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Challenging sometimes fun work environment Being part of a team Doing great things Great people to
work with
The pay was very good for what it was
Really smart people, a lot of opportunity for growth, always encouraged to be innovative, think big,
and create something new. Competitive salary and benefits with other major tech companies. 100%
self motivating work environment. No dress code and 4 legged friends are welcome.
Jeff Bezos and his "S-Team" are brilliant and continue to make great decisions for long-term growth.
You work with smart people, you work on exciting projects, you are pushed to your limits...which can
be rewarding when you accomplish great things. The diversity of the potential work and innovation
can be very alluring. I've often called Amazon my "Sexy Mistress...she's emotionally abusive, but she's
so sexy that I go back for more punishment."
Amazon is doing lot's of cool stuff...but lots of boring stuff too. There are really well run teams...and
very badly run teams. The experience for software managers and engineers is all over the board, from
really run low operational load teams to teams where people burn out after a year. - Amazon is built,
quite deliberately, to be Darwinian. You can generally expect that anyone who's been here for more
than 2 years is competent and motivated or they wouldn't have survived. You can count on them as
long as your priorities are aligned. There aren't many slackers here, and they don't survive long. - We
work on so much stuff that there's always an opportunity to find amazing cool stuff to work on (note
that it's an 'opportunity', one that you have to pursue) - A chance to make a huge difference - A place
where you can learn a lot about all kinds of things, both technical and about yourself - Amazon
encourages high mobility - even your manager can't prevent you from moving to another team within
6 weeks (normally, more than a few months under unusual conditions). - Your friends and family have
actually heard of the place you work and have at least a vague notion of what Amazon does without
you having to explain
I've been at Amazon for a month now, and I've seen none of the horror stories being communicated
to the public, although Amazon is a large enough company that I'm sure there are good pockets and
bad pockets. Everyone here is really smart, and wants to succeed both personally, and as a company.
People collaborate and help each other, focus on data, and truly focus on the customer. Every
company I've ever worked for talks about how important the customer is, but on day 2, they're
forgotten. Amazon seems to genuinely focus on what's best for the customer, and it's awesome to be
in meetings where people actually bring that up, and make decisions focused on long-term customer
satisfaction. The opportunities to learn here are literally unlimited, and the opportunity to take on
new responsibility is as well. I honestly believe you can be as awesome as you want here.
This company gets A list performance from C list employees. The culture is quick and hard charging.
You are always working in relevant and meaningful projects.
Disclaimer: My opinions reflect that of an SDE in Amazon. Seems like some operational job functions
are very tough. I have read through some of the other Amazon reviews and it seems to me that
everyone has a very different experience! This is so true. Within the same team, you can have both
workaholics and slackers coexisting and coworking together. I think I am more of the balanced type as
I try to stay sane. The Amazon experience is basically the entire spectrum and it is what you make it
out to be. Pros in Amazon certainly excludes great benefits, but compensation is competitive. Free
food means average quality free coffee, once in a while free pizza for lunch where it is a working
lunch, and free beer and finger food in special events. We get a free Orca card to take any bus in the
Seattle area for free. $160 per month subsidy for office parking, which is better than nothing.
Downtown monthly parking goes for about $200 per month. 401K contribution is 50% of what you
put in, where you can put in max 4% of your salary. Not so great. Staff cafeteria food is average and
not at all cheaper than outside food, or could be even more expensive. It is hard not to complain
about the cafeteria. Vacation days are ok but note that there are no sick leaves. They count as part of
your 5 personal days per year. Listing the benefits of Amazon is like listing the cons and not the pros.
Work life balance seems to be ok for the most part, and seems to be individually-driven. No one will
tell you that you have to come in at what time and stay till what time. I have team mates working
every night and weekend, and others getting in at 10am and leaving at 5pm, all in the same team.
Managers will focus on your project deliveries instead of how much time you spend working. If you
work 40-hour weeks productively, you can definitely outperform someone who works 60-hour weeks
but don't deliver stuff. Working less than 40 hours per week is somewhat common, but I can't say
how many people are working how long. The view on work life balance is a bit skewed. All it comes
down to are the managers and what they think. Projects are always never-ending but I have found
that deadlines are very realistic and reasonable, without counting your nights and weekends. Getting
some slack time once in a while is probably a sign of a healthy work environment. Everyone needs a
break. On-call really really sucks. Basically all it comes down to is having SDEs double-duty as support
operations engineers. Note that on-call does not improve the code quality of any team in any way.
The on-call experience is particularly bad because you are using services from some other team, and
their code is of low quality and fails for the wrong reasons. If the managers had given more time to up
the quality, there would not be so many problems. Software is usually delivered with a tough deadline
with code that meets the minimum quality bar and never gets improved for the next few years. The
code review process does not seem to help improve the code but it really obstructs developers from
making great changes as unconventional things will not pass code review in clumsy minds. Innovation
and excellence are not the name of the game in Amazon. Searching through the Amazon code base is
usually not going to turn up quality code that you can actually reuse. Integration is the name of the
game in Amazon. You will need to spend a lot of time to figure out how to integrate your code with
another team's services. Whether these other people are cooperative is a hit-or-miss. I have found
that most people are responsive and helpful, but there are also quite a number of jerks who are out
to make trouble for everybody. It is not easy to work across teams but the experience is mostly
positive. Amazon is a huge behemoth and is hiring people like there is no tomorrow. This reflects well
on a good growth momentum but also is worrying that the company is not turning much profit. If the
company does not make money, where is our bonus going to come from? You can see new faces
around the Amazon building almost everyday! Downside is that we are taking in a lot of average to
above-average engineers and being an Amazonian SDE certainly does not share the same reputation
as the top names. Amazon is a huge mixed bag of some very talented people and some very dumb
people. I think the world is not turning up enough SDEs and the only way is for quality to go downhill.
As an SDE, expect to spend most of your time talking, writing emails and documents, and maybe
around 20-30% of your time coding. In most of the teams, you can work on interesting projects, but
probably not revolutionary ones. Note that Amazon is a very down-to-earth company and the work is
very down-to-earth as well. You will work on real things that people have actually requested for, and
that people will start using as soon as you are done. Work is challenging but not to expect highly
technically complex stuff. Most of the work has to do with solving everyday problems. To me, this
seems to make sense because I have ever tried working on experimental projects before elsewhere
and I did not feel it was a good use of my time. Internal mobility is a key strength of Amazon, and I am
not sure which company has done better than Amazon in this aspect. Internal moves are easy. You
only need to stay in your team for a year before moving to a different team. There is no easy way to
tell which team is a good team to move to because they all have their different pros and cons and
people and coming and leaving all the time! Seattle is by much rumour an easier place to live than the
Bay area. Overall Amazon is a tough but yet sane place to work. The flexibility of this company is really
its core strength. You have the freedom to excel as much as you want and also to slack as much as you
want. Bummer. You shouldn't be slacking!
Great starting pay and the ability to get raises very quickly. Full training in all areas are offered and if
your willing to work hard and sweat everyday for 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, then this is the job
for you. The 4 day weeks go by quick, it can be exhausting so proper rest and a healthy lifestyle will
help you stay strong within this company. Beat benefits as well once you are a hired on as a full time
- super smart people, the best of the best from schools - if you get hired here, you will be hirable
anywhere, recruiting process is tough - the pay is above average, probably 1.5 times elsewhere (but
the expected results are 150% of elsewhere too) - lots of opportunities to work on new, innovative
projects - cool SLU campus, lots of options for food and drinks after work
Freedom to design the best possible solutions for any given problem. Amazing Software Development
Lifecycle tooling. You work with high performance, high impact people. Promotion opportunities
abound if you're willing to take them and you manage to navigate politics. If you find yourself in the
right team with the right leadership structure, prepare to work hard, but you will be rewarded for
doing so.
Big company with a small company feel. Very entrepreneurial. Management facilitates your ideas that
push the business forward
There are a variety of ways in which you can develop valuable skills from having started as a
warehouse associate. If you don't have a high school degree, or currently lack the opportunity to gain
meaningful experience in the workplace, then Amazon can be that starting point. And for others,
Amazon is a great company because it gives them a second chance that they wouldn't have otherwise
been given. Also, Amazon fulfillment centers have an incredibly diverse environment that exposes its
workers to cultures/languages from around the world. It can be inspiring and humbling to learn about
each person's story and how they got there.
It's a good learning experience for someone who's starting their career. You can learn how business
works, how to prioritize, etc. People are mostly very nice and helpful and willing to teach you. For me
specifically, I'm a non-tech program manager with an art background. The compensation Amazon
offers is much higher than what I can get from other companies that generally hire for my academic
background (if you are tech, it's a different story...). This is one of the main reasons that I appreciate
Amazon as an employer.
MANY variety of shifts available. Incentives depending on shift. Heard they have good benefits, but
am under my parents so I wouldn’t know. Life insurance and AD+D is great! Heavily taking part in
401k. On it about safety and health of employees with on-site Injury Prevention Specialists, AmCare,
Covid-19 testing and regulators, Safety team.. Constant surveys to seek improvement such as
scheduling, pay wages, positions, management.. Also about ensuring regulations are followed within
workplace. Not all have on-site HR, but SLC1 does. Easily navigated app with everything you need:
time, pay, EAP, create HR cases that are handled within a few hours, scheduling (OT, time off, MET,
blackout periods), newsletters, and important notifications. There is much more provided under their
“resources” tab, it’s insane!
If you are lucky enough to be in orgs that have sane leaders you can benefit from numerous
opportunities to collaborate with other great minds to be impactful and use technology to solve
complex and ambiguous business problems. Solid writing based culture promotes continuous learning
and dissemination of information.
Flexible, easy to follow scripts, can’t take work home with you.
I find it to be a good - not great, but good - place to work. I’m an Amazon warehouse
worker…with a twist. I’m a retired corporate executive who was on the verge of being obese so I
took a job at an Amazon warehouse. I lost over 40 pounds and five inches of waist line in seven
months. I am over 70 but I still have no problems keeping up with productivity expectations. There are
many lazy people who work there so I have absolutely no problem ranking above average from a
productivity perspective. I recently wrote a book about working there - “How I Got Amazon to Pay
ME to Lose Weight and Get in Shape† In my book, I provide the complete scoop on what it’s
like to work there. I outline the different jobs in the warehouse with commentary one the type of
exercise ones gets, aerobic to weight lifting, on each. (Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel,
Computers, Books, DVDs & more from $1.99 to $6.99)
-simple job -simple goals -if you can catch on quickly, there's a variety of tasks you can do rather than
the only 2 basic tasks -has opportunities to grow if you can persevere Not all the managers were
great, but you can tell there were a few that really cared about you as an associate and now just how
you affected their statistics for their monthly bonus. I worked there for 4 months and connected with
those who gave the job their best even though it was tough and tedious. That collective effort made
me feel motivated and actually sad to leave.
1. Flexibility in scheduling. 2. There is an attempt to add value to the job by internal eligibility for
other jobs, raises, and pto. 3. Flex pay can add five dollars to your base pay during high demand shifts.
vibrant, fast paced culture - smart, fun, aggressive colleagues - management is focused on latest tech
trends and staying or becoming a leader for many of them - by and large, customers and partners are
very positive about the technology - good benefits and perqs
Salary Benefits Quick onboard Advancement opportunities This is working. Working in warehouse.
Manual labor in a warehouse. Most people who complain about working in an Amazon warehouse do
not want to work that hard. If you are upfront about accessibility issues in the beginning, they will
accommodate for you and put you in a position you can handle, if one is available. Go find something
in your house, or at a store, that weighs 50 pounds. Pick it up off the floor and set it on a table or in a
cart, then reverse that and put it back. Do that a few times in a minute. This is what you agree to be
able to do on a regular basis when working in fulfillment, sorting, or delivery - all day long. If you can't
or won't do that, don't apply agreeing that you will. Great place to work a short while and save money
for something or pay off debt.
Benefit package is outstanding Amazon hires many diversity candidates Hiring process is easy
Scheduling shifts is flexible Work atmosphere is pleasant
Obviously I had to like Amazon enough to come back. Strong Comp Clear ownership Guide your own
career. Strong Brand My thoughts on Amazon are, I like the company, I like the work that I do and I
like my team. If you don't like your team at Amazon, you can transfer to another team seamlessly. I
am extremely happy with my current team especially since I have the opportunity to hire my current
I love that i have my me time there. You’re alone like 90% of the time aside from running into
stowers or other pickers every once in a while but that’s a big pro for me. Just being able to think
your thoughts out as well as the pay is great and weekly and the job itself is really easy
Great position to build one's career and get extensive exposure to HR investigations and Employee
relations issues.
Benefits first day of work. Affordable for individual but a bit pricey if you add your family. 2 weeks
Paid vacation,48 paid personal time off. 80 hours of unpaid time off per year. Useful for unseen
emergencies. If you go to 0 hours you are terminated.
You will be paid somewhere between $17-$20 starting based on your shift which adds a shift
differential. There are small bonuses, heavily taxed. 401k program is OK but you must work there 3
years to vest your stock, otherwise you get zero. Health insurance is basic there is a 1500$ deductible
and 3k out of pocket max before they start paying.
The job in itself is super easy. I worked at a whole foods (although at the smaller Prime warehouse,
are similar tasks) Training will cover the basics. So, Come into work, pick up the handheld device for
your shift, (when I was working, it was an iPhone) log into device, then wait for an order to drop; fullfil
the grocery list displayed on the screen, get a grocery cart, and the famous Amazon brown paper bags
and start shopping, going though out the store (shopping along side the general public) going down
the list like if you are shopping groceries for your self. Once you complete the shopping list, take it to
the stowing area,(that's where you nicely arrange and pack your items with a sticker) then place the
bags into either the appropriate shelf or refrigerator or freezer. Scheduling started off with picking up
shifts based on availability, and or the days that I pleased. You could either work as many hours as
allotted or (if still current) as little as completing 3 shifts a month, used to be 2, but they bumped it up.
When no online orders drop, I would go chill and wait.
They have good benefits on day one including matching your 401k up to 2%. They also have allot of
room for growth(if you can figure out how to apply for a promotion). They also offer you college
tuition and/or certification classes to help you leave Amazon. They offer you money to leave Amazon
based on the number of peaks you have worked. After the first peak you are offered 1,000 and then
an additional 1,000 for each peak you work. They generally only give you a one week window to take
the offer and if you do take the offer you agree to never work at Amazon again.
The pay is $15 hour for my warehouse which is pretty good. The hours are there if you want to work
them. I enjoy that you’re able to spend most of the day by yourself. Being able to play whatever
music you want either through earbuds or the van audio is a great plus. If you do finish before
you’re expected, you get pid for the whole shift.
-Great Compensation, especially out of college -A great manager / team will develop your skills and
stretch you to get promoted -Lots of offices that may allow for working in places outside Seattle -Full
benefits / 401k w/ company match -Ability to get on many projects, some very high visibility
Easy job, work at own pace, no one bothers you
-Good pay, I had $15 an hour and it is now minimum (at least at my site) $16 an hour. -Simple work.
You can basically shut your mind off. -Can rise in ranks pretty quickly if you push your limits. Went
from seasonal to full time within two weeks. Granted, I never actually GOT the promotion the
promotion my last three weeks after. -Probably the most diverse crowd I have ever seen in Iowa. May
vary depending on your location.
Good pay and a good place to make some friends.
Great benefits It’s easy to get the time off you need PTO/UPT/VTO and vacation time off Able to
move up within the company Amazon believes in family time so holidays off or half a day is given They
pay is good
- Looks good on a resume! - Latest technologies - Good flexibility in tech choices - Knowledgeable
health benefits are extremely good
Nice people. The employees were all really nice. Benefits.
The job itself (stowing, picking, etc.) is easy. Overtime opportunity.
Our management team is fairly relaxed. They usually give us free food every now and then. They give
you a christmas gift and a free pair of work shoes from a partnership under zappos.
Medical was actually good. You need a job, right now. They'll hire you right now. If you have no debt
or family you may be able to save something
I used to love working here. It was independent and you get to listen to music in your van.... but its
gone downhill FAST!
As a picker working a flex shift, it is a really great opportunity for a full-time college student. There
also are a lot of opportunities to earn extra pay during different shifts.
Great Insurance, pay for managers just starting their career.
It was my first customer service job. It was a great learning experience.
Amazon offers decent benefits and pays up to $120 a year for the drivers to get new work boots
through Zapoos.
Decent pay to start out. Easy to get the job, PTO, vacation and unpaid time available on day 1.
Amazon is transparent about what it expects from employees (demonstrate the leadership
principles). If you do good work and demonstrate intellectual curiosity, you can have a long career
rotating into any division, learning new skills/businesses, and having a great time. If a particular team
or business is not a great fit, you are free to rotate to a new one.
If you want to learn from the best and be intellectually challenged, this is for you!
The pay is good although with your first and second year signing bonus you will find your salary
decreases each year. The stock really kicks in after 2 years but it's a volatile value so you may make
less in year 2 than you did in year 1. Benefits are good, opportunities to grow once you're in the
company are available.
I got to work with some of the best customers which AWS caters to and as the result learned
The pay is awesome, and so is the sign on bonus.
If you like to work hard and move constantly, this the place to work. Bonus you will lose weight and
gain muscle from all the heavy lifting.
Easy work and you're to yourself most of the night.
They will give anyone a chance, where someone with great work ethic may have a hard time breaking
into a descent job Amazon provides opportunity to those who might have never been able to do at
other companies.
Great company with great technology! Fast paced and intelligent people. Lots of perks.
- Competitive pay in the higher spectrum in operations role compared to similar roles - 4 Day work
week - Relocation opportunities - Meet great leaders and connections - Amazon operations goes a
long way as a resume booster - Stock compensation
You get to leave whenever you want if you have time you haven't used up. It's pretty much work at
your own pace, do your best. Everyone is over 18 so you don't have to deal with children. The job
itself is pretty straight forward and easy. It's also KINDA easy to move up. It's pretty laid back & you
don't have to deal with customers.
Worked on very real, applicable projects. Great challenge, great team, surrounded by extremely
intelligent engineers who will inherently make you push yourself to be an even better engineer &
learn so much.
If you are one of the few who can stand by and watch while your coworkers are mistreated while you
climb the ranks, you will be compensated well after several years. You will get the opportunity to
meet an incredibly diverse workforce, the vast majority are some of the hardest working people you
will ever meet. Anyone who is not will not last.
There are opportunities to pick up extra shifts being Part-Time, because full time is tough repetitive
work and Part Time Salary is higher.
Some of the brightest, hardest working people I've had the pleasure to work with. It grows faster than
you can ever imagine and it does so through relentless internal review and a willingness to say "Am I
doing this right?". Hands down, this company and its culture is some of the best in the world.
- short shift (4 hrs) allowed flexibility while in school - some management was down to earth - sorting
was fast but you got the hang of it - win prizes for being fast or very productive - recognized even if
did not win the big prizes - lots. of. yelling. to get people moving faster, even the old people. but the
leadership team calmed down a lot.
one of the few pros about working at amazon is the pay and getting played weekly. Also you picking
the days you could work on your application is great for when semester starts to work only on
-With the right team, you'll be developed into a great manager. -Good benefits and stock option -
Loads of upward mobility -Opportunities change all the time, you probably wont be doing the same
thing for long.
Good benefits They pay for certain degrees in school The managers (AM/OM) are very enjoyable and
easy to get along with
Brand name recognition (easy sell to candidates) Autonomy Access to trainings Ability to network and
learn from teammates Remote flex Recruiting Tools
Money , people, breaks, weekly pay
The below has been my experience but it may just depend on which org and team you find yourself
in. AWS hires great people across the board. They are the best part about working at AWS. You will
learn a lot from them and grow a lot especially for such a large enterprise job (depends on your
team/org). You get to play with AWS tech for "free" and learn how the internals work. Your work has
the potential to have a big impact on the cloud market. You get to handle your own ops.
Competitive pay for what's essentially grunt work; every Direct Role is a mindless repetitive task
Benefits are incredibly cheap for a Single household Everyone (generally) is motivated to get the pay
increase for productivity You can qualify for higher-up jobs pretty quickly
- Pay is decent for no experience if your fresh out of high school and need a little money - It's easy to
clock in and out with the A to Z app
Good company to have on your resume. You may be able to transfer to other sites (if your site
doesn’t block your transfer) and be able to see how other sites operate. Some sites are better than
others by a land slide.
Good people Decent working environment Its Amazon so no going out of business
Pay rate per hour is okay compared to other companies, but could be better as other companies are
moving up their rates Current supervisor is good - recognizes good work, motivates team, interacts
well with team members Amazon allows everyone to apply for other roles, this way you don't do the
same job over a long period of time. You can be a picker and after a while you can apply for another
role, like stower, packer etc. Good way to keep the staff interested in learning new things Generous
with time offs People in general are respectful Very diverse and inclusive environment Schedule is
good - working 4 days (though long hours) with 3 days off a week Safety is their no. 1 priority Lots of
good things to say but not enough space
Great pay Good benefits Really smart coworkers
Endless development and promotional opportunities. Challenging but rewarding. Extremely
competitive total compensation packages, including RSU’s. No matter what your passion is,
Amazon offers careers in almost every facet of the job market (exception of medical doctor)
You learn a lot of state-of-the-art methods, and can grow in the company.
Unmatched flexibility and good pay for what you are asked to do.
The flexibility of this role is the primary incentive; being able to adjust ones' schedule with relative
ease is handy. Pay is also good considering the simplicity of the workload. Most co-workers are great
people and make the job more enjoyable.
If you need a job that pays alright with minimum benefits, this is that job. You pretty much just
mindlessly go through the work. It’s very easy so anyone can do it, hence why they don’t
require you have a resume.
Good pay, breaks whenever convenient, nice coworkers
I, honestly, love the forward thinking of Amazon. It's one of the biggest companies on the planet so
they have to be doing things right. So I always pay attention to how things work. The best thing about
Amazon, to me, is that if you want to work and you want to learn then you can learn it all there and
there is always someone to help get you there. There is so much work there, that on any given work
day, by the time I finjsh my shift, I feel like a champion.
Amazing work. Learnt cutting edge AWS CDK and other design stuff. Before Amazon I was working at
prestigious startup, I didn't feel any difference.
• Minimum pay is $15/hr • Paid Training - initial training is sufficient to perform your job
although it’s impossible to cover each & every potential scenario • Benefits available from day
one - 401k, medical (decent coverage for individual), paid-time off, unpaid time off • Inclusive work
environment • Support options available during contacts after exhausting resources outside of live
The people are absolutely great. I have an amazing team with people that are focused on getting the
job done right and looking for the next problem to fix.
really good health insurance, paid 14 weeks maternity leave plus 6 weeks parental leave, pretty chill
and usually laidback unless it's prime week or peak., you pick your shift schedule and OT day, theres
voluntary OT if you want it, you'll probably get a bit more fit just working there
Team work training with seasoned associates. Lots of walking and moving, gets a good workout.
Plenty of room to grow
Very little to no stress. Great pay considering anybody can do the work. Like I mentioned in the title
I'm a college student, I have no skills and I'm getting paid $18.50 to work part-time on the weekends.
I've worked at two different sites and have had to interact with many managers and I've personally
found them all to be very fair and professional.
Pay is great compared to the work being done. Stock options, benefits, bonuses.
The pay and benefits are good.
the associates are very welcoming and always happy to help. The pay is nice for the work. if you need
money they are always hiring. Its hard work, but the compensation is fair
The benefits are great, lots of vacation time and paid personal time.
Good management Benefits Easy job not hard to learn Stowing is my favorite so far Can easily move
up you just have to let your managers know what position you are interested in and he/she will help
you. Be prepared!!! You will work hard. They give you time to practice and learn you role.
Good money. Some cool people. Great if you like a lot of exercise
Fast paced environment, exposure to many in-house technologies.
The pros of working there are pretty well. When you become a full-time employee you have a good
amount of Unpaid and Paid time off (UPT and PTO). Furthermore, they offer paid bereavement and
vacation hours in addition to other typical benefits. The best thing I can say is that if your late you
don't have to call in or apologize and they offer voluntary time off (VTO) or Voluntary extra time (VET).
Meaning is applicable you can leave work early and or come to work to earn extra cash.
Being an Area Manager for Amazon, AMZL specifically, is not a bad job like everyone makes it out to
be. I have met a plethora of wonderful people who really do care about the people part and not just
the numbers. Amazon does care about metrics a lot, and you will feel that pressure, but a good leader
will help you navigate through it. Amazon is a challenging environment that pushes you to grow
REALLY quickly, especially if this is your first job. You can learn a years worth of knowledge in a month
and the pay is decent for what you're doing, especially when getting promoted. Amazon is also very
people focused especially towards the normal associates. It is hard work but Amazon takes a lot of
steps to ensure that they feel valued. The only thin that gets in the way of that is us managers who
don't know how to engage them in the right ways, This isn't a job for everyone though, it takes a lot of
dedication and you have to be able to push past your normal limits. As tough as it can be, it is still very
OSHA-mandated breaks, clean environment, able to work OT, and the pay was alright. Work was early
in the morning, so it was easy to balance work/life if you didn't go partying every night. If you got it in
with one of the managers or shift assistants, you could basically go to work and do nothing all day.
Great pay & benefits for you and spouse, paid time off, Vacation time, and 401K plan. Every other day
Amazon provides free food for lunch break and snacks(chips Gatorade fruit/ granola bars) free COVID
testing on site free vaccine
You own your career and management support you on your career development
Benefits and Coworkers, VTO and paid time off. Paid Holidays
Great place to start your career. Strong leadership principles. Decent compensation.
good perks Teammates tend to help in most cases
Everything is orderly Lots of automation for mundane processes
Everything is orderly Lots of automation for mundane processes
Good pay. Pretty cool supervisors.
Benefits Consistent schedule for the most part
Most of the people that you work with are very nice and you can get along with almost anybody that
you meet. The pay is also very good for an entry level job. The time off given out is a little low but is
made up for by the fact that they give a lot of VTO when overstaffed.
Flexibility, 4 - 10s, 3 days off per week. Lots of perks. My managers are excellent and give the room
and range to explore different work styles to see what works the best.
Decent Pay (not reasonable for the trauma endured each day on the phones), Time Off, Great
Management (if you're lucky like I was)
great platform for learn, fast paced environment, great techs and people, you never done learning
here, very positive culture drives you to improve yourself and gain great exp
You got free coffee, and often free meals. A lot of chances to earn rewards if you are doing well. They
also care about your workplace safety.
Good benefits and pay, the compensation is good.
Good pay gray benefits opportunities to learn and move up... opportunities for pay increases for
employees who put in time
Great to work , great to learn
If you have the right mindset and attitude, the culture is great. The team that you’re on will play a
huge role in this as well. The opportunities for advancement are there if you play your cards right. You
also have the ability to switch departments without it being a big deal.
Flexible work hours, open to learning new skills.
Good job decent pay good benefits
Great employee benefits, Dog friendly workspaces
Flexible hours, Not bad pay
If you're looking for a flexible, part-time job with decent pay and benefits, I would recommend
Amazon. You have opportunities to advance into a different position if you would like and learn
different things. The only thing I dont like, that im sure probably won't change, is not having my
phone on the floor and the very short breaks.
The benefits are great, and IF you have the chance to move up it's great.
I got to learn a lot, colleagues are helpful.
Good pay and benefits from day one
The wages were very good
Good pay and benefits from day one
I can say they have good benefits.
Good second job or school job. If you are a college grad it is a easy way to make 60k out of college.
The ability to move to different departments & capitalize on the benefits. TIME OFF (You Will Figure
This Out)
Learn in fast paced environment
Huge scale, so lot of opportunity to have large impacts. Very smart and driven colleagues. Helpful
tools and mechanisms that have helped develop my business acumen. Lots of variety of
roles/projects/jobs to choose from internally. Starting to become more sustainability and inclusion
You create your own career path and opportunities. You are almost an entrepreneur with great
Benefits, competitive pay and hood hours.
Money money money money money
pros would include getting stocks
Great benefits, personal time off, and vacation time is a plus, you have good opportunities to grow a
career, but many factors affect how much you can develop.
Flexible times (UPT/Personal Time) Relatively simple tasks
Pay, overtime, two half hour breaks
Lot of technical stuff you can learn and there are a wide range of topics you can get exposure to.
Results driven
* good base pay, starting bonus, stock options * out-of-the-box CI/CD, metrics, logs & rotation, REST
& RPC frameworks * work on Native AWS * skilled peers you can learn from * developed microservice
architecture and tooling * easy to spin up dev environments and override services * useful to have
most of code base in one language, Java
You pick your own schedule, use a phone app on given iPhone to do tasks, take 10 min break per shift
(4-5 hrs). If you want a full time schedule then join MTR but it will have a strict policy. You get paid
extra on holidays.
Great pay and benefits and easy growth potential
The work is kind of addicting and competative
Pay is actually better than I expected
The hiring process and job itself is self explanatory, not too challenging, and is mostly automated
One major pro is that you’re guarantee 40hrs a week.
great place to work, if you love to work
constant walking great start pay
Lots off work off your feet.
Flexibility of work experience and mibility
Time off when you need it
Welcoming atmosphere; refreshing lack of arrogant jerks.
cutting edge technology with easy internal transfers
Yes, Amazon starts around $15 an hour and offers medical benefits. Fine for young people starting out
in the workforce.
Nice solid pay for someone new to full time jobs. Coworkers and management were incredibly nice
people. All of the horrible things you hear about Amazon warehouses aren’t true.
Amazon provides competitive pay within the field and flexible schedules
Fast paced environment with ability to create and build like a startup, but with less risk of failure.
Good pay and smart people
Great benefits. Learn from peers.
Good pay Wide range to develop Fast pace environment
Great opplrtunities to grow and develop.
Exciting and impactful problems to solve at scale.
Great staff. I loved working here.
Decent hours Plenty of overtime if you want it Flexible Amazing culture
Tons of hours, decent benefits, steady pay, and they are a Legit 2nd Chance company, not simply a
ban-the-box member for show.
Good CEO, good work environment, and good pay
Excellent place to work great work ethics
In the Health and Safety field, Amazon does a pretty good job of granting their WHS Business Unit full
autonomy and authority to focus on continually improving the safety of the Logistics side.
Benefits, the time taken to find you the best plans possible. The things that management do for
employees while on sight is very nice and it is definitely hard work. After 5 months of working for
them, it definitely wore me out, but if you have the stamina and correct mindset, you’ll excel here.
Great management! Amazing pay. I also like that you work 4 days a week and get 3 off. They also have
a ‘reduced shift’ option where you can work Friday-Sunday 12 hour shifts which is pretty neat.
the pay was good no need for prior work experience could pick the shift that worked best for you
Great to gain experience as an entry level and you see a full life cycle of non exempt workers from
hire to fire and all in between
Uh Uh Uh... I guess it is worth the experience? Maybe when you're first starting out.
Awesome, very good staffing, management, never slow
Pay good, lots of time off, fun
Nice work life balance Great company culture
+Stable schedule and pay security +Three day weekends +Easy to expand and learn new things within
your warehouse +Holiday Pay weather you're scheduled to work that day or not
Benefits Weekly pay Full time
Flexible Schedule , Manager and Pay
Benefits. Available shifts. Flexible schedule
Career Growth, Salary, Work Atmosphere are all great
The people to work with here are awesome. I enjoy the physical part of the job and the interaction in
different parts of the wearhouse. I also enjoy the many opportunities of different jobs and tasks that
are offered within Amazon.
Good experience in supply chain and operations being at the best company to learn from.
I liked the environment pretty well
Hours and some voluntary over time when you need extra cash
I liked the environment pretty well
Hours and some voluntary over time when you need extra cash
Facing challenging problems to solve
Benefits are really really good
Good workplace with great benefits
Great company to work part time on the side
This is not a company for the lazy. Amazon is not a good fit for people requiring a lot of hand-holding
and micromanaging. This is a job for the go-getter and the hungry. I love it.
pay, easy to do, coworkers
Benefits are awesome and useful
Easy money, work at your own pace, plenty of opportunities to pick up shifts, no customer service
Amazing benefits with lots of opportunities to grow
Amazon benefits are actually good, they have 401k help up to 4%, life insurance, dental insurance, a
lot pto, and if you dont want to work a full schedule you can choose a “flex† schedule that you
choose the day and time that you want to work (need to be at least 20 hrs in a month, 40 hrs max. In
a week)
Learned a lot in short time, AWS tech is useful in the industry
The compensation is very generous. There are some cool projects to work on.
Smart people, good compensation, innovative work, learn a lot really fast.
Fascinating place to work as a professional.
consistent work. PTO. Good id you like to work alone.
Good money, cool people to work with
Easy work, pay good, yes
good company to work in
Good company to growth in different ways
Team spirited Family oriented Great benefits Great pay
It's good for independent young adults.
Pay was decent for the amount of work done.
Love to work with Amazon
Flexible work schedule with a good amount of overtime if you want to work it.
good pay, you work with the best people, everyone knows what company you work for
Growth opportunity seems to be everywhere
Pay Check and Two Year Bonus
Great pay, immediate benefits, fantastic staff, comprehensive training
Base pay just bumped up Work with team but also individually
Flexible choose your own schedule, easy work
Full of extraordinarily smart and talented employees. Culture values critical thinking and gets out the
way to allow individuals to make impact and achieve success.
Fair pay for employees but no hazard pay was offered in the height of COVID.
Great management experience. a lot of overtime. small place so you get to work in different
departments at the same time. a lot of opportunities to move up
Great people, cool product and super challenging technical environment.
Good job good pay etc
Health benefits for part time workers after you get your blue badge. $15/hr pay is better than most
Great benefits! Excellent health insurance that goes into effect on the day that you are hired.
Flexible schedules and a lot of support from management and co workers
The sky is the limit at Amazon. You own your own career path- no one is going to stop you. If you have
a great idea, it could be the next big business at Amazon. It also helps that the stock has done so well
the past few years, so compensation is competitive.
great pay and great people to work with
* Learn a lot (something new every day), with dynamic culture & interesting coworkers * I manage an
enthusiastic and invested team of mostly non-US citizens (though the citizens are also enthusiastic &
invested, to be crystal clear) * Salaried, working over 40 hours on average, but not worked to death -
maybe 43-45 hours / week? * I own a couple of software services that we built fully native AWS,
according to security & operational best practices, that internal customers love and which we may
take public some day
Learned a ton. A ton of smart people. Just like any big company, the team you land on makes or
breaks your experience.
great benefits and good pays
Lots of opportunities to move up the corporate ladder.
Great benefits, multiple schedule types to choose from.
The people who work in the warehouse are friendly, always willing to help, and make the taxing work
Benefits, pay, and internal promotions.
Up to team. You can learn new things.
Great job mobility internally Competitive pay
Flex schedule easy money to be made
Enjoyed working for amazon love the atmosphere
Data Engineering work is cool
A variety of things to work on
Good pay and less stressful
Good job, if you can follow rules and responsibilities you will be grow to it
Working with the cargo airline pilots and the mechanics are the backbone of Amazon Air. Without
them there would be no Amazon Air.
* Has interesting projects * Fast turn around time * As a big company, does have a good amount of
reimbursements and other benefits * You are pushed to excel
great benefits and interesting work
Known schedule. Easy work load.
it is a great work environment
The benefits are great, the amount of space in the warehouse is nice and the money is great. It is a
fast paced environment.
I worked at the GSO1 Fulfillment center. Competitive pay for work offered. Technologically advanced
when compared to other manufacturing plants in area. Good work flow and process.
Lots of team and technologies to chose from.
-They have lots of little extras for employees: snack days, free t-shirts, etc. -There is little interaction
with other co-workers so it's zero drama -I can go in, do my thing and leave. This is not a stressful job,
although it is physically demanding -Amazon provides ~$120 a year to buy safety shoes from Zappos. -
Employee discount is very little, but it's better than nothing I suppose. -Amazon promotes growing
with the company - There is a new Area Manager of Operations, Devonte Buckner, who came up to
me and introduced himself. The previous manager never did this so I was appreciated this small
good money fast money good peoples
Flexible hours; the part time flex hours work very well if you're in college; or working another job;
Good job if you like working by yourself all day and like harsh temperatures
Pay is ok, job is pretty easy to learn
Flexible hours; the part time flex hours work very well if you're in college; or working another job;
Good job if you like working by yourself all day and like harsh temperatures
Pay is ok, job is pretty easy to learn
Amazon pays it's managers well and gives you a great work life balance
Top class, Best quality, Great opportunity, Awesome pay, Good bonus
Worked on the Amazon Search Services team (AWS), most notably providing Amazon Elasticsearch
Service. The work was challenging and full of operational puzzles, metrics to contemplate, glitches to
find, fires to put out, and resources to optimize. If you agree with "Amazon Leadership Principles"
(which I do), you have the opportunity to do things that really align with them. "Customer Obsession"
was always my favorite. The only variable was management, which in my experience was binary: Top
notch, and ... "Sauron." Believe me you don't want Option B.
Great compensation, equity, and variable compensation.
The people we work with are great.
lots of opportunities for OT if wanted, as well as lots of VTO if needed
Benefit premiums are good rates
Decent Money. Four day schedule.
work-life balance, reduced time, benefits, predictable, social life with peers, breaks/lunch
Make my own schedule. Very easy work, literally anyone can do it. I grocery shop all day, not the most
fun but I get amazon pay and benefits for an easy, not so strenuous job. Great for me as a full time
college student. Break when you want, and if there’s no orders CONGRATS! Another break!
You are challenged to excel every day. You are also rewarded very well for succeeding. If you don’t
like being challenged or uncomfortable, Amazon is not the place for you.
They offer good and consistent schedules
Very easy to get this job. No interview required. Applied online, attended a hiring event, watched
some videos, submitted a drug test, fill out a form, go to work a couple months later. Good if you hate
interviews. Free dental. You get free medical too when you work full time. Most of my co-workers
here are nice, met some really cool smart people with interesting and diverse backgrounds. You can
manage your PTO and UPT online as well as look up upcoming VET and VTO.
No interview; full-time offered; benefits offered; 4 days work & 3 days off.
Constantly new technology to learn
As much overtime as you want, and the managers recognize competent people and try to make good
use of them.
Good pay for part time employee
it pays good with benefits
Amazon is a great place to learn recruiting fundamentals There are a lot of challenges to solve Good
Busy and very intense environment
great busy work for someone like me
The work schedule was flexible.
No frills job. Clock in, do what you're supposed to do, clock out.
Opportunities are abundant you need to search job finder.
Amazon environment makes people work hard. They are highly data driven and focus a lot of growing
from within.
Quick promotion for hard work, Non-stressful work environment, good pay, good hours
Management teams and HR looks after their people
Health benefits, schedule, network, & yearly, potential signing bonus
Great pay, lots of overtime, good team environment, and management is easy to contact
Good pay and benefits. Usually will have 3 days off. Accumulate PTO and Vacation. Stock benefits
every day is different if you like that
Very flexible hours and good work conditions
As a flex part time, you get to pick the days you work and the hours you work, if you have another job
or are in school, you get to choose from the days/hours they have open.
lots of training, flex schedule and time off, support of team and management, work remotely, lots of
OT available during peak seasons, great work environment.
Big name company for your resume.
Working with world class research scientists and economists. Lots of autonomy and responsibility
granted to motivated individuals
Great benefits -- great health insurance, dental, vision, life, 401k, stock buyback options, paid parental
leave, paid medical leave. Paid time off. Competitive hourly pay, potential for advancement. Great
stepping stone, looks great on a resume if you're there for multiple years.
good hourly pay which is helpful. great leadership and instruction
Good pay, bonuses, and fast-paced
Good timing and excellent schedule
Great managers and great place to work at
Love Amazon energy and Leadership Principles
The team I work with is great. Opportunities to learn different areas. Diverse team which is true to
their policies
Flexible hours and great education program after one year
Incredibly smart peers with a ton of data and interesting projects.
Breaks are provided and there is air conditioning
Incredibly smart peers with a ton of data and interesting projects.
Breaks are provided and there is air conditioning
Good way to be introduced to team management.
Great opportunity for graduate student
Connect with people everyday and know you are doing something to bring smiles to others!
Pay, benefits, good shifts, and a lot of chances to move up
Good pay and great benefits
Fast pace job lost of nice people
Good pay, you’re always busy
work 4 days and 3 days off
Pay, benefits, challenging problems, large scope
Flexible schedule,easy work, Working individually
Money is good really good
Make your own schedule and go to work when you want to.
Pay is decent for a starting position without the need for a degree. PTO accumulates at a passable
rate and it's done through an app so you don't need to make excuses for asking for time off.
Personal Time Off is nice
The benefits are good for both full time and pet time employees
its a great company to be a part of
Weekly pay, low cost benefits
Felt like goals were obtainable and there were other jobs to do off rate in the department
Pretty good hours Decent pay Self-paced schedule
everything everything everything everything everything
Really good benefits at a good price. Good 401k. It's also a great place to grow your career even if in
different fields. Changing teams is expected and leadership supports growth.
They work with you to promote you up.
it’s good and it pays me
Amazon brand but dont know about job security
work in your own space, good benefits
Fellow workers and set hours/schedule.
First, the work in amazon web services is quite cutting edge as business need evolve every day in the
cloud space. I get to touch on many kinds of services and also there are still much room to grow for
those services. Also where I work is a very face paced environment so learning is fast. I also think that
coworkers are nice and helpful for my growth and learning.
First, the work in amazon web services is quite cutting edge as business need evolve every day in the
cloud space. I get to touch on many kinds of services and also there are still much room to grow for
those services. Also where I work is a very face paced environment so learning is fast. I also think that
coworkers are nice and helpful for my growth and learning.
When I was there the benefits were great. The pay increased from $12/hr to $15/hr for all employees
so that was great too. It is a good company to work for.
Lots of opportunities within Amazon - scope to change roles Growth
some are convinent some are fast good yes more
You learn deeper into networking issues with engineers
good salary and benefits. short commute.
Fast paced, innovative, customer obsessed
There is a lot to learn at Amazon. You can move up so quickly if you desire. When you first come in
always let your manager know you want to own your career. Try and become an Ambassador right
away to train others coming in. Becoming a leader right away helps the company to trust that you
have customer obsession and want to do a good job.
pay is not bad for new college hire
Great pay Great benefits Socially responsible culture
big company easy job to get decent hourly for requirements
Good benefits, consistent hours, decent pay
Lots of autonomy, great place to grow and learn
had a flexible schedule for my classes with competitive pay
good enviornment , good salary, proper healthcare
Awesome pay and benefits from the company
Ability to transfer and changing problems.
the pay and benefits are good. most people are nice and the managers.
Flexible Schedule Easy Pickup Shifts
There’s a lot of extra time available
Great place to work anytime
Flexible schedule and good benefits
All is OK but not perfect
decent job for what it is
Working at Amazon is hard. It's killer resume fodder, and you really get to dig into and own the
systems you touch. You're more hands-on than most other companies, and the culture reflects it.
Team dependent work is good but big push on proejcts
Good for resume + advancing out of the company, some good pockets of leadership within
Good team mates and good environment even during WFH
interesting problems, flexible work culture, amazing people
sign-on bonus is great for recent grads
Good learning curve, good scale of work
Only work 4 or 3 days Exercise Fun
Good Pay, you work with people who are kind, I never once saw any of the higher ups in my 3 months
working there, everyone I saw hadn't worked there for a ton of time and were very chill
Good pay and good orientation
Benefits, Pay, Location, Hours, People
They pay the money out.
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Good pay for type of position
Work Hard, Have Fun and Make History
-Stable schedule, consistent hours and don't have to stay late beyond mandatory overtime weeks
during peak season during the holidays and prime week -Clear and simple promotion as a T1 and up -
Ability to transfer to different departments and receive training in other areas if interested -Most
people are cool and helpful
Watching the business grow and develop and being part of that has been rewarding.
Decent pay, great benefits. Fun being at the forefront of the field. Very challenging and good work
experience. Incredible networking opportunities. Can basically transfer within company to just about
whatever job or location you're interested in.
Frequent opportunity for overtime. Good place to grow.
The health insurance is decent and being able to work from home is nice. Although, it looks like that
benefit will be ending soon. You do get to help people and my team is nice to work with. However, in
the course of a year, I’ve been transferred to 3 different teams. The second one was the absolute
worst. If you get on a good team with a good manager, it’s not a bad job. You work with a lot of
different employees and hear interesting stories. The sign on bonuses are nice, but the base pay could
be better.
Great pay and benefits, Very talented managers to work with.
it was a v good experience
Lots of smart, driven people to learn from here. Switching teams is a relatively straightforward
process. Amazon provides an environment where you have to be a go-getter, but that also means if
you have a good idea, can back it up with data, and have the motivation to get it done, you will be
able to.
It was a job, nothing more nothing less
As a writer, I appreciate the rigor of writing and communicating, and seem to be getting better at it
year after year
Good work experience to put on a resume
Amazon was generous in their salary and sign on bonus. In addition, they offered a solid amount of
stock shares that would vest over time when I first started. They did also have meals provided for
employees on occasion.
flexible working hours ample growth opportunities flexibility for team switching
Management is great CEO is a genius Good pay Buy AMZ stocks, they will go up
Pay, benefits, also the people there were really friendly
I enjoyed working in the warehouse here, it is good pay and not too hard of work.
Pay, benefits, also the people there were really friendly
I enjoyed working in the warehouse here, it is good pay and not too hard of work.
good environemt to work at
Benefits Diversity Job security Paid time off
Independence, flexible hours, good work
Worked with some of the smartest, hard-working people I'd ever met. I personally preferred the fast
pace and pressure to perform. I had a good work/life balance, since my job allowed me to
occasionally work from home. Work was demanding, but fulfilling. Pay was great. Stock bonuses even
It’s a job and I get paid
Pay is great, benefits are as expected from a large company, inclusive environment. Stock options
once vested, and decent 401K offering. It seems like I only have a few good things to say, but it really
is a good company despite what others may say about Amazon's business practices. It really is a fair
company on the inside, and ethics and morals including leadership principles are highly valued here.
Flexible and great people. Benefit also really good
love the benefits and the career
Rapid growth for those who stay with the company, relocation may be required. There are some
strong and diverse teams with highly qualified individuals who provide much needed support and
Plenty of OT Managers were pretty nice Work at home Good benefits and breaks
Amazon wants you to grow. They leave you with the footprints you just have to fill them
Good training, nice people, no complaints.
Amazing company to work for always
interesting problems, flexible work culture, amazing people
Pay is above other jobs.
High salary Solid benefits Smart, driven coworkers Interesting problems Endless project selection
Endless room for growth
Can learn a lot and grow as a professional
Get to learn a lot in small amount of time
Great benefits, pay, fast pace environment, challenging.
adequate pay and benefits for the work.
Engaging, with a great opportunity to learn cutting edge technologies.
Management was really considerate to the team members.
Great community to work good salary
Benefits flexible schedule ability for overtime
Pays well and good management staff
It is a great company to work for
Good benefits good pay great exercises
Amazon provides opportunities to work on interesting projects and difficult challenges.
The biggest pro is working from home. Also, 4 day work weeks are great too. Pay is decent, could be
Great company with a lot of flexibility. Good opportunity to work on a plethora of technologies.
Amazon fresh was a lot of walking (20-30k steps), but the work was easy and fast paced my ten hour
days went by like nothing plus only four days a week! Plenty of room to move up and find better
opportunities within the company.
They invest in their employees. They want you to succeed and have a clear path to promotion. I wish I
joined the company sooner.
good hours, higher pay than minimum wage
You can make your own schedule Very independent
Flexibility. Movement within the company is highly encouraged.
$15 a hour Nothing else really
Amazon is a most profitable and highly job served in the world
$15 a hour Nothing else really
Amazon is a most profitable and highly job served in the world
the company culture is great
Flexibility, amazing management , benefits
A thorough approach to all safety matters. Employee involvement, procedural expectations, and
updated pandemic processes.
1. Able to learn and grow 2. Work with good peers 3. Learning not limited to just programming but
also soft skills
good benefits and fun job experience
Pay Benefits Coworkers Holiday Pay Team Work
Set hours, no surprise overtime, longer breaks than required by law.
Pay is pretty good, Insurance is nice and fairly cheap. Work can be very physical depending on your
role. Offers education benefits if you can hang around long enough and devote the time to it.
Have a positive attitude and you can make it here.
Friendly co workers, good pay and working environment
Benefits School covered (after a year of working there)
I've always enjoyed my time with Amazon. I started as a temp associate and have had plenty of
opportunity provided to me to advance my career. I am excited to start as an Area Manager here
flexible schedule, benefits, vacation, time off
Great Company with lovely culture and inclusion
A lot of pros yeas places
Lots of different positions in the warehouse. 4 10 hour shifts a plus
Lots of different positions in the warehouse. 4 10 hour shifts a plus
There is less work than regular associate
PTO, health benefits, friendly co workers. Great snacks.
Good pay, easy to work with, mangers are very nice, independent
The job is fast-paced and a little intimidating at first but fun! (most of the time)
Great growth opportunities. Promotions can be had relatively quickly
There is opportunity within the company, even at the level of working in their fulfilment centers.
Experienced employees, specifically the line managers (I don't know what to fall them because there's
no real title stated), can be very helpful. They offer lots of resources to help you help yourself.
The only good thing about Amazon are some tools
You work with really smart and driven people.
If you’re passionate about technology, you get to do a lot of work on cutting edge tech. Lots of
opportunities for AI/ML work
Awesome schedule flexibility, rewards, discounts
Godd team work, friendly people.
Flexible schedule Good starting pay Benefits
Good pay, good benefits, fast paced
Fairly easy to move up
A lot of projects and opportunity to grow.
Great schedule. Great pay. Good staffing easy to learn and perform the tasks.
You learn a lot in a fast paced and diverse work atmosphere. Great team work and respectful
I worked for Amazon 6 years, company is great and the benefits are amazing.
convience, hours, days, advancement, comfort
Clean bldg brand new facility
Associates, benefits, paycheck, and the job.
60 cent night shift premium, multiple types of time off (PTO, Sick, Vacation, UPT)
Work in Amazon Web Services and love that we are given freedom in the projects we work on and get
to work with smart people. I found coworkers to be genuine and without egos or attitude. Fact that all
of the professionals have an stake in the company through stock units means everyone is working
hard to achieve results.
nothing special. just reputation for me
cool place to work at
Great learning experience. Good place to work
Lot to learn. Brilliant people to learn from.
Benefits is great. Pay is great as wel
Good company with great benefits and competitive pay. Flexible options with leave and very
understanding with work schedules for school accommodations or medical situations. Work hard and
adhere to company policy and you will be fine.
Good company with great benefits and competitive pay. Flexible options with leave and very
understanding with work schedules for school accommodations or medical situations. Work hard and
adhere to company policy and you will be fine.
They have great benefits. You can leave whenever you want. They give you more PTO and vacation
time every week.
Good pay, some managers pretty cool, co workers are nice too, you can use your time whenever you
want and free to wear what you want
The leadership principles help shape and retain a truly customer obsessed culture across teams. This
helps remove barriers when working together on customer issues. My experience: * Largely
autonomous to do your work * Good compensation and benefits * Training is abundant and free both
internal and external * Opportunities within the team get be limited but the ability to move laterally
to other positions is welcomed and supported * Good way to learn the platform and work directly
with customers on real issues * Plenty of opportunities to get involved with other programs from
within this role that allows you to be part of a bigger community
Pay is pretty and good and benefits are great
Lots of opportunities to grow, own your space
Fast paced, great team work and different responsibilities
4 hour shifts and make about 300 a week for only working 20 hours
In general work is not anything difficult and is decent for the payrate.
loved all of the benefits
Good pay and over time
Pleasant, Professional, fulfilled, career advancement
great place to work and
It was a living hell
The pay is on the better end. Weekly paychecks are very nice. The hours are okay.
They pay good money and benefits.
Many different businesses you can work under.
amazing working place,facepaced and cool environment
High level of autonomy and ability to have an impact. You get so much freedom to chart your own
path in this role. You decide what the emphasize and where to focus much of your time.
Work until you complete your route.
You get to clock in, work and go home relatively stress free. Plus you get exercise. 4 day 10 hour shifts
are excellent and there is always lots of overtime.
Competitive benefits and salary. Somewhat flexible working schedules.
If you like a challenge this is a good place to be
Easy great benefits nice pay
Competitive pay, lots of benefits.
interesting work, great training tools
For someone young to start out making 15/hour its amazing.
Good time off and benifits.
Organized, easy, nice people, lenient
Work individually Nice people Managers check up on you Covid safety procedures Lots of exercise
Livable wage Schedule Entry level, no experience needed Benefits People there were cool
Fast competitive environment, lot of learning and growth opportunity
I learned more coding then before.
Large infrastructure for coding, has benefits like good build tools, pipelines, and code reviews.
Coworkers were the best part of the job as well as health insurance
Autonomy to own your site in AMZL (delivery station).
easy, flexible, quick, friendly, active
Good money and over time
Fun time in the van
Good people to work with
Fun time in the van
Good people to work with
Great benefits Okay Pay 3 day weekends Great Culture
great pay, good work hours
Most of the working people and managers are good folk.
Plenty of opportunities to be involved in projects Amazon already has processes in place, which
provides structure for those who need it
Pretty nice pay for a college hire, good management team
The money is good and it keeps you active.
See your products come to life with speed. Amazon moves fast with a high bar, and it’s rewarding
to see the output in such short time
- I started at entry level and was able to promote to management with no degree - benefits on day 1 -
Annual reviews with potential raises or company RSUs
The tech stack at Amazon is great, if you like implementing great technology and having a do-it-
yourself attitude, then this is a good place. Amazon does everything internally, which is both great
and awful. It pays incredibly well, and once you're hired, because of the bar raiser culture, they really
try to keep you at the company, so your salary will be stable.
compensation is quite okay for this role
Work from home / very good benefit package
This is a good work environment.
Think Big- really they hone your skills to do that here
Good pay, decent break times
You can choose your own shifts, and the job is pretty simple. It's like you are shopping for someone
else's grocery order and you pack it up in paper bags and label them. You get a $25 bonus for working
Thanksgiving and a $150 bonus for working Christmas month. Bonuses get heavily taxed tho...
Decent pay, room for growth, great benefits.
Stated leadership qualities can help protect you. Learn them. Paid days off accrue, vacation, medical
insurance for a small fee. Four ten-hour days.
Decent pay, room for growth, great benefits.
Stated leadership qualities can help protect you. Learn them. Paid days off accrue, vacation, medical
insurance for a small fee. Four ten-hour days.
Good pay Hours are good Double pay on overnight
Lots of opportunities to move around the warehouse and grow.
AWS provides all resources, trainings free for employees. it depends on, how much you can learn and
absorb. There is no limit to learning, its an ocean out there. Grab, only what you can chew.
Pay Easy jobs Decent exercise The other employees
Shares in Amazon stock, 401K, Paid time off, occasional free food
Competitive pay, positive environment, lots of breaks.
Training was state of the art. Great development program.
A full time working schedule pays well.
Good pay with no stress. I also like my supervisors. They are all about doing this job with maximum
efficiency and it keeps things move smoothly. It's also cool that my supervisors once did my job, so
that opportunity to move up really motivates me.
Pay is good, a lot of incentives, work is interesting always something new to do or learn.
Great manager and awesome teammates to help be comfortable in the role
- Stable Payroll; - Company has great perspective; - Stock keep growing; - You will work with the
biggest companies as your customers; - Free access to some of learning resources(acloudguru, linux
academy, etc..); - Phone compensation up to 50$ / month; - Uber/Lyft compensation up to 170$ /
Good work environment. Helps in career growth.
Great pay. Paid time off. Extra shifts available. Free gifts and food.
Work with really smart individuals. Work on interesting projects generally. Opportunities to 'move the
Benefits Full time Somewhat stable schedule You don’t have to deal with ppl that much
Consistent Pay and benefits with opportunities to move up in company.
great pay long hours. in four days 10 hours 3 days off
Nice pay, nice environment, adequate training.
Top talent, freedom to experiment and fail/learn quickly, once you have Amazon on your resume you
can apply anywhere
Hours are great along with the pay
pay is very good, meet alot of nice people
relatively the payment is good for similar physical duty
It pays really well and the environment is easy going
its something diferent so you wont get bored as easy
Benefits such as free eye insurance and dental. Pay is good Advancement opportunities I went from a
scanner to a water spider to now just promoted Learning Ambassador in 5 months of being there.
Over time Annual shoe credit to zappos for work shoes I only paid 2 dollars for 115 dollar carbon toe
sneakers 10% Annual discount up to $100dollars in total discounts.
Pretty good. Interesting problems to solve.
Truly a great place to work
Truly a great place to work
Coworkers were nice and so were team leaders
Over time, incentives, room for growth
worked with talent coworkers, but they all left in shortly. worked on latest tech stacks, it grows very
fast as such a big company, so lots of opportunists to work on high impact projects Amazon hires a lot
new graduates,
Great benefits from day 1 Regular working hours
The pay is pretty good for a college student trying to pay bills
Some time off, technical training for those who want to stay. Great benefits
You have the opportunity to make a big impact because you get a lot of responsibility quickly and
you're working on products that are used my millions of people. You also get to work with extremely
driven and talented people.
Everyone cares about safety first
Flexible and great pay for part time advancement opportunities
Great pay and bonuses. Good promotion potential. Relaxed grooming and clothing standards.
$15 base pay Ability to solve issues for customers
Flexible schedule Easy job to do if capable
Amazon is fast path with many opportunities for growth as long as you are willing to put in the work
and understand the mechanisms
Best reasons include a highly skilled and encouraging workforce.
Fast pace, fun work environment. Good pay.
4 day week, 3 day weekend as L4/L5, growth opportunities, many different roles within 1 year if you
work at a large facility. If you are extroverted you will thrive.
Can be fun if you like to move and are able to lift all day. Good group of workers for the most part,
friendly management. Different shifts and plenty of opportunities for overtime. Generally a nice
environment overall. If you really put the work in, you will most likely have opportunities to get ahead
if you really wanted to.
Great benefits, great people to work with
Benefits, stocks, opportunity, training, and adaptability
Benefits, stocks, opportunity, training, and adaptability
You make money in exchange for free time.
Good pay and good benefits
Offers health care and pto
You don’t have to deal with customers
You get amazing health benefits, pay for schooling, give you free shoes, PTO, unpaid time off every
quartet ( UPT), and vacation. They also offer vto and anytime they offer vto you have a good chance of
leaving early without any penalty. You can purchase direct shared stock from them and possibly get a
higher position with almost any degree.
They do offer fexible hours.
Lots fo opportunities to learn, and workmates are amazing
Great Work life balance here
Acknowledging work performance is a first for me,..and not just verbally w/gift cards & prizes.
Areas/lines with cool managers and micro management equals a positive environment and motivated
employees. Lenient point system. Bein able to clock in and out or use PTO via app if running late or
even wanting to leave early etc very convenient more companies should adopt. The place is brand
new and very clean. Nice and *Diverse, physically fit workforce (rare in Indiana) All kinds of races and
backgrounds makes an interesting place..bein from Cali I appreciate it. They don't just fire ppl right b4
its time for benefits or a raise like 75% of surrounding factories
Decent hours, great pay (was in college while doing this), and some of the nicest supervisors I’ve
ever had
The pay, The hours, the time off
Good customer experience working with top technology and consulting partners using AWS. Senior
executive management is open, communicative and transparent.
Great benefits package, will get you into shape (just don't stress eat), comradery that is formed by
virtue of same experiences and frustrations.
Amazing maternity leave. They try to make it a good working environment.
Good technical ownernship. You get to understand what you build.
It's amazon, an exciting company.
Pays well, never a lack of work
Gives you the opportunity to try new things
The people you work with excluding management and HR Pay Safety shoes once a year The vision
plan benefit is the only thing good in health benefits
pay is good for the area
Experience is good. Culture ok
Everything i remember was good.
Teammates are really helpful to carry out projects.
Amazon has everything. It probably something you want to work on.
Work-Life Balance, Stellar Training, and Opportunities Galore
Challenging projects No limits to how ambitious the company can be Many opportunities within the
company A company you are proud to work for
Job security is never a question
Great boss and a great mission
great company to work for
It's good if you need quick $ . The 3 days off is nice . Work isn't difficult tho there are rates.
Easy call offs through app and time off is good, roughy 15 minutes per 5 hours.
No micro management Nice team a lot of opportunities to learn
Easy money easy tasks and good breaks
Great benefits (start on day one)
Pay, benefits, work shift, always hiring
Positive experience, very innovative place to work, and always something new going on.
You get to work on varsity of cool technologies and in a very fast paced environment
Full schedule, customer service, methodical approach to doing job
You get to work on varsity of cool technologies and in a very fast paced environment
Full schedule, customer service, methodical approach to doing job
good culture and environment, friendly too
Good coworkers decent atmosphere benefits
Pro, COVID paid leave, breaks
Campus and first two year salary
Depending on the location you work, there's plenty of room for growth Competitive pay, great
benefits, opportunities to learn new skills You have the ability to email Jeff Bezos personally if you've
gone up your local chain of command and talked with corporate. If the issue is serious enough, he
makes time for his employees which was a surprising thing to learn.
Pay is decent Time goes by fast Easy work
* Lot of learning potentially, especially as a junior developer * A high amount of ownership is given on
the work * Work happens at a fast rate, so there is a chance to make a lot of impact in a short time
Great work area and awesome benefits.
Flexible time off and requests
Work environment, collegial atmosphere, challenging work, interesting work, supportive
Fast paced, lots of opportunities to contribute and grow.
good pay and top company
Flexibility with work schedule Decent pay Opportunities to promote
Pay and benefits are decent
Great place to work at.
Enabling environment for growths and developments.
Internal growth Flexibility to travel and relocate
Good Pay, had good coworkers
Focused attention is the ability of your brain to concentrate on one activity for a specified period of
time. When you use focused attention, your brain allocates cognitive processing resources that allow
you to choose and concentrate on one task at a time.
The culture at Amazon is amazing. Everyone is so helpful and kind. Benefits are also very good.
Very low stress job. You get lots of help from other shoppers and the store you shop in.
you get pto and benefits
Great pay and benefits along with a relaxed work environment.
Excellent learning environment, opportunity to work and learn from some of the smartest people
you'll meet.
4 Day/10 Hour Work Week = 3 Days Off Plenty of overtime offered if you want it Good exercise Great
benefits Plenty of PTO/Vacation Time/UPT Very busy so work day goes by very fast
Money is decent and has nice benefits
Good salary if you can wait
Flexible company Hours reasonable Free COVID tests Great and solid pay Blessed and grateful to have
job Additional training provided Pay well and solid provides job in market Able to have solid work on
the job training and pay
Got to listen to my own music.
Large scale issues to deal with
good to work on flexiable hrs,staff was very helpful
great for students who need flexible plan
Decent pay, Health and other benefits.
Amazon offers easy, entry-level work.
They have a lot of new content constantly
Since joining aws I have been able to grow, encouraged to learn, and always think about the
Benefits are great. Great opportunity for overtime.
Easy hiring-No real Barriers to entry
The company requires at management level employees have a college degree from an accredited
Benefits Personal leaves Pto Vacation time Unpaid time Vacation time
Good pay and good breaks
Amazon shares Flexible working Lot of opportunities growth work life
Good exposure and good opportunities for growth
Learn a lot of skills, including soft skills
Good hours, great pay, would redommend
Can be easy going Can be flexible In multiple positions Provides opportunity to grow
Great team to work with, always knew what your assignment was, excellent training and pay.
benifets and working 4 days a week
Good Pay, able to take time off easily thru app
Good starting pay for an untechnical job
Great Pay for the work that you do
Getting a chance to work with really smart people
Great i love working here
varied opportunities. Perfect risk seeking environment if one can obsess for the customers
Great place to work/ 4 day weeks
Stressful but loved the job
Great place to work/ 4 day weeks
Stressful but loved the job
Not bad benefits, decent pay
Good schedule Good pay Work on your own time
Good project and impact high
Great experience with high responsibility and opportunity
You can make a lot of money while exercising
$$$ - if you make it 4 years, there's the potential to unlock huge stock bonuses Mobility! The culture
supports learning new skills, growth, and taking new roles. Your manager will even assist with making
internal transfers
Share Appreciation = higher income
Company culture and work environment challenging in regular basis, making you usually think outside
the box and improve your professional skills with continuous training and 'on the job' application to
solve issues.
Very fun, nice people, fast paced
Lost a ton of weight
Lots of hours to go
My department is built on mostly great people. Lots to learn if you are willing and opportunity to
move up if you can grasp the pace.
Benefits out the gate and mindless work
Love working here! Great opportunity for me
You get to learn how to work at a fast pace. Meet some amazing people they will eventually become
you’re friends.
A lot of support from your team
Pay, benefits, coworkers and clocking out
Amazon is a great way to break into the industry if you can get a foot in the door. They will teach you
quickly by force to learn what you need to be successful in tech.
Pay, benefits, coworkers and clocking out
Amazon is a great way to break into the industry if you can get a foot in the door. They will teach you
quickly by force to learn what you need to be successful in tech.
Multiple exciting oppurtunities in different parts of businesses Customer obsesses
Love the company, great job
Good opportunity to make extra cash and move up if you want to
Paid time off Voluntary extra time = more $$$
There is plenty of work and it is a steady paycheck. The people are nice.
4 days a week 10 hours a day. 3 days off
Steady work that you can opt in or out of with little hassle as long as you have the time.
It was such a great place to work for really great management
Fairly decent pay for no experience. I had a great time seeing what happens behind the scenes at an
Amazon Fulfillment Center.
The managers there seemed like nice people
Good pay and friendly co-workers
The hiring process is simple. No interviews. Awesome for urgent need for a job. The job is simple and
labor intensive. After a few days of working, you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. The pay is a few
cents more than minimum wage. The hour is fixed and you can take voluntary time offs, earn paid
personal times and vacation hours. They offer benefits for permanent staffs, including health
insurance, 401k, etc, for those who need them.
Alot of room for growth
Benefits, work out, Perks, always buzzing in the Warehouse
fun to workout and get paid at the same time
Best company I’ve worked for to date
Huge variety of business problems to solve
The work/life balance of this role was fantastic!
Lots of employee moral perks, easy expectations
Really cares about employee development
Route locations in the greater Austin area are enjoyable. Working independently. Supervisors leave
you alone for the most part if you do your job. Two weeks of PTO starts accumulating immediately.
Growth opportunity and learning repository is extensive
Good start for college students
You can work when you want to.
Benefits, Experience, and learning industry standards are great. A lot of focus on training and
education here which is also really great.
Atmosphere is good to work for
Great benefits and a great place to work
Fast pace, good pay break time
Out of school, I was given a lot of responsibility and many opportunities to grow
Not as bad as WSJ claims, but pretty tough on your health
Education benefits Good insurance Decent in house offers
Very easy to follow instructions to do very monotonous work for 17$ an hour.
easy to get hired, fair pay, benefits
Many work schedules and overtime available
There are good teams to support you.
care for associates and move up fast
only working 4 days a week and weekly pay
care for associates and move up fast
only working 4 days a week and weekly pay
Benefits and school accommodations are great
Flexible hours, accommodating WFH and simple onboarding
No manager to look over your shoulders at all.
Great place to work if you are upto new challenges every single day.
Work is relatively easy, The target numbers are pretty easy to obtain and really appreciate the 4 day
work week with 3 days off
Fast paced, always working on something, never bored
Amazon cares for its writers and is very understanding of the work that goes into documentation. The
other writers and team members are very helpful and available.
Good benefits and a team atmosphere
Welcoming and warming and pay good
Good easy money friendly people
They have great pay and good benefits.
There is alot of work hence alot of OT hence alot of OT money to make. You can easy work 60hrs
which is the maximum hrs one can work a week. Good benefits and incentives too available.
You are always doing something
job is good a lot of opportunity
Benefits, nice environment and hours.
Very nice work environment. You will learn so much when it comes to EHS and will develop you.
Leaders help you grow and working with operation managers is easy. Pay is great too.
Very organized and great Management and staff
i,m a ambasdor in amazon
A lot of opportunities to learn
Tech environment there is awesome
It is amazing working with other associates on SOP and tips for doing well in path and as an indirect.
There are very intelligent engineers in Amazon who you can learn from
You can stay active on the job and walk several miles each shift. It is kind of fun at first and meditative
to do a repetitive, physical task like picking groceries. However, this can get boring after a while. It is
nice temporary seasonal job to have though.
Personalized schedule and decent benefits
Innovative and work is meaningful to custmers
Making Friends, Finding people to talk to, Nice co workers
Great place if you need something quick
Work can be easy or hard
Day one benefits, PTO, choice of schedules
Good stuff enjoyed it all.
Opportunities , advancement, pay, benefits, hrs
PTO/UPT options and benefits are good. Work can be boring or mundane, depending on your
Pay is fine. The facility is clean.
Flexible Schedule, Free training in different career paths, Move up fast in a FC, Health benefits
Good to built up and learn from some good leaders
Being a picker is a very easy job which doesnt take any skill
You definitely earn the wage.
Benefits that is pretty much all I can say
You definitely earn the wage.
Benefits that is pretty much all I can say
Ok pay, with a starting pay of $15 an hour. Periodic COVID19 tests. 2 Weeks of full pay during self
quarantine if you contract COVID.
Personal growth. Being at Amazon definitely toughened me and taught me to persevere through
adversity. You see the good and bad about corporate work culture, which for a young person can be
very valuable. People are a mixed bag, but I'm still extremely close with a former team of brilliant
minds I was placed in. It's very much the luck of the draw who you'll get. Also, very fun work trips on
Bezos' dime.
Being full time you do have benefits, paid time off, and vacation time. Also working 40 hours in 4 days
gives you a 3 day weekend
A lot of opportunity and growth potential
Great pay Easy schedule Flexible work schedule
Great benefits, vto and pto is good, they give everyone a chance to learn forklift
Good pay Good full time benefits Good options for scheduling your shift
Learn a lot and flexible career path
There is Flexibility in working hours
Fun projects and smart team
Easy job for what it pays
Good pay and benefits are great
Learn a ton of stuff in a short amount of time Work with brilliant and sharp people Many
opportunities to work on cool software
benefits , pay & ofcourse the trainings
You are paid well for your work
Money , hours, benefits, off on weekends
Easy hours to work alot
Pay checks weekly. Great hours
Excellence pay and insurance. Benefits are great also.
Pays its employees well for the job
No overhead manager On the road by yourself
Keeps you up and moving, pays good, two breaks and one lunch, you can meet new people easily, you
learn new things, you get to work out, easy to apply and start asap
Work with high achievers, expect to be challenged daily to grow professionally, deliver outcomes that
matter most, learn to juggle competing priorities, learn the how to tell the difference between one
way and two way door decisions. You don't need a charge number to be creative here. The LPs matter
in everything we do.
You gain IT experience while working closely with the technicians
Benefits, Bonus, 3 days off
All good in the building
Great place to work at
Ability to make my own schedule
Relaxing, paid a good amount for little work
pay not bad, benefit and perk
Good pay, good benefits, safe work environment
4 day work weeks (5 if there is overtime)
Incentives flexible position and legit
It is a big name company
Decent pay for job with almost no qualifications Quick hiring/training process Quickly build up to full
My team was amazing, pay was good, benefits are absolutely top tier (health insurance, especially).
Very chill job, would recommend to my closest friends
Benefits, health care, pay,career choice.
Oppurtunity abounds! Great leadership with open door policy. Amazon has given over $30k in
donations to my community in the last 3 months. We constantly grow and evolve. Amazon hired me
and continues to develop and advance my career goals. Insurance is great. After 13 months they pay
for 90 % of college education. We are collective and diverse. We got 3 bonuses this year. This
company has heart! There are programs to fly to other citys all expenses paid to open new facilities.
For all employees. My first year Entry level 2 weeks paid vacation!
Benefits, health care, pay,career choice.
Oppurtunity abounds! Great leadership with open door policy. Amazon has given over $30k in
donations to my community in the last 3 months. We constantly grow and evolve. Amazon hired me
and continues to develop and advance my career goals. Insurance is great. After 13 months they pay
for 90 % of college education. We are collective and diverse. We got 3 bonuses this year. This
company has heart! There are programs to fly to other citys all expenses paid to open new facilities.
For all employees. My first year Entry level 2 weeks paid vacation!
Easy and straightforward to complete tasks
nice hourly wage , can work overtime if you want
Flexible hours, great benefits, the longer you do it the easier it gets
friendly environment. the managers can be friendly.
Get to work on high impact projects with ambitious, driven and brilliant people.
Onboarding and working for Amazon has been a breeze in the virtual environment. RC Managers give
a lot of room for you to develop and work autonomously. Recruiting partners are knowledgeable and
well versed in the business and with candidates.
Work environment, Benefits, Work/life balance
Sign up bonus is really nice
incentives ,work culture ,employee growth
Pay Lots of hours if wanted advancement
Personal development, opportunity, scale of operation
no supervision flexible schedule there
flex schedule, lots of jobs if you can actually get out of the warehouse, benes. like free work shoes,
401k options for everyone
Atmosphere and new challenges everyday.
You're trained in multiple areas throughout entire warehouse so it's nice that you are not stuck doing
the same monotonous thing over and over again. Benefits are great and hard to beat.
Pay, flexible, convenient and benefits
-everyone is super nice -lots of good experience -you learn a lot -everything is so fast paced -4 day
work weeks but sometimes can be 5 days -ability to move up is good but only if you enjoy working in
Pretty good pay for entry level position.
-everyone is super nice -lots of good experience -you learn a lot -everything is so fast paced -4 day
work weeks but sometimes can be 5 days -ability to move up is good but only if you enjoy working in
Pretty good pay for entry level position.
- '"Its Always Day One" - it is crazy how true this is. Every day is something new to learn, definitely not
a boring place to work - Development opportunities are definitely available IF you look for them. -
Having worked in operations before going to Transportation, leadership is much more approachable
in transportation than in operations.
Smart coworkers, exciting projects, direct customer impact, ownership
Very easy work environment and it was good
Good working conditions, benefits, and more...
Descent pay and clean indoor work
Pay, job certainty, pace, manager-to-worker communication.
Great advancement opportunities and large company
Benefits, getting another company wide raise in May
good pay, good learning opportunity
Good salary, cool staff, fast pace work that really helps break a sweat when you wanna skip a day at
the gym.
lots of opportunities to learn new things, great pathing towards different teams you're interested in
and lots of growth opportunities
Good pay, decent amount of time off when not in peak
The customer base is huge so you get to work at scaled level. Plus you can switch internally really
Pay well, have lot of fun if you like building fast.
Make my own schedule and the work is fun when there is music
Consistency with schedule. Decent pay. Lots of area for growth.
people were so lovely i still miss them.
full time and lots of paid time off opportunities.
15 an hour is ok
Amazon treats your very well
Great pay and very easy job
Overall a good salary. Nice ig?
pay is very good !
People work in their own positions without much communication. But the company has created a lot
of pleasant atmosphere, such as inviting a band to perform singing and dancing on Monday, and
giving out a warm breakfast once a week. There is a dedicated person in charge of hygiene and the
working environment is very comfortable. Work does not feel particularly tired.
good pay, PTO, bonuses, safe work environment
they were very nice to work with
Challenging work Talented people Latest technology Total Compensation
Money is good. Started at 75k with a 20k bonus
The benefits and pay are good. It’s easy to request time off through the Amazon A to Z app.
Everything was fun. A great time was had
Good money and great people
Flexibility, environment, pay, location, job function,
Talented pool of employees and great place to learn and grow
Team oriented friendly and decent pay
Benefits like 401k, Health insurance, Stock buying, good physical exercise.
Good money, great benefits, great vacation hours
Plenty of opportunities to grow yourself and much freedom at work
It’s cool Good pay Get to work yourself for the most part which I personally like
Plenty of opportunities to grow yourself and much freedom at work
It’s cool Good pay Get to work yourself for the most part which I personally like
good pay, friendly people cool
Meet some cool friends and people
I love it and it’s fun
Great for stability and has excellent growth potential.
Good place to work right now
Good, fun, growth opportunity, and interesting.
Work schedule, benefits, pay, teamwork environment
easy. lots of walking. 3 hours a day
Higher pay than Associates. Recognition from management
Amazon automatically approves paid time off which is nice.
Great work life balance, benefits, responsibilities
Best entry level pay around this area
There health insurance is cheap
For what you do pay is pretty good Benefits are extremely nice After one year eligible for career
Freedom is there if you work for it
High visibility work and leadership opportunity
paid time off and the ability to work overnight was nice
work is rewarding, team is good
The stock has been doing very well. Lots of autonomy. Easy to get a good review, tough to get
promoted. If you have a strong sense of self, you can avoid getting bullied and have a very good work-
life balance.
Working at a FC is a lot of work but has been the most amazing experience. I am not sure if I am just
made for this or what but I am having so much fun. Being able to engage every day with my 70+
associates to do better and be the better part of themselves is what I am made for. Being apart of a
team of leaders that works hard and makes history is awesome. Yes pay is good, benefits are good,
and the work life balance is not bad. I come from retail so nothing new to me and I have a child.
Depending on your leadership they really challenge you to think outside the box ans expand your
Good pay starting out and easy work
great environment, great staff, great experience
Pretty Good work life balance
With the right managers, you can develop important interpersonal skills along with leadership skills
that you will use everywhere.
There are so many aspects of Amazon that almost anyone can find a position for their skill sets. After
you make it to a certain level on the hierarchy, you have a lot of support and even more opportunities
to advance.
They will get you certified for whatever it is you are doing
Career development, building trust , gaining confidence
Freedom and flexibility of scheduling. Customer focused job.
Career development, building trust , gaining confidence
Freedom and flexibility of scheduling. Customer focused job.
Globally recognized company looks great on your resume.
It’s a great place to learn and grow professionally. I loved everyday working there.
Very competitive pay, choose your own work schedule upon being hired, very consistent and stable
day-to-day in terms of tasking.
Great pay for the amount of work
Lots of opportunities for career growth
Amazon offers decent pay with benefits, help with school, and opportunities for advancement.
You will always have work LOL
Easy work with good salary
You're constantly surrounded by incredibly sharp people, which requires you to bring your "A game"
to work every day. It's thrilling to be around similarly driven, intelligent, customer-oriented people.
Great place to build a strong professional network and to do business-building work.
So many different positions you can learn.
Will she you something new everyday. Makes you quick on your feet when thinking. Move up fast.
Pay rate, great benefits, great time off policy.
Highly Customer Centric Incredible operations effectiveness Effective mechanisms to measure
progress towards goals.
I liked the work environment. I was alone in a trailer and just did my thing loading
Good company to work and good benefits
The pay is good Friendly environment Meet lots of new people Managers and team’s members are
helpful when it comes to needing assistance Bonuses!! Two 30 min breaks
great compensation and benefits very fair place to work
Quick application and hiring process. Management will vary from location. But the teams I have
worked with were all positive
Hired a lot of people for COVID to help out and get paid what they believe the minimum wage should
be raised to
Pretty good insurance plans. Upt, pto and vacation start on day one and you don’t have to answer
to anyone to use your time. The employees are humble & hard working people. College courses are
encouraged and paid for by the company after one year of employment. It pays 15-16$ an hour. No
resume or interview required, very easy hiring process.
4 hour shifts. Good for second job or college student.
Co-Workers and managment was awesome
Its very good best after getting out of college.
Plenty of work to keep you busy.
They pay decent enough, try to build you up if you display potential, and help you move up the
3 Days On, 4 Days Off Overtime Opportunities Decent Pay
4 day work weeks are nice, and the starting pay is decent enough while you learn some skills
Amazon INVESTS in its employees and contractors to be the best they can be. The opportunities to
advance careers, participate in all sorts of beta tests and innovative ideas coupled with working with
top-notch people, make it both challenging and rewarding. The leadership principles work.
Lots of training put on your plate
set schedule was nice. I also enjoyed how we got off when we were supposed to.
New Technologies to learn with scale
Lots of opportunity to grow and become part of the management team
Looks good on a resume
Benefits are pretty great, especially if single
Benefits, good basic salary, many over time opportunities.
Good weekly pay, relatively easy job, pretty relaxed atmosphere
Always something to be doing. Very little downtime expect for occasional breaks
Learn from the best Ability to change roles relatively easily Not pigeon-holed based on experience
Attire is casual and friendly environment.
Good wage, flexible hours, good communication
Better pay than most alternatives, room for growth from high turnover
Pay was better for people my age.
Decent money and full benefits
Excellent company values, good place to grow technical knowledge and skills
Great benefits, guaranteed 40 hrs, pays for college, simple job.
Growth learning diversity compensation culture
Independence I was Problem Solver, Damageland Gatekeeper
Ample opportunities to grow and have a flourishing career.
Has good pay and is fun when you know what you doing
Good balance of time off options and very easy to be promoted
hourly pay is good and great place to learn
Generous time off. There are also innumerable areas in which you can become involved at Amazon
such as operations; HR; cloud and internet; Whole Foods and Fresh; IT; Finance. This is only a short
better than the unemployment line
Good benefits Bay Schools assistant PTO UPT vacation time
Great benefits, meritocracy, great pay
It’s not an easy job, because you’re physically moving and working. But it’s a simple job.
You come in and know what to expect everyday. Dont sign up for this job and complain about the
hard labor, you knew that when you sign up, so don’t have your expectations too high.
Pay, stock options, benefits, loose dress code.
15 an hour base with 3 different shift differential (overnight for Thursday, Friday, Saturday (12h shifts)
was 2.50 so I made 17.50 per hour). Overtime if you want to work it.
Very respectful. People are judged based on performance.
Good pay, get a workout in while working
time off good pto and vacation time
Great pay,PTO, and easy to move up
Great benifits pay work life balance
out on your own. nobody walking over you
Easy work Flexible Schedule Great Pay
loved my first building and the energy there
Very nice coworkers on night shift
Good enough pay with benefits.
Friendly environment, easy work, not bad
The pay is fairly good.
Compensation, Benefits, Flexibility, RSUs, Leadership
Stable position, high pay for level, work can be engaging depending on building.
A paycheck directly deposited to your back account.
$15 starting salary with benefits for full-time employees (no qualification/no experience needed).
Overall Amazon was a great job
You get $15 per hour
AWS is a good place to get experience working on large systems. Standards for scalability and
availability are high. Scope is large and it’s easy to find interesting technical challenges if you’re
willing to change teams.
good money and people at my job are very nice
Good solid company with lots of job security.
Tons of growth opportunities within amazon
Friendly people, a lot of hours and understanding
The pay is really nice once you put in work
A lot of autonomy in decision making
Work life balance, you're not micromanaged, and great stock growth
The benefits are really good.
Great management and very professional and family-like environment.
Being an Amazonian its a great opportunity to work around highly skilled and knowledgeable peers.
Great platform to start a career in IT. Very diverse environment, so 100 % you will get chance to
promote yourself and have various options to grow your self in respective fields.
Lots of opportunities to work on
Easy work, Good pay and extra shift pay, many different shifts
Good pay, set schedule, voluntary time off available
You will get high bonuses
Benefits, pay, vacation and flexibility
potential future and nice co workers
Have very good guidelines as leadership principles for rookie engineers to develop herself. Plenty of
opportunities are there to learn skills across the tech stack.
Experience is great for learning to be a Manger
Comp package is top tier.
People are friendly and nice
* Good products & internal tools * Start-up like culture * Namesake stuff: FAANG * Good pay
good pay and benefits, overtime
I like the experience and I got to do dsp driving
1. Flexible work schedule that is hourly for recruiting coordinators: Can work 8 hours in your time
zone as long as you cover 7am-3pm. 2. Because it's "hourly" you get paid weekly and can avoid being
overworked. 3. The benefits are so good because of how huge the company is. 4. I did have a
wonderful team and manager that genuinely cared about me.
A good place to start
Good pay and great people
Meeting new people and working with them
You learn so much and are a part of a great corporate family!
Meeting new people and working with them
You learn so much and are a part of a great corporate family!
good start for new grad, salary is good, good opportunity to learn new things
Good Pay Lots of Walking (if you're into that) Easy Job
Good pay, flexible work environment
good benefits but it was worth it
Great place to work here
Good work environment, plenty of nice ops
Set schedules, good benefits, ability to cross train to different departments if you’re exceptional.
Paid time off, vacantion time, good management(if you are lucky)
Good opportunities to lead large scale ML projects. Good opportunities to grow career
Great on your resume, autonomy
amazing benefits including restricted stocks in the company which is growing at an exponential rate. If
you are looking for experience, this is the place to be. There are tons of opportunities to gain
experience in different fields. As an AM you get a lot of experience dealing with diff people, planning
an operation and learning how to handle curveballs on a daily basis. As a result, it makes you a strong
candidate for future high level positions.
$15 was nice, it was air conditioned
Good pay and flexible for college students
Benefits are better than any other company
slightly above minimum wage in california
Easy job nice environment nice people
Voluntary extra time (VET) offered frequently in case you need extra money Lots of different shifts
and departments available Benefits are good
Moving fast with lots of opportunities
Motivating job and good paying
Smiles everywhere that we go
Lots to do at amazon
The pay is good I guess
Fast paced, and opportunities for growth.
Job, paycheck, cool people, challenging
You will sharpen your knife on skillsets you need and data
Competitive work environment and constant opportunity to learn and innovate
get to work with friends, good pay, chill job
Brilliant minds to work with.
Paid time off Healthcare benefits Good average pay rate starting off
The lead role at standalone locker+ sites is a great place to develop professionally within Amazon. Lots
of opportunity for ownership and projects to improve site operations. You're able to build the
schedule and set expectations for your own team.
opportunity, salary, development, relaxed dress code, schedule
good pay foexible opportunities People Payed lunch
Weekly pay during part time , freedom / no micro -management
Good place to work at
Great work environment. Pretty great leaders.
Get paid every week on Friday
flexibility in work hours and
Weekly Pay of with health benefits.
Experiencing working in a warehouse
Room to innovate and build Smart and hard working people Unified vision, strong culture Stock value
Seasonal remote position. Variety of shifts to choose from. Training was pretty easy and
straightforward. Overtime was offered pretty frequently. All equipment was provided.
Work from home was nice so I didnt have to commute.
THE have Good Benefits for employees
Friendly Environment to work in
It is very flexible, and the environment is usually good. I had work in 3 different stores and enjoyed it
Access to training if you want to gain AWS experience and can find some free time
PTO, Vacation and Good insurance
Fun people and work all the time
No hiring process and good pay
Management is great and they understand needs
Great and healthy culture with ample of growth opportunities
I started at Amazon as an intern right out of university. I've found that there is a culture of learning
and generally supportive coworkers/managers. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and many
opportunities to make an impact, while this could be exhausting, the benefit is that you will rarely be
left feeling like your job doesn't matter or that your just doing "busy work". Another pro is that there's
a culture of candid feedback amongst management that helps you grow and learn, not wondering
how you are doing.
Competitive starting pay for AAs. Career advancement and benefits After the Tier 3 PA position is
wonderful! Senior management is truly inspirational (at my warehouse).
Great things to learn as a software developer
Decent pay for the job, great health benefits, lots of Time off available. Flexible shifts
Recruiting, company values, community, opportunities for movement within
Great things to learn as a software developer
Decent pay for the job, great health benefits, lots of Time off available. Flexible shifts
Recruiting, company values, community, opportunities for movement within
there are some pros but i wouldnt know
You have an Amazon work app that lets you access everything from requesting time off to requesting
Employees are not micro-managed. The ability to pick up extra shifts and overtime, pending shipping
needs. The ability to learn additional skills and take on various roles throughout the process.
Work is interesting and the pace of amazon keeps the progress exciting
Decent Pay Loved coworkers Flexible schedule Choose own hours
Good pay, flexible, nice environment
smart and hard working teammate
Fast paced, quick development and growth, autonomous, exposed to many areas of HR
If your wiling to roll up your sleeves and work long hours this place is incredible. so much opportunity
to move lateral and up several levels. Bonus first 2 years, then 80% of your stock kicks in.
Great learning opportunities from many talented designers. Also, good place to learn various business
Good pay Active Fun Energetic Benefits
Benefits, pay, convenience of app
Nothing at all run away
Weekly pay OT PTO Straight forward, repetitive
It's a great place to network and meet other EHS professionals. Great place for entry work.
Great place to work. Very flexible and also benefit
• Everyone is very patient and helpful while training you. • Have very strict rules on workplace
safety and harassment to ensure everyone stays safe. • You get Paid Time, Unpaid Time, and
Vacation Time Off. • There are opportunities for Voluntary Extra Time and Voluntary Time Off.
Benefits Decent Pay Able to grow with the company
Great career growth opportunity for sure
The pros are it’s good pay
Benefits are better than any other company
Benefits, stocks, safety culture, generosity
Good company to work for
caring team and creative work environment
Benefits are amazing for families
Fast paced nice people very good
Flexible shifts days hours areas
Benefits are amazing for families
Fast paced nice people very good
Flexible shifts days hours areas
Great benefits, the balance of work and life, and plenty of resources
This job be making u some decent pay
Leadership Principles, Scope of work, Easy internal movements
Can be very rewarding if you enjoy working with many different types of people. Even as a young
recent college graduate, I was given the tools and opportunity to make the job my own and develop
my own management style.
huge career development opportunity in a short space of time
Strong engineering driven culture with highly skilled coworkers and leadership.
Some AWS services have very interesting problems in distributed systems and scale.
culture, compensation, benefits, health insurance
Health care, FMLA Support, new projects, worked with interesting people around the world
Lots of room to grow Lots of opportunity across multiple business units Great company values
1. Really exciting projects, dont think any company has these many options. 2. Smart people 3. Caring
managers (there are some bad apples but I had 3 out 3 great experiences) 4. Good comp (poor
benefits but stocks make up for it) 5. ton of opportunities to change job families and teams
You get paid every Friday.
Work life balance and salary rates
The work is challenging and fun.
It was good time good pay
work alone and have to organize your own time
Consistent work, great environment, good pay, and lots of bathroom breaks
Career improvement and good compensation
benefits, flexibility, schedule, pay, location
Simple work for almost 20 an hour.
The pay was well, and they adjusted my schedule in terms of school
Learn a lot, innovation keeps you fast pace
It's an easy job as long as you are ok with a lot of walking
good pay, isolated, work at good pace
Benefits are better than average.
Chill, laid-back, easy, good side gig
The pay is comparable to other warehouse jobs
Good place to work. Depends if you gain trust in management and PA'S. If you work hard and show
your strength and willingness to do your job they have your back. If you have a bad day tell your
manager he or she will do the best they can to resolve the issue.
Hard work and good stuff
Excellent pay and benefits, and culture
I have enjoyed every day
Benefits are cheap and discount is good
Supply Chain Management Textbook Environment.
Pay, flexibility, people, challenging work
Good pay, you’re left alone as long as you do your job.
Very good pay and flexibility
Good Pay and Benefits too!
Easy job once 3days off unless MET
Fun people, fast pace, lots of benefits
Environment, opportunity, growth, always day 1
Pay, benefits, job , pto, management
Pay. I wouldn’t say that the pay is good or bad, but I do think that certain positions should be
better compensated given the role(s) they handle. Opportunity for career advancement. However,
there are some people I know who work their tails off everyday and still aren’t recognized for it.
Lots of upskilling opportunities and tools for employees to expand knowledge
PTO, Vacation, PPE provided, upward mobility, AMs and PAs are receptive if you tell them you want to
do more
filled with nice people to work with
Relatively quick hiring process, simple work
Good team good money Great learning experience
Flexibility, great people, pay, work hard.
Good money good benefits move positions fast
Respectable benefits within the company
Pay Benefits Casual atmosphere Good people Casual and no uniform
Great Benefits Good Pay Great work/life balance
I loved my coworkers and it wasn’t that hard of a job
Lots of hours, almost unlimited overtime during busy season, periodic bonuses
Good pay for unskilled labor, great benefits, lots of voluntary OT
Good pay, great benefits, gets you in shape
Working with smart people and great resources, good name recognition in the industry.
consistent schedule and some overtime
Good pay for the work that you do
VTO - Random food days. Co-Workers Vacation Time
I have seen people sleep and avoid work and get paid the same as people who do work.
you'll get three days off. Also get alot of pto and vto
4 day work week, weekly pay
You will learn about creative operation and presentation
Good amount of work and good salary
Lots of opportunity to learn new things
great benefits, multiple time off options
Good amount of work and good salary
Lots of opportunity to learn new things
great benefits, multiple time off options
Alot of vaction and paid off
Empowered, fast paced, meaningful, well paid
Awesome place to wrok at amazon
Flexibility in schedule. Lots of opportunities for time off or extra time.
Good pay hours are flexibility
Shifts are super flexible so it works around your schedule
The leadership roles are challenging yet rewarding, there’s so much room to grow your career
Decent pay, good team, good manager. Very convenient to work from home. All equipment provided.
Clear metrics, very clear communication about job performance. It's fun to help people.
It had great Time Management
They pay good 15$/ hour
Grow Quickly with motivated teammates
Comp is good Will always be learning new things
Infinite opportunity. Great place to learn.
Decent pay, A-Z app, Seeing new products
You have the option of extra overtime
8 weeks of training as an external hire!!! Made me fee really valued
go away please for the love of god
Create your own schedule and the salary is nice.
I really love working for Amazon. The vast majority of people are super friendly and helpful, it's a
piece of cake being hired on for good pay, shift differentials are common for various shifts or days,
and there are plenty of ways to move up in the company and make a career. They take COVID-19
seriously. They give out free things often--treats, hoodies, reusable COVID masks, shirts, and work
shoes via Zappos. Free coffee every shift. The work is physically-intensive but doable, even for a very
tiny woman like myself. It's like getting paid to exercise. They go out of their way to recognize and
appreciate employees who do the work and do it well. There are more than a handful of ways to
request time off if you need it, so you'll never have to work more than you want to (a plus for part-
timers or those in school). Despite Amazon being such a huge company, business communication is
common and clear and appreciation is often communicated and felt. The most appreciative company I
have ever worked for.
Lots Of Overtime If You Want It. They Will Teach You If You Want To Learn.
Flexible hours, nice pay, good exercise
Potential room for advancement if you have the drive to move within the warehouse. Can learn
different trades and positions but, must be willing to work hard with little pay until you reach to
management level.
Nice benefits and overtime pay
Benefits, 4 day work week
Staff, pay, site, lunch, 401k
Benefits Ability to create Meet a lot of great people
Amazon is great for forward thinkers and leaders.
Pay increases the longer you stay Health benefits
easy work, good hours, lots of time off
No customer service Pay is pretty good for how easy it is Overtime offered
Good Compensation Flexible Remote Work
You work with awesome people. You cover a lot of territory and end up taking on a lot of
responsibility. This works great for some people. Personally, I love it. The expectations are high, so
there's pressure and some stress, but it's the best place to learn and grow your skills. The pay is
awesome. Time off is meh. Health coverage is pretty good. My manager and team have been pretty
nice. Most people I've met here have been pretty solid. Some people are curt and straight business,
but that's fine with me
independence, good mentorships, can work on my own schedules
Good benefits and insurance and paid time off/vacation
I have a great team
best place to work able to get CDL through
Good benefits and insurance and paid time off/vacation
I have a great team
best place to work able to get CDL through
Good benefits and managers are understanding.
People, great culture and customer focus.
good opportunity and easy to commute to
Great pay...good benefits...can work from home
good pay and benefits too
Good healthcare that starts right away
The jobs themselves are pretty good jobs to end up with ... like the literal job The benefits and pay are
Amazing work environment to grow
The money is what kept me
The have a very Good pay
I really really liked it
I liked everything about it
Good pay and hours. No cons
Basically paying you to walk
Work schedule's don't change, get holiday's off for every worker
Expanding which creates alot of opportunities to move up.
Time off and benefits are pretty good. The warehouses are climate controlled.
Stocks, training, salary, benefits, hard workers
Well, the pay is good
Flexible schedule Easy tasks Good pay for no interview
Varying schedules to work with.
Quality and variety of work is excellent
There is a lot to learn everyday.
Decent pay and good benefits
Great benefits great company. I'm very proud of the opportunity at Amazon
You get paid really well at Amazon and are surrounded by some of the best and brightest talent
Big name company, you get head hunted from a lot of other companies
Decent starting wage, good benefits, multiple shift schedule opportunities, overtime opportunities
Decent pay and only 4 day work weeks.
Salaery, stock options, on-hands on many AWS tools, good management (depends team to team)
The pay. The overtime hour.
Money opportunity career job money
Good management, decent pay, bonuses
Good pay and growth opportunities
Easy, well-payed, flexible, easy to get
Good pay, great team members
Good pay and growth opportunities
Easy, well-payed, flexible, easy to get
Good pay, great team members
The pay is really good
Good place good place good
I like the Work/Life balance.
Great benefits, easy, flexible, extremely easy, a lot of downtime, training opportunities
Good benefits, laid back office culture in some teams
Good support and good tools
Good career start option. If you are good with management you can do wonders.
Good salary and stocks, dynamic work
Weekly pay Good pay The pay Paycheck Money Checks
great insurance, pay better than competitors
Culture, inclusion, learning, customer interaction, inventing something new.
Could learn a lot, grow fast, iterate fast
Working with great people on hard problems is great. Some of the employee perks like the company
shuttle are great.
Great PTO time and 3 days off every week
easy job good benefits somewhat flexible with schedule
The pay and benefits is good.
You get to choose your own hours (first come, first serve basis), friendly co-workers, anonymity,
rewarded for work or meeting scan rates (swag bucks, kindle devices). App that serves as a base site
for requesting schedule changes, time off, picking up additional shifts, and taking voluntary time off.
If you're just looking for a job to grind at to make money while you figure out what your long term
career plans are; I definitely recommend working here. The pay is fair for the low stress level of the
work, and the benefits are fair as well. I wish there were was a little more time off offered, but I can't
say that the amount they give you is unreasonable. There's also a lot of diversity there, which I love.
You get to work with people from lots of different backgrounds.
Usually get to work four days a week. get a good amount of PTO, good benefits
Everything and just about everything
good teamwork, benefits, salary, safety
Consistent daily tasks Good Management Reasonable physical demand
Benefits , you’ll get 40 hours per week, pto - maybe vto (voluntary time off)
Data-oriented company Great coworkers Opportunities for pretty much everyone since it's so huge
Able to learn and improve skills quickly
Pays well and there are often opportunities to work on interesting projects.
healthcare day one hourly wage higher than state minimum always same days working and off
Easy work and good music sometimes
Career growth, smart people, top tech setup
It's like being at the gym and getting paid
Benefits, steady hours, opportunities to learn and grow
Job is not hard at all
Time off is very flexible
Easy work and keeps you moving.
Work with very ambitious people
A place where you can sharpen your both hard and soft skills
benefits are good. Great team to work with
good pay, opens new doors
No micromanagement. easy but physical
Meet new people, staff are nice , building is clean Good pay .
Overtime, kind management, flexible schedules. Lots of opportunities to move up.
Flexible working schedule for college student
Work is great People are great Location is great Challenging problems are fun
Several opportunities to move to different job functions if you work well as an associate
Good Pay Time off Ability to work independently
good name for resume, decent package
good because i made money
flexible work environment, lots of growth opportunities, huge resume booster
Pay and Benefits Learn leadership skills
Many developmental and career growth opportunities
Fast Development and has a good future for you
self explanatory get in do your job leave different hours for flexibility decent pay
Flexible Schedule, No Long Shifts
Great minds, pace of work, loads of great internal opportunities
High Pay Nice coworkers Somewhat good parking Benefits
Good salary and easy tasks.
It’s a good place to work
great co-workers, challenging work, I had a good manager
Good benefits, mostly room for advancement, etc...
Just awesome Just awesome Just awesome
Pay, shifts, and promotion opportunities
People I work with are nice other than couple
Resources are available to learn any skill and develop. Teams are very encouraging when employees
want to explore moving teams.
It was a great company to work for
Steady hours and fairly easy job.
Work as a strong team
It was a great company to work for
Steady hours and fairly easy job.
Work as a strong team
Really phenomenal place to find opportunities to grow as a dynamic leader. If you wanted space to
grow it was always there.
Smart people, fun, huge projects
It’s fun great people to work with
Good way to start a professional life.
Pay and options to move in the company. Great if you are just getting out of college and need
Health benefits, paid time off, vacation, unpaid time. Easy job but varies in each department.
I think it's wonderful place to work.
The benefits are pretty good
Pay is decent, job is easy
Good environment to work in. Good pay & Benefits.
(1) salary is good (2) interview not hard (3) hiring a lot of people
Cant think of any pros
Not a lot of pros to this job.
Competitive compensation Good possibilities to move within the organization and do different things.
Growing fast and lots of learning Innovation all the way
Good pay. Learn lots of things quickly.
Good lateral opportunities that will develop you
I thought it was an easy job. Great benefits
Lots of opportunities and projects to work on
You may have a positive experience if you luck out and land a great manager.
Friendly environment, great benefits, amazon will pay 95% of education fee once you’ve been
with them for a year and more
There are lots of positions/departments/teams at AWS, so just to be clear: I work for AWS Support as
a Support Engineer. You learn a lot here if you accept the challenge. Incredibly fast paced, see every
possible use case for the services you work and have the opportunity to learn new services. You will
never sit idle, there is plenty to do!
Outstanding Pay Minimal effort required Set schedule Overtime No uniform policy Stock and cash
Great place to work at
Affordable benefits You can take time off without talking to management
Money is decent, not difficult work, might make some friends
Huge company and can be easy to move to a location that you want.
help you thoroughly understand what the task at hand is
i get 20 percent of my hourly rate in benefits
Independence, get exercise, and seeing new places
4-day shifts 3-day weekends i health insurance
Metrics-driven, opportunities to learn, really uphold leadership principles, fast pace, fun atmosphere,
very employee and customer-focused
Will push you to 110%
Pay is pretty decent not bad
Easy Money and little work
Benefits are nice very inclusive
Amazing benefits, great pay, stocks vesting every six months!
Learning good ream ops learning
rich, high salary, good, brilliant
benefits for AA and the rest of the ops team
Good Pay, Decent Benefit, 3 Days weekend
Amazon invests in their employee and teaches you how to improve yourself!
Same schedule, same pay, reliable
Tons of opportunity for advancement and great managers
the pay is pretty good
Great pay, benefits, stock options. Easily move to different roles within the company if you put in a bit
of time and show your worth. I seriously think there are just about endless opportunities here, and
you really control your own destiny here.
Great pay and schedule, have fun and good benefits
Fun atmosphere to work in
Great opportunity to jump straight into responsibility and advance quickly.
Flexible work schedules and hours.
Amazon’s leadership principles are legit and are applied every day as part of the decision making
framework. Everyone is constantly trying to replace subjective opinions with objective data-derived
opinions and as a result even and L4 SDE can influence a design discussion involving an L7 Principal
engineer. Work is structured around teams and everyone on your team including your manager is
there to support you and share their knowledge. Amazon is solving huge problems and the work is
super interesting.
Nice place to work with cool environment
it's a good job and pay is good
Written culture and Data Driven
Good for introverts and people with good backs.
Lacking diversity in leadership ranks
Good pay and job schedule
Good for introverts and people with good backs.
Lacking diversity in leadership ranks
Good pay and job schedule
They have great Benefits there
This job keeps you moving- especially if you are a picker. The work is fun and can be competitive-
especially if you like to compete against yourself (improving pick rate, etc.) A lot of diversity amongst
staff- a lot of comradery if you're social- but if you're not social, it's a great place to clock-in, do your
job, clock-out and go about your day. I love this job.
Work with smart and talented people
It’s good and descent. Lots to learn
None. I can’t think of any pros.
-Best place I've ever worked -Benfits are great! -You're always learning and it's always Day 1. -Great
Flexibility, Benefits, Training, Exercise, Mobility
$15 an hour and consistent schedule
The best job but it'll cost
Nice campus, everything in proximity.
Good benefits, fair pay and close to home
Always getting free shirts or other Amazon swag
Great benefits Not overly difficult Decent work/life balance
Find good team will help you grow
Lots of forward looking long term projects which push the envelope of what's possible.
Easy to earn personal time flexible schedule and work at home
Smart people around to work with. Very focussed on delivery, so we end up learning on delivering.
Lots of forward looking long term projects which push the envelope of what's possible.
Easy to earn personal time flexible schedule and work at home
Smart people around to work with. Very focussed on delivery, so we end up learning on delivering.
Good for those who already good at coding.
Super easy to do but you will definitely run into some obstacles on the road. The pay is good at the
beginning Month incentives
Benefits are the best Vacation is great Paid time off Shift trades Overtime
Good staff at the CMH2 location. Good benefits. Opportunities for extra pay.
Pays wkly Good workout Good for introverts Pretty good benefits
You get to work outside.
Pays me by the hour
Supportive team, quick ladder to move up
Good company pays a lot
The culture drives innovation and growth. Really something that's for me. 2 month project at Amazon
= 1 year project with different company.
Great money, hire quickly, pto
great place to work at
Great medical benefits, easy work, dont have to deal with the public, laid-back environment
You will work on new & tough problems that have big scope and scalability. You are expected to learn
on your own and make your own path. Expectation is enormous without much guidance so you end
up learning ALOT! Take that as advantage and rotate roles internally as much as possible.
The pay is decent and the staff in the warehouse are nice.
Nice pay and benefits for employees
if you are a quick learner you can grow easily and quickly. after 30 days working you can apply to go to
other areas of the facilities.
Learnings, knowledge, skills, career, experience
Teammates interesting work use their company
They are great to work
Lots of hours and easy to learn to pick
-$15/hr -Choose any time to work as long as you meet 15 hr requirement/month -Build useful skills
Great career growth, hard but rewarding work, work with really smart people. Lots of career
opportunities to move into other market segments.
*Generous Benefits *Paid Time-Off, Vacation and Unpaid Time
Get to learn about building scalable systems, and operational excellence. You will probably work on
software that affects very large systems, or a lot of customers.[
work life balance is very good
fun place to work, good coworkers
Good Time table and salary
Great glad to be there at amazon
This is currently my new job after college and I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity.
More intellectually stimulating than Inbound/Outbound Less Heavy Lifting (still have to carry some
All employees are set to excel
Pays well as well as great benefits
good pay hired quick no questions asked (basically)
They have good benefits pay is ok
Above minimum wage Flexible schedules No experience needed
Lots of possibilities to find your niche. Networking across the country. Availability to explore new
ideas and room to have open discussions.
Above minimum wage Flexible schedules No experience needed
Lots of possibilities to find your niche. Networking across the country. Availability to explore new
ideas and room to have open discussions.
Pays well Good career trajectory, promotion doesnt seem all that difficult
You have great job security there
good people great place and stuff
great welfare package and benefits, very diverse work environment
Very flexible and can schedule from your phone
Amazon helps with tuition, if you decide you want to love up within the company Amazon is a great
place to move up with no degrees.
Scope, engineering standards, technical competence
Friendly employees and fast onboarding
The salary and stock options are good.
There aren't any unless you've been looking to join a cult that values meaningless monotony disguised
as "Leadership Principles" in a void of red-tape and a new manager every 3-6 months to disguise the
fact that no one really knows what's going on.
Plenty to learn and can excel if on the right team. Meaning that your manager cares of about your
You make decent money and meet a lot of new people
excellent services. very receptive and good listener
Career development and leadership skills.
Work was fairly decent and easy
Benefits and pay are good
Growth Opportunities Working with different business partners Create your own projects to better
the site
Decent salary, learning and growth opportunity
The co-workers are pretty great, and smart.
If you’re self driven, motivated, team player and can grasp concepts when explained to you the
opportunity is massive.
Flexibility, friendly environment, challenging, feels like you're getting paid to work out.
Good pay, good hours,friendly coworkers
Easy shifts of role in different orgs
Okay salary. Plenty of shift hours to choose from
If you need money do it
Paid time off good benefits and flexible hours
Leisure time you can work at your own pace Do-able amount of work Easy
It's so team dependent. Good people are good
Leisure time you can work at your own pace Do-able amount of work Easy
It's so team dependent. Good people are good
You get to clock in and out from phone, & covid testing is done on site
flex schedule, different types of positions you can do after a year.
Good pay, easy shifts, not a lot of requirements.
Pay and easy hire no interview
Benefits, flexible schedule, 401k, stocks
Benefits, VTO, PTO, UPT, and vacation time
set schedule pretty nice and
OK health insurance coverage costs
Flexible, In control of your time. Able to work overtime if needed.
Interviewer are really nice and will discuss the question with you. Interaction is great
Good pay, and you probably won't find yourself working more than 40 hours per week as a software
engineer, at least in Alexa. But don't underestimate how much of your energy that 40 hours per week
can take
Great position, Lots of hours, chances for overtime of $22.50 an hour
Good work life balance, interesting work
good and easy to get rank up
Amazing culture and learning is great
Good pay and benefits, people are kind and management is very responsive.
Fast pace great pay alone all night
Really good pay compared to the 8$ minimum usually everywhere else
Very fair wage scale, great entry level pay for no experience! Within 2 years of employment I've
already made $3 more an hour totaling $18 an hour. With plenty of room to grow and opportunity to
move forward and upward with the company to gain other experience that is beneficial to my goals in
Pay is very good, provide full benefits after a certain time of working for them & overtime is always
Benefits it’s good and it’s full time
Hourly wage allows for lots of overtime
None, there only to get a paycheck
Great money, great benefits and nice management.
Great management, helpful friendly staff, help you get ahead within the company or outside of the
I have great health and dental insurance.
Good pay, solid benefits for part time, easy to learn
Good pay and weekly pay
Multiple days off a week
I get to work on my own time.
Mindless work Low people contact in certain positions
Great company to work for
It’s a good in between job if you are looking to transition into another field and just need money
for the time being. If you are younger and have the time to wait in order to move up because it is a
slow process. I wouldn’t recommend starting off as a FC associate
good pay and a easy job that you only have to work 3 days a week
Great benefits and the job is very easy
the working environment is really good
Growth opportunities, smart people, fast paced
Good pay and Benefits for the type of work
Worked with my school schedule, paid weekly
80 hours unpaid time per year and 80 hours of paid time off (160 to not be there) free life and dental.
$9 per week extra for health savings on your check, make your own schedule, weekly pay. You
don’t feel like working? Just removed yourself from the schedule and use your time off. Very easy
work, weekly pay. Start out at $16 hour I believe. Always offer $15 & $10 hour Shift diff at busy times.
You can take 3 weeks or more off at a time “short break† for health reasons or something you
need off for such as family illness or whatever. You can train for any position. Fun environment CVG9
Fun environment with lots of people to interact with.
Work by yourself. Take breaks whenever you want. Listen to your music all day.
Hours are guaranteed, system is easy to use for time off, vacation, scheduling.
Great people and flexible hours
flexible hours and great benefits
a lot of fun and flexible
Good place to learn and grow your skillset
Tons of innovation and a lot to learn.
You get a chance to learn new things.
When I worked at the amazon warehouse, I recalled the experience was outstanding. The work labor
could be intense if you're old or very short though. All we did was stow packages, scan, organize
boxes, carts, and deliver/check out flex drivers. The job was simple. I was sticky from sweating at the
end of every shift though!
Pay every week and can work overtime
I really can't think of anything good
If you like working by yourself, this job is perfect.
Good benefits, great people, decent pay
Perks, company time off and bonus
Great learning experience, Good Team, Good Compensation
Great learning experience, Good Team, Good Compensation
lots of shift options available
Working at Amazon has financial benefits including 401k, healthcare, and opportunities to work up
the job ladder within the company.
Great Flexibility with Internal Transfers
Good benefits, room for growth
Great company to work for and great benefits.
Good place to learn distribution operations
Benefits were excellent and the pay was consistent.
Learning the ins and outs (well, what you can glean from your time there) of one of the world's best
and most uniquely successful company; comprehensive onboarding program, excellent pay and
Decent amount of time off
Good pay and benefits I guess
Set schedule and good benefits
Easy work if you like driving.
Benefits, Team work, opportunities to grow up
Cross training in various parts of the business
growth opportunities, career advancement a lot if locations
If you love challenges and value inclusion, and diversity that’s a great company to work for.
Opportunities to learn and grow, as well as opportunity to network. Opportunity to impact!
Always something to do to keep you busy.
the pay is not too bad.
good pay but that's it
You get to choose your own shifts so very flexible
Great opportunity to grow and find a challenge at a global level
I work in Last Mile Tech on the mobile application used by 350K+ drivers worldwide across dozens of
Amazon programs - Strong compensation (salary, sign-on bonus, stock) - WW user base at
unbelievable scale (and growing) - Strong belief and application of leadership principles - Mostly data-
driven decision making
Good pay, lots of opportunities
Great company to work for!
Great for learning how to manage large groups of people and understand/grow in an operational role.
nice co-workers to work with
great work environment in my opinion.
PTO, Decent Management, Co-Workers are okay, Wow
great company to work for
Amazon is generally a great place to work, though your experience may differ substantially from team
to team - even within the same division. Comp is strong compared to rest of the country (though in
Seattle, probably not high enough), and the people working there are generally very high quality and
Good work and learning. Leadership style is great.
lots of hours decent pay but should be raised
Nice place to work. Building is clean get to meet different people
Good Benefits, Good Pay, Good Co-workers, Helpful, etc.
Collaborative, challenging, helping companies succeed
The pay is it - Pro Negitive is everything else
Collaborative, challenging, helping companies succeed
The pay is it - Pro Negitive is everything else
15/hr benefits and other atuff
It’s a job that pays
Good place to work and learn
Pay Opportunity to move up (if you kiss butt)
Decent pay, worked with nice people
Pros 4 days on 3 days off decent pay benifits
Full time, Stable Good pay management lets you get by
If you’re interested in making decent money, it’s not bad.
pick your own times, only have to work three times of month to keep it
Flexibility is great for college students
Decent pay and work isn’t hard
This was a reasonable job that felt Creatively stimulating.
GREAT company to work for
Fixed schedule and fixed income
Nice place to grow and learn
A lot of areas can work on
1) Operation Managers care (depending where you work). 2) get tons of UPT, PTO, VTO and Vacation
if it’s available. 3) Benefits aren’t bad 4) You choose your shifts, tons of VET available
depending on the time of the year. Definitely all year of 2020 and probably into 2021. 5) keep to
yourself if you’d like. Main job is scanning for the most part if your working inside of a warehouse.
They will offer to train you in different areas of the building if you’d like! 6) Amazon is consistently
cleaning their buildings cause of COVID-19. 7) Work and have fun while doing it!
same 4 days a week
I love the people and the culture! Not to mention the autonomy they give you to be creative and
embrace two-way door decision making.
Pay People you meet Robots Health insurance Benefits
Only in desperation should you take this job.
I like it needs more hours
Good benefits and smart people
You will get the time you need if in peak season.
Flexible, remote, independent, locations throughout the world
Work life harmony, challenging problems to solve, great people
Good hourly pay, holiday pay, and occasional bonuses.
competitive environment pushes you to learn
Intelligent people at the company
easy going good management team
pay benefits friends fun easy
This is an easy Job
Flexible shifts $15/hr Good exercise Easy work
You always have something to do and you are moving all the time. It’s great exercise and if you
work the night shift you can listen to music. They also offer a lot of opportunities to work extra and
make more money.
Finding good products at Amazon
There's is plenty of opportunities at amazon if you have the drive and never give up
*Amazon benefits *Personalized schedule *Paid Time Off *Great coworkers *Relaxed Environment
There's is plenty of opportunities at amazon if you have the drive and never give up
*Amazon benefits *Personalized schedule *Paid Time Off *Great coworkers *Relaxed Environment
Great Brand Name, Excellent People
Its a Good Company to work
Good pay for area Challenging Work
Very flexible hour, good pay
It is good money for a job that’s so easy to get
Not hard at all most of the time.
Found there to be lots of independence in the work, a strong ability to make an impact and grow,
high-quality software, and the team I'm on has a more relaxed culture.
Good pay for entry level jobs
Loved the management and people I worked with.
Pay and benefits and schedule.
Learn from experienced and knowledgeable peers.
I hear every building is different but my current building you have freedom to make decisions (for the
most part) you aren’t micro managed. The over-all process are really neat and are enjoyable if you
like a warehouse environment
Great benefits, convenience of taking time off, reliable, consistent employment
Amazon's programs were very efficient
the work and people are good
I learn a lot there
Plenty of options and routes for improvement.
Great Company to work for
Plenty of options and routes for improvement.
Great Company to work for
Love it! Great place to work.
Amazon is great place to work`
good pay fun extreme long
Everyone is friendly the work is easy.
Always something to do. Great place to move up and move around in the company if that's what you
Good time off hours and the managers are all nice
You get hours for time off
shift, steady work, good pay
Good place to work at
Best work culture in the industry, easy to change teams, lots to learn every day
The pay is really nice, there is always overtime available. You only work 4 days a week.
Salary and bonus, benefits and experience
Great place to work with dedicated work hours 40 hours a week. A lot of benefits and friendly
Pretty good quality of life being able to have down time once you are done with the duties you have
for the hour.
Working four out of seven days Good holiday pay Good wage
Salary and health benefits -
The ability to rotate within the organization allows you to find the right fit.
A wonderful work/life balance along with nice compensation and benefits.
Benefits Career opportunities Opportunity to earn more with Voluntary Extra Time
schedule options are avalible everyday
Good benefits Organization Trusted company Colleagues Open doors
Working with modern technologies, smart engineers, and great pay/benefits.
Simple work Good pay Overtime Flexible hours Career opportunity within the company
Amazon pays well and if you get on the right team it can be great
weekly paycheck; great paid time off; no workplace drama
Good learning opportunity, career growth
Nicely compensated, very great experience working here
good stock options and flexibility
Nicely compensated, very great experience working here
good stock options and flexibility
Good pay Easy to understand
It’s alright, pays me well
Good compensation, room for career advancement
Great flexibility Great benefits Paid time off
Fast paced. Fun. Good hours
Ability to move up quickly flexibility with locations
Promotion opportunity is great at Amazon
Get to work with bright people
It’s a good job go apply
Benefits, work/life balance, fair pay
Lots of benefits and recognition if you do well
The pay is not bad
They have a good pay
Alot of potential to work more hours
Work from home during COVID
Experience at Amazon is heavily team dependent, so if you get lucky with a good team, it’s a great
work experience to learn a lot and grow fast
Compensation is solid, with hard work being rewarded
The job isn't hard to do (literally the dame routine each day), sometimes we get bonuses, they alert
you every time someone catches Covid (I really appreciated that), discounts, certain transportation
(depending on the time you worked).
Great Pay, Great Logistics, Weekly Pay, Bonuses
Benefits and 4 work week
The benefits are amazing starting on day 1. I worked there for the IVF benefit and only paid my
deductible and out of pocket costs for meds, pgs testing, one egg retrieval and 2 transfers. The work is
what it is. Go in, met your numbers and go home. The numbers can be unrealistic sometimes and the
mandatory overtime got exhausting doing it for almost a whole year with covid going on but I was
there for a reason so I made it work.
There are many different tasks for you to do within the warehouse at Amazon. The diversity is wide
and the co-workers (for me at least) are fun to talk to and very determined to get the job done.
Benefits, 4 day work schedule
Nice pay for college student pretty easy
Good pay, flexible schedule, weekly paid
You could learn a lot with high pressure
the hiring process is easy for warehouse associates the base pay is great the work environment is
Lots of learning comes fast
Benefits and lots of opportunities
you can work by yourself and pace
Pay is good, benefits are good, company is good, flexibility is good.
-Work with smart people -Casual dress code -Flexible working hours -Work (depending on
projects/tasks) -Open workspace -Management (if you get a good manager) If you get onto a good
team, this can be a great workplace, but if you get onto a "bad" team you may not be happy at all.
Internal transfer is always welcomed.
Great pay, health benefits, ocassional engagement activities
good environment , fun people, easy work kinda
Lots of resources, smart people to be around
shift, starting pay and benefits
Employees are easy to get along with.
have the opportunity to learn more
Manager-dependent, they can make or break you
Have a lot of benefits and extra time to work
HR is almost completely automated, so requesting time off is easy. Healthcare is pretty good (by US
standards lol). They'll hire just about anybody.
good management, opportunity for overtime
I like the decision framework at Amazon, the true sense of ownership, and mostly the fact that
product managers actually dictate what to build
Benefits, Active environment, Stock purchase, Education opportunities and Promotability
Great benefits Lots of optional unpaid time off Opportunities to advance for those that pursue them
Good starting wage, considering the experience needed.
Freedom to take on projects and execute them how you want within policy.
Good benefits and all the hours you want
Benefits are good, pay is ok for being directly out of school
Good pay and great benefits
There are no pros of this place
driven coworkers, cool products and access to department leaders
dental Cheap snacks career growth.
The job is fast paced and management is very easygoing
Good work culture and great exposure
work from home, good health care
Visibility, Tech Leader, Dogs at Work,
They pay for your cdl
Visibility, Tech Leader, Dogs at Work,
They pay for your cdl
Learning a lot. Getting to work on a lot of projects.
The job road of opportunities is limitless.
Fast paced and challenging. Opportunities for advancement. Treated fairly.
Diversity in tech stack. Each org works as a startup
Flexible hours, Decent pay, Steady work shift.
The pay is the only thing that is good!
A good benefit package Competitive salary and benefits with other major tech companies.
Smart coworkers Fast paved Innovation Customer focused
good excellent great wow nice
Smart people that encourage you
Solid atmosphere that offers flexibility
Pay, Benefits, Casual dress code
Opportunity to earn alot of money
pay is pretty good imo
Diverse crew, good pay, good support.
Good pay and flexible shifts.
Better compared to minimum wage jobs Easy to use and manage time off
flexibility, benefits, work atmosphere, co workers
lots of benefits to be had
Amazon offers fair entry-level compensation for their workers and a well-structured schedule in which
workers can consistently follow.
Some of the most intelligent people you'll ever work with.
Pay is good, Overtime available, 3 breaks over a 10 hr period, holiday pay, and good benefits
Good work-life balance overall. Nice base salary
AMAZING opportunity for growth Great people Good pay for this kind of job 4 days a week for most
days of the year
Learn along with top talent in field of engineering and research
High quality teammates, culture of innovation
Amazon healthcare benefits and stocks
Only benefits! and you will get treated like garbage over them.
Amazing pay, fast paced, and fun with the right people
Learn to be a leader quickly
Lot of opportunities to gather experience in different areas
Pay was ok but could be much better
its ok, good benefits and whatnot
fun happy friends good work
I cant think of any at the moment
Good Overtime Nice co workers
Stocks are doing very well
Good HR and support staff
Lots of opportunity to grow here, at Amazon.
Infinite opportunities. Pay is good and plenty of benefits. Learning a lot. Friendly culture.
Work with smart people. Learn best standards in the industry.
Quick Cash Good hours Nice people to work with good atmosphere Easy work conditions
Great place to learn everyday, career growing
Easy hiring process No previous skills necessary Decent pay Some benefits Get paid to get in shape
Great training, very friendly peers and a lot of support from them. Managers always looking to
improve and help lower level workers move up at Amazon. Lots of room to grow!
security with a progressive company
Great at promoting people that succeed, full of intelligent people, a great place to learn, full of
opportunities to invent things
1) Lot of smart people to work with 2) cutting edge technology, good place to learn new stuff
Good pay, flexible, great benefits, extra hours
Salary, perks, and allowances. Great workplace
With great management and a go get 'em attitude you can get pretty far when launching a new site. I
absolutely loved my job for the first 3 years but not at all in my 4th and last. I moved up quickly and
was involved in every possible committee and opportunity given. I trained, traveled, taught and
learned. It was very fulfilling and I accomplished a lot.
Good environment, good people, teamwork is a plus
Great team and culture. Still feel like it’s my Day1.
Pay Days off Break are long Vacation Great people
Work with bright, ambitious people at the largest cloud provider around.
The Leadership Principles are amazing guides to personal and career growth.
Fast pace, teamwork, learning every day.
The company has great benefits, the positions give you a chance you showcase you leadership skills.
Relaxed work environment, decent benefits.
Large company with many locations close by
You get to have a flexible schedule and a lot of overtime opportunities
Incredible opportunity to Working can continuous improvement projects as well as leadership
Stocks, Decent Pay to Start
Work at your convenient time
Great exciting products and satisfaction of working that has a huge scale
Tons of opportunities and room to make a path for yourself
Flexible shifts, plenty of time off options weather it be paid time off, unpaid time off, or voluntary
time off, and vacation. Definitely keeps you moving, think of it like getting paid to go to the gym.
Benefits are very good for the pay, and they have 401k opportunity and a direct stock purchase plan.
Great benefits, continued learning opportunities, help pay for college.
great mechanism culture that create transparency on how to work, culture, goals, ownership etc Most
transparent promotion process that I have seen in my career Huge company so able to move around a
lot and learn a lot from the way different teams operate Great benefits e.g. sabbatical, parental leave
they have a flexible schedule.
Able to work on a lot of interesting microservices, able to internally transfer, smart and capable
coworkers. Decent salary. Opportunity for a lot of growth as an engineer, with so much access to
internal wikis, code repos, internal videos, internal training, etc.
If you do your job well:you can choose extra shifts easily, good place to go forward on career path (if
willing to work full time), benefits
Good pay, benefits, work is easy.
Amazon will provide great experience and enable you to make decisions and have an impact all on
your own. The pay is also good.
Solid engineers, equal to anything I saw at Microsoft
$15/hr is good pay. Relatively easy for young people.
Working from home Being able to help people
this is a dynamic environment (frequent changes in processes)
Smart folks work at Amazon. Fast paced, decisions can be made quickly
every paycheck is weekly and get paid time off along with unpaid and vacation
The work culture breeds success and pushes for development in your roles. Work life balance is great.
Pick your shifts when you want to work, drop any shift as long as more than 24 hrs before start.
The flexibility in choosing shifts to work. Also, the pay is good for an entry level position. Opportunity
to advance.
Flexible, Minimal management style, not super stressful
There is a lot to learn from the company's culture.
Benefits, Benifits, Benefits, Benifits, & Benifits
3 to 4 days of work a week.
Vaca, personal time, genuinely good medical- decent dental, okay vision coverage. Entry level
management teir 6 upto 8 0 k /year. >Expect30k/yr if your entry level.
great place to innovate and grow
The money and the benefits were decent.
You'll learn a lot really fast
Great easy fast pace job
You can move up in management fast
good pay and good schedual
Pay is hourly and good
Being part of a giant company can feel quite ambiguous at times, but once your foot is in the door and
you're aligned with a team you feel apart of, the sky is the limit. With COVID, I feel safe and that
Amazon has my best interest during this time.
Fun, Nice managers, Exercise, Co-workers were chill, bosses were nice enough.
- Great place to learn and develop given the pace and scale of the company. - Easy and relatively
encouraged to hop around teams every 2-4 years, allows for exposure to new space. - This can be
team-specific, but it's easy to find yourself surrounded by high-performing people to push you and
learn from. These are also great connections to make for future opportunities!
Pay is decent and benefits are good
I met some of the best people and became friends and family.
Flexible hours Good challenges to solve
Great scheduling opportunities and valued my work and effort
Competitive, fast paced, always learning, always changing.
Benefits, stocks and overall pay
Flexible schedule, easy, meet a lot of people
good benefits if you work long enough
Good pay, and great coworkers
Time goes by quickly. Got tired by the end of day and go home and sleep
Work is easy and you can pick your shifts
Culture that truly speaks to leadership principles. Ton of learning.
Clean work environment Dress code is comfortable Lots of locations Rapidly growing They follow
Covid safety recommendations
Fun, Benefits, Opportunities, Social Environment, What You Learn
Usually your line leaders will keep an eye on great workers and they will usually give you another type
of job if it will work out with you.
Busy work environment, and amazing people.
The pay is half decent
High expectations lead to development Ability to take ownership of work
Opportunity to work overtime, and sometimes have voluntary time off
Good pay, nice coworkers, applying and leaving is all very easy and straightforward The job was fairly
close to where I was staying.
Easy to complete work and pay is good.
3 breaks and 2 of which are paid for
Great company to work for
Great benefits, hours, team, and IT field knowledge.
Flexible schedule. Work when you want to work
There are no slide decks. People hop to it and catch on quick. The way decisions get made inspires a
lot of confidence. There's no more exciting place to be. At Amazon, it feels like you're on the right side
of history in the making.
Awesome benefits.. blue cross-blue shield and Aetna
Amazons personal shopper position pays $15 an hour to start and the work is relatively easy.
Location in downtown Seattle offers great lunch variety
Learn about suppy chain and reverse logistics
Pay was very good, and it’s easy
Work was simple, instructions always clear.
Thinking big and diving deep
Location, Benefits, Location, Stock Options, Location
Friendly people fast pace work
Great benefits, fast pace, get to know everyone like family even new people coming and going.
Friendly people fast pace work
Great benefits, fast pace, get to know everyone like family even new people coming and going.
Good pay and benefits, PTO and more
Great pay, stock, benefits. Lots of opportunity to move teams internally.
you get a lot of hours to take the day off
Inclusive environment and supportive and positive culture.
Easy to keep your head down and work without people bothering you, great benefits and pretty
competitive pay, lots of people so it's easy to make friends
Hired during pandemic when no one else was working
There are no pros to working for amazon
Meh no thank you next
Nice hours, work with great people
There is Pto, vto, and good healthcare
Smart colleagues, lots of data, good compensation
Good pay. And they have raffle and prizes to promote working hard and doing a good job. For
example I was lucky enough to with AirPods ( not the newest generation though lol)
Permanent management staff on site at warehouse seem to genuinely care about people working
I had the best experience working for Talent Acquisition. Really loved my team and my manager. Had
so much flexibility and opportunity for growth.
Very customer focused company and good place for growth
Good money and nice coworkers
food, benefits, insurance, life, fun
Great job and good pay
Great benefit, pay and growth
Enough money to make while working during school
Good pay, stable hours, opportunity to learn different area roles.
Weekly pay, Amazon discounts, be able to explore more opportunities
Good place for learning industry related knowledge and process. Competitive work environment and
interesting projects.
Benefits, decent pay and nice schedule with days working and days off during a set week.
Schedule flexibility ; lots of people to work with/comradery
Well they teach you how to operate a forklift
Relaxed environment Hands off management Flexible shifts Surge shifts that pay more
Large organization, ample opportunities to grow
Relaxed environment Hands off management Flexible shifts Surge shifts that pay more
Large organization, ample opportunities to grow
High concentration of smart people
Loved my job, Working with previous Associates fixing printers, unlocking passwords ....
Decent money (15 an hour)
Left alone and in charge of your own time off.
There are actually a lot of pros to working at Amazon. The staff is friendly, management isn’t
afraid to get their hands dirty and help do real work, if you have an issue you can go to anyone in the
building and they will try to help.
Flexible schedule Great benefits Career opportunities Have to work only 3 shifts a month to keep the
Benefits for medical, dental and vision. Stocks as added compensation.
Decent pay Fast money Easy job Nice supervisors
Base pay + overtime and raise every year
Benefits, Benifits, Benefits, Benifits, & Benifits
Money is decent, they start you at $15 The work is basic. As far as I could tell, the management
doesn’t reprimand people for their productivity.
Once I got selected to start the interview process, I went through 8 phone and in-person interviews in
two weeks and got the offer at the end of the second week. If you follow the 14 leadership principles
and prepare story that shows how you demonstrate these principles, the interview process is actually
pretty straightforward. The candidate is measured on those leadership principles. I think this ensures
that the hiring process is as unbiased as it can be, limiting the degree to which the interview can make
judgements on factors that are not associated to these principles. There are a ton of resources online
that go deep into explaining each leadership principles, with even a list of most common questions for
each principle. This makes the preparation a lot easier as you know exactly what to expect. No
Work only four days and off three days.
Typical warehouse environment Given proper equipment
Flexible, self sufficient, good pay
good pay for what youre doing
Flexible schedule (depending on manager), every other Friday off (except when critical to schedule),
You'll always get your steps in for the day as you have to walk unnecessarily large distances.
Great workaround, friendly for new hires.
Competitive pay/benefits. Decent work and home life balance.
Great total compensation, innovative and challenging work
Good collaboration with other high bar tech folks
No boss on my back 24/7
Large portion of salary is stock, stock has done very well. Fast paced, open to creativity
Good pay, overtime if you want, good employees and a caring boss
Amazing opportunities for growth. You can work on highly visible projects and change job families if
you want to learn something different. You will work with smart people that challenge your way of
This is a great company and I learned a lot
Amazing opportunities for growth. You can work on highly visible projects and change job families if
you want to learn something different. You will work with smart people that challenge your way of
This is a great company and I learned a lot
Love it, great experience, every day if different
Great people, strong culture, good technology
Great amount of responsibility, autonomous, upward mobility
Hands on and faat paced environment
Guaranteed hours More time in the day
Big title. Great working live balance. The environment is really healthy.
Being separate from Seattle means a little less intense, but also less engagement
Listen to music When your done deliveries early you still get full hours
a lot of down to earth coworkers. an attempt by management to create a super positive vibe. it fails
but the attempt counts for something
Decent Pay, great managers to work for
Good benefits. Pay is competitive but not still not enough for the work.
Weekly pay. Room for growth.
The pay is very great
You'll learn a lot and work with many smart, driven people. People are accountable and rewarded for
their work.
Good people. Fun energetic atmosphere.
Good benefits Higher than average pay
Hiring process was very quick
Simple, good benefits day 1, decent pay
Schedule, paying, benefits, options and flex hours.
Decent pay for work done
cool place good people mice management
Good hours and days off.
People are fun to work with sometimes
They have perks to motivate staff (other than pay)
I have the opportunity to achieve a lot in my current role and a lot of opportunity for career
good pay plenty of time alone very easy actions
Pay PTO Holiday pay Nice coworkers Good management
Not Great , not awful, good benefits
fast pace, always looking to improve safety
Good management, fun atmosphere, time passes quickly
Keep you busy, isn’t boring.
Good benefits and pay and guaranteed 40 hours
Work from home, benefits, retirement plan, vacation time/sick time
very High bar for employees
Good pay, good service, amazing staff, I loved it there
Great co workers Great benefits
You get what you put in
... i guess there will always be work. Few work days.
Nice people good pay busy schedule
Decent hourly wage for new comers
It is a great job if you are in school and need to make a good amount of money on the side. They will
work with you on your schedule and you make $15 an hour. They will also help you with your career.
They have a program that allows you to have your tuition paid (in certain career paths) and when you
get your degree, they will hire you on.
Easy to understand work. Good money.
salary bonus work life education study
Process is great with good management
High Tech Driven Tools and Techniques
Nice benefits and hours with decent management
Very strong platform to learn
Cash is good for the long hrs
Good starting wage for beginners
Benefits, pay, bonuses, pto and vacation time
4 day work weeks, engaged peer group
Working at Amazon is a true joy, I spent a little over 5 years there and would work there again in a
heart beat. I progressed through 4 different roles in those 5 years and learned skills that will carry me
through the rest of my career while also working with some of the brightest people I have ever met.
They truly live their values every day especially customer obsession.
Great opportunities to move up in the company
Good wages for hard work laborer
lots of money to be made easy work
Good medical and good pay for EMT-B
lots of money to be made easy work
Good medical and good pay for EMT-B
If you need a lot of hours then good
Best culture I've experienced - I've worked at Microsoft, Disney, Accenture and others. I was leery of
joining because I'd read the NYT article about how messed up their culture was. My recruiter asked
me to make my own judgment and not let someone I didn't even know decide for me. Great advice. I
asked hard questions, got honest answers and decided to join. I'm so glad I did. I work 40 hours per
week with teammates who are caring and supportive. I've never been asked to work an evening or a
weekend. People collaborate with me and we share credit. Folks are open and transparent, with a
culture that values honesty over politics.
Flexible scheduling that fits your needs 5 hr shifts but able to work 10 hrs if willing Accumulate
Personal Time Off
Fast upward mobility, great compensation, and good name for the resume.
The company is very much based on having a clear view on the customer and applying common
sense. It's the least political environment I happened to work in over the course of my career.
Decent pay, lots of VTO opportunities, meet some great hardworking people, hours are fixed
Opportunities to grow if you work hard and show interest
Good pay and somewhat flexible with off days
Easy hire with good benefits
Pay benefits dress code break room
Guaranteed hours, if there is downtime its paid.
Good pay for general labor Alot of voluntary time off Less than 5 hours of work for part time
Kept me distracted, good money
There are no slide decks. People hop to it and catch on quick. The way decisions get made inspires a
lot of confidence. THere's no more exciting place to be. At Amazon, it feels like you're on the right side
of history in the making.
Good pay and they have amazing benefits
Fast paced and it's good if you want to challenge yourself and grow.
Coworkers help you through the long shifts.
Good salary, amazing stock bonuses, fun to work in city, mostly nice people.
Lots of hours and pay is good
Cool, sick, dope, awesome, word
the benefits, and shorter work week. I prefer 4 10s vs five 8 hour shifts. You meet some really cool
The pay was fair and good
Generally a lot of freedom to control your tech and destiny. Compensation is strong and if you're a
top performer they WILL keep it that way.
Flexible with schedule PTO and benefits for part time employees
Great benefits and opportunities to move up
Time is money and you get a LOT of time. $15.00/hr Mandatory Overtime
Minimum pay per hour and lots of activities.
Can work from home and you get to hear the crazy stuff people say to Alexa
Set schedule Overtime pay Fast Good job overall Paid time off
ability to work at own pace
I learned a lot during my time in this role, and have applied it to further positions.
Pay; benefits; work advancement; improvement process;
so yeah i am writing this review so this company is pretty cool
They have great incentives when ur FICO SCORE is above 750
Pay A lot of extra time Vacation time
The money and benefits are decent
Plans span over many providers.
Great pay and benefits. Lots of success at the corporate level.
Competitive comp and benefits, especially for operational roles Increased flexibility for remote
employees No room to "coast" - you must show up 100% Difficult to get hired, so you'll work with
very talented people Lots of opportunity to take on additional projects and grow Encouragement of
internal job changes, if you desire it Data-driven Not an "up or out" culture - you can be challenged
and find growth staying in the same level over time
Always pushing to improve the customer experience and raise the bar, change - for the better - was
Flexible schedule Very individual straight forward
There's always something to do.
Great benefits 3 days off, 4 days on unless mandatory overtime
Good hiring bonuses and enterprise scale projects to grow your skills.
Added pay ($0.50-$1.00) per hour for overnight and weekend shifts. Easy to move up during day shifts
due to more managers and less associates. Great coworkers from all walks of life. After 1 year of
working there as a permanent worker(blue badge) you can 10% off amazon sold products, third
parties don't count. Employee benefit discounts for tickets are great, includes movies, amusement
parks, and so on. Good insurance for Optometry (eyes/contacts/glasses). Shift available all through
out the day, includes graveyard and early morning. Possibility of getting holidays off or getting off
early. After shift work is done you can get off early.
great time working here now
More often than not, you could pick up over time.
quick promotion great peer group autonomy to solve problems corporate culture
Flexible shifts/ benefits and a lot of autonomy.
Pay, benefits, that is literally it.
Great place to work at times medical benefits are great.
I love the place, very friendly.
True to its leadership principles
Quick money with nice ppl
Great opportunity to improve skills
More money competitive pay friendly
Nice pay check and get paid every week
Highly innovative and plenty of opportunities for growth, along with developing new skills.
innovation, impact, career growth and will learn an incredible amount
Great people to work with
Benefits are great and pays well
Great people to work with on a daily
the pay is okay for what it is
As one of the Big Five companies in the U.S., Amazon is able to compensate it's employees very well.
You'll work with the best and the brightest people.
You will report to someone who has been in operations for many years and you will learn alot. The
total compensation is good for an entry level job.
- Some of the most hardworking, dedicated professionals I've worked with my entire life (consistent
among everyone) - This rigour and work ethic wasn't only evident among engineers, but also present
in product managers, designers, teammates from the marketing and business teams I worked with -
The versatility expected of engineers is quite high - which means that if you're on a project with lots of
opportunities to work on things you've never worked on before, you can grow quickly - Strong culture
of ownership and never saying "this isn't my job" - everyone takes responsibility for work, fostering a
strong sense of collective ownership (at least in the team I've been on), and always follows up on
various issues - Expected to be more than just an engineer - at Amazon, technical excellence is only
the cornerstone of your work responsibilities - you're expected to be excellent at project
management, communications with stakeholders (internal and external), liaising between different
teams, etc. Expect your time to be split 60:40 between coding and non-coding tasks - discussions,
research, code reviews, liaising between teams, documentation, communicating with stakeholders,
looking over project plans, etc. - If you're on a good team with an empathetic manager who excels at
project management (so you'll rarely get into a situation where there's a lot of last minute rushes),
you can strike a good work-life balance - of course, you can also choose to work more if you'd like to
accelerate your career progression - the choice is up to you - Amazing network of helpful senior
engineers whose expertise you can rely on - it's not uncommon to ask senior and principal engineers
to do design, system, architectural audits for you at a project level, or if you'd like you can always
attend office hours / be paired with a senior engineer for mentoring - There is a very clear path for
career progression - there are three most common levels of engineers L4 - L6 (L7 and above are rare).
A L4 - L5 promotion generally requires approval from peers, and strong technical skills (although
anything on top of that will help), and a L5 - L6 promotion requires approval from those who are
outside of engineering disciplines, as well as managers at higher levels. Your manager is incentivized
to help you move to the next stage because their performance reviews are based on how well the
team they manage do - A true meritocracy - you are rewarded based on your performance and you
can speak up against leaders (respectfully, of course) if you disagree - I've never felt the need to back
down just because I was "just an engineer" - if you have a good idea, everyone is willing to listen and
act upon it if appropriate
Flexible schedule depending on bosses
Meeting a lot of different people
The people and the dogs.
Decent salary, decent salary, decent salary...
Great work environment based upon manager
Able to pick up shifts
Salary is good but that’s how they get you to stay
Good projects, good peers and resources
Good environment on amazon campus
decent money, easy work, fast pace
good challenge, and will learn a lot fast
Fast paced and fun environment with great peers.
Great culture, work/life balance, and place to learn.
I started as an associate in the fulfillment center doing sortation, however I worked hard stayed after
shift to help and got noticed by management in various departments and started a good rapport. I
started helping logistics out after my shift and got noticed even more so worked my way to get a
seasonal job with safety, later became an ambassador, then got a job in logistics. Nothing is easy but if
you work hard in this job and get noticed my may have a chance to move up.
High performance culture, interesting projects
great company great people great benefits
Good Benefits like health and vision. Free work shoes every year.
Good team, interesting project, supporting manager.
Good Hours Good Pay Understanding Management Opportunity to work outside Can keep you on
your feet
Learned a lot here in the beginning
Decent job if you need hours
Can work as many hours as I want
Would probably get paid relatively well if you live in an area with low cost of living.
Good benefits Set schedule You can use your PTO as you wish, whenever you wish
Above minimum wage pay, with hands off management.
Career Advancement, Brand Name, Stocks
The diversity of the Amazon community is amazing. The hours and flexibility with the schedules are
very helpful to meet my daily work schedule. Human Resources staff are always there to support you
in assistants working with a schedule. This is been my first warehouse job and will be the most
memorable experience I must say in my career field in 2020. I like all the amazing lapel pins I see
throughout the warehouse of our mascot Peccy.
Can move up easily if you work hard. Don’t have to give 2 weeks notice to quit on good terms, you
can talk to HR that same day and quit. They keep it entertaining sometimes and do challenges with
rewards. (This was my experience working in AFE which is packing multiples)
* A ton of learning. * Amazon Web Services is such a huge service and the work that you do has the
opportunity to impact millions of customers. * Bright, motivated, and helpful peers. * Stock is great. *
Can switch between teams easily.
No difficult customer interaction great benefits.
it depends on what kind of job you looking for
Everything was done through app
Working for Amazon is really good, people are nice, the job is never boring as it have many different
things to do at the warehouse you can always learn different things and fast grow.
not bad pay for work
Pay and benefits Many opportunities to move forwards.
Really flexible like extremely flexible.
Set schedule can easily make money with overtime
Great projects to work on, overall a very supportive team and manager.
Easy in - have a pulse, pass a drug test; this includes ex-convicts, non-discriminatory. Easy pay, health
and dental affordable, tons of exercise.
Time off is reasonable, benefits are good
its different things to do daily
not much they under pay and level you based on nothing code skills vs. real skills
It’s a good job to get in with company and experience culture
None of your GD business
Great pay, relocation packages, excellent benefits. Once you’re there for years the job just keeps
getting better
Benefits , pay , discounts school advancement
I did liked the environment
Nice very cool, all well
A good place to start
Great opportunity to pursue small business aspirations
Good pay, benefits, and flexible schedule for school
No one interrupt you in your work
Flexible hours, very independent, good as a second job
Benefits, work life balance, growth
easy, decent pay, good environment
good pay and job stability
Great Pay and amazing opportunities
All the benefits. Less work
Great Pay and amazing opportunities
All the benefits. Less work
Good benefits, pay is nice
Great shifts to choose from
Benefits and that’s it that is great
Can sign up for many extra shifts, semi-flexible shifts (ie you can reschedule if you give enough
notice), open 24/7
If you want a career growth or you need to prove to yourself and peers that you are good at what you
do, this is the place to be. Amazon will give you as much scope as you want for that growth. Being
ambitious is encouraged and rewarded as long as you deliver results. At my previous company there
was a lot of politics and I was stuck as a PgM1 despite delivering Sr level PgM work. I came to Amazon
and while I was under-leveled I was able to go from PgM II to a PgMIII in less than a year. I didn't
change anything about who I was as a Pgm or what I did as a PgM, I was just fairly recognize for my
work at Amazon.
- Still very focused on experimentation and forward-thinking - Lots of different projects and groups to
work with; if you have an interest, you can find it at Amazon - Not as cut-throat as some portray;
depends on your manager, but overall decent people - dealt really well with Covid and work from
home; most heads of orgs show leadership here (only a few put pressure on facetime by going in
themselves and commenting on those who don't)
-Training when needed/asked. Be ready for the answer to be 'No' however, pushed in the right
direction towards mastery. -Managers/Leads are approachable and easy to talk to. -General/Basic
information given is straight forward.
The pay is good, lots of overtime opportunities
Pretty laid back they work with you for the most part
Reliable work. Benefits are helpful.
Growth Opportunities, well paid with awesome benefits, great team and lots of diversity
Surrounded by so many smart people, solid compensation, a lot of opportunity to grow.
Good company to start with. A lot of metrics to work with and see how to improve.
good good good good good
ppls are smart and nice to work with
Pay is worth it. You get exercising done
The other drivers were very nice and helpful.
Pay is worth it. You get exercising done
The other drivers were very nice and helpful.
There are constantly opportunities to promote in the operations world. You will meet lots of different
remote rewarding good management Help from other coworkers available
Decent pay and decent paid time off.
Good life-work balance. Exciting projects
It was fun and everyone was friendly
The team is really supportive
Easy, laid back , quiet , fun
Smart people and truly builds around customer needs
flexible schedule and decent pay
Co Workers pay choose your schedule
Interesting work and Smart co-workers
good pay and good benefits
Compensation on par with industry Get to work on cutting edge technology Easy to move around
internally Lots of options for career growth Best place to grow your career as an engineer
Good benefits and has a lot of opportunities.
Wish I had some to share
Amazon loves to promote from within. Very flexible with time off. Great health benefits. Awesome
associate recognition.
Never have nothing to do. Smart folks. Good culture for the most part. Haven't had to deal with many
hopeless idiots.
very organized, good scheduling process, give you all the material you need to prepare for the
interview process
Easy fast money and easy to get hired
Take care of doctors and therapy
Opportunity is there for you to gro
Overtime Hours, great compensation, endless opportunities
Not very hard work to do.
You are the face of Amazon for a new associate
Full time and several shifts available.
Good benefits and good opportunities
Get to work on latest technologies
Flexible with time off, and good benefits
RSUs are a significant part of the overall compensation
Innovations are cutting edge, opportunity to learn new skills (you are encouraged to move around and
try new things), great resume builder, total compensation within first 4 years, mental models for how
to think about solving customer problems are truly revolutionary
Awesome benefits from day 1
Can go home most times, get days off a lot
Experience, knowledge, expertise, organization skills, Career and future potential
interesting projects and promising tech
Weekly pay is a great plus
Good pay per hour with
It’s pretty easy you don’t need a lot of training and for a job with no prerequisites or
preliminary requirements
Worst place to ever be at
Kind of flexible scheduling in the sense you can take off whenever as long as you don’t run through
your allotted time off 15 an hour to start and good benefits
Great Pay - Great Benefits - Great People
Easy hiring process, plenty of overtime
Environment is good to work in
Works with your class schedule
Ambercare has been great during the pandemic to let support staff work remotely.
Pay is decent for what the job is
Slightly better than average pay.
Just working 2 days and getting paid every Friday
Set work schedule which allows you to not have to worry about what day you're gonna work week to
week flexible schedules
I am so happy working for Amazon Business
Good for embedded firmware engineer to get software perspective
swag swag swag swag swag
The Good pay and everyone are friendly.
A M Z N is very good company
Good money Good atmosphere Well balanced
Great projects and support for employees.
Systems and everything is delivered to you to work remotely.
Great visionary leadership for a long time, great talent, fast paced, never boring
$$$, Personal Growth, Competent Coworkers
the pay is great for an entry level engineer
Software development requires more time.
great wrok life balance yes!
Good learning and good pay
Nice pay and opportunities for growth
good pay and benefits and
good pay compare to other environment is much better compare to other warehouse good for people
with moderate social anxiety ( you dont have to talk much! keep your head down and work hard) it
fun if you are positive people.
The pay is really good. That’s about it
Decent pay for a second job
When I first started it was great. You could listen to headphones, there were always shifts and just get
your work done.
Nothing that I can think of
Good Opportunity to make an impact
Work life is great, flexible schedule, get to work with state of the art hardware. Very easy to get ahead
if ambitious.
not much not much not much
Amazon gives you the chance to move up in the company and also move up in life. Has great benefits
and they can put you through college
Pay and hours are always reliable.
Excellent learning curve from a technical standpoint
$ and big name company on your resume
Excellent learning curve from a technical standpoint
$ and big name company on your resume
The supervisors are very nice.
lots of hours possible. they let u work up to 60 hours a week
Compensation is great especially if you factor in growth of stock values Peers are willing to go the
extra miles to deliver and are willing raise the bar with their competency. You can actually see
Amazonians work by the leadership principles at all levels and your job performance is gauged against
Above average compensation, friendly and diverse peers, high pressure and experience based
Training, Health insurance, PTO, Incentives, WFH during pandemic
There is no interview and the work is pretty easy
Amazon Studios is a great place to work
I love amazon so much good place
Large scope, big impact, growth opportunity
Good pay for what you contribute
Great management and flexible hours
Good company with good culture
Good benefits at this company
Advancement opportunities from day 1.
Work experience and everyone your work with
The company has great benefits, have paid time off and unpaid also. You can make overtime almost
every week.
Not stuck in a office
Love the job if you are a person who loves to work alone.
Benefits and voluntary time off days
Autonomy, faced-paced, well-known brand, good pay
Highly competitive and there is a large scope of career growth
Open Environment, Hands on Experience, Growth in the case of Responsibility.
This job paid good money
great pay and benefits for everyone
Amazon has great benefits and pay is decent.
Bad bad bad bad bad bad
Gives a lot of Hours
decent pay, several shifts to choose from
people are very nice and smart
The associates are the best people in the building. They are genuine.
Great benefits. Employees are great too
Good pay always fun to work
Available of shifts that match your schedule
-You aren't schedule so you can pick the times you want to work
Able to work around my full time job
Easy work anyone can do
1. Big and important projects 2. Everyone around you is super smart 3. improve SQL and technology
You can take on many indirect roles and learn about Amazon.
Benefits and room for growth.
good hours, pay, service, time management, rules
Great place to work and great team
Good pay and benefits also
Time goes by fast you are constantly moving.
KPI Time off Easy Treat you right
Salary and talent are great
Great Company to work for to start off
Good pay, good benefits, good job advancement
Work with amazing people on exciting projects
This is a great place to work
Good place to build a career
Best perks, learn from best.
Good pay. Worked with pretty nice people, but that will vary from site to site.
Good place to get in without an interview and start working right away. I began as a tier I and moved
up to a tier III within a couple of months. If you have a good work ethic and the ability to lead others
to stay on task then you'll fit right in!
Focus on Leadership and open door policy helps individuals grow within the company quickly. Many
resources available to learn and grow, you just have to ask and search around within the network.
The pay is good and the role gives you flexibility
You get opportunities to do indirect rolls to help around the warehouse more and understand the
whole warehouse process.
Great opportunity for advancement Awesome Benefits from day 1 Clear schedule boundaries &
Timing PTO starts from Day 1
Great benefits and great environment to work in.
The ability to be out on your own.
Flexible Scheduling, independent, nice coworkers
Decent pay. Most workers are nice.
Working for the 2nd largest employer in the country. You're a part of making something so big run
smoothly, and that's rewarding.
Lots of opportunities for growth, development, and networking
Love it and have great learning curve
it is work, so i cant complain on that part.
-Set schedule -Flexible hours/time off/overtime -Meet new people everyday -Snack machines in the
break room -Paid weekly -No super strict dress code, you can still express yourself as long as it's
respectful of course
Decent pay when accounting for the TC (total compensation) package which includes the vesting
stocks, but ONLY if you stay 3-4 years. You'll likely work alongside some pretty outstanding people.
Compensation and day 1 benefits
Personal time off starts right away
you only have to work 4 days a week you get options to not have to work like pto vto and you can
always use vacation time you make a decent amount of money fast if you are a person who dosnt like
to deal with customers face to face and just want a job where you can go in and work then this would
be for you.
Great room for growth, competitive salary and benefits
Very good place to work
It’s yes and I have a huge member
Good salary and good insurance
COVID pay for time off.
It is a great company to work
Improvement fast for Carter path
Good work culture, managers with support
Hours are flexible, pay is alright
Good choice for new grad
Amazon has an extraordinary access to training and growth programs for employees. Their
commitment to their culture is admirable. There is a lot to learn here. The scale of Amazon is hard to
comprehend - the numbers of people that use amazon's service is amazing. People are smart. Many
are nice.
Outstanding work on a day to day basis
You receive benefits like 401k, and they offerOver Time
Pay is average. Benefits are really good. Moving up is difficult. It's about who you know than what you
9-5 work hour. Good benefits
They have lots of teams and it is easy to transform from one team to another
Lot of leeway and able to build a career. Really good benefits. Treated with dignity
The pay is great The hours are pretty regular They are background/felon friendly They care about
employees There is room to move within company If you are honest with them, about having a drug
problem BEFORE they inform you of being chosen for a random, they will get you help, into a
program, and you will have your job when you complete program. They have a lot of benefits for
associates, even part time
Lot of leeway and able to build a career. Really good benefits. Treated with dignity
The pay is great The hours are pretty regular They are background/felon friendly They care about
employees There is room to move within company If you are honest with them, about having a drug
problem BEFORE they inform you of being chosen for a random, they will get you help, into a
program, and you will have your job when you complete program. They have a lot of benefits for
associates, even part time
Great place to start making money fast and you know what to expect everyday
Nice place to start your career
None. This job is awful.
The pros of working for Amazon is the pay, benefits, time off options, etc.
Good time off benefits ok
Travel and the chance to be with like minded professionals
Great location, leadership knows what it’s doing
big name and stable working environment
Full time hours, great co workers , 4 day work week
Pays more than McDonald’s does
It is easy to make friends
Challenging problems, smart people, a lot of opportunity
Very self driven and entrepreneurial environment
The whole culture (guided by the leadership principles) expects and cultivates ownership in every
employee. Nearly impossible to find "dead wood" (people just punching the clock) anywhere.
Everyone is constantly learning.
You work with a large amount of people
Everyone loves their job and is friendly/happy to come to work
Good pay for those looking for some money to make
Amazon does offer pretty good benefits
They have hours, great pay, teamwork
Flexible, overtime opportunity, pick your own shifts,
Easy job, solid side hustle
great place to work and grow
Lot of responsibility at this role.
A lot of opportunities to progress
There's good pay in it
Fast-paced and market leader in global logistics.
No resume, no experience just pass a background check and drug test
opportunities to move up quick
No resume, no experience just pass a background check and drug test
opportunities to move up quick
Structured systems. Backs for H1B.
There is so much opportunity and room for development. This job allows me to learn new skills that
help further push my creativity. I have the opportunity to work on many projects in a short amount
time span, while focusing on quality execution.
Great place to wok if you want to make an impact of people lives
Good benefits Snack area is pretty full
Really Good pay but that’s about it
You meet a lot of good people and the pay is weekly so no need to wait for such a long time for your
paycheck. The A to Z app is very useful you can not go to work for a day without having to call
someone just put your time in that you're going to be out and it's done and simple
1. Lot of great innovations 2. Great working culture 3. New learning opportunities 4. Innovation
Get to stay active! The pay Sign on bonus
Good Work -Life balance for all positions
Straightforward, simple to follow instructions
Benefits and the opportunity to move around in the company
Decent Pay Good Benefits Team Environment
Work with a small group, have your own office/work area
Good if you need long hour shifts
Schedule, Pay, Function, Benefits, And Environment
Great benefits and time off options.
Good career growth for new developers. Once you are at Amazon you can switch teams
Great place to work. Get treated rarely and there are tons of opportunities to be cross trained or
move up.
Good pay and always have a job
Weekly pay, good hours, okay workflow
Flexible work hours And weekly pay
You can set your own schedule
Exciting company and great colleagues.
Brand, stock price, company, learning, less growth
very nice and switched on people
15$ Per hour wage was nice
Great set of Leadership principles
great health benefits, good pay
Great set of Leadership principles
great health benefits, good pay
Ever changing colleagues. meeting new people. better pay and benefits compared to other bug
chains. Open to feedback. No much respect from management
The concept of LPs is valuable and, when used properly, an incredible asset and equalizer. Innovation
focused, builder culture. Plenty of opportunities, variety and ability to explore new challenges.
Amazon has a wonderful, positive work environment. They provide adequate training and resources
to ensure you will succeed in your position.
Pays Well and nothing else
Pay is good enough for me
It was decent pay. It complemented my 9-5. I worked the 4-8 am shift.
Can move up relatively quickly due to the company's continued growth.
The best company I've ever worked for - top tier talent, real focus on Leadership Principles in daily
decision making, employees are empowered with huge responsibility and independence, unleashes
professional growth
I enjoyed working here good pay and no managers bothering you
Good pay. Basically entirely automated management so your job is all you have to worry about. Clear
expectations, safety is prioritized above all else.
Cool tech, remote work, nice cash sign on
I find AWS to be a challenging but exciting environment. You are surrounded by bright people who
challenge you to think bigger and more deeply about the products and programs you are managing. In
addition, team members are expected to proactively look for oppportunities to add value and then
find ways to deliver results. If you are a self-starter, this is a great environment; if you like a well-
defined set of responsibilities and actions you may find AWS difficult. While expectations are high,
and review rigorous, AWS is a culture of "yes." If you have a good idea and it receives support you
have a high likelihood of getting it funded. AWS provides opportunities to do big things. AWS
Outposts is redefining the way customers consume the cloud, and I am excited by the opportunity to
deliver real value to our customers.
Decent Benefits, people are generally nice.
I love what I do for AWS. I am empowered and accountable, and my team and my manager are
You can choose your own path at Amazon. Freedom to move around and a lot of growth potential.
benefits, inclusive work environment, lots of opportunities/business lines
Nothing it’s weak money cool u got to do overtime to see real money
Diversity, you meet people from all background, repetitive work, voluntary extra hours
Good scheduling and days, yes.
Great leadership and will learn a lot
Great flexibility (in my position)
You have a job and benefits
Only work on weekends which is great
Good job and you can make a living from.
Pay is ok is ok
Pay is higher than average
Great culture, good pay, close to home
Good leadership, great alignment of growth objectives
Pay, benefits, friendly, inclusive, overtime
$15 an hour and opportunities for growth if you want
Great work environment for starting professionals
excellent, good, good culture, good salary
Work life balance, great management
benefits, good people at work
Great company for at home work
The lay is great and they offer really good benefits like health insurance and stuff. But I haven't
worked there long enough to receive it.
I can't think of one. I'd rate them 0 stars if I could.
Benefits (multiple options. Really good dental and vision) PTO and vacation time Pay
I can't think of one. I'd rate them 0 stars if I could.
Benefits (multiple options. Really good dental and vision) PTO and vacation time Pay
Super easy given the pay rate, PT and overnight employees receive a shift bonus rate. You are eligible
for health benefits from day 1 as well. You also get a 30 min lunch break (unpaid), and a paid 30min
break later during your shift.
very laid back and easy to learn
Great benefits and potential to move up in the company
The company is flexible and lenient.
Easy job. Order picking and stowing using handheld scanners. Login start working and leave when shift
is over. $15/hr plus paid training
Amazon hires many big names from top universities
Pay is okay and other incentives
Good pay, good benefits, nice perks
independent work, flexible, easy going
Opportunities across the organization are plenty.
good growth, life balance and values
Money and benefits easy to move up
Worked with me going to school Great pay
pick hours and anyone can work
Good work-life balance, lot of things to learn
Development, fast-paced, lots of resources, innovation
Nice pay and flexible times
Having flexible schedules are great!
Good pay, throw in headphones
Growth Opportunities High degree of ownership
Brings out your best skills!!
Awesome experience, team and pay.
it's a good starting job
Technology is the latest. Developing tools very convenient
There is room for advancement
Lots of days off during week
Insurance is very good TIME
Flexible and room for growth
Work there as a temp only is my recommendation. Good pay but still not a living wage.
Pay is 15.00/hr, higher than many other warehouse jobs. Pair of shoes you get to choose from Zappos
that cost up to $110. The Amazon app is convenient. You can clock in and out with it, and call out on it
if needed.
Had good managers, understood expectations of job, benefits were great
Good work great opportunities great people. There are lot of teams with more opportunities
Good pay, good hours , nice breaks and lunch
Good benefits and really take care of their employees
Good WLB, great benefits, friendly coworkers, and lots of internal opportunities.
growth, might be lucky to get a good manager and good project
Learn a lot, work very hard
Decent benefits and pay. Overall a good place to earn a decent amount of money than making 7.25.
Fast paced and time does fly by.
People was awesome to work with
Keeps you active and on your feet
You can personalize your schedule and HR is willing to work with it
the benefits are great in this place
You are quickly able to move up.
Good working, problem solving, pick, stow and PIT
quick shifts, flexible schedules, easy work, great people, extremely diverse staff, team environment,
opportunities for career advancement, can work @ multiple locations, decent pay
The little cafe area for lunch.
Fast paced and a really fun evvirnment
upward movement in career growth
Stock value (though low base salaries and minimal raises compared to other tech companies) Easy to
move around and take on lots of different roles Many hard-working people Some wonderful teams
(some bad teams) International company allows for transfers abroad
Free snacks given out sometimes
You get to work with fun people.
Great for people who enjoy working alone.
Employee benefits start immediately upon hiring
take the tuition assistance while there
Good culture in the company
Great pay for the job
Many opportunities for career growth
Great pay for the job
Many opportunities for career growth
Benefits are good. Health care/growth opportunities
Pay above minimal wage hours during peak
Will get Paid time off
Pay and insurance is good
Positive attitude, mixed culture, career opportunities
You have the ability to pick your own schedule.
- Managers are very understanding and helpful (depends on what team you're on, I feel lucky to land
the team that I'm on) - Lots of growth opportunities - Plenty of projects to chose from (Manager helps
you reach your goals) - Projects and problems are uniquely challenging, but very rewarding - Team is
very helpful in guiding you in the right direction
Some great coworkers to work with
Structured path forward on bettering yourself and moving up at your own pace. Lots of evets and fun
things put on through out the year.
You have the opportunity to stand out amongst your peers if you’re willing to put in the work.
Amazon provides many paths for you to be successful, you’re not stuck in one role for the rest of
your career.
can't get through the glass door process
Fast advancement, promo every 9-12 months
pay and benefits. That's about it.
Getting payed providing help in the own comfort of your home
Terrible Job don't do it
awesome opportunities to grow with endless resources
Great company to work for.
Great company nothing bad here
Good pay, benefits, salary, vacation, paid time off
Good paid for most of the time
The salary is huge, the company is a big company so you can find what you loose easy, and it can be
Good money Over time Benefit Free coffee Free mask
Great pay, same routine every night.
easy work, enjoy outdoors, flexible
It Pays very well Great workout
it was easy and chill
Great Jobs everywhere I go
Culture, culture, culture, culture, culture
Good Good Good Good Good
It's stable employment with good benefits.
Very actively changing environment and rapid demands help with rapid increase in Software
Engineering skills.
Found a team with great WLB. Pays well.
Amazing support from managers and peers, endless potential to grow if you put your foot on the
Great pay for an easy job and they offer great benefits.
Great People Great Job Great Opportunities Great Benefits
You have an Flexible schedule Competitive pay
Good place to find work easily.
Mostly independent work Decent pay for an entry level job
-Easy hiring process -Benefits on Day 1 -Great flexibility -Great opportunity for overtime
Weekly pay , good benefits , 3 off day’s
Flexible schedules, could go online and pick my shifts. Left alone to do your job once you clock on
Always innovating around the clock
Great to pick the most convenient time
Good work flexible, good for students.
Great people to work with
Benefits are great and generous
Good pay, easy job, good people
It is an easy job to do.
they were nice lol lol
Good benefits. Vacation pay and personal time
Good pay, room for advancement, career choice program pays for career training and college
Great place to work at
Team, Commute, Culture, Management, Location
Lots of advancement opportunity available if you put in the time and effort
Easy work and friendly people
flexible schedule and good pay
No annual performance reviews Workstations isolated usually work alone Able to work different
positions at any given time if trained Able to express concerns on white boards Flexible timings in
shifts PTO even for part timers and benefits
Great benefits, Team Atmosphere, Flexible hours.
Gain experience while working in fast paced environment. Opportunity for advancement, a lot of the
operations managers want to see you succeed.
The shift differential is nice and the job was relatively easy–depending on where you're assigned to
work. I'd say packing is the easiest and picking or stowing are the hardest/most punishing to your
They have a really great culture and they care about you as a person. They are always looking to
innovate and make changes for the better
Choose your own shifts Wear what you want with some exceptions
Organization provides plenty of growth opportunities
Fun environment and coworkers, decent benefits
Fast paced, data driven, and huge growth potential. Each day feels like winning or losing not just more
of the same.
Pay, Ability to try new things in your career, resources
Incredible mobility available within the company and across the world while providing challenging and
interesting work.
Nice pay, lots of pto and uto, create your schedule.
Good on resume, lots of new tech, great money
The job has great pay
Incentive hours, finishing your route fast so you get paid for 10 hours
Flexible schedule and convenient to pick up extra hours.
Benefits, Relaxed dress code, exercising, allows you to be physically active
Regularly working with Smart people
Innovation, learning, work culture and customer obsession
Great benefits, able to move up if you try
The money is good tho
maybe you want to lose weight
guaranteed forty hours a week Schedule
it is an ok experience
Get to work on interesting projects
Great developmental chances within the company
Amazing company to work for
A lot of perks and the work is straight for the pay
It's AWS, everyone wants to work here! You learn a lot and learn really quickly.
A lot of perks and the work is straight for the pay
It's AWS, everyone wants to work here! You learn a lot and learn really quickly.
Benefit inside company and out
You get to expense everything
Super busy super fast paced not rocket science
Smart, dedicated co workers, products do ship.
Good pay and great benefits
Benefits on first the day.
Caring and Fair and Loyal
Good money, benefits, foot in door
Opportunity for growth Good benefits Weekly pay
Good work environment, good level of ownership, work is not repetitive (at least on my team),
benefits are decent
Pay physical work as far as working out
Great people, interesting work, not as cut throat as people say, I work 10-6ish
Resources are plentiful and as far as scheduling and time off and vacation time and anything you can
think of to take time off work or work more is in the employee app. You don’t have to talk to
anyone to call in! (Only seasonal employees)
Health Insurance Is Great Easy Job For Most
Ability evolve fast in career.
Pays great, 4 days a week
I am located in NYC. I am not sure about other teams, but WLB is really good here. Team is really chill
Great chances for development and very hands on.
I like the Diversity Amazon has
Easy to move up in the company
Cares about each worker individually, free hot chocolate and coffee, big lunch selection in break
room, compliant with CDC guidelines, fast paced environment=time going by fast, great pay and great
hours especially during peak season (November to December), great benefits, most work is dummy
Made many good friends that I stayed in touch with after employment ended. Provided water and all
supplies you needed to do your job ( safety vest, gloves, scanner arm pocket & safety shoes)
It is an Ok place
They are the best in benefits
Good money during the job
Benefits for health are really good
Little to No MicroManagement, Flexible days
Benefits, pay, voluntary extra time
Not many. everything is just OK
Weekly pay Pick up more hours $15 an hour Easy work not difficult
They have many shifts that can help someone with a busy schedule so-so benefits
Health Benefits start immediately, PTO and vacation accrued per paycheck, unpaid time accrued every
3 months
A lot of knowledgeable people to learn from, creative, not held to "this is how we've always done it"
It's Amazon. You can pretty much go anywhere with it on your resume.
Pay, benefits, high energy environment
You will consistently learn new things every single day.
Pick your own schedule, 15/hr and time a half on Sunday's. It's an okay gig job.
Working at Amazon, at DSF6, and moving with them next door to DSF8 was a great experience! From
day one they push their employees towards success by offering many opportunities to learn the
different operations in the fulfillment center. We had motivating managers and a great teamwork
ethic within the work place! As a Learning Ambassador you have the opportunity to gain supervisory
skills, leadership skills, technical skills, problem solving skills, the list goes on. Great opportunities at
this company!
Pick your own schedule, 15/hr and time a half on Sunday's. It's an okay gig job.
Working at Amazon, at DSF6, and moving with them next door to DSF8 was a great experience! From
day one they push their employees towards success by offering many opportunities to learn the
different operations in the fulfillment center. We had motivating managers and a great teamwork
ethic within the work place! As a Learning Ambassador you have the opportunity to gain supervisory
skills, leadership skills, technical skills, problem solving skills, the list goes on. Great opportunities at
this company!
Easy work, good managers (depending on location)
Great place to work, night shift was great
nice accomodation for all the employees
Great benefits great management job security and can collect accrued time off
Flexible schedule and incentives for working more than the minimum.
Collaborate With World-Class Employees Earn a decent Salary and Benefits. Grow Your Career in a
Relentless Culture Lots of brilliant introverts Diversity in staff
I like what I do I get paid well and the benefits are great
Great pay for virtual work
Great co-workers and great culture
Good pay for the job you are doing. For this position you will have 4 10hr shifts with the ability to pick
up extra overtime when you want to. One location.
Opportunities to transfer teams and roles
Flexibility to change shift once blue badged
Flexible. But had to get shifts.
Good pay but not worth it.
Great team to work with
Rapid growth, networking, pay and benefits
Flexible hours, good pay, easy to fix barely late punches with the help of HR, although they are not
trippy about being exactly on time (5 minute window), free products (shirts, bottles, bags, shoes) and
food, lots of voluntary time off for the best flexibility I’ve seen, goes by quickly
fast moving, ownership, challenging problems to solve
Flexible hours, good pay, easy to fix barely late punches with the help of HR, although they are not
trippy about being exactly on time (5 minute window), free products (shirts, bottles, bags, shoes) and
food, lots of voluntary time off for the best flexibility I’ve seen, goes by quickly
fast moving, ownership, challenging problems to solve
Compared to other tech giants, Amazon is doing fine. Managers are transparent in the executive
sector and forthcoming about pay rates and portfolio expectations.
Pay, smart people, new projects to get diverse experience.
Get to work with a lot of great people
Pay and coworkerd were the best part
Everything is good at amazon. Nice environment. Nice people.
Huge company so many different opportunities and locations
Opportunity Innovation Energy Being a part of something cool
If you're willing to put in the work, both from a production standpoint and a social standpoint, this
place will treat you well. There are a few hoops to jump through to apply for higher positions within
the company, but if you're insistent and have good managers, they should be able to help you.
Get paid weekly, room for growth, fast paced environment
Benefits, Yearly Bonuses, Free lunches on holidays, Starting Pay.
nice work, great managers and employees
okay schedule, decent pay, room to move
Pay, benefits, bonuses when you get them, stock options, relocation packages, company prestige.
good benefits and work life balance. good to learn and grow.
Good pay for being here
Decent position. Hours vary depending on season.
Large, stable and unique company
Fast-action, high energy. Room to grow if you play your cards right.
Good Benefits, Pay pretty good
Job is simple to do. Scan items and count the inventory all day. Stress free. Can learn other job duties
at the warehouse such as picking or unloading trucks.
perfect teamwork, good environment, reliable
It has Great Pay and Benefits.
Colleagues were great and friendly
Benefits are great, pay is great at my fc, Love my managers
Fast pace, great colleague, lots of structure
You work with some of the best people in tech and you're always working on relevant projects.
Amazing work/life balance but that can depend on the org you're in. Leadership principles are
ingrained in the culture and very relevant to success.
Treats men and women equally in a manual labor setting
Access to different network and affiliations
Good wages, career growth well
Decent starting pay, job security, benefits
High caliber co-workers and a 4 day schedule are nice, as is good pay and benefits. Even before
COVID, the high growth rate meant a lot of opportunity for promotion and transfers.
Great pay Great benefits Friendly staff
No interview process, just orientation.
You'll get interviewing opportunities at many other companies after having Amazon on your resume.
Salary is great. Plenty of learning and growth
Great health benefits and Weekly pay
Benefits is the only pro
If you can get a manager who is prior military you are golden
grateful to at least have a job
Love working here. Don't know what else to say.
It's funand you get to meet a lot of people
Large Logistics company, endless room for growths and knowledge gain
Paid breaks, paid and unpaid time off
Good place to work big warehouse different opportunities easy to move up
Cool team cool workplace and manager
Culture is great place for accountability.
You have the freedom to make transitions to different teams, and explore and advance your career
6 month raises ($.20), good/inexpensive benefits and can include domestic partner
Good benefits, decent HR and decent people
Entry-level work available, opportunity to prove promotion worth
Expect to work but be rewarded for the work. When you are off from work you are off from work.
Cannot bring it home with you
Decent pay, good benefits, decent PTO
Career Choice, PTO, UPT, Flexibility with schedule
Benefits and PTO. Unpaid time off
Good pay, flexible schedule with decent time off opportunities (though not pto), well structured
3 breaks 2 10 minute 1 30 minute
Great place to work - reap opportunity
Good workout Good benefits Very Diverse Not much else
Most coworkers are very collaborative
You pick your shift before starting. $15/hr, work is mentally easy, no formal interview to get job
Ummmm i don’t know really
Branding, people thing working for amazon will be good when it is not.
- Good entry point into logistics - Good stock incentives if you stay - 3 day weekend - Quick
promotions, operations is growing very fast at Amazon
No micro-management You get to drive
Its a leading company but let's face it... they are killing it in sales. Bezos really should be paying his
employee's their worth in relation to the sales and market share that WE are responsible for
Good pay, Guaranteed 40 hours
Easy to pick up some overtime
Entry level position open to fresh college graduates from all areas of study Good opportunity for
those looking to move into the ground logistics industry
Great management for ever in a life
The pay is the only good thing 15$
usually fast pace that makes the time go by faster, pay plus bonus pay when you pick up certain shifts
Great benefits and opportunities to grow in fast paced environment
Simple job and $15 an hour is a lot better than minimum wage
At Amazon, you need to be proactive and good at communication which is a weak point of most
engineers in general. There are many meetings and chances of interacting with many peoples in
addition to writing a program.
in prime location, within walking distance
Easy job and good pay
Lots of overtime offered to employees
variety of shifts to choose from, plenty of overtime
Great place for a fresher tog grow
Flexibility in the role, pays well
It's great and good yeah
This is a fast paced job where you are on your feet the entire shift fulfilling online orders. The time
goes by quickly. Over all, co-workers are very nice. I really like the flexibility and the pay is fine for the
skill level required for the job. My manager is great. Except for the extreme difficulty in getting shifts,
this is a good part time job.
Great benefits and wi detd potential if the right people were in management/leadership/operations
Flexible with schedule no guarantee hours
Innovation happens all the time.
Best workplace to work for!
Always guaranteed pay check and shift schedule. Opportunity for over time always.
Great starting pay and looks good on your resume.
I have enjoyed this experience
Amazing quality of work and their culture
Easy money with little work
a job and basically the only one constantly hiring
Benefits,pay, flexible hours, opportunities to move up
Flexible positions available, can switch between different roles if you ask
none, you will not enjoy working here
Good paycheck for not a lot of hours worked
Smart collaborative engineers that you can somewhat easily get along.
Good paycheck for not a lot of hours worked
Smart collaborative engineers that you can somewhat easily get along.
It has a lot of different path to take if you want to make it a career.
Challenging work, good to advance in career
Met really good co workers.
name of the company on resume
Virtual work is great no commute.
Steady work and cool shift options. More time-off is needed to help workers recover from hard shifts.
faang pays very well, obviously
Pay is decent, hours are good, overtime is plentiful
Flexibility to work on variety of projects
The work schedule and locations are flexible
Fast pace, friendly, learning experience, possible advancement.
Networking Internal jobs Transferring is easy Student internships
Great benefits and ability to own your own career
A lot of overtime hours
Most people are friendly Overtime and holiday pay are nice if you have the time to work The training
was hands-on and very useful If you work hard and offer to help, you will make a name for yourself
Like my boss, the broader team. Super smart, doing a lot of good work.
Nothing good to say, they want you to pick around 400 items per minute, which if your not tall and
going from a step ladder to the top and on your knees to the bottom is ridiculous to even come close
to that number, I can only do a little over 300 items, especially when the stowers have ever item
jammed in there and you can’t find the item upfront- so disorganized
Startup like environment. A lot of things to learn and figure out on yourselves. High quality bar.
Challenging deadlines.
Good hours, benefits and wages
Always Changing and never a dull moment
I loved working here very much
Move fast, learned a lot
Four day work week, Learning the business, Working with and coaching peer associates, nightly
challenges. Never the same night twice.
Select your own schedule Work from home Low call volume during off season VTO often during off
season Self work scheduling allowed a good work home life balance Frequent reward based incentives
to encourage positive work performance
a plenty of resources to leverage
great pay create your own schedule
Benefits are good, pay is great. The people I worked with were amazing.
Good company, big name in tech
Lots of employee resources, great job stability
You have a set schedule and it is full time
A lot of walking helps fitness.
There is potential to move up fast, it's not based on seniority.
You don't get micromanaged. You managed you own time. To an extend.
manager really cares and listen to each employee's opinion
Great principles. Very data driven. Work with brilliant people.
Full benefits day one, good pay. Work usually isn’t too difficult
The paycheck is all I like.
Salary & Stock Compensation Company Growth
The paycheck is all I like.
Salary & Stock Compensation Company Growth
You had a ton of different jobs you can be doing. Just ask your supervisor if you can try something
Pay, benefits, choose your own schedule
paid weekly all the time
Good pay Great location to live
Great pay. Nice co-workers to be around. Very nice management.
Know what it is like to be fast moving while being safe and paying attention to detail
Pay and health insurance was some of the best I've had in an hourly job. Very nice managers but it is a
fast-paced and hard workplace.
Guaranteed job even when we are in full lockdown
Pays what u work for
Great people to work with
Working at Amazon is vey fast paced.
Amazon brand name is huge in sales, the products make sense, great benefits
Benefits are decent. Make an additional .50 shift differential
Quick learning pace Good colleagues Mix of startup and established culture
Everything you do here is aligned to the Leadership Principles, so learning them for your interview
really pays off. You can learn new skills and grow rapidly, changing roles or teams isn't an issue like at
other companies, and a year's worth of experience here is like 4 years elsewhere. Amazon is coming a
long way with their commitment to the community and sustainability, but there's still a long way to
go. If you want to see Amazon change, come and change it!
The pay starts at $15/hr which is pretty good
decent pay for no education
Two Lunch Breaks, great managers
work-life balance good. Don't need to work for a long time.
People were nice, pay was good
Ngl so far it's the highest paying job I've had. They pay weekly for the most part. They didn't interview
me. They kinda just..gave me the job. The sorting centers are good when it comes to how they treat
their people. Workday is between 3-5 hours for the most part.
Location, site if located just of NYS Thruway
Great team to work with,Benefit, a good start up
Salary, creativity, sustainability, opportunity, community
Autonomy, Problem solving, Ownership, Leadership, moon
Big company and latest technology
They pay really good. Everyone is nice.
Benefits are really good. Health insurance
Opportunity to learn new things. In 2017 things were great with no utilization criteria but since 2018
and beyond its operating like any other consulting firm.
Working with smart people on interesting projects. Start-up, entrepreneurial culture
Compensation, culture, interactions between associates and managers
continually challenged with rapid growth potential
Ownership ability, flexible schedule, scope of work
Consistent hours and overtime if wanted.
good pay as well as good management
Have a chance to learn and try different things
Learn new thing more opportunities good money con complain much i love it.
a lot of room for growth
It was a good environment
the PAY is good, getting paid every week
the wages were decent with the amount of hours worked
Surrounded by plenty of smart people.
clients made the job amazing, and the horses as well
Pays $15 an hour Flexible schedule
Amazon is great place to work because of the opportunities.
Great benefits, competitive pay, good hours, independence and self-managing.
Decent pay, some friendly co-workers.
Pays well,friendly people, good management
Decent pay, some friendly co-workers.
Pays well,friendly people, good management
Great leadership culture, customer obsession culture
The coworkers, love the people I got to know
Decent pay and benefits. Short work days
Flexible work schedule, great co-workers and management
Straightforward, pays weekly, receive pto and vto, and some free health benefits.
Reliable work/benefits and nice prizes during peak season
Voluntary Time Off Voluntary Paid Time Off Voluntary Extra Time Good internship options
able to learn a lot of things under pressure, like super hero if you are good and dedicated .
The are both customer and staff centric
Gets you moving and have critical thinking
Good people, and easy instructions.
Awesome team, flexible hours, innovation, creativity
It's Amazon so good name
great culture, customer obsessed, competitive
Good platform and good environment
Talented coworkers and good tech
A lot of Growth Opportunities, and your ability to relocate with the Company is a very simple process.
I work in CDO (my experience is very different from folks in AWS) work life balance is really good and
pay is really good
Growth, Plus for Resume, Compensation
Pre-Covid, the pay was hard to top...still not bad. Good pay/physical work ratio in the IXD network.
Benefits, 401K, free COVID testing. Some may find this as a pro: You need to put more effort into
getting fired then actually doing your job.
Its a very fun job
Amazing team and amazing company.
Food was good it was amazing
Great culture and lot to learn
Pay, Day 1 Benefits, and Opportunities
Great place to work at
Good and busy work environment
Easy job, pays more than minimum wage, transfer opportunities
Pays Well and provides 2 breaks
amazon is a big company
Love the benefits and work environment
Good hours, HR responds quite fast,
People around you make grow faster
Good first job for young people
I work at AWS & it has been a great place to learn and grow so far (1.4 years). I am getting
opportunities for promotions and am learning a lot about the SDLC.
Good pay at least but hard to do
I learn a ton every day and am always being challenged
medical benefits, stock options, company swag, saying you work for Amazon, cool co-workers
they are always hiring here.
TC. Lots of various things you can work on.
Structured work environment. Benefits start the 1st day.
Working independently, being outside and moving with a steady pace helps the day go by quickly.
Interaction with people.
Good hours, work alone. Benefits are ok
Good Pay Can pick your hours
Freedom to innovate and help clients think creatively
benefits and good pay and fully equipped and amazing facilites
Decent Pay, Nice Friendly Culture,
Everything! Culture, diversity, employee engagement.
Straight forward tasks, ability own your projects, no micromanaging, if deadlines aren’t met ability
to push back
Benefits Pay Learning Experience Not working on the floor If you work at a small site be prepared for a
lot of idle time
Incredible product within a market that is dominated by dozens of generic options
You train yourself and weekly pay
Great tools to work Smart engineers to work with
Good salaries, different challenging projects
Shifts are nice because you can pick which one you want. You don't always get it but you are able to
pick your first preferred shift, then your second. Shifts are only 4 hours so if you work early, you're off
work by 10 in the morning.
Pay and some amazon rewards
Good insurance package. Fair pay
Great company, great salary. Great company
Good insurance package. Fair pay
Great company, great salary. Great company
clean store to work in
Good pay and hrs are good
Money Money Money Money Money
Great place to work always
Good place for the people to go and get the table and the table for a while before
-Never boring since they are new challenges everyday -Learn from leaders in the field -Lead over 50
people and manage them -Benefits and Pay
Pay , Supervisors, People , Inclusive , breaks
Good conpany really driven people
great place to work at
Good company to work for
Work flow is very good
Pay, you are not alone
The benefits are amazing, the job is pretty easy
Ownership and learning - tons and tons and tone of opportunities to learn from
A good place to get experience working on large systems. Good opportunities for growth and
competitive pay.
Good starting pay Excellent benefits and stock options
Great benefits, Schedule is great, guarantee your hours
For a job that can be reached 2 years out of high school with no credential other than results, the pay
is fantastic. Stock awards and benefits are pretty nice too. Huge opportunities to prove oneself.
Fun environment, fast paced, differ back grounds
Really nice place for career growth.
I had a good signing bonus.
Great benefits, and good coworkers
ability to take on projects
Nice pay, good hours, overtime
It’s a good place to work
Health Benefits, some nice coworkers
Fast paced, learn to deal with ambiguity
time off both paid and not paid lots of overtime in certain seasons vacation health insurance vision
and dental
Lot of Growth Opportunities for carrier
You can learn a lot here
I got paid pretty well, but it wasn't worth it.
*only 3 days a week *decent pay *a lot of opportunity for overtime
Benefits, knowledge you can aquire
Kick-starts career if you have limited experience Gaining managerial experience Stocks after one year
Mobility to transfer locations
Easy to work, pay to train
Great pay and easy work
Good for fast career growth
The Name. The prestige of working for AWS. Many opportunities. Job security. Many opportunities to
learn. The overall high intellect of all of Amazon's employees.
Good for fast career growth
The Name. The prestige of working for AWS. Many opportunities. Job security. Many opportunities to
learn. The overall high intellect of all of Amazon's employees.
Great place to work with good management
Great People comfortable friendly Great training
Employee benefits and access to career path and progress
Very simple and repetitive work
You will get chance to learn a lot in less than a year.
RSUs...when you are eligible WFH...nice to work from home but the office is nice Plenty of roles to
move into as company is growing
Good pay for fast work
The level and scopes of problems encountered at Amazon challenges you to think on a different level.
I've been able to learn about how to write systems at a scale for systems used world wide.
Pay, definitely get plenty of hours
Decent amount of pay which is nice
Good pay Hour flexibility Good culture
• Access to Benefits • Weekly Pay • Free Safety Shoes
interesting questions and interesting person who interviewed me
Very easy job, not hard
The managers take care of you
Huge breadth of problems to work on, large scale
Great opportunities within the company once you get in
Lots of overtime always available
Starting salary is good, your coworkers are young, it’s an exciting and engaging environment
learn a lot, lots of resources
great team and meaningful work
progressive environment and good pay
its been great working for amazon
The total compensation package is phenomenal. From the quality and total cost of health insurance to
variety and cost of additional benefits to the actual amount and flexibility with time off—Just great.
Truly. Overtime. Surprise VTO. The A to Z app is really convenient. You will work your tail off, but if
you actually enjoy WORKING and take pride in a job well done, no matter what it is, then this is
awesome—except for the downside....
Full time, benefits, set schedule, overtime
Giant Company. Help you be skilled at AWS tools. May be useful in the job market.
Will always have work to do Good hardworking colleagues (Mostly)
Amazing place to work at always the opportunity to move up in the company
Will always have work to do Good hardworking colleagues (Mostly)
Amazing place to work at always the opportunity to move up in the company
Incredible colleagues. Cutting edge. Great Opportunities
Fun times are to be had
Good company good incentive great lay
Get the opportunity to work with some of the largest vendors Big company allows you to move and
rotate if you want to
Good pay, guaranteed hours, and you get benefits .
very simple job, little room for error. just stack the boxes
Good Pay talk with friend
Good money, activity, always work to do
Good insurance, good schedule during non peak hours, don't need a gym membership
lots of development opportunities everywhere
There is a flexible schedule
Payment is good to work
You'll get pushed to do your best
The job look cool to work for.
4 day work weeks are great, and makes free time an enjoyable thing
Good environment to work Satisfactory Great co workers
flexible hours, decent base wage, fun
A good work environment with good management at the facility I was working in.
Job security during a pandemic. The work is non-stop/grueling.
Lots of room for growth and movement (AMZL)
Hours were great when it came to working.
Not difficult, pretty good pay
The company offer good benefits
Growth as an individual is great.
Great job if you get lucky, and by that I mean get placed at a good delivery station (i've heard its tough
working at FC's) Great benefits Overall good work environment (however, like I said, it depends kinda
lol) Also great leadership opportunities available if you have a recent college degree
Amazon is a good Company
Love working here, its the best company to work for!!
Easy to apply and get a job that starts right away
Love working here, its the best company to work for!!
Easy to apply and get a job that starts right away
Big place plus ping pong tables
Reasonbly fast paced, always moving. learning opportunities
The pay is good and flexible
Competitive Salary, very clean among covid times
- Interesting projects. - Engineers are encouraged to own projects from design to implementation
(high degree of ownership).
Hazard pay, overnight pay, and weekend pay can all be added to your base pay and, with Covid-19,
starting at the base-pay rate, you can make around 19.80$/hr on a weekend shift. You can also opt to
be updated on extra shifts that you can pick up, so if you work part-time, but you want to make extra
money, then you can pick up as many shifts as you like during the week but you can't exceed 60
I think its a great place to work.
Easy work and good pay
Learn a lot, trusted with real responsibility early on
Pay, schedule, accommodation, inclusive, easy
Innovative company, making history, working hard
Pay, pto and vacay. That’s it
Was a pretty good job
You get an extra 1.50 per hour, but glass door wouldn’t let me put the actual starting wage for
some reason
pretty simple and very flexible.
Great pay, additional bonus, paid time off
Plenty overtime opportunities Good amount of time off/vacation
All in all, it was a pretty good job!
Plenty overtime opportunities Good amount of time off/vacation
All in all, it was a pretty good job!
Consistent schedule. Decent equipment. Benefits.
Learn a lot Grow where you want to Endless career possibilities
Everything here completely depends on who your manager is.
Great benefits and good pay for workers
Flexible schedule, Earn extra for overtime
Great Pay, Flexible, Easy Hiring
Great benefits, being able to transfer to different warehouses, and being able to learn from your
Amazon has a very disciplined hiring processes and culture
Great environment, nice people, great pay , long hours, fast pace
No interview needed Pay Don’t gotta deal with customers
Good people. Share price is great. Comp package is incredible. Good benefits.
Opportunity to rotate between functions Challenging work, interesting problems to solve Good pay,
especially for top performers
Good money so can’t complain
you get to invent job titles
Driving, on your own is a nice thing. Music.
Decent pay. People I worked with were great, for the most part. Easy job if you are willing to work.
Was able to move up within the company.
The benefits were really good. The management were willing to help you learn.
stock, yearly bonus for the first two years
Decent pay and flexible schedules
Better pay, Better project, Better work life
Great benefits, People, work life balance, goal oriented
Very relaxed company to work for.
Easy Job, tedious, good pay for entry level
it’s easy pay and good benefits
The brand is good enough for getting interviews from other companies.
Minimal politics, customer centric, meritocracy, results matter
number one company in the world
Great all round development, fun people
Easy to get an interview
very good pay really good
tons of room for growth
The teams i work with are highly talented and motivated. no one waits to be asked to start or
complete a task - it done by the desire to accomplish something or try something new. Customer
focus or rather customer obsession is the number 1 guiding principle in decision making which help
removes boundaries and organizational complexity which is typical in large organization. The teams
are inclusive and ready to help anyone with questions. Information is available on wiki's and if you
cant find your answer, create a wiki when you get your answer so that others can learn too.
Good job for people who like working on their own, has some good moments as most people are
happy to see you.
Fairly easy to move up. Very safety focused
It was easy to get time off and get lots of VTO
Great co-workers and excellent benefits even for part time workers.
Amazon is the market leader in many categories. Work environment is better than many of the
traditional companies that have been around for a long time. Compensation is competative. Bg
company with lots of opportunities.
Great co-workers and excellent benefits even for part time workers.
Amazon is the market leader in many categories. Work environment is better than many of the
traditional companies that have been around for a long time. Compensation is competative. Bg
company with lots of opportunities.
Amazing environment and amazing people
work from home alot of Overtime
Fast paced environment with tons of upward mobility. Work hard and work long and you will be
Headline says it all. Good for some people, bad for others.
Working by yourself No boss on your neck
Schedule consistency, overtime opportunities, Benefits day one for full time
I'll be forever thankful for my time at Amazon. The connections, people and the associates ultimately
made Amazon feel more like home than work! It also allowed me to grow into an operations level
leader, even acting senior operations leader, despite not having a 4 year degree!
Lots of great engineers and diverse work
Great learning opportunity that allows you to grow professionally
salary is enough to live in boston
New challenges every day in a rapidly changing environment.
Easy work weeks with nice bonus
Pay, and flexible and good fun
Good career path in the organization
It is easy to choose what shifts I want to work with their flexible and choose your own shift system.
Managers are super helpful.
Good pay, time off opportunities, and paid breaks
Great benefits. Pay, medical, dental. Good folks working for Amazon
Barely decent pay for lots of work.
They will hire during covid.
Great teamwork and very smart people.
Good Pay Fun People Nice Boss Frequent Breaks
The pay is good, for a warehouse
Their base pay is $15/hr which is really good.
great room to grow easy management pay and benefits
Lots of new technology and challenges to rethink the status quo.
Easy work time flies when you’re busy
I enjoyed every moment working with the company.
Amazon gives their maintenance techs a lot of support and there are several opportunities for growth
and advancement.
-You get to work on household name stuff (makes "So, where do you work?" go by easier) -Stonk
always goes up
Easy to start, cheap food
Learning Experience can prepare one for CDL
Met some of the most interesting people working there
Great pay, Flexibility, Benefits, Teamwork
Job stability, good benefits, career opportunities
Good money, 4 day shift, PTO
Team oriented and easy to change teams
Generally a good place to work.
Team oriented and easy to change teams
Generally a good place to work.
Decent pay, smart engineers, cool products
Decent Pay for salaried job that was easy.
Benefits were the best part.
I feel so good. I feel so good at work. I leave as happy as I came in. When I have a constructive
conversation with my associates I feel like I'm respectful, and firm because of the patience, and
training they allow their managers to have. Not every workplace does this. Not everywhere trains it's
managers to treat those under then with respect. Not every workplace puts the welfare of all of their
employees first. I do believe whole-heartedly that this is what sets Amazon apart. I have the best
manager I have had in my lifetime in the workforce, and practically everyone you ask for assistance is
willing to help, and mentor you. When they say "work hard, have fun, make history", let me tell you
they mean it. Everyday my body hurts more than it has in a long time, but I always leave with a smile,
and wake up ready to go back to work. I made the decision, a few months ago, to change my career
path, and I have never been happier working somewhere. I love Amazon, and I never want to work
anywhere else.
Paid for my tuition, great co-workers, good summer job.
Was able to select a schedual type where I can pick when I come in. It's perfect for school. Nice
Great diverse group of co-workers. High innovation and high pay.
Scale and challenges are unlike anything you will come across in other places
I'd recommend to friends/family if they need work, but not for long term. Worked at Amazon for
more than 4 years and have worked all the beginner areas. I was given the chance to move up and
passed the interviews. Decent pay, opportunities to move up, friendly co-workers. Some management
are better than others, I've enjoyed most of mines but there have been some that were not so good.
Great pay to supplement my income when I needed it most.
Fun sharing team environment. Everyone is willing to help each other advance.
If you are looking for money and don't care what you are doing. This company will not only take care
of you through benefits they will also be very supportive of your goals.
Work/Life Balance, Get paid weekly
overall is a good job
Culture, people, management, commercial office space
Competitive pay and flexible scheduling
Good pay and Flexible hours
Decent Hourly and Benefits Offered
Good pay Cool cafeteria Coffee Some centers let u have earbuds in
With my shift differential I make 18.70, which helps a lot with being able to pay bills and to school. No
one asks you to stay longer, you come to your shift do your job and leave. Never experienced any
yelling or abuse of power
Health care cost about 50 bucks a check for single person
Flexible, great pay, close to home
Pretty good time off options, and easy work
Exercise, well-managed operational environment, Flexibility, Empathy
I've formed great relationships with several of my team members and colleagues.
the money is good, so if you dont care about a crappy work environment it might be the place for you
Always something different to do. Don’t have to sit in one spot
If you have a Job think twice. Good trainings for managers.
Always something different to do. Don’t have to sit in one spot
If you have a Job think twice. Good trainings for managers.
Weekly paycheck no cash registers
Global foot print learning opportunities
Relatively good pay and level of responsibility
Great pay and exciting work
- Autonomy to learn and try new things. - Exposure to all facets of HR, really doing Generalist work
after some time. - Working in a Fulfillment Center, you will encounter situations you would never
expect and can never prepare for. This creates great stories to draw from when looking to move
up/out. - RSUs with AMZN are really fun :) - If you are comfortable moving, there are openings across
the world after you have some experience with the company. Major perk of working for such a quickly
growing company.
High comp Challenging technical problems Very Smart colleagues Sky is the limit if you are willing to
sell your soul, grind, and play the game
Work/life balance is awesome. Lots of growth opportunities.
Lot of new things to learn, good flexibility in changing teams
Lots of opportunity with the company if you work hard
No customers to yell at you
Work by yourself essentially at your own pace
In general no one micromanages you You can report anything at anytime Accommodations WILL be
made for you Short work week Safety/Amcare is readily available to take of your health and wellness
needs You can grow within the company and they'll pay for you to further your education They have
amazing breakrooms where you can buy meals and snacks at a decent price Water stations all around
you Bathrooms thoroughly cleaned An app to satisfy all your questions and needs
Good, great, awesome, new, enlighting
Job security for the most part, depending on which warehouse you work at. Some places are
cutthroat, other places are more lenient and give you a chance to get in your rhythm.
It has a lot of god benefits.
Good benefits and standard $15.00 per hour.
amazon provides good benefits for it's employees and pay
easy to learn, manage was nice to employees
They pay you good and offer benefits .
More challenging, learn more, more responsibility
You do what you want and love
Work from home, occasionally offered VTO
4 day weeks, constant opportunity to learn, social distancing guidelines/enforcement
weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly
pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay weekly pay
- Good work out - 401K match - Fun people - Lot of different jobs - Could get away with a lot if you're
cool with management
none to write its all bad
Money is ok but not the best
Good pay and some people are friendly
Amazon is always willing to try new things. Therefore, if you can quantify your hypothesis and
document your experience, Amazon's leadership will support you
4 day work weeks, get paid full 10 hours if finished early.
the hiring bar is low
Smart, innovative colleagues Meaningful work Benefits- health, commuter, 401k
They have good benefits and vision benefits
Challenging problems to solve High compensation
Meeting diverse ppl and being able to be a voice for innovation
As a person from a non-tech background and a non-tech industry before joining Amazon.l, I can say
with confidence this has been the best work experience I’ve had in my career. A lot more
autonomy, merit based advancement (rather than seniority), and interesting work.
Pay, and Benefits are the biggest pros.
Diversity Can wear whatever you want
Pay, and Benefits are the biggest pros.
Diversity Can wear whatever you want
- Amazon offers semi-competitive offers - Interviews are generally easier than Facebook or Google -
Perks are not "bad", although not amazing either - If you don't like your team, you can always transfer
to a different team in a relatively short period - Most non-AWS orgs are switching to using the native
AWS platform rather than its in-house legacy web services. This is good for resume building as AWS
usage is marketable in general. - The notorious "Leadership Principal" can be either a curse or a
blessing. From a career perspective though, it does do a good job of turning shy, non-vocal engineers
into vocal can-do engineers who can lead. The industry seems to be abundant of the former.
Summary: I think Amazon's good qualities pale in comparison to other competitors, but objectively it
isn't as bad as the young-ins make it out to be. It's more so that companies like Google and Facebook
are raising the bar in employee satisfaction, where as Amazon hasn't changed too much because it
doesn't really drive up their profits. Instead what they do to incentivize employee retention is to give
a stock vesting plan that rewards you exponentially near the end of your 3-4 year term. This means
you don't really get squat for leaving within the first year, but in the later years you get rewarded
It seems like you're going to get so many opportunities to do amazing new things, but you get so
bogged down in minutae that it's impossible to find time to innovate.
Being a shopper in the Whole Foods stores is not as hectic and consuming as being in the warehouse.
Depending on which store you’re at, there may be constant grocery orders to pick and pack or
very few, if any at all.
compensation and development and benefits
Great medical, dental, and vision benefits.
consistent schedule, overtime pay, immediate hire
They are willing to be flexible to make the shift work for me which is great. Shift goes by quick.
Decent pay, solitary, lots of chances to try different jobs within the building. Lots of voluntary
overtime year round.
The job is very flexible
Decent insurance Decent pay Stable
Great company with room to advance.
Close Knit Group for Company
easy money, you can isolate yourself
awesome coworkers, good pay, holiday pay, and vet opportunities
So many pros its hard to know where to start!
Great job with lots of job growth opportunity.
Clean, Well lit, Requires solo work.
The one in banning is amazing. They teach u new skills so u can do other things than just 1 job a day.
Friendly and worked with friends
The Overnight shift was available
No pros for this job
Extra shifts to pick up
The company was Fast paced
Potential job growth Vision and Dental Benefits
Great pay if you work overnights
the pay is decent. not too much work
Flexible, accommodating, scheduling options, Tim off
Pay OT optional on off days Easy work
Opportunity to grow, more responsibility.
Easy to ask for time off and you work early and get off early
Good work environment and great attention to employee safety
Good pay and you can move up easily
Flexible schedule, decent pay, good co-workers
pay is good, hr is fair
not bad salary but toxic culture
Associates can choose part-time or full time and there's usually opportunities for overtime
Great benefits and great schedules
Good Schedule Great pay/benefits If you work fast, management will mostly leave you alone
Pays well for what it is, pandemic-proof job, good benefits even for seasonal employees, flexible time
off bank, overtime pays well, always trying to create sense of community for employees despite
working from home, responsive and caring HR, great position for anyone who wants to work from
home or is currently in school like myself, COVID leave is paid
great people to work with and the hours are not bad at all.
Pay, PTO, and Benefits offered
great pay flexible hours good teams
Decent pay and benefits plenty of overtime opportunities.
Best company ever, ever, ever
Great and pleasant place to work.
Highly available low latency large scale distributed systems
Not sure yet I just started working
There are so many reasons to work here - innovation, inclusion, teamwork. The company has a lot
going for it in terms of complex interesting products and projects. Appreciation for skills you bring to
the table.
Move fast and can learn public cloud technologies. Amazon almost never layoff and always hiring,
thanks to their PIP system.
Employees discounts, more relax dress code, free security shoes and PPE
Amazon's culture derives from its Leadership Principles and it is an environment filled with autonomy,
the ability to take ownership on initiates, and truly make positive impact.
Lots of time off, independent review, get rewarded for how hard you work.
Hard work, team work, growth, paid on time, culture.
Benefits! Opportunity to grow within company! Sense of accomplishment at work!
A lot of overtime work
Friendly Challenging Fair Balanced Fine
Base pay is on the higher side for warehouse positions, tons of OT, variety of shifts to choose from
and good benefits
Mostly great colleagues, interesting projects.
competitive wage, amazing benefits, paid break
Good pay, great to learn
team members are supportive and fun
Rapid growth company, lots of opportunities, great workmates.
Independent work environment with room to move up
benefits, work from home, paid training, flexibility
talented co-workers that you can learn from
They offer great benefits and the pay is not that bad. Also, they offer career choice that helps pay for
education up to $3000 a year for a total of $12000.
sometimes you get light routes
It was pretty straight forward, but no upward mobility. This was a temporary job.
Good pay and a lot of learning opportunity!
Nice people all around good time
Very safe environment and fun to work in
Lots of growth opportunities, fast pace
Very good pay compared to other companies
great manager, superb pay, awesome projects
Good pay, good benefits, hard work team, supportive seniors
great benefits, team members, and projects!
My work is easy, my leadership is supportive. I like my job
great benefits, team members, and projects!
My work is easy, my leadership is supportive. I like my job
can have headphone co-workers are nice
talented folks to work with, new technology to learn each day
very good impact, free aws
learning is very good for SDE
None really. Hard work seriously
Good to work for daily
Money money money money money
Pay, overtime availability, some flexibility
Opportunity to learn, salary, stock
Flexible scheduling that can be done from an app.
Flexible shift and you don’t have to deal with customers
full benefits pay is fair
Great place to work of your looking for a career
Culture pay work/life balance diversity
Tons of opportunity internally, huge scale to the things you get to work on.
Free food, nice benefits, nice co workers, a lot of vto
- Driven company with smart individuals - Products worth working on - Tech stack that's constantly
improving - Focus on quality tech and quality deliverables - Ladder is easily climbable and horizontally
available as well
this role has a great learning curve
Benefits, time, extra time pay
Good Pay, Always Provides Overtime
Great company to work for
Smart, motivated people excited about inventing new products for customers, and making a positive
difference in communities.
Great opportunities to advance to leadership
was an opportunity to work during covid
Good pay and Co workers
Good start pay, benefits, pick your shift, care about safety and health, help raise awareness for child
hood cancer
Flexible hours, smart and experienced teammates, lots of resources at your disposal, easy to switch
teams once you're in
no pros whatsoever never again
Flexible hours, smart and experienced teammates, lots of resources at your disposal, easy to switch
teams once you're in
no pros whatsoever never again
Pay, short hours, good workout
Great company start a career
Learn new things. Easy to move up if your a reliable worker and stay on task for the most park. 3
month parental leave for FT associates (they don’t tell you that tho) 20 weeks paid parental leave
if your IT.
Easy and simple, flexible hours
Nice , big break area, lockers
3 days off Good benefits
Good pay and good opportunities for overtime
Cool easy fun great fast
Coworkers are decent and benefits.
Really easy a baby could do it
Great Learning Opportunities, Job Mobility
The pay and the pay Most people I have met are friendly
Compensation. Huge stock bonus and higher salary than most.
Health Benefits; Stock Options; a bonus upon hiring for some positions
Great hours, flexible, fun, decent pay, benefits
Good money, benefits, good good
multiple option to choose from on 401k
Fast pace work and great opportunity to grow
Flexible schedule and decent pay
Vacation time accumulates very fast
very nice polite workers. they gave good breaks
Big challenges, great opportunities to take initiatives
Flexible scheduling, great pay, great coworkers
Pay is decent, hours are okay.
Easy Hire and potential for Overtime
Long hours but time there was fun.
Pay, extra time offered, multiple positions to learn
Easy work, good money, able to change positions if you want to
incredible teams, many engagement opportunities, modern building amenities, room for upward
set schedule and great pay
Consistent Hours Decent Pay 3 days off
Great benefits package, friendly co workers, secure work environment
Diversity, top talent, growth potential
Fast-paced work, Exciting, Rigorous, Great Team
the managers are friendly, kind, and work with you
Great benefits, innovative environment and allowed to bring new ideas to the table
Benefits, Discounts, Gifts, They help you with a technical degree if you are full time
Work your own hours, not set in a routine, free to create your own solutions.
Great pay, great benefits and always room to grow.
Easy job Get to choose your own schedule
Paid every week flexible time off just not paid
It’ll do if you are in a bind
Good long hour shifts Repetitive work
Amazon is super flexible with your hours
I really like this role because there's lots of flexibility in defining the scope of the role for career
growth in multiple avenues.
benefits, PTO, vacation, dental, vision, ample OT but comes in streaks, technology services
Working as an Amazon Area Manager is fast paced innovative and fun. It challenges to grow as a
leader and pushes you to learn everyday.
pay is decent and there is always time off available especially the newer you are in the company
Flexible schedule, 4 days a week. Meet lots of people.
Great community of people and it’s very flexible
benefits are great for everyone
Fast pace, team effort, keeps you motivated
so much fun for real
Get to pick up hours
Very good systems and easy to learn jobs.
Great company for a first job. Good training. Management will treat you good, and above average pay
for entry level.
I love the multi cultural environment that I work in. This job challenges you to greater expectations.
The pay is competitive, the insurance is excellent. The respect standards are high.
Got to learn a lot for the first 6 months
1. Very interesting projects 2. Great people to work with 3. Great pay and good perks
Weekly payment was amazing the work was easy for the most part
Everything is well thought out to ensure a successful company.
$15.00 an hour, Overall my facility was a good one
You are compensated very well
Good hours Nice people Good Environment
I haven't been paid to say this... I'm not one of those employees who's crazy about the company
either. I can tell you that this is one of the best places I've ever worked. It's not for everyone. If you
enjoy creating processes and taking ownership for you job, you will love this company. If you come to
work for a paycheck, this will be another job that you'll get sick of eventually. Like any other company
there's favoritism, cattiness, egos (oh the egos), but not half as much as other companies I've worked
for. People generally like coming to work. If you are a micromanager who has a hard time getting
along with people, this job will be very, very challenging.
Good hours Nice people Good Environment
I haven't been paid to say this... I'm not one of those employees who's crazy about the company
either. I can tell you that this is one of the best places I've ever worked. It's not for everyone. If you
enjoy creating processes and taking ownership for you job, you will love this company. If you come to
work for a paycheck, this will be another job that you'll get sick of eventually. Like any other company
there's favoritism, cattiness, egos (oh the egos), but not half as much as other companies I've worked
for. People generally like coming to work. If you are a micromanager who has a hard time getting
along with people, this job will be very, very challenging.
Stable pay and easy job
Career development opportunities are available
The compensation is on point.
Ability to move to other teams means you can learn a lot
There are on top of making sure your ok. you get prizes for doing well. bonuses . understanding well
let you keep coming back as many times as you want
No hierarchy - if you have idea and passion, there are lot of opportunities and encouragement to
build it. Endless learning opportunities - 1000s of very challenging solving problems to pick and learn
from Fun - Great people to learn and have fun
Benefits, Advancement Opportunities, Liveable Wage
If you breathe, yiu can get a job here
Ok pay that literally anyone can get Free contacts Flexible schedule PTO
Flexible scheduling, straight forward task
Four day work week, excellent medical insurance
The pay is good weekly
Overall Employee benefits are good.
Good Benefits, has onsite therapy
Flexible shifts and good pay
Large company so there are alot of opportunities for growth all over the country
If you want to learn new skills, this is the right place
Decent benefits, diversity, fast pace and keeps you busy
great benefits from start date (401k 50% match, free work shoes,etc), short shifts depending on
If you bust your butt you can achieve a lot and gain 10 years of experience in 4 Big problems to solve -
interesting work
You may meet some great people
Flexible scheduling and good communication with the team.
Large company and room for growth
Amazing place to work at
Everyone is treated equally and
Everything is good at the moment
there have very good benefits
The pay is good there & benefits that's it.
Great people to work with
Works with me to get me the schedule i need to be able to get to my other job in time
Great place to waste your life
Unprofessional, not following rules, restrictions, etc.
Learn how one of the biggest companies in the world works to fufil and distribute orders
Exercise Pick the schedule that best works for you Opportunity to learn new things and grow in the
Great pay especially after 2 years when you start collecting stocks
Very Flexible if you go to college Can take off almost any time you want 15.75 an hour Many positions
you can try to move up to
Get done with route early, if no rescue need you get to go home. You get paid for the full shift.
No pros whatsoever. You meet new people with different backgrounds.
It’s a good first job to have. Gives you lots of experience of what the workforce can be like
Streamlined and company wide method of operating (Leadership Principles/Mechanisms/Continuous
UPT and PTO opportunities, benefits etc
Not a bad starter job
Easy job depending on facility
Good good good good good
Work with great teammates - smart, good people from all over. The pace is fast, the problems are
new and the solutions are innovative. Good ethics and great focus on delighting the customer.
Pay, benefits, great job to avoid your family.
Flexible hours Good pay A bunch of opportunities to move up
Reasonable payment standard and ok work-life balance
Flexible hours Good pay A bunch of opportunities to move up
Reasonable payment standard and ok work-life balance
Good pay, positive coworkers, simple, easy, understanding managers if you need time off
Guaranteed work Plenty of hours DIRECT HIRE/ benefits from day one
They make it easy for you to miss days at work and easy to ask questions. Good first warehouse job
no shortage of things to keep you busy
Good Benefits and Opportunities to Move
Great benefits, work on amazing products that touch customers all across the globe, fast paced,
competitive, clear expectations and career growth opportunities, global company with tons of
relocation opportunities. Great people to work with and managers - find the right team and manager!
Over 40 hours per week
Night schedule is lively and easy
You get money for the work you do.
So it's a really easy job to get, you do a simple test about fitting things together then basically go to an
orentation there is no interview. I worked with many people spoke maybe 5 words of english and
have no people skills. Also you can get some experience working in a warehouse and the
responsibilities that come with employment. Also you can easily transfer to other facilities.
Lots of room for growth and opportunities. Friendly people.
Flexible schedule, great coworkers. Training is great and a lot of room for advancement
Pay is good and it's a great learning experience to see just how Amazon functions
the pay is pretty good
Work with top engineers Opportunity to switch roles and explore different products Health Insurance
Immigration support PTO
Easy work consistent schedule competitive pay
Good pay Flexible hours Really good benefits
Easy work consistent schedule competitive pay
Good pay Flexible hours Really good benefits
Like the Job with People
Flexible and very easy to do
paying good for entry level job
Job sharing, learning new/different skills
The benefits are fantastic! Love the app that tells you your status and details as an employee.
The pay is decent. Co workers are cool
Good opportunities to take ownership of your own project.
Brand name helps in future job search
Good benefits with great coverage
I learned a lot and feel like I gained some skills.
Smart colleagues, exciting work, potential to continue to be good. Exciting in tech space.
Lots of opportunities for growth. Plethora of training resources
diffirent vest than the entry level
Benefits are good with them
People, structured approach, think big opportunities
Benefits, flexibility in your hours
Relatively easy interview and easy to switch teams inside
If you like consistency. It’s that.
Great and supportive team, lots of perspectives
good amount of money for me
Health benefit is good especially for people with children
Relatively easy to get in
it is really really really great
Flexible schedule and decent pay
Easy to learn, 3 days off
Flexible Schedule with decent pay
Great hours, for your pocket.
Flexible working hours Fast movement upwards
Paid Weekly from my amazon job
flexible hours with volontary extra times or times off with no penality
Good benefits Paid Maternity leave up to 20 weeks
Pros of working at Amazon would be the hours that are given, benefits that are available, and the
many different shift patterns.
Amazing opportunity, very very very few companies give you the freedom to develop as a freshman at
almost the same level you would as SDE intern. Pay is good as well.
Great place to work and no one really bothering you much.
Easy to learn the jobs and get used to.
The benefits are about the only thing worth working here for
Base salary is good for a first job
it was a good experience for me
set schedule, weekly pay, school accomodation.
Some benefits to work here
There are good opportunities internally
You can have health, vision and dental for a low price
Consistent and reliable scheduling/hours. PTO and vacation time accumulation starting right away, as
well as some flexibility with unpaid time-off and voluntary time-off. Generous compensation for an
entry-level warehouse job, no prior experience required. Some opportunities to advance into
leadership for those who show interest and commitment. Benefits available for all full-time
employees on day one, including 401(k) plan with employer match, stock purchase plan, health,
vision, dental. Raises for all employees every 6 months, and occasional bonuses.
PTO can be taken when ever you want. No interview, this is a good job to keep in mind if you are
looking to start off or have as a back up.
Opportunities abound, pay, rsu and great coworkers
I’ve traveled to different states with amazon (on their dime). I‘ve taken steps toward earning a
second degree (associates) post baccalaureate degree (all on amazon’s dime). Bonuses given out
occasionally. Opportunity for growth and advancement.
First, AWS is growing, so there are many opportunities within the company. Second, at AWS, there is a
premium on technical expertise. If you are a former engineer-turned-product manager, then AWS
offers can be more rewarding than Amazon.
One of interesting job for me was that.
The benefits were good, and PTO and Vacation
You get alot of freedom with no one always on your back.
Their benefits packages are not bad
It has good benefits and you meet a lot of people.
Fair pay. I liked my colleagues very much.
it is a great development place.
career growth opportunity and challenges
good people and managers organized large company
good people and managers organized large company
good shifts Voluntary extra time great flexibility Voluntary Time off
VTO meant you leave whenever you want
My boss was nice and understanding
Work life balance with 4 days on, 3 off
Great salary and benefits and sign up bonus
Pay is pretty decent not bad
benefits, culture, interview, security, management
Very clean, organized and automated workplace
Great work, lots of opportunities.
Flexible if you’re in school
The job has Good pay rate
great for opportunities for challenges
Good benefits Free medicine at work Clean bathrooms Free Covid Testing
It was a pretty easy job and the pay was $15 an hour.
It's a job... They don't care about nothing but online orders. The store is a mess!
coworkers at the entry level
Good pay, good benefits, good breaks.
Innovative projects, great career development opportunities, great pay
Very nice pay and benefits
Dependable work schedule, safety , and very clean environment.
Everyday is different at Amazon
It is easy to get a job for Amazon.
Great people to work with and lot of opportunities
Great pay, great hours, great place to work at and then forget about as soon as you leave
Amazing place to grow and contribute
cool money, great money, nice pay
You have some discounts on everything
Good pay and flex time
Surprisingly good work life balance. Love my teammates
The customers were generally pleasant
Bonuses, Paid time off, physical work
It is a pretty big firm
independent work is always nice
Good pay if you're unskilled
The flexibility on where, when, and how you do your work is the big sell here. The lateral
opportunities are endless and you never feel bored or trapped.
Big company to work for. Great for resume.
Decent pay and benefits. Lots of walking, good place to stay healthy
Pay is good for unskilled labor.
Convenience of work from home
You will learn a lot, Incentivizes initiative and innovation, Lots of smart people
If you are a technical professional or just a tech enthusiast, AWS is the place to work (over the other
silicon valley players Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc). AWS is the leader in cloud computing.
Better products, better services, more innovation as a faster pace than our competitors and always
keeping the customer #1 (Amazon leadership principle "Customer Obsession" is not just a tagline).
Joining AWS means joining Amazon, yes. But it also means you benefit from the Amazon stock price if
you are awarded RSUs, which most full time employees are. It takes 4 years for RSUs to vest 100%,
but time moves fast in this organization. You will work with some of the smartest minds in the
industry. Plenty of room for career growth in AWS and Amazon (you can transfer from one to the
Pay, benefits, people, RSU for newer people
The benefits were very good
flexible, good pay, and break
Good company to work for
Had three days off and instant benefits
voluntary time off (when available) consistent schedule good benefits
great place to work !
Pick up extra VET VTO Work life balnce
Work with very smart people
Not alot of heavy work
Good results oriented culture and customer obssession
pick of when you can work, grocery shopping, don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.
flexible time working and workers are nice to work with.
Working at Amazon has been a unique experience. As I was looking for an in between job I did not
expect the skills that I gained while working here. These skills include • Vocalics, one must be able
to communicate effectively, loud, and clearly in this fast pace-environment. • Working with people
from various types of backgrounds. I met both older and younger people pursuing degrees, in-
betweens, and just looking to get out the house. This for me helped keep me in this position longer. If
you join as an Amazoian be sure to get to know your other Amazoian’s! • The ability to take on
extra shifts. • Flexibility to take off shifts. • Ability to work in different areas. • Repetitive. •
Helpful Management.
flexible, short shifts, friendly people
I had really good experience working at this company.
Pay was decent enough paid weekly
No rate within Tom team
Lots of opportunities for advancement
none to mention at this time
You get to work on projects that change the world
Flexible shifts you can choose and decent pay
Good culture, with plenty of opportunity for personal, and professional growth,
Complex tasks, independence, autonomy, can make decisions
The location and it's your own hours
They pay decently if you are in high school or a new high school graduate. Pays more than fast food
and retail, and you don't work in fast or or retail. They have flexible hours, decent pay, and decent
working conditions as well.
Easy, consistent, nice pay, paid time off
Easy system to pick up overtime
Advancement, signing bonus, stock option.
Great atmosphere to learn and grow
Great internal tools to use
Good pay Very good upper management
One of the best company
Great place to have a job
nice people are very respectful
A Great place to work
good money, good mobility, big company
pay is decent for the work
good money, good mobility, big company
pay is decent for the work
Many opening for all level engineers, especially friendly to new graduates; Work within AWS
architecture where can learn a lot.
For a college student who does not have any professional experience Amazon has been a great place
for me to make mistakes and learn.
wonderful company culture in all aspects
Get to work behind the scenes at one of the biggest companies in the world.
Alright company and sometimes good people.
the pay is above minimum wage and they have a shift differential which is good only if you work
nights on the weekends
Benefits for part time is great
Good pay and helpful staff.
They had good pay, especially on holidays.
good pay* but not worth the work forced on you.
Nice pay and benefits included with full time position. Dental, medical and vision
good pay, great location, good benefit
Decent pay, decent job(if you do your job and your job only)
Consistent hours and decent pay with bonus
Just the pay and ease
The pay was great, I really enjoyed how easy the job was.
No physical work love to work with management
flexible when you need time off since aside from the holiday season its slow
It's a good place to work if you want to exercise
inbound, fast pace worker, diverter,scanner,pallet build
Great Company to work for, lots of fun to learn about innovation
Great team mangers, that’s it.
benefits from day one here
Opportunity for growth and development
Simple, not too demanding work
Pay, PTO, anything u can wear
Welcoming Environment Easy to progress in the company
Processes in place are very well documented and easy to follow
You can interact with customers all across the world and you get to accommodate them in great
quality products.
Job task is simple, scan item to create a virtual and physical location for item to be stored then picked
to be sent out for customer orders.
There is always training programs to learn to help you move to different positions. They also offer
tuition reimbursement.
Autonomy and many opportunities for development
Dynamic work environment, opportunities for growth
decent pay, cool coworkers, enough hours
Building some interesting new things
Working on big problems, a lot of freedom to run your business as you see fit, fast pace, surrounded
by a lot of knowledge and experience
There are many things great
Great work environment and good pay.
benefits, pay, socializing, bonuses, discounts
Good FAANG name and brand name
Solve problems that impact entire continents worth of logistical networks. Impact customers and
employees daily. Interact with an amazing cohort of impressive individuals. Learn from the best.
Fun, you meet a lot of people. The benefits are great also
Competitive environment, smart people everywhere
Having Amazon stock is great
opportunities to grow in management quickly
Lot's of smart people. You are given a lot of responsibility.
good and challenging problems to solve
Relatively easy tasks and high pay excellent benefits
Benefits paid time off, Bereavement is amazing
High paying, relatively simple work,
Benefits and a hour lunch
The job is challenging, it pushes you too be great at time and speed, the bonus is well worth it, you
get plenty of help and the people there are pretty good people!
Good skills to learn at Amazon
Salary big brand good for ng
leadership, work quality, other engineers
Nice pay, overtime whenever you want it, nice hours
15/hour, pays good, and created job opportunities
WLB, pay, great teammates, work with new tech
it's a good place to work, steady, and good people
Managers and colleagues are very supportive
Good hours good pay for most
I work three days a week at 12 hours a shift Free shoes ($125ish shoe credit) $100 discount credit for
Amazon products (Shipped and sold by Amazon) Other additional perks You could get promoted quick
if you go to a recently built warehouse
Great pay and benefits including sign on bonus
-Freedom to use paid time off (different from vacation or requested time/days off). -4 days on, 3 days
Flexible, you can pick your own schedule, and able to transfer departments.
Great work place..offers extra shifts with extra pay...clean and tidy place...
Flexible hours Great Pay Easy to do
Is customer oriented and highly efficient
A lot of opportunity to do cool stuff
Stocks, salary, travel, and networking.
Good job, mostly fast paced
Great Social interaction, a lot of employees have great ethics and work hard. The wage is good, there
are 401Ks and insurance coverage, everything is ensured to be fair and they even allow employees to
voice their causes like BLM or Pride yet they DO try to avoid the unwanted politics which is one of my
favorites. There are VOAs (Voice of Associate boards) where you can write out or voice your concerns
and a lot of the time you get a response where it looks like someone takes it into consideration.
The managers and PAs are nice, my coworkers are also nice. Great benefits, low cost and great
coverage. I got a 1 dollar pay raise within my first month of working and they really take covid
precautions seriously. Overtime options are easy to get as long as you sign up for notifications. I have
only worked for less than 3 months, yet I am eligible for a promotion (to afm)
Work at your own pace Good wages Great team work
Got to choose a flexible schedule.
doesn't have anything specifics for the company
paid time off, vacation days, benefits, good base pay, good variety of work, good environment,
occasional free food, good break room
doesn't have anything specifics for the company
paid time off, vacation days, benefits, good base pay, good variety of work, good environment,
occasional free food, good break room
The nature of work is great
good pay, good benefits and ability to learn
Good insurance and steady money
Culture is very defined, just look up the Leadership Principles. No micro-management, everyone
expects that you are good at your job.
Great Dental, Vision, Health insurance options. The tuition reimbursement is cool The work is straight
forward and it's no brainer work. Definitely an easy place to get along day to day.
A great environment where you can learn and grow
The team is super helpful and energetic
Different shift options.understanding staff. Most leads will understand workers and place workers
where they enjoy being
Results oriented, very driven and intelligent coworkers. No BS.
4 Days a week, Decent benefits, flexible schedule
1. Chances to learn how a company manage its business/development facing such huge amount of
customers/demands 2. Pipeline support is good, at least it is a thing in Amazon.
Management, compensation, work-life balance, location
Flexible hrs and great opportunities
you will always learn new things, innovation
Lots of smart people and great work environment
you can do what you like to do
Lots of smart people and great work environment
you can do what you like to do
-Work with some of the smartest minds in Networking and Cloud -Learn a lot -Great for Resume -
Good pay -Decent Benefits -401k match -RSUs
Good work environment friendly cooperative Awesome work culture in the office
Worked with high caliber, talented people; stock benefits while the stock was rising were incredible
Good money if you are a student or don't have a college degree, easy to get hired, don't have to say
anything to do your job
Amazing place to work and you feel very included
They provide Great family benefits
Fast paced, team-work, critical thinking, benefits, hours
Connections you make within the company
Good pay, massive learning curve
If you have the right team and manager, great place to learn and grow in your skillset and capabilities.
flexible schedule, basic pay, non-stringent labor
they gave lots of hours
Good for learning and growing
Benefits are hard to beat anywhere else.
nothing to share at this moment
$15.00 starting wage, leadership, and burning calories.
- fast paced environment with upward promotion potential - highly qualified leaders; the hiring
process raises the bar time and time again - leadership principles drive the business
If your a blue badge you get benefits from day one which includes holiday pay. Even if you don't work
on that holiday you still get paid 8 hours for it. If you do work you get time and a half. You start with
10 hours of unpaid time off you can take whenever and get 20 more hours every quarter until you hit
80 hours. You start with 10 hours of paid time off plus you get 10 hours every 2 months for a total 60
hours a year. You start accruing vacation time the moment you start and accrue 40 hours in your first
year. I work overnights and make 16.40/hr. Also, if you need to use unpaid time off, you don't have to
call off or anything. You just don't show up and it takes it off automatically. Also they have an app
called amazon A to Z where you can view your schedule at the bottom or use one of the tabs to see
things like how much time off you have available, your pay stubs, and transfers. You can transfer to a
different department as long as you have been a blue badge for 30 days. Blue badge employees don't
have a point system like white badge employees. I don't much about the benefits or details of a white
badge. You get two 30 minute breaks. One is paid and one is not. 8
good place to work, many opportunities for workers who want to grow.
Stock options - Amazon name on your resume - smart people
Pay is good, I like my schedule too.
overtime, pay, employees, new people,
The Flexibility to work when you choose, pay,
good work experience and WLF
• Flexible work schedule • Super easy to get hired. > Background check, drug test, and you're in.
Job hiring events are en mass. > No resume check. • Access to 401k, health insurance, and
employee discounts • Casual dress code • W-2 job protections > i.e., unemployment insurance
Flexible hours, friendly environment, good for student job
• Flexible work schedule • Super easy to get hired. > Background check, drug test, and you're in.
Job hiring events are en mass. > No resume check. • Access to 401k, health insurance, and
employee discounts • Casual dress code • W-2 job protections > i.e., unemployment insurance
Flexible hours, friendly environment, good for student job
fun work when you're in the mood
Good money that makes you want to stay
All I have to do is ask and I can get trained in a variety of roles. I like that everyday I can do something
different, it keeps me excited to go to work.
Good pay flexible schedule , friendly managers
Good pay I would say
Overall - great learning environment and start in tech
Always work to be done. Get paid every Friday.
Avoid starving, although not always.
Great work environment, awesome people, great pay, good communication and benefits. Well
organized program.
Lot of ownership and encouragement to take strech assignments and grow
Higher pay job than most places around. Freedom to move about to other areas and train in different
you can get a lot of experience
3-4 days off Decent pay Decent benefits
Fellow employees were motivated and nice
Decent pay for easy work.
Flexibility, Pay weekly, Independent work
Lovely floor managers, awesome coworkers. Amazing benefits and decent pay. two 15 min breaks
with one 30 min lunch vto almost every shift if you want it (depends on location, volume and
headcount) 50% 401k matching up to 4% of your pay. accrue pto as you work!!! you get 15-20mins
each 10 hour shift. $15 base pay and .50-$1/hr bonus based on chosen schedule. Point system for
attendance is high (13) compared to an FC (3-6) which is nice if you need the leverage. Free supplies
no need to buy gloves etc to start working. free amazon approved zappos work shoes of your choice
each year, credit given of a little over $100.
Everything about. Is great to work for
Fun, and you can earn a lot of new skills.
There are no pros to speak of
You get a generalist experience of work between a BIE/DS/PM. Moving across roles is not as difficult
as other companies (exception of DS role-that’s tough to transition across into).
Great pay, good breaks, rate easy to make
Decent pay for no experience requirements and three day weekend
Hours were long good opportunity to make money
Fast moving paste for growth.
Lots to learn, especially AWS
free covid-19 tests and honest when a new covid-19 cases has happened to a coworker
Great amenities, great starting pay, plus holiday OT. Good vacation policy for permanent employees
It had Flexible hours and you can clock out after you finish your packages
Pay and work life balance
Starting from 15 per hour
Long hours and lots of work to do
The pay was pretty good
Flexibility for employees is great
The pay is ok decent
Promotion opportunity, stocks, health benefits, 401k, networking, easy to take time off, four day work
weeks, working with people from different backgrounds, engagement, creating a family with your
coworkers, transferring anywhere in the world, qualifying for $10k bonus when moving further than
60 miles away, being at the front lines of working for the largest company
People work hard and care about customers. Fewer politics than most companies I've worked
Work when you want it was nice while it lasted kind of
Money, Benefits, Get paid to work out
Good with school and flexible
1. Fast career growth. You can get promoted pretty quickly from new grads if you put in the work. 2.
Smart coworkers 3. You might be working on challenging problem that doesn't have a clear solution.
You'll learn a lot along the way. 4. Pay is good with refreshers if you are top tier.
Allows you to gain valuable leadership skills. Allows you to work on communication skills. Allows you
to meet all kinds of people.
Fast pace environment Able to move up fast if you work hard
Opportunity for rapid advancement within company.
Pay is great for a kid entering the workforce.
Decent pay, very good benefits
Autonomy, Ownership of work, Resources provided to staff
Good pay and decent benifits
Great pay, fun coworkers, and most management seems pretty chill. Only work 2-3 days a week.
Lots of room to move around
Onboarding process has been easy.
Unlimited opportunities for growth and internal movement. Long term equity! Smart colleagues.
Challenging projects. The best global brand in the work!
Everyone is willing to help
Good pay for entry level
Nice pay than your average cashier/Call center gig Opportunities for over time pay which often gets
you close to a 1000 a week
a lot of OT opportunities and working in your own little area, dont have to talk to people or really get
to know who anyone is at all. just in and out
Good, relaxing, takes care of you
Good Pay, nice people, good management,
Reloaction pay was a nice addition
Great pay and it is an easy job
Company supplied delivery vehicle and the uniform was quite comfortable
fast paced time flies and 4 days a week
Leave whenever you want. No drama as long as you are doing your job. You are just a statistic that
draws no attention to anybody as long as you are working!
1) It's a job that pays modest wages. I started at $15 per hour. Better than McDonald's 2) Benefits are
surprisingly good for this type of work. After one month medical benefits kick in automatically and at
no additional cost. If you apply to be a blue badge (easy to do if you have the wherewithal), you can
add dental and vision (really good vision) plus some other resources. 3) If you're worried about Covid,
have no fear! They make sure people social distance and sanitize their stations often. Plus, on-site
testing is available for free. If you test positive, they immediately give you two weeks paid leave from
when you get your result back. 4) Free work shoes. Amazon gives each employee $105 voucher with
Zappos to buy suitable shoes and/or insoles. That renews at the beginning of the year too. 5) You
pretty much get what you expect. Depending on which part of the chain you work in, what you
imagine is what you get. I was wary of applying because I'd heard horror stories from the news and a
friend of mine who worked at Amazon in Washington that they wouldn't let you use the bathroom or
get water during Prime week or some other stupid thing. Yeah, sometimes it's fast-paced, but what do
you expect? It's a business. You work. For what you put in, they take pretty good care of you. 6) It's
not customer service or telemarketing.
The money that you make
Ability to work remote, smart and talented colleagues, salary/benefits, ability to grow in so many
different areas.
Nothing is good about this place. Seriously.
Working from home is ok
Amazon hires really smart, talented, driven people. The expertise, experience, and professionalism is
off the hook. Great benefits, sign-on bonus, and good pay.
met a lot of great people
Easy money so apply the job.
Great learning experience and growth is amazing
You get to make changes and you get to make things happen. Amazon is very high paced, and you
move fast, which is a nice thing.
Amazon is the long-term, not the short-term play. If you are looking for somewhere to grow the next
10,15, or 20 years this would be the place
Good benefits , good hours
Health benefits VTO Pays the bills COVID precautions Diverse
Surrounded by competent, driven people at the lower levels
Great if you are self motivated and work hard
you can usually get the schedule you prefer.
Never bored. Continuously learning. Many opportunities for growth.
Good benefits and perks like $110 towards work shoes and insoles, various discounts spanning many
Rewarding, can be fun, high ceiling for growth
Outstanding compensation compared to other companies in the industry. If you live to work then this
is the place for you.
a lot of ownership and resources
Fast pace and ability to learn many processes.
Nice people, flexible hours, good workout
Fast pace and ability to learn many processes.
Nice people, flexible hours, good workout
Don't need a degree and you earn decent pay
Access to AWS. Lots of learning and growth in knowledge
Amazing benefits, good work life
available PTO, UPT and vacation.
Culture is better than other workplaces
good benefits and people working there
Good company to work for
High Paying, Great Perks, Learning Environment
Pay, benefits, incentives, atmosphere, cleanliness
I has a great culture and people
good pay, great company culture
The $15/hour is great especially living in New Hampshire. The management is very nice and helpful,
and they take the coronavirus very seriously. They have a 15 and a 30 minute break. They also offer
voluntary time off and a 401K.
Flexible schedule, good for college kids
Reliable full time hours, benefits and 3 days off a week
Walking, Fast-Paced, Individual, Easy, Simple
You're always busy and active
Steady work, great opportunity would recommend
Control your shift, make friends, be safe!
Easy to get a job there, they seem to always be hiring, and not a lot of skill is required
Great benefits Skilled team Great salary Stable Dental Vision Interesting projects
Free AWS certification exams sponsored
Money, friendship, benefits, nice people
Fast pace and fun to work
Not very much pros. Waste of my time.
Coworkers are fun. Benefits are good
Flexible, and decent shift options available.
Decent insurance, that’s about it.
Good company benefits. Hardworking people. Possibility to move up if you sell your soul
Flexibility, Relaxed management, great if you have two jobs
Good pay, well organized, Amazon A to z app is very helpful making it easy to take and build time off
with decent schedule flexibility.
the management team really cares about employees
Incentives were good especially the bonuses
Great opportunities for college graduates looking to grow in a career for valuable experience.
Good benefits, employee discount, reasonable pay, time off
Stock Reputable brand Tons of teams to work on
Always opportunity to work Often overtime Incentives during peak 4 day work weeks
They pay us on time everytime.
Flexible Schedule for work life balance
Great pay and lots of overtime available
they care about their employees and vice versa....
Low pressure, nice people, good atmosphere
Unlimited opportunity for advancement and growth
pay was okay and you got some bonuses.
It's alright if it's your first job
The room for advancement in the company is great there are opportunities if you’re willing to
Great salary and better projects
Amazon is a great company with plethora of opportunities
Different Shifts,Weekly Pay, Volunteer Extra Time
higher salary than other company
The job was constantly evolving to make rescues and package support more efficient. There were
several great people to work with. They fully cover vision and dental insurance as well as other
employment benefits and perks. Full and reduced time employees receive 10 weeks of paid maternity
Amazon gave me an opportunity when I really wasn't qualified on paper.
Great people working at management and coworkers.
There is good pay and benefits
Good team colloboration and new challenges
I love it it not to bad
good pay and benefits and bonus
The pay was okay for the amount of hours
Lots of room for more hours.
Impact on the industry Drive Growth Availability Brand
Good place to learn technical fundamentals and grow as an engineer.
Flexibility Easy work Short shifts Weekly pay Quick training
easy to apply and get hired
Flexibilty in shifts when scheduling
Can come up with ideas and work on that
It was a good job and I got lots of hours
Good learning curve. Nice to learn huge
Easy hiring process, good pay
the stocks were pretty good
Plenty of room to grow
pay pay pay pay pay
Good pay and flexible schedule
Schedule was very convenient for my life
Decent wages, physical work, brainless organization
Being able to meet new faces & i really enjoyed the position and the career in general.
You can meet some of the coolest people to ever walk the earth and you have a stable schedule.
Good benefits and pay Weekly pay
Pays good very flexible job
good money, lots of babes
Very Good Pay. Set Schedule.
High pay for little to no experience
On-site snack bar, fair management
Can be fun, and staff are friendly
work 3 days a week
flexible time off, easy work, great benefits
It is mentally easy work, where you get a lot of exercise from walking. I work an eight hour shift with
two 20 minute breaks and a 30 minute unpaid break in the middle of my shift. We do things like stow
packages in totes, divert packages into the right carrying field strips, pull packages and put them into
the right buffer racks, unload packages, scan and label packages, repack packages that are broken,
pick totes and packages toward the end of the shift to be assigned to delivery drivers, and stow totes
into empty cages. It is a good forty hour a week job. Sometimes there are mandatory overtime shifts,
where we work six days a week. You can not work seven days a week. There are opportunities to work
an extra four hours or so usually during the week, but it is hard to work a twelve hour day. You cannot
work more than twelve hours a day. There are benefits. The best of the benefits costs $28 a week. It is
easy to get a job at Amazon if you have a reasonable IQ. We are social distancing and wearing masks
all the time, and people comply. I hear people are starting a union, which is really exciting. They want
you to be fast at stowing packages and picking at towards the end of the shift. They have reasonable
with expectations. There are snacks and lunch you can purchase during your breaks. Most people save
money by bringing food from home. There are microwaves and free tea and coffee.
They are understanding of your situation and will work with you if you go through the proper
Easy fast paced work with nice benefits
I liked working there good vibes, a lot of work
Good pay, easy job, organized
Employees compensation and benefits are above minimum
So many great reasons to work at Amazon! The pay is competitive. So many leadership opportunities!
Benefits are unmatched anywhere else! The atmosphere is casual and laid back, fun, but also gives a
sense of professionalism too. Stock options are a bonus! My favorite part is how they are one of the
largest companies in the world, with a large corporate base, but I've never had the feeling of working
in a "corporate environment". This company has done a great job of making everyone feel like they
are in a tight family of Amazonians. Another great part is the continuous improvement! You never feel
like we (as a company or as a department) are falling behind the curve in anything we do because of
the CI.
stable job with flexible work hours
A lot of learning opportunities. Could help build professional skills quickly.
The owner will go out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of as long you do your job.
great place to work at because of the benefits
Great company to work for, great benefits, and growth
Pay and Benefits are amazing. There are a lot of opportunities to move up or to different kinds of
departments. Having a degree can rocket your career through the company in small amount of time.
Great company to work for, great benefits, and growth
Pay and Benefits are amazing. There are a lot of opportunities to move up or to different kinds of
departments. Having a degree can rocket your career through the company in small amount of time.
Decent work life balance Amazon stock is doing well Pay is good
good salary no state tax work full of challenges
Decent pay, workload was worth $15hr, some good managers
Great benefits no matter your job is at Amazon
Good job to start at.
Brand name is good to have.
In my mind, a great way to get your foot in the door with IT. Peers generally want to help you out in
terms of learning more "IT Stuff".
Ability to move up Good team environment
great starting pay, great supervisors
Good pay and plenty of breaks
make good money. Helps promote you to be certified
A large variety of projects you can be involved in, and encouragement to try new things.
Good work culture to work in
High EQ culture, a lot of opportunities for those proactive enough to seek them out, and a
phenomenal place to learn. I've learned a great deal about software development best practices and,
of course, designing/developing on AWS
This company has Decent pay and decent benefits
Easy to be hired, overtime hours, and full benefits
Especially during COVID its been wonderful to be able to support so many businesses.
They were a great workplace
Pay and the hours you’re able to get
easy job to learn. pay is decent for low skilled labor.
Good place to work and reliable people
Sight seeing, Traveling, Alone, Independent, Own Boss
If you go permanent, you can get some decent benefits. Fun at first, and plenty to learn if you enjoy
learning new processes.
Many sources to learn and study
Good pay, great benefits, PTO time
Room for growth and resources
The best thing about working for Amazon is the company you'll keep. It's energizing every day to be
surrounded by colleagues who are incredibly intelligent, curious, and driven. The leadership principles
truly guide daily decision-making and inspire everyone to consider the customers (whether internal or
external) in everything we do. My colleagues have always been respectful and kind, and it's truly a fun
place to work if you love challenge, creative thinking, and maybe a bit of organized chaos. Amazon is
agile and pivots quickly - we like to fail fast; you can't get too attached to an idea or project, since it
could be ditched tomorrow in favor or something even better. It's always Day 1! There is so much to
learn and explore, so many groups and projects to get involved with, that there is never a dull
moment. It's also deeply meaningful to work for a company that shares my core values around
equality and climate change.
The printer was not a good printer
Weekly pay was a plus.
It's a good part-time job.
Good environment for the most part
Flexible Schedule and good benefits
not many to be honest
Good compensation and my team is cool.
benefits pto upt and vto all greats benefits always could take off when I wanted to
Good pay, Good team atmosphere some days, Lots of help from teammates
Salary and opportunities for different areas of work
Great benefits and decent pay. A lot of opportunities for advancement.
Fast paced, innovative and experimental.
Benefits, vacation, sometimes free stuff, sometimes free lunch
Pay is good I guess
good pay good benefits get to learn
Had good experience with my team
Culture is good and you learn a lot
Benefits, Various schedules, great with school accommodations
I've been with Amazon for over 8 years (most of that has been with AWS), starting as a Sr. Technical
Program Manager growing into a Director. There are multiple reasons I've stayed with the company
over the years (e.g., smartest group of folks you'll ever work with, challenging / innovative work,
explosive growth, tons of opportunities etc.) however there is one that stands out the most for me.
Every leader I have worked for has been very supportive, challenging me in new ways to
grow/develop me, supporting me through the good and bad, and most importantly respecting
personal decisions I make. I have never gotten such respect, support, and admiration at any other
company. I highly recommend working for Amazon; you work hard and have fun!
Great opportunities to transition internally to different teams.
You get paid $15hr which is more than minimum wage. You also get 3 days off.
Great culture - focus on what is important
Great company that has a great future that I'm happy to be apart of
The only good thing about going to work is working with great associates.
Super smart people, tip top technology
Nice campus, smart and capable cohort
work at home position great hours, save a ton of money instead of wasting it on gas
No pros to be spoke of
Unlike pickers, Packers get to stand on something softer. Able to get overtime and grow to other
No pros to be spoke of
Unlike pickers, Packers get to stand on something softer. Able to get overtime and grow to other
Learning, Money, Growth, Growth, Growth
always a challenge on the horizon so never a dull moment
Easy and fast hiring process.
Good Benefits and opportunities. You can get promoted and higher salary if you work hard.
You meet people from all walks of life.
I am part of MTR. I must work 30 hours a week and 120 hours per month. For me, picking up shifts is
quicker and stable. And I have a schedule set for the rest of the week and the week after that. You
also get extra pay for holidays and the wage here in NYC is 15.69. Not bad!
* Everyone I had the opportunity to work with was hardworking, smart, and in general kind. They
were willing to support me through early mistakes, and develop me into a much stronger engineer
through my first years in the industry. * Internal tools and support are very strong. Access to internal
documentation, source code, videos, message boards, and office hours for the dozens of systems I
had to learn to interact with made life much easier. With such a large company, many people have
experienced similar problems to you before, and it's easy to find answers to problems in the internal
search tool * Lots of opportunities to work on challenging projects, and a relatively straightforward
process for internal transfers if you find another team working on interesting projects
nice place with different cultures
Good benefits and flexible hours
Salary, benefits, work environment, career
sign-on bonus, personal time, healthcare benefits
The culture is intense (long hours and high expectations for deliverables) but there are considerable
opportunities for career growth and development.
Benefits and decent pay. Also free shoes.
A lot to learn, both infrastructure, internal tools, aws
Medical Benefits, 401K, Great pay, 3 days off because of 10hr days
laid back work environment if ylu get in with right people
Good pay and overtime opportunities
Competitive pay and great team
Great Pay, made over $700 my first 3 weeks there
Very safe environment for Covid, good breaks, you punch in, you punch out, you go home,, good pay,
since I’ve worked here it’s been major holidays off with holiday pay. Overtime available.
Very light work environment. Easy to get along with other team members and the wage was definitely
worth the job.
Good Good Good Good Good
Great, awesome cool, better, best
Great benefits, opportunities to cross train and flexible scheduling
Great place to work at
Decent hourly wage, flexible use of time off, reasonable health benefits
Absolutely love working here. Every day I am challenged to tackle new problems, meeting new
creative individuals, and given work that inspires me to take my projects to the next level
Working hours Easy job Additional working hours for extra pay
It's Amazon, They pay well
Great coworkers and smart people
the coworkers the pay show up whenever
Choose your time to work
Great work environment. able to advance
Nice benefits and firm schedule.
Good Pay and good hours
horrible and tiring to everyone
Great environment, clear expectations, honest Feedback.
horrible and tiring to everyone
Great environment, clear expectations, honest Feedback.
Flexible hours, reasonable pay, perfect job for a student
The pay is pretty good.
Good salary and benefits for entry-level.
High learning curve, fast paced
Opportunity for advancement and good benfits
Good hours good benefits good hours
It was ok but I have no other things to dhare
Growth Opportunities Medical Insurance Paid time off and Vacation time
Good pay. Good benefits. Decent working environment.
Good mangement and opportunity to grow with hatd work
Good benefits, opportunity to study, paid vacation.
My team was really great
Everything is on positive side when you take it and accept it.
Treat you well Good atmosphere Schedule is good
Flexible shifts and donuts sometimes available
Stable income, overtime opportunities, health, dental benefits
Good pay, easy work, and no one needs to talk to me while I was working
Benefits here are okay but could be better.
Weekly pay, benefits, work alone, your in charge of yourself essentially
Flexible schedule and benefits are fairly decent
Job security, opportunity for growth
It's a great place for some one who wants to grow fast in big IT. There are a lot of opportunities to
build new stuff.
Lots of mentorship opportunities, technically interesting problems, good salary
Large scale services; plenty of opportunities; big name.
Nothing, you are a number not a person. Should just put inmates to work.
Good salary aa compared to others
Good people and Great benefits
good hours and good pay
Donut shift - M,T,Th,F Decent pay compared to rest of Oklahoma
Decent paying job starting out at $15 and top out as tier 1 $17.65. Health benefits are good there as
fast-moving company, makes large investment decisions quickly
It’s fun and it keeps you very active
Decent pay for an entry level job
This place is best entry level place.
Great insurance, great management, great pay, great environment, fun
Pretty good hours, lots to do
Benefits, perks, paid paternity leave, overtime
Benefits, decent start pay, safety council
Is bad they all act like little high school kids
Weekly pay Added bonuses for some shifts Covid tests on site
Less work compared to an associate
The pay is good and the people who work there are amazing. There are different jobs that are
available to you so you never get bored with your job/position.
Pay is good. If you do overtime you can earn more
It doesn’t require any experience or education, and it requires little thinking.
A lot of overtime for this position, just in case available and need money
The pay at the job
Great pay to say the least
Good pay and not tedious work
People and good safety culture
You have the opportunity to learn a lot of new skills and apply for different positions
Learn a lot about the company
good pay and good working environment .
Lots of overtime if that is what you are looking for
It is a job where you can get the hours. You get hours
Good Money, easy to get the job, choose your work schedule & days
fast-paced, good pay, lots of paid time off, voluntary time off.
Great benefits, employee appreciation, sense of accomplishment
Endless opportunities, smart colleagues, great benefits
Amazing place to work and grow
Growth opportunity is great. Good place to start
Very physically demanding and many opportunities to grow
Money was pretty good I guess
Great salary, diversity, culture is amazing
Extremely innovative and ideal workplace for ambitious and driven individuals who have strong work
No interview required for tier 1 associates
Good pay, easy work to do
Good compensation stock price increase
Pick your schedule. Walk off whenever you want.
Discount at Amazon and lateral growth
Days went by quick. Worked really hard the first 3 hours and day got gradually slower
Shorter weeks with longer hours
The scheduling is very liberal.
Growing company with many opportunities
Great health and vision benefits available to everyone Reasonable supervisors Reasonable
productivity expectations
Good pay, good personal time off
Great Income start and great benefits.
Flexibility in working from home.
+ Lots of flexibility to pursue ideas + A lot of smart people (though definitely some arrogance) + Hiring
too many people directly from consulting firms who've never worked in a non-consulting environment
and bring a lot of baggage of consulting with them + Unrivaled brand in cloud market + Focus on long
term -- willing to tradeoff short term for long-term gains
The benefits package for fulltime employees can be good for some people.
The pay was absolutely great!
Good money and very good benefits
Huge company with lots of growth opportunities, and potential for internal transfers, good
Easy job, great workplace culture.
Encouraged to do good, lots of flexibility with type of work to do and what shift, etc.
Pay, Multiple breaks, Resume not required
Automation makes it super easy to call in and they have a lot of resources. People are super nice.
Decent pay Low pressure job duties Great benefits
Pay, experience, coworkers, get to see different areas.
Great company and good job representing employees
Excellent benefits package and the pay was definitely great
Great work life balance in schedules Periodic engagements to appreciate hard work of associates
Everything was great. Loved the work.
The schedule allowed you to have a work life balance
Good for learning and career growth
Very flexible, and had a good salary
Lots of cools stuff to work on
great company to work and move up
Chance to burn plenty of calories
Flexible Compassionate Helpful Giving Accommodating This company teaches daily and allows
movement up the chain of command
There are some people here that do care about my success.
Most people at great to work for and with.
Flex schedule. Perfect for parents who have school age kids
Various Benefits, Bonuses, Easy Interview process
I would say the pay is okay.
good pay for light work endless overtime if you need it paid time off or optional unpaid everything is
electronically (clocking in and out, absences, paystubs)
Amazon is amazing to work for
Prestigious name on your resume. Opportunity to learn and grow is plentiful.
I loved the community and everyone seemed motivated to work. They would give out free shirts and
popsicles which I appreciated.
Sometimes they give out food or candy
Pay, benefits, guaranteed hours, consistent schedule
Clean environment to work in.
I love the fact that Amazon feels like a home. Many may speak down on Amazon and say it's a horrible
place to work, but for me, it is the first warehouse environment that I can see myself being in for a
while. Usually working in a warehouse environment the shift seems really long, but at Amazon, they
break the shifts up into two breaks every four hours allowing the shift to go by faster.
Fast pace environment and good growth
I love the fact that Amazon feels like a home. Many may speak down on Amazon and say it's a horrible
place to work, but for me, it is the first warehouse environment that I can see myself being in for a
while. Usually working in a warehouse environment the shift seems really long, but at Amazon, they
break the shifts up into two breaks every four hours allowing the shift to go by faster.
Fast pace environment and good growth
Good technology and learning is nice
Lots of opportunity to grow
its a well dedicated company
Always something to do and never slow
Amazon has fast hiring with a good base pay
job security, okay comp, lower than some other big tech companies
Great emplyer to work for.
Overtime, time off, various jobs to learn.
Flexible schedule, and easy to plan shifts
If you're inclined, and find yourself in the right environment, there are plenty of opportunities to
learn, contribute, and grow. Things tend to be very fast-paced, and takes some time to get used to,
but if you can get to speed, you *might* enjoy your stay. Imposter syndrome is very real, and chances
are you will end up working with customers who know the subject way deeper and better than you
do. That can be a good or a bad thing. In the end, find ways to add value, and don't be shy about
voicing your concerns, opinions, or taking credit for the value you have created. The leadership
principles when applied genuinely and with purpose, can bring much needed perspective on how you
can be more effective in your role.
Nothing much to be completely honest
* Innovative Projects * Working with Smart people helps you learn a lot, * People are willing to help
and learn irrespective of the title. * Customer Obsession is highly appreciated
Benefits, schedule flexibility, pay, hours
Just like in any toxic environment you make strong connections with coworkers to make it through
the day.
Great benefits, nice PTO, and 3 day weekends (you work 4 ten hour shifts).
Easy work and lots of different things to learn
good start for college grads lots to learn from a large company great career opportunity
Good pay Good breaks Clean breakroom App that allows you to manage schedule Nice people
Fun job, Relaxed, But fast paced
Great company to work for
Fair pay and good coworkers
It was a nice team and we have very good connections
Workload is manageable. Sometimes get a chnace to work on exciting projects.
Pretty great, love the tech and smart friendly ppl
room for growth and flexible schedule
Really easy to get good pay and good scheduling
Technical work is challenging. You grow in multiple facets
The people you work and the experience you'll gain, very easy
They pay well. If you are a college student, this would be a good job.
High impact, big scale problems to solve. Work around extremely smart people. Numerous roles/
businesses across the orgs.
The health Insurance is good
Great team everyone gets along
They dont hold your hand
Good pay, flex schedule, training
Won’t regret working here; nice place.
It is good place to work
I hightly recommend amazon service
Stable job with good pay and opportunities the longer you stay.
I hightly recommend amazon service
Stable job with good pay and opportunities the longer you stay.
The money is good for someone looking for experience.
Good team members, supportive managers, company has great impact and profitable business.
independence, you get to listen to music, you get to see lots of dogs, fairly simple
Pay was okay I guess
Stable hours, set schedule. Overtime allowed at times
Fast pace of progression. Lots of opportunity. Plenty of runway to own your area and lead your team.
The opportunity to work alongside such creative hardworking individuals
Well paid comparing to other part time jobs .
benefits pay promote from within
Amazon does pay well. It is also very diversified. They have ok insurance packages. The ERC and HR do
there best to work with you if you are sick, they are doing there best with all of the COVID-19 stuff.
Amazon takes into consideration “The Voice of The Associates† as well as has contests
throughout the year, with gifts starting anywhere from Gift Cards, iPads to PS/Xboxes and TVs.
Biggest thing I enjoy about Amazon is that if you’re in a position and you’re ultimately not
feeling inspired, you can try something else.
Smartest colleagues I’ve ever had and the org I’m in has a good culture. My manager is great
too. Overall the company seems to value its employees and continues to work to improve employee
Paid weekly. A to Z app for employees is nice.
The Benefits and work schedules
Higher base pay wages with some good benefits for part timers.
Pay is on par with the market
Pay, team, benefits, technology and focus
Not bad for a college student for part time
easy working conditions and modest pay
The work is easy and straightforward
Pay, friendships, managers, and networking.
If you need. A night job
Good people, good money, fun productions.
Great salary, bonuses and other perks
lots of smart people there
Work focused, fun, good pay on time, accessible
Great benefit A lot of growing oportinity
Flexible hours nice people to work with
Good benefits, smart people , love my manager
Benefits, coworkers, pay, flexible work hours
Good compensation and lot of opportunities to explore different businesses
Great salary for an EMT. Opportunity to grow within the company.
Great hours Benefits Co-workers are friendly Management is open to ideas to increase productivity.
Fair wage for hours worked. (Working reduced hours pays very well) Ability to grow is given within.
Enjoy processing candidates and hosting community engagements.
Can be productive, get trained in different areas and pick up extra shifts voluntarily.
Decent relocation package if you're recruited from college
Get to work with a variety of people, and the pay is a good enough supplemental income for a "Tier 1"
or starting position.
Pay and signing bonus. Work travel. Benefits. Remote work.
Pay is decent, have good benefits from what I heard, will provide job accommodations for disabilities
You will learn become an expert at becoming a subject matter expert.
Super flexible scheduling and positions
No set schedule required except must do 3 shifts per month
The company culture is fantstic. I love the teams that I work with. I really enjoy my work. I feel like I
make a difference for millions of customers. I work with brilliant people. Everyone really wants to help
each other and help the customers.
Good compensation. Pretty interesting work
Good pay, part time set hours, good workout, benefits, meeting some cool people.
no one have pro thi company
Lots of learning and opportunities
Good good good good good
Great Benefits, Keeps you busy
Great work and well renowned.
RSUs - get as many as you can in your job offer
It's great for someone who is trying to get back on their feet with finances. You will sometimes feel
like you are being of service to others and get good benefits.
pay. that is all there is.
Flexible schedule time off pay
Great opportunities to grow inside the company. A lot of things to learn
You get to learn a lot working with one of the best minds.
Work from home Set Schedule They send you all the equipment you need
Some good managers at this site Good relationships with fellow employees Good health benefits
The pay was decent and it was an easy commute.
Benefits are not too bad, medical, career opportunities...UPT and PTO, VACATION.
Love my team so I had a really great experience
1.)Stable Job (especially when lockdown first started) 2.)User Friendly Apps ( you can clock in, request
time off, keep track of points accumulated, etc) 3.)Plenty of Opportunities for Overtime (if you really
want it)
Team work, being responsible for making sure customers get their packages on time
High standards. Intelligent and hard-working co-workers. Interesting products and services.
Resume builder and can work along other teams
good environment to work in - lots of happy people
The people I work with
You'll learn everyday something new and challengin
Breaks, insurance, hourly pay, overtime
benefits, hours, open door policy
It is pretty good pay for Missouri.
Fine place to work. No complaints.
nice pay great benefit own schedule
You will be able have great hours
The pay is above average.
Great advancement opportunity and fast pace
Great customer service ,professional commitment hardwork
AWS learning, new technology welcomed
Great customer service ,professional commitment hardwork
AWS learning, new technology welcomed
Great benefits, good management and hires right away
decent pay, pick your hours, work alone
Weekly pay (depends on company) Benefits,
Best place to learn right in and out of how e-commerce works.
Great with job flexibility and training for new positions.
Great development opportunities Managers that challenge you, but also support you A culture built
around caring about and supporting the associates from Day 1 Working with people from a wide
range of backgrounds
none at all. hated it
Weekly pay Lots of VTO (voluntary time off) when it’s not peak season
Company benefits package - health dental, vision, retirement, along with others Employee discounts
Great work culture, inclusion, company driven by leadership principles.
Compared to other warehouses the work is simple. Pay is good.
Good working environment it was a good experience
Decent benefits and job security
Great company to work for good benefits
Easy Job easy to move up within company
Pay, Benefits, and the ability to move up within or move outside of the company with training
Pay, benefits, leave early sometimes
Good benefits Decent pay Opportunities to grow
Benefits, salary, training, career growth,
It is really good at times
All godd and best services
Work is good, enjoyable and fun.
it has very good perks
Great pay, benefits and stock options.
Benefits and no uniform required
the food offered there to eat
Great pay and paid time offer
The pay was okay and had a friendly environment
good pay and benefits and time off
Nothing good about the job
The pay is great. Benefits are incredible.
Vast amount of technologies to practice on
Flexible schedule and some free benefits
Good money Easy Some people are nice Hr has your back Chill
Sprint planning every two weeks, then get the tasks, some implementation, some design work, start
to work on them, then other times attending review meetings.
ownership, ability to make decisions indepently
felxible schedule easy work great hours good benefits time off options
Great managing experience Develop networking skills Thinking on your feet and taking calculative
risks that can make or break the process
Benefited from insurance 401k and many more things
* Challenging and innovative work
Excellent, easy, exercise, peaceful, rewarding
Benefits, pay, schedule, advancement opportunities
Good pay Great Benefits Great time off
Busy fast pased environment keeps the time flying
Flexible, very flexible, super flexible
If you are looking for a job where you are paid weekly and may need the funds immediately you
should apply.
Flexible, very flexible, super flexible
If you are looking for a job where you are paid weekly and may need the funds immediately you
should apply.
Some of the people you make connections with are beneficial to you developing as an individual and a
leader. It's a good paycheck with great benefits and specific HR members are amazing. Traveling for
an Away Team is constantly coming up and provides great opportunities to expand.
Good opportunities such as classes and training. Stable work. Lots of "POTENTIAL" spots for
You get to pick your own schedule. It's great for a first job or someone who needs a lot of flexibility
like a student or single parent or someone with more that one job.
You are Paid weekly here
Always have a full 40+ hour schedule a week
The benefits are great and you get pto
It is an Amazing job
Benefits, pay, plenty of hours
Good pay, good benefits, east to relocate
East job with good pay and flexible schedule
Very Good place to work
Set hours, wonderful benefits, never boring
the money is pretty great
Leadership development experience Advance skills accusations Teams building Effective time
Shared values and responsibility fast phased learning environment
I take home a paycheck.
good salary good timing good people good job
I take home a paycheck.
good salary good timing good people good job
Great co-workers to work with
Great flexibility and opportunities to move up
Benefits- time off, health, 401k Quick hire Work alone often
Once you know what you're doing, there are no questions about what you are doing.
Definitely the easiest job I've had. The hiring process happened within days and there's no interview. -
flexible schedule Pay is pretty great too!
good salary and benefits package
Being by yourself and not having to deal with others
Salary is good scheduling is very flexible
Great opportunity flexible hours great pay and benefits
Nice company, good compensation, smart people
Abundant growth opportunities and return of hard work are two important pros at Amazon.
3 day work week, overtime opportunities.
Benefits, pay,3 days off, challenges, competitive
Your constantly busy! That makes the time go faster.
good compensation, best practices, smart people
Easy to understand, good management.
Lots of opportunity for growth Care about internal growth
Opportunity to pick up Extra shifts
Lots of opportunity for growth Care about internal growth
Opportunity to pick up Extra shifts
Scheduling is very flexible and if you live in Isla Vista, you can walk to work. The team and store
environment are both very laidback and friendly.
Great company to work for
Pay is good, physical work
Growth location Managment education technology
Decent pay Great Co Workers
Decent Job For High School Graduates
Lots of opportunity for advancement
Freedom to work any time
Pay, hours, you meet some nice people.
good benefits and stable job
Good if you are task-driven.
* Good work life balance * Good working style * Good team so far
I enjoyed the people I worked with.
Not sure what the pros are except for the fact that the company is one of the biggest in the States
The weekly pay, pto and benefits
401(k) for seasonal employees voluntary time off and set schedule
benefits, hours, overtime, friendly, Cooperative
hours are available for OT
Amazon had/has Great pay and good management
Great office environment and great employees
Hours are amazing and only 4 days a week
Very good go go cool man
Good place to work at
Cares about employees, always decorating
It is just an awesome company
High salary for the job
Flexible, simple job, easy to learn, many opportunities
Low stress, good pay, flexible
flexible options for students schedules
Flexible schedule, work schedule, attire
Good pay, flexible schedule, easy location to get to
Easy work for decent pay.
made up review so i can be nosey
Pay is good and better than most
Great Pay, Fun management, great breaks
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Fast paced, opportunities, great benefits
Pay 80k base 20k bonus as an L5. Hourly associates are great.
The pay is good. The environment is friendly. Easy to manage schedule. Good benefits. Pay increases
over time.
Worked 4 days a week, management was good
Varying assignments; fast-paced; positive coworkers
Flexible schedule, able to choose when you work
Ample opportunity to innovate on broad range of strategies
nice career development place; opps for rotation
Pretty good salary, although long hours reduces this value
Always willing to train you for more jobs.
Work independently, good pay, bonuses
Easy work, Safe environment, flexible schedule
Pay and hours are OK
Relaxed Working Environment, Pay, and Training
Customer Obsession, Ownership, High bar
good environment, high salary, nice devices
Pay, and the people’s are amazing
Good Pay for Employees that work there
The pay is decent. Starting pay is $15 and you get 3 days off a week.
Helped me a lot, great company to work at.
Good pay, don’t have to work with people.
There are no pros to this job
Available training, mentoring system, potential for impact.
+ Good work environment that's friendly and cooperative. + Lots of room for growth and
opportunities to jump. + Working in a diverse global ecosystem. + Work from home COVID measures
for position.
There’s always something new to learn
good benefits very fun work culture.
Engaging working environment and useful experiences.
Interesting work and fun things to do
health insurance, unpaid time off, 4 ten hr shifts
It’s good I like it! Easy work
The energy of coworkers and management
Am able to to HW
Move fast, learn a lot
Good pay and working environent
Benefits were out of this world
Amazing company with amazing benefits. I learned more here in a year than I did at any other job
EVER. I feel confident to start my own company because of Amazon.
Hours, management worked with me in the beginning, decent pay requiring no experience, and
Lots of pros. Any place you work at that you have an opportunity to move up and around to different
positions is always great! so that's what I love about Amazon they have lots of opportunities and
benefits. I could say soooooo much more pros about Amazon... but I'm going to leave ya'll with this
once you get in make the best of it, grow and don't follow bad company and get fired permanently
because Amazon is a big company and owns a lot companies so it's going to be hard finding another
good in the future because you never know what companies they might own then! Amazon would
even buy you out if you want to leave the company and you could never work for any of their
businesses ever again.... That should tell you something right there! #Greatcompany
really good pay and flexible schedules
So much internal growth potential and company benefits. they got so many options and programs fun
and career growth
really good pay and flexible schedules
So much internal growth potential and company benefits. they got so many options and programs fun
and career growth
Pay (for younger people) A different experience
15 dollar per hour start
I take home a paycheck.
Decent pay, flexible hours fun environment depending on staff
Awesome game but I hate it so much
Very customer focused and customer obsessed
The pay is good and they have a variety of schedules
The Benefits are great and the pay is great if you put in enough time with the company.
Coworkers are great. Helps time go by smoothly
Internal mobility means that you can find the right team for you -- what the team does, team culture,
WLB, etc.
Good place to grow, lots of talents, high standards in products, customer obsessed
Excellent benefits, they take care of their employees.
Steady work, benefits start right away.
great community at the work
Pay is great, chance to move up
The pay was one of the highest paying . I liked that they crossed trained me. Mangers really
encouraging . The gift cards at Christmas time was nice . Having little contest for and dress days like
where crazy socks or Halloween ,food trucks
great benefit package, good people
Salary, benefit, career growth opportunity
great benefit package, good people
Salary, benefit, career growth opportunity
Pay, benefits, flexibility of making your own scedule, easy job
Choose your own hours, continual process improvements, and let's face it, shopping for pay is just
fun. Hiring process is automated- indicate via web that you are breathing and take an assessment that
essentially indicates you know not to pile bricks on top of eggs, pass a drug test and you have a job.
Pay rate was good that’s all
Complete control over your success. Great stepping stone to get a great job somewhere else.
Can have fun interaction with other employees if you’re an indirect, but most of the time you can
get stuck doing work that is pretty isolated. Pay isn’t amazing to me but to some its really good.
its a good job but gets boring after a while since you're constantly doing the same thing. good health
benefits, you can chose your own shift
Great job, with great opportunity.
Good pay good management team worker well organized
$15 per hour is better pay than most warehouses
Had my new grad colleague pipped to meet quota. I couldn't do anything to save him. Feeling guilty
and going to quit soon.
Independence and high minimum wage
Very flexible and great place to wrok
Simple work and good pay
Pay is okay for the job
Great benefits, available extra time
Sometimes offer a weekly schedule of 4 10 hr shifts// Work with smart and funny individuals
you will learn strong work ethics
pay - 15 hr and you get UPT every quarter, so you choose when youre off. VTO is great too.
Pay, Benefits, relaxed work attire.
A great company that supports growth, employees, customers, it’s local communities, and the
company name International opportunities work from home laptops
easy to follow. can be independent
starting hourly is 15$ an hour
Very laid back, minimum supervision, flexible schedule
benefits pay fast paced room to advance within the company
Friendly, fast-paced, competitive pay, promotions
Great place to learn from
To many hours to be on gerry
More autonomy over the product
very good interesting work, alot of thinking
Fun in the way I get to meet new people
the money and bosses are great. love it
Good to grow in your carrer
Can be entertaining at times
Decent Pay, but could be better honestly
flexibility, you are by yourself
good money for a single person
Good job, easy, fast paced, and time goes by quick
The Pay and benefits are good
Social distancing, quick hiring process, very competitive starting wage, free shoes once hired, daily
incentives to perform quickly/efficiently
Pto/vacation/sick leave work life balance schedule
Pay, Benefits, promotions, Flexible, Overtime
Very nice managers and good listeners
Nothing else is nearly good as the benefits.
Good benefits, fair salaries, flexible work environments
Fast paced work that allows you to develop your skills and career. Work with some of the brightest
minds in the industry .
Many Time off options if you need to take a break and friendly people
amazon is always hiring new employees
Simple, easy to learn, some nice people working with, flexible hours
Lord of talented people and great opportunity to learn and develop
Manageable workload plenty of benefits Easily attainable pto and vto
Great growth potential and training
Flexible schedule, organized, professional, clean
Easy to learn, super beneficial
The OT pay was increased during COVID
Good name value. Can launch you some future interviews with bigger names.
Great pay, benefits, and salary
Fast paced; good room for growth
Growth, Consistently evolving, Interaction with employees
It's tough to think of one.
Pretty much everything is measured into productivity rate, meaning if you work hard it will show
within your numbers.
The benefits are excellent; new hire pay is really good ($15/hr). The management really cares about
you for the most part.
job security and ability to work from home during a pandemic.
Good insurance. Clean environment. Was originally a positive atmosphere. Emphasis on was
- The benefits area top notch. Great medical insurance and other perks. -Decent salary and sign on
bonus -Amazon is a very recognizable name in the world. The experience is great for your resume and
your career. -casual dress code -you get 3 or 4 days off depending on your schedule
Good insurance. Clean environment. Was originally a positive atmosphere. Emphasis on was
- The benefits area top notch. Great medical insurance and other perks. -Decent salary and sign on
bonus -Amazon is a very recognizable name in the world. The experience is great for your resume and
your career. -casual dress code -you get 3 or 4 days off depending on your schedule
Good pay and Good benefits
I love only having to pick up 3 shifts a month
Money is good to put food on table
Work life balance is good
It has a decent pay
Good pay, incentives, Benefits, Resources, Free stuff sometimes/gifts
Delivering packages and listen to music, podcasts, radio. Can't get any better than that.
Set schedule, pay is good, safety is #1
Pays very well and offers great benefits
Brand name, technology, opens doors to other companies
Lots to work on in terms of career prospects.
Many opportunities to improve on job performance
Amazing managers, fun perks, opportunities for overtime, opportunities for learning about critical
roles and advancement, great covid precautions, free shoes
Flexibly and compensation are good
Career Development and educational benefits
Career possibilities are super huge
Good Benefits and good salary
Great benefits and room to grow
Flexible hours and employee discount
Benefits and hours were good.
Big company that does things
very flexible hours and schedule
Flexible schedule. Paid and unpaid time off. Great benefits. Overtime opportunities. Growth from
within: plenty of chances to change jobs or move up within the company
Care about employees and give you opportunities of improvement.
They provide good salary and can be increased based on performance
Good money, good opportunities. Dassit!
The local managers are genuinely nice and try to make you feel appreciated.
1.You'll learn a lot 2. They'll always find work for you to do 3.. They offer reasonable health benefits
I'm able to learn from some of the best marketers.
Company that Pays well about $16 an hour
Great pay, incredibly smart and nice colleagues, technology is amazing and really let’s you dive
deep into areas that are interesting to you.
Safe and clean, and a reliable paycheck
Paid time off accrues the more you work (even for part-time employees) 10 hour day / 4 day work
week (2 - 3 day part time) Most people on my shift are nice and easy to work with
Good benefits, good pay for the work you do
Amazon is a Great place to work.
Can be a great place to work, the customer truly gets placed first.
Amazing teams, growth and everything is fast paced. Great benefits
Can be a great place to work, the customer truly gets placed first.
Amazing teams, growth and everything is fast paced. Great benefits
4 day workweek, growth potential
You work in your own schedule
Provide many benefits for workers
a lot of hours available
Benefits is the only good things to say
3 days off and so many ways for more days of if you need
Great pay as well as a relocation stipend.
Great benefits, Learning new things
fast hiring process, they will hire most people, not much pressure from management, my warehouse
was well-ventilated so not much COVID risk, pay is pretty good for physical labor & there's overtime
during peak season
Not many pros too list
Long hours great customers & managers and coworkers
They treat their employees well. The work is usually gratifying. Pay is fair. They give you many tools to
do your job well. Technology helps aid the job most of the time.
The pay was great, I worked the night shift so I got an extra $2.40 an hour, and as a college student
the money went a long way
I can work any 50 hours I want
Ability to network with upper management
prestigious to work, but long hours
great benefit and progression opportunities
Good benefits , nice pay
Benefits is good, health benefits are good, vacation hours, pto hours,
Income Easy to understand duties
development, learning, growing, applying the knowledge to real world
lots of ownership for entry developers learn quickly big company, many teams to move to
Good if you love driving & working outdoors in any kind of weather condition
Exposure to AWS, helpful teammates, ability to transfer to a new role after 6 months
Interesting work and everyone there is helpful and smart
over time pay and benefits
Great company to work for
Decent pay, excercise, not stressful
Challenging, fun, rewarding, benefits, pay
Always learning and fast paced
You get what you put in. This means, if you bring a good attitude and a general sense of working hard
with a little bit of passion, then you are going to be just fine. I just graduated and did not want to work
a dead-end warehouse job. But with Covid, I had no other choice. The PAs and AMs know what they
are doing despite popular belief (popular belief being what I've read on reddit,, and reviews). I started off in stow which was the most excruciatingly boring job for
someone with a mind for puzzles like myself (I literally choose to major in Mathematics). But like I
said, I went to work with a good attitude everyday and tried to put out good numbers. I succeeded.
Got noticed by my mangers and kept being told I was the top performer of my floor. My trick was to
just make a game out of it and to try to beat my own best. Yes it was exhausting, yes I hated working
all night and sleeping all day, yes I wished I got to start in a better department. But in the end, I got
paid 1.5x my state's minimum wage for a job anybody can do. About two months in, I asked for a
transfer to the receiving docks and my manager was a little reluctant to lose the top performer but
didn't want to hold me back. Been at the docks for about two months now and am being told by my
OM to put in an application to become an AM. They recognized my performance, attitude, integrity,
ability to fill in for management, and general sense for safety. Also, I became a Learning Ambassador
so they noticed that the folks I trained had immediate performance spikes because of the way I
explain expectations and provide solutions that help my AAs meet those expectations. About to be
getting paid that $50k+ salary and that is not bad at all for a bachelor's degree and 4 months of grunt
work. Seriously, you get what you put in.
The benefit package Amazon offers is outstanding. Extremely affordable and excellent coverage
makes Amazon a top competitor.
Need to enlarge my learning with the new process
Innovative every single day. Amazing peers Competitive compensation
work on your own time, paid time off, simple, safe, with benefits.
Good benefits Stock options Opportunities to innovate
Pay is above average, 4 day work week, ability to transition into other roles, stocks,
Pay is above average than most places. You stay active.
Good compensation and base salary
Salary is good, nice view
Paid weekly, accessible by bus, co-workers are cool
Benefits were a bit better than I expected for such a low position. Deductible was outrageous for what
is paid.
flexible schedule great people Decent pay Work is pretty easy
Good chance to grow and learn
Chill dress code, 2 hours of time off is earned every week, ridiculously easy work
Remote role during Covid lockdown
Easy pay good team to work with
Feel like you are working with the best people True team feel
it's the ideal place to work
Most of the jobs are simple
They have a app to clock in, call off, do everything but talk to a real person.
Benefits, free stuff, you can choose when you want to work,
If you’re hungry for growth, this is this place with and without guidelines. The possibilities are
Great job if you want longevity & benefits.
Steady Work that keeps you busy
salary are very good. manager are very good
Hard working atmosphere, great benefits package, diversity
You get your benefits on the first day and they are very affordable with great coverage.
100 dollar “bonus” good benefits for FT
Amazon is a place to grow.
Good company to work for. Plenty of opportunity for overtime
Timely, orderly, clean, organized and fast paced.
Flexible Hours Easy job, it's like doing your own groceries
So good working environment every day!
Working from home, the pay
Great paying job. Good Cardio and break room has tons of food for employees
Super easy wonderful part time job
Flexible job on the go
Everything is good at Amazon.
Ownership, team dynamic, and hours
Good environment to work in
Higher pay I’d you work weekends
Exercise pay benefits pto and hours
Good pay, the work environment is nice
stable pay with annual increase
So many opportunities for advancement
great pay and area to be at
So many opportunities for advancement
great pay and area to be at
Career advancement, pay, management opportunity
Very flexible, lots of Time off if needed ,
The money is amazing and getting paid weekly is a perk
while work is easy and not very strenuous,
Good high level experience, fast paced environment
decent pay easy to start the job fast
huge company, lots of opportunities
Flexible shifts possible career opportunities Fun opportunities
Lots of research opportunities. Started with something I had years of experience in and over the years
have moved on to new and interesting research that would never have been allowed in academia.
Being able to transfer when you want without consequences (unless you are rude when leaving or
don’t finish projects).
Easy to get job, no interview.
Flexible no supervision, you can leave anytime as you use Unpaid personal time
Most are hard working decent people.
Very challenging. Tons of opportunities to grow.
Good hours and a great team
Great benefits, room to growth and move up
fast paced work environment that doesn't feel too tedious
Benefits and career opportunities are great
Flexible with what days you work.
Lots of opportunities to network and apply to any position within the company.
There are no pros working for amazing
Each and every products and Services.
Lots of learning opportunity and great people to work with.
Stock is the best thing
Room to grow in the company.
Fast pace, ready to innovate
Back to back calls all day
Pay and three off days
To develop your career AWS is definitely the place to be. You get to solve challenging problems daily,
everyone I work with is extremely intelligent and that pushes me to try my best every day. I have
grown professionally more than I could imagine in only a year at Amazon.
It will make you a better engineer, just because you'll be working with other great engineers.
A lot of learning opportunities
Love it here, no cons
a lot of stuff and benefits
Best company there is in TN.
You get restricted stocks that vest after 2 years which is nice The pay is decent
The pay is decent . People are very friendly and helpful including managers
a lot of learning resources and internal tools talented teammates
there are lots of room to grow and they're always hiring
Fair wages for job positions.
staying busy through out the day
Flexibility, Growth opportunities, Learning new skills, Good insurance, safety
work life balance and ability to work
Great benefits, and a lot of opportunities to learn new jobs!
You would get to work on large scale system designing projects.
Quick to move up, great team to work with, good pay 3 days off
easy to switch teams even on day 1
Good benefits, goal oriented and good management.
Good salary, high growth organization
Flexible as in you can pick your shifts
Good salary, high growth organization
Flexible as in you can pick your shifts
culture, benefits, impact, colleagues, location
The only pro is the benefits
A lot of pros lol
Interesting work, constantly challenged for improvement
Learning curve will be great
Easy money three day weekend
No. No. No. No. No. NO.
Fun fast longer and hours
Decent salary and excellent benefits
Lots of big systems to learn about
Not much work life balance
Work is good and flexible.
Good team working with all level
Good Pay, Decent benefits, and easy overtime
learn a lot on the job
Have great impact on operations
Great working conditions inside but u can get outside work it’s your choice learn different jobs in
each department u r always learning something to help u and to help others
Flexible, nice coworkers, they teach you well
Great environment, people friendly and also get things done.
cool pay okay people dope
If u hv no work experience u can change ur life by work here lots of opportunities
They are nice to their workers for the most part and I got money
-decent money ($15-$18 an hour) -lets you initially what works for your schedule)
It has a very fast-paced working environment and is good for those people who want to remain active.
Idk what to say. Maybe weekly pay
Benefits and pay were the only good things
Easy Job not so much heavy lifting, just more twisting and turning. Also being able to stand the whole
Good time off managing. Great managemnt
Growth and making impact and smart colleagues.
Benefits were very good for family
You get a steady pay check. If you can hang in there, the educational, health, and investment benefits
are very good. You just gotta push past the nonsense.
Pay Flexibility Swag and Discount Clean working environment in Whole Foods
Lenient. Skill learning. Amazing management.
good salary, PTO, work life balance, six sigma
excellent work place for all employees
No dress code Getting paid weekly
Great Team Work Life balance Learning opportunities and Trainings AWS certifications
Great culture. Non-stop learning which helps plant your foundation in technology for the future
We have great benefits and different schedules to accommodate your lifestyle
Easy job, always a task to be done Day goes by quick Good pay, good benefits Work 4 days out of the
benefits, experience, ability to take ownership, good working ethics
easy work, alone for whole day
Great pay and benefits package
if you need work go
Active work, decent pay, relatively easy
New coffee machine, coworkers, paid holidays off, understanding management
Fun, fast paced, always new challenges
Good vibes, positive people, workers
Good pay for the work
good pay, good flexible schedule
good pay, great benefits if you like the warehouse setting it's a great job
All of the pros are good.
Good environment to work in.
Pays good, work indoors, great people
Great people. Decent pay. Like getting paid to go the gym.
you can learn a ton and work with smart people
Benefits are above average, casual dress
Good pay for college students seeking seasonal work, secured hours/schedule,
growing so there is oppportunity
always room for advancement the company
easy money with set schedule
Love the money of course
They compensate you well in the beginning.
Good benefits, compensation, and stock options
Flexible hours. Pick up as many as you want
People are smart and can learn a lot.
Pay, stock, vacations, free Prime
-Great for resumé -As an Area Manager you get a great exposure into real world Six Sigma mentality
and industrial engineering -Benefits start from day one -Sign-on bonus -Restricted Stock Units that
fully vests at the end of your 4th year tenure
The team culture is great for work
Good benefits, time off options, opportunities to grow, active job to keep you fit, nice management
Higher pay than minimun wage
Can be a very good culture for development if you find leadership invested in your growth potential
The workers and some managers are nice and get the time to get the know you. Time goes by fast and
there is room for advancement.
Benefits, decent pay, lots of overtime, four days on/three days off
Fast paced environment Ability to work on cutting edge technology
Stretches you and your skills
Complex business and data challenges
Good place to work especially for entry.
Work with big data, have lots of leway in how you approach problems
Some of the engineers are really talented
Great experience, good co workers and challenging atmosphere that will drive you to do your best at
all times. Very metric driven company. Expect to brief all decisions with data evidence.
Really easy to start and advance
You can move around if you don’t like your position
Growth is good if you manage time well & meet the bar
Health insurance Work incentives Free Covid testing Great management PTO
Easy work, everything is laid out for employees to learn quickly. Decent pay, some incentives offerred.
Hiring process was not as hard as they say.
great working environment and lots of learning opportunities
Competitive pay, ability to work several hours
1. Challenging work with a good learning curve. 2. Smart peers
Easy, reliable pay, flexible and a good work out most days. Pto, uto, vto available for all employees
Is AMAZON a SP 500 company! Great benefits! Amazing co-workers. Nice people in the Warehouse.
Good pay Lots of fun co workers
Nothing at all it was horrible
Great Company to work for
401k, life insurance, pay time off
The pay. Lack of education to obtain the job. How fast you get hired.
Good pay good benefits ..
paid break and employee appreciation
good social atmosphere, good pay for what has to be done, promotions can be very easy to achieve.
Making customers happy upon delivery
amazing pay and flexible hours.
Flexible work independently no dress code
Consistently in schedule, day and night options
Nobody calls you all day with problems. You call someone when you have a problem. Which is rare.
Hires at 10% above minimum wage. Decent PTO. Weekly pay. 4 ten hour shift schedule option.
Great benefits, amazing maternity and paternity leave and accommodations
Easy job with good pay overall and good benefits.
Opportunity to grow, exposure, visibility if really skilled.
Good Pay Stocks Good work environment and lots of remedies
I worked for AWS Professional Services, the consulting arm of Amazon Web Services. * AWS invests a
LOT in your education. 6 weeks of just onboarding, including AWS paying for certification training
classes and certification exames * Access to internal AWS accounts makes it easy to experiment and
learn * My coworkers were brilliant, and I learned a lot from them * Access to unique customer
challenges and datasets * Pay was great, 30% higher than what I was making in my previous job * For
a while, some of the travel is great. I got to visit a few cities around the U.S. and even travel
internationally * Work-life balanced is manageable. Could be a lot better if there weren't so many
time-sucking unnecessary internal processes, but it's not nearly as bad as Amazon's reputation if you
google "Amazon work-life balance"
Customer obsessed and true to it's words
Lot of money is a good thing
Lot of learning Scope for growth
Great company with smart people
Great pay.. chance for advancement in logistics.
not much to say about it.
Great pay.. chance for advancement in logistics.
not much to say about it.
Good salary. Great environment to learn and grow professionally.
Great opportunities and diverse culture
Depends on the area .. if you work at an Amazon in sterling VA, folks are nice and fair
With the WFM Shopper position, the hours are flexible and you schedule yourself.
Benefits from a to z
Good pay but still relies on stock price.
Flexibility, Interesting company, good compensation, lots of work
The job is at your own pace.
Cool and relaxed pretty simple
Full benefits starting day one
Benefits, pay, management, hours, people
Pay is better than you can get just about anywhere for unskilled labor. Not the most stressful job I've
ever had. Ability to transfer and promote without experience is a big plus for people without
advanced education.
Educational, fast paced and benefits
Can't complain about the pay
Good insurance and enough pay to support myself. I work three 12 hours shifts and can pick up an
extra part time job if I wanted and I have a really good manager
Very straight forward. No experience necessary and they train you the first day. The following days
you arrive, clock in, find the listed packages and bring them to the specified location for the driver to
load. Management was very receptive. They had morning stretches and made sure you got your 15
minute breaks in.
Not a difficult position to have
Good overall I enjoy working there
Not a difficult position to have
Good overall I enjoy working there
Learn how big companies operate
Hood pay, nice people, day goes fast
I don’t know I don’t wanna do this
Alone and no one bothering you
Cannot think of any because there are none.
Cannot say anything about this job. oncall very 4 weeks.
Great staff, great pay and benefits ($15/hr), easy job, full time hours
A Lot of extra hours
Good pay and work 4 10 hour shifts
Some great people. Awesome tech, great customers.
Benifits, 4days 10 hour schedule, get to work outside
Learn a lot about book suggestions in the bookstore
Great direct manager Loved my team
Benefits - ability to relocate - sign on offer
The pay is pretty good.
You can learn, if you are lucky to be in a good team and are willing to become a work machine
Pay and benefits are above average
Great benefits, meet some great people through working there.
Pay and benefits are above average
Great benefits, meet some great people through working there.
Very amazing company to grow as a new grad engineer. I am learning a lot about overall industry,
how to be an independent engineer, how to be customer obssessed, and how to deliver properly.
Manager has been good and caring, albeit a little lacking in feedback.
Amazon has incredible internal mechanisms that have been designed and perfected over the years to
drive operational rigor and hold teams accountable while not stifling innovation and new ideas. That
is often the secret sauce for the pace and ability to get things done in a short amount of time!
Availability to move up or around in all forms of the comany
Great compensation and talented co-workers
Love Amazon it was a great experience!!
Great company that will challenge you every day
Good management, work on lots of projects
Weekly pay and good hours
Decent salary and RSU awards
Train new people Give you leeway for other positions
They really believe in hire and develop the best. If you want to elevate your career this is the company
to get you there.
4 day, 10 hour workweeks with overtime
Benefits pay location stocks over night extra pay
-Benefits are good -Amazon 10% discount
Fun work environment, good hourly pay, they offer some benefits to even part-time workers. Good
opportunities for growth.
A lot of overtime and great benefits
Nice benefits Stocks Nice pay
Room to grow Money good Good management
Smart company, smart coworkers. Very stable work environment.
Worst job I ever had
Pay is alright if you’re alright with being a number
Pay and benefits are top-notch.
Amazon changes people into better versions of themselves. Leaders follow leaders and I found the
best leaders during my time at Amazon.
really cool job i love the versatility
No management over your shoulde. 3 days off
Flexible schedule and friendly coworkers.
best place to work in AZ
pay is good for people fresh out of high school
Listen to music Mostly left alone the whole shift easy but boring
Only the pay was a pro
RSUs, getting a tech company on your resume.
Fun. Challenging. Great work environment.
Pay is really competitive a lot
Stable job, benefits, chances to move up
Everything from the interview process, to the onboarding, to the promotion process is thoughtful at
Amazon. Amazon embraces the concept that innovation inherently means there will be failure and
that is part of the process. There is a focus on creating mechanisms to scale good ideas and create an
easy path to do the best thing for any given context. The people that work at Amazon are smart and
capable by default (I have yet to meet an exception). Everyone is very willing to help and there are no
perceptible political boundaries within the organization. There is truly a top-down laser focus on
customer value and every decision is put up against that litmus test. This is truly a company that
values data-driven decision making, adaptability based on new information, and truth-seeking.
For those just getting into the work life or returning from a long vacation from work its a great place
to start. You can learn a great deal of positions and get into management if you put your effort into it.
Very fast paced and you will give up your gym membership. You will meet a very diverse group of
Salary and incentives are good. So are the health benefits.
Amazon is all about it's leadership principles. The LPs are not just words on paper that are posted on
the wall - they are discussed and considered in just about every meeting. Great place to learn and
develop - lots of writing versus powerpoint
Driving and leading teams is crucial
impact can be huge. develop for scale.
Thier is absolutely nothing good about this job
guaranteed check, room to move up
Quick hire, A to Z App, no dress code, Zappos credit, night Premium
Big name to work in FANG
fifteen dollars per hour pay
It is an Easy job
Good pay and benefits for employees
Set schedule The benefits Starting pay Nothing else
Good Pay Management is responsive and supportive Opportunities for Internal growth
Great place to work with great benefits
Very good fast pace working environment
Love the team and managers push you to your potential.
Really Good Pay And good benefits!
Good benefits, employee discounts, flexibility on hours.
career development skill development Other networks to transfer
Plenty of vacation time. Enthusiastic managers
Supportive staff and management. Positive management.
Pros are the pay and benefits
You have a ten-hour shift but if you finish early you still get paid for the whole day
Working with smart people, getting compensated for your work, solving big problems.
Pay, benefits and work life balance
Higher than national average pay for laboratory Assistant
You have a Flexible schedule
Set schedule. Many options for time off. All holidays paid. You get three days off and you meet many
It was a fun environment
I work on a flex schedule and could choose any shift I want which around three hours in length. Also
during busy seasons, you can get additional pay to your base rate +1$ to +5$ per hour.
Steady work and no real down time.
Good managers mean a good work environment
You’re your own boss while you’re working
Pay Ability to transition to other departments
Great pay, free shoes, lots of breaks
Very competitive salary compared to the industry
brad name recognition, cutting edge technologies. .
It’s easy to learn, the job is simple and you can choose just part time or flex time and work 5 hours
I worked here before covid went crazy, so it was a pretty easy job with a lot of younger people who
were fun to work with. Physical, but not too hard.
There are good benefits The pay is pretty good and there are many opportunities to make more
money There are also good opportunities to rise up just ask!!!* Be proactive in your work there are a
lot of pay offs to doing your best
Plenty of other work opportunities and mobility within the company. Lack of stress.
Continued learning, great experience, growing like crazy
Great place to learn n gain experience
Can get extra shifts when needed.
Nice easy clean kind safe
Everything is great at the work place
Great pay for the employees
Great place to learn for new grads.
Not to strenuous and is great for a part time job
Opportunity for growth, and to move within the company on wide variety of projects and businesses.
Stock options have been great.
Good pay and benefits. Hr resources are on site
decent amount of money, easy
Good benefits and Decent pay
Good pay and peak pay
Great learning opportunity for warehousing
Excellent growth and career opportuniites
Upward life everyday at amazon
Fast pace: you rarely would have time to breathe but time flies by really fast
Nothing comes to mind at this place.
You get to choose your days Weekly pay
The breaks and pay are really good
Glad to have a job.
Easy job, friendly work environment
Scope to learn and good team
3 days off, career choice, set schedule
Excellent Benefits Flex Schedule offered VTO when offered
You will learn how a large Fortune 500 company runs and all the red tape you have to endure to keep
head above water. The pay is good, but only for the first 2 years.
Flexible hours, helpful staff, incentive programs
They live and breath their leadership principles, which results in consistent growth and performance.
It can be chaotic at time, but the formula for success is indisputable. Being a part of AWS is pretty
incredible as so many companies have built their digital strategies on top of it.
After learning the process it runs smoothly.
pay is great for me
Many technical services and solutions to learn
loved the people, not the managers
Build your own career, especially if you're more junior
If your done being in an ambulance. Apply. Wait. If you spent your entire life working in a ambulance
dont apply. This job isn't for you. Now if you ever wanted to be something that not related to EMS,
then apply. This is a job for someone who wants to eventually work in an office. I love this job but I
know a lot of EMT's will hate this job.
The pay is pretty good but starts to go down after year 1, they thrive on pushing boundaries and
Lotion and clean bathrooms everywhere
Growth opportunities flexible work time
Good pay and good benefits
Fast paced, challenging, diverse, inclusive, opportunities for advancement
The pay is good for the job you do
They offer just about everything you need. From medical, dental, 401k, Life insurance. Everything that
I looked for and needed, Amazon had it. Benefits also start right away.
Not difficult work, friendly people
Decent pay and a lot of different projects to choose from.
Benefits and the pay. Time off
Accommodating with time off for personal use
Exercise! an average of walking of 7 miles a day during the daily deliveries
can be fast paced at times
Pay is excellent. You’ll work with some really driven and intelligent people.
Reliable hours and schedule, but that’s it.
Great job that allows you to get your workout on! 4 Day work week with 3 days off! Get paid every
Friday! A good amount of PTO, VTO, and UPT available.
Reliable hours and schedule, but that’s it.
Great job that allows you to get your workout on! 4 Day work week with 3 days off! Get paid every
Friday! A good amount of PTO, VTO, and UPT available.
It is a good beginning job for someone with little to no experience working.
Good Bonus yearly. Time off.
Good Schedule decent pay good people
Flexible, Okay pay, benefits are good
Independent work, easy sheduling, fast pace
Great benefits that start on Day One.
Benefits for health pto vacation so forth
Great people, great work culture, great pay, advancement opportunities, benefits, etc.
You develop resilience because of how much BS you have to deal with
In my experience, it was pretty easy if you can follow instructions and work fairly hard. No one talks to
you too much if you don't want them to and you do your job
Training and meeting new people!
Lots of opportunities for OT, lots of opportunities for growth
It’s not that bad. Depends on where you are and what you make of it.
Good Benefit and good pay
Great benefits and good experience
Very flexible when I was a student
Good place to work and learn at good stepping stone
You always know your hours and you always know what to do. If you get into the zone, it's a good way
to eat time and make some money. Management was pretty understanding and generally easy to
work with.
Good pay for only needing a BA
Hard worker and quick learner
Variable schedule, good pay, close to home, treated fairly.
Smart definitely people working here
Good working and learning environment
Great to be part of a large org that's truly making history. So much opportunity to move into new
roles. Smartest people I know work there, and it's a bunch of Type A people putting in their best work
good good good good good good good good
good benefits and great work
Room to grow, lots of different positions.
Pay was nice and hiring was fast Consistent 32-40 weeks sometimes more for overtime
Room to grow, lots of different positions.
Pay was nice and hiring was fast Consistent 32-40 weeks sometimes more for overtime
Stocks, brand name and the experience of working in giants.
Full time work at $15 starting They take things like safety more seriously than most, but not
completely Not going to be on the chopping block for being late once in a while The brutal conditions
and sometimes impossible rates we hear about are surely true, but were not the case at the
crossdock. Aim for one of those if you can.
You are given ownership to drive results and engage your team. There is a lot of opportunity for
growth and it is common to relocate and change roles.
Good enviorment good managment good friends
Benefits are extremely affordable Elements managed by corporate HR is done very well.
The hours and pay are great
Good to work nice location
good salary, nice benefits, great at getting you to sell your soul
Money/benefits and not much more
Culture built on striving for the best results, if you are a high achiever it is a good fit. Opportunities to
be promoted within.
some times you get to leave early
Good starting pay out the gate
pay, co-workers, breaks, easy work, work-life balance
None, slave, plantation , annoyance , burden My 5 words
* Huge range of exciting products to work on * Many teams with great work/life balance * Great
place to grow your career
Fast promotions / flexible geographic movement / good long term prospects
Exciting new projects, fast paced, rapid growth, good salary, great benefits, stock bonus
Benefits and challenging work always
Exciting new projects, fast paced, rapid growth, good salary, great benefits, stock bonus
Benefits and challenging work always
Best place to worked, yes!
Work/life balance, amazing teammates who care about you
Immediate ins. Guaranteed work Four day work weeks
There is a high sense of teamwork and camaraderie to create a high sense of customer obsession.
I made a lot of money an hour
good pay, flexible schedule, easy to pick up shift
Easy money no need for unnecessary communication and is honestly a good job
You will always have work
Weekly pay. Really good dental insurance
Decent salary compensation to employees
Vacation policy (if your manager allows you to use it), RSUs, health insurance.
You can make good money
It looks good from the outside.
Excellent benefits, flexible schedules, surprise perks
The Alexa division of Amazon has lots of cool opportunities, and in just a few years, I got to touch all
sorts of parts of the system and learn all sorts of new technologies.
Good benefits, 4 days work week, good pay, 2 shift either sunday to wednesday or wednesday to
pay is a big pro
Great pay, fun atmosphere, burn alot of calories
Great pay and hours. They care about employees
good place when you look for promotion
easy days, get to be on a computer all day
Great technology teams and innovation
Benefits Great Pay Hours Management
Great place to work overall.
Employees were nice and Benefits were good
projects, leadership principles, salary, leardership
Learning new skills is always supported
Smart People /Management, Purposeful Work
Great people, Great money, and very easy skill to pick up
They are available 24 hours.
Growth, salary, Opportunity, stock, RSU
Pay Schedule Overtime/extra time opportunities Opportunity to cross train
Opportunities for growth and freedom to explore
Meeting lots of people Compensation 3 day weekend Time off options Room for growth Free food
Interesting opportunities to work of diverse platforms
Independent work, lots of opportunity to listen to podcasts or music
Learn new skills every month
Great workout excellent benefits at amazon
Work when you want too
Great place to work, really enjoy it
Love it great job and benefits
4 day work week which is a plus
Health Benefits; Friendly Staff; Hard Work; Steady Hours; Helping Customers & Clients Get There
Boxes&Packages; We deliver happiness.
Pay, employee Benefits, free snacks and food on occasion.
The team I worked with were very understanding people
Encourages you to put in your best.
The job was really flexible due to the fact that you can pick your schedule and vto most of the time
Encourages you to put in your best.
The job was really flexible due to the fact that you can pick your schedule and vto most of the time
Pay, smart people, build things
-the pay -having 3 days off
Lots of opportunities to transfer
You know what you need to do to succeed
None not good at all
Good pay, kind of laid back
Good pay start and wide variety of hours.
Pay is good and schedules are set, which is nice for planning things outside of work. The energy and
environment is fast-paced and it's easy to stay busy and productive.
1. Nowhere on planet earth will you have the opportunity to have the scale and scope of impact you
can at AWS. The scope here means in your first 3-6 months you'll probably learn more as a recruiter
than you have at any point before in your career. If you're into that sort of thing it's very energizing. 2.
The training is good, most recruiting managers are pretty good that I've interacted with, and you'll be
given all the tools you need to succeed if you're willing to apply them. The expectations are high but
you'll be given every chance and opportunity to succeed. 3. The high performing culture is a plus for
me. It's a meritocracy in it's purest form. You'll be exposed to a bunch of high-performing individuals
all pushing eachother to be their best. You will get rewarded for greatness when you are able to
demonstrate it, and under-performers, slackers, and dead weight are not tolerated, which as a high
performer I appreciate.
Set schedule. Pay differential. Easy work for the amount.
The pay is above average.
Advancement, training, job security and good pay
Great benefits and sign on bonus
Great company to work for
Flexible schedule and easy hours
awesome, provide ASL Interpreter, teamwork,
Fast working paste and benefits
15 an hour and they will hire literally anyone
Get to learn a lot of new technologies, Brand name, Helpful team members
great benefits , working with an awesome team, support from upper management, 3 day weekend
The wage is more than minumum and the benefits are above average.
Great place for extra money and managers were nice. Stable checks and maybe I will go back.
Amazon is a great place to work. Very inclusive and safety focused company.
The task as a picker is easy you just scan item and go. It’s the management who makes it so hard
for you while controlling it on their computer.
Flexible schedule for students Decent Pay
Meet cool people that you wouldn’t have met otherwise
The benefits are great and I love the Amazon A-to-Z app we use to keep track of our time, request
time off, accept OT and VTO, etc.
* Many great principal engineers and internal resources for learning * Fast paced and lots of problems
to solve
The benefits are great and I love the Amazon A-to-Z app we use to keep track of our time, request
time off, accept OT and VTO, etc.
* Many great principal engineers and internal resources for learning * Fast paced and lots of problems
to solve
good benefits, quickly acquire PTO
Good Pay, Good Benefits, Easy Scheduling
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pay, Upward mobility, inclusion and diversity, leadership, culture of safety.
Great Learning and good pay
I was making enough money to finally be able to save in my life, and I wasn’t bothered when I
Good pay and four day work week. Site leader was good.
passionate people, super smart, fun place and benefits are just fine
Pay is great and i got a free shirt
Good pay, fast immigration process
Good pay and benefits for at lower level positions
Great company, good work atmosphere
Lots of responsibility and people willing to help you learn.
Leadership and autonomy. I love working here.
Good pay, not a lot of communication, independent work, holiday pay
Overall company culture, growth of stocks and opportunities
good job to earn money quick
Pay is good until you realize how many hours you end up working. Decent benefits but nothing that
Good pay, interesting vendors & teammates (depends on placement, I'm sure), abundant growth
Intense Technical culture Great Technical env to work
Good benefits, flexible schedules, career opportunities
None. None. None. None. None. None.
None whatsoever. Just no. Please
Great benefits and career path
Decent money. Long hours. Ok
paid time off, set schedule, cool supervisors
Pay is good and fair, so are hours.
Everything was good, pay was good and flexibility.
Not too stressful overall for projects
Fast pace and exposure. Good sde to lean from.
Amazing Work Environment, Work Life Balance
Friendly work staff Good Schedule PTO Good Wages for no experience
Great, pay, growth, recognition, potential
It was good and nothing wild
Good working environment for all
Good learning, ability to move teams, high bar
Free Covid Testing Fairly easy to get the job, so if you need a paycheck, sure.
Ability to innovate on behalf of your customers
The benefits beyond health/dental/life are very nice.
Pay, benefits, schedule, vacation time, hr events
Good job for students who need a flexible schedule
Work alone and at your own pace.
Amazon is a Great place to work
Remote, overtime pay most often available
Its a basic job nothing really required but a will to get up and work make money then go home.
Good money, great company, and wonderful peers
Pay is decent for the level of work
It's only a 3 day work week. 12 hour days
15.00 starting pay I literally can't think of anything else
15 an hour and great leaders
Love the work environment, self pace , and the pay
Benefits paid time off nice people chill environment
1) flexibility 2) Time off 3) Late policy 4) pay 5) Easy work
Freedom to do pretty much anything. Everyone you talk to is very capable and even more willing to
mentor/help you in any way they can.
I like to work in amazon
Very supportive organization full of ambitious people. You will learn a LOT in a short period of time.
The pay was $15/hr for the DSP I worked for.
No customers Voluntary time off Extra shifts available
it was a good time chillen n the warehouse
The community the friendships I made
consistent hours, good pay, nice management
Benefits, opportunities, growth, management, salary
Good benefits and opportunity to self-define personal growth
Benefits, opportunities, growth, management, salary
Good benefits and opportunity to self-define personal growth
lots of opportunities to design systems which scale.
Steady work. Close to home.
Good amount of hours and they work with you.
Benefits are amazing you will barely be paying a thing for insurance.
You're by yourself in your station
Ability to move up fast to get out of this position
Get to work with amazing professionals. Great opportunities to learn in house
tools/concepts/technology. Get comparable market salary.
Get to meet interesting people and pay is great
Time is great pick owns shift
* Engineering focused * Fast-paced * Interesting tech
Good snacks. Flexible schedule. Chill Day shift.
Fast paced, made the day go buy fast
culture, compensation, motivating place to work where you are surrounded by some of the brightest
in the industry
Their hourly rate is very competitive
Always willing to take risks for innovation
greate benefits for anyone working at amazone
Good pay for easy job
Great hourly pay and Friendly co-workers
Not a bad base pay and great bosses
Good pay. They are flexible.
It was a convenient job.
You can choose your schedule.
the coworkers are nice people
Easy money, always busy, paid weekly
Flexible hours, anytime pay, great resources
Good pay, i actually got paid $15.50 but it wouldn't let me put it. guaranteed 40 hours a week and the
app made it easy to request time off or voluntary extra time
Great learning experience, very analytical and looks great on a resume.
always room for improvement. everybody works together.
Good pay and good company culture
Easy job to do on a daily basis
Great Benefits Great Wage The benefits are really good, and the wage is pretty good as well. You get
20 hours of unpaid time off quarterly, then personal time, and vacation.
You're always going to have opportunities to grow within the company. You have a great way to gain
experience through mentor-ships. Amazon has a very casual work environment
Good Pay, Tuition assistance, Good hours depending on when you apply
Good hourly Pay and benefits lots of opportunity to advance friendly managers
decent pay for a job you can get right out of high school.
Cares about their employees and safety
Great people to work with and a constant workout
Good pay, lots of movement, never slow
made good money met some cool people only 4 days a week
Many shifts but not always available
Growth opportunity to grow and test yourself
Good, clean, babe, savo , none of this is true
Great place to work for, great pay and benefits
Pay, good company, good team
Easy job, not being micromanaged, work on your own
Makes great friends and easy to move up
fast paced, simple to understand, employees and management are friendly, good pay
Flexibility, culture, employees, benefits, and pleanty of advancement opportunities.
Sometimes a great environment as usual it depends on coworkers
Great place with abundance of opportunities and perks.
Not much of working and good pay
Very smart and innovative engineering teams
Big name and good place
Good pay, no shortage of hours, good exercise, good benefits and 401k match
the pay is great for a college student.
i am just happy to have a job
Good pay, close to $20 hr and benefits aren't bad.
Great experience, a lot of responsibility
Flexible , you get to choose your own schedule. Easy
It was a good gig for extra Christmas money.
Always have work to do
Working at amazon is good. My team in Amazon grows very fast, having this as background, I learned
a lot new technology.
Technically challenging work and rewarding
Good place to work all year
Good pay, Extra pay opportunities
Good pay, set schedule, paid time off, vacation, unpaid time off, and insurance
Lots of hours, many people
picking your hours is great
No pros here at all
Decent pay for the position, great place for yard jockey experience, 6 month raises, path to paid CDL
The pay is decent starting out.
dont care at all so frick off
Lots of hours working at the warehouse
Good pay and flexible work schedules
Work life balance, good salary
Simple work, get to choose your schedule, easy hiring process, which was nice when I was desperately
in need for a job
I’ve worked for Amazon as an example stern also Area Manager II for 6 months and i’m right in
the middle of peak, so i’ve been waiting to review this job until i had a solid opinion of it which i
think i have after this long... here are the pros: -pay... you can make $55k - 60k right out of college as
an L4 and $79 - $90 as an L5 area manager being hired externally. -benefits: best i’ve ever had and
i’ve worked for some big companies -managers and teams make your experience. i’ve been
lucky to have teams that gelled well together and Ops Managers that are awesome but it seems like
there’s a team first mentality of each shift. shifts are very competitive with the other shifts. -it’s
a LONG day which i’ll go over in the cons, but it’s also kind of a plus. you’ll either work 4
days a week unless you’re RT where you’ll work 3 overnight 12 hour days. - If can last at
amazon for 2 years the opportunities will be limitless if you chose not to stay -if you’re good they
will leave you alone and let you do your thing. i see my ops by accident once a day and whenever i
walk to them.
Work has high impact and large scope. Things and people move fast, and everyone is very driven to
get things done (though most often focused on their deliverables/priorities).
The people are easy to get along with.
Easy work, although repetitive and braindead like any other warehouse job.
Early mornings, rest of the day to yourself. The volume of freight we get depends on the demand of
customers. Some days we may have a lot of freight & some days it could be a slim to none depending
on what’s going on in the month. If you work close to 30 hours every week, you will get the same
benefits as a full time. So you don’t necessarily have to be a blue badge to get full time benefits,
just work enough works through the week
Good pay, stocks, good resume builder
nice place to work at
It is great, good, fine, okay.
Lots of interesting work to do.
Better pay than most min wage jobs
Flexible Paid and unpaid time off Good insurance at a good price
Plenty of work always available
Flexible Paid and unpaid time off Good insurance at a good price
Plenty of work always available
Meh pay. Good benefits. Occasional merch.
High impact work, fast pace, lots of team collaboration
learning new things fast and quickly
Awesome , good , energectic , easy , fun
New and exciting people. Great leadership at my facility.
Good company and service. Enjoyed working there.
nice people friendly and helpful
Advancement. Compensation. Training & Development. Challenging. Organizational Design
Work life balance is good
Work pretty hard and not too much down time
Very safety informative and they would give us our equipment like gloves and goggles!
Perfect company to work for - if you are hands on geek
work independently, opportunities for extra shifts
simple work, easy to understand
Great schedule flexibility for students
Great pay good hours there
Love it great place fast pace
Virtual, with from home, $15 minimum wage
Pay is good, given a lot of ownership in projects, clear view of advancement
Easy jobs, 4 day workweek
Solid Company with global presence
It pays the bills during tought times
Amazon is great for work life balance
Flexible Schedule Easy, Outgoing Managers Good starting pay
Family like atmosphere and very fast paced !
Great company to learn & build new customer facing features.
The base pay is good and the co workers are nice
Great play, stock is great
Regular paycheck, many overtime hours
None. There are no benefits.
work daily in all area
it is an okay job
Offers tremendous opportunity and flexibility to pursue different types of roles in various industries
all within the same company.
Growth opportunity, pay, team, you can develop as a leader, ability to move any where
Ive been with the company for 3hrs I love the company but I value my life
None at all. Seriously. There's none
good hours, and pay, some benefits
They try to protect from covid
good platform, mature data structure, fast grow
Can learn a lot from other amazing scientist
I loved it every day was different.
It is remote and they are very flexible with the schedule.
Stable job, room to improve and grow, interesting work
Good pay and lots of opportunities for more work hours
Leadership eventually gets around to do what's right
Is fine for a normal job
Money power respect love heal
The job paid 15 an hour and was weekly pay
Stocks are a nice bonus if you come in at the right time.
Decent pay, good leadership and amazing work culture.
Flexible schedule, can work independently and clear instruction for work procedures.
Great Community, Atmosphere, Management, and flexible hours
Plenty of opportunity for growth. Great health/vision/dental benefits. Ability to work from home.
The pay was very good for the work
Good Work culture and great flexibility
pay, overtime opportunities, flexibility, environment
good work environment. pop corn and water
Benefits Stock Options 401K Flexible Schedule Multiple Locations Available
Good compensation at each level
Plenty of overtime available all the time
Benefits are the best part
Good learning experience and career growth
Good pay and good hours
Tons of amazing mechanisms and frameworks for thinking and innovating Lots of opportunity to
dream big and take your ideas to fruition Lots of amenities on campus, great facilities to work in
Diversity & inclusion and education for many types of minorities - but not all
Pros: Great benefits given on start date and paychecks are pretty decent.
The work is pretty straight forward and training is made easy. It’s the same work every day.
Not that bad as people think
They’re great, you should work there
Not that bad as people think
They’re great, you should work there
A lot of opportunities to grow
Love it, the best ever
Good benefit options to choose from
None. It just helped me lose weight But that's it. If.
always changing environment in the warehouse
Benefits, Active, and able to develop my skills to move up
The career growth opportunity is great
interesting projects career growth transfer opportunities Good people
Better than most people thought
Awesome company Rick solid leadership Great con workers
Work from home and they give you equipment
Not hard to pick up, keeps you active, okay pay
They pay something even though it's not much
none, dont work herre unless you want to make your life hell.
Benefits day one and vacation
Good health and dental insurance
Work hours are very flexible and manageable
stable pay and benefits. relatively high pay for menial work
Weekly pay checks always are great!
Amazing learning; talented folks; internal movement
You meet lots of different people Flexible scheduling Same work over and over nothing changes Lots
of hours
Weekly Pay, Benefits, and cool co-workers
Great culture, excellent leadership and opportunities
Pros are constant pay period
Great place to work I think
The pay is really nice for a starting job with no experience and no degree. Once you get good at
picking, it doesn't take too much effort. Expectations are there but pretty easy to reach.
Good teams, reachable goals, incredible product
Flexible Schedule, Easy steps-by-step work process, Fast hiring process
The pretty good hourly wage for people coming in
Good pay, good benefits, no one is on top of you
Decent pay and great benefits. There is a huge focus on safety. On site medical facilities.
None. I didnot find anything to write as Pros
Flexibility nothing nothing nothing nothing
Great company to work for
Easy work for the most part
Steady work, never getting furloughed
Easy work for the most part
Steady work, never getting furloughed
Interesting and challenging work. Smart people and tons you can learn
Constantly growing, learned a lot
paid weekly, decent pay for the work
Free stuff. Great pay. Fast-paced environment. Mostly friendly and cooperative people.
Great benefits Awesome support from my manager.
I like The job, and it's awesome
Good benefits , pay is okay , managers are cool
Overtime, great pay & benefits
Weekly pay Cute looking women
Entry level, Stock, Diversity, Growth
Ridiculous company ever changing nightmare
household name not focused on changing
Less physical work and more use of laptop
Diverse culture, many opportuniest for growth within the company
benefits pay hours holiday people
it was pretty straight forward and easy to work here
Good pay for minimal skills
Its a pretty good place to work
Fast paced, manual and repetitive manual labor
Good pay and benefits too
My favorite things about the Amazon culture: - Fast paced. You can come up with an idea and
implement it quickly. - Focused on data. - Flat, consensus-based decision making structure. - Business
decisions / debate are communicated via written documents, not verbal Powerpoint presentations.
This is an incredibly strong way to make decisions and communicate. - My particular piece of this giant
company has a friendly, supportive, non-stressful work culture. - A ton of lateral career opportunities.
I started as a warehouse manager, became a program manager, and plan to become a software
engineer or data scientist. I don't think there are many companies where you could make such
significant moves over time. - Every senior leader I've known has been respectful and also seemed
extremely competent.
Lots of growth potential to move up
Liberty to work, Good learning experience
Good hours, lots of time off, good people
The job is exactly what they describe and is predictable. Management is not overbearing as long as
you do your job, which is not too complicated and the job description is very straightforward. It is very
physical, which I appreciated and embraced.
technology great; work culture ok; skilled people around; lots to learn
DSP providers are great bosses and the day goes by fast. I had little complaints while working for
Pay , benefits, days of works
be by yourself and do your own thing
The ONLY pros of this place are a consistent schedule and decent pay ($15 per hour).
Essential worker job security and great benefits
Collaborative, fun, stress-free, good starter role for someone out from liberal arts school
Time off benefits and insurance
good pay flexible hours fun
Opportunity for work hours and OT
Good pay. Metrics are easy to hit.
The three day weekends were nice. Coworkers were awesome. And honestly, the health insurance
was amazing.
Flexibility and decent wage (a bit above minimum)
very flexible with hours and days off
Great (and smart) team members, employee stock program
Easy to find and move to a team which is a good fit. Huge engineering community.
Honestly the job was my best waged job considering it’s 4 on and 3 off weekly. You also get 2 20
Salary, stock, bonus, remote working options, benefits
They were very diligent with Covid policies. Safety was a top priority. All superiors were friendly and
supportive. Laid back environment.
*starting pay is decent *fast paced *work is easy
Flexible schedule, get to choose what to work on
Good benefits, pay and flexible hours.
Super technical work , enjoys a lot
Good benefits, pay and flexible hours.
Super technical work , enjoys a lot
Benefits and good pay rate for normal associates
Great team; supported by manager
Great sign up bonus and stocks
Good environment, super helpful in every way
Great culture and good breaks allowed.
Easy to get hired Benefits are good.
The jobs are relatively easy
Easy job overall... there really isn't a dress code
This is a great experience!! and I get to work from home. I love it!!!
Pay Hours Nothing else tbh
Good pay. You learn a lot. Lots of opportunities. Good for workaholics Good if you are good at politics
I was able to quickly advance and learn new positions.
If your tired looking for a job this is for you. Easy to get into really long hours good pay.
Benefits is really good here. They have a lot of leave credits.
its vast technology based company strong b2b features highlight diversity simplified fulfillment speed
customer service
Good pay for starting out
No dress code Benefits Good coworkers
Everyday is different and no rates like inside fulfillment centers.
Easy schedule 3 days off
Good Compensation as it is FANG
4 day work week Pay Minimal work
Good Pay and hours even for full time.
You are a Manager trainee
very organized and time oriented
Good benefits You get some good exersise Pontential for movement
Great benefits room for growth Pay
Pay was decent considering how simple the work was
There is tons of upside if you want to move up.
Flexible schedule for you to choose
Weekly Pay Pto/vacation time accrued every week 4 days on 3 days off Work life balance
Plenty of exercise, friendly management depending on shift
The 3 days off is a nice and always a good amount of work
A good job if you don't have a life
standard pay, great benefits that will last a life time
The workforce community is welcoming
great wonderful ten plus best
good hours/ good benefits/ good bonus
- Unlimited career growth and opportunity. Can go and do anything. I worked my way up 3 levels in 4
years. - Hard to find “rest and vesters†. People generally care and want to perform at a high
level. - You’ll meet brilliant people.
Able to pick up hours easily
pay is good to pay rent
Good tool infrastructure at work
Great place to work, good company perks.
Great excersize. Great promotion opportunities.
its fun when you work on pit
Pay, overtime opportunities, HR tries, meet cool people
-Pay is cool for a job a caveman could do. -Being a flex associate is the biggest pro as once you've
finished your training(first 2 weeks) you get to pick what shifts you work on a daily basis and can
cancel shifts up to 24hrs before shift start time with no consequence
Great Pay and Benefits 4-5 hours a day makes it less taxing physically and mentally on me
Salary is good as well as benefits. Good career advancement
Good environment Starting at 15.57 Friendly co worker
Amazing team of other AMS
Honest Work, nice coworkers, VTO
fast-paced, room for advancement, fun
Good and nice environment , clean building, teamwork
Great work space and steady hours
Bias for action, customer centric, high standard
you can pick your own job
Anyone can do the job.
Very inclusive company that cares for the safety of their employees.
Good pay and fit for people with ambitious goals
ability to move around company
Good start off pay and a raise
Great staff, the management is great.
guaranteed hours, outside discounts, and offers
Good pay and consistent hours
They try to sympathize with your needs. Tons of time off and easy leadership to control. Their term
leadership is a joke and can be easily controlled and/or used to your advantage.
$15/hour salary is good starting point
Great benefits, 2 paid breaks, bonuses, always an opportunity to learn something new in various
Amazon promotes a fast paced work environment with very fluid positions. This allows for many
managers to transfer to new areas in order to expand their view of the company while harnessing
their potential.
There is so much opportunity if you are up for the ride! Like running your own business. You are
surrounded by brilliant people.
Good people and mindless work
Fast development and great career opportunity Good compensation
Flexible time, good benefit, have the PTO when you want to take off.
Good pay Great benefits Plenty of time off
Make a lot of friends and it’s good to better a persons social skills
great fun for a job
Good company and people to work
Flexible, good pay, straightforward, easy to learn
Not a lot of management. Bonus on holidays
Flexible, good pay, straightforward, easy to learn
Not a lot of management. Bonus on holidays
It had a consistant work schedule
Fast development; SDM operates as CEO of their unit. Customer obsession.
Amazing culture of innovation, work life balance etc.
Benefits, pick shifts hours, and friendly environment
Hard working associates Management unity (we all hate it there)
smart people good pay good brand name
The money and benefits are good.
weekly paychecks, some people you meet are ok if u bother to socialize.
good pay for the type of job you do
Pay Prestige Leadership principles guide a unifying company culture
good good good good company
Great company to work for
It was good pay. alright
Overtime, Benefits, work life balance
Great place to work Easy to learn new things
great pay, even better benefits
Medium Pay Okay Treatment Not bad
Big company, if you work like they want you to you can survive. You learn by doing.
good benefits and some teams are lead by great people who want to see others succeed
Competitive work culture with lot of different domains and opportunities
Stock option and compensation with benefits
Benefits are ok for job
Pays good money Get paid every week
Easy work, no supervisor standing over you
Freedom to do your job
It is exciting and has great benefits.
Start up culture with the infrastructure of a corporation
You learn how to drive
Stay away from drama and you’re golden.
Meet new people from all walks of life. Pay is good.4 days on 3 off.
$15 an hour 40 hours a week and Voluntary time off options when its available is pretty cool
Cool people who work there
Remote, work at home, flexible hours
Great pay and benefits also plenty hours
Great benefits and great pay
Good pay, stocks, benefits, technology
If you are looking for a job where you can invest in meaningful work that impacts millions (of not
billions) of people each day, THIS is the place! It's fast, it's furious, and it's all hands on deck to deliver
on behalf of our customers. Exhilarating!
Good pay, stocks, benefits, technology
If you are looking for a job where you can invest in meaningful work that impacts millions (of not
billions) of people each day, THIS is the place! It's fast, it's furious, and it's all hands on deck to deliver
on behalf of our customers. Exhilarating!
Great environment good workers schedule was flexible
at home, choose own schedule, great pay
Learned the Amazon way quickly. This is just a stepping stone position to move up to Area Manager. If
you can succeed here, people higher up will notice and will help promote you to the next level. You
need to be quick on your feet and learn how to push back.
Opportunities to move up and grow
Good work, learning’s, these days it become manager driven
lots of work opportunities in here
*Challenging, innovative *Compensation *Work hard, have fun was lived and breathed through the
Plenty of growth opportunities here
Awesome job everything is great
fun, awesome, benefits, good pay, coworkers
The pay is great, and having 3 days off while still working full time is awesome.
Good opportunity to gain experience and learn new things
Customer service driven Employee focused Diverse talent Benefits are desirable Employee
engagement via daily questionnaires online during shift COVID awareness and safety prevention
practices are exemplary
Good pay, flexible times (you only need to do two shifts a month to stay active).
Flexibility of schedule hours and ease of adapting to the type of work
Decent pay just to shop for others.
easy work consistent schedule pay is better than restaurant work
Ability to take on projects that have a large impact on the company
short hours, for the shy you don’t really have to communicate with anyone
Nice management, good pay, lots of opportunities.
Startup environment, colleagues are smart, lots of things learned
Good pay, good benefits, hours
Good pay, benefits, decent hours, and working there helps you stay fit.
Can work as many shifts as you want
The pay is pretty decent
Routine was simple, everyone felt like a team and my coworkers were dependable and fun people.
The job was very easy but tiring.
Full autonomy of area Cost saving projects Leadership development
Pay, expierence, people and exciting work
Steady work weekly pay checks
Compensation, benefits, relocation opportunities, seeing behind the curtain
3 days off, plenty of overtime opportunities and, at certain times, vto
There is a lot of departments to be apart of.
Flexibility, benefits, and pto. Pretty basic call center work
Greatest opportunity for growth in terms of company and self growth.
Really nice, they pay well. Get your steps in
Greatest opportunity for growth in terms of company and self growth.
Really nice, they pay well. Get your steps in
Pay and benefits are the biggest pros! Also full time offered right from the start unlike UPS and FedEx.
surrounded by very intelligent people, lots of resources, a myriad of different businesses so you could
job hop forever.
customer obsession is real lots to learn
Lots of Time off Keeps you fit
The pay is okay for the job
Always consistent work if looking for job
Amazon provides stable employment during Covid19.
Challenging environment to work in.
Easy job. Decent pay, flexible
A good amount of pay time off
Good compensation comparing to other big tech companies for the same job title
Competitive compensation, Smart team mates
Good health, vision and dental care after 90 days Great people to work with (@ CVG9) mainly upper
management. Created great friendships Flexible schedules, paid time off, and unpaid time off
Get to work with very smart people Good compensation TONS of learning opportunities
Being able to communicate with other individuals that work there and it’s a job !
Great place to work if you know what you’re doing and can handle working under pressure
I was able to pick my schedule, I wanted three 12 hr shifts Getting in shape while getting paid
Good pay, nice managers, lots of room for promotions/advances to higher positions
Pay and flexible hours make for a good balance between work and life
Job role changes every day. Fast-paced environment, so you never get sleepy. Lots of opportunities to
take time off if you need it. Lots of benefits.
Hiring process is easy. Decent pay especially during the pandemic and for temporary or extra income.
Nice management and coworkers. offer 30 hour unpaid time off which is nice and paid time off that
you accumulate based on the hours you work.
good startup culture, you will get to learn lots of things
The industry experience was enlightening
Good people to help you learn
You can go anywhere with this company
Benefits Base Pay Lots of exercise Fun
Good flexible hours and pay
Benefits Base Pay Lots of exercise Fun
Good flexible hours and pay
Human interaction and social distancing
Really high pay Interesting technology Really smart people
Pay and benefits are good.
Lot of growth opportunity in various departments
Paying more than minimum wage Diverse group of employees Many opportunities for Overtime
Benefits (401k, diverse medical plans, stock opportunities etc)
We work on hard problems. I've worked lots of places, and this is the smartest group of people that
I've ever worked with. Very data-driven.
Opportunity to move forward with the company, great employee benefits.
Surrounded by successful people, lots to learn, easy to move between teams
Easy interview process and fast start
I will share this with potential future employers
I was able to work from home
Easy job, simple work, you stay fit
It’s easy work, but it kills you mentally.
There's a real passion here for the work we do that I enjoy immensely, and so much freedom to
operate even at the lowest level. My manager (and I understand that I lucked out and not all
managers are as good) doesn't micromanage but points me in the right direction so I can exercise my
judgement. My coworkers are all intimidatingly smart and always willing to help, and so are the cross
functional teams (PM, TPMS, other system owners). The re's specific structures set up for new
engineers to learn and it helps immensely. At my last job I feel like I was not really treated as a human
being, but here I operate free of stress even when there's deadlines to meet The company's also been
super accommodating during the pandemic about working from home and enabling us to still be able
to function well.
Love the Leadership Principles. Those are real and carry weight here. From the top to the bottom of
the company, people live those principles and it meaningfully supports the business. Amazon is also
completely customer-obsessed. Its not just hype - customers are at the center of everything Amazon
does and it literally comes up every single day in my work. I definitely appreciate that perspective!
Schedule, extra shifts, flexibility and voluntary time off
Hours were long but the Pay was good enough
Hourly wages are very competitive
Great experience Great coworkers Decent salary Opportunity for growth
Good pay, high standards, consistent culture, exciting projects
Lots of growth opportunities. Lots of learning.
Great Company to work in!
Four days on, three days off
This delivery job is absolutely ridiculous
You aren’t being watched all day. Just as long as you do the job you’ll be good.
Pay and benefits are the only good thing about amazon
shift premium could pick up extra shifts
Good pay, extremely good health benefits, lots of overtime available. Very hard to find a negative
especially with the current job climate. Come in, do your job, get out and thats it. If you're not fast
enough at your job, they will guide you towards the right direction with tips and tricks to make rate.
There are no managers hovering over you the whole shift, they mostly leave you to your own for 10+
hours a day. Be comfortable with constantly moving, squatting, leaning, and lifting semi heavy
packages during your shift. Really can't complain, awesome job. 3 day weekends + voluntary time off
are a godsend.
14 LPs are truly embedded into the culture! You’ll be around so many smart people that will
challenge you
Good pay and easy to go shopping after work
Good pay Flexible hours Loss of wait Lots of benefits
We have good vision insurance and learning opportunities
Lots of in-house movement, cutting-edge
Career Growth is good for everyone
Better pay then a PG
Pay is great, lots of hours
flexible schedule, friendly workplace and coworkers
4 day work week, great time off structure
I was one of the top pickers at jax 2 I liked the high demand and consistency
Good slary good benefit coworker
Good very excellent and encouraging
Great people and challenging work
Ability to work up in company
Good benefits, Overtime available, flexible schedule
The pay is decent for someone who needs quick money (college student, etc.).
Flexible shift hours and nice management.
Learned a lot Worked with super smart people Made a lot more money than before Kinda easy to get
a job at since they're hiring like nuts Potential for promotion
good work enviroment, nice work sttion
Autonomy, culture, leadership, vision, and integrity.
Great pay great people. Fun
Good Pay Same task Voluntary Time Off
liked it liked it liked it
Great company to work for
Benefits, stock, diversity, shift, healthcare
Easy work, fair pay rate
Tons of opportunities with in the company.
I love everything about it
Work from home, great management
Benefits are good, and not expensive. They have free safety shoes
Amazon will make you better at your career. Great training grounds and a lot of very bright people.
You get 3 day off, and there 2 break and a lunch
Lot of new things to learn. Flexibility to change teams.
Flexible hours for people who are busy
I would like to work Amazon it’s amazing to work with new people it will be awesome
Days go by quick, alright pay, 3 days off
Amazon has the potential to be the perfect Business Model system.
The start off pay is $15+.....
Amazon has the potential to be the perfect Business Model system.
The start off pay is $15+.....
Work with cross-functional teams on various projects, decent pay
Work environment is the best
Where do I even begin. How about the great idealistic, positive, and supportive Amazon culture. Or a
company that helps you grow in the best imaginable way, every day, and pays you handsomely in the
process; where everyone you work with is scary smart, kind of amazing, and gives you new ideas
every time you speak with them. Or access to all that technology that you will want to learn 32x8. And
don't forget how easily *anyone* can push innovation, get in front of big wigs, and have a simple to-
the-point conversation with a Director/VP/etc. I could go on for hours.
good salary, heavy work, nice co-worker
It's decent if you like working by yourself
Easy job. By yourself all day.
4 scheduled days for working
The Pay and the number of hours you receive.
good salary and nice people
545 a week great dental insurance flexible attire
Great environment and people! Highly recommend this.
Puts customers first always in decision making
Competitive , Fun, Upbeat, Intense, Graveyard shift
Lots of opportunities to grow and learn
Opportunities, growth, advancement, team work, being a part of the future.
Only 4 days work week.
Weekly pay, great health benefits
Good pay. and a set schedule
Make good money, Good benefits
shifts are quick and it's pretty easy to stay productive, co-workers are easy to get along with.
Only have to work 3 shifts a month to stay an active employee Very chill work environment Everyone
keeps to themselves
Insurance is available for seasonal workers after 90 days
Good benefits, no work experience/resume needed
Great company, good pay, flexible
Flexible hours . They have a lot of volunteer time off.
You sweat and burn calories
Benefits are really great, people always help you
Amazon is always changing which brings new challenges each day.
Great pay, benefits, opportunities to work on some high impact projects
VTO, PTO, and UPT. Great team we worked with.
pay flexible schedule easy hard to get shifts
Pto, easy work, the people,
Pay was good benefits were great
Great Pay Great hours Fast hiring process
Salary is great, overtime opportunities are nice. Some of the individuals in management are very nice
and personable.
salary, people, benefits, hours, teams
it was a wonderful experience
salary, people, benefits, hours, teams
it was a wonderful experience
This is a great place to work.
Good hours and good pay.
there is no pro to this job
hours bonuses people opportunity pay
Encouraged to innovate, freedom for creativity
Easy work all you do is pack items.
Very understanding about sick days, paid/unpaid time off, etc. Management seems to care about
employee well-being and stays on top of social distancing efforts.
Ownership. You get to do really big things
they have a long hour work
Fun work, high responsibility, many direct reports, interesting
Good company and benefits were great.
Easy work , clean , work at your own pace
College feel to the campus
You are able to switch different departments and learn new things You are paid 100% of your base
pay for maternity leaves
Stocks that are given to.
Nice good very nice happy
Great people to work with
Lots of people to meet
Great people to work with
Lots of people to meet
flexible work schedule, independent tasks, career opportunities if you apply for the position.
Highest paid job family at amazon
Forces you to mature fast and great project opportunity
great pay, benefits, time off
The people I worked with were mostly exceptional hard working people
only work 4 days a week
Learnt a lot. Fast pace. Small team. A lot of ownership
The work was fairly easy and stress-free for the most part. Once you're finished, there's really nothing
left to do so you hang out for a bit.
Sometimes the would buy food
Weekly pay Diversity of staff
Pays well but long hours
I love to be overworked imo. Working at amazon is a real challenge when you're trying to dodge all
the PIPs the managers have for you. Great learning experience.
flexible hours, nice offices, ability to go up..
Pay is good, no experience needed, no interview.
supposedly work 4 days and stay home 3
Good work and ppl and culture
able to learn alot here
Good people and easy to move up
Nothing good to say about amazon
You work on large problems of high scalability and impact at Amazon. Working hours and WFH policy
is quite flexible in these times. Work with a lot of smart people that are willing to help you succeed.
Autonomy Challenged Professionally Excellent growth opportunities Competitive compensation.
great place to work as the team is very supportive
The pay at Amazon is outstanding.
Friendships Will he working a lot
Beautiful building and easy access to train
Benefit is good . It starts day 1. Amazon is doing new grocery tags but they are not working yet.
Benefits and recognized in public.
benefits, schedule, time off, stable, possible advancement

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