English IV-Yeniffer Raudales-Homework #3

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English IV


Mayra Gaudalupe Jacome Ruiz


Homework #3


Yeniffer Elizabeth Raudales Torres

Account Number:


El Progreso, Yoro February 2022

Story Short
This is a story that my mother in the past, when I was about twelve years old, used to
say that in the town where she lived, there was a very poor woman and that one night
she was sitting next to her son's cradle, very afflicted. and anguished, because she
feared that her baby would die, because the child was very sick. This one, in fact, was
pale as a sheet of paper, his eyes were half closed and he was breathing almost
imperceptibly, from time to time with a deep breath, like a sigh. The sadness and
concern of the woman increased by the moment when she contemplated the tender

Then my mother told me that that same night, there was a knock at the door and the
woman was most worried, because she wondered who it was so late, so she opened it
and a poor old man entered, wrapped in a white blanket, which looked like a horse
blanket; They are warm blankets, but he was freezing. It was the height of the season,
the weather was super cold, everything on the street was covered in mist, and a sharp
wind was blowing.

Since the old man was shivering with cold and the boy had fallen asleep, the woman got
up and put a pot of coffee on the stove to warm and revive the old man. After that the
man had sat by the cradle and rocked the child. At that the mother returned to her side
and was looking at the little boy, who was breathing hard and raising his little hand.

At that moment the woman talking to herself asked herself: Do you think she will live?
Then the old man replied: The good Lord will not want to take it from you!

The old man, who was an angel in person, made a strange gesture with his head; it
could be affirmative as well as negative. The woman lowered her eyes, and tears rolled
down her cheeks. Her head was heavy, she hadn't slept for three nights, and she was
lethargic for a moment; but he came to his senses at once, shivering with cold. And
when she woke up the old man was gone and as my mother tells us, the child was
healthy, with a happy look and a color like coffee, full of life, and the most surprising
thing was that the baby was covered with the blanket that the old man arrived to her
Athena my golden dog
About two years ago my dog Athena was born, but I say that she is like my daughter.
He was born here in El Progreso, Yoro. Athena was very pretty, she was golden in
color, with large dark brown hair all over her body, she was playful, affectionate,
obedient and above all she took great care of me. When she was two months old, I
adopted her, because no one wanted her and she was the only one left of all her
siblings, she was a little in poor health, her mother was not feeding her (milk), so she
fed her through of a syringe. Athena traveled with me to my house, where there is a
large patio where she could grow with freedom and love. My neighbor had another dog
named Horus, who took him to my house to play with my golden retriever, and who
received her sniffing him and somewhat jealous for that unexpected visit.

The days passed and between baths and cloths, Athena and Horus became friends. As
Athena grew, Horus stopped playing with her, because I think my girl grew too much,
and also because they could possibly mate and we didn't want that. Athena grew up
very spoiled, she had her own bed, her plate, she liked to go out for a walk in the

One day when she was a year and a half old, I had to travel far away for work reasons,
so since I couldn't take her, I looked for someone to take care of her. So that day she
left the trip, and I'm not going to lie to you, she didn't want to eat all day, because she
missed her mom. At night when I arrived at the hotel, I called the girl by video call, so I
could see my princess, and she waggled her tail happily. After four days I came back,
and my girl was sick, I took her to the vet, and they told me that she had acquired a
bacterium from the food, which they possibly gave me. I had her in treatment, but she
did not resist and Athena died. I cried and cried for her, because she was my only
company and I still remember her and will remember her.

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