Munck, Serna, Sandberg OL 341 Assignment 2

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Student Title: Munck, Serna, Sandberg OL 341 Assignment 2

Student Date: September 27, 2010

Magee Example Project OL 341 Assignment 2
Online Learning: OL 341 From the Ground Up for Adaptation. Center for Sustainable

Assignment 2. What’s your theory of a solution?

Part 1.
Searching for project activities; a list of colleagues and websites that you consulted for
potential activities.

We referred to the document “Quesungual Slash & Mulch Agroforestry System: An Eco-Efficient Option for
the Rural Poor” from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).

Consulted with Fernando Moretti with UN Food program, and Jacob Johnson with

From reading through these sources and from ideas uncovered in my meetings, I chose what I thought
were the 4 best intervention/activities to address the problems and their underlying causes, and then
placed them within the problem list.

Part 2.
Important: I cut and pasted the Problem Statement from assignment One. I then annotated the Problem
Statement, the Project Outline, and the Goal statement so you can see how they interrelate and are
parallel to each other. Please annotate yours in exactly the same way.

Problem Statement:
(Problems and underlying causes) The 14 families living in the Caña Brava community are threatened by
(1) food shortages caused by lack of consistent access to water for agricultural activities, and lack of
knowledge of appropriate agricultural techniques, water management, and soil conservation. The food
shortages contribute to (Negative Impacts) (a) chronic under-nutrition that affects (b) individual/familiar
participation in economic activities, commuity development and community organization. This leads to a
reduction in the ability of the 14 families to (c) organize the community and potentially improve living
conditions for all.

Part 3.
Project Outline: Problem list combined with potential interventions/activities/solutions that I

(Problem 1). Food shortages

• Soil and water use program (Solution to underlying cause: lack of knowledge of appropriate
agriculture techniques, water management, and soil conservation.)
o (Activity 1). Workshop on soil conservation.
o (Activity 2). Implement eco-efficient agricultural techniques.

Part 4.
Goal Statement: The Goal Statement is an exact positive reflection of the Problem Statement above. Cut
and paste your Problem statement and simply make it positive.

The 14 families living in the Caña Brava community will be able to enjoy (Solutions) (1) year round food
security through improved agricultural techniques, and more efficient soil and water usage, leading to
(Positive Impacts) (a) improved nutrition, (b) increased individual/familiar participation in economic
activities, commuity development and improved community organization. This leads to a increase in the
ability of the 14 families to (c) organize the community and potentially improve living conditions for all.

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