Se1434 Tuannmhe140551 Ichoosesocialnetwork SWR Asm2

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System/Software Requirements


iChoose Social Network

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Nguyễn Mạnh Tuân

FPT University

July 20th, 2021

I. Table of Contents

I. Project introduction.........................................................................................................................3
............................................................................................................................................................... 4
II. Software Requirement Specification.............................................................................................4
1. Overall Description........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Product Overview.....................................................................................................................4
1.2 Business Rules.........................................................................................................................5
2. User Requirements.........................................................................................................................6
2.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Usecase Detail..........................................................................................................................8
2.3 Entity Diagram:......................................................................................................................64
3. Diagram...................................................................................................................................68

II. Project introduction
II.1 Background
With the strong development of information technology and the need of human about the
world, we always want to update the information around the world as fast as we can. So
many social networks are created for response the need of human. But they cause some
troubles for customer who use these social network like that.

II.2 Business Opportunity

After get some surveys about the need of human, we realize that the post management of
some social networks is different but mostly make user so confuse when users perform
some operation like search for something, the background is not easy to use. We usually
spend more time to find what we need.

II.3 Business Objectives

BO-1: Provide a social network that allows user can exchange information, communicate
with each other.
BO-2: Provide good environment for users to get good service.

II.4 Success Metrics

SM-1: After 4 months release, there are more than 300 thousand users who are active, 15
thousand fanpage.
SM-2: More than 85% of user rated the system as good.
SM-3: After 1 years, there are more than 30% user from another social networks use

II.5 Vision Statement

A mobile application in which everyone can join to share and connect together. We can
communicate, exchange information, learn the knowledge and get experience from each
other. iChoose is a good choice because this is the standard social network for the world
of imformation.

II.6 Business Risks

BR-1: Difficult to make this social network become popular beacause there are many
famous social networks as: Facebook, Instagram,… ( Probability = 0.6; Impact = 3)
BR-2: Mostly users are used to use platform of famous social networks. It is hard to
change their habits, we will need more times. ( Probability = 0.3; Impact = 8)
BR-3: The items sold by users on the website are not tested for quality. (Probability = 0.7;
Impact = 5)

1.7 Business Assumption and Dependencies

AS-1: System with suitable user interfaces are available to handle the needs of the users.
DE-1: The system is easy to repair and maintain

1.8 Fearture tree

III. Software Requirement Specification
1. Overall Description
1.1 Product Overview
The idea of our team is creating a social network in which people can join to exchange the
informations and perform some operaton to interact together. Our application will include information
of all kinds of information.

- The location managers are able to:

o Add product or service to their location.
o Manager their location.
- The users are able to:
o Share image, video, moments, …
o Interact with other user, post, ….
o Update profile
o Search for location

1.2 Business Rules

ID Rule Definition
BR-01 The field must be filled by characters consist of alphabet, numbers and space.
BR-02 The field must be filled by characters consist of alphabet and numbers.
BR-03 The field must be filled, follow by format “X@X.Y”, where X is characters and Y is
alphabets. X and Y are at least 1 character.
BR-04 Date follow format DD-mm-YYYY.
BR-05 Must enter from 6 to 50 characters.

2. User Requirements
2.1 Overview
a. Use Case Diagram

b. System Actors
# Actor Description
1 Admin Administrator of system

2 User User of system

3 Mod User who create group

4 Employer User who was Employer register

c. Use Cases List

ID Use Case Primary Actors Secondary Actors

01 Admin login iChoose System

02 Admin logout iChoose System

03 Change Password iChoose System

04 Delete Account iChoose System

05 Ban User Admin iChoose System

06 View User List iChoose System

07 Unban User iChoose System

08 Check account’s amount iChoose System

09 Delete group by admin iChoose System

10 Ban group by admin iChoose System

11 Delete post by admin iChoose System

12 Ban post by admin iChoose System

13 User login iChoose System

14 User logout iChoose System

15 Register iChoose System

16 Delete Account by User iChoose System

17 Message iChoose System

18 Call iChoose System

19 Video call iChoose System

20 Live User iChoose System

21 Post article iChoose System

22 Save article iChoose System

23 Comment iChoose System

24 Like iChoose System

25 Share iChoose System

26 Edit article iChoose System

27 View profile iChoose System

28 Update profile iChoose System

29 Update avatar iChoose System

30 Up story iChoose System

31 Save story iChoose System

32 Edit story iChoose System

33 Delete story iChoose System

34 Sales registration iChoose System

35 Delete sale iChoose System

36 Add items iChoose System

37 Update items iChoose System

38 Delete items iChoose System

39 Buy items iChoose System

40 Comment items iChoose System

41 Rating items iChoose System

42 Forgot password iChoose System

43 Report Post iChoose System

44 View Report Post iChoose System

45 View history post iChoose System

46 Create Group iChoose System

47 Search Group Mod iChoose System

48 View list Group iChoose System

49 Add member iChoose System

50 Remove member iChoose System

2.2 Usecase Detail

2.2.1 UC01: Admin login

UC ID and Name: UC01- Admin Login

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: Allows administrator to login to manage system web.

Description: N/A

Preconditions: Administrator has an account with permission.

Post-conditions: Administrator can login to manage system web.

Normal Flow: 1. Admin inputs information to “username” field.

2. Admin inputs to “password” field.
3. Click button “Sign in”.
Direct to homepage of administrator.

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Average 1000 admins login the same time.

Business Rules: BI-2, BI-5

Other Information:

Assumptions: Administrator must be login to system to have authentication of this system

2.2.2 UC02: Admin logout

UC ID and Name: UC02- Admin Logout

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: Allows administrator to logout to manage system web.

Description: N/A

Preconditions: Administrator logged in to admin web application.

Post-conditions: Administrator can logout from manage system web.

Normal Flow: 1. Press the small image in the right corner

Show menu
2. Click “Logout” button
Direct to login page

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Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Average 1000 admins logout the same time

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: After working, admin must logout to protect their account and also system

2.2.3 UC03: Admin Change password

UC ID and Name: UC03- Admin change password

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: Allows administrator to change password.

Description: N/A

Preconditions: Administrator logged in to admin web application.

Post-conditions: Administrator can change their password

Normal Flow: 1. Press the small image in the right corner

Show menu

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2. Click “Change password” button
Direct to change password page
3. Input all field (old password, new password, re-enter)
4. Click “Confirm” button
Show success message and direct to homepage of adminstrator
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Average 1000 admins change password the same time

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: After 2 weeks, admin should change password stronger to protect account
also system

2.2.4 UC04: Delete Account

UC ID and Name: UC04- Delete Account

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete account

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Preconditions: 1. Is admin
2. Was login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Manage Account on Home page

2. Choose account
3. Click delete button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.5 UC05: Ban User

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UC ID and Name: UC05- Ban User

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Ban account

Preconditions: 1. Is admin
2. Was login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Manage Account on Home page

2. Choose account
3. Click Ban button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.6 UC06: View User List

UC ID and Name: UC06- View user list

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: View user list

Preconditions: 3. Is admin
4. Was login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 4. Click Manage Account on Home page

5. Choose account
6. View
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

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Assumptions: N/A

2.2.7: Unban User

UC ID and Name: UC07- Unban User

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Unban account

Preconditions: 5. Is admin
6. Was login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 7. Click Manage Account on Home page

8. Choose account
9. Click Unban button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

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Assumptions: N/A

2.2.8 UC08: Check account’s amount

UC ID and Name: UC08- Check account’s amount

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Check account’s amount

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login on system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Manage Account on Home page

2. Choose account
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Low

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

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Assumptions: N/A

2.2.9 UC09: Delete group

UC ID and Name: UC09- Delete group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete group by who created or deposition

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
3. Is mod or deposition
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Group on Home page

2. Click Your group
3. Click group want to delete
4. Click Delete group
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

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Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.10 UC10: Ban group

UC ID and Name: UC10- Ban group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Ban group by who created or deposition

Preconditions: 4. Has an account

5. Login to system
6. Is mod or deposition
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 5. Click Group on Home page

6. Click Your group

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7. Click group want to ban
8. Click Ban
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.11 UC11: Delete Post

UC ID and Name: UC11- Delete post

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows user to delete their created posts.

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Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in application.

Post must be existed and still active
Post must be belong to this user
Normal Flow: User can delete their created posts.

Alternative Flows: 1. Press the three dots icon at the right of the under of the post
Show menu
2. Click “Delete” button
Show confirm dialog
3. Fill information
4. Click “yes” button
Show success message and direct to homepage
Exceptions: 1. Click “No” button
Close dialog and direct homepage
Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: High

Other Information: BR-2, BR-5

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.12 UC12: Ban Post

UC ID and Name: UC12- Ban post

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

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Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete post

Preconditions: 1. Is admin
2. Was login
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click manage post on home page

2. Choose group
3. Click Ban
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.13 UC13: User login

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UC ID and Name: UC13- User login

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: User login into system

Preconditions: Has an account

Post-conditions: Enter correct phone number and password

Normal Flow: 1. User enter phone number and password

2. User click on Login button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: 1. Phone number incorrect

2. Password incorrect

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: 1. Phone number is digits

2. Password between 6 and 12 characters, has at least 1 digits and 1

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Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Login into system

2.2.14 UC14: User logout

UC ID and Name: UC14- User Logout

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

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Trigger: N/A

Description: Logout of system

Preconditions: Already login in system

Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. In home page, click on Logout button in top right screen

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Low

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Logout of system

2.2.15 UC15: Register

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UC ID and Name: UC15- Register

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Register with phone number

Preconditions: 1. Has an phone number

2. Has internet
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click create new account on login page

2. Enter phone number and password
3. Click Register button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: 1. Phone number already used

2. Password incorrect format
Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Low

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Business Rules: 1. Enter correct phone number
2. Enter valid password

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Register new account

2.2.16 UC16: Delete account by user

UC ID and Name: UC16- Delete account by user

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete user’s account

Preconditions: Has an account

Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click view profile on home page

2. Click setting on profile page
3. Click delete your account
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Low

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Delete account

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2.2.17 UC17: Message

UC ID and Name: UC17- Message

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Send message to others

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login on system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Message on Home page

2. Choose account to send message
3. User keyboard to type content
4. Click send button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.18 UC18: Call

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UC ID and Name: UC18- Call

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Call with others

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click account to call on Message page

2. Click Call button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: The Account doesn’t online

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.19 UC19: Video call

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UC ID and Name: UC19- Video call

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Video call with others

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click account to Video call on Message page

2. Click Video call
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.20 UC20: Live

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UC ID and Name: UC20- Live

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Share camera and screen with others people are online

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Live on Home Page

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: 1. The hardware doesn’t support camera or share screen

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Live

2.2.21 UC21: Post article

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UC ID and Name: UC21- Post article

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows user to create a post in forum.

Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in application.

Normal Flow: User can create a post in forum.

Alternative Flows: 1. Direct to “Post” interface

Exceptions: N/A
Direct to home interface
Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: High

Other Information: BR1

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.22 UC22: Save article

UC ID and Name: UC22- Save article

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows user to save a post in forum.

Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in application.

Normal Flow: User can create a post in forum.

Alternative Flows: 1. Direct to “Save” interface

Exceptions: N/A
Direct to home interface
Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: High

Other Information: BR1

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.23 UC23: Comment

UC ID and Name: UC23- Comment

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Comment to an article

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Write comment

2. Click Comment to submit
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.24 UC24: Like

UC ID and Name: UC24- Like

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Like to an article

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click “Like”.

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

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Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.25 UC25: Share

UC ID and Name: UC25- Share

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Share to an article

Preconditions: 5. Has an account

6. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 2. Click “Share”.

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

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Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.26 UC26: Edit article

UC ID and Name: UC26- Edit

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Edit article has posted

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
3. Has an post
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Profile on Home page

2. Click item on right post to select “edit”
3. Edit content
4. Click “save” button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

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Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.27 UC27: View profile

UC ID and Name: UC27- View profile

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: View user profile

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click View profile on Home page

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Low

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Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.28 UC28: Update profile

UC ID and Name: UC28- Update profile

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Update user profile

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click on profile

2. Enter information want to change
3. Click Save button
Alternative Flows: N/A

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Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.29 UC29: Update avatar

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UC ID and Name: UC29- Update avatar

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Update user avatar

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 4. Click on profile

5. Click update avatar button to choose avatar

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.30 UC30: Up story

UC ID and Name: UC30- Up story

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Up new user’s story

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click new story on Home page

2. Enter story content
3. Add file (if has)
4. Click Post button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

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2.2.31 UC31: Save Story

UC ID and Name: UC31- Save story

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: save user’s story

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click new story on Home page

2. Enter story content
3. Add file (if has)
4. Click Save button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

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Assumptions: N/A

2.2.32 UC32 Edit Story

UC ID and Name: UC32- Edit story

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Edit user’s story

Preconditions: 5. Has an account

6. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click new story on Home page

2. Enter story content to edit

Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

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Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.33 UC33: Delete Story

UC ID and Name: UC33- Delete story

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete user story

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
3. Has posted story
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Edit button on story on profile page

2. Click delete button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Low

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Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.34 UC34: Sales registration

UC ID and Name: UC34- Sales registration

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Sales registration to sale items

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click on profile

2. Click Sale registration
3. Enter type of items will sale
4. Click Register button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

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Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.35 UC35: Delete sales

UC ID and Name: UC35- Delete Sales

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete sales

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

47 | P a g e
Normal Flow: 5. Click on profile
6. Click Sales registration
7. Choose sales which want to delete
8. Click Delete button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.36 UC36: Add Selling items

UC ID and Name: UC36- Add Selling items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Up items to sale

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system

48 | P a g e
3. Already sale registration
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click on profile

2. Click Add items to store
3. Enter description and picture
4. Enter link(if has)
5. Click Add button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.37 UC37: Update selling items

UC ID and Name: UC37- Update Selling items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

49 | P a g e
Trigger: N/A

Description: Update items to sale

Preconditions: 4. Has an account

5. Login to system
6. Already sale registration
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 6. Click on profile

7. Click on items in store
8. Enter description and picture
9. Enter link(if has)
10. Click Update button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.38 UC38: Delete selling items

50 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC38- Delete Selling items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Delete items to sale

Preconditions: 7. Has an account

8. Login to system
9. Already sale registration
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 11. Click on profile

12. Click on items in store
13. Click delete button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.39 UC39: Buy items

51 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC39- Buy items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Buy items on Shop page

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Shop button on home page

2. Click on Buy button of item want to buy
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.40 UC40: Comment items

52 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC40- Comment items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Comment items on Shop page

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 3. Click Shop button on home page

4. Click on Comment button of item want to comment
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.41 UC41: Rating items

53 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC41- Rating items

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Rating items on Shop page

Preconditions: 5. Has an account

6. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 5. Click Shop button on home page

6. Click on Rating button of item want to rate to spend comment
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.42 UC42: Forgot Password

UC ID and Name: UC42- Forgot Password

54 | P a g e
Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows User to reset password of their account in User system.

Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in to admin web application.

Normal Flow: User can reset password of their account in User system.

Alternative Flows: 1. Click “Forgot password”

Direct to verification code page and send a code include six numbers to
actor’s phone at the same time
2. Input verification and click “Confirm”
Direct to “Forgot password” page
3. Input all field require in page and click “Change” button
Direct to success notice page
Exceptions: N/A

Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: Average 10000 Users reset password the same time

Other Information: BR2, BR5

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.43 UC43: Report Post

55 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC43- Report Post

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows user to report a post in forum.

Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in application.

Post must be existed and still active
Normal Flow: User can report a post in forum.

Alternative Flows: 5. Press the three dots icon at the right of the under of the post
Show menu
6. Click “Repot post”
Show “Report” pop up
7. Fill information
8. Click “send” button
Close pop-up
Exceptions: N/A

Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: High

Other Information: BR2

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.44 UC44: View report

56 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC44- View report

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows administrator to view all report from all actor.

Preconditions: Administrator logged in to admin web application.

Post-conditions: Administrator can view all report from all actor.

Normal Flow: 1. Click “Report” menu at left side bar

Display report page
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Average 15-25 reports per page

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: Admin can view all report from all actor.

2.2.45 UC45: View history post

57 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC45- View History Post

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Allows user to report a post in forum.

Preconditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logged in application.

Post must be existed and still active
Normal Flow: User can report a post in forum.

Alternative Flows: 1. Press the three dots icon at the right of the under of the post
Show menu
2. Click “History post”
Show “History” pop up

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: N/A

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: High

Other Information: BR2

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.46 UC46: Create group

58 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC46- Create Group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Create new group

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click group on Home page

2. Click create group button
3. Enter name
4. Choose member
5. Choose avatar
6. Click Create button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

59 | P a g e
Assumptions: N/A

2.2.47 UC47: Search Group

UC ID and Name: UC47- Search Group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Search group

Preconditions: 3. Has an account

60 | P a g e
4. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 7. Click group on Home page

8. Click search group button
9. Enter name
10. Click Search button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.47 UC48: View list group

UC ID and Name: UC48- View list Group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

61 | P a g e
Trigger: N/A

Description: Search group

Preconditions: 5. Has an account

6. Login to system
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 11. Click group on Home page

12. Click Your group button to show list group user just joined
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.49 UC49: Add member group

UC ID and Name: UC49- Add member group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

62 | P a g e
Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Add new member to group

Preconditions: 1. Has an account

2. Login to system
3. Is mod
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Group on Home page

2. Type name user on search field
3. Click search
4. Click member want to add
5. Click add
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: High

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

2.2.50 UC50: Remove member

63 | P a g e
UC ID and Name: UC50- Remove member group

Created By: Nguyen Manh Tuan Date Created: 06/25/2021

Primary Actor: User Secondary Actors: iChoose System

Trigger: N/A

Description: Remove member out group

Preconditions: 4. Has an account

5. Login to system
6. Is mod
Post-conditions: N/A

Normal Flow: 1. Click Group on Home page

2. Click Your group
3. Choose member want to remove
4. Click Remove button
Alternative Flows: N/A

Exceptions: N/A

Priority: Medium

Frequency of Use: Medium

Business Rules: N/A

Other Information: N/A

Assumptions: N/A

64 | P a g e
2.3 Entity Diagram:

2.3.1 Group:

Field Name Data type Field size Description

GroupId Int 10 Id of group
UserID Int 10 Id of user create group
Name Char 10 Name of group
2.3.2 User

Field Name Data type Field size Description

UserID Int 10 Id of user
Name Char 30 User name
Phone Int 10 User’s phone number
Password Char 12 User’s password
Skill Char 100 User’s skill
IsMod Bit N/A

65 | P a g e
2.3.3 Message

Field Name Data type Field size Description

FromID Int 10 User id
ToID Int 10 User id
Content Char 1000 Content of message

2.3.4 Shop

Field Name Data type Field size Description

ShopId Int 10 Id of shop
UserID Int 10 Id of user
Name Char 50 Name of shop
Type Char 30 Type of group

2.3.5 Item

Field Name Data type Field size Description

ItemID Int 10 Id of item
Name Char 50 Name of item
Rating Int 10 Rate of item
Description Char 500 Description of item
ShopId Int 10 Shop id

2.3.6 Article

Field Name Data type Field size Description

ArticleID Int 10 Id of article
UserID Int 10 Id of user created
Description Char 5000 Description of article

66 | P a g e
2.4 Screen Flow

2.5 Non-Functional Requirements

2.5.1 External Interfaces Interfaces

ID Software Used Description

1 OS Any OS available now

2 ReactJs, HTML, CSS Javascript library to build front-end

3 NodeJs, ExpressJs Build backend

67 | P a g e Hardware Interfaces
- Any web browers available now: Chorme, Firefox, Coc Coc, Ie.
- Internet.
- Device that can connect website. Communications Interfaces

This project supports all types of web browsers.

The communication between the different parts of the web is important since they depend on each
other. However, in what way the communication is achieved is not important for the web and is
therefore handled by the underlying operating systems for the web portal

3. Diagram
3.1 Context Diagram:

68 | P a g e
3.2 State Diagram

3.3 Activity Diagram

69 | P a g e
4. Authority
I Admin Mod
D Use Case User
01 Admin login 

02 Admin logout 

03 Change Password   

04 Delete Account 

05 Ban User  

06 View User List   

07 Unban User  

08 Check account’s amount 

09 Delete group by admin 

10 Ban group by admin 

11 Delete post by admin 

12 Ban post by admin 

13 User login  

14 User logout  

15 Register  

16 Delete Account by User  

17 Message 

18 Call 

19 Video call 

20 Live 

21 Post article 

22 Save article 

23 Comment 

24 Like 

25 Share 

26 Edit article 

27 View profile  

28 Update profile 

29 Update avatar 

70 | P a g e
30 Up story 

31 Save story 

32 Edit story 

33 Delete story 

34 Sales registration  

35 Delete sale  

36 Add items  

37 Update items  

38 Delete items  

39 Buy items 

40 Comment items 

41 Rating items 

42 Forgot password 

43 Report Post 

44 View Report Post  

45 View history post   

46 Create Group 

47 Search Group  

48 View list Group  

49 Add member 

50 Remove member 

5. Event response table

ID Event System state System response
1 Login Checking for login Login success or login fail
2 Logout Logout account from system Logout from system
Register success or register
3 Register Checking new account
4 Delete account Checking for delete account Delete success or delete fail
5 Recharge Checking for recharge Allow or denies
Checking for password Change password for
6 Password retrieval
retrieval account
7 Sent message Checking message Sent message or denies
8 Call Checking for call Allow call or denies

71 | P a g e
9 Up post Checking for up post Allow post or denies
10 Like post Like post process Like post
11 Comment Checking comment Allow comment or denies
12 Delete post Checking for delete post Allow delete or denies
13 Update profile Checking for update profile Allow update or denies
14 Sale new item Checking for selling Allow selling or denies
15 Buy item Checking for buy item Allow buy item or denies
16 Up story Checking for up story Allow up story or denies

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