
Secure Sockets Layers does which of the creates a secure, encrypts sends All of the
following? private connection information information mentioned
to a web server over the

Unsolicited e?mail is called what? Junk mail Spam Extra mail None
Which of the following is not a common Send an Ask people to fill Ask people to All of the above
approach to phishing? official?looking out and return a click a link in an are uncommon
e?mail asking for fake letter using e?mail to open approaches to
confidential postal mai a submission phishing
information form on a web

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