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Module 5 Unit 4 Worksheet. Video Tasks Cities-What makes a city great?

1. How does the video define “cities”?

Places for people to get together and do interesting things

2. Which populated cities does the man in the video refer to?

San Francisco, London, Taipei, Hong Kong

3. Can you say what place of the cities he liked and what place he hated?
He liked downtown and he hated the suburbs

4. What did the guy in the video say about walkability?

How easy it is to walk in an area, or get around

5. Why does he the state that Harlem in the Netherlands is interesting?
There are interesting places to go to such as microbrewries, outdoor pations, restaurant, great,
public transit and son on
Compound nouns = Compound nouns are two nouns put together, one acting as a modifier noun and
the other one as a head noun. The modifier noun plays the role of an adjective as it defines or describes
what the head noun is about.

gallery path Shopping night

pedestrian Jam parking departament

sports transportation center life

departament store Night life

sport center
shopping mall

pedestrian area parking lots

night clubs bike path

public transportation
art garelly

city center
traffic jam

Reading task



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