Assignment A: Text 2 - Lower Intermediate

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Assignment A

Text 2 – Lower Intermediate

This part of the assignment focuses on stage 2 of a lower-intermediate reading lesson.
You should show what you would do for the vocabulary pre-teaching stage of the lesson.
Include any references necessary in the bibliography template. See 'Referencing' document for advice on what is required.
Read 'Advice on Approaching this Assignment' before you begin work on this template.
Class: Lower intermediate (B1), 13 young learners, age range 12-14.
These students attend EFL classes because their parents are keen for them to have extra English lessons in addition to what their
state schools provide. Many of them resent having to come to language school, but you have found you can engage them if you
make the lessons fun and interesting.

Fortnite – a pleasure or a problem?

Fortnite is an online video game made by a company called Epic Games. Players can fight enemies, collect materials and items,
and make buildings. The game has three different versions, known as 'modes'. The most popular mode is called ‘Battle Royale’.
In a battle royale, players start with no items, and collect weapons and other equipment as they play. Players try to remove
other players and survive until the end of the game. A Battle Royale begins with up to one hundred players. The last player left
alive is the winner.

Fortnite is extremely popular. It came out in 2017 and now has hundreds of millions of players. And Epic Games has made
hundreds of millions of dollars. Celebrities, such as the rapper, Drake, play the Battle Royale mode. Other people have become
celebrities because they play the game. Fortnite is one of many video games which is played competitively as an ‘esport.’ In
summer 2019, there was a lot of attention in the British media when the 15-year-old schoolboy, Jaden Ashman, won the second
prize in the first Fortnite World Cup. Jaden and his 21-year-old Dutch game partner, Dave Jong, shared a prize of 2.25 million US
dollars. Jaden's mother said she always tried to stop him wasting his time on the game.

The company sells a lot of game-related products, such as branded clothes and action figures. Players can buy additional
features for the game with Fortnite’s own currency; ‘V-bucks,’ which they can earn as they play the game. A popular additional

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feature is silly dances for the characters. Many people copy the game’s dances in real life. There are numerous videos of people
doing these dances on YouTube and other websites.

There are concerns about Fortnite. Parents and teachers worry about how much time children spend playing the game when
they should be doing schoolwork. Some believe that it is addictive. Items in the game are bought with V-bucks, but V-bucks can
be bought with real money. There are many reports of children spending their parents’ money on the game without permission.
Although the game is colourful and has a lighthearted style, some adults feel that it is too violent for children. After all, the
Battle Royale mode involves killing other player’s characters with guns and other weapons.

Lesson Aims:
To extend and practise productive use of vocabulary for talking about computer games and associated topics.
To further develop reading skills through short reading activities on skimming and intensive reading.

Lesson Outline:
These children are not keen on reading, but quite enjoy learning new vocabulary and interactive games.
You have decided to place more focus on the vocabulary and speaking activities and will allocate timings roughly as follows:
1. Lead into topic (warmer) - 10 mins
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching (Presentation and short practice task) - 25 mins
3. First reading - 4 mins
4. Second reading - 9 mins
5. Follow-on activity (communicative speaking task) - 12 mins

You need to select 10 vocabulary items for pre-teaching and show how you would present two of those items in stage 2.

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1. Vocabulary Pre-Teaching Planning Table
In this table, show ten items from the text to pre-teach. The table is not a handout for the students.
Read 'Advice on Approaching Assignment A' before you begin work on this table.

Maximum word count for the vocabulary table: 700 words, including the wording already on the template

How Meaning will be
IPA transcription
Meaning Conveyed to Students, Grammatical and Concept Questions
Item AND
(General definition) including Language-Graded Other Information (if needed)
word stress
Addictive An activity or food that Elicit: My brother eats 4 to 5 Adjective Cartoon addiction and /əˈdɪktɪv/
you cannot stop doing or ice-cream cones every day. He mobile phone addiction
eating once you have cannot stop eating them! Ice- Noun- an addiction (Details in stage 2) oOo
started (All def in this creams are……..for him.
column are from The Drill
Cambridge English Example
Dictionary, except Chocolate is addictive for her
‘Additional Feature’)

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Survive To continue to live, Elicit: If a plane has an Verb Many people survive /səˈvaɪv/
especially after coming accident, do all passengers the covid disease. oO
close to dying or being die? Some passengers Noun: survival Do they die? (no)
destroyed sometimes get very lucky and These people got Drill
live. So these passengers who Past participle: +d better? (yes)
lives and do not die from the
accident, they………..?

Graded Definition: to
continue to live after almost
dying because of an accident
or being sick

Related Connected Elicit ‘relationship’ then Adjective Would you look at a /rɪˈleɪtɪd/
‘related’ sports-related website
Example of a family picture Teach: form -related or a fashion-related oOo
with uncles and aunties. health-related website for buying
clothes? (fashion- Drill
Additional Extra quality or important Elicit ‘feature’: house and its Adjective + Noun I bought a doll for my /əˈdɪʃənlˈfiːʧə/
feature part of something (Collins, bedroom, kitchen. collocation niece. It has black hair,
n.d.) blue eyes, and it can cry oOooOo
Discuss: ‘do we all have and talk. Which one is
swimming pools (no), can we or are the additional Drill
live without having a pool in features of this doll? (it
the house (yes), but wouldn’t can cry and talk).
it be lovely to have one (yes).’
We can also call the extra
feature an additional feature.

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Concern a worried or nervous Elicit: Using the context of my Noun (just noun for this Giant panda extinction, /kənˈsɜːn/
feeling about something friend who was hospitalized. lesson) whose concern? (details Oo
in stage 2)
Example: There is concern in Drill
the village that the volcano
can explode soon. (picture)
e-sports The activity of playing Elicit: picture of ‘league of Noun Not necessary /ˈiːˌspɔːts/
computer games against legends’. Oo
other people on the Abbreviation: electronic
internet, often paid Graded Definition: games we Drill
can play online with another
Weapon any object used in fighting Elicit with a picture. Noun. Not necessary /ˈwep.ən/
or war, such as a gun +s for plural Oo
Graded Definition: these are
things that people fight with. Drill
Violent Using force to hurt/attack Elicit: Have you seen zombie Adjective Pictures of peaceful /ˈvaɪə.lənt/
movies? Can we show them to protest and riot in the Ooo
small children? Why not? Noun form: Violence streets. Drill
labiodental fricative
Graded Definition: something ‘v’- ensure correct
that is strong, dangerous and pronunciation.
can hurt you.
Light-hearted Happy and not serious I will try to elicit: I will use a Compound Adjective My brother stopped /ˌlaɪtˈhɑː.tɪd/
picture of Winnie- the-Pooh Adjective+past talking to my sister oOo
and Chucky (Child’s play participle (won’t go into after she made a joke at
1988). Winnie is sweet, details as this is B2 dinner last night? Do Drill
simple, feels happy and grammar) you think the joke was
comfortable easily, and funny (no). Did it hurt
nothing really worries him my brother’s feeling
much, while Chucky is so (yes). Was it a light-
serious and only wants to hurt hearted joke? (no!)

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Show picture: Mumble
Other example: a light- (Happy feat), Dory
hearted discussion (Finding Nemo). Ask
who is light-hearted
among them? (both of
Silly Showing little thought/ Elicit: picture of a silly Adjective Is it ok to make some /ˈsɪli/
judgement expression: silly faces with our Oo
Does she look very intelligent Register- informal friends? (yes)
here? Drill
Idiom- silly billy …with someone we
Graded Definition: stupid don’t know? (No!)
(The Cambridge Learner’s
Dictionary, n.d.)

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2. Vocabulary Pre-Teaching – Presentation Materials
In this space, insert any materials you would use: e.g., visual aids, worksheets, what you would write on the board, etc.
If you use images, do not use more than 6. These do not need to be the actual size you would use in the classroom.
If you prefer, you can submit the images in a separate document, but please label them clearly IMAGES FOR VOCABULARY.
You do not need to devise the practice task.

Image for e-sports Image for weapons Image for Concern

ccq light-hearted ccq light-hearted Image for silly

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Things I will write on the board:
a) Addictive- while explaining and eliciting, ‘Ice-creams are……..for him’, (addictive).
b) Survive- while explaining and eliciting, ‘they …………………………..’, (survive).
c) I will write all 10 words on the board while teaching their pronunciation.
d) I will also show the stresses (oOo for addictive) on the board while teaching the pronunciation for each of the 10 words.

3. Teacher Language for Teaching Two Items

This part of the assignment is set to enable us to assess your language grading, eliciting, pronunciation teaching and concept
You must show:
The language you would use for presenting 2 of your selected vocabulary items that could not be explained using only pictures.
Present what you would say in dialogue form including some expected student responses.
A) Elicit and Explain
T: Does anyone know a word that means very very interested in something in a strange way?
S1: fascinated?
T: That's a good suggestion, yes. But the word I'm thinking of also means fascinated in a strange way, like when someone is really really
interested in a famous person – more interested than normal. Always thinking about them. (Teacher puts on an 'obsessive' face.)
S2: Obsessing?
T: Great! That's it! But not obsessing – different ending. Anyone?
S2: Obsessed.
T: That's it. Well done. To be obsessed and what preposition comes after it? Lina?
Lina: With?
T: Great. To be obsessed with someone or something (writes on board). Everyone repeat 'obsessed with.'
B) Teach the Pronunciation
Class: obsessed with

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T: Good. How many syllables are in obsessed?
S3: Two
T: Yes, and where's the stress, first or second syllable? Obsessed
S1: Second.
T: Great! Again, everyone: obsessed with
Class: obsessed with, obsessed with

C) Concept Check
T: Well done! So if I say 'Jamal is obsessed with his neighbour', is that normal or strange? Samia?
Samia: It's strange.
T : That's right. Martin, how would you feel if someone is obsessed with you?
Martin: I think I will be nervous!
N.B. If you do not use direct speech, you will be required to resubmit the whole assignment.

In this space, give the language you could use for presenting two of your vocabulary items which need to be concept checked.
Show how you would elicit, explain, concept check and teach the pronunciation.
Each item should be approximately 200 words.
A) Elicit and Explain
T: My brother eats 4 to 5 ice-cream cones every day. He cannot stop eating them! Ice-creams are……..for him (write on the board). What word am I
thinking of?
S1: crazy?
T: He IS crazy about ice-creams, but I am looking for a word that starts with an ‘a’.
S2: addict?
T: Good job Jose! But for this sentence you have to change ‘addict’ to an adjective. Anyone?
S3: addicted?

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T: Almost there! ‘Addicted’ is surely an adjective, but it usually describes the person like my brother who is addicted to ice-cream. When we are
describing an activity that we cannot stop doing, or a thing that we cannot stop eating, the ending changes to -ive, and we have ‘addictive’. Like
chocolate is addictive for many people. Everyone please repeat addictive!
Class: addictive!
B) Teach the Pronunciation
T: Good. How many syllables are there in addictive?
S3: Three.
T: Very good! And where’s the stress? First, second or third syllable?
S1: Second.
T: Excellent Repeat again addictive!
Class: addictive!
C) Concept Check
T: So who usually finds cartoons addictive?
S2: A child?
T: That’s right! Children just cannot stop watching cartoons!
T : Mobile phones can also be addictive. How can this be dangerous?
S1: We use it on the road with cars and buses.
T: Do you mean using it while we cross the road?
S1: Yes.
T: That’s a good point, Leo. Checking Facebook when we cross the road can be very dangerous.
A) Elicit and Explain
T: My friend was taken to the hospital this morning because he was feeling some pain in his chest. I am feeling a bit sad and thinking a lot
about him. It is making me worried. Can someone give me a word to describe my feelings?
S1: Stressed?
T: We can say that I am a bit stressed, but I am looking for a word that explains more my worries for him.

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T: Ok, the word is ‘concern’. Concern for my friend’s health is making me worried and a little bit stressed (look at student 1 with an
acknowledging eye contact). Please repeat after me ‘concern’.
Class: ‘concern’!
T: Let me give you another example. There is concern in the village that the volcano (showing the picture) can explode soon.
T: So is the word a noun or verb?
S2: Noun?
B) Teach the Pronunciation
T: Very good Ivan. It IS a noun. How many syllables are there in concern?
S3: Three?
T: Listen again CON…CERN
S3: Oh there’s 2.
T: Yes 2 syllables. Which syllable is stressed?
S1: The second syllable.
C) Concept Check
T: Excellent. There is concern that there will soon be no more giant panda. Whose concern do you think this is?
S4: Someone who cares about the environment?
T : Very good point Maria! Who else do you think can feel a concern for these animals?
S1: Children because they love Kung Fu Panda!
T: Yes! I am sure children will feel sad and worried if there are no more panda living in this world.
Don't forget to include any references in the bibliography template. See Referencing for requirements.
Convert this template to a PDF when it is completed. Please check the appearance of the PDF is correct before submitting.

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